#actually i just drew her from my horrible memory
wheatwhip · 4 months
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ms shiny sparkle princess
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
I love love LOVE that your Rapunzel has tattoos!!! They are so artistic!!! and so HER! What kind of tattoos do Eugene and Cass have? I think I saw some flowers and maybe a moon and sun but is that all?
!!! THANK YOUUUUU OMFGGGG YOU GET IT!!!! :33333 if anyone gives rapunzel access to tattoos and/or hair dye she will actually lose her goddamn MIND. I like to think lady caine hooked her up with her tattoo artist in like. the middle of a battle. i feel like that’s a very tts type gag.
AS FOR CASS AND EUGENE’S TATTOOS IVE HONESTLY BEEN HOPING FOR A CHANCE TO TALK ABT THESE FOR A WHILE….please excuse my HORRIBLE rendition of them i scribbled this in like 30 minutes. one day i’ll draw proper refs for cass and eugene but today is Not that day
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first of all THEY HAVE MATCHING DESIGNS!!!! rapunzel drew out all of their tattoos and she made these two specifically to represent them as a trio….the birds being. self explanatory of course and the sun, moon, and earth representing rapunzel cass and eugene respectively….:3 this also was meant to kinda match the twins mobile i designed for my fic. These ones in particular are SOOO important to me
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i’ve never shown cass’ properly since they’re on her back but one of eugene’s is visible here….along with the sun and moon you mentioned, the sun crest and the brotherhood symbol…..:3
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AND CASS’ FLOWERS ARE MY FAVORITE ONE UNIRONICALLY BC IT HAS. Quite a bit more background to it. there’s also a sword wrapped in the vines thats BARELY visible in either of the pieces it’s shown in so i made it more clear in my doodle.
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this one kinda has two different meanings…..you’ll have to excuse the fact that it’s COMPLETELY inaccurate bc i designed it from memory and i’ll finalize it eventually but this is meant to vaguely represent the fictional “minne” flowers mentioned in “rapunzel: day one”- which. Idk how well known this is but the meaning of minne historically is i shit you not, “chivalrous love”, or “a kind of romantic love between a knight and a noblewoman” and there is NOOOO FUCKING WAY THAT WAS A COINCIDENCE THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING
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THE SECOND ONE is just something i made up but the real world flowers that i’ve always associated with minne bc of their similarities are forget me nots…. which. the symbolism and name of i think are VERY fitting with cass’ character. she just really wants to be important and like. Remembered fondly by people methinks. like she’s afraid of one day disappearing and (in her eyes) there being no point or reason for her existence in the first place.
these are the only ones i have set in stone for NOW but most of my tattoo hcs for rapunzel came from just. Drawing her a bunch and adding new ones every time so i think they’ll probably acquire some new ones as time goes on, especially since i still need to actually finalize the ones they do have……but Yeah idk. i’m insane.
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ghostofthedarkhold · 8 months
symbiotic daydream
pairing: venom!kate bishop x fem!reader
she/her pronouns are used, and mentions of the reader wearing a dress.
word count: 3.4k (3428)
warnings: dark kate, venom forcing kate to think dark thoughts, obsession, stalking, kinda dub-con kissing but not really, no actual smut, groping, suggestive content/language.
a/n: I was going to include smut but this fic really got away from me so if yous like it then I’ll probably do a pt.2 at some point with smut :)
so yeah, surprise, i am doing kinktober this year. however i done absolutely horrible at completing my masterlist last year so this time around im just going to post monster fucking fics as i please with no official masterlist. enjoy!
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Symbiotes in the modern world are few and far between, but it’s no secret that some people have the parasitic creatures leeching on their brain, a passenger in their mind. Most people avoid the people that are bonded to the inky creatures that cause cities to run red with blood and pleasure, others hunt them out after an initial encounter with them, obsessed with the ecstasy they had only been given a crumb of. Rumours of the symbiotes' destruction are nothing new to Kate, something her mother had warned her of for her whole life, their wants corrupting the minds of those they inhibit, but she’d never come across one herself, and while part of her was always curious to see them other than on the news, she was mostly thankful for it. That was, until one latched onto her.
Venom made himself known almost immediately after latching onto the young college student, plaguing her mind with thoughts of sadism, of having girls under her, begging her for mercy that she would never grant. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Venom began trying to persuade her with other things. Pleasure. Overwhelming amounts of pleasure brought upon her victims, making them beg and scream for her. These thoughts were much more difficult for the young archer to shake off. A young, hormonal, and, quite frankly, already insatiable Kate Bishop with never-ending thoughts of sex? She was done for long before she ever accepted, or even realised, it. But she was capable of holding back. Until she saw you.
She first saw you walking out of the movie theatre with some friends. You were tugging down your dress that had ridden up your thighs from sitting in the theatre chair for the past few hours, and Venom was practically screaming at her, trying to force her limbs forward, to stride over to you and pull your dress up your hips instead of allowing you to move it further down. She was able to stop herself, just barely. But without even knowing it, from that moment forward, you had Kate Bishop in your trap.
She was sly, following behind wherever you went without you even knowing it. Stalking behind you in the street, swinging from rooftop to rooftop with the help of Venom’s neverending slick webs of ink, watching you from across the street while you danced and drank in bars, went from store to store on your weekly shopping trip, snuggled in comfortably for the night in the assumed safety of your own bed. You had completely, wholly taken over Kate’s life without ever having met her. Every time she sat down to study she couldn’t do anything but scribble down your name and draw sketches of you from memory in her, admittedly amature and flawed, art style, every time she drew her bow she couldn’t help but picture her arrow sinking into the flesh and piercing the heart of whoever she saw you with last, a crush, a friend, even a stranger you may had just been giving directions to, they were all the same to Kate, undeserving of even being in the same vicinity as you. When she finally cracked and leaned into her new role as your very own, personal stalker and did some idle snooping online, finding out that you were enrolled at the same college as her, everything became much, much worse. Finding out which classes you took, Kate mangled and stretched her schedule out as much as she was able to until she finally managed to land herself a spot in three out of five of your classes, which was honestly more than the brunette had hoped for when she sent out her email, requesting, practically begging for, her new classes.
Kate sat a few rows directly behind you in the partially empty lecture halls, at first content to watch the back of your head and the way you furiously scribbled down notes in attempt to keet up with your various professors ramblings, but eventually that no longer satisfied her need to be near you, she needed to know you. So, with her heart thudding out of chest like that time she tried to ask her crush in middle school to the winter dance, and Venom’s crazed and incessant cheering clattering around in her brain, instead of taking her usual seat, she stopped a few rows ahead than she normally would in Professor Maximoff’s class and slid in the seat beside you, nearly sending your normal seat partner tumbling to the floor. But when your eyes found hers and you gave her that sweet smile she had watched you give others, for months pleading with the universe for it to be directed at her, followed by a shy greeting, Kate no longer worried about the boy she had practically rugby-tackled to the ground. Honestly, the entire world could have imploded at that very second, and as long as you were in a protective bubble and gave her that same smile again, Kate would die happier than she ever had been, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold Venom back any longer.
She let him take the lead in her obsession, looking into every part of your life that the internet had to offer. She found where you grew up, details of your family, your favourite books and movies, anything she could squeeze out. Kate was sure that the universe wanted you to be hers when she got the notification that you had accepted her request to your private instagram, the one away from the prying eyes of your parents. Abandoning any shred of reason or dignity she had left, Kate got about an hour of sleep that night due to her endless scrolling of your instagram and any photos you were tagged in, Venom getting particularly rowdy when she came by a picture of you in a bikini on one of your friends accounts.
Kate’s plan to have you was set in motion the very next day, innocently asking you questions about yourself, ignoring the lecture and Professor Romanoff’s harsh warning glares. She learned a lot more about you than the internet ever could have given her, and you in turn learned some facts about Kate. You talked about your famile lives, Kate telling you that she was an only child who was raised by her mother, about hobbies, music, anything and everything Kate could absorb about you, and she cursed how the time flew by when Professor Romanoff informed the class that the lecture was over. Kate begrudgingly packed up her things, trying to take in as much of you as possible, as if she wouldn’t see you the very next morning. She slowly stood up when she noticed you had finished cramming your things into your backpack, and stood up to leave, but her footsteps came to an abrupt stop when you spat out a hurried invite to go to a bar with you and your friends that night. Kate spun around slowly, sure that she couldn’t have possibly heard you right, and she watched for a moment as you chewed on your lower lip, fighting over if you had made the right decision. But before you could retract the invitation in a hurried apology about how you hardly knew each other, ignoring the fact that you were ceratin you had told Kate every note-worthy thing about yourself in the last hour, Kate agreed. Her hands were shoved into her jacket pockets to prevent her from pumping her first in victory as you quickly scribbled down the address and time on a discarded piece of paper from a random students desk. Kate quickly made a grab for it as soon as your pencil had left the page, looking at it as if it were the Holy Grail, and to Kate, it was. She promised you that she would be there, the brunette already imagining seeing you that night, away from the stuffiness of the lecure halls, before sending you one last longing look and leaving you standing alone by your desk, watching her leave.
What Kate was unaware of was that you had your eye on her for weeks. Not nearly to the degree that Kate wanted you, but the second that you heard Professor Maximoff call out her name, you were looking her up on the schools website on your phone under the desk, intrigued by the new face showing up halfway through the semester. Your eyes nearly buldged out of their sockets when one of the first things you saw, aside from her grinning student ID picture, was Kate with a bow in her hands, looking as it was the most natural thing for the weapon to be there, with muscles straining against her long, fitted sleeves as she drew back her arrow, the headline under it detailing that she had brought another archery trophy home to the college. After that, your deep dive down the rabbit hole that was Kate Bishop was long and thorough, scouring through every mention in the schools website and news article - after ashemedly staring at her arms and hands on every picture for a good five minutes before eventually managing to tear yourself away. After weeks of pining after the star athlete, clinging to her every word when she answered a question or commented on the syllabus, or really anything she said, you could hardly believe your luck when she sat down next to you, your tunnel vision focused on the object of your latest fantasies not allowing you to feel worry for the boy that she elbowed away.
Kate was ecstatic that night as she pushed her way through the door of the bar, nervously tugging on the tie hung loosely around her neck. Venom had been berating her all night over her nerves, Kate rolling her eyes like a petulant child every time. He was right, of course. The deck was completely stacked in Kate’s favour, knowing every detail about you to make you putty in her hands, Still, she couldn’t help the anxiety nagging away at the back of her mind, as if she was about to go on a first date, worrying about impressions and the way she was dressed.
Kate could swear that all of the oxygen was sucked out of the room the second she saw you. You were dressed to the nine’s, especially for the dingy bar that you so regularly frequented, and there was a small bloom of hope within Kate that you had dressed up just for her. You certainly had never put so much effort in any other night you went out, and as far as Kate could see, she was the only change to your night.
Newfound confidence overtook Kate as she strode over to where you and your friends were clustered at the bar, unable to fight off her smirk as you immediately pulled your arm away from where it was slung around one of your friends shoulders, pulling the taller woman into a tight hug.
“You came!” You cheered, overjoyed at Kate’s arrival before pulling away from her, much to Kate’s disappointment, with a blush staining your cheeks, embarrassed at your sudden outburst of affection towards the girl you had only first talked to that afternoon, and Venom was quick to fill Kate’s thoughts of all the other things she could do to bring that redness to your face in other ways.
“Told you I would,” she smiled down at you instead.
It’s a miracle that Kate heard you ask her if she wanted a drink over the 80’s rock music playing from a corner somewhere, the conversations of different patrons that had all blended into one another, and the depraved thoughts clouding her mind. She stuttered out her usual drink order and you skipped off to find a bartender to make it for her, leaving Kate alone with your friends. She knew who they all were, of course, having fantised about watching the light leave most of their eyes after getting too close to you for Kate’s liking. Some looked at her with curiosity, while others with disdain, and Kate wondered why exactly it was that you invited her there.
“We could kill them all before anyone in here could even blink.”
Internally hissing at Venom to shut up, Kate turned her attention back to you. She spun around, completely ignoring the question one of your friends had finally voiced to her. She watched as you leaned over the bar, giggling at something the server had said to you, completely oblivious to the way the angle allowed Kate’s stare to hungrily devour the inches of cleavage that there exposed, angling herself to see down your dress as far as she could. Venom was screaming at her, screeching that now was the time to make their move. And for once, she listened to him.
You weren’t even aware of Kate’s determined gaze set on you, or the heavy foot falls of her boots against the wooden floor, until her hand wrapped around your bicep in a vice grip, dragging you away from whatever conversation that apparently was so hilarious the bartender was clutching his side. Kate promised Venom that they would see his blood before the night was over.
You made a sound of protest as you looked up to see that it was Kate who was dragging you across the bar, making a beeline for the exit. “Wh- Kate, what are you doing?” You questioned, tugging on your arm to try and free it from her bruising grip.
“I need to talk to you,” Kate all but growled out, dragging you through the door to the bar and into the cold New York night air, your short romper doing nothing to protect you from the bitter frost of the oncoming winter.
It was difficult enough having to watch you drape yourself over your friends from afar, watching through windows or scrolling through social media, sure that at least three of them wanted you, or at the very least wanted to fuck you, but watching it mere feet away from her was harder than Kate had predicted, Venom bringing out her baser instincts until all she wanted to do was press you against the nearest surface and claim you as hers and the symbiote’s marking you in front of everyone, anyone who had ever just layed eyes on you. She needed all of New York to know who you belonged to. But, despite Venom egging her on, even trying to take front seat and force her body into the movements, Kate couldn’t bring herself to do it. So, she settled for the next best thing, dragging you into the alley that was cracked between the bar and the next building.
Your questions didn’t cease until your back collided with the hard stone wall of the alley, Kate’s hard body caging you in, and she wasted no time crashing her mouth to yours.
It took a second for you to react, for your mind to process the sudden changes, but as soon as you did you were pressing yourself against Kate as much as you were able to, your hands coming up to her hair and tangling in her raven locks.
The kiss was a fight for dominance that Kate quickly won, slamming your arched back against the wall again, using your surprised and slightly pained yelp to allow her tongue to invade your mouth. You let her taste you, let her consume all of you, and it was the first time within your presence that Kate let her dams break and venom to slip through. She felt the slickness of his ‘flesh’ run down her arm, coating it, looking as if she had dipped it in a vat of tar. Kate’s hair moulded itself in your hands, although you were too preoccupied to notice, the already black locks flowing freely around her. It was only when you both pulled apart, the need for air separating you, that your eyes met hers and you saw that Kate’s were taken over by white.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Kate whispered to you, drawing circles where her hand had landed on you hip in an attempt to soothe you, feeling that Venom was breaking free and that you could clearly see that, but her voice was warped. The words were all Kate, Venom’s eagerly encouraging her to continue with the previous activities, but the voice that said them was broken and deeper, and it wasn’t the one you had swooned over a mere ten minutes ago.
“Kate, let go of me,” your voice was smaller, the cheerfulness replaced by fear. You had no idea what was wrong with Kate, but you had no intention of sticking around to find out.
“No,” the voice was harsher now, more deformed, as Kate and Venom both fought for the chance to speak, Kate’s biceps straining as she pushed you up against the wall more firmly, holding your hips in an unbreakable clamp. Any softness that was there before was gone in an instant. You watched as Kate allowed Venom to take the reigns and she ground up against you.
Closing in on you, her body caging you in and leaving nowhere for you to run, Kate moved one of her hands from your hip, up your body, until she got to the neckline of your romper, yanking it down and revealing the lace of your bra.
Kate pawed at your breasts over your bra, and even with her pupils and iris’ gone you could feel her eyes drinking you in.
“So fucking pretty,” you didn’t like the relief that coursed through you when it was purely Kate’s voice that reached your ears. Despite your desperation to run out of the alley and never see her again, her own voice much less terrifying that the distorted sound of Kate and Venom melding together
“All those people looking at you. Shit, baby, wanted to watch my arrows crack into their skull,” Kate’s tone was soft and tender, as if the words were meant to comfort and woo you, but they sent a shock of fear down your spine, the thought of Kate killing someone over you paralysing your every muscle, and Kate accentuated her point with roughly pulling your bra down, freeing your breasts, and you winced at the wire of your bra digging into the soft skin of your sides. “So, so pretty,” Kate repeated, her gaze devouring you whole. “And all mine.”
“Ours,” Venom immediately hissed in her ear, his screeching grating against her brain. “You would have never had her like this if it wasn’t for me.”
Kate just rolled her eyes, ignoring the symbiote, which most definitely didn’t rub him the right way, and you were sure the next words, in a different voice than the last two, came from someone other than Kate entirely.
“I could kill the archer and have you to all to myself.”
That voice was quickly crammed far in the back of Kate’s head, and any movement from her stopped entirely, her hands simply resting on your tits, her entire weight focused on smushing you against the wall behind you as a look of anger twisted its way onto Kate’s face. She was having a war inside her head that you were not privy to.
Minutes passed, and you began to wonder if Kate was going to keep you like this all night, pressed against the wall of an alleyway, breasts on display for any passerby who took a few steps into the shadows, with Kate towering silently above you.
You finally found it in yourself to try and wriggle out of Kate’s grasp, and this is what seemed to wake her from her stupor, her focus snapping back to you.
“Don’t listen to him, baby,” you fought back a cry of relief when Kate’s voice replaced the monstrous one that seemed to have dragged her into her subconscious. You weren’t exactly sure who he was, but you decided that you would much rather have Kate at the forefront than him. “He won’t take me away from you, not ever. No one’s gonna ever separate us again.”
Kate wasn’t sure when it was that she decided to keep you by her side from now on. As soon as she walked into the bar? When she saw you laughing with the bartender? When she felt your lips against hers for the first time? She really didn’t know, but she had decided, and, unbeknownst to you, a future without Kate by your side no longer existed.
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4 - Dutton’s and Lambert’s
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Part 5
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
If y'all got any ideas for this especially moments with Alissa and Rip send them to my ask box 🤗
Tag list - @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
Standing in front of Lee’s freshly dug headstone and empty grave that he would be put in a few minutes later. I was wearing a short sleeve black dress that went down to my knees. “Alissa.” Opening my eyes I slowly glanced over my shoulder watching my husband walking up to me.
“What is it, Kace?” I questioned him when he finally stopped to stand beside me. He was wearing a full black suit, white shirt and a white tea shirt underneath with his dusty black Cowboy hat.
“How’s your ankle in that boot?”
My gaze lowered down to my left ankle in a doctor's boot that the hospital had told me I would have to wear for a while. “I’ll get used to it.” I answered his question not liking it but was thankful the surgery to remove the bullet didn’t go horribly wrong.
“That’s not what I’m asking. I don’t want you putting too much on it to be here today.”
Grasping his hand in mine I rubbed my thumb over the black wedding band on his left hand. “Kayce, I want to be here. For you and your family. Y’all have known me my entire life. Besides, Lee was like a brother to me. I need to say goodbye to him.”
“How did I get so lucky with you, Ms. Lambert?” Kayce asked, cradling the side of my face in his freehand.
Reaching down inside the front of my dress I drew out the necklace chain I wore with my wedding ring on it. “That’s Mrs. Dutton to you, Kayce John. And you got so lucky cause we’re best friends.” I decided to wear it mostly as a necklace too worried I’d lose the ring that meant so much to me.
“Looks like it’s time.” He squeezed my hand in his seeing the casket being brought close by one of the trucks. He removed his hand from mine, walking over and being a pull bear for his brother alongside John , Rip and a few other ranch hands.
The casket was set up and lowered into the ground before I noticed John walk up and stand in front of it. Each family member went up to say their goodbye leaving me and Faith the last to go. “I'm gonna miss you, Uncle Lee. Thanks for my birthday present - and I hope you are running a beautiful ranch up in the sky.” She laid some flowers over his casket stepping back crying into her father's jacket.
Lee had gotten her a tiny horse necklace for her birthday with the money that his father paid him.
“Hey, Lee. First off I - um I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that this happened to you when I could've stopped it.” I felt some tears welling up in my ears and I gripped my ring necklace for strength. “I know I shouldn't put the weight on myself but I am because - because I'm going to miss you so much. I'm gonna miss you and my sister pretending like there's not a spark between you two. I'm going to miss you being Faith's favorite uncle. I'm going to miss our flour fights at 2am. Lee - I'm gonna miss you. But don't you worry I am going to make sure your name and memory aren't forgotten.”
Kayce’s hand touched my shoulder softly. “Alissa - easy now. I've got you - I've got uou honey.” I spun around throwing myself into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my shaking body. We just held each other for a little while until everyone slowly made their way back to the main house.
Gator had prepared dinner for both of our families to enjoy for the next couple of days. The sun was setting over the Dutton Ranch when I went to find my sister Alana standing on the front porch by herself. Pushing the door opened I walked outside. “What are you doing out here, sis?”
“Just needed some air. Today's been - rough. How are you doing?” She asked me rolling her shoulders before dropping them.
I came over leaning my elbows on the wooden porch railing. “Pretty much the same. Faith, just says she wants him back for her birthday. I actually told her that we'd celebrate somehow once all this dies down but she has to understand he's not coming back.”
“It sucks that she misses him so much.” Alana glanced at me, seeing my wedding ring dangling from my neck. “You know who's wedding ring that is right?”
She pressed on clasping her hands together. “And did you know that Lee proposed to me with that exact ring?”
“What! Why are you just telling me this now? Have you two been secretly married this whole time?”
She touched my hand seeing that I was getting worked up over her bombshell of news. “Let me explain. First off nobody in either of our families knew about it. We were going to announce it until the day you came home and told us you were pregnant. So Lee and I talked it over and he decided it was best for you and his brother to get married and raise the baby together more than that ring would benefit us at the time.”
“Alana, I - why didn't you tell me sooner?” I felt slightly heartbroken that she gave up her marriage to Lee Dutton for me.
She intertwined our hands together giving me a weak smile. “Because you were going through a lot. Dad was pissed and mom was busy preparing for the baby so it just didn't seem right.”
“So I was right all along about you and Lee?” I asked with a hopeful yet shocked smile on my face.
She nodded her head yes. “We just weren't so obvious the way you and Kayce were - better yet still are today.”
“We are not!” I scolded her.
My sister smirked. “It's nothing to be ashamed of if you want to climb into bed with him. You're already married anyhow.”
“Alana!” I turned my face away, blushing slightly, clearing my throat. “But you two still could have gotten married and had kids for both ranches. So why didn't you?”
She shrugs her shoulders in response. “Didn't ever seem like the right thing for us. Lee and I never wanted to talk about that since that's all our daddy's wanted to talk about.”
“God gave me two daughters and no sons so I'm gonna need them to give me some grandbabies to keep this land of ours.” I did the best impression of my father as I could, still deeply loving him.
Alana was in agreement with me. “We just wanted to enjoy the pressure being off of us, especially the day you got pregnant. You're my little sister so I did what was best for you even though it was making me lose some happiness.”
“I'm sorry.” I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and she hugged me back sniffing through some tears of her own.
“It's okay, Lissa. I was right about something though with our families.” She broke the hug slightly seeing confusion written on my face until she finished her sentence. “I guess Dutton’s and Lambert’s were always meant to go together.”
A few days after the funeral I was walking to the barn to saddle my horse so I could take Faith on a ride yet I halted in my tracks outside the door hearing Jamie and John discussing something inside. “Did they identify Kayce?”
“Not yet.”
“Who are the agents we're talking about?” John asked him.
Jamie responded. “It's, uh, Tom Reynolds and Aaron McReary.”
“Reynolds I can deal with.” He admits. “I don't know this McReary.”
“Yeah, he lives in the south end of the valley. Word is he likes his religion.”
John questioned his son. “As in "won't tell a lie" likes it?”
“Yeah, that would be my guess.”
“Find out where he goes to church. Anything else? Anything else? You said there were a few.”
“The medical examiner's report. You're not gonna like it.” Jamie began explaining.
“Who else has seen the report?” John pressed on for answers.
“The only ones who have seen it want it to change.”
My father in law muttered. “Then it'll change.”
“It means they're doctors. Which means they took an oath, and it wasn't to you. No matter what we do, the photographs won't change. The body won't change. It'll tell the same story - to anybody who looks.” Jamie snapped back at him mentioning some good points.
“The body's buried, Jamie. Relax.” John walked up near his son’s face.
Jamie tried to make him understand. “Yeah, but when they see the report…”
“When they see the report, what? You think I'm just gonna let them dig up my son?” John getting closer up in his face.
He explained to him with a heavy sigh. “When they see the report, they won't ask. They're just gonna do it, Dad. I think we should…”
John held a hand up to him. “No, don't say it.”
“I think we should beat them to it.”
John stomped forward shoving his son against one of the horse stalls behind him staying in his face. “All right, don't say it. Don't even think it.”
“Kayce shot him in the forehead while he laid on his back.” Jamie declares while I felt a nervous tightness in my chest form at his words, remembering the incident all too well.
John growled in his face in disbelief. “We don't know it was Kayce.”
“He was executed. Five bullets in a circle, like this. Name the livestock officer who could do that.” Jamie asked him the question John and I both feared he would say, pointing to his round lawyer badge on his shirt.
Turning my attention away from the door I threaded my fingers into my hair, beginning to feel powerless in this situation. “What are we gonna do, Kayce?”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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deadsnothere · 10 months
Mr. Larry jo jo man Johnson.
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Synopsis - A new face in an old place.
Request - no i'm not taking them sorry xoxo
Word count - 2.2k
Speak Ali! - no
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Summer junior year, a blue haired boy moved into Addison apartments.
He lived in 402 while I lived in 404. His dad said hello to my mother but I had no plans of talking with the son he mentioned while talking to her. Even if she put me up to it anyways. I was fine with just Larry, Ash, and Todd. We were an odd group with completely different personalities but we always somehow didn't murder each other. We even enjoyed each other's company! Shocking, I know.
That was until I waltzed into Larry's house after he called me on the walkie-talkie, saying he had something important to tell me. I of course answered back with the fact I had my own news. When I walked in I heard sanity fall’s blasting as usual. Opening his door Screaming over his music, as I always do when Lisa wasn't home. “LARRY JO JO MAN JOHNSO-...son.” I quickly shut myself up when I saw a blue haired person standing near Larry. Larry turned down the music, laughing his ass off as he did so.
“HAHA, THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE-” I quickly ran to Larry, elbowing him in the chest before turning to the blue haired person in front of me, putting on a cheesy smile and pushing my hand out for them to shake as Larry dramatically clutches his chest. “Hello I'm Alias Foreman. Completely normal, I swear.” Larry stopped groaning in pain and started laughing. “HAHAHA YOU NORMA-” I stepped on his foot, enough to make him shut up but not really hurt him. “OW dammit Ali.” The person in front of me took my hand and shook it nervously. “I'm Sal, Sal fisher. Friends call me Sally face.
“Nice to meet you!” looking down at Larry, who was now wrapping his arms around his chest, kneeling trying to keep steady after I knocked him down abit. “I see you met Mr. Larry Jo Jo man Johnson.” Sal did a slow nod and looked down with me to what I assume is his new friend. “Yeah his mom gave me a keycard and said I should come meet her son.” I looked up to him nodding along with him. “Ah, sucked in by Lisa’s kindness. Thought her son would be the same but instead came down to find a dumbass, I feel for you.”
Sal laughed as Larry looked up at me, offended. “Excuse me! I was the one tricked here!” He took my leg in his arms and started to shake me around, making me fall. I fell on top of Larry, dramatically drew my hand out and gasped. I could feel Larry roll his eyes as I did a whole little spiel about how “horrible Larry was” and “Save me from this monster Sal”. When I was dramatically laid, there was my hand out and the other on my forehead. Sal was holding an arm to his stomach from laughing so hard.
I finally got a good look at him, he was..cute. He wore red torn up pants, a black long sleeved shirt on, as well as a prosthetic mask, the softest looking blue hair circled around his mask, and a beautiful pair of blue eyes looked down at me. He obviously had noticed me staring at him when he stopped laughing and looked away from me, either in embarrassment or flusteredness. I gasped slightly and tried my hardest to stand up but was thwarted by Mr. Larry JoJo Johnson himself. Who after my few seconds of staring at Sally decided to wrap his legs around my torso and started to jab me in the side with his entire hand.
I jumped trying to get away from him but he held me in place. “HAHA- S-SAL HELP-” I reached my hand out and to my surprise, he actually took it. Pulling me up and onto the steady ground, Out of Larry's clutches. “NOO! My victim- come back!” He complained loudly, reaching for me. I shook my head at him and started re-thinking everything, the word Victim triggering a memory in my head.
I watched Larry get up and grabbed his shoulders, shaking them a bit. “Wait! Larry, why did you call me down? Because if it's the same as what I have to tell you- we're fucked.” His eyes widened with shock as he probably forgot to. “Oh shit dude! I completely forgot about that for a second.” I nodded along with him and let go of his shoulders. “Larry, does this have to do with Mrs.Sanderson?” he silently nodded with a frown on his face. Sal beside us looked around, but I couldn't tell if he was confused or not.
“Oh Sal, I'm so sorry. You moved in as someone is about to move out..” Sal looked me in the eye, obviously confused. “Is that what those police officers were for? Mrs. Sanderson?” I looked over to Larry who started nodding so I did the same. “Yeah..She was murdered last night and I'm pretty sure I know who.” I snapped my head over to him with wide eyes. “WHO- Do you know it's Charley too?” I looked over to Sal. “He lives on the second floor, I don't like going near him after what happened last summer…I'll explain it when we know each other a little better.” He gave me a thumbs up and we both looked towards Larry, who started talking again.
“I'm pretty sure it is- I was helping Mrs. Sanderson yesterday- with her clogged toilet, Like I said I would after you went home..I was just finishing up when I heard him burst in, yelling like a maniac. She tried to calm him down, but before she could even get a few words out, he was cutting her throat open.” A part of my heart dropped, and so did I. I sat down on Larry's bed, a hand over my eyes. “I was shocked, couldn't move. I was frozen by fear, man. Just peeking through the crack in the bathroom door.” … “Anyways it all happened so fast and then he cleaned up quickly and left. I don't know how, but he didn't even see me.” I want to throw up. There was a silence before Larry cut it again. “I haven't told anyone yet, not even my mom. But I trust you two.”
“What the fuck is up with that dude.” - “I know it's- it was horrifying.” Larry answered back. I looked over to Sal to see what he thought about this, but I couldn't tell much, other then his eyes bored into the carpeted floor. “Did you tell the cops at all?” Sal finally spoke after a bit of silence from all three of us. “I tried to tell the detective by the entrance but he didn't believe me..me and Alias don't have the best record with the police.” I sighed and lifted my head from my palm. “I almost ran into him after he killed her-” Both of them looked at me with wide eyes. “I- I-...I almost ran into him..he didn't try anything but after i heard the scream and my parents called the police I looked outside..just peeked and I saw him, he was wearing medical gloves and looked around but once he saw me he ran away.” A shiver went down my spine, while I thought about what I saw. Sal put a hand on my right shoulder while Larry put a hand on my left and sat down beside me on his bed.
Sal removed his hand gently, looking around and stopping his eyes trail on the police scanner. “What's that?” Both Larry and I looked up. “Oh that's my Police scanner. I can listen in on local cop chatter.” The questioner looked quite confused. “How the hell did you get this thing?” Me and Larry looked at each other the question bringing up a very interesting memory for us both. “That's a story for another day. but, hey you just gave me a great idea.” Larry walked towards the scanner. “If I make a fake call, maybe that can distract them long enough for you to sneak into 403.” - “Maybe we can find some kind of evidence to show that detective, something they weren't looking for, then he’ll fucking believe us.” “Pretty quick to sign me up for the break in.” I looked over to Sal, who was obviously joking.
“Well i gotta make the call, and alias is-” Larry was quick to rebuttal, but Sal just waved him off. “I'm just messing with you, I'm totally up for this, I've been watching to peek inside that room anyways.” Larry turned on the radio and started tuning it to get to the correct channel. “Sweet! Alias, do you wanna go with?” I looked up from the scanner to see that both of them were staring at me. “..not really- but! I have something I could give you for now.”
I walked over to Larry's dresser and plucked one of the two Walkie-Talkies off it. “Here, we were going to give it to Todd, but we can always buy a new one. Press that shift button and it’ll give you an option to call either Me or Larry. For now call Larry but I'll call you when I get back to my room.” Sal held eye contact with me for a second while he nodded and put it in his pocket, it stuck out a bit but either way his outfit looked pretty cute. I sat back down on Larry's bed, falling back to lay down. Larry continued talking to Sal while I found one of the many stuffed animals I'd left in Larry's room whenever I came over, attaching myself to it. My eyes ping ponged their conversation.
“So what's the plan?” - “I'll call in a bank robbery, hostage situation. That should clear out the cops for sure. Guessing that’ll give us a few minutes before they figure out it wasn't real. You gotta be upstairs when we do that, so we can make those minutes count. Call me on the Walkie-talkie, It should already be set to the right channel. Alias will answer back once I’ve called it in, and you can go check out the room. Then I can give you a heads up too, once I know the cops are coming back. and report to Alias if you find anything.” - “Sounds solid to me.” - “head to your room and let me know when you’re ready.”
My eyes followed Sal as he walked out, Pigtails bouncing. As soon as the door was shut Larry looked over to me. “Alias.” Oh god. I already knew what he was going to say. “Larry, I swear to the gods-” He walked over to me and jumped on the bed. “Nope- you're not getting out of it.” I rolled my eyes at him and picked up a pillow from the top of his bed, covering my face with it. “Be Careful you might pick up the wrong pillow.” I screamed and quickly stood up, off the bed.
“EW YOU'RE DISGUSTING-” He busted in laughter. “I'M KIDDING, I’M KIDDING.” I sat back down next to him, rolling my eyes. We sat in silence for a few seconds before I spoke up. “He was kinda cute-” - “I KNEW IT! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SALLY FACE!” He jumped up and pumped his fist in the air in triumph, because he thought he was right. “Oh shut up!- it's not like I'm in love with him OR have a crush on him! He's just cute-..” a knock came to the door as soon as I stopped talking. My hands started shaking slightly as Larry yelled out. “It's open!”
Sal walked back in the room, the tips of his ears red. “Maybe just switch the bank robbery with an armed robbery like a gas station or drug store.” We both looked at him confused, My face was bright red so I laid back down and hid it in a stuffed animal. “S-So it's more believable-” Larry nodded while laughing. “Hmm, yeah i guess you’re right. Good call, Sally!” He closed the door again, leaving me to jump Larry. “I’M GONNA KICK YOUR- COME HERE.” I picked up the pillow from earlier and started to beat him with it. “YOU ASS WAD- IF HE HEARD WHAT YOU SAID- IM GONNA.” Larry was laughing too hard to take me seriously. He grabbed the pillow from me with a bit of struggle and sat me down on his bed with the walkie-talkie, and turned up his record player.
Once Sal made his way up to his own room and called us, Larry made the call to the police then he made his way out, after handing me a pen and pad to write things down.
He found a few things while he was there, mostly murdery stuff I had written down.
“There's a broken coffee table with some books.” I adjusted the notepad again to start writing a bulleted list down. “Anything suspicious?” - “Just looks like junk to me.” I told him to keep moving and tried my best not to get paranoid. “Man, this is pretty twisted.” I sighed softly and nodded, but realized he couldn't see me. “Mhm.” The thought of seeing that room made my blood curdle. “There's these little figures. Looks like one is missing, I can see a small clearing in the blood.” and a missing pony from Mrs.Sanderson collection with blood pooling underneath it. “Sal. Make your way back. I have an idea of how we can prove it.” It made my blood boil, and my skin crawl. I stood up from Larry's bed and turned up the music hoping that would drown out my paranoid thoughts, just playing sanity until he got back.
“Sanderson and Charley both collected those weird toys, they’re nuts over those things.” Larry was explaining it to Sal while I continued to lay on the floor spread like a starfish. “Mrs.Sanderson got a super rare one, i think. She was telling me about that day I was fixing her toilet.” She told me about it that morning when I passed her while she was taking her trash out. “Anyways, I bet you Charley couldn't resist taking it! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he offered her in the first place.” He looked down at me and patted my head. “That dude has always did give me the creeps. After what happened last summer..” I smiled back at Larry before sitting up, Sal spoke up next. “Wow, this is crazy. This guy definitely needs to get caught. We can't live in a building with a murderer.” I nodded. “Exactly.” There was silence after that, both of the boys were surprised I spoke up.
We were all sitting in silence for a minute, which seemed to be a theme today. I could feel the tension, it was so thick..Until i spoke up. “I gotta go into charley's room and grab the toy he stole.” Larry looked at me completely shocked and immediately stood up. “Alias are you fucking crazy? You know what he did the last time you tried to steal one of those things!” I winced at the mention and looked away from Larry. “I-It's fine- I'm older now I can do better.” Larry wasn't hearing it. “No, I don't care how old you are. You are not going in there alone, I would rather kill him myself than do that to you.” Sal was watching this interaction from the sidelines, obviously confused but understanding at the same time.
“What if I go with them?”
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hearts401 · 5 months
do you have any ideas in mind for how swap!evans scrap baby design would look, assuming its different from regular scrap baby? (since yk, its implied(?) they rebuilt themself after getting kicked out of ennard)
oh and how did/do evan and circus baby interact/feel about each other?
But i thought id answer anyways, ill rb with a doodle if i can manage one (maybe in my animation class?)
first of all, he'd not be half as smashed up as liz was. he wanted to be cute and whatever, and his goal is. not killing ppl lmao.
so he goes back and gets a discarded unused circus baby faceplate from the bunker. its old and the faceplates dont move well at all (rusty and stuck together, mostly) but its not horrible. its also cracked a bit but. what can you do?
instead of wires and whatever i think hed want something softer to use for hair so i gave him some sort of fucked up string. its thick and fluffy but falling appart :( poor dude he also got other discarded animatronic concepts that william and henry kept in case they wanted to use them elsewhere. evan still has the claw on one hand but the other is an unnecessarily large paw (he cant exactly remember why at this point, but he loves bears so the paw caught his eye)
his outfit is just cloathes he found in the garbage and therefore doesnt fit well. and his torso is just the usual circus baby torso if not a bit fucked up by all the time itd been left in the bunker. its also cracked and rusty similar to his mask
his feet r just whatever he could find, but those wont even be seen a lot bc hes in the vents so who cares
the big paw is also one of the same as what molten freddy dug up to replace the rubber hose esque hands ennard had (not REALLY rubber hose but meant to look the part yk?)
as for evs relationship w cbby, its complicated. he initially wants nothing to do with the animatronic or possessing it, but when he sees liz he suddenly wants to seize control (hence bouncing between circus baby and evan)
at that time, there was still a pretty clear line between evan and cbby, bc of how hed avoided her n shit in a way bc he cant. he cant leave her lmao but he just didnt try to BE her. still while SL takes place the line does blur between him and cbby.
post scoop he finds mike and tells him about elizabeth and for a while michael keeps him seperate from the other animatronics bc yk, having someone he KNEW was his sibling and who KNEW his identity helped him and michael is the most conscious of everyone. and so he once again was aware of who he was but when michael and the funtimes both dumped him they reallty merged and it became unclear who was who (which lead to his memories getting fucked wehn he was rebuilding himself) and just overall hes weird and Not Evan Anymore. especially because evan being rejected by michael compared to circus baby being abandoned by william and the funtimes and that pain of being thrown to the curb causing anger in both that ended with them having such similar ideas and feelings that they might as well be the same entity
as far as interactions go, they really didnt interact much for a VERY long time and when they did it was quick and uncomfortable. but when evan tried to wrestle control back its started a weird silent relationshi
Circus baby did not want to get rid of him, she didnt entirely know what he was ("I still hear her sometimes" yk?) other than shed killed him and sometimes shed say things she didnt think.
evan didnt like how everything was going with elizabeth, so he wanted to subtly steer her elsewhere. however, between his own bitterness at her leaving him alone and inadvertently causing his death, and circus baby and him becoming one, he eventually began leading her to the scooper.
and evan is a lot more convincing than circus baby was.
its not until he's set free that evan is actually evan again
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raidenloml · 9 months
new fortnite season dropped smash or pass time (because im autistic, tierlist ver someday)
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long post but i swear im funny about it
nolan whatever the fuck (dont care)
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PASS who is this man he ooks like someone drew jonesey from memory get away (his other alt styles are just better wont bother ranking)
2. piper pace
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barely a smash i really dont like the outfit underneath but the jacket <3333 and she bombs people with pizza deliveries so yk
3. hyperspace piper
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really dont likr the hair colour it doesnt fit at all, also goofy ass shoes. pass
4. fish thicc + fin-dicator style
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smash i dont have to explain (i think he would not bully me ) (also why are his feet like that)
5. mae + black hat style
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smash shes a tumblrina, now i will list all of the cutesy :3 shit she has brought upon us
('^u^"), (\(>X<"/), a wrap called UwU (<- horrible), (;3;), :D and >:3
6. antonia
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PASS, I LOVE HER BUT IM SCARED OF TYHE SWEATY SKIN ENERGY UEUEUE (her mask style is amazing and also the quest one)
7. combat chic antonia
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SMASH i love this one a lot but the like half legging is still throwing me off
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this is a real person i wont say anything but hes very silly and i will play as him thumbs up
9. kado thorne
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pass i like the one without mask better but his fit is so ugly i wont even bother showing it again
10. revenant kado style
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smash this skin goes so hard the trousers actually look good here 10/10 (no ulterior motives nuh uh.....)
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lex-n-weegie · 10 months
Ok ok SO over a year ago now I drew some kind of "concepts," and now I've redone them since we got an actual design for one of them!! Also also, since a bunch of stuff I've been doing is super far from canon, I've made it a separate little AU! I present to you all...
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The "Under New Management" AU!!
These are the designs of Glamrock Bonnie(now fixed) and a "Glamrock" Foxy, or as he's known as, Captain Foxy.
The TLDR for the AU is that Hazel brings back/fixes a couple of animatronics, adding 4(technically 5) new animatronics to the Pizzaplex! These are just two of em.
Also here's a random alt for Foxy to see his chest better lol
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Rambles about these two's roles and the old drawings underneath the cut!
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @in-broken-mirrors, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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Glamrock Bonnie
At the start of the Pizzaplex's life, it was just Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Roxanne(The company deemed Foxy as too "different" from the main three, so making Roxanne was their attempt to add a new four member). Soon after the success, they had started to experiment by making extra robots to occupy different areas and attractions, like the Daycare Attendant or DJMM. Montgomery was one of them, and he and Bonnie actually bonded quite well. Unfortunately, Bonnie was blind to the worse treatment non Glamrocks got, the workers usually viewing them as "experiments." It caused Monty to sometimes lash out, but he usually remained chill.
One day however, a horrible accident happened. Bonnie went to talk to Monty on the Gator Golf catwalks, but the Gator had another small outburst and in anger, pushed Bonnie away. The safety railing broke, and Bonnie fell and snapped off his legs and arms. Monty tried to fix him, even tried to get help, but at one point things suddenly went black, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in parts and service, apparently having had an "accident." A guard, Vanessa, said she found Monty in a broken state, and took him to be repaired. She claimed to have not seen Bonnie, and Monty was then used as a replacement, millions of theories spewing as a result.
Years later, when Hazel is turned into a attraction, she sees a new wall in Bonnie Bowl that wasn't there before, and low and behold she finds Bonnie's broken body. She slowly repairs him, but due to some blunt force head trauma he's lost some memories and skills, such as his bass playing. Since he's back and all fixed up, he's now reduced to a mascot for Bonnie Bowl, the company stating that he's now "retired from the band life."
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Captain Foxy
While Roxanne semi replaced the fox fiend, the company still had plans to include him in some way. Tying in with the old show, the plan was for Captain Foxy to be a seasonal animatronic. For a week or longer he'd "kidnap" the Glamrocks and claim to now own the Pizzaplex. As time went on however, they randomly decided he wasn't worth it and was scrapped in the middle of building.
Hazel later found his endo and the scrapped plans, so she did what she does best and built him, her programming and experience with Bonnie making the process go smoother and quicker this time around. With him up and running and the company not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to test him out, he was set out to do what he was planned for: take over the Pizzaplex every once in awhile. Only the main four Glamrocks were captured, the other animatronics being spared for not being Glamrocks, or in Bonnie's case, no longer being one.
While his performance has him acting like his show counterpart, behind the scenes he was actually super kind, like an uncle. He doesn't hate the Glamrocks like his performance implies, he actually really likes them and is particularly close to the OG three: Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. He's of course close to Hazel too, as she's the reason he's even there.
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ghostpi22 · 19 days
I meant your hcs and opinions, Alpha Ghostpiss :(
Sure we can do that too,
So unpopular opinion but Isaac is my least favorite main character, which doesn't mean I don't like him, he's very well written but he gets on my nerves a lot. He is arguably the easiest to draw tho. He's left handed in my brain, also sharksaac. Isaac is very shark and bird coded to me, idk just sharks Man.
I loovveee early fic Edward I love how chaotic he was, he mellowed out a bit in season 2 which I find sad but I still love my boy. Genderbent Edward hot (I can legally say that). I am very confused on the James beef tho I admit I have no idea what's happening there.
Drew likes gardening, that's the headcanon. He feels like an outdoorsy person, he collects rocks. Trans drew for the win, if there are no trans drew enjoyers left I AM DEAD. Trans masc and transfem both work, he is trans in every single one of my aus. It's why he's a tortoiseshell in my warrior cats au SO FUN FACT. He's also jade in my Homestuck au which is also basically the same concept. Drew is so Deer coded to me. The branches growing out of his head when he heals look like antlers!!!!! He has big pretty doe eyes, he has freckles in my brain but only during the summer. His genderbend name is dove. He sees a wider spectrum of colors than most humans because of his powers, I think I'd be fun if he saw light other people cant pick up on like ultra violet.
Nevin is the vriska of ibvs. I'm not Taking that back. I'm waiting for him to do something truly horrible and twisted. The way his powers work is that he apparently just knows what someone is feeling, but i think it would be much much more fun if he could actually feel other people's emotions. He would feel or can read the emotions of people that are closer to him or that he has a bond with easier or stronger. So feeling Drew's emotions would basically be second nature to him while reading or feeling the emotions of someone like Edward would take more effort and would be more cloudy. Also like, the shipping possibilities with that guys GUYS. I think it would also be fun if he could influence other people's emotions in a similar way, not majorly think more like, red makes you angry, yellow makes you happy kind of deal. I wholeheartedly support the nevin has a demon in him theory, that boy is not normal. I also think that maybe he tampered with drew memory, considering Drew's dream was a flashback and there is no reason for current nevin to be there ESPECIALLY when flashback nevin is also already there. I find that very suspicious. He gives fan favorite edgy side character in shounen vibes, think Sasuke. I think he is secretly very pathetic, like even more than Chris that is my headcanon.
Chris is my dearly beloved favorite boy. He's literally me guys we even have the same scar. Anyway he is dyslexic that boy can't read for SHIT, he probably has terrible posture from hunching over the entire time, he is a dog person, big fluffy dog. He is also dog coded, the type that chases his own tail. His voice gets really high pitched when he is embarrassed or surprised, he listens to white girl music while driving, he seems like the type of loser to listen to shit like JTmusic like 💀. I also precisely headcanon him to have no ass at all, built like a brick, his bones hurt from sitting, because it's funny.
I'm gonna be honest I don't think about Barry at all. Anyway Barry x Cody.
Rachel seems like the type of girl that'll sit in the back and ship the homophobic boys in her class together (same girl), canonical fanfiction fan!!! She is one of us!!! She sends her friends the most out of context gen z ass tiktoks that no one understands, in the middle of the night. She laughs at children falling over. She'd be a chronic genshin Player (☹️)
Niki prank calls the elderly. She is the second character that qualifies for vriska status.
Ethan wears his hoodies like a cape on his head. And then goes outside looking like that, boi 💀
Evil Justin writes in unintelligible cursive
Felix would wear the big red boots.
There are more but it's almost 1am and I got finals tomorrow 💀
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sinsiriuslyemo · 19 days
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Chapter Seven: Breaking the Statute of Secrecy
“So let me get this straight,” Penny said, her eyes pointed at a spot on the wall behind him.
They had been sitting on the sofa for nearly forty-five minutes as he tried to explain everything in a way that someone without knowledge of magic would understand. Or at least everything that was necessary for her to know, which as it turned out, was quite a lot, and to her credit she seemed to follow his explainations thus far. She also had yet to look at him as though he had gone mad. Instead, she listened, asking very few questions whenever he mentioned something that as a muggle she wouldn’t understand the context of. Most of all she appeared sad as he explained everything to her, from the Marauders, to the first wizarding war, and James and Lily’s death leading up to his arrest. By the time he finished, she seemed to have relaxed quite a bit more than she had been when he’d first revealed himself, which was more than a bit of a relief. At least he would no longer have to worry about her screaming.
“Thirteen years ago, there was a war," she pointed at him, "which you fought in….”
“And your friends also fought in that war, but then one of them did a one-eighty, and betrayed your other two friends to the… Volde — or whatever, the bag guy...”
“And that same friend killed twelve randos when you confronted him about James and…”
“Lily, right. But you were blamed for the randos and for James and Lily being," she made a slicing gesture by sliding one finger across her throat, her lips stretched to one side as she made a clicking sound, "and you went to prison for it. Everyone thinks he’s dead, but he’s not actually dead, and now he’s… someone’s pet?” Her brows made waves above her eyes, as though she recognized just how ridiculous and complicated it all sounded.
“Yes. He’s a rat,” Sirius answered.
“Yeah, I got that, I mean, he betrayed his friends that he’d known for —”
“No, I mean he’s a rat,” Sirius repeated.
“As in…” She brought her hands up under her chin, fingers pointed down and parallel to her palms. Then she drew her upper lip in to reveal her teeth and made little tsking sounds.
“Yes. He’s like me. Only instead of turning into a dog, he can turn into a rat,” Sirius explained.
Penny grimaced. “Gross.”
“It was actually quite useful back in our school days,” Sirius replied with a shrug and what might have been a smirk if the memories didn't make him so sad. “But the point is that the boy he belongs to goes to school with Harry.”
“Whoa, who’s Harry?”
“Oh right, sorry, that’s James and Lily’s son.”
“So many names,” she whispered to herself. “Okay, so the two friends that he betrayed had a son, Harry.” She paused for a moment as though she were piecing something together. “Wait… if that Volde-whatever-guy killed Lily and James… where was Harry when that happened?”
Swallowing thickly, Sirius lowered his eyes. He’d never had the chance to speak to anyone about what happened that night in Godric’s Hollow, or the state he’d found Potter Cottage in. “He was only a baby, but he was there. He saw his mother die.”
“Oh my God,” she whispered. “That’s horrible. Where is he now?”
“He lives with his aunt and uncle in Surrey,” Sirius said.
“Got it. Oh!” Her eyes went wide and she absently pointed a finger at him. “Wait, is that why you were there? Because you wanted to find Harry?”
He nodded, picking at a hangnail on his thumb.
“Did you find him?” she asked. “You know, I mean before you…” He looked up just as her hands came up in front of her again and turned to one side, illustrating something tipping over.
A smirk tugged on the corner of Sirius’ lips. “Yes, I did. He’s fine, he got on the Knight Bus.”
“The What Bus?”
“The Knight Bus, it’s a bus that runs throughout Britain for stranded wizards.”
“So cool,” she whispered to herself.
“But he’ll be starting school again soon, which means Wormtail will be able to get to him —’
“What the hell is a Wormtail?”
“Peter,” Sirius clarified. “I have to be there to be sure that bloody rat doesn’t have a chance to hurt my godson. That was the only reason I escaped in the first place, to protect Harry.”
“What about your other friend, um… Renal? Can he help?”
“Re — You mean Remus?”
She pinch her eyes shut and shook her head. “Uh, yeah. Sorry, Remus. Couldn’t he help you find Wartail—”
“Yeah, whatever. Couldn’t he help you find him before Harry gets to school?”
“Possibly, but as far as he’s concerned, I was the one who betrayed the Potters. Besides, I don't want to put him in danger with the Ministry. As it is… technically, I’m already doing that with you. The difference is that the Ministry is much more likely to come poking about a wizard’s home. It’s doubtful they would find a reason to come round to your flat, you’re just a muggle.”
Penny grimaced. “What the hell did you just call me?”
“A muggle, it just means someone without magic.”
Nodding softly, Penny frowned and looked him over. “What about you being innocent? Don’t you think Harry would be super bummed if his godfather had to get locked up again? And for something he didn’t do?”
“I doubt they would merely throw me back in Azkaban, they would likely make me take the kiss and then throw me back in my cell.”
Again Penny furrowed her brows. “They kiss you?”
One side of his lips curled into a smirk, but there was nothing at all happy nor amused about it. “It’s not quite the kiss you’re thinking of. It's considered a fate worse than death.”
She frowned. “Isn’t there a way to prove that you’re innocent?”
“You believe me?”
“Look, I don’t know what I believe, all I know is that an hour ago, you were a dog and now you’re…” She gestured up and down to him and mumbled, “Hot magic guy.”
Doing his best to suppress a smirk, Sirius lowered his eyes and picked at a loose thread on his prison robes.
“Did I say that out loud?” she asked, her eyes squeezed shut.
“'Fraid you did, love,” he answered, deciding that she looked rather adorable when she was embarrassed.
A sarcastic smile found its way to her lips as she looked straight ahead. “Great. I guess I couldn’t convince you to hit me over the head again so I forget it happened?”
“Sorry. I’ve told you, I don’t have any desire to hurt you.” Licking his lips, he shifted his eyes away from her and swallowed, clearing his throat. “There is actually one thing I wanted to ask you about. It’s why I revealed myself in the first place.”
He looked sideways at the glass case above the mantle and waited for her to follow his gaze. There was always a chance she wouldn’t be willing to part with it, but he had to try. If only to convince her to allow him to see if it was even compatible with him.
“What, my artifact?” she asked, her eyes widening slightly as she added, “Wait, was that yours?”
“No,” he replied. “But it may be something I could use… with your permission, of course.”
She looked surprised at that. “My permission? You have magic, you want my permission?”
“Yes, of course.” He left out the bit where he hadn’t been able to get the case open himself. It had been enough that she seemed to believe what he’d told her. “I’m not sure if I'll be compatible with it, but the only way to know is if I hold it, and try to use it.”
“What is it?”
He almost lied. It was bad enough that she knew as much as she now did. The more information he gave her the more danger she would be in, not to mention the more likely it was that he would be recaptured before he could complete his mission. Still, he saw very little possibility that she wouldn’t see him attempt to use the wand, especially since he needed her in to get ahold of it in fhe first place.
“It’s a wand,” he said.
She snorted, a smile falling on her lips. “You’re joking.”
“I’m afraid not,” he replied.
“You guys actually use wands?”
“We do. I can do wandless magic, but it’s becoming more and more difficult. I’ve been without a wand for quite some time, and even though I didn’t always need one, it’s getting to the point where transforming is really the only wandless magic I’m able to do anymore. Pretty soon, that may also become difficult, and then I’ll be essentially a squib.”
Her brows knitted above her eyes as she said, “I’m gonna need you to write down all these terms for me. Make flashcards or something.”
Standing up, Penny went to the mantle and retrieved the glass case, bringing it back with her to the sofa. She set it on her lap and used her thumbs to flip one side of the frame open and slide the top off. Of course; the one method he hadn’t attempted. Pulling out the wand, she looked up at him cautiously.
“Promise not to turn me into a pumpkin?”
He smiled at her, nodding his head. “I won’t turn you into anything, I promise.”
Nodding once, Penny held out the wand toward him. Taking a breath, Sirius reached out for it, wrapping his hand around the base. Almost instantly, a warm energy crawled up his arm, spreading over him like a flame catching oxygen. The buzzing of the wand’s magic seemed to seep into his skin, sparking the blood that coursed through his veins as though it was breathing life into him.
“Is there supposed to be fireworks or something?” Penny asked, watching him carefully.
“No,” Sirius answered with a slight smile. Lifting the wand, he tried the easiest charm he could think of, pointing it toward the coffee table at the small rectangle that controlled the box in the corner of the sitting room. Swish and flick. To his delight, the object began to float above the coffee table. Penny gasped beside him while Sirius guided it through the air slowly, bringing it to land silently into Penny’s open hand.
“Whoa,” she mumbled softly, staring down at the black rectangle in her hand. “You just made the remote fly.”
“It’s a levitation charm,” he replied. “I needed to be certain I would be compatible with the wand.”
“Compatible? Like a relationship?”
“In a sense, yes,” Sirius answered. “If you’re not compatible with a wand it won’t work as well for you if at all.”
“Huh…” Penny replied, her brows slightly furrowed as she looked down at the remote again. “What else can you do?”
Smirking at her curiosity, Sirius thought up a slightly more complicated charm. He stood and went into the kitchen, Penny following close behind him as he approached the sink. He swirled his wand over the dishes and muttered, scourgify, before he tapped the air above the now cleaned dishes and swooped in the direction of the cupboard. One by one, the dishes floated up to the cupboard, which opened itself to allow the bowl and mug inside before it closed itself.
“You’re doing the dishes from now on,” Penny said, earning a grin from Sirius. “I can’t believe I was right all this time. There is magic in the world.”
“Yes, you were,” he answered, turning to face her. “You can’t ever tell anyone about this, Penelope. I know it isn’t fair, especially given your field of study, but the Ministry would take your memories if they ever found out. For all we know, they would take all of them, including what you’ve learned on your own. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
“I know,” she replied with a nod. “Something as amazing as this would only be exploited if people knew about it. The murkels or whatever would totally ruin it,” she added, mumbling, “Just like they do most other things.”
“Muggles,” he whispered to her.
“Right. Them, too.”
Smiling softly at her, he held the wand upright in front of him and twirled it, pulling it down a bit and conjuring a Dahlia with white petals that turned to a deep red from halfway down to the base. Taking it between two fingers, he offered it to her. “Dahlias are symbolic of gratitude.”
Her eyes lit up at the sight as she reached out and accepted the gift, bringing it to her nose as she looked up at him. “It’s beautiful.”
“Like you,” he said before he could stop himself. Swallowing, he gently cleared his throat and tried not to read into the pink that had bloomed on her cheeks. “Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m not sure I would have survived much longer if you hadn’t found me when you did.”
Smiling bashfully, she lowered her eyes. “I think you would’ve been okay… but you’re welcome.” Looking back up at him, her brows bounced slightly above her eyes as she held up the flower. “I’m gonna find a cup or something to —”
Before she could finish her sentence, he conjured a small, narrow vase, just big enough for the single flower. Handing it to her with a smirk.
“You know, if you keep doing that, I’m not gonna remember how to do anything myself after you leave,” she teased, taking the vase from him.
Their fingers brushed and a spark crackled gently on his skin, one he tried to ignore. A growing attraction to a muggle woman was the last thing he needed at the moment. He snorted as she filled the vase with a bit of water and set the flower inside.
“Well, if it’s alright, I’d like to stay at least until the school term starts. It's just another couple of weeks, though I’ll understand if you prefer me to go.”
Shaking her head, she brought the vase over to the coffee table and set it in the center. “No, you’re more than welcome to stay… I just… I don’t have a spare room or anything.”
“I’m perfectly fine on my dog bed,” he answered, following her back into the sitting room. “Really, it’s the most comfortable thing I’ve slept on in years. I don’t mind.”
“Well, if you want a break from it, the sofa’s not so bad. I can grab an extra pillow and a blanket for you.”
Nodding softly, Sirius ran his free hand through his curls, which weren’t quite as tame as he would like them to be. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Okay,” Penny answered, her eyes wandering for a moment before she added, “So… you wanna watch a tape or something?”
He arched a brow slightly. “Sorry?”
“A movie,” she clarified, pointing at the bottom shelf behind the box. “I don’t have that many but… we could watch one if you want. Ever seen The Goonies?”
Trying to suppress a smile, he shook his head. “Can’t say I have.”
Penny stood and went to the shelf, taking out one of the thicker… not a book, though it was a similar shape. “Do you not know what this is?” she asked, noticing his expression as she pulled something black with a white label in the center out from the bottom.
He shook his head, taking a step closer. “I’ve only been to a muggle cinema twice when I was young… is this how they get it on that huge screen?”
“Not exactly,” she replied. “When you go to the movies, they have these things called projectors in another room. The movie is in a huge film reel that they feed through the projector, which then plays the movie onto the screen.”
“Interesting,” he mumbled. “Is that what’s behind that window above all the seats? Where the light comes in?”
She grinned. “Exactly! But when the movies are released for sale, the reel is much smaller and comes in a smaller tape, like this one. You put the tape in something called a VCR and it shows the movie on the TV.” Going to the box in the corner, she squatted in front of it and pushed the tape into a vent. “This is the VCR,” she said, going to take up the small rectangle he’d levitated earlier. “You turn on the TV with the remote.” She pointed the remote at the box and it turned on, a green image with writing on it displaying on the screen with the letters FBI much larger than the rest of the words.
“That’s brilliant,” he mumbled, sitting on the sofa with his eyes still on the TV. “So that box is called a TV…”
“Yep. British people call it a telly sometimes.”
“Telly,” he repeated under his breath. “And the rectangle is a remote.”
“Mhm,” she answered. “Remote control to be precise.”
She sat beside him as the green screen faded away and a new one emerged. Sirius set the wand on the coffee table and settled back into the sofa, trying not to notice too much that her shoulder was touching his.
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sticktopia · 6 months
Welcome to the Garden (Sanctuary AU)
The Garden. A pocket dimension that sits on the line between life and death. This little world is designed to house and heal broken souls. Those who have died under tragic circumstances, or have many regrets are called to this realm. Once they let go of their trauma and regrets, the soul can pass on to its next life. That is the role of The Garden.
Five (Chapter 3)
“Help me defeat him!!”
“We got him cornered! He can't escape now!”
“N-No! Please don't delete us!!!”
“Guys wait!!!”
The grey stick gasped as they woke up, immediately jolting into an upright position. They panted, looking around to see the forest they fell asleep in. The grey hollow head calmed their racing heart,shaking away the remaints of the nightmare they just had.
“Stupid nightmares.” The stick cursed. They sat there contemplating. These visions from their past pained them. Remembering their “friends”, the way they fought and the way they died. It was like agony to the poor soul. They gladly would have gone back to the days where they just simply existed as a ghost. Oblivious and ignorant about their past. But those days will never return. Their own face reminded them of their death. For two tar black streaks came from their eyes, never to be removed. It saddened the hollow head.
“Can't I just cease to exist?” They muttered to themself. The stick buried their face into their knees, trying to keep from crying more inky tears. They suddenly heard footsteps coming towards them. Instinctively, the hollowhead jumped to their feet and hid behind a tree. They took a shaky breath as the foot steps drew closer. Fear and anxiety gripped their heart, making his chest feel tight.
“Excuse me.” The hollowhead yelped and jumped back in fear. The stick fell to the floor, scooting away from the owner of the voice. But as they looked into the face of the voice, they felt calm. A beautiful nude pink stick stood before them.
“I appologize. I didn't mean to starttle you.” She said, holding a hand out to the fallen hollow head. They carefully took the stick’s hand, being hoisted to their feet.
“You arent hurt are you?” She asked, her voice was soft and smooth, it was comforting to the confused hollow head.
“N-No. I’m fine… Thank you for asking.” They said as they pulled their hand away. The stick chuckled as she pulled her hadn in as well.
“That’s good to hear. On, my name is Momo. It’s nice to meet you.” Momo said with a soft smile. The grey hollow head watched the pink stick. She didn't seem to want to harm her. Maybe she was nice? But that was too hard to tell with her calming demenor and motherly aura.
“Um, what’s your name?”Momo suddenly asked, getting the stick’s attention once again. They jumped a bit, taken aback by her question. Their name, it was a horrible name. They never wanted to say it ever again.
“I… I don't have one…” They lied. Momo tilted her head.
“No name? I've never heard of a stick that doesnt have a name.” Momo said. The hollow head looked away from her. They felt bad for lying to her. But letting someone know your name sounds like you can be easily manipulated isn't exactly the best. Another memory then popped into their head.
“Welcome to the team Five! Grab the ninja star and use it on the arrow thing there!”
“Yes sir!!!”
“Actually,” The grey hollow head looked back up at Momo. “I think I do have a name.”
“That’s great! Do you remember your name then?”
“Yes.. I do.”
“What would you like me to call you then?”
“You… Can call me Five…”
“Welcome to the garden Five.” Five gasped as they saw the beautifully lush courtyard. They’ve never seen anything like it before. The vibrant colors were welcoming to the lost stick. They were so caught up in the scenery, they didn't notice that Momo was talking to another pastel yellow stick.
“Five.” Five’s attention was quickly directed to the end of the pathway, where they could see Momo waving them over. Five quickly made their way to the Momo and the new stick.
“Dandi, this is Five. They already remembers their death, but they seem to be struggling with it.” Momo said as Five approached them. The pastel stick bowed and introduced herself.
“Greeting lost soul. My name is Dandi, creator of the garden. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.” Dandi said formally.
“Um, thank you.” Five said awkwardly. Dandi then stood straight and smiled.
“We’re about to have lunch. Won't you please join us?” Dandi asked. Five stared at her blankly.
“Lunch…?” They asked. Momo and Dandi glanced at each other before turing their attention back to the hollow head before them.
“Have you never eaten before?” Momo then asked. Five shrugged.
“I-I don't know? I mean, I wasn't alive long enough to really… know anything.” Five stuttered. Dandi put her hand over her mouth. Her normally calm demenor faltering slightly.
“You're a created stick…” She gasped.
“I guess so, whatever that means.” Five said as they rubbed their arm.
“Oh my darling.” Dandi said as she held Five’s free hand.
“I am so sorry for what happened to you. Please, come. Allow us to make the garden your home.” Dandi said as she and Momo led Five up to the house.
As Five stepped into the house, they were amazed by the bustling life within. There were many sticks like the ones they’ve seen in the city. But they all seemed different from those city sticks as well. Five then noticed that the white noise of children laughing and sticks talking had suddenly disappeared. As Five looked around, they realized that all attention was immediately on them. That scared them. Five simply wished to hide away from the sight of the crowd. Dandi then led Five to the front of the living room.
“Ladies, gentleman, and those who have no affiliation with gender, I’d like for all of you to welcome our latest arrival.” Dandi said as she stood slightly in front of Five. As she turned to face him, she could see that they were trembling. She took a step back and placed a hand on their shoulder. Fave’s head snapped in her direction. Dandi could see that he was terrified.
“Do you want to try introducing yourself?” She softly whispered to the terrified hollow head. Five shook thier head. They didn't want to be seen by so many. It made them feel vulnerable. Dandi nodded and turned to Momo. Momo nodded and took Five to the empty Family room. As Mmo led Five away, they could hear as Dandi spoke to the rest of the sticks.
“Appologies friends. Our newest recruit is not ready to speak just yet. So please be gentle with them if you do happen to run into them on their own.” Five was embarrassed. They froze up in front of all those people. They surely will hate them now.
“Five, please, calm down.” Momo said as she sat them down. Five looked up at her, terror and embarrassment lingered in his eyes.
“I-I made a fool of myself! I shouldnt be here! I need to get outta here!” Five was about to stand but Momo caught them by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey.” She softly said, making Five sit once more. Momo then kneeled and took Five’s hand.
“Look, look. Breathe with me Five. In and out.” Momo said. As she breathed in and ut, Five copied her. Once Five was calm, Momo spoke again.
“It’s ok Five. A lot of sticks weren't ready to speak at first either.” Momo said as she Looked up at them with a comforting smile.
“There’s nothing to be afraid or embarrassed of. Everyone here has some sort of past that they are ashamed of. So you're not alone, Love.” Momo explained as she stood and released Five’s hand.
“Are you feeling better now?” Momo asked. Five took a shaky breath.
“Y-Yeah. I think I'm ok now…” Five shakily replied. Momo chuckled and placed a hand on Five’s shoulder.
“You're gonna be just fine here.”
“Momo! Momo! Help, they're ambushing me!” A purple stick suddenly yelped from the other room. Momo giggled and stood straight, removing her hand from Five’s shoulder.
“I’ll be right back.” Momo said as she left the room. Leaving Five alone with his thoughts.
Chapter 2-(Chapter 3)-Chapter4
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mysteryinkkat234 · 7 months
Rose Petal (Astarion x F!Tav/Reader)
I AM HERE and NOW! It is finally done. After getting sidetracked by Mortal Kombat and Fear & Hunger, and being uninspired, I rise again from the depths to continue the story of Fangs & Nightshade. The biggest inspiration is you guy's compliments and critiques, I cannot thank you enough! If you're interested in Astarion and Luxia's story, let me know and I can @ you on the next point
Summary: Before entering the Shadow-cursed lands, Luxia wished to finish some unfulfilled business around the area. While adventure, she continues to translate the strange marks on Astarion's back, while also bonding with Astarion as well.
This is 18+ and deals with a lot of heavy subjects, especially about sex, if you are underage or your account does have an age, DNI
Spice Level Pepperoncini Pepper (100 - 500): This smut contains talk about safe sex and blow jobs. This isn't super smutty but there is still sex in it. We're teaching Astarion about safe sex, hurrah!
Word Count: 4,200+
Read and Bookmark this story on AO3
If you want to read the first part of Fangs & Nightshade, See The Night of Pleasure and the Past
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The road to the shadow-cursed lands was supposed to be short. However, Luxia said there was still unfinished business even after the Emerald Grove. Her night with Astarion still lingers in her thoughts, the memory is still fresh, and she can remember his face. He looked dazed, it could’ve been from lust but there was something under it that made her feel horrible about it. Luxia has had sex, she’s studied it (IN BOOKS) about how it brings people together, even if they weren’t dating. There was no satisfaction that night, only a longing for more.
These impure thoughts came to Luxia while she was writing in her journal, thankfully one of the few personal things that she had when she was kidnapped from the Nautiloid. Thankfully she and Gale found an Infernal translator book in the Underdark and she was studying it hard, writing down the few Infernal letters she could remember. 
“Oh, how I love it when you’re studying, completely enamored by your work, your adorable little pout and noises you make when you think,” Astarion’s voice startled her, almost breaking her quill in the process, Luxia looked up to see him stand above her, his arms crossed and his familiar sly smirk, “I swear you love that book more than you love me.” His snide comments made Luxia snicker.
“It’s not a book, it’s my journal. I was writing and translating your scars,” Luxia showed Astarion her journal, pages full of scribblings and study of various plants, both overworld and Underdark, flowers, the monsters they encountered including intellect devourers and mind flayers, “actually, perfect timing, I was wondering if you can show me the scars again, I think I’m missing a few letters.”
“An excuse to take my shirt off?” He quipped back.
“Haha, amusing,” she laughed sarcastically, “but please, may I?”
Without another word, Astarion turned around pulled his shirt over his head, trapping his arms. Luxia silently drew the scar, writing the Infernal letters as she went. However, some letters just looked like marks or straight lines. “Do you mind if I…touch it?”
She could see Astarion tense up, she did touch them when he was holding her up, but deliberately trying to touch them…it brought back the memory of when they were first carved. “C-Can’t you just look at them?” He was almost mumbling, clearing his throat.
“Infernal letters are written close together, I want to know I’m writing the right one so nothing gets lost in translation, the better to understand them,” Luxia explained, squinting at the letters, but even with the fire light and darkvision, it still was hard to understand, “you can tell me if I’m going too far, ok? I promise I won’t linger.” Her voice was softer, that same voice was so gentle, like a rose petal.
Astarion took a deep breath, rolling his neck. “Alright, just don’t scratch me ok?” he tried to be humorous. He looked over and saw Luxia smiling assuringly. 
She nodded silently and reached out. Her thumb made contact with his skin. He felt a chill, not a bad or cold chill, it was breathtaking. Her thumb moved up and down different parts of his back, feeling at the letters. Her skin was so soft for someone with demonic ancestry, her nails only grazing. He felt the same way when she was caressing and massaging his hand that night. He took another deep breath and exhaled with comfort.
“I’ve been thinking about our last night together…ceaselessly,” Astarion whispered that last word. Luxia stopped touching his back, closing her journal and putting it in a drawstring bag, he turned around, putting his shirt back on, “I’ll be in quite a spot of peril if you let me keep distracting myself dreaming instead of doing. We can’t have that, can we? It would be very dangerous.” He put on a bit of baby talk, making Luxia snort. 
“Or maybe you can stop putting yourself on the front lines all the time, that’ll probably help,” she quipped back, taking Astarion aback, she smiled, laughing at the fact he was shocked, “I know what you’re trying to get at. Buuuuuut…I’m not sure.” She was playing hard to get, the same way he was. 
“Ah, you need a bit of enticing, let me see,” Astarion delved into his mind palace, picking his lines carefully, “Hmm, how about this one: When I’m with you, I feel practically alive, yet I crave only to die again…with you.” His voice became soft, but Luxia could see through it.
She laughed, his sham words were something she was used to, and she decided to play along. “Oh, how romantic~,” she said with a fake-dramatic tone, the back of her hand meeting her forehead, “so many honey-dipped words, like usual.” She laughed off her comment.
“Not as half as sweet as when I tasted you,” he quipped back, Luxia was truly taken aback, and her heart leaped, “I swear, you should watch how much of that tea of yours that you love so much because I might just devour you alive.” She could feel her cheeks heating up, feeling like she was talking to her first crush again. That didn’t stop Astarion though. “Hmm, how about another then: Every part of your perfect body… whispers temptation - it’s as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.” 
I swear, the Gods are playing the sickest joke known to mankind. Astarion thought to himself. It’s almost hilarious that she fell for him so hard, she was hanging on every word he was saying.
Luxia could feel something stirring in her stomach like the feel of butterflies fluttering every part of her body. Her infectious giggle cleared the silence, she was truly hooked. “Ok…what else?” 
“Hmm, how about if I said these little words… Everyone’s favorite…” the…something, Gods dammit, he was reminded of how she held him that night, she felt…warm, comforting, “...I love you.” The words slipped out, with no thought of how he said them, they came almost naturally.
Luxia’s smile was contagious, her smile led to the ground, and not being able to look at him probably. “Are you having fun?” Her head came back up. Her moonlit eyes, it was one of the key traits that Astarion noticed about her when they first met, he noticed that night that blue rings circled her pupils, almost making them look like they were glowing. And the dark eyeshadow surrounding them, it’s almost like she wants people to look at her directly.
He laughed. “I am, it’s hard not to with you,” Astarion straightened himself up, clearing his throat, “now, as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favorite lines at you, I’d much rather we got to experience each others’ … full portfolio of talents once again.” Aaaaand there it was.
Luxia felt like she was holding her breath, waiting for him to just say it already. “I’ll come to your tent once everyone is asleep,” she explained plainly, That familiar smirk finally appeared, Astarion seemed satisfied, and he simply swayed his hip back and forth on his way to his tent, but not before Luxia grabbed his wrist, “actually…besides that, would we be able to talk, privately, one-on-one without anyone eavesdropping.
Astarion let out a dramatic sigh. “Gods, I hope you don’t talk my ears off with your research.”
“This has nothing to do with that, I promise. And then afterwards…” Luxia wiggled her eyebrows, trying to be saucy.
It was enough for him. “I’ll be waiting.” he whispered in her ear, giving her cheek a small kiss, finally leaving for his tent. 
Astarion got to his tent, comfortably snuggled in his plush pillows and luxurious silk blanket. While everyone was eating and conversing around the campfire, he was reading through one of the many books the party had picked up during their adventure. He didn’t pay mind to the title, most of them faded over time, and he began scanning through the words. It was only when he read the first two sentences that he realized he picked out an erotic novel.
‘…My nightgown flowed with the breeze in his room, I could feel Archibald’s hot breath hit the back of my neck as he kissed behind my pointed ears. His skilled fingers unzipped my gown.
“Do you swear to give your mind and body to me?” His whisper was gruff, goosebumps littered my body.
“Yes, Archie,” I whispered back.
“No. In this room, that is not my name. What is my name, pet?” His hand wrapped around my neck, his nails almost digging into my skin. 
“Yes…master~” I moaned, his other hand slowly dipping into her now-soaked garments…’
“Whatcha reading?” A sudden Luxia appears at Astarion’s tent, it seems to be a pattern. Astarion gave her a side glance, one eye on her and the other still on the book.
“Just doing some light reading,” he smirked as Luxia continued into his tent, stumbling through all the pillows. She tried to look at the book but the title was illegible, “you know, I never took you as someone who would enjoy something so obscene, sweetheart.” Luxia’s eyebrow arched.
“Excuse me?”
“Do you wish for dear Archibald to grip your neck and call you ‘pet’?”
Luxia’s face flushed, trying to snag the book from Astarion, but he was too fast. She tried to grab it, but one of those damn pillows trapped her foot, making her fall onto Astarion’s chest. “Where did you get that!?” 
“Took it from your stack of the many many books you have found on our journey, quite the saucy read.”
“I probably just grabbed it without looking inside it,” Luxia explained awkwardly, trying to compose herself, successfully grabbing the book, “but I don’t think you want to talk about the book, do you?” Her eyes looked like they sparkled with the candlelight in the tent, her mouth half open, her small fangs poking out.
Astarion smirked, his laugh was quiet but still contagious. “I hoped you would come. I have missed you. And now you’re all mine, and I’m all yours. Until the morning at least,” he rolled her over, trapping Luxia in his arms, her brows knitted together, “now, let’s see where the night takes us~” He kissed the top of her, slowly moving down to her neck.
He was moving too fast for her though. Luxia gently tried to push Astarion’s head away. “Before we get to…all that, we need to talk about the night before.”
“What? What is there to be said? It was a night of pure ecstasy and pleasure.”
“Maybe for you but… you kind of rushed the whole thing?” She tried to talk straight with him
Astarion broke down mentally. “Were you…not satisfied?” He didn’t sound like his usual confident self, he sounded almost like a small boy getting in trouble for stealing.
“NO NO! It wasn’t that I wasn’t satisfied, but you kind of…it’s hard to describe… you were chasing your pleasure.” 
He sat up straight, looking down at Luxia, tilting his head in confusion. Luxia stood up with him, looking up and trying to read his face. She could see his chest slowly heaving, his eyes darting and looking all around his surroundings and not at her, his mouth pursed stubbly. Conclusion: Astarion doesn’t know about his pleasure, or what he likes. He can only assume what others want from him…
Luxia slowly put her hands on his shoulders, trying to signal to look at her. It was disheartening to see him like this: his usual suave and confident attitude was gone, all that was left was a shell of him. His eyes, like before, looked clouded over, almost barely making eye contact with her. “Tonight, I want to take this slowly, and talk through it all.”
“Let’s explore your desires, my desires,” her hands slowly snaked around his neck, her fingers getting caught in the back of his head, “you don’t have to assume I like something, you’ll just know.” Luxia’s fingers rubbed softly on his strong forearms, he may have been leaner than most of the party, the leading contenders being Shadowheart and Lae’zel. 
“I…Uh,” Astarion was taken aback, he wasn’t sure where his arms should go, where his eyes should be looking, he tried to compose himself, “How do we begin?” 
Luxia found it almost sweet how he asked, she smiled softly. “Maybe, let’s start with undressing, get comfortable,” Astarion nodded, moving back as both of them were casually taking off their tunics and pants, soon naked, “if you can, what are your ‘yes’ and ‘no’s.”
“My what?”
“Like, let’s start with the ‘no’s. Your ‘no’s are things that you do not want to happen to you during sex. We can start with that, what things do you not want me to do to you?”
Astarion looked down for a moment, his eyes grew dark, thinking about those two centuries…two centuries of pure agony and torture. “No tying me down, I want full control of my body.”
“Ok, understandable,” Luxia nodded assuringly, “anything else?”
“Hmm… no cutting me or bruising me, our battles do that just enough.”
“That is true.”
“Don’t touch my back, I do like your arms around my neck, but no touching the scars.”
“...I don’t want to be called anything that will belittle me…I think that’s it.”
Luxia nodded as he talked, some would assume if you nod the whole time, you’re not paying attention, but she hung on to every word he said. “Thank you for telling me Astarion. It takes a lot of trust to tell people these things,” she held onto his hands, rubbing the back of his hands, giving them each a small kiss, “let me say my ‘no’s then. I also don’t want to be bound or called degrading words. Also, nothing that’ll make me bleed. Even if you set your ‘no’s, there might be things ‘in the moment’ that’ll make you uncomfortable. If that happens, you can tell me to stop, tell me no, or we can have a safe word.”
“Safe word? Why not just say stop?”
“I mean yeah, you can say that, but a safe word can make it more intimate, something that we can use, just the two of us.” Her hands moved back to his forearms again. “Anything you have in mind?”
Astarion made eye contact, actual eye contact with Luxia, this felt like a fantasy, someone that genuinely cares about. Not someone to manipulate his feelings, not someone to take control of him.
“Rose petal,” he said, he said it so sweetly, “soft, gentle, delicate…like you.” his hand moved to Luxia’s cheek stroking it. She laughed, holding his hand. 
“Bold of you to think I’m delicate.” Her eyebrow arched, she’s been seen to take a beating to the Hells and back, but she’s not delicate.
He laughed. “Less about you being physically delicate, more of how you don’t take shit from no one. You speak your truth…not many people can do that nowadays.” Astartion was surprised and also confused about Luxia, he wasn’t sure she was using her ‘trustworthiness’ as a ploy to get what she wanted. But no, she’s just… willing to help anyone and everyone.  
She laughed, getting flustered. “Thank you~ at least someone noticed,” her arms lazily fell behind him, trying very carefully not to touch his back, Luxia gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek, “Now that we have our set of rules, it’s time for our ‘yes’s. What are things that turn you on, besides my blood of course~” She teased.
Astarion looked like he was ready to answer, his mouth was open, but not a word came out. What…did he like in sex?... He never gave it any thought for 200 years. As he thought, his hands moved down to Luxia waist, his idly tapping, almost ticklish. 
She had an idea. “How about this, how do we start this night? Do you want me to…kiss you…oooor maybe start from the bottom to the top?” Her touch was so gentle yet her words stung him that he felt a chill down his spine.``
“A kiss my dear, I’m tired of waiting,” Astarion composed himself, finally getting a good grip on her waist, “I can still taste that delicious mint. That hint of that Gods awful wine tasted so sweet.”
“Then kiss me, don’t be shy~” Luxia whispered close to his face. Astarion closed the gap, his mouth interlocked with hers. The kiss felt less quick than the last night they had together, it was more sensual, he was truly taking his time with her, his tongue only poking now and then. 
“Ah~” they parted, Luxia panting, “I swear you take my breath away every time.”
“I cannot help it, darling, you are just absolutely delectable~” Astarion moaned out, continuing to attack her face and showering her in kisses. His hips rutted, his penis grinding against her.
“How about we try something new for you? Instead of you pampering me, I pamper you,” Luxia whispered, almost mischievous-like. She broke their heated kiss, slowly and gracefully trailing kisses down onto his chest. Her lips continued to pepper his pecs, ghosting around his nipples. Astarion’s breath hitched, and his back arched. “Oh~ I didn’t know you could be sensitive. I love the noises you make~”
“S-Shut up~” he gasped, Luxia’s tongue circling his right nipple, just barely touching the areolas. “C-Can you stop for a minute?”
As he said that word, Luxia immediately lifted her head, a trail of saliva glistening in his almost unblemished skin. His face, his ruby eyes blown out, his breaths shallow. “Gods, you’re going to be the end of me, dear Luxia,” Astarion laughed at his comment, “I didn’t know you were a secret minx!”
She giggles, her finger tracing circles and spirals on his abdomen. “I’m not a minx. I’ve met many colorful people in my time at university. We don’t all have the same kinks, but there are still parts of us that are still sensitive to touch. Like what you saw with my neck our first night together,” she blushes, combing through her messy midnight blue hair, “I love it when the back of my head is scratched.”
“Oh, like this?” Astarion smirked, his hand swiftly moved to the back of her head, his nails scratching the baby hairs like scratching a cat’s head. Luxia sighed, fully in the zone. Her head moved back into his hand. Her head whiplashed down to Astarion’s face, giving him a long kiss, her hips moving all on her own. “I need you~ so badly.” He groaned out.
“Do you need me? Or do you want me?” She whispered.
“I don’t care, I need you inside me Luxia, shit~” Astarion was cut off, his shaft was getting uncomfortably hard being rubbed up against her. “Y-You’re more of a tease than I thought.”
She laughed, straightening herself up. “OK then. You remember the safeword?”
“Rose petal~” It sounded so gentle off his tongue.
She smiled. “Ok, You want to be inside me,” Luxia left Astarion’s waist, confusing him, “then be inside me~” Her azure lips kissed the tip, her tongue quickly lapping precum dripping from it. “Is this what I do to you? I guess you weren’t lying when you said I distracted you in battle. Let me help with that.” Her mouth wrapped around the head, not going any lower, suckling it a little.
“Gods~ cheeky little thing aren’t you? Teasing me, barely giving me… time to breathe.” He laughed, trying to mask his moans and not to wake anyone up. They both seem to forget that they were at camp and not on their own, they both want to be on their own, in their bubble of delicate pleasure. 
A trail of saliva kept her and his shaft connected, she licked her lips. “I’m not teasing you~ It may look like it, but I’m simply giving you please…the pleasure you deserve,” Luxia’s hand moved slowly around him, squeezing at random spots, making Astarion huff out, “No rush…no roughness. Just you *kiss* and me *kiss*, and nothing else. Release yourself for me, don’t hold it back.” She finally inserted his whole member into her mouth, she gagged for a moment before bobbing her head.
Astarion’s head was sparking with bliss. Her mouth, Gods, her mouth, just from her kiss alone he already knew how soft her lips were, feeling them on his length. His head whipped back, he could feel it coming, his hips jutting into her mouth. He could hear her whimpering, trying her best to keep up with him. “That’s it darling~ Hold on for just…F-Fuck! Luxia fuck, keep going-”
His breaths were staggered, and his hand moved down to her hair, almost instinctively. His fingers almost dug into her scalp, he was so distracted by pleasure that he didn’t notice Luxia, she was trying to get her mouth off of him but Astarion was not letting up. 
Her hands moved to his thighs, this was probably the only way to get his attention, and her gag reflex was the absolute worst. Her nails dug into the skin of his thighs, trying hard not to pierce his skin. She tried to speak, but she was too deep in, she had no choice. The nail on her ring finger pricked Astarion, making him flinch and loosening the grip on her hand. “R-Rose petal,” her voice was hoarse from his constant thrusting, “rose petal.” She said it more plainly, trying to break him out of his trance.
Astarion blinked, his eyes more clear. Luxia moved her hand to his, the other rubbing his hip bone. “W-What? What happened?”
“You did that thing again, chasing your pleasure,” she explained calmly, she kissed his cheek, trying to calm his nerves, “Do not rush, let me slow it down for you~” She stroked his member more slowly, just like before, his build-up was still there, but more lethargic. He sighed out a moan, his eyes were soon closed shut. His head was thrown back. She smiled at his expression and decided she wanted to hear more. Luxia started suckling the tip again, and soon his body was spasming. 
“F-Fuck~ Luxia. I can feel it,~” Astarion panted through his words, “Keep going…keep goingkeepgoingkeepgoingkeepgoing- FUCK!” He squealed as he came, he tried his hardest to cover his mouth, almost embarrassed by the sound he made. His discharge sprayed into her mouth, but parts hit the corners of her lips. 
She sat up straight, her thin fingers scooping up the last bit of cum that started rolling down her cheek. Astarion opened his eyes, his tears blurring his view but he could see Luxia’s blue skin, the moonlight shining from the crack in his tent reflecting on it. She looked radiant, even with her sweating and her hair a bit messy, her blown-out white eyes looked down at him. He was enamored.
He felt his body tense up when Luxia stood up. “Do you have any towels, cloth?” She said simply. Astarion’s stunned face made her smile. She cleared her throat to snap him out of his trance. 
“W-What? Uh, yeah. I-It’s in the corner.” He stumbled through his explanation. Astarion saw Luxia turn her back, seeing her tail sway with her hips, his mind was still in a hazy stance, but he could smile, seeing her move inquisitively. She leaned down which instinctively made him whistle, she responded with a giggle, holding now two fluffy towels and a water bottle.
She gave one to Astarion as she took a hefty swig of water. He dried off the sweat on his body, still looking at her.
Luxia sighed, she began crawling toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “How do you feel?” She asked quietly, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. 
His arms moved with a mind of their own, wrapping around her torso. “Gods,” he sighed, his finger tracing her infernal spine: there were ridges like a mountain, and he could also feel the pointed end of her scapula, almost pricking his finger, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever had such…intimate sex before. It felt so…good.” The word intimate felt like he was saying it for the first time, maybe it was. Astarion could see her eyes slowly closing. Apologize now?... no, let’s not ruin the moment…I have something better he thought. “I mean it by the way.” His voice was quieter, making sure he didn’t break her sleeping trance.
“Mean what?” She asked with a whisper.
“Your body. Impeccable. I truly believe the Gods made you for me.”
Luxia laughed. “Thank you, very lovely of you, Astarion.” She soon had her eyes completely shut, her breathing began to slow down.
Astarion felt in his heart something…Gods dammit that something. He wouldn’t be able to tell anyone except himself, he closed his eyes, trying to meditate, trying to do anything to let his mind wander. He could hear the echoes of her giggling, it was going to be a long night for him. 
First Tag List!: @bambamwolf87
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dragonmuse · 1 year
Are there any Revenge-family siblings we haven’t met or heard about? We’ve seen the Hands siblings and the Boodhari siblings and obviously Alma and Charlie, but does anyone else have siblings who haven’t shown up in the stories yet? There are a lot of confirmed only children and the only sibling I can think of off the top of my head who has been alluded to but not shown up is Faith’s sister who was the one who gave Izzy her ring after she died.
( There may be, but they haven't made themselves known to me yet! But in the meantime, here's someone I never thought I'd write about)
Pru Morris was walking away.  It wasn’t the first time. At eighteen, she’d walked away from her parents' house with just the contents of her carefully packed messenger bag in boots that belonged to a dead girl. Those boots had carried her to her first three dead end jobs and then, at last, to a big accounting firm where an executive called her ‘assistant’ and meant ‘surrogate wife’. 
For three years, Pru handled everything in the man’s life, including his actual wife. She never slept with him, but it was a close thing once or twice. The second winter, the boots had died at last with the sole slipping from the right one. She probably could’ve fixed them, but it felt right to put away childish things. She’d never even liked them really. But she didn’t throw them away, just tucked them in her closet and forgot about them. 
Then the man got promoted and got a new assistant. Pru was handed over to the new man without ceremony. It was a silent divorce that she felt in bones, and she forced herself to start dating again to make up for it. 
Drew Morris was fine. He had a good job, a good car, and he took her to nice dinners. He wasn’t flashy, but he was steady. When he proposed a few months later, it was with a decent ring and she said yes without much further thought. 
The honeymoon was beautiful. Days in the sun and he held her hand and Pru felt loved for the first time in a long time. But then they got back and the handholding stopped. For a while, she was sure she’d done better than her mother at least. Drew never raised his hand to her,  rarely yelled. 
But he also barely looked at her, barely spoke to her at all. On her birthday, every year he had a bouquet sent to her at work and every year, the card was the same tucked among the blooms. Pru knew his assistant had ordered them. It was the same message she had chosen for her executives a dozen times. 
“How pretty!” One of the other girls at worked cooed. “You’re so lucky!” 
“Lucky that someone else keeps his calendar,” she said flatly. It was year four. 
Pru Morris was twenty-nine years old. She was sitting in her bedroom which was meant to be theirs, but Drew was away a lot. He told her to decorate it however she wanted, then wrinkled his nose when he’d seen what she’d done. ‘A little gaudy, isn’t it?” he’d said and all the pretty things she’d picked out became cheap and tatty all at once. 
Maybe that was what she needed. A fresh take on the bedroom. She could redo it, get it right this time and maybe he’d want to linger. With a renewed sense of purpose, Pru got a garbage bag and started pulling things out of her closet that she hadn’t worn in a while. She’d do a purge, donate some things and get started on a fresh vision. 
At the back of the closet, she found a pair of black boots. The right heel had come away on one. Pru fell to her knees and drew them out. Without any thought, she pulled them to her chest and started crying. The tears shocked her. Pru was not a weeper. She hadn’t cried on her wedding day or the day her executive dumped her. But today she wept over the broken leather and rubber, holding the boots to her as tenderly as a baby. 
“Fuck him,” she realized as she held them tight to her. Pru didn’t swear, crisp memory of her father shoving soap into her mouth had ripped all that away. Even she said ‘heck’ she’d remember the horrible taste and his hand fisted in her hair. 
But she didn’t taste soap right now. Just her own ears. “FUCK HIM!” she stood abruptly, letting the shoes cascade down. Then she went and got her suitcase and filled it with the few thing she cared about, some clothes and her toiletries. She ripped off her perfectly nice ring and left it on top of a note that was much politer than she wanted to be. She had her own money, carefully hoarded. Drew had been so afraid of her siphoning off his money that he insisted on separate accounts. Asshole. 
She got a studio a few blocks from work. Cramped, but her own again. She put the boots by the front door as a reminder.  For good luck, she’d tap her toes against them as she went out the door to meet her lawyer. 
In the end there was no fight and she got plenty of Drew’s money anyway. Enough that she could sustain herself in the studio for as long as she liked. For a few months, she stayed at work, talked like everything was normal and only mentioned the divorce if asked where her ring had gone. People fussed like she should be melting down, made sympathetic noises, asked if he had cheated. 
She just shook her head and said, “Just went our separate ways.”  A few of the women stopped talking to her, but Jenny from the front desk and had groaned and said, “I KNOW that feeling.” 
They went out for drinks. Jenny was raw and funny and Pru had no idea why they’d never talked before. She was divorced too and was happy to talk to Pru about every dating service under the sun. They went speed dating together and laughed over the awkwardness afterwards. Pru had had a lot of ‘friends’ over the years, but Jenny felt like a real friend. 
“Hey, there’s a three bedroom opening up in my building, what do you think?” Jenny offered. “Get you out of that bachelorette special and me away from my horrible roommate?” 
The apartment got a lot of light and Jenny was a good roommate. They hung out a lot, but also gave each other space. And the first birthday Pru had in the apartment, Jenny gave her a framed print of the poster for A Walk to Remember, Pru’s favorite movie. Pru had cried for the second time in as many years. Jenny had hugged her and not judged. 
“Hey, is it okay if I move these?” Jenny asked when they were both on a cleaning kick. The boots sat by the door still. 
“No!” Pru said then winced.
“I don’t mean away,” Jenny assured her. “I got us a shoe rack. Is that okay” 
“You did?” 
“Mhm, so we don’t have the water dripping onto the hardwood, there’s a mat that goes under it.”
“Yeah okay.” 
Jenny set the boots on the lower rack, noticed the broken sole. 
“They were my sister’s,” Pru blurted, the words no longer able to stay behind her teeth. 
“You have a sister?” Jenny’s eyes went wide. 
“She died. When we were still kids.” 
“Oh wow, that must’ve been awful.” 
“We didn’t get along,” Pru twisted her hands together in front of her. “Fought all the time like everyone else in that house, but I figured we were sisters, you know? It’d work out. It always did on tv. And then she just died. Mom and Dad tried to toss all her things, but I got a few. I didn’t even know why...I was fifteen. Just seemed wrong to make her disappear like that. She had his thug boyfriend, took her ring from me. My parents took her bedding, her cassettes, most of her clothes and just tossed them. I hid her boots under my bed. Grabbed her hair brush too, but I lost it somewhere along the way.” 
“Oh, Pru,” Jenny hugged her and she hugged back. The boots stayed on the shoe rack. 
Dead at seventeen. Pru was thirty-one. It could happen, she thought as she tapped the boots with her toe each morning. She tapped them the day she changed back her name. She tapped them the day she saw the poster for an interior design class. She tapped them the day she got her certificate and the day she headed out to meet her first client. 
No one ever called her work gaudy.  
“You’re a miracle worker,” Patrick said when he walked into his new kitchen. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
“You had a really clear vision,” she told him eagerly. Patrick was on the short side, closer to her height and his hair was thinning a little. He dressed beautifully though and had poured over samples with her just as invested as some of her female clients. 
He was divorced too, pictures of a daughter scattered around the apartment and a bedroom set aside for her visits. 
“You’re great at visions, Pru,” he told her eagerly. He paid her and as soon as the check was in her walled, he said, “This is probably really inappropriate and I hope I’m not putting you on the spot, but would you...get dinner with me some time?” 
“I’d like that,” she beamed and she did like it. They both kept their places and Jenny teased her about being ‘the other woman’. 
“You’ve got it wrong. He’s the other woman,” Pru announced and then Jenny cried on her, which made things feel a little more even. 
Pru Callahan wasn’t walking away from her past  any more. She was running towards the future. And she’d need some sturdy boots for that. With her heart in her throat, she brought them to be repaired and re-soled. That winter she spent every day in fashionable outfits, accessorized with vintage Docs.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I have a plot ging with a friend where Dano!Riddler is in love with Falcone's favorite performer at the club he owns. His delusions are actually right for once- she IS asking for his help, she's scared, and Falcone's hurting her. And all of this has me curious about what your take on this would be?
ok i am here, finally getting to this amazing plot!! i've gone a slightly AU route (me??? ignoring canon timelines??? coudn't be, surely!) with the assumption that eddie was a slow burn killer and not just popping them all off because he wanted to get shit done by election night
please let me know if you're comfortable with me continuing with my take on this because it's something i would maybe consider finishing off!
Tattletale, Dano!Riddler x Female!OC, word count: 1973
reply under here, minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff, mentions of abuse, violence against women, explicit reference to sex work, bit of sexual content and general violence also
Eddie had visited the club every two nights for the past month. He hated it, the sounds, the smells, the sordid nature of the place. His whole body shivered in disgust at the mere thought of the men there, leering, the women, giving themselves away for money at the behest of their disgusting clientele. He was one of them. His reasons for being a frequent visitor were more noble. It wasn’t lust which drove him, but love.
And recently, she had begun to take notice of him. Despite trying to sit in a different place before the main stage each time he was there, he could often see her scanning the crowd for him. He wasn’t ever sure what drew her to him, his stoic face, the respectful way in which he silently watched, or maybe, though unlikely in his mind, she thought he was cute. He was grateful either way, knowing that she at least knew who he was. It filled his heart with fluttering nerves, awaiting that ever-pleasant moment where they might make eye contact, her smile changing from one of stage persona to genuine joy at seeing him there in the crowd.
The club had been his one place of respite since he had begun his…work. Adrenaline would build up and never be expelled after his swift kills. He was in no position to sit around and admire his work, and he tried desperately to keep his life as Gotham’s most confusing and yet revered vigilante separate to the arguably more pathetic Eddie Nashton. And in doing so, had vowed that he wouldn’t bring even the pleasure home with him. But, allowing himself a little leeway, and exercising the true bravado that the mask brought to him, he had gone to the club in the hopes of at least capturing a memory he could take home with him.
No one had come close to approaching her in his mind. He’d learned quickly that she was considered more of a specialty at the club. She was different, thicker, something they considered a niche. And Eddie was very happy to discover that it was a niche he was willing to thrust himself into. He picked up her scheduled performances from the horrible little man at the door and marked them in his calendar when he got home, before quickly and roughly seeing to himself while the memory of her body, wiggling and jiggling enticingly in the hot pink lingerie she had worn was still fresh in his mind.
This evening, he entered with a strange sense of confidence. He’d only hours before completed a stream following the successful murder of yet another of Gotham’s elite and wealthy scum, and he felt very good about himself. He was a very good boy, and very good boys deserved treats. He quickly checked the worn chairs for the best position to sit in, far enough away to avoid suspicion and embarrassment should anyone notice his arousal, but close enough that she could find him when she looked for him among the scum.
He jumped when he felt a hand, gentle and soft on his shoulder. The scent of something sweet, sugary, like bubblegum, wafted around him as he turned to face her.
She was even more beautiful up close. He had worried that maybe the lighting and the distance were concealing some horrible imperfections that would take him kicking and screaming from his fantasy, but it was the opposite. In fact, she looked so innocent, almost wounded, her eyes big and sad, sparkling and wet. She was looking up at him, a slight smile at one corner of her mouth. Suddenly very aware of his vantage point on her body from the height difference between them, Eddie craned his neck to the ceiling, avoiding eye contact, trying to avoid being caught leering at her chest. His gaze was brought back down to hers though as she pulled at his chin, the baby pink silk of her long gloves smooth against his flushed skin.
“What’s your name, hun?”
“It’s uh…Ed-ward..or uh…Ed..E-Eddie.”
He gulped, and she giggled lightly at his nerves, her fingers running over his lips and tracing his jaw lightly.
“Eddie, huh? That’s sweet. It suits you.”
He couldn’t speak. He could barely breathe. He stood, idiotic, in a complete daze. Unable to blink, he maintained uncomfortable eye contact with her, noticing that she only broke it to look expectedly and almost nervously to the sides, as though she were watching for someone.
“I’ve seen you a lot Eddie, noticed you in here. Always at my shows. I just wanted to thank you for your patronage, show you I appreciate the customer loyalty.”
She was smiling wide, encouraging a small twitch at the corner of Eddie’s mouth, his face unable to act casually.
“Ahem…y-you don’t have to-”
“Nonsense!” Her finger was on his lips, hushing him. Her other hand was grabbing his, fingers entwined as she began to pull him forwards, her walking back to a dimly lit corridor he had never noticed before. “It’s my pleasure, Eddie. Come with me.”
She turned, still holding his hand, too tight for him to wiggle free. Too stunned to argue, Eddie’s feet kept up with her, albeit clumsily, while his mind raced and screamed at him to turn around and apologise for ever bothering this poor, sweet creature. But before he’d regained the brain cells it required to form any kind of sentence, she had already led him into a room, dimly lit in purple, the hues of which were shimmering on her silk bodysuit and gloves. He was in a private room, and his nerves caught in a lump in his throat.
“I don’t…I’m s-so s-sorry, I didn’t bring…I don’t th-think I have enough…c-cash to…”
“This is a freebie, Eddie.” She winked at him, looking towards the door again before pushing his shoulders and dropping him down into the couch he hadn’t even noticed was behind him. She began stroking his hair, his cheek, fingers tracing his collarbones below his shirt. His common sense, desperately trying to consider how many disgusting fluids were seeped into the sofa he was sitting on, was drowned out by his complete mystified arousal at what was happening to him. Everything felt like a dream, the lighting, the gentle music, the way her skin looked, reflecting the purple tones and casting shadows along her curves.
She brought her hand to Eddie’s, guiding him to her upper thigh, where she held it in place long enough for him to get the idea that he shouldn’t pull back. Nervously, he let his fingers softly trail along the skin they could reach, not daring to go any further or move his hand around. Although, he didn’t have to, as she swerved her hips in hypnotic motions that let his palm glide across her, up her thigh, towards her hips, around the curve of her rear. He could feel the strain in his pants, breath hitching as she continued to move under him, standing over his legs and looking deeply into his eyes.
“I’ve seen you around a lot Eddie. Not just here.”
He was too dazed by her movements to question it. Nothing in his mind worked anymore.
“I think everyone’s seen you by now. You’re talk of the town, for sure.”
Everyone…in the club? What was she saying? Did it make sense, or was he just so drunk on love, no blood actually making its way around his body and to his brain, all of it collecting at his stupidly hard cock, which twitched at the way the words came out of her mouth.
“I know who you are, Eddie. And I want you to help me.”
He could help her, he could give her whatever she needed. Sure, he was a bit unpractised, but what he lacked in experience he could more than make up for in feral obsessiveness, a desire for nothing more than to please her so thoroughly that she might love him back.
She lowered herself onto his lap, pressing herself onto his stiff and rigid cock, eliciting a whimper from his lips that she giggled gently at, quieting him with a soft and quick kiss before her hands reached behind her back. She was taking off her bodysuit. He had never seen so much of her before, she tended to dance and tease, not like the rest of the harlots who were so willing to give themselves entirely to the strangers in the pits. She was wholesome, pure, and was giving herself to just him.
But panic set in as he realised he was actually losing himself at the mere thought of seeing her breasts, bare and in front of him. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge and the last thing he wanted was to cum in his pants, a pathetic little man in front of a goddess he had admired and dreamt about solidly for a month of his life. He reached up to grab at her, but it was too late.
She dropped the ties that had been around her neck and back to the sides of her hips, and Eddie’s breath shuddered as he took her in, face flushing a bright pink before he looked quickly to her eyes, trying not to be caught like some horny school boy. And he was met with fear, concerned immediately that his obvious staring had upset her. He began to stutter an apology, trying to stand up against his weak knees and hard cock, which proved to be an effort he couldn’t muster in his current state.
“Eddie, I need you to help me.”
“I…I d-don’t think…there must be someone else who is better…I don’t know if I’m any g-good-”
“Eddie, look.”
He had been so focused on not staring at her breasts, large and soft, heaving just inches away from him, that it took him a few seconds to digest her command and bring his eyes back to them. It was only then that he noticed the deep bruising around the sides of each breast, the purple and yellow markings trailing down her sides and clustered around her stomach.
“I don’t…”
“Falcone. You never wondered why I’m always clothed on stage?”
Eddie was smart enough to realise that now wasn’t the moment to potentially embarrass himself by admitting he just thought she was of a higher moral calibre than the other girls who worked at Falcone’s club.
“I recognised you, third time you came in. From your videos.”
What did she mean by his videos? It was impossible. She couldn’t.
“I thought, if anyone could help me. Maybe the Riddler could?”
Eddie’s brain pounded in his head, fear and panic rising in his stomach, his erection falling almost instantly as bile built up in his throat and his body threatened to expel all liquids before collapsing.
“I…I’m n-not…”
“Don’t deny it. Do you think I’m stupid?”
“N-no. Of course not!”
“Well then, will you help me.” She pressed a kiss to him again, longer this time, with more passion and feeling than before. He mewled into her, confusion down to his very soul.
“I can’t. I…I don’t think-”
“Well, let me put it this way. I’m Falcone’s girl. His number one. There are cameras all through this place, y’know? At the front, in the entrance, by the stage, and just outside in the corridor. He knows you came in here with me. And no one gets to come in here with me.”
Eddie felt warm, too warm. Sweat was forming on his brow under his bedraggled hair, his glasses steaming up as his hot and quick breaths made their way shakily out of his mouth.
“Once Falcone knows, you’ll be on his list. So you better get to him before he gets to you.”
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I drew a part 2 to my favorite Cookies
To be honest though, I just sort of went with whoever I think is neat, I don’t have like a set list of characters. Should probably do that
Anyways, so let’s get into this
Dark Enchantress Cookie: I think she’s a pretty neat villain. Originally I wasn’t expecting her to be old (I didn’t know who the villain was), but I like it. I dunno, maybe I just haven’t seen that many old ladies as villains? And her voice acting’s pretty good too. Also her voice actor, Patty McCormack, seems like a nice lady :)
But another thing I really like about her is (spoilers) the fact that she’s White Lily Cookie. And she’s not like possessed or turned evil by magic means, from what I can tell, the narrative is that she chose to go down this path. Yes she’s not exactly like White Lily Cookie, and her personality seems changed, but she still has all of White Lily Cookie’s memories, and from what I understand, her change to evil is supposed to be more like a negative response to trauma. She was still White Lily Cookie. She used to be a legendary hero, she used to be lifelong friends with the other Ancients, people we know and we know how deep their bond is. And that is just so interesting to me. And it’s like, I get where she’s coming from, I’ve seen her backstory, and how she got the way she did. And to be honest, her goal doesn’t seem that bad, it’s just the way she goes about it. I hope by the end of the story, she gets some form of happy or at least hopeful ending, whether it’s her changing her ways or even finding peace in death, and possibly getting reborn into a new form to live a better life. But I don’t think I want her to turn back into White Lily Cookie. That sort of invalidates Dark Enchantress Cookie and just makes her seem like just some evil form instead of her own person, which she is. I hear people call Dark Enchantress Cookie “the incarnation of evil”, and while maybe she is in Ovenbreak (I don’t know for sure), she’s clearly not in Kingdom. She’s a flawed, complex individual, just like everyone else
Gingerbrave: I know he isn’t popular, but I like him. I don’t get why he’s hated, other than the fact that he’s like, the most basic Cookie. But what’s wrong with that? Sometimes you need some simplicity. Though to be honest, when first seeing the trailers, I didn’t like him. He seemed like some overconfident dude (for the five seconds I saw him before I skipped the trailer) and I thought the whole game was about him. I wasn’t really aware of what a gacha game was (nor that Genshin Impact was one). Also I thought he was like, at least a teenager, somewhere between 15-20, I did not know he was a child. But once I actually started to play the game, he really grew on me, as he just seems so positive. He’s so willing to help people and do the right thing that I can’t help but like him. Yes maybe he’s a bit generic in that sense but I can’t help but see it as genuine. Funny enough this is exactly how I felt about KO from OK KO, back when that first aired, going through the same thoughts and ending up really liking him.
Also one thing I wanna bring up, but the fact that he knows why Cookies are made, but that he still sees the world in such a positive light is just really good. I know it’s not that big a deal for him since he’s know this from the start, this was the reality he’s always known so it’s not any sort of shock, but I can imagine a future scenario where the other characters find out the truth, and also that Gingerbrave knew the whole time, someone asks him how then he’s been so optimistic, how he’s able to keep a smile knowing the horrible truth, and he gives some sort of speech about how he sees things. I don’t give any specifics because I’m not sure what he’d say, but probably something along the lines of “we may have been created to be eaten, but that doesn’t mean that’s why we live” or something like that, I dunno. This’d probably be where he fully goes into his backstory to others. But yeah, I just like Gingerbrave
Gingerbright: Alright I suppose she’s the weakest contender here, as I really don’t know much about her, but like I said, I just think she’s neat. I like how she’s not just “the girl” of the group and has her own personality, and I like how she’s got a backbone and seems to be the responsible one of the group. She kind of gives me older sister vibes, despite the fact that she’s supposed to be younger than Gingerbrave. Also I like the fact that there’s no sort of romance going on between Ginegrbrave and Gingerbright, they’re just friends. That’s pretty common when you have a female version of a main character and I’m glad they didn’t do that. Actually, given that her description says she was made from the leftover dough from Gingerbrave, I personally like to think that makes her Gingerbrave’s younger sister
A shame she can’t be in Kingdom, but I mean I get it. You don’t really need two Gingerbraves (though I think she’d work fine as part of the crew, other than her turning the party from 5 to 6, one too many), and by this point, you can’t really add her into the game, as story wise it’d make no sense. Also she’d probably be a Common Cookie, and why would you add a new Common Cookie? But ah well. Wish she at least had a Cookie Trial in Ovenbreak
Anyways, those are just some of my thoughts. To be honest I quite like doing these as just a way to go in depth about these characters in general without talking about specific scenarios I’ve drawn or relationships with other characters, just the characters themselves and why I like them
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sarebear1910 · 1 year
Truth bomb Time!!
This is my daughter.
Her name is Breannan.
It was Breannan’s 21st Birthday a few days ago.
Instead of a day filled with happy memories and celebration, it was a day filled with deep conversations, actions and strenuous efforts in convincing Breannan that her life is worth living. Breannan was crying that she was still existing, rather than rejoicing that she was alive!
Pictures can be so deceiving, as the picture I share shows the complete opposite to what I witnessed and what her actual day involved. Breannan’s 21st Birthday was a tough one and Breannan wanted life gone more than she wanted it present.
There is so much more behind this picture and a story that is hard to explain. Breannan was not just sad on her birthday, she has been sad for over 100 days before that, but that is her story to share, not mine. But as her mother, and with the promise that I will always stand by and up for my children, I feel I owe it to her to try and share the basics to what has been going on.
My daughter hates herself more and more deeply every dam day. She is withdrawing more and more from the world each day. She has been convinced that she does not deserve a place on this planet. And this is so far from the truth!
Breannan’s feelings are a result of broken friendships and the casting of ill-informed opinions by others. A group of adults have sourced members and joined together to created and share one-sided and very creative versions about her and of her, posting things here on Tumblr, on discord, Instagram, twitter etc. This group have picked on her interests and used them against her (particularly her dark art- even though they too drew such things and created alongside her), they have labelled and criticised her personality, they have questioned her shared traumas and medical conditions, they have lied and twisted the narrative on everything. This group, filled with people she has meet over time, people she has trusted, stood up for, stood by and called her friends; they in return have dragged her across the coals and then thrown her back to burn!
The final straw to end it all, this group of individuals thought it would be a remarkable achievement on their end to create and spread ideas of who Breannan is and what she is about to whoever may stop and read. They created a ‘call out’ post on here. They labelled her a liar, a manipulator, a trauma thief, a narcissist and so much more. They made out that the post was a warning and an apology al l in one. To some (and I was one), a simple post may be easily dismissed, but to Breannan and the emotions and real experiences that were packed up to this point, this post was huge and the damage, I can tell you firsthand, unbelievable. The fact that the post appeared under the profile of someone she thought the world of, and only ever saw good in this person only concreted the impact of the post….mean!
I personally would like to let this group know that yes, they have successfully managed to socially humiliate, outcast and isolate Breannan from the only place she felt she belonged. You have made her walk away from a place where she felt she belonged and could find good friends. You have made her question everything about herself. And unfairly, she blames herself and her existence for everything.
To set the record straight, Breannan is not a bad person. She is not a person who means to harm or hurt anyone. She will lead life with her heart a lot of the time, and very rarely with her mind. Breannan is black and white, she is known to be brutally honest and can at times say many things you don’t really want to hear. She has less filters than a lot of us, and when she has an opinion or feedback, she will lay in on thick (definitely not thinly-but who does these days). Breannan takes everything literally, well most. She has the best intentions in mind most of the time. Breannan will not plot or plan hurtful or horrible things, she would not intentionally hurt someone. Breannan, she is a good person. Do not get me wrong, she has her flaws, her challengers and what person is suited to everyone. She can be defensive and offensive, she can be rude and critical, at times she is very selfish and one sided. She is likely to say and do things without thought at times under the sheer need to fit in and feel accepted (I wish this wasn’t the case).
Breannan can come across full on at times with some boundaries being hard to define and for her to respect, but she will adjust and work with these if time is given to clearly defined and set expectations. She is so much more than they will ever know!! And a far better person than they have shared.
So, on the night of Breannan’s birthday, rather than sharing a laugh or reminiscing over childhood stories with her, I had a 21 year old daughter who sat alone at home messaging me. Messaging me venting her frustration, sharing her lack of understanding and confusion, telling me how much she hated herself and sadly, how much she wishes she could just be normal. An in all her words, all I took from them, was deep pain that no one should be made to feel. For hours, she continued to go around and around in circles within her messages, reliving everything that lead up to this point of time and she begged me to just help her. She begged me to find someone to fix her autistic brain, she told me she was too scared to sleep, and she told me that she felt she had nothing more to live for… and in her final message that night before finally agreeing to rest she wrote, ‘maybe they are all right. Maybe I should be left to rot’.
When Breannan was born 21 years ago, this is not what I wished for her. My heart is so heavy knowing people would intentionally do this to someone 😔
I hope these people truly know the full effect of their ways. Enough must be enough! We can’t allow society to accept the fact that people; individual or groups can target and destroy people like this, particularly whilst hiding behind a keyboard or before they understand a person before casting judgement. Kindness is free people. Understanding and compassion, they are both essential in the world we live in. Just be kind, and if you can’t – walk away or be quiet.
Here is to a better Happy birthday next year Breannan. I promise I will stand tall and proud by your side always xoxo
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