#actually i'm about to go to a metal concert
tsumuus · 3 days
hiiiii!!! Saw your follower event thingy! Would love a character matchup! MHA pls!
Either gender is fine but male would be preferred :)
Romantic pls!
I'm definitely a ambivert. The type of person to be shy and quiet around strangers, but never shuts up around my friends and family. I'm pretty silly, and I like to think that I'm kind. I'm pretty emotional and optimistic. I have ADHD, and I tend to accidentally yell a lot when I get excited or happy.
I think my top love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time.
I'm a very creative person! I love all forms of art, but mostly drawing and painting. I have been wanting to get into sculpting! I love animals a lot, and I've grown up with cats. I also love listening to music. I like most genres, but my favorites are probably rock and metal. I also love collecting things! Knick knacks, figures, just anything I like.
I'm prone to stuttering and steming(especially with my hands), and I have trouble staying still. I tend to think out loud, and I ask a lot of rhetoric and what if questions.
your perfect match is…
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₊✩‧₊˚ katsuki bakugou ! ˚₊✩‧₊
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₊✩‧₊˚ runner ups: mina ashido and hanta sero ˚₊✩‧₊
✧₊⁺ alright so..
✧₊⁺ bakugou is a natural extrovert but has a quiet, reflective side when he’s comfortable or around people he genuinely cares about
✧₊⁺ your tendency to be shy around strangers and then open up around friends would actually resonate with him
✧₊⁺ he’s someone who doesn’t really like fake personas, so when you break out of your shell and show your silly, emotional side, he’ll respect that authenticity
✧₊⁺ he’d probably poke fun at you for being quiet at first
✧₊⁺ but when he sees how expressive you are around people you care about, he’d start to appreciate those layers to your personality
✧₊⁺ your bursts of excitement and energy would actually vibe well with Bakugou’s high-energy personality
✧₊⁺ he’s loud and explosive himself, so your accidental yelling or excitement would never bother him
✧₊⁺ he’d probably tease you for it, but he’d think it’s endearing how animated you get about the things you love
✧₊⁺ though he’s not outwardly affectionate to most people
✧₊⁺ he craves physical touch and quality time with those he cares about
✧₊⁺ his need to protect and be close to the people he loves matches your desire for physical touch, and you’d find comfort in his firm, protective presence
✧₊⁺ he’d always have a hand on your shoulder or back, offering his silent reassurance
✧₊⁺ his words of affirmation would come in the form of tough love
✧₊⁺ but over time, you'd realize that his encouragement, however gruff, is his way of telling you he believes in you and your creativity
✧₊⁺ when he sees how much you love drawing, painting, and even sculpting, he’d admire your determination and creativity
✧₊⁺ he might sit next to you quietly while you work, offering comments like, “that one’s good. you should make more.”
✧₊⁺ would definitely show off your work to others and brag about how talented you are
✧₊⁺ at first, bakugou might act like he doesn’t care much for animals
✧₊⁺ but deep down, he’s a softie
✧₊⁺ if you still have cats, he’d tolerate them at first, but you’d quickly catch him petting them when he thinks you aren’t looking
✧₊⁺ his quieter moments with your cats would surprise you, and you'd see that he has a gentle side, especially when he thinks no one’s watching
✧₊⁺ your love for rock and metal music would be a major bonding point for you two
✧₊⁺ whether it’s listening to music together or going to concerts, he'd love how your taste in music matches his energ
✧₊⁺ he’d share his favorite bands with you and get fired up whenever you suggest new music
✧₊⁺ your stuttering, stemming, and habit of thinking out loud would be things Bakugou would learn to accept and even cherish over time
✧₊⁺ while he’s intense and can seem impatient, he would never make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious about these habits
✧₊⁺ he’d push you to embrace those things as part of who you are, and he’d be someone you could feel fully comfortable with, no matter how chaotic your thoughts might seem
✧₊⁺ he’d actually find your constant stream of rhetorical questions entertaining and would get sucked into your “what if” scenarios without even realizing it
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a/n i honestly think bakugou wouldnt be able to click with just anybody so feel special lol <3
₊✩‧₊˚ 555 follower event ! ˚₊✩‧₊
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thisismyobsessionnow · 6 months
All things considered I guess it's a good thing he doesn't have that hair anymore. Because if he did I would never shut up or be normal, ever.
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
First of all, just wanna say that I hope you are doing amazing! And I hope you don’t feel pressured or anything by the asks, and if you do, please take a break! You deserve it!!
I was still wondering if I could request AleRudy poly with a s/o who is a Metalhead? Like they have a battle vest (a vest with band patches all over it), loves punk and metal music, hell, maybe how they would react to me stagediving (climbing into the stage the band is playing on and jumping into the crowd) or me in a mosh pit (I can send you a video of one)
Thank you! And like I said, you are amazing!
Hey! Thank you, those are very kind words, I appreciate them ^^ And don't worry, if I feel overwhelmed I will take a break, but I mostly just get 1-2 requests a day these days, so it's alright!
AleRudy with a Metalhead!S/O
Rodolfo would somewhat vibe with your music. Whenever he’s especially pissed, he likes to listen to some aggressive music, like metal or some hard rock, to let out some of the anger. It doesn’t help in calming him down, but he feels better afterwards anyway. Outside of that, Alejandro sometimes listens to some classic bands, like AC/DC, The Rolling Stones or W.A.S.P. Aside from that, neither of them really listen to any of your music. It’s good to vibe to, has a great tune, but they usually leave some pop music on in the background, something they can just have on and ignore for the most part. Alejandro does like some classic Mexican music as well, though. So, neither of them would be too familiar with what you’re listening to. However, they think it’s really cool that you can enjoy such rough and fast paced music, many people shy away from it, after all. You could probably somewhat get them into it if you start out with either the classical songs or just some more mellow ones that aren’t too rough just yet. They love your little vest, though, since it looks awesome and really shows your dedication to those bands you like or have seen. If you slowly introduce them to your music, then you can slowly get them to have a vest of their own as well. It won’t be as magnificent as yours is, but they’ll try to add some patches of bands they’ve seen with you, which they liked. It’d be a small incentive for them to go to a concert with you, if they have the time.
You’d actually have an easier time dragging Rodolfo along than Alejandro. Don’t get me wrong, neither of them really mind going to concerts with you, but Rodolfo has found some bands he likes already. Because many of the classic bands don’t really play anymore, and because he doesn’t really know that many modern bands, Alejandro won’t know what he should listen to . Plus he prefers listening to the music he already knows. He may be open to something new if it’s really good, but he just sticks to the classics if he can. While neither of them may be familiar with the etiquette and customs of a concert, they’ll try for you. However, both of them will grow concerned when there’s suddenly a circle starting to form, one that you want to be part of. Rodolfo has heard about moshing before, but doesn’t really know what to think of it. It seems unnecessarily violent and crude, so he doesn’t want you to be part of such a thing. Alejandro is also hesitant, even if he has no idea in the slightest what’s going on. Both of them would try to convince you to not take part in it. With enough persuasion and asking them to get off your case, you could come to the agreement that Alejandro would go with you so you wouldn’t get hurt. You can tell him all you want that that’s just par for the course, he will come with you. Watches over you like a mother hen the entire time. Rodolfo does too, but he stands on the side and watches it all go down from there. It would take a few kind strangers helping you up to show them that moshing actually isn’t as bad as it might seem at first. However, one of them will always come with you and run alongside you whenever you wanna go moshing.
Once they’ve gotten accustomed to the idea of a mosh pit, you could partake in a wall of death as well. But that time both of them would be by your side. He wouldn’t admit it, but the idea of just ramming into someone does seem kind of fun to Alejandro, who, in turn, would convince Rodolfo to join as well. He would mention your safety being the highest priority, but in reality he just wants to goof around a bit with Rodolfo.
By then Rodolfo will likely have understood that metalheads really aren’t as scary as they may seem at first. He’ll just let you stagedive to your heart’s content, as long as you meet up again by the time the concert is over. It would actually be Alejandro who would fuss over you a bit since he’ll lose you out of his sight. Just convince him that you’ll be fine, that you won’t get hurt, and he’ll begrudgingly let you. He may not be too happy since he doesn’t want to lose you in a crowd this big, but he’ll let you if you really want it. Both of them will try to grab you and move you along, if you’re within reach, though. Again, as long as you find each other again once the concert is over, all is good. However, Alejandro won’t stop bugging Rodolfo about how you might be doing. It’s rare for Alejandro to be the uptight one this entire time and for Rodolfo to be so relaxed, but it can happen. The latter just really wants to enjoy the music. You’ll be fine, he trusts you.
So yeah, drag them along to a festival or a concert, they’ll have fun. Both of them have tinnitus from shooting guns anyway, so a concert won’t hurt them. They get to spend time with each other and with you, all the while listening to some good music.
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fuiru · 1 month
A 44 year old man goes to a K-Pop Concert
I promised you a report on the K-pop concert that I, a 44-year-old accountant, went to a couple of weeks ago with my wife and daughter in Toronto. So here it is.
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The band we saw were Ateez. They're my daughter's favourite band and my wife's second favourite. I know most of my mutuals are similarly aged like me and may not be familiar with them so let me give you a brief primer on Ateez.
Imagine the most attractive eight men you can think of, just unfathomably beautiful specimens of aesthetic perfection, and make them sing songs that somehow combine the subjects of 'dancing like nobody is watching' with 'we live in a dystopian hellscape that we must all work together to overthrow'. Give them an ongoing music video story lore that literally nobody - not even the band themselves - understand, so that online discussion of their visual motifs looks more like the fevered rantings of a conspiracy theorist, complete with speculation about alternate realities and time being a Moebius strip. There is also a giant sand timer, for some reason.
That's Ateez. That's what you need to know.
Now, K-pop concerts are very different to the gigs I've been going to for the last 28 (!) years. There's no support act, for a start. Also the band perform for like, three hours, with breaks for costume changes and interpretive dance. Furthermore, hanging above everything is the constant looming threat of mandatory military service.
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So this being my first such concert, I wasn't sure what to expect. What happened was difficult to explain, but I will try as I am already six paragraphs into this write-up and I'm too invested to stop now. Here goes:
In his Wicked + Divine comics series, Kieron Gillen places modern pop icons as deities, feeding upon and gaining strength from the worship of their fans at the altar of musical performance. I thought I understood that metaphor. I thought I understood it AS a metaphor. I was wrong, because that night Ateez WERE Gods with a capital G and we were their worshippers, a crowd emanating adoration (in the religious and non-religious senses), bestowing strength upon them and gaining their strength in return.
If that sounds weird, it probably is. But as pointed out above, I have lived over four decades and never yet experienced anything like the overwhelming passion of that crowd, the utter abandon with which they conveyed their love for the band.
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"But Fuiru, what of the actual music?" you ask. Thinking back, there was a moment in one of their songs - I can't remember which - where I watched the stage, and the people around me, taking it in, and I thought, "Man, I just love Music". But that doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Ateez's music is bloody great. As a tiresome indie/rock/metal kid I'm resisting the urge to add the usual tiresome indie/rock/metal caveat of "...for pop music" because honestly that does it a disservice. They have some genuinely amazing songs. Halazia is an absolute fucking masterpiece that descends into furious hardcore breakbeat. Bouncy is a big, brash racket that somehow is also a perfect pop song. Utopia, Wonderland, and Guerrilla are similarly superb. The obligatory boy band slow number is represented by Dancing Like Butterfly Wings which will make you cry because you will forever associate it with your twelve year old daughter being pointed to and waved at by her favourite Ateez member (Seonghwa) because of her Seonghwa-branded lightstick.
That might just be me, though.
So in summary: being a 44 year old dad at his first K-pop concert rules and you should endeavour to partake in the experience if the opportunity arises.
Finally, for any Atiny reading this: my bias would be San or Seonghwa but my wife and daughter said they were taken so it’s Mingi. My concert outfit (designed and created by my offspring) reflects this.
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xiaq · 2 months
I want an AU where Steve is a werewolf and Eddie is a vampire except neither of them know about the other.
Eddie is the frontman of an up and coming band, but he's left his coven and surrounded himself with humans. They perform after sunset anyway so it's easy enough for him to hide his nature.
Steve has similarly left his toxic family pack and built his own pseudo-pack through the kids. He works as a park ranger. Or an ornithologist. Or something else nature-y/nerdy. But no one knows about his furry little secret.
Maybe Steve ends up attending a concert with one of the kids who has VIP passes and Eddie zeros in on Steve immediately at the meet and greet because he's pretty and preppy and delightfully out of place and also he smells good. And Steve is having similar thoughts, but he tries to play it off because there's no way an honest to god rock star would be interested in him and his polo and his boat shoes (also his hearing is temporarily fucked from the concert, so he doesn't register Eddie's lack of heartbeat).
After some light flirting, Eddie invites Steve back to his hotel and Steve is like, you know what? Yes. I am going to have a one night stand with the gorgeous front man of a metal band and I'll probably fall a little in love with him by the end of the night and it will break my heart when he kicks me out in the morning, but it will be an experience. Let me go drop off my kids and I'll be right back.
Except what he doesn't know is Eddie is planning to have a little snack while they're in the throes of passion––not enough to hurt Steve or anything, just enough that he'll have a pleasurable blackout and wake up tired but sated.
The only problem is that neck-biting (that breaks the skin) for wolves is the equivalent of marriage.
So when Eddie bites Steve, instead of a venom-drunk human, peacefully slipping into sleep in his arms, he gets a very horny, very confused, werewolf who is now insisting that they're married.
I can't decide if it would be funnier if Wolves/Vampires didn't know about each other, Ie:
"You're a Werewolf?" Eddie says, "What do you mean you're a werewolf? Werewolves exist? No. Shut up. Prove it."
"Holy shit. A vampire. Vampires are real," Steve reaches for Eddie's face and Eddie is so baffled by the everything of this situation that he lets Steve pinch Eddie's top lip and peel it up off his fangs for a mortifyingly long moment. Eddie draws the line when he starts poking at Eddie's incisors, though.
"Why do I feel funny?" Steve mutters. "Will your venom kill me?"
"How should I know," Eddie hisses, only a little hysterical, "I didn't know wolves existed until two minutes ago, I've never bitten a wolf before."
"And you won't be biting any others, mister. Infidelity is not ok."
The other option is that wolves and vamps DO know about each other but stay so isolated in their covens and packs (and loners are super unusual) that they never interact. So Steve and Eddie are both like, dang, I'd been raised to think all of your kind were smelly/ugly/gross, but you uh, don't fit into that box at all. Weird.
Regardless, Steve (still naked, probably) crosses his arms all huffy, like, "well, we're married now, you're not going to bite me and then cast me aside like some harlot," and Eddie is like "...I'm weirdly ok with this, actually. No arguments here." And eventually they live happily ever after.
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fandsart · 2 years
Steve and Nancy's relationship didn't work out because they had different wants and needs so when Steve starts dating Eddie he tries really hard not to have wants and needs of his own. Knowing that Eddie didn't reschedule Hellfire for Lucas doesn't help with this.
He goes to a few metal concerts even though he always gets migraines the next day from the volume, he lets Eddie talks about all kinds of nerd stuff even if it makes him feel stupid when he can't keep up.
It's not even like he's dragging Steve into things that are actively detrimental to him all that often. Just a couple activities things a week. But Steve also feels the need to hide some of his own interests, knowing that Eddie hates them.
Not that he doesn't love being around Eddie, but now that they're dating he's hardly not around, and it's hard to find time to keep up on the teams that Steve roots for. But it's... it's fine. He's happy with Eddie, so he can make the sacrifice to hide these parts of himself. It's fine.
Eddie doesn't realize this is going on because he's aware that he's pushing Steve out of his comfort zone, what he isn't aware of is how Steve far out of his comfort zone he really is, and how he doesn't want to bother Eddie with it, afraid they'll break up over it.
Then he slips up, just a little bit, when Eddie invites him to a concert on the same day he plans on watching a game. This isn't even the first time this has happened, but Eddie usually gives him more of a heads up for this kind of thing. He thought he was close enough to the date that he wouldn't have to worry about it getting disrupted, and it was a pretty big game, so his disappointment is higher than usual.
Eddie is talking about a metal band and is going on a small ramble explaining the context of where they sit in the metal scene.
"And they have a concert in Indy tomorrow," he grins, "and I really want to take you."
"Oh, I was gonna... Yeah, we can do that."
"You were gonna what?"
"It doesn't matter. It's stupid."
"Steve, it's not a big deal. It's not like I'm taking you to a Dio concert. These guys are actually pretty small and relatively local. I'm sure we could catch another one, it would just be kind of down the road."
"Eddie it's fine. We can go to your concert. Whatever you want."
Eddie gives him a look. "I don't want it to be 'my concert.' If you wouldn't enjoy it, I wouldn't want to just be dragging you with me. And I don't want it to be 'fine' I want it to be enjoyable!"
"I enjoy spending time with you."
"Ok, so what were you going to do tomorrow?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Obviously it does!"
They're fighting and this was exactly what Steve was worried about. If Steve could have just gotten over himself, cut the bullshit, they wouldn't be fighting right now.
"Eddie, it really doesn't. Can we just go to the concert and forget about this?"
"No. If you don't want to go, you don't have to."
"If I don't go, will you go without me?"
"Unless you don't want me to."
"I want to go with you, wherever."
"Ok, you know what, I just remembered I actually have to help Wayne with something on tomorrow."
"No you don't. Look, I wasn't gonna do anything. Can we please just go to this concert you want to go to?"
"Look, I have to go to school. I'm already over 2 hours late." With that, he's out the door.
Steve's not sure what time the concert was even meant to be at, but if he could just get a hold of Eddie and convince him he wants to go, maybe they won't miss it. It's already fairly well into the afternoon and he hasn't heard from Eddie all day.
The first few times he calls, there's no answer, but when he finally gets an answer it's Wayne that picks up.
"You almost missed me," he says. "Make it quick, I gotta to get to work."
"Is Eddie there?"
"Nah, he should be in Indy by now. Did he not tell you? There's some concert down there."
"Yeah, I, uh... Thank you Mr. Munson."
So Eddie went by himself even though Steve told him he wanted to come, and he'd pretended that he didn't even want to go.
Steve watches his game that night, kind of miserable and guilty. He debated not watching it, almost as a point of honor, since he lied to Eddie and told him that he didn't really have anything planned today. They'd both lied about their plans last night and Steve is so ready for Eddie to come back and say that he had a much better time without Steve and it's time they go they're separate ways.
His team loses and he falls asleep on the couch soon after, the tv still playing in the background.
He wakes up in the morning to a knock at the door. Eddie stands on the other side.
"Hey, baby. Did I wake you up?"
"Um... yeah." He wants to bring up what happened yesterday, that Eddie went without him, but he's afraid it will just make things worse. He obviously wanted to go without him if he did so, and bringing it up might just start an argument about how Eddie doesn't need Steve's permission to do things (and he doesn't) reinforcing why he didn't want Steve to come in the first place. He wants to stay with Eddie forever and he's worried the relationship is starting to fall apart. "It's fine. I should be up by now anyway."
Eddie hums almost suspiciously. "Can I come in?"
"Of course." He moves out of the way.
"'Whatever I want,' huh?" he asks, as he walks through the doorway.
"Nothing. We'll talk about it in a minute. A few things first. Come on." He drags Steve over to the couch. "So what did you do yesterday?"
"Tried getting a hold of you, mostly."
Eddie chuckles nervously. "Sorry. But did you do whatever it was you planned on doing before?" Steve tenses just a little bit. Is Eddie going to accuse him of choosing baseball over their relationship? He kind of almost did when he first opened his mouth after Eddie first suggest the concert. Is he going to call him out for that. "Relax baby, you don't even need to tell me what it was, as long as whatever it was you were doing wasn't a person."
"No, never!"
"I know, Stevie. I know you're history; I know you would never do that. So I'm not upset. So did you carry out your plans, whatever they were?"
"Yeah. It was disappointing."
"Well, I'm glad you did what you wanted anyway. And since you were busy and couldn't come to the concert, I went and brought you back a tape." He pulls a cassette tape out of his pocket. "You obviously weren't going to admit you didn't want to go, but I still wanted to share this with you, so here. This is yours."
Eddie's more attentive to when Steve seems hesitant to do something after that. Eventually Steve gets comfortable enough to bring up where his reservations stand regarding a lot of these things. Eddie switches up how he talks about his interests, trying to make it more coherent and gets Steve earplugs for concerts. He encourages Steve to talk about his own interests, even when Eddie doesn't fully get the appeal himself. He can go a little outside of his comfort zone too. For Steve, it's always worth it.
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I saw the Welsh restaurant post, listened to two of the songs so far (Sebona Fi and Ben Rhys), and now I'm curious. What makes Sebona Fi faerie music? Is it bc Ywain Gwynedd sounds like a fae prince, or is it smth else, or a combination? I tried searching it and like half the results just linked to your post XD
Sebona Fi is an absolute cultural phenomenon. It's absolutely absurdly popular among Welsh speakers, to a rabid extent. People who don't like modern Welsh music like it; people who only like heavy metal like it; people who don't speak a lick of Welsh hear it and like it. It's faerie music because it makes you smile and want to dance, regardless of how you feel that day or whether you even understand it.
Yws Gwynedd played the main stage on the last Saturday of the Eisteddfod last year. I went up for it. Great concert throughout, but the last song they did was, of course, Sebona Fi, and you cannot imagine the crowd response. People went feral. There were little old ladies dancing like nutters. A hundred years could have passed in three minutes, we wouldn't have known. No one asked for an encore, because they couldn't have beaten it. We all understood that was the end of the night. Every band that's lucky has one song that goes down in history, and for Yws Gwynedd it's Sebona Fi
The translated lyrics, btw:
Go walking right across the sea
Catch your breath, you will faster feel the warm air
Like a kiss on your bare white skin.
Listen to nothing to open your world.
Sit down now, lay down your head,
every little thing will be all right if you sleep through the afternoon.
Because we're all running like so many rats;
If you have half an hour,
Flatter me.
But remember the same old things are worrying everyone,
But in the end, we're all dirt
Oh, life is so fine.
The taste of the grape is strong in the wine,
And the company is good.
Sing the song that kept us up,
Hold tightly - cats and dogs* are falling around your head,
But remember there is value to your smile.
Because we're all running like so many rats;
If you have half an hour,
Flatter me.
But remember the same old things are worrying everyone,
But we're all dirt in the end.
Oh, life is so fine.
The taste of the grape is strong in the wine,
And the company is good
*as in, it's raining cats and dogs. The actual Welsh is 'old ladies and sticks', and that's what he sings.
And here it is for anyone wondering what all the fuss is about:
(You may still wonder. But it's a banger.)
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bloom-into-blue · 2 months
𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕌𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕥
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summary: your girlfriend's performing tonight with her band, and you're more than excited to see zoya in action! what kind of action you'll actually get, however, is something else entirely.
contents: drummer!zoya x fem!reader, established relationship, reader wears a skirt and makeup, fing.ering, some light degradation, some spanking (all of these reader receiving), cunn.ilingus (zoya receiving), a hint of body worship (zoya receiving).
word count: 3.3k
author's note: zoya being a drummer in official material just made things easier because funny story, this is based very loosely on real events. i was at a battle of bands once and met a really hot drummer, complimented her playing and she hugged me. i later got shoved into a wall when a metal band began playing and the front of the crowd became a mosh pit.
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you feel so out of place here.
zoya’s band is performing tonight at a bar, and obviously, any self-respecting girlfriend would go to their girlfriend's concert, right? it's only natural! you've even gone as far as to make a banner in dark cloth with bai yi’s, eleven’s, serpent’s and zoya's names spray-painted on it, though anyone can tell there's favoritism when zoya's name is bigger than the others and there's messy hearts around it. whatever, you're happy to show support for the band, but you're also very much devoted to your pookie (that absolutely loathes being called pookie, hence why you do it).
…all that said though, you're still by yourself in the crowd in a place you're not used to, dressed in a relatively short skirt and a blouse that leaves your shoulders exposed. it was supposed to be something to tease zoya, get her to smirk and say, “oh, you just couldn't wait ‘til we got back home?”
now though, there's a breeze that makes you shiver and you're attracting less desirable attention. now there's less excitement and more desire for zoya to just whisk you away. all this skin you're showing is meant for zoya and zoya alone!
it seems like whatever god is out there is rather merciful though, because suddenly there's a hand that grips your wrist and pulls you away. at first you turn around in shock, already on edge, before you recognize your girlfriend's tall form and her silky, silver hair. just like that, you're smiling eagerly while you let zoya guide you to the backstage section only musicians are allowed.
the second you're behind the stage, zoya's glaring at you with furrowed brows. “c'mon princess, you should've texted me. it's obvious from miles away that you're uncomfortable,” she scolds while still gripping onto your wrist, her touch a bit more gentle now that it's just the two of you.
“s-sorry, i didn't know if you'd be able to answer,” you try to explain, suddenly feeling sheepish before her.
despite still being somewhat worried about you though, zoya sighs softly before a bright grin rises to her face, and suddenly her hands dart behind your thighs and she lifts you up like you weight nothing, which prompts you to let out a shocked little squeal. “z-zoya!” you exclaim, clearly flustered.
“what? i'm just happy to see my girl here, cheering for me!” she counters eagerly, and suddenly you're reminded of why you spent so much time working on that banner and wanted to remain in the crowd: so zoya could see it and see that cocky yet thrilled expression of hers.
the way she smiles is too much for you, and with a fond grin, you lean down while she's still lifting you up with those strong hands, then kiss zoya's lips so tenderly you'd think she's made of porcelain. of course, zoya's happy to kiss back, though she keeps it chaste because god knows she won't be letting you go if you deepen the kiss even a tiny bit.
“gonna be cheering for me in the crowd?” zoya whispers against your lips and you just know her lipstick left marks over your own. “or do you wanna stay near the stage? we can be even closer that way.”
“won't you get in trouble for sneaking me backstage though?”
“eh, who cares. i'm not letting my girl stay where she doesn't wanna.” as she speaks, one of her thumbs gently strokes the spot where your thigh meets your ass, and while normally that would drive you crazy, all it does is melt your heart.
“hm… if you're sure, babe. i'd rather stay near the stage.”
“consider it done.”
you kiss her on the cheek, both to show her your appreciation and to leave a mark of your own on zoya. “you're a darling.”
behind the two of you the unmistakable noise of bai yi fake gagging can be heard while eleven tells her off with a little laugh, meanwhile serpent signals that their band is up now. zoya pouts at being called away, though she goes right back to grinning at you with that usual, wolfish smirk of hers. she gives your ass a gentle pat, something that makes your cheeks burn, then sets you back down down and adjusts her own clothes.
“wish me luck, doll.”
as she leaves, you throw her a kiss silently, then smile brightly when she catches it and kisses her hand in response, walking backwards so her blue eyes stay glued to yours until she's properly on stage.
gah, you love her to bits.
“now, this group's a bit of a newer integration, but you may have heard of ‘em, so give it up for… path to nowhere!” the announcer shouts into a microphone before handing it to serpent, and the crowd goes wild while she sets it up on a stand.
instead of wasting any time, all that sounds is zoya slamming her drumsticks together as she shouts, “one, two, three, four!”
the crowd's already lively and raring even though less than a minute has gone by, aided by the punk sound of your girlfriend's band, to the point where they're already moshing with serpent’s voice as their background, and suddenly you're glad zoya read your comfort levels and pulled you to a more secluded area where you can hear them play just fine. it allows your focus to go entirely towards your girlfriend.
specifically, you can see the way zoya's jacket doesn't quite cover her tattoed shoulders and biceps, how she's already somewhat transpired as she grins from how excited everyone is. each hit she gives her drums resounds and vibrates across the place, you can quite literally feel the beat through your entire body as it reaches your heart, and yet it's still little compared to the way it throbs every time zoya glances your way between each roll against her snare drum.
she sends a wink your way once the first song is over, and you happily lift the banner for her to see, something that makes zoya laugh upon seeing her name dwarf the others. you're the only one who knows why zoya's laughing.
it's nice, the little things like that between you and your girlfriend.
before you know it, zoya's band is done and the next band is up, though you keep the handmade banner held up high when zoya and the others meet you back beside the stage.
you hear bai yi asking if they blew your mind, eleven thanking you for the banner, serpent eagerly running to hug you as thanks for the support.
they're all a bit too late for you to process them though, because zoya's arms are wrapped around your form in a tight embrace and obviously, ever the loving girlfriend, you wrap your arms around her all the same. she's warm, a tad sweaty and her breathing’s a bit labored from getting too into her playing, and you still find zoya to be the hottest woman to ever step foot on this planet. hell, her panting might be turning you on.
she surprises you by leaning in and whispering into your ear, “let's get out of here already, yeah? i don't have to stay here anymore and honestly, i need to fucking ravage you.”
your eyes immediately go wide and you pull away to stare at her like a deer in the headlights, yet zoya's smirking at you and staring right back like she didn't just threaten you with a good time, as surprised as you were. “got all worked up?” you whisper with a little smile, letting your hands rest on the slight curve of her hip while hers are far more adventurous.
“of course i fuckin’ did. did you forget what you're wearing or somethin’?” zoya grumbles back, and for a moment you had, you had genuinely forgotten you wanted to get a rise out of her with this short skirt that barely even reaches the middle of your thigh. still, her hands moving to hold your hips are a wonderful reminder of one of your main goals tonight.
“what about the rest of the bands though? i even made this-”
“come to my place and hang it above my bed.”
you find it hard to object to zoya's solid argument.
amongst the band’s objections and curious questions, zoya simply leads you away and out of the bar, the two of you giggling like you're drunk despite having drunk no alcohol at all, simply because zoya makes you feel giddy and she enjoys teasing you about it.
the two of you call an uber to go to zoya's apartment, but the second you're inside, your girlfriend decides she's done holding back. the second she's done giving her direction and without a care or worry, zoya crashes her lips into yours and her hands travel down your thighs to dig her fingers into the flesh there. you let out a muffled gasp against her eager mouth, happy to part your lips so zoya can push her tongue inside and claim you like she obviously wants to. her hands go further under your skirt now, groping at the round flesh of your ass, and zoya just about growls against your lips. you don't realize it, but this woman's been thinking about pulling you into a corner and pushing at least two fingers inside you the second she saw you in the crowd of that bar.
the car door presses against your back uncomfortably though, distracting you from zoya's eager hands, and so it's a blessing when the uber driver awkwardly announces that you've arrived at your destination.
zoya simply shoves some cash at him and barks for him to keep the change before eagerly unlocking the door behind you and lifting you like she had done before, something that once more prompts a shocked gasp out of you. she carries you while leaving hungry, almost clumsy kisses across your neck and jawline, to the point where you have to be on the lookout to avoid bumping into anything while zoya leaves her lipstick all across your shoulders.
the heat of the moment doesn't die down when you finally reach the door to zoya's apartment, where she finally lets you down to reluctantly open it as fast as humanly possible. in the blink of an eye, you drag her into the apartment and she matches your energy, instantly closing the door behind you and pushing you against the hard surface.
“you think you're so clever,” she grunts before pausing to nibble and suck right onto your pulse point and leaving a dark hickey there. “thought i’d pounce you the second i saw you.”
you would've been right, but she's never going to say that part out loud.
“you're mine, doll. if anyone's gonna see all this skin, they better know i'm the one that's got you covered in marks.”
“i-i’m all yours,” is all you can whine under your breath, already feeling like your mind is entirely blank even though all zoya's done is kiss and grope you. it's just that easy for her to turn your body into her plaything.
“atta girl. all mine,” zoya praises with a smug smirk before she pulls off her jacket and unbuckles her belt a second later. your eyes brighten up like you're seeing a christmas present, and it's almost second nature to fall onto your knees before your girlfriend, something that makes her chuckle. “eager, aren't you? that's a good slut.”
you don't answer zoya aloud, but instead lean forward to press sloppy kisses over her abs, and the sigh she lets out when she takes in the sight makes you clench your thighs. you continue to press your lips against her taut skin, covering her in messy lipstick marks while making your way down her navel. a silent glance upward, a request for permission to continue, and zoya bites her lip while tangling her fingers across your hair. “show me what that tongue can do,” she doesn't say, but commands.
eager, you pull her pants and boxers down until her cunt is exposed, because you know she likes fucking you while clothed, and you dive to drive your tongue between her drenched lips like a starved man. “fuck, that's it,” you hear her grunt while giving her clit a few licks for good measure, then press your mouth against the edge of her entrance, collecting all the slick zoya's making just because of you, and that thought alone drives you crazy.
you don't get to bask in that thought for long though.
zoya's grip on your hair tightens a second later, and you whimper before leaving your tongue flat, knowing that's just a warning before she's rutting against your tongue and guiding you by your hair into whatever side she so desires. “good god, such a pretty mouth,” she grumbles between labored breaths, and you're more than happy to let her use your tongue to her heart's content. her clit keeps brushing against you, bringing out grunts and groans out of zoya like she's losing her grip on reality. between the way she looks down at you like she owns you, eyes clouded from the pleasure, makes you clench your thighs while your cunt squeezes around nothing.
“gonna cum soon. you better be a good little whore and take it all,” she grunts while still riding your mouth, pushing down against her entrance. you moan against her and push your tongue inside while nosing her clit to try and make her reach her peak. obviously, you're more than happy to comply with her request.
the second zoya creams into your mouth, it's hard to not let out a pleased moan, for you love the way she tastes against you. she trembles above you with a loud groan, her grip tight and borderline desperate on your hair, though that simply makes you moan louder into her drenched folds.
when she's done though, her grip loosens, and you see the softness in her gaze when those lovely blue eyes look down at you. “good girl,” she whispers while gently stroking your hair with a shaky hand.
you pull away from her, smiling brightly at zoya. “i live to serve,” you murmur softly, something that brings a chuckle out of her.
“alright now, i'm pretty sure i've got a promise to keep,” zoya says before taking you by the wrists and pushing your front against the nearest wall, her chest pressed against your back as she holds you there.
“z-zoya,” you gasp out, only to let out a breathless sigh when your girlfriend's hands start to travel across your body in ways she couldn't allow before. one of zoya's hands goes up your blouse and under your bra to toy with your breast and pinch the nipple, something that brings little moans out of you, much to her delight. the other hand meanwhile lifts your skirt from behind and two of her fingers instantly start brushing against your clothed cunt, the fabric already ruined from how turned on you are from eating her out.
“all this for me?” zoya rasps into your ear and smirks to herself when all you let out in response is a needy whine. between her hand playing with your tits and the fingers that don't quite go inside you, she's making every fiber of your being ache to just let her claim you already.
suddenly though, the hand playing with your chest darts away, and before you can ask zoya what’s wrong, she brings it down onto your ass cheek with a loud smack. instantly, you cry out at the sensation, caught off-guard… though you arch your back a bit a mere moment later, allowing zoya full access to your body.
“you don't get to tease me, dressing up like this for one of my shows,” she scolds before giving your ass another smack; the skin is already turning red. “you've got no idea what it was like, seeing you like this and having to hold back just ‘cause i've got a show.”
“i-i’m sorry-” you begin with a shaky voice, only for your words to morph into a sharp moan as she smacks your other ass cheek with the hand that was teasing your drenched in your own slick.
“i'll make you understand what will happen if you dress like this again.”
christ, this just makes you want to do it again as soon as possible.
zoya then pulls your soaked underwear out of the way until your panties fall to your ankles, and without waiting for a single instant, pushes three whole fingers into you while still sporting that smug smirk of hers, which only widens at the loud moan she drags out of you. “just like that, yeah. keep making noises like that while i'm the one that fucks you.”
you obey without complaints, something she makes not just easy but inevitable. zoya's fingers fill you up as she pumps into you at an already unbearable pace. the way she pants and growls into your ear only makes you clench around her fingers more, which makes her chuckle lowly against you and in return your cunt flutters around her, trapping you in an endless cycle. her fingers move in and out, already accustomed to your walls like it's her second nature, and it only takes her a moment before her fingers curl up against your g-spot and ram into it like she's trying to bully it.
“zoya, fuck, p-please,” you gasp between wanton moans, focusing on the way her body presses against yours while her fingers go in and out of you.
zoya laughs, though the sound is eclipsed by the wet noises coming from below and the moans coming from above. “please what, babe? c'mon, you're a big girl, so use your words.”
it's hard to speak at all right now, but somehow you manage. “c-close. please lemme cum,” you plead, then squeeze your eyes shut to focus on the pleasure she makes you drown in.
“just like that, yeah. that's my slut,” she says as her free hand darts to your front and starts rubbing your clit with two fingers. instantly, your eyes go wide and the volume of your moans grows, feeling breathless under the assault of her fingers that fuck you from all possible angles. you can't think, you can barely even see beyond the stars she brings to your vision, yet zoya remains relentless as she fingers you.
the only warning you give her is a sharp gasp before you cry out and let your head fall forward, a sudden stream of cum shooting out from between your legs that coats her hands and some of her floor as well.
“goddamn,” you hear her whisper in shock, awe and even pride, though it's almost impossible to think through your orgasm. she helps you ride your high while slowing the pace of her fingers, until she finally stops and slowly pulls away to hold you from behind in a tender hug.
“you were beautiful there, babe,” she whispers, gently pushing your hair away to leave gentle kisses at the back of your neck. this woman behaves like a beast more often than not, but zoya still treats you like fragile porcelain when she's done making you see white. it's something that only makes you love her more and more.
with tired breaths, you smile back and close your eyes, enjoying the way her lips feel against you. “you were awesome too,” you praise, “both here… and on the stage.”
the soft laugh she lets out against your skin makes goosebumps rise where she breathes. “damn right i was. i gotta be cool onstage when i know my girlfriend's watching.”
the next morning, when you wake up in your girlfriend's bed with your head tucked comfortably under her chin and soft snores coming from zoya, a glance upwards makes a wide grin rise to your face.
the banner you made for her and the rest of the band hangs there, above the bed, proudly.
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aphrogeneias · 3 months
I would love to read more Rockstar!eddie and Assitant!reader.
How about before everyone finds out they're together, someone walks in on them either making out or whatever. OR eddie shows up with the same shade of lipstick as readers lips all over his mouth and neck. 😏 try to make an excuse for that eddie, lol.
“Look at you.”
The whispered adoration in your voice is apparent, but for his ears only.
It only makes it worse, when you swipe your thumb over his plump bottom lip, swollen from your kisses. Eddie’s mouth stretches in a lopsided smile, eyes staring at your lips as you try to fix the mess you made.
“Look at me? Look at you, baby.” He kisses you again, then, pulling your hand away. His eager hands squeeze your waist, your hips, anywhere they can grab a hold of — like they need to be everywhere at once. “Made a mess out of you, and I haven't even touched you.”
“You're touching me right now, silly.”
He rolls his big, beautiful eyes. “Not where it matters.”
The chill of the night can't find you here, squeezed between the metal trailer that served as a dressing room, and Eddie's body, shielding you from it. It's dark here, perfect for hiding, though you don't know from who — everyone's already gone at this point, looking to burn the extra energy of the concert somewhere else.
The two of you stayed behind to look for some time alone. Always seeking each other, never having enough.
Still trying to make your boyfriend somehow presentable, you wipe at the red lipstick stains on his face, fading to a light pink. He watches you through hooded eyes. “Do I, at least, look pretty?”
Despite yourself, you giggle. “The prettiest.”
You don't hear the steps coming from your peripheral until it's too late. Someone calls out, “Eddie, man! Where are you?”
There's nowhere to run to, but Eddie still pushes you behind him, and you freeze. When you turn to look, Grant is right there, face contorted in confusion, but strangely not shock, crossing his arms as he stands before you, too unphased for your liking.
“What the fuck, dude?” Eddie calls out.
“I don't wanna know what's going on here, don't tell me.” The bassist is already turning the other way around, waving his hands in the air. “I’m waiting for you in the car, the guys are already at the bar.”
He's already gone by the time your legs find it in themselves to move again.
“Hey,” Eddie starts, “you okay? I can talk to him if you want…”
“It's fine, Ed. I don't mind.” You do mind, actually. Your heart might explode at any minute, but you need to keep your composure. Reaching for his hand, you smile. “Let me see if I can find some makeup wipes in there, we can't keep them waiting too long.”
“Are you sure?” He doesn't move, pulling you to fully look at him.
Grant’s reaction told you what you already know, deep down. They know more than you give them credit for, they're smart guys. Good guys, you tell yourself, people you trust.
It isn't the first time you'd have a close call like this, but you have a feeling it will be one of the last — and, strangely, for the first time the thought of it doesn't scare you.
“I'm sure.” You nod.
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enchantedbarnes · 2 years
Uncle Buck Returns
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: Our little menace of a nephew has secured a date for you. Here is part 2 to Uncle Buck.
Word Count: 1401
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: what in the actual f👀 is going on 😅 I was expecting maybe 10 or so people to read Uncle Buck. My notifications haven't stopped going off since I posted. Thank you so much everyone that read it and enjoyed it. I hope you also enjoy this little continuation. P.S. GIF replies are my love language so if you enjoy send me your best (or worst 😈) 🫶
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As soon as the pair return home and walk through the front door, Benji skips his way in shouting, "MAWWAGE! MAWWAGE IS WHAT BWINGS US TOGEVAH TODAYYYY!" Arms high above him as he rushes through the living room in search of his parents.
"Benji, please don't make me regret letting you watch my favorite movie," you sigh, flopping onto the couch, hands covering your face.
He stops short and looks back at you, "Have you the wing?" He bows and giggles, then turns back around to continue on with his search.
"You're back!" Your sister shouts while she snatches Benji up into her arms, covering the small boy in kisses. "Did you have so much fun with Auntie today? Why are we shouting Princess Bride quotes?" She gasps, "Did you get to meet the dread pirate Roberts??"
Benji looks up at her in confusion, "What? No Mom, we saw Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson! And guess WHAT!"
"Ohhh, what?!"
He whispers into her ear and throws his head back laughing like a tiny evil madman.
"You did what???!" She laughs.
You groan from the couch.
She walks both of them over to you.
"Did I understand him correctly, is there something we should know? Are you betrothed to a super soldier?"
"I'm gonna go throw up," you groan again.
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Sweating doesn't even begin to cover it.
Your entire body feels like it's on fire.
You agreed to meet Bucky for a late lunch the following day. You've been sitting on the floor by your closet for what you thought was 30 minutes now, staring into the clothing abyss, spiraling into an internal panic.
You don't go on dates. You keep to yourself. It's comfortable. Living in a combined household with your sister and her small family you're certainly never alone.
What are you even supposed to talk about?
Your current job is nothing super exciting to talk about. You do like to go to concerts and musicals... However you can't really imagine the 106-year-old super soldier going to a pop punk or metal show, nor do you imagine him attending Wicked 3 times. Note to self: do not bring up Rogers the musical. Yikes.
Your sister has already talked you off a ledge 3 times since last night when you got home.
While still wallowing in self pity and loathing, two outfits are scattered by you and you have three more in your arms.
Your sister walks by your open door and backtracks peering in.
"Y/n," she sighs, "just wear the first outfit. You'll look great, I promise." She walks over and grabs the armful of clothes from you, dumping them on the bed and grabbing the first outfit. Your favorite pair of black jeans and a sweater you bought specifically because it was so damn soft.
The doorbell rings and your eyes widen. "He's early?!"
"He's on time, you would have noticed if you weren't staring into space for the last hour."
"Don't worry we'll keep him distracted while you finish getting ready."
"Oh sure, don't worry. That fills me with all the confidence..."
"Benji has already asked him to marry you, what's the worst that could happen now?"
"I don't even want to think about the answer to that. So many possibilities come to mind."
You grab your outfit and start rushing around.
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"Can I get you something to drink, Bucky?" Your sister asks while she moves about the room.
Bucky and Benji are seated at the kitchen table, just off from the living room. Benji is across from him with his tiny arms crossed on the table, and a very serious look on his face.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"Ok, I'm sure she'll be down in just a moment. Make yourself at home. Hopefully we will see you around again soon," she smiles, "I'm just gonna go switch the laundry over quickly. Benji," she looks down at him while pointing two fingers at her eyes and then over to him, "behave yourself," she warns while leaving the room.
The table stare down continues.
"Where do you live?" Benji asks.
"In the city," Bucky answers.
"You have a house?" Benji fires back.
"Own or rent?"
"Where’s your office?"
"I don’t have one."
"How come?"
"I don’t need one."
"Where’s your wife?"
"Don’t have one.."
"Yet," Benji squints with a tiny smirk, "but how come?"
"It's a long story."
"You have kids?"
"No I don’t."
"How come?"
"It's an even longer story."
"Do you prefer dogs or cats?"
"Both are fine."
"Do you have one?"
"I have a cat. Names Alpine."
"Is Steve Rogers really on the moon?"
"What's your record for consecutive questions asked?"
"He's up there all right." Bucky answers with a nod.
"Your metal arm and regular arm match well with how ginormous your muscles are."
"How nice of you to notice."
"I’m a kid, that’s my job."
Bucky raises a brow, "Why am I getting the 3rd degree here?"
"Just checking in on my investments. If this didn't work I was going to ask our neighbor Frank, but he kind of sucks," Benji shrugs his shoulders.
Before Bucky can question the language and what the 8-year-old said, you walk into the kitchen and quickly look back and forth between the two of them.
"Oh no, how long have you two been alone in here?? What did he say?" You ask Bucky, looking over at Benji quickly after, "What did you say??" Your eyes narrow.
Benji grins and holds your purse up for you. "Have fun storming the castle," he cheekily smiles with that glint in his eyes.
"Benji," you glare down at him.
Bucky clears his throat while standing up from the table. Walking over to you he points to a small bouquet of flowers that were already in a vase waiting on the kitchen table, "Um, these are for you…" he smiles.
"Thank you so much, they're beautiful," your reply is breathless while you look at the arrangement filled with a small mix of your favorites.
"He also gave me this," Benji holds up an RC truck with a Captain America shield painted on the side.
"That was very nice of him, did you say thank you?"
"Duh," he rolled his eyes while grabbing the remote to the car and rolling it out to the living room, "Thanks Future-Uncle Bucky," he grins and chases after it.
"Anyone ever tell you guys he's kind of a strange kid?" Bucky whispers conspiratorially while offering his arm to you.
You throw your head back with a quick laugh. "Oh, you have no idea."
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Your date is going better than you expected.
You have managed to not make a complete fool out of yourself so far and both of you seemed to be enjoying your time together.
You have apologized multiple times for Benji's antics.
Bucky laughs, "He reminds me a bit of a young Steve and my sister Rebecca combined. Didn't realize that combo was possible, it's a little terrifying. I hope they have great medical insurance," he jokes.
"His father's a nurse, so we have in-house medical on demand. My sister tried to convince me to go to law school so someone can represent him when he undoubtedly tries to take over the world. Guess I can save some money and time on law school now that we have a super soldier plus a Captain America connection that can potentially stop him before lawyers need to be involved."
"Your sister already welcomed me to the family when she opened the door to let me in," he smirks.
You put your face in your hands, elbows leaning against the table in support.
"Well now you know where her small menace gets it from."
Bucky helps pull your chair out for you as you're both about to leave. As you stand up your purse falls off the back of your chair, spilling some of its contents on the floor when it lands.
Bucky ducks down to help collect your things when something shiny appears next to your chapstick. His eyebrows furrow as he picks both up and holds them up to you.
You let out a slightly strangled cough as you realize what he's holding up to you.
Bucky Barnes was kneeling holding up your peppermint chapstick and your Grandmother's opal ring that was supposed to be safely in your jewelry box at home.
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Next: Part 3 Lord of the Pins
@pono-pura-vida @bitchy-bi-trash @random-writer-23 @jvanilly @clintsupremacy @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction
3K notes · View notes
shirakow · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ summary ꒱ ; on his leave, he decided to go to his favorite female idols concert: you! But the thing is, you weren't a girl. SAY HI FOR THE CAMERA, PRETTY THING .
‧₊ ᵎᵎ pair ⋅ ˚✮ ; Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x Male!Reader
WARNINGS ! NSFW , overstimulation , praise , degradation , slight sadism if you squint , light spanking , light exhibitionism , recording .
⁺ ⛧ ; 3k+ words, and finals are almost finished!
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ㅤㅤㅤ"Yes! I'm so pumped!" Hizashi punches the air out of excitement, he finally gets to go to his favorite Idols concert! Truthfully, it was a guilty pleasure, because although he'd much rather listen to rock and anything metal, there was a small part of him that loved cutesy jpop music. And right now it's showing.
The pro hero was on leave due to the fact that he got injured a few days ago—severely, might I add. However, even if he's on leave, that doesn't necessarily mean he can just prance around the city either. Hizashi wore his casual clothes, his usual spiked blonde hair tied in a manbun, and a white face mask to top it all off. There you have it! A completely unrecognizable Present Mic in the wild.
Hizashi walked down the crowded halls of the concert venue, bumping into a swarm of people, but one in particular had the person stumbling back and almost falling, had it not been for Hizashi to catch them. He held their wrist gently and pulled them back onto their feet, "Ya okay, sweet thing?" Hizashi asked, he didn't even need to raise his voice in order for the person to hear as his regular volume was already loud enough due to his quirk.
The person raised their head, only to have his jaw drop at the sight that it wasn't just some nasty old freak—it was you of all people. "Thank you so much, sir!" You tried your best to bow with all these people surrounding you, but it pushed you further into Hizashi's arms. He was quick to act and placed his hands on your shoulders, gently leading you away from the crowd while he tried his hardest not to fanboy. You were his favorite idol for Christ's sake!
The moment you reached a somewhat secluded corner, you thanked him once more, saying 'thank yous' over and over again until you were satisfied. Hizashi took this as a chance to gaze at what you were wearing—it was all casual, a contrast to what he normally sees you wearing on stage, but your hair was still tied in that signature side ponytail. Just as you were about to reach your 30th thank you, Hizashi stopped you, "Hey now, ya gotta save yer pretty voice for the concert," he snickered. "Everyones gonna be so sad if ya perform with a tired voice box, pretty lady." Hizashi said in a dramatic tone, before he smiled under his mask.
The way the nickname rolled off his tongue had you squeezing your thighs, an uncomfortable feeling starting to pool at your abdomen.
You stared at him for a few more seconds, then you nodded, "You're right, thank you again, Sir!" You bowed for one last time. In your ears, he sounded like he was flirting, and not the regular kinda pervy flirting you've received from older men or weirdos in general—it seemed more natural, like Hizashi didn't even mean to be flirty: which is even hotter.
And you were right, it just came like breathing for Hizashi, it's like being in the limelight for most of his life finally paid off! Because now he actually managed to talk to his favorite idol without stuttering and geeking.
Just as you turned to run backstage, you glanced back at him, "Wait, I feel like I know you..." You trailed off. You know it's not his appearance since he was covered from head to toe, but rather, his voice—it was familiar to you. He sounded like a late night podcast host, maybe he's on one of those radio shows you occasionally watched? Hizashi flinched upon mention, and he snickered, "I guess I can't really hide it anymore, it's hard to go anywhere with a voice like mine," he slowly pulled his mask down and tilted his glasses downwards, giving you a glimpse of his green eyes and pretty face underneath.
"Present Mic at yer service." Hizashi cooed with a wink, "And before ya ask, no pictures. I'm on leave today!" His usual boisterous personality finally came out as his voice boomed. You stared in awe at him, you didn't even know Pro Heroes listened to your music, much less Present Mic! You didn't even mind his switch in demeanor, it just made you laugh.
Now if that laugh didn't send a pleasurable shiver down Hizashi's spine, it shockingly served as a way to shut him up. "After the concert then... Is it alright if I can meet with you in the back and... Take a few pictures?" You batted your long eyelashes with a small purse to your lips, hoping he wouldn't have to go so soon. "It's not everyday I get to see a Pro Hero at my concert after all." You placed your hand on his chest, slowly sliding them up to gently caress the side of his neck.
Hizashi's whole body shut down at the touch, before he cleared his throat and raised a brow, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are ya tryin' to flirt with me, pretty thing?" He asked in an unusually quieter tone. "Depends on how you see it." You replied softly, a grin on your red lips. "Well I see it as ya tryin' to get my number, or is it the ego talkin'?" Hizashi wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you in closer.
You bit your bottom lip, and he flinched when you slipped a hand in his back pocket, "H-Hey, what're ya—" you only shushed him. "Relax, it's a VIP pass. Can't have you getting arrested trying to get in through the back..." You whispered as Hizashi scoffed, "I can just sweet talk them." Now it was your turn to do so, "And what? Talk about your sponsor?"
"Maybe." Hizashi chuckled, a grin on his face.
His words made you giggle and pull away which made him pout in disappointment, "Just meet me backstage, I'm looking forward to seeing you in the crowd, Present Mic." The way you said his hero name had him melting, he's so glad he can call that alias his. Now what he wanted to hear was for you to call his real name.
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Like he promised, Hizashi stood right outside your private room with his back against the wall. He managed to slip through the guards using the VIP pass you slipped him when you were talking. After a while of waiting, he got a bit impatient. He desperately wanted to see you and take some pictures, and he'd hang it up on the wall along with the other band posters he had! Maybe he'll even empty out a space just to make it a lot more special.
Hizashi tapped his foot on the floor, before he sighed and opened the door when he got tired of waiting. "Pardon me for the intrusion—!" He said in a sing-song tone, only to pause when he saw you touching up your makeup in front of the mirror, your pretty pink dress ruffled up a bit with your hair set neatly on the vanity table. Wait, what?
Your hair was a wig?! You panicked and got a hold of your wig and threw it on, albeit messily but it was already too late now. Hizashi's mouth flew open in shock, before he shook his head and approached you, letting the door close behind him.
"Ya... What..." He sputtered out, trying to figure out what was going on, before he came to two conclusions. Hizashi unexpectedly placed a hand under your chin and gently turned your head left and right, as if observing you. "Say..." He trailed off quietly, "Talk." He said, uncharacteristically too blunt for your liking. You stuttered a few words out, but not coherent ones as you were too flustered for getting caught, "Look, it's not what it looks like..." Hizashi raised a brow and tilted his head.
"Ya know, if ya hadn't said that, I would've believed it if ya told me ya were just a girl with short hair," he hummed, rubbing your chin with his thumb. "But I'm guessing it is what it looks like." Hizashi said with a small grin forming on his face, "Yer a boy, aren't ya?" Hizashi knew it was wrong to ask, and incredibly insensitive if it turns out you were actually a girl with short hair who sounded like a prepubescent teenage boy.
You flinched at the question, and decided to play it off, "What? Of course not!" You lied through your teeth. Your contract prohibited you from telling the truth, after all. Hizashi snickered and pulled his mask off and shoved it in his pocket, "I don't mind, sweet thing. And besides, I'm not one to share others' secrets." He cooed, gently taking your wig off and threw it aside, causing it to hit the wall and slide down to the floor.
You gulped thickly when you were exposed, "You promise?" You asked, holding onto Hizashi's wrist. He bit his bottom lip as he fought back a smirk, "I promise, don't worry yer pretty little head, baby." Hizashi whispered in a sultry tone, before he paused when he thought about something.
"... Ya still up for that picture taking session?"
"Yeah, set up the camera just like that, baby." Hizashi cooed into your ear as you bent over on his lap to set the phone up on a stand. It would've been a lot easier if you just stood up, if it weren't for Hizashi's tight hold on your hips, and his dick buried deep in your ass. "Come on, how hard is it to set up a phone?" He commented with a raised brow, growing impatient.
You rolled your eyes and was about to bite back when he suddenly gave your hole a sharp thrust, causing the tip of his cock to hit your prostate head on. You moaned, arching your spine and accidentally let go of the phone, making it fall back on the table. You looked back at Hizashi with furrowed brows, "Stay still, will you." You grumbled out in annoyance and went back to fixing the camera.
Hizashi snickered and pushed your fluffy shirt back to gently rub circles on your lower back. "Can't help it, ya'd do the same if ya had yer dick up your favorite idols ass." He bit his bottom lip and moved your hips to grind you against him. You huffed, "You're too impatient." You commented as you finally got the phone set up on the stand.
"And yer too slow." Hizashi immediately started fucking into you when you clicked record, lifting your hips and bringing it back down on his cock like a fleshlight. Your eyes widened, holding onto the cushions in between Hizashi's spread legs for some leverage, "Y-You fucker!" You moaned, trying your best not to moan too loud as you're still in the concert venue.
Hizashi laughed, using his other hand to lift your skirt up, exposing your leaking cock to the camera—bouncing up and down as he thrusted in and out of your ass. "Aye... Look at that pretty cock... Yer fuckin' leakin'..." He bit his bottom lip at the sight. You were quick to cover it up with your hands out of embarrassment, which made Hizashi spank your thigh.
"Don't cover 'em, I'm not gonna show this to anyone, baby..." Hizashi whispered into your ear, pressing his chest against your back as he gently got a hold of your wrists and slowly pulled them away from your boy parts. "This is for me and my eyes alone... So let me see your dick, baby... Let the camera see..." He urged, smirking slightly when he saw you hesitantly move your hands away from in between your legs.
"Attaboy." Hizashi praised and moved his hands to go under your thighs, pulling them up so you're on Nelson, letting the camera see his thick cock spreading your tight hole out. "Fuckk... I could just cum at the sight of that..." He groaned, his dick twitching inside you as he went back to thrusting into your ass.
You squealed, reaching behind you to grab a fistful of Hizashi's hair as you felt yourself coming closer. "M-Mic..." Hizashi groaned and shook his head, "Call me Hizashi, baby... Fuck, call me that, please..." He begged as he nipped on your neck, sucking and licking on your sensitive spot to make a mark.
"D-Don't leave a hickey...!" You panted breathlessly, your other hand grabbing hold of Hizashi's thigh. He growled into your ear, biting down onto your neck just to spite you, "Ya can just cover 'em up... Ya can't really blame me for wantin' to make the world know yer mine..."
Hizashi chuckled, kissing the spot gently as an apology as his free hand dropped one of your thighs and got a hold of your cock, enclosing his palm around the tip—circling and twisting it to get all the precum out. You cried, desperately trying to close your thighs at his rough ministrations. "Ah ah ah, don't close 'em, or else I'm gonna leave you 'ere. Empty and stretched out..." Hizashi warned with a small sadistic grin.
Tears rolled down your cheeks but you nodded nonetheless, "Y-You're so mean... Ngh...!~" You sobbed and babbled incoherent nonsense. Hizashi cooed at your words, and once he deemed his palm wet enough, he started to fist your cock roughly in time with his thrusts.
Your tongue lolled out, arching your back away from Hizashi's chest. He let out a loud 'ohhh' as he watched your cock release spurts of cum, "There we go, attaboy... Yer doin' so good..." Hizashi praised into your ear, watching your reactions from the small phone on the table. "Ya look good from this angle." He snickered as his pace started to get sloppy and desperate.
"Fuck, I'm close... Inside or out?" Hizashi asked you. You were too fucked out at this point, your whole body ached and shook at the overstimulation and continued thrusts from Hizashi even though you just came.
"Mm... A-Ah...—nside...~" You were too far gone. Hizashi raised a brow and smirked, "What was that?" He gave a harsh thrust, his grip on your cock growing tighter. You sobbed as your eyes rolled back, "I-Inside! Please, inside...!" You begged breathlessly, it's like you just threw your dignity away the moment you got some dick. It's been years anyway.
Hizashi groaned and nodded, "Roger..." He reached to the side and got a hold of your discarded panties, before shoving it into your mouth to gag you up. "Taste yerself for a little while..." Hizashi put your thighs down and slowly pulled out of you, which earned a muffled whine of disappointment from you.
He chuckled and stood up, pulling you with him and had you bend down on the coffee table—directly in front of the camera. Your eyes widened at your appearance: your makeup was ruined, mascara running down your rosy cheeks and your hair was a mess. Hizashi noticed you staring at yourself while he positioned himself back into your ass.
You looked away from the phone in embarrassment, only for Hizashi to laugh and grab a hold of the device. "Don't worry, I'll keep yer face out of it." He instead hovered it over to where they'll soon be connected, and pushed back inside your ass with a groan. "Still tight as hell..." Hizashi held onto your hip with one hand and began fucking you again.
Your eyes crossed, gripping onto the table for dear life as he sobbed. Tasting yourself on your tongue as drool rolled down your chin. Hizashi watched his dick disappear and reappear from your hole, the way cum created a small halo around the base of his cock, and the way your ass bounced—just the sight of you taking his cock had him moaning.
"C-Close... Fuck I'm so close..." Hizashi bit his bottom lip, reaching under you to stroke your sensitive dick. You shook violently and came for the 2nd time, his heavy balls slapping against your own. Hizashi's hips stuttered as he let go of his phone and pulled you up, your back meeting his chest as he swiftly took your panties out your mouth and turned your head to kiss you sloppily.
His tongue slipped inside your mouth and moaned against your lips, giving one last thrust before he came inside you. Hot spurts of cum coating your gummy walls. You squealed, a few more drops of pre running down your red cock. Hizashi pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours, "Ya... Okay...?" He asked with a tired chuckle.
You were in a daze, but you managed to give him a nod nonetheless. Hizashi smiled and gave you one last peck on the lips, "'m sorry for being so mean... I'll make it up to ya." He offered as he slowly pulled out of you, making you hiss at how sensitive you were. Hizashi gently patted your ass and settled you on your couch, grabbed a towel from your chair and slowly wiped your lower half clean—making sure not to overstimulate you any further.
"How... Are you gonna make it up... To me..." You breathed out while staring at him, eyes lidded with fatigue. Hizashi thought for a moment before snickering, "I'll give ya an autograph?" He joked. You groaned and turned around to look away from him.
"I'm kiddin', sweet cheeks. What should I do to make it up to ya?" He asked, his hand rubbing your waist from behind while he kneeled in front of the couch. You were silent for a few seconds, taking his question into consideration before you glanced over your shoulder, "Give me your number." Hizashi paused, then he laughed.
"I already left it on yer vanity."
"Do you just carry a business card everywhere you go?"
"Hey, it came in handy today, don't ya think?" Well, yeah. At least he's one call away for another dicking down session.
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© shirakow ; im in heat .
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ladykailitha · 5 months
How I would do a sugar daddy/sugar baby AU. (I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me *side eyes the omegaverse*)
I've seen this well done in this fandom, I'm not saying I haven't, but of the ones I've seen they tend to be omegaverse or mafia/shady sugar daddy.
And I want thirty year old rockstar!Eddie with twink Steve. I said what I said. I think we forget that for the most part Steve isn't beefy. When he's "bulked" up, it's his clothing (Eddie's vest) or its his thighs that are "thicc". But Steve (Joe Kerry in particular out of the role) is thin.
So we have rockstar!Eddie with Corroded Coffin touring the country and doing a couple of dive bars because that's where they got their start and hitting up The Hideout, because again that's where they got their start.
Steve, who recently got kicked out of his parents house because he came out with liking men (gay, pan, bi don't care) and lost his job because again with the liking men thing (small town homophobia for the loss!)
So with his last twenty dollars, he decides to hit up on the local bar and drink away his troubles and maybe even get laid for a warm place to sleep tonight.
He gets dressed in his sluttiest clothes. Crop top, cut off booty shorts, sparkly blue sneaks.
Only he shows up on the night that Corroded Coffin is playing. After paying what he thought was a stiff cover charge (was actually a ticket to see the show) he gets in. He has less money than he hoped but he can only hope that someone is willing to buy him drinks.
He settles in next to the bar and realizes his mistake. The rest of the patrons are dressed in metal gear. Leather, black denim, and lots of chains. Steve doesn't just stick out, he sticks out like a prep in a metal concert.
But he can't afford to go anywhere else, and hopes he doesn't get too harassed tonight. So he keeps he head down and hopes of the best.
Only what he doesn't know is that he has caught the eye of the frontman and lead singer of Corroded Coffin, Eddie Munson. The fact that Steve stands out isn't a detriment, it's a perk.
He wants to find out everything about this boy who stumbled into his enclosure.
The rest of the band is rolling their eyes.
Eddie sends out one of the PAs to make sure that all of Steve's drinks go on Eddie's tab and spends the whole concert watching this guy.
After the concert Eddie sidles up to him and they get to talking. Immediately he picks up that Steve is not old enough to be there. So now he's worried he's under age.
They head out for a smoke and Steve admits that he's not twenty-five like the fake ID says, but nineteen. He shows Eddie his real ID as proof and Eddie is relieved.
They start making out and Eddie takes him to his hotel room to have sex.
In the morning, Eddie asks if he can take him home and Steve starts sobbing. He tells him about his shitty day with shitty parents and shitty boss.
And Eddie's bleeding heart immediately goes out to him and tells him to stay at the hotel for as long as he needs, order room service. Just no booze.
Steve pouts at that but agrees. That as long he stays at the hotel he won't buy booze on Eddie's dime.
Eddie gives Steve his phone number if he needs anything. He transfers the hotel room over to Steve's name, gives him a sultry kiss goodbye and leaves to finish his tour.
Steve doesn't have anywhere else to go and is not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he stays at the hotel. He gets to spend time in the luxurious bathroom with it's fancy shampoos and conditioners and hot tub like bath.
He finds that Eddie keeps sending him clothes and jewelry and suddenly the rich life style that he had with his parents pales in comparison to the extravagant lifestyle Eddie is providing for him.
Through all this Steve is still looking for a job as he doesn't want to overstay his welcome. But news hadn't gotten around town that he was gay and even people he thought he could trust are telling him that they can't hire him.
Eventually he gives up. He talks to Eddie all the time and whenever he feels discouraged Eddie will send him something pretty to cheer him up.
Finally Steve catches the fairy that had been leaving things in his hotel room when he's in the shower or out on the town.
Her name is Robin Buckley and she's a summer intern. Her uncle knew a guy who knew a guy that got her the job. She actually loves it, but she has one more year of high school and her parents won't let her drop out to be a PA for a rockstar.
They're concerned that he'll take advantage of her. Robin thinks it's funny because she's gay. Steve thinks it's funny because Eddie's gay and not into under eighteen year olds.
He tells her his story and over the summer they become best friends. Robin had heard that the Harrington boy had run off so imagine her surprise when Eddie's management had her deliver things to his hotel room. Staying in a hotel room in Hawkins is hardly running away.
Eddie comes back and just continues to throw money and gifts at Steve but doesn't ask for sex again. It's not until Steve tells him that he didn't fuck Eddie for his money or even for a warm bed at that point when he went back to the hotel with him, it was because Eddie cared. And god was that sexy as hell.
When Robin graduates Eddie hires her to be Steve's PA and the pair of them get to travel the world with the band as besties.
ETA: Story here.
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lonleywriters-blog · 2 months
Gotham characters x metalhead reader?
(James, Barbara , Lee, Bruce, Oswald, Edward and Jerome?)
Gotham x metalhead reader
Kinda shit because it's late but I'm trying to write while I have motivation
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Honestly he probably steals some of your stuff because it's cool.
He's rich so any band you like, he's looking for tickets.
Tries to understand the actual history behind the style and culture.
He will let you practice pain on him, maybe even let you do it before he leaves as Batman.
Alfred secretly gets down to the music
Bruce actually likes it, but never lets you play it in the morning
Spoils you with merch and accessories like every week
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She tries to be supportive but she does not like the music
She will let you listen to it when she's not around or if it's not as loud
She will set up small concerts of local metal bands at her club for you
She buys you anything you want including tickets, clothes, makeup, ECT.
The one time you caught her enjoying metal was listening to an underground female band
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You both met at a concert, at the bar actually
She loved your outfit and bought you a drink
She was surprised to actually get along with you, and want to spend more than a night together
Let's you practice make up on her, even asks you for some tips
Definitely steals accessories, especially your belts
She thinks chains look great on top of a black dress
Just don't play anything too early, she will get mad if you wake her up to metal
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Hasn't a clue about any band that's not in the radio
He might know a few 'divorced dad' type songs
He doesn't judge, he'll just silently be supportive
Y'all look cool side by side though, since he's always in a suit
He will go to concerts but he's not popular there, given he's like a famous Gotham cop
"name three songs" type guy
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She definitely knows some songs and mainstream bands
She loves the style but can't dedicate herself to learning about everything
Not to say she doesn't try, she does
She just doesn't have the best attention span for this kinda stuff
Shes always complimenting you, like religiously
If you guys go somewhere you'll feel her fix your hair or accessories
"sorry babes, loose strands."
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His gothic look next to your metalhead look
Y'all are the most fashionable couple around
He honestly listens to more classical music but he'd enjoy a few of your songs
He doesn't love going to concerts, too many people, and way too much sweat and noise
Both of you suffer in all black in the heat together
"Can we go find shade, my love?"
Oswald does love when he gets to watch you get ready
Watching you do face paint is so alluring to him
Please let him buy you things, please he loves spoiling you
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He grew up in the circus, he's always loved more dramatic looks
Loved your style, especially if you had face paint or heavy makeup on
Definitely comes on strong and hard, won't leave you alone for a second
He will come to any all concerts with you, probably sneaking in and/or stealing tickets
He loves stealing you accessories while he's out, his way of showing affection
Don't let him talk to anyone at a concert, he will be loud and wrong
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He loves learning about all your favorite bands and songs and all their meanings
He doesn't know much about the fashion but he knows about the history
He likes to help you get ready, it's nice to watch your routine
Compliments all the time
He does have sensitive ears so he may not always let you play music
Please let him give you headphones
Don't take him to a concert, he will get lost and overwhelmed
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
What Happens In Vegas...
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Summary: Your Vegas trip to celebrate your friend's birthday turns into a night you hadn't expected when you meet Harry Styles in the casino.
Warnings: Fingering, hand kink, gambling (well, it is Vegas). 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 3533
A/N: One shot originally posted in 2017. Inspired by Harry's performance at the iHeart Festival in Las Vegas. Edited to be a reader fic. This is for the gals with the obsession with his hands. Also, rereading this, I realized you aren't that great of a friend, but hopefully you can look past that lol.
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"Thank you," he said to the crowd. "I am a narcissist, so that will help my ego, thank you very much."
"Oh God," you rolled your eyes. "Like he needs any help boosting his ego."
You felt Simone poke you in the side, her apparent glare of disapproval burning a hole into your profile. You chuckled as you lowered your head. She'd drug you to this iHeart Radio concert in Vegas. You hadn't really wanted to go when she announced she had tickets, but because it was part of her birthday trip, you'd agreed to attend.
Harry Styles. Give me a break, you groaned. The kid had come out looking like a cross between a court jester and a Tim Burton character in his harlequin suit and nearly see-through shirt with a big bow at the neck, and you were supposed to swoon? Apparently so, you thought to yourself when you heard the crowd made up of mostly females fill the room with screams louder than any heavy metal audience you'd ever been a part of. And you supposed the bow was supposed to signify his desire to be a present you were to unwrap?
You giggled during his set as he pranced across stage trying to be a rockstar. You had to hand it to him. He definitely had the stage presence and charisma, and despite the fact that you'd never been a fan of boy bands, you could see why he had so many fans. Plus, you had to admit even if only to yourself, he had an incredibly handsome face. No doubt he knew it though.
Stepping further out to the catwalk, Harry gave the audience what they came for, even if they hadn't initially come to see him in particular. You couldn't help it though. Watching him dance around in that suit had you laughing, especially when he'd bop his head from side to side as he sang about "having your baby" and "it's none of your business."
By the time his set was over and he'd walked off stage, you knew Simone was waiting to let you have it. You gave her a smirk as she shook her head at you and rolled her eyes.
"I don't wanna hear it," she said.
"What? I didn't say anything!" you laughed.
"No, but you're thinking it."
"What?" you held up your hands. "It was actually not bad. I kinda liked it."
"You thought it was funny."
"Yeah," you laughed harder. "It was. But that last song's gonna be stuck in my head for a while, so you should be happy about that."
"Ugh," Simone groaned.
You stayed for a few more acts that you didn't think were much better before finally calling it a night and heading back to your hotel.
"You're going to bed?" you asked when you saw Simone pull her bag of toiletries from her suitcase and walk to the bathroom.
"This is Vegas!" you exclaimed. "The city that never sleeps."
"I thought that was New York."
"Whatever. Let's go hit the tables."
Simone slumped her shoulders. "I'm kinda beat."
You stuck out your bottom lip in an attempt to sway her with a pout. "But your birthday's not over."
With a sigh, Simone dropped her items on the bed and grabbed her purse.
"C'mon," she grinned. "Just an hour or two."
"Yay!" you squealed as you opened the door and stepped out into the hall.
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Luck was on your side for the first twenty minutes or so, and you were up a good three hundred when you suggested you make your way to the higher dollar tables.
"Are you kidding?" exclaimed Simone. "You'll lose it all on one bet!"
"It's called gambling," you snorted.
Despite her argument, Simone followed you to one of the exclusive rooms. You saw the pit boss eye you as you sat down at the table, but he didn't say anything when you laid down your chips. Hesitantly, Simone did the same and you caught her swallow hard when the dealer placed a card in front of her and then one in front of you, followed by two more cards facing up. You grinned when yours was an ace, and the dealer slid the cards into the finder. Flipping up the bottom card, he revealed a Jack.
"Woohoo!" you cheered.
"Damn, you are on a streak," Simone commented as she decided to stay on a six. Unfortunately, the dealer didn't bust and she lost. "Crap. I'm gonna sit the next one out. Meet you at the bar?"
You were barely listening. Something - or someone - had caught your eye as he walked across the room.
"I'll be damned," you muttered.
"Look who just walked in," you nodded toward your right. "Mr. Ego himself."
"Holy shit!" Simone breathed. "Ooh he looks good, too. He changed out of his suit."
You turned your head slightly to notice that he indeed was wearing a basic white t-shirt and black jeans.
"Well of course," you mocked. "Even a narcissist like himself can't keep up the facade all night."
"Stop calling him that," Simone argued. "You know he was just being cheeky, and he doesn't have a big ego."
"Please," you rolled your eyes. "His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow."
"All bets up," you heard the dealer say.
"Oh, I'm done," Simone shook her head while you placed another healthy bet.
The dealer slid the cards in front of you. Your top card was a three. Not good. you took a peek at your bottom card. A queen. Shit. Fortunately the dealer had a four, so he was likely to bust. you went with the odds and stayed. Turning over his bottom card, the dealer revealed a ten. Taking another card, he turned over a king. Yes!
"Oh my God woman, you have some luck!"
You beamed at Simone just as you heard another voice behind you.
"Ah, wonderful," he clapped. "Looks like I picked the lucky table."
It was Simone who actually spoke. For the first time ever, it seemed you were tongue-tied.
"Hi," Harry greeted. You caught a glimpse of his dimpled grinned before his fingers grazed your back and he took the seat next to you.
Clearing your throat, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Harry placed a stack of chips on the table. But it wasn't the obvious amount of money he was willing to chuck on a single bet that caught your attention the most. It was his hand and the lovely rings that adorned it.
You'd always had a thing for nice hands on a man. And Harry definitely had them. Long, slender fingers, great for playing piano, guitar and...other things.
The cards were dealt, and you peeked at your bottom card. You already had seventeen and the dealer had a five showing. You were definitely going to stay. You watched Harry's hand as he tapped lightly on the table, seeming to contemplate his next move. Suddenly, he leaned towards you and whispered.
"What should I do?"
You raised a brow. "Excuse me?" The kid didn't know how to play?
"Well, I...I know the rules of the game. It's just...you seem to have the luck on your side, so I wanna make sure I make the right move."
"Oh," you chuckled. You looked at the dealer's card and pointed. "He's only got a five. Odds are, he's gonna bust."
"And why's that?"
"Because...the dealer has to get to at least seventeen. You have to assume he has a ten underneath. So that's only fifteen. The next card has a high chance of being a ten or a face card. That would make him bust. So...you have a three. If the card you're not showing is anything over an eight, you're gonna want to stay."
"What if it's an eight?"
You grinned. "Well then, that's eleven. You're gonna want to double down."
With a stoic expression, Harry grabbed a stack of chips the same height as the first and placed them next to it. Then he nodded and gestured at the dealer who laid another card down for him. A queen. When the dealer revealed his own cards, your prediction had been right and he busted. Harry turned to you with a Cheshire cat smile.
"Thanks, love," he said.
You couldn't help but smile back. "Anytime."
You played several rounds, both of you winning most of them except when the dealer got an automatic blackjack. You heard Simone yawn behind you, and you felt a tinge of guilt that you'd almost forgotten about her.
"Are you ready to go?" you asked her.
"Yeah, but you can stay."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course." Then she leaned to whisper in your ear. "I told you he's not a bad guy."
You pursed your lips. "I didn't say he was."
"Yeah...you kinda did."
"Okay, okay," you nudged her. "We'll talk about it later."
You said a quick goodnight, and she walked away just as Harry got another blackjack. He hooted, making the dealer chuckle.
"I reckon you're good luck," Harry beamed at you.
You shrugged, nonchalantly. "I have my moments."
You watched as Harry inspected his next facedown card, completely mesmerized by his hands. You suddenly felt flushed as you wondered what they would feel like on you. You blinked hard and shook your head. What the hell was wrong with you?
"I really like that ring," you finally said aloud.
"Which one?"
"That rose-shaped one. Very pretty."
"Thanks," he looked at the ring and back up at you. "It's one of my favorites."
A handful of games later, you realized you must be up at least a grand. Unfortunately, luck only lasted so long, and you started to lose, busting a couple times and then staying when the dealer got a twenty.
"I think it's time to cash in," you admitted. "While I'm still ahead."
"Oh, don't go," said Harry. "You're my good luck charm."
You laughed. "I'm sure that's not true. You're doing great on your own."
"Stay. Please."
You sucked in your lips as you looked at his face. Goodness, he was cute. Perhaps you had been a little harsh, dismissing him merely because of who he was...or rather, who you suspected him to be. It wasn't fair.
"Okay, but I'm not playing anymore."
"Then we'll play something else," Harry suggested. "Craps? Roulette?"
"I'm not good at either of those," you frowned.
"Roulette's easy. It's just a guessing game. C'mon."
Taking your chips, you followed Harry to the roulette table where a larger crowd was gathered.
"Pick a number," he said.
"That easy, huh?"
"Sure," he shrugged.
"There's probably more to it than that, but I have no idea," you commented.
"Probably. But we're just playing for fun."
You watched the wheel spin and the little ball stop in the number twenty-two. A woman squealed and the dealer paid her her winnings.
"Playing for fun is for Monopoly money," you said. "This is real money."
Harry chuckled. "So was blackjack."
"Yeah, but I know how to play that."
"Pick a number, love," he said again. "Or a color if you'd rather."
You looked at the board and considered your options. Finally, you chose the number thirty-five. You watched Harry's fingers as he placed a stack of chips on the number itself, more on the column, and even more on black. You weren't sure how much money that was, but you weren't about to ask. Your stomach was in knots as you watched the wheel spin. Finally, the ball stopped.
"Number eleven!" the dealer shouted. Your heart sank, but you caught Harry smiling.
"What happened?" you asked.
"You won," he replied. "Twice."
"Huh? How'd I do that? He called eleven."
"Eleven is black and it's in the same column as thirty-five. That's where I put the bets."
"Oh," you mouthed.
Harry rubbed his hand up your back. "Told you, you're my good luck charm. Now pick another number."
"I can't keep betting with your money!"
"Alright. Then we'll use yours," he reached for your hand.
Harry laughed harder, grabbing only a few of your chips. "C'mon, pick something."
"Fine, but I'm just choosing black."
"Black it is," Harry nodded, setting your chips down. Then he took more of his own and placed them between several different numbers in different places. you weren't sure what he was doing, you were lost. Finally, he turned to you.
"Have an idea," he said.
Sliding the rose ring off his finger, he kissed it, then placed it on top of your chips on the black.
"What's that for?" you inquired.
"That's yours if you win."
All you could do was stare at him. The dealer spun the wheel, you could hear the ball bouncing and the other players cheering. But you just stood there staring at Harry Styles. This guy you'd thought was a complete egotistical douchebag until about thirty minutes ago.
"Number seventeen!" the dealer called.
You cringed, trying to read the expression on Harry's face. But he merely stared back at you.
"Is seventeen black?" you asked him.
He threw his head back and let out a loud guffaw. "Yes, it is."
Your eyes grew wide and you pushed his chest with your hands. "What the fuck, no way!"
Harry continued to laugh as he covered your hands with his that clung to his t-shirt. Your eyes fell down to look at them and it was then that you noticed his shirt was almost sheer, just like the one he'd worn on stage, minus the pineapple shapes. You could see several splashes of ink displayed on his chest, and for a second you wished he would let you examine them all in private.
Your chest rose and fell from excitement and exhilaration, and you chuckled to yourself. Letting go of you, Harry collected the winnings and his ring.
"Here you are," he said, handing it to you.
"No," you shook your head. "No, I can't take that."
"Why not? I said it was yours if you won."
"This is too..." you felt the ring in your hand momentarily. "No, I can't accept it."
Twisting his mouth in confusion, Harry watched you as you slid the ring back on his gorgeous finger.
"That's where it belongs," you whispered.
"On your hand," you let out a sigh. "You have really beautiful hands."
You heard him giggle slightly as you continued to stare at them, taking them both in your own hands as though you were inspecting them. You were probably creeping him out, but you were lost in your own thoughts.
"Um...here's your...your money," he swallowed, releasing his hand from yours and reaching for your chips.
"Oh, thanks. I should..."
"No, thank you," his lips curled up. "I really do think you had a lucky streak tonight."
You grinned at him, your tongue darting out of the corner of your mouth. "Not completely lucky."
Harry's smile grew as he raised a brow at your cheeky comment.
"See ya, Harry," you winked and turned around. "I had fun."
"Wait, where are you going?" you felt his hand on your arm.
"To my room," you pointed up at the ceiling.
"Do you have to?"
You paused and glared at him. This guy was very hard to read. You could tell he'd been flirting with you, but it also could've been harmless, and he was just being kind. Now he didn't want you to go? You bit your lip and stepped closer to him.
"I guess not," you nearly whispered. "But I think I might be done with gambling for the night."
"No worries," he said low, his eyes looking down into yours. "We could go somewhere else."
"What'd you have in mind?"
"My room."
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You should have known he'd have one of the biggest rooms in the hotel. It took up nearly the entire side of one floor, front to back. You stared out the windows at the city lights, the amazing view taking your breath away and making you feel alive at the same time.
"Here you are," you heard Harry say behind you.
You turned to see two glasses in his hands. Taking one from him, you murmured a thank you and took a sip of the best tequila you'd ever had in your life. You threw your head back with a sigh as you heard him hum in agreement.
"So you stay in rooms like this...all by yourself?"
"Yes. Sometimes."
"Must get lonely."
Taking another sip, you strolled around the outer perimeter of the room, stopping at the other corner window where you could see a view of the mountains.
"I love Vegas," you commented. "I used to want to move here. It's like it's own little word, separate fr-"
Suddenly, your glass left your hand and Harry set it on a nearby table. Then he grabbed you and kissed you, hard, his tongue darting deep into your mouth.
"Tell me what you want," he demanded as his lips traveled down your neck.
"What?" you asked, breathless.
"What you want me to do to you. I'll do whatever you like."
"Oh..." you said with a moan. "Your hands. I want your hands on me."
"Okay. Where do you like to be touched?"
"Anywhere. Everywhere. I just...I want those gorgeous hands and fingers on me."
Harry's eyes met yours, and he nodded his understanding. Reaching behind you, he found the zipper of your dress. It fell to the floor instantly, pooling at your feet. Though there was a cool temperature in the room, you suddenly felt hot all over as Harry's gaze roamed your body. Then giving you his hand, you stepped out of your dress and kicked off your heels. He pulled you closer to him until his hands cupped your naked breasts. You shut your eyes at the contact, the sensation already more than you could bear.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his thumbs grazing over your nipples causing goosebumps to rise over your flesh.
You covered his hands with yours, slowly guiding one of them down to your panty line.
"Mmm," he sounded as his fingers slid down and met wetness.
You heard his breaths quicken with yours, and he swallowed hard. His fingertip touched the outer rim of your center, teasing you in tiny circles. You bucked your hips to allow him access, but he was insistent on keeping with his own rhythm.
"Please," you begged softly.
"Not yet, love," he cooed.
Releasing his hand, he pushed your panties down and off. Then he kissed you again before guiding you to the plush sofa. He sat down and pulled you on top of him so that you straddled him, your hands on his shoulders. His eyes dark and lids heavy, his hands caressed you softly before kneading your breasts, his fingers pinching your nipples.
You moaned low, wishing he would put his mouth on them, but you could tell he was taking you at your word, giving you exactly what you'd asked for. You looked down at his hands as one slowly slid down your stomach, and his thumb met your already swollen bud.
"Oh God," you panted, lifting yourself on your knees so he had better access.
Harry then brought his hand to his mouth where you watched him lick two fingers before returning them to your clit. He stroked you slowly, making your knees buckle until he finally, ever so gently, inserted one finger, then a second.
You threw your head back, your own hands clawing at the neck of his t-shirt as you rode his fingers. You could feel the cold chill of his rings against your skin and you let out another cry of pleasure.
"Tell me how it feels," you heard him say as he picked up speed.
"So good," you breathed, urging his other hand up your breast to your neck. "Feels so good."
Harry brought his fingers to your mouth, where you licked the tips seductively before sucking.
"Mmhmm," he agreed. "You look so good, too."
"I want you," you sounded, looking at his face, his shirt in your fist.
Harry chuckled. "I'm right here."
"I want you inside me," you clarified.
"I am inside you," he smirked. Cocky asshole.
"No," you pouted, sliding your hand down his chest to the bulge in his jeans.
"You said you wanted my hands." Harry raised a brow smugly, his fingers nearly finding just the right spot. You leaned towards him, your head falling in the crook of his neck.
"I'm gonna watch you come like this," he said. "Then we'll fuck, yeah?"
You moaned against his skin, your hips bucking as you felt yourself reach your peak.
"Say my name when you come," he growled.
You looked into his eyes and smiled. "So you are a narcissist. I knew it."
"You bet I am."
You rolled your eyes, but not at him. The truth was, there was no way you couldn't have said his name. He made you come harder than anyone ever had. Twice.
Harry Styles and his fucking ego.
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If you enjoyed, please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
adorable dividers always by @firefly-graphics
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jasmineiros · 10 months
I wasn't going to post this here due to the somewhat sensitive subject of idolization of celebrities and I actually already vented on Instagram stories, but once the dam breaks out it's useless to even try to contain it. And the only thing that is flooding my mind now is rage.
I already hated millionaires, but after Taylor Swift came to Brazil to that freaking circus people called a concert, I hated them even more.
In case you're not aware, Brazil is dealing incredibly badly with the climate crisis. In Rio they hit the temperature of 60°C (100F, but the sensation was of 140F). It was the highest temperature registered SO FAR. A mix of this unbearable heat and the fact that the staff managing the production of concert used certain materials such as god-damned metal to cover certain structures made several people to get severe burns and 23-year-old die of a heart attack.
Now, that's where the irony comes.
After hearing the news, the best Taylor could ever do was posting a stories saying "how sorry she was and she was so young and she was so beautiful and blablabla" but also very vehemently reinforcing that "due to her grief she wasn't going to say anything about it during the show". I mean, a person who technically loved her, had to get donations to travel across the country and literally died because of this god-damned concert and you can't even make a tiny, small tribute for her. She didn't even mention her name in the stories, which was Ana Clara, btw.
She or the staff never reached out to the family to ask if they needed anything, even though they absolutely had the means to do it. Several years ago, when a Rihanna fan was murdered, she personally paid for the expenses of the funeral, because the family couldn't afford it.
And it gets worse.
She cancelled her next performances due to the climate issues. Being herself is the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of this year so far. And she got back to the US. In a fucking private jet.
I mean, this combo couldn't be more unbelievable. She not only completely dehumanized an incredibly painful and serious situation, as she, with the 1% of magnates that literally rule this planet, is simply the root cause of the imminent destruction of this planet but it doesn't matter, as long as she still has money being shoved into that white ass of hers.
Or maybe I'm being naive, maybe it's our fault, after all, monkeys are meant to the zoo, not to be in the presence of an untouchable, perfect and almighty nature force such as she, since apparently she can't even breathe the same air we do by just using a freaking common airplane, like a sensitive and sane person would.
The fact that she will just run out and make other concerts with that same innocent angel aura, even though she displays a borderline psychopath behavior, like she still was the 16-year-old girl writing songs about her break ups is absolutely unbelievable to me.
This is just so similar to when that cryptofascist piece of trash of Aurora decided it would be just a good idea to make a shallow and generic discourse about love and acceptance and how everyone is being cancelled nowadays when a member of her band posted and gestured dog whistle supremacy symbols on more than one occasion.
Honestly I wish I could feel anything else right now, but the only thing I can still manage to internalize and express is pure hate.
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milksuu · 11 months
Imagine Yone having a wife, which the rest of Heartsteel doesn't know about, I mean they never asked, and then one day he brings a child to the bands apartment. Since his wife has to work late hours and the nursery is already closed, he has to take care of their child. What would the reaction of the band be? And how would they be with children? (Also the wife is the reader since I love self indulgence with Yone)
❥ prompt: Yone never talked about his personal life. The Heartsteel gang had a few assumptions, but they were just theories. Nothing proven. Until the gang found a toddler running around the apartment. ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, gang shenanigans ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel & yonexreader!gn!kid
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"What the hell is that thing!? And since when did Yone spawn anything into existence!?"
Kayn isn't used to children being within a five-foot radius of his presence. He tends to not surround himself with booger eating, snot crying, whining little crotch gremlins. Even worse, their damn parents.
Kayn's chaotic nature in public can't be stifled. And he's met his fair share of parents trying to lecture him on his behavior. He always has two words ready for such an occasion: Fuck off. And then proceeds to flash both middle fingers in the air, and laugh when the child behind the fuming parents drops their ice-cream. Absolute poetry.
This was a little different. Scratch that—a lot different. Not only does he know the damn parent (Yone) but the child has managed to infiltrate his room, and infect everything with a thousand unnamed child born diseases. He's about ready to blow a casket. Until the kid accidentally starts playing his Pentakill vinyl album on the record player. That's when he saw a rockstar be born. The way that little tyke started headbanging would put a bunch of mosh pit psycho's to shame. And the screeching? A future screamo lead-singer, easily.
An all out heavy-metal concert ensued. With Kayn rifting his guitar with the song instrumentals, and the kid jumping and screaming into a cheap cordless mic he found under his bed. When the song ended, Kayn chanted "Jump! Jump!" into the mosh-pit of one. And you don't need to tell a child to launch themselves off of anything twice. The tater-tot squealed and laughed, being caught in Kayn's hands and praised into the air for a killer performance.
From the bedroom door, an audience member leaned cooly against the frame. Clapping at the spectacle. "Dada!" The kid raised their fists higher into the air. "I'm a rwockstar!"
Yone lifted a brow, crossing his arms in pure amusement. "I can see that."
"Y-Yeah. Next time, tell your kid not to barge into other people's rooms," Kayn coughed, quickly setting down the kid and patting them towards Yone. "Teach it some manners, o-or whatever. So that I don't have to deal with it."
Yone chuckled under his breath. Taking his child by the hand, he smiled. "Come with me. We should go before someone gets a little too attached."
Kayn huffed red. Slamming the door and shouting behind it, "WOULD NOT!"
So, there was a child. An actual living, breathing one. Stumbling. Running around. Knocking things over. Yelling at the wall and ceilings like some deranged lunatic out on the city streets. What a disaster. What a nightmare. Aphelio's wasn't scared by most things; monsters, zombies, ghosts, spam mail. But children were terrifying creatures. Destructive and loud. The worst kind of combination in a singular human being. Kind of like Kayn.
He swore he broke out into a cold sweat when the child barged into his room. Not quietly at all. His heart pounded. His fingers turned cold. And his eyes trembled against his computer screen. He hoped the child would grow bored of terrorizing his room like some miniature version of Godzilla. He also hoped someone would see the calamity, take pity on him, and come to his aid. Someone like Sett.
He then heard a familiar note. He cursed himself twice. He shouldn't have left his electric portable keyboard out in the open. Aphelios turned cautiously in his chair. He swallowed hard and braced himself for a horrific sight. He thought he'd find the child bashing the keys in or trying to pluck the knobs right off. Instead, he saw a small round face filled with wonder at the sound. Carefully, the child pressed another. Smiling, delighted by the next note. Aphelio's eyes rounded. That's when he saw a little bit of himself.
It didn't take long for Apehlios to gather his spare headset and cord link. He plucked the kid up and placed him right on his lap at his desk. He was going to show this little one all the instruments in his digital toolbox. The workflow of an absolute musical genius. And they were going to make a mixed bite that would leave people speechless.
"Oh! Oh! Dat one. Dat one." The toddler tapped Aphelio's hand against his computer mouse. A few clicks and the instrument was spliced into the mix. When Aphelio's replayed the bit, the child kicked their legs back and forth, clapping their hands together. Wanting to gauge the tots overall opinion, he flipped between thumbs-up and thumbs-down. Back and forth. The little one took his hand, and kept it thumb-side-up with a cheeky grin. And they both nodded in agreement. This mix was a certified banger.
"Hey, guys. Has anyone seen my phone? Nevermind. Found it! Someone's totally random kid has it. Wait—HUH!?"
Ezreal doesn't mind kids so much. They could sometimes be a lot of fun. The only thing Ezreal can't handle is once a crying session starts, or a random tantrum erupts. He gets a little nervous when the meltdowns start. Because he has no freaking clue how to handle it. So for the most part, Ezreal does like kids—from a distance. Where he can smile and laugh at their antics, without having to actually deal with an emotional ticking time bomb. Kayn was bad enough already.
The other thing he can't deal with is someone messing with his phone! And unfortunately, his habit of misplacing it has caught up to him. Because now a toddler has it. Deleting and messing up his apps. Possibly trying to look for some silly game he doesn't even have installed. And if Ezreal thought he was fast, well, this kid took the crown. Call that tyke 'Lightning McQueen', because they were leaving sneaker marks on the floor.
But this game of chase had to come to an end. Ezreal caught up to the road-runner, and slipped the phone right out of those tiny fingers. Ezreal cheered himself thinking he won. Ezreal quickly figured out he was actually about to be the biggest loser. He witnessed those round eyes growing in watery magnitude. Face wrinkling with pure, unfiltered raw emotion. The hiccups increased in volume, and those puffed cheeks were getting more red by the minute.
"H-Hey! Don't cry. No, no. Shhh—Shhh! It's okay." Ezreal smacked his hands together, begging and pleading for mercy upon his sensitive soul. Ezreal sunk his top teeth into his bottom lip. He wasn't prepared for this at all. And if Yone ever found out he made his kid cry, then mostly likely, he'd make sure Ezreal was crying too (and bleeding) on the floor. Then forced to clean up his own murder scene!
A few quick taps and he knelt down with the hiccuping toddler. With the cat filter setup, Ezreal pretended to be a kitten; meowing and licking his paw and rubbing his cheeks to clean himself. The kiddo sniffed back their brimming tears, giggling when they saw they had their own whiskers and ears! After a couple of loud meows, the child hopped up and down. "Doggy next! Doggy next!" One tap and now they were puppies, barking and panting.
Many cute pictures were taken. Ezreal picked out a few and messaged them to Yone.
[Yone:] Thanks. The wife will be happy to have these. [Ezreal:] np! 😋 [Yone:] By the way. Have you finished cleaning the bathrooms? [Ezreal]:..............................................yes. 🤗 [Yone:] Finish the bathrooms. Now. Or I'll be confiscating your phone for a week.
Ezreal almost broke down in tears, falling to his knees. He was so close to having his own meltdown. Just from the sheer thought of losing his phone privilege's. Honestly, he should be off the hook for entertaining the kid and sending cute pictures. Life totally wasn't fair!
"Well, hello down there. You wanna play a game or—shoot. I didn't mean to scare ya'h off! I swear I'm a nice guy if ya'h give me a chance!"
There was no doubt about it. Sett really, really, liked children. There was something about them that brought him joy whenever they were around. All of his personal baggage and adult stress would simply melt away from a simple giggle or smile. And Sett had his fair share of babysitting other single-moms' and their children while growing up. It was one of his part-time jobs from middle to high school. All to help Ma' with paying the bills.
Unfortunately, kids didn't seem to like him too much (at first). With his overwhelming mass, they'd think he was some sort of monster. The one their parents told them would gobble them up if they didn't shower before bed. So, here he was, trying to entertain the little one. But anytime they caught sight of him, they'd cry in terror and scamper away. Sett had to think bigger. He tapped his chin a couple of times before a light bulb went off above his ears.
He laid out the scene in his room. He thanked his Ma' for one of the plushies she sent came with a tea set in the box. He went as far as to grab a few outfits and materials he stitched up as small replicas of larger projects him and K'Sante worked on. Him and the surrounding stuff toys were dressed appropriately for the most exquisite tea-party. Dress, hats, neck pearls and all!
Curiosity always got the best of any child. When the tater-tot heard the laughs and conversations, they had to sneak a peek. And once they entered the room, the child found Sett sitting on the ground, surrounded by his plushies, all served with tiny cups and plates.
"Oh! Quiet down everyone. The prince/princess has finally arrived. Mr. Chonk, please. Show our honored guest to their seat." He motioned his tea-cup to a free spot at the 'table'. The child glowed with excitement, scurrying to their designated placement. With a fancy tilt of their teacup, they took prim and proper sips of their tea. "More tea, Mr.Swett?" The toddler wiggled forward and picked up the teapot.
"Why, yes. I would love some more. Thank you." Sett raised his cup at the offer. The giggles and excitable conversation could be heard throughout the entire apartment. It wasn't long till the rest of the gang stuck their noses through a crack at the door. Opening the door, they couldn't help but burst with laughter at the display. Ezreal, of course, snapping pictures. Aphelios chuckling to himself behind his mask. Kayn roaring with laughter and tears. And K'Sante commenting on how he'd never expect some of his designed outfits would be used at a kid's tea party. "Nuh-Uh. You can't come in." The toddler hoped on their feet, pushing all of them all out the door. "Dis invitation onwy. No stinkers!"
"That's right, fellas. No stinkers." Sett laughed, raising his pinky into the air. "This is an exclusive tea-party. Better luck gettin' invited next year. Right?"
"He-He. You think you have what it takes because you are Yone's kid? Show me and prove it."
K'Sante grew up with a large family. Brothers, sisters, first cousins, second cousins, the neighbors next door and their kids. Heck, even that laundromat lady his mom was friends with and her kids. Actually, just about everyone in the community. Seemed like it was always a party at his parents home. No matter the day or week, K'Sante had always dealt with a high-energy household. And when the adults pulled out the bottle of Akpeteshie, you knew it was going to be a rager. And at the kids table, K'Sante was in charge of watching over the parade of younger children.
Being a certified older sibling within his family unit, and apparently, Heartsteel as well, handling one little wasn't going to throw off his cool or cramp his style. In fact, he was more than prepared. If there was one thing he knew from growing up, kids loved to play dress up. And he had a full wardrobe of runway worthy outfits.
K'Sante busted out a long carpet down the hallway. Borrowed some plushies from Sett, and made them the audience and judges. Dimming most of the surrounded lights, the hallway bulbs illuminated the catwalk with intensity. Let the show begin!
"Higher energy! Yes, show them a 'ting or two about what fashion truly means." K'sante clapped his hands as the kiddo strutted down with dramatic sass. "That is it. Right there. Now, finish them off with the look." At the end of the carpet, the child titled their head back, and narrowed their eyes before sharply turning with a fling of the boa around their neck. K'Sante cheered, pushing one of the stuffed animals as if it passed out from sheer cut-throat fashion! He blew kisses into the air. "They can't even handle you right now. You are new, you are fresh, but also timeless. Molded by the hands of Gods. Your power is infinite."
Wardrobe changes were a must. K'Sante wasn't going to let such talent go to waste. His work of art and the tiny fashion model would display it all for the world to see. Well, the stuffed animal world, he had to remind himself. Seemed like a game of pretend was feeling like a real runway gig! And after the runway show was over, it actually wasn't truly over. K'Sante had pulled out a magazine from behind a display case. Showing the kiddo a picture of their father walking down a runway in an all black-attire event. "Dada," the kid placed a hand against the glossy page. "Supah cool."
"That's right." K'Sante said proudly, puffing his chest. "And your Dada looks cool because I am the one who designed his suite. But, I'll give him credit. He is a pretty cool guy all on his own."
an: this req was too cute to write omg. sorry if i just focused on the gang and the kid, rather than the yone x reader part you also requested. felt it was getting a bit long, and i wasn't sure if i could incorporate it well enough. very sorry about that. but don't worry! i have another yone x reader req. incoming.
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