#a source of life but incredibly fierce
freakurodani · 4 months
i think katara and her righteous fury is a beautiful beautiful thing
i think she should call out republic city council on some bullshit and aang should be behind her and when the council looks to him like "Avatar pls" he just shrugs
"my most applicable title right now is 'Katara of the Southern Water Tribe's Husband' actually "
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yeoibps · 3 months
Headcanons with Jujutsu Kaisen Men x Reader
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Gojo Satoru:
Gojo is incredibly charismatic and playful, always keeping things light-hearted, even in the face of danger.
He loves teasing you relentlessly, but it's his way of showing affection.
Secretly, he's very protective of you and would go to great lengths to keep you safe.
Despite his carefree attitude, Gojo is perceptive and always knows when something's bothering you, offering comfort and support without hesitation.
He enjoys spending time with you, whether it's training together, going on missions, or simply lounging around and bantering.
Nanami Kento:
Nanami is stoic and composed, often coming across as aloof, but he's fiercely loyal to those he cares about.
He expresses his affection through acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, like preparing your favorite meal or offering to help with tasks.
Nanami values honesty and straightforwardness, appreciating when you speak your mind and share your thoughts openly with him.
He's a great listener and provides sound advice when you need guidance, drawing from his own life experiences.
Despite his serious demeanor, Nanami has a dry sense of humor that catches you off guard, making you laugh when you least expect it.
Megumi Fushiguro:
Megumi is reserved and introspective, often lost in his own thoughts, but he's fiercely loyal and protective of you.
He's not one to openly express his emotions, but his actions speak volumes, always putting your well-being above his own.
Megumi is a great listener and offers a calming presence, grounding you when things get overwhelming.
He enjoys quiet moments with you, whether it's reading together, taking walks, or simply enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence.
Megumi may struggle with expressing himself verbally, but his gestures, like a gentle touch or a reassuring smile, convey his feelings more than words ever could.
Yuji Itadori:
Yuji is energetic and optimistic, always ready to lend a helping hand and brighten your day with his infectious enthusiasm.
He's fiercely protective of you, willing to jump into danger without hesitation if it means keeping you safe.
Yuji loves spending time with you, whether it's training together, exploring new places, or simply goofing off and having fun.
He's incredibly affectionate and isn't afraid to show it, whether it's through hugs, playful teasing, or random acts of affection.
Yuji's genuine kindness and sincerity make you feel cherished and loved, and you can't help but smile whenever you're around him.
Toji Fushiguro:
Toji is rough around the edges, often blunt and straightforward in his interactions, but he cares deeply for you in his own way.
He's fiercely independent and values his freedom, but he's willing to make sacrifices for you, even if he won't admit it.
Toji may not express his feelings openly, but his actions speak louder than words, and he's always there when you need him, even if he grumbles about it.
He enjoys spending time with you in his own unique way, whether it's going on adventures, training together, or simply sharing a quiet moment.
Toji may not be the most affectionate person, but his presence is a constant source of comfort and strength, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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cool-fancier · 3 months
Captured Moments
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Jennie Kim x Fem Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Synopsis: Y/N and Jennie's journey from trainee friends to K-pop stars culminates in a dazzling Calvin Klein photoshoot, winning fans' hearts
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Before the fame and the bright lights of the K-pop industry, there was a friendship that laid the foundation for something deeper. You and Jennie met during your early days as trainees under the same entertainment company. Drawn together by a shared passion for music and performance, you quickly became inseparable.
Despite the pressures and challenges of trainee life, you found solace in each other's company. Late-night practice sessions turned into heart-to-heart conversations, where you shared your dreams, fears, and aspirations for the future. In Jennie, you found a kindred spirit, someone who understood the highs and lows of chasing your dreams in the cutthroat world of K-pop.
As the years passed, your bond only grew stronger. You watched with pride as Jennie rose through the ranks to become a member of Blackpink, one of the most iconic girl groups in the industry. Meanwhile, you pursued your own solo career, honing your craft and making a name for yourself as a talented performer in your own right.
Through it all, your friendship with Jennie remained a constant source of support and inspiration. You celebrated each other's successes and lifted each other up during the inevitable setbacks and challenges that came with life in the spotlight. And amidst the chaos of the industry, you couldn't help but feel a growing attraction to Jennie – a spark that ignited into something more.
After two years of dancing around your feelings, you and Jennie finally took the leap and confessed your love for each other. It was a decision met with both excitement and trepidation, knowing the potential backlash that could come from being open about your relationship in an industry that often frowned upon same-sex couples.
But love, as they say, knows no bounds. And so, you and Jennie made the decision to stand together, facing whatever challenges came your way with unwavering determination and a fierce devotion to each other.
— — — — — — —
The day of the Calvin Klein photoshoot was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. As one of the main ambassadors for the brand, Jennie was a seasoned pro when it came to posing for the camera, her confidence and poise evident in every frame. Meanwhile, you were a newcomer to the Calvin Klein family, eager to make your mark alongside your girlfriend.
As you stepped onto set, you were greeted by a flurry of activity – stylists fussing over wardrobe choices, makeup artists applying the final touches, and photographers adjusting their cameras for the perfect shot. Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable energy in the air, a sense of anticipation for the magic that was about to unfold.
Jennie was already in the midst of her solo shoot when you arrived, her signature pout and smoldering gaze captivating the camera with effortless ease. You couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, the way she seemed to command attention with every movement.
"Wow," you whispered to yourself, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. "She's incredible."
Just then, Jennie caught your eye from across the room, her lips curling into a mischievous grin as she struck a pose for the camera. You felt a blush creep up your cheeks as she winked in your direction, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
"Cut! That's a wrap for Jennie's solo shots," the photographer called out, signaling the end of the first part of the shoot. Jennie sauntered over to where you were standing, her confidence radiating like a halo around her.
"Hey, you," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. "How's it going?"
You melted into her embrace, reveling in the warmth of her touch. "I'm good," you replied, your voice soft with affection. "Just a little nervous about my solo shots."
Jennie leaned back slightly, her hands resting on your shoulders as she looked at you with a reassuring smile. "You'll be amazing, I know it," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "And besides, I'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
As you and Jennie took your places on set, the photographer wasted no time in getting started. The studio lights cast a warm, flattering glow over both of you, accentuating every curve and contour of your bodies as you stood side by side.
"Alright, let's start with some solo shots first," the photographer instructed, adjusting the lighting and camera settings.
Jennie flashed you a quick grin before striking a pose, her movements fluid and confident as she effortlessly switched from one position to the next. You couldn't help but admire her grace and poise, the way she seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room with just a single glance.
As you watched her, a playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, and you knew she was up to something. Sure enough, as the photographer snapped away, capturing Jennie in all her glory, she couldn't resist throwing in a few extra flourishes – a wink here, a subtle hair flip there – all designed to make you laugh.
"Cut it out, Jennie," you chuckled, shaking your head at her antics. "You're going to distract the photographer."
Jennie just grinned in response, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she struck another pose, this time exaggeratedly dramatic. "What? I'm just giving the people what they want," she quipped, earning a chuckle from the photographer.
After a series of solo shots, it was finally time for the two of you to pose together. As the photographer directed you into position, Jennie sidled up next to you, her shoulder brushing against yours as she flashed you a conspiratorial grin.
"Ready to steal the show?" she whispered, her voice filled with excitement.
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face as you leaned in closer to her. "Always."
With that, the two of you launched into a series of playful poses, each one more adventurous than the last. From piggyback rides to playful wrestling matches, you threw yourselves into the shoot with abandon, reveling in the freedom of being able to express your love openly.
As the photographer urged you to get closer, you felt a surge of adrenaline course through your veins, the thrill of being able to share this intimate moment with Jennie overwhelming your senses. With each click of the shutter, you and Jennie grew bolder, more daring in your displays of affection.
"Let's try something a little more intimate," the photographer suggested, motioning for the two of you to move closer together.
Jennie grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you flush against her. "Closer, baby," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear.
You shivered at the sensation, your heart racing as you allowed yourself to surrender to the moment. Wrapping your arms around Jennie's neck, you pulled her even closer, reveling in the feel of her body pressed against yours.
"Perfect," the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you and Jennie shared a lingering gaze. In that moment, there was no one else in the world but the two of you – lost in each other's eyes, bound together by an unbreakable bond of love.
As the shoot came to an end and the final shots were captured, you and Jennie lingered on set, reluctant to let go of the intimacy that had enveloped you. It had been a day filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between, but through it all, you had stood together – united in love and unwavering in your commitment to each other.
"Thank you," you whispered to Jennie, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "For everything."
Jennie smiled, her eyes shining with love and affection. "Anytime, my love. Anytime."
As the photographer signaled for you to start your solo shots, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the task ahead. The studio lights illuminated the set, casting dramatic shadows against the backdrop as you struck your first pose.
You glanced over at Jennie, who was watching you intently from the sidelines, her eyes filled with admiration and pride. With a playful smirk, you began to move, each step deliberate and purposeful as you channeled your inner confidence.
"Work it, babe!" Jennie called out, her voice filled with encouragement.
You couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, feeling a surge of warmth wash over you at her words. With renewed determination, you launched into a series of sexy poses, each one designed to showcase your best angles and highlight your natural beauty.
As you moved, the photographer adjusted the lighting, capturing your every movement with precision and skill. With each click of the shutter, you felt yourself growing more confident, more empowered by the knowledge that you were owning the moment.
"Beautiful!" the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you struck a particularly sultry pose. You couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement course through you at the praise, a sense of satisfaction settling over you as you basked in the spotlight.
But it wasn't just the photographer's approval that spurred you on – it was Jennie's unwavering support and encouragement that gave you the strength to push yourself further. With each passing moment, you felt yourself growing more confident, more radiant in your beauty.
As the shoot progressed, you found yourself growing bolder, more daring in your poses. You threw caution to the wind, allowing yourself to fully embrace the sensuality of the moment as you basked in the glow of the studio lights.
"Hot damn!" Jennie exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration as she watched you in awe. "You are absolutely killing it!"
You grinned at her praise, feeling a surge of pride swell within you. With renewed energy, you continued to pose, each movement fluid and graceful as you allowed yourself to fully inhabit the role of the confident, seductive soloist.
As the shoot came to an end, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you. You had conquered the camera, owning every moment with grace and style. And as you looked over at Jennie, her eyes shining with pride, you knew that you had done more than just take pictures – you had captured a moment of pure magic, a moment that would live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who witnessed it.
— — — — — —
After the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot were released, the response from fans was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. Rather than hate, there was an outpouring of love and admiration for you and Jennie. Your fans flooded social media with comments and messages, expressing their awe at the stunning images and the undeniable chemistry between you and Jennie.
As you scrolled through the countless messages on your phone, a wide grin spread across your face. It was incredible to see the positive impact your photos had on your fans, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support.
As the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot made their way onto social media, fan accounts dedicated to you and Jennie erupted with excitement. The images of the two of you, captured in intimate and sensual poses, quickly became the talk of the town, eliciting a flurry of reactions from your devoted followers.
@JenYoursTruly: "OMG, have you seen the latest pics of Y/N and Jennie for Calvin Klein? They look absolutely stunning together! 😍 #Yennie"
@YNNation: "Y'all, I think I've died and gone to heaven after seeing those photos of Y/N and Jennie. Can you say power couple? 🔥 #Yennie"
@JennieIsQueen: "Jennie and Y/N's chemistry is off the charts! These photos are everything we never knew we needed. #Yennie"
@YNNavy: "I'm convinced that Y/N and Jennie are the eighth wonder of the world after seeing those Calvin Klein pics. My heart can't handle this level of perfection. 💖 #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "I swear, Y/N and Jennie are trying to kill us with their hotness. Those photos are pure fire! 🔥 #Yennie"
"Wow, look at this," you said, turning to Jennie as you showed her your phone. "Our fans are going crazy over these pictures."
Jennie leaned in to get a closer look, her eyes widening in amazement as she read through the comments. "I can't believe it," she said, her voice filled with awe. "They really love us, don't they?"
"They do," you replied, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "And can you blame them? We look pretty damn good together."
@YNNation: "Obsessed with Y/N and Jennie! They redefine couple goals with every photo and every moment they share together. #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "Y/N and Jennie are the epitome of love and beauty. We stan this power couple forever! 💖 #Yennie"
@YJEnthusiasts: "Every time Y/N and Jennie grace us with their presence, we're reminded that true love exists. Here's to forever shipping #Yennie!"
@YJUniverse: "No words can describe the magic of Y/N and Jennie together. Their bond is unbreakable, and their love shines brighter than any star. 🌟 #Yennie"
@JenniesDarling: "Y/N and Jennie radiate love in every photo, every gesture, every smile. Their relationship is an inspiration to us all. 💕 #Yennie"
Jennie chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. "We do, don't we? I'm so glad we did this shoot together."
"Me too," you said, smiling as you leaned into her touch. "It was an unforgettable experience, and I'm so grateful we got to share it."
As the two of you basked in the glow of your success, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. With each passing day, your bond grew stronger, your love for each other deeper than ever before. And as you looked ahead to all the adventures that lay in store, you knew that together, you could conquer anything.
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tragedybunny · 3 months
A Little Visitor
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It started as a typical evening for Serafina and Astarion on their journey throughout Faerûn. Tonight, though, Serafina is surprised by a furry little visitor to their camp, who might be more than he seems.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings / Tags༻ No warnings, just fluffy fun!
༺Word Count༻ 1691
The is for the lovely @icybluepenguin, thank you for the gift my dear. I treasure him and you.
Edited by @grandmother-goblin, thanks again for the work on it.
Read on AO3
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A vampire spawn, when not half-starved, can have a number of incredible abilities. In their time traveling together, Astarion has grown stronger and discovered some of these abilities for himself. The problem, Serafina has observed, was that without another vampire to teach him about those abilities, they tended to be discovered by accident. 
Such as the spider-climb incident. A couple of thieves had tried to rob the inn that her and Astarion were staying in, cornering them across the room from the exit. Astarion had backed up to take a better shot at one of the bastards and had simply walked up a wall without thinking. When the fight was over, he had attempted to get back down and ended up falling in a very undignified heap on the floor. Sera’s attempt to coddle him and soothe his ego was undermined by giggles she kept choking back. The whole incident ended with him pouting until he received enough kisses and compliments to forgive her. 
There were other little surprises that came to them as well. Astarion healing faster than he could realize that he was hurt, or moving at speeds that she couldn’t track. Every new facet left him radiantly happy. Until now, his vampiric body had been nothing but a source of misery; years of torture, a whole life lost to the darkness, and not even a sense of what he looked like. But now, he was free. His body was his own, and he could take pride in the things it was capable of. 
The only downside Sera had found was the emergence of a fiercely protective streak. One that occasionally caused him to treat her like she was made of glass — including jumping in front of her when he perceived danger. Such instances usually ended with one of her eldritch blasts in his back and a discussion about her being a very capable warlock who saved the world, in case he had forgotten. 
She wouldn’t change a thing about him. Impulsive, sharp-tongued, and macabre as he could be, he was also loving, brave, and so much fun. Even if he was not particularly good at more domestic tasks, as the laundry she was hauling up from the river could attest. If it was up to him, laundry day was always tomorrow. So, she’d taken the last of the daylight while he tranced to catch up a bit. Unfortunately, it was going to have to dry by firelight, one of many small adjustments she'd made for a more nocturnal life. 
Astarion was worth all of them, though. 
Plopping the basket near the fire, she began to hang the wet items on the laundry line that was set earlier. The sky had gone full dark and it seemed a little strange that Astarion hadn’t wandered out of the tent yet. Hanging the last of the clothes, she poked her head into the tent with a little apprehension. Astarion still had the occasional nightmare or moment of panic, the horrors he had endured crawling out from the crevices of his mind to torment him and he would sometimes try to endure those alone. It wouldn’t surprise her to find him curled up in bed working through one. 
Instead, emptiness greeted her. 
“Astarion,” she called, perplexed, stepping inside the tent. 
It wasn’t like him to just wander off without telling her; even his nightly hunts were announced. Sera felt her pulse rise but told herself he’d seen her note and just went in search of a quick bite. She’d head back to the fire and give it a few minutes before worrying. As she turned to go, something caught her eye. Eldritch power crackled in her fingertips as a shape hurtled toward her from the depths of the tent. 
Just before she released a blast of magical energy, the shape became clear: a small white bat. Dismissing the spell, she stood still, flustered as the creature didn't slow. Finally, the little bat smacked into her chest, chittering loudly. 
Cautiously, her hands cupped him, wary of the small teeth in his mouth. His wild noises stopped, and he seemed to sulk in her hands. She had to be reading too much into what looked like a pout on his face. “Are you hurt, little guy? What are you doing in my tent?” 
The bat in her hands flapped his wings and squeaked before deflating again. 
“You must be hurt. Let’s see what we can do for you.” Gently, still wary he could bite down at any moment, Sera looked around for some place comfortable to place him before giving in and just lowering him onto her pillow. “I don’t suppose you’d let me look you over?” 
Settling onto the bed next to the little creature, she gently picked up a wing, which he snatched back. “Oh come on, I need to see what’s wrong with you. Too bad Halsin isn’t here.” The bat suddenly hissed, and she glanced down at him with worry. “Maybe Astarion can help me when he gets back.” A flurry of noises followed her words, and she laughed. “Oh, you like the sound of his name. It is a lovely name, isn’t it? Well, he’s lovely overall.” 
The bat wiggled excitedly, like he was trying to fly but couldn’t quite do it. 
“Poor thing. Promise not to bite me?” That time he definitely chittered in response, and Sera stared at it curiously. Could there be more to this small bat than she’d thought? Picking up the pillow, she placed him in her lap and cautiously stroked his soft fur. 
She hadn’t ever touched a bat before, but its fur was silkier than she would have thought, and it seemed to relax beneath her fingertips. “You’ll like Astarion,” she started, talking idly while she continued to pet him. “He’s a creature of the night like you.” 
He made another little noise. 
“You seem very interested in my… partner. I suppose that’s the best word for him. It doesn’t really quite do it justice, though. Hmm. Beloved. That’s a weird way to introduce someone, though.” 
Her new friend had relaxed under the motion of her fingers. 
“Can I look you over now?” she asked, lifting a wing to no resistance. Gently, she inspected both wings and his back. “I have to pick you up now, to see the rest of you.” 
With a soft squeak, he gave in. Sera carefully looked over his ears, and flipped him upside down to inspect his stomach before setting him back down. 
“I’m sorry, little guy, I can’t seem to see what’s wrong with you.” She went back to petting him. “Maybe once Astarion is back we can look for some local druids. I hope he’s alright, he doesn’t usually disappear on me. Maybe I should go look for him, in case something is wrong. I don’t know what I’d ever do without him.”
“I’ve never loved anyone like I love him. Even if he was a pain when we first met.” There was an almost indignant sounding squeak from the bat and Sera froze. “And he can be so very vain sometimes.” 
The bat exploded into noises, flapping its wings.
“Gods above, it can’t be.” She looked down and found red eyes looking back at her with a definite bit of embarrassment. “Astarion?” 
“SQUEAK.” Came the answer. 
Picking him up, she held him in front of her face staring at him. The little rascal’s tongue lapped out and licked her nose. “How did you even manage this? And how do I get you back.” 
The bat, Astarion, answered with a sad chirp and tried again to fly, this time managing to get himself airborne before crashing back down to the pillow waiting in her lap. “Love, what am I going to do with you?” 
Astarion hissed and let his little head fall onto the pillow. 
“I suppose this isn’t fun for you either at this point. What if you concentrated on it? Or didn’t concentrate? Or maybe sleep?” Each question was followed by noises that would have assuredly been not very nice words. 
“Well if you’re going to be rude — ” she set the pillow down on the bed “ — figure it out yourself. I need to make sure the laundry hasn’t been stolen by wildlife.” 
She'd barely stood when he began wildly flapping, attempting to get to her. Sighing, sure turned back, only to catch him for the second time that night, and have him excitedly lap at her hands. “Fine, I know you're sorry.” 
“We'll get this fixed, but you had better stay in here. I don't think you can get away from a predator right now.” 
Astarion hissed as she carried him back to the pillow, wings fluttering still.
“I'm sure you'll figure out the flying bit.” 
He had stilled in her hands and looked defeated. 
Sera’s heart ached for her love, trapped in a form he couldn't control. “It will be alright, I promise.” 
 Bringing him close, she gently kissed his little bat snout. 
Something in the air shifted and Sera sensed a change causing her to let go of Astarion. The small form was engulfed in shadow and a weight hit the mattress. “Hells!”
“Astarion,” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him and feeling his arms around waist. “Gods, you had me worried.” 
Pulling her close, he nuzzled into her stomach, chuckling softly. “So little confidence in me darling?”
“Forgive me for being scared my partner would be a bat forever, even if it would give me a lot more peace and quiet.” 
“Is that how you feel?” The only warning she had was the tightening of his arms around her waist. “You’re so cruel to me.” She yelped as Astarion pulled her down to the mattress, and snuggled against her. “Though I suppose this wasn't my finest display of power.”
Her fingers pulled through his silver curls and she kissed the top of his head. “You'll be perfect at it in no time, my love.” 
Astarion hummed happily and kissed the hollow of her throat. “At least I'll have you to pet and pamper me if I get stuck again.” 
tag list:
@micropoe10  @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
 @tallymonster  @dependsonthedream @sunfire-ancunin 
@bambamwolf87 @fayeriess @lumienyx @lisrelly
@elora-the-slutty-songstress @bhaalbaaby @spacebarbarianweird
@satanicspinosaurus @darlingxdragon @wanderingisobel @astarionsbeloved
@vixstarria @claryvoyantfray @misscrissfemmefatale @bg3obsessedsideblog @captainaceofspades @wickedwitchofthewilds @asterordinary @talented-bitch @waking-electric @snowfolly
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minix55 · 2 months
How BTS would be as Boyfriends
RM (Namjoon): As a boyfriend, Namjoon would be your rock. He'd listen intently to your thoughts and feelings, always offering wise advice when you need it. With his deep intellect, he'd engage you in stimulating conversations about life, philosophy, and your shared interests. He'd be your biggest supporter, encouraging you to chase your dreams and explore new horizons together. Plus, his romantic gestures would often involve heartfelt letters or late-night walks under the moonlight, where he'd share his innermost thoughts with you.
Jin (Seokjin): Jin would be the epitome of a caring and attentive boyfriend. He'd pamper you with homemade meals and endless compliments, making sure you feel loved and appreciated every day. With his witty humor, he'd keep the relationship light-hearted and fun, always finding ways to make you smile. Jin would also be incredibly romantic, planning surprise date nights and showering you with thoughtful gifts that show how much he cares. And when you're feeling down, he'd be there with his comforting embrace and a warm bowl of soup.
Suga (Yoongi): Yoongi would be the mysterious and enigmatic boyfriend who surprises you with his depth and sensitivity. While he may seem reserved at first, he'd open up to you in quiet moments, sharing his innermost thoughts and feelings. As a partner, he'd respect your independence and support your ambitions, understanding the importance of space and freedom in a relationship. Yoongi's love language would often be expressed through his music, with heartfelt lyrics that resonate with your soul, and he'd cherish the simple moments spent together, whether it's cuddling on the couch or watching the sunset.
J-Hope (Hoseok): Hoseok would bring boundless energy and positivity into the relationship, turning every day into an adventure. He'd be your source of sunshine on cloudy days, lifting your spirits with his infectious laughter and cheerful personality. As a boyfriend, he'd be spontaneous and adventurous, always planning exciting outings and surprising you with spontaneous dance parties in the living room. Hoseok would also be incredibly caring and affectionate, showering you with hugs, kisses, and endless displays of love that leave you feeling cherished and adored.
Jimin: Jimin would be the romantic and affectionate boyfriend who wears his heart on his sleeve. He'd constantly remind you of how much you mean to him, showering you with affectionate gestures and heartfelt compliments. As a partner, he'd be incredibly attentive to your needs, always going out of his way to make you feel loved and cherished. Jimin's love language would often be expressed through physical touch, with hugs and cuddles that melt your heart. Plus, he'd be your biggest cheerleader, supporting you through thick and thin and celebrating your achievements as if they were his own.
V (Taehyung): Taehyung would be the artistic and free-spirited boyfriend who fills your life with creativity and wonder. He'd introduce you to new experiences and perspectives, encouraging you to embrace your passions and explore the world together. As a partner, he'd be incredibly expressive and romantic, writing you love letters and capturing your moments together through his photography or art. Taehyung would also be deeply empathetic, always attuned to your emotions and offering a comforting presence when you need it most. And with his playful sense of humor, he'd turn even the most mundane moments into memorable adventures.
Jungkook: Jungkook would be the devoted and dependable boyfriend who's always there for you, no matter what. He'd prioritize your happiness above all else, going out of his way to make you feel loved and appreciated every day. As a partner, he'd be incredibly loyal and supportive, standing by your side through the ups and downs of life. Jungkook would also be fiercely protective of you, always putting your needs and safety first. And while he may be the youngest, he'd show maturity beyond his years, approaching the relationship with thoughtfulness and care. Plus, his boundless energy and enthusiasm would infuse every moment with excitement and joy.
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tinietaehyun · 2 months
Forsaken [XV]
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader] [Series] [Chapter Fifteen]
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Pairing: Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader [Ft. Sorcerer!Yeonjun]
Genre(s): Fantasy, romance, enemies to lovers, supernatural, action.
Contains: Profanity, mentions of slightly graphic injury, blood/blood-loss, stabbing, burns.
Links: Forsaken Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: Bound in chains, hope seemed bleak. You hope Taehyun would come to save you but at the same time you didn’t want him risking his life at the hand of his former friend now foe. It seemed all tension had been building up to this moment in which life and death were hanging in the balance.
You wonder how your story would turn out? How would Taehyun’s story turn out? Would you two even be alive after this to tell the tale?
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Kneeling down, with trembling hands, Taehyun peers at the remaining embers of his beloved cabin. The smell of burnt wood and singed soil and foliage permeates the air.
He had never expected it to turn out this way. As he saw the tufts of smoke whilst picking the berries, he immediately knew something was up. A horrid gut feeling that you were in danger, that something was incredibly wrong. So he ran. Ran as though his life depended on it. It did, after all, you were his new life, his new hope in the right direction.
Though when he arrived at the scene it was just a little too late. The flames roared and crackled at the hollow cabin which fell and crumbled as though it were paper. His years- no, his father’s years of hardwork, now in ashes and pieces. The things he’s collected over the years from merchants and his occasional travels. Now gone. He had quelled down the fire with a hasty spell.
He peers down at his satchel, at least he still had his father’s spells in his crinkled notebook and his wand. He wouldn’t know what to do if they got destroyed. Tears drip down his face; the only photograph with his father was in there. Now incinerated into nothing.
Taehyun’s nails dig into the soil as his sorrow slowly forms into rage and his hands form fists. You. Initially he had ran into the flames seeking you, but you were nowhere. For once he was grateful that you were not in sight, he’d rather you be missing than be burnt to death in such a horrid manner.
More tears drip down his face as his body rattles in anger. He had taken you, he had taken his home and his little remaining memories. Choi Yeonjun, that sick and twisted bastard.
Now he had taken his one source of pure joy, his heart; you. God knows, what condition you were in? Taehyun is enraged at the thought of his hands dragging you away against your will, your screams, your fights. Knowing Yeonjun, he probably used magic to succumb your fierce retaliation.
“You’re going to fucking pay for this, Yeonjun,” Taehyun grits his head hung low; voice shaky.
“You’ll regret ever crossing me,” his tone laced with sheer malice. He’d make Yeonjun beg for mercy, beg to die rather than be kept alive. He’d unleash all these years of pent up anger and vengeance in one go.
Yeonjun had to be stopped once and for all. He had to keep you safe, save you. Because, you were his new world. Even if he would lose his life in the process, someone as pure-hearted and noble as you should stay and make this little slice of the world a better place.
He’d get you safe away from Yeonjun’s cruel grasp. Taehyun knew you’d not be in good hands, hell, he knew you wouldn’t be alive for much longer. Yeonjun was smart, sly and by dragging you there, Taehyun was sure to follow. Taehyun knew he'd have to face his long time ex-best friend and rival again.
Once and for all.
Taehyun stands up, wiping away his tears and brushing himself off and slinging the satchel over his right shoulder. With heavy steps he begins walking along the eroded path towards the edge of the Woods of Mors, undoubtedly for the last time ever. He would go to the Palace of Fortuna to confront Yeonjun.
Shakily you peer down at your wrists now aching from the harsh metal cuffs grinding against your skin as you knelt in front of the throne your father once sat on.
Anger seethes within you; the throne that you were the rightful heir to. The throne that people would risk their life to sit on, to abuse their power and manipulate the people to their whims.
“Goodness, does it hurt? The chains?” A voice cuts through your tormented mind. You peer up seeing Yeonjun walking toward you with a pleased smile, “Oh princess, it really is unbecoming of you to be on the floor, kneeling in chains no less, but alas, what can we do? Fate is just ever so,” he crouches in front of you, “Cruel.”
You glare into his eyes with sheer hatred. His eyes glimmer as though he was amused by your little act of bravery. “Come now, glaring? How adorable, as if that’s going to scare me into removing your chains.”
“Scared I’ll escape?” You sneer. Yeonjun muses, “Well not scared, just don’t want to take any chances. I’ve come this far after all. This whole ordeal has taken a far longer time than I’d have liked it to.” You glare, “What, like manipulating Sehun like a puppet for years?”
“Precisely! You get me princess,” he chuckles making you grimace. “How tirsome it was to cater to his foolish whims and flatter him. It really does make me think I could have gone for you if I had waited a little. Then again, you are far smarter than him.”
You scoff, “You are disgusting. Gaining power through killing, treachery, betrayal. To think you’ll become king makes my stomach churn and heart burn with rage.”
He coos, “Oh how unfortunate you think that way. I think I’d be a great king, I’ll take Fortuna to new heights and make us see new horizons. Though, I suppose you wouldn’t believe me. Either way, you won’t be there to see it,” he eerily smiles. You stiffen; he was serious about ending your life.
“Why are you keeping me here? It’s almost been an entire day..” you snarl. Your knees were numb from this. Was this a punishment of sorts or did he derive some sort of sadistic pleasure from seeing you like this? All beaten down and helpless?
Yeonjun stands with a wicked smile, “Well, good question. If I got rid of you, that would leave your accomplice behind, no? Oh he’s a slippery sorcerer, always keeping away from the public eye. So, I thought, since he finds you rather special…” Your brain whirrs and you connect the dots. With wide eyes you stammer, “You want him here?”
“Oh he’s probably already on his way. Almost nearby? Who knows? But what I do know is that knowing his temper, he is going to come for me whether I like it or not.” Yeonjun grins. He places his hands behind his back as he leisurely paces around, “Enraged that I burnt his home to ashes, that I took his beloved, and well of course all our previous history too. Oh I bet he is just itching to take me down!”
You stare at Yeonjun in disgust. How arrogant! Your eyes water, Taehyun’s cabin, you couldn’t imagine how much he had lost. A small inkling of guilt forms inside you; if you were there he would have been fine. His cabin unscathed, Taehyun’s life undisturbed but no, you just had to drag him into all your mess. He had already suffered enough hasn't he? Yet here he was suffering once more.
Yeonjun gazes down at you and notices your tears dripping down and his eyes darken, “Oh what’s this? The mere mention of his name has you breaking down? Goodness you must love him ever so much, hm?” He scoffs, releasing a “tch.”
“What does he have anyway? To garner the attention of a princess. I suppose he always did aim high.” You snap outraged, “Stop it! Stop talking and leave me be with your condescending nonsense! Enough!” A sob escapes your lips.
If Taehyun came here, his life would be at risk. Though at the same time you wanted him here. No, he was capable and could handle himself. Trust him, y/n. Trust him.
“Oh and…do you still remember that little knight of yours?” Yeonjun muses. You stiffen, “Kai- Kai what did you do to him, you bastard?!” Yeonjun releases a laugh, “Oh my, calm down princess. He’s alive. Barely, alive but alive nonetheless.” You whimper pitifully, “Why? He didn’t do anything!”
“He was supposed to bring you back way earlier. He disobeyed Sehun’s orders. I thought back then, that he would indeed be a thorn in my side later on. Because I knew, he’d be your ally not mine,” Yeonjun apathetically hums. You cry out, “Don’t kill him please, I’ll convince him not to get involved. You can even relieve him of his position as a knight please!”
Yeonjun chuckles, “This is rather pathetic of you princess. It’s not about what you want, remember that. Maybe if he stayed an obedient and well trained knight, he’d still be commander and be well, by my side, healthy.” You weep pitifully as memories of Kai run through your mind; your most recent back at the palace where he let his feelings for you go.
“Sehun made the warden give him a severe whipping everyday, don’t know how he’s still alive actually, quite the resilient man, hm?” You sob harder; your beloved knight had suffered because you didn’t go back with him. So many people around you suffered. Now your people were going to suffer with a tyrant on the throne.
You grit out sniffling, “You’re nothing but a shadow of the man you want to be. You’ll always be inferior to him, even if you are king, it won’t change the fact that your father stole his father’s spell book that you copied everything that had and stole his position not through your own-“ he grabs your hair pulling it harshly back with his hand forming a fist; you yelp in pain.
“Shut that fucking mouth of yours, you spoiled brat. I was trying to be as nice as I could yet you and your brother were always so talkative at the wrong times. What a fucking nuisance.” He twists and pulls harder making more tears roll down, “Stay still, keep quiet and sit pretty, understand? I’ve had enough of your chitchat.”
You snarl, “Fuck-ah, you!-“ His eyes widen and he lets out a laugh, “Princess has learnt to cuss has she? Oh, how cute.” You writhe as he tugs at your hair painfully. Suddenly, he lets go, making you collapse against the floor with a loud rattle of chains.
Ragged breaths escape your lips as you gaze fiercely upon him. His smile, sly and cunning, as though a snake slithering towards its prey. You hated it. “Now don’t exhaust yourself, and sit tight alright? I’ll come check on you here and there, keep you company until-“
Before he can finish responding; a large sound akin to an explosion resounds in the palace. Even the ground vibrates with slight force at whatever impact caused it. What on Earth? Another large bang resounds out and noticeable commotion begins as guards rush out of the throne room and panicked maids flurry here and there.
Yeonjun’s gaze darkens and his lips form a twisted smile. He outstretches his hand out, closing his eyes as though sensing something. Yeonjun nods to himself before humming, “Ah, it seems your beloved is here to save the day. Huh, even quicker than I expected. He must really love you, either that, or he is enraged at me.”
Your heart races; he could sense Taehyun? Of course he could! Taehyun was here? Nervousness brims within you; he was in the palace! You wanted to see his face again; be in his arms again where you felt safe as if nothing or no one could hurt you.
The clatter of armor resounds as a knight heaves for breath rushing in. “Yeo-Your highness, there is a violent intruder, black cloak- high energy sorcery, we believe it’s-“
“I know who it is, you fool. Where is he? Has he made it inside the palace?” Yeonjun slices in sharply.
The knight shakes, “Sire- I-I don’t know, I ran to tell you the news, they were trying their best to fend him off, but he’s-he’s deranged. There were men flying everywhere; getting thrown like mere dolls into the walls!”
Yeonjun runs his hands through his hair, letting out a manic laugh, “Of course. He’s furious! As expected.”
“He-“ the knight begins but lets out a piercing scream of agony as he suddenly crumples to the floor and falls unconscious writhing. Your eyes widen in shock as you peer up seeing a very familiar black cloak.
The eery echo of his footsteps resound as he enters the throne room; his eyes are malevolent, an intense rage you had never seen in Taehyun’s eyes before, mixed with hurt. The dark aura radiating off of him was entirely something else.
His wand outstretched pointed where he previously knocked out the knight now aimed straight at Yeonjun. You clamber up haphazardly writhing in your chains as you call out in desperation, “Taehyun!”
This seems to have snapped him out of his ferocity and his eyes instantly soften, “Y/n!” His eyes flicker down to your cuffed wrists and his jaw clenches, “Those chains…” He hated it, someone like you in chains as though you were a despicable criminal or lowly scum.
Taehyun snarls peering at Yeonjun who peers at him with a chillingly calm smile, “You fucking bastard, to think you couldn’t sink any lower.”
“I see your abilities are in rather good condition. Took out Fortuna’s soldiers with ease, hm? Then again, I suppose a sword or spear won’t do much against sorcery,” Yeonjun muses.
Taehyun snaps walking forward, “Be serious. Do not jest when you have caused so much suffering and turmoil for those around you, even to this day. How low can you continue to stoop?”
“Oh no, I only continue to rise-“ Yeonjun begins. You spit out seething, “To be king? How despicable.” Taehyun’s lips form a sneer, “All this to be king? You?” Taehyun scoffs, “Oh you’d only bring disaster for this nation as if it isn’t in shambles anyway after Sehun’s mismanagement.”
“Well, I took care of Sehun, and I plan to take care of the results of his incompetent decision making, no need to fret, Taehyun,” Yeonjun snarks. Taehyun snaps, “To think I once called you my best friend.”
Yeonjun hums scathingly, “I could say the same. Though it is rather amusing to meet you after all these years, you’ve grown quite alike to your father. It irks me truly.”
Taehyun’s gaze darkens, “Having stole his legacy, his hardwork, siding with your pathetic excuse of a father, I think I should be irked, appalled in fact. That you’re in the place where my father should be, where I should be.”
“Still as arrogant as ever. I suppose the Kang Bloodline is the only suitable lineage for the Royal Sorcerer position, hm?” Yeonjun sneers, stepping forward agitated. Taehyun says infuriated, “Not if you genuinely worked hard and earned the position, but no, you betrayed me, you betrayed everyone, you manipulated your way to where you are now.”
Taehyun points his wand at him as he walks forward, “You are nothing without using other people for your own benefit and leeching off them. That’s what sets us apart.”
Yeonjun loses his patience as he unleashes a powerful wave of magic from his wand aimed at Taehyun. You squint seeing flashes of different colours flying back and forth. The air in the room feels charged from the amount of mana being generated. You scoot back leaning against the wall mortified at the scene. You were incredibly worried for Taehyun.
The two sorcerers unleash an array of different spells and attacks dancing around each other, ducking and dodging, creating barriers and force fields, orbs and flashes which illuminate the room. It’s an horrifically beautiful sight; in which two men once the best of friends viciously attack one another warping and sprinting, skidding and sliding.
Taehyun snarls in pain as a spell singes and sizzles against his skin, burning. He flicks his wand in an intricate pattern putting some distance between himself and Yeonjun.
Yeonjun breathes out with a deranged glint in his eyes, “Why are you backing away? I thought you were better than that?” A breathless chuckle leaves his lips as he releases an onslaught of mana orbs directed at Taehyun. He tries his best to dodge but some still scathe him.
Taehyun ducks and unleashes an intense wave of mana, glowing a bright red making Yeonjun skid back and stumble; his skin prickles and burns. The two partake in a dangerous dance waving and elegantly flicking their wands as numerous spells are cast second by second.
As Taehyun recovers, he peers back at you briefly. Your eyes glaze over with tears; your eyes widen to warn Taehyun, “Taehyun!- Watch out!”
A fist lands against Taehyun’s nose and he is knocked down. Blood drips down his lips and chin as he coughs. Yeonjun sneers down his wand pointed, “Oh you don’t understand how long I’ve been aching to do that. I must have surely broken your nose, hm?”
Taehyun grits his teeth; you shake seeing the blood as tears fall from your face. No! No! Taehyun attempts to get up but Yeonjun kicks him down; pressing his boot down on his chest, twisting painfully down onto his sternum. “Stay down, there’s no need to get up.”
Taehyun grunts in pain finding it difficult to breathe; the pressure on his chest becoming more agonising by the second. “You’ve gotten sloppy, you know, I suppose it’s only natural when you’ve been isolated for so long.” Yeonjun hums darkly, leaning down and putting more pressure on his foot, “I know every spell you do, after all. Don’t think of me as the same little kid you could beat each time, Taehyun. Times have changed.”
You release a piercing scream, “Leave him be! He’s going to die at this rate! Please!” Your body wracks with sobs. Taehyun’s face becomes pale and he heaves for breath. It hurt you incredibly to see him like this in pain, so downtrodden. What was happening? Had you both underestimated Yeonjun?
“Hush, hush, princess, it won’t be too long. I’ll make his death somewhat peaceful.” Taehyun grits out, “You fucking-ah, piece of shit- you’ll-“ he coughs once more. Yeonjun hums sadistically, “You know what, I’ll even let you join him right after. Aren’t I generous? Two lovers joint in death? Almost romantic.”
Taehyun writhes and kicks; lifting his shaking hand with his wand. Your eyes widen and you suddenly shout, “Taehyun my chains!” Before Yeonjun could even process the raspy words being uttered out of Taehyun’s lips; your chains violently rattle and then shatter off you.
Yeonjun snarls, “You-“ With all your might, you stand and charge at him, you need to give Taehyun a chance to fight. Yeonjun is forced to move his leg off Taehyun and he aims his wand at you sending a large sizzling flash of mana at you. You narrowly miss it and you run forwards, arms outstretched as you shove him back; he lets out a laugh; grabbing your wrist and twisting it back painfully, “You’re pitifully naive, princess.”
You yelp in pain, and Taehyun grunts, getting up slowly, steadying himself and gaining his breath back. Blood now drying up on his chin and philtrum. You scream and writhe in his grasp. Yeonjun begins uttering another enchantment and you feel the air around you heat up.
Taehyun hisses aiming a few large mana intense orbs at Yeonjun; he shoves you aside and attempts to dodge. One of the orbs lands on his shoulder he shudders in pain and grunts. Taehyun lunges forward sending an onslaught of attacks.
You whine brushing yourself off as you watch the two engage in combat; this time a mixture of sorcery and physical combat. Taehyun gets a few punches in here and there. The two men fight with a new fire in their eyes.
Yeonjun sneers, “You think I can’t take the two of you on? Your fighting is futile.” Your eyes widen hearing more knights (albeit slightly injured) rush in. They all charge toward Taehyun. You yell, “Taehyun!”
Taehyun peers around and is met with a sword slicing into his shoulder; he cries out in pain. You snarl at the men, “Hold your weapons! Gods above please!” The knights peer at you in hesitation; some follow through backing away whilst the majority ignore your command.
Taehyun grits out, “You’re pathetic. Can’t even face me one of one.” Yeonjun shrugs, blood dripping from his lips, “Not my fault they’re so loyal, who am I to deny such help?”
Taehyun haphazardly fights back the soldiers and charges his wand sending a large energy wave sending them flying back violently. Yeonjun holds his ground skidding back a few metres.
You pant in panic, you needed to help. Quickly, your eyes scan the room and you spot the mounted swords on the wall. You peer at the two who seem distracted in their fight and you pull and heave until one of the swords comes off with an unpleasant scrape. It was heavy; you’d only used a sword a handful of times.
At this point, you were willing to do anything even if it may seem imbecilic. At the end of the day, a sharp blade is a sharp blade. You jog over with your sword in hand and raised behind Yeonjun. With a harsh cry you swing forward; Yeonjun’s eyes widen and he narrowly ducks and rolls just missing it.
“Oh, oh, I see. How clever,” Yeonjun snaps. Taehyun muses breathlessly, “Clever indeed,” he sends a large bolt of mana from behind and Yeonjun growls in pain, his knees buckling. You hoist the sword up once more and bring it down, Yeonjun rolls out of the way. Exhaustion is beginning to take a toll on his body.
“Give up!” You bellow with hatred in your tone. Taehyun sends a harsh kick into Yeonjun’s side causing him to cough violently.
Your eyes note how his fingers wrap around his wand; you had to get him at disadvantage. It seemed Taehyun noticed the same thing. He tosses you his wand and rips the sword from your hands before he plunges the sword into Yeonjun’s hand; blood splatters across your dress and you scream, your eyes clamp shut at the gory scene; something that would be forever imprinted in your mind. A disturbing squelch of flesh and blood resounds making you feel awfully nauseous.
Yeonjun screams in agony as Taehyun pulls out the tip of sword from his hand. Yeonjun’s wand rolls out pitifully on the floor and you quickly grab ahold of it.
Taehyun’s face is splattered with blood; a menacing gaze in his eyes as he peers down at Yeonjun writhing and curled up in immeasurable pain. You had never expected him to take initiative let alone so violently like that. You tremble stepping back. Taehyun heaves, wiping the blood with his sleeve.
“You think you’re so fucking clever, always ahead.” Tears run down Yeonjun’s face; his vision blurring as overwhelming pain consumes him. Blood pools around his hand and arm.
“Your arrogance has always held you back. Your ego. Don’t you think, I hated the fact that your father always demeaned you. Why else would I insist for you to improve? Perhaps the way I encouraged you could have been better, but you? You pay back our years of friendship with betrayal? By agreeing to exiling my father and me?” Taehyun loudly bellow; his voice laden with conviction and years worth of pent up anger.
“Do you know how many nights I’ve imagined just stabbing into you? Ripping you and your father to shreds for what you did,” Taehyun pants out. “You. You were the one who painted yourself as the victim, you were the one who ignored all my attempts to talk things out! The fucking audacity to then go after the throne as if stealing my father’s position wasn’t enough!” Taehyun roars ferociously.
You couldn’t even tell if Yeonjun was processing anything; with how much pain he was in. All you could see was unadulterated hatred in Yeonjun’s fatigued gaze.
“I fucking cared for you Yeonjun. I really did. I may have been an egotistical piece of shit at times, but I wanted to see you do well, to grow beside me,” Taehyun rasps out, a tear drips down his cheek. “I hated seeing you so down. Seeing you so broken at times. Do you know how much it hurt to see you go play with Sehun and toss me aside as if I meant nothing? I knew you were jealous, I knew it.” His voice wavers as he speaks.
Yeonjun grunts; growing more agitated. He murmurs slurred, “Shut…your mouth. Don’t, fuckin’ know shit.”
Taehyun outstretches his hand towards you, “My wand.” You peer at him with wide eyes; surely he wasn’t going to do what you think he was?“Taehyun you’re not going to-“
“Give me the wand,” he insists. You shakily hand it over. No! He was going to kill him! “Think about this Taehyun! Wait!”
Yeonjun smiles lethargic, almost lucidly, “Oh. Is this what it’s come to?” He coughs. He rasps out, “Yes, yes do it. Even now,” Yeonjun’s eyes tear up as he uses all his energy and might to speak, “After so much planning and effort, fate seems to favour you-“ he coughs once more. Leaning his head back, he closes his eyes, “Do it. End my life, I know you’ve b-been craving to do so.”
Taehyun releases a chuckle; “Kill you? No, you deserve something far worse than death.” Taehyun grunts as he crouches down, “You deserve to know how those you beat down thrive in front of your eyes.”
“Wait, wait I-“ You stammer. Taehyun shakes his head, “As much as I’d like to give him a second chance at things, it’s clear he’ll only try again.” Yeonjun sighs, “How…irritating.” Yeonjun grows more pale.
“You’re a disgrace to Fortuna’s Legacy of Sorcery, my father’s legacy,” Taehyun snaps lowly, standing up. You shakily watch on, stunned into silence. He takes Yeonjun’s wand from your hands and with a swift motion he snaps it in half. A pained cry rips out Yeonjun’s lips.
A solemn expression paints Taehyun’s face as he peers down at Yeonjun. He’s clearly hurt. He doesn’t want to be doing this. No, he wishes this never would have happened in the first place. Pained memories of him and Yeonjun as children flood his mind. His heart aches seeing his ex-best friend on the floor bloodied, having to handle him so cruelly.
A good, talented soul, soiled by his father’s greedy ambitions and his own jealousy. Oh, what Taehyun wouldn’t do to reverse time to stop Yeonjun’s unfortunate fate.
Voice cracking, Taehyun murmurs, “I wish I could have helped you more, if it were to prevent all this.” Yeonjun’s expression is blank. He murmurs, “Save,” he rasps, “your disgusting pity.”
“You’ll be imprisoned.” You cut in, “For treason, attempt to assassinate the heir to the throne, any other murders you’ve committed. You’ll be tried in front of the remaining Royal Court.”
Yeonjun lies there with an empty expression. One that mirrors an individual who had nothing else to live for. A former husk of what he once was. Taehyun winces; the very same court who exiled him and his father. What a cruel and twisted turn of events.
“Taehyun will be reinstated as the Royal Sorcerer, after further investigation and clarification with the Royal Court,” you peer down, “Mark. My. Words, Yeonjun. You will not be coming out of your cell with that many crimes upon you.” Yeonjun peers at you with the scariest gaze you’ve ever seen. His lips form a grim smile, “But, of course.” You scoff, peering away, a shudder going down your spine.
A bustle of footsteps resound out and Taehyun and you look ahead seeing many courtiers, barons and chancellors accompanied by a few knights rush in. Their eyes are already mortified, presumably by the damage Taehyun left behind and now more so by the current sight in front of them.
“Princess! You’re safe!” One of the steps forward and you icily snap, “Do not show me your false concern. I’ll be rid of you one by one, it’s about time the Royal Court is due for a spring cleaning. I need to find where my true loyalties lie.” The noblemen peer at each other with unease, “No princess- we can-“
Shaking your head, you respond coldly, “Save your pathetic excuses. The vast majority of you sided with Sehun, then Yeonjun. It is clear you are all a bunch of useless lapdogs who will switch to whatever side is most convenient! I have no need for pitiful members like that at my court.” A loud silence permeates the room with your sharp words.
“Do I make myself clear?” You snap. The men bow. “One of you get a healer, and begin recalling the servants to their stations, there’s a lot to clean up. I’m sure the public will hear about it by this evening, so the scribe should get a statement ready.” One by one they filter out as Taehyun watches you distracted as give out commands with ease. This was a side he hadn’t seen from you, you had so much determination and resolve…such power.
Yeonjun lies defeated in his own pool of blood. The world around him blurs and unblurs; he can’t quite ascertain what was going on around him. All he knew is that from this point onward he was going to rot in a cobbled cell and go insane. All this meticulous planning, only for fate to cross him over! Couldn’t he just have one thing? Couldn’t he be superior? Couldn’t he win for once in his life? Why couldn’t he get retribution for his sufferings?
No. No, he couldn’t rot away inside a dingy cell to his death. This could not be how it ends. He had nothing left to live anymore for so why must he be forced to live in a cell for god knows how long? That is the utmost cruelty.
Taehyun peers back at Yeonjun who peers dazed in his own thoughts. A few palace healers rush in and you point towards Taehyun and Yeonjun. “Save Yeonjun, his hand is incredibly bleeding. Take care of Taehyun’s cuts, bruises and burns,” you order.
Yeonjun attempts to resist the healer’s treatment by yelling and grunting, “No-!“ A few more knights hold him down. The entire sight makes Taehyun feel sick. He knew Yeonjun’s entire reason to live was shattered. Most probably he wanted to die.
Yeonjun’s eyes meet fiercely with Taehyun’s as he grits out, “I fucking hate you, Kang Taehyun. I hate you…!”
You watch Taehyun's restrained expression. Your heart feels heavy at the scene. You knew he was holding back watching as Yeonjun attempted to be treated; held down like some sort of rabid animal.
It was a truly pitiful scene. You walk over grasping his hands tightly in yours and look up at him. “You’re truly so strong, Taehyun. I’m sorry things had to turn out this way. I wish things could have turned out differently.”
He weakly smiles squeezing your hands back, “Perhaps. What’s done is done. There’s nothing I can do now. He’s not remorseful in the slightest. It’s only a fitting end. He’ll only end up endangering others. His only goal got ripped away from him, he’s bound to be unstable.”
You nod with a frown. Taehyun hums, “You’ve got your throne back, princess.” You didn’t feel quite as happy as you should be. You were supposed to be overjoyed weren't you? This was your entire mission. You murmur, “I suppose. But at what cost?”
Taehyun remains silent; his eyes glancing over in Yeonjun’s direction, a newfound quietness resounds as he had finally passed out in the arms of the knights. “…at what cost,” he repeats to himself. They carry him away as though he were a rag doll.
“He’s getting what he deserves, Taehyun. The things he’s done are unforgivable. Remember that,” you murmur resolutely. He nods slowly, “I…yes. You’re right.”
“Take all the time you need, I’ll be by your side no matter what, Taehyun,” you reassure with a small smile. After all, for this long he had been beside yours. He pulls you into his arms wincing slightly at his injuries. The warmth helps you both ease down.
Closing your eyes and leaning against his chest, you hear his racing heart beside your ear.
You softly murmur, “It will be okay. We will be okay.”
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faithisasuperstar · 5 months
hi! i literally love your treech fics so much! do you think you could write a treech x mentor!reader where she goes to see him at the zoo the night before the games (a bit like coryo and lucy gray)?
kiss of life → treech
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treech!tbosas x reader
notes → in which love and life are fleeting as you say your final goodbye to treech. (i stole dialogue directly from the book for this LOL)
warnings → not edited & uploaded via iphone.
     “treech?” you whispered out into the dark. faint hints of moonlight peeked in through the clouds, becoming the only source of illumination in the pitch black of the night. falteringly, you crept closer to the bars of the monkey house, eyes scanning for a sight of your tribute you had grown rather fond of.
     “y/n,” he answered, and you followed the sound of his voice, which had turned far more gravelly since the last time he had spoken to you. once you had located him, you scampered over to the boy, eyes lighting up.
     “thank goodness you’re okay,” you cried, placing a hand to his face. you hadn’t gotten to see him after the explosion in the arena, and you wanted to make sure that he was alright. “gosh, i can’t believe they’re still making you go in there tomorrow!” tense, heavy air settled between the two of you.
     “i’ll be alright. me and the pack got a plan,” he reassured you as your fingers snuck into his hair, which had become rather matted since his arrival in the capitol.
     “just… don’t trust them too much. keep a good distance, please. i have a feeling they’re just going to use you.” you cautioned him, voice unsteadied by worry. the pair from four scared you the most. they had fierce determination in levels you had never witnessed before. while it was admirable, it was rightfully daunting.
     “thank you. for what you’ve done for me. i really have a chance now, ‘cause of you.” although his expression was blank, you could see in his eyes that he meant what he had said. pangs of guilt struck you, as you felt there was so much more you could have done for him. nonetheless, a tender smile made its way across your face.
     “it’s my job. i can’t let you die in there, you mean too much to me.. not just as my tribute, but you. you matter to me. you’re the most incredible boy i’ve ever met.” you confessed, eyes beginning to brim with salty tears, devastated that you would have to part with him when the night came to an end.
     “don’t cry over me, y/n. especially because i’m going to win. for you.” treech promised with certainty. the immense wholeheartedness of his tone brought you an ounce of optimism, and you couldn’t help but add on.
     “i’ll be there in the arena with you. we’ll win together. and once you’re announced victor and i get the plinth prize, i can buy you and your family a way into the capitol,” you suggested. a rather farfetched idea, but desperation and maybe even love had clouded your vision and infiltrated your thoughts. you shouldn’t allow your fantasies to get the best of you, but they all seemed too real as treech became an honest contender to win the tenth annual hunger games. he humored your idea, even though it may not have been possible, as he reached for your hand, squeezing it firmly. his calloused palm, having seen years of labor and hardships, juxtaposed against your softer one. the feeling truly highlighted the difference in your upbringing compared to his own. never had your living conditions led you to have to get a job, or even consider it. you couldn’t imagine having to do so for years in order to make ends meet. it hurt you that treech was not able to make the most of his childhood.
     you and treech had come a long way since the first time you had met him at the zoo. two weeks may not have been that long of a time, but it seemed like an eternity to the two of you, as each day you grew closer to the boy. he seemed to warm up to you more and more with each gift and lingering touch you had left him. originally, treech was quite cautious of you. he didn’t think he could trust you, knowing you were capitol, supposedly endorsing the very systems that wanted to kill him, while still claiming to want to help him. but over the course of the twelve days treech had spent in the capitol, more vulnerable than ever, he realized that not every citizen there had as much ill intent as he once believed, or at least, you didn’t. you too discovered that the district people were not at all like the animals your family made them out to be. they were humans, like yourself. of course, you had been wary when your parents made claims of the district people drinking blood and turning to means of savagery, but it had always lingered in the back of your mind. that was, until you met your tribute. the boy like quality of his aura diminished any doubt you had left of the children being bestial, replaced by guilt that you had ever felt that way in the first place.
     as his hands entwined with yours, you managed to slip your silver bracelet onto his wrist, something you had been waiting for the perfect time to do. treech looked at you with confusion. “it’s my good luck charm,” you explained, as he inspected the jewelry. “it may just be like a placebo effect or something, but it helps me feel better. i want you to have it. as a loan. you can return it to me once you win the games.” you claimed, ever so confident of your statement.
     “you’re all i’m going to think about in there.” treech admitted. in that moment, your temptations overcame you, and you gave into the desire to kiss the boy. sure, it was rather uncomfortable for the both of you, necks strained as you both tried to reach the other through the bars, but none of that mattered the moment his lips met yours. the feeling alone sent sparks through your body. you felt reenergized, now more than ever as his kiss breathed new purpose into you. when he pulled away, you were left hungry for more.
     “we can pick this back up after the games,” treech promised you, giving you one last knowing glance before the two of you parted ways. the games would commence, but underneath all of your anxiousness, a flicker of hope had sparked.
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royboyfanpage · 3 months
Hello I really like your page. It's nice to see so much great Roy content and thoughts!
I was wondering your thoughts and opinions on Roy's relationship with Mia.
!! You're too sweet, tysm!
As for the ask:
Short answer? That's his little sister.
Long answer?
I'll be honest, I haven't seen all that many interactions between them in canon. I do have my own thoughts and feelings about them but, upon looking through some comics I've read, I haven't found many where they're actually talking. I have managed to find panels which show they *have* talked and have a good relationship in canon, but I've only seen them actually interact a few times and have definitely read more content with her and Connor, so if you have any reading recs I'd appreciate that :)
Because of this, my point is gonna be a lot more based on symbols and my own interpretation than actual sources, so some of my opinions may be disputed by canon content.
To start with, Roy's fiercely protective of Mia. Even from the beginning, he expressed his dislike of the thought of Mia becoming Speedy-
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-because he knows first-hand just how detrimental that role can be to a child's mental health. Speedy, to him, meant a lot of bad things. I have a whole lotta thoughts on how the original sidekicks, particularly Roy and Dick, view becoming sidekicks, but I'll try and summarise. To Roy, Speedy meant losing any chance of a normal life. Keep in mind Roy was 13 when he became Speedy- he absolutely was not old enough to decide what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, and yet once you're *in* the hero business it's extremely difficult to leave.
And when Ollie first tells Roy that he's gonna make Mia Speedy, Roy's reaction is essentially that.
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He's angry at Ollie for making Mia become Speedy, not because of "It's my name", it's not, Roy hasn't been Speedy in years at this point. He's angry because that is a seventeen year old who Ollie wants to throw in there, a seventeen year old who'll be making the choice to, in his eyes, throw away the rest of her life before she can even vote. And Roy's absolutely right about the world being different- Roy's teen years were spent in the gold and silver ages which were definitely a lot less dangerous than the 00s. And I think there's definitely an element in that fear of "look what being Speedy did to me" in Roy's fears. While it's likely Roy was an adult by the time Snowbirds happened, considering the amount of drugs he had experience with and the different connections he'd built it's safe to say that Roy was already an addict by the time he was Mia's age. But what I don't think Roy understands is that Speedy isn't that for her. She's already gone through the shit Roy's scared of her going through and more, having been a child prostitute and meth user by the time she was fifteen. To Mia, Roy isn't a cautionary tale but rather an inspiration- someone who'd gone through a similar situation to her and come out the other end.
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After this, their relationship definitely progressed. Roy comes to trust Mia and her identity as Speedy, as well as letting her have things (that he kinda shouldn't have had in the first place, but all vigilantes are criminals it came free with the independent delivery of justice) that could help her as Speedy-
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-and trusting her with Lian who he's always been fiercly protective over
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And their relationship in the few times I have seen them together is incredibly sweet, with Mia reassuring Roy that he's a good dad and that it's not his fault that life gets in the way of his time with Lian.
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So yeah. I really hope that they get to interact in the ongoing series because the Speedys should absolutely talk more. I think that Roy naturally has a great instinct with younger heroes, and he's absolutely someone Mia respects and looks up to.
Anyway I think Roy should take Mia and Connor to a theme park for sibling bonding time <3
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evolutionsvoid · 2 months
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The Eintykara are beloved insects, due to their ties to Ichor and the wondrous miren they create. They take flesh and fluids to make their nests, and slowly convert it to golden miren and malleable corpse wax. These products have a wide range of use, and many people clamor to get their hands on them, but sadly, there is often not enough to go around. Eintykara hives take a lot of resources to construct and they require a somewhat steady supply of flesh and fluid to keep churning out the goods. Even then, it takes a long time for a sizeable nest to form and the constant demand means that supply is often quick to run out. Add to that the value of this product, and what people would do to get their hands on it, and you will see why very few outside of the Church can maintain an Eintykara hive. The Church of Divine Wealth has entire wings and temples dedicated to these golden insects, built and kept safe for decades, if not centuries. They have the space, the resources and the security to ensure everything remains perfect. But most of their miren and corpse wax is used internally, never leaving the halls of the Church, while what remains is "given" to certain supporters who are very charitable with their "donations." So common folk struggle to get a decent amount of miren or corpse wax, and are often forced to use shoddier imitations or lesser versions, like ear wax. Tomb Harvesters can offer some at the right price, but these costs are often greatly inflated and the miren that comes from it is tainted with anguish. So many villages outside of the Church's reach try to create their own source, and often they fail. But sometimes, nature is able to provide. Sometimes the people may witness a miracle, as the Eintykara show why they are the insects bound to Ichor and life. 
The creation of Bugonia is one whose process is so complicated and so rife with failure that it is seen more as a miracle than an act. Some may try a hundred times and fail, while another may only do it once and succeed. Some folk simply prefer to leave the "ingredients" of the process out and hope that nature and random chance will grant them incredible luck. In most cases, it calls for cow, who is to be sacrificed in a brutal fashion and buried or locked away. Time and various other offerings are required, and if all goes well, a species of Eintykara will find this corpse and breathe life into it. Rather than taking bits of this dead flesh back to a hive, they turn this carcass into a living hive, bringing it back from the dead to serve as home and protector. What emerges from the process of Bugonia is a rotted beast filled with bug, wax and miren. Given new life, it will seemingly return to its past of grazing and living as a simple cow, though its diet now leans more omnivorous. What it eats is what fuels the Eintykara hive within, and the busy little bugs quickly convert bloody cud into glorious wax and miren. While fools would call it an abomination, many praise this golden dripping bull and see it as a bringer of fortune and plenty. 
Any village would sacrifice nearly anything to have a Bugonia bull amongst their livestock, as they are walking producers of miren and corpse wax. These animals are given preferential treatment and are guarded fiercely. Thankfully, the living hives are quite calm and peaceful as long as the food is flowing, content to act like any other cow. But if the hives are left to starve, they will have their host grow violent and voracious, goring and devouring anything to fuel their needs. Owners of Bugonia can train these animals if given enough time and food, and eventually they will learn who to trust and who to kill. A creature like this is highly prized, and thieves will come in droves to nab a golden calf like this. Villagers will fight and so will the bull, using powerful horns and angry swarms to devastate any who dare threaten it. And those who perish to its horns and hooves will be fed to the beast, so that their sinful flesh may be purified and turned into that sweet golden miren. 
The presence of a Bugonia bull can easily be noted by the wandering flight of Eintykara collecting food near farm fields and the buzzing, droning moo that comes from its rotted throat.       
Wow, this turned out way more detailed and complicated than I originally imagined, but bugonia is a perfect thing for the world of Fall of Ichor. So I made it for that, and also because I am losing ground on the bugonia front! I once had two out of six, and now I am dumped down to only one?! Impossible! Unacceptable! I must up my game, I must make more bugonia! Go my minions, help me ruin Google search even more! I shall have it all!
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
What do you think Jolie’s flaws were?
Most of what we know of her comes from those who loved her fiercely, but I'll try.
First: getting in over her head/trying to grow up too fast. Jolie was almost done with school and engaged, but in reality she was barely an adult--19-ish. That's incredibly young to be tackling the role she played as a double agent, especially when we're talking about a species with an indefinite life. She proposed it herself, too, even against warnings. That sort of determination can be a positive, but it can also easily turn to overconfidence that comes back to bite you when you've bitten off more than you can chew--relevant, I think, considering she was a new recruit when she made this decision. We could also see this sort of maturity speedrun in how young she was getting married, how she'd started calling Edaline "mother" instead of "mom." So much of what we learn and the choices she made make her seem older than she was, which could be in part because we learn through Sophie's eyes, but I think it's in part just how Jolie pushed to be
For the second, I'd like to clarify that a lot of flaws are a positive quality detrimental at an extreme--and what a "flaw" is is subjective. Much of Jolie's story was very emotional and wrapped up in personally significant things, which isn't a bad thing, but it did lead her to decisions we'd advise against with hindsight. The major one: confronting Brant. She loved him so much it killed her. There was never any scenario in which she'd take steps to protect herself against him because she wholeheartedly trusted and believed in him, so she was always going to be vulnerable to him. And again. This doesn't mean it's a mark against her character--loving intensely and believing in others despite it all can be a wonderful quality--I'm simply counting it here because it is also the quality that killed her.
Again, we don't learn much of her and what we do know is from biased sources, but I'd posit: biting off more than she should/trying to grow up too fast, and unable to separate personal emotions from certain decisions as potential flaws :)
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muteshortgirl · 1 year
When They Have A Crush
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Shinobu Kocho-
Bashful Smiles: Shinobu finds herself smiling shyly whenever the reader is around. Her cheeks may flush slightly, and she can't help but steal glances when she thinks the reader isn't looking.
Tea and Sweets: Shinobu often invites the reader to share a cup of tea and her favorite treats. She meticulously prepares the tea ceremony, taking extra care to ensure everything is perfect. She cherishes these moments of shared tranquility, savoring the chance to be close to the reader.
Timid Compliments: Shinobu's compliments become endearingly awkward when directed at the reader. She may stumble over her words or blush deeply while expressing her admiration for their qualities. Nevertheless, her genuine compliments always make the reader feel special.
Secretly Crafted Gifts: Shinobu's creative side emerges as she secretly crafts small gifts for the reader. It could be a beautifully hand-embroidered handkerchief, a delicately folded origami butterfly, or a vial of homemade herbal ointment.
Protector Mode: Shinobu becomes fiercely protective of the reader, even more than usual. She discreetly keeps an eye on their safety during missions, ensuring they are out of harm's way. Her subtle interventions and unwavering support demonstrate her feelings in actions rather than words.
Tangled Words: Shinobu's usually composed and eloquent demeanor falters when she interacts with the reader. She may find herself stuttering or stumbling over her words, trying to express her emotions but struggling to find the right phrases. Her vulnerability in these moments is utterly charming.
Occasional Clumsiness: While Shinobu is typically graceful, her crush can sometimes make her a bit clumsy around the reader. She may accidentally knock over a teacup or stumble over her own feet, leading to adorable moments of laughter and lightheartedness.
Dedication to Improvement: Shinobu becomes even more motivated to improve herself, partly driven by her desire to be worthy of the reader's attention. She pushes her limits during training, seeking to become stronger and more capable for their sake.
Glimpses of Affection: Shinobu occasionally lets her guard down, allowing subtle displays of affection to slip through. It could be a gentle touch on the reader's arm or a brief, lingering gaze before she turns away, her heart racing.
Unwavering Support: No matter the circumstances, Shinobu remains a steadfast pillar of support for the reader. She offers a listening ear, encouraging words, and a compassionate presence, making the reader feel valued and cherished.
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Mitsuri Kanroji-
Shy but Eager: Despite Mitsuri's outgoing personality, she becomes somewhat shy when it comes to expressing her feelings for the reader. However, she can't help but show her excitement whenever the reader is around. Her face lights up with a blush, and she becomes more talkative and giggly, always finding excuses to strike up conversations with them.
Supportive Presence: Mitsuri becomes an unwavering source of support for the reader. She makes it a point to be there for them whenever they need her. Whether it's accompanying them on missions or simply lending a listening ear, she wants to be a pillar of strength and comfort in their life.
Thoughtful Gestures: Mitsuri is incredibly thoughtful and caring, and she extends this trait to the reader. She pays attention to the small details and remembers their likes, dislikes, and preferences. She surprises them with little gifts or treats, be it a favorite snack or a handmade accessory, showing that she truly values their happiness.
Protective Nature: Mitsuri's protective instincts kick in when she has a crush on the reader. She becomes hyper-aware of their safety and well-being, going the extra mile to ensure they are protected during their demon slaying endeavors. She might even step in front of them in dangerous situations, shielding them from harm.
Romantic Pursuits: Although Mitsuri may be shy about confessing her feelings outright, she finds subtle ways to express her romantic interest. She may leave cute and affectionate notes for the reader to find, filled with sweet compliments and heartfelt messages. She might also try to spend more one-on-one time with them, suggesting activities or outings that she knows they'll enjoy.
Unintentional Jealousy: Mitsuri's crush might make her slightly prone to bouts of jealousy, even though she tries her best to hide it. She might become a little protective or possessive when other people show interest in the reader, though she quickly realizes her emotions and tries to handle them with grace.
Supportive Cheering Squad: If the reader achieves something noteworthy or faces a challenge, Mitsuri becomes their biggest cheerleader. She cheers them on, providing endless encouragement and celebrating their successes with genuine joy. She wants nothing more than to see them thrive and be happy.
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txttletale · 1 year
Hi, I'm latino but was raised by my white mom. While she did a lot more than most white moms in her place would have to help me connect with my father's culture, I still feel a sense of disconnect. Where are some good places to learn about latin american history, and more specifically Colombian history? I've wanted to learn more but I feel like any mainstream source is likely to be written by a biased white person. I can't speak or read spanish, but I'm willing to learn, so go ahead and throw in stuff written in spanish if you feel there aren't any good english resources.
i cannot recommend eduardo galeano's open veins of latin america strongly enough. it's about latin america as a whole from the colonial era to the mid 20th century and it's incredibly powerful--written in an emotive and passionate prose voice, fiercely and articulately furious at the injustices of imperialism. definitely helped me contextualise my own life and politics within the broader history of latin american class struggle. i also recommend garcia marquez' one hundred years of solitude, which is a novel not a history book but is v. deeply commenting on and allegorising colombian culture and history
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cool-fancier · 7 months
The Finals
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Synopsis: Backstage, Team BEBE triumphs in Street Woman Fighter. Bada and you share a heartfelt moment after their well-deserved win.
a/n:In honour of BEBE winning!
Emotions ran wild on the night of the Street Woman Fighter finals. You were standing backstage with the rest of Team BEBE, and everyone seemed excited and nervous at the same time. Bada, in particular, was a bundle of nerves as she went over the choreography and checked in with the girls.
The room's adrenaline spiked as the music started and the team took the stage. The performance needed to be perfect because the choreography was tough.  The judges and crowd gazed at the stage, anticipating what would happen next.
With a racing heart, you watched the performance on the backstage monitor. You had complete faith in Bada and the rest of the crew, knowing that this competition meant the world to her, and you had the utmost faith in her and the rest of the crew. You clenched your hands tightly, sending silent well-wishes and love.
The backstage area erupted in collective gasps as Team BEBE performed an especially challenging sequence. Every crew was competing fiercely and giving it their all. Each member of BEBE danced with constant commitment, showcasing their skill and the powerful bond that held them together.
You couldn't help but cheer silently as the performance continued. The crew's coordination and solidarity were unmatched. The audience was enthralled with the magic they were working on that stage.
The excitement in the room intensified to an almost unbearably high level as the performance neared its end.  Bada's voice resonated as she counted off the last few beats, leading her team to a perfect finish. Your heart sprang at the deafening clapping from the crowd.
Team BEBE left the stage and made their way back to the backstage area during the cheering. The girls expressions showed a mixture of tiredness and excitement; they were ecstatic and gasping for air. With contagious smiles, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Minah, Cheche, and Sowoen embraced one another tightly.
You hurried over to join in the celebrations.  You gave each girl a hug while shouting, "You were incredible!" "I'm so proud of all of you!"
Lusher replied, "Thank you so much, unnie," and Bada joined in the celebration, her eyes still full of the passion of the performance. The girls showed their appreciation to each other. She gave the crew hugs and smiles in appreciation of their combined efforts. The room buzzed with shared joy, and it was a beautiful sight to behold.
As the rest of the crews watched the celebrations in awe, they couldn't help but notice you and Bada. You stood side by side, your eyes locked with deep affection, and there was a sense of solidarity and love that radiated from both of you. The other dancers exchanged glances, realising that your relationship held a secret source of strength.
The results were eagerly awaited, and as the judges prepared to announce the winners, you and Bada clutched each other's hands, your fingers entwined. The crew members huddled together, supporting one another in the final moments of suspense.
When Monika announced, "The winners of Street Woman Fighter Season 2 is... Team BEBE!" the arena erupted into cheers, and your hearts swelled with joy. The dancers jumped with excitement, their screams echoing in the backstage area.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the crew's happy emotions, knowing they had won their well-deserved victory. The love and affection they received from their fans, the respect they received from their fellow dancers, and the recognition of their hard work were amazing.
The team finally returned to the backstage area after their time on the main stage, and you were ready to congratulate them once more. The room was buzzing with life, and as you hugged each member of BEBE, your smiles mirrored theirs.
Then, as the celebrations continued, you noticed Bada standing apart from the gathering, still talking with some of the other crew members from other teams. As you saw her engage with the dancers, your heart filled with pride and love.
But after a while, Bada turned, and her eyes locked with yours. It felt as if the entire world had slipped away, leaving only the two of you. You moved towards her without a second thought, your movements swift but filled with devotion.
As you approached Bada, your eyes met, and all your love and pride for her was reflected back to you. You didn't need to say anything as you threw your arms around her and pulled her into a close, warm embrace.
"Proud of you doesn't even begin to cover it," you said into her ear as you held her tight. Bada's eyes sparkled with happy tears as she leaned into your embrace, her grip on you equally firm.
The powerful emotions, the countless hours of practise, the obstacles they had overcome had all led to this moment. With the victory secured, Bada's heart was overflowing with love and appreciation, and tears ran down her cheeks.
"I couldn't have done it without you," she admitted, her voice soft but filled with emotion.
You brushed a delicate kiss across her forehead, feeling her warmth against you."I've seen how hard you've worked and how committed you've been to leading this team, and it's paid off." You're amazing, Bada." Your tone is gentle.
She smiled through her tears, her gaze fixed on yours. "Thank you for being here for me, even when nobody knew. Your support means the world to me."
The other crew members continued to celebrate their well-deserved success as you both shared a joyous moment backstage. The room was alive with the energy of achievement and fellowship.
It was a night of celebration and acknowledgment, and Team BEBE's efforts were rewarded with the title they deserved.
Bada lifted the trophy high as the audience applauded and confetti poured down, her heart brimming with delight and appreciation. And you, her secret supporter, stood right backstage, sharing in the glorious moment.
The journey had been long and difficult, but it had brought you and Bada closer. Your love and support had been her strength during the competition, and it was a connection that would deepen as you embarked on new adventures together.
As the night turned into early morning, and the celebrations continued, you and Bada found a moment alone backstage. You stared at each other with affection and pride, knowing that your bond was stronger than ever.
And as the world celebrated Team BEBE's victory, the two of you celebrated the love that had quietly thrived in the background, making the triumph all the more special.
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eliteseven · 9 days
Your AU is just amazing. I hope you make a series when you have the time.
Is Tav’s father alive in Consonance? If he is, would he return after learning Tav is in a successful band? Maybe he wants his old guitar back?
Obviously Tav is not happy with the reunion with her father. He’s pissed Tav sold his guitar. Seeing him reminds her of the trauma he caused to her. The fear of being left behind and the thoughts of being not good enough for anyone to stay have returned.
Tav tries to distance herself, but Shadowheart refuses to let go of Tav. Shadowheart swears to Tav she will never leave the love of her life. After everything Tav has done for Shadowheart and her family, she will be there to help Tav heal.
I know everyone wants to see Tav & Shar confrontation, but I want to see Shadowheart fiercely defend and protect Tav from the man who caused her so much pain. Actually make it everyone vs Tav’s father.
🥹💕 firstly, thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed it!! 🥰 and thanks for such incredibly kind words!!! They mean the world!!
Now, let’s get to the story business:
LOVE your concept!!!! 😁 I was thinking along the same lines about adding some angst if I ever do continue the series!
Tav’s father is alive. It’s the opposite of NLS where he’s passed away and Amelia is alive and well 🥲💕 I’ve planned Tav’s past out in Consonance but was purposefully vague about the details, so there’s always room to elaborate on what that was like.
I genuinely think someone like him would try to come back into Tav’s life after her band is met with a lot of success. He’d be after money, of course. Probably would want to claim Tav’s success for himself in some way. And yeah- he’d want that guitar back.
I’m not certain how Tav would react- I’d need the idea to marinate while I think on their dynamic for a bit. A part of her is scared of that man- and that’s perfectly valid, given what he did to her. Another part of her would be absolutely livid. I think she fears becoming violent herself. 🥲 she could never be like him- I think Shadowheart would remind her of that. It would kill Tav to know he’s only interested in her finances and not his own daughter- even if he claims to be reformed, initially. And I think you’re right about that causing Tav to withdraw into herself- it probably feels like she’s regressed a lot in terms of her healing progress, at first. It would definitely be a great source of non-contrived angst.
I think Shadowheart would do anything to protect her girlfriend/fiancee/wife 👀 (who knows where they’ll be at this point). She knows firsthand what a relationship like that can do to a person. She’d never leave Tav at her lowest- or at all, really. Not after everything she’s done for her parents, for her. She loves Tav more than anything or anybody- and I think she’d be veryyyyy confrontational with Tav’s father- the same way Tav is with Shar in that part I cut out lol 😭 (which I swear I will upload when I have time on this trip!!)
Tav has people behind her, besides her love. She has Emmeline and Arnell, Karlach and Wyll, Aylin and Isobel… people that truly love her more than her father ever could. 🥰
Anyway, sorry for rambling! I loved hearing your thoughts, thanks for chiming in! 💕 I do hope I could get around to writing this, it seems like it would be a lot of fun and offer a deeper look into the characters and their future! Always feel free to stop by and share your vision! 😊❤️
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naturallyadventured · 19 days
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[...] What a tremendous year of life lessons, some fluid, natural and welcoming. Some eye opening, earth shaking, mind boggling. Others fierce, uncomfortable, gut wrenching. This year has felt like the longest blink of an eye I've ever experienced. If that makes any sense at all. Although it flew by as every year seems to, more and more, there was such an unshakable depth in this year. A digging deep, an uncovering, a constant unwinding and re-minding myself of why I am here, and what I am here to do, big and small. An overwhelming amount of questioning, within myself, the world, the universe. A curiosity I couldn't seem to quiet. A yearning to learn more, do more, see more. A practice of connecting to myself, my power, my femininity. To community, to family, to source, to soul connections. I went to college this year, I studied breathwave, I left a well paying job to teach yoga and dive into birth work because I was passionate about it, I travelled more, I connected with incredible beings, met inspiring women I now consider sisters, I built a home with my bestfriend and grandfather, I experienced more festivals, workshops, medicine ceremonies, I put so much energy into clearing out what's no longer serving patterns/habits (on going), I attended my first birth, as a real life doula, one of my dearest friends home water births, and it may have just been the deepest joy I've felt thus far and divine confirmation of my service in this field. To think at the beginning of this decade, I was 11 years old. What! To honour my youth, to go back and hug that little girl and tell her everything will be just fine, that all that shit I've been through has taught me so much and brought me to where I am. To honour the things I have accomplished already on my path, instead of subjecting myself to judgement for "being so young," fucking owning it. The past 3 years of my life have been overflowing with growth and experiences, I cannot wait to see what the next 10 years bring. I have felt more gratitude this year then I ever thought imaginable, by being present & open. I honour, give thanks, and surrender to the divine plan, the great mystery. [...]❤
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kandisheek · 20 days
Hey friend!! I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to let you know how much I adore your works, and how your presence in fandom has always been a delight. I love your year in fan recs—it’s so wonderful to see so many names I haven’t heard of before, giving folks a chance to read something new and giving less well known authors a chance to shine!!
How about some fun asks now?
If you were suddenly a billionaire and could quit your job and fully engage with fandom for the rest of your life, would you?
What’s a fic you’ve been dying to write but just haven’t gotten to yet?
Why do you love Tony Stark?
Oh my god, you're the absolute sweetest, thank you so much <3 I can only return the sentiment, your fics are a constant source of joy for me <3 And I'm so happy that you found some new authors through my recs! As for your questions:
If I were suddenly a billionaire I'd probably try to take over the world Tony Stark style and (most likely fail to) fix all the agregious wrongs, so I might actually end up not having time for fandom stuff anymore whoops 😂 But in all seriousness, if I could live off fandom writing and arting, I absolutely would. Although I'm fortunate enough to love my real life job as well.
I've been planning to write this fic for ages, in which Tony is with Ty and due to their relationship troubles (which are solely Tony's fault, of course, at least according to Ty) Ty signs them up for a couples retreat. Turns out its a tantric fix-your-sex-life thing, which Ty knew but Tony didn't, so that's great. And guess who Tony runs into on the first day? His ex that got away, Steve Rogers, and his lovely fiance Sharon. Seems like Steve's gay crisis after his stint with Tony led him right back to the straight life, which is just the cherry on top of Tony's shitty sundae. However, it turns out that Steve and Sharon's relationship is far from perfect, just like Tony's. And Tony does remember how happy he used to be with Steve. He highly doubts that Steve thinks the same though. Right? -- I swear I will write this eventually, but the outline alone is like 4000 words long and I just know this fic will be the longest thing I've written yet, and I'm just... yeah. Eventually, I'll get there :)
And I love Tony Stark because to me, he's the human embodiment of mind over matter. Even when all odds are against him, he finds a way to come out on top, despite his multitude of issues. He always pushes for the perfect solution, reinventing himself time and time again. He has flaws, but he wears them like armor. He has trust issues but is fiercely loyal to his inner circle. He's charming and hilarious in the best possible way. And of course, it doesn't hurt that he's hot as hell.
So yeah, Tony is incredible, and I love him. And I love YOU for asking me these questions, thank you so much <3 I consider myself incredibly lucky to count you among my friends <3
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