#adventures in cursebreaking
boxdstars · 6 months
Any personal HCs about what happens to the gang after Hogwarts?
GOD IM SO SORRY ANON 😭😭 I’m so bad at time management, whoever you are - please accept a forehead kiss as compensation
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With that being said.. aside from my own little canon (and the joint-canon I share with each of my friends) I do have some general ideas for the kiddos!
Natsai undoubtedly becomes an Auror, it just feels heavily implied within her companion story. She’s looking for clues, standing up against the law to do things her own way, and doing what’s right. She wants to be better than those before her, and isn’t going to settle for not getting involved when she knows she can help. She’d also be much more prolific with her wandless magic.
Poppy being a magizoologist is another HC that just feels right. Of course she’d want to work with beasts, perhaps even pull a Charlie Weasley and go look after dragons in Romania. I can’t imagine she’d want to do anything else, especially if it means she could help beasts from poachers in that line of work as well.
Imelda gets to achieve her dreams of become a professional quidditch player. I reckon she’s a chaser, and she’s incredibly renowned for it, taking her team to the World Cup on several occasions.
Sebastian has a lot of options, being the favorite of the fandom I’ve seen a lot of ideas bounced around. A personal favorite of mine is that he becomes the DADA professor (though it’s in conflict with Dumbledore taking that position as well for a time). Either way, he definitely is involved in academia to some extent, later in life more like it. I could see him as a cursebreaker, something a little less sanctioned than an aurorship given his penchant for rule breaking.
Ominis needs some peace and quiet. And preferably far away from his family. I think he’s a good narrative mirror of his ancestor, Isolt Sayre. She fled the Gaunt family and ran to America (later being one of the founders of Ilvermorny) and it would be a nice justification as to why he wasn’t mentioned in later canon, as he fled his families clutches overseas and presumably took on a different surname.
Amit our little academic that he is, is going to be a professor no doubt. He’s not keen on action packed adventures, and like any true Ravenclaw, loves to share his never-ending thirst for knowledge. He’d definitely be a Hogwarts Professor, perhaps Astronomy or Charms (though he’d always have a fondness for the stars).
Garreth would pursue something more casual than the rest, no doubt following his passion for potions. I also think he’d be an excellent cook, not as a main profession but for his family! While he goofs around in class he makes no margin for error as an adult and is quite adept with a cauldron.
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quinnsallow · 8 months
Quintessa Jade Berner
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Goes by Quinn or Tess, but prefers Quinn.
House: Slytherin
Birthday: February 17, 1875 (Aquarius)
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Wand: Alder wood, Dragon heartstring, 11 1/2", Slightly springy
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic & Occlumency (self-taught herself Occlumency having an older sister as a Legilimens)
Pets: Black cat (Shadow) and Tawny Owl (Trinkett)
Favourite Subjects: Potions, DAtDA, & Astronomy
Amortentia: Mixed berries, hints of vanilla, and sage
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Enjoys: Long walks, stars and astronomy, music, singing, reading, writing, white tea, flowers, and savoury foods
Dislikes: Prof Binns' class, spiders, and arguments
Traits: Shy, introverted, friendly, adventurous, charming, willing to try new things
Appearance: Long wavy black hair (either worn in a high ponytail or down), brown eyes, pale complexion, 5'4" in height, slim and small stature, loves wearing her dresses and skirts matched with brown or black boots and a long sleeve and cardigan
Favorite Colors: Purple and black
Patronus: White Mare
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You can find her in the music room where she loves to sing and write songs. Some of her favourite instruments being the violin and piano.
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Became a trio with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during her fifth year at Hogwarts. Later forming a romantic relationship with Sebastian after catching feelings for one another during summer after fifth year.
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Family: Father (cursebreaker), mother (healer). Single-father household (mother was sick and died two years before Quinn got her letter to Hogwarts); Olivia Berner, older sister (3 1/2 years older who attended Hogwarts herself and is an active Legilimens. Moved away to Paris to study her occult practice and to be with her fiancé.); Aunt Carol (Quinn resides with her outside London while father works away from home, which is often); Aron Berner, older cousin (1 year older, acts as an older brother and mentor to Quinn, teaches her incantations that Sebastian approves of and admires.)
Future Career: Auror later turned Healer in the children's ward
Spouse: Sebastian Sallow (married at 21)
Children: Elara Anne Sallow (oldest) and Ethan Theodore Sallow (youngest)
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thewritersline · 19 days
Two Truths and a Lie
My first writeblr game! Thank you to @new-royston-cursebreakers for the tag! His poll is here.
I'll put a little bit about my wip first, since I haven't actually talked about it here.
Protag: Ignacio, adventurer dragon fighter blaggard and reluctant necromancer.
Background and motivation: He's been cursed with burning blood, scales, and other dragon-related suffering by a witch king. The curse can only be broken when Ignacio slays the dragon that had been tormenting the realm. This would be difficult enough, but to top it all off, the dragon died on it's own before Ignacio could get to it. Now Ignacio is searching for some way to bring the dragon back from the dead so he can kill it again and finally get back to his old life.
Setting: The world functions on fairy tale logic, where strange and disturbing things are considered normal and almost everyone who could be helpful is unnecessary cryptic. There're plenty of classic fairy tale characters, including talking animals, pixies, trolls, knights, princesses, witches in disguise, and many more.
Antag: Jack, a simple farm boy who's strangely proficient with a sword. He's the classic hero, chosen by fate to stop Ignacio from resurrecting the dragon that laid waste to their kingdom.
Now, on to the game!
I'm tagging @thegrindingwheel, @luminary-lines, @revenantlore, @storyteller-kara, @wintherlywords, and @zinabug-writes (or @zinabug if your side blog isn't linking properly).
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huntquinlan · 6 months
thinking about the next acotar books (hopefully we’ll get an announcement this year and a publication next year!), but also about the (most obvious) threads that still need to be resolved. i’m going to break it down as best I can without owning copies of the books (spoilers for all ACOTAR books, minor spoilers for HOFAS):
- The Illyrians (this spans multiple points)
1 - attempts at training the Illyrian women and ending wing clipping. Given that Emerie became a Carynthian even with clipped wings, and is a full fledged valkyrie now I think we will see more of this plot point, hopefully with Emerie having more success in getting Illyrian women to train!
2 - Growing Illyrian dissent. This is connected to the first point, but also with the significant losses they suffered during ACOWAR, along with Rhys’s arguably ineffective governing strategies. Theoretically Cassian will be dealing mostly with this, but the Valkyries may end up in the middle as well (Gwyn being the first non-Illyrian carynthian)
3 - Mount Ramiel. it’s been hinted at something being under the mountain, possibly another dread trove? or something worse? whatever it is, it will likely also involve our resident Illyrians and Valkyries. Nesta is connected to the Trove/Cauldron/The Mother, while Gwyn, Emerie, Cassian, and Azriel are all technically connected to Ramiel as Carynthians. With (HOFAS spoilers) Gwydion returned to Prythian as well, and having been given to Nesta, along with her major supporting role in HOFAS sets us up for more of her adventures (regardless of whether she’s a POV or not - I think she’s going to be very present in future books)
the other major points seemingly takes us out of the night court:
- Koschei (what is he? death god? and what does he want?)
1 - Queen Vassa’s curse. Considering she was one of the last people to spend extensive time with Papa Archeron (who somehow bargained to free her from Koschei), it seems likely that SJM will resolve her storyline somehow. Her connection to Lucien through that trip (and continued partnership after), and her alliance with Jurian seems to be priming Vassa to assume power over the human kingdom(s) while also pursuing cooperation with the different fae realms. She will need to be freed from her curse, if Lucien has cursebreaking powers from Helion (his biological father?)
2 - Koschei’s interest in the trove - we saw this through his manipulations of Briallyn but I doubt it will stop there. He may seek to manipulate other forces to further his agenda. The other mortal queens? Other fae leaders (cough Tamlin cough Beron cough)? What about our cauldron-bonded seer Elain?
- Autumn Court Drama
1 - Eris wants to overthrow his daddy. This has been building for a while, a coup (whether just an attempt or a success) is probably in the future.
2 - Lucien’s true parentage. With Feyre figuring out that the Lady of Autumn had an affair with Helion (HL of Day), resulting in Lucien, it seems like it is only a matter of time before all of this information comes out in the wash
3 - The Eris and Mor mess. there’s a lot of speculation here, and obviously horribly traumatic history. I can’t help but wonder if Eris will have something to say about what happened to/with Mor in the future. Or maybe we’ll get more information from Mor herself (Mor novella? one can only hope!!)
- Other threads:
-just how much power did Nesta relinquish in the end of ACOSF. in HOFAS we see her using her silver flames and fighting with the mask - what did she actually give up / how much did she actually give up?
- the “High King” plot-line. Why does Amren want Rhys to claim the title?
- baby Nyx was saved by The Mother? (acting through Nesta)…are there any ramifications for that or are we just going to leave it be lol
- Azriel’s mom. We know that she’s still alive (HOFAS) / at least it’s heavily implied. It’s been mentioned she lives somewhere called “Rosehall.” Cassian thinks the library would be a good/healing place for her. if/when we get Azriel’s POV we’ll likely get more information about her, hopefully get to meet her character
-Merrill’s research. this was technically resolved with the HOFAS crossover proving it true but would love to hear characters thoughts on this! does Nesta tell Gwyn about their strange visitor, and then Gwyn tells Merrill, or would Rhys go to Merrill directly? Could Rhys have Merrill start looking for a way to protect Prythian from future unwanted visitors (world-walkers)
- HOFAS Spoilers. When Bryce more or less revives/heals Avallen she wonders if this could have had an effect across worlds (the island of Avallen seems to be connected to the Prison island due to the barriers between worlds being thinner in certain places?). Did the prison island “wake up” as well/was it revitalized? Are there pegasi there too (i hope so! this could totally be a mini Valkyrie plot!!! i want it so bad!)
- objectively elain has been very absent from the narrative, and there seem to be hints that she may be up to more than just gardening. i personally want to really see what she is like (from her own POV!), see her friendship with Nuala and Cerridwen, and also her thoughts on everything that has happened!
- the spring court mess with Tamlin. this could also involve Lucien, but if the court is being mismanaged and the magic is unrestrained/ unstable (because Tamlin is) what does this mean for neighboring courts? the human lands? the overall health of prythian?
- the burning elephant in the room: elain and lucien’s mating bond. this isn’t a shipping post but this point will need to be resolved sooner or later
that’s a lot! i’d love to hear others thoughts, like did I miss anything important? any more nuanced elements i may have glossed over? this isn’t a shipping post at all, i’m just trying to organize plot threads! also please share/link/send me theories in regards to any of these points!!!!
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goodluckdetective · 1 year
Am I still writing “Sherlock Holmes but make it fantasy lesbians?” Yes, yes I am. (Previous Entry Here)
This has a very niche audience, but I’m having fun and isn’t that the point. And apparently some of you guys enjoy this niche so take this:
From “A Study in Sigils” by Dr. Joanna Watson “You were entirely right about me,” I told Holmes as she glared down at her foot, still stuck to the floor from the low level curse. She knew as well as I did that physical force wouldn’t help any, but I assumed it made her feel better to try. “Pardon?”
I bent down, taking a look at the sigil. It didn’t look too strong, in fact it might be the kind bought for keeping things attached to the wall when nails would not suffice. “You were right: I was a solider, I was shot, I did have a brother, and my sigil is related to my job. 
The notes of Sherlock Holmes, found in the margins of a copy of the Strand:
This is a lie, though one I do not begrudge. Watson fibs quite a bit when writing up our adventures: sometimes to persevere privacy but mostly because it “makes a better story.” More than once she’s written herself out of a chase scene or had Gregson say something especially foolish that he never uttered. I care not for fiction, of course, but she is quite steadfast about her changes to the facts, and I doubt I’ll ever convince her.
I digress. The above passage is perhaps one of the biggest lies Watson has ever put in print. It is a necessary one, that I agree, but I find the fictional version lacks what made the conversation so interesting.
Everything up to my blasted foot being stuck is the truth. I was indeed trying to pry it loose with force: it can be accomplished should one pull at just the right angle, but it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right one. Watson had indeed bent down to inspect the sigil and told me that I had made an error. 
“You were right: I was a solider, I was shot in the shoulder, and I did have a brother,” she actually said.  “But you were wrong about my sigil.”
This wasn’t a total surprise: I had considered Watson’s sigil might be related to her military career instead. I’d guessed medicine because most medical professionals had sigils that aided in medicine even if they had a particular non-medical speciality. “Combat skills then?”
Watson shook her head and she looked almost insulted. “That took work. And training. No, no, just-“
She reached forward towards the sigil keeping me attached to the floor. For a second, I thought she would get her right hand stuck along with my foot, and then we’d look particularly ridiculous when the Yard arrived. It wasn’t until I saw the glow of her sigil’s shape that I understood.
Watson’s sigil was not that of two interconnected circles, like those of medicine. Nor was it a shield, often seen in those whose magic aimed to protect. It was not even a straight line, which could be seen in some who excelled in a particular task. No, Watson’s sigil shape took the form of a circle. The shape of those whose magic worked on magic itself.
The sigil attaching me to the floor vanished under her touch. I had not stopped pulling my leg from the floor and almost fell over from the sudden change in weight. Watson came up to steady me and I stared at her, stunned. And I was rarely stunned.
“You’re a cursebreaker,” I said. The yard employed one or two but they often kept their sigils open to see and even if they didn’t, it was easy to deduce. Meanwhile Watson had been in my company for weeks and I hadn’t even noticed. 
People often wonder why I spend my time with Joanna Watson, something she finds amusing and I find insulting on her behalf. Those few who know of her true magical talent come to a more irritating conclusion; that I let Watson accompany me for her useful spells. While I will admit Watson’s magical talents are useful, it is merely a benefit in my adventures, not the main reason I have taken to working with a partner. To list a few of her better qualities; Watson is often more clever than she portrays herself (even if she often misses minor details), she’s loyal and open-hearted despite encountering some of the darkest hearts in London. But that I would discover later. In that moment, I took to Watson an entirely different reason:
Joanna Watson is many things but she is one of the few people who can surprise me. 
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carewyncromwell · 8 months
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"No more, the crap rolls out your mouth again! Haven't changed -- your brain is still gelatin! Little whispers circle around your head... Why don't you worry about yourself instead!?"
~"Holier Than Thou" by Metallica
[transcribed from art, for easier translation]
Olivia: Cool your jets, Jacob, that prat isn't worth it. Duncan: Better to get back at Lockhart when there isn't a Hall full of witnesses around. Olivia: Not helping, Duncan.
Happy belated birthday, Jacob Cromwell!
In celebration (?), I thought I'd salute one of my personal favorite headcanons about Jacob that I haven't had much of a chance to explore...namely, that Jacob shared a dormroom with the one, the only Gilderoy Lockhart!
Yes, as you can imagine, Jacob hated Lockhart's bloody guts. 😂
Really, though, it wasn't hard for Jacob to hate Lockhart when that "toothy prat" would act like the smartest guy in the room and yet cowardly avoid any challenges or duels that could contradict that overly shiny self-image Lockhart had of himself. Old Gilderoy was also prone to grab more attention from female students than Jacob did, even with his ridiculously puffed-up ego, for his good looks and (marginally) better people skills. Oh yeah -- and then there was Lockhart's attempt to marginalize Jacob, Duncan, and Olivia's hard work dealing with the Cursed Vaults terrorizing Hogwarts by acting like he'd suspected how to break each curse all along and (even more insultingly) insinuating that it was really him who'd instructed the three Cursebreakers in the methods they'd used to break them. Lockhart even brashly reiterated this one infamous Valentine's Day in his and the Trio's fifth year when he received 800 Valentine's cards and presents (which, as it turned out, were all from Lockhart to himself) --
" -- such beautiful gifts and cards! No doubt from fans both across and outside Hogwarts itself! They must've heard of my heroic efforts toward helping break the curses on the Cursed Vaults! Taught Duncan Ashe everything he knows about puzzle solving...and poor Miss Green was clueless in dealing with those boggarts until I showed her the proper method! And those Acromantula, ho ho...I daresay our favorite Cursebreakers would've been helpless in communicating with those beasts, if it weren't for me teaching Jacob some basic phrases..."
Even if his friends successfully held Jacob back physically, they didn't stop him from verbally tearing into Lockhart.
"'TAUGHT ME SOME PHRASES?!' Acromantula are capable of HUMAN SPEECH, you brain-dead numpty!"
Ultimately Lockhart's little stunt came to an end when the Great Hall had to be cleared of students so the teachers could properly deal with the 800 owls and their 800 packages and letters cluttering up the room. Lockhart's interest in stealing credit for dealing with the Cursed Vaults waned for a short time after Olivia's disappearance, Duncan's death, and Jacob's expulsion, but came back in full when Jacob's sister Carewyn likewise had to deal with them. Fortunately Lockhart failed to collect enough information about Carewyn's adventures to take credit for them and was forced to retreat with a very basic Memory Charm as his goodbye before she or her date Andre Egwu could put together his true intentions. And more fortunately still, about six years later, Lockhart got his just desserts when all of the lies he told to score cheap fame and success came to light.
No one was more pleased when the world finally conjured up enough brain cells to see Lockhart for the idiot and fraud he was than Jacob Cromwell. And ironically enough, the world had also finally conjured up enough brain cells to see for who Jacob really was by then -- not a delinquent as so many had presumed for so long, but an eccentric, brilliant wizard with iron-clad loyalty, incredible magical talent, and a heart as brave as Lockhart's is cowardly.
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Find The Word Tag
Got tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin (here) and @squarebracket-trick (here), thanks you guys!
Tagging @new-royston-cursebreakers @kooperation1101 @fire-but-ashes-too @writeblrfantasy @galactic-mystics-writes
(Only if you want to play! 😁) Your words are quota, register, spray, incident, and risk
My Words: mint, memory, middle and marry. And: little, strong, box, and will
(I'll be pulling from both Abracadabra and Midnight Madness)
Mint - Nothing on either WIP! Sorry
Memory - Abracadabra (Rods POV)
The fit eventually died down and it took in a deep, ragged breath before standing upright again. It looked from Petronia to me for a moment, and blinked. “You,” it whispered, voice like a foggy memory. “You should take me back to the girl immediately. She is in danger without me. Don’t you know this? Haven’t you traveled with her long enough to realize what she is?”
Middle - Abracadabra (Rod's POV)
“Because,” I said as I opened the door and poked my head in, “when you do things like give the middle finger to law enforcement and aggravate several high-powered individuals, it’s a good idea to find cover first and observe second.”
Marry - Also nothing! Strange.
Little - Midnight Madness
Lyra held it gently, noting symbols glittering at the base. She couldn’t read them here in the dark, no matter how much the little mote hovered, and so decided to inspect it later. She moved her foot to get up, something shuffling against the ground causing her to pause again.
Strong - Midnight Madness
Instead, she turned the other direction. Small bridges of land rose between the teal leaves, leading inward. There were three main islands in her kingdom, each made up of clusters of various sizes. And each cluster had a bridge of land connecting them. And each of the largest of the clusters, the ones with the high-borns on them, had the largest and longest bridge that connected to the center. The place where the connection to the Great Tree was strongest.
Box - Abracadabra (Rod's POV)
She returned with a small blue box and a saw-tooth knife. Holding it to her mouth, she began to speak softly, her words weaving together to make an unearthly melody. A gentle glow began to pulse along the surface, the light spreading in a wave from her fingertips as she sang. After about half a minute she drew the song to a light conclusion and held the box out to me.
Will - Midnight Madness
“I know…this is likely not what you want, princess,” he said softly, “but try to trust me when I tell you things are done this way for a reason. You will see. It will be good.” She fixed him with a wide, brimming smile. “Of course it will be, Qwakas. I’m sure this will be the best mikoksno adventure ever.” He immediately groaned and rubbed at his eyes as her grin grew wider. “Princess,” he chided tiredly, “...language. Please.”
Thanks for the tag!
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helena-thompson · 22 days
I've had lots of thoughts about domestic Helena & Seb with their family recently... just lots of mushy shit about them and their horde of kids and working in an ob/gyn office does not help with the baby fever.
So here's a bunch of pregnancy/kid headcanons about Helena & Seb.
[ all about Helena & Seb ] [ all about their kids ]
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Despite the fact that he knows how babies are made, when Helena and Seb find out she's pregnant for the first time, Sebastian is totally amazed and in shock that he and Helena actually made a baby, given that it wasn't something they were ever purposely trying to do... and even though the baby is just a tiny little thing growing inside her, he already loves that baby so much.
Helena and Seb aren't surprised when a bunch of their kids' first spark of magic is fire-related. Once the initial scare has passed and the danger is averted, he's so proud. Helena is too, but she also teases Sebastian, saying the kids take after him.
Helena is relieved when all their kids show magic at a relatively young age, because it means they probably don't have ancient magic like her... so they can have normal lives, without the Ministry keeping an eye on them (like they did to her once they found out about her ancient magic after a certain traumatic event I haven't spilled the beans about yet) and they would be safe from anyone who would try and hurt them for that power.
Sebastian reads to the kids every night, and he will read them anything and everything. Wizard and muggle storybooks, things he's researching, texts from the course he teaches at Hogwarts, literally anything... Helena wonders how he gets them to listen to the more "boring" topics, but then remembers how she used to enjoy listening to him read aloud when they used to study together, even if he was reading History of Magic.
Sebastian tells the kids stories of his and Helena's adventures as well, from when they were in school all the way through their cursebreaking days. The kids love it, and often ask for repeat tellings of favorite stories. Helena will chime in too, and it really gets the kids going when both of them are animatedly telling the stories and using magic for effects. 
Their first baby is a surprise baby, but after baby one, they try and time the rest of their planned kids so they're born end of spring/early summer, so Sebastian has plenty of time at home with the new baby during the summer holidays before he's got to go back to work at Hogwarts. They do live right in Hogsmeade though, and he lives at home instead of the castle, so when school is back in session he only has to pull himself away from the newest Sallow for the workday... but as the kids get older, he starts seeing his kids at work.
Their kids roll up to Hogwarts with quite a bit of magical knowledge already. Between Sebastian reading them academic texts for story time before bed and Helena and Sebastian actively teaching them a few things, they know a decent amount. She grew up with no knowledge of her magical heritage and abilities, and she wasn't going to have her children restrict themselves in any way when it came to their magic... plus she wasn't going to be able to stop Sebastian from sharing "forbidden" knowledge with them. 
Anytime the kids get into trouble at Hogwarts, it's usually in some rather impressive way that is up to par with the shenanigans Helena and Sebastian used to pull, if not beyond them. Helena and Sebastian always have to fight to maintain a serious expression and actively "discipline" their kids, because on the inside they're always proud of the stunts they pull off.
And this is why when their eldest child starts Hogwarts, all the professors are just like "Dear Merlin, here we go," and that just turns into "Merlin save me, not another one," as the rest of the kids get older and start school as well. 
Helena is absolutely heartbroken when her "babies" are "all grown up" and have to leave for Hogwarts. She's an utter mess, but thankfully, the kids are visiting home all the time since they're right down the road, so she grows accustomed to not having them at home. (We're gonna pretend that all students can visit Hogsmeade, and the third year thing was instituted later.)
In fact, not having the kids around becomes extremely beneficial for Helena and Sebastian, seeing as finding alone time in a house of 6 children was almost impossible. 
Sebastian loves Helena pregnant. He thinks she's beautiful normally, but when she starts to show and get all round with his child, he loses it--it's the absolute best thing ever to him. At the same time, he feels bad for the strain each pregnancy puts on her body and is always the most attentive husband he can be. He'll research remedies for pain and discomfort and nausea and once he finds what works, he'll prepare them for her each time. He'll make sure she gets all her cravings, and always make sure she's comfortable. And when the baby is born he helps as much as he physically can, with anything she, the baby, or any of their other kids need. But he absolutely cannot wait to get her pregnant again when they're ready for the next one.
It's Sebastian's fault Helena even gets pregnant in the first place. They're merrily living their lives as freelance cursebreakers, when one day he distracts her while she's making her latest batch of preventative potions. She doesn't bother testing their efficacy, because she's been making them for years at this point, and she's a fantastic potioneer that doesn't make mistakes... Lo and behold, some time after she starts taking those unbeknownst-to-her faulty potions, she starts to feel a little off... and then they discover she's pregnant, and that starts it all...
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dhr-ao3 · 9 months
The Mummy: a Dramione Adventure
The Mummy: a Dramione Adventure https://ift.tt/NJKQXxn by SimiDontEatThat After Theo Granger pick-pockets the wrong gentlemen, he and his sister Hermione discover a map to the lost city of Hamunaptra. Together, the Grangers rescue that very gentleman, a mercenary soldier named Draco Malfoy, from certain death in return for helping them follow the map. Along the way, Hermione accidentally triggers a dark curse that threatens to create an apocalypse that could end the world if she can’t stop it. With the help of the cursed pyramid’s guardian, the Medjai Blaise, can Hermione, Draco and Theo save the world from the ancient curses wrath? Authors note: this AU combines two of my favorite fandoms in a way that I hope honors them both. I did quote some lines directly from the Mummy movie, and a few from the HP books, because I felt they couldn’t be said any better without losing the authenticity of canon. I don’t own the rights to either work and I did my best to add my own interpretation to everything. This story will very closely follow the plot of the Mummy movie, with few artistic liberties. Words: 104363, Chapters: 34/34, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Mummione tag list #themummy1999, #dracofallsfirst, #themummyturneddramione, #theo, #blaise, #hea, #dracoxhermione, #Dramione - Freeform, #dracomalfoy, #HermioneGranger, #villianron, #lotsofmaincharacterdeath, #harrypotter - Freeform, #sexualcontent, #lookslikeyoureonthewrongsideoftheriver, #1999themummy, #angst, #slowburn, #edging, #bondage, #nonconsensualbondage, #grapgicdescriptionsofdeathandviolence, #dracomalfoycantgetoffnomatterhowhardhetries, #Action, #battle, #cursebreaking, #ancientcurses, #interuptinggoose, #hermionebarfsondracosshoes, #impendingdoom, #neardeathexperiences, #hermionedoesntwanttodieavirgin, #ancientegypt, #archeologisthermione, #roguedraco, #sneakthieftheo, #medjaiblaise, #theweasleysalldie, #bleobromance, #familybetrayal, #theogranger, #bleostrangerstobros, #dracomalfoyloveatfirstsight, #shecumsfirstbuthedoesntgettocum, #delayedgratificationisoverrated, #belatrixasthemummy, #voldyasimhotep, #twistedcanon, #1920sdramione, #wwisoldierdraco, #suicidalharry, #possession, #voldemortreborn, #bloodandgore, #completed via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/nJGo357 January 03, 2024 at 01:50AM
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
My Fantastic beasts oc's
Seraphina Prince
Age: 29
Personality: cautious, protective, intelligent, aggressive, motherly, distant, caring, strict, serious, cold, strong-willed, brave, loyal, observant, calculating, determined, passionate, patient, calm, devoted, confident, stubborn, cunning, blunt
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Species: Witch
Blood status: Pureblood
Family: Bertram (father), Oksana (mother), Octavius (twin brother), Benedict (husband/dead), Eileen (daughter)
School: Durmstrang
Durmstrang house: Wolverine
Patronus: Raven
Occupation: Durmstrang graduate, agent of Dumbledore, author of "The theory of magical arts and objects"(unpublished), Cursebreaker
Love interest: Phillip Kincaid
Jewelry/items: silver wedding ring w/ a black gem (given by Benedict), crow feather necklace (given by Octavius), picture of Eileen and Benedict, her wand
Extra: Seraphina and her twin brother Octavius both went to the Durmstrang institute due to their parents' demand. After they graduated, they both were encountered by Gellert Grindelwald, who managed to convince both the twins' parents to join his cause, but the twins wanted no part of it. Then Albus Dumbledore found the Prince twins and managed to convince them to join his fight against Grindelwald and his followers in exchange for the safety of their family. Seraphina was also married shortly after she graduated to a German Pureblood named Benedict, who was Eileen's father. Seraphina and Octavius were given the role of spies for Albus and they infiltrated Grindelwalds cause and turned ths tides of the war in Albus's favor. After Gellert was confronted along with followers, the twins were marked as traitors and their parents were taken away to Azkaban and the war resulted in Benedicts death, and due to Seraphina and Octavius's parents investing all their money to Grindelwald's cause, the twins were left with nothing so after the war, they immediately went to work to keep themselves afloat
Octavius Prince
Age: 29
Personality: intelligent, calculating, observant, confident, stoic, caring, quiet, blunt, sarcastic, independent, cunning, patient, calm, level-headed, protective, stubborn, nice, creative, artistic, strong-willed, selfless, cautious, courageous, passionate, loyal
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Species: Wizard
Blood status: Pureblood
Family: Bertram (father), Oksana (mother/dead), Seraphina (twin sister), Benedict (brother-in-law/dead), Eileen (niece)
School: Durmstrang
Durmstrang house: Ucilena
Patronus: Crow
Occupation: Durmstrang graduate, Spy for Dumbledore (formerly), Potion master and Dark arts theorist
Love interest: Theseus Scamander
Jewelry/items: Raven feather necklace (given by Seraphina), picture of his sister and niece Eileen, black leather bracelet, his wand
Extra: When Octavius and Seraphina first became spies, they both knew what they were up against, but what they did not prepare for was betraying their own parents and Octavius seeing his own sister becoming a stranger to his own niece and losing her first husband. After the war, both the twins went into work almost immediately to scrounge up money to keep themselves going, Dumbledore even offered free education for Eileen as a way of saying 'thank you' for their services. Just when they thought they were done and everything was starting to feel normal for them, Grindelwald escaped, the twins were re-called and both Octavius and Seraphina's new adventure took them all the way to New York in America and getting involved with an eccentric Magizoologist and his strange new group of friends.
Phillip Kincaid
Age: 30
Personality: serious, brave, clever, loyal, dominant, sarcastic, protective, creative, observant, headstrong, smart, strong, determined, cunning, bold, playful, stubborn, kind, aggressive, reckless, rebellious, flirtatious, arrogant, competitive, passionate, headstrong
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Species: wizard
Blood status: half-blood
Family: Iris (mother), Sanders (father), Aurelius (uncle/dead), Pamela Silverthorne (aunt-in-law), Astrid (cousin), Astara (cousin/ twin to Astrid), Anthony (cousin), Eden (cousin), Isabella (cousin), Rietta (cousin-in-law/ married to Astrid)
School: Ilvermorny
Ilvermorny house: Wampus
Patronus: Wolf
Occupation: Ilvermorny graduate, MACUSA (formerly), private eye
Love interest: Seraphina Prince
Jewelry/items: his wand, scarf w/ his house colors, a small bag w/ magic related case files, a silver ring
Extra: Phillips mother Iris was his uncle Aurelius's younger sister, and when they got the news that their uncle was killed by one of Grindelwald's followers, they were all devastated and rarely went to London except for the holidays, but they always assured them that they always had a place in New York City. After he graduated from Ilvermorny, he fought in the war alongside his cousin Astrid, and Theseus Scamander and went back to New York, where he lived in his flat and worked in the MACUSA until he started his own private eye career with Astara until the whole Grindelwald obscurus business. He then soon joined Astara on her cases regarding the magic world, its creatures, and people and promised to look after Astara for his aunt Pamela. He also quit his job at the MACUSA and supported muggle and witch relationships
Astara Silverthorne
Age: 27
Personality: clever, creative, intelligent, observant, headstrong, brave, persistent, driven, stubborn, protective, confident, methodical, skeptical, kind, caring, artistic, patient, bookish
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Species: witch
Blood status: Half-blood
Family: Pamela (mother), Aurelius (father/dead), Astrid (twin sister), Anthony (younger brother), Eden (younger brother), Isabella (younger sister), Rietta (sister-in-law/married to Astrid), Phillip (cousin), Iris Kincaid (aunt/ Aurelius's sister), Sanders (uncle-in-law)
School: Hogwarts
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Panther
Occupation: Hogwarts Graduate, Private wizard investigator
Love interest: Newt Scamander
Jewelry/items: Her wand, dark blue feathered earrings, travel papers, grey satchel with a raven pendant on it, looking glass, picture of her family
Extra: Astara was a student at Hogwarts along with her siblings. She was one of the brightest students at Hogwarts and was good friends with Leta Lestrange. After she graduated from Hogwarts, she wanted to be a detective for wizard-related cases, so she created her own business as a private eye in London, but then she decided she wanted more of a challenge and went to New York in America and lived with her cousin Phillip who lived in New York. At first, it was slow going, but when Newt came into New York and an obscurus started killing people, making the magic world known, she got her adventure and got closer to Newt. Back in Hogwarts, she had a huge crush on Newt and his connection with the magical creatures of their world, she even studies cases regarding the magical creatures, like selling them illegally, even wizards or wizard children. Her twin sister is a Gryffindor and an Auror, she is also married to a curse breaker and supports her twin sister's choice in career, her little brother Anthony is Gryffindor and a quidditch player for the Chudley Canons, and her other brother Eden is Slytherin and works for the ministry of magic, and her youngest sister Isabella is still in Hogwarts and is a Hufflepuff and is planning to be an Herbologist. Her mom is also a retired Auror, while Iris works for the MACUSA and lives in America with her uncle Sanders
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myhusbandsasemni · 4 months
Hello! Welcome to my blog! Writing and art abounds here! Some of the stories featured here will only be featured in part while others will be posted in their fullness. Feel free to ask to be on any taglists you are interested in!
I do art commissions!
I write my stories in rounds (Including stories shown on my other blog) with one story in the ‘active’ position in my list, but if you would like a specific continuation sooner, feel free to send me an ask and I will likely move the story up the list to work on it. Open to any and all asks. Have a question about a character? Feel free to ask. Have a headcannon about a character? Please do tell! Your interactions help me keep this going. 
Cursebreakers (WT)
Jack, a fae dealer, finds himself cursed with something that will kill him if it isn't broken soon. He must gather together a group of curse breakers to help him and solve the mystery of what or who killed his estranged father's family before it can kill him and his unborn son. (A book I am trying to write and get published. Still in the planning stage)
A group of friends go into an IKEA to spice up their campaign of DND. The IKEA, however, proves to be a breeding ground for horror stories as they are trapped within the endless store, encountering other groups of people who are not taking it very well. Our heroes, on the other hand, decide to make this story a horror comedy. (A story that will be posted in full here as I write it, based on the Endless IKEA SCP kind of)
There is a ARPG game I play that I draw and write for. The stories can be found here. Storied for these characters will be posted in full as I write them. This includes:
-Two men missing their memories looking for what monster wrecked them with the help of a motherly prizzly bear druid -An AI/Android/Construct looking for his kidnapped father and avoiding being kidnapped by an evil organization looking to exploit the code and magic used to bring him to life -A unicorn prince is banished from his family when he is cursed in a way that could be transferred to them and now he must navigate life and meet with the jurogumo who had inadvertently cursed him
Short stories
The Writhing - Horror story with themes of worms
The Adventurers
A group of interdimensional heroes that help out and gather children. Mostly a thought project but I do sometimes write about them and I post a decent amount of art of them.
Unattached Art
Catalogue of all my stories on both blogs
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khamoise · 2 years
1. What's MCs favorite subject and why?
Defense against the dark arts! After some of her adventures at Hogwarts, Heaven realized that any situation that would give her adrenaline was her way to go. She enjoys learning about dangerous creatures and new spells for surviving (even more when Bill starts teaching them. He was the one who encouraged her to be a professional cursebreaker)
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20. Who's your MC's non-NPC bestie? Any other MC?
Yes!! She's open to be friends with any MC out there so don't be shy and say hi to her!
But you could say she already stablished an 'oficial' friendship with Ari Byrne (@moosch) and Rin Kirinto Phan (@krinkitori) <3
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34. What's their favorite thing to do when they're on a date?
Love this question because Heaven might look like that person who likes to do a ton of stuff with her loved one, but it's definetly the other way. She spends a lot of energy during the day, so one of the few moments she has to relax is in a date with Talbott.
They usually go to the lake and throw rocks to the water or sit under a tree; Talbott writes his poetry while listening pacefully to Heaven, who won't shut up about her "little" disasters (as she refers to them) and anecdotes until she falls asleep on his shoulder.
Heaven sometimes persuades Talbott to turn into their animagus forms too (since they're both birds) and fly through the forest, following each other.
56. Do they get to interact with Harry Potter at some point?
Nope. She obviously knows who he is and her friends might end up interacting with him at some point but in every important event she's dealing with her own problems, so no time to meet with Harry x)
70. Would MC believe in science?
Yeah definetely! I feel like she would believe more on scientific facts than religious ones (she doesn't denies the last one tho)
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shvdwscng · 5 months
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‘ lucien laviscount, cis-male, he/him, 34 / 340, high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems ALISTAIR HIGHTOWER has finally made it to the capital, the SECOND IN COMMAND from DAY COURT is said to be ASSERTIVE and is said to describe themselves with NEVER TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER, THE FAINT SOUNDS OF RAIN DROPS, AND THE DRIVE FOR PERFECTION, and with all of this in mind their CALLOUS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time. ; written by tessa
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name : alistair hightower
title : second in command of day court
age : 34/340
species : high fae
gender, pronouns : cismale, he/him
marital status : single, unwed
orientation: heterosexual
affiliation : day court
abilities : winnowing, cursebreak, light bending, extensive physical combat skills
biological father : deceased
biological mother : alive
siblings : 2 siblings , alive
hair : black
eyes : dark brown
height : 5'10
moral alignment : lawful netural
characteristics : assertive, callous, unyielding, intuitive, charismatic, adventurous
skills / interests: sparring, riding, literally anything outside, swimming
...𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢
it seemed that fates had your plans written long before you were born to very highly respect faes and close friends of the previous high lord of day
your upbringing is what might expect of the eldest who be raised and shaped to follow in your father's footsteps and become the next second in command of the day court
the expectations on you were high, your father had always his attentions on duty , and his children were expected to be nothing less than perfect
your parents marriage was an arranged one, and it was fat from perfect when your father spent all his time with court matters and left little time for your mother. you see it early on how miserable it made your mother, so she had turned devoted her time in raising her children . your father was not a cruel man, he was simply blinded by his duties, did not how to be a good husband nor a particularly affectionate father which leads your relationship to be most strained with him. you love him, but your not happy with the way he handles his personal affairs. you resent him for how neglectful he is of your mother but you know some things never change
your love an admire your mother the most, she was the strongest woman you have ever seen and
𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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lilacella · 3 months
cw alcohol abuse
Remus and Sirius resolve their issues and have a conversation. Yay, progress!
Song recs:
Chapter 7: Not to me, not if it's you
First Previous Next
Sirius had been gone for 5 years now. When he had left for Italy it had supposed to be just for a year, but he hadn't returned. Instead he worked as a cursebreaker for hire, taking on cases that the local authorities were ignoring, all over Europe. Remus hadn't seen him since. He only vaguely knew what Sirius was up to from talking to the Potters.
Sirius would come visit them every other weekend and regularly sent postcards and letters, keeping them in the loop about his latest adventures. Sometimes, when they were still lying on the kitchen table when Remus was over, he would secretly read them, his heart aching with yearning.
A lot had happened since Sirius had left. The most important one being Harry. He was almost four now and squealed in excitement everytime his parents read him a letter from his godfather. Sirius loved Harry to death, this much Remus knew without ever having witnessed them interacting. Just the way Harry always asked about 'uncle Sisisus' and how Sirius addressed Harry directly at least once in every letter, he could tell their bond was strong despite Sirius absence.
Remus own life had taken quite a turn in the past years. Greg and him had broken up soon after the wedding. Despite Remus best attempts to ignore the feelings that had been stirred up by seeing Sirius with Elliot and then his sudden departure, he just couldn't continue playing happy couple with Greg. It was unfair. So once again, he had left, setting the other free to be with someone better. Just that in this case he had little regrets about it.
He had let Greg keep the apartment and moved back to his dad but just two years later, Lyall got sick. Within months he was whisked away by illness, leaving Remus with nothing but his pain. He couldn't bear staying in the house without his father and so he sold it, for a terrible price, moving into a shabby single floor cabin instead. Haggling with the realtor had been one of the many moments where he wished Sirius had been by his side.
His current abode was very small and a little drafty but at least it had a root cellar he could turn in. Being all by himself all of a sudden had a terrible effect on his feelings regarding Sirius though. Never before had he missed him so much, never before had he been so tempted to reach out, to see if maybe...
He dreamt of Sirius a lot. And he wanted to see him again. Talk to him. Hold him. Kiss him...
But now all of that suddenly seemed entirely and finally out of reach.
"Are you sure? Maybe he's just busy?" He nervously stirred in his cup of tea. James shook his head.
"He hasn't written in weeks and I can't reach him through the mirror." James took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. "Something happened. I just know it."
Remus felt sick with worry.
"You don't think he is..." he checked if Harry was within hearing distance. "You don't think he's dead right?"
James flinched.
"I don't know."
Remus swallowed hard. What if Sirius was indeed dead. What then. The thought made him feel icy and hollow.
"Is there nothing we can do? Where was he, last time you heard of him?"
"Prague." James lifted up a letter that had been lying in front of him. "I've read it a hundred times but I can't make out anything useful. Just that he was on a case. That he would tell us about it once he knew any details."
"But he never did?"
James shook his head. Remus picked up the letter, quickly scanning over it.
"Do you have an address? From where he stayed?"
James face lit up and then darkened again. "It must have been on the envelope but I threw it away. Weeks ago."
Remus sighed in defeat.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon, alive and well. I just wished...I just wished I knew what to tell Harry."
Remus hoped that James would be right.
A month later, when Remus had already given up hope to ever see Sirius face again, the Potters owl showed up at his window. Remus was out the door before he was done reading, rushing to the Potters house.
When he arrived, Sirius was sitting at the kitchen table, holding Harry on his lap and watched intently as the boy showed him his new stuffed animal, a little green dragon. When Sirius noticed Remus, he turned around.
Sirius face was fallen in a little and there were deep shadows under his eyes but he was still perfect. Remus heart thrummed hard in his chest.
Sirius looked surprised to see him but if he still held any grudges, Remus couldn't tell.
"You're back." He stated blankly.
"I am."
Lily and James emerged from the kitchen, carrying tea and some sandwiches.
"Here, you must be hungry," said Lily, piling several on Sirius plate.
"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to..."
"It's fine. Just glad that you're back."
"Sandwiches! I want one Mom! I want one with egg," Harry demanded stretching out his small hands.
James put down the teapot and lifted Harry off Sirius lap. "Then you've got to sit in your own chair."
Harry complained a little but settled quickly, when handed the desired sandwich. Sirius smiled at him.
"You grew so much while I was gone."
"Yep. I'm almost as tall as you now!" Harry claimed. Sirius chuckled.
Lily turned to Remus.
"Remus, love, sit down. Did you get the letter?"
Remus nodded and then sat down accross from Sirius, unable to take his eyes off of him. Taking in every little detail that had changed. Like the faint scar on his chin or the tiny freckles showing up on his cheekbones and nose. His hair was still falling as silky as it used to but it was much longer now, reaching down to his chest. Sirius eyes, obviously unchanged - still grey with darker circles around the irises, suddenly turned and met his. Remus quickly averted his gaze.
"So tell us," said James after they had all settled down and everyones cups and plates had been filled. "What on earth happened to you?"
Harry looked up excitedly from his sandwich. Sirius sighed and took a sip from his tea before he started to explain:
"It was really unfortunate. I had gotten a madate to take care of a cursed labyrinth. You know, the ones that trap you once you've walked in and feed on your magic? So I was in the woods where this goddam thing was supposed to grow, looking for it, to check how big it was. These things are easy enough to take down with fire, if you find the initial bush from where it's spreading but...well I hadn't expected it to be so big. And in between the trees I didn't notice that I had already walked into it...So long story short, I realised I was stuck, couldn't use my magic, since that would only make it grow further, so my only option was to find the center of this accursed shrubbery and dig it out. But since the labyrinth was so large and they kept changing it's pattern, it took me a while. Two months, as you have probably noticed." He gave James and Lily an apologetic look.
"But how did you get out? How did you get to the center? How did you survive in there for two fucking months?"
"Remus!" Lily hissed at him gesturing towards her son.
He could feel Sirius eyes on him.
"It wasn't easy, I admit. It took me a few week to figure out the patterns of the changes and towards the end...You know, I'll tell you guys the rest when Harry's in bed. Wouldn't want to bore you with my old man complaints." He winked at Harry and the boy giggled.
After James had put Harry to bed for his nap, their inquisitive eyes were once more on Sirius.
"Okay now to part two. I also wanna know how the hell you survived that." James jovially slapped Sirius shoulder and rubbed his arm affectionately.
"There isn't that much more to tell," said Sirius. "I turned into Padfoot, since that seemed to be still working, and kept myself alive with rainwater and the occasional mouse."
"You ate mice?" Lily sounded a little disgusted.
"What was I supposed to do? There was no other option and it's not like I enjoyed it. They are quite crunchy, and not in a good way." Sirius pulled a face.
"Sorry, I understand. Continue."
Sirius shrugged. "Nothing much more to it. Once I had figured out the pattern and I made my way through it I spotted the center bush. I just made a pretty grave mistake, thinking I could use a shortcut by crawling through one of the more sparse looking hedges. Of course I got stuck. It took me days to free myself. Honestly I wasn't sure at that time..." He trailed off. They sat in silence for a moment.
"Well anyways, we are glad you're back. We all were so worried about you," said James.
"All of you?" Sirius looked over to Remus again.
"Of course," Remus said softly. "Of course I was worried."
Sirius gaze lingered on him for a few seconds.
"Glad to hear that you haven't forgotten about me." Remus couldn't tell what his tone meant. He looked up from his hands to finally meet Sirius eyes. A warm shudder overcame him.
"Of course I haven't."
Sirius tipped his chair back and looked up to the ceiling.
"How's Greg."
"I wouldn't know. We broke up years ago."
Sirius threw James a look.
"Oh. Sorry. Didn't know that."
James and Sirius did this thing again, where Remus could tell exactly that they were having a full conversation with their eyes but had no idea what about.
When it was time to leave Remus turned to Sirius once more.
"So are you going to stay in the country or will you leave again?"
Sirius shrugged. "Haven't decided yet. I will recover for a bit and the see what I feel like."
Remus nodded. "Right. Well..." He hesitated briefly before handing Sirius a piece of paper with his address. "If you leave, you could send me some postcards too, if you'd like."
He'd given him his address. What did that mean? Did it mean anything? He probably just wanted to be friends again. To make things easier. Or maybe...maybe he misses me, Sirius thought, hope bubbling up in his chest.
Frustrated, he threw the piece of paper onto the ground of his room above the Leaky Cauldron. He could have stayed with the Potters, they had offered it immediately, but Sirius didn't like to impose. Not even on James. Maybe especially not on James. Not after the past couple years.
He had meant to come back earlier, he really had. But he had wanted to be sure, that he was ready to face Remus. He had thought that he was. He had hardly tought of him in the last year. Well, apart from the days he spend stuck in that bloddy hedge. There, the thought of Remus had been what kept him from losing his mind. He had imaginened that Remus was with him, holding him. Especially at night, when he had gotten cold and especially scared that this might be the end of him. Stuck in a bush! How ridiculous.
But now, things had turned out to be much different than he had thought. The sight of Remus, the news about him and Greg having broken up, that fucking address...Sirius didn't know what to do. So he did what he always did when his feelings threatened to bubble over: He went down to the pub and drank.
Sirius was four pints and six firewhiskeys in and the pub had almost completely emptied at this hour. He still didn't feel any better, still felt miserable. Just miserable and drunk, now. He kept replaying his last interaction with Remus, over and over. His smile, the look in his ember eyes, the brief touch of his fingers when he'd handed him the adress. 'You could send me some postcards too, if you'd like', the sound of Remus voice had been like honey in his ears. Making him feel lightheaded and happily dazed. He'd almost forgotten what he sounded like.
And Remus had been worried about him. He had come to see him. So he clearly still meant something to him right? But did he want that? Did he wanted to reconnect, after everything?
Who did he think he was? Breaking his heart and then coming in like that, pretending like nothing had ever happened! The axe forgets, the tree remembers, Sirius thought grimly and swirled the whiskey in his glass. But Remus wasn't an axe. And he wasn't a tree. Really, if one of them had to be an axe it was probably himself. Remus hadn't meant to hurt him. Fuck.
His heart ached and he could feel the tears stinging in his eyes. No! Not again! He'd been doing so well...Why wouldn't this stop?
He suddenly remembered Elenas words. Hope. Right. He needed to get rid of that.
Sirius stumbled up the path that lead to Remus house. It had taken him a bit to find it in the dark and rain. Because of course it was raining! His head was reeling. He was dazed from the alcohol and his heart seemed determined to punch its way out of his chest. It was way to late to be knocking on anyones door, unannounced. But he needed answers. And he needed them now.
Remus house was more of a shack really. The roof seemed a bit wonky and different climbing plants were covering the outside walls. It looked a bit odd but charming. Sirius liked it. It seemed like a fitting abode for Remus. He reached the front door and knocked, without hesitation. If he thought about this for to long, he wouldn't do it. He would get scared of the answer instead and then he would never know. Never be able to close this chapter of his life for good. He knocked again, louder this time. Maybe Remus wasn't home. Maybe he was staying over somewhere else. Sirius suddenly panicked. Remus had said that Greg and him had broken up but that didn't mean that he wasn't with someone else now. His stomach turned.
Then, to his relief, the door opened. Remus was wearing a dressing gown over his pyjamas and looked puzzled and tired. When he saw Sirius, surprise crossed his face.
"Sirius? What are you doing here?" His voice was thick with sleep. Sirius knees felt weak. It had been so long since hearing Remus sleepy voice and it did things to his heart he wasn't prepared for. But he was determined. This had to end. He couldn't keep living like this.
"You need to tell me..." His voice slurred a little. "You need to...I can't do this anymore. I need to stop thinking about you. It's been six fucking years and I'm still thinking about you! Do you see what you do to me? This needs to stop, now!"
Remus took a step back, looking worried.
"Sirius, you're drunk."
"I know."
"Maybe we should talk tomorrow."
"No! I need you to answer me now!"
"Answer what?"
"You...I need to loose hope. If I think there's a way back, then I will never let go, so...Say you don't love me. That there's no way, we'd ever be anything more than friends ever again. Tell me that!"
Remus looked at him, a pained expression on his face.
"Tell me! Please." Sirius could feel the tears form again. But he didn't have it in him to care anymore.
Remus was quiet for a moment until he said: "I'm sorry. I don't think I can."
"What? Why?"
"Because it wouldn't be true," he added so quietly that Sirius could barely make out his words over the sound of the rain.
Sirius started laughing hysterically, tears streaming down his face unhindered.
"I'm sorry," Remus said. "I wish I could..."
But Sirius didn't even hear him anymore. He stumbled a few steps away from the door before dropping to his knees into the mud. He couldn't feel anything anymore. The emptiness was worse than the pain.
When Sirius woke up in the morning it took him a second to understand where he was. Then the memories of last night started coming back. After watching him sob in the rain like the most pathetic man alive Remus had taken pity with him and carefully maneuvered him inside, making him lie down in his bed. He had gotten mud all over it.
He was in Remus bed! He looked around and saw Remus sleeping in an armchair, wrapped in a woolen blanket. He looked cozy and unbearably adorable. Sirius could never withstand a sleeping Remus.
He rubbed his hands over his face in an attempt to drive away the thick foggy feeling in his head. What had he done? This was so much worse than all his previous breakdowns. And he should be old enough to know better by now. But he hadn't had any other options, hadn't he? He was so tired of being like this. So tired of hurting all the time. He had needed closure. But he hadn't gotten it.
He should go. This whole thing had been embarrassing enough. He needed to get out of here, clear his head, maybe write Remus an apology letter...
Sirius carefully climed out of bed and snuck towards the door as quietly as possible. He was about to put his shoes on - Remus had somehow gotten him to take them off before they had entered - when he heard a noise behind him. He turned around and saw that Remus was awake, looking at him.
"Leaving already?"
"Uhm. Yes. I should. I am very sorry about last night. I...I shouldn't have showed up like that." Sirius laughed cynically. "You must think that I'm completely insane."
Remus shifted in the armchair. "No. I don't think that. But it...it shocked me to see you like this. It hurts to know that I hurt you like this. I am so sorry."
Sirius melted at the softness of Remus voice. Merlin, he would never be able to let go.
"It's fine. I should...I should go."
"No wait." Remus suddenly got up. "I...I thought we could maybe talk. I think we really need to. After last night...Please, stay for breakfast?"
Sirius stayed. How was he supposed to say no? After Remus had handed him a change of clothes that wasn't covered in mud they sat down at Remus wobbly kitchen table.
"Sorry. I know this place is a bit of a shithole."
"I think it's nice." Sirius took a sip from his tea. Remus looked surprised.
"You think this is nice?"
"We'll, yeah. It has a certain charm."
"Does it? I didn't think this would be to your taste."
"You still think I'm some posh bitch do you."
"No! I just..."
"You do," Sirius said with a smirk.
Remus chuckled and shook his head. They stayed quiet for a bit, both staring into their mugs.
"I am sorry," Remus finally started."I didn't realize I hurt you so much."
Sirius snorted.
"And I'm sorry I didn't tell you what you came for," he continued more quietly, not lifting up his gaze once.
Sirius looked at Remus. He didn't know how to feel. His head was reeling and he felt raw and incredibly tired.
"It's fine."
Remus suddenly looked up. "No, it is not! I hurt you. A lot, apparently, and...I really didn't mean to do that. I...I thought that I was doing you a favor."
"A favor?!"
Remus nodded and flinched a little. "I thought, that if I left you, you'd be able to be with someone that makes you happy."
"You made me happy."
Remus met his gaze, tears glistening in his eyes.
"Do you think I am happy now?" Sirius asked.
Remus sighed deeply. "Well after last night I can hardly say I do, can I."
Sirius averted his gaze again. Merlin, this was so embarrassing. But talking to Remus felt so good. He had missed him.
"I thought you'd find someone better in no time."
Sirius laughed, bitterly. "Remus, I...I don't think I could." He paused, frowning at a spot on the wooden floor. "You have my whole heart, Remus. And I don't think I can take it back. Even if you no longer want it."
"I do," Remus said, quietly, hand wrapped tightly around his mug.
Sirius looked at him, almost in shock. Remus had said something along the lines yesterday but what did that mean?!
"I think...No...I know I still love you," Remus continued. "I don't think I ever stopped."
Sirius let out a breath that he didn't knew he was holding and rubbed his palms over his face. This was too much. His head still felt hazy. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe he would wake up in a minute, in his bed at the Leaky Cauldron and realize that none of it had ever happened. Or maybe he was actually still stuck in that bloody hedge, fantasizing as he was slowly dying...
"But you left. You were with Greg...You even moved in with him. After just a few months. Did you think that would make me happy?" he finally responded from behind his hands.
"I...I wanted to close the door. I wanted us both to know it was over. I wanted...I wanted to break it beyond repair. I thought you were going to be better off without me. I...," Remus sighed again. "I was a fool. I can see that now."
"So you and Greg," Sirius reappeared from behind his hands and wiped tears off his face. "That was just..."
"A distraction. For me. It wasn't fair."
"Did you love him?"
Remus shook his head. Sirius felt relieved. He shouldn't, but he did. But at the same time he was angry. Why would Remus do this to him? He must have seen that he was hurting and he had been so cold...The memories filled up Sirius chest with an icy feeling. He dropped his head back into his hands, using them to support his forehead as he watched his tears drop onto the tabletop.
He heard Remus getting up and pulling his chair around the table, next to him. Then a warm hand appeared on his back. Sirius sobbed. This was way too much. Remus was too close. It felt so good but hurt so much at the same time.
Remus arms slowly wrapped around him, pulling him into a gentle embrace. Sirius head dropped onto Remus shoulder. He inhaled Remus scent, his whole body vibrating with suppressed sobs. Remus hand wandered up, softly cradling his head and drew patterns on his scalp with his fingers.
Sirius fell apart. He didn't know how long he spent crying, tightly pressed against Remus, clinging onto him for dear life. When his sobs finally turned into sniffles he carefully leaned back, only reluctantly giving up the warmth of Remus embrace.
"I'm sorry," he said, wiping at his eyes. Remus shook his head in response.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like this."
He paused, seemingly fighting with himself. "Sirius...I...I know that's a lot to ask after everything, but...Do you think we could maybe try...again?"
Sirius looked at Remus in awe. Of course they could. That had been all he had wanted for the past six years. He nodded. Remus smiled.
"I would understand if you don't want to though."
"I want to."
Remus was so close. Sirius could have easily leaned in and kissed him. And Merlin, did he want to. But he held back.
"But Remus...I don't want it do be like it was. I don't want us to fight again over nothing until we eventually fall apart. What if that's how it's going to be?"
Remus nodded in agreement. He held his hands open between them, Sirius didn't hesitate to take them.
"You are right. We should talk about...about what went wrong."
"Well, you thought you weren't making me happy..."
"Yes. But I thought that, because I felt like I wasn't good enough for you."
"Why would you think that?" Sirius voice already bore the same frustrated annoyance that it had had six years ago. He scolded himself for it internally.
"Because, next to you, it is hard not to"
Sirius looked up in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"Oh come on Sirius. You know what I mean. I don't think I am the worst person who ever walked the earth but...Well compared to you, I did feel rather inadequate. And it's not just the looks, although that is certainly part of it. You are flawless..."
Sirius interrupted him with a laugh. "I am not flawless. And you, especially, should know that."
Remus smiled a little. "No, I know, but even your flaws...I always found that I quite like them. To me you were perfect. And...everything seemed so easy for you. While I struggled for good grades, you got excellent ones without bending a finger. Magic always came so easy to you. And then you started doing one of the hardest jobs there is in the magical world..."
"I think some people would disagree."
"...while I could barely hold down a part time one. And you weren't exactly subtle about all this. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that you think that you are better than me. But you...you weren't exactly the most patient, when I struggled with things that came easy to you. I know you resented me for being so useless..."
"No! I never..." Sirius protested, his heart aching at Remus words. Had he really been this bad?
"You were mad at me, because I couldn't afford to live with you. You suggested we break up over it!"
"Remus, I wasn't...I didn't want us to break up! I just...I was frustrated. I didn't mean what I said." Sirius ran a hand trough his hair. "When you came to pick up your things...I wanted to stop you. I wanted to tell you that I was sorry. But I was too proud. And I was hurt. So I left. But I...I changed my mind, but when I came back you had already left." He felt a tear roll down his cheek again at the memory.
Remus looked grave. "I know."
Sirius frowned in confusion. "What?"
"I know you wanted to come back to stop me. I...I saw you at the park. In saw you cry. I wanted to go over to you, but I was so convinced that I was doing the right thing..." Remus trailed off, wiping at his eyes.
Sirius looked at him quietly for a moment. It hurt to know that Remus had seen him like that and still hadn't cared enough...he couldn't imagine leaving Remus crying like that. It seemed physically impossible.
He let out a quiet laugh. "Besides that...I wasn't mad because you had no money. I was mad because you refused to move in with me."
"But that is the same thing!" Remus shot back. "I could never afford a place..."
"Well you can afford this place, can you?"
Remus looked around in confusion. "Yes but...you would hardly want to live here wouldn't you?"
Sirius smiled mildly. "Remus...I would live anywhere, as long as it's with you."
Remus met his eyes. He seemed shaken.
"I just wanted to be close to you, Remus. That's all I wanted. But instead I pushed you away. I am so sorry I made you feel like you weren't good enough. You are. You always were. Maybe you're the only one who is."
Remus let out a gasp, clearly overwhelmed by Sirius words.
"How?...How can you love me this much?" Remus voice was shaking with emotion.
"It's easy. You're wonderful," Sirius replied.
Remus needed reasons. Remus had always needed reasons and Sirius had always been annoyed by it. Why would he have to explain something so egregiously obvious. Remus just needed to fix his self confidence, really. But now, he understood. Remus just couldn't see it. He was too blinded by his own misguided self-image, that he just couldn't grasp what Sirius saw in him. And this time, Sirius was ready to give him reasons until he would stop asking.
"Remus, you are the loveliest person I have ever layed eyes on! I love everything about you. I love how your eyes look like honey and how you crinkle your nose when you laugh and the face you make when you hit a spot in your book that you think is silly. I love the way you talk, always choosing your words so carefully. I love that you are calm, that you don't yell when you're angry, that you always seem to have a solution for everything. I love that you are simple, that you couldn't care less about material stuff eventhough you've got so little. I love how much you care. I love that you are so strong and so brave, having to endure the moon every month and still it didn't turn you bitter. I love that you work hard, that you are determined even when things are challenging. And...I love how you make me feel. You are the only one who can truly make me feel calm and safe. You're the only one that is able to stop my racing thoughts. James...James can guide them into a more reasonable direction but you are the only one who can make everything in my head finally shut up for a bit. So I'd reason, that you are in fact very loveable. But if you need more reasons let me know, the list goes on!"
Tears were running down Remus flushed cheeks. He had a hand pressed over his mouth. Sirius gently reached out to him, carefully cradling his cheek in the palm of his hand.
"I love you," he whispered, trying to catch Remus eyes. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me."
The next moment Remus lips pressed onto his. His arms wrapped around Sirius, pulling him in, his body leaned almost sitting on Sirius lap. Sirius made a noise, a sigh, a moan. Just like the first time, he thought. He grabbed the back of Remus head, pulling at him as if they weren't already as close as possible.
The kiss was messy and wet and they both could barely breathe through their smushed noses, but neither of them wanted to break it for air.
When they finally did, they remained close. Holding each others faces, noses only millimeters apart.
"I love you too," croaked Remus.
"Are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, don't get me wrong I am happy for you, Pads. It's just..."
"We'll be less of a desaster this time. I promise," Sirius gave James a reassuring smile. James returned it.
"I just don't want you to get hurt again. I mean, I know Remus would never do anything on purpose..."
"We were young. And a little stupid. Trust me Prongs, we've talked. A lot. And honestly...There is just no other option. I can not not be with him if he lets me." The truth in his words ached.
James nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I get that." He looked over to the backyard were Lily was playing fetch with a hysterically giggeling Harry. She was running extra slow, so she wouldn't catch him, laughing happily.
Sirius smiled. Maybe things could be good after all.
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valentinerose529 · 3 months
OC Game: Two Truths, One Lie
I got tagged by @forthesanityofstorytellers, thanks!
You probably know the drill based on the title: I'll give you two truths and a lie about an oc, and you vote for what you think is the lie. Afterwards, I'll say which one was the right answer!
The oc I'm using is Elijah Townsend.
Elijah (he/him) has appeared in my many-times-rewritten WIP at varying ages and levels of power. He's a magician, but his magic doesn't come from him, he absorbs it from broken spells and other people. He's introverted, kind of quiet, but the older he gets the less he takes people's shit. He's a blacksmith and occasional cursebreaker, gay/demisexual and always falls hard, and tries to be tough but has a too-big heart. He doesn't want to go on life-threatening adventures but the plot keeps Choosing Him. If he knew what the word cottagecore meant he'd agree with the aesthetic wholeheartedly.
tagging, and as always open to anyone reading: @deathleesaysstuff @worldsfromhoney @river-muse @maddstermind @eldritchpiper
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crowholtz · 1 year
the little bat
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I'm Rosie!
☾✦ 18+ | ISFP 6w7 | she/her
☾✦ Interests: dragon age, mass effect, bg3, dnd, curse of strahd, dead by daylight, world of warcraft, vampires, personality typing, problematic and evil characters, writing, filmmaking
☾✦ there's not much you need to know about me aside from the fact that I'm an emo nerd with the special interests of vampires, DMing and playing D&D, and Curse of Strahd. generally this blog is 18+
☾✦ I used to make gifs quite a lot but the motivation has waned. sometimes I'll post a gifset if the whimsy takes me. I generally stay away from fandoms/fandom politics. just vibes here most of the time
☾✦ once in a while I'll post my writing, but most of the time nowadays I just reblog whatever I want and talk about my various OCs (I would love to talk about them pls). speaking of which...
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🦇 HELENE CROW STONERAVEN. fallen aasimar deva, blood domain cleric + divination wizard. member of the cursebreakers, main adventuring party in our curse of strahd module (RAVENLOFT). the broken one. level thirteen. toyhou.se. blog tag. 🏹 SILKA. shifter werecat, gloomstalker ranger + alchemist artificer + redemption paladin. reincarnation of St. Markovia. member of the marvelous pigments, auxiliary support party in our curse of strahd module (RAVENLOFT). the anarchist. level fifteen. blog tag. 🌙 KSENIA CEL TRADAT. dusk elf, echo knight + bladesinger wizard + circle of dreams druid. curse of strahd (RAVENLOFT). the tempter. level fifteen. blog tag.
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