#after this I seriously have to work on my books on wattpad again
How many words is too many? I have written over 80,000 words already and don't have a computer to edit properly. I've already decided to split the story among multiple books. But how many should each be? I am aiming for a basic novel to a little bit longer, but as a first-time author, I don't want to write something too long and not get anyone to read it.
Finding Your Story's Target Word Count
"How many words is too many" depends on what you're writing. Every type of story and every genre has a different word count range, and the specific ranges vary depending on who you ask. Here are some general ranges you can target...
Story Type:
Short Stories - 1,000 - 5,000 words Novellas - 20,000 to 50,000 words Novels - 50,000 - 110,000 words Epic Novel - 110,000 words and up (though these are rare)
Age Category:
Middle Grade novels - 25,000 - 40,000 words Young Adult novels - 45,000 - 80,000 words New Adult novels - 60,000 - 85,000 words Adult novels - 65,000 - 110,000
Literary novels - 80,000 to 110,000 words Romance novels - 50,000 to 80,000 words Fantasy novels - 90,000 to 110,000 words Mystery novels - 70,000 to 90,000 words
It's important to remember that a book series isn't one long novel chopped up into smaller books. Each book in a series needs to have its own story arc. In other words, a beginning/inciting incident, middle/rising action, and end/climax and denouement. That said, you will need to look at the completed story and identify the natural story arcs that exist within it to figure out where each book should end and the next book should begin.
Something else to consider is your publishing goal. If you plan on pursuing traditional publishing, you might look into writing an in-depth summary of the entire story and working with a developmental editor or book coach to figure out how to best divvy up the story between books. That way, you'll ensure that book one is as strong as it can be, which will increase the likelihood of getting a book deal. After that, if your book sells well enough to warrant the publishing of the next book, you will have some guidance on where to go from there.
If you're planning to self-publish, you can still look into working with an editor or book coach, or even a critique partner, or you can just make the best decision you're able to about how to divide each book. Again, what matters is that each part of the story centers on its own individual story arc.
Something else to consider: if you have a really long story that you want to chop up into pieces rather than individual books, you might look into posting it as a serial on a site like Wattpad, Kindle Vella, Ream, or similar services. Serialization allows you to take a long story and chop it up into sizeable pieces, such as "episodes," and then you don't have to worry so much about dividing it up into books with their own individual story arcs.
One final consideration: Not having the ability to edit properly is not an excuse to publish an unedited work of fiction. No one wants to read an unedited story, even if it's chopped up into pieces. If you want to publish this story, whether online, traditionally, or self-published, you need to find a way to edit it properly and make sure you're putting a tight and polished version of the story out into the world.
Here are some additional links:
Self-Editing Tips Editing Tips Ten Ways to Cut Your Word Count
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philosophika · 6 months
Writeblr Positivity Tag
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Hi @inkovert! Thank you, as always, for the tag. Just a quick shout-out; if you don't know Inkovert yet, please please please go check out their WIP, My Dearest Enemy. Also, do you like having in-depth discussions about writing with other up-and-coming authors? Participate in @inkovert's Spilled Ink Saturdays. The first session (on book-to-screen adaptations) was a lot of fun!
✦ What motivates you to write?
I agree with @inkovert. It's not that I'm motivated to write, exactly... It's more that I feel I... have to? There's a sort of internal inertia that keeps pulling me back to fiction. Maybe it's obsession? Maybe it's Maybelline? 💃😉 No, but seriously, I think it may be connected to this weird instinct I have to document things? To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, when I was in my mid-twenties, I went through a terrifying break-in. I kid you not; there was a literal man with a balaclava crouched in my shower in the middle of the night. How did I respond? By screaming, obviously. But after the screaming? I called up my boyfriend and narrated every single detail of what I saw and heard while trying to escape the house with my family. In my mind, I felt it was critical to tell him what was going on, not because I thought it would help catch the culprit(s) (we didn't know if there were more), save us from whatever bitter fate awaited, etc., but kind of in the same way people carve "I was here" into walls? If I was going to die (which was a possibility; a friend's father died in similar circumstances at around the same time), I needed someone to know what I'd seen, to know that I'd seen... So, do I write because I'd die if I didn't? No. I write because I'm going to die anyway. Because I know I'm going to die.
✦ A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of/happy with. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
I can do you one better! Because @inkovert kindly tagged me, I'd like to return the favour by referring you to their Wattpad page, where you can read their current WIP, My Dearest Enemy
✦ Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
Haha, I don't know if any of the OCs in The Sorcerer's Apprentice make me smile. They all worry me a lot. By accepting an apprenticeship with the sorcerer Valeriano, Altaluna is heading straight into a nest of venomous vipers, and they are going to maim her; they are going to maim her for life. Every time she feels optimistic or wow-ed by the glitz and the glam of her new environment, I cringe internally. My poor, sweet summer child! Valeriano, on the other hand, is a monster, so it's hard to smile when thinking of him. Hmm... maybe the only character I genuinely smile around is Cucufate, the talking monkey. He's the only character whose behaviour and snide comments can be underplayed as just 'animal antics,' which means he's the only character who can get away with giving people a little of what they truly deserve. It's hard not to love him for it.
✦ What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Again, I have to agree with @inkovert. The editing process means no blank page, and no blank page means (rejoice!) no existential suffering. My first drafts are always shit and a disappointment. But my second drafts? Dost thou want to live deliciously? With the second draft, I know where I'm going, what's happening, where to trim the fat and everything I need to make the story what I wanted it to be in the first place. Usually, I downright discard the first draft and write the entire story from scratch, but better, so much better. And editing the second (or sometimes, third) draft? Pure, unadulterated bliss. Goodbye, low self-esteem, goodbye doubts; cue me some Nina Simone, why don't you?
✦ What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Editing, re-drafting. I'm good at figuring out what's wrong and have no trouble whatsoever massacring my darlings.
✦ What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
The community! I love participating in tag & ask games, reading people's work, celebrating my mutual's triumphs, and sharing my progress. I don't have any writer friends outside of Tumblr (apart from academic writer friends, though they're a very different kettle of fish), so I really appreciate being able to log on and be met with all this creativity.
✦ A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Okay, so first thing first: I have ADHD. Any thought I have is an explosion that simultaneously sends spin-off thoughts in every imaginable direction, which, in turn, send spin-off thoughts in every imaginable direction, and so on and so forth, and on and on, until some of the spin-offs reach a dead end and their line withers, and/or I reach the limits of my capacity to hold all these thoughts in my mind and spontaneously combust. Instead of trying to fight this multi-generative tendency (this leads to a state of paralysis where I can't do anything), I've found a way to let the 'explosions' take the lead without overloading my systems, so to speak. Basically, I figured that if I stored every direction my mind went in somewhere other than my mind, I could let it do its thing without risking burnout. For that, I use MindNode, a visual brainstorming software. And let me tell you, it's been a life-saver. Now, when considering a scene, I document every possible route available to the characters and/or the setting, assign each ramification a score (for example, +1 Worldbuilding, +1 Foreshadowing, +1 Symbolism, +1 Character Development, -1 Cliché, -1 Undermines Tension, -1 Repetitive, etc.), and then choose the one with the highest score to write out. This method is obviously quite time-consuming, but it does have some unique strengths beyond helping me deal with my ADHD: (1) it ensures that there are no superfluous scenes in the grand design, (2) it ensures that all scenes are layered and fulfil multiple story functions at once, (3) it discourages going with the first option that presents itself (usually cliché, in my case), (4) it encourages out-of-the-box creative thinking, (5) and, finally, it's likely to lead to scenes that surprise you, the writer (for example, I was shocked by how many routes led to my character's death, lol). So, yeah, MindNode has been very helpful to me.
✦ A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
I love the magic system, but I'm not sure I'll reveal anything more about it before publication than I already have in this post. You're just going to have to wait and see ;)
✦ Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
I follow TONS of talented writers on this site, among them: @inkovert, @that-chibi-writer, @tate-lin, @kingkendrick7, @ettawritesnstudies, @blind-the-winds, @aquadestinyswriting, @avrablake, @alinacapellabooks, @lordfenric-writes, @moonscribbler, @cee-grice, @sender-paulson, @sarah-sandwich, @liv-is, @athenswrites, @junypr-camus, @rubywrite, @winterandwords, @salmonandfox, @merlina87, @songsofsomnia, @words-after-midnight, @lucianinsanity, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @nanashi23, @sam-glade, @at-thezenith, @kestalsblog, @kaatiba, @theunboundwriter, and so many more!
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Tommy Shelby-Daddy’s Girl Pt1
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This imagine was requested on wattpad. Also mentions of nausea and throwing up (not in detail)
Having children wasn't originally on your cards. You thought you were destined to live a loveless life without a husband and children, but how all of that changed when you met Tommy Shelby. At first you had no idea who he was, but as time went on you had started to fall for the Birmingham gangster and he had started to fall for you.
Now your here married with a large house, dogs, horses and 2 children a boy and girl, Charlie aged 5 and Florence aged 2.
Today you have been suffering from a headache on and off. You've also been super tired all week and at times nauseous. Thinking it’s nothing and just something that you had picked up off the kids you carry on with the day, walking the dogs and going outside to groom the horses. But right now your daughter is giving you hell
"Flo please get off the sofa" you sigh as she is jumping up and down
"But mamma it's fun" Florence smiles
"It might be but the sofa is not a toy and ya might fall and harm yourself. Also ya dad will be home soon and he'll go mad if he sees ya"
"It's ok mamma dad loves me"
"That he does" you mutter rubbing your head as a headache begins. You give your daughter one last look before picking her up off the sofa and placing her on the floor
"Yes love?" turning around you see Charlie walking out of the kitchen
"When's dinner?"
"I don't know. Have you asked Mary?" you sigh once again flopping down on the sofa
"Yeah she said when dad gets home. When's that?"
"Soon" you reply now feeling exhausted, nauseous and this bloody headache. Closing your eyes you tell your kids to go upstairs to the nursery and play.
Before you know it your being woken up by the rough, but gentle voice of your husband. Opening your eyes the bright blue eyes that you love so much stare back at you
"When did you get home?" you ask while yawning
"Just. How long have you been asleep?"
"Not long" you reply glancing at the clock "how was work today?"
"The usual, how were the kids?"
"Giving me hell... we'll your daughter has. Charlie has just been asking me a million questions"
"Call the kids down and we'll have dinner. You can relax for the evening"
"Actually I'm not feeling well, I think I'm just going to head to bed"
"No. Your having dinner. You have a go at me enough for not eating so your going to have dinner"
After calling the kids down you all sit around the table, feeling more and more sick. Mary places a glass of wine in front of you, but you just stick to drinking water
"I heard you've not been listening to you mother today Miss" Tommy looks at Flo with raised eyebrows
"Er mamma took me and Charlie for a walk" your daughter tries to change the topic
"That's not really what I was talking about was it Flo" Tommy tells her "you need to listen to mamma"
"But she ruined my fun. Mamma has been lazy today"
"Oh really? so we didn't go for a walk then? or go into town to buy some bread and cakes? or do colouring and play with your dolls eh?" you ask
"But you had a nap 3 times today" Florence holds up 3 fingers
"Hmm is that right" Tommy now looks at you with a smirk
"Let's finish our dinner then bath then bed you two"
Once the kids are in bed you and Tommy curl up on the sofa together, a book in your hand and the paper in his. All of a sudden you felt the urge to throw up. Dropping your book on the sofa next to you, you get up and run to the nearest downstairs bathroom, Tommy following you.
Once you finish throwing up you and Tommy head upstairs
"How are you feeling now love?"
"Fine. The nauseas gone now. I’m just super tired. I've had a headache all day so its probably that that's made me sick”
"You've been tired all week love. Don't you think it's like when you were pregnant?" you give Tommy a look as if to say 'seriously?'
"I'm not pregnant"
"Are you sure because we're not very carful" Tommy states and to be fair he's got a point
"I had my monthly if you remember 2 weeks ago"
"Could be 2 weeks pregnant"
"Tom I'm not pregnant" you sigh getting changed
"I'm not convinced love" Tommy tells you as he gets changed into something comfortable to sleep in as you get into bed. Tommy slips in next to you, you lay your head on his chest as he holds you close "get some sleep love" Tommy kisses your head and immediately your out like a light.
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eeunoia · 2 years
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sarang — yjw.
chapter three
summary: the love journey of you and mafia boss yang jungwon. after meeting and getting to know you, he grew in love, deeply in love that he will do anything to keep you to himself.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: contains violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other dark stuff. if you can’t take these things, feel free to scroll away. thank you.
disclaimer: any of these doesn't occur and relate to any person that i will be using in these fics. everything that is similar to any persons, locations, events & etc. are purely coincidence and everything came from the author's imaginations. you may encounter a lot of errors as i am still trying to improve myself. thank you.
note📎: I’m sorry but I uploaded chapter 3 instead of chapter 2 so fixed it. i will fix the masterlist of this series tomorrow don’t worry. you can also check this book on my wattpad, @/eeunoiawrites_. I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz​ @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core​ @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki​​ @nourhan-8​ @nyfwyeonjun​ @nikipedia07​​ @yangbreads​​ @drunkjazed​​ @kimmchijjajang​​ @hoonbrry​ @axartia​ @all4haru​ @hiqhkey​ @sta-rie​ @niinjo​ @ssomsworld​  (still working on my tag-list)
tag-list: @alo-ehas​ @ayayiiie
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
chapter two | chapter three | chapter four 
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“Goodmorning, boss.” Jungwon’s eyes moved from his wrist towards Injang who just greeted him. He was fixing his watch while he’s walking outside of his room when Injang talked.
He nodded and his eyes quickly turned over the direction of your room. His gaze remains as his thoughts went blank, just the thought of your sleeping face occupying it.
“What’s my schedule for today?” he asked, eyes still fixed at the same direction.
“You have a meeting today with the board-members. Also, Mr. Lim wants to meet you today.” his brows furrowed at the mention of his name.
He teared his eyes away from the direction of your room before he started walking downstairs. “Mr. Lim? Why?”
“I don’t know, Sir. But I declined it like always.”
Jungwon huffed a sigh before he nodded his head. He doesn’t know if he really wants to do business with that man and hearing him calling again, asking to meet, makes him want to go to him and shot him dead. Jungwon sighed, calming himself. He saw some of the helpers already busy doing their own stuff.
“You’ll stay, Injang.” he said as he stopped walking before he glanced over him.
Injang looked confused, “Boss?”
“I won’t leave her with nobody trustworthy.” Jungwon said seriously as his eyes then darted over the staircase.
It’s been a week ever since he took you here at his home. There was no progress. You still refuse to see him and so he settles in just seeing you by the night while you sleep soundly. He doesn’t even know how he managed.
He wanted so bad to go and check on you. Maybe see you before he goes to work for today but that’s impossible. You might be awake by now and he doesn’t want to pressure you. It takes time. He clenched his jaw as he fights the strong urge of seeing you.
“I understand, boss.” Jungwon snapped his head towards Injang when he said that.
He nodded once, “You can try to take her out of her room today. Just be careful.”
Injang saw how the mixture of strictness and softness mixed through Jungwon’s eyes. The strict was meant for him while the softness was meant for you, and only for you. Injang nodded his head before Jungwon clapped his shoulder and turned his back to go walk outside.
He saw him off together with some of his men to go at his first appointment for today. Jungwon turned his head towards your room from upstairs and saw that the curtains of your room was moved to the side, it seems like you’re awake already. His eyes remains for a couple of seconds before he sighed and get inside his car.
On the other hand, you carefully peeked through the curtains, trying to check if he’s still looking. You moved the curtains in want of sunlight when suddenly, you saw him going outside from the mansion. Fear instantly get to you and you quickly hides through the curtains. He seems to be leaving again today. The only difference is this is the first time you actually get off the bed to do something. You were too scared the past days that you’ve been here. You can’t even get out of the bed and often just went crazy every morning like as if something will change if you continue misbehaving.
It always worked before. The people who bought you before usually gives up after a day or two but as far as you can remember, you’re here for a bit while already. It’s been six days too, ever since you saw him. When you told Injang you don’t want to see him, it really did happen. He really didn’t push it and just let you be. It somehow made you calm down.
You were spacing out too much that you didn’t even realize that Injang was already outside of your room. After two knocks, you snapped your head over to your door and gulped. He didn’t wait for anything and after a bit, he opened it carefully. When your eyes met, you kept your straight face while he kept his.
You will be honest, out of all the people here, you have a slight trust for him. He’s very consistent of visiting you and talking to you for the past week. It made you familiar and comfortable with him, but still fear was there.
“I see you’re already up.” he greeted, tone very formal as always.
You didn’t talk but nodded once. You were standing by the curtains and your fingers unconsciously fiddled with it as you slightly feel nervous about what he will say next. Will he be mad because you get off bed? Will he be mad because you touched the curtains? You have no idea. You’ve never tried doing this before and so this is the first time you’ll see his reaction.
“The boss just left--”
“I d-don’t care.” you do.
Actually, you really do care. It’s just the fear speaking. His intimidating eyes and cold tone just gets the best out of you. Every time you try to remember him, that’s what comes inside your mind. It never fails to send shivers through your spine and make your chest thump in fear.
Injang pursed his lips, preventing a smirk to form. You can try to lie but Injang can already tell whenever you’re not saying the truth. From the way you stutter and from the way you move your brows. He already studied it.
He sighed, “You know, Ms. y/n, fear should be the last thing you should feel towards him.”
You kept your eyes at him, “Why is that?”
“Because he will hurt everybody else except from you. Why do you think he’s doing all of these? Why do you think he’s adjusting just for you?”
You gulped as your heart races once again but you are pretty sure it was for a different reason. Fear was was still there but a new emotion just clicked in. Was it excitement? You have no idea.
“So if I were you, I will just accept where I am right now. Get the best out of it, open up and see what happens next.”
Your eyes watered from mixed emotions. Hearing it from here, you knew he was telling the truth. From the first time you had talked to him up to now, he never broken a promise or tell any lies. One reason why you said you have a slight trust on him.
“He can change your life, Ms. y/n. Just give him a chance.” he said that made your mind go blank and floating in the air.
You were still spacing out when Injang opened the door of your room once again as he slowly walked beside it, seems like he’s already leaving. You remained silent and waited for what’s he's gonna say next.
“If ever you’re interested to slowly open up and accept your fate, you can find me downstairs by the garden.” he said before he flashed a small smile at you then he carefully left the room.
You were confused, surprised and at dazed. Did he really just invited you to go out of the room? For real? Like go outside of this room, walk over the hallways of the house like a normal people and go there? You’ve never experienced such a thing right after the Cha’s got you.
After a couple of minutes, wearing just your clean night clothes, you slowly opened the door. As expected, there’s two body guards right outside but they didn’t said anything when you went outside. They didn’t even stopped you.
“The stairs going downstairs are by the right, Ms. y/n.” one of them politely said. You gulped and nodded your head before carefully started walking to follow what the man just said.
You bit your lower lip as your eyes roamed around your surroundings. You were amused, curious and nervous all mixed up together. This was a new experience for you, you cannot remember the last time you roamed freely around a house. You were caged for a bit too long.
“Wow...” your words slipped through your mouth even before you can realize it.
The only room you’ve been for the whole week was the room you were staying. You can tell it was very elegant just by the furnitures and things you see inside. But now that you had the chance to see the hallway and even some part of the house just amazes you even more.
“Perfect timing.” your head snapped over to the side when you arrived by the garden and suddenly Injang talked.
Your mouth went gapped at the sight of a whole table with a lot of variaties of breakfast prepared for you. Your eyes trailed from Injang who’s standing beside over to the food in front of you.
“It's a l-lot.” you don’t exactly know what to say. This is so far the first time this much meal was prepared just for you.
Injang smiled a little, “Well we didn’t know what you like for breakfast so I told them to just prepare everything we have right now.”
He said and even guided you over a seat. He was definitely taking good care of you but you noticed how he kept his distance from you. It made your brows furrowed for a while but kept your mouth shut.
“A toast can do.” you said as your eyes couldn’t be calmed down to where it will look first. All of them looked so appetizing.
“I believe you deserve to have more than a toast, Ms. y/n.” he said smirking as he ordered one of the helpers to assist you for your food.
As you watch them help you, your eyes went back over to Injang and you saw him still standing beside the table making you furrow your brows a little.
“Aren’t you joining me for breakfast?” you asked him.
“Will you be alright with that?” he asked and that’s when you realized it. He’s being careful and cautious around you.
You almost couldn’t believe it yourself. After gulping and thanking the helpers you looked over Injang and flashed your first ever small smile.
“Y-You can join me.” you said and was quick enough to glance away since you couldn’t take the awkwardness that will come after.
Injang did follow right away and sat down at the other side of the circular table. As he was getting assisted for his own food, you can’t stop yourself from roaming your eyes around the garden. It was really spacious and like normal gardens, you can see plants around. A small fountain can be seen by the corner. It was beautiful you may say but you’re going to be honest, its a bit dull.
“How was your sleep, Ms. y/n?” your head snapped back to Injang and just then you realized you two were left alone once again.
You made face, couldn’t disguise the complete dislike over the way he addresses you.
“Could you do me a favor and not call me in a very formal way?”
“I’m sorry. That’s how the boss wants me to call you.” Injang explained. Of course, the boss have something to do with it.
You pursed your lips and started to dig in your food. “You don’t have to use that formality like as if I’m a very important person.” you said completely clueless of who you are to Yang Jungwon at the moment.
Injang watch how you innocently took a bite over your food. He didn’t saw any sarcasm over you and so he realized that you have no clue who you are for his boss right now. You have no idea what he just pulled just so he can have you with him.
“But you are, Ms. y/n.”
Your hands stopped midway after you heard him say that. With a slow motion, you lift your gaze from your food over to his eyes. He looked so serious but still, that comfort he gives off was still there. You have no idea how does he do that, make you trust him, but it was damn effective.
“I don’t u-understand. I’m just a nobody.”
Injang smirked and slowly held his cup of tea before he said, “Well definitely not for Yang Jungwon.”
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“That’s it for today. I would still want you to give me updates for our transactions of guns at Busan.” Jungwon strictly tells his employees. They all nodded their heads before they silently exited the meeting room.
When the last one managed to get out, he sighed out heavily before he rested his back completely over his swivel chair. He didn’t expect his day to be this busy. He already have a lot over his mind and he won’t deny that you are occupying it most of the time.
He tilted his head backwards and closed his eyes before he lets the thought of you once again flood his mind. The memory of your peaceful looking face while you sleeps at night during his unknown visits was still crystal clear. He clenched his jaw fighting the strong urge of driving home to come and see you.
Patience. He needs patience. He doesn’t what’s happening to him when it comes to you but he’s sure is damn need to control himself. He’s known for his strict self discipline and control over everything but then when it comes to you, he’s a whole mess.
His eyes opened when he heard a knock over the door, “What?”
One of his men went inside, “Mr. Jay Park is outside, Sir. He said he wants to see you.”
Jungwon rolled his eyes as he nodded his head before he fixed the way he sits at his chair. He may act like he’s irritated at the sudden visitor but he knew to himself that that’s really not the case. Right at this moment, a friend he can talk to is what he needed the most. Well he have Injang, but then he has to leave him in charge of you because he’s the most trusted one for that job.
“Hey what’s up Wonie!” his hyung was already loud when he entered the room.
Jungwon looked at him after rolling his eyes, fighting a smirk to appear over his lips. “What are you doing here Jay hyung?” he tried his best to make it sound like he’s annoyed by his presence.
His hyung chuckled and even extended a hand for a greeting. He accepted it as his hyung sat down at the vacant seat just beside him.
“Oh come on, I know you missed me.” and he even saw him winked at him while smirking as he fixed his polo.
Jungwon scoffed, “Of course not. I thought you will be at Singapore for a week. Back so soon?”
Jay shrugged his shoulders, “Business deal done already so why should I stay?” he answered and Jungwon smirked at him.
“What else? Girls of course.” he said that made his hyung’s smirk grew wider. Their eyes snapped at the door when one of the worker went inside holding a tray of liquors that his hyung probably requested.
“What? Singapore ladies didn’t entertained you enough to make you stay? Can’t beat local chicks huh?” he said mocking at his playboy hyung.
Jay scoffed as he pour a drink for himself and was about to do it for Jungwon when he shake his head ‘no’. Jay shrugged his shoulders and just put the bottle down so he can take a sip already.
“Enough with me. Let’s talk about you. How are you lover boy?” he asked and even raised his brows twice.
Jungwon sighed heavily. He knew he couldn’t just shut him off this time. No matter what happen, he will still end up telling him anyway.
“I’m fine.” Jungwon shortly replied.
“Okay, let me rephrase the question for you my friend.” he said and even put down his drink at the table for a while.
“How’s the thing between you and the chick at home?”
Jungwon furrowed his brows, “Her name is y/n.”
Jay’s mouth fell in a mocking way before he let out an exaggerated gasp.
“Wait.” he said and tilted his head over to the side.
Jungwon pursed his lips and glanced away before he reached for the bottle of liquor he rejected moments ago. Jay chuckled at the realization.
“You are really serious with her.” Jay stated the obvious.
Jungwon scoffed, “You thought I was playing around?”
“I knew you were interested with her but I didn’t know you were this serious.”
Jungwon chuckled, “Then now you know.”
Jay was silenced for a while but a playful smirk was plastered over his lips as he watch the younger one drink from the glass he just filled with alcohol.
“I can’t imagine you’re going to go Lee Heeseung too.” he said laughing at what he just said.
What he meant by that is that Jungwon may also go crazy over a girl. Because out of all seven of them, only their Heeseung hyung was the one in a relationship and he’s well damn crazy for his girl.
Jungwon scoffed but his smirk was faltering a bit, “I’m not going to be crazy, hyung.” Jungwon said but he’s not really sure if he’s saying that to convince Jay or to convince himself.
Jay saw his expression that made him smirk. “I think you’re already are. From the way you do these things for her, you’re damn whipped.”
Jungwon clenched his jaw and was left with no words to say. Slowly, he took a sip from his glass once again. Jay laughed at how his friend seemed to just give up and agree with what he just said.
“The only thing I can advice for you is not to go Park Sunghoon.” Jungwon eyed Jay and he was smirking so bad.
Jungwon was quick to shake his head in disagreement. “I won’t.”
Jay laughed at how he said it. Well, it’s been an inside joke that Sunghoon was the craziest out of all of them for searching the whole world for a girl who’s existence is unsure.
“Hyung, you make it seem like Sunghoon hyung is very crazy.”
“Well aren’t him? I mean, don’t you think if she really do exist he’ll be able to find her by now?”
“The world’s bigger than you think.” Jungwon said meaningfully. Jay shrugged his shoulders off and once again took a sip from his drink.
“Hmm, you’re kind of right about that.”
The two of them fell silent after that. It was somehow comforting. Having someone to talk to made Jungwon a bit relaxed.
“I won’t go Heeseung Lee, right?” Jungwon asked unconsciously.
Jay laughed, “Aren’t you already on Park Sunghoon’s level?”
Jungwon furrowed his brows and looked at his Jay hyung. Jay smirked at him and sighed before clapping his shoulders once.
“Just be yourself, Won. I know you’ll know what to do since you’re Yang Jungwon.” he said that made Jungwon calm down a bit.
“Thanks hyung.”
“You’re welcome. I’m not sure how hard will it be but you can do it.” he even smirked at him.
“The only thing I’m sure is that I won’t go crazy over a girl.”
This time Jungwon smirk, “I doubt that. I can feel you will find someone who will make you do crazy things as well.”
“And how can you say that?”
Jungwon was silence for a while before he smirked at his hyung.
“I never imagined I would go crazy killing the family of Cha not until I have seen y/n.” he said that made Jay go silent too.
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saiilorstars · 4 months
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Ch. 32: The Waiting Game
Fandom: Harry Potter (Hogwarts years 1-7) Pairing: Draco x OFC
taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @foxesandmagic @kmc1989
​​​​Story Masterlist // Romina’s Masterlist
Fanfic • Ao3 • Wattpad
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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Book 4:
Romina held her tongue until the moment she got back home. Then, she let it all out. She had a lot of time to digest Rolf's confession on the train ride home and it helped her sort some of her feelings out. The truth of the matter is that she was angry. She was so, so angry.
As soon as she was home, she told her aunt and uncle everything. Needless to say, Sage and Lyonel were in a state of shock. It was clear to Romina that they never expected her to find out, and that just made her even angrier.
"So what, you expected me to live in the dark about this my whole life?" Her dark eyes shifted between the two adults incredulously. "Seriously?"
"I didn't know they had a child," Lyonel said, though it sounded like he was speaking to Sage rather than their expectant niece.
"We never really looked back..." Sage said, meeting Romina's gaze. "Sweetheart, we're sorry—"
"Are you?" Romina cut in sharply. "Because it sounds like you were never going to tell me! It looks like you were intending on lying to me for the rest of my life! How dare you!"
"Romina, watch your tone," warned Lyonel.
"My tone?" Romina was once again incredulous. "Are you kidding me!? You're going to reprimand me about my tone when I just told you that I know that I have a bloody cousin, grandparents, aunts and uncles!? My tone is what worries you right now!?"
"Romina, let's try to calm down," Sage said and moved towards Romina. The girl took the same steps back from her aunt. "Romina, please—"
"NO! According to Rolf and his family, you guys took me away from them! You never told me about them! You didn't let them see me!"
"I had to, Romina! You were in danger!" snapped Lyonel. "After the war, the ministry wasn't exactly giving our family much consideration!"
"But later you could have said something!" Romina argued. "You could have shown me pictures of them! You could have told me about them! It would've made a huge difference in my life knowing that I had another part of a family who weren't evil!"
"I couldn't trust anyone but myself and your aunt and I am not sorry about that!"
"What your uncle means is that we didn't know who we could trust after the war," Sage cut in just as Romina was about to shout again. "A lot of families claimed that they were under the imperius curse and that's why they did whatever the Dark Lord demanded."
"But you knew that Rolf's father wasn't part of that, none of his family was except for my mother!" Romina exclaimed.
"Romina, I couldn't trust anybody. I hardly knew them at that time!" Lyonel said. "Caplan and Elora weren't exactly all for family reunions. They got married without even telling us first!"
"You could have told me," Romina insisted. "Especially when I started Hogwarts."
"We didn't know that Elora's brother had a son," Lyonel repeated, "We don't know anything about them, actually. When we made the decision to leave the wizarding community, we followed through to every extent. We cut off all ties."
"Knowing that one day I would step into it," Romina frowned. "And that's when you should have told me. 'You have grandparents. You have an aunt and an uncle. You have more family'. But you didn't. You let me believe that the only family I had were Death Eater parents. You thought that would be the best for me. To let me wallow with that burden. You have no idea what it's done to me. This whole year—" she swallowed hard, pushing down the tears she felt stinging in her eyes. "This whole year, I've had the worst thoughts about myself."
"Romina...you should have told us," Sage said with a lamenting sigh. "I knew something was wrong...you can always tell us if there's something wrong."
"Like you guys did?" Romina crossed her arms. "You didn't even bother telling them about me — how I was doing, where I was. They didn't know about me until I started Hogwarts and Rolf told them! My grandparents — they've been writing to Dumbledore about me, asking about me! It sounds like they actually want me and...I think I want to see them too."
"What?" Lyonel looked like he had heard the craziest thing in the world. It just made Romina more adamant about her idea.
"I want to meet them. I want to meet my grandmother, my grandfather...I want to see them."
"Absolutely not!" Lyonel started shaking his head. "That's not happening!"
"And why not!?" Romina went over her aunt's voice, glaring at her uncle.
"Because I said so!"
"Oh!" Romina brought a hand to her chest. "As long as it's bloody fair!"
"I said to watch your voice—"
Romina didn't stick around to hear more as she ran towards the stairs, leaving her uncle to call after her. She did not come back down for days. Sage would try to coax her out for meals and resorted to just leaving the food outside her door.
The more that Romina thought about the situation, the stronger she felt about her decision. She had every right to meet her family, at least to ask the questions burning in her mind. How could they not allow something she had a right to? So, in the next days, she thought about her options. And she came up with a simple one, albeit a little out there.
I'm not going to lie, I didn't really see myself writing to you this early into break. It's been hard deciding if I'm upset or not with you, but I'm starting to look at the bigger picture here. I told my aunt and uncle about you, and what you told me. They weren't happy, unsurprisingly. My uncle is taking it the worst. He especially hated when I told him that I wanted to meet our grandparents. He's really against it.
If you were serious about, well, being cousins...help me out here. I truthfully don't know what I'm going to do if I get face to face with our grandparents but I feel like I at least deserve the opportunity to be there. I want to see them.
Romina was nerve wrecked for the following days waiting for Rolf's response. She started wondering if she made a mistake writing to him. What if she'd pissed him off the last time they talked? Luckily, her thoughts didn't get too far from her because Rolf wrote back.
Dear Romina,
I hope you don't get mad but I told my parents about this. I think they're talking about it with grandma and grandpa right now. They told me to stay in my room. Don't worry, they'll figure it out. It's different now that you want to come. I think before they left all this alone because they didn't want to overwhelm you. Aren't they lucky I'm around?
Romina had actually laughed at that part. It almost felt like nothing had changed between them and they were just friends again. Your cousins, she soon remembered. Only now it didn't feel as shocking as it had before. Now she felt glee realizing there was someone else she could talk to, and someone her own age!
Just hang tight, Romina. We'll make this work, I promise. Keep writing to me and I'll do my best from over here. Or just write for the sake of writing too. I'd like to get to know you more, if that's alright. I know your birthday's coming around in July! Mine's in March! Guess that makes me older than you!
- Rolf
Romina found solace in his letter. If he could be lighthearted and funny, then maybe things weren't all that bad. She didn't have to be so bitter because at the end of the day, she had a cousin and nobody could take that away from her. She would just have to get smarter about getting to meet the rest of her family.
~ 0 ~
Later that afternoon, Arden was in Romina's bedroom listening to everything that had happened since they returned from school. Arden was shocked that she had found out just now. She was impressed that Romina managed to keep it all under wraps.
"Seems like this year you became an expert at hiding your emotions," she gave Romina a sharp glance. "No more of that, alright?"
Romina waved her off with a dismissive hand. "Just focus! I've been trying to come up with a way to meet my grandparents. I have so many questions and they're the only one who can answer. Merlin knows aunt Sage and uncle Lyonel are very tight lipped about the families."
"Okay, so how are we going to do that?"
"Well, you don't think you're going to do it alone, are you? Sign me up!" Arden exclaimed. Romina chuckled. "Bet we can get Harry to help us too! Does he know?"
Romina shook her head. "You're the first I've told. Well, there was also Draco but he just happened to be there."
"And he hasn't said anything yet?" Arden snorted. "Did you have to pay him millions for that?"
"No, I just asked him not to say anything until I was ready."
"Seriously?" Arden said, unconvinced. "Must have caught him on a good day then. I didn't even know he could have those."
Romina laughed. "Okay, back to the point here. I gotta meet them, Arden. I have so many things I want to ask..."
"I bet you do," Arden mused on the list Romina probably had somewhere with questions. "Well hey, why don't we see if Harry can come with us to the parlor and we can talk about all this stuff. Maybe he'll have some ideas."
Romina liked the idea. She hadn't been out since the first day they got back from Hogwarts. As far as she knew, her going out privileges hadn't been revoked and her uncle was working. Aunt Sage was softer and was trying to be the mediator between the two. So, the girls left the room and hurried down the stairs.
"Where are you headed?" Sage called from the kitchen as they crossed the living room.
"To the parlor with Harry!" Romina promptly said. "I can go there, right?"
Arden blinked at the sudden edge in Romina's tone. Even more surprising was that Sage didn't say anything about it. They were out of the house in less than a minute.
"Wow, thought you'd be grounded for sure there!" Arden said as they headed to Harry's.
"Aunt Sage is trying to keep the peace and it's frankly annoying," Romina admitted. "I wish she would just step in already and help out. She knows as much as I do that I should get to meet my other family."
They soon arrived at the Dursley residence and knocked on the front door. Dudley opened up and at the sight of the girls, he whimpered and shut the door on them.
"Uh, okay?" Arden raised an eyebrow at the closed door. "What the hell was that about?"
Romina snickered. She'd forgotten that Sirius had encouraged Harry to use his identity to scare the Dursleys into giving him more freedom and treating him better. Clearly, Harry had taken Sirius' word. She wished she could tell Arden about it but nobody was supposed to know the truth about Sirius Black, at least for the time being.
After knocking a few more times, Harry opened the door next. "Hey Rom!" he greeted. "Hey Arden! What's going on?"
"We were heading to the parlor, wanna come?" Romina said. "Or do you gotta ask for permission?"
"Nope!" Harry said with a pleasant grin. "Let's go!" He stepped out and shut the door without telling the Dursleys anything.
"What had Dudley in such a twist?" Arden asked once they were heading down the block. "He didn't even insult us today. Is he alright?"
"Ooh, he's doing just fine," Harry's grin grew wider as he glanced at Romina.
They reached the parlor soon enough and got their usual orders after greeting the owners. Since they were gone for most of the year, they only really came to the parlor during summer. Once they were sitting together, Romina told Harry about Rolf and the Scamanders.
"Woah, Rom, that's...that's big..." Harry felt bad not having something better to say. Luckily, Romina didn't seem to mind as she just nodded and agreed with him.
She glumly stuck her spoon into her ice cream. "And so, I'm stuck waiting to see if uncle Lyonel will realize that I have every right to meet my other family."
Like Arden, Harry was sure that Lyonel eventually would. "If they went to the extent of keeping you away from the wizarding society for your own good, they'll realize that meeting your family is also for your own good. Especially if what you said about them being war heroes was true."
"I really wish I had that much faith like you two," Romina said with a heavy sigh. "This year has been challenging enough."
Arden snorted. "I'll say. Sometimes, I wish I was just in a regular school. I mean at least there, I could avoid Pansy Parkinson and her jabs."
"Don't ever let Parkinson make you wish you weren't a witch," Romina promptly said. "Plus, not everyone's bad."
Arden shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."
Harry smiled at the pair. "You come over to the Gryffindor tower whenever you're that bothered, Arden."
"Oh, wouldn't that be nice," she mused. "But I don't think anybody would want me there. They barely want Romina in there and you guys love her."
"It's the prejudices they have against Slytherins," Romina sighed, very much tired of those prejudices.
"I mean, Rom, a lot of them have pretty much earned that," Harry remarked.
"A handful, Harry," Romina corrected. "I have met many people who are just there to study."
"Yeah," Arden said, "Just because you and Draco have an arch enemy relationship doesn't mean we're all the same."
Harry raised a hand to stop her from talking again. "Like you and Parkinson, I would like to avoid any conversation where Malfoy's mentioned."
Arden laughed. "Fair enough."
Romina shook her head at them both. She ate more of her ice cream, getting several brain freezes in the process, until she realized she had just stress-ate it all.
"Boy, I would not want to see you with some Fire Whiskey," Arden said when Romina pushed her ice cream glass to the side.
"Rom," Harry reached over the table for Romina's hand, "It's going to work out. I know it will."
Romina managed to smile. If Harry, who had gone through so much crap, believed in it then maybe she should too. "Thanks," she said and he patted her hand. "Since I've been locked in my room this whole — my choice, by the way —" she added as Harry gave her a look, "I started digging around the Scamander name. They seem pretty cool. They weren't kidding about being war heroes. They fought in some war before You-Know-Who's time. And they fought alongside Dumbledore."
"Wait, so he knew about your family too?" Harry blinked a few times.
"And he didn't say anything either," Romina said bitterly. "But anyways, my grandfather wrote one of our textbooks 'Fantastic Beasts and where to Find them'."
"No way—he wrote that!?" Harry paused just as he was about to have another spoonful of ice cream. Romina nodded proudly. "And Rolf never bragged about that? Wow, he really is one of the good ones."
Romina rolled her eyes at him. ""My grandmother started a fashion designing company—The Gejéls? My aunt is also part of it."
"Oooh!" Arden beamed at the idea. "Hot couture?"
Romina laughed. "Wizard's edition."
"Gotta say, that name sounds familiar, though..." But Arden couldn't quite put her finger on it yet. Romina, however, had figured it out a while ago.
"It's because that's Daphne favorite brand of robes."
"Ooooh, you're right!" Arden snapped her fingers. Daphne had countless magazines about the brand and she always boasted that it was the only brand she ever bought. "It's French! Hey, you're French, Romina."
"Half, but yeah," Romina nodded. "I've been digging through more and it's amazing, really. Rolf's dad is part of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures department."
"Ooh, was he in on the execution of Buckbeak, then?" Arden said.
"Almost execution," Harry was happy to remind them.
"Right," Arden thanked him for the reminder. "Lucky guy!"
"Mhm..." Harry started eating his ice cream again, exchanging a brief glance with Romina who was busy smirking.
They continued to eat their ice cream until they were all done. In the meantime, they tried helping Romina out with her problems but a lot of them involved them having her go back to her aunt and uncle to talk again. Romina didn't feel sure enough of herself to have a conversation without yelling again. At the very least, Harry suggested that she write directly to her grandparents asking for help. Romina said she would think about that.
The sun was setting when they started heading back home. Harry had started talking about some plans that Ron was making for the summer.
"Ron's mentioned that the Quidditch World Cup is this year. He's inviting us to go. Think it should be interesting."
"The what?" Arden raised an eyebrow at him. Harry shrugged. Like her, he still had some things to learn about the wizarding world.
"It's like their version of the FIFA cup," Romina explained, surprising them with her knowledge. "Unlike you two, I did have some knowledge of the wizarding world, alright? It's a huge Quidditch game."
"Oh, sounds boring," Arden promptly said then glanced at Harry skeptically. "You think the Dursleys would even let you go to that?"
"Oh, I think they will," Harry said, sharing a knowing smile with Romina.
"I'm sure you'll have fun," Romina told him. "I don't know if my uncle would let me step out of the house right now."
"It's next month, who knows how things will be by then!" Harry said, bumping shoulders with her. "C'mon, Hermione said she would go. And Ginny's going too. It won't be just us boys."
Romina shrugged. It was a possibility.
"Arden, you sure you don't want to come?" Harry soon asked the brunette girl.
Arden scrunched her face. "Eh, to be honest, the only reason I watch Quidditch games is to just follow the school spirit, you know? I think this summer I'm going to focus on my violin lessons."
"Can you ask Ms. Vallow if she still has any open spots for the summer session?" Romina startled Arden with the question.
"What? Seriously?" Arden gaped. "You want to do violin lessons again?"
Romina nodded sheepishly. "I figure I might as well try to do some of that normal stuff to help me, you know, get better?"
Arden beamed. She promised Romina that she would do everything in her power to get an open spot for her. She almost lost it when Romina suggested maybe they look up a few dance classes. It was led by the same teacher.
They parted ways in front of the girls' homes and when Romina stepped inside her house, she was surprised to find her uncle home. He usually worked late. Sage was also with him in the living room. It looked like they were waiting for her.
"I told aunt Sage where I was going," Romina said as she closed the door behind her.
"You're not in trouble, dear," Sage said and motioned Romina to join them.
"Really? Cos it kind of feels like it..." she mumbled. While her aunt and uncle sat on the long couch, she took the lone couch chair.
"Romina, I want you to be perfectly honest with us here," Lyonel said, his voice implying that there would be no chance if she were to fail and lie, "Have you been writing to Abigail and Newt?"
"What?" Romina blinked a few times until the names struck. "My grandparents? No, I haven't, why?" Lyonel held a piece of parchment out to Romina. Confused, she reached over for it and saw it was a letter.
Bonjour Lyonel and Sage Oswell,
I know it has been many years since we last saw each other but I believe this is very important. We have been informed that our granddaughter Romina has expressed interest in meeting us. You can understand that this changes everything. Romina was a baby the last time we discussed this but now it is neither up to you nor us. She is the one who gets to decide and if you do not abide by her decision, I will be forced to seek legal assistance with the Ministry.
Please do not misunderstand, I know you have taken very good care of my granddaughter and I understand why it was that you took her, but now she is ready to know more about her family. She deserves to know more of the truth. Do not deny her please. Romina would be safe while she visited, and you are more than welcome to accompany her. We do not seek to take her away from you but rather we would like the same privilege you have had having her in your life.
Please, let's discuss,
Abigail Scamander
Romina couldn't find her breath for a moment after reading the letter. She went over the letter twice more, appreciating her grandmother's handwriting. It was so elegant, so...French. And she was writing on her behalf.
When Romina looked up at Lyonel and Sage, she realized they were waiting for her confession. "What — I didn't write to them!" She tossed the letter back at them and crossed her arms.
"Did you write to anyone else, sweetheart?" Sage said. Romina felt bad watching her have to pick up the letter she threw.
"Well..." she sighed, "Yeah, I wrote to Rolf."
Lyonel groaned. "I knew it—!"
"I just told him what was going on!" Romina exclaimed and frowned. "And you shouldn't get mad. I'm not asking for something impossible! You heard my grandmother, I have every right to meet them!"
"Oh for God's sake, you don't even know her!"
Romina slammed her hands on the couch armrests as she jumped from her seat. "Because you never told me about them! I don't understand how you can be angry that I want to meet part of my family!? Like — I just don't get it! What do you intend? For me to stay alone or what?"
"Romina, we just...we don't want you to get hurt..." Sage said, glancing at her husband for some help, "We have done everything we can to keep you—"
"Shielded," Romina finished for her. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret: it hasn't worked. This whole past year, I have spent it trying to look anything but Elora and Caplan. I learned how to do transfiguration on my hair just to make myself look different!"
"You did what!?" Lyonel gaped and, like her, had jumped up from the couch.
"Because I hate where I come from, alright!? And now I have the opportunity to meet people like you" — Romina gestured at them — "who are everything that my bloody parents aren't! Please don't take that from me!" She ran into Lyonel and threw her arms around him, begging him to let her go. "Please, I just want to meet them! Just for a day, please!"
Lyonel and Sage looked at each other while Romina continued to beg. In the end, hearing her almost breaking down got the best of them...and their guilt. They did what they did for her, to protect her. Everything they did in the past had always been in the name of protecting their niece. But it seemed like today, they were the ones hurting her.
"I suppose maybe we could..." Lyonel trailed off as he met Sage's gaze again. She was nodding at him. It was the right thing to do. So, with a big breath, Lyonel finally agreed to get in contact with the Scamanders.
Romina immediately pulled away from her uncle to look up at him, her eyes wide as could be. "You mean it?" Lyonel nodded, and when Romina looked over at her aunt, so was she. "I'll-I'll get to see them? I can visit them?"
"We'd have to arrange it but...I guess so," Lyonel said, "If it's what you really want—"
"Yes, yes!" Romina exclaimed. "It's definitely what I want! Yes! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged him excitedly and then reached for her aunt to pull her into the hug. "Thank you so much!"
Book 4 is where all the real fun and drama start and these coming chapters are one of my favorites. I loved, loved, fantastic beasts and I'm still so bitter that the movie series was cancelled.
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yn-bishop · 2 years
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Kate’s Girlfriend
Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Word count: 1082
This is from my Kate Bishop x reader oneshots book on Wattpad: Steinfan5247
"You know, some people actually call me the worlds greatest archer"
Kate looks towards the older archer.
"Oh yeah? Are you one of them?"
He stares her down.
"Well, Uh, one of them is me, yes but my girlfriend also calls me that"
"Hmm, yeah, I wonder why"
Clint mumbles under his breath.
Kate unlocks her door and here's a voice.
"Katie, are you home?"
Y/N comes down the stairs of the large apartment.
Kate walks over to her and wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist.
Y/N wraps her arms around her girlfriend and leans her face into Kate's neck.
"Hey baby, are you okay?"
Kate leans her head on top of Y/N's
"Yeah, I missed you"
Y/N let go off Kate when she noticed someone behind her.
"Is that Hawkeye?"
Kate had a look of realization as Y/N said that.
"Oh! Y/N, that's Clint, he helped me beat up a bunch of guys in track suits. Clint, this is Y/N, she's my girlfriend"
"It's nice to meet you" Y/N walked over to Clint and noticed something next to him.
"Katie, did you get a dog?! He's so cute! What's his name?"
Y/N looked over at Kate as she pet the dog.
"He's not mine. We can't keep him so don't get too attached. I've just been calling him Pizza Dog. You know, like earl of sandwich"
"So, Uh, what happened to the black suit? You looked really hot in that. I was looking forward to you coming home"
Y/N ran her hand down Kate's arms and chest.
"I, Uh, I had to take it off for this one. I can get another one though, I can get it tomorrow"
Clint clears his throat.
"Speaking of suits, can you give me that one? So I can get back to my family for Christmas"
Clint tells the girls with an annoyed tone.
"Oh right. I'll be right back"
Kate says as she walks up the stairs, mumbling about Hawkeye.
"So how long have you been together?"
Clint asks the H/C girl, while walking around the apartment and looking at Kate's awards.
"Uh, This year will be the 7th, right Katie?"
Y/N calls out to the other girl.
Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs.
"Yeah, that's when I kissed you in the school corridor. Here's the suit"
Kate banded Clint the suit and he spoke up again.
"So, 7 years and you're still not engaged?"
Clint looks confused mixed with shocked.
Kate's eyes widen as she gives him a looks to shut up.
"Yeah Katie, when's that gonna happen?"
Y/N looks up at her with a teasing look with curiosity and hope.
"I'm working on it babe, don't worry"
Kate brings her arms around Y/N and puts a lingering kiss on top of her head.
"Yeah, well, as cute and gross as this is, I need to know if anyone saw you in this suit"
Clint says seriously.
"They didn't, I kept the mask on the whole time"
Kate replies with a small smile.
"I need you to be sure"
"I am"
"Well, what did you do in it?"
Clint eyes her.
"I just beat up the bad guys, saved the dog, some light BnE"
There was a yell of Kate's name outside of the apartment before a fire stick was thrown through the window.
"By the way, my name's on the buzzer!"
Kate yelled over all the chaos.
She pulled out her bow and shot the fire extinguisher so it flew out the window.
"Grab the dog and lets go!"
Clint yelled.
"What about the suit and all our stuff?!"
Y/N yelled back.
"I'll come back for it!"
They were all walking down the stairs of the train station before Kate spoke up.
"So, where are we going?"
"I need to pick some supplies up"
"Is it avenger supplies?!"
Kate asks with her excited puppy face.
"I don't think so babe"
Y/N replies, taking Kate's hand in hers.
"This is kind of a let down, Hawkeye"
Kate says she Clint grabs some cotton swabs from the pharmacy.
"I told you not to get your hopes up, Katie"
Y/N tells her girlfriend as she holds the dog in one hand and Kate's hand in the other.
"Your girlfriends right. Can you get some of that rubbing alcohol on that shelf?"
Clint asks Kate before she grabs a few bottles of it.
"What are we doing after this?" Y/N asks as Kate put the bottles of rubbing alcohol in the basket.
"I need to find a place to stash you guys so I can clean up your girlfriends mess"
Clint looks at the both of them as he answers Y/N.
"Stash us? We're not bags of money"
Kate says in an offended tone.
"You're right. Money would be useful. Hey, merry christmas"
Clint tells the cashier.
Y/N squeezes Kate's hand, knowing his words must have hurt her.
"I actually do know a place a few blocks away. Would money know a place?"
Kate says from behind Clint.
He just continues to pay for the supplies before leaving the store.
As they all get to the apartment block, Kate goes over to the buzzer and pushes a few buttons, hoping to be let in.
"Hey, we've got pizza, uh huh, yep, piz-"
She's cut off by the door opening as she shrugs towards her idol and her girlfriend.
Kate pulls out a lock pick to open her aunts apartments door.
"Is there a cat in here?" Clint asks as they all walk around the apartment.
"No, just cat hair" Kate replies.
"We should get a cat" Y/N directs towards Kate, who just looks at her as she gets a ball of water.
"We already have pizza dog, that's enough right? "
"But you said we can't keep him, we could call it pizza cat"
"If no one goes looking for pizza dog, then we can keep him, but baby, as much as I love you, I'm not getting a cat"
Kate tells her as she puts her hand over hers.
She leans in for a small kiss.
"Alright, I'm going back to your apartment to get that suit, you guys stay here and clean your wounds"
"Sure Clint, you can enter our apartment, don't you need our keys?"
Kate calls out, his reply being no.
Y/N just shrugs towards Kate as the door clicks.
They both lean in for a kiss.
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soulaanmagazine · 9 months
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Welcome to 'Tha Gardnn" ! I go by nae, and I'm nothing but a smart-mouthed Leo that always says what she wants to say wherever, whenever. I'm just here to plant my stories in the Gardnn and be a music enthusiast in the process. black. she|her. big mfn leo.
Just to name a few artists that I adore in the Gardnn: Beyonce, Rihanna, 2pac, Aaliyah, Tinashe, Frank Ocean, and a lot more that I would love to name, but that's a lot of fckin work.
I generally write a lot of romance stories, although I am in the process of looking into different genres (ex. thriller). I mainly write with black people in my stories, but every once in a while I branch out to other races and ethnicities.
I have somewhat of a writing experience; I started off on Wattpad, but I haven't been as active on there, especially because of work and school, I need the education and the coin chile!
No but seriously, now that I have the motivation, I'm going to eventually have all of my works moved over here so those of you that only have Wattpad or only tumblr (or both) can have a resource to read my work!
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Be careful! Most plants in the Gardnn will contain mature themes, adult language, mentions of abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, substance abuse, etc.), violence, and possibly sexual themes. VIEWER DISCRESTION IS ADVISED, UNLESS SAID OTHERWISE. In the future, chapters with said warnings above will have warnings, giving you a final chance to click off and find something safer for you to pick in the Gardnn.
This doesn't mean that all flowers in the Gardnn have mature themes, some flowers are and will be without mature themes.
Aurelian's favorite (and growing) plants !
-You Won't See Me Tonight: A series in which a young woman named Rahnaysha navigates through her 'new beginning' after receiving full custody of her younger sister.
-Intermission: an Anthology: In which I write smaller stories that I don't want to make an entire book about, into one book.
-James Joint: In which a sophomore in college feels that she still hasn't found herself, and goes on a journey to find herself and her true potential while overcoming the struggles of being a black woman.
-Passion in the streets (Coming Soon): In which two souls from different areas collide in an unexpected, yet passionate, romance that's undeniable; based on the song 'Thug Passion' by 2pac.
-Never Ending: Based on Rihanna's song 'Never Ending", this shows a young woman reeling the effects of a recent breakup
-Rhythm of Love (Coming Soon): In which an independent R&B singer and a soulful artist bond together over their shared passion of music.
-City Serenade (Coming Soon, I am lowkey excited for this story): In which two souls from different aspects of life encounter a 'wrong place at the wrong time' encounter and sparks a deep connection.
-Solo Symphony (Coming Soon) - Based on Beyonce's 'Me, Myself, and I', a young author on the rise thrives in her own world of writing, music, books, self-discovery, and independence.
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I am very excited to start writing a lot again! I can't wait to expand my horizons with my stories and learn along the way. I hope you all enjoy the plants in my Gardnn.
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Here are some links so that you guys can reach me (Note: This will be updated occasionally):
Wattpad Instagram
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viktheviking1 · 9 months
Helluva Boss Fanfiction- The Pompous and the Prick
Sneak Peek at my StolasxBlitzø Fanfiction! Full Version on Archive of Our Own (AO3) or WattPad
Their last conversation didn’t end well. This was a rather common thing for Blitzø and Stolas, but it had been particularly awkward and Blitzø was feeling a little nervous approaching the mansion’s front steps. All day as he worked in the living world, the full moon had loomed overhead; an unwavering reminder of the promise that had been made and the deal that had been struck. Time waits for no demon, and a deal was a deal, so he was determined to make Stolas forget all about his f**k ups and woo the pants off of that big bird . . . For the book, of course.
One hand held the book, while the other sported a rose. It had come from Stolas’s own bushes of course, but even if he figured that out, it’d probably still have the desired effect. Blitzø stood in front of the door, checking his coat for blood. There was a lot, but it was all dry, so he wouldn’t be staining the carpets with it. He practiced leaning on a pillar, and putting the rose in his mouth. Blood began to fill his mouth as the thorns pricked his gums. Well, not a great start. Gritting his teeth, he began taking the thorns off the stem one by one.
“Come on you little-” he stopped as the door suddenly opened in front of him, revealing a very sad Owl in a tattered old robe.
“Oh, uh . . . Hi.” Blitzø said, quickly standing up straight, and shoving the rose into Stolas’s face.
Sh*t, I wasn't ready.
The prince plucked the rose from Blitzø's hand, but no smile appeared on his face. Without a word he turned around and went back inside, leaving the door wide open with Blitzø standing on the other side. He gave a nervous gulp, and followed him in.
Stolas led him to the fancy-*ss dining hall where there was already a bottle of wine and glasses. Okay, Blitzø thought to himself, not too late to turn this around then.
"So, Stolas. . . What's cooking, good looking?"
Stolas took a seat at the head of the table, and began pouring himself a drink. It was then that Blitzø noticed the one already empty wine bottle on the floor. Ah. So maybe not salvageable after all.
"You know, if this is a bad time-"
Stolas gestured to the chair next to him, "Please, sit."
Blitzø complied, but found himself getting more nervous as he got closer to Stolas, who was staring at him with such sad eyes. He sat a couple chairs down.
". . . Did you get into another fight with your wife? That b**ch. I barely know anything about her, but she's seriously got a few screws loose. Whatever she said or did, you shouldn't take it-"
"It's not about Stella." Stolas interrupted, now looking like he was about to cry.
"Sh*t. Well, teenagers are tough. She probably just needs time to cool off-"
"Via is fine." Stolas said, looking away.
"Well, shoot. I'm out of guesses. Uh-"
"Really?!" Stolas stood from his chair with a burst, "Really. Is there no one else you can think of, in all the circles of hell I might care about enough to cry over?"
Ah, so he had been crying. What was Blitzø meant to say? What name was so important for him to know? What words could he give to Stolas that might comfort him? He'd say whatever he needed to if it brought a smile back to his face. . . So they could f**k and then he could keep the book, of course.
Stolas let out a long, weighted sigh, "Of course, not. It's my fault I suppose. Oh Blitzy, if I could go back and do it all again, say the right things, do things in a better order . . . I would." He reached out and touched his hand, "But no matter how much I can manipulate space, time will forever escape me; slipping through my fingers." He let go of his hand, and Blitzø felt like he was missing something that was staring at him in the face.
"I- I don't understand." Blitzø said, his eyes looking concerned.
“The deal is off, Blitzø. No more favors, comfortable lies, no more promiscuous nights tangled together, only to end in loneliness once more. I think I- we need a fresh start. Because . .  I just can’t do this anymore. ”
That came as a surprise. Sh*t . . . Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t! No! D*mn that stupid owl and his royal privilege. Of course he could change his mind at any point, Blitzø knew that going into this, but he didn't expect it to be this sudden. He had assumed there'd be warning signs of him getting bored or becoming interested in another demon. He thought he'd have time to change his mind, to devise a plan. Maybe he'd woo him again, or play hard to get, or introduce him to a new s** toy or just something. He had to think quickly, else that book was as good as gone.
Blitzø began blabbering, "Look, I know we haven't talked since . . . Well, you know. But I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. I- uh- f**k. Maybe I could sub more often? Or Dom? Whatever you want. And I'll stay for breakfast like you're always asking me too. If you're really set on it, we could come to a new arrangement-"
"Oh for Satan's sake, Blitzy! You can keep the d*mn book!" Stolas slammed the table, knocking over the wine glasses, " . . . Sh*t."
Without thinking, Blitzø took out a bloody rag from one of his pockets and began wiping it up, a little too desperately, "I got it. I got it- wait . . . What do you mean I can keep it?"
Stolas took a deep breath, "I mean that you can keep the grimoire as usual, and I'll hire someone to fetch it from you once a month. I just can't have you coming around here anymore."
". . . F*ck, Stolas please tell me you're not getting back together with princess b**ch face."
Stolas couldn't help but giggle a little, ”No. Fool me once or however the saying goes. No, I want someone who truly loves me. And who will let me love them openly without shame or guilt or feeling of bitterness. I want . . . a real relationship, Blitzy." 
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tex-da-phox · 5 months
Helluva Boss: Unchained
Chapter 2 - Pony
Author's note: Sorry for the delays! It will happen again. I am going through multiple life crises rn, but I will try to put out a chapter every week or two at least. Also, I have posted this story to Wattpad and AO3, and they contain a preface explaining the canon divergence and a prologue that simply writes out the events portrayed in Rhues' comic. I have linked the AO3 post below. Enjoy!
The intrusive blare of an alarm clock beeping forced its way into Loona's ears. Grumbling, she squinted in the harsh morning light, finding and promptly pounding the snooze button for the third time. It was 8:20 AM on a Monday, and there was no work, so she tossed her blanket over her head and began to doze off. However, she was again stirred; this time by semi-coherent yammering from her father in the next room, followed by a loud smash of glass. Groaning, she threw herself up and, still wearing yesterday's clothing, opened her door to confront him.
Sprawled out on the couch, a very drunken Blitzø held a freshly opened, brown-tinted bottle loosely in his hand. Another lay shattered on the carpet, fluid seeping outward into the fabric beneath. Several more (mostly) dry bottles littered the floor, some broken, some intact. Television speakers played a whimsical soundtrack with wholesome, uplifting dialog to boot. The screen displayed a blue cartoon pegasus with a rainbow emblazoned on its haunch soaring through the clouds. "Fly, bitch, fly!" He yelled, raising his arm to take a swig.
Interrupting his movement, Loona chastised him. "Blitz, what the actual fuck! I'm trying to sleep, and you're out here getting white-girl wasted at ass o' clock in the morning to watch My Little fucking Pony??! What is your problem?" Loona had been living with Blitzø long enough to know that this show was a guilty pleasure of his reserved only for periods of deep depression. For the past five months, he would spend a day or two after every full moon chugging beer alone while binging it until he vomited and passed out (though not exclusively in that order).
"Uhrrhrfng- the fuckig- *hic* horsefly... wanna be... I- I wan' be pony. Get a ffffucking, cutie mark on, myass, an' get- get hellabitches." He giggled, tilting the bottle over his mouth in the air, spilling most of its contents down his throat. His face and the area around his head were drenched in wasted booze. Three 12-pack cases of beer lay next to the couch within his arms' reach. One was completely empty, another over halfway out.
Loona had seen her dad in similar states before, but never at this time in the morning. Worry was fast to join her anger. While her father was a mess, he was a mess she cared for a lot more than she preferred to admit. "You need to drink some water, for fuck's sake. And change out of those clothes! You seriously reek so bad, it's not cool." She stomped into the kitchen, snatching a cup from the counter and filling it with tap water. Walking it over to him, she noticed his phone facedown on the ground by the TV stand.
Blitzø protested, having no interest in sobering himself whatsoever. "Hey... eeyou can't- mmake me! Loonie, don'eed a-gghllhlhg-" She shoved the rim of the glass against his lower lip and poured into his mouth. Swallowing some reflexively, Blitzø gurgled and coughed up a large amount, splashing Loona in the process.
"Ugh! You're such a pain in the ass!" He hardly registered, eyes remaining fixated on the screen behind her. She set down the glass, then went to his phone, squatting to pick it up. Its light beamed in response, showing the lockscreen image of an I.M.P. group photo. A superimposed notification read: [6:51 AM ¶ New message from stole ass ¶ This is Octavia. I'm bringing the book to...] "You have a message, y'know," she said, chucking the device beside him on the sofa.
A low, sustained belch rang out. Blitzø kept chugging, determined to be as fucked up as possible. Suddenly, the bottle was taken from him. Seeing Loona grab it and the cases of beer provoked a belligerent outburst. "Wh- huh hhhhat do you thikk you're doing, liddle missee, I wa-"
"You've had more than enough, dickhead. I'm cutting you off and going back to bed. Have fun watching this bullshit."
He stretched himself, trying to reclaim the alcohol. Rolling, he fell onto the floor, his shoulder landing in a pool of shards. A jolt of pain made him yelp, Loona turning her neck to face him briefly as she moved further.
"Jesus H. Fuck, could you just knock out already?" She brought the confiscated goods into her room, then closed and locked the door. A few minutes later, she heard him mewling and scratching at the bottom of the door like a clingy housepet.
Ignored, he wobbled up to his feet and stumbled back to the couch, slumping with a childish harumph. The show's upbeat music and pastel colors blurred into a narcotic canvas of nostalgia that numbed his distress. Flopping onto his side, he let it overtake him, nodding into a mercifully dreamless sleep.
"What now??" Within just thirty minutes of falling back asleep, Loona's phone rang. Its punk-rock ringtone blasted, the screen showing a profile picture of a grey hellhound with loop earrings and a poodle afro. Bold letters read: [Incoming call from Esme]. She tapped the green answer icon and brought it up to her head.
"Hey girl, how ya doin'? You're not gonna believe what I just scored," a bubbly tone gushed. "*F-ck You Dad* is touring, and I have tickets for us to go!! I already told Pink and Harold. It's gonna be a blast!"
"Oh, awesome..." Though Loona enjoyed the band, she was not in a mood to show enthusiasm. "When is it gonna be?"
"It's on Friday, at 8 PM in Gluttony."
Loona grunted and checked her calendar, which was empty for that day besides work. "I think I can hack that. Speaking of dads, though, I'm gonna have to take a rain check on tomorrow. I'll be babysitting this dumbass all week by the looks of it."
Esme tisked, drawing a deep breath that was audible through the speakers. "Remind me what his problem is again?" This was not the first time Blitzø's antics had caused Loona to miss goings-out her friends had planned.
"He's always been a mess. I swear, sometimes it's like *I'm* the one who adopted *him*." The emphasis was as much in jest as it was in frustration.
"Was it always this bad, though? Like, you said you'll be out for like a week, that can't be good."
"Well..." Loona took a moment to think of how best to phrase her explanation. "He's clearly been running from something, but he'd never tell me what it is. He just comes home to drown himself in alcohol and kids' TV until he's distanced enough to pretend everything's fine again. It's really fucking annoying."
"Yeah, I bet. Don't take this personal, but if it were me, I wouldn't waste another moment taking care of a guy like that if he won't even communicate."
"I've definitely considered that, but he does pay for the apartment, at least. And he's my boss. A couple months ago, he said he might fire me if I don't work on my 'attitude' with customers. Can you believe the hypocrisy? Seriously, I should find a way to get out soon." A strange sensation accompanied her words as they formed, subtly pressing down on her ribcage and cooling her blood by a fractional degree.
Esme laughed a bit, somewhat humorously and somewhat nervously. "I think you're right, girlfriend. I've gotta get to work in a minute, so you can vent more some other time, 'kay?"
"Ugh, don't call me that. But yeah, thanks for calling."
"Okay, byyyyeee!" Esme hung up, returning the phone to its home screen. Loona removed it from her head, looking to tap the Sinstagram icon. A red bubble in the top right corner of the tiny block read in white: [2]. She clicked it, navigating to her notifications and clicking the new posts added to her feed.
Esme was posed in a selfie with four tickets in her paws, followed by a post from Harold - a short, dark-brown, scruffy-haired hound - from the previous night showing his family howling under the full moon, a caption reading: [this tradition is so overrated 🙄 would rather be out with you guys rn].
A new notification appeared at the top of the screen, indicating a message from "Pinky Winky." Pushing it, she read: [Hey, you alright? I can come by and give you a hand if that helps]
Loona typed back angrily: [No thank you, I'm alright] *She is SO dead,* she thought. Confidentiality was never to be assumed with Esme. Three gray dots blinked in succession at the bottom of the screen until a new reply appeared.
[Are you sure? You know I'm always available for you]
For the first time that morning, a feeling of warmth spread from her chest, a slight grin manifesting. Maybe Esme's big mouth wasn't so bad after all. [I appreciate it, Pink. But really, I've got it under control. Don't miss out on your job bc of me]
He began typing again. [Ok, just lmk if anything changes 🩷] Loona double-tapped the message, a smaller red heart emoji attaching to the bubble of text. Pinklie had always been good to her, even when she was a nightmare. He knew how to make her feel like less of a burden when times were rough. She wondered if either of them would get the courage to take things to the next level anytime soon; much had been left unspoken in the interest of maintaining friendship.
With a renewed vigor, she hopped out of bed once again, turning her doorknob and pulling it with a loud and swift *creak.* Blitzø still lay motionless on the couch, unconscious on his back. She moved past him, opening the fridge to fix some breakfast. A milk carton was left open, its revolting sour stench immediately assaulting her nose. Gagging, she dumped the chunky liquid into the sink, trashing the empty container.
Appetite now equally spoiled, she turned her attention to the mess around her. Memories began to flood her psyche, attempting to make sense of the chaotic sensory inputs it was experiencing. She thought about her dad's drunken rants, his distant look, his persona gradually slipping day-to-day, his full moon absences, his recent struggles with running I.M.P.
Loona knew little about Stolas' relationship with her father; but from what she did know, she understood that their dynamic was somewhat problematic. After Stolas divorced Stella, he'd really ramped up his incessant flirtations. Blitzø was always annoyed by this, yet it continued to escalate. Seemingly, he had no reason to believe that a prince would have reason to say such things other than to toy with him.
She never commented, but she noticed how he would beat himself up frequently when he thought no one could see or hear. His organizational skills were in decline, a repressed depression eating away at his capabilities. At first, it was a minute slip of his mask, occasionally interrupting his train of thought. He would usually excuse himself in these moments to express his humiliation privately.
Then came the outbursts; aggressive even for him, these reactions sparked some concern in Loona and her co-workers. Moxxie, in particular, seemed quite disturbed and tried to speak with him alone to no avail. It became increasingly clear that Blitzø would not open up and that everyone should walk on eggshells lest they burst the bubble to reveal the elephant in the room.
The worst memories in Loona's mind were waking up to him screeching at some imagined terror. He had been getting more and more nightmares, and something about these recent dreams was absolutely terrible. Of course, he denied that this occurred, both to her and himself, trying desperately to recover the facade of normalcy. His personality was fragile, his sanity illusory. Loona knew this but failed to make him admit that he was changing.
Beholding nearly two dozen empty bottles spread about the place, the odd feeling from earlier grew. Irritated by its ambiguity, she assumed it must be disgust and opted to clean up. Sweeping up piles and mopping up puddles, she realized the source of her angst was, of course, her father. He lay drooling into his expanding pillow of sogginess, odorous breath contaminating the air. Groaning, she reluctantly shook him.
Instead of words or wails, what escaped his mouth as he started awake was a sickly fluid. He sat up, spewing his stomach all over the couch and himself. After jumping back, Loona just sighed. This was a common enough occurrence that she had paid for an upholstery cleaner and heavy duty vacuum. He would otherwise have been content to lay in his own filth until he was forced to pay someone else to clean for him.
Blitzø coughed, a foul taste coating his tongue and throat. He collapsed back onto the couch, ignoring it all and returning to oblivion. There was no point in stirring him, as he was too trashed to be of any use. The television behind Loona continued to emit saccharine cheers and melodies, its varicolored light illuminating the imp in his sick. She gathered the necessary tools to wash up and began the grueling process of babysitting her father.
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handsometheo · 2 years
Hi I saw your requests for the wattpad book was open and was wondering if I could please have some Katagawa Jr content because the only ppl who write him make him creepy as heck.
I don’t really mind what you write about him but I like to think he’d treat his partner like a gentleman and would love spoiling them. I don’t really mind what gender the xreader is but if it’s no trouble could it be a female reader.
If you can’t do this then it’s no worries xx. I will be reading your Handsome Jack book as soon as I have time also.
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING SOMETHING WITH HIM!! Just to let you know the Handsome Jack book is gonna take a while because my motivation is all over the place but I can definitely write this because Katagawa Jr needs more appreciation if you ask me!
I'll make the a reader gender neutral
My redbubble if anyones interested in buying something <3 you can really see the difference in my newer work than the older stuff if you ask me
Katagawa Jr x reader
Not my gif!!
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Pairing: Katagawa Jr x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used: They/them
Warnings: None unless you notice something that may need a warning plus keep in mind that this is Borderlands
Summary: Katagawa Jr being absolutely adoring towards his s/o <3
I hope you don't mind that this is after he tried to kill Rhys. I also apologise for my kinda bad writing, I need to try and get into it and learn to do it better so just try and believe in me to improve!
Y/n - Your Name
L/n - Last name
F/c - favourite colour
⁽ʸ/ⁿ'ˢ ᴾᴼⱽ⁾
The war between Atlas and Malian soon ended due to Katagawa growing tired of fighting for something he wasn't going to get. Well, that and the fact his Zer0 tech malfunctioned on him and seriously injured him.
He pulled out of the war when he was once again conscience and thank whatever God's there may be that he survived. I'm not sure what I would've done with him not there. He's a bit of a spoiled brat to everyone else and acts like the typical big corporation asshole to them but to me, he's an absolute sweetheart.
If he died that day I would have lost my entire world.
Of course Katagawa soon got back to work... Oh no! Not work as in Maliwan!
His work on keeping our relationship being perfect. It's something of a goal in life to him for everything he does to be perfect. He never wants us to split up and he's become a bit too clingy recently. With the near death experience though, I can understand why.
"Kat! Where are you?" I shout into the hallway of our shared home. There's a faint groan from the bedroom. It's faint right now but it's there.
I walk to the room and open the door to find Katagawa on the floor reaching for the crutch I placed across the room. He was concentrating so hard on getting said item he didn't seem to realise that I had come home.
"Need some help?" The man in front of me jumps slightly out of shock and he looks up to meet my eyes. He sighs and makes a gesture for me to help him up.
I lift his somewhat frail body up and place him on the bed again. I grab the crutch and go and sit next to him. "why were you one the floor?" I lean my head on his shoulder.
His eyes are trained on the floor as he lets me lean on him.
"I wanted to do something for you but you put this," He waved the crutch slightly " too far for me to reach"
"why would I need anything from you right now? You're healing and it's my turn to look after the big shot company man" I rub his back as he now begins to lean into me instead.
"I realised how much I lost, and how much I could've lost in that war," He paused and turned to face me " I lost the Zanara, I ordered the murder of my own family and if I let it go on longer. I could have lost you"
He pulls his ECHO into his hands and shows me a picture of me and him sat on one of our earliest dates in one of the Zanara's cat cafés. This was long before the war and a few months after I began to work for Malian. Well it wasn't originally a date more of a way for Kat to be a friend rather than a boss, until we became official at least.
Simpler times.
Flash back*
"L/n, you will be coming with me to the Zanara. Tha-"
"That's your pleasure yacht, yes I know sir." I sigh. This may have bin the thirtieth time he's told me and as nice as his voice is, I could care less about the Zanara.
"Lose the attitude please. A new Cat café is opening and you will come with me to see the opening of it." He turns his back and looks back over his shoulder slightly to say, "wear something casual."
I didn't get to properly answer I just nodded even while he was out the door. I wonder if he's a cat person, he does strike me as that person. You know, evil and cute.
He could've asked any other person, he practically has the best eye candy he could have picked from with him being rich and all and yet he picks me.
Of course I'm grateful beyond belief, but could it be because he's lonely?
*Time Skip to 11:48*
"Hello Sir." even though he told me to dress casually this is still part of my job to attend events but despite this, I see none of the other visitors of the Zanara anywhere near this café.
Katagawa Jr's back is turned to mine but he greets me with a slight nod of respect. The person who has been placed in charge of the café opens the door with a large, warm welcome to the two of us as we are the only guests here.
Katagawa walks to a booth in the corner, the f/c walls being a slightly faded version of the colour. He finally faces me as he goes to sit.
His eyes widen as he actually takes in my appearance.
"You look.. Well.. You look good." He finishes after clearly struggling to find the correct words. "If I look good then the people around me must look good too." He scoffs and turns like the spoiled brat he is.
*End of Flashback
"Katagawa, before we were a thing I took care of myself pretty well. I don't need you to look after me." we hold one another as we remember the favourite parts of our past.
"Just as long as you are with me, we'll both be fine"
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
OK ITS NOT MY BEST WORK AND I APOLOGISE!! I kind of rushed it at the end because I thought I was taking to long with writing it.
I'll have to practice my writing but luckily that's exactly what having requests is for, practice! I apoligise for how crap this is tho
Please feel free to request for any characters on the master list
Here's my redbubble if anyone is interested in supporting me. It may push me to write more and write better but it's mostly for cosplays and general money problems.
The Rhys Request I was sent is being worked on and I hope it's less sucky
Thank you for reading and I'm so sorry this is so bad
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aneliwriter · 1 year
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Hello (Wattpad writer here) this is my first post on here :)
Wanted to try it out :)
This one shot is from my random one shots Chris evans and Sebastian Stan OC’s one shots collection on Wattpad
Instagram @aneliwrites
Tik tok @galexakcv3z
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Warnings-cussing, explicit language not suitable for minors, SMUT, angst
18 and over
Summary- you and your rival Ransom have a one night stand.
Word count- 2000 and up
Might be some grammar error
"I'm out of here." You huff as you get up and walk out of the auditorium.
You were walking out on the hallway when he calls out your name.
"Y/N, Oh please don't tell me you're leaving so soon?" Ransom fucking Drysdale catches up to you.
"What do you want Ransom?" You frown.
"We're going to celebrate at my place and of course you're invited, I mean after all you did lose.. to me." He rubs it in.
"Really? You left in the middle of your speech to rub it in my face! You're despicable you know that!" You scowl.
"Wow i've never been called that one before, i'll add it to my list." He smirks.
"Ransom, Do you even know how to spell valedictorian?" You deadpan.
"No but who cares, I'll have people to help me spell. Hey maybe i'll even hire you as my personal assistant." He says very nonchalantly.
"Oh My God! I can't with you! We both know the only reason why you ran for it, It's because i ran for class valedictorian." You glare at an unfazed Ransom.
"Get over yourself, Not everything is about you Sweetheart." He grins.
"Don't call me that!" You scowl again.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"It's not flattery believe me, I would never sleep with you." He grins.
"Ditto." You deadpan.
"Ransom why did you even run for it huh? You think this school is beneath you." You tell him.
"Oh and it still is, But i like the perks." He smirks.
"You cheated, You bribed everyone with money to vote for you." You state.
"I didn't pay everyone, I slept with some of the girls." He points out.
"Ugh You're a pig." You say disgusted.
He only smirks in response.
You turn around and walk away.
"Hey wait, So are you coming to my party or not?" He arches an eyebrow.
"NOT." You frown.
"Why?" He says stupidly.
"Oh My God! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME?" You now scream in the middle of the hallway.
"Ransom unlike you, I don't have rich parents or a rich grandfather that pays for a privileged life. I worked really, really hard for it. I needed that to keep my scholarship. I can't afford intution on my own. I work myself to death at a sandwich shop to pay off my text books and to send whatever i have left to my sister out in California." You say very angrily.
"And you just swept in and took all my hard work and spat on my face." You say deadly.
"Why did you do it? Why do you hate me so much? I didn't do anything to you." You exhale.
"God, would you stop being so dramatic. I already told you, The perks and it will help with my reputation. And if you're hurting that much i'll loan you some money Jesus." He rolls his eyes.
"I don't want your stupid money! I want you to drop out." You deadpan.
"Yea that's not happening. I already told my parents who are really proud of me." He muses.
"God i hate you!"
You try to walk way but he spins you around.
“Don’t be stupid, come to the party, relax and we’ll talk about the loan.”
"Oh and what will it cost me? My soul? Yea, no thanks, I'm good eating top ramen for the rest of my life." You say sarcastically.
"One night with me." He says seriously.
You look at him dumbfounded, You can't tell if he's serious or not.
"You're joking." You deadpan.
"Oh no, I've never been so serious in my life." He nods.
"You just said you would never sleep with me and now you're proposing it as a business deal?"
"Well it's obvious you're not going to pay me back, No offense. So what's the next good thing a girl can offer.. Herself." He says.
"I'm going to slap you."
"Careful i might just like it." He taunts.
"I'm not going to sleep with you for money." You say sternly.
"Think about it." He says before walking away.
"And then he said think about it, Can you believe that asshole! God Kenzie i almost strangled him right then and there." You huff to your dorm roomate.
"So you're not going to sleep with him?" She asks and you look at her dumbfounded.
"No of course not." You say offensively.
"Be Smart Y/N, He doesn't expect you to pay him back so take him for a run at his parent's money. Ask for a big check enough for you to pay off your textbooks and to send some to your sister." She says as she holds my hands.
"You can't keep taking food out of your mouth to take care of your sister Y/N."
You look down to the floor.
"Yea i know but
"But what?" She says.
"I'm a virgin, I don't want my first time to be a buisness deal and certainly not with that idiot." You huff.
"So then what, They're going to take away your scholarship Y/N." She reasons.
"I don't know, I'll figure it out. I always do." You shrug your shoulders.
She gives you a sad smile.
"Okay, I have to go to his party, If i wasn't the designated driver i would stay."
"I know, Go it's okay. I'm going to have a cup of soup and watch Riverdale." You smile.
"Alright, I'll be home late." She says.
You sit down on the couch as your friend left to Ransom's party.
You stare at the microwave as the bowl of soup spins round and round.
"I don't even have anything to wear." You mutter to yourself as an excuse not to go.
You look over to Kenzie's closet.
"So this is what rock bottom feels like." You chuckle as you're about to make probably the worst mistake of your life.
You borrow an outfit and heels and you get ready and you uber to Ransom's mansion.
Correction- Ransom's parent's mansion.
You get out of the car and you stare at the mansion in front of you.
"Jesus." You mutter.
You walk inside and you see the whole school here, Music blasting through the speakers. House full of kids throwing footballs inside and outside the house. Kids doing shots, jello shots. Kids dancing or grinding who knows.
Kids in the pool, Girls topless in the pool.
You look around to see Kenzie but you don't see her.
You go into the kitchen and your stomach rumbles when you see the boxes and boxes of pizzas, snacks and more.
You grab a slice of pepperoni pizza.
"Well well well, Look what the cat dragged in." Playboy Ransom taunts behind you.
"Don't flatter yourself, I came for the food." You frown as you go back to eating your pizza.
"Hmm." He smirks as he leans against the doorway.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You say with your mouth full.
He's looking at you from head to toe then you realized you never wore a dress before.
"Nice costume." He smirks.
"It's not a costume, It's a dress." You roll your eyes.
"I'm pretty sure, you would have to have a nice body to wear a dress." He smirks.
You drop your pizza onto the plate.
"Asshole, I don't even know why i bothered coming here." You frown as you walk away.
He tries to grab your arm to stop you but you pull your arm away.
You walk upstairs to the nearest bathroom.
You grab a tissue and you wipe the tears streaming down your face.
"One second!" You say to whoever is banging on the door.
You groan as they bang again.
"I said one second!" You glare as they open the door, letting themself in.
You turn around to see the person who made you cried.
"What now." You deadpan.
Ransom steps closer to you.
"Don't cry. I'm sorry." He says.
You roll your eyes as you look away.
He puts both hands on your face and he wipes the tears away with his thumbs.
There's a moment where the two of you look at each other softly.
"Why do you hate me so much? Am i that bad?" You whisper as you stare at him.
"No, I don't hate you at all Y/N. Quite opposite actually." He says before his lips land on yours.
You kiss him back.
"You're a mystery Ransom Drysdale." You say softly as the two of you pull away.
He smirks in response.
"C'mon, Let's go somewhere, where no one will disturb us." He smiles as he holds your hand leading you to his room.
"What about your party?" You ask as the two of you walk inside his room.
"I don't care about the party." He says as he walks over to you.
He caresses your cheek and he kisses you again.
You lay back onto his bed as he kisses you, on top of you.
"Ransom, I want you to be my first." You whisper as he stares into your eyes.
"I would have been no matter what, You're mine Y/N, You belong to me." He says.
He takes his sweater off as you take your dress off and unstrapping your heels.
You shield your body with your hands as you feel insecure.
"Don't, Don't hide that perfect body from me." He says sternly.
"You think i'm perfect?" You whisper.
"Not think i know." He says sternly.
He climbs on top of you again.
He reaches over to his nightstand and grabs a condom.
"Don't hurt me please, Just be gentle." You say to him.
"I won't hurt you." He caresses your cheek.
He kisses your neck and he starts to go down to your breasts then to your stomach all the way to your wet folds.
You breathe hard as his hot breathe touches your skin.
He kisses your lips slowly then he inserts his tongue.
You let out a moan to the sensation you never felt.
"You're ready for me." He says as he rips off the condom with his teeth.
He puts it on his hard erection.
He lines himself up to your entrance and starts to enter.
The two of you cry out, one in pleasure and the other in pain.
You interwine your fingers with him as he thrusts into you.
"So tight, This pussy was made for me." He groans as he thrusts deeper.
You moan to his words.
"Ransom i-i don't know what's happening to me." You moan as you roll your eyes, holding onto him.
"You're about to cum, Go ahead Baby, cum. You're so tight i'm right behind you." He grunts as he picks up his pace.
You feels his balls hitting you as he's in deep.
You scream his name as you let go and he throws his head back releasing his load into the condom.
He pulls out and discards the used condom.
He cleans himself up and grabs a damp cloth and cleans you up.
Your eyes flutter on you and your drift off to sleep, cuddling with him.
"Y'N wake up." Ransom calls out.
You flutter your eyes open as the morning light hits your face.
You smile as you see Ransom sitting up facing the other way, his back to you.
"Good morning." You smile.
"Morning." He says dismissively as he gets dressed.
"I have to leave soon, I have a date with Tanya Mcgrath." He says as he hands you Kenzie's dress.
"W-What?" You say confused as you sit up, pulling the covers up.
"Oh don't forget about these." He hands you your heels.
"B-But what about last night? I thought-
"Oh yea, Here." He says as he grabs a checkbook.
"So how much do you need?" He asks as he flips it open, holding a pen.
"W-What? Ransom i didn't do it for the money. I made love to you because i wanted too." You say with a ached heart.
"Will 10,000 do it?" He says ignoring your previous statement.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" You cry softly.
"We had a deal Y/N. Last night was nothing more than a hookup. What did you think we would get into a relationship?" He chuckles.
"I-I- You said some things last night-
"Heat of the moment." He says.
You scrambled out of his bed and you start to get dressed as you cry.
You believed that act of careness he showed you last night would change your guy's relationship.
But of course it's Ransom
You grab the heels, Pushing him aside as he tried to hand you the check.
He blocks the door.
"Don't be stupid Y/N take the check." He tries to hand it to you one more time.
You back away and shake your head as you sob.
"I don't want your fucking money."
"You're overreacting." He says.
"Fuck you. I can't believe i gave myself to you. I can't believe that for a second i thought you could change." You shake your head in disbelief.
"I hope you rot in hell." You deadpan as you try to push him out of the way.
"You know what your problem is, is that i don't follow you like all the other girls with puppy eyes and bow down to you." You spit out.
"Well you did sleep with me, so you're now like the other girls." He spits back.
You slap him so hard that you cut his cheek with your nails.
"You vicious little bitch." He says each word slowly.
"I hope your grandfather cuts you off from his will, I hope one day you loose everything Ransom Drysdale and then you'll know how it feels." You spit out harshly as you give him a shove.
You do the walk of shame all the way back to your dorm room.
You go straight to your room locking yourself in for a week.
"Y'N open up, I just want to make sure you're okay." Kenzie says on the other side of the door.
You missed school for a week, You couldn't see him and you were pretty sure you were done for.
You would have to go back home after the summer.
You let her in and she walks in.
"Come with me, spend the summer break at my house." She says softly.
"Thanks but i have to pick up shifts at the sandwich shop, I'll be spending my summer break working." You say softly.
"Okay, Call me if you need anything." She smiles.
"Thanks Ken, Have fun in Miami." You smile slightly.
The two of you say goodbye and you're left alone for the summer.
You sigh as you finally plop on the couch after a long shift.
"Damm it." You huff as you get back up to open the door.
Your heart drops as you see Ransom, who's wearing funny glasses, brown coat and a scarf.
You haven't seen him all summer, You avoided him on purpose.
"I'm calling security." You deadpan as you try to close the door.
"Y/N Don't, i need your help." He says in panic as he lets himself in.
"Help? Why in the actual fuck would i help you?" You chuckle sarcastically.
"Y/N please this is serious!" He shouts as he puts his hands over his face.
"W-What's wrong?"
You kneel down to him as you put a hand on his thigh.
"It's okay tell me." You assure.
"I killed him." He gulps.
"Killed? Who did you kill Ransom?" You say with wide eyes as you gulp.
"M-My grandfather."
"Oh my God." You gasp.
"I didn't mean too, He cut me off then i saw nothing but red. I- I don't know what to do."
"The police is going to come after you, You have to leave." You say.
"No i covered my tracks well. They don't think it was me. They arrested Marta." He semi explains.
You don't even know who this Marta is.
I got scared, i took the money and i got in my car and drove to the first place i could think of." He says as he holds my hand.
"Money what money?" You ask with an arch eyebrow.
"Briefcase, full of it. It'll last us for a very long time." He breathes out.
You stand up and back away.
"Oh no, I don't want to be involved in dirty money Ransom. I'll help you hide but that's it. I'll keep your secret." You say as you close your eyes.
"Y/N this can be good for us, We can leave far away, You never have to work again. You never have to worry about money again." He stamds up and grabs your hand.
"You're asking me to run away with you. We'll have a target on our backs." You say.
"No i told you, They arrested-
"An innocent person Ransom." You gulp.
"So what you preffered they taked me instead." He frowns.
"No but-
"But what?" He deadpans.
"I'd prefer none of this happened." You shake your head.
"Well it did, Run away with me Y/N." He says softly.
"Am i just supposed to forget how you humilated me? Am i just suppose to drop everything for you?" You breathe out.
"I love you." He says quickly.
"I was scared shitless that night, So i ran you off. I'm not a good person Y/N, I'm an asshole i know that and i knew i would mess up before we even started. I thought it be best that you stayed away from me."
"But i don't want to be without you. I'm scared Y/N." He rest his forehead against yours.
"Do you love me?" He whispers.
"Y-Yes." You whisper.
"So will you run away with me? I promise we'll be happy, I'll love you and take care of you." He says softly.
You look up to meet his eyes.
"Okay, I'll run away with you Ransom."
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uglypastels · 10 months
I feel this. You just finished an absolute piece of art. Seriously, so damn good. It's hard sometimes to move on to something new. I recently finished a book on Wattpad and AO3 and then just felt stuck. I got so attached to the characters and writing something new feels daunting. I have a ton of ideas in my notebook. I started writing one and it turned into something completely different, like sharp detour. 😆 I was like what just happened? This was not supposed to happen. This wasn't even one of my ideas. It's slow going. I've been sitting at my laptop just staring or getting on here and not actually writing. It doesn't help that I am a teacher who just headed back to work. The first few weeks always drain me. All I want to do is lay on the couch and zone out. I wish you luck and I can't wait to read what you come up with next. ❤️❤️❤️
I definitely know i need some time after Not Wholly Evil. It was probably a bit naive of me to think that bc i finished that so quickly i would be able to move on with the next project abd the enthousiasm for starting something new definitely did not help and now i promised people something that i will not be able to put out as quickly as i hoped for which makes me a bit sad, and just bad for wanting to write something entirely different instead - i wrote over 700 words tonight. Yay me!! -
I will just think of it this way, that what im writing now will hopefully be a palette cleanser and get me to write again, and hopefully give me some tine to work on the next fic while not leaving this blog dry of content 😅
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hansomeskz · 1 year
Birthday In LA Chapter 1
Han Jisung is larger than life, Minho doesn’t know what that’s like.
Read on Ao3 | Read on Wattpad | Talk to me on Twitter | Chat on retrospring
Chapter 2 HERE
CW: Alcohol, Swearing, Suggestive Themes
As he places the last book on his shelf, Minho registers the subtle loneliness that had been creeping into his skin. For the first time in his life, he was in a completely unfamiliar place, with no friends or family to look out for him. He looks out his window, the streets of Los Angeles looking back at him.
He hadn’t planned for this move, but when the American counterpart for his company had offered him the position he felt something calling to him out here. He’d exchanged teary goodbyes with his mom almost a week ago now, having promised to come to visit her as often as he can, but he knows it’ll be a long time before he finally gets to see her again.
He sits on the couch in his apartment. The relief of finally being unpacked does nothing to rival the anxiety he feels being completely and utterly alone.
After a quick check of the time to make sure it’s a reasonable hour back home, Minho calls his mom. “Ah- hello, my love. How’s the new apartment?” She sounds so happy on the other end, it makes his throat tighten. “Hi, Mama. The apartment’s good. It’s nice here, and it’s so sunny.”
“You’ve always loved the sun. I’m so excited, my son is a Hollywood Choreographer,” she coos, and he laughs a little. “That’s not exactly what I am.”
“Yah- I’m close enough. I’m just about to make some breakfast, so I have to go. I miss you, Minho.”
“I miss you too, Ma. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart. Talk soon?”
“Of course, Mom. Have a good breakfast.” Minho hangs up, his ears ringing when the silence grows too loud. He just hopes he doesn’t feel this way once he gets back to work.
The first few days of work go by quickly, not giving him much time to overthink any of it. It’s all introductions and reviewing his previous training, as well as his previous preparations.
When he’d gotten the transfer approved the head of the LA branch had sent over his first assignment so he could start working on it right away. He was to choreograph for 3Racha’s comeback.
He knew of 3Racha, of course. Everybody did. Starting in Korea, the 3 boys quickly found success in North America. They moved some years ago to focus on the market they had captured, and the rest is history.
Minho was surprised they had wanted him involved in such a high-pressure comeback, but he worked hard to make sure their choreography was cohesive with not only their new music but their past work as well.
In his second week, they finally introduce Minho to 3Racha. Chan and Changbin are excited to work with him, he feels like they mean it when they smile and shake his hand, expressing how happy they are that he’s there.
Han Jisung, though, is confusing from the start. “Hey, you can call me J.One.” He says, flashing Minho his most dazzling smile. It makes him feel a little dizzy, but he would never admit that. Changbin barks out a laugh “I didn’t realize we were using stage names with our choreographers now, Ji.”
“Shut up Changbin” Jisung snaps, which just makes Chan and Changbin snicker. Minho smiles shyly and glances between them for a few awkward seconds. “I’m a big fan of your guys’ work,” he says finally. “I’m so excited to get to work with you. Do you need a few minutes, or are we ready to get started?”
“Let’s get after it,” Chan says, so they do.
Minho is honestly surprised at the way they all pick up the dance so quickly. He is even more surprised at Han Jisung’s incessant flirting. He finds himself too flustered to reply nearly every time.
He’s looking in the mirror, watching them all run through the most recent portion of the choreography, when he sees Jisung come up behind him, slipping his hand down into the small of Minho’s back. “I’m seriously loving this dance,” the younger boy says, meeting Minho’s eyes in their reflection. “You’re an exceptional choreographer.”
“Oh, um, thank you, J.One.” Minho is stuttering, his face flushing. Jisung sends him a wink before joining his group members again for the final run-through of that part for the day. Minho is too embarrassed to correct any of their mistakes.
Chan approaches him after they’ve all changed and packed up, smiling brightly. “You’re really great, Minho. We’re all headed out for drinks, do you want to come with?” Chan asks.
Minho is torn, he would usually say no to maintain some form of professionalism but the idea of driving home to his empty apartment to sit in silence sends a chill down his spine. He matches Chan’s mega-watt smile and nods enthusiastically. “I’d have to run home for a few, maybe you can text me the address?”
Minho pulls his phone out, then hesitates for a moment. “I mean- or you can just write it in my notes. Don’t feel like you have to give me your number, we only just met, and-“
“I don’t mind, Minho.” Chan is laughing as he pulls the phone out of Minho’s hand, punching in his contact information and shooting himself a text before handing it back. “I’ll text it to you in a couple of minutes. We’ll see you there.” Chan heads back to the other two, heading out with them and leaving Minho to wonder what he’s gotten himself into.
The text with the address comes through on his way home, and after freshening up and changing into something more fitting of a club in LA, Minho grabs an Uber to the club. He texts Chan that he’s arrived, heading back to the VIP section at his request.
Changbin meets him at the entrance and lets him in, slinging an arm around Minho’s shoulders. “We’re glad you made it, dude. You clean up nice.”
“Oh, thanks.” Minho blushes, thanking the universe that it’s dark in here. Changbin slides into their booth beside Chan, leaving Minho next to Jisung. Jisung smiles brightly at the older boy, draping his arm across the bench behind Minho. “You dressed up for me, huh?” Jisung asks, leaning a little closer.
Minho rubs the back of his neck to try and will away the seemingly permanent flush. “I didn’t want to look out of place, you guys look so nice tonight.” Chan smiles at Minho across the table. “Don’t dress up just for us, Changbin’s usually dressed like a slob. It’s a miracle he’s dressed up today.”
“Not a miracle,” Jisung cuts in. “Hyunjin is working tonight.” Minho eyes them curiously, catching Changbin looking away bashfully as Chan cackles. “Hyunjin is the bottle boy that Changbin has a crush on,” Jisung explains, grinning ear to ear. Changbin mutters something under his breath and finishes the drink in front of him.
Chan seems to realize something, searching the table until he finds a drink menu to hand to Minho. “Anything you like is on us, or- it’s on Jisung.” Jisung sucks his teeth, running a hand through his hair. “I never should’ve suggested rock paper scissors” the younger boy complains, slumping back in his seat. “Whoever suggests it always loses, it’s just fated to happen that way” Changbin teases.
The bottle boy drops by with a bottle of something so expensive Minho doesn’t even recognize it. Changbin is flirting so hard that Hyunjin almost forgets to get Minho a drink, seeming relieved when Minho just orders the same as whatever Jisung is grabbing.
“So you moved from Korea, Minho?” Chan asks once they’re all a few drinks in. Chan is sipping something fruity, but from what Minho has collected the drink itself is non-alcoholic. Minho nods, stretching. “I moved here from Seoul maybe two and a half weeks ago.”
“How are you liking it?” Jisung asks, squeezing his shoulder gently. Minho wonders if they’d been sitting this close the whole time. “It’s nice here. Very warm, very sunny… I think once I get the chance to meet new people it’ll be a great place.” Minho is embarrassed to admit he’s been a bit of a shut-in, but work has been taking up most of his time these days. Changbin nods at him across the table. “Just stick with us, Minnie. You seem cool.”
“And it’s nice to have a handsome face to look at,” Jisung says from beside him. Minho isn’t sure he will ever stop blushing.  
The night passes by quickly. By the time he’s ready to go, Minho’s face is completely flushed and feels a bit dizzy from trying to keep pace drinking with Jisung. He’s found himself tangled with the younger boy on the dance floor, sweating.
He checks the time on his phone and pulls away a bit. “I really should get going” he yawns, smiling fondly at Jisung. Jisung gives Minho’s arm a gentle squeeze. “Thanks for coming out with us tonight.” He presses a gentle kiss to Minho’s jaw, sending a shiver down the older boy’s spine.
Minho runs his hands through Jisung’s blond hair, taking a deep breath. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” Jisung nods at his question, nipping at Minho’s neck once before letting him go. Minho makes sure to say his goodbyes to Chan and Changbin. He truly is so grateful for the invitation.
Once he’s home, curled up in his bed with the ceiling spinning above him, Minho thinks this move may have been a good idea. He feels the least lonely he has in weeks, and drifts off to sleep excited for the next day.
Minho feels like he might die. He finds himself kneeling in front of the toilet the next morning wondering if he’s ever been this hungover. He wipes the tears from the corners of his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie and pushes himself off the floor.  He curses his past self for drinking as much as he did and gets himself ready for the day.
When he arrives at the practice room he notices that Jisung is not faring much better than he is, Changbin and Chan are gossiping in the corner beside the younger boy. Jisung is hiding as much of his face as he can, it seems, sporting a mask and a beanie with his hoodie pulled up over his head. He is almost definitely asleep.
Minho laughs lightly at the sight, dropping his duffel bag by the door. Chan is quick to greet him, shooting him a bright smile and an enthusiastic wave. “Good to see you survived the hangover.”
“Barely, I wasn’t sure I could get out of bed,” Minho says, his tone is light but he truly means it. Chan laughs at him, nudging Jisung. The younger whines and opens his eyes, looking up at Chan. “We should cancel practice, I’m going to die,” he says simply, causing Chan to fondly pat his head.
“Minho’s already here, you missed your chance. Let’s get to it, champ.” Chan helps Jisung up, and when he finally spares Minho a look it sends a shiver down his spine. He can’t seem to forget the feeling of Jisung’s lips on his neck. “At least I’m not suffering alone,” Jisung says, shuffling over to rest his head on Minho’s shoulder. “I look that bad, huh?”
“I don’t think you could look bad if you tried.” Minho wonders how Jisung always knows exactly what to say.
During practice, Minho is a bit snappier than usual. He’s quick and to the point when correcting the boys, but Jisung isn’t deterred by his cold demeanour. The flirting is still relentless, even with Jisung’s brain seemingly sludge from the hangover.
When they break for lunch, Minho feels a hand on his back. “Are you joining us?” Jisung is so unbearably close, it’s driving Minho crazy. “I can’t today. Sorry, J.One” he says, looking at the younger boy over his shoulder. “You can call me Jisung if you want to.” Minho feels intoxicated by him, nearly swooning at the suggestion. “Are you comfortable with that?”
“I’d be more comfortable if you’d call me baby, but I might be pushing my luck.” Minho’s face is on fire. He doesn’t know why these cheesy lines are working on him, but something about Jisung has him wrapped around his finger. “Well, maybe it’s on the table if you stop fucking up verse two.”
Minho is nervous this jab struck Jisung the wrong way, but his stunned expression slowly morphs into a mischievous grin. “I’ll see what I can do,” he says before he returns to the other two. Minho watches them go, his stomach twisting into knots.
Minho wonders if he’s in too deep with Jisung. The realization that he might be getting involved in something he’s not quite equipped to handle comes after one particularly complicated practice.
Minho and Jisung butt heads over almost everything, and Minho’s patience is quickly dwindling. “This dance is fucking ridiculous” Jisung yells up at Minho, arms crossed over his chest. “I actually don’t remember asking for your opinion, Jisung. I’m the choreographer, right? So suck it up and learn the dance.”
“I’m not a fucking child, I shouldn’t be doing beginner-level choreography. We should be showing off.”
“Are you telling me you want to be doing backflips while you’re rapping the fastest verse in your fucking discography? I can make that happen if that’s what you want.”
“It’s fucking ridiculous you have us doing the fu-“
“Swear at me one more fucking time, Jisung. This is the choreography.”
“You’re not-“
“Enough” Chan barks at them. Minho backs down quickly, but Jisung is still seething. “This is the choreography, Jisung. We can talk about tweaking it later, okay?” Chan puts a hand on Jisung’s arm. Jisung shakes his head but stands down. “Fine, but I’m not going to let this slide.”
Jisung stops fighting Minho, but the tension in the air is thick enough to cut. After practice, once Chan and Changbin are gone, Minho finds himself being backed against the wall. He briefly wonders if he should worry for his safety, but then Jisung’s hands find his waist. “Fuck, Min, you’re so fucking hot when you’re mad” Jisung breathes, thigh slipping between Minho’s leg.
His brain short circuits. “What?”
“I like it when you’re mad.” Jisung’s lips find Minho’s neck, and he tips his head back to offer better access. Minho briefly wonders if he should be doing this and decides that no, he definitely shouldn’t. He’s too far gone, though, and Jisung’s hands have him melting. This is a terrible idea, he thinks, but it doesn’t stop him.
He has the same thought several days later as Jisung is gently wiping down Minho’s stomach. Minho is admiring him, watching the beads of sweat roll down his forehead, over his soft cheeks. He knows that this is going to be messy. Whatever it is that they’re up to, there is no good way for it to end.
Jisung looks at him and smiles softly, pressing a gentle kiss to Minho’s forehead. His heart is in his throat and when he goes to say that he doesn’t think they can keep up this routine, what comes out is “You’re really pretty, Ji. You know that?”
Jisung's cheeks flush red and he laughs lightly. “I think I’ve been told that before, but it means a lot more when it’s not coming from pre-teens,” he says, locking eyes with Minho. His pulse skyrockets and Jisung crumples the towel he’d been using and lays back beside him.
They’re in Minho’s apartment, they have been almost every night after practice. Jisung reaches over blindly until he finds the warm half-empty beer bottle next to the bed. He polishes off the last of it before he scoots closer to Minho, eyes slipping shut.
“Are you staying here again?” Minho asks softly, curling an arm around him. Jisung nods, rolling over so he can rest his hand on the older boy’s chest. There’s no way he can’t feel Minho’s heart hammering against his ribcage.
Even now, when he’s in his rawest state Minho can’t help but admire Jisung. He’s beautiful. His skin is smooth, his pores practically invisible. His hair is cut in just the right way, causing it to fall perfectly no matter how he lies.
Minho kisses the crown of his head and turns on a movie just to play quietly in the background. Jisung lifts his head a little to squint at the TV. “You like horror movies?” He asks. Minho hums in agreement, nodding a bit. Jisung curls closer, nudging his nose into Minho’s neck. “Me too.”
They lay in silence a little longer and Minho assumes Jisung’s fallen asleep. He picks up his phone and sighs when he sees the slew of notifications he has to get back to. He’s startled by Jisung pulling the phone from his hands. “You’re really texting people when you could be looking at me?” He’s teasing, but places Minho’s on his side of the bed, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek instead.
Minho’s breath catches in his throat. Something cheesy and lovesick bubbles in his chest, but he just quirks an eyebrow. “Why would I look at you when I could text my mom instead?” Jisung scoffs at that, his gentle caress turning to him pinching the older boy’s cheek as hard as he can muster. “I regret sucking your dick” he sighs, drawing a soft laugh from Minho.
“It’s too late. Would you feel better if I returned the favour?” He doesn’t wait for Jisung to reply, instead pressing open-mouthed kisses along his chest. He ignores the gnawing feeling in his chest as Jisung tangles his fingers into his hair.
Jisung is putting his all into trying to pull Minho into something more. The older boy receives invites to red carpet events, dozens of texts every day, and even small gifts from Jisung. Minho is resisting, though.
As bad of an idea it is for him to sleep with Jisung at all, he knows bringing whatever it is that they have into the public light is a recipe for disaster. He’s not even sure why Jisung is so interested in him at all.
That question is eating at Minho, and he finally lets it spill over Chinese food one night, curled in a bean bag at Jisung’s apartment. “Ji- Why are you chasing after me like this, anyway?” Minho is staring him down, chewing on his lower lip.
Jisung knits his brows together, cheeks full as he peeks over the takeout container. “What do you mean?”
“You keep inviting me out and buying me shit. What’s up with that?” Jisung seems to consider this question for a moment before he shrugs. “I just like spending time with you. You’re fun to be around.” Jisung says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and an unfamiliar warmth spreads through Minho’s chest.
Jisung just likes spending time with him. He’s not sure how to respond, dumbly muttering “Oh” as he goes back to eating. Jisung smiles at him and shrugs again. “It doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to, Min. We’re just hanging out. I just think you’d have fun hanging out at a big celebrity party instead of always sitting on a couch.”
Minho sighs, shoulder slumping a little. “I feel so out of place when I go out with you and the others. I like what we have here, just between us.”
“Then we keep it between us for now. We can revisit it later, okay?” Jisung gestures vaguely towards the TV. “For now we can just watch Sky Castle and eat Chinese food.” Jisung scoots over, patting the space beside him. “Come on, the cliffhanger from the last episode was too crazy for me to wait another second.”
Minho is easily swayed he thinks as he sits in the spot next to Jisung. The younger boy curls into Minho’s side, holding a spring roll up to his lips. “You have to try this, it’s so good.”
“I can feed myself, Ji.”
“It’s not nearly as fun for me if you’re doing it yourself.” Jisung grins up at him as Minho takes a bite, wondering how long they’re going to last. With every passing day, he hopes a little more that they have a long time ahead of them.
The comeback is fast approaching and Minho thought that the pressure on the three boys would deter Jisung from pursuing him any further. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Jisung miraculously becomes more insane in his pursuit of Minho. In the small portion of free time he has, he follows Minho around the company building like a lost puppy.
Minho is in the company cafeteria, nudging around a slightly sludgy salad when Jisung slides into the seat across from him. He’s holding a bouquet, it has sorts of kinds of flowers that are different shades of pink and red, and a slightly less soggy-looking salad. “Did somebody get you flowers?” Minho asks, cocking his head to the side.
Jisung shakes his head playfully and holds the bouquet out to Minho, grinning ear to ear the second Minho’s face starts to heat up. “I got them for you.”
“For me? Jisung, are you out of your mind?” Minho sputters, snatching the bouquet. The flowers are beautiful and their fresh smell floods his senses. “I’m kind of crazy into you, Min. Just let me get you something nice, okay?” Jisung sounds so small and genuine, gazing at Minho with a lovesick expression.
Minho knows that Jisung is his weak spot, but he can’t control how easily he gives in to him. “Thank you, Jisung. They’re beautiful.”
“Just like you, Min.”
The first event Minho agrees to go to with Jisung is the 3Racha mini-album release party. Jisung had made a huge fuss out of wanting to buy Minho something nice to wear and, as Minho pulls on the ratty clothes that are definitely worth more than his rent, his nerves eat away at him. He wonders why Jisung wants him to be seen with him so badly. Minho snaps a few pictures and sends them to his mom.
Do I look okay? I got invited to the release  party tonight, I’m so nervous T.T
My handsome boy
You look great!
I’m sure everyone will be impressed.
Can you get their autographs for me?
I want to be able to brag about my son working with celebrities ~!
I’ll try!
Thank you, Mom.
Heading out now, talk to you later <3
Be safe ~~!
Minho takes a deep breath and fixes his hair one more time before he steps outside to see the limousine pull up. Pulling the door open, Minho is happy to see Jisung, Chan, and Changbin inside. He gets in, sitting next to Jisung, and takes in his surroundings. The limo is shockingly large for four people, and he feels wildly out of place now that he sees how nicely Changbin and Chan are dressed. “We’re so glad you’re coming, Minho,” Chan says, offering him a glass of champagne. He’s quick to take it, taking a sip larger than he intended in an attempt to crush his anxiety.
“You look nice,” Jisung says quietly after a minute. He curls his fingers around Minho’s arm and the older boy turns to get a proper look at him. Chan and Changbin are in button-downs and dress pants, but Jisung is in an outfit very similar to Minho’s. He feels a little less like he’s going to vomit, especially when he catches a glimpse of Jisung’s puppy dog eyes. “Are we in matching outfits?” Minho asks, and Jisung nods excitedly. “I picked them out myself, well- our stylist helped, but she let me decide the vibe… Do you like them?”
“I love them, Ji. Thank you.” Minho presses a tender kiss to Jisung’s temple and the younger curls close.
Minho sits back and listens to the three chatter excitedly about their party. He hasn’t known them especially long, only a couple of months now, but he’s proud of them. He feels lucky to have seen how hard they’ve worked to make it happen. Jisung looks up at Minho and smiles, prompting Minho to open his mouth.
“I’m incredibly proud of you, you know,” Minho says quietly, the words only meant for Jisung. The blond’s eyes sparkle and his smile grows impossibly wider. “Thanks. You know, I don’t hear that all that often.”
“Well, I mean it. You’ve worked so hard for this. I’m excited to celebrate with you.” Minho’s heart clenches when he sees the tears gather in Jisung’s eyes. They’re only there for a moment before he blinks them away, but Minho cups his cheek anyway and kisses his forehead. The last moments before they pull up to the party belong to them, and them only.
What Minho didn’t expect was the switch between Jisung and J.One. His heart sinks when he realizes what’s happening. As Jisung emerges from the limousine, he morphs into somebody else entirely. He’s all cocky smiles and practised poses and Minho realizes this is who he met when he first met 3Racha.
He leaves Minho in the dust, disappearing to have his photo taken and sign autographs. Chan notices quickly, putting a hand between Minho’s shoulder blades to guide him through the flocks of fans and reporters waiting outside the building. “We’re at the big round table, you’ll see a card with your name on it at one of the seats. We’ll be there soon, okay?” Chan looks worried, but when Minho nods he turns to join the other two.
Minho finds the table fairly easily and sits at his assigned seat, feeling very small. As the event hall fills in, Minho remains alone at the table. It’s not until almost everybody’s filed in and Minho is halfway through a glass of wildly expensive wine that anyone sits at his table.
The first to fill in the seats are members of the management team that Minho has seen in passing at the company. He doesn’t know their names, but their faces seem familiar to him.
Chan makes it next, sitting a seat away from Minho. “Sorry that took so long,” he says, and Minho can tell he means it. He offers a small shrug in response and peers into his wine glass, swirling it around a bit.
Changbin settles into the seat on Chan’s far side, leaving Jisung’s seat open next to Minho. It stays open for a very long time.
Chan tries to include Minho, he’s sure how miserable he feels is written all over his face, but he has no interest in small talk. He just nods absent-mindedly when he feels it most appropriate and scrolls through his phone when he gets tired of pretending.
Jisung doesn’t join the table until Minho is on his third glass of red wine. The younger boy is glowing, seemingly oblivious to the clouds forming over his date’s head. Minho doesn’t look up from his phone until Jisung is tilting his chin up with his index finger. “Hi, baby,” he says, smiling.
It takes everything in Minho not to snap at him, instead, he puts his phone down and pulls away from Jisung’s touch. “Hey.” He says quietly, taking another healthy sip from his wine. Jisung doesn’t seem to notice Minho’s coldness. He presses a kiss to the older boy’s cheek and turns to talk with everyone else at the table. Minho thinks about how badly he wants to leave as he finishes his glass.
An endless stream of strangers pass by their table for the next few hours, congratulating the boys and each one politely smiles at Minho. He doesn’t smile back. There is also, luckily, an endless stream of wine glasses for Minho to drink from. Each time he looks away from the glass for more than a few seconds, it’s full by the time he looks back.
Minho is seething by the time the event ends. Chan and Changbin have both noticed his, shooting him worried glances over Jisung’s shoulder, but Jisung still hasn’t looked at him since he sat down. Minho pushes himself out of his chair, swaying slightly. Chan reaches around Jisung to steady him, finally prompting Jisung to look at him.
He laughs lightly at Minho’s drunken state. Minho has never been so angry in his life, only egged on by his date’s laughter. “I’m finding my own ride home,” he says simply, and Jisung tilts his head in confusion. “We were all going to go back to my place and keep the party going, Min. Don’t you want to come with?”
“No. I want to go home.” Minho doesn’t wait for a reply. He turns on his heels and leaves the venue, angry tears pricking at his eyes. He wishes he could see Jisung’s reaction, hoping he realizes that something has gone wrong with tonight at all, but he isn’t hopeful. Jisung calls him while he’s on his way home, but he doesn’t pick up.
Minho turns on his read receipts so that Jisung understands he’s ignoring him.
              Friday 1:43 AM
min you left so suddenly :(
where did u go?
call me when u get home safe
                       Friday 11:57 AM
Did you get home okay?
Minho answer me.
What’s going on with you?
                        Friday 4:25 PM
This feels a little overkill, don’t you think?
I didn’t mean to ignore you at the party.
You should’ve just said something if it was upsetting you.
                          Yesterday 2:03 PM
Answer me, Minho.
Were your read receipts always on?
Minho I’m sorry, okay?
I fucked up.
Call me back.
                           Today 11:16 AM
I’m coming over.
Minho leaves his door unlocked, part of him hoping he’s able to end this twisted confusing thing he has going with Jisung. The other part, though, hopes that this is a misunderstanding. It’s the same part of him that has left the bouquet Jisung bought him a few weeks ago in a vase on his coffee table even though they’ve wilted beyond recognition.
Jisung doesn’t bother knocking, going straight for the door handle. He finds Minho on his couch, a blanket wrapped tightly around himself. He wants to send Jisung a nasty look, but when he locks eyes with Jisung all he can see is the panic written all over the younger boy’s face.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Min.” He rushes over to the couch, kneeling in front of him and grabbing at his hands. Minho lets him hold them, frowning. “I didn’t even realize what I was doing. I just… my stage persona took over, I guess. I was too busy people pleasing to even realize the most important person at that table was miserable.”
The words feel cheap, Minho thinks, but he feels his heart skip a beat at them anyway. “You completely abandoned me, Jisung. I was alone for the first two hours. Then when you finally joined me, you didn’t even look at me once. How is that fair?”
“I know, Min. And-”
“I only went because you begged me to. You’ve been begging me for ages to go with you to a public event, and that’s how you treat me when I finally do?” Minho presses his lips together into a tight line. He feels ridiculous for tearing up, and his chest aches at the pained look on Jisung’s face.
“I know, Minho. I’m so fucking sorry, I really am. It wasn’t fair to you at all.” Jisung moves into the spot next to the older boy, keeping a tight grip on his hands. “I don’t know how to make it better.” The sad, anxious look on Jisung’s face wears him down quickly. He looks at Minho with round, scared eyes, and Minho crumbles. “Just... just kiss me, Jisung. Then tell me you’re sorry, and hold me, and we’ll work through it together.”
“Yeah, really.” As Jisung leans in, pressing their lips together, Minho wonders if he’ll regret this.
Jisung stays with him through the weekend. It’s too easy for Minho to fall back into their routine. He lies with Jisung on the couch for almost the entire two days. They only separate to get the takeout the younger boy orders, some drama neither of them is watching plays to fill the silence. Minho is so fucked, he thinks, but at least Jisung is smiling and cracking jokes. That’s what’s important to him.
They get lost in each other more times than they can count. Wandering hands, curious mouths, hungry bodies. Something about this feels poisonous to Minho, but when the poison tastes as sweet as Jisung, Minho has a hard time staying away. When Jisung finally leaves late Sunday night, promising he’ll see Minho bright and early for dance practice, Minho is left with his thoughts.
He thinks about how this is going to end. The burning in his chest only grows stronger and he knows that when this all finally crumbles, it’s going to be catastrophic. The smart thing to do would be to end it now, but Minho can’t find it in him to do it. Jisung is intoxicating, when they’re together he finds himself surrounded by him. His scent, his laugh, his hands, it all envelopes Minho just right. Jisung makes him feel loved, even if Minho knows he doesn’t mean it. He can’t let it go, so he clings tighter in hopes that will make it all turn out the way he wants it to.
Chan and Changbin both seem surprised to see Minho step into the practice room on Monday. They start to whisper to each other quietly when Jisung runs to Minho, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Hi baby,” Jisung says, giving him a tight squeeze. Minho hugs back just as tight, burying his face in Jisung’s neck. The younger boy’s hands slip under Minho’s shirt to pull him closer, the touch burning into Minho’s skin.
He pulls away after a while and heads to the front of the room, stretching. “Okay, are you guys ready to start?” Minho asks, looking at the three. They fall into position, and he guides them through the practice.
Minho is a little embarrassed he’s forgiven Jisung so easily. His embarrassment only grows when Chan pulls him aside after practice, hands on his shoulders. “Are you okay, Minho? You were really upset at that party, is there anything you need?”
“I’m fine. It was just a blip, we’re doing okay now I think.” The words taste bitter, but Minho is starting to believe them. Chan pulls his lower lip between his teeth briefly before sighing. “Okay. Well, if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here for you Minho.” Minho nods, smiling shyly at him. “Thanks, Chan. I appreciate it.”
Chan leaves with Changbin, leaving Jisung and Minho behind. Jisung is sitting on the floor, texting away while he waits for Minho to pack up his things. His gut is twisting impossibly at his conversation with Chan. “Hey, Jisung?”
“What’s up, baby?”
“What are we?” The question hangs in the air for much longer than he’d like it to. Jisung finishes up his text before putting his phone down, looking up at him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean we’ve spent all this time together, we sleep together, you’re pursuing us, but what are we?” Minho watches as Jisung’s face turns to an unreadable expression. Relief washes over him when the younger boy’s face breaks out into a bright, beautiful smile.
“Do you want to be with me, Min? We can be official if you really want to.” Minho nods enthusiastically, and Jisung pushes himself off the ground. He crosses the room quickly, pressing Minho against the cool surface of the mirror. Jisung’s lips find their place on Minho’s neck, forcing a shaky breath out of him. He forgets the party. He pushes away the nagging feeling that this is bound to implode. All he knows right now is that having  Jisung’s hands on his body makes him feel loved.
Minho is curled on the couch, phone pressed to his ear, his mom’s voice on the other end as he cries about missing home. “I’m sorry, Mama. I wish I could come home for my birthday.” He sniffs, wiping desperately at his eyes to try and stop the tears. His mom coos on the other end. “I know, son. It’s okay, we can call, okay? I just hate the idea of you spending your birthday alone.”
“I know.” Minho sniffs again, looking at the time. He realizes how late it must be in Korea and guilt pools in his chest. “I’m gonna let you go, Mama. I’ll text you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay, Minho. Please call me if you need anything.”
“I will, I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” The line goes dead, and Minho buries his face in his hands. He nearly jumps out of his skin when hands rub his shoulders gently, whipping around to face the culprit. Jisung looks genuinely worried, his usually round joyful eyes staring through Minho. “Sorry, your door was open so I just… When's your birthday, baby? You really can’t go home?” He lets go of Minho only for long enough to come around the couch and pull Minho into a bone-crushing hug. He shakes his head, burying his face in Jisung’s shoulder.
“It’s in a few weeks, right before awards season. I have to be here to prepare with you guys for the performances.” Minho tries to pull it together, neck burning with both the tears and the embarrassment of being caught like this. Han hums sympathetically and rubs his back, rocking them back and forth ever so slightly. “Well, we can spend your birthday together at least. When is it?”
“The 25th.” Minho pulls away, hiding his face in the sleeves of his sweater. Jisung’s hands curl gently around his arms, forcing them out of the way. He places a tender kiss on both of Minho’s cheeks, smiling softly. “We’ll spend it together, baby. I promise.”
Minho nods weakly, sniffling. “Okay, thank you.”
“Of course,” Jisung orders them bibimbap for lunch and holds Minho while he works through his homesickness. The crushing loneliness feels less crushing with Jisung there, Minho thinks. They talk about their favourite parts of living in Seoul, though Jisung seems embarrassed he never got to experience much of the nightlife.
“I just moved so young, you know?” Minho hums thoughtfully, nodding as he shovels the last of his food into his mouth. “How old were you when you guys came to America?”
“I was seventeen. Just a kid,” Jisung says quietly, a hint of sadness in his voice. Minho squeezes his thigh gently. “That must’ve been hard. I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like uprooting my entire life before I was even an adult.”
“It wasn’t so bad… a bit lonely, but I had Chan and Changbin. Now I have more friends than I ever could’ve dreamed of having.” Jisung shrugs a bit and looks at Minho. He can see something conflicting happening behind Jisung’s eyes. “All those people you’re always with. They’re really your friends?” Minho doesn’t know what prompts him to ask, but he regrets it when Jisung frowns, looking down at his food. “They say they are… I don’t know how much of it is true. It just makes me happy to know somebody out there loves me,” Jisung says softly. “ I love you, Jisung.”
Minho couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out. Jisung stops chewing, cheeks puffing from the excess food. Minho feels lovesick and physically sick.
Far too much time passes before Jisung speaks, he’s staring ahead like he can’t bear to look at Minho. “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Minho.”
“I mean it, Ji. I love you.” Jisung puts his food down, eyes sparkling now as he turns to face Minho. The older boy feels lucky to watch the dazzling smile spread across his face. “Say it again.”
“I love you, Jisung.” Jisung laughs, sounding completely giddy, and nearly knocks Minho over with the force of the kiss that follows. Between presses of their lips, Jisung manages to breathe out “I love you too, Minho,” and it makes him feel whole.
They get lost in the sheets together shortly after.
Jisung took Minho’s homesickness to heart, it seems. He shows up to practice with dozens of paper bags full of different foods and drinks. He crouches in front of the older boy, digging through the bags. “I didn’t know what kind of snacks you liked, but I stopped at one of those import stores on the way here.” Jisung is pulling snack after snack out of the bags, then he’s pulling drink after drink out.
Minho laughs lightly, watching Jisung in awe. “This seems overkill.”
“You don’t like it?” Jisung looks up at him with the widest, saddest eyes Minho has ever seen. He slides off the bench to kneel in front of Jisung and presses a kiss to his forehead. “I love it. You’re fucking crazy, though. You have to help me eat these.”
“I think I can manage that.”
When Chan and Changbin finally show up, they’re yelling in disgust at the sight of Jisung straddling Minho, fingers tangled in his hair. Minho pulls away with a laugh, stealing one last kiss before they start their practice.
Minho can barely take his eyes off Jisung, only forcing himself to so that he can say he’s doing his job. They all know the choreography, so he feels like there’s no harm in giving the younger boy more attention.
Every few minutes Jisung will lock eyes with Minho, sending him the warmest smiles he’s ever seen. The warmth lands in Minho’s chest and spreads throughout his whole body.
When they break for lunch, Jisung excitedly reveals the bulgogi he ordered for them. “I hope this is helping you feel a little less homesick,” Jisung says quietly, sharing his words only with Minho. Minho smiles lightly and nods. “Thank you, Jisung. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” Minho means it, he hopes Jisung knows that.
The younger boy hums in acknowledgement and leans back against the wall, closing his eyes. “What do you want to do for your birthday, Min?”
“I just want to spend it with you, I don’t care what we do.”
“There has to be something you want, baby.” Jisung cracks his eyes open, squinting at Minho. The older boy laughs lightly and shrugs. “No, not really. Good food, good company. That’s all I want.”
“Hm. I can make that happen” Jisung smiles at him. Minho’s heart does somersaults. “Thanks, Ji.”
“I’d do anything for you, Minho.”
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jadequila · 1 year
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Sunghoon's POV
"Good luck to you both. I'll contact you after your flight lands." Heeseung said before going silent and cutting the call. I sighed, letting Thea enter the aircraft before me. She nodded, getting inside and looking up at the seat numbers to find our seat. We were on our way to Tokyo, where the ex-agent was currently situated so that we can extract information from him.
Confusion dawned upon me as I noticed Thea walk past the first class and even the business class. Soon, she stood near a row of seats and motioned me to sit on one of them. I looked around and realised we were in economy class.
"Economy class? Seriously?!" I whisper-shouted, silently cursing at the person who was in charge of booking flight tickets.
"Do you want the window seat or not?" Thea asked, raising her eyebrows. I let out a frustrated sigh and got inside, sitting on the seat just beside the window. Thea kept her handbag above us and shut the flap, sitting beside me in the middle seat.
"I thought we were hitting first class, or even business would have worked." I complained, looking at her with a disappointed expression. She chuckled, patting my shoulder softly.
"I told them to book a seat in economy class. It will help us blend in perfectly." She said, making me click my tongue in annoyance.
"Thanks for making my life hard, I guess." I muttered and turned around my head to look outside the window. I heard her sigh softly, followed by her patting on my shoulder again to get my attention.
"I know you are used to working alone, even I am." She said, smiling softly. "But hey, we can get used to it, right? How bad can it be?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders. I gave it a thought, before nodding and wordlessly telling her that I agree with her. She hummed in response, before popping a piece of chewing gum in her mouth. I facepalmed, wondering what I had got myself into by agreeing to work with this lady.
"What?" She asked, confused, while her jaws worked on the piece of gum in her mouth.
"You are never going to stop that habit of yours, are you?"
Thea's POV
"Sunghoon, wake up we are going to land." I said, furiously shaking the shoulder of the male beside me, whose head was constantly falling on my shoulder and getting his drool over it, even though I had pushed it to the other side a hundred times. I heard the kid sitting beside me laugh at the scene before getting shushed by his mother who was sitting in the seat near him in the other row.
"Kid, help me wake up this man, please." I requested the child, who nodded immediately and agreed. He stretched out his hand in front of Sunghoon's face and smacked it very hard, quickly folding his hands back before Sunghoon caught him. I covered my face with my hand, trying to muffle my laughter as I saw him wake up with a start.
Did this part intrigue you to read more? Check out this story on Wattpad to read what's in store for the two agents!
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I really don’t know what has gotten into me lately but my creative side has definitely been on fire! I’ve made another bunch of aesthetic treats so sorry, not sorry I’m about to spam you guys yet again later today lol! ✨
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abimess · 2 years
The Proposal - Part 2
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff is the book editor of a North American multinational corporation. You, as her assistant, are obliged to do all her bidding. And that includes marrying her when the redhead is in danger of being deported back to Sokovia. But it's all good. After all, what could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.657 || Pronouns: not used
Warnings: fake dating, blackmail, nudity (no smut), swearing
And here is the second part of this story! I wanted to thank you all for the support you gave to the first part, I really do appreciate it 🥰 enjoy!
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Series Masterlist | Previews Part (Read on: Wattpad || AO3)
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The U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services is located in a huge building, with a gigantic line. But of course Wanda Maximoff would put her self-centeredness into action and go straight to the counter, ignoring your warnings about respecting the line. 
"Sorry, I just need to ask him something." She pleads with the woman who should be attended at that moment and, also ignoring the look of disbelief on the stranger's face, the redhead turns to the attendant.
"I need for you to file this fiancée visa for me, please." Wanda says, and you almost grimace at that last word, so foreign to the editor-in-chief. The man just stares at the redhead for a few seconds, but then sighs wearily, checking the documents she has placed on the counter. 
"Miss Maximoff?" He asks, and Wanda mutters a confirmation. "Please, come with me." He calls out before stepping away from the counter, and you and Wanda exchange glances. You try to ignore the feeling that something is wrong as you follow her. 
The two of you are taken to a small office, where the clerk who guided you in asks you to wait a few minutes. Unsuccessfully, you try not to shake your leg anxiously, and wonder how the hell Wanda can be so calm, fiddling with her phone.
"Hi, I'm Mr. Strange." A voice you don't know breaks the silence eventually, and you raise your eyes to find a man in a suit entering the room, a funny goatee on his face. 
"You must be Y/n and you must be Wanda. Sorry about the wait, it's a crazy day today." He asks as he sits down in the chair opposite yours, but he doesn't seem truly apologetic about it. You smile and nod anyway. 
"Oh, of course. We understand," Wanda says politely, standing a few steps away from the chair you're in, "and I can't tell you how much we appreciate you seeing us on such short notice."
Mr. Strange doesn't seem the least bit moved by the redhead's gentle tone, and just mutters an "okay" before starting to read the files in his hands. As he runs his eyes down the page, you hear him mumbling something, but you can't exactly make out what it is. 
"So, I have one question for you." He announces, finally raising his eyes to the two of you, and you smile politely, telling him to continue. "Are you both committing fraud to avoid her deportation so she can keep her position as editor in chief at Lee Books?"
The question is so direct it makes you almost choke on your breath. But you disguise it with a brief cough. "That's ridiculous." You say, trying to sound as convincing as possible after having been called out so explicitly. 
"Where did you hear that?" Wanda asks, keeping her voice as calm as ever. Mr. Strange straightens up in his chair, checking the files again. "We had a phone tip this afternoon from a man named-"
"Would it be Anthony Stark?" Wanda interrupts, and you resist the urge to close your eyes as you take a deep breath. Seriously, will this day ever stop getting worse? You ask yourself, feeling a migraine starting. 
"Anthony Stark." The man with the goatee confirms, and you and Wanda exchange knowing glances. "Tony. Poor Tony, I am so sorry," Wanda comments in a fake pitying tone, looking at the law officer apologetically. 
"Tony is nothing but a disgruntled former employee. And I apologize. But we know you're incredibly busy having to manage this, excuse the word, dump," she continues with a forced laugh, and you can't help but grimace at the woman's rudeness.
"If you just give us our next step, we will be out of your hair and on our way." Wanda finishes, looking very proud of the absurdities she just spoke, but the man with the goatee doesn't seem the least bit moved.
"Miss Maximoff, please." Mr. Strange says, pointing to the chair next to yours. "Let me explain to you the process that's about to unfold." He continues, and you swallow dryly in apprehensive anticipation.
"Step one will be a scheduled interview," he tells you, "I'll put you each in a room, and I'll ask you every little question that a real couple would know about each other." Okay, that's an easy one, you think to yourself. After so many years working for Wanda, you have learned more about her life than you can imagine, so that would be no problem for you.
"Step two, I dig deeper. I look at your phone records, I talk to your neighbors, I interview your coworkers." He continues and this time your apprehension begins to rise. You can't think of a single person to whom you have spoken well of Wanda. 
"If your answers don't match up at every point, you will be deported indefinitely," Mr. Strange says, pointing at the redhead, and then turns his index finger toward you, "and you will have committed a felony punishable by a fine of $250,000 and a stay of five years in a federal prison."
Although your whole outside is completely paralyzed in shock, your mind screams every swear word you know, imagining all the terrible things that could happen to you in prison. 
And then there's the fine, $250,000 is money you certainly don't have. Well, maybe you can borrow it from your parents, but they would never help you after you have committed a crime. 
My God. It finally hits you. You are committing a crime. And the worst part, you are committing a crime for Wanda Maximoff. The boss who you hate with every fiber of your body and who is fiddling with her phone distractedly while the man is talking. 
"So, Y/n." Mr. Strange calls out, rousing you from your thoughts, and all you have the strength to do is raise your eyebrows for him to continue. "You wanna talk to me?" 
Your first instinct is to shake your head in the negative. "No...?" He asks, but then the images of five years of your life behind bars with a $250,000 debt and before you know it you are nodding your head instead. 
"Yes...?" He tries again, seeming to be enjoying himself with your internal dilemma, and you swallow dryly. "The truth is..." you begin, your voice weak from the weight of that decision. Both Mr. Strange and Wanda look at you expectantly. 
When your eyes meet the green ones of the woman next to you, you are sure you are going to end that insanity right there. But then a thought crosses your mind. If she would be gaining from this, so could you. So you clear your throat, looking at the man with the goatee again.
"Mr. Strange, the truth is: Wanda and I are just two people who weren't supposed to fall in love. But did." You say, looking at her, and the redhead smiles, nodding in confirmation before looking at the government agent as well. The man, on the other hand, makes a disappointed expression, and you decide to keep talking.
"We couldn't tell anyone we work with because of my big promotion that I had coming up." You say casually, and Wanda looks at you with her eyebrows slightly raised in surprise. But you hold her gaze before looking at Mr. Strange again. 
"We both felt that, uh, it would be deeply inappropriate if I were to be promoted to editor, while we were... You know." You tell, gesturing between the two of you, and Wanda finally realizes what you're doing, nodding slowly as she looks at you with a mixture of understanding and disbelief.
"So," Mr. Strange begins, picking up some papers and pens, "have the two of you told your parents about your secret love?" He asks in a medium tone of irony, and Wanda chuckles dryly. 
"Oh, impossible. My parents are dead. And my brother is also dead so..." She says in a humorous tone, and you squirm uncomfortably in your chair. "Are your parents dead?" Mr. Strange asks you directly, and you briefly frown at his insensitivity.
"Oh, no, they're very much alive." You reply, nodding dumbly, still having trouble keeping up with everything that is happening. Beside you, Wanda nods. "Yeah, we were actually gonna tell them this weekend."
"Y/n's father's 60th birthday. The whole family's coming together and we thought it'd be a nice surprise." She continues, smiling sweetly, and you stare at her in disbelief, unable to decide if what irritates you more is the fact that she invited herself to your family weekend or if it's the fact that she actually heard you earlier and decided to ignore you. 
"And where is this surprise gonna take place?" Mr. Strange asks, but you are too shocked to take your eyes off Wanda. "At Y/n's parents' house." She tells you, looking at you defiantly, and you resist the urge to scoff. 
"Where is that located again?" The man with the goatee asks, and from his tone you know he's intending to catch you in a lie. Then you raise your eyebrows slightly in defiance at her, signs of amusement on your face, but Wanda forces a laugh. 
"Why am I doing all the taking? It's your parent's house, why don't you tell him where it is? Jump in." She deflects the question, and you let out a fake giggle that matches hers perfectly. 
An amused smile appears on your lips, and you wanted more than anything to see Wanda's reaction when you give your answer. But you decide it's better to look at the government agent while you answer, so you do so before saying, "Sitka, Alaska."
"Alaska." Wanda confirms, but you can notice a pang of shock hidden in her determined tone, and you are forced to hide a smile. Mr. Strange, on the other hand, looks at you seriously. 
"You're gonna go to Alaska this weekend?" He asks, sounding more disbelieving than anything else, but you nod your confirmation. "Yeah, we are going to Alaska. Alaska, that's where my little... My Y/n's from." Wanda says, touching your shoulder in what was meant to be a caress. 
Against your will, you extend your hand to reach for hers over your shoulder, but before you can, she pulls away, and you disguise the movement by scratching at some point on your arm. 
"Fine, I see how this is gonna go." Mr. Strange says, sounding somewhat impatient as he goes back to fiddling with the documents on his desk. "I will see you both at 11:00 Monday morning for your scheduled interview, and your answers better match up on every account."
"Thank you." You smile as you take the paper with the information the man hands you, completely ignoring his threatening tone. As the two of you say goodbye, Wanda is already in the middle of a call, waving goodbye to the government agent before leaving the office. 
You follow her with a whirlwind of doubts and fears making your head weigh a thousand pounds. Immersed in your own thoughts, you're only aware of your surroundings when you're already outside the building, Wanda no longer on the call, though she keeps her eyes fixed on the device.
"Okay, so," the redhead begins, without even raising her gaze to you, "what's gonna happen is we'll go up there, we'll pretend like we're dating and tell your family we're engaged. Use the miles for the tickets. I guess I'll pop for you to fly first class, but make sure you use the miles. And please confirm the vegan meal, okay? Last time they gave it to a vegan and I had to eat that disgusting- Why aren't you taking notes?!"
"I'm sorry, were you not in that room?" You ask, your fears quickly turning to irritation at the woman's casual tone. When she looks at you completely clueless, you let out a humorless laugh. "I'm looking at a $250,000 fine and five years in jail, that changes things."
"Oh so you meant that thing about promoting you to editor? No way." She replies when she finally realizes what you are talking about, her expression debauched as she shakes her head in disagreement. 
"Then I quit and you're screwed. Have a good day, Wanda." You immediately turn and start walking. And then the redhead is calling your name a few times, a tone of almost desperation, but you keep walking away.
"Fine!" She finally says, almost impatiently, and you hide a smirk as you turn to her again. "I'll make you editor. Fine." She repeats, shrugging in surrender, as you make your way back to her. 
"Happy?" Wanda asks, almost annoyed. And you are about to say yes, but then an idea crosses your mind, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling. If you're living this nightmare, you might as well have fun with it, right?
"Ask me nicely." You request casually, and the redhead frowns, surprised at your response. "Ask you nicely what?" she asks, and this time you almost can't contain your smile. "Ask me nicely to marry you, Wanda." You explain, and her surprised expression turns to one of complete confusion. "What does that mean?"
"Oh, you know, those clichéd things you see in movies. On your knee, a corny speech. You don't have a ring or chocolates, so you better get the rest of it right." You say, the tone of amusement evident in your voice as you gesture. Wanda, on the other hand, glares at you, as if threatening you to change your mind. 
But you don't. Instead, you smile, crossing your arms as you wait, and the redhead sighs impatiently, looking around at the crowded street. A moment later she huffs in surrender, and you press your lips together to prevent a giggle as the woman kneels with difficulty due to her tight skirt.
"Does this work for you?" she asks sarcastically, looking up at you and gesturing to herself, and you nod eagerly. "Oh, I like this. Yeah." You reply in the same tone, and the redhead nods before saying quickly. "Will you marry me?"
"No. Say it like you mean it." You instruct, reveling more than you should in humiliating your boss in the middle of the street. Wanda looks away in irritation, clenching her jaw as she takes a deep breath to calm herself. You smile as you wait patiently.
"Y/n?" She starts again, looking at you with false sweetness in her voice, and you do the same. "Yes, Wanda?" You ask, and she smiles. "Sweet Y/n." She adds ironically, and you flash a fake smile as you say, "I'm listening."
"Would you please, with cherries on top, marry me?" She asks lovingly, putting every effort into sounding as fake as possible. You take your time to breathe deeply, pretending to think about your answer.
"Okay. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it." You finally reply, your casual tone in no way masking your amused expression. "Good." Wanda says, rolling her eyes, and you smile falsely. "See you at the airport tomorrow."
You turn around then, and you think she has reached out, expecting you to help her up, but you just chuckle to yourself, continuing to walk away.
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
The next day you both meet early at John F. Kennedy International Airport and, after exchanging sharp, sarcastic greetings, you spend the rest of the time in silence.
Already on the plane and before take-off, Wanda is, as usual, busy with her cell phone, and you decide to check your own before turning it off for the flight. Noticing the last messages exchanged, you sigh. 
After telling your sisters you'd be able to make it to your father's birthday party, you all celebrate excitedly. However, when Natasha and Yelena asked you what had changed, you didn't have the courage to answer. To be quite honest, you didn't know how. 
Deciding to deal with it when you arrive in your hometown, you turn off the device before returning it to your pocket, a long sigh following your action. To distract your mind, you decide to check the folder with the questions Mr. Strange will ask you on Monday morning.
"So, these are the questions that INS is gonna ask us." You speak after a moment of reading the document, the plane already in the sky, and Wanda continues reading the book in her hands quietly. 
"Now, the good news is that I know everything about you, but the bad news is that you have four days to learn all this about me. So you should-" your sentence is interrupted by Wanda snatching the document from your hands, and you sigh annoyedly before you finish, "probably get studying."
"You know all the answers to these questions about me?" She asks incredulously, and you laugh through your nose. "Scary, isn't it?" You ask, your gaze focused on the clouds outside, and the redhead hums in half agreement. "A little bit."
"What am I allergic to?" She reads one of the questions, a tone of challenge in her voice thinking you won't know the answer, but you promptly reply, "Pine nuts. And the full spectrum of human emotion."
"Oh, that's very funny." She retorts wryly, a fake smile on her lips, and you just mutter an agreement, returning your eyes to the small aircraft window. From the sounds of pages turning, you know she is still reading the questions. 
"Here's a good one. Do I have any scars?" She says a brief moment later. "I'm pretty sure that you have a tattoo." You tell, and that seems to have taken Wanda by surprise, because she raises her eyebrows slightly. 
"Oh, you're pretty sure?" She asks then, in a mixture of challenge and amusement, and you nod. "I'm pretty sure. Two years ago your dermatologist called and asked about a Q-switched laser. I of course googled a Q-switched laser and found that they in fact remove tattoos. Which is sad, 'cause I thought it would be to remove some of those warts that only witches have."
Wanda rolls her eyes at your teasing, returning her eyes to the document. But from her expression you can tell that she's paying attention to you, so you decide to keep talking. 
"But you canceled your appointment, so I imagine you still have one hidden somewhere." You say and the redhead returns her almost impressed look to you. "So what is it? Tribal ink? Japanese calligraphy? A Coven mark?"  
"You know, it's exciting for me to experience you like this." She says sarcastically, an expression of fake amusement on her face. But then you thank her in the same tone, and her expression turns completely unamused as she turns her attention back to the file. 
"You're gonna have to tell me where it is, though." You say, to which the redhead replies with a simple "no, I'm not" as she flips through the pages. "They're gonna ask." You insist, but the redhead seems resolved not to talk about it, so you just give up.
Neither of you say anything more after that and, looking out the window again, you take a deep breath, wishing things would be better once you get home. 
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
As soon as the plane lands at the tiny Sitka airport, you can see among the small group of people your father and younger sister, and you laugh through your nose at the welcome signs they are both waving in the air. 
It doesn't take long for you to get off the plane and make your way to where your family is, and you wrap the two of them in a big hug as soon as you are close enough.
"Dad! Lena!" You exclaim with your arms around them, and you feel the other two almost squeeze your bones as they reciprocate. "It's so good to see you again, child." Your father says, breaking the embrace to bring his heavy hands to your cheeks. "It's been so long, look at you. All grown up."
"I was a grown-up the last time we saw each other, Dad." You joke, finding the man's behavior amusing. Beside you Yelena chuckles softly, shaking her head, and you return your attention to her. "What's up with the signs?"
"Dad insisted. I only agreed because it would embarrass you." She answers casually, but with a mischievous smile on her lips, and you roll your eyes in playful disapproval before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. 
"It's good to see you again, Lena. Where's Mom?" You ask, swallowing dryly your sorrow as the blonde looks away from you. Your father smiles apologetically. "You know your mother, she's always working. But never mind about her, where's your girl?!"
"Uh..." Finally looking back, you see Wanda approaching you, a not at all cheerful grimace on her face as she struggles against the cold to carry the expensive luggage she brought, and you have to hold back a laugh at the comical scene.
"She's-She's right there." You point, fighting back a smile at the clumsy figure approaching, and notice from your peripheral vision your father and Yelena following your gaze with theirs.
"I guess the word girl is inappropriate." Lena comments under her breath about the redhead's age, and your father casts her a look of disapproval as you press your lips together to contain a smile.
When Wanda finally joins you, your family is quick to greet her, and the redhead forces a smile as she does the same. Noticing the awkward scene of your father wanting to hug her as Wanda offers him her hand for him to shake, you decide to make the introductions. 
"So, Wanda, this is my father, Alexei. And this is my younger sister, Yelena." You say, and the redhead smiles politely as she greets each of them properly. 
"Hello, there! Now, do you prefer being called Wanda or Satan's Mistress?" Your father asks then, and you're too busy choking on your own breath to know whether he commented on the way you refer to your boss on purpose or innocently. 
"We've heard it both ways. Actually, we've heard it lots of ways." Your father continues speaking, and Wanda looks at you speechless, an expression on her face that you can't quite decipher, but which is certainly not that of someone who is amused by the situation. 
"He's joking! Of course he's joking." You say, forcing an awkward laugh, and Wanda narrows her eyes at you as she nods slowly, clearly not believing you.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this weekend." Wanda then says, completely ignoring the awkward moment from before, shifting her gaze between your father and your sister, and your dad smiles broadly. 
"Oh, you're welcome! We're thrilled to have you! Come on, let's get you two back home." Your father comments cheerfully and the redhead returns the smile, nodding eagerly as she agrees. 
And the next moment your father and Yelena are hugging you, pulling you toward the truck, and completely missing the way you and the redhead exchange annoyed glances with each other. 
The drive from the airport to the city is short and, lucky for Wanda, was done almost entirely in silence. The monotonous landscape allowed the redhead time to think about what lay ahead of her, and honestly she needed to repeat to herself that this would be worth it. 
Being stuck with a bunch of people she didn't know and had no interest in knowing, in a town literally at the end of the world. Where did your family live? In an apartment falling to pieces? In a house that barely had room for anyone? Or in one of those old farms that stink of animals and are full of mosquitoes? She was afraid to find out. 
When Wanda returns her attention to her surroundings, she realizes that you have finally entered the city - if you can call it a city. A detail on the signs of several stores catches the redhead's attention, and she frowns as she reads each one. 
The Romanoff Collection. Romanoff Photography. Romanoff Parcel and Post. Romanoff General Store.
Everything in this place belongs to this Romanoff family for God's sake?! The redhead thinks to herself in disbelief. But then she feels a certain familiarity with that name, and she turns her gaze to you with frowning eyebrows. 
Looking down at your bag next to your body, Wanda reads the initials of your name accompanied by your last name, Romanoff, and she immediately widens her eyes in shock. She soon returns to her usual impassive expression, though. 
"Y/n." The redhead calls out in a whisper. But if you heard it, you decided not to show it. She calls you a few more times after that and, finally realizing you're ignoring her on purpose, Wanda rolls her eyes, deciding to take a more physical approach. 
"Ow!" you let out after the redhead punches you in the arm, looking at her with irritation as you take your hand to massage the spot where she hit you. "Please don't do that."
"You didn't tell me about all the family businesses, honey." Wanda says in a fake sweet tone, ignoring your request and giving you a pointed look. "Oh, Y/n has always been very modest about that." Your father replies before you can and the redhead hums in understanding, falling silent after that. 
Everyone becomes quiet again after that and soon Yelena is parking the truck in front of the harbor, making Wanda frown in confusion. 
"What are we doing? Shouldn't we check into our hotel right now?" Wanda asks you as you all get out of the car. Once again it is your father who answers, and the redhead has to resist the urge to roll her eyes at the man's nosy personality. 
"We canceled your reservation, family doesn't stay at a hotel. You're gonna stay in our home." Alexei says with a wide grin as you retrieve the luggage from the truck, and Yelena exchanges a brief amused look with you, making you sigh annoyedly. This trip was only getting worse. 
"Oh, great! That's great!" Wanda says, feigning excitement, and you're too busy wondering what the hell she brought with her to make her bag so heavy. The redhead then looks at you with questioning eyes from behind her sunglasses, but you just put her bag on the ground in front of her, walking towards your family. 
"Y/n! What are you doing? Wanda is our guest, help her with her bags!" Your father scolds, but you just force a loud sigh, shrugging as you say, "I'd love to, Dad, but that one won't let me help her with anything, she likes to do everything by herself. Don't you, darling?"
Wanda just forces a dry smile in your direction before devoting herself to carrying the bag. Silently, you watch the redhead struggle to manage to drag the luggage towards you, and you shake your head slightly at the ridiculous scene that is the woman in stiletto heels and fancy clothes in an environment that in no way resembles that. 
"Great choice of shoes." Yelena whispers teasingly beside you and you have to hold back a giggle as you continue your way toward the speedboat.
Separating you from the sea is a wooden staircase of a few feet, and Yelena and your father climb down first to arrange your luggage while you wait upstairs with Wanda, who looks around with an uncomfortable expression that you pretend not to see. 
While Yelena busies herself with getting the boat running, you toss the luggage to your father to pick up and put on the boat. On the last bag, however, you throw it to him with less care than the others - the fact that it belongs to Wanda has nothing to do with it, of course - and your father ends up losing it. 
"Oops." The man says as the bag falls into the water, crouching down to reach it, and Wanda almost has a heart attack beside you. "Don't worry, that will dry right off." You comment casually and Wanda clenches her jaw tightly in irritation, wondering if she should tell you that bag costs more than your annual payment or strangle you right there. But then you are coming down the wooden ladder, and the woman's anger soon gives way to apprehension.  
"Psst! Hey!" Wanda calls out to you, and waits for you to look at her before saying, "I'm not getting on that boat."
"You don't have to. See you in a few days." You hit back with a forced smile before heading back down the stairs, and the redhead rolls her eyes at your quips. "You know I can't swim!" Wanda speaks again, sounding annoyed, and you sigh wearily. 
"Hence, the boat." You retort, and your wry comments are about to give the redhead the boost she needs to push you off the ladder. Instead, she sighs irritably, looking around as she ponders her options.
When you finally reach the platform, you look up and, seeing the woman's hesitation, you sigh. "Come on." You call out, feeling as if you're talking to a child, but Wanda just stands there looking at you. 
Before you have to call her again, the redhead decides to make her way down the ladder. And if you thought her walking around carrying her bags was too clumsy, the sight of Wanda trying to descend the steps has you shaking your head in disbelief. 
"Looking good, boss. Take your time, though." You comment after a while, laughing internally that she still hasn't made it down three steps. "Shut up." Wanda mutters impatiently. As she picks up her purse and passes it over her arm, you decide it might be better to wait sitting down. 
"Let me give you a hand." You offer after three minutes have passed and she's still halfway up the ladder. You bring your hands to her waist, holding firmly to provide some stability, and Wanda stops her movements immediately. 
"Hands off. Now." She commands through clenched teeth, and you do as she says, stepping away from her with your hands raised in surrender. After what seemed like an eternity, Wanda finally finishes coming down the ladder.
"Congratulations. I'm a hundred years old now." You scoff, but she's too busy taking deep breaths in an attempt to regulate her heartbeats to hit back. 
So you are finally on the boat, and when Wanda is the only one who decides to put on a life jacket, you wonder what the hell you're doing with your life. 
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
Wanda was counting the minutes to arrive at your destination, whatever it may be. But when Alexei finally announces they have, the redhead couldn't believe it. 
On the large island ahead, a huge mansion rested imposingly close to the edge of the sea. Next to it, two other buildings that Wanda had no idea what they were, but which were large enough to be considered mansions as well, even though they’re much smaller than the main building.
The redhead wants to ask you how the hell your family can afford to live in that nearly reclusive paradise. But you are in the front of the boat, casually chatting with your sister while your father watches her with a curious smile, so Wanda decides to save her questions for another time. 
When you finally dock the speedboat beside the wooden deck that leads to the ground, you stay behind to help the redhead get off. And Wanda decides to take advantage of the fact that your father and sister are a few steps ahead to finally ask. "Why did you tell me you were poor?"
"I never said I was poor." You respond with a confused frown, but Wanda is determined. "You never told me you were rich either." She insists, looking at you with a mixture of curiosity and defiance, and you shrug as you say, "I'm not rich. My parents are rich."
"That's something only rich people say." Wanda retorts in a grumble, but you just roll your eyes, deciding not to prolong the subject. The redhead, on the other hand, intends to continue the questions. 
Before she can, however, unfamiliar voices from ahead draw both of your attention. Sharpening your vision, you notice a crowd of people in front of your house, and you widen your eyes in surprise. 
"Dad, what is this?" You ask, trying not to sound as annoyed as you really are. "It's just a little welcoming party, is that a crime?" Your father asks you humorously, and you laugh through your nose, not knowing what to say. 
"Just 50 of our closest friends and neighbors, you know? Very little." Yelena comments with sarcasm that your father doesn't seem to notice, smiling and nodding in confirmation. "And all excited to meet you." The man adds, looking at Wanda this time, and the redhead forces a smile. "Oh, good! That's great!"
And then the two continue walking forward, and Wanda turns to you with an expression of disbelief. "A party?!" she asks, panting from carrying her ten-ton suitcase, and you sound equally annoyed when you answer, "Yeah, I guess so. But come on now, my dad's moving faster than you."
Wanda just rolls her eyes at your teasing, with no energy to fight back. And soon you are walking toward the house again, both of you dreading what this party will bring about.
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Part 3
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