#a pre-school show with cute little pups?
Being a Scooby-Doo fan and/or DC fan gets harder and harder everyday. This merger was specifically designed to make my life worse.
I can’t believe there is numerous projects that they aren’t going to release, that they are just going to keep shelved. Art that people put their time and energy and passion into that is going to be lost for years, maybe decades.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
me seeing the ask masterlist realizing most of them are mine : 🤡
i’m not saying that i have a crush on ace’s brother , cater’s sisters and sebek’s siblings because of that some fanart but that’s exactly what i’m saying
“hey did you know that ace used to looooove going around butt naked when he was younger ?” “DON’T YOU DARE-“ “here i have pictures , videos , posters and mugs printed of it-“
“oh they’re so cute ~ !” “(new nickname)-chan ! do you wanna see some baby pics of cater ? look at this one he couldn’t quite stand on his legs and he-“ “HAHAHAHAHAA yeah so funny ! but would you like at the time it’s to go-“
sebek’s siblings would probably resemble their parents ? i see his sister being just like his mother and his brother as calm as his father ? ACTUALLY THE WHOLE ZIGVOLT COUPLE GIVE ME BAKUGOU’S PARENTS VIBES-
his brother is in middle school if i’m not wrong so just like all these AnGsTy teenage boys (and his brother-) he would be like “i-it’s not like i needed your help or anything o(`ω´ )o” sure whatever rocks you boat-
HIS LITTLE SISTER WOULD BE LIKE CHEKA . THE MINUTE SHE SAW HER BROTHER SHE WOULD BE LIKE “hey big bro ! look i grew a lot since last time ! i’m a big girl now so i can go with you do luge next time ! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ” PLEASE SHE WOULD BE ADORABLE WITH THE EARS AND ALL DOWOWODKWOMEODMEKWOWKSOWKSDKSOWKEOEOOEE
TREY’S LITTLE SIBLINGS. you’re watching from afar as a flock of children come and proceed to pummel your friend to the ground-
they would be the kind of siblings that’s asks questions about everything and anything at any time i just know-
imagine this
in a dark room somewhere in nrc . multiples children are sat besides a round table with sunglasses on and glass of grape juice adult beverages in their hand .
Okay i don’t know how to write so that it would makes sense BUT BASICALLY ITS JUST A “MY BROTHER/UNCLE BETTER YOU POO BECAUSE HE-“
yes the same would happen with the older siblings i am convinced-
also don’t worry it wasn’t too long i’m happy it gave you inspiration-
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HONESTLY, SAME ANON!! I HAVE A BIG FAT CRUSH in Cater’s Sisters and Ace’s Brother (and Sebek’s, Azul’s & Deuces mamas) 😭😭😭
Sorry, but I'll do a hard pass writing for Kalim's mansion-full of siblings 🙇‍♀️ (plus I don't think Crowley would let 30+ kids-teens-toddles-babies come into NRC lol, maybe just the following 3 after Kalim) BUT INSTEAD!!! I hope you like the bonus character~
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MC attentively watched as skilled hands mix card in different flashy ways, while Ace sat beside them with a bored and irritated look on his face.
“This is your card!” The older redhead took a random card and showed it to MC. Sparkles shone in their eyes as they smiled a big bright smile, amazed at the card trick.
Ace interrupted the moment. “Oh, yeah, duh! The easiest trick there is! You just had to cast a simple spell that allows only your eyes to see which card [Name] picked highlighted in red!”
Big Brother Trappola looked at his sibling with an unamused face, MC mirroring the look at having their momentary joy crumbled like that. “Sure, a simple trick, but it was I who taught it to you. Don’t forget little Ace! You’re always following my steps~”
The heart suit boy sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head and looking some other way.
“Ah, he definitely is following a~ll your advices, Big Bro! Ace is always mentioning how you taught him many useful tricks for life!” MC became a little tattletale to antagonize their friend.
The Hearstlabyul student tensed, blushing as he looked at the other two. His sibling smirked, “Really now~? Oh, I didn’t know you loved me so much, baby bro! Say, [Name], let me tall you all my favorite stories of Ace when he was little! I even brought our old photo album for you to view! You can keep it if you like~” The aforementioned photo record appeared, “Look at this one! Ace used to wear his tighty whities like a superhero mask!”
At that, the 1st year tugged his friend away from his mischievous older brother, dragging them far away from his influences.
~°~  ~°~
“Cay-nii! Look look! We found your cute little friend before we could find you, and they were so kind to bring us here!” The younger of the two Diamond sisters waved at her brother. However, her arm remained linked with MC’s.
Cater looked scared, despair quickly painting his face. All his attempts to hide, ruined But now that his sisters had MC in their arms... He couldn’t run the risk of them embarrassing him in front of his crush.
“A-Ahaha..! Yeah, look at that..!” The orange haired boy awkwardly laughed, approaching the menace that were his sisters (with a cute, clueless MC between them).
MC spoke up with that bright smile on their face, "Your sisters are so lovely, Cater! I wouldn't mind having siblings as nice as these."
"Oh if only you knew, little Prefect." Cater though to himself.
The sisters looked at each other, then at their younger brother. "Is that so, [Name]-chan~?" The older one inquired, words drawled out in a playful yet dark tone. Oh no, Cater tensed at what they were planning.
Acting quickly, the girls dragged MC over to one of Heartslabyul's many couches. "You're always welcomed into the family, [Nickname]-chan!" "To show you you're a Diamond now, let us watch some of Cater's old baby pics! He was the most adorable little brother back then!"
The Heartslabyul student hurried up to his siblings, trying his best to ruin their "bonding" activity.
~°~ ~°~
The evening was nice, warm with a comfortable breeze... The surprising thing was that MC shared many laughs with Sebek and his siblings through the day.
They were nice, very nice! The girl was intense like their friend, while the boy was tamer, on the shy side.
They shared many stories about their family life: the fishing trips to catch salmon, what their parents were up to in the clinic and the new patients they got to work with (quite a colorful array, one must say), life in Valley of Thorns, tales of their magical awakening and how Sebek threw up when his magic woke up, funny stories of childhood games, and thought MC many songs!
With how much they butt heads with Sebek, MC wholeheartedly welcomed this wonderful day filled with happiness, shared with their friend and his siblings!
~°~ ~°~
A Magift practice match supervised by Leona
MC sat on the sidelines, a bouncing wolf pup sitting on their lap. The small child marveled at the highspeed tricks and plays of both teams. "Big Bro Jack!! Go go go, Big Bro Jack!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, cheering her brother on.
At their side, an embarrassed sigh could be heard. Jack's little brother, who held striking resemblance with him (specially with that attitude), tried to hide away from onlookers' eyes after his sister's cheer.
But then...
Jack snatched the disk from the enemy team, sending it flying through the air with a mighty powerful flick from his magical pen and--!
"SCOOOOORE!!!!" Both young wolves screamed in happiness, tails wagging a couple times as their adrenaline kicked.
Leona laughed at the reaction. "Not so indifferent now, huh, squirt?" His hand ruffled the wolf boy's hair. The boy blushed at getting caught cheering like that.
A sudden snicker startled the siblings as they looked at the hyena beastman. "You resemble your brother a lot. I'm sure you could become as good of a player as Jack some day."
The little girl gasped in amazement, siblings looking at each other with excited sparkles in their eyes at the compliment the older of the two just received.
"Ah~, they're just as adorable as Jack!" MC gushed internally.
~°~ ~°~
"Trey-nii!" "Big Bro!" "Trey-Trey!" Many voices came their way, sounding excited about finally getting to see their beloved brother once more.
Trey chuckled nervously, "Here we go..." Suddenly, MC saw three little kids glomp their friend. Two hugged his legs while the other climbed up to cling to his torso.
"How have you been, big bro?" "Have you made friends?! Many friends?!" "Do you have sweets? I smell cake!" "Your house here looks funky!" "Can we go inside the big house, Trey-Trey?!" "Can I pick a pretty rose, Trey-nii? I really want a pretty rose!"
They fired multiple questions at their 3rd year friend. So young, so curious, a perfect embodiment of childhood...
MC giggled, "You never told me your siblings were so inquisitive. It's so cute!"
Their attention immediately turned to MC. In a hurry, they let go of Trey and approached the magicless human.
"You're a friend of Trey-nii, right?! Right?!" "You're pre~tty, no wonder Trey-Trey likes you!" "Hey, hey! Do you also have a big house like big bro?!" "Do you have any siblings? I wanna befriend my brother's friends' siblings!" "A pretty person like you deserves a pretty rose... Trey-nii! Can we pick roses to make a crown? Plea~se?!"
"Now now, let's not overwhelm [Name] in our first meeting, yes?" Trey's call silenced them in a second. "I do believe you must first introduce yourselves before asking so many questions to a stranger, don't you think?"
The trio looked to the ground and fidget with their clothes. "Yes, Big Brother Trey..."
The glasses wearing student shot an apologetic look to MC. "Why don't we go inside and get your introductions done, as well as your questions answered, over a slice of tart and a cup of tea? Sounds good? Maybe you can meet some other friends of mine, too."
The kids perked up, happy smiles brightening their faces as they nodded and took each of Trey's hands. The remaining child looked at MC, who smiled and stretched their hand for them to take before making their way into Heartslabyul dorm.
~°~ ~°~
"My Ruggie really did that?!" The old woman was surprised, wrinkled face showing her emotions.
MC affirmed with their head, "Yes, he's always helping me forage for herbs and tasty plants to use for meals! Really useful for cutting off expenses. He even taught me few recipes with said plants, recipes taught by you, Miss!"
Ruggie's grandmother smiled proudly. "He's such a nice soul, isn't he? Always bringing cans of food when he comes visit us to ensure the little ones back home have something to eat." She held MC's hand in both of hers, using the one on top to give the prefect's a couple taps.
"You treasure those recipes with your life, young one! And please," Her eyes were so gentle as she looked up at them, "Keep an eye out for my Ruggie, yes? He tends to overwork himself. Please, fulfill my role while I'm away from him, make sure he eats and sleeps well, that he stays hydrated and relaxes his mind. That is all I could ever ask from you."
MC's heart contracted with adoration at how kind this old lady was, a beautiful old soul still full of vigor.
They nodded, squeezing those calloused yet warm hands of hers.
Meanwhile, the eavesdropping hyena sniffled at the sweet moment between his grandmother and friend. He was deeply touched.
Two peopled he held dear to his heart were getting along swimmingly! More over, they just showed him they care equally as much about him as he does for them.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Could you write a fic where Elijah is dating or has a crush on a introverted pre-school teacher with colorful hair ( you'll never know what color she'll have next) and bakes alot.
Side note I absolutely love your writing ❤️
Thank you☺ gonna make this so cute
Warning: Fluff, like all of the fluff, Elijah being a simp
Hope couldn't help but brag about her new teacher to her mother who nodded listening as they reached the Mikaelson home. Elijah smiled when his nice ran up to him excited to see him.
"Hello little one, how are you?"
"Good. I fell though during recess but Miss L/N made it better." Hope said showing Elijah her hand and he saw a cute frog bandaid on her palm. Elijah looked at Hayley with a raised eyebrow sitting her down letting her run to Klaus.
"She seems attached to her teacher."
"Yeah well Miss L/N is great. Can you drop Hope off in the morning?"
"Of course." Elijah said as Hayley smiled kissing Elijah's cheek and followed after Hope. Morning rolled around as Hope practically dragged Elijah out of the house excited to get to school.
"Good morning Tommy." An soft angelic voice reached Elijah's ear as he looked seeing a woman with teal colored hair dressed in a long skirt reaching just below her knees with a white botton up tucked into the skirt and black heels. Hope ran to the woman who smiled gently at the young tribrid.
"Morning Miss L/N."
"Good morning Hope. How is your hand?" She asked getting down to the girl's eye level while Elijah felt his heart stop and his breathing stop seeing the woman practically mothering his niece.
"Uncle 'Lijah?."
"Humm yes Hope?"
"Meet Miss L/N." Hope said watching her uncle swallowed looking at her teacher who was flushing. Y/N had never seen such a handsome man in her life dressed in a suit that made him more irresistible.
"You must be the great uncle Elijah. Hope speaks highly of you."
"Ah...well Hope speaks highly of you too." Elijah says smiling as Y/N felt her cheeks warm again.
"Well I need to get class started."
"Oh yes. Hope I'll pick you up after school."
The next few weeks Hope was insisted that Elijah took her to school as if the young girl was trying to set her uncle up with her teacher. Klaus noticed how Hope would get Elijah to take her to school.
"What are you up to pup?"
"Uncle Elijah has a crush on Miss L/N." Hope whispers to her father making the hybrid smirk looking at Elijah who was getting Hope's lunch together.
"Is that so."
"Come and see daddy." Hope tells Klaus who nodded. Elijah raised an eyebrow when Klaus joined him and Hope.
"Miss L/N!" Hope squealed running up to the woman and Elijah was surprised to see that Y/N had changed her hair color to a pastel pink. A color he suggested and Klaus looked to Elijah seeing his older brother's cheeks warmed to a light pink.
"Good morning Hope. Don't you look adorable to day." Y/N said smiling fixing Hope's headband.
"You changed you hair." Hope said smiling as Klaus walked up smirking taking Elijah with him seeing how the older vampire was lost in his thoughts.
"Hello again Elijah." Y/N said smiling brightly at Elijah as the older vampire was trying to form words which never had happen to him before. So Klaus took over seeing what Hope meant when she said Elijah had a crush as only three other women pulled this reaction from Elijah, Tatia, Katherine and Celeste.
"Hello I'm Hope's father, Niklaus but call me Nik."
"Oh, Hope talks alot about you. Well more like brags." Y/N said as Klaus laughed lightly watching Hope go into the classroom and Elijah finally snapped out his thoughts hearing Klaus's laugh.
"Well yes, I apologize for that."
"There is no need to. It is nice to see a young girl being care for by her father." Y/N tells Klaus as Elijah watched Klaus grin then give the older vampire a mischievous look that worried him.
"Hope says you know piano. Elijah here plays also but is terrible at it maybe you can come by and teach him a few songs?" Klaus said as Y/N smiled brightly looking at Elijah who was blushing lightly.
"Oh I would love too." Y/N said as Klaus's eye were twinkling with mischief.
"Lovely, can't wait. Right Elijah?"
"Yes." Elijah said voice almost cracking as Y/N nodded headed into the classroom. Elijah glared at Klaus who was still smirking.
"What are you up to Niklaus?"
"Nothing Elijah."
It was the weekend and Klaus had ushered everyone out of the house as Kol and Rebekah also joined Hope and Klaus to set Elijah up with Y/N. Elijah was nervous as Y/N stepped inside dressed in a cute sundress hair still a pastel pink and saw that she had a plate.
"I made macarons for Hope. I hope you don't mind."
"No it is quite alright....hum shall we?" Elijah asked as Y/N nodded smiled following him to a piano.
"It seems Nik lied. You play beautifully." Y/N says after an hour of playing as Elijah swallowed looking at the teacher.
"Yes well..."
"Elijah if you wanted a date you could have asked." Y/N said teasing the vampire as his cheeks warmed looking away. Y/N giggled lightly finding Elijah cute as she thought he was a handsome suave man but instead saw a nervous cute man being shy.
"Well...I find you attractive and....well I thought you would already be seeing someone and...." Y/N cut Elijah's rambling off by kissing him softly which he returned cupping her cheek.
"You always ramble like this?"
"No....you make it hard to think straight." Elijah said softly as Y/N laughed lightly kissing him again. Elijah hummed softly kissing back pulling her closer as her arms slipped around his neck.
Hope was excited when she found out Elijah was dating her teacher and had told Klaus all about it. Klaus invited Y/N to Hope's birthday party and the woman had baked a lovely cake when Klaus asked her to.
"Elijah is dating?"
"Yeah. Hope's teacher, they have cute little baking dates." Rebekah says seeing Y/N walked in with Elijah following behind carrying the cake. Y/N had a lovely lavender color in her hair and wore a nice flowy dress as Hayley felt a little jealous as she thought her and Elijah was getting closer.
"Baking dates?"
"Yes. Y/N has been teaching Elijah how to bake as it something she enjoys." Rebekah says as they looked seeing Hope run up to Y/N hugging the woman. Elijah smiled softly dancing with Y/N as he finally got to be alone with his lady as Hope was taking up all of her attention.
"I brought an over night bag."
"Oh? Planning to stay the night." Elijah teased lightly planting kisses on her shoulder as they swayed.
"I am. I make a mean apple tarts."
"Well then you should stay." Elijah teased back smiling when Y/N laughed rubbing her nose against his. The party came to an end and after Hope opened her gifts everyone ended off to bed. Elijah sighed feeling Y/N laying on him as his fingers ran down her back lulling her to sleep.
"What color do....you think I should do next?"
"Humm I think a lovely amber would look good on you." Elijah says softly smiling loving it when Y/N ask him what color she do next. Elijah loved her more than any other woman he had before and sure wasn't going to let this one go.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
No Boyfriend’s
Henry comes home to find out his three year old princess has a boyfriend, whats a dad to do?
Warnings: swearing, fluff
A/n: so I had so much fun wrighting this fluff piece! Thank you to @jessevans​ for requesting it.
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No Boyfriend's
You walked up to the preschool to pick up your daughter from her afternoon session. You had to admit when Henry had first sugested moving out of the city You had been a little skeptical. He had been adamant that he wanted your child to have a childhood much like his. Out of the hustle and bustle moving out into 'the sticks' as many londoners would call it. You'd settled in a quaint picturesque little village near Canterbury in Kent the location was perfect for henry's work with the port of dover thirty minutes away and the center of london with all the airports around an hours drive in the opposite direction it was ideal. And best of all it was out of the way and had all the amenities within the village itself a post office, shop,pub, Doctors surgery and pharmacy the local primary school and pre school was literally a five minute walk from your house and the closest secondary schools were a ten minute bus ride into canterbury itself and when the time came you had six to choose from.
The reason for the move? Your now three year old Daughter the apple of her daddies eye. You remebered the day you'd told your boyfriend you were pregnant, you'd been terrified as much as he said he wanted a family you couldnt help that twinge of doubt. But he was exstatic within moments he had darted out of the room when he returned he was clumsily trying to dial his mothers number with shaking hands tears streaming down his face as he kept asking if you were sure even when his mother picked up, you could here her laughs of joy as he told her. He paced the room leaving you to sit on the bed giggling as he refused to sit down whilst on the phone with his family every time he walked past you he move his hand pressing on Your flat tummy asif trying to feel the child already that or he was trying to imagine you with a bump and that grin? You'd never seen him smile like that before it truly melted your heart seeing him so happy. He was always and attentive boyfriend but once you was pregnant he was..Incredible always by your side when he was at home tending to your every need and he somehow managed not to be over bearing.
It was when you went to the first scan that he had proposed some might say it wasn't the most romantic but for you it was perfect! Leaving with the first photos of your little jellybean and a fiance. Fuck yes! You thought that you couldnt get any happier but then came the gender scan. You knew he didnt mind what they were but you also knew deep deep down you both wanted a little girl to coddle over and buhe wanted a daddies girl someone who he could be their knight in shining  armour. He could bearly keep still beside you holding your hand tight watching the screen trying to get a look at your little 'nugget' as he had called them he couldn't keep quiet either with every swipe of the ultrasound  wand he was changing his mind.
"Girl? Is that? I can see? nope Boy definatly boy"
"Henry babe...dont get to excited that's the umbilical cord...I think?" They were being a little bugger crossing their legs making the sonographer work hard to move them around as you had to move again and again trying to get the little one to move. Finally they spoke.
"And you two are about to have... Little....Princess! You have a baby girl on the way congratulations" you both froze looking at the screen seeing your baby...your daughter. Immediately you both burst into tears.
"A-a girl your sure?" Henry asked in a quiet shaky voice the woman smiled nodding handing you both tissues then moved slower over the child showing you exactly what she saw then printed off some of the photos for you. Once home Henry began refering to her as 'little lady' on account of her 'protecting her modesty' by crossing her legs.
It wasnt long after youd began talking about moving seroiusly, the house was big enough sure but now you knew the baby was a girl it all seemed much more real. Sure you'd both spoke about buying a house together on and off as youd moved in to his place earlier in the relationship but this time it was more feasible the idea of raising your precious little girl in the middle of london didn't bode well for Henry he was also concerned about haveing photos of her taken he was an actor hell your relationship was posted all over social media by your third date! He didn't want that attention on his daughter so you both started seriously looking. It only took another nine weeks to find a place you both fell in love with the Georgian detached house it looked like a mini manor with its decorative columns and tall windows had a huge garden to for kal it was perfect.
At six months you had a small private wedding and it was then that he anounced your marriage and baby Cavill, potsing your favourite wedding photo of you in you and Henry facing each other laughing witb your foreheads together, you were wrapped around each other as close as ou could get considering the bumb that had seemingly grown overnight his hand resting on the cute bump you were laughing because she had just kicked him when he had told you he loved you. Almost like 'dont forget about me!', Kal had photo bombed to his head poking out between your an Henry's legs smiling , a part of your flowy dress caught up on the bears ear head tilted the only one looking at the camera and in the same post he added an ultrasound of your baby girl. You got congratulations from many of yours freinds and family. And Henry's freinds and costars each wondering the same thing 'how the fuck did Henry keep it quiet?'. You wondered that as well, the hole pregnancy was just memory after memory. Henry made sure you did everything you could to document your daughters creation, you did the photo of your bump once a week the last one being you in the hospital in the middle of slow labour holding the gown tight around you a mere half hour before she was born. He had made sure you did the belly casting which had been tidied up and trimmed painted pink and was in the cupboard, then the 4d scans expensive tho they were nothing and you mean nothing compared to seeing her little face for the first time, it was then you realised she looked nothing like you! She was all her father although a slightly more feminine and less sharp and it was also there you were told she had lots od hair...Curls you felt like you'd hit the jackpot. At the birth he had been incredibly supportive until he wasn't, well you disagreed  he wanted to film it and not just your face  he wanted to film it you said no but regretted it after as it would have been solid proof of what happened.  You see one moment he was there then mid contraction....you heard quiet 'nope' a huge thump is what alerted you to his fall.... there was an alarm pressed and nurses came running in each giggleing, it was rare now days to have a fainter.
"Are you FUCKING KIDING ME?! HENRY?! OI! HERNY? CAVILL GET YOUR ASS UP!" You had to stop shouting and started breathing heavy as another contraction pulled at you once over you began barking orders to the nurses.
"KICK HIM...KICK HIM IN THE NUTS! DONT WORRY ABOUT STERILISING SUPERMAN HERE! NEVER AGAIN! HE WONT THEM TRUST ME... HENRY GET UP! ARE YOU LISTENING? STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN COS HE FUCKING MISSED IT! LOOKING WHEN I TOLD HIM NOT TO!"  The nurses didn't know what to do it took three of them to place im in the chair each trying desperately not to laugh as you had a melt down screaming at him to 'wake the fuck up' You swore you even heard laugher from outside signaling that his family had heard. Yes your wonderfully supportive husband had fainted through stress? Excitment? Anxiety? Low blood sugar? Each time you asked him it had been different answer but and to quote him 'it was definitely not because I looked' which neither you or his brothers will ever believe or let him forget. Luckily he came to as you finally birthed his daughter. A stunning screaming little dark haired bundle. He sobbed when he held her for the first time leaning over her cradeling her so gently leaning over her kissing her as many time he possibly could he was the first one to hold her, hug her kiss her and change her. The photo of his first cuddle hung proudly in the hallway ,you will never forget that moment, the moment when Henry's whole world changed  you could see then just how much he had wanted this. Your daughter was going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.
Paige had grown into a daddies girl, through and through which made today much better. Henry was coming home from filming man from u.n.c.l.e he had been away for months and you had kept his arrival home a secret. Henry was going to make it home in about twenty five minutes. You stopped just before the colourfull gates unable to go in with Kal, you could see the kids lining up in twos underneath the oak tree in the small garden. You smile moving to stroke Kals ears hushing him as he barked loudly vibrating with exciment his tail thumping on the floor as he sat like the good boy he was. At his bark you could hear the kids all squeal with excitment, they loved it when you brought the 'wolf' to the preschool. It was funny hearing Paige whine to them that 'his name is Kal and he's a bear'. He was quite the spoilt pup when he helped you pick up his sister getting hugs and kisses of all the Paige's class mates. Finally the small class was walked out of the garden one of the teachers holding the gate lettjng them leave to their parents. Paige waited in line pointing to you then was let out you ducked down hugging her kissing between her her curly little pigtails.
"Hey baby! Have a good day?" She nodded passing you her small bag and a small potted plant? You looked at her confused but said nothing. She turned and giggled hugging kal smoshing her face in his chest making him stand up she pulled back and squealed as he latherd her with kisses three hours away from her was apparently to long!
"Oh no Kal! Stop it silly bear!" You laughed watching her push weakly at kal who began to settle down now that his 'pup' was with him. You noticed the other parents hovering there kids all pulljng itching to come get Kal cuddles. You smiled to them nodding suddenly they came over all giving him pets and love which he lapped up. You also used it as a sort of lesson the do's and donts of petting dogs, which did some of the other parents a favour. Kal wagged his tail and droped to the floor he couldnt roll over fast enough directing the tiny hands to scratch his belly mouth open tongue lolling about as he panted one happy little bear. After you were sure all the kids got there cuddles you moved calling kal he huffed at you ignoring you instead wanting more love. You smirked down at him sighing as the children giggled. Finally after much coaxing from the other parents you and Paige managed to heave kal away with promises of chicken and snuggles at home. Soon you was on your way home kal padding beside you happy as can be.
Paige took he spot beside you holding his lead with you she was talking about her 'boyfriend' a little boy who she had taken a shine to. It was really sweet he had just moved to the area a little asian boy who paige had bonded with quickly. Really they were just best freinds but he was the first boy she had made freinds with hence she had opted to call him her boyfriend.
"So then Micah played let me play and-and he let me be a knight!" You smiled at her as she beamed excited.
"Really? A knight?" She stopped at the road with you looking both ways then crossed quickly.
"Yeah! Like in daddy's games!! And he gave me some of the bany tomatoes in his lunch...did you he grew them in his own garden!!" You gasped sown at her.
"Really? Oh my, sound like a little dream boat!" she scrunched up her nose lookjng up at you placing a tiny hand to he forehed sheildjngnher eyea from the afternoon sun
"Wha?" You chuckled shaking your head at her.
"Never mind jummy is just being silly" nodded to you her lightl blue eyes sparkling at you then Continued talking about her day mostly about Micah and the games they played.
When you reached home you watched as kal began barking and whining which could only mean one thing. Henry was home already, you unlocked the gate and released the dog with a quiet 'go get daddy' he tore off whining running to the door scratching and pouncing barking the whole time.
"Mummy whats wrong with kal?" You looked down at her knowingly"I'm not sure why don't you go see to him?" She nodded her head biting her lip then licking it, she looked so much like her father doing that. Then she was off running to the house just as Henry opened the door. She froze then screamed for him quickly falling to pieces with grabby hands wantjng her daddy. You watched all choked up as always she was bawling her eyes out by the time he had jumped the steps to the house scooping her up in his huge arms. He clutched her to his chest shushing and rocking her as she cried into him fisting her small hands in his shirt just calling him over and over. He moved his head kissing her trying to calm her, he hated and loved this. He hated her getting so upset when her returned but secretly loved that she missed him. The first few times he left he was worried she wouldnt remember him but juste as youd promised him she had.
The first time he came home you’d taken her to the airport to meet him...He had ended hup having to sit in the back with her as she refused to let him go getting hysterical  each time he tried to pry her off of him. She had gotten better as she got older understanding that daddy had to work and now she was older she could speak to him on the phone and video chat. Each time after the initial crying and snuggles she would stay stuck to his side weather she was sitting on the sofa between his legs when he was playing games or in the makeshift gym with him useing his reps to practice her counting...even if in five mineuts he managed two hundred by her count they were always together. Hell sometimes he even read a new script as a bed time story, which not even you were privvy to!
You laughed walking up to him winding your arms around them both cuddling your daughter between you he leaned in kissing ou on the lips.
"God its good to be home" you smiled smoothing  one of paiges high pigtails she whined calming down kicking her little legs wrapping an arm around his neck and moved suckling her thumb a little. He moved you all into the house patting her bottom lightly somthing he had done since she was born it always soothed her. You moved to the kitchen opening the back door letting air in it was to hot, you placed the small plant on the windosill by the sinck giving it a tiny bit of water as you noticed the siol had dried out. Henry stayed close behind you wanting to be around you, you moved to the slow cooker flicking it on to warm up the already cooked casserole. He came up behinde you movijng to have Paige on one hip still rocking her slightly even tho she had calmed down.
"Ohh look baby chicken casserole...Did you help mummy with that today before school? " She giggled peering over the pot.
"Yes daddy! I putted in the veggies! And tatoes! Daddy!" He smiled at her gasping.
"You did the veggies and the potatoes?! Such a clever girl making daddies favourite dinner" she giggled at the praise nodding.
"And-and I tasted it to!" he gasped at her as she got all excited
"And what do you think?" She grinned and 'whispered'
"Needed salt" you spun round and gasped at her offended.
"You little!" You chased her and Henry around the kitchen island wriggling your fingers as if to tickle her.
"AHH HAHAHa NOOO! DADDY RUN RUN!" you giggled as he scarperd out of the kitchen hovering by the door and moved all you saw was the tops of their heads peering into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as they made a 'plan of attack' you turned back to the pit placeing the lid back on.
Suddeny Henry had you, arms pinning yours to the sides as Paige 'tickled' you making you laugh.
"Oh my god! Stop I give I give!" Finally Paige relented koala climbing Henry who quickly scooped her up to his hip.You moved in kissing her cheek then henry as he wrapped his free arm around you nuzzling in to your neck giving a quick nip before licking at your skin.You giggled trying to escape yet all he did was grab you around your waist and hoist you up.
"HAHA! I have you both now!" You laughed and Paige squealed as he spun around holding you both before making his way to the living room  you wriggled free pretendingnto run from him making paige call out to you for help as he threw her up in the air holding her with 'slam dunking' paige to the sofa making her laugh and  scream as he followed lifting her littl tshirt blowing rasberries on her tummy makeing her squeal and laugh louder. You smiled at the two, this is what you missed when he was away, the laughter of a full house. You sat down in Henry's armchair as he and Paige 'wrestled' soon attracting kals attention who like the loyal steed he was came to paiges aid pouncing henry making him groan and roll off her givingnher and kal the chance to escape to the garden, you both let them the garden was safe and having  kal around was like a live in nanny he wont let anything happen to her.
Henry rolled over on the sofa lounging back panting crooking a finger at you. You crept over moving to sit in his lap, he tugged you down to him pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He moved sitting up more cupping your ass smirking.
"Soo? Did you think about what I mentioned?" You grinned and pretended to think for a second making him groan leaning in leaving kisses on your neck and jaw.
"I did" you finally replied, you felt him hold his breath as his nose ghosted your ear.
"I stopped them that night~ all back to normal now" he pulled back staring at you
"Really? You mean it?" You nodded them brought you forward for a deep kiss. He had mentioned trying for another child when he came back, youd always intended to give Paige a sibling but not when she aas still a baby baby. Now that Paige was older and going to be in school next year you had felt ready to try again and had be over the moon whne henry had suggested it in a video chat instantly stopping your contraception so eveything would be back to normal and you could start trying asap asfterall you knly had him home for a few months then he was off to play superman again. He smiled lunging forward pinning you below him devouring your mouth you moaned as things got heated.
You felt them. Eyes. Blue eyes to be exact. You both sighed and turned to Paige who was staring unblinking at the two of you from the door. You moved pushing him up.
"Mummy? Wheres my plant I wana show daddy what I grew!" He looked at you and sighed a little, you could tell he was a bit dissapointed but you waved him off as he stood pulling you up with him you moved in whispering.
"Tonight love" he grinned and jumped up a bounce in his step holding his hand out to paige who took it.
"Its on the windowsill in the kitchen" Henry nodded left the room letting you relax for a while already knowing you were picking up your kindle to read. Once in the kitchen he lifted Paige placing her on the counter and pulled over the small plant.
"So whats this then?" She smiled touchingnthe leaves softly
"Its a strawberry plant daddy...I did it from a tiny seed!" He smiled at her looking to the plant it wasnt half bad small but alive which is more then he could say for his when he tried.
"Oh you did this? At school?" She nodded at him and moved the leaves about.
"Yes and it will get bigger and grow pretty flowers...And the flowers will grow a strawberry! Miss bou said we cant pick em till they are a bright red like in the shops... and we can take pictures in to show em off!" He nodded to her
"So your gardening at school now? Is it fun?" She giggled putting the plant down
"Yeah we got lots in our vegetable patch...we got some lettuce and peppers and spinach and and tomatoes! But they not ready yet...Micahs is! Micah grows the at home... can we grow some veggies daddy?" He smiled at her
"We certainly can...Besides we will need to plant your strawberries in the garden...I will make your ownn little growing patch amd we can grow anything you want how does that sound?" She squealed and bounced on her bottom making him smile.
"Lets make a list and we can go get them tomorrow" she nodded in agreement. You walked in the kitchen as henry and Paige leaned over the counter making a list
"Whats going on here then?" Paige quickly riped the paper from under Henry's nose.
"List mummy! Of palnts for my veggie patch! Daddy wants to help!" You smiled peaking over the paper seeing two halves one side had strange 'paige writing' the other a list Henry had written. Compost, tools, string, pots then lots of different fruit and veg. You chuckled shaking your head.
"You missed watering can...maybe we could get a waterbutt? And one of thows plastice green houses to start the seedling off?" He smiled nodding addjng them to the list as you went and checked dinner. You nodded then turned to the other two."Right you tow dinners done wash up then go wait at the table...Had it in the slow cooker all day just needed to be heated up" he leaned over kissing you once again thanking you then helped Paige was her hands leaving to the dining room with Paige.
You did this everytime he came home early dinner meant an early bedtime for Paige and then You could give Henry a proper homecoming. You dished up the dinner home made chicken casserole you moved quickly with the three bowles placing them on the table then sat down ready to eat as Henry began talking about work. you smiled letting him gush about his work, you loved seeing him like this he blushed slightly.
"Any way enough about that, how have my two girls been?" You watched at Paige grinned across the table to him.
"I made a new friend daddy!" You swallowed your mouthfull choosing to keep quiet you knew where this was going you grinned into you bowl. He smiled at her leaning over to wipe her mouth quickly making her giggle at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.
"Oh really? And whats her name?"
"Haha nooo! Daddy its not a girl...I've got a boyfriend!" Henry choked onhis mouthfull paiges face dropped and she looked to you worriedly you smiled reassuringly at her. Henry hit his chest coughing finally getting himslef under control, he looked at you shocked and terrified you nodded at him chuckling.
"A-a boyfriend? Poppet dont you think your a bit err young for that?" She frowned at him shaking her head.
"No daddy! He is really nice! He lets me be a knight! And today we had lunch together and he fed-ed me his tomatoes."
"Gave paige he gave you his tomatoes" you corrected as Henry gaped at her unsure what to make of it.
"So he is just a friend?....he better be"  he grumbled the last part under his breath.
"He is a friend...My boyfriend I love him daddy... he gives me hugs! And Kal likes him to! He's my hero" You giggled as Henry was panicked and at a loss.
"Really....love I thought daddy was your hero?" Creased up he actually looked a bit hurt from her words she gave him a sympathetic look.
"Yes daddy you are...But Micah is to! He is soo pretty and fun and he don't make me be the princess all the time...And he shares his colours"
"Okay so you love this boy Micah?" She nodded pushing her food around in her bowl.
"What do you love about him?"
"His hair! Its black and shiney! And and he is cute!"
"Aha but you do know he isnt your boy friend right? Your not aloud boyfriends yet....No boyfriends untill your older." He said she looked at him wide eyed then you her bottom lip quivering.
"What? But but I love him!" Henry crossed his arms at her she mimicked him scowling
"No absolutly not baby" .she whined and smaked the table in a huff
"NOOO! MY BOYFRIEND!" He raised a brow at her as she had a paddy.
"No boyfreinds untill your 21 and thats final ittle lady"
"No! Micah is mine! My boyfriend! A-and you cant stop us from playing! So there!" Henry rose a brow trying to ignor your quiet chuckles as Paige made huffed and stuck her nose in the air being a right little madame. You watched givjng Henry the stink eye as a grin crawled across his face. Here we go.
"Its illegal...he could get in trouble, daddy could get in trouble" Henry tilted his head at her as she gasped trying to read him, you could see her mind trying to work him out. Is he lying? Or not? but her father was an actor...And a damn good one he had a poker face like no other. You knew where this was going, you knew you should stop it but his was gold! You had a feeling that henry was not gojng to ckme out on top.as she opend her mouth.
"W-well we wont tell..Keep it a secret!" She said holding a finger to her lips Henry tutted shaking his head.
"Oh poppet...Do you know where daddy has been these past months?" You squinted at him trying to see exactly where this was going knowing you were going to have to pick up the pieces. She nodded then shook her head no. He smiled devilishly at her. Oh shit here he goes.
"Daddy has been to spy school" you gasped at him oh hell no he wouldnt...yes he fucking would you could see the twinkle in his deep blues.
"Spy school?" She spoke in a small voice then turned to you looking fro one to the other he nodded at he
"Y-your a spy?" He nodded and she gave him a sa look.
"Yes, and I made friends with lots of spies" she twitched slightly shaking her head.
"And they told me that the spy rules says that a spy's little girl isn't allowed a boyfriend until they are twenty one....If they did find out daddy could get in trouble...You dont want daddy to be in trouble do you?" She shook her head bottom lip trembling as she was torn. She looked like she would explode as she tried weighting up her 'options'.
 Suddenly Henry dropped his smug look and looked more like a deer in the headlights as Paige began wailing moving her arms making grabby hands to you. You sighed and hoisted her into your arms rocking her trying so hard not to laugh.
"W-why is da-daddy mean?....I ju-just want to pl-play with my boyfreind!" You patted her back rocking her.
"No-now D-daddy will get i-in trouble! But I-I just w-wana plaayy!" She cried harder hicupping between her words.
"Oh sweety come here shh shh" you gave Henry a look as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms at you shaking his head. Stubborn and protective of his little lady.
"Nope..Not having it" you hissed at him knowing you had to spell this one out for the big idiot.
"Daddy didn't mean it,he wont get in trouble at all baby girl"
"Yes I did"
"HENRY!" he shut up at your hiss
"Bu-but d-daddy said-"
"Hey look at me...Dont listen to daddy he is an idiot and just jealous of Micah" she sniffled an nodded
"Y-yeah cos he-he's got pretty Shiney hair... D-daddies just got stupid curls!" You giggled as Henry looked aghast at her not believing wht ha was hearing
"Exactly daddy is just being a grump! you can still play with Micah...He is your best friend isn't he?" She nodded sniffling
"and you love his like a friend right?" Henry now realised his mistake blinked at you as you rolled your eyes shaking your head at him like 'what the fuck? Really? Shes three' .oh. She pulled away wipinng her eyes looking to henry's matching blues.
"Really daddy? C-can I still play w-with micah?"
"Yes of course...I'm sorry baby...you and mummy was right I just got jealous...daddy is used to being your only hero." Smooth cavill real smooth. She bought it tho nodding he tilted his head down.
"Yo-you wont be in tr-trouble" he shook his head at her
"A-and Micah wo-wont be in t-trouble?" Again he shook his head and reached for her.
"No baby daddy was just being silly...Come here Can you forgive me poppet?" She thlught about it then nodded lunging for him cuddling him he mouthed a sorry to you but you just rolled your eyes at him. Idiot.
It was later that night when Henry returned to your bedroom after reading Paige to sleep,. You both flitted about one another getting ready for bed ou was brushing your teeth when he brought it up.
"So who is this micah then?" You rolled your eyes still hearing a little hostility there...To a fucking three year old. You spat out the toothpaste and looked to henry leaning on the door.
"A little boy...He moved to the village just after you left...Paige was instantly taken with him, he is asian so was avoided by the other kids...you know what she's like with hair and shes never seen straight pitch black hair before... she gushed about him for a few days then they became best freinds....And she call's him her boyfriend because he is the first male friend shes made! God henry really shes three! There none of that shit yet...not for a good few years!" You turned away from your sheepish husband.
"So? nothing i need to know? theres nothing going on? whats his parents like?" You blinked at him..
"Seriously? Like are you being serious now?  Ok well fuck it his dad has taken over the doctors surgery and is actually your and my doctor now that dr marsh has retired! His mother is a stay at home wife, they have a cat called fuji; cos he is fat and a gold fish called mino because its a mino...he is a sweet polite boy ...his favourite colour is green he grows fruit and veg in his garden and you know what Henry he fucking loves batman! and whne he batman versus superman comes out he is gonna want batman to kick your ass! there you happy Jesus fucking christ almighty!" Henry smirked moving towards you slowly stalking towards you really.
"Fuck off" he just chuckled quickly wrappjng himself around you.
"God your so sexy when our mad come here~" you blinked at him
"Oh hell no You did not get me riled up to have rough sex.....Henry I!....you little shit!" He laughed knowing you’d caught onto him making you more irritated and dragged you to the bed kissing at your neck along the way.
"Come on love time for number two...A boy to keep and eye on Paige for me when I'm away!" You chuckled relenting as he laid you down on your bed.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Just a pup (inuyasha)
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Kagome smirked as she looked out the window of her bedroom, watching as Inuyasha popped out of the well looking excited and blushing. It was the second Friday of the month, which per the agreement the two of them agreed on, meant it was Inuyasha's punishment night.
Many of their friends, and well, ANYONE who knew Inuyasha would of been shocked to learn that the bad ass demon slayer was a natural submissive, who got his rocks off being ordered around and teased by people weaker then him, and more to the point, being spanked like a naughty little boy. Lord knows Kagome had been shocked when he confess (Well shocked and amused) and she had agreed to humor the silly pup and spend the second and fourth Friday of every month making him a little bitch, the First and third were romantic date nights.
With date nights in the past (it was just easier to get a seat at a inn then a fancy restaurant in the present) and punishment nights in the present (So no one heard Inuyasha yowling for mercy, They timed it for when Kagome's mom and grandpa would take Souta out to a movie) it was working out to a point, though Inuyasha had started to phone in his half of the deal to Kagome's annoyance.
'Well after tonight he'll know what to expect if he can't measure up~' She thought with a evil little giggle, then went down to meet him at the door.
Inuyasha couldn't help but grin like a fucking school girl as Kagome answered the door, giggling softly. He didn't quite understand why he wanted to be dominated when he hated being hurt (a big part in picking Kagome to punish him, At her hardest she barely hurt his behind, though he played it up like she was killing him) But he knew he was at his hardest when she abused him.
"About time Pup. Your five minutes late." Kagome said, sneering at him and making his cock twitch in his pants.
He knew of course he was on time, it was all part of the role play.
"I'm sorry Miss Kagome, I couldn't help it." Inuyasha mewed, looking down at the floor, his ears drooping, and trying not to grin.
"Oh you'll be sorry alright~" She said and grabbed him by the collar and lead the way to her room. "Though I have a surprise for you my dirty little pup."
"O-Oh?" Inuyasha asked, though he was distracted by a scent in the air as they got to the second story of the house. it was familiar but there's no way it could be what he was thinking it was.
"A yup~ I've noticed that despite all the wailing and whining you do, I'm not really hurting your cute little butt." Kagome said, opening the door to her room.
And sitting on her bed, holding the fire harden wooden paddle with holes drilled into it to cut down on air resistance, was Koga.
"So I asked Koga to help me give you the punishment you sooo seem to need and want. Your welcome." Kagome giggled as Inuyasha froze, blushing and then snarling.
"Now now Pup, none of that!" Koga ordered. "We both know a fight between us would be a draw, but think of how much everyone back home would loooove to hear about what a little fucking wimp you are, that you beg to be spanked and stepped." Koga said, smirking and wagging a finger.
The thought of all of his other friends and well, everyone that they both knew knowing what a little bitch he was took the fight out of Inuyasha, even as his cock twitched and throbbed and tented out his pants, a small damp spot appeared from pre.
"I..but..Kagommmme! the deal wa-" Inuyasha turned his attention to his mistress/girlfriend, but was cut off.
"The deal was I dominate your subby bitch ass and get romantic dates in exchange. do you recall what our 'date' was Pup?" Kagome asked, frowning and shaking her head, and trying not to laugh at how hard Inuyasha was despite looking so mad and scared.
"W-We had a picnic by the lake an-"
"And you spent half of it whining about me not bringing any ramen cups and the other half chasing fish in the water because you didn't like the pasta dish I made for you." Kagome said, glaring.
"O-Oh uh..I'm sorry?" Inuyasha said/asked and poked his index fingers together.
"Like I said before, you WILL be. Koga here knows how to treat bad little pups like you and has lots of fun ideas planned out, and all he wants in return is a little loving." Kagome coo'ed.
"Y-Your not gonna.. with him..are you?" Inuyasha whined, but his cock was leaking big time now.
"Of course I am..Maybe He'll last longer then 30 seconds..Of course if you're THAT against me getting fucked by a real man, someone who doesn't need to be scolded like a naughty little boy..you could always ride Koga." Kagome giggled. "Lords knows you love it when I finger you."
"Heh, Hey I'm a open guy, as long as i get to fuck a nice tight hole i'm game." Koga laughed.
"but..but.." Inuyasha mewed.
"That's right, in your butt..or you mouth. actually yeah, Your gonna wanna suck it first." Koga said, chuckling and gesturing Inuyasha over with a finger. "Now enough of this huffing and puffing and whining, the longer you put this off, the more likely it is more people are gonna find out what a subby little bitch you are."
Inuyasha knew he should just storm out. or at least try and fuck Koga's shit up, even though the wolf demon was right that they were basically equals and would only in a draw. there was a lot of should of's.. but in the end Inuyasha's body betrayed him and he hooked his thumbs in the waistline of his pants and dropped, them, then walked over and knelled in front of Koga, who chuckled and patted his head.
"Good puppy."
Koga found himself a little jealous as he looked down at Inuyasha. just wasn't fair that a total bitch like him could have such a huge piece of fuck meat, 9 1/2 inches when Koga was only a 'mere' 7, though Koga's was thicker.
"Since you went and wasted time with all your whining and bitch, I think you owe me a little something to make up for wasting my time." Koga said, press his bare foot on the tip of Inuyasha's cock, not hard enough to hurt but the puppy let out a whimper even as his cock leaked on Koga's foot.
"Y-Yes Sir. I'm sorry sir." Inuyasha mewed softly.
"The bottom of my feet are dirty from walking to the well and coming though JUST to humor you, so I think they deserve a little tongue bath, don't you?" Koga asked, shifting his weight around on his foot and then switching up, Inuyasha's cock juice coating his soles.
"Heh, Really? I don't usually make him do THAT." Kagome giggled, sitting back and enjoying the show.
"Well I dare say he enjoys the idea." Koga chuckled, raising a foot for her to see the pre all over it,then held it in front of Inuyasha's face. "I'm waiting~"
He was actually testing to see how far he could push the little bitch, and if Inuyasha had outright refused well he'd just make up for it with the paddling. Instead though Inuyasha's cute pink tongue darted out, taking quick fast licks on the sole of of his foot.
"Pfttttt Bwhahahaha!" Kagome laughed. "No way!"
"Heh, good boy Inuyasha, however I want long heel to toe licks. so you get the full experience." Koga instructed.
"Y-Yes sir. Sorry." Inuyasha whined, closing his eyes and leaning in.
"Ah ah ah, and eyes open and looking at me while you do it. I know this is your first time worshiping a alpha males feet so I'm be nice, but we DO have to nip bad habits in the bud~" Koga chuckled.
The half demon nodded and locked eyes with Koga, as much as he could as he slurped and licked away on foot, only closing them when hitting super foul tasting spots on Koga's foot. when the first one was clean, Koga simply offered up the other one and made small talk with Kagome while Inuyasha worked, as if he was just a object.
when it was all over Koga held his feet up, using Inuyasha's shoulders to do see and had Kagome inspect them.
"Hmm yup, they're spotless. Good to know I have a good widdle foot licker I can count on to take care of my feet every night. you wouldn't believe how dirty and smelly they get walking everywhere." Kagome said and Inuyasha whimpered.
"Oh, you don't like that idea pup?" Koga asked, smirking. "It's ok if you only like to worship men's feet. I always figured you played for both teams."
"N-No! I'll lick Kagome's feet!" Inuyasha protested.
"Awww! that's so cute! you think you had a choice!" Kagome squealed and with Koga's feet down she was gonna give him a hug and a kiss, then pulled back and held her nose. "Yuck! foot breath!"
"Yeahhh you're gonna wanna keep lots of mints around if you wanna kiss him after he's been cleaning your feet." Koga laughed as Inuyasha squirmed. "That or just don't kiss him anymore."
"Hmm I'll have to think about that."
"I..but.." Inuyasha whined, turning back and forth looking at both of them.
"Pup, stop fussing and get over my lap, it's time for your reward for being SUCH a good little foot bitch." Koga said, patting his lap.
"...Yes sir." Was all the defeated by his own perverted desires half demon could say, and he got over Koga's lap.
Laying over Koga's lap Inuyasha could feel just how 'excited' this turn of events was making the wolf demon, Koga's manhood was poking him in the tummy.
'a manhood that'll end up in me..or Kagome..All because I couldn't be a good boyfriend.' Inuyasha thought.
He'd never pictured being spanked by anther man, or having to clean someones feet and yet here he was and the most damnable thing of it all was his hard-on wouldn't go away!
his leaking manhood was dangling as Koga kept his legs spread but Inuyasha was fairly certain he was gonna be cumming ropes before long.
'Maybe once I nut I'll be able to clearly..' He thought, then Koga's voice drew his attention.
"Now Inuyasha, as I understand it, Kagome spanks you for 10 minutes., a time length I'm willing to match but I will let you end it early if it's too much for you. All you have to do is say 'Daddy pwease stop!' However if you do that, Or if you wet yourself or cum, you're little bitch ass will be going in diapers for the rest of the night." Koga said and nodded to Kagome who tugged out a pack of thick, nursery print diapers and smirked.
"...What?!" Inuyasha yelped trying to get out of Koga's lap and being held in place with ease, his own submissive nature keeping him for going all out to break free.
"I didn't stutter. But hey, it's ALL you, all you have to do is keep your bladder and cock under control, and take my paddling like a good boy! You can do that can't you?" Koga challenged.
"Yes!" Inuyasha huffed while thinking 'No!'
"of course even if you pee or nut, the spanking will go on till the time limit is up, but every 'accident' means one diaper.. Hope you're not big on repeat performances because I WILL put your butt in that whoooole pack if you 'earn' it." Koga chuckled.
"Is it weird I'm finding the idea of him in huggies while we fuck hawt?" Kagome asked, biting her lip.
"Not at all, we all have our kinks!" Koga said cheerfully and tapped the paddle lightly on Inuyasha's butt. "Right pup?"
"Yes daddy!" Inuyasha said then covered his mouth as Kagome and Koga laughed.
Watching her boyfriend/bitch quiver over Koga's lap, Kagome had no doubt that Inuyasha was gonna be in at least 3 diapers, the little bitch liked to edge himself for at least 3 hours a day on the week when he'd be getting spanked.
'Hell, forget three, I might have to go out and get anther pack of diapers!' Kagome thought, her folds getting damp as she pictured Inuyasha in a massive diaperzilla hugging a teddy bear and watching her get fucked. 'Huh..Kink unlocked.' She mused.
She was drawn out of her little fantasy as the first swat stuck and she could almost feel the force of the blow herself and winced.
the effect on Inuyasha's was almost cartoonish, his semi bubble butt seemed to deform around the force of the paddle as Inuyasha's mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide.
Before he could even begin wailing (which followed quickly enough) Koga stuck anther 3 blows on the pup's backside, quickly turning it bright red and then the howling and sobbing came.
'Damn, 4 blows in about ten seconds..Inuyasha's not gonna be able to sit for a week!'
As blows 5 6 7 and 8 hit Inuyasha was a blubbering mess and couldn't even talk right as a massive cum shot hit the floor.
"Wow that didn't take long." Koga teased. "Kagome could you be a dear and keep count, I don't think our little puppy is gonna be able to."
"of course~" Kagome cooed, and ripped open the package of diapers, taking one out and setting it on the desk next to her, then she winked at Inuyasha. "I think you might wanna toss in the towel pup.. It hasn't even been a minute yet."
"I-I'll never gi- AH FUCK!" Inuyasha had been in the middle of declaring his iron will, how he'd never give up when the paddle started to come down on his red cheek and reduce him back to sobbing and crying, kicking his legs and pounding his fists but there was no way out for him.
Kagome gave up trying to count the blows and just watched Inuyasha's useless big cock swing back and forth and seeing it twitch and tremble at the 2 minute mark got ready to pull out a second diaper, and wasn't disappointed when he indeed fired off again.
"Wow Inuyasha, you much REALLY like being Koga's bitch! Normally you only cum ONCE for me!" Kagome teased. "Or was it worshiping his feet first just primed you up?" She snickered.
Inuyasha couldn't even try and reply, at least with words, but but his body did and Kagome pulled out a third diaper.
Koga had to give Inuyasha credit, the mutt had lasted five minutes so far, which was four more then Koga had counted on. Of course he wasn't going all out either as he wanted Inuyasha able to walk. The pup was up to 6 diapers, and Koga was glad Kagome had insisted on putting down a puppy housebreaking pad since only five of the diapers were from cum shots.
Inuyasha had stopped fighting and was just taking the blows now, and if Koga didn't know any better the half demon seemed to be raising his buns up to meet the paddle.
"C-Come On.. That all you g-got?" Inuyasha said, sniffling and giving a impish grin as he looked over his shoulder.
'Ohhh he's adapted to the pain.. heh..and thinks he's got my number.. adorable.'
"Actually I've been holding back..Trying to be nice. but since you want full force." Koga said,Smiling like he was offering Inuyasha a treat for being a good boy and trying not to laugh at the look of terror on Inuyasha's face.
"Y-Your bluffing!" Inuyasha squealed.
"Heh, I dunno pup, I think he has been, since he'd have to make this last 10 whole minutes." Kagome chimed in, a hand down the front of her panties. "But go ahead, flip that coin. I'm loving the show."
Koga raised his arm up and got ready to deliver a full on blow to Inuyasha's red and bruised back side when Inuyasha screamed, wet himself and JUST before the paddle could hit..
"Daddy pwease stop!" Came out of his mouth.
The paddle stopped though the force from it made the pup's red bubble butt ripple and Koga chuckled as Kagome huffed.
"Boooo!" She whined.
"Now now Kagome, a deal's a deal. Inuyasha, go and stand with your nose in the corner while we clean up and get your DIAPERS ready." Koga said, tugging Inuyasha up in his lap and trying not to melt as the sniffling and sobbing pup hugging him and nodded.. giving Koga a kiss on the cheek before going to the corner.
'If I didn't know any better I'd say someones getting a crush on me.' Koga thought, then him and Kagome started to take care of the clean up.
Nose in the corner and his butt on fire, Inuyasha fought the urge to rub his cheeks since good boys took their lickings. he was confused as to why he had smooched Koga and tried to just play it off as caught up in the mood though as he waited for the ok to come out of the corner he caught himself almost sucking on his thumb three times.
Between the claw on his thumb and how sharp his fangs were he knew THAT wouldn't end well and just shifted from foot to foot.
"Don't tell me you need to use the potty before we diaper you up little guy? You already did two super piddles!" Kagome asked, clearly mistaking his fidgeting for a potty dance.
"N-No Sowwy.." Inuyasha called.
"Well if you wanna try and uh-oh before you go back in diapers, let us know." Koga said.
"Oh? your gonna be that nice?" Kagome asked.
"..Do you really want your room to smell like a poopie diaper?" Koga pointed out
"..Touche...Inuyasha go sit on the potty and try and boom boom!" Kagome ordered, a little too fast.
Inuyasha didn't really feel the need to go, but knew better then to argue and walked by, seeing them laying out the seven diapers and cutting slits in the front and back.
5 minutes later, after giving it a honest try and just pooting on the bowl, Inuyasha walked back in and looked at the massive diaper they had put together for him, apparently taking the time to glue the diapers together to make sure they wouldn't sag.
"Ready to go back into huggies pup?" Koga asked, smiling and grinning, kneeling by the diapers.
Kagome meanwhile was Naked and on the bed, tapping her fingers on the bed frame impatient to get her fun for the night.
"Do I really have a choice?" Inuyasha asked, poking his index fingers together.
it was odd, he was still aroused but for some reason, his wonderful piece of fuck meat was drooping now between his legs.
"heh, not really." Koga said.
"So hurry up! Someone us wanna get laid tonight!" Kagome whined, then glared as Inuyasha blew a raspberry at her. "Koga, spank him again."
"Wait what!?" Inuyasha yelped, and his hands went to his poor bruised backside.
"I don't think I'll have time to spank him and fuck you Kagome." Koga said, sweat dropping.
"finnne just hurry upppp!"She whined.
"Sheesh, are you sure she doesn't need a diaper too daddy?" Inuyasha asked, grinning impishly as he walked over and plopped down on the diapers, feeling like he'd sat on a thick pillow and stirring up some baby powder.
"Hey!" Kagome huffed, blushing.
"heh, Inuyasha, be good. Kagome, settle down." Koga said, shaking his head a little and then quickly got Inuyasha tapped up nice and snug in the diapers and kissed his forehead.
He also reached and grabbed a stuffed dog he'd taken from Souta's room and gave it to Inuyasha to hug and cuddle, then stood up and started to strip.
"Alright Inuyasha, I want you to pay attention and watch how a MAN fucks a woman. you might ONE day be able to please a lady, though I think it's more likely your sex life if gonna be getting spanked and diapered from now on." Koga said, and winked. "and from the look's of things, you don't mind."
Inuyasha went to argue that and then looked down, realizing he'd gotten hard from the mental image of never getting pussy again.
He could of said it was the attention, he could of claimed it was because he knew he was about to get a show..but what Inuyasha did instead was hug the stuffie to his chest and nod.
"Yes daddy."
Somehow seeing her boyfriend reduced to a oversized baby had Kagome hotter then she'd ever been, and as long as he didn't fill the back of the diapers she could see A LOT fun in the future with him in diapers and being cucked.
Of course the fact that Koga was thicker then Inuyasha and would hopefully last longer might of had something to do with it.
Laying on her back and spreading her legs, she looked up at Koga with loving eyed and coo'ed out a plea. "Take me~" feeling like this was some sort of romantic novel...and only to have Koga show apparently all demons could be stupid as he got a confused look on his face.
"Uh..But I thought you wanted to fuck..where am I taking you?" he asked.
"..Demon's..Just stick it in me already." She muttered, face palming.
"Humans.." he muttered and then thrusted into her in one fast motion and grinned as she barked.
As Koga went to work and Kagome found herself unable to speak, she did have enough brain power as she was fucked into bliss think about how many, just maybe.. she shouldn't of assumed she could handle a thicker cock with ease.
Half a hour later and Kagome was left a quivering mess on her bed, drooling and eyes glazed over. Koga had given up trying to keep track of the orgasms she'd had compared to his but knew in the long run of things he was technicality the loser of the night, trailing behind Inuyasha and Kagome with a mere 3.
Licking her clean to improve her chances of not getting knocked up (He wasn't one of those prunes who couldn't handle their own flavor) he covered her up and opened a window to help get the sex smell out of the room, then looked over at Inuyasha.
the half demon had conked out early on in the love making, after squirting in his diapers and the stuffie was thankfully out of his grip even if it was damp with drool from Inuyasha making out with it.
'Now what do I do with him?' Koga thought, rubbing his chin, though his still ready for action cock had a answer even as he got dressed.
He had a inkling that it would be nothing but a headache for Kagome and the pup if he left him here like this, curled up on the floor in his diapers.
'I suppose it's my fatherly 'duty' to just take him with me.' Koga thought, smirking as he slowly scooped up the half demon.
There was no shortage of fun he could have with something like this back home, and heck, wasn't he always getting pestered to settle down and raise a cub of his own?
Two birds one stone.
He thought about leaving a note to explain to Kagome that he was taking Inuyasha with him, but then recalled that the chances of her being able to read wolf tribe were slim to none and besides, she was a clever girl.
Slipping out the window as a car was pulling in the driveway, Koga vanished into well with Inuyasha, musing how he had showed up to be a bull, and left a daddy.
The end
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hi!! I was just curious about Nancy and Jonathan’s relationship in your mango series! I was wondering if Nancy was an alpha? If she is, does that mean that Jonathan is a Beta or an Omega? Kids??? I have so many questions and am way too invested in this tiny part of this universe lol Please feel free to make this into a part with Steve and Billy talking to them about pups and bonding if you would like.
Part 29
I realized I literally haven’t mentioned the Wheelers this entire time rip to them I guess
Also I’m using this part as background to everything esp how Billy and Steve got together. Also no monster au I guess? tbh this part just made me realize NONE of this series is thought out
I literally never established a timeline, so I’ve decided it makes more sense for Billy to come to Hawkins earlier. You’ll see lmao. (this started as a little nonsense thing so the timeline of the whole Mango series is so whack pls no one try and do the math)
+I had traumatic emergency surgery on my uterus several years ago, so I’ve based all of Steve’s stuff on that
Steve dated Nancy Wheeler for about a month.
He was always drawn to fiery alphas, liked when they had sharp tongues, weren’t afraid to speak their mind. He liked ‘em smart.
Nancy seemed perfect to him, but Nancy didn’t like how much work omegas were. They needed constant reassurance of love, so much touching and cuddling, and that’s just not how she operates.
They had been casually dating for about a month early in her sophomore year when he asked her to spend his heat with him. She knew that meant he was serious about her, and let him down as gently as she could.
He didn’t take it too hard, and even invited her to a party he was throwing at his big empty house.
That was the first night she really talked to Jonathan Byers.
Their families had always been close, and they had been uncomfortable acquaintances for a long time, but she found him making a pip out of an apple, sat in the kitchen with him and got stoned for the very first time.
They were sitting close to one another, leaning closer, about to kiss when there was a splash outside, there was screaming.
They rushed out to see Steve Harrington, wet and shaking in the cold November night air, doing CPR on, on Barb.
He yelled at Tommy H., told him to call an ambulance.
Barb looked bad. Her lips were tinged blue, her skin pale.
She sank down next to her. Jonathan gently touching her back.
Most of the kids ran when they heard authorities were coming.
She held Barb’s freezing hand until the paramedics arrived.
Steve hadn’t stopped doing CPR the entire time had heard Barb’s ribs crack and splinter from the force.
The paramedics called it.
Steve was never really the same after that. He had become more withdrawn, had quit the swim team and stopped throwing big parties, he started babysitting Dustin Henderson, ended up babysitting most of the party soon enough.
He was still nice to Nancy, would ask her and Jonathan to hang out sometimes. She always thought he was sweet that he was a big heart. Hell, she sat there while he did CPR on her best friend for twenty minutes, but it was easier with Jon. As a beta, she didn’t have to be someone she wasn’t just to keep him from emotional breakdown.
But then Billy Hargrove rolled into town in the beginning of the summer, was all California golden, a big imposing alpha, and she began seeing less and less of Steve.
She thought it was just a summer fling, Billy didn’t seem like the type to stick around for very long, didn’t seem like the monogamous type.
Steve had a bad habit of trusting alphas too quickly, had been with alphas that just wanted to be able to say they’d fucked a male omega.
They were so uncommon, and usually these alphas were just curious, knew male omegas were the only presentation identifiable at birth due to their genitals, had wanted to see for themselves.
But Billy stuck around, starting hanging around Steve wherever he was, joining him when he spent time with the party, or with Jonathan and Nancy.
Billy was starting to grow on her more, as she watched and realized he loved Steve, that he wanted to be as clingy as Steve needed.
They would go on double dates sometimes, and Billy would pull Steve to sit on his lap just as often as Steve would plop himself on Billy’s lap. So she guesses they’re kind of a match made in heaven.
And then Steve got pregnant.
And she expected Billy to run for the hills, but he didn’t. Got kicked out of his house for Steve, changed his whole world for Steve and their pup, and at this point, they were four years in, had two happy pups and we in the process of moving into their first house.
She and Jon hadn’t even talked marriage yet, let alone bonding, were focusing on getting through school.
They had both gone to New York without even consulting one another, decided they didn’t want each other’s college choices to affect the other, that they should pick the best school for themselves.
When they revealed to one another, Jon showed her his acceptance to NYU, his dream school, while Nancy had handed him her Columbia letter.
She got regular updates from Steve, letters stuffed full with photographs and weekly reports. She contacted a bakery local to him to send him a cake when he called and excitedly told her that he had finally gotten his GED, had dropped out of high school in the February of his senior year when he got kicked out of his house, when he was the talk of the whole damn town.
“Letter from Steve.” Jonathan placed the rest of the mail on the counter, ripping open the envelope. “He put in updated pictures of the girls, look.” Nancy cooed over the photos. There was a gorgeous one of all four of them at the beach, Steve had infant Zara strapped to his chest, Billy was holding Mina. It was so cute. “He said they finished painting the house and should be moving in this week.”
“He mention how he was doing?”
“Of course not, have you met him? The only reason we actually knew he almost fucking died was because Billy called us.”
“I guess you’re right.” She was still flipping through photos. “Oh look at this one!” It was Steve caught mid laugh while Mina was doing him hair behind him. “We should go out to California soon to see them. Especially once they’re in their house.
“I’m gonna write Steve back, maybe we could go for New Year’s, or something.” She smiled up at him, stretching on her toes to kiss his jaw.
“I think that sounds nice.”
Mina was currently in the process of showing Jonathan every single toy she owned.
His lap was full of plastic food, blocks, dolls, stuffed animals, books, everything. She was talking excitedly about her little toy Camaro, the one that looked just like Daddy’s!
Nancy was just laughing as Jonathan nodded along patiently. He talked to her like she was an adult, asking her details about each toy in a very serious voice.
Steve slowly set himself on the couch. His abdomen still sore from surgery a few months ago. He was holding Zara, all dressed up in a little onesie that looked hand-knitted.
“How are you doing?” Steve rolled his eyes. Jon and Nancy kept asking.
“Nance, I’m fine. Just sore is all.” He kept dodging her real questions. She knew that the doctor had told Steve there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to be pregnant again, knew it was probably weighing on him. She just looked back and Jon.
“How is Mina doing with Zara? I remember when Mike was born I wanted nothing to do with him.” Steve laughed, bouncing Zara a little.
“She loves her. I swear if she could get me and Billy outta the picture, she would rather raise Zara on her own.” Zara gave a little choked off wail. “Sweet Pea, you are fine.” He put her on his chest, patting her back. “How’s school and everything?”
“It’s good! Jon’s going to end up graduating a semester early, so he’ll be finished by this time next year.”
“Oh, wow. Good for him!”
“I hear you left work, how’s that going?” Steve shrugged.
“They could only offer me one month of leave, and with the surgery and everything, I needed much longer. But you know I don’t mind staying home with these two. I mean, Mina’s in full day preschool now, just Monday to Thursday, but Zara is pretty fussy, so it’s okay. Once she’s not breastfeeding anymore, I’ll probably find a new job.”
“And Billy’s school is going okay?”
“Oh you know him, just overachieving at every stage. He had to cut back on his hours at the garage, he got a really nice internship at a law firm in town, and he’s actually getting paid for it.” Billy had been studying pre-law at UCSD, wanted to go into some kind of prosecution, possibly specialize in domestic cases. His internship was more personal assistant work to one of the partners of the firm, but it was better money than the garage, and something to beef up his resume a bit more.
Steve could hear the garage door beginning to rumble and whine as it slid up.
“Speak of the devil.” He smiled at Billy as he came in, kicking off his shoes. Mina sprinted up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, standing on his feet as he walked over to everyone.
“You talkin’ ‘bout me, Pretty Boy?” He picked up Mina so he could perch on the armrest next to Steve, giving him a kiss.
“All good things. Kind of.”  Nancy doesn’t think she’s ever seen Billy Hargrove in a suit. He loosened his tie, had take off his jacket to place into the coats closet, was currently rolling up his crisp sleeves. She could see edges of a few tattoos. She knew he and Steve had each gotten each others initials on their shoulder blades, adding the pups initials underneath them both. Apparently Billy was beginning to work on sleeves. “How was work?”
“Eh. Same old.” He shrugged, putting Mina down to go back to “playing” with Jonathan. He lifted Zara from Steve. “How are you doin’, Nancy? How’s the Big Apple?”
She waved a hand non-noncommittally. “Oh, it’s good. Jon’s working for some underground paper, shooting for punk shows.” Billy grinned.
“Well done, Byers. I’m sure your kid brother’s plenty jealous.” Jonathan laughed.
“He’s come up for a few of the shows he’s really wanted to see. Which is to say most of them.” The timer went off from the kitchen. Steve went to stand, only to have Billy push him back down, handing Zara back to him.
“Sit tight, Pretty Boy. I got it.” Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled softly at Billy all the same.
“He was a nightmare when we were moving in, wouldn’t let me lift anything over ten pounds.”
After dinner, Steve and Billy tag teamed putting the girls to bed.
It was kind of amazing to watch. Billy got Mina dressed for bed as Steve fed Zara, then they swapped, Steve made sure Mina brushed her teeth while Billy changed Zara, swapping again so that Billy could read a book to Mina and Steve rocked Zara to sleep.
They were so practiced and efficient, both girls were asleep with half an hour.
“You get a lot of practice with the bedtime thing. I mean, it’s every night.” They were sitting on the back porch, on patio furniture that had apparently been a gift from Claudia Henderson.
It was a perfect night, the Southern California air was just chilly enough to warrant a sweater, but perfect for just being in.
“There’s a park a few blocks that way that’s doing fireworks, we should be able to see them from here.” Steve had poured them each some champagne. Steve and Billy were sitting one the chairs across the little coffee table between them.
They chattered through as the clock ticked down, getting closer and closer to 1989.
Ten seconds to midnight, Billy helped Steve stand up. Five seconds to midnight, Jonathan was digging in his pocket.
The fireworks began as Steve pressed his lips to Billy’s. Nancy turned to do the same, choking on a gasp as she saw Jon down on one knee. Steve shrieked, scrambling for a camera.
“I wanted this to be the first thing I did this year.” Billy was grinning like an idiot, Steve was taking picture after picture, his big eyes full of tears. “I know you want to establish our lives before bonding or having pups, and that’s okay, we can just be engaged for a couple years, whatever you want.” Nancy had one hand in front of her mouth, tears dripping down her cheeks. “Whatdya say?”
“Oh my god, absolutely yes!” Billy and Steve cheered as Jon stood up, kissing Nancy before sliding the ring on her finger.
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Little Life - Ch.9
Summary:  A baby could ruin his career before it had even started. If anyone found out, he would be kicked out of the Hero Course at the very least and UA at the very worst. Even then, how was he supposed to care for a baby once it arrived? He was a fucking seventeen-year-old boy, not a twenty-nine-year-old omega with their shit at least somewhat together.
Or where Katsuki get pregnant, but is determined to make it to graduation. No matter what it takes.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T (just for language mostly)
Chapter: 9/16
Previous <- Chapter 8
Chapter 10 -> Next
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Chapter 9: 7 Months
Katsuki glared at his reflection in the floor length mirror Mina had mounted on her closet door. His pants hung low on his hips, open so he could stare at himself. Between his hip bones, he could see the small bump gently distending his abdomen like a very small tumor. A very, very small tumor that at any point in the next two months could blossom into a full fledged beach ball, but he doubted that it would this late in the game. Thank god for that.
His jeans didn't fit like they used to anymore, both because of his still rather rigorous workout schedule, but also... There was a squishy layer of fat around his waist. He was fucking developing love handles, and wouldn't stand for that.
Not only that, but his chest had begun to fill out more. It distressed him every time he pressed against his pecs and felt the squish instead of immediately meeting firm muscle, and his nipples had started to leak a watery white substance every time he did. He knew it was just his body getting ready for the baby that would be welcomed to the world soon, but it didn't make him happy.
He didn't have to be happy about any of the changes to his body, much less almost-milk leaking from him. He'd hated the whole concept and process of pregnancy before, and he still hated it now. Like he'd said to himself multiple times, 'The joys of pregnancy, my fucking ass.' He was absolutely not thrilled that he'd had to improvise pads to soak up his weird nipple liquid so he didn't leak through his everyday clothes.
"Bakubro, what are you doing over there? Don't you, like, have a date or something?" Kirishima asked from the bed where he, Mina and Ochako were spread out agonizing over the mass amount of homework Aizawa had assigned for the weekend. He's already finished it, and Kirishima and Mina had dragged him down, grabbing Ochako on the way when they spotted her in the halls.
An impromptu meeting of the 'Baby Boom Protection Squad' as Mina had started calling them.
"I'm getting fat," Katsuki growled, still staring at himself. Even his face had lost a little of its sharpness, and not to puberty. He couldn't handle it. Catch him the very day he gave birth pressing weight like a madman with a newborn strapped to his chest. He couldn't live like this.
Ochako lifted her head from where she'd been face down against her book, blinking blearily up at him. "I don't see anything, Bakugou. If there is something different, then I can't tell. You look the same as ever. Which is to say, hot. Which is not fair. I'm not going to look that hot when I'm pregnant."
"Then I guess you can't see this baby bump either?" he growled, turning to pull down the waistband of his briefs a little lower for their appraisal.
The three aspiring heroes scrutinized his abdomen before sighing in unison. "I don't see anything," Mina whined, rubbing at her forehead, "I'm still a little bitter about being robbed of big pregnant Bakubro, to be honest. How are you not even showing?"
"That'd be so weird if he were though," Kirishima said, dropping his head back down.
Katsuki sneered over at them. "Just because you're alphas doesn't mean you get to slack on knowing what your omegas' pregnancies are going to be like. Everyone's bodies are different and every baby is different. That goes for betas and female alphas too. Not everyone is going to look like a pregnant woman on television."
"Right," Ochako piped up, "My aunt is small like Jirou. When she was pregnant, she didn't show until the second trimester, and even then, it only looked like she was carrying around an apple under her shirt."
"Point made. I'm most likely not going to show at all. Thank god for that. And I don't want to show. Fuck all of that."
"But come on," Mina wheedled, "You would look so cute all big and round. Imagine how dramatically Mido would die seeing you like that. He wouldn't be able to stop touching you."
"Like I'm ever going to let him touch me again after this," Katsuki sniped back, zipping up his pants with finality.
"You're such a liar."
Ochako jumped in before the conversation could veer too far off track, and returned to the original point. "Anyway, if there are any changes, it's no wonder you notice them. It's your body after all. You would notice any small changes first. Well, you and Deku maybe."
"Yeah, don't remind me. I've been avoiding that fucker like the plague whenever we get back from school so he doesn't smell this tit juice on me."
"Ew!" Mina screeched, sticking out her tongue in disgust, "Why did you have to describe it like that!"
Kirishima sighed. "Or you could just tell him, you know, as the father of your child? Solve one of the problems?"
Katsuki snarled and glared at him as he pulled on his improvised padding and then his undershirt before layering over his button-up. "Yeah, no thanks. That shit would give the game away, and I'm almost at the finish line."
"Okay, whatever you think is best," Kirishima conceded, but the look on his face told Bakugou all he needed to know about what his best friend thought of that particular course of action. "Stubborn ass."
"On the plus side, you look great!" Ochako chirped, smiling.
"I always look great." God, he was hungry. He wanted ice cream, and he glanced down at his phone for the time. There was still another thirty minutes before Izuku was supposed to come back from his errand. He turned for the door.
Eyes wide at the sudden change of pace, Mina asked, "Where are you going?"
He glanced over his shoulder. "To get ice cream."
The three scrambled after him out the door.
"Waaah?! You guys are eating ice cream without me?" Kaminari cried indignantly when he found them in the common room crowded around a table with an empty carton of ice cream and four heaping bowls. "And you ate it all too!"
"Should've gotten here faster instead of having a disgusting PDA session with your boyfriend and girlfriend," Katsuki said as he deliberately stuck his spoon in his mouth.
"You're one to talk!"
Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "I didn't realize my boyfriend was sitting in my lap. You guys should have told me. I would have shared."
Ochako snorted into her bowl and smacked around fruitlessly for a napkin. Katsuki silently pushed her napkin against her searching fingers.
"That's not fair!" Kaminari shouted before grumbling, "Should you even be eating that? You've been putting on some weight recently. Right around the middle." He indicated the region, sweeping his hand over his stomach and waist. "And here." He pointed at his own cheeks.
Katsuki stopped breathing as anger boiled up. Mostly anger at the liars sitting at the table with him.
"Man, who says stuff like that?" Kirishima complained before Bakugou could blow up and ruin the whole treat they'd been enjoying.
"Yeah, that was so mean, Denks," Mina chimed in with a frown, "Bakugou is as fit as ever. Where did that even come from? Did the date not go well?"
"It went fine!" Kaminari uncharacteristically spat defensively, but tears were bubbling up on the rim of his lashes.
Thinking about it, Katsuki hadn't seen him come in with either Jirou or Shinsou. His omega whined plaintively, and with a growl, he kicked out the chair near him. "Get a fucking spoon, sit the fuck down, and don't start crying. If you get tears in my ice cream, I'll kill you. Do you understand?"
Kaminari slouched off to the kitchen to grab a spoon and slumped into the chair before scooping out a small bite from Katsuki's offered bowl. They ate in repressed silence until Izuku came through the doors with Shinsou, looking surlier than normal, and Jirou, looking rather put out with wet eyes, behind him. Kaminari didn't look up, and Izuku sighed as they got to the table.
'Here come the class alpha, pack leader, whatever the fuck, to the rescue.'
He took the spoon with a mound of partially melted ice cream that Katsuki offered him before leaning in for a kiss. Their mouths were sweet and minty, and Katsuki could have stayed there forever.
But Izuku pulled away after a moment. He handed back the spoon and gripped Kaminari's shoulder. "Come on, Kaminari. Let's go talk, all four of us." He looked to Katsuki apologetically. "Can you give me another thirty, Kacchan?"
Katsuki waved him away, shoving the rest of his bowl at Kaminari before diving into Ochako's proffered bowl.
The four walked away, Izuku in the lead, and back outside the way they'd come.
"I wonder what happened," Mina mused.
"I know. Those three always get alone so well, I thought," Ochako piped up around a full mouth.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, gremlin," Katsuki scolded before waving his spoon around, "Isn't it obvious? It's pre-post-graduation drama bullshit. Most likely. None of them are applying for the same agencies or even in the same city, and with all three being alphas, it's probably mate related too."
Mina and Kirishima glanced at each other. They'd dated back in second year, but had decided to see if they could find omega mates before settling down together. Katsuki was pretty certain that no matter what happened, they'd still end up mated with a gaggle of pups in tow. Alpha-alpha matings, fundamentally different from alpha-omega and alpha-beta matings, had a low success rate primarily due to their biology telling them to go fuck themselves. If any alphas could make it work though, it would be those two.
"He never talked to me about any of that," Mina mumbled.
"Yeah, well, you have shit hearing. It's not that hard to figure out if you just pay attention. That and he only ever talks to Deku about that shit as far as I can tell. I just happen to be there sometimes. Perks of being mated to the pack alpha." Katsuki also knew how to keep his trap shut, clearly.
Kirishima sighed. "That'd be too bad. Kaminari is head over heels for both of them."
"Yeah," Mina sighed as well, and Katsuki scowled as the mood soured.
"Hey, sad sacks, quit with that shit. My hormones are too high for you all to be sad."
Ochako interjected before either of the pair could shove their foot in their respective mouths, opening up a conversation for what they thought finals would be like and what agencies they'd been considering.
Katsuki fell into the rhythm of conversation, but was out of his seat when Izuku finally came back inside with tear stains on his shirt.
He huffed as he wrapped his arms around Katsuki. "Let's get out of here. Everyone is too emotional right now. I'm drained."
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meirimerens · 4 years
If you're accepting fandom questions could we have some elaboration about those mgs jupiter family alaskan daydreams please? Also your amazing TEW art got me into the series so thanks, I'm liking it a lot!!
first of all, i’m so deeply honored that my art could get you into a game, and also : god i’m fucking sorry lol
second of all
oh god oh fuck alaskan daydreams time
okay so long /, the read mores don’t work, you’re gonna have to bear with it
so tldr i have… EXTENSIVE imaginated stories about dave, hal and sunny living in a little remote cabin in alaska. 
i’d imagine it’d come somewhere post-mgs2 even though sunny is already a bit grown so maybe like just disregard canon OR imagine a different timeline i don’t know, and it’s from a place where hal and dave don’t have anything to do after the mgs2 incidents (so no mgs4 and love of god NO accelerated aging i can’t deal with this), and there is this atmosphere of… “we’ve been sticking together for so long, i can’t see ourselves just parting ways (plus we have a kid to raise and i can’t imagine raising her alone) so how about we make the rest of our lives together” and dave is just like… “hey, we’ve been running all across the country, jumping from shitty motel to shitty motel to shittier apartments, and i have this cabin i once lived in, how about we just all move into it and re-inhabit it” and that’s just how it starts. 
it’s a cabin i have extensively thought about (because i’m obsessed with cabins and being a hermit, so that helps). it’d be near the shore of the Twin Lakes, Alaska (taken from the canon fact that this is where snake lived pre-MGS1), so they’d live off-the-grid and in almost-self-sufficiency (they become more and more self-sufficient as time goes on and they make more adjustments to the cabin). 
i imagine it would look similar to Proenneke’s cabin (which incidentally is also near Twin Lakes), maybe on the other shore, all wood with a vegetation/moss roof + a slight porch/elevation to protect the entrance from a bit of the snow. it’d be surrounded by wooden little dog kennels/crates for the huskies (more on that later) similar to the ones in [this video] around the 0:59 min mark (warning for animal death/general stuff that goes on in a trapper’s lifestyle for the vid).
it here’s a floor plan of the cabin, not to proportions because i’m just shit at it :
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(good luck reading that)
not pictured : when sunny was smaller (before the addition), her bed was like a little shelf just above the big bed (that hal and dave share) with little like “walls” so she doesn’t fall and a thick mattress, which was discarded when she got her new room.
later would be added an outdoor kitchen and a chicken coop (more on that…….. later)
as i said, they’d first be living in semi-dependency : every ¾ weeks they’d have to go to Port Alsworth/Anchorage or somewhere else to stock tf up. Snake would fish (you can fish for subsistence if you’ve been living in Alaska for over a year according to law) and hunt (seems to be the same type of law when hunting for food, YES i’ve researched this, leave me alone) for food. As he has done odd jobs to afford his cabin, I imagine he’d have done crabbing, and would show up to help on crabbing boats from time to time to get some of them crabs.
later, I imagine they would get 4 rescue hens to get some of them fresh eggs. snake would build a chicken scoop from forest wood. 1 of the hens wouldn’t be able to make eggs because she was traumatized from the industry but they still took her in because she was close friends with the other hens and they didn’t want to separate them. 
I imagine Snake had been growing his own herbs in the kitchen but maybe they’d get a greenhouse ready.
they’d go foraging for berries, fruits and mushrooms according to the seasons and make a SHITTON of jams and preserves.
i imagine there would be a lot of solidarity with the surrounding populations. for exemple, Hal would help set up and manage online dictionaries for Iñupiat, Yup'ik or Alutiiq languages with the local communities, maybe help wire up some schools, things like that, and as thanks some people would go check on them and give em veggies or something.
Snake is getting them.
since we don’t know what happened to his huskies around mgs1, i suppose/guess they were at some time confiscated from him, so first, he’s get a lovely husky female from a shelter (i also have long thought about how he’d never go to a breeder and only adopt, because the whole “creature created with a man’s ideal in mind” hits a bit too close for him you feel) that would later be revealed as pregnant with like 5 puppies (it will come back later as relevant as promise). Then he’d do his best to regain contact with his huskies, maybe setting up a call on social media (THIS WILL BE PART OF A BRAIN ROTTING DEGENERACY I WILL EXPAND ON IN A MINUTE) to find them again. i imagined he would get to see one of his old huskies, who has well aged, who was adopted by some nice nice people. then said nice people, after his visit, insisting on him getting his husky back because “since you left she hasn’t been herself, she refused to eat. we think she misses you too much. we love her tons and it breaks our heart to let her go, but we think she would be so much happier by your side” type of deal, i’m fucking crying just thinking about it.
of course, once his team is back in shape, he’s run the Iditarod again. Hed keep contact with hal over walkietalkie during the race. hal would jump in his arms when he crosses the finish line, the pic would circulate in the news. it’d be cute i’m saying.
as I said, adopted, in a little scoop snake built himself. they give eggs. sometimes they let them roam free and they bully hal when he peels vegetables (i’ve drawn smth about this). sunny feeds them in the mornings. things are good.
Snake wakes up around 5AM because he don’t need no sleep and goes to his huskies. feeds them. then make them run. when he gets back around 8 to 8:30, hal is still asleep. snake makes breakfast. the scents wake hal up. things are good.
Sunny is taught by snake how to chop wood. he makes a tiny axe for her tiny hands. he and hal teach her how to swim in the Twin Lakes. the waters cold but she grows immune to it, strong and stronger. she learns how to differenciate which mushrooms and berries are edible.
they try to send her to school but she’s WAY too advanced and is bored to death. she stays at home. she’s outside all day or she learns astrophysics with Hal, who’s taking online classes in his free time. she learns some Athabaskan languages at a community class once in a while, she makes some friends.
They go on hikes a lot. Often, and long ones. At first, sunny is in a little baby back carrier (i have drawn about this), then she walks just right. Alaska has gorgeous national parks, they explore them, year after year. They arrive in a town, exhausted and beat, they find a hotel room. It has a bathtub and warm water. Hal is OVERJOYED.
in the earliest hints of spring, snake takes them to Fairbanks through the beautiful alaskan railroad. they see the most beautiful and powerful of northern lights during the full season. hal and sunny can’t tear their eyes from the skies.
ok…. so bear with me.
i mentioned an internet/social media presence.
it’s because in a deviation of this daydream, snake has a little youtube channel (and an instagram to go with it).
it’s not much. it’s really not, but hal has a few cameras and more that he finds and fixes.
it’s mostly lowkey, chill vlogs. stuff like 
“slow alaskan winter day (no talking)” 
“sprintime berry picking ( + jams recipes!)”
“alaskan summer outdoor fire cookout ( + wild moose and caribou near the lake)”
“denali national park hike (day 1)”
stuff that like you know. as well as some more…
“i ran the iditarod (and won)”
“we got hens (building a chicken scoop, meeting the rescue hens and more)”
“musher’s morning routine (i’d recommend you didn’t try this at home if you are not the genetically engineered clone of a super-soldier, for your sake)”
and as you guessed…
“so our rescue husky was pregnant… (i’m an idiot who didn’t notice, trip to the vet, building a whelping pen, whelping, bottlefeeding tiny pup + all the puppies’ pictures!)”
where dave would teach hal how to bottlefeed a puppy and you’d be able to hear hal’s “oh god oh god oh god oh god”s from out of frame as the camera focuses on dave’s hands holding his to have him perfectly cup the puppy in his palm and carry the bottle. this type of deal.
then follow-up videos of the puppies climbing the bed where hal is, playing on his gameboy. he chuckles nervously and then heartily when a puppy licks his face.
some winter days, the videos have snake bringing all the huskies in the small cabin. some of them sit calmly on the wide bed where hal studies his astrophysics.
and an instagram with wilderness pictures… all except a few taken by hal. some of snake posing in front of the snowed in cabin. some of warm drinks made on winter days. you know the deal.
and they’d have such a nice… positive… lowkey and easy-going comment section. dave would reply to a lot of them. 
he’d get quite a share of “hey man, i love your vids so much, thank you for posting this content. i was wondering, sorry if it’s a bit too personal, are you and your roommate dating? you two seem very close, but i don’t want to assume anything 😅 absolutely love your content either way, you’re the only youtuber i have notifs on” to which he’d reply “thank you so much, really appreciate it. and we’re not, we’ve just known each other for a long, long time. we’re aware two straight guys raising a child and living together isolated makes for a bit of confusion, but it’s totally platonic between us. thanks for sticking around.” but one day he uploads a vid that’s like 
“crabbing in juneau ! + life update (please read description)”
and the desc + the first 20 seconds of the vid is a text superimposed over embarassing pictures of hal and it reads “hey all / quick personal update, i’ll make it quick / otacon and i realized we loved each other / (as more than friends that is) / so if we seem just a bit closer in the videos from now on this is why / no idea how this is going to turn out for up / but yeah. if he seems a bit more affectionate it’s because we’re dating now, or something like that / and to everyone whom i told ‘it’s just strictly platonic between us’:  / well. ha ha. whoops. / anyway thank you for reading / enjoy the video” and all the comments would be like “that’s so dope i’m so happy for you” and other “tbf we saw that coming” and snake would smash that like button on these comments.
and he’d have a video of the whole iditarod race as taken from a camera on his jacket/on his sled… and he’d have videos of him filming hal film the landscape through the window of the train during their trip to fairbanks… and of hal and sunny in said train sharing a tangerine… and of him building a little axe for sunny…. and he’d always ask her if she is okay with being on camera, and when she’d say no he’d make sure she doesn’t appear on here or add a cute husky sticker on her face so she’s not seen.
just lowkey. chill. upbeat. simple life moments. he’d disappear off the internet for a month because he’s just enjoying the life and when he’d come back everyone would be very understanding and glad to see some cool pictures or vids. you know? just chilling. just chilling. just living.
one day before a “hiking through lake clark national park” he has the same little life update thing and it goes “hey / so otacon and i got married / sunny and aksinya [rescued pregant husky] were our flower girls / otacon cried / i cried / anyway, enjoy the video” over pictures of the tiny alaskan wedding. and it’s well.
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sweetpxsin · 6 years
Stray Kids when they have a crush on you
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Request: anon
Member: Strays Kids
Plot: Stray kids reaction to crushing on u
Genre: Floof
Note: I’m so behind in request lolololol but this was fairly easy to right and I have pre act testing (I’m a freshman but we take them so we get prepared for when we really take them in our Junior year)  tom so I get out early tom so that’s fun [ master list // request box // guidelines ]
[ C H A N ]
•Chan is the definition of obvious
•like you two have been friends but once he realized he liked you he’d turn super shy around you
•his ears would turn red, he’d become all giggly, fluffy and stutter a little
•but he’d also be the definition of caring
•if something was wrong he’d also be the first to comfort you
•or if you were sick he’d go to your house after school  with your favorite food
•but you can definitely count on him blushing when your hand brushed up against his while your walking before shyly holding it
[ W O O J I N ] •slick as hell about his crush but smooth enough to trick you into having mix emotions
•like he’ll do sweet gestures that goes beyond the terms “just friends” but are like boarder line I like you
•like on Valentine’s Day he’d give you your most favorite candies along with your most favorite flowers
•but tbh he’s still stupid shy about it like he’ll pretend it’s no big deal but h o n e y you can believe he’s most definitely using every inch of his body to not jump and giggle like a school girl
•also takes you out after school if your up for it and won’t push it
•has cute ass nice names for you
•blushes mad hard when you call him woobear or beawoo
[ M I N H O ] •semi obvious semi not obvious??
•this dude has legit no shame tbh if he want to compliment you he will say it so bluntly you’d even be caught off guard
•and if does catch you off guard you can count on him to tease you about it
•”Aww your too cute look at you getting all flustered”
•your not sure if he’s flirting to mess around with you or because he likes you
•and when you ask about it  he pretends not to know what your talking about because he’s highkey too shy to admit it
•but you can count on him to be super giggly and adorable around you
[ C H A N G B I N  ] •honestly you have no idea whether he has one or your minds just playing with you
•is either super soft for you or super mixed emotions because he’s embarrassed
•one day he’ll be all smiles and giggles with you and the next literally straight face no funny business Changbin
•but tbh you liked both sides of Changbin because that’s what made Changbin Changbin
•like I was saying on the days he’s super sweet he always shows you his cute changbin side
•by that I mean him giggling and showing you a bunch of aegyo, him holding your hand and being super soft for you
[ H Y U N J I N ] •Tbh is really chill about his crush...ON THE OUTSIDE IN THE INSIDE HE’S ALL FLUFF AND IS SO HAPPY YOU CAN’T EVEN FATHOM *ahem*
•He’ll be super calm and natural about his actions and conversations with you  but in reality he’s overthinking almost everything
•But when he get a bit comfortable with you as his crush he’s actions would be incredibly smoother
•Like as you talking to him he’d nod slightly to show he’s listening before his eyes flicker down to your hands as he holds it, squeezing it lightly every so often along with intertwining and untwining your fingers from his
•And he’d just know when it’d be the right time to sneak in a compliment or when to sneakily slip your hands into his or place his arm around your shoulder
•In short he was a smooth mf
•but let's be real here Hyunjin was still the shy lil pup he still gets super shy
[ J I S U N G ] •*cough* caption obvious *cough* wait what?
•super cringey  shameless ageyo in front of your
•orrr him pretending to be manly in front of you
•but besides that he can be super shy yet sweet
•I feel like Jisungs the one to pay attention to a lot of details so when he notices you really want something or you keep talking about a certain thing he’d buy it for you and surprise you with it 
•his the tendency to pull you onto his lap so he can cuddle you...like honestly are you two dating or is it a crush
•oh also he gets superrrrr shy and giggly when you talk to him sometimes  
[  F E L I X  ]
•God he’s not even close to subtle about it and highkey wants the whole world to know he has a crush on you
•But he’s super playful with his crush on you, like just because he wants the whole world to know doesn’t mean he’s going to let you figure out straightaway
•In short is a manger flirt
•Like he’ll most defiantly wink at you if he catches you staring, ask you if you love him, play with your hands and say things to get you flustered
•He personally thought your reactions were just the cutest so that’s why he did it mostly and uh because he had a crush on you
•But there was somethings you could do that got Felix all giggly and jumpy like a schoolgirl
•and will literally fight anyone that poses a threat to his crush...by that he will sit there till he decided he had enough, pull you towards him and be like “(y/n) is mine”
[ S E U N G M I N ] •Cutest and soft boy who could ever crush on you tbh
•like actually will ask you “have you eaten”/“Did you sleep while” on the daily and if you say no you better believe you will hear the cutest “whyyy?” ever before he treats you to food
•treats you like your his little flower and will literally let you do put flowers in his hair, and let you do his hair if if makes you happy
•At first you honestly couldn’t tell if he had a crush on you or it was  just Seungmin being Seungmin
•But if you bring it up he’d always turn super shy and red and try to play it off
•”Ayee why are you messing with me like that~.”
•Also has a slight tendency to fidget and make cute little noises when he’s nervous around you whatta cutie
[ J E O N G I N ] •shy cutie
•has a tendency to stumble/mumble over his words and his face gets a slight ting of pink
•but also gets super giggly when your around like the boy’s never smiled so much in one sitting with just one person
•lowkey gets jealous when you hangout with his other members but highkey denies it and will get super shy someone save this poor boy
•won’t necessarily do such big gestures like his Hyung
•he rather keep it simple like walking you to your classes, creating inside jokes with you and just do cute little things
•On occasion though he will
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synnefo-nefeli · 6 years
Strange Days Drabble: Clay and Apollo
Hey everyone.  Just a little something I wrote up...not sure if this will go into Stranger Stories.  I just wanted to write something about Pre-Strange Days when Clay and Apollo in college.
Title: Stranger Stories: Clay and Apollo
Pairings: one-sided Claypollo, if you count someone having difficulty sussing out their actual feelings.
Rating: PG-13, for 19 year olds, being 19 year olds lol.
He pulled the key from its hiding place in the back of the fuse panel, thankful as always that some RA or security guard hadn’t discovered the copied key.  Most dorms at Ivy University had been upgraded to key card locks, but those were the nicer and pricier dorms with better security and a predominately Omega and female Beta population.   And there was no place that Clay wanted to be further away from at the moment.   
Apollo’s dormitory lay on the older part of the campus, built in the 1970s and forever trapped in that decade, with its painted cinder block walls, and old key and lock doors.  His friend could have opted for one of the nicer, more modern dorms- Apollo’s student loans would have provided for that- but Apollo, determined to get out of school as quickly and with as little debt possible, chose the cheapest living space possible that his scholarships and part-time job at the school’s law library could cover.
No light spilled from under the door, and his texts to Apollo, announcing that Clay intended to crash at Apollo’s dorm remained unread.
Either Apollo was still at work or his friend’s was being distracted by some video game or anime.  Regardless, if he was home or not, Apollo’s door was always open to Clay- as it always had been since the incident during their senior year of High School.
Clay’s extended family had arrived on his birthday, with marriage and breeding contract prospects for their heir.  One of his uncles had actually arrived *with* the father of one of the candidates.  The thought of being married off or prospect of having pups at the age of seventeen terrified him, and so Clay fled the first chance he had to Apollo’s room at the foster home.  
He’d stayed there until his father had assured Clay, that he had postponed any talk about breeding contracts or marriage arrangements for the foreseeable future.  That was 2 years ago, and he was well into college and of age...there was only so much longer Clay felt he could hold the vultures off his scent.
Clay fit the key into the lock and opened Apollo’s door, to find Apollo home, sitting on his bed with his laptop frantically typing away.  The stacks of paper surrounding his friend and the stale take-out boxes strewn around the room indicated that Apollo was in ‘the zone” for a while now.
“You know, you should at least knock- I could have had a guest over,” Apollo mumbled, eyes not leaving the screen.  
That statement made Clay laugh, the happy feeling a moment’s distraction from his current situation,
“Please- you’re a first year law student, who crammed his undergraduate into two years, and immediately started Law School a week after your Summer Undergrad Graduation. Also you work when you’re not in class or studying in the library- the likelihood of you screwing around- literally or figuratively,” Clay grinned,  throwing his backpack, duffle, and supplies, into the corner of the dorm’s small bedroom “is nil.”
Apollo greeted that statement with an eyeroll, and him scooting over on the bed in invitation for Clay.
He clambered up onto Apollo’s skinny twin bed, displacing the papers and an empty soda can, to nuzzle his friend.  Apollo made a weary sigh, but allowed it- Apollo always allowed Clay this sort of affection, and Clay despite having other Beta friends only sought out this sort of greeting from Apollo.
There was just something about his childhood friend that put Clay at ease, no matter how anxious or stormy Clay’s moods could become.  Apollo, despite attributing the ability to Clay, had a away of bringing out the best in others.
Apollo kept typing, “Doesn’t mean I couldn’t have been up to something on my own-”
Clay leaned on Apollo’s narrow shoulder, “Mmm...you know that I wouldn’t care if you were doing that- it’s only natural.  I’m an Alpha after all-”
The narrow shoulder shoved back at him, “Is that supposed to mean something to me?…” and went on typing, body posture allowing for Clay’s head to remain on Apollo’s shoulder while the other kept working.
“We-us Alphas and Omegas- used to mate out in the open in front of our packs...sex is a normal part of life, so why be shy about it? Wasn’t until you puritanical Betas became the majority population and spoiled all our fun….”
Apollo kept typing, failing to rise to Clay’s point,
“Once, some Beta diplomat to an Alpha kingdom nearly died of shock when he came into the throne room to treat, finding the King sitting up in his throne, cock out as their Omega concubines pleasured him.  And it wasn’t a show of dominance or whatever, it was just commonplace in the court, that you just took care of things right then and there in the open. With a partner or your hand-”
“Damn it, Clay!” Apollo yelped suddenly pounding on the “backspace” of his keyboard, “I started writing what you were saying-” then he mumbled, “Now that’s an impression for whoever reads this…
‘Dear Hiring Manager…” Apollo pretended, ‘ I believe I am the most ideal candidate because of my experience with the Alpha King and his cock…’”  he groaned, “I think I’d have to kill myself if I sent this out-”
Clay scanned Apollo’s screen...legal jargon there, ‘why believe I am the best candidate’ here… ‘my availability to work can be immediate…” then he remembered,
“Summer Associate applications?” Clay asked, “I thought you said that they weren’t due until next semester-”
“This one offers part-time during the semester and  full-time summer associate positions…” Apollo said quickly, “if I get picked I’ll have a rolling 3-month contract, with possibility to work through school and be hired after law school...it’s a really prestigious and competitive program with one of the best defense lawyers in the area...and it pays as if I were a barred junior-associate attorney.”
Clay whistled at that, “That should take a sizable chunk out of your debt. Where is this?”
“Gavin and Co. Law Firm...it’s down town but that’s a small inconvenience to pay for a great opportunity.  Mr. Gavin is turning out to be a legend…”
Clay noted both the excitement and waver in Apollo’s voice- he hadn’t sounded like that since finding out that his hero, Phoenix Wright, had been disbarred.  It was good to hear that Apollo had found another lawyer to inspire him on his pursuit towards his dream of becoming an attorney.
Apollo shifted beneath him, to finally look up at him, dry-eyed from staring at a screen all day,
“You’re warm,” his friend noted, raising a hand to feel at Clay’s forehead, “you sick?”
Clay shook his head, “No...it’s just you know...that time of the season…”  he looked at the time on Apollo’s computer.  It was almost time to take his pills… he had to be more careful over the next few weeks. Take his suppressants, eat, rest, go to class, keep a low profile and not run into an Ome-
A muffled buzz came from the depths of his bag, Apollo stared at the items, most likely noticing them for the first time, “Not that I mind you crashing here, but who are you running from? Family or-”
Clay slunk back, almost sheepishly, his back hitting against the cold cinder block wall, “Ah.  No one-” he rubbed at his neck- stupid of him to do so because he saw the muscles around Apollo’s eyes twitch and his friend subconsciously grab at the bracelet at his wrist,
He sighed, defeated, “Uhhh remember that cute Redhead from that party I dragged you to last spring?  The one at the Rugby House?”
Apollo rolled his eyes, “Which one- the one with the ‘big rack’ or the one with the ‘big green eyes?’”
“Green Eyes…Cassandra” Clay stammered, “I kinda hooked up with her-”
“I know you did…” Apollo snorted, “I thought it was only a one-time thing with her…”
“Me too…” Clay swallowed, “and then the Spring Season hit when we were both in chem lab that afternoon…and the next thing I knew we were back at her place and I kinda…”
“Kinda what?” Apollo’s tone was exasperated as he turned his attention back to his typing, “don’t tell me you knotted in her…”
When Clay failed to respond, Apollo’s sigh was deep, “C’mon Clay, you have to be more responsible than that-  I mean you’re the one who runs the moment your family starts badgering your dad about getting you a mate, yet the season comes and you go and knot up any Omega?”
Clay groaned, “I don’t know what happened- she just smiled at me and she smelled super good-” he buried his head in his hands, “you have no idea what hell I do through every four months...I think she used some sort of booster to up her pheromone game...I couldn’t resist her. One smile and the next thing I know, I’m under her-”
“I don’t need to the specifics-” Apollo coughed and then looked at Clay with concern, “She’s not pregnant is she?”
Clay shook his head, “No, she’s not...but she wants me to be hers for the season and I am really not interested in her-”
“Really?” Apollo’s tone of disbelief was sincere,
He rubbed at his neck, “I mean...I took care of her when her heat was bad and took her out a couple of times after our hook-up.  She was hinting that she wanted us to continue, and I turned her down...she was cute and all; a good time where it mattered...but not someone I was interested in pursuing.”
Clay sighed, that was always the problem in the end.  No matter how cute the Omega was or how much fun they had in bed, after the heat of the moment left, Clay found himself listless and uninterested.
His partners suddenly not measuring up to whatever odd standard Clay set for himself.  A standard Clay was unsure if he even knew what he wanted, although a niggling thought tugged not for the first time at the back of his mind  as he watched Apollo continue to work.
Things would be so much easier,if you had turned out to be an Omega…
Clay slid off the bed to grab the bag of assorted snacks he had stocked up on at the local Asian Grocery Store and 7-11 near campus.  Apollo may frown at how unhealthy most of the snacks were, but Clay needed his comfort food and calories to get through mating season. Plus he’d brought some things he knew Apollo liked.  A small offering for the imposition that Apollo would insist didn’t exist.
Apollo was family, the closest thing either of them had to a brother.  They protected eachother, but Clay couldn’t help himself in times like these about how much his life would be set, had his friend presented as an Omega.
Not that his family would object to him being with a Beta guy, if Clay so wanted it, but- that was the problem...when he thought about Apollo in terms of being a Beta, Clay knew that his feelings for Apollo skewed towards the familial.  
There was something, Clay supposed, alluring about binding Apollo to him and his family, if Apollo had been an Omega.  
His dad would have certainly loved it...Clay knew his father- perpetually sullen since the day his own mate died; hanging on each day only for Clay’s sake- was disappointed when Clay assured him that Apollo was indeed a Beta.  His dad loved Apollo, and would have loved to have had Apollo for a son-in-law, with grandchildren on the way for him to dote over.
Clay frowned at the thought.  It would have been perfect...but it wasn’t meant to be.  No use in impossibly daydreaming about having pups with Apollo.  And that was before the messy feelings of how he really felt towards Apollo came up- did he want Apollo as his mate because Clay loved him romantically?  Or was he only feeling this way towards Apollo because it was mating season, and Clay wanted an easy way to deal with stress of the season?
And if, Clay actually loved Apollo romantically, wanted Apollo sexually- there was the issue of progeny, Clay was the heir he would have to explain to his Beta husband why he needed to find an Omega to breed with...that his family wouldn’t accept adopting a child as Clay’s heir. Something, orphaned Apollo, raised in a predominately Beta community, would, not no matter how many ways Clay explained the little of his culture that interested Apollo, understand.
Clay pulled out a canned coffee and a bento box for himself and Apollo, deciding it was better to heat up their dinner then selfishly dwell on the inconveniences of Apollo’s Beta-ness .
“You okay?” Apollo asked, his eyes actually meeting Clay’s.  Apollo set the laptop aside and slid off the bed, legs wobbling Apollo walked feeling back into them.  
“Yeah,” Clay said handing Apollo one of the cans of coffee, “just thinking about what I need to get done over the next few weeks and how I’m going to do it without my rut bothering me,”
His friend eagerly cracked it open and chugged down the sugary caffeinated drink, “How can I help?”
 By being my Omega?  Clay shrugged, “Just make sure to kick my ass out of bed- these suppressants tend to make me sleep longer than usual, when I, y’know...don’t have an outlet.”
Apollo nodded, “I’ll let you know my schedule, so you can have some privacy-”
“Oh c’mon, Pollo, I am not going to beat it in your room and bed-”
Apollo snorted, “I hope not- I do have a shower, you know.”
Clay burst out laughing.  Apollo only smirked and added, “I’ll expect you to clean the shower afterwards...”
Well that was certainly one way to deal with a major problem during mating season.  It was safer here than jerking off in the gym’s showers or getting near any potentially in heat Omegas trying to burn off their heat through exercise.
“Thanks, Pollo.  You’re the best.”
Apollo only hummed, stretching a bit and letting out a tired noise.  Clay noted the way his friend’s faded sweatshirt rucked up to expose the skin of Apollo’s belly and the line of his left hip.
Clay swallowed and maneuvered around Apollo in the small space of the dorm to fish out his suppressants from backpack.
“How late are you planning to stay up?” They were back on Apollo’s bed and Clay was on his side, facing away from Apollo and the bright screen of the laptop.  The warmth of Apollo’s body brushed against Clay’s overly sensitized skin.
“Not much later,” Apollo mumbled, “gotta check this one more time-”
“You said that an hour ago,” Clay said, “you should get some sleep and then look it over in the morning with fresh eyes.”
“I’m too paranoid that I’ll miss any reference to King Alphas and their dicks.”
Clay snorted and it earned him an a sharp elbow from Apollo, “Give me a few moments and I’ll be there to cuddle.”
It was said sarcastically;  Apollo never actively encouraged Clay’s snuggling, rather he tolerated it after years of sleepovers where Clay ultimately “koala”ed onto Apollo while they slept.  Clay had tried to explain what “spooning” meant, but it only served to fluster his best friend.  So they left it at this-  the unspoken agreement that Clay would ultimately spoon Apollo in their sleep.
“You’re too good to me,” Clay mumbled as he shifted around on the lumpy mattress.  Beyond him the laptop closed and the nightstand lamp was shut; soon enough, Apollo was joining him under the covers, his back flush against Clay’s,
“What are friends for?” it came out half-earnestly, the rest a yawn.
Quiet for a few moments before Apollo spoke again, “I’ll help you with yours?”
“My what?” Clay turned to look over at his friend, whose eyes were already closed.
“Your internship application for the space center...you’ve started on it right?”
Whoops.  He’d forgotten about the application.  Normally he would blame it on the busyness of the season but he knew Apollo would spot the lie even with his eyes closed.  It wasn’t his fault- the internship was all but his, Mr. Cosmos and Starbuck had told him that...Clay only had to formally apply so the University could count it towards Clay’s program, as well as make him and the Space Center eligible for student program grants.
A sigh, “I’ll help you start it after I turn in my application to Mr. Gavin and before your brain turns to hormonal mush.”
Clay wrapped his friend in a hug- Apollo already half asleep that he didn’t protest the koala coming early, “thanks, Pollo,” Clay grinned and nuzzled Apollo.
Clay’s eyes opened at the scent he’d caught.  It was weak...but...sweet… he sat up, momentarily leaving Apollo to drift further into sleep, and sniffed again.  The scent was gone now.
A few minutes passed, before Clay deemed the scent to be gone.  He laid back down wondering what he had smelled.
Besides him, Apollo shifted, rolling towards Clay and curling up on his side.  Apollo looked so small and sweet like this, and again Clay found himself wishing that his friend was an Omega...Apollo certainly had the build and look of an Omega.
He allowed Apollo to cuddle up to him, before Clay wrapped his arms around Apollo once more and settled them under the covers.
On the edge of sleep, Clay thought he smelled the sweet scent again, but soon he’d joined Apollo deep in sleep.
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I love dogs they are so cute AND We all had a fabulous time, and especially snickers. He is going to miss socialising with his fury mates. The training was very clear and precise and had made our time with our baby more enjoyable. He picked up everything so quickly and I think we are going to love having such a well behaved dog. And this is a credit to your training. Many Thanks again. Chicken Tighes Hills To check availability of Urban Clicks & Tricks course in Carindale click here.  To enrol in Urban Clicks & Tricks course… read more Snake Bites and Pets Dogs have become closely associated with humans through domestication and have also become sensitive to human communicative signals. Generally, they have a lot of exposure to human speech, especially during play, and are believed to have a good ability to recognize human speech. Two studies investigated the ability of a single dog that was believed to be exceptional in its understanding of language. Both studies revealed the potential for at least some dogs to develop an understanding of a large number of simple commands on the basis of just the sounds emitted by their owners. However the studies suggested that visual cues from the owner may be important for the understanding of more complex spoken commands.[77] Nutrition Ethology (02) 9770 7555 Kapunda & Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Register Login Contact us Adolescent Play Group FAQ – After hours care How to Enroll 27 Aug 2017 1:58:27pm Agility – combining pieces of equipment In 2004 a study was published that was based on the observation of a variety of breeds trained for protection work using shock collars, which showed that although electronically trained dogs can excel as guard dogs, their behavior toward humans and work circumstances changed, often indicating heightened uncertainty and reactivity.[63] Daily Routines for Your Puppy Read More… The White Card Course is very well organised. Well done to you all. – Chris Cummings Mary Parker This is an exercise in self-control for your dog, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to master, particularly for puppies and high-energy dogs. After all, they want to be on the move and not just sitting there waiting. Contact details for Council 22 Aug 2017 12:28:33pm “Thanks so much Jari, Kim and Anna for all your help with Cash! Your classes were invaluable and your coaching was informative and interactive. I would recommend you to everyone! Thank you!!”    Amy & Cash Queensland Apprenticeships Surgery Privacy & Cookies
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); We had George over today! And I was absolutely blown away! He truely has a gift and our Cane Corso was so quick to respect him! It’s only been hours and Zeus has changed his attitude and is showing gr…eat progress already. Now to keep it consistent and show our friends and family the things we were taught! Total Care QUICK LINKS: Send your dog’s vaccination record to: 10. What did you like about this story? Puppies for Sale Afraid of dogs, people, sounds or other things Don’t let this happen to you! Call Brisbane’s best trainers!    Lorenz, Konrad (1953). Man Meets Dog, (Marjorie Kerr Wilson, Trans.) Hagerstown, MA: Kodansha America, 1994 SA 5700 Not recently active our services Disaster Management Plans Sarah & Mitch See more · 6 February 2018 Retail Premium Dry Food Boarding and Training Facilities If you can’t keep your dog Ok, he’s finally home. Training needs to begin immediately, considering the new pattern on the rug, not to mention the dog’s breakfast he’s made of your new Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. But where should you start? Leashes for Active Dogs Prices are subject to change without notice. Google Maps link – Bulleen Gurnoor : 1. What information are you looking for today? Pellets · 30 March 2018 Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 253. 4,359 likes This is our top Level and if you make it this far you can officially call yourself a dog nerd and apply for a job with us! This class is to improve your dog’s responsiveness – can they drop to the ground while running full speed at you in a recall?  Can they stay while you go to the toilet and still be right where you left them? Can they ignore a bowl of roast chicken while heeling off leash? What else do you want to do with your dog? At this level, the classes are tailored exactly to you and exactly what you want. 07 Sep 2017 9:37:49am Dog walking From our Blog Jump up ^ Bernstein, Irwin S. (1981). “Dominance: The Baby and the Bathwater”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 4 (3): 419–429. doi:10.1017/S0140525X00009614 Change Is Difficult – We Are Humans After All August 30, 2017  Can be scheduled at a time that suits you (evening and weekend appointments available) Education 01 Sep 2017 2:31:16pm Jump up ^ Monks of New Skete 1978, p. 3. How can we improve the lives of our dogs? In-Home Puppy Training I liked that this brings positivity to both the dogs and their trainers and in all this will make the world a better place. A further follow-up session will allow you to fine tune the training under expert guidance. Firstly a canine health profile is required to exclude physical reasons for the dog’s behaviour. This is available through Redgum Vets. On payment of the behavioural training package, Redgum’s Amichien Bonding consultant will make contact with you to arrange a time when she can view your dog in its everyday environment.             – Immediate access to Homework Sheets and Training Notes for your course Life is simple; we make it complicated 23/07/2018 Share this page 4. What is the aim of the program? These classes are where you can take your basic dog training skills and turn them into more – our trainers want to challenge both you and your dogs. Classes do not suit everyone due to busy schedules and family commitments. If you are time poor book private training. One of our qualified trainers will come to you on schedule that suits your needs. Stage 6 Average. I had to go looking for it. When you pup gets a little bit older our consultant can come back for more advanced follow up consults. These one hour follow up sessions are for more specific training in any area you choose.. You can go as far as you like with training depending on your needs. Dry Cat Food (Vet Diet) They are conducted in safe vet approved areas in a variety of locations around Brisbane for your convenience. I really liked this BTN, This story was very adorable and a very helpful program. The puppies will be great guide dogs in the future! This is definitely my favourite BTN so far. Discussion Questions Your Check List Training a police dog 07 Sep 2017 9:46:30am Our Brands Call 1300 Cruelty Media Snarling and Snapping Community Programs Meet the Academic Staff Classroom 17 : Dogs often have very little control over their environment. We decide when to feed them, when to walk them and when to play with them. Research tells us that animals who have control over their environment are happier and healthier. If we can give our dogs choices it… Free professional nurse advice © 2018 ABC Guard Dog Training Perches Showground I wish they could come to my school and do my class Join the family! Parvovirus in Dogs Doing business with us Client Library Events at RSPCA Training can take as many forms as there are trainers, however a detailed study of animal trainers found common characteristics of successful methods: thoughtful interpretation of what the animal does prior to training, accurate timing and consistent communication.[76] Cairns Animal cognition To check the availability of Urban Ultimate Recall course in Carindale (available in Carindale only) please click here. To enrol… read more Tel: 0422 056 455 Sit Drop Stay was created in 2005 to offer a more respectful and effective approach to co-existing and interacting with your dog and changing their behaviour Equines Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 219. Email or Phone Password Toilet training To find out if dog obedience training has been cancelled due to inclement weather, call Ray – dog obedience volunteer, on 0413 136 644. Remember, puppy training does not have to be harsh. With so many different training methods available, choose one that best suits you and your puppy. If it doesn’t work, just try another one. Search results What to bring to PETstock Puppy School We are available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns and Adelaide, and offer after-hours and weekend sessions at no extra charge. This way you can involve your whole family at a time that suits you. Eastern Companion Dog Training consists of a team of experienced dog trainers who share one common goal: to provide training for your dog so it will behave the way you want it to. Good Healthcare and Nutrition FREE Puppy Pre-School Toilet training your puppy 4.8 If you really think your dog deserves special consideration, feel free to email us to arrange having an assessment done on a Sunday morning at Hays Paddock. You will still need to attend Orientation prior to your first class. Don’t have a Blue Dog Account? 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cooperroose · 5 years
coop still had gin's lipstick stain on his cheek;
coop does an interview on espn/sportscenter/mlb network and gin kissed his cheek for good luck right before he went on. he goes through the entire interview with a red smudge on his jaw and of course that’s the side of his face that’s on camera. what was gin’s reaction? did she motion to him behind the camera trying to get him to wipe it off? did she laugh? did anyone else notice?
pregnant ginny has a meltdown;
ginny’s seven months along and huge. she’s forced to attend some off season barbecue for the phillies, where the guys are off grilling and playing cornhole, but the wives are just lounging around drinking margs. gin can’t drink, so she’s just sitting in a chair. she’s pouty, she’s whiny, she wants attention and she’s mad at cooper for tossing around a football with johnny and not sitting with her. how does she get his attention? 
wiley meets a drag queen; 
wiley is sick and tired of being a bad grandpa. when noah is about 19, wiley finally finds out he’s gay. by that time, gin has known for four years, and everyone else for three. wiley is JANK, but he gets upset that he was the last one to find out and he found out on accident, noah was never planning on telling him. but for once instead of being mad at everyone else, he’s mad at himself. he decides that it’s time to change a bit, and be more accepting, more liberal. noah’s best friend is a drag queen, a couple years older than him. wiley insists on going to his show, gin has to go as a buffer. wiley imagines it’s gay, but he pictures elton john dancing to madonna music, then he sees what it’s actually like. is he mad? does he show it? do he and gin fight about it? does she bring up that the way he’s reacting is why he was kept in the dark? (gin’s old, like 49 around that time, so wiley’s a REAL old man) 
this one might hit too close to home right now. feel free to skip it. ginny suffers from depression, and while she usually has a good handle on it -- takes her medicine, works herself out of her funks, leans on cooper, sometimes it’s just bad. during the all star break cooper has some free time for the first time in months and he intends to spend as much as possible with his loving wife. unfortunately, gin isn’t in the mood. she doesn’t know why it happened, but all of a sudden she’s just feeling down. she feels so guilty because it’s on a weekend where cooper can actually be home with her and she made the trip to philly to be with him, but she’s just dead inside. coop’s a pup and he doesn’t mind at all. the fact that this is basically his only free weekend bugs ginny, but cooper doesn’t mind at all.
cooper charge;
cooper keeps his cool. that’s what he’s known for. on the field anyway. he doesn’t let things bug him on the field and more importantly when things bother him off the field he doesn’t bring them to the game. usually. this time there’s an exception. this time jack is in the hospital. he was hurt in a fire and his status isn’t great yet. cooper wants to leave, but its late enough in the season where if he leaves it’s a problem, and mel told him jack would feel horrible if cooper left a game and the phillies ended up losing the division by half a game or something. so he plays the game, and in the fifth inning the pitcher hits him in the helmet. now. cooper is a calm man. he’s a calm ball player. he loves the game, he has fun. but getting hit in the fucking head on the same night his dad is in the hospital? nah. the pitcher’s dead. he SLAMS his bat to the ground and just CHARGES. jake arrieta and gabe kapler both BOLT out of the dug out they’re like OH SHIT HE’S GONNA KILL THIS GUY. cooper gets tossed, but he’s upset. ginny happens to be at the game, and she comforts him
hit me baby one more time; 
ava hits a little boy in pre school. that’s it. that’s the prompt. just kidding. ava has her cute little braided pigtails in, and some little punk won’t stop pulling them. it’s something zach does constantly and ava cries to daddy to make it stop. but this kid isn’t zach and daddy isn’t around, so she does the only thing she knows to do. she punches him. ava’s a four year old so she’s like, but mommy you told me to defend myself. and gin’s like uhhh yeah but uhhhh. how does gin handle this? does she tell cooper? how does she explain to a four year old when men should be hit and when you can’t hit them?
sunday bloody sunday;
this is gonna be gross. i bet you don’t want to choose this one. so i’m gonna keep it short. cooper and gin are having sex, like right in the middle of it. they were doing their delicious doggy style for awhile, but they went to switch to missionary. um. gin notices she uh..started her period mid sex and there’s some spotting on her husbands private parts. rip gin, rip goop, rip sex. does she ignore it? does she say anything? cooper doesn’t notice, 110% he doesn’t notice. but now gin doesnt feel sexy at all...what’s the move?
these can just be super easy ones that have no writing whatsoever and are pure dialogue if that’s easier. you can do a little writing if you want. up to you.
“Baby, why are there french fries in the bathtub?”
“Yes, I’m sick of it. Thank you for noticing. Finally.”
“We have to tell them eventually. Why not now?”
“You know I hate this place. It’s time to leave.”
“Hey. Are you awake? Do you think dogs really understand us?”
“Why do your friends have a pair of my underwear?”
“Just leave me alone. Please. I need some space.”
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“what a beautiful place to be with friends. dobby is happy to be with his friend... harry potter...” j.k. rowling, harry potter and the deathly hallows. . . aloha book nerds 🐛 @tediously_brief here (with @halstonrose) 🐕 we are in bed watching the remaining academy award nominated movies in bed 🎥 lady bird is on rn ♥️ this is also my second time writing this caption bc apparently now not only does the algorithm murder us, now my app quits out and deletes my comments and captions before i’m done 😭 but why is lady bird my life at an an all-girls catholic school? those mass scenes were SO ME. and fighting with my mama like that... nun teachers talking about swooning. we had fall play and spring musical, so opposite seasons but we had it. and omg we always wanted to snack on pre-consecrated communion wafers. funny story, when i went to the late late show taping and saw director greta gerwig and actor gary oldman (sirius black! det. gordon!) gerwig was talking about how kind the ppl who own the blue house were for them to film there but now there’s a lady bird walking tour in Sacramento and she felt so bad that now ppl stop by that house all the time to take photos 😂 . . . also how flippin’ cute is this dobby bookmark by @readandwonder_?? i adore all of jess and kim’s incredible bookmarks and items so much. i got this amazing bookmark with one of my favorite quotes of all time when i ordered a bunch of bookmarks for myself and my honorary little sisters @jesysbooks and @athousandbookstoread 💕 this scene with dobby gives me all the feels every time 😭 i love dobby so much, my pups both have dobby ears and it makes me SO happy. 😆 . . . #qotd: what is a scene that makes you emotional every time you read it in a book or watch it on screen? . . #aspynovardpresets #bookstagram #instabook #books #read #booknerds #bookish #bookworm #booklover #booklove #magic #bookaholic #yalit #bibliophile #instaread #bookaddict #magical #dobby #booksofinstagram #bookstagramfeature @culturetripbooks @bookstagramfeatures @bookstagram.feature #bookishfeatures #friends @bookstagramretweet #harrypotter #bookmark #friendship #booknerdigans (at Playa del Rey Beach)
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