#a LOT of text
whooiew · 5 months
Hi! I'm very curious about what is the basis of the Kafsant ship? Just cause cute?
Hello! I actually have a full script for this one question!
I'll separate them into different bits depending on how interested you are in learning more
They both came from a pretty fucked up past Kafka needing to fight tooth and nail to survive on the Columbian streets Snowsant with POVERTY and RACISM They both also have a fondness for braids Kafka is all street smarts and 0 books smarts While Snowsant is all books smarts (a literaly prodigy engineer) and 0 street smarts (extremely obvious in her operator records) Snowsant is anxious and worries a lot about the future (not anymore since So Long Adele, she has more self confidence now, we love to see it) Kafka is more of a living in the moment kinda girl And most importantly, the part that slam jams this ship together in the first place Snowsant is a place of comfort and reliability that the operators can rely on She's extremely genuine and pure of heart Kafka desperately needs a place of comfort and reliability in her life, and is magnitized to people who she sees as genuine, cause she just, wants someone that she can trust
And from here we'll be going into the DETAILS (1257 words ahead, might get sexual towards the end)
Kafka has absolutely no idea what love is like, in fact she's completely avoiding it most of the time due to her past but due to the nurture and nature dillema of Kafka
She actually greatly yearns for any sort of connection, as shown in her operator records featuring Silence Her Module featuring Silence Her Operator files featuring Rhodes Island treating them extremely well, as shown in Pinecone's Operator Records and Kafka's Files where she takes cares of the children and actively makes gifts for the Mansfield crew Snowsant on the other hand we don't really have any idea how she's like in terms of the concept of love, but if the liberi trend is anything to go by she'll be pretty intimate with it, making Kafka the one outlier whom's actively avoiding it
And I have a concept on how they've met actually
In case you didn't know, Kafka's basically Arknight's version of Robin Hood, she runs around stealing and stabbing people on the streets of Columbia but she still has a heart of gold and really only shanks those that deserves it, if they don't she'll just steal it, and she also looks out for her fellow hobos despite everything
IN Kafka's operator records, towards the end it was shown that Silence has met Kafka before actually
Back when Kafka stole Silence's breakfast and passes it along to a homeless child before running off, she also paid Silence of course, leaving her with a single coin (we'll come back to the coin part in a bit for brain rot) Now how does this tie to Snowsant you may wonder Snowsant's a Lungmen character isn't she? She's from Lungmen, how would she have met a Columbian WELL MY DEAR READER SNOWSANT'S BEEN TO COLUMBIA BEFORE!
Using her painfully saved up money and her winnings at Lungmen's Invention Competition, she moved to Columbia to further her studies to be the most EPIC ENGINEER EVER
But life for our little Snowsant isn't that good in Columbia
Being a Lungman Citizen she got hit with a good dose of RACISM, her social standing doesn't help either, causing her to not be treated that kindly throughout her stay there
If you've read So Long Adele, you should know that Snowsant cried herself to sleep over the prices of writing letters there
She was not well off in Columbia at all Now she actually made something FUCKING AMAZING, ABSOLUTELY REVOLUTIONARY, but due to her ZERO STREET SMARTS, she didn't copyright it, it got stolen, and the thieves made BANK with HER CREATION, ASSHOLES
Least to say poor Snowsant was fucking dying at this point
Now that's when our favorite corvid comes along, KAFKA, OUR ROBIN HOOD, she descends from the heavens to provide food and stuff whenever she can to Snowsant cause Snowsant's her fellow hobo at this point basically And of course eventually Snowsant goes back to Lungmen and stuff yadda yadda BUT EVENTUALLY, Snowsant and Kafka met back up on Rhodes again
Snowsant's of course very thankful and stuff, and from there on they sorta just hang out more cause Kafka's like, omg a fellow street kid YOOOOOO
So Kafka pays more attention in terms of taking care of Snowsant, which causes Snowsant to think Kafka might have feelings for her, after a bit eventually Snowsant drags her on a date and something something, oh hey maybe Kafka likes her too and she'll have to be forced to confront to the idea of it causing her to explode into a mess of feathers
As a result who knows Snowsant might think she did something wrong due to how she is as a a character and now its a MESS OH NO, eventually Kafka will have to get through to her feelings and confront it and YIPPEE YURI Apart from that I just think they'd be really cute with each other, they bounce off each other's flaws really well, like, Kafka's infinite confidence and gusto countering Snowsant's sheer lack of it
And Snowsant just being a general safe zone for Kafka to let her guard down around, because Snowsant's never really hiding anything, she's always genuine
Which is something Kafka really likes. ALSO THEY HAVE THE SAME LIBERI TRAIT OF SIDE HAIR FEATHERS And that's pretty much the basics
So now that we've gone over express details on how Snowsant and Kafka are like as characters I'ma explain a bit more about them Snowsant is a pure of heart girl, your average goodie two shoes, she's a prodigy genius, she has an insane amount of mental endurance, being able to go through failure after failure but despite it all still being able to keep her head up high and continue moving forward
She cares for her family greatly, family is extremely important to her in fact, hell a good amount of her paycheck gets sent back to her family even
But all of that comes with a price, she's still slightly anxious about things, doesn't really take care of herself, and has a nasty habit of, zoning in too much (this will be discussed further later)
Kafka on the other hand, on the surface may seem like an annoying piece of shit, but once you get to know her she actually has a heart of gold, becoming Rhodes Island's invisible guardian angle in a sense, looking out for her fellow operators whenever wherever
She also has a fondness for kids as she visits them often and even makes gifts for them
Speaking of gift making, Kafka is an avid tinkerer and arts and crafts nerd
And of course can't forget, harboring of PLANT AUTISM
But yeah, she cares for people greatly, especially ones that's close to her
Be it anyone from the Mansfield Crew Silence Ifrit (implied) You the Doctor She's the peak of Liberi, with how Liberi characters are usually very caring about their relationships, be it their S/O or their friends and family, they care greatly for them Fitting for Kafka because she's a Jackdaw! Jackdaws immensely loyal to their partners and will pretty much never leave one once they find one all that aside, I just think these 2 would be really sweet and they'd just be happy to have someone that they can lean on especially Kafka
(This is where the sexual parts are: )
There's also the side to Snowsant where she actually surprisingly dominant
Which unironically fits how White Eared Pheasants are like
I've always made Snowsant the more assertive one, and more recent Snowsant content supports that fact
There's some parts to Snowsant, small parts, but pieced together it shows a bigger picture and I'd say Snowsant does have a dominant side to her but she keeps it in check It'll only really come out when she's in the mood and zone for it, specifically when she starts zoning stuff out again Like damn yeah she'd definitely tie Kafka up and whisper sensually into her ears while teasing her
The whole zoning out thing I've explored a bit more when writing a specific short fic but it was shown officially in her operator records where Snowsant completely zoned out everything around her when she got caught thinking about how to pay for her book publishing fee, completely zoning out the fact that Closure was telling her that Doc and Closure already paid for it
Which fits into white eared pheasants being usually pretty reserved when it comes to the act of sex until a switch flips on and they go into a breeding frenzy
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ladyannemarie5 · 1 year
So... Remember my old post of WarLord!Geralt searching for the bard and discovering that Jaskier is Radovid's consort in Redania?
You can see it here
Well, I couldn't stop thinking about that and here's just part of what I've come up with so far. 
Caution: Lots and lots of text. Almost 2k words.
Geralt's first formal order as Warlord of the North is to search the continent for the bard Jaskier.
Five years have passed since Geralt last saw Jaskier. Five years since the mountain disaster and the day Geralt made the bard believe that the greatest blessing of his life would be to get rid of him.
Since then, Geralt has found his surprise child, resolved his issues with Yennefer and formed a new empire under his and the other witchers' command. And there hasn't been a single moment when he hasn't regretted pushing his bard away. 
That is why, as soon as political things settle down and his mainly non-human subjects begin to form real households, the new warlord sends all available people to search for the man who made him White Wolf.
He knows from Yen, that Jaskier became the Sandpiper, so he has the witchers approach the smuggling network to help the refugees get to his new realm and also to gather as much information as they can about the poet's whereabouts. 
They hear rumors and whispers about the famous bard Jaskier singing in taverns and famous courts, but every time they reach the last place where he was seen, it turns out that the bard has already departed. It also seems that 20 years at the side of a witcher have made him very good at running away from them without a trace. 
Geralt grows more desperate by the day. He wants to apologize to Jaskier, he wants to tell him how sorry he is and how much he wants him to come back to him, because he is finally ready to stop running away from his feelings. He needs Jaskier by his side, either as his lover or simply as his friend. He just needs to know that the poet is safe and sound.
That's why his heartbeat stops for a moment when new information arrives from the bard. It turns out that Nilfgaard beat him to it and captured Jaskier months ago. 
Geralt moves all his people to search for the place where the bard is being held prisoner until they finally find the small fort where their sources say he is. Geralt himself leads the attack.
Everyone is really confused when they break through the entrances and discover that there is no one alive there. There are only remnants that there was once a small army operating in the place but they fled some time ago. 
Unfortunately, there are also remnants of torture in one of the fort's dungeons. Geralt feels an immense urge to vomit as he enters the place and the smell of Jaskier's blood reaches his nostrils. His eyes sting with tears of anger and sadness when he finds a piece of blue silk in one of the corners. His anger and grief increase when they find a funeral pyre on the outskirts of the site. Jaskier is gone forever.
Shortly thereafter, the University of Oxenfurt issues a statement mourning the death of its greatest teacher and legend, the bard Jaskier. Apparently, a Redanian convoy was on a reconnaissance mission when they found a fort with remnants of Nilfgaard troops. Upon entering they discovered that the soldiers had already left but had left the body of a man in one of the dungeons. One of the men, apparently a fan of the bard, recognized his belongings and alerted his superiors to the man's identity. Jaskier's body was burned by the Redanians due to the advanced state of decomposition. All that remained was a broken elven lute that was given to the university as proof of the poet's death.  
Geralt demands that the lute be given to him. Eskel and Lambert are required to hold it when the dean refuses to give the instrument to the witcher on the grounds that Jaskier himself had left them to them in his will. The document firmly states that all of the bard's possessions were to pass to the university to dispose of as they see fit. 
Geralt cries for the first time in years when he finds out. Officially, he has nothing left of his bard. 
The Sandpiper network continues to operate as usual, at least for a while since the discovery of the fort, until something incredible happens: Redania enacts a new law saying that all elves, dwarves and other non-humans would no longer be persecuted, and could even choose to be legal citizens of Redania. 
Years pass since then. Ciri, Yen, Triss and his brother witchers remain by his side and life on the continent continues almost unchanged as the White Wolf finishes consolidating himself as a monarch of a strong and prosperous territory. The hope that Jaskier will one day appear alive and singing about the Warlord every day fades. They hadn't seen the body and when Yen wanted to use a tracking spell with the lute just to make sure, it led to nothing.
And then politics suffers another attack: King Vizimir of Redania is murdered. Yen says that rumors point to his own brother, Prince Radovid, being the one who murdered him, as he was crowned that very night at the side of his lover, a random nobleman named Julian. Geralt does not doubt it. Humans are cruel and ambitious.
The obligatory mourning passes slowly, one day all the kingdoms (except Nilfgaard) are summoned to celebrate the new king and his consort. To the surprise of everyone in Kaer Morhen, the White Wolf and his entourage are invited to the celebrations. Yen and Triss say that it would be rude not to go, as Redania fully recognizes their kingdom unlike other territories, so it would be beneficial for Geralt to attend and seal ties with a kingdom as powerful as Redania. 
Geralt wants nothing more than to stay in Kaer Morhen and continue to evade the outside world. Jaskier is no longer in it so there is nothing interesting out there. But he knows it's inevitable that he will attend the Redania celebrations, and Yen is right, it's a great opportunity. So he and his entourage leave for the kingdom. 
They are greeted in a grand manner, just like any other monarch and his entourage. Redania has shown that he wants to form ties with Kaer Morhen, so Geralt decides that he will do his best to make it all go well. It seems that King Radovid himself and his consort will welcome them once they have settled in properly. 
Geralt feels all the air leave his lungs, his head feels heavy and in turmoil, and he thinks he will burn Redania to the ground for such an offense. Next to King Radovid, stands a man with blue eyes and brown hair. A man resembling Jaskier stands right there, his arm resting on the king's arm. 
He introduces himself as Julian Alfred Pankratz, formerly Viscount of Lettenhove, now royal consort to King Radovid.
Yen cannot help but advance to him with a murderous look. He magically probes him and in an icy voice lets them all know that he really is Jaskier, the bard dead years ago. Julian replies that it's really good to see everyone once again. 
The welcome feast begins. Geralt can't take his eyes off Jaskier. The king and his consort act like any normal couple, both conversing with each other, together and very intimate. Geralt feels his stomach churn. 
At some point in the night, Julian manages to sneak into Geralt's room. He silently asks the Witcher to verify that no one is listening and that there are no traces of magic around. Geralt confirms that they are alone. 
Geralt has many questions, but he can't say any. Not with the man he thought was dead in front of him. But he finally gets something out of his mouth, asking for explanations. 
Julian tells the witcher that after the mountain he traveled for a while by himself, but seeing the injustices to the elves and other non-humans made him want to do something. With his contacts in the RSS he became the Sandpiper. He would go back and forth from Oxenfurt to other places on the continent to recruit new people into the network. During his stays in Oxenfurt and thanks to Philippa and Dijkstra, he met Prince Radovid. 
Geralt's heart breaks when he hears from the bard how lonely and desperate he felt until Radovid came into his life.
"By the time I realized it, I was lost and hopelessly in love with Radovid," he tells Geralt. 
The warlord can't help but mention that the bard fell in love with a king-killer. Julian jumps to his consort's defense and tells Geralt everything. 
Philippa and Dijkstra want to take Redania to war against Nilfgaard, they assassinated Queen Hedwig to make Vizimir give in to their advice, however, the king didn't. The two councilors then went to harass Jaskier, threatening his job as the Sandpiper to tell them the location of Geralt and Ciri, so they could use it as political leverage against Nilfgaard. Of course the bard refused. 
So Jaskier was kidnapped and tortured by Nilfgaard to find out the location of Geralt and Ciri. Radovid, madly in love and worried about Jaskier, set out to look for him everywhere, until he was finally found dying in the fort. Philippa and her magic saved him. 
Radovid, concerned for the bard's safety, proposed to him to fake his death in order to drive away all those who were looking for him, including the man who despised him on a mountain. Jaskier accepted on the condition that he stop pursuing the elves. 
As the announcement of Jaskier's death shook the entire continent, he and the prince planned to leave the castle and travel together, away from the intrigues of the court. Vizimir, happy for his brother, immediately agreed to let them both leave as long as they accepted his help and communicated constantly. The night of their departure, Vizimir was assassinated. 
Geralt is shaken when Jaskier tells him that Philippa and Dijkstra killed Vizimir so they could manipulate Radovid and take Redania to war. The new king is stalling as long as possible, but there is no denying the influence of both advisors on the king's decisions. Geralt snarls when he learns that the sorceress and spymaster are threatening the former bard's life to make Radovid do as they command. 
Jaskier knows that Geralt hates him, that he is not complying with the one thing he has asked of him, but he needs him to get Dijkstra and Philippa out of the picture so he can save Redania and his lover from going to war. And so he lets the witcher know. 
And well, that's it. At least until now. 
I want to clarify that anyone who wants to write this has my absolute permission to do so, just tell me so I can read it because I definitely don't think I'll write it myself. If you want to comment on something, another idea, another point, an insult, change something to this. etc., you are welcome to do so. I don't usually reply much but I really do read everything posted on Tumblr. 
Thanks if you read all this verbal vomit and apologies once again for the huge amount of words.
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yulen-the-ghost · 7 months
OKOKOK I just got an idea.
What if... Shen Jiu's soul actually went to the modern world and took Shen Yuan's place, also with a points system and the magnificent OOC.
He is pissed, but after having limbs again and the opportunity to live once more, he can't quite complain, so he does his best. (This whole thing could also apply to the Shang Qinghua that airplane took over).
The original Luo Binghe actually can travel to Bing-mei's world, could this actually mean he can go into the modern world?
Maybe he wants to revive his own Shizun or maybe he will get to the modern world to get that one (actually pretty much the same guy)
ANYWAY the simple idea of Bing-ge being able to travel to the modern world opens so many possibilities!!
- Shang Qinghua actually going to the modern world accompanied by his cold husband to show him his wold.
- Shen Yuan in the concept where he is forced to go back to his world and Binghe finding him.
- Luo Bing-ge actually trying to merge a third realm into his.
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empyrealwinter · 1 month
Scuse me for rambling, but
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I haven't been happy with alot of the art I do recently, and most of that art is fanart. I think I compare myself to much to others and how they style things. I love analyzing things and graphic design and shot composition and really anything related to art is a big interest of mine. I can tell was goes well, its not to hard to analyze the pieces that get big. Subsequently I try to fit myself into that box because I like entertaining people. Seeing people react well to my art feels great! But I feel like I do best when Im not trying to put it out there.
Always feels like there's to little to much on a page or the characters just aren't drawn quite right or this that and the other. But when I draw my characters, who only a small handful of people know, just feels like I'm art-ing right. But in the end it'll be a stoke of luck if those characters and story take off. And thats okay, I don't need thousands of eyes on my silly little dudes I've some how kept around since middle school. But it would ne nice if every now and again people saw them
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I've gotta start drawing them again first though
Some of this art is new some of it isn't, do with that what you will. The Cat was for a film project and the guy with the curly hair is Cider who I've somehow kept relatively the same since 2017
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animationismycomfort · 3 months
I feel like clumsy smurfs personality in every iteration is kinda bad
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thatweirdanchpvy · 28 days
Lotta text with no image warning
Spoiled diseases, my unfinished pizza tower au has a disease/virus/idk that I dont have a name for it yet. It rots your inners first, and causes you to feel unnecessarly hungry. You will stink and you will attract bugs. You will get a bloody nose(or cry blood if you don't have a nose), and you may lose sight in your eyes if not treated.
The only finished things I have RN are, Peppino(infected) is in the hospital, Pepperman(infected) ran away for unfinished lore reasons, Vigi is sleepless trying to find Pepperman, The Noise's is also at the hospital due to breaking his leg, his wife(infected) sometimes visiting, I have not finished where pizzahead(patient 0), Feppino(infected), Gustavo, Snotty, John or Gerome is
List of people
Infected: Peppino, Pepperman, Pizzahead(patient 0), Noisette
Uninfected: Gustavo, Brick, The Noise, The Vigilante, Snotty
Immune(can still carry the disease): Gerome, John, Feppino, PizzaFace
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smetankaart · 11 months
Kar'niss headcanon
I had an idea in my head recent days, what if Kar'niss was fighting against Lolth herself and that's why he was turned into a drider in a first place?
Just imagine how it's terrible to be turned in her abomination with broken soul and mind after all these years of fighting against Queen of Spiders.
And he's just a loyal servant without his own personality because it was violently destroyed.
It's making his character even more tragic than it is.
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Short Introduction: Good morning, day, evening or whatever you could say. I'll just say that I'm a fan of Itch.io's visual novels and games. I am a fan of @arcadekitten and others whose names I don't remember... (I don't have a good memory...) I like listening to music, sometimes I listen to the same song for 14 hours straight while playing Itch.io games, here is a playlist with some of my favorite songs.
So far my favorite games are Dead Plate, Here For Sweethearts, Sweet no Death, Bad End Theater, Hello Charlotte, (Don't) Open Your Eyes, Portal, Majotori, Doki Doki Literature Club, Cold Front and Starry Flowers.
I am deeply grateful to anyone who has taken the trouble to read this introduction, I know it is just one of the many, but the fact that someone will still take the time to read it in full makes me deeply happy, thank you for reading.
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imelht · 2 years
Since you're accepting asks can we please learn more about Equinox ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alright! This is going to be a bit long since Equinox has plenty behind him.
Equinox is Meta Knight’s and King Dedede’s child but apparently, he is a dampyr!
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A dampyr is what you call the offspring of a vampire and a human (in this case, mortal.) I head canon that Meta Knight is a vampire (hence the fangs I give him.) Equinox was brought into this world not by Star Dream, but instead from Meta Knight’s own power. (The story goes that Meta Knight used cellular alteration to bring him to life as a small child. Whether or not his birth was natural or artificial is something Meta Knight will not tell anyone…) However, since he is half-vampire and half-mortal he does not suffer from any vampiric weaknesses (such as sunlight or silver) but he still ages (very slowly just like a puff) and he also still deals with his bloodlust.
Despite being a vampiric being he is very gentle and benevolent in nature, though he has his wild streaks* sometimes. He also is very well aware of his surroundings, he is cunning and he is a very quick learner. He also seems to take his bloodlust even better than Meta…
Equinox was born on September 22, which was also the day of an equinox (autumn equinox.) When he was born his parents were overjoyed that the alteration was a success (he didn’t die or carry any off-genes or mutations…) and he was quickly taken in and introduced to the Waddle Dees, Kirby etc…
He is still extremely young despite him looking like a small child or even teen. He knows to to read and speak and he has proven himself to be very empathetic to Meta Knight’s surprise. Despite being a work of dark magic he seems to be just as legit as any child born by natural means.
In his off-time he likes to play and eat with Kirby, he has a really big gut and will eat three-fourths of his weight in a single sitting. (As mentioned in a previous post one of the tags said he really likes sweets…) He also enjoys reading (specifically psychology and short fiction…)
His physical figure represents King Dedede’s but he has Meta’s wings, claws and fangs. He also has a small tail which you can see if he is not wearing his robe. He sports a robe-cape that covers his arms but is open in the front, revealing a fuzzy tummy and a band similar to Dedede’s. On the back is a mashup of Meta Knight’s and Dedede’s insignias. He also has a tuft of hair on top of his head and has longer fur on his belly. His fangs are two on the top, two on the bottom (not grown in yet & same as Meta’s) he is able to walk outside at daytime without the need for a parasol and he also is able to eat human food with ease (he can be sustained on it as well.) (Still needs blood occasionally though…)
In general Equinox is a dampyr who is very kind. He loves his fathers and despite having a dark side he does not give into it. (Meta is a very good role model, as he has undergone his own harsh journey through darkness in order to find light. He struggles with his lusts, sure, but he has the willpower to deal with them and stow them away.)
Lore on Meta’s affliction will be coming soon, it will clear up any confusion that you might have in regards to Meta and his vampiric nature. More may be added to Equinox’s backstory as well.
Also, thank you so much Anon for asking! Have these pictures of Equinox for now.
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valkyrievanessa · 1 year
is kinda wild that i was obsessed with honkai impact few months ago and now i preffer Punishing Gray Raven. Their gameplay is kinda similar (there is a lot of differences, but just looking they do look kinda similar), the story have a similar premise (world ending by a mysterious force, high technology), and that's it, everything else is kinda different, a lot.
the best difference between them is their meta. Honkai Impact meta is a... mess, like, really a mess. Every patch is a new top meta character, every patch is a character you must have to be able to play the abyss and etc. because the new character have a unique mechanic and this unique mechanic is the only thing capable to interact with the new boss, without the character, even if you manage to beat the boss (sometimes is impossible) your rank will go down and you will receive less rewards, and this is not because you are worst then the guys on the top, but because they have the new characters and their weapons that are made to deal with the new boss, and know the combo to totally annihilate the new boss, you just are good in the game, so you don't deserve the high rank.
PGR in the other hand, even the broken characters became kinda useless if you don't know how to use them (is hard to use the broken character if they are dead, and they will die if you not become good enough with dodge and parry) and if the meta matter so much for you, the strongest dark character right now is being given for free and the last dark character released is not better than her and the next top meta dark character will only lunch in the next year, you don't even need her 6 star weapon (some character does need their best weapon, but it doesn't mean they are useless). Also your rewards are not attached to your points, but for how much you played the mode in a week, so you can still farm the gacha currency without being affected by your rank. I also like setting of PGR more, honkai impact setting is good, but like, PGR is perfection.
The things i like more in Honkai than in PGR is 1: the representation, most of the honkai impact cast is made of lesbians (and a bi woman), 2: the protagonist. Your character in honkai impact, the capitan, is not canon, he does not exist, Kiana is our protagonist, the male capitan that build an harem? he's for events only, for the main canon story he doesn't exist at all. In PGR you not only exist but is the protagonist, you kinda have tons of people (both men and woman, and that is cool) interested in you romantically (kinda, tons of them), but the protagonist are pretty much a self insert, probably a guy, that had one scene where Lucia kiss the camera, because you also don't have a face, so the scene is cool but the camera kissing is really weird (i imagine the commandant as a woman to create some of immersion for me, but it is probably a guy, if Punishing Gray Raven ever recieve an adaptation, the protagonist will be a male character, they always are). There is also a couple of lesbians in PGR, but just a couple, like, these two girls that are obviously a couple even if the game don't say it (at least, i don't remember that was said), one of them where exploded by a orbital bombardment? yes, but they exist and the dead girl recieved a F2P rank S unit that is really powerful after she died, and more story about her.
I am on the chapter 15 of PGR, maybe i will be surprised in the future, there is a lot to read.
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soderdog · 2 years
Character reference sheets time!!
so,, here is my fursonas refs with info about them, lets go!!!!
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Whiskey is my truesona, I use them to say "it's me, but not me!!". They have my real name (Max**), they have long claws bc I have long nais (it's really usefull), they have same hair and eye color as me.
fun fact: I named them "Whisky" bcause I heard there character named Brandy in "Bluey". Like "ha-ha drink dogs"
Fun fact 2: Also one of their names is Scotch, bc I know only one sort of whiskey - blended scotch whiskey.
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Soda is more like mascot. Or Whiskey's fursona. Soda is more ideal or cooler image of Whiskey. They have chainsaw and superpower to get chainsaws from nowhere. Also Soda is not exist. They just in Scotch's imagination.
Apple (Juice)
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Apple it's worst image of Whiskey. Like if we look on whiskey in black glasses. All Apple's characteristics it's Whiskey's, but explained like something bad. For example: Apple helping only because he want to feel better or he wants a feedback. It's mean that Apple's help it's bad and narcissistic. btw you can explain everything from this pov.
Important: Apple also in Whiskey's imagination. So, all contacts Apple with Scotch only in his head. And not less important, it's the fact that Apple is more like ... Some..hmm... Something. Their body don't have any organs or bones inside, they also don't have anything that can say something abt their biological sex, but Apple can generate it, if he wants. But Apple need to know how these organs looks and works. They can do it by touch/scan it, or by reading/watching/listening about them. If you interested how apple works: Apple it's part of black mystic something, that something it's their brain and other things he needed. Yes, if you divide Apple, you will have Apple and... Other mystic silverfox. It's way how msf multiplying.
fun fact: Apple can also make their paws or neck longer, or move it around. it's means, that there no way to draw Apple's anatomy wrong. Just draw body, 4 paws, tail, head and neck, no matter where!
fun fact2: one of Apple's names is January, because I/Whiskey/Soda/Apple was born in that month!! And also it's shorts to Jan.
(not really) fun fact 3: One of Apple's names is my deadname so I wish you step on a lego if you want to know it or if you will call me by that name 🥰.
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Apple can have inbetween form with Soda or Scotch. It's looks like Soda (or Scotch) have parts of Apple. Like Soda with black paws, or other edgy stuff. Soda (but not Scotch) also can get more paws, or wings or whatever from Apple.
If for Soda collaboration with Apple means "omg new cool superpowers, I can have two butts now!!", for Scotch it means "oh no, now I'm just like my mothers" or "I'm becoming someone who I hate"
Also, Scotch not becomes part-time Apple irl, in his case it's only metaphor, no super powers or something. They have this "dirty paws" effect only in his mind
edit 26 feb of 2023: end part was cutted. Apple and inbetween explained better. Added fun fact abt Apple. text became shorter.
edit 3 mar of 2023: added more info about Apple :)
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mrsheo · 2 years
do you like the sonic x english dub?
Mmm, it's not the best, but I don't dislike it. I know that people love Japanese dub and that English version changed some things.
It was easier for me to watch in English or Ukrainian, because most of the time I turned it on to listen on the background, while drawing or doing something else. I don't really liked Kris's and Amy's voices in English dub, they sounded annoying *sorry* (T-T) (Sometimes it was hard to understand Cream, but I think it's on me and my English.)
Overall, I don't think Japanese dub would change my overall opinion on the show.
About Ukrainian dub (they didn't translate all episodes): it's imperfect, as they translated from English and still had a lot of text missing. However, they made the best decision, when they translated Shadow's name as Morok (darkness in English). I don't know why Shadow was localized and the others weren't, but this is beautiful XD Also, here is an example from the dub I used for a short video. In English dub Kris said: "I'm totally useless and I should have stayed home."
In Ukrainian: "I must admit my worthlessness and just stay at home."
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morningsaidthemoon · 3 months
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might continue work on this one,, ✨✨
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itsdefinitely · 24 days
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some screenshot redraws
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 9 months
Yesterday marked the 100th day of genocide. Please, do not get used to this. Our people, killed, bombed, kidnapped, stripped, executed and starved is not normal. Our kids in pieces, their body parts collected in bags is not normal.
Israel has killed 23,700 human. More than 10,300 child. We'd need 177 school bus to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in gaza. 10,022 fatherless child. 8,352 motherless child. The wounded have their wounds rot and die waiting in front of the crossing. Maggots seen inside alive people's wounds. 5,500 pregnant woman will give birth in the upcoming weeks. 100 Days of Genocide. 100 Days of the world watching silently.
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copepods · 5 months
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