#again a close second on my list of favorite prizes
themushroomblues · 1 year
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And, it goes without saying, my new best friend, the laminating queen, five fat points.
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Hii! 🍄Anon is back!!
You said you welcome requests for and about Ravine, right? So I was wondering if I could ask about some of the cod mens reaction to Ravine being a GOD TIER cook?🤤 Like no one would expect him to be able to make such delicious meals but when he does, one bute and you are literally sent to the Gates of heaven. Like you are GONE! Unless you think he's an absolute awful cook? Which in that case just do the opposite. I feel like there be at least one person who would eat his cooking no matter how awful it is (Cough Soap Cough).
Like most people food is the quickest way to my heart so I feel like this be an interesting situation!🍕
Anyways thanks again for liking my dumb random babbles about how cool i think Ravine is! Have a cookie for your prize! 🍪
(Omfg it’s so hard to write with no motivation, jesus 💀 Anon I am so sorry for the wait and if this is a little disappointing😰)
Hi hi 🍄Anon👋
(Thank you for the cookie 😋)
Ravine is a pretty good cook since he took many job offers he could get to earn money for his daughter’s surgery ( Oop he had a daughter?! <o< )
(Soap really be trying not to hurt anyone's feelings but his own taste buds. I feel like Gaz would leave it in his mouth and then spit it out when the cook isn’t watching🤣🤣)
It must have been a hard month for Ravine to volunteer to cook. He sees the team starting to slouch and drag their feet across the dirt like dead weights. At the end of the month they were moving around like shrimps.
Ravine made a whole list for each individual of 141; Los Vaqueros and decided to cook their favorite. (No one will ever know how he got that information.)
Soap is the first one to leave his room and follow the heavenly scent slowly filling the area, then Gaz, Alejandro and the rest.
They are surprised to see Ravine standing in the kitchen and moving around like it was the back of his hand.
The longer they stare from the doorway the more some eyes trail down his body. The sleeves of his t-shirt barely showed the skin of his arm that was hidden behind arm sleeves and his muscles bulged with every move.
Alejandro was tempted to whistle at the back view but Rudy, who had known him for a long time was shaking his head at him but didn't say a thing otherwise.
Gaz slowly steps closer to the cook, commenting how good it smells, to hide the fact he wasn't even eyeing the food in the pan but his arm sleeves that squeezed his biceps just right.
Soap leans away from the doorway to join Ravine's other side, his gaze drifting from the pan and spatula to his hands that were freed from the gloves he always wore. He licks his lips unconsciously at the gracious view gifted to his eyes.
Ravine seems to have different thoughts.
Gaz and Soap find themselves kicked out of the kitchen with the door closed on their faces. It earns them a chuckle from the others at their expressions.
In Ravine’s eyes the kitchen was just another battlefield, one mess would trigger a second and third. Especially with the giant knives around, Ravine rather not have blood spilled.
The team find themselves at the table and they can’t believe their eyes at the various food displayed in front of them. They all subconsciously turn towards Ravine who leaves the kitchen with a plate of his own.
Rudy kindly asks him if he was going to eat with them but feels disappointed when the cook shakes his head.
He points inside the kitchen at the fridge, “Desserts.” and leaves the amazed group to eat in his room.
Ghost turns his eyes back at his plate and takes a mouthful. It felt like he was eating at a really fancy restaurant, not that he would ever go to such a place.
They serve a giant plate with one bite of food on it and then make you pay over 1000. Such a waste of money. Compared to that Ravine’s food was actually to die for and he would actually pay him that much to cook for him again.
Gaz kind of feels emotional. After such a long and rough month, homemade food was the best for the tiring heart. It was even better when the food tasted like it was cooked by a god.
With each bite, more saliva fills their mouths and a groan of satisfaction leaves them.
Soap swears he saw angels for a second.
Alejandro couldn’t stop complimenting with his mouth still full and Rudy nodded alongside him, both feeling like they were flying among the clouds, weightless and light as a feather.
Soap was the most curious about Ravine. Well, he was the one who showed his interest more verbally and visibly.
The men have so many questions and their curiosity slowly drags them to the depths.
Like is there anything Ravine couldn’t do??? The perfect soldier, a cold looking man but didn’t shy away to show kind gestures. And now they find out that he definitely worked as a chef before and now they want to know more about his life before he became a part of the military.
Hell even Ghost shared more than Ravine ever did and some of the men met Ravine waa-ay before the others.
The food was wolfed down and the plate almost licked clean. (Soap definitely licked it clean without any shame.)
They felt more energetic than the hellish month started and felt thankful for Ravine’s kind gesture. It just bothered them that Ravine was eating alone in his room again, probably working on engine stuff they did not understand while they were sitting in the cozy atmosphere with each other’s company.
Price steps away from the group to check up on the lone man, a bowl filled with watermelon and mango in his hand.
He knocks on the door and waits for Ravine to let him in.
Price can see the plate on his desk, not even halfway done eaten with stacks of paperwork on the other side. He pats the soldier on the back, sighing slightly before telling him to take it easy for once.
He leaves the fruit bowl beside his dinner and feels content when Ravine visibly perks up. A soft smile spreads on Price’s lips and he would have ruffled his head but the helmet was in the way.
“Enjoy son.”
Rudy and Gaz didn’t let Ravine back in the kitchen when they saw him at the sink, about to clean everything himself even though he made such an effort to cook 6 different dishes for them.
They wanted to hug him because it was really delicious but Ravine was already backing away when they inched closer. So they shut the door softly on him so he wouldn’t come back to clean.
Soap and Alejandro really want Ravine to cook again but don’t want to bother him because he’s always busy with something else.
When they find out Ravine likes watermelon and mango, they definitely went to buy more so the fridge was always stocked with it.
Ghost lent a helping hand to Ravine whenever he could to thank him for the wonderful dinner.
Price makes sure he has less paperwork if he can help it.
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elspethdekarios · 4 months
Faerûnian Writing Challenge: Family Reunion
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Hello, this is very late because it sparked a larger idea and then I could not write anything else.
Elspeth has a not-so-great relationship with her noble family. She's always been second-best compared to her older sister, who she hasn't spoken to in months, and doesn't care to ever speak to again, frankly. That is, until she finds her sister's name among the targets for the murderous Bhaalist cult rising in the city.
This is part 1 of 2 and part 2 will be a masquerade ball (you're welcome). I'm really happy with this and super excited to write the next part, so I hope you like it!
After attending Gortash’s inauguration, Elspeth and her current companions returned to Wyrm’s Crossing to help find “the stern librarian” they’d been told went missing from Sharess’s Caress. The disappearance seemed timely after the murders of Father Lorgan and Dribbles, and they suspected Ffion’s disappearance may be connected, so they volunteered to help find her. And find her, they did.
In Ffion’s room at the Flophouse, they not only found her dead body, but clues about the murders that seemed to be happening around Baldur’s Gate. Notes were sprawled on the desk, some torn, some bloodied. One stood out from the rest, its edges fingerprinted with fresh blood–a list. Elspeth and Gale seemed to spot it at the same time, always being the ones to read through notes and ruffle through desk drawers. She picked up the parchment and read aloud:
“Those wishing to face the Dread Lord's Tribunal and enter the Temple of Bhaal must slay the targets on this list and frame the corpses as a murder by the cult of the Absolute.
Bring the victim's hand as proof of the killing. Walk in blood, Aspirant.”
Astarion and Shadowheart gathered around to listen as she read the list of names, some of which were already dead. 
“Duke Stelmane, killed. Father Lorgan, killed. Dribbles the Clown, killed.” El’s hands shook as she processed the horror. “Alexander Rainforest, killed. Franc Peartree, killed. The rest are still alive, it seems. Cora Highberry, Figaro Pennygood, Ari–” Elspeth’s breath caught in her throat, a coldness settling in her stomach upon the next name. Her heart seemed to slow down and beat wildly at the same time. 
“El–what is it, love?” Gale asked from beside her, leaning over and steadying one of her shaking hands. His eyes grew wide as he read the name. “Gods above….”
Shadowheart and Astarion peered over her shoulder to see what she and Gale were gawking at.
“Ariadne Vaidelark,” Shadowheart read aloud. “Is she related to you, El?”
Elspeth slowly nodded, handing the bloody parchment to Gale. She wasn’t sure how to react. Her body wouldn’t move from its spot standing in front of the desk, her eyes locked on nothing. Finally she was able to speak, a low voice, devoid of emotion: “She’s my sister.”
“Oh, shit,” Astarion said, taking a step back as if she could explode at any moment. Only she wouldn’t. She felt numb other than a rising panic rumbling throughout her body, one that she had become an expert at ignoring over the past few months of mortal peril. 
“Here, love, sit down for a moment.” Gale pulled the chair out from the desk, but El only shook her head.
“No, I’m fine,” she said, steadying herself. “Let’s just get out of here.”
They went to camp straight away, where everyone took on their normal duties, though an unease seemed to have settled on everyone as they learned the news. El didn’t want to talk about it, not yet, so she sat by the fire with Gale as he prepared their dinner for the night, a soft blanket wrapped around her shoulders. He kept the conversation light, talking about his favorite bookstore in Waterdeep and his most prized magical tomes he’d collected from there, to keep her mind occupied until she was ready to talk. His thoughtfulness was one of the qualities she loved most about him. Even though her heart was unsettled and confused, just being close to him, hearing his voice, looking at the concentration on his face as he worked–it was a salve on an angry wound. 
Gale handed her a piece of carrot that he’d been slicing, and she ate it slowly, crunching small bites between her teeth as she listened to his rambling, which was now about rare abjuration charms that he’d learned from said prized tomes. Another voice interjected from behind them.
“That smells so good.” Karlach approached and took a seat on the wooden log Elspeth was leaning against. “Will it be ready soon? I’m starved.”
“Another hour at least,” Gale answered, dumping the chopped carrots into the stew. 
“Damn,” she said before placing a hot hand on El’s shoulder. “Ellie, I heard about your sister. On that list. We’ll save her, okay? I swear it.”
She looked up at Karlach with a sad smile. “Thanks.”
“And if you ever need to talk or hug it out, I’m here for you. Always.”
“Thank you, Karlach. I know you are,” she responded. “Actually, can you do me a favor?”
“Can you tell the others not to bring it up? I will talk about it. Just not tonight.”
“You got it, soldier.” Karlach rubbed Elspeth’s arm before walking back to the center of camp, loudly telling everyone to listen up.
Karlach must have struck the fear of the hells into their companions, because no one mentioned her sister at dinner. In fact, everyone seemed to go out of their way to either be completely silent or talk incessantly about lighter topics. No one even brought up their plans for the next day, which they always discussed at dinner. Wyll volunteered to clean up the dishes, a chore that Elspeth often claimed, and she and Gale slipped into his tent to call it an early night. Safely nestled in his arms, her facade slipped away and she let herself sob into his shoulder, aware that the others were still awake and could likely hear her. It didn’t matter. They had all seen her cry before–it wasn’t that she was ashamed of having emotions. It was the fact that her emotions surrounding her family, especially Ariadne, were… complicated. She had briefly talked about being the outcast of her family, and of course Wyll knew, since their families ran in the same noble circles. But Gale was the only one who knew details. He was the only one of their companions who she told about her childhood spent never measuring up to her sister, preferring to help in the kitchen than participate in noble customs. The bruises and tears she was left with as she endured paladin training, Ariadne always coming out on top, her parents’ disappointment in Elspeth evident in their faces. Her calling to become a cleric instead, and the way her mother offered to pay for her training and board at Ambrose Academy–a kind gesture, but one that Elspeth always suspected was a prime opportunity for her parents to get her out of the house. Gale was not the only one who knew about Ariadne being engaged to her ex–she told the others one night after a few glasses of wine–but he was the only one who knew how much it truly hurt her. She didn’t have feelings for Leon anymore, and hadn’t had them for a while. But seeing them together, just minutes before being taken by the nautiloid… it was painful. A reminder that she would always, always, be second best. 
Gale held her as she cried, tears and snot wetting his shirt. He didn’t force her to talk–only hugged her tight and rubbed circles onto her back and offered words of comfort.
“Let it out, my love” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I’ve got you.”
“I can’t let her die,” she choked out between sobs. “She’s horrible to me, but–I can’t–she’s–she’s my sister–and I–”
Words became too much, and she buried her head into Gale’s sleeve once again.
“I know,” he said. “We’ll find a way. I promise.”
No more words were exchanged between them, other than a soft “I love you” from Gale as Elspeth’s cries quieted and she drifted off to sleep. 
El chose her companions carefully for their trek to the Upper City. Gale, of course, was coming with her. Wyll volunteered to go, since he knew her family, though they didn’t know about his new devil form. Astarion practically inserted himself into the group, desperate to walk the streets of the Upper City in the sunlight–but she would have asked him to come anyway. She also asked Shadowheart, since she was, besides El, the most “normal looking” girl of the group. She was reluctant at first, having no memories of the Upper City (or Lower City, for that matter). Karlach excluded herself, though she was desperate to help however she could.
“From what you’ve said about your family, I doubt they’d let me take a single step inside their house,” she said at breakfast. “How about I keep watch close by the gate? And if I hear any commotion, I’ll come running.”
“My bodyguard,” El joked. “Unfortunately, you’re probably right about the first matter.”
“Eh, fuck ‘em. Not my style anyway.”
Elspeth made everyone stop in Carm’s Garms in Wyrm’s Crossing beforehand.
“I wouldn’t mind some nice clothes, don’t get me wrong,” Wyll said as they approached the storefront. “But I worry we’re wasting precious time.”
“Ariadne’s name was farther down the list,” El said. “If they’re going in order, which it seems they are, they have several people to kill before they get to her. Besides, you know as well as I do, Wyll, that they won’t let us step foot in the Upper City looking like this.”
Even their nicer clothes now were worn out, torn, or stained with blood and grime. They had been mistaken as refugees several times already, and Elspeth knew they couldn’t risk the same mistake as they got close to the Upper City. Wyll knew it, too.
“You’re right,” he nodded. “Very well. Let’s go play patriar for the day.”
After being greeted by a very talkative man, they browsed the store’s collection, Elspeth asking the owner specifically where they could find her most expensive items. They tried on dresses, overcoats, new shoes–everything. They had acquired enough gold to treat themselves to nicer clothes, and no one was complaining. Astarion seemed to be especially enjoying himself, trying on every brocade suit jacket and critiquing the cuts of the shoulders or the length of the sleeves. They left the store in their new clothes, looking cleaner than they had ever been so far on their journey. 
“You look lovely in that dress,” Gale said to her as they continued to the city. Her dress was dark blue and cinched at the waist with a silver jeweled belt. “You look lovely all the time, but… well, you know what I mean.”
“Thank you,” she said, slipping her hand into his and admiring his own new outfit, a simple but elegant white linen shirt, sleeves buttoned at the wrist, topped with an embroidered vest that matched the dark brown of his new trousers. He also bought new shoes–some tasteful, yet practical, embroidered loafers. “You clean up quite nicely yourself.” 
“Will you two stop being so lovey-dovey?” Astarion scoffed from behind them. “Honestly, we have a murder to prevent.”
“Since when have you ever been so keen to stop a murder?” Shadowheart asked. He pretended he didn’t hear her.
While the Lower City was teeming with refugees, the Upper City was as calm and sophisticated as ever. People in elegant outfits walked the streets, often arm-in-arm with someone just as well-dressed. Steel Watchers stood tall on every other street corner, casting menacing shadows onto the stone pavement. Music seemed to play from nowhere at all, and the water from the grand fountain just inside the gate cascaded serenely into its basin as sunlight glimmered in the crystal blue water. No one would know about the mass panic that ensued on the other side of the gate from this view alone. 
“Welcome to the Upper City,” El sighed. Even though this was her home, she felt like she didn’t belong here. She was always an outcast among her family, yes, but after her adventures these past few months, standing among the pristine, the rich, the powerful felt… wrong. 
Gale squeezed her hand and ran his thumb across her knuckles. 
“You’ll be alright,” he said. “We’re all here with you.”
El was thankful that she had the foresight to upgrade their clothes. Even in the flowing dress she wore, she felt underdressed as they walked the streets towards her family home. Patriars passed them in vibrant ensembles adorned with golden accents and fancy hats, their heads held high, their walking leisurely and controlled. They came upon a small, well-manicured park where children played with wooden swords and parents mingled in the gazebo. Though they were only a couple blocks away, El slowed down near the entrance.
“I used to play here as a child,” she said, smiling sadly as memories rushed into her mind. Good memories of playing tag or hide-and-seek with her school friends–but also bad memories, like when Ariadne fell and scraped her elbow only to run home and tell their parents that Elspeth pushed her down on purpose. Or when a pre-teen Elspeth snuck out of the house one night to meet a boy in the park, unknowingly being trailed by Ariadne, and came home to her stern-faced mother waiting to reprimand her for breaking curfew. Her nostalgic trance ended when Wyll noticed a flyer on the park’s bulletin board.
“A masquerade ball,” he said with a hint of excitement. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been to one of those.”
“I’ve always wanted to attend one,” Gale said as they huddled around the flyer. “The intrigue, the mystery, the romance of it all.”
“They are quite fun,” Astarion added. “Although I’ve only ever been in order to find expensive dinners for Cazador.”
“It’s in three days’ time,” Wyll said. “Maybe we can find an excuse to attend. If we’re not in imminent danger, of course.”
Shadowheart was in her own little world, letting a butterfly crawl onto her finger near the flower bushes. It was like seeing a child discovering the joys of the world for the first time. Despite the thunderstorm of feelings stirring in Elspeth’s chest, she smiled to herself.
“Come on,” she said after the butterfly took flight. “We’re only a couple blocks away.”
The Vaidelark House sat along a row of patriar homes, each slightly different, but all sharing the same Upper City architecture: stone pillars, tall ceilings, iron-gated green courtyards. It was all a far cry from the Lower City’s run down houses. After camping in the wilderness the past few months and seeing so many refugees and beggars throughout the area, Elspeth’s childhood home seemed like a distant dream, and a sense of guilt arose in her as she thought about all the privileges she was raised with and still had, even after being cast out by her family. It felt like a cold blade to the heart. 
“Good gods,” Gale said as they neared the stairs at the front of the house. “You and I surely had different childhoods.”
A large stone “V” supported by two doves adorned the space above the grand front doors, and yellow flowers bloomed on the bushes lining the front of the house. She took a long, deep breath when they reached the entrance.
“I was lucky,” she replied. “But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Not for me, at least.”
It took all of her courage to pick up the heavy iron knocker. She trembled with anxiety–more anxiety than she’d felt at Moonrise just a tenday ago. Gale kissed the back of her hand, letting his lips linger on her skin as they waited for the door to open. She was expecting to see Tessie, the housekeeper who was like a true mother to her. Or another houseworker. But it wasn’t either of them who opened the door.
It was Ariadne.
The sight of her sister’s face was enough to incite dread in the pit of her stomach at best–raging, fiery anger at worst. But as the two sisters sat on mirrored sofas in the sitting room, Elspeth felt… sad. Sad that she would never have that true sisterly bond with Ariadne. Sad that their lives had been spent at each other’s throats. And sad that now, someone evidently wanted her sister dead.
An elven footman entered the stuffy sitting room with a large tray of tea and biscuits. “Good to see you, Lady Elspeth,” he said, nodding to her with a polite smile. She always liked Van–he started working at the house when she was a teenager, and would often sneak a couple of sweets under her bedroom door after dinner.
“You as well, Van,” she replied. “Could you please let Tessie know I’d like to come down and see her before we leave?”
“Certainly, my lady.” Van bowed and left the room.
While they waited for their parents, Elspeth and Ariadne sat in awkward silence as they drank their tea. Gale and Shadowheart sat on either side of her, with Wyll in an armchair nearby and Astarion leaning against the mantle behind her, no doubt eyeing the valuables.
Please don’t steal anything, she willed into his mind via tadpole connection. They already dislike me. 
She felt something akin to an eyeroll before he replied. Ugh. Fine.
“So, Wyll,” Ariadne broke the awkward silence as she sipped her tea. “You’ve… changed since I last saw you.”
“Indeed,” he said. “But you’ve stayed exactly the same.” He smiled as he said it, but El could hear in his voice that it wasn’t a compliment. Ariadne’s facade faltered for a brief second as she realized it, too. 
“I suppose you’re here to make amends with your father, now that he’s in good graces with Lord Gortash?”
“Don’t speak to my friends like that,” El snapped at her sister. “Clearly you don’t know Wyll at all if you think that’s the case.”
“Why else would he be back? Especially ballsy to return looking like a devil.”
“Shut your–”
Their squabble was interrupted when the Lord and Lady of the house entered the room, bringing a silence with them that was only broken by their light footsteps. They each took a seat beside Ariadne.
“Elspeth,” her mother said sternly, more of a statement than a greeting. “Why are you here?” Her mother’s already-stoic face was colder than usual.
El floundered. Suddenly, she was a child again, awaiting her mother’s ire as she stood above a shattered vase in the foyer. Crying on the terrace after getting her ass kicked by Ariadne as they learned to duel, looking to her mother for comfort only to find her staring down with disgust, pale green pools of apathy where her eyes should have been. Being charmed to behave at important dinners with nobility instead of just being trusted–this was the only time her father stepped in. He was a quiet man, and left the parenting to his wife, but it seemed that magic manipulation was where he drew the line. 
Gale’s hand on her knee was enough to pull her out of the flashbacks and back into the room. The room where her family sat across from and in direct opposition to her, seemingly ready to tear her down and humiliate her in front of her friends at any moment.
She wasn’t alone this time. It wasn’t just her against her family. She was surrounded by people who cared about her, people who had become her true family over the past few months. She had the most wonderful man, the greatest love she’d ever known at her side. A would-be Dark Justiciar who defied an evil goddess in an unbelievable act of bravery and strength. A vampire spawn who would soon be free of his master for good, who made the difficult choice to be better every day that she’s known him. And, not to mention, the Blade of Frontiers, the son of Duke Ravengard, who once sold his soul for the people he cared about, and undoubtedly would do it again. 
She wasn’t small anymore, and she wasn’t alone. She wasn’t weak. She wasn’t a disappointment to these people, but a beacon of hope. A leader. A friend.
“I’m here to save your life,” she said, locking eyes with Ariadne. “Whether you want me to or not.”
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allyriadayne · 7 months
What are your thoughts on various Jace ships?
oh boy you've opened a can of worms. i've already talked a bit about my favorite romantic jace ships here (jace x aegon, jace x baela and jace x baela x alyn), and in another i talked about my thoughts on jace x sara in general.
okay so i'll just name the jace ships i've seen in the fandom and talk a bit about them.
jace x aemond - i don't ship it mostly because i have a one sided beef with aemond and because jace and aemond have been participating since childhood in a competition where the prize is aegon's stinky ass. and i'm a jacegon lover at heart so i know jace won that one. i can see why people ship it though, the enemies to lovers thing and i can admit their scene at laena's funeral was really sweet. the thing is, i can't help but see their personalities clashing in the worst way. uptight x uptight is not that attractive to me.
jace x daemon - this works for me in the sense that jace is locked in this haunted hill house and daemon is his personal torturer who cackles every time jace tries to be reasonable and ask for a glass of water. it's not that he can't stand the torture, he can, he's a good little boy, but why does daemon have to laugh at him and tell him he fucked his mom in this very same room. makes no sense and it's not like jace cares it's happening outside of his very tight schedule of micromanaging his own family [daemon adds another punishment to the list]
jace x helaena - sweet! second favorite hetero jace ship. outside of the blah blah politics nitpicking i see people doing i think they could be a very good match. i only read fic about them in the canon context because i'm a very alt universe ramifications girl. i think while jace would find helaena strange at first, if they found themselves in a situation where they have to rely or be a companion to the other, i think he would have made an effort to understand, if not, support helaena; and i think she would like someone as stable and reliable as jace too. plus, i really liked their dance, what could've been type of scene the same way rhaenyra and harwin's was.
jace x cregan - this ship to me is jace's last summer before last year of college. the last hurrah and the summer he will think about when he's deep in his boring office job balancing taxes or whatever yuppies did in the 80s. cregan and winterfell are so far from dragonstone and his family and obligations that it would lead to a wild weekend where he is not jacaerys, prince of dragonstone but just jace. but only for a little bit and it will never happen again. i don't vibe with most of the jacegan interpretations i've seen because i'm not a bottom!jace supporter though and most of them rely on this.
jace x luke - the only jace ship i truly hate. i become a prude gen z incest hater whenever i see this ship. i just don't see it. to me, jace has been babying luke too much to really work, which, okay, it might work from luke's perspective but not from jace's. i don't see my boy being entirely happy in a relationship where he still has to hide himself and Perform perfect prince perfect brother perfect son.
jace x rhaenyra - i don't see it but i also not not see it? i'm all about jace wanting to be the Father of the family micromanaging everything but i don't think he realistically reaches into being rhaenyra's husband. i think he has too much issues with his father figures (and with rhaenyra! but will never admit it) to really want to become one himself alongside his mother. he does think she's perfect and beautiful so i'm not closing the doors on this one just yet.
these are the ones i've seen a lot but if you have another i might have forgotten, shoot them my way! thanks for the question.
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sickly-sapphic · 10 months
1-35your evil:)
First of all *you're Second of all maybe this was my plan all along
What is your nickname? Willa IS a nickname - it's derived from my last name. Apart from that I have 7 nicknames.
When is your birthday? 6th of August!! Just had it - and it ended up being a weeklong event :D
What was your longest relationship? My current one, which is almost a year and a half.
What is your favorite book? Loveless by Alice Oseman
What is something you're insecure about? Hmmm, my weight/size. Been bullied for it since I was like 4 😭
5 Male celebrity crushes I don't get crushes, I tried to answer but everytime I was just listing guys I know
5 Female celebrity crushes Again I dont get crushes but I will never turn down a movie with Florence Pugh
What is your dream job? I simply don't dream of labour. I would like to run a queer cafe that doubles with free sex ed info. I also wouldnt mind doing ASMR as a career I just don't have the tools really.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? Uhmm, being happy.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe? There was a few years where I was somewhere on the goth/emo spectrum. I don't think it's particularly shocking but I've very quickly gotten a reputation for being a pink princess so...
What were your highs and lows for this last month? Highs - I got a huge plushie the size of my body, heartstopper s2, shopping spree, the Barbie movie Lows - a whole heap of medical shit relating to me and ppl im close with, depressive episodes, burying my cat
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit? I'm honestly not a travel person, I guess I wouldn't mind diving somewhere though.
How do you de-stress? Yoga, sunbathing, baking, crochet, gay things, making art, and reading.
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr? Gratitude Journal, PocketLove and MyPossibleSelf. Social media wise I don't mind Pinterest and Insta but there are almost always things I don't wanna see showing up on my dash.
Describe yourself in one sentence. Hot<3
What do you think makes you attractive? Stomach, thighs and shoulders. I've also been told my worldview is v attractive.
What is something you're really good at? Self love babey.
What is something you're really bad at? Baking red velvet cake.
A time that you told a lie. I lie when asked if there's anything that could prevent me from doing xyz.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know? Nico Di Angelo smells like stone after rain.
Who knows you the best? My boyfriend.
What is your most prized possession? My phone - it has hundreds of photos I wouldnt be able to replace, poetry, songwriting, journalling and its how I stay in contact with long-distance friends and old school/work friends.
What is your longest friendship? Man idk. Friendships often dip, almost all of my friends have had a few years where we weren't friend inbetween things.
When did you first feel like an adult? I felt like an adult before I was ever allowed to feel like a kid so like. always.
Do you/ Have you played any sports? So many! Soccer, touch football, dance (various types), figure skating, I tried boxing once, karate. Currently I don't play sports, I'm more of a yoga, pilates and skateboarding kinda guy.
How are you feeling right now? Kinda in-between. Don't feel completely zoned in-
Are you an early bird or a night owl? Early bird.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, because there's about a thousand kinds of love.
Favorite song lyrics right now? "sexy girl come and lay with meeee, im frustrated and its sexually" from Sexy Drug - Falling in Reverse. It's such a good song to scream the lyrics to
What does self care look like for you? It entirely depends on the day - it can be watching a film, going on a walk, buying a little treat, dressing up fancy or some form of working out.
Describe yourself with 3 singers. Taylor Swift, Melanie Martinez, Doja Cat.
What makes you nervous? Pretty people.
What’s a pet peeve you have? People that are mean to be funny.
What will always make you cry? Show Me Going from Brooklyn Nine Nine, also Grimace being sad and never wanting to have a birthday again bc of the grimace shake trend :[ Tearing up rn thinking about it.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people? It's literally never the same impression. I feel like shy and quiet is probably the main one but sometimes it'll be loud and chaotic, charmismatic and funny, I've also gotten told I'm confident a lot which is wild.
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Treasure ~ I.L. (Part One: Sorry)
A/n: Ah yes, my favorite traumatized werewolf boy who went to France instead of dealing with his emotions lmao-
Request: “26 and 29 with isaac Lahey with Male reader” by anon from this prompt list
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~ A kiss to apologize ~
It had only been two months. Isaac had been so sure that it would be shorter, that it wouldn’t be long at all. He thought he could run away and scream and just take a second and it would be fine. I mean, he and Allison had gotten close. Really close. She was the first person who really formed a relationship with him on a personal level. Derek was the closest he had to another friend, and that relationship had been born out of desperate and a grab for power. Not because he cared about Isaac. And maybe he did now, but Allison had chosen to be his friend first.
Then she had died.
So yeah, he had needed some time to breathe. Some time to think about it and grieve and go insane. He had run off without thinking, needing to be as far away from Beacon Hills as fast as he could. He hadn’t thought about what he was leaving behind.
Or who.
Isaac and Y/n had a complicated relationship. They had dated when they were both human, but then Isaac had been turned into a wolf. Y/n and Stiles had grown close as the only humans in the group, even becoming friends, which had shoved a rift between Isaac and Y/n. Isaac was a lot more aggressive now, with much bigger consequences for his emotions when he lost control. He lashed out one too many times at Stiles, and Y/n had finally called it.
When Isaac had joined Scott’s pack, a lot had changed. Losing Erica and Boyd had changed his attitude a lot, and especially under a new alpha he was having an easier time taking a chill pill and acting with a lot more care. They had grown close again...
It had just been complicated by the fact that Lydia and Y/n had begun dating. In the months that he had been spending with Stiles and therefore Scott and Scott’s pack, Y/n had learned that Lydia was incredibly smart. She had begun to collect traumas like guest prizes on Oprah, and Y/n knew how to help with trauma better than anyone. He was a really nice guy, soft around the edges, emitting brightness from every crack in his armor. Armor that was used and worn down. Beaten up. But armor nonetheless. Y/n had been very different than any of Lydia’s past boyfriends, but they had been a good couple. They had bounced off of each other, and brought out a safety and tenderness in each other that they both craved.
Unfortunately, they both realized that they weren’t looking for this kind of love in each other. They were perfect together and did have a deep attraction, but in all the domesticity and softness, there was an ultimate lack of what they both needed. Y/n had none of the fire and sharp edges that Lydia did, and didn’t understand how to deal with hers. Y/n had never had to deal with knife edges and snapping bites before. Isaac had been soft spoken when they were alone, and even when he was irritated or showing off he was smooth and silky, smirking and swaggering but still tentative in his touches. Y/n didn’t have any of the passion or fire that Lydia so craved. He was too grounded and gentle. She just wanted more.
Honestly, very fair on both of their parts. After realizing that it all boiled down to a contradiction in love languages, they simply part ways as friends and on good terms.
By the time it all boiled over though, and Y/n had been in a place to start dating again, Isaac may have been having a bit of a break down. He and Allison had turned to each other in a line of bad decisions and, both yearning for another person, had slept together. A few times now. But... there was something else there, too. Something pulsing and very real. Wounded, and bleeding, but genuine.
This weird balance between Allison and Scott, Allison and Isaac, and Isaac and Y/n began. When Scott started dating Kira it only got ten fold more complicated.
The mess came completely undone when Allison died. Of all the people she could have turned to, she reached out for Scott. Scott, who was dating someone else, and not Isaac, who had decided to give it all for her and try for something new and work it out. In the end, he had to watch as the girl he had wanted to make something with did not feel the same.
Though, he didn’t blame her. If he was dying... well, he probably would have reached for Y/n.
That didn’t mean he didn’t need space.
Y/n understood. For the first few weeks, he didn’t bug Isaac and waited patiently for him to return so they could sit and talk about what was next. Of course he needed time and space. Of course he needed to feel pain for Allison. Maybe he didn’t want to date Y/n anymore at all. Maybe he didn’t know yet. Y/n just wanted to clarify whatever was going on. What Isaac needed him to be. Y/n had always been Isaac’s go-to comfort, and Y/n needed to be aware of what Isaac needed so he could continue to uphold that mantle.
Then a month passed.
Then two.
Not a single word. Not a letter, or a call, or even a text. Nothing to say he was okay or even cared or thought about Y/n at all. He only even found out where Isaac had gone at all because he had heard it from Chris Argent.
Allison’s dad.
It felt like a slap in the face.
Y/n tried to be understanding. He tried to be patient and put himself in Isaac’s shoes. But... he felt so disposable. He felt like he didn’t matter. Sure, their relationship hadn’t been clear and feelings were all over the place, but Y/n had been there since day one. They had so much history between them. And after all of that, he had to hear that his best friend had left him behind completely and fled to France from said best friend’s sort of girlfriend’s dad?
Like, what the fuck?
Well, now he was back. Only problem? He might have come back too late.
Time had gotten away from him and trying to sort out his emotions with the usual support from his best friend had eventually lead him to realize that all he ever wanted was Y/n. That no matter what happened, or how dark it all got, they could figure anything out together. Now he was facing another problem, sitting in a hospital room as he stared at Y/n.
Y/n had gotten kidnapped in a big fight with some new threat. Tortured too, it seemed. Now he was in a coma, and had been for a few days.
Isaac had been planted in the same chair since he had gotten back to Beacon Hills. He held onto Y/n’s hand, eyes closed and forehead pressed to the inside of Y/n’s elbow. Listening to his heartbeat, intaking deep breaths to try and memorize every detail of Y/n’s scent. He couldn’t stop thinking that if he stopped, he might lose Y/n. That if he blinked or looked away or let go, it would all be over.
He had lost Allison, and he had barely survived that. He would lose himself completely if Y/n died too.
Isaac’s head lifted as he looked up at the boy in the hospital bed. “I’m sorry,” he whispered for what seemed the millionth time. His voice broke and he looked up at the ceiling, blinking tears out of his eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here, Y/n. I’m sorry I was such a fucking idiot. I’m-“ he felt his chest constrict around his heart and his breath caught in his throat. He inhaled deeply, a tear falling down his cheek as he breathed out hard to try and clear the lump in his throat. “God I’m sorry I left, Y/n. I’m sorry I disappeared completely. I’m sorry I shut you out. I just- I didn’t think it was fair to lean on you to mourn her. And-“ he squeezed his eyes shut again, taking a moment to catch his breath as he felt the panic rising, picking up his heartbeat and making it echo in his ears.
After he went through some grounding breathing techniques for a few beats, Isaac opened his eyes again to look at Y/n. He sighed, raising his free hand to wipe away the one wet spot on his face. “I’m sorry,” he tried again. He brought Y/n’s hand to his face, placing a long, slow kiss on the unconscious boy’s knuckles.
While kissing the skin, he cupped the fragile fingers with both of his hands. He held the other boy gently, as if a single movement or tight grip would destroy him. “I’m sorry, Y/n. You deserve better. And if you wanted someone else, I would understand. Just... come back, okay? If not for me, for Scott and Stiles. For Lydia. They all miss you so much - especially Lydia.” He sighed, pressing his lips back to the knuckles. He stayed there for hours.
Isaac didn’t remember falling asleep, but when he felt fingers in his hair, touch gentle as someone ran their hand through his curls again and again, he did realize it was waking him up. He lifted his head, blinking eyes and looking around. The first thing he saw was Y/n looking back.
He was so stunned for a second that Y/n almost laughed at him, before wincing and taking the hand that had been touching Isaac, and moving it to press against about where his broken rib had been. “Hey, Lahey.”
Isaac felt like he couldn’t breathe. Y/n hadn’t called Isaac by his last name in years. They had been so close, so intimate, for so long. It had started that way, with teasing and bantering resulting in them defaulting to last names. But then Y/n had helped him sneak in the back window when Isaac had nowhere else to go, and held him when he woke up screaming from a nightmare. After that, Isaac had made a joke to lighten the mood about them finally getting to a close enough level for Y/n to use his first name. Now it felt like time had come undone, and the years rewound.
Isaac had never felt so lost in his life.
“Hey,” he whispered back. He couldn’t tell from Y/n’s reaction if he had used Isaac’s last name on purpose to mark a distance, or on accident and if he felt guilty about the slip up, but he knew that Y/n had picked up on how being called that made Isaac feel.
Isaac kept waiting for him to address it. But minutes passed, and nothing happened. Nothing was said. Isaac hung his head.
Y/n sighed. “You come back for me in particular or...?” He left the question open ended, prompting an explanation.
“Sort of.” Isaac shrugged. “I came back for you, but I didn’t know you were hurt until I got here.”
“What, after two months?” Y/n’s tone was sharp and Isaac’s eyes closed slowly.
Was he too late?
“I’m sorry,” he whispered weakly after a few more beats of silence.
Y/n didn’t acknowledge the apology. He seemed like he almost wanted to, and was definitely stopping himself from doing it a few times. Another few moments passed before he spoke though, and it was only to say, “You should go, Isaac. I appreciate you staying with me but I’ve just woken up from a very harrowing experience to find that you’re suddenly here after nothing for two months and I’m reeling.”
When Y/n didn’t say anything else, Isaac stood and gathered his things. He paused on his way out the door, turning to look at Y/n with wide eyes full of regret. “Could we talk about it in a while? When you’re... when you can.”
Y/n didn’t look at him. “We’ll see.”
That response made Isaac sick to his stomach. But it was a fair one, if he was honest. As he walked out of the hospital, he tried not to think too much about how he could still feel the way Y/n had run his hands through Isaac’s hair. It hurt to walk away, and it hurt even more not to know what was next, but he knew that this was only the beginning.
Whether it was werewolf senses or just pure regret and anxiety, Isaac had the clear impression that this wasn’t over.
Not yet.
Male readers tag: @stuckoutsideofthebox
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
request: an MC thats very good w playing games or like,,, is proficiently skilled in all game categories or smrhn
alsp hi xander i love ur writing
and can i giv u a kith? if so: mwah 😚
Well I hate to tell ya, sweetie, but I’m not Xander. I’m Jazzy. Hello! I can see why you’d want something written by Xander, though. He’s mad talented (better at this than I am quite frankly) and he’s on the list of people I wish I could write as well as. I guess we can both take a moment to be sad that I’m not Xander… *sigh*... to be Xander… 😔
Oh well, I am who I am and I don’t begrudge that fact. Meanwhile, I’ve wanted to do more shout-outs so everybody go read @sevendeadlymorons! If you’re not… I mean… why not? He’s more than worth your time. In the meantime, I hope I can entertain you despite my not-Xanderness.
Brothers React to an MC Who’s Good at Games and Stuff 
Honestly couldn’t care less about the MC’s game proficiency in most cases. So they’re good at games? Good for them, he’s sure they’re happy.
But when they’re playing against him on the other hand…
Well, Lucifer may or may not be skilled at whatever game you set him on (he’s a very quick learner so never underestimate him), but he’s whole new levels of competitive when he wants to be. ESPECIALLY if he already thinks he’s hot shit at something.
Video games? Not his forte. Table top games? One word for you: Chess.
Lucifer believes that he can and will whip pretty much anyone’s ass in chess. That includes Satan, Solomon, Levi, and even Diavolo. He is at grandmaster level.
So imagine his shock, no, his disdain to have lost a game of chess to the MC… The moment they said "Checkmate" he stared at the board in front of them for a solid five minutes trying to work out where he went wrong…
And he wasn’t having that.
He and the MC now have regular chess matches in which he wins some and loses some so the tally stays pretty evenly tied. Really it’s all good fun... (but if they think he’s going to let them go home when he’s on a losing count, they’re Dead. Wrong. He’ll drag them back to down just to play chess with him until the score is right again. He DOES NOT lose, you hear? 🤨).
Guess who’s found his gambling buddy?? 
No, really. He and the MC can make a KILLING at a Poker or Blackjack table! He’s never seen anyone better at poker than they are!! They have nerves of steel and give nothing away, so he’s lost more than a few hands to them before...
Even past the casinos, they’re perfect for making bets on! He once arranged a Devil Cart competition between the MC and Levi and took bets around RAD for who’d win...
Naturally, everybody assumed the Devildom’s resident Super-Otaku would win hands down, but the MC had this insane last minute save with a blue shell and pulled ahead in the last lap!!
He was like, the only person that bet on the MC and he got soooo much money that MC found HIM crying and hugging a bag of Grimm after the match…
Any time they win a game that gets him money, he’ll treat them like royalty for the next week. Man knows not to bite the hand that feeds him!... and creditors at bay... 😬
It may get slightly annoying that Mammon won't stop telling them about gaming competitions where they can get him more prize money, but hey, at least he's supportive, I guess.
Oh they are either his best friend or mortal enemy… Sometimes both in the same day.
Our boy hates losing, can't stand it any better than Lucifer, you KNOW the second he knows there's someone out there who even has a chance of beating him, he gets serious. This is not a "friendly rivalry," MC.
When they’re playing any game against each other, he'll call them by their gamertag/online persona to keep himself focused (yes, even if they’re playing Monopoly). They can't be his MC right now, they gotta be the person he's going to beat...
He's NOT opposed to dirty tactics to win, either. Saying things that will get them mad or flustered mid-match? Check. Using his tail to distract or tease them? Check. Just being a general nuisance/annoyance in game for the hell of it? Guilty as charged!
He's both a sore winner AND a sore loser, so unfortunately MC, you really can't win here... He'll be obnoxious regardless of the outcome.
However… when they’re on the same team, it's really something special. They don't just destroy the competition, they bulldoze over them like an armored tank barreling through rush hour traffic!
These two are legends in the online gaming community and have even started a streaming channel on the side. Sometimes your worst enemies also make the best allies... Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
Is surprisingly impressed by their gaming prowess. Are they just supremely skilled or incredibly lucky, you think…?
That being said, he's not the biggest gaming man on the planet so he's not too competitive with them one way or the other.
When Satan plays a video game, he usually goes for story-based, single-person experiences anyway so it's not like he could compete with them even if he wanted to.
That being said, they do share an informal challenge of sorts when it comes to puzzle/detective games (a not so guilty pleasure of his). He likes to try and beat the levels first, so when they start playing a new one they'll both compare time spent and scores.
He even enjoys playing those Devildom-style AR murder mystery games with them! It’s pretty cute to watch Satan get into it, he dips into his inner Levi and cosplays as some of his favorite TV drama detectives for the occasion and insists they dress as his co-star (best just go along with him. It’s not a bad time, even if they have to carry around an old tobacco pipe for a few hours).
Good at games? That sounds dangerously like they're another Levi… 🙄 What about party games? Oh oh, or drinking games??
Actually scratch that. How about ANY game while drunk? That sounds pretty fun doesn’t it??
Like Drunk Truth or Dare!! Oh that's a favorite of his… 🤭
To be fair to the MC, the booze does diminish their skills somewhat (because that's kind of what it does in general) but not by all that much… It's pretty impressive.
He once challenged them to a game of Drunk Twister figuring that they'd be too unsteady to actually win for once, but no. If anything, the alcohol must have numbed the stretching pains because they bent over him like a pretzel!
Not that he was complaining or anything… 😏
He likes to take the MC to parties where he knows a game or two will be played just to show off to the crowd and brag that they’re HIS lovely, talented human! You go, MC, beat that competition to a pulp! 😌
Sports count as games too, right? Well, they aren't half bad at those either.
Beel found it surprising that he found a human who could actually keep up with him. His brothers rarely want to play practice games with him anyway so it’s pretty exciting to have a sports partner at home!
He likes to ask the MC to help him train with practice matches or to go over certain moves or maneuvers he’s having trouble with. It’s not uncommon for the brothers to come home and find the two of them tossing a ball around in the front yard or something.
And the both of them on the same team? Forget it. It takes the dream team of Lucifer and Mammon (who aren’t just arguing with each other for once) to even come close to a challenge for them.
He also enjoys playing the occasional video game with them, though he treats it a lot like playing with Levi and just assumes he’ll never win unless he gets lucky - which does happen from time to time.
He doesn’t mind losing that much as long as he’s having fun, and if nothing else he can always win against them in an eating contest… He’s got those on lockdown. Come at’em MC, he’ll pack away an entire fridge before you’re done with your first plate. Try him.
So Belphie enjoys a good game or two - video-based or otherwise - it comes with the lazy-bastard territory. He may not be as skilled as Levi, but he can hold his own in some genres.
But he’s given up on beating the MC looong ago.
Do you know how much practice it would take? How many hours that he would have to use?? The hours where he could be napping instead???  Yeah, no thanks. They can continue to be the reigning Super Smash Devils champion for all he cares.
Buuuut even he has to admit, it’s pretty relaxing to watch the MC play something in the background... There’s a certain sort of satisfaction to watching someone who’s good at a game just play it straight through.
If they’re set up in Levi’s room or the Common area then Belphie may come over, set his pillow up on the floor, and watch them play. He may even throw in a comment or two like, “You missed a health pack,” or “Better save now,” but other than that he likes to just let them do their thing.
The MC has had many an all-nighter with Belphie spectating until about 4am or so. Then he’s dead to the world and they have to work out how to get his not-exactly-light demon ass onto a couch…
Or they can just leave him faceplanted and snoring on the floor. Up to them, really cause he did it to himself. 🤷‍♀️
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Best-friends to Lovers (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: can we get like... a lil fred weasley, you guys are good friends and you don’t usually go back for the holidays, and Fred invites you back to the Burrow to spend the break there and y’all like totally fall for each other 🥺
Warning: None (I switched it up just a tiny bit to where they’ve already developed some feelings but they finally admit them sooo hope you enjoy!)
Word Count: 4.5k
It was a flurry and cold winter night, the kind of night when every breath stings the lungs and every exhale chills the lips. The frigid air, the slippery ground and the sheet of white covering the once green grass. All signs winter was here and cold times were ahead. Even in the highlands of Scotland, the winters were ferosus and unforgiving. You despised the freezing temperature, but Fred was far too convincing and a midnight walk with him was something you couldn’t find the words to turn down.
For the first time in the five years you had spent at Hogwarts, and the five years you had been best friends, you had finally accepted the twins offer on spending Christmas at the Burrow with their family. It was a turn of events in your typical holiday plans which were mostly spent alone at the castle. Your first two years at school you had traveled home for Christmas. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t exactly a ‘jolly’ time either. Family time came few and far between. The sparse time you did spend around your family had grown… awkward. Being the only witch in your family didn’t help much either. As the years dragged on, you felt like a stranger in your own home. Your parents spent their entire year with your younger brother, so he had undoubtedly grown to be the favorite and the prized child. They still loved you of course, it just felt forced to engage with them at times.
So it came as a pleasant surprise when you walked into the Weasley’s home and were engulfed in a warmth you had never known. Molly Weasley was the first to greet you, popping out from the staircase with a shimmering grin. Before you could register what was happening, she pulled you into a bone crunching grip rambling on about how good it was to meet you. Arthur hugged you as well and teased about how much the twins would talk about you, especially Fred. Fred would turn bashful but he didn’t deny it.
Ginny showed you around the house, beating Fred and George to the chance. Molly set up a mattress on the floor next to the youngest Weasley’s bed, something Ginny was over the moon thrilled about. She had been longing for a sleepover with you for years now. Ever since her first term, she followed you around like a little puppy. So your first night at the home, Ginny coerced you into a slumber party immediately.
The twins, mainly Fred, weren’t too happy at this. They were the ones who invited you yet their little sister was stealing all your time. Fred was bitter when you hurried off from dinner to go join Ginny upstairs, not even bidding him a farewell.
George insisted his twin was being dramatic- they had an entire month for Merlin's sake! The feelings his brother developed for you, their best friend, was clear as crystals to George. They both shared a crush on you for the first year at Hogwarts but George’s feelings quickly shifted to a friendship, sister love. Fred on the other hand, well his crush only evolved further. George noticed it the second Fred started combing his hair before dinner and always placing himself the closest towards you. It was a topic they danced around for quite some time. He teased his twin for years until the idea came to him that Fred still felt this way towards you even after years. George had devoted his previous two summers to breaking Fred into admission. All he wanted was to hear his twin confirm his suspicions. Not that he needed that really, other people were beginning to notice as well.
One of them being your temporary roommate. Ginny was a top notch observer. During her second year, she started to catch on to the elephant that followed you and Fred into every room.
That first night, Ginny shed light on her theory by offhandedly making a rather large claim late that first night. While the two of you were chatting softly in the dark, the young girl declared out of the blue,
“I think my brother is in love with you.”
In an instant, your whole body froze over like water on a lake. You were thankful for the dark, it kept Ginny from seeing your wide eyed stare of shock.
It was now you could see her small frame adjusting in her bed. Even with the lack of light, you saw her sitting up on her bed, propping her weight on one elbow. It could be assumed she had a devilish smile as she probed on.
“Fred… pretty sure he’s in love with you.”
“Why, what makes you think that, Ginny?”
“Quite a laundry list of things, actually. First, he never shuts up about you. Second, he’s always trying to be around you. Third, he’s always staring at you… bit creepy. Fourth, he’s told our nanna about you! Lastly, and most obvious, I heard him telling George right before school started.”
Laying back down, you fixed your eyes on the ceiling taking in her words. Does your best friend really share the same feelings for you? It was too good to be true, it couldn’t be true, you thought. This kinda stuff only happened in the movies and your life definitely was not a film gracing the silver screen. The butterflies went rampant in your stomach, fluttering about wildly. For a moment, you had forgotten Ginny was there, or that you were in her room, until she spoke again.
“So, what do you think of him?” She asked innocently. Tugging the fluffy blue blanket closer to your chest you replied,
Ginny wasted no time and reached over to flicker the light switch on her bedside lamp. A bright light broke through the pitch black darkness of the bedroom. You groaned at the act but Ginny spoke over your sounds of protest.
“Are you in love with Fred?”
Running your hand over your face, you let out a sigh. It was getting too late to be thinking about such heavy topics. You had a great friendship with Ginny, you really did, but if you couldn’t even deal with these emotions on your own, you really didn’t want to throw your thoughts on her.
Turning over on the mattress, you rolled your eyes.
“Ginny, I’m not even dating Fred.”
“But you want to.” She confirmed stubbornly.
“I mean… I-I don’t know, Ginny. Can we talk about something else, please?” You wanted to hide under a blanket and avoid the question for all of eternity. She had caught you off guard and although the feelings you felt towards Fred were strong, it wasn’t something you felt ready to face yet. It wasn’t easy being in love with your best friend- there was so much risk, so much to lose if things went south. You settled on keeping Fred as a friend rather than gamble the option of rejection and a change in your relationship forever.
Ginny perked her brow, opened her mouth as if ready to rebuttal, then deciding against it. The corner of her tip twitched to a smirk as she replied,
“Hmm, okay.”
The topic was dropped for the rest of the night as Ginny went to bed shortly after, but it wasn’t completely over. From then on, you began noticing the constant little redhead attached to your coattails. You noticed each time Fred shooed his sister off and demanded she find something better to do. He was edging closer and closer to his point of eruption. This break was supposed to be time for him to spend alone with you and finally confess his feelings. Not Ginny being your shadow and George tagging along for every outing.
Now on your walk almost a week later, your mind hadn’t stopped wandering to that conversation. Ginny hadn’t brought it up again, at least not vocally. During breakfast the next morning after your talk while you're placed between Fred and George joking around with them, she’ll send you knowing looks, giggling to herself. Harry started to pick up on this as well and you noticed Ginny whispering to him afterwards. It didn’t help that Fred would take any opportunity he could to make you laugh and be in your presence.
Last night you found yourself sitting in front of the fireplace with George, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Fred. A steaming mug of hot cocoa was clutched in everyone’s hand. After about an hour of talking softly and sharing stories, Ginny, Ron and Harry decided to call it a night and trudged up the stairs together. You waved to them as they disappeared up the wooden steps, the sound off their feet turning quieter with every second.
As the three of you sat closely, it felt like you were back at Hogwarts in the common room. George was gushing about a Muggle film you had shown him earlier in the day and Fred was silently listening in, a small smile kissing his lips. You were sat at Fred’s side, your backs against the couch and his arm thrown casually around your shoulder. George was laid on the smaller couch across from the two of you, rambling on to himself. As his talking continued, Fred slowly worked to move your body closer to his and nearly in his lap. He did it so naturally you almost failed to notice. The loud, booming tone of George simmer out within minutes. His voice seemed to sooth him into a slumber as his harsh snores suddenly cut through the air, having talked himself to sleep. This caused the both of you to start laughing. Fred’s arm gripped you tighter as his body shook with chuckles. The sensation sent an odd shiver down your spine. It felt… nice, really really nice to be in his arms.
Fred wondered if now was the time. It was the first chance he had gotten alone with you for almost a week, so there was a good probability he wouldn’t get another for a while. He needed to make a move, something at least! Fred hated not having the bravery like the Gryffindor he was to fess up and spit out the words to describe how he felt about you. Closing his eyes, Fred took a deep breath then peeked his gaze open once more. The nerves had calmed and for the first time, he felt ready and he knew he had to act on it. But as he looked down at you, all the confidence had vanished with one glance. His throat dried as your eyes met and a faint precipitation budded in his palms. All the words he had been rehearsing for a year now simply slipped out the back door.
You took note of the ghost white paleness that took over and immediately sat up, removing yourself from his arms to ask,
“You alright, Freddie?” The concern dripped from your words as you examined the face of your best friend. His eyes were lowered, glued to the flickering flames of the crackling fire.
“Of course, love. I’m sorry, was just thinking.”
“Aw, Freddie, we talked about this. You know thinking is no good for you- you’re brain can’t handle it, darling!” Fred’s heart leaped at the adorning pet name. Only recently had you started calling him more loving names, and it drove him absolutely mad. No girl could ever get his heart racing with just one word like you could. He loved hearing such names coming from your mouth, and directed to him. There was only one name he would die to call you and that was his.
“Can I take you for a walk, love?” The request came abruptly, completely out of the blue. Your eyes widen at his question. Any other time you’d say yes without a second thought. Although, it was late and the land was not a territory you were familiar with like Hogwarts.
Your eyes fell on the window behind the couch. Large white snowflakes swirled from the sky and coated the grounds. The heavy black winter jacket you packed was hung up neatly by the door, not having been touched for at least a day.
Turning your attention back to Fred, you realized his eyes were already trained on your face. At your glance, a hopefully smile reached his cheeks.
“It’s nearly midnight I… actually, why not? Sure. But if we run into any wolves, I’m sacrificing you to them, Weasley.” He laughed at your response and quickly jumped up. You set your hands to your side, readying yourself to stand when suddenly, Fred’s large hands attached to your sides and lifted you up to your feet. You stumbled trying to gain balance but once again, Fred was right there to help you.
Unexpectedly, his left hand extended out and intertwined his fingers in yours. Just as you had predicted, his touch was warm, addicting in a way. It set off a pool of security and protection. Instead of fearing what may lie in the open land outside his house, you trusted Fred.
The tall boy walked you towards the door and pulled your long coat from the hook then threw it around your body. You slipped your arms into the fuzzy material as he yanked his heavy jacket on. Watching the never ending snowfall outside, you worked your hands into the black mittens you had stored in the coat pockets. You hoped it wasn’t as bone chilling outside as it looked.
“Here, I think you might need this, love. You can use my scarf too if you’d like. Don’t want you freezing to death, that’d be hard to explain to George and the rest of our friends.” Fred placed an extra winter hat of his on top of your head. Heat slapped your cheeks at his movements. Fred was commonly sweet towards you but lately, he had been extra sweet. Small gestures here and there were adding up and raising a bit of questions in your mind.
You knocked Fred jokingly on the shoulder and remarked,
“Reckon they’ll send you to Azkaban for that one. I’m a saint, everyone loves me, Fred.” You teased him playfully before accepting his offer with a thank you. Instead of handing you the maroon and gold striped scarf, Fred leaned forward and wrapped it snug around your neck. Once finished, his fingertip tapped against the tip of your nose, grinning to himself.
“You’re not wrong about that. We should get going though. The killer trolls will rise from the ground soon!”
“Knock it off!” You scolded him in a hushed tone, careful not to wake his sleeping family as you chased out of the house after him. Running down the steps, you saw Fred waiting near the car for you. There was an open path behind the car, a makeshift road but the kids used it for a walking guide.
He motioned you over waving exaggeratedly.
“C’mon, darling! You’re taking forever.” Fred moaned on dramatically as he waited for you to catch up to him.  
“It’s freezing out here, be patient.” You waddled over to his side and stood close to his frame, egar for warmth. Fred took in your shaking body and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tugged you towards his side.
Snowflakes landed on your eyelashes, conflicting your view. Despite the coldness of the winter air, the landscape was beautiful. There were miles and miles of open plains on all ends of the Burrow. In a way, they were isolated, but the atmosphere was live with activity. It was impossible to be bored when the Weasley siblings were around. There was so much to do, in an exploring sense. You had never felt so free, so open before. It was refreshing to spend time at Weasley's home. As the two of you walked together in the crunchy snow, Fred pointed to a large field, a makeshift pitch if you had to guess.
“Charlie and Bill taught George and I how to play Quidditch over there the summer after our first year. Percy hated playing with us! We’d all gang up on him- even if he was on our team- and try to knock him off his broom. I don’t think he’s played with us since! You would’ve died of laughter seeing how angry he got.” You watched as Fred’s features scrunched in laughed at the memory. His contagious chuckles infected you as you laughed along. It was a recollection you could imagine perfectly, even if you weren’t there. Percy was an easy target but he had done it to himself so there wasn’t much room for blame.
Shrugging your shoulders you said,
“I would say poor Percy but he turned me in for being out past curfew so, I’m proud of you, Fred.”
“Sounds like him, just try being related to him. He runs to our parents for everything! Every. Little. Thing. It’s infuriating.” Your cheeks began to sting from smiling so much, but when you were around Fred, it was a given. He had an affect on you that no one else seemed to earn. Even when you were on the brim of tears, Fred always found a way to bring a grin to your face.
But still, you thought about Ginny’s words and the change in Fred throughout your years as friends. Nights were lost tossing and turning over the thought of that prankster redhead who had occupied all your notions.
Lifting your hand up slightly, you grabbed for Fred’s gloved hand. He gladly accepted your gesture and squeezed on your hand as you continued to walk further from the home. Fred’s attention soon dropped as his consciousness drifted once again. Pursing your lips you drew him out.
“Freddie, what’s on your mind? You’ve been different since we got here. I mean, it’s not a bad different. It’s just… something is different with you and you’re my best friend so I wanna know.”
Fred’s eyes snapped up at your concerning voice and the startled expression met yours. This was definitely not a common act for Fred. Your mind raced at the possibility of what it could be but luckily, Fred didn’t make you wait long for an answer.
His pace slowed, but his feet still dragged in the powdered flakes holding your hand. You wanted to hear him speak so bad although you respected the time he needed and waited in silence as you continued to walk. It didn’t take long for Fred to shatter the thin air,
“Can I ask you a serious question? Like one that could change everything.”
“You can ask me anything, Fred. You know this. It won’t change a thing.” You replied seriously. Fred could hear the truthfulness in your words and it calmed him, only a little though. The looming fear, and reality, of rejection was becoming all too real. Even worse than rejection, Fred had a feeling if he didn’t take his chance now, he might never have the opportunity again.
“Do you see me only as a best friend?” The nervousness in his voice broke the peace of the air. Your feet halted at the cavalier inquest. Fred had asked quite the offhand questions before but this, this was new. Mentally attempting to connect the pieces, you tilted your head in confusion.
“Freddie…” The mummer was faint, almost failing to register from your lips. The Burrow was still in near distance and the moonlight provided enough light to search Fred’s face. You weren’t sure what to make of the inquiry exactly, but your heart race excelled in anticipation.
Fred Weasley shifted in the crystalline snow. His hands were shoved deep in his coat pockets and his legs bounced in his stance. You knew him well enough to see the contemplation written across his features.
“Y/n I really really like you. I promise this isn’t a joke or some prank. If you don’t feel the same I can find a way to accept it but I don’t wanna lose you in my life. I just can’t hold it in anymore. It’s been five years of tortue now and… I just needed to get it out, love. I think I might be falling in love with you- if I haven’t already.” As Fred poured his heart out openly, the dripping snowfall ceased all together. It was magically in a sense. The loud slush was now quiet, almost like drizzling rain. His gingerbread eyes were studied upon you, waiting for any sort of reaction to surface. You just gazed up at him scavenging for the perfect words to spill your emotions.
“You’ve liked me for five years?” You asked, stunned. That was impossible. All this time you had spent crushing on Fred and admiring him, stuck in the friendzone, you could’ve just talked to him and been honest. Fred’s eyes darted back to his house then to you anxiously.
“Yeah. I’ve just been too scared to tell you. I don’t want it to ruin our friendship, that’s the last thing I could take.”
Your heart dropped at his words. It was funny in a way, he had the same fears as you. In the same way, you felt guilty for putting him through the same torture you had been going through the last few years as well.
With a surge of confidence, you snapped your head up to Fred and quickly remarked,
“Will it ruin our friendship if I think I’m in love with you too?”
The stillness in the air was unreadable at first. Your gazes trained intently on each other. The uplift gleamed in Fred when he took in your words. All his fears went away like the swish of a wand.
Half out of adrenaline, the other half out of want for years of desire, Fred took one step forward and closed the small gap of space between the two of you by pressing his lips tightly against yours. His hands rested on your face, and the small of your back to keep you steady. This you were thankful for this as his quick actions took you by shock nearly knocking you off your feet.
Your left hand drew up to his hair, finding a tight grip in his shoulder length locks, something you’d been dreaming about doing. The kiss intensified as you indulged in the lock and pressed closer to Fred. Your mouths moved together as if snogging was naturally with you two.
Your lungs demanded air after a few minutes and you slowly pulled away from Fred’s lips and leaned away to regain your composure. You could hear Fred panting at your side, also processing what just took place. Your hands never left each other’s and he suddenly squeezed yours to earn your attention. A genuine look crosses Fred’s face as he whispered into the cold air,
“Can I ask you to be my girlfriend now or do you want me to woo you over on a date first?” His sweet words nearly melted your heart. As easy as you were to please when it came to Fred, this heartwarming exchange felt like the perfect night to declare as a first outing.
“I think I’ll count this as our first date, it was quite romantic.”
Fred rolled his eyes with a smirk. It made him happy that you weren’t demanding or the snotty type. He loved that the small things made you glow with happiness. Even with this, he was still mentally planning a date to take you on before break ended. Although you still had yet to answer his big question.
“So does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” You had to swallow back a laugh as you realized you never officially answered Fred. Despite your kiss, he still looked worried you’d turn him away. Shaking your head with a smile you replied,
“Yes, I won’t make you beg anymore.”
Fred wasted no time snatching you by the waste and giving you a small twirl around the snow. A yelp sounded from your lips and you hoped it wasn’t loud enough to wake anyone sleeping at the Burrow. Fred chuckled at your protests and placed you down delicately. Placing his hands on either side of your face, the joyful Gryffindor snogged you lightly, but his passion still seeped through.
“Merlin’s beard, can’t believe it took my stupid arse five years to ask you out. I could’ve been kissing you years ago!”
“Guess we were both missing out. Feel dim for thinking I was going to ruin everything between us if I told you how I felt. But I’m so happy, Freddie.”
“Here, darling,” His gloved hand jerk back to the house, “We oughta head back, now. Mum will kill me if she finds out we were out this late! She thinks you’re an angel so you’ll be fine but I’ll be six feet under by dawn. I can’t wait for morning, though. I can finally brag to everyone that you’re mine, love.” His lips pressed against yours again, desperate to relive the spark and it did not disappoint. Kissing Fred felt natural, like you melted into the embrace. Your lips molded in sync, matching up like magnets. His tongue drew a line across your bottom lips as he kissed you deeper.
Coming back to earth you detached from Fred with a light ‘smack’ noise. Neither of you could wipe the childlike grins off your faces. His plump cheeks turned crimson in the night. Unable to shake off the excitement of the night’s events, you leaned into Fred’s body, giving him a tight hug. He returned the embrace instantly and left a long kiss to the top of your head.
Leaning away, you planted one last kiss to Fred’s cheek then held his hand as you two walked towards his home. The light at the top of the Burrow, assumingly Fred and George's room was turned on. Brightness shone from the window and you pointed up at the sight. The house was only feet away and you started to wonder what George would think of the news.
It could be assumed he wouldn’t be shocked. George spent the last year making comments to you here and there, prying in on you and Fred. Ginny of course wouldn’t be too blown away either, but what about Ron and Harry?
Fred already knew what their reactions would be. He knew without a doubt all of your friends would be thrilled, but no one would be too taken aback by your new relationship. It seemed the only two students who were oblivious to your shared feelings, were Fred and yourself.
“You think they’ll be surprised to hear we’re dating?” You wondered out loud. Fred swung your hand in a back and forth motion as you approached the front porch of the house. Your question obtained a chuckle from Fred as he shook his head,
“Not one bit, love.”
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garbinge · 2 years
My Best Girl (5/?)
Summary: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts fell in love as teenagers and had a kid, Maxine Stark, who would grow up to be a bio engineer. Here she was, now an adult and learning how to navigate the world she wanted to live in, as well as the one her father lived in. Enjoy these slices of life moments that happen throughout different periods of time along the MCU timeline. 
Pairings: Tony Stark!Dad x OC Maxine Stark Steve Rogers x OC Maxine Stark (romantic pairing)
Chapter Index
TW: alcohol, angst, canon-level violence, cursing. 
A/N: hiiii friends. had most of this sitting in my google docs for a while and just got the motivation and inspo to finish it up. This is one of my favorite scenes from all the avengers movies because it’s just so nice seeing them ~live life~ lol. I love these two so FUCKING much. Like they take up such a big part of my heart. Hope you enjoy this little chapter, let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Word Count: 3.7k words
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May 2nd 2015
The party at the Avengers tower was lively and loud. Close to 200 people were invited and that meant 300 people showed up. Tony wasn’t a stranger to these types of events, but it was out of his element not having Pepper there to help coordinate. Luckily Happy and Rhodey along with some of the maintenance staff really helped pull everything together. 
“Where are the ladies?” Agent Hill joked. 
“Pepper is off running a billion dollar company” Tony bragged. 
“Jane is in some country or other. I believe she was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize.” Thor tried to one up Tony. 
“and I’m right here.” Max’s voice chimed from behind them. 
“Ah! My girl!” Tony cooed and wrapped his free arm around the girl as he lifted the other one with a drink in it. 
Rhodes smiled at the girl he considered a niece. “Good to have you around, Max.” 
“Yes, little Stark. It is a pleasure.” Thor smirked knowingly and corrected himself. “Max.” He lifted his drink and tucked his head a little to cheers her and apologize. 
“What no galas, conventions or lab research tonight?” Tony said looking at his daughter who used those excuses many times in the past. 
“I’m actually wrapping up my research for a bit so I can go along with about 7 other engineers and doctors to Sokovia.” She took a sip of her own drink hoping Tony didn’t flip out. 
“What’s in Sokovia?” Rhodes asked, seemingly interested.
“About 100 amputees and thousands of underserved people who could benefit from the research we’ve already conducted. We unfortunately won’t be giving them restorative or regenerated limbs just yet but some will be a part of a trial while others we plan to provide them with advanced level prosthetics. I, personally, will be conducting the trials.” She explained. 
Thor’s eyes widened in astonishment along with Rhodey while Agent Hill smiled. 
Tony turned to the group, “My daughter, the helper.” He smiled knowing he had out done Thor. 
“I’ll be making my rounds just wanted to say hi to dad.” Max interrupted their testosterone fest. She gave a quick kiss to her father as she slipped away into the crowd, starting conversations with the next group of people on her list of rounds. 
Sam and Steve were walking up the stairs to the second floor of the party having a small conversation about this and that. As they reached the railing they began looking around at the party below them. It was out of both of their elements. Sam, who just entered into this life while Steve was still adapting to life out of the 40s.
Steve’s eyes traveled the room seeing all of his friends interacting and drinking, laughing and having a good time. His glance came to a halt when he saw her. The first thing catching his attention was her laugh. That fucking laugh. It gave him goosebumps hearing it again, along with flashbacks to the night they last spent together. Followed up by the rejection she gave him, which he was understanding of, but he’d lie if he said it didn’t hurt. 
The second thing he noticed was the small band of color in her hair that most would miss at a glance, but not Steve. It was a signature for her. Then his eyes moved to the all black outfit she had on. A black tank top with lace peeking through tucked into black jeans. In a sea full of women who were in dresses, men in suits, she stood out while fitting in perfectly. 
“You find a place in Brooklyn yet?” Sam’s voice brought Steve back to the moment in front of him. 
 “I don’t know if I can afford a place in Brooklyn.” Cap laughed. 
“Yea,” Sam chuckled. “But hey, home is home.” 
The comment made Steve move his eyes back over to the girl. The words Sam said repeated in his head until he decided to pull himself away and join Thor with a couple of the veterans Tony invited. 
They began shooting the shit, talking, and drinking. Typical party behavior. Thor brought out a flask of liquor from Asgard for him and Steve, pouring it into their cups. 
“Hello boys. Saving some for me?” Max’s voice caused Steve to look back where she was standing. He thought it’d be awkward, since the last time he saw her was that night. But he should’ve known better that Max wasn’t one to make anything weird. 
“This is not a drink for mortal men.” Thor boomed with a smile. “Or women.”
“I’ll try my luck.” Her confidence was bold. 
Thor nodded and gave the girl a healthy amount of the drink, but not nearly the amount he gave to Steve or himself. 
“So little Stark, how have you been?” Thor asked now that he was able to really converse with the girl. 
“Alright, you know just working.” She shrugged. 
“You’re telling me, with your young life, your Stark life, you aren’t out having any fun?” Thor rolled his eyes. 
Maxine’s eyes darted to Steve with a devilish glare, and then back to Thor. “Trust me, Thor. I have my share of fun.” Her hand raised to his arm as she leaned over and placed the finished drink in front of him. “Plenty of it.” 
With that, she walked away to the railing and looked out over the party, much like Steve was earlier.
“That girl is trouble.” Thor laughed, finishing his own drink. “But she’s wildly smart.” He looked over at Steve. “Apparently she’s going to Sokovia to heal their people.” 
Steve looked at Thor with a frown. “I thought she was working on that regenerative health project.” 
“She’s taking that research and applying it over there, or something of that sort.” Thor briefly explained before he excused himself to sit on the couch.
Steve’s eyes moved over to the rail where the girl was now hunched over, not standing straight like before. He immediately made his way over to her. 
“You alright?” He quickly moved his hand around her waist to help her stand up properly. 
 “I don’t feel so hot.” She said, gripping her hand around his shoulder to keep her balanced and standing. 
“Alright, come on, I’ll get you some water.” He said maneuvering her against him so they looked normal side by side as they walked down the stairs. 
“Don’t tell Thor.” She laughed as she clung to his side. “Or Tony.” She laughed again. 
Steve chuckled at her comments. “I wouldn’t dare.” He plopped her onto the bar stool as he went to go get water for the girl across the bar. 
She sipped the water and it brought life back into her. “So I guess he was right that stuff isn’t meant for us average women.” 
“If you were to ask me you’re anything but average.” Steve said, sipping a beer he grabbed, still standing behind the counter. 
“Are you flirting with me, Captain?” Max’s eyes opened a bit wider as her lips pressed against the bottle of water and she wiggled her eyebrows. 
“Just stating facts, is all.” 
There was a brief silence where the two just stared at each other for a minute before Steve spoke up. 
“Heard you’re going to Sokovia.” 
“Word travels fast around here. Tony’s learning from Pepper’s PR skills.” Max sighed. “I leave technically tomorrow.” 
“Happy for you.” Steve kept his thoughts and comments short and brief not wanting to come off too strong. He did already flirt with her. 
“Yea, I can see the happiness all over your face.” Max could read Steve like a book. 
“It’s not that.” Steve shook his head. “I just don’t want you to think I’m coming on too hard.” 
“I haven’t heard from you in over two years, Rogers.” Max shook her head. “If that’s you coming onto me, things were really different in the 40’s.” 
Before Steve could respond he was being called over to a group of people. 
“I’ll be right back.” He said with sympathetic eyes. 
“I’ll be right here.” She moved her arms across the table. 
The minute he had his back turned the girl was leaning over the table, grabbing herself a beer without waiting for the bartender to return. The action itself earned her a very awkward and uncomfortable conversation from someone who liked her “boldness” and “not like other girls” vibe. 
The man moved his hand up to touch the girl's bare arm when she jerked it away. As she jerked back, about to go off on the man, she felt another set of arms wrap over her shoulders. 
“Hey Rumlow, thanks for keeping my girl company over here.” Steve was towering over the man while holding Max close. “But I got it from here. Why don’t we get out of here, Stark?” He looked down at the girl and back to Rumlow who was standing there with annoyance in his eyes until he heard the word Stark. 
“Stark?” He looked at the girl. “Maxine Stark. Bio Engineer and daughter to Tony Stark.” She smiled and wrapped her other hand around Steve so she was engulfed in a hug with him. 
“Excuse me.” Rumlow properly left as the two moved upstairs. 
“I thought you were trying not to come on too hard.”
“I thought you didn’t feel too hot.” Steve pointed to the beer. 
The Avengers, Agent Hill and Max were now all gathered in the upstairs lounge scattered across the multiple couches. The party had died down and it was just them relaxing and having a good night. Max was sitting on the floor leaning next to Cap’s leg, back to drinking like normal. 
They began joking about Thor’s hammer, all of them claiming they would wield the weapon. 
“Little Stark?” Thor pointed to the hammer. “I doubted you once today, but seemingly the liquor didn’t affect you too hard.” He frowned. 
She smiled and squeezed Steve’s calf as she responded. 
“What can I say, I'm not your average woman. But I think I’ll sit out the King Arthur moment, thanks.”
“Steve?” Thor questioned and the man got up. He took a couple seconds to roll up his sleeves. 
“Go ahead Steve, no pressure.” Tony said sarcastically. 
“Whoo, bring it home, Cap.” Max clapped as she adjusted her position. 
Steve gripped hard and for a half of a half second the hammer seemed to wiggle slightly but no such luck lifting it. Steve lifted his hands in surrender and walked back to his seat where Max settled in against his leg again. 
“That shit is rigged.” Tony said annoyed. 
“Steve, he said a bad language word.” Agent Hill joked. 
“Did you tell everyone about that?” Steve asked Tony with a hint of annoyance and humor in his tone. 
“You did the bad word thing again?” Max looked up at him. 
“Oh this is common behavior?” Agent Hill lifted her eyebrows. 
“In D.C. he did the same thing to me when–” Max realized she let out too much information but it was too late to go back now. “When I dropped my coffee.” She lied straight out of her teeth. She felt Steve tense up underneath her and she quickly moved off of him. 
A couple eyes moved to Tony as the tension filled the room. “You two hung out in D.C., huh?” He asked now standing versus sitting. 
“I ran into him at Starbucks before the Biotech Convention.” Max answered calmly, trying to keep her voice level. 
“Interesting.” Tony said, turning back to Bruce and Clint who he was talking with a couple seconds prior. 
A loud shrieking noise that hit everyone's ears caused the conversation to come to an immediate halt. An ominous voice was heard by the doors that caused them all to settle down. A rogue robot came from the shadows, dripping oil on the ground and it’s wires sparking. Everyone stood up slowly, getting in a stance of defense. 
“Stark.” Steve called out to Tony as he pushed Max behind him. 
The robot started talking about it’s plan, the reason for its purpose, and how it had killed someone. 
“You killed someone?” Steve stepped forward again, still keeping his hand behind him to shield Max. 
“Dad.” Max called out to Tony who was frantically on his phone and remote trying to deactivate the robot. 
Robots began flying out from every corner of the room. Steve quickly thinks on his feet, literally, by kicking a table at them which ended up sending him and Max backwards. He grabbed the woman in the air pulling her so she’d fall on him and just as they hit the ground he pushed her under a table and immediately jumped onto one of the robots in the air. 
Max wasn’t one to sit idle while the heroes played. She crawled to one of the tiles she knew held internal wiring and smashed the glass container open, exposing them. She quickly dissected which wire did what before cutting down a couple wires with the knife she kept on her. This powered down two of the robots but it confused her why it didn’t shut down what she thought was Jarvis completely. 
As she got up she was met face to face with a suit that was cut in half, it’s hand up ready to blast her through the window, which if the hit didn’t kill her, the fall down 81 floors would. The robot scanned the girl’s face and said the girl's name.
“Maxine Stark. Not a threat but related to the threat.” 
Before it could finish it’s statement, Steve was taking it apart with his bare hands. 
The remaining robots were put down by the Avengers, the last one standing was Ultron. Max quickly ran to her father’s side to help him up off the ground, assessing his wounds as Ultron continued talking.  
“I’m fine.” Tony waved her off and made his way over to Ultron.
Max moved back over behind Cap, she hated being afraid but when you were going up against artificial intelligence, having no super powers per say made you a pretty easy target. Her arm reached up to grab Steve’s bicep as she hid behind him. It was an act of nerves but also to let him know she was there. His head turned to look, giving her a glance over before he turned his attention back to the robot. 
“There is only one path to peace…The Avenger’s Extinction.” 
With that, Thor’s hammer was being thrown through the air and the collision of that against the suit had clanked extremely loud, causing Max to jump and grip onto Steve even harder. His hand instinctually pushed her completely behind him and he brought his shield up to protect them both from any debris, even though he would have easily taken debris to the face to protect Max. 
After the initial shock of the noise was gone, Steve was looking at Thor in disappointment almost, probably wishing he had a couple more seconds to ask a few more questions to the threatening suit. 
Steve quickly turned around and looked at the girl making sure there were no marks on her, and she shook him off. 
“I’m fine, Cap.” she smiled and squeezed his hand. And while that was true, it didn’t stop Steve from wiping the small amount of blood that had dripped down her face from a miniscule cut. It wasn’t a big deal, in fact, it honestly could’ve happened anywhere, anyhow. But Steve knew how it happened and that boiled his blood. 
The group of them gathered in Tony’s lab. There was tension, there were arguments. All their work was gone, Ultron cleared them out. Between that, the fight, the fact Tony went behind their backs, and the chance that the evil AI could access nuclear codes, it was all just a lot to take in. Max was now in an oversized hoodie, hair up and out of her face, a butterfly bandage over the cut, which was an over exaggeration but insisted on by Tony, Cap, and Natasha. She was looking over the computers with Bruce, trying to dissect exactly what happened and what was next. 
“He said he wanted us dead.” Natasha explained. 
“He didn’t say dead, he said extinct.” Steve said, hands resting on his hips. A tell-tale sign that he was angry. “He also said he killed somebody.” 
“There wasn’t anyone else in the building,” Agent Hill spoke up as she patched up her foot. 
“Yes there was.” Tony spoke for the first time since they entered the lab, throwing up JARVIS’ AI program to the hologram. 
Max gasped. It was a weird feeling, while JARVIS wasn’t a real human, he had been a part of her life for a large portion of it. He was family. And now, he was gone. 
Bruce and Max stood over the hologram, Bruce more so taking it all in while Max was looking around figuring out if there was anything salvageable, anything they could do to bring any trace of JARVIS back. 
“JARVIS was the first line of defense.” Cap understood as his arms crossed against his chest. “He would have shut Ultron down.” 
“No, Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn’t strategy, this is rage.” Bruce answered. 
“There’s gotta be a way to bring him back?” Max was now crouched down looking at the bottom trying to piece together something. 
“Not worth your time.” Tony barked, causing Max to stand up, a little hurt. 
Max was going to snap back to him but Thor was stomping his way into the lab and over to the older Stark, grabbing him by his neck and holding him up in the air. 
A squeal left Max’s mouth and out of habit she went to help her father. While she understood Thor’s rage, she couldn’t condone it. 
Steve stepped in quickly, leaving Max to tend to her dad, who brushed her off again as he stepped back up to Thor explaining how the situation was funny. A hoot even. Classic Stark way of trying to prove that they’re right and everyone else can’t see the bigger picture. 
“Dad. Maybe we should cool down.” Max said. 
Tony laughed and turned around. “You’re out of here. Next flight out, that’s where you are, in fact I’ll get you a Private Jet, no waiting around, you’re gone.” 
Steve was quick now to defend the girl, but in his own way. 
“The avengers were supposed to be different than SHEILD.” Steve stepped closer to Tony. 
That was one thing that would never get old to Max, the fact that Rogers was never scared to stand up to her father. For her, for himself and for the greater good. She appreciated that. 
After a few more back and forths, Steve bringing the hope to the conversation, mentioning they’ll deal with it together and they’ll lose together if it came to that, Tony walked out. 
Steve approached Max, now that half the room had dispersed. 
“You alright?” His hand reached up to touch the cut on her face but so lightly it almost tickled her. Max’s eyes closed as she leaned into his touch. 
“I’m fine.” She hummed. 
“I don’t just mean the cut, I mean you.” Steve let his hand drop as he looked down at the girl. 
“That was nothing, trust me. Tony and I have a complicated father daughter relationship, and in all honesty that was one of our more calmer toe to toes.” Max explained. 
Steve nodded, not believing it but not going to push her since she’d been through a lot tonight. 
“So what’s your plan? You can set up in my room at the tower if you want? Get some rest, I can take one of the spare rooms, no problem.” Steve kindly offered. 
Max felt her heart grow a size but was quick to make it go back to normal size. 
“Thank you, really, but no.” She took a deep inhale. “I’m on a flight to Sokovia. 1AM. Technically tomorrow, remember? That was always the plan. Dad knew that but if he can throw something in my face and make it seem like his idea, he can’t miss out on that opportunity.” She chuckled and looked down at her feet. 
“You’re going to go back to work?” Steve worrily asked. 
“I’m a Stark, remember?” Her eyes met his, and she wiggled her eyebrows to ease the tension. 
Steve wanted to argue it but he knew he wouldn’t win, so he figured he’d take the sweeter approach, “It was good to see you.” 
“It was good to see you. Don’t go that long without talking to me again.” She pointed at him. 
Steve laughed and nodded. “I can take you to the airport if you want?” Now he was just reaching for any excuse to elongate their goodbye, any opportunity to get one more minute with the girl. 
“Max, let’s go, Happy’s downstairs, he’s got your bags packed.” Tony had reentered the lab to inform the girl and waved the tablet in the air that showed Happy waiting in the first floor lobby. 
“I’m coming.” She said in a normal tone as he exited again leaving the two of them now completely alone in the room with the large amount of tension between them. 
Their eyes stared at each other and Max decided to break through the wall of tension in a split second and hug the man. “Thanks for everything today.” The hug was over just as fast as it began. Steve was practically reaching out to reconnect the hug, to feel the girl in his arms again but she was already walking out of the lab. 
Steve stole one more glance at her hoping to catch her smile one last time, before turning around defeated, which is exactly when Max looked back over her shoulder trying to steal one more look at him before leaving but also feeling defeated as he was already with his back to her.
That was typical for the two of them, though. Right place, wrong time. Right time, wrong place. All in all…just missing the opportunity, yet again, that potentially could have changed their lives.
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sfb123 · 3 years
I just read your drunk Liam fic and I just HAD to send you some prompts!!! From the prompt list you hyperlinked 9, 16, and 17 maybe? (Preferably liamxriley) pretty plz?* insert puppy dog eyes🥺*
Well… since you inserted puppy dog eyes…
I wanted to try to incorporate all three of these into one story, which actually worked out really well. Then, the issue came of how to make that apply to Liam and Riley. Luckily, my current binge obsession is the 90′s sitcom Mad About You, and there was an episode the other night that set a lightbulb off in my head, so this fic is loosely based on that episode. 
“We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“You need a lift?”
(Prompt pulled from this list. Feel free to send me more!)
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Word Count: 1,431
Warnings: Adult language, mild innuendo
A/N: Thank you @phoenixrising308 for pre-reading. Your kindness and support are unparalleled, and I love you dearly. 
Also a thank you to @txemrn​ for dealing with my unnecessary back and forth about this moodboard. I ended up going with it, even though we were both so wishy washy about it. 
A/N 2: This is my third prompt story this week, I’m going to take a break and quietly write by myself for a while. I’ll continue to work on the asks I have received, and please please feel free to send more. I’m having so much fun! I just don’t want to bombard you all, so I’m going to start pacing my posting. When I finish a piece, I just get so excited when I finish something that I want to show you all so badly! 
Liam and Riley sat across from each other at the table, sharing the piece of cake that sat between them. They were in New York visiting Riley’s family for a few days, and her mother had insisted that Eleanor spend the night, so the royal couple was taking full advantage of their child-free night, wrapping up the evening with dinner at one of Riley’s favorite restaurants. 
“Hey, check that out.” Riley tipped her head toward the bar, where a man was approaching a woman who was sitting alone at the bar. “He’s going to shoot his shot and try to pick her up.”
“How do you know?” Liam asked, watching as the woman nodded, the man immediately sitting down beside her. 
“I worked in a bar long enough, I can read the body language and tell you exactly what’s going to happen.”
He turned to his wife, a skeptical expression on his face. “Prove it.”
“Wow, you don’t even believe your own wife. I’m wounded.” She placed her hand over her heart in mock devastation. “Fine, I hope you saved room after that cake, because you’re about to eat your words.”
Riley went on to explain what each was saying to the other, and accurately predicted each move that was made. Liam was so impressed that part of him felt like she may have hired these people specifically to act out this scene. 
“Now watch, he’s going to pull out his phone and try to get her to put her number in.” She said, as the man reached into his back pocket. 
“Is he going to get it?” Liam couldn’t help but be invested in the story that his wife was narrating for him. 
“She’s going to give him a number, but see how she’s already almost standing up?” Liam nodded, waiting with baited breath for her to continue, “She’s going to give him a fake number, and then leave immediately. She doesn’t want to reject him to his face.”
“That’s cold.”
“It’s life, we’ve all done it.” Riley replied nonchalantly. 
Liam’s gaze snapped to face her. “You’ve given men fake numbers before?” 
She nodded and shrugged. “Lucky for you. You never know, I could have ended up suckered into marrying one of those creeps. Or like locked in their basement or something.”
He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I consider myself very lucky for that.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. 
“Oh oh, here we go, look!” Riley brought his attention back to the bar where the woman was shaking the man’s hand. “Ooooh, not even a courtesy hug. Game over, dude.” They watched the woman exit the restaurant, as the man started typing on his phone. “He’s sending a text to the number she gave. It either won’t be delivered, or he’ll get a reply from someone who is most definitely not that woman.”
“That poor man. He just wanted to find love.”
Riley sighed, shaking her head. “Ahh my sweet, romantic king, your naiveté is so heartwarming. That man is just looking to get laid.” She laughed, “For all the normal experiences you missed out on, aren’t you glad that you never had to pick up women at bars?” She paused for a second. “Present company excluded, of course.” 
Liam laughed, his expression quickly turning serious. “Actually, I kind of wish I could have had the opportunity. I think I would have been good at it.” Riley arched a brow at him. “I mean it, I got you to quit your life and fly all the way to Europe because of one night, didn’t I?” 
“Touché.” She drummed her fingers against the table in a brief moment of thought, “But can lightning strike twice?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Pick me up. I’ll go sit at the bar, you come over and shoot your shot. No social season, no friends, no boxy work uniform. Just a regular guy picking up a regular girl.”
Liam smirked at the proposition. “You’re on.”
Riley left the table and took a seat at the far end of the bar. Once she was seated he put down some money to cover their dinner, and made his way to the bar. “Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?”
She looked up, smiling politely and shaking her head, motioning with her hand for him to have a seat. 
“I’m Liam.” He extended his hand. 
“Riley. Nice to meet you Liam.” She placed her hand in his, and he brought it to his lips. “A hand kiss instead of a shake, bold move. You’re not from around here, are you?”
“No, I actually just moved to the states from Europe.” 
The bartender approached and took their orders. Liam instructed him to open a tab to cover himself and Riley. He took Liam’s card and stepped away to make their drinks. 
“So, why is a beautiful woman like yourself sitting here all alone?” He asked once they were alone again. 
Riley tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at the bar, playing up her role. “You’re sweet. I uh… I was supposed to be meeting someone, but I think they stood me up.”
“Well, their loss is my gain.” As the bartender set down their drinks, Liam lifted his glass in Riley’s direction. “A toast,” He waited for Riley to raise her glass before he continued, “To the missteps of old friends, which allow the opportunity to make new ones.”
“So we’re friends now?” Riley asked as she tapped her glass against Liam’s. “That’s awfully presumptuous.”
“Well, we’ve only just met. I’m hoping that perhaps we could get to know each other and see where the evening takes us.”
Riley agreed, and they began with some small talk. Riley stuck to her pre-Cordonia life, while Liam had done a pretty good job of coming up with a non-Royal backstory. They sat there talking, and drinking and ‘getting to know’ each other. Riley was impressed with Liam’s subtle flirting skills and decided that he was right, he would have been pretty good at this had he been given the chance. 
The lights came up, and Liam’s bill was dropped on the bar in front of him. “It looks like they’re closing up.” He said as he reviewed the receipt, signing his name at the bottom. “This was a lot of fun Riley, I would like to see you again. We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I actually don’t drink coffee, I think it’s gross.”
“Oh.” Riley smiled to herself at the disappointment in his voice.
“I would like to see you again, though.” She reassured him. 
He looked up at her and smiled. “Could I take you to dinner, maybe?” 
“Dinner would be nice.”
“Great!” He noticed the annoyed expression on the bartender's face, they were officially the last customers in the bar. “We should probably go. I’ll walk you home.”
“I actually have a car waiting for me outside.” He dropped his head, again disappointed by the rejection. “You need a lift?”
He smiled widely, standing from his seat. “I’d like nothing more.” 
He offered his arm, she slid off the stool and linked hers through his. They exited the restaurant, and were greeted by Bastien, standing in front of their SUV. Before the guard could reach the door handle, Liam released Riley’s arm and jogged ahead, opening Riley’s door for her. 
“Such a gentleman.” She smiled coyly as she slid into the backseat. He smiled and got in after her. 
“Back to the hotel, your majesties?” Bastien asked as he entered the driver’s side. 
“Yes please.” Riley answered. 
Liam looked at her curiously. “Assuming I’m going to come home with you, bold move.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to come, but I promise you’ll have fun if you do.” Riley said in a sultry tone, closing the distance between the two of them.
“Riley…” Liam’s voice was just above a whisper as she leaned in, finally pressing her lips to his. They pulled back breathless from their kiss, their eyes remained closed as they rested their foreheads together. “I guess lighting can strike twice.”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the second time I picked you up in a bar, and the second time you kissed me first.” He grinned triumphantly. 
Riley leaned back, laughing as her eyes met Liam’s. “I guess that means you win?”
“Great, let’s go back to the hotel so I can collect my prize.” He brought his hand to her cheek and pulled her in, kissing her again. 
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emersynwrites @emkay512 @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @pixie88 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sincerelyella @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Liam x Riley:
@jared2612 @neotericthemis
@amandablink @ao719 @yourmajesty09
One Shots:
@bebepac @darley1101
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - i.
NOW PLAYING : I n t e r l u d e [J. Cole]
cw; name calling, blood, mentions of murder, major spoilers
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“Fate is a very weighty word to throw around before breakfast.”
Despite the red-light district thriving through the night, it looked just as beautiful during the early morning. Yn was roaming the streets on her pedal bike for the first time since winter break as she plotted different ways to surprise her big brother at his newly opened bike shop. She had already purchased his favorite breakfast meal from the little café she worked at, and all that she was left to do was see the said man. Getting out of thoughts and returning to reality, she stopped at the side of the traffic light to press the ‘crossing’ button and to text Draken to make sure he was at work before she made the trip.
“hey there pretty girl, ya wanna come ride something more interesting than the little kiddie bike yer on right now?” some bleach blonde junior high kid called out to her, smirking as he man spread and took up most of the space on the park bench. “I know ya hear me pretty girl,” he leaned and rested his elbows onto his knees, “maybe ya want me to come over and beg for yer attention, huh? Want me to come and make ya listen to me?”
She scoffed and waited for the light to signal for her to cross, but its as if the gods wanted to punish her and traffic kept flowing out of her favor. Getting restless, she pocketed her phone and tapped on her bar handles in hopes of the cars to all be generous and let her through; of course, this did not happen and the young fuck boy in training had began to approach her alongside his friend who were hyping him up and recording the event.
“You might be older than me,” he walked up behind her and kicked her bike tire before circling around and leaning against the basket in the front, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I hit girls.” Yn had to refrain from spitting in his face because Draken always said ‘never start anything with others first, let them choose their fate.’ In other words, big bro just didn’t want her to put herself at risk due to minor inconveniences that were presented towards her.
Just as the light switched from a hand to a walking figure, yn politely smiled at the boy in hopes of him getting the hint that she did not wish to engage with him anymore, but – of course – that was just asking too much of him. He turned back and looked at the sign noticing it was their turn to cross, and he surprisingly moved out the way. Yn smiled realizing that her brother did know it best when he said that the ‘dumb young boys will leave you alone after they realize you’re not going to give them the time of day,’ and she moved to pedal across the cross walk with a large smile.
However, big bro’s words are not the golden rule amongst men and the boys did not leave her alone; in fact, they decided to run at her hit the back tire with a bat and caused her to lose control and fall in the middle of the walkway. The drivers were kind enough to wait for her to get up and cross the street with scraped knees and a dirty pull over. She turned back to glare at the boys, but their backs were already facing her as they leisurely walked away laughing. This wasn’t going to ruin her day, after all, she still gets to surprise her brother with her presence and might even have the chance to see his hot amazing friends whom you grew up around. After realizing that the former gang members might all be hanging around her brother’s workplace, she got up with a huge smile and skipped the rest of her way on the crosswalk. Once to the other side, yn hopped back on her bike without checking her bloodied shins and made her way on the quickest route to the shop.
Glancing up at the familiar billboards that danced in sky and looking down at the alleys being populated with street cats and new gen delinquents, she realized she was only a block down from seeing the man who has always put her first and raised her to strive to her fullest potential. Smiling as closed her eyes for just a second - she swears it – to bask in the excitement and next thing she knew, she was on the ground covered in coffee. She could hear faint voices but those were cancelled out by her skin screaming at her to get up and quickly remove any rubble and dirt that had entered. Moving to get up, she took note of blood staining the concrete and became slightly alarmed.
“Oi, you dumb bitch, you should watch where you’re going,” a man’s voice echoed through her head, “you got a drip of blood on my Milano’s.” Trying to get up, yn went to wipe her eyes, but as soon as she lifted her hands, she felt them share the similar sting that her knees and chin felt. “You deaf or something? Ha, lucky for you I’ll take the food in your basket and whatever is in your wallet as an exchange. Pin code for your card must be included, love.” Hearing as she was about to get stripped dry of her hard-earned cash, she shot a glare up at the well-dressed man’s body just to be sent in a more state of terror when she noticed the tattoo that decorated his temple; it was the infamous Bonten symbol.
“I say we just take her to the back alley and make her pretty throat match the rest of her bloody body,” she turned and seen a pinkette with long hair and two scars that sat on each corner of his ?beautiful? mouth. to be completely honest, he would have been very much at the top of her most attractive list if he weren’t just plotting to slice her neck right in front of her; she wondered if he ever heard of the Element of Surprise. “She hasn’t even apologized yet and it’s been at least 45 seconds, that is pretty rude don’t you think, Mochi-kun?”
“It is very rude,” the built man with slicked back blonde hair spoke up, “do you want me to take her in the alleyway?” He squatted down to meet yn at eye level and she didn’t know if it was the fact he was able to stare into her soul with lifeless eyes or the extremely structured shoulders that could break her bones if he had tackled her, but she genuinely felt that she was going to die. “You seem like a worthless kill if I am being honest, and I don’t like claiming meaningless prizes. So, if you want to live,” ‘Mochi-kun’ reached over and gripped her bloodied chin, “or are you going to be good dog and run your pockets?”
She couldn’t believe it; for all her life, death threats have never been directly shot at her as Draken and the others have always been there. Of course, she emptied her pockets as quick as she could and began wiping the man’s Milano’s with her cloth lens wipe.
“Good girl,” the man with the temple tattoo said mockingly, “but I’m gonna need you to put your pretty mouth to work since you don’t know – or rather – you act like you don’t know how to speak.” She felt her eyes began to fill with tears as she looked up from the ground; they mistook it for fear, but yn was just angry she was powerless to them. “Don’t worry, I like older women, so I won’t need your mouth for that,” he laughed loudly in her face, “lick the blood off.” Her glare returned and tears began to spill over her cheeks. “Be a good bitch, and lick my –“
“What are you idiots doing?” a man with a long pink and purple mullet-like hairstyle came from behind her. “Are you guys bullying young kids again? Oh, wait, you’re not a kid.” He stared at you through his multi-colored bangs and tilted his head, “Why are you all bloody like a sewer rat walking through the back alley of feral cats?” he pushed the girl’s forehead back, straining her neck to hold eye contact with him, “you’re not some whore, are you?” He craned his neck back to the man who has been treating her like a dog, giving yn a full view of his Bonten symbol tattooed across the middle of his pretty throat. “Neh, Koko, you do realize that if you want a girl’s attention you can’t just rough her up in hopes that she takes you to bed.” He turns back to yn before sighing, “You’re cute,” for some reason she felt herself swelling with pride, “but you’re not my type,” – well there goes her ego.
“Oh what-fucking-ever,” ‘Koko’ mumbled as he gently pushed her away, “I didn’t want some inexperienced princess anyway, so don’t get your hopes up.” He quickly bent down and took all the cash from her wallet and began to slide out the card, but a baton quickly swatted at his hands.
“Your obsession with money is crazy, but you can’t take hers if you still owe me 45,000 yen.” Yn turned to see a man with pushed back purple and pink hair holding the offending stick. Unlike the other members, his tattoo was in the same place as the mullet man – maybe they took over the organization after her other big brotherly figure, Mikey, left. She drank in his appearance, and although he was thinner than the other members, something about him just screamed ‘stay away;’ but for the first time in her life, yn didn’t want to listen to such obvious red flags. “Oh no, you’re bloodied up like a rat –“
“I have already said that nii-chan,” the mullet head said, “what do you say? Wanna jut get rid of her like Sanzu-san suggested?” The now known younger brother asks. She began to tremble but not out of fear, no, out of a weird feeling at the pits of her stomach that came about as soon as the stranger stumbled onto the scene. “Oi,” the younger brother flicked your chin, reminding your body that it is supposed to be in a state of stinging pain, “staring is rude. What are you – a deer in headlights?”
“Now, now, Ridou,” the man continued to meet yn’s gaze as he motioned for her to take his hand, “where’s the fun in hurting a good little lamb? Especially one who shows that she knows to yield to her Sheppard.” Against her better judgement, yn took his hand and allowed him to help her up. “Look at you go,” he smirked and scanned over her body through hooded lids, “such a strong little girl you are standing on wobbly legs after the big bad wolves tried to tear you down.”
She should feel offended, mocked, and appalled, but she couldn’t – not with the voids he called eyes staring at her. “T-thanks,” she weakly mumbled as she began to gather her bag back together and prop her bike back up, “I know you guys said you needed the pin number, but I can’t give it to you.” She hung her head and balled her fists; she was waiting for someone to hit her but that never came. Looking up she sees the ‘older brother’ standing in front of the brooding ‘Koko’ and the other members just staring around the streets.
“That’s fine, little one,” the older brother said, “we don’t need your card. Koko here will be fine with just the cash. But I will need payment of the sort since I did calm the bully over here, don’t you think?” He smiled at yn, quickly scanning her student ID and then turning back to her face, “You’re 18, yeah?” she nodded, and he smiled lazily, “Good, give me something of yours that is valuable. I want to talk to you again and if I take it, you are going to want to take it back, correct?”
“I – um,” she began to go through the bag and seen that the only things she deemed valuable were her phone and the spare keys to her room in the brothel, “all I have is my k-keys and phone.” She huffed out in hopes that he took mercy and just let her go already; if she kept in his presence any longer, she feared that every piece of knowledge on common sense would fly out of her brain.
“Well, no one wants a pedal bike here and your phone and keys wouldn’t be of use to me,” he spoke in a rather degrading tone, “how about, you give me that pretty little necklace that you’re wearing… hmm, ... oh! Give me your number as well. After all, how are you going to know when I want you to take back your precious gems without being able to plan a proper date?” His smile was too secretive to be comforting, but this was probably the best way to saving her own life.
“Okay,” she replied quickly, “just please, don’t break the necklace…” her hands shook as she unclasped it and placed it into the man’s hands. “That’s a gift from my brother, so I promise you I’ll come and get it whenever you ask.” Yn put her hands on her bar handles before straddling the bike.
“Thank you,” he smiled and put away the baton before fishing out his phone, “put your number in it and call to make sure you’re not fucking with me, yeah?” He tilted his head and softly hummed at the soft sound of her phone vibrating in her bag. “Thank you, yn-chan.”
“No, thank you,” she lightly coughed and waited for him to look back up at her after saving all her contact information. Once he finally looked up, she flinched but proceeded to stare him dead in his lovely irises, “May I have your name… if ya don’t mind that it.”
“Haitani Ran,” the older man laughed and shifted his weight onto his hip, “and I expect you to text me whenever you get the chance.” He turned around and the other members began to follow. For what felt like an eternity, yn finally let out a small breath, well at least until he had turned back around. “Oh!” Haitani-san smiled at her, “Leave it under ‘Ran-senpai’ so your brother and friends don’t get spooked. Don’t want the fun to end before it has barely even started.” With that, he turned back around and waved half-assed before disappearing into the distance.
Yn decided to just to walk the rest of the block because riding the bike has been nothing but bad luck so far. Once at the shop, she sighed and made her way to the back where she knew would be unlocked because no one dared walk up into her big brother’s place of work. Parking her bike, she quickly takes her phone back out with 3 texts from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey little lamb, its yer senpai <3
Unknown: yer probs with yer bro so ill call you later, mm around midnight so stay up
Unknown: text me back soon or I mite accidentally break your pretty necklace and youll have to  owe me a big favor for ignoring me :)
“what the actual fuck,” yn whispered as she quickly began typing away. She didn’t know if she be upset with his back-to-back messages treating her like she was his property, or mad at herself for feeling this little need inside of her that wants to please him. Yes, all of the gang members were extremely hot and DANGEROUS, but something about ‘Ran Senpai’ gave her the cold chills; what made it worse was the urge that she possessed to go against all her morals for him.
Yn: hi! Im sorry,, I was just trying to get to my brother’s shop
Yn: wait,, do you know draken-nii?
She tilted her head and rocked lightly from side to side, waiting for a reply instead of going in and surprising her brother like she initially had planned to do. While she waited, she changed his name to ‘Tani Senpai <3’ with a small smile as she imagined Draken freaking out over the fact that a boy has caught her interest. Of course, she wasn’t romantically interested in the man, but his face isn’t one that she would mind seeing from time to time – at a safe distance that is.
Tani Senpai <3: mhm, some good and bad history
Yn: oh?
Tani Senpai <3: you do know curiosity killed the cat, right little lamb?
Yn: you flirt a lot
Yn: how old are you ?
Tani Senpai <3: 28 years young bb
Yn: youre ten whole years older than me?? You look so,, young.
Tani Senpai <3: I have aged, but trust me, I am rather youthful in different aspects.
Yn: do you by chance,, like memes?
Tani Senpai <3: ofc, especially hornee ones.
Yn: haha.. well I gotta go,
Tani Senpai <3: mhm go ahead baby, remember. Midnight <3
 Yn: aye aye captain.
She felt another vibration as she placed her phone in her backpack, but she was finally able to see and surprise her brother and that is exactly what she planned to do. Quietly pulling the door open, she noted that the music blaring and Draken’s back was to her as he was fixing up what looked like Pah-chin’s old CBX 400F. It was a cute sight if she was being completely honest; her brother rebuilding his old friendships. She seen the other boys’ bikes lined up too: Draken’s Zephyr, Mitsuya’s little Impulse, Kazu-kun’s Rocket, Mikey’s CB250T, and even the late Baji’s Goki.
“Pah-san still has the old thing,” she decided to speak up instead of tackling her brother, “are you guys gonna give it to some younger kids?” right as she finished her sentence, draken whipped his head back and went to cradle yn to his chest. Suddenly, all of the stinging on her skin had vanished and she was giggling while circling her arms around her brother’s waist. “How are you ya wannabe greaser?”
“I’m doing fine you idiot, how are -,” draken lifted his head to get a good look at her, but all his excitement drained as he was met with a sight of dried blood and scraped skin. “Who the fuck did this to you? I’ll kill them right fucking now, what the hell happened yn?”
“DRAKEN,” he stopped and stared at you expecting an answer, “I tired riding my bike down the big hill by the park and this happened, okay? I’m okay.” She stared at him with a soft expression and relaxed once she noticed he slumped in his posture, “I know you said to stop riding down the hill because it’ll bite me in the ass one day, so I guess today was the day.” Yn laughed and draken tried to fight the small smile that was threatening to fall on his lips.
“Go sit on the counter and watch the store for a bit, I’m gonna get the first aid kit in the back and I guess I’ll patch ya up.” With that, he disappeared into the office hall and left yn to be lost in thought. She had never lied to Draken this heavy before. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but she just told her brother she fell down a hill instead of saying that some /Bonten/ men were just threatening her life 20 minutes ago and they treated her like a dog; well, she didn’t feel that bad anymore, considering that he would have gone and wasted his life against men that played dirty. “Get out of your head, I’m back.” Draken teased her before getting an alcohol wipe and wiping the dried blood, “don’t squirm too much, loser. iss’ gonna sting a bit tho, so try to not hit me.”
It went a lot more smooth than she had expected, yeah, the cleansing wipe and ointment burned, but now she was bandaged and able to not worry about even more blood staining her clothes til they go to the brothel.
“Here,” he handed her a spare shirt and some sweats, “I don’t like seeing you all beat up, makes me want to fight the side walk. You know where the bathroom is.” Draken slightly punched her shoulder before heading back to seat near the bike, “once you’re done, we can go meet the boys for breakfast. I bet yer hungry.”
“Yer the best, ya know that,” yn smiled before taking her bag and clothes to the bathroom. “It won’t be long,” she turned before entering the hall, “make sure the cute one is there!”
“Stop trying to fuck my friends,” Draken called out in an irritated tone as she walked away laughing. It was an ongoing joke yn had played on her brother, where she would pretend to have some crush on his friends and it’d just make him twenty times more protective around them; he never knew if she was serious or not so he had to be cautious.
Once in the bathroom, yn quickly changed into the clothes her brother had lent her and stared at herself in the mirror. She laughed when she realized she kind of looked like one of the main characters from her favorite psychological thrillers. Yn took out her phone and decided to message Mana, mitsuya’s younger sister and yn’s best friend from home, with a picture of her bandaged state and the caption, ‘take out my ankles next time, daddy <3.’ It honestly surprised her to get a reply that fast as Mana was always one to sleep until noon. She didn’t know what scared her more, the fact she sent it the wrong person, or the fact the person knew exactly what she was talking about.
Tani Senpai <3: you look hot like that
Tani Senpai <3: like being called daddy, but in this context arent I supposed to call you mommy or something LMAO
Tani Senpai <3: I can break your ankles with my baton
Tani Senpai <3: make you my little housewife and call you ‘Bum.’
Tani Senpai <3: don’t worry, I won’t turn into ashes ;) <3
“Yn,” Draken called out, “you okay in there?”
“Don’t worry about it nii-Chan,” she giggled in hopes of masking her terror, “just bumped into a wound. I’ll be out soon.”
“Okay,” draken slipped a pad and a tampon under the door, “don’t know if you might want these -,”
“LEAVE YOU IDIOT,” yn genuinely laughed and heard draken’s heavy chuckles through the door, “thank you though, I’ll be out soon.”
“I’ll be outside on the bike, bubs.”
After hearing draken’s foot steps vanish, she quickly began typing.
Yn: that wasn’t meant for you -
Tani Senpai <3: shame, I love killing stalking
Yn: wait,, really? 👀
Tani Senpai <3: mhm,, we’ll talk about it later tonite ‘bum ;)
Yn: .. deal :)
Despite every shitty thing that has happened to her since she got back, it felt as if they were supposed to meet; fate as one would call it. She was offering herself to one of the most dangerous men who rule the underworld, and she didn’t even find herself to minding.
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masterlist | next
an: hi hello, hope yer all eating well :)
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Comfortably Numb. Yan Chrollo x Reader [COMM]
warnings: mentions of anxiety, just general uneasiness. word count: 2.6k.
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Home is where the heart is. 
It’s meant to be the sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day of work, dress in your most comfortable pajamas, and feel no qualms for the opinions of others. A safe haven of your own making. Granted, there was a time that you felt this way, no matter how long ago it seems. A coveted period of your life that you wish you could return back to. On a surface level, any onlooker might take a glance at you and think you are as normal as they are. If only that were the truth, you bitterly lament. 
Now, what do you need to check on next? Milk is in good supply, not set to expire anytime soon. Hm… can’t say the same for the fruit. You jostle down some of your favorites onto the ever growing grocery list. What else is there? You’ve got to be missing something. Standing on your tiptoes, you open the overheard cabinet, that is now noticeably more barren than it used to be. The bags of tea that had once populated this area have vanished, all but a lonesome pack of matcha. Huffing, you close the cabinet doors, ready to voice your irritation.
Pivoting on your heel, you look over the kitchen counter and towards the occupied living room. “You drank all my tea?” 
“Not at all of it,” your unwelcome guest corrects, much to your displeasure. “Besides, you never said I couldn’t have any.” 
You raise an eyebrow at this conjecture. Who would’ve thought him a stickler for semantics. “Yeah, well, I never said you could have it either.” 
“That’s a fair enough point. I’ll be sure to reimburse you for it later.” Chrollo ends the conversation before it even begins. His attention returns to his original activity of reading, freely helping himself to yet another one of your belongings. An exhausted sigh leaves your lips at the sight. If you somehow make it out of this situation unscathed, you may take on a more pious lifestyle, having survived way more than you should’ve. It’s a wonder that Chrollo hasn’t seen fit to strike you down where you stand. Where you lack self-restraint in the verbal department, you make up for it in your overall composure. Surely anyone else would’ve been crushed under the immense pressure of having a murderer crashing at their apartment. 
That’s just about the best way to describe it, you think. How desensitized do you have to be to no longer shiver at the thought? In all fairness, Chrollo himself is treating this as the most ordinary arrangement in the world. At his own leisure he’ll start conversations with you, inquire about your day, and even offer insight that you never asked for. It’s gotten to the unfortunate point that you’re even starting to do the same. Treating him more as a peculiar roommate than the threat he truly is, though it could be your way of coping. That’s the explanation you’re going with.
Chrollo puts a bookmark into his read, and places it aside. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?”
He asks the question as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Your normally schooled expression is broken, lips parting and eyebrows furrowing together. Is he being serious right now? There’s no way to tell for certain. Not on a lack of trying from your behalf, his countenance never hints at his innermost thoughts. You get the feeling what little Chrollo does reveal to you is intentional. How creepy. 
“I was just planning on warming up leftovers,” you accentuate this by opening your fridge. On the shelves sits lentil soup, apples, and some protein yogurts. Shit. “Scratch that. I’ll be settling for yogurt instead.” 
“You had that for breakfast, if memory serves.” Chrollo points out, as if you’re incapable of remembering that yourself. It’s odd that he feels the need to pay attention to every detail about you. How often is Chrollo observing you without you taking notice? You push the thought aside with a frown.
“What are you, my hostage-taker and nutritionist? Besides, this is what I like to call a struggle meal. Or, meals, technically. I’ll go shopping tomorrow to make up for it.” You grimace while picking up the gourmet cuisine for tonight. Strawberry cheesecake flavor. It’s better with stuff added to it for texture, but this’ll have to do. It’s doubtful someone who is hiding a stolen merchandise worth hundreds of thousands can empathize with your position. Not that it matters if Chrollo Lucilfer holds you in high regard, with all the blood on his hands. He’s got no room to judge.
“Hm, in the time we’ve spent together, I never considered you as dense,” he gets up from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. You don’t get a word in edgewise before your dinner is plucked from your hands. Chrollo places it back in the fridge, while you stare at him with a slackened jaw. “I’m offering to buy you food, [First].” 
How considerate of him to spell it out for you. 
“Appreciative as I am for your gesture of goodwill, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be indebted to you.” You make for the fridge once again, scowling as he holds it shut with unnatural force. Damn, he’s strong. Maybe you’re playing with fire by provoking him, considering the power imbalance, but your tongue is faster than your brain. Both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more towards the latter, you muse.
“I insist. It’s only right that I repay you somehow, for allowing me to stay here. You wouldn’t be indebted to me.” Chrollo’s smile never reaches his eyes, you notice. Standing here in close proximity to him, there’s a lot more you can pick up on. Every little detail of his disposition is intentional. From his even keel tone, to his polite speech, and way of acting like you have any say in the matter. You’re all bark and no bite. Both of you are keenly aware of this, and still he talks to you as if he’s none the wiser. It’s demeaning in its own right. 
“I guess it is sacrilegious to turn down free food. Alright, you win.” You throw your hands up in mock defense. This uncomfortable interaction helped you remember the position you’re in, how every breath might be your last. He’s broken into your residence, forced you to hide him from encroaching hunters, and made your past ten days a living hell. It was the threats to your loved ones that ultimately earned your compliance. 
You can’t help the self deprecation that’s followed since that day. The law is what you’re supposed to be protecting, not protecting criminals from. Going to the station everyday with the knowledge that you’re harboring such a dangerous criminal is weighing heavily on your soul. Life sure is full of the worst ironies. Had it not been an A class bounty, you may have stood a chance. 
Chrollo reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out one of his many burner phones. “You’re being more agreeable than I expected, if I’m being honest.”
“What can I say? I become a bit of a yes man when my life is being threatened.” You respond with an empty smile of your own. Instead of earning any ire from him, he lets out an airy chuckle, of dubious sincerity. Whether it’s at you or with you is difficult to decipher. He pulls up a food delivery app, showing you the options. This was all prepared in advance, he must’ve taken the time to download it. So it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to mess with you? 
“Y-you’re really letting me pick?” There’s no hiding your incredulous tone of voice. This series of events is far too bizarre to fathom, like a nightmare stepping into reality. Just a week ago you were contemplating how to poison Chrollo without him taking notice. Now you’re ordering food together. There has to be an ulterior motive lurking around, your gut won’t tell you otherwise.
He tilts his head at your apprehension, and repeats himself. “That’s what I said, yes.” 
Fuck it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, or so the saying goes. You’ve suffered enough at Chrollo’s hands, it wouldn’t hurt to make the most of it. You take the cheap phone from his hands, scrolling through the options, and realizing now just how wonderful the variety of food sounds. Working up an appetite hasn’t come naturally with your uninvited guest skulking about. He has enough prepaid visa cards to cover what you want, so you hold nothing back. 
After returning his phone to him, you can’t help but throw an additional sarcastic comment in. It’s second nature at this point. “Happy now?” 
“Very much so,” Chrollo doesn’t mention your indignation, eyes raking over your expansive order. It’s not until he gets to the end that he quirks an eyebrow. “... A one hundred dollar tip?” 
“Feel free to add some extra zeros to the end of that. It’s not binary code for ‘help me, there’s a criminal in my apartment’, if you’re worried about that.”
He hums in consideration. “I can’t say that came to mind.” 
“Shit, looks like I went ahead and busted my own master plan.” Your response is notably dry. A headache is already in the works, courtesy of speaking to Chrollo for too long. He never fails to keep you on your toes. For all the sardonic remarks you make at his expense, anxiety has never stopped plaguing you. It’s a miracle that your heart is still functioning properly. You don’t even know why you ordered the absurd amount that you did, other than from pure spite, since your stomach is churning too much to want to eat. Maybe that’ll change when the food shows up. If not, your co-workers are going to be in for quite a treat tomorrow. 
You return to your newfound favorite activity of ignoring Chrollo, busying yourself with anything that comes in sight. Watering your plants, putting mugs from the dishwasher away, menial stuff that keeps you busy. A new feat lies in your wake. Whoever designed this apartment didn’t do so with you in mind, your larger plates just barely out of reach. Not willing to concede to using a chair just yet, you keep up the gallant attempt, stretching as far as your body allows. Your fingertips graze just over the prized handle, only for you to fail again.
That’s when you feel an over looming presence behind you, a shadow encompassing your figure. Chrollo gets the plate you were reaching for with ease, his chest brushing over your back in the process. You feel your face flushing, your body going taut, standing still as a wooden plank. He sets it down beside you with a knowing smile. That bastard…! He’s doing this on purpose. Damn him. 
“It looked like you could use some help.” He tells you. It takes every ounce of your self restraint not to lunge at him, instead taking a deep breath and nodding your head. Why is he so intent on getting a reaction from you? It’s exasperating, serving no practical purpose other than his own amusement. Inundated with your thoughts, you don’t realize how sour a look you’re sporting. This is what he wants, you remind yourself. To get you riled up. You refuse to play into his hands, and manage to get a grip. 
Time passes by at a lethargic pace. After around forty minutes, your front door rings, and you pick up the order. Sitting at your counter, you help yourself to the meal, grateful that Chrollo has seen fit to leave you alone. There can never be anything good in this world, as he eventually joins you. You try not facing him as an act of defiance. The plan that seemed ingenious in theory has a rockier execution. Sitting in silence feels worse somehow, like a ticking time bomb. Shifting in your seat, you decide to strike up a half baked conversation.
“So, uh, about the whole being hunted down thing,” your voice wavers and you hate yourself for it, “Do you have an idea of when it’s going to be over? I’m starting to run out of excuses for why my friends can’t come over.” 
This is true. There have been no more lively gatherings at your apartment since Chrollo’s unwelcome appearance, and you’ve been pestered about it. In between the lines is the prospect of your friends finding this reclusive behavior suspicious. In your optimism, you hope he takes it as a hint to get out of here faster.
Chrollo takes on a pensive appearance, his chin resting on his hand. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about that, so I’m glad you brought it up.” 
How nice it is to be on the same page. This could be the light at the end of the tunnel, the last page in this awful chapter of your life. Ten days seems like a reasonable amount of time to lay low. Maybe he’s already packing his bags, planning to leave you far behind, so you can forget any of this ever happened. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a vacation. From the gut wrenching anxiety Chrollo has inflicted on you, you feel deserving of one. 
“They’ve stopped searching for me a while ago.” 
Wait, what?
You look at him, silverware dropping from your lax hand. He’s never been into joking around. Does that mean he’s being serious with you? That all this time, you’ve been holding out for something that already happened? Fists balling by your side, you don’t bother hiding a sharp glare directed towards him. There’s no playfully wry response, no comeback, only disbelief and abhorrence. The bountiful meal in front of you is forgotten. 
There’s no point in asking, but you still do, voice low. “... How long?” 
“According to my sources, about a week.” comes Chrollo’s response, hammering the final nail in the coffin of your patience. His motivations have never been any less clear. You know you shouldn’t have taken the word of someone like him seriously -- you’re so painfully aware of this that it hurts -- but now leaves a final question. Why? What does he get out of this? You feel sick to your stomach, knowing that it’s going to bad no matter what. Your breathing has picked up, eyes dilating and body threatening to crumble under the tension. Everything feels out of place. 
He responds as if he was reading your thoughts. “You’re an interesting person, [First]. You never cried, pleaded, or anything of the like. Instead you accepted the situation for what it was, all while staying true to your values. I find that admirable. I’d like to learn more from you.”  
“Stop talking to me like I’m a -- a fucking -- science experiment, instead of a human being. How does any of that shit even matter?” You feel the blood draining from your face, every word coming out more forced than the last. Getting riled up here is the last thing you should be doing, but you can’t control yourself. All your negative emotions from your time with him are regurgitating into a final mess.
“I don’t know, truth be told.” Chrollo checks the watch on his wrist, and you gulp at the smile that forms on his lips. It feels like a sentencing, a foreboding omen. There’s bile rising in your throat, and you scramble away from your chair. You need to get out of here. You need to run, to scream for help, to alert your family, this is not going to end well, what is he planning-- 
There’s a hurried knock at your door.
“However, what I do know is that I have no intention of leaving this place without you by my side.” 
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into-crazy · 4 years
horror and chill
Ledger!Joker x Female Reader one shot
Summary: You and J watch a horror flick. Eventually you both grow bored, turning your attention onto one another. You don't make it through the movie.
Warnings- Cursing, NSFW, SMUT, fingering, edging, orgasm denial, light knife play, spanking, use of the word daddy(once), unprotected sex, brief degradation, choking, light blood play, J style fluff, ages 18+
This sort of popped into my head while I was watching a scary movie. I'm a sucker for watching horror movies in the dark. Let's just say my self indulgences deff kicked in with this one whew! Also forewarning, it’s very long.
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The month of October has always been a favorite for you. That time of the year when Autumn is in full effect. The air outside is cooled down, where it's not too hot and not quite cold yet. Seasonal items return with a comeback, available to stock up on- whether they be edible goodies or scented candles. Then, of course, there's Halloween. Or spooky season, as the kids like to call it.
That special time where watching horror movies is an absolute must. Ordering takeout, nothing on but panties and an oversized tee, cuddling on the couch with a blanket, turning out all of the lights, and blasting the volume on the television to get the full effect. Yeah, it's one of your most prized traditions.
You and Joker have been together for well over year now. Let's just say he was around this time last year. He knew of your passion for this month, but he hasn't fully experienced it with you. Since that was a point where your relationship- if that's what you want to call it- was still fresh. Too early to establish complete trust and understanding in one another. Actually, you believe that still may be the case for J.
Not that you have anything against it. He's a highly complex and guarded man, he has a difficult time trusting people. In fact, he doesn't. But he's allowed you- and no one else- to come this close into his life, and it's pretty damn close. He trusts you enough and he's trying. There's nothing you'd ever do to betray that. You've come to accept it'll take a longer period before you'd get there fully.
Though it can be rough sometimes, you've had your fair share of fights. But he's never given you a reason to leave. You trust him, you've grown to love him. And while J would never confess to it, would never say it aloud, he adores you. He shows it in everything that he does for you. As for love, you've become aware and accepted that the word doesn't apply to him. He can't love. And that's okay.
Fast forward over to now, already a week into October. It's a Saturday night, and you're ready to continue your cherished routine, but with your beloved J. You've only watched two horror flicks thus far. Both nights had been alone, minus him and the takeout. He's been busy with his usual chaotic jobs, which kept him out later hours into the night. However you don't care about that right now, he called and informed you that he'll be home for tonight's showing.
"An' don't ah, don't ya dare start without me." J warned on the other end of the phone line.
"Well then you better hurry back," you playfully teased into the phone, "I already ordered the pizza and the movie is set to play."
That conversation ended about forty minutes ago. You sat on the couch in your shared apartment, waiting for him. Everything good to go, pizza has arrived, scented candles are lit, movie ready to proceed at the click of a button, and the lights are off- save for the small lamp by the entryway. The overall setting feeling eerily, just how you like it. It also feels quite romantic, which is a bonus.
You're wearing one of J's dress shirts with a blush thong underneath. Wrapped snug in a huge fluffy blanket in your designated spot(rightfully decided by you as this was your apartment first). Since he prefers to keep the apartment cold, you tend to get chilly a lot. Which was fine considering you have J and a vast selection of blankets to keep you warm. Currently, you have the blanket. All that's missing is J.
What's taking him so long? I'm gonna start the movie, I don't care. He'll just have to deal with it.. and I'm not rewinding it either.
You began to ponder while sitting in silence. Fingers tapping impatiently on the remote, debating whether or not you should carry on without him. With a loud huff, you glance over at the pizza box on the small table directly in front of you. In the amount of time you've waited, you managed to eat two slices already.
Then, you heard the familiar ruffling noise at the front door. The sound of the lock hurriedly being turned getting you to shoot your eyes towards it without moving your head. The door swings open and in walks J in all his glory, quickly shutting and locking the closure behind him.
"I'm home-ah!" A lilt in his voice as he exaggerates his arrival.
"You're late," you return displeasingly.
He narrows his glare at you, "well uh, hello to you too."
Rolling your eyes, you motion with your fingers, "I was this close to starting the movie without you. What took you so long?"
J works on shrugging off his plum trench coat. "What can I say? It was such a ah, easy breeze to get here." He throws sarcastically.
Shaking your head, you laugh, "I'm sorry J, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just missed you is all." You really do appreciate the extra efforts he goes through to make sure he gets here safe and undetected. To not be traced or followed. Be it by his fellow rivals, Gotham police, and in some cases- the Batman.
"Yeah doll, I know," he licks his lips, "I know." You watch him remove a few of his other articles to get more comfortable. His face paint isn't too disheveled which tells you his day went rather smoothly. Or as he prefers to call it- boring.
You open up the blanket to make space for him. Patting the empty spot right next to you, "hurry and get over here, pizza's getting cold."
Left in his purple slacks, dress shirt, and socks, he shuts off the last light before making his way over to plop onto the couch next to you. He allows you to snuggle against him. With the cover behind him, he doesn't feel the need to wrap himself in it. You, on the other hand, have your end burrito wrapped over you. Finally, you stick your hand out the blanket to hit play on the remote.
Twenty minutes in, you were beginning to grow less and less interested in the film. Nothing but a predictable storyline with a bunch of weak jump scares. Not to mention the overly cheesy acting. Though it wasn't completely terrible, it had a few good points to it. However this film probably won't make it onto your rewatch list. You failed to previously read the reviews for this one like you normally would when picking a new movie to watch. The plot sounded good when you had read it. Oh well, you gave it a shot.
J wasn't fond of the movie either. He's actually more bored of it than you are. Occasionally would he exhale blatantly or comment on one of the bad moments that came across. This. Is. Torture. He thought to himself staring blankly at the screen. And not the good kind. Alas, he'll bite his tongue and miserably sit through another hour because it is your movie night, and he knows how much this means to you.
You can't help but feel bad for having him sit through this with you- for you. Soon, you lost total interest in the film and your mind began to drift.. elsewhere. To his hand, resting freely between your soft thighs. His palm feels so warm against your flesh. But that's just J- always giving off heat. He's like your own personal heater. Sometimes warming you to the point you don't even need a blanket because it becomes too hot. Speaking of which, you removed the cover, preferring his signature warmth over the fabric's any day.
Your fingers start to brush lightly on his wrists and knuckles. The subtle touch earns you half smile followed with a pleased hum, which you see in your peripheral vision. He hasn't caught on yet, but your need for him is building fast.
You scooch closer to him in attempt to get his hand where you need it most without him catching on just yet. It didn't work, his hand isn't touching you. It's right there, mere millimeters away. Thinking about how amazing his hands feel when he touches you. When he grants you with friction as he rubs your throbbing clit. The wonderful spots he reaches when he relentlessly fucks you with those paint speckled fingers. Curling them deep, making you writhe and cry beneath him.
Clamping his wrist, your breath hitches at the thought. Shit. That was audible. For a split second, you thought you might have blown it. But Joker took it as something from the film frightening you.
"Quiet doll," he shushes, "you an' I both know the ah, movie ain't scary."
Fuck, you can't take it anymore. You want him to touch you. With a slight roll of your hips, you manage to get his hand to brush against your clothed heat. The smallest bit of friction causes you to release a muffled whimper.
J's arm stiffens and his face instantly snaps to look at you. You seize, halting your movement. No question, he felt what you did, sees the burning desperation in your eyes. Tossing his head back, he erupts in a delighted, high pitched cackle. "Oh-" more cackling laughter as he glances at you again, "so that's what that was." A malicious smirk spreads his scarred cheeks. He firmly grips the inside of your thigh, pulling you against him. "What happened bunny? Growin' needy?" Cupping your clothed mound, his fingers rub you teasingly.
"Yeah," you admit, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. Tightening your thighs around his wrist. Would've been no use lying to him when he'd easily seen and felt otherwise.
His rubbing comes to an abrupt stop. He taunts, "Ahh, this was your idea, hm. You were the one keen on a movie night, remember?"
"I know, but-"
"Ah-ta-ta," He cuts you off, "But nothing. This is what ya wanted, so that's what we'll do. We'll ah, sit here and watch."
Suddenly, he lifts you, effortlessly moving you into his lap. You yelp as your back is pressed flush against his torso. He separates your legs apart, you can feel his cock beginning to harden under you, pushing into the plush of your ass. One hand wraps around your chest, to roughly knead your breasts. The other slides under the shirt, gliding over your abdomen, down between your legs. To rub harsh circles on your excited clit through the thinly soaked fabric of your underwear.
"Ahh- fuck!" You whine, throwing your head back to rest on his shoulder, reaching around to grip his green locks.
J starts to kiss and nip his way down your neck. Leaving dark patches into your skin, accompanied by red and white splotches- completely marking you. Once he was satisfied with his marks, he leans closely by your ear. "You're dripping, doll," he whispers huskily, his hot breath brushing against your neck. "Now, you will sit here and watch the flick like a good girl, while I play with this needy little cunt of yours. No fussin' or fightin'. Got it?"
"Mhm, yes sir," you answer. Biting back the urge to smile at the thought of finally getting what you want. Fighting it off because, let's be real here, you know with J, it never comes along that easy. But he always makes it damn well worth it.
"Good, now sit still." He growls lowly onto your neck. With that, he pushed your panties to the side and began his torture. His fingers transitioning from fucking your aching hole to rubbing the drenched digits on your throbbing clit. Whispering twistingly sweet and dirty words into your ear while he slathers your own arousal all over your pussy.
He'd bring you close, on the verge of your orgasm, only to stop his movements entirely. Tearing it away from you before you could fall over that edge into pure ecstasy. You grew more and more frustrated each time he'd do that. Though you haven't fully, but you're rapidly losing your composure. Which already may be broken. Sweat is forming on your hairline, tears are prickling your eyes, your breath is starting to hitch. Starting to want it so bad you're teetering towards retaliating to get what you crave.
Joker's counting on it. He thrives on edging you, demands the control over you. As much as he prefers having you entirely at his mercy, he likes it when you lash back. Finds it rather amusing, makes for something a little bit more interesting. See how far you'll go before you snap so beautifully.
And that's now.
You start to buck your hips against his fingers that are going in and out of your pussy, along with his thumb assaulting your clit. Feeling that powerful knot reforming, you need to orgasm. "Oh f-fuck! Please!" You start pleading, "I-I can't take it anymore. Please J, l-let me cum!"
"You wanna cum?" He hints, removing his chin from your neck.
"Yes, God- yes please!" You cry out, clawing your nails into his thighs. Clamping down to gain better leverage. The wild rolling of your hips gets your ass brushing more against his hardened cock. Your arousal had already soaked through his pants a long time ago.
"Fuck," he hisses through gritted teeth, digging his fingers hard into your hip that's sure to leave an array of dotted bruises. He bucks absently into you, licking a wet, hot trail up your neck. "Mm, dirty girl. So you wanna play that game-ah?"
He moves his fingers faster and harder. Even over the loud volume from the television could the wet squelching sounds deriving from his ministrations be heard. The air filled with the scent of sex- your sex. So desperate and ready to let go and orgasm. It's driving you crazy.
"P-please- Ahh! Can I cum?" You plead. Hoping he'll reward you at least for asking.
"You can cum. Go on, babygirl. Cum on my fingers." He finally grants, fingers continuing to get you to ecstasy.
Well you didn't have to be told twice.
You release with a broken cry, orgasm gushing out onto his digits. Drenching the fabric of his pants beneath you. Your body spasming madly over his own while you ride out your high.
Coming down, J removed his hand from your pussy. His fingers are glistening, coated in your cum. He sticks them into your mouth. "Clean my fingers of the mess you made," he growls the command in your ear. Groaning in approval when you comply. Eagerly licking and sucking his digits clean of your juices. "Come here," he grabs your face, turning your head, making you look at him. "Give me a taste."
He kisses you, shoving his tongue into your mouth to savor the taste of your delectable juices. You kiss him back feverishly. One hand fisting in his hair, the other goes to stroke his cock. Still clothed, still hard. The action causing him to snarl against your lips, "such a greedy little thing. Always ah, wanting more. Ya just can't get enough of me, huh?"
"Never," you huff with a grin, "and telling by this-" you rub him again, "neither could you." His eyes snap to glare into yours viciously. Ohh, he's gonna make you pay for that snarky remark.
With hasty movements, J turns you around so that you're now facing him. Straddling his lap. He tears the shirt that adorned your body open, buttons flying to scatter the couch and floor. Someone's gonna have to sew those back on later, most likely you. He removes the shirt from you, carelessly tossing it aside.
With the large article gone, it granted him with a better view of the mess you made on his custom, pricey slacks. His entire crotch and thigh area is completely drenched in your juices. He gave a sigh which tried to make him sound annoyed or displeased. However, with the straining bulge pushing against you below, you know that was far from the case. His eyes traveled to land on your barley covered pussy, he groaned at the sight. The flimsy fabric of your thong sticking to one of your wonderful, wet lips. Your orgasm, still dribbling out your cunt.
He hooked a finger under the thin strap hugging your hip, pulling far enough only to have it fall and snap against you. Chuckling at your slightly startled reaction. "Bad girl. Misbehaving, talking back, making a mess of my pants? These aren't exactly 'buy at the store' ready. Maybe I should put your dirty mouth to use and have you suck your own juices up, hm?"
"I misbehaved?" You mock a pout, fully knowing what you did. Regardless, asking anyway.
His kneads the plush of your ass roughly. The callousness of his hands making you shiver in his grasp. You may think this position is in your favor, that you could use it to your advantage. But Joker's got you right where he wants you. The stern look in his blackened eyes and the firm hold he's got on you make that known. "You ah- were supposed to make it through the film without so much as a fuss. Remember that?"
"I was?" Your fingers ghost up his chest, "I don't remember that part." Now you're pushing it. He notices the smile threatening to creep your face. One of his hands shoots up to grasp a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back, exposing your marked neck.
"Yes," he acknowledges slowly trailing his lips up your throat, "yes you do. You just chose to be a brat and not listen." His tone is dangerous, and it would've been absolutely frightening had you been anyone else instead of the only person he cares about in his life. Even though he'd never verbally admit that, frustrating as it is for him, he does care. He does. Which is why whenever you feel that tingle dubbed as fear creep up your spine, you still hold assurance. The flesh of his scars brush the underside of your chin, making you moan unabashedly. "Ya know I gotta punish you for that."
J uses his hold on your hair and hip to guide you to lay over his lap, your naked stomach pressed against his wet thighs, and most of all, his erection. He reaches over to the small table beside the couch, plucking an item you assume to be one of his signature knives. The distinct clicking sound indicates you were correct. It's a switchblade.
He drags the razor sharp blade along your spine until it reaches your underwear, almost on the verge of slicing into you. The thrill gets your heart pounding faster in your chest and ears. You love it when he cuts you, and he's aware of that. But this is a punishment, so you won't be getting what you want.. least not yet. Placing it under the strap, he tears the article to shreds, carelessly nicking you a few times in the process. Alright, so the little nicks he can't control. Those just come naturally. Tossing the ruined fabric aside, he palms your ass cheeks, favoring a spot to start spanking. "Count. We'll ah, stop when I decide you've had enough."
His palm came down hard against your ass, sending an electrifying jolt through your entire body causing you to yelp. "One!" You count. The stinging grew worse with each spank. He hit you hard, but it wasn't anything you couldn't bare. Warm tears steamed down your reddened cheeks. It hurt in a wonderful way, your pussy leaking more arousal as it progressed. He continued to spank you until he grew bored of hearing the same cries and whines.
"Last one bunny," he subtly praised, soothing over the bright marks in your flesh that are starting to welt and bruise. With that, his hand came down a final time. This one stinging the worst.
"Fif- fifteen." You manage to rasp, mind overcome with the lust you had building up. At this point you need him inside you. You need his cock buried deep in your aching core and you need him now. "Please f-fuck me J. I need you!" Your body arched into his as you begged.
J snickered, "need me huh? How bad?" His hand went back to your abused ass to shove you forward, so that your pelvis was atop his as he purposely rolled his erection against your painfully heated sex. The friction drawing a long, strained moan from your lips which pleased him. "Tell me bunny. How, how bad do ya need my cock?"
"Bad- oh so fucking bad- I need your cock! P-Please J, please daddy, fuck me!" You practically shout, resorting to the word daddy. A word which you hardly use, but do when need be. And now was a time of great need.
A snarl left his lips as he yanks you off briefly to undo his pants and shove them down. His cock finally free from the uncomfortable confines, he sighs with relief as he takes it into his hand, pumping a few times. The tip, red and angry with his precum beading out. "Get over here now," he growls impatiently.
Wasting no time, you swing your leg over both of his, reclaiming your previous place of straddling him. You grabbed-rather pawed- his shoulders for leverage. His thick head lines up with your dripping entrance, then he pulls you down, driving his length inside with a powerful thrust. Knocking the wind from you as he filled you. Fuck, how he stretched you so good.
After a brief second for you both to adjust- you to his size and him to recompose himself- he instructs you to- "Move."
To which you do. Rapidly bouncing yourself up and down on his cock. Unashamed at the loud moans and whimpers continuously leaving your lips. This was exactly what you needed, and having been denied lots tonight it felt amazing to finally have this. You moved like your life depended on it.
J grunted as he met your thrusts with his languid ones, his hands guiding the movement of your hips. He held back from pounding into you, oh how he's going to pound into you, just not yet. Which means he's definitely in the mood to tease you to an extent, in any and every way that he can. What an asshole.. Your asshole.
Your arms went to wrap around him. To your surprise, he didn't shove them off. Instead, his chin went to rest in the crook of your neck, catching glimpse of the illuminated TV screen. The movie was still on.
"Mhm, you're just a horny little slut, aren't ya?" He sneered. "Can't even get through a movie without having my cock inside of ya."
There was no way you could give him a proper response. So wrapped were you in the exhilarating feeling of him that any words to a sentence you tried to form wouldn't come out. What did manage to slip out was muddled babbling. He snickered at your incoherence.
The female protagonist on the screen started to scream. The shrieking noise caught both your attention, though your actions didn't falter. "This woman's a terrible actor," J criticized the lady, "her scream is so fake, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes- ah," you return finding your voice, "It s-sure is."
He removed one hand from your hip, gliding it up the valley between your breasts to grip your neck. Glaring menacingly into your eyes momentarily before muttering, "I think you could give me a better one." You knew from his low tone that something malicious just popped into his head. His fingers tightened, "Let's see if you could scream louder than the girl on the screen. Can ya do that for me sweets?"
You nodded feverishly within his hold, "yes J."
Satisfied with the answer, he began driving his cock vigorously up into you. The harsh slapping of skin heard as his hips pound mercilessly against your own. The spontaneous change of pace left you almost completely breathless. Your orgasm was fast approaching. Eyes squeezing shut as he fucked you relentlessly. You screamed, "Oh fuck!"
Your beautiful screams rang harmoniously in his ears like a favored tune. That he could play on repeat over and over and never grow tired of hearing. Your screams and moans are definitely his favorite sounds, aside from explosions and gunfire. He can't help but want more. Crave more.
"Come on doll, get louder," he teases, "I know ya could do better than that." He went to tug your head to the side, exposing the junction between your neck and shoulder. Sinking his yellowed teeth in, biting down hard to draw blood. That was just the push you needed. Your eyes roll back and your walls clench tightly around his length, releasing a shattering scream as you cum violently around his cock.
J lapped the fresh blood from where he bit you. "Hm, that's it," he groaned, "now that's a real scream." He kept going, his pace never letting up. In fact, soon as your hands went to tug at his hair did his thrusts speed up.
You yank his head from your neck to look into his intoxicating eyes, moving to glance towards your blood on his lips. Crashing them with yours to taste that savory metallic flavor for yourself. You take his bottom lip between your teeth and bite down harshly, earning a rumbling groan from him.
He's getting closer and closer to his own peak as you're nearing another. When you feel his thumb move to rub rigorous circles on your sensitive clit, you release his lip with a sharp cry. "J!"
Your walls clamping painfully tight around his throbbing dick, vision blurring as you cum. Nails digging into his broad chest, probably creating tiny bruises under the shirt.
He relishes in the pinch of pain you give him. Combined together with your sinful noises, the sight of your face contorted in ecstasy, and the feeling of your tight warm walls. With that, he buries himself in you and cums hard. A moan mixed with a groan like noise slipping from his lips while he shoots his hot load into your cervix. So much, that some leaks out while you milk him of every last drop.
J collects his breath before lifting your weight up to slip out of you. Your pussy lips are so swollen that his cum isn't even able to drip down once he's out. He sets you onto the couch beside him, getting up to go into the restroom to clean himself and grab a damp rag to bring back to you.
As you regain yourself, you manage to sit a little more up on the couch. Wincing, trying not to sit up all the way due to the soreness already starting to form between your legs. You wrap the blanket around your naked form and silently contemplate. The sex was amazing sure, but you still felt bad for ruining movie night with a terrible movie.
The sound of J coming back in hadn't even registered with you until he waved his hand in your view, tearing you from your thoughts. You blink quickly, offering him a smile to hide it. But J had already seen the small frown when he walked back. And he wanted to know the reason behind it, since it was out of the ordinary. Usually you're always smiling in your post orgasmic state.
"What's carving a frown in ya, pumpkin?" He asks, a hint of concern in his tone as he hands you the small towel. The strange nickname causes you to giggle and he eases knowing you're alright.
"It's nothing J," you say shyly, "I'm just.. I'm sorry the movie sucked. I promise I'll pick a better one next time."
He hums, saying nothing else as he sits back down beside you. Draping his arm behind the couch behind you. Blankly watching the last of the movies end credits while you clean yourself with the rag.
You start to laugh again, "Well, now I really wanna carve a pumpkin. This place could use a couple. How about tomorrow I get some for us to carve?"
He grins sinisterly, "ya know, I'm usually carving into people."
"Pumpkins are less messy. Like, way less." You playfully respond.
"I like messy," he huffs.
"Yeah I know you do." You smile knowingly at him, lightly tracing the hexagonal patterns on his shirt. "I thought it would be fun. You don't have to if you don't want to."
J licks his scars as he ponders on it. Any activity having to do with a carving into something with a knife, count him in. "Ah, what the hell. Alright. What better way then to uh, help me spruce up on my slicing skills." He traces his hand out in front of him, as if he were carving a smile into something. This action causes you to release a genuine laugh. And in that moment, J relishes in hearing yet another one of his favorite sounds~
Woah, so that's the end! I hope you guys liked it. Again, sorry that it was so long. I can't help but make these super lengthy when it comes to smut😭
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thran-duils · 3 years
Use All of Me (P.9)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Nine) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 2,440 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death
Part Eight || Part Ten || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Steve was downstairs in the Avengers compound working on something with Bruce. He would not tell you what it was, but you had a feeling it had to do with their drugs. You had overheard him on the phone, which confirmed that they were involved with shady business. He had left you upstairs, letting you mill about on your own. It was nice to be out of the house. You had taken the opportunity to walk outside along the waterfront. It was tranquil by the water away from the building. You wished you had brought some bread to feed the ducks.
Instead of taking the elevator, you had elected to take the stairs back up to the communal areas of the facility.
When you arrived back in the main room, you were breathing heavier than normal. You were already getting winded far easier now, which was annoying. Bucky was in there now and he noticed your discomfort when you walked in. You tried to look normal, but he had already seen it.
“Y/N, here,” he said coming over to you and putting an arm around your shoulder to lead you to the couch. “What happened?”
“I took the stairs,” you told him, laughing uncomfortably. “Not boding well for at home… staircases and all.” You let him sit you down.
“You cut your hair,” you said to Bucky, giving him a small smile.
He ran his hand over his far shorter hair, returning the smile. “You like it?” You nodded. “I was getting tired of the upkeep. Far easier to manage in the shower now.”
Your own hand ran over your stomach – a habit that was becoming common – as you chuckled. “I can imagine. It does look suave though.”
“That’s what I am always going for,” Bucky said jokingly. “Do you want some water?”
He fetched you some and the two of you made small talk until your breathing and heart rate was back under control.
“I do feel I should work out more. Steve has a gym. I just have only been using the treadmill.”
“You think anything more than a treadmill is smart the further you get into this?”
“People work out all the way up to giving birth,” you told him. “But I’m sure I’ll need to get the okay from Dr. Kamal before Steve agrees to any strength training or the like.”
You stood up to return the glass to the bar, Bucky watching you with caution. You walked past him, stretching out your legs. On the way back to the seating area, you passed the table. It was glowing around the edges and you frowned slightly. Curiosity got the better of you.
Your fingers ran over the table and as Bucky warned, “Y/N, don’t—" suddenly a hologram popped up. You jumped back seeing all these equations you did not recognize. Bucky sighed, pulling you away from it just as a door slammed down the hall and loud voices echoed down the hall to the room the two of you were in. Tony stormed into the room with Clint on his heel.
“I don’t give a shit who gets the blowback! I almost got fucking SHOT, if you happened to miss that!” Tony was practically shouting.
Clint started, “I get that, Tony, but—”
“Who touched that?” Tony barked, turning an accusing look at you and Bucky, cutting Clint off.
The way Bucky slightly stood in front of you, sheltering you from Tony’s melting glare was all he needed. He advanced on the two of you and Bucky pushed you even further behind him.
“The next time you put your hands on something that doesn’t belong to you, I’ll put a bullet between those pretty eyes!”
“Tony!” Bucky barked at him now, standing his ground. “She just touched the table as she was walking by. She wasn’t snooping. Back off!”
Straightening up, Tony had a stare off with Bucky, the tension in the room thick.
Tearing his gaze away from Bucky, Tony told you, “Sorry. I’m not frustrated with you.” He whipped around and looked at Clint again. “Who I am frustrated with is that idiot.” He clicked something on the table, turning it off, the hologram disappearing.
“You already killed him,” Clint pointed out. “I don’t know what more you want to do to him.”
“Defile the body? Chop it up?” Tony suggested wildly as he strode over to the bar. He grabbed a bottle of Wild Turkey and poured himself a healthy amount. He took a long drink before smacking his lips and leaning on the counter. The other three of you were watching him with unease, wondering what he was going to do next. After a few moments, he looked up and demanded, “Where the hell is Nat?”
“She was making sure the shipment got through,” Clint answered.
“I know that,” Tony said strained. “But where is she now?”
“Hopefully on her way back.”
“What happened?” Bucky finally ventured to ask.
Tony snarled, “Adrian was trying to get some revenge. We gave him a fucking chance to work for us and he decided that wasn’t going to work for him. Well, now his face is kicked the fuck in, thanks to yours truly. You know, I am ready to just wipe out the rest of his stupid little shit stain of a crew – his fiancé included because if that little bitch tries to squeal—”
“Tony,” Clint said sharply, catching his attention. “Y/N doesn’t need to hear shit like that.”
Waving at you wildly, Tony snapped, “She’s in it now. She’s gonna hear shit sometimes. Right, sweetheart?” He directed the last at you and your mouth fell open, unsure of what he wanted you to say.
“Um, yes?”
“Right. See, Clint? I’m sure Steve has said some shit in front of her too. It happens. I’ve done it to Pepper plenty of times. They’re the side pieces. Which is why his bitch needs to get gone. Now. She’s a liability.”
Bucky tried this time, “We can talk about that later. You just need to relax. Have some more whiskey.”
Tony shook his head at them trying to shut him up, but he did all the same, taking another large gulp of his whiskey.
You sat back down slowly, resting back on the couch, taking in what you had just heard. You knowing even the slightest about their operation made you a liability apparently. It made whatever Bryce said the other day truer: you would have the whole team after you if you tried to leave and they would want to find you because they would not want you to talk about anything. It compounded the risk of running away.
Tony refilled his glass and came over to the couch, sitting down near you. “You mind if I turn on the TV?” You shook your head and he chucked you underneath the chin. “Good girl. I just need to watch some people knock the shit out of each other. There was a fight card last night and I missed it.”
Natasha appeared, closely followed by Bruce and Steve. She looked upset and Tony held up his finger. She stopped, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Uh uh. The three here got me calmed down, stopping me from exploding my artificial heart. I need a few. Just tell me yes or no, did the shipment go through?”
“Perfect. I will discuss the bullshit later. I need a little bit of time before we plot on the next move. Actually, if you have questions, Barton or Barnes can take you out into the hall and give you the basics of what I want to do. Y/N and I can sit in here and watch Holloway hopefully knock this joker out.”
You locked eyes with Steve and gave him a slight shrug, sinking back down into the couch. His hand rested on your shoulder as he leaned down to give you a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’ll be back then, love,” he said before following Bucky out of the room.
<> <> <>
‘This is going to be your favorite!” Yua announced.
“Is it from you then?” you teased.
Natalie and Yua had arranged a baby shower for you. When they brought up the idea, you had proposed to Steve it be done here at home. He was more receptive to the idea presented that way. You had pushed your luck, suggesting he should not be home while the party was going on, mentioning it was a baby shower, typically for the ladies. You believed he was relieved you were excited about the idea at all, extending it towards the idea of being a mother, because he agreed quite heartily.
He was not quiet about it to the team, and you found yourself having three more guests added to the list: Natasha, Pepper, and Wanda. You were surprised at Natasha, she did not seem the type to enjoy such a get together but you kept that to yourself. She had been enjoying herself well enough, passing Natalie, exchanging looks.
Your friends insisted on you staying upstairs while they decorated and only allowed you to come down once they were finished.
Yua smirked, “Maybe.”
You laughed in return, opening the gift, the one of many more to go.
A little while later, you managed to pull Natalie aside while everyone was distracted with passing out prizes for a game. She followed you away from the room and let you lead her to the bathroom. You closed the door behind the two of you and turned around quickly.
“Can I use your phone?”
“Sure,” Natalie said, looking at you curiously but handed it over.
Googling, you tried to see the time it would take if you were to follow through with what you wanted to do. In seconds, your hope was dashed.
It was three hours at least – and that was with good traffic – to Grand Central Station. There was no way you would be able to get there in time before Steve realized you were missing. Even if you managed to knock Bryce and Patricia out with sleeping pills, Steve would more than likely check in and see them unresponsive.
You numbly handed the phone back to Natalie.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, seeing the look on your face.
“It’s nothing.”
Tears welled up and you wiped at your eyes, shaking your head. “If I tell you it will wrap you into it and I don’t want that. I don’t want you to be unsafe.”
She grasped your shoulders and forced you to look at her. “Y/N,” she repeated. “What’s wrong?”
“I just…he – Steve – wants 5 or 6 kids,” you told Natalie tearfully. Her eyes widened in shock and you hissed, “I know!”
“He said that?”
You nodded. “I haven’t even had the first two.”
“Did he even ask you what you thought about it?”
You shook your head now. “Of course not.”
Natalie’s shoulders fell and you sighed heavily, wiping at your eyes again, “He loves me. I know he does in the form he believes it to be true. But it’s… it’s suffocating. I can’t eat anything not approved for my health by my nutritionist and the babies healths. I didn’t have any say in that, he made that decision for me. I don’t leave without him and if I want to, I have to tell him where I’m going so he knows where to go if something ‘goes wrong’ and he can find me quickly. I’m afraid to google anything that might be suspicious because I’m afraid he’s going to ask to check my phone. He hasn’t ever but the fear is there if he ever got suspicious, you know?”
Slowly, Natalie said, “No. I don’t know. that’s not normal, Y/N.”
“Right. And I mean, he forced me to move in with him, sell my apartment, he quit my job for me—”
“Hold on. He did that?”
“I thought you wanted that.”
“Are you joking me? I told him I could work. I’m pregnant, not disabled I believe were my exact words. And he said he didn’t want me working and I was going to end up not working at all anyway if I was with him.” Natalie rose her eyebrows and you shrugged helplessly. “I…I wanted to leave. I asked Bryce – my security – first and he told me he wouldn’t help me and made me promise I wouldn’t try to leave. So, then I wanted to take a train. Somewhere. Anywhere. It would be hard to track a train route if I took someone’s ticket at the station rather than being on camera and buying my own. I could manage on my own. Find a church to take me in and I could work to make up for their hospitality. I don’t know. That’s why I wanted to see your phone. See how far away it was.”
“That doesn’t sound like much of a plan, Y/N.”
You burst into tears and she immediately grabbed your shoulders. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“It’s not rude, it’s true. I’m… fucked!”
“If you’re that miserable—”
“I’m not miserable all the time,” you cut in.
“But you want to leave.”
“Yes, but more so I want to be able to breathe! If I could just do that…” you breathed shakily. “If he gave me space, I would be satisfied. I would be okay being with him. I just don’t see it happening… and I hate it because I still want it to work as I want to run away at the same time.” Rubbing your stomach, you looked around the bathroom. Sniffling, you said, “All the baby gifts are so nice. I could make the best of this.” You cradled your stomach closer, and said, “You don’t have to say it. I know you warned me. I was just smitten… so very smitten. And he was so sweet. I didn’t care about the danger.”
Natalie pulled you into a tight hug, cradling you close, electing to stay quiet.
<> <> <>
Outside the bathroom window, Natasha ground her teeth. She had been doing rounds around the grounds, wanting to get air from the tittering women inside. The bushes had done enough to hide her from sight. She heard Y/N and Natalie speaking and gotten curious why they were both in the bathroom. When she was able to hear clearly, Y/N was talking about having to sell her apartment because Steve ‘forced’ her too.
Natasha left the bushes when they fell silent, careful to not make any noise.
Tags: @imsonick , @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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Another Time, Another Life (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Part 4/4
-> The chapter finale..... will love conquer or fall?
*Y/N/N : Your nickname
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
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I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
4 months later.......
“1 strawberry and peanut butter and 1 rum raisin please, both in cone.” Harry said to the young man who’s in charge of the ice cream stand.
“That’ll be 13 sickles, sir.” He replied as he flicked his wand and Harry’s order is prepared by invisible hands.
“Here you go, keep the change as a tip.” Harry handed him one galleon instead.
The young man beamed at him, “Thank you so much, Mr. Potter! Have a good day.”
Harry smiled and tipped his head before he turned around and make his way to the front area. Now with ice cream cones in both hands.
Y/N spotted him from her seat in one of the white round tables and he raised his hands higher as if to signal that he got both of their orders.
“Thanks, Harry.” Y/N shot him a grateful smile as she carefully took her rum raisin ice cream from his grasp.
“Sure thing, *Y/N/N.” He replied as he took a seat in front of her. Slumping on it as he stretched his aching body from a hard morning full of cases.
Y/N took notice of the way his body let out a few painful cracking sounds, “Renshaw’s giving you a hard time again?”
Harry closed his eyes, massaging his temples with his fingers, “Yeah.. He gave me 10 new cases just for this morning only. I’m convinced that the bloke is mad.”
Y/N snorted, “Unbelieveable, I’m pretty sure he is mad. It’s like he’s out for your blood or something.”
“Thank Godric for lunch break, or else I might’ve explode in my cubicle. You ought to come over to my floor and see the stacks of paperwork nowadays, Y/N/N. It’s mountainous! I really want to be in the field and go on missions but Renshaw still thinks that I’m not quite ready yet.” Harry replied exasperatedly.
“Well at least we got our ice creams, consider this as a consolation prize.” Y/N said as she lick some drops of it that has melted.
Harry smirked and raised one of his eyebrows, “A consolation for you or for me?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Whatever you have in mind, out with it, Lightning Boy.”
“How’s the thing with Malfoy going?”
“And what is this thing exactly that I have with him?”
She watched her friend rests both elbows on the table, leaning towards her, “The Ministry is full of gossipmongers, by now even every single person on my floor know that you’ve been getting daily deliveries of fancy flower bouquets among other things.” He wiggled both eyebrows her way, smiling conspiratorially.
“Since when do you thirst for gossips, Harry James Potter? I thought you of all people have better things to concern yourself with.” She rolled her eyes at him but still can’t help the chuckle that escaped her mouth.
“Since said subject of the gossips is none other than my bestfriend who has turned into a mute about said matters.” He shot back, a smug look still plastered on his face.
“Alright, alright fine..” Y/N said, “Stop sassing me.”
“Well you asked for it, you’re lucky I took no offense in you leaving me in the dark about what has happened so far.”
Y/N leaned as far back as she could in her seat, retreating into the comfort zone.
“The thing is.... I’m not sure the flowers are from him.” She sighed, looking anywhere but towards Harry.
Harry gave her a face, “How so? Do you have any other admirers that I don’t know of?”
“I think Narcissa is the one who sent the flowers on his behalf because all of them were roses, Draco knows that I hate roses. He used to sent me peonies or calla lillies because those are my favorite.”
“Well that is unexpected...” Harry muttered, “Does he really wants to win you back or does he not? That git is insufferable.”
“I mean technically he never said it outloud that he wants me back apart from the letter that he wrote... that night at the Malfoy Manor, he just said that he was sorry and that was it.”
Harry slowly reached out for her hands and holds it in his, “If it helps just forget about his sorry ass, Y/N/N. You deserve a better man and not this child who hides behind others and let them do his bidding.”
Y/N let out another sigh, but then a familiar voice made her froze on spot.
Harry seemed to take notice too and his eyes went as wide as saucers, but then she noticed it, a glimpse of pity in his eyes though he tried to hide it but to her, Harry is an open book.
“Don’t look...” He said to her under his breath as he too diverted his attention from the offender.
“Harry Potter and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! fancy meeting you here.” A woman’s voice chimed in.
Now don’t get me wrong, her voice is the kind of voice that you would love to listen to for hours on end because of its soft and lullaby-like quality but currently Y/N would like nothing more than to make a dash for it.
Because now Astoria Greengrass stood in front of their table with her arms wrapped tightly around none other than the source of Y/N’s misery, Draco Malfoy.
It took everything in her not too let the hurt and confusion shows, under the table her hands unconsciously clenched into a fist, the tip of her nails digging into her palm, possibly hard enough to bruise.
Y/N gave her a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, “Frankly we’re as surprised as you are, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour is the last place on earth that I would expect to bump into you in.”
“Yeah no offense, Astoria, but you hardly seemed the type to enjoy any kinds of outing to Diagon Alley. Bond Street or St. James’s perhaps, but definitely not anywhere near here.” Harry said.
Astoria let out a melodious laugh, “I had to make a quick visit to Twilfitt and Tatting’s for some fitting then be on our way, but when we passed by and saw the two of you here of course we need to say hello.”
“How...” Y/N stop for a bit to find the most proper word, “—considerate of you.” She finished with a sickening sugary smile which she hoped pass as genuine.
“Are the two of you on a date?” Astoria suddenly asked, interest flaring behind her round brown orbs.
Y/N caught Draco’s frown from her peripheral vision, but it only lasted seconds before he schooled his face into the nonchalant mask that he soo often wears.
“Unfortunately no, nothing that interesting. We’re just on our lunch break.” Y/N answered plainly.
Draco’s eyebrows scrunched together, creating a deep crease on his forehead, “You spend your lunch break eating ice creams?” He spoke all of a sudden.
Y/N raised one eyebrow, “So what if I do, Draco?”
Harry seems to find the exchange between the former lovers hilarious and currently trying hard to conceal his growing smile behind both hands.
“It just doesn’t seem very satiating compared to a proper meal.” Draco replied in defeat.
Feeling bold, Y/N decided to push things a bit further. Perhaps it’s the bubbling anger that fuels her.
“Now, now Draco dearest. Careful or people might think that you’re concerned of my wellbeing.” She bites back.
Before it could escalate any further, Harry abruptly stood, even bumping his knees on the process of standing up.
“WELL WON’T YOU LOOK AT THE TIME?!” He declared out loud with a grin that is far too cheerful. “We really ought to get back to the Ministry before we’re late, Y/N/N.”
Y/N followed his lead, “Oh my you’re right, how time flew when you’re having fun. We are truly sorry to cut this short but our bosses will have our asses if we slack.”
“Of course, we wouldn’t want to hold you up from your work. I hope to see you on another occasion, yes?” Astoria said.
“Likewise, Astoria.” Y/N replied curtly. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
Y/N spared a glance towards Draco, “I’ll see you around, Draco.”
Draco Malfoy had the decency to look somewhat guilty and embarrassed before Harry and Y/N apparated away.
True to Potter’s assessment earlier, Draco found himself getting dragged to Bond Street by Astoria Greengrass.
Why? You might ask. Isn’t this street in Muggle London? Well if you know where to look then you’d find that some hidden parts of it are home to luxury shopping for upper class Wizards and Witches.
Astoria made a beeline for a ceramics studio, the woman do love collecting unique hand-painted plates and tea sets.
“Come now, Draco. I heard they just got a new collection, shipped all the way from Greece! As you might imagine it’s mythology themed, exciting isn’t it?” She chirped, eyes darting from one display to another.
Draco sigh to himself, shopping for ceramics is certainly not on his list of things to do for fun, but he couldn’t bear to burst her bubble. Astoria is a nice person and he already did her so wrong by pursuing this relationship in the first place, not that she’s aware of it.
“Oh look! I think that one depicted the legend of Hades and Persephone, such nice colorings.” She murmured, carefully holding up a black plate with swirling figures painted in crimson and gold. “Do you know how the tale goes?” She suddenly asked him.
“I’m afraid I’m not well versed in Greek mythology, darling.” He answered sheepishly.
“Pity... it kind of reminds me of you actually.” Astoria said as her eyes found his, the intensity of the look actually unnerved him to the core.
“Oh? Want to enlighten me on why?” He asked curiously.
“Hades wanted something that is beyond his reach even with his position as the King of the Underworld. He fell in love with the beautiful Persephone, daughter of Demeter. She was everything that he was not. She embodied light, pureness, goodness, and happiness basically everything that is on the opposite end of his spectrum.”
“So it’s a story of a forbidden love, then?” Draco inquired with a raised eyebrow.
“Forbidden love, star-crossed lovers, whatever you might want to call it. Although the actual tale is more twisted because he kidnapped her to his realm.” Astoria continued with a shrug.
“Well that certainly took a dark turn.” Draco snorted. “Not that I’d expect any less from the King of the Underworld, even when the driving force was love he still managed to twist it into something vile.”
“Do you view yourself the same way?” She suddenly asked, voice quieter than before.
Draco grew still as the implication of what she’s asking hits him.
“You think that I can relate to Hades? Surely I’m not on that level of wickedness yet, don’t you think?” He frowned.
Astoria let out a ‘tsk’ noise, expressing her disapproval. “You got the wrong point, Draco. What I mean by that is that your heart is still chasing after something that the universe told you isn’t mean to be yours and yet you stand firm.”
Draco gulped, “Bollocks, she figured me out.” He thought.
Seeing how nervous he is, Astoria can’t help but laugh, making him all the more confused of the situation. “Why are you laughing? Aren’t you supposed to be mad?”
“Don’t get me wrong, Draco Malfoy. I’m still very much pissed at the way that you have used me as a rebound but I can’t put all the blame on you seeing that I myself let it happened. Deep down I knew that your heart wasn’t in it but I thought that with time maybe I could make you love me, but just by judging from the way that you still looked at her this afternoon, I finally admitted the truth to myself. I could never compete with Y/N, she was the love of your life and I’m willing to bet on my whole inheritance that she still is. So please stop lying to the both of us and go get your girl.”
Draco feel like slapping himself for the hundredth time, he really is an idiot. A piss-poor excuse of a person.
“I’m really sorry, Astoria. I didn’t mean for it to end up this way. I really thought that I could make this work too.” He said apologetically.
Astoria waved a hand in front of his face in dismissal, “Stop wasting time already! It’s fine I’ll get over it somehow. Don’t think that you’re off the hook though, I’ll find a way for you to make it up to me. In a purely platonic way of course.”
Draco smiled, “Of course, I wouldn’t expect otherwise. Thank you, Astoria.”
Astoria’s face turned mischievous, “Don’t thank me just yet, Loverboy.”
Having an off day is a rare thing in (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s life, what with her ambition and her love for her job that always pushes her to the max, there’s just no time for anything else.
But because of the faithful event of yesterday, she founds herself spending her off day at The Cross Keys. It’s a wetherspoon pub tucked away on a discreet residential street in Chelsea, her usual haunt when she needs to escape from the wizarding world. Plus the chance that she could meet anyone that she knew here is small to none which is a win for her since currently she is pathetically day drinking alone. She would ask Harry for company, but he is visiting Ginny at Hogwarts. “Good for him,” she thought.
Willing her heartache to lessen with each flute of Mimosa that she keeps on flagging the bartender for.
“Well isn’t this a sight to see!” Astoria’s voice rang out, making Y/N almost sputtered out her precious drink. The key word being almost, she managed to hold it down although she could feel some of the liquid coming up to her nasal. Not classy indeed, yet another reminder why Astoria Greengrass is better suited for Draco Malfoy than her.
Without waiting for her reply, Astoria took the seat beside her and make herself comfortable. She raised a hand to flag down the bartender, “I’ll have a glass of what she’s having.” She said.
Finding herself out of words, Y/N settled for the first thing that came to mind, “I never thought that I’d meet you anywhere in Muggle London.”
Astoria chuckled, “You’d be surprised...”
“I already am if you haven’t figured as much.” Y/N replied.
“Please don’t be weirded out but I’ve asked around and your co-workers said that sometimes you go here, and I just took my chance since I don’t know where else I might find you.” Astoria said sheepishly.
The bartender came and put Astoria’s order in front of her, “Here you go, ma’am.”
“Thank you.” She said with a smile before grabbing the flute and bringing it to her mouth.
“Any particular reason on why you decided to hunt me down?” Y/N asked.
“I think you know already, but I’m here to clear some things up about Draco.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Why does he always sent for others to do his work for him? You do realize that you have no reason at all to do this right, Astoria?”
“No no no...” She said dismissively, “He didn’t send me here, I came here on my own. I feel like I owe it to you for how I acted yesterday.”
“Yesterday just wasn’t everyone’s finest moment I guess, I do apologize for my rudeness too, you took me by surprise and I wasn’t ready to face all that.” Y/N said, giving her the first earnest smile. “But just so you know, I think the two of you make a handsome couple.”
“Now that is where you are mistaken (Y/N) (Y/L/N), me and Draco could never have anything real. I want more than what he’s willing to give me and I know that it’s you that’s in his heart, not me. That doesn’t make a good love story, does it?”
Y/N scoffed, “I guess not, I swear men can be so stupid. They can’t even figure out what they want for Merlin’s sake.”
“I’ll drink to that, a bunch of idiots they may be but sometimes we can’t help our treacherous hearts from growing fond of them. I guess I just haven’t found my idiot yet.” Astoria sigh wistfully. “I’m a hopeless romantic, Y/N. I longed for a great love story that would put Psyche and Eros’s to shame.”
“Never took you for someone who enjoys mythology, didn’t that end in tragedy though?” Y/N asked.
“What’s a great love story without some tragedy in it?” Astoria answered with a wink.
Y/N laugh, “You are an interesting one, aren’t you, Greengrass? Draco sure is missing out.”
“The same can be said of you, Y/L/N.” She said with a chuckle.
That very same night, Y/N is laying down on her divan while reading a book with a side of Pinot Noir. A very fine way to spend her night if she might say so herself.
That is before she was interrupted by the arrival of an unexpected guest.
At first she thought that it would be Harry because he promised her that he would bring some leftover of Mrs. Weasley’s cooking, imagine her surprise when she founds that the person standing in the middle of her living room is none other than Draco Malfoy.
“Nice place you got here.” Is the first thing that he uttered, making Y/N want to punch him in his perfect face even more.
“Small talk was never your strong suit, Draco. And how do you even know where I live? Do you resort to stalking me now?” Y/N asked incredulously.
“Actually Potter helped me..” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“So you’re even in league with Harry now?”
“That is a bit of a stretch, but I can’t say that I’m not grateful of his help.” Draco said.
Y/N sigh and put her book down, focusing all her attention on him, “What do you want, Draco? You already came all the way here.”
Draco cautiously took a few steps towards her, testing out whether or not she’ll allow him to do so. When he saw her face softens, he let out a relieved sigh.
As he stood right on front of where she is still half laying down, he bend his knees so that they can be on eye level.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), there is no words that could fully describe how sorry I am for how I treated you in the past and for how poor I’ve handled our relationship after you’ve gotten your memory back. I am an imbecile, I know I am. You deserve someone a thousand times better than me, but I am a selfish man, Starlight. I want you all to myself, now and for the rest of my sorry life. That is if you will still have me, I promise to spend all my waking moments trying to make up for all the lost time.” He finished. “I really mean what I wrote in my letter, I’m only living a half life without you. Will you revive me, Love?”
Y/N stares at the man who holds her heart in the palm of his hand, a man who is quite literally her whole world too. How could she possibly say no when he is looking at her this way? As if she is the answer to all life’s mysteries. As if he would spend millenniums trying to unravel all that she has to offer him. Perhaps she should take a page out of Astoria’s book, perhaps this is her chance on having her very own great love story.
Draco waited patiently for her to answer, with nothing but hope and years worth of love glimmering behind his eyes.
“Win back my love, Draco Malfoy... and I’ll be yours again to whatever end.” She finally whispered out as she leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together, breathing him in.
Draco reached out his hands to cup her face softly, rubbing her cheeks with his finger, “I am never letting you go again, Starlight.”
“As you should or I won’t hesitate to punch you in your crown jewel.” She replied threateningly.
“Lovely as always, dearest.” He chuckled.
A/N : This is a bittersweet moment for me because I’m very proud of what I’ve created but still sad to see that we’ve come to an end, this is my first ever piece with several parts in it, I usually write oneshot only but I definitely had a lot of fun while making this one. I hope this series can be a favorite of yours too! See you on the next story (or stories perhaps?) darlings 🥰🥺♥️ P.S. Yes I listened to “Exile” by Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver the whole time I was writing this.
Taglist : @chaoticgirl04 @accioxdracox @randomsingingkoala @ivarlothbroks @sycathorn-slush @thescarletknight2014 @irritantive @vaeonshi @panicattheeverywherekid @maskd-hearts @capkatie @bookwormmusiclover15 @ahahanofanks @fictionalhoomanofnowhere
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clnriswood · 4 years
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Something Different | Part Three
a/n: Hope you’re all prepared for some red hot angst, hehe.
tag list: @call-me-banana-bandit @pillowjj @truly-insatiable @natsiboo @justmesadgirl​ @boredoffmebox @jjjmaybank @jejegu​ @ superpowereddonut @irritantive​ @salemlilly @marshmelloyellow02 @puffymints @is-it-really-a-secret  @i-mmunity​ @sebastiansass​ @hisoldlover​ @kyobien
Things were awfully awkward the next day. The whole morning, it seemed, Cedric was dodging the girl left and right. At breakfast he was quiet as he picked absentmindedly at his scrambled eggs, and the whole walk to Potions Class he was silent, too. To be fair, the girl wasn’t doing much better. Through their words, or lack thereof, they seemed to come to the mutual mental agreement to not acknowledge what had happened the night before. After all, it wasn’t as if either could even find the words to say about it. And so, as they entered Professor Slughorn's dark little classroom, accompanied by only a select few Hufflepuff and Slytherin qualifying N.E.W.T. students, the only sound to be heard was the pattering of footsteps and bubbling of liquids within the set of large black pots before them. One potion in particular, front and center, seemed to beckon the girl with its enrapturing scent. She swore, almost, that the students around her seemed to have the same thing on their minds as they huddled close at the front of the cavern-like classroom. The issue didn’t dwell on her mind long, however, as the burning sensation of someone’s gaze went searing into her cheeks from the left and distracting her at once. Draco Malfoy, with his snow white skin and icy eyes, looked miserable as ever as he turned his attention swiftly away from her on sight. Try as he might, there was no hiding the look of mild frustration that seemed to reside on the curvatures of those high cheekbones and bent lips. The girl’s eyes narrowed with contemplation as she turned her head slowly away from the boy, at which point the fresh face at Hogwarts, Professor Slughorn, came waddling out of his supply cabinet. He wore a cheshire-like smile as he beamed at the young faces before him, and his sparkling eyes did a double take when they fell on Y/N.
“My my,” he seemed to gasp, “I know that face!”
The girl’s stare went flickering confusedly over to Cedric on instinct, and she found he was looking questioningly right back at her with those huge, kind eyes.
“M-me?” she stammered, her brows knitting.
“Why of course, miss Y/L/N, daughter of Y/M/F/N Y/M/L/N,” he scoffed, waving his hand through the air as he went teetering over to her.
“You knew my mother?” the girl asked, quite aware that all eyes were currently on her.
“Yes of course,” he babbled, making a detour to a nearby shelf, upon which were dozens of golden framed photos. “Brilliant witch, and the most beautiful spirit,” he muttered joyously, bringing one of the pictures along with him.
The girl’s heart sunk as she realized what the picture frame contained; a photo of her mother and father beside a notably younger Professor Slughorn. The three of them wore huge white grins as they waved giddily at their picture’s taker. As the photo began its magically induced re-loop, she found her throat closing up with hurt. Slughorn barely noticed, as he was too busy using his thumb to brush off the particles of dust that coated the frame’s edges. He spoke more to himself, as he continued.
“You look so much like them, you know. And your father, he was one of the great’s, too.”
There was no stopping the sudden flush of red to her cheeks, “my father was a terrible man who sold himself over to Lord Voldemort.”
Her classmates flinched backwards at the name, all except Draco, it seemed.
“Yes,” her teacher nodded, raising his gentle gaze to her, “and great he was, ever the same.”
She felt her heart pounding hard against her chest as she looked back at the professor, understanding his point but disliking it nonetheless. His next words, however, redeemed him.
“No matter. I already know by the yellow of your robes and the fierceness in your eyes that you’re all your mother’s.”
It was true. Her mother had been a Hufflepuff, like her, and the girl had been told many a time of her ferocity. Being that she admired her so, the girl had no doubtedly been relieved to have been sorted into her mother’s house her first year at Hogwarts, and to wear her yellow colors proudly, as opposed to her father’s emerald ones. And her ferocity? Well, that was something she actively sought to portray, something she wanted the world to remember.
“Anyways,” Slughorn’s voice interjected her thoughts, “I am sure I will be seeing more of you, but enough chatter for now, we have work to do!”
As the class all clamored in reaching for their books, she couldn’t help but to feel a lingering weight on her chest. Keeping her eyes steadily forward, she denied the oncoming glance of her friend beside her, and chose instead to hold her teeth tight together, so hard it hurt. The sound of Cedric’s voice came swimming into her ears slowly as she regained focus.
“....amortentia,” he explained, “the strongest love potion in the world.”
“Correct, my boy!” Slughorn exclaimed. “And what else?”
The girl’s eyes settled on the cauldron they discussed, the one that seemed to lure her close. A curl of attractive pink steam danced from the potion’s surface, and it smelled of rain, chamomile, and something else. Was it a cologne of some sort? No, no it was almost minty. But then there was the cologne again. Perhaps it was actually both, she realized. Either way, it was indistinguishable to her.
“Amortentia smells different to each person, Cedric was continuing, “its scent changes according to what attracts a person. For example, I smell grass, and honey, and-”
The boy seemed to go suddenly still, like a thought had gotten glued to his tongue.
“Lavender,” he finished ever so quietly, his face going suddenly very red as he turned his nose to the table.
There was just a second's hesitation before the girl realized what it was exactly that had him flustered, and she soon found her own face burning up as she moved her eyes glossily away from her friend. Nobody in the classroom understood the implications of his last word, of course, though it certainly didn’t prevent a series of giggles from onlooking girls in the class, who batted their lashes at Cedric. Dismissively, the girl scanned her surroundings, surprising herself when her eyes came to a halt. On the opposite side of the dungeon, Draco Malfoy’s snow white skin had gone, for whatever reason, warm with pink. His big eyes were on Cedric first, and then Y/N. When he caught her looking he frustratedly let out a grumble and turned his nose into his potions book, which he now suddenly seemed very interested in. Next to her, Cedric did the same thing.
“This, however,” Slughorn said, moving swiftly along, “is far more valuable.”
The professor lifted a tiny vial into the air. Within its glass was a gleaming gold fluid that swished merrily around.
“Felix Felicis,” he beamed.
“Liquid luck,” Cedirc echoed, earning himself an appreciative nod from the professor.
“It shall be awarded to the student who can most perfectly produce an acceptable Draught of Living Death,” Slughorn challenged. “Though I shall point out, however, that only once did a student produce a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize.”
All eyes were on Slughorn, now. Most notably, Draco’s seemed to gleam with want. The girl knew exactly what she wanted the little vial for, of course. With quidditch tryouts just around the corner and her confidence practically underground, the potion was just the thing she needed to do the trick. And so, for the next hour or so, she and her classmates slaved tirelessly over their cauldrons. Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t all too successful (her potion was a sickly green color), but it seemed nobody else was, either. Likely the only student to get even a little close to the potion’s desired results was Cedric, who earned quite the eye of appreciation from Slughorn for both his skill and charm. Close as he was, nobody seemed to produce a viable enough draught to earn the glittering vial, which Slughorn assured them all was to be expected.
“We shall have to see if one of the Gryffindor or Ravenclaw students beat you to it!” he chortled at the end of their lessons.
As the students all began their miserable shuffle out of the room, the professor called out to Y/N and Cedric, beckoning them over. As the girl dragged her feet back towards the little round man she sped hastily past Draco Malfoy, her quick stare earning her a frazzled glance from the boy, rather than his standard disgusted ice blue daggers. She cleared her throat and pressed on, stopping at the front of Slughorn’s classroom.
“I’m having a bit of a student-teacher social at the end of the week,” he said excitedly. “I do hope the two of you will join me?”
Well, that had been unexpected. The intent seemed obvious, of course, but strange. Apparently the professor was picking favorites and not being all too shy about it. Cedric agreed jovially, of course, while the girl followed his acceptance with a slightly more begrudging nod and tilt of her lips. Her mind was preoccupied with enough things as it was. For starters, there was the night before, and then there was the amortentia induced confusion, the loss of her much needed liquid luck, and now this. As she made way into the halls, Cedric opened his mouth to speak to her, for the first time that day, she realized.
“The Slug Club,” he sniggered, “funny, right?”
“For you, sure,” she said dismissively, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her robes.
“What’s that mean then?” the boy arched a perfect brow at her, but she paid no attention.
“It means you’ve actually got something to offer,” she shrugged. “Me? I’ve just got some dead parents in a photo frame.”
“Don’t say that,” Cedric snapped in her defense.
She just kept walking.
A firm and large hand came to her shoulder, stopping the girl.
Cedric towered over her, looking infuriatingly handsome under the still-summer sun. He chuckled weakley at her, his cheeks erupting with little dimples.
“Sick of you underselling yourself,” he half laughed half sighed, tilting his head at her.
“Ced,” the girl grumbled with embarrassment as students passed them, unable to hold his ocean eyes to her own.
“You’re incredible, I mean it!” he raised his voice and gave her a little squeeze, making her all the more flustered. “If you don’t believe it, then don’t go to Slug’s little mixer.”
“Oka-” she started.
“And neither will I!” he flashed his white teeth attractively as he cut her off.
“Oh for Christ’s sake,” she snorted, unable to resist his foolery.
“So you’ll go?” the bronze skinned boy perked up, picking up his pace as the girl now struggled to get farther away from her increasingly supportive friend.
“Wear something ridiculous and I’ll consider it!” she called over her shoulder as she hurried towards the courtyard.
Cedric had two thumbs high in the air when she turned, “I was planning on it!”
The girl laughed. It seemed all was back to normal.
That was, for about all of two seconds. For no sooner had the girl entered the courtyard than had a piece of paper come fluttering through the blue sheets of the sky and right towards her. The paper had been folded neatly, shaped like a little bird. If it hadn’t hit her smack in the nose, she may not have even realized what it was. The girl gasped in surprise and caught the parchment swiftly between her nimble fingers, unfolding its crumpled exterior in her opened palm whilst sporting a look of utter confusion.
The words had been written in a dark green ink, the same color as the fir trees in the Forbidden Forest, or at depths of the Great Lake.
𝐿𝒾𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓇𝓎. 𝟪𝓅𝓂. - 𝑀
The girl snapped her eyes up. Across from her, a little ways away, Hermione entered the courtyard. Her hair was bushy and curly as ever, her brown eyes wide with curiosity as she looked first to the girl and then to the paper in her hands. Frantically, the girl stepped herself into little circles, looking for the adressor of her note. M? For a moment it had confused her, and then, when the answer surfaced in her mind, she had only found herself all the more confused. What on earth could Draco Malfoy want with her? Had he not made it blatantly obvious the night before that the answer to that question was nothing whatsoever?
Her eyes darted around the faces of students in the vicinity, some walking in chattered huddles, others fountainside enjoying their time basking under the golden sunlight, and more yet flooding to and from the exposed halls. But Draco Malfoy was nowhere to be seen.
“Well, what is it?” Hermione asked, meeting Y/N in the centre of the cobblestone clearing.
She extended an arm, offering her friend a sandwich stuffed with greens.
It had been their tradition to meet during their occasional breaks for years now, the two frequenting the courtyard for chats during the few minutes of peace they could acquire. Hermione escorted the girl to a vacant stone bench nearby, the two girls sitting down upon its flat cold surface. The girl folded her legs up onto the platform and stuffed the parchment into the folds of her robes as she cracked open a chilled pumpkin juice.
“Nothing,” she lied unconvincingly, taking a big chomp out of her sandwich and chasing it shortly after with a swig of pumpkin juice.
Hermione had one hand in a bag of salted chips, which she abandoned without hesitation to go snatching at the girl, who bent swiftly out of her friend’s way.
“Hey!” the girl sniggered, batting away Hermione’s advances.
“You’re an awful liar, you know?” Hermione scrunched her nose with a curious smirk.
The girl stared widely at her friend, giving her a ‘well-you’re-not-wrong’ look as she reluctantly leaned in closer, her voice dropping.
“Draco wants me to meet up with him,” she whispered, like the whole school would implode if anyone were to hear her. “Tonight, in the library.”
“Oh Y/N,” Hermione frowned thoughtfully, “you know you really shouldn’t.”
“And why not?” the girl leaned back.
She tilted her chin up towards the glowing sun and enjoyed the freshening of the warm day’s breeze. The wind rustled around her, making strands of her hair dance against its gentle flow. Around her, birds chortled in conversation, and the nearby fountain gurgled out gigantic spurts of clear water.
After giving herself a moment to think, Hermione responded, “there’s only trouble headed that way.”
The girl opened one eye to look at her concerned friend, “and how would you know that? You’re the one who said he’s not even a death eater.”
“Well, yes-” Hermione began with mild frustration. “But death eater or not, he can’t be trusted.”
She wasn’t wrong.
As much as she didn’t want to hear it, her friend had a point. Draco Malfoy had done little the last five years of their lives other than torment the two of them, as well as his nemesis, and her friend, Harry Potter. But the adrenaline that came with investigating her curiosity of the snow-white boy was on a ravaging incline, and nothing was going to stop her.
She didn’t need to say the words for Hermione to know, just by looking at her face.
“Just, be careful,” her friend advised with a defeated sigh.
“O’course,” she answered with a wink.
Hermione relaxed her shoulders, “you sound just like Harry, you know? He hasn’t given up on his little theory of his. What d’you think he’d say about this?”
The girl blinked dumbly at Hermione. She always did know exactly what to say.
“Dunno,” she stretched out her legs, “which is why you’re not to say anything of it to him. Or Cedric.”
“Cedric?” Hermione asked.
“I dunno,” she waved a hand through the air, “he wouldn’t like it. And it could come up some point at Slug’s event.”
“What?” Hermione asked, confused as ever.
The girl finished off her snacks before continuing.
“Slughorn has a little favorites club, and he’s throwing us all a get together of some sort this weekend.”
“And why would I be there?” Hermione raised a quizzical brow.
“Because,” she beamed, “you’re Hermione Granger. And you’re smarter than most all of us students combined.”
Hermione’s ears reddened as she gave her friend a little smile.
“I’m headed there next,” Hermione dismissed her friend’s comment bashfully.
“Good,” the girl said, gathering her belongings. “Tell the boys I say hello, will you? And good luck with your draught.”
“My what?” Hermione voiced.
The girl laughed secretively as she turned, raising a finger to her lips as she grinned at her ever bewildered friend.
. . .
She’d almost tripped on her toes rushing out of the Great Hall that night. Feeling too nervous to eat, the girl had managed only a few bites of dinner before abandoning her golden platter entirely. She had felt a little ridiculous for feeling nervous, really, but how could she help it? Across the hall there had been an empty seat where Draco usually sat beside Crabbe, Goyle, and his other goons. Whether he was already at the library or off wandering corridors again she had no idea. Over at the Gryffindor table, Harry had yelled out the girl’s name, gaining her attention for enough time for him to raise into the air a little vial. Realizing the contents of his container was none other than the Felix Felicis, she’d mouthed back a “what the hell!?” to the boy-who-lived and an incredibly grumpy Hermione who sat beside him. On her right, Cedric and her friends were growing increasingly aware of the girl’s out of the ordinary manner. Tense, the girl had cleared her throat, claiming she needed to obtain a Herbology book, and flown away from her spot, under the glittering floating flames, and out of the Hall.
Her mind was thick with fog as she dragged her feet around corridor corners before reaching the Library. The girl entered slowly, her eyes making way over the massive room and its many oak framed shelves that touched the dome like ceiling with their tops. It was quiet, unsurprisingly. Few students were concerned with study at  approximately eight o’clock on one of the first nights of the school year. Still, just to be safe the girl had made her way into the darker and mustier back corner of the Library, where there was minimal lighting aside from a few hovering gas lights. Only a few students inhabited the area nearby, but they were uninterested as the girl passed cooly by them and approached the nook space crammed between the two back shelves. As Draco had been nowhere in sight, she’d gone looking at the books, her fingers skimming their dusty spines slowly as she read their titles. It seemed, mostly, that they were on healing based learning.
The girl extended a hand, gently wiggling out a black leather book on charms out of boredom and almost dropping it entirely when she caught sight of a set of blue-grey eyes staring back at her from the other side of the bookshelf. She’d released a little yelpish gasp, drawing the attention of nearby students.
Draco’s hair was slicked smoothly back, not one hair out of place on his head. His lips were set hard with seriousness, his startling bright eyes holding a similar sense of firmness in them. The lamplight casted shadows over every detail of his perfectly carved face. The boy cleared his throat and turned away from the girl, speaking his almost inaudible words into the yellowed pages of the book he held rather than to her.
“Hello,” was all he said.
Oddly it seemed like that took a lot out of him.
She’d stared at him for a few seconds in bewilderment before mimicking his action and turning her own nose into her charms book. The pages had spilled open onto an enchantment for serious wound healing injuries.
“Still refuse to be seen talking to me then?” she worded flatly back.
Draco lifted his piercing gaze momentarily to hers, his lips curled downwards with upset before he resumed his idle stare of his book’s text.
“It’s for the best,” he uttered. “For you, too.”
Nearby, a few lower year hufflepuff students had raised their heads, but sunk them back into their studies when nothing seemed to happen. The girl waited for their looks to pass before replying.
“Alright,” she admitted half heartedly.
Not knowing what else to say, she stayed quiet. Apparently, Draco was having a similar internal struggle. There was a good half of a minute of utter stillness between them, the only sound being that of the rustling of nearby papers. As far as she was concerned, this was in the boy’s hands entirely. She’d reached out last time, only to be shortly stomped out like a fly. Now, if he wanted to do the talking, she would let him do the talking. All of it.
She lifted her eyes. He was already there, his huge ones glimmering back at her. They were flickering left and right over her stare, like he was trying to read her from the outside in. Feeling the pressure of his gaze, she turned back to her healing enchantment. Draco edged his way closer, leaning his shoulder against the shelves. He raised a hand to his ear, using his long fingers to fidget nervously against his cheeks.
“Was it Potter who told you?” Draco whispered at last.
“Told me what?” she said without addressing him.
Now it seemed like he wanted her to look, but she didn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Was it him? Was it him who told you to keep tabs on me?” he mouthed with a twinge of frustration.
The girl felt her body go hot with rage, and she made no effort of concealing the bitterness in her sour toned reply.
“Bold of you to assume anyone would care enough to ask me to keep tabs on you, don’t you reckon?”
His eyes were on her again. This time they were upset. She didn’t care.
“And anyways,” she pressed on, “are you insinuating that it would’ve worked? That I would be willing to play someone’s puppet to spy on you, and that you, Draco Malfoy, would have let me?”
Draco’s white skin paled further, his lower lip trembling as he prepared his response and leaned close into the bookshelf that separated them. He said his next words slowly, his reply coming slow and sharp like a pointed blade making a clear entrance through flesh, “where am I now?”
Her beating heart went still in her chest, her aggravated demeanor regressing into something softer instantaneously. The implication behind his words sunk into her skin and electrified her blood.
Where am I now?
She just stared at him. The look in his eyes was like one she’d never seen before. It was genuine. Genuine and raw. And pleading, almost.
His words swam fast laps around her mind, making her dizzy. Unable to process whatever emotion it was that had crawled its way from his lips and into her, she rejected it.
The girl slammed her charms book shut abruptly, making heads turn. Draco flinched back in surprise as the girl made her not so discreet march around the shelves and towards him. He moved smoothly in reply, his shoulder lifting from its slump as he stood straight and tall, his white brows knitted against the creases of his forehead. There was a hot fire roaring in her chest and she had no intention of quelling it as she planted her feet firm before him, tilting her chin up so that she could reach the view of those alarmed grey eyes.
“For your information,” she hissed between her teeth, “nobody told me to because I told myself to. I saw something different in you. Me.”
Draco clenched his jaw, hard. So hard she could see its pulse against the lower curvatures of his face. He wore the look of a wounded animal, plus a sort of sneer.
“Why?” he leaned closer, the word like salt on his tongue as he towered over her. “Hm?” his voice inclined in challenge.
They’d never been this close before, and it was terrifying. But the shockwave of about ten different emotions had slapped the girl up and she’d decidedly chosen to ride its high.
“Funny,” she felt her own teeth grind roughly against each other, “I was just asking myself the same thing.”
He was hurt by her words, she knew that much. But rather than show it he simply receded as would be expected, turning instead to rage. His eyes narrowed with distaste as he scoffed and spat his reply with a shake of his head.
“Tell Potter to try again.”
“You’re a fool,” she retorted.
“Am I?” he snapped back. “It’s not me who's got a moron and a mudblood for a best friend is it?”
They weren’t all too discreet now. Eyes from all across the library watched as the two had their less than silent quarrel. The girl, practically alight in flames, stared daggers into Malfoy, who stood smug over her and had sunk his long ring-clad fingers into the emerald green folds of his robe. He gave her a sour smile, the sickly kind of lopsided one that a bully would, and leaned down so that their eyes were level.
“Nothing else to say?” he dared.
That’s when it occurred to her. That’s when she’d noticed. Being as close as they were, Malfoy’s aroma had hit her nostrils hard, and the dark cologne and fresh mint that wafted from his slender frame went first to her lungs, then her brain, then her heart. She knew that smell. She’d recognized it from earlier in the day when it had wafted forth from the amortentia. The realization shocked her into a stillness that made her face drop and pulse pause. How it could be that the boy she loathed beyond measure could have such an effect on her? She was unsure, but it had sent her mind spiralling into all kinds of oblivion.
Draco seemed to notice, his brows lowering just a little, his tone softening ever so slightly, “well?”
Her heart had fired back up, now galloping in her chest as she sucked in a sharp breath and let out a pathetic wordless stutter.
“I- I have to go,” she mumbled, her fingers trembling as she clutched the leather bound charms book tight to her chest.
Draco looked disappointed. Maybe because he cared. Or maybe just because he enjoyed a good fight. Either way, the question was left unanswered as he regained his composure, aligning his shoulder stiffly upright and letting his mouth hang slightly upon in wordless confusion as the girl practically bolted out of sight in a flash of black and gold. He stood there, sitting in the silence as the eyes around him went slowly back to their papers. But he just continued to stand there, even a minute later, and a few minutes after that. Many minutes later, finally, he made his slow and quiet descent out of the library.
. . .
Outside, the girl had flown down corridors and up stairs, her boots chasing the beat of her racing heart. Her smooth hair whipped fast around her eyes, which burned a light crimson and stung her lightly. The events of the last few minutes were playing in her mind like tapes as she went, over and over. And they would continue to do so long into the night. For hours after disappearing up to bed she’d lain on her back and just stared holes into the high ceilings while she thought. It had reached the early hours of the morning when she’d decided; if Draco Malfoy wanted to be taken down so badly, maybe she would be the one to do it after all.
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