myown-ace-space · 5 days
Not so long ago I joined Acespace, a website for ace spec people to either date or make friends. Anyway, I didn't really use it much but I remember looking up the other profiles in my country and there was this older woman, she was in her 50s or 60s, and the fact that someone her age knew she was ace made my heart warm. It was a reminder that this is not a 'new thing', that asexuals, like any other sexuality or gender, have always existed. I hope that woman is doing great
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gryphonlover · 2 months
I got an account on acespace a week ago and so far it's going about as well as I expected. (I don't mean this in a bad way.)
It's really cool to be able to see so many ace people on the same website, especially since I'd guess around half of them are from other continents. I feel a lot less like a freak knowing that there are others out there.
Anyway, matched with 5 different people after liking ~40 profiles and have been conversing with 1 of them consistently.
The two biggest downsides are people leaving information in their profiles blank and people not checking their notifications. The former is likely going to remain an issue, and the latter will probably be solved once the app is released for beta testing.
In conclusion, I'm hoping I'll get at least 1 friend out of this, and it's helped me feel more like part of a community.
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crocheting-cupio · 2 months
Recently on Reddit I learned that there is a dating/friendship site just for a-spec people! It's called AceSpace. I wanted to share it here to help spread the word to anyone who might be interested.
It does not follow the swiping model popularized by Tinder. Instead you search all users (with filters)! There no limit to how many people you can like, match with, or message. There is also a built-in social media feed that anyone can post to. Because of the small community, it's a very relaxed place.
All the main features are free, and they're going to stay that way. Anything you have to pay for is either purely cosmetic or not necessary to enjoy the site.
You are not required to have a profile picture, although that is strongly recommended, but it doesn't have to be a photo of you. One of your pet, or a Picrew, or something like that is fine! You are also not required to use your first and last name.
Right now it's browser only, but a mobile app version is in development.
It's pretty small at the moment because it's fairly new, so don't expect to find 50+ people in your area. I think right now word-of-mouth is the main (or only) way people are finding it.
It's also friendly to all of these people!: Aromantics and anyone on that spectrum People looking for Queerplationic relationships People looking for Polyamorus relationships Sex-repulsed people Romance-repulsed people
Link to AceSpace
Under the cut is more info for how it all works!
Okay, let's go through this one tab at a time!
This is the social media feed I mentioned earlier. So far my experience is "it's like if Facebook wasn't full of old conservative people, unfunny memes, and clickbait." Which is to say it's mostly life updates, asexual memes, and "Hi! I'm new here." Everyone on AceSpace is allowed to post here.
When you post, you have to option to specify that the post is relating to one of your interests. It's the button inside the text box that says "AceSpace". Only people who have the same interests on their profile as you will see these posts. For example, if I change it to "crochet" only other crocheters will see it on their feed.
You can filter your feed by your interests and your location, but some locations and interests don't have any posts right now.
This is where you find and match with people! Since the userbase is pretty small, searching all users is not as overwhelming as it sounds. Especially once you have a few filters set the list of people will become much more manageable.
On the left, there's a sidebar with the current filter settings. By default, the filters are set to what you specified you're looking for on your profile. But you are free to adjust them as you wish.
If you set your profile to relationship only, only people looking for relationships will see you in search results. Same with friends only. So if you're only there to make friends, you won't have any people who don't stop to read trying to flirt with you.
Right now most of the userbase is in the US and UK, but there's a handful of people in other countries.
Pretty self explanatory. Just your standard DMs. No limit on these, nor do they expire or close after a certain time.
My Profile:
The profiles have a ton of room to give a detailed description of yourself, your interests, and what you're looking for in a partner/friend. You also have more than one text box to fill out, and you can title those boxes whatever you want! Although there are preset titles to get you started on what to write.
On the right is a sidebar that gives the basics for what you are looking for in a partner/friend. Specifically age, gender, and their repulsion-favourableness towards sex and romance. Unlike for your own attitude, you can set this as a range. (e.g. Indifferent to favourable towards romance.) If you want to get any more specific in what you're looking for, you will have to write it out yourself in one of the bio sections.
The rest of sidebar gives basic details about you, so you don't have to write them out in your bio. Not just gender and age, but your physical build, your education level, your feelings about marriage, your interests/hobbies, kids or no kids, your preferences with long distance relationships, your political leanings, how much you do or don't drink, and more.
Let's say you're indifferent about marriage. You'd be happy with whatever your partner wanted to do. So you just leave your feelings about marriage blank/as prefer not to say. Well, unfortunately this means anyone searching for "does not want marriage," "open to marriage," or "does want marriage" won't see you! Sadly, there is no way to say you feel indifferent with these options. The closest thing is "open to it."
So if you want people to find you, fill out all the options if possible.
(I'm only bringing this up because I've seen so many profiles where people only filled out half of the options. Or just the required ones. So I don't see them in search results unless I clear almost all filters, and the same goes for everyone else on AceSpace.)
Okay, but what is it like to use AceSpace?
I've been on there for about two or three weeks, and I'd say it's pretty slow paced and easy-going. You don't need to constantly check it or always have the tab open unless you're currently messaging someone.
The busiest the feed gets is one post every 15-20 minutes, but usually it's about one post an hour. I'm able to fully catch up on all the overnight posts in like 5 minutes. So yeah, you could easily just check in once or twice a day and be fine.
So far I've only had one person Like my profile and send me a message, but they never got back to me. (They might have deleted their profile, actually.) But! I'm not losing hope. This is pretty standard to see on any dating site. Lost of people come and go and come back again.
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dining-and-pining · 4 months
Such fun to join AceSpace and see that basically everybody is like 8024 miles from me. Why do I live in the fucking North Pole
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aybastadrawing · 4 months
Ace Space Anime Girl Fanart
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So, I ended up turning a dating site for aces into my favorite social media platform
I can't help myself, everyone in there is just so interactive
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The Inspector and Emerald are there to greet Jimmy after he got through the escape hatch,
only for the young man to reject their rescuing him from certain death on the outside of AceSpace, all because of ageism.
‘You, you’re fine. Him? He’s way too old.’
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chrysonice · 1 year
Who is Glodis?
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Art by @acespace42
"Greetings, Earthlings! I have come in search of knowledge and coffee!"
Glodis is a Globarbian from the planet of Globarb. They were wanting to go on a mission to the planet of Earth and gather resources and information, but the leader of Globarb, Sidolgus, denied them that chance.
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Art done by EmeraldKamala
Then, one day, Glodis went to go see the rocket that would take the lucky Globarbian to the planet of Earth and in a series of unfortunate events, Glodis ended up blasting off in the rocket all the way to the planet of Crystalga.
Since that day, Glodis has adjusted to their new home planet and has made friends with a lot of interesting faces, including Chris the Zorua, Chrissy the Zoroark, Misty Hylees, and more!
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Art done by @acespace42
Though they may be tall, standing at six feet and having multiple tentacles for traversal, Glodis is a gentle-hearted curious individual who wants to know as much about the world as they can. And yet, even if they need to fight, they wield a blaster with three settings: Pyro (which shoots out fire energy shots), Electro (which shoots out electrical bolts), and Hydro (which shoots out bursts of water).
As a Globarbian, Glodis can fall from any height, be cut in half, and maybe even get shot by various guns, and they will survive! However, their one weakness is fire. Globarbians have a natural weakness to fire, so one burn to Glodis, and they are toast!
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Art by @acespace42
And while it may become apparent if you scroll down their Toyhouse profile, in another timeline and possibly another universe, Glodis is in love with Ace Starr, a character made by @acespace42 . The two are inseparable, and it goes without saying that AceSpace's favorite character in my Fictional Family is Glodis.
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Art done by SkeletonKid5
One last note: Glodis is adopted. I adopted them on July 16th of 2019, meaning soon, it will be 4 years since they joined the Fictional Family. I adopted them from an artist by the name of Kokytea. If they are reading this post right now, I want to thank you so much, and you can rest assured, Glodis is still in good hands.
To see all of Glodis' art and more information about them, you can check out their Toyhouse profile!
If you want to read Glodis' origin story, you can read it here:
Glodis: Alien Abound
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Art by @acespace42
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ambeeuk · 6 months
Look I just wanna post this out there. I read this a few days ago and its floored me. WARNING atm there is only 2/3 out and not knowing what happens is killing me. I have been posting this anywhere I can (discord, AVEN, AceSpace)
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gontroublevt · 1 year
Does anyone know some good hexes and incantations to make the p*rn bots flee? I desire for them to take their false sexy coding OUT OF MY ACESPACE!!!
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worstloki · 3 years
the way you define asexuality and aromantism and then say cishet aces/aros can be queer means that literally evreyone on the planet can identify as queer because anyone can be ace or aro if they want ot be.
you're a weirdo for that
Bro if everyone wants to identify as ace/aro then good for them! That means they’re queer. there is no cap limit saying only X many people can identify as something.
I would argue you’re a weirdo for trying to define people as not queer enough.
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Bands & Colors! 🌈
Ace Frehley + Blue!
What’s your favorite color? ✨
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crocheting-cupio · 3 months
I've been trying AceSpace and my experiences so far are... interesting. It's very chill over there, but I'm not sure what I should be doing in terms of posting. I've never been good at just diving into a new community.
I think for now I'm just going to work on my profile, because that seems to be the thing 90% of people neglect on any dating and/or friendship app/site.
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shiftyskip · 4 years
The asexual facebook group I was in just tried to ban all “political, religious, and hot topic posts”. 
Politics do not wait for you to be able to handle them. If you can’t handle the important discussions that come with allowing people basic human rights, then you should hop off into a hole not mod a facebook group. 
But I guess that’s too hot a topic for people. 
Anyways. Black Lives Matter. Pride began as a riot. Happy pride. Enjoy roasting racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic assholes. 
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euqinuized · 5 years
Process and Refection
The more I get physically intimate with other people the more I think that sex and sexual intimacy are not for me and that’s okay. Sexual intimacy is not required when one is in or outside of any relationship.
I’m going to focus more on what feels right for me and that’s okay, too. The relationships I’ve put more value on have been more focused on emotional intimacy anyway and that’s the kind of cake I want to have fun decorating right now.  
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Jimmy faces nearly half a dozen of the creatures in an alley.
Out of nowhere appears Amber August, who encourages him through the narrow gap between the creatures, then rushes off towards one of the older buildings in AceSpace, in the hopes of making an escape.
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ace--of-stars · 5 years
Acespec Identity of the Week: Demisexual
Hello friends, this is the first part of a series called Acespec Identity of the Week. This week is demisexual!
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Demisexuality: experiencing sexual attraction only after a strong emotional connection has been formed. 
Darnell estimates that about 1 percent of the population is Demisexual. 
While this number may seem small to some, it actually makes up 75 million people! That’s a lot of people that could be just like you. 
Signs you might be demisexual:
You do not experience sexual attraction outright, like allosexuals. 
You could be confused about what sexual attraction feels like, because you don’t experience it outright. 
You could feel broken, or alone. (which you aren’t!)
You may not enjoy sexual contact in the past. 
This is just a broad overview, please look at upcoming blog posts for more specific information! Thank you, lovelies! See you next week. 
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