#a quiet sigh would catch her attention just as easily as a shout
All the angst got the brain kicking and thinking about the human's side too and how they could survive the menagerie of danger they stumbled on. So, Sally's sleepwalking mode is blind to the world and loud/odd sounds activate her more violent side, right?
If the human that enters the studios is quiet enough and vigilant enough to realize the other puppets don't dare to go near Sally, could they end up using Sally's ring of light as a 'safe' zone? Or just tiptoe just behind her robes as she wanders around until she sleeps again?
It could even be the same pic with the whole group staring but slightly tinted blue and bam! Its a twisted game of tag, but its better than facing off with the titanic dog. Let alone what the bird would do.
HA thats a really funny mental image! scooby-doo shenanigans if i may! Sally is a bit too sensitive to sound for that to work, but... that does make me Think...
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judasofsuburbia · 10 months
it's a bad idea, right?
steddie toxic exes au. based off olivia rodrigo's new song.
“Shut it off,” Eddie whines groggily into Steve's ear. 
Steve's eyes open up to the incessant ringing of his phone. He reaches over to pick it up off the nightstand, effectively getting out of Eddie's grasp. Eddie makes a disgruntled noise but doesn't protest further. 
It's Robin.
“Oh shit,” Steve grumbles as he sits up completely and answers it.
“Dingus! You're up, oh my god, finally. The girls and I are ready for the museum thing whenever you are. Though, I suggest that we go like right now because the lines are gonna get ridiculous and we're most definitely going to hit traffic going into the city and who knows if the teens have eaten anything so we might have to stop at McDonald's too. I have enough to get a bunch of sausage biscuits, could you cover the coffees? Maybe El is responsible and has money but I don't trust that Erica and Max do. I'll make sure they don't get any fancy frappes or anything—”
Robin continues at a mile a minute and Steve's brain is trying desperately to catch up. He rubs a hand over his tired eyes and sighs. 
“I can probably bus to your house if that would be easier.”
That gets Steve's attention. His eyes shoot open as he says, “No, no Robin. I'll come get you. Don't even worry about it.”
“Oh, okay,” Robin agrees easily. “You good dude? Sleep like the dead last night?”
“Something like that,” Steve grumbles. “Look I'm gonna need like half an hour to get ready. I'll text you when I'm near your apartment.”
“It's just a Wonder Woman exhibit. Don't get fussy with your outfit.”
“Uh huh, okay,” Steve replies. He starts to roll out of bed but Eddie catches him, yanking him closer. 
“Where do you think you're going?” Eddie rasps, sending shivers down Steve's spine. He couldn't get wrapped up in that too long though because all he hears is Robin's responding gasp through the receiver. 
“Half an hour, love you, bye!” Steve shouts, hanging up hurriedly. 
Eddie chuckles into Steve's neck, successful in pulling Steve back into his hold. Steve's weak to do anything but sink into it. 
“You haven't told them, have you?” Eddie asks, pressing a kiss to the back of Steve's neck.
“There's nothing to tell,” Steve argues.
Eddie laughs again, dragging Steve's ear lobe with his teeth. “You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”
Steve does manage to get out of Eddie's apartment and back home in time to slip on some clean clothes, spritz himself in cologne, and get out of the door. Thank fuck for fall because the turtleneck he grabs covers the number Eddie did on his neck. He wishes he could get the phantom press of his lips and teeth out of his head. 
He picks up the teenagers first. They're easy because they all were spending the night at the Sinclairs. He thought he could put off his death a little bit longer. He was wrong. 
The girls are giggling as they clamor into the backseat and Steve is immediately on edge. 
“You're so fucking dead, dude,” Max declares as Steve backs out of the driveway.
Steve smiles tightly at her through the rearview mirror. “And who said anything to you?”
The girls are giggling again. It grates every nerve in Steve's body. 
“Mike overheard Nancy and Robin on the phone. He texted us. It probably wasn't very nice,” El says, at least sounding a little bit guilty. Steve shoots her a sympathetic look.
It's not her fault he fucked up, again.
“Great,” Steve grits. “That's fucking fantastic.”
Steve pulls up to Robin's apartment, tense and seconds away from wincing when he sees her stomp out the front door. She plops into the front seat and the whole car goes quiet. 
“You look nice,” Steve tries. 
“Breakfast is on you,” Robin replies. 
“Yeah, I figured,” Steve mumbles. 
Everyone is happily sipping their fancy frappes. Everyone except Robin of course who has managed to not dig into him in front of the teens but he knows it's coming. Like a storm about to brew. 
Steve tries not to think about how Eddie tasted like caramel as they made out because he's quit smoking and sucks on candies instead. He's torturing himself with the caramel frappe in his hand but he can't help it. He craves it more than he should. 
They get their tickets and the teens run ahead of them, checking out all the cool displays. Steve starts to walk in front of Robin but he gets yanked back. 
“Did you just...trip and fall into his bed? Or is this a repeat offense?” Robin asks with a cool, casual tone.
“I...” Steve stutters, taking a sip of his drink that's long gone to buy him time. All it buys him is a loud empty slurping sound. 
“You said you were falling asleep early last night,” Robin states.
“And I did! I was asleep just...not in my bed.”
Robin scoffs. “What was it this time? Eddie looking to reconnect?”
Steve's lips turn into a frown. As much as Steve likes to believe he's above Eddie's words and affection, it truly does not take much to break him. He and Eddie dated casually for about a year. Steve wanted to be serious but Eddie's band was about to take off and he didn't want any strings tying him to Chicago. Steve painfully decided to end it, decided he needed more than “I promise you're the only one I'm sleeping with”. Eddie's band did kind of take off. But not enough to get Eddie out of Chicago. And out of Steve's brain, apparently. 
“I only see him as a friend,” Steve lies through his teeth.
“Do I look stupid to you?” Robin asks with a tilt of her head, eyebrows raised. 
“No,” Steve emphasizes. “But we...we're not back together or anything.”
“I don't think you were ever together to begin with.”
“Okay. Ouch.”
“I'm serious, dingus. You were not good after that breakup, or whatever you want to call it. I just don't want to see you get hurt again.”
Steve lets out a long sigh, tossing his frappe into the trash, and leaning up against the wall. He watches as fans of Wonder Woman roam the museum, some of them dressed up for the occasion. He's happy he's here, happy he got to take the girls here, but he knows he'd rather be somewhere else. He feels guilty for that. 
“I fucked up, okay?” Steve admits defeatedly.
Robin leans her head on his shoulder. “I know you did. I know you know you did. Question is: is this going to be repeated?”
“No,” Steve says. He doesn't believe it and he can tell by Robin's huff that she doesn't either. 
“Gimme your phone,” Robin says.
“What? Why?”
“Just hand it over.”
Steve holds his phone to his chest. Looks at Robin seriously. “Don't tell him off or something. Don't read our texts!”
“Ew, I don't want to read your texts,” Robin sneers as she takes the phone from his hands. “I'm just gonna change his contact name.”
Steve looks over her shoulder and sees her typing “DONT PICK UP IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE” is now Eddie's contact name. 
“Surprised you didn't just delete it,” Steve mumbles, wincing because maybe he shouldn't have given her that idea. 
“Because I know you have it memorized. No use blocking his number either because he has your socials. But take this as a reminder that you deserve better than him.”
Steve's mouth opens and closes, an argument dying on his tongue. It's not that Eddie is a bad person, necessarily. He's a little much sometimes but deep down, he is rather sweet. Very nerdy, very animated. Very thoughtful. It's like he could make the perfect boyfriend if he just let go of his inability to commit to anything that's not his music. But Robin's right. Steve is monogamous at heart and deserves more. 
So tell him why he’s standing outside of Eddie’s door not even three days later?
Eddie answers with a shining smile that has Steve clenching his fists. 
“Next time, you’re coming to my place,” Steve states as Eddie pushes him up against the door. Eddie drags his tongue up Steve’s neck, causing his knees threatening to buckle. 
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” Eddie answers.
Steve doesn’t hear anything else beyond moans and incoherent ramblings. It’s like the second Eddie gets his hands on him his brain goes “Blah, blah, blah.” 
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geminibsworld · 5 months
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fingertips - t.b
summary: enemies to lovers
warning: cussing, smoking, drinking, smut & infidelity
“mike!” Priscilla shouts, brushing down her school uniform. her feet padding on the wooden floor below her. she enters her bedroom and sits on her bed. she pulls up her her thigh highs, before slipping her mary jane’s on.
“mike!” she yells again, as she buckles them. she sits up, making sure her dutch braids feel even. she mumbles to herself, before grabbing her glasses putting them on before she stands up grabbing her bag and walking down the stairs.
she sees mike, and his airpods in his ears as he stares at his phone. she rolls her eyes before walking up to him. she sighs annoyingly, looking at the time on her phone. mikes eyes finally meet pricilla’s.
“oh, hi baby, is it time to go?” he asks, setting down his phone and taking out his airpods and placing them in the case. he stands up giving her a quick kiss on her cheek before grabbing his bag. she follows him out the door, slamming the door behind her.
“are you upset with me?” he asks, turning around his brown eyes meeting her hazel eyes. she frowns and shakes her head.
“no- i have thing about being on time and ready to go. you know this,” she shrugs, rolling her eyes. mike grabs pricilla’s hand, entwining their fingers.
“baby, you stress too much. too easily.” he says, a small chuckle escaping his lips, she glances up at him.
“you relax too much,” she says, emphasizing ‘too much,’ mike scoffs next to her, shaking his head.
“im just trying to help,” he says, shaking their hands playfully.
“you would help me if you actually paid attention to these things,” priscilla looks at him sternly. mike rolls his eyes, going quiet.
“mike!” a voice calls behind them, priscilla instantly groans out loud. mike glances at her, before snapping his head to look behind them.
“hey tommy boy,” mike laughs, letting go of her hand. pricilla stops turning around seeing, Tom, mikes best friend. he grins, as mike and him and do a handshake that they do every time they greet each other.
tom annoyed priscilla, more than anything. his tall, lean frame, his wavy brown hair, his blue eyes, that she’s noticed change color in certain light, everything annoyed him. he was like mike, careless, not stressed, ever and was the biggest man whore she’s ever met. he was a nuisance to her, tom thought pricilla’s hatred was funny. infact, he always pushed her buttons, too much. he was always laughing at her, teasing her, annoying her, she wanted to punch him desperately. to the point, her fist is always balled up especially when he’s around. pricilla used to have a crush on tom, before she even met mike. she always thought tom was cute, not anymore though.
“ah! my favorite annoyance!” tom’s voice, erupted a big smile on his face as he approached her. mike walks next to him, talking about fortnite or some other game they play together.
“get the hell away from me,” priscilla hisses, turning around spinning on her heel and trying to walk away faster. but tom, he always caught up with her. he jogged slightly to catch up with her, mike now scrolling through tiktok’s.
“for a short girl, you move pretty fast,” tom jokes, a smirk on his face. pricilla rolls her eyes at him, he glances down at her shoes.
“especially in mary jane’s, so cute by the way,” he says, priscilla looks at him making a face of disgust. they approached the school, pricilla wanted to run away but with ice and snow on the ground and school, she couldn’t.
“do you not have any other friends?” pricilla snaps, tom laughs clearly not taking her serious. pricilla stops raising her brows, her lips parting slightly. they face each other now, mike was still a few feet away. tom smirks down on her, glancing at mike.
“i do, unfortunately they’re not as fun as you are,” he says, his smooth and low. priscilla’ fist balls up, her nails digging into her palm. she could feel her nails stabbing her, she didn’t care. she was so angry.
“unfortunately, i don’t like you. only reason you’re around, is because of mike, okay?” she says, in a stern voice. tom scoffs, adjusting his back pack.
“yeah? you sure about that?” tom says, for once serious. priscilla clenched her jaw as mike approached them, he laughs at a tiktok before looking up at tom and pricilla. he puts his phone away, and wraps an arm around her.
“you guys ready?” mike says, pressing a small kiss to the side of her head. priscilla glares into tom’s eyes, unballing her fist. tom swallows before responding to mike.
“never,” he jokes, like nothing was said and nothing happened. she hated about him, he just moves on too fast. tom begins to walk away, mike entwines their fingers again going inside. pricilla glares at the back of tom’s head.
they walk into the warm school, students and teachers in the hall. priscilla lets out a small breath as she approaches her locker, letting go of mikes hand. tom and mike start talking again, this time about sports. they always talked about things pricilla never cared about, she honestly doesn’t know how she and mike work. she loves him, and everything but when tom’s around everything is different and he’s always around, that’s how pricilla views it anyways.
“babe, im gonna go to my first class okay?” mike says, giving priscilla a quick kiss on her cheek. tom stands off to the side, a small playful smirk on his lips. she knows he’s going to say something, he always says something.
“good luck,” she says to mike, he smiles and nods before leaving the two of them. priscilla makes her way to her class, hoping tom won’t say anything to her or follow her.
“wow, what a kiss huh?” he jokes, next to her. pricilla wants to scream, and that might her look like she has mental health issues so she doesn’t. she screamed internally, while also wanting to bash his head in with a metal chair. priscilla glances at him, nodding slowly.
“oh yeah, forgot you’re an expert,” she scoffs, “you definitely have fucked every girl in this school, at least once,” priscilla rolls her eyes, yanking open the classroom door, hoping she’d hit him. tom laughs, before holding the door for them as they walk in. tom follows quickly behind her as she sits down at her desk, tom slides in the desk next to her.
“yeah? you jealous?” he asks, she could hear the arrogant smirk in his voice. she shoots him a glare, taking off her glasses and wiping them on her sleeves. other students fill the room, the first bell rings as the teacher walks in.
“oh yeah, soo jealous,” she mumbles sarcastically. tom laughs next to her, pulling out his laptop. she rolls her eyes putting on her glasses. the second bell rang and the teacher begins his lesson.
the teacher, Mr. william, told the students to pull out their books. he didn’t have a plan or lesson technically, he just wanted them to read. tom leans back in his seat, starting the book. pricilla glances at him, before crossing her legs. her skirt riding up, exposing the thigh highs she wore. they were definitely scandalous to say the least, black and lacy. her foot shook anxiously, as she read. tom’s hands making the book seem so much smaller than what the book was to priscilla. she stared at his hands, admiring how the rings looked on his fingers.
tom was taking glances at her thigh highs, he loved her legs yet the thigh highs made them look so sexy. tom’s eyes would glance to the pages, then to her thighs like clock work. he rarely got to see her thighs, at all. he loved them, he’d imagine his hands on her thighs all the time. his eyes glance back down to the page, before he looked at priscilla watching her. her foot bounced as she chewed her bottom lip, he glanced down at the pages, before he looks up again. he sees priscilla her eyes staring at something, he didn’t know what. she looked like she was in deep thought, he decides to look where her eyes were, his eyes follow her glance leading them to his hand on the desk. he smirks to himself, before adjusting his hand his hand wraps around the edge of the table. he glances towards her, seeing her now reading her face hiding in the book.
priscilla hated tom, she could feel his eyes. he caught her staring at his hands. how embarrassing, she wanted to hit him with her book.
later in the day, tom followed priscila and mike back to priscilla’s parents house . mike was talking about his day, and was trying to get priscilla to talk about her day. tom was surprisingly quiet, it made priscilla happy but so nervous.
“babe, tom’s coming over okay? he’s my partner on a project- i need him,” mike says, playfully glancing back at tom.
“whatever,” she grumbles, she unlocks her parents house. she pushes the door open, throwing her bag down in the chair next to the door. she takes off her coat, as tom and mike sit on the couch. she heads into the kitchen grabbing two water bottles, when tom walks in. they run into each other, tom’s quick to bend down and grab the bottles.
“shit, sorry,” he says, his eyes glancing at her thighs as he stands from his squatting position. he stands up slowly, one of his hands holding both water bottles. she glances down at his hand, before meeting his gaze. he was staring at her, intensely. she wanted to look at away, it was almost as if he was hypnotizing her.
“ya know, you should take a picture. it just might last longer,” he says, a boyish smile on his lips, priscilla backs up instantly, quickly playing off a scoff rolling her eyes.
“shut up- i was thinking and spaced out,” priscilla says, unsure of what she was even saving. she felt nervous and embarrassed. she could feel her cheeks heating up, she felt so silly.
“sure,” he says laughing, walking backwards giving her a wink as he enters the living room. pricilla wanted to punch him yet again. she wanted nothing to do with him, yet he was invading her thoughts like it was nothing.
the next day, pricilla’s foot anxiously tapped against the metal pole that supported her desk. she chewed on her lip, she was anxious and mad. the relationship between her and mike was weird, mike isn’t into sex or intimacy, which is fine, but she hasn’t had sex in a year and it was really getting to her. she was so angry all the time, so frustrated, so upset. tom was constantly on her mind, all the time. his smell, his stupid smirk, and hypnotizing eyes. she was mad, she began to feel bad for mike but yet she wanted tom. she was mad at herself, and tom. she knew that he knew what she was doing. it was obvious, painfully obvious. she chewed on her lip, tasing blood. she let go of her lip, setting her pencil down and pulling her phone out. the black screen with her reflection, she looked at her lip before turning on her phone completely.
two texts from tom was on her lockscreen, she used her face id to look at the messages.
‘i know you’re thinking about me’
‘is it hot?’
she furrowed her brows at the messages looking up, she crossed her legs looking up from her phone. she saw tom looking at his lap, clearly looking at his phone. he had a grin on his face, she could see his smile lines. she quickly replies back.
‘fuck off,’
she presses send. shutting off her phone once again, sliding it into her bag. she finished the rest of the paper, as she stood up and walked it to the front setting down the paper on top of the table. she walked back glancing at tom. he was already watching her. their eyes meet, he raises his brows a small smile on his face as he looks back to his phone. silently priscilla curses him out, imagining picking up the desk by her and throwing it at him.
she sat down at her desk beginning to get her things together as the bell rang, she almost sprinted out of the classroom. mike waits outside next to the lockers, she could feel’s eyes on the back of her head. she ignored the heart palpitations and butterflies, she yanked mike into her pulling him into a deep kiss. smashing her mouth into his, mikes hands land on her waist gently pushing her off. her hands gripping his shirt, she lets out a small whine.
“babe, c’mon, be serious,” mike jokes, pressing a small kiss to her forehead. priscilla rolls her eyes, letting go of mike.
“you never want to do anything,” priscilla sighs, mike entwines their fingers as they begin to leave. mike lets out a groan, priscilla snaps her head to look at him. mike shrugs, before a dry laugh escapes his lips.
“it’s not that i don’t want to do anything, i just don’t think it’s important,” he says in the kindest voice he can muster. she knew he was upset, but she was upset too.
“mike wants to save himself for his ‘soulmate’,” tom says sneaking up behind them, priscilla looks at mike then tom then back to mike again.
“why haven’t you ever told me this before?” she asks, pouting almost ignoring tom. her shoes clicked on the aluminum floor as they left the building the cold sweeping across her exposed legs as they stepped out.
“i thought i did,” he shrugs, turning to start talking to tom about something that happened in their class together. priscilla went to respond but nothing came out. she walked alone, listening to the hustle of the city. occasionally hearing a laugh from tom or mike.
they approached the priscilla’s parents house. priscilla just wanted to be alone, away from everyone. she went to open the door as she stopped, before turning around and closing the door. mike and tom stopped talking and looked at her.
“i think i would like to be alone, today.” priscilla speaks frowning slightly, before turning around not waiting for their replies and heads into the house. she slams the door being her, and immediately starts her way up to her room. she throws her bag down on a chair, unzipping the bag pulling out her phone, she presses the power button before throwing her phone the bed.
she begins to undress from her school uniform, kicking off her shoes then grabbing a pair of her shorts and a cropped t shirt. she laid down on her bed, grabbing her phone. the screen showed two messages from Tom and Mike.
what’s your problem?
i love you!
she types to mike first of course texting back, then messaging Tom.
my problem? you’re my problem
you mad your boyfriend won’t fuck you?
priscilla gasps, furrowing her brows angrily.
you don’t know what my boyfriend and i do, our business. our relationship.
please. i know everything about your relationship. mike tells me everything. plus, you’re so uptight it’s obvious
what’s so obvious?
you need to be fucked? obviously?
you’re disgusting
want to find out how disgusting i really am? been dying to show you. bet you’d look so pretty on my cock.
the text sent shockwaves through her, the type of shockwaves where she was aching. she clenched her thighs, feeling a wave of excitement course through her. she couldn’t help but picture it. she’d heard rumors he was big, and she couldn’t help but him. she hated him, yet she wanted him so bad. she went to reply when he sent another text.
you’re thinking about it. i know you are, i know how to tame brats. you’d be begging for more when im done with you.
she rubbed her thighs together, creating a friction her shorts rubbing her. she was turned on, so badly she felt like she’d never been touched before. soaking her panties, probably her shorts.
im good, i have mike.
she felt guilty, yet she wanted to give into temptation so bad. her body was begging her too, she wanted to so bad.
he wouldn’t know what to do with you.
priscilla groans loudly, she hated him. she couldn’t help feel so turned on, she didn’t know if it was tom or if it was her just being horny.
and you do?
she wanted to throw her phone across the room as she went that reply, instead she sat it on her bed. she closes her eyes, her hands dig into her hair frustratingly. she feels a vibration, she pulls her hand out of her hair and sees a text from tom.
yeah i do. wanna find out?
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songsofadelaide · 6 months
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tw/cw: set in 2013, we're in high school, always sleepy female reader, established relationship, fluff, slice of life, mentions of other female students gossiping about reader, making out, dry humping, atsumu going through it, reader trying to prove a point — From where you sat, gently cradled in his arms, you could see why other girls seethed at you in jealousy. His brown eyes drank in your every feature like you were the only thing worth looking at in the world. wc: 2.6k words
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Everyone knows that the sleepy second year girl is happily taken by Japan's number one high school setter.
Your relationship goes back a year from now, when you were both first years. Atsumu had found you asleep nearby while he was closing up the gym, book in your hand but your head definitely in dreamland. It wasn't your intention, but you had overslept and woke up at dusk fall, which was way beyond the afternoon time limit you set for yourself.
You walked home together that one time and became fast friends afterwards. He would catch you at the cafeteria and drop a milk box or juice box in your hands from time to time. ("Y'know, to keep you awake, aho," he once told you.) On other days, it was one of Osamu's experimental onigiris. Some days, it would be two or three jelly fruit sticks he obviously nabbed from Suna. His loud laughter whenever he'd tell you a stupid joke would draw everyone's attention to you both until he was unwillingly dragged away by his twin for their next class. 
There were rumours spreading around about Atsumu being a heartbreaker, but you thought it was already given seeing as he was popular and had a lot of admirers around him. You never quite understood why he wouldn't date anyone, though. Apart from volleyball and classes, there was nothing else in between for him. 
...except there was something. Or someone. Because that's what he'd been telling the girls who confessed to him...
Not that it was any of your business, but if he were seeing someone while also hanging out with you, it would pose a problem because you didn't want any jealous girlfriend on your tail, especially when you just wanted to sleep in peace. 
"I think we should stop hanging out with each other too much."
You recalled how red his face went after you told him that while you were on your way home together one time. 
"One of the girls from my class said you rejected her because you were already seeing someone. Now I don't wanna be caught up in some vicious love triangle, Miya. You of all people should know that I value my quiet life and I just want to sleep and write in peace—"
"Man, are ya dumb or what?!"
"What?! Why am I suddenly the dumb one here?!"
"Because you are!"
You stared at each other angrily, red-faced and ready to shout again before he finally let out a sigh of defeat. 
"Ya really don't get it, do ya?"
"G-Get what?"
When you arrived back home, it was your mother who opened the gate for you, and she was caught entirely by surprise when Atsumu bowed down before her and formally (and nervously) asked if he could start dating you. 
(Apparently, your mother and his mother knew each other since they were both part of the same local tea club, so he pretty much had her approval from the get go.)
The fact that you were what was in between his volleyball and classes made you absolutely self-conscious. You had asked him to keep it a secret for the meantime until just recently...
What was supposed to be an unconfirmed rumour finally came to light on your second year, when Atsumu first came to your homeroom to join you for lunch. Seeing him there surprised your classmates, particularly Suna, who jokingly raised the question of dating at his teammate. 
"Huh? Yeah, we're dating." 
It slipped out of the setter's mouth so smoothly and easily that it completely gave away how long the two of you have been going out. 
It was no surprise that some of the girls at school considered you some kind of odd bird when word came out that you were Atsumu's mystery girlfriend.  Whispers and murmurs were afloated a lot when  the other girls from your class thought you weren't around. 
"Maybe he likes prudes?"
"...a sheltered girl from a traditional family..."
"He found her asleep near the gyms. She probably waited for him out there and..."
Locker room talk like this was rampant and it definitely put a dent on your peaceful school life. Yes, somehow every aspect of your relationship with your boyfriend was whispered about, passed around like notes in class. Atsumu was popular in his own right and was often the subject of things you wished you never heard. Things you wished you could shut your ears to. 
"Ah, I wish he dated me instead. I'd give him such a good time."
And while you were completely dense to his feelings at first, you knew exactly what the other girls meant when they talked about giving him a good time. 
You didn't have the nerves of steel that other girls did when it came to such perverted talk, but you had an iron will to change how such words were being thrown around you so casually. Especially since they were talking about your boyfriend.
Saturdays meant half-day training for the volleyball club and Atsumu found himself invited to your house at the most convenient and curious time. He arrived there still in his club tracksuit, obviously not thinking much about the invitation, but he looked rather unnerved when you opened the gates for him in that airy pale blue sundress with the ribboned straps resting on your shoulders. He followed you in soundlessly as he looked around the compound, looking to greet your family.
"It's unusually quiet here today. Where's your mom and aunts?"
He had taken his seat on the tatami floor of your spacious bedroom, training bag set aside on one corner. 
"There's no one else here," you told him, shutting the sliding doors behind you. 
You stared at each other for a solid minute, faces slowly turning red at the prospect of finally being able to spend an hour or two completely alone with each other.
"D-Don't stare at me, aho!" You started, cheeks obviously flushed as you stomped towards him. 
A chuckle left his lips, a grin finally appearing as he stretched out his hand to reach for you. You gently slid your hand into his and felt yourself be pulled down beside him. Surprisingly, you both let out sighs of relief at the same time, but he could tell that yours was definitely out of defeat. 
"Are ya finally gonna tell me what's going on, sweet thing?" 
There was no way he could make himself small, even as he sat before you, broad shoulders slightly hunched so he could meet your gaze. 
"I'm sure you're aware that you and your brother are pretty popular at school. Everyone was caught by surprise when they found out that we've been dating for quite a while now."
"Yeah, I know that. Are ya hearing any troubling things?"
He reached out to caress your cheek, callused fingers brushing over the warmth of your face. You lowered your eyes, avoiding his gaze as you pursed your lips. 
"Sex talk makes you uncomfortable, huh? Especially when it's me they're talking about," he said. "I don't think there's much we can do about that. Ya know how people will still talk about whatever they want."
"I... I don't like hearing how other girls think they can give you a good time. It's annoying," you stated, another sigh of defeat leaving your lips. "I'm sorry. I  know I shouldn't let their words get to me, but it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever I have to play deaf to their words."
"A good... time? Like what? They gonna receive my sets or something?" He said with a laugh as he pulled you into his arms. "Whatever they say won't change the fact that it's you I want."
He couldn't see how your lips curved upward as your cheek collided with his collar. "I love you."
The softness of the way you spoke those words made him tense up for a moment, but he smiled as your eyes met again. "You really put one hell of a love spell on me, ya know." 
From where you sat, gently cradled in his arms, you could see why other girls seethed at you in jealousy. His brown eyes drank in your every feature like you were the only thing worth looking at in the world. 
"Do you want to, uh, kiss or something?" You asked him, observing the expression on his face. "I mean we've kissed before, but not the, uh..."
"Yeah, I think I get why Samu called this a tasty situation," Atsumu chuckled to himself once again, as he finally came to terms with something. "Sure, sweet thing."
He shifted his sitting position as he gently hoisted you onto his lap while you moved to straddle him, hands on his shoulders. 
"Perfect," he stated, the tips of your noses brushing against each other. "All yours."
The boy was smiling as you kissed, obviously delighted with the little sounds you made as your lips moved in sync with his. His hands made their way to your waist and he could feel you trembling. 
The heat coursing through your body shot up to your head and you hesitantly pulled away from the kiss as you felt callused fingers gently sliding under your skirt, part of which had already pooled around your waist. 
"I-Is that your... S-Something's poking my butt."
"Yeah, that's definitely mine," he replied with a lazy grin, holding your gaze. "You don't see anyone else here now, do ya?"
"Right, uh..." You stammered, head too hazy to form a coherent sentence. "Can... Can I move closer? C-Can I move?" 
"Stop asking questions, babe, just— Tch."
A low growl through clenched teeth left his mouth as he felt your hands paw at the bulge under his immaculately white track pants, antsy fingers gently shifting the twitching length before sitting down on him, your crotch rubbing against his erection. His fingers sank into your waist as you slowly started rocking your hips against him.
You told yourself that this was the farthest you could go for now, seeing as it took so much courage for you to even start this conversation. 
And yet, you couldn't help but applaud yourself for this little achievement, especially after seeing the look of resolve wash away from your boyfriend's face, his expression a mixture of both frustration and pleasure. You coiled your arms around his neck and dove in for an open-mouthed kiss which he met so eagerly. 
The afternoon heat and your exchange of heavy breaths made your head go cloudy. Your mind was so fogged that you didn't even realise the soft moans slipping out of your lips and how your hips moved so erratically. Atsumu was staring at your face through half-lidded eyes, a heady, absent-minded smile on his face as he tried to pace his own movement, his fingers digging into your thighs as his own hips instinctively thrust upward. 
You felt a warmth pool at the pit of your stomach, the buzzing in your head blocking out everything save for the electrifying pleasure you shared with your boyfriend. Atsumu felt hotter than usual, most probably due to his black training shirt taking in all of his body heat and part of yours as well. 
"Ngh... I l-love you so much— ah!"
Your words were drawled out and garbled, but the smile on his face only meant he understood what you said, but he was more focused on the way your body tensed up. You threw your head back as a sharp cry of pleasure escaped your lips, your movements finally slowing to a halt. He rested his forehead on your shoulder and you swore you heard him curse under his breath. You felt his shoulders tense up as well, your fingers gently raking the hair just above his nape to soothe him as his climax concluded as well. 
The buzzing in your head was replaced by the sound of your own pulse, the sound of your own blood rushing through your ears making you so self-conscious that you almost pulled away from Atsumu's grip. The same heavy exhales left his mouth as he raised a hand to sweep away the strands of hair that was stuck on your sweat-sheened neck. 
"You..." He started. "Look at ya. You're so fucking pretty and those scrubs oughta be jealous."
You cupped his face in both your hands before leaning down to kiss him softly, tears pooling in your eyes as he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. 
"I love you, too," he said, his voice low that it reverberated through your chest. "Only you."
Your aunts found the two of you curled up together comfortably as you dozed off, the sliding doors drawn open to let in the cool afternoon breeze. Your father was oddly suspicious as to why you were wearing a longer dress compared to the flimsier one you had on earlier, but you brushed it off as dressing appropriately for your guest. 
Your mother and aunts were laughing and whispering to themselves as they observed the boy placing food over your rice before finally getting some for himself. "My, Atsumu-kun, we're sure she can get her own food, so don't worry and eat up."
"Ah, but I, uh, like doing things for her," he replied with a bashful smile on his face, a hand suddenly on the back of his head. "She does a lot for me, too. I guess I just want to take care of her."
Your father quirked an eyebrow at the younger man's reply, but your mother playfully nudged him. The older women's chattering filled the dining room again, but you paid no mind to their banter. You smiled to yourself as Atsumu stuffed his face with rice and steamed vegetables. 
This boy was yours, all right. And you could take care of him way better than anyone else could claim.
Atsumu messaged you when he got home that evening after having dinner with your family, including the part where Osamu teased him for coming home in his spare training shorts. 
He was visually surprised when you turned up to school the following Monday wearing the darkest pair of tights underneath your black skirt uniform. 
"You probably left welts on her, Tsumu," you heard Osamu tease his twin. "Try not to be so hot-blooded next time."
He wasn't wrong, though.
The girls from your class were surprised when you entered the changing room with them for gym class, even taking the middle locker as you stripped down from your school uniform. You heard the whispers die out as you slid out of the dark tights, revealing fading purple streaks on your thighs and waist which were obviously greedy hand prints left by Atsumu.
"I-It's nice of you to join us today, uh..." one of the girls started, her eyes flitting from the bruises to the calculating look on your face. "You rarely change with us whenever it's time for gym class."
A soft hum left your lips as you pulled up your hair to a ponytail, revealing a single love bite just below your right collarbone. You smiled at them coolly, allowing them to gaze and gape at the little love bruises printed on your body.
"Looks like you had a fun weekend," another girl remarked, the verve in her voice gone as she eyed the red and violet bruise on your chest before finally looking away. 
You got into your gym uniform and stretched your arms upward, feeling absolutely accomplished as you made your point without even speaking yet. All eyes were on you again as you spoke rather happily. "Ah, thanks. Atsumu and I had a great time. Anyway, I'm heading out first. Nice to talk to you." 
The girls' changing room was oddly quiet whenever you were there afterwards.
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Author's Notes: Happy new year, friends and folks! May we all have a prosperous one. During my short break, I decided to read some of my old work and thought of publishing a select few - my favourite ones and some which I thought were pretty bold pieces, this one included. Atsumu is one of my favourite dark horses, one I never thought I'd like so much. This is part of my older HQ series on AO3, Dreams of Fire Trees and Silver Moons. I can still recall how much I enjoyed writing this, though I was a little doubtful about it. I hope enjoyed reading this one just as much. 💛
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
drabble list #12 w sungchan 😁😁
(you dont have to write the same plot its the hidden writer in me speaking but omg miscommunication trope angst to fluff where yn has an obvious crazy crush w sungchan like candace from phiness and ferb and everyone is like ooh youre crazy maybe stop sungchan wont like you or be like stacey and enable her behavior but gets jealous cause sungchan is being close w the next pretty girl in the neighborhood and have a breakdown cause hes [bye im gay so im used to writing mlm] insecure)
"No its okay you could continue hanging out with Winter (my bias sorry to my sister for using her name)" Yn sighs before saying under his breath "Silly me to assume you would care"
"Wait, Y/n" Sungchan shouted in disbelief "Who said I dont care about you?" Y/n just continued walking away until he felt two arms holding his waist tightly
"Y/n" Sungchan whispered centimeters away from his ear "When did I made you feel that I don't care about you?"
The miscommunication trope oh mannnnn such a good trope when done right so let's hope I do this justice! I'm always down to build on and collaborate with fellow fanfic writers any day!
12. "Silly of me to assume you would care"
[Choose a drabble and send me someone to write it on]
You never chalked yourself up to be the jealous kind. You'd been so nonchalant when past partners of yours would get close to others, but... no, nope, you're jealous now. You weren't exactly quiet about your crush on Sungchan, around him your lips were sealed shut but to everyone else? Insanity. It got to a point where your friends have basically divided into two factions, one telling you "for the love of god, ask him out!" and the other telling you "it's a bit much, (Y/N), do you really like him or do you like the idea of him?"
Obviously, you didn't know the answer.
It's just that you'd known Sungchan for so long. At one point, you made the mistake of calling him your best friend, and in that endeavor you drove that wedge between you both and you set yourself ten steps back because you didn't understand what love was. All those nights you'd stay at each other's house, those days you'd spend hours in each other's company, and those evenings where silence was just right between you both. And all of it came shattering down when she arrived.
The pretty girl from down the street, he called her. And, you had to admit, he was right. She was pretty. Too pretty. So pretty that Sungchan seemed to forget all about you when he said he'd be helping her adjust to the new neighborhood. And, sure, the first few days you didn't mind, that's just who he was, a kind person who wants to help out the new girl.
But, right now, every time she touched his arm and every time he'd laugh in her direction, for some reason, made your heart grow heavy. What was it that she said to you that one time you were together? It's nice that Sungchan has a friend like you? It almost made you laugh. You'd been pining for years, and Winter got his attention in seconds.
So, when you heard that laugh of hers again, you left. Quietly, of course, you didn't want to spoil the mood.
"(Y/N)!" You were already across the street when you heard Sungchan behind you. "Hey, come on, the party's still going!" He catches up to you easily.
"You go ahead and go back, I'm tired," you were on your front porch already when he stopped.
"You sure? I could stay with you," Sungchan offers. You look at him, then you shake your head.
"No, it's okay, you could continue hanging out with Winter," you sighed before saying under your breath, "silly me to assume you would care." You walked into your house now, but before you could shut the door, Sungchan walked in.
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Sungchan shouted in disbelief, "who said I don't care about you?" You just continued walking away until you felt two arms holding your waist tightly.
"(Y/N)," Sungchan whispered centimeters away from your ear, "when did I make you feel that I don't care about you?" You turned in his hold.
"Let go, Sung, I don't want to deal with this right now," you pushed away, and Sungchan closed the door behind him.
"(Y/N), let's talk about it, you've been off for a while now, and I'm worried about you, I care about you, you're the closest person to me!" Sungchan says.
"I... no, it's stupid," you shook your head.
"Don't say that! Everything you say matters to me!" Sungchan insists. "(Y/N), we've known each other this long, you really think I can't tell when you're upset? What's wrong?" He asks. You stood in silence. "I can't fix it, if I don't know what there is to fix."
"There's nothing to fix!" You shouted, your hands balling up into fists. You hit them lightly against the table. "It's fine, it's nothing."
"It doesn't sound like 'nothing,' (Y/N)," Sungchan takes a step toward you.
"It's fine! Just go to Winter already, she's waiting for you," you pointed toward the door and Sungchan's shoulders slumped.
"Winter... oh god, thank god, it's just Winter," he rests his hands on his knees and lets out a sigh of relief. And you felt your blood burn.
"What do you mean 'it's just Winter'?!" You shout.
"(Y/N)! Winter's a lesbian!" He shouts. You blinked, and he blinked too. And your hand rose to cover your mouth. You'd been jealous... of a lesbian. "She has a girlfriend!"
"Oh... my god... she's a lesbian," you shifted your weight onto one leg. "Now I feel stupid."
"Don't say that, (Y/N), you couldn't have known," Sungchan shakes his head. "Now, come on, let's head back, they're waiting for us," he opens his arms up and you sighed, walking into them just like you'd always had and holding him close. "Also... I know you have a crush on me."
"What?! Who told you?" Your voice fell into a whisper.
"Well, (Y/N), you're not exactly quiet about it," he says, "I was just waiting for you to tell me first, but... well, now seemed like a good time," he chuckles. "How about it then?"
"Why don't we ditch the party and go to lunch instead?"
"I can do that too," Sungchan grins. "But, let's agree to talk about things from now on instead of holding it inside, okay?"
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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xoxiu · 10 months
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 17 table of contents masterlist join the taglist discord
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
taglist: @0funsite0, @frieschan
"Jungkook, what the fuck is wrong with you?" 
The harsh, frenzied tone in Seokjin's voice made Ophelia sit upright. Curiously, she peered her head to catch a glimpse of the scene, but was just out of view. Sensing the rising tension, Yoongi removed Lia from his lap with a small kiss to her head to investigate. Lia's eyes followed Yoongi until he was out of sight, but her focus remained fixed on the doorframe as the voices grew louder and more intense.
"Hyung, what's going-"
"Jungkook's a fucking idiot, that's what's going on!" Jin's voice boomed over the hushed voices of the others, desperately trying to calm the eldest down. Even from the next room over, Lia felt uneased and scared from the immense volume. 
"That's surely an overstatement."
"He called the fucking police, Jimin!"
The sudden quiet lull in conversation allowed Jin's accusation to fully settle in Lia's mind. 
Police. If Jungkook called the police, they would find Lia and take her away. She could escape and be free.
Lia felt as if she were in a trance as she processed what was happening. She stared blankly at the pure white wall, lost in thought and oblivious to the action returning to the household. The gasps and yells of incredulity remained simply static in her mind, because she would be free.
She would be reunited with Henry and Rose, whose existences she seemingly forgot about these past few weeks. Or was it months? From the strict schedule her kidnappers kept her on, it was near impossible to keep track of time. Lia could hardly remember just how old she was, nevertheless the day of the week. 
Everything came flooding back to her, and Lia felt her body shake with an emotion she couldn't describe. Anger, anxiety, longing, and pure adrenaline built up in her small body, and Lia remained a simple spectator. Her emotions dictated her actions, and her emotions wanted out of her current hell.
Two hands picking her up dragged her out of her head, releasing the pent up rage upon her captor. Lia twisted, shouted, bit, scratched, anything to be let go. She finally possessed a way to escape, and she would not pass up the opportunity. 
Jimin remained at the receiving end of Lia's tantrum, taking the brunt of her fight. He sat her back down on the chair, keeping her wrists firm in his hands so she could no longer scratch or hit him. "Lia, I-" He began, but Lia refused to stop and listen, kicking violent and flinging herself backward to further herself away from Jimin. 
"No! Let me go! LET ME GO!" Lia's screams easily overpowered Seokjin's own, drowning out the altercation in the other room. Angry and frustrated tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, and Jimin felt like crying as well. He hadn't seen Lia this upset in weeks, and it hurt him to see her so upset. Jimin looked over to the doorframe at Namjoon, signaling him to come and help with a sigh. 
Namjoon was much stronger than Jimin, and easily maneuvered the small girl's body over his shoulder. He bared through the hits to his back, knees knocked into his chest, and an occasional bite to his side. 
"We have about ten minutes before the police get out here, so we want to get her out as soon as we can," Even with the assault upon him, Namjoon managed to calmly inform Jimin of the escape plan. So many thoughts ran through Jimin's head; he could hardly articulate any of them. 
"That's not enough time to pack all her things into the car," Jimin noted.
Namjoon adjusted Lia on his shoulder while responding, "Yoongi's only grabbing some essentials and told me to have her ready in the car quickly. Once she's in her car seat she can wear herself out." Namjoon rubbed Lia's back to calm her, resulting in protesting shrieks and harder squirming to get away from the unwanted touch. Feeling helpless, Jimin watched as the two left the room and eventually exited out the door, Lia's screams becoming muffled from the outside. 
Jimin sat in the passenger seat of the car, occasionally looking in the rearview mirror to watch either Namjoon and Yoongi placing baby items in the trunk or Lia continuing her struggles to unbuckle herself. In the back of his mind, Jimin knew she could undo the restraints, but Lia was too worked up mentally to think with rational thought. It was a sad, yet cute, sight. Jimin sighed before exiting the car, ignoring the questions of where he was going. 
He glanced at the sight just behind the front doors; Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the bottom of the stairs, faces as emotionless as Jimin's, while Jin leaned against the wall with his head in his hands. None of them paid Jimin any attention as he walked into the kitchen silently. He grabbed one of the bottles that Yoongi hadn't packed and filled it with plain tap water. Wordlessly, he walked back out to the car. 
"Where did you go?" Yoongi asked, closing the trunk after the last of the items had been loaded. 
"Mmm," Jimin hummed absentmindedly, "I just had to grab something." 
Yoongi looked his boyfriend over before nodding suspiciously. The two of them entered the car quickly, eager and anxious to leave before any law enforcement appeared. 
While Lia's struggling had died off while Jimin ran inside for the water, as soon as the engine started up and the car pulled out of the driveway, she fought hard with what little energy she had. The screams and kicks were much softer this time around, and with a small look towards Yoongi, Jimin realized just how tired the elder was as well. They were all tired and worn out, sitting silently as they drove away. 
Just as was expected, Lia did wear herself out, resigning to staring out the window slumped over in her car seat. Jimin looked at her pale face that brightened with red where her tears previously resided and suddenly felt immense sadness. Her eyes were puffy and wet, glossing over the otherwise dull and dead appearance. Jimin thought back to the pictures and videos of Ophelia all those months ago, remembering her bright eyes full of hope and happiness. The Lia behind him was not that same happy, cheerful girl. 
That twinkle of hope was lost. 
The sudden flash of red and blue alongside the long, permeating siren forced Jimin to look further ahead along the road. Police cars raced past them, one after the other, rushing towards their home in hopes of taking Lia away. As they passed, Jimin looked back towards Lia through the mirror, watching as her eyes reflected the red and blue lights. Other than the colors flashing over her, she remained emotionless as they disappeared behind them. 
Jimin grabbed the water bottle from the cup holder next to him, double-checking that the nipple was on tight before handing it back toward Lia. Lia looked toward the bottle but made no effort to accept it. Jimin gave it a small shake to encourage Lia to take it.
"You're dehydrated, baby. Drink some, please," Jimin spoke, his voice hoarse and cracking. After a moment of hesitation, Lia took ahold of the bottle with shaking hands. From the small mirror, Jimin watched as Lia drank from the bottle, staring out into the darkness surrounding them. 
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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Lost In The Fire | Spencer Reid
Chapter 17: Sometimes Shit Just Happens
Warnings: Angst, smut
Word count: 2,338
Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18
Becca ran swiftly along the busy hospital corridor, barely avoiding running face first into one lady and shouting an apology over her shoulder.
She'd lost JJ and Tara back in the foyer, but she could hear Emily's voice echoing from Spencer's room.
As she turned the corner into the room, Emily turned to look at her, smiling as she let go of Spencer's hand.
"I'll give you guys a minute," she smiled, gently squeezing Becca's arm as she passed by her.
Becca looked at Spencer, his tired eyes sad as he saw tears making their way down her cheeks. She walked slowly towards him, gently lowering herself onto the edge of his bed and taking his hand on hers.
"Spence, I'm so sorry," she cried, her words catching in her throat as her sobs came thick and fast.
"You have nothing to apologise for," he whispered, his thumb gently caressing the back of her hand.
"I was so awful to you," she said softly. "If we hadn't argued this morning, you would have..."
"Bex, stop," he told her. "This wasn't your fault. Sometimes shit just happens. If it hadn't have been me, it would have been someone else."
"Well I wish it was someone else," she sniffled quietly, wiping a tear from her cheek. He let out a small laugh, wincing at the sharp pain in his stomach.
"No you don't," he smiled drowsily.
"I thought I'd lost you," Becca whispered.
"Baby, I'm going to be fine, ok? You don't get rid of me that easily." He lifted her hand to his face, gently kissing the back of her fingers. "Do we need to talk about this morning though?" Becca shook her head.
"No, we don't. I've spoken to JJ, everything's good," she nodded, Spencer raising his eyebrows questioningly. "Honestly."
Spencer nodded slowly, biting on his lower lip.
"I am sorry," he said. "I should have told you."
"Yeah. You should have," she sighed quietly. "No more secrets, ok?"
"No more secrets, I promise," he smiled. " Come here," he whispered, her lips spreading into a small smile as she leant forwards, her lips meeting his gently. "I love you," he whispered against her lips as his free hand tenderly stroking her cheek.
"I love you," she smiled as she pulled back.
"Well, well, well," came a chuckle from the doorway. "So pretty boy's in love, huh?" Derek laughed.
"Uhhh, busted," Becca groaned as Derek walked towards Spencer's bedside, shaking his head in amusement.
"So much for 'I don't know what you're talking about Derek'," he laughed, holding his hand out towards Spencer, who laughed quietly, fist-bumping his friend. "Well pretty boy, you are a very lucky man, make sure you treat this one how she deserves," Derek smiled, winking at Becca.
"I will," Spencer chuckled. Derek turned his attention to Becca.
"Dave sent me to get you," he explained. "I'm gonna keep this one company while Dave takes you home to get a shower and something to eat."
"I'm fine Derek, I'll stay here now Spence is awake."
"Baby, go and get something to eat," Spencer insisted. "The last thing I need is you in the room next door because you've passed out," he smiled, gently squeezing her hand.
"You're sure?" He nodded. "Ok. I'll be back as soon as I can though, alright?"
"I'll be here," Spencer chuckled softly as Becca stood up, gently kissing his forehead before heading out of the room towards the relatives room down the corridor. She smiled to herself as she heard Derek's voice behind her.
"Start talking Reid, how have you managed to keep this quiet?"
Thanks flower," Becca smiled up at Penelope as her friend handed her a glass of wine before sitting down beside her, the rest of the BAU ladies taking sips of their own drinks. "How are things in the bullpen?"
"Pretty chilled," Tara nodded. "Those pesky serial killers must be taking an early Christmas break," she laughed before taking another mouthful of her drink. "How's Reid recovering?"
Becca sighed, raising her eyebrows dramatically.
"I'm not going to lie to you, he is not a good patient," she laughed. "Trying to get him to stay in bed has been a challenge."
"From what I hear, that's not usually an issue for you two," Emily muttered cheekily, drawing a loud laugh from the rest of the girls.
"Emily Prentiss, will you behave?!" Becca laughed as Emily took a large gulp of her wine, raising her free hand into the air, feigning innocence.
"Dave said you're staying at Spence's now?" Tara said.
"Yeah," Becca nodded slowly. "I managed to convince Interpol to let me stay here a little longer but they obviously didn't want to keep paying for the hotel now the case is over."
"When do you have to leave?" JJ asked quietly.
"The day before Christmas Eve," she said sadly, a lump growing in her throat as she fought the tears that sprang to her eyes.
"At least you'll be able to spend Christmas with your sister," Penelope smiled, trying to see the silver lining to the huge grey cloud hovering above Becca's head.
"You're right," Becca nodded. The girls hesitated, glancing sadly at each other around the table. "I wish I didn't have to leave you all."
Penelope put her arm comfortingly around her friends shoulders.
"You could stay?" JJ suggested kindly. "We could definitely use you on the team full time, and Spence would love it."
"I know," Becca sighed. "I just can't leave my sister." The girls nodded sadly.
"Spence and I are going to try and make things work long distance, but realistically how often does that really happen?"
"You guys will be the exception to the rule, I know it," Emily smiled reassuringly, reaching out and laying her hand on top of Becca's.
Becca glanced around the table, smiling gratefully at her friends.
"I love you guys," she whispered. "I can't thank you enough for making me feel so at home here."
"We're going to miss you," Tara told her. "But you have a week left with us, so let's all just make the most of it." The girls all nodded in agreement.
"I know you'll want to spend as much time with Spence as you can, but will you have time for Bon voyage drinks?" JJ asked.
"I'll make time," Becca smiled. "As if I could leave you guys without one more BAU-style hangover," she laughed.
"I'll drink to that," Tara laughed, raising her glass into the air.
"Hey," Becca smiled as she closed the apartment door softly behind her, stumbling slightly as she kicked off her shoes.
Spencer laughed, looking over his shoulder at her from his seat on the couch.
"Few too many drinks?" He smiled as he lay his arm along the back of the cushions.
"No such thing," she grinned as she sat down beside him, leaning into the crook of his arm and gently kissing his cheek.
"How are the girls?"
"They're good, they send their love and said I have to tell you to be a better patient," she laughed.
"It all got a bit emotional if the truth be told," she told him quietly, the smile fading from her face.
"You told them you're going back to England?" She nodded sadly. "How did they take it?"
"Better than I did," she chuckled. "What have you been up to? You better have been taking it easy."
"I have Dr Harding, I promise," he laughed, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. "It's still early, you want to watch a movie or something?"
"I don't care what we do," she whispered as she snuggled into his shoulder. "So long as I can stay right here."
He wrapped his arm around her, his fingers ghosting across the back of her neck.
"You don't care what we do, huh?" He grinned as he looked down at her, a cheeky glint in his eyes as their eyes met.
"No," she said forcefully. "You're on a ban, remember? Or did it escape your memory that you got shot less than two weeks ago?" She smiled.
"No, I remember," he laughed. "But the doctor said I'm healing well, and the pain is almost gone."
"He also said no strenuous activity, and forgive me if I'm wrong Dr Reid, but sex with you is nothing if not strenuous," she laughed, reaching up and kissing him softly.
He smiled against her lips, his hand settling against the back of her neck, tracing small circles against her skin, and she moaned softly, her lips granting his tongue entry as he deepened the kiss.
Wrapping her hair around his fingers, he leant towards her, pushing her backwards as he laid down beside her, his other hand settling against her thigh, gripping onto the hem of her dress.
"Spence, this is a bad idea," she whispered breathlessly as he pulled his lips from hers, leaving a trail of gentle nips down to her throat.
"Sshhh," he urged her, his fingers sliding slowly up her leg, pushing her underwear aside and slowly pushing two fingers inside her as their lips met again.
"I've missed you," he whispered.
"I've been here," she gasped against his lips.
"I mean, I've missed this," he said softly as he curled his fingers inside her, her breath catching in her throat as he hit her tender spot.
"I want you. So, fucking, badly," he groaned before kissing her again, the pressure almost bruising, leaving her fighting for breath.
She felt a guttural growl rumble in his chest as she slipped her hands inside the waistband of his sweatpants, pushing them slowly from his hips as she sat up, forcing him backwards.
She quickly kicked off her underwear before throwing her leg across his lap, straddling him, groaning as her hips rocked against him.
She sat back against his thighs, panting as his hands gripped tightly onto her hips, and she pulled his T-shirt off over his head.
"I want you to stay still," she told him, running her fingertips slowly down his toned stomach, careful to avoid his stitches. She smiled as he nodded eagerly, quickly licking his lips.
She leant forward, her lips millimetres from his, his breath coming hot and fast as she slid her hand down his body, wrapping her hand around his length.
She smiled as she pumped her hand around him, his eyes falling closed as he exhaled deeply. "You're sure you want to do this?"
"Yes," he breathed. "Baby, please," he pleaded.
She giggled as she lifted herself from his hips, lining him up with her entrance and sinking slowly down onto his cock, holding his gaze throughout.
"You begging me for a change, this is new," she chuckled as she started to move slowly around him, her hips rocking against his as his chest heaved, fighting to catch his breath.
Gradually, her body adjusted around him and she began to move faster.
His hands slid up her sides, pushing her dress up and pulling it off over her head, throwing it to the floor in front of the couch, before he spread his large hands wide across her back, pulling her tight against him.
She cried out loudly as he took her nipple gently between his teeth, tugging softly as her back arched against him.
"Fuck," she panted, digging her fingernails hard into his shoulders as she steadied herself, the knot in her stomach tightening with each movement of her hips.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, slipping a hand between their bodies, his thumb rubbing firm circles against her clit, her head rolling backwards as her movements faltered and he felt her walls tightening around him.
A loud cry erupted from her lungs as her body unwound around him, waves of ecstasy rolling through her, his name falling from her lips like a prayer.
Her hips stuttered as her legs shook beneath her, unable to support her weight, so he wrapped his arms tight around her waist, pulling her down onto him as he rolled his hips against hers, his own orgasm hitting him like a freight train as her walls fluttered around him.
The few remaining stitches in his stomach pulled tightly, but the pain was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through his veins.
As they came down from their highs together, she collapsed forward against his shoulder, her fingers burying themselves in his hair as she fought to catch her breath.
"You ok?" She whispered breathlessly.
He nodded, gently running his fingertips down her spine.
They sat silently together for a few minutes, their bodies still entwined.
"Let me get you cleaned up," Spencer said softly, rolling Becca onto her back and climbing up from the couch, making his way to the bathroom.
By the time he came back onto the room, he had already pulled on a fresh pair of grey sweatpants, which hung low on his hips.
She looked up at him as he made his way towards her, a wet cloth in his hand.
Kneeling down on the floor, he smiled, brushing her damp hair back from her forehead before running the cloth between her legs, her body retracting involuntarily.
"Cold," she giggled up at him as he shook his head in amusement.
"We better get you to bed then," he smiled as he got to his feet, holding his hand out to her. She took his hand and he pulled her to her feet, leading her to bed.
As they lay down together, Spencer pulled the blankets over them and held his arm out, gesturing for her to come closer.
She smiled sleepily, her eyes already drifting closed as she shuffled closer to him, snuggling into his chest, her hand resting gently against his toned stomach.
"Good night Spence," she slurred. "I love you." He smiled to himself, gently kissing the top of her head.
"Love you," he whispered, her breathing already slowing down as she slipped into sleep.
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rin-itoshi · 3 years
mc’s departure | obey me
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summary: how the brothers would react to MC returning to the human world after a year in the devildom
contains: fluff , angst , ?!!!!&;@;&:idk
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he’s the one to see you off, reminding you of the many things he had taught you so that you’d never forget.
his pride is much too large to admit that he will miss you to death and that he loves you dearly.
after you’re gone, he’s gone for hours at a time, holed up in his room with as much as work as he can take on.
he overworks himself with the intention of getting rid of the heavy emotion on his heart.
everything reminds you of him, even the paper clip on his desk that you had once found under his bed.
he gets easily irritable, feeling rather empty now that you’ve gone and left him alone in this now quiet house.
barely leaves his room, only works.
never cries but gets quite emotional when he finds a belonging you left behind.
he cried every single night up until your departure but never showed you that side of him once
after you left, he cried non-stop, not caring if he looked like a cry baby in front of his brother’s who watched him with pitiful eyes.
once his eyes dried up, he soon never returned home as he partied all day and night.
he forced himself to attend parties after parties in order to forget about you.
it never works because everything reminds him of you.
sometimes he sits in his car and just stares into space, wondering what you’re doing now that you’re back on earth.
literally cannot stand the mention of you or your name or he may break down.
pretends to be okay but can’t go a day without getting upset about your absence.
money soon becomes pointless when he realizes no amount of cash will bring you back to the house of lamentation.
curled up in his bath tub and cried himself to sleep.
stopped leaving his room in general, continuously playing games all day and night.
couldn’t look at his ruri-chan figures because they somehow reminded him of you and how much you used to admire them with him.
every inch of his room has your touch on it and it makes his heart ache painfully.
struggles to attend online school but manages to make it through the day by zoning out in class.
claims he doesn’t care about a normie like you but genuinely misses you
sends you messages, forgetting you can no longer contact him without your D.D.D
writes about how much he misses you on his blog fully aware you’ll never see it.
reading. that’s all he does.
he hides in his room and reads every single book he has stacked up along his room, even rereading them if he finished everything.
uses books to get his mind off of you—or more so the lack of you.
will sometimes get excited about a stray cat he sees but stops himself when he realizes he can’t tell you because you aren’t here.
gets angry. a lot.
the smallest things set him off and he can longer feign a smile when he hears your name or anything related to you.
he misses you so much that he wants to tear out his hair and rip apart all these book page by page.
his room is in shambles and he can’t seem to think straight anymore.
loses his interest in everything.
forgets his skin care routine and lets himself go without caring about it.
forces himself to go to parties and tries to sleep with someone to feel better but when it fails, he stops sleeping around in general.
like mammon, he doesn’t come home often to avoid seeing the house he had lived in with you happily.
cannot forget about you no matter what he does, and that frustrates him the most.
wishes he had done something to stop you or at least slept beside you one last time.
neglects himself for a while.
poor bby isn’t hungry for once.
can’t seem to eat now that you’re not sitting beside him, giggling about something he had said.
spends a lot of his time doing weight training and exercising to get his mind off of you.
misses all the meals you used to make on the nights you were in charge of cooking.
sometimes forgets you’re not around whenever he’s about to go downstairs to eat dinner.
clings to belphie in hopes to fill the gap in his heart.
accidentally broke down your room door in an angry fit when your absence finally set in.
either he sleeps even more or somehow gets less sleep.
no matter what, he feels sluggish and blank.
locks himself in the attic, almost as if he was never released in the first place.
even though he hated humans, your absence affected him the most after he had grown to love you as a human.
nearly went demon mode on diavolo when he found out that you were being sent back to the human world.
partially wishes he never met you but cherishes his memories with you too much to ever wish for that wholeheartedly.
sleeps in your bed often to hold onto your lingering scent that was fading quickly.
complains to beel that you were nothing but a stupid human who turns their backs on demons like them, but he never means anything he says.
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“Why is it so quiet in here?” Diavolo asks as he opens the front door of the House of Lamentation with Barbatos at his side. The man’s golden eyes scanned the entry hall, noticing how it was so eerily dark and quiet that it almost felt like something out of a horror movie. It felt like no one had lived here in over two thousand years. “Hello?”
Upon receiving message from Diavolo, everyone had exited their rooms for the first time in a while, looking like they were dragged through the mud. The state they were in made Diavolo jump with surprise, shocked to find that even Lucifer looked like he was ill. “What happened to you guys?!”
“What is it that you need, Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer asked as he ran a hand through his hair to compose himself a bit in front of the red haired man. “If is nothing important, may I kindly ask you to leave and return another time?”
Diavolo sighed, shaking his head lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what’s up with you guys, but I brought everyone’s favorite person along with me so sing your praises now!”
Mammon huffed, “If ya’ talking about that butler of yours, ain’t nobody care right now! We got bigger things to worry about!”
Barbatos simply smiled, taking no offense to the sly insult thrown his way.
Diavolo cocked a brow in confusion. “What? Of course not! It’s-“
The person stepped out from behind Diavolo, catching the attention of every single male in the room. The seven brother’s choked, staring at the one person they had longed for these past few days.
“[y/n]!” They shouted in unison, practically flying down the stairs to get to you. Mammon was the first to reach you, wrapping his arms around your entire body as he tackled you to the floor. The other brother’s climbed on top of you two, hugging you so tightly that you feared this would be where you’d die. “You’re back!”
Diavolo chuckled boisterously. “This is amusing! You lot are acting like you didn’t know they’d return today!” His laugh came to an abrupt stop when he saw the flat expressions coming from each and every brother. “Oh- Did I not inform you?”
“Obviously you didn’t.” Belphegor scoffed with a roll of the eyes, burying his face in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. “[y/n]...”
“Ya can’t ever leave again! I’ll seriously get angry at ya if this happens again! Ya either go to the human world with me or ya don’t go at all!” Mammon snapped, cupping your cheeks while getting dangerously close to your face to yell at you.
“I’ll severely punish you if you ever leave this manor without giving me a heads up as to where you’re off to. You’re not just an exchange student anymore. You’re special.” Lucifer explained, a panicked glint in his tired eyes as he reached out to pat your head gently with his gloved hand.
Satan sighed, pressing his forehead against your back. “If you leave again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control my emotions, so don’t leave.”
The avatar of lust whined loudly, “my beautiful self can’t handle a life without you! Don’t ever go anywhere without me again!” He clutched onto her waist tightly.
“Don’t... Don’t go anywhere.” Leviathan said with a sad frown on his lips as he held your hand, bringing it up to rest against his cheek. “It’s so empty without you.”
“Let’s eat dinner together, [y/n].” Beel suggested, his voice full of emotions as he drooled at the thought of dinner with you.
A million emotions ran through your veins as you sat there, basking in the warmth of their touch. It was overwhelming to receive so much love all at once but it was amazing.
A smile slowly crept onto your lips as you leaned into their touch, enjoying the way they clung to you as if you’d disappear any moment now. “I missed you guys, too.”
“What a lovely reunion!” Diavolo exclaimed happily, snapping a view blurry photos on his D.D.D to send to the group chat later.
After the heartfelt moment, they quickly disappeared upstairs to fix up their appearance before rushing downstairs to the kitchen where you stood. They clung to you like bugs to a light, hounding you about your sudden departure, only to find out that you had gone up there with Diavolo and Barbatos to help the man experience human world activities he had never gotten to try before. Diavolo was sure he had told them that but seeing as they were genuinely distressed, he assumed the message never reached.
Even though they were beyond pissed with Diavolo and his carelessness, they were just glad you were back. Them being here with you really was their idea of a perfect life.
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
Sinners and Saints (Sihtric x reader)
Summary: One day you stumble upon your childhood friend, Osferth, whom you have not seen in years. Yet the more time you spend with him, the more you find yourself drawn to his companion, Sihtric….and the butterflies his dark eyes give you.
This is my contribution to @emilyhufflepufftlk 100 followers challenge! Congratulations again! I’m so happy for you! 
My prompt was - "Love doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints." - Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton (in bold within the story)
Words: 5500
Warnings: A couple of swear words, fluff, my poor attempts at humor, Osferth being a good bro. 
Tag List: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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This gorgeous moodboard was made by @flowers-in-your-hayr​. All credit goes to her! 
"...so there she was, aye, and next thing I know, she flips 'er dress up and I see the most perfect set of…."
 "I'm going to be sick." Osferth mumbled to himself, trying to block out Finan's retelling of his prior night. To the laughter of his companions, he started to push away from the outdoor table at the alehouse. He was no virgin anymore, Finan and Uhtred had seen to that, but he still felt squeamish when listening to their stories of recent conquests. His mother's voice whispered in the back of his mind, things she had told him before her passing, about respect and love. Plus, he could not help but think that this idea of conquests, of women's worth derived from what pleasure a man could take from their bodies, was what brought bastards into this world….like him. 
 "Alright, Finan, we get it. You saw the arse of a goat and couldn't help yourself." Uhtred teased, slinging an arm around Osferth so he could not escape them- most likely to find a church and pray for their souls. 
 "Oi, lord! Ya know that was one time!" Finan feigned mock-outrage, making Uhtred and Sihtric laugh. 
 Osferth put a hand over his eyes as if that would somehow block the image from his mind. Something he desperately did not want there. 
 "How much longer are we here, lord?" Sihtric asked, changing the subject, while twirling a dagger between his hands fluidly. 
 Although Osferth would never admit it aloud, and God forgive him, it was hard not to be jealous of how easily his companions handled their weapons like they had been born with weapons in hand. They continued to tell him it was practice. Recently though, he decided it was a gift that he clearly did not have. 
 "Until I feel satisfied with the training of Lord Godwin's fyrd and his defenses." Uhtred stated indifferently, as if it was something he had to repeat to himself often. 
 "Ya think King Alfred knew how much of a horse's arse Lord Godwin is?"
 Uhtred glanced up, a tiny smirk on his lips. "Probably."
 "But he knew you were the man for the job." Osferth commented. Not necessarily to defend his father but to hopefully bolster Uhtred's confidence. "The men respect you, even if their lord fails to acknowledge his own respect."
 "The baby monk is right." Finan said. "What else needs to be done for the town?"
 Uhtred and Finan began discussing ideas and strategies, Sihtric adding an occasional comment but mostly just listening. 
 Osferth found his attention wandering, since this was an area outside of his expertise. His gaze drifted to the town and its residents who moved about to complete their duties under the midday sun. Their group had only been in this large town for two days and already Osferth was keen to return to Coccham. 
 From amidst the crowd, a familiar face caught his attention. The world tilted off its axis as his entire body went rigid, all his focus zeroed in on her. His heart hammered in his chest and the air whooshed from his lungs painfully. 
 "Y/n?" He muttered to himself, disbelief and shock clearly painted in his tone and on his face. 
 "Baby monk, ya alright?"
 Finan's words did even register, so consumed by the ghost before him. Rapidly, he slid off the bench, almost losing his footing when he went to stand, but pressed on, hurrying towards her. 
 "Y/n!" He called, an almost desperate tone in his yell. 
 When she did not turn around, he shouted louder. "Y/N!" 
 That time she paused, then slowly turned to find him standing still amongst those walking around him, a solid rock in a stream of people. He held his breath as he intently watched her expression, suddenly worried seeing him would not be as meaningful as he hoped. He could see her utter his name silently, eyes wide. Then in the next moment, she dropped the basket on her hip and ran towards him. He opened his arms just in time for her to collide with him, and with her embrace, a painful wave of nostalgia and guilt crashed over him with the strength of a tempest. 
 "It's really you." She finally whispered, peering at him in awe. 
 "Hi." He smiled, his own shock clouding his mind from forming coherent sentences.  
 Then to his surprise, she reared back and punched him in the arm. 
 "Ouch! What was that for?" He whined, rubbing the offended limb. 
 Throwing her hands in the air, they landed on her hips as her voice rose in anger. "For disappearing in the middle of the night without telling me!"
 "I did tell you."
 "That you were THINKING about leaving, not that you WERE leaving!" She reared back and punched him in the arm again, ignoring his pained cry as she continued to berate him. "I spent an entire day running around the monastery trying to find you only for Father Harold to finally pull me aside and tell me you left for Wincheaster." 
 And there was the heaping of guilt he knew he deserved. "I'm sorry….I just….I just knew if I didn't leave that night, then I never would."
 Her face softened at his quiet admission, understanding passing in her eyes. "I know. I wasn't truly surprised…. Just wish you'd have told me before."
 "I'm sorry."
 She sighed, all anger and frustration disappearing, much to his relief. She was a force to be reckoned with when truly in her fury. "So, what are you doing here?"
 "Ah, traveled here with the Lord Uhtred to assist Lord Godwin in his defenses….or something."
 "Uhtred? That Uhtred?"
 He smiled at her, catching the reverence in her tone. "That very one."
 "How did you find him? How did you join him? Wait! Are you a warrior now? We have a lot to talk about and you better get started." There went the hands on her hips again, making his smile widen at the image. Even as a young girl, when her hands were on her hips, you knew she meant business. 
 "Would you like to meet him first?"
 A shy look passed over her face that he was unused to seeing. "I'm…. I'm not presentable to meet a lord."
 He scanned her, noting the dried mud on the hem of her dress and shoes, the small smear of what looked like flour on her left temple. What he noticed most was how the years had made her even more beautiful. She had always been a pretty girl but now, she truly looked like a beautiful woman. A fact he was unsure of how to feel about. 
 He chuckled lightly after a moment. "Well, you certainly smell better than Lord Uhtred so I think it's fine."
 That caused her to tip her head back and laugh loudly, the desired effect of his comment. She gathered up her basket and walked next to Osferth, back to the table where his companions were. It was impossible to ignore their curious stares as they approached. 
 "Lord Uhtred, may I introduce y/n. Y/n, this is Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg." Osferth said, standing next to her at the end of the table.
 Uhtred nodded graciously, clearly wondering why this woman mattered and why Osferth was introducing her. 
 "Oh, it's an honor to meet you!" Y/n gushed, a bright smile on her face. "Uncle Leofric told us so much about you, but I never thought I'd ever meet you in person."
 "Leofric?" That caught his lord's attention, his gaze narrowing and eyeing her with renewed interest. "How did you know that turd?"
 "When he came to visit Osferth, he'd tell us stories."
 "Ah….all exaggerated, of course." Uhtred said with a cocky smirk. 
 "Wait. I think we're missin' the most important thing here." Finan leaned forward, dark eyes bouncing between Osferth and her, as he pointed a finger at them, hand still wrapped around his cup. "Ya said 'Uncle Leofric'....are ya related to Osferth?"
 Osferth answered quickly. "No, her family owned the farm next to the monastery, so we grew up together." Then he furrowed his brows as a thought hit him. He had been so amazed to see his childhood best friend (only friend really) that he had not realized that she should be back at the farm and not in this town. "Wait, y/n, why are you here and not at the farm?"
 Her face crumpled for a brief second before she was able to mask it into a neutral expression. She shrugged casually, but he could read the subtle tension in the action. "We lost the farm, so mother and I came here to look for work."
 "Ah." There were so many things he wanted to ask but could tell now was not the right time. If she lived here, he would have plenty of time to hear the full story later. Instead he decided to change the subject. "So, you know Lord Uhtred, the others are Finan and Sihtric…. And Sihtric is also a bastard." He added as an afterthought. 
 That made her face light up as she turned to look at the Dane. "Hey, another bastard! We really need to start a club. We can all rant about how awful our fathers are."
 "You're a bastard?" Uhtred asked, shock evident in his voice. 
 "Yes, my lord. My mother was a servant for a lord. Got pregnant. The lord's wife did not like that so sent my pregnant mother back to her family. Certainly, it was our Lord's Will because how else would I have been able to grow up with Osferth?" She asked, patting him on the cheek affectionately. He blushed and swatted her hand away, much to the other's amusement. 
 "I reckon you have quite a few amusin' stories of growin' up with Osferth, eh?" Finan smirked. 
 "I might….but I don't share secrets for free." She matched his smirk with her own crooked smile. 
 He slapped his hand on the table. "I'll owe ya a drink! I need to 'ear this."
 "No….oh no, no, no." Osferth said but knew it was a lost cause before he even tried to deter them. The rest were already deciding when and where to meet that night. "Lord help me."
 "It's not that bad." She teased, bumping his arm with hers. "The worst one is when we went streaking naked through the monastery."
 Osferth felt his face heat up like the flames of hell itself as everyone laughed. "It was your idea."
 "Yeah, yeah, so you like to remind me." She smiled fondly. "Now, if I don't get back home, my mother is going to think I've run off with some man or I've been kidnapped. Either way, she will raise the fyrd herself to find me. I will see you all tonight."
 The others said their goodbyes but before she could step too far away, Osferth gently touched her arm, halting her movement. 
 "Y/n….I'm….I'm glad our paths have crossed once again."
 She pulled him into a tight embrace. "I am too, Osferth. I've missed you." With that, she turned and walked away with her basket still on her hip; but not without glancing over her shoulder at the group before disappearing around some buildings. 
 Once out of sight, Osferth sighed and turned back to his companions, only to see them all still staring intently in the direction she disappeared. 
 "No….y/n is off-limits to you fornicators." He stated firmly, well as firmly as he could be. 
 "She's very pretty…." Uhtred declared, a playful grin on his face. 
 "Lord, no. All of you, keep your hands off of her."
 "Or what?" Finan chuckled, eyes alight with mischief. "You'll fight us, baby monk?"
 "I will if I must."
 "Alright. Her dignity won't be tarnished." Uhtred lifted his cup in Osferth's direction. "Your reputation might be tonight depending on what stories she shares." 
 Osferth groaned, sitting back down next to his lord. "I'm going to need a lot of ale."
 "That can certainly be arranged!" Finan laughed, jovial once more. 
 As discussion started back up again, they all missed the silent, longing glance Sihtric snuck one last time in the direction she walked away….
 Over the next several weeks Lord Uhtred helped increase the defenses of the town and instructed the guards and fyrd how to better defend against the Danes. 
 During those weeks, you found yourself frequently spending time with Osferth and his companions. First it started off with meeting them in the evenings for ale, laughter and good company. Within days, it became almost expected for one of them to purposefully seek you out. Most of the time it was Osferth and Sihtric coming to join you in whatever your tasks for the day because they were bored or unwanted in meetings. It was not difficult to tell that although they were certainly welcomed members of Uhtred's group, not everyone else saw them in such a positive light. 
 So the three of you often passed the hours away together, waiting until evening to rejoin Uhtred and Finan at the alehouse. Their presence became such a regular occurrence that your mother practically adopted them, they even had their assigned seats at your small kitchen table for meals. Somehow, they seamlessly slipped into your daily life in a way that seemed like they were meant to be there this whole time. 
 Even at the alehouse in the evenings, you usually found yourself nestled between Osferth and Sihtric on the bench. A place you certainly found yourself enjoying more and more….especially next to the Dane. 
 Over the weeks, there was something growing between you and the Dane. It gradually revealed itself with each passing day, growing like the roots of an oak tree. It was through the borderline flirtatious comments that you teased each other with. It was in the subtle touches that caused butterflies in your stomach to dance, from your fingers barely gracing each other when passing something, to the way you leaned your head on his shoulder when your eyelids threatened to close, to the way your thighs would touch under the table and away from view of the others. It was in the lingering looks when your gazes locked and you swore you never wanted to look away. It was in the consistency of being next to one another whenever you could, either sitting at a table or just walking down the street, almost like your bodies were magnetized to one another's. 
 Plus the more you talked to Sihtric, the more you desired to know about him. For he was like no other man you had ever met. 
 Almost a fortnight after you reunited with Osferth, there was one particular evening after staying out far too late with the four men and drinking a bit too much, Sihtric graciously offered to walk you back home. You knew propriety demanded Osferth should be the one to escort you but he was already passed out, head on the table and snores emitting from his mouth. Giggling at your childhood friend, you accepted Sihtric's offer and the two of you easily fell into step. 
 On the walk you learned more about his past, about going up in Dunholm and his cruel father. You had heard bits and pieces while with Osferth and the others. Maybe it was under the cover of darkness, maybe it was the extra ale flowing through both of your blood, but he confessed secrets to you he had never told another besides his mother. When you reached your home, before he could slip away, you clutched his arm and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. After, you bid him goodnight and slipped inside your humble home. 
 After that night, he always walked you home, sometimes alone and sometimes one of the others would join. But when it was just you two, when you were alone, you would bid him a goodnight with a kiss on the cheek or he would kiss your hand, locking eyes with you in a way that made a fire stir in your belly and your core clench. 
 There was definitely something between the two of you, but neither seemed able to verbalize it or take the next step. 
 "So, what is going on between you and Cedric?" 
 You turned your head to look at Osferth, who laid on the grass next to you, soaking in the heat of the early afternoon sun. "What?"
 "You know….that blacksmith. The one you were talking to the other day."
 "Oh." The memory hit you. You had stopped by to drop off your mother's damaged cooking pot for Cedric to attempt in fixing, although you personally thought it was a helpless cause. The dent in it was significant, but he offered to see what he could do. As you dropped it off at his workshop, the two of you began discussing an approaching saint's day and the celebration that would occur with it. 
 Several minutes later, you heard your name called and looked over to see Osferth and Sihtric walking towards you. You bid Cedric a farewell, promising to stop by the next day to come pick up the pot. After receiving his promise to try his best at fixing it, you headed off towards the stables with your fellow bastards. At the time, you had not thought the encounter significant but with it happening two days ago and Osferth now bringing it up, you wondered how long he had been ruminating on it. 
 Finally, you simply said, "he's a good man, and has been kind to my mother and I since we arrived here."
 "Is he….pursuing you?" Osferth turned his head to scrutinize you, his lips pursed slightly as if concerned about your answer. 
 You openly laughed at the notion. "No, that's silly. He is just a kind man."
 If anything, you had to fend off flirtatious advancements from some of the young men that worked under Cedric. Those same young men quickly learned to keep their eyes on their work and mouths shut. When one openly called out to you, and before you could offer a sharp retort, Cedric threw a hammer at him from across the shop. He bellowed that he did not allow heathens to work for him and if they chose to act godless then they needed to find a new place of work. Their blatant interest diminished after that and Cedric made a point to be the only one that conversed with you if you came to the shop. Although he was easily ten years your senior, you found him a likeable man with a quick wit and sarcastic comments that occasionally left you in stitches. 
 The idea of him pursuing you was an amusing idea. He was still a bachelor, never having married, claiming that his work and apprentices kept him far too busy for much else. 
 Your answer appeared to satisfy Osferth. A thoughtful look crossed his face and he opened his mouth as if to speak, but immediately slowly closed it and turned his head back to stare at the blue sky. 
 A stillness settled after your answer, only interrupted by the frequent bird song and the wind through the tall grass. You closed your eyes, enjoying the sun's warmth and just lying around relaxing on the hill outside of the town, away from the hustle and bustle and chores that demanded your attention.  
 "He was watching you like a man who wants a woman." Sihtric stated after a couple minutes of peaceful silence. 
 Startled by his sour tone, you shifted up to look over at the Dane. He sat on the other side of Osferth, one leg propped up and an arm casually slung over it, but his gaze was focused straight ahead, staring off into the distance. Now that you thought about it, over the past two days Sihtric had become more reserved and sullen than you had ever seen. Even his companions commented on it a few times to which he would shrug his shoulders or make an excuse and walk away. You had thought he just missed Coccham, the group having been away for so long, or something happened that made him introspective. It had also not escaped your notice how the prior closeness between you two had halted. Now you wondered if there was something more to his demeanor.  
 "Well, that is most unfortunate for him since I am not interested in him."
 "Does your mother not want you to marry?" Osferth asked, his voice deceptively neutral. 
 Sighing, you leaned back on your hands. Eventually you knew Osferth would bring up the topic, he was your friend after all and you were certainly of marriageable age. Actually far too old to not be married by some people's standards, but you ignored them. "She does but she has told me that she will not force it upon me. She said I should make my own choice….that if I am able, I should choose love."
 You knew your mother offered you that choice in hopes your life would turn out differently than her own. 
 "But if Cedric is a good, kind man….could you not love him….or someone like him?" Osferth pressed. 
 "Perhaps. There are plenty of men I have seen who the church would call a 'good' man but are cruel in their own home, and there are many men who are calloused but it's obvious they love their wife and children. My love doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. I would rather choose a man whom I know loves and cares for me than a man I know is 'good' but carries no love in his heart." You paused, the candid confession rolling off your tongue before you realized it. Sighing, you ran a hand over your hair before quietly saying. "I just….I just want someone that loves me….sinner or saint."
 Not a word was spoken as all three contemplated your statement, the silence hanging heavy like a brewing storm. Tilting your face to the sky, unable to meet the gazes of your companions, you chastised yourself for the candor with which you spoke. Osferth had asked a simple question initially and you chose to make it complicated. They did not need to know how you longed for love, how the hope for it in your potential future was what kept you going. It was foolish and you supposed after this, they would only see you as a silly girl with outlandish dreams of a storybook romance. 
 Finally, Osferth broke the silence. "Well, I shall be praying fervently for this man….hopefully he knows what he is getting into before he marries you."
 You laughed, appreciating his lighthearted comment. Reaching a hand out to smack Osferth's arm, you teased. "Keep that up and you won't be invited to my wedding."
 "Your mother will let me in."
 "Yeah, you're probably right." You glanced over in the direction of the town, regretting that your time away had to end. "I need to head back, those chores won't finish themselves."
 The three of you headed back to the town, quiet contemplation cloaking your group. Yet you feared that whatever spark lay between you and the Dane had been extinguished forever by your unexpected honesty. For still he refused to look your way, keeping his gaze focused forward. If your heart fissured within your chest, you swallowed down the pain. It was better for the spark to die out now then burn brightly only to be smothered later. 
 Or at least that was what you told yourself. 
 "What you said….about the sinners and the saints…."
 You whirled around, heart leaping into your throat with a silent scream on your tongue. In the small herb garden behind your house, you had thought you were alone. After the awkward conversation on the hill earlier that day, you sought solace in your chores. Thankfully Osferth and Sihtric headed back to meet with their companions on their own accord, leaving you to trudge through your muddled thoughts with all the grace of a newborn foal. 
 Now you found the very person who your thoughts centered on, standing just a few paces from you….and your heart began to race for a very different reason. 
 When his voice trailed off, those dark eyes that set fire licking through your veins dropped to the ground, you quietly stood up from where you had knelt, wiping the dirt from your hands, although you moved no closer. 
 "Sihtric?" You tried to prompt him. 
 "Is it true?" His piercing gaze lifted to meet yours, stealing the very breath from your lungs. "Your love doesn't discriminate?"
 "Yes." You breathed out. 
 He nodded silently before taking a step closer to you. "And what about….what about Danes?"
 Your chest pulled tight at his words, yet a coy smile grew on your lips. The flutter in your belly made your gaze drop for a moment as you tried to stifle the excitement making butterflies dance. Although this was no declaration, it was the closest the two of you had talked about what lay between you. Taking a steadying breath, you prayed this moment would not pass by without confessing the truth that you had harbored in your heart for weeks now. 
 "Not even towards Danes." You shook your head, the smile still on your lips. "And…. There is one I'm becoming quite fond of lately."
 "Yeah?" He took two steps closer, somehow moving cautiously but eating the ground with each determined step. 
 "But….do you think this Dane could be….fond of me?" You softly murmured, feeling as if your heart lay in the palms of your hands for all to see. 
 That last step separating you two disappeared almost before you finished asking your question. His hands ever so gently reached over to take yours, entwining your fingers together. The two of you stood so close, your chests almost touched with each breath you took. Your breathing seemed to cease under the intensity of his gaze and a shiver raced up your spine. Yet you had no desire to withdraw from him.
 "He would be a fool not to." He whispered, the barest hint of a tremble in his voice. "I'd bet you are constantly on this Dane's mind. That he cannot go a day without seeing your face and hearing your laugh. You are the first thought that he wakes to and the reason he falls asleep with a smile. That you have become the north star that it seems the gods have been guiding him towards for his whole life."
  As he spoke, everything faded to oblivion around you. The past and future vanished. Dane versus Saxon disappeared. The world narrowed down to this….this moment….this moment that you had dreamt of but never thought would come true. 
 The two of you continued to stand there, lost in one another's eyes with fingers intertwined. Your heart raced within your chest but a cooling breeze swept away the fears that plagued your mind. For staring at him, you knew he spoke no falsehoods. That he owned your heart just as much as you owned his. That very heart you could feel hammering away in his own chest. His eyes fervently held yours, a silent conversation, a confession, spoken only in looks but you both understood the language. His gaze dipped down to your lips, tracing them before slowly rising once again to your eyes. A curl of pleasure blossomed in your core as you witnessed the fire now in his eyes. 
 "If this Dane wanted to kiss me…. I wouldn't mind."
 A deliciously, sinful smirk teased his mouth. "As my lady commands."
 His head tilted, leaning towards yours. Unconsciously your eyelids fluttered closed. Then the briefest of touches made your knees weak and your mouth part open in a sigh. After a moment's hesitation, he continued to shower your jawline with kisses. Needing to touch him, your hands landed on his chest, feeling the tunic that covered his firm chest. Your hands moved upward to grasp the back of his neck, his pulse jumping for a second as your nails scraped his skin. His hands landed on the curve of your waist, bringing you even closer to him, erasing the unwanted space between your bodies. 
 As his lips began their ascent upward along the otherwise of your jaw, you moved. For the burning sparks in your body screamed if he did not kiss you, you would spontaneously combust. Shifting your face, you stole a kiss on his lips before he could place it on your skin. It was more of a gentle pressing of your mouths, but even then, you heard a sharp inhale from him. Before you could question him, his mouth returned to yours with soft, probing kisses that urged you to respond. Not that you would ever deny him. What started off as a gentle flame quickly became a roaring fire. Breathing became unnecessary, for how could air bring you life when your body craved Sihtric, when your lungs demanded to breathe him in instead. He led you in a drugging kiss that had you melting against him. Your lips drank from one another as if that alone could sustain you forevermore.  
 The passionate kiss abruptly ended as Sihtric and your gazes darted towards the side of your house. Only to be met with the sight of his three companions standing at the entrance in various states of smugness. 
 "Oh, for the love of Odin…." Sihtric mumbled. 
 You buried your face in Sihtric's chest, face heated in embarrassment but unable to stop the giggles that poured forth. So caught up in finally confessing your feelings and kissing the man who haunted your dreams, you forgot that anyone could walk by and see you. His arms tightened around you, keeping you within his protective, loving embrace….and you knew there was nowhere else you would rather be. 
 "Took the two of ya long enough." Finan continued, leaning against the side of your humble home with a shit-eating grin. 
 "Amen." Osferth had a small, teasing smile on his face. "Thought I would have to lock them in a room together before one of them finally confessed."
 Apparently, you and Sihtric were not as subtle as you previously thought. Now it made sense why Osferth was questioning you about Cedric and your thoughts on love and marriage earlier. Your heart flooded with gratitude towards your childhood friend, for without him you doubted neither Sihtric or you would have spoken up. Peering over, you caught Osferth's eye and mouthed a quick 'thank you'. He nodded, a simple joy radiating from his face. 
 "Lord?" Sihtric called over with a blank expression. "Permission to continue?"
 Uhtred chuckled. "I guess you've waited long enough. Go ahead." 
 Without waiting a moment longer, Sihtric tipped your face back up towards his and claimed your lips once more. You vaguely thought you heard laughter coming from the others but it all blurred away, like a faint sound while underwater. All you could see, all you could feel, all you could hear was Sihtric. 
 Just how you wanted it. 
 Suddenly you yanked your head back, your breathing labored and lips swollen. "My mother is helping at a nearby farm today. She won't be back until it's dark."
 He hummed against your skin trailing small kisses along your jawline and down your neck as if unable to keep his hands and mouth off you now that the dam had been released. 
 "I'm not as pure as Osferth thinks me to be."
 That statement made his actions stop. Carefully he raised his head to meet your gaze. "After dark?" He confirmed, voice rough in a way that sent a bolt of heat through you. 
 "Yes, she planned on having supper with them….so my home is currently empty….and I did just clean my blankets the other day…."
 He swooped in to give you a feverish, greedy kiss that left no doubt where his mind had gone. When he finally pulled back, you were surprised your legs could still hold you upright. Your whole body felt like puddy in his arms and he had only kissed you, albeit you doubted you would ever forget the way his mouth worshiped yours. 
 "You are certain? You want this?" He softly asked, staring into your eyes once more. "You want me?" 
 It was the last question, the vulnerable undertone, the hint of insecurity in it that sealed your decision. Letting your actions be your answer, you grabbed his hand and started pulling him in the direction of the door to your home. It did not take more than a second for him to come beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
 With his taste on your lips, the future did not matter right now. It did not matter that he was Dane and you were not. All you knew was Sihtric was neither a saint nor a sinner, but simply a man deserving of love. The river of your love was pointing you directly towards him, and you silently vowed to never let it run dry. 
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therenlover · 3 years
In Fleeting Touches & Airy Sighs Chapter One (A Three Chapter Helmut Zemo/Reader Fanfic)
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(Thank you to the wonderful anon who requested angst and smut between Zemo and the reader because Zemo had to be away from her on the run!)
Synopsis: A year after working together with Zemo in the events of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam and Bucky seek him out once again in need of shelter from John Walker. Meanwhile, Zemo’s wife resents his absence and prepares for guests.
Tags: Flashbacks, Depression, Alcoholism, Separation Anxiety, Arguing, Struggling Marriage, Reunions
Rating: T (E in future chapters)
Warnings: Guns, Swearings, Reader shows signs of alcoholism/alcohol abuse, Reader uses a hot shower as a mild form of self harm
Word Count: 5000~
This fic has been crossposted under the same title to my AO3!
Helmut Zemo was not often a man backed into a corner.
He was smart, resourceful, and had nothing left to lose. If it came down to the line, he would do whatever had to be done within his morals to achieve his goals, even if that goal was simply staying alive. The Baron bowed to no man, and made his enemies, no matter their size, fall to their knees with sheer wit instead of brute strength. That’s why, when he stood backed into an alley with the barrel of James Barnes’ gun to his forehead as the Falcon watched on, it was strange that he didn’t try to weasel his way out.
“We need answers,” Sam said, hands in the pockets of his dark hoodie. Bucky wore a similar one, only he wore a baseball cap instead of keeping his hood up. “How the hell did you break out of prison for a second time?”
Usually, Zemo would have replied with a clever quip. He had never been one to back down from a fight. This time, though, he looked almost frightened as he raised his arms in defeat. “I got in contact with friends on the outside during our short adventure together. They decided to help me out once I was re-incarcerated, willingly I might add. I had no part in the plan, but who would look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“And I guess I’m just supposed to assume you had no part in getting my pardon revoked?” Bucky spat.
“If you hadn’t noticed, James, I’ve left you alone,” A hint of his usual mockery slipped into Helmut’s tone, but he quickly pulled it back, “Believe what you want about me, but I’ve had some time since last year to… re-evaluate my feelings on the world. You had no choice but to do the things you did as the Winter Soldier, and as long as you pose no threat to society now I have no qualms with you,”
Despite the strangeness of Zemo’s response Bucky remained unphased. Sam, on the other hand, was less stoic.
“Man, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the government is looking for Bucky and I harder than they’re looking for you, and it’s kind of all your fault, so excuse me for not giving a shit about your supposed sudden change of heart!”
“Can we get to the point? I’m afraid my flight leaves in an hour and I would hate to be late,”
“Cut the bullshit!” There Bucky went, pushing the cold metal closer to Zemo’s furrowed forehead.
“Bucky...” Sam warned.
“No, Sam, I can do this. Did you or did you not actively attempt to get my pardon revoked when you took us to Madripoor? Because thanks to you, a worse symbol than Sam is now standing unchecked with the title of Captain America AND he has access to the last of the new super soldier serum AND he’s trying to get us killed so we can’t tell the world about the awful shit he does,”
“I-” Zemo went to speak and, for the first time since he had met him, Sam believed he was being genuine. There was a tremble that made its way through him, all the way to his raised hands and even his voice. It was enough that Bucky even lowered the gun minutely. “I understood that by following my lead, the both of you were risking a lot. I didn’t intend any specific malice with my actions though, no. If I may… the two of you have attracted a lot of attention here in the past few days. I assume Walker is very close to finding you?”
Sam and Bucky shared a look before Sam responded. “Maybe, why?”
“I have a safe house,” he continued, “I don’t stay there often so the location isn’t compromised, but it’s my next stop. Might I suggest we take this conversation on the road? I would hate to host your reunion with Mr. Walker in an alley over my corpse,”
There was a moment of complete stillness. Zemo remained, face dark with that strange deer-in-headlights look, a perfect statue, as the barrel of Bucky’s gun remained pointed firmly in his direction and Sam shared what seemed to be a completely silent conversation with Bucky. It was true that they had been burned before. Zemo was a man with his own agenda who did what it took to fulfill it. That being said, he had returned willingly with them back to prison before he was broken out, and without his help, the band of freshly minted super soldiers would still be running around Europe causing chaos. In the end, Bucky lowered his gun slowly before tucking it away into his boot holster.
Zemo grinned.
“Don’t think this means we trust you,” Sam groaned, pointing a finger at the man.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Now, gentlemen, I believe we have a plane to catch,”
As the trio began to make their way out of the alley Bucky and Sam fell to the flank of the group. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Bucky asked, eyes darting between his two companions. Sam shrugged.
“At this point, I’m doing whatever it takes to get home to my family in one piece. If that means I have to ride in Zemo’s stupid private jet again and lay low for a while, then that’s what I’m gonna do, because Sarah and those kids don’t deserve to lose me all over again,”
“But don’t you think he’s acting a little… weird?”
“Don’t worry, I have my eye on him. If he tries anything we can just throw him out front when Walker tries to shoot us,”
“You’re doing a very poor job of concealing your conversation,” Zemo shouted.
Bucky stormed ahead as Sam laughed.
“Oh, shut up!”
Surprisingly, the drive to the airstrip was mostly uneventful, as was the relatively short flight from Zurich to Avignon. There was, of course, the usual cutthroat banter and tension so thick you could feel it like a fog hanging over the group, but in an unusual twist of fate, the baron did very little to initiate. Of course, he wasn’t fully innocent though. He never was. That being said, even as his chauffeur carefully navigated the stone roads to the dropoff point he was strangely quiet. He had texted someone earlier to have the house prepared for their arrival but he kept looking down at the phone as if a response would come. It didn’t.
Sam appreciated the break from the noise. To him, it was a moment of peace after a few months of constant opposition. For the duration of the trip, he had chosen to shoot a few choice quips Bucky’s way before taking a long nap. Bucky, on the other hand, was only growing more suspicious of Zemo by the minute.
After his time with Hydra, Bucky had become intimately acquainted with the type of man that Zemo was. He was ruthless, driven by ideals that couldn’t be changed by any amount of debate or theory read inside a prison cell, and willing to do whatever it took to fulfill those ideals no matter the cost. There was remorse but no regret. A man like that doesn’t just stop believing in the thing that led him to kill dozens if not hundreds of people, because once the impetus is gone so is the only thing upholding their sense of self.
In basic terms, he was hiding something. Bucky was intent on finding out what that thing was, a thing important enough to make Zemo of all people shut the hell up and tell his enemies exactly where his safe house was, and he wasn’t going to rest until he did. The answer came easily enough in the end, but not before Sam and Bucky were forced face to face with the strangest thing they had ever seen, even when including aliens and wizards. That thing was Zemo buying flowers.
The trio had gotten out of the car somewhere around the center of the city and continued towards the safe house on foot. A few minutes after they started, though, Zemo had spoken.
“I apologize, but I’ll have to stop for a moment,” He said, holding up a hand to alert the two men trailing him to the fact that he was about to stop. Sam quirked up an eyebrow.
“At a flower shop?”
There, to the right of them, was a small fleuriste. The window was a burst of bright color. Pinks, reds, whites, purples; a certain bunch of spring blooms had caught Zemo’s eye. He shrugged. “It’s rude to arrive at someone’s house asking for a favor without a gift, Mr. Wilson. Excuse me,”
With a comfort that said he had been into the shop many times, Zemo walked through the door and began conversing with the shop owner in perfect French, even referring to her as tu instead of vous as he made his purchase.
“Did he just say someone’s house ?” Sam asked Bucky, eyes widening.
Bucky gritted his teeth. “Yeah, I think he did,”
“So, we’re just showing up at someone’s door,”
“Yup. Not to mention they’re someone who aligns themself with him,”
A groan escaped from Sam as he ran his hand down his face in disbelief. “I didn’t expect much from Zemo, but damn,”
“It’s your fault for expecting anything from Zemo in the first place,”
“For once, you’re right,”
They dawdled for a moment. As their conversation stilled, Zemo returned, now burdened by a sizable bouquet from the window. Around them, the city was starting to get off of work. Families walked together as businesses had their 5 o’clock shift change. Somehow as the world around them came to life it didn’t look at Sam and Bucky with anything more than a passing glance. They were tourists, nothing more. For a moment Sam understood why Zemo would go to a place like this for safety and anonymity.
Without ceremony, the trio began walking towards their destination once again.
“I apologize for the delay,” Zemo said, keeping his pace brisk and remaining about a foot ahead of his companions, “I suppose it’s become a bit of a habit that I buy Y/N flowers whenever I come back. We shouldn’t be long now, though, the house is just a few more blocks away, maybe 3 minutes by foot,”
“Y/N?” Bucky asked. The name felt heavy on his tongue, familiar. That had to be a coincidence though. Zemo would never align himself with anyone who had worked for Hydra, and there was no other place he could have heard that name and had it hold any significance. Right?
Zemo chuckled. “Y/N is our host. I’d appreciate it if you tried to maintain some semblance of respect when we arrive, she tends to have quite the temper and it would reflect badly on me if she believed I was asking her to indefinitely house two people who would happily send her to prison,”
“About that,” Sam chimed in, “Who the hell are we about to be staying with? It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t, and by extension, I also don’t tend to trust people who trust you,”
“I assure you, Sam, Y/N is more trustworthy to you than I will ever be,”
“That doesn’t answer my question, nor does it make me feel any better,”
“She’s American, and like you, she is seeking shelter from the government. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“Man, at this point I feel like you’re not telling us because she’s actually some sort of crazy Sokovian sleeper agent who’s gonna stab us in the back while we sleep. Am I crazy, Buck, or am I right?”
Bucky, who had been trying his best to stay out of the conversation, replied. “You are being unnecessarily evasive, Zemo, though that’s nothing new…”
“Right? Like, I’m really grateful that you’re lending us a hand, but I’ve gotta be honest, if I think for a second things are going south-”
Sam never got to finish his sentence.
Suddenly, Zemo stopped short, turning around and looking Bucky in the eye with a madness neither he nor Sam had ever seen before. His whole body was stiff, rigid. The hand that wasn’t cradling the flowers delicately was gripped in a fist at his side. He looked angry, but underneath the anger, he really just looked scared. “You will not touch her. Do you hear me? Do what you’d like with me, I have made choices worthy of punishment, but you will not touch Y/N. If you so much as think of it, all bets are off. Do you understand me?”
Bucky nodded, sharp. This was certainly interesting. Sam just smirked.
“Is there something else you want to tell us?”
Zemo walked up a small set of stairs towards a home to their right. “No, Mr. Wilson, I don’t believe so,”
The building was a nice one, all tan stone with dark wrought-iron fixtures on its many windows. It looked, for all intents and purposes, like a normal midtown manor-house for some upper-class member of the community. The normalcy of it all hid its true purpose in plain sight. It was genius, really. Over a dividing wall made of the same yellowing stone, Sam could see a small sliver of vibrant green garden space and a pool at the side of the building.
With a steadying breath, Zemo knocked on the door.
“You have to knock on the door of your own safe house?” There was a hint of incredulity in Bucky’s voice as he crossed his arms. This was going to be a disaster. Why had they agreed to this again?
“A little etiquette goes a long way, James, especially when you’re already in the doghouse,” Then, the door opened.
Bucky froze. There, standing in the doorway with a pistol in her hand and a fire in her eyes, was a woman he thought long dead: you. This couldn’t be right! He had killed you back in ‘02 with the rest of the AAHR...
You quirked up an eyebrow at Zemo.
“Give me one reason I should let you in and not shoot you on the spot,”
They were so fucked.
The day, on your end of the world, had gone by much slower.
It started off like any other, with the alarm on your bedside table blaring as you opened your eyes and your arms reached out into the emptiness in the sheets beside you. Sometimes, when Helmut’s flight got in late enough, you would wake up and reach to the side only to find that he had appeared beside you in the night. Those were the best kind of reunions. They were free of pretense, no bitterness or resentment clouded your sleep-heavy brain when you opened your eyes to his peaceful resting face, and you could simply fall into the comforting rhythm of husband and wife. If you reunited with a clear head things tended not to go as well.
You groaned. It wasn’t as if there was even a guarantee he would come back, especially not after the way you’d left things last time. The philosophy of attendre et espérer, waiting and hoping like an Edmond Dantés type, wouldn’t do you any good, at least not anymore.
Maybe it was time to start moving on…
Tomorrow. You could start thinking about the next steps tomorrow. For today you’d enjoy what you had.
Getting out of bed was difficult but you managed. The sun streamed through the curtains that billowed gently in the breeze near your balconette, brilliant gold beams illuminating the dust that danced in the air. The first thing you did was shuffle along to the corner and pour yourself two fingers of brandy from Helmut’s private collection. It was like a morning ritual these days, a numbing agent against the loneliness. Once the drink was downed you moved on to the closet to get dressed.
Dressing yourself wasn’t of much importance these days. You couldn’t exactly leave the house, and nobody was visiting, so more often than not, it was easier to just wear the same pajamas for a few days until you knew Oeznik would be around to drop off groceries. Today, though, you felt… filthy. Not dirty in a physical way, just sticky and filthy and unclean under your skin and in your very heart. Maybe a shower would help.
You looked around the closet with a clinical eye. It was difficult to be in there, surrounded by lavish dresses and expensive suits that you and your husband had worn arm in arm while plotting the downfall of the Avengers before your unsteady alliance had turned into so much more. Everything still smelled like his cologne. In the small, often-closed, walk-in closet, the scent had only intensified, covering every article of clothing with a fog of cedarwood and sage. It made you sick, choked the air from your lungs and left you gasping for even a single breath that didn’t sit heavy on your tongue with the bitter taste of that familiar musk.
The alcohol had helped. It always did. The remnants of its burn in your mouth formed a sort of guard against the scent of the closet as you searched through a pile of shirts for something soft and easy to wear. Your hands suddenly stilled.
“Zemo, I’m gonna be honest, this is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen in my entire life,”
“I’m hurt! That’s one of my favorites,”
“Where did you even get it, a 90-year-old grandpa’s closet? Jesus Christ, it looks like something out of a shitty 70’s flick about family values,”
“I’ll have you know that I thrifted that sweater. It’s very eco-conscious you know,”
Your heart hurt. Well, no, your whole body hurt, but your heart ached a little more prominently as you carefully picked up the sweater and held it to your chest. It was terribly ugly, 4 sizes too big even on Helmut and covered in an olive and forest green argyle. Somehow he was always able to pull off the oversized thing no matter how ridiculous you had always insisted you found it. When was the last time he’d worn it again?
The memory evaded you.
Still, it was a happy relic, happier than most of the monuments to a failing marriage that lined the shelves of your beautiful personal prison. It wouldn’t hurt to hope that by wearing it, you might rub just a little bit of that lost happiness off onto your present-day, right? With one last forlorn glance around the closet, you gathered up the sweater and a pair of jeans before getting out as fast as you could. With the scent of cologne clinging to you, the shower wasn’t just a good idea now, it was necessary.
So, you showered. You took the stupid foot-long exfoliating brush Helmut loved so much and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed yourself under the near-boiling stream of water until your skin was pink and raw. Disappointingly, even the new skin felt filthy. It was better, though, less intense. With some lotion and a little bit of Neosporin on the fresh patches of blotchy red, you were able to feel okay. Not good. Not clean. Just… okay. At least you didn’t smell like him anymore. The clock read 12:14 when you finally made it out of the bathroom in search of some real food.
Lunch, if you could call it that, was a silent affair. The fridge was almost empty and the pantry was only a little less bare, so you threw together a cheese sandwich, not even bothering to waste butter and grill it. You ate it plain with another glass of brandy out on the pool deck. It was gone sooner than you hoped it would be.
Oh well.
You finished your brandy with a sigh. Only seven or eight more hours until you could finish your day with a few more drinks and pass out in bed until nine or ten once again. Ah, dreamless sleep. That sounded divine. Now if only you could fathom any non-depressing way to spend the time between sleeping and waking. Swimming was out, the chemicals would burn your freshly eviscerated skin. Playing solitaire for the fourth day in a row sounded like absolute hell on earth. Even watercolors, a usual calming respite from the torturous and neverending monotony of life trapped alone in a house you had no help in stocking, were off the table ever since you’d run out of paper.
Somewhere inside the house, your phone dinged.
The second the sound hit your ears you jumped, dropping your glass and letting it shatter into a thousand tiny shards on the stone of the patio.
Phones were a difficult thing to own for someone who was trying to stay out of the eyes of the government. They were too easy to track and could tip off enemies to your location with very little error needed on your part. Even searching the internet for innocent things was too risky. If your search history was too similar to that of the alias you had used before Helmut went to prison, it would have been easy for them to find a connection and send someone to track you down. Still, you kept a cell phone charged and ready on the kitchen counter despite the risk for one reason and one reason only: Emergency contact with your husband.
He never texted from the same number on more than one occasion, always switching from burner phone to burner phone as he flew across the country doing god knows what, but if he was ever in a situation where emergency contact with you was needed, he was able to reach you at your number immediately. It had only happened a couple of times, and each time he had been in a considerable amount of danger. So, when you suddenly heard the sound you dreaded more than anything else in the world, you were quick to rush inside, even ignoring the shattered glass at your feet as you shoved through the doors and found the phone.
The small, LED display was lit up with the notification. It made your heart both soar and sink.
Flying home with two guests. Prepare the two rooms for their stay. We will be there by 5 at the latest - B
You read over the message several times before letting the phone fall from your hand and back onto the counter with a dull thud.
That absolute asshole.
Three months. Three months you had spent sitting alone. Three months without a call, or a text, or a letter, or even a word of when he was coming back by way of Oeznik. Three months! And after three months of loneliness and sleepless nights and empty bottles on the drink cart he reaches out through an emergency line of contact that almost certainly means he might be dying only to tell you he’s bringing two strangers into your safe house, the place even he refuses to stay in too long in order to not give its location away. The scar on your spine was starting to burn as you leaned up against the counter and cried.
It was ridiculous to think you had ever believed him capable of more tact than that.
Really, it was your fault. From the beginning, you’d had too much faith in a man incapable of being trustworthy, even to those closest to him. You knew that, and yet you had married him. Maybe the soft touches and sweet lies he had spoon-fed you had made you weak. Maybe you always had been.
“I’m not a child, Helmut, I know what I’m doing!”
“I don’t think you do,” he shouted. He was a few drinks in now, you both were. The nights before his departures never tended to end well when you both drank. “Because no matter what I do to protect you, you have the need to disobey me! Have you considered that I do the things I do for your own good!”
“Oh! Oh yes, the things YOU do!” You slammed your glass down on the table as you stormed over to Helmut, “I sit here all day like a fucking dog in a cage while you fly to fucking Ibiza and flirt with supermodels, but YOUR story is just so fucking tragic! I’m your wife, Helmut! I’m not an animal or your property, I’m your goddamn wife! You can’t just order me to sit and stay like a dog,”
He glared down at you, eyes hawkish and glinting in the low lamplight. For the first time in years, he looked threatening, “You may not be a dog, or a child, or my property, but you are a weapon! It’s my job to keep you here, away from the-”
“Excuse me?” You interrupted. The two of you stood, inches away and yet miles apart. Slowly, the drive in Helmut’s eyes faltered. “Say that again. I dare you,”
“Schatz, I-”
“No, Helmut, you meant it so say it again. Call me that again. I fucking dare you,” Tears were streaming down your face now. He took a step towards you, hand extended to wipe them away, but you were quick to take a step back out of his reach.
“You misunderstood me,”
“I don’t think there was anything to misunderstand,”
You swept the shards of your glass tumbler into a dustpan, hands still shaking even ten minutes after you’d read Helmut’s message to you. As you worked, your last conversation before he’d left echoed in your mind.
How had it all devolved into that? It wasn’t hard to remember Helmut before prison, jaded and broken and lonely. He had been so much like you and yet so different. Each of you seemed to be the perfect balm for the others' wounds. In the end, despite all of his flaws, you had found yourself in love. Now that he was a different man, was that love gone? You couldn’t say. All you knew for sure was that you weren’t nearly drunk enough to be facing the confusing feelings in your brain. With the last of your energy, you emptied the dustpan of glass into the trash can and returned to the house, sweater itchy against your irritated skin, to ready the guest rooms.
The job wasn’t a long one. You had never used the guest rooms in all the time you’d spent at the Avignon property, so the sheets were already clean. There was just a thin layer of dust on the furniture that needed to be swept away as you checked to make sure the dressers were bare and the bathrooms were stocked with amenities. Then, when that was done, you were left to your thoughts as the hours ticked by.
Most of the time you spent sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. It sounded terrible, and in all honesty it was, but what else could you do? The house was already spotless so cleaning wasn’t an option, and you didn’t quite feel like doing much of anything as you stared at the clock and tried to remember a time when your life was less of a disaster. As it got closer to five, though, you started to get antsy.
You had tried your best to not think about the obvious issue of the guests. Zemo was not the type to threaten his home, even if he wasn’t happy with you, so usually having anyone who wasn’t Oeznik or another paid lackey aware of the location of your safe house would be a big no in his book, but then you started thinking of the implications of him bringing people into your home. Your home, not his. Was he on his way to kill you? It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Or maybe he was bringing your replacement.
Now that thought made anger bubble up in your throat. You were no stranger to the idea that when your husband was away, he could be doing anything. There was no guarantee when he slept in lavish hotels or drank the night away in elite lounges that he kept his wedding ring on. The fact that there were two guests meant it was unlikely he was bringing two mistresses, but never impossible. Nothing was impossible when it came to Helmut.
No, it was more likely he had finally decided it was time to end your suffering. The shouts and boisterous laughter that started to sound directly outside of the front room window only confirmed the for you. Slowly, you crept towards the door and grabbed a small pistol from its place in the umbrella stand. If he wanted you dead you weren’t going to go without a fight.
Through the curtains on the front door, you could just barely make out the trio. When you saw them your blood ran cold. It was one thing if he needed help to take you down, but getting the Winter Soldier on board? Your rage only grew by the minute.
Helmut said something, probably planning the best course of action to catch you off guard, and you sneered. Two could play at that game. When he knocked on the door you opened it calmly and held the gun with your finger just barely ghosting over the trigger.
Everyone froze.
“Give me one reason I should let you in and not shoot you on the spot,” you said, rage coursing through every nerve in your body. You may have been in retirement for quite a few years, but you still knew how to handle a gun. Everyone there, except maybe the Falcon, knew that. As Zemo went to open his mouth, you prepared for a firefight.
“Because I brought you flowers,”
a/n: Sorry that only one chapter is out! The fic is just getting very long and complicated and I wanted to make sure you got as much as possible before the next episode drops lol. I’ll be working pretty much nonstop from now until then, though, so the next parts should be out soon!
TAGLIST: @tatestripedsweater​ , @elaineygrace​, @multiyfandomgirl40​ ,  @lovelymischief​ , @rami-malek-trash​ , @dazzlingseb​, @avgravy​ , @sarahsilver , @wh0re-4-techno​ , @forcebros​ , @sugarsweetkiss​ , @grandmuffinsharkbailiff​ , @killsandthrills​ , @novasstudy​ , @thnksfr-ptrkstmp​ , @inmate-marmalade​, @alanathedeer​ , @mossybank​ , @simsiddy​ , @xxspqcebunsxx​ 
Please do not post my work on other sites, thank you!
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pasteljeon · 4 years
sincerely, yours (m)
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summary: in which you return to an apartment full of 7 horny boyfriends.
pairing: ot7 x reader
warnings: pining, dirty talk, heavy petting, sexual tension
length: 2.9k
notes: this is another blm commission written for the amazing @/himbeaux-joon. thank you so much for your support and donation! i hope you enjoy n forgive me for the wait.
“You’re fucked.”
You pull your phone away from your ear out of pure disbelief. Squinting at the screen, you’re assured you’re speaking to the right person when your friend’s name peers back at you.
She said it so casually and offhandedly you do a double take. Your luggage rolls noisily behind you, a hefty and rather rickety thing, though you don’t quite have the heart to rid of it just yet. It has character, stickers and stamps collected from your various travels scattered on the cover. Some are fraying and others greying and half-peeled. Some are new, recently added to the collection and sparkle almost obnoxiously next to your dying ones.
“You are so fucked,” she laughs. It’s less of a laugh and more of a cackle. You check your phone again. Still her.
“Are you going to elaborate on that?” You say dryly as you finally wheel yourself out of customs. The last month has been hectic, your job and position requiring you to fly overseas for the past three weeks. You would think your boys would have been used to the asynchronistic nature of your schedules considering how busy they usually are, but they did finish the last leg of their tour just as you left. Your company offered another two weeks of paid vacation is a thank-you for the generous contract you just signed. Your boys protested and pouted but you took it, adamant about finally taking that much needed break.
They reluctantly let you go, faking tears but understanding, their jobs equally as, if not more, stressful.
“Nope.” She pops the p with some dark sense of satisfaction, and you repress the shiver that crawls down your spine. “But I can say it’s a good type of fucking. You know, the one where you bend Jungkook over the—”
“Okay, got it, thank you,” you cut her off hastily, holding a hand over the speaker to muffle her voice that rises into a sing-song, glancing around discreetly to ensure no one’s eavesdropped over your rather scandalous conversation.
“You ever notice how whiny your boys can get when you’re away?” She teases when you return to the line. Rummaging in your purse for some change, you scan the airport café for some iced coffee, chuckling, “Yes. You have no idea.”
“You know all the boys have a chat exclusive for their very not safe for work thoughts?” she tells you. It makes you choke and laugh simultaneously, the cashier eyeing you strangely as he takes your order.
“I don’t know how they make it sounds so hot,” your friend continues blandly. “Normally it sounds so greasy. But they’re usually so well-behaved and polite. I was so shocked. I had no idea that Jimin liked—”
You yelp, staring down at your shirt. Luckily, it’s dark enough to hide the stain, so you mop it up sheepishly, thanking the server who offers you some napkins, clucking sympathetically.
“What?” You hissed, pulling to the side. You’re whisper-shouting into your phone now. “They did what?”
“Oh, you didn’t know? Didn’t Rhys tell you? He was rolling all over about it,” she snickers. You splutter. Rhys is a close friend to the both of you, and often spent nights gaming with Jungkook and Taehyung. You knew your boys had a group chat with your other male friends but … “But they’re usually so polite,” you exclaim.
Your friend clicks her tongue. “Cue exhibit A. Anyway, good luck girl. You’re gonna need it.” Without waiting for your reply, she ends the call, her cackles cutting off into an odd ringing in your ear.
“Oh dear,” you say to yourself, staring down at your drink. “What am I walking into?”
Your friend’s call is lousy warning, if you’re going to be honest.
Only the maknaes are able to pick you up from the airport, with the remainder of the boys caught up in the photoshoot. They were able to wrap up before your flight landed.
They’re a ball of hazed energy. Dressed casually, face masked and caps donned, they somehow manage to blend in with the crowd of receivers. Your breath catches. In the short time away, you’ve forgotten just how little justice pictures and videos do for them. They’re beautiful.
They watch you like hawks, glazed eyes dark and you’re genuinely a little concerned for Taehyung. The outline of his length presses insistently against his black slacks, but he pays no attention, half-lidded as he peers at you through thick lashes. You’re shocked no one’s carded him for public indecency yet. The image alone is enough to make your core to clench.
There’s no fanfare, no glee, no innocent excitement, no cheerful, “noona!” you expected from the youngest. Instead, Jungkook silently reaches over to relieve you of your luggage, fingers grazing your palm. He pulls down his mask to kiss the corner of your mouth. He visibly tears himself away, and you can see the way his veins pop under the pressure, jaw clenching hard. Electricity sparks down your spine, making you shiver.
“Heart. Welcome back,” Taehyung rumbles as he tips your chin up. His voice is more of a growl, the sound reverberates from his chest, low and incredibly sexy it makes goosebumps rise on your skin.
“I missed you,” Jimin pushes his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. He catches your hand when you reach for him, steadying your shaky knees. You clutch at the sleeve of his turtleneck, his palm cupping the back of your head as his nose skims the column of your throat.
“G-guys, we’re in public,” you manage in a faint whisper, and Jimin’s grip tightens briefly before he reluctantly pulls away. Jungkook takes your other hand, Taehyung leading the way to the car.
They brush your concern off easily, not even bothering to scan their surroundings in case anyone’s recognized them. You do a cursory sweep anyway, but find the airport still relatively empty, the crowd occupied with their own arrivals. Suddenly, you’re once again struck with a profound sense of appreciation for Namjoon’s forever careful scheduling of your flights so this could be possible.
The underground parking lot is quiet, and you exchange no words as Jungkook’s Mercedes comes into view.
The sexual tension is, as they say, palpable.
You move to follow Jimin into the backseat, but Jungkook grabs your wrist, twirling you around. The cool metal meets your heated skin for a brief moment before he pulls you close. “Noona,” he murmurs, bringing your arm to his lips. He fastens his mouth over your pulse point, suckling gently. His lashes tickle your inner wrist.
“Jungkook,” you say breathily, his leg coming to push your thighs apart. You nearly collapse onto him, and he releases you with an agonized sigh. The mark blooms darkly, and he lets out a long exhale.
“Gguk.” There’s a warning in his tone.
“I know,” the maknae bites back. He lets you down slowly, hungry gaze raking over your form one last time before he lets Taehyung help you into the car.
He walks to the driver’s side, forehead pressing against the hood fleetingly before sliding into the seat. It does nothing to settle the heat stirring in his stomach. He can’t bring himself to regret it, though, despite the way his pants dig into his hard cock.
Just a little longer. His fingers grip the wheel tightly, knuckles whitening as he pulls out of the lot.
They can hardly keep their hands off of you, glued to your side the entirety of the ride back.
Jungkook wants to scream out of pure frustration. He can hardly concentrate, though it is the crack of dawn and traffic is sparse.
He can hear the lewd shlick shlick shlick sounds of your makeout sessions. He resists the urge to check the rear-view mirror for the nth time. He knows one glance is enough to make his thighs clench.
He hears your soft, melodic sighs between kisses, lips likely beautifully swollen and plump from their coaxing. He knows that Taehyung is sweet, and that Jimin is eager, a little rough. It's downright pornographic. His eye twitches.
“Mmm, Chim,” you mewl.
That's it. He growls. “Guys, knock it off. Otherwise we’re taking her in the back of my car.”
“Wouldn't be such a bad idea,” Taehyung murmurs, and Jungkook risks a glimpse, only to see Taehyung mouthing at your neck, one hand down your pants. You're a vision, sprawled on Jimin's lap, head tossed back against his neck. Back arched, shirt halfway unbuttoned, bra peeking out and hair disheveled.
“Taehyung,” Jungkook barks. He’s a second away from breaking the wheel. Red light. He watches Taehyung suck a blooming flower against your neckline. He pulls away reluctantly to admire it.
“It's fine,” Jimin pipes up, and Jungkook swears he pops a vessel with the way the older slides a hand up to cup your breast, thumbing your peaks from under the silken material. “We're here.”
The maknae parks the car hastily, all too relieved to be home. He practically yanks the hinges off the passenger door open. Jimin groans, almost falling flat on his ass at the sudden momentum. “Jeon!”
“Sorry,” he mutters, stepping aside for Jimin to step out. Jungkook catches you, stumbling with trembling legs and poorly adjusted shirt. He sweeps you into his arms without another thought, moving briskly towards the entrance. His strength makes you squirm in his hold, clutching his tensed bicep.
“Smell so good,” he groans, and he has to pause at the door, letting you down only to pin you against the glass, kissing you hard.
“Taste so good,” he pants, unable to stop himself from grinding against you. He wants you close, craves you. Your hands snake under his shirt, pushing it up impatiently to flatten your palm against his toned stomach, the other fumbling with his belt.
The sound of the leather and metal coming undone makes him hiss, hips jerking. “Sensitive baby,” you murmur teasingly, fingers digging into his v-line. Jungkook’s breath stutters, cock throbbing unwittingly.
“I’m going to lose my mind,” he moans, slumping onto you as you give his clothed length a tentative squeeze. He’s so incredibly hard it’s painful. The blood rushing to his dick is making him dizzy, a little breathless.
Before you can reply, the door is abruptly wrenched open. You gasp, Jungkook nearly toppling over, but he braces you under his arm, catching you easily.
“Told you he wouldn’t make it in before he succumbed.” You look up to see Hoseok gazing down at you with those strong brows of his, studying you with an intensity that has your body flushing with heat again. Even upside down he’s gorgeous beyond reason.
Jungkook flips you back up, and Hoseok’s lips quirk when he catches you floundering.
“Bet he came in his pants.” Namjoon walks forward, hands in his pockets and his tone is casual, like he’s discussing the menu from your favourite diner.
“Colour me shocked the neighbours haven’t carded the two of you for public indecency,” Yoongi drawls, smirking when Jungkook blushes darkly.
“I’m going to develop abandonment issues if you keep forgetting about us like that.” Jungkook rubs his neck, embarrassed, as Taehyung and Jimin step in with mirroring looks of disgruntlement. Taehyung walks over, lips quirking wryly as you slide your arms over his neck.
“Don’t tease,” you chastise, but he ignores you in lieu of pulling you close, swaying slightly to the sound of his quiet humming. His hands are hot, burning through the thin material of your shirt as he presses you flush against his body.
“Romantic,” you whisper, smiling. Taehyung smiles too, eyes still closed.
“Welcome back, beautiful.” You startle at the sound, but smile at the familiar voice, leaning into his touch. Taehyung allows you to slip from his hold, the newcomer twirling you around.
“Hi, Jin,” you say shyly, biting your lip. Seokjin beams, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Missed you so much,” he says softly. “Was about to lose my sanity if you were away any longer.”
You laugh aloud, and Seokjin looks a little awestruck at the sound, watching you with that soft, adoring look in his eyes. “I thought you would’ve enjoyed the peace while I was gone.”
“Hardly. I was left in a house full of horny kids. The testosterone levels were crazy,” he sighs dramatically. “Pass.”
Somewhere in the background, Namjoon snorts. “Please, hyung. You act like you weren’t jacking off three times a day to her pictures.”
Seokjin squeaks, Hoseok roaring in laughter. Jungkook claps a hand to his mouth, trying and failing to hide his mirth, sexual tension momentarily forgotten.
You loop your arms around his neck with a coy smile. “Is this true, Jinnie?”
“Don’t tease me,” he mumbles into your neck. He feels the shaking of your silent giggles and groans. “I hate you, Joon.”
“If it helps, I’m flattered, you know. And the feeling is mutual, in case you were wondering,” you whisper to him.
“It wasn’t just that,” Seokjin grumbles, glancing away as the tips of his ears darken. “I always want you around. You’re my home, you know.”
Your heart swells, fingers tingling. “Jin,” you say softly, cupping his cheeks. He looks everywhere but at you, complexion mirroring a tomato alarmingly fast. Seokjin, who can dish out sweetness but never take it, mood maker but so shy. Seokjin, who is kind and charming and gorgeous and has a big, beautiful heart.
“I love you so much,” you whisper. He looks at you wonderingly, as if mystified by such an all-encompassing sentiment.
“___ … You have no idea how much I adore you,” Seokjin breathes, a little giddy, a little lightheaded by that fond, warm expression you’re regarding him with.
“Not more than me.” The two of you jump at the sound, jolted from your secluded bubble, to see, shockingly, Yoongi pouting behind the eldest. The composer has his arms crossed, brows knitted and cheeks puffed out.
“Did you forget about us again,” Yoongi says, petulant. You and Seokjin look at one another, stunned, before bursting into laughter.
Namjoon and Hoseok join the rapper, crowding the two of you from the sides, sporting similarly roguish grins. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook share a mischievous look, squishing in close.
“Guys,” Seokjin complains, broad shoulders being quashed by the sheer force of Jungkook’s biceps. Your face is pressed uncomfortable tight against his – impossibly solid and strong – chest.
“Can’t – breathe,” you yelp, voice muffled. A hand grabs your wrist and pops you from the throng.
“Hello again,” Hoseok grins.
“Hoseokie,” you gasp, a little winded but still incredibly grateful for a breath of fresh air, something the dancer himself seems to embody.
“Sunshine,” he says happily, reaching for you. Before he can wrap himself around you, Namjoon comes slamming in, dimples and all.
“As much as I’ve enjoyed our little reunion, my dick is hard and throbbing and the obscene amount of times I’ve simultaneously cried and jacked off to the sound of your voice is absurd, my cock should’ve wilted at the pure ferocity and angst I’ve poured onto the poor thing, and I am beyond ecstatic to have you back – so much so that I need to rail you against the our skyline balcony, lest I implode within the next two minutes. So! Let’s move to the bedroom, shall we?” Namjoon says matter-of-factly.
“Good idea,” Hoseok beams, completely unfazed by their leader’s rather lewd confession as he scoops you up easily, your boyfriends quickly following suit.
Hoseok sets you down onto the centre of the king-sized bed, silk sheets bunching beneath you as you sprawl over them. You move to sit up on your elbows, but Jungkook hovers over you, pressing you down instantly.
His dark eyes rake over your form unabashedly, one hand popping the surviving buttons of your top and the other pulling off his shirt.
“Greedy maknae.” Jungkook readily ignores Seokjin’s disgruntled mutter in the background as he leans down kiss you.
“Missed your taste,” he murmurs. Your hand trails down his bare chest, retracing every memorized groove and dip of his unfairly gorgeous body.
“Jungkook.” He tears himself away, panting heavily, to glance at Namjoon, who sends him a warning look.
“Don’t be selfish,” the rapper chastises. Jungkook drops his gaze to where you lay splayed out beneath him, hair mussed and lips swollen, chest heaving as you recover from his ministrations.
“Sorry.” He doesn’t sound apologetic at the least. He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, growling once before he slides off.
“You’re in for a long night, beautiful,” Hoseok tells you, cupping your face and thumbing your cheek slowly, revelling the heat that tinges your skin. “You have no idea how much we’ve missed you. And not just this.”
“I missed you all too,” you whisper, smile soft.
Yoongi closes the door.
Your phones blow up the entire night, left collectively buzzing beneath the couch cushions.
[03:21] rhys: damn, y’all still banging? it’s been 4 days
[04:28] rhys: i need a gf
“Mmm. Tickles.”
“Good morning, gorgeous.” You smile into the pillow, eyes still closed, turning your head to the side expectantly. You know your expression is a little blissful, and you hear his fond chuckle.
“Love you,” you mumble. Someone presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Love you too, heart.”
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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talatomaz · 3 years
lockdown | jj x fem!teen!reader
a/n: i can’t believe that a year ago today, the last ever episode of criminal minds aired. i miss jj so much 🤧
this is sort of in line with my own experiences (to a certain extent). and there’s not as much jj x d!r as i’d intended but I hope you still like it.
(feedback/positive comments are appreciated)
requested by @ouat2017 : “could you do a jj x daughter where the daughter’s school is on lockdown and jj is worried or something like that?”
warnings: gun violence. blood
word count: 2.6k
masterlist | request list | request rules
r is jj’s 18 year old adopted daughter and suddenly finds herself on lockdown after someone brings a gun into her school
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Look, you’re the one that needs to be tutored so can you please focus?”
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest in annoyance.
You were currently in the tutoring centre trying to help a self-absorbed jock pass English so he could remain on the school’s football team.
Looking around you, you saw a handful of students giving both you and Cameron - the man-child you were tutoring - disparaging looks.
“You’re not supposed to be yelling at me. You’re meant to be telling me the answers.”
The aforementioned narcissist leaned against his chair, smirking at you in a way that made you fight to hide a shudder.
You could have easily wiped the grin off his face by mentioning who your mother was and who she worked for but instead, you decided to just continue ignoring his advances and carry on teaching him.
“That’s not how this works, Cameron. Now either you listen to me or you fail and get kicked off the team. And quite frankly, I’d rather the latter happen.”
You watched as his brows furrowed in confusion. Sighing, you answered, “latter means the second thing of two things mentioned in a sentence. Now, for the love of God, just finish writing your paragraph on Heller's satire of capitalism in Catch-22.”
You let out a breath of relief when he finally relented and started to scribble on his sheet of paper. You glanced over at one of your friends, who was also tutoring for extra credit, and smiled when she rolled her eyes at Cameron’s actions.
Leaning against the large desk that stood at the front of the room, you relished in the long-awaited silence aside from hushed whispers that came from other students asking for help.
Taking out your phone, you glanced at the screen to see that it was only midday and soon the lunch bell would be ringing.
You smiled softly at your lock screen.
It was a photo of you and JJ, your adoptive mother.
It was taken a few weeks prior at your 18th birthday party. You’d been living with JJ for almost 5 years now; her having fostered you before later adopting you when you were 14.
You still didn’t know what she saw in you on that day you’d first met her - you’d lost your family in a home invasion, barely surviving yourself - but whatever it was, you were grateful because you’d gotten a second chance at life.
Several minutes passed and you’d only broken from your train of thought when you heard someone clearing their throat beside you.
Looking over your shoulder, you saw your friend, the one who’d rolled her eyes earlier at Cameron, standing beside you.
“I see you finally got him to do his work.” She whispered, loud enough for your ears only.
“Barely. He still has an essay to write and hasn’t even finished a paragraph yet.”
“I would have smacked his sorry ass by now.”
You laughed before clamping your hand over your mouth, her comment having caught you off guard.
“Ally!” You whisper-shouted, playfully hitting her arm.
She looked at you with a raised eyebrow causing you to smirk, “Trust me, I’ve thought about it but-”
Before you could finish your sentence, a large bang rang out, shattering the silence the room had once held.
With wide eyes, your head whipped to the door where the gunshot had presumably come from and you listened as the hallways were filled with panicked screams.
Running to the door, ignoring the gasps and shouts from the other students behind you, you turned the lock on the door, pulled down the blinds, switched off the lights and jammed a chair under the handle.
Looking up, you saw everyone had the same look of panic in their eyes; a few were crying, including Ally, and others were pale with shock, Cameron was one of them.
“Guys, we’re gonna be okay but we have to be quiet.” You whispered harshly, constantly looking over your shoulder at the door, listening for any indication of the shooter coming your way.
Everyone stared at you, as if you were the leader of a camp and they were small children awaiting for further instruction.
You supposed it wasn’t far off.
By taking charge, you were the one who’d been unwillingly given the role of protector.
“First things first,” you walked over to the group of 10 students, “I need you all to make sure your phones are on silent. We can’t risk being caught.”
You watched as everyone followed your instructions.
“I know you all want to call your parents but that’s going to attract attention to us so for right now, we need to be quiet.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest and as you spoke, one thought repeated in your head. JJ.
Taking out your phone, you scrolled to find your mother’s name in your contacts. You watched as your thumb hovered over her name.
Just breathe, y/n. Breathe.
Tapping your mother’s name, you brought the phone to your ear.
“I thought you said we couldn’t call anyone.”
Your eyes locked onto Cameron’s, his face pale and his eyes filled with terror and a hint of anger.
“My Mum works for the FBI.” You whispered as the phone rang out.
Any other time and you probably would have laughed at the way his face grew paler, if that was even possible. But, in a situation this tense, it was going to be difficult to find any levity.
Your Mum picked up on the second ring and you let out a shaky breath when you heard her voice.
“Hi baby. A bit early for your lunch, isn’t it?”
You closed your eyes at her soft tone, as if you were trying to engrave the way she spoke into your mind lest you would never hear it again.
From your lack of response, the blonde sensed there was something up, “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
A single tear dropped down your cheek as you struggled to maintain a steady tone. Catching a glimpse of Ally staring at you, you steeled yourself and spoke.
“Mum, you need to come quick. Someone’s brought a gun into school.”
“Oh my-AARON.”
You winced when you heard her shout for her boss, listening as you could hear her run up stairs. You held your breath as she filled Hotch in on what was happening before telling Garcia to hack into your school’s security system.
“Are you okay? Stupid question. But are you hurt?”
“Mum,” you interrupted her rambling, “I’m fine. I’m in the tutoring centre with 10 other people. I don’t know how many people are injured. It just all happened so fast.”
“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay.”
Though you could hear the clear panic in her voice, her words did bring some form of reassurance to you.
“Penelope’s hacking into the system so hopefully she can have eyes soon.”
As she spoke, you could hear the clacking of keys in the background of the call; presumably Garcia doing exactly what JJ said.
“Mum?” You questioned when you heard Garcia swear.
Instead of JJ answering, the usually peppy tech analyst replied, her voice shaky and wet, as if she was crying.
“Y/N, thank God you’re okay.”
“What’s wrong, Garcia?”
“Someone’s disabled the cameras remotely. I can only get them back online if someone reprograms them from the inside.”
Grasping what she was explaining, you nodded, “I’ll fix them.”
“What? No!”
Your mother had taken the phone off of Garcia.
“You are not leaving that room, y/n. We’ll find another way in.”
“Mum, someone needs to fix the system from inside the school. I need to do it.”
Ignoring your mother’s worried shouts, you continued to speak, “Mum, I have to. I love you.”
You disconnected the phone and switched it off, preventing her from being able to call you back.
“Y/N, you are not leaving this room.”
You’d only just realised that everyone had been watching you intently during that entire interaction.
“Yes, I am.”
Moving away from the huddle, you rose to your feet and replied to your friend.
Cameron rose to his feet and towered over you as he challenged you, “No, you are not. You’re going to put us in danger.”
“Do you know how to hack into our school’s security system and then reconnect the transformer and enter the Mastercode?”
His face contorted to a look of confusion making you reply,
Turning to leave, you felt a large hand enclose around your arm.
“I said, you’re not leaving.”
Your eyes flickered from Cameron’s hand up to his face that dared you to take another step.
“Remove your hand from my arm before I remove your hand from your body. You may letter in football but I’ve been trained by some of the best FBI agents there are and unless you want to end up in a sleeper hold, I suggest you shut up and do what I say for once.”
His harsh grip almost immediately lessened as his hand returned to his side.
“Good. Now, have any of you been shot? No? I didn’t think so. Well, I have and whoever did get shot is probably bleeding out in the hallway. I can’t not do anything.”
No one dared to respond and instead, shook their head ‘no’ at your asking if anyone else would try to stop you.
Content that you weren’t going to deal with any more unnecessary distractions, you made your way to the door and gently removed the chair that was beneath the handle.
“Ally, you’re in charge. Lock the door when I leave. By my count, the FBI will be here soon. And Cameron, you do anything stupid and I’ll shoot you myself.”
Unlocking the door, you stepped out into the empty hallway and hastily made your way to where the main security hub was located.
Just a couple of hours ago, all you had wished for was silence but now that your wish had been granted, all you wanted was to hear the playful shouts and conversations between your friends and fellow students.
The silence that currently fell on your school was unnerving and unbearable. And with each step you took, you flinched at the sound your shoes made against the marble floor. Each noise practically acting as a beacon for the shooter to come find you.
You let out a sigh of relief when you found the Hub and you quickly worked to reconnect the security system. Typing on the laptop that rested atop one of the servers, you couldn’t help the smile that formed when all the cameras re-engaged.
Tapping on one of the keys, you navigated through the various cameras, looking for any indication of the shooter or of any injured people. You stopped when you caught a glimpse of someone.
Squinting at the screen, you saw, what appeared to be a freshman - since you didn’t recognise him as being a part of your year - laying on the ground, a hand clutching his stomach as blood coated his clothing.
Immediately knowing where he was, you cautiously made your way to the east hallway before running when you noticed him laying on the ground, his blood coating the once-white marble floor.
Falling to your knees, you pressed your hands against his wound, trying to stop the steady flow. He groaned out in pain, tears staining his face.
“H-Help me.” He choked out.
“What’s your name?”
“Jackson. But everyone c-calls me J-Jack.”
“Jack, you’re going to be okay. I just need you stay with me, okay? I’m-”
You failed to hide the surprise from your face making the younger teen smile despite his predicament.
“You’re t-tutoring Cameron. Everyone knows who you are. Y-You’re the one who doesn’t take any of his shit. I think h-he likes you.”
“Well, tough shit for him. I may be bi but he’s definitely not my type.”
Jack’s laugh quickly turned into another groan of pain.
Unzipping your jacket with one hand, you used the other to keep pressure on his wound. After removing the jacket, you harshly pressed it against his torso and watched as it barely absorbed the blood.
“I’m gonna die, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re not. I won’t let you.” You said, tears filling in your eyes as memories rushed back of when you tried to save your brother after he’d been shot.
“You’re going to be okay. I just need you to-”
You stilled when you heard footsteps come up behind you.
“Well, what do we have here?”
You didn’t recognise the voice and couldn’t bring yourself to turn around to face the person who’d caused all this pain.
You opened your mouth before closing it again, unsure of what to say.
Closing your eyes, you readied yourself for your inevitable death when a shot rang out and a body slumped to the ground beside you.
Jumping at the action, you turned around and almost collapsed in relief at what you saw. Your Mum and her team stood behind you with several SWAT members flanking them.
The tears that had once filled your eyes now spilled shamelessly down your cheeks.
Without saying a word, JJ holstered her gun and ran to your side, hugging you as best she could since your hands were still pressed against Jack’s wound.
Paramedics soon followed and after that it was all a blur. It was as if you were floating outside of your body. Logically, you knew it was the effects of an adrenaline crash but you felt so disconnected from your body.
You barely took note as your mother gently lifted you to your feet, allowing you to be briefly looked over by the paramedics. Nor as your mother escorted you to one of the school bathrooms where she rinsed the blood off your hands.
You didn’t even say a word until you’d arrived back at the BAU where a worried Penelope wrapped you in a tight hug which you returned.
“I’m gonna take her up to my old office, Hotch.”
The Unit Chief simply nodded as he and the rest of the team watched as JJ led you to the abandoned office that was still filled with random case files.
Closing the door, she sat you down on her sofa and stared at you, not touching you in fear that even a simple caress would cause you to shatter.
You exhaled a long breath before finally speaking, “I’m sorry.”
Her brows narrowed, “Sorry? Sweetheart, why?”
You looked at your hands that had been coated in blood less than an hour before and then up at your mother; her blue eyes filled with nothing but concern, love and confusion.
“You told me not to leave and I did. I’m sorry.”
And with that, you started to cry heart-wrenching sobs that made your shoulders shake.
JJ gathered you in her arms, gently rocking you as her long blonde hair draped over you.
“It’s okay, y/n. I got you, baby. You’re safe now.”
Her arms wrapped tightly around you as she laid soft kisses on your head, her hand stroking your back.
That only served to make you burrow into her even more, seeking comfort in her motherly embrace.
You muttered your apologies as she continued to reassure you that you were okay.
JJ was afraid that if she stopped, you wouldn’t be here, safe in her arms.
Still rocking you in her arms, she whispered in your ear,
“I got you, baby. You’re safe now.”
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Better Together Chapter 6
ok, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry for the long time in between posts. I'm working on several stories at once, or at least trying to, while also trying to get accustomed to a promotion and new job responsibilities at work. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me. I really appreciate you all. My work is no to be reposted anywhere without my permission.
Pairing: Poe Dameron X Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Violence, panic, Poe being soft, Bryce being a dick. I think we can just assume that will be a permanent tag.
Series Master List
Chapter Five
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You try to sit up with a strangled scream, but you end up bouncing your head off the plastic dome monitoring your vitals.
“Hey, it’s okay.” A voice to your left says. The voice is… familiar, but it’s not the one you really wanted to hear. But at the same time, you’re grateful you don’t hear that voice.
You roll your head to see Bryce, your boyfriend. He’s your boyfriend. He won’t hurt you. You can relax.
Why aren’t you relaxing?
“You’re safe now. Back home where you belong.” He says gently, reaching for your hand. You flinch away and he frowns, pausing.
“S-sorry.” You rasp, closing your eyes.
“It’s cool.” He lifts the dome and moves to get your clothes at the foot of the table. “Come on. Get dressed, we’ll get you something to eat.” He says, setting them next to you.
You try to speak again, but your voice is just as rough, only this time you don’t know if it’s from being quiet for so long, or the raw emotions destroying you. You clear your throat painfully. “H-how’s Poe?” You ask, nearly stuttering over his name.
“Dameron is fine. Been annoying all the women ever since he got back.” Bryce rolls his eyes. He doesn’t catch the way you shrink in on yourself as you sit up.
So, Poe doesn’t...want to...see you. The words struggle in your mind. He’s… he’s probably trying to forget what you did to him. No wonder he doesn’t want to see you.
“Can you step outside so I can get dressed?” You ask quietly.
“Babe, it’s not like I haven’t seen it before.” He says and you lower your head. “Fine. Just, don’t take too long. I’m starving.” He says, walking out and shutting the door loudly behind you. You jump at the sudden snap of it and squeeze your eyes shut.
You can’t handle the commissary right now. It’s always packed full of people, loud, claustrophobic. You carefully get dressed, trying not to notice all the new marks on your body. You’re careful of the fresh stitches covering your arms, legs, stomach, and back. Careful not to pull the bandages holding you together.
You’re dressed faster than you want to be, stepping carefully out of the room. It still doesn’t feel safe, it feels like you should be hiding. You tug the long sleeves down further, wishing you had more to cover you.
“Come on.” He slings his arm around your shoulders and you tense as the weight settles on you. “I missed you.” He says softly, but you don’t feel comforted by his words. They turn to ice in your veins. He practically has to drag you along, your nerves stretching and spiking with each step, with every noise.
“I-I’m not hungry.” You protest, trying to dig your heels in. You can hear the loud room from here.
“Y/N, you have to eat.” He says firmly.
“N-n—“ you stammer, trying to push away from him. He sighs and scoops you up over his shoulder, carrying you along easily. Pain flares through you as your stitches pull. He’s not careful with you. Either he doesn’t know, or he doesn’t care. You try to struggle, you don’t care if he drops you. At least then you could get away.
“Y/N, I swear to the Maker, stop struggling. These are your friends. They want to know you’re okay.”
“What if I’m not?” You snap, the fear boiling over. You want to go to your room. You want to hide. You want to be alone. You want Poe.
He stops and considers for a minute before continuing on. “You can’t hide forever, Y/N.”
“Bryce, please, please!”
He walks inside and sets you down none too gently in a chair at a table full of people. “Look who’s finally awake.” He says loudly. Your teeth jar, biting down on your tongue from the abrupt impact.
There are five whole heartbeats where everyone is just staring at you. Something claws its way up your throat in the eerie silence, and then everything just explodes.
Voices, chairs moving, hands touching you, patting you on the shoulder, or touching your leg. The lights get too bright, you can’t see anything. You feel like they’re all climbing on top of you, too much weight. You can’t breathe. You try to suck in a breath, but it’s like your lungs won’t expand.
You bolt.
You’re not proud of it, but you shove through all the people and fly for the door. Blind twists and turns down hallways you don’t remember seeing, and couldn’t remember in the moment. You can barely hear your name being shouted behind you, but you can’t stop, can’t look back. You just know you’ve ripped stitches in your thighs, and stomach. You don’t care. Your only thought is escape. Hyper flight mode.
A hand grabs you from the darkness, pulling you in and pinning you against the wall. You fight, slapping and hitting against your assailant as you sob, gasping raggedly.
“Y/N! It’s me, stop it!!” Poe shouts, grabbing your wrists. “It’s Poe, it’s me. Stop.” He says, holding your hands against his chest until you stop fighting him.
You think you gasp his name, your legs give out on you and you sink to your knees in front of him, sobbing. He doesn’t let go of your wrists, just loosens his grip. Relief washes through you as you realize who it is.
“Breathe. Just breathe. Big, slow breaths for me, sweetheart.” He whispers, slowly kneeling in front of you.
“I know. Sh, it’s okay. I’m right here.” He wraps his arms around you tightly, hugging you to him.
He shouldn’t be doing this for you, not after everything you put him through. Guilt roils through you, choking off your air. You start to pull away but he doesn’t let go. His fingers braid in your disheveled hair and you can’t help but sink into him a little more.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up. I wanted to be.” He exhales in a rush, burying his face in your hair.
“Why—why would you want that?” You hiccup, keeping your face away from him.
“Because you’re my best friend? Why would you think I wouldn’t want to be there?”
“B-because,” you try taking a deep breath.
He seems to realize that you’re shivering on the cold ground. “Let’s get out of here. Do you wanna go back to medbay or your room?” He asks, easing you out of his arms and standing up.
You hesitate, suddenly not knowing how to ask him to stay. It’s selfish, you know it is, after everything you’ve put him through, to want him to suffer even longer.
“I don’t think I was actually discharged.” You mumble, pulling yourself to your feet on your own. It’s a massive effort.
He makes a noise in the back of his throat and steps to the door. He looks up and down the hallway before looking back at you. “It’s all clear.”
“I don’t even know what part of the complex I’m in.” You admit, dropping your head back. In the forest, you knew exactly where to go. But on a planet you’ve called home for how long? You’re lost.
“Okay. Come on.” He holds out his hand and you’re so tempted to take it. But you don’t. Instead, you walk to the door with him and carefully slip out without touching him. You’ve done enough damage.
He follows after a small minute and leads you down the hallway. “You never answered my question.” He starts suddenly and you look up at him. His face has too many cuts, a deep bruise under his eye, a split lip. It hurts you to look at him. More guilt.
It’s your fault.
You could pretend to be ignorant. Not remember the question to stall for time. Claim sudden hearing loss. But you never could lie to him, and you don’t want to start now. You know exactly what question.
“I didn’t think you would want to be there. Not when this whole thing is my fa-fault.” You mumble, your voice cracking on the last word. You hate yourself for putting him through this. You hate yourself for feeling like a damsel in distress and not being able to fight back the way you should have.
He stops walking and stares at you. His forehead crinkled in confusion.
“You think—“ he starts, his voice incredulous, but is promptly cut off by a medical droid beeping angrily at you.
“Yeah, got it. Back to bed.” You mumble, taking one last look at a stunned Poe before following the droid the rest of the way.
The droid gets you back into a medical bed, looking almost as if it wants to restrain you to keep you there. You clutch your hands to your chest, not wanting to be restrained.
“I won’t go anywhere.” You promise. The droid beeps and rolls away, the door sliding shut behind it. You cross your legs and lay back, wincing at the pull in your ribs. On the list of things that hurt, the ribs are kind of low. But they’re drawing the most attention at the moment. The droid comes back after a moment, making quick work of fixing your stitches, hopefully for the last time. It rolls away and you’re left in agonizing silence. You stare at the ceiling, counting the cracks.
The door opens again and Leia walks in. You freeze, wondering what she could possibly want from you. Poe’s words flash through your mind. Do you think Leia is sobbing uncontrollably right now? She certainly looks tired, but not necessarily like she was heartbroken that you were gone for… for… you can’t remember how long you were in that place. You break out into a sweat. What else have you forgotten?
“Y/N,” she starts solemnly. “I’m so glad you’re back with us and awake.” She sits on the edge of your bed and you don’t know if this is protocol or not. Is it normal? You don’t say anything, you simply wait for her to continue, she’ll get to her point eventually. “Poe told me about what happened, I’d like your report as well, whenever you feel up to it. I know you must still be exhausted.” She says.
So, all business.
She probably didn’t even notice you weren’t there.
You nod once. You can be all business, too. “I’ll have it for you by tomorrow.” You say and she blinks.
“I didn’t mean—“
“You need it. You’ll have it.”
“Poe told me you were incredibly brave.” She says, watching your face as she speaks. She’s clearly looking for something.
“He—“ you cut off. You had been about to say that he exaggerates, or was lying. But then she would think that she can’t trust her most loyal commander. She slowly arches an eyebrow as you struggle to think. “He’s too kind. I was terrified. Did more harm than good.”
“Hmm. Well, in any case. I know you’re still healing. Bacta is useful, but it can’t heal everything overnight. Get some rest.” She stands up. “And,” she pauses and turns back to you. “If you need to talk, about anything at all, I’m here to listen.” She says pointedly. You nod once and she heads for the door, stopping only long enough for it to hiss open.
You slump back against the pillows, gritting your teeth against the sudden pain. It’s odd how sometimes you don’t feel it at all, and other times it’s all you can feel. You feel like you’ve been going nonstop for days and days. You need to think, to rest. You need to stand up to Bryce next time. You’re not just a scientist, you’re a damn good pilot-only second to Poe, and you’re one of the best shots on base. He can’t just push you around like he did.
You need to think, sort out what was real and what was panic. You close your eyes and try to hold as still as possible. The faces are the faces of your friends, this isn’t some First Order trick. They aren’t trying to hurt you.
But… then… Why was Poe shouting when he got off the ship? Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Maybe you really are losing your mind.
The door hisses open and you jerk upright, instantly grabbing your side. Bryce tosses his jacket onto the chair next to your bed and crosses his arms, turning slowly to glare at you.
“Was that fun for you? You made me look like an idiot out there.” He snaps and you want to hurl something heavy at his head.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now. I’m tired.” You say, wishing there was a more final way to say that, like shutting a door in his face.
“You just slept for three days!” He shouts, throwing his hands up.
“Get. Out!” You shove yourself off your bed, ignoring the screaming pain in your ribs and back. “Get the fucking fuck out! I told you I wasn’t kriffing ready but you didn’t fucking listen. You never fucking listen! I just want some peace. Maker!” You shove him backwards through the door, bouncing it off its track. You feel the pop in your wrist, burning hot pain flares up your arm. “For once in your life, try to see things from someone else’s perspective.” You snap, going back into your room.
“Whoa, hey. I’m sorry, okay?”
You pick up the heavy decoration on the side table and throw it as hard as you can. If he hadn’t moved his stupidly perfect head, it would have hit him right in the face. Unfortunately, he does move and it crashes into the floor behind him, breaking into pieces. Good, more ammo for next time.
“I don’t want to hear your apologies! I want. To be. Alone!”
He holds up his hands and backs down the hallway. You walk around to the other side of the bed, sinking to the floor so that no one will see you. Your hands are trembling as you try to breathe. Your sides begin to ache for another reason altogether, and you realize you aren’t even breathing because you’re trying not to cry.
You let out a ragged gasp, covering your face in humiliation. Rocking forward, you rest your face on the ground, letting yourself hurt with every silent sob. You deserve all the pain. A curious beep reaches your ears and you cover your mouth, forcing yourself to keep quiet. You know, somewhere in the back of your mind, you need to get your new injuries checked out. You definitely did damage to your wrist. You feel a droid roll to a stop next to you, but you're not under control yet.
They beep softly again and nudge you with their big round base. You lift your head to see the familiar orange and white pattern of Poe’s droid, BB8. He rotates his lens up to look at you, and somehow, despite being metal and made of parts, he shows sympathy, worry, concern. He wants to know if you’re okay, if his friend is okay. Your vision goes blurry as your eyes flood with tears all over and he rolls forward, nestling right against your chest. You grip his headpiece, lowering your forehead against it and resting there, shoulders shaking and stomach cramping from the uncomfortable position. But you can’t bring yourself to move just yet.
Your head slips to the side and you jerk up, hitting your head against the edge of your bed. BB8 looks up at you, bless his circuit board. He would have stayed there with you for hours if you hadn’t woken yourself up. You wipe your tears and drool off his head.
“Sorry, buddy.” You whisper, voice not wanting to go higher than that. “You should get back to Poe. I’m sure he’s looking for you.”
His head tilts, question unasked in the quiet air.
“I’ll be okay. Thank you, for checking on me, I mean.”
He beeps a rapid-fire and rolls away in search of his master, or is friend a better description at this point? You twist, pulling yourself up and seeing Bryce sitting on the floor in the hallway. His eyes are closed as he rests his head against the wall.
With a sigh, you page for a med droid to come in and check on you. You lay back on your bed, closing your eyes while you wait. You didn’t mean to fall asleep on the poor droid.
Your wrist is checked out and bound. Already on the edge of breaking, shoving your stupid boyfriend pushed it over the edge. The droid tsks about not getting it taken care of right away before wheeling away.
“Can I come in now?” Bryce asks from the hallway.
“No. I’m still mad.” You reply, rolling over. It’s cool in here, settling in your bones in an unfamiliar way. You reach towards the end of the bed for a blanket before you realize there isn’t one there. With a huff, you get up and look around for one with no success.
“What are you looking for?” He asks, pushing himself up with a quiet grunt.
“A blanket. I’m freezing.” You reply, digging through the supply locker in the room.
“I’ll go get you one.” He turns around and disappears, leaving you to settle back down. You can hear those familiar beeps coming down the hallway and that voice you’ve come to depend on since you were taken follows it.
“Yeah, buddy, I know. Always rubbing it in.” Poe sighs.
Bryce comes back, spreading a heavy blanket over you before stepping back awkwardly. “Thanks. I’m sure you have something you need to be doing, Bryce. I’ll be here.” You say, more gently this time and he presses a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll come see you after my shift. We’ll talk then and you can yell at me all you want, okay?” He promises.
You nod, laying your head down on the pillow as he leaves. You can see his shoulders tense as he sees Poe coming towards him. You can hear the little droid beeping in outrage but Poe shushes him.
“Is she awake?” He asks.
“She’s resting. You shouldn’t be here, anyway. Haven’t you done enough, Dameron?” Bryce snaps.
What? No. He’s not to blame! You are!
“Bryce. Go to work.” You call and he looks over his shoulder at you, unable to get rid of the coldness completely before he turns on his heel and storms off.
Poe waits until he can’t see him anymore before coming into your room. “Hi.” He says after a minute and your lips twitch.
“Have a good nap?” He asks as BB8 chirps next to him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep him here for so long.” You mumble.
Poe snorts. “He’s not sorry, bragged about it for at least ten minutes.” He rolls his eyes and you scoot over on the bed carefully. He eases himself down and takes your newly bandaged hand. “What happened?” He asks with a frown.
“I wasn’t careful. Typical me.” You scoff derisively.
He’s quiet for a long time, his handsome face going through a wide range of emotions as he traces the outline of your fingers. The feeling of it is relaxing, soothing you. Everything about him is comforting, just like he’s always been. Even though you don’t deserve his compassion, his forgiveness.
“Poe,” you start, capturing his hand, even though you could conceivably let him keep doing that forever.
“I have so many things I want to say to you.” He starts, his voice crumpled.
You take a deep breath and nod, steeling yourself for the inevitable. It’s going to hurt, it will break your heart, but he should say it. Tell you he hates you for kissing him, for distracting him, for getting him caught, and all the terrible things that came after it.
“You sa-said before that this is all your fault.” He starts, his eyes very firmly on your hands wrapped around his.
“Because it is.” You answer and his beautiful brown eyes squeeze shut.
“How can you even think that?” His voice cracks and you’ve never seen him so close to tears before. This is the man that’s perpetually in a good mood, everything is an opportunity to make you laugh. Even in the face of certain harm, he’s making jokes.
“Poe, I distracted you. I—“ you glance at the door to look for potential eavesdroppers. “In the river, I ki—“
He covers your mouth softly. You could easily pull his hand away, but you don’t. “We were on a planet where the most dangerous thing was supposed to be a giant butterfly. There was no way to know, no indication of anyone else being on the planet. You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetheart.” He says. You can hear the sincerity in his voice, but you can’t stop the feeling that he’s wrong. You did everything wrong. “And… we don’t have to… to talk about that thing in the river… if you don’t want to.” He stammers, scratching at the back of his neck.
You want to. You want to do it again. But you can’t. Your fingers flex in his before pulling them back against your torso, cutting off all touch with his warm body.
“Leia came to see me earlier.” You change the subject without giving him an answer. You’re not ready to close the book yet, but you can’t open it yet, either.
“Yeah. I gave my debrief.” He says, sounding a little deflated.
“You lied.” You correct and his head snaps up.
“You told her I was brave. That was a big, fat lie.” You say and he rolls his eyes.
“You’re impossible.” He takes your hand again. His touch is feather-light, soft, and delicate as he strokes the back of your hand, following the length of your fingers.
“I don’t think she cried.” You say suddenly and he looks up at you.
“Come again?”
“You asked if I thought Leia sobbed uncontrollably while we were gone. I don’t think she even got a stuffy nose.” Your voice turns dark, your secret angry thought slipping out before you can stop it.
“You think she didn’t care?” Poe asks.
“Did you find out how long we were gone?”
“Yeah. Three weeks.” He says, practically choking on it.
“Two weeks over what we were supposed to be gone. You don’t think that’s odd? She didn’t send anyone after her best pilot?”
“Y/N, she has a lot of different responsibilities, to more than just us. We had no contact with anyone prior. How would they have found us? They didn’t have our information yet. They would have been just as lost as we were.” He reasons.
“Ground exploration on a new planet should have more than two people. No matter how good one of them is.” You pull your hand back, angry now.
You don’t want to be angry, not with Poe, of all people. But you can’t stop yourself. He’s rolling over and playing lapdog for his perfect princess, same as he always does. Your cheeks burn with anger.
Hurt crosses his face, his hands suspended where they were. “Both. She sent two of her best people. She sent you, and me because we work so well together. Because we could get it done much faster, quieter, better than anyone else on this base.” He says and your heart wavers.
You don’t want to cause him any more pain. You take a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, I think I just need sleep.” The words sound stiff, forced.
“Do you want me to stay?” He asks, but you shake your head.
“No. I’m just gonna catch a few hours and then get to work on the report for Leia.”
“No, I already did that.” He corrects.
“She asked me for one.”
“I debriefed so you wouldn’t have to go through it again.” He clenches his hands. “I’ll take care of it.” He promises.
“I don’t mind. It might give her a better idea of what a rotten liar you are.” You say, trying to joke.
“I didn’t lie.” He huffs, leaning down and pressing the softest kiss to your forehead. “I’ll leave BB8 with you if you need anything. Come find me when you wake up?”
“Promise.” Your voice cracks at just the wrong moment and he stills, looking down at you.
“I can stay. Just like in the cave.” He offers.
“Go away.”
He gives your hand a gentle squeeze and stands up. “What happened to the door?” He asks.
“I shoved Bryce through it.” You admit and he breaks out into a grin.
“That’s my girl.” He praises before walking through it.
You have to stop yourself from calling him back, from begging him to stay with you. It’s not that you don’t trust anyone else here, they are your friends. But, Poe would understand. He knows what you went through, he understands what it was like. He won’t judge you for being upset. When you lost your temper with him just now, he didn’t get mad, he talked you down.
No, Poe Dameron understands better than anyone what emotions you’re going through right now. He goes through them on a daily basis and has for a long time.
You can’t look at him. Every time you do, another wave of guilt threatens to drown you. You kissed him. You kissed him. You have a boyfriend back home, missing you and you went and kissed your best friend. And worse, got said best friend captured by the enemy.
Now, he’s furious with you. Hasn’t said a word in hours. You can’t remember the last thing he said. Did he shush you? Was it your name? You can’t remember. Tears blur your vision as you try to twist your face away from him.
“Shit. Y/N,” he starts. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. I’ll get us out of this.” He promises.
And just the fact that he thinks that’s what you’re upset about is blindingly frustrating. And that he feels the need to fix your fuck up.
“Why don’t they just kill us?” You ask, forcing the tears not to fall.
“They probably want information on the Resistance.” He clenches his jaw. “Y/N, I never wanted to have to say this to you, but no matter what they do to you, you can’t talk. You can’t tell them anything.” He pleads.
You nod. “Okay. I won’t say anything.” You promise weakly. The idea of being tortured is so out of your realm, you don’t know what to expect. But Poe seems to know something at the very least.
He curses again and you look back at his face. “I promise. I promise I’ll get us out of this.” He thrashes against the metal restraints on the upright table and you worry he’s going to hurt himself.
“I’ll be okay, Poe.” You whisper, but he squeezes his eyes shut.
The door behind you opens and a StormTrooper walks in. You can’t tell if it’s one of the same ones from the forest, but it doesn’t matter. This one is carrying a tray with a cloth covering it.
“Ready to begin?” He asks, voice modulated to fit your nightmares. “Where is your base of rebel scum?” He asks, slowly removing the cloth and picking up a thin blade. He turns towards Poe, sliding the knife under the silver chain around your partner’s neck. His mother’s ring, beautiful as it glints in the light, slowly rotates into view. Poe struggles slightly, giving his restraints another hard yank, but he gets nowhere. The stormtrooper curls his fingers around it, tugging and popping the chain free. He tosses it into the dank corner and it disappears from view. Poe snarls until the trooper lifts the glittering knife again and turns his helmet towards you. You can feel him studying you, sizing you up.
“I said, where is your base of rebel scum?”
Poe looks over at you, and you can see the worry in his eyes. Will he start with you? Or with Poe? When neither of you answers, he turns and slashes out at your best friend. You cry out, thinking he cut his throat, but instead, there’s a small cut on his cheekbone.
“I haven’t got anywhere to be. Let’s begin again.” He says evenly and your stomach clenches uncomfortably.
You sit up with a ragged gasp, clutching at your face. Blindly, you find the medical droid and sign yourself out, grabbing the blanket and heading through the halls for the one person you want to see. BB8 rolls after you, chirping quietly. You feel for the chain in your pocket, the weight of it is comforting.
You knock quietly on the door. It’s so late, you shouldn’t be here. The door slides open and he's there in front of you, exhausted and very much alive. He holds out his arms and you step easily into them, heartbeat finally settling.
He walks you back inside and lays down on his bed without a single word. No teasing, no jokes. Just him being there for you like always. You wait until he’s comfortable before crawling into bed next to him and laying down, your head resting against his chest.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble.
“Sh. Go to sleep. I’m here.” He says gently, his big, warm hands rubbing your back.
Chapter 7
Everything Tag List:
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @elliee1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @scarlettwitcher @thirstybitchqueen @stuckonjbbarnes @barnesandco @geeksareunique @nicoleplacee @lexshead @gambitsqueen @lokisironthrone @imanuglywombat @also-fangirlinsweden @ravenesque @murdermornings @countryrockmama @starbuckie @kato-ptris @mandos-crest
Star Wars Tag List:
@bookishofalder @doctor-warthrop @acrossthesestars @waterpancakeao3 @generousrunawaydonut @eclipsedplanet @general-latino @marvelobsessiononastick @itsdameron @mads-weasley
106 notes · View notes
15-dogs · 3 years
fostered love |l.a.|
pairing: luke alvez x fem!reader
summary: luke keeps running into you and your dog on his running route but keeps getting interrupted before he can ask you out (fluff, pining and garcia being an amazing friend!!)
warnings: very light swearing
guide: (Y/N) = your name
word count: 3.2K
a/n: asjdk this is my first criminal minds fic so it’s my first luke fic!! i hope you all like it!! 
“Come on, girl!” Luke shouted behind him, sparing a look at Roxy. She barked back at him in approval, seemingly understanding his words as she bolted past him, winding through the woods ahead. 
Luke chuckled as he attempted to catch up but his body was sore from the miles he had just run, causing him to be a little slower than usual. Luke heard Roxy bark from ahead but instead of waiting for his call back, another bark responded to her. Luke slowed, his mind racing as he questioned who else was on the path with him. He tried to silence the profiler in his head which made him more cautious than usual and tried to rationalize the appearance of another dog. Roxy and the other dog barked back and forth, allowing him to use their calls to locate her.
Just as Luke approached the sight, he heard hurried footsteps running out from the opposite of the woods. He stopped just before the clearing where the two dogs sniffed one another, observing the scene.
“Tommy? Tommy!” you cried, panic seeping into your tone. “Oh, my God! There you are! Don’t run...are you lost, sweetie?”
Luke frowned and stepped in to find you with your hand on the unfamiliar dog’s collar, the other petting Roxy. “Excuse me,” he interrupted, causing you to jump, “that’s my dog, Roxy.”
“Holy shit,” you gasped, clutching at your shirt. Roxy ran up to you, sniffing you with concerned whimpers. Luke fought back a smile at your surprise and took a few steps towards you, Roxy joining his side a moment later.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, ma’am. I’m sorry.” You could tell he was trying his very best to stay professional but the smirk on his face was anything but. You eventually gave in, exhaling a quiet laugh to yourself as you stood up.
“No worries. I didn’t expect anyone out here. Just shocked me, is all.”
Silence fell over the small clearing you two stood in, save for the tired pants of your dogs. Tommy, although a large dog, still acted like a puppy, circling around before tucking behind you, only peeking out from behind your legs every few seconds to see if Roxy and Luke were still there.
“What kind of dog is that?” Luke finally asked, breaking the silence. “Retriever?”
You shook your head and stepped to the side to reveal Tommy in all his shy glory. “No, a mutt. Tommy’s supposed to be part retriever, though. Surprised you picked it out.”
You looked up at Luke with a smile and he suddenly forgot what he wanted to say next. He supposed in all the commotion he hadn’t gotten a good look at your face but now that he did he couldn’t look away. There was something encapsulating about it, something drawing him in and he wasn’t mad about it. He couldn’t be. Not when someone as beautiful as you was smiling at him.
He was no sooner snapped out of his daze when his phone buzzed. He was going to be late for work if he didn’t leave soon. He cursed under his breath as he fumbled for an excuse. You raised your brows with a chuckle as he floundered.
“Late for work?” you supplied.
“I get it. We’re gonna be late for work, too,” you said, looking over at Tommy. “Nice meeting you!”
Roxy barked as Luke waved you off, seeing you and Tommy disappear towards the trail. As soon as you were gone, Luke huffed, shaking his head in an attempt to get his mind in order. It had been a long time since he felt like that, but the feeling was undeniably attraction. Roxy nudged his hand and whimpered quietly as if she were scolding him about letting you go.
“Don’t give me that look,” he sighed, “let’s go.”
For the next few weeks, Luke hadn’t seen you. He supposed work got in the way with the travelling and all but when he was home, he still couldn’t seem to find you. The thought of you was distracting, to say the least. The second he’d let himself rest, it was always you he’d think of. How you just appeared from the woods, mysterious but easily read; if only he’d looked a moment longer, maybe he would have understood you.
So when you appeared out of the woods a second time four weeks later, Luke thought he was imagining it. You were sitting on a rock, watching as Tommy ran around a clearing with sticks far too large for him to carry in his mouth. You clapped your hands together while you laughed giddily, enthralled by the adorable dog in front of you. You only looked over towards the trail when you heard a bark and the snap of a branch, finding Luke and Roxy staring at you two.
“Hey!” you cried. “It’s you! I haven’t seen you in forever! Where have you been?”
Although seemingly indistinguishable from the adrenaline pumping through him, Luke could feel his heart beat a little faster as you acknowledged his absence. He walked up to you with Roxy in tow, the latter finding a new friend to play tug-of-war with. You slid over to the side, patting the rock so he could sit next to you.
“Ah, I don’t think you want me next to you. I just ran 5 miles and-”
“Was that supposed to impress me?” you accused. The corners of your lips twitched upwards, trying to hide your smile away.
Luke smirked. “Did it?”
You snorted. “I’m not afraid of a little sweat. Sit down.”
He nodded and slowly lowered himself into the spot next to you, groaning as he relaxed his body. As he stretched, he looked over your clothing. You wore jeans and a t-shirt. Strange attire for a place that was home to hikers and joggers.
“Where did you go for a month?” you questioned.
“Work held me up but I was still around here every now and then for my morning run with Roxy.”
You peeled your eyes away from the playing dogs, grinning at the way Tommy was coming out of his shell with Roxy. “You come here every morning to run? This place?”
“Just about.”
“God, you’re not one of those serial killers that kidnap hikers or something, are you?” You couldn’t help but giggle at your own comment, especially when Luke donned that disarming smile.
“I’m actually in the market of catching those guys.”
You squinted, looking his form over. “FBI?”
“On the first try? What are you, CIA?”
Your head tipped back with raucous laughter and Luke’s breath caught in his throat for a moment. The image of you laughing filled his head and he wondered if he could make you laugh again.
“So where were you?”
You sighed, rubbing your hands on your pants. “I’ve been trying to take Tommy to dog parks instead of on these hiking trails so he can, you know, get used to being around other dogs. He gets a little anxious when there are other dogs around but he seems to have taken a liking to...what’s her name?”
At the sound of her name, Roxy perked up and padded over to her owner, nuzzling her head against his shins. Luke chuckled, rubbing her head as he praised her. Tommy joined her a moment later, jumping up onto you and slobbering all over your face.
“Tommy!” you squealed through giggles. “Down, babes, down!”
“So you take him to these trails, then what? Because you don’t look dressed for a run.”
“Good eye. I just like to have these open areas for him to run around off-leash. He was a herding dog so he’s used to running around in fields and I didn’t want to take that away from him.” You leaned down, petting Tommy’s head as you donned a high pitched, motherly tone and said, “Isn’t that right, boy?”
“Used to be?”
“Yeah, I took Tommy in from a high kill shelter. He was really sick and nobody would help him so they just got rid of him, I suppose. And then he ended up hopping from kennel to kennel until I found him.”
Luke stared at you, hanging on to your every words. You were so incredibly kind, so caring— it showed in the way you spoke about Tommy.
“That’s incredible,” he muttered, drawing your attention upwards. You sucked in a sharp breath, realizing how close you were to him. “I’m Luke, by the way.”
Just as Luke was about to ask for your number and get over his stupid fears, his phone rang. It was Emily. They had a case. You waited expectantly for him to get off the phone, only for him to mouth an apology to you and walk off with Roxy by his side.
The case went by quicker than the team expected and Luke was back to his old routine in no time. He was on a morning run once again when Roxy ran ahead to the clearing you usually sat at, barking at what had to be you. But instead of hearing that deep bark back, two identical yaps returned Roxy’s call. Luke sped up, wondering who could be there instead of you. However, when he pulled into the clearing, it actually was you. You just had two tiny chihuahuas instead of Tommy.
“Hey, Luke! How was your case?”
“It was...quick.” Luke frowned. “Where’s Tommy?”
“Oh, he got adopted.” You looked down at your hands where you fiddled with your fingers, clearly upset about the whole ordeal. Luke, however, had no idea what was going on.
“Did you say adopted?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes widened and a chuckle escaped your lips. “I never told you what I do, did I?” Luke shook his head. “I’m a coordinator for a foster dog nonprofit. I rescue dogs like Tommy from dangerous situations like high kill shelters or neglectful owners. These are my two new pups, Tank and Ginger.”
Luke snorted, pointing at the chihuahuas that were running up to you two. “Are you saying one of those guys’ names is Tank?”
You picked up the larger, blonde dog, cradling him to your chest like a newborn. “I did! This is him. They come with the names. I don’t pick them.”
Luke nodded with a hum of understanding, admiring the way you held such a small dog with care. He only looked away when he felt something jump in his lap, finding the other chihuahua craving the attention her brother was getting.
“And you must be Ginger. You’re tiny!”
You barked with laughter and Luke felt his heart race a little faster. “God, she really does look little in your arms!”
“Yeah? She’s adorable.”
Luke marveled at the small dog for a moment. He normally didn’t like small dogs— he thought they were closer to cats than dogs— but seeing the way you scooted closer and smiled so wide he thought you might combust, he realized he could get used to small dogs for your sake.
“So why exactly are you taking these two out here?” he asked.
“Housetraining. They really hate the outdoors for some strange reason. Plus I thought I’d give them some quality forest time before I move.”
Luke jolted upright, his head whipping around towards you. “You’re moving?”
“Soon, yeah. I’m just waiting for the deal to close on the apartment I’m buying. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of space for the dogs to walk around but there’s no place like this in Salisbury.”
“Salisbury?” he repeated weakly. 
His mind flooded with the realization that if he didn’t ask you out now, he might not ever see you again. He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn’t even realize you stood up, attaching leashes to the vests Tank and Ginger wore as you picked up a phone call. You turned to Luke, your brows knit together with an apologetic smile as you scurried back to the trail.
So much for that plan.
When Luke arrived at the office that morning, everyone could sense he was off. One by one, members of the team approached him to check in but he assured them it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He rejected almost everyone’s help until he was coming up from lunch in the elevator with Garcia, her groaning at his behavior.
“Listen, okay?” she began, biting back a smile. “I know that there’s something wrong, Newbie, and I feel morally obligated to ask but does that in no way mean we’re bonding right now.”
Luke couldn’t help but exhale a quiet laugh at her. And for some strange reason, he felt compelled to tell her the truth. “I met this girl, (Y/N), on my runs with Roxy. She’s moving away but I really like her, you know? We’ve run into a each other a few times and she’s just...I don’t know…”
“Why didn’t you ask for her number?”
“Just never got around to it. It’s either I’m getting called back here or she’s getting called back to her work.”
Then, as good ideas often do, Garcia has a sudden and unexplainable epiphany. She discreetly pulled out her phone and clicked the record button before slipping it back in her dress pocket. “Where does she work?”
“Some foster dog non-profit. She’s their coordinator.” Luke shook his head and recalled the shirt you wore the second time he ran into you. “She wore a bright red shirt with a black paw print on the upper left. It had the name on it but I can’t remember what it was.”
Garcia nodded. “And what did she look like?”
Luke rattled off a description, not forgetting to mention how your smile could make anyone light up, or how your eyes were something he could stare into all day long and never get bored. Garcia knew Luke was never one for mushy things but she had to admit all that talk had her heart melting a bit at how open he was about you.
The ding of the elevator cut Luke off and Garcia skirted away from him to her office, leaving Luke wondering what had her in such a rush. Perhaps he said too much, but to Garcia, he had said just enough.
Luke revisited the spot for about another week, hoping he would find you there again. He didn’t have to be a genius to know you had moved. So, with all his hope abandoned and his feelings being pushed to the side, Luke went into work. However, the second he stepped through the elevator doors, Garcia pounced on him.
“Follow me,” she demanded. Luke looked around suspiciously as Garcia walked away, waving at him to follow.
“What are-”
“No questions, Newbie.”
The walk was silent the rest of the way to her office, leaving Luke in a limbo of thoughts, automatically assuming the worst. Garcia slipped into her chair and entered her password, revealing an array of social media pages.
“What am I looking at?” he asked, leaning over her.
Garcia clicked on a photo depicting about 5 women wearing bright red shirts, all of which were holding dogs. “Do you recognize any of these women?”
Luke leaned in closer and sucked in a sharp breath when he saw a familiar figure holding two chihuahuas with a wide smile. “That’s her! That’s (Y/N)!”
Garcia squealed with joy as she clicked through to another page. “This is your girl’s nonprofit, Fur-Ever Home K9 Rescue. She’s hosting an adoption event at the GW Law Quad today from 9:00-2:00. You can catch her on your lunch break.”
Luke spewed endless praise to the tech analyst, her soaking up every word. From that moment on, Luke was focused on the clock. The second it struck 12:00, he was out the door. He couldn’t miss another chance to see you, he’d waited too long already.
He hopped into his car and sped to the university without a doubt in his mind about what he was going to ask you. He pulled onto the street in front of the quad, his eyes catching on the tents set up around the grassy area. Students and families paced from tent to tent, giving dogs treats and attention. Volunteers in the same bright red shirts followed the attendees with a clipboard, marking down their interest in a certain dog or two.
Luke took a sobering breath, realizing he’d never been so nervous as he approached the pop-up table at the front of the quad. He reiterated the plan to ask you out in his head and was so distracted by his thoughts he didn’t even think to look at who was manning the booth.
“Hi! How can I-...Luke? What are you doing here?”
Luke’s attention was drawn up, seeing you standing behind the table with a clipboard and pen. He let out a breathy chuckle at the sight of you. God, you even looked amazing covered in sweat and dog hair.
He was so flustered by how impossibly beautiful you looked, he abandoned his plan entirely. Instead, words he never thought he’d say began spilling out of his mouth. “I’m adopting another dog!”
“You are?” you gasped, nearly jumping for joy. “I’m so happy you’re adopting from us! Oh, and Roxy’s gonna have a new friend to play with!”
You began to lead him towards the dogs, rattling on about them when Luke stopped you. He couldn’t lie to you. “Look,” he began, heart pounding, “I’m not actually adopting another dog.”
You faltered in your steps. “You’re not? Then, I’m sorry, why are you here?”
Luke flexed his hands to relieve his anxieties. “Listen, (Y/N), I like you a lot. You’re...you’re funny, and smart, and beautiful, and you have this big heart that I admire so much. I want to ask you out on a date. If you haven’t had lunch I was wondering…?”
“Oh. Well, I just had my lunch break, so…”
It didn’t take a profiler to know what you meant. Luke nodded, accepting the rejection and fighting the sinking feeling of disappointment in his stomach. “Alright, well, it was nice seeing you-”
“But if you’re free after work, maybe we can go to dinner?” you hurriedly added. “And I can also take a shower and stop smelling like wet dog?”
Luke froze before stuttering out replies. “Yeah, perfect, absolutely. Tonight, sure.”
You snorted before running up to him, rifling through your pants pockets to find your card. You flipped it over, writing your personal number on the back and slipping it into his front pocket, patting his chest. You hesitated in moving away, staring into his eyes before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Call me,” you whispered before walking backwards towards your event. A smile grew on your face as you shouted, “And find a dog-friendly restaurant for tonight! Roxy is expected to be in attendance!”
Luke dipped his head in quiet laughter, waving you off to return to your event. You stole one last glance at him and smiled before stalking off towards some volunteers. And as Luke watched you hop from family to family, he realized nothing could beat the incredible feeling that filled his body. You were well worth the wait.
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wandas-sunshine · 3 years
Strike Three
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Summary: Everybody makes mistakes. Your first mistake was telling your family that you were seeing someone when you were just as single as ever. Your second mistake was asking Pietro to fake a relationship to keep your family off your back. Well, maybe that wasn’t such a mistake.
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3,826
You didn’t have the best track record with relationships, you knew that. Even if you didn’t know, your family would have made damn sure to inform you. You knew they only fussed so much because they loved you, because they wanted the best for you. But they were such a headache sometimes.
You were going bonkers now. Your mother was becoming overbearing with her insistence that you needed to hurry up and settle down, and your sister was positive that she could handle the whole thing for you. She herself was engaged, so your mom agreed that she probably knew how to steer you back down the proper path.
And maybe it was the exhaustion of hearing them try to arrange a good relationship for you, or maybe the panic of listening to your sister talk about her new coworker (who was a very impressive man, don’t you know?), but for some reason, you went and said something so painfully stupid.
“I’ve been seeing someone.”
That was nearly a month ago, and your entire family was pestering you for more information. You felt bad avoiding their calls, but you were bluffing and you had barely gotten out of that conversation alive. Your sister was bringing her fiance to Christmas, so of course that meant you were expected to bring someone as well.
Avoiding conversations about your nonexistent boyfriend was growing difficult. You’d been holding out hope that you would find someone by the time the holidays rolled around, but no luck. A real boyfriend would have been ideal, but your frantic attempts at finding someone to play the part also yielded no success.
You had of course contemplated faking a breakup, but that would only further their idea that you couldn’t handle your own love life. You had dug a hole that you just couldn’t climb out of.
So with one week to your family’s Christmas gathering, you were sitting on your best friend’s bed with your head in your hands.
“I am so royally screwed, Wanda. Stevie is going to force me to go out with some accountant or one of Adam’s firefighter friends, and my mom’s gonna make me marry him. Then what?” You wailed. She laughed, finally looking up from her phone.
“Who’s dating an accountant?” Pietro’s voice made your complaints die on your tongue. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. With him standing there having heard about your pathetic predicament, you couldn’t help the embarrassment that coursed through your veins.
“(Y/N) apparently. If they don’t find a date to Christmas with their family.” Wanda answered him. You groaned again. “They told everyone that they have a boyfriend, and now they have nobody to show.”
“I’ll do it.” He offered so nonchalantly that it took a second to process. Then you’d sat up so fast that you got dizzy.
“For real? You’ll do it?” You clasped your hands together in a silent plea, and Pietro shrugged.
“Why not. Text me the details,” He left you shouting your appreciation after him as he made his way back to his own bedroom.
A week passed by, and you had confirmed your plus one. You kept the information you shared minimal, just giving his name and saying that you hadn’t wanted to say anything until you were sure he’d be able to come. You were nervous about the whole thing, a whole list of things that could go wrong playing on an endless loop in your head as you tapped against your steering wheel.
A few moments passed before he finally came out with his suitcase in hand. Three nights at your parents home with your sister, and your friend who you’d somehow coerced into pretending to date you seemed like a nightmare. But Pietro’s presence was calming. He sat his bag in the back and settled into the passenger seat. He had the brightest smile on his face.
He buckled in and sorted out the music as you started on the drive back to your childhood home. The quiet between the two of you lasted a while before he broke it.
“So what’s our story, cupcake?” He smirked and turned the music down, looking over as you spared him a confused glance.
“Our story?”
“Yeah, you know. How we met, how we got together. The story we’re gonna tell our kids one day.” Your stomach flipped. What were you getting yourself into?
“Um, I guess we met through Wanda,” You started, keeping your eyes on the road and gripping the steering wheel tightly so you didn’t have to focus on how strange the whole conversation felt.
“And I saved you from some drunk creep at a party,” He started. “I took you to iHop-”
“And we’ve been together ever since!” You finished with a laugh. It was mostly true, everything he mentioned had happened, just not exactly like that. It made you feel a little better knowing that you weren’t lying to your family, just...rearranging the truth.
“See, baby, we’re gonna be just fine,” The sound of the pet name flustered you much more than you were willing to admit. You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat.
“Okay. But if we’re gonna make it, there’s gotta be rules.” You warned him. He motioned for you to go on. “Rule number 1; No saying I Love You. Rule Number 2; No kissing. Not under any circumstances. And Rule Number 3; No catching feelings.”
“Easy peasy,” He chuckled. He didn’t understand why you were so paranoid. There was no way he was going to let them set you up with one of their awful picks for you. No, you deserved better than that. So he’d follow your rules, and he’d save the day if it killed him.
The rest of the drive consisted of him playing music, and the two of you joking around like nothing was any different than it had been from the beginning. But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart stuttered when he’d jokingly call you by those stupid affectionate names, or the way your cheeks burned under his attention. The tension and worry lingered, thinly veiled by his stupid knock knock hokes and classic rock.
It was mid afternoon by the time you pulled into your parents driveway. You were helping Pietro unload the boatload of presents you’d brought along for your family when your older sister came racing out of the house. She squealed and bundled you up into a tight hug like you hadn’t seen each other in years.
“You brought a boy,” She noted as she stepped back, hugging herself against the cold. You bit your lip and nodded a little.
“Stevie, this is Pietro. Pietro, my big sister Stevie.” You stepped back and glanced at Pietro. He had the most dazzling smile on his lips, one that made your stomach flutter. And Stevie certainly seemed charmed enough.
“So you really do have a boyfriend. I was beginning to think he was fake,” She teased. You and Pietro shared a look and he seemed to be barely stifling his laughter. You glared, a silent warning to keep his mouth shut. “They barely told us anything about you. I can see why they were keeping you a secret, if I didn’t have Adam I’d be stealing you away.”
“Well, good thing we’re here for a couple of days. You guys can get to know everything about each other. But can we pretty please get this stuff inside before it gets nasty out here?” You begged, readjusting the armful of gifts you’d grabbed. Pietro huffed and took them easily.
“I can get them, don’t worry.” He insisted. You hesitated a little but he was already following your sister inside. So you grabbed your bag from the back and closed the car up to join them inside.
Once you walked in, you were met by the smell of baked goods wafting out the door. You kicked your shoes off and set your bag down by the stairs. Your family had already stolen your boyfriend- fake boyfriend- by the time you slipped into the kitchen.
“Your favorite kid just got home, but all you care about is the new boyfriend, huh?” You teased, sliding up to hug your dad, then your mom. Pietro sort of liked the way it sounded when you said that. Boyfriend. He knew he wasn’t really the boyfriend, but it was a nice thought.
“You didn’t tell us he was so handsome,” Your mom chided, giving your shoulders a squeeze. Your face flared hot and you glanced at Pietro.
“Don’t worry about me. Your family is great, they’re already trying to feed me.” He smirked. Truthfully he seemed oddly comfortable in the role, but you were glad he wasn’t freaking out. Of course for the sake of not having to date someone with a stick up their ass. But the fact that he was giving you his usual laid-back grin didn’t hurt.
“Why don’t you two go up to your room and get settled in. Dinner will be done soon. (Y/N), your old room is all set up for you two.” Your mom cooed, turning back to the food she was working on. You glanced towards the stairs.
“He’s sleeping in my room? With me?” You asked, glancing between faces. You were used to sharing a room with your sister on the holidays and whatever guys you brought along were usually put into her old room. You supposed that changed now that she was properly engaged.
“Well duh. Adam’s sleeping in my room when he gets here.” Stevie answered. You gave a tiny nod. Made sense. You grabbed your bags and nodded for Pietro to follow you upstairs. He gave a smile to your family and let you lead the way to your bedroom.
Once the door was shut, you groaned and leaned back against it. Once again you were asking yourself the same question. Just what had you gotten yourself into. The idea of pretending to be in love with Pietro was one thing. But now you’d be sleeping in the same probably too-small bed for three nights. That must have been crossing some sort of line. You could sleep on the floor. It was hardwood but you were pretty sure you’d survive it. Or maybe you could take turns.
“Piet, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t think they’d put us in here together.” You sighed. Pietro was too busy perusing your room to really think too much of it. There were still a few pictures decorating the back of the door of you and your family and friends. A couple band posters were left up, and there was a stack of books in the corner. “But now that Stevie and Adam are actually engaged...I’m sorry.”
“Chill, it’s no big deal.” He sat at the edge of your bed and you nodded. It was nice seeing him settle so easily into a space that used to be strictly yours. You supposed it wasn’t so bad to share it with him.
The evening passed much faster than you had expected. The worst part was dinner. Your future brother-in-law had shown up which helped to ease some of the tension. But nevertheless your family was all over Pietro. He reached over and gave your hand a squeeze as you sat down, and you knew he’d never let you down.
Throughout the meal, he complimented your mom’s cooking. He talked about his classes, and about being on the track and field team at his college. Within minutes he had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.
The most startling part was just the way he talked about you. The way he’d just look at you for so long that it would make your throat go dry, or the way he’d beam when asked about the two of you.
“I just knew when I first saw them that no one else could compare. I love them,” He’d said. And he’d looked at you like he never wanted to look away. Your stomach did somersaults and you’d focused on the mashed potatoes you were poking at.
Strike one.
Once dinner had come to a close, you and your sister worked at clearing the table. Your mom ushered the boys towards the living room to relax while the three of you worked on cleanup. You carried an armful of dishes into the kitchen, depositing them on the counter and drawing up some dish water, but not before flashing Pietro an apologetic smile. He just winked and slipped away.
You stared into the sink, watching the suds as they foamed up. Maybe asking Pietro along was a bad idea. Your dad was becoming pretty buddy-buddy with him, and your mother seemed to adore him already. Your fake breakup was probably going to be harder for them than it was for you.
“So,” Stevie set a last stack of dishes on the counter and smirked. “Pietro is really something, huh?”
You chewed on your lip, giving your full attention to the dishes you were scrubbing clean.
“He’s sweet. And he seems pretty in love with you,” Your mom added. And just like that your heart was leaping back into your throat. Who knew Pietro Maximoff was such a good actor? And who knew you cared so much?
“Yeah, he’s pretty great isn’t he?” You smiled, a sick sort of despair clogging in your chest. “Too good to be true,”
With the three of you working together, the cleaning went by in a jiffy. Soon enough you were settling in the living room with the others. You sat on the couch beside Pietro as they all continued their discussion.
You tried not to tense up as he pulled you closer by your waist without so much as a glance. You slowly relaxed and snuggled even closer. Your head rested against his chest like it was meant to be there, and your arm found its way around him. He was warm, that was all, and he smelled nice...You were selling it, nothing more. Just selling it, even as his fingers moved to play with your hair.
“It’s getting late. You four had a long day, we should all get some rest.” Your dad decided. And with the way you were half asleep in Pietro’s arms, you couldn’t argue.
He carefully maneuvered you off of him so he could stand up. You weren’t sure when the two of you had started holding hands, but yours was clutched firmly in his, fingers intertwined as he pulled you to your feet.
“C’mon baby, you’re sleepy.” He mumbled. You nodded and said your goodnights to everyone before letting him lead you up the stairs. You slipped into your room and dug through your bag for your sleep clothes. Once you’d pulled them out you glanced up at Pietro. He chuckled and turned his back.
Once the both of you had changed, you laid yourself down, watching and waiting for Pietro to join you. The silence as he climbed into the bed was heavy, both of you deep in your thoughts and being exceptionally careful not to cross any lines or take up too much space. You were hyper aware of every breath you took, and of every miniscule brush of skin.
You did not have feelings for him. Sure he was handsome, and considerate. Not to mention how funny he was, and the way he fit in with your family better than anyone else you’d brought home. But it was cliche. He was your best friend’s brother. He was Pietro for fucks sake. Falling for him just wasn’t in the cards.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, or moving a muscle all night, but you woke up in a mess of tangled limbs. He’d slung his arm around your waist and nestled into your chest, and you had flipped your leg over his. He was warm, and you could feel his breath tickling against your neck. That alone had your heart rate flying through the roof.
You were careful not to wake him as you slipped out of bed. He shifted and you froze until you were sure he’d fallen back into his deep slumber. You took a moment, just admiring him all sweet and conked out, his hair a mess and a tiny bit of drool slipping past his lips. Gross. But adorable.
You got ready for the rest of the day and slipped downstairs to find your mom and sister back in the kitchen working on a breakfast spread. You leaned against the door. You could hear Adam and your dad chatting from the living room.
“Want a hand?” You asked. Your mom smiled at you.
“We didn’t want to bother you guys. Where’s the other lovebird?”
You rolled your eyes, but it was too late to hide your smile.
“Still sleeping. I thought I’d let him catch a little extra shut eye.” You explained, moving to help set the table while they cooked. Nobody said much after that, just talking about all of the family gossip you’d missed out on while you were away.
Meanwhile, your mind was drifting to all the ways you could make this up to Pietro. You didn’t have the opportunity to think much on it as he came down the stairs.
He was still tired, you could tell. But his hair was wet from a shower, and he’d changed into a charmingly ugly sweater that clashed with his usual vibes. It was endearing, you couldn’t deny that. He moved to stand by you, arm wrapping around your waist and his hand landing on your hip.
“Good morning to you too, sleepyhead.” You teased. He laughed quietly, but then he pouted.
“You left me.” You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder.
“You just looked so peaceful. Plus I wasn’t ready to deal with you yet.” You dodged away from him as he tried to grab at you, giggling and stealing away into the kitchen again to grab the platter of pancakes. Your mom and Stevie shared a knowing look that you disregarded.
Breakfast, much like dinner, had gone without a hitch. The two of you bantered the way you always did. He stole a bite from your plate, and you took a drink from his cup in retaliation. As he finished eating, his hand found yours. You gave him a puzzled look, and he simply slotted his fingers in between yours.
The conversation lasted until everyone was finished. Then everyone was ushered to the living room for the gift opening. You and Pietro were still hand in hand when your mom stopped you in your tracks. You were about to question why when Pietro guided you to face him by your hips. Your hands pressed against his - rather firm - chest.
“Mistletoe,” He whispered. Your eyes flicked up, then back to his.You were suddenly very warm. You had rules, and this was seriously not fair. You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Both of you were fairly willing to call that good. Stevie, however, was most certainly not.
“That’s pathetic. Give him a real one. It’s Christmas, (Y/N)!” She argued. You looked at her, then back only to find that he hadn’t looked away from you.
“Yeah, baby. It’s Christmas.” He half-teased, hoping to ease some of the building tension. You thought on it, considering shattering what was left of your rule into pieces. But before your flustered mind could come to any sort of decision, you were being kissed.
You curled your hands into the front of his sweater, and melted against his lips. They were softer than you’d expected, and the kiss was much less demanding than you had thought it would be. When you pulled away, he brushed his thumb over your jaw.
“Sorry,” He whispered. You shook your head, but you still couldn’t look him in the eye. The urge to feel his lips against yours was a little too strong, and who knew what you’d do if he kept looking at you like that. You pressed your lips together like you could forget his taste.
“Don’t be.”
Strike two.
The gift exchange was exceptionally uneventful after the mistletoe ordeal. Your mind was still wading through the fog when your mom opened the last of the gifts. You were all about to sort everything out and pack your gifts with your things when Pietro spoke.
“Oh, I almost forgot something. Stay put.” He carefully freed himself from where you’d been leaning against him and headed for the stairs. You sat patiently, sharing curious looks around the room. You hadn’t talked about presents.
He only took a moment, coming back with a small box wrapped neatly in pale blue paper. You figured that was Wanda’s doing.
“Here. I don’t know if you’ll like it but…” He passed you the gift, and you smiled at him. You stared at the little box for a long moment before you finally took off the paper. You didn’t notice all the attention shifting to the two of you as you took the lid off.
“Oh my god, Pietro,” You gasped, your hand moving to cover your mouth. Inside was a stunning silver bracelet with several little charms on it. You carefully picked it up and worried each charm between your fingertips. “You shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.”
“You didn’t need to. Look, this one is for that iHop trip, remember? And this one is for the when Wanda introduced us at the beach. And this one is for the butterfly exhibit you made me take you to. Oh, and this is for this trip, see?” He rambled. Tears pricked at your eyes and you giggled. You were in so deep, and the bracelet must have cost him a fortune.
“Put it on me?” You looked up at him and he nodded. There was a pause as he took the bracelet from you and fastened it around your wrist. You admired it with a lovesick grin.
“I’m in love with you.” He spoke firmly, and your heart skipped a beat.
“I love you too, Piet.” You slid your hand into his and he looked down at how nicely your hand fit into his. Like you were meant to be.
“I don’t want this to end,” He locked eyes with you again, praying that you really understood what he meant. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to build up the confidence to confess all over again if you didn’t. But he didn’t need to worry about that. You lifted your hand to cup his cheek.
“Then I’m yours forever, Maximoff.”
Strike three.
And there was so much to talk about, but in that moment none of it mattered. Not when the pretending was finally over, and you were having the best Christmas of your entire life.
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