#aaron davis x peter b parker
thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
So, I'm Doing Marvel Trumps Hate 2022
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Oh gosh, they chose my goofiest banner 😂 I'm kind of in love with it, but I didn't think they'd choose it 🤣 Anyways, hey, people! I'm doing Marvel Trumps Hate! It's my first time and I have two auctions:
Auction 1025
My SamBucky, SamBuckyquin, or Samquin Auction. Bidding will start at $5 for 1K. Bidding $10 will add 1K, but after that, every $5 will be 500 words with a cap of 15K. For example:
$5 - 1K $10 - 2K $15 - 2.5K $20 - 3K
I'm open to tooth-Rotting Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Fantasy AU, Canon Divergence, No Powers AU, but I'm also open to prompts such as:
Fake Dating
Huddle for Warmth
Angel/Demon AU
Enemy Soulmates
Bodega/Corner Store AU
Courtship/Arranged Marriage
Days in Delacroix
Persephone/Hades AU
Auction 2012
My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Rair Pair Auction. Bidding will start at $5 for 1K. Bidding $10 will add 1K, but after that, every $5 will be 500 words with a cap of 15K as well.
I'm open to tooth-Rotting Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Fantasy AU, Canon Divergence, No Powers AU as well as the prompts below:
Fake Dating
Huddle for Warmth
Angel/Demon AU
Enemy Soulmates
Bodega/Corner Store AU
Courtship/Arranged Marriage
Days in Delacroix
Persephone/Hades AU
Check out the auction pages for more information and definitely check out the over 200 other creators that have offerings for this event! There are so many fantastic people making things, I highly rec reading the entire list of creators and seeing who you'd like to bid on!
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all-about-that-rec · 2 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker, Miles Morales & Peter B. Parker, Aaron Davis & Miles Morales, Jefferson Davis/Rio Morales Characters: Aaron Davis (Marvel), Peter B. Parker, Miles Morales, Rio Morales, Jefferson Davis (Marvel), Aunt May (referenced) Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Fake Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, based off a tumblr post, based off art Summary:
Aaron Davis thought he was done for in that alley. He had made his peace with it, he had said goodbye to Miles. He never expected to wake up in a hospital.
Peter B. Parker never intended to return to that universe. After all, his universe needed Spider-Man. He wanted to talk to MJ. He never expected to end up back there, swinging through the streets with Miles.
Certainly neither of them expected to be pretending to be married to an enemy, just to protect Miles Morales' secret identity. And they could have never predicted that anything more would ever happen.
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
And Pete’s Your Uncle! Chapter 14- Out Now! And below cut!
Based on The Post
When Peter wake up, the first thing he registers is that he’s warm.
And it’s not overheating, or stifling, but comfortable.
It’s nice.
For a moment, he feels… safe.
He… doesn’t even know the last time he’d woken up feeling like this.
Probably not since he used to wake up wrapped around MJ, or with her around him, so not since the divorce at least, and even then, probably longer still, since their schedules never quite aligned to allow them that luxury of waking up together even before things had gone up in flames.
The contented smile that had been on his face had begun slowly dropping with his thoughts of MJ and it falls entirely as Peter remembers.
Remembers the last few days.
The abduction.
The pain.
The threats.
Aaron and Miles rescuing him.
The hospital.
Peter swallows the lump growing in his throat and moves his shoulders a fraction of an inch as a test and finds only a dull aching pain where there had been sharp stabbing of pain with each movement yesterday.
He must’ve healed a bit over night.
He’s still tired to his bones though so Peter releases the tension from his body again and goes to curl up and burrow even deeper into the bed beneath him.
Except with a twitch of his hand, he feels something decisively not bedding.
And he realizes, I’m not alone.
Peter is on a bed for sure, at least part of him is, he can feel enough cushioning that he has to be, but he’s becoming increasingly aware that the lump beneath him is not a pillow that he wrapped himself around and clung to tightly.
It’s a person.
And even though Peter had just remembered the last few days and being rescued, his brain stalls and he… panics for a second.
He can practically feel his heart physically sink in his chest.
Was I—
His brain refuses to finish the thought.
His body starts to tense up again before he forces his instincts down and relaxes his posture, because if he’s in danger right now, then he certainly doesn’t want to give away that he’s awake.
Not yet.
Not before he knows more.
In the slight movement he’d made, Peter could feel the fabrics against his skin and took a relieved note that he’s clothed, as is the person beneath him, which he thinks bodes well in that his rescue wasn’t a hallucination or dream or something and he really is safe.
And then, he feels the body below his start to slightly tremble and the chest pressed against his own rises at a much faster rate as the persons breathing picks up.
And now Peter is… thoroughly confused and still semi-suspicious of his surroundings.
He cracks an eye open to assess.
And he’s flooded with relief because he can vaguely make out in the light shining through the curtains that he’s in his and Aaron’s apartment because Peter would recognize the creepy ass painting Aaron has hanging over the dresser any day.
(When he’s being dramatic, Peter likes to tell Aaron the painting is haunting his nightmares. In truth, Peter wishes his nightmares were that tame. He also does think the painting is sort of creepy looking for a bedroom. Aaron will shoot back that he ‘doesn’t get true art’, ignoring that Peter knows the painting is a good one! He just doesn’t want it looking at him while he sleeps.)
Which, if he’s in the apartment, that means the person beneath him must be Aaron.
A rush of… various emotions in quick succession that he can’t even begin to identify right now at being strewn out over the other man flow through Peter with that realization, leaving him even warmer feeling. His cheeks start to heat up in the settled on mild embarrassment his brain had chosen, because Peter was unsure how this… cuddling he was doing was being received by Aaron, but it seemed… not well given the other man was shaking a little more noticeably now, breathing getting louder.
Peter usually moves back in the middle of the night to his own side of the bed, and by the time he gets up the next time, Aaron is always already awake and out of bed. He’s never mentioned the moving or... anything else to Peter, and Peter typically wakes back up on his own side of the bed anyway, so he figures Aaron hasn’t noticed this… quirk of his.
Side effect of being a spider-person. (Or well, a side-effect for him at least, he’s never actually had another one around to ask before and it hasn’t come up with Miles yet.)
No thermoregulation.
Spiders can’t internally regulate their own body temperature, but most are fine with cold climates and don’t necessarily get ‘cold’ like humans.
Peter is not an actual spider.
He gets cold. A lot.
And he also likes sleeping in a freezing room, which so does Aaron, so it is a double edged sword of being cold at night and seeking out Aaron in his sleep for warmth before he moves back to his own side of the bed, cold again.
Except Peter hadn’t woken up last night to do that, to disentangle himself from where his subconscious search for warmth had led him to be draped over the other man in the bed. He had been too exhausted.
And now Aaron was clearly awake before Peter could move back without him noticing, and Peter is starting to get the feeling something was wrong with Aaron, and Peter’s not sure if it’s related to him being wrapped around Aaron, but he’s sure that’s probably not... helping either if the man in his arms was panicking.
Peter pulls his head back from where it had been resting in the crook of Aaron’s neck and, blinking both eyes open now, it takes a second for his vision to adjust to the soft lighting in the room, but when it does, Peter can see that Aaron is… crying.
Aaron’s eyes are squeezed shut and his jaw is clenched so tight his teeth have to hurt and his head winced away when Peter moved his own.
Peter can see tears running down the others cheeks and he can still feel the slight tremble in Aaron’s posture, which he thinks means that Aaron must be suppressing even more of the distress and frustration that Peter could almost physically feel coming off of him. Peter could tell Aaron was trying not to make noise.
And he begins to move without thinking, Peter's right arm that had been strewn across Aaron going from the man’s arm to going to gently cup his cheek, to wipe the tears away, but he stops himself at the very last moment before his hand actually touched Aaron’s face.
The hand sort of hovers in the air for a second as Peter just looks at his own palm like it wasn’t a part of himself, before he blinks and slowly lowers it from the air to rest on Aaron’s shoulder instead.
Aaron flinches back again, but he also partially leans into the touch.
“A-Aaron?” Peter’s voice comes out fractured and at the sound of it Aaron lets out of a small noise of distress that if Peter were any farther away he wouldn’t have been able to hear.
“Are you—“ Peter had started to say ‘Are you okay’ but he knows that’s the wrong thing to ask and cuts himself off. He tries again, “What’s wrong?” because Peter is worried now.
And that worry grows and his heart sinks when Aaron doesn’t look at Peter, but instead just screws his eyes together even tighter somehow, which hadn't seemed possibly, and starts to shake his head.
And… he doesn’t stop.
Aaron's face and tears show he's clearly upset, but the second Peter had spoken, his body language beneath Peter's became tense and almost... ready for a fight, which the feeling of being above someone ready for a fight is one Peter is sadly well acquainted with and he’s... actually really sad that Aaron feels that way now, even if he… gets it, to a point.
Peter knows he's just some weird ass dude who lied about being married to Aaron when he really... could've not, but Peter happened to have powers and great connections so it was much easier and more beneficial for Aaron to just... let him stay.
And sure Aaron would help him when he was hurt sometimes, and sure he rescued him, but...
That didn't mean the other man wanted to fucking snuggle.
Based on his husband Aaron's response though, Peter knows this fighting stance might not be about him laying on Aaron at all, but just about... crying in front of anyone, something he himself hates to do too, if it’s genuine tears.
Peter has an idea what it’s about though from Aaron's face, which is still related to himself, even though it's not about Peter's current positioning.
Aaron is letting his guilt over Peter getting hurt eat him alive.
Peter can see him mentally kicking the shit out of himself.
When Peter doesn’t even blame the other man in the slightest for any of what happened. Because it wasn’t his fault.
And he really wished he knew how to make Aaron see that in a way that didn’t involve himself having to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known and telling Aaron things, but Peter can only see this day, and the entire immediate future, going exactly 1 of 2 ways.
Those ways are based on what Peter chooses to do right now as he watches Aaron continue to violently shake his head. (Peter knows there ARE other ways the future could go, but all of those options seemed even more bleak to him. The other options he thought of all seemed to lead to him and Aaron… not being... whatever they even are. Co-uncles? And, maybe Peter is selfish for this, but he doesn’t want to lose this. Lose Aaron. Not when Peter only just realized he means kind of a lot to him.)
Peter needs to stop Aaron from whatever spiral is happening in his brain and once again tell Aaron this was in no way his fault, and then he could either:
(1) ask Aaron what he needs from Peter right now to help him to avoid having or get him through what Peter thinks might be escalating to an anxiety attack. This would help the current situation, but likely would do not a damn thing to assuage Aaron’s guilt in the long run; OR
(2) tell Aaron a little bit more about Peter's own feelings and explain why he doesn't blame Aaron. Which Peter thinks… might break through and get Aaron to stop feeling so incredibly guilty over something that happened to Peter because of choices Peter deliberately made, but holy fuck does it scare him to talk about his emotions in a way that's real.
Whichever one he’s going to do, Peter knows he should probably decide quickly, because Aaron has now stopped shaking his head and turned it to the side so Peter can no longer see his face all that well.
Peter can feel that Aaron had also managed to stop the trembling in his body by going fully tense and deathly still, to the point where the man doesn’t even seem to be breathing, and it‘s freaking Peter out.
So, Peter sort of taps Aaron on the shoulders and begins to move in the process of untangling them and the other man still doesn’t look at him, face tight and guilty, but Aaron does begin to move too in response. He seems to understand, because as Peter lets go of the grip (the one he hadn’t noticed he still had on Aaron) and unhooks their legs, Aaron moves his own limbs and, where he continues to avoid looking at Peter, Aaron also helps Peter in avoiding accidentally hitting his injured back all the same, shuffling them around until both of them were sitting up— Aaron leaning against the headboard, Peter halfway down the bed facing him as Aaron looks away, face closed off once more.
Peter thinks about that moment in the hospital when he first tried to get this point across.
He’d been… pretty high.
And acted on impulse by putting his forehead to Aaron’s.
Getting close enough because he wanted to kiss him but chickening out.
Peter softly shakes his own head to clear it before looking back at Aaron, who had his gaze trained on the painting.
“Aaron. Please look at me.” Peter's voice comes out soft, but it also wavers, betraying his nerves that he feels sitting in a weighted ball on top of his chest.
It gets Aaron to look at him, eyes wide with shock.
“I do not blame you. I need you to stop blaming yourself. Please.” Peter exhales and decides to start with the easier part.
Well, easier for him.
“It’s going to wreck you if you hold onto this much guilt, when for starters, long before you were even “alive” again, it was my choice to marry you.” He raises his left hand and sort of wiggles his ring finger, the wedding band catching in the light. “To literally marry you, when I had the full awareness that you were the Prowler, and that it was likely there was loaned tech in this apartment that someone from Kingpin's group might break in to take back, and even more likely that they knew your real name and would notice if you had a husband pop up and could and might come after him. I also wasn't even convinced at that point you were really hurt, I kind of thought it was part of a bigger villain plot, but I did it anyway!"
Aaron leans up off the headboard and goes to start talking and Peter goes to hold out his right hand in a 'stop' motion, his left still raised from showcasing his ring and as he extends his arm, shoulders stretching, pain ripples across his back and he sucks in air through his teeth and yanks the hand back close to himself in discomfort and hunches over, and while not what he intended, it still gets Aaron to stop responding in any case. Peter takes a moment to breathe and waits for the pain to fade back to the dull throb it’s been before straightening up and continuing with a gasping start.
“And then, when you weren’t actually just a dead-man-who’s-memory-I-was-tarnishing-to-his-brother-and sister-in-law-by-Dear-Evan-Hansening-them, but instead an alive man? One that I very much had reason to dislike based on everything I knew about you, I still made the active decision to stay tied together, because I thought it was in all of our best interest."
Peter pauses to take a breath and he can see Aaron is still blinking out tears, but the man is also actually blinking them out now, his face disbelieving, but open as he listens, rather than all scrunched up as his tears are squeezed out, so Peter moves forward and feels like he's taking a leap off a high rise.
"Miles mostly, at the start, but also yours. And mine too.”
Peter reaches his hand closest to Aaron out and rests it just above the others knee, squeezing slightly and Aaron looks down immediately at his hand and then makes eye contact with Peter, but doesn't say anything, so Peter holds his gaze and leaves his hand there as he continues.
"I didn't think it at first, but I still made the choice to constantly be with you of my own volition. Yes, you asked for my help, but you didn't force me into anything. And you..." He swallows the lump in his throat and the affection in his chest. "You help Miles to see that he's the best of us way better than I do. And you help me. More than you think."
Peter’s eyes drop, only for a second, from Aaron’s eyes to his lips, but he immediately decides that’s a terrible idea and likely incredibly unwelcome and not appropriate given how upset Aaron is.
He forces his eyes back up.
But Aaron is no longer looking back. His gaze is on Peter’s lips.
And Peter’s breath catches in his throat because Aaron is suddenly moving, pushing off the headboard to lean forward, contorting his body to position better, closer to Peter.
He doesn’t move the leg that Peter has his hand on.
And then, there’s Aaron’s hand, warm and calloused and touching so gently to Peter’s cheek and his heart stops as his eyes shoot to the side and the next second there’s Aaron’s other hand in his hair and Peter’s face is being turned to fully look at Aaron’s own. Inches apart.
And Peter’s brain doesn’t care anymore about all the reasons why he probably shouldn’t kiss Aaron and how he’s probably even misinterpreting whatever Aaron is doing right now, because his body reacts for him.
Leaning forward, closing the gap of the remaining distance and meeting Aaron’s mouth with his own.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Okay i'm sorry but i canNOT with Atsv bloggers having 'minors dni' in their abouts/rules.How're you gonna call 'adult only space' when your blog is themed after and about a fucking Spiderman movie
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tikiki05 · 2 months
Rating the ATSV adults based on how I think they’d be at a drag show (heavily based on one of my fanfics)
Rio: 300/10- Super enthusiastic, tips a lot, all the queens love her
Jeff: 6/10- A little uncomfortable, not really his scene, but having a good time with Rio
Aaron: 10/10- Fantastic ally, tips, this is so canon to me you guys you don’t get it-
Miguel:  8/10- Also a little uncomfortable, definitely not his scene; gets flirted with and teased a lot by the queens but he laughs and takes it gracefully
Peter B: 7/10- Supporting by getting food and drinks from the bar, a lot of the jokes go over his head but he still laughs, maybe just a *tiny* bit trying too hard as an ally, just an itty bitty bit though
Hobie: 12/10- Gets dressed in drag too, sings along to the songs and cheers loudly, brings great vibes
Jessica: 9/10- Sings along also, having a good time with Rio and Jeff (yk ignoring how she helped hunt down their son hhhh-)
Ben: 9/10- Probably gets drunk but has a great time and doesn’t cause trouble; also gets flirted and teased a lot by the queens and relishes in it
said fanfic✨✨- Prowls for Silk
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ru-fiction · 8 months
In Another Life
Peter B. Parker x GN!Reader
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A/N: The story has small mentions of death, divorce, grief, and a little jealousy. 'Y/N' is used a bit. This is my first attempt at writing something like this.
Alright people let's do this one last time. My name is Peter B. Parker.
Peter places his Spiderman mask on his face before letting his body fall and catching himself with his web, gliding across the city.
I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last twenty two years, I thought I was the one and only Spiderman.
Peter sits on the edge of a building with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other.
You see I saved the city.
Different instances of Spidey beating up different villains including Electro, Kraven and Juggernaut appear in a comic of his life.
Lifting or catching cars and buses.
Patrolling the city.
I fell in love.
Little moments of a younger Peter with his love, Y/N flashed in pages of the comic.
Their awkward moments of flirting with each other without trying to cross the line for fear of losing a good friendship.
The secret notes exchanged between classes as they walked past each other.
The middle school dance that they went to together.
The parties Y/N would invite Peter to only for the two to sneak off and have long conversations with the other until their respective family members called for them to come home.
Their first kiss and Y/N finally asking Peter out.
Y/N secretly finding out about Peter being Spiderman and waiting for him to tell them.
Peter finally telling Y/N and them stressing over his safety every night. Peter soothes their fears by video calling them as he swings across the city.
Peter making a huge deal out of his promposal and getting an excited yes in return.
The two graduating together and getting accepted into the same college.
The two moving into an apartment together and hosting weekly dinners with each other's families.
Peter smiles sadly at the memories.
I lost them....
One gruelling fight happened, a day that changed Peter's whole world. A friend of Peter's was corrupted by a symbiote. He tried to talk his friend down but he wouldn't listen.
Y/N and May ended up getting captured by him and Peter has to make a choice. He couldn't choose and Y/N paid the price.
Peter cried for days, he wouldn't eat, he couldn't sleep and if he did Y/N's face would appear reminding him of that night.
No one could console him and even though he was able to get his friend's mind back, a part of Peter could never forgive him for what happened to you.
I never truly got over it, my first love but I did try again.
An older version of Peter hanging upside down in his Spiderman costume kissing Mary Jane in an alley comes to mind.
I got married.
Y/N's family showed up to support him which he was happy about. Their guardian had given him a small smile as he placed the wedding band upon Mary Jane's finger. In the crowd he could have sworn he saw Y/N giving him a nod of approval. He wanted to cry.
Saved the city some more. Maybe too much.
Spider-Man fights off a few small criminals every night sometimes coming home later and later.
He'd come home to a cold dinner or his wife being asleep, sometimes he'd miss her altogether.
My Marriage got tested. I made some dicey money choices.
Peter invested money in crypto scams and a failed business much to the annoyance of Mary Jane and his wallet.
Fifteen years passed and during that time Peter broke his back, got hit in the face with a drone, buried his Aunt May next to his Uncle Ben and his deceased lover, divorced Mary Jane because he wasn't quite ready to completely move on from his past love and moved into a small, crappy apartment.
He would say he handled it like a champ but...
Peter would sit in the tub with the shower running and just cry his little heart out. He felt like he lost just about all the good things that he had.
Some days he would just lie in bed and stay there day in, day out because he couldn't find the motivation to do anything else.
Some days he'd hug a picture of Y/N and Him, other days he would mourn the loss of his marriage and some days he'd wish he had Aunt May there to help him. But every now and then he'd feel a presence near him like something was trying to console him.
Soon he started to binge eat to help the pain and sometimes he would go and visit his family wishing they were with him.
There were days where he would just take all his anger and frustrations out on petty thugs then there were days where he wanted nothing more than to hide himself away from the world.
Some days he would call Mary Jane but stop himself after the first few rings.
I'm pretty sure I broke her heart.
One day Peter was laying in his bed and eating a pizza when a purple and black wormhole appeared on his ceiling. Peter stands up, alert. Watching as the wormhole grows.
The next thing he knew his body was starting to glitch and the items in the room began to float. He tried to save himself but his web snapped as he was pulled into a portal leading to who knows where.
You sat down at a seedy bar with your head leaning on one hand and the other absentmindedly being used to stir a straw in your drink. You were dressed in a long sleeve red shirt and black jeans.
Next to you sat a couple who literally couldn't keep their hands off of each other. The couple being your blonde haired, blue eyed friend, Peter Parker and his redheaded wife, Mary Jane.
The two were celebrating their anniversary and had invited all their friends to come along and though You didn't want to come, one look into Peter's pleading eyes and you just couldn't say no.
After a while of being there everyone in the group had split up after realizing the couple was super into each other today. At the moment You was on your fourth drink, bitterly watching as the couple flirted with each other.
You couldn't figure out why Peter had wanted you to come so badly, if he was just gonna be all over MJ the whole time. It frustrated You to know that it wasn't that long ago that you were in MJ's place. That You were his and he was yours. Hell the only reason you guys broke up was because Peter wanted marriage and You didn't at least not at first but it was too late and now it felt like Peter was constantly throwing his new relationship in your face even if he wasn't doing it intentionally.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You blink finally coming out of the space you were in, the blonde smiles at them as he pulls MJ close to him and motions to the door.
"We're headed home. You need a ride?"
You shakes your head at his offer.
"I'm okay. I'll walk."
You turned to leave only to be stopped by a hand softly grasping your arm, You turn to face the couple with a sigh.
"You know I don't feel comfortable with you walking home alone."
Peter gives you a look of worry.
"At least let me walk you home."
"I'm fine."
"Y/N it's really dangerous out there just let me walk you home."
"Peter, Stop. I'm good."
Peter starts to hand MJ the keys to their home and places a small kiss upon her lips then turns to you with a smile, one that hurts to look at.
"It's nothing really. Your house isn't far from here."
You let out an annoyed groan before giving Peter a stern look.
"Maybe worry about getting your wife home safely than me. I can take care of myself, I was fine before you and I'll be fine without you."
Peter and Mary Jane looked at you with shock. You were even surprised by the words you said.
"Look, I just need some space."
You began to walk away needing to get away from them leaving Peter confused and MJ red faced with anger.
The walk to the house was a quiet and lonely one but You weren't so much as messed with. So that was good. You unlocked the door to your home before throwing the keys on one of the counters and locking the door. You let out a huge sigh and slid down the door, stuffing your face against your knees, taking a moment to sit in silence.
About two hours later your phone started to ring a familiar theme played out and a picture of Peter covered the screen. It rang for a while with you just watching the call end before Peter calls again. You let out another sigh and answer.
"Yes, Parker?"
He lets out a displeased sound at your use of his last name.
"Hey, where are you?"
Your brows furrowed at the sternness in his voice.
"At home."
"Why? We're supposed to be looking for King Pin right now.."
You sigh leaning your head back against the door. There was a moment of silence before Peter speaks again.
"I'm headed to this location. You better be there."
You phone chimes with a message and you hear a small sigh on the phone.
"Please. I need you."
You stood up and walked towards your room. You opened up your closet and pulled out the costume Peter made for you when you agreed to be his sidekick.
It was a skin tight white spandex suit with a red v necked vest, there were black straps around your arms and left thigh and to finish the look you added a pair of white fingerless gloves and black boots. You grabbed your laptop, a pair of binoculars and your trusty baseball bat before heading out the door.
The eyes on Peter's masks widened at the sight of you walking through the subway. He springs to his feet and moves to meet you in the middle.
"I didn't think you'd come."
There was a nervous tremble in his voice. You nervously tap the side of your laptop while staring at one of the walls but soon you turn your gaze towards him.
"What did you need me to do Parker?"
Peter lets out a frustrated groan as the two of you make your way deep into the subway.
"Stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Saying my name like that."
You knew that Peter could tell something was off. Other than the fact that you blew up on him, you've been being distant for weeks now.
"That's literally your name."
You smiled slightly at his little pout.
"Yeah but you only call me by my last name whenever you are mad at me."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before Peter asked with a shaky voice.
"Are you mad at me? Have I done something to upset you or make you uncomfortable at all?"
You sigh for like the millionth time today and just give him a look of defeat.
"Now is not the time or place. Can we get this over with so we can go home and be done with today? Please."
With that said the two of you continue to make your way to your destination. The two of you found a section that was a little far off where you could put your computer.
"Okay. I've upgraded my software so that my computer can update us on their whereabouts."
You type a way at your computer, not noticing Peter nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"About that. I need you to be lookout on this mission."
You turned to face him with a raised eyebrow, your arms crossing in front of your body.
"You better be kidding."
"I can't risk you getting hurt."
Your eyes darkened at his statement. How could he risk his life time and time again and expect you to just sit there and watch it happen?
"I'm not doing this today Peter. This is King Pin we're talking about."
"Exactly why I need you to stay here."
You jam your finger into his chest, anger flaring in your eyes.
"You've got to be out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm gonna let you risk your life alone."
Peter meets your glare with one of his own.
"Why? Why do you feel the need to fight with me on this?"
He makes a big gesture between the both of you.
"Because I lo-"
You let out a small breath both to stop yourself from finishing your sentence and also go calm yourself down.
"Because you're my friend. I don't want to see you get hurt."
"Fine, you win."
You were surprised that he gave up that quickly, Peter was usually stubborn. It honestly made you kind of suspicious of him. This was entirely too easy. But you shrugged it off and turned to grab your bat only for your feet to get trapped under thick web. You turned your head in Peter's direction to find him slowly backing away.
"I am so sorry. I know I told you to come but I can't risk you getting hurt.''
Your eyes filled with anger again as he turned to run off.
"I'll make it up to you."
After an hour of peeling the web from your feet, you ran to the facility that you and Peter had been tracking for weeks now.
There you found a teenage boy falling from a great height. You started to freak out trying to run to catch him but luckily Spiderman also noticed the kid and headed in his direction. He ended up grabbing the kid by his jacket and swinging him to safety. You let out a sigh of relief and stealthily made your way to where they were keeping a close eye on the goblin.
You climbed up the railing without Spiderman noticing. He swings away when you finally make your way to the top, standing behind the awestruck teen.
"He's amazing, right?"
The kid jumps away after he realizes someone was behind him. You chuckle at his reaction.
"Relax. I'm with him."
You point at Spiderman and the kid instantly calms his nerves. That all goes away when a villain known as the Prowler comes out of nowhere and starts to fight Spiderman.
You didn't have any special powers so all you could was silently freak out from the sidelines as the kid pulled out his phone to record the encounter. You tap on your communicator when you notice something from the corner of your eye.
"Spiderman, Watch out!"
Right as Spiderman was about to fight back, out came the goblin catching him under his foot and licks him.
The two of you duck behind a canister and tap on your communicator again.
"Hey, are you okay?"
'Yeah, Yeah. Everything is fine.''
You give the canister a frustrated look at his obvious lie. All of a sudden the room starts to glow in a bright light. And Spiderman yells out trying to reason with the villains.
Soon a beam shoots out in the middle of the room. A big thing of rubble hits the surface that you and the kid were on causing you two to fall but the two of you were quick to catch yourselves on the railing. The next thing you knew the goblin was pushing Spiderman's face into the beam.
Then the whole thing exploded. The two of you somehow made it to the ground safety and you started to pull the kid to the exit.
"Wait! What about Spiderman?"
"I will come back for him. I need to get you out of here.''
You ran back in the direction you last saw him after making sure King Pin and gang was gone.
You started to get worried when you didn't get a response.
"Peter I swear if you're messing with me I'm gon-"
You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him leaning against a rock all bloodied and bruised. You felt like your body was moving in slow motion as you ran towards his.
You fell to your knees and pulled his body against yours. His heart was beating slowly and his breath was ragged. You moved your eyes up to his face to find him smiling back at you with droopy eyes.
He whispered softly to you his hand moving to wipe the tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Don't cry. Please don't cry."
He could tell that you were tearing yourself up, there was a look of guilt in your eyes and your bottom lip started to quiver.
You shook your head and wrapped one of his arms around your neck and you placed one of yours around his waist getting ready to lift him.
"It's okay. Everything is okay. I'm gonna get you through this, we'll get you to a hospital and everything will be fine."
You were saying it more to convince yourself. Peter already knew he wasn't going to make it, he had made peace with it the moment you found him.
"Y/N, stop."
"It's fine. I-I'll call the ambulance and t-they'll meet us o-outside."
You go to stand up but Peter leans on you with so much wait that it pulls you down again. He pulls you into a hug staining your clothes with his blood. Though it hurt him, he wanted to feel you one last time. He started to rub the back of your head as your tears wet his suit.
"Look out for May and MJ for me okay."
You nod into his shoulder and your sniffles fill the air.
"Watch out for the kid. He's going to need the help."
You nod your head again pulling away so that you could look into his blue eyes one last time.
"Of course."
Peter moves to grab your cheeks, softly rubbing his thumbs over them.
"One more thing."
There was a look in Peter's eyes, one that you've seen plenty of times before. A look that he gave you when he had one thing to say.
"Don't. I can't take it if you say what I think you're about to say."
Peter pulls you closer so that your foreheads meet and places something into your hands.
"I love you."
Your lip trembled again, his heart was starting to slow to a stop.
"I never stopped loving you."
That was his last words before he went limp in your arms. Leaving you a crying mess.
A little while later you take the kid home and then make your way towards the Parkers' house. You give the door two knocks before MJ opens it. She frowns at your presence and a glare forms on her face but it quickly drops when she sees your expression. You gave her the Spiderman mask with a trembling hand and she quickly pulls you into the house where the two of you just sat on the couch and held each other.
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shubox-imagines · 1 year
Ooooh, new writing blog, welcome to the web *bad dumn pun* I'm waiting for someone to write something romantic on Aaron and Peter B x Reader. Anything. Any little thing. Will I be the first ask that modifies your "no write for"??? (also, do you do yandere?)
how dare you walk in here and PUN ME
i’m jk ily thank u for the ask 💅
so to answer the question before the request, I have never written yandere before. i’m not saying I wouldn’t, but idk just how far i’d go into. i guess you gotta ask and see!
now since you said anything imma just do general ship HCs for them. gotta say the aaron ask surprised me but imma do it 👌
Peter B. Parker
hi this man is a certified goober and we love him v much but he loves you more
he’s such an awkward dork trying to be this suave superhero who just wants to impress you
even if you tell him he doesn’t need to he’s still going to just let him be special for you
he’s always going to do his best to make time for you between his spider-man’ing shenanigans
if you’re a spider too then he’s gonna try to make sure you don’t get yourself killed
he knows he can be awkward and distant sometimes, but he just wants to protect you, even if you can protect yourself.
he knows you think that robe is comfy and yes he will let you wear it
or he’ll get you your own and be a good about how the both of you match 💅
he’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy because he’s had too much experience in fucking up relationships to ever want to do it again
peter b just loves you so much and wants to make you happy if you’ll let him 🥺
Aaron Davis
so you’re just walking around with the definition of suave like it’s nothing okay go off
man is so beyond smooth it’s almost scary
he isn’t gonna start shit, but boy will he finish shit if they wanna start it with you
and GOD help them if they start disrespecting you
you tell him it’s no big deal and that they’re just some asshole
but funny enough, you never really saw that person again after that. odd.
he’s really good at deflecting, and making sure you don’t worry about him on his random outings where he disappears for days at a time.
but this man will do anything for you.
you want something? it’s yours
someone’s bothering you? never again
you just wanna cuddle with him? cmere he’s got big arms that are good for hugs and a couch that is hella comfy
he does wanna tell you about his actual job, but he doesn’t want you to worry about him. it’s dangerous, but he’s a capable man
but he can’t lie, he does worry about how you’ll react if you ever find out
but for now, he’s just here making sure that you’re safe, happy and loved, and ain’t no one gonna do that better than him.
but it’s been a while since he’d come back this time, and you were getting worried
but it’s aaron
he’s always okay
little tiny angst thing at the end there not really BUT STILL
i’m sorry if they seem OOC i am ✨out of the house✨ and have also never written for aaron ever?? BUT i hope they are good enough
requests are open,
ily all sm 💜
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fresa-501 · 10 months
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They have soooo much sexual tension, I mean LOOK AT THEM!!
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They are discussing Miles' custody <3
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
I know I've spent too much time on tumblr when I want a Peter B Parker x Aaron Davis x Reader. Poly. Any genre.
Give it to me
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paintbrushnebula · 16 days
Have you ever thought about making a Ghostflower Tangled AU? Because I can't stop thinking about Miles with 70 feet of blonde dreads, and Gwen's failed smolder and begrudgingly guiding Miles to see the lanterns. It just works so well in my brain.
Hi! YOU! YES YOU! You've got my number! Because I LIVE for Ghostflower x New Dream. Gosh, I live for Spider-Verse x Tangled, period! I've had it rotating in my brain for about a year now, although I guess I've never really talked at length about it or shared any of my ideas for a proper Spider-Verse x Tangled AU, have I?
I was a little embarrassed before, if I'm being honest 😅. But if y'all wanna indulge me, THEN HYYYES IMMA WAX POETICALLY ABOUT THIS AU TILL THE END OF TIME AND SPACE.
Rapunzel - Miles Morales Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider - Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider Mother Gothel - Olivia Octavius Captain of the Guard - George Stacy King Frederic - Jeff Morales/King Jefferson Queen Arianna - Rio Morales/Queen Rio The Stabbington Brothers - Tombstone and Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider Maximus - Widow (Web-Slinger’s horse) The Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs - The Sinister Six (they’re soft-confirmed to appear in Beyond the Spider-Verse after all) Pascal - isn’t in this AU.
So the overall plot of Tangled remains relatively the same, with the cast of Spider-Verse implemented into it, of course.
18 years ago, King Jefferson used the sundrop flower to heal the dying pregnant Queen Rio of Corona. Prince Miles is born with golden, ultra kinky 4c hair and magical healing powers, gets kidnapped by Mother Olivia, locked away in a tower deep in the woods, the whole shebang.
Now, Gwen Stacy is the secret identity of masked legendary thief Ghost Spider, currently a respected, high-ranking member of the Spider Society, a crime syndicate run by The Kingpin in the neighboring kingdom of Vardaros, the most powerful in the Seven Kingdoms due to its members' all wearing masks that hide their faces, rendering their identities completely unknown to anyone and impossible for any law enforcement to track them down. Recently, Ghost Spider has been commissioned by The Kingpin to steal the Lost Prince of Corona's crown from the palace.
So Ghost Spider has been on the run for years from the Captain of the Coronan Guard, Captain George Stacy, her father, who has no idea the masked thief he's hunting is his own daughter.
And don’t think I haven’t thought about the TV series exclusive characters!
Cassandra - Lyla (you have no idea how happy I was when I came up with that) Lance Strongbow - Hobie Brown/Rebel Spider Kiera and Catalina - Peni Parker and Margo Kess (they’re not kids in this though) Uncle Monty - Aunt May Varian - Miles G. Quirin - Aaron Davis Adira - Jessica Drew Hector - Miguel O’Hara The Baron - Kingpin (obv) Anthony the Weasel - Web-Slinger Baron’s Henchmen - Spider Society Lord Demanitus - Peter B. Parker King Edmund - Spider-Noir/King Benjamin Hamuel - Spider-Ham/Hamuel (he’s not called “Spider-Ham” ofc but he is still a talking anthropomorphic pig in this) Zhan Tiri - The Spot
Your concepts about Miles with golden dreads, Gwen's smolder, her taking him to see the LANTERNS OOHHHHHHH yeah imma just have to draw all that, sorry. Talking about it aint enough. Expect a buncha Tangled x Spiderverse fanart to be flooding my blog soon XD
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
What Could You Ask For My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Auction? And Am I Willing to Write Other Ships For This Auction?
So, I have two auctions for Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 and I was thinking about how people sometimes don’t have ideas for prompts and that it helps when you can provide some prompts they can ask for. So, I’m going to do that! If someone wants to use the prompts for a different auction too, feel free to do so.
I also want to say that I am willing to write other ships for this auction as well as long as you DM me on here or Discord about it. These pairings include:
Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson/Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson/Riley
Sam Wilson/Heimdall
Sam Wilson/M'Baku
Sam Wilson/T'Challa
Sam Wilson/Shangqi
Message me and we can talk it over. I might be up for femslash ships like Aneka/Ayo, Sarah/Ayo, or Sarah/Brunnhilde as well, but again, DM me about it. Anyways, I just want to give some examples for prompts. I came up with 37 ideas 😂
Here are some ideas for my Auction 2012!
For Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker:
1) I'm open to writing side stories for my popular fic with them, You're a Sunflower (I Think You're Love Will Be Too Much).
2) For my "First Date" prompt suggestion, it could be canon divergent where they stumble across each other and find themselves on a first date.
3) For my "Amnesia" prompt suggestion, Peter could have lost his memories hopping universes and found himself crossing paths with Aaron
4) For my "Sic Fic" prompt suggestion, maybe Peter and Aaron keep finding each other injured and helping each other out.
5) For my "Universe Hopping" prompt suggestion, maybe Aaron and Peter find themselves universe hopping after getting into a tussle and now have to work together to both find their original universes.
6) For my "Holiday" prompt suggestion, maybe through a series of incidents, Aaron and Peter must keep up a facade as they go to a holiday event together.
7) For my "Weird Hobby" prompt suggestion, maybe they both find themselves in a fabric shop in need of a quick fix for their costumes and end up saying that they both have the same uncommon hobby, then both must scramble to learn information about the hobby as they try to keep up appearances.
8) For my "Training" prompt suggestion, maybe they both decide to train Miles together for his oncoming faceoff with the Kingpin.
9) For my "Hurt/Comfort" prompt suggestion, maybe they both find themselves trying to help Miles behind the scenes and one of them ends up hurt in the process.
For Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers:
1) Meet Cute/Meet Ugly Neighbors AU in Delacroix.
2) Artist Steve Rogers meets Pilot Sam Wilson at a bar. Things take off from there.
3) Roommates AU where they slowly become more over time, but don't quite realize that they want to date each other until they make reddit posts about their situations asking for advice.
4) Fantasy AU where Bard!Sam Wilson and Artist!Steve Rogers have the same patron and go from strangers to friends to lovers.
For Sam Wilson/Natasha Romanoff:
1) Sam Wilson is starting to suspect that his next door neighbor Nat might be an internationally infamous spy.
2) Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff strike up a friendship when they find themselves in the same dance class. Things escalate from there.
3) Sam Wilson sees Nat every morning. She orders something different every time she walks into his coffee shop. Sam keeps losing track of time whenever they have their little chats in the morning.
4) Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff meet years after they lost touch in high school. They begin to rebuild their friendship, and maybe more.
For Sam Wilson/Riley:
1) Sam keeps seeing a ghost in his home. Riley keeps seeing a human in his.
2) Winged!Sam Wilson AU where he finds joins an expedition into a new universe and meets a man with no wings - Riley.
3) Slice of Life where Sam Wilson is Cap and Riley is his boyfriend. It would be about the day-to-day of it as they figure out how their relationship and Sam's role as Cap will balance in Sam's life.
4) Zombies are rising from the ground! They're not eating brains. They're not terrorizing people. But Riley's there. And Sam needs to figure out how he feels about his old boyfriend literally coming back from the dead.
For Sam Wilson/Heimdall:
1) Thor!Corps Sam meets Heimdall and they (meet ugly or meet cute) and they begin a courtship.
2) Heimdall finds himself on earth with minimal use of his abilities and finds the closest Avenger to help him. That Avenger ends up being Sam. He stays with Sam and his family in Delacroix as they figure out what happened to Heimdall and how to help him get back home, and as he does this, he and Sam begin to fall in love.
3) Heimdall transports Sam Wilson to Asgard in hopes of recruiting Sam to help him save the realm.
4) Sam Wilson becomes the Avengers' ambassador to New Asgard and meets Heimdall there. They begin a friendship that grows into a romance.
For Sam Wilson/M'Baku:
1) M'Baku invites Sam to visit his city while he's staying in Wakanda. They slowly go from reluctant friends to lovers.
2) M'Baku keeps finding excuses to visit Sam in Delacroix. The excuses grow more and more absurd as time goes on.
3) Sam is invited to an opening of a Wakandan Outreach Centre in New Orleans and meets up with M'Baku at the party after the ceremony.
4) Sam keeps finding himself bumping into M'Baku every single time he returns to Birnin Zana after a mission.
For Sam Wilson/T'Challa:
1) T'Challa tries to woo Sam every moment he can. Sam slowly lets himself be wooed.
2) Sam Wilson is helping Shuri create a Wakandan Outreach Centre in New Orleans. Sam meets T'Challa there and thinks he's just one of the many people Shuri's working with to make the Centre happen. They grow close before Sam learns that he may or may not be dating a king.
3) Five Times T'Challa took Sam out on a date and the One time Sam realizes that he's actually on a date with T'Challa.
4) Sam and T'Challa keep finding excuses to meet up together, despite how complicated their lives are as Captain America and the King of Wakanda.
For Sam Wilson/Shangqi:
1) Shangqi may or may not have the biggest crush on his gym friend, Sam Wilson.
2) Shangqi and Sam Wilson keep flirting when they find themselves on missions with each other.
3) Shangqi keeps wanting to asked Sam out on a date, but keeps stumbling on his words.
4) Sam recruits Shangqi and Katy to the Avengers. Shangqi starts helping Sam organize this new team, the two becoming close as they spend time together.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Omniverse - Another crazy Spider-Verse crossover idea I had, this time based on Ben 10
Yep, I had this idea floating around in my head for quite a bit today, in part thanks to reading up plenty about Ben 10 on the TV Tropes wiki. It got me imagining; what if we had another Spider-Verse-esque crossover, but involving the universe of Ben 10 instead?
I mean, the premise of alternate realities and timelines has been explored quite a bit in the many iterations of the franchise (like Gwen getting the Omnitrix instead of Ben or Ben's other alternate counterparts), and it got me imagining a cast line-up for the concept. The ones I thought up for the story are as follows:
Miles Morales / Spider-Man II = Alt Alan Albright / Alan Fanon (harbouring on him being a fanon counterpart to the original)
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man = Ben A. Tennyson / Ben 10
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman = Julie Yamamoto / Julie 30
Spider-Man Noir = Classic Cartoon Ben 10
Spider-Ham = Reboot Ben 10
Peni Parker and SP//dr = Anime Lucy Mann and Ship
Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India = India Jimmy Jones
Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk = Ultimate Ben 10,000
Margo Kess / Spider-Byte = Gwen 10
Mayday Parker = Toddler Ken Green-Tennyson
Villains (Into the Omniverse)
William "Kingpin" Fisk = Phil Billings
Aaron Davis / The Prowler = Manny Armstrong / Techadon Warrior
Olivia Octavius / Doc-Ock = Arshika Charlie Animo / Dr. Animo
Green Goblin = Sunder the Retriever
Tombstone = Fistrick
Scorpion = Vulkanus
Villains (Across/Beyond the Omniverse)
Adriano Tumino / Renaissance Vulture = Pastel Master Kundo
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot = Albedo / Negative Ben 10
Armadillo = Ssserpent
Miles G. Morales = Alan K. Albright
Villains (Miscellaneous)
Doctor Crawdaddy = Tim Buktu (Ben 10 Reboot)
Pavitr's Hobgoblin = Trombipulor
Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 = Reboot Evil Ben 10/Alien X
Lyla = Alternate Glitch (in a Gwen form)
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman = Molly Gunther
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider = Ben 23
Supporting Cast (Base Universe)
Jefferson Morales = Alt Pierce Wheels
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
Spider-Man I = Ben B. Tennyson / Ben 10
May Parker = Grandpa Max Tennyson
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Kai Green-Tennyson
Ganke Lee = JT
Supporting Cast (Ben A.'s universe)
Mary-Jane Watson = Kai Green
Supporting Cast (Julie's universe)
Peter Parker / The Lizard = Ben Tennyson / Zs'Skayr
Captain George Stacy = Victor Valadis
Supporting Cast (Jimmy's universe)
Gayatri Singh = Elena Valadis
Supporting Cast (Alan K.'s universe)
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
The Omnitrix is the swap-in for the radioactive spider here, and whoever finds it is the one (in)voluntarily assigned to help protect the universe from all sorts of threats, whether they wish to or not, sending their life from ordinary to extraordinary fast.
I picked Julie specifically for the role of Spider-Gwen, considering how she lost her overall touch in the series after Omniverse (and kinda because I personally shipped Ben and Julie as a kid, even with their rough spots), hence why I felt she and Alan would make a good fit for each other due to similar insecurities.
I had been thinking carefully about the roles to assign to each character I could. I originally intended Ben 23 to be the swap-in for Spider-Ham, but considering how full of himself he was before Omniverse Ben/Ben Prime came along (which is why he's in Reilly's place), I felt Reboot Ben 10, whose world is less serious than the others, could fit the role better, whilst also inheriting sympathetic traits like relating to losing someone close.
The Classic Cartoon Ben 10 isn't from the ORIGINAL storyline, but rather one based on classic cartoons from the 60s and 70s, just to avoid confusion there. Lucy Mann's genki girl approach, for one, made her a perfect fit for Peni's role here, too.
And considering Jimmy Jones is a big fan of Ben 10 in canon (and was respected for it in Ultimate Alien), I felt the naïve newcomer status could work for an alternate universe version of him from India. And as Ultimate Ben 10,000 is pretty much on top of his game (alongside being less likely to steer towards canon), he fits well for Hobie's role.
The evil reboot Ben 10, I felt, fits well for the role of Miguel, since he lost his Gwen and Max when they tried to save him, which led him down a darker path in life and required FIVE Omnitrix users to take him down. Likewise, I thought a Gwen variant of Glitch to go with him (which fits well with her sass in the series proper) fits Lyla's role as a digital assistant to a futuristic hero.
Since the four Plumbers' Helpers are of similar age, I felt that Pierce and Helen are Alan's legal guardians in Bellwood, alongside both assisting the Plumbers in protecting Earth. Manny, who has Aaron's role, is the most hot-headed of the four, but has a good heart deep down.
The reason for Alan having to inherit his Ben's role is through inheriting his Omnitrix after Ben gives him the responsibility to protect his world for him, and his compatibility with it came from the other dimension thanks to the experiments Phil's scientists were doing. As for the whole hair-sticking incident, Julie's hair was longer (as far down as her waist) before the accident, and at present, it's as long as in canon.
Max being the badass old man, no matter what universe, comes with the territory anyway, same with him being tech-savvy, which allows him to help Alan adjust to being the new hero. Kai is also commonly the girl Ben ultimately ends up marrying between universes, and JT being Alan's roomie contributes to him being the more chill between him and Cash (the glasses are a plus, too).
I also thought carefully about the rogues gallery between stories from throughout Ben 10's history, like having a female counterpart to Dr. Animo, or Ssserpent being the random villain Alan has to quickly deal with on his way back home with a cake, due to the villain's butt-monkey status in his first two appearances (he got better on the third).
Zs'Sakyr, I felt, was the best counterpart to represent The Lizard in Omniverse, since he's Ghostfreak's true self who tried possessing Ben and gaining full power over the Omnitrix. And I've kept up with the theme of altering art styles for the AU version of Master Kundo (like how Vulture was from the Renaissance, Green Impostor (Funkinverse) was from a sketchbook, and Snively (from my work, IAB!) was from a cell-shaded world).
Albedo, I thought, would be the best option available for a swap-in for Ohnn, as he became villainous through making a fake Omnitrix that made him a direct doppelganger of Ben (until a bioenergy feedback caused his appearance to shift), and since he fell into D-List villain territory, I felt he could have the biggest voyage to become an arch-enemy that Alan CAN'T ignore in general.
You guys are welcome to take all that as you will, and make up your own ideas on how things will turn out for them. See you later!
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
Webs! (not just for hero work!)
Peter B. Parker and Aaron Davis had found themselves in a… (Aaron had audibly screamed in annoyed rage when Peter called it this) sticky situation, cause Miles had claimed Peter as his Uncle to his parents and Peter backed it up in turn by claiming Aaron as his husband.
Which was fine when Aaron Davis was dead. Except, he wasn’t really dead, and on return, Aaron agrees to carry out the sham of a marriage with Peter, for Miles sake.
Now, months in, both men have realized it’s been for more than just “their” nephews sake, as they kiss for the first time not for show to sell the act, but as a show of their growing feelings.
Those feelings quickly become arousal and despite Peter coming off a painful back injury, he knows he can be well enough for more, if Aaron is also down.
Aaron doesn’t want to risk touching Peter’s back in the throes of passion and he knows himself well enough to know he scratches during sex. So though it’s a brand new thing they have going, he asks Peter to tie his hands.
Or, well, not exactly tie
(Post-Chapter 14 of ’And Pete’s Your Uncle!’.)
Chapter 1 Out Now!!
Inspired from this fanart:
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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Fine cuisine😤😤😤😤😤🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
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