#kaeya alberich headcanons
too-much-coffee · 1 year
Kaeya! Who was just a stranger you were passing by when hesuddenly complimented you.
Kaeya! Who made you replay the short conversation time and time again, thinking about different ways to respond?
Kaeya! Who lingered in your mind for a little bit too long simply because he threw in a quick compliment
Kaeya! Who bumped into you again in a coffee shop and started a conversation
Kaeya! Who exchanged numbers with you to keep in touch before he left.
Kaeya! Who frequently met up with you. Hours flew by so fast and left both of you yearning for more.
Kaeya! Who was always there for you - even in the dead of the night
Kaeya! Who took you for midnight walks in the middle of the night when neither of you couldn't sleep
Kaeya! Who had a reputation around town
Kaeya! Who didn't want to get you into his mess, so he avoided you during the night and pretended not to know you.
Kaeya! Who continued to meet up with you at night
Kaeya! Who finally confronted his fear of your rejection when he saw how you distanced yourself.
Kaeya! Who finally realised that you've been the one he's been searching for all this time <3
inspired by: bluehaired boy - Madilyn mei
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
Some Soft Kaeya Headcanons
Maybe it's because I was a little tipsy and sleepy last night but I had some soft Kaeya thoughts before bed that I wanted to share...
CW: Kaeya and reader both intoxicated, mention of alcohol, but this is pure fluff
-Kaeya, who's been drinking all night with you at Angel's Share but has somehow managed to keep his wits about him still, helping you out the tavern door while you giggle and stumble all over
-You're leaning on him and you're so warm from both the alcohol and because you're in close proximity to him, and when the cool night air hits your skin and inevitably causes you to shiver just slightly, he pulls you closer with the excuse of "I just want to keep you warm."
-Kaeya helps you all the way home, patient and caring as you cling to him for support the whole time
-He's definitely the type to make sure you're comfy and cozy the second you get home; he takes your shoes off for you, hangs up your jacket, and watches you diligently to make sure you make it to the bed before he tucks you in himself
-Yes, you heard right, Kaeya Alberich will find the softest blanket you have to cover you up with and fluff up your pillows for you while he's at it too. He even finds your favorite stuffed animal/comfort item and hands it to you/sets it next to you for you to hold (albeit with a little good natured teasing from him)
-He has every intention of lying down and cuddling with you after that but there's one last thing he wants to do. He gets you a glass of water and some painkillers for tomorrow or tonight if you need them. Always thoughtful when it comes to you <3
-After that he's all yours. Anything you want or need of him, he would happily oblige to if you just say the word! Back massage, foot rub, forehead kisses, cuddles, playing with your hair, you name it he'll do it
-In fact if you don't ask, he will willingly offer some of those things. Namely the foot rub since the two of you have been on your feet all day and he heard you complain that they were hurting earlier. He does not easily forget such details about you.
-I just know this man's pillow talk will make you swoon and curl further into him just to hear more. He loves you so much. He'll lull you right to sleep with sweet nothings and quiet reassurances that he'll still be there in the morning (KOF work permitting, but he'll somehow make it work, just trust him)
-Gives you so many kisses on the top of your head, on your forehead, and on your lips in between whispers and talking to you. He's so sweet and tender about it. Will kiss you over and over again, not just once or even a few times, but until he's sure you've fallen asleep before him.
-And even then, he still presses one last loving kiss to your temple before he drifts off himself after telling you how much he loves you
-Cuddles you the entire night, even in his sleep. Probably prefers if you're cuddled up to him facing his chest so he can wrap his arms around you, but he also likes to spoon you while he buries his face into your hair or neck too
-Kaeya is such a sweetheart. He likes to act coy on the surface but beneath that facade is a person who care very deeply for both you and his beloved city, friends, and family.
-When he wakes up first in the morning, the first thing he does is check on you to make sure you're still soundly sleeping with no disturbances. The next thing he does is gently remove himself from the bed to go and make breakfast
-Don't let him fool you with his sarcastic and witty comments when you finally rouse to the smell of a greasy breakfast and wander into the kitchen where he's cooking. He may act sly, say something like, "Oho, look who woke from their slumber! So you finally decided to join the land of the living again, hm?"
-But his smile is still genuine and he doesn't mean what he says. His giant grin proves he's happy to see you again despite his comments (and so does the way he wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder)
-Kaeya is soft, softie Kaeya, he is so so SO sweet on you if you let him be. I have not seen enough headcanons of him this way and I am here to supply!
-Thank you for coming to my TED talk on Soft Kaeya!
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random-blep · 2 years
hi I keep thinking of these headcanons and it will not leave my brain
Imagine Kaeyas signature single blue earring was the last gift he received from his mother.
She gifted him one earring cause she wore its twin, when she gave it to him she spoke to him something like "My son, this is the pair to the  earring I wear. You are connected to me and I to you. When you wear this earring you carry not just a family heirloom, you carry a represent of the love I have for you and all the love passed down our family. When you have a child, I will pass my earring to you to give to your child when the time comes."
And he never got his earrings pair, he keeps the last gift from his mother with him at all times to feel close with her still.
When anxious or dealing with a lot of emotions he reaches up and caresses the earring gently.
As he got older he can no longer recall his mother's face. But he can recall how she sung him to sleep, how warm her embrace was, the perfumes she smelled of, how she made him feel loved.
When very distressed or needs to get his mind off something he can't help but hum the tunes his mother used to sing. Be it doing housework or chores or the lullaby's to sing him to sleep, he vaguely remembers the tunes still and they always make him feel safe, warm, and at home.
I think physically Kaeya probably takes after his mother more and he's always felt more connected to her than his biological dad. Not saying Kaeya wasn't connected to his biological father or didn't have closeness to him, he just had a favorite parent as most kids do.
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runawayengineer · 2 years
―on the road again 🚐
·  · ✦ 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖳𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗋𝗈𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗇𝗏𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌, 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 both 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋st yet 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽'𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗇𝖾. [1/2]
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌: 𝗓𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂, 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼, Xiao, kazuha, kaeya, 𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁𝖾.
Tags: @extrakuli @space-dragon-ace
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Certified driver.
This man does not shut the hell up, he's constantly Bringing up old memories about osmanthus wine, and those who share the memory.
Him and Diluc take turns driving, because they don't trust anyone else to drive. He usually drives whenever diluc is tired out.
But everyone (minus you and xiao) prefer Diluc, because zhongli drives UNDER the speed-limit. And whenever you tell him to drive faster, he Simple Chuckles, adjust the mirrors and goes "you can never be too careful."
And then proceeds to get voted into the back seat by literally everyone, including you, you apologise afterwards.
No one let's him touch the radio, because he puts on either Classical music or Love songs.
Like Scaramouche isn't trying to hear 02 symphony no. 5 eliusuah no elion the 3rd, Song of the moon, Night sky harmonies. Like Play rap, play metal, play rock, anything but whatever zhongli wants to hear.
Whenever you stop by Gas stations, Corner stores or etc. You'd expect him to buy everything because he's the eldest.
You couldn't be more wrong, you give this man a price limit and he goes above the price limit, and everyone is like in??? a??? Gastation???
Always either buys wrethers, peppermints or some old brand of soda you've literally never heard of??
Like it's your turn to pay for everything and Zhongli appears out of nowhere with Two bags of Werthers, and a Can of popfizz.
Bitch comes up to the counter with a candy bar named "Chuckles." And then acts surprised when scaramouche laughs at him. You literally had this coming, thinking it'd be okay to walk up to the Attendant with peppermints and.....is that can of soda called "Klink"???
Constantly offering people werthers, You and Xiao Love this man to much to say no, and the caramel is kinda addicting like???
"I'm glad you enjoy them, Back in my day-" "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE-" 100% scaramouche.
Never take this man to a restaurant, ALWAYS ORDERS SUGAR PACKETS AND THAT'S IT.
Stares at the receipt for like 10 minutes, and then goes "Did anyone pack my Reading glasses?" Literally tries to get out the Car to unpack his suitcase.
"damn it old man, break a hip already!" - scaramouche.
He doesn't take scara to heart though.
Gets voted into the back, AGAIN
gets a little moody when a gas station doesn't have what he wants. So he has to improvise and get Sugar from a Chick'fil'ay
And then takes it out on the Worker???
"Why do you need Sugar packets, sir?"
"mind your own business."
The car was to stunned to speak.
But that's a 4/10 chance so.
Over all 8/10 would take him.
Also you'd probably have to pack/unpack for him, because he keeps forgetting stuff???
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Walking talking ATM.
Every 10 minutes somebody is asking for a snack, or has to use the bathroom and this man cannot take much more of it.
Kept trying to leave kaeya at gas stations. Almost got away with it if we're for you meddling kids.
Is that parent that Gets in the car and sets the rules.
"When we get here I better not see any of..." "And that means you, Kaeya."
Constantly targeting kaeya for no good reason, and when you ask why, he'll just go. "I'm just keeping him in line." MF he Hasn't spoke since you tried to leave him at the gas station an hour ago.
I'm in LOVE with Bully!Diluc
Doesn't care about what's on the radio but is very Careful about who he let's maintain the Radio which means if you want to be in charge of the radio impress him. Insult kaeya
Usually he just Leaves the Radio in the Warm Palms of Kazuha.
Absolutely messes with Gorou.
"Dogs can't drive." Out of nowhere. Can you see Kazuha holding Gorou back in the backseats??
Stands at the Gas station door and loudly goes. "Tick tock! Time's wasting!" Stfu Scaramouche needs his Sour gummy worms and your gonna pay for them 👹
Ultimate Scaramouche victim. Gets his seat kicked and doesn't do anything about it.
But constantly yells "HEY! DON'T MAKE ME TURN THIS CAR AROUND!"
Ooh shiver me timbers😬
Threatens to take his belt off multiple times. And somehow that works?? Zhongli has to calm him down.
Kazuha is very clearly the favorite Child. And you can tell when You pull up to a restaurant and he goes. "What do you guys want?? Kazuha do want something ??" Like??? Okay.
You know those dad phrases?? Yeah, Get ready.
"Everybody got what they wanted from Mcdonalds??" "Alright, Let's rock and roll."
Repeatedly sends his fries back with a complaint. "They're to salty." "Not enough crunch." "Are these even cooked all the way." Bro stfu and eat them.
Everyone Rushes him to eat his food because he's type to Park in the parking lot and Eat.
He Digs in the bags and Seperates the food like a Parental figure. This actually gives me a lot of nostalgia because my dad does this alot.
"Who's Apple pie is this??" "Who ordered the Orange soda?" "Here, I got everyone fries." "S/o, You want some of mine?" This man keeps offering you food and You've never been more happy.
Randomly starts up conversations with everyone in the car, and it's the Cutest thing. Like imagine the Vehicle being silent at a Stoplight and diluc just goes "How is everyone, anyone need anything?" Like it's awkward but so endearing that he cares about the people around him.
Supplies Zhongli with money, Mostly because he orders things and then goes "does anyone have 150$??? there's a caribsea life stone On sale.." And everyone is like Mf what?? You ordered a 100$ rock knowing damn well your broke? 🤨
Sigh Single dad Diluc.
8.6/10 amazing.
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He's definitely that person that so quiet in the back of the Vehicle that everyone forgets he's even in the car.
So very often whenever he speaks
Everyone looks back to see who's voice it is
And they're all like "omg xiao i forgot you were back there!"
And then wonder why he says "nevermind." And puts his headphones right back on.
He only talks to you and zhongli by choice, or for entertainment. Don't get him wrong! He doesn't mind everyone else, but he's not really the talkative type! Which is why he won't even actually speak to you,
You and him spend hours texting each other, and some of the things he says has you Chortling in the backseat w him.
Whenever everyone stops at a Gas station for snacks, he's ALWAYS the first person at the counter, this man KNOWS what he wants 👹 he didn't come on this vaca to play games w y'all.
And it's always some sort of energy drink, You don't do nothing but use that damn phone, hell you need a Energy drink for?? To move your thumbs faster?? 👹👹
Eventually diluc gets fed up and tells him to pick Something else, and of course Li Steps in with the "Xiao is a growing boy, He's bound to have fixations at his age." Stfu Peepaw, That is a grown MAN you are talking about.
His Silence is disrespectful, He literally saw Diluc pull off on kaeya, and didn't say a thing, bitch turned up the volume to His Iphone 11 and Started playing flappy bird.
Him and kaeya made eye contact when it happened, which is why he downloaded flappy bird and started Playing. 😭😭😭
And then when kaeya accused him, he simply said. "No, i didn't see you." And everyone believed him right of the bat.
The amount of times you've had to share your food with him is impeccable 🙁
It's because he'd catch an attitude w diluc for not being able to get the drink he wanted, and out of anger he'd deny any fast food and then Be like "Damn, i should've said yes 🙁"
You hate watching him Starve himself simply to keep up w his pride, so You Tap his shoulder and Give him your Mcdonalds fries, Ultimate Sacrifice fr fr 💯
Internet leech.
"Can i use someone's hotspot??" NO 👹 but you can get off that damn dating sim and socialize like a normal being.👹
This is where talking with Li comes in, because your phone could be plugged in on like 15% and by the time Li is done your shit is on 87% and xiao is like "Damn, thanks old man 👍"
And then he puts his earbuds in and no one ever hears from him again for the next 6 hours.
Shares his fruit snacks with you, and you pretend to want an energy drink and then you trade half your drink for a packet of Fruit snacks. Y'all some Real Mfs. Respect 💯💯💯💯💯
He doesn't really do much, but he's unintentionally funny so your def in for a ride! 😂😂
Ugly lil mf too.
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Scaramouche's 2nd victim.
This man has the patience of a saint because me and Balladeer would've been boxing in the middle row seats fr fr 🙁🙁
He usually prefers to sit in the middle seat of the Van, but will Sit in the front with Diluc if he asks him too.
Singlehandedly won diluc over by simply greeting him.
"greetings, diluc." "Get in the front." "Pardon?"
Ultimate babysitter, stops any unnecessary commotion going on in the middle and back row whenever diluc is stressed or busy.
Scaramouche hates him ❗❗
always avoids any attempts of fighting, the balladeer insults him? kazuha laughs softly. Scaramouche kicks his seat? Kazuha politely asks him too stop.
Scaramouche could literally open kazuha's door on the highway and kick the man out, and watch the man chase after the car and as soon as kazuha gets back in, he'll clear his throat and go "i forgive you." NO THWHE FUCK YOU DON'T ❗❗
During gas station stops he picks out healthy shit, like protein bars and bottles of fucking water.
he grabs a bottle of fucking Fiji water, and makes everyone else look unhealthy
As if canon 18 year old diluc didn't use fatui agents as punching bags !! 🤛
Has a phone but doesn't really use it, spends most of his time helping the elders (zhongli and diluc). Tending to the meek (making sure xiao hasn't gone deaf from how fucking LOUD his headphones are)
Keeping balladeer from bullying everyone, he doesn't mind getting bullied.
Eventually everyone got tired of scaramouche's constant condescending nature,
kazuha attempted to defend balladeer but then scara brought up kazuha's dead friend and―
"Diluc, pull over."
Kazuha and scara boxing in the walmart parking lot at 3:45 am??? 🤺🤺🤺
Kazuha gave him a deadly uppercut and everyone cheered and clapped because scara was unconcious for the next 5 hours. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Literally loves listening to Li's old man stories, and even responds and asks questions to make him happy
As if scara isn't fighting to not visit the spiritual realm next to him 🙁
When scara wakes up, the beef is THERE ❗❗
I'm sorry but he's def a kazoo kid
Whenever it gets too silent, all you hear is kazuha clear is throat, i suggest you get ready cause he's about to give you the rawest fucking kazoo concert og your LIFE 🤺🤺
The car's peacekeeper fr fr 💯💯
10/10 probably knocks mouche out on a daily basis
Sadist fuck lmaoo
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Man. 🙁
sigh, this guy is the victim of everyone and everything around him.
But somehow, manages to keep a positive and charismatic few of the world.
I'm tryna be like HIM. ❓❗
Diluc punching-bag canon?? YES ❗❗
Could probably cough and get cursed out by Diluc, if Scaramouche doesn't get to it first!
Despite the bullying, he's such a good travelling companion!! He's the humor in this sad dry ass van, travelling 1,000 miles to god knows where. 🏋🏋
Is the only person in this van, that actually like yk QUESTIONS things.
things like "Where are we travelling too?" or idk uhhh but the questions are there ✅✅
Pickiest eater in the Van, will constantly ask "do they sell ___??" and it's always something MADDD expensive,
Diluc is literally about to tear off thw fucking steering wheel and sell it on ebay because his card account is goinfg DEOWWN bc of u and kaeya. ❗❗
He starts conversations with you!! some of the best topics. ult Gossip girl 🗣🗣
Randomly starta gossip with you
"Do you know the muffin man?" LIKE YES I DO?? THE ONE WHO LIVES ON JEWELLERY LANE?? ONG 🗣🗣🗣🗣
tells you the craziest shit
Explains to you that the muffin man got a divorce, started drinking, got re-married to a hooker,
had 3 kids he didn't want and your sitting there w your jaw on the FLOOR.
Repeatedly asks if he could be the driver. Was immediately shut down by his brother.
Like damn ok diluc, fuck this ugly beige van anyways. i hope your day gets worse, like actually. 😕😕
Man, i feel bad for him. Ngl
orders chicken tenders too much.
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Who ever the fuck thought that inviting this bastard orphan artificial puppet child 2000, needs to get of some the Most destructive, life-threatening RETRIBUTION from diluc himself, on saturday, at 9pm, in target's parking lot because what the fuck, honestly 🗣🗣
Every couple of hours, diluc goes "everyone who agrees we should get rid of the puppet, raise your hand." 🤚
And everyone will raise they're hand except for kazuha because he's just too fucking nice, and xiao because his headphones are on 24/7 so he doesn't hear a THING.
This motherfucker is so rude for nothing.
Like I'm not joking, a literal demon in the flesh. 😐😐
Why is he even here?? he contributes NOTHING ❗❗
Orders some of the most expensive shit and blames it on kazuha or kaeya
Brings up dead relatives and then wonders why Kazuha gives him the most CRAZZY uppercut of his 300 years of existence.
The moment he spoke of his older sister killing tomo, Kazuha gave that man such a raw punch, he flew a few inches off the fucking ground and landed on his back half dead.
Bro almost had a tea party with his aunt
The kind ones pack a punch frfr ❗❗
he HATES zhongli and kazuha the most.
Ik it says he respects elders but c'mon now y'all, zhongli takes like a hour just to pick between nuggets and fries as his side dish when they go to a restaurant, this man HAS A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY
He doesn't bother xiao, cause xiao probably won't hear him.
Makes fun of everyone's snack choice and then proceeds to buy a fucking party size pack of oreos and DOES. NOT. SHARE. 🗣🗣
Always knows what he wants whenever they stop at a store, or gas station.
Kicks diluc's seat to get his attention.
Despite his stank attitude, he's so handsome, like 5 people have walked up to diluc and went "aww, your son is so handsome, how old is he?" The absolute grin diluc holds back while going "he just turned 16." 😉
Scara is banging on the window and snarling like a wild beast behind him. 👹👹👹
The only thing that's stopping him from getting out and pouncing on diluc is kazuha's iron grip, the seatbelt and 5 pieces of tape that are holding him against the seat.
If they all go inside a restaurant, they leave him in the car 🚗 🚗
Kinda like those funny pics of those signs in car windows that are like "do not disturb! the air conditioner is on and he's listening to his favorite song." with the dog in the front seat. 🐕
But instead it's scaramouche tearing the head off a doll that's designed similar to his mom like the bitch boy psycho is he. 😕😕
0/10 you opened the cage.
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cubiicete · 1 year
hihi!! have some Kaeya hcs bc im procrastinating!!
he always smells a little bit like fire because of the fireplace in his office
usually pine wood is burned by the knights, so it's pine smoke mixed with the wood of Mondstadt. he picks up their scent from patrols.
bc of his furniture, it adds some notes of balsam
and lets not forget there's always an undertone of dandelion wine, a side affect of growing up in the vineyards, the winery, playing hide and seek amongst the caskets.
no matter how long ago his last drink was, you're convinced it was recent or his blood is made of the stuff
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devosin · 1 month
old account : @ cupids-chamber a/n: gender neutral reader . . personalized comfort letters
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Sometimes, he can't really explain how he fell for you . . because you weren't someone he was supposed to fall for, you weren't someone he wanted to love, and yet he did. He ended up tripping and found himself falling into this never-ending pit, this overwhelming field of emotion, that was so fucking foreign—but he loved it, he had never felt, he'd never feel . . the way he felt right now, the varied emotions that consumed him wholly when he was with you, when he was in your presence, it all made him not want to climb out, to salvage the situation, but to only want to fall in further . . to crave that burning ache in his heart.
Some say to love, is to feel, and that love is pain, and he felt that tenfold when he was with you . . because if you left, that would destroy him inside out. You were . . so uniquely you, and that . . and that was a fucking tragedy, because if you were to ever leave, he'd never be able to replace you.
He'd never be able to fill that gap—that wound, you'd leave—You've tainted him, you've ruined him and that hurt. . . He felt everything all at once with you, everything, and perhaps he was a masochist, because he enjoyed it, everything you made him feel, was enjoyable to his sick and plagued mind, because you . . you . . were heaven.
You weren't someone he loved, you were a prayer, an oath he swore by, you governed his thoughts, that was once filled with worries and stress of work and all other mediocre things, oh you . . you . . . were everything. And you'd never understand that, because he'd never explain that to you, because that would scare you away, that would make him seem fucking creepy, would it not?
He wanted to talk to you, day and night, he wanted to hold you—so tightly . . enough to suffocate you—He wanted to embrace you in his warmth, to wrap himself around you, as you've done to his heart, he wanted to breath you in, he wanted his fragile senses to be overloaded with you, he was fucking lovesick.
He was truly pathetic, on his knees, and he can't help but feel happy, even knowing how pathetic he was, because it was for you . . because it was because of you.
Would it scare you? To know that you held his life, in your very hands? The hands he loved. Would it upset you? Knowing how little he thought of himself, because you were his only coherent thought. Would you care? . .
Because you were his sun, and he is the moon, the moon that only shines, only sparkles, and is only lit, because of you.
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@ devosin , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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dizzyjaden · 7 months
Pairings: Kaeya, Xiao, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Diluc, Albedo, Scaramouche x gn! Reader
♤ Summary: Hcs for how various characters go about crushes~ ♤ Warnings: No major warnings mostly fluff, Scara's kind of a jerk though. ♤ A/N: Omggg first real post! Reblogs would be greatly appreciated <3
When Kaeya meets you, he is first enamored with your appearance. Therefore, the route he takes is confidence and directness to flirt with you, he never once hides his attraction. His sultry voice and brief comments about how infatuating you are to him tend to extract these wonderful little giggles from you. The sound never grows tired on his ears, nor do they fail to make his heart swoon.
Kaeya does not realize it at first, but your effect on him becomes stronger swiftly, and makes him rather clingy. He finds himself unable to focus on the tasks of the day and merely looks forward to seeing you. He follows his urges and seeks you out, passing through your most frequent spots in hopes of 'accidentally' bumping into you. When he finds you, he will spend as long as he can stalling for your time. Asking you questions about your day, showering you with compliments, whatever he can do to keep you talking to him without appearing too desperate. He would usually see idle conversation as a bore, but anything is interesting as long as it's your voice that's talking about it.
It's natural to be wary of Kaeya's approach. While his flattery is nice at first, you notice that his inviting posture and half-lidded gaze does not disappear when he is speaking to others. It makes you wonder if you are as special to him as he's led you to believe.
Put off by this, you brush off his efforts. He is confused by your indifference and his demeanor begins to melt rapidly. He seems nervous now when the two of you are conversing, even blushing and avoiding eye contact with you. Being rejected by someone isn't what scares him. Being rejected by you is.
It is noticeable, people often tease you about what a lovesick puppy you've turned him into, snickering about how they've never seen the slow walking, smirk wearing, calvary captain of Mond so stuttery and fidgety around anyone. It is difficult to stand firm on your previous notion that "he is just that way with everyone." Perhaps he does deserve a chance after all.
Kaeya has mostly retired his earlier mannerisms with you, not wishing to make you uncomfortable. That is until, you throw an unprompted flirtatious comment towards him.
It is experimental and casual on your part, but it successfully shakes him to his core. He realizes then and there he cannot let another day pass without you being named as his partner. This routine of playful flirting is as far as he would typically take it when interested in someone, it was the most enjoyable part to him anyways. But with you, it just felt torturous and drawn out. He craved so much more.
As assured as he appears on the surface, Kaeya is not very good at expressing himself romantically. He does not want to risk everything just yet, so he believes the best course of action is simply asking you out for drinks.
You are still not entirely sold that Kaeya will take care of your feelings, but you agree out of curiosity and give him the chance to prove you wrong. He is overjoyed at your answer and becomes rather excited, he quickly has to catch himself and snap his careless attitude back on, but you saw his eagerness.
For a while you are testing the waters with Kaeya, keeping him taking you on little dates and you are quick to learn that there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. There is a certain serenity, a content air about him when you are together, as if he felt everything had fallen into the right place. The way he looks at you is different than when you first met. It feels as though he truly sees you now.
Finally, you are the one to offer a romantic relationship to him. He has been waiting for you. He knows you have been hesitant, so he's intended to allow you to harness control.
His answer is not a word or agreement, but rather a glint of joy in his eyes, quickly followed by a kiss. When you reciprocate, he knows he finally managed to snatch your heart. How thrilled he is for tomorrow.
Loving you to Xiao is similar to being a cat on a marble floor. He is completely unacquainted with emotion as a whole, so when this stomach tightening, face warming, posture stiffening feeling begins to hit him, he is justly at a loss.
He absolutely despises the feeling, to him it translates as nausea or sickness. Why, you gave him an ailment! How dare you! And to think he still yearns for proximity with you.
That is another thing he despises, ever since you met the adeptus you are always begging to spend time with him and he just can't help but agree. You seem to find much comfort in his presence, he isn't sure why. His conversational abilities are stale, his tone pessimistic, his liveliness is nonexistent. Mortals have never connected with him the way you have, which only makes sense because it's absolutely fruitless.
But there you are, always asking him questions about himself that confuse him. Why did you need to know his favorite color? He didn't have one. They were colors, useless visuals.
You are a strange mortal, and so easily charmed or manipulated as well by the smallest of things. Perhaps that's the reason he ends up taking on such a protective role to you. He is always worrying himself sick about you. A pure spirited person like you is just bound to find themselves in trouble.
Despite the amount of inconvenience you cause him, he finds himself feeling so privileged each time he gets to be around you. He's aware mortals often express gratitude for one another, and his way of doing this is by giving gifts.
They are small gifts, flowers, leaves that are intricately folded into three dimensional shapes, crystals, whatever makes him think of you, really.
He doesn't expect validation for his attempts and the way you react each time catches him off guard. All smiles and hurried words of gratefulness, sometimes you pull him into a tight lung crushing hug, which he just hates of course. But he'll allow it. You're only putting yourself at risk choosing to be so close to him.
Something about you makes him need more of you. Every day he finds himself wondering about you, if you will come find him. He catches himself watching from the rooftops of Wangshuu Inn, waiting. Hoping?
And you're always right on cue. This gives him a sense of stability and routine, which was never important to him before. But now he feels safe in a way. It makes no sense to him, he's protecting you, not the other way around.
It takes him a long time to consider the possibility that he does enjoy your company, that this ailment, this curse you've put on him, is actually just his emotional response to you being nearby. When he identifies it, he isn't sure what to do with it. He's aware that humans like to put labels on each other to signify their connection, but he knows so little, he's too unwilling to ruin what is already there. Friendship with you is better than nothing, even if he feels the urge to just attack you with physical contact each time your hand grazes him.
He takes his time opening up to you about his feelings and desires, dropping small tidbits to enlighten you when you speak to one another. You manage to figure it out before he's really given you a proper confession, but you want him to work through it slowly, so you say nothing until the day he finally outright says it.
"I believe I am... Falling in love with you. So, what happens now?" Hopefully, you're willing to guide him through it?
Tartaglia really never expected to become so obsessed with you. His initial interest comes from your abilities in combat. He enjoys sparring with the people that are more similar to him in strength, it helps him improve. You're perfect for this. An equal opponent to help him boost his own abilities is all he saw at first.
What he feels during these sessions with you is pure thrill. He sees your relationship as equally matched opponents who agree that there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Fighting you is never predictable, you are strangely good at catching him off guard. He becomes easily addicted to the feeling of freedom that comes with fighting you, the ability to let go accompanied by the trust that you could hold your own even if he did take it a bit too far. Soon enough, he's borderline pestering you for more and more matches.
Something he slowly finds out is that the two of you share a specific chemistry. The trust you build on the battlefield with one another fuels your comfortable compatibility. Being around you is just easy. The first time his feelings for you begin to rise, he notices immediately.
Just a certain angle of you, and he... Felt something. He knows it, too. This is when his pursuit for you begins. It is rare for him to have free time, and the majority of that is already occupied with your sparring sessions. So, he has to sacrifice a few of those to instead ask you to spend time with him in a more casual way.
He demands you clear your morning plans to get coffee with him, and you agree. Why not? You don't know much about Tartaglia other than his go-to defense techniques.
But oh, how hopeless he is. Tartaglia has never had a romantic partner before, too consumed in his work to care all that much. He gives you horrendous pick-up lines the entire morning until you beg him to stop. He thought he was doing so well, too.
Fortunately, you're more skilled with words than him and you manage to bring the flow back by distracting him with topics you believe are of interest to him. He is comfortable around you, and prefers casual conversation, so he will indulge. Slightly embarrassed by your reaction to his crude attempt at flirting, he decides it may be best to leave it be the way it is.
Determined nonetheless, he continues to hog your calendar with little meetings, he is transparent and unimpressive, which thankfully comes off as quite adorable to you. You've never seen him in this light before. You enjoy teasing him. However, there is only so much he can take before he has to finally state that he is in love with you, and needs to know if you reciprocate.
Begrudgingly, you accept his feelings, although you are disappointed you no longer get to keep him on his toes, his victorious smile makes it worth it.
Kazuha is the textbook definition of carefree, when he develops feelings for you, he immediately accepts them and continues to live on contently. Whatever happens, happens! His behavior around you does not change in the slightest aside from going out of his way to be near you. Other than that, it's almost unnoticeable.
His reasoning for not confessing anything to you is plain and simple. He does not wish to put you in an uncomfortable position when he is not sure if you even want the same things he does. He isn't scared of being rejected or losing you, he just genuinely does not want to stress you out. He doesn't want to apply pressure to you, he just wants to bask in your radiant existence as much as you'll allow him. No worries, being just friends is good enough for him if it means you can live undisturbed by his inconvenient feelings of affection.
Kazuha has always been in touch with his emotions, more so than the usual person. He subtly expresses his feelings for you with poems and words of affirmation, he likes to make sure you know exactly how wonderful you are. But he never oversteps or puts too much of a spotlight on you.
Because he is just a romantic at heart, it's easy to assume this may just be how he expresses friendship. He's aware that he comes off that way, which is another reason he's so willing to give you so much affection and praise. He does like you, and he wants to show it, but he knows it's not out of character for him to behave this way.
Where his feelings for you really shine through is how protective he is. He doesn't like the idea of you travelling anywhere alone and usually offers to accompany you everywhere. He has faith in your capability to defend yourself but he finds comfort knowing he will be there if needed.
Kazuha always has good ideas when it comes to spending time with you, they are likely to involve nature. He knows where all the best places are, hot springs, water falls, fields of flowers, certain spots where the sunset looks just perfect, you name it, he'll take you there.
He enjoys giving you his attention, but even just being in the same room while the two of you are focused on separate tasks is equally enjoyable to him. He likes that there is never awkwardness or tension between you. Just an easy companionship. You understand one another without trying.
Kazuha only confesses his feelings to you when he's certain you want to hear about them. Whatever way you may choose to let him know, he'll act fast to ensure there is no confusion. He sees no thrill or excitement in allowing you to remain oblivious, and is very content telling you directly when he feels you have given him enough hints. It almost feels too easy, which is exactly what he intends. He doesn't want to see you struggle with your own feelings for even a moment.
When Kazuha officially enters a romantic relationship with you, he takes the transition very slowly to keep you comfortable. He does not immediately start smothering you in affection. It's a slow and steady process. It's not that he doesn't want to kiss you at any given moment, he just prefers that you take the reigns in that area so he's always certain it's what you want to do.
When you are with Kazuha, you can always trust that he will listen to you and cater towards your emotional needs. He is just so in love with you.
Diluc grapples with his feelings for you for a while, assuming they will just come and go. He is not the most knowledgeable about relationships and worries about his ability to be a good partner to you even if he does act on his feelings.
The idea of romance isn't something Diluc is a stranger to, but it's never been on the forefront of his mind. Charming and handsome as he is, it is only natural that he's been approached in the past by people hoping for a chance with him. He's never explored with any of those people, it just wasn't something he really wanted to do. But, you changed things. He catches himself imagining a relationship with you, wondering what it would be like to be with you in that way. The longer it goes on, the more painful it becomes.
When he's no longer able to deny his feelings, he takes a very polite demeanor. He's truly a gentleman, it's difficult for you to remember the last time you opened a door for yourself in his presence. If you happen to visit Angel's Share, you can rest assured you're never going to have to pay for anything.
Getting complimented by Diluc is rare, truthfully he just doesn't know how to phrase things. When he does compliment you, however, it's always genuine and heartfelt. Something about your manner, the way you carry yourself, your resilience, things like that.
Ensuring you are safe is the most important thing to him. He will always voice it loud and clear if he believes you are in an unsafe situation. He doesn't want to cross a line so he will only help if you ask him to. If you do happen to need his help with something, he will have it taken care of very quickly.
Diluc does not care to give you sugary compliments or be vocal about how you make him feel. He is more subtle than that. His affection for you is shown through how he remembers little things about you that might go unnoticed to anyone else, reminds you that he is there for you if you ever need him, never fails to show up for you when you do.
It takes a while for Diluc to gain the courage to tell you how he feels, but when he does get fed up pining after you, he is careful with his choice of words. He wants you to know that even if you reject him, he will still be there for you no matter what. You not reciprocating his feelings for you will not change your importance to him.
He genuinely does not expect you to reciprocate his feelings. When you do, he isn't sure what to do. He didn't have that part planned. He becomes a flustered mess on the spot but ultimately manages to pull himself together and swears his devotion to you.
Adjusting to a relationship with you seems to come naturally for Diluc. While he's internally awkward and so unsure most of the time, he becomes comfortable with you quickly as he realizes you do not judge him for this whatsoever. He is satisfied and feels secure knowing that there is nothing to prove anymore.
Albedo is not head over heels with you right off the bat. It takes a long time getting to know you before he feels anything. Of course, there was always something unidentifiable about you that interested him, but that's as far as it went until now. He isn't sure what exactly gave him this emotional response to you, but he's very curious about it.
Albedo is interested in humanity as a whole. He sees his emotions more akin to resources for his research rather than necessary tools to operate in society. So, when this crush on you blooms, it's an experiment to him. Obviously, he's going to need your assistance. He very boldly and plainly states that he is having these feelings and needs your help identifying and exploring them. It's the first time you've ever seen him clueless.
Explaining the concept of having a crush to him is nearly impossible. More often than not, crushes come out of the blue with no single explanation for them. Something about this he just cannot wrap his mind around.
It's a mission, but Albedo eventually gets it. Love, a sensation he had always pinned on biology seems to be much more emotional and complex than he could have ever anticipated. He reluctantly accepts your embarrassed explanation as truth. When he learns that you reciprocate his feelings, he is confused once more. Why didn't you just tell him? Nervous? Why? He insists you tell him when you feel something significant towards him so you two can conduct your research easier.
Albedo often takes notes about how certain things you do makes him feel. When you hold his hand, his face gets warm. When you laugh, he feels as though he is in a trance and forgets where he is. When you respond positively to his affection, he's eager to do those things more. Everything you do elicits a new reaction from him, it's all worth writing down.
He loves learning new things about you. Now that you've managed to put him in this position, it's like you are the most interesting thing in the world. What makes you the way you are? What crosses your mind the most? What is it about your favorite things that you like so much? Tell him everything in excruciating detail, please.
Albedo likes to share his interests with you too, when you offer to work with him on something involving alchemy, he is overjoyed. He likes to tell you about the ins and outs of everything involving life. He always wonders what you will think. Sometimes, you give him a new perspective on it that makes him reflect. He likes that about you. His work is usually rooted in science and logic, so it only makes sense that logical is the mindset he's lived with. But you bring such interesting ideas that he's never considered before.
He's realized he may be more out of touch with the world than he believed. If he did not know what love was before he met you, what else did he not know? Because of this, he will stay open minded and always consider your point of view when making emotion-related decisions.
For as long as you are with Albedo, he will always have something to learn and grow from. He sees you as very important to him in this way and will do his best to make sure you are content and happy in the relationship.
Scaramouche believes he has one purpose in this world. Divinity. If he is to invest himself in something, he better be getting one step closer to godhood in the process. His feelings for you are not necessary, he can't get anything of value out from them. That's the way he sees it. What irritates him is how badly he wants to indulge. Emotion is the very weakness that caused him to be cast out by his creator from the start. He isn't about to easily succumb to his emotion once more when his mission is the electro gnosis. But it is so very difficult to resist when you're around.
It's pretty much all up to you to initiate anything. It's challenging. The first time he saw your hand inching closer to his, he snatched it away immediately. Ever since these feelings of his emerged, every time you try to catch him when he's not busy, hoping to spend some time with him, he runs. He actually runs. He makes no attempt to hide it, either.
He knows if he spends too much time with you, his feelings will only grow. Allowing you to hold his hand or be near him is a slippery slope he's not willing to try. Why won't you just leave him alone? Why must you make it so hard for him to overcome his crush? Take a hint, already.
Eventually, you actually do take the hint and stop pestering him for his time. Good! Now he can focus on other things... Except he can't because now he's panicking over possibly having lost you. What if he hurt your feelings? No, he doesn't care about your feelings. You only ever annoyed him anyways. But for some reason thinking about it just stings.
Scaramouche realizes that one person causing this much trouble for him is absolutely unacceptable. You always being nearby was bad, but you leaving him alone is worse. He isn't going to allow you to steal his heart and then run for the hills, no way. He demands that you spend more time with him. You are flabbergasted, but he's glad to hear you agree.
Overtime, Scaramouche becomes more nervous about you. He grows attached to you and nearly everything he's grown attached to in the past abandoned him, it continues to haunt him to this day. He yearns for your affection, but having it would make the fall so much harder when you ultimately leave him behind. However, he's already so far in. He wonders if having a good thing for even a moment would be better than torturing himself over it instead.
With that, he tells you how he feels, how it's all your fault he's such a mess now, and that you need to make it up to him by being his partner. He's not surprised when you accept his feelings. It's the very least you could do, of course.
Over the span of your relationship, you'll notice how clingy Scaramouche is. It's like if you are not in his sight for even a moment, you're probably dead somehow. He'd never admit it, but you can tell he is paranoid and desperately requires reassurance. He's honestly kind of pathetic but he's yours.
Scaramouche remains unmoving on his theory that you will abandon him someday. He's been through it too many times to fully trust you straightaway. You're just gonna have to prove him wrong.
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worldstarz · 2 months
genshin men voicelines about you
pairing: gn!reader x kaeya / diluc / thoma / ayato / tartaglia / ayato / albedo / itto / kazuha (separate)
a/n: xiao bonus at the end! could not think of anything that wouldn’t feel contradictory to his other voicelines, but maybe i’ll make a part 2 with some other men i missed + eventually with the girls. sorry for anything ooc bc i haven’t played genshin in over a year 😛
cw: blood mention, itto is a loser
Oh, [name]? They’re many things, certainly. Dependable, attentive, easy on the eyes - ah, but I can't say too much. Is it so bad I want to keep something precious for myself?
You’re asking about [name]? Why is that? …you’re curious about our relationship? I thought I made it obvious that they’re my partner—not for business, but romantically. I like to keep my personal life, well, personal, so forgive me for not divulging too much information.
I was actually about to go see them right now! It’s hard for me to get some free time, but whenever I do, there’s nothing better than spending it with [name]! No matter how tired I am, I always feel recharged right away when they’re around, and then I can work even harder!
Do you think [name] would like this necklace? Or maybe this bracelet? How about both? Maybe I should get these in different colors, too. Wait, I think I have enough mora on me to buy the entire stand—what? Why are you giving me that look?
A day polluted by meetings with people I do not have the energy to care for, futile attempts at gaining power from my opponents, endless bartering… my, I hate to spoil the mood, but I do need a refresher. Pardon me as I send a servant to fetch my beloved [name] for me. I won’t be long. Once I see their face, we may go back to our discussion.
[name]? Yes, they’re my partner. …Why do you look so surprised? I know I have said maintaining relationships is difficult, but they are very patient and willing to meet me halfway. I also cannot deny my attraction to them. It doesn’t affect my research whatsoever. Rather, their affections motivate me to research something new everyday for conversations with them. …Perhaps I am also meeting them halfway.
What? You surprised a stone cold gang leader like me can score a hottie like [name]? Make this a lesson to never doubt Arataki “numero uno novio” Itto! Well, uh, I gotta admit, they are kinda outta my league… H-Hold on, why do you wanna know so much? You trying to find my weak spots or something? No… you couldn’t possibly… be trying to steal them from me?! Oho, you’re messing with the wrong gu- wait, get those beans away from me!!!!
If I were to pick between losing my voice or losing [name], may the earth be granted my silence. If I must bleed out for thousands of years for even the slightest chance to lay beside them, may the blade of the sword be sharp. If granting them an eternal life of tranquility and happiness meant sacrificing my own life, my dying breath will be their name.
*…he blushed and teleported away.*
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crowcalico · 2 months
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‘May these thousand winters swiftly pass, I pray.
I love you, I miss you, all these miles away.’
Some ragbros angst for the soul. I am a firm believer that Kaeya would have kept Diluc’s vision close, making sure it doesn’t fade, the years he was gone.
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ofbardsandmen · 5 months
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animelover28sworld · 5 months
Telling the Genshin Impact boys your pregnant. Female reader
Characters: Cyno, tighnari, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Thoma, Lyney, Alhaitham, and Scaramouche
When you told CHILDE that you were pregnant, he didn't be like one of those guys saying like you're joking or you can't be. In fact he was actually a little happy, I mean because we know this guy would be kinda father material so honestly you didn't feel scared when you told him.
When you told LYNEY that you were pregnant he made sure that you took more than one pregnancy test which you did and all of them came back positive but again he couldn't trust the pregnancy test so he made a doctor's appointment which that doctor confirmed it that you were pregnant. Which he made him some time to process the news, but nevertheless he was happy. Lynette was happy that she was going to be an aunt.
SCARAMOUCHE had no idea that he could get you pregnant. Like I mean he knows how a baby is made, idk how to explain it but he didn't know Ei put that uh skill in him. So he said "huh, never thought that was possible."
The first thing that THOMA said to you was "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Then took you to the doctor's office to check it for sure. When the doctor confirmed you that you was indeed pregnant he was happy.
When you told CYNO that you were pregnant you said to him "now your dad jokes can be really put to use." He didn't get it at first but then after a while he got it and he was shocked and was like "when? How? Are you sure?" Asking you a lot of questions, but you did tell him that you was indeed pregnant because you went to a doctor's appointment, so he started to tell jokes to your stomach hoping the baby could hear him.
Now TIGHNARI knew you was pregnant he could tell the symptoms but he wanted you to tell him yourself which he did and smiled and hugged you. "I knew it." He told you. "You did?!" You asked him. "Yeah, the symptoms and you were getting hormonal and plus I saw the pregnancy test in the trash can." He told you.
AL HAITHAM was kinda the same as Tighnari, he saw the symptoms and saw the test in the trash can. He just told you straight up that he knew that you were pregnant. "Oh c'mon! I wanted to tell you!" You pouted.
Now DILUC was happy, he was going to be a father, but also afraid is he actually going to be a good father, I mean after all what he went through with his own father? Of course you assured him that he was going to be a great father.
KAEYA was the same as Diluc, is he going to be a good father?
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sleepzsharkz · 4 months
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Inspector Eroch? I wonder what happened to him...
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kaeyachi · 10 days
Kaeya, despite being a sickly and gentle child, was his own kind of nightmare for Crepus and the other Dawn Winery staff.
See, Diluc is prone to mischief and chaos, dragging along his younger brother and a couple of other children into his plots and messes.
But Kaeya? Kaeya is the type to end up in the most random, and I do mean most random, of places. He would vanish for several hours, only to be found in an unexpected location such as, oh let's say that one time, he was found eating fruit with some friendly hilichurls...IN LIYUE.
He was such a curious soul that would easily get distracted by the wonders of Teyvat, but since he is so silent in both words and movements, whoever is watching over him would lose sight of him just as quickly.
He has caused several search parties in his youth, only for people to find out he was following a seelie to a treasure chest or napping with a young wolf cub in Wolvendom.
Crepus swears that Kaeya and Diluc are competing on who can give him gray hairs the fastest (so far, Diluc is winning, but Kaeya sure is catching up with every scream of panic from a designated babysitter and Diluc)
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maopll · 9 months
Could I request Neuvillette, Kaeya, Al-Haitham and Wriothesley with an s/o who makes plushies of them to cuddle?
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It's not You, but it's still You
#genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: mini them is gonna be so cute ! you guys are so creative with these asks like what
⌗:, pairings: otter, cryo abyss mage, smarty pants, & ex-convict w/ gn!reader (separately)
⌗:, warning: I changed their names in pairings because why not. + a lil but suggestive in wrio's part cause I've been in the mood to write smth like that 😳
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The hands of the clocks seemed to ceaselessly turn. Pages after pages and files after files were being checked and approved by the Iudex. As soon as the clock struck to 6pm, the papers got closed with a thud and he made a beeline towards the office door. Not forgetting to bid farewell to Sedene, he walks, practically hopping towards your shared abode. Ah, he can't wait! to feel your warmth as you throw yourself at him once he enters the house.
After a short walk since your house is located quite close to the Court of Fontaine, he calls you, "Mon amour, I'm home" but is met with silence. He's not worried, yet not being able to hear your voice makes him rather confused since the house is never this silent. Rather than being inside your bedroom, you were snuggled up in his office chair in his work room. His large jacket covered most of you and it seems that you were cuddling....a plushie him?
You were awaken by the rather abrupt yet ferocious rain against the window sill. "why is it raining so?..." Oh, there he was, your gloomy boyfriend who just stared at the plushie in your hand with eyes that were filled with envy. Unknowingly, he was pouting, with his cheeks all puffed up and creases near his eyebrows. You looked once and twice at Neuvillette and at the mini Neuvillette in your hand. You burst out laughing since you couldn't control the laughter "oh my archons neuvi! what am I going to do with you if you act *wheeze* like this—" "dearest I don't see the reason why you must hold that close to you when you've very much got yourself an even bigger and a better and far more warmer than the one that you have..."
"alright alright fine" you indicated with your open arms that he was much welcome between them since the...former intruder has now been removed from its position. He kneeled down to your chest height and gently wrapped his arms around your waist. He snuggled into your chest all while purring as you scratched the top of his head in just the right positions. With a pleased sigh he whispers, "I'd argue that this is much better"
— ୨୧ KAEYA
Between your arms, by your bedside table and sometimes even between you two while you sleep! What! how long do you plan to torment him, the Calvarly Captain that everyone oh so sought! this is utterly unfair! No, it's not that he hates the plushie that you have made but he believes that access to parts like between your arms and on your lap, should be reserved for him and only him.
"Love, why is that with you?" he stared at the mini kaeya plushie beside you across the tavern table, eyes clearly showing his distate for it being able to be so so close to you. "Gosh Kaeya, don't you think you're being a little hostile so something which is quite harmless? What's gotten into you?". Kaeya would like to refute whatever you said. That has been the very reason why he hasn't been able to smell the scent of you on his cloak since you are always busy holding and travelling with that around.
So be it, he's going to go for the 'tit-for-tat' kind of way! He will also see how much you crave for his love and attention after he momentarily stops giving them to you. And just like that many nights pass by yet your spirit is as undying as ever while Kaeya is now as dry as a twig which desperately thirsts for water, which in his case is love. He barges quite rudely into the courtyard where you busy watering your plants looking dishelved. He strides over to you, picks you up on his arms ignoring your protests, flops you on the bed and cages you between his arms. "W-what's up with this sudd—" "Just stay quiet for a moment...please" with that you zip your mouth shut. His request wasn't rude and it did seem like he had lost all of his energy. You heaved a sigh at his childish behaviour but brushed it off since he really looked as if he was on the verge of breaking. "Don't do things like these again alright? I'll do whatever you want just...don't get jealous over a plushie". "Mhm.." that was the only thing kaeya said before he drifted off to comfortable slumber as he laid in your chest.
The way he stared daggers through the object supported by the lamp was so intense that it reached you who was rummaging through the book shelves in his office. Never in your time of serving as Alhaitham's secretary did you get to see or feel the way he was so enraged with something or someone. Look, it was alright if he was irritated by someone, but its a different story if he is irritated by an inanimate object.
"...I can feel your eyes seething with rage from this distance albi...". "What is the reason for it being here with us?" Arms crossed and cold, as if he was talking to a colleague regarding a problem in the Akademiya that needed the utmost attention. Well, to him that plushie of 'himself' was also equivalent to those agonizing problems. "Oh come on! it's so cute look at his tiny hands...wait are you actually trying to tell me that's its ugly and doesn't look like you that's why you hate it?" Sure the buttons looked crooked and the hair not quite similar to what he has but in no situation would he undermine your works that you have poured your heart to. "No habibi that's not what I meant..." Bullseye. You hit him right in the spot. He can't really keep his composure when you are sad or gloomy.
"Fine I apologise. I don't hate what you made but...I just wanted to spend some time alone with you...and have your...attention to me" the last sentence was barely above a whisper but it seems that he forgot the face that both you and him were alone in this big space where even the smallest of whispers become the ice-breaking sounds. "Aww was my baby jealous? oh you big child". It's not often that he gets jealous but when he does he looks really adorable. You can't really keep your lips from smooching all over his face and ruffling his hair.
He loves tea. Thus he loves tea parties as well. Whenever he has tea with you he keeps a spare cup, for a very special guest. A mini him in the form of a plushie. He adore this craftwork of yours since you made it with love for him with him in your mind. He loves you to the moon and back so anything that you make automatically gets his utmost love.
"Mhm...what tea is this? Looks like it's a new one" you asked him in a soft voice so as not to disturb the peaceful silence that lingers in his office. "You're correct, it's hibiscus tea. Siegwinne got it from Sedene when she was visiting Neuvillette for his daily checkup". "Ah, no wonder. It still tastes really delicious. Probably because you made it" you smirked attempting to tease him. "Heh I'm sure Wrio here also like it" indeed it is the name of the plushie you made. You were in the mood for being a little naughty today.
"Since he likes it, I'm sure he's busy relishing the taste of the tea so...I can have you all to myself now right?" you inched closer to him in an alluring yet amorous way. "Oh it looks like my dear here is in the mood for something that's a little more hot and steamy than the tea" "You know me well don't you your grace?". You lifted his face with your fingers in a gently hypnotizing way. "You make me weak yknow that? his slurred voice was an open invitation to continue your ministrations.
"Be careful. The tea might grow cold we can't keep this for too long now..."
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marskiiii · 1 year
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ramunnae · 2 months
Diluc headcanon, he has frostbite scars on the back of his arms from his fight with Kaeya. When he almost killed Kaeya and Kaeya got his vision it's likely he blasted out his shield naturally, and I like to think of that as the result, like diluc put his arms up in an X to block in return.
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