#adding another to the list of characters i want to hold and stroke into a gentle slumber
I'm gonna post an actual book review later but I gotta get this out of my system
Ranka baby I've only ever been on your side I'm so sorry you had to deal with these stupid hoes they were all dead wrong omg
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
LonelyEyes rec list
Just sharing some LonelyEyes fic I’ve enjoyed!
Satisfaction by thinkatory | 4k | Complete Summary: Peter is nothing if not comfortable with the status quo. "Don't you ever want to try something new, Peter?" "Like what?" Peter asks, in open sarcasm. "Skydiving?" "You might take a risk or two beyond the obvious." Elias hates his fascination with the perfect cut of Peter's suit, the angle of his jaw, the fullness of his lips. It's not a singular obsession, but it would be easy to set aside if only Peter wasn't such a tease. "Isn't there anything you've thought of doing in the last few years that isn't fooling around with work of the Lukas sort?" Peter drinks as he muses on that. "I've thought about making more trouble for you," he admits. "Did you want to make a bet? I'd like that." This goes about as well as you can imagine. Notes: A fic about a bet with Elias backfiring on Peter. Beautifully written, with on-point characterisation, entirely believable, and very hot.
Alone at the Edge of the Universe by PossiblyHuman | 20k | Incomplete Summary: He couldn’t help it. He was twelve, and had never been fond of reading. Perhaps if he had known this would have been his only chance to read this story, he would have paid more attention. Instead, he closed the book, stroking his hands over the coat one more time before hanging it back on the hook branded with his initials.There was a feeling of intense sadness, leaving it there like that. It tore at him, deep in his core as he walked to the door. Basically begging him to go back for it. He ignored it. If he could ignore the cries of his own siblings, a coat would never hold any sort of a sway over him.
(Or, a self indulgent au where the Lukas family are all repressed and cursed selkies, and Peter deigns to ignore that. Until he no longer can anymore.) Notes: I was completely uninterested in selkie fics until reading this, because it’s just that good. 
Simon Says by navree | 5k | Complete Summary: It is the surety of the sentence, the way that Simon is absolutely convinced in what he says, like it's the simplest fact.
Five times two very old men discussed the status of a young third party (and the one time that status changed). Notes: So emotionally devastating that I will never recover. All of this person’s fics are just brilliant, well-written and well-characterised, but this one is just heart-wrenching in a way that you don’t really expect with characters like these. I have to share in the sadness. Bonus: I don’t subscribe to the whole ‘Peter died to protect Elias’ secrets’ hc, but this person’s writing is so good I don’t even care.
A Net of Gossamer by navree | 11k | Complete Summary: Peter gives James a smile then, as uncharacteristic as anything for a Lukas, though it's just as sharp as the last time he did, like a mouth filled with knives and hard edges, and though light, filled with mockery. James finds that he doesn't necessarily mind it.
Notes: Another brilliant fic by Navree! All the compliments for Simon Says applies here too. 
Unwanted Looking-After by NevillesGran | 4k | Complete Summary: Peter all but fell out of the Forsaken, which had never happened before. He had also never been seen—worse, known so intimately. He had never, in his life or worst nightmares, spoken for twenty minutes straight about himself. “Come now, Peter," said Elias. "I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
Peter has lost a bet and just barely survived his encounter with the Archivist. His day gets worse from there. Notes: This fic lives rent-free in my brain. Like the others, magnificent characterisation, well-written, and the ending hit me like a freight train (in a good way. You know, a ‘whao that is an incredibly hot concept I’ve never considered before and I’m adding it to my degeneracy’ sort of way). 
365 daily affirmations for healing and positive thinking by serenfire | 5k | Complete Summary: The florist asks, “So, who should I address these flowers to?” Martin can't seem to get the words out. This was, unequivocally, a bad idea. Georgie gives Martin one last, wicked smile. “Write: To Peter Lukas. From Elias Bouchard.” This was a really, terribly awful, extremely bad idea, and it’s definitely going to end with Martin’s death. Notes: Absolutely hysterical.
get off (i'll only call you after if you say i can) by lewdwizard (sillywizard) | 1k | Complete Summary: There is a particular flavor of loneliness, Peter thinks, to anonymous sex. Two parties seeking closeness, connection, from a stranger, ending the night in an empty bed with nothing but the hollow satisfaction of an orgasm. The physical closeness plays so nicely off the emotional distance, sharing such intimacy with someone you will likely never see again. It should come as no surprise that, when on land, Peter tends to frequent glory holes. Notes: Just some hot, hot gloryhole LonelyEyes.
Ready for your use by LonelyPirate | 3k | Complete Summary: Elias is having a great time. Peter not so much. Notes: Apparently I really like fics where Peter has Elias’ dick in his mouth. Anyway, hot, well-written, and the concept and execution is just [chefs kiss]. 
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akysi · 9 months
Hey Do you have any tips on making a logo because ive been looking to make logo for Ask blog and was wondering if you had any tips?
Hey, thanks for asking! :D I can be very wordy about stuff I’m passionate about so my apologies for the length of this answer ^^’ That said though, if you have any further questions feel free to reply or send another ask :) Here’s a few tips, I hope they help!
1. Choose a font (or draw one yourself) that fits what you want the logo to represent Similar to how specific choices are made to convey the intent in character design, font choice in a logo design can affect the overall “feel” of it, so try to pick ones that fit whatever you’re making the logo for. In other words, logos can have their own “character” too! Many character design principles, such as shape language and colour theory, can apply to logo design as well. If this is for a fandom/pre-existing media, try looking up those logos first if you want to match their look for your own. Also try studying logos you like in general to figure out how they're constructed, and use anything you like from them in your own design!
There are a ton of styles and combinations out there, but one of the biggest distinctions between fonts is serif versus sans serif.
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Though not the case every time, serif fonts tend to look more old-fashioned/traditional, while sans serif usually appears more modern/digital.
While you can use any font for inspiration if you intend to draw your own, if you just want to type one out, then be sure to look up the usage permissions for it first. Not all are free for personal use and may be stolen even if they're listed as free online. If you’re unsure, search the font name and find the license or usage permissions directly from the creator/font foundry if you can!
2. How “fancy” you want your logo to be is up to you, but make sure it still works as a flat image as well This is less applicable if you’re only using the logo for one thing, but generally speaking you want your logo to be versatile enough to still be readable without all of the fancy gradients and drop shadows added. Those should be extra details, not the main component that's holding up the whole design, so to speak.
I recommend starting with the flat or black & white version and refine the design enough in that stage first before moving on the final clean/fancy version. Here's a comparison between the flat and full version of the logo for my comic project, Starglass Zodiac (original post here):
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Even without all of the shiny stuff on top/underneath, the flat colour version still functions as intended. 3. Make sure the width/length/size of the logo works well for what it will be used for For example, if you want to use the logo on the banner for your ask blog, make sure it'll can be read well in that format. You can do this by either making the logo in a file that's the same dimensions as your banner, or testing the rough design for the logo on the banner first before committing to the final design.
Also make sure that the logo doesn't blend into whatever background you intend to put it on, especially if the logo itself doesn't have a background. Adding a black or white (or both) stroke around the logo can help it appear on more background colours.
4. Make sure the most important words are largest or are the focal point otherwise Similar to the last point, make sure that a viewer will get the gist of your logo even if they look at it quickly. This is most relevant for logos for things that have long titles or have a subtitle attached to a main name. If your logo will have multiple words, having a hierarchy of importance in size and/or colour can help the viewer see the most important part first.
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Now for some general additions/effects to consider for your logo!
Gradients - Your best friend, one of the easiest ways to make even the simplest logo look fancier than the flat version, if the overall style you're going for calls for it. These can allow you to have colour shifts over the whole design, or add highlights in parts of it to tie the whole thing together. You can also add edge highlights/shadows on top of these too.
Textures - Similar to gradients, textures can add a lot of flair to a design very quickly. Even gradients themselves can be textures already, like mimicking shiny metal or the like. They can also be used to represent something about what the logo is for, like adding a rocky texture for a logo involving mountain climbing or ancient ruins.
Strokes - These are outlines around your lettering that can help them be seen on multiple background colours, or to make specific letters pop out from the others. You can use multiple strokes on different areas of the same design as needed, but make sure they don't impede the legibility of the lettering itself! Many of the Kirby logos use several strokes at once, like this one below.
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Backgrounds - Any colour/shape underneath the text to serve as a base for it. Similar to strokes, they can help the lettering read properly on multiple colours/shades. They can also provide additional information about what the logo is for or represents, like putting a sunset in the background of a logo that has "Sunset" in the name.
Drop Shadows and Outer/Inner Glows - These are often paired together, as they generally serve the same purpose; emphasizing the part of the design they're applied too. Drop shadows can help "lift" some parts of the design off the base, while glows can outline something instead, like a soft version of a stroke. It's very easy to overuse these though, so use them sparingly!
Bevels & Edging - Adding these to the lettering or other parts of the design can make them stand out more, especially if you add shading to it! One of my favourite examples of this is the main Spyro logo, both classic and modern :)
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Blocking - Basically a way to make the letters or the whole logo look more 3D by adding "blocks" underneath it, which can also help add another colour to the logo's palette! Spyro's logo above uses shaded blocking.
There are a ton of other effects and ways to combine them, so feel free to experiment with a bunch of them! As one final example, here's a breakdown of the logo design I made for The Zodiac Experiment (Original post here) so you can see how these effects can work together on one piece!
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Have fun designing! ^_^
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A request where Steve Rogers danced with his girlfriend under the rain, please!!!!
Anonnnie! I love this idea, so here's my little drabble about it! Hope you enjoy it!!
TO ALL: my request are open, my masterlist are published so you can based on my post for the characters, i'm writing for
698 words
The notebook
TW: non, just fluff!
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
Enjoy, Cloudy
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
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He was at your place, like every two weekends, but this time you found his notebook, not the one you thought it was. This one was called Romantic things to do with the one I love.
When steve saw you with it in your hands, he tried to catch it and hide it, but you were quick enough to get away from him and he sat back on your tiny couch. It was always funny to see your giant boyfriend on your tiny couch in your little two bedrooms appartement.
And how you loved to see him bright red like this. “what is it mister ?”
“nothing”, he mumbles, fiddling with his hands. You smile and open the notebook, finding a long list of things and…a lot cross already with the specific date beside it. All of your dates…
Eat pasta like in the Disney movie 12 march
You remembered that night, it was a fun moment, where he made pasta and told you the idea. He was shy and eager. He couldn’t stay in place when you said yes. He was adorkable.
Stargazing 17 august
Oh yes, that night was magical. He surprised you to a weekend in one of Tony’s cottage, lost in a forest and then he drove you up a hill and he prepared a late night picnic and hold you tight all evening when you looked at the stars. It was also the first time you had sex outdoors, and it was truly…magical.
You smiled at that and looked up at him. “You’re adorable Steve”.
Breakfast in bed 9nov8march23april….
Yeah, breakfast in bed became a tradition…a Sunday tradition and it was always Steve who prepared it. Everytime, he did something different, having bought a book of hundreds of pages of breakfast and brunch recipes.
Slow dancing with my love 12817391dine
Like with the breakfast the date and month were almost unreadable by now. He loved to slow dance, he did it every chance he got. Early in the morning, late at night, in the middle of the street. He had no shame to sway with you with or without music. And you loved to have a free and happy Steve like this.
The next one made you smile. Dancing in the rain. You looked outside and it was raining heavy since you woke up this morning.
“Should we trace another line, my love?” you ask while straddling his lap, his hands coming naturally on your hips.
“Yeah? You would like to do that with me?” he asks back, smiling sheepishly and blushing.
You nod and lean in to kiss him tenderly. “And I want to read all your romantic ideas and add some of mine too”. He smiles widely and nods eagerly.
“I would love that.” He gets up with you in his arms and walks in the little garden you have. The first rain drop touch you and you start to giggle. Steve is smiling so bright that you wonder if he didn’t catch the sun to have it for himself.
He lowers you and twirls you before swaying with you, humming a song. You look up at him and the rain already made his entire hair wet, the raindrop rolling down his face and you can’t stop smiling when you see him this happy.
“You make all my dreams come true”, he confesses with a blush.
You stroke his cheek and gets on your tiptoe to kiss him softly. “And all mine are coming true because of you, Stevie”. He holds your hips and makes you twirl, your feet leaving the ground. You laugh heartedly and wraps your arms and legs around him.
You stay maybe ten more minutes or an hour, but when you go back inside, you both drenched and you start to shiver. Steve is quick to bring you in the bathroom and to strip you both and squeezes himself in the shower to help you warm up.
“I know what I’m adding to the list”, he chuckles.
“What’s that?”
“You…moving in with me in an appartement where I fit.”
You laugh and kiss his chest, nodding.
“I think we can cross that too, it’s a yes, Roger.”
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moseslikellamas · 3 months
Ginny Weasley and the Year of healing
Pairing is a mystery! Its also a mess so.
Summary - following the end of the Second Wizarding War, Ginny Weasley isn't doing well. In fact, she actively losing her mind. Constantly plagued by memories of the war, Ginny is struggling to hold herself together. Adding to her stress is another year at Hogwarts. Unsure of how to continue her life with the devastating effects of the war looming over her, Ginny embarks on the hardest year of her life. Follow along as Ginny remembers what it feels like to feel safe and alive again. -LONG so very long. -love triangle -SLOWEST BURN TO EVER EXIST.
Warnings (general) - depictions of ptsd, trauma, mentions of violence and death, character death, angst, mentions of grief, anxious thoughts, mental health issues.
Word count - 1.5k
Surprisingly Molly Weasley did not blow up on her daughter. When she arrived to join them she had simply stroked Ginny’s cheek and told her she looked like a grown woman. They had departed shortly after visiting the bank. After the war, several members of the Weasley family had been compensated by the Ministry for their efforts. Because of that, they were living more comfortably than they ever had. Ginny thought it was the least the Ministry could do to make up for the terrible sacrifices they’d made to help win the war.
When they returned home no one made a fuss about her hair. George had smiled affectionately at her and Bill had ruffled it, remarking that it reminded him of when she was young. Ron had simply grunted at her which she supposed was a neutral response. Her father was working late so he hadn’t seen it.
Ginny made her way up the stairs to her room and unpacked all of the things she’d gotten. She wanted to take the cloaks and the mirror with her to hogwarts. She went to grab her trunk when she remembered it had been burned at the battle at the castle. Most of Gryffindor tower had gone up in flames. Deciding now was as good a time as any to write a list of things she needed for the school year, she pulled out some parchment and set to writing.
She needed a new trunk, two new sets of robes, all new parchment, quills, ink, new quidditch uniform, new gloves. Ginny paused to consider if she should get herself a new broom. She’d been using the same old slow broom for years. She considered herself good enough that the broom didn't slow her down, but still it would be nice. As she concentrated on what else she might need, Hermione entered. Ginny could hear her setting her own things out and shuffling her books around.
“Ginny? What’s that hovering around you?”
Ginny glanced up and saw what she meant. Tiny sparks of light were dancing and exploding around her. The little shadow she had acquired.
“Oh. I got it at The Magic Lantern. The shopkeeper wouldn’t even let me pay for it, and said he didn’t own it. It’s a fascinating bit of light magic if you’re interested.”
Hermione’s curiosity peaked and they spent a long while going over what Walize had told Ginny.
“It’s incredible. I’ve never heard of anything like it.”
“Never heard of what?”
Harry and Ron entered Ginny’s room, making themselves comfortable on a few conjured chairs. Hermione answered Harry.
“Ginny’s obtained a bit of rare light magic. It’s called the shadow of desire and it’s supposed to reflect whatever your dreams are.”
Ron looked at Ginny amazed, watching the tiny sparks whiz around her. Harry sat up straighter in his chair paying close attention.
“Do you think it understands us?” Harry asked, looking thoughtful
Ginny shrugged. “I dunno. The shopkeeper was vague about it, but he did promise to keep me informed if I updated him on its behavior. Who knows, maybe it does.”
As they sat contemplating the nature of the shadow, it changed to a blue and black smoke that sparkled like stars. Mysterious and beautiful, Ginny watched mesmerized. Then she spoke up.
“Whatever it is, I think I love it.”
As the four of them slowly drifted off to their own activities, Ginny decided to go visit Luna. Luna had written to tell her she was back home for the remainder of their break, having returned from the amazon forest where she’d been looking for a rare creature said to inhabit the trees. Ginny hadn’t been a good friend to Luna lately, ignoring her letters and going silent. She vowed to mend that today.
Ginny went downstairs to find her mother and froze in her tracks on the last step. A gaggle of aurors stood in the main room looking awkward and shuffling around. Ginny raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t tell me you lot are here recruiting already?”
Before any of them could answer Kingsley entered with her father. They were whispering furiously to each other.
“Dad? What’s going on?”
Both of their heads snapped up at her question and her father's stressed face smoothed out as he looked at her.
“Nothing darling, just discussing future safety plans for you all.”
Ginny furrowed her brow. The war was over, who did they need protection from now? Deciding not to push the subject with a group of aurors hanging around, she changed the conversation.
“I was planning to go to Luna’s, do I need guarding for that?”
She tried to keep her tone playful but despair was seeping into her voice. The walls of the house suddenly felt very close again. Her father looked concerned.
“No dear but I’d feel better if you got someone to walk with you.”
Ginny nodded and left off to find her mother. After she had alerted her mother of her plans, she made a point to thank her for the trip. Molly had hugged her tightly before shooing her off. Ginny had set off then to track down George, who liked to go for walks with her anyway. She was sure the walk down the hill would be nice for him and Luna wouldn’t pry.
Ginny found him at the Oak tree they often sat at. He was laying against the trunk staring out at the field of grass. His clothes were baggy on him and he had dark circles under his eyes that seemed permanent these days.
“Fancy a walk with me to Luna’s? Dad seems to think rouge death eaters may be hiding in the grass.”
“As if we would be so lucky.” George rolled his eyes and stood to join her.
The walk to Luna’s wasn’t that long, only taking them about twenty minutes. It would’ve been shorter if they hadn’t stopped to admire the little creek that ran downhill. Her little shadow had turned into a water sprite flying this way and that as they passed.
Soon they could see the tower of Luna’s house and their floating plums. The bush was significantly smaller now as Luna had to basically start over but it was growing in nicely. When her father had tried to report Harry during the war, the house had been mostly destroyed. As Ginny raised her hand to knock, Luna opened the door. She immediately hugged Ginny. Just for a moment before gesturing them in.
“Hello Ginny, George. You have a very bad case of wrackspurts George. I have a necklace I could lend you, if you want.” Luna said dreamily, leading them into her newly remodeled kitchen.
Luna’s father had experienced a deep mental break as the war wore on and was currently undergoing treatment at St. Mungo’s. As such Luna was named the sole heir and proprietor of the Quibbler. The paper had flourished under her care and Luna had used the funds to redo their home and pay for her father’s treatment. Luna flittered around the kitchen, putting on tea and pulling out some pastries for them.
“How was your hunt for the latest creature Luna? Was the Rain Forest as magical as I am imagining?”
Luna gathered her blonde waves and used her wand to pin it up.
“It was wonderful, I saw two crinkled gaspears. They only come out when it’s a blue moon, you know.”
It was easy to fall back into being around Luna. She regaled them with her adventures, the successes and the failures.
“One day I misinterpreted a sign. I was sure the younger Windilier had left me a message but it was a forest fey playing tricks on me. I was out of sorts for two days!”
Ginny nibbled on a pumpkin pastry while she listened. She wished she would’ve done something with her time off but she hadn’t a clue where to begin. She didn’t know what she liked anymore.
“… about that. Ginny, who is this delightful creature?”
Ginny pulled herself out of her head and told Luna about the light shadow. It was a little water sprite again. It splashed water at Luna, playfully circling her.
“It likes you. It hasn’t interacted with anyone else besides me.”
Luna’s eyes twinkled back at her.
Ginny spent a few hours with Luna, until it was time for dinner back home. Ginny promised to come by more often. Luna had smiled and assured her she hadn’t held Ginny’s silence against her.
“We’re all fighting our own battles right now. Just don’t forget that.”
Luna was right, of course.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
The Only One - A Macheresin Fic
The morning after the proposal, Hangman’s admiring his ring when Javy notices
For a prompt list, "Tender Moments in the Morning"
Words: 569
Hangman walked into the bedroom with two steaming mugs of coffee in hand. Coyote followed him with his eyes, watching his ass as he placed his own mug next to his side of the bed. As he returned to him, he noticed him looking at the flashing ring on his hand. 
“I chose right then?” He said.
“Huh?” Hangman replied, placing the mug down with a clink.
“I said, I chose right then, with the ring, I mean?”
Jake’s answer was to twinkle the ring at him. It wasn’t overly extravagant, they did fly jets for a living, but not minimal in the least. Jake wasn’t a minimal kind of guy and Javy knew he would show off at any given chance. And judging by how he was reacting this morning, when he’d only proposed to him the night before, he was going to be a bridezilla, or would it be groomzilla, since they were both grooms?
Coyote went to take a sip of his coffee when Hangman fell graciously on him. His hands cupped his ass as he lent in to kiss him, morning breath be damned. They started a routine, not too heated, neither had the energy, but soft and gentle. This was a side of Hangman that only he really saw. When it came to work, he acted the most cocky he could, but that wasn’t needed with him, something that he’d had to remind him again and again.
“You know I’ve already started to plan the wedding out, right?” Jake said then kissed him.
Javy deepened it by tilting his head, “That was fast.”
“Want to hear what I’ve planned?”
Moving his hands up his back, he settled them around his shoulders, playing with the short hairs at the bottom of his head. Jake hummed as he flicked his tongue in, hands holding him still as he began to pull away. The slightly shocked look he had, lips glistening and cheeks red, was worth it everytime. Javy took pride in being the only person able to shut him up.
“Was that a no?” Jake managed to say.
“No, go ahead,” Javy said.
“I want a full on white wedding, all the middle class shit-”
“Oh yeah, do I get a say?”
“As long as they match your ideas?”
Jake kissed him, “Now you’re getting it.”
Javy chuckled and shook his head. He kissed him on the cheek as he rolled his eyes.
“What does ‘Middle Class Shit’ mean anyway?” He asked.
“Picking out flowers, arranging where people sit so they don’t argue too much but there’s enough gossip to last months, arguing about the menus and colour schemes, a whole blow out,”
He liked that idea. Although he’d be happy with just a simple wedding at his family home in Louisiana, maybe that could be his choice. It’s where his parents got married, below the willow trees and blossoms that made up his childhood memories. 
“I’ll be happy with anything as long as I get to marry you,” he said, kissing him again.
Jake flushed a deeper shade of red and kissed him until his face turned back to its normal colour. He buried his head into the crook of his neck and groaned. Javy just laughed and stroked his head.
"Now you’re just being sappy," Jake said.
"Maybe I am," he assured, then added. "But you love it."
Jake sighed, "Yeah, I do."
I love the idea of there being 1 person who a character can make truly vulnerable, and in this case it's Javy making Jake vunerable. This scene is kind of mentioned in another fic I did where Bob and Phoenix are at their engagement party and this conversation is mentioned. Thanks for reading!
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
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I posted 1,724 times in 2022
That's 1,724 more posts than 2021!
1,497 posts created (87%)
227 posts reblogged (13%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,463 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#litg suresh - 624 posts
#luckyqueenreignask - 533 posts
#litg mc - 423 posts
#litg - 410 posts
#litg ex in the villa - 380 posts
#litg s5 - 341 posts
#love island the game - 292 posts
#ex in the villa - 256 posts
#love island game - 229 posts
#litg spoilers - 187 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#no but in all seriousness why did they make the lis all reject us at the same time
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The Story of Us - is a four-part series that will delve into MC (Gemma) and Suresh's relationship pre-villa.
Part One: The Beginning of The End
Part Two: The Night It All Ended is out now and you can click the link to read it ^^
"The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now"
Tag List: @future-mrs-suresh @squishy-noodles @hi-im-karla @kunepie @fujihime-litg @brasister @kvngdomheartz @katsie @0shewrites0 @whati390 @smexilexi420 @viperidae94 @abecerra611 @misterytull
(Let me know if you want to be added to tag list)
Gemma couldn’t breathe. It felt like the time she and her older brother, Luke, were playing soccer and he tackled her hard, knocking the wind right out of her. She sat here now in the living room of her childhood home with the same stunned silence, not remembering how to draw a breath. 
“Gemma? Honey, are you ok?” her mother Elle said as she stroked a loose strand of hair out of her face. 
“Gem, this is just a temporary separation. Your mother and I have been arguing a lot and we thought some time apart might be good for us,” her father Will said, squeezing her hand that had gone numb from the shock. 
Temporary separation. Temporary separation. Temporary separation.  She tossed the words around so many times in her mind that they had become a jumbled mess. 
Gemma couldn’t comprehend why they would ever need a temporary separation after 30 years of a seemingly happy relationship. 
“B-but w-why?” she finally said as tears rolled down her face. 
“Darling it’s complicated but your father and I are planning on going to therapy to work through it. We just need a little time apart first.” 
“This doesn’t make any sense!” Gemma said exasperated as she got up quickly and headed towards the door. 
“Gemma, quit acting like a petulant child and have a conversation with your mother and I,” Will said. 
But she slammed the door behind her and raced to her car. Tears burned her face as she drove away. 
Temporary separation. 
She didn’t understand this. Her parents were always so happy, doting on one another, holding hands and stealing kisses when they thought the kids weren’t looking. Gemma always watched them in admiration, hoping and wishing on every star in the sky that one day she would have a relationship like theirs. And now that was all supposed to just be over? 
Temporary separation. 
“Luke,” she said crying into her phone. “Did you talk to mom and dad?” 
“Yeah G, are you crying?” he said. 
“Of course I’m crying! Our parents are basically getting a divorce and you’re calm?!” 
“They said it was temporary to sort through their issues. Honestly, it sounded pretty healthy to me,” Luke said. 
“What? Are you serious right now?” 
“Gemma, they’re both adults. If being single is ultimately what will make them both happy, I'll support them. And you should stop being so selfish and support them too…you’re an adult now Gem -” She didn’t let her brother finish his thought, she hung up the phone in a fury tossing it on the passenger seat. 
When she got home, she immediately removed her jeans and top, opting for her stretchy sweatpants and Suresh’s law school sweatshirt. It was still the early afternoon, but she crawled into bed hugging her pillows, letting herself cry. Gemma wanted to be alone in her thoughts and so she didn’t call Suresh to tell him about her parents’ separation, but she could hear him unlocking the door to her apartment and making his way inside. 
“Gem?” He said, poking his head in her room and seeing if she was in there. When he saw her, he rushed over and climbed into bed with her. He moved the pillows she was hugging and pulled her onto his chest and held her close. 
“R-resh…they’re…they’re…separating,” She said through sobs.
“Shhh, babe it’s ok. Everything is going to be ok,” he said, stroking her hair. 
They stayed this way for what seemed like hours, with Suresh gently stroking her hair and her crying into his chest. At first, it was exactly what Gemma wanted, what she needed. Someone to be here for her in her hardest time. But then the heaviness of the day seemed to dawn on her and she couldn’t stop the train of negative thoughts from infiltrating her mind.
See the full post
112 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Gabrielle + Eddie
OK OK HERE ME OUT... I finally get why we need DontWasteMyTime Eddie’s Annoying Ass in the Villa! For WEEKS this man has done nothing but be the eyes and ears and just stirred up unnecessary drama for MC. She HUGGED Alfie on the swing set, the man ran to tell Suresh. She kissed Suresh in bed, he had to confront her about it. He assumed she went skinny dipping and told the entire villa lies. 😡
And now here’s where he’ll actually come of use to MC. CASA AMOR! If Gabrielle is a Casa girl. Do you think for a second EDWARD THE THIRST will spare a single solitary, salacious detail?! HE WILL NOT! Carry on! Edward. I still hate you... but carry on. 
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112 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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120 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
I was in good fun, called Suresh's public defender yesterday and I feel like I need to uphold my title...so here we go
In the case of Suresh vs The People @litglola presented us with evidence as to why Suresh isn't getting a redemption arc, and rather why FB never intended to give him one. I'll proceed with my evidence as to why not only is he getting one, but he definitely deserves one. Not going to go line by line on her theory, more so just showcasing why i feel like we are getting a redemption arc. 
Please no hate to Lola💖 she scared the shit out of me with her theory so I had to write this to calm my own nerves 😭
Exhibit A: FORESHADOWING…There are multiple instances this season where people ask MC if she wants to take Suresh back, Suresh asks MC to take her back, and people just give their overall opinion on the matter. And there’s one thing that is said over and over again. IT’S GOING TO TAKE TIME. FB tells you from the beginning that if you want Suresh, settle in because it’s going to be a while. Even if you choose the options where you actively want Suresh back, MC still tells Suresh “he needs to pull out all the stops.” She tells Dana “He’s got a long way to go to win me back.” Alfie says “Yeah, might take a while to work out where your heads at.” Suresh says "It's how it ends, not how it starts. And it feels like we're just getting started again now." And then later, “I’ll give you all the space you need. I'm ready to play the long game.” On the date Finn takes MC on he tells her she shouldn’t look backwards and you have an opportunity to tell you still have feelings for Suresh and he says ``is that enough to heal all the wounds though?” And MC responds “MAYBE IT JUST TAKES TIME”.  TIME. TIME. TIME. They told us from the very start, we’re getting a redemption but it’s going to take time. Why give us all these hints leading us in the path of a long-waited redemption,if they weren’t giving us a redemption arc? And think about it his redemption isn’t going to come overnight, they’ve already told us multiple times throughout the season it’s going to take time. 
Exhibit B: SURESH HAS NO IDEA WHERE MC’s HEADS AT…This isn’t just true after Casa Amor but throughout the entire season. When they first walk into the villa, he pretends to not be threatened by the other boys but then in the same breath says to MC “Surprised to see you taking a break from riling me up.” And here’s the thing you could’ve kept it SUPER PG with the boys, even pieing them off but Suresh always gives you the same reaction. He always believes that MC is flirting with the other guys and trying to move on from him. But he’s not even the only one, Finn also tells MC that the boys in the villa are crazy about her and Eddie pulls her to tell her that Alfie is crazy about her as well. Suresh has to know all of this. And with MC hanging out with them, laughing at their jokes, going on dates with them, etc. This has to make him MASSIVELY insecure about where he stands with her. It’s why he pulls Alfie for a chat about MC and tells him the only reason why she’s flirting with him is to make him jealous. It’s why he confronts her about it and tells her that she’s just playing games to put him off. Boldly claiming “I’m going to win you back. I know I said I need to convince you, and I will.” But it doesn’t end there, GUYS MC ASKS HIM FOR SPACE atm…the game forces MC to pull back from Suresh when he’s feeling vulnerable about his position with her. Which again is a CONSTANT this season…we will get back to this again.  
Exhibit C: SURESH’S BEHAVIOR GOES FROM WORSE TO WORSER…I think we learn a lot about MC + Suresh’s dynamics, when they speak to one another and when we hear MC speaking about him to the other islanders. Suresh claims MC plays games and MC claims the same about him. “Suresh has a habit of making things complicated but I don’t think he would sabotage me on purpose.” Honestly, I think FB wants us to see that they’re both toxic and messy. Because let’s remember FB wants you to flirt with Alfie, they want you to be coupled with him and for it to appear to Suresh that you’re moving on. Which is why we see his immature and shitty behavior after he couples up with Arlo. It’s why when you walk in after the skinny dipping rumor, Suresh is going absolutely nuts looking for his shoe. The man is salty, he’s jealous, he knows he’s fucked up but he plays MC’s game right back to her. My MC played FB’s game and she flirts with Alfie and kisses him on the date, Suresh is fuming and does the same. He becomes reckless flirting with MC on his date with Arlo because he’s desperate, he’s finally seeing that he might possibly lose her and he is spiraling and can’t handle it. I never said his actions were good, we know he’s the literal anti-hero, but that’s precisely why he needs to be redeemed. 
Exhibit D: THE PRE CASA AMOR SPEECH…After weeks of having absolutely no idea where MC’s head was at, seeing her sleep next to another boy, kiss other boys, Suresh FINALLY laid his cards on the table. He’s VULNERABLE like we’ve never seen him before. He tells her he wants to be with her, he gives her an ultimatum to tell him that night which we obviously know never happens. But I think this speech is the catalyst for all of his shitty post casa amor behavior. AND THIS SPEECH IN IT OF ITSELF we see how much he still loves MC here. He was the ONLY one to go up and check on her. He deserves redemption off of this speech alone 
Exhibit E: POST CASA AMOR SHITTY BEHAVIOR…These past two weeks i’ve been so confused. How could FB give us such a massive break in character? This is quite literally not the Suresh I know but an evil twin. And then NOPE…add up all the evidence you see above and that is precisely why we see his post-CA behavior. Every volume before this the man is extremely expressive, Suresh looks at you, smiles at you, frowns at you, etc. After Casa? NOTHING. He avoids your eye. He doesn’t speak to you. Why? Because he’s been vulnerable, he’s put it all out on the line for MC, ALL SEASON and when he finally went super hard for her and really made a go for it she still didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He’s in his head. He’s lived in his head all season long, it’s not surprising that he’s still in there. During SMP, In my eyes this was Suresh’s moment to redeem himself to finally speak to MC in front of everyone and confess his feelings for her, in front of the entire villa. And then he kissed Gabi. Stab in the heart. And then he married Meera. I GASPED. I was so CONFUSED. I tried to make sense of it, especially Gabi and then I realized that Alfie did the exact same thing. Alfie kissed Kat, if you’re on his route that’s the equivalent of him cheating on you bc he did. So are they killing TWO LIs at one go to introduce Finn as the one and only LI?? No. There has to be another explanation. And then it became more obvious. It just doesn’t mean anything to him. I know that’s shitty but he doesn’t care about Gabi and he probably didn't think MC would care either since in his head, she doesn’t care about him. If MC kisses him, he says it was amazing. When Gabi proposes to him, he looks at MC. When MC proposes to him he thanks her for the second chance and says it means alot to him. I still think because we’re in the middle of this scene it’s still too open ended to finish commenting on the rest but his shitty behavior still deserves an explanation and redemption.  
Exhibit F: THE BOAT!!!!!!! We know from the leaked assets one of the final dates is on a boat.  The second I played Guilty Secrets and when they got to the question about someone having sex on the boat, Suresh gives MC a cheeky grin. BUT SHE’S NOT THE ANSWER, ITS KAT. And I always thought HUH?, that’s so strange why did he look at us? But I kept playing until weeks later when it’s mentioned AGAIN. And this time IT’S A BIG MOMENT FOR THEM. Suresh remembers their Monte Carlo trip and how they almost had sex on a boat one time. This is when they can FINALLY kiss again. The fact that the boat memory was weaved in not once, but twice AND it’s a final date asset it’s basically SCREAMING to be a Suresh date. We need the redemption JUST for bits on the yacht, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! 
Exhibit G: IF NOT SURESH THEN WHO? I mean let’s be honest if we really dead Suresh as an LI are MC’s only choices really going to be Finn, Lulu and Gabi??? FINN?? The guy who hasn't looked MC's way since week one that's who we're going to close the show out with?? And then Alfie... we haven’t seen him lift a finger in a way of coming back to us either and even if he does, and only 2 male LIs??? I know this season lacked cast, period but that’s unheard of. For the sake of replayability this would give us little to no options.
125 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Uh oh…Suresh Stans…  I can’t share the image I’ve seen or who sent it to me  But I CAN confirm Gabrielle DEF has a Turtle Tattoo and it is NOT on her neck….
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193 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pipermca · 2 years
Photocomic Workflow
I wanted to document the workflow I used to create my holiday photocomic, Mission Creep, so that I can repeat it when I work on the next one. I am not super familiar with the graphic design tools that artists use to create comics, so a lot of what I did was a combination of trying to make sense of tutorials (some of which weren't in English), and a lot of trial and error. I didn't want to have to reinvent the wheel next time, so I made note of what I did for each step.
The whole process is behind the cut if you're interested, from script to finished product. (And if any artists have an idea on how I could have done things easier with the tools I have available, I'm all ears!)
Script and Photos
Write the script.
Tool: Scrivener comic template
My usual MO is to write the basic story, sketch out the panels to make sure I don't have too much happening in one area, then finish the script.
Tip for next time: It's a good idea to very clearly sketch potential panels, so that the photos can be framed correctly. I ran into some problems with panels 1, 2, 5 and 6, since the edge of the photo extended past where the panel would be, and I had to do a lot of creative resizing of photos.
2. Separately, detail each shot that will be needed. Note specific framing and toys needed.
Tool: Pen and paper
For Mission Creep, I listed the shots out by toy/character. That way I could complete all of the photos needed with one toy, then set up for the next one.
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3. Take photos and save to computer.
Tool: Camera or phone. I have several cameras and lighting setups to use, so I just selected which would handle a given image the best.
4. Edit the photos as needed. This includes adding backgrounds, manipulations such as "movement" lines, etc.
Tools: Gimp or Photopea
Tip for next time: Resize the images to make them easier to work with.
5. Save images in an "Originals" folder.
6. Transfer each photo to phone.
7. Run each photo through Prisma on the "Mononoke" filter.
Tool: Prisma
The Mononoke filter is my favourite for a good "comic" feel. There are a few others I might use, depending on the mood I'm going for.
8. Transfer each photo back to computer. Save images to a "WIPs" folder.
Panel Layout
9. Create comic page.
Tool: Medibang Paint Pro
After creating an A5 comic template page, add the panel material.
Layer > Add Panel Material > Line Width (selected 9)
10. Add images to the comic page.
Drag resized/modified images into the Layer box to create each image as a separate layer.  Rename each layer with the Panel number.
Resize layer when added: Select > Transform, Apply.
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11. Add Panel lines.
On the base layer, use Layer > Material > Divide. Can also use the cutting tool to divide panels more or in a custom manner. (Hold down shift for tilted lines.)
12. Clean up panels.
Move or resize images as needed.
On each panel, delete the portion of the image outside the panel lines. (Select tool > Select frame of panel > Invert select (Select > Inverse) > Delete)
Make tiny adjustments as needed (for example, In Mission Creep I flipped the frown on Jazz's toy to a smile).
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13. Save working image as MDP file (Medibang Pro file), just in case you need to make tweaks. Save another version as a PNG (File > Export > PNG 24-bit).
Word Bubbles
14. For each speech bubble, create a layer folder.
Tool: Photopea
It might be helpful to name the folders per the panel numbers, but I just used one folder per speech bubble.
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15. Using the Type Tool, add text where it needs to go. Each text block goes in the bubble folder
Used font Comic Relief, in black.
16. Add a shape around each "bubble" of text. Shape goes in the bubble folder.
Used square shape tool > Corner Radius of 9, white background, stroke in Black w/ thickness of 2.6 (I could have made this a bit thicker, maybe 3.5?)
17. Add "speech" lines. Layer goes in the bubble folder.
Create layer. Use pen tool in white to create speech line.
Fill inside of speech line w/ white.
Use pen tool in black (same thickness as stroke on shape) to outline the speech line.
Use eraser to clean up spillage.
Use pen tool (in white) in white to clean up strokes from shapes on overlapping bubbles.
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18. Clean up as needed.
19. Save file as PSD file (to make tweaks later if needed). Save another copy as a PNG.
(I debated not watermarking the images, but since I was going to be posting them separately I figured I might as well... Mostly for the learning experience.)
20. Load the PNG back into Photopea.
21. Select each "page." Invert selection, delete, then trim.
22. Save each "page" as its own image, then repeat with remaining pages.
23. Add watermark. (I honestly don't remember how I created the watermark, but there are TONS of tutorials on that so I'm not fussed about not writing down how I did it.)
And that's it! It was a lot of work, but now that I have the workflow figured out I hope the next one will go more smoothly.
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thewarriorspecial · 1 year
Dress Up (CH5 - How It All Works Out)
*Archive Edition* Previously only linked to AO3, full work now available under the cut.
Read on AO3
Rating: Explicit | Guy Gardner/Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Original Character
Additional Tags (All chapters listed): Established Relationship, hand wavy timeline, Lace Panties, Spanking, Lingerie, Oral Sex, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Character dealing with/avoiding their PTSD, Rimming, Drinking, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Bloody Kisses, Polyamory
Guy and Kyle deal with the aftermath.
Three days later Guy dragged himself out of bed in his empty apartment. He prayed for some interstellar conflict to help him climb down out of his own thoughts. He settled for a bar fight.
Four days later Guy was on John’s couch with his bandaged head in John’s lap, “I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah,” John agreed as he ran his fingers through Guy’s hair.
“I need help.”
“Yeah.” John let out a heavy sigh, keeping a firm hold on Guy’s body, still stroking his hair.
“Oh God. I have to back to therapy,” Guy groaned, covering his face with his hands.
“That would be for the best.”
“I have to go back to Earth. Everyone hates me there.”
“Not everyone. Tora’s there. She still likes you.”
“I guess.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“Really? Thank you.”
Five days later he woke in a cold sweat. He could still feel the weight Kyle’s lifeless body in his arms. He was so still. Guy tried to back to sleep but the scent of Kyle’s skin still lingered in the sheets, keeping Guy’s imagination racing. He couldn’t bear to wash them. 
Six days later there was a very angry, very small alien demanding payment for a freighter full of Earth flowers and assorted heart shaped accoutrements.
Valentine’s Day.
John and Guy stood shoulder to shoulder, backs to the bar as they stared down the veritable mountain of nauseating romance. 
“Guy…buddy. I think you have a problem.”
“Yeah, don’t drink and Prime.” Guy rubbed the back of his head and started at the ceiling. He sighed, “I have an idea.”
They decorated Warriors and invited everyone to partake in the Earth holiday’s chocolate dipped tradition. Guy threw himself into hosting and DJing the corniest high-school-conga-line-punch-bowl party for his forever Valentine—the Corps.
And on the Seventh day God awoke to piss in His Holy Cheerios. Guy had been informed by the Blue Man Group that he was to accompany Hal Jordan to Earth. As partners. For the crime of being born younger, hotter, and cooler, Guy Gardner was being sent to hell.
“Fuck that noise,” Guy said.
“I beg your pardon, Lantern,” Ganthet balked.
“I’m not going. I’d rather die.”
“I don’t want him to go either, for what it’s worth,” Hal added.
“Gardner,” Ganthet bristled. “Stop tooling around and do as your told. The machinations of the Guardians are beyond your understanding.”
Tooling around, Hal mouthed, staring at Ganthet as his head tilted to the side.
“I have a Masters degree,” Guy grumbled.
“I’m not stupid.”
“You’re stubborn.”
Ganthet rubbed his temples and sighed. For a moment he wished he’d never conceived of the Green Lantern Corps. He should’ve just…righted the universe himself. What was the saying? Where there’s a will there’s a scam? No. That was another Gardner-ism. His influence was a planet sprawling contagion. 
“Just,” Ganthet gestured sharply as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “Go.”
Guy turned to Hal, his lip curling in disgust, “Looks like we’re on sector duty, hon.”
“Great,” Hal’s smile was on the insincere side.
After several days of passing through space and pretending to like each other, Guy and Hal landed at the Watchtower. Hal insisted on checking in with the Head Vampire before setting foot on his precious planet.
Most of the members of the Justice League were seated at their very important people table having a club meeting of some kind. Hal was greeted with all of the cooing and fussing his glowing charisma and sharp jawline could command. 
“Spooky,” Hal said in greeting like leaning on the arm of Batman’s chair and chatting him up was normal.
“Lantern,” came the gravelly reply. Batman’s eyes narrowed to slits as Guy approached, “Gardner.”
“Bats. So, anything hinky in the skies you wanna update us on?”
Batman led the League in a long winded meeting about everything from parademons to PR problems. Hal had dropped comfortably into his seat between Superman and Flash. They whispered and tittered like schoolgirls. Guy opted to lean on the sill of one of the large oval windows that ran the length of Watchtower walls. He half-listened to the board meeting drawl and stared into the now unfamiliar Milky Way.
“So where are we staying?” Guy asked as the meeting cleared out and Hal strode out of the room.
“We?” Hal scoffed. “I’m staying at Ollie’s. You’re on your own.”
Well, that bridge is pretty well cooked. Guess I’ll check out the lake house.
Instead of taking the Zeta transport down to Earth like the others, Guy opted to push himself out of an air lock. He kicked off of the massive satellite. It feels like the release before free-fall but it never lets go. Like flying but there’s no wind. He remembered his first space flight; the first time he ever saw the whole of Earth’s facade from space. How it looked “upside-down” from what he’d expected. How the vertigo had gripped his entire body and shook him senseless as he completely lost any sense of up or down. 
He looked at the Earth now, with experienced eyes. Like any water bearing planet it shone with refracted light, like a perfect glass marble floating in the endless umbra. He took in the once-familiar clouds and curves, swaths of moving weather systems, and the ever-shrinking patches of green. She was old—greying and scarred just like him. Soon only the stony edges would remain. There had only been one patch of green left in his life. 
“Kyle,” he sighed, the sound came to his ears through the ring reminding him of radio static. His voice sounded hollow in the hollowness of space. He quickened his approach to the atmosphere, reveling in the sudden and rapidly increasing pull on his body. Crossing into Earth’s orbit was like being caught in a riptide and Guy let himself fall. 
“Warning,” the ring squawked, “Thermal damage. Radiation damage. Battery power falling.”
Guy smiled to himself as flames engulfed him around the shell of his hard light shield. He held his body tense in flight to prevent from going into a spin. He held a steady course for the Eastern coast of the good ol’ U S of A as he dropped closer and closer to the planet’s surface. The air was becoming denser, and he could feel his body again. He could feel the weight of it cutting through the air, the sting of his hair snapping around his ears, the constant pull down towards the ground. Where floating through space felt out of control and dreamlike, flying over the planet’s surface felt real.
After making a pass over the harbor to take in the smell of the water, he headed inland towards his secret vacation spot. 
The lake house sat several miles off the main road in a secluded patch of woods. The property boasted its own private dock and two boats sat covered and unused on the shore. Too bad John couldn’t be here, Guy thought, lamenting being stuck with Hal. John loved going out on the boats.
Guy landed on the deck and immediately reached for the railing as his space-legs threatened to give out. He remembered bringing Kyle here the first time, catching him when his legs gave out. Guy remembered the way Kyle laughed, the way he leaned back in Guy’s embrace and smiled at the sparse clouds overhead. His tan, flushed skin and the smell of his sweat as his suit peeled away. His five-o-clock shadow. His stick-and-poke tattoos. The smell of raspberries in bloom and the dry heat of the warm summer sun on his back. They hadn’t even made it into the house. They fucked on the deck to the sound of Kyle’s soft sighs and the lilting calls of red-winged blackbirds.
I should call him, Guy thought, fingers trailing idly where he could still remember the feel of the sunburn.
Best to just get some rest.
Every room was a landmine of memories. It took two days of being barraged by reminders—Kyle’s USC mugs, two toothbrushes in a cup on the bathroom sink, the Millennium Falcon waffle iron he had to have. Guy broke down and called. 
He heard Kyle’s voice through the ring, gruff with sleep, “Mm…Hello?”
Guy’s throat went dry. His pounding heart was stabbed through with ice, “Hey,” he croaked, “Did I wake you?”
“You’re good. What do you need?”
I need you.
I’m an asshole.
I’ve made a horrible mistake.
“Ah, nothin’ I was just, uh,” Thinking about you. “At the lake house.”
“Oh?” Kyle asks, hopeful.
“Yeah. Yeah, uh, you doing ok? Like, sleeping?”
He hears Kyle stretch, groaning into the phone. That sound brings back more unbidden memories. “Yeah, I’m alright,” Kyle says as he thinks, I slept better with you here.
“Good, good.”
The silence between them is pregnable. Kyle desperately wants to hear Guy say this was all a mistake and for him to come home and for this to all be over. But it doesn’t happen.
Bukowski was right. Love is a dog from hell. 
At 0650 hours, Oan time, John Stewart stood on the balcony of his sector house. He breathed in the crisp morning air as he watched light begin to break over the horizon. This was his favorite time of day and he made an effort to wake up, work out, and have breakfast in time to see it every day. Today he wouldn’t watch it alone. Today he was going to wake Kyle up and drag him outside for exercise at a decent hour. 
John hopped over the railing, letting himself drop a few stories as he rounded the building. Kyle  lived in the same housing unit now, a few doors down and around the other side. John could navigate most of the new Oan constructions upside-down and backwards—he’d designed and built most of them after all.
When John arrived at Kyle’s sliding door he could hear loud music playing and the lights were on. He let himself in and followed the sound. He found Kyle still in bed, still in his underwear, still clutching that framed picture and still listening to that same song.
If you were dead or still alive
I don't care
I don't care
And all the things you left behind
I don't care
I don't care
John cringed a little for his friend who obviously, painfully still cared. “C’mon Kyle, that’s enough. Time to get up,” John said in his Corps Leader voice.
Kyle nearly jumped out of his skin. He scrambled to turn the stereo off and rubbed his eyes, “John? What are you doing here?”
“I’m pulling you out of this. You need to take care of yourself. C’mon, up,” he urged, yanking the blankets completely off the bed.
“Alright, alright. I’m up,” Kyle grumbled, still laying down with his arm over his face.
“Let’s go!” John bellowed as he stepped around to the side of the bed and lifted the mattress up, dumping Kyle on the floor. “Bucket of ice water is coming next. How do you want this to go?”
“Okay Mom, I said I was up. Damn. Can I get some coffee?” Kyle growled, attitude typically rancid for this hour of the morning.
“No,” John smiled. “To the balcony!” He thundered again.
Kyle sighed and suited up, floating behind John at a much slower pace. John was already hovering outside, taking in the rapidly increasing light.
“Come see!” John waved Kyle over.
Kyle floated over to John, looking in the direction of the rising sun. It was lovely. The light of Oa’s sun bathed the world in a golden aura. It gave their surroundings a sense of wonder and possibility. Kyle’s heart swelled with hope. His fingers twitched with the desire to paint, to save this moment and share it with the world.
“John, this is….wow. Thank you.”
“I knew this would make you feel good. Come on,” John headed in the direction of their training facility, “Let’s get you moving, get you clean, then we’ll get you fed.”
“And then coffee?”
“Yes. Then coffee.”
Kyle resigned himself to participating in John’s Morning Boot Camp. At least he wasn’t alone. He really was feeling a bit lighter already. Maybe John will take his shirt off? Kyle smiled to himself and followed John calling out, “Hey, wait up!”
The Watchtower’s inner airlock opened to receive two loudly bickering Green Lanterns, “—all your showboating bullshit!” Hal snapped as he stalked forward in lock step with Guy, the two of them squeezing shoulder to shoulder through the hallways, refusing to give up the space.
“My showbo—crissakes Jordan, you’re out there zipping around like a newbie on flappy bird!”
“That’s enough,” Batman hisses. The two men nearly bowled into the Dark Knight as they rounded a corner. “You two will clean up and return to your quarters for the remainder of the night.
“You can’t—“ Hal started.
“You will be called for if you are needed. That is all.” 
“Ugh. He’s so annoying,” Guy grumbled after Batman stalked away. “No-one was talking to him. Don’t we like, outrank him on a counta’ being space cops?”
Hal rolled his eyes, “It’s not worth the pissing contest. He thinks he runs everything. Honestly,” Hal looked over his shoulder and lowered his voice, "If he wants to act like he can kennel us like dogs and we play along so he does all the paperwork, I’m for it.”
“What paperwork? We don’t even live on this planet anymore. You don’t have a job.”
Hal smirked.
“What tax-paying job are you doing that lets you come and go as you please?”
“I’m a stripper,” Hal said with a straight face.
“Fuck outta here,” Guy paused, “For real?”
Hal laughed and turned away to head to his quarters, “Is he joking?” Hal laughed again over his shoulder.
Guy trotted along behind Hal, “Well, today’s fucked. Wanna play cards?”
“No fuckin way! No way!”
“Dude, dude, dude, no shit! Little like,” Hal pinched his fingers in front of his face like he’d never seen his own hands before, “Like grabbers dude! Right under the,” he waved his hands around his crotch, “business area, you know?”
“You didn’t touch it,” Guy said, leaning back. “You touched it??” He shrieked and jumped out of his chair. He paced the room, opening and crossing his arms in front of himself as he tried to shake off the image.
“Yeah I touched it! I flew six and half hours in the snow—I was getting something,” Hal stabbed his fingers into the table and Guy shrieked again.
“Ya nasty,” Guy snickered.
“That’s nasty? What’s the nastiest thing you’ve done?”
Guy grimaced, “Kyle likes feet. I let him do stuff…blugh,” Guy pulled his vest collar tight around his neck as he gagged.
Hal guffawed, “That’s it? Aww. We got way nastier than that.”
Guy blushed.
“You don’t remember…”
“Oh I remember. I let you get at me while I was working in the kitchen. That’s unsanitary.”
“Unsanitary? You’re adorable. You know I’m talking about the kinky shit.” Hal loudly bridged the cards with a smirk.
Guy distinctly remembered Hal’s mesmerizing body trussed up in a frog tie, “Y-yeah?”
“Why did we ever stop doing that?”
“We fought all the time,” Guy grumbled with his hands on his hips.
“I think we might’ve misunderstood each other.”
“You don’t do relationships. What’s to not understand?”
“I never said that.”
“Well you sure don’t want one with me!” Guy threw his hands up in frustration as he started to pace again. 
“I never said that either.”
“Well what the fuck, Hal? Boutta decade too late to tell me that shit.”
Hal leaned his chair back, balancing on the rear two legs, “All I asked was ‘Are we dating?’ That’s all. You put those words in my mouth.”
“Why would you need to clarify if we’re dating when we’re already dating??” Guy slapped the back of one hand into the other palm, punctuating each word.
“I was trying to find out if you had feelings for me.”
“We had sex!”
“Love and sex aren’t the same thing!” Hal threw his arms open wide, impressively keeping his balance on the tilted back chair.
“Yes they are!” Guy smacked a fist into his open palm.
“You have been upset about this for years” Hal slammed the front legs of his chair down and leapt to his feet. “Why are you still obsessed with what our Facebook status was? Aren’t you madly in love with Kyle?”
“What do you care how I feel about Kyle?” Guy’s shoulders were up to his ears and he gesticulated wildly. 
“Why the fuck do you think?” Hal yelled in Guy’s face.
“Well maybe do something about it!”
Hal kissed him.
Guy looked down into those big brown eyes and froze.
“Shit,” Hal hissed. “Shit. This is gonna wreck whatever you’re trying to fix with Kyle. I’m not—“ Guy’s hand slipped around the back of Hal’s head, “worth that,” Hal says against Guy’s lips, tilting his head into the kiss. Hal realized Guy had been walking him backwards when his back hit the wall.
Guy ran the fingertips of his free hand feather-light up the length of Hal’s spine making him shiver as his back arched, “You’re worth it,” he said as he dipped in for another kiss.
 Guy hated the way Hal devalued himself. He wished he had all the pretty words to tell Hal about the imprint he’d left on his mind. The familiar way Hal’s rock solid little body just slotted right into Guy’s. The tickle on his cheek from the ultra-fine curl of Hal’s bangs that always fell perfectly over his right side. The way he always smelled faintly of Obsession—probably permanently embedded in the jacket. But words aren’t Guy’s thing. So he talks with his body.
“I miss him so much. I was blindsided, John. I feel wrung out.” Kyle sat across from John on the uncomfortable standard issue couch in his new sector house. He had his feet curled under him and was leaning on the back of the couch.
“You can’t lose yourself in a relationship, especially not with someone as overbearing as Guy,”John raised his hands in supplication when Kyle glared, “And I say that with love for both of you. I dated him too, remember? I know he’s a handful.”
“You never dated me. How do you know what I’m like?”
“You wear your heart on your sleeve, Kyle. We all know what you’re feeling all the time.”
“I guess that’s true,” Kyle propped his head up on his elbow, “How come we never dated?”
John shyly rubbed the back of his head, “I might’ve been a little chicken shit about getting around to asking you out.”
“We got into sex pollen and blew each other but you were too shy to ask me on a date?”
John leaned on his hand, using it to cover his eyes, “Yup. How could I forget our ill-fated excursion to Planet Fuck?” 
Kyle threw his head back and laughed. “You know,” he bit his lip, looking up at John through his lashes, “We did all that and we never even kissed.”.
“Hey now,” John looked up, his voice warm and soft. 
“Aren’t you curious?” Kyle asked as he scooted closer.
“About what?” John let Kyle crowd his space, letting the arm he had been leaning on drape over the back of the couch and around Kyle. 
“Well,” Kyle leaned in, close enough to feel John’s breath on his lips, “Guy got kiss you. And Hal got to kiss you. I’m a little jealous.”
“Jealous?” John scoffed playfully, “Can’t have that,” He let his eyes slide closed as his head tilted to the side.
“Can’t have that,” Kyle whispered as their lips touched. The contact was instantly electric. John swept the tip of his tongue across Kyle’s bottom lip. When Kyle opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, his brain skipped like a record, Tongue ring, tongue ring, John has a tongue ring, tongue ring.
Kyle moaned and let John push him down into the cushions. John reached over his shoulder to  grab the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head and dropping it on the floor. Kyle’ hands traced over the Marine Corps tattoos on John’s chest, “You are soo my type,” Kyle crooned.
“Will you just follow me, for once in your life?” Guy shouts at Hal. They’re crouched down together behind a six car pile up. Lex has a whole team of mechs out and he’s trying to kill Superman again. 
“I fly better solo, Guy.”
“Can’t be Goose for one day. Always gotta be Maverick.”
“Do not. Call me Maverick. Ever.”
“Okay, Asshat.” Can’t believe I made out with you. Insufferable dick weasel.
Hal could feel Guy glaring so he turned and returned the stare. Twat.
“Whatever,” Guy concedes, “I’m gonna go punch robots. Later, loser.”
“Kyle, I’m sorry,” John said softly as he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.
“No I’m sorry, John. I should’ve given it more time. I shouldn’t have pushed I really do care about you.”
“I don’t doubt it. But I know how you feel about Guy, how much having him means to you. I don’t want to be the one who takes that away from you.”
“What if we didn’t have to choose?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if…I know this sounds crazy but what if we all could be everything for each other? What if this was our thing, all of us together?”
“Ever the idealist. If you can convince Guy that sharing is caring, I’m here for it. I’d be a very lucky man to have either one of you.”
“And if you had more than one?”
“You know damn well I wouldn’t get anything done around here,” John said with a laugh. He kissed Kyle on the cheek, “Whatever shakes out, I’m here.”
Guy stared at the bedroom ceiling, wracked with guilt. He touched his ring to his lips and thought about calling Kyle. And then hesitated. He didn’t have anything to say. He just wanted to hear Kyle’s voice. To see his beautiful eyes. To touch him again. To apologize. To take it all back. To…
A strange metallic sound rang out, like rubbing two hollow pipes together. It sounded like it was out in the back yard somewhere. Guy had heard that sound before. On the way station. He slowed his breathing and focused on the sounds in the darkness. The house creaking. The wind in the trees. The boat he had launched rocking against the dock. 
Maybe it had been his imagination. Maybe it was the beginnings of a flashback. It wasn’t a dream, he was wide awake.
The wind picked up outside. The boat rocked and splashed. Metallic ringing.
It’s here.
John and Kyle sat together in the mess hall, choking down what looked like—but did not feel or taste like—sandwiches. Kyle decided this was the last time he was too sad and uncomfortable to go into Warrior’s for real food.
“Mm,” John said with disgust.
“Mm,” Kyle agreed. They sighed in unison as they ate in comfortable silence.
Kyle’s ring buzzed with an alert, Squid-lantern’s voice chittering from where Kyle’s hand rested on the table.
“Lantern Kyle Rayner, a Hunter pair has decimated a small population. My partner and I have taken the overrunning. I do not know where they are. You must send help. The next populated area is Earth of 2814. Lantern Guy Gardner is on Earth. You must send help.”
Kyle felt his blood turn to ice. Without thinking he planted his feet on the floor and launched into the air. He left upturned furniture and shattered glass in his wake as he broke the sound barrier. 
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Fault | Seonghwa [Pt.1]
「Synopsis」 : An argument can lead to a lot when not resolved.
「Word count」 :  552
-> Genre: Angst, Big Sad Hours
Paring: Mafia!Seonghwa x Reader
[Warnings] : Blood, Arguing, Violence, Big sad times, Seonghwa messed up. Name calling. Character Death. Read at your own risk.
{Note} : Thank you to my anonymous reader for this request ♡ I've been in the mood for writing some Mafia stuff so this was up my alley ahah.
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One argument. That’s all it took. He was ruthless and cruel but he was soft and gentle to you. But when these worlds started to mix so did his personality. He didn’t mean to scream, nor throw the wine glass he held firmly in his hand across the room. But he was stressed and you were also stressed. It was a blow-up that led to him saying unspeakable things towards you. It replays in his head, over and over.
‘You are just another whore. Stop acting like your special.’
He didn’t mean it and wanted to take it back as soon as it come out of his mouth. But his stubbornness got a hold of him. Regret. Was the only thing that infects his mind. You ran so quickly, throwing your ring to the ground. You cried, heartbroken that your silly fears he always reassured you were suddenly true. He couldn’t find you. After you disappeared from his sight of the kitchen, he wandered towards your shared bedroom to apologise. But when he entered he noticed the room was trashed and the large floor to ceiling window was opened. You were gone. But this didn’t look like a runaway. You were taken.
His heart stopped as his feet started running. Into the dead of night, running towards nothing and everything at the same time. He couldn’t lose you. Not when he just said all those cruel things. Not when he loved you so much it hurt. Not when you were carrying his child. He needed you, you were his everything and he just threw you away like you were nothing in the heat of the moment. The warehouse that sat near the last pinged address of your phone was filled with gunfire and screaming.
He sent in all his good men, and himself into the line of fire just to save you but when he finally found you laying on the cold concrete floor in a small makeshift cell that was once a walk-in freeze, His heart stopped. You were cold, like ice.  You had no pulse and your body was littered with deep blue, and black marks. Deep gashes from knives and other sharp objects your torture could get a hold of, ran deep on your now paled skin. You were in a puddle of your own blood. Shock and blood loss had killed you.
He fell to his knees, letting out a roaring scream. He crawled over to your body, bringing you close to him, not carrying if blood paints his suit or body. He held you tight, his hand coming down to your stomach. He cried, tears running down his face like a waterfall. He cant remember the last time he cried, maybe when he was little?
“I’m sorry…I’m so so sorry. It should have been me. Not you, I…I’m sorry.” He whimpered, stroking a bit of your hair out of your face. Your lips were blue and eyes puffy. You were crying before your last breath. Guilt shivered through his body. He would never forgive himself. He lost two of the most important people in his life and it was all his fault. He regrets everything. And he would never be able to take it back.
Or so he thought…
Part two
Taglist : @yunhofingers @softforqiankun @violetwinters @kpopmademygradesgodown @lmhmh01 @strangertides @purrhwa @1stray-kids-cb @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @whatudowhennooneseesyou @glossyeon @yesv01 @minkiflwr @seonghwarizon @rielleluvs @hwalysm
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
Can i ask you for draco x reader smut
Where reader is malfoy maid and draco always flirt with her or some sort and one day reader break something while clean because draco flirting with her...and he decide punish her with spanking and smut after....dom!draco daddy or master kink either is fine....sorry if your not comfortable
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests.
Draco x Reader
Words: 1330
Warnings: Smut18+, Dom Draco, Slight Degration, Slight Praise, Sir Kink, Maid Kink (?), Unprotected Sex, Gag, Spanking Punishment.
Cleaning the Malfoy Manor was always a little uncomfortable. The grand architecture, priceless linens and beautiful green and gold flaked wallpaper. I felt out of place in such a breathtaking home, however, I had to make money, especially since no one was hiring Auroras at the moment.
I snap out of my thoughts as the sound of heavy footsteps tap against the floorboards. My eyes flick to the doorway, watching Draco stop in his tracks, his eyes trailing up my body. Suddenly making me aware of how short this maid uniform actually is.
“My study, have you cleaned it?”
I shake my head causing Draco to tut at me.
“Words Darling, I know you can use them.”
My mouth falls dry, eyes locking with his, instantly feeling tingles rush over my body.
“I-I, um.” I take a deep breath, hating that I sound illiterate. “No Sir, I haven’t cleaned that room yet.”
Draco smirks at me, his tongue darting out across his bottom lip.
“Make sure it's done in the next ten minutes.”
“Yes Sir.” Draco’s jaw clenches at the title I gave him, accompanied by a stern nod before he disappears into his study.
“Pull yourself together.” I whisper to myself, hearing my heart rate hammering in my ears.
I quickly collect fresh cleaning products, looking at my reflection in the hallway mirror, laughing at myself slightly.
I take another deep breath before opening the door to his study. Goosebumps pricking my skin at the sight of him behind his desk, his sleeves rolled up his arms, his rings shining in the soft light with every stroke of his quill.
His eyes catch my wandering ones, my cheeks flushing with heat as I hurriedly look away, grabbing the fluffy dusting cloth and a citrus cleaning spray to start working on his bookshelf. I keep my head down, ignoring the feeling of his gaze on my skin. I don’t notice Draco walking towards me being too focused on making sure I don’t miss a spot. I only notice his closeness once his hands are on my waist, his warm breath fanning the side of my neck.
“Relax darling.”
My breath hitches, dropping the paperback book to the floor, the spray bottle following suit.
“Pick it up.”
Without having to be asked twice, I bend down to grab the book and spray, my ass pressing against his clothed cock. Draco lets out a low growl, his hands pulling my body back against his body.
“You ruined it.”
My eyebrows frown together, trying to figure out how I ruined something before feeling his hand grab my wrist, holding the now folded book with bent pages.
“Sir, I-I, fuck, I’m sorry.”
“That is one of my favourite books, you’ll need to fix it.”
My mind races through the internal library of spells, trying to remember one that could fix a book without burning it or turning it into a different object.
Draco smirks at me, noticing the panic on my face.
“Dumb little baby.”
Tingles wash over me, arousal pooling between my thighs. A cocky smirk on Draco’s lips, his eyes wandering over my face. His hand cups my cheek, my eyes fluttering closed at the warmth of his touch, his thumb brushes against my bottom lip before they connect with his. My eyes snap open, wanting to confirm this is actually happening before I kiss back.
Draco’s hands roam my body, cupping my breast with a rough squeeze, finding their way to my ass and spanking my skin hard. My gasp breaks our kiss, our eyes locking together.
“Bend over my desk.”
Without a word I move silently to his dark mahogany desk, pushing things away as I lay my chest flat against the smooth wood. Draco pulls at his tie, loosening the constraint and twisting the silk around his hand.
Draco kisses the side of my head before shoving the tie into my mouth, gagging me. I moan against the fabric, excitement bubbling deep inside of me.
“Can’t let anyone hear how much of a cock whore you are, now can we?”
I attempt to speak, wanting to know what Draco has in store for me, the only sound leaving my lips fills the air as a soft muffle.
Draco flips my pathetic excuse of a uniform up, his hands massaging the globes of my ass.
“Perfect.” My heart fluffers at his compliment, my pussy clenching at the praise.
“Please.” Another pathetic muffled whimper fills the air, Draco chuckling in response.
I look over my shoulder, Draco’s hand raised as a loud clap of skin fills the air. The sting of his hand print filled my senses.
“Mm, such a good girl.”
I moan against the gag, his hand continuously spanking my ass, alternating the sides and soothing the skin after every hit. The stinging of my skin causes tears to prick my eyes.
“Dumb babies have to be more careful with Sir’s belongings.”
I nod my head, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me, longing to be stretched.
Draco’s fingers loop in the sides of my panties, pulling the lace fabric down my legs, letting it pool around my ankles.
My fingers grip the side of the desk, a shuddered gasp muffled by the tie as Draco drags his finger up and down my folds.
“Fucking dripping for me, does my baby like being punished?”
I meekly nod in response, Draco chuckling once again.
“Please.” Draco pulls the gag from my lips, his hand around my neck.
“Repeat that darling.”
“Please Sir, I want to feel you.”
Draco hums in response, trailing kisses from my shoulder to my earlobe.
“Anything for you.”
Draco wastes no time in sliding into me, my walls burning as they accommodate him. Both of us hissing and moaning.
“My tight little pussy.”
“All yours Sir.”
Draco grunts at the pet name, his hips snapping into my ass repeatedly, both of us moaning, the sound of his desk creaking with every thrust. His hands hold my ass for support, his cold rings soothing my stinging skin.
“Oh, Draco.” His name slips past my lips, a pange of regret filling my stomach, never being approved to call him by his first name, at least not since high school.
His hand comes in contact with my ass.
“Sorry Sir.” I mumble, my pussy clenching around his cock.
“I want you to clean the rest of his Manor with my cum between your thighs.”
My mouth falls open with shock, excitement flowing through my veins.
“Yes Sir.”
I push my ass back against him, wanting him deeper. Draco moans at my actions, his hands holding my hips and guiding my movements.
“I’m close.” Draco mumbles, my stomach filling with butterflies, my mind focusing on this moment, wanting to remember it.
Draco’s fingers dance across my skin, slipping between my folds and rubbing my clit fast, helping me chase my high.
“Oh fuck, Sir, fuck.” His fingers keep their pace, harsh circles on my clit causing electric shocks to shoot up my legs. My mind foggy and my breath laboured as I covered his cock with cum.
“So good baby.” The warmth of Draco’s release shoots inside of me, painting my walls.
I whimper when Draco pulls out of me, the feeling of being empty taking over. I sit up from the desk, readjusting my outfit and pulling my underwear on as Draco’s eyes wander over me.
His hands fall to my waist, capturing my lips in his, his tongue fighting mine for dominance.
“Go clean the rest of the manor before I have to punish you again.” I smile with excitement at the possibility of having sex with him again. I quickly gather my things before exiting the room, a deep breath passing my lips.
“Quieter next time.” A booming voice says before walking away. My eyes go wide and a wave of nauseousness fills my stomach. Lucicus Malfoy had heard Draco and I.
Oh no.
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the-devils-girl94 · 3 years
Distracting Thoughts
Prompt: Stranded On A Boat
Characters: Beelzebub x Fem!MC
Content Warnings: Masturbation, MC has thalassophobia(a fear of the ocean and other large bodies of water), MC fantasizing about Beel, lots of smutty good times with Beel
(I like how there is a word for how I feel about large bodies of water. Did not expect it to be this long ass word though.)
Another fic for @voltage-vixen ‘s Summer of Smut challenge! Enjoy!
“How on Earth did I end up in this mess?”
A heavy sigh left your lips and you buried your face into your hands.
Right now, you were stuck in the middle of the sea on a boat that Lord Diavolo had outright purchased. Not everything was going so bad, but you wouldn’t be feeling so slighted if everything was going good either.
Oh no, no. It was simply terrible.
For one thing, while you weren’t in immediate danger, being stuck in the middle of the freaking ocean was downright terrifying! All you could think of was scary scenarios of you drowning in this never-ending sea. Like the boat could sink and you could drown, you could fall over the edge and drown, or you could fall over the edge and a nearby shark could see you as a tasty snack and that could be your end. Your mind just kept coming up with the most exaggerated and impossible one-in-a-million chance scenarios that really did no good for you.
You hated being anywhere near large bodies of water, but there was one thing that kept some of the thoughts at bay. And that was you weren’t entirely alone.
You sat on the back deck of the boat Diavolo had purchased, far away from either edge that you didn’t want to be near, and before you was the ever-so lively Demon Brothers of the House of Lamentation. In short, your lively roommates who just make everything so much better...sometimes. Lord Diavolo and Barbatos was there as well but they mostly kept to themselves with Diavolo mostly sunbathing.
Your mind felt more at ease with the guys around since you knew if any of the scenarios did happen, they would not hesitate to immediately step in to save you. Though you still hope it would never have to come to that in the first place. You felt most safe around Beelzebub, the sixth born. 
Your eyes caught him in the pool that was several feet away from you. He was joined by his twin and locked in a fierce game with the second and third born. Well, you say fierce but its clear that Beelzebub is the victor. Mammon and Leviathan were no match against Beel’s pure strength. And had Belphegor been with anyone else besides his twin, he definitely would not have stood a chance against a team up of his older brothers.
You weren’t too interested in their game play, however. Your eyes were trained on Beel. Even before this boat fiasco, your eyes have never strayed far away from the gluttonous demon. For a long time, you didn’t know if it was a crush or if you’re just naturally drawn to his sweet nature.
“Or maybe that chiseled body of his.”
The tips of your ears grew hot as the thought crept in, replacing your previous anxiety-ridden thoughts. Your mind soon became riddled with images of Beelzebub’s torso. Mostly of his glorious pecs and washboard abs because this demon was built like a freaking Greek God. God knew exactly what he was doing when he made him, but him being a demon made his appeal so much greater! It was, in every sense of the word, sinful.
You were brought back to reality when you heard a large splash and some yelling. You looked up in time to see Levi and Mammon getting flung out of the pool by Beel, all while Belphie napped out on a floating donut. The whole thing brought you to tears as you laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. Mammon had caught you laughing and scolded you.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Don’t laugh, it ain’t funny!,” he yelled, but you continued to chuckle. You felt a little bad, but it was so unexpected as Beel had grabbed them by their feet and literally threw them out.
“(Y/N) witnessed our defeat...how uber lame,” muttered Leviathan as he rubbed his now aching back.
Wiping away your tears, you let out an amused sigh and went off on your own to explore the boat. You were unaware of Beel calling after you as you walked away.
You thought it would be a good idea to explore the boat since Lord Diavolo had bought it and anything he buys is always luxurious. And it was but...
As you wandered the halls, you suddenly understood what sailors meant by sea legs. Although the boat was mostly steady, there would be an occasional gentle rocking of the boat. And had it been anyone else, it would have been fine but no! It completely unsettled you and your thoughts once again became filled with disturbing scenarios of that all ended in you meeting your end in some extreme way or another.
“Oh why did I think it was okay to go off on my own?,” you thought.
Feeling sick to your stomach, you thought it best to just retire to your room and calm your incessant thoughts. You flopped onto your bed and buried your face into your pillow. You hope this day would end so you could finally get off this nightmare. You tried to refocus your mind on something else, because even with you running through every possibility of drowning in every way possible, you were aware that you were in safe hands. None of the brothers would ever let you meet such an end in this never-ending sea full of wonders and mysteries.
You thought back to earlier and found yourself thinking of Beel once more.
The images from earlier made you kick your legs as your face became hot and flushed. You groaned into your pillow with frustration.
“Fuuuuckkkk!,” you screamed internally, feeling slightly ashamed for thinking about Beelzebub in such a manner. But thinking of him did make the other thoughts fade away to the background. Plus you may have a crush on him, so..was it totally wrong to fantasize about him showing up to your room, body dripping with water and looking at you with lust filled eyes?
....Okay, hold up, that actually is kinda hot.
It was the most prevalent image in your head. It made you wonder if you would have the chance to actually have Beel in your room and let him take you. Or maybe have the courage to be that daring?
You felt a tingling sensation between your legs and rolled on your back, blushing. You dwelled on the thought a little more to the point that it became a fantasy. And you imagined Beelzebub crawling towards you on your bed until his face was a couple inches away from yours. His rough hands were on your thighs, lifting them up so your clothed sex could feel the hardness of his bulge clothed from the thin material of his swim shorts.
The heat within your core began to grow and before you knew it, you were already trying to calm the growing heat with your hand. You were craving for the imaginary touch that only existed in your mind. Rubbing against your clit, the fantasy progressed into Beel removing your clothes and pushing his shorts down to free his hardened member. You imagined him stroking his cock against your sensitive slit that was getting wetter and wetter in reality.
Your breathing became heavy and you brought up a free hand to go under your shirt and bra to twist at your nipples. The fantasy continued as you imagined Beel dipping his fingers inside of you, stretching out your pussy to prepare you for him.
Moans started to escape from your lips as your hands worked on your body to bring you the stimulation and release you desperately searched for. You weren’t aware of it but you were also moaning Beel’s name. Apparently you were being a bit loud, because you failed to hear the knocking at your door and the sound of it opening until...
You snapped out of your fantasy-filled haze when you heard your name. Suffice to say, you were extremely embarrassed to find a blushing Beelzebub in your room, half-eaten snacks in his hands. You quickly covered yourself up with a shout, but it was much too late. You were sure that he had saw everything. He probably even heard you too.
“Waah! I’m so fucking embarrassed! Oh my God,” you cringed, trying so hard to fold in on yourself so you could disappear. 
“Ah, (Y/N)! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to barge in like that,” he apologized profusely. He saw your covers move a bit but no sign of you poking your head out. You whined as you stammered out, “It’s fine! I should have locked my door. I didn’t mean for you to see me...like that...so.”
Ahhh, if anything was more worse than drowning in an ocean where your body likely won’t be found, it was definitely having your crush walk in on you masturbating to him. Ok, maybe not that much worse but still! Tears began to well up in your eyes and you fully expected for Beelzebub to walk out as this situation must have been a bit awkward. But instead you felt your bed dip in a bit as another weight was added. A hand was placed on your back and started rubbing in circles. Your lip trembled as your tears fell, because WHY WAS HE SO FREAKING SWEET!? 
Yeah, you were definitely crushing on him. This is why he was the only one on the crush list.
Beelzebub could feel you trembling and his face was still red from walking in on you. Though if he had to admit it, seeing you like that really turned him on. And to hear you moan his name so wantonly was like music to his ears. But he still felt bad because it was your private time that he interrupted. All because he wanted to hang out with you since he wanted to do so earlier, but you didn’t hear him calling after you.
But now there was a massive elephant in the room and neither of you knew how to bring it up without it becoming more awkward. Or your in case more embarrassed.
“Yes, Beel?”
“I’m still sorry for earlier. I wanted to hangout, but do...do you want me help you a bit?”
You shot up like a rocket and turned wide-eyed to face a startled Beelzebub, who was feeling a bit pervy for asking you that question. But to you, he didn’t need to feel like that because this was the moment you were thinking of earlier! You started to laugh at the irony, causing Beel to become confused which you noticed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you, Beel!,” you chuckled out. “It was just that earlier I was thinking of what would I do if I had you in my room all to myself.”
At that, the gentle giant smiled at you, understanding why you were laughing. He crawled towards you, his face a few inches from yours. You were smiling but your face grew warm.
“So is it a ‘yes’?,” he asked, though his lips were drawing in close to yours.
“Y-yes-mmph,” his lips had closed in on yours and you felt his hands come up to your shoulders. Sliding off the covers from your body, Beel gently laid you back on the bed. You wrapped your arms around him as he coaxed your mouth open with a bit of prodding from his tongue. You could taste the sweetness of the snacks he had earlier as your tongues became entangled. You gasped when he pulled away.
Beelzebub set his focus on leaving kisses on your neck, starting a trail. He got to your breasts and cupped them in his hands, firmly squeezing them. A squeal escaped from your lips when you felt his wet tongue teasing your nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, pulling before letting it go with a pop.
"Ahhaaa, Beel! Please," you pleaded as he devoured your chest. You couldn't take it with him pulling, twisting, and sucking on your sensitive nubs. Your hands had moved to his forearms and you held a firm grip on them as Beel sucked away.
With a final tug, he left your poor nipples alone, going back to his task of leaving butterfly kisses on your body. Your body trembled with ecstasy but soon jolted from a shock when you felt a wet appendage lapping at your swollen clit.
Once Beel had finished leaving you kisses, he came across your pussy, still wet and glistening from when you were masturbating to him. His eyes darkened as his mind drifted back to that scene of you pleasuring yourself, seeing your delectable juices dripping your core.
He just knew that he had to taste you. To devour such a pretty, pink platter that was meant for him to sample. As soon as his tongue made contact with your clit, he felt you jump but he continued to lap at it, enjoying the taste and fragrance you gave off. You squirmed and your pants started to fill the room. Your toes curled and your feet had a hard time not slipping off your sheets as you encouraged Beel to keep going.
His tongue parted your puffy, pussy lips and he noticed your legs trembling. So he hooked his hands underneath your knees, spreading them further to her better access. He let your legs rest on his shoulders, all the while keeping his mouth on you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," you chanted over and over as your back arched, wanting to rub your sex over his tongue. You could feel yourself coming undone and on the verge of cumming. Beel's member twitched against the thin fabric of his swim shorts as he could tell your release was imminent, but...
Reluctantly, he pulled away from your pussy. He really wanted you to release all your tasty juices over his cock. He wiped away the mix of his saliva and your own cream from his chin.
You groaned but it turned into a squeak when Beel crawled back on top of you. Your legs were still over his shoulders and so you felt your body being folded in half but it wasn't too uncomfortable. But it aroused you more as you could feel his bulge heavy against your sex. You wanted it inside, for it to stretch your walls as you take every inch Beel gave you. For you to cream all over it so you could lick it off him and he could do it all over again.
Beelzebub's lips pressed against yours and you wasted no time parting your lips so his tongue could share the taste of your pussy. You could feel Beel's hands fumbling to pull down his shorts to let his cock finally breath. His lips never left yours, even as he guided his cock to your hole. You had braced yourself but was pleasantly surprised when he sanked into you with ease, but it still raised a moan out of you as your wall stretched to accommodate him.
Beel broke the kiss to let out a hissing sound as your pussy took him in so smoothly. He could feel you clenching around him, wanting to greedily take in more. But he was fully seated inside you, his balls pressed firmly against the plumpness of your ass.
"Shit...(Y/N), you feel so fucking amazing," he said as he recaptured your lips with his and rocked his hips to get a little friction going. He pulled back until only half of his dick was inside and slammed back into you. He repeated the action a few more times, drawing out moans that ended up getting swallowed up by him.
You pulled away from the kiss to cry out freely as he set a hard, quick pace as his hips connected with yours repeatedly. The slapping sound of your skin colliding overcome the sounds of your moans and cries. Beel couldn't help but groan at the way your pussy tightened around him with every thrust. Your body trembled against his as the heat became overwhelming. Your hands scrambled to grip at something, changing from scratching at Beelzebub's back or balling up your sheets into your fist, as you feared that the pleasure was going to take you away.
The seams were tearing and Beel could feel you were close as your pussy convulsed around him. So he sat up, holding your legs up, and pounded away at you. Your moans turned to screams and chants of Beel's name as his cock wrecked you.
"Beeeeel! I'm cumming, cumming!," you screamed, but it didn't deter him even as your released overflowed on his cock. The consistent clenching of your pussy finally drove him over the edge and his seed coated the inside of your walls, a deep growl erupted from him as he pressed his cock deep inside you.
With the both of you spent for the moment, Beel slipped out of you and collapsed beside you. However, he wrapped his arms around you to bring you closer. You sighed contently, feeling very much satiated as well as Beelzebub.
You felt lips pressing against your forehead and giggled before giving Beel a chaste kiss on the lip.
"That was amazing," you smiled. You saw his cheeks redden and the hug tightens.
"I-I would like to do that again...maybe sometime," spoke the blushing giant as he looked into your eyes.
The tips of your ears turning red as you agreed.
You figured this boat nightmare wasn't too bad as you snuggled up to Beel's chest, wondering if you had the courage to say you like him.
You saved the thought for another day to ponder later.
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masonxomount · 3 years
He Has Your Smile - Mason Mount
I'm back to posting fics when I'm online! :))
For @emmapye785 <3
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Tag list: @whiskeypowder​ @chloereddy @mountsmason​ ​@ofxinnocence @geek-and-proud
Just ask if you’d like to be added!
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The house was silent. After the highs and lows of dinner and bath time, your son was nestled underneath a single blanket in the nursery.
Liam was only tiny, around nine months old, and was already growing up to be a character. He was such a happy baby, always enjoying whatever activity you were doing with him, but bath time was sometimes a challenge as he knew it meant bed time would soon follow. And this little munchkin had so much energy that he never wanted to sleep. It was a miracle that you'd managed to settle him down, and that he had eventually fallen asleep. 
You'd stayed even after his breathing had become evenly rhythmical and shallow. Watching him sleep was one of your favourite things to do. Whenever you had an evening that wasn't busy, you waited around just to watch as your baby slipped off into a world of dreams. 
He looked so peaceful; soft and innocent as he lay there unaware of the sorrows of the world. Lying on his back with his hands out by his head, eyes closed shut as he slept in quiet slumber. 
You crouched down by the cot, threading a hand through the white wooden slats. Even in his sleep, Liam gripped down on your finger through the instinct all babies were born with to just #hold on# to anything and everything. Using your thumb, you stroked his wrist, marvelling at how soft his skin was. 
You hadn't heard Mason at the door, and he didn't make a sound until he was by your side. 
"Hey, darlin'." He spoke softly, so as not to wake Liam. He was still in his black Chelsea tracksuit. 
"Hey." You repeated to him, just as quietly. Your heart swelled as you saw Mason's fond stare as he crouched next to you. This was a perfect moment, you and the man you loved, watching your son sleep. 
"He looks so peaceful." Mason said, making you grin at the fact you'd been thinking that moments before he came in. 
"He looks like you, Mase." You moved your other hand to smooth the tufts of brown hair that were growing on the top of Liam's hair. 
"He has his mother's beautiful eyes." Mason leaned to speak directly next to your ear.
When you turned to face him, he was inches away from you, his nose nearly bumping yours. His bold, brown eyes were locked on yours, making you feel warm and cosy. In the dimness of the room, you could still see a glint of #something# in his eyes. The first word that came to mind was 'love'. 
Next moment you were kissing, a gentle kiss that was filled with sweetness. 
Pulling away, you were met with Mason's bright smile, and there was only one thing you could say.
"He has your smile." 
This made Mason chuckle. Mason's smile was one of the loveliest things about him. Every time he smiled you fell in love with him a little bit more, which seemed impossible with how much you already loved him. 
"I wonder what he'll choose to do when he's grown up. Will he take after you or me, or do something completely different?" The way Mason spoke reminded you of someone who was so blissfully happy all they could do is ramble. It was cute. 
"I can't wait to find out." 
"It makes you want another one doesn't it?" 
As Mason spoke he didn't look at you, and instead had his attention solely on his son. 
"It does…" You agreed wistfully. 
Now Mason turned his attention back to you. He watched your eyes crinkle up as you smiled as Liam shifted in his sleep to become more comfortable. You were a wonderful mother, the best mother he could ask for when it came to raising his children. He felt so lucky. 
"I was thinking," Mason started, sounding shy as he did so, "If we have a girl, can we call her 'Lila'? So it's Liam and Lila."
You practically beamed at him.
"Of course, I'd love that so much." 
"So…" You felt one of Mason's hands ghost your waist, feeling around trying to touch as much of you as possible. "Can we make a little Lila?" 
"You don't even have to ask." You bit your lip as you carefully drew back your hand from Liam. Mason then scooped you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style off into the room you both shared.
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Do I mind if I ask how you approach writing longer fic? I've always struggled to write anything more than maybe two chapters long and I'm curious if you have a particular method to how you approach such stories.
Thank you so much for this ask! I absolutely love it when people ask me for writing advice because it makes me feel like a Smart Person Who Knows Things.
Before we start, here is one grain of salt to take all of this with: I have a naturally long-form brain. It is very hard for me to write something less than 1k. Short fiction is great, and there is nothing wrong with sticking to short things if that's what your brain likes to do.
So. You have decided to write a story. This is going to focus on "stories". Some people write fic that's more freeform or whatever, I am not going to cover that. What I mean by a story is this:
It starts
Some stuff happens
It ends
It is highly probable that your story contains a change of state, which could be that a villain is defeated, or a goal is reached, but it could also be that character falls in love with another, or someone learns to like broccoli.
I like to start out by completing the sentence, "This is a story where _______". This is basically like coming up with a summary for an ao3 post, except that it doesn't need to be catchy. Lots of different kinds of things could go in that blank! It could literally be what happens: This is a story where Ichigo goes back in time and punches young Aizen in the nose. It could be about what you want to explore: This is a story where Hitsugaya gets a better understanding of his zanpakutou. It could be about the vibe you want to achieve: This is an AU where everyone is in a punk rock band and has cool hair and outfits. The idea of this is to clearly define what you, the author, is interested in writing. Make sure it feels right! Maybe you pick the first one, but when you say it out loud, you say, "You know, I really just want Ichigo to go back in time so he can horse around with young Renji and Rukia and punching Aizen in the nose is just an excuse for that." That may sound dumb, but it's fine, actually! Most people don't read stories strictly for the plot, they read stories for the implications of those plots! Will my favorite two characters kiss? Will there be funny interactions between these two groups of characters? Will there be sick fights? Stories are excuses to have scenes. Sometimes, you will have a story where the interesting sequence of events is the draw, but the point is to know what you're about.
Once you feel happy with your "mission statement", you need to decide the bounds of your story: where it starts and where it ends. It may be easier to start with the end. In some cases, it may be obvious from your mission statement: everyone gets home, a villain is defeated, Kenpachi realizes the meaning of friendship. On the other hand, let's look at that punk rock AU. You've picked a vibe, but you don't really have a natural story arc. It has to have a destination, though, otherwise, it's not really a story, it's a recipe for 3 chapters of an abandoned fanfic. So brainstorm a little: Maybe they get a record deal? Maybe they win a Battle of the Bands? Maybe Byakuya accepts that the band is actually good and tells Rukia he is proud of her. Do not settle for a plot just because it works. Pick something that makes you excited! You're the one who is gonna have to write it!
I said that we needed to pick a beginning point, too, but I'm actually going to skip that for now. The next thing I do is think of all the Big Scenes I want to write, the ones you are hype to write, the ones that pop in your head as you think about the premise. Make a bullet list. They don't need to be in order. The descriptions don't need to be super detailed, but write down anything about it that is important to you. If there's a mood or a snippet of dialogue or a joke you want to make, go ahead and jot that down so you don't forget it later. What you're doing now is putting broad blotches of color on a canvas, filling in space and leaving the detail for later.
Once you are pretty happy with what you have down, try to arrange it in chronological order. Put your end at the end (if it wasn't one of your big scenes, add it now). The next task is figuring out how to traverse your scenes. You've already picked out where you want to spend the majority of your energy. The rest, I regret to tell you, is your slog writing. Now, it often happens that you will find joy in some of these scenes and your best writing may occur there, but that's serendipity. These are the scenes that you are gonna have to make yourself sit down and write, so you honestly want to limit them to just the ones you need.
So how do we do this? Look at the first thing on the list. Can you start there? If so, congrats, that's your beginning. If you can't, what needs to happen to get to there? Where can you start so that you can get to your first fun scene as soon as possible? There. That’s it. You’ve picked your beginning, good job! Now, go through the rest of your list, and add in things that must happen, even if you don’t particularly look forward to writing them. The characters need to travel from geographic point A to point B. Shuuhei needs to say something that Izuru hears and misinterprets. The Central 46 makes a new law. If you have a good idea of how these things happen, go ahead and write them down, but it’s okay if you don’t know yet. Fill in all the blanks so that if you think of each bullet list as a scene, you could read it as a story, start to end. Once you get writing, you might add more scenes, or move things around or whatever, but you should have a thing that functions as a story.
If you struggle with this, an alternative is a story with a very strong structure that is going to guide you though what you have to write.Here are two examples from my own stories Hold On, Hold On (which is only one chapter, but the principle is the same) is structured around the 5 stages of grief. Not Broken, Just Bent takes place over roughly a week, and I just decided what happened every day of the week. See You on the Other Side takes place in the middle of a bunch of canon events, which worked at mile markers.
Congratulations. You’ve just made a rough outline!
Special note for avoiding burnout!: I am a slogger. I will drag myself through the broken glass of an interminable plot to get to a single thirsty scene. That's why, at this stage, I try to look at the ratio of what I want to write to what I must write. It's gonna vary for everyone, but this is a hobby, and if looking at this proto-outline makes you feel deeply tired, maybe this isn't a good story to be devoting your time to! Can you carve it down? Can you chuck two scenes you really want to write and get rid of 80% of the slog? Or maybe you can't! In that case, just write that thirsty scene as a standalone drabble! Or just go work on something else! Maybe in the future, this one will come back to you and you’ll have a fresh idea or a renewed enthusiasm for it.
Another thing I sometimes like to do at this point is to write out some notes about my characters and their motivations and moods. Character A is homesick. Character B is so determined to defeat the enemy that they are having a hard time being sympathetic to Character A. Character C cares for both A and B and is trying to support them both. This is sort of background info that you want to keep in your head as you are writing. Depending on the type of story you are writing, this might actually be the main plot, or it might be happening subtly, but adding to the emotional impact of the story. It’s very easy for me to write these sorts of emotional arcs, but if you struggle with that, you may wish to go ahead and made a more detailed outline for that, too.
Now, it’s time to start writing! I am great at beginnings-- it is very often the case for me that the opening scene was one of my Big Tentpole Scenes. (Before you hate me too much, I make up for this by being double horrible at endings; just let me have this) Usually, I will start at the beginning and write linearly for as long as I can until I get stuck. Then, I will look forward on my outline and do the next chronological scene that I feel like writing. In general, if I sit down to write and there is something I have an urge to write, that trumps everything else. Inspiration is a precious commodity, and you should embrace it when it hits! You can slog any day. I will occasionally hold off writing a scene that I really want to, because I am saving it, like a prize for myself for getting that far. This is a very personal process of figuring out what motivates your brain and then giving your brain what it needs to be its most productive.
Eventually, you will run out of things you are excited to write, but the good news is, you’ve got a bunch of story now! Odds are that what’s left is going to be a lot of those connective tissue scenes, and you’re just going to have to do them, except that now, because you’re connecting two concrete points instead of two abstract points, it will be a lot easier. You can continue running jokes you’ve started. Maybe you invented a cafe in an earlier scene where your characters hang out and you can have them return there. Try to think of ways to make these scenes more fun, both for yourself to write and for your reader to read. 
Around this time, I like to start refining that rough strokes outline into what I will call an “as-built” outline. (This is an engineering term where you update your plans or models for something to reflect any changes that had to be made along the way). This is a great activity to do at times when you feel like you have writers block. I write down every scene I have written as a 2-3 word blurb, in order. I break the scenes into what I think makes logical chapters, and I will do a word count on those prospective chapters and write it down. As you do this, you will realize that maybe you can move a scene from here to there, which will make it 1000% easier to write. Things may be happening too much, or you’ve got the characters eating three times in the same chapter. If you have subplots and dangling threads, this is where you make sure they get closure. I know this sounds very headache-y, but you are so far along in the story at this point that it’s really not-- it’s a way to look at the problems you have left. Use some sort of formatting (I like to bold things I haven’t done and sometimes I put them in red) and it gives you a very visual to-do list.
You specifically mentioned multi-chapter fanfics and I admit that I don’t tend to think in chapters, I tend to think of the story as a whole and just break it up where it feels natural. The as-built outlining I described is very helpful in making sure that my chapters feel balanced. They don’t necessarily need to be the same length, but I like them to have the same amount of stuff in them. One chapter may basically contain one long scene, and other may contain many short ones. I don’t tend to, but you can certainly have a fanfic that varies between short and long chapters, that can actually be an interesting effect. But like I said, I always like to know what I am doing, and so having it mapped out, you can say “welp, this is what I’ve done, how do I feel about that?”
Polynya, you may be saying at this point, do you write the whole fanfic before you post any of it? and I regret to inform you, the answer is yes. A lot of people write as they go, and I have made one attempt at this and I didn’t like it. I don’t like locking myself in, I just need to be able write out of order and go back and change things. Here is the story of a little in love: someone gave me an AU prompt and I got mildly obsessed with it, and wrote 5 snapshots drabbles in that universe, ending with a slight cliffhanger ending. I probably should have stopped there, but I decided to keep going. I wrote out an outline of 5 acts where the first act was detailed to the degree of each chapter being specified. The chapters here were much smaller than I usually make chapters: 1-2k. I wrote act i and ii and it was actually great, and then I hit act iii which required a lot of set up for misunderstandings and a mini romance arc. I couldn’t wing it, but nor could I figure it all out with outlining. I write dialogue in almost sort of an improv “Yes, and...?” style, so until I do it, I don’t know what’s going to happen. So, what I did was treat the second half of act iii as a complete story in the process I describe above, wrote the entire rest of it, and then posted it. One might notice that the chapter lengths grew to 3-5k each. I have two more acts to go, and I haven’t decided how I am going to do them yet, but I suspect I will treat each of them as their own mini-stories.
(I will admit that in Heart is a Muscle, I tend toward chapters that are about 10k long, and this is honestly too long, someone should smack me. If you like punchy chapters, 1-2k is good. I think 3-6k is probably an ideal chapter length. Is this how long the chapters are in my latest fanfic? Absolutely not.)
Okay, so there’s one more step, which is quality control. I am habitual re-reader-- I read my fanfics-in-progress over and over and over while I am working on them. I understand that not everyone does this, but I am usually the primary audience for my own writing, and this is the actual fun part for me. Nevertheless, you should re-read your work at least once, to make sure it hangs together.
This is purely optional, but I recommend it: get a writing friend (if you don’t like re-reading your work, I recommend this even more strongly). If you can get a full-service beta reader, that’s great, but if you can’t find someone, or if receiving that level of critique stresses you out, it’s perfectly valid to just find a friend who will read your stuff and a) shower you with compliments, b) reassure you about parts you aren’t sure about (or suggest ways to help) and c) point out any huge problems you missed. When I am writing a long fanfic, it is a huge motivational factor for me to be able to send my beta chapters as I finish them. If you are already an established writer, and you have people who consistently comment on your fic, they might be overjoyed to get a sneak peak at your work.
And that’s it! That’s the way I do it, anyway! Some people are able to sit down and write a very detailed outline and the write it start-to-finish. Good for them, I say! I have tried this and it doesn’t work great for me. I will admit that some of my fics (especially my early ones) I just sat down and banged out whole-cloth like an insane person and they are generally better than the ones I actually plan out, but that’s not a reproducible process.
As one final mechanical note, I usually write in Google Docs, which I can access on multiple devices (I used to write a lot on my phone), has convenient sharing functionality, and I use the ao3 html formatting script add-in. I generally have two documents for a single story-- one is the outline, and any other notes I want to have handy. I’ll usually put a trashcan space at the bottom for scenes that got cut but I don’t want to lose. The other is the fanfic itself.
I hope this is helpful! Please feel free to follow up with other questions and good luck with your writing!
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dakarimainink · 3 years
WARNING: Fluff, a hint of angst, cute
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x You (Reader)
Wordcount: 1.4K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own.
"Hey, I love you writing and I was wondering if you can do a Pedro imagine where the reader is pregnant and like they didn’t announce it or anything and no one knew about it till they were seen in public. You can change it up if you want! Xx✨"
Okay, I am a slut, not even gonna try and hide it. As this was a request, I wasn't sure if you wanted smut or not, so that's why it is in two parts. Part one is pure fluff and no smut. Part two however is a smutty scene for those of you who wants to read about how they conceived the baby.
Enjoy! 💛
Part 2
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You are nervous. It is obvious by the way you cling to Pedro in the backseat on your way to the gala. Your fingers intertwined into his big hand as you fiddle with the hem of his suit jacket.
He is nervous too, not because people will probably speculate, but he worries about you. The news is big, but neither of you like it when the media tries to poke into your private life before you are both ready to reveal it. It will come out eventually, but you want it to be from you and not rumours and pictures roaming about.
Your family and closest friends know. You chose to break the news three weeks ago. You remember the tears in your mother’s eyes and the warmest hug from Pedro’s father. But what truly stuck with you, was the moment you confirmed it to Pedro.
You knew for about five days without telling anyone. Pedro was away filming but had managed to squeeze in a night with you on a rainy Saturday. You had planned to go out for dinner, but in the last minute, chose to have a pizza and movie night. Cleaning the dishes from the pizza and preparing some snacks in the kitchen, you decide it was time.
You turned to him, biting your lower lip and he knew there was something immediately. At first, worry painted his face and he had walked over to you and wrapped you in his arms, kissing your forehead softly and asking what was wrong.
Tears were prickling in your eyes and as you looked up at him, more worry grew and you couldn’t help but feel happiness fill your chest, knowing this man was the father to your child.
A smile stretched across your face as tears escaped the corners of your eyes and you told him.
He was frozen, scanning your face and he went through all kinds of emotions before his eyes crinkled up into a bright beam. He pulled you in, holding you tight to him while murmuring all kinds of sweet words. Kneeling, he snuck his hand under your t-shirt and spread his hand across your belly, warmth filling you up. “Our baby.” He had whispered before looking up at you with tear-filled eyes.
You had made sweet and passionate love that night, his focus on purely satisfying you over and over and over again.
Pedro catches your chin and tilts it up to meet your eyes. He notices the worry in your eyes and gives you a gentle smile. Carefully sliding his hand further up, he graces your cheek with his thumb before tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “You look perfect.” He smiles.
You smile back at him, feeling a lump of worry surge in your belly. You know you could leave whenever you want to, Pedro had even offered to not go at all. A part of you wants everyone to know, but another wants to keep it a secret for as long as you can.
The car stops and your heart skips a beat as our stomach feels with dread. Your fingers grasp onto his hand, you almost missed the worried look on his face, his eyes scanning your features.
“We don’t have to, my love.” He whispers, gently stroking the back of your hand.
You shake your head. “I know, but I can’t avoid it forever.” You gulp, staring into his eyes. They crinkle at the gentle smile. He leans forward gently peck your lips, leaving a lingering touch on you.
As you give him a nod, he opens the door and gracefully climbs out before holding out his hand to assist you out. You place your hand in his and plant your feet on the ground before he pulls you gently out.
As soon as you were both outside, flashes and yells from the paparazzi filled your ears. Trusting Pedro to lead the way, he guides you onto the carpet and pulls you close to him, his hand resting on your side as you both face the paparazzi. From all the comments, none of them mention the tiny bump on your belly.
You sigh out in relief and feel more confident in your posture, straightening your back.
Pedro immediately notices and glances down at you with nothing but love in his eyes. His fingers twitch into your flesh before his thumb strokes up and down, bringing you more comfort.
You lay peacefully in Pedro’s arms, the morning sun peeking in between the curtains and a stripe of warmth licks your leg as it rests over Pedro’s hip. You listen to each other’s slow and steady breathing.
He had apologised for waking you up when he pulled you to him that morning, but you didn’t mind at all. It is where you belong, close to him. He left a few soft kisses on your forehead while you lay there resting, enjoying the calm morning. But the calm is interrupted as both of your phones won’t stop buzzing.
Pedro sighs, knowing exactly what all the texts are about. He had peeked at his phone before pulling you in, several messages commenting on today’s news. He had hoped it wouldn’t turn into something, but here you both lay, you – wondering what it all is about, him – wanting to shield you from the storm.
“Pedro?” You breathe, your eyes looking up at him from behind your eyelashes. “What is going on?” You have a feeling this is about last night’s appearance, but you wait for him to confirm it.
He looks down at you, a calm smile painting his lips. “Nothing we have to care about for now, my love.” He presses his lips to your forehead and nuzzles you closer to him.
You sigh out and drift off in his protective arms, knowing whatever is going on right now, didn’t need your attention.
He looks handsome, his calmness and confidence match great with his casual outfit. His hair slightly tussled from dragging his fingers through it again and again. You like his natural curls mixed with his grey peppered beard.
His eyes are resting on the woman sitting in front of him, but every time he glances at you, it fills you with butterflies. It’s not too obvious he is looking at you, as you’re standing a few strides behind the woman, listening to the ongoing interview of his newest movie.
“So, for some other big news, which I hope you can confirm for us, Pedro. A month ago, the internet went crazy over some new photos and headlines of you and your fiancé. Speculations of a potential new family member surged through several social medias. Could you perhaps talk a bit about that? Is it true?”
You knew the question would be asked, Pedro’s agent had agreed upon it before the interview took place. Pedro had asked you several times, if you wanted to go out with the news. You were a bit hesitant at first, but then again, might as well get it over with.
He gives the woman a smile before his eyes immediately seeks out yours, nothing but love is filled within his gaze. “It is with great pride and joy I can confirm my beautiful fiancé is carrying our future child. She is doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to become a father and see her be the mother of our baby.”
Your heart beats faster, tears brimming in your eyes as he speaks warmly of your future family. You know he is looking forward to it, but to see him like this, confirming the news and not leaving your sight, makes you warm from head to toe. You want to rush over to him, hold him close to you, but knowing interrupting the interview is not a good idea.
You wait patiently until the woman thanks Pedro for the interview. He immediately gets up from his chair and walks up to you, wrapping his arms around you. He kisses the top of your head several times and you wrap your arms around him.
“I will forever mean it, my love. I can’t wait to see you be the mother of our child, to carry them, to feed them, to help them grow up. I know you’ll be the best at it and every obstacle we face, we will face them together.”
You pull him tighter to you, a tear escaping the corner of your eye. “I love you.” You mumble into his chest.
He buries his nose in your hair. “I love you too.” He whispers.
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
@cynic-spirit, @lililolli, @notabotiswear, @sara-alonso, @blankmooon, @xoxo-callie, @mamacitapascal, @thewaythisis, @greeneyedblondie44, @stevie75, @mswarriorbabe80, @anaaaispunk
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Congrats again on 2K. i’m so happy for you ❤️
For the emojis: 🔥☕️🚧
For the character: Jax, i feel like those emojis have a Jax vibe
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! And thanks for the congrats! 💗
Roadblocks Don’t Suck
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, car sex (quick & rough, light choking, Jax’s leather gloves (they’re a whole kink)) Word Count: ~1.4k Emoji Prompt: 🔥☕️🚧 (key words are in bold)
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Jax Teller is a lot of things. Pussy-whipped isn’t one of them, but somehow when you ask for things he gives in to a ton of them. On some level in his alpha male soul that sort of stings.
He’s in the driver’s seat grumpy and grumbling like a five-year-old. You’re really in the driver’s seat with all the power that you hold, over the prince of Charming, destined to be king.
He lights a cigarette. The little flame matches his mood flickering sharply with resentment and regret, that he had caved to what you said.
“How’s your goddamn coffee,” he snaps, bitter and full of sass. Gruffly, to hide the fact that you can turn him into such a goddamn softie.
“It’s fucking lovely,” you proclaim, taking another sip and gloating without shame. This morning you’d asked Jax to drive your car to where the two of you are headed, rather than taking his Harley as he typically prefers instead. You wanted to sit comfortably with your coffee and finish up the book you’ve almost fully read.
He doesn’t know yet you were also hoping you could give him road head.
“Fuck!” Jax suddenly rasps as he steps on the brake just when you reach the end of your book, causing you to look up out the windshield in shock. It’s just a bit of bad traffic but your man sounds as furious as if your car was hit by a damn truck. “Ugh, there’s a fucking roadblock. This shit fucking sucks.”
Jax really just can’t deal with traffic at a standstill. He is seething, heavy breathing, living proof that looks can kill.
Glimpse flashing lights and obstacles with slanted black and yellow stripes to mark construction that’s in progress up ahead. Prince Fuming grits his bright white teeth around his cigarette like he wants someone dead. Possibly you. “See, bitch if we were on my bike I could’ve just driven right through…”
“Would you just stop? Here, I’ll give you a handjob,” you decide, casting your finished paperback off to the side. Sometimes—a lot of times—you’d rather make Jax Teller cum than hear him talk. “Shut up, just sit back and enjoy your smoke and let me stroke your cock.”
“What are we, fifteen-year-old kids? You’ll grab my dick and let me grope your tits?” he laughs, as you reach in his jeans to grip and squeeze his massive shaft. “Get down and suck.”
You take your hands out of his pants and cross your arms over your chest tightly, to tell him no such luck. “Maybe I would have if you’d asked nicely, you bossy little fuck.”
“You love it when I’m bossy.” Jax is well aware that his dominance gets you wet and juicy. “Know it hits you in your kinky little pussy.”
“You don’t know shit about my kinks,” you lie.
“You think?” he challenges with a dark glimmer in his eye. The heat of hell behind his smile. Glances out the window at the standstill traffic and decides to put the car in park so he can make this goddamn ride worthwhile.
Asking nicely isn’t really Jax’s style.
You can act like you don’t want it but there’s no point in denial. Every goddamn thing about him drives you wild.
When he wants something he takes it—bends your will to fight him off and fucking breaks it—snaps a finger and you’re naked—he makes sure you want it wholeheartedly too—but that shit’s never hard to do.
He always has you spouting off a senseless stream of oh God Jesus Christ Jax yes fuck yes in two seconds or less. Knows he’s your ever-living weakness. Face you see when you scream Jesus. Knows you’re his to play with any way he pleases. Knows just what buttons to press, to get his girl to be a wet whimpering mess.
Has you spread out on the backseat, shaking in heat, as he strips off your summer dress. Stays fully clothed because he knows it’s fucking torture when he doesn’t let you cleave against the smooth skin of his chest. Settle for clutching at the leather of his vest. The leather Jax Teller wears best.
Or is it…? Though you’ve never mentioned this before, Jax saw the sparkle in those pretty eyes of yours, when you watched his hands on the steering wheel clad in his leather gloves and thought that shit’s fucking exquisite.
To be honest it’s ridiculous that he’d wear leather gloves to drive a car. Today’s ride isn’t even far. You know it’s just so he can feel more like he’s riding on his Harley and it’s dumb as fuck but you don’t care about that given what a slut you are. Jax in the leather of his kutte is hot enough—but these damn gloves… they have you seeing fucking stars…
You’d wanted him to push your head deep in his lap while you bent down to suck him off. Feeling the smooth warmth of the leather in your hair and on your cheeks as you devoured his enormous cock and showered it with love.
He’d like that very fucking much, without a doubt, but in this moment he would rather see your gorgeous glowing face than have it buried in his crotch. More in the mood to fuck your pussy than your mouth. He wants to watch, the way your inner slut is spinning out—surrenders to his touch… the way your features melt, descending into ecstasy past anything you’ve ever fucking felt… as he traces his thumb across your bottom lip with one hand while the other frames your hips—taking you in his leather grip—tight as a belt, sharp as a whip.
And it’s insane the way it makes your pussy drip. Your brain is on a fucking trip. Can leather get you fucking pregnant? On the road the traffic’s still completely stagnant, but your man will have to get back in the driver’s seat again soon once the cars begin to move. There’s not a lot of time to get into the groove. No time for fun and games and foreplay—just a frantic feral fuck here on the freeway—love and lust one and the same to make and take when you two have nothing to prove.
Outside of sex, you know that it’s your job as Jax Teller’s old lady to continually kick his ego down a couple pegs. But it’s a different fucking story when he’s hovering above you and all set to shove his meat into the aching soaking heat between your legs.
A piece of prey for him to eat. To read your body as it breaks and burns and begs. Jax is the undisputed king when he has you spread in his bed or the backseat. And as his leather-clad hand wraps around your throat you gasp at how it feels so sweet because you know what’s coming next…
He applies just the perfect pressure and oh fuck you’ve never felt such perfect pleasure.
You can feel his power pouring through the leather. You can feel it pounding through your blood, as he plows deep inside your pulsing cunt, that fucking instant, with a savage fucking grunt, rock hard as he drives home and hits a flood, ‘cause you’ve never been wetter. You’re his fucking slut. Forever.
Two or three bucks of his hips—he sucks the prayer of his name off of your lips—tightens that leather fucking grip—your grip on consciousness begins to fucking slip…
Just came undone, though this had only just begun. He spills inside you that same second and you’re both sprawled on the seat sex-dumb and drunk.
Two seconds later all the cars outside decide to fucking honk.
He really doesn’t give a fuck. You’re both so bulldozed by the love you made you probably wouldn’t notice if this steamy little car of yours got totaled by a truck. Honk all they want for all you care—the two of you are far beyond the world out there—you’re stuck in heaven with no plans to come unstuck.
Maybe try fucking one more time to piss off everyone outside and push your luck.
Jax reads your mind because it’s his. Leather glove soft around your throat now as he smiles through a cigarette-and-coffee-flavored kiss. “Maybe roadblocks don’t suck.”
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod
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