#a bit of a vent a bit of a colour practice
trustymikh · 9 months
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Keep it together
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atinystraynstay · 7 months
My Flower - Park Seonghwa
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Synopsis: Seonghwa saw you as his world, his everything. You're always the person he can go to when he has to make a tough decision. You are always eagerly listening to the new tracks and watching the dance practices for upcoming performances. Even after long days, you were there to welcome him with open arms. What happens when his whole universe is left feeling like the world is against them?
Pairing: Idol! Park Seonghwa x reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, established relationship
Word Count: 2k
Warning: does describe anxiety and a bit of depression. If you ever do need a place to vent, always feel free to send a message. You're never alone 🩷
You couldn’t shake how you were feeling. From the moment you woke up, you felt like clouds were hanging over your head. You tried your best to shake off the feeling by actually getting out of bed and getting in the shower.
Growing up, you used to be more shy about expressing your emotions. People used to comment how much they loved your smile when you were younger. It even got you the title of “the kid who always smiles.” You had a genuinely happy childhood, but the title and comments from people taught you that negative emotions such as sadness or anger should never be expressed.
Those bad days became intense because you got into the bad habit of allowing emotions build inside of you to the point you would burst. Those intense moments would cause you to cry until your chest hurts, not knowing why exactly you were upset because they were a cultivation of numerous events that occurred - some fairly recent to things that happened weeks ago. You would describe your younger self as a volcano waiting to erupt. You gave off the illusion that you were calm, put together. That was until the emotions bubbled up and overflowed. The severity of the eruption dependent on what triggered it.
It is part of the reason why you started therapy at a young age. Realizing you were struggling, your mom took it upon herself to get you set up with a therapist so you could begin to learn how to regulate your emotions. You’re thankful your mom was that proactive.
Of course, the way you handled your emotions at 15 is not the same being in your 20s. Going to college was a time that tested your development, your way of being but also helped you grow. You discovered more ways to help you calm down, how to communicate more efficiently when you were frustrated or upset, and learned to accept the bad days as life lessons. Truth be told, you felt more in control once you were living independent and finding who you really were meant to be.
Since getting with Seonghwa, you could say you’ve had more good days than bad. He was the person who offered a safe refuge to feel out and express your emotions. One of your favorite ways to unwind was to just watching Seonghwa build his lego sets. He just looked so at peace as his focused on which pieces go where. It made you feel content seeing him so relaxed which ultimately helped you, knowing that he was taking care of himself.
It was hard for Seonghwa to show his true colours sometimes. Being the oldest member, he felt the pressure to put on a brave face, strong aura especially for his younger members. Like you, he thrived on being the person people could depend on. With you though, he didn’t have to pretend everything was ok. He could cry, vent, scream if he needed to. You guys balanced each other out, or at least that’s what he thought.
He didn’t know over the past few months, you’ve begun to harbor your emotions again. You were so focused on providing for Seonghwa, attending to your job and other responsibilities that you were beginning to slip again. Yet, you didn’t want to show any signs of it. You were positive that you were strong enough to weather any storm.
Lately, life felt like you were trapped in a hurricane. Your job was severely understaffed, which meant your workload doubled than what it was supposed to be. It didn’t help that you didn’t get much joy out of your job either. You worked longer hours, and over time, you’ve had to give up going to the gym. You sometimes weren’t coming home until 7 or 8pm, completely drained from having to be at work at 7am. Your boss promised it was temporary, that they were actively searching for new employees, but it’s been months at this rate.
It didn’t help that Seonghwa hasn’t been home often. His attention was needed at the studio most days. ATEEZ were preparing for their new comeback, and you were so proud of all of them. You just hated being separated from your partner for so long, especially when nothing in life was going your way. Seonghwa always did a good job at reminding you what was going right when you were having difficulty seeing it for yourself. And right now, everything seemed so bleak.
After work, you found yourself just sitting on the couch. Your jacket was hung up but purse was left by the side of the couch. Despite how little energy you felt like you had, you somehow were able to make your way to the living room. You were stationary, leaning against the back of the couch but doing not much else. You were staring at her TV, staring at the reflection of yourself on the black screen. Your mind was racing with ideas as you were trying to steady your heart. Anxiety and depression can be nasty monsters, and when they are both working in unison, they felt like an unstoppable duo.
You didn’t even register the sound of the front door opening and closing. The thoughts that were occurring in your head were deafening, the only thing you can focus on. You closed your eyes to get to pick through and silence the loud voices in your head.
Am I doing enough at my job? Is my job even worth it? I’m supposed to love what I do but why do I hate myself so much for doing it? When will I be done?
“Baby? Come back to me, angel. Please.”
A gentle, warm touch started to bring you back to reality. It caused you to jump because it was a sudden touch but you completely relaxed staring into the eyes of your lover in front of you.
Seonghwa was crouching in front of you. One hand was on your knee, the other gently cradling your face after brushing a few strands of hair being your ear. His eyes bouncing all over your face to try to piece together what might be troubling you.
You noticed the concerned expression on his face which caused you to frown. You hated letting him down. You were meant to be his source of strength, but here you were doing the complete opposite.
"I'm sorry, Hwa. I didn't even hear you come in. Have you eaten? I didn't get started on cooking but I can do that now," you offered. Your voice was a bit weaker than you wanted it to be.
Your boyfriend just stared at you. His lips pulled into a small frown. You wanted to just sink into the couch at this point. It felt like you were digging a hole and it was only getting deeper.
"Y/n, there its something wrong. You need to tell me what's going on in that pretty mind of yours, so I can help you." "Why?" He looked stunned at your response. He leaned back quite a bit, which made you pray the floor gave out at this point and took you and the couch with it. At that moment, you wanted to take back every word you said to cause such an alarm. His eyes traveled your body. Not in a suggestive way, but you could see the gears in his head were starting to turn. What was he looking for?
"How long?" "What?" "How long have you been feeling this way without letting me in?"
You hung your head low, almost in shame. You weren't shocked that Seonghwa cracked your code, but you thought you could put this little act on longer. Until work settled down, until your mind settled down, and until your mind felt better. Then you were planning on unleashing your realm to him, so he didn't have to save you from it. You didn't want to drag him down when your own personal demons were trying to do that.
"Oh, my love. Come here," he whispered. He then stood up to sit on the couch, cradling his arms around you and pulling you into his lap. With your body turned sideways, your leg were sprawled out across his lap and onto the couch. He rested on hand gently on your knee, letting his thumb run over it. His other hand supported your back, allowing you to rest comfortably.
"If I could take some of your sadness away from you, I would do it in a heartbeat," he whispered. He leaned forward to press a lingering kiss to the top of your head. "But for now, I think we need to get you in the bath or shower because you're practically cold to the touch."
You nodded your head, gazing up at him. For the first time in the past few days, you felt like you let yourself give a genuine smile. It was a start for Seonghwa. With ease, Seonghwa lifted you up bridal style and carried you up the stairs to your shared bathroom.
You felt your back fully relax against the porcelain white tub. Your body was surrounded by bubbles that were scented like rose water. The water was also a nice warm temperature, almost as if you were being wrapped in a blanket.
Seonghwa sat right beside the tub, facing you. He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, occasionally running his fingertips along the water or across your leg underneath. You were grateful for a gentle lover like Seonghwa. He maintained a soft gaze on you, ready to jump and get you whatever you desired.
You reached one hand to run through his soft black hair. You pushed it back slightly to expose his face more, causing you to smile. You always felt the need to pinch yourself that you landed someone as handsome as Seonghwa. But he also felt the same. He was the happiest man with you, he was in love with you.
"One of the things I've always adored about you, darling, is how generous you are to other people," Seonghwa began. Your hand moved gently from his hair to his cheek. His voice was gently, leaning slightly into your touch. You found yourself smiling lightly at the compliment, about to open your mouth and give one back but he cut you off.
"But I wished you let me give back. I wish you would allow me to help replenish your heart, replenish your being, or even give you extra love when you clearly need it the most."
You sighed, nodding in acknowledgment. "I know. I've been doing pretty well, believe me. I think with how hectic things have been lately, I just found myself slipping into old habits. I didn't want to burden you with my own problems." "But that's the thing, my love. It is never a burden. I am your partner, I am here to help you through the hard times like you help me."
Seonghwa took your hand gently from his face. He cradled your smaller hand in both of his. You watched him intently, intrigued by what he might have up his sleeve. His lips pressed gently to your knuckles before resting his chin against the edge of the tub.
"It's you and me in this universe, babe. You take care of me, but I want to be able to take care of you. You just have to let me in, especially when it gets tough."
It was then you spilled your heart, or more so your mind and its never-ending thoughts, out to Seonghwa. You told him about work, about your progress in your mental health journey, and why it is difficult for you to open up. You explained your rationale for why you kept things suppressed, despite being ashamed of yourself for your poor judgement.
Yet, Seonghwa listened intently. He was quick to remind you everything you've been forgetting.
"I knew my y/n was strong. I understand where you're coming from. You can handle most things on your own and it truly is admirable. However, I'm always going to be here to pick up the extra weight. I'm here to support you," he reaffirmed.
For the first time in your life, you're experiencing a love so genuine and authentic. Seonghwa was everything you could've asked for and so much more. You truly won the jackpot. You felt nurtured, like a flower being watered and placed in direct sunlight for the best outcomes. Seonghwa truly was your source of light, energy, and love.
"I love you so much," you whispered. "And I love you today, tomorrow, and forever," he whispered back.
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adnauseum11 · 4 months
Unexploded Ordinance (John Price x Reader)
You and John navigate the process of moving in together. John is pleased you are home.
1.4k words
CW: swearing, explicit sex MDNI
If the end of this chapter feels a bit abrupt it's because I split it in two to keep it from being a ridiculous length. You can expect the next chapter to pick up where this one left off.
Still not completely happy with this chapter but in the interest of not circling the drain forever and moving forward I'm posting anyways lol yolo
feedback welcome!
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When John hasn’t returned from his call before you are done eating your breakfast - and polishing off the last of the raspberries - you take yourself to the bathroom to shower. He’s waiting for you in the living room when you finally emerge, feeling a bit more like yourself. He’s clearly lost in thought, your hand on his shoulder finally knocking him back to the present.
John is easy to talk into moving more things today, on your impromptu day off. When you arrive back at the apartment, he checks the door before he lets you enter, satisfied it’s been undisturbed. You immediately bicker with him about your furniture and what pieces will stay or go. You can tell he’s pleased when he wins the debate between the couches, you being partial to your vintage re-upholstered and wildly heavy chesterfield sofa. It’s too short for John to lay down on, forcing him to bend his knees and isn’t very comfortable, truth be told. It’s a gorgeous deep green velvet that draws the eye but otherwise isn’t overly practical. You pout about having to give it up until he gives over on your books entirely. He’s consistently bitched about moving your personal library, filled with heavy anthologies from your university days. They’ve been dragged from pillar to post over the years and you’ve refused every less than subtle suggestion to sell them. He doesn’t even try to make you choose which ones to keep, sighing deeply in resignation and asking how many boxes you think it will take to pack them all. This earns him the hardest hug you can muster and a rain of kisses he has to crouch for, chuckling lowly.
You make a trip back to his place with your clothing, the colourful array of fabrics making John’s limited selections seem all the starker by comparison. It brings you up short, seeing your things beside his in the wardrobe. You get caught up wondering what the hell you are doing, agreeing to this. You don’t get very far in your spiral before John finds you, kneeling surrounded by folded t-shirts. You’re jealous of his ability to seemingly pick a course of action and execute it without the self-doubt that swamps you occasionally. If you hadn’t known him as long as you have you would say it’s something he learned in the military, but you’re pretty sure that’s all John.
His presence steadies you again and you end up making another trip to collect your hairdryer and various other products needed to make yourself presentable for work tomorrow. Most of your everyday use items and valuables are safely rehoused in John’s flat by the time you are ready to throw the towel in for the day. You agree to go to the pub around the corner for dinner, neither of you feeling like cooking. On the walk down, John’s big hand stays on your lower back, keeping you close as you wander down the street together. It’s quiet at the pub, early in the week meaning the clientele are mostly regulars. You get your choice of seats and John steers you to a booth against the back wall, tugging you to sit on the same side as him.
He questions your half-baked plan to quit your job while distracting you from giving an answer, his hand creeping over your thigh and shoulders, bracketing you against him. You finally cross your legs, pinning his warm hand between your thighs so you can formulate a coherent response. He presses a smirk against your temple and listens as you complain of your treatment this morning, and then just in general. You've had a volatile few days and vent your spleen accordingly.
He removes his hands from your body when the food arrives, creating a tiny sliver of space between you on the bench seat. John hums sympathetically at your complaints but finally convinces you to get through the rest of the week before you submit anything in writing, pointing out you should probably update your resume first at minimum. You grumble but reluctantly agree, his even-keeled approach to the situation a better tactic than your instinct for dramatics.
John’s level head only seems to extend to your choices because by the time you’re out the door and on the way home he’s truly unable to keep his hands to himself. Twice on the short walk back he’s pressed you up against the wall of a nearby building, his hands cupping your face as his eager mouth finds yours. You make out like teenagers until you can feel the cold creeping into the tips of your ears, a gentle push against his chest enough to back him off temporarily. You’re getting better at reading John in this state, how his eyes glaze with want and his focus narrows. You finally resort to threading your fingers with his to keep his hand from constantly drifting over your ass, wrapping yourself around his arm to make him behave. 
You open the door using your key, John too preoccupied with working his hands under your jacket and shirt. His big body corrals you against him, kicking the door shut after wrestling you through it, almost not giving you time to get your key out of the lock.
“Fucking hell John.”
You breathe out as he spins you around, your arms going around his neck automatically. He kisses you hungrily, his palm cupping the back of your head. You feel the thump of the wall at your back, his hand leaving the back of your head to shove your coat off your shoulders. You wiggle out of it and push at the thick lambskin jacket he’s wearing, slipping your hands under it to grip his shoulders. He shrugs out of it, his lips finding yours again almost immediately. You can feel desire vibrating through his frame, his thigh working its way between yours. Before he can overwhelm you completely, you push back against his chest.
He's breathing hard, confusion mixing across his face as you flatten your palms against his chest and push, reversing your positions by backing him up against the opposite wall. You have to go up on your tip toes, gripping the back of his neck to tug him down to kiss you again. He’s got his hands full of your ass, too preoccupied to catch on to your intent until you're slipping out of his grasp, sliding to your knees in front of him. Your nimble fingers have his belt undone and his jeans open before he can process and stop you, hissing out your name as your fingers wrap around his twitching cock.
You smirk to yourself and wrench a deep groan from his chest as your lips close around the flushed head of his cock, your eyes locking on his face. His cheeks and throat are flushed with the same shade of red as his cock, his blue eyes now nearly black, his pupils dilated with desire. He looks so intense it sends a thrill through your belly that you’re capable of affecting him like this. You swirl your tongue over the head, tasting the salty pre-cum and slide your palm up the wiry hair of his firm abdomen, pushing his shirt up.
John growls lowly, his fingers burying into your hair, gripping close to the roots. He doesn’t try to direct your movements, content to let you work him over however you see fit but the gentle pull on your hair sends flashes of sensation down your spine. The muscles of his stomach jump at the drag of your fingers on his cock as you squeeze the base, sucking on the tip deeply, making John’s fingers clench in your hair. You lift off him and press his erection against his belly, running the flat of your tongue over the underside before teasing his balls with the tip of your tongue.
That has John rocking up onto his toes, hissing your name again followed by a curse. You can’t stop the pleased smirk that slides across your face and wrap your lips around the tip again, focusing your tongue on the sensitive spot on the underside. You can feel his cock twitching, the tension in his body ratcheting tighter with a moan. You let his shirt drop and cup his balls, lapping at the tip intently.
That seems to finally push John beyond his limit and he firmly tugs your hair to pull you off him. Your scalp tingles and you hum in disappointment but John’s already got a hold of your arm, lifting you to your feet again.
“C'mere love, I want to be inside you when I cum.”  
He growls lowly, making you shiver, backing you down the hallway to the bedroom with predatory intent. The look on his face makes your stomach quiver in anticipation, your insides going molten.
Next Chapter
Tag list:
@deadbranch @cadotoast @beebeechaos @syoddeye @writeforfandoms @itr-00
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Homewrecker - MV1 Part Two
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Summary: “max, can you tell me the truth, just this once?”
Warnings: angst, moody max, jealous max, jealous kelly lolz 
Pairings: max verstappen x oc
Word Count: 1585
Blake always enjoyed race weekends. If Kelly was busy with a shoot or meetings, Blake would look after Penelope for a couple of hours and the two would share pink and colourful snacks whilst watching the Formula One, whether it was practice, qualifying or the actual race. When Kelly had a free weekend and was choosing to visit Max and support him from the race itself, Blake would always come along for the ride. Sometimes it would just be the two girls childfree whilst Blake caught up with some of the friends she had made during her time as Kelly’s assistant or she would curate posts for Kelly on her social media. Though she did technically work for Kelly and knew her passwords to all her social media, her emails and some of financial info, it was never as if Kelly was her boss, they were just two friends enjoying life together. 
So, it came as a shock when Blake sat across from Kelly at a cafe and gave her the sad news. 
“I, I don’t understand. Do you need more money? I can give you more money. Did Penelope say something? Did my father say something?” Kelly questioned, making a spoon look elegant as she held it up, a little bit of cake sitting on it. Blake shook her head, smiling softly, thinking of reasons to give her friend and boss that didn’t involve her boyfriend. 
“I enjoy working alongside you, of course I do. I just think it’s time I move on from being a PA. I’ve had a few job offers and you know, I think this partnership has run its course.” Kelly pondered for a moment. “Of course I am absolutely grateful for the opportunity you have given me, but this is officially my notice. I finish up just before Silverstone, so I have about three weeks left to find you a new PA.” Blake couldn’t maintain proper eye contact and instead resorted to lifting her hot chocolate to her lips. 
“Job offers? From who?”
“Toto Wolff, at Mercedes. One of the PR advisors and I were talking at the last race and I just can’t stop thinking about it and it was a great offer.” Kelly’s eyebrows rose as she mentioned Max’s rival team but she remained stoic. 
“If you want a job in Formula One I can get Max to get you one at Red Bull.” The offer was kind but the mention of Max made Blake tighten her shoulders. “But, it is a great opportunity. I’m sad to see you leave, and I know Penelope will miss you too.”
The following months had been hell, that much was true. Whilst Blake was flourishing with Toto and Mercedes, travelling the world and relishing in the Formula One world, Max watched as Kelly’s world was failing. That may be a bit dramatic but the new personal assistant that Kelly had hired was way too under-qualified for the job. Not only did they not connect well with children but they had misplaced their VIP passes that allowed them access into the green rooms. 
It was stressful, and Max hated the fact that he missed Blake. He missed the bickering, he missed when she would bite back with insult after insult but made it sweet and funny that Kelly would laugh. He didn’t get to see Blake as often as he did when she still worked with Kelly and his world felt immensely different. He and Kelly hardly spoke unless it was at night off or one of them had a free day, but it was mostly due to the lack of experience on the new assistant behalf, or so he thought. 
Kelly found herself always comparing her new assistant to Blake and would vent to Max about how much both herself and her daughter missed Blake. Though they ended on good terms, Blake’s new position as Toto Wolff’s assistant meant less time to catch up with Kelly when they were in the same city. 
The 5th of September came around and it was time for the Dutch Grand Prix. Blake had finally settled into her new job as Toto Wolff’s assistant and she found herself getting along with everyone. She was the go to for advice for George and she enjoyed meditating with Lewis during her down time. The job wasn’t nearly as full on as Kelly’s, but she was busy a lot. Rather than watch a child or get a coffee that had fourteen steps, Blake just had to ensure that Toto’s meetings and schedule were all up to date, send emails and get the occasional coffee or lunch which was so much easier. She got paid to travel, paid to be friends with people in a sport she was beginning to love, life and breath and she finally felt as if she belonged. There was no expectation of having to dress a certain way like she did with Kelly, to feel like she fit in. 
Blake walked alongside Toto, going over the timeline for the first half of the day and handing him printouts full of necessary information before her legs became caught in the arms of a certain small child. Blake looked down, beaming at Penelope who just looked up at her with a cheeky smile on her face. She quickly glanced back at Toto, an apologetic look upon her face to which he only shook his head with a faint smile. 
“We don’t start for another hour and you’ve already done so much to ease my day. I’ll meet you there.” Blake nodded, grateful for her new friendly boss and bent down to hug the small growing girl. 
“And where is your mother?” Blake wrapped her arms around Penelope and picked her up. The young girl was dressed in Red Bull Racing merchandise which looked funny in comparison to her Mercedes uniform. 
“With Maxie! I was with Jenna but she was on her phone and I was bored. I missed you.” Blake started walking towards the Red Bull Racing back area where all drivers, team principles and other important people would be for the duration of the weekend when not at the pit. It wasn’t too far away from all the other teams so it took her no time. She showed her passes to security and walked right in. Red Bull colours were everywhere with Max and Sergio’s faces plastered on every free surface. She forgot how much Red Bull idolised their drivers. Back at Mercedes they were much more subtle, though still highlighting the importance of their two star drivers. 
“So, is Jenna the new assistant? Is she nice?” Blake happily listened as Penelope walked about Jenna. She found that she didn’t like to play with Penelope a lot but fed her lots and lots of junk food when on one was watching. It was mildly concerning to Blake and she was about to say something then she rounded the corner, stumbling on a fight that was occurring between Max and Kelly. 
“You need to hire her back. I’ll pay whatever she wants, Jenna is shit at her job!” Max seemed like he was trying to reason more than fight, but Blake knew that when there was some sort of confrontation that Kelly’s first instinct was to raise her voice and fight back. 
“Why? You made her feel insignificant, we all saw that. Why would you want her near you? With Penelope and myself?” Kelly’s eyes were burning into Max’s and Blake felt like she was imposing. Penelope was oblivious to the fight, babbling on about what Blake had missed out on the past couple months. Of course the fight was extremely loud, just enough to hear from a few metres away, plus it was fairly hushed in the building. 
“I never hated her! I-”
“You hate her, you don’t. I don’t understand. Why all the bickering, why all the stares across the room at her, why all the rolling of the eyes? I don’t understand. Make me understand. Max, can you tell me the truth, just this once?” Kelly had a tear fall down her cheek, Blake feeling immensely guilty for both eavesdropping and being the topic of the fight. 
Max’s eyes faltered and he looked to the ground, hoping it could somehow swallow him up and he could avoid this conversation altogether. But this was reality, this was real life and everything was coming back to bite him in the ass. 
“Max, Goddammit! Look at me. Look at me!” Kelly’s voice got louder, this time snapping Penelope out of her one-sided conversation in Blake's arms and looking around for the source of the voice. “Tell me the truth.”
“I don’t hate Blake. I never hated Blake.”
“You love her.” Blake was shocked, she even let out a gasp when Kelly said those words which seemed to make them both snap out of their heated fight. Max looked like a kicked puppy and Kelly’s face was bright red, fuelling with anger. 
“Penelope, there you are.” A woman who Blake could only presume was Jenna rounded the corner, rushing for Penelope and snatching the young girl out of Blake’s arms before anyone could protest.
“You don’t mean that.” Blake filled in the silence, her full attention to Max. “Tell me you don’t mean that. Tell me and Kelly that you hate me, that you hate my guts. Please, tell us anything that isn’t you loving me. You can’t love me, Max, you need to hate me.” 
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tailing-sun · 3 months
Shadow High OCs Bio 7: Tara Rajneesh
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YEAR: Third
GENDER: Female
FOCUS: Performing Arts
STYLE: Celestial. Dazzling. Classy.
QUOTE: “The stars align for me.”
BIO: Professional triple threat (and amateur astrologist) Tara Rajneesh rules the Performing Arts scene at Shadow High and shines not just like a star, but like a whole constellation on stage. Though her creativity is unbounded and her performing choices are always bold, she can barely do anything in her day-to-day life without first consulting her horoscope. She loves to be the centre of attention, and thanks to her standout energy and eccentric personality it just kind of happens naturally. A thespian at heart, Tara has no interest in film acting, and prefers the inherent transitive quality that only the stage can offer. As for which roles she likes best, lead roles are great, and villains are even better! She’s starred in plenty of productions back in her home city of Chicago, but her dream is to play the Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute at the Met.
-Tara’s one of those girls who has a different boyfriend every month because of some drama or another, to the great interest of Candy.
-Her parents are both from Hyderabad, India, but she was born in Chicago.
-Her age is seventeen and her sign is Sagittarius.
-She stands taller than most of her female classmates at 5’8” (without heels).
-She’s bilingual, and speaks Hindi with her parents. Although their English is already pretty good, they insisted on teaching her Hindi to preserve their culture.
-Her clothes are relatively simple, usually stretchy and form-fitting due to her practically living on stage and needing to move for blocking. This doesn’t stop Tara from accessorizing as much as possible with sparkling, glittering, star-studded bangles, necks, and hair pins.
-She gets along with Dia Mante and Glitch Crowne, bonding over music and the stage.
-Much to her classmates’ annoyance, she’ll sometimes read them their horoscopes unprompted and/or dragoon them into a tarot-reading session.
-To de-stress, she likes to go stargazing. She’s even got a telescope.
-Though she definitely gives off diva vibes, it’s mostly because she’s usually in her own head and feels every emotion at 200% at all times. By no means is she rude, snobby, or even intentionally selfish, in fact she runs a student support group on the side for classmates to gather and vent about school-related stress.
-She likes modern musicals well enough, especially dramatic ones, but her first love is opera.
-She sings coloratura soprano and is a seasoned actor, but struggled a bit with dancing.
-Despite the flack other Shadow High kids give her for it, Tara follows RH exchange student Meena Fleur on social and even trades school gossip with her. (Thanks again @sunshine7eyes)
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normal-newt · 5 months
Pinned post!
Hello hi! Please call me newt.
You can find me near water sources, attempting to hide under logs, or perhaps even poking bits of moss. You can also find me on Tumblr!
You can look under the "keep reading" for extra information about me, plus my normal tags.
Also, my writing blog is called @newt-with-a-keyboard. It just for fun and has little poems and tiny "essays".
Some extra information:
What is Newt?
Actually am a human. But shh, do not tell everyone!
My pronouns are probably they/ them.
A pigeon lives outside my house. Pretty cool!
Science makes me happy
Newt Seems A Bit... Uh... Is Newt Okay?
This is all very normal for me , no need to worry. My disability affect most/ all parts of my life, including my Tumblr.
Writing "normal" can be hard for me. It is okay if you do not understand something! Always okay to ask me to explain in a different way.
What is Wrong With Newt?
Awful fashion sense. Also my profile picture is not actually a newt, it is a long tailed salamander
Newt's Interests:
Ecology! Especially urban ecology + also restoring endangered ecosystems.
Marine and freshwater biology. What are they all doing down there? Also really enjoy plankton.
Paleontology. All is good but especially big dinosaur social behavior + ancient reef ecosystems
Crafts (any within reach)
Common Used Tags:
#Newt vent - Used as warning of personal stressful post.
#Newt does therapy - So people can see how practicing therapy ideas can look in real life .
#Described - a picture with a written description, to make sure to include people who cannot see or understand picture.
#Undescribed - a picture with no written description
#Newt to self - Things am wanting self to remember
#Note to self - Old version of above tag before very good pun suggestion in the comments
#Newts natural dye notes - me figuring out how to turn plants into colours
Okay that's all!
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dokidokidemons · 1 year
The Reproductive Systems and Habits of Angels and Demons
Some world building information, primarily for my Culture Shock! Obey Me AU that I'm working on. Feel free to do what you will with any of my ideas. If you make any works based off something I post, or inspired by it, I'd love to see it!
Not exactly safe for work.
Warning for noncon, specifically in the angel's section. Less serious warning that it's probably glaringly obvious I used to be in the Homestuck fandom lol
Both angels and demons are true hermaphrodites. Gender expression is based purely on preference, and heavily influenced by humanity, though in both native tongues, pronouns more denounce species than gender. Angels have one for each rank of angel and one for non-angels, while demons have one each for demons, angels, and humans, and then another for other beings, though there are also more specific ones for them that just may not be known by your average speaker and require explanation.
The reproductive systems of demons and angels are remarkably similar in form. Unaroused, the pubic area looks somewhat like a vagina, though some of the shapes are odd, the labia minora are missing, and the colours are often less-than expected if you thought your partner was human somehow, though more natural to human colors are also perfectly within possibility. The clitoris is also odd, particularly in the fact that it isn’t one. The penis remains internal when not in use, though the tip is always visible. Both arousal and the need to urinate will cause the penis to start to exit the vent, though to different degrees. The urethra is located on the tip of the penis, and both sperm and urine exit through it. The penis is tapered, and is often multicolored, though those are the only traits common enough to bother listing here, as there’s a great deal of variation in shape between individuals, with demons often showing more extreme variants than angels.
The vaginal opening is located in roughly the same location as it is on humans, and the testicles are internal in both angels and demons. The internal walls of the vagina can have some interesting textures, though this is by far more noticeable in lust demons. Ovulation in both species is rare, and triggered by different things depending. Placenta begins to form only after a fertilized egg is implanted, so periods aren’t a thing that ever happen to either, though birth is often even less pleasant to deal with than it is with humans, since the hip shape is the same, yet the babies can be much bigger and have god-knows-what sort of appendages sticking off of them. Since forms further from humans are most often larger, it’s common practice for an expecting demon or angel to shift up when labor starts to ease the process. This can, for some, also change the shape of the hips, which can either make things easier, or just impossible, so it’s always on a case by case basis if this is advisable or not.
Arousal will always instigate the penis to exit the body, though there are some notable differences based on whether the being wishes to submit or dominate. If experiencing submissive arousal, the penis remains fairly soft and is mobile, though control over the movements of it is generally extremely limited (Asmodeus could probably hold a pen and write though.) More blood goes to the labia majora, causing a swelling, as well as some internal structures that enhance the pleasure of being penetrated.
If experiencing dominant arousal, the penis loses its mobility, becomes hard and rigid in preparation to penetrate. Blood actually redirects from the vagina, the labia closing up a bit. It's wildly unpleasant to be penetrated in this state, though some masochists enjoy it.
Both states feel notably different, both physically and emotionally. Switching between states without a pause in between is something that some demons enjoy immensely. Mammon in particular loves starting out dominant and having his partner get him to switch before he gets to do anything.
While nearly unheard of for angels, who almost always produce a single, live infant, there are rare subsets of demons that produce either litters or eggs, and even rarer, some who can end up with two or all three options in different circumstances, though not at the same time. 
Angels are capable of arousal and copulation at any time, and can reproduce with angels, humans, and demons. However, this is forbidden outside of a singular circumstance. Overcoming lust is expected, and giving into it is WILDLY taboo and will be met with visceral disgust if not outright ostrisization from most every other angel. Denying yourself lustful pleasures is considered a show of your devotion, not only to god, but to other angels, and a thing that you should do for the good of everyone.
The singular instance in which angels are allowed to sexually reproduce are in the case of a ‘Blessed Coupling.’ This has always been between two angels, and tends to come out of fucking nowhere, but it’s very literally god wanting two angels to bone down and make a baby for whatever reason. It happens very rarely, and without the will of the angel being taken into account. Very suddenly, two angels will enter each other's proximity, shift up a form or two, and become unbearably aroused. Reports from couples who had this happen don’t exactly paint a pleasant picture, as they very suddenly feel like thoughtless animals and cannot resist going at it. They often both leave the situation feeling violated. Blessed Couples are both venerated and used as a cautionary tale against giving into lust. It’s a common belief that should you give into lust, you can become like that permanently, though that’s entirely untrue and born mostly out of fear. It’s worth noting that this happens to angels who have never even met sometimes, so the interest between the pair is irrelevant.
While most of the punishment for things like masturbation would be social, carried out by other angels if found out, IF an angel impregnates someone or gets impregnated outside of a Blessed Coupling, they fall and their offspring is killed. If an angel wants to have a child, they frankly should fall first.
For the most part, angels are created directly by god, and while Blessed Couplings are considered a very good thing, as it's a direct result of gods will, no one really knows why it happens. The offspring are always special in some way, so it's assumed that god wants that specific angel to exist, but that's just kind of the most accepted guess.
Demons are more likely to suffer from NOT having sex, or at least masturbating, than they ever will be from abstaining. While most often seen in the form of gluttony and wrath rampages, all of the sins can produce a sort of ‘shut down’ state if the temptation to give into them is ignored for long enough, or the desire is strong enough. Lust will end up with a sort of heat or rut, depending on the nature of the desire being ignored. That said, if there is no desire, there’s no danger of the shut down state. So, if a demon is asexual, they're just plain not in danger of that. 
Dominance and submission are both culturally and biologically a thing with demons. Culturally, being dominant is seen as the ideal, while being submissive is shameful, since it’s a culture in which being strong is heavily emphasized. Biologically, every demon wants both sometimes, though some demons have definite preferences for one or the other.
Being openly brazen with enjoying to submit is viewed as extraordinarily slutty. More conservative demons look down on it, but it’s pretty universally considered very hot. Asmo’s fixation on keeping himself small and cute and flirty is largely because, even if he’s modestly dressed and using none of his powers, demons around him tend to react with arousal, which he likes a lot. He's cultivated the image of the perfect submissive.
Pacts with human sorcerers have a lot of strangeness about them. A pact taken by force is most likely to just produce resentment in the demon half of it, but a pact willingly given is kind of the ultimate act of submission, literally subjecting your free will to another. Often, such things are only offered to exceedingly powerful sorcerers, because the demon gains a lot of power out of it as well in that case and it’s worth the occasional loss of free will to them. However, if attraction develops on the demons end, they find that their body only really wants to act submissively in sexual situations with that person. Given how little any of this ever took place in the Devildom prior to the exchange program and MC earning their pacts, this wasn’t a documented thing, because no demon in their right mind would eagerly admit that they let their pactmate plow them (save for Asmodeus, but that’s not weird for him, and no one would really question it being at all related to the pact.) Whether there’s a magical influence on their preference, or it’s simply a latent desire all demons have not allowing itself to be ignored after literally turning over your free will to someone, who knows.
Heats are more common with demons, due to the sort of shame associated with submitting. It’s less to do with breeding, and much more to do with sating a desire that’s been repressed. They can often be kept at bay with the use of toys and indulgent fantasies, but it’s still more common that a demon will be too proud to ‘sink to that level.’ It’s genuinely a bit weird for a demon to, on their own, go into rut. There’s no taboo against going at someone, or even taking turns, and even if that’s not an option, masturbation will usually keep it from happening. If a demon’s doing a LOT of pining, it can happen, but such obsessive focus on one person to trigger something like that is very rare, and usually will clue people into something being wrong well before this is an issue. Most commonly, a rut is triggered while actively having sex. There is a certain limit to how long you can edge a demon without them flipping the fuck out and literally losing their mind for a while. This is DEFINITELY a fetish for some demons, both having it happen to them and being the one to trigger it in others. Levi’s into the idea of having it done to him. Lucifer loves doing it to others.
While lesser demons that die easier reproduce pretty frequently, the only higher demons that commonly reproduce is the royal family, due to how often kings are rebelled against and deliberately killed. For the most part, a high demon has to actively choose to have a child, and most will just probably not. They live for many millions of years, if not killed, and killing them is an ORDEAL, so the idea of passing down what they have isn’t honestly an issue most think about often, if ever. 
A high demon that has chosen to be impregnated will behave very differently from normal, though if they’re acting as the father, nothing actually changes at all. Brooding behaviors can vary pretty heavily from demon to demon, but they all start craving meat (among other things) in large quantities and do some sort of nesting behavior, though it’s heavily influenced by what the individual believes to be important. Beel would probably try to hoard food, but with an exacerbated appetite, might become distressed with how difficult that is. Leviathan would likely end up in some sort of blanket fort made of manga and whatever he thought was comfy, but he’d also probably like it to be underwater. A pregnant high demon expects their partner to be at their beck and call and take care of them. They do not expect to have to leave their nest more than absolutely necessary. Gestation periods vary, but both of the pair are expected to basically be unreachable until the birth.
Most of the time, high demons having children is kind of the ultimate declaration of devotion to each other, both because of the expected behavior while the baby is forming, as well as what the baby themselves represent. It’s borderline sacred. Baby trapping does happen, but it’s socially considered so revolting that oftentimes if it’s found out the friends of the victim will straight up kill the demon that did it to them, and sometimes the child depending. It involves a LOT more manipulation than it would for humans who can conceive accidentally.
Noble families who produce heirs will sometimes choose to do so with the sole purpose of showing off their wealth. This is most common with greed demon couples. They made a grand show of the time, often hiring extensive staff and going wildly hedonistic while the baby or babies are gestating. It's also common when a family is expanding to increase their own power and not because they're showing that devotion. Often, the lavish gestation and entry into the noble family is the compensation for the demon that becomes pregnant.
Also worth noting: most cambion (human/demon hybrids) happen entirely by accident. While a high demon has to choose to initiate the ability to be pregnant, they can technically always get someone else pregnant. Should a demon go have some fun with humans and raw dog one, it may just genuinely not occur to them that, if that human has the right equipment, they might get pregnant about it. It’s not uncommon knowledge that humans just kinda get pregnant all willy-nilly, but for the most part, you’d have to look it up. It would be less of an issue were a human to couple with a lesser demon with a more relatable reproductive cycle, but their smaller, less-human forms and rare reasons to ever interact with humans make such couples non-existent. While there are humans that would see a knee-high bipedal pig made of shadow and think “I need to fuck that,” the chances of the two ever meeting are improbably slim.
While fetishes in the Devildom are plentiful and often strange, because of how such things work, high demons pretty universally consider breeding kinks cute and wholesome. Demons with that inclinations will sometimes stage role play sessions where making a nest together, or at least doing it in one that one of them made beforehand, is expected, as is lots of cuddling and pampering. This could lead to some interesting misunderstandings if a demon wasn’t particularly specific with the details of a request for such things when inviting MC. A demon asking someone to 'pretend to breed them' is hoping to be lavished with love and affection, so if you show up with nothing but a lot of dirty talk planned, there will be a great deal of confusion on both ends.
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okay I had to but anyways, I subscribe to the theory that clubbing fashion in 24XX is kinda bonkers and there's no real precedent for what should be worn out dancing, so have a Pandora and Aile on a night out!
Gel pens ran a bit, and I haven't quite mastered the art of shading skin/adding makeup yet, but hey, practice!
Put a fair bit of thoughts into their outfits, so read more below.
Aile's top is that retro glo-mesh stuff and she's got gold lipstick to match, plus a silk shirt/necktie over the top and white, flowing linen pants. I also think she'd be pretty subtle with her makeup and go with a bit of navy eyeliner to make the green and gold of her eyes pop! She's got a bit more of an androgynous style than the other ladies, and her and Vent frequently swap bits and pieces from their wardrobes. However she always looks well put together!
As for Pandora, the dress I've painted her in was originally spawned from this clubbing outfit. It's made of a lovely, shimmery silky material, goes down to about the knees, and that gauze over the top is supposed to be green/purple, almost like the Northern Lights. Her heels would be a similar colour, probably winding up just past her ankles. Basically I subscribe to the idea that Pandora would be the epitome of high fashion and elegance outside of being the Witch, and that's reflected in her choice of simple accessories. Would also love to do a sketch focusing solely on her makeup; ice-blue eyeliner and glittering eyeshadow plus rhinestones underneath a la Euphoria. My pen ran whilst doing her lipstick unfortunately, but she'd definitely go for a classy, shimmery matte lip that doesn't come off.
anyways, can you tell I really like outfit design?
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sick-ada · 1 year
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sometimes you lose a fight, sometimes you lose a fight, a tentacle and get thrown into the ocean. backstory stuff for aklaq under the cut
okay so basically aklaq (they/them) is a subspecies of octoling that evolved in the arctic, so over time camoflague was favoured over flashy displays. functionally this means that they can't change their ink colour (maybe a bit lighter or darker either way, but that requires practice that aklaq doesnt have), but also that they can swim and breathe underwater just fine!
generally they travel in pods, think like orcas, but aklaq got separated from their pod at a fairly young age and has been surviving by themselves for a While. currently living in splatsville due to a combination of If I Don't Interact With People I'm Going To Go Insane and there wasn't enough food where they were hanging around
since they can't change their ink colour, they can't participate in turf wars and grizzco won't hire them, so they dont have many ways to make money. they use their ability to swim to salvage anything they can sell from old shipwrecks, hence the "inklings don't leave skeletons" piece i did a while ago (dont remember if ive posted it here, but it's not necessary to have seen)
this piece is sort of an explanation for how they lost that tentacle. basically, in one of the interviews, somebody said that turf wars let inkfish vent their territorial instincts and avoid a second Great Turf War. combine the fact aklaq doesnt have access to turf wars with the fact that they are incredibly unsocialised, their interaction with a group of bandits/scavengers didn't go so well
they don't really interact with other scavengers anymore
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tyunslove · 2 years
— a single pringle (proudly)
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CHARACTERS . . . ryujin, mentioned yeji and lia
WARNINGS . . . suggestive themes (hs teenagers) , mentions of sex , being insecure and swearing
WORD COUNT . . . 0.6k (unedited)
GENRES/TROPES . . . aroace!ryujin , vent (??) fic , introspection , high-school memories , angst (??)
ryujin goes on a morning walk and introspects on romance.
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the sun is shining high and bright. the tree branches sway gently along with the summer breeze, allowing leaves to travel with it. the sky is coloured a baby blue and clear of clouds. these things come together to paint the surroundings of ryujin's walk on a tuesday morning.
her black hair dances lightly in the wind, her black doc martens clicking and clacking— she grows addicted used to the sound, click, clack, click, clack— against the concrete sidewalk beside a local park.
her dark chocolate-coloured eyes wander in that direction to see an old man and woman sitting on a bench, holding hands as they feed birds with bits of bread.
she feels the wind of another duo pass by her, clearly trapped in their own world (if their laughing is a hint of anything).
on the other side of the road bustled with vehicles are a pair of pedestrians linked by the arm.
all of these people could've been couples, dating or engaged or married. she wouldn't know. she never had a romantic or sexual partner.
she wouldn't know.
she remembers high-school, with smelly and sweaty teenagers talking about crushes, love, sex (oh god the sex) and whatnot as if it was their life source. everytime a new couple got together, rumours spread like wildfire. suddenly everyone in school knew. suddenly everyone was telling them to use protection. suddenly everyone was asking each other how long they thought the couple would last.
the whole concept of dating and high-school sweethearts was something she never understood. her brain perceived it as something only existing in cheesy rom-com 2000s media.
she recalls her friends bugging her to get a boyfriend— 'ew no, why would i date anyone in this school?' she would think— and setting her up on blind dates with random guys from school. she would say 'not interested' and they would all be so disappointed ('it's not my fault i don't prioritise love at all so why are they looking at me like that?' she would wonder with insecurity).
everyone was in a relationship by the time she dropped out of high-school, training to become a idol. she felt less tense in a practice room instead of being with people eating each other's faces out. it became too much for her on some days.
but love was, and still is, everywhere. in her face. all the time. she HATES it. why in the ever-loving fuck would someone think it was a good a idea to have sex scenes in movies, zoom in on the kissing and have actors go through all that torture then walk out of the set in one piece?
at one point, it became too much so she vented to lia about it.
"have you heard of the word 'aroace' before?" was her response. she recalls herself and lia searching what it meant on the internet together. it was something along the lines of, 'being aroace means having little to no romantic and sexual attraction to anybody. it means not knowing how having a crush feels like, or how wanting to have sex feels like'.
she remembers thinking, 'THAT'S ME!!' she remembers feeling like her questions were answered. she remembers feeling euphoric.
now, she is content with her identity. she still loves people, but in a more familial and platonic sense. she may never understand romance and sex, but she is fine with never knowing.
she walks back to the dorms, keys jingling in her hand to unlock the door open. "i'm home!!" she shouts. yeji shouts back, "you missed breakfast!!" she always misses breakfast recently, she realises.
"sorry," she chuckles awkwardly. "it's fine, at least it's a free day." yeji replies, placing a sandwich on a plate before sliding it across the table to her. "thanks."
a sandwich is always good after introspecting, especially about romance.
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this work belongs to © tyunslove. please do not translate or copy to another site. thank you.
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onegirlatelier · 1 year
Parisian fabric stores and merceries (Part 1)
These are the fabric and haberdashery shops I visited during my first ever trip to Paris. I wrote 'Part 1' because I now know I'll be visiting fabric stores on every one of my trips to Paris haha but we cannot guarantee when Part 2 will happen.
Firstly, let me say that the staff I met were very friendly and patient with my broken French (I bet they’d rather I speak English haha, but I was determined to practice my French!) See the end of this article for some vocabulary that you might find helpful~ (Edit: I forgot to add the vocabulary. I will make a separate post on this.)
I was mainly concerned with natural silks and wools and looked at viscose and cotton fabrics for dresses too. Many of these shops did have a good range of polyester and upholstery (natural and synthetic) fabrics, though I tended to skip through these.
La Mercerie Parisienne
8 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003 Paris
Mostly a mercerie. Huge range of buttons and ribbons. Fabrics, threads and yarns too (see their website). Good range of options made from natural materials. Generally it’s that kind of well-curated mercerie that is on the pricier side. But dear is it beautiful and well-stocked!
4 Rue de Choiseul, 75002 Paris
They have two stores opposite each other. One is a beautiful millinery shop, and the other is a mercerie. Huge range of very beautiful ribbons, though mostly synthetic. Also fabrics (thin polyester tissue fabrics) and other bits and bobs. They do carry Mokuba ribbons and receives quite some Japanese visitors for some reason (?). They have several boxes of white laces, including some antique ones that are in cotton. Most are polyester, no silk or wool.
Prices are fair, though not super cheap. Well worth a visit, especially if you are looking for millinery-related or interior décor stuff!
Marché Saint-Pierre
2 Rue Charles Nodier, 75018 Paris
Large fabric store in Montmartre with several storeys, with all kinds of fabrics, haberdashery and some yarns too. Silks come in several basic weaves in solid colours. Wools are in the usual wool patterns and solid colours, mostly grey and black. A few basic rainbow colours for wool crepes. They have a surprisingly nice stack of Tencel fabrics on the ground floor (coupons there too).
Decent prices for European wool. I got the last 1.65m of a medium-thick herringbone for 58 euros.
Tissus Reine
3-5 Pl. Saint-Pierre, 75018 Paris
Huge fabric store, similar to Marché Saint-Pierre, but slightly more organized and pricier (still reasonable). Good range of printed cotton (liberty and other brands) and some viscose. Silk comes in very limited weaves but if you are looking for dupioni, this is the place to go hahahaha. Most wools are 20% polyamide though you can find some pure wools too.  
Atelier Brunette Condorcet
40 Rue Condorcet, 75009 Paris
A young and boutique store for plant fabrics—mostly Tencel and other environmentally friendly choices in crepe or plain weave. A very limited range of soft, subdued solid colours and prints. They produce matching buttons for their fabrics, and some other bits and bobs too. Prices are beautiful during the sale season, otherwise on the pricier side.
I have bought three pieces from this store over the time and so far am very happy with them.
Tissus Market
18 Rue du Sentier, 75002 Paris
Badly organized and a grumpy store owner. Rolls of fabrics were leant against the wall, and every metre or so you find a label on the wall saying ‘laine’, ‘coton’, ‘garbadine’, etc. Viscose and polyester fabrics are mixed even though they are very different. It does have a large range of fabrics, and after an hour of digging I managed to find a fine piece of wool. In a moment of panic I forgot to ask the exact composition but the scrawl on my receipt suggested ‘pur laine’.
Tissus de Rêve
40 Rue de Cléry, 75002 Paris
I went to this store because it had some good reviews on Google. Tiny store with mostly silks and wools. Limited colour and types, but cheap.
The region where Tissus Market and Tissus du Rêve are situated seems to be a fabric region with many tiny cramped stores with no sorting system whatsoever and lots of young people—students or young designers I assume—shopping for fabrics. Prices are generally cheap but this is also reflected by the quality.
~~~In conclusion~~~
Paris is good for plain dark-coloured wools.
2. There is only a small range of silks and in outrageous prices. Growing up in the silk-producing region of China, I am too used to the huge range of top-quality and cheap silks there and will limit myself to buying silks only when I’m home in Shanghai.
3. Silk Jacquard does not exist???
4. Colours are limited and dim, even with summer fabrics. Great if you want basic solid colours, but it’s really hard to find more nuanced colours. The exception tends to be children’s fabrics.
Maybe I missed some stores? Did I automatically filter out the more expensive places?
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malikcars · 5 months
The New and Improved Tata Harrier On Road Price: A Comprehensive Overview
The Tata Harrier is back, and it’s undergone a substantial transformation. This time, it’s not just a mere update – it’s the most comprehensive overhaul the Harrier has received to date. To know the new Tata Harrier’s on-road price, check with your local Malik cars dealer. With changes both inside and out, including design, technology, and mechanics, it’s worth diving into the details of this refreshed model. So, let’s break it down.
A Fresh Exterior Look
The first thing that grabs your attention is the larger and more prominent grille upfront, adorned with stylish metal-like embellishments. The Daytime Running Lamps (DRLs), now slimmer and more connected, introduce a captivating welcome animation – a delightful touch that adds to the overall charm. The primary headlights have transitioned to efficient LED units, and the redesigned bumper showcases angular cutouts and an aerodynamic air passage from the bumper to the wheel wells. Lower down, a more extensive air dam surround and a robust scuff plate complete the new look.
Revamped Interior
Step inside, and you’ll find that the Harrier’s interior has undergone substantial changes too. The steering wheel is now more pleasing to the touch, featuring a gloss black boss and an illuminated Tata logo. The dashboard has been refreshed with slimmer AC vents, and there are persona-based interior colour themes that give the cabin a distinct character. For example, the Harrier Fearless+ in Sunlit Yellow boasts a vibrant yellow dash panel, along with matching contrast stitching and grab handles. The brown on black theme for the Adventure persona Harrier, on the other hand, exudes sophistication.
Additionally, ambient lighting on the dashboard and around the sunroof adds a touch of elegance. You can adjust the colours through the touchscreen, although the available hues depend on the persona you’ve chosen.
Advanced Technology
The updated Harrier now features a revamped centre console for the climate control system, enclosed in a glossy black panel. While the temperature settings are still operated by toggles, all other functions are now touch-operated, bringing a modern touch to the cabin.
Comfort and Space
While the rear of the Harrier hasn’t seen changes, there are some valuable additions. Rear windows now come equipped with sunshades, a practical feature on sunny days. The airline-style rear headrests, designed to prevent excessive side-to-side movement, are a new addition.
One of the Harrier’s strong points remains its spacious rear seating area. Six-footers will find it comfortable, and there’s enough room for three adults to sit without feeling cramped. However, the absence of a headrest for the middle passenger is a bit disappointing, even though a three-point seatbelt is now included.
Power and Performance
Under the bonnet, the Harrier continues to be powered by the 170hp, 350Nm, 2-litre diesel engine. The engine’s characteristics haven’t seen significant changes, which is not a bad thing at all; it is a powerful engine. 
In summary, the Tata Harrier’s comprehensive update brings a refreshing look, enhanced technology, and more persona-based customization options to cater to various tastes. The revamped Harrier is a compelling choice for those seeking a stylish and spacious SUV with a distinct personality.
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lonesome-witching · 8 months
It is time for Part 3 of my Robin Robin AU! (I refuse to call it anything but that.)
Basically a few weeks have past since the ending of the last fic, and Karen has gone to meet Hopper (who, once again, is this universe’s Batman) to finally have a “conversation” with him about his involvement in her daughter’s nightly activities, as well as Nancy’s new and really kind girlfriend that she’s practically adopted with how much she’s over at the Wheelers. Meanwhile, Robin, who has moved on from being the superhero Robin to being the new hero Red Robin (here’s the costume:)
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(Also Nancy appreciates the effort, but it’s literally just a colour before her name, although she won’t tell Robin that, and one time when the 2 were ‘patrolling’ (they weren’t they were just getting finished with *ahem* couple stuff) and they overheard a criminal make fun of the hero’s new name, Robin had to physically restrain Nancy to prevent her from killing him while Nancy was cussing him out; the criminal then spent the rest of his life with PTSD in relation to the colour purple), is a bit miffed with Nancy (their first fight) as Nancy has begun working more closely with the Bat-Family, and may be taking a new identity, leading her to not spend as much time with Robin (no, I’m not possessive over Nancy. And no I’m not jealous over how much time she and Steve are spending together. Why would you even think that Joyce! - Robin, in this AU at some point) (also in addition to that ‘qoute’, Joyce is Oracle in this AU, just not put in a wheelchair after being fridged for Batman and the Joker’s character development in a story that, at best, is incredibly overrated, and that even the author hates, the only part I feel comfortable saying is excellent is the art, and those men are obsessed with, even though they have the media literacy of a mentally challenged rock! Sorry, I just needed to vent about The Killing Joke for a bit.). And to vent she has swung by Hopper’s place to blow off some steam by hitting things (when she may or may not be imagining Steve as, though she still is platonic soulmates with him) in the Batcave. Unfortunately, she enters through the window to the room where Karen and Hopper are having their talk (Karen doing her best ‘parent angry with kid in trouble’ routine, and Hopper just needs an aspirin, because like actual Batman he has an adoption addiction, and all the kids are absolutely insane, and all the adults around him refuse to help ‘cause they find his struggles funny), leading to bit of chaos, which is then calmed down a bit by Hope, before Nancy enters from the Batcave, wearing a Robin costume (hero, she’s not cosplaying as her girlfriend), causing even more chaos as she’s just interrupted both her mother berating her mentor, and her girlfriend needing to hit something because she’s jealous, causing even more chaos, and making Hopper want to die (even more than he already did).
I swear I never intend to make this soo long, I just vastly underestimate how much detail I’m going to over-include in these.
Hi, I tried my best to follow your prompt but since my knowledge of batman is quite limited it might not be exactly what you had intended. I'm also sorry for the ending I gave it but that just kind of happened.
Red Robin
Send me prompts
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backpockct · 10 months
what does your latest text message say? (ayla) | if you could meet anyone on earth who would it be? (luke) | how do you vent your anger? (oliver) | what's your strangest talent? (byun) | will you ever open up to jude or your siblings? (sydney) | do you have a collection of anything? (arden) | you can erase any horrible experience from your past. what will it be? (caleb) | if the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? (jasmine)
what does your latest text message say? (ayla)
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"nothing exciting but it's from my mum, asking when she can see maya next".
if you could meet anyone on earth who would it be? (luke)
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"sylvia plath, the writer. i've read a lot of her work and she interests me"
how do you vent your anger? (oliver)
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"i paint, badly, i started doing it a couple of years back. it helps just kinda throwing colours onto a canvas"
what's your strangest talent? (hana)
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"i can do the crab but i'm a little bit out of practice, i've not done it in awhile"
will you ever open up to jude or your siblings? (sydney)
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"it's a BIG maybe because i uh --- don't want them worrying about me. i can handle this by myself..."
do you have a collection of anything? (arden)
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"yeah, vintage movie posters! i've got a wall in my flat decorated with them".
you can erase any horrible experience from your past. what will it be? (caleb)
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"easy question, the time i threw up on a fan. i was feelin' really REALLY hungover and i'd gone out with some mates to get some food. we were on our way to this place, we bumped into a girl who liked my bands music, i my stomach mmade some odd noises and i accidentally chucked up on her shoes".
if the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? (jasmine)
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"everyone should just be nicer to each other, let's make the world a happier place! also, have you SEEN my husband, he's cute". (@hauntcdtales)
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pursuingred · 1 year
The journals start out relatively normal, I skimmed these entries mostly because I didn’t want to invade her personal life before all this too much. Venting about feelings and how strict her parents were while practically pushing the raising of her younger sister onto her despite being only a few years older. It seemed like things were pretty rough..
The entries took a turn suddenly. They were talking about the disappearance of her friend and her confusion why no one seemed to care. I won’t transcribe these ones as they’re very erratic and filled with grief and guilt. It seemed she leaned a lot on this friend emotionally and felt like it was her fault her friend went away. Then it gets kind of weird…
This moment was when her fate was sealed, how fun! I managed to recover her phone. She used to do these voice memo journals and I just wanted to hear her voice again. So I listened to the most recent one and it was layered in strange static and at times sounded like there was a second voice speaking with her. She was talking about how she had found it, the perfect item. A pocket mirror with the exterior coated in the most vibrant red crushed velvet. It was to reflect “the radiant light towards the angel, that they may know and appreciate just how lovely it truly is.” It was one of my favourite gifts. She spoke about how excited she was and how she was going to go that very night. It was hard to make it out at the end because of the static and this second voice I was hearing sounded almost louder than her own. Despite how much I miss her, I am wayyy to creeped out to listen to any of her other recordings right now. What the fuck [REDACTED] … what did you do….
Of course her steps were guided from this point on. Her resolve was formed the second she heard my voice~ I did it. I listened to more. In the one earlier it was less staticky and mostly her voice. She was talking about going shopping because despite all her searching, she still hadn’t found it. It had to be red but she wanted the gift to be perfect. She was talking about this like red sweater she got before but she realized she didn’t know if it would fit the angel or accommodate their wings? And then she was talking about how the angel was cold on purpose or something anyways and then she was rambling about all the notebooks she got where the covers were red but the pages weren’t so they weren’t good enough. It was pretty much that the whole time with the second voice kind of jumping out whenever she said “red” or “angel”. The colour red jumps out at me a little bit more now every time I see it. I’m noticing it everywhere.
Today I went to the mall with [REDACTED] to clear my head a little. It’s not like our parents would take her anywhere or anything anyways. And so there I was. So we went to the stores she wanted to while I just kind of hung around. I wasn’t really looking for any, personally. Well maybe I was looking without realizing it. So I turned her head. So I saw these red bracelets at one of the stores we went to. Everything else there were bright and pastel blues, pinks, yellows, etc. so I was kind of surprised when something so red laid amongst them. Without thinking I quickly purchased them. [REDACTED] was surprised because I usually don’t wear jewelry or buy things for myself at all. Something about these bracelets seemed so right though. Like they were comforting. I slipped them on and felt at home.
So here’s a few. There were random bits slipped in written above or below the text or in the margin in red ink. I don’t know if she did this or if it’s something more foreboding. I can say I’m real curious about those voice memo entries now. Was the voice of the angel really caught on them? Does it have some kind of hypnotic effect? Was the pull to buy the red bracelets a decision she made herself or was it the angels influence? It
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paralive-shitposts · 1 year
Hey Lira,
You're questions were great , so i decided too ask you some as well 🌸
How long have you been writing fanfiction? (I really enjoy your writing style! Do you have any tips on how to start with writing?)
What is your favourite colour?
Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks? (Ever way have a snack: 🥨)
(I apologize if my last answer for your question seems a bit rude, uni is just not my most favourite topic to talk about)
Crumble hii !
Glad you like my asks, I love sending them bc I enjoy collecting pieces of trivia abt friends (you should totally expect more of them to hit your askbox)
Ohh a question abt my writing!!! Thank you I love it. Okay so, I've been writing since last year April(-ish?) And I was writing for bungou stray dogs mostly. Honestly, fanfiction is just something I'm using to practice and develop my style. My ultimate goal is to get good at it so that I can be(or atleast try to be) a writer when I grow up
Part of how I started writing is because of that goal so idk how helpful my tips would be but one thing I can tell you is, just start writing whenever you can. Ik that sounds cliche but you just have to do it. If you're confused abt what you want to write, you can take help from those writing prompt blogs on tumblr (those are a blessing trust me)(if you want I can recommend you my favorite blogs). I recommend starting with fanfiction bc your love for the characters will ultimately bleed into the act of writing and will motivate you. Hope this will be of help <3
Umm my favorite color is probably purple. All of its shades are total bangers
I prefer sweet over salty snacks (ty for the snack btw)
Your answer was not rude at all dw. It gave me a crumb of crumble lore and hopefully gave you a place to vent a little so all's good :)
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