#a liars birthright
Alsheikh seems to count on his readers to take his unsubstantiated accusations at face value.
Perhaps he opposes Birthright Israel because it exposes students to the reality on the ground.
When I staffed a Birthright trip last year, my students had time to experience Israel and the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict through their own eyes. Our students came from a variety of backgrounds and political perspectives, and my co-staff actively encouraged them to think for themselves. We did not shy away from “controversial” topics or try to limit students’ speech.
Along the way, students also candidly interacted with Israeli-Arabs, an inevitable scenario given that over 21 percent of Israel’s population is Arab-Israeli. This is true of every Birthright Trip, and any trip to Israel for that matter.
Alsheikh’s assertion that “trips don’t make contact with any Arab citizens of Israel” is a fabrication. Furthermore, we also met with representatives from the Druze and Bedouin communities.
Finally, Alsheikh’s proposal to replace Birthright with other tour groups is glaring in hypocrisy. Each tour he lists is more biased than the last. Let Our People Know is organized by the anti-Israel organization J Street. Birthright Unplugged is pro-BDSand calls Israel an apartheid state, when that is not the case. Green Olive Tours plainly states a political agenda on its website. Last but not least, Breaking The Silence is an organization that depends on unverified, anonymous testimonies by former IDF soldiers to promote an anti-Israel agenda, and its claims are regularly exposed as propaganda. Any tour run by them can not be objective.
Alsheikh consciously chooses to gaslight the Jewish community on campus by claiming to speak on behalf of Jewish students in telling the Hillel that their sponsoring Birthright “serves to alienate liberal Jews on campus and implicitly prioritizes the politics of some Jews over others.”
He pleads that “for the sake of Dartmouth, morality, and our Jewish students, Hillel must end its association with Birthright.” Alsheik’s claim of Birthright being an amoral program that must be canceled for the sake of Jewish students is bold, considering that the majority of American Jews support the state of Israel and likely have no interest in canceling Birthright on college campuses.
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cosmicplexus · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations
🌻I wasn't feeling lazy today so this is a bit longer than the usual observation posts🌻
🦋And finally the pricing catalogue is here...at the end of the observations 🦋
Thank you so much my sunflowers🌻your support has been everything. I try my best to respond to your messages and requests. If you haven't received a response, I'm coming 🤍✨
And I tried my best to be reasonable with the prices. Also, I'm not yet doing full chart readings as I am a student with two majors and I'm already struggling with balancing things. In time I will do them. Free one question culture requests are still open, but please don't request for things you see on the pricing catalogue like a big three reading...
I don't want to bore you all too much so here we go🧚🏾‍♀️🦋🌻✨
Astrology Notes...
~4th house Gemini makes for someone who develops family-like bonds in friendships.
~taurus risings tend to be possessive due to the influence of their scorpio 7th house.
~pluto at angular houses 1st, 7th, 4th and 10th is a huge indicator of someone who has had intense experiences in the respective key areas of life and there's spiritual lessons to be learnt regarding that area through transformation.
~libra venus placements may find it really hard to stay single
~7° and 19° venus or moon signs may struggle with the theme of physical perfection and wanting to attain it.
~virgo moons have a tendency of creating problems if they don't have any current ones to solve
~capricorn risings really do look older in their younger days and younger when they're older.
~moon and neptune in 1st house natives may give off the perception that they need saving and may attract people with a martyrdom complex.
~sagittarius, 9th house, 9° and 21° mercuries may have an affinity to music in foreign languages while cancer, 4th house, 4°,16°,28° may enjoy music in their mother tongue
~jupiter in 2nd house and 10th house is heavy lotto winner vibes. Literally and figuratively.
~mercury in 2nd house and at Taurean degrees(2°,14° and 26°) are the born singers
~the 22nd degree is an underrated fame degree...I have a bey's🐝 fame analysis I've been sitting on for a while. That's a conversation for another day.
~pisces venus and mars are the most romantic people in the world which makes me kind of believe the astrology theory of neptune being the higher frequency of venus.
~leo moons really take their hair seriously and may feel out of loop if their hair is not well done.
~want to easily impress a cancer mars man??? Sing praises to your mom. Be dotting around kids.
~girls with 9th house, 9° and 21° Venus are so magically beautiful. Abundance of beauty.
~To a decent degree, liberation of women in society came at the expense of gemini, sagittarius and aquarius venus women being slut-shamed(This is not at all saying other women did not contribute to the liberation of women 🌻✨ That's a conversation for another day)
~neptune plays a huge role in beauty trends and that's why neptune dominant women are usually the beauty influencers which explains why beauty standards are mutable and ever changing.
~jupiter in 7th house can go two ways... extreme luck in meaningful relationships or someone who never has serious relationships and is forever on the look...
~pisces/12th house mercuries and mercury afflicted by neptune are often under fire for being the liars when the real culprit is the sagittarius/9th house mercuries and mercury-jupiter hard aspects.
~I personally view the north node as a jupiter variant. While the general consensus is that it is the purpose we're working for, I do believe that it's also an indicator of our birthrights, innate gifts and where we're lucky.
~Cosmic Plexus🌻🤍
Let me know your thoughts...
~Cosmic Plexus🤍✨🌻🦋©️
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fsfghgee · 25 days
Hello, I would like to ask you question about Kuai Liang in Mk1, Do you think of him as bad person? If yes, please tell me why?
Hi! I don't think Kuai Liang is a bad person, but he's no better than Bi-Han either. And I say this based on facts, on situations shown in the game (and other situations that will happen soon), not just on my personal opinion.
1st. He's a hypocrite and a liar
How can he demand something from her, that she should trust him blindly (since he hadn't even given an explanation for his departure), when he never trusted her in the first place? He's a hypocrite. And whoever makes excuses for him about this is either lying or didn't play the story mode, because besides Bi-Han being out cold, Tomas says that before they left the Lin Kuei, they asked them for help:
When they took Bi-Han to the Lin Kuei and asked for help in the battle, why didn't he already explain everything to Cyrax? Because he didn't want to. So, he has no right to demand blind trust from her when he didn't even trust her to begin with, even though they clearly have a past (whether romantic or not, they have a history).
2nd. He is vengeful
Contrary to what many people have assumed about his desire to find Bi-Han, he doesn't want to find him because he fears for Bi-Han's life if he is found by Li Mei or whatever, what he really wants is to get revenge on Bi-Han for letting their father die. That's all he wants. He doesn't care about his brother. And this will become even clearer when the story mode expansion is available:
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Saying that his brother deserves to die and refusing to help save him is something a vengeful person would do. A good person wouldn't do that.
"Ah, but Bi-Han let their father die and their father was a good man…"
Bi-Han was a good brother to Kuai Liang…
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and yet he is willing to let him die. How does that make Kuai Liang a better person than Bi-Han? When we don't even know why Bi-Han hates his father so much, we know why Kuai Liang hates his brother. And Kuai Liang's fans can say whatever they want, but all this hatred and desire for revenge is not something a good person would have. And let's not forget that he will be about to kill a person (cough cough, Cyrax) he has known for a long time who was deceived and was already subdued, all because HE IS a vengeful person.
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3rd. He is selfish
Bi-Han may be self-centered, but Kuai Liang is a selfish man with people-pleasing disorder no matter how you look at it.
All his attachment to traditions and his father's words are not a moral compass, they are just traits of dependence. He can't let his father go and understand that Bi-Han is the new leader by birthright, so he insists on trying to embarrass him by talking about what his father would supposedly want or what his father would do during the story mode and intros. He wants Bi-Han to be like his father. He refuses to see that Bi-Han is Bi-Han until his sandcastle crumbles at the Ying Fortress. He is not humble, he is dependent, a true people-pleaser. He was a people-pleaser to his father and now he is one to Liu Kang. He does not invite former gangsters like Kenshi and Takeda, a demon like Ashrah to be Shirai Ryu because he embraces diversity and differences, he simply needs numbers to rival his brother's clan, the Lin Kuei.
He only thinks about what he wants (to be what his father was), not what is best for the clan. Bi-Han's ambition for the clan, for their future, is not a bad thing or evil, their god himself recognizes this:
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But even before Bi-Han abandoned the defense of Earthrealm, he insisted on condemning his brother's desire to make the Lin Kuei evolve:
Because he is selfish. He never cared about his brother or the Lin Kuei, he only cared about continuing to please his father even after dead and that's all that matters to him to this day, only now, he does it with Liu Kang.
And does that make him a bad person? No, I don't think so (he has his qualities, just like Bi-Han has his). But he's far from being a better person than Bi-Han as only his fans will claim he is.
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13as07 · 3 months
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Birthright #7
(Itachi & Sasuke Uchiha Smut)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to GintoAi]
Requested by: You know who you are
Word Count: 4,277
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Name Calling: Onii-Chan, Daddy, Cock Warmer, Pocket Pussy, Lap Dog, Crybaby, Good Girl, Pathetic, Useless
Incest (Brother/Sister)
Verbal Fighting
Threats of Death
Proof/Mentions of Child Abuse
Mentions of Mother/Son & Uncle/Niece Incest
Sadly, no Itachi smut this chapter; Next chapter, however...
Blowjob/Deep Throating/Face-Fucking
Hair Pulling
Breeding Kink
As of right now there's plans for a Part #8, #9, & #10
Sorry it took so long to get out. I'm on the butt end of moving and with the holiday coming up I've been swamped at work :(
     Seven or eight pairs of eyes are caught on me, staring at me as the hushed voices of Onii-Chan and Daddy muffle their way into the locker room. They're loud enough to hear their voices but soft enough to not make out any of their words. The animal masks are all aimed at me, sizing me up as they wait for their commander to come back, making a hint of fear muster in my chest.
     "You let what happen to Princess?" Itachi yelps, the group of eyes snapping toward the door before shifting back to me. My fear is no longer a muster; instead, it's a heavy boulder crushing my lungs. I knew he was going to be mad, especially at Daddy, but I didn't realize he'd be this mad.
     "No. No, no, no, no," Itachi continues to yell, slamming the locker room door open. His underlings scatter at the ringing sound of the door hitting the wall, off to finish changing out of their uniforms like they were doing before Daddy and I showed up. "I said - "
"I know," Daddy interrupts, his face as flushed and angry as Onii-Chan's.
"I said," Itachi hisses, the bloody color of his sharingan dripping into his eyes. He takes a step toward Daddy, his body tense and ready to start a fight if that's what our Father wishes for. "She wasn't safe and you didn't listen. You said it would be fine. You said you'd be with her all day. You said to only worry about making it home. You said you had everything under control."
"Obviously," he barks, taking another step forward. Daddy backs up, his sharingan glowing now too. "You didn't have everything under control. You weren't with her all day. You're a liar and can't be trusted with Princess."
"Itachi - "
"A pathetic man doesn't take care of what's his, right? That's what you said yesterday, isn't it? What the hell does that make you then?"
The room falls silent, everyone fearing to even breathe with the men of my family at each others' throats. Everyone is fearful of being at the receiving end of the glares being exchanged between Daddy and Itachi.
     "Fine," Daddy hisses after a few moments, glaring for another beat before turning his eyes away from my brother, his attention set on me. His face softens at the sight of me but his anger with Itachi is still brewing in his sharingans. "Your Mother and I have plans tonight," he starts, keeping his tone matter-of-fact. "You will stay with Itachi. You will go home with Itachi. You will not leave the house without Itachi, am I understood?"
     "Yes Sir," I murmur, glancing toward Onii-Chan. He's still steaming, the pointed tips of his anger still aimed at our Father. "Have a good night out with Mom."
     "I will," Daddy utters, his eyes slowly blinking until the red of them melts away. "Be safe, Princess. Have a good night with your brothers."
     "I will," I echo, squirming when Daddy snaps his eyes back toward Itachi, the order to have a goodnight framed like a threat toward my brother.
     The staring seems to drag on forever, finally breaking when Daddy turns away, pulls the door open, and slides out of the room. An edible exhale spills from Itachi, his body loosening once our Father is completely gone.
     Slowly, his head turns toward me, sharingans still shining and a mix of worry and sadness coating his features. "Are you alright, Princess?"
     "I'm fine," I chirp, lacing a lopsided smile on my face. I don't know why Daddy and Itachi are strung so tight. I know it's not proper for men to touch me like the clerk did, but it's no different than how they touch me. The guy just had a bad attitude the whole time, unlike the men in my family. Well...
Itachi studies my face, his eyes jumping around looking for even a hint of a lie. "Okay," he finally utters, taking a few steps forward. His hand catches on the shirt of his I'm borrowing, using the material to lead me further into the room.
I trudge along after him, the others in the room scurrying to stay out of our way. I only stop when Onii-Chan settles in front of a locker. He lets me go, his fingers snapping before pointing at the bench screwed in between the rows of lockers. He doesn't even bother to look as I sit down, his focus on popping his lock open. "Aside from... all that, did you have a good day?"
"Yes!" I cheer, clapping my hands as I wiggle on the bench. "We stopped at a few shops, and then got flowers from the Yamanakas and then I got my dress for the Betrothal Ball."
"How were the shops?" Itachi questions, slowly tugging his weapons out of their hidey holes and placing them in their rightful places in his locker.
"They were good. I got you a present like I promised and I got Sasuke this big onigiri tray I found." Itachi hums, sparing me a glance before he starts pulling off his safety gear. "The Yamanaka flower shop was okay. We got peonies for the ball. Oh, and their chief is coming by tomorrow."
"Why?" Itachi barks, snapping his head toward me. His face falls once his sight settles on me, a deep frown coating his lips. "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to yell at you like that."
"It's okay - "
"No, it's not. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Onii-Chan is sorry. Anyway, why is the Yamanaka chief coming by tomorrow?"
I stare at Itachi for a moment, trying to figure out if I should acknowledge his apology or if it's better left alone; I decide to leave it alone. "His daughter got her feathers all ruffled because Daddy let me get peonies. I kind of pushed her buttons, poking at her crush on Sasuke and the fact that the Yamanakas don't treat her how you guys treat me. She didn't like that very much and ended up insulting the clan."
Again, Itachi turns around, his eyes slowly blinking as he looks at me, waiting for me to further explain. "She said I was jealous because I come from an 'incest-ridden clan'," I whisper, my focus on my shoes so I don't have to see his reaction. Even though I don't see it, I can still feel it, still feel the angry heat waffling off of him.
After a few moments of madden-filled silence, Itachi continues to ask about my day. "Besides..." he falls quiet, his jaw clicking three or four times before he continues to speak. "How was dress shopping?"
"Um..." I murmur, glancing around at the room still packed full of people, most of them waiting for my brother to dismiss them with a few stragglers trying to finish changing. "It was... um... I got a dress." I can feel the heat of his stare even with my eyes glued to the wall. He's already not happy with Daddy and when he wiggles more of the events at the boutique out of me, he's going to be even more upset.
Itachi crouches in front of me, hands on my knees to pull them apart before he inches closer to me. When he settles, my knees are pressed into his sides. My eyes flicker down, checking his placement. He's further away from me than normal but still closer than most brothers would be, though, I guess most brothers wouldn't be in a position like this to start in.
"Princess," he hisses, tone low and warning as he stares up at me. "Did something else happen at the dress shop?" He whispers, fingertips clinging to the bones of my knees.
"Well... nothing... nothing like, bad, I guess," I whisper back, bouncing my eyes around to look anywhere but him. "Daddy and Kenzo were just... they just... had some fun." My tone is almost mute with the last three words, but not mute enough that Onii-Chan doesn't pick up on it.
He springs up from his spot, his hands sliding up to cling to my thighs. Itachi is hunched over me, head pressed against mine, and his lips right next to my ear. "And what the hell might that mean?" His voice fizzles, his anger quickly building to the point it was at when Daddy was in the room. His head tilts after the question, lips pulled away from me and his ear pointed toward me.
My hands settle on his shirt, balling up the material to tug him closer to me. I keep my tone hushed, making sure the events and the game Daddy had me play with his advisor present stay between the two of us. Onii-Chan's fingers tighten against my flesh with every word that passes my lips, making me worry that he'll leave bruises behind.
     "I'm going to kill him," Itachi grumbles when I'm done speaking. He pulls away from me, a rush to his movements as he finishes changing.
     "Which one?"
     Itachi stays secure behind me, his elbows digging into my sides as he works on unlocking the door. Once the door pops open, I shoot forward, racing inside to make sure Daddy or Kenzo hid my dress away so Onii-Chan doesn't see it.
"Princess!" He yells after me, his tone still pissy from the events of my day. "You shouldn't go racing into the house until I'm sure it's safe!"
     Sasuke's bedroom door slams open, his head poking out to stare at the two of us. "There's no one here but me, she's fine. Stop yelling at her so much."
With that, I continue to dart away, scurrying to my room to make sure my dress is put up. I push my door open, my eyes scanning my room. My bed is littered with shopping bags, one of them being the long flowing bag holding my dress.
"Princess?" Itachi calls from down the hallway, his footsteps mixing with the sound of his voice.
     "Wait a second!" I yelp, snatching the bag off my bed before tucking it away in my closet.
     Just as I'm shutting the closet doors, Onii-Chan pops into my room, a soft smile on his face for the first time today. "You know, it's not the end all if I see your dress," he murmurs, taking slow steps toward me. When he gets a step away, his hand settles on my waist, clinging to it and using his grip to tug me closer. "You're beautiful, Princess."
"Thank you," I murmur, my arms settling around his shoulders.
My back arches as he continues to pull me closer, pressing me against himself. "You're my everything," Itachi continues to mumbles, lips brushing against the side of my face. His touch almost hurts from how hard his fingertips grip my waist, making sure our body heat keeps mixing. "My favorite, pretty, little birthright," he adds, his light kisses slowly brushing a path toward my lips.
"I know, Onii-Chan."
"Good girl," he whispers, his nose gently sliding against my skin as his lips hover over mine. Warmth starts coating my face as I look up at him. Itachi's eyes are hooded as they stare down at me, dark with anger still, yet they're burning with admiration. His lips are slightly parted too, tying the whole heated moment together.
     It feels like I'm burning up, my body - and pussy, alike - tingling with the want for him. I've craved him all day, and from the look of it, Onii-Chan has been suffering from the same craving. Just as his head is tipping down, about to give me what I'm quivering for, my bedroom door slams open. 
     "What are you two doing?" Sasuke asks, pulling a deep sigh from Itachi.
     A disappointed whine is yanked from my lungs, displeased by him pulling away from me. His fingers squeeze my side but besides that, he doesn't acknowledge my small tantrum. "Why are you interrupting us?" Onii-Chan asks, glaring at our younger brother.
"Because I got beat this morning all because you got off. I'm not taking the fall again, by the way," Sasuke grumbles, mirroring the glare being shot at him.
I let my hands fall, clinging to Itachi's shirt again as I peek over his shoulder. Sasuke - and Daddy - aren't kidding; he sure did receive a beating. Small purple bruises wrap around his eye, marking the place our Father hit him. His cheek is bruised too, matching the injuries surrounding his eye. A small notch is settled on his bottom lip; bruised and busted like the rest of him.
Itachi's jaw clicks as he looks over our little brother with me, the leftovers of the beating adding fuel to the fire of hatred he has for Daddy. "I told you not to touch her," he grumbles, looping his arm around my back, keeping me tucked close to himself. "If you hadn't been on top of - "
"I could have been in my room and Dad would have still blamed me before he blamed you. Itachi, Dad's picture-perfect son," Sasuke groans, rolling his eyes at the lecture he is receiving.
"Go away," Onii-Chan grumbles, his fingertips dipping between my waistband and my back, slowly rubbing back and forth over the material.
"You owe me."
"I don't owe you anything," Itachi murmurs, tipping his head down to brush his lips against mine.
I happily accept the kiss, the gentleness of it only adding to my clinginess. I want more of him, I need more of him. My hands tighten on his shirt, trying to keep him rooted in our kiss, but it doesn't work. He pulls away again, his fingertips looping around to toy with the button of my shorts.
"I'll tell Dad when you got home you didn't realize I was here and that you spent all evening making Princess beg and scream."
"Dad won't believe you," Itachi snaps, his head jerking toward a very smug-looking Sasuke.
"Yes, he will. When he got home, Kenzo told me to steer clear because something happened with Princess so Dad and you will be at each other's throats. You know just as well as me he's just waiting for you to mess up."
Onii-Chan's jaw clicks on repeat as he rolls over the threat, his hand tightening on my shorts and tugging on them to pull me closer. "What might you want if I so chose to entertain this empty attempt at threatening me?"
"I want Princess to suck my dick - "
"No." The room starts to heat, Sasuke's amusement and Itachi's anger mixing to make the aura of the room. "Mom spent all night with you. I doubt you have anything left," he adds, shifting forward so I'm trapped between my closet and his frame.
Sasuke shrugs, eyes flaming with mischief and cockiness as he stares at me. "I want my dick down Princess's throat like you've done. Though, I could always lie and tell Dad you tainted his precious Princess. I can only imagine the beat you'd get for stealing her virginity before becoming the next Chief."
"No. If you want your dick sucked why don't you run along and see that pink-haired girl of yours?"
"Because I shouldn't have to run off," Sasuke complains, rolling his eyes again. "Why do you get to have a personal cock warmer and I don't? It's not fair. You get everything. You get the clan, Dad's favoritism even though you hate each other, and Mom made you a personal pocket pussy. I don't get one, let alone get to enjoy yours, how's that fair?"
Onii-Chan is simmering, his mood more annoyed than angry at this point. "Do you do anything besides complain?"
     "I would be patrolling but until this," Sasuke motions toward his face, more specifically his bruises, "heals up, Dad has me on temporary leave. Which, again, is your fault."
     "Fine," Itachi sighs, loosening his hold before dropping the total of it away. "Princess can suck you off, but that's it," he hisses the last part, watchful eyes carefully monitoring Sasuke's slow but eager walk over to us.
"Ya, ya, ya, blowjob and that's it, got it," my younger brother mumbles, quickly shouldering Onii-Chan out of the way before placing his hands on me. Sasuke cups my breasts, squeezing them with slightly more confidence than last night, and instantly throwing away the agreement they have over me. "They're not as full as Mom's," he mumbles, toying with them a second longer before his hands jump to my shoulders.
"Of course, they're not as full as Mom's," Itachi hisses, his annoyance slowly trickling back into anger. "Princess doesn't have three kids like Mom. They'll grow when she becomes pregnant with our first child."
     "Whatever," Sasuke mutters under his breath, pushing on my shoulders to try and get me on my knees. My eyes flicker toward Onii-Chan, double-checking just to be sure he's okay with the situation. His head nods, barely, but it does, sending me his okay. "Glorified lap dog," our younger brother complains, annoyance soaking in the roll of his eyes.
     "Sasuke - " Itachi starts, his tone warning.
     "No, she heard you say yes and she's still looking over at her master for permission. I can't wait until you knock her up. You better give her a girl so I can have my wife already," he continues to complain, his hands busy undoing his pants and pulling his dick out.
     "You'll be in your late thirties by the time our daughter would be old enough to wed. If we even have a daughter. Besides, who says I'll approve of you marrying our daughter?"
     Sasuke's hand balls up my hair, using it to pull me forward. My lips part when they get close to his dick, preparing to take him down my throat. The whole time my eyes stay locked on Itachi who's staring right back at me.
     "Thirty-six and twenty isn't a terrible age difference," my younger brother murmurs, his eyes flickering between the two of us. "Besides, as your brother I have the right to your daughter's hand in marriage after any sons you have. I'll just encourage you to keep breeding Princess until she gives me a wife."
     "That would greaten the age gap," Itachi grumbles, his eyes widening just a tad as Sasuke starts sinking into my mouth. His tense, his muscles only growing more intense as my throat is filled inch by inch.
     "Dad is twenty-seven years older than Princess and I'm sure he sticks his dick down her throat. Dad and Mom have a fifteen-year gap. It'll be fine," Sasuke rattles as he continually pulls on my hair, only stopping when my nose is pressed against his stomach. His eyes grow too, but for a reason completely different than Onii-Chan.
     My throat spasms around Sasuke's cock, trying to force it back out as my body confuses the deep throating for choking. A long, soft hiss slides between his teeth, my brother enjoying the involuntary movements of my muscles and the growing sound of me choking on him.
     "I don't want to think about Dad's dick down Princess's throat," Itachi hisses, his eyes tearing away from me to glare at our brother. "You're going to make her sick keeping your dick down her throat so long."
     Sasuke rolls his eyes at Onii-Chan's overbearing behavior but does pull on my hair again, yanking me backward. "Can't even let go long enough for me to get sucked off," he murmurs under his breath, jerking his hips to shove his cock back down my throat. "Suck, pocket pussy."
     "Watch it," Itachi hisses before his head slowly turns back toward me, nodding to allow me to do as asked. I obey both my brothers, sucking on Sasuke's dick as he works it in and out of my mouth, thrusting deep enough each time that my nose grazes his skin.
     "Aww, poor Princess. Do you need Itachi to fight all your bullies for you? Of course you do, because all you are is a dumb breeding dog," Sasuke continues to degrade, his thrusts picking up with every syllable of the insult that slides out. "The only reason you were made was to continue on the family line. All Itachi is going to use you for is to fill your cunt over and over again like the pathetic lap dog you are. Everyone in the village is going to know the only thing you're good at is spreading your legs because of how often you're going to be knocked up."
     Tears spill down my face, caused by both the insults and the lack of being able to breathe. It's a struggle to continue sucking on him as he shoves his penis down my throat, his movements so rough I'm worried he's going to snap a bone. Daddy and Onii-Chan have never been this rough with me so I'm not sure what to do. My lungs are screaming 'bite him' but my mind is screaming 'suck hard so he finishes sooner'.
     "Sasuke," Itachi says, his voice even and chilled as his eyes bear on me. "You're making Princess cry. I recommend you calm down and slow down before I snap your neck."
     Our younger brother grumbles more about unfairness as he obeys Onii-Chan. Sasuke's thrusts slow down but remain deep enough that I'm sure there's going to be an imprint of my nose on his stomach by the time he's done. "Crybaby," he grumbles, the insult covering up a moan trying to escape his chest. "I take it back, you're good at two things. Being bred and crying. All you do is spill those crocodile tears and get whatever you want handed to you. You can't handle me fucking your over-used mouth so you cry. You cry so Itachi will make it stop. Pathetic."
     "Sasuke," Onii-Chan hissed again, taking a step forward to rip our brother away from me if he acts up again.
     "Sasuke," he echoes, pitching his voice to further mock Itachi. "She is pathetic and you know it. She has two jobs, take our cum, and get knocked up so the clan continues to have faith in the future. What use is a dog that can't do its job? You're a useless dog." By the end of the degrading his teeth are bared, his voice coming out hissy because of it.
     A groan escaped past Sasuke's teeth, his hips jerking to roughly shove his cock as far down my throat as he can. Within moments the growing familiarity of a man's semen is spilling out, dropping directly down to my stomach.
     "Her job is to take my cum, not yours," Itachi corrects, his anger bubbling in his words. "You should feel grateful that I'm sharing her. That I'm letting you taint her."
     Sasuke ignores our older brother, his eyes locked on me and his lips slightly parted as he spills out down my throat, enjoying the feeling of me gulping down his cum. When he's done, he thrusts a few more times, barely pulling an inch out before he's shoved fully in my mouth again. Having him forcing me to deep throat as a means to clean himself is somehow more degrading than his words.
     "She's already tainted and you know that," he finally answers back, slowly pulling his deflating cock out of my mouth. With my mouth newly free, it stays open wide, panting to catch my breath. "Dad messes with her all the time. I doubt there's a spot on Princess that Dad hasn't rubbed against or came on. Besides, after today all she is to Kenzo is someone to try and fuck behind Dad's back. I guess the three of us have a lot in common."
     "How do you know about that?" Itachi asks, rushing - and failing to conceal it - down to his knees to attend to me. His hand is on my throat, gently massaging it as he pets my hair, smoothing it out.
     "Kenzo was bragging about it when two of the council members showed up to meet with Dad about Princess's assault. Dad was in his office looking for something as they stayed by the door so he didn't hear it."
     "You know about that too?"
     The room falls silent, Itachi continuing to massage my neck and wipe the saliva off my face. Sasuke tucks himself away, the lust in his eyes quickly burning away because of the conversation. Still, both my brothers' attentions stay on me, making sure I'm okay even if one brother shows it more.
     "Concerning - "
     "If Dad is taking care of the assaulter we'll leave it be. If too much time passes we'll discuss it. As for Kenzo, I don't want to speak about it in front of our Princess," Itachi interrupts, his focus on kissing my throat now instead of rubbing it. Sasuke nods in agreement, eyes stuck on me for a moment before he starts to walk away.
     "Onii-Chan?" I whisper, trying not to choke on the hatred wrapped around him.
     "My precious Princess?" He coos, softly sucking on a patch of skin stretched over my throat.
     "What are you thinking about?"
     "How I'm going to erase Sasuke's touch on you. How I'm going to remind you that you're my birthright and not his. How I'm going to pay Dad back for his mess-ups today. How I'm going to kill Kenzo and possibly your assaulter. How much time I have until our parents get back and whether it's enough time to fuck you."
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𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒞𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝒪𝓊𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓃 𝑀𝑒
A commission I wrote for my friend @selenezq in which her OC Emma tried to run away from Alastor, and it didn't quite go as planned!
TW: Dub-con, possessive!Alastor, dark themes.
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Alastor sat on his armchair in his bedroom, one leg crossed over the other while he held the newspaper open across his lap. He didn’t look up as he heard his door slam open, turning the page in a languid manner. He heard a gentle grunt as his favourite Morningstar was forced to her knees by his shadow—he only wished he could understand why she insisted on misbehaving when she already had all his attention. What else could she possibly need?
“I do believe we made an agreement of sorts, dearest.” He sighed. “If I recall correctly, you begged me for eternity. Were you under the impression I am a liar—perhaps you thought I was a man who does not keep his word?” 
“I didn’t expect—”
He slammed the newspaper down on the side table beside him, leaning forward as his eyes glowed a bright red—an ominous glow compared to her brilliant shine. “I am well aware of your station and the privileges you possess. Do you think me a stupid man, princess?” 
He spat the title at her, as if it were an insult rather than her birthright as the devil’s daughter. Her eyes narrowed, a bitter barb ready on her tongue, even as her bottom lip wobbled but he wasn’t going to give her the time to let the words form. “I am more than aware that your parents have done a poor job of teaching you what commitment means, so I’m going to show you. I will teach you this lesson as many times as I need to until you understand what it means to be mine. I am not one of your witless little boyfriends lapping at your feet for just a scrap of your attention, Emma Morningstar, and I am not your spineless father willing to let you walk all over me. There are rules and you will abide by them.” 
His shadow released her hair, disappearing into the shadows as tentacles rose from the ground beneath her, wrapping tightly around her ankles and wrists to drag her onto the ground. “It seems there are people in your life who have led you to believe that you do not matter, that you’re not worth chasing after, and that is the only reason I will go easy on you, my pretty diamond. This is the only time I will do so; if you make this mistake again, the consequences will be far more dire.” 
Alastor stood up, taking the dainty crown off her head and placing it on the ground in front of her. She looked up, confusion in her eyes and he kicked it, watching as it rolled away from her with a cruel smile on his face. She was such a pretty little thing, dressed in a short red dress with lace trimmings up the side. Her pretty tits were almost hanging out from her position on her knees, and her skirt was riding up her ass, not enough material to keep her covered and he tutted. “Lesson one, my little pet. I am inescapable, unavoidable and inevitable. There is no living without me, my love, I will not allow it.” 
The tentacles wrapped around her ankles pulled harshly, pulling her legs open to reveal the scarlet red thong that was doing a terrible job of covering anything. 
“Alastor, stop it.” She commanded, finally finding her words and he looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“No, I don’t think I will.” He told her tersely, another tentacle rising from the ground beneath her. It was far thick than the rest, and it pressed against her clothed cunt. He watched with smug amusement as she began to rock her hips against it, riding the length of the thick appendage. “You have your safe word pet, and I will respect it, but know you will be punished regardless. You’ll enjoy this a lot more than what I originally had planned for you.” 
“What were you going to do to me?” She asked, tilting her head as a blush began to spread across her face but she was smiling as she pleasured herself using his tentacles—his beautiful little attention whore.
He crouched in front of her, gripping her jaw as he forced her to look deep into his eyes. “I considered breaking every single one of your dainty little bones, my love. I would chain you to my bed, and I’d be terribly slow, make sure you thanked me for every delightful crack until you were a broken mess, my perfect toy, and do you know what I love most about you, dearest? I’ve put the idea in your mind now and before long you’ll beg for exactly that.” 
He dropped her jaw, enjoying the way she poked out her little tongue to lick her plump lips that were just designed for his cock. “But I promised to go easy on you—just this once—so instead we’re going to play a game! You like games, don’t you, dearest? Here’s how to play: you’re going to let me use your perfect little body, stuff it so full of me that you don’t even remember what it felt like to be empty and be grateful.” 
“How do I win?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and he laughed. 
He unzipped his trousers, pulling out his thick, heavy cock. He gripped her hair tightly, tugging her head back as he pressed the head of his cock against her lip. She opened easily—so fucking eager for him—and he thrust forward, forcing her to take him all the way to the base. 
“You don’t.” He growled. 
She looked up with wide panicked eyes, her hands pressed flat into the floor as the tentacles kept them in place, drool beginning to pool at the corner of her lips as she gagged around him. He peered over her arched back where he saw that thick tentacle pressing against the entrance to her dripping cunt. “That looks like it’s going to hurt, pet.” He chuckled darkly. 
He pulled his cock all the way out, slapping her face with it as she panted for air. He wanted to hear her scream, hear her cry as she forced open. She let out a confused whine before suddenly she was screaming, lowering her back as she pushed her hips in the air. She tried to crawl forward, to escape the thick intrusion, but the tentacles held her in place. “Alastor, please, it hurts.” 
“I’m going to release your wrists, dearest, and you’re going to use them to spread yourself wide for me. Do not disobey me; you will not like the consequences.” He growled at her. 
The tentacles released her and he gripped her hair tighter, holding her up while she reached behind her,  spreading her fat ass so the tentacles could push deeper. She looked up as tears began to flow and he could feel himself getting impossibly harder in her mouth. “How many do you think I can fit inside you, pet? How many do you think I can force your tiny body to take?” He growled low, as another thick tentacle rose from the ground, pushing at her sopping wet hole. 
He groaned loudly as she cried out around him, sharp nails digging into her own beautiful flesh as she tried to stretch herself wide, tried to accommodate for the girth inside her. “You’re beautiful, look at you—have I been neglecting you, pet? Do you need more attention?” 
She whined, trying to shake her head but he held her still. He thrust into her slow, dragging his cock along her tongue while the tentacles pounded deep inside her, stretching her wide. He let out a low growl as he pushed his cock down to the back of her throat, feeling her throat convulse around him as he pushed further still. “As if I’d ever let you escape me, my pretty little jewel.” 
The two tentacles inside of her pushed against the sides of her walls, stretching her wide so a third one could wiggle in between them. She let out a scream around his cock, and he groaned—she had no business feeling so good around his cock. 
“That’s it, take it all for me.” He growled low, and she looked up at him; her beautiful ruby-red eyes rolling back as she struggled to keep her gaze secured on his form. 
He pulled out, resting his cock on top of her nose. Drool and pre-cum dribbled down her face as she gasped desperately for air. “Alastor—Alastor—I need—can't—” 
“Poor little princess, do you need to cum? Do you need to cum while I use your tiny cunt for my own amusement?” He teased and she nodded her head. 
“Alastor, please.” She begged, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she looked up with those pretty eyes and there was a part of him that was angry about that. 
Perfect little fucking pretty slut who had her claws piercing deep into his very soul. She could never know how desperate he was for her, how far he'd go to keep her. 
He walked around her, crouching by her side and he whistled when he saw her stretched-out cunt. “Perfect, my perfect pet.” 
He reached underneath her, pressing a finger against her soaked cunt and trailing it up slowly to her clit. She bucked her hips against him as he did so, crying out as cum dribbled out of her pretty pussy. 
“Who do you belong to, princess? Who owns you?” He growled as he rubbed aggressively—angrily—against her bundle of nerves. 
“Yours! I'm yours. I belong to you. Fuck, please.” She cried, and then she screamed as she fell onto her face. 
She dropped her hands, claws scratching along his wooden floorboards as she screamed. Her entire body shook, beautiful squelching sounds filling the room as her body tightened around the tentacles stretching her so wide. 
As her body stopped and she slumped against floor, her hips high in the air; he found himself smiling. The tentacles slowly pulled out of her and she whimpered at the loss before he pressed the head of his cock at her abused entrance. 
“I will say this once.” He growled, and she made a sound of confusion, rocking her hips back, trying to get him to fuck her again but he refused to fill her again—not yet. “You—Are—MINE.” 
He punctuated each word with a thrust deep inside her and she wailed, pushing her hips up as high as she could as the tentacles pulled her ankles apart, splitting her in two in more ways than one. “Yes—yes—yours—yours!” She agreed, panting loudly as she cried out. 
He wrapped both his hands around her waist, sharp claws digging into delicate skin and piercing through her until she bled. She cried out in pain, whimpering as he thrust deeper and deeper. He needed to be so deep that she would spend days feeling his absence, that she would never again consider leaving him—he would never allow her to leave him again. 
He grabbed her perfect blonde hair, yanking it back and forcing her to allow him to hold all of the weight. She moaned as he pushed himself deeper inside of her, her weight forcing him deeper inside and he growled against the skin of her neck. “If you ever fucking think about leaving me again Emma, I’ll kill you. Do you understand me? I’ll fucking kill you, and I’ll still keep your body, because you’re mine.” 
He bit down into her neck while she screamed, pretty tears falling down her face and he grunted as he filled her with thick ropes of cum. He felt his knot expand and chuckled as he watched her try to crawl away, try to escape him, but he would never allow such a thing. 
“Too much—too big—Alastor—no—” She whined, but he held her tight against him, gently rocking his hips into her own as he filled her perfectly—they fit together like a filthy puzzle. 
“Whoops.” He chuckled, as the tentacles rescinded back into the shadows and he held her against his lap. He’d keep her for hours just like this, his fucked out filthy little whore trapped on his knot and then when it went down he’d do it all over again. He’d fuck her like this until she learnt her lesson, until she understood they were inevitable.
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necrotic-nephilim · 24 days
Hello! New to comics and I don't really feel like the New-52 comics are for me and would really like to read and understand Pre-flashpoint and all the dark and good stuff there. Is there an order or starting point you would recommend? Thanks for your time, and I hope you have a great day!
hi! i'm so glad you want to get into comics! i'd love to help with some recs! since you're here, i'm going to assume you're a Batfamily fan and most of my recs will cater to that, but i will try to encompass a bit of everything to help you just understand some big moments and all this mess that is DC canon. adding a cut bc jesus this got long.
so your starting point for pre-Flashpoint is going to be Crisis on Infinite Earths. the TLDR of this event is: DC had a big multiverse in the 70s and early 80s that wasn't friendly to new readers. to try to push their titles more and become a proper competitor to Marvel, they created an in-universe storyline that nuked the multiverse and gave a solid entry point for new fans going forward. this is why you hear terms like Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis. it refers to the comics canon before and after this event, in 1985. some characters had some big changes (for example: pre-Crisis Jason Todd was a circus kid whose parents were killed by Killer Croc) but most remained largely the same, just simplified. you don't *have* to start with Crisis on Infinite Earths if you don't want to. it's a *good* storyline, but it's a big one and a lot of big multiverse-scale stuff happens. so as long as you understand it as "big event that nuked DC's multiverse and gave the world a clean slate in 1985", then you've basically got the gist. also Barry Allen dies during it, but he comes back so don't worry about it.
in general, if DC has some big timeline/canon-altering event, they're going to call it a Crisis Event. the only Crisis Events that will matter to you, trying to get into pre-Flashpoint are
Crisis On Infinite Earths - the above, starts the Post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint timeline
Zero Hour: Crisis In Time - an event in the 90s that sought to fix some of the kinks that the above Crisis caused, like fixing the origins of the Legion of Superheroes and other Golden/Silver Age characters, not *super* important tbh
Infinite Crisis - this was a big event that brought back some characters who got nuked by Crisis on Infinite Earths, unfucked Power Girl's backstory, and set the groundwork to bring back the multiverse. if you've heard "Superboy Prime punched a hole in reality and it brought back Jason Todd" yeah, this is the story where it happened
Final Crisis - a big event that was partly meta commentary but heroes fought Darkseid, Batman died for a hot second, it was all a big deal about evil winning and all that
Flashpoint - the event that nuked this timeline, a big storyline to do with Flash and the timeline that would result in the New-52 in 2011
are you confused yet? good embrace the confusion it's going to become second nature of a comic fan. you don't need to read these events as a beginner. you really don't i promise. they'll sound big and important, but besides Crisis On Infinite Earths and Flashpoint, the start and end of this era, the rest you can just kind of breeze by so long as you understand the big plot points like Batman dying or Superboy Prime punching reality. unless you really care about a character central to these stories, skip 'em for now.
now for any character, if they have a Year One comic? that is a very safe bet as a place to start. it is what it sounds like. Batman: Year One is going to be Bruce's first year as Batman. same as Green Arrow: Year One, Batgirl: Year One, etc. when in doubt, if there's a Year One, start with Year One. (note: for Superman, his "year one" type story is called Superman: Birthright and it is worth reading if you like Superman)
for Batman, i am holding you by the shoulders when i say this: people will tell you to read The Killing Joke. they're liars. do not listen to them. it's a bad story. you don't need it. do not let the Joker fanboys lie to you. people will also say Dark Knight Returns. don't listen to *them* either. i *like* DKR, i talk about it a lot here. it's not a good intro to Batman. it's an AU story, it's not canon, ignore it for now.
now where you *should* start with Batman, imo, is as followed
Batman: Year One - as said above, Year Ones are good, this is solid to start with
Batman: The Long Halloween - this is an iconic story and it's a followup to year One
Batman: Dark Legacy - the followup to Long Halloween, also a very good story
Batman: Hush - this story is a solid starter if you want to understand the general vibe of Gotham, the typical characters you see in the Batfamily, and a good Batman villain
once you've got the basics down, you *can* get into the big boy storylines like Batman: Knightfall and Batman: No Man's Land, but don't worry about those right now. they're long and complicated and shouldn't really be your starting point no matter how good they are.
other very good pre-Flashpoint comics that are easy to pick up and iconic storylines
Death of Superman - this is a long arc in the Superman run that if you collect in trades, goes Death of Superman, Funeral For A Friend, Reign of the Supermen, Return of Superman, Doomsday. it's long, but a very iconic storyline
Wonder Woman by George Perez - this the run that helped define modern Wonder Woman within the pre-Flashpoint era
JLA: Year One - if you want a good Justice League story where you get characters besides Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman taking the shine, this is a great place to start
Green Arrow by Mike Grell - start with Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters and then go into Green Arrow (1988). this has the darker, very 80s vibes that gets a bit gritty and very realistic with the issues it faces bc Green Arrow comics tend to be more rooted
The New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman - this technically starts before pre-Flashpoint, don't worry about it it's fine. a good run for all of these characters, can get a little confusing, it is okay to be confused do not be afraid to google shit
so, some big stories out of the way i'm just. honestly going to run down the line of the major pre-Flashpoint Batfamily members and give you comic recs for them that you can start with. (besides Bruce obviously, bc well. see above)
Dick Grayson
NIghtwing: Year One
Robin: Year One
Nightwing (1995)
Tim Drake
Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying
Robin (1990)
Robin II: Joker's Wild
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress
Robin (1993)
Barbara Gordon
Batgirl: Year One
Birds of Prey (1999)
Jason Todd
Batman: The Cult (as Robin)
Batman: Death in the Family (as Robin)
Batman: Under The Red Hood
Red Hood: Lost Days
Cassandra Cain
Batgirl (2000)
Batman: No Man's Land
Jean-Paul Valley
Batman: Sword of Azrael
Batman: Knightfall
Stephanie Brown
Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma
Batgirl (2009)
Selina Kyle
Catwoman by Ed Brubaker
Helena Bertinelli
Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood
Huntress: Year One
Birds of Prey: Manhunt
Damian Wayne
Batman & Robin (2009)
there are other very important pre-Flashpoint stories for all of these characters, but these are starting points more than anything. figure out what characters you're interested and go from there. understanding the universe at large helps, do not get me wrong. but at the end of the day, comics are a choose your own adventure of who you want to give a shit about. you're *never* going to read everything "important" and you're probably not going to understand everything. that's okay. don't treat it like a media you need to "complete" like a tv show or a movie, but more like an open world game where you decide what characters/teams/stories you like the most.
pre-Flashpoint covers a lot of ground. some stuff will be darker and grittier, some stuff will be more light-hearted. it will all be about what titles you pick up and what characters you decide you want to read about. you're obviously going to get a much more grounded storyline out of Green Arrow than you are say, a JLA comic. i prefer the more grounded, "street level" sorts of characters. (if you like gritty detective stories, i will be biased and highly recommend the Question (1987) just because. i love him okay.) but you might find you like sometimes more worldly and big scale. at the end of the day: don't force yourself to love a comic you're not enjoying, even if you like that character. you can put that shit down. sometimes, "important stories" are by shitty writers that you won't enjoy reading and you shouldn't make this hobby a chore. i don't care how "critically acclaimed" it is, you don't have to like it if it doesn't click for you. and on the flipside, a comic might be considered "bad" but you may enjoy it (a personal example: Robin III: Cry of the Huntress is considered a very weak comic. don't care. i love it anyway.) accept the cringe, have fun, and enjoy yourself at the end of the day. none of it will make sense anyway so just read what sounds cool to you.
this was all over the place and rambly, but i hope it helps at least a little! welcome to comics anon! if you or anyone else would like more character-specific recs, feel free to ask! if i don't know, i can at the very least hopefully point you in the right direction <3
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Questionnaire Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @anyablackwood (here)!
I'll go with Deimos Soll from Supernova Initiative, Lady Vivaldah Lariach from The Forgotten Ones, and Kane Mylestrom from Song of Thorns!
Your OC Questions:
What is a thing that would break your trust in a person immediately?
What is your favorite animal? Have you ever had a pet/or want one?
Who do you look up to the most?
If you were to wake up in another universe, what is the one thing you would take with you?
Deimos: "My sniper rifle, or food. One of those two options, it depends on what hypothetical 'universe' I happen to wake up in."
Vivaldah: "My sister's necklace, which is also the sigil of our House. It's one of my most prized possessions."
Kane: "I wouldn't call my dragon a 'thing', because she is a sentient and mighty being who deserves all the respect, but yes, I would take my dragon with me."
2. What kind of person pisses you off the most?
Deimos: "People who think they can do anything to others just because they have the power to - snobbish tyrants who think it's their birthright to screw others over. Also, people who objectify others or who think torture is 'okay' just because they think it's justified for a 'greater cause' are a kind person that makes my blood boil immensely."
Vivaldah - "Those who justify cruelty in the name of their 'Gods', and who think they can kill anyone whom they consider 'heretics' just for thinking differently than them. I also hate people who are rude and who like to make fun of others."
Kane - "Cowards and people who turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, along with liars, manipulators and people who have no moral compass. I also despite royals who consider their subordinates as pawns to be manipulated and discarded once we're no longer of 'use.'"
3. How often do you dream? Are they usually dream-dreams, or nightmares?
Deimos: "Well let's see: I was kidnapped from my homeworld by slavers when I was sixteen, escaped, and grew up as a street urchin - with the duo who became my adoptive siblings - on one of the most crime-ridden moons of our galaxy, and then, as an adult, was captured by an insane warlord who tried to torture me into being her living puppet weapon. So... you can imagine the kind of 'dreams' I have are far from pleasant most nights."
Vivaldah: "I used to have the sweetest dreams in the past. When I was just me being a princess who lived in a rosy-tinted world, sheltered in my family's ancestral palace. Then the Iron Inquisition came. Now my sleep is haunted by the memories of the day my family was slaughtered by them."
Kane: "Eh. I'm not the kind that usually has a lot of dreams, and when I do they're usually the most nonsensical, stupid mess that makes me question my life and sanity, and then wake up and not remember anything about that dream in the morning. So. My dreams aren't bad, they're just weird and I rarely remember most of them."
Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @diabolical-blue, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill
@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @the-golden-comet OPEN TAG
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oldgayjew · 2 years
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LIARS ... Clinton sold them the technology and computers they needed to advance as they have !
Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage ...
Clinton sold out his country for Chinese “donations” ...
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milkchuu · 1 year
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𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 | 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒕.
(personal post)
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1. i am always in childstate. i appreciate life to the smallest little piece of joy, and i am filled with childlike wonder and excitement at all times
2. i always get a confirmation of my universal purchase within 3 days
3. i do not doubt myself. ever.
4. i have a complete and utter trust in the law and in myself
5. what i want i get, end of. nothing is too big or too small for me to manifest. money nor means are a factor
6. all methods i try work for me perfectly, and i master all methods and states of consciousness effortlessly
7. everything will work out in my favor eventually, no matter the circumstances. i will have all i choose in due time
8. no limits, no struggles, everything comes naturally to me, because it is my birthright to have all i could ever want
9. my subliminal playlists always work, and i have no problem making an overwhelmingly powerful playlist and sticking to it
10. amy is a liar, and i do not even for a second believe what she says or hesitate to tell her off
11. i am the dearly beloved and overly spoiled child of the universe. i am safe, loved, protected, provided for and get all i want and need without having to lift a finger; i am the greatest benefactor of spiritual nepotism. what i say, goes
12. i easily abstain from engaging with doubts, negativity, ill will or any unproductive and unwanted influences, whether it be media, people, or my own thoughts. i can identify and discard them/cut them out effortlessly
13. i hyper-romanticise everything about me and my life. everything is perfect. i have no faults. i am the universal it girl, i embody my ideal (and highest) self. everything is beautiful, aesthetic, and lovely. my life is one huge feel-good movie, and i am the main lead
14. i am healthy, i am wealthy, i am happy, i am loved, i am beautiful, i am smart, i am mature, i am disciplined, i have great insight, i am accepted and well respected, i am fashionable, i am powerful, i am famous, i am all that and a milkshake, nobody and nothing can stop me
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DNI: terf/swerf, abdl/bdsm/nsfw blogs, pro-ed, anti-LGBTQ+/anti-MOGAI, pro-ship, pro-inc*st, anti-endo, (NO)MAP/PEAR/supporter, anti-agere, trump supporter, anti-feminist, anti-BLM/anti-ACAB, abrahamic religions (there's nothing wrong with this one, it's just a trigger for me), will add as i remember other nasty people
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shadowqueenjude · 2 months
Finished this skywalker fluff while at the wedding today:
“Another one!” Luke and Leia cried as Padme finished a bedtime story. She sighed, rubbing her forehead and leaning against Anakin’s shoulder. “I am fresh out of stories. Ani, do you have any?”
Anakin thought for a few moments. He had many stories from his own life, most of them not really child-appropriate. Though he did have one story, one that he never found out whether it was true or not, considering what happened to his mother.
“Kids, you know my father is the force,” Anakin began. “But I’ve never told you about my mother’s side of the family. My mother told me stories about them. Did you want to hear?”
The kids nodded eagerly, so Anakin cleared his throat and began. “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there lived a lovely young woman with unmatched beauty and power. Her name was Aurora Alamanni. She was the princess of a gorgeous planet with lush forests and cold streams, and it was not long before she was the talk of the town. All sorts of things were told in gossip: it was said that she was the most powerful Force user to ever live, that from the age of two she had been using it, that she could float into the air and walk across the sky. She was called by many names: Sweet-faced liar, goddess sin. Aurora the Proud. Aurora Skywalker.”
“Skywalker?” Luke exclaimed. Anakin nodded, continuing the story. “When she razed a group of Hut terrorists to the ground with a wave of her hand, stories about her spread throughout the galaxy, drawing the interest of the Sith Lord, who desired her as an apprentice.”
Anakin stroked both his babies’ hair at that, recalling his decision to teach them the Sith ways of the Force. A risky choice to be sure, but better they learn it from him than somebody else.
“So he came to the palace to proposition the lady, who was a mere 15 years at the time. He was welcomed in a ball at a time before the Sith gained their wicked reputation. There, the lord laid out his plans before the princess while dancing with her. Young and brash as she was, she resolutely refused. Angered by her rude rejection, the Sith tried to kill her. Because she was inexperienced and hadn’t stepped into her birthright yet, the Sith nearly succeeded. As it was, even with her youth, her connection to the force was so powerful that not only did the Sith’s magic fail and instead put her in a deep sleep, but the strain of combating such raw Force killed the man.”
“And then?” Leia prompted when Anakin paused briefly. “The force induced sleep was very powerful. So powerful that the only way it could be broken was by the princess’s true love.” “Bullshit,” Leia complained. Padme looked at her daughter sternly. “Don’t use such language, Leia.” Leia grumbled but didn’t argue.
“It seemed an impossible task. After all, the princess herself was only 15; she had never even experienced love. How could anyone wake her up?” Anakin paused once more for dramatic effect, watching as Luke’s eyes turning wide as saucers while Leia tapped her leg impatiently. Anakin whispered, “The kingdom’s fate depended upon this mystery person because the clash of two mega powerful force users had caused the force itself to backfire and spread the curse upon everyone in the castle. With no one to rule the kingdom, the planet descended into anarchy. Vines thick as tree trunks wound themselves around the castle, sinking it several feet into the ground. Different groups warred with one another for dominance. The Hutts invaded the planet. Assassination attempts were made, but there appeared to be a force shield around the palace, lending itself the question: how would the princess’s true love even make it inside?”
“The Force, obviously,” Luke blurted. Padme giggled as Anakin sighed. “Let me finish the story, little one.” Padme turned to Anakin with a grin. “Our babies are too smart to surprise,” she murmured. Anakin couldn’t help but smile. Their kids. His smart kids with Padme. Padme. Padme. Padme.
“Anyway, one hundred years later, a man arrived at the palace. He had loved the princess in another world, another life, another reality, before she was taken from him tragically. Desperate to have her back, he tried to restore her from the dead and failed. As a last ditch effort, he crossed to another dimension where he found a version of his love still alive. It was then that the Force drew him to this place.”
Padme reached for Anakin’s hand and squeezed it. Anakin relished that feeling. There was a reason he knew and loved this story so well: it resonated with him, because he loved Padme the exact same way as the man in the tale loved Aurora. Wholly, ravenously, desperately, selfishly.
“The shield purred in his presence, sensing its savior. With a wave of a hand, it parted before the man, who walked inside the castle. He knew then why he’d been drawn there. The place looked odd, as if everyone had fallen asleep where they stood. These people needed his help, and Aurora must be amongst them. So, he searched the dance floor, occasionally moving sleeping forms off of each other to try and find the princess. At last he found her, in the center of it all. Just her unadorned left hand. Suddenly feeling sentimental, he slipped his wife’s ring onto the hand before lifting body after body from the pile.
At last, he saw Aurora. She was a carbon copy of his dead wife. Heart filled with hope, he moved his hand so that it hovered over her chest and summoned all the force strength in him. Within moments, Aurora’s eyes opened, and she beheld her savior.
Within a couple of months, Aurora became queen and the otherworld man married her, and their focus turned to restoring order to the planet. Hence began the civil war, which resulted in a split state: three-fourths of the land would remain with the kingdom while the remaining fourth would go to the Hutts.”
Leia and Luke scrunched up their faces at that point in the story. “They gave up land to gangsters?” Leia shouted. At that, Padme reached out to Leia and gently pulled her into her lap, bouncing her slightly.
“Sometimes calculated losses are better than taking huge risks,” Padme explained gently. “Giving up the land was a temporary setback that they could eventually overcome if they were smart enough.”
“But they weren’t,” Anakin added, taking the chance to continue the story here. “They became complacent. While Aurora’s generation did well to keep the Hutts in check, her children and grandchildren were not so vigilant. By the time her granddaughter was ready to become queen, the Hutts had gained too much power. They attacked again, and this time they won. Aurora’s granddaughter was taken as a slave, and our line has been enslaved ever since.”
“You were a slave?” Luke cried, reaching towards his father. He crawled up to him and hugged his chest. Anakin replied, “Yes.”
Luke began to cry in Anakin’s chest. Feeling both heart-warmed at Luke’s affection and sad at his tears, Anakin gently stroked Luke’s hair. “I escaped,” he said softly. “And now I’m here with you three.”
Luke’s tears slowed as Anakin sent comfort through their force-bond. However, Anakin still didn’t know his own strength sometimes. He channeled so much of his power that Luke was snoring within seconds. Anakin’s eyes tentatively turned up to meet Padme’s. She was trying very hard to scowl at him but her lips were clearly holding back a laugh.
“Anakin! I told you not to force-sleep our kids!” she exclaimed.
“It wasn’t intentional!” Anakin protested, and the dam broke. Padme doubled over with laughter, Anakin joining her, and the small childish giggles of Leia joined in too. Right. There was still one kid awake.
“Later, baby,” Anakin said when Leia stared at him expectingly. “Luke needs to hear the story too.”
“Oh come on!” Leia complained, and Anakin magicked her to sleep too. Padme narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine. Just this once, since they were particularly raucous tonight.”
Anakin sighed in relief, leaning down to lay his head on Padme’s lap. His own eyes were getting droopy with fatigue, and he stared sleepily at his wife with a lazy smile on his face. “Do you have a bedtime story for me, Padme?” he asked.
Her answering smile was so soft and sweet that Anakin fell in love again. She placed a hand on his cheek, speaking softly. “Once upon a time, there lived two young children forced to be warriors…”
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goodluckclove · 3 months
Hey so I got tagged in that OC interaction thing by my colleague @illarian-rambling! I've been wanting to play this for a long time but I was too nervous to jump onto the tags of people I didn't know. Thank you for including me, and introducing me to Elsind. Below the Read More I describe a day spent with her and my boy Scott in Bluerose, Oregon in the setting of Migration Patterns, book two of Songbird Elegies. So minor spoilers not in terms of plot but, like, character development? Maybe?
I tag my dear ones @mushroommanchanterelle @aroaceghosties @lychhiker-writes @ivaspinoza and @cssnder because I feel like literary fiction writers don't get enough love in games like these.
Let's get started!
Elsind Cavernsight is a 20 year old changeling with a nervous disposition and a romantic heart. They can take on any humanoid form they've observed before. In his true form, Elsind is a skinless-looking humanoid with no face, a long tail, and petal-like fins that ring the back of his head. They use the pronouns of whatever form they're in, while using they/them in their true form. When referred to in abstract, she gets Shrodinger's pronouns.
Until she was thirteen, Elsind had a happy childhood and was raised by a single mother in a book shop. However, changelings are a valued commodity in Skysheer. They were kidnapped to be used as the court freak of one Marquis Sunflight - a cruel man who forced Elsind to do many abhorrent things for his 'entertainment.' After five years of this, Elsind managed to run away with a rebel group seeking to overthrow Skysheer's nobility. He now acts as an infiltrator and assassin.
As a person, Elsind might’ve suffered greatly, but she never lost her kind spark or huge capacity for empathy. They love to help people and even if they tend to be really nervous and awkward about it, they seek to make everyone's day better if they can. She's a bit of a chatterbox, especially when things are tense, and cries easily. Though she doesn't necessarily enjoy it, she is a great liar and infiltrator. This, combined with his easily underestimated bravery, makes him quite the spy. Their greatest passion are romance novels. Elsind is an avid reader of all things steamy and decadent. Out of all my characters, they'd be the most likely to have a blog on this site.
Scott Skylark Kaufner is a 31 year old human birthright from the Bluerose Refuge Hub, a witch town on the coast of Oregon. He is intersex, born with Kleinfelters Syndrome, and chose to undergo a masculine puberty and identify as a man. Scott is Greek-Romanian and I think German on his dad's side? I haven't established that yet. But he's a shorty at 5"5, with long and wild black hair and large, dark blue eyes. He identifies as a man, but prefers to dress in loose dresses in fun colors and soft materials. No shoes.
At his best Scott is friendly and talkative, though he tired quickly socially - as much as he tries to hide that fact. He loves the ones closest to him deeply and passionately and he has a tendency to get weird and overdramatic about it. There is an undercurrent of some manic intensity to him that most choose not to bring up and he doesn't seem to notice.
Scott is a bipolar variant birthright, which means he once had the ability to reflect his emotions onto those around him. But after travelling for years to find Eddie, he used his powers so often to get through social situations that they were infected, forcing him to inadvertently control the intentions of anyone that made eye contact or extended physical contact with him. Usually this ended with the person wanting to sleep with him. As a sex-repulsed asexual, this resulted in a rough few years for Scott. The fact that he was unable to see human faces due to the torture of the Eldritch horror trying to possess him did not help.
He's an obsessive piano player since infancy that can't read music but can learn anything by ear if you give him time. He also has perfect pitch but pointing that out embarrasses him. Scott loves the library and thinks that librarians, service workers, and anyone in the medical field are the most important members of society. Especially librarians. He loves reading books of Greek mythology but has a different relationship to them since his upbringing in magic causes him to think most mythological/supernatural things could maybe be true. He also loves a good snack and he's not great with technology but he's really good with Excel.
Their interaction!
So Scott is from a Refuge Hub, which is a type of witch town that houses and supports social services cases and anyone who needs harbor (abuse victims, runaways, children), so his first impression would be regret that they weren't able to help Elsind when they needed it.
She wouldn't need to mimic any human shape if he didn't want to. As long as Elsind could explain that he naturally doesn't have a face and Scott didn't just revert suddenly for unknown reasons, the concept of changelings would be perfectly reasonable to him. Birthrights are naturally nonjudgmental, but he is probably one of the most nonplussed of his kind.
He would definitely show him the library. Very kindly ask the librarians (some of them have known him since he was a child and adore him) where "the most erotic stories were" and smile calmly when they balked at him. Scott would take her to the small bakery in town where they make little cakes and pastries. He would be very insistent on feeding her the tastiest treats he could find, just to make sure Elsind felt taken care of.
They'd talk a lot in the mustard fields outside his childhood home or by the beach. Scott would ask Elsind if she ever got sad pretending to be someone else. If she still had an awareness of who SHE was. He would ask if she knew any fairies or cryptids.
Elsind would probably go home with a lot of books and carefully wrapped treats. Scott would offer him a friendship bracelet. I do not think it would be made well. He's still learning.
Haha that was fun!
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
What the fuck is Riverdale actually about anyway?
that's not an easy question to answer, but I've been asked it a lot, so I'm going to do my best.
disclaimer: while the plot summaries are accurate, my interpretation of the themes is just my interpretation. other fans might disagree, and that's valid. unless it's about season 6. if you disagree with me about season 6, you're wrong. archie literally sings bread and roses. union busting is compared to mass murder. that one's not up for debate.
Season 1
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[ID: a promo image for riverdale season 1, showing the characters of betty, veronica, and archie in the diner, while cheryl, josie, and jughead pose dramatically outside the window. The words 'riverdale series premier tonight' are superimposed over the picture]
The Plot: the murder of a highschool student leads his classmates to discover that the adults in their small town are all hiding dark secrets. also there's a love triangle.
What it's actually about: mostly just that, tbh. there's not a lot of subtext in season 1. This is the season where they let showrunner Roberto Aguierra-Sacassa (he of glee and pretty little liars infamy) write stuff, before the writers all barricaded themselves in the writing room and started writing plots which are just about how much they hate him and his ideas
Season 2
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[ID: a screencap, showing archie posing with the vigilante gang he starts. the gang is made up of shirtless men wearing red balaclavas. archie is wearing a blue shirt and his face is uncovered, because when you're bating a serial killer it's important to let them know what you look like]
The Plot: A serial killer, the black hood, begins terrorising the town. Jughead accepts his birthright and joins a biker gang. Meanwhile Veronica's gangster father begins trying to take over the town so he can commit crimes with impunity
What it's actually about: this season is mostly a series of increasingly self-aware riffs on different horror and thriller subgenres. It's the transition between the uninspired first season and the genre-parodies that make up the rest of the show, so it's not as tight as other seasons. It does feature an episode which is almost entirely just the writer being real pissed off about aguira-sacassa framing a teacher-student relationship as romantic and consensual in season 1, in which the teacher in question is shown to be a serial abuser and then immediately brutally murdered because of it, and ngl, that was pretty based.
Season 3
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[ID: a screencap, showing the main actors playing their character's parents in a flashback to the first gargoyle king murder. the characters are dressed as fantasy stereotypes; a paladin, rogue, warrior-king, nobleman, and wizard. they are pointing their weapons at someone off screen]
The Plot: A new serial killer, the gargoyle king, begins terrorising the town and seems to be connected to a ttrpg which mind controls its players. Meanwhile a cult which claims to allow its members to contact the dead has started recruiting at the school. Also Archie is sent to prison for a murder he didn't commit and forced to participate in an underground fightclub but that only lasts like 5 episodes.
What it's actually about: wouldn't it be ridiculous if the shit people believed during the satanic panic was true? wouldn't that be insane? wouldn't it be unbelievable. wouldn't be insane if, say, a huge portion of trump voters still believed in the satanic panic? tell me you believe in the satanic panic, i dare you, i fucking dare you-
Season 4
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[ID: a screencap showing the entire cast dressed as Hedwig from Hedwig and the Angry Inch, with blond wigs, blue eye make-up, denim miniskirts, and high-healed boots]
The Plot: Jughead gets involved in a murderous battle to become the new ghost-writer for a hardy boys parody that ends with him faking his own death. Archie starts a boxing club for underpriviledged youth but Veronica's dad keeps trying to shut it down because he thinks Archie might be going to uncover his illegal paladium smuggling ring. Veronica becomes a bootlegger and opens a speakeasy because she wants her dad to respect her and thinks the only way to get that is by being the fucking worst before she realises that actually he sucks and she shouldn't care what he thinks.
What it's actually about: rich people are the fucking worst and we should probably just kill all of them. Listen. Listen, they're evil. It's very important to all the writers that you know this. They're all evil.
Season 5
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[ID: a screencap showing what is referred to in the show as mothman, a boney humanoid with no hair, ridges over its eyes, and boney stubs that may be the tops of wings growing out of its back]
The Plot: following a 7 year timeskip, the gang return to Riverdale as adults and try to stop the town from being discorporated and demolished by Veronica's dad to make way for a new property developement. Betty hunts a serial killer who's been targetting sex workers in the area. Also Cheryl starts a Maple Syrup-themed cult and controls bees with her mind.
What it's actually about: Honestly, this season is mostly just about genre parodies. They're good genre parodies, don't get me wrong, but there's not a lot of coherent theming.
Season 6
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[ID: a screencap, showing archie topless and tied to a saint andrew's cross, wearing a crown made of antlers. cheryl is standing in front of him wearing a red robe, elaborate headdress, and holding a knife, as she prepares to sacrifice him to ensure a good maple syrup harvest]
The Plot: after riverdale colides with a parallel universe, the gang find they have developed superpowers which are all related to their key character traits, which they must use to battle an evil wizard called percival pickens who is trying to destroy the world using a magical train. the genre parodies get weird this season, because a lot of them are comics riffs rather than movie or tv riffs. also there's an extended alan wake parody.
What it's actually about: Unionize. Unionize right the fuck now. Why are you not already in a union? Don't you know joining a union will literally improve your changes of getting into heaven? Look at Archie Andrews singing bread and roses and tell me you still think unions are bad you coporate bootlicking piece of shit!
Season 7 (so far)
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[ID: a promotional image for season 7, showing betty, archie, and veronica wearing costumes based on the archie comics of the 1950s. They are sitting in the diner, and Berry and Veronica are each holding one of archie's hands]
The Plot: as a result of stopping the evil wizard in S6, the gang are sent back in time to the 1950s with no memory of their previous lives, where they are once again in highschool. Jughead has been told by an angel to make the town more just as this will help the angel bring them back to their own time, but someone is commiting murders and framing kids in the highschool for them. also there's an extended reference to alex hirsch's fight with disney S&P over gravity falls, which I did not see coming
What it's actually about (so far): oh, you think this show would be better if it was set in the 50s? You do know the 50s were the fucking worst, right? You do know the apple pie america the archie comics are set in never existed, right? you do know people who insist the 50s were a great decade are all racist homophobic sexist pieces of shit, right? right?!
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heystephen · 4 months
I’m so sick of zionists acting like Israel is some lgbtq safe haven, it literally isn’t and my friend that has gone on birthright had to deal with a lot of Israelis being blatantly homophobic. And like there’s queer people everywhere, queer Palestinians are also being actively killed BY ISRAEL. zionists are the most hypocritical bunch of fucking liars. Palestinians deserve to live and prosper. This they’d kill you bc ur lgbt is so fucking annoying bc Israel also doesn’t fucking like lgbtq people
yep! i cannot help but think of those screen shots from queering the map that came out in october showing messages from queer palestinians. i just can’t make sense of the lack of humanity it takes to be like, “yeah it’s fine to drop bombs on people because some of them might suck” and it’s the same bullshit that people subscribe to when they joke about natural disasters happening in the southern US. “it’s ok when a hurricane hits florida, it’s all racists and homophobes down there!” except it’s not.. it’s people who matter, and they are not expendable
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boldstarks · 5 months
Team Black and Team Green are both filled with liars, rapists, kinslayers, whoremongers, and turncloaks. And both Team Black and Green stans are annoying ass bitches clogging up the hotd tag with their arguing and moaning about the other side. All of you look and sound dumb trying to argue the moral superiority of one side other the other and claiming writers are biased against one of the teams.
It’s clear that the vast majority of the people arguing about this stuff haven’t read Fire and Blood. While it’s not required to enjoy the show, it just shows how little you know about the dance. None of these characters besides some supporting characters are particularly sympathetic.
The writers changed Alicent’s entire character and made Viserys more villainous in order to make her character more sympathetic. In Fire and Blood, Alicent is 18 and Viserys is 29. She essentially starts bullying Rhaenyra when she is 12 because Aegon isn’t made heir. In both the shows and the book, Alicent married 15-year-old Aegon to 13-year-old Helaena to further legitimize Aegon’s claim. In both the books and the show, Alicent is a jealous woman who was abused by her father and then became an abuser of her own children.
Rhaenyra was spoiled and selfish. She would not have made a good queen even if she was able to ascend the throne without being usurped. She had children with Harwin Strong, knowing people would call their birth into question, and did it anyway. She was unable to uphold the throne before even sitting on it. She knew what people thought about Daemon, but she wanted him. She never could have put the needs of the people above her own and was willing to put a bastard on the throne to get what she wanted. Rhaenyra knew that people didn’t want her to rule because she was a woman, but she pretty much just proved she wasn’t meant to rule in a different way.
The writers softened both Daemon and Aegon, who are still awful. Both are drunken, violent rapists in the show and straight-up p*dos in the book. Criston Cole slept with a teenage girl and held a lifelong grudge when she wouldn’t run away with him. Aemond is a self-absorbed mass murderer, and he extorted Alys Rivers into a sexual relationship. It seems a lot of Team Black needs a reminder that survival sex work isn’t the same as consensual sex. Corlys and Otto pimped out their children for power. Corlys actually went one step further and denied Baela, a legitimate Velaryon, her birthright as Lady of Tides so he could get his blood on the throne. Otto’s greed got not only his children killed, but he also extinguished his entire branch of his family and nearly destroyed House Hightower as a whole.
The writers softened both Daemon and Aegon, who are still awful. Both are drunken, violent rapists in the show and straight up p*dos in the book. Criston Cole slept with a teenage girl and held a lifelong grudge when she wouldn’t run away with him. Aemond is a self-absorbed mass murderer and he extorted Alys Rivers into a sexual relationship. It seems a lot of Team Black needs a reminder that survival sex work isn’t the same as consensual sex. Corlys and Otto pimped out their children for power. Corlys actually went one step further and denied Baela, a legitimate Velaryon, her birthright as Lady of Tides so he could get his blood on the throne. Otto’s greed got not only his children killed, but extinguished his entire branch of his family and nearly destroyed House Hightower as a whole.
Every single Targaryen in the dance was a spoiled, selfish, arrogant child who was unfit to sit on the Iron Throne. The only sibling who could have made a decent monarch is Daeron, and that’s because he grew up away from all the bullshit in Kingslanding. Helaena is also innocent, but she’s not all the way there mentally. Besides Laena, Rhaena, Baela, Helaena, and the younger children, literally every single character is awful, and that seems to be the point GRRM is trying to make. 
Shut up and just watch the show. Nobody wants to hear about that. Television shows are meant to be enjoyed, not raise your blood pressure.
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emptymanuscript · 1 month
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Well… damn… talk about saying the quiet part out loud.
That’s less “kinda racist” and more “holy shit, that’s racist.”
They really are full on going with the great replacement. Pedal to the metal with “the jews blacks will must not replace us.”
Just wow.
I’m not surprised at the sentiment. They’ve been pretty clear how they felt all along. I am surprised at the clarity of it. This is so crystal clear that you can see straight down to their soul.
I assume the defense of this will be something along the lines that they’re sure there are perfectly good people on both sides. And why has it always gotta be racism with you? It’s like the boy who cried wolf but with racism. I’m not racist.
HOW do people not get that this is bad?
That’s what I really don’t understand. How do you endorse this idea, promote it, nod along with it AND not realize that you are racist??
Especially since it does change. Sometimes it’s blacks. Sometimes it’s jews. Sometimes it muslims. Sometimes it’s “mexicans.” It kinda doesn’t matter, does it? It’s really whoever happens to not be “US” right this moment.
That’s what fucking racism IS!
I know what it really means: I’m a good person. Racism is bad. So I CAN’T be racist. QED. But it doesn’t work that way. That just makes you a racist AND a liar. You just happen to be lying to yourself.
Do people really never ask themselves if they’re the problem?? Like, really, never? How do you not pause and go, wait, look at our uniforms, these are real nice uniforms… are we the baddies????
I don’t get it. I truly don’t. It’s absolutely lost on me. Ever since Trump came on board as the Republican’s fearless leader golden idol, it’s just been so heinously blatant that I cannot understand how anyone doesn’t - as much as I loathe the phrase - vote blue, no matter who.
However much it might have previously been hyperbole, it is NOT hyperbole anymore. It hasn’t been for years. Fast approaching a decade. What sandpit has anyone been sticking their head in that they don’t get that Trump is fucking Darth Sidious without the nifty force powers or cleverness.
They are literally Fascists.
They are literally White Nationalist Fascists. There’s a reason that all the Neo-Nazis are MAGA people.
They are literally Anti-Democratic White Nationalist Fascists who we all witnessed on screen in real time storming the capital to prevent the democratic process.
They are literally Anti-Democratic White Nationalist Christo-Fascists who are actively pushing laws to end freedom of religion, access to medical care, women’s rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, social safety nets, public education, minimum wages, birthright citizenship, birth control, and equal treatment under the law. While actively pushing laws to promote child labor, informing on your neighbors to the state, child marriage, and a parent’s rights to abuse their children in any way they want to after it’s born.
What about any of it is unclear or unsaid at this point?
What possible defense or reason exists to allow someone to think they’re not Anti-Democratic White Nationalist Christo-Fascists who would rather destroy the country rather than let it benefit anyone else but still vote Republican?
What about Republicans is there to support that exists outside that world view? That’s all there is. They say it. They show it. It’s RIGHT THERE!! Look at the damn picture.
Insert primal scream of impotent rage here.
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That voice in your head that tells you that you did something wrong, that you're not enough, that you'll always be nothing, that you're a piece of shit, that you can't have what you want because of this this and that, that you will always not get what you deserve is the Father of Lies. It's not the truth, it's a lie that sounds convincing because it's in your own voice in your head.
But it's not really the truth. Not all that glitters is gold. Roll the dice. What if everything gets better from now on? What if everything starts going your way from now on? What if God moves you to a better place? What if all your dreams come true? Why not? Why create a negative reality if you have all the power to control your thoughts and beliefs? Your beliefs are meaningless you can remove them at any moment. Who said you can't have it all? The father of lies who doesn't write your story for you? All it ever does is lie. All it ever does is sabotage you and your thoughts. The father of lies wants you to think that nothing will happen for you and nothing good ever will. ILLUSION. FALSE.
It's your book, imagine the best case scenario at all times. Why are you letting that pessimistic liar in your head, create your reality for you? Remember, negative beliefs will do everything in their power to make you feel fear. They want you to think something bad, or worse will happen to you if you switch your beliefs. That is not the truth. Problems fix themselves when you learn how to relax and trust the Universe. Remember this always, our minds LOVE finding problems to fix, they literally search for them. Once you realize your mind is not who you are just let it go, oh silly narrator, everything will be fine. Everything is perfect the way it is. It won't stay the same forever, everything changes especially when you're assuming the best case scenario at all times. Laugh at those negative thoughts, those do not belong to you. Remember, if it's relevant for you it's going to happen, if you're good at something and you know could benefit others with your gift or your presence it will happen better than you can imagine. If say for example you wanted the ability to fly or you wanted something someone else has that has nothing to do with your dreams, if it's not relevant for you then it won't happen at this time.
That's the only way you won't see things happening, not because the father of lies told you that you could never have it. Does that make sense? Imagine your dream reality, how do you feel on a day-to-day basis, how relaxed are you? How big is your house? What does your dream wardrobe look like to best represent who you are inside? Your car? Yes you have it now in a parallel reality. These material things are great and they can add a lot of benefits to your life. But at the end of the day you are left with yourself and your own thoughts. You have so much power within you. Those shiny material objects are distractions from the kingdom of heaven within you. Because even when you have those things you will still be called to go within, because that is the real journey. Yes, there's infinite parallel realities, there's billions of options to explore, there are multiple aspects of you to explore, shift to your preference. Abundance is your birthright. Why would you want anything that's not for you? If you desire it, it's yours already otherwise you wouldn't ever have the desire because your soul knows you have it already. You have millions of dollars in your bank account now. You always have. Imagine your dream vision of the perfect reality because that story is already YOURS. It is DONE. It is Finished.
What is being carried in your subconscious mind, that caused the unpreferred situation, circumstance or unpreferred reality to pop up? Remember, everything is here and now, everything exists at the same time. It is only separated by frequency. Smile first and the Universe has no choice but to show you a different reflection. You are God, what you say IS. What must you believe to be true about your reality to buy into that illusion that you don't prefer?
No need to stress, no need to strive, imagine multiple times a day that your soul has no agenda, it only wants to be there for the journey to experience because it already knows you will have growth, you don't need to force growth. You're not trying to achieve something, control something, manipulate something to get what you want or grind. You're perfectly at peace in this Now moment. That's who you really are. Agenda-less and free. Unchain those negative definitions (defining things in a negative way instead of a positive way) and make them more specific for what you need and desire now.
You don't need what someone else has, you only ever need to focus on yourself and what your desires are, the Universe will never give you something you cannot handle, it may push you to handle it in a more positive way but your reactions to seemingly negative circumstances are the test. Don't take everything so seriously, don't look at life so intensely that it becomes unbearable and difficult. The key on manifesting is to not insist that the image in your head is the best possible creation, idea and it has to be that way. Let your higher self give you something better than you can imagine, let it be a surprise. The excitement you feel is more important than the image. Remember that.
Everything you need, you will have ALL of it. And then some, then you will have everything you desire on top of all your needs always being covered, because abundance is what you are. You can have an abundance of lack, because there's no such thing as lack, only an abundance of lack. There's no such thing as doubt. You can only have a complete and total trust in an unpreferred reality, or you can have a complete and total trust in your preferred reality. You may feel out of control but you're controlling that. You may feel you lack trust & faith but you're trusting that unpreferred reality. Choose to shift now, now and now. God is taking you out of survival mode and into creation mode because God gave you a dream because you're worthy because you exist.
Say, "I deserve to go on a vacation because I exist." Not because you worked hard, because you did this thing, that's conditional love, because you exist, that's unconditional love. God has unconditional love for us. So create an abundance of wealth, an abundance of creative ideas, an abundance of gifts, an abundance of love, an abundance of experiences instead. You deserve all of it, you deserve everything that's relevant for you. Say, "God/Universe I give all my burdens to you." Surrender control, feel relief and excitement. Say, "I am provided for in overflow." You deserve to experience heaven on Earth. Remember the kingdom of heaven exists within you first. It starts with the love within you. You just needed enough encouragement from the world outside of you to let go of that which the ego would pursue and to look within for that which you truly are. The Lord can and will help you if you just believe. Here comes the sun.
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