#a very--very well bred ewe
daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
Hey, I saw that you are writing to Rhys and I have been asking, I just ask that you be patient because I don't know how to explain it very well
Anyway, would you like a fic, like, with two scenarios? where Rhys and the reader LITERALLY love each other with the same intensity? like, a scenario where Rhys defends and protects the reader, and another where the reader defends and protects him?
Unconditionally (Rhysand x Female! Reader)
Summary: you and Rhysand are fiercely protective of each other no matter what the situation is. 
AN: I hope this is kinda what you were looking for!
Warnings: fluff, mentions of abuse, Amarantha sighting (brotha ew), blood, death, mentions of rape, SA.
When I found the High Lord of the Night Court I was nothing but a weapon crafted and created from birth by Keir. Chosen for my impeccable beauty, Keir had molded me to be an assassin that could rival Azirel himself. Keir had long sought to own the entirety of the Night Court and he had every intention of using me to do it.  My beauty allowed me to seduce any man within an inch of his life. But my sleight of hand and dexterity made me nearly lethal. When Keir wasn’t using me I was locked away deep within the Hewn City, forced to train with men who were much bigger and stronger than me. Oftentimes I thought to run, escape, but I was always beaten into submission. 
The night I met Rhys was the mission I had been bred to complete for many years. I walked into Rita’s dressed to the nines and blended in perfectly. The second the devilishly handsome High Lord made to leave I followed him, waiting in the shadows until it was my time to strike, the second I got the blade under his neck he winnowed out from under me and returned the favor with a blade of his own. I’ll never forget his first words to me...
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing with such a dangerous weapon?” he drawled. 
He could've killed me that night, but he didn’t, he showed me mercy and maybe pity too. It turned out he knew much more of me than Keir thought he did. He saw how scared I was offered me sanctuary. At the time I didn’t have a clue who he was to me, but looking back, I think he knew all along. Through months of getting to know each other despite my fear of him at first, we grew to like each other. Soon we grew to have witty banter that kept me on my toes, and intelligent conversation about anything and everything that would surpass the long hours after dinner.  After a few months he started sending me on missions with Azriel, and eventually after a year or so he sent me on missions of my own, his way of saying he trusted me.  
One fateful mission I was sent on to an Illiryan camp left me battered and bruised. It seemed the Illyrian generals sought to teach me what happens when a woman comes into their camp and causes problems, even if it is at the request of their High Lord. I never would’ve made it home if Cassain hadn’t found my frozen body in the ditch they had left me in. Looking back I was almost thankful for the event, it was how Rhys and I realized we were mates. Ever since then we had been truly inseparable.
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“Rhysand, I won’t ask nicely again,” purred that clearly female voice. 
Amarantha had been after Rhys since he escaped from under the mountain, but I had never seen her in the flesh. She would send letters and emissaries asking for Rhysand to be her whore, promising him riches and luxuries beyond his wildest beliefs. Yet now she stood in the townhouse, auburn hair cascading down her bare shoulders, her black off the shoulder dress squeezing her tightly.  How she got here? I don’t know, but I do know that from where I sat in the shadows she wouldn’t see me drive a knife through her skull. 
“Amarantha, I'm a mated male. The answer is no,” Rhysand drawled trying to keep up appearances, but down the bond I could feel a sense of fear. 
“She can watch if she likes,” Amarantha mused, and it was my last straw. 
I snuck up behind her with the stealth and dexterity that had been bred into me from a young age. I hardly needed to use it anymore, being Rhysand’s mate gave me ample immunity across Prythian. But god if there was ever a time. I press my dagger to Amarantha’s throat and I feel her body try to move but she's far too late.
“Sorry Amarantha I don’t like to share,” I growl, pressing the edge of the blade even deeper. 
“Did I mention that my mate is lethal?” Rhysand boasts with pride.
“I’m s-sorry,” she pleads and a tear falls on my black dagger. 
“Now mate,” Rhysand smirks. “We wouldn’t want to get blood on the new rug.”  
I roll my eyes at his snarky remark. It was little comments and that effortless swagger that had made me fall in love with him in the first place.
“Beg,” I utter in her ear. My voice filled with absolute authority. 
“P-please I’ll leave. I-I’ll never come back,” she says through her sobs. 
I yank her hair back further, “Why should I let you go?” I smirk. 
“Because I’m s-sorry. I-I’m so sorry.” she cries even harder.
“Sorry for what?” I ask condescendingly.   
“For what I d-did to R-Rhysand,” she says, like she’s too afraid to reveal the whole truth.
I felt Rhysand tense through the bond but it only made me see red even more, knowing that her presence still affected him. 
“What did you do to my mate?” I ask like I don’t already know the answer. She stays silent, choosing to cower. “Tell me!” I shout. 
“I’m sorry I f-forced him into my b-bed.” she admits and her knees go weak at her admission the only thing keeping her up is my hand in her hair and my dagger to her neck.
I couldn’t help but see the image of him and her. Rhysand helpless below her as she rode his cock, the reason he still was too scared to let me take him that way. Images of him cumming inside her, his body's natural reaction to what she was forcing him to do. I remember how he told me the stories of him crying himself to sleep while she slept soundly and happily. 
“You touched my mate, and for that you’ll pay the ultimate price,” I sentence her. “He’s fucking mine.” I growl before slitting her throat. 
Her body falls to the floor in a heaping pile of dress skirts and her own blood and I toss my bloodied dagger over her dead body. I check my hands for blood, but like a trained assassin should have it, not a drop is on me. 
“Well so much for the rug,” Rhysand drawls, standing from his chair. 
I walk over to him, the rage the mating bond caused me to see drifting away at the sight of him. He wraps his arms around my waist. 
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “But she was a dead woman the second she stepped in this court. Thinking about what she did to you still makes me sick to my stomach.” 
“Shhh,” Rhys coos, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m not mad at you. If you didn’t kill her I was going to.”
“Sorry I kind went all deadly assassin on you, but-” 
“The mating bond was provoked,” he cuts in, tipping my chin up to meet his gaze. “Trust me I know the feeling. How do you think I feel when you come home injured from a mission?”
“Holy shit y/n!” Cassian drawls from behind me. I turn to find him nudging Amarantha’s limp foot with his boot. “Mating bond chafing a bit?” he chuckles. 
“More than a little bit,” Rhys laughs with male pride. 
I simply raise my eyebrows at the Illyrian in a challenge and pull Rhys down to kiss me.
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“Are you sure you want to do this?” Rhys asks me for the millionth time. 
“Yes Rhys I’ll be fine! I promise!” I reply but I wasn’t too sure of my answer. 
I had never been back to The Hewn City since I left on that mission to kill Rhys all those years ago. But today I finally made my return. I had avoided the city as much as possible and Rhys never so much as asked me to come along with him. Returning would mean the torture, the assault and every nightmare I faced here, I would have to face again. Today I had decided I was done hiding, I wanted to face my fear, show Keir that I was more than just what he made me. I knew I would be more vulnerable down here, most likely off my game. But Rhys had assured me we would only be making a quick appearance at the party and then leaving, so I felt now was as good a time as ever. 
“Alight, but if you want to leave at any time you let me know okay?” he says, kissing my brow.
“I will,” I smile. 
We walk through the large doors to find the people of The Hewn City already kneeling. The second I come into view their gasps reverberate throughout the room. Everyone knew I was Keir’s pet, but now I stood dressed in black with a crown atop my head, beside the one man I was bred to kill. The High Lord. 
We take our seats on the twin thrones at the end of the room. Keir bows to us both and I don’t miss the shock in his eyes as he sees what became of his pet. It becomes clear to me that he thought I was dead for all these years, and now I walk into his city once more with a crown on top of my head. 
“Let there be music and dancing!” Rhys proclaims and the room fills with a beautiful orchestra as the festivities begin. 
“Welcome Rhysand, who have you brought with you tonight?” Keir asks, faking his innocence.
“My mate of course,” Rhys says, pressing a kiss to my hand. “I must thank you for introducing us. She is without a doubt the most delectable creature I’ve ever known.” he continues nibbling my palm. 
“I- uh. Well” Keir stumbles over his words. 
“Leave us,” Rhysand orders. 
Keir scrambles down the steps to wherever he thinks he might be safe from Rhysand’s death stare. I knew this place always put him on edge, no doubt with me here tonight he was fuming. 
“How are you feeling?” Rhys asks, fondling my hand.  
“Good, considering I’ve never seen Keir show true fear before,” I laugh replaying the image in my head. 
“Maybe next time I’ll have him juggle and sing you a song then too mate,” Rhys chuckles. 
I watched as people danced and sang and were generally happy. I never knew this side of the Hewn City. The normal side I should say. Keir always kept me locked in the dungeons, the only time I was ever allowed out was on missions and when he chose to parade me around like his little pet. His way of striking fear into the hearts of his subjects. Seeing the people act like, well, people was almost jarring. They were monsters, but they were still fae just like me. 
“I’m thirsty darling, I'm going to grab a glass of wine, would you like one?” I ask Rhys. 
“Yes but let me fetch a servant or come with you.” he replies and I can sense his unease. 
“No, I want to show them all I’m not afraid of them,” I say quietly so only Rhys can hear. He nods his head and I feel him tug on the bond as if to say ‘be safe’. 
I waltz down the dias steps and over to the corner where wine is held in large barrels.  I don’t miss the shocked looks from those around me followed by hushed whispers. No doubt all of them were talking about how I used to be Keir’s pet. I keep my head held high and reach for a glass to fill up. 
“Well hello beautiful,” a deep voice drawls from behind me and I whip around 
My shoulders tense up. I would recognize that voice anywhere. Dante. The man who helped to “train me”  in the art of seduction. He would come into my cell and teach me how to seduce a man, which of course led to him taking advantage of me. He was one of Keir’s favorites. 
“Remember all the fun we used to have little one?” he grins wickedly stepping towards me. 
“Normal people would call that rape,” I snipe at him, trying to act like I’m not terrified. 
“Oh but you used to make such pretty sounds for me,” he teases, stepping closer and I feel my back hit the wall. “Lets see if you still do.” 
In a second his body presses me to the wall and his hands are hiking up my skirts. I try to push him off or look for help, but here in the Hewn City it wasn’t uncommon for males to take what they want when they want it. 
Dante’s motions stop and his eyes go wide, like his brain is about to explode. He falls to his knees before me and every vein in his head and neck look like it’s about to burst. I look up to see Rhys standing behind him, nothing but pure murder in his eyes.
“I would think twice before touching another male’s mate,” Rhys grits out standing in front of me so he can look down on Dante. “Especially your High Lord’s.”  
“I’m sorry Rhysand I didn’t know,” Dante wheezes. 
“Have you touched my mate before?” Rhys asks and Dante neglects to answer. “Very well then I’ll just have to find out for myself.” 
Dante screams in agony writhing on the floor, Rhys no doubt tearing into his mind to find out what he wants to know. I look around at the stunned faces watching one of their own lose his mind in the middle of the ballroom, even the orchestra had stopped. I felt shame fall over me as I realized what Rhys was seeing. Images of me, dirty, bruised and helpless being forced to seduce and please the man writing on the ground. Rhysand’s shoulders tensed and suddenly Dante stopped writhing. 
“So you have touched her before,” Rhysand drawls. “What a pity, I almost considered letting you off with a warning.” 
Within moments Dante’s screams echoed off the walls and I knew what Rhys was doing, he had done it to the Illyrain who threw me in a ditch all those years ago. He was melting his mind from the inside out. He didn’t even have to lift a finger. 
“Let it be known that whoever disrespects my mate again shall meet the same fate!” Rhysand’s voice booms, addressing the crowd now. “Maestro you may continue!” he finishes, turning to me.
Rhysand’s shadows shield us from the rest of the onlooking crowd and the second I look into his eyes I’m immediately comforted. 
“Are you okay?” he asks me, taking me in his arms. 
“Yeah I’m fine, you got here before anything happened.” I sigh, melting into his touch. “I’m sorry you had to see that, you know, the things he did to me. I hoped you’d never know” I say, casting my head down in shame. 
“Hey don’t you dare be ashamed,” he says tilting my chin up. “What he did to you was unforgivable. If I had known earlier I would’ve had his head on a pike.” 
“I love you Rhys,” I say, burrowing my head into his chest. 
“I love you too mate,” he smiles stroking my hair. “Let’s go home.” 
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Local Lens Scotland with Ewan & Colin McGregor
Ewan McGregor is coming home. This special episode of Local Lens, where the actor, director and goodwill ambassador reconnects with his brother, Colin, a former Royal Air Force fighter pilot turned instructor, in their homeland in the Scottish Highlands.
Ewan McGregor and his RAF fighter-pilot brother Colin take the trip they always dreamed of in the latest Local Lens episode directed by Stuart McIntyre, produced by production company Somesuch and serviced by production partner LS Productions.​
‘Ewan McGregor: A Brothers’ Guide to Scotland’ The chance to explore the Highlands, where they holidayed with their family as young boys, presented itself via Expedia’s Local Lens video series, and they seized it. The backdrop of the Cairngorms' lush mountains, shimmering lochs, and the majestic trees of The Hermitage forest, the brothers embark on a nostalgic adventure in search of the northern lights—a trip complete with laughs, memories, music, and sheep.
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Ewan McGregor and Colin McGregor after taking to the skies over Scotland in an RAF Tornado jet. DAVID CHESKIN - PA IMAGES/PA IMAGES/GETTY
Produced by Somesuch for Expedia’s Local Lens series, the episode follows the pair as they travel from Colin’s home in Elgin, 175 miles north of Edinburgh, to the Scottish highlands in search of the northern lights.
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​A love of adventure was a force bred strong in the brothers on childhood forays around their home country, forging an intimate bond. As Ewan says now, “When you know someone as well as your brother, you don’t need words.” They would take road trips with their parents, go hill-climbing, vacation on rugged Scottish beaches, and immerse themselves in water so unfathomably cold it fired them up for the rest of the day. “A lot of my memories are of us scrambling across cliffs and looking in rock pools,” says Ewan. “There’s a freedom about being a kid in this rugged, weathered landscape that’s just fantastic.”
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A picnic stop reminds them of childhood: “Then, it was a white roll with one lopsided cheese slice”
The weekend’s adventure across the Cairngorms is no less memorable. Watch as Stuart candidly captures the pair as they bicker. Get nostalgic. Get side tracked. Even have a mishap with sheep and take a dip in a friend’s freezing loch. They stop for fuel and Tunnock’s teacakes, an iconic Scottish chocolate-and-marshmallow snack that transports them back to their childhoods. They have moments of awestruck silence and absolute solitude. But most of all, the episode touchingly records the brothers as they reconnect with each other—and with the spectacular, otherworldly terrain they grew up surrounded by.
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The Cairngorms mountain range contains five of the six highest mountains in Scotland. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
Stuart McIntyre a Canadian director. Recognised for his reverent depiction of sport and natural rapport with high-profile talent, his work is an exhilarating, high-octane style of realism.
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The brothers emphasised spending some time in the great outdoors, hanging out with some friendly local farm animals, hiking through the Hermitage Forest, and trying to catch an elusive glimpse of the Northern Lights. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Guests at the Ewe Bar can expect live music and a jovial, classic pub atmosphere. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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The quaint one-bedroom cottage features a soaking tub, a fireplace, a zip line, and a fire pit. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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"It's a very old, sort of rambly house, and the design of it is beautiful, very rustic and real," McGregor says of the Dell Cottage, where he stayed during the trip. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
I love that they were making this video. This is the best one yet from Scotland. One’s a Hollywood star, the other a fighter pilot. But these famous brothers, have one key characteristic in common. Take in the majestic sights and sounds of the McGregor brothers’ adventure through the magnificent Highlands, on a voyage underpinned by childhood memories and encompassing the true and natural warmth and wit of Scotland. Jumping into lochs. Congrats to Colin and Ewan and Expedia Group who brought this wonderful film to life.
#Scotland #ColinMcGregor #EwanMcGregor McGregorbrothers #Highlands #ExpediaGroup #childhoodmemories #DellCottage #EweBar #RAFTornadojet #pilot #Expedia’sLocalLens #northernlights #StuartMcIntyre #Somesuch #LSProductions #childhoodbesttimeoflife #gettyimages #DavidCheskin #PAimages
Posted 25th March 2024
@hillandglen “Per Ardua Ad Astra” – Through Adversity’s to the Stars ✨
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
If you’re still taking requests, how about Demiurge showing off his well-bred, pregnant prized ewe? (I saw what you sent on Discord 😏)
A/N: HAHA! When I saw you screaming about it under that channel, I died. Yes, a very lovely idea. X3
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Being a prized ewe to the devilish ambassador, there certainly was never a dull moment.
In all his attempts, he finally got her pregnant. It felt as though it took forever—far longer than it would have taken if she were paired with another human.
“So, crossbreeding between humans and demons is possible and not just a mere fairy tale of sorts,” Demiurge mused aloud. However, he considered his genetics to be more powerful than any other demon out there.
So he chalked it up to the fact it was him who bred her over any other of his subordinates he would even dare consider sharing with. He was the reason for the miracle.
But regardless, he never accounted for this. Trying to find her clothing that would be suitable had to be tailored by himself. And of course, he went out of his way to hide his considerate behavior behind the fact he didn't want to harm her or the baby. In doing so, the devil would gift her with very revealing choices for clothes.
The worst part of any nightmare occurred when Demiurge was asked to attend a gathering of sorts in one of the nearby kingdoms on The Sorcerer Kingdom's behalf.
She, of course, had to go as well... but in a dress that covered up pretty much the bare minimum.
“Are you sure this is... okay?” she asked, trying to make sure the slit gown didn't expose her panties and pregnant stomach underneath.
“It will be fine,” Demiurge insisted. He had dawned the Jaldabaoth mask and persona, having the world believe Ainz had conquered him. “Besides, I will be there to protect you. Don't you trust me?”
She nodded, even if there was something that made her uneasy about the situation.
When everybody at the gathering would go silent and look in their direction, she couldn't tell if they were doing that because of her or because of the so-called Demon Emperor that had terrorized some of the nearby cities.
The whispers were hard to listen in on but, through it all, she clung to his side like he was her only safety.
“G-Greetings, Emperor Jaldabaoth,” Jircniv called nervously.
“Greetings, Emperor Jircniv,” Demiurge responded in kind.
The human emperor couldn't help but stare down at the woman at his side. “I, umm... I see you have a captive of sorts?”
Everybody could tell Jircniv couldn't understand what the best name to use for this woman was. No doubt everybody was under the assumption that's why she was there.
“No,” Demiurge answered firmly. “She's mine, and it was I who got her pregnant.”
Everyone in the room seemed either horrified or intrigued. Even this world didn't seem to welcome the thought of half demon children.
He grinned underneath the mask as he grabbed her wrists, bringing them together to pull above her head. “You can look if you so wish to. Besides, I wanted to show off my accomplishment.”
She was shaking, not sure how to feel about her swollen belly being on display for others to view.
But, as expected, some of the men in the room came closer to lift the revealing gown out of the way to view her stomach a bit better. Apparently, some were in disbelief. Nobody wanted to actually believe a demon could get a human woman pregnant while others were more fascinated by it in other ways.
Feeling strangers touching her made the woman quiver. If there was any hand she wanted on her body, it was to be Demiurge's.
But the devil delighted in her agony. He wanted her to compare the touch they could offer to his own. His twisted grin in her discomfort was hidden from sight.
Jircniv showed his unease a bit when looking at her swollen belly. “Ah, what do you plan to do with it once it's born, my Lord?”
Demiurge caught something in the emperor's voice. His head snapped in Jircniv's direction, the red of the eyes glowing rather ominously. “It is my baby, and I plan on raising it.”
The human emperor was taken a bit back by that answer.
“She is mine to breed with, Emperor Jircniv...” Demiurge continued, almost as a warning. “...and this is merely one instance out of several she'll be heavy with my child.”
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e17 the british invasion (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
trying to reserve judgement but 30 seconds in a flipped back to football when i tried this yesterday. let me count the ways i do not care about bmol backstory. glad to see eileen again
are you fucking kidding me. children have to battle to the death at the fancy magic school. quite possibly the least believable premise for traumatic backstory starter they could have thrown out there
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sam really leaning into dean's space there lol
so american mol were just this chill little group of dorky researchers but british mol are this child crushing machine to churn out good little soldiers? mommy's blunt little instruments?
DR HESS Then let me make it blisteringly simple. We don't have time to court a handful of mangy Colonials. Not anymore. So either Sam and Dean and the rest of their ill-bred lot learn to obey, or you turn them over to Mr. Ketch... and start fresh. MICK Look, I don't think... DR HESS This is not a discussion. It's an order. Are you hearing me, Michael? Assimilate or eliminate.
this is so.... ridiculous. cliche, out of left field. really not gonna beat the "we're out of ideas" rap. speaking of, was trying to explain this season's plotlines to my friend and had the sudden brainwave of OF COURSE i know who the product of the lucifer kelly KLINE union is. typing out the name had me 🤦lol
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SAM Hey, you talk to Mom lately? MICK Oh, shouldn't worry about your mum. Her and Ketch make quite the team. DEAN Would you want your mom working with him? MICK Well, I can't say. I never really knew my mum. Or my dad. I was on the streets till the Men of Letters found me.
oh a street urchin too! *adds to the pile*
WHY ARE YOU LICKING THE FLOOR'S PUSSY LIKE THAT I AM SO DISTRESSED. the licking was enough to make me cover the screen but the moaning i wasn't expecting 😭 dear lord. ace thing/me thing but my faves doing sex scenes weirds me out and this might have been worse lol way too much like actual sex
LUCIFER I figured out the rules of the house, and…well, all things considered, think I'd rather be here than rotting in the Cage with my drooling, insane – and not in a fun way – little bro Michael.
how did he manage to break michael? i'll be generous and assume it's a lie along with the whole "you win" business
so is mary humanizing mr ketchup or gonna fuck him or what
CROWLEY My loyal…ish subjects, these troubled times, I'm aware there might be some confusion as to where you're supposed to place your loyalty. Even with Lucifer back in the Cage, there are those of you who would try to help him… because he scares you or engorges you.
ew :p
i don't think even mark pellegrino can save this tired little game we're playing again
padalecki, please, no with the bad accent
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very pretty lighting and backdrop
eileen accidentally killing sniveling bootheel of the machine so mick can overcome some childhood murderous brainwashing? and set up conflict with the mothership?
(yes to the fucking mr ketchup and she's gonna Have It All *beanie toss*)
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wasn't sure if that was swoony over the flirting or freaked out, so i guess it was supposed to be swoony
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his plotline is frustrating me but goddamn pellegrino is so good at making lucifer genuinely, distressingly creepy
ah so the plot conflict with bmol and an emotional beat for eileen. twofer
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does the flirtation business ever go anywhere with eileen? i will admit that ellen eileen jody donna all kind of blur in my head from what i've read in fic (side characters that generally aren't involved in what i'm reading except very briefly that may have a familial-ish relationship with the boys, as i might them in the show i have small oh moments)
(oh the actress who plays dagon, ali ahn, was in 27 out of 36 episodes of the path, which i briefly tried to watch because hugh dancy is in it but it was a little too topical for my tolerance at the moment)
DR HESS These Hunters are out of control. The brothers Winchester, in particular, which Lady Bevell has exhaustively documented.
so fancy, brothers winchester. the whole moral high ground lady this is trying to sell is so fucking dumb because yeah forcing children to murder each other, they're totally better than the monsters! pick something else, writers, because this is just asinine
redemption arc for mick complete, time to shuffle him off this mortal coil ofc
DR HESS The grand experiment recruiting American Hunters has failed. Utterly. KETCH Mm. What would you like me to do? DR HESS Exterminate them. Every...last...one.
comically bad. where's your pet cat and eye patch
look they keep trying to reach cas and nothing, because cas decided to pop off to heaven and not tell them. le sigh!
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rederiswrites · 3 years
Ok ok ok um this is totally premature of me to talk about but whatever happens next you get to see cute sheepies? My years of watching FB soay breeder/fancier groups may have paid off, and a couple in Massachusets are selling their entire flock because they’re getting too old to take care of them. And it looks like it may work out for us to buy them. There’s this lot, and several more yearling (born last spring) ewes. These are all bred ewes and the ram (you’ll see him for sure if you pay attention, the difference is clear). Bred, meaning lambs in roughly three months.
The main barriers are that, well, they’re in Mass., and also, while this has been our dream and intention for years, we don’t currently have the infrastructure (mostly fencing) for this many sheep. Not to mention that this would mean we have two rams, and rams can’t be kept with lambs, and, and...BUT there’s no denying that this is a pretty extraordinary opportunity. Soay are very rare and getting this many at once is normally impossible. So like...stay tuned?
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morioh-killer · 2 years
Ok theres a few groups of staff
The owners (diavolo and doppio and co owner giorno and his dad dio)
The doctor (cioccolata)
The caretakers (staff who look after livestock for a week to get them settled in)
And other staff (farmhands)
The owners are pretty self explanatory. They own the joint. Giorno scares dia and eventually will take over the farm
The doctor cioccolata. Cio scares everyone but he does an exceptional job and most importantly whatever diavolo tells him to do. Administers your usual healthcare like vaccines and assists in births but also does plenty of messing w aphrodisiacs, putting on chastity belts, etc. Definitely molests livestock
The caretakers look after livestock for a whole week. Mostly for training: teaches them to use all fours, to stop speaking human language, etc. Caretakers are also a sign of protection for the week, so any livestock picking fights w New livestock gets punished more severely. This is a greater relief for new cows as cows are forced to breed and make milk and calves for the farm, but for a week w their caretaker they will not be bred
And farmhands are farmhands. Most are hired to do your usual stuff. Some are volunteer. Some are sleazy and molest the livestock, you get it.
The livestock has a few groups
Race horses, work horses, (guard) dogs, cows and bulls, rams and ewes, chickens and ducks, and lastly goats.
Livestock is obtained either through kidnapping (the farm has a group of farmhands usually go out looking for people with traits they need such as gender to snatch off the street in a huge van), being born onto the farm, from unruly staff, from being sold onto the farm, or from volunteers
The farmhands, when recieving new people from kidnapping, being sold, etc basically anything that isn't being born into farm life do an evaluation to choose what animal they are. Those with beautiful, full hair are sheep, those with fertile bodies, huge breasts, etc are cows, those with large frames and muscle are work horses, those with particularly sharp teeth are dogs, you get the gist
Sometimes if someone qualifies for two or more animals, they'll choose the animal based on what they need most. If they have enough of all the animals thr farmhands may choose the animal or in rare cases kill them, take them home for free, etc. But again its rate they have enough of every animal and choose those options.
All livestock gets an ear tag with different colors telling staff immediately what they are.
Caretakers i have noted are: bruno, risotto, prosciutto, lisa lisa, rohan, and a few more i can't remember
Farmhands I've noted are: Abbacchio, Hol Horse, Ghiaccio, Melone, Steely Dan, Mariah, Suzi Q, Weather Report, and more
Livestock I concluded:
Work Horses: Jonathan, Wamuu, Esidisi, Kars, Santana
Race Horses: Will, Johnny and Speedwagon
Bulls: Joseph, Caesar
Rams: Jotaro, Kakyoin, Anasui, Straizo, Akira
Dogs: Secco (cios personal pet), Hazamada, Josuke, Jolyne, Narancia
For the others i havent thought abt it yet but there are more for every group ive mentioned in staff and livestock
Let me state the farm is fucking massive like half a county massive. Diavolo runs a fucking empire here. Also its a stand-less hamon-less au.
The farm usually isnt open for visitors and when it is it's a small area with the most well behaved livestock meant to farm money off kids and their parents
The farm is only open to those who are "buisness partners" such as kira who often buys his girlfriends for cheap there when he needs em
Within society this is a very well liked farm and considered the best in the country. In this society everyone does see the humans in the farm as livestock and as only animals- but on a different level than that of animal animals like iggy. They're still animals just a lil closer to human. This is why some farmhands see no issue with sexually abusing livestock: theyre human "enough",
Kira is one of the only people who sees them as people, his viewpoint is horrifically rare in this world
There is one kind of animal thats its own thing and its foo shes a phrog
They had nowhere to put her when they found her so they just gave her a little mini pond in one of the farms corners and called her a frog. She does fr eat bugs too
They try and keep breeding within the same species that was chosen for them, but there are plenty of cases of crossbreeding and cross romance, some crossbreeding goes undetected and some gets found out it rlly depends on how obvious it is
An example of cross romance is anasui who's yknoe a ram who really wants to fuck jolyne whos a dog
Uh cant remember anything else lol
OH DEAR LORDDDDD--- this is so detailed and im HIGH KEY OBSESSED HELLO-
9 notes · View notes
midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
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 Idol!Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Summary: Strangers brought together by music, fueling each others dream. You truly were living the life.
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: Day 30 of the Izumonth Collab!
P.S. I have a very small grasp on what an idol truly is so ples kpop stans dont come for me ahhh,,,, i tried fdgbhhj
Just To Clarify:
Reader and Izu meet in a cafe years prior!
They built themselves from the ground up!
Lord help me i dunno what’s going on
Perm. Tag List:
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​
The roaring of screaming fans, the inconsistent flashing of blinding lights, music making the ground shake and heart jump, stealing your breath away and intoxicating your being with every lyric sung from the bottom of their hearts.
To some, every concert could be classified as the same, the pattern repeating itself until it becomes nothing but a chore instead of a passion.
To some, music becomes something to pass time with, something to hug yourself with in the early hours of the morning after a night filled with tears and no sleep, eyes burning with exhaustion.
Every person has a different answer to the same question, 
“What is music to you?”
A question asked to you one calm, summer night in a run-down cafe by a handsome stranger with green hair, eyes unforgettably curious and brimming with fascination, sparkling with moon dust as their silver beams shine down on him through that freshly polished window.
He stood there, an enigma to you and all those present in the place at the time.
It was unexpected, not something you would count on being asked by someone you didnt even know.
But yet, your heart had lurched forward, captivated by the determination and child-like curiosity resting on his soft, freckled face.
The words slipped from your lips parted by astonishment before you had the chance to think as if they were being dragged from the dream buried deep within yourself.
“My life..” you had whispered so quietly you had sworn he couldn’t hear you, but a smile lit up his face, the first of many you’d unknowingly see on him in your lifetime.
“So live it.” Such a cheery response had caught you off guard back then, making confusion swirl in your gut as to just what he meant, dreams resurfacing to hopeful fingertips.
Ever since then, a day in the back of your head but never one you forgot, you gave your dream your all once more, letting lyrics fly across the page as you scribbled them down in the heat of passion, inspired by random things and editing until the words flowed smoothly enough for him to sing.
And by God could he sing.
He had told you at the time he was nothing but a mere hopeful kid, fighting his way to the top with some friends, wanting to make a difference in the world with his own words and his own voice, but it was a true miracle that your minds intertwined similarly to the way your hands often did, finishing thoughts before the words even slipped out, conversations from addictingly familiar eye contact alone.
A match made in heaven as some had described it, two peas in a pod, yin and yang, Complimenting each other and yet being polar opposites, swimming harmoniously together in the vast sea of life.
One who shined brightest in a crowd, and the other who thrived on the sidelines.
But perhaps that’s just what made your bond stronger, for together, you were grey. Not suffocatingly bright, and not depressingly blue.
Just yourselves, the truest form of love there could be.
It didn’t take long for their group to be known, emerging from the dark waves like water crashing on a rock breaching the oceans stormy surface, a breath of fresh air as lyrics and ideology comforted thousands.
Evermore was their name, bred from the desire to inspire people, remind all who listen that there was more to life than what they can see alone.
Everyday you were blessed to have met that man when you did, lucky that he was willing to embrace your flaws and help you step over your self-doubt and thrive where you thrived best, smiling happily backstage as you watched the people you adore sing songs you helped create and continue to encourage all who listened.
It was your dream come true, to create music.
A dream you often feared you would one day wake from, blinking through tear-filled eyes at that old red booth sitting across from you at that cafe.
Those were the nights you would always awake in your lover’s arms, him fast asleep with drool running down the opened corner of his mouth, but yet somehow providing reassurance in that relaxed face of his, messy green curls hugging his cheeks in the sweetest way possible.
You’d always kiss his chin in those moments, letting yourself melt like ice on a hot, sunny day all over again.
Years had passed since your first encounter with him, years you would always treasure, for how could you not?
He was a ray of light in the darkest years of your life, and you never would have succeeded if it hadnt been for his firm, helping hand.
Together, you were whole.
Even now, as he’s on stage, singing his heart out in the way he always had with that same look of enthusiasm and boyish glee.
The stage boomed with each beat drop or thump of the drums, the screaming fans a mere buzz from the soundproofed backroom where you and a few others watched the performance from a flat-screen television.
Cameras never fully captured his true beauty, despite being in HD.
No, though they captured the glow of his soft skin under the shifting lights, they never could quite catch the aura of enthusiasm he gave off or the twinkle of hope in those deep green eyes you always found yourself getting hopelessly lost in. An endless forest, no, a jungle of harmonious greens. Dewy, doe-like eyes always providing comfort to all those who are able to peer into them.
Its almost as if that’s why people are entranced with him the moment they meet them beyond the screen concealing his soul.
Some could easily say he was open to the world, large arms ready to embrace its flaws wholly, but in truth, he already has. Accepting the world as it is and seeking change little by little in ways he prays could help aid in making a difference, but one human could only ever do so much. That’s the part that wasn’t easy for him to understand about all of this, about his life and others.
He can’t always help everyone, and even he has limits. But no one wants to accept the boundaries put in place by something you cannot comprehend.
It would anger him sometimes, and inspire a new song of heartbreak he would write alone in the back of the tour bus or his office at the home you shared, mindlessly chewing his pen out of frustration until the ink would splatter on his cheek.
He always tried so hard, and most people could see that.
They admired him, wanted to be like him, singing the very essence of his being out loud every chance he could.
He and his group members made music that provided the saying ‘it’ll be okay, one day. Until then, I’ll hold your hand,’ even despite it at times being aggressive and borderline rock instead of pop.
They all worked hard, and it paid off.
You were just lucky to be able to help in any way you could, simultaneously living your dream and aiding others in their own.
It truly was a blissful life you now experienced, all thanks to him, Izuku Midoriya, the man you swore held your heart oh-so gentle in the palms of his scarred hands.
Little do most know, but you held his heart just as gently.
“Looks like they’re finishing up.” Tenya Iida, their manager, pointed out whilst adjusting his glasses in that way he always did when the hours of music streaming through speakers was coming to a close.
He was right, they had just performed their last number for the night. You smiled automatically, knowing just what was to come next.
At the end of every concert, Izuku would always give a passionate speech composed entirely on the spot after observations he made throughout the show in the back of his mind. His fans knew this, and they all immediately quieted down to the point where you couldnt even hear them.
Most of the time he would say the same things at the shows because most crowds are the same- but sometimes something strange and completely unique would catch his perceptive eye, and he would always point it out with a cheery laugh as sweat poured down his face.
It would always cause a roar of screams and laughter before he and his friends signed off for the night, leaving blissful memories in those who watched the performance.
As they all bowed on the television, you were quick to hop up, waiting in front of the couch for them to file into the place.
And soon enough, he came in, sighing happily as he wiped at his face with a towel given to him before entering.
His eyes easily found your own in the suddenly crowded room, almost as if they were pulled together by magnetism, and just like it, your feet began to move on instinct.
Arms wrapping around his torso, your lips brushed over his own parted ones before molding together in a sweet, congratulatory kiss.
A tradition, if you will.
One that you had skipped once and ended up with a pouty Izuku all night.
But you typically remembered, seeing as you usually wanted a kiss as well.
He always smiled against you during these, one hand resting on your hip as the other cupped your jaw, the pad of his thumb brushing against your cheek.
Ignoring the chorus of disgusted ‘ew’s’, you repeatedly kissed his addicting mouth with a smile of your own.
Pulling away, you slowly opened your eyes just in time to see him swipe a tongue over his reddened lips.
“Cotton candy lip gloss?” he guessed the flavor you wore breathlessly, voice hoarse from exaggerated use as his eyes met yours once more, relaxed and filled with nothing but unyielding love for you and you alone.
“Mm~ not quite.” you teased, moving your arms up so they wrapped around his neck instead, not caring that he was sweaty and warm.
You knew he loved these games, though. He enjoyed figuring out things on his own, putting puzzle pieces together in that mind that of his ran at ninety miles per hour.
Leaning in, he pecked your lips once more, smacking his lips together as he tried to figure out the taste.
“Yep!” you giggled as his arms dropped to wrap around your own waist, his forehead coming down to rest on your readily awaiting shoulder.
His dampened green curls tickled at your cheeks, the delirious smell of honey from his shampoo and natural musky scent of sweat overtaking your senses for a mere moment as your fingers combed through his locks.
You were hooked on having him in your arms.
You wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped up in your own worlds as the love you held for each other sparkled around you like stardust.
It was just you and him, no one else.
You sighed contently, his own hum of approval immediately following as he pulled your body flushed against his own.
“This is highly unprofessional!”
You were slowly brought out of your world as the words reached your ears, not bothering to look behind you to see a fuming Iida.
Izuku, on the other hand, shot his head up, frantically waving his arms around as you clung to him like a sloth, “S-sorry!” He apologized, knowing full well this would happen again at the next concert, just as it always does.
Truly, you couldnt help it.
It was hard not to be wrapped up in his strong arms at all points of the day.
A loud sigh sounded behind you, the tapping of what could only be Iida’s pen on his clipboard whilst thinking.
“I’ll get everything wrapped up, you all look exhausted.”
“You could say that again.” Todoroki huffed, the thump of him scuffing his boots against the carpeted floor just barely reaching your ears.
“That crowd sure was enthusiastic, but matching it definitely drained me… ahh..” Uraraka murmured, the distinguishable sound of someone plopping onto a couch being heard with the squeak of leather.
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad, you guys!” Came Izuku’s signature enthusiastic reply, grip on you tightening as his own adrenaline began to pump in his veins again, “There were so many coordinated groups wearing the same thing! And, and those dances they kept doing! I’ve never seen an entire crowd successfully do the wave before! I mean, did you guys see that! They did it!! All for us no less.. I’m so happy~” Izukus cheek rubbed against your own as he sighed blissfully, no doubt amazed by the dedication of his fans.
“I guess that was.. kinda awesome.” Ochaco giggles tiredly.
“Well, I’ve set up four-star hotel rooms nearby for you all. Two to a room. You all may choose who you bunk with, of course, but try not to wreck the rooms.. Again.” He was more than likely glaring at Kaminari who was in the back of the room, considering he did have a little after party of sorts last time and ended up destroying a dresser.
Thank goodness for the shared rooms, though, you knew with complete certainty that the other bed in your room would go unused. It’s gotten to the point where it was impossible to sleep without Izuku’s arms wrapped around you, and you him, as he relented one night over a phone call. Hell, it was the entire reason you were even brought along on the world tour, which he tried to convince wasnt the only reason.
‘You’re apart of the team!’, ‘We can’t function without you!’, ‘You make better soba than they do.’
Supposedly there were more reasons, but for now, you just wanted to indulge in reason number one. 
A chorus of thanks followed, and suddenly you were being dragged out of the room by a hyper Midoriya.
That adrenaline typically ran through his body for a short ten minutes after a show, so you had no doubts that he would be crashing soon, but it was adorable to see him so energetic like a little puppy.
You lived for this, to see him smile at his well-earned success.
The walk to the tour bus out back was frantic, rushed, and definitely panic-driven as all the members not only tried to blend in with the shadows but also avoid fans that could easily start a rampage, especially since the bodyguards were lagging a bit behind.
But it was the fault of the lively and desperate twenty-year-olds, and not their own.
It certainly did bring a hint of rebellious glee thrumming in your soul, making you nearly choke on a laugh.
After successfully avoiding the press and fans after getting off the bus at the hotel, you were quick to retrieve the key from the front desk to your two-bed hotel room four floors up, stepping into the elevator with relieved hums.
“Good show tonight, guys!” Izuku pumped his fist in the air, other hand holding your own as he gave his exhausted team members his signature, award-winning smile.
They returned the gesture with significantly less enthusiasm, but it still made the skin around his brilliant eyes crinkle with joy.
With a final ‘goodnight’, he swiftly opened the door for you both, shutting and double locking it- a slight paranoid habit he had, before glancing over at you with tired eyes.
It was always so strange to you how he could always feign energy until completely alone with you.
It was nice to see him let his guard down in a way he didnt typically do, even if they were all his best friends.
He trudged over to you, having sat yourself down on the bed, just to collapse beside you with a thwump, his legs giving out beneath him as he slumped down onto his knees.
“Tired?” you questioned playfully, petting at his head and untangling locks here and there.
He hummed in contentment, voice muffled by the bed as he spoke, “nah..”
He clearly was, but you could only roll your eyes half-heartedly.
“I need to bathe.. I stink..”
“You stink.” you agreed with a nod, despite not truly believing it, only for him to whine loudly.
“How about a bath, stinky boy? You seem too tired for a shower.” You feared he would collapse in a shower from standing for hours already, and no doubt his feet were killing him, even if he didn’t audibly say so, which he never really did.
Perhaps it was a downfall of sorts, how he never let the attention go on him for too long, or ever really talked about problems unless brought up and forced out.
He certainly was stubborn from a childhood of being forced to keep quiet, but luckily enough, you could always see through that mask he wore.
It was a blessing he trusted you enough to do so, and you could say with complete certainty that that thought only made your heart yearn for him even more.
“A bath sounds good..” he flopped his head on its side so he could stare up at you, “Do you think they have bubble bath?”
“If not, a regular one will do you just fine. Either way, you’ll get clean.”
“Just me? Oh no. You’re joining me!” he shot back, not giving you time to protest, not that you would have, as he pounced on your being, shoving you down to the bed as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“S-stop it~ that tickles!” you giggled, squirming beneath him as he purposefully began to blow on your ticklish neck, fingers even coming up to tickle at your sides. You couldnt help but squeal out as he tickled you relentlessly with a mischievous smile on his handsome face.
“I-Izuku!! S-stop! Gaha! Ahhhh! N-no nonon!” you could barely breathe you were laughing so much, tears spilling from the corner of your eyes as you fought to push his larger frame away.
Snorts began to tear through your nose, much to his own bemusement and your utter horror at the atrocious sounds, and yet he smiled so sincerely at you.
Having enough, and knowing you needed to get things done, you quickly put all your strength into your back and arms, successfully catching him off guard and flipping him over so that you straddled his waist and he stared up at you in shock.
A blush burned at his cheeks upon noticing your victorious smirk, his lips pressing into a thin line as he concealed the gasp he was sure to let out.
“Now now, baby, stop messing around. The stinky boy needs a bath.” and just like that, his head popped back onto the bed with a groan, cheeks still rosey.
“Alright, alright... I’ll run the bath.” He decided, already using his arms to try and push his upper body up, to which you quickly pushed him down again, hands against his chest.
“Ah, ah, ah~ I’m doing it. Rest here for a minute. I know your feet hurt, so let me, okay?” even if you could be tough and playful sometimes, or distant and cold, you always had a very warm, caring heart. And he definitely could see that in the way you interact with others and how you were so much more with him.
He treasured it in a way that could be hard to understand to some.
Was it so wrong to be completely and utterly in love?
It was hard not to be when at times it seemed like you were the only tame thing in his life these days.
He was sure he would struggle to find one, similar to his groupmates, had he not stumbled across you that one summer night.
You were certainly one to blend in, conveniently sitting under a light that didnt work, just to hide in the shadows with your dark hoodie as you lazily ate some greasy fries.
He was tempted to pass you, grab the food that he had ordered via phone call and get out and back to his training session, but there was something about you that made it feel as though he couldn’t leave without saying something. Almost as if his very being was being pulled towards you in a way he couldn’t understand.
And so, he walked past you again, glancing down at the notebook you had wide open and noticing the lyrics you had scribbled down, along with the messages beside them.
‘Thats stupid.’ ‘Oh what a failure you are,’ ‘What type of song even is this?’ and many more harsh words you had clearly written yourself, smudged with black ink and what could only be tears as you stared off out the window.
You were a songwriter, no doubt, and it seemed as if you were close to giving up on your dreams, if you hadn’t already.
Or perhaps he was making a huge mistake by guessing, but he couldn’t help but want to intervene, it was in his nature to be nosy, and he was forever grateful he did.
Because now, you’re by his side, stuck together like glue you made yourselves.
Time had passed so quickly as he laid there on the bed, letting his sore body relax as he listened to you fumble around and the water splashing into the tub.
To some, taking a bath in a hotel was a strange thing to do, but with a hotel as nice and clearly clean as this, there wasn’t too much to worry about. Besides, your own anxiety always made you wash the tub real quick yourself.
Which is why he wanted to run the bath, knowing full well you would do this. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing.
But alas, he was too tired to truly complain.
He just wanted to relax, get clean, and then snuggle with his beloved in a bed that was far too soft for him not to think about stealing if just for a moment.
Eventually, you emerged from the bathroom, only in a tank top and undies, and he couldn’t help but eye you up, too delicious not to. My, he was sure lucky.
“Bath’s ready! Fortunately, this place had some bubble bath. I think you’ll like the scent, Zuzuku.” Walking over to in front of his damn near lifeless body, you grabbed his hands, wheezing as you struggled to pull his muscular torso up.
His arms instantly wrapped around you again, face nuzzling itself on your chest, inhaling your sweet scent.
He was tempted to just pull you onto his lap and fall asleep, but alas..
“Up.” you sternly stated, gently pushing his head back just to lean down and peck his nose.
 Pulling away, you walked back to the bathroom, stopping just at the door.
Fingers gripping the hem of your shirt, you swiftly pulled it up and over, looking back to the flushed boy with an amused grin, “Come join me.”
Seeing him promptly jump up, you giggled to yourself as you waited for him, arms crossed over your bare chest.
He jumped into the bathroom on one foot, trying to pull his pants off whilst fumbling around like a headless chicken.
“Well aren’t you desperate.”
“I just want to hold you in my arms as soon as possible,” he admitted, looking over at you with a pouty face so innocent you couldn’t help but squeal on the inside.
You watched as he shed himself of all his clothes, not feeling the least bit shy at his nude self, having seen it enough times for it to not be sexual in such a domestic setting.
He hummed approvingly as foot stepped into the tub, hands gripping the sides as he lowered himself into the relaxing, warm waters filled with iridescent bubbles.
Looking over at you, he outstretched his hand, waiting.
And so, shedding your underwear, you grabbed his hand, him helping you not slip and fall as you settled in between his legs, back to chest as your head leaned on his broad shoulder, exhaling.
Kissing your cheek, he whispered “Thank you,” appreciatively.
“Mhm~” you hummed, letting your eyes slip closed as you took in this moment.
Him, the smell of the delicious vanilla cake bubble bath, and the soft lofi-hop you had playing from your phone on the counter wrapping the room in a sweet melody.
He too took this moment to relax again, letting the warm water soothe his aching joints and muscles, hands rubbing up and down your arm, the suds in the bath making you both slippery. He always enjoyed feeling your skin whenever given the chance, it was such an intimate act he cherished, seeing how he was the only one who could do it. 
Time was so easy to slip by whenever he was with you, soaking in the moment of feeling you against him.
It brought a sense of normality back to his life, despite it now being barely normal at all.
And so is the life of an idol as they call it, though he wasnt quite sure how that word sat in his stomach.
He always thought of it as a figure to worship, and not him by any means.
Apparently, it’s what they called Asian band members these days, or at least that’s what he presumed.
Even if he spent nights researching the word, he was still met with loopholes and gaps he couldnt fill in.
Such a confusing term.
Nonetheless, he didnt say he wasn’t one since he didn’t exactly have the best grasp on what it is.
Regardless, it felt nice to not have to keep a forced smile on his face, but instead a genuine and relaxed one.
He found that most days he could only relax fully around you.
You always had something about you that calmed his nerves and cured any storm built from stress raging in his head.
Who knew being an ‘idol’ could be so vexing?
Strict schedules, a fairly controlled life, tight budgets, always having to be on his feet, but he had to admit it, it wasn’t nearly as hard as he heard what most groups went through.
He was lucky his friend from high school was willing to invest in this group, and it truly did pay off, seeing as they were quite popular these days.
Though he technically was loaded with money, he never bothered to spend the majority of it on himself, always putting it back into the band or donating it to charities he believed in. The fraction he had left allowed him to buy just what he needed, and some gifts he buys throughout the year just to surprise you with on anniversaries or birthdays or holidays, much to your own dismay.
And though he may be this figure others look up to, you never thought of him in such a way, out of reach and someone to scream at with joy whenever you saw him. You saw him as an average joe, a regular human with emotions. It could have been because you met him before he became a sensation, but you never got blinded by his success like he had seen before on television.
There were so many things to love about you, but most of all, he adored how you grounded him.
Even now, as his arms hold you against him and water softens your skin, he feels at home in a way he didn’t feel very often before. Home was just.. always with you. He couldn’t have a home without you in it anymore.
“I love you..” he breathed out, lips pressing against the damp skin of your neck.
You turned to stare deeply into his intense eyes filled with nothing but love, nose brushing against his own, “I love you, too.”
And so, you finished up the relaxing bath, knowing if you stayed too long you’d both fall asleep and never wake until the morning with pruney skin. It wouldn’t be the first time.
You offered to wash him, and he offered to wash you, giving you both the excuse to run your hands over each other’s body in a sensual way without it being lewd. Besides, you adored feeling his muscles and warm skin, something seemingly common in modern-day bands, but he had always said it was for himself and not just to appeal to fans or any contracts.
It was never about that.
Just a personal goal to help love himself, though you always assured he would look handsome to you no matter what, you understood his need to do this for himself.
After rinsing off, you carefully stood from the tub, offering him a hand before drying the both of yourselves off just to use as an excuse to hug. Seeing as how you both had forgotten to get a change of clothes from the bus, rooky mistake, you were doomed to spend the night in hotel robes, which wasn’t too bad either. Waddling out the room, Izuku nose-dived headfirst into the sheets as you grabbed a glass of water.
Upon him deciding you were taking too long, despite it not even being a minute, he made grabby hands at you, pouting and whining for “(Y/N)’s famous cuddles” which only brought another blush to your face that never seemed to stop smiling when around this absolute angel of a man.
Sipping at the glass of cold water, you slowly made your way to the bed, just to tease him.
“Can’t you move faster.” Izuku groaned, tossing an arm dramatically over his eyes as if watching you move so slowly was killing him
A knife to his frail heart.
He is dead
R.I.P. famous singer and songwriter, Izuku Midoriya.
Killed because his girlfriend was being too slow.
A tragedy in four parts-
His breath was suddenly squeezed from his lungs as you flopped down on him like a fish, his arm flying off his face just to be met with your damp hair tickling his nose, causing the poor fellow to sneeze.
“Ewww! Izukuuuu!” you whined, pulling your head back to mess with your hair with a look of dissatisfaction etched on your features as he just breathily chuckles.
“Aww~ Don’t be mad at me, princess! That was your own fault, you know my nose is ticklish!” though his argument did outweigh your own, you refused to accept it with a humph as you turned your head, puffing your cheeks up and crossing your arms over your robe covered chest.
Surprisingly, the robes were quite comfortable, almost like sleepwear themselves despite being meant for something different than sleeping in. They were white and prone to stains, but they sure were fuzzy and warm.
You had no doubts they would be gone in the morning from the downfall of two humans who are both personal body heaters sleeping together.
Oh, if only you had brought your light sleepwear. Nothing wrong with waking up naked, is there?
“I’ve waited long enough, cuddle me!” Izuku’s arms were outstretched, waiting for you to collapse in his arms instead of sitting on top of his belly, far too far away!
Amused, you nodded, reaching over to the nightstand, switching off the light. The room would’ve fallen into complete darkness had the moon not been shining through a sliver of a crack in the curtains on the far side of the quiet room.
Settling down, you rested your body on top of his own, letting his arms wrap loosely around your waist as he nuzzled his cheek against your own once more. Such a cuddle bug.
It only took a minute before you decided this was uncomfortable and shifted so you were both facing eachother on your sides, your own body close to the curtains, and his close to the door.
He always liked to be closest to the door, so in case of a break-in, he could protect you.
It was endearing in the sweetest of ways, though it made you wonder what went on inside his head sometimes.
Though you prided yourself on being able to understand him completely, you accepted the fact that some things you will never know about him, and some things he will never know about you.
But then again, everyone is entitled to their own secrets, right?
“I’m so glad I met you..” he sighed out dreamily, voice growing husky as drowsiness seeped in. His warm fingers traced over your cheek as the lights of the moon reflected in his eyes, giving you just enough brightness that you could see his content smile.
“I’m really glad you decided to stalk me.”
“I- I didnt-!”
“Hahaha!” you cut him off with laughter, his own following suit.
His breath was suddenly fanning across your lips, and you felt his own soft pair brush against your own, lip-gloss free ones before fully connecting them.
Kissing him had to be one of the best parts about dating him because boy did he know how to make you swoon by his lips alone.
“Goodnight.” you pulled away, pecking his nose as he giggled.
“Goodnight.” he repeated, arms wound around your body and head tucked under his chin.
Oh how sweet life could be if you took a chance.
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a-little-monotonous · 2 years
Okay so Subway Masters! Submas for short, are two trainers, that are also twins, one is named Ingo and another named Emmet! They are from Pokemon Black and White and Black 2 and White 2(gen 5)
Ingo has a permanent :( face, wears black, physically cannot emote well but his voice compensates for this, very expressive! Very polite! Verrry LOUD! Shouts BRAVO! if hes excited, he's the older twin. Emmet has a :) face! The one wearing color white, great at physically expressing himself but speaks very bluntly tho he means well, says very as verrrrry, the younger twin.
Both are obsessed with trains and pokemon battles! There's a reason why they're called Subway Masters!(or subways bosses, based on how you prefer to call them) people like them because either haha funny train twins :D or oh no sad train twins :( (because of pla) both of them have autistic swag 😎
Okay in pokemon games there's this thing called battle towers on where you challenge trainers until the last one and, in their region (Unova) they don't have a battle tower... THEY HAVE A BATTLE SUBWAY!1!1!1! after consecutively defeating 20 trainers you battle Ingo or Emmet or BOTH!1!1! Based on which battle line you chose (Ingo in Singles[1v1 pokemon battle], Emmet in Doubles[2v2 pokemon battle], and both in Multi!1!!1 [2v2 pokemon battle but with two trainers on each side!!1!1!]) They are verrrrry tough tho
Their aces are Chandelure and Eelektross respectively! (But in other games sometimes it's excadrill and archeops), Emmet is sometimes depicted to have many joltiks due to their Galvantula having the move Cross Poison, which is a move that can only be learnt by having it bred
Sometimes in fanwork they are to be very close with Elesa! The gym leader of the city they're in(Nimbasa)! She's an electric type gym leader, some people ship her with one of the twins but i personally see her as just a rather close friend or sibling for the two!
Ingo and Emmet speak in train terms and their poses are an actual technique used in Japan train stations! Point and call! They speak like that always
They are verrrrry close to each other!(but not in a shipping way, ew), it was said in a few other games that they do not know what to do without the other! Either that or they have never separated from eachother before! Based on how you depict what was said!
Reason for their recent popularity is because of Legends Arceus where Ingo is there. With amnesia. He doesn't remember anything other than his name. Though it's coming back, slowly, some off the things he says in the game are quoting Emmet! ; ; He still speaks in train terms and does the poses ; ; people have a headcanon that the reason why Ingo has a Gliscor in his team in pla is because it's smile subconsciously reminds him of Emmet(always smiling)
Like said! Unova, the region they are in, is like, the america equal of the pokemon universe, in which Hisui on the other hand.,.,. is ancient japan,.,.,. New Yorker gets Eeby Deebied to ancient Japan,.,.,.
holy cow SJDHDSJHDSJHDSD okok i gotchu, ty very much for explaining and now i Finally Know
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skittskitt · 3 years
i think sexyman is the wrong term, but he is popular on tumblr, also not excactly two of them, he has a twin named Emmet and they run the battle tower equivalent in unova which is a battle subway in which they are the final boss of sorts if you battle and win long enough, tags for both of the both of them is called submas, which is subway masters shortened, people are obsessed with both of them either because of haha funny train men or oh no :( sad train men(because of pla)
Ingo is the older twin with a permanent :( face, cannot physically express emotion at most times, but has a very expressive(and loud) voice, very polite, while Emmet has a :) face and is more visually expressive, says very as verrrry, has a weird, funny, often threatening walk and speaks very bluntly but means well. Their names in japanese is Nobori(Ingo, it means Up-train) and Kudari(Emmet, it means Down-train), Ingo wears black and Emmet wears white, their aces, based on the game. are Chandelure or Excadrill (Ingo) and Eelektross or Archeops(Emmet).
Emmet is usually headcanoned to have a lot of Joltik due to the galvantula in their team having the move Cross-Poison, which is a move that can only be learned by that pokemon if it was bred.
both are verrry passionate about trains and pokemon battles, the poses they do is a technique used japan when working with trains! point and call! both are very close with each other and that makes Ingo having amnesia in pla hurt a lot more(Ingo quotes Emmet in pla a lot without noticing)
There's also Elesa, who's the gym leader of the city they're in (Nimbasa, and she's a electric type gym leader!) which is usually shown to be very close to the two in fan work (im not exactly sure if interactions between her and the train twins is canon) and she's a model outside of being a gym leader! i personally see her as a third sibling or very close friend but some people ship her with one of the twins
Unfortunately there's a ship for both of the twins and it's called blankshipping(ew), but most fans really hate it so you can easily weed those out
Also Unova is the New York equivalent in the pokemon universe so Ingo's situation in pla is partly hilarious
I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't expect people info dumping about them to be but I can't say I regret my decition.
I made that post half-jokingly 5 min before my therapist appointment and didn't realize just how popular they are. Gen 5 is the games I feel like I have the least connections with since they came out when I was going through some major depresseing stuff, so I didn't really get to enjoy the games, but it's honestly so nice and heartwarming to see the passion for these guys.
Now I really want to play gen 5, I have played through the games before but I don't really remember much...
(but yeah don't ship them ew)
Pokemon is my special interest so I want to thank you very much for all this information!! 🥺💕
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fairy-primarina528 · 3 years
A Wooly Surprise
Summary: Leon and Bede have a rivalry to determine which one of them has the best birthday gift for Clover. Little do they know, a little brown sheep has got them both beat!
Word Count: 1138
Author's Notes: I headcanon that Clover's birthday is on March 17th. To celebrate, here's the story on how she first met her beloved partner pokémon, a shiny Wooloo. I hope you enjoy reading it! I had a lot of fun writing it.
It was a warm spring day in Postwick. The front yard of Hop's childhood home was bustling with activity. Galar's Guardian Champion and Gigantamax Professor invited all their friends and family to celebrate their daughter's fifth birthday. Clover laughed happily as she played with Raihan's Flygon. Raihan took the opportunity to take photos of Clover and Flygon smiling. He was so preoccupied that he didn't notice Gloria standing right behind him.
"Raihan, you better not post any pictures of my daughter on social media or else I'll sick Zamazenta on you!" threatened Gloria.
"These pictures will stay in my phone's gallery. I promise that I won't post them! You have my word," said Raihan.
Gloria had a calmer demeanor once she was satisfied with the Hammerlocke Gym Leader's response. "Sorry about the threats. How about you send me those pictures of Clover and Flygon instead?" she asked.
"You got yourself a deal! I'll send them after the party's over. Don't worry Champ, I understand your outrage. All of Galar goes crazy for Clover. You just want to keep her away from the paparazzi," reassured Raihan.
"Thanks for understanding. I can't wait to see the pictures up close. Clover and Flygon are so cute together!" said Gloria.
Suddenly, loud shouting can be heard from inside the house. The League Chairman and Ballonlea Gym Leader were arguing amongst themselves.
"I'm going to check up on Leon and Bede. Watch over Clover for me!" instructed Gloria.
"You can count on me!" replied Raihan.
Gloria entered the front door and made her way to the living room. Upon arrival, she deduced that Leon and Bede had some sort of rivalry going on between them. She then decided to listen in on their conversation before getting herself involved.
"You sure are playing it too safe by getting Clover a life-sized Wooloo plush. A stuffed toy of her favourite Pokémon is such an obvious gift," scoffed Bede.
"Argh, c'mon! At least I got her a gift that's appropriate for her age! You gave her an encyclopedia!" argued Leon.
"It's a children's encyclopedia full of Pokémon facts! All of the text is written in simple sentences and there's a lot of colourful illustrations of every Pokémon," countered Bede.
The Ballonlea Gym Leader proceeded to relentlessly defend his gift for Clover. "I babysat Clover more often than you! She loves learning about all things Pokémon related. So, I thought why not give her a convenient source of information since she's too young to receive the Pokédex app," he said.
"Okay, I admit that's very thoughtful of you. However, I still got her the better gift!" stated Leon.
"No, you didn't! My gift is better than yours!" shouted Bede.
Bede and Leon continued their argument to the point where Gloria has had enough. She was about to intervene, but the sight of a shiny Wooloo tumbling down the stairs had stopped her from doing so. The Wooloo bleated happily as it rolled up to Gloria. Bede and Leon immediately stopped their arguing.
"The little brown sheep is better than both of our gifts. Truce?" declared Leon.
"Alright, truce," agreed Bede.
A few minutes later, Hop came running downstairs frantically looking for Wooloo. "Please tell that Wooloo didn't run outside!" pleaded Hop.
"Don't worry, Love. Wooloo is right here with me. Our surprise for Clover isn't ruined," reassured Gloria.
"Well, that's a relief," sighed Hop.
"Congrats on the successful shiny hunt!" exclaimed Leon.
"Thanks, Lee! This ewe just hatched last week. Two months of egg hatching finally paid off," laughed Hop.
"That's impressive! You and Gloria bred a shiny Wooloo for Clover. By the way, is your Dubwool the father?" asked Bede.
"No, my Dubwool isn't the father. Clover would've freaked out if Dubwool's away from home for such a long time. So, instead Gloria and I got help from Wooloo breeders all over Postwick, Wedgehurst and Turffield," explained Hop.
"Regardless, Clover is going to love Wooloo when she meets her," assumed Bede.
"I sure hope she does," said Hop.
"She definitely will!" reassured Leon.
All of a sudden, Raihan ran into the living room looking for Gloria. "Sorry for the interruption, but Clover's wondering when she'll get to open her presents. She's getting impatient," he said.
"Well, now's the perfect time to bring out the cake. C'mon everyone, let's go outside!" declared Gloria.
Leon, Raihan and Bede headed out as Hop returned Wooloo to its pokéball. Meanwhile, Gloria went into the kitchen to get the cake. She was the last one to leave the house. All the party guests have already gathered around the patio.
Clover blows out her candles and starts opening presents. She smiles happily after receiving Leon's Wooloo plush and Bede's Pokémon encyclopedia. After all of the presents have been opened, Hop and Gloria revealed their gift to Clover.
"A pokéball? What pokémon is inside it?" asked Clover.
It's a surprise! Say hello to your new friend," said Gloria.
Clover released the pokémon from its pokéball. The five year old girl gasped at the sight in front of her.
"A Wooloo for me?!?!"
She got on her knees to get a closer look at Wooloo. Clover hesitated for a while as she trys to figure out the Sheep Pokémon's gender. She makes an educated guess and proceeds to introduce herself.
"Hmm...hi girl! Nice to meet you! My name's Clover and I hope we become the best of friends."
Wooloo listened carefully to Clover's words. Then, the Sheep Pokémon leaned into the little girl's touch. Clover took this as a sign of Wooloo's trust and cradled the sheep in her arms.
"She's so fluffy! And she looks different than all the Wooloo I've played with. Daddy, is she a shiny?"
"Yes, she's a shiny," answered Hop.
"You and Mummy got me a shiny Wooloo! Thank you! This is the best birthday ever!" exclaimed Clover.
"You're welcome, baby. You deserve the best on your special day," said Hop.
Clover gently places Wooloo on the ground and gives both of her parents a big hug.
"You should give your Wooloo a nickname," suggested Gloria.
"Okay! I'll call her Wooly!" declared Clover.
At the sound of her new nickname, Wooloo gives off a bleat in affirmation.
"I think she likes her name! Welcome to the family Wooly," said Gloria.
"Yay! Let's go play together Wooly," cheered Clover.
During the rest of the party, Clover spends her time bonding with Wooly. At some point, they're seen relaxing together on the front porch. Clover happily reads facts out loud from her new encyclopedia while Wooly snuggles up against her trainer's life-sized Wooloo plush. Bede and Leon are proud to know that Clover appreciated both of their gifts. Raihan follows through with his promise and sends Gloria pictures of Clover playing with Flygon. At the end of the day, Hop and Gloria are happy that their daughter's fifth birthday party was an unforgettable experience.
The End.
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
Mmmm I’d like to see Demiurge finally breed his “prized ewe” bc I know that cheeky bastard would tease her relentlessly for god knows how long and I think mc would deserve some of that good Demi D for putting up with his shit lmao. Would be fun if she was wearing the bell collar on top of that so it would jingle while she’s being fucked 😏
A/N: HAH! XD Oh yeah. He'd break her in—in more ways than one... ;)
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Any injection that demon gave her was hardly one she could trust was being given in 'good faith'. What started out as such, slowly morphed into him testing what sort of combination would intoxicate her or make her transform into a highly sex crazed maniac.
She didn't want to know what for...
What was oddly upsetting about all of this, was the fact he would let her simply be howling in sexual agony in her pen while he was away. What was the point of making her go into a heightened sense of heat, if he wasn't going to sate it?
Her fingers wrapped about the iron bars of her cage's door, as she shook them. Her bell collar jingled as she did so. “Let me out! Let me out!”
Nobody would hear. He wasn't at the farm at that moment. Not that she she was aware of. Her heart hurt worse than ever, a small whimper emanating from her as she wished the devil would just show up.
As if reading her mind, the door at the front of the barn opened and Demiurge made his way down the aisle.
She wished she could poke her head out. Sheep at least got that grace but not the devil's 'sheep'. His casual walk soon stopped before her stall as he undid the lock and let himself inside.
More than anything, she wanted to rush at him to give him an excuse to grab her again. But she didn't. This time, she was expecting he'd at least milk her. She bit at her lip, trying to act disinterested in hopes he would continue to want to prey off of her misery—even if it was fake.
He grinned widely, slipping his black gloves off and snapping rubber ones on instead. Normally, he wouldn't do such a thing. He loved forcing her to endure his actual touch one way or another. “Good morning, my dear. Let's see how prepared you are for me this day.”
She wasn't sure what he meant. Before she could even ask, he grabbed upon her legs and forced them apart—maneuvering his finger inside of her womanhood to feel around and listen to the melodic sounds that graced his acute hearing. She squirmed, cried out in a fit of pleasure bound by mercy. It was music to his ears.
Demiurge's fingers curled upward, rubbing against the sensitive flesh of her womanhood before removing himself from her body. His index and thumb finger rubbed together, admiring the cum that he had already encouraged forth. “Mm, that time of season, is it?”
She looked to him, trembling with desire and wanting more but refusing to vocalize it.
“Now, I did say I had no intention of breeding you,” Demiurge reminded her. “However, I didn't say I had no intention of breeding with you.”
The very sound of him swallowing was intoxicating to her for some reason. Every sound he made whether by himself or encouraged in the atmosphere around him—such as moving on her straw bed—was enough to make her swoon.
Her clothes were torn from her in one swift motion without hesitation. Demiurge's fingers looped about the collar and urged her forward to where in a matter of seconds, she found the tip of his cock rubbing against her mouth.
“Suck me, pet,” he demanded hoarsely.
Opening her mouth, she attempted to start slowly, but the devil wouldn't hear of it. Even if he wasn't fully erect yet, it was a challenge to try and take such a thing fully into her throat. She grabbed onto his hips, a moan of pleasure rumbling in her throat as she gulped and huffed through her nostrils.
The sound of his erotic growling made her spread her legs on impulse. Just put it in me...! she mentally pleaded. Please! I'm dying to feel more of you!
His grip returned to her throat, pushing her back steadily to where she worried she may have displeased him, or he might have changed his mind. But she was wrong. A hot string of cum marked her face, making her body tense at the warmth as it splattered across her face and marked her chest as well.
“I am not done,” he warned with a wicked grin, urging her onto her back as he thrust within her at such a harsh speed that her body jolted.
The bell jingled loudly upon every harsh thrust, coupled with Demiurge's deep grunts on each impact he made within her. Their thighs slapped together, encouraging a lewd wet noise to be heard from their union. Her breasts, full of milk, painfully bounced as well to every hard slap that her body encountered from the demon, but she enjoyed it all.
“F-Fuck, Master...! Oh gods...!”
“Do you wish for more?” Demiurge questioned, leaning in closer.
She nodded, looking to him with a pitiful yet pleading expression. The mere thrust inside of her again and again wasn't enough. She wanted that cum that covered her to be inside of her...
“Then take all of my seed, pet, and don't squander it,” the demon ordered through his clenched teeth.
The intoxicating warmth expanded within her body, feeling like a tree root that continued to seep through the soil of her veins. Her nails dug into his forearm, but the devil felt no pain—only pleasure—as he came harshly within her again and again.
Only a moment he gave her to settle before grabbing onto her face and forcing her to look at him. “Mm, I love the sound of your little bell as it jingles while I mate with you, my dear. It reminds me you are mine and mine alone...” He rubbed her stomach, that unnatural smirk widening all the more. “What a well bred ewe you are now. Full of what I have to offer.”
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ffakc · 4 years
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The Weather Outside is Frightful - a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fanfiction
@negans-attagirl @jdmbbycakes @iluvneganandjamie
“For Rhinebeck, we’re looking at up to five inches per hour! Make sure you’ve got your milk and bread, folks, it’s going to be a doozy!” the weather man proclaimed. My husband changes the channel to our favorite trashy reality TV channel.
“I’d like to get five inches per hour,” I mutter for myself with a smirk and snuggle up under a fuzzy blanket.
“What did you just say?” Jeff laughs.
“Oh, nothing,” I sigh. Jeff is still giggling to himself. My silver fox leans over and growls in my ear.
“If you wanted to have sex, all you had to do was say so,” he kisses my neck with an obnoxious “MWAH!” sound.
“You’re so damn cute,” I try my best to climb onto my husband’s lap.
“How are you so hot even in your jammies, baby girl?” I grab his cheeks and kiss him.
“I don’t feel very hot,” I gesture to my VERY pregnant belly. Jeffrey scoffs.
“Nonsense! You’re carrying OUR child, that’s the most badass thing a lady can do!” he kisses my lips sweetly as he rubs the taut skin, “I love my girls.”
“We love you too, Daddy,” I smile and rock my hips against Jeff’s thigh. I moan with delight.
“Think about it this way, you’re rearranging your organs to bring a life into this world! How cool is that?”
“Jeff, that’s gross,” I laugh.
“I guess you’re right,” he chuckles. “So, what do my gals want for dinner, hm?”
“If I had my way, Pizza Hut stuffed crust. I’ve been craving that for a good week now. But I’m not about to make a delivery driver trek through this,” I climb off my man’s lap and rub his knee.
“Sweetheart, I’ve got a massive four wheel drive. Do you want pizza? I’ll get you pizza,” Jeff smiles, standing up off the couch.
“Yes please, Daddy. You’re so sweet.” I pull up the website on my phone, “What do you want?” I run my fingers over my stomach, which is now growling.
“You know I’m not picky,” Jeff grabs his keys and uses his remote start to warm his beast of a truck.
“Extra red onions, black olives, and sausage then,” I reply, Jeff hands me his card and kisses my forehead. “Ooh, and maybe a syrupy sweet fountain Pepsi?”
“You better be suckin’ on a breath mint then before you get near these lips! Also, Pepsi? Really? Oh, you better be fuckin’ messing with me.” I rest my sore feet on the ottoman and nod as Jeff pets my hair. “Fine, whatever. I’ll get you horse piss.” I laugh. That man is hopelessly addicted to his Coca Cola. “Anything else while I’m out?”
“Maybe a pregnancy test? I’ve been feeling weird lately,” I joke.
“Oh my god, you’re so annoying,” Jeff rolls his eyes with a grin and pulls on his flannel jacket, placing an unlit cigarette between his lips.
“Drive safe! I love you,” I blow him a kiss.
“I love you too, baby girl.”
“That’s your Daddy,” I trace my fingers over my belly, watching a rerun of Grey’s Anatomy that happened to be on. “He’s already wrapped around your little finger and he hasn’t even seen you in person yet,” I giggle. “We are so excited to meet you, baby girl.”
“Dinner is served, darlin’!” Jeff calls out and sets the pizza on the counter. I sit myself up a little straighter. Little flutters ripple across my abdomen.
“Jeff! Babe, come here!” I gesture to my stomach.
“Watching Daddy, hm? Wow, I miss my dark hair,” Jeff laughs and gets to his knees on the floor in front of the couch. I place his hand on my stomach and gently press my hand on top of his.
“Do you feel that? As soon as she heard your voice, she started moving.” Jeff gasps as a wide smile crosses his lips.
“I’m so in love with her already,” he kisses the little lumps where I assume a hand or a foot poked through. “That’s my daughter, my fucking daughter. It’s still so surreal to say. I’ve wanted a little girl for God knows how long,” he lowers his voice to a whisper, “I’ve loved you since the moment Mama said she was pregnant with you. Don’t you break your daddy’s heart, sweet pea.”
“I can’t imagine bringing a child into this world with anyone else,” I reply and kiss my husband deeply. “Alright, I suppose I should get up!” I grab Jeff’s outstretched hand and he pulls me off the couch. I place my pizza on a paper plate. Jeff looks me up and down.
“Look how fucking cute you are, doll. Daddy loves giving his gal what she wants,” my husband remarks and kisses my cheek. I sink my teeth into the greasy pizza and moan with delight. “Is it everything you hoped it would be?”
“God, yes. The grease makes my soul happy,” I laugh. Jeff sits on the barstool at the kitchen counter.
“So, umm, yeah,” my husband clears his throat. “Usually I couldn’t give two shits what people say on social media, but...” Jeff heaves a heavy sigh. “I was scrolling through Twitter while waiting for pizza and I saw a few comments here and there about how I’m too old for this,” he places a hand on my stomach.
“That’s stupid,” I roll my eyes.
“They say I’m too old for you too,” he grabs his phone and adjusts his bifcocals, “‘Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s going to be 72 when that kid graduates and his sugar baby’s going to be 42. You ever think about how weird that is? Ew. Poor kid.’ I keep telling myself it do-“ a single tear falls down his face as he places his phone back on the counter.
“It doesn’t matter, Jeffrey,” I cup his cheek my hand and kiss him. “Aww, baby, come here,” I hold his head against my chest. “You already cherish this baby with every ounce of love you have and that’s literally all our girl could ask for, is a Mommy and Daddy who want nothing more than to love her with all their hearts. Age is but a number, sweetheart. My dad was older when he had us kids and it didn’t affect his parenting one single bit. Also, calling me a sugar baby when anyone who follows me on any social media platform knows I never shut the fuck up about how much I love my husband.” Jeff laughs to himself. “I’d have to be in REALLY deep with the sugar baby thing if I let my sugar daddy put a living, breathing child inside me.”
“Yeah, you are absolutely right,” Jeff sniffles and kisses me. “They can call me ‘old’ all the live long day, but coming for my incredible wife and unborn child? I don’t take too kindly to that. That hurts. I swear, I think your pregnancy hormones are affecting me too,” he teases and flicks his tears away.
“I don’t blame you! That shit is rude and uncalled for!” I exclaim and take a bite of pizza. “Sorry, I got distracted,” I wipe my mouth with a napkin. “What can I say? I’m eating for two.”
“You are indeed,” Jeff smiles, he murmurs something to himself and gives my backside a squeeze. He nibbles his pizza.
“What’s that, Daddy?” I look up at him with innocent eyes and take a long sip of my drink.
“I said, ‘that ass’,” You’ve gotten so curvy, baby. Pregnancy looks real good on you. Who gave you the right to be so damn sexy?” I wiggle my hips as wetness pools between my thighs. “You’re lucky I don’t just shove this pizza off the counter and fuck you right here.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I smirk. I pull down my top slightly, revealing my overgrown and engorged breasts.
“Baby doll,” Jeff whines. I run my fingers over the zipper of his jeans, earning a moan from my gorgeous older man. He places one veiny, strong hand on my hip and the other in my hair as he kisses me deeply. His hand travels to my belly as his breath shudders against my lips.
“I love these new curves,” Jeff groans. “Why does this big, round pregnant belly turn me on so much?”
“Because you know it means you bred me so good?” I suggest, squeezing my breasts together. “Making my tits bigger, making my hips wider.”
“God yes. What can I do to make my gal feel good tonight?”
“Well, I’ve had another craving that isn’t pizza,” I trail my fingers down his chest, “A hot, steamy shower with my hands in your hair and your mouth on my needy, wet pussy. Oh Daddy, I need you.”
“Oh my,” Jeff clicks his tongue, his face flushing slightly, “You know how much I love devouring that sweet pussy. I could do that all day, every day if you’d let me.”
“I’d let you!” I pipe up, and Jeff laughs, dunking his crust in pizza sauce. “Just don’t put any pepper flakes on your pizza,” I wink and Jeff laughs even harder.
“Good lord, you really think I’d do that to you?”
“I don’t know, maybe! Now, let’s finish dinner, dessert is waiting for you,” I rub my husband’s shoulders and he lets out a satisfied groan. I throw my plate in the trash, “I’ll meet you in the shower,” I whisper against his ear. Jeff shoves the rest of his food in his mouth and chases after me. I crank the shower up as hot as it can go, Jeff grabs me by the waist from behind and rubs against me as he kisses my neck. I can feel how hard he is in his fitted jeans. I slip out of my clothes and my husband does the same, his cock throbbing as he slides out of his underwear.
“Look at what you do to me,” Jeff gestures downward.
“Oops,” I step under the water. I brush two fingers over my clit and whimper, then offer them to Jeff. He sucks them seductively. “Look what you do to ME.”
“Fuck girl, you taste so sweet,” his hands rest on my pregnant belly as I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss.
“I need to sit down,” I remark and bite my lip. I sit back on the shower bench.
“That’s my good girl. You sit back and relax, pull my hair, and let Daddy enjoy himself. Don’t you move a muscle, let me do all the work, sweetheart,” Jeff ghosts his hot breath against me, smirking up at me. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He lets out a low growl of pleasure.
“You tease,” I whine, “Please Daddy, please. I need it, Jeffrey.” Jeff buries his face in what’s his. The water falls softly against his tanned skin.
“You taste so damn GOOD, girl,” Jeff rasps. A little bit of Negan slipped out with that statement. He breathes heavily as his mouth overtakes my most sensitive parts. His fingers curl inside me. My whole body jerks.
“Jeff! Oh my god!” I gasp. My silver fox groans loudly.
“Oh Princess, I want to make you scream. I want you to make an absolute fucking mess on my face,” he spreads my legs as far as my exhausted body can go and circles my throbbing clit with his ever-flickering tongue. God, what a talented tongue my gorgeous husband has.
“Jeffrey! Jeffrey, oh fuck! I’m so close, baby. Please, baby. Please, I need you so damn bad,” I plead, grasping onto his graying locks. He sucks gently as if I’m his favorite lollipop and smirks up at me. “FUCK!” I cry out, “JEFF! OH MY FUCKING GOD!” I can’t hold back, profanity and filthy, wet mouth sounds fill the air. My orgasm hits me like a powerful earthquake, a tidal wave of pure ecstasy. As if a surge of lightning coursed through my entire body. Jeff pants, planting soft kisses on my inner thighs. I stroke his hair as he kisses me passionately, my legs still trembling.
“Was is it as good for you as it was for me?” Jeff smiles.
“Oh god, better than I could have ever imagined, Daddy. I love you so damn much,” I breathe heavily.
“I love you more than anything. You make me the luckiest, Mrs. Morgan.”
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fckaugust · 3 years
actually ✍ ( ignore the other one, i'm indecisive )
✍: for what my muse has written about yours in their diary.
disclaimer: this is all hypothetical, of course ! also, all spelling errors he inevitably would’ve made have been corrected with the exception of jake gyllenhaal’s name.
november 17th, 2010:
today that nice guy mx took me to meet a couple people he’s friends with. they were all pretty cool i guess, but it was kinda weird because apparently a lot of them knew i ‘replaced’ this guy named eddie. maybe i’ll try to meet him. anyway, one of them was named syrelle (i think) and i think she was my favorite. she was really nice and honestly very pretty too!
november 18th, 2010:
update: it’s spelled cyrelle. with a c.
november 22nd, 2010:
cyrelle learned i was born (and partially bred, you know my story! you’re me!) in west virginia and had me watch this movie called ‘october sky.’ she was talking the whole time so i don’t really know what it was about, but that’s okay. i think i liked that better than just the general concept of watching a movie in the first place. she’s really smart. like... really smart. i also didn’t really know what she was talking about because she’s so smart, but i still liked it a whole lot. she gave me a copy of the dvd. i looked it up to see if it seemed like i should watch it without cyrelle. apparently it’s a combo of our worlds, if you will: west virginia and space. and jake gylenhal jake gyllinhall jake gillenhall jake gyllenhall (sp?).
january 4th, 2011:
so apparently cyrelle’s mom’s some kind of famous actress? i don’t know. there seems to be a lot of weird judgment going on about her family which... i don’t get? everyone has weird family things going on. unless she’s part of the manson family (and i don’t think they were actually related or really a family... right? also wasn’t that in the 60s? rip sharon tate), WHO CARES ABOUT LOCAL DRAMA?!?!?!
july 18th, 2013:
so ‘the conjuring’ is coming out tomorrow. i think i might try to actually ask cyrelle to hang out - like, go to the movies with me, that kind of hang out. the one you see in movies. 
july 21st, 2013:
ignore july 18th, re cyrelle. i didn’t send the text and i don’t think i will. i’m gonna be that guy who says he’s in the ‘friendzone,’ ew. i hope someone punches me if i ever say that or call myself a ‘nice guy’. or wear a fedora. so anyway, [ stuff about other people ].
september 20th, 2014:
i was so worried cyrelle and [insert various other names] were in there. i hate that i was thinking about all of them and i still couldn’t just... go in. i was so close. and now nina’s dead because i’m a damn coward. and george is dead because i didn’t do a damn thing even though i was so fucking close to it. all it took were five goddamn steps. and i just kept thinking... you selfish idiot. if you go in, you’re a selfish idiot because you just wanna be a big damn hero. if you stay here, you’re a selfish idiot because you’ll let your friends burn to a crisp. i’m really glad cyrelle and [the other names] weren’t there. rachel was though, and now she might be blind. we’re not close enough for me to know all the details yet, but i know it’s not... good. and jesse’s face is all disfigured which is unfair because he actually saved people. at least i finally have proof that karma doesn’t exist. 
november 28th, 2014:
i wonder how everyone else is doing... i wonder if they even wanna talk about it. i wonder if cyrelle is okay.
july 16th, 2018:
jesse keeps calling me. i don’t know why he hasn’t stopped yet. i know why. so i don’t know why he keeps calling - how he hasn’t gotten the message yet. but i’d be lying if i said i didn’t wonder every now and again how cyrelle’s doing. it’s been hard to keep in touch with most of my old friends, we’re all unreachable for one reason or another. i think the only person still even kind of keeping us together is mx...
october 15th, 2018:
he’s dead. i saw it coming and i didn’t do shit about it. a goddamn idiot. who else am i gonna lose now? and i don’t just mean to substances or a lack of communication. i’ve lost a lot of people that way. but to death. to literal death, probably caused by substances. i’m so fucking scared cyrelle’s gonna be next, but we haven’t talked in so long i shouldn’t just go fucking meddling. there’s no point in pulling a jesse. dean didn’t fucking listen to me about mx, so who the hell’s to say cyrelle would listen to me about herself? and why should she even care? what are we to each other anymore, just acquaintances? it’s so fucking funny how people can leave your life as quickly as they came into it. maybe i’ll be next. it’d be a lot easier that way.
october 29th, 2019:
it’s cyrelle’s birthday today. i don’t think anyone’s having a good one anymore, at least not the people who aren’t coping well. i haven’t had any good ones that i can remember. but i still hope something good happened. maybe neil degrasse tyson finally admitted he was mutually feuding with her? i don’t know. we all have so little time.
march 23rd, 2020:
happy birthday to me. happy birthday to me. happy birthday mr. carpenter. happy birthday to me. i never liked birthdays, i didn’t want people to wish me happy them. but i never actually thought about what it’d be like to not hear it once i started hearing it. cyrelle, mx, nina... it’s weird. it’s odd that only one of those three is still alive. physically.
february 27th, 2021:
i haven’t tried to talk to cyrelle again. she hasn’t tried to talk to me again. i don’t know why i’m still writing about her. consider this my last entry. forever. it’s been real, my sweetest friend.
february 28th, 2014:
so many entries are gone. so i guess i’m writing about her again, but now i can write about anyone... because we’re all alive? it’s kinda tragic, isn’t it? we talked. it really was like it was 2014 again, but before all the bullshit happened. i don’t know which is more tragic: having to face up to all the dead people who don’t know they died and will probably die again, or having to face up to all the lost friends and recognize that so much time has passed but so little has too. i don’t wanna miss it this time around -- this might be the only good part of being 22 again. but i also don’t want to sacrifice our second chance. but even if i do... what will it matter in the long run? it’s just gonna repeat itself. why get my hopes up for anything different?
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dramioneasks · 5 years
Can you pretty please recommend some of your personal favorite dark!fics (like anything with either non/dub possessive!Draco ect?)
Here are some of mine (Warning: Some of these stories contain graphic depictions of rape):
Her Shoes by margaritama - NC-17, 19 Chapters - Draco Malfoy has demanded Hermione Granger head up an important new Wizard and Muggle venture he’s funding. They’ll be working at his home. Why would he do this? It’s clear he can’t stand her. Isn’t it?
Out of the Silent Planet by ianthe_waiting - NC-17, 39 chapters - Hermione Granger fulfills Severus Snape’s final wish, to journey to Japan to ‘retrieve’ something of importance.
A Slow Cruel Descent by SenLinYu - M, 2 Chapters - The war grinds on and Hermione Granger, the lead intelligence for the Order of the Pheonix, is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves a reluctant Draco Malfoy.
The Unbreakable Bond by MrBenzedrine - M, one-shot - One Shot. STRONG THEMES. Very Point? What Point? Hermione forms an unbreakable bond with Draco- Smut to follow! ANGST 3Plus,Abuse,Anal,Angst,BDSM,Bond,COMPLETE,Contro,D/s,Dom,F/F,Fingering,H/C,HJ,Humil,M/s,Oneshot,Oral,Other VERY DARK.
Crumple by MissiAmphetamine - M, 11 chapters - As the war rages on two years post-‘final battle’, Hermione is captured by the other side and Malfoy is the only hope she has of surviving. [“Granger?” His voice is urgent, but she just sits there and breathes for a moment, feeling violated and still radiating pain, her eyes staring blindly at the cell wall opposite her, her brain frozen in what she thinks dully might be shock.]
Pieces by Kyra4 - M, 5 Chapters - Can the same person who broke you into pieces, be the person to put you back together again?
Voices by Kyonomiko - M, 3 Chapters - Hermione has long accepted she might not make it through the war alive, but after years on the battlefield, she never expected to be at the mercy of Draco Malfoy. Not untouched by his own experiences, his manic behavior leaves her living in constant fear of the unknown, suffering both affections and afflictions at his hands.
Stone Dragons by gravidy - R, 3 Chapters - Sometimes there are no right decisions. There are only actions and consequences. Hermione’s only choice now is who to betray.
And So No One Else Can Have You by flipflop_diva - E, one-shot - Hermione may be Draco’s slave, but she is not quite as controllable as Draco would like. And that is something that Draco needs to put a stop to. An AU world set after Deathly Hallows. Based on the prompt Hermione is a war slave. Not only that, she is Draco’s war slave. Draco is a cruel master, but he is also in love with her. She grows to love him back.
The Beggar-Thief by gravidy - NC-17, 8 Chapters - Hermione Granger doesn’t believe in things that have never been seen. But then, she doesn’t believe in a lot of things anymore. Hermione Granger has enough problems without worrying about Pureblood kidnappings and techno-geeks. The last thing she needs is Draco Malfoy breathing down her neck.
The Lions of December by Gravidy - NC-17, 2 Chapters - She calls me Goliath and I wear the David mask. I’d like to believe we could reconcile the past. Resurrect those bridges with an ancient glance. But my old stone face can’t seem to break her down. She remembers bridges and burns them to the ground.–Excerpts from 7Mary3 “Cumbersome”
Uncoffined by lady_of_clunn - E, 13 Chapters - When all is lost, we are willing to do whatever it takes to survive. 2nd place in the category ‘Best WIP’ in the 2009 dramione_awards on LJ.
Cold Side of the Moon by RZZMG - M, 10 Chapters - Released from Azkaban & tossed into the Forbidden Forest, Hermione Granger must escape the predators & survive for 8 days to earn her freedom. She doesn’t expect to make it knowing Werewolf!Draco Malfoy is somewhere in the forest, too, just waiting for the next victim of The Games to arrive. Dramione. 2013 HP-Darkarts Fest entry. Nom’d HPFanficFanPollAwards-Best Dark Fic. COMPLETE!
The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting - M, 28 Chapters - Ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Hermione Granger leads of life of self-imposed obscurity, that is, until the day Headmistress Minerva McGonagall is murdered and a certain ‘hero’ is responsible. DM/HG, written originally in 2007-2008, and finally making its debut here! AU, DH-EWE, non-canon elements, time travel, character death, etc.
Utterly Despicable by camnz - M, 24 Chapters - The death of both Voldemort and Harry Potter let the pureblood elite build the world they wanted. One that leaves Hermione in a vulnerable state, which Draco Malfoy is prepared to take full advantage of.
Manacled by SenLinYu - M, 77 Chapters - Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret locked away in her mind. She is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, to be bred and monitored until it can be accessed. COMPLETE
The Gift by RZZMG - M, one-shot - After imbibing too much on Christmas Eve, Draco Malfoy decides to give himself a gift: Hermione Granger, his war prize slave. Can her gift of love tame the darkness in his heart? One-shot. Dramione/dark Draco x Hermione. A/U,Post-Hogwarts,EWE. COMPLETE!
Every Way You Look At This by tamlane - R, one-shot - Sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is indebted to whom. Which really has little to do with the means of collection, when you’re a Malfoy.
Save You, Save Me by flipflop_diva - R, one-shot - For five years, Draco Malfoy has kept Hermione Granger hidden away from the Dark Lord’s wrath. In exchange for her life, she’ll do what he says. But Hermione is about to find out that not everything is how it seems.
Worth The Risk by scarletladyy - M, one-shot - The world is a dangerous place for Hermione and other Muggleborns, and when she meets the Death Eater’s most infamous torturer in a dark alleyway, she thinks her life is over, until it turns out that this Death Eater may have a conscience after all.
His One Unforgivable Sin by DramioneInLove - M, 8 Chapters - In a world where Muggle-borns are the “lower class”, Hermione Granger works for Madam Malkin’s as an apprentice. When pure-blood women who have bought dress robes from Madam Malkin’s die mysteriously, Draco Malfoy starts the investigation, and Hermione is his first suspect. DramioneLove fest submission. Winner of Mod’s Choice: Best Dystopian Universe Fic. Warnings inside.
Master by AkashaTheKitty - M, one-shot -The war drags on and Hermione Granger is caught and then bought by her old enemy Draco Malfoy. But why did he do that when he obviously isn’t really interested in using her for anything? AU, very ugly themes, ONESHOT!
The Slow Thaw by camnz - M, 21 Chapters - Hermione is serving at Malfoy Mansion after the war was lost. In her bleak existance, she manages to find ways to cope. Contains nonconsentual. COMPLETE.
Subsistence by ratherbsailing - NC-17, 3 chapters - In times of war, people find different ways to survive.
Squirm by MrBenzedrine - M, 28 Chapters - Written for Halloween, 2016. Dramione. Rated M for non-con themes, as well as implied horror. TRIGGER WARNING. Draco Malfoy falls into a strange obsession with Hermione Granger. But it’s a risk -he holds a dark, sinister secret, and if he becomes too close, she just might find out what it is. Dark Fic. WIP. **WINNER: Best WIP 2017 Winter Dramione Awards** *Complete*
Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan - M, 78 Chapters - It is six years since the fall of the Ministry to Voldemort. Those other than purebloods are deemed less than human. When Ginny’s daughter ends up in grave danger, Hermione sells herself to the Death Eaters to save her life. Draco/Hermione. Not fluffy.
His Beautiful, Haunting Eyes by thecellarfloor - M, 14 Chapters - Draco pushed her to the wall, kissed her roughly on the lips, then punched the glass window beside her head. It smashed into pieces and the crowd who had parted for him seconds ago gasped. Hermione couldn’t. She couldn’t even breathe. What have you done?
- AgnMag
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nishaapologist · 4 years
California Dreamin’ (Fallout 4, First Sentinel AU)
“Do you remember much about California, or were you too young to remember it?”
Rookie has a weird obsession about Sarah’s being from California, sort of. Maybe that’s a little harsh, actually, but Sarah didn’t think they’d be so fascinated by it when she’d mentioned it in passing once. To her, it’s more of just a fun fact rather than something of weight, of importance; more party trick than anything of real substance. But Rookie had just stared up at her with their big brown eyes when she’d mentioned the merchant she’d travelled to Boston with had guessed it in one (Erin, her name had been, smiling widely as she’d made the leap of logic that nobody born and bred in DC could pick up a tan as well as Sarah can), before bombarding her with questions she couldn’t answer.
So, Sarah pauses from where she’s painstakingly stitching ballistic weave into her Minutemen longcoat, bulletproofing it to high heaven and then some, and she bites her lip as she looks at her wonky stitching. She’s never had a skill with this sort of stuff, not like Rookie does, but this feels like it should be a personal undertaking… even if Rookie’ll probably redo it all in the dead of night anyway. “Too young, yeah,” she admits after a long moment. “I was only… three, maybe four, when we left Lost Hills.”
What few memories she has of the time before DC are very... split, she would say, all strongly divided into light and dark; of menacingly long hallways and a spread of open desert. None of them are of specific people or times, but that’s just fine. She’d never planned to actually return there again anyway.
Rookie hums, a low note in their throat signalling an undertone of disappointment, the sound muted from where they’re sat at the dining table across from Sarah’s armour workbench. Sarah’s not sure if it’s directed at her own poor memory or at her terrible handiwork on her coat, but neither of them feel like good options.
“That’s a shame,” they murmur after another second, drumming their fingers across the table’s mottled surface. “Did your dad ever tell you anything about it?”
“Bits and pieces, here and there.” Sarah scowls down at her needle, willing for it to stitch itself together. “Mostly on the politics, I’ll be honest, both in and outside the Brotherhood.”
It actually takes Sarah a few seconds to wrack her brain for answers to that; lately, she’d found she’s been discarding a lot of information that has little to do with surviving Boston’s many enemies, and given how many foes are scattered between the ruined skyscrapers and down in the boggy swamps, that’s a lot of information to forget. “Like, the, uh… the NCR, and the other local factions. The hierarchy within the Brotherhood, talking about all the other divisions, the Elders, the… boring shit, you know.”
Rookie, tragically, doesn’t look bored; rather, they seem more fascinated than ever. “What’s the NCR?”
Sarah squints down at her own hands, and then looks to Rookie with wide eyes like she’s just realised something fantastical. “Honestly? I do not even vaguely fucking remember. They’re, like… a republic? Got a president and stuff, lots of bureaucracy. I think they use paper money, too? I dunno why I remember that.”
Now it’s Rookie’s turn to pull a face. “Ew, paper money? That’s what they prioritised?”
Sarah shrugs, and then hisses when she jabs the needle into her pad of her own thumb by accident. It wells up like a blot of red ink, sinking into the whorls and twists of her thumbprint, and it glints in the light of the low-hanging bulbs. “California is weird like that. Sure am glad I’m over here, actually.”
Rookie looks contemplative for a moment. “I dunno,” they start, speaking slowly as if they need to sound out every syllable. “I think it’d be nice to see the sun more than twice a year.”
“Uh-huh,” Sarah says before she presses her thumb to her mouth, and she grimaces at the iron tang. “Well, you just tell me when you wanna die of heatstroke, and I’ll make the arrangements for us to move right away.”
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Survey #285
"do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?”
What does your car smell like? You assume I have a car. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? ^ Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yes, Sara. I want to visit her again, but right now I have no clue when that will happen. I have another friend that wants me to shoot her wedding that was planned for this year, but it was delayed to an unknown date, so. What was the last thing you used a blender for? A margarita. Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about? Yep. There's been a couple. Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal? Yes. Mom and I aren't coming while Ashley's inlaws are there at her house, and then I think we're going to my other sister's since she wants to cook? I've only really overheard Mom over the phone, I'm not 100%. I'm just. Going with it. What’s your favourite flavor of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake? Probably red velvet, or just double chocolate. I dunno. I love cake. I don't cook, though. Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules? Well, you're SUPPOSED to wear a fucking mask, but "it's a hoax" and "you can't make me" fuckheads don't listen, and it's poorly-enforced. You see people without them all the time. Do you still watch cartoons? I'm not opposed, I just don't watch television. Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to? No. Do you use Pinterest? Ha, I get most of my (unedited) avatars from there. It also gives me some pose ideas for photography. Are you wearing earrings? Ugh, no. I absolutely hate how the first holes stretched from heavy earrings. I need to get a proper tapering set if I want to actually use gauges (mind you, very small) so they look even semi-good again. I don't wear any in the second/upper holes because I think it just looks weird with nothing in the first. Do you know any sign language? Not anymore. In elementary school, we did do a play however where in one of the songs, we signed the lyrics. I remember zero. Have you ever gone on a service trip to an underprivileged country? No. Which breed of dog do you find most scary? None. Ever been to a pottery class? Not particularly, no. I've made pottery in normal art classes multiple times, though. When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? I have no idea. I don't have a specific memory. Don’t you just find it annoying when people get too much plastic surgery? Oh, fuck off. Is it your body? Is it there to boost YOUR confidence? Then your opinion doesn't fuckin matter. Are you the type who usually plays it safe? Yep. Who do you think about most? It's certainly not willingly, but Jason. PTSD kinda engraved his presence in my brain. How’s your grandmother? Both are dead. What’s your favourite type of cloud? Big, tall, and poofy cumulonimbus ones. Do you have a birthmark? Where? Does it look like anything? Yeah, a slightly darker brown blotch on the side of my right forearm, near the elbow. If you were blind for the rest of your life… what would you miss seeing the most? Probably people smiling. My nieces' and nephew's came to mind first. What is your most disappointing moment in life? I've been living it for years now. I'm not who I wanted or thought I would be at all. What is the best reward anyone can give you? Validation lmao. What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Meerkats, always. God, I can barely boil it down to three words. Loyal, complex, and brave will have to do. What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Pink. Soft, pretty, gentle. What do you consider to be the most valuable thing you own: when you were a child/teenager/now? As a child, my big plastic crocodile named Marlin (yes, after the Finding Nemo character) that was the "main character" in my games of make-believe. As a teen, probably Rebel, the stuffed meerkat Jason gave me. Now, it's absolutely the pebble I got upon "graduation" from my partial hospitalization program. What’s the kindest act you have ever seen done? I'm not sure; I've seen a good deal. Thinking of only the ones I've seen in-person, uhhhh... wait. A couple days before my overdose, in desperation, I called Jason's house in the middle of the night wanting to talk to him. His mom answered, and she talked to me for hours with such patience and kindness to try and calm me down. I miss her a lot. Is Frozen one of your favorite Disney movies? No, I never really liked it. If you were an explorer, would you rather explore the Arctic Circle, Antarctica, or Alaska? Ohhh, Alaska. It's gorgeous and at least not absolutely frigid everywhere. How many blankets do you sleep with in the winter? I usually just have my usual thick comforter, but if I'm seriously cold, I'll grab another smaller one to wrap myself in underneath the big one. Do you know of anyone who was in labor or gave birth to a baby during a major snowstorm? HAHA my mama w/ me. Do you enjoy eggnog during the winter - with or without alcohol? EW. Do you dress any of your pets in seasonal/holiday apparel? No; I really dislike the concept of dressing your animals unless it's truly for their own benefit/warmth. Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it? Uhhhhh. I have no idea. Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook? NOOOOOOO. When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? Ugh, my laptop is fucked up. It's either the charger port, charger itself, or Mom thinks perhaps the battery. Her friend's husband is gonna look at it after Christmas. Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain? For once my legs aren't hurting. They almost always do from either muscle atrophy or them having been still for too long. The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? It was just a normal 'ole peanut butter sandwich. What’s your favorite time of day? What’s your favorite thing to do at that time? First thing in the morning, because it feels like a new start. I like watching the sky change from pinkish to blue while I'm just sitting in bed checking everything. Where did you go the last time you left your house? I rode with Mom to her doctor's appointment. I didn't go in w/ her for obvious reasons, I just wanted to go on a ride and listen to music. If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it? It has to be medium well. Idk what sauces are cooked into it that I like, because I don't make it. I like fries with steak, and probably Sara's mom's mashed potatoes would go well, haha. Do you prefer sweet or savory pancakes? What toppings do you have on them? I can't imagine me liking savory pancakes... I just like the usual: butter (not mandatory tho) and syrup. Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO NO NO, I HATE THE NOISE SO MUCH. My lower spine pops a lot, though. Some fingers occasionally, too. Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? Is this something you do on a regular basis? Yeah, I was taking Melatonin to fight insomnia for quite a while. I only stopped it because my mom was theorizing that it may have been making my nightmares worse, because her dad had AWFUL nightmares on it. I don't know if it did or didn't foor me, honestly. For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight? Knowing in the back of my mind that despite my hope, today's going to be the same as yesterday. I dread most nights the process of lying down and actually falling asleep, because it can take hours. Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Not only do I think diet sodas taste bad, but the artificial sweetener gives me awful headaches, anyway. What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day? I'm only always in my pjs. When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser? Ugh... it's been a very, very long time. It was done by a hairdresser, but per usual, the color didn't stick well. I am DYING to bleach my hair so I can dye it pastel pink, light silver, or like a creamsicle orange. I edited some pictures of myself to "try" these colors on, and omg I loved them all. Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it? Not really, no. I barely go anywhere at all though, so I have Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? Yes; yes; no. How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read? VERY few. I've only just gotten back into semi-regularly reading since Sara got me into Wings of Fire. I have one friend though that is an INCREDIBLE bookworm; she keeps track of how many books she's read in a year, and she's already beyond one a day. It's incredible. If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? Roman came from Ashley's inlaws'. They have like an infestation of cats needing to be spayed, so they didn't at all mind letting me have one because I'd been wanting a cat for a long time. I love my baby boy so much. Venus came from The Gourmet Rodent, a snake breeding (and F/T rat provider, as the name suggests) business from Florida. I highly recommend them. Their customer service was fantastic when I was worried about Venus not eating. They even checked up with me a few months following my emails to ensure she was doing well. Have you ever seen an episode of My 600lb Life? No. I absolutely NEVER could. As an obese person who's been fighting her fucking ass off to lose weight for years, I don't want to be further depressed. Do you feel bad when someone asks you to hang out and you say no? Oh yes I do. Ngl, if I don't want to hang for whatever reason, I'm the kind that makes up an excuse to not seem *as* "rude" (quotations bc it's technically not rude at all, anxiety just tells me it is). When was the last time you turned down plans with someone? What did you decide to do instead? Ummmm I'm not sure. Have you ever had any “unusual” or exotic pets? If you could own any animal, what would it be and why? Do you consider iguanas or Chinese water dragons as "exotic/unusual?" Nothing stranger than that, really. I would never, ever own a truly exotic animal that wouldn't do well in captivity. I do however pretty desperately want to rescue an opposum one day, though. I positively adore them; they're my second-favorite animal. How often do you wash your hair? I don't even have a regular schedule for that anymore, honestly... I have to every time I shower because my hair gets oily FAST, but I try to put off showers as long as I can handle now because of how bad my selfcare has been for multiple reasons... What have you found the hardest about the current pandemic? Not seeing an end in sight because people are fucking dumb. Shit's not going to get better unless things drastically change. And what about the easiest? Has anything improved in your life because of what’s happened? Certainly nothing has improved. Not much has changed for me, considering I barely ever left the house to begin with. If you have multiple pets, do they get along with each other? Are they related or even the same species? They ignore each other, really. Surprisingly, even. Roman will sit on my bed and watch Venus slither about occasionally if she's out, even meerkat pose haha, and playful as he is, it's unexpected that he *does* mostly ignore her. What was the last meal you ate? Did you have anything good? Breakfast; I had Special K cereal. I've finally started to get back on track with eating okay. Do you live somewhere where strangers say hi to you in the street? Would you like to live somewhere like that? Where we live now, if you pass someone outside in the car, it's normal and really expected to give a little wave. That's very normal here in the South though, really; you don't just have to be in your own neighborhood. Have you ever tried any of those meal replacement shakes? The chocolate Equate ones are normal in my diet, actually. They're really not bad at all and played a big role in me losing ~60lbs before. Funnily enough, I haven't found a popular name brand I like, though. Cheap stuff isn't always bad. Do you make up silly nicknames for your pets or family members? "Silly" ones, not really, besides Roman. I call him "weirdo" and "crazy" a lot, but nothing truly unique. What’s your favorite thing to take photographs of? Are you actually any good at photography? Nature or boudoir (only shot it once, but I love it and the confidence it gives people). Being as modest as possible, I honestly do think I'm pretty good at it. Do you have anything interesting planned for the rest of the day? How about for tomorrow or the weekend? I haven't had anything interesting planned in eons, it seems like. Are you going to take the vaccine for COVID once it becomes available? Once it proves to be reliable and safe, hell yes. I'm doing my goddamn part in ending this shit. How much housework have you done lately? Is this more or less than usual? A bit more than usual since I haven't finished decorating my room since moving... I've been doing it very slowly and gradually. I need to just finish it already, I'm just so unmotivated. What gifts are you hoping to get for your next birthday (or Christmas, whichever one is coming up next)? I'm fucking dying to get my tat redone/improved. Been waiting since LAST Christmas when I didn't get to use my own gifted money. Do you suffer from any form of motion sickness? No. Do you contribute regularly to any Facebook groups at all? "I’m a member of plenty, but hardly ever post." <<<< Same. I react to posts a lot, though. Just don't really make my own. When was the last time you weighed yourself? Were you happy with the numbers you saw? Ugh... when I went to the doctor I think last week. I knew it'd be bad, but the verification fucking sucked. Since moving, I've gained ~30lbs. Have you got any chronic health issues? What do you do to try and manage them as best you can? YIKES I am a CATASTROPHE. I've got a dictionary of mental health issues that I'm not gonna go through individually, but I deal with them via prescription medications and therapy and sheer will. Who taught you how to drive? My driver's ed teacher. It was mandatory in HS. What was your high school mascot? A firebird. Did you go to your senior prom? Yes. What did you do after graduation? I very briefly went to a community college. What was your first job? GameStop sales associate. If my social anxiety wasn't fucking shit, I probably would have liked it. What did you want to be when you grew up? Somewhat in order: paleontologist, vet, movie director, game designer, animal biologist, video editor (VERY brief), and photographer. Writer, poet, and artist were always something I wanted to do in my free time OR full time if I was lucky. Do you remember the first time you drank a beer? I've never tried beer and don't want to. It smells fucking awful, and because my dad is a recovered alcoholic who was addicted to that in specific, I just want nothing to do with it. Did you ever try cigarettes? No. I have absolutely never understood the appeal, but with a very addictive personality and wild anxiety, I never wanted to risk it, anyway. How did you spend your summers growing up? LOADS of swimming in the pool, jumping on the trampoline, and just playing outside in general. If you could change anything from your teenage years, would you? I'd absolutely change how I found happiness only in Jason. Do you remember your first time? No, because at that time, I didn't really realize it was sex. I know that sounds weird, like "how would you not know?", but just trust me. I don't feel like retrospecting on it. I do remember our first *kiss*-kiss, though. How much did you make per hour at your first job? I don't recall. Favorite home-cooked meal growing up? I looooved spaghetti. Favorite place to eat out growing up? McDonald's, duh, lol. Did your parents live in a different country before you were born? No. They were from different states, though. Do you have a preferred coffee brand? Don't like coffee. Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? No. How often do you paint your nails? Never. Do you know anyone who's related to a current or former world leader? Not that I know of. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? I don't pay taxes because I'm unemployed. What is something you don't have any natural talent for? Speaking. At all. What is something you frequently forget? "Numbers." <<<< BIG fat same. How do you feel about your body? How much I hate it is on my mind literally every waking moment of my life to some degree. Who is someone you would like to get to know better? So I have this Facebook friend Courtlynn who seems very similar to me, and I'd love to get to know her better. We interact via posts here and there, but have never seriously talked. What's your opinion on assisted suicide? I am very much for it when a person is in serious pain and recovery is not possible. Like one of my greatest nightmares is being paralyzed from the neck down, and I stg I would spite whichever fucker had jurisdiction over me living. That would be absolute torture for me. At what point do you consider a relationship to be "long-term?" A year, so long as you were consistently together. Stable. What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up? My dad's been a mailman my entire life, and he had a second job at Lowe's for a while as a carpenter. He hated it. Mom worked with computer data at the hospital when I was very young, and then she was an assitant and special needs teacher for a long time. Do they still have these jobs? Or different jobs? Or have they retired? ^ about Dad. It's his only job now. Mom is currently on disability. Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan? Would you believe me if I said I'm unsure? Haha. I use a Tracfone, and my mom takes care of whatever plan comes with that, so idk. Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race? Mom, absolutely. I'm unsure about Dad. I mean he wouldn't *seriously* care so long as they were good to me, but I think he might still be kinda racist. Or he just jokes about it a lot (which should not be joked about, btw). Do you like when friends stop by unexpectedly? "No way lol. I’m very much of a loner and want to be “prepared” to spend time with people." <<<< Absolutely this. How strong are your feelings for the last person you kissed? I love her very, very much. What was the last thing someone else bought for you? Food, I'm sure. Are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? I haven't seen a picture of her in years, so I have no idea. I remember she was beautiful, though. Is music a daily part of your life? Not daily, no. Some days I only watch YT videos instead of listen to music. What do you think of country music? Not a fan at all. It's ironic considering it was my favorite genre as a little kid. There's the occasional country song I like (mostly ones from my childhood, though), but those are few and far between. Tim McGraw, now, I love. Did you go to your high school’s graduation? Yeah, even though I didn't want to. I didn't care enough about the actual ceremony. Who was the last person to message you on Facebook? What would you do if that person told you they have feelings for you? That would be the woman I took family pictures for. She's married and we barely know each other, so I can assure you she doesn't. When you apply your make-up, do you do it in a specific order? On the very rare occasion I wore makeup, yes. Eyeliner, usually eyeshadow, mascara, and most rarely, black lipstick. Does it matter to you if your significant other smokes? Yes. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Mom, I think. Do you like where you are in life right now? HA. Is your mom overbearing? No.
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