#a Revelation
agarthanguide · 9 months
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My very polite yet deeply anxious dog accidentally discovered deep pressure therapy under my brother’s weighted blanket and heavy pillows last week and now she demands a long session after every morning walk.
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plumadot · 2 months
what if i reblogged my own art NOT just to appear active but because i actually still really like it
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ribbittrobbit · 7 months
honestly, what can rashawn not do
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ianthedebonair · 26 days
What is this whole Vote Chen propaganda? I know that the Marshal is our wronged unappreciated princess. but you all are forgetting our origins. So let me remind you of what Ricardo has done for our country:
• Managed befriend a wild, aggressive Possum with rabies that lived in the sewers and alleys of Lós-diabos, better known as sidestep.
•poker face, all the way to hell when he saw our face being the carbon copy of the guy who killed his only good father figure. because he truly believes in us and that we are not our past or the people who raised/made us (sweet)
•fell in love with Sidestep (Stupid)
• fell in love with Sidestep while he was being a womanizer, closet bisexual and in a complicated relationship with his ex-girlfriend that he asked us to erase/change her mind/memory with our powers. (Messy)
• realized that this was a Fucked up thing to ask of us. and apologized. supports local restaurants, takes us to eat whatever we want with his Rangers's no limit/government money credit card (humble).
• Agreed to be our Boy-toy, no strings attached, sexy Fling. ( a Romantic )
•took us to live with his mother when we practically became a ticking time bomb of telepathic powers after the Nanoverse incident (a family man)
•saw his dearest friends and his team under his command fail fatally in the heartbreak mission, saw the person he loved most jumping out of a window to his death in front of his eyes and could do nothing (traumatized)
•had to endure give a speech to an empty coffin, and show the defeat publicly while still in mourning, hit a journalist in the process (iconic)
•become an alcoholic, begins to see and talk to a ghost version of us in his mind (got crazy)
•has his driver's license confiscated after riding his motorbike the wrong way on a busy highway, his electrical part of the arm generators is turned off, retires as Marshal, and threatened with losing the part of the generator that moves the legs if he doesn't go to therapy, shouts at his therapist, cries in therapy, process some of the grief in therapy( Got a lil better)
•spends the next seven years now trying to balance being part of the new team and justice for his dead mentor. a fresh start, right? (Haha oh, boy…)
the love of his life returns from the grave. More crumbled, alert, suspicious and ragged than ever.
reveals that was held in tortured captivity (that you didn't help escape)
reveals that they escaped alone and DIDN'T want to look for you back
a new villain appears and beats the shit out of you
You start dating this person 20 years younger than you for information and they give you this feeling of familiarity like your now-not dead friend, who keeps avoiding you.
Haha you still Love them.
they can now be either a villain, or in contact with the criminal siblings who killed your mentor, or creating a criminal group, or killing heroes, or an anarchist or a ReGene version of the person you once loved.
Or could it be that this person was always a Re-gene, and you were always too focused on self-affirmative theories to realize, Or ask?
a Tumblr sexy man. has to be tragic, traumatized at the same time as comically tortured by the narrative. a grown adult at the same time as a baby girl the people want Ricardo, because he is All of that AND obsessed with us ( Sidestep ) in every way, shape or Form and we deserve that
(and even if you don't take the romantic route with him. He's still obsessed with you the same way. We are, above all, his best friend and he won't let go of us)
I finish my case.
You know what's more tragic, traumatizing, and comically torturous? Him losing the tumblr sexy man tournament 😌
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caffeineheroes · 24 days
Tolkien TAUGHT Mary Renault. He was a FAN. His favorite fanmail was from HER. [x]
I am still reeling from this information about two of the most influential authors of my youth and LIFE.
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spinnysocks · 4 months
i wanna explore an adopted father & son relationship between mzingo and janja but i feel that they'd be so awkward about it that it'd just be like that one meme
Janja: Did you just make a dad joke?
Mzingo: Did you just call me dad?
mwoga is there like. for fucks sake we adopted janja years ago 😭 he can see right through both of them despite not being as close to janja, but even though mzingo is literally janja's dad figure they never bring it up. because they're stupid /affectionate
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thatthirdtriplet · 4 months
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne & Garfield Logan & Koriand'r & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags:
Other Additional Tags to Be Added Damian Wayne-centric Eldritch eldritch damian Wayne Damian Wayne Acts Like a Kid Damian Wayne Acts Like a Cat LMAO love that tag protective Damian Wayne alternate Universe identity Reveal Tim Drake Loves Damian Wayne Damian Wayne Loves Tim Drake Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Bonding Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Get Along
Tim never asked for a literal shadow to... well... shadow him all the time, but the little guy grew on him.
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hope-to-hell · 2 years
Who was your sexual awakening I’ll go first
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i-am-the-oyster · 2 months
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brine-in-my-eyes · 8 months
ive loved myself more than ever before
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dogstarblues · 4 months
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vizthedatum · 9 months
I think something that (and this isn’t surprising but bears being said) helped me was to know that other men and non-binary people like me EXIST
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slowrotation · 11 months
pro tip: if you're anything like me, your insomnia might be caused not by your prodigious caffeine intake, but by the very mild B12 deficiency you've been ignoring for months
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aristocraticvision · 2 years
Chapter 60: A Revelation
Returning to Rome, all seemed well at first. Quintus, who had been acting as Cicero’s campaign manager, reassured us that the campaign was running smoothly. Cicero’s path to the consulship, he said, was assured, based on the feedback he was hearing from supporters throughout the city.
Then Atticus came to call. Joining Cicero, Quintus and I in the library, he came straight to the point.
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“I had dinner on the Palatine last night, at the home of Metellus Celer and the Lady Clodia, and among the guests was the former consul, Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura.”
“By heavens, Atticus,” Cicero exclaimed, teasing. “The company you keep!”
Atticus ignored him.
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“Did you know that Letulus is trying to make a comeback by standing for praetor this year?”
“Really?” Cicero said. “So the gang of rascals grows, then. He’s quite close to Catalina, after all, isn’t he?”
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“Oh yes,” Atticus said. “And they’re all very supportive of one another. Catalina, Hybrida, Lentulus and others – I definitely got the idea there were more. So I encouraged him to go on, and kept refilling his wine over and over until his tongue loosened and he finally revealed his secret.”
“Which is?” Cicero asked.
“They’re being backed by Crassus.”
“What do you mean, backed?” Quintus asked.
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“Don’t be dense, Quintus,” Cicero said. “He’s financing them, of course – buying the whole election.”
“But what reason could Crassus have for seeing such men in power?” Quintus asked.
Cicero turned to his brother.
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“To spite me,” he said, simply.
Atticus was silent, a sign of agreement.
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“Nonsense, Marcus!” Quintus said. “Crassus hates you, that’s no secret. But does he hate you more than he loves money? I think not.”
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“You’re mistaken, brother,” Cicero replies. “Think about it! It all makes sense. Hybrida’s games, Catalina’s bribing his way out of corruption charges – neither of them had the money to do what they were credited with, but both accomplished them just the same!”
Cicero turned to Atticus.
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“Thank you, my friend,” he said. “Now that we know who we are fighting, our task will be easier.”
“Easier?” Quintus said, shaking his head. “We can’t fight Crassus, Marcus! We don’t have the resources.”
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“Not financially, perhaps,” Cicero replied. “But there are other weapons than money, Quintus, and most of them are just as lethal.”
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lmao the moment i learned how to take care of my hair from the internet and the 'frizzy straight' hair i had turned into curls and ringlets. i wish they taught this stuff in school.
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