#abd al-aziz
docpiplup · 8 months
First of all, thank you for following the bookscans posts, I hope you're enjoying them. Now I wanted to share some extra facts related to the third part, like the Tudmir Pact and more about Abd al-Aziz and Egilona, so here we go:
• The Tudmir pact
The pact between Teodomiro and Abd al-Aziz was signed on April 5, 713 and its text is:
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Edict of 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa ibn Nusair to Tudmir ibn Abdush [Theodomir, son of the Goths]. The latter obtains peace and receives the promise, under the guarantee of God and his prophet, that his situation and that of his people will not be altered; that his subjects will not be killed, nor taken prisoners, nor separated from their wives and children; that they will not be prevented from practicing their religion, and that their churches will not be burned or deprived of the objects of worship that are in them; all this as long as it satisfies the obligations we impose on it. Peace is granted with the delivery of the following cities: Uryula [Orihuela], Baltana, Laqant [Alacant], Mula, Villena, Lurqa [Lorca] and Ello. Furthermore, you must not give refuge to anyone who flees from us or is our enemy; nor cause harm to anyone who flees from us or is our enemy; nor cause harm to anyone who enjoys our amnesty; nor hide any information about our enemies that may come to their knowledge. He and his subjects will pay an annual tribute, each person, of one dinar in cash, four measures of wheat, barley, grape juice and vinegar, two of honey and two of olive oil; for the servants, only a measure. Given in the month of Rajab, year 94 of the Hegira [713]. As witnesses, 'Uthman ibn Abi 'Abda, Habib ibn Abi 'Ubaida, Idris ibn Maisara and Abu l-Qasim al-Mazali.
Various versions of the Pact of Tudmīr are known, all of them are not contemporary and it seems that the pact had an important impact, since there are manuscripts about It writen by some authors throughout the Middle Ages, the oldest by geographer Abu al-Abbás Áhmad ibn Úmar al-Uḏrī (Dalías, Almería, 1003- Almería or Valencia, 1085), those by Abū Ja'far Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Aḥmad ibn 'Amirah al-Ḍabbī (Vélez-Rubio or Vélez-Blanco, Almería, 1155/1156- Murcia, 1203), Abu Hamid al-Garnāṭī (Granada, 1256-Cairo, 1344) and Ibn Abd-al-Múnim al-Ḥimyarī (Ceuta, 15th century- ?, 1495).
At the library of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial is preserved the manuscript of the al-Ḍabbī version of the pact (well, plus some annotations in Spanish from early 19th century) in his work Bughyat al-multamis fī tārīkh rijāl ahl al-Andalus (Wish fulfilled of the one who investigates, about the history of the men of al-Andalus), which is part of the Arabic manuscripts collection held at El Escorial (in the web you can find 153 digitalized manuscripts), started by Phillip II of Spain during the 16th century.
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Btw this Arabic manuscript collection is the topic of one of the chapters of the book De Mayrit a Madrid (From Mayrit to Madrid), one of the books that is on the bookscans list, so if you want to know more about this topic, wait for when I share its bookscans.
And for ending with the Tudmir Pact, here's a map showing the cities included in the pact:
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• Abd al-Aziz and Egilona
Note: The genealogical links listed below might not be 100% exact, because some data varies depending on the source. Sorry if it's a bit messy, genealogy is complicated (specially if Royal families are involved)
An interesting fact is that some sources point that Abd al-Aziz's mother was Umm bint Marwan ibn al-Hakam, a daughter of Caliph Marwan I, making Abd al-Aziz (born in 685) one of the grandsons of the 4th Umayyad Caliph of Damascus.
During the conquest, Abd al-Aziz and Egilona married in 713. Due to the name Umm'Asim Egilona is sometimes given, it's known that they had a son, although it's not known anything more about him, and they had a daughter too, Aïsha.
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After the death of Musa ibn Nusayr in 715, Abd al-Aziz started to mistrust the new Caliph Suleyman, as its possible that the Caliph ordered to murder Musa.
The relationship between the Caliph and Abd al-Aziz was tense, since Abd al-Aziz's title of governor of Al Andalus was given by his father Musa ibn Nusayr, not by the Caliph, so Sulayman was afraid of a possible uprising and Abd al-Aziz turning Al Andalus into an independent territory. As it is possible that Egilona suggested Abd al-Aziz to crown himself and turn away from the caliphate, or at least that were the rumours, and that alleged conspiracy led to Sulayman sending Ziyad ibn Udhara to murder Abd al-Aziz in Seville in 716.
It is not known exactly when Egilona died, although is likely the year of her death is after 718. About their daughter Aïsha bint Abd al-Aziz, she eventually married Fortún ibn Qasi, governor of Zaragoza and the Ebro valley and head of the Banu Qasi, and had two sons Zahir and Musa ibn Fortun, the later married Oneka of Pamplona. They had two sons, Mutarrif and Musa ibn Musa, whom later in the book AL ANDALUS. Historical figures there will be a chapter about (the chapter Musa ben Musa ben Qasi, the third King of Spain). Musa ibn Musa's domains were occasionally independent from the Umayyad emirate of Córdoba since he and his descendants allied with either the emirate or with Christians like the future kingdom of Navarre, whose Royal family had blood ties with the Banu Qasi, some of them being:
- Eneko Aritza, Lord "King" of Pamplona, was Musa ibn Musa's brother, since Eneko was the son Oneka had with her first husband Eneko Semenoitz
- Asona Enekoitz, one of the daughters of Eneko Aritza, niece and wife of Musa ibn Musa. Their children were Lubb ibn Musa, Mutarrif ibn Musa, Fortún ibn Musa and Awriya bint Musa
- Belasquita Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of Eneko Aritza's son, García. She was Musa ibn Musa's daughter-in-law since he married Mutarrif ibn Musa ibn Musa.
- Fortún Garcés, son of Eneko Aritza's son García. Fortun married Awriya bint Lubb ibn Musa, daughter of Lubb ibn Musa and an Arab noblewoman Ayab al-Bilatiyya. Their children were Eneko, Aznar, Belasko, Lope and Oneka.
- Oneka Fortúnez, daughter of Fortún Garcés and Auria/Awriya bint Lubb. Oneka Fortúnez married twice, she firstly wed the Emir Abd Allah I of Córdoba, she was known as Durr (Pearl), their children being Muhammad, Zayd, al-Baha' and Fatima, Muhammad's son was the first Caliph of Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman III; then Oneka married her cousin Aznar Sánchez.
Descendants by MUHAMMAD
- Muhammad, son of Emir Abd Allah I of Córdoba and Oneka Fortúnez, he had Abd al-Rahman III with a Basque woman, Muzna.
- Abd al-Rahman III, 8th Emir and first Caliph of Córdoba. He had several wifes and concubines, and many children, but the one who succeeded him was al-Hakam II, one of the sons he had with one of his wifes, a Christian captive called Maryam.
- Al-Hakam II, 2nd Caliph of Córdoba, son of Abd al-Rahman III and Maryam. Al-Hakam was succeeded by Hisham II, a son he had with the concubine, Subh al-baskunsiyya, a Basque woman named Aurora, but then she took the name Subh.
- Hisham II, 3th Caliph of Córdoba, son of al-Hakam II of Córdoba and Subh. He firstly was overthrown by Muhammad II, and became Caliph again after the second rule of Muhammad ended.
-Muhammad II, 4th Caliph of Córdoba, son of Hisham, who was son of Abd al-Yabbar, one of Abd al-Rahman III's sons. He overthrew Hisham II, but Muhammad II was overthrown by Suleyman al-Mustaín, and Muhammad II started his second rule after he overthrew Suleyman. Muhammad II's sons were Abd al-Rahman IV and Hisham III.
- Suleyman, 5th Caliph of Córdoba, son al- Hakam, who was son of Suleyman, one of Abd al-Rahman III's sons. After Hisham II died, Suleyman's second rule started, but he was defeated and killed by the governor of Ceuta, Alí ibn Hamud al-Násir, who became the 6th Caliph of Córdoba and first Caliph of the Banu Hamud dinasty.
- Abd al-Rahman IV, 7th Caliph of Córdoba, son of Muhammad II. After Ali ibn Hamud was murdered, he was proclaimed Caliph, although it was después with Ali ibn Hamud's brother Al-Qásim, and after Abd al-Rahman IV died, Al-Qásim fully became the 8th Caliph of Córdoba.
- Abd al-Rahman V, 10th Caliph of Córdoba, brother of Muhammad II. After the second rule of Al-Cásim ended, he became Caliph, but he was murdered a year later. He was succeeded by his cousin Muhammad III.
- Muhammad III, 11th Caliph of Córdoba, son of Abd al-Rahman, who was son of Ubayd Al-lah, one of Abd al-Rahman III's sons. He had a daughter with the slave Amin'am, who was Wallada bint al-Mustakfi. Muhammad died, and Ali ibn Hamud's son, Yahya al-Muhtal returned.
- Hisham III, 12th Caliph of Córdoba, son of Muhammad II. He became Caliph when Yahya al-Muhtal was overthrown and his second rule ended. After some years, Hisham III was overthrown during a popular uprising, the Caliphate of Córdoba was abolished, so Hisham was the last Caliph of Córdoba, and the first period of Taifas began.
- Wallada bint al-Mustafki, the only child of Muhammad III, became a famous poetress. Wallada inherited her father's assets when he died and she opened her palace to the education of women from good families to women of low status and even slaves; poets and writers also attended. Among her students, Muhya bint al-Tayyani stands out, a poetress of very humble status. Wallada welcomed her into her palace, and it is said that they were lovers.
It is known that she embroidered her verses on her dresses, being the most well-known: "By Allah, I deserve any greatness/ and I proudly continue my path/ I gladly give my lover my cheek / and I give my kisses to whoever wants them"; and she did not veil on the street. Wallada participate in men's competitions, in one of them she met the poet Ibn Zaydún, with whom she had a passionate love story, as is it shown in several of their poems. Wallada had other lovers like Ibn Abdus, but she never married.
(Mental Note: I have to dedicate a post to Wallada's poetry someday)
Descendants by AZNÁR SANCHEZ
- Toda Aznárez, daughter of Oneka Fortúnez with her second husband Aznar Sánchez. Toda married Sancho I of Pamplona, a distant cousin and first official King of Pamplona. Their children were García I of Pamplona (married Countess Andregoto I of Aragon, their son was Sancho II of Pamplona), Urraca (married Ramiro II of Leon), Oneka (married Alfonso IV of León, their son was Ordoño IV), Sancha (married Ordoño II of León, their son was Sancho I) , Belasquita and Orbita (married al-Tawil, governor of Huesca).
- Sancho II of Pamplona, García I and Andregoto's son, married Urraca Fernández, daughter of Fernán González, Count of Castile. Among their children were García II of Pamplona and Urraca. Urraca married Al-Mansur, hayib of Caliph Hisham II of Córdoba, and she took the name Abda, and was the mother of Abd al-Rahman Sanŷul (or Sanchuelo), who became hayib of Hisham II after his brother ʿAbd al-Málik al-Mu���áffar (son of Al-Mansur and Al-Dalfāʾ) died. Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo had a son, Abd al-Aziz ibn Ámir, who, after the of the Caliphate was splitted into Taifas, became Emir of the Taifa of Valencia. Abd al-Aziz was succeeded by his son Abd-al-Malik, but Abd-al-Malik was overthrown by Al-Mamún, Emir of the Taifa of Toledo.
- García II of Pamplona was succeeded by his son Sancho II of Pamplona, who married Muniadona of Castile, and they were parents of García III of Pamplona (ancestors of the Kingdom of Navarre) and Ferdinand I of Leon, who married Sancha of Leon, who was the great-great-grandaughter of Ramiro II of Leon (ancestors of the Crown of Castile and the Kingdom of Portugal, via their son Alfonso VI of Leon). Plus Sancho II of Pamplona had a son out of wedlock, Ramiro I of Aragon (ancestors of the Crown of Aragon)
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Moulay Abd al-Aziz bin Hassan, Sultan of Morocco
Spanish vintage postcard
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lonniemachin · 5 months
List of Palestinian Evacuation And Support Fundraisers
Last Update: 05/28/2024
All fundraisers have been looked into by me or vetted by others. If anyone notices issues in validity with any of the fundraisers listed please let me know. Funding updates daily!
Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($26,961/$62,500 goal)
Hayam Taha and family (€18,052/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa and family (€20,046/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa reached the initial evacuation fee for his family and they have extended the goal to pay to support themselves after they evacuate.
Fatima Alshanti (kr22,300 SEK/kr150,000 goal)
Shahed Ghazi and family ($31,049 CAD/$94,838 goal)
Little Yusuf and family (€33,893/€85,000 goal)
Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($9,807/$25,000 goal)
Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr50,017 SEK/kr250,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (€10,425/€30,000 goal)
Hamza Almofty and family ($7,331/$35,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (€3,143/€10,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Shaga ($2,785/$20,000 goal)
Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr148,607 SEK/kr350,000 goal)
Besan Almabhouh's family (€9,027/€25,000 goal)
Said Tanani and brothers (€33,829/€50,000 goal)
Donia Tanani and family (€78,277/€100,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya, his pregnant wife, and son ($19,816/$40,000 goal)
Mohammed Shamia and family ($35,729/$50,000 goal)
Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (€15,294/€28,000 goal)
Almadhoun family ($27,523/$80,000 goal)
Child Mohammed and family (€20,297/€30,000 goal)
Sana'a and family (£28,657/£70,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad and family ($35,374/$95,160 goal)
Maryam Ayyad and family ($1,065/$15,000 goal) - Maryam is related to Noha listed above, who is managing her fundraiser.
Hamza Sameer and family ($6,940/$55,000 goal)
Hamza is related to Noha, he is her uncle’s son.
Nazmi Mwafi and family ($6,823/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty and family ($8,341/$40,000 goal)
Hamdi Hejazi and family ($25,552/$150,000
Mohammed Ali and family ($10,891/$25,000 goal)
Heba and family (€65,972/€80,000 goal)
Mohammed Abuhasanein and family (kr11,156 SEK/kr 350,000 goal)
Rawan and Yemna (kr52,492 SEK/kr319,315 goal)
Laila Auda (€7,784/€35,000 goal)
Ola Madi (€3,284/€40,000 goal)
Tawfik Satoom and family ($6,587/$45,000 goal)
Laila Abd El Bari, her husband, and unborn baby Sham (€8,088/€25,000 goal)
Abdullah Mohammed and family ($7,577/$47,000 goal)
Ruba Abushaban and family (€17,539/€50,000 goal)
Hala, her husband, and their daughter ($7,517 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Hoda and Abdul Rahman ($3,211/$18,000 goal)
Al Maghari family (£4,974/£74,000 goal)
Arwa Abudawaba and family (kr246,856 NOK/kr500,000 goal)
Hani Alhajjar’s family (€19,680/€50,000 goal)
Ouda family ($20,709 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Rawan Ahmed and family ($17,798/$40,000 goal)
Dr. Wael Eldahdouh's family (€6,001/€110,000 goal)
Abdullah Lulu and family ($8,881/18,000 goal)
Lara, Abdalla, and family (€12,812/€50,000 goal)
Firas Salem and family (€22,687/€65,000 goal)
Amal Abu Shammala's family (€49,805/€53,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Alshaer and family (€6,032/€18,000 goal)
Roqaya Al-Hayek and Mohammad Jamal Al-Hayek (€14,769/€25,000 goal)
Haya and family (€7,192/€60,000 goal)
Mohammed Dahdooh and family (£46,445/£65,000 goal)
INITIAL GOAL COMPLETE!!! Mohammed is now raising money for his family to support themselves once they evacuate.
Ahmad Iyd and family (£7,615/£150,000 goal)
Renad and family (£5,996/£25,000 goal)
Mohammed Aljbour and family (€5,501/€25,000 goal)
Sarah's mother (€6,266/€15,000 goal)
Sarah reached her initial goal to evacuate her mother and has raised the goal to provide support for she and her family once they are in Egypt.
Dr. Hasan Adwan and family (€6,149/€98,000 goal)
Marah Atallah and family ($2,285/$27,000 goal)
Dr. Nasrallah Almassri ($9,333/$30,000 goal)
Afnan Hasaballah (€12,011/€15,000 goal)
Muhammad Al-Thalateeni and family (€8,497/€20,000 goal)
Al-Zaeem family ($9,009/$50,000 goal)
Mahmoud Al Tibi and family (€9,193/€60,000 goal)
Almoghrabi family (€8,454/€25,000 goal)
Mohammad's family (€9,578/€30,000 goal)
Aziz and his mother ($3,063/$50,000 goal)
Mohammed, his wife, and their newborn son ($1,101 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Tala, her aunt, and their family (€20,588/€50,000 goal)
Ala Osama ($165/$50,000 goal!!!)
Aesha Balaha and family ($1,867/$10,000 goal)
Farah and family (€4,691/€35,000 goal)
Zinh Dahdooh ($6,991/$40,000 goal)
Rana and family (€9,285/€30,000 goal)
Al-Alami family ($3,798 CAD/$100,000 goal)
Khaled and family ($252/$15,000!!!)
Tamer Alnoaizy and family (€4,115/€20,000 goal)
Ahmed Dawoud and family ($2,300/$87,000 goal)
Omar and family (€7,869/€20,000 goal)
Haytham and family ($2,748 CAD/$70,000 goal)
Hamdi and family ($770 CAD/$62,000 goal!!!)
Mahmoud & Rawan (€1,154/€15,000 goal)
Hashem, Samar, and baby Omar (€385/€45,000 goal!!!)
Aseel Maher and family (€3,295/€30,000 goal)
Mayada Jihad and family (€2,220/€30,000 goal)
Amal, her children, and her unborn baby ($3,991/$15,000 goal!!!) URGENT! 6 DAYS TO COMPLETE!!!
Margaret, Sara, and Maxine's friend and her family (£38,325/£50,000 goal)
Tahani Shorbajee and family ($5,785/$50,000 goal)
Baby Youssef and family (€8,282/€50,000 goal)
Iman Eyad and family (£4,010/£60,000 goal)
Mohammed & Hamza Hilles and family (€755/€30,000 goal!!!)
Bilal Salah and family (€25,078/€70,000 goal)
Rabah Dawoud and family ($46,500/$70,000 goal)
Mayess and family ($357/$45,000 goal!!!)
Aahed Hisham and family (€2,807/€50,000 goal)
Hammam Hilles and family (€887/€30,000 goal!!!)
Hazem's family ($104,420 AUD/$100,000 goal)
Hazem has made it from Gaza to Egypt, but he and his family are still in need of support.
Mohamed, Samah, and family (€28,951/€63,000 goal)
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itsdl · 9 months
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i drew this in a fugue state
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abumelle · 1 year
Exactly one hundred years ago, the Tanomah Massacre took place, say the Houthis. Indeed, this happened, says the expert
In North Yemen, the Houthis have been ruling for eight years, a curious mix of monarchy and papacy, topped with a hint of Guevara. Today they commemorate the Tanomah massacre. Now an idyllic town high in the Saudi mountains, a century ago a Saudi militia slaughtered thousands of Yemeni pilgrims there. Often used in propaganda, yet nonetheless the truth. Tanomah is located in the southwest of…
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abdalaziz2 · 2 months
Hello. My name is Abdul Aziz Aziz. I am 36 years old and have been living in Belgium for a year. I want to tell you my story, along with my family in Gaza. I am married and the father of three children. My family is displaced in Gaza and I became homeless because our house was destroyed above my family, and because of the bombing of my house I lost my mother and sister. My children were injured and psychologically traumatized by this incident, and I now appeal to you to save my family from death. I also have a child who suffers from a brain tumor and has not received treatment since the beginning of the war. I fear that his health condition will deteriorate due to lack of treatment. My son's name is Yahya and he is 12 years old. He can't handle this disease, so I hope for your help. To take my family out of Gaza to Egypt, save my son, and treat him in Egypt. I hope you will look at my children kindly and help me. Thank you very much.
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badolmen · 25 days
Do Something Saturdays!
Are you feeling helpless and paralyzed by indecision? The best cure is to do something - something that will have an immediate, concrete impact on the world.
Consider donating as little as $5 and/or reblogging this post to share these campaigns!
(verification) Bara Belal Deeb El Shaer ($617/$10.000) [6.17%]
(verification) Ahmed Al-Habil (€3.830/€50.000) [7.66%]
(verification) Abdallah Mousa ($2.298/$30.000) [7.66%]
(verification) Abd Alhadi Aburas ($5.523/$65.000) [8.71%]
(verification) Mohammed Alazaiza ($7.187/$48.000) [14.9%]
(verification) Abed Rahman Al Shaer ($9.517/$50.000) [19.0%]
(verification) Safaa & Mohammed ($15.880/$75.000) [21.2%]
(verification) Osama Basil ($3.242/$15.000) [21.6%]
(verification) Mahmoud Alkhaldi ($15.355/$50.000) [30.7%]
(verification) Hanaa Jad Al-Haq (£19.642/£50.000) [39.3%]
(verification) Fidaa ($33.963/$75.000) [45.3%] *new goal
(verification) Ahmed Abu Al-Rish ($15.231/$31.000) [49.1%]
(verification) Palestine & Youssef Jad Al-Haq ($23.098/$40.000) [57.7%]
(verification) Doaa Jad Al Haq ($6.671/$12.000) [55.6%] *evacuated, still need survival funds
(verification) Hossam Saleh Mohamed El Bardawil ($11.571/$20.000) [57.9%]
(verification) Ahmed & Abdul Aziz (€3.425/€5.000) [68.5%]
(verification) Ayah & Lina Amir Abu Samra (€42.107/€60.000) [70.2%] *new goal
(verification) Safaa Al Khatib (€24.909/€35.000) [71.2%]
(verification) Mohammed Shamia ($65.040/$70.000) [92.9%]
Time stamp: Sep. 21, 2024
More information and campaigns under the read more.
(Conversions: $5 = kr52.36, €4.66, £3.89, CHF4.30)
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hassanatforusmk · 7 months
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Killed by Isreal's bombardment and blocakde: 0 years old
Didn't reach their first birthday
Abd al-Jawad Mizar Jamal Hoso (0 years old)
Abdel Khaleq Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Abdel Rahim Ahmed Abdel Rahim Awad (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Essam Salah (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Samir Salama Saad (0 years old)
Abdel Raouf Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Abdullah Omar Shehab (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Kamel Zidane Al-Hawajri (0 years old)
Abdullah Ahmed Khalil Zorob (0 years old)
Abdullah Amir Abdullah Al Khor (0 years old)
Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hamid Muhanna (0 years old)
Adam Magdy Jaber Al-Dahdouh (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Fouad Al Agha (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (0 years old)
Ahmed Moamen Ahmed Daloul (0 years old)
Ahmed Mohamed Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Ahmed Muhammad Yasser Dardouna (0 years old)
Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Fouda (0 years old)
Ahmed Shadi Talal Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Ahmed Talaat Ali Barhoum (0 years old)
Aisha Jihad Jalal Shaheen (0 years old)
Alia Abdel Nour Sami Al-Souri (0 years old)
Alma Adnan Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)
Alma Moamen Muhammad Hamdan (0 years old)
Alma Qais Abdul Karim Al-Zahrani (0 years old)
Alyan Abdul Rahman Alyan Al-Ashqar (0 years old)
Amal Mahmoud Mohamed Saleha (0 years old)
Amal Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bayouk (0 years old)
Amir Mahmoud Zuhdi Al-Masry (0 years old)
Anas Abdul Aziz Muhammad Zahir (0 years old)
Anas Abdullah Bahaa Al-Din Sukayk (0 years old)
Anas Tariq Muhammad Al-Hasanat (0 years old)
Anisa Mahmoud Ahmed Ali (0 years old)
Anwar Muhammad Ahmed Al Hindi (0 years old)
Aseed Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)
Aseel Amir Ali Al-Ashi (0 years old)
Aseel Muhammad Jumah Dhair (0 years old)
Aws Muhammad Hussein Al-Aleel (0 years old)
Ayat Abdul Aziz Omar Farwaneh (0 years old)
Ayla Uday Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (0 years old)
Badr Yasser Rafiq Abu Habib (0 years old)
Bahaa Mustafa Jamal Musa (0 years old)
Basil Muhammad Hossam Abu Jasser (0 years old)
Bilal Khaled Muhammad Sobh (0 years old)
Bilal Muhammad Kamal Hamdan (0 years old)
Celine Abdel Hadi Adel Daher (0 years old)
Celine Ihab Ayman Al-Bahtiti (0 years old)
Daughter of Dina Abdel Hakim Ayoub Natat (0 years old)
Daughter of Zainab Muhammad Al-Abd Nawas (0 years old)
Diaa Ahmed Abdel Ati Saleh Musa (0 years old)
Diaa Majed Ahmed Kishko (0 years old)
Elena Momen Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)
Eliana Muhammad Nabil Mekheimer (0 years old)
Ella Muhammad Salem Al-Drimli (0 years old)
Essam Mohammed Essam Farag (0 years old)
Etaf Hassan Riyadh (0 years old)
Ezzat Asaad Ezzat Saq Allah (0 years old)
Fadl Maysara Muhammad Abu Hasira (0 years old)
Fahd Uday Imad Al-Ajez (0 years old)
Farah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)
Farah Hossam Abdel Karim Hanoun (0 years old)
Farah Suleiman Raed Abu Shabab (0 years old)
Fatima Louay, Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)
Fatima Moatasem Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Fatima Muhammad Rizq Al-Wawi (0 years old)
Fatima Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (0 years old)
Fayrouz Fadi Hamada Abu Salima (0 years old)
Firas Muhammad Abdel Aziz Tamraz (0 years old)
George Sobhi George Al-Souri (0 years old)
Ghaith Khattab Omar Al-Bahloul (0 years old)
Ghaith Yasser Nabil Nofal (0 years old)
Ghazal Asaad Maher Abu Lashin (0 years old)
Ghazal Mahmoud Saeed Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Hala Yasser Hamed Al-Sanwar (0 years old)
Hamza Muhammad Abdel Hamid Ashour (0 years old)
Hassan Hamza Hassan Al-Amsi (0 years old)
Hassan Muhammad Hassan Abu Daqqa (0 years old)
Haya Sharif Bakr Al-Batniji (0 years old)
Hind Khaled Ahmed Jahjouh (0 years old)
Hoda Mustafa Hatem Abu Seif (0 years old)
Hoor Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Mamlouk (0 years old)
Hoor Omar Mahmoud Al-Azaib (0 years old)
Hoor Rashad Saeed Habib (0 years old)
Hoor Yassin Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ahmed Nasser Shaqura (0 years old)
Ibrahim Al-Muatasem Walid Al-Quqa (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ammar Saad Al-Qara (0 years old)
Iman Muhammad Abdel Fattah Al-Hinnawi (0 years old)
Ismail Ahmed Ismail Farhat (0 years old)
Issa Mahmoud Muhammad Qarmout (0 years old)
Iyad Abdel Rahman Jihad Muheisen (0 years old)
Jamal Muhammad Jamal Al-Maghari (0 years old)
Jannah Hisham Muhammad Hamouda (0 years old)
Jannat Naji Abdel Rahman Abu Hammad (0 years old)
Jihad Muhammad Raafat Al-Dalis (0 years old)
Joan Ali Nasr Amer (0 years old)
Joel Atallah Ibrahim Al-Amsh (0 years old)
Joud Bahaa Al-Din Haider Al-Nadim (0 years old)
Juri Ammar Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (0 years old)
Juri Ayed Ismail Al-Najjar (0 years old)
Juri Darwish Hamed Abu Khatla (0 years old)
Juri Ramadan Muhammad Miqdad (0 years old)
Karim Muhammad Fayez Al-Madhoun (0 years old)
Karima Muhammad Majid Al-Ghoul (0 years old)
Kenan Amin Marwan Abu Shakyan (0 years old)
Khaled Bilal Muhammad Abu Al-Amrain (0 years old)
Khaled Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Lana Yasser Nassif Hegazy (0 years old)
Lana Youssef Emad Loulou (0 years old)
Layan Muhammad Youssef Hussein (0 years old)
Layan Rami Anwar Faisal (0 years old)
Louay Mahmoud Saleh Al-Ajrami (0 years old)
Maha Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Eid Muhammad Nabhan (0 years old)
Mahmoud Fadi Khaled Al-Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Youssef Muhammad Abu Shawish (0 years old)
Mai Hatem Asaad Qita (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Rahman Ayesh Darwish (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Salam Ali Abu Saif (0 years old)
Malak Mahmoud Atef Halawa (0 years old)
Malik Mahdi Ahmed Shalouf (0 years old)
Malik Muhammad Shafiq Abu Al-Kass (0 years old)
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monchersoleil · 3 months
families from Palestine that still need help
I went through some older posts to check if any fundraisers reached their goals. Many haven't, and these are some that are still up, because I went through many links to fundraisers that don't exist anymore. Did those people make it safe or did the fundraiser get deleted because they are no longer here to benefit from it?
This genocide is sickening and this is literally the least I could do. So all the following links are vetted fundraisers that desperately need your donations.
Last update: July 4, 2024
Hashem Al-Shawish (€740/€45,000 goal)
Mahmoud Darabaih (€3,079/€15,000 goal)
Rafif and Hisham ($7,117/$62,000 goal)
Khaled and family ($500/$15,000 goal)
Ala Osama ($3,480/$50,000 goal)
Abdullah Lulu ($11,305/18,000 goal)
Mohammed and family (€21,116/€25,000 goal)
Lara, Abdalla, and family (€21,265/€50,000 goal)
Laila Abd El Bari, her husband and their baby (€15,250/€25,000 goal)
Aziz and his mother ($5,653/$50,000 goal)
Mayess and family ($1,354/$45,000 goal)
Sara Hajjaj ($12,559/$25,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (€4,878/€10,000 goal)
Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (€16,843/€28,000 goal)
Nazmi Mwafi ($8,750/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty ($11,729/$40,000 goal)
Hamdi Hejaz ($26,851/$50,000 goal)
Ahmed Iyd (£10,310/£150,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya ($27,860/$40,000 goal)
Al Maghari family (£5,414/£74,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Alshaer's family (€10,200/€18,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (€16,266/€40,000 goal)
7-year old diabetic Feryal, and family (€8,980/€30,000 goal)
Sara Herzallah's family (€22,453/€70,000 goal)
Mahmoud's 15 family members (€10,276/€60,000 goal)
Donate, share and don't forget these are real people suffering right now, who have been suffering for the last 9 months, in a land that has been suffering for the last 76 years.
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this is an urgent call ,requesting for help. I'm Emily Palestine citizen from gaza. I'm suffering from brain cancer. I plead for your little donation to help me get my treatment in Egypt. Please donate and share. I'll really appreciate your help. My donation link is on my pin post
this is a scam but yahya aziz aziz is a 12-year-old palestinian child who actually does have brain cancer. he has not received treatment for almost 9 months. his fundraiser has been verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi (line 181) and you can get an art commission if you donate to him. if you were planning on giving this scammer any money, i implore you to send it to yahya instead.
also, please report and block this blog. report -> report something else -> unlawful uses or content -> phishing.
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jessiarts · 27 days
Trying to help these Palestinian Families!
There are two verified Palestinian GFMs in my linktree, and I want to help them meet their fundraiser goals.
To do this I hope to donate my art and time to raise the money.
How this will work is you donate directly to one of the GFMs in my linktree, and then send me a screenshot of your donation receipt as proof (via tumblr ask or email) and I will draw the fandom character(s) prompt you request based off the donation amounts in the graphic below.
Both GFMs are verified by Operation Olive Branch.
First GFM is organized by Tasnim Alhamss (on line #663 of OOB's spreadsheet), who is still trying to evacuate her sister's 3 children as well as her brother's 3 daughters. They're just a little over $2K from their goal. They're so close!
Second GFM is organized by Layal Qudaih (on line #844 of OOB's spreadsheet), who is trying to evacuate newlyweds Hala and Abd Al Aziz, as well as Hala's elderly mother, Amal. Hala was 7 months pregnant when the GFM was created in February. It is now August. That means there is now a baby, just a few months old, who needs evacuating too. They have only achieved 67% of their goal as of writing this post.
Below is the graphic detailing the type of drawing I'll complete in exchange for the amount donated.
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I encourage other artists to take this idea and run with it for their own adopted families. Operation Olive Branch has a whole spreadsheet of family fundraisers you can sponsor if you are able!
Hopefully together we can help more families meet their goals and get to safety!
I've included a list of fandoms and shows I'm most familiar with under the cut, but feel free to ask about others!
Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but I did try to put them in alphabetical order to make them easier to look through.
Avatar the Last Airbender
BBC Sherlock
Cartoon Network- Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Ed Edd & Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Kids Next Door, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Johnny Bravo, Powepuff Girls, Dexter's Lab
Child's Play franchise
Defiance Series
Doctor Who - mostly 9th Doctor through current Doctor, but I have seen a little bit of Classic Who too
Disney Movies- again, pretty much all of it- but some of my favorites were the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Hocus Pocus;
classics like Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Tarzan, Emperors New Groove, Lilo and Stitch, etc;
newer stuff like Brave, Encanto, and Coco, Moana, Frozen, etc.
The Hobbit
House MD
Jurassic Park
Looney Toons
Lord of the Rings
Marvel- pretty much all of it, but especially familiar with Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor movies, Loki series, The Avengers, Deadpool, etc
Nickelodeon- Fairly OddParents, Spongebob, Danny Phantom, My Life as a Teenage Robot
Once Upon a Time
The Princess Bride
Scooby Doo
Tim Burton Films - Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd, Beetlejuice, etc
Unus Annus
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docpiplup · 8 months
Third part of the bookscans of Al Andalus. Historical Figures, here's the previous part
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Abd al-Aziz: a good governor with an unfortunate fate
When leaving for the East, Musa ben Nusayr left his son as his liutenant in Spania. Not only he had to conclude the conquest, but had to pacify those regions that, although they had already submitted to Islam, housed groups of resisters who could put in danger what has been achieved so far.
We have much less news about Abd al-Aziz than about his father, perhaps because he ruled the Peninsula for a short time, just two years before being murdered, but they all agree that he was a magnificent warrior and a skilled negotiator who preferred pact to armed struggle.
In the short period of time of his government it is almost certain that he carried out a victorious expedition in Portuguese lands, which earned him the conquest of Évora, Santarém and Coimbra, and following the instructions that his father left him, his generals continued with the conquest of Pamplona, and in the east, they occupied Tarragona, Barcelona, Girona and Narbonne. Abd al-Aziz took upon himself the responsibility of pacifying
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some rebellious areas of eastern Andalusia and the Levant. He owes himself the conquest of Málaga and Elvira and the advance on lands of Murcia, at that time in the hands of a Visigoth nobleman, Teodomiro, vassal of the kingdom of Toledo, who ruled the region as a practically independent prince. And here we can see the negotiating spirit of Abd al-Aziz, who knew take good advantage of the pact he established with Teodomiro, Tudmir in Arabic, and the name by which it will henceforth be known the Murcian region.
The Christian count and the Muslim governor engaged conversations in which the second offered the first the maintenance of all his prerogatives, as count and as Christian, as well as total respect for his subjects, in exchange for the recognition of vassalage, the payment of an annual tribute and the delivery of seven strongholds, a delivery that would be carried out immediately.
Teodomiro, or Tudmir, must have weighed the pros and cons. The Christian kingdom of Toledo no longer existed, and it made no difference to be a vassal of the Goths as well as the Muslims. Without a doubt, too paid tributes to Rodrigo's monarchy and those that now Abd al-Aziz imposed were not too onerous... There was the matter of the seven strogholds, but it was better to give in on something that lose everything. The document signed between Teodomiro and the Muslim leader, one of the few treatises of this type that have come down to us, and it specifies that everyone, the count and his vassals, will preserve their religion and their churches, will maintain their rights of sovereignty and will not be bothered at any time, neither in their lives, nor in their estates,
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as long as they comply with what is stipulated. And what was stipulated was the delivery of Orihuela, Baltana, Alacant, Mula, Villena, Lorca and Ello. The annual tribute consisted of one dinar in cash, four bushels of wheat and four of barley, four measures of new wine, four of vinegar, two of honey and two of oil. This tax was reduced by half for the slaves.
If we have detailed the characteristics of this treaty, it is because of its rarity. and because, according to Levy Provençal, it is the first document diplomat of Muslim Spain.
Abd al-Aziz married the widow of King Don Rodrigo, at least that is what several historians say. It seems that they met after the fall of Mérida, when the royal widow left the city with another group of captives. Some consider this wedding as a real love story, at least on the part of Abd al-Aziz, since it seems that he did not take another wife. The Arab chroniclers call her Ailo and the Christians Egilona. Some say that her husband allowed her to keep her religion, gesture that was very well received among the Mozarabs, and others say that converted to Islam and was renamed Umm'Asim, “the mother of Asim", as soon as the only son she had with Abd al-Aziz was born.
The couple lived almost always in Seville, where it is still preserved, in the gardens of the Alcázar, a white tower of typical African construction, known as "the Tower of Abd al-Aziz". However, if they were happy, their happiness must have lasted little, because at the same time Seville, an envoy of the Caliph Sulayman, Ziyad ben Udhara, assassinated him in the church of Santa Rufina, converted into a mosque, while Abd al-
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Aziz performed the pious duties of prayer. The charge against him, according to the caliph, was abuse of power. He was beheaded and his head was sent to Damascus.
A confusing time passed in Muslim Spain that was left without a governor. The Spanish Arabs decided that the son of a sister of Musa ben Nusayr would occupy the position until the one appointed by the caliph arrived.
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The oddyssey of Prince Abd al-Rahman the Immigrant
After the violent death of Abd al-Aziz, the governors of the Muslims succeeded one another in Spain at an astonishing speed. Some barely held office for six months and It seems that only one of them lasted for about five years. They were difficult times in Muslim Spain. Had have deepen the conquest, quell the possible rebellions that could arise among groups of defeated and, also, and not less important was to make peace between the different Muslim factions, without dismissing the possibility of carrying out raids over lands of Gaul.
In the East, in turn, there was a complicated situation, such as result of the dissent of various religious groups that put the unity of Islam is endangered. Jarichis and Shiites conspired, already openly, against the Umayyad dynasty that reigned in those moments, without the caliphs having the strength or intelligence enough to face that situation that, each time, became more dangerous for them.
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The flag of rebellion against the Umayyads was raised everywhere in the Muslim empire, awaiting the arrival of the "imam hidden" that was going to restore to Islam all the purity of its faith and all the splendor of its early days. The black flags, symbol of a new dynasty, the Abasid, were already flying in the Furasan and in the large Iraqi city of Cuta. Abu-l-Abbas Abd Allah proclaimed himself caliph, as a descendant of a first cousin of Muhammad and his son-in-law Ali. According to him, he was the imam that everyone expected and fought Marwan II, the last Umayyad caliph who would die with weapons in hand on July 7, 750.
The new Abbasid caliph, even before the death of Marwan, had already began the extermination of all the Umayyad princes who were left. They were persecuted to death, without mercy, and their bodies, as the maximum punishment, were left unburied. And for what no one would escape from that carnage that would cost its executioner the nickname "the bloodshed", resorted to a cruel stratagem. He proclaimed a false amnesty in which they trusted the relatives of the last caliph, which allowed, in one fell swoop, end the lives of about eighty people belonging to the Umayyad royal family, at Abu Futrus, near Jaffa, Palestine.
Only two Umayyads, grandsons of Caliph Abd al-Malik ben Marwan, distrusting the amnesty proclaimed by their enemy, managed escape from that horrible massacre. It was about the brothers Yahya ben Muawiya and Abd al-Rahman.
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Everything we have seen so far is a necessary background to understand why Abd al-Rahman was called to become the first independent emir of al-Andalus.
The life of Abd al-Rahman seems like a real adventure novel, in which there is no shortage of persecutions, harassment, trips to unknown lands, the material needs, the struggles, the uncertainty...The prince would manage to save himself from the harassment of his pursuers? He would see his integrity rewarded or, on the contrary, would he end up as another victim of the Abbasids? That odyssey that would the last of the Umayyads undertake have a happy ending? From all of this We will talk next.
At the time of the great Umayyad extermination, Abd al-Rah-man had about twenty years. He was born in the year 731 in a town near Damascus, son of a Berber captive named Rah, who belonged to the Nafza tribe, which would explain the tendency of the Umayyad prince to head towards North Africa.
He hid, along with his brother Yahya, but they would soon be discovered and Yahya was captured and killed. His only chance to survive was to flee, and so he did with one of his younger brothers, his two sisters and his son Sulayman, who was barely four years old. They took refuge in a lost village, next to the Euphrates River, thinking about cross to Asia when the slightest opportunity presented itself. But the long arm of the Abbasids also reached there and his young brother died at the hands of the soldiers sent to pursue them. It seemed that there was no escape for
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the Umayyad prince, when he saved himself by swimming across the Euphrates River.
But Abd al-Rahman was assigned a glorious destiny and protection of Allah he placed at his side the freedman Bard, a servant and counselor, who will accompany him throughout his life, even in the most difficult and who will maintain unlimited loyalty towards his lord, so unfortunate at that time. Bard managed to collect some wealth belonging to Abd al-Rahman and join him in Palestine. They undertook a long and dangerous journey across the Isthmus of Suez, trying to go unnoticed and rushing long and exhausting days, they arrived without problems at Ifriqiya.
This region was ruled by a Fhirid Arab who aspired to be appointed governor of Spain. He was a close relative of the Walí of al-Andalus. Some supporters of the Umayyads were refugees in Ifriqiya and, although the governor said he was opposed to the Abbasids, he thought that the change of dynasty would benefit him to make his territory an independent principality. Under this premise it is logical that Abd al-Rahman's arrival did not please him at all. Some friends warned the Umayyad prince of this situation and it was better not to trust the governor, so he decided to move away and try to enlist the support of the Berber tribes, to which his mother belonged, if they agreed to receive him. Everything was uncertainty and danger for the young prince.
Four years passed on these trips, always in search of support, of tranquility, of survival, while
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The fate of the future emnir was as indecisive as it was miserable. But the prediction of an astrologer, to whom the Muslims were so fans, had told him that he was destined for the throne and Abd al-Rahman clung, with all his strength, to that horoscope when everything seemed to be going wrong and all the doors were closing before him. Only the faithful Bard kept his spirits and sustained the fallen spirit of the Umayyad.
It seems that he lived in various places in North Africa, always between the distrust of the people who feared Abbasid revenge when they knew that he was an Umayyad prince, until he landed, in this wandering life, among the Nafza, his mother's tribe, who occupied the shores of the Mediterranean Maghreb.
It is possible that Abd al-Rahman did not think of going to Spain, but settle in African lands, but time passed and no achieved nothing in particular. That's when he thought about moving on to al-Andalus, knowing that there were a important number of supporters of the Umayyads. In Muslim Spain, the panorama was also mixed. In Jaén and Elvira they were installed Syrians who had arrived from Ceuta brought by the general Balch, addicted to the Umayyads and among whom the first polls on whether Prince Abd al-Rahman would be good received and accepted.
Of course, it was the freedman Bard who was in charge of these negotiations, crossing the strait in June 754. He carried a message from his lord, and managed to meet with the Syrian leaders. Everyone was willing to accept Abd al-Rahman, but decided to consult with a very important person
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which was the most considered in al-Andalus. It was about the Qaysi chief, al-Sumayl, at that time governor of Zaragoza, who was defending the stroghold from the Berber siege and Kalbi Arabs. Once this coalition was defeated, al-Sumayl listened to the proposals of Bard and his companions and took his time to think about it.
Many months passed before receiving a reply, which was positive, but in the end, fearing the Abbasid reaction or fearing that an Umayyad restoration would take away freedom from the Arabs of al-Andalus, he withdrew his support for the project. What to do? Request Abd al-Rahman to desist from setting foot in Spain or request help from other groups such as the Yemenis who had been cruelly crushed in the battle of Secunda? They decided for this last option and, from this moment, with his help, the panorama was cleared for the Umayyad prince.
A boat was chartered and a financial contribution was made so that Abd al-Rahman had some money and could pay his ransom to the Berbers who held him.
Finally, after countless waits, after long trips, after untold deprivations, August 14, 755, Abd al-Rahman set foot on Hispanic soil in the port of Almuñécar. Now a new stage began, not exempt from problems and battles to fight.
The governor of al-Andalus was, at that time, Yusuf al-Fihrí, busy suppressing a rebellion by the Basques. He decided go to Córdoba leaving his son in charge of Zaragoza and the defense of Pamplona. However, he soon learned of defeat of his hosts and the arrival of the Uma-
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Moulay Abd al-Aziz bin Hassan, Sultan of Morocco
Spanish vintage postcard, mailed to Paris
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lonniemachin · 5 months
Palestinian Evacuation and Support Fundraisers -- Less than Halfway to their Goal
As the title says, these are support and evacuation fundraisers from my main list that are currently less than halfway to their goals. Please support these fundraisers by donating and sharing them so that they may complete their goals as quickly as possible and secure safety and/or evacuate should the Rafah crossing open again soon.
Last Update: 05/23/2024
Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($24,702/$62,500 goal)
Fatima Alshanti (kr21,597 SEK/kr150,000 goal)
Shahed Ghazi and family ($21,109 CAD/$94,838 goal)
Little Yusuf and family (€24,261/€85,000 goal)
Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($9,271/$25,000 goal)
Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr49,084 SEK/kr250,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (€9,015/€30,000 goal)
Hamza Almofty and family ($6,941/$35,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (€2,664/€10,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Shaga ($2,551/$20,000 goal)
Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr147,985 SEK/kr350,000 goal)
Besan Almabhouh's family (€8,324/€25,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya, his pregnant wife, and son ($18,911/$40,000 goal)
Almadhoun family ($24,040/$80,000 goal)
Sana'a and family (£27,043/£70,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad and family ($32,691/$95,160 goal)
Maryam Ayyad and family ($1,010/$15,000 goal) - Maryam is related to Noha listed above, who is managing her fundraiser.
Hamza Sameer and family ($6,453/$55,000 goal)
Hamza is related to Noha, he is her uncle’s son.
Nazmi Mwafi and family ($6,721/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty and family ($7,712/$40,000 goal)
Mohammed Ali and family ($10,375/$25,000 goal)
Mohammed Abuhasanein and family (kr10,817 SEK/kr 350,000 goal)
Rawan and Yemna (kr48,777 SEK/kr319,315 goal)
Laila Auda (€7,281/€35,000 goal)
Ola Madi (€2,699/€40,000 goal)
Tawfik Satoom and family ($6,302/$45,000 goal)
Laila Abd El Bari, her husband, and unborn baby Sham (€7,007/€25,000 goal)
Abdullah Mohammed and family ($7,417/$47,000 goal)
Ruba Abushaban and family (€11,862/€50,000 goal)
Hala, her husband, and their daughter ($7,072 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Hoda and Abdul Rahman ($2,619/$18,000 goal)
Al Maghari family (£4,824/£74,000 goal)
Arwa Abudawaba and family (kr241,706 NOK/kr500,000 goal)
Hani Alhajjar’s family (€13,726/€50,000 goal)
Ouda family ($19,254 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Rawan Ahmed and family ($14,305/$40,000 goal)
Dr. Wael Eldahdouh's family (€5,511/€110,000 goal)
Abdullah Lulu and family ($5,905/$18,000 goal)
Lara, Abdalla, and family (€11,453/€50,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Alshaer and family (€5,525/€18,000 goal)
Haya and family (€6,286/€60,000 goal)
Firas Salem and family (€16,429/€65,000 goal)
Ahmad Iyd and family (£5,771/£150,000 goal)
Renad and family (£1,612/£25,000 goal)
Mohammed Aljbour and family (€4,568/€25,000 goal)
Sarah's mother (€5,906/€15,000 goal)
Sarah reached her initial goal to evacuate her mother and has raised the goal to provide support for she and her family once they are in Egypt.
Dr. Hasan Adwan and family (€5,026/€98,000 goal)
Marah Atallah and family ($950/$27,000 goal!!!)
Dr. Nasrallah Almassri ($8,778/$30,000 goal)
Afnan Hasaballah (€5,697/€20,000 goal)
Muhammad Al-Thalateeni and family (€7,244/€20,000 goal)
Al-Zaeem family ($4,638/$50,000 goal)
Mahmoud Al Tibi and family (€8,911/€60,000 goal)
Almoghrabi family (€2,225/€25,000 goal)
Mohammad's family (€8,707/€30,000 goal)
Aziz and his mother ($3,008/$50,000 goal)
Mohammed, his wife, and their newborn son ($971/$50,000 goal!!!)
Tala, her aunt, and their family (€18,219/€50,000 goal)
Ala Osama ($125/$50,000 goal!!!)
Aesha Balaha and family ($1,231/$10,000 goal)
Farah and family (€2,086/€35,000 goal)
Zinh Dahdooh ($5,324/$40,000 goal)
Rana and family (€7,680/€30,000 goal)
Al-Alami family ($3,035 CAD/$100,000 goal)
Khaled and family ($83/$15,000 goal!!!)
Tamer Alnoaizy and family (€3,597/€20,000 goal)
Ahmed Dawoud and family ($2,300/$87,000 goal)
Omar and family (€3,500/€20,000 goal)
Haytham and family ($827 CAD/$70,000 goal!!!)
Hamdi and family ($306 CAD/$62,000 goal!!!)
Mahmoud & Rawan (€944/€15,000 goal!!!)
Hashem, Samar, and baby Omar (€340/€45,000 goal!!!)
Aseel Maher and family (€1,930/€30,000 goal)
Mayada Jihad and family (€2,150/€30,000 goal)
Amal, her children, and her unborn baby ($2,019/$15,000 goal!!!) URGENT! 15 DAYS TO COMPLETE!!!
Tahani Shorbajee and family ($3,367/$50,000 goal)
Baby Youssef and family (€5,067/€50,000 goal)
Iman Eyad and family (£992/£60,000 goal!!!)
Mohammed & Hamza Hilles and family (€684/€30,000 goal!!!)
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andnowanowl · 2 months
Daily Click for Arab.org
Some Fundraisers From Gaza
Reminder that there has been a polio outbreak in Gaza due to the horrible conditions there, and children are especially at risk for infection.
Ibtisam Al-Habil - has several children, including immunocompromised daughter, Nour, who has congenital heart disease. $13,707 CAD of $70,000. URGENT.
Ahmed Aziz - needs funds to have an operation for infant son, Abdul, who has Hirschprung's disease (affects intestine). €231 of €5,000. URGENT.
Sameer Al Khaldi - family of 17, including 9 adults and 8 children. $632 USD of $50,000.
Mohammed Almanasra - married father of three young children: Abdulrahman, Sarah, and Lina. $8427 CAD of $50,000. Vetted here, 8th one down.
Motaz Jad Al-Haq - Gazan nurse and father of three children: Mohammed, Omar, and Nima. Married to pediatrician Fedaa Al-Nadi. $14,189 SEK of $250,000. (55 SEK = 5 USD.) Vetted here.
Salem Alanqar - father of Bakr and Laila, husband to Hadeel. €4542 of €38,000. Vetted here.
Nour Alanqar - wife of Ashraf Ismail and mother to three: Hussein, Rajaa, and Yousef. €18,824 of €40,000. Vetted here.
Ahmed Halas - father of at least two children. €4986 of €80,000. Vetted here.
Fatima Alanqar - wife of Bilal Dader and mother of five: Yazan, Fadl, Zina, Rajaa, and Basma. €4198 of €20,000. Vetted here.
Hanaa Jad Al-Haq - wife of Muhammad Hammad and mother of Youssef. £8596 GBP of £20,000. Vetted here, #246
Jehad Abuhamda - father of three: Sama, Loai, and Yousef. Son of Ahmed and Fatin. $13,898 USD of $50,000. (Donations have stagnated.)
Kareman Dohan - mother of Hamoud and wife of Ayman Olwan. $4409 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Abdel Muti Al-Habil - Father of Juri and husband of Shaima. €8110 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Mahmoud Khalaf - has 8 members of his family that need evacuating. €20,957 of €30,000. Verified here, #151.
Mahmoud Alkhaldi - Fiancé to Sajood, brother to Mohammed (married) and uncle to Yasser. $9,158 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Noureddine - Father of two and husband. $7,025 USD of $45,000. Vetted here.
Ehab Ayyad - Has 20? members of his family that need evacuating. €699 of €50,000.
Ahmed Abu Al-Rish - Recent high school graduate. Wants to attend university. $4,340 USD of $10,000. Vetted here.
Haya Alshawish - family of eight: parents, wife, and six children. €68,907 of €100,000. Vetted here.
Mohi & Family - Has six members of family. $12,380 USD of $31,000. Vetted here.
Safa'a Abd - wife and mother of two. €26,459 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Ashraf Alanqar - husband of Widad Issa and father of Bakr. €17,183 of €20,000. Vetted here.
Munna Tashmali family - has 5 children, including Rima, Salah, and Lina. £12,940 GBP of £30,000 goal. Vetted here.
Sohaib Asfour - has several members of family that need evacuation, including two teens. £682 GBP of £6,000.
Shymaa Taiser - wife of Deaa and mother to four, including Amal. $10,788 USD of $50,000. #141 on vetted fundraisers.
Muhammad Atalla - injured by IOF, needs bone graft and home rebuilt. 4 adults and 10 children will get remaining proceeds. €10,983 of €82,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Hijazi - displaced with his parents, injuries. €8,663 of €20,000.
Ahmed Al-Habil - displaced physiotherapist with wife, parents, and two children, including Joan. £1,431 GBP of £81,000.
Aseel Asad - mother and father need medical attention. $8,360 USD of $20,000. Vetted here.
Alaa Al Khateeb - an engineer with a husband and two children. £26,629 GBP of £56,000.
Bilal Abdul Hadi al-Saqa - displaced from Khan Younis and Rafah. $23,210 USD of $25,000. (Donations have stagnated.)
Abdulkarim Al-Madhoun - college student with a family of five. €14,238 of €20,000.
Mahmoud Al-Balawi - has five siblings and five nieces/nephews in need of aid. €33,397 of €50,000
Youssef - has a sick father being treated and a younger brother ill from hepatitis. $2,417 USD of $15,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Shurrab - medical doctor with at least 12 family members in need of aid. €3,454 of €100,000.
Bilal Salah - needs to evacuate at least 20 members of his family. €95,730 of €100,000. (Close to completion.)
Asmaa Majed - computer engineering student in need of evacuation. $2,877 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Osama Al-Anqar - has a wife, Rana Raed Al-Anqar, and a small daughter. £105 GBP of £50,000.
Ahmed Jehad - married and has a baby daughter. $907 CAD of $40,000. #32 of vetted fundraisers under prenatal/perinatal section.
Ezzedine Salem - needs evacuation with family. €43 of €25,000.
Kefah Rizq - widow with six children whose husband was a nurse. $585 of $40,000.
Ghada - wants to evacuate with her husband and daughter. €80 of €30,000.
Amal Ashour - master's student with a wife and daughter, Maryam. €24,563 of €30,000.
Mohammed Hassouna - has a wife, Reham, and three daughters: Toleen, Wateen, and Rateel. £1,269 GBP of £35,000.
Hossam Saleh Mohamed El Bardawil - needs to evacuate with nieces and nephews, and their mothers. $7,414 CAD of $20,000.
Osama Basil - web developer who needs funds to rebuild his living in Gaza. €245 of €15,000.
Ayah - has a cousin and cousin's wife, Lina, and his two young children, Saif and Sidra, in need of evacuation. €33,270 of €45,000. Vetted by Lina's friend Mohiy here.
Nada Al-Farra - needs evacuation with spouse and four year-old son. €268 of €20,000.
Shadi Sameer Ashour - needs evacuation with two children. €45 of €50,000.
Tahrir Rezq - mother who needs to be evacuated with six children. $10 USD of $65,000.
Rana Hassan - mother of three children, one of whom has Down syndrome. €170 of €25,000.
Mohammed Almadhoun - needs evacuation with ten family members, including four minors: Sarah, Yomna, Massa, and Misk. €5,014 of €50,000.
Yahya Ahmad - pharmaceutical student who needs funds for his sick father and brother. $1,228 USD of $50,000.
Ola Ferwana - mother of three children: Yamen, Qusai, and Mira. Husband got stuck in Egypt because of Oct. 7. €1,924 of €35,000.
Mohammed Helles - needs aid for himself, his wife, and children. €140 of €45,000.
Abdallah Mousa - needs to be evacuated with family. $909 USD of $30,000. Vetted here.
Mohamad - medical student in need of funds for tuition because father is trapped in Gaza. $791 AUD of $12,000.
Mohammed Naser Ayyad - seventeen year-old high school student who needs to evacuate his seven siblings and mother. €1,702 of €38,000.
Ahmed Hassan Al-Sir - needs to be evacuated with wife Lubna, and sons: Mohamed, Hassan, and Yazan. €395 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Abu Zour - father of three with a pregnant wife currently suffering from pre-eclampsia. One son was tortured by IOF along with Mohammed. €981 of €30,000.
Ghazi Younis - needs help evacuating family from Gaza, including an elderly aunt named Alan. $3,619 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Alanqar - needs to evacuate with wife, Walaa, and children: Zina, Salma, Omar, and Batoul. €35 of €50,000.
Hazem Shawish - needs to evacuate with sixteen members of family. €1,492 of €50,000.
Samar Saed Kamel Saed - the brother of @90-ghost, Ahmed, who has been working tirelessly to verify fundraisers. Ahmed's family is still in Gaza.
Hamdi Al-Shaltawi - small business owner and college student who needs help evacuating. €660 of €20,000
Oday Alanqar - needs to evacuate with his family, including his five year-old sister Rafif. €2,307 of €50,000.
GoFundMes from Sudan
Khartoum Aid Kitchen - fundraiser to feed people from Sudan undergoing genocide. £395,198 GBP of £400,000.
Asjad - needs to be evacuated with 2 sisters, a brother and her parents. $17,311 USD of $20,000.
Abeer - needs aid for her extended family, including 15 children, 2 babies, 10 women, and 5 elders with chronic conditions and in need of medical attention. $23,262 USD of $50,000.
Refugees in Cairo - need funds for meals due to poverty in Egypt. $6,465 USD of $25,000.
Musab Eltayeb - raising funds for students displaced during current crisis. €1,586 of €350,000.
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fluffy-appa · 27 days
ʿUmar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz رحمه الله said:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُؤَاخِذُ الْعَامَّةَ بِعَمَلِ الْخَاصَّةِ؛ فَإِذَا ظَهَرَتِ الْمَعَاصِي فَلَمْ تُنْكَرَ اسْتَحَقُّوا الْعُقُوبَةَ جَمِيعًا
"Allah does not hold the masses to account due to the sins of a few among them. However, when sins are committed openly in the society, and no one raises their voice against it, then they all deserve equal punishment."
[Al-Kharaj, 1/20]
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