#she reacts to Any sound not just loud or strange ones
All the angst got the brain kicking and thinking about the human's side too and how they could survive the menagerie of danger they stumbled on. So, Sally's sleepwalking mode is blind to the world and loud/odd sounds activate her more violent side, right?
If the human that enters the studios is quiet enough and vigilant enough to realize the other puppets don't dare to go near Sally, could they end up using Sally's ring of light as a 'safe' zone? Or just tiptoe just behind her robes as she wanders around until she sleeps again?
It could even be the same pic with the whole group staring but slightly tinted blue and bam! Its a twisted game of tag, but its better than facing off with the titanic dog. Let alone what the bird would do.
HA thats a really funny mental image! scooby-doo shenanigans if i may! Sally is a bit too sensitive to sound for that to work, but... that does make me Think...
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rafecameronssl4t · 2 months
Bringing another girl home || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: Rafe pranking his family by saying he’s bringing another girl home 🫢
Warnings: mentions of drugs, fluff? other than that nothing!!
Word count: 877
A/n: hehehe loved this. does anyone have any dad!rafe requests??? haven’t wrote one in a hot min
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divider by @h-aewo
“That’s so cruel, Rafe,” you say with a playful edge, delivering a light slap to his shoulder. He bursts into laughter, his wide grin never wavering. “It’ll be funny, you’ve got to admit,” he says, nudging you with a glint of mischief in his eye. You roll your eyes, trying to keep a straight face. “Fine, it would be pretty funny,” you concede, chuckling despite yourself.
Rafe’s plan to prank his family by claiming he’s bringing home a girl—who isn’t you, his girlfriend of four years—sounds completely bonkers. Yet, the thought of how Rafe’s family will react had you intrigued. You lean over to set your glass down, asking, “Are they all home?”
Rafe hums thoughtfully, scrolling through his contacts until he finds Rose’s number. You sit up, facing him as he tries to hide his grin, pressing the call button. After a few rings, Rose answers, “Hello?”
“Hey Rose, what’s up?” Rafe says with a casual tone. “Just got back from picking up Wheezie. Are you guys out on the water yet?” Rose asks. You exchange a nervous glance with Rafe, your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re out here. Y/n’s just taking a nap right now,” Rafe replies smoothly, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. Rose’s tone shifts to one of concern. “She did seem tired today. Have you told her to take it easy with work? I know she’s been working hard for her boss—”
“Yeah, yeah, listen,” Rafe interrupts, “Could you do me a favor and take Y/n’s stuff out of my room?”You slap your hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter. “What?” Rose’s voice is tinged with confusion. “What do you mean—“
“Well, at least the stuff lying around and the pictures,” Rafe continues, muting himself briefly as he suppresses his laughter. Rose’s confusion turns to frustration. “Rafe, what are you talking about? Take Y/n’s things out of your room and get rid of the pictures—what’s going on?”
You hear rustling in the background and a faint voice that you recognize as Wheezie’s. “What happened?” Wheezie’s voice is concerned. “Your brother is acting very strange right now,” Rose responds, her voice growing more exasperated.
“Why on earth would I do that?” Rose’s tone is incredulous. “I’m bringing a girl over,” Rafe says nonchalantly, and you struggle to keep a straight face. There a brief pause on the other line.
“What girl? I hope this girl is Y/n, your girlfriend, Rafe!” Rose speaks up, her voice now angry. You hear Sarah’s voice join the conversation. “What is going on?”
“Your sisters are here. Tell them what you just told me to do,” Rose says, her frustration evident. You and Rafe exchange worried glances, realizing the prank is escalating.
“Uh, I want all of Y/n’s things out of my room and the pictures as well,” Rafe repeats. The silence on the other end is thick with disbelief. You quickly take Rafe’s phone and mute it, both of you breaking into laughter.
“What the hell, Rafe? Who is this girl? Do I know her? Why are you bringing her home? Are you out of your mind?” Sarah’s barrage of questions makes it hard for you to keep a straight face.
“This has to be a joke, right? Y/n’s right beside you, isn’t she?” Wheezie’s voice is tinged with suspicion.“She’s not, she’s asleep,” Rafe replies. You hear a flurry of voices in the background as Rose, Wheezie, and Sarah talk urgently.
Then Wheezie’s voice rises, “Dad! Come here and tell your son he’s an absolute idiot and loser for cheating on Y/n.” Your eyes widen at the mention of Ward. “What?” His voice is loud and filled with anger as he joins the call.
“Rafe, please tell me your sister is just joking and you’re not about to fuck up your life,” Ward’s stern voice cuts through. You grab the phone again, muting it. “This is going too far, Rafe,” you say, worry creeping into your voice. Rafe snatches the phone back, a mischievous grin on his face.
“What do you mean? It’s just getting started,” he says, unmuting the phone. “No, they’re not, Dad. I’m being serious. Can you guys just do this for me? She’ll be over for dinner too,” Rafe continues, as Rose gasps in the background.
“No way in hell am I letting—” Rose begins, but Ward cuts her off. “Son, you better think long and hard about this because you will not be welcomed home, alright? I don’t know what drugs you are on right now and I couldn’t give two shits about it, but you are not bringing another girl over here other than Y/n, you’re girlfriend, for heaven’s sake! Do you understand?” Ward’s voice is stern and unwavering.
You and Rafe are taken aback slightly by the intensity of the reactions on the other end of the line. Realising the prank might have gone too far, you quickly grab the phone.
“Uh—” you cut Rafe off, your voice steadying as you say, “Guys, he’s just kidding! I’m right here beside him!” The relief is palpable as you hear them all collectively sigh on the other end.
After a few more minutes of the Camerons giving you both a hard time about how the joke was way out of line, you finally hang up the phone. Rafe pulls you close, guiding you to lean against his chest. His arms envelop you in a warm, reassuring hug.
“My family just loves you, don’t they?” he says with a smirk, his voice full of playful sarcasm. You look up at him, laughing softly, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the love from his family. Even with all the chaos, you can’t help but feel good knowing they care so much about you.
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Idea for a Feyd x Atreides!reader:
Where a married proposal is made between Feyd and the Reader at the time the Atreides take over Arrakis for a “peace” between the two houses but all the events of the movies end up happening and on the final battle between Paul and Feyd she tries to convince him not to fight (they have a good relationship considering feyd psychotic behaviour and what happened to her family) but he does anyway and when things start getting serious she tries to separate them but Paul accidentally stabs her… how would Feyd react and maybe she was pregnant but it wasn’t noticeable yet just to had even more drama 😅
Feel free to completely ignore this and sorry for my English it isn’t my first language 😊
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The day the last of the Atreides learned of her family's murder, Giedi Prime heard a scream so painful that even her husband's heart sank. Feyd-rautha hated and despised her at first, she was Atreides after all, she was weak, but that opinion changed when she first punched him in the nose so that it bled. He didn't love her, he knew, but he no longer despised her. He wasn't made for love, so why was his chest tightening when he heard her screams, he wanted it to stop. Rushing into her chambers, he grabbed her by the slender shoulders and shook her hard enough to make her understand that he was her only family and not weak poor house Atreides. He wanted to scream at her, but before he could open his mouth, his wife slammed her head into his face and hissed, "GET LOST" in her voice, his body and movements were no longer his, but following her orders. He was enraged by her taunting, but at least she wasn't screaming out loud anymore, the only thing that happened was the sound of the room being locked.
 Although he hadn't seen his wife in days, she still managed to annoy him. The only news he had about her was from her maids. They informed him that she would never let them into her chambers, and if they insisted too much, that she would send them away by her voice. When one of the servants brought him the same news on the fourth day, he cut her throat in a fit of rage and went to his lady wife's chambers. When he reached the door, he was surprised to find it unlocked, as if she had been expecting him. Inside the room was dark and unfriendly, but what shocked him the most was the body huddled in the corner of the room. He slowly approached her, she was still dressed in the same nightgown she was in four days ago. Her hair, her beautiful hair, was greasy and tangled. And there was weariness and sadness in her normally cheerful eyes. He slowly walked over to her and knelt at her level, watching her silently. Her bloodshot eyes with black circles stared over him into the distance, as if she was staring intently at something that was not visible to other eyes. He wanted her to scream at him, he wanted her to yowl, he wanted her to hurt him, but she didn't even accept his presence yet. He held out his hand to her cheeks and only his touch called her into the presence. She looked into his dark eyes for a long time and gently tilted her head into his touch, and a solitary tear escaped her eye and slowly flowed down her pale face. At that moment, Feyd scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the next room, where a large tub was located. He gently placed her on the step that led to the tub and began to pour warm water. When the water almost reached the edge, he began to strip her of her nightgown, he found it strange that at that moment he did not feel any of the excitement that usually came with seeing a naked woman's body. He carefully carried her to the bathtub where he carefully washed her body and hair. After the bath, he dressed her in a clean nightgown and carried her to bed where he covered her with a duvet. As he was about to leave he felt her hand holding him tightly.,, Please don't leave." her husky voice begged him. And he stayed, he would always stay.
For the following years, he became her support, her protector. He was the only one she let in. She learned to love him.
 So why did everything lead to this moment. The moment he held her in his arms and this time he couldn't bring her to reality. When the final fight between him and her brother was about to come, she begged them both not to do it, to realize where this would lead. She begged him not to harm her brother, to refuse the emperor's request. If only he had listened to her then, if only he had paid more attention. One moment Atreides' knife was pointing at his torso, and the next the figure of his wife was standing before him with her stomach ripped open. She fell into his arms, clutching his hand painfully. There was so much blood everywhere, he never minded blood and he had spilled it a thousand times, but her blood was never supposed to leave her body. He would never kneel in front of people, but this time he was kneeling with her body in his arms in front of a hundreds people. But one thing he knew for sure, he would never let her go. He didn't even realize he was screaming until the pain in his throat from the overuse started to sting. He tried to return her blood to her body and with it her life, but among the blood and entrails he finds a small body, the body of his child, the child that was the product of their love. Their little baby, he lost everything today, his love and their child which didn't even have a chance to see the light of day. That's when he realized something he should have realized a long time ago and told her every day that he had her by his side. He loved her, loved her hard and wildly. The pain was replaced by rage, he knew how much she loved her family, yet her brother and mother stood meters away from her, watching her corpse without remorse. He watched them hatefully with tears in his eyes, he wanted to cause them the pain he was experiencing. But just the thought that he would let go of her body and his arms made him feel tormented. And so he knelt there with her body in his arms, ignoring the approaching Atreides. He didn't even notice when the cold knife pressed against his soft neck. He didn't even realize he had lost his life, but he wouldn't mind, he wanted to follow her and their child. In a moment of darkness and nothingness, light finally comes to him. He saw her on a vast green plain, wearing a beautiful airy white dress. She turned to him and waved at him with a big smile. He rushed towards her like a mad man and gave her the deepest kiss, he couldn't even comprehend what he felt for her. He was stroking her small bump with his other hand, smiling as broadly as she was.
 Feyd long ago read a quote from an author whose name had been forgotten. He had laughed at those words of love before, but now he understood their depth, he couldn't help but disagree.
 " If I were to kiss you then go to hell, I would. So then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without even entering it,,
It was their new beginning and he wanted to start it with the words thought of when he lost her ,,I love you"
I am sorry if there are any grammar errors. English is not my first language. If you have any request i would be happy to hear it.
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Hazbin gals reacting to their s/o saying "I love you" for the first time? (totally not self-indulgent, not at all)
Hell Yeah, indulge baby!!! I love me some sapphic hazbin fluff. The only ‘gals’ I write for are Charlie, Vaggie and Velvette. I hope that’s cool 🙂 👍🏼 if anyone wants part two with other characters… *cough* Lucifer *cough* let me know 😙 ENJOY ANON~
TW: swearing, Vaggie in lingerie, Velvette gets a little assertive 😉 mostly fluff tho
Hazbin Gals- First ‘I Love You’s 💘
Charlie ❤️‍🔥
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Sitting on one of the couches in the lobby of the hotel, you watch with a content smile as your girlfriend paces back and forth, rambling on about her plans to save sinners and her mixed feelings about having a meeting with heaven. Charlie takes a few steps and pivots around before taking a few steps the other way, her fingers nervously fiddling with each other all the while her smile never fading.
“I’m just…I’m feeling so…AH! Ya know?” She finally scurries over to you and plops down on the couch, resting her hand on your knee. “Well I’m very proud of you, babe.” You respond with a smile but your eyes are fixed on her hand on your leg right now. As she continues her ranting, her words start to sound more like a song, the actual words not computing in your brain any longer. It’s just her pretty voice accompanied by her gentle touch. As if you couldn’t lose focus anymore, her hand shifts a bit, further up your thigh.
Her words stop abruptly, the silence causing you to look up at her. Her smile shrunk just a bit as she watched you, tilting her head to the side, her long hair swaying as it followed her movements. “What’s up, babe? You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”
“I-I uh…I love you.” It tumbles from your lips before you can stop it, before your brain can even register that you are speaking right now. The damage is done. All you can do now is stare at the gorgeous blonde in front of you with wide, expectant eyes and a worried, tight-lined frown on your lips.
Her face was…hard to read. Which is strange because the princess was usually so loud and dramatic and over exaggerated and so animated with her facial expressions. But this expression was one you’d never seen before. Her mouth was hanging open slightly, revealing her pearly white fangs. Her light yellow eyes were wider than you’ve ever seen them and the apples of her cheeks were nearly glowing red.
“Charlie? You…okay?” And like a switch being flipped, her expression changes completely. Now, her eyes are squinted up tight due to her huge, giddy grin. She’s holding her hands together tightly, slightly bouncing in her spot in front of you, soft giggles starting to sound from her.
“AWWWWW (Y/N)~” Charlie drags out saying your name, diverting her gaze elsewhere then bitting her lip shortly after. “I love you too. WOW!!! It feels so good to say that out loud and know you feel the same.” Her pale hands reach out for yours, squeezing your hands slightly as she looks into your eyes. “I love you.” She repeats at a much lower volume, making sure the words really sink in. Then she yanks you forward, wrapping you in a tight hug as soft giggles and dreamy sighs leave both your lips.
You’re not sure when she started crying because her body was once shaking from happy laughter and now, her body shakes as a soft gasp sounds from her, sniffling following shortly after. You pull away quickly to see her still sporting a big, goofy smile but with tears running down her cheeks. “You-you really l-l-love me…? AWW WWHAAAAA.”
Good job. You’ve reduced the princess of hell to a puddle of happy tears right in your lap. What else did you expect from the drama queen herself? Get ready for an all night cuddle session, complete with on and off kissing and crying.
Vaggie ⚔️
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“Hey, hun. Good morning…” Vaggie mumbled softly to you as she groggily strolled towards you. This was a daily occurrence, a normal start to your morning- both of you getting ready in your own rooms then meeting in the lobby to say ‘good morning’ and then continue your day together. You had been dating for a good minute now but still haven’t moved into the same room. You decided a small boundary would be good for now until the relationship feels ready to move forward.
Today, a Saturday, you both thought it’d be fun to stay in your pajamas and have a lazy day. There were no solid plans today and you’ve been missing your girl so when you brought it up to her last night, Vaggie was more than happy to spend a lazy day with you. But holy hell…you’re at a loss for words when you realize her pajamas weren’t just pajamas. She had this absolutely gorgeous little white nighty on, a thin silky dress that barely covered her crotch and ass, hardly leaving anything to the imagination. Was she wearing it for this occasion, just to impress you? Or…is this what she always wears to bed?
All your blood rushes to your face within seconds, even your ears were fire red as your eyes stayed stuck to her frame in that night dress. She normally dressed pretty feminine and cute but you never expected her to wear such adorable lingerie to bed. Vaggie seemed to catch on immediately, looking down at herself briefly before looking back at you with down turned lips and furrowed brows. “Too much?”
“Oh shit, I-I’m sorry. No! Just caught me off guard with your…pajamas. You’re just so cute. Shit, sorry, lemme stop talking now.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, eyes frantically scanning over her small but toned little body. You felt like such a perv, suddenly looking away and trying to hide your embarrassed and ashamed face in your hands.
Vaggie sympathizes, understanding that you’re flustered but also very into her but also trying not to stare. She steps closer, gently grabbing both your hands in hers. She lifts both your hands up and gently interlaces her fingers between yours. Your clasped hands were sweaty as hell against hers, making her smile grow a little bigger. “I can go change.” She mumbles softly, her eyes scanning your expression, waiting for you to make eye contact with her again.
All you could muster up is a low hum in response as you shake your head ‘no’. “Oh so you like it then?” She steps even closer, her barely clothed body nearly pressed against yours now. You swallow thickly, your lip quivering ever so slightly as you inhale, scrambling to find the words to reply to her.
“Oh y-yeah, I love it actually! I love you.” Your hand comes to your mouth as if trying to shove those last three words back in. You can’t help but stutter your way through a second response, but Vaggie throws her own reply in as well. “You do?” Vaggie is nearly whispering now, watching as you panic. “Fuck! No, that’s not what I meant. I mean-Well, wait…I-I…” She can tell you’re malfunctioning and probably very close to imploding in on yourself as you decide what is the right thing to say next. You shake your head vigorously, waving your hands in the air as if trying to clear your foggy brain. When you finally take a breath and look back to her face, Vaggie is smiling sweetly, looking as though she might just melt straight down into the carpet below you.
“Oh, (Y/N/N)~ I love you too.” She closes in on you fully, her arms quickly finding themselves comfy around your neck, her blushy face just inches from yours now. “Hmm…you think it’s too much for everyone else to see?” She has a smug smile on her face now. She was trying to tease you at this point, seeing just how far she could take this before you’re collapsing into her arms.
“Are you suggesting we go some where more private?” You try to flirt back but your voice cracks and you can’t maintain eye contact for longer than a second or two. Your attempt at flirting yanks a loud laugh from her, making her throw her head back momentarily before she pulls back and grabs your hand. She begins leading you towards her room, replaying your voice in her head over and over as you said ‘I love you’. She’s gonna ask you to say it again once you’re in private.
And you just can’t stop glancing down at her barely covered ass and her fully exposed legs in that cute nighty as you follow behind her. I mean who can blame you?
Velvette 💀
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Your girl is going off right now, having just gotten into some stupid fight with Valentino. You’re so super sure he’s the most toxic being you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting and it irked you even more that he was her business partner, her roommate. This is a regular occurrence- Val barging into Velvette’s studio drunk as hell, yelling and smoking the whole room up. And every time, Velvette gets pissed and instantly starts spewing rude names and swear words at him. It’s honestly pretty frightening to have to sit back and watch, eyes darting back and forth between them as you cower in your seat, knowing that if you even try to intervene you might end up double dead.
But now, Val has been gone and out of sight for at least ten minutes now but Velvette is still completely irate. She’s now sitting beside you on a couch, just the two of you taking up space in the studio. You watch as she rants and rambles, her expression full of rage, her voice booming with a slight growl to it. You weren’t sure how to talk her down from this one, you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so…stressed.
You decide maybe a gentle touch would help pull her attention to you so you can further try to calm her and get her mind off Val. As your hand slips into hers, she holds it firmly but continues to vent, telling you all about her feelings. “Like what a fucking dickhead! Ugh! I don’t storm into his studio and interrupt his fuck fest.” Your other hand moves to join the one that’s already holding Velvette, gently rubbing up and down her arm. “Yeah, Im sorry, V. He’s the worst…”
Still, Velvette is talking at a rapid pace but her voice has become much softer, her face seeming to relax a bit as her eyes move to focus on the gentle hand on her arm. “Is there…anything I can do to calm you?” You try to interject, hoping to stop her train of thought from going crazy and derailing. “No, darling. No. It’s alright. I’m sorry you have to see me get so nasty and ugly like this. I just can’t control my temper sometimes. Oh, I’m so ashamed.” She turns her face away from you- this is a side of Velvette you’ve never seen before. She gets mad often, she does have a fiery temper and you’ve seen that well enough by now but you both know she’s never been this pent up and pissed off. The more she calms down, the more insecure she becomes…a side of Velvette no one has ever seen.
“Oh, no! Don’t apologize. I know you’re not yelling at me, you’re more…yelling to me. It’s good to vent, to get it all out. Don’t worry, babe. I love you-“ and her head turns so fast, you’re concerned about her neck for a second. It’s almost like she processed your words before you did. “Did…you just say you love me?” She leans back, not to get away from you but to get a better look at your face right now.
And now you’re burning up, feeling sweat start to form under your arms and on your forehead. Oh and your hands? Yeah, They’ve been sweaty! “Uh no, no…I uh…” You can’t even come up with an excuse or any kind of comeback before Velvette is on the move, slowly crawling over you with a devious smirk on her thin lips…excruciatingly slow…
“Nah ah ah. Don’t lie to me, darling.” She continues her pursue on you, pushing you back into the couch as she towers over you now, her hands on your wrists as she pins them back against the cushions. “Say it again.” With her so close to you, fully on top of you now, it’s becoming extremely difficult to avoid her gaze or try to escape the situation. “C’mon, I wanna hear it again.” She teases, leaning in to gently tap her nose on yours. Your breath catches in your chest, your stomach feeling warm and bubbly as you close your eyes, focusing in on her soft breaths wafting across your lips.
“I love you…” You finally get it out again, not daring to open your eyes. You’re pretty sure if you opened your eyes and looked up at Velvette right now, you’d completely erode away from embarrassment right before her eyes, just a pile of dust. Hearing the words again sends a jolt of electricity to Velvette’s brain and all her courage suddenly swells in her gut and she leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It’s quick and soft and somehow better than every other kiss you’ve ever shared. Maybe it’s just the heat of the moment.
Finally, she got you to open your eyes again. The shocked look on your face makes her want to go even harder, tease you even more, turn you into a bright red jittery idiot right here right now. “I love you too, my darling little angel baby.” Velvette loves to call you that, she figures she’s more evil you’re more good, you balance each other out, yin and yang. Aaand yep! She was right, calling you cute pet names would break you even further.
Velvette sits back on the couch, cackling, gasping for air, trying her best to keep her eyes open through the tears so she can see your face. She’s not making fun of you…but she’s kinda making fun of you. She’s so very flattered you love her but you get so jumpy and shy when she presses you like that, she can’t help but take advantage sometimes. She adores the hell out if you and often wonders how a soft, gentle, kind heart like yours could truly be in love with a heart like hers.
“I love you more, (Y/N).”
Aaannddd cue the make out sesh
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"Once more, I had to put in extra hours. Most likely, Y/N is dozing off. I should enter silently." He pondered in his head.
Nanami strolled down the apartment building's hall, checking his watch. While searching for the correct door key, he gets closer to the door. Loud music caught his attention. The fact that it was your own playlist was the only thing that caught his attention.
Nanami believed it was considerate of you to know he didn't enjoy your music and thought it was strange.
"She normally sleeps around this time."
Entering the apartment, he placed his bag and coat on the hook at the entrance. The sound of the shower was audible to him. Taking off his tie by loosening his shirt. He walked into the kitchen to be welcomed by a note on the counter.
" Darling I also walked in the house late. The food is in the fridge. I might not be sleeping." Love, wifey
As he read the sick note, a slight smile curled across his face. He couldn't help but smile at your handwriting. It made him happy. He slowly walked towards your bedroom but stopped as soon as he saw the bathroom door wide open. You had just closed the shower curtain and didn't notice him. You just kept singing. But he could not deny that what little he saw of your body had not aroused him.
"Damn it," he thought to himself.
Then he remembered something he promised you when the both of you first rented the apartment. He decided to undress right there and suddenly got in the shower.
"AH-" You almost let out a full scream before I covered your mouth.
"Wifey, calm down; it's just me," he said while uncovering your mouth.
"I was genuinely scared, Nanami!" You hit his chest multiple times before he stopped your hand.
"I'm sorry. I'll say something next time." He started to wrap his hand around your waist.
It was so small in his embrace. He could not restrain himself any longer. He trailed light-hearted kisses down your collarbone. He could tell you were genuinely upset. You would have normally given in to his flirting as soon as it started. This time, you just turned around to continue bathing.
"Wifey, don't be upset. You made me react on impulse." He turned your body to face him.
He pulled you in for a passionate kiss and pushed your body against the shower wall to pick you up.
"Nanami, wait, we might fall!". He liked to see you worried. "Don't worry about it, Princess.
He knew what that word meant to you. It made her act like a teenager who had just fallen in love. He preferred to call you wifey and only used Princes in case he was in a tight situation and had no other options. He could see it on your face; your cheeks were turning red.
"Princess, you have to let me do this."
"I know what you're doing, Nanami!""
"You are not fooling anybody yourself. You're already wet."
"It's from…"
"Don't blame it on the water."
He could not help but chuckle at the excuses. You could see he was getting rather impatient.
"Na-Nanami I can feel the tip."
"I thought I was being sneaky." Just as he said, He shoved the rest in one go. Your voice filled the bathroom with moans and screams.
"Does it feel good princess? I know I have been neglecting that sweet puss- ahh"
He had turned you on. The way his voice caressed your ears. You felt pain but the pleasure was sure to overcome it soon. That was always the way with your husband. The way his cock rubbed against your gummy walls was the best feeling. The only thing that was sitting on your mind other than feeling of his cock inside you was the fact that he was not moving.
"Nanami why aren't you moving ."
"Do you want me to then princess"
"If you want something you must learn to ask for it princess maybe even beg"
You knew exactly what he wanted from you. You kinda didn't want to but you were quick to give in. If that is what he wanted. You put on a cute face and batted you lashes.
"Please get me pregnant honey"
He wasted no time thrusting his swollen cock in and out of you. Tears started to fill your eyes as his paced quickened. Your moans mixed in with him grunting echoed through out the bathroom traveling further. His glasses slowly falling off of his face. You take them off one hand holding onto his neck. You were so close but your back continues to hit the shower wall.
"H-Honey can we ta- ah"
Your husband stops his pace to letting you breathe. It took you a few minuets to catch your breath. You could feel your self tightening around him.
"What is t-groans "
"sorry "
"what's the matter princess"
"Can we go to the bed my backs hurting"
"Sure we can princess"
He leaves a kiss on your lips before taking you out of the bathroom into the bedroom.
a/n : This was hard as fuck. I went weak at the end. I'm sorry 🙏
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whump idea: screaming
cw: recapture, screaming, gag, car, references to past trauma, young whumpee, kidnapping, a lot of swearing/vulgar language, ehh stuff like that
Whumpee is walking home. It’s been a few weeks since she’s escaped her kidnapper Whumper—she’d been there a couple months, hadn’t even been the worst couple months she’d ever had, especially compared to the other incident—and she’s feeling better.
Or at least that’s what she’s telling herself. Truthfully she’s just as jumpy as always.
And tonight is no exception. In fact she’s feeling even worse tonight. She’s walking home after hanging out with her best friend all day. It had been great, she absolutely loves her best friend, but she’d stayed a little later than she’d meant to and now it’s pretty dark out. She feels strangely paranoid and she’s not quite sure why.
No, she does know why. She’s been jumpy ever since her first kidnapping, two or three years ago. She’d barely started recovering from that when Whumper had kidnapped her, that bastard.
Whumpee starts walking faster. She knows she’s just being stupid and paranoid as always, but she can’t shake the feeling that she’s being watched. And also maybe followed—no, no, she’s being ridiculous.
She’s going to get home just fine, and when she does she is going to sit on a fucking counter to exposure therapy herself. (It hasn’t really done anything other than make her unreasonably anxious yet, but she’s sure it’ll work at some point.)
But then Whumpee feels something. Nothing physical, nothing at all, but just a feeling, a feeling of something being Very Wrong. She can’t help it, she starts to turn around to look—
And then hands are on her.
Someone grabs her around the waist, someone much bigger than her, with rough hands and smelling of cigarette smoke.
Whumpee reacts immediately, shrieking and kicking at her attacker.
“..stop screaming,” a voice whispers into her ear. “I told you I’d find you again.” It’s Whumper’s voice.
Whumpee goes into a fit of terror. HELL NO, she is NOT being kidnapped again, she absolutely will not stand for it. No.
She starts to scream. As loud as she fucking can, screaming her fucking throat raw. She is NOT going back. She is not going ANYWHERE except HOME.
“HELP!!!” Come on. There’s gotta be someone nearby, someone who will wake up or who is already awake, someone who will care enough to save a poor teenager being kidnapped. Right? SOMEONE WILL SAVE HER, RIGHT?
She’s so fucking sick of this. She doesn’t wanna go back and she doesn’t wanna go anywhere with anybody, especially not Whumper. While Whumper isn’t the very worst person she’s ever had to deal with, he’s certainly not someone she ever wanted to see again. Fuck this guy anyways.
“Shut up,” Whumper snaps, glancing around to make sure they’re not being follows as he drags Whumpee towards his car.
Whumpee starts to scream louder. She’s getting more desperate. She will NOT go in that car, she absolutely REFUSES.
And then Whumper pulls a piece of cloth out of his pocket and ties it around Whumpee’s head in a gag. Whumpee struggles uselessly. She tries to scream again but her voice is muffled.
Whumper forces her facedown into the backseat of the car, wrenching her arms painfully behind her back and tying them with a length of rough cord. Whumpee feels tears begin to prick at the back of her eyes as she screams her fucking heart out. It’s not enough. It’s not fucking enough.
The car door slams shut. It sounds like a nail in a coffin. Then Whumper climbs into the front seat and starts the car.
The car starts moving. Whumpee has been kidnapped. Again.
(Hello!! Author’s note!! This is technically a oneshot of one of my OCs, but you can apply it to any character!! I also do not mind if you’d like to reblog and continue the story!!)
edit: changed Whumpee’s pronouns to she/her because she’s supposed to be based off of my OC anyways :D
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silversatin2105 · 1 month
Hi bestie! How are you doing? I have a request for you!! Could you please write a Chifuyu x Fem Reader where Ryusei always flirts with Chiufyu's girl (they can be dating or not, but everyone knows these two are made for each other), even though he knows she is extremely annoyed by the constant flirting? How does Chifuyu react? Does this make him confess to her or does he just get annoyed? Thank you
yeah I can do that ,I've decided to write this as a little fic, it will be a scenario that takes place during Chifuyu helping Keisuke study, the Y/N is an old friend of Keisuke’s who met Chifuyu when he joined Toman without any delay let's begin.
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Chifuyu X Reader: someones jealous.
For the longest time you had been a childhood friend of Keisuke, sure you respected him and even supported him with hiding his extra curricular activities AKA Toman however you never felt that way about him, hell even meeting Kazutora it was still strictly platonic, there were only two guys who held a place one a romantic little upstart who had a penchant for flirting with any girl he saw and a recent new and upcommer who shared similar tastes in manga to you and a kindred spirit with your love of cats.
You Intended not to rock the boat, to keep it strictly professional but fate saw differently when you heard the words from the cheerful vice captain infront of you “hey madamoselle would you like to come spend the day with me?’” Ryusei lightly flirted as an angry scowl comes from Chifuyu.
look she's not gonna fall for your charms” Chifuyu retorted as Ryusei smirked and crossed his arms , was this jealousy you thought, no it couldn't possibly be but then the white haired vice captain began to speak.
“Well then why dont you ask her out if your so concerned” Ryusei retorted making the blonde new and upcomings cheeks turn a bright red as he excused himself to the bathroom, later that day you found a note in your locker on it was written “come to the gate afters school I want to talk”.
That afternoon after school you walked up to the gate of the school, to your surprise it was Chifuyu, he stood there waiting for you as promised, you began to speak up but be beat you too it and with a flustered tone he spoke the following.
“ I know this might sound strange coming from a delinquent but I want you to know I have a deep crush on you..please will you go out with me?” the blonde spoke to you, moments went by and soon you spoke.
It was all happening so fast but you could help it, you said yes and what would have been your usual walk home turned into an impromptu first date, he took you to q crepe stand and you split one before he took you home, when he dropped you off you walked into your apartment where you lived with your family, as you did you heard a loud “hell yeah” from outside your front door.
The next time you saw Ryusei he was mildly upset but very happy you had found someone whe shared similar likes, because deep down your heart had always had a weakness for hopeless romantic fools.
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thatoddgent · 1 year
💫🌸🐸helloooooooo could I request some ghoul reader who is scared of the thunder and lightning? Some fluff comfort of the ghouls, each ghoul finding them cowering in fear and how each one’s reacts and what they do? Ghoul reader is newly summons and they are still sensitive to it and it’s There first storm?!
Calm In the Storm (Nameless Ghoul[ettes] x Gn! Ghoul Reader)
A/N: Finally feeling better, so time to get this out, thank you so much for requesting and even more for waiting. I really appreciate the love I've gotten on my work so far, and it's people like you that give me this outlet and the ability to share my work. I went with the approach of setting the scene and then splitting the scenario, I hope you like it! :)
Genre: Fluff/Comfort
Warnings: None! Pure comfort, unless you count mentions of overstimulation, or fear of storms.
The room was so quiet, but so loud, your head was so full but there was nothing all at once. A new life, surrounded by people you don't know, the looks and the sounds that greeted you, it was all too much.
Just a few hours earlier, you were surrounded by strangers, the stinging chill that filled your lungs being ripped from you in the commotion. They had summoned many before you, but how were you to know the pain you would feel by being called upon, by being created?
They had escorted you to the ghouls den, tossing you into a room that was set up in preparation for your arrival, but they didn't quit care enough to prepare you for this new life along with it. New sights, new smells, new feelings, they came in waves that washed over you harshly and now you felt stranded.
The cold stone walls, meant to shut out the outside world, trapped it and its noise inside with you, drilling it into your already aching head. It pounded at your skull, and the sharp night air pricked at your nose, which had also shared the abuse of your senses. Tears were stinging the corners of your eyes, and your heart yearned for something that wasn't there, and there was no denying that you were scared out of your mind.
A strange smell began to take over, the earth outside and the stone of thee building mixed together almost beautifully, almost blessing you with some sense of comfort. But, naive as you were, so young and so new, had no idea what the smell of rain meant. A small rumbling caused your ears to perk up, followed by the soft drip of rain on the ground.
You pried yourself up from the floor you were curled up on, moving the curtain hanging on the window just a tad, and looked out to the night sky. The glass began to wet, droplets gliding down the surface and pooling at the base of it, even if you were a bit on edge you couldn't help but be curious. Your eyes continued looking outside, and you swear you caught a glimpse of light in the distance, just for a moment.
Another rumble rang through your ears, followed by a loud crashing sound. It bellowed against the walls and you could almost feel the ground beneath you shaking, your body immediately falling to the floor. You wrapped your arms around your head, trying to block out the noise, but the only thing you were met with was the growing wet sensation on your cheeks. The sobs were soft at first, but they slowly grew until you felt like you couldn't breath, and soon you were left a shaking pile on the floor.
As soon as the rain began, she started making her way to your room. Being the more nurturing one of the bunch, she always tried to look out for any of the new summons and ensure they were safe. She knew all too well what it was like, and for you to be the poor soul that was welcomed into the world with a storm this heavy, she was sure you weren't doing too good.
The closer she got to your door, the stronger your scent became, sopping with a feeling of despair and fear. Her pace quickened from a walk into a run, and she couldn't help but to open the door as soon as she got there.
Her head peeked around the wood door, searching for you in the room, and that's when she saw you huddled up on the floor at the end of the bed, so caught up in your panic you didn't notice she was even there.
She stepped in quietly, walking deeper into the room until she was a few feet away from you. Not wanting to scare you anymore, she knelt down on the floor, letting one of her hands reach out and press down on the floor in front of you.
You barely saw it from under your arms, but your head snapped up and your body flinched, not knowing who on earth could be in front of you.
Your gaze met hers, and through your blurred vision you began to make out her features. She had kind eyes, and the look on her face was worried. She was like you as well, sharp horns emerged from the top of her head.
"It's alright sugar, I know it's scary outside but you're gonna be just fine."
Her voice was smooth and comforting, it put you a little at ease. The hand that she had on the floor moved closer as she reached out for one of your own.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, honest."
You had no reason to trust her, but the first person to treat you with such kindness, you had a gut feeling that you could, so you rested you hand in her own and let her stand you up. She led you to your bed and sat you down, finding a seat just next to you.
"You know," Her voice was soft. "I always loved the rain, me and my daddy use to sit out on our porch and watch it fall, he would tell me the thunder was my mama saying hello."
A glimmer of sadness flashed in her eyes, and you wondered why she was sharing such a personal memory with you.
"I'm named after them, the clouds that grow all big and make it rain. I like to think of it as my way of telling my daddy I'm okay, 'course he probably thinks I'm up in heaven or something."
Your muscles relaxed and your head fell to rest on her shoulder, and she let out a sweet chuckle in response.
"How about you close those little eyes of your and listen in, focus on the sounds."
You obliged, your eyes drifting shut while you focused on the rhythmic pitter patter of drops on stone. You grew tired and you started to relax in Cumulus' touch, letting her hold you while you started drifting to sleep.
"Whenever it rains, you just think of me, I'll keep you good and safe."
A gentle rumble interrupted her, and she laughed again before laying the both of you down.
"And mama will too."
She was never a fan of storms either, pacing the halls trying to calm herself down, walks at night always did a good job at cooling her nerves. No one else was supposed to be awake, but she could hear, and smell, the lone soul who resided in the room at the end of the hall.
She was headed there anyways, and she couldn't just leave someone to fight those emotions on their own, that's when she saw that the room belonged to you, the newest ghoul in the ministry.
She opened the door hastily and made her way in front of you, in a bit of a panic to make sure you were alright.
"Hey hey, it's okay, can you talk?"
Your head snapped up to see who it is, but with the emotions spilling out of you, you couldn't bring yourself to care. You tried to choke out a few words, but the attempt was beyond feeble as another sob erupted from you.
"Poor thing... You stay right here for me okay?"
She stood from in front of you and rushed out of the room, she seemed to be on a mission because she barged through the halls in a direct path to what she needed.
When she returned to the room, she had a few things in her hands, and as she made her way back over to you a few murmurs were heard from under her breath.
"First day here and they couldn't even make sure you're okay? What a shithole."
She sat back down in front of you and laid the things in her hands on the floor. She obviously had no way on knowing what you like, so she brought a small variety of things to give to you to ease the stress. She picked up a set of headphones and placed it on your head, careful not to startle you too much.
The noise outside became nothing but a soft whisper, and your ears could finally rest without the constant assault of noise.
Cirrus offered you a smile, and you finally calmed down enough to get a good look at her. She spoke gently, you assume she probably had experience with stuff like this, but it was comforting for a stranger to care like this for you.
"That's better, huh? I hate this weather, I can only imagine how scared you must be..."
Your voice was still lost somewhere in the mess of feelings, but you found it in you to nod in response.
"You're probably a little too startled to sleep, so I brought a few things to keep you busy, and I can stay with you if you'd want."
Her hands gestured to the pile of items she brought, a book, notepad and a small handheld console waited for you. She didn't have a lot of time to pick stuff out, but she tried her best to hit all the bases for things you might want to distract yourself with.
You carefully picked your item and held it close, and Cirrus carefully guided you onto your bed. You two didn't talk much, but the silence was comforting, and needed, it gave both of you a chance to relax and focus on keeping calm. She stayed beside you for hours, until you finally found yourself drifting to sleep.
Her eyes rested on you for a while, making sure you were comfortable and didn’t startle in your sleep. In that moment you were her main priority, of course sleep does come for us all in due time, and she dozed off eventually, laying beside you under the covers.
She loved to stay up and listen to the rain, even if it meant that she didn't get enough sleep that night, it just always fascinated her.
There was something different tonight though, along with the smell of petrichor that seeped in through the windows, a new scent made its way to her nose, one she couldn't quite place.
Being the curious little thing she was, she decided to sneak out of her bedroom and try to find the source, puzzling on what it could be, and as she made her way through the halls the smell grew stronger and stronger until she was face to face with your door.
Her eyes flickered to the tag on the door, a name she didn't recognize, paired with the smell, it didn't sit right with her. A hand made its way to meet with the old wooden door, given it a soft knock. She waited anxiously for a respond but heard nothing, but just as she was about to come to terms with the fact she seemingly wouldn't find an answer, she heard it, or rather, you.
It was so quiet and frail, she thought she might have made it up, but a small voice behind the door spoke a single word.
"Please." You muttered, fighting through your sobs and shallow breaths.
A pit formed in her stomach and she opened the door, trying to find the source of such a sad plea. You were already looking towards the door, and when your eyes met hers she almost teared up at the sight of you.
"What's got such a thing like you shaken up?"
Her voice was spilling with worry, and her body practically flew towards you. Though, before she could press you any further, another bout of thunder echoed in the distance, and the way your body jumped gave her the answer she was looking for.
She took your hands in her own, squeezing them lightly, her mind stumbling while she looked for an answer, anything that could help you calm down a bit.
"Would you like to see something special?"
The question did peak your interest, but you were still skeptical at such an offer, and from someone you didn't know, though you guess you didn't exactly know anyone here. You nodded your head weakly while you tried to slow your breathing a bit, Stratus massaging the palms of your hands while you did so.
When you were calmed down enough to stand, she helped you to your feet, wiping a few stray tears on the way up.
"There ya go! You just follow me, I promise, you're gonna love this."
You could almost feel a smile cracking at your face, the warmth she radiated was contagious. Your steps followed quietly behind hers, as you two made your way through a series of halls and stairs, all the way until you were met with a tall spiral staircase that lead to hell knows where. She assured you that it wouldn't be much longer, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit exhausted by now, be it from the crying or the walking. The both of you made your way up the steps, and as she opened a raggedy old door, you were met with a breathtaking sight.
There you stood, on the bell tower of the chapel, gazing out across the night sky. The rain cascaded beautifully across the horizon, and you finally got a look at the abbey grounds in its entirety. You could see so much from there, from the blooming gardens to a long, winding road that made its way to town, it almost completely distracted you from your prior fear.
"It's crazy, right? I see this old place every day, but whenever I come up here it's like the first time all over again."
She stands next to you, her small frame leaning over the balcony rail, taking in every sight and smell she can.
"You know," Her gaze turns to you. "You're kinda like me. I was scared when I was first summoned, I never knew what to expect."
You listened, curious to see where she was going with this.
"You're not alone is what I mean. This is your home now, and were gonna make sure that you feel safe."
Your eyes began to sting with new tears, though the smile that faded onto your lips let her know that you weren't scared anymore. You scooted closer into her, carefully wrapping your arms around her frame, and she did the same, holding you in the most loving hug.
"Thank you." You spoke softly, finally letting her hear your voice.
You could practically hear the smile on her face when she responded.
"You don't need to, we're family now."
Slow, heavy steps made their way down the hall. Aether had spent the day running around in preparation for the summoning, seeing as he was the biggest of some of the ghouls, they didn’t question having him do any of the heavy lifting of equipment. He enjoyed helping, and would be lying if he said he didn’t like having people rely on him, but he didn’t love the strain it put on his back some days.
He was just happy it was done with, and he could finally get a chance to relax in his room, but on his way he got the idea to check up on you. He knew sometimes new summons had a difficult time adjusting, not to mention that on occasion they brought no memories with them, so he was prepared to protect himself if need be.
A loud rumble erupted through the building, and with it, the smell of absolute dread. Aether’s face dropped and he picked up his pace, following the smell to your bedroom. He placed a few firm knocks on the door before opening it, letting you know someone was there. A frown spread across his face when he saw you.
Body shaking, you looked up at him, eyes screaming for some kind of help in the way you couldn’t muster up in words. He walked over slowly, kneeling on one knee in front of you.
“Hey now, it’s okay, I’m here.”
His large hands found their way to your face, gently wiping at the tears that glided across your cheeks. With your vision clearing up, you began to recognize him from the ritual, he had been standing next to the man they called Papa.
You couldn’t tell if you liked that he was a part of the summoning, though, you were glad anyone was here with you at this point.
“Let’s get you off this floor, you gotta be comfortable so we can get you calmed down.”
It was a little amusing how he talked, it was almost father-like with the ‘we’ and ‘let’s’.
Aether was always incredibly empathetic as well, since his power often used emotions and such, so he picked up a trick or two when it came to helping people in distress. His tone was soft, and his voice low, offering a break from the overbearing sounds that had attacked your senses before.
He guided you to the bed, tucking you under the covers. He stepped away to pour you a glass of water from the pitcher on the table, and carefully placed it in your hands.
“So many tears, we don’t want you getting sick, small sips.”
The water met with your tongue, you hadn’t noticed how dry your mouth had become. The cool feeling washed down your throat, soothing the scratched feeling from coughing.
You were still shaken up, but you had started to come down from your emotion filled high, and he could tell.
“Would you like a hug? People says mine are the best, you know.”
You smile weakly, and nod your head, causing with to make his way into the bed as well. His arms make their way around your torso, holding you in a warm embrace. The supposed rumors were true, he hugged you tight enough to offer a comfortable weight, and his body heat soothed you, you weren’t sure if you’d ever want to move.
You laughed into his chest, eyes looking up to meet his.
“Yes, thank you.”
Your voice is beyond quiet, but he knows how exhausted you must be.
“If you’d want,” his hug loosens a bit. “I could stay with you tonight. I’d hate it if you woke up feeling like this again.”
Your smile widens and you lean into him, already getting comfortable under the cover of your blankets.
“I would love that.”
The rolling thunder was nothing new to this ghoul, he adored the sound of it paired with the humming strings of his acoustic.
He sat propped back against the headboard of his bed, plucking lazily at the strings in search of a new melody, but something about tonight was different, and he just couldn’t get into his usual zone.
He brought the guitar to his side, placing down on the bed with a sigh. Tonight would be a long night, he was nowhere near tired either, so he would have to find something else to occupy his time.
Palms rubbing against his eyes, he began to pick up on a strange scent from outside of his bedroom, maybe that was what had been throwing him off? Whatever it was, he had to find the source, whether it be due to his frustrations or curiosity. He threw the strap of his guitar over his shoulder and made his way into the hall, following the trail until he was face to face with your door.
He knocked on the door, he wasn’t sure what he would say when you opened it, but he wasn’t one for planning ahead. When there was no answer though, he grew a bit concerned.
His hands met with the wood again, and he listened intently for any sort of response, that’s when he heard the muffle sound of sobbing from behind it. He opened the door slowly, head peeking around to scan the room, and then he saw you in the corner.
He walked into the room and shut the door behind him, pulling his guitar from his back and placing it against the bed. He stood in front of you, studying you for a moment before kneeling down to your level.
“You alright, kid?” His voice was low and smooth.
You couldn’t even bother to look up, just shaking your head hastily in response. His lips twisted into a small frown, he wasn’t usually the one people went to for this kind of thing so he wasn’t too sure how to help.
He remembered his guitar and plucked it from its spot, and he sat down in front of you, holding it loosely in his lap.
“Hey, you ever see a guitar like this?”
Your head lifted a bit, looking at the black instrument in his hands, you shook your head and he let out a small chuckle.
“She’s a ‘beaut isn’t she? She sounds a whole lot prettier with this rain, you wanna hear?”
He could tell that you were hesitant, tears were still pouring from your eyes and your body was shaking. You weren’t sure how to answer, and he was racking his mind for a solution.
“How ‘bout we start of slow,” He moved to sit beside you. “Pluck one of the strings, you can be as gentle as you want.”
One of your hands left it’s place on your head, reaching for one of the strings and pulling at it softly. The noise startled you at first, put it did peak your curiosity a bit. You looked up to him through teary eyes, only to be met with a warm, toothy smile.
“Good, now if you put your hand-” He guides your hand to the body of the guitar. “Here, focus on what you feel.”
Your eyes close and you try to zero in as he begins to play a simple melody, the gentle vibrations tickling the tips of your fingers. You leans into it, your whole hand pressed against the smooth wood, taking in the waves of sound. The tears finally stop, though your eyes still sting a bit, it’s all an afterthought now.
You hardly notice the clapping thunder outside, senses full of the smooth singing of strings that echoes through the room. Swiss leans into you, letting you rest your head of his shoulder while he plays, there’s something intimate about it, just the two of you and his playing.
He doesn’t stop until soft snoring joins the chorus of sounds, and he looks to see your head hanging low against him. He sets his guitar to the side and carefully shimmies from your touch, picking you up from the floor. You begin to stir in his arms, but quickly fall back to sleep when he places you into the plush mattress on your bed. He goes to grab his guitar and leave, but when he looks back to you under the covers, gets struck with a bit of inspiration.
He sits in a chair in the corner of the room and his fingers once again start to dance along the strings, as he finally finds himself able to piece together the tune that was stuck in his head before. And now, as his eyes begin to feel heavy with sleep, he silently dedicates it to you.
He laid in his bed, hands covering his ears trying to block out the noise, though it didn’t work as well as he hoped. After a day of running around all he wanted to do was go to sleep, but being such a light sleeper the thunder was keeping him awake.
The blanket covering him was thrown angrily across the bed, his temper getting the best of him for a moment. A sigh left his lips and a hand traveled up to his temple, rubbing small circles in a feeble attempt to sooth himself. Kicking his feet off the bed, the only thing he could think of was to take a little stroll through the corridors and try to walk the frustration off.
The smell of rain was a whisper against the stone, barely there, but still present as ever. Sodo would be lying if he said there wasn’t a part of him that still yearned for it, the cool sensation of the water against his skin, droplets and waves alike. Maybe that was the real reason he hated this weather so much, his old life just just outside, taunting him with an embrace that was just out of reach.His eyes were beginning to tingle, but he’d be damned if he’d let someone catch him out here like this, so he took a deep breath and continued walking.
He wasn’t the only one though, because despite him calming down, the feelings and sorrow only grew stronger.
When he finally reached the door where it felt strongest, he could practically feel the emotion dripping from it, puddling at his feet. Despite his better judgement he opened the door, be it out of curiosity or worry, he couldn’t tell you.
The room was seemingly empty, perfectly made sheets on the bed and furniture that remained undisturbed, until his eyes wandered to the small bundle of a ghoul that rested at the foot of the bed. His eyes widened, what should he do? What could he do? It wasn’t like he knew you, let alone how to help, but the sight of someone so helpless had him act on instinct.
His feet gently padded against the floor as he made his way over to you, and he sat right next to your spot on the floor. A hand wandered to yours, giving warning that someone was there.
You flinched at the touch, but we’re so desperate for comfort or relief, you didn’t care where from anymore.
Sodo wrapped a thin arm around your body, pulling you to lay against his chest, never letting go of your hand. His eyes shut, and he tools a moment to focus on everything around him.
You felt his body warming under your touch, it startled you at first, but as the heat grew stronger you began to find it pleasant. Sodo’s free hand made its way to your face, and just like he had done before, he began to work little circles against you temple.
Your crying finally began to stop and your breathing slowed, allowing you to relax your senses just a bit. You looked up at the ghoul that was holding you, his eyes were still shut and his hair had fallen in his face, it almost looked like he had fallen asleep he was so at peace.
A gentle squeeze met your hand, and his eyes opened just a tad, letting the beautiful orange color of them seep out to greet you.
“You can’t tell anyone about this,” he said with a dumb smile. “It would ruin my reputation.”
You laughed hoarsely at the joke, your throat still a bit scratchy from the crying.
He smiled down at you, but his hold didn’t falter, instead, he pulled you closer.
“I don’t think either of us are doing too hot tonight…” His voiced trailed off, his lack of confidence beginning to show just a tad.
“You could stay, if you’d like to I mean. I think we both could use the company.”
He was stunned at the invitation, but he was also relieved that you were the one to ask. You both found a spot on the bed to relax on, and you continued to enjoy his gentle warmth until you drifted off to sleep.
He could care less about the weather, this time at night was precious to him, a moment to himself to breath. And that's what he did, ever night, like clockwork, he headed to the kitchen to make a small cup of tea, something to warm his body and ease his mind, before he made his way to the usual spot. The kettle boiled, steam rolling almost beautifully from the spout. He poured some out into a large mug, with a fancy tea bag placed delicately inside, the earthy scent wafting straight into his nose and filling his senses. He sighed, rubbing his temples gingerly with his fingers, finally cooling off after a long day. It wasn't that he was stressed, per se, but he definitely kept himself busy, so having some time for himself to detox and wash off the days work was nice.
He picked the mug up from the counter, holding it firmly as he began to walk towards the balcony doors. He always found himself making his way there when he had the time, it was a perfect spot to take in the scenery and breath. His bare feet padded softly against the stone floor, his long tail trailing behind him, softly sway from side to side. On his way, just down the stairs from his destination, he found himself stopping almost subconsciously. He stood, feet planted in front a door that belong to someone he couldn't quite remember, no matter how much he racked his brain. It sounded familiar, the name on the small wooden plaque, but he couldn't match a face to the memory. And then it clicked. Mountain always tried to be in the know, monitoring everyone's schedules to ensure things were on track, it was just the way his mind worked, things done on time and done correctly. He had heard about the ritual, rumors spread fast when the people of the ministry have nothing better to do, and that name had fallen from people's lips a number of times. He stood still, listening to the sound of crying that could just barely be hear through the door, he had been so distracted by his own thoughts he hadn't even noticed your distress. He wasn't entirely sure why, but his body began to move on it's own, one of his hands leaving the warm cup and twisting the doorknob. He was almost surprised to see such a small, timid creature sitting on the floor, maybe he had been expecting some large beast, or someone more tall and lanky such as himself. Regardless, he stepped carefully into the room, his steps light and soft. His smell, or maybe the scent of the tea in his hands, must have set you off, the sudden change in your senses making you head snap up to look at him. He wasn't typically one to show a lot of empathy at face value, usually more of the person you go to for logical advice rather than comfort. But, something about the way your face was ridden with tears, the way your eyes were puffed up and your lips quivering, the intense fear that rested on your face, it made the corners of his lips drop ever so slightly. Closer and closer, you eyes locked onto him as he moved, until he stood just in front of you. Your arms dropped to your sides, hands pressed against the floor as though you were ready to retreat at a moments notice, your eyes looking up to him with nothing but distrust. He knelt down slowly, sitting on his knees, as much as it ached against his joints. He brought the large mug up towards you, offering it carefully. "It will make you feel better, if you'll trust me." His voice was soft, with a slight tired rasp behind it. Your ears perked up slightly, your eyes flickering between him and the peace offering, as it seemed to be. Your hands move from the floor, shakily making their way to meet his hands and take the drink into your own. The scent was pleasant enough, a soothing mix of herbs and petals that the ghoul had made himself. You sniffed at it, the smell drifting into your nose, as your eyes softened. The cup made its way to your lips, the warm liquid soothing the dryness in your throat almost immediately, the taste was somewhat floral, with a very earthy undertone, it made your body begin to relax into the hard floor. Mountain just watched quietly, his body unmoving to avoid alarming you further. You continued to drink the tea slowly, ever sip helping to ease your nerves more and more, until it seemed as though you had almost forgotten about the storm outside. It was a strangely comfortable silence, just the two of you together. Even though you didn't speak a word, you began to learn about each other through body language, the way that you both enjoyed the peaceful chill of the night air telling you almost everything you needed to know.
It wasn't until your eyes began to feel heavy, and your grip on the mug began to loosen, that the tall ghoul in front of you made any sort of move. He carefully pulled the drink from your grasp, placing it on a table nearby before turning back to you. It was a bit sweet, the way that you were slowly starting to drift to sleep, but he couldn't just leave you there on the floor.
So, he nestles his arms under you, slowly and carefully pulling you into his chest and carrying you over to your untouched bed. His body was warm, his scent reminiscent of the tea you had been drinking, it saddened you when he placed you into your bed, his scent drifting away as his body pulled from yours. He tucked you into your blankets, his body turning to leave the room as he felt a small hand tug timidly against his sleeve. Eyes wide, he looked behind him, your half lidded eyes gazing up to him. "Thank you..." You said with a quiet yawn, the need for sleep obvious on your face. He smiled gently down at you, pulling the hand from his shirt into his own, rubbing a few gentle circles with his thumb as you finally fell into the clutches of your slumber. "Of course."
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
hellooooo, if you’re not taking requests please disregard this but please can you write a little something about sevika x autistic!reader, i’d just like to see how she’d learn to live with me. also i love your work and commitment, remember to take breaks tho, dear 💗💗💗
of course!
men and minors dni
she's going to be fascinated by any special interests or hyperfixations you have, she could listen to you talk about it for hours.
not only is the sound of your voice her favorite thing, but she's actually really interested. even if it's something she'd never care about without you. if you like a certain piece of media-- she'll wanna hear you tell her all the lore in your words, before maybe having you introduce it to her. she'd ask so many questions and find it incredibly sexy when you have an answer to each and every one.
and you can bet your ass she's always buying you trinkets or things related to your interests. anything and everything she can get her hands on she'll be lugging home for you.
i think sevika would be kind of charmed by your lack of social graces. what you consider 'awkward faux pas' when you look back on it, cringing at your past self, sevika laughs about and admires. she's usually blunt and straightforward-- she doesn't think it's strange that you are too.
like, your friend showing up late for lunch and apologizing for being ten minutes behind and you quickly correcting them and telling them, actually, it was thirty minutes, later that night it'll hit you that maybe it came off as bitchy. you were genuinely just correcting her mistake. you worry about it to sevika and she snorts.
"nah, babe, i was thinking the same thing. i was gonna say it if you didn't."
she'd love watching you stim. you always get embarrassed, but if she can catch you flap your hands or rock back and forth without you seeing-- she'll watch with a soft, admiring smile on her face.
in another way that sevika can kind of relate to some of the struggles of autism-- sevika is not a stranger to emotional outbursts that she can't control. she's not triggered by the same things you are, and she reacts much differently-- but she doesn't bat an eye the first time you break down in front of her, hyperventilating in her arms and choking out that your day's just been 'too much.' she understands that feeling completely.
imagine needing some pressure and having sevika as a girlfriend. getting her to lay right on top of you-- she'd be the best, warmest, firmest weighted blanket of your life.
if and when she buys you things to wear-- jewelry or clothes or even blankets-- she'll make sure their textures you like, she'll cut the tags out carefully for you, she'll make sure the jewlery is just your size so it won't bother you.
the first few times you go nonverbal around her, she's a little spooked. but after you explain it to her-- that you're fine but just exhausted, that you can't find your voice right now with how loud your brain's being-- she understands. and now she's great at handling you when you're nonverbal.
she leaves you alone, unless you request cuddles with grabby hands. she makes you food and delivers it to you with a firm kiss to your head, not bothering you so you don't have to take off your ear canceling headphones. the only time she asks you things is if she absolutely has to, and she makes sure all her questions are yes or no.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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shookie-y · 2 months
Wisteria Blooms (2)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Reader
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
"Kanao! Look out!" You tackle the girl to the ground. The demon growls as its body hits the rough dirt. You jump up, moving your sword in front of you to defend yourself. It was dark and neither of you could see very well. "Get behind me. We need to work together." Kanao's back presses against yours.
How did you get in this situation? The first three days of the final selection went by without a hitch. Now here you are, you have a deep cut on your leg and you can feel the blood trickling down it.
Focus (Y/n). The demon could be anywhere and it can strike at any moment. Final selection is only supposed to have lower level demons and yet something is different about the one that attacked you. She looks frail and weak but her attacks are quick and stronger than anything you've fought so far.
Your eyes flicker around quickly in the dark, looking for any signs of movement. There's a small breeze making the tree branches sway and hit against each other. Is the noise just from the wind? Or is it the demon jumping from one branch to another?
"There." Kanao's voice is soft but sharp. You feel her move from behind you and can hear the sound of her sword clashing into something. You turn around just in time to see the demons arm fall off. It hisses and goes to grab Kanao. 
You rush towards her and use your sword to slash the demons other arm off. “Now Kanao!” At yours words the younger girl swings her sword towards the demons neck. You make the same move, it won’t manage to dodge both of your attacks.
Both of your swords cut through at the same time. You watch as the demons head thumps to the ground and slowly rolls to a stop. “No! No! I can’t die this way. Not by the hands of you two! I’ve been here for 4 years! I’m supposed to get stronger. Like the guy with all the hands. That should be me!” She’s crying but her tone is spiteful and loud.
Her body slowly starts to disintegrate into nothing and her cries slowly die down. The woods grow quiet around you and you take a breath.
“What was that? I thought it was only lower demons…” You glance at Kanao, who seems okay, and then back towards the trees around you. There doesn’t seem to be any demons around you for now.
“We should keep moving.” Her voice is quiet and it startles you a bit. “We need to find more demons to kill.”
You’re quick to follow after Kanao, who walks forward, there seems to be almost no emotion in her. She didn’t react much during that last fight, or when you ran into a demon eating someone. Such a strange girl.
The next few days are harder on you. The cut on your leg seems to get worse as the days go by. It only makes fighting harder. Luckily, all the demons you've encountered since have been easy kills. The final day arrives and you make your way out of the woods. 
"Welcome back." Ubuyashiki's kids greet everyone with a smile.
"I am glad you are safe."
"There appears to be only five of us. Including me and Kanao.
There's a boy with yellow hair. He's mumbling to himself. "Die... I'm going to die. Die, die, die, die. Even tough I've survived here, I am going to die in the end."
There's two more boys as well. One you've met before. Genya. He was a mean kid. You didn't talk to him much. You only really know him because of Gyomei. Genya was trained by him. You two didn't really get along from the few interactions you've had.
The last boy seems to be studying everyone else as well. He has dark short hair with burgundy tips. He is wearing a blue kimono with a cloud pattern. His eyes meet yours and you freeze. His eyes are beautiful. They are a dark red. He gives you a soft smiles and you blush.
"So what am I supposed to do now? Where is my katana?" Genya's voice startles you and you quickly look away from the other boy.
"First, we will provide your corps uniform. We will take your measurements and then engrave your rank."
"There are ten ranks. Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and Mizunoto. Right now, you are all the bottom rank of Mizunoto. Today you will choose the ore for your sword. Then it will take up to two weeks for the katana to be finished."
"Then we will assign you a Kasugai crow."
Several crows fly down. One for each of you.
"Huh? A crow? But this is a sparrow?" The yellow haired one pokes at his bird.
"Kaw. Kaw." Your eyes flicker down to see a small crow in your hand.
"Hi. You're so cute." You reach up and pet the small creature. It rubs into your hand and you smile.
"Kasugai crows are generally used for communication but not always."
A loud sound echoes across the grounds and everyone turns to look at Genya. His bird flies off. He seems to have hit it. "I do not care about crows!" He storms up to the two kids and before you have a chance to move, he hits the white haired one over the head and then grabs her hair in his fists. " Katana! I want my katana! I want it now!"
The young girl stares up at him. The dark haired boy rushes forward and grabs onto his arm. "Let go of this child! If you don't, I'll break your arm!" His voice was demanding yet somehow he sounded nice at the same time.
"Who are you!?" Just try it!" Genya seems pissed. The other boy didn't waste a second before crushing his arm. Genya gasps in pain and rips his arm away.
He opens his mouth to say something. "Cut it out, Genya." Your voice is rough and you sound annoyed. The two guys turn to you and Genya huffs in annoyance, but he listens and lets it go.
"Are you done talking? Then come over here and please choose the ore for making your katana."
"I'm probably going to die soon anyways." The yellow haired one mumbles as everyone makes their way forward.
There's multiple ores laying out on a small table. They vary in size and color. You look around before our eyes settle on a little black one. It has white and blue speckles on it and it seems to shine as the sunlight hits it.
Everyone chooses their ore before you all get sent on your way. "Let's head back. I'm sure they're waiting for us." You give Kanao a small smile and then begin your way back to the butterfly estate.
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amywritesthings · 1 year
silver underground. / chapter five.
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F!Reader (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin)
Word Count: 5K
Summary: Day 120 - Also known as the day you finally confront Captain Levi after your dreams begin to connect some dots.
Warnings: Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Eventual Romance, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Flashbacks, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Nonbinary Hange Zoe
( Read on AO3 )
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Masterlist.
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The boy with raven hair speaks the syllable like his voice forgets its function, hoarse and small. In his hands is a small, precious piece of bread. His chin lowers to take a bird-sized bite, chewing slowly to savor the taste.
Looking down, you find that your hands are occupied by a half of a loaf, too — perhaps even the other half of the one the boy has.
You bring the food to your mouth, careful not to bite down too hard.
“Can I… sit?” you ask the boy as he continues to feed.
He nods once, so you nestle into the empty spot beside him.
Rather than floating in the dream's usual nothingness, the bench sits hidden in a closed-off dark room, lit only by lanterns and torches lining its walls. Shouts sound in the distance, but the noises are not scared. They’re… laughing. Howling, even, at jokes and drinking songs.
You can't hear the lyrics no matter how hard you listen.
For what feels like hours you sit beside this strange, quiet boy, happy not to be alone.
However a man shouts louder than the rest, belligerent and shitfaced, catching your attention. The boy never once looks up. You see a hat adorned on his head where long, unkempt hair flies out from the bottom of the hat like wires.
“Is… that your dad?”
You don’t know why you ask.
The boy ignores you for a length of time, picking apart what little is left of the roll.
“Is that your mom?” he croaks in return.
You’re scared to look at him, but you do anyway. Instead of a gnarled face of a woman like before, it’s finally his face: you're met with silver gray eyes, sunken to their sockets and tired, as he stares curiously at you. His right eye is blackened, cheek subsequently swollen, but he doesn’t seem to be in any immediate pain.
“No,” you answer, the syllable shaken. “I call her Mother, but… she found me.”
He doesn’t react — only chews, like every bite may be his last, and swallows. His tongue darts out to lick the crumbs from his busted lip.
You want to ask.
It’s been so many times, you’ve never gotten this far, and you want to finally ask.
“Do you have a na—”
Bolting right out of bed with a choked gasp, your hand instinctively reaches for your throat. 
Did you just say Levi’s name out loud, or was that in your dream?
It sure feels like it came from your mouth. Pressing a timid hand to your sweat-slicked face, you find your breath and attempt to quell your gasps in the pale light of the moon. You look to your left to see the curtain billowing in the midnight wind.
A dream.
The same fucking dream, over and over.
“What the hell was that?” you ask the air, and no reply comes beyond someone grumbling for you to shut the hell up.
The barracks — you’re still sleeping in the cadet barracks.
Training with the hopefuls ought to be tougher than it is, but you imagine it’s easy because you lived the war they strive to experience: ODM gear training is a breeze. Strategy classes bring a certain feel of home. You’re able to debate military advancements with the book-drawn knowledge to back it up. Running — so much goddamn running — but your training in Trost paid off.
Commander Erwin’s theory — your theory — is proving right.
The cadet training is helpful, because you now see a puzzle piece perfectly clear in your mind’s eye: that sad child’s face, the one you’ve been chasing for the last four months. If given a pen and paper, then you could draw the damn look of it on command.
Slipping out of bed to relax in the night air, you pull your tan cadet jacket over your shoulders, settle into your knee-high boots, and leave your exhausted bunkmates to dream.
(Yeah — that’s one thing you didn’t anticipate: wearing the swords like you didn’t already earn your Wings of Freedom stripes.)
You could seek out the Scouts. If the rumors are true, then Hange should be arriving today or tomorrow with the rest of them to see how you’re doing.
According to Commandant Shadis, there’s no real need to waste anymore time. You’re battle ready, even if your brain isn’t following up with the finite details. Those, he argues, could come later or not at all. At the end of the day, skill is what matters.
Whether they accept you back to the Scouts is another story entirely, yet having Commander Erwin on your side with the help of Section Commander Hange increases your chances exponentially.
Despite the nerves in your belly, you are excited to go beyond the Walls. To see what you must’ve witnessed time and time again in your military career.
Maybe, in a belatedly morbid fashion, you always wished you could one day relive what it would be like to see it for the first time all over again.
The wind at midnight is freezing in comparison to the blazing morning sun. You hug your arms closer to your sides, reliant on body warmth to push you forward in the stroll to clear your head.
Then two Military police officers enter your peripheral.
Realizing you have no jurisdiction after curfew, you search your surroundings for cover. Abruptly you spot a ration barrel and drop to a crouch, hoping they didn’t see you aimlessly walking around.
You stay low, fingertips pressed to the oak barrel, and wait.
Their mumbles turn into coherent sentences with each nearing step. You don't mean to overhear, but their conversation freezes you in your tracks.
“Did you hear about the extra addition to the cadets?” the one with red hair grunts.
The blonde shakes his head. “What about an extra what now?”
“The cadet that’s not really a cadet.”
Oh? Your hands press further into the barrel.
“Not ringin’ any bells.”
“Remember the chick they called Lieutenant? Served under Erwin.”
“Oh… yeah, now that you say Lieutenant, I kinda do,” the blonde answers, slow to start.
“Well, they’ve managed to wake up that dead sewer rat and thought it would be beneficial to send her to train with the cadets. Word is they’re trying to prep her back to the Scouts.”
The blonde huffs. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Nope.” The ‘p’ is popped. “Heard the news from Raoul.”
“Wasn’t she in really bad shape? Like… memory screw-y type of bad?”
“Yeah. A coma,” the redhead confirms. “They won’t tell anyone anything beyond hitting her head, but I saw they’re training her here for a few weeks to see what she remembers.”
“Damn, talk about wasting resources.” Your blood runs cold. “That’s about how rodents work, though. That bastard Captain Levi opened up the cellar for the nasty Underground folk.”
Captain Levi?
“Can’t believe that shit ever flew with the Scouts in the first place. I don’t know what Erwin was thinking, bringing an Underground brat in.”
Captain Levi was from the Underground, too?
“I thought we got rid of the start of the infestation when they said she died. But you can’t kill that Captain kid. He’s got more lives than a street cat.”
Raven hair.
“Nope — and she’s just as bad,” the blonde laments. “Pretty sure they worked together way before the Scouts, too, if you believe the rumors.”
“No shit?”
“Yeah. Rats stick together. Erwin has a fetish for waywards he can kill under his thumb.”
Sunken gray eyes.
“So we got thugs on the frontlines. Wonderful,” the redhead grunts. “Guess that’s better than the people behind the Walls. Get rid of them first.”
You feel like you’re going to be sick.
Bracing the barrel as they begin to move their post to another section of the training camp, you place your right hand over your mouth.
There’s no way.
Trembling in your crouched space, you replay the conversation over and over in your head like it’ll piece together and make sense. You study the patch of grass under your brown boot, waiting for a rogue tendril to crawl from the earth and drag you back underground.
(Where you belong, according to them.)
Yet you raise your chin to find you’re not alone behind the food barrels:
The little boy in the dream, his messy mop of black hair, stares back at you with a confused expression etched across his malnourished features. His lips part, mouthing an answer to a question you’ve asked him night after night after night.
Do you have a name?
Then he lifts his hand, offering his half of the bread loaf.
When you blink, he vanishes into thin air, leaving you sweating with the very real gravity of the situation sitting heavy at the back of your tongue.
You have to find him.
Tomorrow, you have to find Captain Levi.
“They said she’s doing well.”
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because if I speak any louder, I might scream,” Hange confesses in a rushed hiss, fidgeting with their fingers at the mess hall table. “And if I scream, then I’ll be alerting every cadet within a five-meter radius that we’re here.”
“Pretty sure most of the cadets are already aware, Hange.”
“Do you think she’s remembering more conversations?” they ask, flipping the subject he can’t escape from. “Or maybe a past mission?”
Levi couldn’t roll his eyes any harder.
The second the report came back from your temporary superiors is the second this Special Operations squad lost their fucking minds.
Petra hasn’t stopped babbling about how much she missed having you around after dropping you off to the training camp three weeks ago. Hange isn’t much better, but he can tune out their incessant babbling easier than most. Gunther, Oluo, Eld — they all want to know if they’re bringing you home.
Home — like what’s out here beyond the Wall Rose is any home at all.
By sticking you in the pool of cadet shit-stains looking to claw their way into the interior, Erwin inadvertently slashed the hopes and dreams of the 104th. Adding you to their mix only puts them at a grave disadvantage: if they make you stay the entire time, then you’d walk away with top marks from experience alone.
In a way, putting a memory-riddled veteran in disguise as a cadet is fucking hilarious.
“She isn’t a dog ready for tricks, Hange.” Levi brings the lip of his tea cup to his lips. “And her mind’s the only thing fucked, not her muscle memory.”
“Yeah, but she didn’t even go through cadet training when she first came to us. How much muscle memory could there be?”
“Environmental experiences trump cadet bullshit.”
“I suppose so.” Pursing their lips, Hange waves their spoon around aimlessly. “Acing her ODM gear aptitude test makes the most sense. Hand-to-hand combat, another surefire win. Still…”
Levi narrows his eyes. “Still?”
“I wonder how long it should take for her memory to return. Fully, I mean.”
Confliction makes his mouth itch.
On one hand, he’s hopeful that you never do. An honorable discharge from the Scout Regiment may not hold the same weight as a retired MP, but it’s a safer life behind the walls than whatever the fuck they lead as a unit now.
On the other hand, he can’t forget that this is your choice. 
Even in the aftermath of a horrific accident where you’ve lost everything, you’re still choosing to see if you can one day serve and re-join the Scouts.
Clearly Erwin would allow it. Resources wouldn’t be wasted on a half-assed effort.
But can he afford seeing that blank expression pointed in his direction for the rest of his goddamn living days?
It was hard enough to have a basic conversation with you. Factor in the idea that, somewhere in the not-so-distant future, he may work alongside you outside of these Walls again?
He ought to sabotage your training.
He ought to go back to his old ways and lie, cheat, steal, to ensure your failure.
He ought to do something — anything but the one thing everyone expects him to do.
Erwin Smith is playing a game of 4-D chess and Levi cannot see the board or where his next piece may be headed.
It’s infuriating.
“Is he still going to reinstate her even if she’s still fucked in the head?” Levi asks, maintaining a monotone distance from the subject.
Hange pushes some food around with their spoon. “Hard to tell. I don’t think they would waste the resources if they thought it wasn’t a potential win for us.”
Of course Hange iterates exactly what he’s thinking — they’re opposites on humanity’s spectrum yet somehow always on the same wavelength.
“What about you?”
That question, however, is one he doesn’t expect. Levi uncrosses his legs. 
“What about me?”
“Are you okay with her getting added back to Levi Squad if she passes?”
Absolutely fucking not.
(But would he want you reassigned where he can’t follow? Also absolutely fucking not.)
“Let’s see how she’s faring first,” he decides, eyes trailing the entrance of a taller person as Hange stands from the table. He’s about to ask, but then he sees it: Moblit rushes in from the left with several papers rolled into his hands, looking positively frantic and exhausted.
Never a dull moment in Hange Zoe’s life.
“Quitting on me?” Levi teases against the flat of his voice, and Hange’s lips purse.
“Oh, stop it. Like you weren’t about to shut my twenty questions down.” They stick out their tongue as they dismount the bench. “Party pooper.”
“That’s the closest to a shit joke as I’m ever going to get from you.”
A loud ha! escapes their lips while they walk to the door, hounded by Moblit’s anxious babbling until — nothing.
The disappearance of Hange, the lack of Erwin, just leaves Levi to sit menacingly in the corner on his own. At other occupied tables, the overspill of injured and traumatized cadets eat their portioned meal for the morning. 
A quiet place away from the noise of the other recruits thriving at the idea of war.
If he squints hard enough, a woman hunched over the table could be you — bruised to oblivion from the collarbone-up, with shaken hands rattling the ceramic plate below.
It causes his own fist resting on the table’s surface to tighten.
Maybe he should — talk to you, tell you, about everything.
Maybe if you learned just how bad it gets out there, then you’ll change your mind.
(There’s still time.)
You take off the minute you’re excused from the morning duties to investigate the grounds.
They have to be here somewhere.
Granted, you’re not sure if your current cadet status will get you anywhere in this camp. Revoked and stripped of the Scout title may bring setbacks when it comes to this — remembering, seeking answers — but you’re hopeful there’s a loophole nestled between your alleged seniority and talent.
When you turn a right corner, you see it: The glasses. The messy ponytail. The green cloak.
You yelp the name when excitement takes hold of your throat:
Because you’re happy to see them walking by the barracks with Moblit in tow. Anxiety buzzes under your skin as they stop in their tracks and turn on their heel.
Instantly beaming at the sight of you, Hange yells into the crisp morning air and waves their hands wildly above their head. 
You take off on a jog to meet them faster.
“James! Look at you! All dressed up— Huh.” Their excitement washes away at the sight of the double-sword badges on your jacket. “Funny, that’s the wrong emblem.”
You drop your chin as they poke an unimpressed finger to the side of your arm, as if a sticker will peel off and reveal the Wings of Freedom instead. The badge stays put.
“They thought it would be too much of a distraction to give me my Scout jacket,” you explain, hurried, before waving to the man behind her. “Hey, Moblit.”
He blanches to a translucent pale, jaw slacked.
Hange squeals in their throat.
It takes a second to realize what you’ve said.
Up until today, you had never met Moblit.
“Oh. My. God!” Hange says from a whisper to a shriek. “Did you hear that? Moblit, you’re the first person she’s greeted by name!”
“Whoa,” he murmurs under his breath, still flushed from shock. “I, uh… Hey, James.”
“This is amazing!” Hange growls, sucking in a sharp breath as both of their hands clamp down on your sore arms. “Of course, when Erwin suggested the hypothesis that maybe training would kickstart things, I didn’t think it would work that well! What else are you remembering? Tellmetellmetellme.”
As much as you would like to fill them in, you know there’s someone else you need to see first.
You exhale his name like a prayer, and Hange’s expression shifts to one of awe. 
“No, not like that. I’m— Have you seen the Captain? I need to speak with him. It’s urgent.”
“I—” The syllable gets trapped in Hange’s throat before a finger raises, pointing to the east. “...he was just at the mess hall. He was supposed to visit the stables after breakfast.”
“Thank you,” you deflate, shrugging out of their grasp. “We’ll catch up later, right? I’ll see you in a bit.”
They don’t try to stop you when you disengage.
I have to talk to the Captain.
Because if he continues to avoid you, then there is a chance the outline of this puzzle will never be completed.
Just as Hange suggested, you see it: the smaller framed man in the middle of the horse stables just east of the training camp.
Captain Levi wears the emerald cloak over his shoulders, arm raised to give attention to a horse as dark as midnight. It licks at the palm of his hand generously, and the captain doesn’t pull away until its tongue pokes out a third time.
You stand still at the mouth of the empty stables, watching.
Because if you’re going to implode the only chance you might have to get this right, then it has to be done with the utmost certainty that what you’re about to say is true.
And despite how your certainty has yet to reach beyond ninety percent, the clues are littered all over him:
The jet-black hair curved in a fresh, precise undercut. The way his eyes always look like he’s tired even after a long night’s rest. The skinniness to his frame that harnesses such ungodly strength. The curve of his nose at his profile.
His image morphs, changes, from glorious emerald to tattered tan shirts hanging off of his torso. Wild and unkempt hair. Same nose, but smaller. Shorter.
Your brain short-circuits at the images colliding.
“It was you.”
The whispered words tumble faster than you can stop them. 
They curl and float through the air until they reach the shorter man in the middle of the stables in an unfortunate echo, and the world seems so much smaller than it was a moment ago.
He turns.
His stare is bone chilling.
At the sight of you Levi stops brushing the mane of his horse, arm still raised in the air. Carefully he lowers his hand to set the wooden brush on a stool, eyes narrowed to slits.
“Hello to you, too.”
“Captain.” You take a step towards him. “Sir, I have something urgent to ask you.”
He looks like he considers for a moment before his attention lulls back to the horse he had been originally tending to. “Aren't you supposed to be busy running drills?”
“I should be. I am.” You take another step. “But—”
“So then why are you—”
“I saw you!” you blurt, loud and certain.
You realize you may sound a breath short of delusional by the way he rips his attention from the horse to stare at you like you’ve lost your mind. Where he usually appears rigid, expressionless, his eyes gleam with palpable confusion.
Levi snorts. “That was a weirdly-worded question.”
“It was you,” you press on, losing your breath, “before all of this.”
Your stare is hopeful. He is devoid of such.
You dare another step forward, hands out to your sides.
“I’ve been seeing things,” you say.
“Sounds like a condition for a doctor, not me,” he flatly replies.
“Memories,” you clarify, fidgeting with your fingers in a failed attempt to soothe your own nerves. “Of this specific place and the people in it. They’re from the Underground City. I must have been… I don’t know, young? Maybe really young, which would make sense since — but…”
The whites of his eyes grow, if only a fraction.
You try to explain faster.
“Everything is in pieces, right? I told you that last time we spoke. Nothing’s really fit together, not really, but whenever I dream about where I came from, I’m always seeing this young boy. He’s got this black messy hair. His clothes hang right off of him — he’s so small, and he sits with me on this bench eating food I offer him.”
Fuck, is he really going to make you spell it out? 
“And I think it might be—”
Wide-eyed confusion twists to an apprehensive sneer. 
“How could you be so sure it was me?”
Your shoulders slump.
“Because he looks exactly like you. Maybe with a skinnier body and a smaller face, but I’m seeing it now. The hair, the— the gray eyes—”
Finally he bites, voice low. “Because small kids with gray eyes are so fucking rare.”
“Don’t act like it doesn’t make sense!” you bark. “Everyone says I should remember you — because you know me better than anyone in the Scouts. And I’m not insane, because the person I keep dreaming about isn’t just a kid, it isn’t just some subconscious shit—”
His teeth clench together. “Careful.”
“And I heard it,” you continue, ignoring his warning. “Last night, I overheard two Military Policemen talking about how Erwin Smith allowed two rats from the sewers to join the Scout Regiment. Captain Levi, who came from the Underground, and a Lieutenant, who lost her memory.” Your eyes narrow. “I may not have my shit screwed on right, Captain, but it doesn’t take many brain cells to put two and two together.”
At the evidence, Levi says nothing. 
All that keeps the silence away in the barn are the rustling legs and raspberry breaths of horses. 
Your shoulders deflate at his unwavering, piercing gaze.
“You know me,” you finish, voice catching on emotion, “but you won’t help me. Why?”
Levi falters for a second, and you recognize the emotion that flickers over his face this time:
He doesn’t mouth off, which is one good thing about this uncomfortable encounter.
In your gut you can feel that this isn’t an unfounded discovery, but Levi isn’t willing to—
“Because you finally have an out.”
It’s the first real thing Levi Ackerman has said to you in four months.
Defeat settles into your tired bones when he disengages and turns his chin back to his horse. In the glow of the morning light from the open windows, he looks hunched — and, if you didn’t know any better, just as defeated as you — like so little was too much to divulge.
“Did we join the Scouts together?” you murmur, softening with hope.
Levi sets his jaw, and when you think the attempt has failed, he speaks:
“No. I joined without you.”
Your eyesight becomes glossy with overwhelming emotion.
You’re not crazy.
(You were always right.)
“When?” you urge under your breath, nearing without realizing. 
He stays put. “Years ago.”
“And when did—”
“Two months after.”
Where you can’t stop watching him, Levi refuses to look anywhere but ahead.
“So I knew you?”
“Since we joined the Scouts?”
“And before that?”
In your mind’s eye is a sullen face, exhausted from an eternal night.
He sighs through his nose. “You’re not listening to what I’m saying, James.”
By the time he turns his head, you’re only three steps away.
Hearing the sound of your name on his lips — not icy, not angry, not anything beyond what it is — takes you off guard. 
“Do yourself a favor — continue training with the cadets. Chances are you’ll get Top 10, easy. Top 10 means you can choose where you serve. Most of the brats pick the Interior.”
Your brows fly high. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Interior is a cushy gig. They’re offered real bedrooms, routine meals—”
“—and the most danger they get into is wiping the King’s ass,” Levi continues, shifting his left boot closer to you. “I heard he’s got one hell of a shit schedule.”
You both stare, eye to eye, as his words of advice settle into the dirt between you. 
“...so you want me to cheat my way into the interior,” you eventually recap, quiet and disgusted, “and forget the Scouts?”
“Forget all of it,” Levi confirms, dead serious.
This isn’t what you were expecting if – and when – you finally spoke to the captain. For someone who is allegedly important to you, Levi sure has a funny way of showing it. Pawning you off to whatever gets you furthest from whatever lies beyond the Walls is a swift punch to the gut. Maybe you barely know you, but you do know one thing: hiding away in the Interior was never an option.
Forget all of it.
“I’m not doing that.” A humorless laugh exits your mouth. “You know I’m not going to do that.”
“I know,” he resigns, monotone. “Worth a try, though, to get through your thick head.”
“You’re an asshole.”
You’re not sure what compels you to snap, but it’s biting. Venomous.
You near him like a predator challenging another in its rank, chin ducked. Levi steps in a half-circle in a subconscious dance.
“You are. I have been asking you, begging you, going so far as to corner you so you can maybe help me out, and all you’re willing to do is run. Every damn time you see me, you turn like a coward and go the opposite direction. I can even see it right now: you’re hoping Hange or Moblit walk in so you have an excuse to defer me to them.”
You sneer, teeth grit.
“Humanity’s Strongest, my ass.”
It’s about the worst ramble you could’ve offered him. With each passing accusation, Levi’s expression grows darker until it’s unreadable. Yet you keep going, choosing violent words over soft pleads.
The latter never worked, so the former just might.
Then something peculiar happens:
Levi’s voice upticks, melodic in what you can only describe as quiet awe.
“You finally sound a little more like you.”
You watch with lips parted. Levi nods to himself, as if certain his assessment is right, before his arms cross under the emerald cloak decorating his shoulders.
“You’re right: I have been avoiding you,” he finally admits steadily. “I couldn’t stand the wide-eyed and bushy-tailed act. It doesn’t wear well on you.”
All the blood drains from your body.
“Commander Erwin’s set on making you a Scout again. Only a moron would think he hasn’t thought this through, which leads me to a shitty predicament.” He pauses. “Lieutenant or not, you were a part of my squad. Am I so much of an asshole that you no longer want to be a part of it?”
You open your mouth, but no words exit.
He stares directly at you, this time with meaning.
“I won’t feed you our memories. I won’t let you speculate where I fit with the hope that I put the pieces together for you. If you want my help, then we start with a blank slate.”
“A blank slate?” you numbly respond.
“A blank slate,” he repeats.
“As if we don’t know each other at all?”
“Besides knowing what I looked like as a kid, do you?” Levi asks then clarifies. “Know me.”
Looking over his face, you want to say yes. You want to say the truth — that you might have known him your whole life — but you can’t.
Might have isn’t as strong as do.
“And if I eventually remember, even if it’s not every little detail, then will you keep shutting me out?” you question, softening your face when an emotion flickers over his. “Don’t shut me out.”
“I won’t.”
“I mean it—”
“I swear it.”
He interrupts before you can finish.
As much as you're afraid to believe it, his statement of conviction is sincere — three words rushed, hissed, with a weight pressing against your wildly-beating heart.
“Okay,” you murmur back. “I trust you.”
Just like that; no more fighting, no more lying, no more doubt. 
His hair flops with the tilt of his chin as he's caught between calling a bluff that isn’t there and the undying truth — three words solemn, slow, with a weight pressing against his heavy-burdened shoulders.
He disputes nothing.
In an attempt to start on the right foot, you hold your hand out timidly between you. Your fingers flex.
Levi’s eyes take a beat to leave yours and look down.
“I’m James,” you introduce softly. “Member of Levi Squad, Lieutenant of the Scout Regiment. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Levi swallows, thick with a hesitance. You’re almost certain he’ll step right past your humble effort to start over — just like he asked.
Then he removes a slender hand from its tucked space at his side and holds it out, hovering fingertip to fingertip.
A beat passes. His hand reaches forward, gliding along your palm to hold your hand.
He squeezes.
You feel it hit, zapping every nerve like a short-distanced lightning strike — warmth floods and envelopes your body with an image you don’t quite have the word for in the moment, but you see it when he opens his mouth.
“Levi Ackerman,” he roughly replies. “Leader of Levi Squad, Captain of the Scout Regiment. Glad to have you on my team.”
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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged, and sent lovely anons about this story before. You're alll such wonderful people. xo
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paintingpuff · 1 year
Ooh the backstory for the comic sounds so cool! Could you maybe post the short story?
Sure, I'll put it under the cut!
Keep in mind the comic is an adaptation so the story had to go through some changes.
File info says this was made during quarantine which definitely explains why I can't remember writing it
My sister--and most people in our village, in fact--think that my child is not my own. One would assume it was because of the incident a month after my daughter’s birth, where I walked into her room only to find a fairy flying out the window, a bundle in her arms. 
But that’s not why my sister thinks my daughter is fae, because I didn’t tell anyone about that incident. Instead, my sister says it’s because my child is acting odd. It’s a logic I can’t understand, since all children are strange to me. 
I love the way they approach the world with a mix of naivete and eagerness. I’ve even met children that don’t realize that a scrape or scratch is supposed to hurt until you look alarmed. They have no understanding of common sense, because everything they do is for the first time in their life. They’re honest, harsh, and innocent in a manner that is gradually clogged up with new responsibilities and knowledge as they grow older.
Their world is limited, and as such they completely permeate it. It’s fragile and destructive in a way I don’t think can be replicated, not after that window of early childhood has passed.
I see it in every child, and my daughter does not seem any more unusual. But my sister insists that there is a difference, and shakes her head whenever she thinks it’s relevant. 
 My child has broken the table. Not much, she just jumped on the top one too many times and its leg splintered. I’m not going to get it replaced, or get it fixed, or at least not immediately.
She got in a fight with some other children in town, they said something that she just couldn’t understand and she lashed out with a stick. The other kid only had a red mark on his skin from the impact, at least. 
My daughter hates being around others, and spends most of her time back home, where it’s quiet. I once tried taking her to the market and she broke down crying, sitting in the middle of the road. I consoled her there, crouching in the dirt path, and tried ignoring the judgemental stares from people passing by. She would rather spend hours on end at the edge of the forest. I don’t let her explore on her own, and when I’m gone the others say she always stands just before the trees become too dense and stares off, wistfully.
She’s a picky eater, but a very hungry one. I can’t find a consistent set of taste, and each new meal feels like a gamble of my time, but I have to take those chances because I can’t have her eating only eggs and milk for each meal of the day.
She doesn’t like being touched, reacts to my fingers as if they’ve given her rashes, and for the longest time I felt lost because I didn’t know how else to comfort her. 
(I found my ways eventually. When she gets upset, I take my grandmother’s woolen scarf from its rack and wrap her in it. She loves running her hands along the threads.)
After long days of gathering food and walking from errand to errand I’m woken up in the middle of the night by her, and we both struggle to go back to sleep from her nightmares. When she was a baby she wailed as loud as she could, because she knew doing that would bring me to her. Now I’m afraid that I won’t hear her and she’ll think I left her alone on purpose. My friends comment on the bags under my eyes always getting darker. I know they’re trying to remind me that it’s a bad thing.
They call her a changeling, something that has replaced my real baby. The child I gave birth to is out in those woods, the stories say, maybe dancing with fairies or being sacrificed to the devil. But in the meantime, they say I am left with a parasitical replica, a creature that saps me of my energy, food and time. 
I sometimes wonder if they’ve ever had a child before.
I do my best to brush off the people in town, but my sister is more insistent. I know she’s just being protective since my husband’s passing, but something snapped in me with the way she spoke. I yelled that the stories of the fae were all hogwash, and she asked me how I could be so sure. So I told her the truth:
I had already seen the fairy.
I had returned home early from the market, and had seen my daughter sitting at the edge of the forest, like always. Her hand was raised to the air, a single finger stretched parallel to the ground. This didn’t seem out of the ordinary to me, and I was about to head back inside and prepare dinner, when I saw a flicker of movement. 
A tiny sparrow emerged from behind a tree, and settled on my daughter’s finger.
It was difficult to see her face from my angle, but just from the outline of her cheeks I could tell she was grinning from ear to ear. The bird whistled to her, and the child gave a raspy, unpracticed melody in response. She moved her hand around carefully, not wanting to startle the bird, but a part of me knew that something as simple as a jolt wouldn’t make the bird go away. 
The bird was only there for a few minutes before it took off and vanished back into the forest. So my child sat up, stained in green but not caring, and ran back to the house. I entered shortly afterwards, acting casual. She didn’t know I saw her, and she didn’t tell me about the bird then, so I can only wonder how many times the bird had come before. 
Still, gradually the two of us came to a common understanding: she figured out I knew about the bird,  and I knew that she knew.
I hadn’t fully realized we’d had this agreement until my daughter stepped into my house, sharp distress twisting her face. She raised her tiny fingers to show blood spilled on them, but not from any wound of her own. She told me the bird had been missing feathers, had perched on her finger with only one leg, and its song was weaker than before. Her bird calls had already greatly improved, so she imitated the bird’s pained song for me, just to make sure I understood.
She wanted to follow the bird into the woods, see that it’s alright. I crouched down with the scarf, wrapped her in it, and told her that I would find the bird myself. 
So I wandered through the dark woods, the sun already starting to set, a torch in hand and a cloak on my shoulders. I heard a whistling in the woods, and the melody rangs familiar. The bird was still singing, and it didn't sound any weaker, but my daughter has always been more attentive to details; I trusted her. 
I kept walking, kept following the bird, and for brief flickers in the treetops I saw flaps of wings. It was flying slower than usual. It ducked behind a tree, and when I stepped around to keep my eye on the bird, I saw a child. 
It was not my child, but another little girl of a similar age, one with brown hair closer to my own than my daughter’s fiery red. Patterns were dotted across her arms like that of a sparrow’s wings, but her skin was also spotted with bruises and scratches, twigs and leaves and mud in her hair and stuck to her body. She didn't seem to be in pain, and I wondered if anyone had told her that those scratches are supposed to hurt. She hugged the tree, perhaps as a shield or perhaps as comfort. 
I crouched down, and kept my voice quiet. “Hello.”
She stepped back a little, keeping her eyes off of me. 
“Are you the one who plays with my daughter?”
More silence. I swallowed, my throat already dry. “She considers you a very good friend.”
“She’s my best friend.”
The girl’s voice was rough and unused, but that similar constriction in my chest came when I heard it, and I fully realized that this is just another kid I was talking to. I told her what people call me. The girl gave no response, but I could tell that she was relaxing. 
“Are you a fairy?”
The girl nodded. “I can turn into a bunch of different animals.”
“Oh? Like what?” 
“A cat, and....a dog, and, uh...I’m a sparrow a lot.”
“Do you like flying around?”
To my surprise, the girl shook her head. She told me she likes landing on my daughter’s finger. “I like singing with her,” she said. 
I asked her why she doesn’t transform into different animals to do so much more, and the girl looked at me with the most genuine and honest confusion I’ve seen. She didn’t understand the other options, because this was the only one that mattered to her. Her scope was so small, but she embraced it so wholly that I couldn’t be upset. “Are your injuries okay?” I asked instead. 
There was a slight bob of her head, one I almost didn’t see in the dark. “They’ll get healed up.” She pointed over her shoulder to a small ring of mushrooms behind her. I know a fairy circle when I see one, and I nodded in understanding. I left her to vanish in the fog of that forest. 
I returned home to my daughter and told her the bird is okay, and will come again tomorrow. She didn’t make a relieved expression or gesture, but gave a very quiet and polite “Thank you,” so I know that she was grateful. 
Some of the townsfolk think I’ve had my real child switched with an anomaly, a magic changeling. When I first met the bird, I thought that perhaps she was the changeling that was supposed to replace my child.
But whenever the bird appeared again, I made sure to leave some bread and milk for her, as well as leave our window open, in case she ever needed to rest at our home. My child came to me, wanting to sew a pillow for the bird to sleep on. The snacks I left out became more and more elaborate, from a small bit of porridge to pieces of a cake. Some days I would wake in the morning early enough to see that bird curled up in the roughly made pillow of my daughter’s.
I didn’t even think twice before I moved the pillow to my child’s room, setting it next to her head. I watched her and the bird snore peacefully, and I watched as the bird’s feathers slowly retracted and its silhouette expanded in the faint morning light. 
It wasn’t until I saw the two children, holding each other tightly under the warm blankets and roof of their shared house, did I realize that both I and the townsfolk were wrong. 
No child of mine had been replaced, nor were they meant to. I simply had two daughters.
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pleasantangelpaper · 10 months
To Run From the Sky (Part 1)
Hi!!! So, this fic is sort of a new thing I'm trying out on my wattpad. It's a William Afton x Reader that is a little angsty! I'm curious to know how tumblr will react to it, so here it is! Feel free to check out my wattpad account if you would like to read there! My user is the same on both platforms! :)
William Afton x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of cheating
   Just last month I was swimming in the clear waters of Malibu beach, and now I'm moving back in with my parents in Hurricane, Utah. Where did I go wrong? How could this have happened to me? I remember, but I still don't understand...
 The air was cold for California as I navigated alleyways, weaving in between sheds and cars to find my friend and roommate, Bethany, who had invited me to her boyfriend's house party. Upon finally finding the house, by ear rather than eye, as crappy pop blared through the enormous living room sound system, I stumbled up the lawn, trying not to trip over various red solo cups. A few boys stood watch outside the door, joking around, and obviously getting very drunk. Walking past them, I entered the house. Loud music and bright lights flooded my senses, bringing me to a very alert state. "Bethany!" I yelled into the void of party-goers. No response was heard. I journeyed on through the group of people, pushing my way past several drunk guys. I then saw a familiar taller gentleman. "Stu!" I yelled at him. "Oh hey Y/N! Have you seen Bethany anywhere?" the puzzled man questioned. I sighed in discontent, "No, I'm looking for her too,". "Maybe you could go check my room? She might have went in there to sit down for a minute," Stu stated. I nodded my head and walked towards the spiral staircase that adorned his second floor balcony. Stu's house was quite lavish. As I found Stu's room I could hear some strange noises from inside. My brain told me to stay out of it, but my heart feared for Bethany. The door opened, and my throat closed. There was my boyfriend, Billy, and my best friend, Bethany, kissing. My mouth stayed open as tears filled my eyes. "How........ how could you do this to me...... how could either of you do this to me.....". The two struggled to find words as they pulled apart from one another. I stood heartbroken in the doorway. My tears started to drip off of my face, creating a puddle on Stu's floor. "Hey Y/N, was she in th-" Stu began to question before he noticed the tension in the room. "What happened?" he asked, a slight tinge of anger becoming evident in his voice. "Stu, baby, he just started kissing me, and I just couldn't fight back," " Bullshit, you kissed me first" The two argued at each other trying to come up with some sort of story that would get them out of trouble, but it was too late. Stu's eyes welled with tears as he screamed for them to get out of his house. I don't remember much after that. It all feels like a blur. I move out of the shared apartment I had with Bethany, and now I'm here, in Utah. 
   I set my last box down on the floor of my childhood bedroom. Waves of emotions hit me as I stare at the corkboard full of memories. Memories of Bethany and I before we had moved to California tainted the room. I felt my soul fill with rage. I tore down  the pictures with tears in my eyes. As I fell to the ground, a soft knock was heard at my bedroom door. "Come in," I grumbled out to the unknown visitor. "How you doing, honey," my mother gently walked into the room, avoiding the pictures on the ground. I just silently cried as she patted my back. "Y'know, I hate to do this to you, but our neighbors, the Aftons, are coming over for dinner tonight, they've got a lot going on as well, and I wish we could reschedule, but this plan has been going on for some time now... we would love it if you would join us, dear," my mother spoke quietly as if any loud words or sudden movements would cause me to spiral again. I sniffled and wiped my tears with my cardigan sleeve, "Thanks mom, but I would rather finish unpacking first," "That's okay honey, take all the time you need,". And with that, my mother left and closed the door, leaving me to my own devices once again. I began to unpack the boxes around me, sorting what I could into the drawers of my old dresser, and organizing a desk space. I set up some stuffed animals on my bed to make it seem more inviting, and I fluffed the pillows that had gone untouched for some time now.
By the time I was finished, I glanced at the clock on my wall and noticed it was 10 o'clock. "I better get something to eat I guess," I spoke aloud to myself. The hallways were dark as I creeped down the wooden stairs to the kitchen. I noticed the smell of burnt coffee as I walked forward, but thought nothing of it, that is, until I noticed a figure that definitely was not either of my parents. "I just can't get this damn thing to work right," the man proclaimed. His purple button-up sleeves were rolled up to his elbows as he prodded at buttons on the old coffee machine. His glasses were on the tip of his nose as he stuck his tongue out in thought, his brows furrowed in frustration. My cheeks turned a bit rosy as I stared at the attractive man in front of me. I finally put two and two together and noticed this man must be Mr. Afton. "Do you need any help, Mr. Afton?" I sheepishly spoke. The man spun around in surprise, "Oh! You must be Y/N, I had no idea anyone was still up, your parents told me that I could stay over for the night," he got quieter as the sentence went on, clearly embarrassed by needing a place to sleep. "Don't feel ashamed, I'm also freeloading here right now," I half-joked at my predicament. The older man's face softened as he turned his attention back to the old coffee maker. My family had had this coffee maker for as long as I had been alive. I walked over and grabbed the pot as I hit the button to brew. "Yeah... this thing is so old that if the pot isn't sitting in exactly one place it just doesn't go," I sighed at the fact that we were still using this thing. Mr. Afton chuckled at the piece of old tech and ran a hand through his hair. "Wow, that's something," he said in disbelief. Once the pot was done brewing, I pulled down two coffee mugs, one a pale blue with white bunnies dancing across it, and the other a pale yellow with the same design. "Sorry Mr. Afton, I think these bunny mugs are the only ones clean," I laughed a little at the cute designs in contrast to this grown man. "That's fine, I love bunnies," he smirked. "Also, please don't call me Mr. Afton, you'll make me feel older than I already do... call me William," he half-grunted at the statement. I giggled at him as I poured the cheap coffee into the cute bunny mugs, spilling a bit onto the peeling linoleum of the counter. I handed him the yellow mug in silence and took a sip of the warm drink. I noticed William make a face as he drank it. "Nothing like the taste of off-brand coffee made in a cheap old coffee maker, huh?" I joked. "Oh yeah nothing like it," he chuckled back. We stood with small conversation as we finished our drinks. The interaction made me smile, and I felt a bit warmer inside, like I wasn't alone in all of this. As we both finished off the coffee pot, I gently set our mugs in the sink. "Goodnight William," I said, as I walked towards the stairs. "Goodnight Y/N," 
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1-800-moondust · 2 years
Cesar Torres x GN! Reader (Platonic Headcanons)
Requested by: @laturacai
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Cesar is definitely a momma's boy and it's understandable since his mom is so nice.
Whenever you come over to his house, his mom immediately rushes over to you and hugs you before asking if you’re hungry
I could see Cesar being a pretty popular guy so he gets invited to a lot of parties
But he’d rather hang out with you and Mark
Cesar is a extrovert so he’s constantly asking you and Mark to come and hang out with him
Whether it be at the mall, eating at a nearby restaurant, or having a sleepover at his or Mark’s place
I could see Cesar being really bad at all video games except for Mario Kart and he abuses it
Either way he’s just happy to hang out with his friends :)
Y’all could be stuck in a room with no windows or doors and he would still have a good time as long as he got to do it with y'all
Once the alternates come along he doesn’t really react much
Like yeah it's weird, but what’s the possibility of something happening to y’all?
Though he’s concerned about his mom since she seemed very scared by all the events going on recently
During one of Mark’s sleepovers, Cesar and you were play Mario Kart and he was kicking your ass
Mark watched the two of y’all play as he stuffed popcorn into his mouth and laughed whenever one of y’all got hit by something
That was until Mark’s home phone went off cutting off y’alls laughter
Mark just rolled his eyes and got up to answer it
Just a few moments later Mark rushed back in and handed the phone over to Cesar
And just like that, Cesar was quickly packing up and wishing you two goodbye
You escorted him outside as he got inside his car
You offered to come with him as moral support since he said that his mom had called him all shaken up
But Cesar refused, telling you that he'll tell you all about it in the morning once he got back home
He gave you a hug and a small uncertain smile
He never came back
Alt! Cesar
The banging was constant and ear shatteringly loud
It begged and cried for you to let it in claiming that it was Cesar
But you knew better, the thing outside your door was nothing but a cheap imitation of your best friend
For the first day all he did was slam on your door and scream for you to let him in
On the second day it begged and constantly knocked on the door
With the final day the only thing you could hear was his wailing and scratching
Despite it being a mimic you started to feel bad since it sounded like it was having a mental break down or something
You couldn’t take it any longer and opened the door seeing ‘Cesar’ curled up on the floor
But once it seemed to notice that the door was open, it quickly jumped up and hugged you tightly
It took you a few minutes for you to pry the alternate off of you
After a hour of interrogation you learned that the alternate had wanted to learn about you since it had learned that you were friends with the person he was imitating
You agreed to take him in as long as he protected you from other alternates in the area
Cesar quickly took the offer and adapted
He was ‘strange’ to say the least since he wasn’t human and didn’t understand social cues very well
You told him stories about the wild hijinks you, Mark, and Cesar had gotten up to when he was alive
Cesar seemed enthralled with the stories you would tell him and would look at you with wonder every time you told him one
He asked tons of questions about anything and everything
Birds? Windmills? Books? What the hell are those?
He’s excited to see the world and all the new wonderful things in it
And he’s happy to experience it with you
Thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun with this one hence why it's a little long. But an extra thanks to @laturacai for requesting it in the first place!
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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This one came from watching Dark Revival quite a bit while imagining Ericka, Mavis, and Audrey exploring around in there in WIR-Verse amd wondering what would happen if Mavis and Ericka came along Slicer's crate. Somewhat inspired by posts from @twinklecupcake and @humanityinahandbag
Audrey tries to warn them not to let Slicer out of her box, and Ericka strongly agrees. But the naieve and curious Mavis merely sees a small monster trapped in a box by cruel and fearful humans and convinces Ericka to help let her out against the others' better judgement.
The thing about Slicer (otherwise known as "Carley") is: once let out the box, she follows those who released her around the game, appearing out of nowhere with a scream and attacking before disappearing just as quickly, leaving only creepy giggling and possible bleeding cuts behind. Ontop of this: While she can't KILL you, she CAN get you to one hit point from death. And YOU can't kill HER, either.
Normally, Ericka can handle any terror The Cycle can dish out, but...she's not good with Screamers like Slicer. Eventually, things get too much. She screams and freezes up in full-blown sensory overload and a panic attack, leaving the younger girls to protect and help their older friend and usual protector.
Now, Mavis hasn't seen many panic attacks aside from possibly her father's (and he'd probably try and do those where Mavis couldn't see.) So she's not sure what's happening to her mother and worried it might be something like a heart attack or stroke. But Audrey...she knows all TOO well what's happening. Not only has she seen and helped the others through panic attacks...
She's had plenty of her OWN.
So, while Mavis physically comforts her, (Audrey isn't as physically affectionate as Mavis or Ericka...especially not after what happened with Wilson or Bendy. Plus, touching Alice or Bendy in this state sometimes makes things worse.) Audrey tries to talk her down and tell her she's safe now. Of course, Ericka is worried about seeming weak, ESPECIALLY in front of those she's supposed to he protecting. She's supposed to be BETTER than that, she's a Van Helsing, for Pete's sake! And she shouldn't be scared of monsters NOW, anyway! Didn't she learn monsters AREN'T dangerous animals!? But Audrey sees fear as a sign you're alive and shows how strong you truly are. Mavis also bonds closer with her ink-stained friend after their fight and with Audrey helping her mother.
Don't worry, everyone's fine. Mavis learned her lesson about messing with strange boxes and listening to others, Audrey made sure got Ericka home fine (Though the conversation with Drac later was...interesting to say the least.) And Audrey just needs a snack or a good banishment zap to be good as new.
Transcript, Tags, and notes under the cut
Note: Yes, I know "Shell-shock" isn't exactly the best term for panic, anxiety, or PTSD flare-ups. I picked that term because Audrey lives in the early 70s so it makes sense for her to use some outdated terminology. Especially since she does react and help appropriately. I also know freezing, shaking, sweating, crying, hyperventilating, and screaming/lashing out aren't the only symptoms of panic attacks, but Ericka's expressive as bleep so it makes sense for her to have a big reaction.
Slicer: **Poof** SCREEEEEEECH!!
Ericka: **Screams**
Mavis: **Hissing at the loud painful sound** What IS that?
Audrey: Ugh, it's HER again!
Audrey and Mavis: **Ready for battle**
Mavis: Don't you DARE hurt my MOTHER!!!
Audrey: Crawl back to your BOX!
Slicer: **Charges, claws swiping**
Mavis, worried: Ericka? Mom, What's wrong? Is-is it a heart attack?
Ericka, still cowering and clutching her hair: I-I don't **Heavy breathing** I don't think so. Buh-but I know I HATE that screamy cutty thing!! Why did we ever open that STUPID box!?
Audrey: It's an attack. Just not a heart one. Slicer must have shell-shocked her. Luckily, that's pretty common around here. Ms. Van Helsing? I need you to breathe for me, ok? In and out. Slowly. That's it. Just focus on my voice, Mavis' touch, and breathing. I know, it's scary. But you're safe now.
Ericka, Perking up: R-Really? The...the screaming monster, they're...they're gone? And...and you don't hate me? For being so weak?
Audrey: Uhuh. Well, at least for now. And of COURSE not. I'd never blame ANYONE for being scared. **fidgets with her blackened hand** I get scared too. Sometimes. I even break down screaming and crying. Being scared doesn't make you weak. It makes you alive. Shows how strong you TRULY are.
Mavis: Aw...Thanks, Audrey... Wait, are YOU ok? You DID get get a bit cut up back there.
One of the posts that inspired this:
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @roydoodler-blog @doberart @thedemonsurfer @thedopedemon @inkhyaena @inkypotato @inkspottie @deathfangirl9 @ebevkisk @howling-nightmare
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asravenous · 1 month
slice of pi
task: write a self-para of your character presenting their talent. evening (sometime between 6–8pm), the spare room september 7th 2005 with mrs. tristan & the rest of the wards
The whole thing was outrageously absurd. He couldn’t even begin to comprehend how Mrs. Tristan had come to the conclusion that a talent show in the middle of the week would be the perfect way to raise their spirits. To take their minds off grief? Vikram shifted uneasily in his seat as Celia and Angus performed a cello and violin duet. All the announcement had given him today was even more grief — once he came to terms with the miserable reality of being asked to perform at a “family” talent show at thirty — the irritation slowly simmering under the surface, like an itch he couldn’t scratch.
He still had half a mind to sit out of this one. Being sentenced to wash dishes didn’t sound completely awful. Tiring and laborious, sure. But awful? That was yet to be determined. Given that the threat of menial labor came after their day at the greenhouse, however… He was sure the rest would choose to stand in the center of the room, subjected to 16 pairs of eyes.
Joining in the discordant applause, Vikram looked on as Mrs. Tristan pulled out the next name out of her head. Alison. Not him, which meant he could still sit in the shadows and continue mulling over his decision. He stared at the table in front of him, zoning out as he played with his food.
“Vikram dear, are you participating?”
Without his knowledge, his name had been drawn out of the hat. That either meant Alison finished her performance and he missed it in its entirety or she had withdrawn. How long did he not pay attention, anyway? He took a moment to compose himself, looking up from his plate and meeting Mrs. Tristan’s eyes.
“Yeah,” he mumbled dumbly, not immune to her expectant gaze. It was always hard to say no to Mrs. Tristan, having relied on her all those years he spent in Woodrow. Clearing his throat, he nodded his head in assent.
“Yes,” loud and clear this time, “sorry, I’ll make my way there now.”
“Perfect!” She clapped her hands, equal parts relieved and delighted that he didn’t refuse. You could never be too sure with Vikram, in spite of his apparent predictability at times. “Come now, sweetheart, I can’t wait to watch what you’ve prepared.”
Unfortunately, Vikram thought sullenly as he walked over to the makeshift stage, I haven’t prepared anything. He didn’t share the same musical talents as Reece, Celia or Angus. River as well, odd as his performance was. As far as talent shows went, the acts presented thus far were pretty much standard fare. Celebration of Richard’s love of the arts, indeed. Too bad he couldn’t just pluck any of the pieces he made in Ceramics Club as a teen and showcase them here. By this point, everyone had already seen those.
Finally taking center stage, standing in front of people who were simultaneously familiar and strange, all Vikram could feel was his own heartbeat thudding in his ribcage. Awkwardness and a general unease encompassed his lanky body, as much as he tried to present himself otherwise. The confrontation with Talia that night aside, he hadn’t felt this way in years. Not even when he first started giving lectures in front of hundreds of students. 
“Well…” he started off, stalling a little for time as he quickly racked his brain for something he could do on the spot. “I can’t say I can hold a tune like some of us, even though I might have pestered you guys to teach me when we were younger.”
There’s a wry laugh at that — his own. If anyone else had reacted, Vikram couldn’t hear while he balanced being in his head and being present. Always a toss-up. He couldn’t have both without giving up one thing or another. 
“It’s a shame I didn’t keep up with any arts or crafts. Watching the lot of you performing while having dinner was an amazing experience. Honestly, they deserve another round of applause,” he paused for a bit, clapping as well. His posture straightened, confidence growing the more he spoke. “I can’t wait to watch what the rest have lined up as I finish my dinner.”
Knowing his own tendency for going down a rabbit hole every now and then, he had picked up a few too many things over the years. At best, they were mildly useful and at worst? They served no purpose, shelved away to the back of his mind. Maybe it was time to blow the dust off at least one of them. 
“It got me thinking: the dinner we had together on Monday featured some of his favorite dishes. Dessert was apple pie à la mode,” Vikram squinted a bit then, the spotlight suddenly feeling a little too bright; the segue into what he wanted to do a little too forced for his liking. Being put on the spot really tested the limits of his creativity. Perhaps he should’ve done an introductory class on How to Bullshit instead of Physics, with the way this was going.
“So here’s my favorite slice of pi. Just one hundred digits of it.” Light work, really. But boring them with anything more than that would be overkill, wouldn’t it? “Three point one four one five nine two six five three five…”
“…eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six…”
“… four three three eight three two seven nine five zero two eight…”
“…eight four one nine seven one six nine three nine nine three…”
“…seven five one zero five eight two zero nine seven four nine…”
“…four four five nine two three zero seven eight one six four…”
“…zero six two eight six two zero eight nine nine eight six…”
“…two eight zero three four eight two five three four two one…”
“…one seven zero six seven,” he finished, slightly bowing his head in thanks before using those long legs of his to walk briskly back to his seat.
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