#adeptus xiao headcanons
runawayengineer · 2 years
―on the road again 🚐
·  · ✦ 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖳𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗋𝗈𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗇𝗏𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌, 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 both 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋st yet 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽'𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗇𝖾. [1/2]
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌: 𝗓𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂, 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼, Xiao, kazuha, kaeya, 𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁𝖾.
Tags: @extrakuli @space-dragon-ace
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Certified driver.
This man does not shut the hell up, he's constantly Bringing up old memories about osmanthus wine, and those who share the memory.
Him and Diluc take turns driving, because they don't trust anyone else to drive. He usually drives whenever diluc is tired out.
But everyone (minus you and xiao) prefer Diluc, because zhongli drives UNDER the speed-limit. And whenever you tell him to drive faster, he Simple Chuckles, adjust the mirrors and goes "you can never be too careful."
And then proceeds to get voted into the back seat by literally everyone, including you, you apologise afterwards.
No one let's him touch the radio, because he puts on either Classical music or Love songs.
Like Scaramouche isn't trying to hear 02 symphony no. 5 eliusuah no elion the 3rd, Song of the moon, Night sky harmonies. Like Play rap, play metal, play rock, anything but whatever zhongli wants to hear.
Whenever you stop by Gas stations, Corner stores or etc. You'd expect him to buy everything because he's the eldest.
You couldn't be more wrong, you give this man a price limit and he goes above the price limit, and everyone is like in??? a??? Gastation???
Always either buys wrethers, peppermints or some old brand of soda you've literally never heard of??
Like it's your turn to pay for everything and Zhongli appears out of nowhere with Two bags of Werthers, and a Can of popfizz.
Bitch comes up to the counter with a candy bar named "Chuckles." And then acts surprised when scaramouche laughs at him. You literally had this coming, thinking it'd be okay to walk up to the Attendant with peppermints and.....is that can of soda called "Klink"???
Constantly offering people werthers, You and Xiao Love this man to much to say no, and the caramel is kinda addicting like???
"I'm glad you enjoy them, Back in my day-" "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE-" 100% scaramouche.
Never take this man to a restaurant, ALWAYS ORDERS SUGAR PACKETS AND THAT'S IT.
Stares at the receipt for like 10 minutes, and then goes "Did anyone pack my Reading glasses?" Literally tries to get out the Car to unpack his suitcase.
"damn it old man, break a hip already!" - scaramouche.
He doesn't take scara to heart though.
Gets voted into the back, AGAIN
gets a little moody when a gas station doesn't have what he wants. So he has to improvise and get Sugar from a Chick'fil'ay
And then takes it out on the Worker???
"Why do you need Sugar packets, sir?"
"mind your own business."
The car was to stunned to speak.
But that's a 4/10 chance so.
Over all 8/10 would take him.
Also you'd probably have to pack/unpack for him, because he keeps forgetting stuff???
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Walking talking ATM.
Every 10 minutes somebody is asking for a snack, or has to use the bathroom and this man cannot take much more of it.
Kept trying to leave kaeya at gas stations. Almost got away with it if we're for you meddling kids.
Is that parent that Gets in the car and sets the rules.
"When we get here I better not see any of..." "And that means you, Kaeya."
Constantly targeting kaeya for no good reason, and when you ask why, he'll just go. "I'm just keeping him in line." MF he Hasn't spoke since you tried to leave him at the gas station an hour ago.
I'm in LOVE with Bully!Diluc
Doesn't care about what's on the radio but is very Careful about who he let's maintain the Radio which means if you want to be in charge of the radio impress him. Insult kaeya
Usually he just Leaves the Radio in the Warm Palms of Kazuha.
Absolutely messes with Gorou.
"Dogs can't drive." Out of nowhere. Can you see Kazuha holding Gorou back in the backseats??
Stands at the Gas station door and loudly goes. "Tick tock! Time's wasting!" Stfu Scaramouche needs his Sour gummy worms and your gonna pay for them 👹
Ultimate Scaramouche victim. Gets his seat kicked and doesn't do anything about it.
But constantly yells "HEY! DON'T MAKE ME TURN THIS CAR AROUND!"
Ooh shiver me timbers😬
Threatens to take his belt off multiple times. And somehow that works?? Zhongli has to calm him down.
Kazuha is very clearly the favorite Child. And you can tell when You pull up to a restaurant and he goes. "What do you guys want?? Kazuha do want something ??" Like??? Okay.
You know those dad phrases?? Yeah, Get ready.
"Everybody got what they wanted from Mcdonalds??" "Alright, Let's rock and roll."
Repeatedly sends his fries back with a complaint. "They're to salty." "Not enough crunch." "Are these even cooked all the way." Bro stfu and eat them.
Everyone Rushes him to eat his food because he's type to Park in the parking lot and Eat.
He Digs in the bags and Seperates the food like a Parental figure. This actually gives me a lot of nostalgia because my dad does this alot.
"Who's Apple pie is this??" "Who ordered the Orange soda?" "Here, I got everyone fries." "S/o, You want some of mine?" This man keeps offering you food and You've never been more happy.
Randomly starts up conversations with everyone in the car, and it's the Cutest thing. Like imagine the Vehicle being silent at a Stoplight and diluc just goes "How is everyone, anyone need anything?" Like it's awkward but so endearing that he cares about the people around him.
Supplies Zhongli with money, Mostly because he orders things and then goes "does anyone have 150$??? there's a caribsea life stone On sale.." And everyone is like Mf what?? You ordered a 100$ rock knowing damn well your broke? 🤨
Sigh Single dad Diluc.
8.6/10 amazing.
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He's definitely that person that so quiet in the back of the Vehicle that everyone forgets he's even in the car.
So very often whenever he speaks
Everyone looks back to see who's voice it is
And they're all like "omg xiao i forgot you were back there!"
And then wonder why he says "nevermind." And puts his headphones right back on.
He only talks to you and zhongli by choice, or for entertainment. Don't get him wrong! He doesn't mind everyone else, but he's not really the talkative type! Which is why he won't even actually speak to you,
You and him spend hours texting each other, and some of the things he says has you Chortling in the backseat w him.
Whenever everyone stops at a Gas station for snacks, he's ALWAYS the first person at the counter, this man KNOWS what he wants 👹 he didn't come on this vaca to play games w y'all.
And it's always some sort of energy drink, You don't do nothing but use that damn phone, hell you need a Energy drink for?? To move your thumbs faster?? 👹👹
Eventually diluc gets fed up and tells him to pick Something else, and of course Li Steps in with the "Xiao is a growing boy, He's bound to have fixations at his age." Stfu Peepaw, That is a grown MAN you are talking about.
His Silence is disrespectful, He literally saw Diluc pull off on kaeya, and didn't say a thing, bitch turned up the volume to His Iphone 11 and Started playing flappy bird.
Him and kaeya made eye contact when it happened, which is why he downloaded flappy bird and started Playing. 😭😭😭
And then when kaeya accused him, he simply said. "No, i didn't see you." And everyone believed him right of the bat.
The amount of times you've had to share your food with him is impeccable 🙁
It's because he'd catch an attitude w diluc for not being able to get the drink he wanted, and out of anger he'd deny any fast food and then Be like "Damn, i should've said yes 🙁"
You hate watching him Starve himself simply to keep up w his pride, so You Tap his shoulder and Give him your Mcdonalds fries, Ultimate Sacrifice fr fr 💯
Internet leech.
"Can i use someone's hotspot??" NO 👹 but you can get off that damn dating sim and socialize like a normal being.👹
This is where talking with Li comes in, because your phone could be plugged in on like 15% and by the time Li is done your shit is on 87% and xiao is like "Damn, thanks old man 👍"
And then he puts his earbuds in and no one ever hears from him again for the next 6 hours.
Shares his fruit snacks with you, and you pretend to want an energy drink and then you trade half your drink for a packet of Fruit snacks. Y'all some Real Mfs. Respect 💯💯💯💯💯
He doesn't really do much, but he's unintentionally funny so your def in for a ride! 😂😂
Ugly lil mf too.
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Scaramouche's 2nd victim.
This man has the patience of a saint because me and Balladeer would've been boxing in the middle row seats fr fr 🙁🙁
He usually prefers to sit in the middle seat of the Van, but will Sit in the front with Diluc if he asks him too.
Singlehandedly won diluc over by simply greeting him.
"greetings, diluc." "Get in the front." "Pardon?"
Ultimate babysitter, stops any unnecessary commotion going on in the middle and back row whenever diluc is stressed or busy.
Scaramouche hates him ❗❗
always avoids any attempts of fighting, the balladeer insults him? kazuha laughs softly. Scaramouche kicks his seat? Kazuha politely asks him too stop.
Scaramouche could literally open kazuha's door on the highway and kick the man out, and watch the man chase after the car and as soon as kazuha gets back in, he'll clear his throat and go "i forgive you." NO THWHE FUCK YOU DON'T ❗❗
During gas station stops he picks out healthy shit, like protein bars and bottles of fucking water.
he grabs a bottle of fucking Fiji water, and makes everyone else look unhealthy
As if canon 18 year old diluc didn't use fatui agents as punching bags !! 🤛
Has a phone but doesn't really use it, spends most of his time helping the elders (zhongli and diluc). Tending to the meek (making sure xiao hasn't gone deaf from how fucking LOUD his headphones are)
Keeping balladeer from bullying everyone, he doesn't mind getting bullied.
Eventually everyone got tired of scaramouche's constant condescending nature,
kazuha attempted to defend balladeer but then scara brought up kazuha's dead friend and―
"Diluc, pull over."
Kazuha and scara boxing in the walmart parking lot at 3:45 am??? 🤺🤺🤺
Kazuha gave him a deadly uppercut and everyone cheered and clapped because scara was unconcious for the next 5 hours. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Literally loves listening to Li's old man stories, and even responds and asks questions to make him happy
As if scara isn't fighting to not visit the spiritual realm next to him 🙁
When scara wakes up, the beef is THERE ❗❗
I'm sorry but he's def a kazoo kid
Whenever it gets too silent, all you hear is kazuha clear is throat, i suggest you get ready cause he's about to give you the rawest fucking kazoo concert og your LIFE 🤺🤺
The car's peacekeeper fr fr 💯💯
10/10 probably knocks mouche out on a daily basis
Sadist fuck lmaoo
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Man. 🙁
sigh, this guy is the victim of everyone and everything around him.
But somehow, manages to keep a positive and charismatic few of the world.
I'm tryna be like HIM. ❓❗
Diluc punching-bag canon?? YES ❗❗
Could probably cough and get cursed out by Diluc, if Scaramouche doesn't get to it first!
Despite the bullying, he's such a good travelling companion!! He's the humor in this sad dry ass van, travelling 1,000 miles to god knows where. 🏋🏋
Is the only person in this van, that actually like yk QUESTIONS things.
things like "Where are we travelling too?" or idk uhhh but the questions are there ✅✅
Pickiest eater in the Van, will constantly ask "do they sell ___??" and it's always something MADDD expensive,
Diluc is literally about to tear off thw fucking steering wheel and sell it on ebay because his card account is goinfg DEOWWN bc of u and kaeya. ❗❗
He starts conversations with you!! some of the best topics. ult Gossip girl 🗣🗣
Randomly starta gossip with you
"Do you know the muffin man?" LIKE YES I DO?? THE ONE WHO LIVES ON JEWELLERY LANE?? ONG 🗣🗣🗣🗣
tells you the craziest shit
Explains to you that the muffin man got a divorce, started drinking, got re-married to a hooker,
had 3 kids he didn't want and your sitting there w your jaw on the FLOOR.
Repeatedly asks if he could be the driver. Was immediately shut down by his brother.
Like damn ok diluc, fuck this ugly beige van anyways. i hope your day gets worse, like actually. 😕😕
Man, i feel bad for him. Ngl
orders chicken tenders too much.
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Who ever the fuck thought that inviting this bastard orphan artificial puppet child 2000, needs to get of some the Most destructive, life-threatening RETRIBUTION from diluc himself, on saturday, at 9pm, in target's parking lot because what the fuck, honestly 🗣🗣
Every couple of hours, diluc goes "everyone who agrees we should get rid of the puppet, raise your hand." 🤚
And everyone will raise they're hand except for kazuha because he's just too fucking nice, and xiao because his headphones are on 24/7 so he doesn't hear a THING.
This motherfucker is so rude for nothing.
Like I'm not joking, a literal demon in the flesh. 😐😐
Why is he even here?? he contributes NOTHING ❗❗
Orders some of the most expensive shit and blames it on kazuha or kaeya
Brings up dead relatives and then wonders why Kazuha gives him the most CRAZZY uppercut of his 300 years of existence.
The moment he spoke of his older sister killing tomo, Kazuha gave that man such a raw punch, he flew a few inches off the fucking ground and landed on his back half dead.
Bro almost had a tea party with his aunt
The kind ones pack a punch frfr ❗❗
he HATES zhongli and kazuha the most.
Ik it says he respects elders but c'mon now y'all, zhongli takes like a hour just to pick between nuggets and fries as his side dish when they go to a restaurant, this man HAS A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY
He doesn't bother xiao, cause xiao probably won't hear him.
Makes fun of everyone's snack choice and then proceeds to buy a fucking party size pack of oreos and DOES. NOT. SHARE. 🗣🗣
Always knows what he wants whenever they stop at a store, or gas station.
Kicks diluc's seat to get his attention.
Despite his stank attitude, he's so handsome, like 5 people have walked up to diluc and went "aww, your son is so handsome, how old is he?" The absolute grin diluc holds back while going "he just turned 16." 😉
Scara is banging on the window and snarling like a wild beast behind him. 👹👹👹
The only thing that's stopping him from getting out and pouncing on diluc is kazuha's iron grip, the seatbelt and 5 pieces of tape that are holding him against the seat.
If they all go inside a restaurant, they leave him in the car 🚗 🚗
Kinda like those funny pics of those signs in car windows that are like "do not disturb! the air conditioner is on and he's listening to his favorite song." with the dog in the front seat. 🐕
But instead it's scaramouche tearing the head off a doll that's designed similar to his mom like the bitch boy psycho is he. 😕😕
0/10 you opened the cage.
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dokidokidraws · 2 years
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Sending the ace-ification beam directly at my blorbos…..... they’re all ace because I am and I said so
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cocoa-goat · 1 year
When they catch a glimpse of you playing in the rain.
Featuring: Venti, Xiao, Wanderer, Kazuha
A/N: Hihi !! I feel like I haven’t posted on Tumblr in so long, so here’s a little update. My term break ends tomorrow and I am definitely not thrilled ( T⌓T) ;;
Warning/s: None
Additional info: Reader is gender neutral
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♡ Venti ♡
The moment he sees you playing out in the rain, he’s awestruck and doesn’t hesitate to join you.
The bard twirls you around as the gentle raindrops begin to wet his hair and clothes, but he doesn’t mind.
He knows that moments like these are worthwhile, even though you’ll both end up getting sick the next day.
Upon hearing your laughter, it’s almost as if he’s fallen in love with you all over again. He can’t say no to you… after all, how could he resist his one and only muse?
It wasn’t long before his laughter begins to blend with your own, creating a wonderful symphony in the downpour.
“I can’t let my windblume have all the fun, now can I? Mind if I join you?”
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♡ Xiao ♡
Xiao is… rendered speechless. He’s never witnessed someone be so carefree, much less under the rain.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s gazing at your joyous figure from Wangshu Inn with what seems to be a smile. Something very rare for someone like him.
He doesn’t seem to mind you playing around in the rain, instead keeping a watchful gaze on you from afar. He wouldn’t want to spoil your fun.
It’s not everyday that someone makes the yaksha smile, but you seemed to have changed that with your little habits.
It was at this moment that Xiao decided to protect you and your happiness. Both of which he deemed as precious. A vow to himself, and an unspoken promise to you.
“How long I’ve been watching you? …That doesn’t matter, just don’t stay outside for too long, alright?”
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♡ Kazuha ♡
The samurai leans onto the doorframe with his arms crossed and his heart melts at the sight.
Kazuha stays like that for a while, only breaking his gaze once you’ve caught him staring at you.
Don’t be shy—tell him to join in! He’d gladly oblige. He rarely ever gets to see this side of you, and he wants to cherish it as much as possible.
He’s probably the type to slow-dance with you in the rain. With his hand on your waist, and the other taking hold of your hand, he guides you into synchronising with his graceful movements.
Oh, how he wishes that time would slow down when it comes to you.
“[name], as much as I adore seeing you like this, the idea of you getting sick pains me… Let’s head inside, shall we?”
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♡ Wanderer / Scaramouche ♡
Okay let’s be honest here, his hat would probably shield him from the rain. 💀 (Seriously, how does he pass through narrow doors with that hat on??)
He’d most likely lecture you about getting sick and how much of a hassle it would be to tend to you. But just as he’s about to, something tells him to stop and just… admire you.
To Scaramouche, it’s as if time had come to a halt, and all noises seemed to have been drowned out. All can see is your smile, and all he can feel is the rapid beating of his heart.
That smile of yours which he’s grown to love so much. Your smile that feels like the first rays of sunshine after a harsh storm.
That still won’t stop him from reprimanding you, though… after he’s snapped out of his star-struck trance, he’ll be quick to wrap you in the warmth of his embrace; shielding you from the incoming storm.
“What were you doing out there? You know better than to—[name]? You’re shivering, come here.”
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Based on an experience I had the other day lol (and now I’m sick 🤧)
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Xiao, Scaramouche, Kaedehara Kazuha, Venti, Aether, and Shikanoin Heizou
Synopsis. How I see the 6reeze as College Students (with a bit of reader)💖
Kinda Xiao x Reader (NO ONE CAN STOP ME)
Includes other characters.
I’ll be graduating this June and I’ll forever be sad that I’m not in the same univ. as them 🥺 If someone writes a fic with this theme, please tag me 😭
Xiao, Kazuha, and Venti are roommates in the University Dorm house, Scaramouche lives with his aunt that lives near the univ, Aether with his sister, and Heizou alone.
Although, most of the time, they have a sleepover at the dorms because Heizou argues that “You guys will be the reason if we’re late for that 7 am class if you don’t let us sleep here.”
No, he just wanna spend time with his friends.
Xiao excelsin mathematics, Kazuha and Venti in literature and music, Aether’s an average in everything, Scaramouche doesn’t care but pass subjects anyways, and Heizou is good at everything.
Heizou and Aether makes sure that everyone in the circle is studying and listening while Kazuha is in charge of checking if everyone’s eating right. Xiao always gets an earful because the man lives in instants.
Scaramouche and Xiao are the reason no one dares to touch and taunt their group, but Scaramouche will falter at the gaze of her aunt, and Xiao is the most reserved in their circle.
Venti sings. He sings a low, gentle tone when everyone feels exhausted after a long day at the university, he hums softly when he feels like one of his friends are having an anxiety attack, but can’t talk about it (He always know, he’s the most observant) and he sings his heart out to cheer anyone.
Aether and Kazuha are the middleman. Scara’s being an asshole to one of their classmates? Kazuha will be shooting him a glare from across the room. Venti being the chaos himself? Aether will come and calm down the oh-so energetic lad.
And oh, they all know about Xiao’s little crush on you, with—again, as the calmest— Kazuha and Aether giving the best advice. Aether sometimesasking hissistertobring you to one of their friend dates so his friend can spend some time with you out of the campus.
Scaramouche will be throwing disgusting looks teasingly at Xiao when he notices that the latter is lovestruck, earning a glare with the same energy.
Venti, contrary to popular belief, is the most helpful. This is because he’s also your friend. He tells Xiao one dinner at the dormwhat or what not to do when it comes to you, with the said man giving him a “I don’t need that. I don’t like her” of which Kazuha sighed into.
“What was that for? I really don’t!” can be heard throughout the room.
And it was Scaramouche who had made him realized that he did like you.
“Well if you don’t like her, then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I pursue her?”
Cue the pissed off Xiao halfheartedly admitting he is head over heels for you.
Since their group is always the hot topic at school— please, they’re all good looking, academically good (somehow), kind of rich, etc., you’re genuinely surprised when one of them falls for you. And Venti will laugh it off because you are, if not better, as good as his friends.
They didn’t help Xiao in the confession part, though. They want their friend to do it himself because it will only be worth it by then.
But the pride and joy they’ve felt when he did? It’s comparable to yours.
When you started dating, you find yourself always almost hanging around their friend group.
Scaramouche still throwing disgusted looks at the sight of you and Xiao, with your boyfriend returning a sharp stare.
Your kind of worried but Kazuha tells you that it’s affection and love between the two of them, earning a fit of chuckle from Heizhou who kind of became one of your best friend aside from Venti in the group. Dragging you here and there to play games.
No one can touch you under their watch. Much like Lumine, Aether’s sister. They’re so protective of you and Xiao is thankful for that.
And if they didn’t flinch at Heizhou and Venti’s sarcastic remarks, or Scaramouche’s glares, then they will surely run home crying when Xiao enters the picture.
Kazuha and Aether in the sidelines making sure no one will go to jail.
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xiaoluvss · 6 months
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the pretty boy at the café. ₊˚⊹ ♡₊˚
— your favorite barista !
(barista!xiao & regular customer!reader)
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✧.* barista!xiao who was the barista you always saw each time you visited your favorite café, which you were a known regular in.
✧.* barista!xiao who you thought was extremely attractive from the first moment you saw him. his slender figure, slender hands when he worked, attractive yet stoic face, the piercings on his ears, and the way his uniform complemented his features so well . . you fell in love almost immediately.
✧.* barista!xiao who developed from 'a tiny crush' to a huge one where you started thinking about him every day.
✧.* barista!xiao who the more you'd visit, the more he'd start to notice you.
✧.* barista!xiao who was your favorite barista, and you, his favorite customer.
✧.* barista!xiao who eventually memorized the drink you'd always order from how often you'd come here . . memorizing what time you usually come by and then have the drink ready by the time you arrive. you were surprised (and flustered) when he himself handed you your drink before you even got to order.
✧.* barista!xiao whose co-workers started teasing him due to the slight difference in his attitude whenever you were in the café. now he was the one who was starting to develop a tiny crush on you.
✧.* barista!xiao who finds himself staring at you as you read a book in your table while he's making drinks or wiping down the counter. his co-workers usually notice this and nudge his side with a teasing smirk.
✧.* barista!xiao who's less nonchalant and cold towards you, seemingly having all his attention on you whenever you speak to him. you were really sweet . . and nice, and so perfect to him in his eyes.
✧.* barista!xiao who seems more agitated whenever you aren't visiting the café. he'd always seem to be much more gloomy when you aren't there.
✧.* barista!xiao who noticed you staring at his arms and hands one time, which caused the slightest smirk to appear on his face.
✧.* barista!xiao who you scolded one time, asking him to come closer with a worried look on your face as he seemed a bit tired. you took a closer look at his face and started scolding him, saying that he should rest more and that he shouldn't overwork himself. he actually listened to you, which was a rare thing for him to do with anyone else.
✧.* barista!xiao who puts little cat doodles (or doodles, in general) next to your name on the cups whenever you order, so that he could see that tiny smile of yours every time.
✧.* barista!xiao who'd keep each and every gift you'd give to him. he really appreciates you, he just won't show it. there's no way he'd admit that . . right?
✧.* barista!xiao who gifted a cute plush keychain to you, looking away with his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. that became the first time he received a hug from you, and the moment he found out how good you actually smelled.
✧.* barista!xiao who can't hide his blush whenever he sees that exact keychain dangling on your bag when you enter the café. he remembers your hug each time he looks at it.
✧.* barista!xiao whose number you eventually found on a piece of paper taped to your drink's cup, with an 'add me?' written in neat handwriting. you found that he also added his instagram username at the bottom of the paper.
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anyways,, I'm on a roll now omg😭I've been posting so muchhh I just really hope you guys enjoy them ૮₍˶ ╥ ‸ ╥ ⑅₎ა
thankyu for taking the time to read my works !!
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hi there! if it's okay, may i please request albedo, kazuha, scara and xiao when the reader sleeps on the couch after an argument (not yandere, pls)?
Yes you may dear. And of course it won't be Yandere haha.
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Albedo ✦༝┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉༝✦
After calming down from the argument, Albedo was heading to bed, as he was tired.
You guys have a nice quiet house in place in Mondstadt. A quiet area of the country.
Once he is situated in bed, as routined and out of habit that you two created together, he waited for you to join him, maybe you guys can talk and apologize in each other's arms.
After an hour, he sighed and sat up. "Where are they?" He muttered and stood up from bed.
He went into the bathroom to see if you were still getting ready for bed, as it was a usual routine for you to be in the bathroom getting ready for bed.
However, once he didn’t find you there, he then went towards your living room area, and there he saw you.
He saw you, sleeping on the couch, with a small blanket, and the window open.
Seeing this scene made his heart clench, a scene that will stick to the back of his head for a while, a scene he never will put on a canvas.
Slowly, he walked to you, with guilt dripping down the inside of his artificial chest.
"Hey..." He gently shook you with his hand on your shoulder. "Please, wake up. Don’t sleep here...please?"
You opened your eyes a bit and glanced at him tiredly. You then turned your back to him.
However, he grabbed your arm to prevent you from turning, as he took your chin and made you look into his eyes. "I'm sorry if I went over the line, and said something that hurt you. I never wanted to push you to...this conclusion. Please come back to bed with me...I...I miss you there with me."
You looked to the side a bit, thinking of what to do, however, you couldn’t stay mad at him.
You ended up returning to bed with him, as you feel him desperately cuddle you close to him. As if to prevent you from ever recreating such a scene again.
Kazuha Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:.*:..*:...。o○*:.*:..*:...。o○  ○o。..:*..:*..:*○o。..:*..:*..:*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
An argument with Kazuha seemed impossible, however things happened, especially when previous stress was involved with them.
Lately, Kazuha hasn’t been spending much time with you, as he seemed stressed about things. You'd always check in on him with things, but he would shut you out.
Eventually, all things came to a head, when you two got into an argument about his behavior and how you hated that you felt pushed away. However, he seemed sterned with his behavior.
With that, you were too frustrated to be in the same room as him. You decided to sleep on the couch. You need to cool off from things, maybe a nice break will do.
You slowly close your eyes and drifted to sleep. Maybe you can go out and take a day for yourself for once. You can't force him to come to you after all.
However, a few hours later, you felt arms around your torso, and a warm heat pressed against your back. You felt a face buried into your neck.
You woke up in surprised, as he hasn’t held you like this in a long while. You gently turned your head a bit. "K-Kazuha dear?"
"My beloved, I...I apologize for my behavior and how I have acted towards you...please know you are the most precious Maple leaf that as ever fallen into my hand and I never meant to crush your beauty within my grasp...."
You felt him tighten his arms around you. "You see, something happened on the ship with Beidou. I have met someone who known my friend...the friend who was struck down by Raiden Shogun and..."
There was a small pause.
"It brought back so many painful things for me to hold myself together for a bit. I am sorry for taking it out on you..I should have told you...at least let you know that I needed time...to me.."
You smiled and turned, and gently pulled his head into your chest and rubbed his back, as he recited poetic whispers to you, and reminding you that he loves you.
Kazuha eventually fell asleep in your arms, reminding himself that this was what comfort felt like with his beloved.
Scaramouche ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
Of course you're going to have your arguments with this little shit, arguing is basically his love language at this point.
However, this particular argument really struck a chord with you, he was hitting all your sensitive and soft areas with the most pettiest language to express his points to you.
As it got too much, you left. No matter how much he yelled at you to come back, you refused. You had enough. You don't want to even see him.
Later that night, you decided to sleep on the couch in your office. You just wasn’t in the mood to see him.
Of course, not even seconds later, you heard him come into your office, as your back was turned to the door therefore, also him.
"This is stupid, come to bed, you are being dramatic." He complained. However you didn’t respond, immediately showing the disconnect you had with him. Showing the distance you had with him.
He continued to complain as a way to convince you, however, you never responded.
Annoyance turned into anxiety very quickly for him, as he walked to you and went to his knees by you. He placed his hand on your back. "H-Hey...at least respond to me..."
He spoke with nervousness, and why wouldn’t he? You never abandoned him no matter how difficult he was, you were all he had. The only person who understood him and made him feel loved.
Nothing, no response.
Scaramouche pressed his forehead against your back. "I'm sorry...I know I went too far...I know I shouldn’t have said those things."
He squeezed your arm. "I'll...I'll leave you alone for once..." He said quietly and stood up and left.
All you heard was a quiet click of your office door closing. That is the most quietest he had ever been.
Xiao ✧───────── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ──────────✧
Of course, he wouldn’t understand at first why you chose to do this.
Was this a human custom to do when they are upset or being resentful?
However, it doesn’t matter, one common thing spoke to him about this, and that thing is. Guilt.
He felt guilty, what was wrong with him? How can he pushed the only person away, the one person he wanted to protect from this world
He thought of himself as the very monster that hurt you.
Despite his thought process, he wouldn’t show it, he needed to remain strong, he needed to.
That was until he saw you sleeping in the Wangshu inn lobby, on the couch. not in his room with him.
The desire to remain strong slowly left him as he was drowning in guilt. He shouldn’t have let his temper get the better of him. Why did he do that? Overthinking guilty thoughts plagued his mind.
He had flashed backs of his yaksha family that passed, was he going to lose you like them as well?
Fear filled his heart.
He walked up you, and looked straight at your beautiful face that gave him so much smiles, kisses and nuzzles.
"Please don’t...do this to me..." He whispered to you, as he placed his hand on your arm. "I'm sorry I..."
You didn’t respond, as you were half sleep.
Reaching a limit, you felt Xiao immediately pick you up, bridal style to get your full attention. He looked at you with a desperate face.
You looked into his eyes, as you immediately woken up from his actions. "X-Xiao..."
Xiao immediate pressed his forehead against yours. "Please come back to bed with me...I can’t... I can’t stand you being here out in the open like this...with everyone seeing you..."
As he said this, he was carrying you back into his room, as he was planning to take care of you and make sure you were in his arms by the end of the day.
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pbart86 · 8 months
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Some 'Allies' when you are low HP (Comic by me)
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dkniade · 4 months
This makes me imagine a comedy vignette where like, Zhongli asks Xiao to perform a duty of guarding people who venture to Mr. Tianheng but it’s actually just Xiao sitting in such a cliff face convenience store handing out refreshments to rock climbers lmao
Everyone climbs with ropes and proper equipment. One day Xiao is about to hand out some water and snacks when he sees some woman climbing effortlessly with bare hands and feet. They lock eyes.
It’s Shenhe.
Xiao hands her some snacks and water. Shenhe accepts and comments it’s much better than the herbs she eats while training with her master.
Xiao calls her a foolish mortal for engaging in such a dangerous activity. Shenhe tells him there’s no need to worry; she knows the adeptal arts.
Xiao stares at her.
Then he immediately carries her and teleports to the safest nearby area and makes sure she can find things to eat. He gives her a quick lecture on self-preservation and disappears in a teal flash.
Why did Adeptus Xiao stop her in the middle of her leisurely activity.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Heyo! First off I gotta say your last post *chef kiss* lol I've really enjoyed reading all your fics!
May I request y/n giving Gorou, Tighnari, and Scaramouche and maybe Xiao forehead kisses?
Thank you<3
Eeeee thank you so much!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed them all! I hope you like this! <3
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You giving them forehead kisses~
(Includes: Gorou, Tighnari, Xiao, and Scaramouche!)
You smiled at Gorou, laying next to him on the soft ground, his arms wrapped around you holding you close to him. Above you the sakura tree showered you both with its silky light pink leaves, the gentle breeze shaking its branches and the sun slightly peeping through, making you feel warm in its rays.
He leaned in closer to you, your noses touching slightly as he looked into your eyes, his tail wagging gently behind him, letting you know he was enjoying the moment just as much as you were. Your face heated up a little as you moved, placing a soft kiss on your boyfriends forehead and watching lovingly as his cheeks turned a soft pink before he returned the favour, kissing your lips softly.
Tighnari was deep into his paperwork, studying some plants you had never heard of before, while you organised a couple of his shelves and tidied up some of his loose sketches, taking your time to look at each one of them. It still amazed you how close to life he could make them look, even with just a few swipes of his pen.
Suddenly a small note caught your attention, your name being printed in his handwriting as well as a checklist. The checklist wasn't like any one he had written before or at least none that you had seen as you read each one of the goals:
⊡ Tell them they are beautiful at least once a day.
⊡ Bring them flowers for every date.
⊡ Say I love you more often.
⊡ Make sure to take a break from work to spend time with them.
By the time you had finished reading you had a dark blush on your face, noticing how he had marked them all and remembering just how loving he had been towards you recently. Your heart swelled and as he shifted in his seat you decided to hide the note back where it was, making your way over to him.
As soon as he looked up at you, his eyes filled with curiousity, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before hugging him, a large smile on your face. "What's gotten into you hm? You didn't eat any aphrodisiacs did you?" He chuckled teasingly his face turning a slight pink as his arms wrapped around you tightening the embrace.
(Went a little crazy with this one! Hope that's okay! >w<)
You looked at Xiao who had taken to resting his head in your lap, looking up at you as you gently ran your fingers through his dark teal hair and hummed a quiet melody. This time with him felt so peaceful and calming, not a worry in the world, just the wish of wanting to stay like this with him forever.
You glanced down at him, his eyelids looking heavy like he was about to fall asleep and his normally threatening yellow eyes looking gentle, you couldn't help but wonder just how long it had been since he had last relaxed like this. You smiled leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his forehead, watching as his eyes widen for a second and his cheeks turned slightly pink, before he could say a word sleep got the better of him, his eyes slowly closing as he rested on you.
Scaramouche smirked, looking at your blushing face like he had won a medal, his teasing had worked on you and despite calling you pathetic he actually enjoyed watching your cheeks turn red. "This isn't even a challenge anymore, just a simply victory like taking candy from a baby. Honestly I'm starting to think you'll never get me to blush." He gloated, each word full of self confidence and overwhelming pride.
For a second you considered giving up on ever making him feel flustered, wondering if it was actually impossible...till a idea popped into your head. It would be a last resort but it was all you could think of. You stepped closer to him tipping his hat backwards, he made a annoyed noise but you didn't take the time to care as you kissed his forehead gently.
You watched, savouring the moment as his face turned slightly pink and his smirk fell into a frown. He attempted to hide away behind his hat but you wouldn't let him get away so easily, as you ducked under the brim, your face inches from his. "What were you saying again?" You couldn't help but giggle at him as he groaned in annoyance.
~Requests open!~
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anemos-orca · 4 months
Xiao loves how you...
contains: No NSFW, fluffy only :D, gender neutral!reader x Xiao (no pronouns used), reader loves biology, not proof-read at all qwq
summary: The things you do that Xiao find so endearing about you :3
A/N: idrk what this is :x i guess a compilation of cute xiao thoughts? idk qwq lots of biology stuff because thats my thing •w• if you cant tell, i love xiao so much -w-
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Xiao would find it difficult to admit it out loud if you asked, but he couldnt get enough of you.
Xiao loved how passionate you were about your work and the things you loved, the way your enthusiasm guided your life and led you to be as sweet, caring, and compassionate as you were.
The way you got down to eye level with the dogs and cats in the harbor to say hello and pet them, even though doing such with every animal you passed made your trips take far longer than they realistically should.
The way your voice shrunk into a soft coo with the shy cats and grew into an ecsatic yip to rial up the dogs, talking to them like they could answer back.
The way you made an effort to memorize each of their names and the places they did and did not like to be pet, all to make them happy because, in your words, "They dont live all that long compared to us, so every bit of affection counts."
You were caring to all, so gentle and sweet, no matter who they were.
Xiao loved how expressive your face and body language were, and how each subtle movement betrayed your every emotion (even in times you didnt particularly want to be read like a book).
How you werent ever restless when you worked- he never failed to notice how you could sit for hours and study the behaviors of even the slowest, most boring koi in a pond without so much as a shifty-eyed glance of boredom. He could never sit and study things with you for the full amount of time because of how thurough you were.
He loved the way your nose scrunched up in disgust at the silliest things and how your eyes seemed to light up with excitement every time you saw something cool, even if it was just a pesky beetle that found its way onto the railing.
He loved the way you became so flustered every time he would so much as mention how adorable you looked when you were intruiged by something- especially when he caught you crouched down and wide-eyed as you watched a plant idly sway in the breeze, your attention so fixed on the sessile organism that you hadnt noticed Xiao kneeling down next to you. He tried to be sorry for startling you so badly that you fell onto your face, but it was hard to take you seriously when your cheeks were flushed such a bright red and you stammered over every word that fell from your lips.
Xiao couldnt get enough of how cute you were. If he truly wanted to, he could go on and on listing the adorable things you did, but he was the Conqueror of Demons, not the Conqueror of Having-A-Hard-Time-With-Expressing-Human-Emotions.
How you clutched that old, flattened koi plush close to your chest each night as you slept curled up in his arms. Even on the nights he couldnt join you as you fell asleep, he would come to your shared room at the Inn to check on you, comforted when he would find that you had fallen asleep wrapped around your plushie. He was always glad that you were fully asleep when he checked in on you because if you woke up from the hushed sound of his Wind-Cycle as he teleported into the room and saw him planting the most gentle of kisses to your lips, his one hand draped over your shoulder and the other cupping your cheek, he would be too embarrassed to even speak. You wouldnt tell him, but you secretly knew that he did this every night he couldnt be in bed with you.
He craved the way your face softened when you kissed him. He was addicted to it. The way you held his cheeks oh-so gently, your soft, warm hands keeping his mind steady as you leaned in and pressed such intimate little kisses all over his face. The way you paid special attention to his lips, knowing that he loved those kisses the most. After a long day of slaughtering countless demons, coming home to such soft and adorable mannerisms was all he wanted- and he got it every time.
He loved how adorable you looked when you cuddled him. He didnt get it at first, but after a few times, he found himself hungry for more and excitedly expecting it each night. He didnt know how you did it (and even thought it was some sort of demon-spell-trickery-hoopla at first), but now that he felt what it was to be held close, to be snuggled, to cuddle, he desired more and more each time. He loved the way you balled up in his arms on some nights and sloppily laid across his chest on others. He even loved how, when you were especially exhausted, you drooled on his shirt, leaving a wet, darkened mark that the other Adepti teased him about. He was once embarrassed about it, but after a moment of thought about how you were his only, your drool marks were his only, your sleepy face was his only, your love was his only, he wore your drool mark with pride every other night it happened from then on out. He was the only one who would ever have your drool, so that made it exclusive and special. No matter how much anyone envied the fact that he was the one who got to hold you in his arms while you fell asleep, they would never get to have you. You were his, and his only. Drool included.
Xiao loved you. All of you. And he would continue to do so forever, no matter what. Even if you scolded him (with the most endearing blush-covered cheeks, he'd like to add) for startling you and making you fall on your face. Even if you took an excessively long amount of time every trip to the harbor because you wanted to "catch up" with the animals. Even if you drooled on his shirt because of how tired you were. He was tough, callous, and sometimes even came across as cold or flat out rude to others, but knowing that you saw the real him, the Xiao no one else got to see, was enough to make him feel soft and fuzzy inside. And for that, he loved you very, very much.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
Diluc, childe and xiao with reader that likes being praised in bed please!
Ns!fw. 18+ only!!
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Genuinely excited to do a nsfw request but Ik full well I’m gonna be squealing into my pillow jdjfjfidb
I know this ain’t gonna be good but I’m hoping I’ve read enough of this stuff to at least know what I’m doing 💀
Warnings: Lots of sexy touches and words (idk what warnings to put ya’ll it’s gn so I couldn’t be too specific aaaaa) established relationship, very soft smut! Gn!reader, swearing, praise, slight power play in Childes, uhhh that’s about it I think??
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Xiao.
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Something feels cursed about using “childe” in a nsfw but we’ll bypass that for now
He’s so horny for you most of the time
He knew that whenever he encouraged and praised you during your sparring, it always sparked something in your eyes
And he liked it
So of course why wouldn’t he use the same tactics while he’s buried in between your legs <3
They way you moan out his name and dig your nails into his skin whenever he reminds you how good you’re being for him makes childe go wilde (I’m sorry)
Something about the way you craved his approval and praise just did things to him
Like you wanted to be good for him and no one else
Maybe he’ll give you a reward for being so good~
“You’re being so good for me baby~”
The ginger mumble out his words against your neck causing you to shiver at the vibrations.
You both had been sparing today and going a lot harder at it than usual causing one fight to end up with him pinning you to the ground with a massive smirk.
“You’re not half bad at this y’know? I’m almost inclined to say you’re good”
Hearing those words, your cheeks flushed pink as you rubbed your thighs together. Something about the way he praised you while making you feel so powerless had your whole body craving more.
Of course Childe being the little shit he is, noticed your reaction and being the kind, wonderful boyfriend that he is, decided to test the waters a little~
Less than 30 minutes later he has you pressed up against a wall, his hand working it’s magic on your sex while he leaves pretty little bite marks along your neck and shoulder.
Feeling overwhelmed with pleasure you couldn’t help but moan out his name and beg for him to keep going no matter what.
“I love it when you’re this desperate for me Y/N”
“You’re being so good for me sweetheart, just a little longer, I know you can do it~”
As his praises continued to flow and his toying with your body didn’t look like it would be ending any time soon, you knew that it was definitely for the best to cancel tomorrow’s commissions for the sake of your poor legs~
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He’s a gentleman so he’d natural want to praise his precious love~
He’s a very strong man so when he’s not making sure that you’re ok he’s whispering in your ear and telling you how well you’re taking him <3
Man definitely has size to him
So of course he’d want to praise you for being able to take him all in~
He’s so gentle towards you too!
When he’s not making sure you’re ok then he’s making sure to tell you that you’re doing a good job and making him feel amazing~
It had been a long day at angels share after the KOF swore in a new member and venti decided to sneak into the tavern leaving both you and your beloved feeling frustrated to say the least.
Which is why you were now happily kneeling in between Dilucs legs as his strong hand gently caressed your head while you pleasingly took his length into your mouth.
“Darling you’re taking me all in so well~”
His words were always so sincere and caring towards you, always making sure you knew how much he loves you and his gentle encouragement gave you the confidence you needed when it came to seggsi time!
“Mmm..I’m so lucky to have you, you know that, love?”
“You always know how to make me feel amazing~”
You’d never be able to admit it but you’ve grown to always find yourself feeling certain…ways when ever he praises you.
And he’ll never admit that he knows~
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My bOY!!!!
He’s so scared that he’s gonna hurt you
So he always makes sure to check up on you ever chance he gets!
He also makes sure to tell you how good you make him feel~
After all he’s been through it’s rare for him to have moments of relief so of course he’s want you to know how much you’re helping him~
He’s not experienced but he’s smart
Give him some time and he’ll learn everything you enjoy!
He isn’t one for making much noise in bed but if you ask him to praise you more then he’ll happily oblige~
“A… Archon’s Y/N, you’re taking me so well~”
Xiao’s and your relationship was unique to say the least.
Never in a million years would he of thought that a mortal would make him feel so many new emotions and sensations.
After first meeting you on the plains outside wangshu inn and then continuing to bump into you repeatedly afterwards, he started feeling his affections for you grow and very slowly he grew brave enough to admit them to you.
To think all of that seemed like such a long time ago now as both of you are flustered, breathy messes in Xiao’s rarely used Inn room after today seemed to shower you both with crushing tension that not even Xiao could fight against for too long.
“Y… you feel so good..”
Xiao had a habit of softly biting your neck whenever he praised you, letting out soft hisses of pleasure whenever you started to quicken your pace along his length while you gripped onto his dark, soft hair.
Occasionally you’d feel him let out a deep growl from his chest when you called out his name in pleasure, almost like just your voice was enough to drive him wild~
“I’ve never felt anything like this before”
“Please don’t stop yet Qingxin, you make me feel so good I… I need more”
It was a rare sight to see the adepti so needy and in such pure bliss like this.
You couldn’t help finding his flustered pouts absolutely adorable when you tease him later about all his sweet words but neither of you can deny your special connection and Xiao would do everything in his power to remind you of that.
Naked or not~
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Ya’ll I’m sorry if this is bad, it’s my first time writing seggsie stuff and I’ve been working on this for days 💀
I shall start working on the other requests now as I’m starting to feel better and ya’ll are being generous with the ideas :p
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nubisaureus · 1 year
when they get jealous and needy
how the genshin men show their jealousy over you
character(s): Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya
pairings(s): fem!reader x Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya (separately)
contents: uncertainty of feelings, smut, found family, angst, comfort
not proofread! im swamped with uni work so i might post less till next week, sorry <3
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he's absolutely chill most of the time, but there are some times he just gets jealous and insecure
you bet he's going to mark his territory: whether it is by putting his hand around your waist, pulling you close, whispering something in your ear while looking the other person dead in the eyes, his golden irises sending a silent warning
«And who's this, angel?» he asks, as he gets to your side
you better believe he's gonna get extra needy/rough when you two get in bed later
as he's balls deep in your pussy, he groans «you're mine, aren't you, angel?»
you struggle to answer. not because you don't know what to answer, but because you can't think properly, as he's relentlessly pounding into you, making you lose any semblance of rational thought
he stops, still inside of you.
«answer.» he commands now, making you squirm and whine for more.
«C-cyno..» you plead, incapable of uttering any other word than his name.
«yes?» his pupils dark and wide, much like the ones of a predator
«i am Cyno. that guy was just flirting with me because he can't stand you. he wants to make you angry because the matra once apprehended him due to his illegal schemes, and so he wants to take it out on you..» you utter those words, remembering the case that had shaken your Darshan from the inside out, before Cyno was even the general Mahamatra
as you finish speaking, he starts to pound into you again, making you scream his name, finally getting the release you were aching for
poor thing is still new to this having feelings for someone, so when he gets angry when another guy talks with you in a more friendly way, he doesn't know what to do with his feelings
so he goes to Zhongli, asking for advice (a/n yes, i believe in Zhongli as Xiao's found family, idc)
«Rex L-» «Just Zhongli.»
he looks down, biting his lip at the correction. it doesn't feel fair to him to call Rex Lapis as simply Zhongli, but he carries on, explaining his problem
«What you are experiencing is what mortals call "jealousy". While it is normal to have such a feeling when someone you don't like might be talking to her in a little too friendly manner, you must learn not to get overwhelmed by this feeling, as it only brings people apart and destroys relationships.»
he thinks long and hard about what Zhongli told him, and as you return to Wangshu Inn, you find him on the rooftop, deep in thought.
«I'm back, Xiao.» you say, catching his attention.
you are met by a dry reply, that makes you wonder what might be up with him
after a bit, he decides to confess, and you look at him, endearment in your eyes
«aw, love. you have no need to be jealous. i'm sorry you felt this way. whether adeptus or human, jealousy is a terrible feeling that no one wants to experience. but i can assure you that the only one i love is you, and no one else.»
he's got tears in his eyes
«are you sure?» you nod. «but..my karmic debt..» he averts his eyes, turning his back to you
you hug him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder
«my Vision protects me.»
he makes you promise to run away if he ever loses control over himself, and you reluctantly agree, even though you know that if that ever happened, you would fight for him until the bitter end.
oh boi, you're in for a ride
he's literally the smoothest talker ever, he doesn't even need to get jealous
he's more of a showoff really, basically showing off his wonderful girlfriend
so it's more him making other people jealous, whether men or women, because, let's be honest, it's not like women are not jealous of you
«all alone here, kitten?» he comes up at you at Angel's Share, while Diluc rolls his eyes at his cheesiness
you flirt right back, twirling a strand of loose hair in your fingers, catching his attention
your hair and neck are his weak points, so you know exactly what you're doing
his eyes are fixated on you, as you let go of your hair, and go back to your drink, ignoring him
he comes up to you, whispering something in your ear
«let's put on a show» are the words that come to your ears, and you smile wickedly
you turn your head towards him, staring at his lips intensively
he's too close for comfort, and you can feel his cold breath on your skin, shivers appearing in response
as you're about to kiss, your lips inches from each other, a suave melody starts playing
you see one of the most renowned bard of Mondstadt, Venti, playing his lyre for the tavern
you get all excited, and stand up, your dress flitting around your figure
Kaeya gives you a puzzled look, but it soon transforms into an amused smile, as he joins you in dancing
you two dance together, the entire tavern mesmerized at the sight of you two
might also be because Kaeya was using his vision to create small snowflakes around both of you, those same snowflakes catching the light of the tavern, creating a reflective spectacle
you decide to tease him, grabbing him by the ring that holds his collar in place
he smiles smugly, as if to ask "what now?"
your faces get too close for comfort, both of you lost in the each other's eyes
suddenly a whiff of wind swirls around you, diffusing an irresistible aroma around you
who's gonna give in first? it's a battle of wits at this point
Kaeya does.
you don't even have the time to process it, that his lips are on yours, and his hands are on your waist, pulling you closer
that was one memorable night
what you didn't know is that your ex was standing in a corner of the tavern, a bewildered look in his eyes as he witnessed the whole scene
Kaeya is a fucking menace
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cynoswifey · 1 year
Xiao nsfw headcanons for his birthday?????????????
Xiao Nsfw Headcanons
AN: Thanks for the ask :) I didn't know to to write about
Warnings: NSFW topics involved
In all of Xiao's years of living you'd think that he would've fucked a couple of people but no he's still a virgin. He would just ignore it whenever he is horny because he thinks its stupid and he doesn't know how to respond to it Xiao is always ready for when your legs don't work cause with you, he goes all out. He knew was going to fuck you into oblivion.
His fingers are talented like god damn man can have you screaming with just his hands which is probably why he doesn't like sex toys he prefers to be the one touching you
Xiao is not a degrader and doesn't like being degraded so he's always telling you how good you feel around him and how pretty you look covered in his cum
He may be tiny but his dick isn't shit bro you don't even know how it fits inside you. If you think his fingers are good they are nothing compared to his dick. Which is why he can reach deep into you and spreads you out perfectly
There was once when he told you that you could call his name whenever you needed him and so you did now he loves when he can hear you moan out his name when you pleasure yourself
People seem to make Xiao a very shy person when telling you he's horny but I believe he's direct he'd tell you with little to no hesitation but if there's someone in the room he'd control himself.
He's also a soft dom and not really into kinky shit but hey if you want to be tied up or choked he will deliver Xiao will do anything you ask.
never lets anyone see your body your his and his alone will literally kill anyone who catches you both in the act but if you really want he'd allow for Aether to join in the fun
Likes simple positions like missionary or face off will try out anything though he likes being able to see your face so he would know if he ever hurt you even though he is doing the exact opposite
Now for the million-dollar question ass, tits, or thighs. Thighs for sure he could stay between yours for hours eating you out but will eventually have to stop to fuck you stupid
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diyahatnight · 1 year
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Warnings: May cause crying (I cried while writing this). This is the Angst, and fluff ver of the smut one.
Any audience
read the smut version if you’d like
Xiao x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend lost his memory of you so you have to find a way to help him get it back.
Notes: I prefer writing fluff, so I put more thought into this one.
Picking back up how Zhongli dumped the situation of your boyfriend loosing his memory on the both of you then leaving.
It’s been a nightmare for you, you’ve worked so hard to turn your boyfriend into a lover boy. You’ve broken his whole cold, nonchalant attitude and turned him into a lover, sweet, touchy boy. Yeah he still spoke in a monotone manner but, he still loved you. And after he lost his memory’s it feels like 5 years gone down the drain.
This new Xiao isn’t making any progress, it’s like he doesn’t even care enough to remember you. He won’t even touch you.
You started thinking to yourself, did he even actually love me? Why was the memories of us the only ones that he lost? Maybe I wasn’t important enough to remember. Or maybe he did it on purpose even after knowing the consequences… These thoughts made your blood boil, the thought of him not ever even loving you made you so upset. Yet you still cried yourself to sleep.
Ever since he’s lost his memory the only time that he has recently came close to you was for dinner. He only excepted it because you promised him almond tofu. You tried to touch his hand one night because you missed him and his touch, but he snatched it away.
Your eyes started to get teary and you started crying. You were upset so you threw away your food, gave him the almond tofu then walked to your bedroom crying. He just stared. He felt bad but at the same time he didn’t care because he didn’t know you.
He stayed at the dinner table for a hour just thinking while you had cried yourself to sleep. While you were dead sleep he came creeping inside the room walking to his side of the bed, and he stared at you for a hot second. He had made a decision on something.
He walks over to the closet and grabs a bag. He starts packing everything that he owned. His plan was to completely disappear from you without a chase, he felt that trying to love you again was really frustrating and difficult, that he didn’t want to do it anymore.
He’s did it once for 5 years maybe that was enough for you. Before leaving through the window he looks at you and notices that your shirt started falling off of your shoulder. He notices something familiar, he walks back over to you and pulls down your shirt a little bit more to expose the tattoo on your arm.
It was a tattoo of his Yaksha mask. You thought it’d be cute to get little tattoos that would be memorable of each other. He pulled your shirt back up to cover the tattoo and walked away thinking that you were a crazy psychopath obsessed with him, but little did he know that he had a little tattoo that reminds him of you on the back of his hand under his glove.
He decided that leaving was the best option for the both of you. He thought that leaving you who was obsessed with him would probably make your mind go straight. But he was equally obsessed with you, exact reason why he agreed to get matching tattoos.
You wake up the next morning to see that everything of his was gone. You run around the house looking for him or his stuff and there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. When you realize what he had done, you drop to your knees balling your eyes out, gripping onto your shirt were your heart is, grabbing onto the floor, and gasping for air.
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t speak, all you could do was sob. The air started to get thinner and everything around you was closing in. You where starting to have a panic attack, you were loosing your mind over the fact you were right. 5 years thrown down the drain, everything gone.
You kept thinking to yourself what are you gonna do? you lost the only person you cared about the most. You loved this man to death, and he just upped and left. He could have at least told you, you didn’t have to start your morning off having a panic attack.
Sitting there sobbing and throwing up, you started to get overwhelmed and black straight on out. You were on the ground blacked out for 2 hours. When you finally woke up you didn’t move, you just sat there staring at your fridge in your kitchen which seemed one thousand miles away.
You eventually fell asleep again on the floor, still in the same position from were you blacked out. When you woke up it was night time again, you finally got up to clean up the mess you’ve made on the floor and on yourself.
After clearing the floor and taking a shower, you take a quick peak at your phone and you stare in shock. You’ve been sleeping on that floor for 3 days? how is that even possible? But honestly you didn’t care. Why was that even important.
You had locked yourself inside your house for a month, with no contact what so ever with anyone. What was your lover doing during that month? You didn’t care but you couldn’t help but wonder.
When your lover left, he had to find somewhere to lay low, so he resorted to Cloud retainer’s domain.
“What brings you here?” she asks the boy
“I left.” he replies softly
She was confused “Left from where?”
“My supposed lover.” He says almost rolling his eyes
She doesn’t say anything for a minute be for saying “Why would you leave the one that you love oh so dearly, and loves you equally the same way back?”
“I don’t love her.”
“Hmm, have you not had your memories returned?” she asks still shocked at his words.
He shakes his head no and continues on with his life.
Cloud retainer makes it her mission to try and get Xiao’s memories back. That entire month she had tried various of things to get them back, and he’s had a small bit come back. But he still doesn’t want to return home to you.
After you lock yourself inside your home for a month you started getting low on food. You decided to man up and go shopping for food supplies in Liyue.
After you finished shopping, you decided to go pay a visit to Zhongli. you walked into the funeral parlor and greeted hu-tao then asked where Zhongli was. She pointed you to where he was and you went to go say hi. After sitting there talking for a while, he asked you why he hasn’t seen you for a month and you stared at him for a hot second then you explain what happened.
You started to break down in tears and he welcomes you into a hug. During this time Xiao was planning on coming in and being by Zhongli’s side again. That’s when he saw you in the arms of zhongli, he was just staring at you. He noticed that you were crying. He stayed hidden because he was avoiding you on purpose. He remembered a few things about y’all’s relationship, but he still never wanted to come back.
As he was staring at you, he started to get more memories rushing back. For some reason his entire face turned hot and he was blushing. He was confused on why just looking at you made him feel this way. He was confused on why he was able to feel this feeling. He thought he didn’t love you, but he surely did. 
He teleports away, leaving you again. But you never even noticed he was there.
After a hanging at the funeral parlor you return home, as you start filling up your fridge and cabinets you decide to get over him. He can you get over someone that you had been with for 5 years and planned on marrying? It was possible and that was what exactly what you were gonna do.
You walk into your room and looked at the couple photo of you and Xiao wearing cat ears, you were imitating claws and Xiao stared at you through the camera because he was forced to do that with you, but he was happy. You pick up the photo and look at the “Y/n x Xiao” carved into the frame. You place the photo down onto its face and leave the room.
This is the way it was was for 8 months, you were happy again and living your life. Hanging out with friends and seeing new guys. Xiao completely out of your head, almost.
All Xiao did was watch you from a distance, watching you like this made so many memories of his return. He loved you again, and wanted you in his grasp again. He hated the fact that you were talking to other guys. But what made him happy was that you never touched them the way you touched him.
And you never talked to them the way you used to talk to him. He wanted you back, so he was getting you back.
He wanted to return home, not to the house. But to you. When you were getting ready for a night out he silently teleported inside your room. You never noticed him till you turned around and he scared you.
“What the hell are you doing in my room?” you asked him breathing heavy from the shock.
He walked closer to you “I missed you.”
you thought ‘the audacity that this man has.’
You walk closer to him “what makes you think you can come inside my house and tell me that you missed me? and i’d take you back?!”
Who were you kidding? you never forgotten about him. You wanted him back so badly, you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips eagerly. You wanted his touch so badly that you were chasing his lips with your own.
That kiss brought back some of his fuzzy memories that he had of you. He wrapped his arms around you to bring you closer and deepen the kiss. He loved and missed you so much, and he was also eager for your touched.
Still kissing you, he noticed the couple photo of you two faced down. He lets one of his hands go off your waist and sits the photo back up.
He never fully left.
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I kinda wanna turn this into a wattpad story now…
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oreoov · 10 months
Imagine like you were shipping bestfriend!kazuha/xiao (pick whichever!) with someone else, but he likes you and gets abit frustrated when he keeps giving you hints but their so subtle you don't notice em?
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bestfriend!xiao x gn!reader / angst (?) & fluff / modern au <3
note ; bye i screamed when i saw this BUT OFFCCCC, i was gonna do kazuha because likes hes just so hdidjdisidi but i haven't done xiao in a while so YEAHHH, BTW ILYY TYSM FOR REQUESTING <33
synopsis ; xiao kept giving you subtle hints that he likes you ... but you never seemed to noticed them, and even started shipping him with someone else ..?
the bell finally rang after what felt like hours on end ... you and xiao were making your way to the cafeteria together, right before some girl bumped into xiao as she was in a hurry.
the sudden crash had caused her to drop all her books, and like what any person would do, xiao helped pick them up and returned it to who it belonged to. he even gave her a subtle smile as she thanked him before leaving.
"oooohh!! was that a smile i saw? hmm?" you teased him as you both resumed your walk to the cafeteria.
xiao gave you a confused look as he didn't understand why it was a big deal to you. "you're the one who told me to smile more ..?"
"okay well─ umm─ thats different!! you dont usually smile at people ... or .. YOU LIKE HER? is that it?!" you were literally onto nothing ...
from a confused look, he turned into a 'wtf?' look ... "what? i smile a lot more with you anyways ..." xiao mumbled the last part as he thought it was quite embarassing to say, he just hoped you would catch on already.
but you completely ignored what he said and started feeding your delusions to him again!
"its okay to admit that you were kinda into her xiao, you guys made eye contact for like 0.2 seconds ... like, dude she literally wants you so bad .."
"it's okay xiao we know you're new to all this."
"no i dont like her─"
"shhh ... i dont wanna hear it!"
but he likes you, not some random girl he crashed into, and might've thought that you would already notice .. maybe he needs to make it more obvious?
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the next day as you were both passing the lockers in the hallway, you couldn't help but notice the girl that crashed into xiao yesterday.
"omg, thats the girl from yesterday!! you should totally talk to her right now, this is literally your chance!" you said as you nudge xiaos elbow.
but he didn't want to. he wasn't interested at her at all, especially when there's someone way better right beside him after all.
"how many times do i have to tell you? im not interested in her whatsoever." xiao groaned as you kept insisting to.
"but why notttt? you guys would look cute together .. plus shes super pretty too ..."
"no, even you look better than that?" xiao looked at you, just for him to turn away again as his gaze meets yours. you're the prettiest one in his eyes and no one else! was it that hard for you to understand?
xiao was laced with frustration as you kept babbling nonsense about xiao and that oh, so, pretty girl and how cute they would be together.
you probably didn't even seem to notice that he basically just called you pretty ...
he was on the verge of confessing to you right then and there. but at the same time, he couldn't. what if you didn't feel the same way? what if you were just purposely ignoring the hints he gave you as a sign of rejection? he would never know.
meanwhile, you noticed that xiao has gone quite. has he grown upset? "heyy .. alright im sorry! i didn't know you'd get that upset ... ill stop now i promise!" you mumbled with a pile full of guilt.
"if i were really to be with her, how would you feel?" xiao unexpectedly blurted out, he was even surprised at his own words. but still, he wanted to know.
"uhh .. wha- what do you mean?" you were bewildered by the sudden question. it was unsual for xiao to ask such things, especially with his cold demeanor.
"if i were to be with her, wouldn't that mean most of my time with you would be taken away?"
the thought of that had never came across your head. it actually doesn't feel right anymore. in simple words, the thought of another girl taking xiao away from you? hell no ...
there was an awkward silence between the two of you before you finally spoke up. "i dont know ..."
xiao sighed as he set his eyes on you. "good, cause i don't know what I'll do if you were with someone else either." xiao mumbled out quitely, barely even audible.
but you heard it. you heard all of it, is he trying to say that he ...
xiao huffed as he still needed to explain it to your slow brain. "archons, how oblivious are you? i like you. was that not clear from the start?"
you didn't know why, but you felt like you had to chuckled a bit at his frustration. "okayy, okay im sorry!! okay but i swear i noticed a bit but i wasn't sure alright??"
"and yet you were so sure that i liked that other girl when i don't even know her name .."
"IM SORRY!!! but i guess i like you too by the way ... hehe .."
even that was enough to leave xiao completely flustered.
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extra notes : HELP THE ENDING WAS KINDA SCUFFED IM SO BAD AT WRITING CONFESSION STUFF SORRY LMAOO also this was not meant to be that sad 😭
─ masterlist.
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taintedtort · 2 years
scara and xiao with a figure skater s/o🙏🙏🙏
prompt ✧ you’re a figure skater
characters ✧ xiao, scaramouche
warnings ✧ gn!reader, modern!au ish
a/n ✧ i know nothing about figure skating so sorry if anything i said was wrong
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✧ when he first saw you on the ice he was totally stunned. he knew you could skate but woah, you were really good. was totally mesmerized while you did some flawless spins and jumps.
✧ you made it look so easy, but as soon as xiao stepped onto the ice he fell. he got super embarrassed when you had to help him up because his feet kept sliding out from under him.
✧ he gripped onto your hands as you helped him across the ice, instructing him on how to move his feet. your help was appreciated of course, but he felt even worse because you were skating backwards without trouble.
✧ the whole thing was a hit to his ego, but he loved seeing you laugh— even if it was because he was wobbling like a newborn deer. he could tell you were having fun, even while having xiao yelp in your ear every time he nearly fell. he was sure you’d both have bruises tomorrow, thanks to the amount of times he did actually fall and brought you with him.
"are you alright? im sorry— this is harder than it looks."
✧ he was so cocky. when he saw you step onto the ice and glide perfectly like it was nothing, he knew it couldn’t be that hard. however, before he even got both feet on the rink, he busted his ass. thankfully for him you weren’t looking, but you did hear his embarrassingly loud yelp when he fell.
✧ got so mad when you laughed, his face turned red instantly. he tried to get up and storm off, but he just fell right back down causing you to laugh even harder. he started yelling swears at you and accusing you of having no heart. couldn’t you see he was struggling? how could you laugh at his pain?!
✧ he very reluctantly took your hand when you finally reached him. he made a move to get off the ice but you insisted he try again, with your help this time. he agreed with a huff and rolled his eyes. he already humiliated himself, what does it matter?
✧ he allowed you to lead him across the ice with a sour face. his eyes were at his feet, trying to make sure he didn’t fall again, while his hands were clutched onto your arms. he listened while you instructed him and didn’t talk back— much to your surprise. after he circled the rink a few times without stumbling, he got off and resorted to watching you.
"this is stupid— i’m fine! leave me alone."
(said right before he nearly slipped and latched onto you with a loud gasp)
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