#after the strom
houseof1000hoes · 1 year
MoonLight - Kali Uchis
I Just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muneca cuando miro en el espejo
kiss, kiss
looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
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"Even if the sky cracks in mourning / And the heavens just won't open up for me" A Series of Small Offerings - II/12 - day20
#a series of small offerings#sleep token fanart#elaboration on this piece further down in the tags because this one may confuse people i think#(also please note that i firmly believe that the from the room below version of this song is the superior one)#(so the art was made with that version in mind because that is the version that lives rent free in my brain for reasons)#i've been thinking so much how to approach this one.. i knew pretty much since i've made the challenge that i will go with this line#specifically because i refuse to hear it as the lyrics sites and spotify tells me to hear it (as it appears in the post) but instead#i don't hear the 'the' in any version of the song i'm sorry that is just not there#so i'm convinced it is 'as the sky cracks in mourning'#(sky cracking-lightning;sky mourning-rain)#which is also exactly how the song feels to me#being a sad wet cat of a person standing bare feet in a strom and just crying 'why i was i so blind to my own hubris'#specifically in relation of finally (and far too late) understanding you fucked up a relationship so bad it still hurts years after#if you've ever felt anything remotely similar you know what i'm talking about#and you get why i refuse it being 'in the morning' instead of 'in mourning'#vessel i#vessel#vessel sleep token#vessel fanart#sleep token band#sleeptoken#levynn tries to draw#sleep token#edit: i don't mean to offend those who stand behind the line being 'in the morning' btw i just don't hear it#and i don't think i'm correct. i'm correct for me. not in your stead. half the lyrics can be heard at least two ways#edit2: appearently i'm actually right about something for a change.. a truly unusual turn of events#see comments for referrence pls#also edited this post to the correct lyrics#but leaving the tags for context 'cause thw original version of the post has been rb-d before editing i think
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thelastdayalive · 11 months
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BRENT SPINER in Superhero Movie (2008)
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deep-spacediver577 · 7 months
Who else is forever "ruined" by Drakken, whenever they think the word shampoo? Raise your hand if so. ✋
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oceanofsoup · 11 months
I like to think that when Luke and Anakin experienced rain for the first time they just stood out in it for as long as they could.
Little 9 year old anakin standing out by the steps of the temple as the light mist grows to a downpour, qui-gon watching from just inside to stay dry. He brings him back inside after a bit, not wanting to be responsible for letting anakin get sick so soon after bring him to the temple.
19 year old luke experiencing a days long thunderstorm shortly after arriving on yavin 4. The first day of the storm he dissappears and no one can find him for a while. Leia ends ups finding him a while later outside the base, hidden away, letting himself realize everything that has happened in such a short time. In the following days he can be found out it the rain whenever he's able to sneak away.
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stromcuzewon · 6 months
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oddlouies · 2 years
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Away from home festival, 2022. Merch
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in-naeher-we-trust · 3 months
a red in the second game of the nwsl regular season… we’re so back asdfghjkl
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loveluri · 2 years
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dylsexai · 2 months
If you're LGBT and you think you need to vote Biden instead of voting for a third party. I understand. I get it, I really do. The problem here is that you're falling for the foot in the face technique.
You're relying on a man who is committing genocide to come to your aid out of the goodness of his heart. He'll be on his lame duck term after the election, which means he has nothing to gain from helping you.
We're talking about a man who authored the extremely racist Crime Bill, which saw thousands of black men sentenced to life in prison for simple drug possession. We're talking about a known segregationist who opposed bussing 20 years after Brown. A man who eulogised Strom Thurmond. A man who pushed for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why exactly would you expect anything of him?
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olsenmyolsen · 3 days
I Can Fix Her (No Really I Can)
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master list . dark master list . Sequel to imgonnagetyouback
MCU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: You and Wanda Maximoff used to be something, but now that you're with Natasha Romanoff, Wanda can't stand by and let it happen.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Confused/Sad/Hurt Natasha, Manipulation, Heartbreak
tagging: @alexawynters @viktoriaromanovaa @flositaa @diffidentphantom @scarlettbitchx
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It had been a week since your girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, returned from her mission.
A week since Wanda kissed you.
A week since you wanted more of Wanda.
A week since she said she was gonna get you back. One way or another.
But now here you were, looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows to the courtyard in between the compound. Natasha was sat on top of a bench with her clothed legs spread and her feet firmly planted on the wooden part where most people would sit.
Natasha used to be a smoker. A habit she picked up to deal with her past lives. A habit she broke around the time you joined the team. Yet you watched as the smoke billowed out her mouth like a freight train through a small town.
Natasha shook her and looked up to the sky. Strom clouds were beginning to roll in, and you couldn't exactly see what Natasha said, but it looked like she was asking a question.
The Black Widow wasn't stupid. She's caring and loving to the right people. A true fighter. She can see the guilt and pain behind your eyes when you think she doesn't notice. She can see the turmoil in your head even if you think you were faking it.
It pains Natasha because she doesn't know what to do. Or what caused this?
If Romanoff had to guess, Wanda would be the answer.
Natasha shakes her head once more and scoffs as she takes one last drag of her cigarette before putting it out. Her mind replaying a conversation with Steve Rogers from a few months prior.
"She just got out of the relationship with Wanda. Are you sure she's someone you want to be with?" Steve was cautious with his phrasing. Natasha just took a sip of her beer as the two of them sat at a bar in the middle of the city. Josie's was the name.
A crush wasn't the exact word. But Natasha had been fascinated with you from the start. Since the day you walked through the doors of the compound. However, you were a touch closer in age to Wanda Maximoff, and Natasha still struggled with her personal mind games. But after so long, you were now single again and fresh out of the slammer of a toxic relationship everyone could see from a mile away.
"I know what I'm doing, Rogers," Natasha said as she kept her hands around the bottle—not looking at her friend.
Steve sighed. "I just don't want to see you hurt." Natasha knew Steve only wanted what was best. But to Natasha, you were it. You were supposed to be someone to change the prophecy Natasha had been handed in life.
"I know Steve. Thank you." Natasha was quiet as she looked into Steve's blue eyes. He gave her a brief smile back. "God help her." He said, Natasha knew he wasn't talking about you.
Natasha scoffed with a laugh. "Your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger. I can fix her." Steve raised an eyebrow to Natasha's words. "No, really, I can."
"And only I can," Natasha whispered to herself just as raindrops started to land on her.
You who got tired of watching your gi- your- Natasha wallow open the glass door to the courtyard as the skies opened up. "Natasha!" You yelled as you ran towards her, taking your hoodie off and holding it up above her head. Natasha turned towards you in your Toyotathon t-shirt and smiled at that and your action.
You still care about me. Natasha thought to herself before she looked towards your eyes. She always did and always will love them. "Let's get you inside!" You spoke up as thunder cracked above you. Natasha nodded as she jumped off the bench and wrapped her arms around you.
You melted slightly against her.
You love her. You do.
As the two of you entered Natasha's room, the redhead let go of you and closed the door behind you. She then turned her green eyes towards your gaze and smiled. It was a genuine smile. "Hi," Natasha said, making you smile and chuckle. "Hi," You replied as if you were a shy teenager.
But then again, the two of you kind of were. Since Natasha came back, it was as if the two of you had learned the right steps but to different dances. And now, here, in Natasha's room, a little wet in front of the rain, the two of you felt like you were finally on the same page once more.
Natasha made her way to you and backed you up until your legs hit her bed, causing you to fall down. The action making the two of you laugh.
Before you could even speak, Natasha was on top of you. Kissing you softly with her love behind every kiss. Her need to be enough an underlying hidden meanining. When Natasha lifted her face, she smiled as she could practically see the dopamine racing through your brain.
She still had an effect on you.
She always would.
To a certain extent.
"What was that for?" You felt silly asking as you raised your hand to Natasha's cheek. Your hand so callous from your pistol tracing hearts gently on her face. "Because I love you," Natasha replied as if it was casual, but this was one of the handful of times Natasha said or would ever say it to you.
Your mouth dropped ever so slightly as Natasha grabbed your hand and locked her fingers between yours, moving them from her cheek to her lips. Kissing the pads of your fingers. "I love you too." You replied after seconds had passed.
"God help her." Rang through Natasha's mind.
She ignored it and brought her body down to yours. The taste of her lips makes you blush again. You loved the flavor. Always had.
You moved your hands further down Natasha's backside as the exchange between the two of you became more heated—a mix of lust and wanting.
Your warm fingers sent Natasha ablaze when they went below her black shirt. The contact leaving Natasha gasping as she lifted herself off you. The two of your lips darker.
I can fix her.
Natasha brought her hand to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up and off her. Throwing it to a forgotten place on the floor. Her black bra distracting you. "Come on. It's your turn." Natasha teased as she gave you a quick peck before helping you out of your shirt. Your bare chest immediately on display.
Natasha loved it. Especially the group of freckles that danced across your left boob. Slowly, she brought her hands up to it. A whisper of a moan fell from your mouth before Natasha took your chin and pulled you into her again.
"Good girl." Natasha moaned out as your mouth ended up leaving marks of maroon on her chest and abs. You smiled into her skin. "Oh god, you're an angel for me." Natasha couldn't help but voice in sighs.
You moaned into her head as Natasha worked her down your body this time. "Oh, baby!"
Natasha smirked hearing you.
No, really, I can.
Yourblackpanties stayed hung around your ankle as Natasha spread you wider. The sight was always divine, but your taste was something Natasha had never wanted to take for granted. Yet she was a woman starved today. A woman who wanted you to scream her name. Natasha wanted you to cum for her. To be there for her.
Natasha loved you.
You threw your head back as Natasha ate you out and finger fucked you. Your moans and whimpers were past the point of euphoric. You were more than happy in this moment. The love you felt and gave was on another planet.
Yet, in an instant, your thoughts became muddled and confused; about someone else.
The words left your mouth and changed everything in the matter of seconds.
With a smile, Natasha kissed up your body. The taste of you still on her fingers and tongue, you moaned: "Oh, Wanda."
Natasha froze and looked into your eyes to see them... unchanged. You hadn't realized your words... maybe that's what made Natasha's heart hurt more even after you broke it.
It's that you didn't even notice...
Woah, maybe I can't.
Maybe I can't fix her.
Down the hall in her room, Wanda Maximoff opened her red eyes as they faded back to green and smirked.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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i am once again asking for a flayed!Steve fic you can take it however and wherever u want to I just wanna see some angsty :3
gonna do the aftermath from the first flayed!steve fic.
“pick up, pick up, pick up, fucking pick-“ “hello?”
“nancy! steve’s back, but he’s- he’s been flayed. he- he was trying to choke me tonight.” absentmindedly grazing your fingertips over your sore throat where you can feel the bruising starting to form.
there was shuffling on her end before her voice came through, “where are you?” “steve’s house. i was searching the woods and then i saw his car in the driveway and he opened the door… he seemed normal but also loss of memory.”
“okay i’m on my way. jona-“ and the line cut off. the strom was getting worse. the harrington house was cloaked in darkness, none of the lights working.
with slow, shakey legs you brought yourself back up the stairs and down the hall to steve’s open door. before you called nancy you made sure to seat steve on his desk chair and managed to find some duck tape and used the whole roll on his torso, wrist, and ankles. you couldn’t afford to be caught off guard again.
he was still unconscious, you think. maybe he’s just playing his game, pretending to be one thing when he’s actually another. maybe he heard the call and is just waiting for the right time to-
“you sure are a vision.” steve’s voice but distorted broke the silence. your heart stopped beating and your blood went cold. eyes slowly dragging to his face, the dried blood matted some of his hair to his temple with two thin streaks sliding down his face to his chin. “no wonder he keeps worrying about you.
“let him go, you monster!” screaming at steve’s face. all it did was grin devilishly and chuckle demonically. “no, i quite like this one. planning to keep him even after his body decayed.”
“well we stopped you before and we’re doing again. you don’t get to keep our loved ones hostage.” wishing nancy could hurry up, maybe bring a gun with her. just for safety.
“oh but you won’t trust him the same if i leave. there will always be that sneaking suspicion that i’m just lurking around a dark corner…” he then ripped his binds free and lunged for you.
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suekeyyyy · 9 months
-The Seven-
Serious:Somewhat single moms-Pt 1- Bolivia flage cape and a black suit .☟ _The boys x reader_
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-Homelander- John x black! Fem! reader
Summary: Y/n is South America's number one. Hero is in a group called Patina, and she has been sent on a trip to North America. To meet the Seven for a National But her representative wants her to get close with Homelander.
Waning: bad language, Angst, reader being Sexualize.
Set in: it's the plot so don't come after me if I redo it.
Seva Airlines is the plane that Y/n and her lower Supes know as patina. We're on to make it to North America to meet the Infamous Seven. Y/n didn't really care all that much she had her representative Steve up her ass about this opportunity.
For three months. The persistent Bitch really pushed that it would help with her look as a Hero and get her more Points.
Y/n was somewhat like Homelander, just female. She was just better at pretending to smile waving. But she hated having to smile all the time. It was exhausted. Her smiled and would always fade after the currents fell. Like she had ever smiled ones.
Now her was going to meet the men of America and his side show. She was only somewhat happy to meet Starlight. A new hero So much potential That made fire strom have a little bit more hopeful in the world.
Steve had told Y/n that Vought wanted to have a National Superhero Appreciation. Or Nsh, the plane soon landed on top of the vot building y/n slow stood up and walked out the plane with a small smile. To keep up her illusion of being happy, she could see Ms. Madelyn Stillwell and she big white women smile on her face.
" Patina. The heroes of South America welcome to Vot I'm Madelyn Stillwell." She says,"Were glad to be here." Y/n says as Madelyn walks them into the blinding. She slowly.
and fucking your Secretary kind. " This with be your freedom room. Basically, what im saying is that you can do whatever in here." She smiles she walks out.
Y/n sits down at the head of the table with a smile that makes everyone tense up. " Sit down." She says, and they all slowly sit down.
" So does everyone have something to say. Questions, concerns?" Y/n says," Why the hell are we here? I know that's what we're all thinking." BB says
-BB- Ballon boy. -Jimmy Hall - power: immoral.
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" That is a good question. we are here for National super hero day." Y/n says," What the hell does that mean?" BB says," we walk around a bit, help the seven if needed, and just breathe air." Y/n says. Everyone looks at each other, and they agree on how easy it is. " Oh, and hear are your keys." Y/n throws five keys out to her team. " For what?" BB says," Your rooms." Y/n says in a soft tone. " There on the fifth floor." She smiles." Now, all of you go." Y/n says in a cold tone. They all sigh and whisper to themselves about how dumb this was. Y/n slowly turned her head to the side. " BB, what do you want?" She sees him sitting on the table." What ya thinking about, doll?" He says " How to quit." She says.
" You could just retire." He says. With a smile," You and me both know what that means. I go into some cold old room little nowhere to be tested on." He nods." You can start a family. That's what Liya did, and I still see her." He says,
" Maybe. "
•┈┈┈••✦ 🔥 ✦••┈┈┈•
Y/n leaves the room and walks over to the elevators and waits for it where she hears someone walking over to her and the elevators. She looks over to see Homelander walking over to the elevators. " shit." She whispers. Homelander walked up to the elevators, and they opened. "Excuse me." He says y/n looks back." Oh, sorry." She smiles he walks in first.
Homelander slowly looked down at y/n and her outfit. The boob window and her Bolivia flag on her back. Her black suit on her skin was tight and small, mostly around her back side. " Nice ass." He said with a smirk with a look of contempt as he looked at her.
The ends of y/n's hair are set on fire, her hair Indulgeinng in the red flames. " Thanks, I guess. " y/n was creeped out and taken a back. How could he see her ass? He looked at the fire at the end of her hair and then back at her, "No problem." He says."So. Why are you here?" He asks her.
" National super hero's Appreciation Month." She says," So you're a part of Patina?" He asked." Actually, I'm the leader of Patina." She says," Well, it's always nice to have younger heroes as leaders. " y/n chuckles. He was trying to butter her up. He turned his head back to he and then smirke. "So. You can control fire?" " Yes." She says." So. You're like the strongest superhero in South America." He asked her, and he wanted to know everything about her." You could say that." She was trying to keep dry a conversation.
Homelander thought for a second before speaking, "I'm surprised I know of the group Patina. You know most people can't name a single group from South America." He says in a sarcastic manner. As if South America was beneath him, "But I guess you didn't tell me your name?"
Y/n give him a what the fuck look trying to overlook how disrespectful that was. " My real name?" She says,"Yeah, your real name?" He said in an annoyed fashion, waiting for her answer. " y/n no last name. " She says," That's interesting. " he says Try the sound disinterested. "I'm curious. How much is Patina respected in South America?" He said, wanting to see if her pride was big like Homelander's " as much as the seven is in the States." She says.
"Oh, I see. So Patina's just as big down south as we are up here in the States. Is that what you're saying?" He said, trying to gauge y/n to see if she had a big ego" yeah." The elevator stops, and she walks out. Homelander follows y/n and catches up to her. "So. Let me guess, y/n ." He said, walking up next to her."You just happen to have the most beautiful ass in all of South America." He said, wanting to see her reaction to that.
" I thought you dropped that conversation." Y/n says, walking past Madelyn Stillwell's Office.Homelander chuckled and shook his head."Come on, y/n. Who doesn't love talking about a beautiful ass. Especially one like yours. I mean, look at that peach." He said, touching her ass over her suit, smiling while he does it.
She grabs his hand, her eyes turning eye. " Don't touch me." Y/n says her hand, burning his suit arm slightly.
"Aww. Come on, y/n, don't be like that. My hands just so happened to wander over there. Don't be so uptight." He said in a sarcastic manner, keeping his hand on her ass " Oh well, my hand wandered to your face." She slaps him.
He stood in shock as he rubbed his cheek with his free hand. He couldn't believe she had done that. But then he took a deep breath and regained his composure and took his hand off her ass. "What the hell?" He screamed at her."How dare you lay a hand on Homelander. I am the most powerful superhero in the god damn world." He yelled in a scary, intimidating tone at her." Do I really give a shit?" She thinks," Oh, I don't."
Homelander took a second to process what she told him, and then he got angry again. "I am The Homelander. You show some respect. "He yelled at her in anger. He wanted her to beg for his mercy. He wanted to scare her, but she wasn't showing fear. It was pissing Homelander off.
" Oh, stop it, you're just as broken and damaged as everyone else." Earlier that day, y/n Looked at John's File or his life story on a paper.
Homelander grew very angry as he took another step closer to y/n. He was now in her face with the heat of his breath hitting her lips. He looked down at her and took another angry breath. "I am a god compared to everyone else, and you should respect me." He yelled at her with no fear of what she would say in return. He was the most powerful being in existence, and she would not cross him.
Homelander didn't seem to notice the haft Chub he was getting. Was he fucking turned on? " Well, I guess.''god'' has a boner." She pointed out his pants.
That caught Homelander off guard, and as he looked down at his pants, there was indeed a boner starting to show through his pants. "What the..." He began to stammer, looking at y/n. Her face was still, and she didn't give any response."That's normal." He says, trying to change the subject to something less awkward.
" it shouldn't be. You shouldn't get a boner when you yell at me." She was speaking Facts.
He cleared his throat before saying, "Hey, it's common for a man to get a boner when a hot woman is standing in front of him." The words come flying out of his mouth quickly as he realizes he just said what was on his mind."You're hot." He said awkwardly.
That was out of character. " And you got that from yelling at me?" She says. "No, I mean... I just look at you, and it happens." He says with a smirk, he was enjoying talking to y/n, she was the first woman to actually talk back to him. And it made him want to keep talking to her. Something he wasn't used to, he was attracted to y/n, and he knew it.
She rolled her eyes and walked away."Wait! Y/n, where are you going? Don't go, I want to keep talking to you." He yelled after her, not wanting her to leave just yet. She just continued walking.
"Damn it." He said to himself, he was actually enjoying talking to y/n, and she had to ruin the moment for him by walking away."Well, I hope you have a nice night. And by the way. You do have a nice ass." He yelled out to y/n as she walked. "Nice and fat." He whispered to himself as he watched her leave.
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A/n: I'm so happy. 😁 thank you for your support. Love you guys.😘😘
Next pt:
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violetlunette · 3 months
(part of this series) ~Meeting Honest Fellow and Gidel~ Kalim: I think we can trust them. :) Yuu: I KNOW we can’t. Kalim: Aww, why? :( Yuu: Well, for starters no one who’s honest has the word “Honest” in their name. Yuu: Two, anyone who twirls a cane is showman—a liar and manipulator. Yuu: Don’t believe me, then talk to Crowley and Azul, they have a bridge to sell. Yuu: And third, these are the guys I sold my kidney to when I first arrived. Honest Fellow: Oh, hey. I thought you looked familiar. Yuu: Sup. Hey, ya’ll still in the organ business? Jack: Yuu, no. Bonus: Yuu: On that topic, I want the money for that liver you took. Fellow: We didn’t didn’t take your liver, only the kidney. Fellow: Strom Bo must have grabbed it after we dumped you on the side of the road. Ace: *Horrified* WTF?!
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stromcuzewon · 1 year
love waking up to texts asking why im not at work
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akwolfgrl · 5 months
What if the Strom that capsized Zeff ship and the ship Sanji worked on wasn't that bad but Zeff still adopted Sanji au.
Long title I know but here me out!
Sanji still goes after Zeff with his knifes, still gets swept overboard, and Zeff still saves him. But instead of landing on the Rock Zeffs crew, and fishes them out. Zeff holds up little Sanji and asks if he belongs to anyone, and no one steps forward, so he decides to keep him.
Sanji then is raised by a bunch of pirates as they travel the grandline. He still learns how to fight and cook from Zeff, but he also learns other things from the other members of the crew.
Evenly Zeff decided to retire in the east blue and start his own reastrunt just like in cannon. Luffy still tries to recute Sanji, and he still says no. Zeff and the others (a mix of the crew and the chefs from cannon) all try to force Sanji to go after Luffy proves himself worthy of Sanji by defeating Don Krieg Zeff could have handled him, but he wasn't gonna just any old pirate captain take his eggplant.
A Sanji who knows something about the grandline, who knows and still has thire old log pose. Sanji is running into people he meets on the grandline, maybe a Sanji who already has a bounty.
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