#again for the 3rd time I'm not going after anyone just trying to get my frustrations out about this certain thing
aloesarchives · 5 months
Birthday Special(JJK Oneshot)
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TW/Warnings: Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Slight self-coded Fem!Reader
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her, Mom/Mama (Though no physical description, reader had some self-coded elements)
Word count: 1.5k words
Decided to write something because today is my birthday(May 3rd)! And I'm officially 21! Thank you all for you love and support for the past 7 months of me writing for JJK! Also, this is the Valentine's day I referred to.
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“Papa, you’re thinking too hard about this. You know Mama doesn’t ask for much.”
“Yeah, Dad. It shouldn’t be hard to get mom a present. Remember that full-size green tea hand and body lotion you got her? She was way too happy about it and was on the verge of crying happy tears.”
Toji sighs as his kids are behind him trying to ease his stress. Once again, like Valentine’s day, he was struggling to get a present for you. But this time, the stakes are higher because today is your birthday. Not some holiday Toji remembers because it’s one of the many times of the year capitalism does a complete take over for the sake of consumerism, which he can never avoid every time he goes out.
Though his kids have a point, he always wanted to do or get something for you. While you do the occasional mall shopping, it wasn’t often. Maybe once a month if lucky. This always posses a problem for the three because you were the best gifter in the family. Knowing what to give to anyone but only hinting at minute items. Thus having to think outside of the box or really watch your eyes latch onto anything longer than seven seconds. 
Megumi and Tsumiki don’t blame Toji for struggling since your demands weren’t demands but rather promises. You have been nothing but good to Toji for almost two decades. Something Toji knows many people take something like that for granted. Unfortunately, becomes terrifying to know how easily many fall under a dark spell. And Toji fears himself on certain days for not giving what you deserved.
“I know, Megumi. But your mother deserves nice things for herself. She still wears the necklace I gave her when you two were young. That’s almost ten years. Now, you both do some scooping while watching the time. We have to get the cake at 3:45pm.”
The siblings looked at each other before shaking their heads in helping their father’s hunt for a perfect present. They looked around the vast sea of stores to give themselves for any ideas. They were overthinking this whole process because every idea was shot down at the reality that you did have everything you ever wanted.
You have everything you ever wanted is what you always said to them.
Perhaps there’s something else they can give you that reminds of that. The lightbulb above Tsumiki’s head went off as she asked Toji the jewelry store he got the necklace from. He becomes curious as she scans the windows for something until stopping and pointing. Toji and Megumi look over to a display of multiple charm bracelets. 
“If Mama has the necklace with us in it, why can’t she get a matching bracelet to go along with it? She doesn’t have one that does.”
Now, Toji and Megumi were seeing Tsumiki’s vision.
“Good eye, kiddo. Shame on me for not thinking about that sooner.”
Toji lets Tsumiki handle the bracelet creation, occasionally having him and Megumi to be on the same page. Once finalized, Toji goes to fish his wallet for his card to give to Tsumiki to pay. After printing the receipt, the lady gives the card back but it ends up dropping onto the marble counter. Megumi cringes at the metallic clanging it made so he grabs it for Tsumiki to give back to his dad. Everyone in the store glances over at them as Toji puts the card away. Megumi raises a brow at his father because Toji had a smirk plastered on his lips.
“Why are you smirking?”
Toji pockets his hands as he looks at him.
“Don’t worry about it, Megs. Just know there aren't a lot of people with metal credit cards. Anyway, we gotta get movin’ because we need to pick up your Mama’s birthday cake and food for dinner.”
Tsumiki joins them as they head off to finish birthday shopping. Once getting home, they set up everything for you to come home to. By the time you come home, they’re done. Making your presence known, you relax into your humble abode. You walked yourself into the kitchen to see what your family has set up for you.
“Happy Birthday, Mom!”
You're greeted by a hug from each of your kids. Chuckling at the surprise they always seem to do when the day is about you. You hold them close and kiss their foreheads as their hugs re-energize you. Once parting, they made way for their father as your husband stands over you. Holding that dumb grin that you fell in love with over these years.
“Happy Birthday, Doll~.”
Giving a forehead kiss of his own, he holds you ever so softly but with the affectionate firmness. You giggled at how Toji is when it comes to physical touch. He can’t seem to get enough of it. Before eating dinner, you wanted to blow out the candles so they could eat the cake afterwards. The kids say their part and end with “We love you, Mom. Always.” Toji cracks a joke that always makes Megumi roll his eyes before getting into his own sentimental speech.
“Thank you for spending almost 20 years of your life with me. Happy Birthday, (Y/N).”
Ugh, and that softness he had at the end. Made you want to kiss him with all the love and warmth. You thought it’s time to eat dinner when Toji pulls out a small pink bag and places it in front of you. Surprised, you looked around at your family.
“What’s this, guys?”
“It’s for you, Mama. From us.”
Though curious, you smiled as you looked into the bag and pulled out a small box. Upon opening it, you couldn’t stop the smile that took over. There, in the box, was a silver charm snake chain bracelet with a small (F/C) gem at the center of a beautiful silver heart charm. But that’s not make you smile. It came from when your eyes landed on the other three charms attached to the bracelet. Two of those were dangling charms, one of an elegant flower and the other of a small silver puppy. The other charm was a clip-on with the colors of dark blue and black. You recognized them to represent the three that ultimately fulfilled the word “family” for you. 
The flower is Tsumiki as it was her favorite color, the puppy was obviously Megumi, and the last one is Toji for sure. Your smile began to painfully pull at your lips because you realized Toji’s charm closely resembles his wedding ring. Clasping the bracelet on your wrist, you admired how it looked on you.
“It was the kids’ idea to do this. I just paid for it, Hon.”
You knew Toji’s lying but didn't have it in you to call him out. This gift was just too perfect. You go over to give your motherly affection to thank Megumi and Tsumiki, your two children that gave meaning to your motherhood. Once having enough, you go over to Toji. The man you undoubtedly cherish and completely devote yourself to, your husband and your other half. You hug Toji lovingly, taking in his warmth and presence. Nothing in this world brings you comfort and ease than the man you choose to love never made you regret giving your heart and soul to.
Toji just chuckles with his signature grin, returning the hug with the same amount of affection. Yet your children can see the adoration and tenderness in his eyes, knowing full well he never looked at anyone that way because you’re the only one to bring it out of him. Looking up at your Toji, your gaze softens but your smile still holds its homeyness. He stares down at you before he leans in for a kiss you gladly accept. Even Megumi smiles with his sister while watching their parents express their love for one another, seeing them pull away from the kiss.
“They’re truly your kids since they always knew how to give me gifts. It goes with my necklace now. Thank you for this.” Saying as you smile up at him.
“Ah~, they knew because they have  good eyes. Just like their mama. Happy Birthday, (Y/N). Thank you for your love…and thank you for being you.”
The absolute tender affirmation was unlike any other. Though your birthday was a reminder of how many years you’ve been on here, it also serves as a reminder of your milestones over the years. Looking at your life, you got the best out of it. A family of your own and the love from someone who’s been with you through it all. As you tell Megumi and Tsumiki to go ahead and eat, you lock eyes with Toji. Both filled with a love no one can feel except the two of you. Toji hugs you close from behind as you interlace your hands into his, feeling your bracelet pressed up against him. Gazing upon Megumi and Tsumiki, both of your creations born out of each other’s unmatched love for one another.
This will be added into one of your many best birthdays you had.
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insanescriptist · 4 months
Cremation is just another fun(erl) service
So blaming random 4am thoughts that have been plaguing me all day for this
Jason woke to a bright room, thin sheets and the smell of a hospital embedded in his body.
First as always, assess. Hospital. No affiliation printed on the walls or anywhere. Private room, but small. That door looked like it led to a private bathroom. Generic flower picture, a mounted screen turned off. Really fucking bright sunlight from the windows.
There was no fucking way he was in Gotham then. Everything was too nice. Normal by standards outside of Gotham. There were blinds, not metal shutters. The walls were cleaner than Gotham allowed outside of Downtown and he could see greenery through the window.
Okay. So what had he been doing? Jason remembered and then wished he had his Jerichos to shoot himself with. Mystic Shit™. Okay. Okay. That was not one of his better ideas, but if he's recovering in a hospital, it worked. World saved.
So recovery. How fucked was he?
His skin looked so fucked. Which meant he had been worse. He's had time to recover and lose muscle tone in, going by how twiggy his arms were. His hands looked good. Clearly someone knew he cared about those if they went through the effort of restoring those.
Hmm, that was odd. No matter how much Jason hated the Lazarus Pits and all its by-products, it would have been a faster and more simple way to recover from near-death than the long incarceration in a hospital for a John Doe.
Jason wasn't sure if he'd been abandoned yet again by those who called themselves his family because he could, "take care of himself," or if he had been written off dead. Again.
Hospital beat the coffin by a long shot.
And it was with that cheery thought, a nurse -obvious meta human nurse- came in and burst into excited Japanese, because that was of course, his luck.
It's after the nurse and doctors leave that Jason loses his shit.
It looks like he's sulking in bed, but mentally everything in his head is exploding. Imploding.
Three. Fucking. Years. Coma.
Burn victim so bad they not only expected him to die in the first couple of days, but still expect it because of the infection risk his fucked up skin represents.
Still the conversation with the medical staff -of varying degrees of bizarre- was enlightening.
No, he has no idea who he is. Did he ever get anyone visit? How did he get here?
Of course some amnesia is to be expected. No, some of the nurses visited. No one knows how he got here.
Does he know what his quirk is? Uh?
Trauma blocked amnesia, the doctor mutters.
What's the last date he remembered?
Saturday. Maybe? The last year? No, I'm pretty sure my memory is shit and I'm trying hard not to freak out over not knowing anything. So could I get the year number?
And then there's the fucking year number. Once he got it translated into more normal terms.
Mystic Shit™ said fuck you to the future.
Except Jason knows this is not his future. Again, if it was, this would have been treated as a fucking inconvenience. Effective skin restoration goop -the proper name escaped him- was easily available to those with the right connections. A normal baseline human with 2nd and 3rd degree burns would be fine in less than two weeks with it, with nary a trace to show for it.
Thanks to the three year coma, his muscles were all atrophied as fuck, despite their best attempts at physical therapy. Because of all the burns and later burn scars and infections making it basically impossible to actually do fuck all about maintaining muscle tone until he was basically burnt skin and bones anyway.
He was so fucking weak now. It wouldn't last forever. He'd escape this hospital before he was discharged, before whatever "benefactor" showed up for whatever "purpose," he was suppose to serve now, as they had the medical debt over his head or was threatening his loved ones or whatever. If one didn't show up in the next week, he was losing his genre-savviness, because shitheads always wanted to claim shit, if it looked useful.
And Jason was used to looking useful, until he was no longer useful and they just didn't care. The amnesia made him less shiny, but Jason couldn't pull off the brain dead zombie imitation without actually being a brain dead zombie crawling up out of his grave.
So under the thin hospital sheets, Jason twitched his muscles.
Two weeks of emotional freak outs, watching the news, physical therapy and drugs Jason had had enough.
And he broke out.
Yeah, he regretted it almost immediately. Hard not to in the stupid paper gown, barefoot and bare ass.
Thankfully people were people, even with the plethora of meta humans he had seen, so it actually wasn't hard to find clothes. Someone left a hoodie in their car and Jason broke into said car. Put on the hoodie. Hotwired the car and drove off.
Somehow for being in the fucking future by two centuries and change, cars really hadn't changed. More evidence of Mystic Shit™ slamming him sideways.
He drove to the next town over, picked another direction, drove some more. Parked the car near what looked like a chop shop, negotiated the car for some money. He probably got ripped off, but better than nothing.
He walked to a corner store, bought some flip-flops after bullshitting an excuse that his had broken. First aid stuff. You know, for his feet. Hair dye in three different colors, because Rose Wilson could pick out a bad dye job at a hundred meters and so Jason learned how to dye his own hair properly so as to avoid her mockery, only to get mockery (affectionate) anyway.
It was a mix of instinct and lifelong observation that let him find an empty apartment quickly. He stole some sweatpants and passed out on the bed.
The thing is, Jason doesn't regret his crimes like Bruce thinks he ought to do, with a massive pity party and flaming self-hatred and punching criminals instead of shooting them. He hates the necessity of doing crimes, even if that crime is a net gain to society, but that's why all his serious crimes are premeditated. He's homicidal, not a psychopath.
Not Pit-mad either, no matter what the rest of them might have thought.
Again, he's homicidal, not a psychopath. And when he doesn't have to be some sort of costume soldier to be discarded by family for the disgrace of disfiguring the memory of a dead boy? He's actually chill and boring.
That is to say, he crashed at that apartment for three days, felt progressively more like himself, especially after the dye job -white hair all over, now a solid and boring black- but it still didn't change all the other issues the Mystic Shit™ inflicted on him.
This body isn't actually his. Too young, scars not right where the burns didn't fuck him over. Thankfully his existing coping mechanisms for dysphoria work and it's shoved to the side.
It's also a shit body. Not even a month out of a three year coma with inadequate -by his standards- of medical care. It's weak and building muscle to do everyday civilian shit, is going to take months to do. Pushing as hard as he did during the escape wrecked him the next three days. Jason may not know what's going to happen, but with his luck, it's going to suck and training is preparing to make it suck less. The only certainty he's got is that his skin or lack thereof is going to kill him from infection if he doesn't fix it.
He's got no legal identity here. Which basically puts him back onto familiar ground of legally dead.
Beyond the lack of paperwork, he's got a lack of funds. He also has no easy target to steal funds and equipment from, even just for fun.
For more disadvantages, he's in a different country, with different laws and a whole different culture. He would be climbing on board a fucking plane to Gotham, if it existed in this world, for some familiar ground.
He really is the unluckiest Robin. It also means he is also the most prepared Robin.
The first six months after waking up in this mockery world of heroics were the absolute worst.
He started at one foot in the grave and crawled out of it before the casket could really eat him alive. Jason had experience in casket busting. He didn't wanna repeat it.
He still didn't know who he was -in who was he inhabiting- but it wasn't like Jason had a lot to go on. 'His' quirk was thermo-manipulation, most obviously in the blue fire he could call to his hands but he could do some ice too; it was thanks to Duke's light and shadow manipulation that he had even tried for the duality. He had white hair. Presumably Japanese heritage but quirks had really erased or blurred a lot of racial lines. Also presumed dead and young.
Access to the Quirk Registry took some doing, but again, not everyone followed basic computer security, much less what it took to keep someone bat-trained out of their systems. Again, for nearly two centuries in the future, a lot of the technological development had stagnated. Searching through the Quirk Registry hadn't yielded any result but none of his other methods had struck anything either. And he had looked at the recently dead and/or presumed dead. Sure, he had some leads that looked viable, but he wasn't going to follow those up yet.
He had fixed a few of his most pressing issues the past six months. His ignorance of the local area, the local and national politics and so on. This world supported and had an entire industry catering to making child soldiers and sell their image and reputation to make money and more child soldiers that called themselves Heroes.
His weak ass body no long cried doing daily tasks and only hated him after working out. Yes, Jason was pushing it but he was well aware of how months of preparation could mean shit in the face of seconds.
His infection risk was severely reduced after quick research bender let him make the most generic knock-off brand of the skin restoration goop in a shitty homemade lab. Did it fix his skin being patchwork fucked in places? Some. He wasn't going to get feeling back properly, but at least he looked more normal. Maybe with enough moisturizing he might look a little less Frankenstien's monster.
He also had a cash inflow. It wasn't great, but it supported his apartment. And the second set of papers. And the 2nd apartment.
Which meant in grand old tradition for Jason, time for him to bounce to the next apartment and come up with a new name.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Can I ask somthing? You can totally ignore this if you're not comfortable!! Can you write somthing like reader has been SA'ed before and az or cass or Rhys(your choice who) doesn't know this and tries to take things to 3rd base but reader gets really uncomfortable and tells them what she's been through so the bat boy comforts her saying he'll wait however long he has to for her, holding her and then goes all angry psycho on the person who SA'ed her.
(I was SA'ed a few years ago and the 'date' is coming closer that's why I just need somthing to keep my mind distracted. Plzzzz ignore this if you aren't comfortable with it!! I totally understand!)
Finally Safe
Summary: Reader is the youngest of the Vanserra's, but like Lucien, is the daughter of Helion. She has a pretty dark past that she doesn't even want to think about, and so, no one other than she herself knows about it.
When her mate tries to take things further in their relationship, everything she has kept inside herself comes spilling out.
A/n: Hi my love! I am soo glad that you sent this ask, it makes me so happy (this one is the first fic request I've received! I also feel extremely honored that you chose me for writing such a sensitive topic).
Also, I'm soo sorry that you had to go through that! I've never had any experience with SA or anyone who went through it, so I'm not sure if I can write something that really captures the depth of the situation, but I did listen to a few SA stories and podcasts ('Rotten Mango' podcasts, if any of you wanted to know) and I'll try my best with this.
Also, I've had this story idea for like a year now since I finished reading acosf, so I'm going with Azriel for this one.
Aaand I tried to make it as long as possible, hope it what you wanted to read.
Hope you like it! Enjoy!
Tw: mentions of SA, not graphic torture scene under '•○●⛦●○•', none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
Everywher her eyes went, there was darkness.
All she could hear, laughter, grunts and disgusting words spewed from equally disgusting mouths.
All she could smell was sweat, her own tears, and things she didn't want to think about.
All she could feel was the nauseating touches of a male she didn't know and the cool ground under her back.
All she could taste was the bile climbing up her throat.
She just wanted it to be over. She just wanted them to leave so she could curl up into a ball and cry herself to sleep.
She kept asking herself.
Why me?
She would probably never get the answer to it. And even if she did, she'd never understand how someone could do something as horrible as this.
Then she started screaming. As she always did.
Y/n jerked up, her chest heaving. She sat up, scooting back towards the headboard and pressing herself against it, tugging the blankets to cover herself as her eyes frantically searched around for any sign of movement in her chambers.
Of course, there was no one, but the fear never went away. Probably never would.
Long moments went by as she tried to calm herself, telling herself that she was safe. That she wasn't in that dungeon anymore. That she was far from it, she was in Day Court.
Her actual father's domain, apparently.
Soon after Amarantha had trapped everyone Under the Mountain, her mother had broken the news to her. That she wasn't Beron's daughter, but Helion's. And then, secretly, over the decades, Helion and Y/n had started to spend more time together. Her father was guilty that he hadn't been there for her when she was a kid, and so the two of them tried to make up for the time they had lost.
Y/n shook her head, laying down again and deciding to atleast try to get some sleep. There was going to be an important meeting in a few hours, and all the High Lords were going to arrive for the meeting. For planning the course of the war against Hybern.
She needed all the sleep she could get as it would be very stressful and she was supposed to be present as her father's Second in Command.
Still, she could not sleep. Knowing she would not be able to sleep anytime soon, she finally stood and made her way to the washing chamber when the watery rays of sunlight filtered in through the window.
She scrubbed herself raw in scalding hot water in hopes of washing away all the phantom stickiness she still felt on her body. After that, she got dressed in a white and golden flowy gown, the colours of Day.
Being the second of command of Helion wasn't the only reason she wrote this colours.
It would also be making a statement. That she had chosen Day Court over Autumn Court.
Beron knew she wasn't his daughter. He also thought that she was picked up from a dumpster. That's what Lady of Autumn had told him.
When she was pregnant with Y/n, she had stayed away from Beron for months, and when she returned, she returned with a newborn, saying she found the baby on the side of a road near a dumping ground. Beron didn't care as long as he was not concerned in the child's upbringing.
After Feyre had ended Amarantha's reign, Y/n had left the Autumn Court, making the excuse that she wanted to settle somewhere else.
And that's how she had ended up in Day. She had tried her best to convince Helion not to do this, as it could put relations between the two courts in jeopardy, especially as Beron would see it as a sign of betrayal. But he didn't care.
Y/n just prayed to the cauldron that the meeting would go without anyone dying.
She stepped into the airy meeting area, her dress fluttering around her feet.
The guards outside had informed her that the High Lords from Dawn and Summer Court had arrived quite some time ago, and Night Court had just come just moments before she did.
All eyes went to her, and all the Lords' eyes lit with recognition. She just gave a then a polite smile, before grinning at Rhys, who grinned back and pulled her into a hug.
"She was a friend Under the Mountain." He told his Inner Circle, pulling back from her. She nodded at the members that were present before her eyes landed on an Illyrian standing near a doorway, his eyes alert and on the High Lords.
As if sensing her gaze, he glanced at her. And when he did, everything in the world stopped. At least for Y/n.
Her body locked up, her eyes widening. She stared and stared at him. She vaguely heard her name being called, but she couldn't process it.
"Y/n?" Her father touched her arm and she jerked back, gasping. She looked up at him, her eyes frantic. He had a confused smile on his face. She took a deep breath, pulling an indifferent mask on.
"Are you okay? You look alarmed." She swallowed, glancing at the winged male to see if he had felt it too. By the confusion lacing his featured, he hadn't. She tried not to let her disapointment show.
"Yes. I'm fine."
Her father nodded, unconvinced as he gave her a look that said we'll talk about this.
Then she felt a tap on her mental shields. She opened a pathway and let Rhys in.
What is it? He questioned.
She thought for a moment before answering. Mate.
His eyes lit up and he smiled. That's amazing.
She nodded and walked to her seat, plopping down on it.
As everyone waited for others to arrive, Y/n couldn't help but keep glancing at the male.
Beautiful. He was beautiful.
As the meeting progressed, she kept chiming in with her suggesting but not really paying attention, completely avoiding looking at Beron. She also learned that the male's –her mate's– name was Azriel. She knew she had heard the name before, but couldn't place where.
But she would, soon enough.
"My dear, what happened back there?" Helion asked as soon as he and his daughter were alone.
She turned to him helplessly. "He–he was–is, my mate."
His brows furrowed. "Azriel?" When she nodded, a smile as bright as the Court he ruled over spread across his face. "You found your mate! You must tell him! Oh Mother, I'll hold a ball in your honor. I–"
"Dad. Who is he?" She would've called him father if not for his very pouty request that she call him dad. Father sounded too formal, according to him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. How could I forget! He's the Spymaster of the Night Court."
Her jaw dropped. "The feared Spymaster of Night Court?" He nodded happily. "Then should we not be scared? Doesn't he have... quite the reputation?"
"That he does, but from what I've gleaned from my centuries, he's a sweetheart with people he cares about. Atleast, that's what Rhysand has been telling me. If he's lying, I'll be very sad."
Y/n couldn't believe it. One of the most feared male in all of Prythian was her mate. Her gods darned mate.
She didn't know how she would tell him, considering she had never had an interaction with him. Still, she'll have to figure it out.
Because, feared or not, he deserved to know.
After the war.
She had realised that any one of them could die at any moment after the war, and then she'll feel guilt for not telling her mate about the bond. And so, she wanted to get to know him first. She had no idea how she'd do that, but her father did.
The war was over, but that didn't mean that everything was fine. And so, under the excuse of strengthening ties with the Night Court, her father had sent Y/n to help in Velaris. Of course, when she had called his bluff, he had acted innocent and declared he didn't know what she was talking about.
So now, it had been a week off her staying in Velaris, and she hadn't had any sort of conversation with Azriel except for a few polite smiles here and there.
She was in a room right next to Azriel, which Rhys claimed had nothing to do with their bond.
She huffed and turned onto her side, trying to fall asleep.
That was when she felt a panicked tug on the bond. She practically flew out of her bed and into Azriel's room to find him writhing on the bed. It was pitch dark, his shadows frantic.
She quickly made her way towards the bed, realising he was having a nightmare. She gently placed her hand on his bare shoulder, tying to wake him up because she didn't know what else to do.
She shook him slowly so as not to startle him, but when he didn't wake up, she put a little more force into it.
Which was, she realised a little too late, was the wrong thing to do.
One second, she was kneeling on his bed trying to wake him up. The next, she was pinned on the mattress, Azriel snarling in her face, one of his hands wrapped around her throat, the other clutching her hands above her head. But that wasn't what caused her breathing to grow shallow or her instincts to scream at her to flee.
No. It was the fact that she was helpless as she was pressed into the mattress.
Dark dungeons.
Beron's Second in Command sneering at her.
Her screams.
She couldn't breathe she couldn't breathe she—
Suddenly, the weight was lifted from her body, her hands free and the grip around her throat vanishing. She gasped, scrambling to sit up and scoot away from Azriel, who was kneeling in front of her with a horrified expression.
"I– I'm so sorry. I didn't mean–"
Y/n shook her head, trying to find her voice. "It's okay." She rasped.
"Did I hurt you?" She shook her head. He seemed to think for a moment. "Did I scream?" When she shook her head again, his eyes narrowed. "Then how did you know I was having a nightmare?"
She paled. "I just thought you– I didn't..." She knew lying to him would be futile, he was a damned Spymaster for a reason. So she swallowed and told him the truth. "I felt it."
She did not meet his eyes, though he stared at her. "How?"
She stayed silent. A few moments passed before she sighed and tugged on the bond. Gently at first. When he gave no reaction, she tugged harder.
He gasped, leaning forward and clutching his chest, staring at her with wide eyes. It felt like eternity had passed before he finally spoke.
"How–how long have you known?"
She looked at him as she cleared her throat. "Since the High Lords' meeting. Before the war."
"That's why you kept staring at me. Why didn't you say anything?"
"I wanted to get to know you first. I was scared."
He seemed to have regained his composure as he nodded. He stayed quiet for a moment. "Do you– do you want the bond? It's okay if you don't want it. Want me. I know my reputation isn't... the best."
"I want this Azriel. I just want to get to know you more before we accept the bond."
A smile stretched across his face, stealing Y/n's breath away.
"Then... how do you feel about getting dinner tomorrow?"
She smiled. "I would like that. Very much."
It had been a few months since that night, and Azriel and Y/n had been courting each other traditionally, like they would have if they weren't mates.
They took it slowly. Just last month they had shared their first kiss.
They had told each other everything about their pasts. She knew all about Azriel and he knew all about her. Except that one thing that not even her father knew. It wasn't as if she didn't want to tell him. She just didn't know how to.
As she knocked on the door to his new home, she wondered if she should tell him today. Better late then never, right?
He opened the door, an instant grin spreading on his face as he opened the door wide.
"Welcome home love." He mumbled, kissing her temple as she passed by him. She smiled and set the box in her hands on the corner where the other boxes were. "Dinner's ready."
He had recently bought this house for the two of them. His stuff was already here, and the box Y/n had been carrying was the last of her belongings.
When she had insisted that she could bring her stuff herself and didn't need him, he had declared that he'd be cooking dinner then.
They sat in comfortable silence as they ate. After the plates had been cleared away, he forced her to sit and relax while he did the dishes.
So as she sat on the kitchen counter, she told him of the new book she'd been reading. Soon enough, he had finished his work and was standing between her knees, leaning on his hands on either side of her hips, listening diligently as she finished her story.
"And that, my love, is how they got their happy ending." She flicked his nose.
He sighed. "I wonder if I'll get my happy ending tonight."
She giggled. "And what do you think your happy ending will be?"
"Just a few sweet kisses from my sweet sweet mate."
She laughed and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss.
It was amazing and dreamy, like she had always imagined and wanted her life with her mate to be like.
But the dreaminess of the moment soon started summoning her nightmares as Azriel's hand started to inch higher on her thigh, his other hand tugging her towards the edge of the counter.
Panic flared in her as she placed her hand on his chest, trying to push him away gently.
But then his hand brushed the waistband of her pants, and she pulled away with a gasp, her chest heaving. "No."
His brows furrowed as he searched her eyes. "What happened, darling?"
Tears formed in her eyes as those memories started creeping up on her. "No– not yet Azriel. I–I can't–"
Seeing those tears, his face softened with understanding. "Hey, its okay. We can wait. There's no hurry. Can you tell me what the matter is? Is it something I did?"
She shook her head, taking a deep breath. "A century ago, I was still living in Autumn Court. Beron's Second in Command hated me, for no other reason that I existed, apparently. He was always trying to get me executed or imprisoned. One time, he succeeded. He convinced Beron to throw me in the dungeon because I was being rebellious, according to him. A few days in the dungeon would discipline me. And–and that he would personally look over my imprisonment." As her voice broke on the last part, Azriel's hands clutched her own and squeezed.
She swallowed. "He... he did overlook my imprisonment. Quite personally too."
He searched her eyes, his face hard. "The guards? They did nothing?"
She laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "They enjoyed watching him... discipline me." She wiped her face with her sleeves. "I'm so sorry, you have to wait because of me–"
He shushed her. "One thing I always want you to remember is that it wasn't ever your fault. It was his. Never apologise for someone else's mistakes." She sniffled as he pulled her into his arms, her head resting on his shoulders as she wound her hands around the back of his shoulders. He clasped the back of her neck as his other hand rubbed her back. He then carried her to their new bedroom, while she clung to him like a child, all the while murmuring about how it wasn't her fault.
He sat her down on the bed, helped her change into her night clothes before laying her down and settling down next to her. She lay her head n his chest, breathing in his calming scent.
"Can you tell me his name, love?"
She could feel him nod. She wondered why he asked, but couldn't think straight as sleep started creeping in.
She would ask him tomorrow, she decided.
Azriel's pov.
He was alert as the footsteps became louder and louder, until that bastard came into view. Azriel wanted to gut him like a fish, but that would not calm his rage. So he calmly stepped out of his shadows, only enough that he could be heard without having to shout.
"Orvyn?" He questioned. The blonde male turned, squinting to make out who had called his name. "Are you the Second in Command?"
Azriel watched as his chest puffed at the mention of his title. "Yes. That's me. Who might you be?"
Then Azriel stepped completely away from the darkness concealing him and smirked. He prowled closer, noticing how fear entered Orvyn's eyes, and how he refused to back down.
But while he was busy staring at the Spymaster, he failed to notice the shadows winding around his legs and arms. When Azriel was close enough to him, he whispered. "Your death."
Orvyn's eyes widened as he opened his mouth to scream, but before he could even take a breath, Azriel had winnowed the both of them away to the dungeons. The place where his mate had been kept.
As the darkness cleared from his vision, he found that his shadows had already bound Orvyn to the wall, keeping him standing. Some of them held his hand next to his head while some had bound his mouth so he couldn't scream. And some had already gone to keep an eye on anyone who might be coming near, sealing the ears of the guards nearby.
Azriel smiled at Orvyn as he whispered. "Where shall we start?" He pulled out Truth–Teller and placed it near his fingers. "Here? I think that's a good idea."
And then, as slowly as he could, he cut off the bastard's fingers. The stench of piss hit the air. "What is this? I thought you were supposed to be very brave and powerful. What happened now? If you're crying and pissing yourself now, I wonder what you'll do when I carve your dick out. I'll do that, then maybe even take your eyes as souvenirs. What do you say? Oh, and also, I want you to know that I'm not doing this because I'm being paid for it or anything. I just found out you assaulted my mate. Remember? Her name was Y/n."
His eyes were wide in recognition as tears started streaming down his face and Azriel clicked his tongue. He pulled out another ordinary dagger from his array of weapons and stabbed it in his thigh.
Then he placed Truth–Teller on his face and set to work.
Y/n's pov.
She groaned as she blinked the sleep from her eyes and stretched her hand out in search of her mate's warm body. But all she came across were cold sheets.
She was confused as she sat up and looked around for any indication of where he might be. He would have left a note if he was going for work. Maybe he was in the kitchen.
So she got up and waddled down the stairs, hunting for her mate. But she couldn't find him anywhere in their home.
Where was he?
Just then, she heard the front door opening and she rushed to meet Azriel. She had already expected him to be out, and he had returned now. Maybe he'd been running some errands.
What she hadn't expected was for him to be covered in blood.
"Cauldron boil me! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked, trying to usher him into the bathing room.
"What makes you think I'm hurt?" He raised an eyebrow.
She faltered. "Well, first of all, you look like you just took a swim in a pool of blood. Forgive me for expecting the worst." She began turning on faucets and filling the tub for him, adding oils into it before turning to him. Hurt or not, he would want to take a bath.
"I could have been doing my Spymaster things." He said, stripping and stepping into the water, sighing.
"Whenever you leave for work, you leave a note. Where were you, Azzie?"
"Just having some fun." When she continued to glare at him, he finally told her. "Hunting down bastards." She raised a brow. "Second in Command. Orvyn."
Her eyes widened. "What did you do to him?" He ignored her. "What did you do Azriel?"
So he told her everything in detail, so much so that she wanted to gag even as pride surged in her for her amazing mate. When he finished, he stood and toweled off, coming to stand in front of her.
She sighed. "Don't you think this could strain the already fragile relations between Night and Autumn? Beron could decide to attack–"
He grasped her jaw and tilted her head back as he leaned closer. "Y/n, I do not care about any of that."
"Are you sure? I remember you saying that you would do anything for this Court."
"Night Court is important for me, but not as much as you and your happiness. The whole of Prythian could go to hell if it meant you would be happy. Just say the word and I'd set the world on fire for you, my love."
Wetness gathered in her eyes and she furiously swiped at them. He pulled her hands away, smiling softly. "I don't want to cry." She choked out. He laughed and pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around him so tight she wondered if he would choke.
But he didn't do anything other than hug her back just as fiercely.
And finally, after all these years, Y/n felt like she was safe. Nothing could hurt her as long as she had her mate.
And she couldn't ask for anything more.
Taglist: @eos-princess
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
I’m not entirely sure if you’d write this or not but could you write stray kids and like trainee reader who has divorced parents and is crying? You don’t have to write this and I understand if you don’t. If you do thank you
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: very angsty
content warnings: divorce, allusions to a panic attack
word count: 2.7k
summary: out of all things, the last thing you expected to hear was that your parents are getting a divorce, but it was fortunate that the boys were there to hold you together
Thank you for the request! I did something silly and accidentally wrote it as a ninth member instead of a trainee, but she is still the maknae of the group so I hope that is still ok :)
Ever since Stray Kids was confirmed to debut after the survival show all nine of you took part in, life had been a whirlwind. From training in the practice room to releasing several tracks, getting your first win was like a dream come true. Of course it would be 'Miroh' that people gave you recognition for, you couldn't deny how how much you loved the track too. However, there was a small part of you, scrap that, a big part of you that hoped '3rd Eye' would also gain that same level of attention. It's not a crime to be obsessed with your own music now, is it?
Due to how busy you had been, it had been just over a year since you had seen your parents, and for today to finally be the day you'd get to see them, you were practically bouncing off of the walls, so much so that the boys couldn't stop laughing at you, fondness radiating through all of them. You were the youngest, after all, only 14 when the show happened, and they had seen you grow so much already.
"Y/Nnie, calm down," Changbin chuckled as he tried to hold onto the sides of your arms, but you couldn't contain yourself as you excitedly paced up and down the wooden floors of the lounge.
"I can't help it... I'm so excited! I haven't seen them in ages, I missed them so much!" you cheered, accidentally bumping into Minho in the process.
He slowly turned around from his spot in the kitchen, stopping his minor task of pouring some juice.
"Do you like oranges, Y/N?" Minho turned to face you with a sinister grin.
"Oranges? I love orang-" you shrugged momentarily in confusion before gasping as he held the juice over your head.
"Ah! Don't! I washed my hair today and everything!" you were rapid in your movements as you ducked away and took cover between Felix and Jeongin.
"Don't sacrifice us!" Jeongin's eyes were wide.
"Ah, you're being so cute today, Y/Nnie," Felix giggled, patting your head.
"Have you got everything you need, menace?" Chan asked you, letting out a laugh when you scrunched your nose at him in response.
"If anyone's a menace, it's Hannie, but yes," you answered his question whilst also turning the spotlight to Jisung, who was currently trying to grab Hyunjin's hair and tie it with a scrunchie of yours he had stolen.
"Who, me?" Jisung feigned innocence.
"Ah!" Hyunjin jumped not noticing Jisung behind him. "Bro, what are you doing?"
"Giving you a new hairstyle, Y/Nnie lets me do it all the time," Jisung shrugged, moving away from Hyunjin as it was clear his mission had failed.
"Yeah, small problem, Hyunjin's hair isn't long enough," Seungmin pointed out, making you laugh.
"I want to see Jinnie with long hair, woah," you nodded in approval at the idea.
"Y/N, you're getting distracted again," Changbin directed you towards the front door. He couldn't hide his smirk as he shook his head at your antics.
"It's like you're trying to get rid of me," you pouted, turning around with your hands on your hips.
"Never, but you really need to go," Minho joined him at the front door, jokingly pushing you out the door, making Felix yell out in surprise.
"Don't push the maknae!"
"Ok, ok, I'm going," you laughed, brushing a hand through your hair making sure it was perfect and not a single strand was out of place.
"Bye Y/N!" you heard them yell out in goodbye, before you made your way to the Korean BBQ place that wasn't too far away from your dorms. Initially you were going to go for a café, but your dad insisted that you see each other at your favourite kind of place.
And there they were, waving at you from across the road, small smiles on their faces that gree bigger the closer you got to them.
"Mum! Dad!" you ran up to them as you embraced them into a tight hug, their arms wrapping around you in return, both you and your mum getting teary eyed.
"Oh, I missed you so much sweetheart," she cuddled you closer to her, and pulled away as your dad planted a kiss on your forehead.
"Come on, darling, I bet you're hungry," your dad poked your cheek as he guided you through, sorting out the details of the reservation as you all sat down and began to catch up.
"I'm so glad I got some time off to see you, I just, I missed you so much," you sniffled, wiping your tears away before you full on sobbed in front of them.
"Aigoo, don't cry my dear," your mum wiped your tears as she dabbed a tissue across your cheeks and wrapped you in a side hug.
"We're so proud of you, Y/N, I know for sure we can both say that," your dad awkwardly glanced across at your mum, not that you noticed this exchange, too happy to be simply in their presence again.
"Thank you, I'm glad I can make you proud," you smile widely, your mum nodding along.
"You've achieved so much already, are the boys taking care of you, hmm?" she questioned, shifting her body to face yours more.
"-and then by the end of it we all just ended up falling asleep in the practice room, but I didn't mind, it was so comfortable, they truly are my brothers," you gushed as you retold one of your favourite stories of one of your earlier memories in your trainee days, just showing how strong your bond with the group was.
Whilst all of this was happening, your parents both had a nervous demeanour about them, not fully engaged in your story, something heavier weighing on their minds. How would their only child react when they told them?
"I-is something wrong? Oh, I'm rambling again aren't I, sorry, you can tell I haven't changed much," you finally picked up on their silences, the change of their normally relaxed mannerisms more apparent than ever.
"No, no, it's perfectly alright sweetheart, we just..." your mum trailed off, not knowing how to approach the topic.
"We have something to tell you, Y/N," your dad finished off your mum's sentence.
"Oh, what is it?" your heart dropped, sensing the serious tone coming through in the conversation. You fiddled with the chopsticks in front of you, trying to stabilise yourself, not knowing what was to come.
"There's no easy way to say this, darling, but... Your mum and I, we're getting a divorce," your dad couldn't look you in the eyes as he said this, wishing he could pretend he was looking for a waiter yet the enclosed booth you were in prevented him from doing so.
"No," you instantly said, disbelieving the words you had just heard, sure you had misinterpreted his words. In your strong reaction, you firmly placed the chopsticks down, head moving left and right as you glanced back and forth between your parents. A trio of a family, now split into three.
"Sweetheart, please, don't make this difficult," your mum began, sighing as she stared down at the table.
"D-don't make this difficult?! You're getting a divorce!" you leant back away from them, struggling to take in the situation as your heart raced.
"It hasn't been easy for us, please understand, Y/N," your dad pitched in, "we've been thinking about this for a long time now."
"How long?" your voice broke as you got quieter, the sight of your eyes welling up with tears breaking the hearts of your parents.
"For around four years now," your mum winced as she admitted how long their relationship had been in turmoil.
"Four, four years?!" your hands shook as you covered your face, absolutely devastated. Anyone that knew your family would have said it was absolutely perfect, even the boys who had only seen them on a few occasions.
"We had to make it work for you, Y/N, darling," your dad tried to grab your hand but you ripped it away from him, getting rid of that opportunity.
"You're putting this on me?" your voice wobbles, tears freely running down your face, leaving trails of grief in its wake. A grievance mourning the loss of something you'd never get back.
"Listen, we wanted to stay together for you, you just got into JYP, but now you've debuted we thought..."
"You thought I could handle it? Because my life is 'sorted'?! It's quite the opposite now," you sniffled, wiping your nose with the back of your hoodie sleeve.
"Y/N, we had to do this sweetheart, for the better," your mum tried to reason with you, tears of her own present.
"No, no, I... I can't," you scrambled out from your seat, running out of the restaurant without even having any of the food yet.
Your parents desperately called after you, but you kept running away, finding a seat on a park bench to try and process everything that had just happened. They were divorcing, just like that. Were all the happy memories in your childhood as fake as the ones they created when they had been convincing you all this time that you were still a happy family? It wasn't fair. Could you even trust the words that left either of them now that they had revealed their biggest secret to you?
Without even knowing, your feet guided you away from the bustling streets of Seoul back to your true home. The family you had found solace in, that you'd be soon to find solace in once more, but for different reasons this time.
Like your body was on autopilot, your key twisted into the door of your shared apartment and you dropped your small bag to the floor, instantly falling to the ground as your knees buckled. You weren't aware of how bad of a state you were in, the mascara from your light makeup you applied earlier on in the day, now smudged under your eyes and faintly across the apples of your cheeks. Your chest heaved as you gasped for air, unable to comprehend everything that had just happened. You didn't even feel the arms that had wrapped around you and brought you to their lap, cradling you into the safety of their warmth.
"Miss, please, it's ok, she just got here, she's safe, I think, ummm, do you want to come to our dorm? I can send the address?" Chan hurriedly spoke into his phone as he glanced over at Jeongin holding you tightly to him, the other boys around you trying to provide you with enough space but their comfort at the same time.
"I, I think it's better if we don't," the voice of your mum sighed from the other side of the phone.
"What? But- oh," Chan was ready to convince them to come over and ask what had brought you to such a distressed state, but the call had already been ended from the other side.
"It's ok, you're ok, Y/N, just take some deep breaths ok? Ok?" Changbin whispered into your ear, trying to help you slow down not only your breathing, but your mind too as you were clearly in your own head.
Jeongin rubbed your back in soothing circles, and after a while, you felt yourself slowly calm down, alongside Jisung's instructions to breathe deeply, and the soothing feeling of someone scratching your scalp, who you found out later was Felix.
The boys were the only people who could ground you in this moment, providing you with the comfort the rest of your support system failed to do. Your thoughts were still in a whirlwind yet you managed to tune back into your surroundings.
"You're ok, that's it, well done love," Chan's voice broke through, as your tight grip on Jeongin's t-shirt lessened and your body was ever so slightly less tense.
"We should move her to the sofa," Hyunjin spoke quietly, as if he was afraid to break the calm you began to feel.
And so, you numbly walked to the sofa with the help of Seungmin's hand resting on your back, pulling you down gently to sit next to him. Like you normally would, you rested your head on his shoulder. But this was far from a normal situation.
"Y/N?" Changbin asked tentatively, hoping you'd respond. "Look at me, aegi."
"Mmm?" you made a sound with your croaky throat, sore from your crying which the boys were thankful for their own souls that they didn't have to listen to it anymore. They feared it would permanently leave an imprint on their hearts, so they were worried at what on Earth had happened to you.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Chan slowly questioned you, a gentleness behind his eyes that nearly made you tear up again.
What did happen? What would happen now?
"They... my, my parents, they're getting a divorce," your voice cracked again and you internally scolded yourself for it as the boys looked geared up to protect you at any cost.
"A divorce?" Felix gasped.
"Oh, no, oh Y/Nnie," Jisung sighed sympathetically.
"I just don't get why... why now?" you held your head in your hands. Having to explain everything that happened moments ago would have been more painful had it not been for your members attention on you as you all sat on the sofas in the lounge. The very same ones you had been joyfully skipping around earlier on that day.
"These things... they can be unpredictable sometimes, Y/Nnie," Seungmin squeezed you tighter towards him, leant forward with you.
"That's what I hate... they said it had been four years that they had been thinking about it, four years since they knew," you closed your eyes tightly, anything to imagine yourself not in this situation.
"Y/N, you couldn't have known," Jeongin tried to offer some comfort.
"They said they stayed together, for me. I was the reason that they didn't tell me after all this time," you gritted your teeth in frustration.
"No, no, don't do that, love, you weren't to know," Chan firmly said, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel guilt.
"It's not your responsibility to carry that weight," Minho sternly added, in the same mindset as Chan, hating that you were upset. Sure, he teased you for your hyperactive mood earlier but he much preferred that then seeing the storm cloud hovering above you.
"It is though. They faked their love just for me. How do I know they even love me?" you crumbled once more, tears rushing down your face as Hyunjin immediately crouched down in front of you with a tissue at hand.
"They could never stop loving you. It's hard, but just because they fell out of love with each other, doesn't mean they'd do the same with you," he grabbed your hands in his, before pressing the tissue into your hand for you to use.
It was almost funny. Your mother had dried your tears for you earlier and now you were doing it for yourself, feeling that childlike innocence being ripped away from you as you were forced to feel adult emotions.
"Please don't think that way, no one could ever not love you," Jisung insisted.
"I just... I don't even know anymore," you took in some deep breaths again, looking around you at your brothers who held so much love and compassion in their eyes for you. You could see it in how they sat, turned towards you with their undivided attention.
"You don't have to know, Y/N. You're not going to know how to feel straight away," Changbin validated your emotions that you couldn't sort out on your own. But that was why you were glad they were there, to heal you, to offer you that safety net of their permanence in your life.
"You're not alone, okay?" Minho's soft spoken voice was filled with love, smooth like honey.
You needed some space from your thoughts, some reprieve from the situation you had faced, but, even in your fragility, you could see, no, you knew the boys would forever be there to keep you together. And so what if the cracks showed? You had 8 members more than willing to not force you to be fixed, but to live with those cracks and learn to understand them.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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depraved-gf · 11 months
**There will be no more updates unfortunately. I've been ghosted. :(
MASSIVE TW'S: CNC, STALKING, RAPE FANTASY, ETC ETC. Basically if you are triggered by intense, dark kinks or sex, please do not read. I do not censor words.
*tagging under #repressedh0e's adventures
Aight so, I can't tell anyone else this because they'd probably call the cops lmao, but I know I can tell y'all freaksss about what happened today. Essentially, I'm being VERY marinated in a cnc stalking scenario for the very first time... Finally! And according to him, it's going to be a very slow burn for anticipation.
So, I've been talking to this local guy for a lil bit that's very, very much into cnc just like I am (and y'all, he's a whole FOOT AND 2 INCHES taller than me, and has the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen. I'm not even lying - this man is going to rip my little, only-had-sex-with-one-person body to SHREDS). Once we both got a good vibe, we moved towards more kinky territory, talking about safe words, limits, and scenarios for when we eventually meet. He then asked me to send a single photo outside of my bedroom window, and promised he'd find me.
Intrigued, I sent it. I can see my city from my window. Beautiful, really.
But within 15 minutes, he sent me a live snap of my apartment building with the caption: Found you, princess. After losing my shit (in a good way), I confirmed it was my building, and he said he actually lives really close by.
I suspect you're in a corner apartment, 2nd or 3rd story, I'm not sure yet but I'll figure it out. I say nothing. I'm not giving any hints. I'm impressed by his perception at this point. But I am, in fact, on a corner on the 2nd story. How will you figure that out? I ask in innocent curiosity. All I get back is a 🤫 emoji.
And then, maybe 3 hours later, I get a random snap - a chat that simply says, I have a question, Isa. I told him to shoot, go ahead and ask!, and again, he simply asks:
Do you have a fan in your window?
I freak the fuck out (again, in a good way), and confirm that, um, yes... I enjoy the cold, and why do you ask?
About a second goes by, and he sends a live snap of MY 2ND STORY BEDROOM WINDOW with the caption, You can't see me, but I can see you.
How the FUCK this man was able to tell it was my window in a fully wrapped around 6 story apartment building, just by the angle of my one photo, was astounding. I was truly perplexed.
I then get another ding before I can truly wrap my brain around what was happening.
Turn your light off.
I do as I'm told.
I then receive a live video of my bedroom window, with the light shutting off.
I freak out a third time (y'all already know I'm soaking by now), but I realize I couldn't see him. There were 4 cars a little ways down the street, parked in the night. Any of them could've been him. None of them could've been him. I can't see you.. Is all I managed to type out through trembling fingers. It was so intense, and I was so turned on, I barely knew what I was saying at this point.
His response: Good. Let's keep it that way... For now.
Not long after as I'm continuing to try to look into any and every vehicle, I receive a live video. It's him stroking his massive cock in his car with the caption, You know what I want.
Y'all. When I say I about came undone, I MEAN IT. My heart is pounding, my pussy and inner thighs are both absolutely drenched. The moment is so thick with sexual tension, and I'm so entranced in it, I could've sworn I saw god at that point lmao.
But I continue looking out the window, my light still off so I can see into the night. But nothing. All is still. And finally, the car in the very front down the street slowly drives away.
About 5 minutes go by, and it feels like a lifetime, before I receive a chat: You're so close to me. I'll be watching. Waiting. Checking on you every time I go out. Stroking my cock outside your apartment until the day I can finally tear those holes apart.
Y'all, I... have been dreaming of living out a stalking scenario since I started becoming interested in sex as a teenager. I begged my ex, and while they were into cnc, it was never like this.
Never in my life did I ever imagine these scenarios to be so intense in real life. It's so damn different when it's really happening. Intense, I use that word a lot but there's legitimately no other way to explain it. Exhilarating, even. Psychologically it fucks with you, because you truly never know when they're looking at you. He could be outside right now as I'm typing this, stroking that huge cock, thinking about raping my holes, and I genuinely wouldn't know it. And it turns me on so, so much.
I absolutely cannot wait to see what else happens. 🫣
***DISCLAIMER: yes, I'm being safe!! I've told my roommate and another good friend all about him/the entire situation and the man was of course good with that as well. I'm very willing in this situation, and incredibly aware of any red flags that could arise, pls don't worry<3***
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
hello, hello. I would like you request shiratorizawa 3rds boys playing Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I think with tendou would be hilarious
Nah bc Satori would be killing ur cats 😭 this is so cute
Playing minecraft w GN!reader ft. Ushijima, Tendou, and Semi.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
"How do you- I'm being attacked by zombies." His voice is nonchalant and he stares at you waiting for your input.
"'Toshi, use your sword!" You don't even look at him because you're fighting a stupid skeleton.
"Which button was that again?" His character is close to dying.
"We should have played on creative mode." A snort escapes your lips and he smiles at you.
"Maybe I'll lose more often if I get to hear that cute laugh of yours." You don't even have to look at him to know he's smirking.
"Better stop daydreamimg cuz I'm robbing your place." You laugh again.
His brows furrow, he looks so cute. "Hey, I've gathered all that myself, you can't take it." He shakes his head playfully.
"Quit getting distracted by my hotness, then." You smile.
"That's hard to do.." He sighs trying to keep from smiling,
Tendo Satori:
"Satori!!" You scream kicking his side. He starts cackling.
"What?" He asks trying and failing to sound innocent.
"You snake! You burnt my house down!" It took you two weeks straight to finish your build, it was perfect.
"Ah... that was your house? Oops." It wasn't an accident, the smirk on his face said so.
"I'm so going to get you back." You scoff and walk over to his place and kill some of his cattle and his favorite cat— which is named after you.
"You killed, (name)?!" He screeches in shock.
"I'm not your minecraft bae anymore, 'Tori." You feel pretty satisfied with yourself.
"Two can play that game." His character makes his way to your burnt down house. He finds your favorite wolf in his pin and kills him. "Goodbye Satori junior, your sacrifice was not in vain."
"You killed my baby and burned my place?!" You weren't able to believe what happened in a little over five minutes.
"Okay how about we make a truce and I help you build your house again?" He knew you couldn't resist such an offer.
"Fine but if you burn down my place again, I will kill all of your animals." He chuckles at your childness. He loves that about you.
Semi Eita:
"Did you kill them yet?" You ask Semi waiting for the green light.
"Mhm.. give me like two seconds." He was concentrating hard, but you can't help being silly.
"One, two." You count out very fast and he scoffs at you.
"Okay I'm done, go go go." He says and your character runs into the house of the villager he just killed.
"What's in there?" He asks with amusement.
"Let's leave, it's only bread." You let out a laugh from your gut as he sighs.
"Damn, this is like the fifth house with nothing good in it." He groans, it's not a big deal to kill villagers, its just time consuming.
"What if we rob the pillagers? It's risky but I'm sure they have some good items." You mention, it causes your boyfriend to smile at the thought.
"Okay, we'll give it one last shot." He was just as determined as you are.
Actually finding the pillagers took over an hour, you happened to stumble across one and it began attacking you.
"Eita, help! I found a pillager!" You scream and he laughs at you. It's so adorable to see you really getting into the game. Honestly, he's thinking about leaving you by yourself to see how you'd respond.
"Eita, where are you?!" You're fighting the pillager with your sword that wasn't as cool as your boyfriend's sword.
You can hear muffled laughter, indicating that Semi planned on letting you die. That bastard.
"Eita please, I'm dying!" The pillager gets the upperhand, it shoots you one last time and your character dies.
"Eita, how could you?! I thought we were partners in crime!" If anyone else heard what you said without context they'd be confused. Your boyfriend on the other hand broke into fits of laughter.
"I'm sorry baby, try to catch up." Eita lets out a small giggle. At least he waits for you to catch up before continuing.
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Heyyyy, thanks for this request ily anon!! I think Tendo's is my favorite, he is such a cute menace. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :P
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meazalykov · 4 months
love masked by the color of our jerseys
esmee brugts x gerwnt!reader
summary: reader suffers with guilt after the third place nations league match
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Standing on the pitch, I can feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me. After the defeat against France a few days before, due to the fact that I didn’t have an opportunity to score, I knew it's time to redeem myself.
It's the Nations League 3rd place match. This is my first time playing in the nations league– sorry, it’s everyone's first time playing in the league since it was introduced this year. For my friends, coaches, and teammates– this match was important. It's about qualifying for the 2024 Olympics.
“Bist du bereit für das Spiel, Missy?” (are you ready for the game, missy?) I heard my closest friend on the team, Sydney, say as she wraps her arms around my shoulders. Being called “Missy” by the national team is an inside joke caused by a waitress in Australia, during the World Cup, who was trying to get my attention while I zoned out from anxiety. At first I hated the name, but now I am used to it. 
“Ich denke ... ich hoffe?” (i think … i hope?) I mumbled to Sydney. My eyes look across the field and I see her—Esmee, my girlfriend.
Today, though, she's not just my girlfriend Esmee who plays at Barcelona Femeni with me– She's my rival Esmee from the Netherlands Oranje national team. And I am Y/N, a striker for the German National Team, ready to do whatever it takes to secure our spot for my team in the olympics.
“Starren Sie sie nicht die ganze Zeit an, das könnte Ihre Nervosität verschlimmern.” (Don't stare at her the whole time, it might make your nervousness worse.) Sydney noticed my eyes looking at my girlfriend training with her Dutch team. The Bayern Munich star pulled my body from the sight and we headed towards the benches. Syd took a sip of water which influenced me to do the same. 
“Syd, es ist nicht sie, die mich nervös macht, ich habe nur Angst vor dem Ergebnis. Was ist, wenn ich gewinne, wir zu den Olympischen Spielen gehen und sie anfängt, sich über mich zu ärgern?” (Syd, it's not her that makes me nervous, I'm just afraid of the outcome. What if I win, we go to the Olympics and she starts getting annoyed with me?) I breathed out, looking over at Esmee again, who looked at me with a small smirk before following Daan away from my sight. 
“Sie würde sich nie über dich ärgern. Esmee liebt dich über alles. Würden Sie es ihr übel nehmen, wenn sie heute gewinnen und zu den Olympischen Spielen gehen würde?” (She would never be annoyed with you. Esmee loves you more than anything. Would you hold it against her if she won today and went to the Olympics?) Sydney asked. 
“Nein, das würde ich niemals tun. Ich würde mich für sie freuen." (No, I would never do that. I would be happy for her) I responded. 
Sydney patted my back before saying, “Und sie würde sich auch für dich freuen, wenn wir gewinnen, komm schon – wir müssen trainieren gehen” (And she would be happy for you too if we won, come on – we have to go train) 
Twenty minutes later, the whistle blows. To all of my friends and closest fans, I'm shy off the pitch. Here on the pitch, I am bold with the ball at my feet– I'm unstoppable to most defenders. This is how I transferred from Wolfsburg to Barcelona two years ago at 18. Esmee knows my moves better than anyone on the pitch, which makes her determination to stop me all the more intense. 
Each time we clash, it feels like we're rivals who don't know each other, our love masked by the colors of our jerseys and the countries we represent.
Now its early in the second half, and I see a chance. I dart towards the goal with the ball on the left side, but Esmee is right there running towards me. We tangle near the sideline, and suddenly, we're both on the ground, dragged on top of some random poles. I knew she stumbled as she was trying to stop me, but I did too as I failed to dribble around her feet. For a brief moment, the world and the match fades away as Esmee helps me stand. Her touch is gentle, we don’t speak as we jog back on the pitch but her gesture is a silent reminder that we are still lovers outside of here.
But the game goes on, it's the 55th minute. I jog up the pitch before running when I find myself in the perfect position. I see a chance when Lena dribbles the ball around Janssen. I dart behind some of the defenders, right by the penalty spot, and Lena passes the ball with her back foot towards me and I shoot. 
I strike the ball with everything I have, the ball curves to the right but it soars past the Dutch goalkeeper into the net. The crowd erupts as I run to the corner of the pitch with my hands up, celebrating with the Germans who came to support us here in the Spanish stadium. 
Amidst the cheers, amidst all of my teammates hugging and jumping on me since I’ve opened up the score 1-0– there's an emptiness. Back in Barcelona, I miss Esmee's arms around me, her whispering congratulations in my ear everytime I scored in a league match. Thankfully, Klara’s happy smile blocked my view from looking at my girlfriend's reaction. 
Two more goals by Buhl and Schulle-- and the final whistle blow later, we've done it—Germany wins. We've secured our place in the Olympics. All of my teammates gathered around me as they’re all happy about our olympic qualification. Yes we were third place in the Nations League but we cared about the Olympics more, even if we didn’t say it out loud. 
I should be ecstatic about our win– but instead, there's a hollow ache inside me. My girlfriend couldn’t stay out of my mind when I didn’t have the ball at my feet.
 I look over at Esmee, her shoulders slumped, the defeat evident in her eyes. My heart sinks. 
After the coach concluded his congratulatory speech by the benches, I rushed over to Esmee. Her back was turned towards me so she didn’t notice me until I came around her and pulled her into a tight embrace. 
"I'm so sorry, Esmee," I whisper. We rock back and forth as we hug. I know I am overcompensating in my need to comfort her. But I hate seeing her like this, knowing that she won’t come to France to play in the Olympics with me, and knowing that I'm part of the reason makes it worse.
She pulls back slightly, looking into my eyes. "Y/N, it's okay," she says softly. "I'm not mad at you. This is part of the game. You played amazing out there."
My eyes widened as my eyebrows knitted together, “Thank you sweetheart, but I dreaded this moment since I arrived here. I hated being your opponent.” 
“Why? I think you look cute as my rival.” Esmee smirked which broke a laugh out of me. Our arms were still linked together, as if we were gonna hug again. 
“I felt the same about you but idk– I miss you celebrating with me on our goals.” I kiss her forehead, holding her closer again. "I just wish we could go to the Olympics together," I confess, my voice trembling as my head rested on her shoulder.
Esmee smiles, her resilience shining through. "I’ll come support you in France, there’s no worries love. There will be other chances but just let me be proud of you, okay?."
“Okay.” I smile.
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chaengluva · 5 months
Massive Deal [6]
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: 3.1k words: Chapter Index
Sorry for not updating in a hot minute, i forgot about my tumbler account not gonna lie😭
You were very excited to go out with Leighton, she seemed very like a sweet girl but the kiss you shared with Regina was still on your mind as you were trying to sleep that night, the English test was on Friday, the date with Leighton was on Friday and the talent show was next week, you had so many other things to think about but your mind couldn't help but think about the kiss.
You laid in your bed as your mind rushed through thoughts and questions, should you tell Leighton? What if she gets mad?
after all the questions you asked yourself, you decided not to tell Leighton about it, the two of you weren't together, so it should be fine.
You woke up the next day and decided to head to school early to get some study done, maybe you would understand the test.
You were still struggling, you thought you would never be able to understand this, you put your head down on the library desk and started to cry.
"What's wrong?" you hear someone ask, you lift your head up to see Regina standing there, she was wearing a white blouse and jeans. "Nothing, I am just struggling with English." You say, frowning slightly.
"Struggling? I found it easy." Regina says, which doesn't make you feel any better, you frown and look back down on your page, she looks at you and then sighs, leaning over you looking at the page.
She explains everything and makes it really clearer, her body gets really close to yours and once you understand everything, you look up at her, Regina is still leaning over you, the thick tension between the two of you is clear.
You looked at her lips and she looked at yours, she looked around the room and smirked when she noticed you were the only people in the library, she leaned down to kiss you. The table you were sitting on was in the corner so if anyone walked in they wouldn't see straight away.
Regina lifted you up so you could sit on the table and stood in between your legs as she kissed you, the kiss would have lasted hours, but the bell made you pull away.
"I have to get to class." You say, fixing up your make up, Regina stands away from you, "Nerd" She giggles, walking away, leaving you alone with thoughts rushing through your mind.
You shake it off and walk outside of the library, "Y/n!" You hear Leighton say from behind you, smiling, you turn around and see her, she comes up to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so excited for our date, I was wondering if we could also go out tonight."
You weren't doing anything, so you didn't see why not. You nodded your head and she smiled, "Perfect, I'll pick you up at 6, dress casual."
She kisses your lips this time and walks away, you feel a blush creep up on your cheeks as she leaves, you feel butterflies in your body you couldn't wait.
You spend the whole day excited for this last minute planned date, it must be your excitement making the time go slowly because the whole day was dragging on and you swear it was almost home time but it was only lunch.
As you stood up from your seat, you felt a notification go off, you secretly pulled your phone out so no one would notice and read the text you got, it was from Regina.
Meet me in the janitors closet on the 3rd floor next to the boys bathroom
You made your way over there with zero hesitation, and as soon as you opened the door, (locking it behind you of course) she pulled you in for a rough kiss, her hands roamed around your body so well, she was perfect.
You kissed her back just as rough, you even try to fight for dominance with her tongue, which makes her pull away, "Absolutely not." she says, leaning back into yours, kissing you again.
This time with more dominance and more power, she shoved her tongue inside you, making you let out a moan.
She held your body close as she did this, holding your waist as she kissed you roughly, showing no mercy for you, her lips were swollen when she pulled away, she looked at you up and down and smirked at what she saw.
“We should continue this.” She says, smirking, you nod smiling as she leaves, you couldn’t help but blush at remembering the feeling of her lips against yours, they were so addictive.
You sigh at start to focus on what was important, which was the date with Leighton tonight, luckily, the rest of the day goes quickly and before you knew it, you we’re waiting outside for Leighton to pick you up.
You were wearing a white shirt with black ripped jeans, she was wearing something that was designer, as she always does, she picked you up and took you to the theme park.
The two of you had a lot of fun, you had a lot of carnival food, and went on so many rides, you only had to do one more thing, which was win a prize.
You were currently playing a game of ring toss, it you win you get this massive stuffed toy and even though you were 18, you would die for that toy.
You couldn’t win though, you must have tried 10 times before you gave up, Leighton smiled at you, but she felt bad because you were upset that you didn’t get the prize.
So she decided to play it, and she won, first go.
She loved seeing the smile on your face when the worker handed over the toy to Leighton.
Leighton was about to pass it to you but she stopped herself just before you could grab it. “Wait.” She said, you pouted in response.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Leighton asks, you could hear the nerves in her voice.
You smile brightly, grabbing the toy from her and putting it down, pulling her in for a kiss. The kiss was passionate but it was short and sweet, when you pull away, Leighton has a massive smile on her face.
“Yes. Yes I will.” You say with your forehead against hers.
Leighton was so happy that she finally could call you hers, and now that you were out, you could happily walk around the school with her arm wrapped around your waist, holding you closely. The feeling of being able to openly show affection for each other in public was a relief after keeping your relationship a secret for so long. Leighton's smile never left her face as she proudly introduced you as her girlfriend to everyone you passed.
You were walking to math class, and your eyes went wide when you walked past Regina. She smirked, looking you up and down. You could feel Leighton tense up besides you, her grip on your waist tightening slightly. You quickly looked away, not wanting to engage with Regina's obvious attempt to provoke a reaction.
You finally made it to math class. You sat next to Leighton like you always do, but she pulled you into her lap, holding you possessively. She kissed your neck from time to time—nothing too much; she just left kiss marks on your neck.
As the teacher began the lesson, you tried to focus on the material, but Leighton's affectionate gestures distracted you. You couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for her presence and protection in that moment. You would chuckle at the sensation of her lips tickling your neck as she kissed you.
Leighton's playful affection made the math class more bearable, and you found yourself looking forward to her sweet gestures throughout the lesson. Despite the distractions, you managed to absorb enough of the material to keep up with the class. Leighton's love language always managed to brighten your day, even in the most common of settings.
She really loved physical touch, which was perfect because you also loved it, so you spent most of your time together touching each other (not in that way).
Her simple acts of affection were a reminder of the joy she brought into your life. The class finally ended, and now you had English. Sadly, Leighton wasn't in your class, but she decided to walk you to your class. She saw that Regina was already in the class, and she kissed your lips, making sure that Regina saw her do it, which made Regina roll her eyes.
As you walked into English class with a smile on your face, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Leighton's unexpected display of affection. The playful kiss served as a reminder of the bond you shared, even in the midst of school drama.
You walked into the class, and you still needed a bit of help on the English assessment, so you decided to sit next to Regina and ask her for some more help on the test.
You sat down, and your heart started beating faster when you could see the smirk on her face, but you brushed it away because you knew you wanted to be loyal. She leant over you when helping you again, and you knew she wanted to kiss you, but you couldn't allow that to happen.
You needed to be loyal to Leighton; you were dating her, so you needed to make it clear to Regina that whatever was going on between the two of you was over. Regina's flirting made you uncomfortable, but you remained focused on getting the help you needed for the test. As you thanked her for her assistance, you made sure to maintain boundaries to respect your commitment to Leighton.
"Regina." You say this, and she looks into your eyes and nods her head, waiting for you to talk. "We need to end this." That was all you said, and you can see the way her face turns from happy to angry.
"Ugh! Because of that Leighton chick?" Regina asks, rolling her eyes. You nod your head and focus back on studying. Regina doesn't like the fact that you are ignoring her, so she makes you look at her by slamming her. hand on the table. "You can't just end things like that," she says firmly, her voice tinged with hurt, but she is quiet so no one else around can hear.
"I thought we had something real." You take a deep breath, knowing that it's time to stand your ground and stick to your decision.
"I am in a relationship." You admit, which only gets Regina more annoyed. "And? Who cares? We both know I'm the better kisser." You gasp and look at her, shaking in dismay at her audacity. "That's not the point," you reply, trying to remain calm despite the situation escalating quickly. "I need to be true to myself and my partner."
Regina rolled her eyes, getting up again and standing up, leaving you there. "Fine. Good luck with the English test." She said that after getting up and leaving, you were left alone there, and you let out a sigh, knowing that you just had to focus on studying for the test tomorrow and the date with Leighton tomorrow.
You go home and have a good night's rest after studying your ass all night. The next day, you wake up feeling prepared for both the test and your date. As you walk into class, you can't help but feel a sense of determination and confidence.
The test was really hard and you didn't even get to finish it, you felt as If all that study was for nothing, you left the class as soon as the bell rang, crying because you were so overwhelmed.
"Y/n!" You hear Leighton yell, you wipe your tears then turn around, smiling when you see your girlfriend, "Oh my god? Are you okay?" she asks, giving you a hug and kiss, you nod your head before saying, "I am okay, I just failed my English test though." You say with a frown on your face.
She pouts, tightening her grip on you, "You spent a lot of time studying baby, I'm sure you will do amazing." She says, kissing your forehead, you smile at her, thanking her for her kind words, "We have a date tonight! And you also have a song to write."
You look at her with a confused face, "Karen told me you wanted to be apart of the talent show so I signed you up, I'll be playing guitar for you." Leighton smiles.
Dammit Karen.
You went home with a massive smile on your face. You were excited to get ready for the date with Leighton. You had no idea what she had planned, but she told you to dress fancy, and you did nothing fancy apart from the old dresses you had worn.
You decide to do something you never do because you know how she will react, but you push past that feeling and go to your sister's room.
You knock on the door and wait for a response. You hear a quiet, "Come in." So you open the door, and you can see that she was texting someone, probably Jason.
She looks at you with curious eyes, waiting for you to say something, there was a second of silence before you finally spoke up. "Um so I have a date tonight." You confessed, she shot up, gasping before screaming and running towards you. "Oh my god? With Leighton?" She asks, you nod your head happily and she runs into her closet.
"She said to dress fancy!" You exclaim. Gretchen nods her head and picks out something for you to wear, it was a red dress with a lot of glitter, different to what you usually wear, "Know don't be embarrassed if Leighton shows up in something better then you, her family is very rich." She says, you roll your eyes.
She forces you to sit down on the seat as she does your makeup, giving you a fancy look. "So? Is Leighton your girlfriend?" She asks as she applies more mascara, you smile, nodding your head, you almost jump with the loud gasp she lets out, but you stop yourself because you don't want to ruin the makeup.
"And you didn't tell me?!" She asks in disbelief, you give her an apologetic look, she continues to add makeup, adding final touches to it, making sure you look perfect.
"And done!" She exclaims, smiling at her work, she turned the chair so you could face the mirror, you smiled at how you looked, you still looked like yourself but you felt really pretty, you looked at the time and you had a few hours left for hair.
Gretchen grabs her curling iron and started to curl your hair lightly, sliming at you from time to time. "Are you still with Jason?" You ask, with a smile on your face, she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "God No, I'm so over him." She says rolling her eyes, continuing your to do your hair, "Then who were you texting when I walked in?" She gulped and went quiet, completely ignoring the question.
"Your hair is done," Gretchen said with a smile. You thank her and get up from the seat, grabbing the dress that Gretchen had laid out for you. You put it on, and you loved the look of it. The dress highlighted your curves very well.
You had a few minutes to take photos, which Gretchen made you post to Instagram. Leighton was coming to pick you up. As you waited for Leighton, you couldn't help but feel nervous about the evening ahead. Gretchen reassured you that you looked stunning and that everything would be fine. .
Leighton arrived a little early but waited in her car until the exact time before getting out to knock. She knocked, and you gasped at how beautiful her outfit was and how stunning her makeup was. She was perfect, and she looked so amazing.
Leighton greeted you with a warm smile and complimented your dress, making you feel even more confident. As you both walked to the car, you couldn't help but feel grateful for such a stylish and supportive friend.
"You look so pretty." You say this, smiling at Leighton, and she responds by giving you a cute smile. "You look amazing, baby." Leighton says, reaching out his hand to pull you in for a kiss. As you were kissing, you heard someone take a picutre. You gasp, looking to the side, and see Gretchen with a camrea.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Gretchen giggles, and the two of you laugh back and pose as she takes a few more pictures. Leighton wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you outside to her very expensive car.
She opens the door for you and gestures for you to get in. Excited, you climb into the car, feeling very excited but slightly nervous for this date.
She drives to a part of the city that you have never been to, a part that you have never been to because it was for all the extremely rich people to go and live. "I'll be paying tonight." Leighton says it with a smile on his face. You shake your head, but she isn't taking no for an answer; she parks in front of the most luxurious restaurant you have ever seen.
She opens the car door for you. As you step out of the car, you can't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension at the thought of dining in such an upscale establishment. Leighton's generosity is both flattering and intimidating, making you wonder what kind of expectations she may have for this date.
You walk into the restaurant, and you are quickly seated. You notice it's a fancy Italian restaurant; you love Italian food; it's like she knew everything about you, even the things that you hadn't told her.
The date went really well; the two of you kissed a few times, and you had amazing food. She dropped you home quite late, but Gretchen was still up when you walked inside and begged you to tell her everything, so you did. You told her every detail.
Gretchen listened intently, hanging on to your every word as you recounted the evening. She smiled and nodded in all the right places, clearly invested in hearing about your date. It felt good to have a sister who cared so much about your happiness.
After you were done telling her everything, It was around 1 a.m. when you went into your room and planned to call it a night, but a notification interrupted you.
Meet at my place in 10 minutes
It was from Regina George.
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zyvel-writez · 7 months
Hello pookies! I've made this one because i saw a very VERY hot edit of Johny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow and of course, I'm a simp and into older people. so I hope this explain a lot.
Also you can also read this in my Tumblr acc.!
"Captain, are you sure this is a wise idea? I mean, were in Tortuga. What if he knows were here?" One of your crew asked, as you and the crew stepped out of the ship one by one.
You turned around to face them. A stern look on your face.
"Its fine, beside we've been sailing for two years and land is the only place where that bastard Jack Sparrow can't steal nor touch my things," You explained. Ever since Jack had heard of your name and titles, Jack has been visiting you and your crew for almost 1 and a half years now and it annoyed you so much that you could murder anyone.
"Were just gonna have a little walk and try to relax today. Were gonna meet here again and leave tomorrow at 7 in the morning. For now, just enjoy the time." You finished your sentence and the crew nodded to you.
"Aye aye, captain!" They cheered happily before walking away into different directions.
You sighed tiredly as you started to relax your tense body.
maybe today will be a relaxing day.
You then walked around the place, visiting different store and even went to a library. You decided to stop at your favorite bar but as you get closer to the main entrance, you saw a huge fight, people gathered around and shouting, others even bet some money of who will win. You stopped at your tracks and turned back around. You couldn't and won't ever waste your precious time hearing the sound of fight and the sound of glasses shatter into small pieces. You sighed irritated but took a deep breath to calm yourself. You won't let anything ruin your day today.
I guess the library is the best choice then.
You walked back to the library and spend the rest of your time there, reading books, novels, and even learned something on the books called Science. You were sitting at the same place which was in the corner of the huge room, enjoying your time alone until you heard girls squealing. You turned your head to the direction of the annoying voice and saw 2 girls, looking at you with a clear blush on their cheeks. You blinked your eyes multiple times, but nonetheless, ignored the two girls.
Time passed and you continue to ignore the girls until you couldn't take it and dash out of the library. You looked up to the sky and a cold breeze hit your cheeks. You figure out it was the best time to go and drown yourself with rum, after all, you don't have anything to do now. You sigh in relief once you saw that the fight earlier had died down and you let yourself enter the bar.
You sat at the tool and ordered a bottle of rum. Once the rum have arrived, you brought it to your lips and begun to drown it. The hot feeling of the rum running down on your throat made your body relax more. This continued three more times and once you were on your 3rd bottle, the door of the bar opened and the guy sat next to you. You couldn't see their face because of the freaking hat he was wearing. You dropped your bottle of rum down and closed your eyes, feeling a bit tipsy. You were savouring the moment of relaxation not until the feeling of your bottle slipping away from your grasp.
You opened your eyes and looked at the man next to you, now the man's hat was on the table and the first thing you recognize is his brown hair and dreadlocks. You glared your eyes at him, already feeling annoyed.
"What in the name of Davy Jones are you doing here?" You spat, keeping your eyes at him no matter what. 
"Oh, hey there captain. Fancy meeting you here." He simply said, having his signature smirk on his soft lips. You rolled your eyes at him and snatched your rum back to you.
"Hmm, I wonder why? came to take something you want, perhaps?" You slurred, as you looked around the bar and people continued to increase each seconds. 
Jack's grin only widened more, he knows his getting under your sleeves again. "Not actually, just came for the love of my life." He said and you raised your eyebrows.
"You mean this?" You asked  as you pointed your finger at the rum on the table. 
"Yes...and no." Jack replied while fidgeting with his fingers, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. 
"You really expect me to believe you won't steal anything from me?" You said with a chuckle following behind, "I know you Sparrow and you won't fool me this time. not like the others." 
Jack furrowed his eyebrows and took a swig of the rum, "Oh come on love, you really believe those rumors about me? well I'll tell ya', I'm not a liar but a man of my word." He slurred, looking at you with his teasing smile.
"It's captain l/s to you, Sparrow." You sneered, giving him a death glare. And then there was the annoying feeling again, it was like something was moving inside your stomach that made your whole body tense. There it is again. so annoying.
You took another swig of your rum while Jack looked at you in silence.
"You know, you've been calling me by my last name and never heard you say my name. Do you perhaps fancy my last name, hmm?" He states, moving his body to face your sides, acting like he's the one in charge, "Because if you want it, I can replace yours into mine."
The liquid that was just about to go down to your throat, suddenly burst out of your mouth and onto the table. You slammed down the bottle of rum, wiping your lips with the hem of your sleeves while looking at Jack with wide eyes full of shock.
Jack's smile only grew wider once he saw your reaction and he's loving it. You on the other hand, were looking at him with many mixed emotions. You tried to say something back at him but your voice won't even come out. The tingling feeling came back to your stomach and this time, you felt your cheeks getting really hot.
"What? cat caught your tounge, love?" He asked, still looking at you teasingly which only brought your cheeks more hotter.
You tear your eyes away from him and looked around the bar.
The way he looked at you, you could tell he was enjoying every second of him teasing you like this.
You stand your ground and clear your throat before speaking to him, covering your emmbarassment.
"Let's get this straight and tell me upfront, why exactly are you here?"
You can see Jack smirk before letting out a deep breath and you can feel your body tense each second. "I've been planning on stealing your heart for a while now, but I seem to be having a really hard time achieving it." Jack mumbled quietly, and it made you confused. Why does Jack Sparrow need your heart? Did someone order Jack to kill you and take your heart out?
"For the fucking last time. What do you want?" You gave Jack a death glare and your hand having a tight grip, showing him that you're not playing the game no more.
"What do I want?" He chuckles, before pulling out his pistol and pointing it at you, " Oh no dear, it's not a want but a need."
You furrowed your eye brows together, looking at Jack's pistol then to his eyes again, "And what exactly do you need from me?" You asked slowly.
Jack tapped his pistol on your chest where your heart lies inside, and slid his pistol under your chin,
"I need you on my side, forever until my very last breath here on earth."
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chaeinedup · 5 months
1 + 1 = S2
Loud music could be heard from both rooms in the house. Your neighbours have probably grown accostumed to such thing, it meant it was going out night. Part of them was relieved it wasn't another noisy game night, which are pretty frequent as well.
You were seated on the floor, redoing your ponytails for the 3rd time. Your arms were on fire but you were committed to this look.
"Siri, call yuyu please."
"Calling yuyu."
"Hello ? Y/n ?"
"Hiii just wanted to ask where you are."
"We're almost ready to leave the house. You guys ?"
"I'm almost done if my hair cooperates with me. Wooyoung is most likely waiting for me. I'm surprised he hasn't barged in my room yet."
"Try not to be late!"
"AS IF!!"
"Don't give me attitude missy. Now I'm gonna get the car started, I'll see you in a bit. Bye"
"Bye Bye, don't miss me!"
After 10 more minutes you were finally done. One last look in the mirror and all that work paid off. The boots made your legs look longer and your mini skirt complemented the cropped shirt well. You grabbed your purse and headed to the leaving room where a very impacient Wooyoung awaited you.
"What took you so long ?"
"It takes time to look this good you know?"
"Don't roll your eyes at me wooyoung I'll hit you."
"And I'd like it so who's really winning?"
He gave you his signature smirk and winked at you from the couch.
"EW. Let's go. The others already left."
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The club was pretty crowded, expected for a friday night, but you weren't scared to get lost. You like to get loose. And it's not like you don't have 8 guys that are constantly keeping an eye on you.
"Don't run off on us again for the love of god."
"Seonghwa for your own sake if I stay none of yall are pulling anyone. Same applies to me."
"Why do you want to get with anyone ?"
"Wouldn't you like to know! I'm off, if you need me yell."
You made your way t the dance floor before he opened his mouth.
Since it was a 2000s night you were more than happy to have traded your comfortable apartment for the hell. It has it's perks.
You had no idea but someone was drilling holes in your head, Wooyoung was exceptionally bothered by how you left them behind.
"How can she just leave ?"
"Cause she can ?? What are you on about, chill she's not your girl."
Mingi's words were harsher than what met the eye. Sure you weren't dating but he can't lie that the though of some other guy touching you infuriated him. He kept denying his feelings and that maybe this was just him wanting to protect his friend. But Yunho smiled to himself when he saw Wooyoungs furrowed eyebrows.
"You should just tell her how you feel you know?"
"What feelings? It's just unfair we're her friends and she doesn't care."
"And you care too much for "just a friend" don't you think? Listen she can take care of herself she's always been this way, you get used t it."
Yunho tried to relax him but it just made Wooyoung get int his head. Maybe he should've stayed home. No, he couldn't possibly let you out of the house by yourself looking like that.
Meanwhile you were having the time of your life, you had met a group of girls that were on their bacherolette party. It's like you knew them all your life, screaming all the songs, taking pictures, clinking drinks. Girlhood.
You decided to go get another drink and since no one else wanted anything you went alone. Normally this would mean getting approached by a couple of random guys trying to smooth talk you and al of them failling to do so. But unlike other times, the voice behind you was familiar.
"So. Are you having fun ?"
"Oh my god Yunho, I am those girls are so fun. Did you know that the bride and groom met through mutual friends and they actually lived together for a while before he realised he had feelings for her?? How CUTE is that??"
He couldn't help but smile due to the resemblances.
"Yeah it's really sweet. I guess you really never know when love is ready to knock at your door. But what about you, have you gone maneater on anyone?"
"I kinda don't care honestly, I'm having a good time and that's all I care about."
"That's my girl. Now be sure to behave. If you need us, we're at the booth.
He kissed your cheek before disappearing into the sea of people.
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You looked at the time, 5:23am. Time to call it a night. You sayed goodbye to the group of girls that accompanied you through the night and wished them all the best. Making your way up to the booths you realised you were a lot more under the influence than you thought. You didn't really care, it's almost the end of the night and the guys are more then used to this side of yours.
Once they saw you they cheered and clapped, you bowed like a princess and smiled at their unnecessary but appreaciated "welcome back".
"How many fishes did you catch sailor?" Mingi gave you another shot he had brought upstairs.
"A THOUSAND" You yelled and chugged the green liquid. "I'm kidding 0, there's no cute guys here."
You sat down next a very pouty Wooyoung.
"What's up with you? What happened to my loud and energetic comrade?"
He gave you no answer, just his cold gaze.
"Damn are you really that upset that I didn't stick around? I thought you were used to it by now."
He got up and made his way to the balcony. There's no way he's throwing a tantrum for something so stupid, you thought to yourself. You followed his angry steps.
"Be so fucking serious Wooyoung? What the fuck?"
He turned to you and you could see there wasn't a hint of alchool in his system. This wasn't one of his drunk stunts that he pulled when he wanted a tad bit more of attention. He was actually upset.
"Okay, I'm sorry I'm being so agressive, just talk to me woo, please."
"I don't like you running off on us that's all."
"That's not all Wooyoung, we've never been mad at eachother and it's not gonna start now."
You got closer to him holding his hands and caressing them. You were giving him your most sincere eyes and he couldn't believe that he was about to kiss you.
It caught you by surprise, so much so you froze in the first few seconds, not knowing if this was a dream or reality. You decide to give in nonetheless. His hands soft, like you remembered from all the times he touched your skin in times of need. Heartbreaks, cramps, tickles, you name it. He was always there for you.
Yunho sipped his drink with a victorious grin, as he watched from the inside. He looked at the rest of the guys and let out a "I told you so."
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previous// //next
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spqcebunsforever · 1 year
I thought you were dead!?!
Pairing: LA Buggy x Reader
Summary: Buggy and Y/n are two captains who seem to both "hate" each other. Every time they meet it seems like they want to rip each other's throats out. But what happens when they both get told that the other has died how will they react.
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y/n’s pov
"ONE OF THESE DAYS I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU". I shouted at the blue-haired pirate who had just run away with all my rightfully stolen jewels. "NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST DOLL" he shouted while running giving me his signature stupid smirk. I swear that clown would be the death of me this was the 3rd time we had been at the same place and we would always end up fighting. He just had such a cheek he thinks because he has powers he's better than the rest of us I honestly want to strangle him. I was about to run after him to continue our fight and hopefully get my jewels back but my first mate had run up and told me that the marines had been contacted and would be showing up any time now.
I sadly had to admit defeat because I would rather be killed by that blue-haired bastard than be caught by the Marines. "Ugh fine come on then everyone back on the ship" I was hoping that even though all my stuff had been stolen the crew had been able to grab some valuable things but I wasn't getting my hopes up I loved my crew but I knew I didn't have the sharpest crewmates the only one who had any real common sense was my first mate. So when I got on my ship I immediately went to my quarter and locked the door. The moment the door was shut I fired a dart right in the middle of the wanted poster of Buggy I had on my wall I swore that one day I would be the one to take down that annoying pirate.
A few weeks later I was pleasantly surprised I hadn't once bumped into the clown for a whole 2 weeks. I was a little suspicious at the start thinking he would pop out any second to catch me off guard but he didn't. But I can't lie after the first week things started to get boring not having someone there so you could fight was really boring we were just doing the same thing over and over again ransacking villages and leaving then the next day we would repeat the whole thing. At least when Buggy would show up we always had a different thing to fight about and I wouldn't know the exact time he would show up but he always did. While I was in my quarters thinking about how boring things had gotten my first mate came in looking a little upset. "What's wrong with you why the long face".
The news that came next was not something I was ready or expecting to hear. "We have just been given the information that Captain Buggy is dead I thought you would want to know". I didn't know how to respond I was in a state of shock for a second. "Is this a joke because if it is it's not the funniest you've told". My first mate just shook their head "No I'm sorry captain but it's not a joke but I'll leave you alone for now" and with that, they left leaving me with my thoughts. He couldn't be really dead right who would be able to kill him I couldn't think of anyone that would have been able to kill him or would have really wanted to. This was it my boring days were now here to stay I would never have to worry about him sneaking up on me or trying to steal my stuff from right under my nose and I would now never need to keep a lookout for blue hair or a random flying limb and I would now never have to worry about hearing his stupid voice ever again and thinking about that was making me...sad.
I walked straight out of my room and went straight to my first mate telling them that the plans had changed. We were supposed to be heading to a very wealthy village where we would steal all their gold but now that I'd heard this news the only place I wanted to go was a very small and poor island where me and Buggy had first met. I wanted to go back there because even though we hated each other I still had some respect for the idiot and I wanted to at least do something nice and a little bit meaningful for him. So we turned the ship around and started making our way to the island.
When we arrived I was a little upset about the state the island was in. Sure I and buggy were most of the reason that the village had been destroyed but the rest of the island looked dead there were barely any living plants and the ground was now just dirt and from the look of the place it didn't look like anyone even lived here anymore. I had told my crew that I would only be a few minutes and I left to find the perfect place to set down the flowers I had brought. It took me a while to find the perfect place but after walking around for a few moments I found the perfect place. I kneeled down and put the flowers down and before I stood up I pulled his wanted poster out of my pocket and lay it down next to the flowers and put some rocks on each side of the poster so that it would stay and the wind wouldn't blow it away.
But just as I was about to leave and head back to my ship I heard footsteps coming towards me. So thinking that it was someone who would be a danger to me I quickly hid behind the nearest tree and after hearing the footsteps stop I slowly poked my head out and I couldn't believe who I saw. Buggy the fucking clown the guy who I thought was dead and the whole reason that I even came to this island. I came out from behind the tree and pointed my finger at him. "I thought you were dead!?" he looked up at me also looking completely shocked "Wait I thought you were dead what are you doing here, I even cried over your death give me my tears back!". I had just noticed the flowers in his hands "Wait you cried when you got told I was dead" I noticed that his face was turning red. "Maybe...okay yeah I did" We both stood there in silence for a few moments until I walked closer to him and sat down where I had placed my flowers and he followed my actions sitting next to me.
"well, it's a little weird that we both wanted to respect each other at the same place". He just shrugged his shoulders "Well this is the first place where we met so I thought it would be at least nice to put down some flowers here". I just gave him a soft smile "Yeah that was my exact thought process as well". before I could say anything else Buggy picked up his wanted poster that I had put down "Why does my wanted poster have so many tiny holes in it" I just awkwardly coughed "Ugh I don't know I think I picked it up like that" He just shrugged and put the poster back down. "So you know how I reacted when I got told you had died how did you react when You heard that I died".
I didn't really know what to say because I didn't even know how I felt but I tried my best to explain it. "I don't think I wanted to admit it to myself but I was gutted I thought I would never see you again or fight you again or just be around you again and not seeing you for about 2 weeks I realized how boring it was to not have you around all the time and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was really going to miss you if you were really dead". I turned to look him right in the eyes and he just gave me a soft smile something I didn't think I would ever see on his face "Well don't worry doll know I know how you feel I promise you that from now on none of your days are even going to be boring again and also I got these for you sure I thought you were dead but still". I took the flowers from him and let out a quiet laugh putting my head on his shoulder and we both sat there enjoying each other's company while watching the sunset.
Y/n's First mate's pov
I and Mhoji high-fived as we watched the Captains sit with each other. "Finally I'm glad you came up with this or I don't think they would ever actually speak about their feelings". I just laughed "Yeah they are both so headstrong and the plan worked perfectly just as I knew it would". Me and Mhoji again high-fived as we walked away letting the captains have some privacy.
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oceanbaby888 · 1 year
What Big Changes Are Coming For You? Pick-A-Pile Reading 💥👑
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Note: Please do not steal. Work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Thank you!
Hey yall!
I'm back with another pick a pile reading. This reading is credited to @roseology and @Tay on YouTube. Two readers I really love! Enjoy and I hope it resonates with you. This is a general reading so if it doesn't it wasn't for you at this time and that's okay baby! Just a cute little pick me up reading about the changes coming for you, especially on the hills of this Full Moon in Capricorn. Paid readings are open on my shop. Link is here: https://href.li/?https://www.miiriya.com/store/callin-in-wit-claude/
Pile 1: Queen (Do not know where this is from)
Trine--6th House—Gemini--Uranus
Pile 1 you are becoming mentally sharp! This is the change of someone who really got their stuff together and is not afraid to go their own route, hence the Uranus card here. There could be some changes to your routine, or you are just exploring what your routine can look like here with the Gemini card. I'm getting for some of you there could be some changes to your diet, workout routine, and even skincare. I feel like my Pile 1 folks are really going with the flow of their own and not falling into trends & consumerism. YOU ARE THE TREND! What works for you works, and what doesn't, doesn't. You are definitely not going to be pressing yourself anymore about what you think you should do and just give yourself the permission to be childlike and free with your life. And there's nothing better than being that bitch on your own accord. It reminds me of Megan Thee Stallion. Hot, pretty, and doing it your own way. Go Pile 1!!!
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Pile 2: (Halle Bailey as Ariel) Sun-12th House-
3rd House--Pluto
Pile 2, silence is about to be your power and biggest asset. I feel some strength coming in for this pile, but in a very subdued way. In a very quiet where people think you're not there type of way. I won't lie Pile 2 I do see some resistance, possibly coming from your closer circle (hence the 3rd house) but I'm getting that's a good sign. The Sun & Pluto are both extremely powerful planets. Many can't hang and it's lonely at the top Pile 2. Yet, I feel my Pile 2 folks are coming into their own source of light (that's funny with the Sun being here). If you get a chance, listen to "The Game Belongs to Me" by UGK. That's the change for you. You may not notice it right off Pile 2. Heck, you may just think you're just trying to better yourself, but boy are you in for a ride. A good one though (minus some fallouts, but hey, that happens when you upgrade). I'm excited for you Pile 2. Keep me updated. I'm getting for some of my Pile 2 you might start wearing makeup or you're into the fashion industry? If so, the things you put out that you've been working on in private is going to launch you into success! Get ready....
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Pile 3: Tina Turner
First off I want to say good job Pile 3. For not allowing your pain to become who you are. My Pile 3 is starting to recognize that there is no harm in protecting yourself with the Capricorn card. Capricorns do get a bad reputation for coming off as cold and harsh, but one must remember boundaries are not for pleasing others, it's for self-preservation. A big change I see with my Pile 3 is the act of opening up and trying again, but we have more knowledge this time. We are going slower this time. I really love this energy because it takes courage to get up and try again. And depending on the situation and how you react, the pain could have ran deep. I'm glad you're healing at your own pace. I'm glad you're not allowing anyone to control how you feel. That's very courageous of you. For example, let's say you married your high school sweetheart, but unfortunately they may have passed or you both may have divorced. But after some healing and time, you find yourself remarrying someone else, and there was one point in time you probably said to yourself, "Never again." But hey, you processed that pain and you allowed yourself to do it again. That's what's up Pile 3. Even though you may not be completely 100% healed yet, Spirit says that's okay. This change is a sign of a breakthrough for you. That light at the end of a dark, long tunnel. And no, things may never be the same, but things can be better. And I think you're recognizing that :). Good job baby.
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Pile 4: Donna Summer
This pile is screaming Saturn in Pisces lol with these cards. So check where Saturn rx in Pisces is doing in your natal/progressed/solar return chart. Also to include your profection month as well. This pile is starting to see that their dreams can in fact become reality, but then reality sets in LOLOLOL! That's not a bad thing Pile 4, but I can see you're like "Dang, I really gotta put in the work don't I?" Lol yes you do! Opposition and Saturn do not give free handouts Pile 4, but I do see that you're not going to shy away from it. I think quickly you'll realize you're cut off for what you really want to do. Whether it be art, business, drama, music, etc. You really are starting to realize that the only person in your way is....you. But that's okay! Because we are starting today (or whenever you choose to lol). I do think this is a start of a long journey, and it's not to scare you Pile 4, but Spirit is saying if you really want to do this, buckle up. And don't feel bad if you fail from time to time, it's only a learning experience & how can you get better if you don't try again. Yes it may hurt (the Sun is our ego after all), yes it may get frustrating, but there's this saying "To much is given, much is required." And to be even more honest Pile 4, I don't think the Universe is going to let you chicken out on this one. I feel like you're meant to do what you're thinking about, you may just be a little intimidated and that's perfectly a normal, human response. But one thing about Saturn is that it is patient, especially if you're actually trying. So just start. Don't overwhelm yourself. This project will take time. This chapter of your life will take time, but honestly it's worth it. Push forward Pile 4, you can do this.
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Thanks again for reading! See you all later!
-Claude 🪐❤️🌙✨
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robinine-blog · 8 months
I'm having feelings over Trolls Band Together.
That movie has taken up refuge in my brain and I can't help but plotting, because I've already read all the sad brotherly feelings fics on AO3 and I have ideas, that I have no idea how to write
So plot bunny:
Branch gets hit by the Sap/pollen of a Forget-me-lots, takes one confused look at the Snack Pack, and runs off into the forest
Poppy panicks because oh no! Her boyfriend is going to lose all his memories if they don't fix this fast
Poppy and pack spends the morning trying to catch Branch, who keeps running away from them, and starts setting traps
Poppy gets the bright idea to use Floyd as Branch-bait... which works... until Branch escapes and troll-naps Floyd
Floyd gets carted around the forest by Branch, who keeps acting surprised that his brother is there, and won't let Floyd go or even shout or help because Branch knows he's being hunted and he's convinced the Burgens are going to get them.
Floyd is more worried that his baby bro is currently grey than the fact he's being carried around Pop forest by a paranoid brother.
Branch keeps referring to his notebook, gathering items, and muttering to himself
Branch tricks the Snack Pack so he can get back into his Bunker with Floyd, and after a little bit Branch goes Blue again and decides to eject Floyd from the bunker with the words he's sure Poppy will take care of him.
By this time, the rest of Branch's brothers have clued in something is wrong, even if Poppy is trying not to worry them.
So 2nd day and they're all trying to catch Branch. No luck catching him, but Branch's traps catch them out a few times and Branch always comes to check before wandering off again.
The brothers work out that Branch isn't losing his memory over time, he's switching between different points in his personal history, so one moment they might have 5yo Branch, then 25yo, then 12yo etc, because he keeps reacting to them differently: sometimes he is gushing because he's so excited they're back, sometimes he just so angry he's yelling at them, and usually it involves some form of "I haven't seen you for x years"
Branch also completely confuses anyone he talks to, because he doesn't know them but he seems to know too much.
3rd day, and Poppy's got the entire village involved. Massive campaign to catch Branch somehow, it's not like he can escape the whole village is it?
Branch turns up around sunset, streaming hot mug in hand, back to normal.
"What? You think I haven't been hit by Forget-me-lots before?"
All the different versions of Branch has been gathering, preparing and cooking the ingredients for the cure, and he's been avoiding them because he didn't trust anyone else to make it, with his trusty notebook telling him what stage he's at, and what's happened.
Cue a wtf
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suugarbabe · 11 months
Hey love, would you be open to doing a part 2 for soulmate Theo where reader actually fights someone that hurts him??
I know you have a lot of requests so no pressure or hurry (think this is like my 3rd in the last 2 weeks, im sorryy😭). Remember to look after you x
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part 1
You were not often an angry person, but maybe being soulmates with Theo changed something in you. You were essentially boring a hole in the stupid blonde's head that was sitting next to Theo.
You and Theo hadn't quite had the conversation of if you were 'boyfriend and girlfriend' yet, but you both knew you were soulmates and were very much happy with that situation.
While you two haven't directly advertised that you were soulmates, or nearly dating, you two spend every moment of free time together, went to parties together, were basically always seen together. So why this bimbo girl thought she had any chance with Theo whatsoever was beyond you.
Pansy had tried to tell you that it was no big deal, that Theo looked disinterested during class next to her anyway. But when you saw the blonde girl touch Theo's chest after class, all you could see was red.
Before anyone could stop you, you were on top of her, swinging at whatever you could connect with. You had to give her credit, she did try to fight back, pulling your hair and getting a good swing to your ribs.
But you had to give Theo some thanks later, because any contact she made with you felt like a child. You hadn't even noticed you'd broken her nose until you felt warm blood on your cheek after a second blow.
After that all you felt were two pair of arms yanking you upward and away from the girl, you doing your best to flail and fight against their grip before you realized it was Mattheo and Theo.
Once they set you down your huffed, crossing your arms, "Why did you do that, I was going to stop. She deserved at least three more good swings."
Mattheo couldn't help but laugh, "Princess, please. She was bleeding so much she was turning in to a red head."
You rolled your eyes, "Good, blonde definitely didn't suit her. Or did it, Theo?"
Theo was rubbing the back of his head, "What are you talking abou-, Ohh...did you do this because you were jealous?" A smirk appeared on his face before it turned to one of pain, "For fucks sake, did she have to pull your hair that hard? Swear to Merlin 've got a fucking migraine now."
You couldn't help but laugh, "Serves you right. Not only were you blatantly flirting with her in class, but now you get to see how it feels every time you get in a stupid fight with some random kid."
You reached up and poked him in the ribs where you knew she'd hit you. "Bloody hell, y/n, don't do that. Fucking shit," Theo grabbed his side, taking a step back. You jutted out your lip in a faux pout, "Awh, Teddy, does it hurt?"
Theo scowled playfully at you, "You know you're cute when you're jealous." You took a step forward, trying to poke his side again, "Keep it up and I'll find another girl just to make you in more pain."
Theo held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'm done. I swear. Only under special circumstances and even then I'll make sure he doesn't touch me."
You smiled at him, grabbing his face with one hand and squishing his lips together. "Good boy," you playfully mocked before planting a big kiss to his squishy lips. Theo actively ignoring the teasing from Mattheo on the nickname you just used.
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a-killer-obsession · 21 days
Wanna say real quick if you're a fanfic writer and you're looking at my page like "ohhh they hit 500 followers so fast and they have a upload schedule and post twice a week, maybe i have to post twice a week to get followers" - Stop
This turned into a whole guide for newbies so more under the cut
Please do not use me as an example! Im disabled and unemployed which means i have time to write two chapters a week, please do not put that sort of pressure on yourself!!! I only let myself have a upload schedule because i keep a small backlog of chapters, meaning i have some buffer if my health is bad or i get writers block, and as yall saw recently i will take a break if i loose that backlog. If i was forcing myself to write two chapters a week on a strict deadline i would absolutely loose my shit and probably burn out very quickly. And to be entirely honest, I haven't seen much difference in follower growth now that I have a schedule versus when I was just posting whenever I remembered to. I really don't think a schedule makes a huge difference, I just like having one because it gives me some sense of routine now that I'm unemployed.
What im trying to say, especially if you're new to posting fanfics, is please dont stress yourself out by thinking you need a strict schedule for anyone to like your fic or follow you. You shouldn't be writing for followers anyway, write for yourself! Write because YOU want to write. And if you fall out of love with that writing, dont feel like you need to force it just to make others happy! When i get burnt out writing Wavelengths, I keep going because *I* want to get to the ending, I've been excited to write it for months. Its another reason i dont start writing new long forms until i have a generic plan of where im going, which is something i highly recommend. Having a chapter you're excited to write really helps when you're trying to find motivation.
While I have you here, let me lay down some general tips for new fanfic writers, especially for those who post on tumblr:
Write because you want to write. Don't ever feel like you need to cater to someone else, that's a sure fire way to get burn out
If you do get burn out: don't worry about it, either it'll pass or it won't. Maybe you'll drop that idea all together and move to something new. Don't sweat it, write what makes you happy. Forcing yourself will only make it worse and it'll show in your writing. Writing fanfics is a hobby, it should be FUN. Sure someone might come across your fic years from now and be sad that it's not complete but they'll probably only be sad for a few days at most and then they'll forget about it. Its not a big deal. Who knows, maybe you'll find inspiration years down the line and make someone's day by randomly updating after years of hiatus. It happens 🤷
Dont worry about how much engagement your fic gets. I know absolutely incredible fics that get barely any engagement, and some frankly hard reads that have a ridiculous amount. Its all just dumb luck really. Again - write because you want to
Don't sweat typos too bad. I recommend finishing your chapter/one shot, giving it a day or so, and THEN come back to proof read. I find doing this gives me fresh eyes and I often find a lot of ways to improve the chapter while I'm fixing typos. If you accidentally leave typos in there, don't worry too much. As long as it makes enough sense for people to understand what you meant, people will still read it. Just look at the first few chapters of Wavelengths for example, they're riddled with typos from swapping from 3rd to 1st person, but people still read them (I'LL FIX THEM SOON I PROMISE LMAO)
Don't worry about being cringe. Cringe is dead, make your characters as self inserty and over powered as you want. CRINGE IS DEAD. If you think its fun to write powers and tropes that you're worried will be cringe, fuck it, write it anyway. As long as YOU have fun writing it. Do you know how many "whoops accidental pregnancy" trope fics I've written? Every single one of my long forms has either had it, or planned to, because I like that trope! I don't care if its cringe, I will continue to get my characters knocked up
Some quick accessibility things:
Please left align your fic! I've seen people posting center and right aligned because it "looks cool". These alignments should be used sparingly! As well as things like italics and different fonts/font sizes/colours! They should be used to highlight small sections only! Otherwise they can make it very difficult for people with reading difficulties to read!
If you're posting on tumblr:
Make sure the majority of your fic uses the default black font. Some people set the whole thing to a different font or the "small" font or a different colour and I literally can't read them, and it makes me so sad! I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue! Its okay to use other fonts for things like headers and descriptions, but for the bulk of your fic use the default! Theres a graphic designer out there somewhere who spent a long time picking the best font for the body text on this website for a reason!
If your fic is longer than a few paragraphs, use the READ MORE function!!! Either cut under a description or the first few paragraphs so people get a preview of your fic. You may think it's silly to hide most of your fic, but if someone, especially on mobile, comes across your fic automatically trimmed on the fyp, and likes your stuff, and they go to your account to see more and have to scroll for a million years just to get past your newest post, they're quickly going to give up trying to read your other stuff. Using the read more function makes it easy for people to browse your blog and check out more of your works!! It also makes it more likely people will reblog for the same reason.
Along the same lines: have a masterlist. This can be as simple as a pinned post where you add a link every time you post something new. This makes it super easy for people to check out more of your work!
If you have a long form/multi chapter I also recommend going to the previous chapter and adding a "next chapter" link when you post the next one. Not 100% needed though, if you have a masterlist that can be enough on its own, people just appreciate having that next chapter link for binge reading. PUT IT AT THE BOTTOM PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. I hate when I finish a chapter and have to scroll for a million years to get to the top for the link
Feel absolutely free to use the way I format my fics and masterlist as example, but like I said, it can literally be just as simple as a list of links. I recommend listing the links at bare minimum as the title of the fic, and the pairing people can expect (including if its nsfw is a good idea too)
Speaking of NSFW: if your work isn't suitable for minors please make that clear! Even just a 'minors DNI' at the start of the post is good! If you wanna get fancy there are lots of creators who make lovely 18+/minors dni banners you can use for free, just google it and plenty will come up. If you're not adding a cut before the NSFW content then make sure you mark the post as for mature audiences (idk how you do it on the computer because I'm mostly a mobile user but on mobile you can find it bottom right, the icon with the two people). Not appropriately censoring your posts can result in tumblr restricting and possibly banning your account.
Finally, and this one is oddly specific to people who use google docs, but you can use a copy of this google doc to automatically add all the html to your writing so you can just copy and paste it into tumblr or AO3, instead of having to manually fix all the formatting. Do not just copy and paste AO3 html into tumblr, for some reason it has major issues with italics and will cause you a major headache. Just use the linked doc, its a super time saver, I've been using it for ages now
Okay thanks for reading bye
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So this guy posted about how his wife "baby trapped" him, with baby trapped in quotes because he didn't know if it necessarily counted. He said she didn't do it to make him stay, just against his will
They've been together for 8 years, have 2 (5f and 2m) kids and when they talked about having kids, she wanted 2 but he wanted 1. They ended up having 2 because she insisted it was important for a child to have a sibling. After his son was born, OP didn't want to go through all the sleepiness nights and everything again. But when their son was a year old, his wife started mentioning having a 3rd child. I would laugh it off but finally she sat me down and said we have to have a third. I said no, we agreed on two, but she said she wanted four and three is the compromise. I refused and said I wanted one and we have two. She got angry and called me selfish for taking away her dream of wanting a big family.
Few days later, she apologized and they had sex. She was on birth control, he had a condom, so they did it. Then one day, she showed him the positive pregnancy test. When she saw his less than happy expression, she berated him for not being supportive, that he should be grateful, etc. So he apologized, hugged her and told her he was excited.
When she was asleep, I took the condoms out of the cupboard and ran them under water. Holes.
I nabbed her phone and saw she'd set a password. That was odd. Nevertheless, my wife has a terrible memory so I tried her birthday and it opened. Further up were texts with her best friend of my wife complaining how I wouldn't come around. Her best friend suggested "arrange an accident" with a winky face. My wife agreed and said she was going to come off of birth control. It went on for a little while, ending with my wife saying that yes, we were going to have a 3rd.
So he woke her up after that to question her about it. She started crying. Through tears she screamed I had no right to go through her phone and it's her choice whether or not she wants to take BC, the side-effects are bad and she was sick. She also brought up if I really didn't want a third kid, I should have had a vasectomy. She told me to go sleep on the couch, I laughed out loud and said no, I'm sleeping here, you're leaving. So while wailing she packed a bag and left to her parents. When she called the next day I told her I just need some time to myself. She said that's fine but I need to come around for our child. I told her I wasn't sure if it'd be "our child" and she cried more.
It's been two weeks since then. Governments recommended to stay at home and I knew staying home by myself while also working with two kids would not be ideal and she wanted to see our kids. So we're in the same house, she constantly keeps on stopping me and trying to get me excited for our kid and planning the nursery and names and how happy our kids will be to get a younger sibling. I've been ignoring her entirely.
A lot of the comments were in his favor so I was happy to see that. But there were also plenty of other comments that weren't as supportive, even downplaying the wife's actions.
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There were a number of people who were against him divorcing her, questioning him why he wants to ruin his marriage and his family over this. I just can't get over that, how they're acting like he's in the wrong here. Would you want to stay with someone who crossed the line severely? Would you want to stay with someone you couldn't trust?
She ruined the marriage on her own. He's reacting how anyone can expect someone to react in that kind of situation. A lot of people were insisting he try to fix his marriage and stay for the kids so he doesn't break up the family but that is, in this case, the worst advice someone can give. I'm not sure there's any coming back from this. How could you trust someone like that again? How do you know she wouldn't do it again in the long run because she'd want a 4th baby?
Not to mention, it's a horrible thing to put the kids through. They're already, according to him in a comment, wondering why he isn't talking to their mother (sidenote: some people expressed disbelief that the kids would notice at that age. I haven't spent much time with super little kids like a 2 year old but 5 year old's can be surprisingly observant. Or the wife might have said something to them). If he were to stay and things worsen, like them fighting more often, that just hurts the kids. And it's not a good lesson for them when they get older. There are limits to keeping a relationship with someone.
And of course, his own mental health and happiness are important too.
What bothers me is the justifications people are pulling out in defense of his wife. They are severely downplaying her actions by saying she just wanted a baby, people aren't perfect, etc. Somebody even compared the situation to...rearranging a room.
And then you have others blaming him because he hasn't had a vasectomy yet. That isn't the point of this. If the wife hadn't done anything and he was complaining that she got pregnant, then I would find him more at fault. But what the wife has done is considered reproductive coercion, which is a form of intimate partner violence.
Sure there was a bit of a chance of pregnancy occurring, but she crossed the line in order to get what she wanted. She is at fault here for the pregnancy. And she should be held accountable for that. I've found conflicting information about whether she could face legal consequences, but at the very least we shouldn't be trying to make excuses for her or downplay it to make it sound like it's something innocent.
Because it definitely isn't
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