#action gays ftw
hella1975 · 2 years
watching kinnporshe and omg they're going to another room alone together it's like a date <3
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 2 months
i just binge listened to tmagp at midnight and I have THOUGHTS
1) Collin is absolutely my fav, literally so Miles O'Brian coded, or rlly any ST engineer, I just say O'Brian because of the whole cardassian/German language barrier thing
2) Alice/Gwen is already happening, I see the enemies to lovers arc and it is inevitable. wlw ftw.
4) so it Gertrude, love that bitch, hope Agnes is also doing well
5) needles is just as hilarious as everyone said, can't wait to see more of this insecure little guy, I wonder if he does cross stitch in his free time
6) they were literally IN THE ARCHIVES, so close, yet so far. I miss you tape recorder click
7) I fucking love the vast, more vast pls pls pls
8) thank you Mr Jonny writerman Sims for making Mr Blobby somehow worse????
9) I can't wait to see where all the forms Sam's doing are going, perhaps some remnant of statement filing, maybe it's Jon sending the forms and he's getting power from the weird shit Sam's writing, it's definitely important though
10) Georgie mention??? we better get some Admiral action or istg
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escentia · 10 months
i really love ur stuff and ur art, ur a big inspiration to me (old xian ftw) and as someone who's also interested in potentially making a comic at some point i was wondering if you could talk a little bit about your creative process for the storylines? i feel like i have a lot of beginning premises (i.e. characters and setting) but nothing past that to flesh out the story, if that makes sense? so any insight you might have on how to come up with that stuff would be awesome! if not thats cool and i love you! keep doing what ur doing i really love ur work :))
xoxo, dia
Hi Dia,
Thanks for asking this! Storytelling is my favourite topic - I could go on for hours. I have strong opinions on the matter but don't like to run my mouth on the internet uninvited (so thanks for the invitation) :p
My favourite kind of story starts with an interesting question. Something that interrogates conventional wisdom or invites us to see things in a new light. The characters in the story should then try to answer this Interesting Question.
To cite some of my favourite stories for example:
1) Arrival by Ted Chiang : the language we speak limits what we can understand. What if by learning an alien language we begin to understand what no human has understood before?
2) Left hand of Darkness by Ursula le Guin: What will society be like if gender does not exist?
3) The Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb: Should love naturally lead to lust? Is there a limit to friendship?
On my end, Memorabilia started because I was fed up with extremely predictable BL. I thought, what if two guys kinda gay but in the end it makes more sense for them not to be together? Why can't romantic stories more closely mirror the messiness of real life?
And as the story evolved, it developed space for more spicy questions. Is chasing your dreams always the right thing to do? Is progress inherently good? What is the point of freedom? As the characters grapple with the questions with their words and actions the story writes itself.
As for where these questions come from, most of them come from life experiences. From my personal relationships, working life, and conversations with friends and family. Writing stories my way of attempting an answer.
Of course, there are very good stories that don't revolve around Big Questions (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter come to mind). So my approach clearly isn't the only way!
If you already have a character and premise but no story, you can build the story by asking lots of "why"s. Why is the world in its current state? Why is the character in this place in the world? Why is the character the way they are? This video explains the approach with some great examples. I've not personally tried this approach yet, but am planning to use it for my next (third) comic project.
Hopefully this ramble was a little helpful! Feel free to poke me about storytelling anytime… I love stories uwu
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opalescent-cheetah · 6 months
8, 18, and 20 for the writer questions?
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Ooh that's tough-- probably without dialogue, because even when I'm writing conversations, I have a tendency to include lots of actions 😂 It'd probably be something similar to the early chapters of Destiny, where it's just a lot of fighting and running around
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
The first thing to come to mind was the icicle scene in Destiny:
Rosaria’s heart falls faster than her body does. It plummets into her stomach, hard as stone, even though the rest of her physical form feels like it has been suspended in time. Everything seems to happen in slow motion: the icicle, hurtling down from the ceiling; the way it carves its way past her back, knocking her off-balance; the horrible sound as it shatters in the same moment Rosaria loses her foothold, and even the air itself seems to hold its breath. What a pity, to die like this… The ground has disappeared from beneath her feet. The path is narrow, so dangerously narrow, that this one misstep has cost Rosaria her life. She feels herself falling, feels the way gravity wraps its talons around her, ready to swallow her whole. She closes her eyes against hot tears, letting herself go into the blackness…
This wasn't initially part of the chapter plan, funnily enough. I added it because, while I was exploring Starglow Cavern trying to map out Rosaria and Shenhe's journey through it, an icicle dropped on my Candace and yeeted her straight off the pathway lmao. Afterwards I thought, why not include that in the story? (A similar thing happened with the hilichurl ambush, bc they took me by surprise too LOL)
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
LOL I LOVE THIS QUESTION and honestly my answer would be to finish my WIP 😂 fictional gay ppl ftw!!
Tysm for the questions Zoe!! 💖
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hillnerd · 2 years
stranger things volume 2 reaction
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So a lot of people are mad. I mean, I get it- but I think that people are being a bit over the top about it and saying ‘all of volume 2 is bad writing’ are not being fair to the series. I have my issues with it, but there was some good stuff here and I think reactionary ‘negative sits more heavily in my reaction to things’ stuff is happening.
The negative:
Really? Will couldn’t say the word GAY????? Really?! Ridiculous. I am livid. 
Steven still having it bad for Nancy…. 😑 like it was kind of cute but mostly I just wanted him to move on and I am sick of love triangle shit!!
Mike being like 😐 as will fucking sobs??? 😡
 fuck Mike at this point. his whole ‘can’t say I love u’ thing felt forced and I can’t stand how he’s just stealing lines from the pining gay best friend
Eddie’s death and NOT GETTING TO AT LEAST LIVE ON AS A HERO IN THE TOWN????? 😡 Eddie dies but the fucking Russians don’t?? Like… what?? I didn’t want him to die but THIS felt like unnecessary lemon in the papercut 
Steve Nancy and Robin choking for like 40 minutes and doing almost nothing? Pass. lame. 
‘Hopper lost weight’ ‘he’s thin now’ ‘wow he’s thin’ who gives a fuck??? Like he isn’t that different looking aside from the shaved head/face and scars- as someone with an E.D. this is the kind of shit that triggers me hard. 
The Meh
Eleven minds battle and being in max’s head - visually I found it underwhelming
Robin was under-utilised the last volume
I love that they have Anne with an e actress but I don’t spect her to be a full character if she and Robin are together and not just ‘oh yeah lesbian in the corner’
Military hunting 11 I’m still not seeing the logic on…
Demogorgan vs hopper and ‘we’ll give the kids time/help’ didn’t feel like it actually was DOING that. Needed to have better and clearer visual showing this
Russia in general (except hopper reunion) was not good
The Positive
Glad eleven didn’t give that piece of shit papa the closure he wanted.
Argyle FTW I was amused
Johnathan finally being BACK and useful and a wonderful older brother - He was so lovely in his scenes with Will and it’s refreshing to have him be BACK again, and not just high
Will was so touching and acted his scenes so amazingly well- he is giving Mike so much credit that little shit doesn’t deserve- but truly he was wonderful in his scenes
Eddie you are darling in every single scene you KING- I hope this launches the actor and he gets so many parts- because in EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. he was AMAZING. I could watch this guy for hours. 
Steve I love still even with his dorky stories and love triangle shit- he’s such a good dude- I like it when he has his ‘action hero bouncing around rolling off the rope’ stuff and love how tender he is and how he sees how he’s grown as a person
Erica! Love having her be more active part of the group and showing off some more of her kind side- I hope they make her a more fleshed out character next season bc she’s great.
Lucas/Max is so darling and powerful- their notes scene was just amazing
MAX- That actress is just phenomenal in this and they made max so amazing.
Joyce/Hopper was Everything!!!! Their reunion in that house? The stuff of fanfic. Loved it.
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agentemo · 4 months
Netflix's ATLA initial thoughts, ep 4: Into the Dark but first some big thoughts
Three episodes in, I kind of wish they'd gotten rid of Momo. They're cutting so much from the OG show and Appa doesn't really have a personality yet. I doubt we'll see him this episode; so halfway through season 1 and we've barely seen a very important character. Did we need Momo? As I said previously, the main trio don't have good chemistry but they're better with other actors so I'm starting to suspect that the fact that they're not strong actors is holding them back as a group. It feels like the creators tried to squeeze too much into these short episodes without developing their relationships [with Aang] in a meaningful and fun way; there's not really much FUN in the show, just some jokes and also sentimental moments.
All of that said, there are some things I do like. Ozai and other prominent fire nation citizens showing up early on is A-OK with me and it has almost nothing to do with Daniel Dae Kim's cheekbones. The effects are mostly good; I've decided this is just a type of magic that can't be shown in live action but there are moments that are strong. Iroh and Zuko are better fleshed out, which I suspect is having a veteran actor and only one child actor (easier than 3 child actors). I think they've done a decent job at cutting some of the fat; the combined storylines, like everything in Omashu and Kyoshi Island, work for me. I wish there were more silly moments but I don't mind that they decided to steer clear of the cartoonish route. At least it's consistent. Sokka is funny.
Back to the show!
Aang and Iroh convo ftw! And is Zuko going back in to save Iroh? I'm excited.
Too much exposition in the dialogue, man! Why are these people not talking like people!?
Danny Pudi elevates every scene he's in. Excellent casting choice.
I like that Bumi's identity isn't a "mystery" this time around. It adds an interesting edge to his antagonism. That edge is unlikeability. Maybe he'll be better by the end of the episode.
Sokka letting go and vibing with the earth kingdom nomads? Chefs kiss.
Best scene. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Is it terrible that Sokka and Katara in the tunnel is giving me Folger's commecial? I like the idea of it being familial love, and the trio acts better when none of them have to third wheel, but my brain went there. I'm sorry lmao.
Honestly Iroh deserves the shit he's getting from the guard, who is eating an apple so we know he's an asshole.
Young Zuko showing signs of his goodness by ignoring tradition and comforting Iroh jfc the first time this show THIS SHOW made me cry. Not he echoes of the animation, but this actual show. Wow. Incredible choice. And LEAVES FROM THE VINE 😭
Sibbling bonding ftw. The change to the "love is brightest..." bit is whack. Badgermole looks sick.
The Bumi/Aang fight had a lot of cool similarities to the OG! I don't love that the point of the fight, however, was for a child to convince an old man that there's hope instead of an old man teaching a child an important lesson.
Zuko and Iroh at the end... WHO keeps cutting ONIONS?!
Best episode so far. The changes mostly worked. All for today for me. Halfway point!
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The Other Mother by Rachel M. Harper
i tried to start reading but i gotta take a minute because of the name Jenry
first impressions, Jenry is an anxious bean with a pretentious mask
if i weren’t at work id be sobbing right now
being gay ftw
there’s a very strong theme of freedom and the search for it, emotional and physically, often using birds as a metaphor. there’s also a more low key theme about using religion as an excuse to not accept someone
these women need therapy
i reiterate: if i weren’t at work i would be sobbing right now
the author does a very good job of easing in and out of flashbacks 10/10 v smooth
damn, the depictions of struggling with addiction, mental health, and physical health is very strong and i appreciate how the author shows it
the title drops are so good
holy shit the family tea is spilling and each cup is PIPING hot
okay so i didn’t expect Jasper’s dying perspective but it’s honestly gorgeous like “This was the grace of flight-that soaring and sinking often felt the same to the ignorant bird, who knew only the fluency of movement.”
holy fuck Winston is manipulative can he do absolutely anything without having an ulterior motive? also this: “what a terrible thing, he thought, to have a loss as sudden as death without the death itself. Theft not by the hands of fate, but by the hands of someone you trusted, someone who claimed to love you” is so ironic like BRO have some self reflection
i love the depiction of forgiveness as a fragile little bird. it leans back into the theme of freedom
so usually i prefer books with action-escapism is easier that way-but damn i enjoyed this book. all the characters were planned out and expressed and connected so well and going through chapter by chapter, untangling the threads that built each wonderfully flawed character, was absolutely exquisite
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youhaveyourfits · 1 year
i FINALLY finished priory of the orange tree!!! im not sure why it took me so long but anyway. whew! it was a nice book. the characters all fell kind of flat for me and though the world was well constructed and the prose was good it felt too, idk, methodical or detail-focused to ever really get into like real feeling or anything. and the plot beats all kind of felt the same to me, like i didnt really get a sense of rising action or tension or anything. but i liked the cast, tane and ead were both very cool, and the world was cool to imagine, and some parts of it were sweet or emotional like the bond between tane and the dragon. probably my favourite parts of it were the romances between ead an sabran and niclays and jannart. gay people ftw! but yea over all it just felt like it was lacking some kind of excitement or draw to keep reading.
i also read the bone season ages ago and it was actually very different. i feel like samantha shannon put a lot of effort into refining the world building and plot threads and complexity of both the stories and characters in priory but lost the sense of urgent action and feeling that the bone season had
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trickster-whim · 2 years
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When I enter a Goodwill I become possessed by the spirit of someone with a much fatter wallet than I have (⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~
Like usual, under a cut just for length. I talk too much lmao.
The first thing I found was the American Girl Ultimate Visual Guide, published by DK in 2016. Actually, a lot of the stuff I found at the store was from 2016. Kinda weird.
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The book is obviously a little dated by now, but I just love guides and collections! I haven't done more than flip through it, but it's adorable. (Marisol ftw)
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This book was juuust heavy enough to be an absolute pain as I walked around the rest of the store with it (especially because my arm still hurt from my vaccine).
Anyway, out of order I also found a little Wacom Bamboo Pen(?) that cost $6.50. A bit pricey for thrift store, but if it works okay, I'll be happy. My old Wacom (I don't know the models sry) met its unfortunate end in a "Wait, is this water bottle not waterproof?!" incident, and I've been using a pretty-okay-but-could-be-better Huion since. Wacom just feels nice to draw on ✨
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I also found a little zip pouch that looks like a comp book, because I see comp books and purchase immediately, and a copy of Bruce Coville's Odder Than Ever.
Bruce Coville is definitely up there in my favorite short story writers of all time, and I love the Odd series, but this one's been vandalised :/ If you're familiar with Coville, he has a short story called "Am I Blue?" which is a slightly-outdated-by-now story about a kid being bullied for being gay, and the whole thing is crossed out and has six-pointed stars drawn over parts. Can't imagine why (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) And again, I'm not sure the story holds up terribly well nowadays, but as a queer kid growing up in the 90s/2000s, I appreciated it when I first read it (in an anthology of the same name, actually). I might see if I can erase the pencil at all, since it's mine now, but still. The book looks great otherwise. Just the gay-positive story. Hm.
Moving on!!
Posters! There were a bunch of posters, mostly superheroes, which doesn't interest me, but I thought this Pokémon 20th anniversary one was pretty dang cute. There was an Avatar poster in the same sleeve, so 2 for $1.50? Sure! I'll probably give that one to my sister, though, since I *cough* only watched a few episodes *cough*
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Now onto the bags! One bag was mostly doll clothes, in a mix of sizes. Almost none of them had tags, but there was a mix of Our Generation/AG-sized clothes (including a fabulous Battat jacket), a few Barbie-sized dresses and bottoms (including bell-bottoms that say "Peace and Love" lmao), and one Madame Alexander dress (the only one with a tag).
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In that bag was also a mini beanie baby platypus (I have a few, but it's so cute, I can take another) and a Poopsie Surprise... shark... thing? I think it's name is Hammer, judging by ebay searches, but I've never had one before. Its head is green, and its bottom is blue, and I don't know why the color is so different. Worse than that, though, is that it is a spitter toy filled with thick red slime, which as someone with emetophobia was... challenging. Especially because the red slime looked like [redacted because TMI lmfao]. It's moderately cute, so it'll sit on my shelf probably, but also ew.
Next up, Frights Camera Action Clawdeen! She came with almost everything (and her hands switched, which seems to be pretty common with secondhand Monster High), and is in pretty good condition. It's been a while since I found a Monster High doll in the wild, so hell yeah.
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I also got two pairs of shoes and two unpaired shoes, as well as some random stuff and also jacks.
This weekend, mom wants to check some Goodwills for a trench coat (they're dressing up as their favorite book characters where she works and she wants to be Dresden), so we'll see if we find anything else fun or cool. It's been so hit-or-miss lately, literally who knows??
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compass96 · 5 years
Ep 2 is fire as well
Okay ep 2 was on fire. No one should even come for Mew. She was so relatable. Man that glimpse of her past killed me. I think i know the dynamics of this trouple now: Neo and Mew are the hot heads who fight all the time but care for each other while Shin is the quiet one who doesn't talk much but once he does everyone listens. He sees the best in both of them. I've been eagerly waiting for the subs and it did not disappoint. Gosh i can't wait for ep 3.
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monotonous-minutia · 2 years
Hoffmanns Erzählungen (1970 film) reactions, pt. 3
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not sure I like the repeated returns to the tavern but the way they film the transitions (slowly panning in on a specific place/object and then panning back out to see the scene has changed) is really cool
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oh hello
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cool set
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Giulietta motioned for Hoffmann to sit and then immediately motioned for Nicklausse to join them like seriously it’s so obvious to everyone (I was halfway wondering if we’d get the Pylades/Pollox line here since there are several references to the play).
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the overprotective boyfriends step in
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this guy puts the dapper in Dapertutto
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nice dissolve
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*comes in humming his aria from earlier*
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okay WHY are we singing the Hoffmann/Antonia duet right here
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getting the duel before the reflectiion-stealing. this movie really is ahead of its (time in some ways anyway *cough chough* violin aria *cough cough* 
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HE DOESN’T HAVE A SHADOW movie special effects ftw
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like look at how intricate they’re being the guy’s SWORD has a shadow but HE doesn’t because his was stolen, not the sword’s, like seriously kudos kudos kudos special effects team
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ohh they’re doing this part
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I still can’t believe Hoffmann was even vaguely remotely briefly okay with the idea of letting Nicklausse drink something a creepy stranger gave to him
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“oh shit I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t give it to my boyfriend”
(two seconds later he literally runs of stage yelling for Nicklausse, oh my god I can’t)
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giving the revelation to the pals, I see how it is
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and then there were two
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I kinda feel bad for her
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(he literally tells her “you’re too late” like “listen lady I’ve been his guardian angel for the past two hours you missed your chance bye”)
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everyone ganging up on Lindorf
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they’re back!
(I forgot to add it but the Muse actually appears at the beginning of the movie before the action starts. they don’t get to sing, but they say basically the same thing as what would have been sung if I’m understanding it well enough).
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realization hits
a Choudens-esque ending, not the gayest, but after a bit over 2 hours of ridiculously gay vibes, I am satisfied :)
once I kinda got over feeling like it had to be the opera and into the mindset of “this is a movie of the same story that uses music/singing from the opera” I could appreciate it more. I really enjoyed the acting and as you’ve read several times by now I really loved the use of special effects. a very fantastical feel for a fantastical story!
and as far as Hoffmann/Nickalusse vibes go this is definitely one for the books
so happy I finally got to see it <3
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kimium · 2 years
Hi Friend! For the three’s ask: 17, 21, 30, and 37💜🥰
(From this ask meme HERE)
Thank you so much for sending me an ask, friend!! I'm excited to answer these!
17. Three TV couples you adore the most
I'm challenging myself and am only listing live action TV shows (no anime, which in itself would have an entire separate list). I'm also going to date myself by showing exactly how long it's been since I've watched something Not Anime.
- Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens): Self explanatory
-Hannibal/Will Graham (NBC Hannibal): Gay cannibal murder husbands FTW
-The Doctor (10)&Donna Noble (Doctor Who): Platonic only! They're an absolute Friend Unit and I want a friendship like theirs.
21. Three things you are most passionate about
While this would have been easy to say blanket statements, I'm going to list specific ones.
- SUB vs DUB debate (mostly for anime). I have an entire rant about how translating is already difficult with writing but to also translate so people can speak the lines and act??? That's a job I can never fathom. Also, I have a side rant about how dubs are good for the anime industry (TLDR: It gives the series more exposure, reaches a wider audience, and can accommodate people who don't like reading subtitles/find it difficult to read subtitles/just aren't interested in watching something in a foreign language, stop trying to gatekeep a series by pulling a "purity" card on them as if it matters how they consume a TV show, etc.)
-Fire Emblem Heroes. Listen. My IRL friends can vouch this one. I will rant about it to anyone. It's become so well known that when friends see me after a long period of time they INQUIRE and EXPECT me to talk about the game and show the new units/art to them.
-How Katekyo Hitman Reborn! absolutely dropped the ball into the seventh circle of hell regarding the writing of the female characters. I've had this rant for YEARS. Any time someone is interested in the series or I'm talking about it this topic will inevitably come up.
30. Three moments you could never forget
Presented to everyone with absolutely No Context because it's funnier this way, here are the moments in my life I'm never going to forget. (Though if you did want context you can ask.)
- "Oh no, did I insult poor Kevin?"
- "I want butter but I don't want butter."
- My mother: Beak Boy
Me, bluescreening because I was so confident: W H A T.
37. Three languages you would love to learn
Japanese - I'm already learning it and I have bits and pieces thanks to sort of learning in middle/high school as well as living in Japan. I'm no where close to fluent, but I'd like to become more fluent. Perhaps in summer when I have more time I'll crack down on studying.
Cantonese (Chinese) - I'm still a little salty my father never taught me. I know a handful of words (mostly food) and that's it.
German(?) - I'm honestly not sure what my third option would be. I took a semester of German when I was in university, but my prof wasn't very good.
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wavebiders · 3 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 4:
Who authorized this field trip?
I always feel so bad for awkward teachers😭 Teenagers are mean.
These boys are so damn stupid, Iove it. This is my first time watching this as a fully self-aware lesbian, I was worried I wouldn't care about them as much now that Im not in my forced boy crazy phase. But if they keep being lovable dumbasses, we're gonna be just fine.
Musa, no. You can do better.
I shipped every canon ship when I was little(very curious to see if that's still the case) EXCEPT for this one. Never did vibe with bad boys.
"Leave it to the Specialists" "the Specialists are coming!? When?" Get his ass Stella!
This show does a better job at portraying an interesting team dynamic during missions than most superhero team up media.
Entertaing banter. Some bickering to show a clash in personalities, but not enough to seem antagonistic. Every character bringing something to the table, while still showing that some characters are more in their element than others.
Like Flora, the nature fairy, and Bloom, the down to earth impulsive one, do a lot better exploring a swamp than Tecna, the techno fairy, and Stella, the louder and upperclass one. Situational strengths and weaknessess ftw.
Fjdghhf Sky was trying to have a moment with Bloom but Stella was NOT having it. Has she really always been this much of a lesbian?
So far I still really adore Brandon, and will probably enjoy him and Stella. But at the same time I kinda just wanna claim him for the gays. mlm/wlw solidarity.
Acknowledge your child, Icy!
They really had Bloom go to Stella's room just to say goodnight, and then had Stella call Bloom by what she thinks is her love interest's name...
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ya-doyoungie · 3 years
get to know me tag!
tagged by @fleeceyang!! thank you for the tag cutie <3 i'm gonna tag @tensuperm @demonhaechan @clovdless @wehotwesauce @tvonq @shotarology
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What day is your birthday? 14th
What is your favorite color? i'm indecisive because it normally is based on what colours i like to wear in that moment, so i'll say sage green for now :-)
What’s your lucky number? 14! (for obvious reasons)
Do you have any pets? i'm adopting a senior cat tomorrow!!! i'm so excited!!
How tall are you? 5ft2 / 158cm on a good day
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many... at least 11
Favorite song? right now it's a toss up between industry baby by lil nas x and d.o's new album rose!!
Favorite movie? i'm gonna cheat and say favourite movie genres: historical romance (i could probably recite pride & prejudice, i also love emma, becoming jane, etc.), mindless action movies (mission impossible, fast n furious series, etc.), and concert documentaries!
Who would be your ideal partner? well i'm a libra, so according to ~the stars~ im compatible with geminis, leos, sagittarius and aquarius.... but generally my ideal partner loves to laugh, doesn't take themselves too seriously, but open minded and willing to grow with me
Do you want children? depends on who i'm having them with, pregnancy scares the shit out of me though
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? just face offs with police in protests, nothing serious
Baths or showers? showers because im impatient
What color socks are you wearing? purple!
What type of music do you like? as a music major i dread this question because people always expect something ~profound~ but i listen to pop, hip hop, and kpop of course. it's all about the vibes.
How many pillows do you sleep with? at least 2
What position do you usually sleep in? on my right side
What you don’t like when you are sleeping? when there's a strong draft in the room and makes my throat dry up
What do you typically have for breakfast? i try to eat something filling like eggs and toast when i have time, but im a whore for sleep so i just make some vietnamese coffee and chug a glass of water
Have you ever tried archery? not properly, just toy bows and arrows haha
Favorite fruit? watermelon and lychee ftw
Favorite swear word? shit
Do you have any scars? here n there
Are you a good liar? only when i'm lying to my parents
What is your personality type? last time i checked i'm an enfj
What is your favorite type of girls? i love women in a feminist way but also in a gay way, i love all non-men
Are you an innie or an outie? outie gang
Left or right handed? right handed
Favorite food? i love japanese food!
Favorite foreign food? uhhh i'll say italian
Are you a clean or messy person? depends on my mental health, but i do try to keep things clean
Most used phrase? me and my best friend have been saying "swag" in response to things again ... that's right we're bringing it back
How long does it take for you to get ready? a long ass ride time, probably upwards to 1-2 hours
Do you talk to yourself? not really
Do you sing to yourself? all the time
Are you a good singer? im alright
Biggest Fear? loneliness
Are you a gossip? im on twitter so... yea sometimes unfortunately
Do you like long or short hair? on myself? short. i have a pixie cut!
Favorite school subject? music and literature
Extrovert or Introvert? extrovert, or ambivert
What makes you nervous? being in a room with just white people (i.e. my entire undergrad experience), debates
Who was your first real crush? a boy named tommy in elementary school all the way through middle school... even though he was MEAN to me... i was trying to live out my enemies-to-lovers y/n life
How many piercings do you have? i have 5 ear piercings and 1 body piercing, and many more to come
How fast can you run? im really bad at running, so not fast at all
What color is your hair? black
What color are your eyes? doo doo brown
What makes you angry? bigoted, closed minded people; when people try to shame other peoples' music/art tastes; white saviours
Do you like your own name? i do! it means "orchid" in my language and i got an orchid tattooed to honour it :-)
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? gender? in this economy?? no thanks. that's just my baby.
What are your strengths? i'm friendly! be my friend pls!
What are your weaknesses? indecisive, stubborn, can't handle bugs
Color of your bedspread? sage green!
Color of your room? white
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Fortunately, she dropped the bullshit when he threatened to take her to court over it. He and his partner are such good dads and his partner treats their son as if he’s his own. I’m glad the mom has backed down now but it was unforgivable how she behaved, all because of her own disgusting homophobia and jealousy.
Yeah, Mary absolutely would have used the baby to trap Freddie. I doubt she would have wanted his lovers near the child, what with her whole “I don’t want my kids around people with AIDS” spiel. Hopefully, if Freddie and Jim had decided to have kids, they would have adopted a child who needed a good home. But like others have said, I think he was happy enough to play with other people’s kids and just hand them back, lol. Gay uncles ftw.
I’m glad things worked out for that man and his partner, although that’s such a shitty thing to go through. It shouldn’t have had to come to threatening legal action.
Ugh, yeah. Once again, this just reminds me of how people act like Mary was supportive of Freddie and his sexuality when she clearly wasn’t, and her disdain for his partners was part of that. But gay uncles are cool lol and a lot of people prefer being the cool aunt or uncle to being a parent.
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the-golden-ghost · 3 years
For the unfamiliar media game, Inception mayhaps?
This is a movie! It is either a heist movie or some other genre of action adventure movie.
I think it involves jumping to parallel realities or something? Or maybe I just made that up
Or was confusing it with the Matrix sqasagasasasjadgjkkd
Okay so Tom Hardy plays some guy in a suit
I suspect he plays either “Arthur” or “Eames” these are names I am seeing a lot of
There is a woman named “Ariadne” which is a cool name and I think she’s neat based on that alone
There’s also “Cobb” and “Saito” this movie has a lot of characters
It’s also two hours long and the plot seems like it’s somewhat hard to follow
There is a character named “Mal” as well (gender unknown, as the name can go any number of ways)
I guess everyone is gay (at least, the fandom thinks so, and I Trust Them)
Also Leonardo di Caprio? Is in this? And he has a funky Mustache?
Every Aesthetic(tm) I see of this movie is just a bunch of people in suits standing around some skyscrapers
That being said I’m still not sure what the movie is about
OH it might be about dream-hopping and not parallel realities. I was wrong
I mean that’s still close though
Oh and there’s a lot of Corporate Aesthetic Shots because... yeah
Corporations ftw
I still have yet to see Ariadne but I’ve scrolled down pretty far so she will remain an Enigma
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