#adrien pucey
the0doreslover · 1 year
Hey, I wanted to ask if you take requests!! If you do would you do Theodore x Reader angst to fluff
where like Theo gets jealous because of a rumor and paranoid thinking Reader will leave him for someone else (you choose who) but In reality it was all just made up from some girl that has a crush on Theo
And at the end he apologises multiple times to Reader because he didn’t let her explain
If not just ignore this! Have a great day.
shadowed trust
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Theodore had always been a bit of a paranoid guy, but he had never been this jealous before. He sat in the Slytherin common room, his brow furrowed as he read the newsletter. The rumor had spread like wildfire, and now it had even made it to the papers.
Theodore couldn't believe what he was reading. The words were etching into his mind, The rumor suggested that you, his girl, his darling was growing close to someone else. Someone he knew all too well, someone he had considered a friend – Adrien pucey.
It was as if a wand had been plunged into his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. Theodore had never been one to easily trust others, but he had allowed you to breach the walls he had built around his heart. You were the one person who had made him believe in love again, especially after his mother, and now it felt like that love was slipping through his fingers.
That night Theodore couldn’t put himself to sleep his mind kept going back to the possibility that the whole time he was thinking of you with nothing less that love and adoration you were thinking of adrien, the supposed rival. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing you, of waking up one day to find that you were no longer a part of his life. The anxiety clawed at him, making it hard to breathe. He had to talk to you, had to know the truth, even if it meant facing his worst fears head-on.
That evening, he found you standing in the astronomy tower, a place were the two of you shared the most fond memories. You looked up and saw him approaching, a smile lighting up your face, but it quickly faded as you noticed the turmoil in his eyes.
"Teddy, what's wrong?" you asked, concern lacing your voice.
He swallowed hard, his throat dry. "Is it true, what they're saying about you and adrien?" He couldn't bring himself to utter adriens name, the bitterness seeping into his words.
Your eyes widened in realization, and you quickly understood the source of his distress. "Theo, that rumor is false," you said earnestly. "I can’t believe you would even believe that, i don’t have feelings for anyone else. You're the one I love."
He stared at you, he wanted to believe you when he saw the sincerity in your eyes. But his insecurities quickly replaced that sight as he unfolded the paper that he pulled from his hoodie pocket and showed you the page that had a picture of two people in a heated situation.
“are you being serious? theodore you can’t even see their face!”
“when did you start thinking about him?”
“theodore what is wrong with you?”
“was it when we were on our first date?” he continued
“theo stop-“
“was it when i first said i love you?”
you stared at him in shock as he continued listing scenarios while walking closer to you.
“was it when i first made love-“
you didn’t want to listen anymore, your hand came and swiftly slapped across his face.
“don’t speak to me till you come to your senses” you scoffed with glossy eyes.
theodore seethed as he watched your figure walk away
The next day at breakfast was rough, you were sitting with luna while theodore sat with his friends
Draco crossed his arms, looking at Theodore with concern. " So you're letting baseless rumors ruin your relationship? You should trust her. i don’t know why i even have to tell you that"
Blaise nodded in agreement. "We all know how much you care about her. Don’t let something as stupid as rumours break a good relationship mate"
Pansy chimed in, "Theodore, i’ll give this to you bluntly, Y/n is my best friend and you really fucked up, i heard about everything last night she came back to our dorm in pieces and if you actually believe these rumours... Honestly you’ve made a right mess of this one"
Theodore sighed before noticing the familiar face of adrien on his way out the hall
It was him he should be angry with.
“You’re right” he started
“i know” pansy smiled
“i should be mad at adrien!”
before anyone could react theodore had gotten up and stormed out the hall where he had saw adrien.
“Oi Pucey”
Before adrien even registered who called him theodore’s fist had connected with his cheek.
Adrien was flung back and theodore didn’t even blink before jumping on top of the boy and beating him.
Ignoring the cheering crowd that had now formed the fight seemed to be getting worse as blaise and draco had now come to intervene.
you watched next to pansy in disgust as the boy you loved was beating a poor boy who hadn’t done anything.
adrien got a good few punches in near the end before finally they had been separated.
Theodore couldn’t hear anything as he felt himself getting more angrier by the minute. He stared back at the crowd and for a second his eyes met with yours before you turned away in disgust and dragged pansy along with you.
theo and adrien had both been taken to the infirmary with a strict warning from mcgonagall that if they do much as touched each other again there would be serious trouble.
they sat in silence for a few minutes before theo broke it.
“just tell me if they’re true”
Adrien looked taken aback by the sudden conversation. "I don't know what you're talking about, mate."
"Don't play dumb," Theodore snapped. "These rumors about Y/N and you. Tell me the truth."
Adrien hesitated,"I didn't start the rumors, but I heard people talking about it. I thought it was just gossip, nothing serious."
Theodore's anger shifted into frustration. "You should have put an end to it, not let it spread like wildfire."
Adrien looked remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry, when marissa asked me if there was anything going on i should have been more stern."
Theodore clenched his jaw, his anger dissipating as he realized what had happened "Marissa? Slytherin Marissa?”
“the one who has had a crush on me since second year!” he raised his voice a little bit
“oh shit! mate you need to apologise to y/n”
Just then, you entered the infirmary, carrying a tray with ice packs and ointments. You didn't say a word but walked over to then handing them an ice pack.
“madame pomfrey wanted me to give them to you” you said bluntly before making a move to walk away.
Theo wasn’t stupid he knew that madame pomfrey could of given it to them herself but he wasn’t about to question anything, he was just happy you had come to see him even if it was just to make sure they were still alive. He grabbed your hand quickly stopping you from leaving.
"Y/N, i’m sorry”
you didn’t say anything, instead you turned around and took the ice pack from him and placed it on his new forming bruise
“i should of trusted you”
You continued to apply the ice pack without meeting his gaze.
“i was being irrational and i know you would never cheat on me. I don’t deserve you, even now you’re here helping me”
you finally met his eyes
“i love you y/n”
“i love you too”
“i promise i won’t ever let a stupid rumour by stupid marissa get to me ever again”
“wait… marissa started this rumour? i’m going to bloody kill her” you spoke for the first time making theodore laugh
“it seems we’re both the jealous type no?” he grinned
a smile finally broke out on both your faces as he leaned into you, his lips meeting yours for a short sweet moment before adrien cleared his throat.
“piss off” theodore groaned before yanking the curtain around his bed and pulling you back into him.
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Shame(less) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader; Adrian Pucey x f!reader
Summary: y/n feels ashamed for cheating on her boyfriend with Mattheo, but the same couldn't be said fo the dark haired boy.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Cheating, slight cursing
A/N: It was supposed to be a drabble but oh well. I really don't like how it turned out, but I might write a Theo version if people ask. Comments and feedback are always deeply appreciated :) ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
Tag list: @helendeath @im-jesus
Tag list for this story: @chelawrites @isntthatsweetiguessso @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18
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Christmas break was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. It meant going back to the same routine, taking your meals in the Great Hall, going to class, doing your homework, having fun with your friends in Hogsmeade and also spreading time with your boyfriend, Adrian. The prospect should have made you happy, and you should have been looking forward to seeing him, but you just couldn’t. Not when he would be here too.
After arriving at the castle, you met Pansy in the Slytherin common room. You two hugged warmly, and talked about your respective holidays. You did your best to focus on what your best friend was saying, nodding at her words, but you could feel your heart beat fast with anxiety, and your eyes kept taking glimpses around in case Adrian or him came in. After a moment, Pansy left to go unpack her bags, and seconds later, you jumped as you felt two hands on your eyes.
“Guess who?”
With a small laugh, he took his hands off your face and put them on your hips instead as you turned to face him. He bent a little to kiss your lips, and you tried to feel something, anything, but you didn’t. Only shame that you felt something - felt so much - when it was another man’s lips that were on yours. 
“Had a good Christmas? Did you like my gift?”
“Yeah!” You said, trying to sound normal. “It was nice to see my parents, and I really liked your gift, Adrien, it was really beautiful. Thank you. How was yours?”
“Good, good,” he said with a nod. “I liked your gift, as well. But, I have to admit I missed you, babe.” He sighed and continued with a softer voice, “I’m sorry for how I behaved before the break, I…I didn’t give you much attention, and I regret all our fights. Can I start making it up to you?” he finished with a hopeful small smile.
“No”, you should have said. He was right in everything he said, and you had seen couples from school break up for less than that. 
“Okay,” you nodded. 
“Thank you.” 
He kissed your cheek, and you forced your lips to form a smile. 
“I, uh, I have to go unpack my back,” you said.
“Oh. Sure. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Remaining silent, you gave him a nod, and his hands left your hips as you detached yourself from him and walked to your dorm, hoping that staying alone for a moment would allow you to pull yourself back together and finally make the right decision. With a heavy breath, you opened the door, expecting to see the room empty, but there was somebody here, sitting on your bed. You shouldn’t have been surprised, and you already knew who it was - he was always there. 
Mattheo Riddle. In the same house and same year as you. For years, he was just a classmate you didn’t interact much with, except for strange, silent stares that started in your fifth year. Nothing changed when you started dating Adrian, but one night after a fight with him, Mattheo found you all alone, in tears, and sat down to listen to you. Things had escalated, and ever since, you felt nothing but shame and fear that anyone would find out. You tried to avoid him after, to convince himself that it was a mistake. However, if you felt shame, it wasn’t the case for Mattheo. After that night,  and kept staring at you in class, during meals, and especially when Adrian was close to you. And as if it wasn’t enough, he kept trying to spend time alone with you, and eventually succeeded, leading in more “accidents”, as you called them, more shame, as well as less and less affection for your boyfriend and more and more for feelings and shameful desire for the dark haired boy in front of you. And it definitely wasn’t helping that he also kept trying to convince you of his feelings for you and to leave Adrian once and for all.
He raised his head when you came in, and you quickly closed the door behind you, quietly locking it. Your heart started beating faster, and you leant on your door, not daring to get closer. 
“Well, hello, love.” 
You felt your cheeks - or maybe your whole body - becoming hot, and gulped. 
“You can’t be here,” you said with a shaky voice. “What if someone saw you coming in?” 
“Nobody has seen us so far,” Mattheo answered with his usual carelessness you both hated and felt drawn to. “Why would they see me now?” 
“Mattheo, you know perfectly what I meant,” you retorted. “Plus, what if Adrian saw you?” 
Mattheo rose from the bed, and slowly started walking towards you. 
“Speaking of your little boyfriend, I saw you guys before you came in.” His brown gaze hardened like it always did when the topic was Adrian. “It nearly took everything in me to not break his fingers for touching you.” 
“Mattheo,” you sighed. “He’s my boyfriend. He has every right to touch me.” 
Staring at you, Mattheo had a smirk that did not reach his dark eyes and tilted his head. His face was now inches away from yours, and you tried as much as you could to not breathe his perfume. 
“And do I have the right to touch you?” he said in a low voice.
Not waiting for an answer, he brought one hand to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb and now looking at you like he had been for a few weeks - with love. 
“Mattheo, please…”
He closed his eyes and brought his nose to your cheek, his thumb still caressing it. “I’ve spent three weeks in hell not seeing, touching, or kissing you,” he whispered. “I fucking need to feel you, love…Even just a kiss…”
One of his hands still on your cheek, the other went under your shirt, and when he started kissing your neck, you knew you were done for. Your body was as hot as ever, and you felt shivers down your spine as well as your body craving Mattheo’s touch. You sighed, and as he brought his mouth to yours, you kissed him back, putting one hand on his back and the other on his neck. He immediately deepened the kiss, and his hands grabbed your legs to put them around his waist. 
“I can’t fucking stand the thought of you being with him,” he mumbled between two kisses. “I can’t stand the thought of not being the only man who gets to touch and kiss you, the only man who can call you his…”
He suddenly stopped kissing you, leaving you breathless.  
“Leave him, y/n. Or I’m gonna go crazy. I could give you…Everything. Everything I have.”
All lust had disappeared from his eyes, leaving only desperation, and love. 
“Fine,” you whispered, feeling incapable of saying no to him. “I’ll leave Adrian tomorrow.” 
Mattheo smiled, and you felt his relief. He gave you a loving kiss before looking at you again, this time with a mix of both love and lust.
“Now that it’s settled and you’re fully mine forever, how about we make up for the time we spent apart?”
You smiled and kissed him, the feeling of shame not disappearing in the slightest. 
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leona-hawthorne · 5 months
GREEN TIE / mattheo riddle
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mattheo riddle x fem reader
summary: you and mattheo attend the yule ball separately after breaking up (we’re pretending the yule ball happens every year <3)
warnings: exes to lovers, angst (if you squint), SMUT, face sitting/riding, piv, unprotected sex, mirror sex, breeding kink if you squint, praise and degradation, creampie, nipple play (? like for one sentence), dom!mattheo, profanity, use of y/n, i think thats it but let me know if you notice anything else <3
words: 4.6k
navigation mattheo riddle masterlist
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“Find your partners and follow my lead,” McGonnagall’s voice rings through the room. You groan internally. Who the hell are you supposed to dance with?
At the dancing lessons for the Yule Ball throughout the past few weeks, you and your perfect boyfriend, Mattheo, had practiced together. The two of you had gone together last year as well, and the night was quite literally magical. It’s safe to say that last year’s experience really set your expectations as high as possible. The idea of experiencing that same magic again made your heart flutter with excitement. You couldn’t wait.
That was until Mattheo Riddle crushed those dreams.
Yeah, he broke up with you last week. Completely crushed your spirit. Now you have to go to the ball alone.
He’s not even here right now. Merlin knows how the hell he got out of dance practices, but he’s not here and to be honest, you’re grateful because if he was, you’d have to dance with him and that just would have been awkward.
Adrien Pucey takes notice of your lonely presence from across the room and quickly approaches, somehow oblivious to the clear grimace on your face. What choice do you have? Everyone else already has a partner.
So, you give in and try your best to keep up a polite front, taking his hand and stepping to the music, despite the burning sensation on your skin every time he touches you. It’s not a good burn like when Mattheo touched you. It doesn’t make you want to ignite the rest of your body with those flames. It makes you want to drown yourself in the Black Lake just to get away from this guy. Dancing with anyone but Mattheo feels inherently wrong. Mattheo’s hands were always cold. Pucey’s hands are warm and it’s nauseating.
You’d never really spoken to Adrien too much before but from this single dance, you’d learned one thing about him: he never stops talking.
Practically beaming with relief once it’s over, your feet carry you away before you can even realize where you’re walking, ears unconsciously tuning out the sound of Adrien yelling after you.
When you and Mattheo were dating, the whole school knew that you were off limits, Mattheo had made that abundantly clear. Boys were nervous to even think about you in the wrong way, afraid that Mattheo would somehow sneak into their minds and find out. Once the news that you two broke up spread, people were practically throwing themselves at the two of you. You could only hope that Mattheo wasn’t interested in those girls the same way you still weren’t interested in other boys.
“Get me out of here,” you whine as you grab Astoria’s wrist tightly in your hand, dragging her out of the crowded room.
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After dinner in the Great Hall, you’re speed walking down the corridors back to your dorm. This was actually a great feat. For days on end, you’d been so wrecked that you could hardly get out of bed, much less leave your dorm for anything other than classes with your red eyes and messy haired state. Astoria and Pansy had been bringing you your meals. So the fact that you finally went to the Great Hall today is an accomplishment.
“Y/n! Wait!” You freeze in your tracks. God, please no. Please tell me that’s not his voice.
“Slow down. I need to talk to you, dove.” Shit, it is him.
Wait, how dare he call you that? He knows how much that nickname makes your heart melt. He can’t just go around calling you that after breaking your heart. It’s not fair.
“Do not call me that. What do you want?” You say, careful to keep your voice cold as you turn around to face him.
“Don’t be like that, dove.” Oh, screw him. “I just… I heard you’re not doing well. Hardly eating, barely sleeping, you never leave your dorm. I didn’t mean to—”
“Well, you did. That’s kind of what happens when you get dumped with no explanation.” You snap and he flinches.
“I did give you an explanation.” He counters and you feel like your head is going to explode. “Did you? My bad, it felt like a dumb excuse to get away from me. Maybe I just heard it wrong,” The sarcasm in your voice is unmistakable.
“We were toxic and you know it. I’m toxic. You deserve better.” He says softly, giving you the same shitty excuse again.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. If you’re bored of me, just say that. Don’t make up some idiotic excuse about how you’re not good enough for me because if it was really that way, you’d love me enough to be better for me.”
He looks like a kicked puppy. His brows are furrowed and his eyes are soft and vulnerable and he has the cutest frown on his face that you just want to kiss away. But you can’t. He sighs, gathering the strength to speak again.
“Take proper care of yourself, please. If not for yourself, then for me.” And with that, he leaves. You’re left alone in the empty hallway, your hand over your heart that seems to be aching harder than it was before.
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The ball is tonight. Mattheo has a date, you heard. Hardly 2 weeks after the breakup and he’s already got another girl hanging off his arm.
Your mind refuses to process the information. He dated you for a year. He still seems to be concerned about your well being. So how did he move on so easily? It’s not fair that you’re hurting while he’s enjoying his time with some other girl.
You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of these thoughts. Your beautifully styled hair cascades over your shoulders, emerald green dress flowing around you. You’d considered not going to the ball at all, but eventually decided against it, your girls telling you that you couldn’t miss out on this just because of your ex.
“You look beautiful as ever, Y/n/n.” For someone who can’t go 10 seconds without being sarcastic, Astoria sounds uncharacteristically genuine right now. You give her a soft smile. “Thank you, Tori. You look beautiful too.”
“Come on, we’re gonna be late!” Pansy ushers the three of you out of the room.
By the time you get down to the ballroom, Mattheo’s already there with his date. You’d tried your hardest not to search for him in the crowd, knowing it’d only hurt, but of course, you gave into temptation. The girl was completely unfamiliar. You’d never seen her before. Could he really not have found anyone less irrelevant?
Still, your face falls and Pansy follows your line of sight, falling on Mattheo who has his arm around some girl in a red dress. You’d worn a red dress to the ball last year and you can’t help but wonder if he remembers.
Pansy steps in front of you, blocking your view. “You look better than her.” This makes you giggle. You know it’s wrong to say things like that, but in this moment of insecurity, the reassurance feels nice.
“Don’t let it get to your head. He’s not worth it.” She takes your hand and leads you to your table, but not before you take one last glance in Mattheo’s direction. This time, you notice something that makes your heart stop.
He’s wearing a green tie.
His date is in a red dress. He’s wearing a green tie. And you… you are in a green dress.
Oh my God?
Before you’d broken up, you’d planned out your outfits for the ball and obviously, his tie had to match your dress. But you didn’t expect him to still wear it after he dumped you.
Maybe you’re reading too far into it. Maybe he just couldn’t find a red tie? Maybe he couldn't find any other tie at all? No, it can’t be. He had to have done it on purpose.
You tear your eyes away from him and walk away. Mattheo, meanwhile, is dying on the inside. The second he stepped into the ballroom, his mind was flooded with memories.
Memories of last year at the Yule Ball with Y/n, his Y/n. Her long red dress with the slit on the side and the off the shoulder sleeves and the sparkles at the top. He remembered every detail of that dress. She was always gorgeous, but he was sure she'd never looked more beautiful than she did that night, and it wasn’t only because she was all done up. It was because she had this excitement that night, this dazzling smile on her face. He was hypnotized.
No other girl compared to her. Every other dress looked like a damn dishrag in his mind compared to you. All night, the only question in his mind was, “How did I get this lucky?”
He remembered dancing with you that night. It was early in your relationship, you hadn’t even had your first kiss together yet. It was still easy for him to make you blush. You giggled at every stupid word, every corny pick up line he whispered in your ear.
“That dress looks uncomfortable. You should let me take it off of you.” He’d whispered with a wink as you waltzed and you’d blessed him with the angelic sound of your laugh, shushing him. He kept stepping on the ends of your expensive dress, but it was even because you kept stepping on his shoes with your heels. You blushed in embarrassment every time and he’d have to pry your hands away from your shy face.
You’d bumped into people while dancing but you were too wrapped up in each other to be embarrassed or to even notice. Mattheo flipped off anyone who stared or gave you weird looks for laughing too loud.
“Don’t mess up my makeup. I spent an hour on it.” You’d told him, to which he’d smiled mischievously and ended up kissing your cheek. It was only at that end of the night, after he’d walked you back to your dorm whilst carrying your heels, that he’d kissed you for the first time with his hands on the soft, supple skin of your face. The way you’d stared at him with your cute doe eyes, full of wonder and joy, after he’d pulled away is forever engraved in his brain. Your eyes were wide and your cheeks were red and in Mattheo’s opinion, you’d never looked more adorable. He remembered looking down at you and seeing the glow of your makeup in the dimly lit dorm halls. God, you had him mesmerized.
But that was over now. He has a different girl on his arm now. He should at least try to enjoy his night, right?
He looks at the girl only to find her already staring at him and as guilty as he feels for it, all he can think is that she can’t hold a candle to Y/n. Not to her beauty, her wit, her humor, her soft voice, her captivating eyes, her radiant smile. Nothing.
His eyes mindlessly wander around the room and land on Y/n for the first time and suddenly he’s floored. He’s frozen, butterflies flying from his stomach and up his throat.
He hadn’t seen you in your dress before. He thought that you in your red dress at last year’s ball was the most beautiful you’d ever looked. Oh, how wrong he was.
You look unreal tonight. He can’t help but wonder if you even came from this planet. Is it possible for a human being to be so perfect?
The only thing missing is that radiant smile you showed off last year, the one he was so used to seeing grace your pretty face every time he walked into a room with you in it.
Now, you just look… bored. Empty, even. And he wishes he could put back the smile that he stole from you. You look incomplete without it.
His own stupid self-sabotaging tendencies are the reason why he’s not dancing with you right now and he hates himself for it. He knows he’s nowhere near good enough for you, but is it so wrong to be selfish? He is just a man, after all.
The night goes by miserably for the both of you. You, sitting alone at your table, occasionally walking over to get some punch, and Mattheo, dancing with a girl who he guiltily pretends is you.
Occasionally, you’d make eye contact and you wouldn’t even bother to hide the pain in your eyes, looking from him to the girl beside him. You hope he feels bad.
He does.
Picking at your freshly done nails, you huff in boredom. Glancing up, you notice something strange. Pansy’s talking to Theodore in the corner of the room? Well, it’s not too strange, I guess, but it’s interesting. Pansy stopped talking to Theo as a sign of loyalty to you, since Theo was Mattheo’s best friend. So what could they possibly be talking about?
The night is filled with tension filled staring and lingering glances with Mattheo and suddenly, you’ve had enough of sitting around, informing Pansy that you’re leaving. She frowns in disappointment.
“Hold on, just one more dance. Please?” She gives you her puppy dog eyes and you sigh, giving in. Pansy drags you to the dance floor where the two of you move together to the upbeat music, when suddenly, a slow song starts playing. You sigh, turning to leave when Pansy grabs your hand. “Nuh uh, just dance with me.” She tells you, putting her hands on your waist.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion but don’t object.
Her smile turns from gleeful to apologetic within a second. “Hey, I’m really sorry.” She winks at you and now you’re more confused than ever. “What?” You ask but before you can get a response, you’re being shoved away. You stumble over your dress and your back crashes into some guy's chest, his hands instantly finding your shoulders to steady you.
“I’m so sorry, I—” You start but cut yourself off when you recognize the scent of the cologne behind you. You turn around to find your ex-boyfriend who seems to be glaring at Pansy behind you. You weren’t supposed to push her that damn hard, He thinks.
“Sorry,” You repeat bluntly before trying to walk away but he catches your arm. “Don’t walk away.” He tells you, his voice firm but you can hear an underlying sense of… desperation?
“Having fun with your date?” You ask bitterly, a petty smile on your face. It seems you couldn’t care less that you were on the dance floor in the middle of a bunch of people. You were ready to argue right here, right now. His jaw clenches in frustration. “No.” He answers simply.
“No? Seemed like you were enjoying yourself to me.” You tell him. You know that’s not true, even you could admit that he looked miserable all night, but you were caught up in jealousy. What could you do?
“Y/n, she’s nothing to me.”
You just scoff. “Yeah, right. You know, I actually don’t doubt that. Clearly you have a way of getting girls to believe they mean something to you only for you to drop them like they’re nothing.” You practically rip your arm out of his grasp and walk away, leaving the ballroom. He follows you outside into the courtyard.
“Dove, please. Listen to me,” he begs.
You don’t reply as you just keep walking.
“I love you!” He shouts in a desperate attempt to get you to stop running from him.
And you stop in your tracks. You can’t move. Your limbs are frozen. Why can’t you move? Move!
Taking advantage of your solid state, he walks to you and stands in front of you, taking your face in his hands. Suddenly, you’re teary eyed.
“I love you.” He reiterates in a whisper. “I still do.”
You swallow hard. Why is your chest burning? Is it hope or is it anger?
“Let me explain, okay? I wanted to be here with you tonight. That girl… She’s just a distraction. I thought… I thought that if I came with someone else, maybe I’d get you out of my head, but it only made it worse, baby.” He says, his voice barely louder than a whisper. Your stomach flips at the pet name.
“I hate that I took that beautiful smile off of your face. You look fucking stunning, dove. But you don’t look right without your pretty smile… I’m so fucking sorry I broke your heart. I thought I was doing it for your own good but you’re hurting now and that hurts me. Look, baby, I’m not good enough for you. I know that. But for once in my goddamn life, I’m gonna let myself be selfish. Please come back to me.”
You’re left in silence, stunned, lips parted to say something but you can’t fucking speak.
“My arms feel empty without you in them.” He whispers. “Say something, please. Don’t let me get my hopes up.” He sounds so sad but his eyes are so big and hopeful.
Fuck. Did you ever really believe you stood a chance against his charm? Of course, you’d give in.
You lean up and place the softest, most tender kiss possible on his cheek and his eyes widen. The most beautiful smile graces his lips and he kisses you as if he’s never done it before, like he’d never get the chance to do it again.
You kiss him back feverishly, hands running through his tousled curls and his hands squeeze your hips. The kiss quickly becomes hungry, passionate, desperate, his hand traveling up to the back of your neck. When you pull away, it’s only because you need air. Breathless, you rest your forehead against his.
“Baby… Let me show you just how much I love this dress on you. Let me show you how beautiful you are.” His voice is husky and raw and you can’t help the heat that rushes between your legs.
You nod vigorously and he takes your hand, walking you towards his dorm but your heels are slowing you down far too much for his impatient self. Without warning, he picks you up bridal style and takes you to his dorm, holding your heels in his other hand.
He lets you down and locks the door the second you get in before walking you over to the floor length mirror by his bed, standing behind you and resting his chin on your shoulder as you stare at yourselves in the mirror. His hands run up and down your body, running over the silk material of your dress.
“How did I survive two weeks without touching you?” He murmurs in your ear, his voice low and gravelly. “You see how fuckin’ beautiful you look? You couldn’t expect me to control myself all night.”
His hand goes to the straps of your dress, pulling them down your shoulder before undoing the back and letting the dress fall down, the green silk pooling around your ankles.
“Two weeks without this sight… Why did I do that to myself?” You’re sure he’s practically talking to himself at this point, but you don’t mind, enjoying the feeling and the sight of his fingers grazing over your hardening nipples in the mirror.
“I’m gonna fuck you right in front of this mirror so you can see how perfect you are… So you can see that no other girl, especially not my little date that you were so jealous of, could ever compare to you…” Standing behind you, his chest pressed against your now bare back, he placed kisses on your neck and down to your shoulder before shedding off his jacket and button up.
His index and middle finger travel to your jaw, turning your head to the side so he can kiss your perfect lips. His tongue grazes over your bottom lip while his hand squeezes your tit, eliciting a gasp from you and he slides his tongue in between your lips, exploring your mouth.
He kisses you as if to make up for the time that he couldn’t, as if those two weeks were an eternity of being away from you. To him, that’s what it felt like.
His mouth trails down from your lips to your jaw and to your neck, lightly sucking and leaving wet kisses. One hand stays firmly placed on your breast while the other wanders down your belly, to between your legs. You gasp, watching in the mirror. His fingers push your panties to the side and run over your soaked folds, teasing and stroking lightly but never entering you.
“Mattheo…” You murmur, staring at his biceps in the mirror, your eyes wandering down to the bulge in his pants, making it obvious that you want him naked too.
“Shh, baby. We’re gonna take it slow this time, okay? I’m gonna show you just how much I missed you.” He kisses your temple before laying down on the bed, flat on his back.
“You know what to do, dove.” He murmurs and your breath hitches. You quickly strip off your panties and move to straddle his face between your legs. You hover over him hesitantly and he senses your uncertainty.
“Relax, baby. I’ve got you.” He encourages you, rubbing his hands on your thighs soothingly. “Sit.” He demands, his voice gentle but firm.
You give in, slowly sinking down and his hands are instantly on your ass, urging you closer to him. He groans appreciatively as he feels the full weight of your pussy against his face. His tongue flicks against your clit before licking a long stripe up your slit, exploring deeper. His hands move to your inner thighs, kneading the muscle gently as he continues to worship your womanhood. You stare at yourself in the mirror as you ride his face.
“Fuck, Matt,” You lose yourself in pleasure, grinding against his face and he moans into your pussy, the vibrations driving you wild. His tongue circles your entrance and you let out a soft gasp.
His ministrations never falter, it seems like he could never get tired of tasting you. You can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of it in the mirror and you feel like you could cum just looking at it.
His tongue darts in and out of your pussy bringing you closer and closer to the edge. He sucks on your clit, sending waves of ecstasy through your body, your moans and cries of delight only encouraging him to continue his sensual assault on your cunt. Your breathing turns shallow, struggling to hold yourself back as he fucks you with his tongue.
“ ’m gonna cum, Matty,” You mumble, too dazed to think straight. Mattheo’s mouth waters as he feels your juices drip down his chin while he continues to feast on your cunt. His hands squeeze your ass tight, encouraging you to ride his face harder, savoring the taste of his work. “Cum for me, baby.” He whispers sweetly, hot breath against your cunt.
You let go and come all over his mouth while he works to swallow every drop. You pant, finally looking away from the mirror as you get off of him. He smiles at you from below before sitting up and kissing you deeply, making sure you can taste yourself on his lips.
“You taste like heaven, dove.” He tells you, stroking your cheek gently as he watches your pretty face in its post-orgasmic grace.
“Need your cock, Matty.” You mumble.
“Oh, do you, now? Two weeks and you’re this desperate to be fucked? You really are my little cockslut, aren’t you?” He coos at you and you look away, embarrassed knowing that he’s right.
While he strips off his dress pants, you get on all fours, ready for him to take you from behind, facing the headboard. His hand finds purchase on your hip and flips you over to the other side of the bed so you’re facing the mirror.
“Know just what to do, don't you? Such a good girl. But, now I want you to watch me as I fuck you so hard, you can’t see straight.” He tells you, positioning himself behind you. His hand presses down on your lower back, urging you to arch.
“You ready?” He asks, running his tip over your folds and teasing you. You nod desperately. “Words, baby.” He commands.
“I’m ready, just please fuck me, Matty.” You whine desperately. He gives a dark chuckle before sliding in without warning, watching carefully in the mirror as your face scrunches up in pleasure.
He leans down to place a tender kiss on your head as his thrusts speed up. You feel a shift in motion as Mattheo starts to move faster inside you, his hips slamming against your ass. Your head falls forward as you feel your brain turning to mush in mind-numbing pleasure. His hand grasps you by the hair and pulls your head up so you’re forced to watch him fuck you from behind in the mirror. His other hand slides down to your chest, rolling and pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefingers.
“You see how fuckin’ pretty you look like this?” He asks, his voice soft yet hoarse as he stares you in the eyes. “Couldn’t ever live without this.” He groans.
“Talk to me, princess. Tell me how it feels.” He says it like he absolutely needs to hear it from you. “So good… Y’fuck me so good, Mattheo.” Your words come out in incoherent babbles and he smiles, loving how dumb he can make you.
His hand travels down your body, finding its way between your legs and rubbing at your clit while each movement of his thrusts push him deeper inside you.
“I’m close.” You warn him. “I know. I can feel your pussy fucking squeezing me.” His voice sounds strained, like he’s holding back.
He lets go of your hair to bring his hand down to your stomach, just below your navel, pressing down on the bulge in your stomach made by his dick. “You feel me, baby?” He pants, his voice husky.
You nod, a few tears streaming down your face, makeup ruined. “Feels so good, Matty.” You whimper.
”Who does this tight little cunt belong to?” He asks.
“You!” You moan, his length stroking your walls. You can feel his head brushing your cervix repeatedly.
”And who does this cock belong to?” he asks. You’re so cockdrunk that you can hardly think straight but you know you have to answer his question if you want him to let you cum.
“Me. It belongs to me.” You tell him. He smiles, watching as your eyes roll back in your head.
“Let go for me, baby.” He tells you and you immediately do, cumming all over his cock. He keeps fucking you, working towards his own orgasm and soon enough, he shoots his load deep inside of you before pulling out and peppering soft kisses all over your bare back.
“I missed you, Matty.” You mumble, letting yourself collapse forward on the bed, to which he chuckles, gently running his fingers down your back. His eyes are trained on your pussy and he uses his fingers to stuff his cum back inside you before it can leak out, your body jolting at the sensation.
“Not as much as I missed you, baby.” He kisses your cheek, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest.
Your eyes fall on his discarded green tie on the floor next to your green dress. You smile.
He never stopped being yours.
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first fic! i lowkey hate it and this is my first time writing smut so i apologize if its a bit awkward or confusing 😕💔 thank you sm for reading !! 💘
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noxtms · 1 year
*   𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃   :   could you suggest some face claims for adrien pucey please?
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for you, anything ! i had to double check his age, but it looks as if he was no more than two years older than the golden trio, so with that in mind i’d suggest : kevin alves, ross butler, danny ramirez, taylor zakhar perez, alex landi, archie renaux, barry keoghan, jordan calloway, henry zaga, alex fitzalan or mena massoud ! if you’d like any more ideas, just shoot another ask my way ! 
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toomuchquidditch · 2 years
Slytherin Recast pt 1
Adrien Pucey - Sergio Mayer Mori
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Astoria Greengrass - Benedetta Porcaroli
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Blaise Zabini - Jordan Calloway
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Daphne Greengrass - Jana Cohen
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Draco Malfoy - Will Poulter (thanks v)
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Marcus Flint - Toby Wallace
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Milicent Bullstrode - Shannon Berry
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Pansy Parkinson - Eva Noblezada
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Gregory Goyle - Matt Shively
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Theodore Nott - Thomas Doherty
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
first off:Happy Birthday Percy!! And second:thank you to @percydarling for giving me the inspo for my first fic here! So here we go(also i set this in Percy's fourth year so yea) also TW in the tags
Penny walked into the empty Great Hall and spotted Percy sitting at the end of what is normally the Slytherin table,reading on of his many books on mythology.
"Hi Percy! What mythology sre you reading today?" Penny plumped down next to Percy
"Chinese." Percy simply replied,not looking up.
Percy has always been into mythology,ever since his Uncle Gideon brought a book on Greek myths when he was 4 and Percy read it while Gideon,Fabion and Molly talked downstairs. After that,the onky thing Percy wanted for his birthday and Christmas was a book on Greek mythology,before he branched out to other mythologies and muggle religions when he was 10. Then he asked for books on any myths and religion(Arthur got him an actual Bible on his 11th).
This year,Penny,Oliver and Marcus were planning to do more than that.
"Ooo,Chinese. You're so lucky your parents let you read mythology and explore other religions at home." Penny always complained about not being able to read mythology at home because her parent were over-religious muggles and it took her mother everything to not have her father disown her for being a witch. Penny also wasn't allowed to visit or write any of her friends over breaks either.
Out of nowhere,Oliver and Marcus sat down across from Percy and Penny.
"Hey Perce." Oliver took one hand away from Percy's boom and kissed the knuckles. Then he took the book away from Percy.
"Hey!" Percy cried out,reaching for his book,but Oliver,whose much faster,managed to keep it away.
"Na-ahhh. You're not getting this back until we're done." Oliver said,closing the book shut(but not before taking Percy's bookmark and putting it in Percy's place in the book)
"Done with what?" Percy asked,narrowing his eyes at his friends(and boyfriend)
"We have sonething to ask you." Marcus said
"If it's about me being tiebraker for whatever Quidditch match is coming up,the answer will always be no." Percy said,slowly sitting back down.
"What? No. The next Quidditch match is in November." Oliver said increduosly
"We wanted to ask you if you're ok with surprises." Penny tiredly said,already done with Oliver.
"Huh?" Percy asked,confused by this.
"Are you ok with surprises?" Marcus questioned,bored.
"Um,yeah I guess. I live with Fred and George so I got used to surprises pretty early on." Percy suspiciously said.
"Cool." Marcus said,before getting up and leaving,Oliver and Penny following behind.
Percy looked after them confused,before leaving himself.
A week passes,and Oliver comes into his and Percy's dorm,with two random people.
"Hello Penny,Marcus." Percy greeted his friends who are under the influence of Polyjuice.
"Come on." the boy on the right-who is Marcus-said inpatiently.
"Wha-"Percy didn't even get to finish his sentence before the girl on the left-who is Penny-grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs,followed by Marcus and Oliver.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked as he got dragged by Penny
"You'll see." Oliver whispered in ear teasingly,kissing his cheek.
"Can you save all that romantic sh!t for when you are alone?" Marcus asked.
"Oh shut up."Oliver said said
"All of you shut up!" Penny whisper-shouted,and ponted to Filch and Mrs.Norris up ahead of them.
"The h3ll are we doing?!" Percy whisper-shouted back.
"Shhhh!!" Penny shushed him,and threw out what Percy presumed to be a dungbomb at Filch and his cat.
The dungbomb exploded and Filch and the cat ran away,Filch yelling about who knows what,Mrs.Norris yowling.
"Ok,coast is clear." Penny gestured,and she,Percy(still being dragged by Penny),Oliver and Marcus went in the direction Filch was previously(covering their noses) and out the grand doors.
"Where are we going?" Percy choked out,struggling to get his inhalor out of his pocket*
"I said you'll see." Oliver offhandedly replied
The four of them were walking out towards...Hogsmead?
"Why are we going towards Hogsmead? It's not even close to December!" Percy asked Penny,who didn't give him an answer.
Penny stopped outside of the Three Broomsticks,the Polyjuice finally worn off.
Penny dragged them inside(but not after Marcus took another small dose of Polyjuice).
"Hello,Madame Rosemerta!" Penny gleefully greeted
"Hello,youngsters. Your room is ready,and so are your guests." Madame Rosemerta said,vaguely gestering upstairs,before retreatingto the back room.
"What does she mean by that?" Percy asked,fed up with them keeping these secrets. No one gave him an answer,instead they went upstairs and went all the way down the hall to the very last room.
Marcus went up,the Polyjuice now officially worn off,and knocked some sort of special code.
A little boy with light brown hair and big brown eyes opened the door.
"Hey! We've been waiting!" Cedric Diggory held the door open,and Percy saw birthday decorations,a cake on the table in the middle and a bunch of presents in a corner.
"W-what?" Percy asked quietly.
Penny,Marcus,and Oliver went up and joined Cedric and Adrien Pucey around the table,and they alk started singing "Happy Birthday".
Percy just stood there amazed and confused.
"But-but it's not my birthday?" Percy dazedly said
"We know its not you birthday,which is why we did this!" Adrien said
"We wanted to do something for you because we can't celebrate with you." Cedric said excitedly
"So,you all snuck out of the castle and risked getting expelled,for 𝘮𝘦?" Percy asked
"You act as if we haven't done it before." Marcus snorted
"Yeah,but that's different. Penny and I know which rules to break and how to break them. This is breaking who know how many rules,and Cedric is only a First year,he can't get expelled already." Percy protested.
"Just sit your cute a$$ down and eat some cake." Oliver grabbed Percy by the wrist and sat him down around the table.
"Madame Rosemerta said she'll cover us,as long as we pay for the Butterbeer." Cedric said
"What about this room?" Percy asked
"Madame Rosemerta said we could use it anytine we wanted,no charge unless we damage something." Penny said
"So you and lover boy over here can do what you want behind closed doors." Marcus added
"We have a dorn for that." Oliver countered
"Ew!" Adrien and Cedric exclaimed at the same time
"This is a private room Percy,no one except us and whoever we want to invite can come in." Penny quickly explained
"So,this is some sort of late birthday treat-for me?" Percy asksd quietly
"Yes for you." Oliver said,kissing his boyfriends cheeks
"Can you not do that while I'm here?" Adrien asked,while Cedric stuck out his toungue in disgust.Oliver rolled his eyes.
All of them had a good time eating cake and drinking Butterbeer.
"Here." Oliver handed a gift to Percy.
"What is it?" Percy asked after opening thebpresent which turned out to be a sort of old book.
"It's a Qu'ran. It's another muggle religion book." Oliver explained. Percy's pale,icy blue orbs widened in excitement,almost childlike.
"Here! Here's mine!" Pennt excitedly gave Percy another book-shaped present. Percy opened it,and it turned out to be a empty notebook,with a dark purple cover.
"I put a charm on it,so we can all communicate without having to tire our owls! And I can talk to you all over breaks!" Penny was practically jumping on the tips of her toes in excitement
"Perfect!" Percy exclaimed,and looked up to see everyone pulled out colorful notebooks;Marcus had a dark red,Oliver's was bright green,Penny's was a cheerful yellow,Adrien's was a deep pink and Cedric's was a dark blue.
Percy opened up the rest of the presents-Marcus got him two books,one on how to get away with mûrd3r and the other on how to hide a body.Cedric got him a book on how to speak Latin,a book on how to speek Greek and a book on Russian folklore. Adrien had gotten him a book on Italian myths and superstitions.
"Thank you. Thank you guys so much."
"Don't mention it." Marcus wrapped his arm around Percy,giving the ginger a small grin.
"No,seriously don't mention this to anyone. We can't let the whole castle know that us Slytherins are hanging out with the all of you." Adrien said in a serious yet still sad tone.
"And Fred and George would go the extra 10 miles to make Percy's life even more miserable than the already do." Oliver said grimly
"Enough of this sadness! It's Percy's late birthday and we are going to celebrate it happily!" Penny stomped.
Everyone murmered their agreements and went back to celebrating Percy.
They stayed for another hour before they decided to leave.
As Cedric and Adrien downstairs,Oliver,Percy,Penny and Marcus stayed behind.
"Soo,you wanna do a slumber party?" Marcus asked
"Ok!" Percy exclaimed giddily.
"Who's turn is it?" Penny asked.
"I think it our turn." Oliver gestured to him and Percy
"Ok." Marcus said simply and went downstairs,Penny following him. Leaving Percy and Oliver alone.
"We should-" Percy was cut off by Oliver smashing his lips onto Percys. Percy was at first in shock,but quckly melted into the kiss. The two boys stayed like that for what felt like forever before Oliver slowly pulles away,not really wanting to let go.
"Happy birthday,Percy." Oliver said,putting his face into the taller boys chest.
"Thank you." Percy murmered into the Keepers soft,brown hair.
"Ahem." Oliver and Percy quickly jumped away from each other at the sudden sound,but relaxed when it was only Madame Rosemerta leaning against the doorframe.
"I know you two have hormones and stuff,but please not in my private rooms." She said
Both boys muttered their apologies and quickly walked out
"You forgot your presents!" Madame Rosemerta called out. Oliver quickly ran back up the stairs and ran back down with Percy's gifts.
"Thank you for letting us use this room!" Percy called up to Madame Rosemerta
"Of course! I know what it's like having to hide a relationship!" Rosemerta called down from inside the room.
Percy and Okiver walked the rest of the way back down the stairs and met Penny and Marcus outside.
"What did you think,Perce?" Penny asked,now her and Marcus back to their Polyjuice forms.
"It was great. Honestly,thank you." Percy said gratefully.
"No problem. We know ever since Fred and George took the spotlight,your birthday has been forgotten about." Marcus said grimly.
"What did I say about sadness today!" Penny stomped her foot angrily in the ground.
The four walked back to the castle in a comfortabke silence,snuck back in with no problems and manage to get into Gryffindor tower with out a hitch.
"Here." Percy handed Penny and Marcus some spare pajamas that they all kept in their dorms for whenevr they have sleepovers.
After Penny and Marcus changed and brought out the blow-up matresses that they also keep in their dorms,they all stayed up late and talked and ate some junk food and got drunk off of Firewhisky and Brandy that their House Elf friend Dottie had brought. They stayed up and laughed and had a great time. They all eventually fell asleep at different times(Marcus being the lightweight he is fell asleep first).
Percy will never forget that day.
*Ok so i headcannon Percy to have allergic asthma(if u dont know what that is look it up,i aint google) and that he has like a crap ton of allergies bc who else doesnt like torturing their comfort character? Also before anyone asks,i do have a headcannon that a student that was way before Molly and Arthurs time,much less Percys,also had asthma but couldnt bring her inhalor bc it was muggle technology,so she petitioned for muggle health devices be allowed into hogwarts,and evetually they were allowed but only for health purposes. Im not telling you who that student is tho hehe.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY WEASLEY! And once again thanks to @percydarling for giving me this suggestion!
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Imagines: Why Are You Like This? The Boy Who Lied [MILD/STRONG LANGUAGE] Meetings & Greetings
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Being Dracos Sister and Dating Harry
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Imagines: Meetings & Greetings Who Is Normal? Polaroid Love
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Spending Christmas at the Weasleys
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Imagines: I Hope They Like Me (GirlxGirl)
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Spending Christmas at the Weasleys
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Imagines: Quidditch Love Ready For Your Punishment? [SMUT] The Come and Go Room [SMUT]
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Spending Christmas at the Weasleys Dating Fred Sex With Fred
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Imagines: Will You Say “I Do?” Personal Imagine For Jessica Wrapped In A Bow [SMUT] I’ll Tease You Next Time [SMUT] Hogsmeade Date? Practice Makes Perfect [SMUT]
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Living With George While You Both Lost Siblings Spending Christmas at the Weasleys Being Georges Ravenclaw Girlfriend Dating George Sex With George Hufflepuff Dating George
Blurbs: Your Clothes Are in the Washer and You Borrow George’s Clothes
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Spending Christmas at the Weasleys
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Spending Christmas at the Weasleys
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Imagines: You’re Not Like The Others (BoyxBoy)
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Dating Bill Spending Christmas at the Weasleys
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Imagines: We are Inseparable You Made Him Proud Pinky Promise? Pretty Boy [SMUT]
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Dating Oliver Sex With Oliver
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Imagines: I Didn’t Mean Anything I Said (GirlxGirl) I’ll Just Stay Quiet (HermionexRonxReader) Let Love Do The Talking (GirlxGirl) [SMUT]
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Carpe Retractum
Preference: What Kind of Girl They Go For Your Song As A Couple How They Ask You To A Ball Distracting You From Studying
Would Include: Marrying Sirius Sex With Sirius Dating Sirius Being Sirius’ Daughter
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: What Kind of Girl They Go For Your Song As A Couple How They Ask You To A Ball Distracting You From Studying
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Being Best Friends
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Imagines: Electricity of Pleasure [SMUT] Growing Love
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: I Swear To Merlin... The Dark Mark
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: What Kind of Girl They Go For Your Song As A Couple How They Ask You To A Ball Distracting You From Studying
Would Include: Dating James
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: What Kind of Girl They Go For Your Song As A Couple How They Ask You To A Ball Distracting You From Studying
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Dating Newt
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Dating Cedric
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Just Stop, I Love Her We Can Make Love [SMUT] You Call Me Daddy For Now [SMUT, DADDY K!NK, MILD LANGUAGE] Not As Bad As My Reputation What Hickey? [SMUT, MILD LANGUAGE] Personal Imagine for Erinn You’ll Know What Is Right
Preference: How He Deals With PDA How He Told You He Likes You First Kiss How He Acts In Class Without You First Fight Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark What You Two Do For Valentines Day
Would Include: Being Dracos Sister and Dating Harry Being Dracos Best Friend Dating Draco Draco Having A Crush on You Marrying Draco Being Dracos Younger Sister Being Dracos Best Friend and Him Developing A Crush On You
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Amortentia
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Being Bellatrix’s Daughter
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Imagines: Nothing...yet
Preference: Where You Two Spent Christmas/The Holidays How They React To You Having The Dark Mark
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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Severus Snape
Imagines: Deep Dark Secret
Preference: Nothing...yet
Would Include: Nothing...yet
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protea-drarry-shit · 5 years
My Harry Potter ships - a guide
Drarry - the bratty blond probably albino bottom and the caring daddy with a tan blessed by Apollo himself
Blairon - the stubborn red head and his boyfriend that really just thinks he’s cute when he’s mad
Pansmione - the two mom friends of the group that get married and bond the two friend groups together
Deamus- we all saw it coming
Theville - the seductive bottom and his plant obsessed top (they probably fucked with vines for bondage let’s face it)
Perciver - and they were roommates
Adrien x Marcus - that one ship with 5 100 word fics and no ship name
Linny - the jock girlfriend and the weird girl that seem really innocent and sweet but probably sinned more than anyone
Parvender - literally the lesbian version of the disaster that is deamus
Charlie x Draco - drarry is the 2.0 version of them but I’ll accept them if they’re exes
Wolfstar - the bookworm who loves chocolate as much as I do and the punk who you thought was the werewolf but no
Jily - idk they’re straight but everyone else ships them
Marlene x Dorcas - I don’t actually know them that well but they’re lesbians so hey
Daphne x Padma - I feel like they would be some bad bitches
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rosaline-black · 2 years
𝙾𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕-𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢
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summary: Fred Weasley was definitely good at one thing, and that was pulling people out of their shell, and when he takes a particular liking to you, will he manage to do the same?
category: Fred Weasley X shy!fem!reader
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You were so bloody quiet. Annoyingly so. Endearingly, annoyingly so. It drove Fred insane. He could remember the first time he realised he fancied you. At first, it felt so juvenile. Just a mere third year noticing a quiet girl in his potions class, eyes glued to her textbook as she scribbled down notes like her life depended on it. George had teased him mercilessly that day, but he barely even took notice of his brothers jesting, his ears yearned to hear your voice. But that was the thing, you barely spoke. In nearly every way you were polar opposites. Fred was loud and rowdy, you were reserved and you calculated every single word you did speak, which wasn't very many.
Watching from afar, Fred took a deep breath. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, your eyes scanning the book that rested in your palms. He had planned today to try converse with you, or at the very least get you to laugh. He was good at making people laugh, it was one of the things he prided himself on, and he was sure your laugh would top them all.
Taking a deep breath, Fred took big strides towards you. He was a sixth year now this should be a piece of cake. You were currently tucked away in the far corner of the library, clearly trying to get some alone time. Thoughts raced around Fred's head as he got closer and closer, what if you just got up and left? Or worse finally did speak but said something along the lines of piss off Weasley.
Finally standing opposite you, Fred cleared his throat to try and grab your attention. The noise startled you so much, that you literally leapt out of your seat and landed on the floor. His eyes widened as he instantly crouched down muttering several, almost inaudible apologies. If he wasn't so caught up in trying to help you back into your seat, Fred would notice how just by seeing his face your eyes had lit up like the moon.
"Again I'm so sorry... I just um... wondered what you were reading..." he poorly lied, rubbing the back of his neck with a weak nervous grin.
"Lord of the flies..." you quietly muttered. In fact, if Fred wasn't completely devoted to hearing you, he probably wouldn't have even made out the words you whispered.
"Oh, nice... nice..."
An extremely awkward silence followed as you did everything to not look up at his wide brown eyes full of longing.
"You're in my potions class aren't you?" Fred questioned knowing the answer already, but struggling to let go of the conversation made it the first logical thing that fell to his lips.
A small nod and your eyes met. It seemed something shifted then, the nerves that were clear in your furrowed brow seemed to melt away as you retained eye contact and decided to speak. This was unusual.
"Yes... yes, I am... don't you sit beside Adrien pucey?" You asked softly.
"Yes god don't remind me..."
Another awkward silence... but then the most beautiful sound Fred had ever heard. Your laugh. It wasn't just a little giggle, it was hearty and could almost resemble a cackle. It was perfect. Fred sensed embarrassment as you cut yourself off after a few seconds, your brain sending waves of hot shame all down your body.
"Sorry I... sorry I should get going-" you stumbled over your words and grabbed your bag attempting to pack away your things as quickly as possible, your eyes remaining glued to the floor.
"NO...Uh... I mean no please don't apologise... you don't have anything to apologise for..." Fred exclaimed, his pale freckled cheeks staining a nice pink shade.
Yet again you looked up at him and that crease between your eyebrows that made you look permanently worried smoothed out again. Confidence arose in Fred as he realised whenever you'd look at him, like really look into his eyes, all of the anxiety that seemed to trouble you washed away like the black lake’s calm ripples.
"Look y/n I lied to you I didn't come over here to see what you were reading... I actually wanted to ask you if you'd like to hang out sometime..." Fred powered through and finished his admission with a steady breath awaiting your reply.
Your face seemed to soften ever so slightly. And Fred could tell you were thinking about how you were going to form this sentence, it pained him to see somebody so introverted, they didn't just say what they wanted. Fred didn't know many people like that. By extension of his overly loud family, he only knew other loud people. You were so different, it intrigued him thoroughly.
"Alone...?" You finally whispered, "This may come as a surprise but I don't necessarily do well with people..."
Fred coughed out a laugh at your use of sarcasm, which he knew was the right move when your lips curled into the most precious smile he had ever seen "Yes alone... we could do whatever you want... I'd even read a novel if it meant spending an afternoon in your company..."
After the words left his mouth he regretted them instantly, way to come on strong Fred. But his impromptu confession seemed to have worked in his favour as your smile grew wider, he could practically feel the blush radiating from your cheeks.
"Okay... well there's a nice spot by the black lake... I uh... I don't have plans tomorrow..." you implored.
"Tomorrow is perfect... I'll meet you by the courtyard at one?" Fred offered smiling wider as you nodded in reply. This was definitely a start.
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Over the coming weeks, Fred did everything in his power to make you feel as comfortable as possible. At first, it was sort of awkward, but just like before, every time the two of you would share glances, the conversation seemed to pick up.
If Fred wasn't whipped before he sure was now. He learnt quickly that when you got going, you could talk for England. His favourite time of day was listening to you ramble about the most random things, ensuring to reassure you that no apologies were necessary and you were simply making his day brighter with all the knowledge you shared.
Making you laugh became a task he'd try and complete at least once a day. Whether it was dyeing Snape's robes pink or making Flitwick's desk chair extra high so he couldn't reach, Fred would watch in anticipation to see if you were laughing. He noticed how that unreserved cackle didn't make an appearance in public, but seeing you try and stifle it counted as a win in his book.
Although the two of you had grown closer in recent weeks, Fred still hadn't made any attempt at hinting he had romantic feelings for you. Every time he nearly spewed it out, he got distracted and asked something dumb like what's your favourite number? Idiot.
Today however he would tell you how he felt. How? Well, he hadn't thought that far ahead yet, but he knew he had too soon, or it would eat him alive. You had actually suggested meeting at the top of the astronomy tower, which was as always away from everyone else, just how you liked it.
Fred got to the tower just after you and smiled at the view before him. There you sat, book in hand as the breeze blew the hair from your face, you were a vision. Stopping himself gawking, Fred took gentle steps towards you until you finally heard him approaching. Just like always, the interaction started awkwardly, the insecurities that plagued you held you from talking, but after a few jokes were cracked you were rambling just how he liked.
“…And then McGonagall decided she wanted us to do group projects and I had to watch Lee Jordan try and transfigure my tie into a flower… when really he managed to turn it into a bloody-“
Now, as much as Fred wanted to know what lee had done, the temptation to kiss you had become too overwhelming and boy did your soft lips feel incredible on his own. Fred soon noticed that you weren’t really kissing him back, the ginger pulled away and your eyes were wide as saucers. Did you really still not believe he liked you?
“Do it again…”
Now his eyes mimicked yours.
Now ever since knowing you, the expression you pulled was one he had never seen before, and it made him practically go feral. You held a smirk akin to his own when he was feeling particularly confident, like when he knew exactly what he wanted. And in this case the thing you wanted was sitting right in front of you.
“Kiss me again Weasley…”
And so, he did. Oh, Merlin he did.
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Reader is a year younger than draco and he’s embarrassed to be seen with her because she’s younger so reader breaks it off and start hanging with Theo who is also a year older than her and draco is just jealous seeing them laugh together and reader kissing Theo cheek
And draco just realizes how stupid and immature he was being and tries to get her back by buying her stuff like flowers, snack, perfume, and even a kitten
But reader tells him he can’t buy her back so Draco comes to her dorm and literally get on his knees begging for her and telling her how sorry he is
And yk make up smut and fluffy ending
Also reader is 16 and Draco is 17
Thank you for your request I literally love this one 😩
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Summary: Draco is embarrassed about the age gap between him and his s/o but that all changes when she seems to have eyes for someone else
Warnings: a lot of fluff, strong language, soft smut lol
Draco fucking Malfoy. That’s it. That’s the problem although through his eyes the year age gap is the problem. You’d been with Draco for just over 3 months now and he was constantly tucking you away like a dirty secret. Whenever someone asked what the connection between the two of you was he’d simply ignore the question or claim you were just a close friend.
“Me and y/n? Oh merlin no we’re just friends”
“Y/l/n just isn’t my type”
“For the last time we’re just friends”
That’s all you ever heard and it was beyond humiliating, you could see the end in sight.
You were standing in the corridor with Draco, hands intertwined when Adrien Pucey approached the both of you. Draco snatched his hand away, moving over a little to keep distance between you.
“Hey mate” he greeted the quidditch player with a strong pat on the back before adrien turned to you.
“Alright y/l/n” he greeted, nodding his head
“Morning adrien”
“Your girl clearly doesn’t get her manners from you does she mate? She seems to actually have some” Adrien joked but Draco took it way too seriously. His face fell and his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“She’s not my girl she’s just a-“ you cut Draco short
“Friend…i’m just a friend” you spoke. Adrien nodded before jogging over to Marcus Flint to spark another conversation in hopes it was better than the one between you, Draco and him. Draco turned to you once Adrien was out of sight and tried to grab your hand again but you yanked it out of his grasp.
His brows furrowed and you almost cracked but he deserved this.
“Friends don’t hold hands Malfoy” you stated
“That was a joke…I wasn’t serious” he laughed but you remained serious
“I was”
It’d been a week since you broke it off with Draco. A week that felt like a year. The days were dragging and it was miserable well it was for the blonde anyway. Draco wasn’t his usual cocky self either. He didn’t even chase the golden trio anymore and that’s saying something. Everyone noticed Draco’s mental absence but no one knew how to approach it, this was Draco Malfoy we’re talking about he’d hex anyone if he thought they were intruding. You however, had found yourself rather close with Theodore Nott. He was also a year older yet he didn’t move away from you when someone approached nor did he deny he had feelings for you. He’d simply admit it and blush a little before walking off to prevent anymore embarrassment.
“Hey that was not my fault !!” Theo protested as you giggled away at an incident that occurred in potions leaving Theo with a hole in the wrong part of his pants.
“You- you-“ you couldn’t even form a sentence with how much you were laughing and although Theo was quite humiliated he’d do it all again just to hear your laugh. It was angelic, music to his ears.
“Hey it’s not funny” he mumbled while an adorable pout graced his lips. You giggled and reached up to kiss his cheek as a non verbal apology. Theo smiled and turned to see your rather red face.
Little did you know Draco had seen the whole thing. He didn’t know what to think, were you and him just friends or was it something more? Were you dating in secret? Did you have feelings for him? Why was he so bothered?
Theo saw him from a distance and sent him a subtle nod before turning back to you and listening to whatever you were rambling about. Draco needed his girl back, and soon.
For the next few weeks you woke up to chocolates, flowers, your favourite foods, perfume and even a kitten that he got a random first year to deliver. He expected you to be touched, possibly talk to him again and ask for him back or at least look at him more than once a day but instead you seemed even more mad and he couldn’t fathom why. He’d got you everything he could think of, why did you seem to resent him more?
The answer is you didn’t want him to buy you things because it was as if he was trying to buy you back. You wanted a genuine apology not one written on a card. You wanted him to come up to you and explain himself with no gifts or strings attached.
As you were walking the corridors, heading back to your safe haven Draco was walking to opposite way. Your head was down in hopes to avoid conversation with anyone and just get back to your dorm. Once Draco saw you he practically sprinted to you.
“Y/n !!”
Ah fuck.
“Yes Draco?” You answered. He sighed and pulled a small box from his pocket, pushing it into your hands but you didn’t accept it.
“Draco I don’t want your fucking gifts, it’s like you’re trying to buy me back”
Your words sunk in as he replayed all the gifts he’d given and now it made sense. You’d never dated him for his money, you dated him for him. So that’s what he needed to give you.
It took all day for Draco to gather himself, he wrote down his apology, redoing it multiple times to make it just perfect. He ran to your dorm not even knocking before entering.
“Merlin Draco you gave me a heart attack what do you want?”
Draco had to swallow his pride.
He walked over to you, dropping to his knees and grasping your hands in his.
“Draco get up” you said
“I’m sorry- hang on I wrote it down” he mumbled as he searched his pockets for the note. Once it was located he unfolded it and began reading.
“I’m sorry for being so petty over a year gap I love you and I don’t really know how to express feelings because I’ve never had to do it before so bare with me”
You smiled softly as his attempt of apologising
“I swear to you if you take me back I will never hide you again I’ll bloody snog you in front of everyone if that’s what it takes for everyone to know you’re mine”
“I didn’t realise how much loosing you would hurt until I saw you with Nott and it made me realise that if I didn’t have you I’d be absolutely no one. I know my money doesn’t matter to you but that’s all I know so this is all I’ve got”
“You’re an absolute idiot” you spoke before pulling him up and attaching your lips to his. The kiss quickly progressed and soon you were laying on the bed with Draco hovering about you.
“I’m sorry” he muttered as his lips trailed down your body before resting above your clit.
“Draco please” you whined, your hands gripping his hair. He wasted no time in wrapping his soft lips around your bundle of nerves. His lips sucked, kissed and licked as he brought you closer to your high. His nose brushed your clit repeatedly making your legs shake around his head. His hands wrapped around your thighs as to keep them steady.
“So so beautiful, I bet Nott can’t make you scream like I can”
“Draco I-“
“I know love come on let go for me, cum on my tongue yeah?”
Your vision turned white as you came on Draco’s face. You could have come again at the sight of your release glistening on his chin.
“Are you ready to take me now?” He asked as his hands swiftly un did his belt.
“Mhm, want you please”
“Since you asked so nicely”
His tip glided through your folds, using your previous high as lubricant before slipping into your hole. His pace started as slow but soon picked up. Your hands reached for his and he gladly gave them to you.
“Want me to hold your hands darling?” He asked as his hands met yours and rested at the side of your head while he pounded into you.
“This sweet little cunt is mine”
His lips met yours once more, both of you moaning into the others mouth. His name slipped your lips repeatedly as you clenched around him like a vice.
“Come for me pretty girl” he cooed as you came for the second time. His seed spilled into you, seeping out of your hole as he pulled out slowly and turned over to pull you onto his chest, avoiding the idea of a shower right now.
His hands instinctively went to your hair, carding through it as he praised you.
“I love you”
“I love you too Mr Malfoy”
“Round two?”
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wordofthewicked · 2 years
Switched- A Fred and George Weasley Fan Fic
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Fred and George Weasley are the most infamous duo at Hogwarts- you'll never find one without the other trailing close behind. Many people can't even tell them apart, and even fewer try to figure it out. However, there is more to the twins than meets the eye. Perhaps being two halves of the same whole isn't their choice in the first place. When a date with George's longtime crush leads to a new budding romance, chaos ensues within the Gryffindor house. This girl holds some key to George's future, but can he outrun the danger that comes with loving her?
~All characters, places, objects, and events that happen in the Harry Potter Universe are property of J.K Rowling. I own none of them. This book is purely a work of fan fiction.~
General Masterlist
Switched Masterlist (All parts)
Chapter Three- The Boathouse
Stevie's POV:
The arrival of the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang students was as spectacular as it was anticipated.
However, once the initial excitement wore off, the extra students became more of a burden than anything. Suddenly there were lines to use the toilets in between classes, and walking through the halls became more of a slow crawl than the normal swift movements.
"Merlin's Beard! KEEP MOVING. YOU CAN'T JUST STAND THERE BECAUSE YOU'RE LOST AGAIN!" I shouted, squeezing past a cluster of Durmstrang girls who had blocked off an entire half of the first floor corridor.
"What's got you all up in arms today?" Adrian questioned, running to keep up with me.
"I'm not up in arms. I'm just tired of having to leave 15 minutes early to be able to make it to breakfast on time." I groaned at the sight of a Beauxbaton's couple locked at the lips.
"They're only going to be here until the tournaments over. And some of the Durmstrang guys are pretty cool." Adrien shrugged.
I abruptly swung around to face him, forcing Adrien to walk into me, as he didn't have enough time to stop. "They don't even let Muggleborns in their school. How cool can any of them be?"
Adrien sighed and turned me back around, guiding me to continue walking. "Don't tell me you're letting that Weasley boy get into your head already. You haven't even gone out with him yet."
"Piss off." I rolled my eyes, shaking his arms off of my shoulders. I quickly climbed down the stairwell next to me, and headed into the potions classroom. Adrien followed, sitting down beside me.
"How are you feeling about the date anyways? Change your mind yet?" He whispered as Snape strolled by.
I pulled out my potions textbook and set it on the table in front of us. "Nervous, I guess. I've never been on an actual date before- and like it or not I'm still going."
"Honestly, I'm surprised you said yes. Didn't think you cared about anything before the sex." Adrien mumbled, opening his book to the page number written on the board.
I slapped his arm, "That was so uncalled for."
"But not wrong."
"Why are you so concerned with what I chose to do?" I hissed back, flipping passed the potion instructions I was looking for.
"I'm not concerned. Just surprised is all." He huffed.
"Oh really? That's not what it sounds like to me. You've been such an arse since George asked me out. I don't know if you're just jealous or something, but you need to sort it out."
"Jealous? Is that what you think I am?" He snorted, rolling his eyes "You're that desperate for attention, now?"
"Seriously- what is your deal? I don't know what you want me to do." I cried, slamming my hands down on the table.
"Well maybe stop mentioning George when you know I'm in love with you!" Adrian hissed, his breathing starting to speed up.
"You brought it up! I haven't even- wait. You're... what?" I stuttered.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Pucey and Miss Blythe- I was unaware that your conversation was more important than my potions lesson." Snape scowled, staring over at me and Adrian.
"M'sorry sir." We echoed, straightening up against his glare.
"As I was saying, you will be brewing a draught of peace. I expect you all to begin thinking about whether or not you want to be in this classroom next year. From the looks of it, my N.E.W.T.S level class will be quite small..."
George's P.O.V
Professor McGonagall was standing at the front of the room, demonstrating some spell we were supposed to be learning. My eyes were watching the clock above her heading, praying for the ticking to slow down. My date with Stevie was supposed to be tomorrow, and every hour that marked it closer made me more nervous.
Despite dreaming about this day for years, I never wanted it to come. I knew Fred and I were going to switch- because of my nerves being on high alert, it'd been happening every 30 minutes or so. During the actual date, there's no telling how often we could go back and forth.
Fred slid a note to me, his eyes not leaving the gerbil in the front of the room that had just been a tea cup moments ago.
You look like you're gonna to be sick.
I rolled my eyes before quickly scribbling down a response.
I’ll try to miss your shoes. No promises.
Fred snorted quietly and wrote back to me.
How about you pay attention? I haven't understood a thing she's said so you'll have to figure it out.
I crumpled up the note and shoved it into the pocket of my robes. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't manage to cling onto a word McGonagall was saying. My thoughts kept creeping back to the chance meeting on the astronomy tower, and the way her laugh sounded with her tired, morning voice.
I felt dazed, as if somehow I was Imperiused, but my anxiety was multiplied instead of fading away. Perhaps I'd rather be Imperiused than have this damned gnawing in my chest.
As soon as the clock signaled the end of class, I bolted up out of my seat. I heard Fred scrambling to follow me, trying to match my pace.
"Oi- what're you in such a rush for?" He called from behind me.
I sighed before slowing down, letting him catch up with me. "Just nervous s'all." I mumbled.
"Well knock it off- Lee just got our new shipment of goods in, and we've got a whole new selection of products to try out tonight. Our new prototype of fainting fancies should be ready by now!" Fred chattered.
I nodded and gave him a weak smile, my mind still drifting off to what was to come. Fred continued to rhapsodize about our new products, and I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't listening. I knew business would be booming, and Fred and Lee would need me on my A game to round up enough first years to try them out. As we passed the stairs to the dungeons, Stevie came storming up them, a desperate looking Adrian following behind her.
"Look- Stevie stop. Would you just listen to me?" Adrian cried, grabbing ahold of her forearm.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." She spat, attempting to wiggle her arm from his grasp.
"No," Adrien tightened his grip around her "not until you hear me out."
"Seriously A- you're hurting me." Stevie whimpered, no longer struggling against him.
"She said let go, mate." I snarled, standing protectively behind Stevie.
He let go of her arm with a huff, shoving it back to Stevie's side. "Oh great- her knight in second hand armor."
"Are we going to have a problem here?" Fred asked, coming to stand behind Adrian.
The combination of the fact that we were cornering him and that we towered over him quite a bit, made Adrian back down quite quickly.
"No. I guess we don't." He slinked away, turning fast on his heels and running back down the stairs to the dungeons.
"Are you alright, love?" I asked, moving to stand in front of Stevie.
She took in a shaky breath before nodding her head. Her arm was slightly red where Adrian had grabbed it, just showing below the hem of her sleeve.
"I'm gonna head up to the common room. I'll see you later." Freddie whispered, leaving Stevie and I alone, with the dozens of onlookers in the corridor.
"Do you wanna go somewhere and talk? Or I can take you back down to your common room." I offered, smiling softly at her.
"Uh yeah, I'd love to talk actually." Stevie started heading towards the front steps of the school, ignoring the glances of those around us.
I followed her, not asking where we were going. We passed through the entrance corridor, and she quickly began racing down the rest of the steps, heading towards the lake. Since it was beginning to fade into October, there was a slight chill in the air that got worse the farther we descended. Stevie didn't slow her pace until we were outside the boathouse and she yanked the handle, pulling open the solid wooden door.
"Shut it behind you. Last time we didn't, a blast ended skrewt followed us in here. It wasn't terribly fun." She called over her shoulder.
I did as she asked and watched as she began climbing the ladder into one of the boats hanging on the wall.
"Come here often I presume?" I joked, quickly climbing up after her.
"You can say that. I come here to get away from everyone. I don't usually bring other people here just..." Stevie's words trailed off.
"Pucey." I finished.
She nodded before wistfully looking across the room, lost in some thought I couldn't uncover even if I tried. There were multiple blankets and pillows piled in the boat, making it feel more like a hammock than anything else. We swayed slightly, the breeze growing stronger now, and I suddenly realized how nervous I was. Somehow the rush of being able to save her from Adrian had overshadowed the fact that I am absolutely terrified to be alone with her. Yet- when I looked at her face, her sad eyes glistening with unshed tears, I felt my fears melt away.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I offered, reaching out and gingerly taking one of her hands in mine. My quite large hands covered her dainty one easily. She was freezing, and I quickly picked up her other hand to help warm her a bit.
"I'm going to sound crazy." She smiled at me, shaking her head slightly.
"I know a thing or two about crazy. Try me." I encouraged, smiling back.
"I've known Adrian since our first year- he's one of the only people that I talk to. My dormmates suck, and so do his. Naturally, we quickly became friends and take every class together. He's my best friend, but after you asked me out it's like he changed. He was so mad at me for saying yes, and spent the past week trying to change my mind. Then during potions today he-" her voice trailed off and she took in a deep breath. I squeezed her hands lightly signaling her that it was okay to continue. "He told me he's in love with me. I knew he had feelings for me, but I thought it was a crush at best.  Both of our parents have been pushing for it- nothing's better than a pureblood relationship to them. But who wants to grow up exactly according to their parents plans? Then suddenly I'm the arse because I don't want to date him? I've never seen him so mad before today. The way he looked at me right before you interrupted- it kind of scared me. And then I also kinda feel guilty because maybe our friendship this whole time was me unknowingly leading him on. Perhaps this is the only way to not disappoint my parents, go into a loveless marriage and then- fuck, I'm so sorry I'm just rambling to you."
I smiled at her and pulled her into my arms. Her body relaxed against mine, and I instinctively brought my hands to run through her hair. "You're not an arse just because you don't have feelings for someone. You don't need to do everything your parents want, either. You're allowed to have your own dreams."
She sniffled a little and laughed into my chest "You haven't met my parents."
"Well, I'll make sure to disappoint them when I do." I joked, closing my eyes.
We stayed there for a moment, just the two of us, swaying slightly in the boat. It was like we were the only people left in the world. My heart wasn't beating out of control- it was just thrumming desperately against my throat. My hands were calm and still against her body and I swore I could almost stay like that forever. She pulled away from chest and brought her face inches away from mine. I felt my breath hitch in my chest, stopping me from being able to breathe properly. I moved my hand to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Can I-?" I couldn't even get the words fully out before she crashed her lips into mine.
The world was sucked out from under me. I felt like I was floating- somewhere beyond time and space. There was nothing left except her lips on mine, and the smell of her perfume. I silently begged for more time here, for us not to switch right now. I pulled away from her lips and rested our foreheads together- I wanted this to be a moment between just the two of us, not letting Freddie be able to take over. I closed my eyes awaited the familiar sense of my soul being sucked out of my body, ready to be in the warm common room, to feel a lifetime away from this moment.
Yet, when I opened my eyes, I found Stevie's staring back at me.
"Did you...feel that?" She panted, pulling back from me.
"I- uh, yeah. I did." I coughed out, trying to catch my breath.
"Wicked." She grinned, and jumped forward to close the gap between our lips again.
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Sweet (Adrian Pucey X Reader)
Summary: Everyone knows Slytherins are not that nice to people that they tend to mock a lot of people, but there are some Slytherins who are nice too. And that is Adrian Pucey. He has one sweet spot for one girl. And that's you. Even though you said that you can take care of yourself.
Warning: a bit of swear words but it is pure fluff.
House: Hufflepuff
Note: I had not been posting for a while because of school so here is an update for our boy Adrian. Sorry for the short one, I just need to update now because I wasn't updating because of school, but if you want a part 2 just send me an ask or a message.
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[gif not mine]
Being a Slytherin a lot of people think that they are mean, or bullies all the time. But not all of them. Adrian Pucey proved that to you when he was about to help you out from the other Slytherin's, but you told him to back off.
"I really don't need your help Pucey." You sassily told him when and also looked over at the other Slytherins and gave them a nasty look. And walked off.
He was amazed at how you acted. And so that made him like you and had a bit of a crush on you. You were at your house table when Adrian's friends noticed it.
"Who are you staring at Adrian?" Blaise asks him and Adrian then stared at you and continued eating and ignored Blaise's question. But knowing Draco as his friend, Draco smirked.
"You're staring at Y/L/N aren't you?" Draco ask him but he again didn't respond and ignored Draco.
"As in Y/N Y/L/N? She's that Hufflepuff who is not scared really tough right? Ohh Adrian has a crush on a crush on Y/L/N. " Pansy teases him and his other friends tease him too.
And now he is, staring at you again. You were at the black lake, a book in hand. And another person is getting near you. So he walk near you, then that person saw him. And so they backed off.
"Before you speak Pucey, I know that it's you. And I already told you that I can take care of myself." You turn around and tell him and now he is now staring at your face. Adrian can't help but chuckle at you.
"Oh I actually remember that sweet, and I'm pretty sure that I was the reason those gits left you alone. " Adrien smugly told you but you just rolled your eyes at him.
"Right, because Slytherins are 'bad' right? Look Pucey, I don't care alright? I already told you that I can handle myself. And stop calling me sweet. Because I'm not." That was your last words and left him, but Adrian just chuckles.
"Cute." He said and smiled.
It was another Quidditch game, and it was the most awaited one. It was Gryffindor against Slytherins. A lot of the houses were expecting it. The score was getting close, and you were rooting for Gryffindor. Because you were friends of Harry.
"Is that Potter? Oh, I see, Potter chasing the snitch. But Malfoy the git's face - "
"Jordan!" McGonagall screamed at Jordan.
"Right sorry professor! Gryffindors are leading, while the Slytherins are not. Good for us, go Gryffindors!" You laughed at Lee's comments.
"Jordan! Focus on the game!" McGonagall again scolded Lee. And so he is now talking again about the match. After within minutes, Harry saw the snitch and so Gryffindor won.
Everyone was so happy. While you were coming down with your friends, someone blocked your way. You looked up and saw Adrian, and you then groaned.
"What do you want Pucey?"You ask him but he just chuckled at you. You then told your friends to go ahead.
"Are you sue Y/N?" One of your friends asks you.
"Yeah, don't worry I'll be fine." They then nodded and left, while you raise your eyebrow at him and cross your arms.
"Seriously Pucey, if you want to annoy me, just do it now. I have homework to do." You told him but he then gets near you while holding his broom, while he was getting near you are getting back.
The both of you kept doing that until your back hit a wall. Adrian's sweat is pouring due to the game, and he still smells nice too.
His face got near you and you then smelled his perfume, so you can't help but blush.
" I am not annoying Y/L/N I am just, admiring you. You're short but feisty, and you look sweet. Like sugar and also honey. I just can't really help it. Now, I want to ask you a question." Adrian was so straightforward that it made you flustered and blushed.
"Wha- what is it?" You stutter and it made you curse yourself in your head because you stutter. He then chuckled at you and put his broom on the wall and put his right hand on the wall and his left hand on your waist.
And that even made you blush even more.
"You and me, Hogsmeade this next Hogsmeade weekend, is that alright with you? " Adrian ask you with such confidence in his voice. And that made your eyes go wide.
You didn't know that he would say this.
"Wha - what?"You stutter at him he then chuckles.
"Just say yes or no Y/N. I'm just waiting for your reply." He again said but you can't say anything.
He is still waiting for your reply but you still can't talk back to him, you were so flustered at him.
"Well, silent means yes anyway, see at the three broomsticks my sweet darling."
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audrey-emeralds · 3 years
☾︎*·˚character list˚·*☽︎
tv shows
13 reasons why - clay jensen, hannah baker, justin foley, scott reed, jeff atkins, zach dempsey
american horror story - tate langdon, violet harmon, kit walker
criminal minds - spencer reid, aaron hutcher, jennifer jareu , penelope garcia, derek morgan
euphoria - rue bennett, jules vaughn, maddy perez, lexi howard, cassie howard, fezco, kat hernandez, nate jacobs
game of thrones - robb stark, jaime lannister, cersei lannister, sansa stark, theon greyjoy, arthur dayne, daenerys targaryen, oberyn martell
peaky blinders - thomas shelby, arthur shelby, john shelby, michael grey, finn shelby
the tudors - henry viii, charles brandon, anne boleyn
the vampire diaries - kai parker, klaus mikaelson, katherine pierce, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore
outer banks - jj maybank, rafe cameron, sarah cameron
you - joe goldberg
blood of zeus - heron, apollo, ares, hermes, hera, seraphim
10 things i hate about you - patrick verova
american psycho - patrick bateman
fantastic beast series - newt scamander, theseus scamander
harry potter films - harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, charlie weasley, oliver wood, draco malfoy, theodore nott, fred weasley, george weasley, tom riddle, remus lupin, bill weasley, dean thomas, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, neville longbutton, narcissa malfoy, blaise zabini, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, lily evans, pansy parkinson, seamus finnegan, percy weasley, cormic mclaggen, adrian pucey, cedric diggory
jennifer's body - jennifer check
king arthur: legend of the sword - king arthur
scream - bill loomis, sidney prescott
terror train - doc manley
the conjuring: the devil made me do it - arne johnson
the fault in our stars - hazel lancaster and augustus waters
the king - henry v, the dauphin
the maze runner - thomas, newt, gally
diary of a wiphy kid - rodrick heffley
jeepers creepers - darry jenner
actors/actresses - andrew garfield, chris evans, tom hardy, tom hiddleston, tom holland, timothee chalamet, robert pattinson, ben barnes, christian bale, henry cavill, sebastian stan, heath ledger, dylan o'brien, charlie hunnam, barry keoghan, scarlett johansson, zendaya, cillian murphy, louis partridge, christian coulson, thomas doherty, austin butler, brad pitt, matt dillon, adrien brody, angelina jolie, megan fox
singers - harry styles, alex turner, zayn malik, ariana grande, lana del rey, taylor swift, the weekend
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“There’s Two of You! That Makes So Much More Sense.”
Fred Weasley x oc
(soulmate au) Part 3
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: Fred Weasley’s been searching for his soulmate for what feels like ages. What happens when he finally finds out she’s been right next to him this whole time; Or rather, seated right next to his twin in potions?
soulmate au: On your 15th birthday the first words your soulmate will say to you appear as a tattoo on your wrist.
Warnings: cringey writing from my teens; a concerningly oblivious original character; Fred also being dumb; some purposefully messed up ages; swear words that I have starred; Seamus Finnigan still; CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE
Paring: Fred Weasley x Harper Bell (OC)
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“Double Potions with the Slytherins!?! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Harper grumbled as she looked over her schedule. She could tell Seamus was trying hard not to laugh from where he sat across from her.
“Excitement worn off then?” Harper stuck her tongue out at him as she continued to study the piece of paper in her hands.
The annoying thing about having friends younger then her, was that they never had classes together. This meant that, as Harper was forced to suffer through certain classes with certain Slytherins, the boys would be spending the same subjects with the Hufflepuffs for example. While she wasn’t overly fond of Cedric Diggory, she’d much rather spend a two hour class period with him than Adrien Pucey and his snake friends. Perhaps she could ask Angelina Johnson if she could sit by her this year. Quite frankly, anyone would be better than being partnered up with a Slytherin.
“Hello? Earth to Harper?” Harper was startled away from her thoughts by Dean waving his hand in front of her face.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” She asked, realizing that they’d been trying to talk to her while she was immersed in her potions partner plans.
“I was asking if you’d found the git yet?” Harper looked at Seamus oddly for a second before he pointing to the inside of her wrist. She rolled her eyes as she realized what he meant.
“No, Seamus. I have not found out who it is yet. Honestly you’re worse than Katie.” She complained.
“Well, that’s not very nice.” Harper sighed in defeat as her sister plopped down next to her. Now there was no way the soulmate conversation would end anytime soon.
“You know, you wouldn’t have so much trouble finding your soulmate if you hung out with people your own age.” Katie commented, popping a strawberry in her mouth. “No offense to you two, but, Harper, you don’t get your tattoo until you’re fifteen. You should at least try hanging out with some older kids. Eliminate the possibility, ya know?” Harper gave herself a look.
“So, what? I should go talk to every boy fifteen or older to “eliminate the possibility” of being universally tied to them until I die?” Katie just shrugged as if this wasn’t the plot of a crazy person and reached for another strawberry. “Honestly, you people have lost your minds. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an extremely boring two hours with Professor Snape to get to.” Harper turned to the boys. “I’ll see you at lunch.”
“Bye Harper!”
“Yeah, Bye!”
In retrospect, Harper should’ve assumed that there was absolutely no way she would be enjoying Double Potions with the Slytherins. So, when she walked into the room only to find that all the seats had been pre-decided by Snape himself, she shouldn’t have been surprised.
“Take your seats and get acquainted with your partners. You’ll be there all year.” Snape said as they entered. Harper thought she saw the ghost of a smile on his face. The old tosspot was enjoying this. Harper sighed in annoyance before searching the desks for her name tag, finally finding it next to one that said “George Weasley.”
She recognized the last name. It was a well-known fact that almost half the Gryffindor population at this point was made up of Weasleys, but Harper was almost certain she’d never met the tall red haired boy coming towards her. He was quite attractive. She was sure she’d have remembered him.
“Harper, right?” She nodded simply prompting the red haired giant to take his seat beside her. “I heard you were going out for Chaser?” He asked, obviously trying to start up a conversation. Harper, deciding it might be best to get on his good side, indulged him in his small talk.
“Yeah. Katie said I should, what with Alicia graduated and all.” She answered, to the boy. His face fell slightly as she spoke but he conceded it up with a smirk.
“D*mn! You’re pretty. I was kinda hoping...” He trailed off, gesturing to the inside of his own wrist where black scrawl spilled out some random words that didn’t mean anything to Harper. She gave him a playfully annoyed look as Snape called their attention back to the front of the class, starting the same first day lecture he gave every year. Harper’s mind wandered back to the interaction with the boy beside her and she could practically hear Katie’s voice in her head.
“See? That wasn’t so hard. One down, a few dozen more to go.”
It had been almost a week since classes started and Fred was already over the hype. He was grateful, however, that it was Friday which meant that Quidditch trials were tomorrow. While Fred knew that he and his brother would be keeping their positions from last year, he was excited to find out who would be talking Alicia’s place.
“I gotta go. I’m meeting up with Harper before Potions. I’ll see you guys later.” George said, getting up from the Gryffindor table. Lee and Fred waved him off, waiting until he was out of earshock to talk about him.
“He’s spending an awful lot of time with that Harper girl. You don’t think she could be...” Lee trailed off but Fred knew what he was getting at.
“I’m sure he would’ve told us. At least me.” Lee nodded at that.
“You’re probably right. But then, why is he spending so much time with her?” Lee wondered allowed. Fred just shrugged.
“So, he made a new friend. I’m sure he’ll introduce us eventually. He’s probably worried you’ll scare her off.” He joked as they began making their way to class themselves. Fred wouldn’t admit it but he was rather jealous of George’s new friendship with the girl. He didn’t know what it was about her, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the pretty brunette out of his head. They hadn’t even had a proper conversation yet and she was all he could think about. He’d neglected to mention this to his brother of course, knowing how weird it sounded and opting to avoid the teasing he knew he’d be forced to endure if he told. So, he suffered in silence. That is, until that very afternoon, when Fred Weasley would finally meet the notorious Harper Bell...
“Your kidding!” George exclaimed with a surprised laugh after hearing the story of how Harper had accidentally sneezed while using floo powder and ended up in Romania.
“It wasn’t like I meant to do it.” She responded with a giggle. They were supposed to be working on The Draught of Living Death, an assignment given to them by Snape about a half an hour ago, though they’d given up pretty quickly, deciding they’d much rather talk about random crap for the hour and reap the consequences later.
“How’d you get back?” He asked, obviously curious how a seven year old child figured out first: that she was in Romania and second: how to get home.
“That’s the weird part. I have absolutely no idea.” She said causing George’s eyebrows to scrunch up in confusion.
“Are you sure this wasn’t a dream?” He asked receiving a wack in response.
“I’m pretty sure.” She said, laughing as he rubbed his arm where she’d hit him. “My mum won’t let me forget it.” George laughter again at that before Snape called out for the classes attention, telling them to leave their cauldrons on the desk, as he planned to grade them that afternoon. Harper grimaced at their unfinished potion once before she and George exited the room with the rest of the class, heading off to lunch.
“I’ve been thinking...” George started prompting Harper’s snarky reply.
“Well, that can’t have been good.” He pulled a face at her comment before continuing.
“I’ve been thinking that it’s about time you met my brother.”
+ + +
“How come you never told me you had a brother?” Harper asked, following George down the corridor and towards the Great Hall. He smirked a little.
“Actually I have five. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, and Fred.” Harper’s eyes widened.
“Wow, that’s a lot...” she commented, not noticing the way he ducked her question. He shrugged.
“You get used to it. Never a dull moment at my house.” Harper giggled slightly.
“Remind me never to go to your house.” George rolled his eyes but seemed to notice someone across the room as they finally reached their destination.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” George said cryptically, disappearing before Harper has the chance to argue. She assumed that was the point though. Harper huffed in annoyance, but complied to his request and leaned up against the wall, not-so-patiently awaiting his return.
After what Harper was sure was the longest five minutes of her life, she finally noticed the unmistakable red hair bobbing through the crowd towards her. Harper rolled her eyes but smiled as she waved him over.
“Who you waving at?” Harper just about jumped three feet in the air when George’s voice suddenly spoke up from beside her. She looked towards him in confusion.
“What... but you... huh?” She asked, her eyes going back and forth between the George standing next to her and the one quickly making his way towards her. When both were standing in front of her, she realized that they weren’t two George’s at all. The one was, but the other, while a spitting image from a distance, was obviously a different person when looked at him properly. Harper could only assume that this was George’s brother and that he had (probably intentionally) forgotten to mention that they were twins.
“There’s two of you! That makes so much more sense.” She exclaimed. And it really did now that Harper thought about it. All the times she’d leave George down a corridor and he’d suddenly appear in the next as if he’d been there all along. She wondered why she’d never thought about it before.
“Well, I’m obviously the more attractive one...” George’s brother started, but trailed off. It only took Harper a second to realize why.
“Y-you...I...uh...” Harper was at a loss for words. This guy...this tall, red haired Weasley brother was her soulmate. She couldn’t believe it. Katie was right. She found him at Hogwarts, just like she’d said she would. Harper wasn’t exactly too excited for the “I told you so” she’d receive later, but right now it didn’t matter. Right now, she was standing not even a foot away from her soulmate, and he was perfect.
“Harper Bell, meet my brother, Fred Weasley.”
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Tags: @electriclcvewp @fredsandlokiswhore
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shanastoryteller · 5 years
how different do you think the story would be if draco malfoy had been picked as the hogwarts champion?
draco doesn’t know how this happened, and he’s pissed off in between being terrified. he stands up, nose in the air, and walks to the front of the great hall, taking his place between fleur and viktor. 
he expects them to look thrilled. if he’s the hogwarts champion, they’re going to have an easy time of it, but instead the both of them just look concerned. he’s been talking with both of them, friendly with both of them, because he’s not an idiot, he knows what power looks like. 
he knows what it isn’t, and it’s him. he’s smart, and strong, but he’s a fourth year and even with all the spells he’s not supposed to know, he doesn’t have the easy, solid presence of viktor of fleur, people who are not only powerful but know how to wield their power, unlike potter who just stumbles around accidentally defeating monsters with that stupid confused look on his face. 
then, as if this whole situation isn’t bad enough all on it’s own, the goblet spits out one more name. 
harry potter. 
of course. draco doesn’t know what he expected, really. 
severus yells. his parents make an awful lot of scary threats that he knows they’re prepared to deliver on. his aunt floos over from the magical artifacts office to try and declare the goblet faulty, but it’s not use. 
his name came out of the goblet, so he has to compete. 
he can’t help but notice, however, that no one yells on behalf of potter, no one comes to his defense in the face of this ridiculous task they’re supposed to complete, not even dumbledore, even though potter’s supposed to be some sort of golden boy. it seems, maybe, that everyone’s forgotten along the way that he’s a kid too. 
that night his parents send him a package, and he rolls his eyes because he hasn’t worn something like this since he was a kid, but it’s not like he doesn’t understand the rational behind it. he slips the dainty silver ring on his middle finger, and makes a mental note to fidget with it. 
his housemates rally around him when he gets back, faces solemn, quiet as severus towers behind him. 
he sighs, rubbing his hand over his face. “well,” he says, “are we going to win this or not?” 
a slytherin is the hogwarts champion. he can’t get out of it, so he’s going to win it, he’s going to rub silver and green in the face of everyone who’s ever looked at him sideways because of his house. 
over a hundred eager smiles meet him. if he succeeds, all of slytherin succeeds, and so all of slytherin is going to help him. 
he finds out about the dragons from Flora, who’s cousin is an intern in the department of magical creatures. snape ropes his newts level slytherins into devising a sleeping potion powerful enough to take out a dragon, and cassius drills him in manipulating the bubblehead charm until he’s exhausted and his fingers ache and lungs hurt. pansy promises to carry the potion with her on the day of the first task so draco can cast a simple summoning charm to get it from her in the stands. 
the day of the first task, he summons the potion, casts a giant bubblehead charm around them, then a smaller one on himself, and smashes the potion in the center of the dragon’s forehead. it roars, and blue mist surrounds them, and then there’s a thunderous crash as the dragon falls to the ground, asleep. draco cautiously darts forward to collect the golden egg, darts away, and casts a dissipation spell before ending both bubblehead charms and running as far away from angry, sleep muddled dragon as he can get. 
he thinks it’s a pretty impressive display until potter flies around the horntail, outflying and out maneuvering her, and coming away victorious with the golden egg tucked under his arm. 
the second task seems to throw everyone for a loop. even severus looks perplexed by the screaming egg, and nearly his whole house writes their parents and uncles and cousins for advice. 
it all ends up being worthless.
everyone’s huddled around the egg in the common room, and there’s a pounding sound. draco closes the egg and they all look out the window, which of course leads out to the great lake.they are in the dudgeon after all. 
there’s a merperson, young based on the pattern of their scales, who’s pointing towards the egg, and them pointing towards themselves, then gives an approximation of a wink and swims away. 
marcus flint, of all people, is the one who figures it out. “water,” he says, “listen to it under water. it’s a mermaid singing.” 
his prefect takes him to the baths, and him and as many people as they can cram in there listen to the egg sing it’s pretty song. there’s some debate about what the merpeople will take, with vincent suggesting all his hair products and daphne offering up his broom, but it doesn’t actually matter what it is, because what they take doesn’t change what he has to do, which is get it back from them. 
severus offers gillyweed, adrien pucey says that draco might as well take advantage of the bubblehead charm he already knows, and theo, who is terrifying and brilliant, says it’s too bad he doesn’t have the durmstrang ship. 
they all go quiet, and severus stands up and says that he can’t hear this, then leaves, “hear what?” theo asks, blinking, and marla, who’s already been accepted to cairo’s curse breaking graduate program, leans forward, eyes bright, and starts coming up with a plan. 
then draco finds out they’re taking people, not things, and that’s just not on. 
they’ve taken his cousin. 
“luna lovegood?” potter asks, confused, because he’s an idiot, and draco ignores him. 
the stakes are suddenly much higher. he doesn’t think they’d actually let the hostages get seriously hurt for this contest, but intentions don’t mean much to him right now. 
the other three champions go bolting into the water. draco turns and goes the other direction. 
everyone’s in the stands, so the durmstrang ship is completely empty. people must be figuring out what he’s doing, because there’s some angry yelling, but stealing a ship isn’t against the rules, so. he does just as marla told him to, and he doesn’t know what and who she had to do to get this information, but he’s too grateful to question it. he steps to the captain’s helm, activates the underwater mode, and the boat sinks into the great lake.
steering is extremely difficult and requires more upper body strength than he’s thrilled with, but he’s surrounded by a pocket of air as the ship zooms past the other contestants, so he doesn’t care all that much. he throws up the shield to barrel through the line of merpeople acting as a barrier. he uses a severing spell to cut the ropes and summons luna into the ship. as soon as he crosses the barrier, into the air, she gasps awake, and he carefully sets her on her feet. 
“cousin!” she greets, smiling. “headmaster dumbledore said that i would be thing you most sorely miss. that means you like me, right?” 
“wrong,” he says gruffly, flicking her radish earring. “i love you, but i don’t like you, you’re weird and annoying.” 
she just keeps smiling at him, eyebrows raised, and uhg, this is the worst, she’ll never leave him alone now. “well,” she says, “we are related, after all.” 
“hey!” he says, but she only giggles. 
they should be leaving, he’s gotten here first and he can get back first, with his cousin in tow. 
what if something happens to the others after he leaves? viktor and fleur will be so upset if something happens to their girlfriend and little sister, and well, it’s not like harry will be any fun to poke fun at if he’s busy mourning his best friend. 
he can’t just say that though, and it’s not like he’s willing to come in last just to make sure everything gets back okay. 
“cousin?” luna asks, head tilted to the side. 
“shut up,” he says, and taps his wand on his hand. 
he transforms three wooden dummies with the hostages respective names carved into their chest, then right below it adds early bird captures all the prizes, xoxo draco and swaps them out, although he has to keep the ships shield’s activated while he does because the merpeople are pissed. 
gabrielle huddles into luna’s side, who speaks even less french than gabrielle does english, but draco’s too busy steering the ship to play translator. 
granger and weasley stand next to each other, staring at him like they’ve never seen him before, and he really wishes they’d stop looking at him. “what?” he snaps. “i just - i’m just trying to - to make them angry, is all.” 
“right,” weasley says, eyebrows pushed together. he and granger share a look. draco doesn’t know what it means, but he hates it. 
“oh, piss off,” he grumbles as the ship breaks the surface. 
the durmstrang students are clustered near the shore. their headmaster looks pissed, but all the students are laughing, so draco doesn’t feel too bad about the whole thing. 
viktor and potter bring back their wooden figures, and fleur stops crying and kisses him on both cheeks when she realizes draco’s gotten her sister. potter hugs granger and weasley, and the three of them keep looking at him. 
draco gets nines across the board, with each judge deducting a point for stealing, which he doesn’t think is fair. no one said stealing wasn’t allowed after all. 
the third task happens, and everything goes wrong. viktor attacks him, and later he finds fleur unconscious and sends up red sparks for her. he ends up fighting back to back with potter, which is hell, and the golden trophy is across from them. he and potter look at each other, for a moment completely still, and then they both go running. draco’s so close, he’s not going to let harry win this, even if the whole thing does seem a bit unfair what with viktor having lost his mind and attacking fleur, but draco’s not about to be a hufflepuff about this. 
because there’s no justice in this world, they grab it at the same time. 
draco’s used a portkey plenty of times, and it doesn’t disorient him. he lands on his feet with his wand out, and pointed right at a man with overly large front teeth. 
a crackly voice says, “kill the-”
draco doesn’t wait around for him to finish that sentence. “stupefy!” 
the stunning spell works, and the man falls to the ground with a loud crunch  that would be concerning if draco cared. “malfoy?” potter mutters, finally getting to his feet, looking too pale and green around the edges. his hand is pressed against his forehead. “i-i think something is wrong. we should leave.” 
“malfoy,” that same crackly voice says, and draco leans forward cautiously. “good, good. lucius’s boy. you’ll finish this, then.” 
cradled in the man’s stupified arms is a scaly creature about the size of a large toddler with beady red eyes. 
draco’s hit with overwhelming wave of revulsion, with wrongness, that he’s never felt before and can’t explain. “I-I,” he pauses, stepping back, and in front of potter, who still looks like he’s going to be sick at any moment. he keeps his wand out, but uses his other hand to twist the ring around his middle finger three times. 
“pick me up,” the thing commands, “we have work to do. i need your flesh.” 
oh, merlin above. 
there’s two pops, and then his parents are here, following the distress signal sent off by his ring. 
“mum, dad,” he says, taking another stumbling step back, finally able to breath when they step in front of him, wands raised, “that’s - i think,” he pauses, “that’s the - the dark lord.” then, because he wants them to make informed decisions, “he tried to kill me.” 
“did he,” his mother says, voice icy. his father sighs, like he already knows what’s coming, but makes no move to stop it. “avada kedavra.” 
there’s a flash of green light, and when draco peeks around his father’s shoulder, the scaly creature is unmoving. 
“dear,” lucius says mildly. 
narcissa turns, holding out her arm, and draco tucks himself against his mother’s side. “yes darling? surely you didn’t really want to get involved in this mess again. and,” her voice drops, “he tried to hurt our son.” 
“yes, of course,” he says, reaching out a hand to brush it through draco’s hair, “but keep in mind there are plenty of people who will want explanations of what just occurred. he’s not actually dead, you know.” 
his mother hums, “well, i suppose we’re changing sides.” 
lucius frowns, but it’s not like he’s going to argue with narcissa, so he says, “very well.” 
“um,” potter says, and the three of them turn to look at him, “what?” 
“that’s a portkey then?” lucius asks, looking to the trophy on the ground. daring, “i’ll handle things here, you go back with the boys. surely there’s someone who set this up waiting for whoever returns.” 
“uh,” potter says, “er, sorry, i just - can we take pettigrew too? he - i can use him to clear my godfather’s name, is all.” 
his parents both make a face like they’ve smelled something rotten, and his mother sighs. “i suppose dealing with sirius is one of the many prices we’ll pay for switching sides. very well. petrificus totalus! wingardium leviosa!” the mans stunned body rises, and voldemorts’ pathetic corpse falls with a dull thump. she looks expectantly towards them. “ready?” 
potter shoots him a desperate look, but if he’s looking for draco to explain his mother, he’ll be waiting for a long time. draco had given up on that by the time he turned five. he wonders if all this means that he and potter will actually manage to be friends. 
“come on, potter,” he holds out his hand, “mum’s probably going to kill at least one more person tonight, so best not to start questioning things now.” 
“at least two, if i get my hands on dumbledore,” she sniffs, grabbing draco’s other hand so she can travel with them by portkey. 
potter looks down at his outstretched hand, then back up, and only hesitates a moment more before taking it. “call me harry. isn’t ant of this, you know, weird for you?” 
draco shrugs. “we’re wizards, harry. weirdness is relative, don’t you think?” 
harry’s just grabbed the portkey, so his laughter gets cut off, and draco tries not to mourn the loss. 
hopefully, now he’ll get a chance to hear it again, after all. 
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fanficsandthings · 4 years
Through the Years, Ch. 3
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story. Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together.
Word Count: 3k
Year 1, Year 2
Year 3: Redheads 
The snow fell heavily as you looked out the shop window, and it occurred to you that they would be rounding up all the students soon. They would want you to get back to the castle before the weather got too out of hand. Looking around Zonko’s one more time, you left the shop with the items you had bought and started to look for the twins.  Honestly, you were surprised that they hadn’t immediately beelined it to the joke shop, but maybe they were off thinking about their own little inventions. Fred had started to dabble in making potions he shouldn’t be messing with, and George was happy to learn right along with him, no matter how disastrous things could turn out. A couple weeks ago at breakfast you were sitting at the Slytherin table, having an idle conversation with Adrian Pucey about the latest quidditch match, when Lee Jordan walked in, the whole of Gryffindor turning their heads to look at him.
Adrian leaned across the table to whisper to you. “I heard the entire Gryffindor tower woke up in the middle of the night last night because there was an explosion in the third year boys’ dorm.” Your head went into your hands, and you let out a small grumble. “It was the Weasleys, wasn’t it?” “From what I heard, yes,” Adrien said to you, your forehead now resting on the table as you stared down at your lap. “They’ve been getting in a lot of trouble recently.” You slowly raised your head to look over to where Lee was now sitting at the Gryffindor table, the twins nowhere in sight. “They’ve been on a prank kick lately. Excuse me; I may need to make sure they aren't dead.” You got up from your seat and made your way over to Lee, who you noticed had lost a few inches of his hair overnight. “Hey, Jordan!” He turned to look at you. “Have a rough night?” He let out a laugh and said “No, I just woke up with my hair on fire is all. You can thank your boyfriends for that.” Ignoring his comment, you pressed him further. “What’d they do this time?” “I’m not sure exactly, but it involved standing over my bed in a very creepy fashion. And a loud explosion. And then fire. And then going to the infirmary,” Lee explained. “They’re still there?” you asked him. He nodded. “And I’m assuming it’s not too bad since no one seems to be in a huge panic.” “Just a couple burns that’ll take a day to heal fully,” he said. “Thanks, Lee,” you said, starting out of the great hall towards the infirmary. You entered the infirmary, your eyes finding Fred and George. They seemed to be the only ones in the room, sitting upright in parallel beds as they enjoyed a meal that must have been brought to them. They looked relatively normal besides the fact that Fred was missing half of his right eyebrow, a faint red burn mark making its way from just beside his right eye up into his hairline. George looked perfectly fine. and You thought maybe he had made it out of this incident unscathed, and he was just giving Fred company in the hospital wing. He must have caught a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye, because he suddenly stopped his conversation with Fred and waved his hand at you, telling you to come join them. That’s when you saw the bandage on his left hand, wrapped around his palm and halfway up his arm. “I saw Lee Jordan a few minutes ago. What antics did you two get up to last night?” you asked the both of them, sitting on the edge of George’s bed. You reached over to his plate and attempted to sneak some food off it, but he smacked your hand away before you could. “Hey!” George gave you a glare, pulling his plate farther from you. “We’re the injured ones here. Get your own breakfast.” “You wouldn’t be injured if you didn’t try ridiculous stunts at two in the morning,” you informed them, looking between George’s hand and Fred’s face. “Now seriously, what were you trying to do to poor Lee?” “We were only testing out a potion,” Fred started to explain. “We thought we had it correct.” “Well, unless it’s a potion that causes explosions, I would say you’re very far from perfecting it,” you said, laughing at them. “It was meant to change the color of his hair,” George told you, now offering some of the food on his plate. You gladly accepted it. Fred continued on explaining. “We wanna make something that has a permanent effect, unless magically reversed.” “We know Zonko’s has a product that’ll change your hair color, but it’s only for a matter of minutes,” George told you. “We’d like to go for a more dramatic effect than that.” While the twins were talking, you absentmindedly studied the bandages around George’s palm and wrist. They were fresh, having been changed recently. You wondered what his injury looked like underneath. You feared it was worse than Fred’s, seeing as his warranted no bandages. You knew that by now, Madam Pomfrey had healed them as best she could, and they would be perfectly fine by this time tomorrow, but you still worried. “Try boxed hair dye next time.” you stated absentmindedly, your hand moving closer to George's on it's own accord. “What?” they both asked at the same time, looking at you in confusion. You snapped out of your thoughts, moving your hand back to your side. “You’ll have to be sneakier about it, and it’ll take longer and be 100% harder than using magical means, but it works,” you said, continuing your speech without really giving them an explanation. “You could put it in someone’s shampoo. Now, that’d be funny. Imagine Malfoy coming out of the shower with bright pink hair.” You let out a loud laugh, mostly to yourself, as Fred and George still had no clue what you were going on about. “Would you like to explain ‘boxed hair dye’ a little further?” Fred asked you. You looked between them, confused. A circuit in your brain connected after a few seconds. “Right, right, right. Muggle stuff. It’s literally just a dye that you put in your hair to change the color. Comes in a little box with instructions. Some of it stains your hair, and some of it washes out after a couple showers, so you’ll definitely want one that’s known to stain.” “Could you get us some?” they both asked. “I could ask my parents to mail me some, maybe.” You pondered this thought for a moment. “I think I have a better idea though. I’ll get back to you on that thought in a few weeks. I should get going, classes start soon.” You got up to leave, but turned around quickly. Glancing between their injuries real quick, you settled your eyes on George’s hand. “Please no more injuries. You worry me.” You turned back and hurried out the door, hoping not to be late to your morning class. “She was looking at you when she said that, George,” Fred teased his brother with a wink. George half heartedly threw a pillow at his brother. “She was talking to both of us.” “But she was looking at you,” Fred said, picking up the pillow and throwing it back. —————— Now, stepping outside Zonko’s, the wind was harsh, so you wrapped your scarf tighter around your face. You wanted to make a quick stop at Honeydukes before heading back to the castle. From down the street, you spotted Fred and George leaving the sweets shop. They started to walk in your direction, and you were about to scoot past them when they grabbed onto both of your arms and pulled you to the side.   “What’re you two doing?!” you scolded them as they dragged you into an alley. “I wanna go to Honeydukes real quick.” “No need for that,” Fred said as he let go of your arm. George pulled a small brown bag out of his coat pocket. He held it out towards you. “We bought you your favorites.” You took the bag apprehensively and looked inside. Everything seemed to be fine with the sweets inside. You looked between the two of them. “Why?” The twins spoke at the same time, but completely different sentences this time. “Because we’re such good friends,” is what George said. “Think of it as a sort of bribe,” is what Fred said. You narrowed your eyes at George, staring at him as you asked, “What sort of bribe?” You turned your head towards Fred for an answer. “It’s been weeks since you said you had an idea for our hair color predicament, and we haven’t heard a thing about it,” Fred explained to you. You rolled your eyes at them. “Be patient, boys.” You pulled the bag from Zonko’s out of your pocket and took a small vile out of it. Opening the vile, you drank it and watched the twins as your hair slowly turned to a bright ruby red color. “Now we’re all red heads, huh.” They both let out a small laugh, and Fred said, “We told you we already know about Zonkos, but we want something more permanent.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time,” You said, handing the rest of the bag over to George. “There’s five more bottles in there. Use them to deconstruct the formula. You don’t always have to start from scratch, you know. You’re both smart enough to find a way to make that permanent.” As soon as the last word was out of your mouth, Fred scooped you up into a tight hug, lifting your feet off the ground. “You’re smarter than the both of us combined. I can’t believe that we didn’t think about that. Why work harder when you can use other peoples’ successes to further your own?” “If that’s what you want to take from that, then sure.” You laughed as Fred sat you back on the ground. You looked around Fred’s shoulder at George, who was examining one of the viles. “Think you can figure it out, Georgie?” He looked up at you smiling, partly because he liked it when you called him that, and partly because this idea was absolutely brilliant. “Definitely.” “Good. Now we should get going before we get caught in a blizzard,” you said, looking up at the sky. The snow fell heavily, easy to see against the dark backdrop of the buildings you were standing between. You reached and grabbed Fred’s hand, ready to pull him with you through the crowd. You stepped close to George to grab his hand too, but you stopped short when you remembered that hand was the one that had been burned. It had been weeks ago, and you knew it was completely healed by now. There wasn’t even a scar; it was like it had never even happened. Still, you were worried that you might hurt him if you grabbed it too hard. It was an irrational fear, but you couldn’t help it. You quickly grabbed his other hand, hoping he hadn’t noticed your hesitation. You pulled them both behind you, and you were just about to step out of the alley when you stopped suddenly, the twins almost running into you. You could see little footprints in the snow. Pawprints, leading to a small crate at the edge of the alleyway. Following the small prints, you could see the tip of an orange tail sticking out of the crate. You let go of the twins hands, and slowly walked over to the crate, careful not to startle the creature. The twins looked between each other, confused, but they quietly walked up behind you anyway. Making little clicking sounds with your tongue, you urged the creature to look at you. It’s tail disappeared fully into the crate, and you were disappointed for a moment before you saw two orange ears pop up, and then you could see the creature's whole face. It seemed to be just a common house cat. You bent down to be eye-level with the cat, pulling the twins down with you, hoping not to scare it away. You slowly raised your hand up, leveling it a few inches from it’s face. “Come here, sweetie,” you urged it. “What’re you doing out in the cold all by yourself.” It stretched it’s neck out to sniff your hand carefully. After a moment, you felt comfortable enough to try to scratch behind it’s ear. It let you, and you slowly let out the breath you were holding. Fred and George hadn’t moved at all behind you, and you were thankful for their stillness. The cat hopped out of the crate and made it’s way to rub against your leg. “Aren’t you the sweetest thing,” you said down to it. The cat moved from you and rubbed it’s head on the top of George’s shoe. You smiled softly at the two of them. “I think it likes you, George.” He just smiled back at you as he scratched the stop of the cat’s head. “I think we should take it back to the castle,” you said suddenly. “What?” Fred asked you. “This could be somebody in town’s pet.” “Look at it,” you said, gesturing vaguely to the animal. “It’s very skinny, it doesn’t have a collar. I say it’s a stray. What do you think, George?” “Hmmm?” George looked up at you from the cat. “Why does my opinion matter?” “You’re the tiebreaker,” you told him. He thought about it for a minute. “Mum doesn’t really like cats.” You frowned at him. “Well, it wouldn’t be your cat. It’d be our cat. And I’d be more than willing to bring it home with me on holidays.” George was still bent down, and the cat now had both of it’s front legs on top of one of his knees. “Then I say go for it. It is pretty cute.” You let out a laugh of pure happiness. You bent down fast, careful not to scare the cat away. Hugging George from the side, you squeezed him as tight as you could, almost losing your balance. George felt you both falling and put one hand on the ground fast enough to catch you. “I could kiss you right now, George Weasley. I’m so happy.” You looked from him to the cat in front of the two of you. You watched it as it scratched it’s ear with it’s back leg. You didn’t even notice George freeze completely solid underneath your arms as you said those words. You did kiss him. Quickly on his cheek. He barely even noticed it, but afterwards his entire face lit up almost as bright as your current hair color. As you let go of the hug, George did fully lose his balance, falling completely into the snow. You unwrapped your green and grey scarf from around your neck and slowly approached the cat with it. You were careful when you picked it up, examining it quickly before you brought it close to your chest. You wrapped it loosely in your scarf, hoping to keep it warm. You knew that as soon as you left this alley, the wind would be much worse “It’s a girl,” you told Fred and George as you turned back to them. Fred was currently in the process of helping his brother off the ground. “I think we should name her Minnie.” “Minnie?” George asked as he wiped some snow off his legs. “After McGonagall,” you explained to them. They both laughed at that and agreed. Minnie it was. You quickly handed her to Fred and brought a disposable camera out of your coat pocket. “I wanna remember this moment exactly.” The twins huddled together as you stood in front of them, and Fred held Minnie to the side of you. You took a quick picture, hoping it would look good when you got it developed over the holiday. You slipped the camera back in your pocket and grabbed Minnie back from Fred. “She looks good in Slytherin colors, don’t you think?” you asked, admiring her wrapped in your scarf. You looked at the scarves the twins were wearing. “Much better than that ugly red.” You laughed and dodged out of the way as Fred tried to hit you on the arm. You stepped out of the alley and suddenly felt the wind harshly on your face. Your hair whipped around; you could see that the red had already faded from it. You shivered and pulled Minnie as close to you as you could, pushing your face down into your jacket. Suddenly, there was a flash of red in front of your eyes, and you turned to see George wrapping his scarf around your neck as you walked. You wanted to object, but you felt warm and fuzzy, and you didn’t want that feeling to leave you. “You look pretty cute in that ugly red,” George whispered as he pulled away from you. Knowing your cheeks were now burning the same color as the scarf, you buried your face into it, hoping to conceal the blush. You chose to ignore him, instead looking down at Minnie, who was basically asleep in your arms. You took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of the Gryffindor scarf you now wore. This was honestly the happiest you had ever felt in your life. George fell behind you to walk in step with his brother. “I told you I could flirt back.” Fred grinned at his twin. “Well done, George. Well done.”
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