#a perfectionist and an overthinker so obviously
bandzboy · 1 year
it seems the more i do gifs the more hate what is going onnnn
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variksel · 3 months
peachyville horror has done Something to my psyche and i dont know if i enjoy it only bcs its slow and painful ......... for the first time in my life im sitting here, 5 days before a new episode is coming out, and im getting excited about it being dndads tuesday soon
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fromaliminalspace · 3 months
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brnesblogposts · 6 months
Listen, please.
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Pairing Matty Healy x Reader
words: 1k
warnings angst lol
a/n i decided to switch it up because “you” was starting to piss me off so i switched to third person for this one
He shut the front door behind him as quietly as he could, locking it, just getting home from the studio. It was two in the morning. The third time this week that he'd got home at a ridiculous hour, he had barely seen her the last couple of weeks.
Y/n lay in bed facing the wall so when he came in he wouldn't know she'd been crying, she felt ridiculous crying over barely seeing him, but it really was getting to her. She felt neglected and like a second choice, she knows how important the music is to him and the guys but she just wished he'd pay more attention to her.
Matty snuck into their room and used the light of his phone to navigate his way to the bathroom, so as not to disturb her. She listened to him as he turned the tap on to brush his teeth and heard him drop his clothes into the laundry basket. He came out of the bathroom and slid into bed, pressing a kiss to her shoulder where he could've sworn he felt her pull away from him, probably a coincidence he thought. She hid under the covers more as he started adjusting himself and getting comfortable, she wished she didn't have to share a bed with him because lately, he felt like a stranger.
She continued staring at the wall as her mind raced, thoughts running through her head at one hundred miles an hour. The overthinking caught up to her again and a few tears escaped her eyes, running down her cheeks. At the same time, completely unaware of what was happening next to him, Matty stared up at the ceiling. He knew he hadn't been paying enough attention to her but this record was so close to being done, he tended to fixate on his music because when it came to his art he was a perfectionist.
As he stared up at the ceiling he absentmindedly reached out to try to touch her, he wanted to feel connected to her. When she pulled away from his contact he felt his stomach drop. It was then he tuned into the sniffles escaping her lips, he reached over to his bedside lamp and turned it on, turning back to her "Baby?" He went to stroke her hair but she curled up into herself even more. He hated seeing her like this, he should have been here this week for he would've known what was bothering her, "Darlin'? What's wrong?" Still, he received no response. He wasn't going to push you but if he knew what was wrong then he could try to fix it.
A few minutes passed and he just sat there watching her, wondering if she'd say anything. He was about to give up and wait until the morning when "You don't love me anymore." She spoke in the most delicate voice "What?!" He all but yelled and then she sat up, "You don't love me anymore." She repeated. He snapped "Don't you ever fuckin' say that again" Why was he angry? She couldn't figure it out, "It's okay," Her voice was soft-spoken. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What are you on about? Where the fuck did you get that impression?!" He was trying to keep his voice calm but the accusation was pissing him off, he was more mad at himself than anything, how could he ever let her think such a thing, he felt like he failed as a boyfriend.
Tears started falling down her cheeks and wetting the bedsheets where she sat cross-legged "You-you're never home," she sputtered "Obviously you'd rather be at the studio than with me anymore, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough, I really did try" She choked. He looked at her, eyes wide. He watched as she broke down in front of him. His girl was crying because of him. She continued crying as he watched in disbelief, trying to find the words "I am so fucking sorry." He spoke with sincerity, analysing her face, once again trying to reach out to her but being rejected. He felt like shit.
"Y/n, please.." Matty went for her hand and kept talking "Please, listen to me, don't pull away," She let him take her hand in his and he ran his thumb over the back of it as he spoke "Baby... I love you. Do you hear me? I love you and nothing has changed or will change." Her tears increased his words and he squeezed her hand,
"I can not express how sorry I am for making you feel anything less than enough. You are more than enough, I don't deserve you, to be honest. You have stood by me through everything, all my shit, you've been there and let me speak to you in the most horrible manner when I was at my lowest. I'm so sorry I've been absent this week, I got caught up in the studio, but from now on that won't happen. I'll be here with you more, I'll make sure to tell you how much I love and appreciate you every day, please let me fix this because I can't lose you, my darling." He poured his heart out, kissing her hand when he finished.
They sat in silence as she processed his words, his thumb never halting in its comforting caress on her hand. He stared at her as he watched the tears come to a halt, holding his breath.
"I know your music is important to you," She breathed deeply "You're the most incredible, talented man I know. I guess it just sometimes feels like I get in your way?" He raised his brow at this "I feel like I hold you back, if we weren't together you'd have more time to work on your music." She confessed and he turned her chin to look him in the eyes as he said "You are my music, you're my muse in everything that I do," He squeezed her hand again "You are integrated into my lyrics, the guys get sick of me sometimes, but you're my whole world. He finished his ramble and a glimpse of a smile appeared on her face "God you're an idiot sometimes, Healy," Rolling her eyes "Maybe, but I'm your idiot," He grinned like a dork, she loved that grin.
"I love you, Matthew Healy" She smiled at him,
"I love you, my darling love, Y/n" He smiled as his lips met yours.
thank you for reading! reblogs are appreciated! i feel like while writing this i thought it was my best work and then i got to the end and i hate it, this happens with everything i do though.. :D
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wakeupau · 4 months
AU Headcannons
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This is just a few headcannons about this AU. Feel free to read em, but if you do, it may ruin your experience with this story. I won’t link so much (even though I already have muhaha) but enough for everyone to know where I’m going with this. A̶n̶d̶ t̶o̶ g̶u̶i̶d̶e̶/m̶o̶t̶i̶v̶a̶t̶e̶ m̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ i̶n̶t̶o̶ s̶t̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ o̶n̶ t̶r̶a̶c̶k̶.
☀️ believes there’s a bright side to every situation. ♥️⚡️🌼⭐️💡🍎🌙 depend on him for reassurance. Mostly ♥️ and 🌼 though.
☀️ acts like Joy from Inside Out. A̶ c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶ f̶r̶e̶a̶k̶.
⚡️ and ⭐️ are great friends! They’re almost never seen apart, which is a good and a bad thing. They make a pretty good team, but everything can and will evolve into some sort of competition. One way or another. Some of it is unintentional.
⚡️and ⭐️ are also very sneaky pranksters. 💡 is usually the one who finds out in the end though.
Due to ⚡️’s impatience, ⭐️ sometimes feels peer pressured into some of the stunts he does.
Surprisingly, ⚡️ and 💡 also make a good team, the only disadvantage is that ⚡️ has a lack of… common sense.
⚡️ is impulsive.
💡 is an overachiever.
🍎 has an eating disorder, and isn’t very good at hiding it.
⭐️ can be immature and childish. And a coward.
⭐️ is easily scared.
Mischief Level:⚡️>⭐️
♥️ is very clingy.
🍎 and 🌼’s dynamic mirrors Apple Jack and Rairty’s in a way.
🌼 is a mix of Fluttershy and Rarity. Not very confident with people, but definitely her interests.
🌼 second guesses herself when she talks, especially to strangers. This also causes her stuttering.
🌼 is afraid that she is a pushover, and tries to act assertive.
🌼 and ⭐️ are actually similar in some ways.
🌼 and ⭐️ are good friends.
⭐️ is more easy to scare than 🌼
⭐️ acts tough and brave around 🌼 and⚡️
🍎 is a great cook! 🍎 loves to try new recipes and food combinations. 💡 sometimes checks to see if they’re safe to eat.
🍎 loves to cook from scratch. She plants her own fruits and vegetables.
🍎 acts like a mix of Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.
🍎 is the to-go person for desserts.
🍎 is an early bird because B R E A K F A S T
🍎 and 🌼 make food art sometimes.
♥️ is a pretty good liar because ♥️ is the most emotionally intelligent of the critters. It also depends on what the lie is. If it’s something small like stalling for a surprise everything is okay, but if it’s something serious, the truth may be told a little too soon.
♥️ is the most emotional. She isn’t necessarily a crybaby, but no one can watch a sad scene without hearing her weep behind her hands.
♥️ is a hopeless romantic and indecisive. She goes to library trips with 💡 and he has to wait a pretty long while before she finally decides what she is going to check out. (🍎 packs snacks for them because she knows lol)
🌼 likes to design clothing for special occasions.
🌼 is like Fluttershy from MLP (mostly her temper side).
💡 and 🌼 have pointless arguments about overlooking details. 🌼 says 💡 is overthinking the obvious. 💡 says 🌼 is taking too much time looking for small details. If that makes sense lol
💡 can also be a control freak depending on how much a situation applies to him and/or his interests.
💡 is a perfectionist, 🌼 is more relaxed.
💡 feels like he needs to know everything, if he doesn’t, he gets very depressed and puts himself down. (Calling himself stupid, etc)
💡 obviously has no emotional intelligence. It makes it hard for him to know when to stop and enjoy the moment during his long monologues about everything.
💡 reads psychology books in order to understand emotions and habits to help himself and his friends.
💡 “studies” his friends’ behaviors to figure out better ways to help them.
💡 can’t ever really relax. When he tries to act subtle, instead of being calm, he gets very tense. ⭐️ helps out.
💡 is easily impressed. No one has to try too hard, but then again they do because he will question them.
⚡️ likes to annoy 💡whenever he’s busy by being a smart aleck sometimes.
⚡️ has been told on multiple occasions to slow/calm down.
⚡️ is a picky eater. Especially when it comes to vegetables.
⚡️ and 🍎 get easily distracted.
⭐️ has a massive ego./j
⭐️ talks to ♥️ about his narcissistic tendencies and takes her advice to be better.
⭐️ can be a pain in the neck.
⭐️ holds grudges and will use them against whoever caused them at any given time.
♥️ and 🍎 love making Valentines’ gifts. Especially “heart-shaped, chocolate chip, doubled stuffed cookies” The first bite is Heaven, the second you’re actually there.
☀️ gets the sugar cookie version since yknowwww
♥️ and 🍎 still say they’re not sweet enough as a joke when everyone else is literally bouncing off the walls because the sugar made them hyper.
♥️ and 🍎 are also good at party planning.
♥️ and 💡 also have quarrels. Book smarts vs emotional intelligence.
♥️ is like the therapist friend, but if anyone overshares, she will make sure they’re okay.
♥️,🌼, ⚡️and 🍎 are great at decorating.
If there’s ever a song, ♥️, 🍎, ⚡️, ⭐️ (barely) or ☀️ are the lead singer or start the song. (It’s almost always ☀️ or ♥️)
♥️ is better at giving motivational speeches than ☀️ ☀️ and ♥️ are like the dad and mom of the group. (NO SHIP THOUGH)
☀️ and 🌙 are great friends, or at least, in the best way they can be…
☀️ believes he’s doing the right thing, 🌙 is afraid to tell him otherwise.
☀️ doesn’t necessarily have anger issues, but if he’s too overwhelmed, he may snap or talk in a loud, irritated manner. His friends get startled or shocked by it whenever it’s all of a sudden.
☀️ tries his best to be easygoing.
☀️ isn’t good at hiding his stress, nor his problems.
☀️ needs help and guidance, but is afraid to ask because he’s the leader.
☀️ makes sure everyone knows who’s in charge. He literally owns that title like a trophy. (Considering the fact that ☀️ doesn’t have a specialty)
☀️ can get very emotional. Not as much as ♥️ though.
🌙 gets very anxious around his friends and doesn’t know why. 🌙 just feels a wave of depression when he’s around them, especially around ☀️
🌙 is in somewhat denial, he clings to ☀️ and asks his opinion on almost everything.
🌙 is scared he’s doing something wrong.
🌙 is miserable, no one really notices because he’s always smiling. 🌙 is also the least expressive out of the bunch as shown on promotional material.
🌙 gets confused between the the series and the reality.
🌙 is dissociative when he is overwhelmed.
🌙 is a night owl.
🌙 is more of a follower than a leader.
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ivy-diaries · 6 months
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‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT ep 1. ◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
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The intro plays, and Ivy appears on the screen smiling and leaning into the mic to speak. “Hello guys, welcome to my new podcast, 'The Ivy Incident!!’ This has been in the works ever since I stepped into the dive podcast studio when I came here to film the kpop daebak show with Eric so it's soo exciting to finally show you guys this project!” she laughs as the other staff there are heard clapping.
Laughing, she continues "so in this podcast, I invite my friends from the industry and we just you know, talk and share stories! It's a lot similar to Eric's but mine is more personal if you will because all these people are very very close to me and I've known them for a pretty long time! This episode is just gonna be me cuz this is like an introduction for all the first-time listeners who don't know who I am!" “So I heard Diane has some questions prepared for me, so let's get into it!” 
“let's start with the basics, yeah? Who is Ivy Jennifer James?” Diane asks her. 
“Oh we’re going back to the beginning okay! So as you’ve already mentioned, my name is ivy jennifer james. I was born in New Castle, Australia where I lived till I was five and then I moved to the US where again I lived for five years before moving to Korea when I was eleven. And in korea, i signed with bighit entertainment and when i was asked if i was ready to debut when i was 14 i think? I was like imma do it. So i debuted at 14 under both jype and bighit and the rest is history! And i'm here today hehe”
“What motivated you to pursue a career as a solo artist?”
“Hmm i think ever since i got into bighit, i've always wanted to be a soloist? I'm not really sure why but I always saw myself as a soloist for some reason. Even till now, if you ask my dad he’d say that i was born to do this” ivy laughs and continues “i think ever since i was little ive wanted to something in the field of music and performance”
“Was being a kpop idol your first choice?”
“It was actually! I mean keeping in mind that i started this since i was a literal child, it actually was my first choice. The kids at school did tease me for this but look at me now” ivy chuckles
“Who are your music inspirations?”
“That's a great question and I was literally talking to Jun about this this morning! I dont have one specific inspiration but i think i draw inspiration from any and all artists! I've been pretty inspired by the Beatles and Rolling Stone pretty recently and obviously, Taylor Swift is one of my biggest inspirations out there.” 
“Are you a sweet or savory type of person?”
“It honestly depends on my mood if i'm being honest” she laughs hard “now, im craving something savory! I'd kill for some fries right now oh man you’ve perked up my cravings now diane!!”
“What's the last song you listened to?”
Ivy laughs hard and almost tears up laughing “this is actually so funny oh my god the last song i listened to is actually a helium ingested cover of let me love you by justin bieber which yeonjun sung for me yesterday after a party we went to and let me tell you, it was soo funny!!”
“According to you, tell me 3 flaws and 3 qualities about yourself”
“Ooh, three qualities of mine would be, one, I think I'm kind I guess? Second, I'm somewhat responsible, and third and finally, I think I'm a human sized golden retriever because I'm very bubbly and very smiley smiley most of the time! And three flaws of mine are, one, i’m a big overthinker, i just rethink about every single choice or word of mine a little too much. Second, my moods are based on the weather…”
Ivy laughs at the look on Diane's face “yea.. My mood everyday kinda depends on how good the weather is.. That's why I'm not as fond of the rain because it makes me kind of depressed and I just shut myself off most of the time. Third, im a bit of a perfectionist so i expect any and all things to be a little too perfect.. If its not what i expect it to be, i just leave that and will not ever touch on it again and i know i should change these things and i am trying so.. yeah “
“okay, something similar but three things you like and three things you dislike”
 “I don't like these types of questions!!” she laughs “it makes me think too much to give an answer!! But anyways… hmm three things i like are, one, my husband” she giggles as a small blush is seen on her cheek “well it's true!! I wouldn't have married him if I didn't like him would I?” she giggles “second, i really love what i do so, my career and third, my loved ones! I love my friends and family because they've stuck with me through thick and thin and I'm really grateful for that!” she smiles and gives the camera a little hand heart
“three things i hate are.. Hmm lets see… one, people who do not value privacy. I've said this multiple times and i'll say this again but I do love my fans.. I love them a lot and I wouldn't be here without them. But there are some people who claim that they are fans but do unhinged stuff to get close to me. And like that's why I've sued some people for not valuing my privacy. I got hate for it but honestly I don't care when the privacy and the lives of the people i love are at stake."
"Second, coming back to a slightly normal side, I absolutely hate the smell of fish. I don't know if it's cuz im vegetarian but I always throw up whenever I smell it and third, coming back to a more serious side, I hate the fact that most people on the internet feel like it's their right to comment on us as celebrities or idols or as performers. It's so irritating that they don't even feel sorry for what they say. They don't know how much we over think it and it slowly becomes an insecurity that takes years to wear off.”
“Okay this is your second to last question and the question is, For listeners who may not have heard your music before, can you recommend a few songs that best represent your sound and artistic vision?”
“That is a really good question, oh my god! So I think my discography is quite diverse and I have a lot of songs for different kinds of people who like different things. So the top three songs that i’d recommend to people are, one, vengeance as its called. There's no explanation for that song but I loved making it and loved singing it so that's the first song and second, I have a song called lovers in the night  that i co wrote with seori which I absolutely loved and we had a great time writing the song. And third I think is, my whole album called “for us.”  which i wrote with yeonjun and its songs dedicated for each other and hence called for us!”
“Okay… last question, can you give us any hints of the upcoming guests you have here?” Diane asks, smiling knowingly. Ivy giggles and wiggles her fingers across the camera
“Well I guess I can.. But most of my friends have not given me exact dates of their free schedule so even i’m not really sure on whos coming” she laughs at herself “so that's all i can tell you now because that's just all i know so” she just shrugs as she smiles.
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm so excited for all the things we have in store for you guys and I hope you look forward to it!! So this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a good day or good night bye!!”
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⋆ ivy taglist ˒ @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if u wanna be added or removed)
⋆ priya says ˒ so this is not proofread so read at ur own risk lol <33 but if you've come this far,, please reblog with the bow emoji (🎀) so I know that readers are interactive and writers get the credit they deserve!! so lmk who you want to see on ivys podcast and any feedback tbh!! Happy reading!!
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poohbea · 2 years
so yk obviously i have to pick red w toji😵‍💫 and i just know that dirty bastard has a corruption kink so he got no issue handling little virgins😗 i’m thinking cute lingerie is involved, readers definitely overthinking everything until he fucks the nerves outta you😔
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wordcount: 1.4k
content: escort!toji, softdom!toji, virgin chubby fem!reader, implied black!reader (there’s one mention of skin tone but it’s very minor), lingerie, blindfold (you see that tie around his neck?), very light choking, pet names (baby, doll, darlin’, etc.), unprotected sex (use protection kids), unedited
note from pooh: the way i was in the ZONE while writing this goodness gracious me, i was literally in toji’s mind while writing, seeing you through his eyes, how you’d feel and sound like, heheheeeeee. why do i always get into that headspace when writing for him? i don’t even know 😭🤭 but anyway, im so sorry this took forever to come out, im lowkey embarrassed smh 😭 i blame my perfectionist ass, cause this wasn’t supposed to be this long lmao but i needed it to be good so here she is 🥺 i hope you enjoy my angel 🤎
WARNING: this is smut, so please ensure you have your age visible on your account before interacting. minors (below 18+), ageless and blank blogs will be BLOCKED
Hope you enjoy ♡ reblogs are greatly appreciated
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“My, my,” Toji purrs with the slight shake of his head. He admires the way your skin flushes under the intensity of his dark gaze, eyes raking your body shamelessly. His fingers trace the silken material of the remaining black lingerie, the lace hugging your hips in a way that made his dick all too hard. “Fuck, look at you, doll.” You had him thinking up the most depraved thoughts as you lay there on the bed, blindfolded, so open and responsive to each and every touch.
Innocent. It was the first word that came to mind when you walked through his door. It was difficult for you to meet his gaze when he spoke, often keeping your head down or picking at your nails out of nervousness. However, the more he pried, the more you began to relax, able to speak beyond just one word when he asked you a question.
Then he finally got your attention. “Are you a virgin?”
Your response was almost immediate, wide eyes, trembling lips, a shaky exhale, all before you confirmed it with a soft. “Yes.” It’s when he laughs do you panic. “T-that’s not an issue, is it?! I can go if-”
“No, no,” he interrupts your distressed ramble. “It’s…No, it’s perfect actually.” You were inexperienced, untouched, uncorrupted. And soon you were on his bed, expression resembling that of a deer in headlights, that was until Toji offered you his tie. “This might help with your nerves.” You eyed the satin with clear confusion, drawing a chuckle from the man. “Clients typically find it easier to relax with a blindfold on, gets them outta their head.” With shaky hands you take the tie from him and with some help you manage to tie it securely around your head, vision black and body on high alert.
“I’m scared.” You admit, huffing an anxious laugh.
“That’s okay, baby girl. You’re new to this, so we’ll go nice and slow.” You noticeably shudder as he runs his hands up your legs, starting at your ankles, fingers tracing the sides of your calves before dipping behind your knees, enjoying the soft moan you emit as a result. He knew every erogenous zone there was and just how to touch them to make you squirm. He didn’t have to wonder between your thighs to elicit a sound from those pretty lips, no, he’d make you beg with them first.
Before long he’s at your stomach, your hips following the arched path of his fingertips over your pelvis in a languid buck, goosebumps rising upon your heated skin. “So sensitive.” He can’t help but chuckle when you whine in reply, thighs clenching tight as he journeys over the swell of your breasts, just barely ghosting your already pert nipples through the thin lace.
The man didn’t mind the adorable sentiment, wrapping his gift in such a pretty material, all so he could remove it, layer by layer. But first he’d play with you a little, help unravel that tight coil of trepidation set in the pit of your stomach.
“Breathe, doll.” He whispers in your ear as he wraps a hand around your throat, relishing the way your chest falls on command. “That’s it, baby.”
“Toji.” Your weak pleas went ignored as he continued his amorous exploration, digits hooking the thin straps of your bra. Slowly drawing them down your shoulders, his lips followed suit, each newly revealed section of skin met with the heat of his kiss. And soon your top was off, lost to the shagginess of the carpet beneath the bed as he tossed it aside.
Which brings him back to marvelling at your figure, an irresistible softness beneath his fingertips as he plays with your pert nipples, humming as your back arches, body silently begging for more of his touch.
“Fuck, darlin’.” Was all he could manage before replacing his fingers with his tongue, drawing a sharp gasp from those pillowy lips of yours. You couldn’t help the moans that followed as it swirled around the sensitive bud, his hands massaging the soft flesh whilst he tended to them one at a time.
“Toji, shit.” His name was breathy as it left your throat, unable to lay still in the face of his teasing, teeth nipping gently at the cocoa dusted skin of your breast, slowly making his way down your body.
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” He mumbles against the plushness of your tummy, taking the string-like waistband of your underwear between his incisors.
“You, I need you, please.” Even blindfolded you still manage to comb your fingers through his hair, practically egging him on as he finally unwraps his gift completely, your panties still between his teeth when they slip from your ankle and onto the bed beside him.
“What do you need from me, angel?” He doesn’t miss the way you lick your lips when you hear his zipper sound, the button of his pants accompanying it as he draws the garment around his thighs, an already hard cock bouncing at attention in its newfound freedom.
“Make love to me.” Those four words stopped Toji in his tracks.
As an escort it was his job to cater to his client’s every need, to be the lover they’d always desired, they were paying him after all. However, it had been a very long time since he’d heard those four words. He wasn’t even sure he knew how to anymore, if he were truly honest. This line of work was no breeding ground for unstable emotions such as love, so with time he’d removed it from his vocabulary entirely. But the desperation in your tone stirred that forgotten feeling inside his chest. He supposed he could make an exception. You were still a virgin, and that alone blossomed a steely determination that steadily washed away any doubt clouding his mind.
“Say that again.” He huffs, taking his already leaking tip in the palm of his hand, spreading the pre-cum across the flushed velvety skin.
“Don’t go shy on me now, sweetheart. Let me hear you say it again.” You shudder when he removes the blindfold from your eyes, free hand parting your thighs, hips settling themselves against your own.
“Make love to me, please, Toji.” He has to swallow the growl rising in his chest as he witnesses you bite your lip, gaze never wavering. That hidden confidence finally reared its head unabashedly, challenging his own as he stared down at you with dark eyes.
Toji is silent when he glides the head of his cock through your unsurprisingly slick folds, the sensitivity of your body revealing itself in the form of a delicious glossy arousal that easily paints his tip. “Mm, baby girl, you’re making such a mess.”
“Don’t say it like that.” You whine breathlessly, eying the way he runs his dick over your puffy clit.
“Like what?” His head dips into the crook of your neck. “You don’t want me to tell you just how fucking wet you are for me, doll? How you’re dripping so much you’re ruining the bedsheets?”
“No? Oh, but I think you do, darlin’. I think you wanna hear all about how wet you’ve made my dick, and how easy it’s gonna slide into that pretty pussy of yours. Isn’t that right, baby?” He rocks his hips into yours ever so slightly, just enough to nudge against the entrance.
“I-I…” You reciprocate with a needy wave of your spine, almost crying when Toji withdraws from your advances.
“I’m not gonna give it to you until I get an answer, pretty. All you have to do is admit it.” The ragged breaths that break the ensuing silence make him chuckle deeply. So he tries again, making sure to include your clit in the mix. “Do you like it when I tell you how wet you are, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes, fuck.”
“Does it feel good when I run my dick over your clit?” He’s tantalisingly slow in his movements as he speaks, each syllable creating a tortuous cadence against the overly sensitive bud.
“Yes, Toji.”
“Good girl. Are you ready?” The question was answered with a soft ‘yes’, and as fast as those words left your lips was he sinking into you.
“Fuck!” Was the first word uttered by both parties when he’d done so, the tightness — even if expected — had his hips stuttering, your walls squeezing him so mercilessly he could've cum right then and there.
“Oh my go- mm, shit.”
“You’re gripping me so tight, baby.” His exasperated laughter shoots a spark down your spine, one that has your nails digging into his biceps for support.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you talking like that. Makes me far too shy.” You mirror his lightheartedness, exhaling as you speak.
“Well,” he starts, nose tracing the curve of your jaw. “Let’s fuck that shyness out of you, shall we?”
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tags: @gardenof-venus, @sailewhoremoon, @okhotel, @xharia, @chubbyblackthottie, @sakinotfound, @protectpancakes, @hoohoohope, @snake-titan
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© poohbea, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, reupload or modify my work to other accounts and platforms. if you intend to translate any of my works please ask permission first ♡
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a-kookie-with-my-tae · 7 months
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Befallen: Chapter 2
Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Music Producer!Reader
Genre: Fluff??
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Jimin is that annoying best friend, Y'N is in denial, all the drama just because
A/N: I'm so sorry this was out late! My computer died on me and it set me back a bit. So, that being said, this next chapter is gonna be a couple days late as well. I'm gonna try my best to get back on track as quickly as possible. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Effervescent: Lively, full of energy, bubbly.
The smile Jimin dawns hasn't left his face since we left the studio a few hours ago. Joy so obviously adorning his soft features. Although he wears a mask it's easy to tell, his eyes squinting so much it makes me wonder how he sees the sidewalk in front of us. It feels as if a insurmountable weight has lifted from my shoulders as I pull my mask down to my chin, taking a sip of my tea and chewing lightly on some of the tapioca pearls that come through the straw. Jimin and I's boba tea are similar yet so different, just like our personalities. While we both went for cold milk tea with no ice, mine was banana with tapioca pearls while his was coconut with aloe jellies. A weird combination on his part, but aloe apparently has healing properties and he's all about that. I'm not the one that has to drink it - except the one time he made me try it and I made him vow to never again make me taste his drinks after that experience - so I don't pay mind to it. 
He hasn't stopped gushing about the song that I showed him, ultimately claiming it as his own and running through ideas for it at a mile a minute. I didn't even know he could talk that fast. He's so enthused and focused on his ideas that he hasn't even touched his drink since we left the cafe, which is unheard of when it comes to him. Usually he gulps that thing down in the first couple minutes of having it, then complains when he has nothing left to drink and ultimately goes back to get another one. I smile to myself at him, butterflies fluttering through my chest in a much different way than they were earlier.  I'm nervous, but at the same time, the excitement at the prospect is greater.
Ideas for it flow through my own mind as we walk, the suggestion from Jungkook on the front of it, distracting me from my own. 
It's not a bad idea. Especially with Jimin's soft vocals, it would pair nicely. It would sure be a lot different from what he has put out in the past, but the boy likes to change up his vocal style like its a sport. No two songs of his have ever sounded alike, and this would fit in with that theme. 
He goes on about how he's torn between themes, whether he wants to talk about the the fear of stardom or the fear of losing someone. Either way, he wants it to be a meaningful message. I focus on the two themes, running through different sets of lyrics to see which one would fit better, but I'm also at a loss.
"Ugh, this is so hard!" Jimin throws his hands up in the air in exasperation, grabbing the attention of a few of the other people in the street at the dramatic display. "I don't know how to decide..."
"Maybe you should ask one of the other members?" I suggest, knowing that a few of his hyungs have production experience and have produced a few albums on their own already.
"No, this has to be something I decide on my own." Jimin says with determination permeating his features. He slows his walk and I see him starting to get in his own head. He tends to do that a lot, overthink. Jimin, although one of the most talented and hard-working individuals I know, is somewhat of a walking contradiction. He exudes confidence in everything he does, but at the same time is more self-conscious than anything. He doesn't like to show it, but he's harder on himself than anyone else could possibly be. Always overthinking every move he makes, a perfectionist at heart. Especially when it comes to himself. 
"You know, there's nothing wrong with asking for help." I try to reason with him, attempting to break him from the inevitable spiral that will happen if he is left to his thoughts.  "After all, aren't I helping you with it?"
He pauses for a moment to think, his eyebrows creasing. We walk in silence for a few seconds before he speaks softly, but each syllable is coated with conviction.
"That's different..." he starts, "we are making this together. If I ask them... it just proves that I can't do it on my own."
Jimin avoids my eyes as says this, his competitive nature showing through. He always wants to be the best version of himself that he can be, sometimes near destroying himself in the process. I want to argue, say that it's not a weakness to rely on others to help. But I don't, knowing full and well that it wouldn't change his mind. He's very stubborn when it comes to this, so I don't push it. I think for a moment before an idea pops in my head.
"Well... why don't you just do both?"
He looks at me, puzzled. "How would that work?"
"Didn't you say you were thinking about putting out an English version as well for your international fans?" 
He raises an eyebrow at me skeptically. "Yes...?"
He trails off, waiting for me to continue.
"Just make the English version one theme, and the Korean version the other."
His eyes widen in realization. "Oh my God, yes! That's perfect! I have so many ideas... we have to go back to the studio!" 
He grabs my arms and faces me toward him, almost shaking me with his excitement. 
I smile and laugh lightly, happy that he's so enthralled at the idea. 
"How about we go back tomorrow? It's already 9PM and you have an early practice tomorrow. We can work on it first thing after you're done, I promise." I stick my pinky finger out at him, smiling softly. Pinky promises are pretty much sacred between the two of us, so offering it eases pretty much any skepticism that he might've had.
"Ugh... fine." He says dramatically with a roll of his eyes, knowing he wouldn't win this argument as he intertwines his tiny pinky with mine. "Sleep is unnecessary anyway... but whatever."
I shake my head at him before starting to walk back toward the company building. After stopping at the cafe down the street, we decided to walk a little bit before heading back. The fresh air was refreshing after spending all day couped up in the studio. 
"Did you want a ride home?" I ask as we near the parking lot, digging in my cross-body purse for my keys. 
"No, thanks." He says before dawning a teasing smile. He pauses for dramatic affect before continuing. "Kook is actually giving me a ride home."
My face instantly flushes at his words, the moment from earlier coming to the forefront of my mind. The smirk on Jimin's face widens at the sight of my red cheeks.
"So... what happened earlier before I came in? You guys seemed... close." He teases. 
I purse my lips at him. "Nothing! He just barged in randomly when I was working. I don't even know why. He just starting talking and messing with my track." I try my best to fake annoyance at it, but Jimin sees right through it. 
"Yeah... sure." 
We arrive at my car and he leans against the passenger door as I put my bag in the back seat. 
"You look awfully flushed for someone who is acting all annoyed." He pushes.
"Whatever." I say with a roll of my eyes, heart beating ever so slightly faster. I've never been the best liar, especially around Jimin. He always seems to know what I'm thinking, able to read my face like a book no matter how hard I try to mask it. 
"You know... I could totally ask him what happened. I'm sure he'd tell me."
I wonder if he felt it, too...
I quickly shake the thought out of my head before shutting the door to my car in finality. 
"Do what you want, but nothing happened." I state firmly. 
"Fine, I won't ask. But I know that something happened between you two. You could cut the tension in that room with a knife." He glances to the side at me before continuing. "But just so you know... Jungkook is different. When he likes someone, he doesn't mess around. And that boy is more stubborn than me, he always gets what he wants. So if that's you..."
"Then, he should prepare for disappointment. You know how I feel about all that... and I don't think we will have to worry about it. There's no way Jungkook feels something for me, we met for like 2 minutes. You can't like someone that fast." I shrug off Jimin's words. The man we speak of is basically untouchable. Unreachable by my mere human hands. He's like a god, an Adonis, and the fact that Jimin thinks even remotely that a man like that could have any sort of feelings for me makes me wish insane asylums still existed, because this boy really needs to be checked in. 
"I don't know..." Jimin trails off before looking off to the side. He leans up and off of my car before zeroing his eyes in on it. He stares for a moment before smirking, the twitch of his mouth as quick as lightning before the stoic expression resumes on his features. "I've never even seen him really talk to a girl, even our stylists. So the fact that he was comfortable talking to you and standing so close...."
He turns back toward me. "Not to mention he looked mighty jealous when he found out we knew each other."
"No he didn't." I roll my eyes, yet again brushing off the words of the insane man next to me. My mind is made up. Even if the very unlikely scenario that he proposes is true, it wouldn't matter. I don't care how great of a guy Jimin says he is, at the end of the day all men are the same. If you let yourself fall in love, you'll only get hurt. It may not be about sex, or love, or money. But some way some how, it'll happen. I'm done with setting myself up for disappointment. I'm tired. So, I continue on after a moment, indifference coating my every syllable as I try and fail to fool Jimin into believing my facade. "He was just surprised you knew me. It makes sense, since I've never worked with you guys before."
He sighs deeply before his shoulders drop in acquiesce. I avoid making eye contact with him. I know that if I do, he'll be able to read all the bullshit I'm spewing and I'm not quite ready to admit that to myself. I don't know if I'll ever be. "I'm just saying. Don't close yourself off to the idea. I know how you feel about... well... boys in general. But he's different. Just... think about it." He turns to give me a hug. 
"Anyway, JK has been standing over there glaring at me for a few minutes, so I better go." He says with a laugh, causing me to shoot my eyes in the direction he was focusing on earlier.
Jungkook looks even more handsome that I remember, even though the interaction was only a few hours ago. He's leaning against his car confidently, arms crossed as he pins the man standing next to me. If looks could kill, Jimin assuredly would've melted to the ground. He nibbles on his full bottom lip as his brows furrow together, a crease forming in between them. His dimples show from how flexed his jaw is, the corners of which look as if they could cut me if I dragged my fingers across it. Something swims in those orbs that I can't quite place, and I don't wish to find out either .
Jimin's earlier words flash through my head, but I try to pay no mind to them. Jungkook can't have feelings for me, it's impossible. Saying he's out of my league is a vast understatement. It's more like he's on a different planet altogether. I can never let myself feel anything for him, no matter what the stupid organ in my chest is trying to tell me as it beats harder at the sight of him. If I let go... If I let myself fall for him... It would only cause me pain. I've had enough of that for one lifetime. I won't set myself up for disappointment yet again. 
His eyes meet mine from across the parking lot, and time seems to pause its existence. They seem to soften at the sight of me, his cheeks gaining a slight flush from the eye contact. I know mine don't fare much better. He uncrosses his arms before adjusting himself against his car, putting his hands in the pockets of the hoodie he now wears before glancing momentarily toward the ground awkwardly. I smile lifts in the corner of my mouth at the sight, endearing as it is. He brings one hand up to wave shyly as his eyes meet mine again. I almost forget to return the gesture as I get lost in his ethereal gaze. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, first thing after practice. Do you want to hit the dance studio after?"
Jimin's voice thankfully snaps me out of my daze. The knowing smirk on his face makes me groan internally. I already know that I'm in for it in the morning, there's no avoiding it. There's no playing indifference either after the display of awkward teenage tension that he just witnessed. There's no ignoring it either. Fuck.
"Won't you be tired? You're gonna be dancing all morning." The idea of stretching my limbs again is a welcome one. The dance studio used to be a place in which I'd frequent. But, lately, life has been so chaotic that I haven't had the chance to go. 
"Dancing with them is... different. Ballet is more of a release. I mean, you know what I'm talking about. And I think both of us are in need of some of that classical R and R." He kicks his leg out in a tendu dramatically, as if to further punctuate his words. 
"Yeah, that sounds good." I say with a smile at my best friend, happy that he's not pushing the subject of the man across the parking lot.
Even though he's over 100 feet away, I can still feel his eyes bore into me. His gaze makes my skin tingle as it rakes over my features. I glance at him from my peripheral, only to cause myself to flush from the heat of it. I shiver runs down my back at the attention. 
"Alright then." He pauses for a split second before donning an evil smirk. He pulls me into a dramatic hug, lifting me off the ground as I giggle. He sets me down after a few seconds, quickly turning away and walking toward the car across the lot.  "Bye, bitch! I'll see you tomorrow."
I'm slightly out of breath from the random display of affection. Even though Jimin is not that much taller than me, maybe an inch or two, his strength always surprises me. My eyes meet with the man he's walking towards. The confliction in his gaze sends my heart racing in my chest. He looks as if he's debating on killing my best friend or running toward me. As if he's fighting his instinct to either defend me or claim me. The fact of it causes a flash of heat through my body, making my breathing speed up in the process. 
Something clicks in his gaze as Jimin finally reaches him. I see the shorter male's mouth move, but can't quite make out what he's saying before he opens the door to the car and slides in. I gulp as he slowly drinks in my form, the heat from his gaze causing a flutter under my skin wherever it touches. As his eyes meet mine once again, the corner of his mouth lifts in a smirk. This snaps me out of my daze as I quickly hop into the driver's seat of my car. I focus all of my attention on starting the vehicle, trying to push out the feeling of his eyes still on me. I'm hyper aware of his every move as he continues to look at me. 
I let out a shay breath before buckling my seat belt and putting the car in gear. 
Oh, this is not gonna be fun.
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maiverie · 1 year
hello <3 i finally started reading triage and i laughed too hard reading the first chap :'D i loved the chemistry jokes sm (im still finding a time to read the rest but unfortunately it's almost time for school again) you're actually my fav author here in blr !!! your writing is just so well-written and that might be an understatement bcs it's just so good ??? i think no simple words can explain how amazing of an author you are <3 like the way you deliver the words and how you let readers imagine the little scenarios you make like it's so cool <3
(sorry if this is too long but) i also came here to ask you for advice hehe. im kind of a newbie here in blr and im currently working on my upcoming series.. and im unsatisfied with my progress and found myself deleting my drafts (for abt two times already ??) and i want to know how to be more confident in my writings and how not to overthink too much yk ?? would really love to hear your thoughts on this. you're not only a good author but a good advisor too !!! thank u sm <33
hi lexine (nice to meet u !!), stopppp YOU ARE TOOOO nice thank you sooo much for taking the time out to write this??? 😭💖 firstly, thank you for reading triage and plsss nawt the bitchless chemistry jokes 😭 kidding I also giggled while writing those parts smh
and secondly, ur fav author??? STOP LYINGGG i consider that such a high honour so thank you so much 🥹💞 to have your support is one thing and to read such positive words is another, so again thank you for taking the time out of your day to leave this message because it just made my day :(
aaa please don't apologise because I love long asks the most, and yes ofc my asks are always open! I have a tendency to ramble so beware a long message is below the cut — nevertheless I really hope this helps! 🥹💞
I firstly just want to preface that I obviously do not know everything about writing and this is all truly just one opinion, so only take what resonates 🫶
I can only really speak from personal experience, but I think it's actually a really good thing that you're going back to your drafts, revising your writing, which may or may not include the process of deleting/restarting things. obviously it's a really gruelling experience to go through (bc there's nothing worse than deleting all ur hard work), but I think it's really admirable that you're thinking about your writing and putting in the effort to make it better with each draft !! personally, I am constantly writing and re-writing my drafts and as much as it literally HURTS MY SOUL to delete words/paragraphs/sometimes entire chapters, I genuinely enjoy this process — to me, that's what writing is kind of all about? I know to most people ff is really not that deep (they're not wrong, it doesn't have to be) but I think the fact you're practising deliberation, reflection and thought in your writing, word choice, characters, plot etc. etc. is really really amazing !!
personally, I would say the thing to keep in mind is that everything needs to be in moderation — I've had chapters that have literally taken me a fuckload of re-writes (I'm a big overthinker / slight perfectionist), and while I did initially enjoy the whole process of editing / re-writing / discovering how to change certain scenes etc, it was really really mentally draining and I ended up losing passion for the story in the end. just be careful that this might happen to you? to avoid this, maybe every time you've reached a block (where no matter how much you re-write something, you always seem to hate how it turns out) you should try find a different source of inspiration — whether that means thinking about your story/characters with a different song playing, or moving wherever you tend to write, or having someone brainstorm ideas with you / beta-read your fic, or take a few days off !!
out of curiosity, what don't you like about your first drafts? is it the writing or the pacing or the characters? or is it something you can't quite put a finger on? let me know and we can try think about it together !!! im also the biggest overthinker when it comes to writing (💀) but what kind of comforts me and brings my feet back to the ground is reminding myself that 1) my fics are for MYSELF (i.e. you should be writing things you would want to read yourself, not what others might want to read - bc once you make it all about other people, that's when you really start to overthink) and 2) if im gna be fr, 90% of people on tumblr, especially enhablr, only really care about ff bc they want to read about their bias (if they wanted to read well-written literature, they would probably read a published book or smth yk). in saying that, it's totally okay for your fics to be imperfect (who cares! it's fanfiction!). I think just reminding yourself that ff is just a silly little thing u do in ur spare time (for which has 0 tie to your self-value) will keep you from overthinking things and raging when things get really hard !! when it comes to confidence, I think that comes gradually in small doses (the more you write, the more confident you become in your personal style / writing likes and dislikes), but maybe some ways to feel more confident is by getting a beta reader that you trust (and will give you effective advice — one that doesn't just shower you with compliments but can give you constructive criticism in a nice way), by reading other people's work (just to see if you're on the right track; if you read other people who have written similar tropes to you, it might make you feel less scared / in the dark bc you can see how they've executed it), or by changing the font on your google doc(?) to try reset your brain and re-read your work with fresh eyes.
I hope hope hope this helped in some way, please don't hesitate to reach out again if anything needs clarification or if I didn't quite answer your question (I'm sorry if I didn't 😭) !! <333 you're welcome anytime around here hehe so best of luck with ur series AND WELCOME TO BLRRRR <3333 it sounds like you're on the right track w ur writing if you're being conscious of all these things so I wouldn't fret at all!!! <33
if it helps, I've written other writing tips here, here and here! 🫶
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frostfall-matches · 2 years
[ matchmaking... ]
@stellumura​ : [ match report ready ]​
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your match is...
✦ Akaashi Keiji
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Akaashi is a good mix of reserved and sassy. With his humor, he will easily play into your fondness of people who like to sass their friends and lovingly insult them. He’s obviously not one of those loud, goofy, class clown types, but he still has a solid sense of humor and can appreciate it when it comes from other people - as long as it suits his tastes, of course. Many of his reactions are subtle, but you could definitely get a little smile or a chuckle out of him by teasing him or jokingly getting on his case. His sarcasm and deadpan delivery isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it seems like you’re someone who could really enjoy it if it came from the right person.
Blunt and straightforward, Akaashi can and will call you out if you fall into anxious thinking or perfectionistic behaviors. Even if he himself struggles with moments of overthinking, it’s easier for him to help out other people when he notices them struggling (as opposed to getting himself out of his own funk). It’s good to have standards and a goal, in his opinion, but it’s all too easy to take it too far! He is often quiet about it, but he is your biggest supporter, and you’re “perfect” in his eyes even if you’re not “perfect” in yours. So, the moment he notices your condition start to falter because you’re anxious, or because you’re pushing yourself too hard, he will immediately bring it to your attention so you two can do something about it.
He’s pretty perceptive, so he’s quick to notice when you’re struggling with some insecurities. Akaashi isn’t exactly the type to frequently reassure you with sweet words - occasionally, he will, during moments where you’re at your lowest, or moments where he’s really feeling soft - so most of the time he will address your insecurities in a blunt manner. He’s not really tactless about this per se, but he will flat-out tell you that you don’t need to worry about X insecurity, not around others and especially not around him, and he’ll explain why if you don’t believe him. Of course, everyone struggles with insecurity sometimes, and he will never blame you for it, and he understands that he won’t be able to magically change your mind either. Regardless of how he tells you, it’s important to him that he tells you that you really don’t need to be so hard on yourself and that you’re allowed to love yourself more.
Akaashi is very pretty and would look so good with eyeliner. He might initially put up a bit of a fuss if you tried to convince him to let you put some makeup on (because he “doesn’t need it” and it would also “get in the way” of his activities for the day… He’d be worried about smudging it or rubbing it off), but he wouldn’t be too stubborn about refusing. Akaashi doesn’t typically give in to whining from his friends (especially, in particular, Bokuto), but he seems the type to give in a little easier with his partner. Compromise is important, after all! And him “compromising” on this issue really isn’t a big deal, and it’s worth it for him to see your face light up when he agrees. He would definitely examine your work on his face thoroughly and compliment it accordingly (because you’ve got good skill and, again, he’s so pretty and makeup would only enhance his features even more).
Movie nights at home are calm, cozy, and sometimes even intimate! For Akaashi, it’s a nice change of pace from all the energy he has to deal with during practice. He doesn’t have much of a genre preference, but he will give you a look if it seems like a weird movie, lol. When having movie dates at home, he typically defers to your preference when you two are scrolling through the lists of films, but he will point one out if it catches his eye. For cinema dates, chances are you’re the one inviting him out when there’s a movie coming out that you want to see; he doesn’t pay too much attention to new releases, but again, if he ever spots something that he wants to see, he’ll let you know! Funnily enough, you won’t always need to be the one to “initiate” movie dates, whether at home or at the cinema. Akaashi knows movies are one of your big interests, so he’ll check in with you from time to time if there are any movies you want to see or re-watch, and he’ll make a date of it. Leave the snacks up to him!
Akaashi definitely gets curious about your music taste. You’re listening to music so often, after all, and you’re always so focused on actually listening to it and enjoying it, so his interest is naturally piqued. Sure, he likes music about as much as the average person does, but half the time he listens to music it’s just background noise for him. Sometimes if you’re listening to music and he’s just reading or browsing on his phone near you, he might ask if he can share your headphones or if you could play the music out loud, so he can see what music you’re enjoying at the moment. Even if a song’s not to his taste, he still wants to get a peek at what you’re listening to!
The ISFJ type tends to feel a deep responsibility to others and invests a lot of energy into maintaining strong connections to the people in their lives. While they are hardworking, practical, supportive, and reliable, they are also somewhat reluctant to big changes, and they may take things too personally and get taken advantage of. Sometimes Akaashi feels out of his depth when dealing with such open expression of emotions, and when people respond to situations with their emotions first and not with their head.
Your different approaches might cause some conflict between you two sometimes, especially when it comes to interpersonal problems between the two of you - the age-old head vs heart struggle. If you’re the type to take things too personally during a disagreement, Akaashi’s tendency to say it like it is might be difficult to deal with. He isn’t intending to hurt you, and he’s mature enough to apologize when he knows he’s upset you with his words, but it’s still something that can happen from time to time. It’s something that you both need to work on, together, and as long as you’re able to come to a compromise or solution it shouldn’t be too strenuous a task!
Potential conflicts aside, Akaashi admires that you’re so willing to be in-tune with your emotions and show them to others. You know how to connect and empathize with others, and those are such good traits to have. That being said, Akaashi will not hesitate to stand up for you if he notices your kindness being taken advantage of by someone. It’s good to be helpful, but he really hates how kind people are often targeted by selfish people.
With one of your love languages being acts of service, you can really make Akaashi’s day! He’s self-sufficient, so he doesn’t really think to ask for favors when it comes to his daily tasks. Still, if you surprise him with something you’ve cooked or baked, he can’t help but feel really warm and fuzzy on the inside. He’d want to return the favor, but he’s not going to say anything about it. You’ll just happen to notice that he’s slipped a couple of your favorite snacks or beverages in your bag when you weren’t looking.
Overall, you bring a softness to Akaashi’s coldness. He’s reserved, restrained, and is very conscious about being so. But when spending time with you, there’s a lot of unconscious smiles that slip onto his face! You’re friendly and passionate, but in a more subtle way than many of his teammates, so it comes off as endearing and calming to him (instead of tiring him out, lol). He’d tease you about it, but he thinks it’s really cute how easily impressed you are by cool tricks. He’d argue that he’s no braggart or show-off, and he’s really /not/, but… he’d still show off from time to time just to see your reaction.
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years
LET'S GOOOOOO okay. i have in mind that ciel is either a cryo or a hydro character (i'm leaning towards hydro tbh? i can't really tell you why tho. just vibes) and he got his vision probably on the night his parents died or smth. or maybe sebastian GAVE him a vision when he summoned him? not quite sure, both options are good. he wields a sword (tho he's a good shot with a bow too as per canon). i have a design for an attack in my head but i'm not sure if i want it to be his elemental skill or burst.
alois is an electro main yaaaaay! i think electro would reflect well on his personality. as for a weapon, maybe a catalyst user? that could be fun!
i'm even thinking of giving finny a pyro or geo vision, with a claymore weapon :0 !!
cryo or hydro for ciel, both make sense. cryo for obvious reasons, and hydro bc so far most (...if not all?) hydro users have been perfectionists (ciel does not just want revenge, he also wants to maintain his family's status and legacy) who care about excellence in their field (he's a good watchdog and he always aims to do that as well as he possibly can), are capable of adapting in very unexpected situations (his whole family is dead and demons are a thing. i think he's reacting pretty well so far), stay firm in their beliefs or loyalties (again, revenge AND being a good subject of the queen)... also blue.
sebastian giving him a vision is interesting because it could be one of two things: demons are equivalent to archons OR it's a masterless vision, awakening only for souls worthy of a contract. (like, imagine seb's first little human guy got a vision, now seb owns it, and he just lends it to whoever he's in a contract with)
i believe in sword user ciel supremacy. (though bow would be interesting, as it's the best possible weapon for a support in the genshin meta... but that's me overthinking this)
electro alois is a very good choice. eccentric, dramatic, prone to violence (as demonstrated by characters like lisa, yae, cyno, raiden, kuki), weird even by weird person standard, extremely stylish, exhibiting generally inappropriate behaviour, a loner but reliant on a specific person... all electro traits. obviously i approve of making him a catalyst, the aesthetic is perfect. (and i've drawn mage alois before bc i'm a dnd nerd so... catalyst, let's go)
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riah-yorke-lex · 2 years
Hey so I’m gonna talk abt something this might get me cancelled idk and I wanna be clear I’m not an expert and I can’t diagnose anything nor would I try to actually diagnose someone I don’t know or even someone I do know I’d recommend they don’t get help but
Does anyone else think Thom Yorke is autistic? By the way I am autistic myself and have been around a lot of neurodivergent people.
Like I know it sounds crazy but listening to Radiohead like…his brain is weird and I get it? I don’t mean any of that as an insult but the way he thinks about things deeply, arguably overthinks things and all is a lot like my own brain. The way he does his funny little stage dances, it seems like some sort of excited stimming like during the idioteque performances! Also a lot of us have executive functioning problems and sometimes perfectionism prevents us from getting things done. Thom takes a long time trying to make albums and he is a known perfectionist to the point of getting angry onstage when things go badly. He doesn’t collaborate with that many people outside of his circle, unlike someone like Damon Albarn who collabs with everyone. We can obviously assume Thom is an introvert and being around people for too long can be exhausting, but there’s a difference from introversion and the social drain that I get where even a simple thing like going on a train can be really overwhelming (see “Glass Eyes”). There’s the intense burnout after the OK Computer era which yes, can be due to fame and introversion, but I also think there is more to it. Additionally, many of his works are about feeling isolated from society and misunderstood, which is a common feeling for neurodivergent people. Sometimes we think about things more deeply than neurotypicals, and can either be hypo or hyper empathetic in how we see the world, and I see a lot of that in Thom’s writing.
Then there is his body language. He is often awkward in interviews, again, I know shy people exist, but the way he averts his gaze or stares awkwardly into the camera is very telling. When he gets into music onstage he often does crazy almost manic dancing as if possessed by the music, there is also lotus flower…I feel like this odd dancing is a form of stimming, as sometimes when I am excited about something I’m writing or thinking about I start pacing the room or jumping around, I think it’s similar.
I also suspected Liam Gallagher has ADHD as he cannot stop fidgeting during interviews and always tweets random stuff changing the topic. I dated a guy with ADHD and it was rough sometimes.
If this is true, they are likely not diagnosed because of the time they’re born in. Thom may not even be aware, he might just think he’s his own beautiful odd self lmao. It’s also possible he got diagnosed and hasn’t share it with anyone which is also fine, I respect it. Again, if I’m wrong, I’m sorry, but I just have a strong feeling.
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writingonesdreams · 3 years
How to coax the story out of your head
The key is to find the process that suits you. Duh.
This is actually way more complicated than it sounds and requires some serious autoethnographic exploration and empirical experimentation.
Remember, there are no wrong or right answers. Whatever works for you is the best method. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Writing is serious work. Don't let others belittle that, they obviously don't understand how hard a commitment that is.
Writing requires time. Space. Quiet. No disturbtions. No obligations jumping out the corner.
Sacrifaces of things, easier things you would rather be doing. Visits. That new Netflix series. Scrolling through social media. Reading another writing advice book.
Don't strain yourself. Even if you are in the flow. If you do, you will power down, exhaust yourself and are less likely to start. Your brain will go all defensive and won't allow you to get back into something as straining again.
The hardest things for most people is to start. So don't fret about starting. Idea to try: surprise yourself with sudden jumping to the keyboard and writing. Don't overthink. Overthinking is paralyzing.
Perfectionism is more common in people than the opposite. Everyone wants to do it well. It's the enemy of creation, spontaneity and playfulness.
Let the pressure go woozh. Ideas: Write the worst thing you possibly can. Freewrite. Call it the shitty first draft. If that's too evaluative for you (it's for me anyway, brr) call it the Zero draft. The no pressure draft.
Listen. Redrafts are normal. They are the sign of professional writers. Students and people who don't know how to write go with their first drafts, all vulnerable and unpolished, because they have waited that long or can't look at it anymore or don't want to permit themselves to be mistaken.
Professional writers know there are at least 3 stages to every text. Zero draft where you play and create. Second draft, where you put things in order to make sense. Third draft, where you let out the perfectionist who fine tunes the details. (Use however many more drafts you need).
The edits don't mean it was necessarily bad or wrong. It means the wip could shine even more. Try seeing it as underlining, polishing, highlighting.
The first drafts don't have to be shitty. I'm personally not a fan of this saying, cause usually they contain the most magic. We should value our first drafts for what they are. Sweat and creation, collection of fun and work.
There are outliners and pantsers. They come in all shades in between. Most people use a mix of both, wandering somewhere on the spectrum.
Thing to try: Freewrite about your day before writing as a way to 1) clear your thoughts 2) get into the flow 3) warm up exercise 4) to get rid of the respect before the blank page. Cause you have, y'know, already written something today.
Some people like reading before writing. Sets your brain for words and sentences and nice phrases.
Many people use rituals of their choosing to set their brain into the writing mode. Specific drink, position, smell, place, time, music, reading a similar book, reading what you have written, rereading the outline or notes from last session, etc. This is how you can create a habit. This is how you can get inspired "on command". Trian your muse to show up, when it suits you.
Positive mindset and good mood are way more productive than negative one. Fear, stress, unease all hinder you. Try to have the most relaxed attitude you can. Positive associations with writing are crucial.
When it stops being fun, change something. Take a break. Find the problem and fix it.
Listen to yourself. Trust your brain to connect things and figure them out.
If you are blocked or writing feels too much like a chore, work on figuring out the why. Freewriting is (again, I know) a great way to do this. Let yourself write whatever crosses your mind. Follow your thoughts and see what comes out. Maybe you hate the scene you are writing. Maybe you have a plot point you only feel like you need to have there, but don't actually want there. Be honest and raw with yourself.
When you feel like something has to be there, it's usually just holding you back. Leave it out. Jump over it and come back to to reevaluate it later. It's your work, your story, your tastes. You have all the right in the world to include things you want there. Don't feel like you have to do anything you don't want to.
To try out: Montage writing. Write out of order. Put the things in order later. Jump with your thoughts to any scene/part you want. Put in brackets for things you will figure out/add later.
Lots of novels were created at "walks". This means the writers spend lots of time thinking about their story in detail while on long walks, and then just threw everything they figured out onto the page.
Quick drafting works well to get the most from intense focus on your story and writing it all down as fast as possible. Quick writing also helps to hinder the inner editor - the creep can't keep up if you write fast to keep up with your thoughts.
The speed is really individual though, depending on numerous factors, so don't compare yourself to others and listen to yourself instead.
Depending on your process, speed and care at the first stage, the first draft requires different levels of editing. Not all first drafts have to be shitty and not all of them require the same amount of rework. I repeat, first drafts don't have be shitty, first drafts don't have to be shitty...(the need for editing does not make it a requirement by any means!)
Writing is a physically difficult acitivy. It requires lots of sitting without movement. Don't underestimate the strain it puts on your body.
Writing is mentally exhausting. You literally create something out of nothing (the definition of magic). So be kind to yourself. Take breaks. Refill your creative well.
Writing advice masterlist
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helpforihavefallen · 3 years
Can you please do some devon headcanons? (Please I've grown to like him more than I should)
Yes in this house we stan Devon <3
- So you all know how he looks like he has never slept in his life during the movie right?
- He was actually just doing extra work to get money for the 4town concert.
- Seriously though this boy has a serious case of insomnia
- Devon is a 4townie confirmed.
- He definitely have siblings. I want to sayyy he has 3 sisters and he’s the youngest of the siblings.
- So we all remember the drawings incident right?
- HE FELT SO BAD. And a bit weirded out obviously- but mostly he felt bad for the poor girl
- He actually kept the drawings until he saw Mei again in the store and gave them back to her. In fact he complimented her drawings in the progress.
- He’s actually a really good artist so seeing Meis drawings woke some...unwanted flashbacks.
- Spends his nights sketching until his eyes literally don’t stay open anymore. He refuses to go to sleep before that state because nights are the only time he can actually just be in peace. He calls the nights his “artist happy hours.”
- Really wants more piercings, he thinks they look dope. He’s currently thinking about getting his eyebrow and nose pierced.
- Actually really smart but he barely pays attention so his smartness is criminally overlooked by everyone.
- Devon genuinely thinks that his job is like hell dipped in battery acid. Not only does he have to deal with entitled old ladies and drunkards but he also have to listen to the tweens screaming in the store.
- On the other hand he adores old grannies. He always ends up talking to them for a good while if there’s no line.
- Has a whole collection of bucket hats. Fight me.
- He actually really likes fashion and feels bummed because lately he has been too busy to actually pay attention to the way he dresses.
- Scrap that last one i just found a pic of him wearing flip flops.
- Bit of a perfectionist and likes to have certain things on the same spot. He’ll get stressed if the things are moved away from the spot without talking to him at first because he’ll overthink immediately WHICH MAKES HIM EVEN MORE STRESSED.
- I honestly feel like he might have some social anxiety?
- Has a really sarcastic kind of humor and he tends to forget that not everyone understand sarcasm. Yes it creates some...awkward moments sometimes.
- Either he is overthinking and his mind is racing like crazy or there is no thought between those eyes and there’s no between.
- Loves horror movies and will make everyone watch them with him shamelessly.
- Sincerely loves traditional things and everything that brings out childhood nostalgia.
- He tried a lot of different hobbies as a child but ultimately gave up after not getting better fast and now he regrets it.
- He needs a fucking hug.
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whewchilly · 2 years
what is correct carlos characterization according to you? 👀
oh boy THIS is a can of worms and listen… i must refer you to my superiors on this matter ( @hibiscus-vroom @mediapen ) but to me, idk often i find carlos’ characterisation can be lazy, one dimensional n sometimes straight up neglected. my surface level analysis is as such; hes complex and distinctly contradictory, a composite of opposites perhaps best defined by how he manages to be both incredibly sexy and woefully cringe simultaneously.
and if i may continue this ramble
hes a very gracious person yet he always, always wants more. hes an intelligent racer, he’s fast but he is where he is because he’s practical, diligent on data and metrics, studious and adaptable not a raw talent. he is humble, obviously well-grounded and then we can see he sometimes can act haughty or even snobby. for crying out loud, he’s a huge foodie and he mostly eats unseasoned white fish and steamed veg!? he’s used his name to open doors in f1 yet he’s uncomfortable with being associated with a legacy. he’s fiercely loyal and he’s stubborn to a fault. it makes him self-righteous and uncompromising sometimes…because hes ambitious and hungry but hes a tried and true team player too? he’s seethingly self-critical and he Backs Himself 100%. he’s a chronic overthinker and also a total airhead <3 he is super private but sooo outwardly loving, so publicly loved by others…he’s often content to fly under the radar and he is desperate for recognition of his efforts! he is very highly strung and a perfectionist through and through and he’s a super chilled out guy too. he’s serious and silly, approachable and intimidating, extroverted and sociable, prone to mood swings, a total nerd and a stereotypical high school jock, hes a catholic hes dripping in toxic masculinity he’s soooo giggly and physically affectionate with other men he contains multitudes and i love that for him
ANYWAYS. tldr; virgo male. only son. service top.
thank u for ur time
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petitelepus · 2 years
hello! i hope this ask finds you in good health! i would like to request a twst match-up, but if you've got your hands full then it's no biggie! feel free to ignore this lol
i'm generally a burnt out 'honor student' i suppose. i'm very lazy and pretty disorganized, and i have a bad habit of taking my studies lightly. i'm also very competitive in nature and a sore loser with a good pinch of perfectionist. the only reason why i still maintain my somewhat good grades is cause of pride tbh
i have a bad habit of overthinking, resulting in extreme anxiousness. i'm usually very quiet at school--not speaking unless i have to, but i am trying to make an effort! i absolutely despise it when people are unruly in public. i think i dislike obnoxious people in general. that being said, people do say i'm a 'little piece of shit' sometimes.
i am a fan of literature, art, and games (obviously). my favorite subject in school has got to be english or social studies, and i find psychology a very interesting topic. i have anger issues too if that matters...
(if it helps, my personality type is an intp 5w6)
apologies if this was rather long, please take your time with it! thank you for hosting this, and i hope you have a pleasant week! :D
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I match you with Rook Hunt!
Rook knows better than anyone that there is beauty even in the most disheveled people. You're like a diamond in the middle of the everyday coal. There is huge potential in you and he wants to see you claim what's rightfully yours.
He is there to help you get better grades, the grades he knows you deserve. Rook isn't afraid to start a healthy competition with you. Surely, a person as smart as you can deliver better grades than him if you only tried.
Rook is ready to do everything he can if it will ease your anxiety. He is rather good with his hands, would you like a massage? He would no doubt flatter you and tell you how gorgeous you are.
When you aren't looking, he certainly is. Rook loves it when you are completely obvious to his loving gaze. You're so cute when you are overthinking things. He can almost see gears turning in your head.
He would never call you anything foul, mainly because of how in love he is with you. You're like a forest fire when angry, but he knows how to avoid being burned by you. He isn't phased even if you snapped at him, because he knows you are kind deep inside.
Your love for fine art, literature, and games is charming. You obviously have good taste. Oh, you're interested in psychology? How adorable! Maybe one day you could unravel just how much Rook adores you.
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