#adrien may think his dad is a hero
gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Adrien: Its okay Marinette, There is nothing we cant handle. My mother is watching over both of us from above. Marinette: Your father too. Adrien: No... he's somewhere else (Looks down)
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I can see the inconsistency of Felix character is because he actually a character for there "Fans demand" :
Sooo you prefer 2D-Catnoir/Felix rather than our angel Adrien ? Here Felix ! He official debut in "Felix" ! He is Adrien cousin and a big jerk ! Hate him just like how I hate him too !
Wh- What ? You like him ? Fuck ! So you feel he is more competent that our pure evulz bitch teenagers ? Fine ! Here's Felix who manage to trick Gabriel in "Gabriel Agreste" ! Now He is as dangerous as Gabe
Oh Fuck ! You still like him and feel he is more "relevant" than our angel Adrien and my sweetie Marinette ? Here's I present YOU Felix join Miracuclass as "Dog Hero" and then sell all the Miraclouses to Gabe ! He is Evil ! EVil ! EVIIIIL !
What ? You asking me why he want Peacock Miraculous so much ?! Here I present you Felix as Argos ! He wiped humanity out-of-spite and try to create the Utopia for his own freedom ! He is misanthrope !
What A second ? Why... You... STILL.... EXPECTED... CHLOE... TO BE REDEEMED.... why she already... has many traits... to be put in "Complete Monster" territory ? Why YOU keep want her to be redeem like Zuzu and Pacifica just because having shitty parents ? FINE ! Here's Felix to be our Zuzu ! He is tragic little peacock... has tragic backstory.... shitty dad... and a handsome teenager.... pretty much like Zuzu right ? Now shut up and Go simp on him and Feligami already !
Proper redemption arc ? Who hell need redemption arc as long as he is "tragic and handsome" ? Don't worry... we will make Kagami as "senti" out-of-nowhere aside she wear different ring as excuse and a "horny possessive girl" who still can't move on from Adrien and make her Simp felix because he smell and looks like Adrien RIIIIIIIIIIIGHHT LOL
Honestly, it is pretty hilarious that Felix was meant to be seen as the actual character who went through a serious redemption arc compared to Chloe, when the writers pretty much speedran through every major part of it in time for the finale.
Like, say what you will about Chloe and whether or not you think she deserved to be redeemed, but at least the arc leading to her betrayal was spread across three seasons. Felix's redemption arc only lasted three episodes.
Because of the poor pacing, this is the character journey Felix goes through during the latter half of Season 5.
Emotion: "I'm going to wipe out all of humanity and create a better world! Wait, you think I'm insane for erasing your friends and family from existance while essentially committing mass genocide? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"
Pretension: "Even though I've spent almost no time with you, I think I'm falling in love with you because you may be a Sentimonster person with strict parents like me. Of course, I don't love you enough to break my new moral code against using Sentimonsters or even answering for my betrayal of Ladybug."
Representation: "I'm finally going to do something to help Ladybug because her arch-enemy is getting in the way with my week-old relationship, and that moral code against Sentimonsters? I don't want to use Sentimonsters to fight, but using Sentimonsters to put on a play to convey information I could easily tell Ladybug myself, since my new girlfriend conviently learned her identity over ten episodes ago? Perfectly okay. And since I have a personal stake by wanting to protect both my cousin and girlfriend, surely, this means I'll get to play a big part in the season finale instead of just letting Ladybug do all the work, right?"
Conformation and Re-Creation:
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hamsternamedmarinette · 11 months
Okay there was a time where I would've asked you to please shoot me in the face if I ever made a post overanalyzing this show, but let me just offer my interpretation of the writers' decision to leave Adrien out of the final fight, because personally I thought it was a very good, very impactful decision. You are more than welcome to disagree with me, but please, I beg of you to disagree with me after actually understanding my logic here.
There are two heroes of the show. Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Cat Noir. There were two central conflicts of the show. The heroes' fight against Hawk Moth, and Adrien's conflict with his dad. The cool thing about this show is that one man, Gabriel Agreste, serves as the antagonist for both of these conflicts. He is the supervillain the heroes are fighting. He is also the bad father Adrien is growing up with. This made for some prime dramatic irony in the show.
But just because the antagonist is the same in these two conflicts doesn't mean these two conflicts are connected. Yeah, I know they're connected because of Adrien's mom and whatnot, but up until the very final moments of this arc, the heroes did not know this.
Remember that first conflict I mentioned? The heroes' fight with Hawk Moth? Ever since the start of the show, that has primarily been Marinette's battle. She was the hero who bore the brunt of this conflict. She was the hero who cared more about it. This was Marinette's conflict, so she was the one to end it.
The reason Adrien wasn't there for the final fight is because that was Marinette's fight. Hawk Moth was Marinette's fight. And Gabriel Agreste is Adrien's fight. And just because Gabriel Agreste is dead, doesn't mean Adrien's conflict is over.
So no, I don't think Marinette being there by herself was just a "gotta have the cute bugnoire outfit ~uwu~" decision (though the writers may have seen the cute bugnoire outfit as a bonus), I think it was an impactful decision because the Hawk Moth conflict was Marinette's conflict and it was pretty symbolic to have Marinette fuse the ladybug and black cat miraculouses, seeing as that was the main goal of her nemesis for the entire show.
I liked that Marinette was by herself in the end. It signaled her growth as a hero. She started this arc lacking confidence and relying on reassurance from Cat Noir, and ended it able to defeat the antagonist herself and even offering him help.
If you think Cat Noir should have been there, ask yourself two things: "Would Adrien have gotten any catharsis at all from this fight?" and "Did I want Adrien there just because I wanted the angst of seeing my blorbo going through it?"
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tumblingxelian · 6 months
I doubt I have the time or focus to write it but legit fascinated of an "Adrien never went to school" AU thanks to re-reading the Enemies to Lovers Bakers AU.
I imagine the sequence of how this happens would be:
The first day happens as canon. But on the second day, Adrien is better contained at home until Stoneheat 2.0 lets him slip away to do hero stuff. Despite this, the fact the mayors daughter was nearly killed is used as Gabriel as a pretext as to why Adrien will be staying home. This nixes any plans, arguments or work arounds he or Chloe could come up with.
So, with Adrien contained to the manor, work & slightly more occasional Chloe hang outs, what becomes of the story overall? Well let's look at the season 1 plot from the main 2's perspective:
Off the cuff her story doesn't change much.
She doesn't befriend or start crushing on Adrien and because Chloe's distracted there's no seat dispute. With no Adrien, she may instead have a crush on Alya & Chat, but is not willing to act on or even necessarily aware of this at first. Though she may end up feeling heartbroken 'for some reason' when or IF, Alya & Nino start dating, but with no Adrien it may not happen, or could happen differently.
On a more long term level, I imagine some of the school Akuma don't come up, like there's no 'reason' for Chloe to try and steal Juleka's spot on photo day. & Chloe in general is probably bit more distracted & the two have slightly less reasons to butt heads, so the stories focusing on that would be stuff like the class election.
Her relationship with Chat would be largely unchanged given little has actually changed on that front. Though he may be a bit clingier and more overtly lonely so they may talk more. Adrien to her is just a pretty face who she sometimes sees hanging around Chloe.
I think the big divergence would really happen because of Lila. Mostly because without the Adrien factor she may handle the lies with a cooler head, this plot could manifest in two ways, but I will handle that lower down.
So, Adrien has been denied the chance to go to school because of the Akuma. He definitely resents his father and Hawk Moth a bit more overtly in this version and is even more inclined to use Chat Noir as an escape. What little freedom he did manage to claw out of the shift is usually spent hanging out with Chloe. This would also be easily used for comedy juxtaposition what she tells him of school with what we see.
As noted he also tries to spend more time around Ladybug and is perhaps a bit more fast and loose with details about his life, for good and ill. This could also lead him to slipping the truth to Chloe on accident or by intent shifting her dynamic with Chat, or there's still the fun contrast in how she treats the two.
Beyond that, and as established he spends a decent chunk of his off time with Chloe. In this context he is likely the one doing cosplay, which could may Lady Wifi notably hilarious if very stressful for him. He may also briefly connect with the class during the student election.
But again, he's otherwise very cut off from other kids. Though through this we do get to see a, if not softer, then "Trying to be a good friend" Chloe which is as awkward and clumsy as one would expect.
The main big divergence comes with his discovery of the book, likely born from a bit of rebellious snooping in his fathers office. As with the Lila piece above, this deserves its own segment.
Season 1 Finale:
The Book & the Story Teller would likely be the name. It'd be a dual story with Adrien uncovering the tome and realizing its importance and Marinette grappling with how to handle Lila's deceptions. I forsee 2 main varients.
1: Closer to canon. Adrien hears about Ladybug's "bff" from the Ladyblog and goes to give her the book to see if she can get it to Ladybug. It ends up with Marinette who suspects Adrien or his dad of being Hawk Moth. When the book is discovered lost, Adrien is barred from any outings or visits.
Chloe goes on a rampage to try and find it & to get Adrien to reveal Lila lied about them dating, causing her to Akumatize. Marinette does return the book at the sight of Chloe hiding somewhere sobbing over not being able to see her friend but not before making a photo copy version.
2: Very non canon. Adrien still discovered the book but is told to sneak off with it to tell Master Fu, and he does so. Gabriel is distracted by word of Ladybug's BFF and sends an Akuma after Lila. Because Marinette was already keeping an eye on her to reveal the truth she appears and quickly saves her, which makes it look like the lies are true, much to her annoyance.
Lila is now aware that this lie being believed is not good at all, she assumed Hawk Moth wouldn't notice or buy it. But she doesn't want to admit she lied either because then everyone would question everything so she's kind of stuck and ends up as the more common damsel essentially usurping Chloe's position as nominal Akuma target.
While all this was happening, Adrien was grappling with worries regarding his father and Fu and the Hawk Moth situation. He may also briefly lose the book when helping with Lila and it gets picked up by Ladybug so they both get to meet Fu. This sets up the Collector & also the return of the book via the above method.
I think I rather the latter as it feels more natural.
It also does something different with Lila with her still being a presence in class that irks Marinette and draws Akuma into everyday life.
It also lets her potentially be taken in a different direction with her being the target of attacks meaning she's sure as hell not going to work for Hawk Moth. Plus with no Adrien she likely fixates on different would be famous kids, be they:
Chloe (Hilarious because Chloe is as friendly as a porcupine), Marinette (Self starter designer who has to be polite through gritted teeth) General socializing (The Class) different targets of the week (Such as Luka) or a greater focus on Ladybug and trying to use her for social media fame, while also dealing with the stress of constantly being under attack.
It is harder to say what happens in season 2, but I imagine as changes would begin to pile up more things would diverge.
Kagami might make Adrien & Chloe a trio, or a quartet if Sabrina's been brought in more. She'd also potentially have a friendship episode with Marinette sooner if that was still to be a thing.
Chloe might not reveal herself as Queen Bee, or she might actually get picked by Adrien as a temporary hero, possibly along with Kagami, or Sabrina, so both he and Ladybug have a pair of friends.
It may be Nooroo's birthday that reinvigorates Hawk Moth, or he just can't quit in general. Less focus on school as the story heads into a "school break" period so more room for unexpected encounters & events.
Some version of Heroes Day and the Crimson Army is probably still the season finale. Or that could be the season 3 finale given its scale.
As said, unsure.
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taldigi · 1 year
How many Felixes are there in the Lady Bug universe?! What is the difference between Felix Agreste from Lady Bug PV and Felix Sphinx? did they have different characters and personalities? How are they different and how are they similar? Was Felix always a morally gray character (anti-hero/anti-villain) or is there still a version where he was an antagonist, sociopath or Marinette's arch rival?
LOl ok slow down.
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Maybe in mini-menace there might have been a rivalry. Chat is only present in one cover, and another cover where he is implied to be hunting ladybug via the black cat and ladybug.
However, My favorite idea is that chat noir may be the detective investigating Ladybug for her vigilantism and/or involvement in the gang involved in the murder of her parents.
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Since then, Chat noir was always designed to be her partner.
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even if that "partnership" is less than ideal on Marinette's (Or Nathan, as I like to call this version of Chat) part. This dynamic was phased out pretty quickly, about the end of the QK phase of development.
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There is no "Felix Agreste" the PV "Felix" is actually Adrien Nanty. (Felix Nanty, if you want to stick the felix name.) His father was actually a hotel baron (think chloe's dad sans the mayorship) and his mother was present and doting, especially due to his disability. (That whole narrative is really ableist and deserves its own breakdown) And he's actually quite sweet, as depicted in a ton of the bibles as thinking fondly of Marinette and turning to her for advice quite frequently. He's also depicted as wanting to be a doctor, so he funnels all his free time into studying. (Which is most likely what he was doing in the library during PV)
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Not to say that his name was never "Felix", because it was. But by the time PV rolled around, his name had been changed to Adrien.
Felix Sphinx is the idea that If Adrien -> Gabriel, than Felix -> Richard. And Richard Sphinx -> Felix Sphinx. He's an interesting villain who fills that shitty father role way better than Gabriel. (who was actually really pompous and silly in his first incarnation after they phased out Richard)
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How many Felixes are there in the Lady Bug universe?
One at a time. Be it Nathan, Adrien, or Felix himself. The character went through tons of development. Felix Fathom is not a "Felix" because he is not Chat Noir. He is a new character, original to the series like Kagami and Luka.
What is the difference between Felix Agreste from Lady Bug PV and Felix Sphinx?
Agreste's dad is Gabriel, Sphinx' Dad is Richard Sphinx. PV Felix' parents are not shown, but it is most likely he is Adrien Nanty, who's parents are alive, not evil, and own a hotel. However, since the identity of Papillon is kept a mystery in all media (including Canon for a time) it is possible that pv Felix is Sphinx. But the characters are similar enough that it could be interchangeable. Who knows.
did they have different characters and personalities? How are they different and how are they similar?
Yes. But not in the way you think. Nanty and Sphinx liked Marinette. Nathan found her annoying. Adrien did not have an opinion on her for a long time- (esp if we are to base it all on episode 1/introducing the characters, Adrien was indifferent and distant)
Was Felix always a morally gray character (anti-hero/anti-villain) or is there still a version where he was an antagonist, sociopath or Marinette's arch rival?
Err... Morally grey, maybe in QK stuff and canon. Where he aims for ladybugs affection instead of being a hero. Antagonist maybe in Mini Menace. But sociopath? Canon maybe. Adrien frequently throws tantrums and threatens people, is viciously jealous, and has threatened and blackmailed plagg at least three times (remember kuro neko where feeling left out > his relationship with Plagg) but, again, PV era Felix/Adrien isn't an asshole or a jerk. He just has teenage angst and suffers from the twilight sparkle disease of "stop studying, make some friends, and touch grass" jfc.
Look, I know people are super ride or die on "cursed ring needs a kiss" stuff but there is more evidence to the contrary. The artbook is a great resource, but it was made by another company, and the curse is never mentioned anywhere else. I don't doubt that there was a phase where they did consider it, but it vanished so quickly that it was mentioned only once and then disappeared. Yet nobody uses other details like.. him wanting to be a doctor... Or his boxing... Or him being super into art... Or even his love of BMX. Yeah.
Anyway. Hope this helps.
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Sorry can't seem to stop musing right now >< But on Forged AU.
I feel like a natural place to sort of conclude any given confrontation regarding Ladybug's decisions on Chloe. Would be less on how Ladybug screwed up, or why she had reason to take issue with Chloe.
Though these things & more would definitely come up in the mud flinging.
I think the actual emotional cap off would logically be around the fact that. If Chloe warrants leniency or caretaking despite everything (Which she does) then Marinette probably warrants some as well given that she's been expected to carry this shit for so long.
I don't mean being Guardian, I mean just fighting in general. But then also being the one singled out by Fu. Which may have come with privilege's but also meant things were even more on her now.
She had to be the mature one, she has to be the one with the plan, she has to be the one studying the spells and helping them work. She has to be the one determining who gets a miraculous and hand holding them through using it and then taking it back & managing them. She is the one whose attendance is apparently suffering at school because of hero duties as Adrien is I guess insulated cos of his wealth or he just says his dad called and no one checks?
Worse still, she actually trusts and respects adults, so it doesn't occur to her to question Fu. Because even if she really wants to share identities, or let Alya be a perma Rena. She can't because Fu said not to and he's the responsible, worldly, knowledgeable adult in this situation and she has to respect that.
Basically, she has reason to be cracking under the pressure and not be making great decisions. In the same vein that Chloe has reason to be breaking under abuse and trauma and lashing out.
So I sort of feel any conclusion would be both of them kind of just collapsing against a wall, all screamed and cried out, unable to really hold any anger at the other anymore.
But that's just a thought.
Oh yeah no absolutely like.
Right now Forged focuses a lot on how Ladybug's(and Marinette's) actions hurt Chloé. A lot. And even if, logically, Chloé knows there's probably something bigger going on, it doesn't change the hurt. She's so used to trying so hard and getting rejected again and again that it's difficult to really have it sink in that this was just something else happening that just happened to turn out like it did, that it wasn't an intentional 'fuck you'. And even when she does admit that, she's also done pretending like she isn't being hurt by it, because intentional or not it hurt.
But also yeah just. Marinette is going through her own kinds of hell and is scrambling to figure out a way to get everything together and save the day and not let everyone fucking die. So ofc she's going to make mistakes and lash out and not realize that what she's doing may hurt others and not stop and think about why people react to her decisions the way they do. /She/ knows why she did this thing, and even if it's 'bad' it's for the Greater Good. But whoever else doesn't know that, they just see her hurting them.
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 40 - Regrets
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Adrien cleaned up his room as he checked his phone every minute. He paced around once his cleaning finished as he continued to check his phone. The whirl of a yo-yo sang outside his window as Bloody Bug landed in his room with a tablet in hand. She transformed back to Alix and held out the tablet.
            “Alright, as requested.”
            Adrien snatched it and jumped excitedly. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
            Alix smiled, sighed, then sat down.
            “Are you staying? You’re not going to the twin’s birthday party?”
            “I’d rather not. I’ve sorta been keeping an eye on Marinette since giving her the goat miraculous, and I need a small break from it.”
            “How’s that going? Chloe sorta filled me in, but not really.”
            “I don’t know. If she’s trying to convince us, she’s doing her best. I really want to believe she is better, but something feels off. It still feels like, well, an act.”
            “Do you think Mayura got to her again?”
            “It wouldn’t surprise me. I don’t see her on patrol, but I see moving shadows. The others have too. No akumas, no Mayura, just shadows. I’d ignore it, but this silence from both Hawkmoth and Mayura is putting us all on edge. I know Marinette isn’t helping certain people like Juleka, who just looks ready to absolutely tear Marinette apart.”
            “Is it really worth trying to help her? You know, considering all that she’s done.”
            “I… ok. I’m going to level with you. I didn’t want to at first. I wanted to write her off with everyone else. However, I spoke with the paradox me, Dad, and the old man.”
            “What did they say?”
            “Dad believes that everyone deserves a second chance. Which, fair. He was the one that gave my mom that second chance no one else gave her. He was also quick to remind me that Marinette did take a chance on me, which may have ended badly, but did open doors for me. I hate that fact now, and that he’s right. The old man is willing to see where Marinette stands but is doubtful of her given what we’ve told him. But… the older me, the paradox me… she warns me to be careful.”
            “Careful of what?”
            Alix sighed. “I haven’t told you yet because, well, never seemed right. But everything we have now, that we are, is because of the paradox me. She wished for this. For me, us, to be the ladybug holder… in place of Marinette.”
            “Marinette? What?”
            “I know. Crazy, right? And I can’t help but feel… bad. I explain things to this other me and I just… I see the regret and guilt in her eyes. She, I, whatever, didn’t want to do this already, but did to avoid a catastrophe. One that was called Chat Blanc.”
            Adrien stiffened. “C-Chat Blanc? Was it… me?”
            “Yeah. You were akumatized and it warped you, turning you into a mindless monster that killed everyone. All the heroes, most of the population, just anyone that opposed Chat Blanc.”
            “How did it happen?”
            “Your love with Marinette.”
            “What? You mean… there was a time when I… we… were in love? How?”
            “I don’t know. But don’t you see? This is all because of me.”
            “What? Alix, no. You didn’t-.”
            “I became the ladybug instead of Marinette. I got in the way of her being a better person. I stopped her from being a hero like she was meant to be. It doesn’t matter how anyone paints it. I’m the reason for all of this.”
            Adrien opened his mouth but was cut off by Tikki.
            “Alix, we told you. You didn’t cause this. Not you or your paradox self. That world was destroyed by Chat Blanc, who was created by Hawkmoth. If you must blame anyone, blame Hawkmoth.”
            “I agree. We’ve seen what our Hawkmoth can do or has done. Which isn’t anything grand, but now we have Mayura. If she’s anything like the previous Hawkmoth from this other timeline, we need to be cautious.”
            “We already are, but we can’t do anything. She’s out there right now, doing whatever the hell she’s doing, and we can’t do anything about it. I’m ready to abandon caution at this point if it means finding her.”
            “Alix, there’s no need to be hasty. Only fools rush in, and I know you’re not a fool.”
            “Yeah, well, desperation makes fools of us all. If we don’t do something soon, find her, whatever, she’ll come for you again and what then? What if she creates more nightmare creatures and causes us to lose more team members? What if she actually harms you? What can we even do without even a hint of what she’s even up to?”
            Adrien frowned and looked away. He glanced towards his door when he heard a knock.
            “Come in!” Adrien called.
            Adrien’s eyes widened as Felix strolled in and stopped. He beamed as he ran over and tackled Felix.
            “I can’t believe this! What brings you here?”
            “Mother came to talk with Uncle. They sent me up here while they handled the business.”
            “Perfect! We’re about to sit in on some friends’ birthday. Come on!”
            Adrien dragged Felix over and sat him on the couch, then sat between him and Alix. He grinned as an incoming call came and accepted it. Juleka and Rose peered back at them as they set up their tablet, then waved.
            “Hey, guys. Can you hear us alright?” Juleka asked.
            “Loud and clear,” Adrien confirmed.
            “Yay! We’re about to do cake now that everyone is here,” Rose cheered.
            Adrien wiggled excitedly as he set the tablet on a stand, so Alix and Felix were in frame. Rose gasped when she saw Alix.
            “What’re you doing there? Why aren’t you here?” Rose asked.
            “A long list of reasons with a certain someone at the top.”
            Rose grimaced. “Yeah. Yeah… that’s fair. Uh, lucky you’re not Luka, right?”
            “How’s he?” Adrien asked.
            Rose pursed her lips. She turned the tablet to face Luka and Marinette. Marinette was smothering Luka in affection as he looked miserable and exhausted. Alix looked away, Adrien grimaced, and Felix raised a brow. Rose turned the tablet away before she ran off with Juleka.
            “Are those two dating? The boy with blue hair and the pigtail girl?” Felix asked.
            “Uh, yeah. Don’t they look happy?” Adrien attempted.
            Felix snorted. “He needs to learn to accept that affection. Girls can be so touchy and loving.”
            “Even Kagami?” Alix shot back.
            Felix flinched and sighed. “I wish.”
            “How’s that going for you, Felix? I know you are head over heels for her,” Adrien commented.
            “It’s… it’s difficult. I try to be with her. I’ve asked, but she never answers. She just… freezes up… then runs away. I may have given up, but then she comes back and continues like nothing happened. When I try asking why she doesn’t give me an answer, she still freezes up, then runs. At least until a few days ago when she just… broke.”
            Adrien gasped as his eyes darkened with concern. “Is she ok? What happened?”
            “I don’t think she’s alright. She confessed that she likes me and wants to be with me but can’t. That she is supposed to be with you because of an arrangement that her mother made with Uncle. I let her go after that, but when I told Mom, well, why else do you think we’re here?”
            “Is Aunt Amelie trying to convince Father to break the contract? Why?”
            “Because Mom and… and Colt were arranged just as you and Kagami. Mom hated the arrangement the entire time and wouldn’t want that for any of her family. She won’t stop until she frees you and Kagami of this obligation.”
            “Maybe then you can tell your father about your girlfriend,” Alix remarked.
            Felix gasped. “Hold up. You have a girlfriend and didn’t tell me? Why would you do that? I thought we were cousins!”
            “I’m sorry! I… with well… everything… I just… forgot?”
            Felix huffed, crossed his arms, and turned away.
            Adrien sighed and looked back at the tablet. He watched as Juleka and Luka stood in front of a beautiful cake with everyone gathered nearby. Anarka, Juleka and Luka’s mother, counted down to start singing when a guitar riff blasted. Everyone flinched as Jagged Stone sang Happy Birthday to Juleka and Luka.
            “Oh no,” Alix said.
            “Oh no?” Adrien and Felix echoed.
            Rose dipped from the crowd and turned the tablet, giving Alix, Adrien, and Felix a better view. They watched as Jagged Stone serenaded the twins as he stepped foot on Liberty. Anarka grabbed a nearby guitar and held it at the ready.
            “What are ye doing here, scoundrel?” Anarka demanded.
            “What? I’m not allowed to celebrate my kids’ birthday?” Jagged Stone countered.
            Everyone gasped, Juleka and Luka’s jaws dropped, and Alix sucked in a breath.
            “I was hoping I was wrong. Fuck,” Alix whispered.
            “You knew about this? How?” Adrien asked.
            “The concert. The pieces were all there and, well, difficult to ignore.”
            “They aren’t your children, Jagged. Ye didn’t help raise them!” Anarka roared.
            “You never told me!” Jagged Stone yelled.
            “And? What difference would it have made? Ye were devoted to your career! Ye’d never have given any of that up for some nobody groupie.”
            “Nobody? Anarka, do you hear yourself? After that first concert when I met you, I looked for you before and after every performance. I admired you. No, I loved you. But then after one performance, you got mad at me and were ready to kill me. I never saw you again after that, only to find out I was possibly a father, and then to find out that I am.”
            “And? So what? It doesn’t change anything.”
            “It changes everything! I have a family. I have a daughter and son that you never told me about. Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “Because I didn’t want ye in my life after that night! I didn’t want any part of what was expected of me! I fucked up, I gave them what they wanted, but I wouldn’t chance having you around just to become what I was brought up to be!”
            “Uh, Mom, what do you mean?” Juleka asked.
            Anarka paled as she dropped the guitar. “Shit! I… I can-!”
            “Regret runs deep, doesn’t it, Anarka?” Mayura cooed.
            Adrien and Alix gasped as they started to stand. They watched as Mayura strutted into view in a strapless, dark blue dress with a split clear up her left side to her hip and a long skirt that dragged on the floor with the signature fuchsia peacock eyes. Fuchsia eye beads draped around her torso and arms from her brooch and choker necklace. Her skin was a lighter blue than before with dark purplish-blue gloves and thigh-high boots. She ran her free hand through her slicked back hair as she fluttered her fan with the other. The fan had an open eye on each fold with a few eyes closed.
            Felix grabbed Adrien. “That’s the peacock brooch! That’s what I’ve been looking for!”
            “Yeah, I kinda figured already from before.”
            “Before?” Felix hissed.
            Adrien flinched as he messaged the hero chat about Mayura’s appearance. He turned back to the tablet as Alix stood up. He grabbed and held her back. She snapped at him, but he shook his head and pulled her down.
            “They need help,” Alix hissed.
            “This is a chance. Gallic Chick and Porcelet will be on the way to help. Let us see what she does, please,” Adrien insisted.
            Alix huffed and sat down.
            Adrien turned back to the screen as Mayura raised her fan to Anarka. One of the eyes lit up as a shadowy orb left Anarka and entered the eye, closing it. Anarka let out a breath as she collapsed onto the deck.
            “What did you do?” Juleka demanded.
            “Helping your dear mother. Poor thing suffered from so much regret. Can you blame her? Look at the life she was trapped in and the burdens she was shackled with,” Mayura remarked.
            Luka winced and hid behind Juleka, while Juleka snarled and glared down Mayura.
            “You aren’t fooling anyone here, bitch! I know my mother better than some harlot stripper peacock bitch!” Juleka roared.
            “Do you? Why don’t we test that, shall we?”
            Mayura closed her fan to a fold with a closed eye. It opened as a bright orb shot out. Mayura took it and shaped it into an ethereal, ghostly copy of Anarka. It hovered above the deck as it emitted a beautiful blue light. Adrien and Alix watched as nearly all in the light fell to their knees save for Juleka and Rose.
            “What’s going on? What did you do?” Juleka demanded.
            “Curious. Do you not feel regret, little ones?” Mayura cooed.
            “What? What does that matter?”
            “Fascinating. Here I thought little monsters like you were riddled with regrets. Or perhaps I’ve been around the older fools too long. No matter.”
            “Will you answer me? What did you do?”
            Mayura chuckled. “Not what I did. What your mother is doing. This regret, it’s all hers. Though I’ll take some credit in sharing it with everyone else. Let them know how her regrets… and their own.”
            Juleka’s eyes darted around before they widened. She looked back at Luka, who was curled into a ball behind her, tears gushing from his eyes. She snarled and turned back to Mayura.
            “Stop this! Can’t you see how much you’re hurting them? Don’t you care at all?”
            “I could care less about creatures here, save for you and the littler one. Tell me, how have a pair of children lived so far without regrets?”
            “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Juleka hissed.
            “Yeah! We aren’t telling you anything!” Rose added.
            Mayura hummed, then smiled. She opened her mouth when a rooster’s crow pierced the silence. She looked up as Gallic Chick and Porcelet leapt down from a nearby building. She watched as Gallic Chick entered the area first and immediately dropped to her knees. Porcelet gasped as she entered the area and fell to her knees with Gallic Chick.
            “No!” Adrien screamed.
            Mayura’s head snapped to the tablet as she grinned. “Look what we have here. Adrien Agreste. It’s been too long. Where’ve you been? Hiding from little old me?”
            Adrien refused to answer.
            “My, allow me to rephrase that. Tell me where you’ve been.”
            Compulsion fell over Adrien. He opened his mouth when Alix slapped her hand over his mouth. He gave a muffled, unintelligible answer that satisfied the command.
            “Nice try, bitch. You aren’t going to get anything so long as I’m here,” Alix hissed.
            “Or me!” Felix added.
            Mayura tapped her fan against her chin with a contemplative look. She opened her mouth when Outlaw and Hydra landed on Liberty. She turned to face them as Juleka ducked away and Pom Pom leapt onto the back of Liberty. She hummed as Death Noire climbed her way up the side of Liberty and perched there. She glanced between the heroes, the sentimonster, and the tablet.
            “I see the fun is up for now. I’ll bid-.”
            The heroes rushed Mayura. Hydra shifted to cloud form and distracted Mayura, obscuring her vision. Outlaw lassoed Mayura, restraining her arms. Pom Pom threw her ball at Mayura’s fan and used her power, Fetch, to steal it away from Mayura. Death Noire used Cataclysm and destroyed the fan. They watched as orbs shot out from the destroyed tool and flew off. The sentimonster that Mayura had created from Anarka’s regret reverted to an orb that returned to Anarka.
            “Get Adrien’s amok and the brooch!” Felix screamed.
            The heroes exchanged confused glances while Mayura smirked.
            “Go on, little heroes. Let’s see you take either before I erase the amok of your dear friend… and his cousin.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened as he moved Alix’s hand. “Felix? You’re a sentimonster too?”
            “I… yes.”
            Adrien gasped. “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we were cousins!”
            “I… I didn’t want you to know. I thought… I could get the brooch and keep us safe. So, you never had to worry.”
            “How sweet, but you’ll need this brooch. And you won’t get it unless you can give me the one I really want,” Mayura cooed.
            Felix perked up. “Which one? Tell me!”
            “Bring me the butterfly, and I’ll give you the peacock. Do that, and you’ll never have to worry about you and your cousin’s safety ever again.”
            “You promise?” Felix asked.
            “What? No!” Adrien yelled.
            “Adrien, we have to! She holds the power to control you, she could control me too, and if she wanted, she can get rid of us with the snap of her fingers. Just like… just like Colt always… it doesn’t matter. We have to.”
            “No! I won’t trust her. She kidnapped me, took control of me, and turned into this massive peacock monster. I’m not about to hand her this butterfly miraculous,” Adrien countered.
            “Not everything is about you, Adrien!”
            “And not everything is about you either, Felix!”
            “Clout!” Alix roared.
            Adrien and Felix raised their brows as they turned to the tablet. They watched as Alix, wearing a red ripped leather jacket, light red ripped, skintight jumper, red boots with black stripes, and black spandex under the ripped areas to give the illusion of stripes, ran into view. They gawked as Alix struck Mayura’s side and launched her off Liberty into the city. The other heroes surrounded Alix as she transformed again. They watched as her outfit became a black full body suit with red snakes spiraling around her legs and arms, sneakers, red snakeskin leotard, and a black crop hoodie.
            “Bloody Bug, what do we-?” Porcelet started.
            “Call me Blood Viper. Porcelet, Gallic Chick, I want you two to go to the Agreste mansion at once, protect Adrien. Death Noire, Pom Pom, recharge and we’ll pursue Mayura. Hyrdra, I want you to patrol the area. Outlaw, do as you see fit,” Blood Viper explained, adding the last part in English for Outlaw.
            “What? No! Don’t go after Mayura! You need to find the butterfly!” Felix yelled.
            “They aren’t doing that!” Adrien countered.
            “They should! She promised she’d leave us alone and give us the brooch if we give her the butterfly. Why wouldn’t you want that?”
            ���Because we can’t trust her.”
            “We can’t, or you won’t?”
            “We can’t,” Blood Viper, Death Noire, Gallic Chick, and Porcelet answered.
            Felix sneered and turned back to the screen as Bomb Bee and Faun arrived.
            “Blood Viper, where do you need me?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Me too,” Faun added.
            “Bomb Bee, you’re with me. Faun, you’re with Hydra on patrol. Now, let’s move!”
            The heroes dispersed. Adrien took the tablet and ended the call, then put it back down.
            “This is ridiculous. How could you be in favor of going against Mayura? She literally holds our lives in her hands. She literally took control of you! How can you be ok with this?” Felix demanded.
            “What reason do we have to believe her? What if we do give her what she wants, who is to say we won’t still destroy us?”
            “It’s not a risk I want to take.”
            “Well, it’s a risk I am. I will see Mayura stopped.”
            “Yeah? How? Didn’t you stop to think that even as Chat Noir you’d still be controlled.”
            “I’m not Chat Noir right now. Plagg was given to someone else in case you hadn’t noticed by Death Noire.”
            “That person has your miraculous? That wasn’t just some other one?”
            “No. And I have one that’ll keep me safe. And, if you want to help me, you can have one too, but only if you’ll help.”
            “Help with what?”
            “I can’t leave this mansion often. I do when everyone is asleep and I’m free to roam as Taureau, but I need help investigating Mayura. Bug can’t do it all on her own, and neither can I. I know I can still help, but I fear I’ll be caught and controlled. I would feel better if I had someone I trusted at my side.”
            “And you want… me?”
            Adrien nodded. He ran to his bedside and pulled out the horse miraculous. He returned and held it out.
            “What’s this?”
            “The miraculous of the horse. With it, you gain the power of teleportation. I figure we can uncover what Mayura really wants and foil her plans. Let the others fight on the frontlines while we do the detective work. That way we can be free on our terms, not on Mayura’s. What do you say?”
            “I… I don’t know. I still don’t want to go against her.”
            “You won’t have to openly. It’ll be our secret. I promise.”
            “You promise?”
            “I do.”
            Felix looked at the glasses. He sighed and took them. Adrien beamed and hugged Felix.
            “Don’t worry. We have each other. So long as we work together, we’ll be free of her,” Adrien reassured.
            “And if the worse should come to pass?”
            “Well… we’ll deal with it when it comes. Deal?”
            “Fine. Deal.”
            A knock came from the door. Adrien and Felix turned as Gabriel and Amelie entered the room with Nathalie behind Gabriel.
            “Adrien, we have some news,” Gabriel started.
            Adrien tilted his head. “What news?”
            “Your arrangement with Kagami has been nullified.”
            “Wait, you mean I’m not engaged to her anymore?”
            “Holy shit! That’s amazing!” Gallic Chick squawked.
            Everyone turned to see Gallic Chick sitting in the window.
            “What are you-?” Gabriel started.
            “Porcelet! Porcelet! I’ve got news for you! Porcelet!” Gallic Chick called.
            “Gallic Chick, wait!” Adrien called, but Gallic Chick had left.
            “Adrien, what is going on?” Gabriel asked.
            “Oh, uh, nothing?”
            Gabriel narrowed his eyes at Adrien when Gallic Chick returned. They all turned and gawked at her outfit change. Her superhero suit changed to a denim blue jumper without the right pant leg and a red top, auburn armored gloves, copper thigh-high armored boots, and a teal feather skirt cape with a plume extending up to her shoulders. Her blonde hair fluffed up and dyed red at the roots with the body of it a harvest gold.
            “Greetings, Gabriel Agreste. I’m Gallic Chick. We’re here to keep an eye on the area as we had a Mayura sighting.”
            “Who is we? And why the outfit change?” Gabriel demanded.
            “Oh, this? I mean, you are Gabriel Agreste, one of the biggest names in fashion. And I heard from some fellow birds what the mayor is planning. So, I thought it would be brilliant to have us all change things up. Give you fashion people some real inspiration. Maybe even strike up a nice deal for you.”
            “I don’t need-,” Gabriel started.
            “Imagine! Having Adrien pose with one of the heroes themselves in their stunning new getup. All the attention your brand would get. The fame, the money, the everything! You would be the brand for this whole Heroes Day stuff.”
            Gabriel hummed. “It is… tempting. You heroes are supposed to help us. What’d be better than a hero to keep an eye on Adrien?”
            “Sir, you’re not really considering this, are you?” Nathalie asked.
            “And why not? She makes a good point, and a hero would be an ideal bodyguard against a supervillain.”
            Nathalie frowned. “Gallic Chick, what is your angle? Are you trying to gain fame or something through this?”
            “Oh, no. I don’t need your crummy notoriety when I have my own. But I think it would be better for a pair of someones. Porcelet! Get in here!” Gallic Chick crowed.
            Everyone watched as Porcelet gingerly jumped through the window and landed. Adrien’s eyes widened and jaw dropped seeing Porcelet in her new outfit. Her white and pink magic girl uniform was changed to a black and pink mini dress with a big pink heart on the bodice and a section of pink down the middle to the skirt, ballroom black gloves and thigh-high boots with hearts at the hem of each accessory, and her hair grown out to long, thin pigtails that nearly touched the floor, but curled into a spiral at the end. She sheepishly approached Gabriel and held out her hand.
            “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Agreste. I’m Porcelet.”
            Gabriel assessed Porcelet before he glanced at Adrien’s awestruck reaction. His eyes darted back and forth, then he nodded and shook Porcelet’s hand.
            “Pleasure is mine, young lady. Tell me, would you be interested in being my son’s bodyguard?”
            “M-me?” Porcelet squealed.
            “Yes! Please!” Adrien yelled out.
            “Oh! Uh, I mean, I don’t…!” Porcelet attempted.
            “She’d love to!” Gallic Chick answered.
            “Wait! I’m… I’m not exactly the strongest hero. Maybe you should get someone else, like, Bloody Bug,” Porcelet pointed out.
            “I agree. If we’re going to trust Adrien’s safety to anyone, it should be Bloody Bug,” Nathalie added.
            Gabriel hummed. “Porcelet, what are your powers?”
            “Huh? Oh, uh, I can show people what makes them happiest.”
            “It saved that Chloe Bourgeois before. By the time I showed up, Porcelet already had the villain immobilized,” Gallic Chick butted in.
            “Well, yes, but-!”
            “None of that now, young lady. I say you should be capable to keep Adrien safe.”
            “Sir, please, reconsider. Bloody Bug would-,” Nathalie started.
            “Be busy enough dealing with that Mayura. Besides, she has a full team of heroes that she can send us where needed. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a hero being dedicated to keeping Adrien safe,” Gallic Chick countered.
            “Then it’s settled. Porcelet, I’ll be in contact with-.”
            “I can contact her,” Adrien butted in, cutting off Gabriel.
            “How do you have her contact?” Gabriel questioned.
            “Oh! Uh, well, you see, uh, I-.”
            Gallic Chick grabbed Adrien and placed him next to Porcelet. She put his arm around Porcelet and pushed them closer together. His and Porcelet’s faces flushed red as they looked at Gabriel with nervous looks and shrugged.
            “Uh, right, we’re, uh, dating?” Adrien said.
            Gabriel frowned. “We’ll be talking about this later. Now, Amelie, Felix, I’ll see you-.”
            “I want to stay here with Adrien,” Felix announced.
            “Excuse me? You don’t-,” Gabriel started.
            “Oh, what a wonderful idea! I’m not doing anything, and I homeschool Felix, it’s perfect. We can have a little holiday. Oh! What if we stayed until Heroes Day?” Amelie suggested.
            “Now, Amelie, that’s two months out. You can’t-.”
            “It’s settled then. Come along, Felix. We’ll go back home and pack, then be back in the morning. Come, Gabriel, show out your guests.”
            Gabriel sighed as he led Amelie, Felix, and Nathalie out of the room. Gallic Chick smiled and jumped up onto the open window.
            “Let’s go, Porcelet. We have a job to do.”
            “Right. Be right there!”
            Gallic Chick nodded and headed out. Porcelet sighed and hugged Adrien, resting her head on his shoulder.
            “I’m glad you’re ok. I was worried Mayura came after you and we’d be too late.”
            “Not with Bug chasing after Mayura. I doubt she’d take that risk with so many heroes after her. At least, I would hope.”
            “Good thing she didn’t. I wouldn’t get the chance to meet the infamous Gabriel Agreste, or show off my new outfit. Like it?”
            Adrien blushed. “You look beautiful. Kinda like that magic girl show with the pretty fairies.”
            Porcelet giggled. “I noticed you loved all their designs whenever they transformed, so I took some inspiration.”
            “You wear it better than any of them ever could, Rin.”
            Porcelet blushed as she looked away. Adrien took her hand and nuzzled her. She smiled, stepped closer, and nuzzled him back. They giggled until they realized they were a breath away from each other. They stared into each other’s eyes before their gazes dropped to each other’s lips. They leaned in, their lips nearly brushing each other when unease and fear tore through him. He took a sharp breath as memories of Heart’s Design and Volpina filled his mind. He tore away from Porcelet with a panicked, frenzied look as he held up his hands to guard himself.
            Porcelet de-transformed and approached Adrien. “It’s ok, Adrien. You’re not in danger. You’re safe. Just breathe. In and out.”
            Tears sprung from Adrien’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
            “No, don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. You’re ok. You’re safe. I promise.”
            “I… I just… I can’t. I’m sorry.”
            “Hey, it’s ok. I told you before, we go at your pace. Your comfort matters too.”
            “I know, but I hate this. I love you. I want to show my love, but I just… I can’t. I can’t stop… I just can’t stop them.”
            “Adrien, you show your love everyday we’re together. All the silly shows we watch. The little moments we spend in each other’s company. The conversations we have that make the hours fly by. These small things show me your love more than a kiss. Never forget that, Kitten.”
            “I know. I just… I’m sorry.”
            Sabrina sighed as she took Adrien’s hands and squeezed them. They pressed their foreheads together and stood in silence. She shifted and moved away, transforming into Porcelet.
            “I’ll be back after my patrol to check on you, Kitten. Please, take it easy until then. Ok?”
            Adrien nodded.
            Porcelet smiled and cupped Adrien’s cheek. “I love you, Kitten.
            Adrien smiled and pressed his hand against hers. ��I love you too, Rin.”
            Porcelet hugged Adrien, then headed out. He sighed and sat down when Stompp plopped on his shoulder.
            “It’ll get better, Adrien. I promise.”
            “I wish it would be better already. I hate this.”
            “I know. Just give yourself time, keep your friends close, and the wounds will heal. Never forget Bug’s journey.”
            “Yeah, well, she had a family that loves her, which made a difference.”
            “So do you. And it seems like someone is trying to mend that bond. Maybe you need to heal what’s broken in front of you before you heal everything else.”
            “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”
            “Sorry, Adrien. It doesn’t mean anything if I tell you. Like Alix, you’ll need to figure it out on your own. Only then can things get better.”
            Adrien opened his mouth, but Stompp moved on and turned on the game console.
            “Come. Let’s enjoy some silly games to help distract you. Yes? Yes!”
            Adrien shook his head and flopped onto his bed. He let out a deep sigh before he surrendered to the nagging thoughts that never left him alone.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
The Announcement - A Prequel to Adrien's First Day
(Principal Owlcles has gathered two of his school's classes and their teachers for an announcement.)
Owlcles: I won't beat around the bush. We have decided to let a human attend this school. 
(He expects, and secretly hopes for cries of protest and outrage, but it's silent, people mostly just look confused. Maridoll raises her hand.)
Maridoll: Um, not that that’s a problem, sir, but can we ask why?
Owlcles: Well, Gabriel Agreste wants to bring positive awareness to monster and human living together in harmony. So he decided to send his son here to get a taste of what it's like at DuPont!
FrankenNino: Wait, doesn't his Dad REALLY hate monsters? Like he led hunting groups! He tried to make his son see us as evil!
Owlcles: Well, it seems Mr. Agreste has recently had a change of heart, and wants to correct his past mistakes. And Adrien is quite excited for the opportunity, it seems he has no ill will towards monsters!
IsmaCat: Yeah, because his psycho of a dad sheltered him from the outside world, and kept him from finding out about his hunting years. 
Astrarore: No offense, Mr. Owlcles. But this is what in my planet, sounds like a load of garthwop, or in your planet’s case, a load of cow manure.
Owlcles: Now now, students, we mustn’t be quick to judge! But I understand that some of you may be angry about this choice, and you are free to air your grievances!
WereKim: Uh... we're not angry? Why would you want us to do that, man? 
Chloepatra: Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! 
Max Steam: It sounds quite wonderous to invite this homosapien to our academy.
Nath Goyle: Seems after he learns the school rules, I won't have to worry much about seeing him on the job.
OperJean: Just b’cause a lotta humans can be pretty anti-monster don’t mean all’a them are! Least we can do is suspend judgement!
DenisQuatch: Yeah, this could be a good step towards establishing a more peaceful relationship. In theory, it’s a good idea.
Draculeka: Call me batty, but it sounds like you WANT us to be judgy. 
Dracogami: Indeed, I sense a desire for such a scenario from his voice.
Owlcles: N-now, don’t be absurd! It’s perfectly reasonable for there to be a fear of humans, but I am…most pleased that you all seem open to this change!
Dracogami: He is lying once again.
(He hoots in shock.)
Flamecey: What's the deal, sir? Why would you not want us to accept them?
Zombustier: Rrrggghh. (Translation: He wanted you to all be upset so he could slowly change your minds over time. That way, he'd be recognized as a great principal, and win an award.) 
Headless Olga: Very pathetic, honestly.
(Owlcles glares at them. If only he could fire these two) 
Owlcles: Students, I assure you that-
(They all start laughing at him.)
Ivan Bumble: Principal prefers award over students! Garbage! 
(His laughter gets louder and he pounds the desk.)
FrankenNino: Dude, just give it up! You’re not gonna look like a hero here!
(SkeleRose's bones rattle as she laughs) 
SkeleRose: You think I could EVER be angry at a human?
Spider Resh: (Wiping tears out of her eyes) Just for that, I'm making Adrien the best shirt out of spidersilk possible.
(The principal is flustered and humiliated. He walks off the stage.)
Zombustier: Graaggh. (Translation: Ok, enough guffawing.)
Headless Olga: Now kids, this will be a new experience for Adrien. He’s never been to an actual school before! 
Zombustier: Urrrrrggggh. (Translation: So we want to make him feel as welcome as possible!)
Zombrina: Rrrggh? (Translation: Should we just be our normal selves? We don't want to come off as being overly polite and fake.) 
SliMireille: Yeah, we can be nice, but not fake nice.
Headless Olga: Of course! Show him that we’re just regular people with a few quirks, nothing scary about it. 
Zombustier: Grrrrarrrrgggh. (Translation: We don’t expect you kids to act like people you’re not, just show him he’s safe in his new environment.)
Chloepatra: I suppose that it'll be nice to have a new peasant to bow down in my presence. 
(They all stare at her, frowning.) 
Chloepatra: Kidding! Kidding!
Alix Gorgon: We’ll make sure he’sss all ssset here, teach! Don’t worry!
MothMarc: (Whispering to Nath Goyle) I hope he brings a light with him.
Astrarore: It will be interesting to learn more about humans!
Zombustier: Graaggh! (Translation: We're so glad to hear your enthusiasm!)
Harpy Lila: (Scoffs) A human? Well, at least he’ll be fun to mess with…
Here's a prequel to Adrien's first day that me and Weeby made awhile back. It was a blast to create, and I can't wait to do more stuff with them for her awesome AU! Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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Propaganda why Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insufferable:
She easily gets away with bad, stalkerish behavior, it always feels like she can ‘do no wrong’ unless the show wants us to pity her, and the show writers want us to think she is a quirky and socially awkward girl when throughout the series we see her be friends with basically everyone in Paris with many connections to high up places.
I get she has social anxiety but the way she goes about stalking Adrien is kind of the worst like she even has creep shots of him hanging in her room? That’s weird. I think Adrien’s going through enough without having to deal with the main character being his stalker lol. I know they’re (spoilers) at this point but in the beginning it was so sus
In the newest season, Marinette hides the fact that Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad. This leads to the bastard getting a statue and honored as a hero after his death. Adrien now never gets to know the fact that his abusive and neglectful father was the one trying to kill him and is instead proud of him.
Her crush on Adrien is like a black hole for her character. Things she’s done because of it:
1) stolen property
2) ruined dates
3) humiliated other characters
4) has a chart of Adrien’s daily schedule for the next year in her room (this is stalking)
5) broke into his room and sniffed his pillow (also a crime)
6) sniffed, took the hair from, and tried to kiss what she thought was a wax statue of Adrien
7) convinced her parents to let her go to China. Why? Not because she wants to connect with her mother’s heritage, not even because she’s a budding fashion designer and Shanghai is considered a fashion hotspot. It’s because Adrien was there.
shes annoyinng anf shes a stalker
I love fanon miraculous but by god she has got to stop obsessively stalking her crush and generally making a ton of other terrible decisions. I’d submit Adrien too but he’s more of a deuteragonist
I started the show, watched one episode, and never tried again. I simply do not vibe with her.
More propaganda
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Katarina Claes is insufferable:
Irredeemably stupid. The story frames it as her 17 year old mind waking up in Katarina’s 8 year old body. Yet she is still even more of an idiot than all of the actual 8 year olds in the story and shows no growth over the next ten years. At one point, all the other main characters defend her from accusations of bullying by saying she’s too stupid to have been able to do it.
Also, the Verge of Destruction side story was much better than the original series because her fears of banishment and running out of time made sense.
1) She’s an idiot, and not even in a funny way. One of my pet peeves in isekai is when the MC refuses to recognize when the story has changed. Her whole thing is that she keeps prepping for when she gets banished. But, she’s not going to be banished because she took care of all the problems when she was like 6. Bad relationship with fiancé? Fixed. Bad relationship with family? Fixed. Bullying? Prevented.
2) The harem is ridiculous. The people in love with her: her fiancé, her fiancé’s brother, her fiancé’s brother’s fiancée, her childhood friend, her adoptive brother, 2 dark mages, and etc. (There may be more, but I stopped reading after one of the dark mages kidnapped her then got away scotch free).
3) If you want a good dumbass MC trapped as the villainess of a dating game read “Observation Record of a Self-proclaimed Villainess’ Fiancé”.
Guy who kidnapped her pins her down and puts his face against her neck. She then feels a pinch and notices a bruise/hickey on her neck in the mirror. Her response was “Oh! A bug bit me and he was just trying to get it off :D how nice of him.” I hate the oblivious to sexual harassment trope.
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ataraxianne · 1 year
Listen I get not being completely satisfied with the ending of this arc but please remember that Gabriel rewrote the world, Marinette/Ladybug is the only one who knows what has really happened up til that moment (why is it there that every time there's something catastrophic and traumatising she's the only one who remembers it??) but we have no idea what he specifically wished for.
Again, he rewrote the world and the way in which he asked Gimmi to do it was very clever of the writers because it opens up to possibilities both for us to create theories and for themselves so they can invent new things, completely different from we know thanks to our canon (the five seasons)
For all we know he could have asked to be the one who ever used the peacock miraculous so that it would have make no sense for Emilie (she canonically got pregnant so as someone said she had probably created like a fertilised egg so that she could live through pregnancy too- so maybe here it was Gabriel who created it) or Nathalie to die (she was alive in the end), he was going to anyway (Monarch and Papillon still existed, he did not changed that so Chat Noir probably cataclismed him here too) and he did. He could have wished that in this new version of the world that got created he was less of a shitty dad, since Adrien completely obliterated the fact that he was a piece of shit up till the end and wonders how he could ever become like his father, that now thinks of as a hero, like the rest of Paris does. And it would make sense since Gabriel already wished to Marinette that Adrien remembered him only as a nice fella and not as who he really was.
He manipulated everything and everyone up till the end, and again we don't know to what extent since he never explicitly said what he wanted. Read my heart. Read my soul. He gave up his life (that was already decaying so it wasn't that great of a loss to him) but we don't even know if he bargained something else and how much else to this huge wish of recreating reality.
This may also explain why in the end everything was so soft and ethereal and many people claimed it was too idealistic and sort of dreamy: it was. Read my heart. He never said and explained carefully what he wanted, he just had this wish, this dream of a better eality in which he was the villain but no one ever found out because he was also the hero. Everything would have been fine, everything would have been perfect, just like a dream. Because it is.
Also we even saw that there was anyway a loophole in his wish because (and this is, again, very clever and meaningful) he always thought he could control everything as he wished and this was always the greatest flaw of all his plans and it happened again here. He didn't know about Lila. But she did know about him. She knows about him. He saved Marinette's memory because he wanted her to take care of Adrien and to have an accomplice in his plan for the new reality given by the wish (and Ladybug told to the world that Gabriel helped her in defeating him). We don't even know if in this universe Nathalie herself knows since she maybe didn't even use the miraculous. But he wasn't aware that Lila had realised he was Monarch, she had proofs, photos, videos, the code to enter in his mansion. He was completely clueless so he didn't bother wishing for her memory to change since he didn't know the risk there was in letting her keep it. He thought she was a pawn in his game while it was actually the opposite.
Again, there are many possibilities now, everything is possible and nothing is sure and I can't wait to see what they will put off with the new arc and the new season.
The only sure thing is Adrienette let's gooooooo bye Gabe we won't miss you
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Adrien Not in The Final Fight(TM) discussion SPOILERS Below
So, I do have to thank some one for posting a reply to leading to me thinking more on Adrien not in being in the final fight of the season five finale. I want to look at this with the intent to get past the knee jerk reaction that most fans have on these looks, as well as getting past blind spots the fandom largely has for Adrien. That being a largely protectiveness towards Adrien and a gush of praise that leads to a suspicion that people might have fallen for the Adrien is perfection gambit the show warns about. That being the case there are two reason I can come up with as to why Adrien is not at the final fight. First being practical reasons why it is difficult or not practical to have Adrien there these reasons are largely meta. Second being more thematic reasons as to why Adrien may not be at the final thought. Both are my interpretation as to this and it is worth understanding that my knowledge is extremely limited. Mentioning it again here it is in the tags but I should warn that I will have to talk about abuse.
The first is more simple and more direct that being Adrien not being at the fight creates dramatic irony and internal conflict for future seasons that Adrien at the fight just does not cause, particularly for Marinette. IF Adrien is at the fight it is hard to imagine the reveal does not happen there is no way that fight does not end with at least Monarch being revealed as Gabriel. This effect almost certainly leads to the reveal of Adrien as Chat Noir, and if the writers still want the Monarch versus Ladybug to be a continuation/reflection of Gabriel Versus Marinette it is likely Ladybug reveals as Marinette too. This kills a lot of the dramatic irony and tension in relationships used for the melodrama in Miraculous. While you could still have outward conflict of a villain versus the heroes you lose a lot internal conflict. Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir do not have any secrets from each other anymore and any sort of conflict they have they will talk over and resolve quickly. I think it is possible to add some internal conflict here it is not an impossibility, but it just makes it greatly difficult looking at the three more seasons you have coming up.
This problem gets more difficult as it is well established that while Adrien can and confront monarch or his dad while akumatized as long as Adrien is Chat Noir he is incapable of confronting Gabriel as Adrien. Whether it be due to his Amuk or other reasons this is a well established fact of the series and all the growth he has had has not really helped with his ability to resist his father. If it had he would not be in London to begin with, so then how could he beat his dad now? It could be better and I think that it could at least be established somehow better that Adrien still is not really able to fight his father maybe as part of the nightmare he dreams that monarch and his dad are the same and he failed to beat or fight both of them.
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Secondly the theming and relation to abuse. Here I originally had a dislike for Adrien's exclusion from the fight. My thought was very similar to everyone else's that being that it seems to be implying that victims of the abuse are not able to confront and shouldn't confront their abuser. Then I thought on that and wonder if that is really that bad a conclusion to have and I think in someways it is and in someways it isn't. The conclusion ideally should be that victims of abuse should be able to and encouraged to ask for help from others and even have others confront their abusers on their behalf. The problem is that I'm not so sure that Miraculous is convincing in that regard, or maybe I'm not confident in my ability to notice this.
What I am seeing is that largely the reason that Adrien gives up his miraculous for the time is due to his anger and his fear that he will not be able to control it.
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Another part of it that he does not say out loud, but is strongly implied is that he is afraid of losing control and being Akumatized into doing something destructive.
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The only thing I wish was added here was that it was more clear he was asking for help or asking for someone to represent him in confronting his father to advocate for him and it is appropriate that it ends up being Ladybug. In this case it is more symbolic and less clear. In fact, the opposite happens in which Adrien says he can't ask Ladybug for help and I would have preferred if he told plagg to give the miraculous to Ladybug or to tell Ladybug he can't make it or something more clear along those lines.
In conclusion, it becomes necessary to defend this take that Adrien needs an advocate, and that is simply because it is a truthful situation. As mentioned above it is well established that Adrien can not confront his father and while some of this is magical means some of it is not, and this ends up being the case for a lot of victims of abuse. I don't say this as a person who has suffered abuse so I could be somewhat wrong here, but I do say this with knowledge of the American criminal justice system. There is a position and place in the criminal justice system for victims advocate and in abuse cases there are a lot of argumentation for there being reason for the defense not being allowed to see his accuser. A lot of cases of abuse can go badly in court when the victim of abuse is forced to take the stand or even worse forced to take the stand in front of the abuser. This can happen for all victims, but for sexual assaults and domestic abuse victims it is way way worse.
So I think it is a good idea and a different but smart turn to have Adrien admit he is not feeling good about this that he cannot confront his dad and that he is better off advocating his powers to someone who can do so in his stead. I think it could be made clearer that that is what is happening here and that miraculous should maybe stop juggling so many themes at once, but I think that idea is clear.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I wonder if the (probably) inevitable Adrien Akumatization this season is gonna be the thing that finally tips Nathalie over. Like, she has all the information and opportunity to stop Gabe, but she's apparently still convinced that Adrien needs his dad to be happy (blatantly untrue), so she hasn't done anything yet. Idk, I feel like her turning fully against him is essential for the Heroes to win. Also, I just want all his allies to turn against him and him to be completely alone in the end.
I really want an Adrien akumatization that DOESN'T cause the world to end - preferably because he manages to break the akumatization himself.
And yeah, I think that Gabriel akumatizing Adrien may be the last straw for her. I like the idea of EVERYONE turning against him at the end, for one reason or another - I just hope they don't all get left totally off the hook in the process. Nathalie's been working on a redemption, but say, Tomoe? Not so much.
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lulubui · 1 year
Miraculous Viet Nam: The final sage warrior
Miraculous Ladybug Movie Idea:
[Open draft - head-canon in Scarabee and Kitty Claw universe]
There'll be Vietnamese to spice things up. I'm giving Kim some Vietnamese dialogue since his origin is there, so it's a win-win
There's a reason why I use this Au since Ox!Kim has it very far similarity to water buffalo. Viet Nam have water buffalo as it symbolized (not confirmed yet) but I think Ox may go well with the Akuma here.
The main perspective that will surround this (vital role character) is:
Chloe/Kitty Claww
Kim/Nha vua Bullock
Kagami/ Muse Musami
Special mentioned: Alim, Jalil/Lapin du Temps, Luka/ Adrien and Nathaniel/ Marc.
The mentioned miraculous: 12 animal zodiac sign.
rat ox
rabbit = cat*
(*) (Vietnam uses familiar animals in their daily life so cat is the symbolized animal replacing rabbit)
Part 1: The Journey.
This takes place in the middle of 1 year after Miraculous World ShangHai, read the my post movie script for the extra epilogue.
Kim wanting to visit his 1'st father's family bloodline/root. That when his 2'nd father offers a trip return to Vietnam (headcanoning that his second dad is a rich,bulky Parisian). Mr. Ature offered some friends of him going on a trip as he chose Marinette, Marinette asked Kagami.
For some specific reasons, Tomoe agreed on letting Kagami go there WITH her.
Three of them went to Viet Nam alone as they politely inform Scarabee as their heroes ego (separately) and following similar events like the event of ShangHai, they all received an alarms doll that activated due to Akuma attacks.
Nathaniel, Marc, Adrien and Luka are the middle team, they will assist when Scarabee calls out, since Alix and Chloe are ALSO going to Viet Nam but different cities. Nathaniel and Marc will control the Paris team when they left.
[It's divided like this.
-Nathaniel, Marc, Adrien, Luka will be at Paris.
+Adrien/ Stallion Star learn a new upgrade as he can open a portal connecting two destinations into one. That means he can help Scarabee/ Kitty Claw go to the other heroes destination without Stallion appearance. "Vortext"
+Marcel Gibbon later on learns about Sun Wukong Legends as he is able to not only make uproar but also acquires the 72 Earthly Transformations
[Explain shortly about the 72 Earthly Transformations: Basically a transformation that can turn him into another human, animal or object. It's a special concept of a kwami.]
+Nathaniel will be able to upgrade his fox power and turn into a 9-tails fox which granted him the ability to mind control/hypnosis and dream control.
+Luka also unlocked new rooster power. Not by giving himself sub-power but also giving the clucking sound...well, it seems a worst name to be called but when he used that ability, it's eliminated the hypnosis effect, sleeping effect in all conditions without exceptional.]
The France's protection team are out of the way, now to the others journey heroes.
[ Heroes --> Destination.
Alix/ Chloe --> Ha Noi, Viet Nam. They went for a visit of ancient architectural display. In which they found out it something related to the connection between VietNam and China and the magical systems.
Kim/ Marinette/ Kagami --> Ho Chi Minh City --> Tay Ninh]
"So, anyone wanted some sugarcane juice?"
Kim asked as he pointed at the mini stalled where a young lady was crushing down some sugarcane, the groups looked awestruck at the city scenery as well as the friendly atmosphere.
"Wait, what are the currency do they use here?"
Marinette asked, she was about to pull out some euro as she realized the money here looked different. Kagami observing the girl as she stated.
"As far as I know is Dong, 1 euro equals to approximately 25,000 to 26,000 (thousand) Dong. My mother already gave me some of the cash while we transferred here."
"Woah there, some knowledge before we settle down here eh? Why don't we shake things up a bit? Chú ơi, cho con chén hột vịt lộn"
[Translated: Mister! Can I have a bowl of Baluts?"
And, the girls were traumatized by the bowl of cooked duck embryo. Kim delightfully swallowed down them deliciously while they refused to eat them.
"Come on, we've to travel two hours more to visit my nephew."
"Your have nephew?!"
Marinette, Kagami unison asked.
On the North of the S-shaping country, at the city with its well known nickname "the Mistress Parasian of the east" - "Tiểu Paris Phương Đông", Alix and Chloe was having a date holding their hands and participated in a new historical architecture museum.
What shocked the two girls is that 4/5 of the section all contain symbols of the Kwamis, as well as the potraits showing an emblem of the Renlings "King". Alix quickly messaged to Marinette, who contacted Fei immediately.
"What are you doing Buggy girl?"
"The symbol Goldie, don't it ring the bell?"
She noticed it resembled the former miraculous box, as she hugged Alix tightly.
"That's right cuddly bear!! Should we inform the adults ?"
"Not yet, Jalil may notice it too, since he kept giving me side eyes on random moments. For now let's contact both Marinette and Fei."
The message quickly arrives to the girls, Fei asked for permission from Wang as she rushed to the baker girl's location instead.
Before her arrivals, the group already settled down at an urban area of Tay Ninh where there isn't much different from Ho Chi Minh city
[My fan-non things for Kim is that his first father married his mother, who has her first name is Lê and that his 1st father followed the family name bloodline. Until they got divorced, his 1st father stayed with his 2nd father Ature and that's where he got separated by his mother.
He lives with two of his fathers.]
There's a reason for Mr.Ature willing to give Kim and Mr. Lê a visit to their home town.
Before the divorce happened, Kim used to live with nephews that his relatives sent to "shaping them up".
What he remembered is they have a stubborn, reckless, cocky and arrogant personality and a girlish version of himself, yet they are a " boy".
Soon, Marinette found a local guide as they were transferred to a suburban area. Which something unnerve Kagami sensation.
"Something isn't right Marinette."
"What's wrong Kagami?"
As they soon going to their final destination, Kim mentioned a key word, revealing the local guild Identity.
"Mùi hoa sen có vẻ đẹp dịu kì."
"Lotus have it's own beauty."
That snapped the guild, who been reveal to be Kim's nephews
To explained the situation out, shortly, the boy introduced. His name was Lê Quang Anh, and he's a distance relatived to Kim. He's older than them by 2 years but still shorter than them.
Shockingly, Kim former home still as new as before yet Anh doesn't live there, what is more astonished them is Tomoe there, having a friendly engagement between Kim's ex-mother and Kagami's mother.
Friendly Note: Anh hated both side of her family, hated her own bloodline, her true parent was the real reason why Anh move to live with Kim since they wanted a perfect BOY. Living with Kim's mother is under more pressure then ever so he skipped school, become reckless, and left the home when Kim move to France.
Anh appearance: 4'9, always wearing a cap/ non la to cover his hair, wearing a plain old shirt and short.
The moment Kagami felt sympathy for her, they both became loathe, as for the reason of engagement is for Kagami and Anh to become married in the future, which Marintte denied, Kagami disagreed, Anh wanted to vomited. Kim confused at the situation as both of his fathers began to argue with Ms. Lê about the teenage married and Law.
Marinette comforts the girl, while Anh hides away and sneaks out.
When they are at the ceremony which was held by one of the famous 1 out of 100 the Lê dynasty. This one is one of the kind, while they giving a speech with Gabriel Agreste, who Alix suprising that he's here.
Jalil question the girls, they being suspicious about this whole issues as their kwagamata shines one more when going to the broken pieces of an ancient Fountain.
However instead of transforming, if the hero plushy being ringed up and call out, stellaBee and VisionClaw will fly to the south of the country.
The group soon noticed the lack presence of Anh as realized he been hide out, Fei also land on her destination as find Marinette (Which she still in her Bird form), Kim suggested go into the main village since it crowded with people there.
They arrived at the local village as Fei getting Deja Vu, seeing a small figure slippingly stealing people stuff, Kim called out the unfamiliar boy yet Fei hesitated at the figure, soon they find out the it was Anh who diguise as a child, however what he's doing is use fire agaisnt fire.
A lady appoarch the nearby police station asked for a purse as Anh give out to her, which the group remember that he been stealing it from a sketchy man.
"Gosh, I must misunderstand you."
"Sorry about the confront earlier."
"My apologies on the carelessness of my word."
" Don't mind about it. Return back at the mansion, r-i-g-h-t n-o-w!!"
Fei stayed silent, observing the boy figure movement, she noticed the lack of deep vocal and fluency in his sentences, the renlings that surround her realm also sensing a new Prodigus roaming around her.
Before Kim could ask Anh to return, the boy bolted away in a flash, making them awestruck at the high speed, which Kagami noticed something wrong with his human physical. Fei dashes after the boy figure as she's the only person that can catch up on her.
Following the trace, she found herself deep into the suburban area, where no human presence can be sight, but a massive, wide shrine (?) / orphanage can be seen.
Anh swiftly opened the gate and went into the place as Fei also went in there, soon Mei Shi fly out, causing Fei to caught off guard while Anh also noticed their presence.
He tried to land a kick but got stopped by Fei, she recognized the martial art style and question, only for Anh to mockingly say.
"What're you gonna say about it kung-fu prodigy? What? "Your kick is so slow and weak I barely don't even need to fight a person like you" or trying to point out my mistake. Beat it and go away FEI"
Anh using his mocking tone to make Fei leave, but she didn't. The group was still finding them as Fei know Anh have something hidden in this strange, abandonded place, she immediately point out to get him surrounded.
"You aren't a boy are you?"
Anh stayed silent, staring the hell out of the girl soul as he hissed out.
"Now I understand what's your name really mean Fei Wu. It's mean garbage (废物) not fly ( 飛). Don't even mentioned those word infront of me."
Fei bewildered by his statement but stayed calm, Mei Shi been hold back inside her pocket as it wanted to say something. She percieve to spotted beneath Anh's shirt glowing some sort of light as it about to burst out.
Kagami slammed the door open, revealing themselves as the light disappear, to much Fei disappointed since she already into fighting stance.
"So cool, you own this place Anh!!?"
Kim amazed by the shrine Anh live in, which were wide enough for a large clan to live in, it divided to 4 section/ area. A main building for the owner to sleep, eat or done their routine; a spacious backyard with herbal plants, trees and flowers; a enormous resident that have beds for guests (?) from small to big and place to do daily Personal hygiene; and finally a front yard with a Ying- Yang circle being draw on the ground.
Kim and Marinette like this place due to it peacefulness, Kagami like it due to the inner energy that surrounded while Fei doesn't care about the backgrounded of the place as she stared the boy figure who smashing some herbal plans, thinking about the light earlier.
Some drama, tea conversation, exposing Anh bad personalities as he've been doing bad things with good purposed for people in his area, since robbery and starvation still happend due to goverment low policy and jobs so alot of victim having a bad goal to be active.
Most of the times, he'd just give a short-term answer and turn silent, not extended any more details while mixing some herbal stuff. Kim worried about Anh's different attitude rather than the sweet and innocent one in the past
Hawky time! His goal to revive one of the statues (remember Feast? yeah this is something like that but different) that empowered a large amount of dark energy, in which remsemble a toad like thingy, not to mentioned, it amoktized thing is a venomous snake which turn citizen to minion.
HardenBee and ImmuneClaw appearance! (Immune to posion and thing similar to that) While swipping through the catastrophe in the north of Viet Nam to distract the heroes if they were there, what a surprised.
Hawkmoth began his plan as he able to manipulated one of the people related to the Orphanage where Anh live, Nguyễn Nhật Tông been force to work under Gabriel command as he been believed that the person who own the shrine should be him not some bratty kid that the couples take as their descentdant.
Tông came and confront Anh, to the boy surpised at the offer from the man that he wanted to buy the place. In the end he denided.
More reveals about the former of the shrine/Orphanage which is the couple that Fei met, Trung and Thu. They adopted and raised hundreds of children and pass down the legacy place to Anh with some secret that they taught him
Tông force her into contract since kid can't do anything but Fei and the group protect him. Anh accused as he turning 18 next week and having a high connected to the couple contract.
Before the man attack him with a knife, a shiny light burst to the room, a large, black tiger with white stripe roaring at the man. Fei look awestruck with Marinette as they knew what make that happend. Kagami and Kim pulled them to hide as Marinette and Fei hide away to turn into Draconia and Ladydragon.
Unfortunate for the tiger, after 10 minutes of struggling with Tong, it been return to Anh as the man threw him like a shack, slamming into the wall.
Draconia parry the attack as LadyDragon launched Tông out of the place.
Kim waited for the girls return as Kagami called out for the two main heroine. But HardenBee and ImmuneClaw was too busy fighting the chaos with Lapin in Ha Noi so Hawk Moth become more wild in his move.
He akumatized Tông into "Kẻ được chọn" / The chosen one
His ability is absolute wild as he violently gone crazy, destroyed the three main cities, Hà Nội, Đà Nãng and thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. The moment Anh regain himself and revealing the Vietnamese prodigious, Fei/ Ladydragon surprised before the boy getting brutual pin, thrust by a powerful energy as fling across buildings, coughing out blood.
"TCO" then entangled the two dragons heroine and smash them on the ground, a strange energy outburst, dragging the villains attentions as they got carried away.
[The Vietnamese Prodigious: 4 main symbolized resemble North, East, West, South - Phoneix, Unicorn (not the horse with horn one), Turtle/tortoise and another DRAGON! Another specialty that can sense other Prodigious and turn into the 12 zodiac sighed]
That affected the mission of HardenBee and ImmuneClaw so they called out the Parisain team to assist. That's where Stallion, Vlad, Gibbion and Arman gone and dealt with the statue.
Back at the team spotted, since it was an emergency as Ladydragon and Draconia were being outpowered by the deity like villain. His attack can destroy the whole cycle of life and restore it. It's like a god itself but in an outrageous stat that cannot be stop, while to focus on dealing with Nhà vua bullock, Mamushi, Scarabee and Kitty Claw.
Fei and Marinette return to their normal state, find out each other identity but went and find the boy first. Anh was in a terrible health condition as his cap burn down, revealing a long sily hair fell down.
"You're a girl"
Fei said while Marinette are out of her mind as the girl groaned, but further more, she then turn into a black horse as dashed away in that dreadful state. Fei hurry chased her with her horse form as Marinette retrasnform into Draconia and used lightning to catch up on them.
The shrine now being torn down by the attack, Anh become depressed at the issues as having her traumatized past haunting her.
That included Abuse, Sexism, stress and family isues.
Shortcut Lê Quang Anh past: Sexism. Her parents want a boy not a girl, they give birth to a child which they didn't know it gender. To much disappointed that it's a girl, they all wishes they not give birth to her, her mother only see her as a boy, wanting her to be aboy so they send her to the Kim's family, brought her to the south for study session and more.
Anh always skip school, hide away from the resident to visited the Pagoda, which Trung and Thu taught her many advance things. Soon they realized Anh have asthma, depression, stress and OCD which she cannot kept her mental stable when doing yoga, easily lots focus.
When they pass down the Prodigious and reveals "The Hallowed Spirit Domain" as explainning about the world hidden magical system. Kwami, Renlings, God, Deity and the miraculous, Anh become desperated to wield perfectly her country Prodigious power, in which failling to kept her transform more then 10 minutes and unable to become the 4 Legends Warrior.
In the terrible health from, she return tiredly return to "The Hallowed Spirit Domain" in which cried out to her master, telling them that she failed the mission.
"I fail..Why do I even live until now if I cannot become what people wanted? If all life form are equals, why can't I be like Ladydragon"
[Anh have a crush on Ladydragon which she didn't know the hero that she like is the person that she hated]
The Domain similar to an underground cave, a small path lead to the center with statue that hold the neclace, the two side were covered in water with Lotus floating around it. Anh laid down, fatigue as looking beaten up, wished that everything was end in here.
It's hard for her to face something that live in the past, she wanted to live in the modern day, without any old fashioned thought eliminated life-form and approved the existence of every human beings.
She been treated poorly before meeting her master and never have she felt love before.
A voice echoed through the domain, Anh groaned again, remember she forgot to close the door into this place, Fei was able to go in but Draconia wasn't.
"What you want? Laugh at my face for being a poor Prodigious user not like the superior LadyDragon out there? I'm ready for you to throw me down on the lake, I've nothing left"
"No you aren't, you coming with me...did you just praise Ladydragon?"
"Well now she knew the Vietnamese "good" Prodigious is a failure girl that been disguise as a boy for her entire life and now being exposed to you, I'm surprised that you were able to guess my gender in the first meeting."
Fei doesn't say anything as she walks up, sits next to the Anh who defeated on the ground. The girl's hair was wet with sweat and blood.
"I know that our interaction for the first time isn't surely the best due to your arrogantness and cocky attitude, but my prodigious said that you're a pure soul that has just been...broken, just like me before."
"haha nice try....wait, your prodigious?"
Fei moved her hand to remove the strain hair on the girl's face, who blushed and confusing at the same time.
"Now we know each other's identity, it's a draw now. By the way, not that I realized your vocal isn't as deep as a 18 years old teenager, i see you wearing female underwear while changing."
They became quiet, Anh doesn't know how to react when her hero crush was the person she treated poorly before, not until the moonlight begin to shine through a crack, into the domain, a spark appear, burst into the room causing the two gasp in awe. Not until it fly out of the room in a sonic move, Anh and Fei both heal their body miraculously.
Outside, “TCO” was overpowered the heroes due to Hawkmoth achieving a secret power techniques, however, before he could victoriously knock out, a white light join into the battle, knocking out the villain just in a blink of an eye, everyone felt a massive scary pressure that triggering their soul.
Scarabee and Kitty Claw miraculous flash quickly, just like something absorbing all of their energy.
The others aren’t immune to it as immediately de-transform, but able to hide away quickly to keep their identity hidden, Kim having the Ox’s miraculous able to withstand for 10 minutes before seeing a white spritual creature floating down.
It’s appearance look uncanny, having three straight black eyes, emotionless, traumatized anyone soul if they have a weak mental state. It brutal attack knocking out the villain as the butterfly fly out, but soon shattered down.
Before could do anything else, KC grabbed SC as they soon both destransform.
Tikki and Plagg looking weak, as if something pressuring them.
The white spirit then ask Kim to take it to the Domain.
Reunited! Fei and Anh also sense an intense surge.
Null scanning those two, before snapping it paw, transferring Kim outside.
Anh wanted to cried out, seeing a force that she have never sense before, all the lotus in the domain are withering away, Fei put her hand infront of the girl, trying to protected her. Mei Shi then come out, greeted.
“If something is end, it’ll only just the beginning. Life consist both Live and Death, anything that is Zero will be all real, nothing is finished and it will be reborn once again. Nice to meet the god itself, Null”
The spirit doesn’t react but suddenly blurbs, it’s power was enough to crack the wall predictably but also magically revive all the lotus, as it zoom through the three and touching it paw to the ancient shrub, a magnificent aura covers all the earth in a flash. Null, the spirit through Mei Shi words now became mix, it’s mood swing to another different one.
“WOah! So this is what “EARTH!” is, such an amazing knowledge filled place to study!! WAit I Already know everything! BORING!”
The spirit now is in Dark Red, Shining Gold and glittery silver a weird mixture of color as Anh was fully clinging onto Fei back with a heart attack. The shape// of the animal also embody some sort of identical things, similar to Mei SHi
“If this is my punishment for being poorly treated on you, I’m sorry, i’m a terrible person.”
“Quick it Anh, we know that it isn’t 100% your fault until returning to that topic. Mei Shi, explain please?”
Fei reassured the girl safe as looking at the strange, reckless spirit flew around the domain.
“Since we don’t have any grimoire here, let me explain quickly with human modern stuff. The universe extended in a rapid way that living entities like us cannot feel, each of the creations of the universe appears a Null, which it isn’t Tikki who made him, but the archverse is. Null like human USB, if it contacts any ancient magical artifacts, the energy will absorb and store into it core, like how the USB has its storage level, but Null it restricts to only an area that the energy limit, for example, this Null restricts inside the VietNam Domain and it only has the knowledge of history, life and anything only about VietNam.”
Fei dumbfounded at the explanation but Anh understands the whole context, “Null” giving her a praise as revealing that they also stored the memories of the two couples, who are the vigilante Prodigious Master.
Trung is a researcher on soul, spirit kind, that included Kwami, Prodigious and others essential being and also mastered the techniques to use, protect and control over their enhanced vitality.
Thu didn’t embody any of the power that Trung has, but she’s a herbalist and eminent artist who illustrates symbol of the archverse. She also good at martial art, sign languages and human antonamy study.
These two have a strong connection with all of the guardian temple, where the miracle box stored. However, “Null” state out that they wouldn’t be belonging to the human race anymore which shocked the two.
Some more “Null” explanation about it duty to help Anh as a tutor and about how she and Fei could become the Vigorous Dragon Duo, with a embarassed Anh and a Lesbian Fei, who couldn’t agree more to co-op with her.
Anh decided to name the creature a proper one since it embody Vietnam cultural core, XianXian (显现). As she and Fei solves the miscommunication, Fei ruffel Anh’s head in joy,, the heroes finally be able to get inside the cave, Kim worried the hell out of Anh, all of them seems to be in heavily injuried. Scarabee, the leader was the one who question.
“Romace, family reunion, or whatever not in the topic but aside. ANH, A FULL EXPLAINED.”
Anh felt a spine chilling wave, knewing that the ladybug hero is the leader of them all, she hestitately open her mouth. In the end, Meishi, XianXian and Fei the one who end up justify the problem to everyone.
Scarabee contact the group from the northern as they all seem to be fine, she disappointed that her date got corrupted by some random 18 years old kid and that BITCHYMOTH
“ I swear if I can lucky charm a gun, he’s DEAD”
As everyone checing up on each other, some of them admired the beauty of the domain, to which light from the night moon shine through the cracks and into the area.
Guess, what? Hawkmoth return with Tông, who’s now ready for round 2 of the battle, this time, Tông accused Anh’s murdered the family as also the reason why no one return to the Orphan, seeing their supervisors again. That’s a switch, turning Anh emotion down as it the only reason to traumatized her.
Anh got traumatized, remembering the last day she saw the couple, she was at the scene with blood all over her body, something that unpleasant for Anh to reminded with or ring a bell.
It’s like a bomb ticking as Anh felt stress up, KDC being reakumatized but this time with red version, that led to Scarabee realizing that Catalys is also here.
“Everyone careful, this isn’t a normal battle like before!!!”
All the hero on action to fight KDC, yet forgetting to pay attention to Anh who have a panic attack, a velvet butterfly ending up entered Anh necklace as Hawkmoth finally be able to took over the Vietnamese Prodigious.
Kitty Claw and Fei the only one who sight the issues as Fei begging Anh to fight back.
“Anh please! Listen to me and fight back at the villain. You won’t be alone again!!!”
A string of force violently pulling the girl sinking down to the lake of darkness, tangled in depression and lost. That the main reason why Anh never be able to use the 4 Legends, she been blaming herself everything and never get the right recognition.
Kitty Claw tell Scarabee who dealing with KDC now return the focused on the two Prodigious, shocked. Using the last resort, Fei kiss Anh in order to dragged the girl soul out of the darkness.
It’s actually work, XianXian landing on Anh’s head, comment calmly.
“Although the two Mastered aren’t here, but I could be seen as their reincarnated. I’d be proud to see the developement that you made through years Anh. My existence to this place is upon your wishes of gainning your true self. Even if no one is looking at you the way you wanted, there’s a person that will always accepted who you are. That’s yourself”
Fei release the kiss, who now with a calmer Anh, the butterfly mask still on with Hawkmoth trying his best to break through the soul,  a small flash went through Anh’s eyes as spark of hope fire up once again. Scarabee use her lucky charm and got a handcuff, for some reason it not the exact things she wanted, but the moment she throw to BitchyMoth, his arm got wrap in and lock with an upper pole, Kitty Claw jump and trying to use her Tornado Cataclysm but fail as KDC slammed her back to the wall, much to Scarabee mental pain.
Anh not only breaking free from the akuma but also evolve the Prodigious as changing the theme. The old Tortoise turn into a giant mythical crane, and the Unicorn change into a lion cub (con nghê). Phoenix and Dragon still in the same way but having their symbolized change.
Unfortunaely, Anh lost her old concious as her fiercy spirit taking control over her body, turning into a mighty black and white dragon, she overpowered KDC easily but couldn’t take down it.
Switching between a wide variety of black and white 12 zodiac signs, Anh’s only able to keep down the damage as Fei assisting her as Ladydragon.
The akuma soon been defeated, they gang up on Hawkmoth as he then summoned a surprised Senti monster (he hidden the feather inside his staff)
Anh still passed out as most of her action was automatic (fight by intuition and her six sense), when the feather entered her charm and created a powerful god-like figure, they soon wrecked the place and blasted BitchMoth back to France.
Yet, Scarabee need to find out how to destroyed the charm and calm the Yin-Yang dragon down. She summon another Lucky Charm which surprisingly make severals item. (bar of soap ,metal chain ,giant carpet)
“Everyone, attention!”
Scarabee then yell, grabbing all the occupied heroes and told them the plans while LadyDragon try to hold down Anh’s Dragon. As the France’s Hero team leader command, Draconia fly toward them as wind dragon and cloaking the raging one with melting soap, she then give LadyDragon the chain as both of them restrained her back.
Other assist the two leaders by holding back the Senti-God which wipe all of them away. In literally.
Kitty Claw then used a massive move destruction, sending a powerful wave of Cataclysm toward the Dragon’s group as it cracked the Amok charm, Fei necklace, Marinette choker.
Scarabee quickly cast the Miraculous bringing the heroes back. However she still keep the carpet as all of them spread it, the charm return Anh to normal as the girl fall down onto the carpet with the two Dragon quickly transform and help her.
@a-chlolix-blog This is gonna be two parts long, the storyline might be a bit cringe but would you mind leaving a judgment or comment?
12 notes · View notes
milarqui · 2 years
Scarlet Lady: The Collector
Directory - Volpina
The old man glanced at the Kwami of Destruction, who, true to form, flitted around without a care for the world.
“You know you weren't meant to bring him here, Plagg,” he chided the Kwami, who smirked.
“Yeah, yeah, you'll change your tune when you see what we brought!”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Adrien asked.
“Of course!” another voice said, and another kwami, this one resembling a turtle, flew out from behind the old man. “He's the last of the Miraculouses' Guardians! Hi, I'm Wayzz!”
“And the one who chose you to be a hero, Chat Noir.”
He clenched a fist.
He felt an eye twitch.
This was the guy responsible for some of the worst things he'd ever had to deal with in his entire life?!
“So you're also the one who chose Scarlet Lady?” he asked, and he knew that the old man had understood the message, given his utter panic.
“W-Wait!” he replied, and stood up, opening a box in the form of a gramophone. “I'm investigating how she obtained the Earrings. Which is difficult since I don't know who she is.”
He showed him a box that had an engraving similar to the one in his book's cover and opened it. It contained five sockets, each looking like a singular piece of jewelry... but only one was full, a yellow hair comb with black stripes. He recognized one that fit with the ring.
“However, my focus has been split between that, and finding the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculouses, as well as the Grimoire. It is fortunate you found it! It contains spells for new superpowers that I can decipher for you!” he said, closing the box and returning it to its hidey hole.
Adrien flipped through the book and suddenly grimaced.
He didn't want to know, but he had to.
“You mean I have to share powerups with Scar?”
“My condolences.”
Yeah, he didn't want to know.
The man – who presented himself as Fu – made some tea for both of them, while Plagg and Wayzz played around, as they hadn't met in months; Adrien smiled as the two kwamis enjoyed a game that quite resembled Tag, but flying.
“You know,” Fu said, checking the book, “I always suspected whoever had the Grimoire would have the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous.”
“How did you obtain this Grimoire, Adrien?”
“It's my dad's.”
Fu blinked.
Yeah, that was kind of a bummer.
“You worried about your dad?” Plagg asked. They were on their way back from Fu's, and Adrien felt like a storm was about to blow all over him.
“Of course! Him being a supervillain almost makes too much sense. It's practically cliché.”
The story's big bad being a hero's parent? He had lost count of the stories where that happened.
“It'll be hard to investigate, though, since I never see him,” Adrien said, pushing the door open. He needed to return to his room and–
“Adrien, where've you been?”
“Uhhh...” For God's sake, you're never here when I need you, but the moment I wanted you distracted, you show up? Make up your mind!
“Go to your room.”
As much as he would like to do otherwise, he obeyed his father, who followed him there and immediately brought out a tablet, showing him a photo of him.
Unfortunately, it was a photo that showed him taking the Grimoire.
“Why did you take the book?” his father asked, clearly angry.
The idea that his father may be Hawkmoth, plus these past months' work as Chat Noir, probably informed his decision to reply in the least helpful way possible.
“Uh, it has superheroes in it? Why do you have it?” he fired back.
“First you betray my trust, and now you give me attitude?!”
You're one to talk, and you haven't answered the question, Adrien thought.
“Obviously, going to school has been a negative influence,” his father stated, fortunately unaware of what he was thinking. “I'm pulling you out immediately.”
Adrien froze for a moment. The best thing that had happened to him in years (because if it weren't for school, he would have never met Nino, Alya, Marinette!, the others, and he wouldn't have had a chance to have a normal life) and his father wanted to take it from him.
You want to play dirty, Père? I can play dirty, too.
He pulled out his cellphone.
“Are you ready for the PR nightmare when I tell my friends – one of which has personal ties to Nadja Chamack – about you keeping me prisoner here?”
His father froze. Gabriel Agreste had clearly expected him to meekly accept such a disproportionate punishment. Instead, he had revealed he had a big gun, was aiming below the waterline – and wasn't afraid of pulling the trigger.
“You're... grounded?” he said after a few sweaty moments. “For a month?”
“Better. You almost sound like a parent.”
Even if he was still punished, he would take it as a victory. The Parthian shot was just a bonus.
As usual, Chloé was happy – even humming! – for some unknown reason that escaped Tikki's mind, and as much as she hated the usual consequences, she had to ask.
“Why are you in such a good mood?”
“Why wouldn't I be?” Chloé crowed. “Now that I've shattered Lila's credibility, everyone will go back to worshipping their true Queen – me!”
Yes, she hated it.
Instead of pointing out that no one in her class would spit on her if she was on fire, she went for the most obvious part of why Chloé shouldn't be happy.
“Yesterday was a train wreck and a half and you know it. You didn't even get the book!”
Of course, that was the moment Chloé's cellphone dinged.
“Oh! A text from Adri-darling!” Chloé drowned her out.
“Ugh.” Times like this, she wondered why she kept trying.
The students were getting ready for class, with some of them talking to each other about the day's business, hoping they'd be able to hang out in the approaching holidays –
The scream that shook the air was so shrill that it would have probably destroyed the windows if it had been just a bit closer. Several of the students held their hands above the heart, feeling a suspicious lack of beating for a few moments, while others ended up dropping some of their belongings. Poor Nathaniel had to deal with a combination of a tear in his drawing and a pencil with a broken tip.
Sabrina sighed. The only person that could have uttered such a crime against nature was someone she knew, and she also knew she would probably have to deal with the consequences.
When Marinette arrived to class, it was to the usual scene of Chloé making... well, a scene. She was crying over a table, while Sabrina did her best to pat her in the back, while everyone watched, bemused.
“What's with her?” she asked Nino.
Ignoring Chloé's histrionics (while also wondering what kind of sucky mascara she used that was running all the way down her face), she looked at Nino, trusting him to tell her things in a less Chloé-ish way.
“Actually, he's just grounded. He's just gonna miss the last two days of school before the break.”
Alright, that made a bit more of sense.
Marinette looked at Chloé in disgust and annoyance. When Chloé was in 'Chloé Bourgeois makes everything be about her' mode, she was particularly insufferable.
“You're not grounded.” Dumbass.
“He lost his old man's super rare book,” Nino explained, showing her the message Adrien had sent him. “So, not totally unreasonable.”
Wait, book? The one I found?
“Huh? But I–”
“Apparently, she caught a cold,” Rose said, sadly. “Poor thing.”
“How would you know that anyway, Chloé?” Alix asked, looking with suspicion.
Chloé ignored the question and decided to assault Marinette, who had her hands full trying to shove her away.
“I'm not letting you harass her, especially when I gave Adrien the book back!”
Chloé didn't even bother to stay in class, leaving in order to carry out her revenge.
“C'mon, we gotta track down Liar Rossi! This is all her fault!” she yelled, uncaring of the fact that only a door or two kept her from being heard by other people.
“But Marinette said–” Tikki tried to reason out, but since when had Chloé listened to reason? Particularly when it wasn't in her interest to do so.
“Tikki, Spots On!”
“A cold, huh?” Alya asked.
“Makes sense, after walking around in winter, soaking wet,” Alix pointed out.
“Yeah, well, she deserves it.”
“You're still mad? It's not that big a deal.”
“Easy for you to say! It's not your blog that she lied on!”
“Okay, okay, you don't have to forgive her.”
You could remember that you were the one that chose to publish the interview, though.
Playing foosball by yourself, Adrien thought, is boring.
Hell, the only reason he was getting any entertainment out of this was because Plagg was willing to play the goalie!
“At least your father didn't find out about me! Lucky I don't show up in pictures and videos!”
He had to agree with that. If his father was actually Hawkmoth, him finding out about Plagg would have spelled disaster.
“Just bites that I'm grounded for the whole break.”
Whatever Plagg was about to say was drowned out by what sounded like a large fragile object breaking in pieces.
Which was followed by several more similar noises. And, judging by the direction, it was obvious where it was all coming from.
“Yikes,” Plagg said, although he couldn't avoid grinning a little: destruction was part of his portfolio, after all!
“Père's taking it really hard. Maybe he really is Hawkmoth.” He turned to look at Plagg. “I guess we should tell Scar.”
“Aren't you grounded?” Plagg asked, surprised.
“You know who's not grounded?” Adrien replied, smirking and giving Plagg the finger guns.
“Eyyy!” Plagg almost felt like crying. His kit was properly learning the art of being a rogue!
The matter of Adrien stealing the Grimoire – something that she had never thought would happen, Adrien was too nice a boy to delve into such actions – shook her up a bit, but didn't keep her from continuing her job. She was a professional, and she would keep working unless M. Agreste dismissed her.
At the same time, she wondered what M. Agreste was planning. She had heard him breaking several large objects – if she had to hazard a guess, she would say the mannequins he used for his work at home – but couldn't tell how that could be related to the previous event: she knew M. Agreste, and she knew he wouldn't be one to delve into fits of rage.
“NATHALIE!” M. Agreste yelled, but his voice sounded... different.
He suddenly kicked the doors to his office, forcing her to jump away.
“You'll be the first on my list of inspiration!”
“Agh!” she shouted, crashing against the ground, and she turned to look at him.
“M. Agreste... the fuck.” She wasn't prone to using such words, but the event merited it.
“Call me The Collector!” M. Agreste – who was wearing something that resembled his usual suits, but less dignified and with more colors, as well as a set of butterfly glasses, a hairdo that made him resemble a zebra and a pair of heeled shoes – declared, holding a blank book in his hands.
And he was sparkling.
Nathalie glared at the man.
This was your master plan? Fake becoming akumatized and send a butterfly at yourself?
“I'm going to hit you when you lose,” she stated, before she became trapped into the book.
Screw him being her employer, she was officially pissed off.
“Adrien!” the Collector said, kicking in the doors to his son's room. “You'll be a great... piece...”
Too late, he realized that the room was bereft of human presence. Particularly of the one person that should be inside.
“What's the point of ground my son if he's not here when I attack him as an Akuma?!” he said. Seriously, the boy didn't have any respect for his elders anymore!
Tracking Scar was easy – she wasn't the only one with features that told him where a partner was – and he quickly set off for her. The sooner this got through, the better.
He finally found her just a few minutes away from school, which was good because this would be a good place to plan out how to deal with the situation.
“There you are, you mangy –” she started.
“Yeah, yea, listen up,” he interrupted her. “I got a lead on Hawkmoth.”
“Now?! Lila Rossi is more imp–”
“Shut up,” he interrupted her again. He wasn't in the mood to discuss the Italian girl. “It's Gabriel Agreste.”
If I defeat Hawkmoth, my reign as Scarlet Lady is over! I'd only be celebrated for a few months after!
“He fits the profile: total recluse, financially stable, a total dick, you're not listening...”
She didn't pay him any mind, as she realized the silver lining.
But then I get to comfort my poor, lonely Adrien!
“You know, your poker face sucks.”
Scar eventually deigned herself to do something and followed him to the Agreste mansion, entering through the window to Gabriel's office – where they found multiple mannequins strewn around the floor, along with folders and paper pieces containing some of his work.
“Ugh. Someone threw a temper tantrum,” Scar noted, and the perfect retort was on his lips before he could think it.
“You would know exactly what that looks like.”
“What'd you say?!” Scar yelled. He ignored her.
The noises coming from the main hall were much more important, after all. He ran out of his father's office, followed closely by Scar, and they found the Akuma at the top of the stairs. It was clearly his father, if dressed in something he knew he wouldn't want to get caught dead with.
“Where's Adrien?!” Scar shrieked.
“Where's Gabriel?” he asked. If his father was truly Hawkmoth, then he might actually make a mistake or something.
“There is no Gabriel, there is only–”
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY ADRIEN?! LUCKY CHARM!” Scar immediately shouted, bringing out the object meant to be used to fight this Akuma.
“Why do I even bother with my evil monologues?” the Collector complained, while Scar looked at the object with obvious confusion.
“What even is this?!”
Being more world-knowing – even with the seclusion that came from being Gabriel Agreste's son – he decided to tell her.
“It's a bike pedal.”
“A what?!”
What a surprise.
Putting the pedal to her waist, she wielded her yo-yo and tossed it at the Collector.
“Take this!” she shouted.
“NO!” he shouted, but it was too late.
“Thanks, I will!” the Collector said, as the yo-yo got trapped into the Akuma's book.
“EEK!” she shrieked. She had certainly never expected to lose her main weapon like that.
Not that she normally uses it, anyway, he thought.
“You idiot, retreat!” he ordered, and for once Scar was willing to obey and get away.
“A fine addition, isn't it?” the Collector stated, smirking.
Chat Noir grabbed a chair and tossed it as hard as possible.
Before leaving the room, he was satisfied to see the chair smacking the Collector in the face.
Chat Noir – somewhat reluctantly – led Scar to his room, having had an idea that could probably give them the opening they needed.
“You won't escape me!” the Collector shouted.
“Creepy,” Scar said, and for once Chat Noir agreed with her.
“We gotta fill his pages!”
Looking up, he jumped to reach his DVD collection close to the ceiling, the one he needed a ladder to access, and waited. Hopefully, using it to trap the Collector would work, and also hopefully the Miraculous Cure would at least restore them if they broke.
Just in time, the Collector entered, aiming for Scar.
“I will immortalize you!”
The wardrobe containing the DVDs decayed, allowing him to access its contents – and he began to throw everything at the Collector, distracting him as he kept trying to put everything that was raining on him into his book.
“Ah! Ugh!” He was fast, but not enough to avoid getting hit multiple times.
“Scar, the book!”
Grabbing the pedal, she swung it at him –
– and she hit the Collector in the hand, forcing him to drop the book.
Jumping off his perch, Chat Noir quickly ripped the book apart, freeing the black butterfly as well as everything the Akuma had collected, including the yo-yo, which Scar used to purify the butterfly and then cast the Miraculous Cure.
So, that's how it feels, he thought. While his accepting of the Akuma butterfly allowed him to retain consciousness, it was still a heady feeling to come out of akumatization.
“What hap–! Where's Adrien?!” he said; he did have to play out his role of 'innocent victim'.
“That's what I wanna know!” Scarlet Lady demanded, but clearly Chat Noir wasn't keen on further dealing with his partner.
“Don't worry, your son is probably hiding,” he said, grabbing Scarlet Lady by the waist as their amulets kept beeping.
“He'll show up soon enough. Au revoir!” Chat Noir declared, jumping out of the window while Scarlet Lady kept insulting him.
“See you soon. Heheheh!”
That was when a recovered Nathalie smacked him hard in the back of the head.
Alright, he may have deserved that.
Fu listened patiently as Adrien told him of the encounter with this newest Akuma, and the successful resolution of the event.
“Since he was akumatized, my dad can't be Hawkmoth, right?”
“Very probable,” he admitted, inwardly lamenting that the first lead he had had in months had gone nowhere.
“I feel bad for giving him a hard time now.” He sighed. “But I'm still grounded unless I return the book, which isn't really an option. I'm totally gonna miss Marinette's birthday party.”
“Says who?” Fu replied, pulling out his cellphone and beginning to take photos of every page.
“Ooh! So I can give the book back?!” he said, smiling.
“How could I come between you and the girl you love?”
“Huh?!” Adrien said, blushing up to his ears.
“I know everything, Adrien.”
Save for the two things I would really want to know, that is.
Much to his shock, he found Marinette waiting inside, talking to his father.
“So, I'm just confused why you think–” she was telling his father.
“Marinette?” he asked, confused.
“Adrien!” his father said, either unbothered for his foray into unwilling superpowered villainy or just hiding it very well. “Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was explaining that she found the book and already returned it to you. Is this true?”
Thank goodness Fu allowed me to bring it back! he thought, pulling the book out of his bag.
“Sure is!”
“Why did you not say so before?”
“Would you have listened?” he replied, crossing his fingers behind his back.
It's not like I had it on me! he thought. He wasn't the only one capable of dealing in deflecting questions, after all.
Fortunately, his father's awkward cough told him that he had fallen for his half-lie.
At least, there was that.
In the end, Adrien's father decided that he could lift the punishment from him, since it was technically his fault that Adrien hadn't returned the book, and left her and Adrien to say their goodbyes.
“Thanks for getting me un-grounded, Marinette!” Adrien replied, smiling, and she felt herself blushing.
“Oh, I didn't do much in the end,” she said, giving a hand wave.
“You headed home?”
She sighed, and smiled at him.
“I've got another stop first.”
Saying her goodbyes – and with Adrien promising to call her later – she left for the second target of the afternoon. She had to check on someone else.
Finally arriving to her destination, she resolutely knocked on the door, which opened a few moments later to show the face of a tall woman that clearly resembled her daughter in an older format.
“Hello, Mme. Rossi!” she greeted, waving a hand. “I'm Marinette, the class rep for Lila's class. May I come in?”
The woman bid her in and asked if she wanted some tea, which she accepted.
“It's so nice of you to check on Lila!” the woman gently said. “How unlucky for mia bella to catch a cold on her first day of school! Lucky we're so close to the end of the semester. She'll catch up in no time!”
The woman sighed, sipping on her hot tea.
“Marinette, Lila wouldn't tell me why she came home soaking wet. Do you know what happened?”
Before Marinette could answer, Lila – wearing her pajamas and a very flushed face – came running from the corridor and slid into view, making the picture behind her actually vibrate.
“Mamme, didn't you need to go grocery shopping?!” Lila asked, talking too fast for it to be just an attempt to remind her of something.
“Oh, that's right!” the woman said. “Marinette, I apologize, there are some things I need to buy. Is it alright by you?”
“Well, sure. I just needed to do a couple of things apart from seeing Lila. I shouldn't disturb her too much.”
“Good, good. Now, Lila, you go back to your room, you're still running a fever. I'll be back soon, mia cara.” She gave a kiss to Lila, grabbed a bag and her purse and left, while Marinette followed Lila to her room.
“Why are you here?” the Italian asked, giving the back to her.
“Mme. Bustier wanted to pass on this pa–”
“I'm not going back to school,” Lila interrupted.
“What's the point? Everyone knows I lied and Scarlet Lady humiliated me! My social life is over before it even began!” she said, sitting on her bed.
“So you're running away?” Marinette asked, sitting next to her. “You think you can trick your mom and miss a whole year of school?”
“You underestimate my power,” she replied, giving a weird grin.
“Good lord,” she whispered, before rallying back. “Why did you lie anyway?”
“Cuz it's fun!”
“Huh?!” What was so fun about lying?
“Well... it became fun. At first it was a defense – new kid syndrome or whatever – since I'd move so much,” she explained. “After a while I started seeing how far I could push it. How crazy I could get with my stories. Like a game!”
She pulled her knees up and half-hid behind them.
“But the game's over. Scarlet Lady ruined everything and everyone loves her. No one will be on my side.”
“Yeah, no, Scarlet Lady sucks,” Marinette replied, disgusted, and causing Lila to turn to look at her with surprise. She stood up and grabbed her backpack, having left the papers on her table. “Look, I don't like liars. But Scarlet Lady is the biggest liar I know, so I'd pick you over her any day. And just so you know, Rose was worried about you. And Alix stopped Chloé from spreading rumors about you.”
Lila now looked really surprised, and pondering at Marinette's words, before she continued.
“What I'm trying to say is that you're gonna have to earn back some trust, but... you're not as alone as you think. Maybe rethink your assumptions before you give up,” she finished, walking to the door and making her way back home at last.
The next day was the last before the Christmas break, and the mood was quite festive, if only a bit subdued due to how two of their own were missing.
Then a car gently stopped at the school's gates, and Adrien came out of the back door.
“Hey guys!” he said, cheering up.
“DUDE!” Nino shouted, and ran to hug Adrien. “You're free!”
“Ahaha!” Adrien laughed as he returned the hug.
“Adri-darling! You came back for me!”
Adrien dodged her and went for Marinette, the one that had allowed him to return.
Chloé crashed into the ground.
Nobody cared, as they were all busy greeting Adrien.
“Welcome back!” everyone said, their moods lifted by the turn of good luck.
Nathalie, now more willing to listen to her employer without desiring to hit the man (a marathon of The Best of Gabriel Agreste may have been involved in it), followed the man as he checked the book once more and returned it to its safe.
“Why did you bother if you already copied the book?” she asked.
“I did what was necessary to keep my secret,” he said, pushing the buttons that activated the lift to his secret underground base.
As the hole closed above the man, she couldn't help but drop one last retort.
“You're truly the picture of subtlety, sir.”
OMG, what Alix?!
LOL, you comin' to Mar's party or wut? It's @4 at the park.
So I've heard.
Come on, come on, you gotta come!
“Again, Alix? Geez, you're relentless.”
La Befana
@zoe-oneesama Hawkmoth keeping himself out of trouble by using his powers on himself. Funny, that.
We're getting closer to the debut of our favorite heroine! Only 4 chapters away!
Marinette's Nonna will come before the end of the week!
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rosie-b · 2 years
A Catching Sickness
Gabriel Agreste thinks he is dreaming when Chat Noir walks into his office and calls him father. But what if the hero turns out to be quite real—and sick?
This story just popped in my head today and demanded to be written out. You can read it here on AO3 or below the cut!
Gabriel was working in his office when it happened. He had been shuffling through some legal papers, hoping to catch up on his work after putting it aside for weeks to be Monarch. He’d just decided to take a quick break and have Nathalie bring him some coffee when Chat Noir walked into his office.  
Although he was stunned, Gabriel had no reason to think that the city’s hero was here to take back the Miraculous, so he smoothed down his shirt, folded his hands on the table in front of him, and showed no surprise or fear as he asked in a monotone voice, “What are you doing here?” 
Chat Noir didn’t act surprised by the man’s actions, though his ears flattened, and his tail twitched to the side, hanging low on the floor. “Father, I- I came to ask you a question, if I may,” the boy said, hugging himself and rubbing his left arm as he avoided Gabriel’s eyes.  
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. Perhaps he had fallen asleep at his desk and was now having a nightmare about the teenagers he fought nearly every day. It had happened before, though this particular dream felt unnervingly real despite its laughable premise. 
“You may ask,” he replied graciously.  
Chat Noir took a deep breath. “Nathalie said she told you that I took ill, and I know you canceled fencing practice for me tomorrow—and I’m grateful, really—but I’m getting worse, not better.” The black cat spoke in a hesitant, stuffy voice, and his mannerisms reminded Gabriel of Adrien’s when he had gotten the flu some years past. Still, Gabriel continued to let the dream play out, rather than analyze the similarities his subconscious drew between his own son and his enemy. 
“So I was hoping you’d let me stay home from school,” Chat Noir continued when it was clear that Gabriel would not say anything. “And I already asked Nathalie to call a doctor so I can get tested for the flu, but even if this turns out to be a cold, I- I need a break,” Adrien Chat Noir’s voice broke, and his eyes looked red.  
“A break,” repeated Gabriel disbelievingly. He was already giving the heroes a break from fights for now; until his paperwork was done he had no other choice. Did this dream, then, speak to Adrien’s need for a break? But he was already freed from modeling, and though it was true that the boy was ill, all he needed was one restful afternoon to recover and he’d be back to normal. 
Chat Noir hugged himself tighter, his eyes wide and pleading as he looked at Gabriel. “I can’t spread this to the other kids, and—” He was cut off by a bout of coughing, bent over and hacking miserably into his elbow. He has good hygiene , Gabriel noted. He shook his head to clear it. 
“I can see that you are quite ill,” he said, reaching for his pen to sign a paper that was almost completed, “but really I can’t tell why you— oh, for heaven’s sake,” he said as the hero’s cough turned into a pair of painful-looking sneezes. Chat Noir sagged against the wooden door, his face flushed and his mouth open to catch a breath. Frowning, Gabriel reached down and opened a drawer in his desk. Pulling out a tissue, he held it out to Chat Noir, who stepped forward with a pitiful attempt at a smile. 
“Thank you,” he said, reaching out to take the tissue with his right hand. Gabriel looked at the black and green ring within his grasp and tried to control himself. It’s just a dream , he thought. It’s just a dream.  
 As Chat Noir’s fingers brushed the edge of the tissue, the boy suddenly froze. Trembling, he, too, stared at the ring he wore, and his breath shuddered through his lips.  
“Dad,” he said slowly, “please tell me this is just a fever dream. Please.” It sounded more like “blease” to Gabriel, but he wasn’t going to laugh at a sick man. 
“I would, but I’m afraid this is my dream we are inhabiting,” he said drily. Then he shoved the tissue into Chat Noir’s hand. 
When the hero still didn’t move, Gabriel frowned. Looking up, he noticed that Chat Noir had gone very pale, except for his still red and drippy nose. Gabriel suddenly straightened in his desk chair. “It isn’t?” he asked, and somehow the question made perfect sense, and was its own answer. He inhaled sharply, and his eyes returned to the black ring. 
“My own son is Chat Noir,” Gabriel whispered, and it sounded like a curse as he glared at the Miraculous on Adrien’s trembling hand. 
All of a sudden, Chat Noir’s hand dropped, and he fell backwards, shoulders and head hitting the door. Gabriel sprang up from the desk, rushing to the hero’s side. “Adrien,” he called, shaking his shoulder. The boy didn’t stir. “Adrien,” Gabriel hissed, and the boy groaned in response, coughing weakly. A strand of blond hair fell in his eyes as they fluttered open, and Gabriel flinched back in shock.  
Adrien really did resemble his mother. 
“Dad?” Chat Noir asked hoarsely. He coughed again, head shaking and hitting the door with the force of it. He winced, but his eyes stayed focused on Gabriel. 
“Son,” Gabriel said. “You need to detransform. I’m going to call your bodyguard and have him help me. We’re carrying you up to your room, and you are not going to leave this house until you are fully recovered. The doctor will just have to come to us. Now, do I need to take off your ring, or are you going to cooperate?” 
Bleary-eyed and half-asleep, Adrien murmured, “Claws in.” His transformation fell, leaving a pale little boy wearing Gabriel-brand pajamas, with a tiny black cat perched on his head and glaring at Gabriel. 
Gabriel swallowed. “Good,” he said. “Do you think you can move a little? You’re blocking the door.” 
A little over two hours later, there was a stack of unfinished paperwork on Gabriel’s desk, a sheet of information about the common flu in his hand, and a loudly snoring hero in Adrien’s bed. Because Adrien was a hero, at least to the city. Gabriel would have to get used to that. 
He hadn’t taken the ring yet. He wasn’t sure if he was going to, anymore—wasn’t sure if he could. But he knew now that taking it while his son was so weak would be a kind of betrayal to his son, and by extension, to Emilie. Adrien was all he had left of his wife, and even though Gabriel still hoped to make the Wish, he was willing to change tactics in getting the Miraculous.  
After all, Gabriel truly cared about his son, even if it seemed he knew him less than he'd thought.
Placing his hand on Adrien's still-warm forehead, Gabriel allowed himself to relax just a little as the boy let out a sigh and snuggled into his father's gentle touch. Gabriel smiled down at his son, who still had such a bright future ahead of him. Things might feel a bit muddled at the moment, but Gabriel had faith that everything was going to be okay. The Agrestes would pull through this. 
Feeling an itch in his nose, Gabriel turned away from his son to sneeze, and slowly turned back around to look at Adrien and the grinning kwami on his pillow.
Things would get better... but they might get worse first. After all, the flu is a catching sickness.
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
Luka:So…are you angry with me?
Adrien:YES! Of course I am. My hero identity was the only thing I could keep private! Ever since I was 10,I literally had people stalk me, take selfies with me without my permission, and even my dad invades my privacy when it has to do with ‘his’ life!
Adrien:*tears up* Now you knew and didn’t tell me for months. And people may have known if you got akumatize and I would lose the only thing I was able to have to myself!
Luka:Adrien, I’m really-.
Adrien:Just…just leave…I want to be alone.
Luka: Look, buddy. I didn't think..
Adrien: NO! You didn't, I thought you were my friend! Well, more fool me! *slams door*
(Back at Luka's house.)
Luka: Damn. I suck as a friend. I really need to find a way to make it up to him. But maybe I should just give him his space. What do you think?
Juleka: I think you're a hypocrite and a moron.
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