#actually laughed at myself pronouncing sawing
un-petit-papillon · 6 months
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
Hiii!! I saw that you wrote for Georgie Cooper from you Sheldon and I was wondering if you would write for him again 😊 Can I get Georgie with a latina gf that loves to cook, whenever she goes over to his house she's always bringing food from her culture (I'm Mexican so Mexican food ofc) .
Culture Cooking
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I am not Latina so I hope I wrote this correctly 🤗 and a very short request in my opinion but I hope you still enjoy
Coming out of Missy’s room that used to be Georgie’s old bedroom, I had decided to get up early and make the family breakfast. I had stayed the night after my date with her older brother, and we didn’t get back till really late, so she said I could sleep over in her room. Walking down the small hallway and into the kitchen, I got lost in thought, thinking of the ingredients that I needed. I have been bringing over some spices and stuff when I would come over here. I loved cooking for Georgie, and he always seemed to enjoy my family's food. “Hey…uh what are you doing up this early?”
Whipping my head around away from the stove I saw Georgie stumbling his way into the kitchen. “Oh hey. I thought I’d make the family my kind of breakfast.”
“Sweet.” He smiled sitting down at the table watching me go back to cooking. My family had moved to Texas after my father got a new job here being the assistant principal.
One day after I was leaving from English class I had been walking down the hallway and accidentally bumped into Georgie. All of our notebooks went flying and that’s how we met basically. Turning the oven off I put the whole meal together on a plate and slid it across the table to him. “I present to you one of my families favorite things to eat for breakfast.”
“Woah this smells really good.” Georgie gave me praise picking up his fork and dove right in. He took a big bite making the same noise he does whenever his Meemaw makes brisket for dinner that he loves.
Georgie stared at me with a mouth full of food. “So what’s in this?”
“Let’s see it’s a fried tortilla topped with salsa. And there’s eggs, pulled chicken, cream cheese and bean included inside it too.” I chuckled sitting down and taking some bites out of the one I had made for myself with him.
Georgie took a few minutes to finish his food wiping some sauce that was left on his plate. I bite my lip trying not to laugh at seeing some cream in his hair where I moved one hand up wiping it away. “Awe dang it! I guess you are a really good cook if I get it in my hair.” He chuckled back at me.
“Yeah suppose so.” I responded moving our plates off the table hearing someone else entering the kitchen seeing it was Missy.
She squealed hugging me by the waist. “Hi Y/n. What did you make for breakfast?”
“She made a fried tortilla.” Her older brother said forking some more from the pan onto his plate.
Missy gave me a confused look. “A fried tortilla?”
“Yes but it’s actually called Chilaquiles.” I told her before she sat down and I made her a plate of her own.
Georgie finished his second plate putting his plate up in the sink then came over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to his chest with that same cheeky grin. “Even if I can’t pronounce your food half the time. You’re still a really good cook. Everybody in the family enjoys it. So thank you for this and all the other meals.”
“You’re welcome, Georgie. I always love cooking for y’all.” Draping my arms over his shoulders I grinned up at him kissing him slowly where he tightened his hands around me deepening the kiss.
He moved one hand into my hair and the other on my waist. We we’re getting caught up in the kiss that we almost wound have gone further if it wasn’t for his sister being in the kitchen with us. “Eww. If I knew you two were going to kiss after you ate I would have eaten my breakfast in front of the tv.” Missy made a look of discomfort.
“Awe I’m sorry Missy. I can’t help if he’s a good kisser and likes my food at the same time.” I shrugged my shoulders with him draping an arm over my shoulder so I laid my head on his shoulder since he was slightly taller than I was.
Georgie looped our hands together sending me a smirk. “Best of both words, my darling. You’re pretty awesome Y/n.”
“Stop being cute or I’m gonna barf my food.” She whined at us with her tounge sticking out.
I gasped remembering that their parents were already at work for the day so that left Sheldon in our care. Snapping my fingers at Missy I questioned his twin sister worried he needed to eat. “Missy, go tell your brother that I made breakfast.”
“Sheldon, Y/n made breakfast!” She spun around in her seat hollering towards their bedroom causing me and her older brother to start cracking up in laughter. Squeezing Georgie’s hand in mine I always enjoyed anytime I got to cook for this family.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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beansnsoup · 10 months
just an idea I’ve been workshopping since I saw the movie
luigi x reader where the reader is a goth prince/ss who took up residence in the dark lands after bowser’s defeat and despite the victorian vampire aesthetic, they’re actually really sweet and rather romantic.
Vampire Kisses
Summary: Due to Bowsers' defeat, someone else had to take over ruling the darklands, and the fill-in just so happened to catch Luigis eye.
Relationship: Platonic with romantic attributes
Character: Luigi
Warnings: fluff, gn reader
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Princess Peach knocked at the large door of the revamped castle in the dark lands, she had recently heard news of a new ruler and civilization and she wanted to give them all a nice welcome.
"Do you think they're even here?" Mario asked the princess, she sighed out, "Why wouldn't they be? We've already ran into so many of the villagers, I'm sure they wouldn't leave their people right after being pronounced the new leader."
Luigi wasn't too keen on the idea; he had an obvious hatred towards the area for obvious reasons but came anyway since he and Mario were pretty much the heroes - and plumbers - of The Mushroom Kingdom.
The door finally opened, they were all greeted by a man in a black Victorian suit, "Yes?"
"Oh, um, hi, we're here to see the ruler."
"May ask why and who you are?"
"Yes, I am Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom and I wanted to come introduce myself. This is Mario and Luigi, they're some of our kingdoms bravest."
"I see, come with me."
The man led them all further into the castle, the lighting was getting darker and darker with a few candles scattered throughout the corridor. Luigi shakily looked around at his surroundings, seeing this as just another bowser situation.
Finally the man stopped at the near end of the corridor and opened the door for them all, "Lord Y/N?"
"Princess Peach of Mushroom Kingdom and her," He paused, "Knights, are here to greet you."
"Let them in."
The man gave them all an approving look and moved out of the way for them to make their way in. Peach guided Mario and Luigi into the room where you slowly walked out of the shadows.
She sent a petite bow your way which you returned, "Thank you for stopping by, Princess."
"It's no trouble at all, I felt it was only right."
"And who are these people behind you? Are they really knights; shouldn't they be wearing armor?"
Peach laughed, "No, they did help us defeat bowser, our kingdom is forever grateful."
You also laughed with her, "Well I'm glad that's cleared up, I had never known of knights that wore such garments."
When you laughed Luigi caught a glimpse of you smile, it was a beautiful smile, but it was the shape of the teeth that irked him, he looked over at Mario to see if he saw the same thing.
"You're very good at flattering people." Mario stated, causing you to laugh again. "I'm Mario, it's a pleasure to me you."
You sent an approving nod his way and looked over at Luigi, "So you must be,"
"Oh, I'm Luigi." He mustered out in a shaky voice, you noticed this, it wasn't the first time something like this has happened, this is why your family has always had a door greeter or hasn't participated in certain royal occasions.
One wrong move and you're proving to people that you're a monster that should be chained and locked up away somewhere.
You pursed your lips, considering different ways to approach it, deciding to just ease the tension. You sent a big smile his way, "I come from a line of vampires, it's a blessing yet a curse."
Marios eyes widened, Peach kept a calm look on her face while giving Mario a slight nudge to act professional. Luigi surprisingly softened up, becoming enticed by your aura, he gave you a sweet smile back.
"Would you all like to sit down? I can have us some tea made; it probably was a long trip over here." You asked the each of them.
"No, it's okay, we don't want to be any trouble, we just wanted to come make sure everything was fine over here!" Peach replied, you had to admit that you were a little hurt by the subtle rejection until Luigi chimed in,
"I wouldn't mind tea, if it's not any trouble, besides we just got here, let's sit down and get to know each other."
You rang the house bell in kitchen to call up some tea, "Now we wait" you said before walking back and forwarding them to the lounge chairs near your desk.
"It was amazing, thank you." Peach said as you walked them out, "Thank you for coming, it really made my day." You smiled.
Mario sent a small wave goodbye and walked out with Peach; Luigi stopped before reaching outside the door.
"It was nice meeting you, I enjoyed it here."
You've never had some speak this way about you, unless it was your family, "It was nice meeting you as well, I'll expect you back, you know?"
"You can count on it."
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the title was a little bit of false advertising so sorry, lmk if yall want a part 2!!
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 1)
Notes: As I’ve been re-reading some of my favorite things (as in, not necessarily just fanfics, but other stuff that I enjoy) I got part of the way through @canary3d-obsessed’s “Restless Rewatch: The Untamed” and thought to myself that I should do one of these for Hazbin Hotel!  I can’t do a first time reacting to, because by this point I’ve watched it a good eight times -_- But this way I can point out some of the things that I’ve noticed on multiple rewatches, some of which prove just how clever the team behind this show is!  Also, you will get unapologetic Huskerdust shipping.  This is just my life now.
Episode 1
So we start off with Charlie giving us the background story on Heaven, Hell, daddy Lucy, mama Lili, and all of that.  Heaven was “good,” Lucifer was a dreamer who thought of free will, the elders of Heaven said “nah,” Lucifer said “but what if yea,” and shit went sideways.
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As someone who likes watching reaction videos on YouTube, I’ve been surprised by the number of people who have watched this intro and gone “Who’s Lilith?”  And then there are the ones who say they heard about her from Diablo 4.  I feel like Lilith isn’t… rare lore?  I don’t know where or when I first heard about Lilith, but that kind of supports my stance of surprise?
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(I tried to show my religious friend Hazbin – leaning on the “it’s about redemption” point – and it was actually the mention of Lilith that first triggered her?  Because “you have to get really deep into things to find out about Lilith”?  I am confused.)
I won’t go into my theories too heavily at this point – I’ll put up a final chapter for those so I can take it down in humiliation when the show laughs in my face later – but Eve looks very, very evil when she gets that fruit…
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Anyway, Luci and Lili got exiled, Luci developed depression, Lili developed magic song powers then fluffed off seven years ago.  Don’t worry, Charlie – your mom just went to go get some milk and cigarettes.
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Genuinely, is Lilith being a song demon why everyone in Hell has pre-choreographed musical numbers?  If she “empowered demon-kind” with her songs, does that include giving them all baby song powers?  We know that these songs aren’t reality breaks because at the end of “Loser, Baby” the sharks comment on the song.  (There’s also Vaggie and Angel’s discussion in “Happy Day in Hell” but since that’s in-song it feels like a less-strong argument.) 
So it turns out that Charlie has been speaking this whole prolog bit aloud to herself.  Relatable, girl – me dictating to myself the entire course of actions it takes to get through my email inbox.  My officemate wears headphones so she won’t think I’m talking to her when I start talking to myself.
Also, poof – kitty! 
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I love KeeKee (pronounced “key-key” because, and this is true, she’s a key).  But I also don’t know what the point of KeeKee is?  If it’s just to give Charlie a pet, that’s totally fine.  She also has Razzle and Dazzle, but Charlie could be one of those people with two cats, a full fishtank, a canary, and a husky and that’s totally chill.
(Why yes, my in-laws’ place is a zoo, why do you ask?)
I think I saw somewhere that KeeKee is the key to the hotel?  But when Lucifer pops up later he immediately coos over KeeKee like Charlie has had her forever, so she obviously didn’t come with the hotel.  Did Charlie change the locks on the hotel to KeeKee-compatible locks after she bought the place?  I assume this is a metaphorical key? 
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(Lucifer and KeeKee in episode 5.)
Vivienne has said that KeeKee is a “physical manifestation of the hotel” but even that doesn’t make a lot of sense with the timeline…  *Shrugs*
Charlie and Vaggie talk, and I honestly get so much amusement out of people who are like “Is that her sister?  Are they best friends?”  And I know that they didn’t, like, make out in their opening scene.  But I didn’t ever suspect that they weren’t girlfriends?  Maybe it’s just because I read into pretty much all media from a queer lens.
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(Right here, ma’am.)
Charlie will go on to call Vaggie her girlfriend much later in episode 5 and make it official-official, but if you don’t go into everything with a straight-is-default mindset I’m not sure how you miss it.
We blip into Alastor’s take on a commercial for a hotel.  Which is thoroughly enticing to exactly… Alastor.
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(Quick question on the sinner designs – and I won’t stop every time we see a cluster of sinners to do this.  But everyone’s design has something to do with how they lived or died, right?  Angel is from a “web of crime” family, Husk is an unlucky black cat [I know, he’s a tuxedo cat not a fully black cat], Alastor was shot by a hunter like a deer… was grenade man some type of bomber?  A war criminal?  What is his story???)
His little hand-drawn picture is kind of cute, but it also makes me laugh because we actually see another character do something similar later on: Vox!
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(And, yeah, Charlie obviously.)
I want someone to write the fic where Alastor and Vox’s relationship started in an introductory art class before descending into the chaos we see in episodes 2 and 8.
Vaggie does not like Alastor’s sense of humor and starts yelling at him.  Charlie tries the *kindergarten teacher* nice feedback.  “I love your use of color,” she says, staring at his construction paper covered in scribbled blobs of blue and orange.  “Very creative.”
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(“Maybe if you crumpled your drawing into a little ball like this, it would look better in the trashcan, honey!”)
Alastor doesn’t see the problem here.  Alastor seems to have exactly zero capacity to accept anything that isn’t Alastor’s way, so this is unsurprising.
And then, with the sultry wail of a saxophone, we’re introduced to the bestest spider (and the only spider this horrifically arachnophobia author actually adores:) Angel Dust
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Angel is totally willing to shoot an amateur porno right there on the sofa if it will help draw sinners to the hotel for Charlie.
And this would actually probably work in Hell, honestly.  The horniest sinners actually would be knocking the walls down if they thought that with every night’s stay you got a free round with Hell’s most famous porn star.  “Cum to the Hazbin Hotel for some ‘quality time’ with our singular resident.”
I am curious what Angel’s concept for his porno commercial was.  Just him and Alastor banging dirty on the coffee table in the foyer?  Night in the life of the brothel that is Angel’s bedroom?
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(Also, I know Val owns Angel in the studio and Angel has some freedom outside of it, but does that include shooting his own pornos?  Is it okay if they’re not for money?  Or is it still not okay because Angel doesn’t own rights to his own image?  Would Angel have to charge so Val could get his cut?)
Charlie doesn’t want to exploit Angel that way, but Angel starts listing off all of his highly exploitable attributes.  He lists the legs twice, which is hilarious, but I’m immediately zeroed in on “the gag reflex.” 
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You’d think that for someone who makes a significant amount of his living sucking dick that it should be “the lack of a gag reflex” but the thing about Angel is that he’s not exactly sucking dick for the nicest guys around.  Honestly, the fact that he does have a gag reflex and therefore will be gagging and choking and drooling is probably a turn-on for his usual partners.
We’re interrupted from Angel attempting to “keep going all night, baby,” by Lucifer calling, and the fact that his contact image in Charlie’s phone is a rubber duck in Lucifer’s top hat is honestly too cute?
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Angel wants to know why Alastor can’t just make people stay in the hotel.  And the timing on this animation is actually a little weird.  After he says that he can, Husk chimes in with “Why do you think I’m here?” but Alastor is already moving to see around Vaggie as Husk starts talking.  Has he primed Husk to be his hype man if someone starts asking questions like this?
Here's Alastor, looking at Husk before Angel and Vaggie even turn their heads – and Alastor had to move his whole *torso* to see around Vaggie.
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A: “Now, remember.  If anyone starts asking if I’m big and bad, you say yes.”
H: “Sure, Alastor.”
A: “I mean, I’ll say so first.  But then you jump in and talk me up.”
H: “Yeah, all right.”
A: “But, like, right away.”
H: “Uh-huh.”
A: “Should we practice?  We should practice.”
I do find it funny that we know the timeline – Alastor, Husk, and Niffty have been at the hotel a week per Vaggie’s words earlier.  But Husk is already grousing about them bitching and moaning all the time.  It’s been seven days?!  How much bitching and moaning are you guys doing?!  And it’s not just listening to, like, Angel bitch and moan.  It’s “you fucks.” 
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(Or “you fuck’s” because Amazon doesn’t know how to pluralize a swear word?) 
Vaggie didn’t even want a bar, but I’m betting it took her about two piscos on the rocks to be over that.
We also get our official series intro to Niffty here when she says “I like being forced!” in her happy little voice with a wide smile. 
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(God, I want the Niffty episode.)
Angel starts hitting on Husk, but (YMMV) I feel like at this point Angel isn’t trampling all over Husk’s boundaries the way he does later.  He’s just throwing passes and Husk is kind of engaging him?  By responding?  He threatens Angel, making it clear that the flirting is unwelcome, absolutely. 
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But I kind of want to see where the conversation would have gone if Vaggie hadn’t stepped in.  At some point it might have gotten snappier, but Angel wasn’t in meltdown mode like he is in “Masquerade” so they probably could have kept bickering for a bit.
Vaggie and Angel start talking about the core premise of the show.  Is Hell the end of the road?  Maybe, but also maybe not.  Charlie thinks that it’s worth trying so that’s what Vaggie is going to do.
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We as rewatchers know that where you end up in the afterlife isn’t as permanent of an assignment as the show makes it sound.  And Vaggie I’m sure highly suspects so as well.  This conversation is literally happening with one person who was in Heaven and now lives in Hell.
Though I do have to wonder if there’s a teeny tiny part of Vaggie that hopes the hotel fails, though?  If Sinners really can be redeemed into Heaven, then she has to double/triple/quadruple think about what she’s done as an Exorcist.  If the Sinners prove irredeemable, it doesn’t *justify* what she did or anything, but it could potentially relieve some of the guilt for her.
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(Blake Roman’s delivery on “crack is expensive” is my favorite moment from episode 1.)
If we didn’t know that Charlie was drowning in daddy issues, I feel like we get a good demonstration at the end of her phone call.  Yes, she’s excited and happy and hopeful.  But she also says “Okay” and hangs up. 
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Maybe Lucifer said, “I’ll talk to you soon” or something and she said “okay” back.  But I never hang up after a call with my dad without a “love you, bye.”
IDK why Charlie calls Vaggie over except to show her hyperactive squirrel brain going wild.  Alastor and Angel are staring at them and seem like they can hear every word even after Charlie had Vaggie come around the corner.
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Vaggie knows that Charlie means Adam, right?  She has to.  Charlie says “the leader of the angel army” and as of now, I mean… that’s Adam.
Also, initially I missed the detail that Adam was the one to call the meeting. 
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Was he going to inform Lucifer face-to-(virtual)-face that they were moving up the next extermination?  Do Lucifer and Adam meet regularly?  I think not from some of the dialogue in episode 8, but then what is the Heaven Embassy for?
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 2 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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morimakesfanart · 7 months
Sindria's Prophet #37
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [Intermission] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]
[AO3] [wattpad]
*CW-Long term affects of medical denial & child abuse, living with PTSD *Kink & toys mentioned
((I keep forgetting to tell you guys: Lyly is pronounced "lee-lee." It's short for their middle name, Llyn/Lynn (<-genderfluid affected spelling)))
~POV Mori~ I woke up gasping. I sat up and wrapped my arms around myself so I could tell the difference between actual physical touch and the phantoms left over from my night terror. My body wouldn't stop shaking; I needed Lyly's help. When I got out of bed I froze. Not only did my bed not have curtains, this wasn't my room. No. This was my room. Sinbad picked it out for me in the guest tower. I was in Sindria; in a whole different dimension. All of the adrenaline supporting me left and I sank to the floor. I was still trembling but I wasn't scared anymore. The people who hurt me couldn't reach me here. I had that dream because after spending the past month hyperfixated on the present, I had been triggered into remembering one of the worst parts of my past, so now I was remembering the rest too. 'Sorry, Lyly.' The safety I had gained in this world was invaluable. I couldn't imagine going home willing. Based on how little light was getting through the curtains it was still the middle of the night. I was drained from my dream, and my hips were still aching but it took a while for my mind to calm back down. Tomorrow and the distractions that came from it couldn't come soon enough.
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--- "Alright now, Mx. Prophet," the doctor gave me my diagnosis. Sinbad had him sent first thing in the morning, and his arrival woke me up. "You need to rest for a few days. I'll have painkillers sent over to help with your hip pain, fever, and migraine." With his job done, he saw himself out. 'I can't miss the Morning Assembly! ...But-!' I knew the doctor was right deep down. I was in no condition to do much of anything. I was fine resting when I didn't have obligations, but I had a job now. If I was back home I would have had to give Lyly my keys so I couldn't leave. Five years just wasn't enough to fully rewrite my base instincts. Although, from the new memories I was gaining, the me back home was doing a bit better. Those new memories were why I was healed and practiced enough to stop myself even if a doctor hadn't told me to... especially since I had a fever. As long as both me's kept whatever this connection was then maybe we would also keep the benefits from both sides. --- ~POV Sharrkon~ Mori was the only person that missed the morning Assembly. Yamuraiha had a growing smile throughout the meetings, and now that it ended she mumbled something to Pisti. Shar groaned; he knew where this was going. "Yup." Pisti giggled. "I heard from a reliable source," probably 1 of her boyfriends, "that Mori's not 'sick'. Her hips were injured and her body over worked last night." The King refused to look at the gossips. His silence spoke volumes compared to the past month of him adamantly defending that there was nothing special between him and 'his Beautiful Prophet.' "Oh ho~! It finally happened after I left!" Hina slapped Sharrkan on the back with a laugh. "Looks like the 2 of us have to pay up! But I guess you lost the most, huh?" "Oh, no! I ain't paying nothing! Nothing happened!!" Shar had a hurt ego to nurse and he would not let them step on it harder. "Mori got hurt dancing. Our King had nothing to do with it!" Sharrkon felt a shiver run down his spine that made him hold his tongue. Hina looked to the others for confirmation. "Is that true?" Drakon answered him. "It's true. However, it's also true that Sin carried Mori all the way to their room from the festival." "Oh~? That's proof enough for me." Drakon, Ja'far, Yam, and Pisti agreed with their own comments. The man in question still refused to comment, so Hinahoho addressed him directly. "You're really not going to say anything, Sin? After all of that time, telling us how you don't want to get married?" "Fine. Fine." King Sinbad finally turned to them with his arms crossed. "It's simple really. You know I'm not the type to reveal my hand until I'm certain." Sinbad was smiling, but Shar knew instinctually the King was the threat that told him to stop talking. The giant laughed. "Is that so?" "I know you're aware this is a first for me." Sharkkon's wallet cried with him. He had lost 2 out of 3 bets. It was only a matter of time before he lost the 3rd.
---- ~POV Mori~ The Great Bell rang out. The morning Assembly was definitely over. There were several things I had wanted to do today, and I couldn't do any of them since I had to rest. I needed to meet with Queen Artemina before she left Sindria. I had to solidify our connection as allies, but she was set to leave in a day. As I wrote a letter to send her, the waves shifted. This was the right choice for me, and the future I wanted. The letter would need time to dry before I could send it. I got up from my chair and stopped. I didn't want to lay down again yet no matter how much my body needed it. 'Damnit! How much more of my life am I going to spend sick??' I groaned into my hands. I was born with a weak raspatory system, so I get sick multiple times a year and often end up bedridden. "I am allowed to rest even though I can sit up and walk. Pushing will only make it worse." My mom eventually stopped acknowledging when I would get sick due to the expense which is why I struggle to let myself rest as an adult. I made a point of putting the truth into words to fight her conditioning. I climbed back in bed even though I knew that meant I would be stuck with just my thoughts until I fell back asleep. This was the perfect opportunity to process everything that had happened with Sinbad, but I couldn't think about it at all. Being triggered, recognizing these new memories, and that night terror just made me think about home more -well the place I came from. Even when I was in my room there I often couldn't help but think 'I want to go home' because even though it was comfortable and familiar, I couldn't feel safe. My last therapist told me that as long as I stayed in that house full of reminders there was only a slim chance of me recovering from my CPTSD. If only I could have afforded to move out.
In the new memories I got, our dad finally agreed to reorganize all of the living spaces, so that me and Lyly weren't getting as many flashbacks anymore. Hell, he even apologized for everything and started acting like a real dad some of the time. The me that stayed home was able to persevere until an opening for change finally came. 'If they got Isekai now I wonder if they would want to go home?' The thought had never occurred to this me -just like it never did back when I was in in-patient. Although I was still worried about Lyly like I was then. I rolled over to pull out a scroll from the bedside dressers. When I was on the ship I had worked on all sorts of scrolls and one was a memoir of my life back home. One of the first things I did was draw the people important to me before I'll inevitably forget their faces. I unrolled the scroll. Lyly's face stared up at me from the page. As difficult as that place was to live in all of my loved ones were there. In this world there was no one that knew me, and I wasn't sure if I could let my self get that close to anyone here -especially Sinbad. He already knew how deep some of the scars on my heart are. I didn't want him to think any less of me, or use my pain against me. And even more than that, I was scared that the safety I had here would shatter if I made a wrong step. 'I thought I was doing better.' This world had treated me so well that I fell into a false sense of security. Not being surrounded by reminders of my traumas made me feel like I was somehow cured and could restart from scratch. But that's not how healing works... Being away from triggers just made it easier to avoid having an attack. It's only after feeling safe that we let ourselves feel the emotions that are unsafe to feel in the moment. A few tears fell down my cheeks. I placed the scroll on the bedside table and rolled back towards the middle of the bed. Surely it was okay for me to cry in a situation like this. I allowed myself the luxury even though the tears didn't last long. When I was young I cried just as often from joy as sadness. The abuse I experienced made it unsafe to cry at all, so I learned to cry silently until I eventually stopped crying altogether. Being in this world made me feel like it was okay again. Letting myself actually feel these emotions was an important step in the healing process. Beating myself up for getting triggered and relapsing wouldn't help at all. I needed to forgive myself.
--- One day of rest should be enough, right? It's not like I still had a fever. I didn't want to stay in my room and make an even worse impression. My hips would hurt a little if I over worked them, but that would just act as a limiter. ((<<= This person is in denial))
I got dressed after breakfast, but as soon as I grabbed the doorknob I froze. "Yeah, no." I was not in the mood to see Sinbad in person yet, and I would have to if I left my room. As soon as I took Queen Sinbad's choker back off I felt a wave of relief. It had given me so much dopamine and serotonin when it was part of a fantasy, but now it was a reminder of my fears. How could I mark myself with it when I couldn't feel safe in my own desires? Wearing it felt like a lie. I definitely wouldn't be able to wear it for a while.
'Guess I haven't completely lost my sense of self-preservation.' Besides, I hadn't actually had time to do most of the things I like doing to relax since I got to this world. Going out in this state would be worse than not going out. Another day off as I recover from the stress had to be reasonable.
But what options did I have to relax?
Everyone else was busy with work at this time of day, so I could masturbate without having to worry about being interrupted. But my toybox didn't isekai with me; I only have my hands, and some ribbons for mild shibari. Sinbad said I could make requests, but there was no way in hell I was letting him find about this, let alone use his money for my sex toys. I'll figure out where to get some after payday. The night terror was still fresh in my memory anyway.
Video games, comics, and anime were obviously out of the question. Printing still isn't big enough for fiction to be popular to write -that's part of why Sinbad's Adventure story was such a huge success. I had 3 cats back home, but I can't exactly adopt a new pet while sick. I do sing a lot to relieve stress, but it would be embarrassing to be overheard without knowing. 'Note to self: get carpets to hang up to dampen the sound.' There were places I could go that would be harder to be heard but leaving wasn't an option until I was better. That only left me: writing and drawing.
'Working on Fate scrolls it is!'
The flow of ink was good for my brain. It did more than help calm me; it gave me more perspective but it couldn't give me true answers. 'I wish we could just go back to how things were before that night. How am I supposed to know when I will be ready to see Sinbad again?' He isn't any of the people that hurt me, so why can't I just like him without being afraid of betrayal?
Were Sinbad's actions manipulation, or earnest? Could I trust the safety I felt around him? It was definitely a combination of how he treated me, what I knew from reading his Fate, and how familiar I was with being around those types of manipulation. But there was something strange. When I looked for signs of his manipulation in how he dealt with me, or any expected fallout, nothing came from it. In fact, everything kept ending in my favor. The cycle I was expecting was coming from me, not Sinbad. The waves swirled as I finally let myself think about it.
What was he actually going to say when I cut him off? Even if it was what I thought, would I be able to believe him? Even if I didn't have relationship trauma I don't think I could trust him romantically after reading his Fate. He claimed he wasn't playing the flirting game, but that could have been manipulation. Was it my heart or pride that would be hurt more if he was lying? I couldn't tell yet.
I was lonely. Both in general, and in this world. There was no one that knew me here. And I was too scared to trust the person getting closest to my heart. Even though I didn't want to be seen like this, I didn't actually want to be alone; I just couldn't shake the fear of rejection or punishment I thought was inevitable. I left my windows open just in case. ---
~POV Sinbad~ The King sat on the edge of Mori's bed. He had been unable to visit the first time she was sick. Now that he understood his own feelings he couldn't stay away unless he was on the other side of the world. The only reason he didn't visit the first day was because he knew she needed space away from him. The waves had been trying to guide him here for a while though. Who was he to deny them? No one answered the door when he knocked or called out. The silence and waves worried him. The last report said her current fever was mild, but it could have spiked since then. Mori developed an extremely high fever on the ship several hours after everyone saw she was unwell. He entered without permission only to find his Beautiful Prophet was sleeping peacefully. He had gotten to see her; that would have to be enough. Mori turned her head in her sleep and her bangs fell onto her eye lashes. Sinbad leaned over to move her hair out of the way. He tried to keep his touch light to not wake her, but her eyes fluttered open. Unfocused eyes watched him. "Sin..?" The sound of their voice was a relief. It didn't sound strained at all, only weak from sleep.
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"How are you feeling?" They weren't anywhere near as bad as last time. "~*yawn* Better now that I'm awake." "Oh? Did you have a bad dream?" They watched him as what he asked slowly processed in their newly conscious state. "Yeah, I did. Thank you for waking me." "Anytime." Sinbad returned their weak smile with his own. "I guess that's why it wasn't just my waves leading me here." He hesitated. "Mori, what do you think about moving into the Purple Leo Tower? It will be easier to care for you when you get sick. You'll be safer there. And your waves could reach me faster." The same fear from the other night started seeping into their expression. "I'm fine here." But he wasn't fine. "Besides, it will be harder when I have to move out of the Palace." For a moment he forgot how to breathe. "Why would you have to move out?" Why would she ever think she had to leave?? "Would you really be okay with me staying after my visions run out?" The King couldn't stop his hand from reaching to caress their cheek, but he was able to hold back from making contact. "Of course." Mori's brow creased farther and they glanced at his hand. "What about after I share all the knowledge I have from my world? I wasn't an engineer. I only know the basics." Sinbad's heart dropped. From the beginning Mori had been marketing herself as a resource, and he had only ever responded positively. Yet another way he'd messed up without even realizing it. "Of course, I'll still want you by my side." The more he was able to peer into Mori's heart the more worried he got. "You are a person, not a resource. You do know that, don't you?" Mori closed their eyes and leaned their head towards his hand; he took that as permission. Their cheek didn't feel feverish. They spoke flatly about their emotions like they did the night of the Announcement. "I know that logically, but I struggle with knowing how to act if I'm not helping someone." They brought a hand up to his. "I really do like helping people, but sometimes it feels like that's all I am. It's what I had to do to survive since I was little." Ah. He could understand that thought process. Sinbad had been a caregiver for his mother and village from a very young age, and went straight from that to king's candidate. There was very little time in his life when he wasn't working towards helping someone. Drinking, and philandering became his break from that -although he would hopefully be narrowing that last point to one person soon. "You seemed to do just fine at the festival." So fine that he couldn't deny his feelings anymore. "Huh? -Oh. Yeah. I guess I did." Her expression softened into a genuine smile. "It was probably going around the festival that got me sick though." It was mainly stress according to the doctors' report. Mori closed her eyes with a yawn. "I'll have to keep more distance between me and the citizens next time. I didn't realize I was so interesting." "You're incredibly interesting." They let out a quiet chuckle. "If you say so." Sinbad watched and felt as they turned their face into his palm, and sighed. Mori relaxed more into his hand with each breath as if his scent and touch were comforting. It bubbled up desires he knew he shouldn't act upon with a sick or unconscious person and yet he couldn't make himself leave either. He took a moment to ground himself but it did little good. He couldn't bring himself to leave until after Mori let go of his hand. To think another person would have this much power over him. "You really are amazing." There was absolutely no way he'd ever allow anyone else to see this side of them. Mori would be moved to the Purple Leo Tower in time, and would just have to learn through experience that he had no intentions of letting them go. ---
~POV Mori~ I woke up to the Great Bell the next morning. Sinbad being here was not a dream. I had just been too groggy to question the situation. What was the point of staying home, if he was going to visit me in person?
On the plus side, seeing Sinbad while I wasn't stuck in my trauma brain helped break the cycle of questions. Sinbad might be stubborn but through his whole life he is shown being someone fully willing to change his mind when given enough information. At this point in the story he is someone with conviction who says his truth directly -even if he often speaks in a manipulative way. So when he said he's chosen a new path, he meant it -even if I don't know what that means yet. And when he is shown seducing women, the idea of moving any of them into the Purple Leo Tower would never be considered, let alone offered -even in private. And yet he offered that to me.
Sinbad was changing and I'd never be able to accept how if I stayed cooped up in my room. To understand myself, and Sinbad I needed to spend more time around him. My rest was over. I didn't need to jump all the way in at once. I'd see him at the morning Assemblies, swap pleasantries, and part ways until the next day. 'Slow and steady.' --- ~POV Sinbad~ Was this how Hina and Drakon felt when they looked at their wives before they got together? Just seeing Mori enter the halls of the White Capricorn Tower made his heart swell. And hearing their voice? Well, he was starting to understand why Ja'far had been so upset with him since they returned from Balbadd. Even seeing Mori dressed androgynously didn't shake his feelings -though it was a bit jarring after how they dressed for the Announcement. It just cemented that what he felt wasn't simply based on how Mori presented. They were undeniably the most beautiful person in the world to him now.
After going through more options than necessary, the first thing the Dungeon Capturer managed to say to Mori was, "I'm happy to see you're feeling better."
"Yes. And thank you for visiting me while I was resting." Mori's smile made him feel at peace. Seeing them up close confirmed that they cut their bangs some. "But never enter my room without explicit permission again." Their sharper tone pierced him repeatedly with each sentence. "That includes the bird by the way. If my curtains are closed or I don't answer the door: don't enter my room."
He wore a smile to ease their anger. "Of course. It won't happen again."
Even as Mori accepted his response and left, the King couldn't get his heart to stop racing. Why did there have to be so many large risks of ruining his chances when he already knew she liked him from reading his Fate?
--- ~POV Mori~
As soon as the Assembly was over, I fled to the Black Libra Tower. 'He said he was happy I was better! AND he didn't say anything about about my change of gender expression!' Sinbad said all of two words directly to me and I started short circuiting. I remembered that he offered to move me to his tower -the one he sleeps in???- and immediately went on the defensive. I was not as ready as I thought!! I was going to need my favorite hyperfixation to survive the rollercoaster I was trapped on. And if it didn't exits yet, then I was going to reinvent it myself! It would be relatively easy to make a printing press since this fanfic was in English instead of whichever Arabic language was the region's canonical one, or Japanese like the series was originated in. Both require significantly more characters than English, and some kanji can be too intricate to make with this world's current level of technology. Speaking of which, this world had stamps and seals so this next level of printing shouldn't be too crazy of a change. I took some print making classes in high school and college, so I got to use a few different scale printing presses. I knew enough to draft prototypes. I excelled at typography in college too -so well that the department head signed off on me skipping a few courses so I could get to the high level stuff faster. The typography was digital, but I still learned enough to draft prototypes of stamps and such. ('A shame I couldn't afford higher than an Associates Degrees.) Since I was working on a table in the middle of one of the libraries, people came up to ask me about what I was doing. I gave a brief summary to the latest onlooker, before I pointed to the examples I was drafting. "I see." His voice was familiar but I was too focused to register it. The person moved around the table to read the part I had finished this morning. He made a few sounds of recognition as he read. "Won't spelling out each word every time be a hassle?" "Well, yeah. It's better to have most words premade. And full lines of text can be fused together to make reprinting more issues easier and faster." He pointed to a spot on the parchment. "Ah- that's what this part is then." My eyes were drawn to the glint of his rings. Every cell in my body remade itself as my brain finally acknowledged who was talking to me. "That is convenient." Sinbad's voice was unmistakable now that I was paying attention. I prayed to every God I knew of that my emotions didn't show in my actions or voice. "This might be a new technology here, but you won't have to completely reinvent the wheel thanks to my 'visions.'" I had to focus on my breathing to keep my heart rate down. I was able to keep the conversation moving, but I wasn't sure I would remember it well. I was more focused on not looking like an idiot. We had exchanged greetings at the morning assembly but this was the first time I was talking to him fully sober in days. His polite gestures and this conversation made my heart swell, but he wasn't flirting; he was just existing while being attractive. 'Why did I have to start thinking it could be mutual??? I can't even enjoy it like this!' If anything starts there's going to be an end.
--- ~POV Sinbad~ Sinbad didn't have a 'real' reason for visiting Mori in Black Libra Tower on their first day back, but, as King, there was no one who would question him. Although, Ja'far would come to get him if he's away from his responsibilities for too long. He arrived a bit after lunch to find Mori sitting at a table in the middle of the library where anyone could and did come talk to them. The proof being that they didn't beat an eye at his questions. In fact, it sounded like they had explained about this stamp system multiple times. Mori needed their own office in the tower. He'd make sure they got one asap. As interesting as this new technology was, Sinbad kept finding himself staring at his Beautiful Prophet more. It was hard enough to focus at his own desk -let alone when Mori was right in front of him. Sinbad had heard that acknowledging the feeling makes it stronger, but he wasn't expecting this. Mori tensed for a moment before scooting their chair away from him. He had been leaning closer to them without realizing, and they moved away. How was this the same person that fell asleep holding his hand the previous day? Were they just too tired back then to remember what was going on? Did they think it was a dream? He definitely shouldn't flirt with them while they were this uncomfortable to be around him. Would they even be willing to hold his arm while they walked together? He didn't think so. Sinbad took a moment to ground. Even if Mori had turned into a feral cat or wild rabbit around him, the way they watched him when they thought he wasn't looking was a sign that they wouldn't mind being tamed by him. They had enjoyed his company before; he just needed to remind them of that. The only question was if he could regain Mori's trust before he had to leave for the Kou Empire.
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((OMGOSH I did not expect this to take this long. At least a month of that gap was from back-to-back illness too, so it took even longer. My digestive track turned off for 24 hours and took 48 to fully come back online. While I was in recovery I caught a really bad upper raspatory infection that gave me a 103F fever for a week. So of course my period hit me like a freight train a week later. Somehow I was ill the weeks around the holidays and not on them, but it was a still a super rough couple of weeks. I'm better now :D which is why I was able to have the energy to write.
I processed a lot of my emotions while working on these chapters. They're all things I already knew, but consolidating them like this helped me see more of the places they were affecting me, and cement in my head that it is okay to move forward. :D
This arc is 3 chapters long including this one. Since I do have the next 2 written already, I just need to refine them and make the art, so there shouldn't be as long as a break for the next chapter. Like this chapter, they will have scenes of Mori processing their emotions. I needed a lot of time to edit them down a ton since there's obviously things I don't intend to post on the internet, and I want the story to feel good to read chapter to chapter. I've already got the next arc started too. It's a lot of character confrontations that became discarded drafts of earlier arcs, but definitely need to happen now. Since I have those drafts as a basis, I hope to get that arc ready before I finish posting this one. I have another DeadEnd chapter to post, and a few one shots I almost have ready. I've been posting wips and art for for them on patreon, but I won't be posting them here until I have full chapters ready U-U))
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
9-1-1 Headcanons/Crack
A/N: I found this hiding in my drafts and giggled to myself way too much to not post it lmao.
- Athena kills the spiders. Bobby nopes the fuck away from them as soon as he sees them.
- The team prefers Buck stay away from large amounts of caffeine. Now it's bc they're terrified his heart will give out but before the lightning it was bc the adorable little shit would be bouncing off the walls after one RedBull. (Oh how I miss the days when caffeine gave me that kind of boost)
- Cat People: Buck, Hen, and Bobby
- Dog People: Eddie, Athena, Maddie
- Maddie & Buck take pinky promises VERY seriously. To them they're as serious as signing a legally binding contract or even selling your soul.
- Buck has a tiny adorable sneeze and it's never just one, always a minimum of three. Eddie & Bobby both scream sneeze but usually only once.
- God forbid Buck gets the hiccups. Bc not only do they last forever but he acts like they're gonna kill him.
- The one time the team managed to have a horror movie night the entire living room was covered in popcorn by the end of it bc Buck & Eddie hate horror movies and every time they got jump scared they flung their popcorn. And holy shit Buck screams like a girl. One of the scares made him scream so loud that he scared Eddie who was sitting right beside him who then launched his popcorn over his head and everyone behind them got showered in popcorn before the bowl landed on Bobby's head upside down like a hat.
- Nobody will even mention a haunted house because one Halloween, Hen snuck up behind Buck and whispered boo. The poor goof started flinging his arms around and accidentally smacked the shit out of Hen.
- Saw a meme with Buck thats said something about whats the word for when your hands are bisexual. Here's my take. Buck was trying to explain that he is ambidextrous one day but couldn't remember the word. "Damn it, what the hell is the word for when you can- for when- bisexual hands?!" Hen laughed so hard she nearly pissed herself before answering him "Ambidextrous, Buck."
- Saw someone headcanon that Hen and Buck bought Eddie a fake plant and convinced him was real as a prank. I think pranks are a common occurrence around the 118 but that prank specifically is the longest running and is stil going despite the fact that Buck nearly bursts into a fit of giggles every time he sees Eddie water the damn thing. Eddie actually knows its fake but his friends get a kick out of it so he plays along.
- The word's hippopotamus and Worcestershire are running jokes/challenges for the 118 team. For hippopotamus the challenge is to fit as many ps in there as possible. For Worcestershire it's just seeing who can pronounce it the most incorrect way.
- Buck loves to research shit right? He also enjoys reading. However, just because he can read big words doesn't mean he pronounces them correctly. The team is often lovingly correcting him on his pronunciation. Or sometimes he'll straight up spit out a word and hope they can play auto correct for him and figure it out.
- Hen can smell a budding romance from a mile away. She's also the queen of bets. So far, she holds the record for most bets won amongst the 118.
- Somehow various slang has made its way into 118's vocabulary. No one will ever forget the night Buck made dinner and Bobby took a bite before proceeding to claim it was "bussin'". Or the way Eddie always tells people "don't be so salty."
- The best people at sensing when Buck is about to be Buck are Maddie, Bobby, and Athena.
- Occasionally, someone will host a grill out and yep you guessed it, Bobby and Chimney man the grill (mostly Bobby) in full dad attire. When asked why, their response had the same vibes as "for shits and giggles".
- Buck has taken a liking to the phrase "Fuck it we ball," which terrifies everyone.
- That one tiktok audio but make it Eddie & Buck: Eddie: *lots of angry spanish* Buck: Someone tell me what he's saying! Wtf is he saying?! Dude, I don't speak Taco Bell! Buck can somewhat keep up with and understand it when Eddie is speaking slowly due to his time in Peru but damnit his brain doesn't process fast enough to translate the angry Spanish.
- Everyone has a habit of leaving their LAFD hoodies laying around and Buck has a habit of picking them up and pulling them on when he's cold without paying attention to what name is on the back. He once wandered up to dinner with Diaz written across his back. No one batted an eye except Eddie who pointed it out. Buck's only response was, "I knew this didn't smell right." Buck has also been caught wearing Bobby's hoodie a few times.
- Wait a damn minute. Let's talk scents. Buck wears a cologne that smells like cinnamon and fire. Eddie has a sandalwood or pine vibe. Chimney wears a citrusy scent. Bobby has an herby scent like maybe rosemary or just mint. Hen has a warm and cozy scent vibe to me so maybe vanilla and leather.
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mrmcwigglyman · 10 months
A letter to E-Sekai
Rare semi-serious post because E-Sekai's first anniversary is tomorrow.
Hopefully this breaches Tumblr containment because I don't use any other social media.
When E-Sekai first debuted, I was at a really bad time in my life. For context, I went to college in late August, and for two months, I was slowly destroying my mental health because I wanted to stay, but couldn't handle it. I continued to sink deeper and deeper into depression until my mom came to take me home in late October. During the first months of my return, I was so dejected that I didn't want to do anything. I wasted all my time doing unproductive things on the computer, relying on it for comfort. My parents intervened and restricted access to my computer. Without my computer for comfort, I turned to watching VTubers on my phone, to the point of staying up all night trying to distract myself from the sadness of having to leave college. It was really unhealthy and non-sustainable, but I couldn't get myself to do anything else.
Almost exactly one month later, I found a debut compilation for Idol-EN's first generation, called E-Sekai. I was immediately interested, so I found their channels and subscribed to all of them. I especially liked Rin, for various reasons which I'll get to later, but I enjoyed watching everyone. Their streams got me to come out of my shell online. Before E-Sekai, I didn't use the YouTube account on my phone for chatting or commenting at all, because I didn't have a channel linked to it, but E-Sekai convinced me to make a channel so I could chat. One of the things about small to medium-sized VTuber agencies is that the streamers are more likely to see your comment as an individual. Whenever I got someone to laugh with one of my jokes, it made my day. E-Sekai made me want to be creative again. They got me through the grueling late nights of working at my coat check job. And they helped me try to get out of my depression. I actually know and interact with people on the Idol discord, and I discovered a lot more VTuber agencies because Idol gave me confidence to chat in many other VTubers' chats.
My life is still not perfect. I'm really anxious about any sort of change to my routine, such as getting a normal job, and I need to get better at taking care of myself. But E-Sekai and Idol in general still brings a lot of happiness to my life.
I want to take the rest of this post to say how each individual member of E-Sekai contributed to my life, and the group as a whole. I'm not good at writing these kinds of things, and I'm probably missing a bunch of what makes them all so fun to watch, but I hope this captures them well enough.
Yuko: The scream from her debut was ear-piercingly beautiful. Her hyperactive personality leads to incredibly fun moments. I'm still amazed by how much she loves her boo bros. She's the perfect blend of lewd, wholesome, and silly. In one of her karaoke streams, she got me to listen to the entirety of "A Little Piece of Heaven", which is my least favorite A7X song. Keep being the most neurodivergent in E-Sekai, Yuko! Wanau :boobropout:
Juna: The eel's art and Live2D streams were super comfy, but also very cursed. I celebrated New Year's along with her, and I still have the art she made for it somewhere. Juna's streams got me through the early parts of my coat check shifts. I love all the inside jokes the fameely has, such as "good riddance", "LIVID", banning Yogurt, and Golden Shower. And speaking of the fameely, they're the friendliest people in the Discord server, and I love to talk to them. Juna actually responded to my comments a lot, which boosted my confidence a lot. Also, one of my favorite moments was during the Seiso Stream when I tried to catch her off guard by asking her to pronounce "Featherstonhaugh." Always remember that it rhymes with "hand saw." Stay LIVID, Juna, and thanks for all the completely sane streams so far.
Rin: Rin is the one that I instantly identified with. She loves making silly powerpoints. She has a very particular taste in video games that I can never find anywhere else. Even before she mentioned she was ace, I could tell she was ace-coded. She has an incredibly broken sense of humor. The first (and currently only) VTuber merch I've ever bought was the skrunkly plush. And I don't really believe in fate, but I had to admit that there was one coincidence that was very convincing. While watching her debut slides, when she was introducing some of her plushies, I learned that I have a very personal connection to the name of one of her plushies. Her streams are incredibly creative and fun. Her powerpoint streams and skit streams are the funniest content I've seen in a long time. Her reactions to things that wouldn't normally be funny makes them funny, which is part of the reason I love the shovelware series so much. I can tell she works so hard behind the scenes to make all those things happen. Even though after the Shortsening her chat is sometimes unbearable to look at, I'm glad that she is a lot of people's first VTuber. I'm proud to call Rin my kami-oshi. Fun fact: The B emoji in my YouTube username, although I've used it before Idol, was specifically chosen for Rin, except now that the emoji is banned in her chat, I can't actually send my membership milestone chats because according to YouTube logic, my username counts as part of the superchat?? I'll probably change it to a small capital B instead someday. Anyway, Rin, I'm glad to be a member of the Princedom, and I'm so happy that you are able to reach so many people. Also, congrats for keeping up the Rin facts for a YEAR! *metal_pipe.mp3* *outro music*
Pochi: Pochi is an absolute gamer. The fact that she doesn't rage very often leads to some very comfy streams, even in frustrating games. She also does some cool themed zatsus, like the pet peeves stream. I enjoy her Minecraft streams a lot, and I actually got back into modded Minecraft because of her. Her redebut was so good and so creative, and I just think her "hello, I am puppy" t-shirt is hilarious. I often leave her streams on in the background because she is just so comfy. Keep doing what you're doing, Pochi! Wäf wäf!
Fuyo: One early series of streams that I enjoyed was Fuyo's Bioshock playthrough. Normally I don't like those kinds of games, but it was actually really interesting. I also remember watching her VTuber cosplay stream while waiting for a doctors appointment that I showed up an hour early for. I still don't know she got away with some of the games she played in the first week after debut. When I was waking up late because I was staying up late, Fuyo streams were what helped me wake up and get out of bed. Also I think I left the Nyan Cat stream on while I slept, which may or may not have been detrimental to my musical health. I look forward to the future, and I hope you are, too, Fuyo. Thank you for giving back my physical wallet, even if you kept the stuff inside.
I'm awful at wording things, but I really wanna thank E-Sekai for helping me out of a deep hole in my life. I know this is probably not gonna get more notes than my fucking Papa Louie Veggie Dog post, but on the offchance this reaches one or all of you... idk I'm all out of words, but I'm looking forward to another year of E-Sekai antics.
I also want to thank the rest of Idol for being just as awesome!
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reigningrockets · 7 months
Sooooo... Netflix's Avatar the Last Airbender huh...? episode 1 thoughts under cut.
just finished episode 1 and.... I am.... not impressed. It seems like this show fails to understand the core of what made the original series work. It's only episode one and it is severely suffering from an ABUNDANCE of tell don't show. It looks incredible and the sets and costumes are all impressive and wow they even pronounced the names right... (can't believe that's actually a positive point) however none of that matters if they fail to deliver on the storytelling.
First off, I found it quite amusing that Katara's opening monologue was stolen not once but TWICE by other people. First by Kyoshi, then later on Gran Gran. And speaking of Gran Gran I couldn't help but burst out laughing when she just somehow knew Aang was the avatar despite there being literally no reason for her to guess that. She was a wonderful exposition dump tho (I say sarcastically). And more on Katara but this is not the badass that we know and love. She's quiet and meek and doesn't even free Aang from the ice due to an angry rant about sokka's sexism (more on that later). I know it's episode one and of course she's an inexperienced bender but she's still is powerful in other ways. This version is so... nothing.
Next, the show annoyed me when Iroh basically just told Zuko and in turn the audience that Ozai's quest for Zuko to capture the avatar was supposed to be impossible and Ozai wasn't ever expecting Zuko to succeed. Did the writers REALLY not think that the watchers could just... I don't know... PICK UP ON THAT FACT FROM CONTEXT CLUES???? Of course the task was supposed to be impossible. Ozai does NOT want Zuko back home but Zuko is so blinded by his mission he fails to ever see that or accept it. You don't need to tell us! SHOW US! Audiences are not stupid! (also every time I saw Zuko drawing in his little book, I just laughed.)
Also love (hate) how the show removed all of Sokka's sexism because it was "potentially problematic" or whatever.... I guess characters aren't allowed to grow any more. Originally, when Sokka went on a journey away from home, a home where he was taught the "warrior way" and grew up as the oldest man in the village, he was finally exposed to the rest of the world and his narrow minded view expanded as he saw more of the world. Sokka GROWS as a person and becomes an "all women are queens" icon. This is important to his character and Netflix deciding to do away with that plot point is going to severely hurt his character. And once again the show suffered by just outright saying "sokka had to grow up fast." WHY ARE YOU TELLING US THIS? YOU COULD EASILY SHOW IT I PROMISE THE AUDIENCE WILL UNDERSTAND!!!
Finally, I want to just remind people that there is no such thing as filler in a series that is not being adapted from a manga. There was NO filler in the original show. The show was about a journey and they SHOWED that journey in it's entirety. By cutting out the journey and just going to the "important points" you lose time getting to actually know the characters and bonding with them. Then when important stuff DOES happen, its that much more emotional. I felt absolutely nothing watching this first episode except for the occasional mild to severe annoyance.
So ya. The show is already massively flawed and its only episode one. I had a feeling this would be the case from the moment this remake was announced and I find myself once again asking why this was even made. Since... ya know... There is already a show... and the show is arguably one of the best pieces of animated media out there.... so ya..... At least this will once again spur people into watching the original show so that's something.
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blueshistorysims · 10 months
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January 1918, Western Front, France
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“I hate to say it, but I think these uniforms are much better than ours,” Byron muttered the moment he spotted Reggie waiting in the woods with his actual uniform.
“Do you think they suspected you?”
“No. My Austrian accent is almost perfect. And by speaking Hungarian with a German accent, I threw anyone who suspected me otherwise. I’d be worried if they had all been Austrians and Hungarians.”
Byron had been sent to infiltrate enemy lines and take notes on the German trenches by posing as an Austrian officer sent to visit. There had been an actual officer sent, but the French had intercepted him weeks before.
“There’s a problem, however.”
“Fresh snow’s covered our path, and it’s only going to be snowing harder. If we don’t leave now, we will get lost.”
“Shit,” he muttered, changing as quickly as he could in the cold weather.
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It began to snow harder, and if it couldn’t get worse, mist started to fog in from the heavy condensation, and it was difficult to tell where they were headed, compass or not.
“God, what if we freeze to death?” Reggie chattered.
“Or worse,” Byron muttered,” we wander into the German trench I just visited in my proper uniform.”
Byron closed his mouth and realized he could hear voices in the distance. He heard laughter. Glancing at his friend, he gestured for them to sneak quietly. Reggie nodded.
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The voices were louder and more distinct. They were joking around, but he and his friend were still too far to know what exactly what they were saying. Hidden behind a log, Reggie turned to Byron.
“Can you hear what language is it? My hearing is still jacked from that grenade two weeks ago.”
Byron nodded, sticking his ear out to listen. “...They are speaking in… Oh, they’re American,” he said, leaping up from their hidden spot. “No Krauts.”
“How do you know?”
“Americans pronounce their Rs much harsher than we do.”
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“Excuse me?” Byron asked as they stepped out into the camp.
All of the men sitting jumped in surprise before quickly standing and saluting the moment they saw his officer’s uniform.
“Could one of you tell me where we are? Myself and the Corporal got lost in the snow.”
“Camp Dawson, sir,” the man in the sergeant’s uniform stated, stepping forward.
“Shit, that’s almost four miles west of where we should be.” He turned back to the men. “Please, I’m not your commanding officer. At ease.”
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The same sergeant guested to an empty log next to him. “Would you two like to sit?”
Reggie looked as if he was about to protest, but Byron happily sat down. “Thank you, sergeant.”
“And you are Lieutenant…?”
“Walsh. And this is Corporal Masters. What are your names?”
“Gardenhouse.” He pointed to the two men next to him. “Corporals Gardenhouse and Carmichael.”
“Are you brothers?” Reggie asked.
“Cousins,” replied Corporal Gardenhouse.
Byron’s eyebrows furrowed together. “As in the oil Gardenhouses?”
The sergeant chuckled. “I’m surprised you recognize the name that quickly.”
Reggie looked confused. “Who?”
Byron sighed, remembering how ignorant his friend was of the world. “The Gardenhouse Oil Company is one of the largest oil companies in the world. Their fathers are the richest colored men in America, if not the world.”
Both Gardenhouses looked flattered, while Carmichael rolled his eyes.
Reggie swallowed. “If you two are the sons of millionaires, why aren’t you at least officers?”
“Only Whites can be officers,” Carmichael replied with a sour look. 
Byron felt awkward. “...Fuck it, I couldn’t care less about formality, I got bloody drafted into this mess. I’m Byron.”
This seemed to improve the mood as the sergeant actually laughed.
“Your name is Byron? Like the poet?”
“Named after him. Which is amusing because my parents are very prim and proper.”
He laughed again. “I’m Thaddeus, this is my cousin Samson and our friend Campbell.”
“Reggie,” the other Englishman said. “And I think it’s bloody fucking cold.”
Everyone else chuckled.
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agnesmontague · 2 years
Buddy Daddies Joint Interview with Uchiyama Kouki and Toyonaga Toshiyuki [Extracts]
Link to interview
THIS IS NOT THE FULL INTERVIEW TRANSLATION!! I have only done some snippets that I found interesting, or shed some light on what's to come:
Looking back on Buddy Daddies now, what did you think of its first developments?
Toyonaga: From the hardboiled action sequence of the first episode, the second episode develops into more of a sitcom. This tone change really intrigued me, and I think everyone watching it went "What's gonna happen now?"
Uchiyama: It started with a scene where they're executing a mission as assassins, and this backdrop as well as the whole assassin conceit is a hook unique to this show. I thought there would be various types of drama unfolding from that, which would take up a part of the show; but as Toyonaga said, the sitcom elements became way more pronounced as the story unfolded, which left quite an impression on me.
How do you feel about Kazuki and Rei's buddy relationship?
Uchiyama: The story is predicated on the "buddy" thing, but since Miri joined the two so early, the real impression is more of a "trio", right. The two of them getting wrapped up in Miri's pace, really.
Toyonaga: Kazuki and Rei both have heavy baggage and trauma from their pasts, and didn't have a normal puberty or experiences regular children get to have while growing up. The story of the two of them pulled hither and thither by Miri is certainly new and strange for them but makes for easy drama, too. Often I found myself thinking "yeah, this is how it would go." In that way, the three of them have a delicate balance going on. And, speaking as the actor here, I'm playing [Kazuki] in quite an aggressive way, so I fear that Uchiyama is having a hard time of it.... Rei needs to be played as an opposite to Kazuki, so I'm always like "Sorry, Ucchi...." [laughs]
Uchiyama: No, no, it's not like that! [laughs] I actually had fun with Rei getting thrown around like that. There's a lot of variation in the story and each episode varies significantly in tone so even as a cast member I've quite enjoyed it behind the scenes too. From the POV of the viewer, it really seems they're being kept on the edge of their seat.
Buddy Daddies is entering its home stretch. What will be the highlights?
Toyonaga: In Episode 7, we saw the appearance of Karin, the sister of Kazuki's late wife, and in Episode 8, we met Rei's father...
Uchiyama: We saw a bit of each of their pasts.
Toyonaga: After that, in Episode 9, Rei and Kazuki's thoughts on Miri have finally lined up. However, from Episode 10 onwards, it becomes more clear that there are things they shouldn't overlook in favor of all this "affection". What will they actually do with Miri? A hitman named Ryo Ogino, who's been frequenting Kyu-chan (Kyutaro Kugi)'s shop, gets involved. In the real world of assassins, what will happen to Miri, a girl living a cheerful and wholesome life despite her pitiful circumstances? We're finally going to reach that point in the story.
So how would the story threads tie together in the end.... did you think.
Toyonaga: When I think of what will happen to Miri, there's still the matter of people who are related to her by blood. That relationship, I feel, is key.
Uchiyama: In that sense, the final few episodes do seem to take on a more serious bent. I do wonder what viewers will think of it, and I think even those hardcore plot elements are drawn out in the typical Buddy Daddies style. If this were an anime of a different tone, maybe those elements would have been narrated from another facet.
And as for the conclusion, did the two of you find it surprising at all?
Uchiyama: I really was wondering how they would end it, and I could not predict it at all until I read the final episode's script.
Toyonaga: But with an ending like this, you'd naturally end up thinking about what Director Asai wanted to say with this piece.
Uchiyama: Personally I was quite surprised.
Toyonaga: I really am curious how viewers will react to the ending. For example, even though it is an animation, some more realistic-minded viewers might be tempted to comment "In real life, it would go more like this..." To those people, I want to say... not "reality is stranger than fiction", necessarily, but "isn't this actually real life?" I think the ending really poses the question of whether you can accept it or not.
Uchiyama: In terms of the entire story, if I were only to think about the "pseudo-family" aspect of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri's relationship, it could actually get kind of dark. It was new for me as well, to see it portrayed this way through the medium of animation, and to be able to capture it from this angle.
Toyonaga: In any case, we think it would come as a surprise to viewers. Also, I hope you enjoy each episode to the end.
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Take this ask as your opportunity to yell about your babies because I love them and I want to know more so badly
Gender terms quick list
Sibling: sisser for collie, sibber for mimi
(Place of boy/girl): berchte and green man/boy
(Place of daughter/son): hys (pronounced like ice with an h at the start) for collie, aughter for mimi
(add grand, also grandchild or grandbaby)
Nibling and/or niece for both
Misser for both and missie for collie
Collie is a berchte, (burk-tuh, and the k is a bit glottal) a type of germanic snow nymph. she's a nymph of snow and mistletoe. fae talks and stands before Mimi does, but he properly walks first. she is talkative (tho for now this mostly means about 20 actual words and lots of babbling) and often talks for both herself and faer sibber.
she's chaotically mischievous in the way of most winter children, tho this young she is extremely bad at fae word gymnastics and usually just comes straight toward faer parents all excited like "kitchen on fire lala :D"
Family terms collie uses:
Io - Lala
Remus - Papa
Logan - Granddad
Roman - Papaw
Patton - Grandpa/Grandpat
Virgil - Opa
Linda - Lannie (baby-slur of Linda + Auntie)
Mimi is a green man of evergreen trees and shrubs, and has a fondness for yew in particular. he is completely mute - he does not and will never learn to verbally speak. lu does make noise very rarely, but usually only when very upset. his "laugh" is a sort of hard exhale, more of a huff, with no vocalization.
Lu speaks in a combination of ASL and fae hand-speech, the two nonverbal languages ly parents know. he will also learn morse code eventually, but that's more of a private language he uses to talk just to collie, and eventually their other siblings (think tapping directly on them out of sight so other fae dont have a chance to see and learn it)
Family terms Mimi uses
Io - Handspeech: song-parent
Remus - Handspeech: green-parent
Logan - handspeech: spring-grandfather, ASL: green-grandpa
Roman - ASL, red-grandpa
Patton - ASL, yellow-grandpa
Virgil - handspeech, winter-grandfather
Linda - Handspeech: autumn-parent-sibling, ASL: L-N-Aunt
As you can maybe tell, Mimi tends to use handspeech for fae and fae-related things, and ASL for humans and human-related things. lots of codeswitching going on here
fae hand speech is a full language just like ASL, but its constructed in a way thats harder for humans to learn. it has comparatively few signs to ASL, all of them for nouns or abstract concepts, and most words and sentences are constructed via compounding them in ways that are not standardized, and so rely on faes ability to intuit language better than a human can.
"i saw a bird" might be constructed as "eye-bird" or as "myself-bird-meeting" and both are equally correct and intelligible to fae. those are pretty obvious examples, but you can see how a sufficiently esoteric or complex sentence would trip a human up
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echotunes · 1 year
ohp another ask sorry lol
(cw for mention of suicide jokes further down in this ask ^^)
grian also calls jevin "jev" i think?
jimmy says "bro" a lot, and "tha" ("that" without the last t)
for martyn! you said "kinda pronouncing the g in words like lon, strong, Renchanting" - i think i would word this more like, when he makes a "ng" sound, he ends it with a k. so like "ngk" (except "ng" is one sound. so ŋ, so "ŋk" is more accurate, i just dont know how well known ŋ is as a letter)
martyn also is good at just going with the flow of things. he's good at fake confidence and therefore intimidation. he's good at threats (this clip comes to mind)
martyn also knows some japanese, he has to take a second to think about it but he can say things in it
sometimes martyn does a "hehehe" laugh and there's a little "sh"ing to it? like his tongue is brushing up against his teeth like how it does with a sh sound but everything else is doing the laugh (like at the very end of this video)
martyn and jimmy have "the game's the game" as an inside joke, once the old sherrif is introduced in empires season 2. i know joel is unaware of it but thats about it, i assume its between just martyn and jimmy
martyn and grian call jimmy timmy, grian calls him tim, joel calls him jim
scott is very observant, as is martyn but scott especially
martyn swears when not around pg people, does so more when alone with chat than he does around others in general
scott swears a bit less than martyn and also can easily stay pg
and when i say "not around pg people" i mean literally that. like martyn will swear around some people on an smp but not others, scott's sworn around cleo on double life, etc
skizz swears sometimes—not enough that its a problem, he doesnt tone it down that much in pg spheres i think? but he does. for example in limited life "ive been a real dick to you" to scott, and in 3rd life he mentioned on the imp & skizz podcast, that after the first session they had a meeting and skizz said something about scar and grian telling skizz and [whoever he was with] to essentially go fuck themselves, and everyone in the call just exploded laughing because they did Not expect it lol. basically when skizz swears its funny and unexpected
something ive also noticed: jimmy tends to be more cautious of suicide jokes, like when he encounters one he usually goes "ohp" or "oh, jeez-" or something like that. cleo and martyn aren't so much, they're pretty comfortable with them i think (cleo in double life ghost pov: "suicide! thats what we want here" and martyn mentioning a thing he saw of stampy playing something and it suddenly cutting to him saying "and now im just gonna kill myself" and martyn found that hard cut funny)
jimmy is just generally more cautious of things that'd get him demonetized i think. he picked up really quickly on scott implying he wanted to call himself a "[f slur] guy" but couldnt because of TOS whereas it took martyn a good 10 or so seconds
martyn switches between zed and zee. he'll say xyz with zed but colin z with zee, for example
martyn ends verbal paragraphs with "so, there you go" quite a bit
martyn and all his characters are really gender inclusive, the old sherriff saying "good morning ma'am, good morning sir, good morning they, good morning them", for example (martyn's really good about this in general actually :D)
ren tries to be as well, "ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between" but he forgets sometimes
owen uses tone tags in speech, "slash gen" "slash s r s" "slash neg" "slash pos" "slash jay"
people like bek and tubbo do so as well sometimes but owen does it the most
oh, scar safe as a phrase :D scar uses it the most, grian uses it sometimes, idk about others
tubbo can get very loud. especially on rats. "RRRRRRRRATS??"
tubbo also constantly jokes about being homophobic while saying he's serious. tubbo himself is gay. this is such a thing that the emote tubFoe is a thing
it is 4am i should sleep
hi! I got all three of your asks but I won't post them all for spam reasons LOL but thank you so much for the notes and chat screenshots I'll be adding those tidbits when I get to it!
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fluffycloudprincess · 2 months
I’m indigenous heligolandic Frisian and Nigerian and I love your account because I relate to so many of your posts. But I’m just wondering how you balance your identity yk? Cause I’m so proud to be heligolander because of how fiercely we fought for our island and I feel almost nothing in relation to my Nigerian side.
Sorry this took so long and sorry this is so long 💛💛💛💛💛
Honestly, I'm not sure I do balance my identity. I feel more like a pendulum swinging between extremes than an artist walking a tightrope. I go weeks and months hyperfixating and exploring my Forest Finn identity (as I did while making this account) and then weeks and months exploring what it means to be Ghanaian and a proud Pan-African.
I believe all things can and do coexist, and there will always be cultural similarities that help reunify a split self, but overall my brain is very dichotomous.However, to address the internal schism that multi-ethnic individuals experience, we must analyze the roots of the divide. I spent so long feeling there was an inherent internal divide due to cultural clash, but in actuality, that had little to do with my feelings. For me (and maybe for you, since we have a similar mix, which is very cool—it’s like meeting someone from an alternative universe in a TV show—I love it), the main issues stem from racism, language, and cultural clash.
"Hurt people hurt people." A part of me hates this phrase; it always felt like a cop-out, a half-apology whispered under someone's breath or a statement before a plea deal. It wasn't until I realized that unless I saw through this lens, I would never be able to reconcile my people who fought, whose homes were burned, who traveled through ice and tundra, who sang bear songs in the forest with my people who now call me a stranger, who poke and prod me like a piece of meat, asking questions they don't really care to have answered.
It still hurts when I go to my church (a Finnish church) and have to literally prove my ancestry at the doorstep, when I pronounce something wrong and they laugh, when I join an online group and get kicked out when they find out I'm not like them. It hurts because it doesn't make sense—how can my people, my motherland, reject me? "Hurt people hurt people" is the only thing that's gotten me through.
They have spent their lives being the prey and now, finally, they can be something else, someone else. They can become the hunter, so they take the chance—they pick up the spear and throw it at the easiest target.What they fail to understand is that by doing so, they have compromised themselves and only themselves. They have sided against our ancestors who bled, fought, and died to be recognized and to live free from the oppressors and xenophobes.
For me, being a Forest Finn means continuing to fight the battles of my ancestors and never compromising myself as some modern Forest Finns do. To do this, we must never reject who we are. Just as your ancestors fought fiercely for your land, so too must you fight fiercely for your place on it.
Language and Culture
Another reason for my internal schism is language. Forest Finns spoke Värmland Savonian, a dialect of another dialect of an already widely agreed hard language to learn (Finnish). Due to forced assimilation, most modern Forest Finns speak Swedish, or the few who migrated back either speak Finnish or (like me) English.
This disconnect only emphasizes the divide I already feel due to being a proud Ghanaian. Sometimes communities lend out faux acceptance if you minimize your identity—please don't do it. They are lying and trying to play mental tactics, as i said just as your ancestors fought fiercely for your land, so too must you fight fiercely for your place on it.
I'm awful at languages. I'm thinking of learning Twi, but languages are not my strong suit. I even tried learning Ladino and found it incredibly difficult.Not understanding languages makes maintaining community significantly harder. However, due to the racism and xenophobia in white ethnic minority groups, I no longer view this as a negative. Instead, I see it as my ancestors keeping me safe and not allowing racists to sully my connection with them.
Instead, I try to reconnect with Forest Finn ideas and philosophies that are timeless (great respect for the bear, respect for our ancestors, respect for the forest as our home and protector). I then draw parallels with traditional Ghanaian beliefs such as those found in Vodun (great respect for our ancestors, great respect for nature as our home and protector).
In this way, the body becomes a temple and a melting pot—a sanctified space for the merging and birth of a third culture, born from the union of two previously separated cultures.You said that you feel a strong connection to being Heligolander but less so to feeling Nigerian. There are myriad reasons this might be the case. For me, it was due to internalized anti-African sentiment, which I broke down when I saw others reframe being native African as indigenous, I also explored traditional spirituality, followed more West African TikTokers and influencers, and listened to moreq Afrobeats (I love Rema so much and his new album is a perfect display of resistance that we're seeing in our new generation, an out right refusal to allow others or ourselves to demonise our cultural traditions in the name of white western acceptance) and Afro-origin based music in general.
Nigeria has fought for its land and independence just as hard since the dawn of its creation as any other nation and I can say that we Ghanaians (as much as we love to bicker with you) are so proud when we see you win, because you have always been at the forefront of so many movements throughout time.
As a West African, I understand how our governments currently aid the interests of the West rather than the indigenous peoples (us). However, what's happening in our neighboring countries with the alliance of Sahel states (Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali) and the riots in Kenya has empowered me and MANY others to become even more Pan-African, breaking down prior internalized thoughts and ideals.
It's funny, before I saw your message, I was thinking of pivoting this blog towards documenting my journey with Vodun, Pan-Africanism, and creating a space for an anti-colonial resistance group to form. But then I thought, "No, I can't. This blog is strictly Forest Finn." But I guess I need to take my own advice—this blog isn't just about being a Forest Finn; it's about the nuances of identity. So, thank you so much for asking this because it's honestly helped me align some of my ideas and musings that I've kept locked away.
Identity is never easy, especially when the world tells you your identity innately clashes. I hope I've managed to answer your question somewhat and hopefully helped a tiny bit. I'm always here to chat, and my inbox is always open. I'd love to hear more about both indigenous Heligolandic and Nigerian culture, especially since we have very parallel identities in that sense so if you have a blog about it I'd love to follow it or as i said I'd love to also just hear about your experiencs of both cultures. But if you'd prefer not to and this is the last we speak, then I wish you the absolute best and hope you find the balance you're looking for.
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sandwhich-lady · 4 months
The time has finally come. Over all four years of my high school career I made a running list of quotes from high school and I vowed to post it when I graduated. And well, the time has come. So without further ado I present
Things High Schoolers Have Said: A Saga
Freshman year:
*while talking to a teacher* "this just proves short people are a menace to society"
"If we were comparing to spices, you *points at teacher* would be a ghost pepper and you *points at friend* would be ketchup"
Someone walking by: "like oh, hell is real"
"No dont trust me"
"You need to eat food bitch"
*talking about people hating pineapple on pizza* "I hope you had a satisfactory life because Imma end it"
"The eyesore of a church the sky daddy punished me with"
"Frankly, I dont know if I've been alive for 200 days"
"Are you eating a fucking egg with pineapple"
"They're like oh highschool is preparing you for college and then you get to college and your professor shows up in a t-shirt and shorts and with a jug of sprite"
"I had a very strong urge to eat my math homework" -me
"Honestly at this rate, why dont you trust me?"
"Because I still have some hope yet"
*laughs* " wow I dont know how to crush that"
"...There are cursive numbers??"
Sophomore year:
"Dont do anything you wont regret"
"I dont have the energy to bounce, Amy"
"I'm gonna quit band so I can work on actually not killing myself"
"I have the mentality of a 12 year old who just discovered sex"
"You are so white. You are *so* white oh my god the the double l in El Pollo Loco not pronounced like a hard l! It's a yo sound"
"Apparently the bugs are really horny today"
"Wait where are you going?"
"I've been traumatized enough"
*stares at smushed sandwhich like questioning the audacity*
*yelled* "You're a loser! Talk to me when you're over five feet tall!"
"Crying, shaking, throwing up. Violently shaking."
"Ah! My lightsaber is stuck" -my euro teacher
"I cant wear crocs, I'm a 6'3" white guy"
"Kangaroos are like standing rabbits"
*picking victims for a murder mystery game*
"Mr [teacher's]...wife"
"Leave her out of this!"
"Is joe biden your phone lock screen?"
*offended* "no its pitbull"
"I almost punched a freshman yesterday"
"How much would you sell your soul for?"
"Panera bread mac n cheese"
"What's the point of fanfiction if it doesnt have sex in it?"
"Nah hes 32, not years old, cause that would be pedophilia"
"You shower naked??"
"I really want to annihilate an uncut loaf of bread"
"However, I think the disco ball constitutes sexy time"
"Sometimes, we all have to get married, and polygamy can be a byproduct of that, for the good of all humanity"
"I'd rather be gay than [be around] drunk men"
"Do you think I could fuck the liberty bell?"
"If you wear those fucking shoes to prom, I will curb stomp you and leave you in the McDonalds parking lot"
"Sometimes you're a little mentally funky"
"My stomach hurts so bad right now. If I throw up, sorry 🤷‍♀️"
"People were trying to commit social interaction with me so I had to leave the classroom"
"I've been channeling all my insanity into [AP] chem all year and now that's its done... I'm just insane"
"I feel like I inhaled liquid crack"
"Why is there communism?!"- looks up in math class to see the communist symbol drawn on the board
Junior Year:
"Bro you'll never guess who I saw"
"Everyone we hate"
-on the first day of school
"Hold it STEADILY, like a BAGUETTE"
"I may be a little obsessed with soup"
*emerging from behind a pillar* "a little? a LITTLE???"
"You're gonna pass out, that's on you"
"I would kill for a baby leopard"
"Everyone in set crew knows my name because you guys keep on yelling it"
"Did you just tell me to piss in a bucket??"
"You're the adolf Hitler of ladders"
"No we're going to invade crustacean world, duh"
"What if hes not here today?"
"No he is, hes wearing his lighting McQueen crocs"
"You're a potato colored mashed potato"
*wrapped in a pumpkin blanket* "its spooky season !!"
"I'm bringing something from my culture...beans on toast"
"But it was funny, therefore I have no regrets"
"What are you testing?"
"Uhh, my will to live"
"What constitutes above average calves?"
"I hate gifts and I hate you! *trips* ...that was karma"
"I can bring sauces...I can bring a variety of sauce" (for waffles)
"Let me be your roomba" to the tune of 🎶let me be your woman🎵
"Life in the midwest used to be really lonely and isolated and like sad...seems to be the same today"
"I don't want to go to No Place for Hate because...I love hating"
"If the grades dont touch neither do you"
"Anything can be a tortellini if you try hard enough"
"Lauren, does this curve look stupid"
"Its almost kidnapping. We dont do that here"
"Would you tell us [the embarrassing nickname] if Landon rizzed you up?"
"You heartless bitch"
"My moms a marriot slut"
"I think I can gaslight her into giving me an A"
"Their buttholes would have been shaking!"
"Their buttholes WERE shaking"
"Nuh uh!"
"I feel like I should be eating more strawberries...I think god told me"
"So I have to buy it on amazon like a fucking capitalist"
"SUE ME FOR BEING WHITE" -after a heated discussion about bagels
"But like who in their right mind would name their child 'funny valentine'?"
"Wait why did you say 'happy eggs'?"
"No you are not doing a homestuck quote"
Creative writing teacher: "if you do a homestuck quote you will be penalized"
"Mine's an ant romcom"
"Get your baby out of my marmalade"
"I just had the most refreshing five minute nap"
"He bit half the worm and we were like ryan no"
"Anyway, as I was saying, you look like a penguin"
"Are you shitting my dick!"
*after taking a math quiz*
"I'm gonna throw away this pencil, its cursed"
"Got that D tingle"
"I hate it here"
"I'm either the smartest person alive or dumb as shit"
“I get chills when she sings that part”
"I get chills when you shut your mouth"
"[This theatre company] is going to have so many suitcases. Maybe next year we can do a play about planes"
"Thank you?"
"Its a compliment"
"Thank you!"
"Wheres the quicky changy... excuse my lango"
"And colleges want to see that you're suffering"
*playing a game where you pick a category and name things in that category as fast as you can* "Marvel characters. Magneto!"
"Uhh dementia"
"If my heels arent in here I'm wearing crocs"
*comparing id/drivers license photos*
"I look like I'm on drugs"
"I look like I sold you the drugs"
Student A: "Arent we just the best students?"
Teacher: "Uh huh"
Student A: "That didn't sound very sincere"
Student B: "That's because it wasnt"
Student A: "oh"
Senior year:
“I pip pip and I cheerio, it’s just what I do”
“Excuse me, I need to be a little bitch”
*to psych teacher* “I was just wondering, since you’re antisocial, how did back to school night go?”
“I’m not saying a narc and a twink is the same thing, I’m saying you look like a narc AND a twink”
“You know how to turn that on??”
“Yeah, there’s an on button!”
“Bro I went to the beach recently and like I’ve never felt water like that before”
*talking about the existence of chocolate cows*
*from across the room* “what did you just call me?!?”
“What the fuck is anthropology? Is that plants?”
*to phone* “call pickle”
“Oh fiddlesticks!”
“Oh shitdicks!”
“I caught a charizard! I’m gonna name it penis!”
“People keep calling me baby shark and I just want to *strangling motion*, I want to tell them I’m not baby shark, I’m mommy shark”
“Some of these presentations are not going to eat, and I’m gonna be mad because I love a good slideshow”
Friend: “Carissa, why is your laptop so big?”
Me: “what?!” *looks around for validation*
Other friend: “look, I didn’t wanna say anything…”
*someone absolutely headbanging to Last Christmas*
*psych teacher going on a tangent*
“What’s he yapping about?”
“The uzsh (usual)”
*while running past us* “I parked my car in fucking Timbuktu”
*a little later*
Me: “this isn’t Timbuktu, this is like Canada”
*about Winston from 1984* “Damn this bitch is weak…I could bench him”
“So not a fursona but a humansona”
“I feel like I wanna build a bomb”- said in a physics classroom hopped up on Celsius
“Ugh this is so greasy”
“Just how I like my women…I don’t know why I said that”
*about a pair of butterfly scissors* “Look! It’s a little butterfly! Flap flap bitch”
“Are you being racist against clowns?”
“I think I’m gonna go home and do a backflip”
“You’re a furry”
“And you’re a whore”
“I know :)”
“I don’t even like books but I like women”
“Who wouldn’t want this hunk of meat” - tiny Asian girl
*after saying something nice about him* “No but also Carson you suck and you’re awful and we all hate you”
*wins blooket* “I guess I am serving cunt today”
A: “If you were a worm, what’s the first thing you would do?”
B: “Uhh burrow in the dirt.”
A: “That’s such a basic answer”
B: “Well what would you do??”
A: “World domination.”
[some time later]
A: “If you were a cricket what would you do?”
B: “World domination”
A: *weird look* “uh…ok”
B: “What would you do???”
A: “I don’t know, chirp”
“She was like ‘can someone read the definition of male vocalist?’ We don’t even have a male vocalist! The entire cast is nuns!”
“I have this theory, from what I’ve observed. Guys act gayer, girls are gayer”
Psych teacher: “what are you gonna do in Australia? Engineering?”
Alumni: “I’m gonna do women”
“You know what sounds really good right now?”
“Jumping off a fucking cliff”
“I was gonna serve cunt today but I slept in. I’ll serve cunt tomorrow”
“I wish I was able to hibernate. I wish I was given the same grace bears wear given”
“What are you so happy about?”
“I have CHICKEN!!”
“I’m gonna bark at him”
“I am sorry to disappoint everyone, but I am a straight individual”
“Four plus four equals ate”
“Ooh what’s 64 divided by 2”
“Oh-“ *was trying to get eight*
“Oh my god, oh my god”
*concerned* “what??”
“My uterus.”
“This train is so hot [read: attractive]”
“That’s called a concussion sweetie”
*to psych teacher* “you have stds?”
“You think he has women??”
“Did I ask?”
“No but I answered”
“Knock knock”
“Who’s there”
“Banana- wait no”
“The chicken is suicidal, the chicken is depressed, and I am the chicken” - about why did the chicken cross the road
“If I wanna hear sonic injesting coke, then I’m going to hear sonic injesting coke godammit”
“This is my bad ear-“
“The fact that you have a bad ear is really concerning”
“Well you have two bad eyes so fuck you”
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altschmerzes · 2 years
Thoughts on the new ted lasso episode?????? I have so many conflicting opinions re: zava
well first of all this is how i enjoyed it:
Tumblr media
i will be repeating the experience weekly. cannot more highly recommend cosymode ted lasso.
as for the episode itself- [shrieks into my hands] i'm gonna put some thoughts under a cut, both generally and re: zava specifically, thank you for asking. these thoughts are not going to be at all organized and mostly composed in run-on sentences i am so sorry.
IM ALSO.... CONFLICTED ON ZAVA I THINK though it's interesting bc as i was watching the episode i kept getting like, OUTRAGEOUSLY distracted by..... [checks notes] not knowing what his first name is. this is not a joke. it was ACTIVELY distracting for me. i kept telling myself sometimes people are like this. like cher. you don't need to know his first name. and then two minutes later someone would mention him again and i'd be like What Is The Man's Fucking Name Though. it was so bizarre lmaooo.
honestly re: the man himself i'm like!! idk!!! jamie is clearly already way in his feelings about this and i can only imagine it's going to get worse which is gonna be. fucking delicious if we actually get to spend some time with and unpack it because 'i feel like i'm being replaced and i'm getting anxious/upset/lashing out about it' is one of my favourite sources of Angst Plots. we shall see. i am as always a combination of hopeful and anxious.
the dude playing him really did a great job striking a very specific and identifiable vibe for someone who had like Three Lines of dialogue and whose face we saw clearly like once.
i feel like i have two diverging paths in front of me with this guy's arc and it's either gonna be 'i'm riveted and having a great time' or 'please get this dude out of my face' and no in-between
and now for some general thoughts:
didn't realize this was the chelsea episode and somehow still had 'chelsea dagger' on repeat while cleaning up and getting ready to go cosymode. (i am stealing that song from its association with the chicago hockey team. it whips too hard to be left to them.) enjoyed the accidental reference when i turned on the tv and saw the title. also kept remembering a couple irl friends who are chelsea fans and having myself a giggle.
speaking of 'great time' vs 'get this out of my face' how relieved am i that they've now bait-and-switched me TWICE with fucking. love triangle bullshit. with roy and keeley and jamie. when he followed roy and not keeley i was like. oh thank fuck. the ensuing scene was both very sweet and very funny. they are welcome to continue bait and switching me on this as long as the switch Continues To Happen but if this goes in a Direction i am not gonna be thrilled.
something is brewing with keeley's company. it's not gonna....... go well, i think. something is gonna come to a head there, i got the feeling from the drop, and i'm not sure what or how yet but something's gonna give with that. all those scenes have this weird like. tension to them that i can't quite put my finger on and im intrigued to see where it goes.
i actually really like the CFO woman? she seems like a very interesting character and i think she and keeley could balance each other very well.
my jamie and dani besties agenda is flourishing. so is dani's hair. it's fantastic and i want to braid it.
oh speaking of hair back to zava for a second. beard pulled up the footage of him and i literally said out loud, pronouncing the letters not the word 'motherfucker': "oh this mf has my haircut"
AND SPEAKING OF DANI when he said "fuck off trent crimm" i think i shriek-laughed so hard the whole block heard me. dani my fucking beloved. i adore you.
y'know who else had a good episode here? isaac. his body language thing was so good. it made me laugh and also was a SPECTACULAR look into him as a person. every time we get a scrap of characterization on one of the secondary richmond player characters i dance around like the soot sprites with the candies in that ghibli movie i can't recall the title of off the dome.
i probably overblow this in my head, right, because everyone thinks their own perspective is like Super Unique or something but i really do think being an enormous irl sports fan is enhancing the experience i'm having with this show so much. watching the fans unfurl that banner for roy and cheer for him like that was like... immediately a half dozen welcome back tribute videos and player homecomings i've watched raced through my head and i was literally in actual physical tears. both bc of what was happening on screen and bc of All The Rest Of That in my head.
speaking of. oh my gd my heart hurt so much for roy as soon as he pulled that fucking. newspaper clipping from his wallet. i liked that he ripped it up at the end but i do wish it had come a little harder. he's been carrying that thing around for 20 years i'd have liked to see a biiiiit more of a battle over letting it go. still. holy shit and the bit at the end? about leaving chelsea? winded me. WINDED ME.
to be honest this was a rough one for him all around. i cannot imagine everyone i know making my breakup front page news in THEIR life too. which is like- they mean well and it's obviously coming from a good place and the people talking to him directly - jamie, ted, etc - are like. trying to be kind and supportive but if i were him i'd want to run away and also die in a hole about it so. big #felt that whole thing. even so, i do also have to say-
the roy's hyperbolic violence/threats thing is Back With A Vengeance! we know how i feel about this. i had a whole post about how i feel about this. it's a Bit, i know, it's a goof, this being a comedy show and roy being The Angry One but still i just. i feel like they take it a liiiiiittle past the pale in this ep, in general and also with jamie specifically. roy flying at him in the locker room during the big 'who's on first' round robin was a Bit Much for me - and i know i harp on this a lot but i maintain my stance here - given their history to this point. ted saying to roy near the end of the episode that like, he needed to get his act together or he'd be ruining more than one match was a good touch that did a lot to defuse some of my unease with this running thread but. it was still there and i was still a little [oh boy.gif] about it.
anyway so now i'm knee-deep in a fic about That.
overall it was spectacular, i really enjoyed it. knocked out of the park episode thank you so much.
i have many more discrete thoughts but i have to clip it here my keyboard is starting to lag lmaoooo
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issahanko · 7 months
How to erase a bad bad weekend
How to erase a bad bad weekend, a bad memory, a bad experience, a bad conversation…
The memories keep flashing in my mind like a bad taste that keeps coming and going.
So many feelings, so hard to deal with and I feel so stupid not being able to just pass to the next thing. So here I am writing my heavy heart, I’m hoping it can maybe help.
As I start this text, I realize that maybe this could be a funny story, or maybe, my gentle reader will relate to me, and we could cry together.
I was urgently in need of a bit of money. I had just finished another diploma in December, and I found myself looking for an urgent job, it had been one month and a half and nothing.
Maybe because January and February are dead for job hunting… I told myself and everyone else around me to feel better, I have to be patient, I said in a very loud voice, maybe trying to convince myself to be patient, and it was not working…
My friend, which is in a similar situation calls me and says: Urgently! I have to know if you want a job! they pay cash! it’s from Friday to Sunday!
I said yes, of course! I trust her, she’s a hustler… I really need some money right now.
What we have to do in this modern world to have some money, in this economy, in this crisis, in this unemployed situation… could be called slavery, but let’s leave this subject for later.
I was supposed to sell bike clothes, plus triathlon and running clothes.
The guy made us come on Thursday to explain how this will be done during the weekend, although Thursday was not a paid time. My friend had to do 40 minutes of metro and 15 walking from her place to the job place, where we were going to work. But the guy wanted us to come on Thursday. He also wanted us to come an hour before the opening without being paid, although we said yes, it never happened.
So the guy’s name was Steve… Steve? What kind of name is that?
Hi, my name is Steve (pronounced Stif)… I wonder what you imagine with that name.
It was the opposite of the Steven Universe character. Zero charisma, he had a grim aura around him, when I remember him, I picture him wearing dirty clothes, a dirty face, dirty soul, Steve without an n.
This guy had a very bad looking silhouette, just imagine a bald, bad shaved, red eyed looking guy, with a beer belly and yellow teeth whenever he smiled, which was a rare occasion, or maybe he just smiled at moments when you are not supposed to smile, like a smile after a racist-mysoginist-homophobe comment…
This guy didn’t say hello…. As soon as he saw us, he said: do you go to the gym? Do you ride bikes? On the gym…?
Now, my friend and I are not fit at all, we have overweighted women bodies, but we take care of ourselves, we tidy ourselves, we love ourselves, we feel pretty most of the time. I admit, I got some kilos more during my degree, I did my last diploma in one year, one hell of a ride, and I’m a stress eater, so it was very easy to obtain my extra kilos. But of course, this guy didn’t see that. Maybe he wanted slim people, so the customers would feel more appealed or something. Although, he was not paying enough for a slim sales manager. He was not even paying enough for us to come on that Thursday, which we weren’t even paid.
So not a very good first start, right? I laughed it out, but my friend didn’t. I sometimes don’t understand a situation before it’s too late and my natural response is to laugh out everything. Whenever I’m nervous you will see me smiling.
Bla bla bla, biking clothes, bike accessories, biking glasses, how did you two meet?
- Oh, we were together at Uni, yeah, I was doing my ethnomusicology master at that time, oh! It’s like anthropology of music.
- So like when humans were hitting rocks one to the other and you call that music?
- jajajajaj…ja… yeah… something like that… Oh I actually have an interview in one hour, so I only have 15 minutes
Apparently, Steve didn’t like that, maybe he was planning on explaining every single item to us and take more of our free time, but I doubt it, the guy was not organized. Or maybe his natural face was of disgust…
I asked if he had business cards, he didn’t, also, the internet site that was announced on his business signs didn’t exist, he also didn’t have a special item he wanted to sell, and the sales signs advised discounts in a very so random way that it looked like a scam store.
So every time someone would ask where they could find the store… we just answered with the most vague phrase: oh! we are a mobile store… (you cannot find it anywhere) we move a lot between Ontario and Québec, oh sorry, the site doesn’t wok but you can send us an email with whatever you need, we will try our best to answer your request…
We? Well, I told myself that if maybe I got the appropriation of the store, people will believe that it was genuine, or like a family business, with Steve being our… uncle? I don’t’ know, I thought it was helpful, I was trying to help a human who didn’t deserve my trying.
Steve has a daughter though, 8 years old, she was on his 2000 model phone wallpaper. Poor girl with a father like that. Just, let me tell you the story. The guy hooked up with a woman 25 years younger than him, the problem is, he said it as if he was proud of it. He’s 62 yeas old… Steve is a 62-year-old father… of an 8 year old daughter. Oh! But her daughter is a flirt! She is in the boy’s hockey team, because she is too good to be in the girls’ hockey team and she likes to flirt with the boys…
I don’t know what is more disgusting, the fact that he thinks she flirts at that age, the fact that he is proud of his daughter being a flirt, or the fact that he is telling me this.
Pure disgust. Maybe I should add “rapist” to the list of adjectives I will describe him with. I know maybe some of you would feel sorry of him being so old and working in this hard work line, but my disgust is bigger than my sorrow.
And also, the conversation about his daughter started because he fucking asked me if I WAS SINGLE
- Oh! Yeah, I have a partner and we are married.
- So like… are you lesbian?
(Shall I just send this guy to hell….?)
- Well I consider myself bisexual and I’m married to a non-binary person. But you know this is really not important…
- You young people, your generation is so welcoming to this kind of stuff, I don’t know any of this things, so what is bisexual and what is non-binary
(Shall I just send this guy to hell….?)
-Well, bisexual is that you are attracted to a person regardless of their gender
- Well that is convenient
(Shall I just send this guy to hell….?)
-jajajaj… I am attracted to all the genders, not only one… and non-binary is that the person doesn’t feel like they belong to only one gender.
- so like a mix ?
- I mean there are people who are genderfluid, so they can feel one day one gender or non at all. And I feel that a bisexual with a non-binary is a perfect romantic alliance.
- So all that stuff exist, huh? Your generation is so different than mine
-oh! you have a costumer behind you
The conditions to this job were just disastrous, we couldn’t sit (no chairs anywhere), we couldn’t just stand (because it is aggressive, the customer will not approach you if you just stand there, just try to scan the clothes, you can even check the tags so you can learn the technical terms… hey remember when I told to not just stand there…?), we couldn’t chat (I don’t want you to talk to each other, it shows to the customers you are not serious), and we only had 30 minutes of break to eat something, also we had bathroom breaks, which we tried to extend to the maximum and to distribute along the day. I really just wanted for this job to end.
But the worst of all was, that we had to deal with fucking Steve, not only his conversations were awful and the least interesting in the entire history of stories, but also he used to tap my back whenever there was a customer that he wanted me to attend. I wish to erase the memory of his fucking hand touching my back for those 2 seconds, he did it 6 times during the weekend. I wish to erase all of this, all this bad  bad weekend, but specially he touching my sacred body with his filthy hands. 
Every day that passed was harder than the previous one. Everyday Steve had to fucking complain that he was not making enough money, that his minimum was not attaint. Oh! He also had these stupid comments about us like:
- you are doing good… for beginners
- If you did some kind of sport, I’m sure you would have had more technical information to give to the clients, we would have made more sales
- It’s a shame you don’t know anything about bikes
And whenever we were letting a customer go, he would come and say: what was the problem, what did they wanted? (whatever answer you want to insert) ugh, next time send them to me. Or. Ugh you should have said this/that. You can also finish your sale with: what else are you looking for? Or what brought you to the Montreal’s Bike Convention?
Or whatever annoying phrase about any annoying sales topic or bike topic you could imagine.
Also, I forgot to mention, the main reason why he engaged us was so that we could speak in French to the clients. ‘Cause his sorry ass can only take one language in his stupid brain, the language of racist-mysoginist-homophobe-rapist white English. The frustrating part was when he started to explain to his customers:
- I engaged French girls so they can talk in French with the customers
First off, we are not in France you asshole, second, we are NOT FRENCH YOU FUCKING IDIOT, third, could you be more condescending you fucking pig?
And this is the whole point of this stupid experience. He did never ever said thank you, never, not even when we worked packing his stuff (that usually sales people don’t do) or pushing his merchandise on the cart to his truck, or when we worked for 30 extra minutes to help him pack his shit, or when his shit got all over the floor when he was pushing his cart down the ramp and was blocking the cart ramp and we helped him put his shit back to the cart and truck. And the more things went to hell, the more the guy was aggressive and screaming at us if we didn’t do things the way he wanted to be done…
Like: I didn’t tell you to do that! I asked you to put this thing in this box, not on that box!
- I told you first the wheels then the bars!
- No! Don’t put that there!
- oh… could you please push the cart to my truck?
And then, he almost didn’t pay us… or he was hoping we don’t do the math correctly so that he could pay us less than what he owed us…
- Girl, let’s count together because I’m getting stressed and can’t count
- No! Don’t count together, she’s already lost, gimme that… I’ll count for you!
Then… why am I saying he’s racist? My gentle reader may ask… Well, we had a black customer that asked if he could separate some clothes for him, he was going to do the convention tour and then get back to trying the clothes.
- you shouldn’t separate it for him, he’s not coming back, I know his kind
- Oh I meant that the convention is almost closing… I don’t think he will be back
And then he proceeded to tell me the most boring racist story of how one of his bosses in 1978 was racist, not like him. His boss didn’t believe a black successful woman was going to buy an expensive bag. Well fucking Steve didn’t believe a black customer was going to buy a fucking biking jersey that was so old as fucking Steve, all his clothes were shit actually. Well, the customer came and he bought the jersey.
A little girl was hanging around the convention during Saturday and Sunday and asked me and my friend if the clothes we were selling were used. It really felt like some kind of sport thrift store, all the clothes had the hangers sun marks, they were so old and used and so low quality that even with his fucking thin sales managers, he wouldn’t have attaint the fucking minimum that he wanted.
But lastly, we finished the job, we got our pay, we got out of that place, we left the old geezer behind, and my friend and I were left feeling miserable. We called our spouses, to reassure them we were alive, that we got paid, that we were going home. And then all the misery came to our bodies. My feet were hurting, but also my pride. And she started saying why should we go through this, why should anyone go through this. Why after all that we studied, after all that we travelled, after all that we have learnt, why do we have to take this kind of jobs, with this kind of guy in this kind of country. Why has the life treated us so unfairly… what have I done so wrong for me to be found in a situation like this. Why have all my studies done nothing for me. Why do I have to kill my feet and my pride to get a bit of cash… I’m an artist, I wish to create, to be happy, to give something to this cruel cruel world. But right now, I feel just miserable, as if my life had absolutely no meaning. As if I was born with the wrong feet, in the wrong time, the wrong place. Maybe if I was white, maybe if I was rich, maybe if I had picked fucking finance as my career. Just, maybe if I have had a bit more of luck.
But hélas, I’m here, right now, and the only thing that calms me down is writing and hoping to share this with you, my gentle reader.
Yesterday I had nightmares, and then I had a panic attack, and then I was all tears. But my partner was there, to tell me everything was going to be alright, that I will never see fucking Steve again in my life. And with the money I made, I can pay some bills.
Although the next day I still had flashes of this bad bad weekend, I still heard fucking Steve’s voice in my head… I had to pass to another thing, another project made with love, it was another day, a sunny one. And the problem is, I’m so desperate that I’m sure I will do it again, because I need the extra cash right now.
Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you never cross a fucking Steve in your life. And I hope you will be happy, even if it’s only for an hour during the day. I hope the struggling times will pass fast. I hope you get to do art in your life, it’s the only savior, in this chaotic world.
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