#a silly little ramble
saltydumples · 11 months
Oh, goddammit, I came up with ANOTHER idea for an AU and I have NO TIME to write it so I'm just going to scribble down my notes here:
Ze is a human astronomer. He specialises in tracking constellations and planets, and mapping them out. One night whilst stargazing he notices something really weird. Like scientifically life-changing weird. Unfortunately, he never gets to share his discovery.
Chilled is the captain of the galaxy's fiercest space pirates. Or, at least, he's trying to be. He's got the ship, he's got the chaotic charm and charisma, but the crew is, well...questionable. That and the job itself isn't quite what it used to be: there are rules to follow now. And, one such rule, states that any lifeform that does not hold a universal intelligence level of at least 5 Caulks (a very precise galactic measurement not at all to be mistaken for the material used to seal joints) then they must be shielded from any knowledge of lifeforms outside of their solar system until they meet the requirement.
Chilled is a terrible pilot. Very wreckless driving - he has twelve separate accounts of wielding a plasma gun at the wheel. Against the advice of pretty much everyone else on the ship he decides to use the gravity of a small solar system as a slingshot. They're meant to be in and out in the blink of an eye but instead the engines stall and for a second the entirety of the Mungus System is on display right outside of a planet called Earth. And, after a moment, the ship's detectors show that it has not only been witnessed but recorded.
Ze is halfway through looking over the pictures he'd captured of the strange event when they suddenly disappear. Entirely. Wiped from his device - nothing to show for their existence whatsoever. So (panicking over the potential of losing the discovery of his lifetime) he starts to draw it down on a piece of paper from memory. And Ze's memory - when it comes to constellations, at least - is very good. So good, in fact, that the system in Chilled's spaceship warrants him as an immediate breach of law and does the only thing it knows how to in order to fix it: it brings him onboard.
Cue a whole lot of chaos and shenanigans - a space adventure packed with pirates, space nukes, galactic riches and a fantastic abundance of cosmic kitties. The main story will follow Ze as he tries to navigate his love for the unknown with his desire to return home.
That's pretty much the overview of the plot! I'm going to note down more stuff about characters under here:
Ze: Unwilling evidence of a universal breach in conduct. Homesick 60% of the time, curious for the rest of it. He's a fast learner and does his best to find out everything he can from everyone on the ship, even though they're pretty unwilling to teach him. Because, unfortunately for Ze, everyone low-key assumes that he's too dumb to learn it. In fact, given that the average intelligence for humans falls under universal regulations, Ze is not able to be classified as an official crewmate but rather more of a pet. However, as his time in space continues, he soon proves himself to be more competent than about 80% of the ship.
Shubble: Head engineer. This fungi-descended crewmate has a soft spot for all kinds of animals and a penchant for leaving mushrooms in the vents. She's also the second most dangerous person on the ship. She's the proud owner of a rare voidal cat called Starlord alongside her newly adopted human, Ze. If she didn't adopt Ze then she was 90% sure that some of the other crew might have eaten him.
Chilled: The Captain. Reckless and yet simultaneously paranoid; willing to accept ridiculous odds but inconsolable if one (1) space bug is found on the ship. He plans to one day commit the biggest space heist ever seen - legally, of course - and is always in search of the perfect crew to pull it off, most of the time not realising he already has it because half of the people he employs spend their days acting like they're consistently rolling critical fails.
Skadj and Speedy: Deputy Engineer and Assistant Enginer respectively. Really Speedy has the skills to be Head engineer but he turned every offered promotion down - more workload and more responsibility? No thank you. They both come from the same firey planet and have slightly draconian features - claws, tails and orange scales. They can seem a little intimidating but tend to care a lot more than they show. Fun fact: when Ze was abducted onto the ship, they were the first to suggest eating him because humans used to be an old delicacy on their planet.
Kara: Leading Medic/Biologist. One of the only people on the crew with an actual braincell, she's the main glue keeping the mess that is the crew in one piece. Half human, half snake, this space naga is not to be messed with (Chilled should know - she's threatened to crush him twice now): though kind in nature she used to work as an assassin, only switching to piracy so that she could conduct her scientific experiments legally (mostly).
Pasta: Assistant Medic. Less concerned about using shields to save people, more curious as to what they can survive while it's on. Completely unpredictable but protective when it counts, this apparent descendent of the Great Spaghetti Monster has a big heart and one of the best laughs you've ever heard. Chilled didn't so much as hire her as he did find her stowing away on his ship and deciding to let it slide. She's been a part of the crew ever since.
There are so many more people but idk how I would get through them all so I'll just leave it there for now.
Bonus fact: Ze spends 80% of his first few months in space wearing fluffy pastel onesies that Shubble buys him because until he's proven to be above the set universal intelligence level he can't legally make any purchases himself.
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aingeal98 · 4 months
Ok so you know how back in the 2000s there were a few jokes about Cass's gender likely because male comic book writers thought it was funny she had muscles? I'm taking that and spinning it to villains genuinely being confused about what to refer to Cass as.
Goon 1: Cmon man she's obviously called Batgirl
Goon 2: Well last month I told him he wasn't Batman and all he said was "Try me."
Goon 1: Have you heard them speak?
Goon 2: Yep. Pure gravel. You really swear that's definitely a girl's voice?
Goon 1: Has anyone ever gotten a good luck at her?
Goon 2: At Batman's stealthier, faster shadow? Come on Doug.
1 week later
Goon 1: Jerry you're not gonna believe this. The little Bat saved me from getting my brains blown out by Penguin.
Goon 2: Oh nice! Glad you're still-
Goon 1: I asked them what their pronouns were.
Goon 2:
Goon 1:... And they said "Bat"
Goon 2: Well that settles that then. Why are you still referring to bat as they? You want bat to beat you up next time bat sees you?
1 month later
Cass: At first I was confused why villains I save keep complimenting me on my nonbinary swagger. But after Duke explained what that meant... I think I kind of like it. Babs am I... Nonbinary?
Babs, frantically tossing aside her prepared 10 point acceptance speech for when your daughter realises she's a lesbian and scouring her database in search of parenting guides for nonbinary adult children: Honey, you can be whatever you want to be
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haunted-xander · 4 months
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I made this AAAAGES ago and forgot to post it and now I'm annoyed by how it's rotting away on my phone so here. Bratty teen Thancred being a menace to Fourchenault (and a bad influence on Urianger lol)
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aethersea · 19 days
I do think Blazing Saddles handled its one depiction of native americans very poorly, and the full extent of its representation of chinese workers on the railroad is they were literally just there. not even one single speaking line. unclear if this is worse or better than the redface.
it's fucking phenomenal at lampooning antiblack racism though. extremely blatant, extremely funny satire, which is constantly and loudly saying "racism is the philosophy of the terminally stupid at best and morally depraved at worst, and we should all be pointing and laughing at them 24/7"
plus the main character is a heroic black man who has to navigate a whole lot of bullshit but is constantly smirking at the extraordinarily stupid racists and inviting the audience into the joke. the one heroic white character is a guy who was suicidally depressed until he met the protagonist and they just instantly became buds, and he's firmly in a supporting role the whole time and happy to be there. the protagonist saves the day with the help of his black friends from the railroad, and uses the position of power he was given to uplift not only those friends, but all the railroad workers of other minorities too, in an explicit show of solidarity.
anyone saying "Blazing Saddles is racist" had better be talking about its treatment of non-black minorities. it had better not be such superficial takes as "oh but they say the n-word all the time" or "they have nazis and the kkk in there!" because goddamn if that's the full extent of your critique I very seriously suggest you read up on media analysis. there is too much going over your head, you need to learn to recognize satire.
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chronicowboy · 5 months
Buck doesn't know how long they sit there in that café just talking. He's never had that before. The last time he'd done this, sat across from Natalia in the midday sun, he'd been excruciatingly aware of every passing minute as he tried to be fascinating to her, spun yarns of deaths and near-deaths and deathly comas. Here, now, Buck just exists and that seems to be more than enough for Tommy.
Tommy who hangs on his every word like Buck is the next Shakespeare even as he's rambling about rainbow emojis and allyship. Tommy whose smile is so big and wide that it carves the most beautiful caverns into his face that Buck kind of wants to live in. Tommy who grimaces every time he sips the coffee Buck bought him but dutifully drinks the whole thing over the course of their date even when Buck tells him he doesn't have to. Tommy who keeps muffling yawns into his fist every five minutes having just gotten off a twenty-four hour shift like he'd stay in that uncomfortable metal seat forever if he could.
It's the best second date of his life, so when Buck tells him to go home and get some sleep, he doesn't resist the urge to prolong the date for the few moments it takes him to walk Tommy to his car. With anyone else, so soon into whatever this might turn out to be, Buck would worry that it's too much too soon. But Tommy has been so loud in his affection even with how gentle he's made sure to stay. Buck wants to be as free in his wanting as Tommy as is, so he reaches out and slips his fingers between Tommy's, damn near euphoric when they begin to swing between them as they walk.
It takes a moment to drag his eyes up to Tommy's face, caught up in the feeling of a hand in his. It's not the first time he's held a hand, far from it. Not even the first time he's held a man's hand. But this isn't Eddie letting him squeeze his fingers as he screams in pain. This isn't Taylor indulging him every now and then. This is Tommy smiling softly down at their hands like he's as mesmerised by it as Buck is, the tips of his ears growing pink and sending a giddy thrill of satisfaction through him.
"Can I ask you something?" Tommy says, giving Buck's hand a happy little squeeze.
"Don't think there's a limit on second date questions," Buck replies.
"Evan." And, Jesus, there's something about the way Tommy says his name. Even when it's that chiding little tone that should remind him of his parents, all he feels is an overwhelming warmth, all he can hear is fondness.
"Of course you can." Buck grins and watches Tommy's smile crinkle his face all over again like he just can't help it.
"Why'd you choose that abomination of a coffee for me?" And Buck groans just to hear Tommy laugh. "Really? What even was that?"
"Black coffee four sugars," Buck mumbles, kicking a stone across the sidewalk sheepishly.
"Jesus, Evan." Tommy's laugh is something special, loud and unrestrained and the sound of sunshine maybe. "Why?"
"I-I don't know, I panicked!" Buck doesn't realise he's drifting away from Tommy until the man pulls him back in by their joined hands, and Buck lets the bump of their shoulders calm him. "Just thought, you know..." Buck turns towards Tommy's car, but Tommy drags him gently towards the Jeep, leaning against the door when they reach it.
"You just thought..."
"I don't know." He shrugs, heat rising to his cheeks under the weight of Tommy's bright-eyed attention, lowers his voice all the way. "It reminded me of you."
"What was that?" Tommy grins, using the excuse to move in a little closer.
"It reminded me of you," Buck repeats, clearer this time, more confident. "You know, bit foreboding on the outside, but all sweet on the inside."
"Christ, you really are adorable," Tommy breathes, sounding as effected as Buck feels.
A kaleidoscope of butterflies swarms in his stomach, delightfully unfamiliar to him but already intoxicating, almost addicting.
It's not two men stood on a busy sidewalk in the middle of the day then. It's just Buck and someone he really fucking likes, someone he hasn't been able to stop thinking about for a week, someone he's only kissed once somehow. And suddenly that's a fact that absolutely should be rectified.
Buck steps forward, leaning up just ever so slightly on his toes, and kisses Tommy right there in the middle of LA. And it just feels right. Overwhelming in the best of ways. It's a quick press of lips, something more suited to the schoolboy he feels than the very adult man he is, not the kiss he wants but the kiss they both need. Chaste and lovely. A hello again. A beginning.
Tommy's free hand ghosts against his jaw, a flutter of a touch as Buck falls back onto his heels and takes a breath. It takes Tommy a few moments to open his eyes which means Buck gets to watch them flutter open, dazed and delighted.
"Get some sleep, Tommy," Buck tells him, finally letting go of his hand with a squeeze. "Text me when you wake up."
"Yessir," Tommy murmurs.
And Buck can't resist another kiss then, just as quick and chaste, anything else dangerous to Buck's self-restraint, before he unlocks the Jeep and climbs in. Tommy waves him off, and Buck glances back just in time to see Tommy's hand falling down to his lips as if to chase Buck's touch.
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tinartss · 1 year
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to love and be loved in return
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Do you like sci-fi and indie animation? Check out Monkey Wrench!
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sparkleofstardust · 2 months
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cool-lilfella · 4 months
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🎧・Sleepy time a agere moodboard
It is I! The sleepiest baby of them all!
Tried a different moodboard style, what do you think?
Images found on Pinterest, links to the will be provided if asked
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skyward-floored · 3 months
THEM ALL BULLYING WARRIORS AHAHA my poor poor dungeonless man.
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image @/linkeduniverse
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flowercrowngods · 7 months
Steve startles awake, disoriented and filled with a slight bout of panic — as always when he takes a nap that turns into five hours of deep sleep and catapults him right into the next dimension for a while there.
Heart racing, he blinks his dark bedroom into existence, and it takes him a while to realise where he is and what woke him up.
And then the landline phone on his nightstand rings again, and he exhales deeply before reaching for it with clumsy, sluggish movements.
“Steve,” comes Eddie’s sing-song voice from the other end, washing over Steve in a soothing way that leaves him falling back into the pillows. He clutches the phone to his ear as he closes his eyes, the smile already forming at how happy Eddie sounds. He rarely sings Steve’s name like that. He should do it more often.
“Hi there.” His voice sounds like shit. Like he just took a — Jesus Christ, has it really been four hours? Well. He sounds exactly like someone who took a four-hour nap after a shit day at work would sound like.
There’s fumbling on the other end, but it stops suddenly. “Did I wake you? Shit man, I thought it was past nap time.”
“I don’t have nap time,” Steve grumbles, actually pouting at Eddie’s words and realising only a second too late how ridiculous he sounds.
“Sure, man, whatever you say. We all know you’re actually just a life-sized toddler.”
Steve sputters, sitting up against his headboard as he gradually wakes up. “Hey! Also, I don’t think you actually understand what life-sized means.”
“Yes, I do.”
Steve shakes his head at this ridiculous, ridiculous man. “What exactly do you think a non-life-sized toddler looks like, Eduardissimo?”
“Like Dustin.”
The answer is so quick and deadpan, Steve cannot contain the laugh that bursts out of him, waking him up quicker and gentler than anything else in the world could have, and he revels in the sound of Eddie joining him. He must look so smug right now, and so damn proud of himself. Steve wants to see him. Wants to kiss that smile right from his lips and replace it with something a lot more genuine.
“You’re an asshole,” he says instead, pulling his blanket further around him as he lifts his knees to sit more comfortably.
Eddie hums, still teasing somehow with just that noise, and Steve just can’t stop smiling. “You like me so much, Harrington.”
“Hmm,” he mirrors Eddie’s hum, but even he can hear the smile on his face. “Jury’s still out on that one, actually.”
“Any tendencies yet on the verdict?”
“Nope, they can’t decide.”
Eddie snorts at that, and Steve has no idea how that can sound so sweet. But it does. He buries his smile in his knees for a bit, the blanket hot around his burning cheeks. He’s hopeless.
“Well, let me know as soon as they do, yeah?”
“Will do,” he laughs, ruining all his attempts to sound solemn. “So what’s up? Why’d you call?”
“Oh!” And suddenly it’s like a switch has been flipped and Eddie doesn’t sound teasing and smug anymore, but instead just fucking giddy! “I have a bed now!”
Steve smiles at it. At that voice, that tone, that infectious emotion. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” More fumbling on the other end, and Steve can only imagine that Eddie is rolling around in his newly acquired bed.
Who’s the life-sized toddler now, hm?
“No more sleeping on the floor for this Munson boy, nuh-uh, my good sir! We are in possession of a bed now. A wooden bed, no fancy headboard or anything, just…”
“Just a bed,” Steve says, feeling like he’s about to burst into a million little particles of fondness and affection and the never-ending need to kiss Eddie. To hold him. To touch him in any way he can. “That’s great, Edsie.”
“It is, Stevesie.”
“Man, I hate you so much,” Steve squints at the ceiling and laughs, actually kicking his feet, the minute breeze providing a little relief for the heat in his face.
And Eddie has no business to sound so smug when he says, “Yeah, you do.”
A pause then, and it feels loaded even through the phone. Steve clutches it closer to his face, hoping stupidly that Eddie can feel it.
“You should come hate me in my new bed.”
Steve’s breath hitches, and his brain shuts off for a hot second there. Before he can overthink this, he decides to just… play along. And listen to what his heart has been telling him for months now.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, breathless still, but his whole body tingles with just these two words. With the possibility they bring. The offer that they are. The question. The everything that’s stored in them.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and he sounds just as breathless. “I mean, if— If you want to?”
“I do.” Steve swallows. “Right, uh— Right now?”
“Whenever.” And it sounds more like an As soon as possible.
“Okay,” Steve breathes, scrambling out of bed as quickly as possible, pulling off his shirt with the phone still pressed to his ear, letting out an embarrassing noise as it gets tangled in a mess of cord and fabric. He scrambles to free it, almost dropping it in the process. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
“To come look at my new bed?”
On the other end, Eddie laughs again, but he still sounds just as breathless as Steve does. Just as excited. As fragile. Just as many fucking things.
“Alright,” Eddie murmurs, though Steve can still hear the smile. “I’ll see you then.”
And then he hangs up before either of them can get lost in their own heads about this sudden certainty of change. Steve is grateful for the steady noise of the dial tone reminding him that this is happening. But that nothing has to happen.
It’s a nice bed, he finds hours later, fingers combing through Eddie’s hair who’s cuddling him half asleep. It’s the best fucking bed he’s ever seen, if only because it led to this.
🤍 permanent tag list gang: @skiddit @inklessletter @aringofsalt @hellion-child @stobin-cryptid @hotluncheddie @gutterflower77 @auroraplume @steddieonbigboy @n0-1-important @stevesjockstrap @brainvines @puppy-steve @izzy2210 @itsall-taken @mangoinacan13 @madigoround @pukner @i-amthepizzaman @swimmingbirdrunningrock @hammity-hammer @stevesbipanic @bitchysunflower @estrellami-1 (lmk if you want on or off)
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taperecorder-gizmo · 4 months
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Specifically a demon-kin/-gender that feels very silly (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Specifically a demon-kin/-gender that feels like multiple silly demons (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Flag design made by me/xenogender coined by me
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Demons belong to @ink-the-artist and them only!! Demon designs are not mine!! I was given permission to use!!!!
feel free to use btw my fellow demon companions!!
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mmelete · 3 days
Four: *exists*
LU Fandom: my gift to you
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 4 months
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"You said you love me exactly the way I am"
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
always happy about the fact that in 2012, mikey often asked donnie questions if he didn't understand something and donnie always answered no matter what
this can be seen in a bunch of episodes but my favorite example of it it's the one in half shell heroes where mikey is extremely excited to be in the museums and is the one actively asking donnie questions about the exhibits they saw and also actively listening to donnie's explanation (before raph got silly lmao). he was very excited to learn!!!
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And while it's true that mikey would lose interest quite fast if the explanation got too lengthy with too many technical terms, it doesn't change the fact that he does retain the info donnie is always rambling on about different things!!! (even if mikey himself doesn't notice he's doing it lol) and also i find it very sweet that no matter if donnie himself got annoyed, donnie would always answer the questions. no matter what. he would always try to explain if he didn't understand something
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This is prob because mikey is the one brother who is often seeking out donnie to pass time around him Meaning that donnie might have used mikey as his rubber ducky whenever mikey hangs out with him while he's working (explained him a lot of his experiments and theories while trying to solve them himself and in this way mikey also learnt in the process WHILE spending time with his brother! win win!)
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it also helps donnie because accompanies him while not letting him get lonely in his lab 24/7, sometimes explaining things to someone makes it better to understand it yourself AND it's shown in the comics that donnie is quite used to his brothers just Living as background noise and literally cannot function without it lmao
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They are literally the two smart kids in the family even if none of them notice it and it's all because mikey looks up to his brother and is like an sponge with donnie around. donnie is actively teaching mikey and mikey is learning! even if they have no idea they are doing it
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800db-cloud · 13 days
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i’ve been wanting to do this since day one
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