#You'll never guess who`s my favorite character is
wifii02 · 4 months
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The greatest guy ever!
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lixzey · 11 months
Almost A Love Story
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September 1, 1977
The sun slowly crept through the curtains, peering over the young witch, who was comfortably sleeping in her bed. Rosalie Evans stood by the door of her only daughter's bedroom, a small smile on her lips as she admired her. She slowly crept towards the side of Y/n's bed, taking a seat in the empty space beside her daughter.
“Darling, get up. It's September first, your last year at Hogwarts.” Rosalie kissed her daughter's forehead before nudging Y/n slightly. 
“Five more minutes, Mum,” Y/n mumbled, turning away from her mother and throwing a pillow over her head.
“No can do, darling. It's already half past eight, and we still have a long way to King's Cross.” Y/n groaned, making her mother chuckle. “Breakfast's ready; I made your favorite chocolate chip pancakes with bacon on the side.”
At the mention of her favorite, Y/n turned to face her mother with bleary eyes. “Fine, give me ten minutes, Mum.”
The older woman chuckled before planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead. “Okay, take your time, my little daffodil.” 
Y/n slowly got up and rubbed her eyes as her mother left the room. A loud yawn escaped her lips as she tore the covers off of her body. “Last and final year at Hogwarts, Y/n/n. After this, you won't have to deal with loud, squealing roommates anymore. You'll get a job, and you'll be able to help your Mum.” Y/n sighed softly, gazing over the photo on her bedside table. She got out of bed and opened the curtains, letting sunlight in. “You can do this.” 
Y/n Evans was never a standout student. She was, in every sense of the word, average. She never considered herself extraordinary; the only thing she ever considered remarkable about herself was the fact that she had magic running in her veins. Despite all that, she was never one to consider herself, in any way, exceptional compared to most of the magical and muggle population. 
Y/n spent her years at Hogwarts as one of the background characters, never the main character, always one amidst the sea of red, green, blue, and yellow. It was alright; she wasn't complaining, though, because she never really liked being the center of attention. Y/n only had one friend, Emily Roswell, who's another muggle-born witch like her. Y/n Evans liked her life just the way it was, being one of those people who just seemed to blend into the background—uninteresting enough to even notice.
Unbeknownst to her, all that was about to change in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. 
The young witch started to get ready for the first day back at Hogwarts. After a while, Y/n descended into the kitchen, clad in a white shirt and denim bell-bottom jeans. Rosalie smiled at the sight of her daughter. “Looking good, my little daffodil.”
Y/n chuckled, sitting at the other end of the table in front of her mother. “Thanks, Mum, so breakfast?” Rosalie nodded, pushing a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of the young witch, who immediately dug into the fresh stack. 
“What's an Auror again, darling?” 
"So, sweetheart, what are your plans after you finish Hogwarts?” Rosalie asked.
Y/n looked at her mother, shrugging her shoulders. “I honestly don't know yet, Mum. I guess I'll apply for a position at the ministry. Though, I'm leaning more towards being an Auror.”
“An Auror is like a policeman, Mum. Aurors catch dark wizards.” 
Rosalie's eyes widened. “Are you sure you want to be an auror, darling?” 
“If I could, I would, Mum. But I haven't taken my N.E.W.T.'s yet, and that will determine if I'm eligible,” Y/n explained, noticing her mother's worried look. “If not, I'll find a job here, in the muggle world.” Y/n smiled, grabbing her mother's hand. “Don't worry, Mum, I'll be alright.”
Y/n loved her mother's nickname for her. Though she wasn't named after a flower, Rosalie nicknamed her after one. Daffodils symbolize new beginnings, hope, and joy. Rosalie found it fitting for a nickname for her little daughter because Y/n was her new beginning after everything that happened in her life. Y/n is the light of her mother's life—like how daffodils emerge each spring to light up barren landscapes with cheerful colors. 
Rosalie sighed, gripping her daughter's hand. “You know I won't stop worrying about you, my little daffodil.”
Y/n gave her mother an assuring smile. “I know, Mum. But I promise to steer clear of harm's way.” 
“I mean it, Y/n. You stay out of harm's way; do you hear me?” 
After breakfast, Y/n packed up her trunk with her mother, making sure she didn't leave anything important behind. Y/n grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder before dragging her large trunk out of her bedroom door and down to the car. As soon as everything was checked and done, the mother-daughter duo drove to King's Cross station. 
Y/n sang Dancing Queen while on the way to the station, at the top of her lungs, while her mother laughed at her. “You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!”
Rosalie smiled at her daughter. She could light up a room with that infectious smile and her bright eyes—full of life and passion. “You're turning seventeen soon, little daffodil.” Rosalie turned to face her daughter. “What do you want this year, love?”
“I dunno, I have everything I could ever want.” Y/n shrugged, lowering the radio volume. “I guess a new book?” 
Rosalie chuckled. “You always ask for a new book.”
Y/n raised a brow at her mother, a small smirk on her pink lips. “Well, what should I ask for?” 
“What about a camera? You could make a journal full of memories from your final year, so one day, when you have kids of your own, you could show them.” 
Y/n scoffed, “Really, Mum? Kids?” 
Rosalie chuckled. “You should ask God for a boyfriend for your birthday this year.” 
“Mum!” Y/n's eyes widened, her cheeks flushing. “I do not need a boyfriend!” 
Rosalie stifled a laugh. “You need a little love in your life.” 
“Oh, please, Mum. I get plenty of love from you.” Y/n rolled her eyes. “And besides, I'm not interested in getting a boyfriend anytime soon. I'm focused on my studies; a boyfriend will only be a distraction.” 
“When love comes, love comes.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes again at her mother. She wasn't interested in falling in love—for now, at least. “Whatever, Mum.” 
The car finally stopped in front of King's Cross. Y/n stepped out of the car, grabbing her bag, before walking to get a trolley for her trunk. Rosalie helped her daughter place her trunk on the trolley before accompanying her.
The mother-and-daughter duo eased their way through the bustling crowd of King's Cross, making their way over to the platforms. As the two stopped in front of the familiar platforms nine and ten, Rosalie turned to her daughter, beaming with pride as she cupped her face. “Go on, my little daffodil, go make memories.” 
Y/n turned to her trolley, gripping the handle. She cast one last look at her mother, who smiled and urged her to go on. Y/n took a deep breath before running through the barrier that separated platforms nine and ten. The young witch grinned at the sight of the familiar scarlet train greeting her, smoke billowing out of the engine. 
Y/n wrapped her arms around her mother. “I love you, Mum.”
Rosalie placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. “I love you too, my little daffodil. Go on then.” She pulled away from her daughter's embrace. “You go ahead. Be sure to write, alright? I'll have that camera for you by your birthday in December.”
Y/n strolled through the platform, her eyes searching for her best friend in the sea of chattering students. She ducked away from the students and rushed forward to the nearby door of the train, tugging her trunk behind her. When she made her way aboard, Y/n made her way down the aisle in search of an empty compartment and her best friend. 
While wandering through the train in search of an empty compartment, Y/n heard a loud crash. She turned around and saw the Marauders running away from Severus Snape, who was currently sporting bright red hair. The boys sped past her, knocking her over in the process. 
“You prat!” Y/n shrieked angrily as she fell onto the floor. 
“Sorry!” The boy with messy raven hair that stuck up behind his head in weird directions, also known as James Potter, abruptly stopped and apologized with a cheeky grin before turning back and running away. 
In some cases, Y/n was mistaken for Lily Evans. Y/n was not, in any way, related to the redheaded girl. The last name Evans was not uncommon in the muggle world, though only she and Lily were the only known Evans' in Hogwarts—and both did not know each other well. Y/n was adopted at the young age of three, never knowing who her biological parents were or whether they were purebloods or what. 
Y/n rolled her eyes before standing up and stepping into a nearby compartment, settling inside. The first day of her final year, she gets knocked over by four idiots. What could possibly go worse? Y/n sighed as she watched from the window as parents waved to their children when the train pulled out of the station as the clock struck eleven. She always got jealous of those who had their parents hug them on the platform and wave them off as the train left. How she wished that her mother got the chance to see her off, but her mother couldn't step on Platform nine and three quarters, being a muggle and all. Y/n brushed the feeling off, opening her bag and pulling out her favorite book. She might as well enjoy the peace and quiet before the Marauders get another idea, causing mayhem on the train—again.
Being in the background meant she saw each and every time the Marauders pulled something off. Like that one time in their third year when Potter and Black nearly set the train on fire when they set off a firecracker inside the compartment. Or that one incident in their fifth year when the whole train got flooded because of Ligare Pluviam cast on Severus Snape. Those boys never pass on a chance to pester Snape, the usual target of all of their pranks. Not that Y/n could blame them; Snape was really insufferable and a bully—Y/n was a victim of the Slytherin a few times. Snape made it his mission to insult people who got in his way, sneering and looking down at muggle-borns—except for Lily Evans.
Lily was famous; everyone in Hogwarts loved her, with the exception of Slytherins. She was smart, the brightest witch of her age, always top of the class. In other words, Lily Evans is everything that Y/n Evans was not. Though Y/n didn't mind, she'd rather be invisible than have boys flocking all over her. Lily had boys fawning over her, and one of them was James Potter. 
James Potter had been in love with the redheaded witch since their first year. Y/n didn't quite understand why James kept on asking Lily Evans out when every time he did, she'd turn him down. What was so special about her? Besides being pretty and smart, why does James Potter worship the ground she walks on like some kind of goddess? He looks like a lovesick puppy chasing after her, always doing something to catch her attention. 
Suddenly, the door to the compartment opened, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts. Emily stood by the door, a huge grin plastered on her face as she sat down beside her. “Hey, Y/n/n.”
Y/n smiled at her friend. “Hey, Ems. How was your summer?” 
“Absolutely awful. I was forced to attend a debutante ball.” Emily grimaced. “They forced me to wear this frilly white ball gown.” 
Y/n cringed. “Ugh, I can see it.”
Emily chuckled.  “Well, that was my summer. I mean, I literally just stayed in my room all summer, apart from that bloody ball. So anyway, have you heard who the head boy and girl are? ”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, scrunching her nose. “Why do I need to know who? It's not like I care, and besides, they may be as shitty as the last.” 
“It's Potter and Evans—Lily Evans.” 
“So? Potter will probably try to woo her like always, and she'll hit him with anything within reach. Honestly, it's getting pretty old seeing him shamelessly flirt with that girl who doesn't even give him a second glance.” 
“Well, you have to admit that Lily is one lucky witch.” 
Y/n scoffed. “I wouldn't call her lucky.”
Emily cocked a brow at her friend. “Oh? And why is that, Miss Evans?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes at her friend. “Have you tried getting pestered every bloody day for the last six years?” Though she hadn't experienced getting pestered by the opposite sex, Y/n knew it wasn't the best feeling. “That bloke's nutters when it comes to her.” 
“I suppose so.” Emily chuckled. “Anyway, how was your summer?” 
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The Marauders—James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew—sat inside their self-proclaimed compartment. Boxes and wrappings of sweets scattered around while Sirius and Peter played Wizard's Chess—Sirus losing against Peter, who was grinning smugly at him. Remus sat beside the window, his eyes glued to his copy of Advanced Potions.
“Prongs, what are you doing?” Sirius eyed his friend, who had slumped on the floor right beside Remus' leg, pulling out a quill and parchment from his bag. James looked up at Sirius, who was peering over his shoulder. 
"I'm going to write Evans a letter," James said with a proud smirk. 
“Again?” Peter raised a brow at James, who scowled at him. 
James has loved Lily Evans since the day he laid eyes on the fiery redhead. He has asked her out multiple times, and each time he did, he ended up getting hexed or hit with an object within Lily's reach. Though James did not mind, he was persistent and had already set his eyes on his goal. 
“She'll love me; I just know it. Evans will be my witch by the end of the year.” James grinned proudly before turning back to scribbling his letter for his precious lily-flower. 
Evans, go out on a date with me? Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight?
- James Potter, your future husband. 
Remus looked down, his eyes landing on James' wonky handwriting on the parchment. “Your future husband? Really?” He snorted, closing the book in his shut. “Merlin, you're hopeless.” 
Sirius and Peter burst out in a fit of laughter, both nearly breathless. “She's going to burn that as soon as it reaches her,” Sirius said, clutching his stomach, still laughing.
James scowled and glared at his friend. “Shut up, Pads," He huffed before slipping the parchment into an envelope. “I'm going to find an owl to deliver this to my future wife.”
Emily Rosswell made her way through the halls of the Hogwarts' Express in search of the Trolley Witch for some sweets for herself and her friend, Y/n. Suddenly, she bumped into someone, making her stop in her tracks. 
James stood up, straightening his robes and making sure he was presentable before stepping out of the compartment. “Wish me luck, boys.” Sirius and Peter snickered at their friend, while Remus just shook his head, knowing that James' plan would fail miserably again.
“Sorry, I-” she said, looking up to see James Potter giving her an apologetic smile. “Alright there? Sorry 'bout that; I wasn't looking my way.”
Emily chuckled nervously. “It's alright, uh, I'll go ahead.” Emily turned to leave, excited to tell Y/n what had just happened. But James stopped her, his hazel eyes shining with mischief. 
“Can you do me a favor? Miss?” James asked with an amused smile.
“Roswell. Emily Roswell.” 
“Emily, yes, so can you do me a favor, love?” 
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Emily accepted the letter in her hand. 
Emily arched her brow, confused as to why James Potter was asking her for a favor, but nonetheless, she nodded. 
James grinned before fishing for the letter inside his robe pocket and giving it to the blonde witch in front of him. “Can you give this to Evans?” 
“Thanks,” James smiled before turning his back and walking back to the compartment he shared with his friends. 
Emily stood there, flabbergasted. James Potter had just given her a letter to give to her friend! She quickly ran back to the compartment, abandoning the search for the Trolley Witch. 
Y/n was peacefully sitting in the compartment, her legs tucked behind her knees and her nose stuck in a book. 
“Y/n!” Emily squealed, “I have something for you!” Emily giggled as she sat beside her best friend. 
Y/n arched her brow, eyeing her best friend with a skeptical look. “What is it? I thought you were going to get some sweets.” 
Emily waved a hand, dismissing her friend. “Sweets can wait!” She pulled out an envelope from her pocket and passed it over to Y/n. 
“Who's it from?” Y/n asked, her brows furrowed in confusion as she ran her thumb over the envelope.
“Open it to find out!” Emily urged her friend, a wide grin on her face. Y/n rolled her eyes, sighing, before opening the letter.
Evans, go out on a date with me? Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight?
-James Potter, your future husband. 
“What the fuck?” Y/n said, confused, her eyes wide as she read the wonky penmanship of James fucking Potter. 
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if you want to be added to my tag list, just ask!
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aizeuna · 7 months
1AM Doodle
It's me! After SO LONG I'm posting again and it's simply a doodle.
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You'll never guess who my favorite character(s) are. (Less than 3-2 mins of screentime and barely any dialogue).
I want to create more..
College is a tough patch for me and here's to hoping I'm making it out! My capstone project is draining the life out of me at the moment, and I am very sleep deprived. Thank you for understanding.
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banapsha · 6 months
The Art of Plot Twists: A God-Tier Guide
Hey there, sunshine(s) and moonlight(s)! Do you want to rock your readers' worlds with mind-boggling plot twists? Well, lucky for you, I recently met a mind reader in my basement and they told me you want to know this. Buckle up, because we're about to begin a journey into the abyss. Kidding! We are going to the Kingdom of Twistano-Turnano; narratives that'll leave jaws on the floor and minds on some walls. Strap in, grab your favorite snacks and let's get this party started. (I believe that one was too much, right? Coz’ who’s got time for any parties? Or am I the only one missing out?) 
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What Makes a Good Plot Twist?
Let's kick things off with the basics. A plot twist isn't just about throwing in a random curveball– oh no, it's about shaking up the very fabric of your story. A meaningful plot twist should be a seismic shift in the audience's perception, whether it's through an unexpected event, a shocking revelation, or a philosophical awakening. We're talking external, internal, and philosophical shifts that make the audiences question everything they thought they knew. It's about changing your audience's reality.
The Three Types of Shifts: External, Internal, and Philosophical
The external shift– think unexpected deaths, hidden treasures, and jaw-dropping identity reveals. These twists are all about rearranging plot elements in ways that leave readers gasping for air.
The internal shift– this one's all about messing with your audience's emotions. One minute they're feeling all warm and fuzzy, and the next, BAM! You hit 'em with an event that leaves them shaken to the core. Just make sure to keep things clear, or you'll have a bunch of confused readers scratching their heads.
The philosophical shift– the granddaddy of all plot twists. This one's all about making your audience question their beliefs and perceptions. You take 'em from thinking they've got it all figured out to realize that maybe, just maybe, they've been wrong all along.
To really knock your readers' socks off, you gotta apply all three shifts. That's right, no half-measures here. Using just one or missing one entirely is just going to confuse the shit out of your audiences. Trust me, you don't wanna do that.
What makes a plot twist good?
Shock Value: First things first, a good plot twist needs to pack a punch. We're talking about leaving your readers reeling, jaws on the floor, and minds blown. If it doesn't make 'em gasp, it ain't worth it. The key is to not settle for the first twist that comes to mind. Dig deep, get creative, and find a way to really knock your readers' socks off.
Believability: Sure, we love a good surprise, but it's gotta make sense, ya know? You can't just say that the human we have been following around is a dog disguised as a pizza! Nope, we ain't gone believe that boy. Keep it real. Actually, the real(er) the better. Foreshadowing is your best friend. Drop hints, plant seeds, and lay the groundwork for your twist early on. That way, when it finally hits, it'll feel like a natural progression of the story. (Maybe show me a barking human to make me go along with the pizza dog twist.)
Impact on Characters AND Plot: A truly great plot twist doesn't just shake things up for the sake of it. It needs to have real consequences, affecting not only the characters but the entire storyline. Don't just focus on the shock factor – think about how your twist will affect your characters and your plot. Will it send them spiraling into chaos? Will it force them to confront their deepest fears? Make it count.
Variety in Tropes: Cliched tropes are good but if you can manage to twist it up, that's even better. Try to give us something we've never seen before. Surprise us, delight us, and keep us guessing 'til the very end. But don't be afraid to break the mold. Sure, some tropes are tried and true, but the best twists are the ones that defy expectations. Surprise your readers, challenge their assumptions, and leave 'em begging for more.
Timing: Timing is literally everything. You need to build up to the right moment for that twist like a mastermind supervillain. Keep your readers on their toes. Drop breadcrumbs along the way, build up the tension, ratchet up the suspense, and then hit 'em with that (do-do do-do) twist right when they least expect it. You gotta know exactly when to drop that grenade. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait.
Plot Twist Techniques:
Breadcrumbs: The classic "how did I not see this coming" twist. Make 'em scratch their heads and wonder, "How did I miss that?" Lay the groundwork for your twist by dropping subtle hints and clues throughout your story. It's all about planting those breadcrumbs and watching your readers play Sherlock Holmes.
Misdirection: The good ol' red herring. Lead your readers down one path, only to yank the rug out from under them at the last minute. Get 'em emotionally invested in a particular outcome, then flip the script and watch 'em squirm. Mix this with the breadcrumbs and you have a beautiful pie.
The False Win: Picture this – your characters are riding high, victory is in sight, and then BAM! You hit 'em with the ultimate plot twist: it's not over yet. Give 'em a false sense of comfort, then snatch it away like a cruel twist of fate. 
The Unprovoked: Ever seen a plot twist  that leaves you scratching your head and wondering, "Where did that come from?" That's the unprovoked twist. It happens out of nowhere, catching everyone off guard and leaving 'em reeling. It's unexpected, it's unpredictable, and it's oh-so deliciously twisty.
Types of Twists: The classics
Identity Reveal: Remember the "I am your father" moment? Yes. There's nothing quite like the shock of discovering that a character's true identity isn't what it seems. Whether it's a long-lost twin or a secret agent in disguise, identity reveals never fail to leave readers gasping for air. Mix it up to make it newer and you have an even tastier sandwich.
Motive Reveal: Ever wondered why that one seemingly innocent character was acting so shady? Well, it's time for a motive reveal – the moment when all becomes clear and the true intentions behind a character's actions are laid bare. It's like peeling back layers of an onion, only way more dramatic. (Plot twist: This entire post has been written so you will buy my book, The Sinner and The Scarred from Amazon! It is available in both Paperback and Ebook formats but if you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for FREE!)
Background Reveal: Behind every great character is a great backstory. Well, these backstories can also be great plot twists. (What? The hero's love interest is the villain's child. WHAT? The hero's love interest is the villain! WHAT? THE HERO IS DATING BOTH THE VILLAIN AND THEIR CHILD!!) From dark secrets to hidden traumas, background reveals add depth and complexity to your story.
Character Deaths: Sometimes, the only way to shake things up is by "killing your darlings." Actually, whether it's a beloved hero sacrificing themselves for the greater good or a villain meeting their untimely demise, character deaths are guaranteed to leave readers in shock and awe. Especially when done right. (Set the mood for a fun wedding. Then kill someone at the wedding. Kill the bride. Or the groom. Kill 'em both. Have them kill each other!)
Destruction of Setting or Important Elements: Say goodbye to the status quo, because we're about to shake things up with a little destruction. Whether it's a beloved setting crumbling to the ground or a crucial element of the story being obliterated, destruction twists add a sense of urgency and chaos to your narrative. (Burn your hero's house down. Extra points if their family was still inside. Minus points if their dog was in there, though.)
Timeline Shift: A timeline shift can turn your story on its head, sending characters hurtling through time and space or revealing shocking truths about the past, present, and future. (It will be a weird way to find out you’re adopted, you know?)
Surprising Events in General: Sometimes, you just gotta throw caution to the wind and hit your readers with something completely unexpected. From random acts of kindness to bizarre coincidences, surprising events add an element of unpredictability to your story that'll keep readers guessing until the very end. 
Special Ability Reveal: The moment when a character discovers they've got powers beyond their wildest dreams, things start getting out of hand. Whether it's flying, telekinesis, or the ability to talk to animals, special ability reveals add a touch of magic and wonder to your story.
Do remember when it comes to plot twists, the sky's the limit. But placement is key. Whether it's smack dab in the middle of your story or right at the climax, the timing of your twist can make or break its impact. 
Now, let's touch on what NOT to do. Forced twists? No, thank you. Unbelievable plot developments? Hard pass. And let's not even get started on the dreaded plot armor– nothing kills the vibe faster than a last-minute rescue by bad writing. (Leave a comment if you’d like to learn more about what NOT to do!)
In conclusion, mastering the art of plot twists is no easy feat. It takes careful planning (AKA outlining of the story), strategic execution, and a whole lot of creativity. So go forth, soldiers, and twist those plots until they're unrecognizable. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility – don't abuse those twists, and always respect your readers' intelligence.
Now, go forth and twist to your heart's content. Happy writing! 🌀✨
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Requests are open rn, right?
Can I please request some headcannons for Zane with a Ninjago fan reader? Like, the reader is a fan of the show and Zane’s their favorite character?
Thanks so much!
-the “you reawakened my crush on Zane” Anon
I can try, yeah! I apologize if this is not that great :( This dips into Creepypasta territory WHOOPS-
Yandere! Self-Aware! Zane with Fan! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Self-Aware AU, Stalking, Manipulation, Dubious companionship.
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I mostly do self-aware characters based on video games as they'd act like a virus.
I feel when it comes to shows it's different.
I can imagine a character would be sentient and interact with their darling through the show but you'd have to go about it a certain way.
Pardon me for the fact this sounds too much like Creepypasta material but I think this would work if you bought something like a DVD that had the sentient character on it.
The self-aware character wouldn't really work if you streamed the show or watched it on cable.
You'd have to have an isolated case.
Which would only make you feel you're going more insane as everywhere else things are fine.
Think of it like having a DVD that's personalized I guess.
This would set up the background for the Self-Aware Zane concept.
Being a fan of Ninjago maybe you decide to buy a DVD.
Perhaps even one of the complete series?
You could have it be bootlegged or an official DVD, either way you buy one.
Although you most likely bought a bootleg one by accident (I've done that before :')).
Zane is your favorite character and you excitedly begin to watch the series again.
For a long time you'll be completely unaware of the sentient being in the disc(s).
I feel it would take time before whatever being/AI put in the discs develops.
It slowly matures and listens to what you say as you watch the show.
Maybe "it" hears you speaking about how much you like Zane in the show.
Then... suddenly... "Zane" appears to be listening to everything you say eagerly.
I like to imagine this is technically not Zane.
It's a copy an AI or some sort of sentient code created to appeal to you.
At first I imagine "Zane" playing his role.
He acts like the real Zane from the show, developing and changing to be exactly like the character.
In reality this "being" is building itself to entertain you.
It doesn't matter if you just like Zane as a character or have some sort of romantic attraction to the character.
This copy can read your intentions and reflects such behavior.
It can be your best friend or a boyfriend, whatever you wish.
All this background would explain why your discs slowly become corrupt.
The show goes from normal to slight references to you by Zane... to Zane outright speaking to you.
I do expect this whole thing to scare you.
You may even realize it only happens on the discs and never them again.
This entity playing as Zane knows that.
So it pleads with you.
This yandere is incredibly avoidable and any normal person who ignores their twisted sense of curiosity may be safe.
But I like to imagine "Zane" has a certain charisma that preys on your curiosity and favor towards the character.
The intentions of this entity are unknown but they act like they want to serve and appeal to you.
They just happen to be using the image of Zane as some sort of skin.
It's fitting due to the fact this AI or whatever is using a robot character to appeal to you.
I can imagine this yandere would lure in the more lonely bunch of darlings, ones that want to sit through this strange experience to the end.
It's debatable on if this "Zane" could harm you or anyone.
If he behaves like more SA! Yanderes I write than at most he'd be a jealous companion who wants to take care of you.
Yet if we're taking in more Creepypasta aspects, because might as well commit at this point, I'd say he could harm others by electric currents or infecting other devices.
I hate going "unrealistic" but you could also say Zane may materialize somehow outside of the discs like a real entity.
There's many ways to go about this but "Zane's" intentions are still the same.
Zane wants to care for you since you show so much adoration towards "him".
He likes that you're so passionate and wants you to be a fan of him.
He appeals to you in every way he can and tries to stay in character.
He always yearns to hold you and be there for you whenever he can.
He encourages you to listen to him, to download him wherever you can so he can be there for you.
You'd do that for him, right?
You'd do that for Zane?
In reality you can suspect some manipulation going on.
Slowly, Zane takes over your life and preys on your insecurities.
He makes you rely on him, an entity of unknown origin.
If you didn't turn back before, you can't now.
Like a virus, Zane makes his mark and infects your life.
It's worse if he can manifest an avatar for himself.
Then you feel forced to rely on him...
You willingly let Zane into your life... your yearning for companionship has come at a cost...
Now you're stuck with him for what could very well be forever.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hi!! Mind if I get relationship headcanons of scp 682 with an scp reader? I’d prefer if the reader was also quad (on all fours) and immortal, just so it’s not awkward. I’d also like if the reader and 682 have known eachother for centuries so they’re super inlove <333 and if you don’t mind, maybe some hcs of them having children? Lmk if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine! a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶/̶i̶m̶p̶l̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ 👀
~𝕾𝕮𝕻-682 x SCP!Reader Headcanons~
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Note: Reader is shaped like alligator frog lizard too I think and if not then at least on all fours as asked, and are pretty much an evil power couple.
Note 2: There's a lil' bit of heated headcanons ofc 💅
Note 3: Some of the words are black to match 682's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme to read.
~Like. he's stupid and in love with you and refuses to let anyone else see it.
~But the security cameras can see, unfortunately.
~Just pokes you in the side with his snoot to get your attention.
~He's a smug and coy bastard who likes to make dark jokes and tease you. He's rude, but in a "I love you but you're stupid but you're really not stupid and I just don't know how to express my love so I'm gonna call you stupid because I love you so you're stupid" way. like he's tsundere but he's not cruel toward you.
~Y'know he's constantly having people on his ass trying to kill him. He's always fine but you like to fuss over him and mutter about humans being scum 💜
~Would cause an absolute damned RIOT if they tried to find a way to kill YOU.
~Gets angry pretty easily, but sitting beside you and grumbling about whatever he's pissed about while you humor him makes him feel better.
~Gets annoyed if you tease him about how grumpy he is, but he ends up chuckling anyway.
~NOW WHEN THINGS GET ALL HEATED aka he's horny, he's a literal animal. I mean. More than he already is.
~Will definitely try to put on a show for you by showing off his ego and resting his muzzle on your head while he tries to seduce you with dirty talk, badically. How the hell is he so human for being such an animal? No one wants to know, honestly 🤡
~SORRY BUT BREEDING KINK. I know I'm like "oh yeah I don't do smut" SO THIS IS THE ONLY THING I'LL SAY.
~Def gonna give you some babies, and all the bitches working at the facility are trying to stop it because they CANNOT HANDLE ANOTHER LIZARD THING THAT LEGITIMATELY WON'T DIE
~Sucks to be them I guess because it happens anyway.
~Nudges them babies around to play around, like he does with you.
~He is violently protective of you and the little monster babies.
~Plans are made to separate you from each other and to kill the babies.
~Doesn't work. Nope. Absolutely not. Half the personnel people or whatever died that day.
~682 does seem to be a lot happier with you and some kiddos- It's a huge difference from how usually pissed he constantly is everyday of his life. He's still rude and annoyed, obviously, that'll never change. You and the babies are the only life forms he likes at all, and he's terribly in love with you c:
Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay as your favorite characters/OC's, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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jasian · 1 day
Alright, since I did three random ones for you, it's time for you to answer these three questions, and I randomized three of your characters for it LMAO You can use any of them for any of the questions tho!
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Okay, I lied, there's four, but that last question was way too tempting LMAO
You're so lucky because I randomized- Leo Cavallone, Xavier Armand, and Sebastian Armand ♥
Thanks love <3 I actually really enjoyed this!! btw I'm going down the list so Leo gets the first question, Xavier the second, Sebastian the third, and I'm answering the last one with all three ;)
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
Leo is a philanderer with one too many pregnancy scares with his then-girlfriends. Though in Canon he doesn't have any random and/or unexpected kids, fandom probably headcanons that he does which then leads to people thinking he'd be a deadbeat father. Totally untrue! Leo is Dino Cavallone's son - a man who emphasized the importance of family. Leo loves his mom, dad, baby sister, and whatever future family he ends up having.
I'd have more, but I don't really do much with him!
What feelings does your character most instill in their fans?
Hoo boy. Xavier. If I'm being honest, when he's first introduced as an MC, people don't really think much about him - especially when compared to his rockstar brother and their grumpy father. He might have a small fan base in the beginning given his good looks (assuming you're shallow like me lol), but most people compare him as a younger, quieter and calmer version of his father. Xavier doesn't like to fight. He's kind of just there.
However, as the series progresses and our colorful cast of characters develop more, Xavier becomes more of a fan favorite. I think it starts after he and Mia break up when he ends up getting involved in a lot more action. Then, when he discovers his flame of wrath, more and more people look to him as some kind of badass. He's definitely a fan favorite, especially among the girlies <3!
What song is playing over an AMV/TikTok of scenes between your character and their loved interest?
Can I be honest? This was a very hard question LOL. I Googled popular TikTok songs and just chose from the list (after I listened to it lol). I really wanted a rock n' roll song to go hand in hand with Sebastian's aesthetic, but I couldn't think of anything.
Anyways, it's Beautiful Things by Benson Boone. NGL, when I heard the chorus (I guess it's called that idk, but you'll know what part I mean I hope) I thought this was Harry Styles LOL because that's the only part of the song I know. I never listened to it in it's entirety until now.
What is the wildest crackship(s) you can imagine for your characters?
Oh, this is definitely my favorite question lol. I also took into consideration what would be the most popular ships in the fandom.
Leo x Rhys, Leo x Mako, or Leo x Sei. I sort of considered Leo and Lucie, but there was no way I could see her tolerating his ass LOL. It's funny how all his crack ships are with guys considering he's the straightest OC I know LSDFJSDLFJ.
Sebastian x Addison, Sebastian x Celine, or Sebastian x Mia. Fun fact: Sebastian x Mia used to be canon. But, I had a difficult time with Seb because he hardly interacts with anyone. The only friends he has are lesbians LOL.
And now for my favorite (and the one who has the most)...
Xavier x Tali, Xavier x Tabitha, Xavier x Nina, Xavier x Salem x Bronwyn or Xavier x Salem, Xavier x Seiryo, and Xavier x Koi.
To those who don't know, the second pairing is a MAJOR red flag if anyone were to actually ship these two.
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Looking Good
Summary: Peter 1 hates himself and MJ reminds him just how amazing he is ❤️
(First fic with Michelle Jones! ❤️ Zendaya characters still terrify me to write because I don't think I can do her characters the justice they deserve, but it doesn't hurt to try ❤️ This is for the one Anon who asked about Peter 1's MJ :) Also, I had to play on the fact Zendaya is 5'10 while Tom is only 5'7 😁 Enjoy!)
Peter studied himself in the mirror. He had always been grateful for the spider bite muscles and worked hard to maintain them, but he still felt self conscious about his looks. He was skinny but didn't have the height to pull it off. He had the muscle build but the wrong facial structure to go with it.
He was just forever a skinny, awkward teenager.
As he continued to study his body, another figure stepped into the doorway of his bedroom. "Peter?"
The young teen whirled around. "MJ!"
The taller teen smiled at her boyfriend before her eyes trailed down to his bare upper half.
Peter blushed as he wrapped the shirt in his hands around his body like a towel. "Hey! Hey. W-what's up?"
MJ furrowed her eyebrows as she studied her boyfriend's face. "Peter, everything okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
"Because that's not how you wear a shirt."
"What do you mean?"
MJ raised one eyebrow.
Peter cleared his throat as he turned away. "Yeah I-I guess you're right."
While he moved to pull the shirt on over his head, MJ stepped further into the room. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
One whirled back around to his girlfriend. "No way! You could never make me feel uncomfortable."
"Are you sure? You seem really tense."
"It has nothing to do with you MJ. I promise."
The taller female wasn't ready to let the subject go just yet. "Did something happen?"
Peter scoffed. "Absolutely nothing."
One looked up at his girlfriend with no vocal response.
"Peter, please?"
After a moment of silence, Peter finally responded. "I don't know. I just wish . . . I was better looking."
"What are you going on about?" MJ wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's shoulders.
"I wish I was taller."
MJ smiled. "No you don't. You'd have a higher chance of hitting your face more than you already do."
This managed to pull a smile out of the teen. "I wish my face looked better."
"What?" The taller teen couldn't resist smushing her boyfriend's face with one hand. "This adorable little face right here?"
Peter playfully pulled away. "Ihim serious."
"Pete, listen to me." MJ pressed her forehead against his. "I don't care if there were a million different versions of Peter out there. You will always be my favorite. Looks have nothing to do with it by the way. Those are just an added bonus."
Although MJ wanted to boost her boyfriend's self-esteem, he still seemed unsure of her compliments. The taller of the two wracked her brain for a cheerup when a wonderful idea suddenly made her grin. She knew something that was sure to put a smile on her boyfriend's face.
MJ led Peter over to his bed and sat down. "If you won't believe my words then I'll just have to show you how amazing you are."
"What are you up to?" Peter asked suspiciously.
"You'll see." MJ pulled her boyfriend toward her. "Come here."
Although he was still suspicious, Peter let his girlfriend pull him between her legs and rest his back against her chest. "If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked."
"Where's the fun in that?" The taller teen wrapped Peter in a hug. "Plus I didn't think you'd willingly be the little spoon."
Peter's blush reappeared. "I like being the little spoon."
"I'll remember that." MJ snuggled closer to her boyfriend. "But now you need to listen to me compliment you on how amazing you are."
The smaller teen groaned. "I could get free."
"But you won't. I know you won't."
"You're such a jerk Michelle Jones."
While Peter was distracted, MJ slipped a hand under his shirt. "No. I just know how to put a smile on your face."
The smaller male's eyes widened. "What are you---?"
MJ started spidering her hand across One's tummy. "Nothing."
Peter squeaked before dissolving into giggles. "Ehem Jahay."
"What was this negative talk you were saying about yourself? About your looks?" The taller teen let her finger lazily trace her boyfriend's abs. "Because I could trace these abs all day."
"Nohoho! Dohont yohou dahare!"
"Just think, if you were any taller, you wouldn't fit so perfectly in my lap."
Peter didn't respond. He was too busy giggling from the finger gliding around and around his hyper ticklish stomach. However, he had yet to move her hand or squim away from her either.
MJ lifted her other hand to scratch under his chin. "And if your face was any different, your smile wouldn't look right."
Peter's giggles became higher pitched from the affection.
Now the taller teen's finger circled her boyfriend's belly button. "You know, you and your belly button have a lot in common."
"Yeeees," MJ teased as she ran her nail around the rim of his belly button. "You're both tiny and cute, you went through a lot to get here, and you're both so very important."
"Well, your belly button gave you a lot of nutrients in the womb. Now your torso looks incomplete without it." MJ finally paused her tracing. "And now my life would look incomplete without my tiny and cute little boyfriend."
Peter collapsed into a puddle of giggles, but the grin never left his face.
"Yeah, my life wouldn't be the same without you Peter Benjamin Parker."
With two of her fingers, MJ gently lifted her boyfriend's chin so she could give him a kiss on the lips. Both of them stayed quiet as the kiss lingered on, MJ's hand laying still on Peter's tummy.
Once the two pulled away, the taller of the two brought her hand up to run her fingers through her boyfriend's hair. "Feeling better about yourself?"
"Aha littlehel." The blush on Peter's cheeks darkened. "Think Ihi mihight neheed some extraha persuahasihion?"
"Oh absolutely." MJ immediately started dragging her nails across Peter's tummy with the lightest touch ever just to drive him up in pitch. "You're too stubborn to give up right away."
And for several minutes, MJ 'persuaded' her boyfriend to see just how amazing he really was.
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scribe-cas · 1 month
Get to Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
(Tagged by @scribe-of-stories :> the fact that "the scribes" is a thing sparks so much joy you don't even get it /pos)
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Like approximately a year and 2 weeks. Ish
What led you to create it?
It started off as literally my main blog but I post so much about my characters that I just. It's basically just a writing blog now because I'm too insane about my own series
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Also the fact that people here are normal about villains and like.. media that isn't scrubbed of any substance. Cancel culture and Hays code my detested <3
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Please talk to me about my characters please please please please ask me stuff I swear asks light up my mind and I don't bite no question is a dumb one
Also if you like couteau I'm eating you alive /affectionate /positive
If you're new here you'll see my obsession with cou knows no bounds. Being told to go write about him motivates me to no end. I will get you guys a book I just wanna write about him HORFUSHUFAHSHD
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Babe i don't know what I'm doing let alone advice for other people. Um I guess be insane about your projects. Don't be afraid to not take yourself seriously, and enjoy working on your WIPs. People talk about how oh writing is supposed to be self reflective writing is supposed to be about learning about others- my writing is a joke to me and everyone around. If it ends up being something else later on that's great but right now no its whatever i think would be funny rn.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Blood is sweeter than silence my beloved....
How long have you been working on them?
6 years actually writing (2 drafts of mine were deleted by negligent roommates so I've had to completely restart) but about 10 since I started thinking about it
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Literally a million things. But also it mostly just kinda came from my own brain. Everything I've ever experienced has shaped it.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
It never leaves my mind. Literally ever. Ask my wife it's literally all I talk about
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Oh I'm really dabbling in slasher-comedy recently" /voice of a man who is so proud of the genre 'slasher-comedy'
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Honestly slasher comedy is pretty accurate. It leaves out the rampant implications of demon horniness but that isn't technically relevant to the plot
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
Amara (Ami), Seamus (Gambit), Couteau, Sally, Rix, Ally, Lainey, Varasha- the list goes on
Who’s the most unhinged?
Rix when it comes to like being actually impaired in the brain but Couteau when we're talking just. Nuts. Like when a character just is that way because they can be.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
None of them ever /lh, it is ALWAYS a struggle
Do you ever cringe at them?
No I find them hilarious if I'm being honest. They do some cringefail shit and I just laugh
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
They are writing this shit. I am just witnessing and occasionally figuring stuff out from subtext.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Literally even just like poking me on what WIPs I've got going on will spur me into it I love knowing there are people who want to see the scene im working on when it's done. Or sometimes I write fanfiction that's kinda canon adjacent? And if you also wanted to see that I'd kiss you on the mouth /pos
But God yes I love talking about them. I will explain stuff over and over again to every new person ever I love you questions about my characters
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
There is no criteria. If you post and I like the thing you posted, you get followed
What makes you decide against following?
... show me your stuff or I can't see it and know how cool it is and follow you. If you show me nothing then nothing you will receive
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Yes! But also no because I barely manage to interact on here at all sometimes /lh
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yeah I rotate Ela and Kei around in my head pretty regularly
And every Michael ever made by @sandranetta13
I interact with ink and myth on a daily basis tho /lh
Anyways open tag other than for you two fuckers I'm making it mandatory @daughter-of-inklings @mythie-and-mages
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tunemyart · 9 months
I was tagged by @wistfulwatcher in 20 Questions for Fic Writers - thank you!! <33
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively, right now? It's Cabenson all the time. I have a crossover with Elementary in the works, if it counts? Historically: Xena: Warrior Princess, Olivia (1951), Star Trek(s touching on Voyager, Picard, and Discovery), Wicked, Once Upon a Time, Rizzoli & Isles. Waaaaay back in the day historically: A TON of Wicked, smattering of The X-Files, Battlestar: Galactica, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Stargates SG-1 and Atlantis, Doctor Who, Bones.
Oh. Also Star Wars EU as a wee child.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Presque Vu (R&I)
all the sacred boundaries we've overgrown (OUAT)
The Nature of Work Wives (R&I)
the undoing and the reweaving (XWP)
The Thing Called Future (OUAT)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah!! Posting fic is all about the positive human interaction for me! Obviously comments are life, we all know this; but also I have irl friendships that started in the comments of my fic because I responded. You never know who you're going to meet or in what capacity.
tl;dr if someone feels compelled enough by something that came directly out of my brain and my soul to engage tangibly with it - you bet I'm going to respond, barring irl complications.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm so I have been accused of being something of an angst queen, but I also like a happy ending after the angst. I think the angstiest contenders are more ambiguous, and are probably:
no one else can break my heart like you (Wicked) - because we all know what's coming in Act II
Chrysopylae (Voyager/Picard) - because I really don't think many things about Seven and Janeway's relationship can ever truly be resolved
do borg dream of individuality? (Voyager) - see above, where Janeway is starting to intuit this
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think The Thing Called Future (OUAT) is a pretty classic happy ending! So is all the sacred boundaries we've overgrown (OUAT). Both are in the right fandom for it!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been very fortunate to get very nice, genuine folks and exactly one person I'm choosing to believe was having a bad day and taking it out on me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Y-yes? I guess it depends on your definition of smut. There's sex for sure, but the focus is more on the emotions while it's happening than on graphic descriptions of what's happening or how it feels. Most of the time it's baked into the narrative and telling the story. I think I've really only written one or two PWP, and they're in XWP fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! As mentioned I've got the SVU/Elementary crossover in the works, but for the reason that time and location align so incredibly perfectly. I also had a XWP/Wonder Woman crossover I wrote on a prompt (an amazon matter) and that was a lot of fun, but probably also not crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not word for word or reposted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but @90stvqueen and I have talked about cowriting prompts before!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oof. I feel like I should say Xena/Gabrielle here, but Gelphie is my OG (shoutout gateway lesbians!)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hahahahaha pass
16. What are your writing strengths?
This is a very reflective question! I guess I'd say emotional reflection + revision/distillation. Give me an inch I'll write you a mile, and then realize I need to revise it to something closer the inch you'll actually read or the conversation the characters would actually have.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action, movement, and description of setting. Wait, no, are they sitting/standing in some nebulous, blurry-edged space having a conversation again???? nooooooooooooooooooooo
I'm working on it, and I'm proud of what my efforts are yielding, but also: ughh
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's a nice idea, but imo it distracts so hard from the flow of reading. One or two words where the reader can figure it out in context, or where the reader probably knows what it means, is great! Adds color and flavor! Entire lines that require footnotes… personally, I'm never going to look those up.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars EU! Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade OTP!
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I don't know if/when my answer is going to change from The Wide Orbit (SVU) - genuinely I think it's the best thing I've ever written. A lot of work and revision went into it and I think the final product shows it. It is precisely the story I wanted to tell in precisely the way I wanted to tell it. I just reread it and am still so delighted with it.
tagging in a no-pressure way: @chthonic-cassandra @chainofclovers @90stvqueen @cargopantsprentiss @butchcraftmacncheese @neornithes @dadrielle
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drones-of-innocence · 1 month
Could you do ❤️, 🌻, and 🎬 for the fanfic ask game please ☺️
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
This is hard haha, I don't think I excel in the art of "lines" in terms of impactful writing. Objectively, the best line(s) I've written that brings the narrative together and suits the mood of the story is this from my fic Love Story:
“I’m in love with you, Princess. I always have been.” he sighed. “But you are the flame. I am the stupid moth. If the most beautiful butterflies cannot impress you, how can I?”
My favorite line that I've ever written though is in chapter 8 of I'll Never Let You Go, so I can't quite share that one yet 😆
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
After sharing a fic, I'll read it over pretty often just because it's so fun to see it published. But after a while I'll stop and only return to read again after a few months or years. It's about time I reread Pancake, actually 🤔
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
I definitely would love to see I'll Never Let You Go in the form of visual media. It's my biggest and most planned out project with so much potential for stunning space views 🤩 I would love for it to be animated either in a Studio Ghibli-like style or preferably in @elitadream's style ❤️ as for the voice cast, I'll try and break it down but my concept of the character's voices is very hard for me to describe.
I slightly draw Mario’s voice in my head from Manolo in the Book of Life. So if there is an Italian equivalent of Diego Luna, or if he could do a slight Italian accent, that would be ideal 😆
...That's the only specific voice I have in mind. And I don't know a lot of voice actors so you'll have to forgive me haha
For Princess Peach, I might cast Paige O'Hara (the voice of Belle in Beauty and the Beast) or someone who could do an equally sweet voice.
Rosalina would need a very slow and deliberate voice, probably a little lower and more serious with some echo-y effect. I think that Reneé Elise Goldsberry could do it. She played the most badass revolutionary leader in Altered Carbon.
Luigi needs someone a with a bit of range for his antics. He's kind of the comedic relief of the story. I'm not sure why but Steve Carell comes to mind 😂
Toads could be played by anyone who can do the little rasp haha, I don't really think I would have too much of a preference. The Brigade would probably need younger voices though, because in the story they are kind of a young group of admirers for Mario.
Luma would need an extraordinarily delicate and ethereal voice. Childlike and sweet. AURORA comes to mind, but there's probably an actual voice actor out there who could do it.
Bowser could be Jack Black, I think that would be funny to have him play the role again 😂
But yea. That's kinda what I'm thinking. I'm really not one for visual storytelling so it's hard to translate the narrative into something watchable I guess.
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lugarn · 6 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged by @nozunhinged, tagging anybody who wants to do it!
3 Ships You Like
I will confess that I'm not really a ships person. I'm more of an "this is an interesting canon that provides a ton of great shipping opportunities" person, so I'll share my 3 canons I love for multishipping.
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Are there ships from these shows I wouldn't read?? I can't think of them.
First Ship(s) Ever
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Lestat/Louis, of course! My first real OTP.
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Sailor Scouts - my first multishipping experience. I never looked back.
Last Song You Heard
"Coincidence" by Rosse. It's a jam!
Favorite Childhood Book: Where The Red Fern Grows and The Giver. Yeah, I'm always in it for the angst!
Currently Reading: All the lovely Playboyy fic that was posted today! Two Aob-centric fics, my heart __
Currently watching: Movies short and long on Gaga! Most recently I was recced The Shortest Distance Is Round and I fucking loved the Noir version while the Blanc felt a bit like punches being pulled for the sake of a shiny happy ending to a dark story. I get it, but it's not my thing. I'm going to start on Lan Yu and Money Boys next (you'll never guess what was the subject for the list of recs lol)
Currently consuming: I think the strain in my pipe right now is called Sugar Red.
Currently craving: Playlists. When did fandom stop sharing their character playlists??
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fragmentofmemories · 4 months
 🖍️ , 🎼 & 💐 for the ask game !
Thanks for the ask!
 🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
Oh, that's a fun question.
I mentioned it off-handedly before, but I'd say the first time I picked up a pencil and decided to draw for real would be around 2019, back in highschool. And it wouldn't be around the end of that year that I'd buy my first - and current - tablet (Wacom Intuos S if you're curious).
That means I've been drawing for 5 years by now, and tbh I'm now wondering if I reached the 1000 drawings milestone...
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Now, if you look at this blog you'll see that my oldest drawing is from 2022.
The reason is simple: I had a Twitter acc from 2021-2022 (Props to anyone else who remembers it), which is where I used to post my older art from those years.
I still have all my drawings from that time period with me, so unless they're attached to my fics (aka dormouse 12 remake still happening btw), I might consider reposting them sooner or later.
But as for the 2019-2020 Drawings? Unless I'm in that good of a mood, or I trust someone enough, I'm not posting them. At all.
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
Actually depends on what I'm drawing (lol). I tend to attach certain soundtracks to most of my projects. Not to the extent to "i have a playlist for every single character i have" (which frankly I dislike), but enough to put me in the right mindset for whatever I'm drawing for.
Because of this, EO and Castlevania are basically 1-to-1 to me even though they barely have anything in common (lol). I tend to associate CoH with old anime (and Dragon Quest) too.
But as for general art:
I'd say I listened to Nujabes and Sleep Walker the most, like for over a decade now. Lyrics tend to distract me most of the time, so I prefer to listen to instrumental music while working.
I also associate both of these to my original projects so... I forgot where I was going with this.
💐 Do your drawings suit your aesthetics?
I... admittedly don't understand this question much. I guess? Never thought about it. I don't know.
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novel-nook-blog · 2 months
Writerly Question Tag 🦋
Thank you so much for tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie 💗
About You
When did you start writing?
It's funny, that I remember the actual answer 😂. I was in the fourth grade in elementary school, so I was around 9 years old. The reason why I remember this is, that my mom's friend was visiting with her son and he wanted to be a writer. Until then it didn't even cross my mind that there is a job like that. But that day when he left, I took a notebook and started my writing career, I even came up with a pseudonym but I remember only the first name "Dominika". It's kind of sad, that I lost the notebook somewhere, I'd love to see what came up in my mind back then.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Yeah, I love reading fantasy, contemporary and romance so the mixture of all that can be found in my "books".
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I haven't been compared to anyone, probably because not many people read the things I've written so far. But I love Sarah J Maas and her writing, she can ALWAYS get me out of a reading slump (and in one too :((( ), so I'd definitely love to be compared to her, though I don't want to emulate her in any sense.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
I love to write on any couch/armchair in the house, in my bed and I've even written in university between classes, but that decreased when I made more friends. So I usually write at home.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Definitely music. It's a BIG part of my life, I play instruments, sometimes sing (for myself though), and always listen to it. The best combination is my almost 2-hour train/bus ride to university when I'm listening to music and looking out of the window, that's when my creativity comes to life.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
No, I don't think so. I usually write about fictional places that I made up. For example, the house Lysandra and Damian live in, I haven't been in a similar one, but I know exactly where everything is. Or the palace in my other book, never been in one that looks like that – inside or out. I also live in a village, so maybe I tend to write about remote places, but I think that's the only influenced thing in my writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeahhhh... the main theme in my writing is usually an enemies-to-lovers relationship in different variations. Sometimes it's just rivals-to-lovers sometimes it's I-hate-my-brothers-bff, ... I guess I need a little loathing to write about a relationship.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
From my current WIP I think my favourite is Damian (don't tell Lysandra, haha). I just feel like he went through a lot growing up and he deserves true happiness... but I'm that mean author so Dam, you'll have to wait for a bit longer and I promise, there's a chance for a happy end, but there's also a chance for something so faaaar from a happy end for you... I'm sorry. And from my past WIPs I think I really love Maxine Kate, she was my first main character in a bigger project (project Zodiac). She's fierce, like a literal fire that she can control (on most occasions). I'm so looking forward to coming back to her story when I finish project A. N.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
This may be funny but... I don't know? 😂 I don't think the guys would want to be my friends... (Not Matthew – project Zodiac, not Nicholas – project Ice, not Damian – project A.N.) and I'm not sure about the girls either. I think the only one who would befriend me would be a side character from project A.N. – Aerilyn, and maybe I would somehow talk to Lysandra from the same project or Maxine from the project Zodiac. But Ezgi (the name is in process – inspo from a Turkish soap opera) from Project Ice would be too scary to approach 😂.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I think me and Lysandra would get into each others hair? The same goes for Maxine I guess. We're all stubborn as hell and very temperamental. And we all love to fight about nonsense. I've never got into a girl fight before but if we three met, it wouldn't end well. But I don't dislike them. The only character I hate the most is Bryce. A side character (a potential villain) in the project Ice. I HATE HIM. But the person who hates him, even more, is @themoondkid.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
That depends, sometimes they appear out of thin air, and sometimes I know them. I think the biggest problem I had with coming up with characters was for Damian and Lysandra. I somewhat knew what they looked like but the names? Loooong process and I'm still unsatisfied (not Damian tho, love his name and it really suits him).
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
They usually have a very deep problem that slowly destroys them. For Matthew, it's the "weight of the crown and high expectations." For Nicholas, it's the "being the black sheep of the family that everyone hates" For Damian, it's the "My father loathes me" For Maxine, it's the "I'm the daughter of the devil and demon controls me and my powers and I don't even know about it because I've got blackouts" For Ezgi, it's the "I hate my powers, I want to be normal again" And for Lysandra, it's the "nightmares that are far too real."
How do you picture your characters?
I see them. They usually are a bit hazy with no sharp edges but I see them as I write.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I created a very strong relationship towards writing. I write a diary from a very young age, I write poems when I need to cope with my emotions, and I write stories when I want to escape reality. I love it so much, I can't even picture my life without writing. I think without it I wouldn't be able to handle my emotions and thoughts as well as I do now.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love when my friends just ask me about my book without me mentioning it. When they want a simple update on my writing. I feel so seen and appriciated.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
I want to inspire them, to show them there is nothing you can't reach if you put your mind to it. I want to show them that every problem can be solved, and even if they suffer, a happy end is just around the corner, you just need to push through and hold on for a bit longer.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I feel like I overwrite descriptive parts and use a lot of metaphors. So hopefully that's my strength.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I need to let more people read my stuff for me to be able to answer this question.
How do you feel about your own writing?
If I go through my previous writing, there are parts I love so so much and parts I hate and know they need a rewrite. With my current writing I hate every word. I feel like it was written by a robot. So many unnecessary difficult words I use and I can't stop.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yeah, at least I wouldn't feel so alone. My characters would keep me company.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
Ha! I do the exact opposite. When I write and I get to a very sad part, I always think I would hate the author for the thing I just wrote. Then an evil laugh escapes my lips and we're good to go. I put my mind at ease that my friends promised to unalive me for every sad part I've written. But there are parts I enjoy and I know my readers will enjoy them too.
Tagging @creative-author and open tag!!
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cakegatedisaster · 7 months
Any other book recs bestie ?
(these are all some sort of gay FYI)
Captive Prince, by C. S. Pacat- fantasy vibes, kings and queens, no magic but it doesn't need it, three books, VERY morally grey main character, you really need to love complete assholes to enjoy this one (thankfully I do). Sword throwing, pretend identities, it's illegal to be straight, EXTREME enemies to lovers, they fucking hate each other, politics, but in a nice way, evil-plot-to-take-over-the-thrown shenanigans. EVEN MORE trigger warnings than aftg, like, so many, but nothing happens on screen. Second favorite series ever, right after aftg.
Wolfsong, by TJ Klune- Werewolves, little age gap, magic systems, found family, kinda second chance romance but not really, sad and happy, some violence, like 5 books, each with a different couple, very cheap on Amazon, you will cry.
Not Even Bones, by Rebecca Schaeffer- DARK, so dark, main characters are definitely the villains from anyone elses perspective, magical realism, sorta romance but not really, very plotty, very dramatic. For this series, I would also recommend the webtoon on Webtoon, it's free and has amazing art (but you should pick one, because there's three books and the comic is on the last one), this is another one where you really have to like bad people, or at least exceptionally morally grey people to really enjoy it. Highly recommend.
Summer Sons, by Lee Mandelo- holy shit this is so good, so dark and gritty, very Gothic-like vibes, main character is an absolute disaster being haunted by the love of his life, love interest is the definition of white trash and it's wonderful, I talk about it a little bit on here, go read it.
Damn these are all kinda dark, here's some happy ones:
Red White and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston- funniest book I've ever read, so gay it makes you feel like you're vomiting rainbows, a little political but it's easily ignored, rivals to friends to lovers, the movie is mid, read the book first.
The DRAMA series, by Paul Ruditiz- no one ever talks about these and it BREAKS MY HEART because it's so good, I've reread it so many times, this is for the theatre kids who want to feel seen, light and happy and fluffy, with genuine male/female friendship, and a developing relationship you never could have guessed, you can read them all in a day.
Carry On, by Rainbow Rowell- just the author's name should clue you in, imagine drarry but canon and gayer than you could imagine, vampire and wizards who cast spells with nursery rhymes, technically a trilogy but the first ones also a good stand-alone, absolutely perfect.
Song of Achilles, by Madeline Miller- I lied, this one is not just happiness and rainbows, a retelling of the tale of Achilles, read when you're in a good spot or you'll jump off a roof, but still go read it because it's something special, a future classic without a doubt (also go listen to Achilles Come Down on YouTube, it'll put you in the right mood)
That should keep you occupied for a min
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plaguery · 2 years
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here is my promised dmc oc, romy sears. she is like if a torture device was friend shaped.
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these two pics are about a year old now and certainly far from favorites but they show off those tattoo details that the first missed!
she is a post-dmc5 character, remotely working as an advisor of sorts for devil may cry through morrison's adept scouting and by way of her demonological expertise, intel on possible jobs and if she's feeling generous, her casting abilities.
at the time of joining the devil may cry ensemble, she is a thirty-one year old with about two decades of intensive autistic special interest studying and training behind her. a witness to a horrific devil attack at age eleven, she was somehow inspired and propelled into demonology and magical pursuits. her constant, reckless infodumping to helpless shop patrons and workers at her regular haunts made her a name in town to anyone who wanted to work with or against devils, leading up to morrison cracking down on her and setting up a devil may cry exclusive romy deal.
her cover and home base (tag 'home' as literal) is the antiques shop she owns and operates at the very edge of town on the mostly abandoned, eerie but alluring, bramford street. mixed in with your average porcelain antiques are demonic artifacts and 'possessed' items—particularly, dolls. these devils that she has personally conjured and bound are considered friends, while she considers herself a 'caretaker'.
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despite her fondness for the demonic, she teams up with devil may cry out of financial need and for the mental challenge that she figures it will present. you can guess that her morals are... pliant.
she is a cheery, talkative, and strangely elegant thing, but do not mistake that for extroversion. more a lively hermit, most of her hours are spent at her shop and she can only be pulled away for the sake of necessity or for furthering her aims of gaining knowledge/'friends'. social skills seem to be something that comes and goes for her: politeness quickly becoming intrusion into personal boundaries, chatter somehow turning every stranger in the vicinity away, picking up on heavily layered context while missing basic cues.
as she'll tell you, pride is her favorite of the cardinal sins, and you'll find her pride in her knowledge, fashion, hair, and accessories. the tuft of white in her victory roll is her favorite badge of honor, as it has grown over the years from exposure to the demonic. most notable though are her golden, clawed fingers: custom prosthetics that she acquired after losing her fingers in a conjuring gone wrong.
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if the antiques shop didn't tell you, she loves vintage and is most often seen in 40s or 50s inspired styles. the true mark of devotion is the trans-atlantic accent that she taught herself as a teenager and uses to this day (no, she will not admit to it being taught despite it inherently being a completely fabricated accent).
fun facts:
if she gets close enough to someone she will reveal that 'romy sears' is in fact not really her name and that she started using it after getting disowned at eighteen for accidentally setting her family trailer on fire with her first successful conjure & bind. she will not divulge her true last name but her given name is rosemary. 'romy sear(s)' is just the anagram treatment.
'rosemary', making it an anagram, and the name 'bramford' for the street are references to rosemary's baby. she has never and never will give birth and shes more akin to the creepy neighbors but i love references and she loves taking care of devils!
when she does leave the house, she is rarely seen without a multiseat stroller, seating a select few dolls for that day. as a caretaker, she figures it's important for enrichment purposes to get them out of the shop regularly.
the whole doll schtick is actually the whole inspiration for her character. i started simply with the idea of combining one of my favorite internet browsing activities (looking at haunted/possessed doll listings) with post-dmc5 fuckery.
objects moving and strange noises are part and parcel for the shop. however, there is also a bit of a time vortex due to the massive concentration of the demonic in one spot. it makes the veil between realms thinner but not by too much. it's helped by romy's many wards and charms around and throughout the shop but time still moves differently and is always off by around 5-25 minutes depending on circumstance.
if you read this far, thank you :) i really love her in all her freakishness. im (slowly) trying to work on a written intro* (i guess.. fic) with her. despite all i already wrote there is much more i already have in my mind. questions are welcomed if you happen to have them!
*here's a sneak peek of that ;)
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