#after i saw this year's halloween collection
supernovafics · 20 days
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader, bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 4.4k words
warnings: explicit language, angst, mentions of reader’s strained relationship with her parents
summary: the first night in mexico with steve is not as weird as you thought it would be, but it’s hard to avoid thinking about everything that happened with eddie
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CHAPTER TWELVE | ❝𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖❞
Fall Semester 2016
You figured that the first night was weird because the first night in a new place was usually always weird.
But then the next two nights were somehow worse. Alone in a room that you were slowly starting to wonder if it would ever feel like “home.”
You sat in your bed and stared up at the ceiling for what felt like hours, but when you looked at your phone, you saw that only twenty minutes had passed since the last time you’d checked it. An annoyed sigh left your lips as you closed your eyes again, willing sleep to come. 
Unsurprisingly, after another few minutes, it didn’t, and that made you grab your phone and call the one person that you wanted to talk to at that moment. 
When Eddie answered with a soft and tired “Hi,” you asked, “Hey, are you busy right now?”
“At one in the morning? Not really, no.” When you didn’t laugh at his joke, he became serious. “You okay?” 
“This is probably dumb and I already feel that way for asking this, but can you come over?”
“Yeah, of course,” He didn’t hesitate to answer and then things got quiet for a second before he asked again. “You okay?”
“I’ll explain when you get here,” You said, not wanting to go on what you felt like would be a neverending ramble about your current thoughts over the phone. “You can even take the bed if you want. I’ll sleep on the floor. Doesn’t matter to me.” 
“I’m not gonna kick you out of your bed,” You could practically hear him shaking his head at your offer. “I’ll be there in ten.”
He actually made it in five minutes and you were greeting him with a small smile and a promise to give him as many blankets as he needed to be comfortable on the floor when you opened your door. 
“So, what made you wanna do this impromptu sleepover?” Eddie asked once he was settled and you were back in your bed. You knew what the lighthearted question was really saying, What’s wrong? 
“I feel dumb because I should’ve known that this was gonna happen,” You said, starting your answer in the middle because you knew that he’d catch on immediately. “We both know how I am when things are too quiet. But, after my roommate situation last year, I thought this single dorm thing would be better. But, actually, it sucks. Now, I weirdly miss the nights where I had to fall asleep to the sound of her talking on the phone.”
“You’ll get used to this,” He said, but you weren’t entirely sure if that was possible. You did appreciate how encouraging he sounded, though. “Hey, do you want this old TV that my uncle’s been meaning to get rid of? It’s just sitting in my room back home collecting dust right now. You can leave it on all night and it’ll probably make it easier to sleep.”
“Shit, that makes so much sense,” You said. It was the easiest fix and you were now realizing that it probably should’ve hit you before.
“We can get it this weekend,” Eddie told you. “I’ll even give you the old VHS tapes I used to play on it all the time. Lots of horror movies.” 
You let out a quiet laugh. “I don’t know if falling asleep to Friday the 13th or Halloween every night is the greatest idea.” 
“Okay, yeah, makes sense. There are also some cartoons.”
You smiled then. “Now that sounds great. I get to find out what cartoons Eddie Munson loved as a kid.” 
He laughed. “It was a lot of things that were just weird knockoffs of Barney because that’s all my uncle would buy.” 
“That sounds very cute,” You said, still smiling. “Thank you, though. Seriously. And thank you for being here right now too.” 
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.”
Not even with Chrissy? You wanted to ask that, but you didn’t because you had a feeling what his answer would be and you didn’t want to make things weird or awkward. 
So, instead, you said, “Thank you for ruining your back for me.” You shifted a bit, turning on your side toward him. “We can still switch if you want. I’m fine with taking the floor.”
“Not gonna happen,” He told you and you decided against once again trying to convince him otherwise.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
There was a mourning period that came and went. And it didn’t even feel that overdramatic to call it that. 
Stupidly, you expected to wake up the day after the moment you had with Eddie at his apartment and be completely over him— because you now knew that he’d never see you as anything other than as his best friend. There was no point in having even a little bit of hope for something equivalent to “a fairytale ending,” so you expected every other part of you to understand that too. But, apparently, an almost three-year-long crush couldn’t end that easily.
A part of you felt like you were back to Freshman year— pretending that everything was fine and normal. When, in reality, nothing was fine, and instead your life now felt like you were stuck in a really bad movie or nightmare. 
You didn’t just feel hurt by the rejection— which technically wasn’t an outward rejection, but it felt just the same— you also felt embarrassed about everything you’d done over the past month. Even when days passed and the hurt faded into a wholehearted acceptance that still also felt a little sad, everything else stayed. 
Steve was the only person that you could possibly admit any of this to since he was a part of the whole fake dating thing. You could tell him that it all ended up being an entire waste of time for you. However, somehow the thought of telling him only made you feel even more embarrassed. 
He was so settled on the idea that this would work for you, and he continued doing things in hopes of making something happen over the last few days. It all felt so wrong now, but you simply pretended that it didn’t because you found it too hard to be honest.
You instead actively forced yourself to stop thinking about how everything had changed and how you were the only one who was aware of that fact. And it actually wasn’t the hardest thing to do. Except on the nights when it seemed as if there was nothing to do but think. 
It was usually easy to drown out your thoughts with the sounds of whatever was happening within your apartment, but the circumstances were different at this moment since you weren’t in your room or the apartment at all. Instead, you were in a different country in a random bed with Steve sleeping right next to you. 
You’d been exhausted after the flight and the hour drive to the fancy resort, but once you were actually settled in the huge bed that barely filled out the even bigger room, you couldn’t seem to sleep. Neither you nor Steve had been able to figure out the TV, you couldn’t even find the remote, but you figured that was fine because you thought you’d fall asleep easily. Clearly, you were wrong, though. And you now couldn’t stand to lay in the silence anymore.
You slowly pulled the blanket off of you and got out of your side of the bed— the left had been designated as yours and the right was Steve’s. The bed was also big enough that you had declined his earlier offer about putting a sort of pillow divider to make things more comfortable for you. In your head, sharing a bed with him probably wouldn’t end up being the weirdest part of this trip. 
You maneuvered pretty well in the dark. Finding your sneakers that sat by your already haphazardly picked through suitcase and slipping them on, and then grabbing your phone and room key off of the nightstand and slipping both into the small pocket of the pajama shorts you were wearing. 
It would’ve been easier if you just left without saying anything to Steve because you’d probably be back before he could even notice that you’d been gone. But, for some reason, it didn’t feel entirely right to do that.
“Hey,” You whispered as you stepped a little closer to him. “Steve?”
His eyes didn’t open as he shifted a bit and let out a soft, “Hmm?”
“I’ll, um, I’ll be right back.”
“Where you going?” He asked, words quiet and slightly mumbled. 
“I can’t really sleep, so I think I’m gonna check out that twenty-four-hour buffet for a bit. The one that they mentioned when we were checking in.”
“Okay,” He said, eyes opening and he rubbed them for a second before pushing a quick hand through his hair and getting out of the bed. 
You shook your head at his actions. “You don’t have to come.”
“I know,” He said but kept moving, standing up and going to grab his sneakers. 
“You really don’t have to come,” You told him. “I already feel bad about waking you up.” 
“It’s the middle of the night, and Robin told me that if anything bad happens to you during this trip, she’ll kill me.” 
Hearing that made you laugh, and it didn’t entirely surprise you. “When did she say that?”
“Yesterday, when we were all watching TV at your place,” He answered as he grabbed his phone and pocketed it in his sweatpants. “It reminded me a lot of the game night conversation.”
“It also felt like The Godfather to you?” You asked, pulling open the door as he walked over to you. Abruptly going from the darkness in the room to the harsh and bright lighting in the hallway made you squint. 
“Yeah, it did,” Steve told you and then rubbed his eyes again. “Jesus, it’s really bright out here.”
“Please go back to sleep. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“Wow, good to know that you want me to get murdered by your friend,” He joked. 
You smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. I promise I’ll protect you.”
He kept walking with you, though— heading down the hallway toward the elevators— instead of turning around and going back to the room. You wondered if Robin hadn’t playfully threatened him (in your head, the only way you could imagine it was playful) would he still be this adamant about being with you right then. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“Did we really come here just so you could get cereal?”
“I told you not to come,” You said as you picked around the dry bowl of Cheerios. “Also, nothing would have happened to me if I was alone right now. Unless you think that that drunk couple would’ve kidnapped me or something if you weren’t here.”
You gestured in the direction of said couple that were the only other people at this buffet aside from a few workers; they were sitting barely twenty feet away from you and Steve and looked as if they were in their entirely own world as they shared a bowl of ice cream. 
Both you and Steve abruptly looked away when they started passionately making out with each other. 
You let out a quiet laugh. “Wow.” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” Steve started, grabbing a handful of cheerios from your bowl. “I don’t think kidnapping you would’ve been on either of their minds right now.”
You weren’t going to admit it, but you were actually glad that he stayed with you. Sitting at this random table with him in this near-empty room was a lot better than being alone with your thoughts. 
You suddenly wondered what time it was, but you also didn’t care enough to check your phone. “What time do we have to meet your parents in the morning?”
“They wanna get breakfast at eight,” He answered, and you nodded at that. “Apparently, they’re really excited to see you.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “Normally, I would think that’s a good thing, but is it in this case?”
Steve shrugged. “Yes and no. At this point, I think it’s just gonna be a lot more of interrogating you— them trying to see if you’re truly the “right person for me” and all that bullshit. Pretty much the same thing that happened at the dinner, but it’ll probably feel a little worse since we’re gonna be seeing them a lot for the next few days. But still, even if they didn’t like you, they wouldn’t tell me to break up with you or anything, they’re mainly just happy that I’m in something serious.”
You nodded again. “I know your parents can be super intense and overbearing, but in some weird way, I think it’s actually kinda nice that they, at least, care, I guess, about your “love life.” I sometimes wish mine did.”
Steve shook his head. “Yeah, but mine don’t actually care, though. They’re only so focused on my love life because they care about themselves and their image.”
Maybe that should’ve been obvious to you. Because hearing him say that, and when you thought about all of the other things that he had told you before about his parents, it made a lot of sense. “Okay, I fully take back my previous statement.” 
“What’s up with your parents, though? You never really talk about them,” Steve said. “How do they feel about you going on vacation with a guy you just met?”
You shrugged halfheartedly. “I don’t know how they feel about it because I kinda forgot to tell them. Well, not kinda, I did. I did forget to tell them about this.”
It had been the farthest thing from your mind. And deep down, you could even admit that you purposely pushed away the thought of telling them because you knew that they probably wouldn’t have cared that much about it, anyway. 
“Oh,” Steve said, and then things became quiet. You wondered how insane you probably sounded to him right then, or how fucked he must’ve thought your relationships with your parents were if you didn’t tell them about this. “Okay, so if I don’t end up getting murdered by Robin after this trip, it’ll definitely be your dad then.”
You were immediately grateful for his lighthearted comment. You could feel yourself inwardly sighing in relief. The tenseness— that was probably only firmly planted on your side of things— quickly washed away. “That would never happen, but if it did, I’ll once again protect you.”
“Thank you, that’s all I ask,” He joked, smiling at you.  
You were abruptly reaching over the table to fix his hair, there was a part of it that was sticking out weirdly— it was the bedhead, you figured. “Sorry, that was kinda bothering me. Anyway, this is very random and a complete one-eighty from what we were just talking about, but do you ever think about how different some things in your life would be, maybe even how better they would be, if certain things had ended up working out, or if they had ended up happening?” 
Maybe it was the slight sleep deprivation that made you ask that question— that felt like it was the only thing that could correctly explain the abruptness of it. A similar version of that slightly confusing question had also been the exact thing that you’d been wondering about barely thirty minutes ago before you refused to continue to sit in silence and in your thoughts about Eddie.
You were pretty certain what your answer to it was— a resounding yes; you thought about “what-ifs” a lot, probably too much.
A part of you expected Steve to ask why you were asking that question, but he didn’t. “In what way do you mean?” He asked instead.
“Romantically,” You didn’t hesitate to answer, and then you shook your head at yourself when you realized what you were saying. “Actually, that’s probably so dumb of me to ask you since you don’t care about relationships and all of that.” 
“I do think about it,” He told you. “Old relationships and stuff. What went wrong, what could’ve gone better…” He trailed off, letting out an awkward laugh and breaking your gaze. “Sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, this is probably way too much for a middle-of-the-night conversation,” You said and realized just how true that was. You now wished that you had brought up some random lighthearted question about a movie or something.
“No, it’s fine. I’ve just never really talked about this before,” Steve said, and you were about to tell him that he didn’t have to talk about it now if he didn’t want to, but he continued before you could say anything. “Um, I think saying old relationships is a stretch, actually. I’ve mainly just thought a lot about the last one, I guess.”
The high school relationship that he had mentioned to you on Valentine’s Day, you remembered. It was the last serious one he’d been in. You wondered what it had been like, how equal parts amazing and devastating it must’ve been if it turned him off of relationships completely for the foreseeable future. 
“This question is probably so stupid, so please feel free to tell me exactly that, but do you ever miss her?” 
“Sometimes, sure, yeah. But, it never really happens that much anymore. And whenever I feel like I miss her now, I think it’s more of me just missing what we used to be instead of me really missing her specifically. Does that make sense?” He looked up at you then and you nodded. You honestly felt as if you understood him completely— missing the picture itself but not necessarily who was in it. 
It was that analogy that somehow made you realize something that you maybe should’ve realized earlier. Specifically, during the moment also on Valentine’s Day when you asked him why he didn’t do relationships and he pretty much said that he didn’t want to get his heart broken again. He was scared of it now, of love and relationships. It wasn’t just about it being easier not being in relationships and not falling for someone, it was about it being a scary fucking thing to do again. 
It honestly made a lot of sense. So much sense that you really didn’t understand why it didn’t hit you sooner. 
You didn’t say this to him, though, because it didn’t feel right to, and a part of you also really hoped that you were entirely wrong about it. Because this would shift everything that you thought you knew and understood about him. 
It would be a thousand times easier if you solely took everything that he previously said to you at face value. If your understanding of him and who he was and what he wanted was as simple as what he had told you that night outside the arcade and what he’d been telling you this entire past month. He didn’t want to get involved in anything serious for simply that exact reason— he didn’t want to.
You had only nodded in response to his “Does that make sense?” question and you knew that you probably should’ve said actual words, but you couldn’t think of what exactly to say right then. And then Steve was speaking again before you could figure something out.
“And I guess that’s when I kinda think about that question you asked— wondering about how different things would be if it all had actually worked out,” He said. You’d completely forgotten that that question had even started this conversation. “But, it’s kinda hopeless and dumb to think about it, though, right? Because the outcome can never change, so what’s the point of even wondering about it?” 
“Yeah, exactly,” You said softly, abruptly thinking about Eddie again. “What’s the point…” 
Steve looked at you for a second before giving you a small smile. “Why was that question on your mind at,” He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “One-thirteen in the morning?”
You suddenly felt really close to telling him what happened at Eddie’s place days ago, and the conclusion that you had come to about everything; the timing honestly felt pretty perfect. But, you still couldn’t do it.
It wasn’t about you feeling sad about the entire thing, it was about feeling stupid. And you honestly didn’t even think that Steve would judge you or think that you were stupid— he’d probably feel bad for you, you realized, which somehow felt a thousand times worse. 
“I don’t know… I’m always getting randomly existential in the middle of the night, I think,” You answered, and then immediately shifted the subject. “Hey, what’s the name of your cousin who’s getting married?” 
“Okay, got it,” You nodded. “I felt like that was information I should probably know.” 
“And her fiance’s name is Charlie.”
A part of you wanted to laugh, but you held it back. “Woah.”
Steve nodded, also recognizing how slightly ridiculous that was. “Yeah. Once again, I’m sorry that I’m putting you through this whole thing.” 
You gave him a playful smile. “As long as you protect me from any weird family members, like I’m protecting you from Robin, I’ll be fine.” 
You remembered then that this fake dating thing wasn’t at all about you anymore, it was about him. And you quickly decided that you’d make sure to play the “happy and in love” girlfriend part really well— just like he had for you this past month— so that he could get what he needed out of this. Because, at this point, that was all that really mattered. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
You gave Steve’s hand a quick squeeze. “Kiss me.”
“Your parents are looking over here. Just do like a quick peck thing,” You said, looking up at him. 
He didn’t question you further and instead closed the small bit of distance between you two and pressed his lips against yours. You weren’t sure if you expected it to feel weird or unnatural, but it didn’t. Actually, it happened so quickly that it really didn’t feel like anything at all.
When he pulled away, you gave him the sweetest smile that you hoped didn’t seem too exaggerated or fake, as you two continued walking toward his parents and a handful of his other family members. 
That would probably be the easiest part of the next few hours. Before you were forced to embark on a hike that you weren’t at all excited for, but Steve couldn’t get you two out of. It was during breakfast when his mom mentioned it and she was so adamant about making you and Steve come along too. 
“It’s gonna be fun. According to the tour guide, we’re going to get to see the prettiest view of a waterfall,” Anne had said and you finally nodded and agreed to go because you knew that she wasn’t going to take Steve’s attempts to say no as an answer.   
Now it was two hours after that forced yes and you were in an outfit that didn’t feel entirely great for a hike— denim shorts and a black tank top— but it was the best that you could do; you hadn’t prepared “hiking outfits,” or any sort of workout attire for that matter. And walking over to Steve’s parents and other family members, which he quickly whispered to you were a few of his cousins and aunt and uncle, and seeing them look a lot more prepared than you were, didn’t do much to ease your sudden out-of-place feelings. 
“We still have a few minutes before we have to leave, come to the gift shop with me,” Anne said to you before either you or Steve could say any sort of greeting to her and his dad.  
You gave her a small smile and let your hand drop from Steve’s. “Okay.” 
You met his eyes for the briefest second and he gave you an encouraging look, and then you were following his mom to the gift shop that was right next to the lobby. 
“How’s everything going?” Anne asked you as she started looking around the small shop, stopping at a shelf of ceramic mugs.
The question felt weirdly vague, but you still answered it as if you weren’t slightly confused. “It’s been good. Thank you again for everything. You really didn’t have to invite me to this whole thing.”
“Yes, of course, no problem. Tom and I are happy you’re here,” She smiled at you. “And we can tell that Steve is too.”
Inwardly, you waited for the shoe to drop. For her to suddenly come out and say that she and Tom actually hated you because you weren’t from “their world” and you hadn’t been handpicked by them. 
However, with what Steve reminded you about last night, you remembered that it wasn’t about that. It wasn’t about them liking or not liking you as a person, it was about them being happy that Steve was simply in a “serious relationship.” And all you and him had to do was show that.
“I’m glad that you guys approve of our relationship,” You said, looking away from the bracelet in your hand that cost way too much and made you realize that this gift shop was way too fancy. You met Anne’s eyes. “Steve was worried about that. It was why he waited so many months before telling you guys about us.”
“Well, it’s probably obvious that you’re not exactly who we would’ve chosen for him. We always wanted him to be with a certain type of girl from a specific kind of family, you know?” You nodded at her words because it felt like that was all there was to do. “But, maybe this is better for him; at least, for now. And it’s so easy to see that you make him happy— probably more than Nancy ever did all those years ago— so that’s great.” 
Nancy. Finally knowing her name made her feel more real to you. You still knew absolutely nothing about her, though, aside from the fact that she and Steve had been happy and in love at one point in time.  
You weren’t entirely sure how to respond to Anne’s words that felt like the kind of compliment that was actually more of an insult. It was almost funny because there it finally was, somewhat of a shoedrop. She really didn’t like you. 
But, clearly, the show you and Steve were putting on was working, and you were inwardly sighing in relief at that realization because that was all that mattered. Ultimately, you decided to simply smile at her. “Thank you. He makes me really happy too.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
next part!
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128 notes · View notes
flowerandblood · 1 year
Stay and love, leave and die
Halloween Request Oneshots Series
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Strong! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, noncon, virginity loss, smut, angst, choking, violence, threats, kidnapping, obsession ]
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[ description: After the death of her grandfather, the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong travels to Storm's End to remind Borros Baratheon of his fathers oath to her mother he had made years ago. There she meets her uncle, whom she has not seen since a certain terrible event that took place between him and her brother. Her uncle decides to take his payment for what happened to him. Aggressive, obsessive, very dark! Aemond.]
This oneshot is inspired by anon request and is created with Halloween in mind, so unlike what I usually write, these fisc will be very dark and uncomfortable. Keep this in mind before you start reading.
Today marks one year since Ewan Mitchell played the role of Aemond Targaryen. I want to celebrate with this messed up Halloween oneshot! Love you my Aemond girlies 🎃🎃🎃
Alternative Universe Series: The Fall from the Heavens
*English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy!*
My others works: Masterlist
She didn't remember much about the night her uncle lost his eye; at the time she was too young to understand what had really happened. When she came down into the great hall in only her nightgown and saw the maester bending over her uncle she squealed loudly, covering her mouth with her hand, terrified and distraught, bursting into tears.
She and Aemond were betrothed through the King's decision.
Her grandfather believed that a union between them would ensure that the kingdom would not fall apart after his death.
Her uncle did not speak to her much before their betrothal because she was a girl and her her feminine concerns did not arouse his interest. However, sometimes when she met him in the library, he would read aloud to her and she would listen to him with interest.
They would then exchange thoughts about their lineage, and even though it was purely childish, naive musings, they both felt like adults then.
She was really fond of him.
He was calm, polite and didn't mock her like Jace and Aegon, who said that when she frowned her eyebrows and pressed her lips together she looked like a hamster.
It turned out that their grandfather's decision, instead of confusing and intimidating them, brought them closer together. Her uncle was a man who understood perfectly what duty was and considered it his task and responsibility to prove himself as a husband according to his father's will.
He began to introduce her to his world full of weapons and trainings filled with effort, his beloved books on philosophy and history.
She knew that it gave him great satisfaction when she borrowed thick volumes from his private collection, which his mother had presented to him, pleased that she was able to discuss with him more and more boldly and confidently on subjects that interested him.
He embarrassed her when one day he asked her hesitantly if she could spend the night by his side. From what she understood he did not sleep well, although he did not want to say for whatever reason. He found that her presence reassured him, and since she was to be his wife, her place was with him.
She couldn't hide the heat and joy that spread through her heart at the thought that he craved to feel her by his side.
From then on, she would sneak out to his chamber at night, slipping under his bedding, falling asleep beside him pressing her forehead against his, holding his hand in hers. He never tried to touch her in an indecent way, never ordered her to expose her body, instead allowing her to place innocent, warm, childlike kisses on his lips whenever she desired.
If it hadn't been for the darkness around them she would have noticed that his cheeks were rosy with shame and contentment, that he was smiling lazily as he lay there with his eyes closed.
From then on, he slept peacefully.
Then, however, her younger brother deprived him of one eye when he dared to tame Vhagar, and her mother, despite promises that she would be able to visit him, allowed it only after a few days, hiding behind the fact that her half-brother should rest. However, when she appeared at the door of his chamber full of hope, Criston Cole sent her away and she never saw him again.
She sent him letters for eight years, one every two months, but he never wrote her back.
When king Viserys died her mother decided that she would fly to Storm's End to remind Lord Baratheon of his fathers oath, while Jace was to fly to Winterfell and Luke to the Eyrie.
All things considered, however, she did not foresee one thing.
When she saw her in the middle of the storm, raising her head towards her like a great moving mountain, she felt fear.
She had not seen him since that day.
She did not fly to King's Landing when Luke fought for his rights to Driftmark because her mother and the Queen thought it would only make things worse, and her uncle did not want to see her.
For a moment she hesitated in spirit, standing in the rain, whether to turn back, terrified at the thought that he was there. She recognised, however, that her mother had entrusted her with this mission believing that she would fulfil the task and she had to fight for her rights.
Therefore, she gathered her courage and approached the guards, informing them of who she was. They led her into a large circular throne room, lit up once in a while by an intense flash of lightning and the torches all around her.
That's when she saw him.
He stood in a leather cloak with sword and dagger at his side, speaking to one of Lord Baratheon's daughters, but when he heard the guards announce who had arrived he looked towards her, turning on his heel, holding his hands entwined behind his back.
His lips twitched in a mocking, menacing grin that sent shivers through her, his pupil narrowed like those of a cat that had just seen a mouse.
"My Lady Strong." He said teasingly, coldly, lightly, and she swallowed loudly, recognising that she had not come all this way to tease.
She was shivering with cold and fear and wanted to convey what she had to say as quickly as possible.
"Queen Rhaenyra wishes to remind you of the oath your father, Lord Baratheon, made to her years ago." She said softly and clearly, looking up at the distressed lord sitting before her on the stone throne.
"Prince Aemond has offered to take one of my daughters as his wife. Which of my daughters will one of your brothers marry to win my favour?" He asked her in a dry, raised voice, frustrated by her presence and what she was demanding of him.
She swallowed loudly, looking at her uncle in shock, seeing him watching her with satisfaction, his chin raised in a gesture of victory, the corner of his mouth still twitching in a smile.
He was proud of himself.
"Forgive me, my Lord, both my brothers who are of the proper age for marriage are already betrothed." She muttered, and Lord Baratheon laughed aloud, spreading his arms to his sides.
"So you come with empty hands. Go home, pup. Tell your mother she won't summon me when she wishes like some dog." He growled.
She swallowed the insult with difficulty, nodding, feeling her head humming, her heart pounding like mad, her uncle's gaze piercing her to the core.
"I will pass on your words to the Queen, my Lord." She said, forcing herself to be calm and bowed, turning away tense and walking out quickly, wanting to be back in Dragonstone as soon as possible.
She stepped out into the courtyard into the intense rain pouring down from the sky, loud thunder all around her, her whole body trembling from fear.
"Wait, my Lady Strong." She heard a cold, mocking voice behind her and squealed softly as she felt someone's strong, large hand clench painfully tight on her arm.
"Won't you greet your uncle? Don't you want to see at last my memento after meeting your brother?" He hissed, pulling his eye patch from his face with his free hand in one sharp, firm, agressive motion.
She drew in a loud breath when she saw polished sapphire shining ominously in his eye socket.
She stared at the sight simultaneously horrified and enthralled, there was something in his face, in his gaze, in the way he clenched his jaw, that she was unable to look away from him.
"− please −" She mumbled, trying to pull herself out of his arms, but he embraced her, pressing her close. She put her hands on his rain-wet leather coat and tried to push him away, but he only chuckled lowly at her helpless efforts, locking her in his grasp.
"− I see you've changed too − you even look like a woman now − maybe I should take you away and enjoy you after so many years of separation − didn't you miss me? −" He asked in a humiliating, sweet, mocking voice, leaning over her like a child so as to look into her frightened eyes, in which tears of terror had gathered.
She was afraid of the way he looked at her.
"− please, uncle, I just want to go home −" She whispered pleadingly and took his cold face in her hands, wanting to alleviate the situation somehow, to give it some affectionate gesture that would help him calm down.
Something changed in his gaze, he shuddered and licked his lower lip, looking at her with his head tilted, his grip not easing one bit, their hair, faces and clothes wet from the intense rain.
"− no −" He hissed and grabbed her in half, throwing her over his shoulder, she began to squeal and scream, slapping his back with her hands, her dragoness writhed ominously at the sight, ready to breathe fire.
He summoned Vhagar, who rose suddenly on her paws, the ground shook beneath her and her little dragoness scowled in fear, as terrified as she was.
"− please, don't hurt her! −" She cried to him and stopped struggling, knowing that Vhagar's teeth clamped down on her dragoness would tear her apart. "− please, I'll fly with you, I will do anything −"
"− hm −" He murmured under his breath, placing her on the ground right next to the ropes hanging from his saddle. He looked at her with an indifferent, cool gaze, his lips pressed into a thin line. "− up −"
She cried all the way, snuggling into the front of his saddle, feeling his body clinging to hers behind her, his face pressed against her neck.
"− I will make you my mistress − you will bear me bastards after I marry any of that fool's daughters − bastards are perfect for bearing other bastards, aren't they? −" He whispered in her ear, placing wet, sticky kisses on the skin of her neck, and she tried with difficulty to catch her breath, almost choking from her sobs.
She prayed for her mother to save her.
He dragged her by her arm, holding her painfully tight, towards his chamber, heedless of the surprised stares of the guards.
It was the middle of the night and he had commanded that no one was to disturb them.
He pushed her into his chambers and she fell to the stone floor, panting heavily, shaking all over, feeling like she was about to vomit from fear, tears and rain drops running down her cheeks. She could hear him breathing loudly with excitement and exertion, pulling off his coat, tossing it disorderly on the floor.
She was breathing hard, looking at him in horror, wondering what she was supposed to do, how she was supposed to fight him.
Suddenly, this one thought, this one attempt, seeing him begin to walk towards her with a menacing, final step that said it all came out of her mouth.
"I've written letters to you. For eight years, every two months. You never wrote back to any of them. Why?" She asked in a trembling, broken voice, feeling how tight her throat was with fear, how much her hands were quivering.
He stopped in mid-step, furrowing his brow, his face impassive, tense, cold.
"Liar." He hissed as he knelt over her, grabbing her by her neck, pressing her to the ground in a one, brutal motion, his free hand quickly found the dagger hidden under her cloak and tossed it aside with a loud clang of steel.
She figured that the more she resisted, the more pain he would cause her.
"I'm not lying. Ask your grandfather. I suspect he didn't even pass them on to you, did he?" She mumbled with difficulty, his fingers clenching on her neck so tightly that she had trouble breathing.
However, she noticed a kind of hesitation and uncertainty on his face, his nostrils quivering in a ragged breath.
"And what did you write in them, my Lady Strong?" He asked teasingly, his free hand sliding down to the tying of his breeches, his wide-eyed gaze directed at her, mad, implacable, cruel.
She licked her lips, feeling his fingers cold and wet from the rain clenching on her hot skin, tried not to think about the sound of the material slipping away, only what she had wanted to say to him for years.
"That I was too young to understand what happened then. That it wasn't until years later that I realised you had been deprived of more than an eye that night. That I can't sleep. That something in me died that day." She whispered with difficulty, tears of grief, fear and horror running down the sides of her face onto the stone floor he pressed her against.
She saw that he had stopped in mid-motion, breathing loudly, his lips pressed together, as if he was thinking hard about something.
"I will not give you back to your mother-whore. I will keep you as my payment for the harm she has done to me." He said coolly, furrowing his brow, looking at her as if he was explaining to her that it was the only reasonable thing to do.
Her heart pounded like crazy as she thought what she was doing was working.
That it wasn't rape per se that was his goal, but the appropriation of something precious that belonged to her mother, so that he could have a sense of atonement.
She nodded, trying to calm herself, wanting him to remain calm too.
"Very well." She whispered quietly, something in his face changed, a sort of surprise passed across his eye. He let out a loud sigh, as if he expected that only when he took her by force would she agree.
"For years I have suffered with the thought of that day. I will compensate you as best I can." She mumbled softly, a final, solitary tear running down her face.
She tried with all her might to think of that boy she loved so dearly and not the monstrous man who had just looked at her.
"Hm." He hummed again, letting her go, rising from his lap, his watchful gaze directed straight at her.
She grabbed her neck, drawing in air loudly, turning onto her stomach, quivering all over.
She heard the clang of steel and the sound of a loud filling. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, breathing hard, and noticed that he had poured himself some wine.
He moved slowly towards the chair opposite her and sat down with a loud creak of wood, arranging himself comfortably, crossing his legs.
"I await my compensation." He said lightly, as if amused, taking a loud sip from his cup, his healthy eye staring at her wide-eyed with a sharp, expectant gaze, his lips stretched in a lazy, dangerous grin.
She swallowed loudly, standing up slowly, feeling her legs refuse to obey her, thinking strenuously what she should do.
"No man would want me for a wife after this." She sobbed out with difficulty, looking at him horrified, and he chuckled under his breath, cocking his head to the side.
"If you please me enough, I will take you as my wife in the tradition of Old Valyria, and our children will be my official heirs." He said dryly, and she felt her heart begin to pound like mad, she shook her head as if she did not believe what he was saying.
"− your grandfather − your future wife − they would never −"
"− I don't give a shit about them − only my word counts in this matter − do you understand? −" He asked loudly, looking up at her from below, tapping his fingers on the armrest at his last word. She pressed her lips together, looking at him pleadingly.
"− we both know you won't marry me − you despise me − I −"
"I will be merciful and spare you from giving birth to my bastards. I will either marry you or kill you, depending on how much I like what you do now." He said softly, something like a gleam in his eye, content with this insightful thought, his cup reached his lips again as he took a greedy sip from it.
She clenched her hands into fists, knowing what he desired, knowing that if she didn't give it to him, he would take it anyway, violently and aggressively, and then just cut her throat.
She thought with despair that if she could spare herself even a little pain, she would.
He swallowed loudly, looking at her watchfully as she approached him with a slow, unhurried step, wordlessly sitting on his lap, her hair still wet from the rain, partly pinned back in a bun, partly lowered loosely down her back.
She raised her trembling hands to the buckles of her cloak, undoing them with a slow movement, his gaze fixed on her fingers. He lifted his gaze to her face, drinking quickly the remnant of wine he had in his goblet, looking greedily after a moment at her drenched gown, through which material he could see almost everything.
She felt something in his breeches pulse hard beneath her, and then again and again, becoming harder and harder.
"I don't know what to do, uncle." She whispered quietly, begging him in a way to end her humiliation, to just show her what he wanted and leave her alone.
He looked at her suddenly, humming again in his low, thoughtful, throaty tone, his hand slipping beneath the material of her underskirt, touching shamelessly her naked thigh, finally digging his fingertips into the soft skin of her hip, pressing her closer to him, forcing her to rub againt what was beneath her with slow back and forth movements.
She saw him part his lips, his other hand quickly set the cup down on the small table standing next to them and swiftly joined his first hand, also tightening on her hip. She felt the rocking movements of her hips tease something between her thighs, tickling her at the same time and making her shiver.
"Spread my breeches to the sides." He commanded in a hoarse, trembling voice looking at her expectantly, licking his lower lip in an involuntary, quick motion.
She did as he instructed and suddenly felt something hard and throbbing press against her naked body, she drew in the air loudly guessing what it was. She felt him take his manhood in his hand in a confident movement.
"Lift up and slide it inside you." He said coolly, but the tone of his voice betrayed some kind of excitement, his healthy eye open wide.
She swallowed loudly, resting her hands on his shoulders for balance, breathing loudly, trying not to think about how scared she was, how much she wanted to go home, his sapphire eye gleamed dangerously in the dark.
She settled against him and felt the fat head of his length push against her folds, sliding in just a little, stretching her slit painfully to all sides. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a quiet sigh of discomfort, a throaty groan escaping his lips.
"− fuck − keep going −" He exhaled, not moving however, his hand holding his manhood in such a position that it stood perpendicular to her body.
She bit her lips, gasping with effort as she tried to fit him deeper inside her, another loud, involuntary groan escaped his lips, he threw his head back, clenching his healthy eye, clasping his hand on her bare buttocks. He opened it suddenly and looked at her, breathing loudly through his mouth.
One brutal, sudden thrust of his hips startled her and tore something inside her, she cried out and convulsed in pain shaking all over, his large hands stroking her thighs reassuringly.
He knew he had just taken her maidenhood.
"− shhh − shhh −" He hushed her, rocking inside her with slow, steady rhythm of his hips, looking at her with misty eyes full of something she didn't understand, a single tear of horror and humiliation ran down her cheek.
She drew in a loud breath as he lifted his one hand to her face, his thumb rubbing the wet stain from her cheek, and then his fingers tightened on the nape of her neck, drawing her closer, snuggling her face into the hollow of his neck.
Stunned and helpless, she clenched her hands on the material of his leather tunic, seeking refuge in her tormentor, wishing only that he would not cause her any more pain.
"− hush − it's all right − look how easy it's sliding in now −" He whispered quietly into her ear, his length slipping softly all the way into her only to slide out almost completely, teasing something inside her. His movements began to become increasingly slippery, his thighs slapping against her buttocks with a quiet, sticky click.
"− just like that − just a little longer −" He cooed, stroking her wet hair, placing almost tender kisses on her temple, panting along with her with each of his movements, her body bouncing slightly with each of his thrusts.
She snuggled into him tighter, just wanting to hide, to escape, his neck smelling of smoke, sweat, rain. She closed her eyes, trying to relax, and he groaned loudly feeling her body stop resisting him, his lips roaming over her wet cheek, placing moist, sticky kisses on it.
"− I know − I know − 'm close −" He whispered with some kind of care from which a shudder went through her, the thought that when he did this she might soon expect his child.
She squeezed her eyes shut at the thought feeling the tears burning under her eyelids again, sobbing quietly, embracing him tightly, his thrusts getting faster and louder, slamming his swollen, fat cock into her again and again, both of them began to moan, his one hand clenched in her hair, the other squeezed her hip.
"− how could you leave me − I was waiting for you then − ah − all fucking night − but it doesn't matter − you're mine now − g-gods − fuck! −" He exhaled loudly, panting heavily along with her, his words making her feel her core throbbing around him, sucking him inside, some warm liquid spilling inside her and suddenly it was all over.
They sat cuddled together like that for long minutes, their breaths calming, not speaking or moving, just embracing each other, his face nestled into her hair, his nose pressed against her cheek.
"From now on everything will be as it should be, wife."
Alternative Universe Series: The Fall from the Heavens
Aemond Taglist:
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@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess
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gibbysoup · 7 days
🌙 𝓗𝓸𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓬𝓾𝓼 🐈‍⬛
Chris x reader
“Oh come on it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus”
Chapter 1
Warning: 90s bullying, almost fight, crying
A/n: I don’t own the rights to hocus pocus, I changed a couple things to fit this story
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Halloween, a day that y/n truly just never understood. Even when she was a little kid, she thought the idea of putting on a costume and getting candy was a dumb idea, and as a now teenager, she definitely still thought it was dumb.
Moving to a new town wasn’t exactly what you wanted to do for your junior year of high school. You were happy at home, you loved sitting in the sun and jamming to Jimi Hendrix. But that was now all coming to an end as you now had to start wearing a coat in October due to the weather in Salem.
After a shitty day of school, all you wanted to do was take a nap, listen to some music or catch a scary movie on tv. But your parents had different planes for you. Your little sister Dani had been persistent on you taking her treat or treating around the new town. They thought it would be good for her to meet kids her age in the neighborhood. The only problem for you was that your parents would be going to a Halloween party that night, so you were now on trick or treating duty.
“Let’s go, hurry up. The bewitching hour’s about to begin!” Your father yelled up the stairs to you and Dani. She ran down the stairs, eager to show your parents her witch costume. Once your father saw Dani he smiled at her. “That’s very scary, wow!” He then turned to you. “What about you, y/n, what are you supposed to be?” He asked you.
She looked at him. “A little leaguer..” y/n said, dead paned. She hadn’t put too much effort into her costume. It had been a while since she had actually trick or treated. She could tell that her father was just trying to get her a little more excited about the holiday, but she just stood there, frowning in her baseball cap and jacket.
Your mother came in, holding a camera to take a of the three of you to capture the moment. “Say Halloween!” She beamed.
“Halloween!” Dani and her father said, well she just stood there, a slight scowl on her face.
Y/n was carting Dani around to different houses so she can go trick-or-treating. Every house was decorated to the max. lights, pumpkins, fake spider webs and witches. Dani was clearly enjoying getting candy and going house to house, but y/n just dragged her feet the whole way.
“Lighten’ up, y/n.” Dani told her older sister, annoyed that she was clearly bringing the mood down.
Y/n heard this and rolled her eyes. “Can we go home now?” She requested, but Dani just shook her head.
Just then y/n spots Jay and Ice and some of their friends harassing the kids passing by for candy. She knew those kids were bad news and she didn’t want Dani caught in the cross fire. And just before y/n had been tormented by the two earlier didn’t mean that Dani should be subjected to it.
“Let’s just go this way.” Y/n said, trying to get Dani to make her way to a different house that she could collect candy at but Dani headed straight for Ice and Jay, ignoring y/n. “Dani!0 she shouted, trying to get the attention of her younger sister, but it was no use.
“Ding ding. Ding ding.” Ice heldup his leg so Dani can’t passed him when she tried to enter the house.
“Stop and pay the toll, kid.” Jay told her.
“Ten chocolate bars, no licorice.” Ice said, gesturing to her pillowcase filled with candy.
“Dump out your sack!” Jay shouted at her.
“Drop dead, moron.” Dani spat, trying to make the boys leave her alone.
“Yo, twerp. How’d you like to be hung off that telephone pole?” Ice asked her, a slightly threaten tone in his voice.
“I’d just like to see you try it. Cause it just so happens I’ve got my big sister with me. Y/n!” She said, trying to scare the boys away from her.
Jay and Ice were clearly not impressed or intimidated by this threat. But they especially weren’t scared when they saw y/n walk up.
“Hollywood. Oh no.” Ice said, pretending to be scared of the girl as she approached the two boys and there group of followers. She had earned the nickname Hollywood due to her being from California. Apparently everyone in Salem thinks that just because you live in California means you live in Hollywood.
“So you’re doing a little trick-or-treating?” Jay asked, stepping closer to y/n.
She shook her head. “I’m taking my little sister around.” She answered.
“That’s nice. Whoa, I love the costume. But what are you supposed to be? A New Kid on the Block?” He asked her, his little minions laughing at his joke.
“For your information, shes a little leaguer!” Dani said, not making the situation any better.
“Whoa, little leaguer!” Jay said, He and Ice started to fake play a game of baseball to mock y/n. Dani tried to walk by again, but was unsuccessful.
“Wait a minute. Everyone pays the toll.” Ice reminded her.
“Stuff it, zit face.” Dani sassed back.
“Why you little…” ice said, moving to hit Dani, but y/n quickly stepped in the way, protecting her sister.
“Hey, Ice…” y/n shoved her bag of candy at him. “Here. Pig out. Come on Dani, let’s go.” She said, grabbing her little sisters hand and walked her in the other direction.
“See you later Hollywood…” Ice taunted, waving goodbye to the girls as him and his crew laughed.
Y/n and Dani walk up the steps to another house for more candy. Dani was still upset about the interaction prior. “You should have punched them.” Dani told y/n.
“They would have killed me.” Y/n said to her. Not only were they bigger than her, but she was also out numbered.
“At least it would have made your reputation at school a little better.” Dani snarked.
Y/n was fed up, she had a bad day, a bad Halloween, and overall just a bad life. “Hey! You just humiliated me in front of half the guys at school! So collect your candy and get out of my life!” She yelled. She didn’t even know what she was saying, she was just letting her anger and humiliation speak. But the look on little Dani’s face just showed heartbreak.
“I wanna go home! Now!” She exclaimed, storming off.
Y/n rushes off after her, finally tracking her down as Dani was now crying into a hey-barrel that was a part of someone’s Halloween decorations.
She looked down at her crying little sister who had her face in her hands as she weeped. Y/n knew this whole move was non of her fault, so she shouldn’t even be taking this anger and frustration out on her. She sat down next to her.
“Dani, I’m sorry. It’s just that I hate this place. I miss all my friends. I wanna go home.” Y/n confessed. “It’s just been hard..”
Dani looked up at y/n, tears streaming down her face. “Well this is your home now, so get used to it.” Dani said, sniffing and wiping her nose.
Y/n sighed, she knew that Dani was right. She needed to except that Salem was there home now and they were stuck here, well she was stuck here until she graduated and went off to collage.“Yeah. Give me one more chance?” She asked her little sister, hoping she could be forgiven.
“Why should I?” Dani gave her a skeptical look.
“Cause I’m your big sister.” She said, causing Dani to laugh, then reach up and hug her older sister. Y/n wrapped her arms around Dani, holding her in a tight embrace before looking up at the sky. “Whoa, did check that out.” She pointed out to Dani to look up and see.
“What?” Dani questioned, her curiosity peaked.
“Something just flew across the moon.” Y/n said.
Dani looks up and y/n jumps at her and scares her a bit. They both laugh. It was a sweet moment being shared by two sisters.
“Let’s go, jerk face.” Dani giggling. Y/n didn’t say anything back, instead she just laughed at her childish insult.
They both stood up and turned to look at the house, only it was a beautiful mansion.
“Whoa!” They both said, staring at the large building in amazement
“Check out this house.” Y/n said.
“Ah, rich people. They’ll probably make us drink cider and bob for apples.” Dani said, looking up at her other sister. They both gave a nod and walked into the house.
The entered the Foyer seeing that the door was wide open. “Trick-or-treat?!” They both said, looking around. Dani’s eyes went wide when she spotted a huge cauldron full of candy. “Jackpot!” Dani said, immediately running over to get her share of candy. “They got kind sized candy bars!” Dani said excitedly, holding up a chocolate bar to show her sister.
“Y/n Denison..” a voice said, she looked up and saw none other then Chris sturniolo, a boy from one of her classes that she totally was crushing on. She slightly froze, dropping whatever candy she had in her hand as he made his way down the stairs. She was now starting to wonder how he even remembered her name.
“Chris…hi..” she had said, slightly nervous to now be in his house. She was suddenly worried about how she looked or where her hands were placed.
“Oh, chris huh?” Dani smirked, looking up at y/n.
Y/n looked down at the younger girl and gave her what can only be described as a death glare, hoping it would shut her up from further embarrassing her in front of her crush.
“I thought you weren’t into Halloween.” Chris said making his way down the large staircase, coming to greet the both of the two girls
“I’m not, I’m just taking my little sister, Dani, around.” She said. Y/n wasn’t at all surprise that Chris had remembered what she had said earlier in class that day and about Halloween being made up by the candy companies.
Chris shot y/n and Dani a warm smiling before speaking. “Well that’s nice, my brother used to do that with me and my brothers.” He said.
“I always do it.” Y/n told Chris, acting like the whole thing was her idea, but Dani had to butt in and open her mouth.
“My parents made her.” Dani told Chris. Once again, y/n shot her little sister a death glare, giving her a slight elbow to the shoulder, hoping that would give her the hit to stop talking.
After a moment of silent had passed, Chris spoke. “Do you guys want some cider?” He offered the two girls.
“No.” Dani said flatly, but at the same time, y/n answered. “Sure!���
Chris went over and got two cups of cider. One for him and one for y/n. He came back and handed the other cup to y/n. “Thanks. So, um, how’s the party?” She asked him.
“Boring. It’s just a bunch of my parent’s friends. They do this every year. I’ve got candy duty” he said. “Or well, I was supposed to have some help but my bothers seem to have forgotten that there supposed to help me.” He said. He motioned for his brothers to come join him. Two boys who looked identical to Chris walked over. She knew Chris was a triplet, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember there names.
Matt and nick had entered the foyer, dragging their attention away from the party. “This is Nick and Matt.” He said gesturing to each of his brother’s respectively. “This is y/n, and her sister Dani. They just moved here for California.” He explained, then looking back at you.
“Wait there’s three of you?” Dani questioned, looking back and fourth at the three teenagers.
“Yeah Dani, that’s kinda the whole point of triplets.” She pointed out to her.
Dani looked up at y/n. “Duh…I know what triplets are.” She said, rolling her eyes. The three boys laughed at the interaction, knowing the sibling back and fourth all too well.
“By the way, Dani, I love your costume, I’m like, really into witches..” Nick said, complimenting Dani on her purple witch costume.
Dani seemed to light up at the compliment. “Thank you, and so am I. We just learned about those sisters in school.” Dani said, clearly very into her conversation with Nick, he even leaned down a bit to get to her level.
“Oh, you mean the Sanderson sisters?” Matt asked, inserting himself into the conversation. “We know all about them, our Mom used to run the museum.” He told her.
Dani’s eyes seemed to widen at the mention of a museum. “here’s a museum about ‘em?” She asked excitedly.
“Yeah, but they shut it down because a lot of spooky things happened there.” Nick said, obviously trying to spook her out a bit.
Just then an idea popped into y/ns head. “Well, why don’t we go to this old Sanderson house?” She suggested.
At the mention of this, Dani shakes her head no. Chris and his brothers look at y/n, trying to figure out if she was being for real or just messing around. “Well come on, make a believer out of me.” She challenged, knowing it was pretty much just an excuse to maybe spend some more time with Chris.
The brothers shared a couple looks, before finally speaking again, and it was Chris. “Okay, let us go change first.” Chris said. “They won’t miss me, trust me.” He said to the two before going upstairs with his brothers.
Once they were out of ear shot, Dani turned to y/n and looked up at her.“y/n, I’m not going up there. My friends at school told me all about that place. It’s weird.” She protested.
Y/n crouched down and got to her sisters level. “Dani, this is the boy of my dreams. He’s like the cutest guy at school.” She tried to explain.
“So, have him take you to the movies like a normal person.” She pleaded, but it was no use.
Y/n sighed. “Dani..Look, just do this one thing for me and I’ll do anything you say. Please? Please?!” She begged her sister. “I’m asking you this as your only sister..”
Dani thought for a moment. “Okay, okay. Next year we go trick-or-treating as Wendy and tinkerbell, with the wings, or it’s no deal.” She offered.
Y/n sighed once more, before finally giving in and compromising with her sister. “Okay, okay, deal!” She said.
A/n: omg…the support for this story is already insane…thank you so much! Hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Taglist: @keerahsturn @fratbrochrisgf @izzykinzz678 @st7rnioioss @jamiesturniolo @v33angel @kaisturni @valkatriee @sturnschrissy
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
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@eddiemonth prompt, oct 30th:  Costumes | Children of the Grave - Black Sabbath | Loyal [1.9k, rated T] read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
“No, no, no, no—” Gareth protests, ducking the Donkey costume mask that Eddie tosses his way backstage. “Not again! Dude, that thing smells like having a condom over your face and it’s impossible to drum in. I’m not doing it this year. No way. Someone else is taking one for the team this time.” 
Eddie cackles, trying not to cry with laughter and smudge his green face paint. “Decide amongst yourselves then, but someone is wearing it. We’ve gotta commit.” 
Jeff snorts and shakes his head. “No chance, why can’t someone be like, Fiona or something?” 
“We need Donkey! He’s crucial to the story!” Eddie rolls his eyes and walks over to grab the mask. “Okay, circle up. We’re gonna Rock, Paper, Scissors this. On my count.” 
The rest of the band huddles around and Eddie counts to three. Gareth throws rock and celebrates as Frank and Jeff both throw scissors. 
“Redemption!” He celebrates as Eddie counts Frank and Jeff in for three. 
In the end, Frank gets stuck with the Donkey costume, Jeff reprises his Pinocchio costume, and Gareth steals Farquaad out from under Frank in the Rock, Paper, Scissors coup. No one is particularly happy, but Eddie doesn’t care. 
He doesn’t care because Shrek Night is his favorite show of the year. Since its inception a few years earlier, entirely by accident when Eddie was forced to perform as Shrek as a dare, it’s become something of a cult classic among Corroded Coffin fans. The last show they play before Halloween is a costume night, and the fans have taken to the theme like, well, like an ogre to mud. 
There’s something incredibly special about screaming the lyrics to their latest hit while a sea of Shreks and Gingys and Fionas scream along with him. 
And tonight is no different. 
“Shreddie! Shreddie! Shreddie!” 
The crowd roars to life as the group takes the stage, waddling in costumes and maybe a little itchy from body paint and latex masks. 
“Give it up for Donkey on the bass!” Eddie shouts, pointing to Frank. He gives his best, saddest wave. 
“Give it up for Pinocchio on the guitar!” He yells again as Jeff hammers a riff in response and grins in his fedora and suspenders. 
“And last but certainly not least, give it up for Lord Farquaad on the drums!” Gareth drums a little rimshot as the hat pokes out over the top of his high hat. How he plans on drumming the whole night crouched on his knees is beyond Eddie, but ultimately not up to him. 
The crowd goes insane, as usual, and Eddie takes a second to soak it all in, to glance over the various costumes before everyone melds into one collective unit of chaos. Fairy Godmothers, and Donkeys, and Fionas as far as the eye can see. He even spots a Puss in Boots in the front of the pit, standing next to a very attractive Gingy. 
He doesn’t have time to assess the life choices that lead him to have that particular thought though, because Gareth starts counting them in. 
Their originals are hits, of course, as are the covers. After all, it wouldn’t be a true Shrek Night without at least a couple of songs from the famed movies. 
“And then I saw her face!” He shrieks, his voice barely loud enough to be heard over the crowd. “Now I’m a believer!” 
He runs around the stage, careful not to lose the microphone (again) as Jeff, Gareth, and Frank pound away at the melody. As the song comes to a close, Eddie slides on his knees, hardly protected by the cheap beige pants from Walmart, to the edge of the stage. 
“Not a trace! Of doubt in my mind! I’m a believer!” He sings, drawing out the final note. 
Chants and applause follow him up and he falls to his back, guitar over his chest, pounding his feet and fists on the stage as he catches his breath. Green paint melts from his forehead and when he brushes his hair back, he pulls his fingers away to see shades of ogre paint that’s surely made its way into his hairline. 
Before he can stand, Gareth shouts into his microphone, presumably to give Eddie another second or two. It’s no secret that I’m A Believer is high octane. 
“Do you know…” Gareth pauses for effect before shouting. “The muffin man?” 
Before the crowd yells out together, jumbled and out of sync, a faux high-pitched voice rings out surprisingly close to Eddie’s feet. 
“The muffin man!” 
He sits up and spots him: the hot Gingy he’d noticed earlier, laughing with a scrunched up nose, leaning on his friend’s shoulder. 
Oh, fuck me, Eddie thinks. He’s adorable. 
It’s usually the other way around: Eddie being ogled by a fan in the front row, staring up at him like he’s something to eat, like he’s prey. Ignoring them is easy enough, typically appeased with just a smile or a wink to carry with them forever, but this guy? The one with the fuzzy brown onesie with purple button and white, pretend icing lining the legs and waist? Well, Eddie’s never actually wanted a fan in the front row to look at him until now. 
So he scoots to the end of the stage, legs dangling over the edge, and steals Gareth’s line. Grinning down at the guy pressed to the railing, he screeches. “The muffin man!”
Gingy’s friend, known only to him at this point as Puss in Boots, elbows him hard in the ribs and he looks up to see Eddie staring right at him, crooked grin, and in hindsight, probably a bit more unhinged than planned. 
His friend looks back and forth between them, disbelief in the shape of her mouth and furrowed forehead, but it seems to work because Gingy returns the smile and has the audacity to wink at him. 
Eddie raises his green brows towards his hairline and nods appreciatively. The barricade isn’t far from the edge of the stage, close enough for Eddie to leave the microphone to the side and ask Gingy and his friend to hang back after the show. 
After one crowdsurfing escapade from Jeff, one quip into the microphone from Gareth about how he now understands why Farquaad is always so cranky, and few more of the originals peppered with All Star and Bad Reputation covers, Corroded Coffin takes an awkward but well-deserved bow. The crowd cheers for more, even after their encore, but eventually filter out through the venue’s exit doors, flooding the parking lots and nearby streets with Shrek characters. 
Eddie’s sure the local bars are having a blast. 
The only fans left are Gingy and Puss in Boots, who Eddie desperately needs the real names of before his thoughts turn into a troubling Shrek fanfiction. With a quick word to their manager, Chrissy, he makes sure they won’t leave before he comes back with a plan— a very weird, very niche plan that he hopes works on the presumably dorky, albeit confident, man in the fuzzy onesie. 
Her wings bump him in the shoulder and remind him that she truly is his Fairy Godmother. 
“Eddie,” Jeff deadpans as he plops his prop fedora on the backstage table and unfastens the buttons of his suspenders. “Are you really about to go hit on a fan? Dressed as Shrek? With an onion?”
“Do you have a better idea?” He whirls on him, a lone onion from a backstage fridge somewhere in one hand and a sponge trying to at least clean up his face paint in the other. He’s sure he looks insane. And he may as well be at this point. 
“Uh, don’t? That’s the better idea?” Frank offers in the corner, his face red and sweaty from the suffocating Donkey mask. 
“Not an option, so Operation Onion is on. I’ll be back. Or not. Hopefully not, actually.” Eddie shakes his head and sets down the makeup sponge, places the onion in his prop burlap bag. “Wish me luck!” 
Gareth sighs with ice packs on his knees. “Nope.” 
Eddie approaches the open backstage area, the spare lounge where Chrissy’s talking with Gingy and Puss in Boots. Maybe talking a little more intently to Puss in Boots, but he can’t begrudge her. After all, Eddie’s doing the same thing, isn’t he? 
He catches a bit of the conversation before opening the door, overhearing Chrissy refer to them as Steve and Robin. 
Thank God, he thinks to himself. Better than the placeholders. 
By no means does Eddie consider himself a rockstar— not yet, anyways. He enjoys the mid-level shows he gets to do with his friends, especially on nights like this, but he’s yet to harness that rockstar swagger. At his core, he’s still the marginally insecure, frantic kid from Bumfuck Nowhere, Indiana who paints D&D miniatures and speaks Elvish. And dresses up as Shrek, apparently. 
All of that to say, his heart pounds in his chest and his tongue feels twisted around itself when he knocks on the door. 
“Oh, hey, Eddie! Come on in! Great show tonight!” Chrissy smiles, wide and bright, as she introduces Steve and Robin. “This is Steve, and this is Robin. Steve, Robin, you all know Eddie. Or, should I say, Shreddie?” 
All three groan and shake their heads in good nature. 
“To be fair, man, you are still in the get-up. I thought you were going backstage to change or something.” Steve teases, eyes full of mirth and challenge. 
Exactly Eddie’s type. 
“And leave the three of you dressed up and feel out of place? Not a fucking chance.” Eddie takes a breath and goes for it, channeling his years of drama and general theatrics. 
He goes to take his seat on the sofa and pretends to trip, his burlap bag tipping over in time for his onion to fall to the floor at Steve’s feet. 
“Shit, sorry, that’s my onion,” Eddie shrugs. “Happens sometimes. Ogre and all, y’know? By the way, you’re gorgeous.” 
“Oh my God,” Chrissy mutters under her breath and ducks her head, leaning an elbow on Robin’s shoulder and covering her eyes. 
Steve’s mouth falls open into a little O and sits quietly for a few beats, nothing but the girls chuckling off to the side and an onion between them. Eddie’s about to swallow his tongue and see himself out when Steve leans forward and picks it up, tossing it up in the air above his head and catching it like a baseball. 
“Looks like you dropped this. And uh, thanks. I could say the same to you.” 
Robin wheezes and doubles over. “Jesus Christ, Steve. I know I’m a lesbian and all but this? This is what works on you?” 
Eddie likes her already, and a quick glance to Chrissy tells him Chrissy does, too. 
“Is this Ogre discrimination? Do I have to explain that we have—”
“Layers!” Steve finishes for him, nudging her in the ribs. “Ogres have layers, Rob. Don’t be so close-minded, God. Besides, he’s half melted and just ransacked backstage for an onion. Don’t judge our mating rituals.” 
Mating rituals? Eddie grins with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. “Yeah, what he said.” 
Robin just shakes her head and gestures with one hand at the air between the two men, speechless. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go see if this sweaty, half-melted, babbling Onion Man wants to make out or something.” Steve slaps his hands on his thighs, still covered in fuzzy material, and stands. “What do you say?” 
When he shows up backstage to introduce Steve to the rest of Corroded Coffin, both of their faces are now smeared with green paint and Steve sports painted handprints in some telling places. 
Eddie gives them a bright smile and jazz hands, his friends’ expressions are as impressed as they are confused.
Shrek Night really is his favorite show of the year. 
tagging people who expressed interest <3: @cuips-not-cute @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @useless-nb-bisexual @kkpwnall@cuoredimuschio @doublecherrypiediscosuperfly@ohmagicalunicornlord @hellion-child @bxnsheeslxdia @pomegranatebb @vampeddie @horsegirleddiemunson @stobinesque @sidekick-hero @medusapelagia @slipperygiraff @epiclazershark @bayouteche thank you to @nostalgicbones for beta-reading and inspiring this!
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deepsix-writing · 5 months
coming to terms with godhood.
(a jack nichols aka ‘eyeless jack’ story)
the birth of a god is a painful thing. it feels like dying, more than anything. you’d think, after people having worshipped deities for so long, they’d warn you about how excruciating it is to become one. but they don’t.
that was something jack nichols had learned through firsthand experience. recently, in fact. but the worst thing, for him, wasn’t learning to readjust; it felt like all of his senses had been fundamentally rearranged, but that wasn’t what bothered him most. what bothered him most was the trail of bodies it left in his wake.
“burn in hell. ALL of you.” he remembered the words birthing into the open air, but not saying them himself. but he did remember pulling the mask over his face, and he did remember leaving a bloody jenny to die in the forest alone. he remembered kicking away her pleading hands as they pawed at his ankle, her last chance of making contact with her reborn god. only it didn’t feel like jack’s voice, coming out of him. it came from some place far deeper than his chest, and it gushed from his lips like the tar that leaked from his eyes. when he finally scrambled back to civilization, hastily stuffing himself into the nearest gas station bathroom to avoid prying eyes, he puked his guts out. it was an ultimately futile attempt to get that noxious tar out of his body.
it was poisoning him, he was certain. it felt like it coated every inch of his insides, holding back the air in his lungs and turning the food in his stomach to bile. he didn’t want to look in the mirror. he didn’t want to see the state of himself, what those people had done to him, but he needed to know.
he wished he hadn’t looked. because when he did, he didn't recognize what he saw.
beneath the mask, crusted with black tar, festered two black pits where his eyes once were. he was mesmerized by the fact he wasn’t doubled over with the pain of it all. thinking about it, he was just as mesmerized by something else, too.
how am i able to see right now?
it was something that hadn’t even occurred to him until now.
sight of chernobog, some rogue thought interjected. then, it came back to him. that was what the cultists had said when they gouged out his eyes and replaced them with…
i should not be as calm as i am, reflecting on this.
jack never had been the emotional type, but this was really pushing it. it was like that tar that covered his insides had dampened his emotions, too.
...or maybe he was just denying himself the time to truly reflect on it. a part of him felt if he did that, he might never get back on his feet again. he’d curl up in a ball and crystalize, and years down the line he’d be nothing but dust.
jack didn’t want that. it was like the mountain climbers he’d read about in one of his medical textbooks. he just needed to learn to acclimate to the change in altitude. this could be okay.
how to acclimate, however… that was a tough one. he couldn’t do it around people though, he knew that much. he needed to be somewhere isolated, somewhere he could collect his thoughts and keep anyone else from getting—
go back to the college, his thoughts interjected again. you don’t know what its like to be truly alone. you don’t want that.
jack blinked, but shrugged it off. in the gas station bathroom’s sink he washed his hair, matted with blood, and made certain to wash off any blood that pooled on the porcelain when he was done. he took the mask, cast aside amidst his previous puking session, and slipped it back on. he slipped the hood of his jacket up over it to hide his wet hair, too, and took one final look in the mirror.
it was months from Halloween. there was no way anyone was going to look at him and think ‘yep, that’s normal’. in fact, jack was pretty sure he’d already gotten a horrified look from a lady filling up her tank before he’d darted into the bathroom.
his only hope was going to be finding somewhere secluded to figure all of this out. maybe, when all was said and done with, he could make up the assignments for the last of his classes online. he was pretty sure west point had a program for that.
his uncle had a cabin in some backwoods area nearby, he knew. jack remembered when he was a kid, him, his parents, and his cousins would all stay there during the holidays. his uncle had a different house he lived in, too, so chances were, the place was empty.
and, it was only a few dozen miles north, if he remembered correctly. he was on the track team back in high-school. it wouldn't be easy, but it would be managable.
it was the best shot he had at figuring this all out.
it would have to work.
whatever it was that had happened with the cult, whatever it was that they did to jack, it would all be a distant memory in a few years. it wouldn’t get in the way of his medical degree, and it sure as hell wouldn’t get in the way of his life.
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mouse-fantoms · 11 months
Thinkin about the boys being like “it’s Halloween, we’re ghosts we have to be spooky!” And Julie is like “…pff good luck 😂” bc I mean just look at them,
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Luke’s like “😠 no we’re ghosts we can be scary”
Reggie’s like “yeah we can be spooky!”
And Julie points out, “…none of you wanted to take care of the spider that was in the garage the other day bc it would come back as a spider ghost and haunt three.”
“In their defense, we haven’t seen a ghost spider before and didn’t want to test the theory.” Alex defends.
Bc Julie can always see them, it takes the spookiness out of everything. They can’t make anything look like it’s floating to her bc she can see that they are holding it, they can’t float or anything bc they haven’t figured out that part of being ghosts. After feeling like they’re out of spooking options they decide to resort to the classic ghost stereotype in media of using a white bed sheet.
They just wait in the garage for someone to come by and spook em but turns out it’s Julie and she once again cannot be spooked and this time she says their downfall was choosing the garage bc since she already links the garage with them she already knows there’s ghosts there so it doesn’t catch we off guard to see “ghosts” in there.
They decide to throw in the towel, they cannot spook Julie at all bc she has a good point and good reasons for not being able to be spooked.
When she leaves the garage she left the door partially open and the boys are like “huh she didn’t close the door kind of weird? Luke you go close it.” As he has his hand on the door to close it all of the sudden in the crack of the door in his vision he see a white figure with a black face who does a “BOO!” cry. Luke stumbles back and falls to the ground out of fear as shouts “AHHHH!” which match Alex and Reggie’s cries who were near the door and who saw the sudden figure appear just as Luke had. They suddenly hear laughing from behind the door.
“Good job Carlos.” They hear Julie’s voice and the white figure, who they now realize is short and has a black sharpie drawn on face opens the door to reveal her. “That was perfect.”
As Alex and Reggie help Luke up from the floor and they’re trying to process what happened they see that the white figure takes off their white sheet to reveal that they are in fact Carlos. They see Julie holding out a high five that Carlos returns with a smile on his face, proud of his part.
“You recruited your brother to scare us?” Reggie doesn’t know how to feel considering he always join in on Carlos’ “paranormal videos” and how much the two have bonded bc of them.
“You scared ghosts with a ghost?” Alex points out the irony.
“You can’t just do that!” Luke holds his heart like he’s trying to relax his breathing. “My life just flashed before my eyes.”
“Your afterlife.” Reggie corrects him with a whisper.
“That’s how you properly spook someone.” Julie smiles.
It takes them a second to collect themselves but once they do they can’t help but laugh and congratulate Julie, she got them good.
Julie explains that Carlos already had the sheet with the drawn on sharpie face ready bc for several years he got Ray multiple times with that same gag. Every Halloween seasons it’s like a tradition for him to spook Ray and even though Ray suspects it his son still gives him a fright bc he always catches him off guard. It was just her idea for him to use it to spook other people which was definitely worth it
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stayteezdreams · 11 months
Trick or Treat
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Plot: You ask Chris to help you decorate for a Halloween party and get much more than you bargained for.
Pairing: Christopher Bang Chan x Gn!Reader
Request: “Trick or treat?” “…Depends on if you’re the treat or not.” + 26: "Why is there mistletoe in the doorway?" "You told me to decorate." "Its Halloween!"
Requested by: @important-business
Warnings: Nothing except a kiss or two.
Words: 2.5k
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Staring at the various boxes in front of you, you cursed your past self for failing to label the boxes anything other than 'Decorations'. Now you were suffering from your own self-appointed karma as you waited to decorate for your Halloween party the day of.
In a panicked state, you texted Chris and asked if he could help. Luckily for you, he was free. Pushing aside a few boxes you already sifted through, you huffed as you pulled open another box to reveal Christmas garland and various other Christmas decorations.
"Dammit" You muttered, just as you heard the doorbell.
Pulling open the door, you ignored the way your heart fluttered at the sight of Chris. He had his hands behind his back and a far-too-familiar cheeky grin on his face.
"Trick or Treat?!" He said cheerfully as you stared at him.
"Depends on if you're the treat or not."
You saw surprise cross his face for a second before he grinned again, "Y/n, are you flirting with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
You repressed a laugh, "Actually I was insulting you."
His face fell. "Hey!" He barked, making you laugh before he pouted and pulled out the two drinks he had hidden behind his back.
"Ooh." You smiling gleefully as he handed you your favorite drink.
"What would the trick have been?"
"Not telling." He said defiantly and you rolled your eyes.
He halted in your living room as he looked around. "How many decorations do you have?"
You had explained when you texted him that you hadn't labeled any of the boxes in your storage. He didn't seemed fazed by the problem, but now as he looked around at the chaos, he was starting to understand your panic.
"I like to collect things." You mumbled as you sipped your drink.
Chris stared at you for a minute and felt his chest grown warm. Pushing it aside, he shook his head and chuckled.
"You need to learn how to stop buying new decorations."
You gasped. "One of the best parts of each holiday is buying new decorations!"
"Then get rid of the old ones!" He laughed and you glared, not liking any of the options he was offering.
"You said you were coming to help me not judge me."
He chuckled and rose his hands up, "Okay okay, no more judging."
He watched as you set down your drink with a smile before kneeling down to open some boxes. He caught himself staring at you a bit longer than he meant as you began to look over at him. Quickly hurrying to join you, he pushed aside his rising feelings as he decided to just enjoy this chance at being with you.
The others had offered to come help, but Chris declined their help without telling you. It had been a while since he was able to hang out with you alone, and since he had figured out he had feelings for you, it was all he wanted to do.
Your eyes lingered on Chris for a moment as he began opening a few boxes. You swore he had been staring at you. The idea made you feel butterflies, as your cheeks felt warm, but you pushed it aside.
It wasn't the first time you had noticed that you reacted this way around Chris recently. You knew deep down you were developing feelings for Chris, but you refused to acknowledged it. Because you didn't understand why.
Why now? After all these years of being friends. The fear of ruining your friendship over unrequited feelings scared you. Losing Chris that way was not worth it.
These thoughts continued to plague you as your eyes drifted to Chris repeatedly over the next two hours. Anytime he would laugh, your heart would jump. If you caught him looking at you, your neck and ears burned hot.
You let out a soft sigh as you stretched your arm out, trying to hang some orange and black garland. Your arm wasn't long enough to hold one end and hang the other. You were about to give up, when you suddenly felt Chris brush up behind you.
"Here, let me help." His voice was soft as his breath tickled your neck.
His chest pressed lightly against your back as he took the garland from your hand, his fingers brushing over yours. You stared at him in silent shock as he hung the garland where you had been trying too before he looked back over at you. He had a soft smile on his lips, but it faltered when his eyes caught yours.
You felt tension rising between you as you stared silently at each other. Just as you thought you saw his eyes flicking down to your lips, you stepped away.
"Thanks" You smiled, brushing off the interaction.
Chris watched as you shuffled over to the rest of the garland before draping it around the room. His heart was hammering in his chest as he thought back on what just happened.
He swore there was something in your eyes reflecting what he was feeling. The way electricity sparked through him as your eyes locked. But you pulled away. So was he wrong, did you actually feel nothing?
After another half hour of decorating, as Halloween music continued playing in the background, you sighed as you looked around.
Chris walked in beside you. "Looks pretty good huh?"
He nodded his head, "Very nice!"
You smiled over at him and felt your chest tighten as he smiled at you almost mischievously.
"What?" You asked as you saw something gleaming in his eyes.
"You should check the kitchen out, I think I did a pretty good job."
"Oh yeah?"
He nodded as he tilted his head towards you and you chuckled. "I'll be the judge of that."
You marched towards the kitchen as Chris followed with a grin, though his heart was beating a bit faster than before.
You eyed the various decorations littering the room. Choosing to ignore the precarious positions he placed the member skzoo dolls in. Though you failed to not laugh as you noticed Seungmin's doll hanging from the cupboard by a spider web.
Finally, your eyes landed on the decoration Chris was most proud of.
You stared at it for a moment before speaking. Your tone low, "Why is there mistletoe in the doorway?"
Chris bounced on his feet innocently. "You told me to decorate."
You could barely repressed the amusement in your voice, "It's Halloween!"
"Come on its funny!" He said with a grin and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You eyed it for another moment, trying to ignore the uneven beating pattern of your heart.
"It is kind of funny." You mumbled in admission.
"Ha, I knew it!" He laughed.
You shook your head as you grinned over at him. "I need to take out the food, people should start arriving soon."
Chris nodded as he followed to help you out. "The boys texted saying they were on their way."
His eyes glanced over at the mistletoe as he smiled, before eyeing you subtly.
You let out a proud sigh as you looked over the kitchen at all of the food one more time before peaking into the living room.
"Okay, that should be everything." You said mostly to yourself but Chris approached you with a soft nod.
You smiled at him and noticed the way he was repressing a smile. He continued to approach, before stopping directly in front of you.
You blinked a few times, "What?" Your voice came out as a soft, almost shy whisper and Chris couldn't help himself.
Suddenly leaning down, he pressed a kiss to your lips, catching you by surprise as you let out a soft gasp.
When your eyes met again when he pulled away from you, you stared at him in confusion as your heart raced. He motioned his head upwards and you glanced up, eyes finding the mistletoe hanging above your head.
You met his eyes again and he smiled, just as the doorbell rang.
He glanced past you before meeting your eyes again. "I'll get it"
You remained still in your spot for a moment as you felt too stunned to react. Hearing Han's voice loudly fill your house you tried to shake yourself out of the trance you seemed to be placed under.
It was just a joke kiss because of the mistletoe. That was what you would continue to tell yourself. That was all it was.
No matter how many times you tried to distract yourself you often found yourself thinking back on the kiss with Chris.
Due to your racing thoughts, you found yourself avoiding him during the party. But even as you did, you found yourself watching him from across the room many times throughout the night.
Why did he do it? He didn't know about your growing feelings for him, or how confused you were. So it wasn't right to blame him for making you even more confused. But you could't help the mixed emotions that coursed through you.
When the last few people shuffled out of your house and into their Ubers a few hours later, you began to assess the damage left behind. Most people were courteous enough to clean up after themselves, but as the night went on and the more drunk people got, the less they did. So food and trash still littered your house.
Cleaning will help distract me before I head to bed.
Walking over to the kitchen, you rounded the corner and jumped with a gasp as you nearly ran into someone.
Chris chuckled out an apology as you let out a deep breath, "I didn't know you were still here."
"I was gonna help you clean." He smiled down at you.
You felt your chest tighten as you heart beat heavily in your chest. It wasn't butterflies and shyness now, but instead, affliction and confusion.
"That's okay! You helped decorate, you really don't need to stay." You walked past him and he watched you with a concerned stare.
Oh God, what did I do.
His chest tightened as he felt guilt wash over him. He couldn't resist kissing you earlier, and he felt so happy that he did it. But seeing you now, and seeing how you avoided him during the party made his heart hurt. Did he make you uncomfortable? Did he overstep? Had he really convinced himself that you felt something you didn't?
"Y/n." His voice came out soft, but serious.
You paused as you placed some glasses in the sink, you were facing away from him.
"Yeah?" You asked nonchalantly, hoping the conversation would end quickly.
"I'm sorry about earlier." He slowly walked up to you. "I can see it made you uncomfortable, I really didn't mean for that to happen."
You let out a breath as your chest tightened again. You let out a soft laugh, "It's okay Chris, it didn't make me uncomfortable, it just... surprised me is all."
Chris gently grabbed your shoulders, making you turn to face him. As you shyly avoided his gaze, he latched onto the hope still lingering in his mind.
"Surprised in a bad way?"
You met his eyes and furrowed your brow. "Uhm...I don't know?"
In all honestly you didn't know. Previously, if the idea of kissing Chris came to mind, you pushed it away with confusion. When he did kiss you, your heart leapt and you didn't know how to react. After he kissed you, you realized it was something you wanted. But the idea that he only did it as a joke hurt you.
"Y/n. I was selfish."
When he knew he had your attention, he continued, his heart beating so hard it almost hurt. He kept his hand on your arms as he gently rubbed circles into your skin with his thumb. To comfort you or himself, he wasn't sure.
"I hung the mistletoe in the kitchen because I wanted an excuse to kiss you. But I was too selfish to think about how it might make you feel. I was so focused on my feelings and how they've changed that I didn't think that you wouldn't feel them at all. I'm sorry."
You stared at him in shock as you processed his words. He watched you patiently as you slowly found your words.
"I thought... you just did it as a joke."
He shook his head softly as pain and guilt coursed through him.
"That's why... I was kind of hurt by it. Honestly Chris, my feelings for you have changed too. But I was afraid."
"Afraid of what?" His voice was soft patient, not showing the excitement growing in his chest.
"Of how our friendship might change. I was too afraid that I would lose you, so I repressed how I was feeling. That's why I'm afraid. If it doesn't work out... I don't want to lose you, I can't.
He shook his head and pulled you into a hug and held you close.
"You could never lose me, no matter what. I think it's only natural our feelings changed. We've been so close for so long, it just feels...right."
He pulled away and looked into your eyes, gently caressed your cheek.
"But if you aren't sure yet, if you're still too scared. I'll wait. I'll wait forever if I need too. If you decide you just want to stay friends, I will never leave you. I will still be your best-friend Chris. And if... if you decide to embrace these feelings, I'll be right here, ready and willing to be boyfriend Chris."
You couldn't help but giggle, and he grinned at you. You nodded softly as you thought over his words.
"I wont make you wait for long, I promise."
He nodded as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I'll be here."
Chris helped you clean up the house in silence. The tension between you wasn't uncomfortable, but your conversation hung in the air.
With the house finally clean, you walked Chris to the door. He looked back at you with a smile and your heart fluttered.
"I don't want you to wait."
He rose his brow and you could tell he was nervous at your sudden confession.
"Does that mean..."
You nervously looked down at your feet as you spoke. "I know what I feel. And I know it wont change, no matter how long I wait. So... if you really are ready to be boyfriend Chris..."
Bringing your eyes back up, your heart jolted at the wide grin on his face. You couldn't help but smile.
He stepped towards you and cupped your cheek. "I am ready."
You let out a soft giggle. "I am too."
He leaned closer, his nose brushing yours. "Can I kiss you?"
"Oh, asking this time huh?"
He chuckled and shook his head sheepishly and you giggled.
"Yes Chris, you can kiss me."
With a grin, he closed the distance and kissed you softly and slowly. This time you could feel all the pent up emotions between the two of you coming to the surface.
You were glad you didn't wait. You knew this was right, just like Chris had said. And you couldn't be any happier.
xx End xx
Not really Halloween focused, buuut, I hope you liked it lol
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669
SKZ Taglist: @laylasbunbunny, @skz1-4-3, @prettymiye0n, @thunderous-wolf
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msschemmenti · 2 years
A Kiss to Make it Better
Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Prompt: Reader is the school nurse and Melissa has a student who needs some stitching up after a scissors mishap. 
Warnings: mentions of blood and slight medical stuff
a/n: i havent written in so long so i’m trying to get back into it. I think i may have aged myself with the handy manny reference…but oh well. This is my first time writing for melissa schemmenti and this is not proofread :)
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“Ashley, can you collect the scissors from everyone. Lunch is starting soon.” Melissa called over her shoulder as she wiped the board clean of the clocks she’d be using to teach her students. 
“Sure thing boss. I’m ready to get my eat on.” Ashley chirped as she finished fluffing her hair in the reflection of her phone. The women had been working together for a couple of months now and Melissa was really trying to accept the help the best way she knew how. Ashley was not her ideal candidate for an aide, but she’d straightened up a bit since Halloween and Melissa recognized that. But that didn’t mean she was any happier about her being there. 
Once Melissa finished cleaning her own area of the classroom she turned to her students readying to rally them into a line for the journey to the lunchroom. She had some leftover ziti waiting for her and she was ready for the break from not only her students but her aide as well. Since Halloween, Ashley had been banished to cafeteria duty, so Melissa always took advantage the time. “Alright kiddos, let’s line up. It’s lunch time.” The room filled with cheers and the scrape of chairs as the students shoved their chairs back under the desks as they’d been taught to do. Melissa did another once-over the room before nodding and heading to the door with the students following behind her. Ashley was playing caboose and was following dutifully behind all the children. They were mere feet from the turn into the cafeteria when Melissa heard it. 
“Miss Schemmenti, DeVon is bleeding!” The small voice called through the hall causing the redhead to come to a halt. 
“What?” She asked turning on the line and making her way down the line eyeing each of the children searching for the injured kid. It was toward the back of the line that she saw the student in question cradling his hand in his pocket in an attempt to hide the injury. “DeVon, what happen? Where are you bleeding?” 
DeVon, knowing he’d get in trouble opted to remain quiet and just pulled his hand from his pocket for the teacher to examine. As he did so a pair of scissors clattered to the floor causing all the other students to murmur and whisper. Melissa sighed heavily as her eyes fell to Ashley with a frown. 
“He said he wasn’t done yet…” She started causing Melissa to groan at the girl’s behavior. 
“Ashley take the rest of the class to lunch. DeVon and I are gonna go see the nurse.” Melissa ordered placing her hands on the younger boys shoulders and grabbing the scissors from the floor before turning to head for the nurse’s office. 
Now the consistent nurse was a new thing for Abbott, after Janine’s whole ‘handy-manny’ incident with the lights. They’d had rotating nurses up until then and Ava was forced to get a full-time nurse to be at the school at all times. It took them a while but they finally got one to stay, Miss Y/n. She started after the New Year and when it came time to renew her contract for the new school year, she was more than ready to sign onto the Abbott team. Melissa hadn’t had very many run-ins with her thus far, aside from their initial meeting in the break room one day toward the end of last year. And even that encounter was brief. But she’d heard only good things about the young woman and it seemed like now would be their first official encounter. 
Melissa and DeVon reached the door to the nurse’s office and the redhead knocked against the wood apprehensively. DeVon’s hand seemed to stop bleeding but she wanted to make sure it was cleaned and bandaged as soon as possible but she wasn’t completely sure that was the reason for her unease. Before Melissa could even question her nerves, there was shuffling on the other side of the door and a voice calling out to them, “Come on in, it’s open.”
Melissa pushed the door open leading DeVon into the small office and her eyes settled on a woman clad is the brightest pink scrubs she’d ever seen. The scrubs were as close to a highlighter as she’d seen, but that wasn’t what caught her attention. As bright as her clothes were, nothing seemed to be competing with the smile the woman was casting toward the two intruders. “Well hello there! What have we got here?” She grinned rolling over to the little boy with a smile before turning her gaze to his teacher. 
Melissa cleared her throat attempting to compose herself before speaking, “A bit of a scissor mishap.” Melissa said simple, mentally patting herself on the back for not stumbling through her words with the woman’s eyes on her. 
“Awe man, well how about we get that all cleaned up so you can head to lunch?” 
DeVon nodded and allowed the woman to lead him over to the bed against the wall. Melissa, leaned against the door and watched as she grabbed all the materials she’d need to handle the cleaning. The nurse worked quietly distracting DeVon from the pain and even let him pick out a bandaid when she’d finished the hard part. And as if the scene couldn’t get any cuter, she heard the woman ask a question only someone who really understood kids would as.
“Are you too cool for a kiss to make it better? It’s my secret weapon, guaranteed to make any injury heal faster.” 
When DeVon held his hand back out eagerly, Melissa couldn’t help the grin on her face as the younger woman placed an dramatized kiss against the small hand. “And you are all done.” She finished before turning her attention back to the woman against the wall. 
“Thank you,” Melissa said as DeVon hurried back to her side, practically buzzing to return to his classmates. 
“My pleasure Miss Schemmenti.” Melissa felt the heat rise in her ears at the nurse’s words. “Listen I know you’re both hungry, so go ahead and take your lunch. If you can come see me before you leave that would be amazing, just so I can log the incident,” 
“Of course, sounds good. C’mon DeVon, tell Miss Y/n, thank you.” Melissa prompted and the boy followed before they headed toward the door. Melissa gazing over her shoulder as they left. 
“Last nurse we had just wasn’t a great fit. Didn’t really care about the kids, kinda mean. We’re lucky to have Miss Y/n.” Melissa shrugged into the camera before heading back to her classroom.
“Oh I love Abbott! I moved to Philly at the start of the year and did some floating between hospitals while I waited for a position to open up in a school. I interviewed at a few places, but I guess I liked Abbott the most. There’s never a boring day in these halls.” Y/n smiled toward the camera. 
“There you are Melissa, what’s this I hear about your student stabbing himself with scissors? You know we don’t have any money for a lawsuit.” Ava said as soon as Melissa entered the teacher’s lounge. 
“He didn’t stab himself, and even if he did you’re asking the wrong person. Ashley was supposed to collect all the scissors before lunch.” Melissa groaned finally falling into her seat to enjoy her lunch. 
“She’s pretty expendable at this point. If anyone asks, she stabbed him.” Ava whispered before eyeing the camera suspiciously.
“Did you get everything taken care?” Barbara asked after watching watched her friend tuck into her pasta. 
“Oh yeah, we stopped by the nurse’s office and she got it all fixed up. I gotta stop back by there for the incident report or whatever before I leave, but she took care of it.” 
“Oh just adore her, I had a kindergartener have an accident last week and she was so embarrased but Y/n’s started keeping extra uniforms in her office so she got her changed and back to class before we even started the next lesson.” Barbara gushed with a smile.
“Oh yeah, I love Y/n. I got a pretty gnarly paper cut yesterday. Gushing blood everywhere, but she came to my classroom to patch me up and she even has those cute skintone bandaids. So inclusive.” Jacob added, walking to the fridge, catching Barbara’s praise and hopping on the train.
“I didn’t realize she was so popular around here. This was the first time I’ve really seen her since she started.” Melissa said eyeing the teachers in the lounge. 
“That’s because you have a tendency to steer clear of new faces.” Barbara reminded the red head. 
“Yeah, do you remember how long it took you to warm up to me?” Janine asked leaning over the table she was sat at with a teasing smile. Melissa, with her back to Janine eyed Barbara and the camera briefly before nodding her head to appease the younger teacher. 
“Anyways, I guess you’re right.” Melissa shrugged, “Plus I haven’t really had a reason to talk to her besides today.” 
“I think you’d like her.” Barb said stabbing at a stubborn piece of lettuce. 
“And why’s that?” 
Barbara simply shrugged her shoulders and settled the redhead with one of her ‘all-knowing’ looks, “I just have a feeling.”
Melissa gazed at Barbara, attempting to understand what she was suggesting, “Mmhm okay.”
“Knock, knock.” Melissa said as she crossed the threshold to the nurse’s office for the second time that day. 
“Hi! Thank you so much for coming back, I really appreciate it. Was DeVon okay for the rest of the day?” Y/n asked as she motioned for the woman to have a seat on the chair in front of her desk.
“Oh yeah, tough kid. Didn’t even cry.” 
“Awesome. I really just need you to sign off on the incident report and we can both head home for the day.” Y/n smiled grabbing a pen from a mug full of sparkly pens. 
“Sounds good, hon. Where do ya need it?” Melissa asked reaching for the pen and report across the desk. 
“Bottom left.” 
As the woman passed the items over to Melissa their hands seemed to brush against each oher’s unconsciously. The new contact startled Melissa and in her haste to pull her hand away the pen clattered to the floor rolling to a halt near the foot of the desk. 
“Whoops.” Y/n said as she peaked over the desk. 
“No worries.” Melissa muttered out as she bent over her knees to pick the pen up. 
“Oh be careful on your way up, there a bit of an uneven cor-” Y/n started but stopped as she heard the swear fall from the redhead’s mouth as she rose to sitting again. “-ner. Are you okay?” She said quickly rolling around the desk to examine the woman’s injury. 
“Oh, I’m fine. No need to fuss. It was just a lil bump on the head, I’ve taken worse than that from family.” Melissa said frowning as the nurse seemed to ignore her and continued fussing around her head. 
“That doesn’t mean you don’t have a concussion. Let me see.” Y/n said sliding her chair between Melissa and the desk. She pulled the pen from Melissa’s hands and waved in her face a bit, “Follow the pen with your eyes.” After Melissa rolled her eyes, she followed the pen as she was asked. “Any pain, nausea, dizziness?”
“No, none of that. I’m fine Y/n, I promise.” Melissa said fixing the younger nurse with a pointed look, practically daring her to ask another question. 
“Fine, I’ll stop. I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong.” Y/n sheepishly said handing the pen back to Melissa to sign off on the report. “Wouldn’t want to have to do another incident report.” 
Melissa shook her head softly before handing the paper back, “That’s for sure. Anything else?” 
Y/n gazed at Melissa tentatively before leaning in to lay a light kiss to her head, “A kiss to make it better.” 
Melissa’s cheeks heated instantly and ducked her head to hide it from the young nurse. She didn’t move to stand until Y/n did and she grabbed her purse and jacket quickly, trying her hardest to pull herself together. By the time she’d found all of her things, she felt ready enough to meet Y/n’s eyes again and when she did, her eyes were already on her. Her cheeks heated again, this time less aggressively. “Thanks, Y/n. Have a good night.” 
“You too Melissa. Come back to see me, if you suddenly forget the name of one of your guys or something.” Y/n smirked with a wave sending the older teacher out of the school fighting a goofy grin and laugh.
“She’s nice.” Melissa spoke to the camera before she turned and headed for the parking lot.
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scotts-takes · 9 months
"Black Out See Saw" is the Climax Alkaloid Deserved
Top Songs from Enstars 2023 Number 1
I was blown away when the album art for Alkaloid was released a few months ago...
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This art is such a sharp contrast from their first album art, that shows how they have grown. The basic military style unit outfits have been replaced with regal commander-style ones. The basic emotions that are shown in the original are now much more refined- in particular, Aira has evolved from someone simply happy to be on a stage to someone who is confident in his place on it, Mayoi is putting himself more in center, and Hiiro's confident smirk has become more stoic, as he now has the experience to go with his skills.
All of this went away, however, when we actually got the Alkaloid Climax song...
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Sigh...it was the seasonal Halloween event for the year. Yes, the idea of incorporating hospital/illness and Tatsumi's relationship with it is an interesting story to tell...but Alkaloid deserved so much more, especially as the "Protagonists" for the !! era of Enstars. I was frustrated that the end of this era of Enstars for Alkaloid was wasted on a seasonal event, but was at least able to take solice in that Alkaloid gets 200 chapters of the main story dedicated to them, and we still had solo songs for each character to come from the album. December rolls around, and the album releases. After jumping through hoops to buy it, I throw my headphones on to give the album a listen. The first track, "DiZZineSS" is a weird 30 second preamble with no singing, not something I was expecting. However, it rolls directly into the first new song on the album
Black Out Sea Saw is a violent wall of sound, unlike anything else that has been done for Enstars before, and I can understand fans not liking it. The reason it sounds so different is because it was produced by TK of Ling Tosite Sigure, a 20+ year going Prog Rock group. I listened to the song 3 times before moving on, and waited for the MV release to come, as is usual with the "B" side track from Albums. And what we got was one of the most well constructed videos for Alkaloid fans, and the climax that I was looking for that wasn't provided by the Halloween song.
The video opens...strangly, especially if you haven't heard the song before. The opening is intentionally choppy and rough, almost like it was an unfinished song that still needed production. There is a weird reverb effect happening- which you can especially hear when Mayoi hits the high note, that led to a friend saying "it sounds like they recorded this in a bathroom or something". The other thing that really jumps out is how robotic and synchronized the movements of all 4 members are. This is a BIG deal. In just about every Alkaloid video, you can find little inconsistencies at various points- Aira is sometimes a bit slow to do something, Hiiro is sometimes a bit too fast, Tatsumi's movements are less athletic, etc. The robotic movements are all in perfect unison, especially at points where characters do things together, like make hand bridges. It's a sign of Alkaloid's growth as a unit- they started as a collection of rejects, and now they haver come together and become a great unit together.
As we go to the first chorus, the intensity of the song ramps up- it becomes FAST, yet every member is in perfect harmony. The dancing becomes more intense- and everyone stays perfect. And then we get to the final line "It's Error-Error", and things start to change- we start to see more finger movement, the motions become more flowing and less robotic (the robots are malfunctioning! error! error!), and more personality is shown by each member.
We then get a wonderful effect of feathers raining from the sky, before, and then we get to see everyone smile, including Hiiro with this soft and expressive look. (that I wish I was able to time slightly better when I took my screenshot!)
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Why is this important? Lets take a look at the first Introduction of Hiiro, in his first close-up in Kiss of Life
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It's a look of focus, of determination, and NOT one of joy. Hiiro NEVER smiles at any point in Kiss of Life except during the SPP- he maintains a focused look the entire time. Additionally, you can look at just about any Alkaloid video, and Hiiro rarely smiles- if anything, he just physically assaults the camera in every one of them! The final chapter of the main story is titled "Smile", which is a discussion between Hiiro and Rinne on what it means to be an idol, and Rinne telling Hiiro "Whenever I see you smile, it makes me smile too", with Hiiro responding that he will do whatever it takes to make people smile
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Hiiro wasn't able to smile in Kiss of Life, as his focus was on putting smiles on the faces of others. It's weird, because when he isn't preforming, a smile is basically plastered on his face permanently. He has a very loud and infectious laugh, and he's just happy to be doing anything at any time. On stage, for him, its different. And Black Out Sea Saw is the first time that Hiiro is able to not just smile, but show kindness in it, as opposed to simple joy or excitement. It's a MASSIVE step forward for him- the kind of thing that, you know, you might build a Climax story around?
And then, we come to the end, where the intensity of the song does not let up, before it all crashes to an end as the lights go dark and Alkaloid go still
To me, this is the Alkaloid Climax, the song that I will remember. They have gone from a group thrown together to a cohesive unit with a sound unlike anyone else in the franchise, and all of whom have had character growth. It's the one that they deserve going into the new era that is upcoming, and even has a level of finality to it, seeing as how it was released right at the end of the year.
Alkaloid deserved better than Undying Holy Love, and boy, did they get it...
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aroace-mabel-pines · 6 days
older dipper & mabel hcs
mabel collects squishmallows, webkinz, and barbies (primarily 80s and 2000s ones, her faves are the barbie rewind dolls)
her laptop and water bottle are decked out with stickers from redbubble, she also sells stickers of her own both online and locally
both she and dipper shop secondhand a fair bit and are adamant about keeping/preserving physical media
mabel's clothes are all either handmade or thrifted
they're neighbors and they frequent karaoke bars together, and go over to each other's places to play video games fairly often
they were roommates during university, "we've lived together all our lives so might as well continue that instead of living with strangers"
mabel still loves 80s pop music, she also got into synthwave partway thru university (she was an art student and graduated with a bfa, majored in fibre arts tho she loved and still loves dabbling in various different mediums)
she also loves dance pop in general, esp 2000s and early 2010s stuff (she's also a future funk girlie)
dipper's a bit less embarassed about the music he likes, though overall he's still more reserved than his sister (he loves lofi/chillhop music cus it helps him relax/calm down)
wendy's hat is a comfort item for him, tho he doesn't wear it every day
mabel's more mellow than she was during her tween & teen years, but she's still the more outgoing one between her and dipper
mabel realized she's aroace partway thru highschool and still proudly identifies as such into her adult years (ofc dipper's the first person she came out to)
dipper is a pan trans man
after getting her braces off, mabel has to wear a retainer every night to bed (she picked out a rainbow pattern for it)
not long after mabel got her braces off, dipper needed braces (much to his chagrin and her amusement); after he got them off, he picked out a glow-in-the-dark retainer
they both visit gravity falls whenever they're able (usually a summer trip) and they keep in touch with the people they bonded with the most, esp wendy, soos, pacifica, candy & grenda, and their grunkles
"we literally survived an apocalypse and almost dying, we had barely any trouble navigating our teen years and our adult lives so far"
dipper got into writing and likes writing mystery novels and stuff about urban legends; in his spare time he makes video essays about his various interests
they still wear matching costumes every halloween, sometimes opting for pop culture relevant stuff
i really like the hc i saw elsewhere on tumblr where they get matching tattoos of their cipher wheel symbols (shooting star and pine tree); mabel also gets a tattoo in honor of waddles
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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21 - Deep in my Heart, There’s a Trembling Question
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr / lazyjunebug on twitter
cw: bullying, name calling, misgendering/incorrect use of pronouns
Year: 1995
“Papa, daddy, can I help you garden?” Bobby asked.
“Of course, sweetie, why don’t you help me pick some weeds,” Eddie said.
He explained to her what the weeds looked like and how to properly pull them up from the ground. He sent her over to the edge of the fence to pick up some where there were no flowers, so she wouldn’t accidentally pull up any of Steve’s perennials. 
Steve went back to watering the lawn as Eddie laid some mulch near the deck. Bobby was singing and humming to herself as she pulled up the weeds and its surrounding grass. As she worked her way down the fence, the neighbor’s kids, and their friends, stormed into the backyard. Bobby politely waved hello before returning to the yard work.
As she continued plucking up blades of grass, she heard the kids taunting her. She pouted and tried ignoring them the best she could, but their torments only got louder and louder as they approached the fence.
“What’re you doing?” The neighbor boy asked.
“Gardening,” Bobby smiled.
“No, you’re just pulling grass.”
“No, my daddy and papa said I’m pulling weeds.”
“Dad and papa? You mean dad and mama?”
“No… daddy and papa…” She pointed to her fathers by the deck.
“Where’s your mom?”
“Mom? I don’t have a mom.”
“Everyone has a mom.”
“I don’t…”
“Freak!” One laughed.
“I’m not a freak,” she teared up.
“Cry baby!” Another taunted.
“Go cry to your mommy, weirdo!”
“I don’t have a mommy,” Bobby sniffed. “I have a daddy and a papa…”
“So you have two homos as parents,” one laughed. “Go cry to your homos.”
Not knowing what the boy’s words meant, Bobby wiped her runny nose on her mustard yellow sweater, and ran over to Eddie. She tapped him on the shoulder to pull his attention away from the flower beds.
“Hey, bug, what’s up? You all done with the weeds?”
“Papa,” she sniffed.
“Oh, my goodness, you’re crying.” He brushed the excess dirt off his hands before pulling Bobby into a tight hug. “What’s wrong? What happened? You bump your knee again?”
“No…” She wiped a tear off her cheek as Eddie pinched her nose go collect all the excess snot (wiping it into the lawn).
“Then what happened?” He looked at his sad daughter, pushing her hair behind her ears as she cried.
“Mrs. Smith’s son–”
“Mhmm, Eric was calling me names and told me to go cry to my mommy, but I told him I didn’t have a mommy, then he called you and daddy something, and he said I wasn’t doing the weeds right, and–” She ran on in one breath.
“Whoa, Bobbs, slow down,” Eddie said. “First of all, you don’t need a mommy, okay? You have two loving daddies and that’s what matters, okay? Second, ignore them when they call daddy and I names, okay? It’s not important and it doesn’t hurt us, so it shouldn’t hurt you. They’re just being mean.”
“Yeah, but–”
“Papa!” she interrupted. “They called you names!”
“Alright, I tried being nice about this. You want revenge? Full blown horror movie style?” She eagerly nodded. “Let’s go. Don’t tell dad.”
The two snuck into the house as Steve continued to work his way throughout the lawn. Eddie dug through their stowed away Halloween decorations for something to scare the neighborhood kids.
“Clean your face off, bug,” Eddie muttered as he grabbed a damp washcloth. He properly cleaned her face before sliding on a Jason Voorhies mask. “Give ‘em hell, kiddo.”
Eddie made his way to the backyard and watched Bobby chase after Eric and his friends. Steve’s attention was finally torn from the yard work when he heard all the children screaming. He saw his little one chasing several boys with a fake machete and a serial killer mask.
“Edward!” Steve yelled as he stormed the deck.
“Yes, Steven?”
“Are you responsible for that?”
“Christ,” he sighed.
“I’m not stopping it.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
They two let Bobby run around a bit longer before Mrs. Smith scolded Eddie and Steve for letting their child do such a thing. The two snickered to each other before calling Bobby back over to the yard.
“Are you two really laughing? She traumatized my son!” Mrs. Smith yelled.
“Oh, shut it, your son started it,” Eddie scoffed. “Next time, raise your son to not call our daughter names. Alright?”
“Eric, is that true? Were you calling Bobby names?”
“No,” he lied.
“My daughter is a tough girl who doesn’t cry at much. Whatever your son said really upset her,” Eddie said.
“And you called my daddies names!” Bobby added.
“And you called us names,” Eddie reiterated.
“Eric, in the house, now!” Her son cowered before dragging his feet inside. “Sorry for disturbing you all. Just, next time, Bobby, please don’t charge my son with a fake knife, okay?” She nodded in response. “Thank you, dear.”
A couple weeks went by and Eric hadn’t bothered Bobby since—or so the boys had thought. One afternoon, as the two were getting ready to head out and pick her up from school, the home phone rang. Eddie, being in the middle of writing a song, didn’t even hear it, so Steve wandered off to the kitchen to answer it.
“Hello?” Steve answered.
“Hi, may I speak with either Steve or Eddie Harrington?”
“This is Steve, how can I help you?”
“I’m principal Gibbons, I’m calling to inform you of an incident that occurred earlier today.”
“An incident? Is Bobby okay?”
“Yes, Bobby is fine, Mr. Harrington. It’s just…” Principal Gibbons sighed. “Bobby has been displaying some violent behaviors lately.”
“I’m sorry, what? That doesn’t sound like my little girl.” Steve shook his head in disbelief.
“Mr. Harrington–”
“Please, call me Steve—Mr. Harrington is my father, and I’m trying very hard to be nothing like him.”
“Apologies, Steve. Anyways, she got into a fight earlier today.”
“She what‽” he yelled.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie called.
“Bobby just got in a fight at school.”
“Did she win?”
“Did she win? It’s a simple question, Steve.”
“I’m not asking if she won! Christ, forgive my spouse.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’ll be right down.” Steve hung up the phone and threw his jacket on. “Ed, come on.”
“We’re going now?”
“Yes, Edward, we are. Our daughter got into a fight, lord knows if she’s hurt! We need to go, now!”
Steve dragged Eddie to the car and sped off to Bobby’s school. They swung into the parking lot and ran in to meet with the principal. They found Bobby sitting outside the office, glancing at the floor, kicking her feet back and forth.
“Bobbs, what happened?” Steve asked, kneeling to meet her gaze.
“Did you win?” Eddie asked.
“Not the time!” Steve grit his teeth. “Bobby, I thought we raised you better than this. What happened?”
“Eric…” she whimpered. “He called me names again, then called you guys names, and then he said that papa is actually my mommy and I got mad and hit him…” She rushed out in a single breath, as she often did when she was anxious. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
Steve sighed in defeat as he pulled his daughter in for a hug. He gently rubbed her back as he heard Bobby holding in tears, sniffing back her emotions.
“You can cry, Bobbs, it’s okay,” Steve whispered. “Are you okay?”
“He didn’t hit you back or pull your hair or anything, right?”
“No, daddy.”
“So you won!” Eddie threw his arms up in celebration.
“Yeah,” She giggled, wiping her eyes.
“We’ll talk to Mrs. Smith—Eric can’t keep doing this to you.”
“Harringtons,” Principal Gibbons called.
“Come on.”
Steve extended his hand to Bobby as the family walked into the office. Everyone got settled in the office as the principal prepped the paperwork.
“So, Mrs. Smith is threatening to press charges.”
“Whoa, what? No, absolutely not. Eric was the instigator here. Bobby was only standing up for herself and her family.”
“That’s not what Mrs. Smith and her son said.”
“I trust my daughter first and foremost. It wouldn’t be the first time Eric has started something like this, either. The Smith’s are our neighbors and Eric has a history of taunting Bobby. I can’t say I blame her for finally snapping.”
“Okay, Bobby, what did Eric say that started the fight?”
“He called me a ‘freak of nature’, said I have ‘homos for parents’, and that my papa is actually my mommy…”
“Eddie, Steve… we brought this concern up to you two when you were enrolling her.”
“But why should our lives have to impact hers? Yes, I’m a trans man and yeah, we’re two guys that are married, but that shouldn’t affect Bobby’s life. Especially her education. This is supposed to be a place of acceptance and learning, but instead you’re turning it into a place where people can openly bully her and then have her get punished for sticking up for herself. It’s not fair, Gibbons,” Eddie sneered. “People can call my husband and I all the names they want, but the second they bring Bobby into it, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”
“Mrs. Harrington–”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Eddie, please,” Steve urged.
“Stay out of this, Steve. Gibbons, we love our daughter and we value her safety and well being more than anything in the world. Her mental health falls into that, understand? She is a good, sweet kid who doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. I will be damned if she stays at a school where the staff openly allow her to be bullied, and one where I’m openly misgendered.”
“Eddie, it was an honest mistake,” Gibbons backtracked.
“Save it, alright? Let’s go.”
Eddie swung Bobby’s backpack over his shoulder and led her out of the room. By the time he was out the front door, Steve stood up and leaned over Principal Gibbon’s desk.
“With all due respect, Miranda, you don’t get to treat my family like this. Understand? Bobby is the sweetest child I have ever met—Eddie and I work hard to be sure of it. She would never hurt someone else without good reason. Hell, this is the first time she’s ever hurt anyone at all. She’s just a little girl who loves her family, especially her papa. She would follow him to the ends of the earth, and I couldn’t be more proud. I love my family and I’m proud of who we all are. How dare you think you can treat us like this.” Steve straightened himself out before heading to the door. “Bobby will be withdrawn as soon as we find a replacement school. One that accepts us, Gibbons. And if you even think about disciplining my daughter and not Carol’s hellion, then you’re going to have a much bigger problem on your hands. Understood?” She nodded and gulped back any response. “Good.”
Steve slammed the door and joined his family at their car. He ran his hand up and down Eddie’s back as he buckled Bobby into her car seat. He leaned over, resting his head on Eddie’s shoulder.
“We’re proud of you, bug,” he smiled.
“Yeah, really proud,” Eddie added. “What you did was super brave. I know I couldn’t’ve done what you did. Hell, I couldn’t even tell people I was a man until I was nineteen.”
“Wait, what?” Bobby asked.
“What’s up?” Eddie straightened out her jacket and rested against the door.
“You had to tell people you were a man? Do I have to tell people I’m a girl?”
“What do you mean, honey?”
“Do we have to tell people what we are?”
“Oh… I think I know what she’s getting at,” Steve said. “Bug… okay, I’ll… we’ll… let’s talk when we get home.”
Steve rushed the family home and ushered Bobby into the living room, where he sat her between himself and Eddie.
“So, bug,” Steve started. “Papa is your papa, but, at one point in his life, he wasn’t.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Bobby, I wasn’t always a papa,” Eddie said. He looked to Steve and took a deep sigh. “I used to, technically, be a mommy.”
“How? You’re a boy.”
“You’re right, I am, but I was born a girl, and legally, I still technically am—it’s how daddy and I were able to get married. My name wasn’t always Eddie, sweetheart. I was born as Eden… not Eddie.”
“So, does that mean I’ll become a boy too?”
“Not necessarily,” Eddie chuckled. “I was always a boy, but I was stuck in a girl’s body. Now, through the help of some very nice doctors, and daddy’s support, I’m a boy in a boy’s body.”
“Oh… okay.”
“I’m still papa, and I always will be, but the whole reason you got here was because I was born as a mommy. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, papa, I do.”
“Okay… just know, there’s nothing wrong with who I am, and there’s nothing wrong with daddy and I loving each other. We’re all born as who we are and we can’t change that.”
“And at the end of the day,” Steve added, “we will always love each other, and we’ll always love you. Okay? We’re a little different than most families, but we’re happy and love one another… and that’s all that matters.”
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alltoolewis · 2 years
You Bring Me Home- Mason Mount 🍂
I'm backkkkk!!! So happy to be writing again and even more so for one of my favourite people in the world! This is a part of my Halloween/autumn prompt list (that I am slowly getting through) It's not my best, but I still hope you all enjoy it 🧡
Prompts- "mhmm your so warm" "Here take my sweater", thunderstorms & shared blankets (From this list!)
Words- 4.7k
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Summary- When you have to work during the worst storm of the year, your car decides to break down leaving you stranded at your work's carpark... resulting in you needing your knight in shining armour to come and collect you!!!
“Mase...” You groaned, feeling his arms tug you back in bed as you tried to sneak away “Baby, I’ve got to go... I can’t be late for work again...” A chuckle left your boyfriend’s lips as he listened to your frustrated words, knowing full well that he was the reason for your recent poor punctuality at work. You never use to be late... You were always the first person in the office and the last one to go! But that was before you moved in with Mason! The problem wasn’t when he had morning training sessions or early kick-offs you both enjoyed your early mornings together... especially the shared shower schedule you had to ‘save’ water. The main problem was when he didn’t have to wake up early with you, and no matter how many times you explained to him that you weren’t as fortunate with your days off, he still expected you to share a lazy morning with him!
“Stay with me...” He mumbled against your neck, as he pulled your body on top of his, a slight smirk in his tone as he felt your body shiver against his touch “Please baby, call in sick... for me!” A frustrated sigh left your lips as you listened to his persuading words... of course, he was doing it again!
Rolling off him, you groaned, making sure that one of his arms stayed around you to stop his protest “Mase, I’ve told you, darling, I wish I could but- “Your words were cut short as he placed his lips on yours swallowing the words that he had heard so many times before. Pulling away breathless, he smiled “But you can’t because of the new promotion... I know sweetheart, I understand...” He finished your sentence for you, placing his lips on your temple as he sighed in awe “Why do you have to be so clever eh? Why can’t you be like chilly’s missus and be an influencer...?”
You knew you should be getting ready as you glanced at the time, seeing it was 10 minutes past the time you usually get dressed for the day, but you couldn’t leave him like this not when he was so needy for your warmth... and who were you to deprive him of it so early in the morning! So, like the good girlfriend you are, you gave him a bit more of your time... plus, you knew that you needed these moments with him just as much as he did!
“I thought you liked bragging to the boys about your girl being a journalist in the best company in the country...” You smirked, leaning into his open arm a little more. You never liked to brag about your high-earned job to anybody, even when Mason brought it up to his family and friends you always wanted to become embarrassed by it, but of course, he never let you! After being together throughout your degree, he saw first-hand the amount of effort and dedication you put into it. The sweat, blood, and tears you went through together were all worth it as you held the piece of paper in your hand, smiling alongside Mason as he showed you just how proud he was of you... how proud he always is of you, for following your dreams and proving others wrong!
Placing his head on your shoulder, he hummed in the gap of your neck “Of course I do...” He replied without hesitation “All the boys know that my girl is the smartest, most beautiful girl in the whole world, they don’t even argue about it anymore cause what’s the point... they’ll never win!”
“Mason Tony Mount!” You gasped, ignoring the goosebumps rising on your arms after referring to you as ‘his girl’ & although you knew you were, it didn’t make the reaction to the two simple words any easier! “You don’t argue about me at work, do you?”
 “I don’t anymore...” He smirked, the lazy smile you loved so much graced his lips as you looked at him with shock “As I said, they know they’ll never win...” Pulling your body back on his, so you were straddling him, he smiled up at you “I have loads of points of why you’re the best girl in Cobham, I could even argue to the world if you’d let me..”
“Mason, you can’t try and convince the lads that I’m better than their girlfriends...” You sighed, but couldn’t help the smile tugging on your lips at him for trying “All their girls are gorgeous, you know that...”
Sitting up slightly while you remained on top of him, he wrapped his arms around your neck gently tugging you to be eye level. He smirked as he placed a kiss on your nose “They’re not as immaculate as you though, are they?”
“Mase-“You sighed, rolling your eyes just to be interrupted again, as he moved to your cheek, placing his lips softly on it as they blushed under his touch “They don’t have your natural beauty in the morning...”
“How do you know?” You playfully gasped “Is there something you’re not telling me, Mount!”
“Shhhh!” He chuckled, pecking your lips to silence you “You’re ruining the moment...”
 Listening to him you let him continue his trail of kisses as they went to your forehead “They don’t have your brains, your kindest, your warm heart...” Finishing his trail at your neck, he kissed up to your ear, whispering into it softly “And most importantly, they don’t have my heart... and until we have mini mounts running around in the house, you have all it...”
“Why are you so soppy in the morning...” You whispered, feeling tears gathering in your eyes as you rest your head on his “You make it so hard to leave...”
“That’s the plan, beautiful...” He smirked, giving you a tight squeezed hug “But in all seriousness, I love you... more than anything in the world!”
“Even more than kicking a ball round a field...” You teased, knowing that his passion was always your main enemy for his attention. His laughs echoed around the dimmed bedroom as he threw his head back “Yes darling, even more than kicking a ball around...”
For the first time that morning, the room fell silent as you both gazed into each other’s eyes and for a split second you forgot that you needed to leave, all you wanted was him! Your phone buzzed against the dressing table, but your eyes never left him “I think that’s your final cue to get up Honey...” Mason whispered, not wanting to ruin the enchanting trance you had both been put in.
Rolling out of his arms, you groaned throwing your head back on the pillow “I don’t want to leave you now...” Mason looked at you amused as he nudged his head towards your phone “Last chance for you to phone up ill and stay with me...” Tossing a stranded pillow towards him, you glared “Not going to happen handsome, so shut it...” Pecking one last kiss on his pouted lips, you finally left the bed making a beeline to the bathroom to get ready for the day till your boyfriend once again distracted you.
While you were in the shower, Mason reluctantly got out of bed too. Despite it being well past the time he’d usually get up on his day off, he felt way too guilty to let you rush around after he was the one stopping you. So being the good boyfriend he was, he decided to pack your work bag for you, making sure to pack your lunch as he prepared an early morning snack for you to eat on your travels.
“Here you go, m’lady...” He sang as you made your way into the kitchen, handing you your tote bag which had your lunch packed and ready to go along with your other work items, making your heart melt. Your hands lingered over the strap of the bag as you stared into dark brown eyes, mesmerized once again by his tired eyes and fluffy morning hair. “Earth to miss (y/ln) ...” Mason chuckled, causing your stare to be broken as you gratefully took it from him. “How are you so perfect!?!” You sighed, glancing into your bag to see he hadn’t missed a single thing “4 years together and I still haven’t found a single thing wrong with you!”
Walking you to the front door, he helped you into your coat specifically picking out the thickest and warmest one “You’ll have to keep looking” He chuckled, giving you a peck on the cheek “One thing about us mounts, we are born naturally perfect”
“What happened with Lew then!” You teased jokingly. After being together for so long you had grown extremely close with his family, specifically with his older brother, who you always joked was technically a part of your relationship seeing how much time he spent with the two of you since buying the new house.
“I’ll tell him that!” Mason laughed, opening the door for you to see it had just begun to rain “shoot! don’t forget this!” He leaned over to the counter where your umbrella was “Apparently the storm is going to be hard later... I need you to be safe!”
“Oh, I’m sure this cheap stick of plastic will do the trick...” You giggled, examining the poorly made umbrella “I’ll be in my car tho Mase, I won’t need it!” You tried to place it back down, but your resistant boyfriend stopped you, giving you a pleading look “You never know though, please take it... for me!” Your eyes rolled to the side as once again he used those words. Reluctantly, you placed it in your bag giving him a sarcastic smile “Happy now?” “Very!” He smirked, closing the gap between you both as he placed his lips to yours “I love you so fucking much!” Pulling apart slightly your breath fanned across his face “I love you too, so much...”
“Oh gosh look at the time!” He playfully gasped, after glancing at the landing clock “How are you so late!” Giving you a playful shove out the door as you turned to give him a deathly stare “Don’t blame me...” You hissed, turning your back to him as you walked towards your car “blame my needy, careless boyfriend!”
“He only cares about you!” He yelled back, a smile clear in his voice as you started your car. Looking in your rear mirror, your heart burst as you saw him in the same spot, wanting to see you safely leave the premise. You were just about to drive away when you saw his hands suddenly move up and down. Clueless at his actions, you waved back thinking that he just wanted to wave goodbye, but as you watched him shake his head you knew that wasn’t the reason. Pulling your window down, you popped out your head giving him a puzzled look “What’s up?”
“Have you got your brolly?” He questioned, causing a frustrating but mocking groan to leave your lips “You saw me put in my bag Mase!”
“I know what you’re like tho! You might out hide it secretly; I just want you to be safe!” Leaning back to your backseat, you pulled the stick out of your bag, hanging it out the window along with your head again “Here!” You yelled back to him, waving it around causing a big grin to form on his lips “Good girl...” He smirked, giving you a thumbs up.
“Don’t patronize me, Mount...” You joked, putting a finger up at him “I’ll chuck it at you in a minute!”
“Please don’t!” He laughed throwing his head back. “Now that’s sorted, can I go now to the job I was supposed to be at 10 minutes ago!”
“Wait!” He called back, disappearing for a second before returning with his jacket lazily thrown over his shoulders. Not giving you a minute to process what he was doing, he jogged over to your car, the sound of his sliders colliding with the wet gravel grating you a little before his head poked through your still-open window.
“What are you doing?” You spoke between giggles as his lips attacked your face in sloppy playful pecks. “Stay safe, okay? If the storm gets too bad come home early, please...” Normally you would have argued back with a playful dig but hearing the sincerity in his voice you knew he was being serious. Nodding your head, you smiled, threading your fingers through his now wet morning hair “I promise handsome, now please go back inside before I get the blame for making Chelsea’s best player ill before a derby!”
“I love you, have a good day at work!” He cheekily smiled, giving you one last kiss before leaving the car, not before hearing you repeat the words back to him. You hated mornings... always had done ever since you were little, but with him... they were a little more bearable! Giving him one last smile and quick wave, you finally headed to work, but like always that was the last thing you were thinking about... instead, it was how quickly you wanted to return home to him!
As the day progressed, the rain came down harder, unsurprisingly just as Mason said! Your phone buzzed with messages of updates from your boyfriend, warning you of the weather like your own personal weatherman. Of course, you found the whole thing endearing, I mean who wouldn’t want a man as sweet as Mason protecting them, but when you were so close to finishing something that had taken up so much of your time it couldn’t help but bug you!
“Is that him again?” Your boss laughed in amusement, as your phone lit up beside you for the tenth time that hour. “I’m so sorry...” You sighed “He gets a little protective when it’s this weather, I’ll switch it off immediately- “Leaning over to your lit screen to switch it off, a gentle hand stopped you “Why don’t you go home to him?” She smiled at you, passing you your phone “You’ve worked so hard recently, doing everybody’s cover shifts and any possible overtime you can... everybody else is going home early... why don’t you do the same?”
“I don’t know (Your boss’s name) ...” You sighed, feeling the phone buzzing against your hand again “I’ve so nearly got this done, I don’t risk anything from getting the “
“Promotion” Your boss finished the sentence, a smirk on her face as you nodded your head. Sighing, she collected her things from her desk, getting ready to leave herself before the storm gets worst “Please get yourself home (y/n), especially before 7 pm that’s when it’s supposed to get bad...” “I will, I should be done in the next hour or so anyway...” You replied, giving her a weak smile as she squeezed your shoulders “Okay honey, stay safe & say hi to Mason for me!” Before she left the room, she spun back around “Oh & (y/n)”
“Yeah...” You hummed back, twiddling your pen in between your fingers.
“Don’t worry too much about the promotion!” Your boss smiled knowingly “I think you proved yourself worthy of the spot a long time ago!” Without another word, she left the room, allowing your head to spin. You didn’t realize how much time you had been trying to prove yourself at the firm, and of course, with that, you didn’t realize how much time you had wasted by not spending time with Mason! Your boss was right, you did deserve to spend a night in with him!
Glancing back down towards your phone, butterflies erupted in your tummy as you read his most recent text...
Missing you so much gorgeous, don’t stay there for too long... the storms getting bad & I need my warm hugs xx
Shooting him a quick reply back with a smile on your face, you made it your mission to finish as quickly as you could & just like everything you set your mind to you were good to go by the time it hit 6:45 pm! You didn’t care that your work might have been rushed or that you weren’t the last one in the office like you usually were, all you cared about was being home with your boyfriend!
You didn’t realize how bad the storm was until you stepped outside for the first time since the morning. Leaves twirled around the air as the rain dropped down into the soaked pavement. The door of the building continued to swing behind you as you quickly sprinted to your car, Mason always teased you that the only way to get your running was the rain & free food and although you always defended yourself, it was times like this that you knew he was right!
Finally getting into your car, you through your bag to its usual place on your back seat while your hands worked quickly to switch the heating on, but when your car engine didn’t hum like normal, and your heating suctions didn’t blow out hot air you knew you were in trouble “Shit... no, no, no!” You groaned as you continued to tap the small heating button but there was no use, your car was one and truly dead “Why is it always me...” You sighed, hitting your head gently against the wheel as you processed your current options, weighing up that it was out of two... stay put in your office and wait for the storm to hopefully pass or call Mason for help! Deciding that the only possible option was the second one, you whipped out your phone, immediately dialing his number...
Not even letting the phone ring once, he picked up “Hello beautiful, everything okay? You on your way back yet?”
“Not quite...” You giggled nervously, looking forward at the aggressive rain hitting your windscreen “I may have a little problem”
“What’s happened?” He quickly replied. You didn’t need to see him know he was already sat up, ready to face the problem that you were having despite even knowing what it was.
“I don’t know if it’s the pile of rain falling or what, but my car won’t start...” You sighed, frustrated that once again your time with him was being wasted “I was going to head back inside but I don’t think anyone else is in & I’ve left my keys in the office... would you be able to pick me up please?”
“Of course, I can honey...” He responded without hesitation, the sound of rustling is heard in the background “You stay right there okay? I won’t be long”
Feeling a little guilty for ‘ruining’ his evening you sighed, “Thank you, Mase, I’m sorry if I was disturbing anything”
“Oh don’t be silly you don’t have to apologize, I wasn’t doing anything interesting anyway” He laughed, locking the door behind him as he braced the ongoing storm himself “If it means getting to see you quicker, I would drop anything and everything...”
“You’re my hero, Mase honestly..” You smiled against the phone “I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
“Get on the bus maybe” Mason teased, as he started the engine causing you to roll your eyes “Well my damsel in distress I won’t be long, stay put and wait there, okay? I Love you”
“Love you too, Mase. Thank you!” Hanging up the phone, you through your head back closing your eyes as the rain fell around the shell of your car. You loved this weather when the sky freely cried, and the world got a refresh, although being out in it wasn’t always ideal. Guilt began to trip your mind as you thought about forcing Mason out of the house, and although your work wasn’t that far from your home in Cobham, it still wasn’t ideal to drive to.
“Fuck it...” You muttered, grabbing your bag from the back seat and your car keys, you zipped your coat fully up before getting out of the car “If he has to drive to get me, the least I can do is meet him halfway...” Of course, it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world, and Mason would probably kill you for leaving the ‘warmth’ of your car for that reason, but you didn’t care if it meant him not driving too far and you getting to see him sooner!
For the first couple of minutes, you let the heavy falls of rain and hail shower you, giving you your very own detox before you remembered the umbrella Mason forced you to take “How does he think of everything?” You spoke to yourself with a smirk on your face as you pulled the stick out, instantly feeling better as the rain rolled off the sheet of cotton instead of you!
You didn’t know how long it was until you saw his black merc roll along the street in front of you, a wash of relief flooding you as you thought of the warmth of his car invading you. Mason couldn’t believe his eyes as he spotted a young girl walking carelessly on the pavement, thinking to himself who in their right mind would walk in the weather but as he got closer and recognized your brown locks floating in the autumn air he knew it could only ever be one person!
Pulling up beside you, he pulled down his window catching you slightly off guard as he popped his head ever so slightly “What the hell happened to stay put?!?” He laughed as you shrug your shoulders “I got bored..”
“Of course, you did!” Mason smiled, nodding his head towards the passenger side “Are you getting in missus, or are you enjoying your rainy walks?” Not even having the energy to shoot a snarky reply, you ran to the other door immediately hopping into the warmth of his car, causing him to throw his head back in a low chuckle. Pulling the window slightly you shook the water off your umbrella, not realizing the teasing look your boyfriend was giving you until you turned back around “What?” You questioned as he raised his eyebrow at you. “What did you say about that cheap lump of metal again?” He smirked, knowing once again he was right.
“Shut up...” You giggled, reaching over to his heater to warm your frozen hands “I wouldn’t have had to use it if it wasn’t for my shit car! The one time I desperately needed it, it let me down... unbelievable.”
“I warned you about that as well..” He laughed, remembering the high amount of times he had told you to get a new car, even willing to buy you a new one himself but every time you dismissed him telling him there was nothing wrong with it. Noticing the glare you were giving him, he quickly refrained his comment “But we’re not getting into that right now, are we sugar?”
“no where not!” You jokingly rolled your eyes, leaning slightly over to him “It’s a good job my boyfriend is always reliable isn’t it?”
“He sounds like a great man..” Mase teased, his cheeks unconsciously turning pink at your comment.
“He’s the best...” You breathed out reaching out to pull him in a hug “Honestly Mason, thank you for this! I know you always say you’d do anything for me but that doesn’t mean I should take you for granted... you don’t know how much this all means to me!”
Letting you fall awkwardly in his arms due to the gear stick between you, he sighed “You never take me for granted honey, I adore you more than anything in the world... I’d travel way further than this if it meant getting you safely home! Trust me, I’d do so much more than this” His hands brushed along your arms, allowing him to feel your soaked-through coat which wasn’t providing you much heat now “How about you take that off, eh? It’s not doing any good for that cold you’re bound to get!” He suggested, already helping your arms out of it.
“I only have my blouse underneath tho mase...” You giggled, feeling the cold even more now it was off “This isn’t that practical either!”
“Here take my sweater!” Mason smiled, not hesitating to take it off.
“No Mase please don’t..” You pleaded “I don’t want you to get ill as well, please keep it on.” But it was too late, before you could even get all your words out the thick hoodie was off his body and onto yours. “What are you going to wear now?” You sighed in contentment as his hoodie shielded you from the cold. “Don’t worry about that darling...” He smirked, pulling out one of his training jackets from the back of the car “I always come prepared! That’s why I also brought you this...” Along with his jacket, he also pulled out one of your old thick blankets, causing your heart to melt “I thought you might need this to keep you warm till we are at home, I know the journeys are not that long and my hugs are way better than that old, tatted thing but it’ll do!”
You couldn’t get words out as you stared into his dark brown eyes, only finding the look of love and sincerity in them. “Are you okay darling?” Mason asked, noticing the tears brimming your eyes as you tried to get the words out. Shaking your head, you let the tears flow out “I don’t deserve you...” You sobbed dramatically, knowing that you were slightly overreacting but after a long tiring day, he couldn’t judge you!
“Oh, princess..” He cooed, wrapping an arm around you. He knew he didn’t have to say much when you were like this, all you needed was some form of his touch to calm you down “How about we get you home eh? And then we can swap that blanket for a proper hug...”
“That sounds good...” You sniffled, pulling away from him slightly so he could start the engine. But like always your hand remained in his, and that’s how it stayed till you arrived home. The drive home was a quiet one, the radio being the only sound as you both sat in your content bubble. Once you were pulled up in your driveway, Mason squeezed your hand tight, shooting you a tired smile “You ready to brace this storm again...”
Reflecting his smile, you nodded “together?” Not replying straight away, he opened his door running around to your side as he clipped off your seatbelt, lifting you out as you held the blanket of the two of your heads “Always!”
With his approval, you both sprinted to the front door, not even caring about the neighbor’s future noise complaints as your squeals and laughter mixed in with the sound of thunder. It was times like this that made you realise just how lucky you were, not by having a well-paid job or living in a million-pound mansion but by living this crazy life with your soulmate! & that means so much more than the amount of money you had or how stable the roof on top your head was...
Once you were safely inside, you both immediately got changed into a matching pair of Christmas pajamas, ones that were conveniently from your first year spent with him on the holiday! Just like he promised, the old blanket was swapped for a comfier one, and more importantly his arms “Mhmm... Your so warm..” You sighed as you relaxed into his arms, glancing up at him as he switched on your favorite office episode. “warmer than your blanket...” He smirked, pulling you closer to him as you placed your hands onto his cheeks, pulling him to a soft kiss “Much warmer!”
No matter how many times he held your body close to his, no matter how many times he kissed your lips, it always felt the same way... like he was home... & it was that moment he realized home isn’t a place... it’s a person.
& that’s always been you!
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wonijinjin · 11 months
cat got your tongue?
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author’s note: i wrote this as a halloween special drabble (i know i am late) using this prompt generator (so fun!), enjoy!
synopsis: your perfect plans for halloween night with jeonghan did NOT include hoshi’s surprise.
word count: 0.7k | genre: humour/crack, halloween special, horror/thriller, fluffy ending | pairing: jeonghan x gn! reader, hoshi x jeonghan, gn! reader (platonic) | warnings: spooky themes, screaming, bit of physical fighting, jumpscares (nothing too scary or serious)
it was halloween night and you and your boyfriend jeonghan decided to go on a trick or treating trip around the neighbourhood. to say that you were excited was an understatement; you even bought a cute angel costume for yourself, and (after a big fight about him taking the fallen angel costume instead of the standard angel one) the black angel one for him, ready to be the most iconic duo of the year. you were getting ready in your bedroom, waiting for your boyfriend to come home so you could begin the route of 12 houses when the lights went out, leaving you in the dark. honestly you found the situation ironic; on halloween night the power going out. you felt a shiver run through you, not really liking how you were sitting in complete silence, in the darkness, alone in a big house. you stood up, trying to find your way in the hallway when you heard a strange noise from the kitchen. you were speechless, air caught in your lungs as you really didn’t like mysterious surprises. you collected all the braveness left in you and marched forward, looking for the sound when a black figure passed you. your first reaction was to run, or actually it would have been; but you froze in place. the shadow passed again, making you question if this was your last day on this planet, if this was the end for you, something scary taking you away in halloween, bones shaking with much more fear than before.
the figure peeked out from the kitchen, the only thing you saw was a pair of brown eyes looking back at you. you tried to scream, however you felt a pair of arms grab you by the waist and pull you into the other hallway, the arms that had been holding you inching further up in seconds, a hand covering your mouth. “keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.” a voice whispered in your ear, upon hearing which you relaxed; it was jeonghan’s deep tone, the one which he only used when needing to discipline some of the members, or when he was feeling a bit seductive. “you will be quiet and not watch what will be happening, understood?” he told you, to which you could only nod frantically, still scared for your life as you didn’t know what was going on. “i heard the footsteps too. don’t move.” he said and causally stepped aside, looking out to search for the owner of the eyes you had seen previously. although you wanted to ask him when he got home, it didn’t happen since you were focused on the events, breaking his rule of not opening your eyes. you were terrified, but couldn’t resist to look at the scene unfolding in front of you. “horanghae!” a moment later the figure jumped in front of a very cautious jeonghan and revealed itself by taking off a tiger mask; it was hoshi, laughing so hard you thought he would explode. ”got you!” he screamed while jeonghan just stood there, unable to speak. “gosh, you should’ve seen your faces! switching the lights off was an amazing idea, you two looked like you could pee yourselves any minute.” he wheezed, unable to stop. “you son of a-“ jeonghan screamed at him, already hitting hoshi by the shoulder. after a minute or two you finally managed to stop him from slapping his friend for the tenth time. “why would you do something like this soonyoung?” you stood there in disbelief, heart still racing like crazy after the adrenaline rush you had been through. “he did it because last year me and minghao tricked him on halloween. it must’ve been a payback, right, hoshi?” jeonghan smiled dangerously at his friend, waiting for an answer. “that is right. and i did a pretty damn good job.” soonyoung laughed. “well, i didn’t find this funny at all, so i would appreciate it if next time your silly pranks would stay in your friendgroup, okay?” you grimaced, getting hugged by jeonghan from behind, him patting your hair. he looked at hoshi with a warning expression, mouth pressed into a thin line, but eyes smiling, trying hard to contain his laughter ready to burst out. “oh don’t worry angel, i will make sure this tigerboy never pulls something like this again.”
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vacancy-virtues · 11 months
Please write about vampire Villian and a hero with a neck biting kink
Greetings Anon!
'Tis the season for some neck biting
I hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!
#4- "Killing Without Consequence"
Hovels of houses, now barren of any life, stood as more of a headstone for the families who once resided there. They were almost tombs, except in a tomb, one would expect to find a body. Once inhabited and now desolate, Hero could only see a few homes with a fire in the hearth through slotted blinds of the windows.
Hero was told not of an illness wreaking havoc in the Southern town, but rather something more devastating. People were taken in their sleep and not by the merciful hands of death- never to be seen or heard from again. It was an all too familiar plight Hero heard from a handful of groveling townsfolk. While many would see the matter as the end of days, Hero saw it more of a matter of pest control.
There was a vampire nearby.
It only took a visit to the local bar and a skeptical look from the bartender before Hero was able to get the general area of the creatures residence. Miles out on the outskirts of end of town was a dilapidated shed nestled within the tree line. Despite the surrounding greenery, it seemed as though the very life was siphoned out of the foliage in the yard, leaving an abundance of deadened, dry grass and sickly trees within the fence line. The rotted door barely hung on its hinges as Hero slowly walked through the doorway, and was greeted with an affront to the nose of an overwhelming stench of bitter almonds and iron.
"My, not even a knock, or a nervous 'Hello?'" A voice casually cooed from in silence.
"I don't think I would have been invited in." Hero said cautiously, whipping around to find the source of what they heard.
The windows were boarded up, and various bits of cloth hung from the jagged boards. In the dark of the house, it was hard to make out any of the surroundings with the dim light from the doorway. Heros stomach turned as their eyes adjusted- they realized why the fabric looked so odd to them and why it stunk so badly.
"You're... using their clothes as curtains?" Hero hissed in clear disgust, a hand finding a way to their hip to take hold of their knife.
"Well, it's important to use everything from your kills, isn't that what you hunters say?"
The door behind them slammed, and Hero found themselves plunged in darkness. All they had to go off of was the cool and collected voice of the true hunter in the room with them. Their eyes strained in the dark, holding onto the faintest movement in the shadows when they could. Despite having done this so long, Hero still found the chase itself both utterly thrilling and utterly terrifying.
"But... you're not quite like other hunters, are you?" A floorboard creaked behind Hero, causing them to back up considerably in the other direction.
"No, because I fully intend on succeeding in killing you."
Everything happened in an instant. Hero swung immediately behind them. However, their momentum was halted upon the feel of an icy hand gripping their wrist. After years of experience with this sort, it was surprising the Vampire didn't shatter their wrist right then and there. Instead, they wrenched Heros wrist behind them, twisting their body so they were facing away from their captor, their other arm held tight at their side. The feel of their hands ran a chill so deep, Heros veins felt like they were being frosted from the inside out. Nails dug into the skin, puncturing the flesh like a ripened summer peach to let sweet juices flow.
"Mmm... so did the others, but that isn't what sets you apart, dear Hero."
"You-" The grip tightened, causing Heros jaw to set tightly. Their struggle persisted, much to the Vampires amusement. "Get on with your little speech so I can kill you."
The sudden closeness of the Vampire sent a chill down Heros spine as their breath snaked its way under their collar. No vampire before had ever gotten this close to them, and Hero wasn't about to let that change tonight. With a hammering heart in their chest, Hero shot their head back in a poor attempt of a headbutt. The footing was all wrong, and the grip on them didn't help with moment. The Vampire moved a hand to Heros shoulder, and guided their backwards momentum passed them and into one of the boarded up windows with a loud crash.
"I've lived many, many years... and I know what killing out of fear smells like. The many 'brave and fearless' hunters who come confidently clambering into my wake all absolutely wreak of it. Frankly, I think it even taints the blood. Makes it pungent and sour." The broken window permitted a bit of moonlight to stream in and illuminate the incoming figure.
Hero quickly got to their feet, using a nearby table as leverage off the floor. Before they could ready their knife properly, the Vampire had them pinned again in a instant. The Vampires nails threatened to dig into the established wounds. In the dim light, the well-defined features of their face seemed more belonging to that of a marble statue, and the texture of their skin was more akin to a porcelain doll.
"And I don't smell a drop of it on you." The Vampire raised Heros arm, and a long, forked tongue lapped over a stream of blood. "Or taste it."
"I am not some piece of food for you to play with." Hero snapped which only prompted the Vampire to yank their arm harshly.
There was a low chuckle as he proximity between them closed. With one arm holding Heros steadily, keeping the stake in a constant push back strain and the other bracing their wrist against the tables edge, it was almost too easy for the Vampire to find themselves back in that forbidden territory of Heros by their neck.
"Not that you would mind it if you had the choice, no?" They questioned, a slight purr in their voice as they lingered by their ear.
All Hero knew was this trade. Killing vampires in this day and age had become apart of the daily struggles in the world they lived in. No one had a choice in either killing, or getting killed. They could only survive. It was almost as if the Vampire could hear the Heros perplexity at the statement when Hero could feel a cold hand trailing up their arm, a smooth hum resonating through chest.
"What.. what do you mean.." Hero unsteadily said.
"You kill because you enjoy it... You enjoy the thrill of a good hunt, and the possibility of dying is what fuels it more so..." As they spoke, they made sure to sustain every pause, and draw out their words to keep Hero hooked. "Tell me I'm wrong, Hero."
This time, Heros words failed them, only giving them a shake of their head. They lodged in their throat, and they were sure the Vampire could hear the quickening beat of their heart against their rib cage. A sound, which Hero would assume, would be a delicious sound to the Vampires elegantly pointed ears. Hero didn't deny the claims, and merely held their breath as they felt their head lower closer to their neck.
"And you enjoy this..." Despite not really needing to breath, the Vampire sighed against Heros neck, causing their eyes to flutter in time with the familiar shiver for a second. "Do you not, Hero?"
Sharp fangs only barely hooked the skin. It was tender enough to make Hero writhe beneath the Vampires touch, yet not enough to draw blood. Every word, Hero could feel on their skin. There was no heartbeat to be felt under their palms, and no way to tell if they were as flushed as Hero was.
Hero was pissed off. Not for the fact they'd been captured and humiliated so easily for the first time in years, but for the fact the Vampire was right. Many vampires before were either too cocky and got themselves killed, others too far gone it would have been more similar to hunting a wild animal. Because of this grueling and gory life, it wasn't wise to make connections with people. Death was often a kinder mercy than living through the grief of losing someone, and Hero didn't want to pursue that kind of life.
"I saw how you looked at me," The vampire said, cold lips cooling the heated skin below them. "Why not lean into the thrill of it all? Have no fear of dying, and all the adrenaline of truly being alive. To give into the satisfaction of killing without consequence."
There was a haze coming over Hero with the words and sensations, and despite it, it almost sounded like the Vampires suggestion was more similar to a plea. From what they could tell about the norms most vampires held, they were leaders of minions, or near hermits who only come out to feed when they need to. It seemed odd to Hero for a vampire to want to turn someone else... just for the sake of it.
"Many say its a lonely life..." The Vampire placed a soft, lingering kiss on their jugular, before moving back up to their ear. "But it doesn't have to be."
"I ought to kill you for this..."
"You still can, but for what? Giving you an option? Or pointing out what you really enjoy?"
It wasn't until Hero felt two hands about their body, one resting on their arm and the other no longer pushing the knife in defense. The point sat just on the Vampires chest and the other hand rested just on their bicep. They didn't recall when they stopped pushing the knife towards the other, and they didn't find themselves driving it in now.
With another, cursed chuckle, the Vampire let go, leaving Hero to stagger against the table. They took a step back, and wore a satisfied grin at the state they left the other in, gasping, fevered and flustered. They smoothed out their shirt before gesturing to the door. It took Hero a moment to catch up and process what all just happened, before the Vampires voice pierced the silence again.
"You have a day to think about it: a choice in the matter. Visit me sooner if you decide, otherwise I will kill you just like the any other human if we cross paths again. Though, I hope it not be the case."
Before Hero could question any further, they staggered out the door, patting their neck for holes or puncture wounds. Their arm hurt, sure, but they weren't drained. As they left, the Vampire watched. With a soft chuckle, he pulled a folded up piece of paper from the pocket of a sweater hanging by the window, and unfolded it to read a news article of a notable vampire hunter on the rise.
"Funny, the picture really didn't do them justice."
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navstuffs · 1 year
The Deal
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader
Summary: “I will do anything to save Arthur Morgan’s life. Even your soul? Even my soul. Anything.” / A Weird West story where you would do anything to save Arthur Morgan’s life, no matter the consequences.
Warning Tags: Weird West trope (wild west + horror/fantasy/science fiction), +14, angst
Author's Notes: hi and welcome to my first fic for my halloween event! i have had this prepared since august and am so excited to be sharing it finally! really nervous excited to be using the weird west trope. there is also this artwork i saw after i finished writing and it screamed THE DEAL. enjoy your reading!!!
my halloween's masterlist
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"Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it." (The Monkey's Paw - W.W. Jacobs)
When Mr. Strauss asked you to help Arthur, you promptly said yes. Arthur always had so much on his plate, taking care of everyone and everything, so you would take any weight from his shoulder if you could. Arthur didn't like that at first, you alone going to collect debts, but you had proved yourself over and over again. You understood him, though; this life as outlaws wasn't easy, and any of you could lose your life every time you went out. It was nice to have someone caring for you after all those years, to have Arthur be protective over you since you two started going out.
So, of course, when Mr. Strauss asked for help collecting a few debts in a morning while Arthur was away, you promptly accepted. He explained it should be easy, nothing someone with your type of experience couldn't handle. A window called Jane Huxley, a frail banker named Joseph Willis, and lastly, an old man called Bernard Miller. None of them would present much of a fight if the situation arose, despite Mr. Strauss's warnings for you to be careful. Their debts were small but still needed for the camp. You had a vague suspicion Mr. Strauss didn’t want to endanger you, primarily due to Arthur’s anger.
It is late when you arrive at Bernard Miller's house, late enough for the moon to be up in the sky. You should have been there way earlier, but Mrs. Huxley had an outraged brother you had to defend yourself from, and who would have thought a frail banker could run that fast? You dismount your horse, your eyes scanning the situation ahead: a single cabin in the deep woods. Nothing is out of the ordinary, so you hope your last one will be easy.
It is a warm and humid night, and you can feel sweat on your neck. There were no houses along the way to Bernard Miller's cabin. You don't remember when you heard a single noise. It has been a while since you were deep in the woods like this. Your horse seems agitated, and you pet him, promising tons of sugar cubes after this. 
The cabin in front of you is old and probably only has one room. As you walk closer, you notice candles lit from the windows so the old man could still be awake. You wonder how he lives in such an eerie place and all alone. There is no presence of a stable or any livestock. Maybe he has friends that visit him? As per Mr. Strauss's statement, Mr. Miller could barely stand. It is none of your business at the end of the day; your job is to get the money back and get the hell out of there.
You enter the house without announcing yourself, not surprised by how rustic it looks inside. It looks uninhabitable, with a couple of holes in the ceiling. There is a bed, a table, a nightstand, an old cupboard, and a chair. Sitting in the chair, probably the oldest human being you have ever seen. Older than Hosea and Uncle together, with wrinkles all over his body. When you enter, Mr. Miller eats soup under the candles and barely lifts his eyes to look at you. A big, white, messy beard, long white hair, and dark eyes are the only things you notice. 
“Mr. Miller, I have come to collect the money you borrowed from Mr. Strauss.” 
Mr. Miller stops mid-air with his spoon and looks straight at you. Immediately, every single strand of your hair raises from your arms. As a gunslinger, your survival instincts had to be high if you wanted to live to tell a story the next day. You learned very early to read dangerous situations and escape them as quickly as possible. Or fight, which was always your last option. That’s how people survived. But never freeze. The situation you are in right now gave you none of those options. You couldn’t run. You couldn’t fight. You are stuck in Bernard Miller’s enigmatic stare, unable to move. You bite your lips enough to almost draw blood, a resource you learned at a young age to wake up, but you still can’t move. As if the world is frozen all around you.
Bernard Miller gives you a small smile, and the world starts spinning again. Your heart beats to remind your lungs need air. You give one deep breath, and Mr. Miller returns his attention to his soup.
“I won’t ask again. Where is the money you got from Mr. Strauss?” You are surprised your voice isn’t shaking, but your legs are. Your hand is over your revolver to give you a certain sense of safety. 
Mr. Miller continues eating, and you start roaming around his house. Your first instinct is to look into the old cupboard that the old man uses as a kitchen: nothing except for a few cans of old food. You don’t even think of taking those, walking towards the nightstand. When you pass Mr. Miller, you catch the soup he eats is grey with pieces that look like fish. He doesn’t flinch or complain when you roam through his bed, finally stopping by his nightstand. You find the exact amount of dollars you need in very clean notes when you open the drawer. Your hand stops mid-air as you approach to get the money. Why are those notes so clean compared to the rest of the house? You aren’t one to believe in curses; you believe a single bullet could end a man’s life, and that was it. No ghosts or devils existed in a world where humans could be so bad. The spoon hits the plate, waking you from your entrance. With one final decision, you get the money, relieved you are finally done with this place.
When you walk towards the door, a shallow voice mutters.
“He's goin' to die, you know?”
You stop in your tracks.
“What did you say?” You answer back, your voice is so low you would be surprised the old man heard it.
“The one you love. He's goin' to die.”
The hand grabs your pistol again as you turn in your heels to stare at Bernard Miller. He is standing, his eyes straight towards you. 
“We're all goin' to die. We're humans.” You don’t even know why you are still there: you got precisely what you needed. But something, an invisible magnetic force, kept you there. One that you can’t fight or run.
Because Bernard better not be speaking about Arthur. The old man's yellow smile just gets bigger, as if listening to your thoughts.
“He's goin' to get very sick, and you won't be able to do anything about it, except watch powerless as life slowly drains from him. There is nothin' you'll be able to do unless one thing: you'll come to find me.”
“Old man, I don’t know what in the hell you speak of, but if you don't shut—”
“You'll come to find me.” Bernard finishes, decisive. 
“Go to hell.” You whisper before leaving through the door.
It is good to feel the night air in your lungs. It makes you focus properly: you want to look back to the rustic cabin as you dash to your horse, but you don’t. Something says you wouldn’t like what you see. You ride away from Bernard Miller’s home, swearing yourself to never come back.
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Your horse seems to share your fears, and you arrive at the camp in record time. The words of Miller stuck in your head as a chant.
“You'll come to find me.” 
“The one you love is goin' to die.” 
It had to be a way for him to scare you not to take his money. It had to. Javier is on watch and waves when he sees you passing.
When you arrive at camp and give your horse those promised pets and tons of sugar cubes, you calm yourself a little. You are back in your safe place, surrounded by the voices of the people around you. Maybe you need a drink. Or two. Slowly, the sense of normality floods your body. Sean, with Karen on his lap and Uncle singing together drunk around the campfire, makes you smile. You stop by the camp’s box, placing the money there, and a hand on your shoulder makes you jump. It is Mr. Strauss, with a satisfied expression.
“How was everything?"
"All good. Got everyone. Mr. Miller tried to scare me a little at the end, but I also got his money."
"The old guy? Bernard Miller? Creepy and ancient?"
Mr. Strauss looks at his record book, a slightly confused expression. You move your weight from one leg to another as Mr. Strauss flips through his book. When he is done, Mr. Strauss raises his eyes, simply stating.
“Well, at least it is done.”
He leaves without saying another word as you stand, uncomfortable. Why, for a second, it seemed Mr. Strauss didn't even remember Bernard Miller? You turn your face toward Sean’s group and notice Arthur sitting there, observing you. You smile, forgetting about Bernard Miller for a moment. His beard and hair are a little longer than the last time you saw him, almost two weeks ago. You want nothing else to run toward his embrace, but you and Arthur try to keep your relationship more private. Arthur looks tired, and you nod slightly toward your shared tent. Should you tell Arthur? He certainly is like you: he doesn’t believe much in those supernatural things. 
It doesn’t take long for him to join you in the tent. As Arthur walks in, and you are shielded from the exterior eyes, his arms are on you. You two hold each other in the darkness, not speaking. After your eyes adjust, Arthur holds your face to give one good look at you.
“Missed ya.”
You don’t answer, holding him tightly with your arms. You are never letting go of him. He is going to die, you know? A shiver passes your body, and you hide your face into Arthur’s body. That doesn’t go unnoticed by him. Arthur separates gently, rubbing your arms.
“Heard you went to get some money back for Strauss. Did anythin' happen?”
“No.” You don’t want to tell Arthur precisely what happened. He might find you silly. As a gunslinger, you had to believe in real people, real danger, not some made-up ghost or whatever lived in that cabin. And he would be right.
“You sure?” Damn you, Arthur Morgan, who knows you so well that can even sense when you are lying. You nod, giving him a half smile.
Arthur doesn’t seem entirely satisfied, but he doesn’t push it to which you are thankful. He tells you he doesn’t like when Strauss sends you on debt-collecting missions alone because some people could turn violent. You don’t discuss, simply letting that warm feeling spread in your heart. You liked it when Arthur got protective over you. You warn him you can take care of yourself, and Arthur nods, apprehensive.
“I know. I know you can.” Arthur mutters. He doesn’t have to complete the sentence. I can’t lose you is hanging in the air.
You are both dirty and exhausted, and his beard scratches against your skin when you deeply kiss him. Arthur kisses you a little longer than a typical good night kiss, but when you break away, he offers no resistance. 
“I love you. You aren’t losing me, okay? And I am not losing you.” You tell him as a promise to anyone who might be listening. 
He's going to die, you know?
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You don’t know where you are going. Your horse is riding without a destination, just racing across the fields of green. Arthur just told he is dying. And instead of staying as his supportive partner, you flew. You had enough. Arthur didn’t attempt to make you stay; he watched miserably as you mounted your horse, leaving the camp. A place you should have left a long time ago with Arthur. Away from Dutch’s insanity, from death. Run away and never look back. Run away from all death and despair.
But Arthur is loyal, and you are loyal to him.
The tears flood into your eyes, and you are sobbing, loud. Your horse runs faster, fuelled by your pain. You need to get away from everyone right now. You are furious but mostly more irate with yourself. You still remember Arthur’s expression as he watched you leave: upset but resigned. He doesn’t even expect you to come back. It would be better for you anyway. 
Your surroundings change as your horse rides away. As if the wind across your face can take all your pain and anger. 
When you finally stop your horse, you repeatedly apologize to him, laying your head against his head. Your horse shakes his head, and you dismount, still apologizing with your fingers shaking.
It gives you a few moments to recognize where you are: right in front of Bernard Miller’s house. It is still old, still standing. As if you just left from collecting that debt long ago. When Arthur wasn’t sick. When everyone was alive and well. When things were still okay.
You'll come to find me.
You should jump in your horse and get away from there. But you don’t.
When he is sick, you'll come and find me.
The voice that has been tormenting you speaks in your head. You forget about your horse and anything around you and slowly walk toward the house.
What would you do for him? 
How much are you willing to give for Arthur Morgan’s life?
“Anythin'.” You answer to nothing.
The door opens, and a young man walks out of the cabin. You stop mid-track, your eyes locked with the dark eyes in front of you. It is Bernard Miller. Except he isn’t old anymore. He is still wearing the same old dirty clothes he wore when you first came to collect the money, but he is young. Handsome. Black hair, the same slight smile on his face that bewitched you. Bernard doesn’t seem surprised to see you. No. He smiles as if he had been expecting you this whole time, and how dare you to be so late? He doesn’t speak as you start sobbing quietly.
“He's sick. As you said.” You mumble, pathetic. It couldn’t be Bernard, the only last sane part of your mind tells you: it could be anybody else, his grandson, a stranger, anyone else?? You had to hold onto that last sane thought.
“And what do you require from me?” The way Bernard spoke now. His voice was as if an icy knife cutting against your skin. You inevitably chill, wincing away. You hold yourself together for Arthur.
“You can cure him, can’t you? You shouldn't, it shouldn't be possible, but you can. I know you can.” You murmur, not knowing where that knowledge has come from. Bernard looks satisfied and utterly different from when you saw him, but you simply accept it. He shouldn't look like that, there was no possible explanation for this man to be Bernard Miller. But you accept it anyway; you will take whatever is coming to save Arthur’s life. And something told you this man, whatever he was, could help.
Because you had to be going insane, right?
“I can. There is a price to pay.” Bernard states, and you instantly nod.
He starts closing the distance between you, and your knees give in. In a sign of respect or adoration, you don't know, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Bernard doesn’t seem surprised as your knees drop onto the floor with your head down. You don’t care; you say it out loud, and he knows it. Bernard opens a big, twisted smile, and you find comfort where you once found fear. 
I will do anything to save Arthur Morgan’s life.
Even your soul?
Even my soul. Anything. 
As Bernard touches your cheek, you close your eyes. The sensation of comfort just gets more significant in your chest as you disconnect from your body. The last part of you that screams you shouldn’t have done this is shut off. You know now, as inevitable as the sun will rise tomorrow, that Arthur Morgan isn’t dying of that damn disease. 
You smile back.
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You wake up hours later, extremely confused. You look around, and the cabin of Bernard is still there, but it looks much older than before. As if no one has lived there for years and years. You get up, hungry and thirsty. It must have been some sort of crazy nightmare, you think.
You ride back to the camp, trying to remember the events from last night. Arthur told you he was sick, and you left angry and furious instead of facing or even comforting him. By the time you arrive at the camp, he has left again. No one is looking at you differently, which you find weirdly comforting. 
A few days pass until you see Arthur again, and he looks…better? His face isn’t as pale anymore, and he has some blush on his cheek. As if life is coming back to him. 
“How are you feeling?” You wonder as he stops by your side.
“Fine? I almost haven't coughed the way here.”
You nod, happy. Maybe Arthur was getting better. What did those doctors know anyway? There is no one strong as your Arthur Morgan, and he would live many and many years.
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The gang is over. After killing Micah, Arthur finds you where you two had agreed to meet. A start of a new life, as he said. Away from crime, away from that horrible life. Just you and him, a few horses, some livestock. A simple lifestyle. Arthur didn’t need much, you didn't need much. You had each other. You had forgotten entirely about Bernard Miller, happy to share a life you always wanted with the man you deeply loved.
But a deal is a deal. And when time is up, time is up: you have to pay the price.
You watch as Arthur leaves to get eggs from the chicken. He gives you a kiss and leaves whistling. He looks so relaxed and happy. It warms your heart to be the one to share that with him. After years of hard work, he deserves it. You both do.
When he doesn’t return after awhile, you look for him. It is a hot day, and Arthur might need a cup of water and a few kisses. You find him fallen behind the stable, his horse close to him. Unconscious. You run towards him, the cup of water forgotten on the floor, and roll him over. He doesn’t seem to be breathing. You remember a new technique to compress the chest that you read in a book that Arthur brought you from the library a couple of weeks ago, and you start compressing his chest and blowing air on his mouth.
“Come on, Arthur, come on.”
Hours pass, and Arthur doesn’t move an inch. You drop to his side, exhausted, looking everywhere for someone. Anything to save him. You close your eyes, praying for anything to save him.
When you open your eyes, you are in front of young Bernard Miller again. Your clothes are different, and you are younger again. You are on your knees in front of Bernard Miller, just as in the day you discovered Arthur was going to die and, and...
No, it isn't possible.
You blink, confused, as Bernard Miller smiles as if he has seen this scene multiple times and still loves it every time he witnesses it.
“Even your soul?” Bernard asks, his eyes glowing in the darkness. Whatever is left of you is gone by now, but you can’t wait to live with Arthur again. And again. No matter the price, no matter the outcome, no matter the ending.
Anything for Arthur Morgan’s life. To live by his side all over again.
“Even my soul. Anything."
taglist: @agqrtz, @daydreamrot, @roseglazedlens, @scar-crossedlvrs. if you would like to be tagged into my halloween event, let me know!!
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I’ve decided to share some of my original work on here. Here is my 32 page horror one shot from Halloween 2022. It’s about a werebear
Revenant Part 1
This is a mature story for 18+. 
Triggers: Gore, mentions of Stockholm syndrome, slight noncon, masturbation, and sex. 
Totally unrelated but when I thought of a bear, my mind instantly went to The Revenant. Hence the title. There are a few tributes to that movie but the plot line is nowhere near the same!
    Whack! Whack! Whack! Crack!
  Loud whacking noises rung throughout the forest, while sweat ran down a brawny man’s back. Dark eyebrows furrowed together in utmost concentration for the task at hand. To collect as much wood as he could before winter came.
   Large, calloused hands tightly grasped the sharp axe. The sharp metal shining brightly in the sun light, like a star in the night sky.  
    With a precise swing, the axe easily cut into the tree like a knife cutting into tender flesh.
    Winter would be approaching soon. And Björn had to be prepared for the cold since he knew there would be too much competition in the forest for food and dry wood later on. 
    A large flock of crows flew above his head, causing Björn to snap his head up in concern. Honey brown eyes began to study the now silent forest with caution. Something, or someone, has disturbed his forest. 
    There were no trespassing signs all over the outer perimeter of his forest, so who on earth was brave enough to enter?
    Björn tightly grasped his axe before heading into the direction where the crows had flown from. He was going to have to scare the intruder or intruders off. Björn just hoped he wouldn’t have to use any force.
  The further Björn went, the less trees there were… the less life. Björn hummed to himself in confusion. Why would someone trespass into the barren part of the forest? There wasn’t many resources out here or even wild game that roamed those parts.
   When Björn was in the clearing, fresh tire marks from a carriage stood out to him. Had someone strayed off the path outside of the woods and wondered into this section of the forest? Yet the horse footprints that surrounded the tire tracks told s different story, causing Björn to sigh. Another case of someone being chased off course by bandits. 
    Björn strapped his ax to his back, continuing his way through the desolate area. He needed to be sure that there were no bandits on his land. Those scoundrels were always pouching animals here, limiting the resources for the ones who lived in the forest. Björn’s kind especially.
    Björn soon came to a shallow swimming hole. His honey brown eyes scouting the area for any trespassers. Yet he didn’t see anyone or anything.
   Björn was about to leave until the strong smell of iron hit him. Brown eyes wildly glancing around in horror. Had a body been dumped here? 
  And that was when Björn saw her. A small figure laying halfway in a shallow grave. The dirt covering her lower half in a natural blanket. Dried blood pooled around her head like a morbid angel. 
    Björn slid down the slope to get down to the water hole to her. Tan hands frantically searching for a pulse. His breath hitching in his throat when he felt the faintest of pulses.
    Björn slowly moved her (hair color) hair from her face, his brown eyes studying her pretty face in awe. 
   Had his prayers to the gods been answered? Had they finally sent him a companion after all these long, lonely years?
    A soft groan of pain left the woman’s lips, Björn quickly snapped from his musings. First, he needed to take her back to his cabin. 
     Strong tan arms carefully lifted the woman up, his brown eyes observing the locket held loosely in her dirt covered hands. The picture of a handsome man with long, silver colored hair staring back at him, as if mocking Björn that the woman he held belonged to another.
    Björn snatched the locket from her hand, flinging it far into the muddy banks of the swimming hole. She wouldn’t need that strange man anymore. She had Björn now and he would protect her better than whoever that was could. He was sure she’d learn to love him. Time was on his side, especially with the rapidly approaching winter.
    Björn cradled the woman in his arms, read to take the two of them on the journey home. The open locket facing Björn, foreshadowing something ominous was coming.
     “We found her carriage, your grace.” A scruffy man bowed to the ethereal looking lord, brown eyes nervously scanning the ground in fear. “And we were able to capture a few of the bandits, but she was nowhere to be found-“
    A loud slam rung through the room, the prince slamming his pale fists against his throne’s arm. Icy blue eyes glaring at the men in the room in anger. They had one job, to find his fiancée. To find his (your name).
    “Your grace. One of the bandits said they dumped her in the forest-“ Balder wildly swung his head around, stormy blue eyes staring at the nervous subject who had interrupted his conversation. (Your name) couldn’t be dead could she? His ray of sunshine, his entire world… she couldn’t be gone. They had been promised to be together since they were children and they had always been inseparable… Balder would know if something bad happened to her, he truly believed their souls were bound.
    “Kill all of those bandits and hand their bodies up at the gates. The people need to know not to mess with the Vetle family.”
     “We shall go searching then. Prepare the hounds.” Balder opened up the locket around his neck that held a picture of a beautiful (hair color) girl. His icy blue eyes full of determination. 
    “Don’t worry. I’ll find you.”
     Björn gently wiped away the dirt on the young woman’s face with a cloth. Brown eyes memorizing every detail on her pretty face. To the shape of her nose to the plumpness of her lips… Björn wondered if her lips would fit perfectly against his own… Björn shook his head clear from his perverted thoughts, despite his itching to kiss her, he knew it was improper since they were strangers. 
   Björn glanced her direction again, his eyes studying the way her lashes lightly fluttered when he brought the warm rag to her face or how she pursed her lips ever so slightly in pain.
   “You’re safe now.” Björn whispered, eyes softening at her. “I’ll take care of you.”
    Björn rose from his seat beside the bed. A giddy feeling consuming his chest. He should probably get to work on building a bigger bed so the two of them could lay together… he’s never laid with a woman before so this was all so new to him. 
    Brown eyes gazed at all the books he had on shelves, a smile crawling on his scarred lips. He wondered if she loved romance novels. Those books were his only companion in this desolate forest… the only things that kept him from completely falling off the deep end from his unending loneliness.
     Björn was determined to show her that he could be a good mate. He’s take care of her throughout the winter as well. He just had to gather even more food and wood now, maybe even some pelts. 
     Björn gave one last look to the sleeping woman on his bed before ultimately deciding to try to find her the softest pelts he could find. He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
   A hum left his throat at the thought of her being so thrilled to have new blankets. Maybe he should also go catch her some fish or even some sort of water fowl to make her a soup? Would she like a man who is a good provider? 
    Björn wandered through the forest, his brown eyes scanning for any elk or deer. Maybe even a moose would do… Björn just wanted to make her happy. 
    They were going to be a family after all.
    A week had gone by and Björn was proud of his work. His companion no longer made pained expressions and her lashes would flutter whenever he’d run his large hands through her soft hair.
    Just thinking about her made Björn giddy. The rugged man wished she’d open her eyes soon so she could see her future mate. He just hoped he was attractive enough for her…
    Today was another day of gathering for him. He was hoping to get some more nuts and berries to preserve for the winter. Björn was proud of his jam making abilities and he was happy to finally have someone to show them off to.
    Björn continued his was through the dense forest, brown eyes lighting up when he saw some blackberry bushes.
   Björn reached a tan hand out to one of the berries before placing one in his mouth. A smile lighting up on his face when the soft flesh melted on his tongue. They were sweet with a slight tart kick to them… perfect for jam.
    Björn began to pick the berries, carefully placing them into a cloth pouch. He’d try to leave a few behind for any other creature that may stumble across this find, but now Björn had another mouth to feed.
   Loud flapping noises filled the forest air, a large flock of bird flying across the sky, causing Björn to freeze in his tracks. Björn took a deep breath before allowing his ears to shift into that of a grizzly bear’s. Small round ears now resting at the top of his unkempt head. The ears twitching as they began to pick up the sound of hooves and dogs barking.
   Either there were bandits in his forest now or a search party has come for his companion.
   Björn growled, his brown eyes flashing a bright gold. He wasn’t going to let his companion go. His unending loneliness was finally quenched and he would rather die than be alone any longer.
    Björn set his axe and blackberry pouch against a tree before shedding his clothes. Dark, brown fur beginning to sprout on every part of his body, his face slowly elongating into a snout. Large paws soon replacing his hands and feet, Björn hunching his back, his body beginning to elongate and expand. A giant grizzly bear soon standing where Björn once was.
    The giant grizzly bear stood up on its hind legs before releasing a loud roar. A few barks leaving it’s throat before it charged in the direction of the dogs.
    Björn wasn’t going to let anyone disrupt his chance at a family.
   Balder lead a handful of men into the forest, icy blue eyes nervously glancing around. It was deathly silent, the only sounds being their horses trotting and the dogs barking… yet Balder couldn’t calm his nerves. The forest was never this quiet. It was almost unnerving. 
    The birds were not chirping and there were no animals rustling through the trees… did they know something he didn’t?  
   There were a few decayed signs outside the perimeter of the forest, but they were so old that they were not legible… Balder sighed in frustration. There were so many signs to not continue this journey but there was a possibility (your name) was here… and she was worth any journey. 
    “The dogs picked up a scent!” One man shouted from the front of the group, the dogs heading deeper into the forest. “The lady could be alive!”
    Balder felt his horse slow down, it’s head staring at the left of the forest, as if it knew something was there that he didn’t. A whiny leaving the white horse’s mouth. The horse rearing it’s head in fear. 
    Balder grasped the reigns of his horse, his blue eyes narrowing at the forest. Something was in the woods. Something that could be dangerous…
    Balder steadied his horse. A pale hand grasped at the threaded locket around his neck tightly. He had promised (your name) that he would always protect her… he swore he would save her. No matter what… Balder loved her… he would do anything for her.
    Balder took a deep breath before guiding his horse into the forest, following his men into the brush. There were only four of his most loyal men and five hounds… Balder was sure they would all be fine.
   The group of men headed deeper into the forest. The dogs leading them deeper and deeper into this labyrinth of a forest. Balder could feel the hairs on his neck stand up in fear. 
    Yet Balder had no idea why he was so scared. He’s been in plenty of forests and even a few wars. There had to be something here… and whatever it was, it definitely didn’t want them there.
    A whine soon left one of the dogs before the others begin to tuck their tails between their legs. The other dogs soon whining and barking, the dogs attempting to backtrack despite their master ushering them forward.
     “You stupid dogs! What are you doing-“ a terrifying growl filled the air. The horses crying out, each one rearing back in fear while the dogs ran off. The men all glancing around in fear.
    “W-what was that?” The youngest of the men whimpered, the young boy unsheathing his sword. 
    The other men unsheathed their swords as well, the men forming a circle with their horses. The men struggling to keep their horses still, since the horses continued to try to get away.
    “What is wrong with these horses-“ Before the guard could even get a word in, a giant grizzly bear had barreled into the group, easily knocking the men to the ground. The horses bucked their riders off in fear, desperate cries leaving their throats. 
    Ear piercing screams leaving the man’s throat as the bear proceeded to maul him. Blood splattering everywhere while the man’s comrades could only watch in horror as their comrade was being torn limb from limb by a monster of a bear.
    The horses cried before fleeing into the deep forest, leaving the men to fend for their own.
   Balder rose up to his feet, clutching his sword tightly. Two of his men bravely tried to save their comrade. Only for the bear to lose interest in the dead man, it’s large body easily swiping the men off to the side. One of the men screaming in pain, his leg now bent in the opposite direction. 
   The bear roared, grabbing the man with the broken leg with its strong jaws before harshly slamming him into the ground. While the other desperately tried to save his friend, only for his throat to be sliced open by the bear’s sharp claws. Blood spraying all over the bear’s face like a loose faucet. The bear then slamming the man in its jaws onto the ground again until his neck broke.
   A deep, guttural growl left the grizzly’s body, it’s golden eyes making eye contact with Balder. It’s scarred face throwing Balder off guard. That was no ordinary bear. That bear was a monster.
   Balder swore the monster smirked at him before it went to finish off his comrades, almost like it was checking if they were dead for sure. Balder froze in fear. His men lay still on the ground, only for this monster of a creature to continue tearing them apart. 
    “Lord Balder! Hurry! We have to go!” The young guard shouted, the young boy crying as he tried to pull his master away from the scene. It appeared they were the only two still alive. “We can’t die here. We have to save lady (your name)! Hurry-“
   The bear launched itself at the boy, the boy screaming while the bear latched its jaws around his left arm. Sharp teeth tearing off his arm with ease. Blood spraying all over Balder’s face. 
   The prince quickly snapping to his senses. Preparing his sword, Balder swung his sword at the bear, the sharp metal slicing into the bear’s side. A loud roar leaving the bear’s throat.
    The grizzly rose to its hind legs, forgetting about the young guard who cradled his torn appendage in fear. The young guard tried to father himself,  reaching into his pocket to pull out a small dagger to try to protect himself.
  The grizzly’s golden eyes narrowed at Balder. A growl leaving it’s throat, it’s large body easily towering over Balder. But the bear seemed to be telling Balder to fight it. To kill it.
    The prince gulped before bravely charging at the bear, Balder couldn’t die here. He had to save (your name)… he had to see her again. Balder had so much to live for.
    The bear easily swatted Balder off to the side. The prince flying into the air from the force of the blow, his back slamming into a tree. A crack ringing in Balder’s ears. Balder knew his rib’s were now broken from that monster’s strength.
    Blue eyes glanced off to the side, his broadsword laying a few feet from him. The prince slowly crawling towards his sword, trying his best not to alert the monster of his actions.
   The bear then turned its attention back to the young guard. The young guard beginning  to cry, causing the bear to release a few barks, as if it was laughing at Balder and his men. Were their lives just a game to this monster?
    The grizzly placed it’s paws on the young man’s head. The young man desperately trying to fend off the bear with his small dagger, ultimately begging the monster for his life. But the monster ruthlessly crush his head in instead by putting down its full weight. Blood and skull fragments now covering the bear’s front paws.
   Balder began to cry, the injured prince desperately  trying to crawl faster to his sword. He couldn’t die here. He wouldn’t die here. He prayed to the gods, to any god, that would let him survive this hell. To let him save his fiancée. To just see her one last time… to see his (your name)…
    The bear began to bark again, laughing at Balder’s struggle. The bear slowly approaching Balder, the bear huffing in triumph. The grizzly placed a paw on Balder’s forearm, stopping him just shy of a foot from his sword. Balder was so close, he was so close yet so far…
   Balder glanced up at the bear, it’s scarred face gazing at Balder in sadistic glee. With a loud snap, Balder felt his forearm snap under the full weight of the bear. A pained scream leaving Balder’s throat, the bear soon moving it’s attention to Balder’s legs.
    The bear placed a paw on each femur before giving them the same treatment as Balder’s right forearm. Loud crunching noises echoing throughout the forest. 
    “You son of a-“ the bear’s jaw was soon around Balder’s right shoulder, agonizing screams leaving the blonde’s throat as the grizzly bear began to shake him like a rag doll.
    The grizzly dragging Balder’s body over to a tree, the grizzly slamming the prince into the tree over and over and over again. Until the prince went completely limp.
    A satisfied growl left the bear’s throat. The bear dropping Balder’s body to the forest floor, golden eyes studying its handy work.
   Body parts and blood lay all around the bear. The grizzly glancing around for somewhere to put all the parts.
   A small cave soon sticking out to him. The bear growling before getting to work. 
    Balder’s blue eyes gazed dully at his comrades’ bodies. A single finger twitching before he went completely still.
    Björn washed away the blood off his body. The dark haired man gazing at his reflection in distaste. Would his new companion like his rugged appearance? 
    His face and body was covered in so many scars. Ranging from other animals and even some from the men he’s killed over the years. Björn hummed at the new scar already forming on his side from Balder’s sword.
   Björn was just lucky werebears healed faster than average humans. He wouldn’t want to have to wait a long time to recover when he had his beautiful companion to take care of. A beautiful noble lady…
    “(Your name)…” Björn whispered her name, trying to familiarize the name on his lips. A smile crawling on his face. He knew he’d have to wait until she woke up so he could call her by her name. It was only proper for her to tell him her name herself.
    Björn ran a hand threw his long beard before pulling out a dagger he had stolen off one of the men he just killed. Maybe he should trim it down like that blonde fellow’s? 
    Björn continued to study his reflection. Ultimately he decided to trim his beard down and clean his long hair as much as he could. He wanted to look presentable to his companion.
   Plus he now had some lovely horse hides to give her. Björn really hoped she liked them.
    Björn brushed his fingers threw his companion’s hair, his brown eyes softening at her calm expression.
    A few weeks have passed, he had noticed her leaning into his touch now. The action causing Björn’s heart to soar.
    Björn placed a gently kiss to (your name)’s forehead, desperately trying to hold back from his desire to kiss her plump lips. He wanted to properly introduce himself before he took their relationship to the next level.
    Björn rose from his chair from beside the bed, a hum leaving his throat as he stirred the turkey soup he had made in a cauldron over his fireplace. (Your name) seemed to really enjoy the soups he made, which in turn made Björn happy. 
    A rustling noise soon caught Björn’s attention, the wooden spoon in his hand almost falling into the cauldron at the sight before him. (Your name) was awake and sitting up.
    “H-hello?” (Your name) softly whispered, her voice hoarse from not using it in a few weeks. “Have you been the one taking care of me?”
    Björn quickly took the spoon out of the soup, placing it on the small wooden dining table he had before making his way over to the young woman. 
     Björn sat on his knees, his large hands holding her much smaller hands in his. Björn’s honey colored eyes studying her beautiful (eye color) orbs in awe.
     “Y-yes… I’m so glad you’re awake…” Björn nervously replied, a rosy blush coating his rugged features. “I don’t want you to over exert yourself. If you need to rest you can…”
    “Ah, but I feel like I’ve been here for such a long time…” (your name) replied softly, her (eye color) eyes glancing into Björn’s brown ones. “I don’t want to be anymore of a burden to you.”
    “You could never be a burden to me.” Björn smiled at (your name), the male practically melting under her gaze. “You can stay as long as you have to…”
    “You’re very kind.” (Your name) gave his hands a gentle squeeze, Björn trying his best not to cry in joy. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you… mister?”
    “Björn. My name is Björn Danner.” Björn brightly smiled at (your name). “What is your name?”
    “My name is (your full name).” 
    “You have a very beautiful name.” A chuckle left (your name)’s throat. The young woman gave Björn a smile so charming that it made his knees feel like jelly.
    “Thank you, Björn.” Björn shakily rose to his feet before motioning his hand towards the various books decorating the shelves in his cabin. 
   “If you’re feeling better, you can read a book if you’d like or…” Björn flushed before composing himself to continue speaking, “I could read a book to you…”
    “Thank you but I’m okay for now. I think I may need some more rest for now.” (Your name) politely replied. “Thank you, Björn.”
    “Would you like some soup? I just caught some turkey and I dried out the rest of it for winter.”
    “For winter?” (Your name) softly muttered. A frown was now prominent on her face. “I… I need to go home before then… I was supposed to be getting married awhile ago…”
   Björn clenched his fists before relaxing. He had already taken care of that situation. 
    “Winter will be here in a week or two already… I don’t know if you’ll have the strength to be able to make it back home quite yet.” Björn did his best to keep his composure, brown eyes shining softly at (your name). “I’m sure it’ll be safer once winter is over to head back.”
  (Your name) furrowed her brows in concern. She really missed her fiancé, Balder. He was a wonderful man who treated her so well. Balder would do anything for her… which is why she was wondering why he hasn’t left to look for her yet.
    Balder was the type of man who would send out a search party if she didn’t reply to his letters in a day. So she couldn’t imagine what he could be going through right now… (your name) just hoped Balder was happy whenever he was. 
   (Eye color) orbs gazed out the window, a frown gracing (your name)’s lips. Was Balder safe?
   Balder couldn’t understand how he was still alive… or how he could still even walk.
    Balder stared at his body in wonder at the faded wounds he received from that monstrous grizzly. It was almost as if his body was regenerating itself even faster.
    Balder began to notice a change in his body as well. He was growing more body hair, his hunger was unending, he was stronger, more muscular, and he was even faster than he used to be.
    Something abnormal was definitely going on, but the lord just couldn’t figure out what it was…
    Balder grasped the golden locket around his neck with a smile on his face. The gods had answered his prayers about not dying so now he just had to find his beloved. 
    The blonde continued making his way through the maze of the forest. The insatiable hunger returning to him again. Perhaps he would go find something to eat?
    Balder quickened his pace, unaware that his shadow was now that of a large bear.
    Living with Björn wasn’t so bad. (Your name) was slowly getting accustomed to her caretaker and his particular quirks. 
    “Would you like some jam on your bread, darling?” (Your name) glanced at the rugged man. She wondered how he got all of his scars. Was he a mercenary if some sort? Yet she doubt he possibly could be one, his docile demeanor did not give her any sense of danger.
    “Björn. Just call me by my name please.” (Your name) constantly had to remind her caretaker to not call her pet names. She knew he must’ve been alone for a long time and he more than likely became extremely attached to her, but he could not keep her here. 
     “Oh, I did it again… I apologize.” Björn but his lip, trying his best not to get frustrated that (your name) didn’t like his nicknames. She’s been with him for a few more weeks now maybe the Stockholm hasn’t set in yet?
    “Ah. It’s snowing outside, Björn!”  (Your name) gazed at the snow in awe. Where she came from, it hardly ever snowed. It was mostly just rain. 
    Björn’s cheeks flushed a rosy red, his honey colored eyes memorizing the way (your name)’s face lit up at the snow. 
    “I should bring some wood in to start a fire with. It’ll get pretty chilly soon.” Björn rose up from his chair, a soft hand grasping the sleeve of his shirt. Björn’s breath hitched, the male trying his hardest not to melt at the touch. Something below his belt twitching in excitement at the simple touch.
     “Please be safe, Björn.” Björn gulped, nodding his head since he couldn’t get his words out.
    The brawny male quickly shutting the front door, Björn shaking from the interaction. 
    Björn nervously shifted his legs, a soft moan leaving his throat when the fabric rubbed against his member just right.
   “Ah.” Björn placed a hand over his mouth, the man quickly moving away from the cabin to the large wood storage. Björn opening the door to it, shallow breaths escaping his throat. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment at how turned on he was from such a little touch.
    Björn glanced around the wood storage room, the man’s eyes glancing at a chair he had in the corner of the room. His large hand shakily holding his clothed member in embarrassment.
    Should he take care of his problem before returning? Björn glanced down, gulping at the sight of his noticeable erection. Björn sighed before slowly pulling down his pants, the large member springing up from its tight confinement. The light pink head already slightly leaking precum.
    Björn shakily placed a hand on his shaft, his breath hitching at the touch. He didn’t understand why he was so sensitive right now. Was it because she touched him?
   Björn slowly began to move his hand up and down, eyes closing as he began to imagine (your name)’s hand in his stead. Would she ever want to touch him like this? Could she even take him?
   Björn slowly began to pick up his pace, his thoughts racing in his head. Would she let him be inside of her? Would she let him give her his everything? His love? His seed? His offspring?
    Björn’s mind raced to (your name) rubbing a swollen stomach, the mental image of itself sending Björn over the edge. His hot semen spilling all over his hand and onto the dirt floor. Björn tried to calm his heartbeat. 
    He was so embarrassed that he thought such filthy thoughts of her when she didn’t even return a fraction of the magnitude of his feelings for her. Maybe (your name) was the reason he was slowly being driven insane. No. Björn had no right to blame her. He was the one with no self control.
    Björn cleaned himself up so he could return to the task at hand. He needed to make sure his darling was warm. Björn was sure she’d slowly give into his subtle advances.
   Balder gazed at his blood soaked hands. A shaky breath leaving his throat in shock. What had he done?
    Balder gazed at the full grown moose that laid mauled before him. It’s throat ripped out by some sort of savage animal. 
    Had the grizzly done this? No… it wasn’t the grizzly. Balder felt that hunger again, his blue eyes widening as white fur began to sprout from his arms. Tears falling down Balder’s face in realization.
    Balder was now a monster as well except… he was much larger than that grizzly. 
    Balder threw his head back, a loud growl leaving his throat before his face morphed into that of a polar bear. The only human part of him remaining was the locket around his neck. The soft fabric of the string stretching enough to accommodate his neck for now, but at the rate he was growing, he was going to need to store it somewhere.
    Balder knew he now stood a chance against that monster if he wanted to find (your name). All he needed to do now is learn how to control himself. He didn’t want to ever hurt (your name)… never.
    Björn rose up from his bed, his ears shifting to be above his head in alarm. There weren’t supposed to be any other bears in his forest. Not ones like him at least.
    Björn contained the growl in his throat, his honey eyes glancing at the form of (your name) sleeping softly beside him in the corner of the large bed he made for the two of them.
    Björn rubbed his hand through her head, (your name) unconsciously leaning into the warm touch. A smile crawling on Björn’s lips.
    He would check it out tomorrow. For now, he didn’t want to alarm (your name) of any danger.
    Björn bravely shifted his body to wrap around (your name)’s, the young woman unconsciously leaning into his warm embrace. A smile dawning on Björn’s face when (your name)’s shirt fell slightly to the side, revealing the soft skin of her shoulder to him.
     “You’re my family now, (your name)…” Björn muttered to himself, the rugged man placing his lips on her exposed shoulder. His teeth lightly grazed the skin before he stopped himself. “I’ll protect you.”
     (Your name) felt disgusted with herself for enjoying Björn’s touch. She was an engaged woman and here she was letting this man kiss her shoulder while she was ‘asleep.’ 
    (Your name) glanced at the sleeping Björn. Her eyes studying the various scars on his face. The slash across his nose and lip being the most prominent. She had to admit, Björn was actually really good looking. 
    His medium length, chocolate hair was a little wavy and he had a nice full beard. He was definitely her type even if he was a little rough around the edges.
    (Your name) placed her hand on Björn’s cheek, the man’s honey colored eyes snapping open immediately. (Your name) tried to pull her hand back, but Björn grasped her hand.
    “Can you… touch me more?” Björn whispered so softly, as if he would break if he spoke any louder. “I… please.”
    (Your name) sat herself up, both of her hands gently tracing over the scars on Björn’s face. A few soft moans escaping his lips. The man sitting up now before taking off his shirt. 
    (Your name) gasped at the various scars and burns that littered his muscular body. Björn smiling softly at (your name) in an attempt to reassure her.
    “They don’t hurt anymore if you were wondering.” Björn grasped (your name)’s hands in his, a smile sitting on his lips. “I’m very strong.”
     (Your name) furrowed her brows. How could Björn say that? she could tell he’s been through so much. 
   “Björn…” Björn perked up at his name, brown eyes focused only on (your name). There was nothing more important to Björn than this very moment. “Can I lay on your chest?”
  Björn blinked, trying his best to process that. The man quickly lay on his back, his hand patting his chest. Motioning for her to rest her head.
    (Your name) stifled a giggle at his cuteness. It was strange to describe Björn as cute but there was no other word she could think of to describe how adorable he could be at times.
    (Your name) gently laid her head on his chest. Her left hand lazily tracing circles on his prickly chest. 
    “Good night, Björn.”
    “Good night, darling.” (Your name) couldn’t find it in herself to correct him on his pet names anymore.
    Björn was so giddy. He felt over the moon at the progress he was making with his relationship with (your name). She no longer corrected him when he called her darling and now she touched him. 
    “Do you want any fish, darling?” Björn asked, a pretty smile resting on (your name)’s face. 
    “Okay, Björn. Thank you, I really appreciate you.” Björn swooned. 
    “Ah, of course!” Björn cursed himself for being so awkward. A small giggle leaving (your name). Björn was so cute. “I’ll go get some for you.”
    “Pease be safe, Björn!” Björn smiled at (your name).
    “Of course. I have you to come home to now, darling.” Björn winked at (your name), causing a blush to flush her cheeks since he caught her off guard.
    “I guess I’d miss you if something happened to you.” (Your name) fiddled with her hands. “I guess I’ve come to like you, Bjorn.”
   Björn smiled before heading out to door. (Your name) frowning at herself while her heart skipped beats in her chest.
    Why on earth was she falling for Björn when she still had Balder?
    Balder tightly grasped the locket he had found beside a frozen swimming hole. Tears falling down his face.
    She was here… it might’ve been a long time ago, but Balder was completely sure she was once here.
    Balder tightly pressed the numerous animal pelts he had collected over the last week onto his pale body for warmth. Icy blue eyes glancing the area for any other sign that (your name) could be around.
   Balder was starting to get frustrated with his search. He felt as if he was running circles in this frosted forest from hell. It was impossible to know your way around here and he had been here almost a month.
    Not to mention, he had no control over when he was a bear or when he was a man.
    Balder huffed before making his way back up the watering hole. He was going to continue his search. No matter how long it took. He wouldn’t give up hope in finding (your name).
    But for now, he’d go to the cave where his dead men resided with him. Their corpses were a reminder of what he must do. Balder wanted to save (your name) first and then come back for his dead men once him and her were home. 
  For now, that cold cave was his shelter. His makeshift home.
    Björn sighed at the sight of carnage he found. Various carcasses of moose and elk lay around the forest. This was definitely the work of a new werebear.
   Björn was careless. He should’ve made sure he killed all of those men before throwing them in the cave. Better yet, he should’ve destroyed all of their carcasses.
    New werebears were dangerous because they didn’t know how to control their animalistic urges or even when they shifted. Not to mention the insatiable hunger. 
    Björn was going to have to hunt this other werebear down before he disrupted the natural resources even more. Werebears are meant to be born, not created due to their destructive nature.
    And at the way this one tore apart the moose and elks, Björn knew this was the work of a polar bear. 
    Björn growled softly at the thought of that other bear finding his home and hurting (your name). 
    Like hell Björn would let that happen. He wouldn’t let anyone disturb his family.
    Björn continued his trek through the forest to get to the river. He was going to catch some fish for (your name) and make sure he covered their scent as much as possible. 
    He didn’t want to run into this bear quite yet. Björn needed time to prepare, time to put on more mass, and mod importantly, time to get (your name) to never leave him.
    (Your name) happily ate the trout Björn had prepared for the two of them. Björn sitting in front of her with his hands on either side of his face, his honey eyes admiring her.
   “Björn… how long have you been here?” Björn froze at the question, a sad smile stretching on his lips. Björn sat upright, placing his hands down on the table.
    “Most of my life.” Björn replied. “My parents left me here when I was very, very young.” (Your name) frowned, pausing her meal to place a comforting hand on his right hand. How could a family abandon their child in the forest like this?
    “It must’ve been so lonely…” (your name) whispered, her eyes gazing softly into Björn’s. 
    “I have you now though.” Björn smiled softly. “You’re the first person I’ve ever talked this much to… I really enjoy having you around… I… I don’t know if I could go through that again if you left.” 
    (Your name) bit her lip. Björn was such a sweet man. He didn’t deserve to be here all alone in the middle of nowhere… it wasn’t fair. 
  “Well, my fiancé hasn’t searched for me or he might’ve found my carriage and presumed I’m dead at this point…” (your name) muttered, Björn’s eyes shining at her words. “At this rate I might not have anywhere else to go.”
    “Then you can stay here. I can take care of you… of us.” Björn excitedly exclaimed before composing himself. “Ah. I didn’t mean to jump the gun. I just really enjoy your company.”
    “I enjoy your company too… honey.” (Your name) tested out the pet name she had been thinking of for Björn. He’s been calling her darling for a little over a month or two now, so isn’t it fair that she give him a pet name as well? Ways it strange how she was warming up to the idea of being with Björn?
    He was so patient and caring… he always listened to her. He was even more attentive to her than Balder was… it was astounding how such a loving man existed.
    Björn’s whole face turned a bright, cherry red. 
   “Ah… honey?” Björn nervously fiddled with his fingers, the rugged man trying his best not to dissolve into a puddle of goo in his seat. “I… I like it.”
    (Your name) giggled, her eyes softening at her companion. She could definitely get used to living with Björn. He was so soft and sweet… like a teddy bear.
     “I’m glad you like the nickname…” (your name) smiled softly, her lashes fluttering against her soft skin like the wings of a butterfly. “I… I mean it when I say I enjoy your company. You’re very sweet to me. Even when I can be a little cold at times.”
    Björn heart soared higher than an eagle in the sky. She was starting to give into him… but he knew he was going to have to keep being patient if he wanted her to fall for him completely.
  “And I enjoy your company, darling.” Björn opened his arms to her, (your name) happily accepting the hug Björn wanted to give her. “So very much.”
   A wicked smile crawled in Björn’s lips, his honey colored eyes flashing a gold. Björn was so happy she was starting to see things his way. It really saved him the trouble from having to go to the extremes.
    Today was the first day (your name) had been outside since she’s found herself under Björn’s care for the last half of the year. A thoughtfully made fur coat of various animal pelts wrapped around her small figure like a warm hug.
    “Honey. Please wait for me. My little legs can’t keep up with your long ones.” Björn chuckled at (your name) before slowing himself down. A soft smile resting on his face as he gazed lovingly at his future mate.
    “I’m sorry, darling. I guess I got a little too excited to show you around.” Björn gestured at the beautiful frozen forest. The trees appearing as if they were covered in iridescent crystals. “Right now it’s a winter wonderland.”
   (Your name) stared at the view in awe. Björn was right. The forest was very beautiful…
    Soft snowflakes slowly began to fall from the sky, their small, fluffy white bodies landing on (your name)’s head like tiny frozen kisses. 
   A giggle left (your name)’s throat, which in turn cause Björn to admire her happy face.
    “I’ll show you where the river is. If we ever get separated for any reason, meet me at the river.” Björn warned her, a stern look on his face. “There’s been a recent disturbance in the forest, so if you happen to run into a bear or a wolf, scream for me and I’ll come.”
    “But you wouldn’t ever let anything happen to me.” (Your name) smiled at Björn, taking his large hand in hers. “I trust you, Björn.”
     Björn gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She was right. He wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her. 
    The two continued their trek around the forest until they came to the raging river. The two stopping for a break on the rocky bank. 
    “I’m going to go on ahead and cut a hole so we can catch some fish. The ice has a tendency to be thin in some areas so I don’t want you to fall through. The current is incredibly strong here so you could easily be swept under and drown.” Björn stated, the giant male motioning for (your name) to sit on a rock. “Stay right here, okay darling?”
    (Your name) nodded her head, placing herself on a large rock while Björn got to work. (Eye color) eyes observing Björn slowly treading through the ice, careful not to step on one thin pieces. 
    (Your name) then glanced around the clearing, her brow furrowing at the quietness of the forest. Shouldn’t there be at least a few birds or any sort of animals making the slightest bit of noise? They all couldn’t be in hibernation or migrated could they?
    (Your name) pulled her fur coat closer to herself, trying to shrug off the bad feeling she had. Having Björn there made her feel slightly safer, but she had a gut feeling that someone’s eyes were watching her.
    (Your name) glanced one last time over to the forest, a chill running down her spine at what she saw.
     There was a giant polar bear to the left and he looked ready to charge at them…
    “Björn!” (Your name) shouted, immediately alarming the rugged male, his eyes turning to her direction. 
    “Darling? What’s the matter?” Björn sucked in a deep breath, his eyes following her shaky hand pointing into the forest. Honey colored eyes meeting icy eyes for the first time in months. 
    Of course that noble bastard was a werebear now. Björn easily recognized this scent. The polar bear released a loud growl, the humongous white bear slowly making its way towards the pair. It’s sharp teeth flashing in the sunlight, attempting to entice Björn to fight him.
    “Run (your name).” Björn commanded, the male carefully, but swiftly made his way back to the rocky bank. “Run and don’t look back. I will find you.”
    “But Björn-“ Björn shook his head at (your name), his eyes pleading with her.
    “Go down the river. I will find you, I swear.” (Your name) meekly nodded before taking off. The young woman sparing one last glance, concern laced on her face.
    “Please be safe, Björn.” (Your name) then fled down the river, Björn quickly shedding his clothes, much to the confusion of the the polar bear. 
     A loud growl left the polar bear’s throat. Balder had finally found (your name) so why did she run? Was it because she thought he was a monster?
   Balder tried to chase after (your name), only for a familiar grizzly to stand in his way. Realization hitting Balder. Björn was the one who took his fiancée, Björn was the one who made him a monster.
    A loud roar left Balder, his anger and hatred laced in his battle cry. He wasn’t going to let this beast stand between him and reuniting with his love. 
    Björn snarled at Balder, the two bears circling each other. A deadly dance about to begin.
     Balder was the first to charge, his larger body easily shoving Björn to the ground. The grizzly jumping back up to its feet, it’s sharp claws easily swiping into the polar bear’s side. 
     Blood dripped from the wound, the polar bear hissing in pain. Balder quickly tackled Björn to the ground. Sharp teeth digging into the back of Björn’s neck, the grizzly desperately trying to get out of Balder’s hold.
   Balder was then flipped over, blood dripping from his jaws. Icy blue orbs glaring at the golden eyes of the scarred grizzly. He couldn’t believe his life came to this. To fighting a bear to save his fiancée.
     Balder roared, only for his face to be slashed from a powerful swipe from Björn’s claws. Balder was seething in rage. The hunger slowly beginning to hit him again.
    Björn huffed, his eyes glancing at the ice. An epiphany hitting him. Björn could tell Balder had little to no control over his bear urges, so why not take advantage of Balder thinking like a bear?
    Björn bolted towards the ice covered river. The polar bear growling in anger, immediately giving chase. He wanted to end this. He wanted to devour Björn for taking everything from him. 
    Björn began to dodge certain parts in the ice, careful not to alert Balder in what he was trying to do. 
     Balder slowed down, his icy eyes widening as the ice began to crack under him. Balder froze in place, the grizzly bear giving him a toothy grin. 
    A loud cry escaped the polar bears lips before he plunged into the icy river. The current sweeping him underneath the ice caps. Clawed paws desperately trying to swim to the top, only for the thick ice to prevent him from escaping. 
   Björn shook his head, carefully making his way back to his clothes. 
    That should hold his opponent off for awhile while he went to find (your name). Possibly even get rid of him already if he didn’t know how to swim. 
    Finding (Your name) was his priority right now at the moment. She couldn’t have gotten that far…
    (Your name) tried catching her breath, her hands resting on her knees. She had ran the fastest she could to get away from the bear. Tears gathering in her eyes in fear. 
    She really hoped Björn was okay. A shudder left her throat at the thought of Björn being dead. 
    (Your name) glanced around the forest, clutching onto her coat for warmth. It was slowly starting to get colder. The chilly air nipping at her cheeks in the way dogs nipped at the feet of sheep. 
    (Eye color) eyes shifted to the thick brush, a small cave now visible to her. 
    Björn should be able to find her if she went into that cave right? (Your name) took a deep breath before making her way towards the cave. 
    A strong gust of wind nearly knocking her over, the snowfall steadily becoming heavier by the minute.
    (Your name) trudged through the snow, standing just shy of a foot from the cave. A vile smell filling her nostrils, causing (your name) to gag. She’s never inhaled such a foul smell before.
    (Your name) placed an arm over her nose, bravely pushing forward into the cave. The snowfall now turning into a blizzard.
Here’s part 2:
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