#just on shelves?
Being a Scooby-Doo fan and/or DC fan gets harder and harder everyday. This merger was specifically designed to make my life worse.
I can’t believe there is numerous projects that they aren’t going to release, that they are just going to keep shelved. Art that people put their time and energy and passion into that is going to be lost for years, maybe decades.
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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july-19th-club · 1 year
seriously have been thinking about this all night long. call me autistic but the fact that 90% of workplaces the point is not to get your work done and then be done doing it but to instead perform an elaborate social dance in which you find something to do even when you're done doing everything you need to do in order to show your fellow workers that you, too, are Working . because you are at Work . disgusting why cant we all agree that if there is no work immediately to be done. we just dont do anything
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calvinandhobbes · 2 years
she let me hit cause i support my public library
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stevebabey · 7 months
personally love the interaction in the start of s4 where steve goes “ugh, you know i don’t do double vhs.” when robin suggests doctor zhivago. like ugh robin!!!! we’ve talked about this before!!! steve has a limited attention span and if robin puts on something too long, he will start shooting her with rubber bands
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caffichai · 4 months
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More Asbestos!
Thanks everyone for participating in the poll! What an absolutely wild last minute turnaround, and also a close race!
Hey, if you're here, check this out!
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bamsara · 1 year
being an adult means we can buy or make as much self-indulgent shit (as we can afford) and unironically have trinkets of our fave things cause our teen years was bullied for liking things and hiding/denying we were ever neurodivergent to the point of suicide. sucks for anyone that thinks its weird cringe but I'm going to try and allow myself to love myself in little ways now
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spacedace · 1 year
Bruce is grateful for the fact that Damian has made friends, he is.
He's happy that his son has met children his own age at school and befriended them. That he is growing from that prickly, unhappy, scarred child he'd first been when he'd come to live with Bruce. That his friends are even normal kids - baring Jon, who is still normal enough despite being the son of Superman and occasionally a super hero himself - with no links to anything strange or dangerous or illegal.
"Oh, sup B."
He just wished that his son's friends were also just a little less...feral.
"Hello Elle."
Elle Nightingale gave him a little wave with the lemon she was holding - or as best as she could considering the space she was working with - and smiled cheekily at him. Bruce felt a headache budding behind his eyes.
"I thought Alfred banned you from the kitchen?" She shifted a bit, nudging a bottle of milk - farm fresh, courtesy of the Kents, passed along via Jon as thanks for looking after him for the weekend. Bruce wished he'd had the foresight to expect that Jonathan Kent staying over for the weekend would mean that Elle, her cousin Billy and their friend BL - the children refused to say the girl’s real name, likely to spite Damian, and thr initials had been a compromise to calling her Box Lunch - would take it as them being permitted to stay over for so long as well. Damian had just given Bruce a an unimpressed look when he'd expressed his surprise at the sudden influx of twelve year olds in his home. As if Bruce was disappointing him at being so foolish as to think his entire pack of hellhounds wouldn't be invading enmass.
"Just getting a snack." He assured her, not wanting her to being the wrath of Alfred down upon his head. The hellions liked doing that, for some reason. "I don't suppose you could tell me what exactly you're doing in my fridge." Bruce tried, looking at the girl curled up in what should have been a deeply uncomfortable position between a few shelves of the large appliance.
Elle grinned. Her canines looked a little too sharp in the odd light of the fridge. Bruce really had to stop thinking of his sons friends as demonic hellions, he was starting to impose impossible features on them when he was sleep deprived.
"We're playing hide and seek." She made direct, unblinking eye contact with him as she brought the whole lemon to her mouth and took a bite out of it like it was an apple. "It’s Day's turn to seek." She added, lemon juice dripping down her chin as she swallowed her bite, rind and all.
Well at least she was getting enough vitimin C.
"Right." He nodded, deciding that it wasn't cowardice that led him not wanting to get involved. No, it was just...good parenting. Letting the kids be kids. It was a sleepover, and Damian was actually playing a game! That was something to be encouraged! Bruce wasn't fleeing from this particular group of children's brand of chaos at all. "...could you hand me one of the fruit cups Alfred made earlier?"
Elle obliged on the condition Bruce didn't tell Damian about her hiding spot and returned to happily eating her...whole lemon...as he shut the fridge door on her.
As he returned to his office he glanced out one of the manor's large windows long enough to see Billy stick his head out from the top of the twelve foot tall topiaries out on the front lawn, checking to see if Damian was about. Bruce shook his head, kids and their ability to climb impossible structures never ceased to amaze him. Billy should be careful not to keep trying to peak for Damian though, he was going to end up getting found that way.
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ktzart · 9 months
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late night in
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ballwizard · 6 months
can i be real with you guys i fucking hate the "HOW HIGH WERE U WRITING THIS XD CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR!!! LOL WHAT!! UR A CRAZY PSYCHO FOR WRITING YHIS" schtick that I've been seeing around recently . it's like. Not funny at best and really rude and annoying at worst
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columboscreens · 6 months
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stuckinapril · 5 months
every time i walk into my local library i make sure to look at the receptionists with big wet eyes before heading to my corner to study bc i really want them to hire me as a part-time aide
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nosieposie · 1 year
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Housewarming party at Mion's first flat (⁠>⁠▽⁠<⁠)⁠ノ*⁠.⁠✧
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hhhhleb · 2 months
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Marc is so proud of him...
pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
ps Steven actually knows how to hold it properly, he just doesn't like lifting weights))
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prettyinaccurate · 9 months
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my little introductory comic for my chemist boy and his companion physician! Graham F. Hurst and Arthur Cailbhin my beloveds
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Transcript below:
Austin: And then—and then in the end obviously turns into a dragon, which, every trans person I know does—also is able to do that, it’s a cool power, uhm—
Cameron: It’s a big part of it yeah
Austin: It’s a big part of it, yeah uh
Cameron: people don’t really talk about that a lot, but—
Austin: No uh- yeah, well y’know you, I mean— they don’t talk to YOU about it.
Michael: ‘cause we see the evidence all around us!
Austin: [laughing] exactly! But—
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