#a lesbian is awesome
wuntrum · 6 months
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some previews of my new gay comic maintenance! about robots and girls and fingers and hands and wires. available as physical copies through WBMC only for the month of april!!! (and digitally after that)
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midwestblue · 2 years
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★ I adore these vintage buttons so much
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dykepulpfriction · 1 year
butch isn’t something you become, its something you find out you already are and then grow into, hope this helps
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whim-prone-pirate · 6 months
hey guys what do you do when you dream about a girl who doesn't exist. you meet her, she lives in your building, you and your other friend start to get to know her. your friend is kind of a dick, but that's just how he is. as you get closer with this girl, you start to convince yourself that you like her—you don't. you think she's gorgeous and you think you're supposed to fall in love with her, but you haven't. and in your efforts to love her, you do something that hurts her, your friend egging you on, trying to get you to go further, double down, and the girl pulls away from you. she doesn't look at you like she used to. she won't stand close to you and her new boundaries are clear—she needs you to keep your distance and you're not going to be able to fix this completely, not ever. and you understand that, and you're a kind person, so you are as respectful towards her as you know how. again, your friend is a dick about the whole thing, which doesn't make you feel better at all. maybe you shouldn't feel better. because you started it. you told yourself you were going to love her and you didn't and you did it wrong. and now that you've fucked it up for good, you feel yourself starting to look at her differently than you did before, just like she's doing now. but you're looking at her with shyness and gentleness and from six feet away, shrinking into yourself with a tiny glint of light in your eyes, while she stands stoic and tall, her eyebrows tensed and her mouth flat as you fumble your way through an attempt at aftermath-themed small talk, her responses short and clipped and knowing. she knows what's happened to you. she knows why you're looking at her like that. and she knows that you know that you lost your chance and you're not getting the same chance back and definitely not in the same way. and when she asks you for a small favor or wishes you well, you skip away, your voice soft and light and far too gentle, so fucking gentle, and you know that she hates you a little bit. and you know that now, only after, you love her a little bit. and then you wake up. what do you do then?
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0yorixu · 2 months
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rushed emnn for nene day
I had this idea for a while but doing it on nene's bday is the best day for it
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notbeingnoticed · 8 months
What is something about lesbian sex you wish someone had told you?
Your hand/wrist will start cramping, and it will hurt like a bitch. You just gotta push through (no pun intended)
It doesn't matter how closely they shave. You will end up with a little "mustache" of redness on your upper lip after going down on your girl.
Just because you're a lesbian doesn't mean you don't need lube.
Jaw cramps are a thing
Don't be afraid to breathe during oral sex.
Just because you have the same body parts doesn't mean they like the same things. Everyone is different. Don't pretend you know someone when you don't.
Cut your nails.
Sex isn't only about penetration.
If you're really self-conscious about making a mess, try putting a few towels (or six) down first.
Virginity is a made-up concept.
Yeast infections are super common with new partners so don’t be afraid to go to urgent care.
Don't fake moans or fake an orgasm. They'll think you like what they're doing and they'll do it forever, which will only leave you unsatisfied.
Keep a tall glass of hot water on by the bedside and keep the dildo dipped in it until you're ready to go.
Love and sex are two completely different things.
Porn is not a good place to learn how to pleasure a clit but if they want you to run their clit like you’re scrubbing a frying pan, do it.
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absenteatot · 5 months
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sleepyeurypterus · 5 months
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i crawl back into her embrace
warm and sticky and red
the taste of iron tainting
every ragged breath i take
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rippledawn · 2 months
I think all gay women should be watching climbing, one because it’s super fun to watch but also guys have you seen how buff climbers are??? So many back muscles holy shit 🥵
My favourite climber, Janja Garnbret looks like this like holy shit guys
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Not to be a lesbian on main but wow wow wow
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shirley69sblog · 8 days
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Wanna lick your Big Di*k🫦 Join My Personal Profile for FREE❤️
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s-sextape · 1 year
i am writing an accidental haiku to attract haiku bot
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yesioarts · 16 days
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I have a comic to end the week‼️‼️ Both altogether and separate panels
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st2r-b0y · 2 months
Something I rlly wish I saw more of in the madohomu fandom is pining Madoka… like show her being in love too tf
I feel like since Homura’s love is so strong they forget to show the other perspective like I WANNA SEE MADOKA CRUSHING IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???
And don’t even try and say they’re one-sided I’m just gonna ignore u
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bluejay-makes · 4 months
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Gay rugby elf
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twigsyy · 2 years
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Smokin' hot babe
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
Anyone who calls Steve Harrington a cunt gets the receiving end of his left and right hooks. Their names are Dustin and Robin. Steve dies? They die. Someone calls Steve a name? That someone gets their ass kicked. Dustin and Robin meet up once a week to discuss Steve’s love life. Sometimes, they hold a meeting right in front of Steve. I like to think that Robin let Dustin in on the fact that she's a lesbian. It was Dustin who came up with the idea, after Vecna, that Steve likes Eddie. Steve would open his mouth to say that he likes girls when Robin beat him to the punch.
"Okay, but Steve likes women," Robin said.
"Okay, it's possible for you to be a lesbian, but can't Steve like both?" Dustin asked.
"Steve is right here!" He would yell, and they would just ignore him.
"Okay, it's called being bisexual," Robin said.
"Wait, it's a real thing?" Steve asked with wide eyes. "You can actually do that?"
"Yes, dingus," Robin said, rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile, Robin started arguing with Dustin about whether or not Steve was bisexual. Steve was sitting quietly now as he actually had a full-blown crisis.
"Guy? Guys?! GUYS?!" Steve asked.
"What?!" Dustin and Robin exclaimed.
"I think that Dustin's right. I think I like Eddie," Steve said softly.
"I'm right? I mean, I'm right?! I'm right!" Dustin exclaimed with a grin.
"Dustin," Robin snapped and turned to Steve. "Are you okay with this?"
"Yeah, suddenly, everything makes sense now?" Steve grinned. "Holy shit! Robin, guess what?"
"I'm bisexual!" Steve laughed and then he stopped. "Oh, shit, I like a boy. What do I do?"
"You ask him out," Dustin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"As if it's so simple," Steve said.
"Ha!" Robin exclaimed gleefully.
"Okay! New plan: Operation Find out if Eddie likes guys without pushing him into outing himself is a go," Dustin said.
"There's gotta be a better way to say that," Robin said.
Dustin frowned thoughtfully, and then he grinned, clapping his hands.
"Operation: Discovery!" Dustin exclaimed.
"It still needs work," Steve shrugged. "It'll do."
Was Eddie outside Steve’s door prepared to knock when he heard all that? Definitely. He was prepared to tell Steve all about his feelings when he overheard them. They were all rather loud. They all sounded so excited about their little mission that Eddie wanted them to give them the opportunity to work on it a bit. Plus, he loved a good quest. Meanwhile, he was going to search for the person who called Steve a cunt. Eddie flipped the switchblade out of his pocket and whistled as he skipped to his van.
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