#a guy who asks his wife to be his valentine every year
Be Mine
Thena woke to the feeling of something fluttering against her cheek. It wasn't Gil's hair, or his hand, or his shirt against her cheek as she laid her head on his chest. She blinked, finally opening her eyes against the Australian sun. She was covered in rose petals. The whole bed was. They didn't even grow roses in the garden.
The Warrior Eternal sat up, looking around the room. There were bushels of plenty of other flowers around, from sunflowers to azaleas. When Gil had time to do this, she had...well, perhaps she had some idea. The night before had been...
Thena stood from the bed, slipping Gil's shirt on, which he kindly laid out for her every morning. She knew he had heard her get up, by this point, but she padded through the house silently, following the trail of flower petals towards the haven of the kitchen.
They weren't scattered sparsely--every step she took was more rose petal than wooden floorboard. The smell was light, telling that they had been spread out much earlier. "Gil?"
"In here, Sweetheart!"
A soft smile came to her at the pet name. He was feeling particularly good this morning, if he was using cute terms of endearment for fun. She didn't mind it.
It had taken her by slight surprise when he first started using them. It was just here and there, but one day she had asked him about the 'Sweetheart's and the 'Darling's. He had apologised and promised not to. She was the one who insisted that if he wanted to, then she wouldn't stop him.
Gil was already plating up a beautiful breakfast with a wide smile on his face. He looked at her like there was no sun in the sky at all--just her. "Hey."
"Hey," she smiled, still but accepting as he came over and greeted her with a kiss. He really was feeling particularly elated this morning. "What's all this?"
"Well," he grinned at her as he pulled out her chair for her and pushed her in and everything. "It's February 14th, my love."
Oh, yes. Western civilisation had concocted some holiday or another for the day around the 15th century?--or was it the 14th? Either way, she never bothered to keep track of all these newer holidays. "I see."
"So, I was wondering," Gil turned, pulling out yet another bundle of flowers, this time white lilies stuffed into the water pitcher. He presented them to her on one knee, just as handsome and charming and lovable as the first moment she laid her eyes on him in deep space. "Will you be my valentine?"
Thena smiled impossibly wide, a featherlight laugh floating up and out of her. The dust in the air turned into sparkles and she shook her head at him. "We have been out here - married! - for centuries. Are you truly asking?"
"Yes!" he insisted, because Gil liked doing things like this. He liked making romantic dinners just as much as he liked making dinners on hard days, and perfectly ordinary days. He liked picking flowers for her and he liked telling her she was more beautiful than every star in the sky. He scooted closer, pushing the lilies into her hands and resting his on her bare knee. "So?--what do you say?"
Thena set the lilies down so she could use both hands. She held his cheeks, tilting him up so she could kiss him with all she had. She could kiss him like they didn't need air, because they didn't (not as much as a silly human, at least). She could kiss him like she never had to let go--like it was just the two of them in the whole world.
Gil let her pull back, both of them smiling against each other's lips. His hands ran over her back, over the linen of his shirt. He settled his cheek against her palm, where it rightfully belonged. "That's a yes?"
"Yes," she laughed, kissing him again for good measure. She sighed at the taste of his delicious food already on his tongue. "What a terrible wife I am, forgetting such an occasion."
"Oh, come on," Gil rolled his eyes, blushing at her way of pointing out how sweet she thought it was that he did things like this.
Thena feigned a woeful, maidenly sigh. "What ever shall I do for my poor, beloved husband?"
"Mm, I don't think anyone would feel bad for me," he pointed out as he sat next to her, waving his fork up and down at her, "when my wife is this beautiful."
Thena took her time dismissing his sweet talk. She poked her fluffy eggs before taking a bite, "you mean after last night?"
Gilgamesh blushed.
"I could shower you with all the flowery compliments you gift me," she suggested, also in a playful mood after such a sweet gesture (and after that kiss).
"I told you, Sunshine," he freely claimed one of her hands for himself as he shovelled a bite of eggs into his mouth. "When I say 'em, they're true."
Thena's eyes drifted down to her fork in her hand, allowing his flattery just for the special occasion. Gil would describe her smile as small and shy, which she would argue it wasn't. The Warrior Eternal had no shyness to her.
Gil happily leaned forward as his wife held up a bite for him on her fork. He would always accept any small gesture of hers, because they were her way of expressing all the things he put into words. They were her form of flowery compliments and flirtations and pet names. And he loved every one of them.
Thena finished her bite and stood, kissing him on the temple before leaving the table. "Finish your breakfast. Then come find me."
Gil blinked as she pulled her hand out of his. He could complain about it, but he was curious as she started waving a blade around--her way of sweeping up the petals from the floor. "Baby?"
"Leave the dishes, my Sweet," she called back, maybe caught up in his sappiness. She picked up the pile of collected petals on her way to the bathroom.
Gil heard the tap for the bathtub squeak on. He tossed back the rest of his food and all but threw the plates into the sink to be taken care of later. He loved cuddling her in the bath, and she knew it. "I'm on my way!"
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artdcnaldson · 4 days
okay but PLEASE elaborate on Olympics!Art AU
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Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (p in v), feral obsessive behavior, infidelity
A/N: And you would do it too, that’s all I’m saying. Also IMPORTANT note: I love Tashi, she is a mother to many. However this fic has a very obsessive reader who just wants to fuck a married man, at Tashi’s expense
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Maybe you were a bad person.
You’d met Art and Tashi Donaldson before— a year back at an event held for Tennis’ rising stars. That was you, some other guys who had done well in the Juniors, a girl from an Ivy League, and more people that fell into the blind spots of your interest..
You must’ve looked so sweet in your formalwear, approaching the couple with shaking hands so you could say just how big of a fan you were. You had no ill intent then, not when you were face to face with two people you’d idolized since you were twelve and watching the Junior US Open. That night you’d taken a deep breath as you stared at the ceiling of your home, feeling like you’d made it.
Sure, Art was handsome, and you’d lived the past decade harboring a massive celebrity crush on him, but he was married, he was untouchable. Art Donaldson oozed that sweet, devoted husband shtick. Anniversary posts, birthday posts, Valentine’s Day posts, Mother’s Day posts. He had a daughter, he posted about how much he loved being a dad.
You were fine accepting that your fantasies of fucking Art Donaldson were strictly fantasies. But that was before you qualified and had to see him every fucking day.
Art Donaldson, who held open doors for you, who talked to you casually, like he might an old friend. Art, who stood in the long line in the food court with you, ate something he probably shouldn’t have, and asked that you don’t tell Tashi.
And you’d smile conspiratorially, and assure him his secret was safe with you. The implication being that you’d keep that secret, and more. As many as he’d ask you to, really.
You’d see him on a practice court, running drills with his wife, and feel the heat of jealousy in the pit of your stomach. You’d turn away, focus on your own game, practice until your hands were aching and sore.
“Where’s Mrs. Donaldson?” You asked one night after you’d been sexiled and had to sit out in the hallway waiting for your roommate to finish up. Art leaned against the wall, standing tall above you, so you had to crane your neck. You liked that point of view, on your knees looking up at him, you wondered if he liked it too.
“Oh, she’s staying in a very nice, very expensive hotel room with our daughter right now,” he said with a grin. “As soon as my events are done, that’s where I’ll be too.”
“Oh,” you said, bringing an easy smile to your lips. “Well, we’re all glad you’re here now.”
“We?” He questioned.
You gave a coy smile, batting your lashes so sweetly. “Maybe just me.”
There was a strange expression on his face for just a moment. Then he laughed like it was nothing. He wished you a goodnight and good luck in your matches the next morning, and disappeared into his own room.
You medaled in women’s doubles. They published photos of you and your partner biting the silver between your teeth. That same day, Art Donaldson took home gold. You were there to see the very end of his last match— every single collision of racket against ball, every step, every grunt of exertion. Your thighs clenched as you watched, fists balled up in the fabric of your skirt.
You wanted him in a needy, desperate sort of way. Like a groupie for a rock band, or a virgin being sacrificed on a mountaintop. You watched him celebrate with a kiss from Tashi and felt that same need like an open wound. Jealousy was festering in you like a rot.
The dive bar wasn’t what you’d expected. Something Art had found with a quick google search and a few minutes with a translation app. He’d knocked on your door to invite you, wearing the beaming smile of someone on top of the world.
“So you’ll come?” He asked after he told you all about it.
“Mhmm,” you said, heart hammering against your ribs. “I’ll come.”
And there you were— in a dress that hardly qualified as such— standing so close to him that you could smell his expensive cologne. His arm would brush yours, he’d glance over and apologize with a warm hand to your arm. You’d clench your thighs together and peer at him through your lashes. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.
A few of the other players disappeared to play darts, or watch the late night coverage of the other sports still competing. You stuck by Art’s side, happily allowing his attention to fall on you completely.
“I saw parts of your doubles final,” he said finally. He was drinking a brand of beer you’d never seen before— something local, you supposed. “You looked beautiful out there.” Your eyes lit up, and then he added. “The way you were playing, I mean— it was phenomenal.”
“Well, I’m no gold medalist,” you said. You let your hand rest on his arm, and looked up at him. The fingers on your other hand toyed with the edge of the medal, warm from where it had been flush against his chest.
He swallowed. You felt his muscles flex beneath your touch, but he didn’t discourage it. Not one fucking bit.
It wasn’t lost on you that Tashi wasn’t there. Not that it was really her type of venue, from what you had gathered. It wasn’t lost on you that Art Donaldson was at a dive bar, drinking random Brazilian beers, instead of celebrating with his wife, with his daughter. Fuck all those posts on his instagram— if he really was a good husband, a faithful one… that’s the only place he’d want to be.
“I saw your match too. I ran right over after my ceremony to watch,” you confessed. It was hard to concentrate on anything else— you were standing so close to him that you were nearly pressed completely into his body.
His lips twitched in interest. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Mhmm. It was incredible. You were so dominant out there, just taking what was rightfully yours.”
He swallowed again, gravitating closer. Your tits were practically spilling out of your dress— he probably got the perfect eyeful when he eased you closer with a firm hand on your lower back, when he looked down at you through blown pupils.
“You looked so fucking hot out there, Art,” you said, lips brushing against his jawline. “You can’t even imagine how it felt sitting there, watching you win. How turned on I got… how wet.”
Art exhaled a shuddery breath. “Jesus Christ.”
It must’ve been a while since he had someone want him this bad, you thought. Clearly he needed it— needed a pretty, sweet thing to tell him just how much they wanted him. You could be that. You could do that.
“I’m not wearing panties,” you whispered in his ear. His grip on you tightened and you had to suppress a giddy smile. “You can feel if you want. I won’t tell.”
He swore under his breath and glanced around. Everyone was too occupied or drunk to give a shit about what the two of you were up to.
He grabbed your hand, pulled you away into the bathroom. You looked pretty even then, in the flickering lights, sat up on the edge of the sink eagerly awaiting his attention.
When he wrenched your thighs apart, he was greeted by the pretty sight of your glistening cunt— sticky with arousal and need. His hand fit there perfectly, right where you needed it.
“Fuck,” you gasped. His fingers rubbed through your slit— wet and hot and aching for him. Your head fell back, knocking against the dirty mirror. “Want you to use me— whatever you want, just take it.”
And you meant it too. This was your teenage idol— a man you’d touched yourself to the thought of countless times. He owned your body, your sexuality, as much as you did. It was only fair he took from it whatever he pleased.
You watched with hungry eyes as he fumbled with the button of his pants, then shoved them down just enough to free his dick.
Your mouth fucking watered with the need to feel it on your tongue, nudging against the back of your throat. You weren’t opposed to begging— you nearly started before you got it into your hand.
Warm, thick, pulsing. Precum beaded at his tip, so you smeared it around the sensitive head of his cock with your thumb. He groaned, bucked into your fist once, twice before he moved your hand.
“Spread your legs wider for me,” he said, slapping the inside of your thighs. You obeyed wordlessly, spreading yourself out invitingly. He pressed closer, so you felt him rutting his dick against your pussy, coating it in your arousal. “God, you’re so fucking wet.”
The words came out with equal parts disgust and awe. He probably thought you were a slut with the way you were throwing yourself at him. You wished he’d just call you that, spit it in your face.
Your cunt pulsed with need, aching to be filled up finally. The culmination of years of fantasizing. Art pressed himself against your entrance, sinking himself into you with the slow reverence of a man who liked making love.
He buried himself inside of you and had to stop moving to keep from cumming then and there. He was a perfect image of restraint— the way his fingers dimpled the flesh of your hips in a bruising grip.
Art wanted to be a gentleman— to give you time to adjust to the size of him, to ease you into it and let the pleasure be a slow, soft burn. He pulled out nice and easy, slid himself into your wet, throbbing cunt. That was all fine and good, but you knew it was just pretense. You were laid out and wanting, begging for him to use you as his own personal toy.
“I’m not your wife, Art.” You met his gaze, locked your ankles around his waist. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
The first thrust, the first real one, knocked the air from your lungs. That silence didn’t last long— because you got what you wanted— he was really fucking you, bullying his cock into your pussy with the same need and desperation that you felt.
“Jesus Christ, you’ve— fuck— you’ve got no fucking self respect, huh?” He pounded into you, leveraging his grip to pull you against him, really impale you on his dick.
The moan that escaped you was pornographic. If he kept talking to you like that, if he kept fucking you like that, you’d cum.
“You don’t even care, do you? This fucking pussy’s squeezing me so tight— you fucking love this,” His voice was strained, interrupted by groans and pants.
You moaned, eyes rolling back. “Love this,” you echoed. When you looked down, at the sight of him splitting you open, of the ring of creamy arousal circling the base of his dick, you felt dizzy. Like you were standing on top of a tall building and looking down. Sort of out of body, tethered in the present by brutal thrusts into your pussy and the wet, slapping sounds of your bodies joining.
Your fingers moved between your thighs, rubbing needy and insistent at your clit. So close to finishing that you wanted to cry and just ask to start over again, that you’d savor it more a second time.
“Gonna cum,” he groaned suddenly. You felt him start to pull out, to leave. It wasn’t fucking fair.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck— not yet, you didn’t want it to end like that. “I have an IUD,” you lied through your teeth. You used your legs, pulled him closer, deeper. “Just keep going, don’t stop. I’m right there.”
He moaned against your throat— holding you tight, fucking into you with animal need. Your fingers moved against your clit with an insistent need. It didn’t take much to push you over the edge. Your moans so loud that Art had to put his medal between your lips to shut you up.
And you were so pliant— letting him drill into your aching, used cunt, your mouth tasting like metal. You felt his rhythm falter— one, two harsh thrusts that knocked muffled moans from you until he came, painting your insides thick, creamy white.
He stayed buried inside of you for a while— panting, doing his best to catch his breath. You spat out the medal and it fell back against his chest, spit slick and shining. You reached up, ran your fingers along his face, reverently, sweetly. A lock of hair fell into his eyes and you tucked it away with delicate fingers.
When he pulled out, you felt that sinking feeling of loss and jealousy in your chest. He redressed in silence, turned away like he couldn’t stand to look at you, or the mirror. Shame rolled off of him in waves that you wanted to brush away.
It wasn’t bad, you’d assure him. You’re a tennis star, you’re the greatest in the world. You should have whatever you want, whenever you want it.
But you didn’t say that. You just tidied yourself up as best as you could and slipped back out into the bar. If anyone noticed, they said nothing.
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ereardon · 1 year
My Girl [Chapter 10][Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC]
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Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West]
WC: 2.2K
Warning: Age gap, cursing, light smut
Series masterlist here
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“Not again,” Rebecca groaned as she approached your desk, the lavish bouquet teeming with roses perched precariously on the edge. You scooted it inward to safety and looked up at her with a grin. 
“You so aren’t,” she said, stooping and smelling a bulb. “I think Harris has a literal Netflix and Chill night planned for us. How lucky am I?” 
“You are lucky,” you said, swinging around in your swivel desk chair to face her. “He loves you. That’s lucky.” 
“Safe to assume things are going well with pilot dad?” she asked and you chuckled. “I would say so, based on how beautiful these flowers are.” 
You had always prescribed to the rule that you shouldn’t complain about significant others to friends or worse, family. Because then all they would ever be able to see would be the negatives. It was much easier to forgive your own partner than your friend’s or family’s partners. 
So you simply nodded. 
“He’s great,” you smiled. “And I love Ellie. Like truly obsessed with her. I know I said I was afraid of kids but she’s barely even a kid. She’s just this sparkly little person who always gets excited to see me. Like a dog come to life.” 
Rebecca laughed. “So you’ve yet to see a tantrum?” 
“Not yet.” 
She stood up and straightened her skirt. “Oh, sweetheart, just you wait. They’re cute, until they’re not.”
You grimaced. “Not eagerly awaiting that.” 
“So what are your Valentine’s plans?” 
You shrugged. “Jake just said he’s picking me up at six and to wear a dress. That’s it.” 
Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Curious. OK, I expect the full details on Monday.” 
“I promise,” you said, crossing over your heart and you could hear her warm laugh as she sauntered down the hallway. 
You smirked but as Rebecca’s long legs disappeared around the corner, she was replaced by Patrick’s hulking presence. You sucked in an involuntary breath, anticipation tight across every pore. He shot you an unreadable look before hooking right into a conference room. You let your breath out in a shudder. 
It had been nearly a month since your face-to-face with Patrick. So far there had been no repercussions, no discussions with HR, no threatening emails, no taking you off of accounts. Somehow it had been swept under the rug. 
Perhaps it had been, for him.
In your head, you were plotting revenge. 
The doorbell rang exactly at six. You ran your hands down the sides of your pink dress, smoothing the tight fabric that fell from the off-the-shoulder sleeves down to your knees, the slit in the back letting air travel up mid-thigh. For some reason, you felt nervous. Your feet shook a little in the tall silver Louboutins. 
Immediately, Ellie’s voice filled the hallway as you pulled open the door. 
“Wow!” she said, awestruck, her tiny mouth open in a perfect “O” shape as she looked up at your dress. “You’re so pretty.” 
You chuckled and bent down, pulling her into a hug, her fingers finding traction on your neck beneath your curled hair. “Hi peanut,” you said, standing up and taking in her sweet outfit: a small red dress with a pair of matching glittery shoes, a bow in her hair that was slightly crooked. You reached out immediately and set it straight, finally looking up to see Jake lingering behind Ellie with a grin spread across his handsome face. 
He was wearing a navy shirt tucked into a pair of navy dress pants, a dark green crocodile belt slung around his narrow waist. You leaned over Ellie and pressed your lips to his cheek. 
“Hey there,” you whispered. 
“You look amazing,” he said softly. Ellie bounced at his heels. “Ready to go?” 
You nodded, grabbing your purse and a wrap from the stair banister before following them out the door. 
Jake had somehow found a fondue restaurant on the beach. Ellie was having the time of her life dipping bread and carrots into the melted cheese, and when dessert came around Jake let her choose two different sauces until she had both milk chocolate and white chocolate peanut butter remnants smeared across her face. 
You held her in your lap once she had gorged herself on the chocolate dips, her eyelids already growing heavy. In the distance, the waves crashed onto the shore, a constant drumbeat that threatened to lull you to sleep, too. 
Jake smiled at you over the table as you lifted a glass of wine to your lips. “Thank you,” he whispered. Sometimes it was hard to reckon with the fact that he was so insanely attractive. Even the smallest thing, like when he would smile at a waiter or the nimble flick of his wrist as he signed a check, underscored how gorgeous he was. Every time he looked at you was like a pinch me moment. The fact that he was yours. The fact that he had chosen you. 
“For what?” 
Jake’s eyes trailed down to Ellie, who had her head tipped back against your chest. She was either asleep or close to it. “I’m sure this isn’t the Valentine’s Day you had dreamt of,” he murmured. 
You reached out one hand to grab his on the table, intertwining your fingers. “It’s perfect.” 
A softness overtook Jake’s face. “I love you,” he said and it was so natural rolling off of his lips. But one look into his clear green eyes and you knew he meant it. He meant it with every cell in his body and every breath in his lungs. He was your heart, now. You were tied to him. 
Back at the house, Jake carried Ellie gingerly from the car inside, putting her to bed after changing her out of her little red dress. There was a new stuffed walrus on her bed and you smiled as she rolled over in her groggy state, pulling the plush toy into her arms and falling fast asleep. 
You followed Jake downstairs, where he pulled out a small bluetooth speaker, hitting play and instantly the quiet, dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra filled the living room. “Dance with me,” he said, holding out one hand. 
Jake wound one arm around you, the other hand holding yours tightly between your chests as you swayed in a small circle. You laid your head on Jake’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. When you pulled back, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours and the world stopped turning on its axis for a moment. 
There, in his living room, with Ellie sleeping gently upstairs and The Way You Look Tonight cooing into the evening air, you felt it. The way your world shifted, if just for a moment. Letting Jake in. 
It was like up until that moment you had been filling a single journal page, and suddenly, Jake’s lips dancing across yours had flipped the page and you were starting anew. And there was nothing there but Jake. Just Jake. Lines and lines of descriptors for how his hands felt against your waist and the heat of his skin on yours and the dreamy way he looked into your eyes and you knew that you could trust him with your life. 
Your life had split in two. Before Jake and after Jake. 
There was no going back. 
“I love you,” he murmured into your hair, your fingers curling around the hair at the nape of his neck. “God, I love you. Watching you with Ellie tonight. How did I ever find someone so perfect?” 
He pulled back, running one finger over your cheek. 
“You’re it for me, Natalie,” he whispered. “I didn’t think I would find it again, but I did. And thank God it’s with you. I am so ridiculously lucky that it’s you.” 
“Find what?” you asked quietly. 
Jake’s green eyes softened. “True love.” 
And then he leaned back down and pressed his lips against yours, gathering you into his arms, carrying you effortlessly upstairs and laying you down on the bed. The heat of Jake’s lips traveled across your neck and down your chest. He lingered for a moment on your lower stomach, like he would if you were pregnant. You could almost hear the thoughts clicking around in his mind. He wanted another kid. He was an amazing dad, you had no doubt that he would be the perfect guy to have a baby with. But before you could get too in your head, Jake’s lips dipped lower, his teeth nipping softly at the plush skin of your inner thighs before he pushed aside your silk thong, running his tongue across your wet folds, forcing a sigh out of your mouth as he took one hand and pressed your hips back into the bed. 
“Let me make you feel good, baby,” he murmured against your heat. “Let me worship this body.” 
And you let him. 
Let him bring you to orgasm on his tongue, let him run his hands all along your trembling body, let him hold your hips so tight you were worried you might bruise as he slowly slid his cock inside of you as you clenched down on his massive length. Let him fuck into you while you buried your sobs of pleasure into the silk pillowcase, let him flip you around until you were on your knees and Jake had your back pressed against his chest, his mouth filling your ear with soft praises. Telling you how much he loved you. That you were made for him. That he never as long as he lived wanted to put his cock in any other woman, that you were it for him. You were the appetizer and the main course and the dessert. That no one else could compare to the way you felt around him. 
You let him spill inside of you, his grunts heavenly in your ear, his hands gripping your breasts tightly, his chin falling to your shoulder. 
And afterward, you let him pull you in close beneath the covers, run one hand across your side before landing on your neck. He pressed his lips to his favorite spot beneath your left ear and you wondered if the white-hot heat of his kiss would leave a mark. It felt like it was tattooed on your skin. 
“Natalie?” he whispered as you started to drift off to sleep. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
In the morning, you rolled over to an empty bed. The smell of pancakes wafted through your nostrils and you pulled yourself out of bed and down the stairs to find Jake and Ellie standing at the stove. He had her in his arms as she sprinkled chocolate chips into the pancake rounds as they cooked on the griddle. She laughed as her fist opened and a shower of chocolate dropped into the middle pancake and Jake shook his head. 
“That’s way too much!” 
“No, daddy,” she said as he put her down. “It’s perfect.” 
“Good morning.” They both turned around with smiles and you stepped forward, accepting the coffee mug Jake offered. 
“Ellie, sweetie, why don’t you go get Nat’s present?” 
Ellie skipped off and you raised an eyebrow. “Present?” 
Jake simply smirked and turned back to the pancakes in the pan. Ellie returned a moment later, holding out a small rectangular present wrapped in silver foil. She took a seat at the island counter and you slid a finger under the wrapping paper, revealing a sleek Ray Bans box. 
“Now we match!” Ellie said, and you watched her slip on her tiny aviator sunglasses. You laughed, turning around to look at Jake only to find him also wearing a pair of matching glasses. You were laughing so hard you had to physically put your hands on your thighs to take a deep breath, coming to standing after a good twenty seconds and slipping the glasses on over your eyes. 
“I love them,” you said. “Thank you both.” 
“Ellie picked them,” Jake said, shoving the sunglasses back up on the top of his head and plating the pancakes. “Said she wanted everyone in the family to have them.” 
Ellie grinned from her place at the kitchen island, and you watched Jake’s smile widen as your mouth dropped open. 
They were your family now. 
You looked around. The casual way that Jake slid two pancakes onto your plate next to Ellie. The soft smile he gave you as you hooked the sunglasses onto the collar of your sleep shirt. How Ellie washed her tiny, sticky hands in the sink using the stool that Jake had bought and helped her paint pink with daisies on it that lived permanently next to the sink so she could always reach the faucet. 
You had walked into a family. You had known that all along. But the fact that they wanted you made your heart swell. Watching Jake whisper into Ellie’s ear and tickle her beneath her thin arms, her laughter filling the sun drenched kitchen, suddenly made everything fall into place. 
He was the man you had always been searching for. And here he was, on a silver platter. 
Were you ready?
A/N: A fluffy chapter as requested! We will start to get some conflict in the next chapter. This one is short, because I wanted to get it out and soothe some souls from last chapter!
Tag list: @double-j @seresinhangmanjake @topguncultleader @hangmandruigandmav @momc95 @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @blue-aconite @brehonodea @crthurston @angelbabyange @jason-toddsthighs @secretsicanthideanymore @taytaylala12 @mandylove1000 @mizzzpink @showmethewayhomehoney @tvjunkie08 @mygyn @wkndwlff @sadpetalsstuff @shanimallina87 @averyhotchner @oneelleandaneye @starrynightskyz @daddymack01 @buxkybarnez @pookie-cleary @clairedelarosa-blog  @princessofglitterland  @tiredqueen73 @lovingjakeseresin @lilyevanswhore @kurtkunkle17 @amortentiadrops @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @xoxabs88xox @novagreen04 @townmoondaltwistle @rosiahills22 @indynerdgirl @entertainmentgal8 @misshoneypaper @starkleila @ebonyhogan24 @rosewritesitout @sammysimpin @khaylin27 @localhockeygirl @eyesthatroll @wildxwidow @wildlyobserving @bellaireland1981 @wittywhispers-blog @xomrsalliej4787xo @rosiahills22 @oiseul @showmethewayhomehoney @callsign-joyride @teacupsandtopgun @jordanturpen @sexytholland @daddymack01 @pookie-cleary @eternalsams @djs8891
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Making It Personal
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader Summary: You knew Cody's return was sure to ruffle some feathers, just not like this.
The diamond ring that you had been happily wearing for the past eight months suddenly felt heavy on your finger. Whenever Seth had propsed to you, you had been elated. Nothing could have brought that happiness down, not even seeing Cody back at WWE again. Admittedly, you had gotten nervous about him being back. The two of you had been well on your way to being WWE's 'It' couple way back when, but things changed. He got focused on proving himself to a company that didn't want him, incidentally pushing you to a backburner. Cody had cared about you and loved you more than anyone else, excluding Seth. However, it hadn't been enough whenever the resentment started to settle in.
After you, Cody had done good for himself. You hadn't been there for the rise of AEW, but you could tell that it was important to him. Leaving that company had to have been hard, so you extended an offer of friendship towards him. Cody had taken it, but he hadn't been so keen on the idea of staying friends. Whenever you had checked in on him after his chest injury at Hell in a Cell, he had told you that he still loved you. Coming back to WWE wasn't just for himself, but it was to be closer to you. He hadn't known at the time about your engagement to Seth. However, when he found out about it, he had been adamant that you were making a mistake. Cody had told you that Seth was hiding you from the world when you should have been showcased. Cody said he didn't understand how Seth didn't shout his love for you on every rooftop in America.
If you had been completely over Cody like you had initially thought you were, it would have been easier to forget what he had told you. Instead, you had kept it a secret until suddenly it was out in the world. Cody had done an interview about his return and progress towards being healed up completely. In it, he had mentioned the conversation that he had with you after Hell in a Cell, and how that was what pushed him to get in the best shape possible. Seth had asked you about it afterwards, and you had told him everything in a sort of panicked way, including that you weren't sure how you felt about Cody anymore. Seth had been hurt by that, but there was only so long that he could avoid you before doing too much damage to your relationship.
"You know, it's not a good thing that you look so nervous right now," Seth said as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You leaned your head against his chest and sighed. Seth grabbed your right hand and ran his finger over the band of your old engagement ring from Cody. "I really do wish that you weren't wearing that bozo's ring right now."
"So do I. I know that they're not really going to make me marry him if he wins, but I am begging you to kick Cody's ass out there. I don't want to have to pretend that you're not the one I'm coming home to at the end of the day," you told Seth. He nodded behind you as he dropped your hand. You turned around to look up at him, unsure of how long you had alone with him before you were called out to sit at the commentary table for the match. "I hate this idea by the way."
"I think everybody involved does. You're going to be my wife in a few months, and here I am about to go beat up a guy you almost married like five years ago. Any more exes I need to watch out for?" Seth asked you. He was trying to keep the situation light, but you knew that he was terrified of losing. This match was for a romantic storyline with you, but Seth knew enough about the business and how things worked sometime to know that life imitated art sometimes. Losing this match could very easily push you into the arms of someone who you knew very well you could love.
"Randy did take me on a really nice Valentine's Date one year because I was all alone, but he's happily married. Beth and Natalya bought me a lot of dinners when we used to ride together, but I don't think you can take Beth honey. You're safer sticking to Cody," you teased. Seth looked a little surprised by the date with Randy. You could see him about to mention it, but you shook your head to let him know that you weren't explaining that one.
"Alright, we'll stick to kicking Cody's ass," Seth said. Behind the two of you, a PA cleared his throat. Seth gave you a quick peck on the lips before you walked over to where Triple H and the rest of the creative guys were watching. Your boss gave you a quick nod before your music hit, and you took the first few steps to pass through the curtain. You didn't try to look happy about being here. Nothing about this stupid storyline made you happy other than getting to kiss Seth after each other's matches when you got to escort the other out there. You took a seat next to Corey, who gave you an apologetic look as you put on your headset.
"Y/n, before these guys come out here. I've got to know, who do you hope wins?" Corey asked you. The cameras were on you, so you tried your hardest to keep yourself as neutral as possible. You didn't even fiddle with Seth's engagement ring as you sat in your seat.
"It's a hard choice Corey. I mean, Cody was like my first love and for years I was searching for someone who could make me feel the way that he did. Seth and I, we've clicked so well that I swear it's meant to be. I don't know how tonight is going to go, but I know that whoever wins, they'll make me happy." Corey gave you a little nod when the cameras turned away and you covered the mic as you let out a sigh. Cody came out first, and you felt your stomach in knots as he made his entrance. You were beside yourself with nerves the entire time, even though you knew that Seth was going to be the man you married. Whether you had to keep that marriage a secret or not would depend on how the next 20 minutes or so went.
Their match was amazing, which didn't surprise you in the slightest. You knew that both Seth and Cody would preform, and the raw emotions behind this feud made every move a little more meaningful. Neither one of them were sandbagging each other. That had surprised you a little since they hadn't been hanging around the same space backstage since this started. This was the first, and potentially only, meeting of them since you had been brought into this feud. They were making each other look good, and the match was honestly one of the best that you had ever gotten the pleasure of watching up close. They had you on the edge of your seat until the very last spot when Seth stomped Cody before putting him into a submission move that you had taught him to get the win by submission.
You sprung up from your seat when the bell rang. You scrambled into the ring and went straight to Seth, hugging him as tightly as you could. Seth slid Cody's ring off of your right hand and placed it respectfully into Cody's palm. You watched them shake hands, and Cody pulled Seth in to whisper something in the man's ear. Seth nodded his head as he looked over towards you. You were a bit nervous about whatever they could have been talking about, but all of that went away when Seth came over and kissed you. The crowd cheered around you, but you didn't dare focus on anything other than the genuine happiness and relief on Seth's face about the outcome of this match.
"I know it's on short notice, but I want to get married next week. This made me realize that I've been putting it off for too long. I love you, and I should do everything that I can to protect that," Seth told you. You nodded, despite the fact that you doubted you could plan a whole wedding in a week. Maybe he just meant getting the certificates. Either way, you were with Seth in not wanting to wait to get married for any moment longer than necessary.
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rosedominatesyou · 10 months
Bedtime Stories w/ Rose
ੈ✩‧˚ Seeing Stars ‧˚ੈ✩
(Bedtime Story #2)
Good evening again my precious babies, I was able to write you all another bedtime story 💜 Remember to keep it in your likes until you’re snuggled up in your beds ready to fall asleep.
Before reading: Everything I’m about to say is real and actually happened. I’ve withheld things like certain locations and last names to be respectful to the people in the story.
If you all thought my last story was a wet sapphic dream, this next one might kill you if you’re a gamer. This is the tale of the stupid boy I let come across the country and sleep in my bed for two weeks. I must warn you, the beginning is much nicer than how it turns out.
Please look up the song “New Dork Pity” by Small Talks/Cayley Spivey.
The first video game console I ever owned was a Nintendo 64. I loved everything about the gaming experience. I have so many memories of staying up late and playing a brand new game I just got. The smell of the box after you took off the plastic wrap, ahhh it was my favorite.
I wasn’t doing much else at some point except sitting on the couch playing Destiny. I was completely obsessed. I had loved a lot of other games before this, but something about the world it built had me hooked. It took me a long time to finally start interacting with people in the game, but one day a random player invited me to join their raid group. I almost didn’t do it, because of my experience with using a mic (my voice is very feminine, and I got harassed a lot for being a ‘gamergirl’), but I always wondered what would have happened if I turned that guy down. If I never agreed to that one thing.
Destiny raids became my life. I didn’t think I could get more obsessed.
The group of guys I got to know became some of the best friends I ever had. They were surprisingly all really nice. They would flock to defend me if anyone was rude or mean to me, and I was always the one in charge during our runs. I think about them all the time, and I know they probably think about me a lot too.
Not everyone could play all the time, one of our dudes had a wife and kids, and he was always the first to tell us he had to go. A regular occurrence during raid night was all of us sitting around sending out invites to everyone we knew so that we could get a 6th guy.
That’s how I met Gio. Or, well, we all called him Shepherd, because that was the short version of his gamertag. He was someone’s friend that was the first to reply. I didn’t think much of him at first: he was really cocky, telling everyone what to do and how we were going to run it, but he was also really good. Most of the randoms we invited were total scubs, but not Shep. He knew how to play. But he also learned quickly that I was the one who called the shots.
We’d end up running the same raid group together every week for a year straight.
I don’t have good mobility in my thumbs anymore because of how much playing I did. Shep and I were a dream team, plowing through the Trials of Osiris and getting to the lighthouse countless of times. There was a Valentine’s themed event that used the song “Just The Two Of Us” as the intro and it will forever make me think of that stupid fucking boy.
It would be getting late, and everyone else in our group would slowly start signing off. “You going to bed too, Goat?” They’d ask me. (Yes, he was my Shepherd and I was his Goat..)
I’d lie and say that I was, but Shep was doing the same thing and we would both put our status to offline and stay in the game together. We wouldn’t even play, just let our ships float in orbit as we talked to eachother. Sometimes we would run around the tower all night together while we talked about game lore.
One time we had our characters ‘pose’ in the lounge so that I could take a screenshot and “finally have a photo of us together”. His Titan and my Hunter. Even after everything you’re about to read that happens, I still have that screenshot printed out, buried deep in a box somewhere in my closet with the rest of my old memories.
It was time to stop acting like this wasn’t a relationship. We were having phone sex regularly and everyone in our group knew you couldn’t get between us.
I still hadn’t seen what he looked like, well, not really. He was very into cosplay, so any picture he sent me was him with a mask/helmet on. I got him to video chat with me once, but he hid most of his face behind the blanket the whole time.
Once I graduated high school, I had signed a work contract to be a live-in maid for a family in Germany, and I only had the summer left until I was to leave (shhh, I know, a bedtime story for another time). I was to be gone for several months, and I was afraid that Giovanni would forget about me by the time I got back. He didn’t. He told me that he thought about me everyday I was gone.
We made plans for us to see eachother. He offered to spend all of his own money to come out here. He lived in Chicago, and I lived in California.
I already had lots of experience with relationships at this point, but never with a boy. I was going to be the first girl he’d ever be with too. I wasn’t really sure what I was feeling. I didn’t want it to be like this at first, but Gio was always just…there. It just happened.
Here’s a small snipit from a journal entry I wrote two months before he was to arrive:
“What if he isn’t what I want when we’re together? What if when we first kiss I don’t feel anything? What if he is even more persistent in person? What if it’s all just me and he’s a great guy but I just don’t feel for him? What if he doesn’t like me? What if it all just falls apart?”
I always found it helpful to ask myself questions when I journal. I thought these were all stupid things to worry about at the time, but they were all so incredibly valid.
My heart was beating so fast when I parked at the airport. I walked into the baggage claim area and stood and waited to see him. Again, I had barely seen what he looked like, and when I did finally see him, I realized that I don’t think we talked about height either.
Y’all 🙈 He was one of the ugliest boys I’ve ever seen. I’m sorry. You can laugh, I give you permission to hate him. If you use the 1-10 scale then I would say he was a 2.
Even though I was a little shocked by his appearance, it was still so incredibly overwhelming to see him walking towards me. His stupid stupid fucking voice in person, I grabbed onto him and we spun around in circles in a tight hug. I was an inch taller than him, and his skinny frame was easy for me to pick up as we hugged.
When I first told my mom about Gio wanting to come visit, i don’t think I need to explain to any of you the joy my mother had on her face. Her daughter finally dating a boy?! It was a dream come true. She said he could stay with us, at our house. “But maybe we should get him a hotel the first few nights in case it doesn’t work out!”
My mother was over the moon, and i couldn’t believe she was telling me it would be okay to let him sleep at our house. I wasn’t allowed to let my girlfriends sleep over, but this random boy I met online can?
I drove him from the airport to the hotel we booked for him. We got all his things together and settled down at the foot of the bed in his room. We still hadn’t kissed yet, and I got this sensation that I should just ‘get it over with’ whether it felt like the right time or not. He was in the middle of talking about something when I suddenly leaned in and pressed my lips against him, his tongue immediately entering my mouth.
It shocked me, making me instantly slap him in the face.
It’s hard remembering my feelings back then (I blocked a lot of it out). I mostly just wanted to see how it was all going to play out. He was already here wasn’t he? So I let him stay, even though I wasn’t feeling what I wanted to feel.
I really don’t remember much after this. The next thing that makes any sense to my brain is 3 days later, he’s sleeping in the guest room of my childhood home and my heart it about to explode out of my chest as I walk downstairs to his door.
He was waiting for me. I asked him to take it out for me. This was my first up close look at a cock outside of porn, and my my, the boy was a 2 earlier but now we’ll make him a 3.
He didn’t last one minute inside me.
‘The seal was broken’ as they say and we did absolutely nothing else except have sex for the rest of the trip. My back was starting to get bedsores from just laying there as he thrusted into me for hours. He actually started to last a lot longer as the days went on, but we went through so many condoms that the trip was only a week in before we ran out.
I’ve never been so entranced. I knew that the mind can be hypnotized, but I never knew that it could happen physically. I couldn’t think, I literally couldn’t move. I would fall in and out of consciousness that i’d come to and he would still be using me.
Like I said, we ran out of condoms, and I told him we couldn’t do it anymore until we got up and went to the store.
But we didn’t go to the store. I would start to roll away and he would use his hands to bring me back. My eyes were half open as I watched him already putting it in me and asking, “Can’t I just feel you?” My mouth couldn’t work. I wanted to say no.
We had made plans to visit a nearby major city, one of the most famous cities in the world. It was my favorite place to go, and I was so excited to show him a city he’d never been. He complained the whole time, telling me how confusing all the streets were. I also wanted to show him some Tegan and Sara as we drove around, and even after telling him they were my favorite band, he told me that he “didn’t think they were anything special.” Asshole.
I remember standing with him, looking out at the ocean and trying to think of the right way to say how I felt. Should I just say it? Should I? Should I? Should I?! *this is a rApe tw*
“Gio….you know you raped me last night? You know that right?”
He looked so confused, “What? You can’t rape your girlfriend?”
Oh the anger and sadness I felt. I still needed to spend acouple more days with him, letting him fuck me as I watched the hours pass. And I don’t want to give the impression that I wasn’t enjoying it most of the time, I was, but after what he said it just changed everything.
I took him back to the airport, and as soon as I got back to my room, I just started bawling my eyes out. I’ve never cried so hard in my life. My bed still smelled like him. We still had food and drinks everywhere from our nights together. I made him leave his deodorant stick behind and I just held it to my nose as I cried myself to sleep.
Three days after he left, I snapped out of it. His lingering physical effect on my body had finally seeped out of me, and my clear head made me realize that I didn’t ever want to talk to or see that boy ever again.
I was working at a diner as a waitress during this time. I had to bring a water bottle with me and always ended up forgetting it when I left for the day. Gio made it a habit to remind me after I got off to bring it with me.
I broke up with him over the phone a week after he got home. He didn’t seem that surprised. The last thing he ever said to me was a text I got as I walked out of the diner to my car, it said, “Don’t forget your water bottle.”
I didn’t reply.
That’s the end of our story babies. I hope it wasn’t too long or sad of a read. Mommy is so glad you stuck out until the end, but it’s time for you to get some sleep. Let me know what you think in the morning 🤭
Goodnight sweethearts 💗
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Hh!carlos works out and send photos to his wife, I don’t make the rules. He loves being drooled over, but only by her. He loves it when she comes up behind him while he’s cooking and starts feeling him up, running her hands along his biceps or his abs and complimenting him and he genuinely goes weak at the knees when she gives him a little kiss on the shoulder and a squeeze on the arm.
Also hh!carlos low-key reminds me of Bucky from the MCU. He’s just soft and sweet and a teddy bear and my headcanon is that hh!carlos is like, low-key RIPPED and could probably bench-press the people who talk badly about his wife and would gladly do so,cause he works out all the time and goes on like a four mile jog almost every morning, so he’s like a teddy bear but if a teddy bear was 200 lbs of pure muscle and Spanish passion.
Speaking of passion; holidays, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, etc., are actually really hard to shop for because whenever you ask Carlos what he wants his response is immediately “mi Vida, you are the greatest gift I could ever receive. With you in my arms, I want for nothing.” And you’re like, “that’s really sweet honey but your birthday is in three days and I can’t get you a gift because you won’t give me any goddamn ideas and I can’t keep getting you new kitchen utensils/appliances or books or I’ll genuinely start feeling bad.” Whereas you come home on Valentine’s Day to your favourite dinner, and roses everywhere, and nice music playing, and chocolates, and your husband with a bow on his head and a pretty plug in his ass with a pink, heart-shaped idk rhinestone or jewel or whatever idk what that decoration thing is called. Decoration isn’t even the right word I’m just genuinely dumb.
Also Carlos and his wife taking dancing lessons before their wedding (and then just for fun) because “mi corazon, our first dance must be special! You are my Queen and I would be remiss if I did not dance with royalty.” Also Ana’s wedding gave very much old money royalty vibes so it’s only natural that Carlos’ would as well, and he would absolutely keep up the Queen thing THE WHOLE TIME. Because you’re his wife, and his Queen! And his love and his heart and he loves you so much and he’s so ready to be yours for the rest of his life and he absolutely makes teh two of you dress as a knight and a queen for Halloween almost every year (or really famous movie couples because you will do a couples costume every year no exceptions, including Gomez and Morticia multiple times - that one is kind of his favourite because everyone is like “oh wow you guys are so in character!” But Carlos is actually just not holding back on showing affection in public, he’s like that all the time at home people just don’t see the full extent of it.
OH MY GOD YES!! Honestly I think one of the things I’ve missed the most these past few days is not being able to write hh!Carlos specifically. I adore this.
Firstly, of course he sends you selfies! He's always sending you post workout selfies, and he looks so fucking good it's insane. He's all sweaty from his workout, either shirtless or with a shirt that clings to his muscles. He's always smiling in the camera, flexing a little just to show off.
He doesn't show off to anyone else, but to you? He LOVES being drooled over. He loves feeling your eyes on him so much, loves knowing his wife is watching him and could touch him at any moment.
So naturally he must take every opportunity possible to show off to you. So he simply has to take a selfie after every single gym session and send it to you. (By the way, if you're away he's not above sending nudes, especially if you ask for them, he very nearly died when you were away for a week and you told him to send you a video of him jerking off so that you could get off to it, he still thinks about that even years later).
I also think he sends you a lot of random pictures throughout the day actually? You don't have to respond to them, in fact he doesn't expect a response because he knows you're very busy at work. He just likes to send you things! Like how he baked a cake so he must send you a pic or he cleaned the lounge and sends you a pic.
He just loves keeping you informed on what he's doing. (I think Charles thrives on days where you work from home because he can basically in a 24/7 dynamic, getting his instructions from you and serving you and it's amazing).
I love the idea that the only way Carlos stresses you out is that he never tells you what to get him for stuff like Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries etc. Because he has everything he could ever want! And if there's ever anything else he wants, like some new clothes or new workout gear, then he'll just ask because you're his wife and your job is to provide for him. And of course you never consider saying no and getting him the thing for his birthday or Christmas.
And well... there's only so many times you can buy him new kitchen appliances before it gets ridiculous (you can basically count how many years you've been together by how many air fryers you have).
You feel so bad, because you always have to settle for some copout gift but carlos is there decorating the whole house and making a special meal and everything. He puts SO much effort into it, because he LOVES showing you how much he loves and appreciates you. Your birthday is a national holiday to him.
I also think you'll sometimes come home and he's made a big deal out of dinner for no real reason? The table is decorated and he's naked with a special plug in and his play collar, kneeling next to the table to sit with you while you eat and then be played with. There's no reason for this, he just wanted to do something for you.
And the biggest event of all is your anniversary. Because of course it is. It's the you became his wife! The most important day of the year in his opinion.
I like the idea that maybe you two don't go away on your actual anniversary, choosing to have a normal day at home instead and just really making sure to enjoy your time together and cherish each other.
Then, a week or two later, you'll go on a vacation together. Sometimes it's just a weekend away, other times it's a week or two, it just depends on how much time you can be away from work.
Carlos is overjoyed with any amount of time though, simply because it's time with his wife! That's all he could ever need.
And yeah the wedding was very much old money style. Knowing Carlos, he probably announced his plans to quit his job and become a house husband at the wedding? He has this long speech about how much he loves you and how excited he is for the rest your lives together and then just announced his retirement right there.
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marvelmadam08 · 1 year
Baby Blues 21/?
Summary: Chris and Alex search for the perfect nanny.
Warnings: Jealous Chris that is all
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day!! I thought you all deserved a little treat for the (extra) long wait.
17 Weeks Old
Alex and Chris watched the most recent nanny, get up and leave the room. It was their ninth interview of the day. The first four of them were 'golden' nannies, who were more than willing to tell Chris and Alex what they should be doing as parents, four of them were more interested in Chris than the job once they saw him. This one wore a low-cut blouse, and way too much body glitter, it honestly distracted Alex more than Chris, not to mention she only had one prior reference. And when asked why she left the response was 'creative differences'.
"This isn't going well is it?" Alex pulled Ace into her lap, he was extremely vocal today. Humming and yelling but not crying, he smiled every time he realized it was his voice making the noises "Maybe we should adjust the requirements?"
"We still have a few more interviews. We'll find someone, I'm sure of it." Chris assured. He checked the profile for the next nanny "This one seems like a good choice. Plenty of references, fluent in two languages, French and English. Learning ASL, CPR certified, and is willing to travel with the job. Sounds like a good choice."
"There's a catch. There's always a catch. What's her name?"
Alex blinked "Bates?"
"How'd you know that?"
The door opened again, and Malik stepped into the room. His smile widened when he saw Alex and Ace.
"Malik, what are you doing here?"
"Interviewing for a job, I guess you decided to go the nanny route after all." He came over and sat across from Alex and Chris, the latter of the two wondering how much smaller the world could get.
"Yeah, as much as I didn't want to- I caved." Alex shrugged. She rubbed Chris's shoulder "This is my husband Chris."
"Pleasure to meet you." Malik extended his hand to Chris
Chris felt himself hesitate, before he shook Malik's hand. That little green monster popped up again. Alex was right, there was a catch and it was that Chris didn't want this guy spending more time with his wife and son than he did.
"Likewise." Chris smiled. He settled back against the couch, picking up Malik's profile again. He started to say something when Alex beat him to it.
"Malik, be honest, you didn't know it was us looking did you?"
Malik drew an X over his heart. "I promise, they don't tell us who's hiring, just the requirements needed for the job. Please, just treat this like all the others- no special treatment."
"Fantastic." Chris spoke up, his free hand reaching for Alex's "How long have you been in the childcare profession?"
"Next week makes it twelve years."
"Congratulations." Alex grinned
"Thank you."
Chris continued "It says your last job was almost two years ago. Can you tell us why?"
"I took some time off to help out my sister during her divorce." Malik explained
Chris swallowed his words and bit of his pride. Alex took over.
"Malik, Chris and I travel a lot for work, we usually have itineraries weeks in advance, but our schedules can be a bit unpredictable. Would that be an issue for you if you had to come with us?"
Chris willed Malik to say 'yes it's a problem' and then start going on about how celebrities always think the world revolves around them and their needs. But this wasn't the case.
"Not a problem at all."
The interview went on, with Alex giving various scenarios and hypothetical questions, covering anything and everything that could happen with Ace. Malik answered all her questions perfectly. He had amazing references, he was good with dogs and had a recipe for vegan brownies, just the total package. Chris wanted to find a flaw, no- he wanted Alex to find the flaw so he wouldn't come off as a jealous husband.
"I think that covers everything."
"What about the living arrangements?" Malik asked this time "The agency said you were considering a live-in-"
"We don't need a live-in nanny." Chris firmly states. Both Alex and Malik jump at his voice, like they forgot he was there. "What I mean is- after discussing it over, we decided that a live-in nanny wouldn't work out for us. Is that a deal breaker?"
Malik chuckled "I was about to ask you two the same thing. I get it wanting your space, and I've experienced a few awkward moments when I was a live-in nanny."
"Oh like the iguana in the pantry you told me about?" Alex asked
"Worse than that, actually, but we can talk about that after the interview."
Chris checked his watch, so far this had been the longest interview of the day. And they still had more to do after this one. He hoped the next one would be Dame Julie freaking Andrews in order to make Malik a second choice. And for a moment Chris considered if she wouldn't mind flying in from London to babysit every once in a while.
"Malik, thank you for coming in today." Chris stood "We'll be in touch."
"Thank you for your consideration." Malik rose to his feet as well. Chris smirked, he was taller than Malik, at least by two inches.
"Of course. This has been the best interview all day." Alex shifted Ace to her hip when she stood.
"Well, I wouldn't say they were all bad." Chris shrugged
"Of course not, they all wanted to baby you instead of the actual baby." Alex handed Ace over to Chris so she could shake Malik's hand "Good seeing you again."
"Same to you." Malik turned to Chris "Nice meeting you."
Chris and Alex waited until Malik left before they spoke again.
"That went great."
"Yeah- sucks we can't hire him." Chris shrugs and went to put Ace in the stroller
"What are you talking about. Why not?"
"He's your friend, there's a conflict of interest."
"There's no conflict. Malik is a great candidate, he met all the requirements and exceeds our expectations. The fact that I already know him adds a little bit of trust." Alex turned Chris by his shoulders to face her "How about this- we finish the interviews for today and if we find someone else we like then we'll weigh the pros and cons. Sound fair?"
"Yeah, that's fair."
Chris hated playing fair.
The other candidates barely came close to Malik, the second best one was one of the ‘golden’ nannies, who told them that putting Ace in front of a screen before the age of ten would be detrimental to his health. 
However, if hiring Malik meant that Alex would get to go back to writing without worrying about Ace, then it worked out for Chris. At least that’s what he told himself, when Alex made the call to let Malik know that he’d been the one they selected.
He was changing Ace’s diaper when Alex came in the nursey.
“Malik said he can start next week, which is great because I have a meeting with Sarah on Wednesday.” she smiled at Ace then looked up at Chris “You okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Alex shrugged “You’ve been kinda quiet since we left the agency.”
“Long day. Isn’t that right Bubs?” he cooed and picked up the smiling baby “Look at that smile. Say hi mama.”
Chris angled Ace toward Alex, she giggled seeing her son’s gummy smile.
“Hey my big boy. What’s got you all giggly?” she pulled Ace from Chris into her arms and kissed his cheeks. Ace screamed out another laugh, making Alex and Chris smile. “He’s so freaking cute.”
“He gets it from his momma.” Chris kissed the top of her head “Speaking of moms, yours called me.”
“Why, am I in trouble?”
“We both are, we gave the bigger guest room to your brother.”
“Oh crap.” 
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lillypad910 · 1 year
Headcanons about Emerson! Reader and Gareth’s brother/sister bond.
Warnings: talk of porn mags, but only once so I’m not worried about it. Pretty cute, literally all just fluffy sibling dynamic.
Just some cute headcanons about the Emerson siblings from Brother’s Best Friend! I thought it would be fun to share some ideas I had on their dynamic.
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You and Gareth are a year apart so he literally does not remember a time without you around.
Growing up, you both would go everywhere together, refusing to leave each other’s sides unless to sleep and use the bathroom, but like you even bathed together. Your mom stopped the bath times together when you were 5 and he was 6 tho.
Gareth has always been very protective of you, clearly stating to his friends that you were off limits for dating them. (Eddie obviously didn’t listen in the end)
You always looked up to him, thought he was really cool.
Sometimes when you both get disgusted or excited about something, you have the same facial expression.
You’ve always had at least one valentine every year because once you moved to middle school (when it was no longer required to give a valentine) you didn’t receive one all day until the end of the day. He heard you complain to Jenny (your best friend) about it at lunch so he had your mom bring you a card with a heart Lollipop and stuck it in your locker. You literally saw him do it but you never told him, so he did it every year after.
In freshman year Gareth mentioned needing to run to the store for Valentine’s Day. The guys made fun of him at first thinking he was getting one for a girl he liked, but that first year when he slipped it into your locker, they ended up joining him in the giving the next year when you were a Sophomore. You had at least 6 that year (Mike didn’t join in), and you knew Gareth was one of them, but the others you never knew was from the other guys.
Up until you were 13, your mom gave you both haircuts at home, but she got busy with work (she’s a middle school English teacher who also works with the Journalism Club) so you decided to learn how. You started cutting your own and his hair until he went to college. Sometimes he still give you a call when you are both planning to be home and asks you to cut it. He claims you do a better job than the salons. No matter how many Cindy (his wife) gives him.
You REFUSE to go into his room. Utterly refuse. He needs something? He can get it himself. You learned the hard way to not go snooping in a boy’s room. Asked you to go grab him his textbook and you ended up finding his spank mags. You could never look at him the same, and he never knew why. No one ever found out.
Gareth adores you. Your joy brings him joy. Even now as fully grown adults he still can’t help but smile when you smile. Your mom claims its sibling magic, you both think you just spend too much time together.
He’s let you try playing his drums. Though you weren’t good at first, you genuinely did get way better. You haven’t played in a while obviously but you do know a couple rhythms and songs.
You two are the same person different body trope. Sometimes you act too much alike for your own comfort. Like one time when you were 15 Jeff was over for a sleepover and ask about pineapple on pizza, you both gave him that same disgusted look and at the same time went “That’s an atrocity on pizza.” He felt very uncomfortable after that.
You’ve played DnD with him. You have a half elf rogue that’s your favorite to play, but you also have a halfling bard that’s fun too.
Jeff thought you were cute when you were younger, like 14 and 15 (he’s Gareth’s age) he’s the reason Gareth made it clear your were off limits. He may know those boys but that’s WHY you were off limits. He had no idea Eddie would be the one to date you in the future.
When you joined high school he got a little annoyed because he felt like he finally secured a friend group that didn’t have to revolve around you. It’s not that he didn’t like hanging out with you, he just go so used to having an actual group of friends without you in it.
When Mike met you he was rude and all the guys bullied him for a week, at Gareth’s request. Boy sworn on his life that day that Mike would rue the day he messed with you.
Dustin has always been really sweet, Lucas was neutral, so he never had a problem with them, until he realized Dustin talked about you a little too much. “Dustin, what about Susie.” He caught the poor kid off guard once. “What?” “Susie? Your girlfriend?” “Oh my god, Gareth I’m not trying to hit on (Y/n)!”
When you met Cindy, if was at the Christmas Party of 1988. You looked Gareth dead in the eye and said “Marry her.” So he did. Best decision he ever made. The whole family loves her and you two are like two peas in a pod around each other. The three of you are always hanging out when you get the chance. (You call them at least once a week now for each other’s life update. You were also one of the only people on his family that could make it do the engagement. Your mom felt so bad but made it up to them by helping Cindy with wedding planning, and paid for a large portion.
There is a Christmas photo out there from when you were 17 where you flipped him off in the background. No one can find it when they go to look for it, it’s only when you don’t look for it that you come across it.
If you both cut your hair short it gets curly so when you both were little and had short hair, people thought you were twins because sometimes your dad would dress you both in similar outfits to make it easy. Your mom hated him for it, not because she didn’t like you in boyish clothes, but because YOU didn’t like it (girly! Reader) although now you’ve definitely mellowed out about it, in your teens you would steel Gareth’s clothes for concerts and gatherings to look ‘normal’ in the crowd.
You weren’t home that day when Jason came to your house. But when you got home that night and found your brother all beaten up, you made one call. Jenny made sure that guys life was a living hell for the next week. Walking up to someone’s own HOME and beating them up? That’s disgusting.
You also made sure Hopper was called, against Gareth’s wishes. But you were so mad you weren’t letting it slide. The rest of the guys never seen you that mad before, it wasn’t like you were yelling or anything, just your whole demeanor changed. You were ready to spill blood. You had him on trespassing, assault, battery, what ever you could pin on him. But like magic his stupid dad got him off everything within a day.
Gareth genuinely had no idea you had a crush on Eddie. Poor kid was oblivious. He always thought you just liked spending time with him and his friends (which was true too).
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"Anyone could see that the Prince was charming. The only one for me.”
Fluffbruary Day 18 | @fluffbruary | Film
Marvel Rare Pair Valentine’s Mini Bingo | 💘 @marvelrarepairbingo2022 | Dramatic Proposal
Tony Stark Bingo Mark VI | 😒 @tonystarkbingo | PICTURE
Sam Wilson Bingo Round 3 | 🪶 @samwilsonbingo | Marriage Proposal
masterlist :: (ao3 link)
A/N: This was inspired by this beautiful animation by Kayla Coombs (who in my mind is the person Sam commissions (that or Steve)) of which a Husband proposed to his wife durnign Sleeping Beauty.
Sam and Tony watch Snow White and The Seven Dwarfts, but Tony is fairly sure that it’s not Snow White on screen, because he never remembers a proposal in the movie. | Sam Wilson/Tony Stark
fluffbruary 2023 | mrprp 💘 valentine's mini bingo | tsb 😒 mark vi | swb 🪶 round 3
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Malibu is different for Sam, especially in the winter, since the house rebuild and the remodelling Tony suggested they come out for a weekend trip, away from the tower and the team just purly Tony and Sam. Despite it being Tony’s idea Sam can still find him in the lab over the 3 days that they stay in the winter, they always have dinner and go to bed together but it is peaceful to do their own things during the day.
Just maybe not today.
“Come watch a flim with me?” Sam leans on the labs door, looking at his boyfriend with adoration in his eyes, as Tony walks through the lab, headset on, black shirt, musles on point (which is a physical gain for Sam).
It’s not their annivevasary, nobodies birthday, but yet it feels like a special moment between them as Tony looks toward Sam. It’s sweet that even when they are in malibu and away from work so Tony can do whatever they want Sam can still convince him out of the lab. “When did you become such a film consour?” Tony teases turning off the holograms infront of him, taking off they ear pieces that control the nanobots of his newest suit.
Smiling Sam moves closer Towards Tony, bith of them meeting in the middle of the lab, “I haven’t had much else to do while we are here, and I thought I should take advantage of the cinema.” Sam brings his arsm around Tony’s shoulder, “I think you should take advantage of it with me,” Sam smiles brgiglht brushing his noes against Tony’s. 
It doesn’t take much more convincing then that.
Tony smiles kissing him on the cheek, shutting down everything around him, “sounds like a plan.”
They sit down to watch Snow White as Sam declares that it should be their new years revolution as couple they should watch every disney movie, Tony just laughs. 
“So we are starting with Snow White then?” Tony questions sitting down on a recliner cinema chair, monovouring his popcorn and drink to make sure they don’t spill at the couple sits down. 
Sam corrects with a smile, “Snow White and The Seven Dwarves, actually,” it’s casual as he begins to munch on popcorn before it all even begins, leaning into to Tony’s embrace. The movie rolls without them even needing to ask JARVIS, opening on Snow White singing by the well.
Tony is shocked as Sam is crying in his arms as Snow White is placed into the glass coffin, but then something changes, the prince shows up and it’s not prince, well he is in prince gear but he looks a lot like Sam. The camera shift towards the coffin where Snow White is to lay but it isn’t Snow White, it’s a guy, a guy in very similar resemblance to Tony Stark. Prince Sam wakes up Prince Tony and the movie stops as Prince Sam gets on one knee, and Tony is so confused by the movie that he doesn’t realise that real life Sam does the same thing.
Tony on the screen seems frozen in time as he’s only just woken up and now the prince he had been destined for is proposing to. 
The screen zooms in, lonney toons style and Prince Tony winks at him as the screen reading, ‘To Be Continued’ and it takes until them before he looks down a hand flying to his mouth. Sam is on one knee aswell, a ring box in his hand, opening up to a gorgeous gold ring with a ruby jewel encrusted into it.
“Tony from the day I met you I saw a future with you, once Rhodey introduced you as a menace I knee that I wanted you to be my menace. I wanted you to annoy me everyday, and have the experience of attempting to get you to sleep and sleep beside you in a much comfier bed then a camp single.” Tony is crying now, because the ring is beautiful and the speech is gorgeous, and Sam put so much effort into the proposal and the movie and it is very much them.
“Tony Stark will you be my menace, my partner, and my best friend for life? Will you marry me?”
Tony nods with a whispered out, “yes!” Which leaves Sam jumping for joy into Tony’s arms placing the ring on his finger, “no we’ll have to get you a ring of you own,” Tony tells Sam, happy to have his finance in his arms, and the ring doesn’t way him down as much as he thought ut ever would.
Sam smiles kissing Tony once again, “sounds like a future plan.” 
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hyunecafe · 2 years
The Boyz Ships Ao3 Fic Recommendations  ☻
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❥ Lovesick Idiots Anonymous   signing off as always: a lovesick idiot, anonymous or an au where hyunjae is an anonymous blogger who posts daily love letters to his best friend lee juyeon and thousands of people have made it their mission to find out his identity.
❥ Oh Cue Our Sanity  “Hi, Detective. Did you miss me?” Juyeon freezes. It’s been two years since the last time he heard his voice. Two years since the last time he heard the Phantom Thief call him that: Detective In his playful and taunting tone. Juyeon has almost forgotten how much he hates it.
❥ Five I Love Yous, One I Love You Too “Yeah, I just like to read stories and wish for a relationship like the main characters.”
❥ Hello, My Soulmate Everyone has a soulmate, but you only know who yours is when you are 18. But Hyunjae strongly believes something is wrong when he dreams of his arch-nemesis, Juyeon.
❥ How to Cook (Easy! I Promise!) On September 16th at 3:22 PM, Jaehyun is tasked with the arduous task of cooking Christmas dinner for his entire friend group. The best part of it all is that he has literally never cooked! Not once! Luckily, YouTube - and its slew of videos made by chefs with the prettiest hands - is there to help.
❥ Never Let Me Go Hyunjae is set to inherit Seoul’s biggest entertainment firm, CRKR, and Juyeon is just the guy who used world’s worst pickup line on him in the club. ❥ I Like You (Sorry I Never Meant To) Hyunjae, adamant on not looking like a complete loser in front of his ex, is desperate for a fake boyfriend for his sister's wedding. Juyeon, his worst enemy, is ironically the perfect candidate.
❥ Valentine's fool Juyeon wants to propose to his boyfriend of 5 years, Hyunjae, on Valentine’s day. But unknowingly, Hyunjae keeps ruining it. 
❥ Room 143 hyunjae realises he can't ever escape from juyeon since their brothers were dating, their friends were marrying one another, their other friends were dating and on top of that, due to unfortunate (maybe fortunate in the end) circumstances caused by eric, they are also now hotel roomies! ❥ Get Out  juyeon keeps crashing into hyunjae and haknyeon's dorm and no one really knows why.
❥ Oops Wrong Name Story of how juyeon said the wrong name during his wedding vow.
❥ Pumpkin Pie hyunjae texts a random number he found on the walls of a vandalised toilet cubicle which may or may not just belong to juyeon 
❥ Kisses In My Dreams  story in which juyeon loves giving hyunjae little kisses when hyunjae's asleep but hyunjae wants juyeon to do it when he's awake(or that "my flatmate keeps giving me lil kisses when he thinks im asleep. how do i ask him to do it when i'm awake too" post
❥ Just An Act hyunjae gets his decade-long bestfriend, juyeon to pose as his boyfriend for a valentine's day event all for fried chicken.
❥ It Takes Two juyeon and hyunjae gets sent on a date while being in disguiseorhyunjae goes on a date as chanhee + juyeon goes on a date as changmin and they end up falling in love without knowing one another’s true identity
❥ Love Me or Hate Me juyeon, self-proclaimed president of the anti-hyunjae fanclub is forced to go to a fansign for his brother, eric who happens to be hyunjae's biggest fan.
❥ Every time I Look at You (It’s Like the First Time) “are you lee hyunjae’s first love?” eric blurts. “what?” “juyeon,” eric repeats exasperatedly, leaning over the wall to set his coffee down gently on juyeon’s desk. “are you lee hyunjae’s first love?”juyeon blinks at his coworker a few times before saying, “are you talking about… actor, lee hyunjae?” “no, i’m talking about the guy i ran into on the way out of starbucks this morning,” eric says with a sigh, before waving his phone in front of juyeon’s face. “obviously i’m talking about the actor, lee hyunjae!”
❥ Professional Comma Boyfriend When Juyeon looks at Jaehyun and says, "I'd date Hyunjae," what he really wants to say is, "Jaehyun, date me."
❥ Exhale My Name (Absorb My Soul When You Breathe In) The three times Chanhee wondered who Jaehyun's wife is, and the one time he met his husband.)
❥ It Gets Brighter Than July Jaehyun and Juyeon decide to get better at queerbaiting—without realising they're already dating, that is.
❥ You’ll Be On My Mind  5 names that Jaehyun likes, and the 1 that he thinks might be his favourite
❥ Give a Little, Get A Lot  “do i look untrustworthy?” hyunjae asked in amusement, tilting his head slightly while he watched juyeon’s expression, or lack thereof, for anything to betray his thoughts.juyeon had only been in his presence for five minutes altogether, but the smile had already begun to irk him. it was as fake as they came, without an ounce of warmth to be seen, but it wasn’t entirely forced. no, it seemed lee hyunjae liked to look conniving, enjoyed being the center of attention both good and bad. ❥ Looking Out For You (Like I Always Do) juyeon, standing by hyunjae’s desk, sets the bottle of chocolate milk down on hyunjae’s notebooks, patting the top of it. “don’t fall asleep during class,” he says, a note of amusement in his tone.hyunjae considers doing so just to spite him. ❥ Specious  “One Iced Americano and one Strawberry Ice Blend.” Hyunjae recited the order off the top of his head.Surely a person with amnesia couldn’t possibly remember such details from a forgotten period of time so well, right?
❥ The Night That Shakes Me Up Hyunjae’s the unlucky guy who picked cross-dressing for his penalty. But maybe he’ll get lucky in other ways—enter Juyeon, part-time innocent bystander and full-time horny individual. ❥ (You're the) Chef's Special Jaehyun's pouring significantly more than two tablespoons of olive oil into the bowl when Juyeon sees it. Smoke wavering in the air behind him. Jaehyun eventually sees it too in the viewfinder. "Oh god, not again!" He cries out, running to turn off the stove .And Juyeon laughs. Which causes his hand to clasp over his mouth. He has never, should never laugh at such blatant unsafe cooking conditions.  ❥ Hungover You Juyeon keeps getting drunk, and his friends have no choice but to call Hyunjae, his ex-boyfriend because he’s the only person Juyeon is willing to listen to
❥ Rhyme or Reason There's no reason for it. No purpose, Hyunjae admits, in the dark quiet.It's just love. ❥ But I'm Sure You Can Change My Mind Jaehyun thought that Juyeon was brilliant in everything he felt and possessed. No, he had said it out loud for Juyeon to hear, before telling him to kiss Jaehyun only next to his lips. Because Jaehyun couldn't see what he wanted clearly still. ❥ Lend Me Your Lips  "i'll bring it tomorrow just so you know. and we start tomorrow too. have fun visiting your brother! send him my regards... and eric's." juyeon smirked, knowing that he had won another battle between him and hyunjae - another crown to add to his proud collection of victories against the weak, defeated lee hyunjae. he turned and left hyunjae in the field by himself. ❥ My Boyfriend's Gap Moe is Unmatched! When Chanhee finds out his soft, shy, and pretty childhood friend, Jaehyun, has a bad boy boyfriend, he realizes that perhaps his darling sweetheart of a best friend could not have been as innocent as he had thought. ❥ Even In Another Universe, You Are My Home Angels and devils have been living separated from each other ever since the very beginning, but two very different beings ended up in each other's arms nonetheless. ❥ Under The Bleachers  Jaehyun and Juyeon met in high school, fell in love, and then, life happened. And years later, Jaehyun still can't forget about him. ❥ Hush, Love It's always been Jaehyun's dream to have a band with his best friends, but he didn't think it would turn into a nightmare. Or Jaehyun and Juyeon are in a band together and something happens and Jaehyun catches feeling against his will.
❥ Bold Much Tonight? (I Want You) assassins! jumil wherein hyunjae was paid to take out juyeon and juyeon was paid to take out hyunjae's boss. however, they come to a win-win deal with hyunjae getting his freedom and juyeon decorating it.no violence is heavily descripted, however the mention is still there and throughout the whole story, violence and death threats are present. a mental episode takes place for a short time in the story so be careful for that too when reading. ❥ Anti-romantic  Let down again and again, Hyunjae is cynical when it comes to love. However, in an ironic twist of events, his first heartbreak might just be the one to change that.  ❥ Beautiful Stranger  Jaehyun doesn't have to read too deeply into signs. ❥ Blond, Black, and Blue  Before, Juyeon was nothing but a stranger in Hyunjae's life. Someone Hyunjae didn't even notice. Someone that only existed in his peripheral vision. Now, he can see him everywhere. It’s like Juyeon refuses to not be seen once Hyunjae finally noticed him. Now, Juyeon is everything but a stranger in Hyunjae's life. He has become a steady presence, an uninvited guest that constantly occupies Hyunjae's mind. ❥ At The End Of My Winter (You Wait For Me) Juyeon wants to move on, but Hyunjae makes it impossible to let go
❥ Touchdown Lee Juyeon, the school's star football player, is undeniably whipped for the student council president.
❥ Tears Are Prettier When We're Both Happy Juyeon can’t change the way his boyfriend sees himself in the mirror in a day, can't make him feel like he's the only boy in the world in a day, but he sure as hell can try.
❥ Red String Hyunjae is the perfect student — until he’s suddenly falsely accused and faced with expulsion. He will do whatever it takes to prove his innocence, even if that means asking his number one rival Lee Juyeon for help. ❥ Falling For You Everyone with a partner must have a story about how they met for the first time. Some met when they were just students, some met when they're walking on a park, some met at their workplace, and maybe some other met in a bar. Jaehyun, though, met his now-boyfriend after saving him from falling from a 15-meter high balcony. ❥ It Was Enchanting To Meet You  He learned how Jae’s eyes light up whenever he shares something he loves, and Juyeon also learns that he likes the way those eyes light up. It’s only almost more than an hour ride back home, but Juyeon feels that he already knows who Jae is all his life, he finds out that he doesn’t hate it one bit. A fateful encounter that starts with a carton of oat milk and ends with one. 
❥ Wabisuke  But maybe, just maybe, they can find a solution to their problem—one that doesn’t involve blood, but one that definitely involves something a little sweeter.
❥ Us On A Love Letter  Jaehyun receives an anonymous love letter, not expecting it to be from his rival counselor that he's been fighting with all summer camp.
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❥ ❥ My Summer With You  Sunwoo hates his new summer job. His co-worker, Changmin, is the exact opposite. They clash from the very start, but as they work together, their feelings start to change. ❥ ╰
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throne-for-queens · 2 years
No one is pressed about you enjoying the show/ day or all his success. It's how she can never win with some of you guys.
Firstly you accuse her of stealing his limelight by her mere presence which is such a dumb argument. She is super famous and ppl are bound to talk about her when she is at his event, but u make it sound like that's her mistake. It's as if she needs to hide her identity & her existence or be a mute robot for y'all to accept her. How dare she wear a sensational dress at his event or how dare she speak her mind. I mean why are u so insecure about his talent.
Secondly, they started this relationship when he didn't even blow up like he has now, so it's a bit self serving argument that she exploits his success. The pettiness is you'all shading her subtly at every opportunity. You claim to not care abt her but spend enough time micro analysing or criticising her every move.
Thirdly, if she has been there for him for the past 2 years she is as much part of his life & this movement as some of you claim to be. Don't make it an 'EST' vs 'her' kinda situation. Ironically it's everyone stands together when u can't even stand with his wife.
Lastly, for Kells to thrive as an artist he needs to lead a full life . On countless occassions he has said she has been the light that gives him life & allows his growth or that she reignited his passion for music or inspired him to be a better person. You dismissing/brushing aside her role in his life as if she is some replaceable or irrelevant personality is both disrespectful & disingenuous.
I'm going to try to give some kind of background to this whole thing. Initially when megan and Colson got together is when the bloody valentine music video came out. Colson's career wasn't where it is now but he was definitely on a continuous upward walk to his success. Megan, even though her career was stagnant was always a household name. I've never insinuated that Megan didn't have her own before him, and that Colsons team didn't use her in some sort of way to garner publicity. The person who placed Megan on a pedestal was Colson. He was the one who focused a lot of attention on her and shared a lot of his winning moments with her.
● I will admittedly say that once he put his relationship on center stage, I thought it was a mistake.(Besides the lack of privacy and having to answer to the media.) Now when he takes her to his winning moments or has big moments, she has managed to overshadow quite a few events by simply being Megan fox, which is annoying and unfair to the poeple who got him to those events.
● For those who want him to be recognized for his success, it built anomisty with some fans towards Megan, because it felt like the moments that she did a pap walk or talked to the press could have been withheld. One particular example, was at an award show with the whole daddy says thing, he won and award that night and all people talked about was her comment. She can't control people who come to his concerts and chant her name, so that isn't her fault.
●Her comments have caused issue quite a few times with est because they have come off condescending, backhanded or she just over shares. I can't answer for everyone but those are some of the reasons why I haven't been her biggest fan in this relationship.
●Her clothing is not my business, but I don't even feel like it's her style, it's Maeves. I've known Megan fox for a long time and she was always oversexualized in movies, but in real life dressed like every other girl I knew. I think the style is...eh, because it doesn't even feel authentic, seems like the clothes wear her instead of the other way around but I digress.
●Like everyone else on this planet, I have an opinion, I'm not a confession page or fan page so my opinion isn't fact. But sometimes people ask for my take on some of the things I've witnessed and I say what I feel. Megan just so happens to be more on my page because people are anticipating a break up because of her absence. Everything I say now is based off pure speculation, just like I do with everything else. If you scroll down my page I do that with my shows, movies, and even Colson.
●She can be apart of his movement, not debating that. But when I say that, there is an obvious difference in simply being in it and pouring into it. She pours into her fiance romantically, and supports him, but I don't recall her doing anything for EST. Maybe it's been behind the scenes, who knows, but the founders of the movement and those who have been pouring into it were the ones who deserved to shine yesterday. Not saying she couldn't have been there though, for her own reasons she wasnt.
●I dont hate Megan, never have. The only movies I watched with her in it was transformers. Never thought she was ugly or any of the sort. Her comments have always been weird but it didn't mean much because she wasn't talking about any one in particular. But now her comments are centered around someone who is truly admired and dare I say idolized by many. They will micromanage her words and get defensive if she comes off like she is condescending or mean to Colson. It's the same case of selena and Justin bieber back in the day, at this point I'm convinced it just comes with the territory
High key wish you just messaged me, because this is long🥲 but ill continue...
●Her role in his life will always be there no matter what people say. She has already made her imprint. The only person who can change that is colson and megan if they decided to part ways. Everyone is replaceable, she is not the exception but I have never not recognized her as his fiance. I'm not saying "not my EST queen" (even though i gave that crown to his daughter long time ago) or whatever people are saying to not acknowledge her. She isn't my fiance, she is Colson's therefor she has little to no affect on me in real life.
●Colson is free to be in a relationship, I honeslty wish nothing but good, romantic love in his life. But people will worry about him in that aspect because they have seen the worst with Heidi and the heartbreak he's experienced with past lovers. So, people are just cautious. Are there people who hate anyone he's with without cause, yes! Absolutely! But that isn't everyone's case with Megan and even though she has been with him for two years, it doesn't excuse her from criticism. From what I've seen everyone in EST gets criticized, minus his daughter, I've seen it happen to all of them. Dre, dub, ashleigh, you name it, they do something shady, they get called out💁‍♀️
● I hope I answered all of your points and hope there's more insight but again I'm not a confession page just one random individual on the internet with opinions. I understand that you want to protect megan, she has been through quite a bit of criticism in Hollywood. But she has decided to be with someone who has been through some of the worst bullying and peformative hating I've seen in Hollywood, he's protected and loved by EST and EST is very defensive when it comes to him.
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long-hot-stories · 3 months
She’s Too Proud of Me: Part 1
The luckiest dude ever.
In 8 parts, By Dragon Lair Reads. Listen to the Podcast at Explicit Novels.
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My name is Dunn. A few years ago, I was an absolute nerdy geek. A Chemical Engineering major at Texas A & M. Then I met a girl who changed the trajectory of my social life. That  well, every other part of my life!
Liv; that’s short for Olivia; is my wife and inspiration. I’ll tell you how she got me out of my nerdy shell, but I’d rather let her tell you the first part, when we first met. Liv, tell us that story, again.
 (February 14, 2018;  at Texas A&M)
An unexpected Valentine Rescue.
My name is Liv, and this is the story about how the worst day of my life changed everything for me. It all started when I got a series of very bad scores back. See, I'm a Chemical Engineering major and to stay in that program you have to keep a really high GPA, and well, Thermo 1 and Fluid Mechanics had both kicked me back low exam scores just the day before.
That wasn't even the worst thing though. Well, it probably was, but it didn't feel like it. I'd spent a significant amount of money getting ready for a major party. A major party taking place on Valentine's Day. I had bought this precious slinky green dress. It hugged my figure perfectly and had a plunging neckline. I had made an appointment to get my hair done in loose curls and everything. For a girl so skinny you can see her ribs, I was going to be pretty hot, at least for one night.
And it shouldn't have mattered anyway because I was going to the party with my high school boyfriend. We had come to college together and been dating for three and a half years. But come that afternoon when we were supposed to go to dinner together, he shows up at my dorm room in his coat and pants, tie undone, and his shirt not even completely buttoned.
"Why aren't you ready yet?" I asked, "Come in and finish its almost time to go." He didn't move, scratching the back of his head and looking at the ground.
"Listen, Liv. I really hate to do this now, but, I think we need to stop seeing each other."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, not processing what he had said. "Get in here and get ready;  everyone's going to be waiting."
"I'm sorry Liv;  when we came to college together, I thought it would be fun but honestly the relationship has just felt like work. I don't know how to have fun with you anymore."
"What the hell are you talking about?" I almost screamed, "Don't know how to have fun with me? I've been nothing but available to you since we got here! All you do is drink and hangout with your stupid fucking frat buddies!" Now I was screaming. I poked him in the chest. "My grades dropped because of it."
"It's not working for me anymore, Liv." He said sheepishly
"Yeah, cocks usually don't when you're that fucking drunk." I snapped, tears falling freely off my face.
"I'm sorry." He said again.
"Get fucked!" I screamed and slammed the door on him. I couldn't see what happened, but I like to think it almost hit him.
I spent the next two hours sobbing until my eyes were puffy and I had blown my nose red. The dress I had gone to all that trouble to get on was practically ruined by tears and snot, at least for the night. The party wasn't happening, the hair appointment wasn't either. I never changed out of the dress, I just waited to stop crying and walked in an expensive cocktail dress and Chucks to the liquor store just off campus. I picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels and walked back to the sorority house, sitting out on the curb (yes in my new dress), taking swigs straight from the bottle.
It was pushing seven in the evening by then. People were ignoring me walking from place to place. Girls and guys together for dates, dances, or parties. I hated all of them. The whiskey was dampening my heartache and it wasn't as difficult to keep from sobbing in public. I was almost ready to go up to my room and dispose of all of his crap, probably by setting it on fire, when I heard someone talking.
"Damn, are you as bad off as you look?"
I looked up. It was a boy. Well ok, a young man. He was about my age, and maybe it was the whiskey, but I thought he was kind of cute. The fact that he was cute did not help. "Fuck you dude, I look like a million bucks."
He was holding a pizza box which he raised in agreement. "No contest on that one. The green dress really sets off your hair. But I meant the fact that you're clearly in some kind of emotional crisis." He smirked at me and pointed, "It's the bloodshot eyes and whiskey bottle that gives it away."
I glared at him and took a big swig. Too big, I coughed uncontrollably for several seconds. "Look here, either hand over a slice or keep moving. I'm trying to wallow."
"How dedicated are you to wallowing on the curb?"
"What's that mean?"
"It means I'll split it with you if you fill in for my roommate. We were supposed to have retro game night and he bailed to get laid;  or he seems to think he is anyway. My mom just sent up Goldeneye and everything."
I stared at him for several long moments doing mental calculus through the fog of liquor. The curb hurt my ass, and the pizza actually smelled amazing. On top of that, he was cute, and being alone in a dorm seemed perfect for me to rope him into a rebound. You know if he sucked at Goldeneye.
"No Odd-job?" I asked.
"Who asks for that when they first meet?" He asked with a quizzical look.
"What?" I said confused, "What are you talking about?"
"You said no blow jobs. But who would even ask for that when they met someone?"
I rolled my eyes and stood up at great effort dusting off my britches. "I said No, odd job." I put emphasis on the syllables, "He's shorter than other characters which is unfair in versus mode." I handed him my whiskey bottle and he took it. I snatched the pizza box from him and opened it.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Liv." I answered, "Lead the way."
He looked me over nervously and gestured toward the dorms and started walking. "I'm in Dunn."
"We'll see how I feel about the blowjob after Goldeneye." I pulled a stringing slice out of the box and took an unceremonious bite out of it. He stared at me as I started walking and I smiled at him with a mouth full.
His dorm was like any other college boy's dorm. A nightmare. Nothing had been cleaned. Old food sat on a shelf, upon which sat a toaster oven and microwave, neither bed had been made, or washed, in ages, there was trash strung across desks and piled up in the trash can and two piles of clothes. One at the foot of the bed, and one on the ground next to it.
I traded him back for my bottle hoping to drink the mess away. But ultimately none of it mattered to me anyway. The large TV had two chairs in front of it. One was a folding chair from a lawn furniture set, the other clearly a family hand-me-down deep cushioned swiveling chair. Graciously I was offered the swivel chair.
This kid got spanked. We polished off the pizza and by the end he was stealing sips from my whiskey too. I had grown up on Goldeneye, even though it was pretty old by the time I was old enough.
I tossed my controller into his lap and laughed at him. "Suck it, eight out of ten wins man, you're done."
"I don't get it!" He yelled, "I used to kill at this game."
"Ha-ha!" I laughed, pointing at him.
He crossed his arms and sulked, "Man, you're really good at this. I've never blown at a game this badly."
"Oh, good idea." I said pulling my thick red hair from my face before leaning over and kissing him, my hands on his cheeks.
He was surprised and it took him a few seconds to kiss me back but when he did it was very fun. His tongue played with mine excitedly and I started to breathe heavily. Without realizing it I reached down and felt his jeans. He was rock hard and the heat from it was radiating into my hand. He seemed nervous as I rubbed him.
I pulled out of the kiss, "Is this ok?"
"It feels great, I just don't usually do it when I first meet someone." He said, sounding even more nervous than he seemed.
"I don't either, it's just nice to feel a guy this hard for me."
He gave me a puzzled look, "You're a fit redhead who wouldn't be this hard for you?"
I rolled my eyes and let my fingers try and grab his shaft through the tight fabric. "Ask me another time, I'm having fun." I leaned in and kissed him again. He kissed me back enthusiastically. His hand slid down my exposed shoulder and his thumb played at my collarbone. I knew what he wanted to do but he was trying to be a nice guy. What a sweetheart. What a chicken.
I smiled into our kiss and put my hand over his pulling it inward across my chest. His hand came to rest over my breast, which wasn't as pronounced as I'd like, but it fit snugly in his palm. "It's ok, I love having them played with." I whispered before kissing him again.
His hand closed around it and he gave it several gentle squeezes moving his palm across and letting his thumb find my nipple. The feeling of being groped set my body on fire. I was starting to ache between my legs and could feel myself getting wet. Each pass of his thumb sent edges across my body and I felt my breath catch. I whimpered into the kiss and dragged my nails across his stubble.
"How about that blowjob?" I asked leaning out of the kiss and smirking.
"We just met, are you sure?" He asked, his voice unsteady.
I nodded, "I've never been more sure." I slid my hand off his jeans and pulled my hair back smiling at him. "I wore my sluttiest underwear today because I was planning on giving it to someone else and um, those plans fell through."
"So you're going to give me, a guy you just met, one."
"You're not just some guy I just met. You're the guy who made me laugh on one of the worst days I can remember." I stood up and patted the cushioned chair I'd been sitting in. "Come on."
"You're really, totally, completely sure?" He insisted.
I laughed at him, "Will you get over here! Yes." He stood up and sat in the chair I'd been sitting in. I pulled his knees apart and knelt between them shaking my head to be sure all of my messy, unkempt, unbrushed hair fell behind my shoulders before pushing on his stomach so he was reclined and running my whole hand over his shaft.
I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the jeans sliding the zipper down. I tugged on the pants but got nowhere. He lifted his hips and I tugged the pants down to his ankles where he kicked them off. He had started to pull down his boxers but I wagged a finger. "I want to do the unwrapping." I said playfully, sticking my fingers into the elastic and pulling it back.
His cock slapped him as I pulled the elastic back and he lifted up so I could pull the shorts down the rest of the way. It reached up his torso and I took it in my hand feeling how firm and hot it was, stroking slowly. I watched his face as I leaned over and dragged my tongue along the underside feeling it flex against me.
I wrapped my lips around it, lowering my mouth so that the soft tip grazed the roof and started to suck, using my mouth to tug up and down while my tongue stroked the soft underside. I bobbed steadily, pleasuring his cock and listening to him make noises of enjoyment.
He put his hand on my head, his fingers in my hair as I worked his shaft and tip, loving how it felt it my mouth. The pulsing cock against my tongue was making me ache and I could feel my underwear saturating.
I pulled my mouth off and dragged my tongue across him again before stroking with my hand. "Mm, giving head always makes me so wet."
"You're really good." He said in a foggy voice.
I kissed under his tip for several seconds before licking across the top. A faint, salty flavor spread across my tongue and I smiled, putting him back in my mouth and sucking again until I tasted it again, pulling my mouth away and letting fluid string off. I ran my finger over the tip and played in the precum before tasting it.
"You're something else."
"Head just gets me all excited." I said dutifully lapping at his shaft. "You could cum in my mouth;  if you want, or on my face; " I said in a panting voice, "Or; " I hesitated, "You could lie down in whichever pile of clothes in clean and I could ride the rest out of you."
He blushed and looked at me, "I want to be a gentleman and wait but; "
I let a strap of my dress fall off my shoulder and bit my lip. "I don't want you to be a gentleman, I want you to fuck me in this gritty, wasted dress."
He sat up, "I'm not going to argue with that. But I kind of want to see these." He said pulling on the other strap.
I giggled and stood up pulling one strap over my arm and then the other and tugging the dress down so the top hung below my breasts. Underneath was my lace bra that pushed up my b-cups. I always try and it never helps. I went to unhook the bra and looked at him.
"I'm going to take this off but you can't laugh." I said firmly. He gave me a puzzled look.
"I may do a lot of things, but laughing won't be one of them." I said seriously.
I watched him with a side eye as I unhooked the bra and slowly pulled it off. I stared at him for several minutes before finally removing it and setting it on the floor. He stared at them for several seconds and got up.
He came over to me and crouched down putting his lip around one of my nipples and gently playing with it, sucking, and licking. I couldn't keep from moaning, my mouth hung open and each pass of his tongue caused hot pulsing between my legs. I struggled to stay standing holding his shoulders.
I patted his head and he stood up straight. I panted for breath and lifted my dress to pull my panties off. He put his finger under my chin before I could, looking at me.
"You have awesome tits. These," He said pointing, "Are the most fun I've had on campus yet."
It was my turn to blush. "Lay down, Romeo." I said through a weak laugh.
"Why not on the bed though?" He asked hooking his thumb.
"Because I want to fuck on something clean." I said flatly.
"Oh," He said awkwardly. "That's fair." He kicked the pile of clothes along side the bed and sat down on the flat spread until he was laid on his back. I lifted my dress and hooked my fingers into the thong and slid it down letting it fall to my ankles and stepping out. A clear string of fluid snapped off the inside and stuck to my leg. I'd hoped he hadn't seen but he did.
"Are you really that wet?" He asked sitting up.
"Yeah, I get wet like I've sprung a leak. I can wipe it up." I said not making eye contact.
"No way, show me what it feels like!" He insisted.
I felt my ears get hot. "Well, if you insist." I climbed over him, and knelt down straddling his hips. My lips touched his warm shaft, and I made a small noise. The noises quickly became difficult to control as I slid back and forth stroking his cock with my messy cunt lips. "Fuck; " I whimpered. The feeling of his shaft grazing my clit made my insides feel tight, the aching in my cunt was unbearable. His shaft coated with me quickly as my cunt continued to drain thick, hot, fluid and I couldn't wait anymore.
I lifted up and flared my hips, reaching back to put his tip at my opening and rocked onto it. I felt him sink into me, my cunt being pushed open as he slid in. I lowered as slowly as I could stand, feeling him protrude into me filling me with cock. I was crying and moaning at the sensation and as soon as my ass hit his legs I started to fuck.
I stroked his cock, bucking my hips back and forth, moaning loudly. My eyes were closed and I held his shoulders as my slick clit brushed his pelvis and the thick meat inside me slid against my walls.
"Oh fuck; " I moaned. My hair was tenting around my face and I could feel my whole body tensing. His face was red with focus like he was lost in the feeling of my body and trying to hold onto the sight of me. I felt his hand pull the hem of my dress up so he could feel my bare ass. I gritted my teeth through groans and gasps as he gripped it.
"Fuck that's so good." He said frantically.
"Fuck;  your cock is so hard; " I was losing control, gripping his shirt in my fists as I fucked him wildly. "Fuck I'm so close already." I panted through gritted teeth. I was starting to sweat and the burning tension sent jolts of pleasure across my torso.
"Oh fuck I'm cumming!" I screamed into his face. My stomach seized and my hips shook as my whole body shuddered with the violent climax that burst across it. I moaned loudly pulling on his shirt until it started to fade.
The neck of his shirt was stretched, and I could feel how much slicker he was under me now. I leaned over and kissed him eagerly. He held my face behind the ears and kissed me back. I whimpered and moaned;  his cock still buried in me.
"You came pretty hard," He said.
"I did, thank you." I said kissing his neck and rocking my hips again. "You can cum in me if you want. I like it, and I'm risk free." I panted into his ear, working my hips to stroke his cock. I hoped the clenching and throbbing of my cunt would help him along. I could have fucked him all day but what he had just put me through I wanted him to have as much fun as possible.
"Are, are you-" He started to ask. I put a finger to his mouth and giggled.
"I'm not sure, I'm begging for it. It's ok, let me empty you into me." I stroked him rhythmically, moaning from how sensitive I still was. I rode him, watching his lost face slowly twist into desperation, feeling his cock start to swell in me and his grip on my ass tighten.
"I'm really close," He gasped one hand on my hip, "If you want me to pull out do it;  please."
I shook my head, "No way, I want it too bad. Fill me; " I panted.
He grabbed my neck suddenly and his nails dug into my ass. He groaned loudly and started to buck and squirm under me. I felt his cock burst and a hot sensation filled my abdomen into my cunt. I continued stroking his cock waiting for it to soften and the heat to fade but it pulsed for several more seconds and I felt cum start to leak out of me.
I started to laugh weakly as I sat up letting his spent cock fall out. My cunt drained cum onto his pelvis, legs, stomach, and clothes in a thick, white, stream that slowed to a dribble. I laughed again at the sight and feeling, running my fingers through it.
"Wow, you really came in me." I said, relishing the heat that I felt from it all.
He sat quickly, "Was I not supposed to!" He asked in a panic.
I laughed at him again, "Oh no, you definitely were. Umm there's so much."
"Please tell me this is fine." He asked again.
I pushed him back down and laid on top of him, the fabric of the dress feeling wet as it dropped into one of the streams of cum that was falling out of me. "Would you shut up? Yes, it's fine, Mr. Post-nut clarity. Now stop ruining the afterglow."
I laid on him for several minutes and worried he'd fallen asleep. His chest was warm against my cheek. Suddenly we both jumped as the dorm door opened and a guy stepped in. He stared at us, blinked twice, and then left.
"My roommate."
"I figured."
"This was fun." I said tapping his chest, "We should do it again."
"There's nothing I'd like to do more." He said happily.
"How about, more Goldeneye, then you fuck me this time." I asked looking up at him.
"Deal, but if I win, I get to nut on your face." He said touching my nose.
"You're on!" I paused, "what was your name again?"
Yeah, I really asked her to repeat her name. But in my defense, my brain was momentarily deprived of blood flow.  And Liv needs to take some responsibility for where my blood was amassed.
Anyway, let’s move on to the first time Liv brought me to meet her family.
Visiting her family.
Liv and I went upstairs into the guest room after dinner with her family. She was wearing what she always wore, a colorful sundress. She was tall, nearly five-ten and very lean. I teased her by describing her as 'all elbows'. But teasing aside I love her slender profile, b cups and tight ass. She was the cutest. Despite her cute appearance and playful personality, she was insatiable. So badly that she almost never returned to her dorm at school, filling her time out of class with me.
We were free with our sexuality, we didn't use safe words, or bother with boundaries. Neither of us had ever crossed a line with the other and we felt close enough that we would know if we had.
She walked to the bathroom, but I put fingers into her thick, long, copper mane and grabbed. She laughed through the wince and turned around. "I have to pee." She said.
"I know," I replied, "I want to watch you dance."
"You're so weird," She said with a smile and kissed me. "But I need to discuss something with you, and I don't want to wait."
"Oh," I said confused, "Alright."
She went into the bathroom and was gone for several moments and then came back out. I had sat on the bed and she climbed into my lap.
"So," she said, I looked into her big brown eyes. "I may have volunteered you for a weird tradition."
"If I have to wear a bad sweater in a photo you're going to pay."
She shook her head. "I have a fetish you don't know about, and I want you to help."
"Name it." I said. She took a deep breath like she was nervous and ran fingers through her hair.
"You know I'm down for anything, what's up?"
She sighed. "I want you to fuck my sister."
I laughed uncomfortably, "No you don't."
She pushed my shoulders laying me back on the bed. "We call it the pass-back game, she's going to spend all weekend trying to seduce you, all you have to do is resist as long as possible. When you can't take it anymore, fuck her brains out."
"You're serious." I said, she leaned over me.
"I've wanted to do this since you came last year but was afraid it'd freak you out." She gave me a soft kiss, "You think she's hot, I know you do because you've told me. Plus, you totally checked her out at dinner."
"I did " She put a finger over my lips.
"You're supposed to, it's part of the game." She said, "I know you love me, and are totally faithful, but I'm begging you. This is a bucket-list fantasy for me."
"Fuck your sister." I repeated.
She nodded with a straight face.
"This isn't some weird test, you actually want this to happen?" She nodded again.
"Hold on until you can't take it anymore. Make her wear you down." She said breathily. She kissed my neck playfully, "Then take her hard and until you're empty."
"This is a really big thing to spring on me during my second only visit to your family's house." I said.
"I know," She said leaning forward, "But I hoped you'd play along anyway. For me?" She said with a pouty face.
"You want me to get seduced by your sister;  for you." I asked skeptically.
She nodded.
"Alright," I said in resignation. "But you'll pay for this."
She pecked me on the lips. From down stairs we heard their mother call, "Movie's starting!"
"Come on." She said excitedly getting up.
"I'll meet you down stairs in a minute." I said.
"What's the hold up?" She asked, I looked down. She giggled turning red. "No one will notice, let's go."
"Well, I'm going to change into PJs anyway." I said.
"Ok, I'll save you a seat." She said twirling to leave. Outside she talked to someone I couldn't hear as I began changing. I had just sat down to pull my pants off my legs when Maggie, Liv's younger sister suddenly walked in.
The nineteen-year-old blonde was shorter than her sister, with the same slender build. Her hips were wider than Liv's and unlike Liv  who was perennially pale, Maggie sported a healthy tan. For someone as petite as she was, her breasts seem to hang off her. They were too big for her chest and shoulders. She was barefoot, wearing just a spaghetti strap top and very tight, very short denim shorts.
"Hey Maggie," I said uncomfortably, standing in my boxers and polo shirt.
"Hey," she said back, "Nice underwear." I gave her a look. "I can't get my zipper down;  can you help me?"
"Your zipper?" I asked quizzically.
She got very close to me, looking down, "Yeah, I squeezed my ass into these shorts and now the zipper is stuck." She lifted the hem of her top revealing her flat, bare stomach to show me the shorts.
"You can't be serious." I said flatly. "Get Liv or your mom to help."
"They aren't strong enough to get this, plus my mom would just laugh at me. She hates these shorts. Come on!" She begged.
"I guess." I said reaching toward her. But she moved, turning around and leaning toward me.
"Awesome!" She said, "You got this." Her back was to me, and her ass was pressed up against my lap and she held her hands out for me to work. I grabbed the button and forcibly pried it open. It was snuggly secured and took some leverage. I got the button opened and started on the zipper. I had to feel through the tight fabric on her lap to find the tab, sliding my fingers along the seam several times to find a way into the crease.
Her ass pushed into me firmly as I found the tab for the zipper. While I was feeling for it I thought I heard her gasp. I grabbed the tab in my fingers and started to pull. I tried moving away from her but she kept herself against me. I was fighting an erection as I struggled with the zipper. Her ass was firm and moving against me and I could see down her shirt and her big soft breasts pushing on her shirt.
I groaned internally, feeling myself rock hard against her. I had backed myself to the wall to stabilize myself and pushed as hard as I could with just my fingers. Finally, the zipper slid down the whole inch and a half of it. I pulled my hands away and sighed with relief. "There you go." I said.
"Thank you so much." She said, a little breath to her voice. I waited for her to move but she didn't, her ass still pushed into me. "Can I help you with anything?" She asked looking back at me with a smile, moving her hips.
"N no, I'm all set here." I said.
She raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe I can return the favor later." She smiled and left. I stood in the room startled and confused until my erection went away then put on pants and went down stairs.
I found Liv on the couch under a blanket that was thrown across her knees and shoulders. She smiled big when she saw me and pulled the blanket back to let me in. I climbed in and got close as she gave me a soft kiss.
We had kissed for only a few seconds when we were interrupted by Maggie, wearing tank top that was at least a size too small and soffe shorts almost as short as the ones I had just helped her out of.
"Are we doing PDA?" Maggie asked, "Is this seat taken?" and dropped into my lap.
"Whoa, Maggie." I said startled. She wasn't heavy, but it was surprising.
"Ignore her," Liv said pulling me back into the kiss. Her eyes closed kissing me gently. Maggie began to move in my lap subtly. Kissing Liv can excite me on its own, but having Maggie's ass wiggling in my lap made it worse. I was rock hard again in seconds, and Maggie made sure I was aware that she noticed.
I tried to pull out of the kiss to ask Maggie to move, but Liv put a hand on my cheek, kissing me more firmly. I was so hard I could feel my boxers dabbing drops of fluid as Maggie squirmed quietly in my lap. There were footsteps at the stair case, and Maggie practically rolled to the other side of the couch.
Liv broke the kiss and touched her nose to mine, "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too." I said back, still feeling lost.
"Maybe when Maggie grows up she can be in love too." Liv shot across the couch.
Their mother Diane came in, "Liv be nice to Maggie." Liv rolled her eyes. "Ready to start?"
"What are we watching?" I asked.
"Ugh," Maggie groaned, "Ever since mom and dad split its probably some lame rom-com."
"Maggie!" Liv scolded.
"No, she's right." Diane said. "It is a rom com." Diane moved the big chair outward to face the tv and sat down fiddling with the remote while Maggie got up and turned off the lights. The movie started, and we sat and watched.
Under the blanket, Liv threw her legs over my lap and laid on my shoulder. Under the blanket I felt the underside of her leg with my fingertips sliding up the back of her thigh. She gave me a sharp look. I ran the hand farther up under her dress and her eyes got wide and she looked at her mom and then back at me.
I teased her thigh with my fingers moving them up and down her lean thigh, watching her face. My hand slid between her legs and felt her panties, which were soaking wet. I ran my finger through her folds, soaking my finger in the wet fabric. She pushed her face into my shoulder and cried quietly.
I teased her, toying with her clit, rubbing and playing. Her eyes were heavy, and she was struggling to control her breathing. I moved the panties and ran my finger across her bare cunt. She covered her face with the blanket and gasped into her hand.
I slid my finger into her cunt and pulled it in and out. She grabbed my neck, pulling me closer as she tried to hide and stifle her moans. Her face was tented by her red hair as she panted against me. I fingered her faster, watching her delicate body respond and her sweet face struggle for control. I rubbed above her clit with my thumb as I fingered her and she started to shake, her cunt squeezing my finger.
She buried her face in the blanket, then my shoulder and quaked against me as orgasm rushed through her. When she came down, she looked at me with a submissive face before giving me an eager kiss. Her hands reached under her legs and felt my cock, which was achingly hard.
I shook my head at her. She nodded, untying the draw string on my pajamas under the blanket. "It's too messy." I whispered in her ear. She smiled back, pulling the waist down and grabbing my exposed shaft. I was slick from how erect I had been for so long and she pumped my cock aggressively, now her watching my face.
I shook my head insistently, my face already showing desperation as she stroked me. She smiled excitedly back, feeling my shaft pulse in her hand. Her other hand moved under the blanket. I didn't have to tell her, she knew how fast I'd be.
I took a hard breath and she leaned in close putting her face to mine as my cock seized shooting cum against the hand she had above it in a long series of bursts. She milked me through the orgasm, cum leaking down my shaft after eruption. She pulled the messy hand out of the blanket and licked cum off it with a smile, then used the hem of her dress to wipe off my shaft.
"I'll be right back," She said, "I have to use the restroom. She got up and walked out of the room. I studied Maggie and Diane, neither seemed to know or have noticed a thing. Liv came back and snuggled with me again until the movie was over.
They chatted about it for a few minutes, then I announced my attention to shower, and Liv that she was going to turn in and we all broke for the evening. When we got to the room Liv and I laughed about our rotten behavior during the movie.
She leaned against me, leaning against the wall and gave me a long kiss. I held her sides as we kissed. She pulled away and said, "Pull the string, so I can get this dress off." She turned around showing me the string in the back. I pulled, and it came free the dress slacking across her lean frame. She wiggled slightly giving the garment a tug and it slowly slid from her shoulders and hips to the floor.
Once her delicate frame was exposed to just her bra and panties she leaned back moving her ass against me playfully. Maggie had done the same thing and I wondered if it was them or me. "Play with me." She said in a childish voice.
"I intend to," I said feeling her flat stomach, "but can I shower first?" I asked.
She shook her head throwing long red hair across her shoulders, "No, fuck me dirty." She reached down and pulled her panties off, sliding them over her ass and letting them fall. I thumbed at her bra hook and undid it watching the straps fall forward. She had reached back to pull my pajama pants down, struggling to get them around my erection.
Sisterly Traditions
I reached around her slipping my fingers between her legs and feeling her cunt. She was soaking wet and cried quietly, flinching as my fingers slid across her. Her ass moved against me and I leaned into her ear while my finger teased her. She had let the bra fall off and squirmed helplessly. "I know you made me leave Maggie in my lap." I said softly.
She didn't respond, gasping quietly. I ran a hand up her side and felt her breast, feeling it fit snuggly in my hand. She panted loudly, her cunt was dripping down my knuckle. "You did, didn't you?" I persisted.
She nodded hesitantly, "I peeked during the kiss and saw her moving." She said breathlessly. "I wanted to watch." She said before leaning back and kissing me, moaning in her throat as I slid a finger into her cunt. I fingered her slowly through the kiss and she had to break away to moan out loud. She moved away from me and pulled my hand leading me to the bed.
She climbed onto the bed and I rolled her onto her back, pulling her to the end. I got on my knees and opened her long legs wide. I kissed down her thigh slowly and she squirmed with soft breaths. My mouth made it to her pink, leaking cunt and tickled her folds with the tip of my tongue.
She cried quietly, covering her mouth as her whole body squirmed on the sheets. I held her moving hips running my tongue against her ceaselessly. My tongue played in the excessive wetness that ran from her cunt, licking it from her ass and folds.
She started to jerk, and her moans lost voice as orgasm started to race across her body. With no warning to me, her stomach clenched, and her legs curled up and she moaned loudly into her hand seizing for several seconds as she came.
She caught her breath and I watched as she recovered running a hand over her stomach and chest. She raked thick red hair from her face and sat up on her elbows. "Holy crap; " She panted. She sat all the way up and kissed me. Her soft toes felt my shaft while we kissed and she tugged wanting me on the bed.
"Take your shirt off," she breathed. I did tugging it over my head. As soon as it was in my hand she grabbed my neck and pulled on me.
"Fuck me;  fuck me, please; " She panted. I didn't need to be asked twice, I adjusted her on the bed, her legs up and around my torso, holding me with her knees, and her hands clasped behind my neck. I pushed my cock against her hip, she was so wet and slick I didn't have to adjust much to press into her cunt and start to slide in. She moaned desperately trying to keep her voice down.
I slid my cock in and out of her gripping cunt, watching her sweet face twist with intense pleasure, her petite breasts shaking with each thrust. I ran a hand up her stomach and grabbed a breast, being sure to squeeze her pink nipple firmly. She moaned into her hand before taking my wrist and pulling my hand to her neck.
I leaned slowly on her throat choking her gradually. My cock made loud wet sounds as it drove into her and I gripped her neck pushing into the mattress. Her face flushed turning pink and her moans were labored through being choked. I eased off her neck still pounding her insides and she held my hand to her face kissing my palm.
I slid my cock out and it slapped thick, glossy wetness across her stomach and leg as I did. Her face fought for breath while trying to pout. I tapped her hips and she rolled onto her stomach raising up on her knees. I slapped her ass with a loud pop and she whimpered approvingly before I hit her again. I pushed my cock back into her, having to push harder because of how tight this position made her.
She cried into the pillow forcefully, spreading her legs to accommodate me as I started fucking her again. She groaned through gritted teeth as I grabbed a fist full of thick hair at the scalp and yanked. "Fuck yes, fuck me;  ahh;  " I hammered her aggressively, balls slapping her stomach and she moaned into the sheets. I grabbed her hair again, yanking firmly. She squealed, heaving for breath, "I'm cumming;  I'm cumming; "
She shoulders shuddered and she moaned hard wailing into her palm as her cunt clamped down on my cock fluttering as climax ripped through her again. I slowed my pace as she came down, gulping for air, hand still over her mouth. She shook her head slowly, "Not yet,"
She rocked back and forth stroking my cock with her cunt slowly. She watched my face with delight, as I put a hand on her ass and watched her slowly milk my cock. "You can't handle a slow fuck." She said quietly, still breathing.
She was so tight I could feel every inch of me being slowly squeezed, as she slid back and forth. I watched her body move, my cock disappearing under her ass. She spread her legs wider squeezing me more firmly as she stroked me deliberately. "Come on, come on baby, give me what I want." She said playfully.
She sped up slightly making quiet sounds as she took me into her tender, abused cunt. It wasn't long before I felt myself getting close. I didn't have to say anything, she knew and kept her pace steady, until I groaned loudly, unable to breathe as my cock exploded into her dumping thick burst after burst. She cooed with satisfaction and giggles until I fell out of her, cum leaking out quickly behind me.
She raised up on her knees and leaned back into me kissing me with her head turned. She ignored the strings of cum that fell out of her steadily as we kissed. "I know you can't resist watching my ass." She said quietly. I felt her wet cheek and she smiled.
"Do you want to clean up?" I asked. She shook her head.
"I waited all day to be full of you." She said giving me a kiss. "If I hadn't gotten another load earlier tonight, I'd want seconds." She said giggling.
"Well, don't be pessimistic, I can give you those seconds." I said.
"Maybe in the morning," She said, "It's been a long day."
Bed didn't take long to follow, and true to her word, Liv, let my spunk leak into her panties all night.
I woke up slowly the next morning with morning-wood stabbing into the mattress. I rolled over carefully, hearing the shower start. Liv must have just gotten up. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and closed, and I tried to flatten my aching erection under the covers.
Maggie strolled into the room, her little body wrapped in a towel. She turned and looked at me and smiled. "Good morning."
"Hey," I said awkwardly, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to borrow Liv's robe." She said, walking toward me, and sat on the bed. She was so close, and I was still fighting my erection under the covers.
"I'm sure she won't mind." I said uncomfortably.
"She never does, she shares everything with me." She said quietly picking up a corner of the covers and pulling it back.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said loudly trying to grab the covers. I pulled them back over me but that was a half solution. She giggled and bit her lip grabbing my hard shaft that poked up tenting the covers. She stroked me through the covers, eyes bright when she felt how hard it was.
"Don't worry," Maggie said with a smirk, stroking me softly through the blanket, "It's like I said, we share everything." My aching cock strained against her small hands and she leaned over kissing me softly. As her tongue felt mine between our lips, she pulled the covers back exposing me and running her soft fingers over my shaft. Her slight touch teased my agonizingly hard cock before taking it in her grip and stroking it.
She parted from the kiss and smiled at me, "You're so hard, think I can make you cum before she gets out?"
I shook my head trying to ignore how soft her hands were, trying not to look at her cleavage the towel was snuggly wrapped around. She noticed my eyes anyway and giggled. "Wanna see them?"
"No  n  no." I said unsteadily, trying to focus on anything but the cute blonde tugging on my cock. She ignored me, pulling on the towel, and letting it fall off her. Her full breasts fell free of the tight wrap and burst off her chest. She pulled her lean, naked, body on the bed and bent over. Her blonde head moved down, and she stuck her ass in the air.
She giggled again and ran her pink tongue across my shaft. "Liv says you love getting head."
I tried to squirm back, "I do, but from her and that's really personal." I said panicking. Her green eyes glittered deviously as she wrapped her lips around my shaft and started to tug. Her soft, warm, mouth bobbed on my shaft. She sucked gently but hungrily, her breasts moving with the effort. I panted quietly, watching the little blonde work my shaft with her lips and tongue while I tried to keep control.
She slid her mouth off slowly and smiled at me, "I think you like it." She mocked, leaning down and tickling my tip with her tongue. "Wanna see how far I can take it?"
I shook my head, "No, you have to stop she could get out any second."
She snickered at the comment, "Think she'd join us or cry?" She asked before wrapping her mouth around me and sucking again. She slid her lips down until her throat seized and her torso flexed as she gagged loudly pulling up to resume sucking, drool running down my shaft. She panted breathlessly bobbing up and down quickly.
"Be quiet!" I hissed in a harsh whisper, "Someone will hear!"
She made a sensual whimper and interrupted herself, "I hope someone hears me choking on your cock." Before plunging me back into her mouth and down her throat forcing gagging and heaving sounds from her.
I put a hand to her head and panted, "Please, I can't.."
She laughed, pulling her mouth away stroking me with her hand, "You're going to, don't hold back."
"Please; " I strained, she leaned forward as my cock suddenly erupted shooting thick ropes of cum that splattered across her breasts and stomach. She stroked me through the climax, milking my cock, licking cum off her fingers, and then cleaning my shaft with her mouth.
She gave a satisfied laugh, feeling the cum that covered her breasts, "I'm such a slut." She leaned in and kissed me softly before standing up, biting her lip. She wrapped the towel around her chest and fixed it in place. "Think she'll notice all the cum on her robe?" She leaned over me again with a rotten expression, "Or maybe that your cock has already been drained?" She smirked and walked to the bathroom.
She shot me a devilish smile as she closed the door behind her. Once alone again, I swore and climbed out of bed, before climbing back in having no idea what to do with myself. I ended up laying there silently hating how much I enjoyed what had just happened.
Moments later the door opened, and Maggie exited, wearing the short, pink, robe tied around her small waist. It hugged her chest tightly and I could see cum still catching light on her cleavage. She leaned on the foot of the bed, "Try not to think about me." She smiled and left.
Liv was in the shower for almost another full ten minutes after Maggie left. I even dozed slightly until I heard the water cut off. There was silence for another long period before the door opened, and she emerged running fingers through wet, stringy, hair with a towel wrapped around her chest  just like her sister had done.
Her slender frame walked across the room to the bed. "You're awake." She said excitedly.
"And waiting on you," I said.
She climbed onto the bed still wrapped in the wet towel. "Did Maggie behave when she was in here?"
"Of course not." I said flatly. She smirked and leaned in to kiss me.
"Good." She said before her lips met mine. Her kiss was hot, and sensual;  I had worried that I would struggle to get hard again after Maggie but feeling Liv's body against mine made it immediate.
She grabbed my cock and stroked it while she kissed me, panting aggressively. "I hope you were this hard looking at that slut in her towel." She stroked me quickly, breathlessly kissing.
"Well  I " I started to say but she put a hand over my mouth and straddled me. Her bare cunt was soaking wet, her lips dragged along my shaft leaving it slick with each move of her hips. She panted at the feeling. She made quiet moans grinding on me. I tried to reply,
"I'm not really sure " She interrupted with a finger over my lips and another whimper.
"Ugh, I hate her flaunting her fucking body like that." She said through high squeals and moans. Her cunt was so wet it dripped off my shaft and onto my waist. Her nipples poked through the towel and she shuddered slightly on top of me. "You could almost see her ass under the towel."
She leaned forward and pushed her cunt back on my cock which slid in easily. She used force to push me into her tight cunt that dripped as she eased me deeper and deeper into her. She started to ride, sliding my cock in and out of her narrow body, her hair hung in wet threads around her face that was hanging open in moans.
She rode my cock as quickly as she could, her flat body heaving for breath with the effort as she shoved me into her cunt hard. She shoved her hips against mine and rocked quickly, covering her mouth, "I'm gonna cum; "
She shook, holding her hand to mouth to cover her moans as orgasm raked across her, nearly shaking the towel free. She was so wet after cumming her cunt and legs streaked slickness across me with audible sounds. My cock had a white ring of cream around the base and her small breasts still clung to the now loose towel.
She gasped heavily for air, her hips not slowing down. She leaned forward and the towel fell off her shoulders and onto me making me move it. She was completely lost, her breasts bobbing with the movement of her hips, her redhair a mess across her shoulders and face.
"I cant't " She cried losing control, "I can't stop thinking about you looking at her, trying your best not to let yourself get hard, Fuck!" She panted, "Please tell me you looked." She said desperately. "I'm cumming again; " She cried. She shook quietly, whimpering into her hand. I put my hand to her stomach and felt the orgasm race through her a second time before moving her off. She knew what I wanted and rolled onto her elbows and knees.
On her knees, legs spread open, her pink cunt was a creamy mess. Grool made strings clinging to her legs which were smeared and slick. I slid my cock across her wet folds before pushing in. She cried, gripping the sheets as I started to saw my cock in and out of her.
Picking up rhythm I started pounding my cock into her, smashing against her ass. I spanked her and felt her tight cunt clench. She squealed and I spanked her again. "Shit, babe." I groaned. Suddenly she pulled away from and turned around putting her tongue under my shaft and licking me.
"Cum on me; " she panted, she licked and sucked my cock for just a few seconds before I erupted. She held my cock pointed at her cute face as cum burst across it in thick ropes. She stroked me gently letting it blast her and leak across her nose and cheeks. She licked my shaft and sucked the tip making me groan loudly as she tried to work out every drop.
I pulled her face up and kissed her gently. As she pulled away wiping cum away from her eye I asked, "Wanna hang out for round two?" She laughed.
"We should've done this before I showered." She said. "I have to get ready for breakfast."
She re-cleaned up and I got dressed. Back downstairs we resumed our best behavior, or so I thought. I had expected the parents to join us but they had gone out to run holiday errands leaving me alone with the sisters. Even still, mercifully, neither did anything since I'd already emptied twice that morning. And don't misunderstand, Maggie wore a spaghetti strap top that hid nothing, and shorts as tight and scant.
We did standard holiday stuff setting up the tree and picking up, Liv and I even did some shopping. When we got back we were sitting on the couch and I impulsively asked her a question.
"Has Maggie always been; how do I say this?" I said hesitantly.
"Slutty?" Liv said.
"Not what I was going to say but sure."
"She's been 19 for half a year now;  check this out." Liv said opening her phone. She handed it to me and I scrolled through. It was a reddit user page and full of pictures of Maggie. Naked, posing sexually, several of her engaged in sexual acts, or splattered with cum ect.
"Holy crap." I said. Liv nodded.
"She's been on all the nude threads on Reddit since she turned 18." She explained.
"Wow." I said scrolling through the pictures. As I looked I noticed Liv became quiet and moved closer. I handed her back the phone. "I get the idea." I said.
"Some of them are really bad," She said keeping the screen open. "Watch this gif," she said hitting the link. The gif had sound;  it was a minute and twenty-second-long gif of Maggie getting fucked from behind until the guy came all over her ass.
"She's like you, her favorite part is bringing guys to orgasm." Liv draped a leg over mine and opened another link, a video of Maggie laughing cutely while on her knees being filmed. She took a cock into her mouth and bobbed enthusiastically for several long moments until there was an audible groan, and she pulled her mouth off and let the cum shoot across her nose and chin.
"I think I get it." I said again, she ignored me and pulled up another video. Maggie was on her hands and knees taking it doggy style and whimpering 'fuck me daddy, please, don't fucking stop.' I tried to shift to avoid my swelling shaft from touching my pants, but it didn't work. Liv noticed and smiled, pulling up another video.
"How many does she have?" I asked.
The video was Maggie on top in an oversized shirt riding on top and moaning, pulling the shirt up to expose her breasts. My cock was now pressed against my pants
"Are you trying to get me off to your sister's amateur porn?" I asked as the video ended.
She put a finger to her lips and shushed me. "Pick one."
"You can't be serious." I said. She gave me a look and handed me the phone. I took it, still looking into her brown eyes. "You know, if you're this into this, why not just invite her to a threesome. Then you could watch your fantasy straight out?"
"It's way more complicated than that." She said with a devious smirk and pointed at the phone. I scrolled through the pages of slutty content while Liv watched me and whispered.
"Pick one where you can watch her ass. I know how much you love it." I tried to find something different to spite her but ended up opening a video of her holding her mouth to stay quiet while getting fucked in a dressing room. My cock raged in my pants, straining, as I watched the blonde on screen whimpering quietly.
She felt my tip through my pants with a delicate finger and I looked over at her. "No, no." she scolded. You keep watching." She said rubbing me through my pants. Suddenly we heard steps on the stairs and Maggie came into the living room. I startled at how fast she came in and expected Liv to stop touching me, but she didn't  confident what she was doing was hidden under her leg and the skirt draped over it.
"What are y'all up to?" She asked coming over. I handed the phone to Liv.
"Just watching stuff online." Liv said.
"Anything good? Whatcha watching?" Maggie asked. Liv hesitated to answer, and Maggie raised an eyebrow. "So, porn." She said. Liv turned bright red.
Maggie looked at us both. "Can I join? Or is this a couple's event?"
Liv waved her over and moved her leg away from me. I expected her to sit on the other side of Liv, but she didn't. In fact, she didn't even sit on the other side of me  she sat right on me in my lap. I waited for Liv to protest but she didn't. She ignored the fact that her sister was pushing up against me. Instead she said,
"You can sit there but we've been watching for a bit and it may be a splash zone." I stared at Liv who deliberately didn't look at me. "Now I know the risks." Maggie said with a smirk. Liv pulled up a video and Maggie leaned forward so I could watch over her shoulder. Her back was arched, and her ass stuck out.
We watched the video in silence. Liv leaned away from me to see the phone she was holding, Maggie bent over in my lap, her hips moving against me with excitement. To see the screen, I had to lean into her, pushing my stiff cock into her very protruding ass which wiggled against me.
"Fuck", Maggie swore as the video ended, "I'm so horny now."
Liv gave me a long look. I looked back and gestured for us to leave. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss behind Maggie. As she leaned away from me, she smiled then reached up and pulled Maggie's hair.
As Liv yanked back on Maggie's curls, Maggie gave an aggressive groan and pulled against Liv's grip.
"Umm, your boy is not helping you at all." Maggie said, leaning forward and grinding on my lap.
"I don't think he's trying to help me." Liv said watching my helpless expression. She leaned across me and I looked into her face. "No, don't." I whispered. She ignored me and slapped Maggie's ass
Maggie looked back at me biting her lip, "He's so bad. He's going to make this a splash zone." She pushed against me and grinded on me. She turned back around and said in a sensual voice, "Hit me again, daddy."
Liv leaned into my ear and whispered, "Hit her again daddy." Then spanked her sister. Maggie groaned in satisfaction and rubbed faster.
"I think your boyfriend wants to glaze my cake." Maggie said breathlessly.
"I don't think you're helping." Liv said flatly.
"Umm" Maggie giggled, "Beg to differ."
I looked at Liv who was red in the face and shook my head no, asking for help. She smiled and nodded.
I put my hands on Maggie's waist, senselessly trying to tell her to stop, right before my cock burst in my pants. I groaned loudly feeling the heat and tension of orgasm stream through me as cum spurted out in gob after gob. I laid still panting and Maggie stood up, flipping hair over her shoulder.
"You're welcome." She said with a chirp of satisfaction. She winked at Liv who made a show of rolling her eyes as Maggie left, a big, wet, spot on her shorts as she went up the stairs.
I looked at Liv, "That was low."
She didn't answer and instead gave me a long, hot kiss. "I'd fuck you right here, but I know how spent you are." She said the ends of her mouth curling.
The remainder of the night was entirely mundane. I don't know if Liv knew about what happened with Maggie that morning or not, but she seemed to sense my fatigue. I showered and cleaned up after alone, nothing at dinner and Liv and I were in bed at a normal time.
Before we said good night, she told me that tomorrow was going to be the most intense day yet. I didn't know if she wanted me to be excited or concerned, and she didn't wait for me to ask.
To be continued in part 2, By Dragon Lair Reads for Literotica.
0 notes
stumpfest-2024 · 8 months
Where did my anxieties start?
Thinking back on my life I can pinpoint moments that stuck so strongly with me, that help me define where my anxieties around abandonment come from. I’m trying to search deeper into the recesses of my mind but here’s what I can catalog at the moment. These are in no way all of the moments but as I sit down and think these are the ones that stick out most.
* My best friend in high school, I told him he was my best friend and he told me I wasn’t his.
* Every single crush I had growing up was unrequited, because I was too much or because I was an oddball I’m not sure.
* First elementary school dance I went to the date I took left me to go dance with another boy.
* Girl I liked in high school, I sent roses to for a Valentines-gram. They gave them back to me.
* Multiple best friends who I absolutely adored were unrequited loves that defined me through high school.
* Girlfriend in high school that was my first real dose of love chose another boy over me at a friend’s birthday to dance with. I asked to dance with them and they told me no.
* Grandpa killed himself, abandoning us.
* Dad died after years spent away with work that broke our family. Died with another woman in bed.
* Mom killed herself, abandoning us.
* Girlfriend in post high school broke up with me because she wanted to be with another guy. They didn’t last and I felt like I was validated in saying they wouldn’t work.
* Ex-wife found solace in another man, made me feel insecure and awful with my sexual performance. I tried to find solace in someone new and was told I couldn’t. I left her to allow her the life she wanted.
* Girlfriend after ex-wife left me to be with a man she had a crush on for years who just chose to then be available for her. Was validated in the fact he was an awful person.
* Best friend turned lover turned situationship couldn’t find the time or energy for me as they were moving and married but wanted polyamory but I wasn’t ready for it. Came around years later and caused a whole upending of my life with my then partner who was genuinely a wonderful person.
* Same best friend came back 3 years later to try and connect and be with me but I was ready for polyamory then and they weren’t. I chose to step away to begin a new life with a new partner who wasn’t toxic to me.
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Conference Calls
Summary: Dave told you his favorite gift to unwrap was you. You decide to surprise him with a new set of lingerie for Valentine's Day. During his conference Call.
Pairing: Dave York x fem!Reader (wife)
Wordcount: 2k
Warnings: smut (oral; m receiving, unprotected sex), some ass slapping, teasing Dave York during a zoom meeting
A/N: According to @sizzlingcloudmentality I wrote this in two hours. This isn't beta'd. Just horny.
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You gave the delivery man a small smile, as you signed for the package, glancing at the label. Perfect timing. Taking the package you closed the door behind you.
You took the long hallway leading to the stairs.
Moving into a house with Dave York was not something you expected. You had met him at the hospital you were working in as a nurse. He was a John Doe, his survival a miracle and you had spent months nursing him back to health.
What you didn’t expect was him showing up a week after he got released with a hot chocolate and an invitation for dinner.
Dave had been honest with you from the beginning. That he technically was married with two kids, but that his family most likely think of him as dead. He told you about his job, both of them. He was completely honest with you and yet while all of this should have made you run for the hills you had invited him home after dinner for a drink.
You always liked the bad guys.
A drink turned into two. And two drinks turned into Dave eating you out in front of your fireplace like in a cheesy romance novel before he fucked you into the floor.
That night was almost two years ago.
Now you were living with him outside of New York in a small house the two of you had bought after you eloped to Vegas ten months earlier.
You were happy. Maybe happier than you had ever been in your life and it was all thanks to your husband who was in his office upstairs in some very important conference call about budget. And stuff, not that you cared. How he got back into the DIA was a mystery to you, but apparently they had been so glad Dave York was back from the dead that they hadn’t asked that many questions.
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After you took a long shower and massaged lotion into your skin, you blow dried your hair and finally opened the package you had received earlier.
You bit your lip as you pulled the fabric out, a smile sneaking to your face as you ran your fingers over the silk.
Dave once said you were his favourite gift to unwrap and last week while you were scrolling through instagram while Dave was gone for a mission, you came upon this piece of lingerie, red as sin, a bow holding the bra together and a big bow on the back of the panties which were, of course, crotchless.
See, you weren’t big on celebrating Valentine’s day. You didn’t need a certain day a year to tell or show the man that you loved how much he meant to you. You were doing that every day of the year, but after he woke you earlier this morning, his head between your legs as he wished you a happy Valentine’s day before he made you cum twice, you were glad that you had this little surprise for him.
After putting it on you took a look at the clock, noticing that it was almost time for lunch, his zoom call nearing the end. Grinning to yourself you made sure the lingerie was in place before you sneaked down the hallway, stopping in front of his closed office door.
You could hear him talking behind the door and anticipation ran through your veins as you slowly opened the door.
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Dave was in the middle of talking when he looked up and his eyes met yours, before they widened slightly as he took you in. He continued to talk as you closed the door, leaning with your back against it. His eyes focused back on the screen in front of him and you pouted lightly as you slowly walked towards him, swinging your hips a little more than necessary, satisfied when Dave looked at you again.
You rounded his desk, giving him your best innocent smile as you hoped on it, crossing your legs just out of view from his camera. His jaw was tense as he tried to focus on the meeting but you wanted to test just how far you could go, before he would snap. He looked at you from his side as you uncrossed your legs, one foot coming to rest on his thigh. Slowly you let your feet wander up until you felt his cock, already half hard in his sweatpants. Dave York was all business from the waist up, wearing a crisp white dress shirt, but a whole year stuck in his home office made even him appreciate some cosy sweatpants. That you knew he never wore underwear beneath them was just a bonus you were very aware of.
Dave’s hand shot down to your feet, keeping it still as you began to move it. He swallowed harshly, before his name was called.
“Mr. York, would it be okay to extend this meeting for another half hour? We’d be all done for the day after that,” you heard someone say. You fought the urge to sigh as Dave leaned closer to his laptop, clicking something on his screen and you glanced at the screen, seeing that he changed the angle of the camera so he was only seen from his shoulders up. Then he released his grip on your feet, nodding once at you and you grinned. You slipped from his desk and got on your knees, pushing yourself in between his legs. Looking up at him you saw him looking at you, one of his hands on your cheek, his fingers brushing over your skin. You rested your hands on his thighs, lightly scratching over the fabric of his pants. You continued to look up, while he focused back on his meeting, but you could see his neck flushed, his breathing a little harder than before.
Smiling to yourself your fingers made their way up to the waistband of his sweatpants, hooking your fingers in them, to pull the pants down just until his now fully hard cock springs out, already twitching and precum leaking at the tip. Slowly you got closer, until your lips softly kissed up the underside of his cock. One of his hands came to rest on your head, his fingers in your hair. You fought the urge to hum as you parted your lips and licked over his tip, feeling his whole body jolt. You grinned up at him while he breathed in deeply, now taking him into your mouth.
Dave wasn’t the biggest you had, but definitely the thickest. And no matter how often you sucked his cock, you knew your jaw would hurt for the rest of the day, but seeing him like this… Sitting in a zoom meeting that seemed to last forever while you were sucking his cock under his desk was so worth it. You bopped your head up and down, Dave’s hand on your head a secure weight as he guided your movements. One of your hands played with his balls while you took him deeper and deeper, and while Dave loved nothing more than the sound of you gagging on his cock, you didn’t know if he would appreciate it on his zoom call.
You felt like you were dripping on the floor and your knees were aching, yet you kept going until you heard a noise and looked up, seeing Dave open the buttons of his shirt.
You released his cock, your hand continuing to stroke him, your saliva dripping on the floor.
“If your intention today was to kill me, you were almost successful, sweetheart,” he said and you grinned.
“I was bored,” you shrugged and he breathed in deeply.
“Crashing my meeting like that was quite risky,” he said, his shirt finally undone.
“What are you gonna do about it?” you whispered and his lips twitched into a dark smile, before he rolled back in his chair and pulled you into his lap.
You giggled, your arms coming around his neck just before he kissed you, both of his hands on your ass to pull you even closer against him.
He nibbled on your bottom lip as his hands massaged your ass, one of his hands getting in between your legs, finding you soaked.
“So fucking wet. Did sucking my cock make you this wet baby?” he mumbled against your skin and you nodded.
“Sucking my cock while I’m on a conference call... I should punish you, bend you over my knee but baby… All I wanna do is unwrap you,” he hummed, kissing down your neck and collarbone. Your hands were in his hair, keeping him close as his lips stopped on the soft skin over your breasts.
“Unwrap me, baby,” you whispered and he bit into your skin before his hands pulled at the bow covering your breasts. He smirked when the fabric revealed your breasts to his hungry gaze, wasting no time as his lips closed around one of your nipples.
“God, baby…” you arched your back, pulling him against you, rolling your hips, to get some kind of friction.
One of your hands wandered down his chest, your fingers wrapping around his cock.
“I need you Dave, please fuck me.”
“I should just leave you like the horny mess you are after you made me almost blow my load in front of my boss,” he chuckled and you whined.
“No please, I’ll be so good for you.”
“Will you now?” he teased and you nodded.
“Then turn around, I wanna see that ass bounce on my cock,” he whispered against your ear and you closed your eyes and moaned while you nodded your head. Kissing him hard, you got off his lap as you turned around, shaking your ass in front of him as you gripped the edge of his desk. He slapped your ass once, making you yelp.
Looking over your shoulder you saw him raise one eyebrow, his cock in his hand. Biting your lip you turned your head again before you let him guide you down, his cock slipping into you with ease. You released a long breath when you were sitting on his lap, his cock pulsing deep inside of you.
One of his hands was on your hip, the other one finding your breast as you began to move.
“Fuck…” you moaned as you rode him. His hand releasing your breast and helping you move.
“Always so fucking tight for me…. Fuck…” he groaned behind you just before he slapped your ass and you moaned his name. He began to fuck into you, meeting you movements, the sound of skin slaping against skin filling the quiet room.
“Shit I’m coming…” he groaned, his hand slipping between your legs to find your clit, rubbing it quickly to make you cum.
“Fuck…” he moaned, his thrusts becoming sloppy before you felt him cum inside of you, which triggered your orgasm, making you cry out as it washed over you.
Breathing heavily you looked over your shoulder, to see Dave pull at the bow on your ass. You chuckled and he looked up, before he pulled you against his chest, kissing your shoulder. You clenched around his cock and he slapped your thigh, biting lightly into your shoulder.
“Like your Valentine’s gift?” you asked and he chuckled deeply, his hands cupping both of your breasts.
“Loved it. How about you let me unwrap the rest of you in the bedroom, so you can ride my face?” he mumbled against your shoulder.
“Sounds like a perfect Valentine’s day to me,” you said with a small smile before he kissed you softly.
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bookmark-enthusiast · 2 years
Marauders Headcannons (but without the betrayal and they somehow defeated voldymoldy and survived:
[The Guys
•James Potter•
Bi wife energy
Auror but retired Harry’s last year in Hogwarts
Adored The Rolling Stones
Plays guitar
The romantic of the group
Only went out with two girls while in hogwarts including Lily (the other was a girl on the quidditch team and they both just wanted dates for Valentine’s Day)
Mamas boy (in a healthy way)
Mom friend
Captain of the quidditch team
Got an O in transfiguration and muggle studies
Shipped Dorlene and wolfstar before Dorlene and wolfstar did
Mgonnagal’s favorite (one of his best subjects was transfiguration and he was captain of the quidditch team can you blame her?)
Did most of the Jily wedding planning (he had a headset and everything)
Doc martens bi
Obsessed with David Bowie
A bit of a music snob
Either reads five books a week or one a month no in between
Fell for Sirius third year but didn’t notice until fourth
Makes the most dirty jokes
The one everybody has a crush on (he’s very oblivious to it)
Very skittish driver
Cranky during his time of the month
Will cut a bitch
Tallest Marauder
Coffee addict
Who’s water?
Taught himself a tattoo spell and put a star and moon tattoo on his right shoulder blade (Sirius promptly fainted after seeing it the first time)
Insecure about scars
Scared of children but they love him
Could excel at school but doesn’t to piss his mum off
LOTS of tattoos
Religious but struggled with it 4th year to 6th year
Only ever flustered by Remus
When he finally got the courage to ask Remus out Remus kissed him immediately
Queen is HIS band
He firmly believes bohemian rhapsody was written about him
After regulus survives getting the horcrux (he doesn’t die shut up) they get close again and bond over a shared love of Rocky horrors picture show (1975)
Plays piano
Speaks French
Has rainbow laces in his doc martens
Wore a short skirt for a week after Lily and Marlene were unfairly dress coded
Didn’t come out until after hogwarts
Has a soft spot for Tonks
Owns a black sphinx cat named Ringo (Sirius hates him)
Dated Barty Crouch but broke up with him during their 7th year at hogwarts.
When they heard that he “died” they cried for hours
Loves old movies
Really close to Remus (they have chess club with Dorcas and Peter every Sunday afternoon)
Loves being called Reg but acts like they hate it
Taught Potions for twenty years (head of slytherin for 15)
He plays Violin
Favorite song is Dancing Queen but he’ll die before he admits that
First of the marauders to his first kiss
Big painter
Painted James and Lily on their wedding day and Harry’s bedroom
Top of his class in Herbology
Went out with a few guys during hogwarts
Really likes Billy Joel
Married a muggle who’s sister went to Hogwarts
Always carries bubblegum with him
Owns a magical bake shop in diagonally
Never had any kids
Loves animals
Volunteers at a muggle animal shelter on the weekends
Taught Harry football
Favorite show is Dick van dyke
Shortest of the marauders
Favorite teacher was Sprout
Spy for the order
(I’ll make a part two for the girls)
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnancy Series - Part 2
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Finding out 
Hope you like the second part of my pregnancy series! 
Click here to read Part 1!  
You dried your tears after you dried your hands with the towel next to you, observing the pregnancy test you just took in front of you.
You hated that one stick so much that whenever your period was late, your heart was beating in fear and not happiness.
One and a half years passed ever since you and Jumin began to try for a baby and there was still no baby.
You couldn’t bear seeing your husband’s sad face anymore whenever you gave him the news that you weren’t pregnant and that this was just a false alarm.
You were sure that this time too, the result wouldn’t be the one you hoped for.
A last glance on the clock made you look at the pregnancy test for the last time before you would toss it into the trash can since you had to get the breakfast ready for Jumin, but somehow this time, something was different.
Your heart was beating crazily in your chest as your cheeks grew warm.
You slowly placed your hand on your belly as you watched the results on the stick you hated so much.
,,Pregnant’’ it said.
You slowly sat back on the toilet, the pink stick between your hands as you read it again. ,,Pregnant,’’ you gasped, trying to gulp the tears away.
,,J-’’ you were about to call your husband when your brain decided to think about this logically.
What if the test is false and he gets excited?
And so, you instead decided to not say anything and instead put the test in your pocket to hide in a bag so that he wouldn’t see anything.
The first thing you would do, however, was go to the doctor after breakfast.
,,My love, I forgot that I have to meet a friend after breakfast. I know I shouldn’t come late as your second secretary, but-’’
Jumin kissed you as he took his bowl of rice.
,,You are my wife and are allowed to do anything. Do you need Driver Kim perhaps?’’ of course you declined and even though you knew, you just lied. You knew that this was going to protect him…
,,Six weeks pregnant, Mrs Han. Your pregnancy test wasn’t wrong,’’ the doctor told you after a checkup, making you tear up.
She then made you follow her to a room where she made an ultrasound and eventually gave you your first picture of your baby.
The doctor explained the next steps, telling you that she wanted to see you regularly.
,,I’m so happy that you finally are here on your way and you did well. It's daddy’s birthday this weekend and you are already a perfect baby,’’ you sobbed as you looked around for some ideas for Jumin’s surprise...
,,I don’t think I can come today,’’ you groaned as you laid back as you just came back from throwing up into the toilet.
An acidic taste was left in your mouth, making you feel disgusting.
As if an upset stomach wasn’t enough, you even had a slight fever.
Your body felt weak and all you wanted to do was sleep, well, not that you could do anything else in this condition.
Your boyfriend looked concerned for you. The possibility of you being pregnant wasn’t even on his mind since the both of you finally gave up, wanting to wait again after so many failed attempts.
Well, Zen wanted to try more. It was more so you who couldn’t bear it mentally and so he stopped buying pregnancy tests.
,,It’s the time of the flu in February… well, I’ll stay with you,’’ Zen whispered and kissed your nose, feeling sad to see you so sick.
,,No,’’ you tried to stop him.
,,You need to go to work. It’s okay, I’ll sleep a bit and later when you are back, I will be better and I will be able to go to the doctor,’’ you told him, closing your eyes because right now everything was spinning in your head. You just wished for it to get better.
Zen hesitated, but agreed afterwards, giving you a last kiss. ,,I will come earlier, I mean, I took a holiday leave for tomorrow so I shouldn’t have much to do today,’’ he told you and quickly left as he was late for work.
You decided to close your eyes for a few seconds again before a big feeling of nausea hit you again, making you run to the toilet.
,,Ugh, I hate throwing up,’’ you silently cried to yourself as you tried to hold your own hair back.
It didn’t take you long until you decided to dial your doctor's number on your phone and ask for an appointment this afternoon.
,,Thank you, I will be there,’’ you said as the nurse asked you to come right away, making you groan in annoyance and get changed.
The weather was cold as you stepped out, closing the door behind you and walking towards the medical facility, rubbing your hands together as you were freezing.
,,Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day,’’ you remembered as you walked past a shop selling chocolate, remembering that you didn’t buy anything for your boyfriend yet.
,,Pretty lady! We even sell chocolate done with a picture chosen by you! Want to give it a try!? I bet you have a boyfriend!’’ a woman smiled at you, showing you pictures of white chocolate with edible photos printed on it.
You thanked her, telling her that you had to go somewhere and had no time.
A few streets away you arrived, putting your mask on and entering the building, telling the nurses that you had an appointment.
,,When I heard that you had a slight fever and felt nauseous, I knew immediately that you were pregnant!’’ the doctor smiled at you after she checked you up and took your blood sample, making you look in shock at her.
,,R-really? I am...expecting a baby?’’ you asked her, tears slowly coming up and rolling down your cheeks as she nodded.
You immediately called your gynecologist to make a second check and also see if you could already have a sonogram since suddenly you had a very good idea. 
,,Ajumma,’’ you said with a teary face to the woman who wanted to sell you chocolate earlier.
The woman looked concerned at first, but quickly began to tear up herself as you held up a picture.
,,I just got this good news. Will you help me surprise this baby’s father?’’ you asked her.
Soon, you and Yoosung would celebrate your eighth wedding anniversary.  
You were currently sitting in front of the window, thinking about everything the both of you achieved until now.
A lot.
Yoosung had a stable job, you worked with the RFA, both of you had your own big house with a beautiful garden. Your relationship and marriage was the best, there wasn’t anything else you could wish for.  
Everything seemed perfect, if just that one little detail wasn’t missing.
A child.
Something you both could take care of and shower with love and affection as it grew up.
But some things weren’t meant to be. It was just too much for you to handle.
The disappointment you regularly had to face, the pain in your heart.
,,We should give up,“ you whispered as you kept looking outside of the window, tears in your eyes as you said these harsh words.
Giving up was something you would normally never do.
Yoosung hugged you from behind, knowing how much this situation was hurting you and how much this made you depressed.
,,I will be back for dinner,“ he whispered after a few seconds before he rubbed your arms and put on his jacket to step out on his way to work.
As soon as he was outside, you could finally let out that loud sob you held onto yourself to not make Yoosung pity you and cried alone in your room.
,,Ah, I need to go to the doctor today,’’ you groaned as you dried your tears with your palm, sighting and looking at your display as you calculated how much time you still had until you had to go there.
As soon as you arrived, you rolled your eyes in annoyance as you sat down in the waiting room, three pregnant women with their husbands on their side, smiling widely, feeling probably blessed. Today was a bad day.
You were truly happy for every pregnant woman in the waiting room, but seeing them made you angry and made you feel and think things you shouldn’t.
You were jealous, jealous that they achieved something you couldn’t achieve in all these eight years.
,,Mrs. Kim?“ the doctor called you, making you stop thinking about the women around you and instead look up at her.
Your doctor was smiling at you as she asked you to follow her, leading the way to her room where she asked you to sit down to talk to you.
,,How are you?“ she began, ready to listen as you told her that you wanted to give up on getting pregnant.
,,But before that I would like to check one last thing. Is that okay?“ she asked you, nodding as she typed something on her keyboard to note everything you guys talked about.
A bit annoyed, you watched her minutes later as she checked you, finally looking into your eyes, smiling at you.
,,Mrs. Kim, it seems that you are already pregnant. Five weeks,“ she smiled.
In disbelief you observed her, you could feel your eyes get teary. ,,But the last test-”
,,Sometimes they’re false, but you are pregnant,“ she cut you off.
While she talked about a few things you should keep an eye on, all you could think about was that tomorrow you and Yoosung had your anniversary and that this news was the best present you could give him, just like she just gave to you.
,,I just hope you are alright and that they can find out whether it is or isn’t Covid-19,“ Jaehee whispered as she looked out the window.
You weren’t with her together at home, something that already was difficult for her, but knowing that you weren’t feeling well somewhere apart from her made her feel even worse.
The both of you decided to have a little bit of time on your own, making you go to your parents home for the week. Neither of you ever thought that you would stay away longer.
The reason why you both decided to get a distance from your place was that both of you just agreed on giving up on getting pregnant.
It was getting too hard for you and her, knowing that your body couldn’t give you what you wanted - a child.
You and Jaehee already spent about 9.000 won to get you fertilized artificially three times and you both failed three times.
Six weeks ago, when the doctor told you once again that you guys failed, you decided to give up.
As if it was yesterday, Jaehee remembered your crying face in your dark, shared bedroom.
Your loud sobs and your trembling body on the floor.
You were devastated.
She couldn’t bear to see you falling apart anymore and she couldn’t bear to act like the strong one for both of you because she, too, was in too much pain.
As soon as your parents found out, they persuaded you to come back home for a bit to rest.
However, as soon as you arrived, the symptoms of the virus hit you.
You were feeling weak, had a slight fever, and you felt like your limbs hurt a bit.
,,I hope so too. The test was negative. Well, all my tests are negative,’’ you mumbled, making Jaehee feel bad without noticing.
,,Tomorrow they will take a blood sample, but I’m happy that you are feeling good, Jaehee,’’ you said as she told you that her COVID test was also negative. 
,,Okay, I will go and sleep a bit. Call me tomorrow as soon as you know something new,’’ she whispered before she cut the call, her thoughts by your side.
The morning afterwards, your legs were shaking in the isolated waiting room as you waited for your results to come.
Well, if it wasn’t Covid it would be something less worrying, right?
Indeed, the news the doctor had was less worrying since you were told that you were positive - positive for a pregnancy.
,,Huh? But, the doctor said…. we waited so long!’’ you told her, crying out of happiness but not believing her.
,,Yes, sometimes the test can be false or he made a mistake, but I am for sure that you are pregnant,’’ she nodded.
And so, happy that you could go home again, you decided to not tell Jaehee anything and instead surprise her with good and happy news…
Your husband looked at you with a sad face as you once again felt sick and decided to stay in bed the whole day.
But he knew that you weren’t sick, but more depressed and sad.
He gulped as he looked over to the calendar.
It’s been almost two years since the both of you agreed on trying to become pregnant, even though he was sure that it would work out in less than a year.
But you both failed.
And the one that was hurting her body was none other than yourself, but he could just observe you and stand by your side.
Saeyoung’s eyes wandered over to your desk where countless pills and bottles were standing.
The both of you were currently injecting hormones into you to overstimulate your production of eggs.
He was nibbling on his lips. ,,Mc?’’ he asked you.
,,Mhh?’’ you hummed in response, turning your body to his side.
He hated to see you in pain, feeling unwell, and of course the stress of becoming pregnant was something that bugged you too.
,,Maybe… well no, to be honest, I think that we should stop with the injections wait one, maybe two years for the baby. What do you think? I mean, I don’t want to stress out your body,’’ he whispered to you, nervous for your answer.
You just sadly smiled at him and nodded as you slowly closed your eyes.
,,It’s a good idea. I think I’ll sleep for a while. I actually have a headache,’’ you lied.
Well, the truth was that you stopped taking the injections for four days already, something Saeyoung didn’t know.
He also didn’t know that you were already six weeks pregnant.
But you also just found out at your last appointment when the doctor told you that you were five weeks along, making you feel the most happiest wife on earth.
The reason for your lies was that soon Saeyoung would have his birthday and you wanted to make this day a special day for him, but also for his brother, who would be an uncle soon.
And so you decided to lie to your husband who was clearly worried as hell and told him that you were having side effects of the hormones.
Well, that was something you also thought at first.
The doctor told you from the very first injection that the side effects may be hot flashes, mood swings, nausea, and swelling, so when you first had them, you didn’t actually think that you were pregnant.
But you still wanted to talk with her about it to make sure that everything was fine.
To your surprise, it was more than fine and you were pregnant.
,,We just need to keep the secret,’’ you whispered, rubbing your still flat belly.
You patted your boyfriend’s back as he once again sobbed at the negative pregnancy test.
,,I… I’m a loser,’’ he whined and looked at you, his eyes red and swollen from all the tears.
,,Maybe my mother is telling me that I shouldn’t become a father, that I don’t deserve it, that I am bound to become a monster like her and… ahh… so much is going through my head!’’ he whined and threw the test into the next corner, sobbing into his hands.
You slowly began to sob too, feeling guilty.
,,I’m sorry, Saeran… I wish I could do better,’’ you cried as you looked at him. He seemed so fragile.
Your boyfriend suddenly looked up. ,,Why are you apologizing?’’ he asked you. He couldn’t believe what you were saying.
,,I can’t give you what you want. I’m a bad girlfriend,’’ you whined.
,,No!’’ he sobbed again. ,,I’m a bad boyfriend and brother! I can’t find Saeyoung so I’m getting punished and you’ve been with me even though you didn’t do anything!’’ he told you, now hugging you and rubbing your back. ,,I’m so selfish, crying to myself even though you’re in pain too!’’ he sobbed harder.
And so this day, just like other ones, ended with the both of you lying in bed, sobbing into each other's arms as you thought about the future without children.
But it was still empty.
Days passed by and you and Saeran decided to give it up. For the time being, you didn’t want to get stressed, you wanted to enjoy life/ Saeran wanted to find his brother for real now and you just wanted to have a clear head.
But it didn’t work as you felt a sudden pain in your abdomen.
Sick and lightheaded, you laid back in pain, feeling a slight temperature that morning.
Some infection, you thought. Being pregnant wasn’t on your mind back then.
But after you didn’t seem to get healthy again, Saeran decided that it was best to bring you to a hospital.
,,Are you perhaps pregnant?’’ the doctor asked you and seemed to understand the case pretty quickly.
But you wanted a whole diagnosis. ,,No, I can’t get pregnant,’’ you told him, hearing these words from your own mouth hurt even more and so you once again felt your hot cheek as your eyes began to shed tears again.
,,Make a pregnancy test to make sure before doing anything else,’’ he told the nurse and went off to the next patient.
Indeed, the nurse turned back with a big smile, asking you again. ,,Are you sure that you can’t get pregnant?’’ she asked you, rubbing your arm.
,,The last test was negative,’’ you whispered.
,,Well, we will bring you to the maternity ward because it seems that you are pregnant,’’ she chuckled and pushed the wheelchair to the other ward.
,,Uhm, can you please not tell my boyfriend? I… I want to prepare a surprise for him,’’ you told her as you began to smile in happiness.
Finally good news arrived. Was it a sign?
Almost two years passed ever since you and your husband decided to adopt a new child to make Lucy into a big sister.
However, back then the adoption wasn’t possible, making you go for pregnancy.
But to you it just seemed as if God wanted to punish you for something.
,,It’s not working,’’ you sobbed as you found out that this time, too, you weren’t pregnant.
Your husband pressed his lips together and thought of something else.
Injecting hormones into you was something he wanted to avoid.
,,Maybe,’’ he began, looking at you and stroking your hair. ,,Now, we should stop for a bit.
You are stressed out and I’m nervous.
We are doing our best and I’m sure that one day the right time will come and we will be able to have a child on our own,’’ he told you.
He let go of your hand and kissed your head and then walked off to pack his bag.
Jihyun also had to go on a business trip for six weeks so he had to prepare a few things.
As consolation, the both of you lastly had a lovely and also sexy time together. This time you two didn’t think of having a baby, you just wanted to feel each other, feel closer and happier as you both wouldn’t be able to stay next to each other for a bit.
The next morning, Jihyun already left. The house felt empty and you were down, but for Lucy, you kept staying the happy mother she knew, waking her up, preparing her, as well as bringing her to school and then doing your house chores.
But it didn’t take you three weeks until it all backfired. You got a bad virus and weren’t able to get off the bed.
,,I’m so sorry that I can’t help you,’’ Jihyun gasped from where he was currently, feeling guilty.
,,It’s okay. Hyun and Yoosung are helping me and Jaehee keeps an eye on Lucy's tuition while Jumin helps with the hospital and medicine,’’ you groaned as you felt like vomiting again. It was eight in the morning after all.
,,I am such a bad husband. Three more people have to look out for you,’’ he chuckled, happy that you had support at home.
,,Well, you are providing for our family so don’t feel bad. Besides, it’s five. Saeyoung and Saeran are doing their best making Lucy happy and helping me too,’’ you laughed.
A few moments later, you cut the call as a red haired man, none other than Saeyoung entered your room. ,,Hurry up, I am taking you to the doctor’s. I read countless diagnoses with your symptoms and none of them is anything I would like you to have,’’ he said worriedly, helping you get ready after you vomited again.
But the diagnosis you had was much better than you all thought and with happy tears in your eyes, you entered your friend’s car again, actually shocking him. ,,I never thought that you could be so wrong with your diagnosis, Saeyoung. Actually, Jihyun and I are finally going to become parents!’’
The both of you stopped counting the time at some point.
It just felt like a never ending story. It felt as if it was impossible for the both of you to archive what you wanted to.
Becoming a family.
Having a child between the both of you at night, caring for someone…
The more time passed and the more negative tests you held between your trembling fingers, the more you thought that this was an impossible dream for you.
You kept biting your upper lip as you looked into your calendar again.
You were once again bleeding. It was your period.
A sigh left your mouth as you looked over to Vanderwood.
Ever since he stopped smoking and was actually trying for a child, his mood had gotten weirder and harder to bear.
You weren’t happy anymore.
,,Yo, Vanderwood!’’ you called him, trying to smile as he turned your head over to you. ,,I… can we actually stop trying? You can smoke again and I can… maybe focus on my job for a bit… like, nothing has happened yet. Can we go slowly?’’ you asked him.
This was so out of the blue, he was actually so shocked, maybe a bit pissed off. You fell over him with this topic as if it was the most causal thing to say.
But he still said yes. He still nodded at you and he still agreed with you.
And so he really began to smoke a day later. Of course, smoking wasn’t that good anymore. He actually hated it.
But, he was sulking? He was hurt by you, a bit disappointed even though he could understand what you were trying to tell him.
A few days later, your period didn’t come as strong as it was supposed to be, so you decided to visit a doctor, maybe also to get a prescription for your birth control again.
But the news you got there was something you never expected.
,,You’re pregnant and you’re three weeks along!’’ she said, looking at you happily. She never had a woman who couldn’t get pregnant since she was still not a very well known doctor.
But you, one of her hardest cases, finally did it.
,,Since it was a hard fight, I want you to take these,’’ she said and wrote something down. ,,You need to take them to support your body with the change, make sure to come regularly. I think you already know what to do, but do not lift anything heavy, rest a lot, sleep, drink, whenever something feels off do not hesitate to visit me, okay? I will now schedule the first ultrasound of your baby and then you will have the assignment to search for a midwife to support you, okay?’’ she asked her.
Suddenly you felt so happy and scared at the same time that you didn’t know what to do.
But you already knew that there was someone at home that would be clearly happy to find out and you knew that for sure.
Part 3 of my pregnancy series here
🤰🏻ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ sᴇʀɪᴇs🤰🏻Masterlist here 
12.05.2021// 23:55 MEST
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