#again these are all just opinions like i said unless people are being really weird about it i dont think theres anything wrong
the-roo-too · 4 months
Hi!! Can I request fluffy alphabets for Yunjin? Thank you💗
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candy -> huh yunjin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- if you are at least the tiniest bit a musical person, she deffo loves to jam out with you. will force you to try and compose with her probably, even if you only know two chords on the guitar
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- yunjin is a hair girlie to me, she likes to play with it—give you cute hair styles if it’s long or just put pretty charms in it if it’s short!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- big spoon ☝️🤓 might fight you for it (secretly loves being the little spoon tho)
dates (what’s her ideal date)- i’m thinking binging some movies late at night (like the greatest showman) and singing your hearts out 🏳️‍🌈
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- girlie is an open book around you. musically gifted people are usually very connected with their emotions (and yunjin did go to music school so..)
family (does she want one)- i kinda have mixed feeling about this one. maybe later in life when you’ve both settled down? she doesn’t really give me the kids vibe tho
gifts (what about gift giving)- would absolutely compose an either short ass piece or perform a long ass opera for you and would force you to listen to it 🎀🎀
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yes! absolutely! also smooches your hand. i feel like yunjin carries around three different hand creams. also the type to hand you a fruit scented cream in the middle of june and say “it’s fruity, like you.”
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- with all due respect, she wouldn’t know what to do 😭 call chaewon? tell manager? order take out?
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes. as i said, fruity cream, fruity you.
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- either smooches your face or full on make out session, i don’t make the rules ✊
love (what’s her love language)- passive aggressive affection. you’re grumpy in the morning? too bad, you’re still listening to taylor swift’s whole discography with her
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- meeting you for the first time! say you two met in a coffee shop while yunjin had a break between rehearsals. the moment your eyes made contact she was doomed lol
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- yunjin 100% steals the blankets. wraps herself in a burrito and you will NOT get them unless she cuddles you close and lets you inside the cocoon
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- to be fair opera singing is kinda weird. like imagine you’re coming home late and night and you whisper shout a soft “yunjin! are you awake?��� and she responds with a “HEREEE MY LOVEEEEE” sung loudly 🗣️
pet names (what does she like to call you)- baby girl, with a lip bite. but like “baby gowrlllllll 🫦🫦🫦🫦”
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- every time spent with you is quality time for her (and she will rizz you up while saying that)
rush (does she rush into things)- you’re living together by the second week of you dating
secrets (how open is she with you)- open book ‼️‼️ wanna know her father’s dead cat’s name? or what colour was chaewon face when she puked after drinking spilled milk thinking it was yoghurt?
time (how long did it take her to confess)- going with the idea that she saw you at a coffee shop, she would visit that exact place for a straight up week until she saw you again and then shoot her shot 💀
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- you’re probably upset after a fight, so then she’s upset too. if that’s not the case, if you yell at her because you’re upset, then yunjin will because upset too lol. she’s not the type to apologise first so buckle up!
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- nah. you remember that one post she made for pride some time ago? public opinion’s got nothing on her
warrior (how often do you fight)- i actually thing you might fight quite a lot… 💀 because of the rushing thing. when you two hit like a two year mark or sum, it gets better. but the rushed relationship gets kinda bumpy at first.
x-ray (is she able to read you)- even if you’re not as much of an open book as yunjin is, i think she makes it her goal to know what you’re thinking at all times. like a little personal challenge
yes (how would she propose to you)- most sappy way possible, would take you to a beach and arrange for her members to blindfold you and shit. lead you down to the shore and when you feel the cold water wetting your shoes, that’s when she drops on one knee (yes, in the water) while eunchae takes off the blindfold lol
zen (what makes her feel calm)- cuddles! singing! movies! just casual romantic shit. i said she would say sorry first but she might force you to cuddle her in the middle of the night even if you two just had a massive fight
part of [the fluff series]
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 8 months
Boiling hot take, but we're never going to be able to tackle the problem of bullying, especially in schools but also in general, unless we address the fact that some people, especially some kids, are just… not that great to be around.
And that's not always their fault.
Like, as an autistic adult, when I look back on the ways I was treated as a kid, on the one hand I think "fuck that was shitty to live through", but on the other hand, I kinda get it?
I was loud and regularly called out in class or interrupted people when they were talking.
I had a narrow range of interests that I was very interested in, and wasn't great at recognising when the person I was discussing them with wanted to talk about something else.
I couldn't judge my tone of voice and so things I said often came across as insulting when I didn't mean them to.
I was highly opinionated and argumentative.
I would sometimes lash out at people physically (when provoked).
I growled and hissed at people like a cat when I wanted them to go away, because I didn't know how to communicate that in human terms.
I used to hit and bite myself when I felt frustrated, and a couple of times threatened to hurt myself during stressful social interactions.
I had a loose grasp of personal hygiene.
Was any of this a justifiable excuse for bullying me? No. I was a kid, struggling with a brain that was structured very differently to everyone else's. I didn't even know what I was doing wrong a lot of the time. I had a disability.
But was this a justifiable excuse for not wanting to hang out with me? Fuck yeah.
Like, I would have liked it better if I'd been able to have close friends in primary school (without the teachers having to literally set up a structured group of people who were willing to befriend me, complete with weekly meetings where we discussed our social issues with an adult mediator present)? Yeah. That would have been great.
But I was also weird and unpredictable and gross and inconsiderate, and I wouldn't have wanted to hang out with me either. The other kids didn't owe me their friendship. (Even though, again, none of those things were my fault.) But that doesn't mean I deserved mistreatment.
Basically, I think there would be less bullying if we had more preschool books and Very Special Episodes about how to handle interacting with people who are essentially harmless, but who you don't really want to be friends with all the same.
Get rid of the dichotomy in kids media where everyone is either deliberately and purposefully being unpleasant because they can, OR Just Like You with no annoying or unpleasant traits whatsoever.
Sometimes people just are Annoying. It sucks. But part of living in a society is learning to walk away from those people and leave them be, rather than treating their existence as a personal attack.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
honestly, the fandom dismisses wars trauma a little too much. Have you noticed it’s always never brought up in his character studies? And when it is, it’s totally brushed off him and cia had a WEIRDDD age gap. It’s also weird hyrule warriors never acknowledges this. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be recognized in LU but idk. It’s just weird how quickly the fandom brushed over all that. What’s your opinion? Cuz you have cool opinions lol
Disclaimer: Everything you’re about to read is my opinion and my interpretation of a game. I’m not talking about headcanons (unless otherwise specified), I’m just talking about my experience with the game and everything else. All of this is from MY perspective interacting with the canon material from both Hyrule Warriors and Linked Universe. Also! I am dyslexic, my bad for oddly autocorrected words or weird spelling mistakes
A huge reason I started yapping so much on this blog was because I saw a lot of people either actively disliking Wars, making fucking INSANE comments about his body, overly sexualizing him, or just straight up dismissing him all together and it helped me get over my posting anxiety because it genuinely made me so upset. He’s been my favorite character since only a few posts into LU (i originally liked Twilight better based sheerly on design but it took like only a few posts before that changed), and I love HW Link in general, and I thought it was actually crazy that more people didn’t like him. I’ve written several of my own characters studies on him, some of which I’ve posted, others lay trapped in my old laptop in the form of a full on analysis paper, never to see the light of day
You can send a full grown man to war and he will come back with trauma, imagine what happens when you grab some poor teenager and tell him everything relies on him. Literally forget Cia for a minute, Link as a teenager was taken and shoved into a full on war where his men turned on him and in order to survive, he had to kill. Monsters and hylians alike, it was him or them, and he’s the one who made it out. Not to mention he was constantly running all over the battle field trying to prevent the hylian captains from being defeated, and he most certainly lost many people he cared about just because he couldn’t get there in time. He had to carry around the guilt that this war was started because some sorceress was obsessed with him ON TOP of that
This was said earlier by an anon on a post I reblogged, and I’ve been saying it myself for months but I will say it again: If Warriors had been a girl and been obsessed over that same way, I fucking GUARANTEE you people would be taking it more seriously
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I literally just typed in the character name and the game she’s from and that is what google had to say about her. If an older man was described as ‘harboring serious affections’ and having a ‘desire to claim’ a teenage girl I literally don’t think it would’ve been glossed over or ignored like it is
I don’t think nintendo was ever gonna elaborate or really recognize it in the game, they never go super in depth on anything in Zelda games from my experience, and I doubt Jojo will really get into it in LU mainly just because she has so much going on with eight other dudes and potentially two more (based on the header on the linked universe blog)
I saw a lot of characterizations of Warriors and opinions of him that made me so confused and also a bit mad, such that he is a womanizer or a stupid twink (of which he is neither), and that’s a huge reason I started writing fanfiction for this fandom. Firstly to just create more content for my favorite character because I rarely saw any that focused on him, and secondly because I didn’t like some (NOT ALL) of how I was seeing him characterized. (i cannot emphasize enough: NOT ALL people in the fandom characterized him this way, I saw plenty of amazing and beautiful characterizations of Warriors)
I do not think he is a womanizer at all, in fact I fully believe his flirtatious behavior is a defense mechanism. I think his ‘woman problems’ are the fact that he’s afraid of women (especially older women) he doesn’t know or trust, but also that’s just my opinion. And I am genuinely a bit worried that now that people have stopped talking about how they noticed he seemed off a few updates ago and now that they’re saying he’s back to normal that people are going to start reducing him to a stupid dramatic twink again, as if Warriors was not the one who came up with the initial plan to fight Dink and was not the first one to fight him. As if this is not a man who lead a god damn army. As if everything he’s done and everything he is no longer matters because he’s ‘pretty’
anyways I have a lot of thoughts about him in general and im just glad the fandom has been treating him better as of late, but i am a bit worried it’s just gonna go back to how it was
thanks for the ask!! sorry i got a bit carried away 😭
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demaparbat-hp · 8 months
Even if zuko has a plan to end the war, making katara work amongst people who likely hold racism towards her and aided and supported the genocide of her people is still weird, especially since zuko benefits from the fire nations oppression of people throughout s1 when hunting the Avatar. Not good choices to make in a zutara au :/
Believe me, I've made these arguments against myself over and over again.
I know I'm putting Katara in an extremely difficult and unjust position in this AU with—from an outsider's point of view—little to no reason other than "I just wanted to see her in Fire Nation armor and kicking ass" and no consideration for the context. I'm not trying to somehow forgive nor redeem the Fire Nation's actions in war just because...well...just because. Not at all. People who've read Soundless (or any other of my wips, really) know that's not the case. On the contrary—I always do my best to see the war through a realistic, mature lense. And that includes everything that makes the Fire Nation so terrible in the first place.
That being said, there are some things I considered when deciding to make Katara side with them (even if her true motives lie elsewhere) in this AU. And they are not excuses. Just, different layers of context.
First of all, she was desperate. By this point in her life, her mother was dead, her father had left to fight the war, her brother followed behind a few years after, and she was left filling the empty spaces when, by all means, she wasn't ready for the responsibility. She had been feeling helpless and hopeless for years, and ached to do anything to help her people beyond doing chores and taking care for the children.
Let it be known that Aang's apparent betrayal comes from a place of trauma and misplaced anger on Katara's part. Much like how she put the Fire Nation's sins on Zuko's shoulders in S3. She is not on the right here, but this is her natural way to process and understand grief. There are many different aspects of her development as a child involved in how she views the Avatar—and, by extension, Aang—but more on this later.
Katara was young, and reckless, and she had just been "betrayed" by the first person who ever looked at her and saw more than the perfect caretaker she was forced to be. She was not in the right state of mind to make a decision like that and, to be honest, she couldn't have predicted the consequences. She saw a clear path to contribute to the end of the war, and by La she would take it.
On Zuko's end, you might argue that he should have known better than to let her join him and, well, you would be right. But there were many things about Katara's trauma response and state of mind that—unless he had known her for a long time—he couldn't have known. He will definitely blame himself later on, when the racism and cruelty towards Katara begins, and especially when word reaches her family at sea.
It's Katara's job to smack some sense into him from time to time and tell him that, yes, he should have tried harder to stop her (and she would probably be better off because of it) but what's done is done. And, by all means, the decision was hers to make. If anything, it's their fault, not his alone.
Now, Katara doesn't suffer the entire AU. That would just be cruel.
Zuko's crew was handpicked by Uncle Iroh, so you can expect dissidents, traitors and a few White Lotus agents who were smart enough to keep their true opinions quiet. There are...mixed opinions in that bunch, of course, but that's expected and, to be honest, rather easily dealt with. They are mostly honourable people just doing their best to end the war from the inside.
The real problem comes when they cross paths with, say, Zhao's fleet (or Hakoda's, let's be real).
And you may ask why Zuko is hunting down Aang, then, if he's secretly a goody-two-shoes himself... I'll explain that later in depth, so stay tuned.
In short, I know the decisions I've made, as a creator, are debatable at best, and downright blasfemous at worst. But they're deliberate.
I want the readers to feel conflicted about Katara's choices in this AU. I want people to have mixed opinions about the war, the (apparent lack of) morality, the characters, you name it!
I'm not trying to glorify a victim of war joining the side of the ones responsible for her people's genocide, even if it's just for show and she's actually set on destroying their government from within. Not at all.
Katara made a stupid, horrible decision, and she's going to suffer the consequences. But she's also going to fight to reach her goals, because she's stubborn like that.
I know most people may have a little trouble understanding where I'm coming from, because they don't have all the information necessary to make a full opinion.
I'm really thankful for these kind of asks. They let me explore these concepts and AUs in depth, and see what you think about them. I'm only human—my opinions are not infalible, nor The Right Ones, and this is a kind of discussion that I love to have.
So, keep the asks coming!!!
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
I wanted to talk about a topic that is interesting to me at the moment-
when me and my partner @/keebokuun bring up the subject about J x Tessa for murder drones- alot of people bring up the dynamics that may need to improve- to which we say yeah- we dont ship them in the context of the show. Tessa is still very much biased and treating drones as her slaves that dont have rights as her since shes a human. whether its cuz of her culture, her trauma or whatever else. but in the context of a human au where they all grew up together- yeah that doesnt exist, or at least we have room to improve. and people have been polite enough about this and sharing their opinions and im greatful of that. yall are really cool and gave me ideas to improve my stories on 👌
but then some OTHER people come and say "but Tessa was a minor in the FLASHBACKS- oh AND- was also their MOM"
to which... i say.... um.... So.... Tessa is a mom? [to a bajillion of those maid and butler drones that were not working at the begining of ep5] AND a minor? AAAND she asked her- CHILD DRONE- to pretend to be a RIPPING ROYAL STUD for her to practice flirting or talking with.... to yknow... HAVE A HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH-? [cuz correct me if im wrong- girls dont go looking for "ripping royal studs" just to stare at them autistcally right? they wanna talk and do human communication stuff with them right??] and uh... IM the one whos saying weird stuff here? hELLO???
once again. me and keebo will personally remove ANY INAPPROPRIATE content we have online if the creators come up and say "oh yeah that character is a minor"- i promise you all that. we are not degenerates- but first of all- yeah the thing i just said about Tessa being at least a late teen in the flashbacks for the whole stud thing- and also- she had toys in her room- for CYN! as we saw her playing with them- and she was referred to as a "robo child" ? i mean go back and watch the EP again and really look at Tessa, J and N and SAY they are at an age to play with a rocking horse and barbie/ken dolls [damn cyn was making those two naked ken dolls smooch fr]- look at me in the eyes and say a girl that big is at any age to play with those things. NO?? also- if yall actually LOOK at tessa- she has a very pronounced body/ heigh/ chest size even/ etc in the flashbacks. thats not a design youd give a MINOR. and by that logic then N and V having crushes on eachother should be incest because oh damn Tessa is the minor/teen mom to ALL those erroring drones and N and V are siblings omggg 😱!
if anything by this logic Tessa's first choice of going to J to pretend to be a hot stud for her [which probably works in my favor btw lmao] is def concerning jesus.
companies nowadays make it a point to make all characters above the age of 18 as much as they could to avoid these sorts of issues- lest i remind you all again of the fact that every classmate of Uzi in episode 3 has their age above 18 on their missing posters. companies wouldnt include shots like that unless they WANT people to know they are in the clear.
also.... being in a relationship doesnt always translate to "they are having SEX"????? you can be a kid and still hold hands and have crushes and hug and kiss-
not every couple french kiss or suck eachother off oh my God.
anyway thankyou for coming to my Ted talk- im willing to hear anyones opinions on this below cuz im genuinely curious 🤔
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bicheetopuff · 10 days
Honestly, I appreciate Hori for leaving things open. But I must say that Toga dying... hurt. I don't want to say it was a bury your gays moment, but it felt weird knowing that other more terrible villains were let go and survived. It actually would have been terrible if we got Izu/Ocha after Toga died like that.
I’m actually conflicted about Toga’s death
I still stand on my belief that Himiko shouldn’t have died at all, however I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate the moments leading up to her death and how heart warming her intention was.
She couldn’t imagine a world without Ochako so she made sure that the world wouldn’t have to live on without her in it. So, she sacrificed herself to save her and atoned for her sins at the same time. At least that’s what I took from it, and I saw it as almost like a romantic tragedy.
If you ignore what the themes were in bnha and how inconsistent her death was in accordance to those themes, I thought her death was beautiful.
But, if you’re like me and don’t ignore the obvious inconsistencies, then her dying felt like it came out of left field and it didn’t really make sense. And it made feel a type of way that her actual death was off screened.
I’m not gonna go too far into it because I start talking about how much the ending bothered me, I won’t be able to stop talking about it, but I will say the worse villains who survived (I’m assuming you mean Chisaki?) aren’t exactly living lavishly. While this was never set up in bnha before the final war arc, death for your sins means mercy/living through the punishment of your sins means torture is a popular trope in a lot of stories, which wouldn’t have been a problem if it was actually foreshadowed appropriately…
Chisaki being reminded of what he did every day for the rest of his life and having to live without his arms I feel is an appropriate punishment… however I think if horikoshi wanted to set up the deaths of the main antagonists, he should’ve revealed Chisaki’s personal hell before the final arc started. And if death means a merciful punishment for your sins, I don’t understand why Nagant, Hawks, and Stain are still alive/not confirmed to be dead… I don’t want them to die by any means but if Horikoshi wanted to be consistent then…
Mr Compress and Spinner got to live because (if I remember right, I can’t look it up right now) they never killed anyone. So if that’s the case, why do they get nearly the same punishment as Chisaki who killed people for no real reason and tormented a little girl for no reason other than selfish greed? And if Chisaki gets to live, why is it that AFO doesn’t? Again, I’m not saying any of these characters deserve to live or die and I’m not gonna give my opinion on who should’ve lived and died. I’m just pointing out the narrative inconsistencies.
Anyways, I got really off topic. All of that to say, I agree that it felt super off putting that Toga had to die while different characters of the same/similar sins were able to live. And yeah, if Izuocha happened after the way Toga died, it would’ve been such an insult to her.
She didn’t die for Ochako to throw her arc out the window and go back to being in love with Deku because others told her that she should be. Ochako wanted to be like Toga, who lives and loves as she pleases, and wanted to be able to show her feelings just like she did without feeling the need to hide herself from others. Confessing to Izuku, unless she actually seemed like she wanted to, would’ve negated that.
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taki118 · 8 months
Some tips for Ace/Aro characters in fandom
I've been seeing this discourse again and I dunno I kinda wanna scream my opinions into the void as an older asexual who just tired of this.
There's this weird thought that if a character is Ace/Aro its like you can't ship the character or do sexy things with them and thats not really true, its entirely dependent on the character and you just need to offer them some more thought/care than you would an Allo character/relationship.
(Also you people saying you can't ship this cause one character is ace/aro and totally not cause it directly competes with your preferred ship I see you you ain't sneaky, trying to act holier than thou nonsense)
So you got an Ace/Aro cannon character and are wondering if it's ok to ship them, well here's a question has the character expressed a strong desire to NOT be in a relationship? If yes then yeah don't ship them. IF however their opinion has not been revealed or if they just seem passive then go right ahead you aren't going against the character and plenty of Ace/Aro people do want partnerships.
Now you might be thinking "Oh so I can just do what I normally do with my ships right?" Mhhmmmmm maybe there are aspects to Ace/Aro relationships that don't differ from Allo relationships but there are more that do. You need to really look at your character and how they approach things much more carefully than you would an Allo if you don't want to erase their Ace/Aro-ness. Example say the character is rather touch adverse you shouldn't then depict them clinging to another character instead show affection in tinier ways or show that they are doing this despite their discomfort for the other character.
Another thing to avoid is focusing too much on the relationship, if you go too hard on the not having an interest before this person it can come off like they "Fixed" their ace/aro-ness and kinda borderlines a fetishy area. Avoid statements like "I never felt this way until you" and go for something more casual like "It doesn't matter to me but you do"
And here's the part people really care about ughhhhh sex. Yes Ace/Aro people can have sex some even want sex so depicting an Ace/Aro character doing sexy things isn't necessarily erasure again so long as you depict it with CARE. Again if the character in question has directly stated they are sex repulsed for all that is holy do NOT have them have sex unless you put in a LOT of work into (aka not for those new to this) But if the character is more disinterested then you can have them do sexy things so long as it doesn't cause like a seismic shift in how they view sex, don't make it "Wow this is amazing I never knew" and lean more towards "It wasn't so bad with you" Again it all comes down to the character themselves so like pay attention.
Also try to avoid the who innocent bean thing like they aren't interested therefor they know NOTHING about sex, like yes it depends on the character but if you do this too much and too like cutesy it can come off like a virgin fetish or infantilizing.
Finally yes you can depict Ace/Aro characters in sexy ways (this is more for Ace characters but I wanna cover my bases with people) but again it depends on the character some aces like to look and feel sexy they just don't like sex and others don't want to be sexualized at all, for others its a case by case bases, again if it is something the character would do or hasn't said anything its fair game.
There's no way this covers everything really what important is just learning about Ace/Aro people and putting just a little more effort in when handling them. You can still have fun with them, still ship them, being Ace/Aro is not the death sentence some in fandom make it out to be, it can even lead to different and fun dynamics you hadn't considered or explored before.
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chicken-wayng · 3 days
Don't know if you're aware of the current fandom drama but certain fans *cough* Team Black *cough* are attacking fan-artists because they're creating AUs where Jaehaera Targaryen lives thus Aegon III doesn't marry Daenaera Velaryon.
It's honestly pathetic that they're being this petty over FICTIONAL characters, but harassing real life people is a step too far imo.
That being said, as a Rhaenicent fan what do you think of Jaehaera and Aegon III's marriage working out?
I was not aware. I try to stay away from fandom drama. I think a toxic fan (on either side or no side) spewing hate to the actors, fans and writers (cuz let's be real, they're doing what they can with a money-hungry, cash grabbing network that's cutting every corner they can. It's not great, but to send threats??? That's nasty) is WEIRD. I'll say it again for the people in the back:
No matter thy side, don't send hateful threats. Tis gross my dudes.
I think I know the fan art you're talking of and I think it's beautiful. I love AUs (obviously, according to my top post) so I think that they were not only able to come up with one but also do art for it, well that's hella cool.
Honestly, I haven't read the book since high school, so is Aegon 3 the one that has all those kids, including the old man in GoT (damn I really need to reread those but I'm so obsessed with Cobra Kai fanfiction it's not funny)? Cuz if not I'm totally blanking on who Aegon 3 is.
Sorry that didn't answer your question, but thanksya for asking it! I can say though that in my professional opinion, as long as a ship isn't pedophilic why go out of the way to hate on it? I know GoT/HoTD walks a fine line (and often go over it) but seriously even Daemyra is okay in my books. I don't like it, I can't read fics with it UNLESS it confronts her gender envy of him. I'll even admit to enjoying some Lucemond fics (there's this one really good one that talks about the smallfolk, (Luke falls, gets saved by Aemond, thwarts Blood and Cheese by taking Groceries and taking him to the street of silk and hiding) legit it was plucked from my brain and they wrote it just for me) - cuz toxic love is okay as long as we all know that it's that. Like I have Rhaenicent brain rot so badly BUT in real life, in a modern world, I'd encourage both of those mean girls to get therapy and read some feminist works. (Alicent needs to read Who Cooked the Last Super frfr) before even being in the same room as one another.
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Why Does Ace Hate Levi Now?
This is a little random, but I was thinking about Despair Time (as always) and I kinda went down the rabbit hole of why exactly Ace refuses to forgive Levi now. This is just my interpretation, so I could be completely wrong, but here’s what I’m thinking:
One thing I noticed about Ace’s newfound hatred of Levi is that the reason for it he always states aloud is that Levi threatened to kill him. So originally, my line of thinking was just that Ace was scared Levi would go through with that threat, since Ace’s main reason for being friends with Levi was because he felt safe around him.
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And maybe that is part of the reason he dislikes Levi now. But then it got me thinking: Why hasn’t Ace ever really brought up how Levi called him a coward? I mean, he kinda alluded to it when he was doing that villain speech in the cafeteria, but besides that he’s never really mentioned it.
Which is weird??? Ace makes a big point during his villain speech that everyone thinks he’s a useless, cowardly idiot (And to be fair, some of his classmates have said to his face that they do indeed think that), so you’d think every time Levi tried to apologize he’d bring it up. And yet, he’s always fixated on Levi’s death threat.
Obviously, a death threat is very serious. But the fact Ace never seems to guilt trip Levi over his insult as well is a bit strange. Which brings me to my main point.
Maybe, that comment about him being a coward is what is ACTUALLY stopping Ace from forgiving Levi?
I’m not saying the death threat doesn’t play a part at all, I’m sure it does, but the fact that unless he’s totally freaking out Ace never really brings up Levi’s negative comment makes me think that it really does play a major role here.
I’m sure most people in the killing game didn’t really like Ace in chapter 1, and some of them even told him how much of an unlikeable idiot he was to his face. So I’d imagine he probably believed that Levi was the one person in the class who DIDN’T think he was an idiotic coward, since Levi was willing to be his friend.
And then…
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That belief was shattered. And now Ace doesn’t want to believe Levi is his friend anymore, because I’m sure that having the one person that he’d formed a bond with say that hurt. And he doesn’t want to take the chance of that happening again.
It’s no secret that Ace is probably one of the most insecure characters in DRDT. So no matter how many times Levi apologizes, Ace can’t let it go. Because he thinks that Levi believes he’s a stupid, useless idiot just like everyone else does.
Honestly, this would explain the ‘I do not need your pity’ line from after Levi tries to take Ace to the infirmary.
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Ace thinks that Levi doesn’t actually want to be his friend. He thinks Levi’s just pitying him, because no one else will be his friend. He thinks Levi is silently thinking he’s a pathetic coward and is just pretending to care, and as soon as Ace steps too far out of line Levi’s ‘true colors’ will show, as Ace puts it.
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Ace thinks the Levi who called him a coward is the true Levi. And anything Levi says to contradict this is obviously a lie so that Ace will trust him again.
But telling Levi how much the insult bothered him would mean admitting he actually cared about Levi’s opinion, as well as Levi himself at one point, and Ace is unwilling to admit that. So he says the reason he won’t be friends with Levi is because of the death threat, and nothing else.
…Or maybe I’m overthinking everything again…I don’t know it’s 2am as I’m writing this so hopefully this all makes sense. Thanks for sticking around to read this to the end. :)
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emojifarm · 6 months
while i don't think you should feel obligated to share or reblog any emojis you don't want to, i think rethinking how you feel about MCYTbrs is important, since there's so many people on minecraft youtube.
minecraft is an endlessly popular game, and there's thousands or maybe even near millions of minecraft youtubers out there.
it's not MCYT in itself that's a problem, its the popular ones that get called out that are, but since minecraft (and minecraft youtube) is so popular, it seems like everyone in minecraft youtube is bad.
but i think you shouldn't say you "do not support those people in any sense.", since that continues the stigma against liking MCYT in general.
minecraft youtubers are just popular because minecraft is popular, there are so many minecraft youtubers that do so much good (ex, technoblade, who's helped raise so much money for sarcoma, even after his passing, and who's inspired and motivated many)
then again, people use MCYT to mean "the dream team and the abusive people they enable" instead of encompassing the many others who aren't even related to the dream team / dream SMP.
this is quite a rambly ask, but as someone who loves certain MCYTbrs, it's tiring to see people say they don't support any mcytbrs, when like... there's such a diverse population. there's some people who might count as minecraft youtubers who are minorities and who try to fight against bigotry and stuff and who don't do weird shit and to say MCYT in general includes them, even if you don't mean to.
although, again, you don't have to reblog any emojis you don't want to, especially since MCYT is a very large label and that CAN include people who are bad, and it's hard to know who's good and who's not, especially with youtubers in general since we only know the persona they put on, and how many there are that you probably know nothing about, let alone if they're an abuser or w/e, but... yeah.
i guess to me it's important since its like saying all actors are bad, when there's many actors who aren't bad people but there's a popular amount that are bad, n such. also mcyt just stands for minecraft youtube, or minecraft youtuber(s), so its like saying roblox youtubers or reaction youtubers, they're a category that has so, so many people that count under that. you can't say you don't support any of them.
unless you literally just dont like minecraft and dont support the game as a whole, or youtube itself as a whole, in which case i'd have more questions but it'd be more correct lmao. also sorry for the ramble i have opinions u dont have to answer this
I knew I'd get someone like this in my ask box when I put my opinion out there 🤦
1. There are literally clips out there of Technoblade saying slurs (including the N word) and him encouraging Dream to do things that have ultimately made others on the team uncomfortable and upset. You definitely need a better example than that. Someone being dead and/or giving to charity does not automatically make them a good person. I'm sure Shane Dawson also gives to charities. We all know JK Rowling does too. Doesn't make them good people.
2. I don't have the time, care, or interest to do research on every single MCYT and it's really only the popular ones that do get emojis of them (with some exceptions, obviously). I only know what I do about the Dream Team and those adjacent because of things I've seen on Tumblr, via friends talking on discord, and some of the YouTubers I watch breaking down the situations. (Also, this low-key comes off the same as "not all men". Like. Yeah, that's true, but that's not who I was referring to. Some of the MCYT I'm referring to aren't a part of the Dream Team either, so I feel comfortable using the broad term)
3. Also, the mansplaining wasn't necessary. I'm not an idiot that lives under a rock. I know what MCYT stands for. As I previously said, I'm not making a broad assumption. I'm just using that term to refer to the people that people think of with that term. To me that's a specific subset of Minecraft creators. I don't consider people that just so happen to do Minecraft videos or streams to fall under that. To me MCYT is just the big ones. It's a title. That's typically what people are referring to when they use that title
4. Also, I've literally played Minecraft and watched others play it on YouTube since it came out when I was like 10 years old. Again. I don't live under a rock. I've just put some distance between me and the creators because I keep hearing bad things. It's not that deep.
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arsonalle · 6 months
♱ ‧ shoko + satoru + suguru + you
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imagine ... an AU where you're friends with Shoko, Satoru, and Suguru
;; manga spoilers . no plot . lazy writing . blood, very very light 'gore' . run on sentences because I like how they read . rushed ending . lowkey self deprecating . angst? its really badly written . starts in the past and randomly jumps to present time . made up future past chapter 256 . weird formatting, not linear at all . probably skipping major events that happened in the past but idg2f . big Raga & crew strike again . mentions of shipping/relationships . no caps/random caps . potential spelling/grammar errors . death
songs ;; lady killer ii, i want all original mixshark, army dreamers, taking whats not yours, not allowed, the boy is mine (ariana), skyfall, coming down x hotline bling, girl with the tattoo x break from toronto, sweet crazy love (odd eye circle), midas touch, love fire (psychic fever)
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You and Shoko get along like two peas of a pod. You hated that she smoked at first, but now you're used to it, and the smell is oddly comforting. You go shopping together and cringe at Satoru whenever he does something off or weird or is just oblivious to some things around him. You go on missions(? I forgot what theyre called...) with her just to get things done, and you guys work great together. although she usually just tags along for something akin to moral support. Your life without her would be boring, like it would without the other two.
You and Satoru are weirdos together. You contradict whatever you say about him when you're with Shoko and you guys are absolute cornballs. But you love every second of it. You hang out together sometimes, just the two of you, and every time you do you feel the piece of you that craved solitude break off and mold into something that glows in the presence of others. You can't beat his closeness with Suguru, although sometimes you try, but you're okay with that. Being too greedy never leads to anything good
You and Suguru don't hang out much in person unless you're with the other two, which is pretty often so I take that back. You text him the most, though, when you want a second opinion on anything that would take you threatening Satoru to give a serious answer for. You have deep talks with him sometimes. He's surprisingly good at giving life advice now, although maybe its because of the constant crisis's that you and the other two have. You go out to eat a lot with him when you do hang out just the two of them, and he almost always pays. He's good company, calmer than Satoru and a bit more insightful than Shoko. He's still Satoru's friend, though, so he's goofy when he wants to be. He's a good balance, though, so you don't mind it.
. . .
When the three of you graduate its an interesting time. You feel so unaccomplished, but Shoko, Satoru, and Suguru never once let you feel like that for too long. The feeling always comes back, though. You can't help it.
Satoru is...Well, hes Satoru Gojo. Is there really a need for explanation there? He's the best sorcerer jujutsu has seen in at least a millennia. Or something like that. You can't remember exactly what was said...
Suguru is fucking amazing. He can keep up with Satoru far better than anyone else can, because he's talented in his own right. Curse manipulation. That shit could change the jujutsu world for better or for worse. Its too bad it turns out to be for the worse, though.
Shoko's reverse cursed technique isn't for offensive use, but it's still impressive. She can pretty much heal anyone, bring them back to life, maybe. How can you compete with that? She's a valuable asset to the jujutsu world where people get hurt and die on the daily.
And you? You're not much, admittedly. A few generic cursed techniques here and a pretty basic simple domain there are the most that you can manage at your best. Surrounding yourself with outliers like Shoko, Satoru, and Suguru couldn't be good for your long term health, but at least they made you happy for the short term.
. . .
When Suguru makes the decision to disassociate with jujutsu tech and create his own world, things are awkward. Its just three of you now and the four-piece puzzle you created when you met them is incomplete once again. A piece of you is torn out of its place by force and blood is constantly seeping out of your every pore. This blood is thick in texture and volume, sticky, and an abnormally dark shade of red; it makes audible slop noises when it falls on the floor around you.
You want to blame Suguru for this but its not his fault you're experiencing night terrors. You're mentally weak, nothing like Shoko or Satoru who seem to be moving on. Why aren't you moving on? You need to move on. He wouldn't be having these thoughts about you, surely, so why are you having them about him? You feel selfish now, because you're positive that Satoru is feeling ten times worse than you are. The two were obviously in love. You have no right to feel the same hurt as him when you're just...an outsider.
You're an outsider now, and you'd never felt more like one than now.
. . .
Suguru is dead and Satoru finds his body. You thought you were finally getting over the loss of your friend but now everything is bubbling up to the surface again. You can only imagine how Satoru feels having seen his best friend's corpse on a day where his precious students were fighting for their lives and almost lost. You wonder if he sees the same dark blood pouring out of him. Is it from the same places as you or is it spotted? Is his the same color? Thick or is it thin? You want to ask him but thats definitely not appropriate, so you can only guess.
. . .
You were there when Satoru fought Sukuna for the last time. You weren't in tokyo at the time. You were actually at the kyoto branch of jujutsu high, for no specific reason other than to see utahime and her students. You and utahime had an interesting friendship, one you didn't really make known.
You were there when he was unsealed and you spoke to him just before he went out. You still remember what he told you, but now you wish you didn't.
"When I get back let's go for dinner, the three of us. On me."
You smiled and agreed because why wouldn't you? Plus you were pretty broke as of recently, so him offering to pay set off those little receptors in your mind that screamed "Give me dopamine".
You were there, and you watched with Shoko as the battle unfolded. You knew she was anxious, as anxious as you were. Satoru was both of yours's best friend, even though you two probably weren't his. Girls had to stick together, and you squeezed your hand as the two of you waited. Waited for the battle to be over and Sukuna to be speared in half. For Satoru to march back up, cocky as always, and proclaim is victory. For him to come back to you. To Shoko.
But he never came back.
His body stayed on the field for as long as it did before they took it.
Why are you surrounded by so much death? Everyone around you is dropping dead like fucking flies. It was three of you and now its two. Why is everyone lying to you? Playing with your heart? They know you aren't as headstrong as maybe you should've been as a jujutsu sorcerer and they're playing with you. They have to be. This wasn't where you saw yourself in 2006 when the only thing on your mind was Suguru's next birthday present and swapping out Shoko's smokes for candy ones, hoping she wouldn't realize and gradually stop smoking.
You don't feel the blood leaking from you, though, because you have no more to give. Now your heart just hurts and you wish it would end. You knew that because of the nature of jujutsu sorcery that there was a chance everyone involved could die. But who would have ever thought Satoru Gojo, the strongest, could die like this? You sure didnt.
Its you and Shoko now. The girls are sticking together like they should be, you guess. You can't stay too upset, though. You know that Suguru and Satoru are probably playing peekaboo behind you and making fun of your crying face. Its up to you and Shoko now to carry the weight of everything on your backs now. For your fallen friends.
. . .
You move back to tokyo after everything is said and done. You should've probably moved to another country and quit jujutsu, go to canada or something, but you can't leave the very thing that changed your life just like that. You're resolved to become stronger now, pay back everyone and everything that took your life away. Took your friends away.
You become a teacher at tokyo's jujutsu high. You meet Yuji and Nobara and Megumi; they're good kids. The most interesting first year right now is Maki, though. She's almost a repeat of that man, the man that you don't really like speaking about for pretty obvious reasons, but she's a great student. An even better person, you think.
You hang out with Shoko often, usually at lunch and on the weekends. Things aren't normal without two guys dwarfing Shoko in size and sticking to the outside of you two's sides like sandwich bread, but life is moving on. You take Satoru's death a bit better than Suguru's. Whether it was because your feelings didnt reach as deep for him as they did for Suguru, or because you were somewhat desensitized now, you were thankful that Shoko was still there for you, and you were there for her.
Until you weren't.
Things were relatively normal, but just as fast as you can flip your hand, they weren't.
Curses and curse users emerged again, on a slightly lesser scale than they did in shibuya, but on the same level as they were in the culling games, and you weren't prepared.
You're in a sort of limbo now, living in your own head, reading off your own thoughts. You wonder if this is how Suguru and Satoru felt. Everything is silent and for some reason you're calm. You should feel bad for leaving Shoko all alone but you don’t.
Maybe it’s because you know that she’ll get over you faster than she came to terms with Satoru and Suguru’s deaths, or maybe it’s not.
The only thing you feel right now is peace. You wish her the best because you know that she’ll keep on living, carrying with her your legacy. The legacy of you, Satoru, and Suguru, and she’ll make sure she does everything she can to save the people that she can.
After all, she can join you after her passing and have nothing to show for it. You’ll surely make fun of her for that.
arsonalle 2024
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕞𝕪
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Pairing: Yandere!Gremmy Thoumeaux x GN!Quincy reader
Genre: Yandere, Headcanons
CW: Yandere, Possessive Gremmy, mention of him getting hookups for stress relief, forced love
Requested by @sahara-solaris-solace: If can I wanna request yandere Gremmy if he becomes a Royal Guard
A/N: I love writing more darker shit like this
he was a monster. no one really likes him and he was only known as one of the elites
he makes people comes to his room for hookup and simply forcing them to, later he just eliminates them in his room and no one ever remembered the Quincy ever again
at least until he found you. you were kind and think and treat of him as a person. and it's making him go insane
he have the slight determination that he can make you fall in love with him without using his imagination power but in the end all you ever think of him was 'only a friend'. it happens again and again and each time it pisses him off more and more until he decided to put his power into good actual use and makes you love him
it was a forced one but he doesn't care. he hates seeing you hanging out with others and have a brighter smile than being with him.
it pisses him off.
he refuses to let you leave his room. if you ever try he'll tied or chain you up and tell you to stay in his room and never leave or he'll have a worse punishment for you
he doesn't yell much but he does have an intimidating tune to his voice once he's mad at you
he makes sure you know he loves you a lot
after having you he likes to stay within his room with you unless he have a task given by his majesty
he talks to the other elites too but it's not that often. and after having you all he talks about is either you or himself and being either self centered or straight up obsessed about you
Gerard opinion on him is he's a weird guy.. always talking about his lover and not enough space for even himself to boast about him..sure he respects him for the love he have for his lover but at times he speaks really weird about chaining up his lover once they pisses him off
Lillie opinion on him is..well he don't really mind him, not as much as Gerard and in fact he ignores all the things Gremmy said
Pernida have no opinion, in fact he does not even hang with Gremmy and refuses to be near him
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
People like to believe that yasopp up and left without any warning or talking about it with his wife (like that other show about gay pirates) but how his wife talked about him and how usopp views him he must of left a good impression on both of them. Yasopp most likely spent at least 5 years with his wife and kid before leaving
Okay, I actually agree wholeheartedly. I know it doesn't seem like it with how much I talk shit about Yasopp around here, but I swear I understand why he had to follow his dream and I am very aware that Banchina literally told him to do so. However! However. Even if we do know he loves Usopp and is definitely worried about seeing him because of feeling guilty for what he did (I genuinely felt so bad when he said he wasn't ready to see Usopp. Although two seconds later I literally stared at my screen and said "grow some fucking balls and see your kid". So. Yeah) I still feel some resentment toward him(?
The whole situation is pretty similar to Oden's, if you think about it. Dude wanted to stay with his family in Wano but Toki literally threatened him to go follow his dream first. That's kind of the same thing that happens with Yasopp. I think people see Yasopp as the bad guy mostly because we never see his POV and instead we just see how that affected Usopp and Banchina. Besides, Oden was away for considerably a lot less time. So,,, Not really the same, but the concept is pretty much the same thing.
I don't hate Yasopp. I understand why he left and I'm sure Usopp loves him to death, even if there are bittersweet feelings there. But there are still a lot of things that don't sit right with me? I personally just feel horrible when thinking that he's the main reason Usopp kept lying all the time and if you rewatch Syrup Island now it just hurts more. The fact that he met Luffy and spent time with him, too? It's just, uh, idk, it feels weird. Besides, send a letter or something. Try to call your son, maybe? Perhaps try to have a way of communicating with him before going away for years? I think we can't ignore the fact that one of the reasons why Usopp is so insecure might probably be him. Not to blame him for everything, because of course Usopp has more personality and insecurities that have nothing to do with Yasopp. But you know. It just feels weird.
Now this part is just personal but parents who leave their children make my blood boil with anger and even if I understand why he did it and everything, I will never completely like Yasopp. Not until we see more of him and Usopp, at least.
And also, I still think the crew (leaving what I personally think aside) would not like Yasopp. Especially Sanji, probably. Not because I'm a Sanuso shipper (although it really affects my opinion on this ngl) but because I think Sanji would have a very strong view of what fatherhood is and he refuses to see Usopp getting hurt again. And I think I said this before but Nami and Zoro would not really like Yasopp either, not unless Usopp verbally tells them he's on good terms with his dad.
I just think Usopp and Yasopp's relationship is very complicated. It isn't about Yasopp being a good dad or not (same thing with Uta and Shanks too, honestly. People keep saying that he's a deadbeat when he was just a stupid dad trying to protect his daughter and that decision ended up backfiring). A lot of people have different views on this, and I think we're all right in some way. He loves his son and Usopp loves his dad and they admire each other a lot. But that doesn't fix what's broken, either. I personally am so excited to see them reunite and see how Oda writes it!!!
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ceilidho · 8 months
Hey! I think youre an amazing writer and i really look up to you. Ive been reading your works since reylo, you inspired me to write my own reylo stuff. I think youre wonderful and could read your works over and over again. I was just wondering if I could ask you advice. I'm trying to get into writing second person pov fanfic, but I'm terrible at it. I can write it from third person or first person no problem. I was wondering if you had any tips.
oh thank you, i really appreciate that!!! and im so glad you're giving writing a shot!! honestly it's so tough to actually make the decision to sit down and write something and then show it to other people (and it's very scary and kind of humbling as you get better and better and look back at your old work haha) so that's so awesome!!
i actually wrote so much beneath this so i needed the "read more" lmaooo
actually, i'll tell you what, when you first transition from writing 1st or 3rd person to writing in 2nd person, it feels weird and abnormal, but i've actually grown to love 2nd pov. i just love the way it sounds in my head when i'm constructing a sentence. and tbh there's actually not a huge difference from writing 1st and 2nd pov in my opinion.
like my general thoughts around 2nd pov are:
obviously since it's an internal dialogue (like the perspective is rooted in the person you're writing from rather than some omniscient 3rd pov), while you can still describe what's happening on the main character's face ("you purse your lips" "you frown, annoyed" etc), it's still coming from their perspective, so there's a level of depth there that other characters around them don't have. like Price in my western fic is a bit more mysterious on account of him not being a narrator figure in the story.
if you're using 2nd pov because you're writing an x reader fic, and you want to keep your reader character quite neutral, ensure that you're avoiding big descriptors like skin colour, hair texture/length, body size (unless you're specifically writing a fat reader or a reader with a specific body type, in which case, go wild!), height, etc. your reader character is never going to be 100% neutral, but just pay attention to any descriptors you add and you can make sure they're as neutral as can be.
this is probably obvious, but you don't have to start every sentence with "you did x" or "you said y" or whatever. you can still be loose and flexible with your sentences like you might be in a 3rd person narration. like, i'll take apart a paragraph from my fic and highlight where i've added the "you/your" pov:
The worry making your body tense and stiff finally releases once you’re alone. You curl up on the bed without pulling down the sheets or taking your dress off. The journey's left you weak, sapped of energy. Worn down to your base elements. Hardly unexpected after what you’ve gone through, after leaving behind a cooling body two states away. The days since have left you sick with worry, nerves shot when you consider how the authorities will look to you first, the maid, and find in your absence all the answers they need. 
notice that i only started one sentence with "you" here. i think some people mistake using 2nd pov for thinking that the entire story/fic has to be a direct narration of what the character is doing (i.e. "you walk to the end of the hall and then you sit down. you notice a silver bullet on the table near you. you pick it up.") but that's not the case.
the narration is coming from this character, yes, but it's also still a story. this is hard to describe, but there's almost a weird, unconscious 3rd pov in the story at the same time, like you're looking down at this narrator and you're speaking through them, but you still have some externality. in order to tell an evocative, interesting story, you HAVE to know and notice at least a bit more than your narrator consciously does.
this kind of mirrors real life in a way actually because your brain picks up a lot of information that you as a person don't consciously absorb. it's why humans are able to have quick reflexes and dodge/duck things or whatever without realizing what they're doing. (look up "unconscious perception"). you can do this with 1st pov as well, but 1st pov is very useful for stream of consciousness stories or really getting into a character's head. 2nd pov is still governed by that narrator character, but it's picking up on other details and information in the surrounding environment.
anyway i hope this is in any way helpful haha - it's how i like to think of writing in 2nd pov!
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austinslounge · 2 months
just have to say I never talked or commented on the Austin gf situation and never went out my way to look into it but I HAVE to say I agree with everything yall have been saying especially as a fan Austins age it’s soooo obvious this is like bad and not fun or romantic for him like ANY of his other relationships or situationships lol it’s so dry it’s hard to see photos of them and not cringe. I wanna see lovey dovey grown man Austin (I would imagine it would be like w VH but even more grown and sexy bc he’s older and more experienced w life now) and probably a great girl BUT i don’t think Kaia can inspire that from him. And even w how shy and laid back Austin is she seems overshadowed by him, like just not confident enough to be on THAT man’s arm.
Also the first and only video I watched of them was that video of them smelling scents and it was so cringe, it was enough for me to realize they really don’t have good chemistry and there is no spice in that relationship!! I feel bad for my mans especially when his love language is physical touch and praise 😅 (Austin come this way lol)
And I can go either way on VH (I did read somewhere she was mean to him or like towards the end? I hope not) BUT there was so much spice between them! So much chemistry and the bond at the time was VERY clear even w Austin being such a private person. I want that for him again.
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Girl, everything you said is spot on!
Welcome to my blog btw! 😁 Feel free to comment anytime! Lol
Anyway, yes -- Everything you mentioned are things that a lot of us as fans of Austin have been picking up on. A lot of fans (even people in the general public who don't even follow him like that) are picking up on how strange his relationship with Gerber Baby is. 👀 I just feel like many fans have unfortunately been silenced and gaslit into submission and forced into accepting this weird, crappy, relationship, even though deep down, many fans are sensing something off with it.
And omg that perfumery video clip was so cringe. 😩 Did you notice too how in one of the clips, Kaia was talking over the woman who was talking to them, trying to get Austin's attention, and he didn't even turn her way, he just kept his attention on the woman who was talking to them? 👀
And then, you see Kaia's face look a little down for a split second because he basically flat out ignored her lol. I said to myself at the time that this was probably not the first time this has happened. 👀 I honestly think he finds her rude and entitled sometimes.
Wrt to VH, I don't think Austin and Vanessa's relationship was perfect by any means (who's is?), but I do think that they had mutual love, friendship, respect, and genuine care for each other. They had also both been through a lot together during their relationship as well. ❤️
While I don't think that he and Vanessa would still be a good match for each other now at this point and time in their lives (I just feel like they both have grown so much since their breakup and are totally different people now), I would actually rather Austin with Vanessa than with Kaia atp. 👀 I know that's a very unpopular opinion in these spaces (especially after how petty V treated him during Elvis press 🥴), but at least Austin seemed happy with her while he was dating her.
I don't get that vibe with him and Kaia at all. 😬
I also feel like Vanessa has just been hurt from the breakup with Austin, and she has mainly been acting out due to that? You don't go from absolute lovey-dovey, to then throwing shade at a man unless you're hurting, imo.
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daynightshipping · 3 months
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💚 Welcome to Daynightshipping 💚
Wowee I’m finally making a pinned post to explain all this!! My name is Ares, I’m 22 and extremely gay. I’ll warn you now I am the literal manifestation of 30 mental illnesses and banned from most public spaces. As John Mulaney once put it, “I also dont want me to be doing what I’m doing”. I’m ADHD and there’s probably some autism in there as well I don’t know anymore. My brain is not normal basically lmfao.
I ship with Jesse Glenn from Bakugan Battle Brawlers. I have loved this fruit since the moment I laid eyes on him at like 12 years old or however old I was when I watched Bakugan lol. About a year ago I got sick with covid, rewatched the show and fell absolutely head over heels again…. I definitely attribute him to being my gay awakening (even though I thought I was just a really fucked up weird straight girl up until after I graduated high school). This blog is for the ship between my self insert and Jesse, although I may refer to my s/i and myself interchangeably.
What is the ship?
Jesse Glenn x Aires Gallo. Aires is a boyfailure brawler who meets Jesse in Bakugan Interspace and finds himself in love and also entangled in an interplanetary war! Fun! Lots of angst potential here if u know the source material lmao
Why the name?
It’s inspired by the song When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco
I don’t really have a DNI just don’t be an asshole about me self shipping or anything lmao. It’s honestly rare I block anyone but if ur being shitty enough I will 💀
As far as like content and sharing f/o’s and stuff I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s not my place to police anyone and if I don’t like something I may complain bc I’m a complainer, but in reality it’s not that big of a deal and more of a personal preference or something I just need to get over. Obviously not into going out of my way to harass people as long as they don’t harass me lol. That being said, I’m not the biggest fan of Jesse in m/f ships (and just most m/f ships in general UNLESS it’s your self ship or Zelink then I love you mwuah) so, not that I really think anyone would bc this character is so niche in general, dont like tag me or send me that type of stuff. TLDR, keep it at a distance ig lmfao.
Other stuff???
My headcanons aren’t exactly 100% clear and I do like to imagine different scenarios between these 2. One of the divergent paths is where they have a kid together, Zephyr, so I’ll of course post him too. Idk this started off as more of a selfship dumping zone and it still is kind of that.
I have a NSFT blog (gummysharksafterdark) where I do post some selfship stuff too that’s obviously 18+ only.
My ask box is always open, and my dms are too to some extent, although I don’t answer those as often usually. My main is gummy-sharks666 which is mostly Bakugan right now bc that’s what I’m hyperfixated on atm and other general fandom stuff. I look forward to interacting w other oc/canon shippers and selfshippers, esp ones with anime or hobbyani f/o’s, and also obviously Bakugan fans if u care this oc/canon stuff at all uwu.
That’s about it, so yeah
(Art at the top gifted by @ / freaquin)
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