#a lot of things happened but i had some churros the other day and thought of making this
amelikos · 4 months
Some character notes and episode notes for HZ050, writing them down for future reference.
The ep starts with a collab vid between Gurumin and Nanjamo. They both talk about Dot's upcoming basics test (Gurumin doesn't say she'll be the one facing Nanjamo though, just that it's a trainer who happens to have a Kuwassu like her). Nanjamo mentions she won't go easy on her opponent and hopes that Dot will be able to fight in a way that is true to herself. After she posts the video online (which immediately gets Dot lots of views since Nanjamo is popular), Dot wonders what being true to herself means.
Dot decides to talk about it to Liko and Roy (she is really comfortable having them over in her room now and she wants to know their opinions). She mentions the battle she had the previous day (she said "yesterday", which is nice that we get a specific mention of time) and Liko and Roy tell her she was cool (I love when characters like Liko and Dot are told they are cool in their own ways). Dot brings up the fact that she came up with a plan at the time and followed it, so she wonders if that's what being true to herself means. She even made a simulation of her upcoming battle (with Harabari and Kuwassu, taking into account their moves etc) and thinks that if she sticks to her plan, she should be able to dazzle. Though, she knows that unexpected things can happen during battles or even during streams. Which makes Liko remember a Gurumin vid that went viral because Gurumin messed up during her livestream (and this vid spread and made her known online) (it's cute how much Liko knows about Gurumin and I wonder if she was a fan ever since Gurumin's early days and before she was popular or if she got to know her after that vid which spread her name around). The whole interaction between the trio was fun (Liko and Roy kept watching the vid and the VAs did a nice job with making them sound like they were trying not to laugh, and Dot was embarassed and asked how long they were gonna watch it, good trio moments). At night, Dot keeps thinking up of a strategy in her room and watches vids of Nanjamo's Harabari to analyze its battle style (since Nanjamo streams her basics tests online, Dot can actually check battle videos to analyze them, which is an advantage). She knows odds aren't in her favor given the types matchups but she considers taking advantage of Kuwassu's speed to gain the upper hand during the battle.
The following day, Liko and the others are about to leave for Dot's test. Murdock had a whole cheering getup ready since he wants to support Dot (the whole thing was super cute and he put lots of effort into it!), but Dot didn't want him to come (very realistic tbh, lots of kids get embarassed about their relatives at such events). Murdock didn't push the issue. Dot thought he was making a big deal out of it, and Liko told her that Murdock was probably just worried about her, which Dot understands deep down (small but good scene between the two because they keep showing moments with Liko and Dot walking together behind Roy and talking... I just like these interactions and the way they emphasize their bond).
Meanwhile, Sango and Onyx were monitoring the trio from afar, as they knew one of them had a test in Hakkou City. Sango thinks it's a drag and doesn't want to monitor them, she wants to check out some famous local churros.. Onyx thinks they need to gather some intel on Terapagos somehow (though Liko didn't bring him with her since she didn't have her Terapagos bag). Clavell shows up and wonders why Sango and Onyx are there since their course doesn't take them to this city (he remembers their names and where they are supposed to take their tests, he really seems to care about his students). He wonders if they came to check on their friends (referring to Liko and the others) and he is happy to see everyone so invested in their studies and growing. Onyx is very bad at lying btw (which is cute... he is also very polite to Clavell). Clavell suggests they go watch Dot's test together, but Onyx and Sango left while he was checking his phone, leaving the poor man by himself (I hope Sango got the food she wanted this time).
Afterwards, Dot makes all the arrangements for her battle and the trio meets Clavell who catches up with them and gives them encouragements. He starts rambling on a lot, so Dot goes ahead on her own to not miss her test (and there was a small moment of Liko telling her to go on and that she'll join her with Roy). Clavell kept talking to Liko and Roy, and both of them were too polite to just leave or remind him that Dot's test had begun. Though Roy eventually started watching it on his phone (it reminded me of that one JN episode in which Gou wanted to support both Koharu and Satoshi so he watched Koharu's contest on his phone to make sure he wouldn't miss it). Eventually, they all head to the battlefield.
Dot VS Nanjamo was very good and dynamic. Dot had a clear plan (evading attacks with speed), but also learned to go with the flow and have fun. Nanjamo had lots of energy and clearly put everything in this battle. She overwhelmed Dot and kinda dictated the pace of the battle for the most part. Dot managed to use Terastal too (and she did so when the power was out, so it wasn't caught on stream when she did), and Kuwassu learned a new move. Dot lost the battle but passed the test, which is good for her arc (Nanjamo is her senior so she can't catch up to her so quickly, and Dot also needed to go through that moment of feeling frustration after a loss and realizing she wants to get better and catch up to Nanjamo etc). Both Liko and Roy were happy that she passed her test (and they both held Dot's hands to congratulate her, which was adorable). Nanjamo also had a moment where she looked over to them and smiled (she is really happy to see Dot making friends).
At the end, the trio meets up with Clavell again. He congratulates them once more for completing their basics tests, and reminds them that they have reports to write before heading back to the academy (so next couple of episodes will be focused on their reports). He also asks Dot to teach him all she knows about streaming (and yet another long conversation begins, while Liko and Roy wait).
Overall, very good two-parter. Nanjamo is the only gym leader with this much emotional weight and history with one of the main characters, so I appreciate that they took time to build up this confrontation. I wonder if we'll see her again in the future.
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eirenare · 11 months
Hi hi~! Life update here
Hi there!
Yes, I'm still alive lol, it's just that 85% of my social media time I currently spend it on Twitter (I refuse to call it how Elmo Muskrat wants the site to be called lol), and 15% I spend it on Bluesky (which, by the way, if you wanna find me there, I'm Eirenare too there lol).
I'm still very veeeeeery much in my Reylo brainrot haha, so yeah, you might see me posting or reblogging every now and then some of it, although I've been as well into some other stuff lately (Elden Ring for example), so you might see me posting about that too, so just a heads up there about it (and don't worry, everything I post here, regardless of what it is, as usual it'll have its tags and spoiler warnings, a "read more" if need be, etc).
My energy's been specially low for the past months though to be honest, so I can't guarantee I'll be very active around here (except for private messages, I'll be checking these every little time), just that every now and then I'll come here and post or reblog some stuff, probably Reylo and other things Star Wars or series/movies, life updates too, maybe will share in a bit of my Elden Ring brainrot and theories as its DLC approaches and I get more and more excited.
Anyways, here's some random life update stuff and anecdotes that I wanted to say before I log off for the night here:
I fell into the Kalluzeb (Kallus x Zeb, from Star Wars Rebels) rabbithole some time ago and it was, and is, neat, I love them so much
earlier today I had churros and hot chocolate as desert at lunch time and I was in cloud nine all the while I chomped on them
apparently my brain won't cease to come up with new Reylo AUs which is amazing and so much fun but also if I ever showed you guys screenshots of my Google Docs you might just faint because there are just so many things there between WIPs I'm currently working on that are already on Ao3, future things to go on Ao3, vague WIPs, AU ideas... and my energy is running so low and I'm working on various Ao3 WIPs so yeah lol I don't think I'll ever write even half of the fics I noted down
I watched Barbie at the cinema and it became one of my new comfort movies and one of my fave movies of all time
somehow I'm not as bad as I thought I'd be at Elden Ring even though I'm clumsy, a scaredycat and my tunnel vision goes lvl 100 when I'm playing videogames which usually means "good luck remembering to look at your stamina bar and using key items", so seeing myself not get too stuck on bosses was unexpected and neat (in fact, funnily enough: somehow this game even makes my anxiety lower at times and it barely increases it at all even when I'm fighting bosses, go figure lol)
I had the chance to buy Final Fantasy XVI at a much cheaper price than release price but because at that site I didn't see any warning that it was temporary, by the time I went to buy it, it had risen price again so now I'm awaiting once again for both better prices and for my wallet to recover
my brother bought a PS5 back in spring and a copy of Star Wars Jedi Survivor and, since we live in the same house, I did play that game and it was amazing asdfgffdgfjfb there were only a very few things I didn't like that much but holy shit was it good, some stuff even felt tailor-made for me in ways I wasn't expecting but that I enjoyed very much (and also the tears, the rivers of tears I shed on certain scenes lol) and now I'm super hyped for the 3rd whenever it is that it'll happen
the official Star Wars accounts at Twitter have been posting quite a bit about Reylo and the sequels and Ben for the past days (and I gotta say, the account from Spain even added some extra Reylo flavor in some tweets that other accounts didn't which is curious) and I'm clowning kinda hard, hoping that DLF finally realized most of the people actually like a lot Reylo (or don't mind it) and the ST, and hoping (always hoping, always dreading to hope too much, but hoping anyways) that we'll get Rey and Ben reunited in her movie
Anyways x2, enough anecdotes and thoughts for the night, see you around lovely people~! <3 Hopefully soon lol, but if not... *looks at 2024 fast approaching* if not, then I'll 100% be around to gossip and scream for when the Rey movie begins production and talks begin and all that stuff, lol.
Good night~! :D I hope you have a great day and/or a good sleep~! <3
EDIT: looooool apparently this was my 100th post in here and I got a free badge for my profile so yay, nice~ x) XDD
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dizzydeadeye · 3 years
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f33itan · 3 years
Pool Trip with the Spiders Headcanons!
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This is every original member, original as in the beginning of the 2011 Series MINUS Bonolenov and Kortopi, I'm sorry but I hardly know anything about them :')
Context: The spiders decided to take a break and go to a fancy hotel and NOT kill anybody (on purpose at least). There happened to be a fairly large pool there however, and the rest is to be read under the cut.
This bitch is going to be sitting and reading a book, he MAY dip in but he's not going to swim.
He's sitting in the shade the whole time so he didn't use sunscreen.
Being the 'respectful' boss he is though, if you sit by him or go up to him he'll have no problem conversing.
Overall he's just chilling off to the side, silently observing the other members.
Nobu is probably chilling on the edge of the pool with a drink or two next to Uvo.
He's pretty mellow for the most part, but don't wet him. It took some convincing to get INTO the pool so don't do anything to get him out.
Other than that he's pretty cool.
I'm gonna be honest, there is two things he can be doing.
1. He's sitting under a black umbrella with 4 seats that NOBODY else can sit in, or 2. He's napping with a built-in shade on one of those long floaties with a pillow-like cushion at the head.
If you wake him up consider yourself dead.
He probably has some juice under there that he's casually sipping.
If he's feeling playful he'll get off and start splashing people.
Start a chicken fight, you're going to lose.
Machi is sitting off to the side with Shizuku, Pakunoda and POSSIBLY Shalnark.
They all have their drinks and are just throwing around topics and gossip.
They also complain about Hisoka, a lot.
Mainly the girls are just sitting in some sun-bathing chairs or basking in the sun on some circular floaties.
Being a weirdo.
Attempting to start convos with basically everyone, failing as well.
He knows not to swim within 15 feet of Feitan, I think you can assume why.
Probably buggng Feitan, either on his 4 seats or on the floaty.
100% trying to toss a beach ball around but everybody's doing their own thing so it just falls.
Is the person who started the splash fight with Feitan, he lost because Fei shot a big wave of water at him and it got into his eyes, nose and mouth.
Pouting about it the whole day.
Participating in literally every chicken fight somebody proposes.
Shal is taking videos of everybody that he's later going to combine into a compilation, sections of the video, editing, everything. It's pretty nice actually.
He's getting snacks and drinks for everybody, not out of kindness but of the fact that later on he can ask them for something and use the old fashioned "I did this for you earlier so you have to pay me back" line.
Overall Shal is really friendly though
Most likely played with some random kids in the pool.
He's sitting by Churro just chit-chatting, drink in one hand and supervising everybody in the water.
He 1000% tossed some of the members into the water, with their consent of course.
Just sitting and relaxing for the most part, nothing much.
If Machi and Paku are sitting on the edge with their legs in the water, Shizuku is most likely in a round floaty next to them.
She's going to paddle herself around the pool and chat with everybody, then forget what she was doing seconds later.
Shalnark gave her gummy worms and apple juice.
Some kids asked her for some and she shared with them, the kids are starting to swim around more of the troupe now.
Feitan scared them away, on purpose of course.
Mother attitude mother attitude mother attitude
Paku for sure reminded everyone to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
She also supervised both the troupe AND those random kids
Pushed Shizuku around in the floaty and gave Feitan more juice.
Posed for a photo with Shalnark.
Pakunoda is friends with everybody honestly.
He was used as a diving platform, point blank.
Uvo would help various troupe members onto his shoulders and they would jump off as he jumped up.
Was also used as a floaty and seat.
Chugged a bunch of beers and went around swimming like a shark, he bit Shalnark's leg in the process.
The kids thought he was a bear.
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aes-anime-asks · 3 years
Could you maybe do a follow up thing for your calculester headcanons where he takes someone to his radio shack of plants?
✨🌴💾Okay, so this ended up way longer than I thought it would be. I've also been thinking a lot about abandoned malls and listening to too much vaporwave lately lol hope you enjoy. 🌴💾✨
Vaporwave soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZUfiW3W1KY
��Couldn’t sell it. Couldn’t demolish it. No one could afford to anything back in 2009 except for let it sit. All alone. Sometimes when I’m in sleep mode, I’ll think about what it must have been like for the very last store in the mall. Watching the neighboring stores blink out of existence. Watching the fountains get turned off. Watching the flowers die.”
“God. That’s depressing, Les.”
“I did not mean to depress you. Everything dies. It’s natural. For organic things anyway.” Calculester shrugs, and you swear you can see a wistful look on his pixeled face. You weren’t sure what you were expecting when Calculester said he wanted you to come over, but the enormous, abandoned mall at the edge of town wasn’t high on this list of possibilities. You didn’t expect to feel anything when you saw it, but suddenly you’re brought back to when you were 8 and your mom took you and your best friend for your birthday. You still remember the sticky tables and infinite possibilities as you looked up from the food court at the people streaming by on the floor above.
Now the parking lot is cracked, and weeds grow up out of the planters by the gold trimmed doors. Les glances up at the camera, and you hear a clack as he remotely disarms the security system. You suppose it makes sense that it’s locked, after all, it is his—house?
“Sorry. I could have taken this whole sensor down, but I’m afraid if I do, someone will come in and ruin it. Hurt my plants maybe. I’m not worth much in a fight.” He chuckles. He sounds so cute when he’s nervous.
Your steps echo in the cavernous lobby. This is it. The food court. You jog over to the Cinnabon and leap over the countertop. You put on your best customer service voice. “Good evening sir! Will it be the churro, or the sticky pecan roll today?” Les laughs at you and reaches into his pocket.
“No way. You didn’t.” He’s holding a tube of dough. Cinnamon roll dough.
“I did.” You can practically see his digital green blush. “You see. The machine still works.” Sure, enough the red light clicks on, and you can feel heat, hear it’s electric buzz as he puts the rolls on a sheet pan. “I recall you mentioning “cinnamon rolls” exactly three times since we started dating. It just felt right.”
You and Calculester sit in the food court under the dim security lights. You set a roll in front of him too. Even though he doesn’t eat, it makes him feel included.
“Tell me what it tastes like?”
Guiltily, you reply “Hmm…well it tastes damn good…”
“No. Error. Insufficient explanation.”
He’s teasing you.
“Okay…. Well, it’s soft, and sweet, but with just the littlest kick of spice.” You gently kick him under the table. “Right, you don’t know what sweet is. It tastes like… how being with you feels.” Now he’s blushing. You reach over and grab his hand.
“I.. I… I…” His system is overloaded. You’ve been dating two months, but he’s still not used to being complimented by you. He shakes his head as if to clear his brain and leads you down the corridor. You walk up a frozen escalator, then another, until you’re on the third floor. The ceiling above is triangular with windowed skylights letting in dusty shafts of sunlight. It seems like you must have walked to the very end of the mall before you see it. Radio Shack.
The interior is uncannily familiar, but something is off. It’s the light. Where is the light coming from? As you head further back you realize that nearly all the drywall has been painstakingly removed and the entire back wall has been replaced with a mismatched, stained glass patchwork of junkyard glass. Faded yellow and pink shadows fall onto plants of every kind lining the shelves, leaning toward the light.
“Les. How long did –that—take you??” You ask in awe, gaping at the strange greenhouse.
“About four years.” He says, a touch of pride in his voice. That’s his entire life. “I…I felt very lost after I came to consciousness. Especially after school. When all of you went to your homes, I had… no place to go.” He sighs, almost imperceptibly. “So, I walked. I kept walking. Until I found this place. It was so dark when I found it. Dusty. All these radios, and phones, and computers… just sitting here. Waiting for people who would never talk to them. It was too much. So, I started tearing down the wall, a little bit every day. If they can’t have a purpose anymore, I at least wanted to make them beautiful. Give them somewhere nice to live.”
It’s then you realize that that the plants and the electronics are nearly indistinguishable from each other. Philodendrons and ivy caress the screens and buttons. Aloe and cacti rest atop printers and television sets. You swear that you hear some of the stereo sets hum as you walk by.
“Did you know that in the Shinto way of thinking, people believe that after 100 years, objects gain a soul?” Calculester says, almost absentmindedly.
I shake my head, still silenced by the strange garden.
“I think everything has a soul. Even if it’s just a little bit. Everything deserves to be cherished. So much is cast aside and replaced at every opportunity. I often think about what would have happened if the school had just replaced the library computers before… you know.”
You can’t bear it. The thought of him never existing. The fact that he is an unlikely accident. A wonderful accident. You sidle up next to him on the cot he must have lifted from the old pottery barn. It looks out the makeshift window to the empty parking lot, and beyond that to the forest. For the first time, he puts his arm around you, his metallic touch warm in the sunlight.
“ I hope someday when all of you… organic beings are gone… that life can still find a way to be beautiful for me. I’m scared. Scared of then. When you won’t be beside me.”
For now, though, the time moves slow. You lay together in the unlikely, technological jungle, musing on eternity, and wondering why this couldn’t be it.
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So Far Away (part 2)
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Part 7 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin x reader; Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin x Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin; Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung x Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung
Summary: We have some make ups, some losses, some fluff and a tiny bit of angst
Warnings: Mentions of smut, some swearing
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon​, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse​, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup​ ​​​​​, @lindsayjoy444​ 
AN: I decided to make this a 3 part chapter because I like leaving y’all in suspense. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys!
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Yoongi POV:
As soon as the words left Y/N’s mouth, my eyes widened and my grip on her hand tightened. This was not going to be good. For all I knew, they could yell at her and make her feel like she was unwanted, which is completely untrue.
“Jungkookie, take Y/N to the food place and get yourselves something to eat.” I said, making Jungkook frown at me in confusion. “If it is them, I don’t want her getting hurt by any argument that might happen.” I explained. “Now go and get some food, and I will meet you both there later.” I kissed Y/N’s forehead and Jungkook’s cheek before watching them walk off hand in hand. I let out a breath and readied myself for the confrontation, knowing that there was going to be arguing that we may not be able to come back from.
Jimin was pouting slightly. “Pretty boy, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“I hate all of this fighting.” Jimin admitted. “I just want all of us to go back to normal... Or as normal as we can be.”
“Well, we just need to talk to them and see if we can sort out this mess.” Jin said, rubbing Jimin’s back. “So let’s go talk.”
We approached them slowly. They didn’t realise we were behind them until I cleared my throat. 
The three of them turned around, eyes wide. It was then I realised Taehyung looked awful. He had bags under his eyes that were still visible under the concealer and his lips were drawn in a small permanent pout. Whatever was going on between us had to be sorted now. 
“Hyung, w-what are you doing here?” Jimin asked, playing with his fingers as he attempted to try and start the much-needed conversation.
“Fuck, Yoongi hyung, I am so sorry.” Namjoon said, looking down at his shoes in shame. “I should have never kicked you out of the dorm. I should have let you explain and let you make the decisions. I never wanted to make you feel unloved and unwanted by us, or to make our whole dynamic awkward.”
“And I should have stood up for you and said something against what Namjoon said. Fuck, hyung, I should have come to you the second I knew something was wrong and we had upset you.” Hoseok apologised, his eyes wide and pleading. I bit my lip, my eyes sliding towards Taehyung who was trembling, his eyes filling with tears.
“Hyung, we’re so sorry-” Namjoon started to speak again.
“Just shut up you two and come here!” I allowed them to come towards me and I leaned up and kissed them both. “I accept your apologies, but I don’t fully forgive you yet. I’m just going to need some time. What you said really hurt me.” I said. 
“Of course, hyung. Of course. Take your time.” Hoseok said, hugging me again. He released me, going over to Jimin, who still looked unsure. “Hey baby boy.” He said, making Jimin let out a small sob and jump into his arms. Hoseok sighed in relief and held him close, his face buried in his hair.
Namjoon was embracing Jin, leaving Taehyung stood there, looking unsure of what to do.
“Taehyung, let’s go somewhere else to talk, okay?” I said, extending my hand for him to take. He gingerly reached out and took it, allowing me to lead him to a more private place.
We ended up at the food courts. I led us over to a small cafe and stopped just outside. I sat him down in a chair and sat down opposite him. “Why do you look so sad?” I asked.
“I’m a horrible, disgusting person. That’s why.” Taehyung said, not making eye contact with me.
“Taehyung...” I reached over and grabbed hold of his hand. “You said some things that were hurtful and not nice but you will never, ever be a disgusting or horrible person.”
“Yes I am, hyung! I told you to reject your soulmate, knowing full well how much pain it would cause both you and her.” He said. “I didn’t give you a chance to explain what you were going to do, and what your plan was, and I’m sure if I had, I would have heard that you had planned to do something that made both parties happy. And to make matters worse, I lost my soulmate. After I saw you both in the mall, I could suddenly see colour. Me, Joonie hyung and Hobi hyung could.”
“Tae, you know that someone can have multiple soulmates, right?” I said, making him cock his head to the side, tears dripping down his face. “That’s what happened with me, Y/N, Jiminie, Kookie and Jin. It happens when people are very close.”
“So, me, Joonie hyung and Hobi hyung could be her soulmates as well?” Taehyung asked, his voice small.
“Yes, Tae baby. We are all soulmates with her.” I said, making him slowly smile and sniffle slightly. 
“I missed you calling me that.” He whispered. “I missed you so much, hyungie, I’m so sorry for what I said to you.”
“Baby, come here.” I stood up and opened my arms, allowing him to run into them.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He said over and over again.
“Shh, baby, it’s okay.” I said, stroking his back. “It’s okay, don’t cry.”
“It’s not okay. I was jealous.” He said, his head resting against my shoulder. “I didn’t want to lose you or have less of your time.”
“Taehyung baby boy, you were my first, you are so important to me. You’re never going to lose me.” I held him away from me for a second to look at him. “You’re so beautiful.” I said, stroking his cheek. He leaned into the gesture. “My beautiful baby boy.” I leaned forward to kiss him gently. He made a noise as our lips connected, sounding like a needy whine.
As I pulled away, I wiped away his tears. “I want to apologise to Y/N.” He said. “And I want to meet her properly and let her know that I don’t hate her.”
I sighed as I stirred the straw around my empty milkshake glass, my head resting in my hand. I stared over at Jungkook, who was sat opposite me, looking equally as bored. 
“Do we have to stay here?” I asked, making him look at me slightly confused. “Like we’re at Disney, let’s go on some rides. I don’t want to be stuck in a restaurant all day.”
“I don’t know, gorgeous. They might get annoyed.” Jungkook looked unsure. 
“We’ll be fine, Koo.” I got up and tugged on his hand. “Please.” He still looked unsure. “Please, oppa, I will give you lots of cuddles when we get back.” I said, doing an aegyo. He chuckled.
“Okay, fine. Fine.” He allowed me to pull him up from the table. “I’ll text Jimin hyung and tell him what we are doing.” He pulled out his phone and typed out a quick text before pocketing his phone and grabbing hold of my hand. “Where to first?”
It was then I got a sneaky prank idea to pull on Yoongi, Jin and Jimin oppas. “Let’s start from right at the back of the park and ride every ride there and take our time. But don’t tell them where we are going exactly. Let’s prank them.”
Much to my surprise, a cheeky smile flooded Jungkook’s face. “That sounds like a great plan!” He said. “Let’s go!”
After we had been on a few of the rides in the Magic Kingdom, Jungkook led me to the Cinderella castle and sat down on a bench, pulling me down beside him. The sun was beginning to set, the light reflecting off his necklace that was settled just under his collar bone, between the tips of his pectorals, that were exposed from his half-buttoned shirt. 
“Are you having fun?” He asked, cupping the side of my face in his hand and stroking my cheek. I smiled gently as his soft, brown doe eyes made a comfortable contact with mine.
“Yes, thank you.” I said, my voice barely a whisper.
“Good.” He said, his thumb brushing over my cheekbone. I leaned into the gesture, his hand supporting the weight of my head. “You look so pretty in the sunlight.” He took hold of my hand and pulled me up. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He set up his phone and stood us in front of the castle. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine before kissing me gently.
“Kookie.” I breathed as he pulled away, resting our foreheads together. My stomach felt weird, like there was a nest of butterflies living there. I cleared my throat, pulling away from him slightly, not liking the unfamiliar feeling. He frowned at me, trying to decipher what was going on with me.
“What’s wrong, carrot?” He asked, making me raise an eyebrow at the nickname.
“Nothing’s wrong. Just worried about the others.” I replied. They had been gone a long time and I knew it wasn’t because they were looking for us; they would have called us if they couldn’t find us.
“Yeah, they haven’t tried to find us. Maybe they have forgotten about us?” Jungkook shrugged. 
I hummed. “What was that nickname before?” I asked him.
“I don’t know. I just wanted to call you that, because hyungs call me bunny, and bunny’s like to eat carrots, and I like to eat you out so...” My cheeks flushed red as I thought back to how he had woken me up that morning, with his head buried between my legs and his tongue inside me. He chuckled when he saw my expression. “Aww is my little carrot embarrassed?” He teased, making me slap his chest playfully. He looked at me in surprise, making me giggle.
“You look like a lost bunny.” I commented, making him laugh. I looked around for a second. “You know what I am really craving? A churro.”
“Me too.” Jungkook rubbed his stomach. “Shall we go back and get some food, we haven’t really had lunch.”
“Mhm.” I agreed. “Don’t forget your phone.” I reminded him. He grabbed it and smiled at the screen.
“We’re cute.” He said, showing me the picture of us kissing in front of the castle. “We might be the cutest pair.” I giggled and kissed his cheek before holding his hand as we walked back to the food court.
Jimin POV:
Yoongi hyung was in a state of panic. We had all met up at the food court, but Y/N and Jungkook were nowhere to be found. Yoongi had tried calling them both, but neither of them had replied. 
“Where could they have gone?” Yoongi sat down on one of the chairs, pulling at his hair in frustration. I knew why he was so worried - Y/N’s abusive ex could have found out where she was and taken her, hurting Jungkook in the process.
“Maybe try calling them again?” Namjoon suggested. Yoongi opened his phone and called Jungkook again, but it went straight through to voicemail. I bit my lip as I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from either of the youngest ones.
“Ah hyung!” I said, waving my phone around. “Jungkookie texted me about an hour ago. He and Y/N have gone on some rides because princess was bored.” I said, reading the message aloud. 
“Did he say where?” Yoongi asked. I scanned the message again and shook my head. “Of course he wouldn’t.” He rolled his eyes and tried Y/N again. Still no answer. “Well, at least we know they are safe...” He blew some air out through his mouth. “I’m going to go and find them.” He said. 
“I’ll come with you.” I volunteered, standing up and taking hold of his hand. Yoongi nodded and together we walked out of the food area to try and find the missing two.
We didn’t have to go very far as we found them walking together, hand in hand, laughing with each other. They froze when they saw us, knowing that they were in trouble from the look on Yoongi’s face.
“And what do you two think you have been doing?” He asked, his voice deep and dangerously calm. 
“Going on rides...” Jungkook said slowly, knowing that he was going to get punished for this. Y/N looked between the two of them, her throat bobbing as she swallowed.
“And what is the rule about answering your phones?” Yoongi folded his arms across his chest.
“Always answer them when they ring, but hyung, our phones didn’t ring, so I really don’t understand why you are so mad.” Jungkook said, shrugging. 
“You don’t understand why...” Yoongi scoffed. “Both of you take out your phones now and check them.” They both did it, shaking their heads.
“No calls from you to either of us.” Y/N replied. “Oppa, really, I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“Yoongi hyung has been calling you for the past hour.” I replied, making her frown at her phone. 
“Then there is something wrong with my phone.” She said. “I have signal, I’m connected to the park wifi, but it’s not picking up your calls or texts...” She frowned as she tapped the screen a few times. “Or your contact...” She tapped and scrolled a few more times before she started shaking her head and murmuring no under her breath. 
“Princess, what’s wrong?” I asked, rushing to her side. I saw that it was open on a contact who had sent a picture of her getting buckled into a ride. She was smiling and the sun was giving a golden hue to her skin. She looked beautiful. But I knew it wasn’t Jungkook who had taken the picture because I could see his hand on her thigh.
“What’s going on?” Yoongi asked, walking over to us. “What the hell? Who is this?” He looked at Y/N, his eyes softening once he saw how traumatized she looked.
“It’s my ex.” She said, her voice shaking. Yoongi’s jaw set in anger. “I think he was here in the park. Yoongi he has my number and my location. I’m scared.”
Yoongi wrapped an arm around her waist protectively. He turned off her phone’s location and blocked the number. “Jimin, go tell the others that we will meet them back at my apartment. We’ll talk to them there. Jungkook go with him, make sure he’s okay.” As Jungkook and I walked away, I heard Yoongi talking to Y/N to comfort her. “I promise you, jagiya, no one is ever going to hurt you again, I promise. Not while I’m around.”
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haneybun123 · 4 years
First Kiss with GOT7
a/n: flashing lights warning for Jacksons gif! I'm so sorry if you’re sensitive to them. Also, sorry for posting this late. Today has been a busy asf day.
Mark / Yi En Tuan
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- he was just so sweet about it. he knew he wanted to kiss you a lot and he could tell that you did too. so he went for it. unlike the other members, I don’t see him making a plan or a huge romantic gesture. he’ll just do it when he feels like the time is right. 
- he had invited you over for a low-key dinner at his place. he had cooked for you- a meal similar to one you had had before. whilst you had never explicitly said your feelings you had for each other you both knew they were there. it was implicit in the ways you treat each other so he felt no nerves about confessing.
you arrived at Marks and let yourself in to see him in the kitchen serving food. he had set up his dining table with candles and serving plates. “Mark, what’s all this?” you asked, taking your shoes off and walking over to him.
“I wanted to prepare something for you.. to show you what you mean to me,” he shyly looked up at you, inviting you to sit across from him, “this was the first meal we ate together.. and the first time I realised how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine what my day would look like without you in it.” you looked up from your plate in surprise. It had never crossed your mind that he’d feel the same way as you. you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over the table to kiss him.
JB / Im Jaebeom
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- definitely the suavest first kiss you’ve ever had. you had been friends fora while as you met through Jackson but after a while things were beginning to become flirtier. he would put his arm around your shoulder while you sat together on a couch, he would stand next to you in a crowd and hold your waist, he let you hold his arm at a party. 
- so, he decided that he couldn’t resist any longer. he invited you out for coffee on one of his few free mornings, desperate to talk to you about the tension that has grown between you both. sat in a booth in the corner of a cafe, waiting for your drinks, Jaebeom asked to be serious for a moment.
he looked over his coffee cup at you, gaging for any sort of discomfort in your face but- of course- he couldn’t see any. you were thrilled to be there because you wanted to see him and, hopefully, be able to make things official between you two. “y/n, you feel the spark between us too, right?” he placed his cup down and reached for your hand on the table. you accepted, of course who wouldn’t, and felt his thumb rub gently over your knuckles; 
“I'm glad to see I wasn’t making it up, and that you didn’t throw this together to reject me.” you giggled. he laughed back before leaning forwards, holding your chin with his fingers. you leaned in on instinct. “how could I reject someone as beautiful as you?” he whispered as he pressed his lips to yours. kissing such a  pretty man, in such a pretty and cozy cafe, couldn’t have been a more perfect way to find the love of your life. 
Jackson Wang
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- Jackson waited a long time to kiss you for the first time as he wanted to make it perfect. to him, you deserved only the best and he didn't want to make your first kiss with him dull. he wanted it to be the perfect moment and, to him, that hadn’t happened yet. he had officially asked you out a couple of weeks ago at a theme park, sharing a box of churros and smearing some chocolate onto your nose as an excuse to kiss you there. you thought he would kiss you then but he didn't.
- he wanted to make the moment as sweet as that. anything less would be disappointing to him and, he presumed, for you. he had taken you out to a park for a picnic and you had both settled down by a lake. there was nobody nearby, only some ducks on the lake- you had brought seeds specifically to feed them whilst you eat. you both set out a blanket to sit on and brought out the food. you spoke idly for a while until he sat up to look at you.
“y/n, are you enjoying this?” he asked, looking right at you as you ate. you nodded; how could you not be enjoying something as cute as this? “I'm glad because I'd love to be able to do more things like this with you.” he blushed a little, which you don’t see Jackson do too often. it caused you to raise an eyebrow at him.
“what’s up, Jackson?” you reached for his hand, moving to face him directly, “the last time you blushed was when you asked me out.” he blushed a little more, muttering to himself, before resting his forehead against yours. you gulped a little as he rested his hand against your face, but he didn’t move. “Jackson, you can kiss me, it’s okay.” you breathed out. he dove in, kissing you gently, but as he moved forwards his hand slipped on the blanket. he sent you tumbling through the grass as you both laughed together- luckily missing the lake.
it will definitely be a kiss you won’t forget.
Jinyoung / Park Jinyoung
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- he was the,, clumsiest out of all of the boys. things were going well between you two but he could be very nervous sometimes. he trips when he gets distracted by how you look, has dropped things when you touched him.. but goddammit he’s so charming. you can’t help but find it irresistibly cute and the boys can’t help but find it absolutely hilarious.
- after a talk from the boys he decided to do something about his feelings. he decided to keep it simple because he didn’t want to overwhelm either of you. he went out, bought a bouquet of your favourite flowers, and went to your house. he decided to pull a Love, Actually on you and confess at your house.
you heard a tap at your window. thinking it was just the weather you ignored it, until you heard another. looking out you saw a rock flying to your window. rushing over, you opened the window to see Jinyoung. “Jinyoung! what’re you doing?” you asked, seeing a bouquet in one hand and a rock in another, “and stop throwing rocks! you might scratch my windows.” you laughed and so did he.
“come down then!!” he shouted far too loud. you couldn’t help but laugh as you ran to your front door. you knew he was cute but you didn’t realise he would go as far as to recreate Love, Actually. as you opened the door you saw him walking over, visibly blushing. “y/n, I... have something to tell you,” he said, handing a bouquet to you, “I.. well.. I havelikedyouforaverylongtime.” he rushed, clearly nervous. you couldn't help your giggle as you jumped into his arms. you didn’t need to hear what he said to know what he meant. he was stunned. as you pulled back he went to look down, bumping your nose. you couldn't hold back your laugh and neither could he.
“just kiss me Jinyoung, you dork.” 
Youngjae /  Choi Youngjae
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- he’s the shyest out of all of the members. it was your third date and he had a plan to kiss you just before you go inside. honestly, he had meant to do it on your second date but you went inside before he could summon the courage. he kicked himself for It and, safe to say, the boys teased him relentlessly for it when he got back to the dorms. 
- so far though, his plan was going perfectly. he had taken you to a beautiful restaurant, you had charmed him off his feet in your conversations, you had called him a gentleman on the drive home, it would be the perfect end for a perfect night. he was certain about it.
Youngjae pulled up to your house and rushed to your side of the car to open your door. he walked you to your front door to say goodnight and make sure you got in okay. out of all of the dates you had been on he was definitely the sweetest. so far, he hadn’t missed a chance to charm you off of your feet. as you reached the door, you looked back to see a blush spreading across his cheeks. the streetlamp illuminated his features as he looked up at you, making his eyes a honey brown, and grabbed your free hand.
“are you okay, Youngjae?” he pulled you closer to him on the step, looking deep into your eyes with a look you can only describe as pure adoration. you had an idea that he probably wanted to kiss you but you didn’t want to rush him. you stepped closer to him, engrossed in the moment. suddenly he gained a bout of confidence and moved his hands to your waist- pulling you against his chest and kissing you. safe to say the boys couldn't tease him tonight.
Bambam / Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam
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god I love this man. a whole ass man.
- Bambams first kiss was definitely the most romantic of the bunch. he wasn’t going to make it really public he’ll save that for the proposal but it was more the gesture itself. he wanted to make it a kiss to remember. you had been an unnamed thing for a while now, never making anything official but never moving on either. he was sick of it, quite frankly. every attempt to try and make a move on you had failed one way or another: inconvenience, interruption, but never rejection.
- he made a plan to meet you in the practice room in his favourite outfit of yours (whatever you think you look best in, I don’t know your body lmao). in there was a table for two, your favourite meal, a speaker playing your song, and Bambam in a suit. You walked in to him stood by your chair, pulling it out for you to sit down, “y/n, sit please, I want to tell you something.”
you were starstruck. he looked fantastic in a suit, hair so puffy you had to resist the urge to run your fingers through it on the spot. you knew he was a romantic but you never expected him to go this far for you. he pushed your chair in as you sat, his eyes never leaving yours, before he seated himself. “I've been thinking about how to tell you this for a while, y/n, because I wanted to be able to display how much you mean to me. I know the practice room isn’t the most romantic but-”
“Bambam, please, I love it.” you couldn't help but smile. he wanted it to be private, you understood, “what did you want to tell me?” the stars in his eyes were clear from where you stood. you saw a his eyes quickly flash from your eyes to your lips and quickly realised why you were really here. he was finally going to confess, “maybe it’s better if I show you.” he muttered, his hand reaching for the side of your face, before leaning over to- finally- kiss you. 
Yugyeom / Kim Yugyeom
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- confident as fuck. he decided there was no reason to feel shy about it because he was aware you both like each other. why bother being shy about something he knows will go fine? so, he decides to invite you on a date and ask you then. he’ll make it the perfect date for you, just so it will be a moment you'll never forget. 
- he invites you out to a nice dinner place, dresses in a fancy suit, and makes sure he pays for everything. if he’s about to kiss you he ain’t about to make you pay, quite frankly. before you went home you decided to take a walk around the streets of Seoul, enjoying the nightlife and people watching. 
you were walking over a bridge overlooking a river, beautifully reflecting the streetlights to look like stars. you had stopped by the railing to look down at the water. Yugyeom stood behind you, his hands on your waist and his head on yours. “babe, can I ask you something?” he asked, spinning you around in his arms. you couldn’t hide your blush- how could he be so effortlessly charming? 
“I really like you and spending time with you,” he began to move in closer, so your noses were touching, “would you let me kiss you?” he breathed out, lips almost on yours. you closed the distance. kissing Yugyeom at night, after one of the most beautiful dinners you’ve ever had, on a bridge with a beautiful view? the night couldn’t get any more perfect. he pulled away slowly, looking down at you, “will you date me, y/n?” he asked, a smile growing slowly over his face. you nodded, of course, and jumped into his arms for a hug. 
the night couldn’t be more perfect. 
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
I don't understand how, besides being a character named after Tacos who really wants to make a Taco (which Justin admitted was racially insensitive on his part), and that being kind of a gag, how exactly is Taako racially coded at all? It kind of seems like it's all just based on his name being a joke by a white creator who wasn't thinking of the racial implications. I just don't understand why he can't really be any race anyone wants him to be (including latine btw) 1/2
2/2 The blue thing I get, btw, and I'm definitely not suggesting that as an alternative, or that we should whitewash a latine character for the sake of it-- I just don't think the McElroys have ever said he's latine. And I think judging people for being uncomfortable with their version of Taako being a representation of latine characters by assuming they have ill intent when they draw a non-latine coded Taako is maybe wrong.
Hey! So I actually kinda talked about this before, but I had a REALLY BIG thought about this in the morning actually, so hopefully I can shed a bit of light on this. (I am ignoring that canonically Taako is a Sun Elf for this)
Okay so, overall because of the McElroy's decision to keep the podcast as “race neutral” as possible, purposely living things up to interpretation, (except for the few canon characters of color (which is like 3 lmao)) This means that any slight deviation from this “neutrality” has very serious implications when it happens. It is NO coincidence that both Jewish people and Latine people have found themselves heavily relating to Taako, hc him as Jewish and/or Latine, etc. It would be foolish to think of this as simply coincidence when the text itself kind of gives us reason to. And in this “race neutral” world, that little bit is all you need. 
(i may be reaching a bit but again, i want to emphasize how BECAUSE, this world is MEANT to exist in a “race free” world, LMAO whatever the hell that means, any bit of reference to culture or ethnicity is a very big deal)
Taako says stuff in Yiddish, and one of his big character arcs, is looking for the lost connection of his sister (whether he realizes it or not) and reconnecting with those lost bonds through tex-mex food. He navigates the world through food, that’s kind of his thing. Which to me is a VERY first generation, second generation, child of mexican immigrants, etc. narrative to me. Like that is1000% a Tejano/Chicano narrative to have. Having a nickname/name like Taako, Lup, Tostada, etc. IS SOMETHING we MEXICANS DO TOO LIKE A LOT, I have cousins who are nicknamed Brownie, Dulce, Coco, Guayaba, and Manzanita, and other people have name’s like Concha, which is both shell and a type of bread that looks like a shell, like honestly whether Justin realizes it or not, SILLY NICKNAMES LIKE THIS ARE KIND OF A CULTURAL THING.... White people have nicknames sometimes sure, but for us, it is like a right of passage, it is a big part of who you are, and you can even end up with many different nicknames, some are just PLAIN MEAN, like Chachalaco (someone who never shuts up), Gordita, or mine being Guero (white boyyyy) Like I RELATE TO THEIR NAMES, and that might not make sense to you, but as someone who literally has oc’s named after Mexican food from when I was a kid (Takito, Flor, and Churro) ... well.... sorry but that’s Latine culture babeyyyy
(also own personal hc but like... i can totally picture these little Latine kid’s fucking choosing their own name’s / nickname’s cause that’s like exactly what me and my siblings were like as kid’s smh) 
( also Lup.... Lupita... Lupe.... Guadalupe.. Lupes.... Maria Guadalupe.... smhhh
it’s literally the most common name, it’s SO funny to me, that ALONE is enough in my opinion LMAO, you can’t name a character a common short hand for a name like Guadalupe and NOT expect me to gravitate towards her smh 
-respectfully, a fellow Guadalupe) 
I get what the brothers were trying to do by letting fans hc and come up with their own designs and stuff, but when it comes to race and ethnicity it can become kind of an issue... And as I said in the beginning, because they tried to keep the world as “blank” as possible (which often times really just means white lets be honest here) that means any small instance of a character breaking this neutrality, becomes very difficult to ignore. And I really think, ignoring how many Jewish and Latine fans relate to Taako and Lup, seems like a disservice .... there is clearly something going on here, and I don’t think we should ignore it.
At the end of the day, it is what it is, and there isn’t much else besides this, and Taako canonically being a Sun Elf, and his relationship to food, that to me feels very cultural and important, especially when it comes to trying to reconnect with something you lost (whether it’s family, or traditions), it’s all very metaphorical, but I think it does have some very strong references there that I and many others see themselves in. 
(and ofc Latin America is very diverse so there’s that too) 
Also I think it’s important to acknowledge that my biggest issue with blue Taako has always been the way the issue went about and what occurred. White peoples opinions on the matter were prioritized, and instead of LISTENING to poc, the McElroy’s let their white guilt take the lead... I would just like for them to have some creatives of color on their team at this point, is that too much to ask?
I think I am very much aloud to remain bitter and upset about this... I don’t want white people getting offended on my behalf over something that isn’t actually offensive, and would actually be pretty awesome representation in my opinion. But again, white voices, feelings, and opinions have been prioritized, and I just have to accept that lmao. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
When’s the last time you spent time with your cousins? My brother's grad party last June. Not all of them cause I have a ton of cousins, but several were there.
What kind of lip balm do you use? I like EOS.
Are you frustrated with anything? My health situation and just myself and my life. So basically everything...
Why did you fall for the last person romantically? Because I just got caught up in the feels? We connected and vibed and I truly thought something was going to happen.
What’s your younger sibling’s name? I don't know if he wants me to share.
Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? No, not fluently. I only understand and can speak a little Spanish.
Do you ever fear of falling asleep? Yes.
Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? Nope. And at 32, turning 33 this year, I honestly feel like I'm never going to do anything with my life.
What’s the last thing you had to eat? Wingstop's boneless garlic parm wings for dinner.
Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day? Neither to be honest, but I eat like a sloth so I feel like I do eat all day. It sucks.
Which countries have you traveled to? I've only been to Mexico once.
Which beach would you say is your favorite? I just love the beach.
When’s your birthday? July 28th.
What kind of cookie is your favorite? Sugar, shortbread, and wafers.
Is there a map hanging in your room? No.
Have you ever gone to see a movie past 9:00 PM? Yeah, I've been to midnight premieres and I've been at the movies where it went past 9PM.
Do you ever pick up your house phone? It's been a few years since the last time I've used or answered the landline phone.
Would you say you’re a nice person? I think I'm nice, but not like overly, super nice let's just be real.
Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? Both. My hands do get clammy, though, ew.
Have you ever had a churro? Many times.
How is/was your chemistry class in high school? I did not enjoy chemistry at all.
What’s your zodiac sign? Leo.
Would you rather eat rice or bread? Bread, hands down.
Is your life anything like it was 2 years ago? In some ways, and not in a good way. A lot has changed as well, and also not in a good way.
If you could get a tattoo, where would you get it? I always thought my inner wrist.
What are you wearing right now? An oversized shirt.
What are you listening to right now? I'm watching a YouTube video.
Where were you at 2:00 this morning? It's 12:43AM, but I'm in bed and I'll still be here when 2AM rolls around.
If you could do something differently, would you go back? Absolutely.
What will you be doing in a half hour? More surveys, perhaps. Continue scrolling through Tumblr. Maybe snack more on some wings.
How late did you stay up last night? Until like 6ish. Ugh, I'm already messing up my sleep schedule again.
Will this weekend be a good one? We'll see, it's just starting.
What are you wearing on your feet? Socks. I always wear socks.
What was the last movie you watched in theaters? I just saw Morbius Thursday night.
What was the last beverage you drank? A milkshake consisting of a brown sugar flavored ice cream with chocolate chip cookie pieces, chocolate chips, and cookie dough batter ribbon from Baskin Robbins. So delicious.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (5)
Warnings: nothing much, really. mentions of sex, a lot of confusing feelings.
Word Count: 2.7k
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Felix looked up, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the frown on Chan's face. He quickly stepped away from you as Chan made his way over, throwing his arm around you and pulling you close.
"Hey, Lix. I believe I owe this pretty lady some cotton candy." He said icily, glaring at Felix.
"Oh, I'm full-"
"Come on." Chan snapped, leading you away from Felix quickly and towards the opposite side of the carnival.
"After we get cotton candy, we can go on one of the rides." Chan said expressionlessly. You looked up at him in slight confusion.
"Um...are you okay? You seem on edge."
"I'm perfectly fine, doll, thank you for asking." He said monotonously, leading you further away from the others as his eyes searched for a cotton candy booth. When he finally found one, he led you over there, taking out his wallet. As he paid for it, you let your eyes wander.
You saw Minho and Miyoung sitting on a bench across from you. They were sharing some ice-cream, all smiles and giggles.
As Miyoung looked down, you noticed Minho checking out a girl walking past, biting his lip.
Suddenly he looked up at you, noticing your stare. Glaring, he flipped you off, before turning back to Miyoung.
Frowning, you turned back to Chan. What an asshole, you thought.
As Chan handed you your cotton candy, you decided to bring it up. The boy was, frankly, getting on your nerves.
Chan raised an eyebrow at you as you bit into the pink fluff, chewing like a bunny. That was cute...
"Your friend Minho's a dick."
Trust me, I know. "Why would you think that?"
"Well, he's just using Miyoung, clearly. I have no idea why, though. Guys like that disgust me."
Chan turned a shade redder as he looked away, fiddling with his car keys. "Y-yeah?"
"Mmhmm. We should all be more straightforward, don't you think? What does he get out of playing with someone's emotions like that?" You mused, making Chan swallow as he looked at you.
As the words left your mouth, a part of himself felt the confusion he'd been feeling earlier dig deeper, rooting itself in him.
He felt...guilty, for the first time since this whole thing started. In the beginning, it felt alright to play with your feelings...he didn't know you personally, and he'd found you a little annoying. However, now that he'd spent time with you and gotten to know you as a person...he was feeling unusually remorseful.
But then, he looked over at Miyoung, whose wide, adoring smile was once again directed at his best friend...if Chan could even call him that. He'd be lying if he said he didn't still feel that pang of longing for the girl he'd been pining after for the past 2 years.
The conflict of emotions in him was driving him crazy as he tried to calm himself down. Shaking his head, he turned back to you.
"I don't know. I stopped trying to make sense of Minho ages ago."
You pressed your lips together, staying silent for a minute. Maybe you should change the topic...
"Hey...let's forget about that. Now, are those rides as fun as you said they were, or was it a bluff?" You giggled.
Chan chuckled. "Well hold onto your socks, babygirl, cause you're about to be blown away. Come on, let's go on the Booster Rocket."
"Wow. Sounds scary."
"Don't worry." He grabbed your hand, gently wrapping his fingers around yours.
"I'll be here."
You sat on a bench with Chan, your cheeks still burning- the cause being his hand, still firmly holding yours.
Chan looked over at you, wondering if he could confide in you. There wasn't really anyone else he could talk to about this at the moment.
"Hey...Y/n...can I ask you something?"
"Well, what if...what if you're doing something that you know is bad...something you know you're going to regret. What if you're actively hurting someone, all because you want something so bad- something that you're not even sure you'll be able to obtain. When would it be too late to change your mind?"
"Oh..." you frowned. "Well, that depends on many factors, actually. I think at the end of the day, a lot of people would do things they aren't proud of to get something they really want. Morally, it's a tricky subject." You paused, pondering. " No matter what, i think the most important thing is to make sure you're not hurting anyone. As long as you're sure of that, everything will be fine."
"But...what if I am? What if I'm hurting someone?"
"Well then, you have to put things into perspective. Is the thing you want something you're willing to hurt someone else for? Is it that important?"
Chan looked over at Miyoung and then at you. Hmm. He wasn't even sure anymore.
"I wish you could have stayed longer..." Chan sighed as you got out of his car, turning around to smile at him.
"I'm sorry, but my mom needs me." You said apologetically. "She didn't even know I left." You chuckled.
"Mm. Well, I'll see you tomorrow...right?"
Chan looked up at you awkwardly, wondering what to say. Finally, he settled for a wave and a wink.
You grinned at him before turning around to leave, your heart beating, butterflies in your stomach as you opened your front door. What you didn't know was that Chan was feeling something very similar.
He leaned back in his seat, hand on the steering wheel as he tried to make sense of his feelings. He wasn't very adept at identifying his emotions...he'd never been. The only thing he'd ever been sure of was his love for Miyoung, but now even that was in question...
If he still loved her, he wouldn't be feeling this...this sudden disorientation, brought on by you. Right?
"Chan! There you are. Where'd you go?" Changbin asked, frowning as he noticed the boy approach. "And where's Y/n?"
"I had to drop her off at home, she had stuff to do."
Jisung chuckled. "Or maybe she caught onto the fact that you're using her, and decided to get the fuck away."
Chan rolled his eyes, looking away. "Not in the mood."
"For real though, Chan. Are you any closer to getting that book?"
Chan sighed. "I guess. She likes me a lot...and I think I'd just need a day or two, now."
"That's good. Hey, maybe she could be useful for more than one reason. You could fuck her and finally lose that v-card of yours, so you can be more experienced for Miyoung when you get her. Minho's shoes are big to fill." Jisung wiggled his eyebrows.
Chan was too tired for this. His fist was itching to punch Jisung and call it a day, but he suppressed the urge.
"Shut up." His voice was weak as he said it. Jisung quickly caught on, brows knitting as he observed Chan's expression.
"Um...hey, is everything okay?"
"Nope." Chan said simply, not seeing the point in lying. Besides, he wanted to tell someone what he was feeling already.
I think I might be catching feelings for Y/n. I could lie and say I don't know why or how this is happening, but I know exactly why. It's...it's her optimism, the way she's always so happy to see me. She makes me want to be happy, too. She makes me wish I could be the type of person she is.
Chan snapped out of his thoughts suddenly as he felt Changbin nudge him with his elbow. He looked up, a frown growing on his features as he saw Minho, lips pressed to Miyoung's. They were on the same bench that he'd been sitting on with you, just a few seconds ago.
Chan looked away, the sight instilling a heavy sense of discomfort in him. He didn't want to see Minho and his infuriating smirk, directed at Chan. Look at me, having my way with your girl. What can you do about it?
Confusion, filling him up again.
"Ignore that, Chan. Don't worry, it's just a few more days, right? You have Y/n in the palm of your hand. She'll let you see that book soon enough, and Minho will back off." Jisung said, though he had a nagging feeling that wasn't going to be the case. As long as Minho held his little grudge against Chan, he'd find new ways to get on his nerves.
The rest of them could do nothing but sit back and watch.
You sat on your bed, your book open on your lap. Tapping the pen on your chin, you mentally recapped the events of today in your head, feeling that familiar flutter arise in you as you recalled the way Chan had held your hand...so gently, almost as if he was afraid he'd hurt you accidentally. Then again, there'd been the occasional tight squeeze, especially when he detected your nervousness. He'd done it before you'd gotten on the scarier rides, when Minho walked past, when you'd choked on your churro a little etc.
You hadn't meant to fall. People like Chan didn't fall for people like you...and liking him was a one-way ticket to misery, especially when his friends made it clear how much they hated you. Why were you being so naive?
You sighed, mind drifting as your hands moved of their own accord. Your pencil flew over the page as you sketched Chan's face from memory. Somehow, his mere presence was able to comfort you. His reassuring smiles, his confidence and the way he stuck up for you...god, you couldn't help it.
You were falling, hard.
Chan couldn't bring himself to pay attention to the conversation. He stared out of the car window, eyes glazed as his mind tried to make sense of what was going on in his head.
Chan's eyes drifted to Miyoung, who was currently sitting in the passenger seat, on Minho's lap. They were heading to Changbin's house to spend the night- like they did every week. Just a guy's night, where they would drink beer and play video-games on the couch until Jisung passed out and Hyunjin had to carry him to bed.
However, this time, Minho had invited Miyoung to come over. Most of the guys weren't a fan of this idea, most of all Chan.
He tried to straighten out his disgruntled expression as Miyoung turned to him.
"Is it true?" She asked, giggling.
He raised an eyebrow, having tuned the whole conversation out. Clearing his throat, he looked from Jisung to the girl. "Um, I wasn't listening."
Jisung rolled his eyes and continued talking as Miyoung turned away. Chan gulped, looking to Changbin who was driving. The nine of them had split up into two cars, and Chan wished he was in the other one.
When they finally reached, Changbin parking in his garage, Chan quickly got out of the car, heading towards the door without looking back. He saw the others waiting, and sighed in relief, quickly walking over to Felix and slapping his back.
Felix let out a small yelp as he turned around. "Oh it's you."
"Yeah." Chan mumbled, sighing.
"We're so pissed right now. Why the fuck would Minho invite her over for guy's night?" Jeongin asked, rubbing his temple as he watched the others approach.
"To annoy me." Chan said, almost to himself as he observed the way Minho didn't take his hands off Miyoung, arm firmly wrapped around her waist as they walked.
The funny thing was, he wasn't feeling all that jealous. If this had happened a week ago, he would have been burning with envy, forced to watch Minho and his crush canoodling all day. Yet, at the moment, Chan was feeling nothing but dull anger- and he didn't know who or what it was directed at. Perhaps it would be better defined as frustration.
All he knew was he wished you were there at that moment, holding his hand. Maybe it would have helped calm his beating heart...or would you have made it throb faster?
Chan woke up in the middle of the night, throat dry. He carefully pushed Jisung off his chest, groaning as he realized the boy had drooled all over his shirt.
As soon as they'd entered his house, Minho had taken Miyoung away to one of Changbin's many bedrooms. There had been a few scattered smirks and giggles, but most of them were relieved that she wouldn't be around to witness their boyish antics.
Chan didn't know what to feel. He knew what would be happening behind that door. He never knew Minho would go this far.
He descended the stairs, heading for the kitchen as he rubbed his eyes. However, as his hand reached to turn the switch on, the sudden light flooding the room illuminated a figure sitting at the bar.
Chan squinted. Miyoung. What was she doing out here at this time?
"Hey...you okay?"
She looked up, eyes widening a little. "Oh. Chan..."
He noticed belatedly that she was wearing Minho's shirt. Chan's throat dried up further, his chest tightening as he felt his heart starting to pound.
Hesitating a little, he moved closer, sitting on the stool next to her, tilting his head in concern. "Shouldn't you be with..."
"Minho? Mm." She mumbled, finger tracing the rim of the glass in front of him. "I guess. I was thirsty, so I came down here." She explained.
There was an awkward silence for a bit before Miyoung looked back at Chan, sighing.
"I...I don't know if I can keep doing this, Chan. I like him a lot." Her lip quivered. "But I don't think it's a mutual feeling. He's going to dump me any second now. I can feel it."
Chan didn't know what to say. He cleared his throat, sighing. "I...I don't think he'll do that." He said softly. "He's treated you differently. We haven't even met any of his past girlfriends."
"Yeah?" She asked, allowing herself to smile half-heartedly.
"Uh huh. Don't worry. Besides, who'd want to dump someone like you? Only an idiot, that's who." He said, swallowing the lump in his throat.
She giggled a little at that, running a hand through her hair. "Wow, you're good at cheering people up."
"Yeah...I guess." He said, his mind swimming. The truth was, he didn't want her to break up with Minho just yet. Somehow, it was nice at least having her around. In fact, this was the first proper conversation he'd had with her...
She deserved better. She deserved someone who actually loved her, who would listen to her and care for her. And Chan had wanted to be that person for the longest time.
Slowly, he would pull her away from Minho. He would show her that he was the person she needed. And he'd finally be happy. Right?
Miyoung stood up, pulling down the shirt a little. "I guess I'd better get back to him, then." She paused for a second, before putting her hand on top of Chan's. "Thank you..."
Chan swallowed, his heart jumping a little at the contact. He looked at it for a second, frowning. Her hand was so soft, unlike yours. Your hands were slightly rougher, covered with smudges of paint- yet somehow holding them had managed to comfort him. Maybe it was the fact that those hands belonged to you, who was easily the most calming person he'd ever met.
He nodded, and she smiled again before leaving. Chan watched her go, the confusion coming back full force as he stood up, walking over to get the glass of water he'd come for.
As the cool liquid ran down his throat, Chan wondered why he'd been thinking of you, even when Miyoung- the girl he considered the love of his life- had touched him. It wasn't right.
One thing was for sure. You were affecting him, and he just couldn't allow it anymore. There was no way he could let it happen. If he did somehow fall for you, he would never hear the end of it from Minho and his friends.
It's just a little confusion, that's all.
It's natural. I love Miyoung. I always have. I'm going to get that book, and then I can forget all about Y/n. I'd get my girl, and I'd be happy with her, the way it's meant to be...
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sungie · 4 years
yang jeongin ; the sea
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“let’s make a sandcastle together!” you offer to jeongin, as the two of you sit on the sand and watch the lazy flock of seagulls fly overhead
jeongin’s still munching on his pastry, which he didn’t share with you,  because he’s mean
you work at a bakery and everytime jeongin comes over, you give him bread wrapped in pretty packaging, or tiny fruit tarts, or cups of coffee, and sometimes if he comes in at closing hours, you’ll let him take home some of the extra warm foods like curry pan or croquette
you’ve earned quite a reputation among jeongin’s friends for being the best, because sometimes jeongin will give them some pastries if he’s feeling generous
today was another day where you brought jeongin some of his favorite that was leftover, but apparently you’ve over assumed his kindness yet again, because he won’t budge :(
“sandcastle?” you ask again, because you think jeongin hasn’t heard you
but instead, jeongin laughs at you and reaches over to poke you in the cheek, “i don’t wanna build a sandcastle with you” 
“ugh.  you’re such a tsundere”
jeongin just raises his eyebrows and smiles sweetly at you while he eats another bite of his pastry that he hides from your grabby hands, “no <3”
first of all, you don’t know how it’s possible to say that in words, but jeongin does it
what jeongin wants, jeongin gets
you laugh and push him over, deciding to make your own sandcastle 
and as you do, you passionately explain to jeongin as you’re running back and forth from sand to water, that everyone thinks he’s such a baby and that he’s so sweet.  and you’re like ?? sorry what ?? my best friend won’t take my love, won’t share the food that i gave him, and he’s so mean to me hggh
jeongin listens to you in amusement.  you’re passing him back and forth and your voice will cut off, so all he’ll hear is different parts of your sentences.  but to be fair, you do look really invested in what you’re saying 
all he chooses to hear, though, is “tsundere”, “sweet”, “love”, and “mean”
“so you love me?” jeongin teases, as you pause by his spot to try your luck for a spare piece of pastry, “i can’t help being so attractive” 
oh my god
that being said, jeongin really loves annoying you because he thinks you look cute when you get flustered 
but he eventually decides to join you by the edge of the sand near the water because it’s boring without you.  and then, because you ask him to, he starts looking for shells
jeongin finds one buried beneath the sand.  it’s really small, but it’s cream and has a spiral 
jeongin actually finds a lot of shells 
maybe this is his hidden talent.  jeongin, why did you become an idol when you could’ve been a shell finder, please sort out your priorities
finally, you both end up with a big sand castle which comes with a moat, shells, and everything
a wave comes and knocks it over just as you’re about to leave :( but it’s okay because it was fun, and you and jeongin got to dip your feet in the water which felt really nice
it’s starting to get a little dark, now, the sky turns pink and orange, and the bright, opalescent lights from the pier flicker on 
jeongin bumps his shoulder against yours, and you bump him back, and the two of you can’t stop smiling 
you decide to buy yourself a churro because you’re craving something sweet, and the churros are really good at this one vendor
jeongin decides to get one too, but as soon as you reach the front, he puts his hands on your shoulders and gently, but firmly, wheels you out of line and buys yours for you 
and you did, to your credit, try to fight him and buy it, but you’re also really touched
you give him the biggest smile after he hands you your churro, “innie, you’re turning soft”
jeongin’s so blushy.  he can’t look you in the eyes for a few moments 
so he just laughs at you and tries to push you away, but you’re not having it
later, the two of you are eating your churros and walking around the pier 
you happen to peer at his phone to ask him to send you the selfie you both took, and then you catch a glimpse of his lockscreen
it’s really cute, actually, and it makes you stifle a laugh because it’s a photo of you hugging jeongin and jeongin pretending to be really mad about it 
and it’s funny because you swore he was really annoyed, but in the picture he looks so smiley, and soft, and happy 
“can you send me this picture, too?” 
jeongin sees what you’re looking at, and he nods, but you can tell he’s a little flustered 
i guess he didn’t expect you to see it?
jeongin and you have days like this where the two of you explore the city, or the beach, or other cool, hip areas after you get out of work on friday’s
and it’s just so beautiful because all the lights turn on, and for a moment, it’s like nothing else exists: just you and jeongin
jeongin likes to tease you a lot 
but it’s always playful, and he makes you smile like no one else
whenever you two hang out, there’s always so much laughter
tonight, though, jeongin’s teasing isn’t really the type that makes you feel lowkey roasted, it’s more the type of teasing that makes you feel soft and a little flustered
um ,,
is jeongin flirting?
but then, before you can contemplate it further, he switches it up again because he sees a funny looking blob and true to his normal teasing, points to it and says, “look, that’s you” 
you whack him in the arm because what the hell so mean :’((
since you both really like being edgy, you’ll both make a point to walk or run on the curb with windmill arms, or reach a lamppost and swing around until you’re both breathless and momentum spins you away, or just running around the area if it’s empty, and the air that will rush into your faces feels so cool and crisp, and for a moment, you feel like everything will be okay 
on the way back home, jeongin always walks you back to the bakery or your apartment, whichever you need to stop at
he says it’s because he likes spending time with you, but you also know it’s because he likes making sure you’re safe and feel comfortable, and because he worries
“jeongin, can you sing me a song?” you murmur into his ear as the two of you are walking 
you don’t really know why you asked, you just really felt like hearing him sing for some reason.  jeongin’s voice is really pretty, and you don’t know, maybe you’re just a little sad that you both have to go home and wait for next friday to have a night like this 
surprisingly jeongin doesn’t resist?  he doesn’t put up any fight or tease you about it, he just smiles at you and does what you ask 
his voice is so pretty in person 
when you lace your arm with his and lean your head against his shoulder, you can hear the laugh in his voice and the way his tone brightens as his smile widens 
jeongin pauses to look at you again when the scenery and buildings start to get a little more familiar, “i wish these nights lasted forever.”
“i thought you didn’t like hanging out with me,” you tease
“i don’t,” jeongin says simply, “i just like your food”
and then after dodging your half-hearted hair ruffles, he shakes his head and shrugs.  “no, i love hanging out with you.  can you just ... promise me we’ll always have this?”
you’re confused
because you don’t really understand why he’s so concerned about this 
but you nod and smile at him.  “promise”
jeongin looks very relieved 
and just before you reach your apartment, jeongin tugs on your hand and drops a shell into your palms
it’s that one shell from before, the cream one with the spiral. and as you look closer, there’s a little tinge of rose pink on the inside, and it feels so smooth
“i had fun today,” jeongin says, and he smiles at you impishly. “bye” 
you feel so soft, because jeongin’s always so sweet to you 
and you don’t think twice before you’re running over to him and giving him the biggest hug 
that’s when you hear it.  you freeze, clutching the shell so tightly in your palm
“i like you so much”
and really, you don’t think jeongin means to say it at all, because the way he breathed out those words was so quiet and filled with awe, and if you’re being even more honest, he sounded really small and ... sad
when jeongin realizes what he’s said, he immediately panics and flushes
he starts stumbling over his words and is so mortified.  he starts apologizing and tries to disappear in his stance, a really sad frown crossing his features
but you just step forward and cradle his face in your palms, and you’re sure your eyes are heart eyes
“i like you too, jeongin. so much.”
and the gentle smile that slowly starts to tug at jeongin’s lips is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen
- - 
continue on your journey?
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
12. Skydiving with no parachute
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Genre: Min Yoongi x oc
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.3k
“You’re all packed and ready to go, right?” Sebastian’s voice is loud and clear as I put him on speaker phone and place him on the nightstand.
“Just about,” I respond, folding another shirt and placing it in my suitcase. “I’m just wrapping it up right now. What time will you guys be here tomorrow?”
Bong-cha is out for a meeting at the Bighit building, she promised to come back as soon as possible so we could enjoy the evening together. I decided to make the most of my afternoon and pack everything up.
“Rhea said we’ll swing by at 6.”
Our flight leaves tomorrow morning at 9:30, sending us back over to Europe for another week of promos and then we’ll be off to the states. Home sweet home.
“Ok, sounds great.”
“See ya tomorrow.”
For all that’s gone on over the past few weeks, today is too calm and quiet. I have the entire house to myself, nobody is blowing up my phone, and I have nowhere to really go today. Any other day, I would have been over the moon about my current situation...but I can’t help but feel a little restless.
Yoongi and I brainstormed yesterday for a long time, trying to figure out just how we were going to make this work. Living on opposite sides of the world and the both of us having busy schedules that just so happen to be in the spotlight isn’t exactly making this easy.
There was a point yesterday where Yoongi stopped mid-sentence and looked at me with bright red cheeks.
“Is this moving too fast? I mean, I know you said we’re on the same page, but I think we should try to make this as normal as possible, you know?”
That statement alone was enough to have me swooning over him all over again. “I’m with you on that. I think right now...should we just focus on the basics?”
To be honest, I still don’t even know what we are, but I’m just happy to know that we are something.
At least, that’s what I’m trying to entertain myself with now that I’m just sitting on the couch and staring at Bong-cha’s TV. I’m not even sure what I’m watching, the thoughts in my head are too loud to think around anyway.
There’s a lot that I end up doing within the confines of the apartment. I can safely say that I’ve completed 12 ½ squats, 3 pushups, and one thirty second wall sit.
I’ve also eaten approximately three meals in the past two hours, so yeah. Boredom can be a dangerous thing, can’t it?
The reality of the situation is this: I’ve completed everything I need to do for the day, and now I’m just trying to stop myself from marching back into my room and folding Yoongi’s black shirt for the fifth time.
Eventually I end up scrolling through the outlines my agent has sent me, mulling over each option. There’s one project that is especially calling my name, but from what I’ve heard there’s a couple of pretty big actresses going after it.
I’m in the middle of a very convincing monologue when Bong-cha walks in.
“Wow,” she chuckles at me while dropping her bag on the counter. “Looks like you’re having a great time.”
“Oh, yeah.” I shrug, putting my phone away. “I’m trying to memorize this monologue for an audition. It’s all about this forbidden love back in the 1700s, it sounds like it would be pretty intense. But people love that kind of crap, you know? Hey, how was your meeting?”
Bong-cha is slipping into her room to change into something more comfortable. “It was fine, pretty boring. Just wrapping up some final details. Jungkook said to tell you hello, by the way.”
We both know who I’m really itching to ask about, but I refrain from asking for the time being. “So what’s on the agenda for tonight? We can go out, eat at that one restaurant, you know the one by the park? That place never gets old. Or we can stay in, order takeout.” I quickly add once I notice the look of pure exhaustion on Bong-cha’s face.
Rolling her shoulders, she shoots me a tired smile. “Don’t you want to go out? I don’t want to be lame for your last night here.”
“No, I really don’t care. Sometimes it’s nice to just chill at home.”
It doesn’t take much more convincing before Bong-cha is on the phone and ordering up some food. We settle down in the front room, bickering over different movies and chatting about my promo schedule.
“So you’re going back to Europe? Why? Weren’t you just there?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, but we weren’t able to finish up everything that we wanted to because we came here. So we’ll be there for a week in Germany and Italy.”
“And then you’re heading home?”
“When are you going to start bringing me souvenirs? I always-” Bong-cha is cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door. “Oh, there’s the food. Anyways, like I was saying- oh!”
I jump up from my seat, heart pounding in my chest as I hope against hope that a certain dear friend of mine is at the door.
“Hi, I intercepted your delivery guy.”
Jimin holds up our food with a shy smile, giving me a little wave. Bong-cha takes a moment to recover, but when she does she invites him in and scolds him for doing the deliverer’s job.  
“Are you packed now?” Jimin asks me from where he’s unloading our food on the counter. Bong-cha is moving about in a frenzy, pulling glasses from the cupboards and shooting me panicked expressions any chance she gets.
It’s all I can do to not burst out laughing at the situation. “Yeah, everything is ready to go. Actually, would you mind taking something back to Yoongi for me?” When Jimin nods I rush into my room and grab the black t-shirt from my bed.
“Wow, you stole his clothes? That’s pretty bold of you,” Jimin teases me before setting the shirt down where he’ll remember it. “Here’s your plate.”
I take the plate from him, making some lame excuse about needing something from the kitchen and sidling over to Bong-cha. “Invite him to stay for the movie,” I breathe out, hoping she hears me.
“Have you eaten?” Bong-cha asks as she stomps on my foot. I yelp, rushing out of the kitchen.
“No, not yet. I’ll eat later, though.”
“Well...Cara and I were just going to watch a movie tonight. You can stay if you want, we’ll order more food.”
Jimin’s smile could power New York City as he looks at Bong-cha. “Sure, that’d be nice.”
We fall into an easy conversation, the three of us lounging about and scarfing down our food. Jimin ends up ordering a ghastly amount of food and treats, so much that it looks like we’re hosting a party. I can tell that Bong-cha is one churro away from offering Jimin her hand in marriage as he laughs at a funny part in the movie.
7:06 ME: Soooo Jimin and Bong-cha?
It’s surprisingly easy to angle my phone away from their attention as the two of them are lost in their own little world. One watches the movie while the other watches the person, and then they switch.
7:09 MYG: What, the fact that he’s completely whipped for her?
“What are you over there giggling about?” Bong-cha asks me, wiggling her eyebrows. Jimin tries to do the same, looking like some evil experiment.
“What? The movie is really funny.”
“The main character’s mother just died.”
Jimin leans back, stretching a bit. “I bet she’s texting Yoongi. That’s all he’s ever doing these days, anyways.” My face burns which leads Jimin to give a triumphant shout.
“Has he confessed his undying love for you yet?” Bong-cha asks. Jimin jumps in next.
“He basically did yesterday, didn’t he?”
“No, Cara just said that they’re working through the basics. No ‘I love yous’ or anything yet.”
“Yeah,” Jimin rests his hands on his knees, angling himself toward Bong-cha. “But actions speak louder than words.”
Now Bong-cha leans forward as well, my own participation in this conversation long forgotten. “That’s true, but you can’t just rely on actions alone! Sometimes words are necessary.”
“So girls want actions and words?”
“Of course they do! Actions can be misleading, words at least offer a clear explanation!”
Jimin looks like he’s caught between telling Bong-cha he loves her or pulling her closer. “But words can be misleading as well! Why can’t people just connect the dots through someone’s actions?”
7:12 ME: Oh my gosh they’ve got it baaaad
7:12 ME: This is honestly the most fun I’ve had all day, just watching them. Are they always this oblivious?
“Because nobody should have to rely on that one thing alone! There should be a healthy balance between actions and words. Say what you intend, and follow up with your actions! It’s as simple as that!” Bong-cha is nearly panting, but there’s a hint of a smile curling around her lips.
Jimin scans her face for a moment longer, eyes lingering on the bridge of her nose and the way her hair falls into her face when she’s riled up.
“Huh. Interesting.” With that Jimin sits back, returning his attention to the screen. Bong-cha follows suit almost immediately.
“Idiots,” I mumble under my breath.
“What was that?” Bong-cha asks.
“Oh, nothing. Just reading out loud.”
12:17 MYG: Sorry, I just got out of a meeting. I didn’t mean to not respond. To answer your question, yes. They’re always like that.
I’m wide awake and staring up at the ceiling when Yoongi messages me. Snatching my phone from the bedside table, I scan the text.
12:18 ME: You just finished your meeting? Why was it so late?
12:20 MYG: I had to change some things with the mixtape, so there were a lot of things to go over.
Frowning, I hastily type out another question.
12:21 ME: What are you changing? I thought it was perfect the way it was before, but I’m sure whatever you changed will be good too.
12:25 MYG: It’s not as bad as it sounds. I just finally found a concept that I thought really fit. Now we’re just trying to make sure everything flows with the concept.
12:27 ME: What’s the new concept?
A while passes before Yoongi responds, and I try to trick myself into thinking that we’re done talking for the night so I can finally get some rest. Of course, once my phone lights up with a new message I’m just as awake as ever.
12:52 MYG: You’ll see when it drops in December 😌
12:55 ME: Rude.
12:57 MYG: Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping right now? What time are you leaving in the morning?
1:00 ME: Leaving here at 6, flight leaves at 9:30.
Sighing into the darkness I watch at those three little dots appear at the bottom of the screen. I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t disappointed that I didn’t even get to see Yoongi today, but it’s just now that I’m realizing I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
I’ve told myself a million times today that this is just how it’s going to be, and that I’ll just take what I can get. If it’s tired late night texts, then I’ll take it.
I think that scares me. It scares me, how little I want from him. How he has so much sway over my heart.
It’s a good scary, I think. Like the kind of scared you get before you jump out of a plane, your first time going skydiving. Right now I’m just hoping that my parachute isn’t riddled with holes, but as I stare at those three little dots, I’m wondering if I even remembered to put a parachute on in the first place.
1:02 MYG: You should go to sleep, Car. Let’s facetime tomorrow? Just shoot me a text when you land.
As my tired fingers text out a goodnight, I can’t help but feel like I’m an idiot for skydiving without a parachute, because the ground seems to be approaching too fast.
All I know is there’s an alarm going off, and I want to kill it.
“Whaaaat do you want from meeee,” I groan out as I fumble in the darkness for my phone. Once it’s silenced, I check the time.
5:15 am. I’m disgusted.
Stumbling around the room until I hit the lightswitch, I hiss as light fills the room. Through squinted eyes I can see my suitcase and the clothes I laid out for today. I’m ashamed to say that I nearly sustained a concussion while attempting to put my pants on, my tangled legs and the dresser being the main culprits.
I think it goes without saying that by the time I emerge from the room and finish brushing my teeth, I’m ready to go back to bed.
The sounds of Bong-cha using the toaster guide me, suitcase in tow. Now comes the hardest part: saying goodbye.
“Do you want jam as well or just butter?” A deep, tired sounding voice asks me.
Min Yoongi stands before the toaster, decked out in sweats and a sweatshirt. His hair is a mess, standing up on the ends. His eyes are still half-closed, his lips in a pout as he turns to face me.
I gape at him, taking in what I think might be his best choice of outfit ever. “Is this a dream?”
He shakes his head slowly. “It’s too cold outside to be a dream. Jam or just butter?”
Later I’ll cover for myself and claim that my tears were just a side effect of the early morning and the long day ahead of me, but right now I can’t think up any excuse as hot tears start falling down my cheeks.
Yoongi’s eyes widen as he notices my predicament, and he clears the kitchen in no time, leaving the toast abandoned. I think he must be tired as well, because he doesn’t even hesitate before pulling me into his arms and squeezing me tight.
My arms wrap around his back, hands getting lost in the fabric of his hoodie. He presses his lips to the top of my head, the action causing me to snuggle in even deeper and get his hoodie all wet with my tears.
“Y-you came...and made m-me toast?” The words are muffled, but it’s quiet enough in the house that he hears me.
“Should I not have?” Yoongi asks, and I pull away just enough to look up at him, scowling.
“No, I’m happy you d-did. It’s just…” I take a steadying breath, more tears flooding my eyes as Yoongi looks down at me with a soft expression I’ve never seen before.
“I know.” He pulls me back in, hands rubbing soothing circles on my back. “I know, Car.”
We stay like that for a long while, and it’s only when my sniffles have subsided that Yoongi gently takes my hands in his and leads me over to the kitchen island. I sit down, watching as he spreads butter and then jam onto my toast.
Setting the plate before me he reaches into the fridge for some orange juice and pours us both a glass.
“Sorry, it’s probably cold now.”
I shake my head, taking another bite. “Still tastes good. Thank you.”
“Oh, that reminds me.” Yoongi gets up, one hand tracing over my shoulders and he walks over to the couch. “This is for you.”
He hands me a small package wrapped in brown wrapping paper, a black ribbon tied around the middle. I raise my eyebrows at him.
“A present? Can I open it?”
“Open it when you get to your hotel tonight.” Yoongi looks a bit embarrassed as he sits back down, and I realize that he might be feeling a little out of his element here. After all, when was the last time he ever had a relationship?
I get up and put the package away in my suitcase, groaning when I check the time. Everyone should be here in about 5 minutes.
“Times up?”
Looking up I see Yoongi wandering over to me, hands pushing his hair back in an effort to tame it. I nod solemnly.
We don’t speak a word as I meet him halfway, fingers entangling themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck. He closes his eyes for a moment, and I take advantage of the situation, leaning up and pressing a peck to his jaw.
I can hear his sharp intake of breath, quickly followed by Bong-cha’s annoyed voice.
“Really? Get a room, losers.”
Blushing madly, I try to squirm out of Yoongi’s grasp but his gruff laugh has me stilling in his arms. “Turn around, Bong-cha.” Without waiting to see if she will, Yoongi leans down and presses a long, slow kiss to my lips.
It’s not nearly long enough as the sound of a car honking outside pulls us apart. Yoongi has a somber look in his eyes as he gives me an encouraging nod and a small peck to my forehead before stepping back.
Bong-cha skips forward, launching herself into my arms. “You two are gross, but I still love you.”
“Love you too,” I whisper, my tears threatening to make a reappearance. Bong-cha seems to pick up on it, shoving the handle of my suitcase into my hands and pushing me toward the door.
Yoongi beats me to it, swinging it open and clenching his jaw as a blast of cold air hits us. Without a word he takes my suitcase and heads out, leaving me with nothing to do but follow him and hope I have everything.
“Bong-cha?” I turn around to see my friend wrapping her arms around her middle.
“Keep me updated. Jimin...he really likes you.”
My friend doesn’t have it in her to roll her eyes, instead just nodding before waving me off. She’s never been one for goodbyes.
Yoongi is already at the car, handing my suitcase off to Ren who hoists it into the car. He looks like he’s freezing, but as he turns to wave me over I decide that freezing looks good on him.  
“Be careful, call me, text me, have a safe flight-”
“You’ve got to stop worrying so much, Yoongs.”
Smiling down at me even as he shivers, Yoongi pulls me in for another embrace. There are so many words hanging between us, but I choose to sweep past them and opt to nuzzle my face deeper into Yoongi’s neck.
“See you soon.”
I sigh, hoping that I will. “Yeah, soon.”
The airport, flight, and car ride to the hotel pass in a blur of shapes and colors. I vaguely remember there being a mob at both the Seoul and Berlin airports, but I was stuffed so tightly between security that I could hardly see anything.
Now, sitting on the edge of my bed, I hold onto the little package from Yoongi. Holding my breath, I untie the ribbon and tear open the paper, chewing on my lip.
An audible gasp leaves my lips as I hold up Yoongi’s black t-shirt. As it unfolds, a small slip of paper flutters to the ground. Holding the shirt to my nose I grin as I realize Yoongi must have sprayed it with his cologne. I wonder who’s idea that was; my bet is on Jimin.
Grabbing the paper, I flip it over to see Yoongi’s handwriting.
It looks better on you.
Chuckling softly to myself, I hurry and slip the shirt over my head. It’s quiet in here, but soon the sound of my video call fills the room as I anxiously wait for Yoongi to pick up.
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Jealous Karasuno
A/N: I started this before I wrote the other one so Tsuki and Kageyama’s are both similar to the other one 
7.7 K words
It’s all under the cut. Enjoy!
 You were a power couple to say the least, Daichi was the boys volleyball captain, a smart classmate and a reliable friend to everyone. You were the dance team captain, also a genius and rumored to be the Hottest babe in school. The two of you on your own were strong, but together the two of you were damn near invincible. Whenever you would walk through the hallways together people would stare at the two of you and you would always smile at them or give them a friendly good morning. You both were super busy with your sports but when you weren’t being the best parents in the world the two of you spent a lot of time together. You would study together, go to dinner together, read together, nap together, everything together, and you wouldn’t have it any other way because you just loved him so much. The volleyball team knew you and the dance team knew him, it was perfect. 
It was a training camp weekend and that meant your favorite boy was gone for the whole weekend. Lucky for you the weekend was busy for you as well, you had practice until late on Friday, then you had early morning practice Saturday, followed by a team pool party. The practices went by super fast and it was now time for the party. You weren’t an aggressive swimmer so you opted for a pink flowery strapless top and black bottoms. 
You got there early to help set up the snack table and make sure that everyone knew where they were going. Once all of the girls got there you reminded them to put on sunscreen and told them they would still have to dance no matter how burnt. The party was so much fun, you guys took several cute pictures together and the team manager (who hates swimming) got a lot of super cute shots of you guys playing marco polo and chicken in the pool. At the end of the party you ate wayyy too much and had a blast with your girls. You helped clean up before parting ways with the girls you loved so much. 
After you got home you noticed that your phone was buzzing like crazy, it was your team manager sending all of the pictures she took today to everyone. You scroll through the pictures and save all of the ones that you liked. You decided you were going to post a couple of the pictures from today with a cheesy caption like Dance team? Who's that? This is the swim team or something cute like that. 
Hours away at the training camp the boys have just finished for the day and were all heading to shower and get changed. First Daichi responds to all of your texts from the day, Have a great day!Don't forget to drink enough water. I don’t want you to pass out, We should totally try this new recipe I found for churros when you get back. The whole time he’s answering he’s blushing because he can imagine you telling him all of these things with nothing but love in your eyes. He then sees the notification that you posted on instagram (yes he has your notifications on, he wants to be the fist person to comment on every post of yours) and when he opens up the post his mouth drops. You really just posted yourself in a bikini where everyone could see it. Sure you look hot but do you know how many people will see that post. He knows at least everyone on his team follows you, almost everyone at school follows you and there are tons of strangers that follow you too. He’s upset deep down but still manages to comment a little You’re stunning babe <3. He usually doesn’t put babe in comments because well your entire page is full of the two of you smiling together at all of your little dates around town, even though you are obviously taken that doesn’t stop people from trying to slide into your dm’s and confessing their love for you no matter how obvious it is that you aren’t interested. He sends you a quick goodnight,  I love you! text before putting his phone away and going to bed. 
When he wakes up he double checks to see if he was just making up the whole thing in his head or if you really did post that. You did. It had over 200 likes from people and tons of comments (most from your teammates telling you how pretty you were) but some of the comments were from complete strangers. He again, pushed his emotions aside and finished the day of training. 
Somehow Ukai drove extra fast and he ended up home a whole hour earlier than they thought. He texted you and asked if you wanted to go to dinner with him because he was starving and everyone else way wayyy too tired. You of course agreed and met him at your favorite little spot. He was exhausted and you could tell immediately that he was tired and needed to go to sleep and go to bed.
You two chatted about camp forever before he looked down at his food and didn’t meet your eyes, “Hey, I just wanted to let you know you looked gorgeous yesterday, I’m sad I missed it” 
“What’s wrong?” you’re scowling at him, “you don’t just tell a girl she’s pretty without looking at her. What is it?” 
He tries to think of any excuse but quickly realizes that you won’t fall for anything that he tells you so he decides to be honest “I don’t know, I just don’t like the idea of so many people getting to see you in a swimsuit and commenting things about how gorgeous you are. That’s my job. But I’m also not saying that you shouldn’t post any pictures because you are so pretty and I don’t know I just love you a lot.” 
You grin at him “Damn right that’s your job and that’s why your comment is the only one that matters, because you’re the only guy who matters to me. You’re the only one who can compliment me and make me blush, and the only boy who makes me always happy. I love you and only you.” He smiles, and you smile, that was all it took for any worry to be taken from his mind, you two are perfect for each other and that is just proof. 
(After they go to nationals you definitely post a picture of you hugging him with some super caption like Number one on the court AND number one in my heart) 
 Sugawara is impossible to shop for, absolutely impossible. He would tell you he loved the dirty sock you stole from Hinata because it was from you. Therefore you had no idea what he would actually want and what would make him happy. You two went window shopping frequently and he never had anything that he was particularly fond of. You two agreed that for the first 11 months dating you wouldn’t get each other things and instead plan a great date for the two of you. You guys have been to nice restaurants, drive in movies, zoo’s, museums, theme parks, and picnics. But now your one year anniversary was coming up and the pressure was on. You had to do something and it had to be perfect. 
The first time he saw the two of you together Suga didn’t think too much about it. You and Daichi had been friends and he trusted the two of you with his whole heart. You both smiled when you saw him and he just joined in the conversation's easy peasy. The second time he caught the two of you together Suga wasn’t sure what you were doing. When he asked what was up you both stuttered “I don't know'' and that you were just talking. He had no idea what was happening but you both were acting a little weird. 
The third time you two were caught it was behind the gym talking privately. Daichi had brought you the goods and there was no way he could’ve given it to you in class or someone would have seen and told Suga right away. You two are walking back from the exchange and the goods were in your backpack.
“What are you two doing together again?  Why are y-”
“Koushi Sugawara stop that right this very second.” You walk up to him and grab his hand, “We aren’t up to anything, I promise you. He was simply doing me a favor, please don’t think it is anything more than that because it isn’t” 
He looks at you and then at Daichi and back at you and can’t help but feel bad, he really almost jumped to conclusions about his girlfriend and his best friend. Daichi pats him on the back as he walks by with one of those bro it’s okay looks. You give Suga a quick kiss on the cheek before sending him to practice, you have work to do. Daichi had given you a collection of pictures that him and all of the boys had taken of Suga throughout high school and you were going to make him two different scrapbooks. One of the scrapbooks was going to be of his time playing volleyball and all of the successes he’s had playing and the other was going to be memories of the two of you from the past year with pictures of all of your dates. 
It was the day of your one year anniversary and you guys were going to go to a nice dinner and you were going to give him your presents. You got to the restaurant and the two of you were super excited to have some time to yourself. Dinner went fantastically and he loved your present so much it made him so happy. He got you a blanket that had your favorite memories on them. It was an amazing date and you thought that nothing could go wrong. 
That was until a guy cat called you across the street “Hey sexy let me show you a good time!” 
The guy was watching you and Suga pulled you into a kiss and wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you close to him. 
“SHE’S TAKEN THANKS THOUGH! THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER PEOPLE YOU CAN BOTHER SOMEWHERE ELSE!” You loved him so much and you couldn’t wait for the next year you got to spend with him. 
 You and Asahi together, perfection. You two make each other laugh and smile and cry all the time. The two of you are also style icons, you both have an amazing sense of style and when you walk in the room people are always impressed. If it’s the school uniform then you have on matching earrings and a little necklace, and he has a belt and a nice watch on. On the weekends you two like to coordinate your outfits together and you even take to doing his hair to be like yours. You two go out with half up half down, messy buns, neat buns and if you’re really lucky you get to dutch braid the top and put the extra hair into a messy bun and have the rest down. You loved doing this because it brought the two of you together and he loved that he didn’t have to worry about doing his hair or what anyone would think (because he wouldn’t care his girl did it for him and always told him he was cute). 
With such fast paced lives you both liked keeping things low key and avoiding accidentally adding more stress to your lives. Which was why when a new cat cafe opened up down town you two were quick to book a table. The two of you loved going to coffee shops together and you both loved cats so this was going to be perfect. 
When the day finally came you both took a little extra time to dress up. You were both looking stunning, both in dark blue tops with cute bottoms and the little half up half down braided hairstyles. You both head off to the cafe hand in hand arguing about who was THE cutest. It was so fun you both were so happy when you entered the cafe. LIttle did you know your table was directly in the center of the cafe and all of the cats were loving it. You were in the hotspot of the cat cafe and the two of you couldn’t have had a better time together. You got so many pictures of the two of you with the cats. Every cat in the cafe was up for adoption therefore every cat you got to pet you both wanted to adopt. Both you and Asahi had to keep reminding each other that neither of you needed a cat. 
“Excuse me, ma’am your soup” you were completely distracted by the big cat laying in your lap and when you looked up there was a young man smiling at you with your bowl of soup. “I see that you are petting Squishy, she’s a real sweetheart.”
“I can tell! She’s a sweetheart!” And with that he left. 
You both started eating and you both shared your food with each other because you were indecisive and so Asahi ordered the item that you couldn’t choose between. 
“Are you enjoying your food?” The waiter was back and making direct eye contact with you. 
“Yes, it’s delicious thank you!” You smile up at him and he nods and leaves. You turn back to the conversation you were having with Asahi. 
A cat jumped up onto the table and stuck his head into your drink. All you could do was laugh because he was so big and so fluffy. Before you knew it the waiter was at your table with a new drink claiming that you needed a new one right away. It was faster than it should have been and he wouldn’t have known unless he was watching you. Asahi was always reluctant to jump to conclusions because the guy was only doing his job, but he was only paying attention to his girlfriend and was even watching them eat. He thought it was obvious that the two of you were together and you were having such a great time that he didn’t want to ruin it by saying anything. That was true until the waiter set down the to go boxes and his number was written on top of yours. 
“She needs a new box. Now. Please.” The waiter looked shocked, “She is my girlfriend and you have been flirting with her this whole time. Don’t say anything just get us a new box so we can go,” he smiled up at the waiter. The manager heard the entire thing and brought the new box before the waiter had the chance to apologize. He offered to pay for your meals but neither of you could let that happen, and you still even tipped. It was not the restaurant's fault and you both were way too sweet for them to let anything like that happen. You did get a coupon for a free dessert because the manager wouldn’t let you leave without it. The moment you two left the little cafe Asahi pulled you into a big possessive kiss. He pulls you close to him before repeatedly apologizing for causing a scene but he couldn’t handle the waiter trying to thirst after his girl. 
It was a typical Saturday afternoon for you and Noya, you were both at his house and you two were watching a movie, well making fun of a movie. It was supposed to be the film of the year but neither of you could see how a 26 year old could even possibly pass for a 17 year old, it was just horrible. You cuddled together on the couch and had a good time laughing about the sarcastic remarks that were being made back and forth. Once the movie was over you two were starving, you decided you wanted to order takeout from somewhere. 
“Hey, Asahi mentioned that he liked this little shop downtown, maybe we could try it out?” 
“Yeah, sure Y/N, I hope it’s not that gross organic place he keeps talking about.” 
The two of you make your way downtown, walking the whole way holding hands and just telling your favorite stories from past week, he started with a story about how him and Tanaka had got in trouble for trying to go a whole practice ignoring Hinata and once Daichi found out they had to do drills only passing to Hinata for the rest of practice for being rude. 
It was your turn to share a  story from this week and you decided to share a story from practice that Noya misseed. You were a manager for Karasuno and you knew how to play some but you definitely were not good enough to play for the girls team. You were helping Asahi with his spikes and he had accidentally hit the ball way too hard and way too high and it ended up getting stuck on the back-board of the basketball hoop. The two of you tried jumping for it but neither of you could reach (you obviously couldn’t but it was still fun to try). So you had the great idea of using a broom to knock it loose, that was tall enough but it couldn’t hit the ball art the right angle. So the next step was to get on Asahi’s shoulders and knock the ball loose with the broom. It was a fun story and you made a lot of the whoosh and wap noises to go alone with it and Noya seemed to love it. But he was stuck thinking how this was the second time today you had mentioned something about Asahi and he has no right to be jealous of one of his best friends but he couldn’t help but wonder why you don’t talk about him like that. 
The two of you get to the restaurant and order your food without any wait. The service was fast and the food was amazing. 
“I’m gonna have to tell Asahi that this place really was as good as he said!” 
“Okay..” You didn’t have to ask, you knew he was jealous, when he’s jealous he gets sassy and he doesn’t want to sass you so he always keeps quiet when it’s something you’ve done. If it’s someone else though he is in their face and a little firecracker.There was one time a guy whistled at you from across the street and Noya was across the street and in the guy’s face before you even processed what had happened. He was so angry and so determined to put the guy in his place that his presence made him seem 7 feet tall. This however, was not that kind of jealousy, it was the insecure jealousy that came out whenever he felt like he wasn’t good enough, or tall enough, or pretty enough or whatever not good enough he had stuck in his head. 
“Yuu Nishinoya, what’s wrong?” You give him THE look and he knows you know he’s jealous. He glances to the floor and starts to fidget with his thumbs. He didn’t think he was being obvious about it (he was) and you read him like a book. 
“If this is about me talking about Asahi today you have to remember that I have known him since I was four. We’re neighbors, remember, our moms have book club together every Wednesday. He is the reason that the two of us met, after four years of throwing him balls in the backyard he suggested that I become a manager so that we could keep hanging out. Then when I started crushing on you he always found ways for the two of us to get to drills together so I would ‘have a chance to talk to him’ and encouraged me to actually flirt with you. Asahi is like an older brother to me, kinda annoying at times but sweet when it matters most. Besides could you ever EVER see me dating someone like that? He’s way too tall like I couldn’t even kiss him, then he isn’t goofy so I would be bored all the time and he doesn’t make me smile every time I look at him. The thought of even dating him is a big no so stop being jealous and kiss me you dork.”
He does, happily, “Sorry for being jealous, it’s just-”
“Stop right there, you’re the boy I love and that’s the end of the story okay?”
It was no secret that you and Tanaka were dating, he was the type to wrap his arm around your shoulder and point at you as you two walked down the hall and be like “This is my babe, isn’t she smoking hot” and no matter how many times you told him it was embarrassing because they are your classmates he still did it. Tanaka loved you with his entire heart and would kiss the ground you walked on because you were there. It was no surprise that he loved everything about you and that the two of you could just sit and stare at each other for hours and call it a date. Well today you had planned the most amazing date for you and Ryuu to go on together and you were so excited that the day was finally here. 
You agreed to meet at your favorite place to get breakfast together. You were already there when he arrived and you two enjoyed a wonderful breakfast together laughing the whole time. When you were done and had paid you got up from the table and nearly killed Tanaka. You were wearing a black cropped tank top and a little black skirt that had shiny stars all over it. He was shocked, how was his babe wearing something as sexy as this out of the house. He is instantly behind you with both hands on your waist so that there is a 0% chance that anyone will see your butt out of the end of the skirt. He knows it’s long enough but if people are sitting and you are standing there’s definitely a chance. 
You two get outside the restaurant and all Tanaka can turn to you and say is, “babe, what are you wearing?” 
“Do you not like it?” You ask him with innocent eyes as you grab his hand and start leading him to the next part of your date. 
“I-I no, I love it just don’t you think that-”
“Think what?” 
“Nothing, nevermind” He drops it for now but he cannot help but keep looking over at your gorgeous body and just think about what he would do if anyone else approached his girl. When you finally got to the next place he was shocked. You two were going to play laser tag. He was thrilled, you two were going to try and be opposite teams to see who could shoot the other person the most times in the game. It was time for the game to begin and you were both thrilled when your vest lit up blue and his lit up red. And off the two of you went to go try and prove who the best. The game started just fine and the two of you were getting shots in with each other back and forth not caring much about the other people in the room. Then the next time you went to go shoot at Tanaka a guy jumped out in front of you and shot him first. The guy was wearing a blue vest, damn it he’s on your team. After he shot Tanaka he turned around and smiled at you. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this alone, dressed like that. You look like some kind of cheap whore I can take home with me.” He’s eying you up and down with a devilish smirk on his face. You stand there in complete shock, no idea who this guy is or what gave him the right to speak to you in this way. Tanaka almost lost it then and there, he marches over to the guy, shoots him in the back and tells him to “Back away from my girlfriend before I beat the daylight out of you.” 
The guy doesn’t budge and instead turns to you and asks “Why would you be with a man like that? I can treat you better and give you more than he ever could” 
That was it, Tanaka had officially lost his cool, he was up in the guys face “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME? YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS TO GET OUT OF OUR FACES AND LEAVE THIS PLACE BEFORE I BEAT YOU” you’d never seen him this mad before so you let him finish before you pull him in close to you. 
“Ryuu, calm down love, he’s just a jerk don’t let him ruin our fun” “But he called you a whore, no one gets to talk to my girl like that.” You rub his head and tell him that you love him so much and that you’re so thankful that he stood up for you before shooting him in the chest and running off, forcing him to follow with a big goofy grin. 
 It is no surprise to anyone that you are a heart throb and if it was socially acceptable for boys to fangirl over girls then you would have a fan club. I’m talking about a full fledged society of boys that praised every step you walked on, from third year middle schoolers all the way up to third year high schoolers, because you were just so cute and friendly. Every person you passed you would smile or wave at and you always made sure to tell people to have a great day. You were a little sunshine that also happened to have a gorgeous face. You and Tsuki were in the same class together and would playfully banter back and forth. When you told him you liked him and he was shocked. He had no idea how the prettiest girl he had ever seen liked him back. The two of you ended up going on a date, then another and another and now the two of you had been dating for almost a year now. You loved Tsukishima so much and you never tried to do anything that would hurt your feelings and he did the same for you. You made him soft like no one else ever had before, he felt giddy and excited every time he was around you even if he didn’t show it externally you both knew how he felt. You were his sunshine and you made him happier than anyone could have ever imagined. Everyday the two of you would walk to school together and you both would walk home together after your practices were done (you also play volleyball and that makes his heart melt because you understand that he’s extremely dedicated but doesn’t want to get hurt-anyway) you always found time for each other and it was something the two of you prided yourselves on.
It was the spring tournament and both the girls and the boys volleyball were happening at the same arena. You both had sent good morning texts and nothing else because you were both extremely focused on doing well today. You two didn’t have to talk a ton during the day but after you both had won your first round you agreed to meet up by the concession stand excited to share your victories with each other. You agreed on a place to meet up and you were teasing him about getting there before him, so you can imagine the shock when he rounded the corner.  
There you were standing in your spot, with another guys arm pressed up against the wall and he was leaning in close to talk to you, too close. This had crossed a line. His vision turned red as he continued to stroll over to the two of you. His headphones were now off and he was listening in to every word, he was like a predator going in for the kill, you were his, and he had no idea who you were or why you thought that you could talk to any girl like that, let alone his girl. Once he was close enough he could hear the guy “Well, your boyfriend isn’t here right now and I am so why not let me treat a hottie like you.” 
Tsukishima is right behind the guy practically towering over him “Who’s boyfriend isn’t here?” He mocks, and the guy turns his head slowly and turns as pale as a ghost. 
Then Tsuki grabs the guy's arm and leans in close to his ear “If I ever hear you speak to a girl like that I will not hesitate to slap the life out of you. And if you ever even think of getting anywhere near my girl again then you might as well consider yourself a dead man. Now leave.”
You didn’t have to tell the guy twice and he books it out of there faster than anyone had ever seen before. You practically pounce on Tsuki and start giving him little kisses everywhere before he stops you because even though he loves you he’s not about to have everyone he’s playing against staring at him. 
You do however, get to cling to his arm and tell him all about how he’s your “knight in shining armour, and you came and saved me just like a hero, thank you so much Kei you’re the best and I loveee you” and all he can do is look down and smile at you because you make him so happy. The two of you get food and rejoin your teams and eat together before you all have to go back into warm up. When he gets on the court he sees the guy from earlier is on the opposing team and let's just say that Tsuki has never had a better game. 
 Hinata prided himself on being the bestest boyfriend in the entire world (his words exactly) and the two of you were inseparable, you could tell each other everything, how you day was, when you’re showering, even when you have to poop. It was something the other Karasuno boys didn’t quite understand, how Hinata found a girl who was just as bizarre and goofy as he was. You told each other everything, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have your own friends and time to yourself but you were just drawn to hanging out together and making plans with each other. 
One day you and Hinata were chilling at his house, he was playing video games with Kenma and you were watching and playing with his little sister while also playing on your phone. 
“Hey, Y/N whatcha doin” He’d just died in his game and is looking over to find you completely engrossed in your phone. You didn’t answer him and kept typing out a long text that you had to get sent. 
“Hellooooooooo Y/N what’s up? Who are you texting?” 
“Tsuki” You reply without thinking much about it and continue your long text to Tsuki. Little did you know that Hinata was watching you intently internally wondering Why doesn't she text me like that? What are they talking about? Does she like him more than she likes me? I mean he’s tall and mean but some girls really like that, right? I mean we’ve only been dating a while and I haven’t been giving her much attention so maybe this is revenge? But Tsukishima of all people? 
But externally all he can make himself say is “What are you two talking about?”
You finish your message and set your phone down to look at Hinata dead on, “Babe, Shoyo, what class am I in?” 
“Class 1-4” He says while looking at you confused. 
“Okay, now what class is Tuski in?”
“Class 1-4” his brain still hasn’t caught up to what you are about to say and he now thinks that you are going to tell him that he’s too dumb for you and you can’t stand it. He’s both upset and made at Tsuki for taking away his girlfriend's attention that belongs to him, not some grouchy jerk. 
“Hinata, babe, love, hey, hello? Earth to Hinata” you say snapping your fingers in front of his face trying to get his attention.
“I DON’T WANT YOU TO DATE TSUKISHIMA HE’S A JERK AND RUDE AND I REALLY DO LIKE YOU Y/N AND I’M SORRY I WASN’T PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU MORE PLEASE DON’T BREAK UP WITH ME.” He shouts in one of his zoned out super fast ways. He’s mad that Tsuki would text his girlfriend knowing that they were dating and he couldn’t believe that you would text him back so easily. He was about ready to find Tsukishima’s house and go punch him right now. 
You stand up and pull him into a giant hug which breaks his train of thought right there, “Hinata, were you not listening? I just told you that Tsukishima and I are partners on a big project and I forgot my laptop at home and was texting him my part of the project. I am not breaking up with you goofy, I like you not some tall jerk with glasses. We are just working on a project, I have no idea where you even got the idea of me breaking up with you for him came from but stop that right now. As punishment for your actions I would like cuddles.”
He’s embarrassed, super embarrassed on how he could possibly think that you, his awesome, perfect, amazing, gorgeous, funny, cute, happy, loving girlfriend would ever break up with him for someone as bland as Tsukishima. He gets one of those giant goofy grins on his face and realizes that he’s not hugging you back, so he wraps his arms around you as tight as he can and pulls you down onto the couch kissing you over and over again. 
“I’m sorry for ever thinking that you’d ever date a jerk like Tsuki.” 
No matter how long you and Kageyama have been dating, everything you do makes him both giddy and excited but also nervous and insecure. He loves you so much and absolutely loves when you come watch him play volleyball, it made his heart burst seeing you in the crowd cheering for him and him alone. Anytime you were there it made him want to be better, he wanted to win more than he already did-which he didn’t think was possible ((but he also didn’t think he could get a girlfriend so)) he loves it.  You liked going to watch him play but with how much he played you couldn’t possibly go to every game. You liked to try and go to the important ones though because he would talk about them for weeks after and you liked knowing you were there for some of his proudest moments, and that’s where you were today-watching volleyball matches. You had been sitting in the gym all day watching team after team writing down little notes that you think Kageyama would find helpful such as Number 7 doesn’t receive, and 5 &9 only pass to each other when 5 signals him by waving his left hand. Kageyama loved looking through your little notes with you and thought it was super cute that you would write all of these things down for him, he also was super impressed by how easily you picked up the other player’s weaknesses. 
It was time for Karasuno to play and you were stoked. You’d been watching the team progress and it was always exciting to see what new tricks they had up their sleeves. The team was warming up and you were keeping your eye on #9 when you feel a great big thud next to you. You look over and see the guy from earlier, you recognize him from an earlier match, he was #1 on the mint and white team and as your notes said Good serve, but does it in the same pattern, straight, curve straight straight every time, also has sloppy receives. 
Smiling at you he asks “What’s a pretty girl like you doing sitting on this side of the bleachers?” 
You can’t help but stare at him, while he is definitely pretty he isn’t your type at all and you have no desire to continue a conversation with him. “I’m watching my boyfriend play, thank you very much.” And with that you turn your head back to the game and keep your eyes on your prize. Oikawa isn’t used to being turned down like this and has no idea what to say to you next, he lets you watch the game in peace  until the end of the first set. Karasuno had taken the set 25-21 and had played amazingly. 
“Are you sure someone as pretty as you wants someone from such a lame school?” Tooru couldn’t understand who was actually good enough for a girl like you on that team. 
“Yep, I like him a lot, thanks though.” Another shut down. He the great Oikawa Toru was not used to having a girl give him no attention and by no means did he want to steal whoevers girl from him he just wanted to know who was lucky enough to get someone like you and maybe ask them for some pointers (because his luck is horrible and he just wants love). 
When the game is over (Karasuno won ofc) you go to congratulate the team and the first thing that anyone gets to say to you is when Kageyama pulls you into a big hug and whispers “Why was Oikawa talking with you?” He was jealous that you would even consider talking to Okikawa, but he was also worried that Oikawa would steal his girl from him. You squeeze him back in the embrace.
“Are you talking about the loudmouth sitting next to me? He was annoying me the whole time asking questions and making useless commentary about your game.” When he went to ask more questions you kissed him on the cheek and told him that he did so amazing and that you were proud of him and that he shouldn’t waste his energy worrying about someone that you don’t care about because all you care about was him. That alone was enough to make any worries in his head completely disappear because if there’s one thing he knows is that you hate loud mouths like that. (Little did you know that Oikawa was watching the whole thing and could NOT believe that it was Kageyama who got the babe) 
Yamaguchi doesn’t get jealous per sey, he trusts you so much and wouldn’t ever bat an eye if you were talking to another guy and you would do the same if you saw him talking to another girl. He also didn’t care what you wore because if you were comfortable and happy then he was comfortable and happy. It was other things that would force him to swallow his pride and admit that he was jealous. 
The two of you often went on walks together around the neighborhood and through parks, It was something that the two of you loved doing together, no date, lets just go for a walk. It was an easy answer that made both of you happy-well most of the time.
 Every single time the two of you would go out together for as long as either of you could remember whenever you pass a dog they always want to be petted by you and completely ignore Yamaguchi. He has to watch big dogs pull their owners over to you so that they could get your attention and some pets. He had no idea why but every single time he saw a dog and they wanted you it made him so jealous. All he wanted was to be loved by the dogs like they love you, it didn’t seem like too much to ask but the more that it happened he started to find himself getting more and more upset over it, he just didn’t understand why you got all of the dogs to pay attention to you and they wouldn’t even look at him. You never thought much about it because you were always just excited to pet a good dog but once you started noticing how Yamaguchi would just stand there and look at you and the dog you knew something was up, and it had to be fixed right away. You two left the park like usual that day and you pretended like you didn’t have the best surprise planned for your boyfriend, he would love it. You spent two weeks trying to get in contact with one specific woman, and today she finally answered and agreed to your crazy plan. 
After school you told Yamaguchi you had something fun you wanted to do with him and he didn’t think twice about it until you pulled him into a local animal shelter, walked up to the desk and told the lady that you were the one with the reservations. He had no idea what you meant by reservations, it was a shelter not a restaurant. The lady led the two of you to a back room, that just so happened to be filled with puppies. The moment Yamaguchi saw the puppies his heart melted, he was beyond excited for this. You both washed your hands and got to enter the room with 20 puppies. You both sat down facing each other as puppies crawled into both of your laps. Yamaguchi had probably 10 of the puppies in his lap alone. While your problem wasn’t fixed this at least reminded him that puppies do love him too. 
Ukai was an attractive guy and girls made sure that he knew it. Every time the two of you were out people couldn’t help but comment on his looks.
“Wow, is she your sister?” “Hey, can I take you out?” “Can I buy you a drink?” “What’s your number?” Were all constants in your lives, girls swarmed him and you never seemed to mind. Maybe you would make sassy comments back afterwards but nothing overbearing. That should have put him at ease, but it didn’t. Why didn’t you care? He would care a hell of a lot if some guy was flirting with you. Why are you so easy going? He’s your boyfriend, how are you letting them get away with this? He’s not jealous that you aren’t jealous-or is he? Part of him wants you to stand up for him and to tell a girl to back off every once and awhile. He decides that the next time a girl flirts with him he’s going to flirt back just to see what you’d do. 
It’s date night tonight and the two of you have plans to go to a nice restaurant together. You’re wearing a skin tight dress with some sexy heels and he’s wearing a button down and a suit jacket. Ukai would never wear something like that on his own but when you asked him to dress up for dinner he couldn’t help but put in some extra effort for you. The two of you looked hot, like straight out of a magazine story about dressing to impress. If you both hadn’t been around the city with your jobs then people would have thought the two of you were celebrities. It was both impressive and scary that you could look so good together. You walked up to the restaurant with his hand around your waist and he pressed kisses onto the side of your head as you were waiting for your table. It was more than obvious that you two were together, his eyes were glued on you. 
But, some tramp (probably named Stacy) apparently is blind and deaf and decided to come up and flirt with your man, while you were in his arms. 
“Oh, hey there sexy-” 
“No, stop right there, he’s mine and you can turn your ass around and find someone else to bother. Even if he wasn’t already taken he wouldn’t like someone you. But he is taken so goodbye.” You interject before turning and kissing Ukai on the lips, hands on his face as you pull him into a jealous kiss. WHen you’re done kissing him she’s still standing there wide-mouthed. “I told you to stop looking at my man, now please go before I have security show you where the door is.” Ukai had never seen this side of you but now that he has he’s about 10000x more attracted to you. 
Dinner goes great and the two of you laugh and banter the entire time back and forth. After dinner you decide to go to your favorite little ice cream place for dessert. You wait your turn and as you’re ordering the cashier cannot stop making eye contact with your breasts and tells .“wow, you’re really pretty” It was Ukai’s turn to get jealous, he’d already puffed his chest and was about to take this man down for saying something as offensive as that but you start to laugh at , the guy. 
“I know I’m hot thanks for the compliment but I’m already taken, thanks though”  The guy is bright red and you are turning and leaving with Ukai. He had never been more turned on in his entire life, let's just say when you got back to his apartment you had a long night ahead of you.
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Comparing to different versions of characters in dmbj drama their characterisation remains same except Huo Dao Fu. The man made 180° flip and landed on the opposite end of the same spectrum.
The inconsistency is just so wierd. What do you think about it?
Hi anon! Thanks for sending this hilarious ask about my favorite bitch 😁 the funniest part of it is probably that you’re asking ME, who has watched TLTR, read books 1 to 5 and just...vaguely absorbed the rest of the story through tumblr posts? (don't shoot, my media consumption is weird, I am aware of it but have no plans to change) Until a few days ago I didn’t even KNOW that HDF was in anything other than Reboot. To be fair, I assumed that he was being (not) introduced like that, as Wu Xie's implied ex that he had had a terrible break up with and who conveniently happened to be a doctor, because if there is one thing Reboot taught about this franchise, it is not to question plot holes and throwaway lines and to exploit them for fanfic purposes instead. But after some frantic googling and a couple of hours spent looking at his striking silhouette in that riding boots - skinny jeans - tweed vest combo, my best guess is... again, messy break up. Because EVERYTHING is always Wu Xie's fault somehow, and it just fits so well? Whatever happened between them was off camera so we can only speculate (and speculate we shall, my friend) but it wouldn’t be the first time someone held onto the deep yearning and anger of being left behind and used it as fuel to turn into the Baddest Churro Maker Bitch around, right? Cutting ties with your previous affiliations, dressing to kill (revenge body, yes girl, work it), switching careers, the whole shebang, and he was doing such a great job at Being Fine With It, until Pangzi appeared with the living embodiment of his PTSD lying across the backseat of his van, and my boy didn’t even hesitate? He just dropped everything to follow him again?? Man, I wanna know what happened between them now! My bet is on Wu Xie leading him on some crazy adventure somewhere exotic, nothing too lethal, just very thrilling and with lots of sexy moments of tension, Huo DaoFu was already picking out wedding rings, until Wu Xie ran into Something Interesting (ADHD King) and just... dropped him without a second thought? Once he'd remembered him he probably apologized and got a brick thrown at him or something, laughed like the sun and went on with his day, while HDF thought of literally nothing else for the next ten years.
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im-a-simp1 · 4 years
More Than Meets The Eye: pt. 2 Hooded
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: in the beginning Peter is a little cheese but it gets better, mention of death, death (bring snipped), worried Peter
Series Masterlist
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Peter’s POV
I had lost track of time and it was about 6:30. Well to be fair I just finished helping an elderly lady find the city library. She gave me a churro. But when I went to go find my backpack, it wasn’t where I left it. Damnit, I thought I had a better hiding spot but I guess not. Thankfully I always kept my phone on me. I had to call Ned. I dialed his number.
“Hey Peter are you going to be here soon?”
“Um hi yeah I am. Hey I have a question, is y/n there yet?”
“No why?”
“Oh okay good. Someone stole my bag and I don’t have a change of clothes. I will be there soon.”
“Alright get here fast, I don’t know when y/n will get here.” Ned hanged up after that. This was the best possible situation at the moment. I’m glad she wasn’t there yet, her finding out that I’m Spiderman is too soon. Now that I think of it, I don’t know if I will tell her, or maybe someday, no I can’t. The more people that know, more lives are at risk. He didn’t want to put that on her. He has only known her for a day and he already had the thought of telling her that he was Spiderman. She was driving him crazy. She is all he could think about. Shortly after he pulled up to his apartment and entered through his window. Ned was getting the lego pieces of the millennium falcon organized.
“Hey Peter” Ned said, without looking up at him continuing separating the pieces. He knew that Peter was changing and if he looked up it would be awkward.
“Hey Ned” as he was getting his shirt on which was the last article of clothing he needed to put on. “Any word from y/n?”
“First off no and second I don’t have her number I’m pretty sure you are the only one that has her number”
“Oh right” Peter pulls out his phone. No texts or calls from her, just Aunt May asking if I wanted pizza tonight. Hmm, maybe she was just running late, it was only 6:50 and Peter was late by 20 minutes. He just sent her a message. ‘Hey Ned and I were just wondering if you were still coming. We just want to make sure you are okay. New York can be a big place. If you are lost just let us know. Or if you don’t want to come that’s okay we totally get it. We just want to make sure you are okay.’ Peter had sent her a message. He was just hoping that she wasn’t lost and she was safe. He felt stupid because she was new to the city and had assumed that she knew her way around. 30 minutes later, no sin of y/n. Peter was pacing around the room waiting for y/n to reply back.
“Peter, I’m sure she is okay. Sure she is an hour late but maybe she just stayed home.”
“If she did why wouldn’t she just text me that she was going to stay home?”
“I don’t know Peter. But you need to stop pacing around your room. You worry too much.”
“Ned I can’t sit down. If I sit down I am just going to end up pacing the room again. Maybe I should put the suit back on and look for-”
“Okay Peter what is going on?” Ned interrupted Peter
I stopped for the first time. He was caught surprised by his question. “W-what do you mean?” with a nervous laugh following.
“Don’t think I haven’t see you staring at her all day, from the start of the first period. You could not keep your eyes off of her. Now she is having you stressed out and worried about her, where is most likely she is just at home. Peter you have only known this girl for one day and you act like she is the only girl you have ever seen.”
I run my hand at the back of my neck while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I mean Ned is right but he is off by a couple words, she is the MOST beautiful girl I have ever seen.
“I don’t know what to tell you Ned, I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“I thought you liked Liz?”
“I do like Liz, well not so much anymore. I don’t know, it was just when y/n steps into a room, she is just so memorizing. She is driving me crazy Ned”
“Clearly” he stated. We both end up on my bed and start to speak up again.
“Peter I’m glad that you are interested in someone but just be careful. I’m sure it’s dangerous to have a girlfriend and be a superhero. I mean at least that is what it’s like in the films”
“Your right Ned”
“I know I am. Now this is what we are going to do, we are going to build the millennium falcon and have a great time doing it. Then I am going to go home and you're going to go to bed and get sleep because I’m sure y/n is home and safe.”
“I guess you're right” I caved in.
“Again, I know I am. Now let’s start building.”
We build for the next hour or two building this millennium falcon. It was pretty sweet. It was also good to spend time with just Ned. Sometimes it can be hard for us to spend time with just us together. A lot of the time I would be patrolling, taking up most of my free time that wasn’t being used for homework as well. Once we finished, Ned left and I got ready for bed. As I got into my bed trying to fall asleep. My thoughts of y/n were circulating my mind if she was safe or not. I knew I was not going to get sleep tonight. I would go looking for her to make sure she is okay but I don’t know where she lives and that usually helps narrow down the possibilities of where she is but I don’t so she could be anywhere. I needed to put my mind to rest so I could sleep but my thoughts of y/n refused to let me. Eventually my exhaustion took over my thoughts which I was grateful for but at the same time, wasn’t.
Third POV
Next day Peter wakes up and does his normal morning routine, takes a shower, brushes his teeth, puts on his school clothes along with his school’s crewneck and starts to pack up his spiderman suit. When he starts to pack his stuff for patrolling, he realizes that his backpack was stolen. Great. Peter thought. He didn’t know what he was going to put his suit in. Then he remembers that he had this old backpack that he used more when he would sleepover at Ned’s house. He grabbed the bag and gathered his school work and his suit along with his new webs that he made yesterday. It seems that it would be risky to have his suit in his school bag but he feels paranoid if it is away from him, someone is going to find it and steal it and try to figure out who Spiderman is. He finishes packing and goes out to the kitchen and makes some toast. His aunt was sitting on the couch watching the news like how she usually does every morning but she has this worried look on her face while watching the news. I go over to see what was wrong and it turns out that a man was murdered last night in Queens but the cops didn’t have any leads. Peter feels sort of guilty, that’s why he doesn’t watch the news as much. He doesn’t want to see all of the crimes that happen when he can’t be there. He understands that he can’t be there all the time but still seeing this stuff does not help.
“This just makes you realize that this can happen to anyone” Aunt May spoke bringing Peter out of his thoughts.
“Yeah I guess so”
“Peter let me know when you are leaving and arriving at places. I want to know where you are. I just need to make sure you are safe at all times”
“Aunt May, you have nothing to worry about. I will be okay. Trust me” I mean after all, I am Spiderman. But Aunt May doesn’t need to know that, Peter thought.
“Still let me know, for my own sanity”
“Okay Aunt May. I’m off to school now”
“Alright let me know when you get to the school!”
“Will do,” Peter shouted. He shut the door and plugged his headphones in. Peter was lost in his thoughts on his journey this morning. Peter kept thinking about the murder case.He didn’t really want to but it was the only thing on his mind right now. He could really stop thinking about how the cops didn’t know how the man died, which Peter found odd. Most cases they know but they didn’t say in this case. Peter tried to shake off the subject and focus on other things. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. He knows that he can’t help everyone but he couldn’t help feel that maybe if he was there he would have been able to stop it. Upon arriving at school, he almost forgot to text Aunt May that he got there, he knew if he forgot to text her, especially after just talking about it, he would have been in big trouble. He went to his locker to get a couple of his textbooks when Ned meet him at his locker.
“Hey did you see the news this morning?”
“Are you referencing to the person that died last night?”
“Yeah, did you come across that person by chance?”
“No” Peter said. In his mind regretting get off patrol so soon. The more he thought about it the more he regrets it. Both Peter and Ned walk into class and sit down at two desks in the back “I’m pretty positive it happened after I got done patrolling”
“Oh well, I just you knew something”
“Nope. Not at all.” The more Ned tries to talk about it, the closer Peter is going to snap. As soon as he had the last straw of Ned continuing on about the murder, Y/n walked in, more like ran in. As her body entered the class the bell rang.
“Please take a seat, miss L/n, and let’s not have anymore close calls, alright?”
“Yes sir” she replied, hanging her head with her arms crossed with her binder in between them. She still had those gloves on. She walked to an open seat that happened to be right by Peter. Before could even speak a word, Ned tugged on her sweater.
“Hey where were you last night?” Ned whispers in hopes that the teacher doesn’t catch him talking.
“We were concerned, I thought you got lost or hurt trying to get to my apartment. Why didn’t you respond to my messages?” Peter stepped in, he wanted to let her know that he was more worried than angry with her.
“Guys I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to you guys. I really do feel bad. I was doing my homework and I passed out. I slept for 13 hours somehow, I even slept in and was running late for school. I guess yesterday was a lot for me and I needed sleep. But I saw your messages Peter this morning and I’m so sorry I didn’t reply to last night or this morning, again I was running late and I would rather apologize in person than over the phone.” Peter could see the genuine in her eyes but her heart was stil pounding a little faster than normal but she just ran to class so he overlooked it.
“It’s okay Y/n, we just wanted to make sure you were safe” Peter gently puts a hand on her shoulder to show comfort. Y/n’s face broke out in a slight brush when Peter’s hand was on her shoulder.
“Thank you for understanding you guys” She said softly. She was glad that they didn’t pursue any more questions. She didn’t like lying to the people that had welcomed her with open arms. She didn’t lie to them because she was hiding anything, she just didn’t want them to worry. Clasping when she was about to leave her home and waking up in her bed was something that she didn’t understand herself and needed to figure out before others ask her about it. She already had enough people giving her weird looks and what happened yesterday was something that people didn’t need to know. People have already been giving her a hard time about her gloves. She gets weird looks as she passes people, girls laugh after she has walked by them, and have had people shout ‘prude’ and ‘be risqué, take the gloves off!’ at her. It was only the first day. All she could think about is the day that her dad could say she could go without the gloves. She looked over at Peter when she realized his hand was still on her shoulder. Her and Peter made eye contact when he realized his hand may have been on her shoulder for too long. Peter whispered a sorry while awkwardly readjusting himself in the chair.
Ding! Ding!
Thank God Peter thought brings out of him of this awkwardness that just happened between him and Y/n. Peter looked down at his phone and saw it was Mr. Stark who texted him:
After school come to the tower
Right after, ASAP!
Peter had a slight smile to his face after reading the message. It was most likely that there was trouble which isn’t good but the fact that Mr. Stark wanted his help, made him feel valued.
“Who was that?” Y/n had asked
“Oh um it’s Mr. Stark, I am doing an internship with his company”
“Oh that’s so cool. My dad works at a big bio-company that has interns all the time.”
“Oh where does your dad work?” Peter asked. Y/n froze for a second. She just realized she talked about her dad and now people are asking about him.
“Oh um he um works at Oscorp, you might now have heard of it but did you guys get the answer to number 3?” Y/n tried to quickly change the topic before Peter could ask more questions knowing more than he should. He noticed the quick change but didn’t push it.
“Oh yeah um I got 39, what about you Ned?” Peter included Ned back into the conversation.
“Same. What about number...” as all three were checking their answers with each other.
As school finished up, Peter headed out to the Avenger Tower to see what Mr. Stark needed him to do. Once he got there he saw all of the other Avengers circled around a hologram.
“Ah great!” Tony seeing that Peter made it. “Now that we are all here, let me tell you why I have all brought you here today. Recently there was a murder that was committed in Queens parking garage late last night.” Peter knew he was referring to the one that was on the news. But Peter was confused, why was Mr. Stark talking about that, that is the stuff that cops can deal with is always what Mr. Stark said.
“Now I know what all of you are thinking, cops can deal with that but the way he died is the problem.” Mr. Stark plays a security footage of a man walking to his car, minding his own business when another person appears in front of the man. The person was in black combat suit that had a hood on top. The person approaches and the other man gets scared and tries to get into his car faster, the person in all black quickly denies the man getting into the car by kicking them in the side and the man smashes into the wall. But then you can see that the figure in black takes down their hood and the footage shows that the person was a girl and it seemed that she said a few words to the guy and he begs for his life and she simply touched him on the cheek with a hand and the man starts to struggle to breath because he seems to be choking for a bit to than be seizing for a bit while color in his face is being drained to a lifeless gray and eventually his body goes limp. In that moment it dawns on Peter that the news never said how the victim died, but know he now why they didn’t.
“Did she just touch him and he died?” Banner asked
“After she touched him he died within a matter of a minute” Mr. Stark commented, “Fury had called me down to the morgue and there were no stabbings or any other possible ways she could have killed them that could have possibly happened that we didn’t see. But it was clear that where she touched him was the cause of his death. Now how did she actually kill him? I don’t know, it just seems like it was some kind of venom”
“Where do we go from here?” Nat asked
“First question is if this is a space mutant” Tony said looking at Thor.
“I have never seen anything like this before and I have seen a lot of weird species but nothing I have encountered have this whatever this is.” Thor answering Tony’s question.
“I mean have you seen every species in the universe?”
“I mean I have seen a lot and-“
“But not every single one” Tony asked interrupting Thor
“Possibly not”
“There how do you know it’s not a space mutant? It could be a species that you have not encountered yet”
“I seriously doubt it Tony”
“Why not? This seems like the kind of thing that could be a space mutant”
“Because if it was Heimdall would have notified me of an inhabited species came to earth”
“Oh um well alrighty then. I guess it’s not from space” Tony tried to brush pass the fact that he was provided wrong but everyone would never forget the time that Thor proved Tony wrong on the spot.
“Well then if it is not from space than another educated guess is that they were given this ability. Wouldn’t be the first time.” Tony said looked between Banner and Steve. Tony was sassy today. “Banner and I will go to the morgue to see if we can sample from the victim. Nat and Steve see what you can find out about our victim. See if there are any connections that could be related to the situation. Hawkeye is if there is any other information on the suspect. Peter and Wanda, I want you guys to go to the location of the scene, see if you guys can find any kind of information there. Everyone good?” Everyone nods “good now shu” and people disperse.
Peter and Wanda go off to the scene of the crime which was in a garage parking lot. They start to look around got any clues but it seems pointless cause the suspect walked in and out, not leaving anything behind but they had to check.
“Is your senses picking anything up spidey?”
“Not at the moment and please don’t call me spidey please” Wanda cracks up a bit. She loves teasing Peter, it’s easy to get under his skin
“No can do spidey”
“Well, can your powers help right now? Wanda-ey”
“First my powers can’t detect anything and second nice try I know it bugs you more to say that then it bugs me to hear it”
“Damnit, I thought it would-“ Peter stopped. Wanda noticed.
“What is it Peter?”
“Someone else is here” Peter and Wanda we’re prepared for whatever was going to be thrown at them. Then all of a sudden a car pulls up. A guy quickly gets out and points a gun at them but doesn’t fire.
“Who the hell are you guys?!” He shouted
“The question is who are you?!” Wanda replies back
“In just a guy who is trying to figure out who killed my buddy”
“So are we” Spiderman replies to the man “just lower your weapon and let’s talk”
“How can I trust you?”
“Because if we were against you” she shows him her red power hands, “You would be dead right now.” The man sees that there was no way he was going to win, ever if he didn’t know of they were against him. He lowered his weapon.
“Good now let’s talk.” Both Wanda and Peter talked to the man how he knew the victim.
“He’s my best friend. We have been best friends for 13 years now. I guess now he was.”
“If you knew him so well, do know if anyone that would want him killed?” Wanda questions him
“To be honest, probably a lot of people. You see he may be my best friend but he owed a lot of people lots of money. He liked gambling too much. Whenever he owed someone a bunch of money, he would disappear. And he was very good at it too. Well until now.”
“Do you know of the names that he owed?” Peter asked
“Like I said, he owed a lot of people, I don’t know all of them.”
“Is there maybe one that would want him more than the others?” Wanda chimed in
“Well there is this one guy. Scrawny guy, in his 50s, I think, brown hair, glasses, andhad the presence of a billionaire. He is a very powerful and wealthy person, you could just tell by the way he carried himself and dressed. I told him that he should borrow money from this guy, the consequences were more likely significant than he had previously come across but he didn’t listen.”
“Do you know the name of this guy?”
“He didn’t give us a name but he had a name badge that had what it seemed to be a company he probably worked for.”
“What was the company?”
“It was O-” all of a sudden his head quickly leaned backwards as the rest of his body followed behind crashing to the ground. Wanda and Peter were shocked what just happened. Snapping back to reality real fast they looked to see who had sniped the guy and they saw the assassin with hood standing on top of another building with a sniper in her hands, who had gotten a perfect angle to shoot into the parking garage.
Thank you so much everyone for waiting for this part. It took me a bit to do some fixings and to get it to a point that I liked what I wrote but I hoped you guys enjoyed😊💖
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youarejesting · 4 years
Limited Edition.5 Phone Home
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[FULL MASTERLIST] [Limited Edition Master list]
Beta: N/A Rating: All audiences Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Fluffy Fluff, Adventure. Pairing: Bts x Friend!Reader Words: 1.3K
Summary: It is your first time buying proper merchandise, there are new chibi figurines and the first person to order will recieve a limited edition set. But what happens when BTS have gone missing without a trace and a few days later you receive your package. The box says congratulations, you open to find your limited edition figures, they look so lifelike. OH WAIT! it’s cause they are.
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“Wᴀʜ, ᴄʜᴜʀʀᴏs!” Jungkook shouted and was promptly shushed. With a small smile, you walked into the shop and requested a churro. You heard a tiny, “You didn’t have to, ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ”
“You kidding you guys eat barely anything so I get half a churro”
You bit into the churro and held it near your chest, “I think it will be easier if you all eat it like this”
You moved it around letting everyone have a chance to take a bite and you continued the process and smiled.
Arriving at your destination, you walked through the store with your list, while they were showering you had looked up ingredients to some of the foods they asked for. “Do you need any help?” The store clerk asked politely.
“Yes I was looking for Kimchi please”
“Ah, there is the store’s specialty Kimchi, that we make personally or there is a generic brand Kimchi” He smiled gesturing across the shop. “It is in the fridge along the back wall”
“Thank you so much, sir” You started down the first aisle and whispered “Come out and help me shop okay for ingredients”
They were so happy helping you select all different things and you grew nervous. “Don’t worry, Jin and I will help you make everything?” Yoongi mumbled, laying his face on your chest, “why are you always so warm?”
They purchased snacks and more and you carried the items to the counter, “You seem to be making a lot” He smiled
“Ah, my friends are teaching me how to cook some food?” You blushed “They are really nice guys, they just came over from Korea recently”
The clerk totaled your items and you heard a tiny whine from the pocket of your overalls. You touched it gently trying to reassure the boys and the man smiled catching a glimpse of hair “What do you have in there? Little dolls?”
“Ah, figurines” You smiled “They were gifts from Korea and they are super cute, I just am taking them home”
With your groceries packed into your backpack, you walked back through the shops and grinned humming. You placed the boys back into the basket and began riding back home. Jungkook peeked over the front of the bike and Taehyung and Jimin made sure to hold him secure so he wouldn’t fall out.
“Wᴀʜ, ɪᴛ ɪs sᴏ ғᴀsᴛ” Jungkook turned back to you “Nᴏᴏɴᴀ ɢᴏ Fᴀsᴛᴇʀ!” 
He whooped and you picked up a little speed, not too much you didn’t want to crash and hurt the boys.
Arriving at your home you put your bike out the back and helped the boys inside. You pulled out some containers and plastic bags and started shrinking the portions of meat severely. You brought out the dollhouse and set up the kitchen for Yoongi and Seokjin.
Deciding you would record, with their permission you smiled and set up two cameras and a microphone. You had a camera on a wide shot and they had a close-up camera. You grinned and they began taking you through the cooking tutorial first hand and you followed instructions.
You all had a good laugh and the other boys were eating snacks and sitting at the table off to the side. When it was done you had a delicious meal each, you all ate together and you saved the footage. Taking them all back to the room, you sighed. “It has been a lot of fun, but you can’t stay like this forever. You became like this there has to be a way to get you back, you must know an email or number you could call”
An Idea struck Namjoon and he used your old phone to write an email, “Can I use your phone number?”
“Of course but tell them to face time so they can see the problem,” You said, telling him the numbers slowly.
They sat around when you received a facetime call, Namjoon answered with a grin and stepped back. “Hello, mister Kang, as you can see we are okay but there has been an incident”
“We don’t know how but we were turned into tiny figurines and sent out as the Limited Edition Prize”
“I mean they weren’t wrong you are limited edition” You laughed they all spoke about coming to get the boys after they figure out how to fix them.
“I have to go, Park Jiwon is coming”
“Wait, maybe he could help?” Namjoon said and you raised an eyebrow at mister Kang's odd behavior. 
“He wouldn’t believe you are real, it is such a crazy idea humans shrinking think about it, but I will tell him I have a lead”
“You are right,” Namjoon seemed to agree with him and you opened your mouth to protest when Kang hung up.
“That was weird” you muttered, “Why was he acting so shady?”
“No that’s how he comes across he is actually really nice”
“Okay, but wouldn’t you want to tell everyone so you could figure out how to return you back to normal? I mean if it was me and you called me I would tell all the bosses and maybe even investigate the factory. The last place you guys were scene”
“Yeah, but I think it’s okay trust us”
“I trust you, I don’t trust him. I am sorry” you huffed. 
“Could I have some warm water?” Jimin said 
“Sure” taking the small bottle you took it filling it with warm water and sighed there was something really wrong with that man they called. 
You put the bottle back into place and began searching on forums and editing your cute BTS cooking video which you labeled Tiny Tan. To cover your tracks you said it was a CGI Animation.
When you had done everything you could think of your thumb hovering over the RUN BTS episode you were up to, but you thought it might be a little weird watching them while they were right there.
You heard them chatting, “I can log into my music account and we could practice that way”
“We would need more space?” Yoongi’s drawl said as he leaned out the window looking at the surface area and you picked up the mug and stack of books and moved them aside. 
They reluctantly listened to the tired rapper and stepped out, you blushed. “I can leave you boys alone if you want?” Nervously you scurried across the room grabbing your shoes and stumbling around. “If you need me facetime my number, I will be um… in the kitchen.”
“Wᴀɪᴛ!” Taehyung grinned “Can you tell us what you think?”
“Can you record us?” Jimin said and you nodded, acting very professional. Yoongi pressed a button on your phone and got into position” leaning your face into your palm in a nonchalant gesture when really you were pressing a grin into your palm. 
They were so good like the dance practices and concert videos you had seen but they were up close and dancing just for you. 
If you were to put a frame around them you would definitely believe you were watching a video of them dancing in their practice room; apart from their slightly larger than average heads and the life sized objects in the background. 
You recorded them and tried not to bop as you kept the camera still to capture all of them. They grinned and ended in a cool pose. You continued recording for a few more seconds just in case and they grinned wanting to see. 
“Did we look weird?” Jimin asked curiously, wanting to know if the performance was good.
“No way this is cute.” You smiled “and the choreography was really cool, I could tell I just had to imagine you all in your proper bodies dancing and not your Tiny forms” 
“Yeah, it has less of an impact when we are in this form.” Namjoon frowned and you held your hands out in protest.
“Please don’t beat yourself up, Tiny Tan’s. The army will love it, honestly, you could post this as a dance practice or even make a music video in your tiny house and they would find it so adorable”
“ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ?” Hoseok said, no longer looking disappointed and Jungkook shot up.
“Tʜᴀᴛ's ɪᴛ!” He shouted, “Let’s make a music video. Like this.”
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Tags: @victory0461 @gqmf-bangtanmama​​
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