#actually the weirder the better
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Since I can't be a good game journalist and cover Tears of the Kingdom this week, I'm bringing Link along on my vacation for an IRL vacation
And I dunno it might be maybe cool if other people took their own lil Links on adventure IDK 😶‍🌫️
Don't make this all sanitized either go to the *weirdest* most wonderful places possible, I won't stop you, I will support and tweet every damn one
Link is a lil weirdo for all people 💚
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nerdpoe · 7 months
Jason agrees to go through the legal hassle of being declared alive again. Mostly so he can go to college like how he wanted.
He would have done it under a fake ID, but he kinda wanted the success of having a Masters in English attached to the name he grew up with.
It's going pretty great, actually! He's making friends, gets to punch random paparazzi's in the face, and learning has always been fun for him.
But one of his college friends, Danny Fenton, is...weirdly obsessed with Wayne Manor?
Jason gets it, he does, the Manor is huge and of course the guy would want to see it as often as he could.
Then he starts to realize that Danny is strangely attentive to Bruce.
Like, actually flirting with Bruce.
Oh no his college friend, who is his age, is flirting with Bruce so hard it's making Bruce blush.
OR; Danny thinks Bruce is hot, and that the outraged faces of the man's children as Danny flirts with him are hilarious. Also Jason started it by trying to flirt with Danny's mom when he met Danny.
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ooctlt · 1 month
me trying to think of questions: this is great. i’m going to get a good grade in *tlt askblog*, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve."
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ty both. and 1st anon i support your passions and endeavors
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 months
how does the raft not capsize.
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#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i mean komasan's not there in canon 3 so it's slightly better but not by a lot#i feel like someone should at least be falling off how is the raft also big enough to hold them all-#whisper floats so he doesn't add weight or any space really but like#it still needs to both hold the weight of three teenagers and two yo-kai#AND have the room for them all to fit#the rafting challenge in bada-bing tower is probably worse cuz it has to fit two additional yo-kai#i think komasan not being that important in the mainline games is very lame. he's pretty important in the anime so it's kinda weird#he is at least somewhat important in 3 since he's there for the yopple tour and everything in bada-bing tower#whereas in 1 he has the auto-befriend yo-kai curse (only being important in their debut chapter)#and in 2 he literally only shows up during the jibakoma quest in psychic specters#(excluding being an npc during the beginning of the jibanyan's secret quest alongside a bunch of other yo-kai)#idk what's weirder the fact they made him so important in the anime despite that or the fact they never made him important in the games#i personally go with the nyanderful days continuity that he also moves in with katie cuz that makes sense to me#i've literally never written anything where nate's the one who gets the watch in 1 so idk what i'd do there-#(funny how i've never written anything that's in the same timeline as canon-)#i want to at least write something at somepoint where nate and katie both get watches cuz i like that idea#i mean i have a dumb au idea where nate and katie independently get watches at the start of 1 at around the same time#and take an extended period of time to realize#mostly just haven't actualized that cuz 1) i already have the rewrite and 2) i don't have enough ideas#basically just have the basic concept-#these tags got derailed quick. and also make me really wanna work on the rewrite more-#i have so many ideas but i'm just not motivated to write any of them#and also most of them are for 3 and i haven't finished rewriting 2 yet 😔#‚‚‚ anyways-
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br1ghtestlight · 27 days
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this is so funny to me actually bcuz this is 100% how i talk abt my characters ages. i know what YEAR they were born and i know what rheir ages are supposed to be at the start of the story but i dont actually know when it takes place?? im really bad at math. There was a moment where rainbow was supposed to be 23 and i somehow accidentally made her 17 lmfao
#theoretically it would take place in 2021 bcuz thats when i created my object ocs but the more time passes#the weirder it feels to have it take place years in the past#i considered moving up their birthdays by a few years but like. idk i like their birthdays theyre cute :3#bubblegum is SUPPOSED TO BE 15 and she was born july 2007#watermelon is supposed to be 7 and he was born june 2014#etc etc#starr is 27 and she was born september uhhh 1995 or 1997 i actually dont remember. whichever one makes sense#also that would mean building block was born in 2020 and since she's always gonna be a baby the furhter away we get#it means that she wouldnt have even been born when the story is actually supposed to take place. Like#i know their birthdays and their ages and what year they were born everybody else has to do the math#to figure out wtf is going on because I DONT KNOW#also that means that building block would be a pandemic baby lmao 😭#what was rhe vibe in nigeria in august 2020 during the pandemic. well i say that like it even happened in their universe#which there really isnt any reason for that to be true#it isnt historically important to mention like..... world war two or slavery or whatever. fucking obviously. in the context of objects#it gets messy so its better to just Not#also the months the characters were born really fuck me up bcuz jayden was born in late december#so for most of the first year that they met he would be.... younger than he actually is being born in 2003#but since building's block birthday and exact age is the most important timeline-wise#and she was born august 14th 2020 and she's seven months old when they first meet#then it canonically would take place in march 2021 which was my original intention#bcuz that is the actual date that i first created my object ocs#ANYWAY. boring character age ramblings#but its hard to keep track of so i dont even blame the author!!!! birthdays are weird and hard to keep up w/#when you dont know exactly when your story is supposed to take place#assuming its in a normal-ish world im sure fantasy ocs dont have this problem#txt#object ocs
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vampcaprisun · 9 months
i sincerely believe that archer’s instinctual reaction to astarion trying to bite him would be to bite back. harder.
(he does let astarion take a little sip after, of course. it’s not an angry bite, after all. he just does that when he’s startled.)
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soullessjack · 9 months
every time you say jack has the mental age of a baby or a toddler an autistic person spawns in your house to kill you. it’s me. I’m in here and I have something sharp.
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risingsunresistance · 18 days
wanted to make a fun doodle for pride when i woke up this morning but i left my ipad at the house :V
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dullahandyke · 1 month
sigh actually whatd fix me is getting into shit that nobody i know knows abt so theres no expectations or whatever. my blade of the immortal arc was soooo good for me
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penwrythe · 11 months
After seeing the recent II episode, I've seen ND fans discussing how Cabby is treated in the episode. I also saw Justin comment his thoughts on the discussion as well.
Part of me want to share some insight into how I rewrote a scene in my script for Rise of Relics to remove an ableist implication of Nicodemus' behavior towards Nikey (see this post here about it). There's also another scene I plan to rewrite as well that has a few ableist implications and I want to show how to improve it with research and listening to those with physical disabilities.
I'm not sure if it's alright for me to share this, as some of the II fans have similar symptoms to Cabby's memory issues, I do not want to speak over them as I do not have any memory symptoms as they do. What I do have, in reference to the scene in Rise of Relics, is anxiety and (possible) undiagnosed OCD, and Nikey is written with the implication of having both of these. The other scene I want to later rewrite is also in reference to how Nikey finds comfort in others, sometimes invasively due to having poor coping skills, and Nicodemus is often the person who helps ground her.
I think it's best for me to listen to those who are most affected by the episode before I say anything. But, one thing I say is that condemning a character's aids and accommodations they use to cope with their symptoms is wrong. Showing unhealthy coping mechanisms is okay (carefully saying this while keeping in mind my own experience coping with anxiety), but I do think this episode should have been written with more care.
To Justin and the Inanimate Insanity team, please consult sensitivity readers for your scripts in the future, please.
#just reminded myself to also consult sensitivity readers as well#couldn't afford them a couple of months ago though; but still an important task before finally working on the actual pages for RFR#Back to Cabby when I first saw her in the first few episodes I just thought she was into writing or record-keeping because she uses folders#to keep a record of everyone she meets; either just in general or for the purpose of the game#But after the episode of her disability reveal when her record keeping was an aid for her to keep memories otherwise they fade away#It just feels like a throwaway gag#Admittedly I did not catch how odd that was until I started reading fan analyses of Cabby by disabled II fans and their concerns#of her representation as a disabled character in the series; along with her record keeping aid being presented as a negative trait#rather than something that helps her keep memories#Now the recent episode is even weirder of her throwing away her folders like it was holding her back which is eeeeeeh not great tbh#would it be better for Bot to work on a new folder with Cabby?#a mutual collaboration to understand each other with Bot respecting Cabby's aids and Bot allowing her to understand them?#it's rare I comment on things like this#but considering what I'm also writing I think it's important to learn how not to write representation#because bad representation with no research nor input can result in possible harm and alienating your audience#as well as perpetuating harmful stereotypes#inanimate insanity#critique#ii neg#ii negativity#tw discourse#objectshows#textposty
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gideonisms · 2 years
what’s it like reading homestuck just because of the locked tomb… totally not because i’m also considering it 🫣
Well, as someone who understands the plot of harrow the ninth and is also listening to a podcast to help me understand the plot of homestuck, I still don't understand the plot of homestuck. Fortunately this doesn't matter because the point seems to be making various characters meet up and say things to each other. Overall, my main opinion is I would like to feed karkat a carrot. his little teeth are adorable and I want to watch him chomp and bite
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anothermouse · 1 year
I find it weird how ppl will say for reasons that systems are fake is that multiple alters talk similar or have similar interests. Have u ever met siblings. They talk similar and have similar interests because they've spent years together ya dork, as systems start to get along more they're gonna start sharing more interests and speech patterns just like you with people you spend a lot of time with lol. Also they all share a life, they have to be able to act like each other to get by and seem "normal."
#this isnt directed ive just noticed that me and willow steal each others interests a lot and its making me think abt all the ppl ive seen#using that reasoning in fake claiming. me and her dont really talk similar but i can imagine that happening with systems who#talk to each other or mask as each other more.#idk. its to our best interest to share skills and interests. if only one person likes/knows writing then we have a problem when we need to#write and they're not present. if only one person likes/knows guitar we're in big trouble in guitar class if they're not present.#and we NEED to get along to operate so its good for us to have things to bond over! we used to argue a lot and it was fucking annoying and#made life hard. i couldnt take care of the body and willow was depressed and it made the brain miserable and it sucked#so the more we can get along the better and i think having things in common is good for that!#like i said we dont really talk the same and for us that works just fine but for some systems that could create communication barriers.#idk. i just think ppl should think a little more about why alters might become similar over time. me and my cohost r literally like family#system#osdd#did#multiple#plural#edit: actually maybe i do pick up speech from her. she says 'my friend' a lot and sometimes im tempted to say it cus its nice#but i feel like it sounds weirder coming from me 😅#OH AND LOVELY. she uses the word lovely so much ive just picked it up. its such a good adjective#idk why usually you expect the host to be the one whos language people copy but i feel like i pick up things from willow more than she does#from me.
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
Me: *Decides to write Jacob as having legitimate NPD rather than wiping away all his canon symptoms*
Me: “Wow, it’s gonna be pretty hard to write an actual narcissist in a manner that you can legitimately sympathize with. And it’s probably gonna be even harder to create one that eventually manages to grow and evolve as a person and learns to maintain healthy (platonic) relationships that aren’t harmful to either side. This is gonna be the toughest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to do it.”
Me: “Oh well, might as well give it a try!”
Me: *Writes an outline explaining how it will fit into the story*
The Story: *Barely has any changes besides little differences in character dynamics and small interactions, but basically no changes in story beats*
Jacob: *Becomes a legitimately more interesting and complex character with a better character arc that the one I originally wrote, and is honestly more likeable to me for some reason*
Jacob and Coco’s Dynamic: *Somehow more healthy and wholesome than before once their character arcs start kicking in* (Jacob’s reasons for caring about Coco are still a bit self centered, but he’s better at treating them correctly. I somehow gave them a mutually positive relationship whilst keeping the NPD part consistent)
Themes and Message: *Appear out of thin air*
The Entire AU: *Improves in every way*
Me: “........................................”
Me: “Huh, that was surprisingly easy.”
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
a bit of a sad talk ahead, but
people who say that they just "love talking to other people" might as well just tell me that they have 3 pairs of extra eyes on their buttocks and i'd believe them, like that's how alien the whole experience feels to me. It speaks of a level of inherent... trust in the way you fit into the world, an intrinsic unchallenged belief that not only are you a good listener and in tune with other ordinary and non-ordinary people, but also you are wanted and the way you are and what you believe is valued and cherished enough to be listened to. And that way of thinking is so foreign to me. In the span of my life i have been friends with so few likeminded people that the basis of my socialising isn't an easy relatedness that would result in effortless enjoyment of what other people will tell me, or what i might tell them. To put it in simple terms, before every single interaction my brain puts forth a statement that "noone present is interested in what i think or feel or have to say, noone cares" and i proceed with that deep seated belief, actively override it if i'm feeling okay, or just choose to keep silent sometimes. But overall it adds an edge of... almost hostility to my communication??? And people often like it, but it's not enjoyable easy experience for me. Like, when the simplest talks you have with other people has that undercurrent of separation that you "i'm not wanted and i will talk anyway" your way through it, social interaction becomes a tiring and bitter thing by default, so naturally i talk to people but i dont enjoy like, 85% of my interactions, they feel like a necessary evil if anything.
And like, a lot of people talk with the underlying belief that they're listened to and cared about and recieved well, and it shows. It's amazing to me, even though i dont really understand the assumption, since my own assumption is that i'm not wanted.
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br1ghtestlight · 3 months
"you have low blood sugar" dont i know it brother
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
Lucifer doesn't care how the labcoats say it works; he knows there's no such thing as a clean break from a drift the minute the plug is pulled. Instead, Michael goes from a second consciousness beside his own to being dragged out of Lucifer the further Lucifer gets from him, both of them gripping tight to the connection until it slips, until it snaps, with a violent recoil that knocks Lucifer's brain out of alignment and reminds his legs that they don't work. His next step falls too fast, too heavily, and refuses to take his weight. It's only Michael, now only a voice outside of Lucifer's head yelling his name, catching him from behind that allows Lucifer to collapse to the floor with his dignity intact.
#is this more than one sentence? yes. yes it is. because tumblr deleted this post once and pissed me off.#i had so many tags about lucifer already and boom. gone.#anyway. tfw you see your boyfriend get severely injured during a battle and this makes you panic so bad you manage to make it a few meters#which is a lot for a guy who can't actually walk.#lucifer's got a whole Situation. turns out plugging a guy's brain up to a giant robot is not without its bugs.#especially when said guy was one of the first to be stuck inside the giant robot with his brother. and testing was a lower priority due to#everyone wanting a faster solution to the Giant Fucking Monsters. so lucifer's brain got overloaded and can't send signals to his legs#anymore to move right unless he's hooked up to a mech. technically when this first happened the doctor told him 'well if you stop doing mec#shit you can walk again.' but 1) he's not doing that. and 2) that was years ago. just because that recommendation is still on a file#somewhere doesn't mean it would actually work for him. or even that it would have back then. it's still the official answer for 'fixing' hi#because that's better optics than the truth. which is that he can't walk.*#(technically. technically. if he was left disconnected from the mech for a week he could walk. it would also be exhausting. and painful.#and slow. this is not something lucifer considers to be helpful information when he moves faster and with more ease in his chair.#this is something other people like to point out about him that makes him want to start hitting them. and it's not even really true anymore#the 'a week disconnected' thing. again. was a long time ago. it would take over a month for him to stand nowadays.)#(v few people Get all of this but like. michael is one of them. he's in lucifer's head enough that it would be weirder for him not to get i#add to that him being one of the few people who has seen lucifer walk nowadays and focused more on 'hey he looks like he hates that'#than praising it. and he gets it. and is also the requisite amount of annoyed when lucifer *runs off* before michael can help him into his#chair!! not the first time this has happened and will not be the last. michael's used to catching him.)#ask#oh my god that was so much rambling. this isnt even the point of the fic btw. this is just. backstory. worldbuilding.
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