#about sol
miss0atae · 1 month
The grieving process in My Stand-In:
I found interesting in this episode how the characters are dealing with the loss of Joe in their life. They all act and react differently. Grieving can be painful and come with powerful emotions and we could see it through different characters.
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On one hand, we have Wut. He is still feeling the loss of Joe. His grief comes with guilt. He feels responsible in some way for the way Joe disappeared from his life. He believes everything would have been different if he stopped Joe. It's quite frequent while grieving to feel guilty. I think he is stuck in the “Tyranny of the shoulds” and he is putting to much significance in what he didn't do and what he should have done. It's a kind of torture. It must be even worse because in the span of two years between the loss of Joe and the appearance of New Joe, he also lost one of his children. So, he had to experience twice the hardship in grieving. However, when it comes to Joe, Wut is also feeling angry. Anger is a natural response to grieve, especially towards something we can't control. His anger works hand in hand with his guilt. Ming is the culprit of Joe's disappearance for him and Wut also felt he didn't do enough to protect Joe from Ming.
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On the other hand, we have Ming. He reacts totally differently from anyone because in his mind, he refuses to admit Joe is dead. This loss doesn’t feel real and he will not accept it. I don’t know if it’s truly denial or knowing how possessive and obsessive Ming can be, he simply decided Joe couldn’t leave him for real. So that’s why he must be alive somewhere. Joe can’t be dead because he must be with Ming. This is probably why Ming reacts with anger when anyone may suggest Joe is dead. When he had the diner with New Joe he wasn’t really expressing anything until New Joe talked about Joe’s possible death. At this moment, anger could be seen on his face. He chased away New Joe and told him to tell Wut to stop saying this. He also warned him to be careful when talking about Joe. He became really protective of this idea. Anyone mentioning Joe’s death is stripping Ming from the illusion he may come back and Ming is not ready to let it go. It also brings him back to the difficulties of facing the loss of Joe in his life, as it was shown when he met the shaman.
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I'm still waiting to see more about Sol's grieving process. We know he went away in Korea after Joe's disappearance, but now that heis back in Thailand we may see more about his coping mechanics.
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bonefries · 1 year
💕🌈☀ for regular or starwatch au!! (Sol is so adorable!!)
Answering for regular OVW Sol! 💕: which parent does your child tend to cling to? does it make the other parent jealous?
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From the beginning, I've always characterized Sol with having more of a connection with Siebren. This has been their development in my eyes for whatever reason. Maybe because she was the first out of 3. But Ita isn't jealous of it at all. His family is happy so there isn't anything for him to be jealous about.
🌈: if applicable, who (from your f/o's source) would you make your child's godparents? who (out of your friends) would you make their godparents?
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Olivia, or Aunty Sombra if you will. Martini Aunt, super fun. Spoils her niece. (And future de kuiper children.) I have a few friends that do ovw selfshipping but havent personally talked about it with anybody. (SO I guess I dont really have an answer fsdihfmds)
☀️: what's your child's favorite game to play with you and your f/o? tag? hide and seek, maybe?
I-Spy is Sol's favorite game! And she is a big enjoyer of I-Spy books or books similar to "Where's Waldo" in theme c: Her reason is mostly because she gets a little validation boost when she can find something fast. Shes proud of herself for being very observant!
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solarchaotica-art · 1 year
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jamaisjoons · 2 years
just a reminder that this user loves kim namjoon the most
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bastard-basket · 1 year
Character Association - Sol
animal: wolverine
color: Deep browns, warm grays, golds
month: October
 song: Hurt - 1 800 PAIN, and Under Your Scars - Godsmack
number:  4
day  or  night:  Dusk
plant: Thistle
smell: Soil and leaf litter
 gemstone: Onyx
season: Late Summer/early Fall
place: Forest floor
food: Raw tuna and beef 
element: Fire
drink: Milk and honey
Character Association - Tal’Gar
animal: Black Panther
color: Black, Amber, dark grays
month: December
song: Teachings of A Ronin - Zack Hemsey
number:  8
day  or  night:  Midnight 
plant: Deadly Nightshade
smell: Faintly of mint
gemstone: Black tourmaline
season: Late Fall/ Early Winter
place: Amongst the shadows
food: Grilled fish and fried crab
element: Ice
drink: River water, very weak wine
     Tagging: YOU
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solduerme · 5 months
I still remember not being able to sleep and I put on a Cellbit stream cause the mother fucker was still live and it was like 3 am or smt and it was the game that you were inside some sort of body part??? Idk but I was like bro???? It’s like so late yet your up doing mamadas???
Anyways unfortunately the fear was too high so I ended up putting Roier playing resident evil 4 full game and slept 👍
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halliwellauto · 6 months
@apocketfullofmuses sent MAX: does your muse have a positive or negative outlook in life ? do they tend to ignore certain instructions or are they a perfectionist ? (( Sol ))
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She has a rather dark outlook on life. She tries not to. But considering her past with her ex, she doesn't look at anything positively. she constantly battles her inner thoughts of doubt and constant fear. She is definitely a perfectionist. it is part of the reason why Aiden loves having her as a secretary. Sol has her own way of doing things to keep things organize and it works for aiden and crew.
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eggdrawsthings · 11 days
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sorry for spam posting i just want to get these out of my head so I can draw other stuff in peace 🥲
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solarockk · 3 months
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Im oh so normal about real life smp and gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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nikossasaki · 12 days
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#protective dad mode activated
the acolyte | 1.03: destiny
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demonboyhalo · 6 months
and ik discovering the fanfic sex pollen effect of the sephora spider sex cream must've been traumatizing but this is much funnier than the lemonade that just kills you
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bonefries · 1 year
for the ask game; 🧁🧠👒 please :D
Answering for regular overwatch Sol again c:
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
Sol's favorite thing is the James Webb Space Telescope :] She's not very partial to peppermint though.
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🧠: which emotional traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
Sol definitely gets some shy attributes from Siebren. But she primarily matches the same amount of passion in her interests like him as well ^^. Though from Ita, she does have the habit of keeping her feelings down / not understanding how to communicate negative ones.
👒: which physical traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
Gonna answer this from just how I designed her- She has Siebren's eye color,nose shape, and his eyebrows. She has Ita's hair color and skin tone. As well as a beauty mark next to her eye (located by the heart)
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soupdweller · 6 months
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i just couldnt stop thinking about this
ghost in the machine belongs to @venomous-qwille :D
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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It is a shame children such as yourselves had to endure such hardships
You all did not deserve to have the weight of the world fall on your shoulders
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 8 months
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How can I have a favorite character in this game when they keep making them so interesting X'DD I used to hate Solomon, now look at me. Absolutely obsessed with this stupid magic man
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needlepine · 2 months
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“Don’t forget.” Sol leaned close as he passed. “Darkness is coming.”
In honor of this week's total eclipse, I redrew a Sol I drew way back during the 2017 eclipse! (old version under the cut)
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