#adding some extra tags here for triggers just in case
aly-the-writer · 1 year
Just hit the part where Gale talks about how clean his tower is now again and it hit different. How he laughs it off but...like....cleaning, getting rid of stuff.
It's just a throw away line, but this guy collects bits and trinkets and books like no-tomorrow (just look at his camp spot!) and he's delighted by those things and, well, he's not exactly the master of organization over there. Him not having things - well, it's not about the things he's giving up - it's about the fact that he'd given up so why on earth would things matter? Even if they had been special or important to him once.
Gale is a depressed, burned out GT kid who got screwed over by the system (and person in this case because the person is the system and the system is the person) who originally told him he was special and has completely and utterly had his sense of self-worth nuked (hah) by a mistake that he really wasn't in a position to be able to avoid given all of the above circumstances because what other path could he have possibly taken and not been a failure for not trying anyways?
He is desperately trying to keep his burn out from hurting or disappointing any more people and he thought that isolation is the only way to really do that.
And his sole lifeline to any semblance of actual sanity seems to be his cat.
UGH....I AM GALE. GALE IS ME. FUCK. No fucking wonder I want to cry when my Tav tells Gale he's worthy exactly as he is and again when our wizard wonder starts believing it.
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ninjakk · 1 year
As much as I wanted to love the novel (original version), that r*pe jokes author threw in that extra chapter really put me off. She's so good creating the plots in her stories, but why did she has to put that jokes in? She was so insensitive about that issue.
I want to know your thoughts about this :)
Hi anon,
I'm sorry to hear you've been put off the novel, but each to their own.
So, you see the thing is it's not a joke to WWX and LWJ, they are just roleplaying to their kink. There are hints throughout the novel that WWX is not opposed to this forceful behaviour and he even makes a 'joke' about such things back when they are trapped in the Xuanwu's cave.
I think one thing that a lot of people forget is that this was a web novel on a site with author's notes and tags. So if the noncon, or in this case CNC (consensual nonconsensual), was an issue for readers, they might have been able to see this and not read on. It is also something often found in BL and she was targeting a specific audience who would mostly be aware of such things possibly appearing in her chapters anyway. Because of this, I don't think MXTX was being insensitive about such topics.
In fact, I think due to noncon and dubcon being a common trope in the BL genre, MXTX has (as she so often does) turned this trope on its head and actually made it something I would consider healthy. LWJ holds himself back from doing anything without WWX's consent (bar his momentary laps with the kiss, which he feels terrible about afterwards) and consent is actually a running theme throughout the novel. LWJ refuses to do anything WWX doesn't want - to the point he does not take him back to the Cloud Recesses in his first life. It only becomes CNC because WWX wants and encourages it at the end of the novel. Even the apparent dubcon bath scene where WWX thinks he's taken advantage of LWJ, was actually consensual because LWJ had sobered up before this point and it's subtly shown as such by LWJ's speech pattern changing from childish to a more forceful tone. Obviously LWJ's dream is technically noncon and was quite a shock to some, but this was a dream and you can't control dreams. I won't go into the dream scene because there is already a lot of meta on this and I'd just be repeating!
Overall, CNC is a part of WXs shared kinks and I actually found it refreshing to see it handled quite respectfully, in the sense of it being a kink that can have a bit of a bad rep. MXTX showed her readers how a loving couple can have such a kink, yet be so tender and sweet as well.
Naturally I understand why this might make some readers uncomfortable, especially if they are unaware such things are in a novel and it may be triggering. There is an argument here for some sort of warning being included for such content that may pose as a possible trigger and something indicating as such somewhere on the novel cover - as it does not have any on the official volumes I have. Especially considering some readers may have come from the CQL or donghua and aren't aware of such things being present.
As such, I would say that if anyone handled such things insensitively, it would be the publishing companies, not MXTX - as she is just an author catering towards a certain audience and genre. It is the publishing company's responsibility and choice to safeguard the general public from reading something that may be triggering, but most publishing companies do not do this because they fear it may impair sales. There is also a huge argument about adding warnings being a form of censorship and trigger warnings actually doing more harm than good, so it seems to be a very difficult line to tread.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Fan Fiction: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Not only did Chuck write books about your lives, but a damn musical theater is putting a play on about your goddamn lives. You try to let them handle this one on their own but they're not letting you go, and it's time to bring insurance to make sure you never leave them.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean sits outside the motel room working on his car. The hood is up, he's elbow-deep in the engine, and Sam is nowhere to be found. You're standing off to the side with your gun trained in front of you. Your target is a tree that's fifty yards from you, something stationary. You wish you had a moving target but you don't think Dean and Sam would appreciate being put in the line of fire.
You pull the trigger three times, hitting the exact same spot on the tree, scaring some squirrels into fleeing their home.
"Would you quit it?" You look at Dean who pops his head from over the hood. He's a bit sweaty, has a grease smear on his forehead, and his arms look extra thick in his thin t-shirt. You don't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but damn he'd be a good fuck. "We're not the only people out here."
"I'm bored without a real target. Unless you'd like to be mine."
You smirk when he flips you off. The motel door opens and Sam walks out in search of you and his brother. You put your gun away and approach the brothers because Sam has his professional face on.
"Hey, how long have you two been up?"
"I never slept," you say.
"Long enough to find us a case," Dean replies right after you.
"I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"
"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. Right here." Dean takes a break from working on his car to hand Sam the newspaper. "A teacher in an all-girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."
"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case."
"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case."
"Come on, man," Sam sighs.
"Sam! Being out there and hunting is the only normal I know." He closes the hood of the car and moves to the open trunk. He messes around with his weapons before shutting the trunk. "We got work to do."
"I'll tag along. It's not like I have anything better to do."
"Like you had a choice," Dean mutters to himself, but you hear.
It's a seven-hour drive from where you are, and those hours go by quickly. Sam gets the police department on the phone as soon as you enter the state of Michigan to ask about the details of the case. By the time Dean pulls into the school's parking lot, Sam is just about done with his conversation.
"I certainly appreciate it. ... You got it. Thanks, officer." He hangs up just as you three get out of the car. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher."
"Theater kids. Great," Dean scoffs.
"What? I was a theater kid."
"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool, but then you did that shitty musical."
"Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma."
"You ran tech, Wolverine."
"Shut up," Sam, grumbles.
The principal already knows you're coming but she has a bunch of meetings to go to, so she allows you to find the auditorium on your own. There are young kids hanging a banner in front of the building for the musical they are about to do. You hate fucking musicals. You hope there isn't a case here ad you can go back to the Bunker and waste your life away on tanning and reading shitty magazines.
You walk into the auditorium to see students already working on their production of whatever musical they are doing. Before you have a chance to think, you hear a word you never thought you'd hear again.
"You idjits!" You snap your head to the right to see a young girl dressed exactly like your dad, beard and all. "You, idjits. You three are idjits."
"Hey, ass-butt!" You look to the left and see another young woman dressed just like Cas with angel wings on her back. "Hey! Ass-butt!"
Suddenly, someone plays a few notes on the piano on stage and a bunch of young girls begin their musical number. The song is about Sam and Dean's life. How John and Mary had two sons when a demon came into their room and killed Mary, and how the demon took a liking to Sam. The song transitions into your life with your mom starting at the age when she died. They sing about how the demon chased you through the house and killed your mom down the stairs. Sam and Dean are horrified to hear this but you're grinning from ear to ear.
A young woman sitting in the audience and her friend run up the stage stairs to address the woman who is singing. You slap both brothers' shoulders with the same grin on your face.
"This is the best day ever."
"What in the h-holy..."
"If there is a case, it probably has something to do with all of this," Sam cuts his brother off.
"You think?"
The younger of the two girls grabs the arm of the director and points to you three at the back of the auditorium. Both girls immediately run off stage and over to you as if she knows who you three are.
"Hi! Oh, my gosh, are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer/director. This is Maeve, my stage manager. I was just--"
She stops talking when she sees Sam's FBI badge. He looks to the stage and sees the women playing Sam and Dean with their own FBI badges. He quickly puts his away and slaps Dean's hand which is holding his own badge. Dean can't even get his out fast enough because he is so shocked.
"I'm Special Agent Smith. These are my partners, Special Agents--"
"Smith," you answer.
"Yeah, no relation." Marie narrows her eyes in suspicion but Sam quickly changes topic. "We're here to look into the disappearance--"
"There is no singing in Supernatural!" Dean blurts out.
You snicker at his outburst to which he glares at you.
"What? Come on, this is funny!" you giggle.
"Well, this is Marie's interpretation," Maeve says.
"I mean, if there was singing, you know... and that's a big if! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber shit--"
"Andrew Lloyd Webber," Sam whispers to his brother.
"You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act," Marie says proudly.
"Really?" Sam asks in judgment.
"It's a classic!" Dean and Marie speak at the same time.
You roll your eyes, already bored of this.
"Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?"
"Yeah. She left around nine-thirty."
"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?"
"A bar? A liquor store? Both?" Maeve answers.
"She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her 'grown-up juice', or passed out. Usually, in that order."
"Yeah, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty jello shots and a hose-down to get this stink off of me," Dean scoffs.
"Maeve, right?" Sam jumps in. "You're the stage manager?"
"I understudy Jody Mills, too."
"What?" Dean asks in shock.
"That's great! Jody Mills, that's great," Sam says to his brother before turning to her. "So, how about you give me a behind-the-scenes tour, while your director shows my partners Ms. Chandler's office? Deal?" Both girls nod. "Great. Give us a moment, please."
Marie and Maeve leave you three alone, and you let out a loud cackle that causes Maeve to turn around and glare.
"I'm gonna throw up," Dean shudders.
"This is either going to go horribly wrong or horrible right, and I'm here for it," you giggle. Dean gives you a bitch-face look, and you slap his chest as you pass by him. "Lighten up, buddy."
You and Dean follow Marie backstage while Maeve goes off with Sam in the opposite direction. There is a table of props used for the musical, all labeled and in place. You grab one of the guns and inspect it, not impressed that it's all fake.
"Where did you get all this stuff?"
"Some parts are homemade and some parts are repurposed. All of it, awesome--" She looks over at you to see you touching one of the guns and grabs it from you. "Please don't touch them."
"These aren't even real. How are you going to hurt someone with these?"
"Don't mind her," Dean chuckles nervously. "She's having a bad day." Dean looks across the stage where the imposter Impala sits. Leaning against it are the two women who play Sam and Dean. They're standing a bit too close for Dean's liking. "What are they doing?"
"They're rehearsing the B.M. scene."
"The Bowel Movement scene?" you ask.
"What? No! The Boy Melodrama scene! You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're driving, leaning against Baby, and drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone but together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly--"
"Why are they standing so close together?"
"Reasons," Marie shrugs.
Dean understands what Marie is hinting at, and you snicker at the thought of Sam and Dean getting together sexually.
"You know they're brothers, right?"
"Duh! It's subtext."
"You know he and Y/N are married and have kids, right?"
"What? No. I mean, I know she got pregnant but she had Cas get rid of the baby. Man, Dean was so pissed at her for doing that."
"Best decision I ever made," you grin and lock eyes with Dean. "I should have gotten rid of the other two."
Hurt flashes across his eyes but he'd rather not get into that right now. Marie looks at you two in confusion but moves on. She takes you away from the auditorium into a long white hallway where Ms. Chandler's office is. She walks ahead of you to open the door, and you look at Dean.
"She's right. You and Sam would make such a cute couple."
"I'm gonna smack you."
"Don't tease a good time," you smirk.
You three enter the office where there are empty bottles upon empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. Dean takes a sweep of the room with his eyes before settling them on a robot head near the bookshelf.
"Is that hers?"
"No, that's a prop from act two! I've been looking for that, actually."
"There's no space in Supernatural."
"Not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction."
"You mean fanfiction?"
"Call it whatever you like, but it's inspired by Carver Edlund's books with a few embellishments. As you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song--"
"Yeah, that douche," you scoff and Dean slaps your arm to get you to stop talking.
"I couldn't leave it the way that it was! I mean, with Dean leaving Y/N and living with Lisa? Her being on her own after the breakup? Sam in Hell? I wrote my own ending."
"You want to know what happened after that?" you step closer to her. "Y/N fucks Sam over and over again to get over her sad excuse of an ex."
"Okay, stop talking," Dean pulls you back.
"Try this one on for size. How about Dean and Y/N have a baby while he's still fucking Lisa?"
"Go wait outside!"
"No, she needs to know these things! What about them going to purgatory where she ends up pregnant because Dean can't keep it in his pants?" Dean is already shoving you to the door. "Bobby dies, Sam undergoes angel trials, and Dean becomes a demon!"
Dean shoves you out of the office and slams the door in your face. You roll your eyes and make your way back to the prop table where you mess the props up like a fucking child. You see Sam and Maeve in the sound booth chatting, so you make your way over to them to bother them. Sam looks up from the control board when you enter.
"Special Agent Smith kicked me out so I'm hanging out with you," you grin and sit in between them.
You reach over and touch the control board to see what different buttons do, but Maeve slaps your hand away. You stare at her and Sam waits with held breath to see what you're going to do. Luckily for her, you let it go and lean back in your chair.
"Now, have you noticed anything strange during the production? I mean, any odd noises or--"
"You mean something like this?" Maeve pushes a button on the control panel and a scream sounds. "Or perhaps, this?" She presses another button and a ghostly moan sounds. "Maybe this?"
"Okay, I get it. You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks--"
"Someone speaks to Maeve over the headset, and she cuts Sam off mid-sentence.
"She's not interested in your nerd talk," you say to Sam.
"I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery. Please, don't touch anything."
Maeve scurries off leaving you and Sam alone. Sam doesn't like to be alone with you because he's the butt of your very harsh jokes, so he makes a half-hearted excuse and leaves you alone in the sound booth. Dean and Meave come back from Ms. Chandler's office and meet up with Sam. Marie joins her friend's side as they both sign for the delivery. You reach up and begin playing with the controls, messing with the lights and sounds. Everyone on stage looks at you like you're the outsider in a group of best friends. Sam and Dean look like they're ready to kill you, so you press a button and speak into the mic.
"I'm bored. Can we go? I'd rather pull my own hair out than be stuck in here with a bunch of bratty kids."
Dean glares holes through the glass at you and motions with one finger to come to the stage. 
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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confessionspace · 1 year
Hi there. This is a space where you may confess whatever you feel you need to, because it can feel better when you get things off of your chest. At least, that's what is good for me personally. I hope it helps for you, too.
I created this blog because I could not find a blog that has this same premise- a place where you can submit general confessions, ones that don't follow a specific topic. I deeply apologize if there is a blog out there that is like this one, I did not mean to steal the idea.
In order to submit a confession, please use the ask box. You may do it anonymously or non-anonymously, it's up to you and whatever you feel comfortable with.
If you would like the reblogs turned off on a submission, please say so either in the beginning or end of the submission. Or alternatively, use the emoji "⭐" (a star) for no reblogs, again at the beginning or end of the submission. There will be no judgement for whatever you choose :]
If you have a concern with a post that you submitted, DM me and I will delete it for you or edit the reblog abilities as long as you did not submit it anonymously. I will try my best to listen, and I love you. <3
I hope you feel comfortable here. You can stay as long as you'd like :]
(extra little information about this place under the cut!)
Now that the more important details are out of the way, here are some smaller details, just in case you wanted to know :]
On every confession, I will add "Submitted (month) (day of month), (year)." in the answer.
I will not add anything extra, such as my opinion, tips, or personal experiences (exception mentioned later).
On every confession, I will add "confessions" "confession" "confess" in the tags.
Content warnings or trigger warnings will not be added in order to avoid misunderstandings. However, if requested within the replies, these warnings may be added. I will try my best to be mindful :] Also, warnings will be added if specifically listed within the submission.
Submissions will be queued! As of the time writing this, it will be 2 per day. This number may change, and may not be updated in this post.
Yes, you may submit an ask directly towards me. If you do, I will respond the best I can. These can be asked anonymously or non-anonymously.
However, please, please be aware that I do not give out the best advice and I am most definitely not the right person to be asking advice from. This blog is to simply get whatever you may need off your chest. That said, I will not be giving advice, and these asks (if directed towards me specifically) will be either deleted or ignored. I feel bad for doing this, but I believe its for the best.
I will answer these types of asks if they are a question about my blog, it's format, or a suggestion for my blog.
I kindly ask, in order to eliminate any confusion on my part, that you preface these types of asks either by stating it is for me directly, or by adding the emoji "🌕" (a full moon) at the beginning of end of the ask.
Thank you so much <3
One last thing: If I miss your submission, or if it takes a while for your submission to be answered, I apologize! I tend to be forgetful, and so I hope you can forgive me.
(P.S. ...thank you for reading all of this!)
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hashimasims · 1 month
Take like 515 (over exaggeration obviously) of this ONE post because I kinda REALLY want it included in the story. If this flags again then FUQ IT I don't need it and this rant won't matter because no one will see it. The scene was heavily inspired by one of the MANY books I was reading at the time probably Wild Fire or Conspiracy Game both by Christine Feehan (I generally read 10+ books at the same time but those are the first two that come to mind besides ACOWAR) and I really enjoyed writing it (at least the original version) for whatever reason even with the content label and hiding under a cut it keeps getting flagged and hidden. A quick test between a post of just the images and just the text flagged the text post but not the much more explicit - though cropped or blurred - images post, both have since been deleted and I have shortened and cut up the text part so maybe it passes guidelines now which truthfully makes no sense to me when I can look up the tag WW or the full wicked title (don't know if that is marked for flagging not risking it) and find pics gifs or vids of the actual animations from the MOD without any content labels or post cuts (which now that I know about them I'm trying to use for any potential triggering content). I personally don't care about that let your flag fly just kinda upsetting that a set of words red flags my post when I try to write something akin to a romance novel and there's straight up simmie p - 0rn on this site if I wanted to go find it - I'm sure some of my posts from generation 2 with Ayre and his wife may constitute as such (though maybe of the soft variety since I tried to crop out the full deed even then - AND NONE OF THOSE POSTS WERE FLAGGED GRRR) - I may still post the rant part if this post gets flagged again. I'm trying to be a good tumblr user and follow the rules oh mighty and powerful bots and post reviewers but you're making it kind of difficult here
TW: Tiny bit of nudity of the pixel peoples Though there are no real bits to be seen (blurred/covered/cropped out) Things are getting a little extra explicity and do not necessarily pertain to the story So feel free to skip these posts of the #Glynnan Legacy VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
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For those that do continue past the cut this is a new post, you are not seeing a repeat. Post #1 of Taehyung and Elucea's spicy 🌶️(only 1 pepper it's not that hot) content here (Which that post wasn't flagged but I still went back and added a content label just in case but thank you because that one had a bit more story in it)
[Final warning - Contains (now super blurred) nudity and I'll still call it 18+ storytelling though the original was a lot more thorough - Click the Keep Reading button at your own risk]
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Elucea cried out as he surged forward. Even expecting the pain it was still a shock and she tried to move away but Taehyung held her to him.
Taehyung: Relax for me kuu wahi manō. It will pass just breathe. Elucea: What does that mean? Taehyung: Google translate says it means my little shark. Are you OK? Elucea: Can't always trust those online language translators but I do like the sound of it. Yeah I think I'm OK now. Taehyung: Wrap your legs around me. Yes just like that.
Elucea tried to think of everything that she'd read in romance novels, things she was suppose to do in this situation, but those books didn't prepare her for the sensations Taehyung was making her feel and she could only move against him, her body instinctively meeting his.
Elucea began sobbing his name, her nails biting into his back, her cries music to his ears and the two of them went over the edge together
Pure Paradise Taehyung thought as he gave her every last drop of himself.
He should have used protection or checked to see if she was on birth control but he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't thrilled with the idea of her getting pregnant. The idea of their child growing inside her filling him with pure satisfaction. The life they should have had centuries ago.
Dreams that were dashed away but now they had a second chance to make them a reality.
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love how tumblr tried to kill tagspam by limiting you to 30 tags with 140 chars each and also if you tag a specific way then only the first four tags will show your post in searches or whatever and also only original posts will show and not reblogs anymore (and that is ANY reblog, not just reblogs with nothing on them)
but then you still see porn bots scattershotting every trending fandom tag (plus some extras) and the only thing it's done is make rambling in the tags (and more importantly, trigger tagging posts!!!!!) needlessly difficult and also wrecked visibility if you reblog something and add to a post and then tag it with the same tags
also they broke tagging again so now the automatically added end character for each tag will eat the last few letters of a tag and also you can't actually hit the 140 character limit anymore??? you have to come like three under it or you can't add the fucking tag and it still gives you that obnoxiously condescending "Ooops!!! Tags can only be 140 characters or less!!!!" warning.
also hitting 30 tags shouldn't give me a shitfuck ass fucking "You did it. You reached 30 tags" message. just say "tag limit reached" or something c'mon you're a fuckin website and the only thing this makes me wanna do is strangle your entire fucking database center (as in the physical building. get my hands around that bricky bitch.) because i'm a fuckin tumblr user not a five year old and this whole like impersonal friendliness added to error messages and shit these days makes me so pissed.
enough with the "teeheeheehee!!! oopsie daisies!!!!!🌺🌺🌺✨✨✨ ouw code monkies cant handwe mowe dan 30 tagsie-wagsies!!!! oooh noooo 😭😭😭😞😞😞😔😔😔😕😕🙁🙁🙁☹️☹️☹️😥😥😥😨😨😨😰😰😰🫠🫠🫠wooks wike youw gonna hafta wemove some tags!!!! ❌❌❌☹️☹️☹️🥺🥺😢 but make suwe dey'we onwy 140 chawactews! da code monkies eat ur tagsies and dey get tummie aches if dey'we too wong!!!!!! ^^ uwu nya rawr >w< xDDD" type shit. just fucking tell me "character limit reached" or something is it that difficult to just give users information directly anymore??????
also fuck the errors when your internet disconnects and it's like "this is a dashboard haiku. no posts here. who knows why?" "your dashboard is empty. soon it will be lush once more" on the app. that and the stupid fucking astronaut in the fuckin alegria/corporate memphis artstyle on youtube. fuck you. i don't need you to try to be funny and make me laugh because my internet connection is slightly spotty or to be given a fuckin illustration. just say "your connection isn't working". come on, say it with me. "your" "connection" "is not" "working". was that so hard? i get it's because it's ALSO a fallback in case the servers are down for some reason but jesus christ.
at least fucking facebook and instagram just give you "failed to load. check your connection" errors when they go down and most people know if you see them while your internet is up it means the website's having trouble and to wait a while. people aren't fuckin stupid and they don't need to be hand-held when a fuckin website goes down to the point you need to be vague and qUiRkY about it.
like if this shit doesn't stop i will find a way to physically choke a server rack. you fuckin wait. i'll make a goddamn computer experience asphyxiation. i'm gonna take your fuckin machines and i'm gonna fuckin feed them orbeez until they experience whatever the computer equivalent to an intestinal blockage is.
worthless piece of shit fucking website fr
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[This page was last updated on March 24th, 2024.]
General trigger warnings: mentions of death and dying, cosmic horror, mentions of apocalypse-like scenarios, mentions of religious concepts. These and more are tagged on a post-by-post basis. If I miss one, feel free to let me know!
Please read past asks before sending your own!
This blog runs mostly on headcanon. The game only paints this thing in broad strokes, and I’m having fun filling in the details. Please keep this in mind, just in case They ever return in canon.
Mun does not equal muse. The End hates all of existence, and acts the part. My apologies in advance if what They say is upsetting, or even just plain rude.
An addendum to the above: The End has talked about the universes they’ve destroyed… universes that might sound familiar. I’m leaning on the fourth wall here to give my portrayal some extra spice. I do not actually hate these canons; if you do, that’s fine, but this blog is not the place to discuss it. Asks or replies that only equate to “good riddance” will be deleted.
Someone’s made the pissing-on-the-moon joke already. I love Real-Time Fandub, but please don’t repeat the joke unless you get creative with it.
My main is @biolizardboils. Please do not send asks or DMs there if the inbox here is closed. Unless there's, like, something urgently wrong here, I guess?
Lastly, I use Emoji tags to keep track of recurring subjects. So far there’s:
🛣️ (a highway/interstate) for the multiverse, and worlds whose elements live on despite The End’s efforts
💎 (a diamond) for [minor Sonic Prime spoilers!] the green Chaos Emerald that Shadow dropped into the Shatterverse’s Void
🌎 (the Earth) for The End’s plans to take mortal form
🔌 (an electric plug) for the events of the Final Horizon DLC [more spoilers!].
🗝️ (an old-fashioned key) for discussion of (and appearances by) Sonic himself.
Finally, here's the Bio/Timeline page in case you missed it!
More rules and tags will be added as the need arises. Thanks for reading, and happy asking!
-- Mod Nothing
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turtletaubwrites · 3 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 29
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Don’t Say Anything
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Pairings: Cross Guild Polycule x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 7023
Ao3 Link
Ongoing Series Playlist: Youtube Music Link | Youtube Link
Summary: Listening is taking its toll on the clown, but hopefully what he hears will give your lovers a place to start. You go home.
Author's Note: Hi friends! In case you didn't see the posts, I have been having some health issues lately, so my posting schedule might not get back to normal for a bit, even though I want it to!! 😭 We're here for Numbers Game shenanigans, so I won't go into it on these posts after this notice, but if you'd like to know what's going on you can look at my tag: #lynna's health updates The posts are heavy, and have content warnings, so please don't read if it'll be too much!
Thank you: I am just incredibly grateful for all of you!! Your support means the world to me, and although I'm still too low on spoons to respond to everything, I see it all, and you have no idea how much it helps me. Thank you so much!!!! 🙏🏼💜
!!! DARK CONTENT WARNING !!! There's something in this chapter that I would tag, but it gives something away. Uncle Cedrick is awful, and although there is no physical contact, something extremely violating is done to the reader. It can be inferred from other sections of the chapter, but I will bracket the part where it is clearly stated, and where he's extra fucked up, with these symbols: ~~~⚫⚫⚫~~~ If you aren't already, please be prepared for more trauma and abuse as we get to know the Sylvad family. I'll try to keep putting warnings, but I don't want to give the story away. Please take care of yourselves! I'd hate for my words to be triggering for anyone. 💜
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Reader | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | ⏰ ~ Flashbacks for listed POV | ⚫ ~ Scenes depicting Dark Content as listed in Author's Notes
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic contains spoilers for the end of the Wano arc
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, DARK CONTENT, Blood & Violence, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Grief, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Guilt, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Dacryphilia, Teasing, Threats, Hair-Pulling, Blow Jobs, PIV Sex, Comeplay, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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Oak Roots Estate.
Uncle’s favorite vacation home. You were surprised he hadn’t changed its name to “Cedar Roots” by now. 
“I’m not going anywhere until I see Kat.” 
“No need to get feisty,” he tutted, nodding toward the private island the ship had docked at. A small towns’ worth of servants flitted about, ensuring that everything in his line of sight would be to his liking. 
You wanted to gag. 
“I knew you’d be a smart girl and come home, so I went ahead and made preparations. Your mother and sister are here, and we’ll be hosting your potential husbands in a few days. We won’t be wasting any more time.”
He moved too close, towering over you before touching your lower back to guide you off the ship. 
“You won’t be stepping foot off of this island until you pick a new owner, Y/N, but you’ll have plenty to choose from, and I’ll make sure that your private dates are held far away from any listening ears. I’m certain that you can convince someone you like to stay with you, at least now that they’ll get some berry along with that eager body of yours.”
The suicidal urge to shove him off the ramp into the water was so fucking intense, you had to bite the inside of your cheek not to do it. 
“Do you understand, niece?”
“I understand,” you seethed inwardly, starting to remember how to hold it all in. 
Your uncle grabbed your elbow, pulling you gently off the docks before brushing the hair from your face. 
The salty wind was everything. You tried to exist in it, to be aware of only its touch on your skin.
Otherwise you’d be snarling.
“Are you feeling well, niece?”
“I’m fine.” That effortless lie was a mantra, a prayer. You went loose, just empty enough to look pliable, not frightening. 
“Hm,” he judged, scanning your face while his fingers kept trailing through your hair. “I hope that’s the case. However, given your recent extreme behavior, I’ve asked Dr. Vorsan to see you.”
“I’m here, Uncle. I’m fine,” you smiled, but you could tell it hadn’t reached your eyes.
I need to get my shit together.
“That’s so good to hear,” he purred, donning his favorite, smug smile before nudging you toward the stupid fucking carriage. He waited until you were perched on the embroidered cushions, and heading up to the estate, before twisting you further.
“Since Dr. Vorsan is already here, I think it’s best that he checks in on you. Trauma is a tricky thing, Y/N. I’d hate to send my niece off to marriage in poor health.”
Swallowing. Smiling. Nodding.
“There’s my smarty,” he laughed, leaning forward to pat your knee. “Just be a good girl, and all of this will be over in a month.”
Buggy was trashing a random suite today.
The three, invincible men in the hall were helpless again, helpless while their clown raged, tearing everything apart as he alternated between taking notes and throwing furniture against the wall. 
“That doesn’t sound…” Shanks didn’t know why he’d spoken. His words were worse than useless. He mourned the loss of the swordsman's heat where their shoulders had leaned against each other while they sat on the floor, watching Crocodile pace.
Shanks was sure the frightening man would leave an anxious groove in the floor soon.
“Where are you going,” Crocodile frowned, watching his little prince flee the scene. 
“I’ll be back.”
Crocodile huffed a laugh, shocked by how much Mihawk’s shortness affected him. He shouldn’t have cared at all, but now he stared after the man, not sure if he wanted to hold him or yell at him. 
“He does that,” Shanks sighed, deciding not to care if Mihawk heard him. He was probably too preoccupied to focus on them anyway. “He likes to run away from his feelings. Don’t take it personally.”
Crocodile grimaced as what had to be a large piece of furniture slammed against the closed door. He slid down the wall to sit across from the red haired man, tapping his hook on the carpet. 
“He’s been doing alright lately,” he noted, staring blankly down the empty hall. 
“Yeah,” Shanks agreed, tugging at the collar of his cloak. The feel of the cloth suddenly made him want to strip, wanting nothing to be fucking touching him right now. “How did you do that?”
There it was. Envy.
That stinging realization was just one too many for the red haired pirate to deal with, but the thought wouldn’t shove off.
Sir Crocodile had managed to get Buggy and Mihawk to stay. To care. 
Why wasn’t I enough?
Shanks slipped into a weak smile when he imagined the size of the bowl of sake he’d need to drink to get this shit out of his head. 
“What do you mean? …You alright, Red Hair?”
Crocodile was already annoyed with this tentative truce. He was trying to get over it. Sometimes it felt like he had, but then something would get caught in his mind, bringing it all back. This self righteous, pretty boy had fucked with his home, had hurt his sweet girl, had gotten his boys all twisted in knots, and he still might steal them away from him. Yet he had the nerve to sit here and mope. 
The ex-Warlord took a long, slow breath while the other man took his sweet time before replying.
“What did you do that made them, you know.” Shanks waved his hand, the act of speaking these stupid words taking too much energy, so he quickly dropped it back down to his lap. “I don’t think I’ve seen either of them like this. They’re so… open.”
The Emperor of the Sea had to swallow nasty guilt with that word, realizing just how jealous he’d been. 
“Are you jealous of me,” Crocodile chuckled with genuine pleasure at the thought. 
Shanks gave him a look that would have withered a lesser man, but he just got louder. 
After a few more, much needed laughs, the ex-Warlord spoke, truth and fear leaving his lips. 
“You don’t need to worry about me, Red Hair. It was all her,” he breathed, clenching his eyes shut at the sound of her name yelled from Buggy’s lips. “Y/N woke us all up. She’s… She’s perfect. I know the boys will follow her, so you just need to worry about wooing my sweet girl. Then you can take everything.”
“Crocodile,” Shanks started, but trailed off when they caught eyes, pain and defeat clear on both of their faces. 
“As long as you help us get her back, I’ll–” 
“Can you IDIOTS shut the FUCK UP?!!”
Shanks couldn’t hold in a snort, but regretted it instantly at the sight of Buggy’s deranged eyes. His dark circles seemed even darker since the clown hadn’t bothered to put any makeup on today. That alone would have worried him, but now Buggy growled, tossing a crumpled piece of paper into the hall before shutting himself in the room again. 
The red haired pirate started to push himself up to grab the message until sand moved in a wave, reaching out from Crocodile’s body as it pulled the paper into his hand. He flattened it on his thigh with his hand, holding a corner down with the back of his hook, before reading the messy note.
“Do you ever leave grains of– whoa, what is it,” Shanks asked, eyes wide as the scarred man yanked his hook out from the carpeted floor he’d just smashed a hole into. 
Crocodile couldn’t speak yet, so he just crumpled and tossed the paper toward the other man. He wanted to join in Buggy’s rage, to tear this fucking place to the ground. 
But he needed to be strong for them. 
“I’m gonna kill him slow,” he growled, focusing on his clenched teeth to keep from forcing Buggy to recite every fucking word he was hearing. 
Shanks snagged the crumpled paper, flapping it through the air before smoothing it out on the floor with his shaky hand. Dread sat on him while he pulled it up, reading Buggy’s large, angry handwriting. 
Uncle CUNTDICK   says
pick new OWNER???!
Private Dates - no listenin 
She can convince one she like to stay?? FOR BERR   
    Bloody gonna SLICE off hisarms & shove a buggy ball down histhroat and tear
Star’s scared of that doc. Borsan?
Vorsan ??  she’s scared of him.   
  her HEART IS ! who the fuck is he ?    gonna kill
KILL fucking SHUT up out there you 
       dicKBAGS! !     
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“I’m gonna get info on this fucking doctor. Stay with– Will you–”
“You got it, boss,” Shanks smiled weakly, matching Crocodile’s hushed tone. “I’ll keep an eye on our clown.”
The ex-Warlord got to his feet, his shoulders slumping beneath his heavy coat at the sound of Buggy’s fresh curses, as though the president of the Cross Guild had hurt himself doing whatever had caused that particularly loud crashing noise.  
“I’ve got him,” the Emperor of the Sea assured, hoping that he wasn’t lying. He stared while that large, fur covered back moved down the hall, leaving him there to feel helpless. 
Crocodile still felt helpless, but that name echoed in his mind, a death knell for some unlucky doctor.
You scare my sweet girl, you fucking suffer.  
“I’m scared,” you whispered, patting your harness.
“Babe, how the fuck have you never done this? You fucking own these trees,” your second love teased while she shooed your anxious fingers away from the heavy buckles. 
“I do not own these trees,” you pouted, her taunting glare too powerful to resist smiling at. “And just because–”
“Come on, cutie,” she rasped, pulling you as close as the ropes would allow. “You’d better jump after me, otherwise you won’t be able to say it back.”
“Say what back,” you squirmed, the brief press of her lips against yours sending heat across your skin. 
“I love you, babe,” she smirked, winking before she leapt off the platform to fly through the air, ziplining through the massive trees.
You froze, not from fear of heights or faulty harnesses, but of those pretty, little words. 
Her dangerous smile, her overwhelming voice, the way she made you…
It felt so fucking good to leap into the unknown, letting yourself be free. 
She loves me.
Screaming through the intoxicating air of the forest heights left you breathless and laughing when you returned to solid ground. She tackled you instantly, ignoring the crowd of workers and tourists, and you felt higher than you’d been at the top of that first tree. 
“Good job, babe,” she praised, pinning you onto the grass without a care for who was watching. “Knew my girl was brave.”
“I’d do anything for you,” you confessed, shoving down the terror in your gut. “I love you too.”
“Fuck yeah, you do,” she grinned onto your lips, sending you even higher when she curled her fingers into your hair. 
“Can we leave,” you whispered, suddenly aware of all the eyes on your skin. 
“Sure, cutie," she purred, kissing your forehead before winking again. "You deserve a drink after that. You could have died!”
The realizations you’d had on Karai Bari spun through your mind while you tried not to scowl at the grotesque displays of wealth all around you.
You hadn’t given a fuck what they had done for money. Hadn’t cared at all when that marine was strung up, bleeding on the wheel. The way you’d felt when Buggy smiled at you like that, when he’d killed for you without a thought…
Not feeling like a good person wasn’t that much of a paradigm shift though. You’d always been a selfish—
Your sister looked perfect, healthy, safe.
“You’re fucking in— stupid! I can’t believe you’re alive,” she scolded, pulling you into a hug that you sank into, heat climbing up your throat. 
She’s alright. She’s— 
“You’re okay?”
“Of course, she’s okay, Y/N,” Uncle Cedrick purred, hovering over your shoulder until she stepped away. “I’ll always take care of our family. Your maid of honor is here to make sure the lovely bride is ready for the big day, aren’t you, Kat.”
“If that’s what she wants,” Kat scowled, soothing your heart for just a moment. 
“Of course, she wants it,” he gloated, smoothing his palm in gentle circles between your shoulder blades, almost as if he were a loving uncle. “You’d have to be crazy not to want the world, especially when it helps the people you love.”
“I want it,” you smiled, but Kat knew. You could see it in those cynical eyes.
“Why don’t you show our little bridezilla to her suite,” he suggested. Uncle Cedrick smiled at Kat the way he smiled at no other, though she gave him nothing back. Your sister was still the only person he seemed to give the tiniest shit about. “I’m sure your big sis could use some rest. She’s going to have a busy month.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” Shanks warned, hopping up off the floor to whisper over the swordsman’s shoulder. He still smelled amazing, even without his special beard oil on, and the red haired pirate wanted to slap himself.
How can I keep thinking like this when—
“I’ll be fine,” Mihawk sighed with his hand hovering over the door handle. “I'm done running from my feelings.”
It may as well have been a blade. The peck of a kiss the swordsman gave the Emperor sent him reeling, dizzy with the loss of sanity rather than blood. The man with predator eyes didn’t stay to watch his victim stumble against the wall before sneaking into the suite. 
Shanks felt even more guilt when he steadied himself, charging down that empty hall, but this time the guilt was overpowered by the very thing it was caused by.
The Emperor was smiling, wide and true. 
He wouldn’t sit back, and do nothing while the people he loved were suffering. That simple, comforting peck from a predator had spurred him on, and Shanks couldn’t fight this growing feeling.
“Get the fuck out,” Buggy snapped without checking who’d opened the door. He clenched his eyes shut, wishing that he’d given Y/N his other ear. The clown sat in the center of a pile of slightly crumpled pages, his nondominant hand floating to shove a finger into the ear on the opposite side while he took too many, useless notes. 
Her heart was so loud, and there were so many sounds now that she’d made it to the estate. He couldn’t miss anything, struggling over the sounds of her breath and her heartbeat to catch the servants voices in the background.
He never struggled to hear Uncle CockRot though. That shithead loved to hear himself talk.
And he keeps getting too close to her…
“FUCK,” Buggy cursed, his hands stopping their work while he tossed a chair at the wall again. “Gods, damn it…”
The clown swallowed the guilt that his pathetic outbursts kept feeding. He needed to listen, to be quiet, but he could not fucking take this. How was he supposed to stay calm?
What did they say in that stupid class? Count to ten… 
Mihawk stilled, watching the clown settle back on the floor after another show of rage. Buggy was so focused on his task that he hadn’t noticed his golden eyed lover studying him in silence. 
The swordsman felt a ridiculous urge to smile at the sight of this frantic man that was rocking back and forth, scribbling line after line, thinking of nothing but saving his pretty star. 
Dracule Mihawk had known determination. A singular focus, an overpowering goal. He’d met many that claimed to have it, but they always faltered. They never truly knew what it was to be driven. To care about only one thing, and to stop at nothing until they achieved it. 
He may have looked like he was falling apart, yet Mihawk knew that he could never again think of this man as pathetic after seeing that will in those tired eyes. Buggy was fighting for the very thing that Mihawk had run from like a coward his entire life. 
The clown was going to save her, and the swordsman was going to help him.
He stepped silently, opening his fist just close enough for Buggy to see it, confusion following the rage that lined the clown’s face. He paused, then grabbed the earplug Mihawk offered, stuffing it into his ear before shaking the cramps out of both of his hands. 
Mihawk allowed himself a small smile as he removed a fresh notepad from the tote he’d found in the kitchen, holding it out so Buggy could read the message he’d scrawled on the top page. 
Would you like to join me in Adam’s room while you listen?  I have cookies. - M
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The swordsman tucked the notepad away while Buggy was still blinking at it, offering a cookie instead. He swallowed a laugh at the man’s feral grab, a floating hand snatching it before shoving it into his mouth. 
They gathered up the chaos of notes as best they could. The swordsman carried everything, so that the clown could keep his hands free, stopping now and then to write with the notepad pressed against the wall. 
Adam’s guard left without a word, leaving Mihawk alone with his muttering lover, and their furry reminder of the heartbeat that Buggy had caged himself with. He’d taken the tote, laying out his new nest of mayhem on the floor. Buggy tried not to let the fact that these were her favorite cookies keep himself from eating, or listening. 
They tasted a bit watery though. 
The light touch against his hair nearly made him violent, but he turned to find Mihawk had joined him on the floor. He cocked his head while he wielded a brush like a sword, asking permission. Adam crawled onto the swordsman’s lap, rubbing his furry chin along that chiseled jaw until he procured a good head scritching. 
Buggy nodded consent, and these two, deadly pirates tried to find comfort in a room that felt cold without her sweet laughter. 
“How did you…” Buggy trailed off. Y/N was quiet for the moment, but he focused on her breath before gesturing to his ear, annoyed with himself that he hadn’t thought of it first. 
“I figured the armory might carry some ear protection, given how impressive your balls are,” Mihawk managed to deadpan in a whisper. He kept up that bored face while he studied Buggy’s recent notes, still playing with the lovely, blue hair he’d gotten all the tangles out of hours ago.
“My BALLS,” Buggy choked out, laughter ripping through him before he clamped a hand over his lips. “My– Buggy Balls…”
“Are quite impressive,” Mihawk teased, tugging at Buggy’s hand until he let him massage the meat of his palm. “Is there anything else I can–”
“She’s eating dinner by herself,” the clown reported, floating toward the door while his stomach cried out for anything besides watery cookies. 
“Not for long,” Mihawk declared, sending the cat’s guard back into Adam’s suite after grabbing Buggy’s notes. “Let’s keep your strength up, little clown.”
“You’re hungry too, crybaby,” Buggy teased, floating and twisting his head around to stick his tongue out at the wildly dangerous man he’d just made fun of. He felt a sudden need to move faster.
Mihawk smirked when those tired eyes widened, but he couldn’t choose how to respond. The clown didn’t give him time to decide, his bare feet racing fast, while his body floated even faster. 
Yet the thought of their darling eating alone was too sobering, so he shook himself free from that urge to chase, and followed his clown instead.  
Kat had never been as good at pretending as you were, even though she didn’t hate it as much as you did. Although, the tension in her shoulders that ran all the way down to her almost clenched fists left you wondering if that was still true.
“I made him give us adjoining suites,” she sighed, ushering you into an opulent room. A miracle left your lips, a small laugh escaping when your sister yanked you, forcing you onto the bed. The shitty, stupid dress crumpled up when you tried to sit crossed legged, too glad to see her to care about anything else. 
“I’m sorry I left you—“
“I’m sorry I told him—“
Two sisters, two half smiles.
Does that equal one whole smile?
You snorted at your own brain, always making up dumb math problems, then hissed at the punch to the arm it earned you.
“I thought you were going to die, Y/N. You know those are famous pirates, right,” she accused. Your sister’s voice had gone high, and she seemed to latch back onto anger to keep it from wavering. “I learned all about your employers. All about the people they—”
“I know,” you breathed, your shoulders relaxing when she let you rest your hand on hers. “It was selfish, okay? I just wanted to disappear for a while.”
“You don’t want to be here.” 
“No, I do,” you assured, forcing yourself back in. 
It’s not a lie. 
“You were right,” you sighed, stretching so you could look away from her sharp eyes. “It’s been long enough. I got to have an adventure. I got to pretend. Now it’s time—“
“I shouldn’t have said that,” she groaned, leaving your side to pace after kicking off her heels. “I don’t want you to do this just because—“
“I’m not doing this just so you and mom can get your inheritance. Although, I hope you take the berry and run.”
A joke laced with icy truth went icier when she scowled at you. 
“Right,” she drawled, slumping onto the couch. “I’m sure Uncle would love it if we both ran away.”
“You don’t need to…“
The old argument fizzled out before it began, too much jealousy and guilt shared between you. 
“Is he still—“
“Apparently I’m ‘too old for the appetites of Dragons now,” your sister spat, and you practically flew across the room. 
“Well, thank fuck for that,” you almost laughed as you sat beside her. “What about—“
“No one else wants to wed the destitute sister of the wayward heiress.”
The old argument reared up again, stinging more every time.
“Kat, you can leave,” you urged, desperate for it to be true. “You don’t need to marry for the family, you can get out. Have a normal life, and find someone you love!”
“Like you did,” Kat sighed, more pain than cruelty in her voice. 
You nodded in defeat, leaning against her while you both breathed the pointless arguments away. The Sylvad sisters found comfortable quiet in stifled lives, just as you’d always done. 
She’s right. People like us don’t get to have love.
Your second love cocked an eyebrow at you while you pushed a napkin down the bar counter, giving you a flirty smile before reading your note.
Don’t say anything, please. Run away with me tonight? I am being 100% serious.  Meet me at the gift shop on the pier at 8. Kiss me once for no. Kiss me twice for yes. I love you.
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Panic flooded through you while you waited, worried that you’d freaked her out, but she scooted close, her breath along your ear sending shivers over your skin.
“How about three times for fuck yes?”
She ate your happy whimpers while she kissed you three times, catching your tears with her thumbs. You’d never felt the way you did when she looked at you, and you let yourself hope that it was true. That she was real. 
“See ya, cutie,” she winked, and you fought to stay calm, to act normal while you paid the bill, and walked to your apartment. 
You tried to pack, but couldn't care about what you grabbed. All you cared about were those three kisses, and the gift shop on the pier. 
Stuffing your guilt down deep, you decided not to risk saying goodbye to your sister. You’d call her when you called your clients. You’d call when you were free.
I should get her something. This’ll be our real anniversary.
Cheeks burning from suppressing your grin, you inspected every, single, tiny item in the store while you waited. You would have exploded if you’d waited at home, so you arrived a bit early, trying not to squeal while you searched for the perfect gift. 
“Don’t you think that one’s a bit tacky, niece?”
The rack of novelty shot glasses crashed to the floor when you stumbled into it, and the jarring sound shattered your hope that you were dreaming. 
“I apologize for my niece, she’s not well,” Uncle Cedrick charmed the shop worker, handing him a hefty wad of berry. “This should cover the damages, and my assistant has more for you outside, if you would allow us a few moments of privacy?”
The wide-eyed cashier didn’t hesitate when he saw all that berry, and you shook yourself enough to try to follow him out the door, but Uncle Cedrick stepped in your way, blocking your only path out of the tiny shop. 
“Where is she,” you seethed, not ready to know. 
“Oh, you mean that trash you called your girlfriend,” he taunted, reaching for your chin until you backed away. “We just had a quick chat in that disgusting apartment of hers, and she decided that she’d rather run away with some pocket change than with her little cutie.”
“She wouldn’t,” you breathed, sick fear taking your fire before you’d been able to use it. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothing at all, Y/N. If you'd like proof, we can head back to my office to watch the recording. I’m sure the surveillance snail captured just how little she cared about you. You should have seen her face light up when she saw the berry,” he scoffed while his eyes devoured you, gorging on every moment of weakness you showed.
It was just pretend. 
You couldn’t take it, so you didn’t, shoving all thoughts of your second “love” aside to focus on anything else.
“Surveillance snail… at her apartment,” you asked, feeling woozy. Going empty. Then freezing when he leaned over you, his twisted cocktail of smug condescension, and well-leashed anger barreling down on you.
“I may be humoring your little game of make believe, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are the heiress of Sylvad’s,” Uncle Cedrick threatened, finally taking a gentle grip on your chin.
You were too lost to pull away this time. 
“I will do anything to protect our family, including sending an army of snails to watch over you,” he smirked, invading your space even more to whisper his next words in your ear. “Although, I’m glad you haven’t spotted any yet, Y/N. I can only imagine what the doctor would say if you hurt–” 
“That was an accident,” you choked out, almost knocking over another rack of useless clutter to get away from him.
He straightened up, scanning the mess you’d made while fear left you shaking. 
“So many accidents… A pattern of behavior… Are you feeling well, niece?”
“I’m fine,” you almost purred. Your fear had taken the reins, shutting you down. You were still there, the strange sensation of floating slightly outside of your body, feeling your feelings as if they were diluted. A single drop of pain in a tub of numbing water.
Numb enough not to flinch when he put his arm around your shoulders, leading you outside, and into his stupid cedar carriage, with its stupid carvings of cedar trees.
A little laugh bubbled out of you once the carriage was moving, but you swallowed it down, catching the flare in his eyes at the sound.
“I didn't realize you enjoyed women.”
“I’m sorry,” you coughed, frustrated that you were coming back to reality so soon. 
“Nothing to be sorry about,” your uncle soothed, patting your knee. “You just need to remember your responsibilities. Marry a fitting man, and let him fuck a few Sylvad heirs out of you, but don’t worry, dear niece. You can keep as many mistresses as you like after you're married.”
He seemed so happy, so pleased. 
Does he really think he’s being generous?
“In fact,” Uncle Cedrick purred, tapping your nose, “since I robbed you of your plaything, why don’t I let you borrow one of mine? Security reported that you spent quite a bit of time with your tongue in that cheap whore’s cunt. I’m sure my little assistant can help to elevate your palate.”
That gentle rocking motion almost tipped the scale, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t throw up in your uncle’s favorite carriage. You couldn’t let him see you that weak.
Even though you both knew you were.
“What do you say? I’m sure she’ll–”
“No, thank you, Uncle Cedrick.”
“Hm, your loss, niece. Darla’s quite delectable,” he hummed, stretching his arms across the back of the cushioned bench.
“I think it would be best if you stayed with the family for a while. I’ll arrange transportation for that little bank hobby of yours.”
Lips parted. Then closed. Afraid of what might spill out. 
“Running away from your job and your family is extreme behavior, Y/N. I’m just concerned for your well being. I’d hate for you to—“
“I’m sorry, Uncle. I’ll be fine.”
“There’s my smarty.”
The clown forced himself to eat, listening to the slow taps of her silverware while she ate alone. 
He seethed, remembering the warning the servant had given at her request for privacy.
“Mr. Sylvad has stated that you may rest this evening, but stresses that you are expected to return to family duties tomorrow. He requested that I ask if you are feeling well, Miss—“
“I’m fine,” his star had lied. After that, all he’d heard was shuffling, a few polite hums from servants, then nothing but her body, until she let out a sigh. The empty sound made his chest ache.
“Why didn’t she trust her sister,” Buggy frowned, looking up at the men who were scouring his shitty notes while they ate.
They all stared, waiting. Buggy felt the pressure closing in around him. 
I bet they wish they could still beat this out of me.
The other men tensed when Buggy choked out a laugh, the tension winding tight around them all. A fragile new truce, a trust that had been destroyed before it was born, was building slowly between these pirates. Yet the clown could almost taste the potential for violence while he held the only link to the woman they loved. 
The villains not known for their patience or compassion had to balance their urge to bleed the world around them until they got what they wanted. 
Especially since that world now included a brave, little clown. 
“Why do you say that, Buggy,” Crocodile rasped, breathing out the rage his own helplessness had stoked. 
“She lied to her. They were alone, and Y/N still said she wants to be there. Wants to marry some fucking twat head—“
“Sylvad wasn’t there? Are you sure there weren’t any staff—“
“I’m fucking sure,” the clown snapped at Sir Crocodile, his breath freezing in his lungs until the larger man nodded. 
“Of course. I know you’ve got her.”
Ice melted, leaving Buggy speechless until his red haired lover chimed in. 
“Maybe she's lying to protect her sister. From your notes it sounds like Sylvad was trying to sell Kat too. That could be why Y/N's going along with him.”
“That’s a possibility,” Mihawk drawled, still scanning the rumpled pages. “Or perhaps Kathryn Sylvad isn’t a trustworthy confidant. Y/N didn’t seem… well after their conversation the other day, and from what I heard, it seemed as though her dear sister were urging her to go back to him.”
“But she apologized,” Buggy coughed, swallowing too fast so he could counter the point. “It seems like they’re both trapped by Uncle ShitLick.”
“Not all apologies are worthy of trust,” Mihawk breathed, stopping his hunt to meet Buggy’s gaze. “It's the actions that follow that show the truth of those words. I believe that’s how this thing works, isn’t it?”
The clown was speechless again, but this time with a crooked smile as he watched the swordsman dive back into the crumpled pages.
“Our girl might be afraid of someone listening in,” Crocodile mused, his deep voice catching all of their attention.
“Buggy said they were alone,” Shanks defended, cocking his head at the ex-Warlord. He still couldn’t tell if the man was scowling at him, or if that was just how his face normally looked. 
“Sylvad’s paranoid,” Crocodile grumbled, setting a note down so he wouldn’t crush it. “He’s got all that security, and marines on fucking standby when he travels, but he came all the way here in person to get her back.”
The other pirates held their breaths before jumping in, letting the man with the most violence radiating from him finish his thought first.
“He needs her for whatever fucking plans he’s got, and I don’t think Sylvad is gonna let her out of his sight for a second after she almost got away. I wouldn’t either. I’d watch her like a…”
Shame had become physical, almost visible as it filled the air around them.
“Like a hawk,” Mihawk spat, closing his eyes against the self loathing that had crawled back to the surface. “I listened to her. I told her I was. She–”
“Hey, crybaby,” Buggy taunted, sending a floating hand to squeeze the swordsman’s cheeks together. His body felt electric, as though speaking with the golden eyed man were some death defying feat. It had always been deadly, and the clown smirked at the thought that he might just be an adrenaline junkie. 
Mihawk didn’t answer, though his eyes showed enough danger for Buggy to release him before continuing. 
“Moping’s not gonna help her,” he scolded, glancing at Crocodile before floating his upper body to glower over the swordsman. “You were monsters, but you said you’re sorry. Now prove it.”
Shanks smiled, pleasure and pride filling his veins while he watched them. He nodded at Crocodile, whose scowl seemed to be fading, bit by bit. 
The clown kissed the ex-Warlords, just a press of bare lips to the scarred man's cheek, and the swordsman's forehead, before floating back. The Emperor sidelined him, pulling him from the air to steal his own kiss before he could bring his body together again. 
A moment of peace.
Swiftly broken.
“We’re not monsters to her anymore,” Crocodile reasoned, her last words to him blaring through his mind, “but our sweet girl might not know that. She might still think we’ll use her, that we’ll hurt her.”
“Not Buggy, though,” Mihawk soothed, remembering all that blood on the floor. “Even if our darling doesn’t want monsters like us, I know she’d rather be with our little clown than to waste away in that prison of a life.”
“She loves you, Bugs,” Shanks hummed, rubbing his hand along the clown’s back.
“Of course she does,” Buggy agreed, listening to the sacred music of her heart. He looked up at his Executives, surprised at how much he wanted to make them smile. “I’m pretty sure she likes you guys too.”
Silver and gold eyes brightened before Buggy glanced at the soft, brown ones beside him. 
“Not sure about you, though. I think your charm has finally worn off.”
Buggy’s tease stirred up that sea of guilt, and Shanks had to steel himself not to sink back into it. 
I really hope it didn’t. I’m gonna need it.
As much as you had needed to see your sister, you were grateful that she’d given you space. 
I might never have a moment to myself again. 
That thought had been a lot more fun the last time you had it. 
All the feelings you’d held at bay started trickling in, and you knew the only way to fight it was to remind yourself what it was. 
It was all pretend.
It was just for daydreams. 
Now I’ve got enough lovely daydreams to last a long, boring lifetime.
Hours must have gone by. You probably could have estimated the time if you’d counted your breaths.
Instead, you counted everything else. Counted, multiplied, divided. So many meaningless math problems to help you pass the time until it felt late enough.
Floating through the suite, you opened every drawer, peeked behind every curtain, and stared at the floral wallpaper until you were sure there was nothing but flowers.
Almost sure. 
“Such good, little toys,” Mihawk praised, though you hardly heard it with his cock slamming down your throat. He fisted your hair, growling for you to look at him, and his deadly eyes filled with twisted satisfaction as he trailed his thumb over your cheekbone. His cock pulsed along your tongue when he drank your tears from his skin, and the sight sent you spasming again, your body clenching tight around the man behind you.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re squeezing Daddy’s cock so fucking hard.”
Too much. Never enough. 
They held you bent between them, fucking through you so deep it felt like they’d meet in the middle, crushing you with pleasure. 
“Our little vixen was built for this, weren’t you? We’re going to fucking ruin you, and you’ll keep begging for more. Gods, you look gorgeous choking on me like that, rabbit… Clown, are you still taking care of our darling?”
“Y-yeah, I’ve got her,” Buggy whined, his hand still floating under your body, fingers teasing your clit.
Helping them wreck you. 
“And what about you,” Mihawk taunted, though his voice was starting to strain.
“You’re taking us so well,” Crocodile praised, tracing his hand down your back while the other men spoke. “So proud of my sweet girl— Mm, there ya go, babydoll. Keep coming for Daddy.”
“I’m impressed, toy,” the wicked swordsman purred. “Pleasuring our darling and yourself while she gets destroyed, and you still haven’t made a mess? What do you think, sandman? Does the clown deserve to help us?”
“You talk too much,” Crocodile growled, and you saw stars as he held your hip in place while he tore you apart, taking you over, making your body his. 
You were already gone, flying further away with every brutal, overwhelming sensation.
“Let’s drown her.”
Buggy’s fingers on your clit, Crocodile’s cock splitting you open, and Mihawk’s vicious assault on your throat. 
Perfect. Nothing fucking like it. 
They held you still while they stuffed you full, the heat of their come filling you so much it almost hurt, but you didn’t want it to stop. 
“My star.”
You weren’t sure that you’d heard that soft voice while he marked you, spilling so much come across your back, dripping down your hips. 
“You’re lucky our darling needs our full attention,” Mihawk threatened. His now gentle hands wiped you clean, helping you lay down, soothing your needy whimpers.
“You couldn’t protect her. No matter how much we let you play, she’ll never be yours again,” Crocodile reminded, his fingers tensing against your skin when you couldn’t hold in a broken, little noise. 
The two ex-Warlords surrounded you, shushing and soothing, kissing down your body while they apologized for scaring you. 
And you were wrecked and selfish enough to let it work, sinking into their touch, their praise. 
It was wrong.
But it felt too fucking good to let these villains take care of you. They ruined you, then treated you like precious treasure.
You had never felt more cared for than you did in the clutches of these Cross Guild villains. 
No. It was just pretend. They were pretending! Just like…
Your daydream had given you the release you needed while you stayed as still as you could beneath the covers, your face shoved down into the mattress after you’d accidentally whispered your clown’s name, wishing his fingers could still find you. 
Then you were lost, spinning down into dangerous memories. Letting yourself pretend they cared would be unbearable.
They wanted to own me. I wanted to let them. 
You groaned, freeing your hand to shake out the cramp you’d earned from the restricted position. 
In the end, you hadn’t wanted them to own you. Not really. Not like this. It would have made it too hard to pretend they cared, and you had clung to that for too long. 
It was pretend, and now I have daydreams to pass the time. 
You just needed to stop the daydreams before the parts when they pretended to care too much. Choking on that new rule, you forced yourself to wash your face, avoiding your own eyes while you swallowed more useless tears to keep from drowning in them. 
They would have dried your tears, soothed them, tasted them. Aching need almost dropped you to the bathroom floor, slumping over yourself while you dug your nails into your thighs, hiding your quiet rage. 
Get your fucking shit together!
The mirror finally caught you. Empty eyes stared back, and you would have slipped into that distant place, if not for the glint of silver over your heart. 
It was all pretend. Just throw it away. 
Eons passed before you could move, and your body ached from its time as an unwilling statue, but you didn’t take it off. Everything was gone, everything in your world was empty, but for this pretty locket that was missing its key. You brought it to your lips, leaving a kiss for a life that might have been. 
Maybe some love is real after all. That’s nice to know… Even if someone like me can never have it.
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! My health and work situations are still all sorts of chaos, but this is my favorite thing to do, so hopefully I'll have enough spoons to get back to my usual time between updates!
I want to thank all of you so much for your incredible support. I'm still having a hard time responding to things one on one, but I see and read everything, and your kindness and lols have genuinely helped me through all this yuck. You have my heart! 💜
Also, everybody please thank my partner for Mihawk's and reader's notes! Lol, I already had shitty handwriting before my medication gave me shaky hands, so Buggy's was the only one I could actually write 😅
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Part 30
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dkbkdj · 1 year
do you have a list of sfw bkdk dj that’s translated into english? it doesnt have to be your translations. i just really want to read some sfw stuff and it sometimes doesnt clarify on myreadmanga
All the dj but three here are sfw! The one nsfw has yet to be posted!! If you are unsure, I added a description before each download link! It works like this:
SFW = no sex at all Suggestive content = there might be one page that alludes to sex NSFW = multiple pages with sexual content
Just check the translated tag here and make sure to click on "read more" for each dj and check the description! For now all are SFW, of which two have suggestive content, and one (yet to post) is nsfw!
I also add extra warnings (in case there might be something triggering), so make sure to check that too!
EDIT: I am adding tags btw!!
sfw dj translated <- the tag you want! sfw dj untranslated nsfw dj translated suggestive content dj untranslated suggestive content dj translated
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merriammusicinc · 2 years
Roland FP-90X FAQ | Get To Know The Roland FP-90X | Digital Piano FAQ
The FP-90X is the follow-up to the Roland FP90 and the flagship portable piano of Roland’s beloved FPX series and is without question one of the most powerful and capable all-in-one portable digital pianos currently on the market.
Continuing our series on the top FAQ for popular pianos, we ran the Google analytics to find out the top 10 Roland FP-90X FAQ
Whether you’re new to exploring the FP-90X or deciding whether or not to pull the trigger, our hope is that having these questions answered all in one place will be helpful. Check out our full digital piano review of the FP-90X for a more in-depth look at the overall performance of the FP-90X.
Let’s get started!
Top 10 Roland FP-90X FAQ FAQ #1: How Much Does the FP-90X Cost?
Up first in our Roland FP-90X FAQ - the price.
In Canada, The FP-90X currently runs for $3,499.99 for the slab on its own (includes DP-10 damper pedal), and up to just under $4,200 if adding the KSC-90 wooden designer keyboard stand and KPD-90 3-pedal board. The floating 3-pedal unit RPU-3 is an option as well, as is the more portable KS-20X stand. In the United States, you can currently find the FP-90X for around $2,500 for the slab, or around $3,200 for the entire bundle.
This does make the FP-90X more expensive than its main competitors, namely the Kawai ES-920 and Yamaha P-515, but the FP-90X justifies its heftier price tag with its more advanced key action, piano sound engine and speaker system (more on this under question 2).
FAQ #2: Is the FP-90X Worth the Money?
This is a great question because there are a number of very capable slab digital pianos that cost a lot less than the FP-90X, such as the Kawai ES-920 and Yamaha P-515 mentioned above, as well as Roland’s own FP-60X is quite a bit less. Here’s exactly why for some people, the FP-90X is absolutely worth the extra money.
First of all, Roland’s PHA50 action has a longer pivot length than the actions in the instruments mentioned above meaning it offers a deeper sense of control, plus it also offers a wood/plastic hybrid key construction for durability, a triple sensor, escapement and nicely textured keytops. Even if you’re a classical pianist, you’ll feel at home with this action.
The second reason is the PureAcoustic Piano Modeling sound engine, which is currently Roland’s most advanced sound engine and the same one they use in their top-of-the-line LX series home digital upright pianos. The FP-90X is the only portable Roland digital piano to feature this remarkable sound engine, which also happens to deliver limitless polyphony on acoustic piano tones and offers extensive editing capabilities like damper resonance, string resonance, and soundboard type.
Finally, there’s the speaker system. The FP-90X is equipped with a 4-speaker system with two mains and two tweeters for clarity, boasting a robust 60 watts of power that easily outguns its competitors. For gigs, you can actually fill a medium-sized with the FP-90X without the need for an external amp.
We should also mention the mic input, as well as the tactile equalizer with sliders as additional great value adds.
FAQ #3: When Were the FP-90 and FP-90X Released?
The original FP-90 came out in the fall/winter of 2016, and the newly updated FP-90X first hit North American store shelves during the winter of 2021.
Roland tends to average 4-year product cycles with their models, whereas some are updated faster, and in the case of the FP-90X, there was closer to a 5-year FP-90 run before its release.
FAQ #4: What are the Weight/Dimensions of the Roland FP-90X?
This is actually a really important question, especially if you’re thinking about the FP-90X has a portable, gigging stage piano. The overall unboxed dimensions of the FP-90X are a width of 5.2”, depth of 15.3” and height of 5.4”.
FAQ #5: What are the Differences Between the FP-90 and FP-90X?
This is a pretty important question for folks who might already have an FP90 and are wondering if the FP90X is worth the upgrade, or for people who might still have an opportunity on an FP90 so they have to choose between the two.
The first upgrade is a major speaker enhancement, with the FP-90X receiving a redesigned, upgraded speaker system. Secondly, the FP-90X also receives the new BMC sound chip, which delivers far more complexity to the PureAcoustic Ambience modeling engine and the SuperNATURAL engine.
Both pianos use the PHA-50 keys, so this stays the same, but the 90X includes the new My Stage feature, which offers a whole bunch of very nice Piano Designer presets.
Lastly, Roland has included a built-in USB audio interface, and this will come in very handy for those who need a fine instrument for some studio or production work.
The well-liked LCD screen, music rest and dual headphone jacks return from the FP-90.
FAQ #6: PHA-50 - Which Portable Models Have It?
The PHA50 was until recently Roland’s most advanced action (since usurped by the Hybrid Grand action) and is only found in a couple of models that could be considered portable.
The FP-90X is the only FPX series piano to feature the PHA-50, with the Roland FP-30X and FP-60X featuring the PHA-4.
The RD-2000 and FANTOM-08 are the only other portable options that feature the PHA-50, however, calling the workstation FANTOM-08 portable is using the term ‘portable’ loosely. All three of these pianos are quite heavy, and that’s a result of the wooden componentry in the PHA-50 - there’s really no way to keep the weight down with a wooden action.
FAQ #7: How do you Take Apart the Roland FP-90X?
*Disclaimer: Don’t do this! That’s the official answer because if you do take apart your FP-90X, your warranty will be voided should you ever have a warranty claim, and this is clearly articulated in the owner’s manual.
If you’re willing to take the risk, the innards of pretty much every Roland product are very well organized, so if you do open it up by removing the screws on the side, you’ll find that everything is well laid out and easy to service.
FAQ #8: How do you Connect the FP-90X to Bluetooth MIDI?
The first step to getting Bluetooth MIDI going on the FP-90X is to make sure Bluetooth is turned on. To do this, press the function button, and Bluetooth is the first option that pops up so toggle that to make sure it’s on.
From there, start the pairing process, and you can do so by holding the Function key, and then you can pull up the Bluetooth menu from your smart device and select the FP-90X.
The Piano Every Day app has recently been replaced by the new simply titled Roland Piano App, which is simply great as it allows you to navigate all the sounds of the instrument like grand piano tones, synths, e pianos etc. as well as control features like the metronome, touch sensitivity and playback while also expanding the specs of the piano to include rhythms and educational features.
FAQ #9: How Do You Connect the FP-90X to a Computer?
To connect your FP-90X to a computer, simply plug one end of a USB cable into the FP-90’s USB connector and the other end into your computer. This gives you both a MIDI and Audio connection
FAQ #10: What Digital Pianos Compare Well to the FP-90X?
It’s good to have an idea as to some of the other options you’ll be running into when deciding on an instrument. Surprisingly, there aren’t too many legitimate comparable options to the FP-90X. This is due to the fact that there aren’t too many instances where musicians find themselves in situations where a high-end acoustic grand-focused keyboard with speakers and a premium action are needed.
As a result, the FP-90X falls into a niche category as a portable keyboard capable of a high-end acoustic and electric piano experience, without the full array of synthesizer-like features one would get with a traditional stage piano.
That said, this category is growing, and as we mentioned earlier in this article, the main competitors to the FP-90X are the Yamaha P-515 and Kawai ES-920.
Casio enters this conversation now as well with the recently released PX-S6000 and PX-S7000.
Closing Thoughts
Thanks for reading and/or watching! We hope that this top 10 Roland FP-90X FAQ will serve as a helpful reference for you on your piano shopping journey.
The post Roland FP-90X FAQ | Get To Know The Roland FP-90X | Digital Piano FAQ first appeared on Merriam Pianos
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bludwurld · 3 years
Okkaay I'm gonna request, can I request Stefan Salvatore x male reader! youngest Gilbert, Possessive sex, and probably blood play (biting and marking stuff). Where Stefan and the reader spent years with Stefan and being a couple through the supernatural drama, making him want to propose to him. So Stefan proposes to the reader at the mystic grill (where he and Stefan first met) then Stefan tells the reader that he's getting them a drink and he saw someone flirting with the reader so he's gonna mark you later. (the next plot is up to you) 😥
"Power Over You"
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⛧ Warnings: (18+) MLM smut, bareback (unprotected sex), blood play, blood drinking, marking kink, dirty talk, possessive!stefan, edging, very soft exhibitionism (ex: getting off with your partner in a public setting), brief mention of violence, drinking, language, sexual harassment (?, pls read A/N for more details on it) ⛧
⛧ Pairings: Stefan Salvatore x Male!Gilbert!Reader ⛧
⛧ Series: The Vampire Diaries ⛧
⛧ Summary: Your boyfriend of 7 years, Stefan Salvatore, sees someone flirting with you that makes him feel this overpowering possessiveness for you ⛧
⛧ Masterlist ⛧
⛧ If you want to be added to a taglist, make sure I can tag you in posts, and signup here! ⛧
⛧ Taglist: @jokababy , @crzymadness ⛧
⛧ Word Count: 7.5k words ⛧
⛧ Requested: Yes ⛧
⛧ A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, I literally got sick while starting this and I really just let my extra gene write this bitch for me bc omg I drug this out longer than I wanted to. But thank you for sending a request!! I was actually really excited for this since it’s my first request on this account :D I hope I did your prompt justice! Also the (?) in the warnings means that I’m not entirely sure how to describe it, it’s very brief and not detailed, like unwanted & excessive flirting (VERY brief touching, the only actual touching is around the face) but it’s still a warning in case it can be triggering to some readers. I am not a writer who will ever go into full detail on that topic as it upsets me and I see no point in writing it. ⛧
⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽
Stefan Salvatore, a Vampire and your boyfriend. Actually, he has been your boyfriend for seven years, seven beautiful, long years. Stefan has been the best boyfriend you have had in forever, although you were still human but that didn’t mean you and Stefan never had ‘the talk’ about becoming a Vampire but never really got down to that part. Stefan knew it was scary for you so he never pushed that on to you, he wanted you to make that choice for yourself and you would make it for yourself.
But, of course, with your boyfriend being a Vampire comes with some very big consequences and having to be extremely conscious of the dangers you were constantly in. But you did trust Stefan, you knew he would do everything in his power to keep you safe. You endured all of the drama and dangers with Stefan, you loved him and have loved him for over seven years. Even though all of the Vampire drama was exhausting at times, Stefan would make it up to you in the most romantic and blissful ways possible.
Today was one of those ‘make it up to you’ days, as in a romantic evening with just you and Stefan. Although, Stefan never told you where you two were going until you went down a very familiar highway to none other than Mystic Falls. Stefan and you had long fled this godforsaken town but it was your true home as well as Stefan’s other than all of the amazingly strong beacon for the supernatural since it was also the birthplace of the Vampire curse.
You look over at Stefan after seeing the familiar road into Mystic Falls, your mouth a bit agape in amazement from the surprise. “Mystic Falls?” You question your boyfriend, watching him give you a glancing grin that makes you weak-kneed.
Stefan looks at the road but pulls away one hand from the wheel to take your hand, holding it as he relaxes back in his seat. “Oh c’mon, Y/N..it’s not the worst place in the world, afterall it is the town we met in..” Stefan glances at you with another loving smile.
You chuckle and shake your head, looking ahead at the road and watching cars pass you by as the crescent moon holds overhead. “You never cease to amaze me, Stef..” You whisper, looking back at the handsome Vampire.
Stefan rubs his thumb over the back of your hand, smiling to himself. “Well I do try to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had..” Stefan smirks a little, eyeing his gorgeous boyfriend from the corner of his eye.
You roll your eyes playfully and rest your legs up on the dashboard, pulling Stefan’s arm into your lap as you listen to the radio. “You are the best boyfriend I’ve ever had, Stefan..” You whisper, leaning your head back against the seat while looking at him lovingly.
You watched your boyfriend stare at the road, looking extremely focused on the road but his hand was telling a different story. You stiffen up a little from surprise as you felt his strong hand grip your inner thigh possessively, your cheeks becoming very flushed and warm. You rest your hand over his and trace his large yet gorgeous daylight ring, trying to conceal your racing heartbeat. Even after all these years, Stefan still made you so very nervous and he found that extremely adorable.
You look out the window and look around at the barely changed little town that you grew up in, smiling to yourself at the sight of the town you still did love. You look over at Stefan once he pulls up to the Mystic Grill, becoming more dumbfounded by the evening. “Stefan Salvatore, what are you planning?” You smile at him as he parks the car and turns over to you.
Stefan smiles at you, leaning in towards you as he cups your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. “Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now, would it?” He whispers, glancing at your lips as he bites his bottom lip.
You feel your cheeks warm up a bit, chuckling a little. “Fair play, Mr. Salvatore..” You say as you were pulled in for a kiss, your lips pressed perfectly against the Vampire’s very soft lips.
You jump a bit as you hear a knock on the window of the car door, looking over to see your older sister and brother Jeremy and Elena Gilbert. That’s right, you were the youngest of the Gilberts and still very much treated like a baby by both of your siblings, but you still loved them nonetheless.
You smile excitedly before opening the car door and jumping out of the car, being pulled into a family hug by the two. “Oh it’s been so long, Y/N! How’s my baby brother doing?? I hope the big bad Vampire that’s in the car has been taking care of you well..” Elena giggles, glancing at her ex boyfriend who was closing the car doors and locking the car.
That’s right, Elena and you have both dated Stefan, but Elena didn’t hold anything against you towards you dating Stefan and you knew that. Elena could see how happy Stefan made her little brother and she herself had moved on to another anyways so it wouldn’t even be her place to judge Stefan for dating her brother seeing as she moved on to the other Salvatore brother, it was almost ironic.
You snicker as Jeremy laughs at Elena’s comment. “I’m not a baby just because I’m younger, Elena.” You remind her for the millionth time but it will forever be her ‘insult’ to you.
“Oh please, you will always be our baby brother, Y/N.” She smiles at you, tucking her brunette hair behind her ear, she now styled it to curl like her doppelgänger yet it did suit her.
“How did you two even know I was gonna be here before I did?”
Jeremy smiles over at your boyfriend, Stefan giving your older brother a wink. “Well Stefan wanted to surprise you so we called over everyone else to come back to Mystic Falls for a…reunion I guess you would call it?” Jeremy gives you a confused yet amused look, probably mostly with himself.
You smile widely, looking back at Stefan then over back at your siblings. “So everyone is here??” You ask them excitedly, feeling Stefan’s arm wrap around your waist as he kisses the top of your head.
“Mhm, including my insufferable brother.” Stefan teases, you chuckle while playfully rolling your eyes at his comment. “God forbid he accompanies his girlfriend.” You reply.
Jeremy claps his hands together, rubbing them quickly. “Alright! Let’s hurry inside before everyone gets repelled by Damon’s antics.” Jeremy laughs and leads the four of you inside the Mystic Grill.
You smile and walk into the nostalgic building, remembering all the good memories..as well as the bad. It had definitely been a few good years since both you or Stefan have ever stepped foot inside of the Grill. It wasn’t like neither of you wanted to, you both did but neither of you needed to stay in Mystic Falls for both of your sakes. But this was a good sight, you missed this place too.
Because this was the exact place you and Stefan had met. You were sat over at the pool table with your ex-boyfriend and his parents, but you were putting on a good face to appease his parents so later your ex could get drunk with his friends and fuck the girl he cheated on you with at the end of this dreadful evening. And Stefan was on the other side of the Grill drinking through the Grill’s supply of alcohol to cease before his eyes landed on you.
You clearly looked unamused, bored, and annoyed. Stefan could see that yet, what he assumed, your boyfriend couldn’t. He saw you talking to your boyfriend before your boyfriend grabbed your wrist roughly, immediately Stefan got up, finishing his beer before walking over to you two and looking between you two.
“Is there a problem here?” Stefan asks, looking between the two of you.
Your ex boyfriend looks over at Stefan with a very annoyed look as you jerk your wrist away from him, rubbing it since it stung now. “None of your fucking business, get lost.” He rolls his eyes, annoyed with Stefan’s presence before pushing you towards the bathroom so he could probably yell at you for just wanting to go home since you two weren’t even together anymore.
Stefan grabs your ex by his shoulder, roughly pulling him back as if his body weighed nothing. “If you don’t want it to be someone else’s business then don’t make it clear to everyone else here that you’re making your boyfriend uncomfortable…” Stefan gives him a very fake smile, patting his shoulder before your ex shoves him off.
“Like I give a shit, he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” He glares Stefan down, passing by him while very roughly ‘bumping’ Stefan’s shoulder but Stefan didn’t move an inch even with the clear rough way your ex tried to push him off his feet.
You stand there awkwardly, feeling embarrassed as you see his parents glaring you down while going after their shallow son. Stefan watches him leave then looks over at you, walking up to you. “You okay?” The Vampire asks, although at the time you didn’t know he was one.
You nod, clearing your throat as you lean back against the wall near the bathroom door. “Y-Yeah, just fine, he’s just an ass..thanks, though.” You look at Stefan, admiring his features as nods, smiling at you.
“No problem,” He holds his hand out. “I’m Stefan.”
You snap out from the memory as Stefan squeezed your waist, looking at you with a slightly concerned look until he realized you were probably just reliving the past. You, Stefan, and several other people from your circle consisting of the supernatural or at least knew about it. Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Elena, Damon, Alaric, Matt and Tyler. Most of everyone was here and it felt almost like a dream because usually all of you were either halfway across the world or just too caught up in your own drama to be able to meet up like this again.
You absolutely missed this, all of you in one spot, laughing, talking, sharing the new stories all of you had to offer as well as the new drama. It felt so nostalgic, like you were back in the Gilbert house seeing your sister’s friends everyday.
Stefan watched you most of the time while you reminisced with your departed family and friends, he enjoyed seeing you happy and loving the life that you probably always wanted if he wasn’t a Vampire with Ripper problems. Seeing you as happy as you are in this moment just for an hour or two was more than he could’ve ever asked for, it made him happy to see you happy. And that’s why he was going to propose tonight.
Everyone here tonight knew you were going to be proposed to by Stefan tonight, you were the only one who didn’t know but that was the plan until Stefan popped out the ring that sat in his jacket pocket. Stefan was nervous of course; who wouldn’t be proposing to their partner?
You smile to yourself, sipping your soda from the glass cup as you look over at Stefan who was still staring at you, but it wasn’t as creepy as it sounded. “Yes? Do you need something, Stef?” You smile at him, tilting your head as he scoots closer to you.
Stefan glances at Elena and Jeremy who were eyeballing you both the entire time, probably wondering when Stefan would finally pop the question. Stefan looks back at you, leaning on his elbow on the table all while flashing that gorgeous smile at you. “Yes, I do need something from you, actually..” Stefan looks down, confusion washing over you as your friends and siblings start to stare at you two.
You clear your throat. “Stef? What’s going on?” You chuckle nervously, shifting a little uncomfortably from all the staring from the people closest to you.
Stefan takes a deep breath, slipping his hand into his jacket pocket and gripping onto the little red velvet box. “You, Y/N, are the bestest boyfriend I’ve had in a really long time.. Of course, like every other relationship we’ve had our highs and lows, yet, you always seemed to make those lows really fantastic after those frustrating days..” Stefan chuckles at the memories of all the make-up sex after those really frustrating and raging arguments.
You blink a few times, your brain going into full panic mode as you thought of every possible scenario but somehow you were still stuck on ‘oh no, is this it for us?’. “You’ve been the highlight of the past 170 years that I have been on this earth, you’ve introduced me to several new things, given me countless chances and still accept me as what I am today; a Vampire. And you know who I am, I’m not proud of those Ripper years, you know that and yet you still chose to be with someone who still struggles with something that could possibly threaten your life..” Stefan clears his throat, starting to choke up. “And for that, I love you. I love..absolutely everything about you. Flaws and all, you are still the best person in my life, the best person I’ve ever spent time with. And I will never in a million years ever be ashamed to call you my boyfriend, Y/N.” Stefan looks into your eyes longingly, destroying all those intrusive thoughts of how tonight could go wrong.
“So will you… Y/N L/N,” He pulls out the velvet box, opening it up and showing you the beautiful diamond ring resting inside of it. “Marry me?” Stefan smiles widely at you, your heart pounding in your ears.
You were shocked, dumfounded. Stefan Salvatore just proposed to you.
You nod quickly, without a second thought you blurted out that word you knew he would love to hear. “Y-Yes! Yes, Stefan, I-I’ll marry you..” You choke up a strangled laugh, tears running down your cheeks as you watch the love of your life slip the ring right onto your finger all the while listening to everyone in the Grill cheer for you two.
Stefan chuckles and cups your cheeks, pulling you in for a long and passionate kiss. You relax against his lips, slipping your arms around his neck while deepening the kiss. You feel his smile against your lips, your cheeks flushed with all the cheering in the background until you block out the noise from the warm tongue slipping into your mouth. Stefan wraps his arms around your waist, his hands starting to slip underneath your shirt until you pull away from his kiss giggling.
“Not right now, Stef..” You whisper in his ear, feeling his grip on your waist tighten. Stefan groans and reaches down, gently squeezing your ass. “Fine, fine.” Stefan smiles at you and you snicker at his eagerness to fuck right after he just proposed to you.
Caroline eagerly goes over to you, admiring the diamond on your finger. “Gosh it’s so pretty, Y/N! Stefan has good taste, for sure.” Caroline giggles and she smiles at you, Stefan rolls his eyes playfully.
You smile and lean back in your seat, feeling this warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach. “Okay, I think we’re all ready for some drinks.” Elena chuckles, Damon’s arm wrapped around her shoulder.
You see Stefan start to get up. “Oh no no, I’ll go get the drinks, your taste in alcohol is terrible.” You slip out of your seat and smile at Stefan, kissing his cheek.
Stefan puts his hand over his chest, pretending to act hurt. “What? I just have gotten used to the taste of good whiskey.” Stefan grabs your hip, eyeing you but you just roll your eyes. “Uh huh, more like it’s good chemicals-”
“Well, I mean technically it-”
“Shut up, Mr. Salvatore.”
Stefan laughs and pulls you into his lap, looking into your eyes. “Soon you’ll be called Mr. Salvatore.” Stefan smirks, cocking his head all while making you blush.
You chuckle, shaking your head and pecking his lips. “Okay okay, I’m gonna go get us some drinks.” You say as you get up, ruffling Stefan’s gelled hair.
You walk through some small crowds of people before getting to the bar, raising your hand to the bartender who was busy serving other people but nodded in return. You bite your lip and lean against the bar, turning as you feel a tap on your shoulder only to see a taller male. “Oh- uhm am I in your way? Sorry-”
“No, no..” He chuckles lightly, biting his lip as you notice his eyes raking over your body which makes you cringe inside. “I’m just here introducing myself to the pretty boy in front of me..” He hums, placing his arm next to you against the bar while leaning closer to you.
Okay, yeah, you were uncomfortable. “Look, I don’t know you if you’re just deaf or stupid but I literally just got proposed to not but a minute ago..” You give him a confused glare, Tate rolls his eyes.
“Oh c’mon, it was so obvious that you wanted to get away from him..” Tate reaches to graze your face while leaning in close but you pull away, your body telling you to run. “I mean, look at you, dating that skinny boy over there?” Tate tries to grab your face again but you jerk away.
Stefan laughs at Jeremy’s comment on Damon being a prick towards Tyler before he looks over at the bar where you were. What he saw very much angered ever being in his body, no thanks to his heightened senses he wanted to break something. Stefan hadn’t looked away from you but a split second before you were being preyed upon by some unsuspecting ass who looked like a rejected drummer from some indie ‘underground’ band.
Stefan gets up, his jaw clenched as he tried to push down his rage and intrusive, murderous thoughts. How could this douchebag not possibly know that you were already taken by him. Like, c’mon, Stefan just proposed to you in front of everyone in this bar. Could it not be anymore obvious that Stefan had practically claimed you?
Stefan quickly walks over to you, grabbing you by your hoodie and practically making you slam your body against him. You felt Stefan’s arm wrap around you possessively, looking at him as you saw the rage in his eyes. “Stef-”
“You must be a dumbass trying to flirt with him, he’s clearly fucking mine..” Stefan growls, about to snip the string that was holding him back so he could just rip off this guy’s fingers one by one before shoving them down his throat.
You watched Stefan’s chest heave, rage clouding his auburn irises. You would be lying if you didn’t think this sudden possessive side of Stefan wasn’t hot. Stefan’s body pressing up against you as he pretty much shields Tate’s lingering eyes, his grip tightening. You swallow nervously, feeling your pants tightening at a painful amount while feeling your heart pound. You watched Stefan as his eyes followed Tate while the man left, muttering to himself.
Stefan looks at you, pressing his thigh against the bulge in your pants. You whimper quietly, feeling a rush of blood go down south and thankful for the loud drunken idiots tonight. Stefan wraps his large hand around your throat, the cold metal of his daylight ring pressing against your hot skin. “You’re mine, understand?” Stefan leans into you, his face pressed against your cheek.
You nod quickly with a small whimper, taking in a sharp breath as your boyfriend leans down towards your neck and bites down onto the space between your neck and collarbone. You saw his face for a brief second, seeing those red eyes and those pulsing veins underneath his eyes. You wince from the stinging feeling of Stefan’s fangs sunken into your neck while he took only a little bit of blood from you.
You close your eyes and arch your back a little, moaning softly as Stefan bit into your neck and drank from you slowly yet sensually. You’d be lying if you didn’t say you didn’t like the pain of his fangs deep in your skin as he drank from you, your heart pounding as you also felt your cock throbbing painfully in your pants. You close your eyes, feeling Stefan’s large hand wrap around your throat, rutting against you as he bit a little harder into your neck. You gasp shakily, realizing what Stefan was doing to you, Stefan was marking you. Not only by scent but by bite.
It was a strange thing, if a Vampire marks you, you couldn’t be touched by another Vampire unless said Vampire was looking for trouble. Mostly it was done by scent but it could also be done by bite if the Vampire wanting to mark you slipped this ‘venom’ into your bloodstream while feeding off of you. It wouldn’t harm you, it would just make your blood smell sweet to the Vampire who marked you and bitter, tasting like poison to other Vampires.
You whimper, clinging to Stefan by his leather jacket, your mouth agape as you bury your face into his neck. “Mm~” You moan quietly out, your legs a little shaky from the blood Stefan had taken.
Stefan pulls away from your neck, licking his bloody fangs as he looks at you with his darkened irises. “Shh..we don’t want to make a scene now do we?” Stefan whispers, gently grabbing your face as you look at him through hooded lids and shake your head.
Stefan smiles, wiping the rest of your blood off his lips and forcing the urges down as you watch his facial features turn back to their human state. You chew on your bottom lip, wrapping your arms around his left arm and leaned on him for support since you were a little weak from the blood withdrawal. Stefan chuckles and he kisses your head gently, covering up your fresh bite and helping you gather all the drinks.
You two make your way back to the table where all your friends and family were, setting down the drinks. No one seemed to notice or really care what you two were up to back at the bar, good on that too because you didn’t have a rehearsed story with Stefan about what you two were doing anyways.
A few shots later and most of everyone was drunk but you and Stefan since you had already been drained that night, you didn’t want a massive hangover in the morning while feeling weak and Stefan had to at least keep some of them in check so they could get a drive back home later on.
You sit next to Stefan, feeling his arm tighten around your waist as you look up to see Tate staring at you. Stefan saw him staring at you, he knew Tate had been eyeing you this entire time which only made him wanna mark you more. Stefan slips his hand along your bulge, your cheeks turning a dark shade of pink as you tried not to squirm underneath his touch and make it obvious as to what you two were doing. But Stefan wanted Tate to know what he was doing to you so he could bask in the glory of being the only one who could make you feel good and scream out only his name.
Stefan pulls you closer even though you both sat in separate seats, resting his head against your temple with his nose nuzzled into your cheek. You close your eyes as you feel him rub along your throbbing bulge that you’ve had for the past hour from an encounter with Stefan’s possessiveness earlier. Stefan smirks, unzipping and unbuttoning your pants with just one hand before slipping said hand right into your boxers.
You felt your cheeks heat up quickly, trying to contain your embarrassment and fear of getting caught but Stefan continued to push his luck as he toyed with your pulsing cock. He looks back at Tate, glaring at him but also giving him a look that said, ‘he’s mine and only I can make him feel good’. You, however, were subtly grinding to your fiancé’s hand as you tried to control your expressions even though Stefan was literally rubbing his thumb all over your very sensitive and swollen tip that was covered in precum. Fuck, why was this so hot to you? Stefan’s utter desire to make everyone show how good he could make you feel all and making your body hotter by the minute, but also making you wanna hide from just the thought of getting caught.
Stefan turns his attention back on you, looking down as he watches you squirm as subtly as possible yet also trying to get the friction you desperately needed. The Vampire smirked, coating his hand in your precum for lube as he gently twists his hand very slowly and gently along your twitching cock. You let out a very soft and quiet whimper but luckily it was too loud in the Grill for anyone to even catch on to what you two were doing besides pervy Tate over there.
You started to feel a tight sensation in your stomach, immediately knowing you were close to the edge and you finally opened your eyes. “Stefan, p-please~” You beg in his ear, gripping his thigh tightly but it barely phased your Vampire boyfriend.
Unfortunately for you, Stefan had other plans for tonight.
Stefan pulls his hand away, watching your cock twitch with need and listening to you whine. Why does he have to be such a damn tease? You fix yourself and zip yourself up before pulling your hoodie down over your raging hard on. Glaring at Stefan, you promise yourself to get back at him one day, but Stefan just snickers at you. He loved to tease you, getting you riled up only to drag out your aching hard on until he could rip off all your clothes and fuck you good later.
“Well, thank you all for coming tonight, it really means a lot to us that you guys could come out this far to see us.” Stefan smiles at your guests, playing off the interaction with you just a second ago.
Caroline smiles widely. “Oh no problem, Stefan! It’s been so long since I got to see Y/N or any of my highschool friends so..really..thank you.” Caroline was so sentimental that it was just oddly adorable.
Elena raises the bottle of bourbon into the air by its neck. “To a happy marriage for you both and a healthy life to my baby brother.” Elena giggles drunkenly while Damon pulls the bottle down, trying to hide his smile. “Okay, sister, you’ve had one too many.” Damon teases, prying the bottle from her hands and watching her pout.
You giggle and get back up, hugging your siblings and your old friends goodbye. You hoped it wouldn’t be so long again where you all could meet up like this again even if Stefan had gotten you incredibly hard not even an hour into it.
You and Stefan leave the Grill, going in as boyfriends and coming out as fiancés. You quickly got into the retro car with Stefan, watching Stefan quickly start the car and drive off to the nearest hotel. After a few long fifteen minutes, you both were eagerly scurrying to the hotel room Stefan had just paid for, it definitely wasn’t cheap either but you didn’t mind.
Stefan grabs you by your arm and pushes the keycard in, unlocking the door and rushing into the room as Stefan slammed you up against the door to shut it. You whimper a bit, your chest pressed up against the cool wooden door as Stefan’s body was pressed up against your backside. 
Stefan keeps you pinned to the door, his hands roughly grabbing your wrists on either side of your head as he keeps you still with his inhuman strength. You pant softly, pressing your ass against his very noticeable bulge, grinding back against it like a desperate slut. Stefan chuckles, kissing along the back of your neck as he pushes your wrists together above your head and keeps them placed there. He could feel the urge to mark you deep in his stomach before he let go and bit right into your nape.
You let out a soft moan, clawing at the door from the slight stinging pain in your neck and the almost overwhelming feeling of Stefan pressing you further into the door as he ruts against your ass. Stefan reaches in front of you, feeling underneath your hoodie along your stomach then unzipping and unbuttoning your pants once again tonight but this time they would stay that way. He slips his cool hand into your boxer briefs, pulling out your pulsing cock as he listens to your begging whimpers for his attention to fuck you roughly, but he wasn’t ready to give you that satisfaction yet.
So, he continued to rub his fingertips teasingly along your desperate cock, his thumb rubbing sensually over your slit that was dripping precum. Stefan continued to feed slowly off of you, careful not to make a mess since he wouldn’t dare waste a drop of your precious blood that tasted sweet like honey almost. You whine and buck your hips to his painfully soft touching of your cock, looking back at him over your shoulder to see those blood-red irises, making you shudder as he made eye-contact with you. 
Stefan pulls his fangs out of your neck, licking up the remaining blood dripping from the bite wound he made. He grabs your cock fully with his hand, gently squeezing as he feels your writhe against him. “S-Stefan..please~” You whine out desperately, your cheek squished up against the door while your cock is gently being pumped. “P-Please fuck m-me..”
The Vampire chuckles, kissing along the recent bite marks he had given you and leaning into your ear. “No..” He whispers. “I won’t because it’s so..adorable how you’re begging for me and not that arrogant ass from earlier who thought you were free to take from me..” Stefan growls in your ear, your body shivering as you feel his hot breath fanning your face.
You look into your fiancé’s eyes, seeing this lust residing in them. He smirks as he buries his face into your neck, pulling his hand from your swollen cock to the back of your pants. He nips at the skin on your neck, his hand slipping both your boxers and pants down just enough to have decent access to your ass. You wondered if suddenly he had a change of heart, before he shoved two of his fingers into your mouth and forced you to suck on them.
You whine loudly, instead of fighting him you work your tongue around his very long and slender fingers. Your eyes closed as you sucked on them roughly, spreading his fingers apart inside your mouth with just your tongue. You breathe in sharply, saliva slipping from your lips and dribbling down your chin while he slowly pumps his fingers into your warm mouth.
Once Stefan decided his fingers were wet enough, while still very much nipping and toying with the skin on your neck, he slipped his fingers out of your mouth then shoved the saliva-covered fingers into your puckered hole. You gasp from the slightly strange feeling, pressing a bit closer to the door from the cold liquid pressing against your hot inside. But that was definitely a mistake since Stefan now was right back up against you and giving you no real space between you and the door, so now your cock was pressed against the cold platform.
Stefan hums softly, swirling his tongue over your bite mark before pulling the skin in between his teeth and sucking on the skin roughly, making sure to leave the darkest hickey he possibly could. You whine and feel Stefan’s fingers slowly pumping inside of your tight hole, his fingers searching around deep inside of you all the while making you whine and beg for him to go faster instead of this slow and tortuous pace. But for Stefan, this was just amusing for him, especially since you sounded absolutely desperate for something more but he wanted, no, needed you to be reminded that only he could give you the satisfaction of riding out your orgasm.
You flutter your eyes open, looking up at the ceiling of the room, still begging him. “S-Stefan! Pl-Please just f-fuck mm-mmngh-me! P-Please, i-it hurts a-and I-I wanna c-cum..” You pant softly, but you weren’t tired, you were just sexually frustrated and desperately wanted the feeling of release and feeling full.
Stefan chuckles darkly, biting down on the skin while hearing you whimper from the pain and pulling at the skin before letting go. He looks at you, curling his fingers upwards right against your prostate. You take a sharp inhale, a tight feeling in your lower tummy as well as the sharp yet quick sensation like you needed to pee but you didn’t. You whine loudly, trying to stand on your toes but Stefan forced you back down so his fingers hit your prostate roughly again yet the sensation came a lot harder onto you.
“You’ll get to cum when I say you can and only if you obey me..now stay still..” He growls in your ear, his face pressed up against yours. You whine, looking down as you watch your cock leaking heavily with precum and jumping at the pressure against your prostate. You hated when Stefan did this, but loved it at the same time, because it made you feel so desperate at the feeling of wanting to get away yet wanting more of this feeling at the same time.
Stefan continued to pump his fingers right into your prostate, rubbing his fingertips along the sensitive area for a small period then pumping them right into your prostate again all while keeping you on edge. You pant softly, sweat beading down your body as you felt your orgasm quickly sneak up on you, you were so close and the sensation was almost unbearable that it really felt like you were going to do more than just cum. But Stefan was having none of that, he quickly pulled his fingers out of your clenching hole and watched it as it clenched around nothing.
You tear up a little from the frustration, wiggling underneath him and practically grinding against the door for some kind of friction. “St-Stefan please!” You cried out, your legs shaking a little as you looked back at him with a tear running down your cheek.
He snickers and grabs your face roughly, letting go of your hands as they fall to your sides and slamming you against your back on the door. “No, because I own you, pretty boy. And I am the only one who gets a say about when and where you get to cum… Understand?” He grins at you, your heart pounding as you nod quickly.
“Good..now stop being difficult and do as I say..”
Stefan picks you up and carries you to the bed before throwing you onto it. He grabs your face roughly as he crawls on top of you and smashes his lips against yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. He moans against your lips, sliding his tongue along yours and enjoying the feeling of your warm mouth with his tongue. You wrap your arms around his neck, snaking your fingers through his brunette locks and tugging at his hair roughly just to hear his hot grunts.
Stefan hums into your mouth, feeling up under your hoodie along your soft skin and rubbing his finger over your nipple as it hardens. You buck your hips as a reaction, whimpering and feeling Stefan’s large hand run back down your torso straight to jeans. He pulls out of the kiss and yanks off your pants, eyeing your body like a hungry animal.
“God you’re so hot..” He whispers, running his hands over your thighs and lifting your hoodie over your head.
You whimper, watching him strip out of his clothes before you and staring down his large cock. You start to reach down to touch yourself but Stefan grabs your wrist roughly and gives you a stern glare. “Nuh uh, no touching, only I can touch your pretty cock, baby boy..” Stefan whispers as he grabs you by your throat.
You were pushed into the sheets, forced to lay on your stomach as he grabbed you roughly by your hips. You whine, still wearing your boxer briefs although they were already pulled down a bit from just earlier. Stefan hovers over you, his chest pressing against your back as he pulls your ass into the air, kissing down your spine. He reaches underneath you, grabbing your cock and softly pumping you as you moan into the sheets, muffled by them.
Stefan groans, his cock twitching from the sounds slipping from your lip. He presses his hard cock against your ass, his shaft throbbing against your hole with precum dripping down the base and spilling right onto your desperate hole. You whine, feeling him grind against your ass as he forces you to spread your legs roughly apart with his free hand, his precum spreading along your hole and his cock as he grinds against your.
You whine desperately, gripping at the sheets and biting down on them. You pant softly, your hips thrusting into Stefan’s hand as he pumped your cock. You were desperate for friction, for him, and it felt like you were going to explode if you didn’t get to cum tonight.
“Good boy~ You want me don’t you?” Stefan comes back up, whispering in your ear and squeezing your cock to see your face scrunch up in pleasure; you nod. “You wanna feel my cock inside that pretty hole of yours?” He whispers, reaching over and grabbing something before you feel a cold wet feeling rub against you; lube.
You nod eagerly, pushing your hips back before feeling something wet, very big and very hard slide just barely inside of your tight, clenching hole but still stretching you out. Your loud whimpers muffle from the bed sheets, you scratched desperately at the soft blankets underneath you as Stefan chuckled at your reaction. Although it was amusing to see you grinding on his cock for more, it almost turned him on more from the desperate sight of your slick body begging for more of his cock.
Stefan growls, his face distorting again with bloody irises and dark veins underneath his eyes before he bit into your shoulder and slammed straight inside of you; your screams erupting throughout the room. “S-Stefan!” You moan out, gripping tighter at the sheets as he starts ruthlessly pounding into your warm hole, his hand against your face as he pushes it further into the sheets while drinking slowly from you.
Fuck, this felt so good. Your mind was beginning to go fuzzy from Stefan’s mindless fucking, his hard cock slipping in and out of your wet hole while you heard his soft grunts and moans and small slurps from his drinking. He groans from the feeling of your warm and soft insides clenching and basically pulling him right back into your ass, wanting his cock to stay in and fuck you as merciless as he was. Stefan drinks only a little of your blood at a time, switching from that to leaving countless hickeys along your back.
You let a string of strangled moans slip from your mouth, drooling a bit onto the sheets as you were pounded into at an inhuman pace from the Vampire behind you; bitten into, marked up and practically fucked down like his toy. It was euphoric and made precum dribble from your tip, falling and wetting the gray sheets underneath you. Your whimpers jumped from the incessant pounding into your ass, the sound of skin slapping against each other along with your pathetic moans and Stefan’s breathy grunts filled the hotel room. You knew someone might complain but you really didn’t care right now, all you could think about was your cock being toyed with and your ass being fucked into by a hungry, possessive Vampire you called you fiancé.
“F-Fu-uh-uck! St-Stefan~ M-Mo-oh-re!” You pant out, just barely getting out your drooling mouth.
Stefan was definitely listening too, because after you spoke he grabbed your right thigh and pushed it right underneath your belly, only pausing for barely three seconds before slamming right back into your tightening hole. “F-Fuck you feel s-so good, baby~” Stefan moans out, licking over your bleeding wounds as he listened to your beautiful loud moans of his name.
He growls and starts to move his hips a bit in a circle as he fucks your insatiable, wet hole. You moan erotically, your body trembling from the feeling of Stefan’s cock penatrating you and feeling his balls slap against your ass. Your vision began to blur from tears and your mind began to become quite foggy, unable to speak much anymore as you felt your orgasm coming on fast from the frustrating edging Stefan did earlier.
Stefan moans into your ear, gripping your hand and interlocking your fingers as his thrust began to get sloppy but he was still fucking you with incredible speed. You embrace the feeling of his warm body up against your slick, hot and steaming body, your cheeks flushed and your hair messy. You look at him, tears running down the bridge of your nose and onto the sheets as he rests his face against yours, his hot breath fanning your sweaty face. Stefan could feel your hole convulsing around his cock, letting him know you were very close to your climax before he whispered raspily into your ear, “Cum.”
“Cl-Clo- Oh f-fuck, baby!~” You scream out in pleasure as Stefan slams straight into your prostate, causing you to spill and squirt your load all over the sheets. You let out breathy moans, your body twitching and convulsing as Stefan continued to fuck you out through your high, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as your tried to wiggle away from him from being over stimulated by your orgasm.
Stefan roughly grabs your bruised and bitten throat, pulling you back into place as he continues to slam over and over into your prostate, causing a second orgasm with cum spewing from your pulsing cock. You scream out, gripping tightly at his hand with tears running down your cheeks and hot flashes rushing over your exhausted body. He let out a throaty growl, panting in your ear. “S-Stay still, baby~ A-Almost nngh~ th-there..” Stefan grunts and squeezes your cock as he moans raspily into your ear and spills his hot, warm load deep inside of your hole.
You both relax, panting heavily with little grunts and soft moans leaving your lips. Stefan groans, laying down on his side while still inside you, pulling you onto your side against his chest. Whimpering, you bury your face into your fiancé’s chest, relaxing a little as you get used to the feeling of Stefan’s slightly hard cock resting inside of your cum-filled hole. You pepper kisses along his chest, cum leaking from your hole and making you blush profusely. Stefan smiles down at you, cupping your cheek and kissing you softly for a few blissful seconds.
You hum, pulling out of the kiss and looking into his eyes. “I love you, Y/N Salvatore” Stefan whispers, brushing your messy hair out of your face.
You smile, pecking his lips softly with a soft chuckle. “I love you more, Stefan Salvatore..” You yelp out as Stefan smacked your ass, running his hand back up your side and running his fingers over the bite marks and hickeys he left.
“No, I’m sure I’m the one who loves you more.” Stefan teases, grinning and you roll your eyes. “Hey, I was the one who got us all back together in one place to see each other again like old times.” Stefan reminds you and you smile widely.
You nod, letting him win this one time. “Okay, yes, you did..” You look into his auburn irises longingly. “And I love you so much for it..” You whisper, cupping his face.
“You better..”
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Twine question: apologies if this is obvious but I've done some fruitless searching and haven't gotten close to an answer. I've seen some Twine games have a heart icon at the end of passage links to indicate it's an option to pursue romance. How do I make Twine display a heart??
You are a beautiful soul, tia
YAY more setting questions!
So @innerdemons-if has a lovely template that does just that. You can download it here. It's a great template, I used for the jam version of @sps-iron-hammer.
In her template, she uses both a toggle setting and Cycy's Liveupdate Macro (super useful macro, I use it in my template too). In the settings, she coded:
var settingDialogTags = function () { if (settings.dialogtags) { State.variables.choice_labels = true; State.variables.flirt_label = '— &#9825'; State.variables.info_label = '— &#8634'; $(document).trigger(":liveupdate"); } else { State.variables.choice_labels = false; State.variables.flirt_label = ''; State.variables.info_label = ''; $(document).trigger(":liveupdate"); } }; Setting.addToggle("dialogtags", { label: "Enable dialog tags", default: true, desc : "(♡ - flirt | ↺ - info loop)", onInit : settingDialogTags, onChange : settingDialogTags });
In your links, you just need to add the relevant variables to your case (in that template, it is : $flirt_label and $info_label
This is probably the most efficient way of doing it.
IF you want different labels to be different depending on choices or what not (ex: success percentage), you could go the more brute-ish way:
Setting.addToggle("dialogtags", { label: "Enable dialog tags", default: true, });
and add within/after your link:
<<if settings.dialogtags>>text/emoji you want<</if>>
Note: if you want to add conditional statements inside the link, you will need to use single quotation marks ( ' )or back quote ( ` ) instead of doubles ( " ). Or use:
<<link `settings.dialogtags is true? "your whole link text with the extra dialog add-on you want" : "just your link text"`>><<link>>
Note2: The second one is favoured as more efficient/correct by the Twine wizards, even if adding <<if>> macros still work inside links.
😭 tysm
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idrellegames · 3 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you but could you please teach us how to make achievements? Like, achievements notifications, an achievement list page containing all of them and a way for the game remember them if the player starts a new game. I have already looked tutorials on the internet but I am so slow, everything seems so complicated to me 😭
Hey anon!
You're asking for a number of different things, so I'll break this down into different parts. This answer is for SugarCube only.
The easiest way to notify the player of changes to the game (skill checks, romance/approval changes, autosave, etc) is to use Chapel's Notification macro.
You can find the documentation here. Copy the JavaScript into your Story JavaScript and the CSS into your Story Stylesheet. You need both for it to work. If you want to change how the notifications look, edit the CSS.
On passages where the player unlocks an achievement, you can do something like this:
<<notify>>Achievement: Achievement Name<</notify>>
And it will trigger when the passage loads.
Achievement Page
If you want to add a separate page to store the player's achievements, you can either put it in a popup or create a unique passage. Make sure you add a link to it in your StoryMenu so the player can access it. The StoryMenu passage populates the default sidebar, so any links added there will show up in the sidebar.
As a Dialog/Popup Box
Create a separate passage titled Achievements.
In the StoryMenu passage, add a link:
<<link 'Achievements'>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Achievements");
(Though you can use Chapel's Dialog API macro to clean up the code, I personally find it easier to edit large popups if I throw the popup's text in a separate passage and then call the passage.)
As a Unique Passage
Create a separate passage titled Achievements. In order to return the player to their previous passage, you'll need some extra code:
In your Story Javascript, add this:
// menu return //
predisplay["Menu Return"] = function (taskName) {
if (! tags().contains("noreturn")) {
State.variables.return = passage();
In case tumblr messes with the code, it looks like this:
Tumblr media
And then in the Achievements passage, tag it as "noreturn". It has to have this tag, otherwise the return button won't work.
Then, at the bottom of the passage (or wherever you want to have your Return to Game link), add:
<<back [[Return to Game|$return]]>>
It should look something like this:
Tumblr media
If you're working in the Twine editor it will generate a passage called $return. Delete this passage or the game will not redirect the player back to their original spot.
Then, to add the Achievements page to the sidebar, add this to the StoryMenu:
<<link 'Achievements'>><</link>>
Storing Achievements Across Saves
SugarCube has two main ways of storing data: states and metadata. Very simply, states are created in a single playthrough and are typically updated using $variables. State history is stored in the player's save data and is not transferable across saves.
Metadata, on the other hand, persists across browser restarts and saves. It is stored and updated using the memorize(), recall() and forget() functions.
I'll be honest, I'm only just starting to understand metadata myself. It's one of the reasons I'm holding off on using achievements in my own game. I also think that achievements are best left to the very end of development so you know exactly how to lay them out and what to include. If you're in early development, I would maybe refocus on other areas.
There's definitely a more efficient way to make this work, but that's a bit beyond me right now. Here's a stripped back way of doing it for a single achievement:
In your StoryInit Passage:
<<set $achievement_01 to recall('achievement_01')>>
On the passage where the achievement triggers:
<<run memorize ('achievement_01', true)>>
<<set $achievement_01 to true>>
(I added the <<set>> here because otherwise the achievement only showed when I restarted the game.)
On the Achievements page:
<<if $achievement_01 is true>>
Achievement Name / Description
<<else>> Text the player sees when the achievement hasn't been unlocked
You'll have to figure out some kind of styling as well (putting it in a table, columns, lists, etc).
There's a few problems with this method, namely that you'll have to set each achievement individually. If you're planning on having dozens of achievements, I would spend some time experimenting with the memorize() and recall() functions and try out the examples. You may also want to ask the folks on the Twine subreddit, as they can probably explain this better than me.
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The Sommelier (Hannigram x Female!Reader) pt. 5
More people said yes to Hannigram, which is good because Will is already involved in the plot and it would be awkward to have him just disappear. Also, I had someone request a Hannigram x reader in my asks. Apologies to the one person who voted no; I promise there will be more solo Hannibal x reader content in the future.
Hannibal decides to that y/n could do with some extra protection, but doesn’t anticipate what she has to tell him.
I have no idea how to make a proper tag list but @deadman-inc-bikeshop and @dovahdokren here you go 
Trigger warnings: discussions of alcohol, victim blaming
“When I saw his face, I immediately knew he had never once experienced the touch of his own hand, let alone that of a woman.” Charissa read out loud to everyone on staff. “Or, that he was buried so deep in the closet he found Narnia, but those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.” 
It was expected to be a slow night, as was normal for an ordinary Tuesday. On nights like those, you could get away with more, like reading a tabloid article out loud for everyone to hear. 
“I can’t believe [F/N] actually went public.” One of the new busboys commented. “What an absolute madlad.”  
“Did you just unironically use reddit terminology in an actual conversation?” You narrowed your eyes at the kid. 
“[F/N], you are making a very dangerous enemy.” An older waitress said, cryptically, from the corner of the room. 
“Who, Jason?” You gestured to the busboy. “What’s he gonna do? Make me cringe myself to death?” 
“You know that’s not who I mean.” She frowned. “I’m talking about Chase Mulvaney.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You shook your head. “He’s not stupid enough to come back here.” 
Charissa made a noise that denoted her doubt. “I dunno, [F/N]. You’d have to be pretty stupid to start stabbing people at a crowded restaurant in broad daylight.” 
“But he was smart enough to get away, right?” Jason asked. “That’s gotta count for something!” 
You and Charissa exchanged glances. Neither of you had the emotional bandwidth to explain white privilege again. Instead, you just humored him. 
“Yeah.” Charissa lied. “He was smart enough to get away, meaning he probably knows better than to come back.”
"You're kidding yourself." A third waitress, who's name you couldn't seem to place, added. "People always say that killers are these galaxy-brained superhumans, but they're not. Mulvaney believes he's divinely ordained, so any thought that pops into his coked-out head is a sign from god."
And so shattered your thin firmament of denial. You made a point to never learn this person's name just out of spite.
“Oh, shit.” You said, trying to hide your genuine fear with a sarcastic voice. “Maybe he is coming back for me.” 
Charissa glared at the two other waitresses, equally pissed at them for scaring you.
"And it'll be your own fault for provoking him with that article." The older waitress said.
"Holy victim-blaming, batman." You mumbled.
“Alright, listen up, y’all.” Matthew announced to the group. “In ten minutes we open for dinner. Remember, if you want to switch shifts with another person, you have to run it by me first. I don’t want to see anybody but [F/N] at the bar tonight, capiche?”
“Yessir.” You saluted him and made your way over to the bar. You’d been doling out your bartending shifts left and right to avoid even the possibility of being cornered by another Freddie Lounds. You were only prolonging the inevitable, though. Eventually, you needed to return to the bar.
You passed the hostess's stand, where Charissa was stationed. Suddenly, you felt someone grab at your arm.
"Fucking hell, dude?!" You flinched violently and your heart rate jumped. "Don't do that!"
"Shit, sorry!" Charissa looked immediately regretful. "But, look!"
You followed her gaze through the window where a fancy car was parked. He leaned against the door, adjusting the cuffs of his dress shirt.
Now your heart was beating fast for a completely different reason. You squeezed Charissa's hand, trying to keep a lid on your nervous excitement.
"I think your luck's starting to turn." She said in a sing-songy voice.
"Yeah, I bet he'll protect me from the Baltimore Butcher." You whispered, trying not to giggle like an elementary school girl.
"Oh, could you imagine those arms around you?" She sighed deeply, her hand firmly against her chest. "I would die."
"Not until he sinks his teeth into your neck." You smirked, gnashing your teeth together.
"I would let him." She rested her chin on her hand.
"Yeah, me too." You agreed.
"I would give anything to trade shifts with you." Charissa groaned.
"Well, you heard the boss." You shrugged, suddenly feeling much better about your assignment. "I gotta stay behind the bar."
"Oh, pobrecita." Charissa rolled her eyes. Underneath the stand, she put up her middle finger in your direction. "Suck a dick, [L/N]."
You walked backwards towards the bar, keeping your eyes on your friend. "That's the plan, baby."
You tried to make yourself look busy. You dared not look at him as he entered the restaurant.
He exchanged pleasantries with Charissa then took his seat at the bar. You pretended not to notice him right away, only to give you an extra second to compose yourself.
"Hi there." You greeted, knowing you'd feel stupid no matter what you said. "Er- good evening."
"[F/N] [L/N], I assume?" He asked.
Fuck, you thought. His voice was dark, low and made your insides tremble. Even though part of you knew he was going to know your name, it still felt so sensual passing his lips.
You realized you had waved to him with your bandaged hand. That's how he was about to identify you so quickly. "Yes, I am she. I mean- her. Me."
Way to go, dumbass. You thought. Now he knows you're nervous and he's going to wonder why.
“God, I need to stop wearing this damn thing.” You said, clearing your throat. “What can I get for you tonight?” 
He was quiet for a moment. "What do you recommend?"
"Well, that depends." You said, pulling your gaze from him and grabbing a few wine glasses down from a high shelf. It was the only way you could maintain your composure.
"What you're having for dinner, for one." You said. "And whether or not you're a vulpine tabloid journalist trying to corner me into a dubiously ethical interview. That's also a factor."
"So that's how Miss Lounds wore you down?" He concluded. "With wine?"
You rested your elbows on the bar, filled with an intoxicating confidence. "She tried wine first. Then she tried to get me fired because she asked for chardonnay and I brought her chablis. And when that didn't work, she siphoned my gas."
"I wish I could say that was out of character for her." He looked at you, apologetically.
"I take it you've had your own run-ins with Freddie?" You smiled.
"She's tried to infiltrate my practice multiple times." He sighed. "She's entered my office under a fake name with a recording device in her purse."
"What a sick fuck." You said, before remembering you really weren't supposed to curse in front of customers. You covered your mouth. "Sorry."
The corners of his mouth turned up into an amused smile. "Don't apologize. You're right."
“So you’re a doctor?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t the type to be offended by questions. 
“I’m a psychiatrist.” He nodded. “I used to work as a surgeon, but I find the mind much more compelling.” 
"Seriously, though." You pushed yourself back to your feet. "What can I get for you?"
He eyed the wine menu and then looked back at you. "What is your favorite red?"
"My favorite red?" You placed your hand on your collarbones. "On a night like this, I enjoy a nice, dry Argentinean Malbec."
"In that case," he thumbed through the list once more. "I'll have a bottle of Cobos Chañares from 2016, please."
You smiled. You wouldn't mind taking a sip of that if he offered. "Right away."
You carefully pulled the solid black bottle from its crevice and placed it on the bar. You removed the plastic seal and reached for the corkscrew. The bottle opened with a satisfying pop, filling the air around you with the strong, complex and seemingly contradictory aromas.
You poured a bit of this criminally expensive wine into his glass. He smelled it, then swirled it for a moment before taking a sip.
"Redcurrants and vanilla," he began. "With floral notes that operate with the precision of interlocking gears in a clock. Everything in its place."
"So you're a sommelier and a poet?" You tilted your head and filled his glass. "I'll bet you make women swoon at every corner."
You never had the best grasp on flirting, but even you knew that line was awful.
“Are you flirting with me, Miss [L/N]?” He asked, clearly not too worried about the consequences and enjoying the flattery. “Or are you just trying to get a taste of this Malbec?” 
“Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.” You shrugged. “Though you are as handsome as everyone says, I’ve had my eyes on that wine for slightly longer.” 
You fought the urge to slap your hand over your mouth. You had just broken the cardinal rule of workplace gossip. Panic reverberated through your body as you tried to break down his unreadable expression. 
Once again, he just looked amused. “I’ve seen those lingering glances, the way you all whisper and giggle. It’s flattering.” 
You felt your cheeks growing hot. “...I see.” 
“If you tell me what they say about me, I’ll let you have a taste.” His eyes bored into yours. 
You paused, trying to decipher exactly what he was offering. Then it hit you. 
“Oh!” You interjected. “The wine.” 
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” He said. “Dare I ask where your mind went?” 
Your cheeks stung from all the uncomfortable smiling. “I’d really like to keep my job, thanks.” 
“Have you never heard of bartender-client confidentiality?” His voice lowered and his eyes found your lips. “Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls.” 
Your insides turned to jelly. He rested the wine glass in his hand and offered it to you. Your hands shaking, you cradled the glass like an 18th century French village prostitute being offered a mug of hot soup. You brought the glass to your lips, the strong, overwhelming smells assaulting your orifices.
You let the wine grace your tongue. You had taught yourself to overcome the sting of the alcohol and focus on the undertones. Your eyes rolled back in to your head and you let out a little noise of pleasure. 
“Christ on a bike, that’s decadent.” You said, gasping for air a little bit. You quickly passed the glass back to him before Matthew could see you. “Thank you.” 
“Now, indulge me.” He instructed, glancing at the fresh pink lipstick mark on his glass. “What do the lovely women of Terroir whisper while I’m just out of earshot?” 
You rested your elbows on the bar and leaned in close. “They say you’re a vampire.” 
Judging by his unchanging neutral expression, it clearly wasn’t the first time someone had made that connection. “Perhaps they’re on to something.” 
“One of our line cooks used to say you were the devil.” You informed him, hoping that was one he hadn’t heard before.
“Used to?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“Until Chase Mulvaney came around.” You instinctively ran your fingers over your bandages, as if to make sure they were still there. It was a nervous tick you’d developed anytime someone brought up that day. “He’s stopped talking about, like, anything having to do with his religion ever since.” 
“It takes a lot to get an evangelist to stop evangelizing.” He refilled his glass. “Do you think he lost his faith?” 
“I heard someone say in passing that it was because he and Chase Mulvaney went to the same church.” You whispered. “But I can’t verify that.” 
“I’d say it’s more likely than a regular customer being a vampire, wouldn’t you?” 
“I wouldn’t trust their word because they made a regular customer into a vampire.” You corrected, hoping he would overlook the fact that you were one of them. “Secrets may stay within these four walls, but they tend to bounce around. It’s only a matter of time before one escapes, and you’d better hope it’s not one of yours.” 
This man must have been an exceptional therapist, because, there you were, baring your soul to him after fifteen minutes and one sip of wine. Occasionally, you were pulled away from the conversation by another customer who had the audacity to also want a drink. But, very few people came to you with the sole intent of drinking on a Tuesday evening. You and the sommelier talked until closing time. 
“Thank you for a lovely evening, Miss [L/N].” He said pulling out his wallet. “You are as delightful in person as you are on paper.” 
“Thank you, but I never caught-” you said, but stopped yourself. “I mean, you never gave me your name.” 
He signed his name on the paper check, then pulled out a fifty and unceremoniously handed it to you. “Now why would you want to ruin the mystery?” 
“Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls, remember?” You grinned and crossed your arms. “Come on, I won’t tell anyone.” 
He took the customer copy of the receipt and scribbled something down on it. He the folded it in half and slid it in your direction as if it contained nuclear launch codes. 
“Join me for dinner someday.” He ordered. “I’ll supply the Malbec.” 
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I would like to request Smutty #4 with Steve Rogers. Please and thank you 😊
Need you now
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A/N: Yep yep I got a thing for bearded Cap, who doesn’t right? Thank you for this request!
Smut prompt - Against a wall.
Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, unprotected sex, fluff, some angst.
Requests & Challenges
Steve Rogers Taglist - @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @little-baby-vixen @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Tags are open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be in any of these lists.
The room was dead silent. Silent, but filled with past arguments, unsaid realities and repercussions.
Steve face was sombre, eyes full of regret and sorrow as he watched your silhouette standing by the window, not facing him.
“So you are leaving.” Your voice was quieter than before, defeated.
“I have to find him (Y/N).”
“What about me?”
“I’ll find you later.”
There seemed to be a faux confidence covering his otherwise uncertain answer. You knew this was it. This was probably the last time you’d be seeing Steve.
“Will you?”
Turning to face him, you let a few tears fall down your cheeks without making the effort to wipe them off, your voice cracking at the end.
Steve took a few strides to stand in front of you, his hands coming up to cup your face, thumbs wiping away the tears while his own beautiful blues glistened with emotion.
“I promise.”
Six months later
Finishing your chores for the day, you were just about ready to retire when there were three urgent knocks on your apartment door, followed by a short pause before they knocked again.
You knew it was him. It was his knock.
You did not hesitate to open the door even though it was way past midnight & you lived alone. A visibly aged, full bearded and absolutely exhausted looking Cap stood right outside the door.
“Come on in.”
Steve was surprised you let him in without any inquiry, hell he was surprised at the fact that you let him in at all. You looked exactly the same as Steve remembered, perhaps with the absence of your otherwise bubbly self, but just as beautiful.
“How’ve you been doll?” He asked quietly, looking around the space as he entered.
You remained silent, not really knowing the answer to that question yourself. Instead you hurried into the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Steve sighed when he noticed you’d begun to pick up some things off the table to keep away even though most of them belonged there - a nervous habit of yours he was well aware of.
“I might have a T-shirt and some trousers of yours in case you want to change. Or if you’re here just to leave again, t-that’s ok—”
“I’m here to see you. And you’ll allow it, I plan to stay.”
You looked him in the eye for the first time that night, searching for lies in those baby blues you had fallen in love with all those years ago.
Steve’s demeanour suggested that he wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms and kiss you, to feel your soft lips against his own, the familiarity of your body against his. He wanted all of this and more.
Taking a seat on your couch, Steve told you all about the accords and what went down with Tony after he’d found out Bucky was behind his parents’ accident. How he’d given up the shield, the shield that represented him in so many ways.
“Are you hungry?”
He nodded, taking this as a positive sign though your eyes were cast downward again, possibly hiding the tears considering how quiet your voice had gotten.
“Why don’t you go change and I’ll make you something.”
You ate in silence after he’d showered, keeping your eyes fixed on your plate of food to avoid your mind turning foggy from Steve’s presence back in your apartment, his features enhanced with that beard, making you wonder just how soft it was or how it’d feel like in other places...
Steve lightly tapped you on your shoulder, snapping you back to reality.
“I said this was delicious. Thank you.”
“Uh sure. It was always your favourite.” You managed a small smile before picking both your plates and heading towards the sink, he followed.
“Let me get that.” Steve’s voice came from right behind you, his hands covering yours as he stopped you from doing the dishes, his chest pressed softly against your back.
You stared up to find his eyes already on your lips, reaching up you kissed him after what felt like years. The plates landed in the sink with a clutter as your hands found their way into his dark blonde hair.
What started as a soft brush of lips quickly turned into an urgent kiss, with hands travelling along the bodies, touching, feeling everything they’d been missing for the past few months. His beard felt invitingly bristly against your face as you deepened the kiss, coaxing his mouth open with your tongue.
“I’ve missed you so much...”
Steve walked you back until you were met with the kitchen wall before placing open-mouthes kisses along your jaw and neck. Clothes hit the ground in no time as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties, pausing to silently ask permission, resuming when your frantic nod gave him the answer.
He helped you step out of them before kneeling before you, worshipping you with his eyes. Lifting one leg up, he exposed your folds before closing his lips on your clit and making you sigh.
The beard added extra friction making your skin tingle as his tongue licked and sucked at your core, making you grab onto his hair roughly for support.
Foggy brain prevented you from forming full sentences as your breathing turned shallower, the need to feel him inside you building.
“Steve n-need you now.” You choked making Steve re-track the trail of kisses he’d left going down as he met your lips once again, this time tasting of your arousal.
Helping him undress in a hurry, you were more than pleased to see his cock eager with beads of precum on its tip. Aligning himself, his forehead touched yours as you felt him enter achingly slowly.
After he was fully sheathed in your warmth, he grabbed the back of your knee and began thrusting in and out, gradually picking up the pace.
Hiding his face in your neck, he grunted lowly - a sound you had missed along with the feeling of having him so deep inside you.
“I’m so sorry I left.”
“You’re here now.”
You whispered, bringing his face back to kiss him again, as he began driving into your faster, every thrust making his pubic bone brush against your clit.
A loud moan echoed in your apartment as your head hit the wall, finding your orgasm crash over you triggering Steve’s own. If it wasn’t for him holding you up, you would’ve surely crumbled to the ground.
Bodies still twitched due to the after-effects, you continued placing a thousand kisses on Steve’s shoulder, holding him to you, his cock still hard inside your warmth.
“Round two in the shower?”
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
The Proposal:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: So much Fluff that my teeth are hurting from how sweet it is.
*Based off Fluff Prompt #5 from my Peaky Prompts list.*
Word Count: 1,249
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here.
Summary: Y/N’s ordinary day at work turns into the surprise of a lifetime.
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Your eyes were covered with a blindfold as Polly led you to what felt like a field, given there was grass beneath your feet and you could feel your clothes catching on the tall wheat plants swaying in the wind as you followed her lead.
“Am I being kidnapped by your family? What have I done?” You asked with a smile, Polly laughing lightly as she led you onward.
“We wouldn’t dare kidnap you. You’re too precious.” She said, thinking about how you’d been there for Tommy during his darkest moments, seeing him off before the war and putting him back together when he came back. It was a slow process, but you made sure to be one of the only constant things in his life. The only one who could get him to let half of his walls down since they were built up like a fortress. The stones so heavy you didn’t think you’d be able to bear them yourself. But you did, and here you were being led on one of the most interesting times of your life, blindfolded of all things.
“It’s getting late Pol, I was supposed to meet Tom at the Garrison remember?” You asked, your mind racing with how the days events unfolded.
You’d gone through half the days work to find a letter written by none other than your long-time boyfriend Thomas Shelby. The infamous main man of the backstreet razor gang you’d come to love. The letter included a small picture of the two of you from your first date years ago, taken by Polly on the front steps of the old house on Watery Lane. The two of you young and full of life before the war.
“Y/N, you know he said in the letter he was trying to make up for the time spent away from you. I’m just helping him out. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my heathen of a nephew.” She said, slowing her steps as you thought about how you’d gotten to be behind a blindfold.
Polly had whisked you away per Thomas’ request that was unbeknownst to you. Telling her to take you out for an early lunch as a treat for not seeing you enough recently, giving her a few extra shillings to put towards a nice outfit for later.
You being a lover of anything remotely of shopping, perked up at the request, and so you couldn’t turn it down. Not when you had free reign of the shops with just the mention of the Shelby name.
Although, living a life of crime, or more-so watching the others that you’d grown to love, live a life of crime wasn’t always easy. Seeing as you’ve had your fair share of late nights wondering when he’d be home, dealing with constant surveillance due to threats, or deciding whether or not to sew a wound up or have a doctor give it a go.
But this was one of the perks, albeit a rare one as he wasn’t the most romantic of the Shelby men. Most times he’d send you flowers or would take you out on the town when his schedule would allow it, even if it didn’t fall quite on a day worth celebrating, but you applauded his efforts anyway as he was a busy man with a million things going on in his head.
At times, this would put strain on the both of you. You sometimes wishing to turn his brain off, like a light switch. Just so he could focus on you and your relationship for more than 5 minutes. But deep down you knew he tried his best given what he’s been through. Doing everything he had to do to make sure you were safe, even if it meant going weeks without you like recently. But now was his time to make up for it, and little did you know how great of a length he’d gone to make that happen.
Polly slowed her steps as you felt someone near you, the familiar smell of his cologne filling your nose as he undid the blindfold. Your eyes soon adjusting to the sunlight that was just starting to fade into the evening sky.
Thomas’ eyes were happier than you’d seen in weeks. And if you were honest it was a little unsettling at first, at least internally. You’d grown accustomed to his steely gaze but he’d always reserved a softer glance just for you. But this one was...different. There was more love there than before. More depth.
As you tore your eyes away from his with a smile, you quickly looked around at the set-up he had going.
There was a vardo sitting nearby, the one he’d shown you years ago where you’d make out until sunset until one of his parent would come looking for him. And there were two chairs and a makeshift table, with torches around it lighting the area. It was nothing compared to the lavish living you were accustomed to now, but it felt more like him. More at home in a way. Especially with the beautiful lake in the distance that matched the blue of his eyes. The color of them pulling you in like a riptide as he pulled your attention back to him with a light stroke of your cheek.
“Where’d you go just now?” He asked, seeing you have that look once before after he took you to London the night before a mission, seeing some of the city that you’d never had the privilege of being to until then.
“Paradise...I mean look love, it’s beautiful! How’d you put all this together? Never knew you had it in ya.” You said jokingly, wrapping your arms around his waist as he pulled you close, his lips finding yours in an instant.
“I may have stayed here and planned it out with the lads...” he said, referring to his brothers and trusted friend Johnny Dogs.
“Well I think it’s lovely. But I do have to ask...what’s all this for?” You asked, his facial expression changing slightly as he put his hand in his pocket.
“I wanted to surprise you since I’ve been away so long. Also, it got me thinking about something.” He said, watching Polly walk off in the distance, giving you two the privacy you needed.
“You’re always thinking Tommy, I need specifics.” You said with a smirk.
“I was thinking about the future. Our future.” He said, holding your left hand in his as he got down on one knee, the sunset reflecting on his eyes as he gazed up at you.
Your heart raced as he let go to open the small box, a large diamond ring sticking out of the velvet casing.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?” He asked, a cautiously hopeful look on his face as you smiled through your tears. Your hand shaking as you held it out to him.
“Yes!” You said aloud, wiping the tears from your cheeks as he slipped the ring on your finger and wrapped you in a long, protective hug.
For one day, it definitely was the most eventful of them, and you wouldn’t trade any of it for the world, even if you’d gotten offered millions to leave the family, you knew in your heart you couldn’t. It was where you belonged, and now the two of you looked forward to your adventure in marriage. Knowing the title of becoming a Shelby was sure to come with some perks.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx,
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