#age restriction bullshit
fraternum-momentum · 1 year
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bonesaints · 3 days
anyway let's give up for dual-class inquisitors, dual-class hawkes, and dual-class wardens... people who headcanon their wardens, hawkes, and inquis as dual class... where yall at....
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Title: How to survive a mass shooting
ADD: Avoid, Deny, Defend!
Avoid contact with the shooter
Deny access to your location
Defend yourself, if no other option is available, you have the right to live!
Do not fight fair, go for the most vulnerable spots: The eyes, the throat, or the groin, do not stop until the attacker is subdued!
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imnotevenusin · 5 months
Placements that give off “cool” energy
Mars in Sagittarius: Sagittarian energy is care-free, explorative, and brave. Mars rules our primal desires, anger, and libido. Sag Mars are kind of reckless people; their desires have no boundaries. These traits are what makes them cool and fun to be around — when you’re not against them. You will not hold them down and keep the contained.
Moon in Cap & Aquarius: The Moon shows us how we emotionally react to things and can tell us about the lessons our Mothers taught us. From what I’ve experienced, Capricorn and Aquarius Moon people keep a cool and calm demeanor—almost intimidating. Capricorn does not like to waste time sulking around in emotions and Aquarius is usually worried about impersonal subjects. Of course, it all depends on the aspects.
Sun conjunct Venus: The Sun is our pride and Venus is what we value and are attracted to. Usually, these people come off as charming and are aesthetically pleasing to look at. They can also take time into crafting an image or have really cool interests in general.
Mercury-Saturn: Mercury-Saturn aspects reply when necessary. They also like to think about things thoroughly. This makes them intelligent and helpful, recognizing communication as a useful tool. Just like Mercury-Pluto, they tend to think about serious topics.
Mars in Capricorn: A perfect placement for an entrepreneur. Mars is channeled into achieving something and going after what it wants.
Venus in Scorpio: Venus is aesthetics and values and Scorpio is intense and intimate. Their sense of loyalty—depending on the aspects—and intimacy overpowers them and this can make them a bit obsessive. But they also have magnetic attraction for some reason, from what I’ve seen.
Moon in Scorpio: Scorpio brings uncomfortable feelings to the Moon. This makes them a no bullshit kind of person.
Mars in Scorpio: Their desires are intense and they have an all or nothing attitude.
Sun in Aries: The Sun is charged by Aries—a sign that rules independence, primal desires, and bravery. These people usually have strong personalities - sometimes obnoxious. Like Sag Mars, they hate being bored, and usually like to make their own rules.
Capricorn Ascendant: The Ascendant contributes to our physical bodies and what energy we give off naturally. Cap Risings have the reputation of looking serious and older than their actual age—which is true, coming from a Capricorn Rising.
Sun in the 8H: The 8H deals with the vulnerable aspects of our lives—the moments that make us transform and rediscover a stronger part of ourselves. Sun in 8H individuals could have very strong and impressive personalities—coming from an 8H Sun person, we do.
Saturn-Pluto aspects: Usually weighed down by harsh circumstances—Saturn is our restrictions and limitations, Pluto is what controls us—they have an ability to change their lives through hard-work and patience.
Honorable Mentions: Pluto in 1H. Sun in the 1H. Jupiter-Pluto. Sun in 5°, 13°, or 17°degrees. Sun-Saturn. Sun-Mars. Sun-Uranus. Scorpio Rising.
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creature-wizard · 7 months
i'm confused .. isn't protecting kids under 18 from online harm a good thing? why everyone is against it?
Here's the thing about most bills that would supposedly "protect children" - they're not actually about protecting children. They're about targeting and censoring marginalized people.
Like... I dunno if you've noticed, but conservatives have been labeling queer people as a threat to children since like... forever. They claim queerness is a kink and anyone who exposes a child to it is a groomer and pedophile.
Pass a bill like this, and you get Conservative McFucko declaring that queer content is a threat to children, and poof! Suddenly websites that offer support and assistance to queer children are now age-restricted. Sites that feature queer art, stories, etc., are age-restricted.
It's not about "protecting" the children. It never was. It's about controlling them and suppressing various marginalized people. "We must protect the children!" is and always has been a manipulation tactic to get people to support absolute bullshit.
And another problem with KOSA is the fact that forcing everyone to use a digital ID for every "adult" site creates a huge security/privacy risk, making the Internet even less secure than it is now.
I hope this helps.
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siverwrites · 2 months
I don't know if I have many Canadian followers, but hey we have our own bullshit bill trying to come down the pipeline with an attempt at forced age verification and no real good secure way to implement that.
From internetsociety.org:
Although well-intentioned, S-210, an Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material, includes requirements that could disrupt essential functions of the Internet and ultimately harm Canadians’ security and privacy. The introduction of age verification requirements and increased liability for Internet intermediaries, not just providers of adult content, would create an untenable situation. Internet service providers, whose primary role is to facilitate online traffic, would be forced to make difficult decisions about allowing secure traffic and facing potential liability, or rejecting secure traffic and cutting off Canadian users from the benefits of the global Internet.
If people could share this that'd be greatly appreciated!
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wordstome · 11 months
kingdom come - i
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king König x princess & assassin reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, afab reader, romance, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, kind of age gap because König has been king for a good chunk of time but it's not really much of a factor, fantasy/medieval setting, magic exists but it's the creepy kind ordinary people don't fuck with
3.5k words
tw: swearing and König gets a boner. what's new
GUESS WHO'S BACK ON HER BULLSHIT HAHAAA IT'S MEEE STARTING A NEW SERIES/AU AGAINNNnnnnn. Don't fret, I'm still working on university au! I just started watching The Great (the tv show) and I was like hmm. I should get back to that one idea I had.
p.s. When I mention a "mask" on König, imagine a sort of phantom of the opera, Brahms kinda thing. He isn't always wearing the hood.
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Outside, the bells are tolling. Back home, you’ve only ever heard church bells ringing to rally the troops. But here, in these foreign lands, they ring for a royal wedding.
You're wearing a truly massive dress shaped like a pastry. It's a work of art, to be sure, but it leaves you feeling restrained and vulnerable. You should be wearing armor into war—hard boiled leather and curtains of steel rings, not delicate lace and silken ribbons. You're walking into a battle: you would have liked to be able to bend forward further than thirty degrees.
You're at least glad you don't have to wear a veil—it would have been borderline unbearable if you had your vision restricted on top of everything else. It does mean, however, that you can see him standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for you.
A gigantic man with a soldier's physique, wearing a mask that covers more than half his face. Just the sight of him sends a a chill down your spine.
The officiant’s voice booms out over the assembly, but you don’t hear any of it. The sound washes over you, distant and echoing, as if your head is underwater. Your whole being is on alert as you tilt your face upwards to look at the only part of your soon-to-be-husband that you can see properly: his eyes.
They bore into you as if they're looking straight into your soul. As if they're revealing all of your secrets. For a moment, you feel disarmed, even though you can still feel the calming, solid presence of your trusty dagger against your thigh.
As the officiant finishes the wedding vows, he offers his hand to you, his touch shockingly gentle.
You steel your resolve and stare resolutely back at him as you place your hand in his, and the officials begin to bind them together with velvet cords. You remind yourself who you are, where you are, and what you must do.
You remind yourself that you have to kill him as they tie the final knot.
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The woods are foreboding, home to a darkness that seems infinite and all-consuming. The heavy old trees that surround the palace grounds shut out most sunlight and all moonlight, and sometimes it feels as if the forest itself is a living, conscious thing brimming with a dangerous unknown. It's proven to be an effective line of defense in the past: citizens don’t dare to trespass on the royal grounds as it is, but an extra deterrent never hurt anybody.
Except perhaps enemy soldiers. But they learn their lesson quickly.
To you, however, the woods are comforting. You’ve spent many lonely nights amongst these trees, training until your body was sore all over. These trunks have withstood many a misplaced blow, these exposed roots have been your downfall many a time, and this mossy undergrowth has cushioned your bruises during many a tumble and fall.
Tonight, however, there is no training. No combat, no groans of pain, no thuds against wood or flesh. You are blanketed in quiet, something sorely needed as you contemplate the days to come.
This is it. The task you’ve trained for all your life is here. Every sore joint and pulled muscle, every tear-soaked pillowcase, every scolding in Father’s office has led to this. Sometimes it seemed as if the day would never come, as if years of reading, shooting, riding and sparring would be for naught. Though your breath rattles the leaves around you, you feel as if you’ve been holding your breath ever since Father broke the news. This is happening.
You leave in a few hours, as soon as the sun comes over the horizon. Your maids have already packed your luggage—you had to enlist their help after it became too difficult to pick what to bring and what not to bring. If all went well, you’d be back in this room in a few weeks. But what could you afford to bring? What did you need for your sanity? What minute details of an object could compromise your position?
Luckily, Calliope, your most trusted lady-in-waiting, was able to step in when she found you sitting on your rug, clutching your set of cloth dolls—the only toys you’d ever owned as a child that weren’t made with murder in mind—and suggest you take a breath of fresh air. You don’t know where you’d be without her, honestly. You may be your father’s pride and joy of a perfectly well-rounded monarch and killing machine, but you would never have gotten here without her by your side.
You sigh and lean your head against the thick limb you’re lying on. If you didn’t already know you’d wake up with a complaining spine that would then have to spend days riding a horse, you’d go to sleep right here, right now. The woods are your home, these trees your solace. You’ll miss it terribly, as the only place you can truly avoid all servants, generals, teachers, and parents.
Well. Parent.
But as with all things—Father’s rare good mood, your training days, peacetime—the sweet, silent embrace of the forest can’t last forever.
Reluctantly, you give the tree one last pat and climb down, making the trudge back to your room so you can at least attempt to catch a few winks of sleep.
It takes quite a few days of travel to get to your destination. You arrive in the empire next door's capital city saddle-sore and on edge. This was the snakes’ nest, the heart of the beast.
And yet…people are happy.
The mood in your hometown is far quieter and more grim—your country has been at war with this one for as long as you can remember, and yet the contrast could not be more vast. Back home, people walk directly from place to place, and don’t make eye contact with each other. Here, children play unsupervised, outdoor markets overflow with people, and windows are thrown wide open as neighbors chat.
You don’t know how to feel. The previous king here was a ruthless conqueror, building an empire by invading neighboring countries and forcing their monarchs to yield—or killing them when they were defiant. Your own land had only escaped being absorbed into the empire by employing rigorous military discipline and strict wartime measures. Yet here, in the heart of the empire, you would never be able to tell it was a nation at war.
And now you’re marrying the king’s son. The current king. The one they call König. So little is known about him that his entire existence is shrouded in rumor: that the hood he wears conceals a monstrous, disfigured face, that he plotted his father’s demise, that his first wife died not of childbirth, but was assassinated in quiet due to being unable to provide an heir.
You don’t plan on sticking around long enough to find out if the rumors are true.
To your surprise, your reception by the people feels more curious than hostile. You’d expected a bit of resistance, or at least a few dirty looks, considering you're the princess of the country they've been at war with for years. But whatever König has told them has been far more charitable than you anticipated.
Your arrival at the palace is greeted by a flurry of activity. Your entourage scatters to put affairs in order, but Calliope and a small contingent of guards follows you into the main hall. Not that you need them—but you need to keep up appearances. No one outside your family’s most tight-knit circle knows you can throw a punch, much less have an assassin’s training.
You don’t feel in the least bit prepared to meet your fiancé—and target—face to face fresh off a days-long journey, but you’re ushered into the main hall anyway. It seems your task has already begun whether you like it or not.
“Ah, princess. Welcome to my humble home.” You hear him before you see him, his voice heavy with an accent. There’s something a bit charming about it, you think—before the sight of him shakes some sense back into you.
He’s huge. He towers over even his own palace guard, broad with muscle, and moves with a deadly raw power even in this nonthreatening setting.
When his father still ruled, before the current peacetime, stories of the empire’s prodigal heir on the frontlines served as frightening bedtime story and a terrifying cautionary tale for the nation’s soldiers. A beast in a hood who fought with the strength of ten men.
You stand your ground as he approaches you. The hood, then, is real—although the stories were so consistent about it that it was never really in question, was it? What the stories had left out were his eyes—striking and green, piercing into your soul as he bends to kiss the back of your hand. It’s an odd sensation that sends shivers racing up your spine.
“The pleasure is mine, your majesty,” you respond, a hint of apprehension in your tone. Of course you had been expecting some form of courtly courtesy, but for some reason you hadn’t expected him to be such a…gentleman. A part of you had been expecting some feral animal, needing to be put down.
"I'm sure you must be exhausted from your journey," he says. "I hope you will find your rooms to your liking." Something about his demeanor is almost...bored? As if greeting his future wife is just another task he's obligated to complete.
He doesn't join you for dinner that night, which is odd. The servants inform you that he's taking care of some urgent business. You hope that your dejection is taken as disappointment that you won't have an opportunity to get to know your fiancé. You are, but not the way people may think.
After all, getting to know your target is half the battle.
You're left to your own devices the next day. König, you're informed, won't be available. That urgent business from last night appears to be an ongoing situation.
Fine by you. You could use some time to prepare.
You spend the day wandering the palace, familiarizing yourself with the grounds and plotting an escape route. You're halted on your brisk survey when you stumble upon a...garden?
Unlike the perfectly manicured hedges outside the palace, or the groomed efficiency of the kitchen gardens, this place is small. Quiet. A little overgrown, but clearly taken care of. The grass is long and soft, dappled in sunshine. Flowers burst forward, crowded around trellises spiraling with vines.
Part of you feels like a trespasser in this private little sanctum, but another part of you is set at ease by the idle tranquility of this place. You pause, feeling a pang of homesickness. It reminds you of the forest: wild in its own way, but gentle and welcoming at the same time.
Something at the corner of your vision catches your eye. A bush bursting forward with round, dark little berries.
Nightshade. Deadly nightshade, in fact. What is this doing in this peaceful little garden? You move forward to examine them closer.
"You shouldn't be here."
You whirl around to find König standing behind you. You had been so absorbed by the garden that you hadn't detected his approach.
Your cheeks burn. You've only been here a day, and already you're letting your guard down. This won't do.
"My apologies, your majesty. I got....lost."
You hold your breath as he draws near. His expression is unreadable—not that you can see most of it, anyway. But when you meet his gaze, you can tell he's sizing you up.
"This is quite a long way to wander."
Shit, is he suspicious? Thinking fast, your brain supplies the best answer you can muster.
"Should a future queen not know the palace she is to live in?"
"Mmm. You make a fair point."
Before you can say or do anything further, he's standing right in front of you. "That's nightshade, you know." You can feel him watching you, assessing your reaction. "Not many can recognize it."
"I..." You can't very well tell him that you know what nightshade looks like because you're an expert in deadly poisons. "I had been wondering what they were."
"I see." He leans forward and plucks a berry off the bush, rolling it between his fingers. "Have you ever tasted one?"
Does he know? Is that a threat? You can't read his expression behind that goddamned mask of his. You stare at him, hoping you look dumbfounded instead of panicked.
"No? They're quite sweet, you know." He holds it out to you. "Care to try one?"
"Your Majesty, I—"
"Don't look so nervous." If you had ever thought he looked frightening before, there's something uncanny about the half-smile that he gives you now. "I didn't expect you to say yes." Before you can say or do anything, he pops the berry in his mouth.
You're too stunned to do anything but watch as he chews for a moment and swallows. One berry won't kill him, but you're more concerned about why he's doing this. Is he trying to intimidate you?
"This was my mother's garden." He gestures to the general surroundings. "I spent a lot of time here as a child. Peaceful, isn't it?"
You let out a tiny sigh of relief now that the conversation appears to be moving on. "Yes. Quite."
"It's always been a place to get away. The first time I ate a nightshade berry was right here, when I was six. I was violently sick for weeks." His tone is a little too light for someone describing being poisoned as a child, and it's unnerving.
"That's when I learned to be careful of things that are too sweet. A good lesson to learn, don't you think?" He walks towards you, and you brace yourself for anything.
He stops next to you, you facing one way and him the other. "Take care then, princess. I will see you tomorrow."
You stare resolutely ahead. "Yes."
And hopefully you won't see him for much longer after that.
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Fuck. You forgot about this part.
You had been prepared for this, of course, but you only realize now that you hadn't been mentally prepared. It wasn't until Calliope was helping you undress that you remembered what usually happens between a man and a woman the night of the wedding.
You pace the room, stewing and plotting, getting increasingly antsy before the door swings open and the man himself comes strutting into the bedroom.
"You look like a cornered deer." You hear König shut the door behind him, but you don't turn around.
"I've never done this before." Mentally, you curse yourself for the quaver in your voice.
"Well. Tonight won't be your first."
"What?" You do turn at that, watching him carelessly shed layers all across the room between swigs of his drink.
"I have no interest in bedding you. We do have to sleep in the same room for appearances, though." He plucks a grape from a cluster sitting on a side table and throws it up in the air, catching it with his mouth.
You haven't been in his presence much in the past few days, but each time you have, something about your encounters with him have shaken you up and set you on edge. Somehow, he's kept you on your toes even with a limited presence. Your meeting in the garden was dizzying and confusing, the ceremony set you on high alert. And now, he's thrown you another curveball.
It feels almost too easy. He's just going to go to sleep in the same room as you? No fanfare? "You don't want to...consummate the marriage?"
"You sound upset." He cocks an eyebrow at you. "Were you hoping to?"
"No!" Your face feels hot as he gives you that lopsided half-smile again, more like a smirk this time.
"That's a shame. I prefer fucking willing participants, you see." He drapes himself over the elaborate chaise lounge opposite the bed.
"Are you usually this vulgar?" you retort.
"I see no reason for pretense. We're married, after all." Curiously, he hasn't taken his mask off. Does he sleep in it? Or is he only keeping it on because you're here?
You feel silly now, dressed in a flimsy little silken thing, wrapped up like a present for a brute who won't even touch you. Considerate of him, you suppose. Not that it will matter for very long.
"Sleep well then, hmm? You should be well rested for your first day as queen tomorrow." There's a dangerous gleam in his eye, but it disappears so quickly you wonder if you had imagined it.
"Yes," you say, sitting on the bed while not taking your eyes off of him. "Sleep well."
You give it a few hours, just to be safe. A few hours of laying awake staring at the ceiling. A few hours of watching as moonlight bathes the room in silver light. A few hours of watching him.
The deepening darkness casts sharp shadows across his face, making him seem even more inhuman. What do bloodthirsty emperors dream of? Dominating the weak? Slaughtering the innocent? Conquering women? You shudder. Best not to know.
It's well past midnight when you slowly, quietly get up and pull your dagger from its hidden holster. One downwards thrust, and you're going home. One quick motion, and all of this is over.
It's a little anticlimactic, you think. But this is for the best. For you. For your people. For your family.
Light as a feather, you straddle him, hovering over him just enough so that your weight doesn't wake him. You try not to think about how intimate this position is, and remind yourself that this is the best way to prevent him from getting up or struggling, should your first strike not end him immediately. Which it will, of course.
You take a deep breath as you position the blade right over his heart, calming the fluttering anxiety in your mind. The beginning of a new chapter of your life begins now.
You plunge the dagger downwards.
In an instant, König's eyes fly open. Before you can react at all, his hand has seized your wrist in an iron grip, the tip of your dagger a hair's length from his chest.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He purrs. "A little assassin?"
You grit your teeth and attempt to overpower him: you're so, so close. But his strength is so overwhelming that you can't even get the tip of the dagger to make contact. Panic starts to set in. This isn't good. This is disastrous, actually. He was supposed to be asleep!
You attempt to pull away, to get away, to do anything, but it's no use. "You don't seem surprised," you spit.
"It's not every day your most bitter enemy offers you his daughter's hand in marriage as a truce," he replies, clear amusement in his voice. Is he enjoying this? "Of course I smelled a rat. You must think me a fool."
"No." Yeah, you kind of had.
"Lying ill suits you, princess." You cry out as he jams his fingers into the tendons in your wrist, forcing you to release the dagger. You watch, helplessly, as he picks it up with his other hand and turns it over, studying it in the moonlight.
"What a delicate little knife," he muses. In your hand, it's a sizeable weapon. But held in his fingers it looks small, harmless. To your dismay, he then proceeds to chuck it at the opposite wall, the blade sticking itself solidly in between two panels.
"You knew?" you ask, a tremor in your traitorous voice.
"Oh, I suspected. You had me disappointed for a while—I thought you would have made an attempt well before this." He lets out a deep chuckle that sends terror through you. "For a moment I even thought that you were as you presented: just some poor little lamb, a peace offering given up to the slaughter." His eyes narrow behind the mask. "I am glad to see that you have proven to be much more interesting than that."
"Interesting?" Out of all the reactions you would have expected him to have, this is not one of them. Fear, anger, even immediate violence. Not...interest.
"You have no idea," he says. Your eyes widen as he you feel his hand run up your thigh.
That's not the only thing you feel, though. He shifts a bit underneath you, and it's then that the earlier flush to your cheeks returns in full force. Is he...hard?!
"If you're going to kill me, then get on with it," you ground out through your teeth.
"Little one, if I had wanted you dead immediately, I would have already pinned you down and snapped your neck. No, you've given me a gift: a gift I intend to cherish." You shiver as he slides a hand up your thigh. "A challenge."
"Is this a game to you?" You're not sure if your breath is running ragged from fear or anger, now.
"I could end this at any time, you know." You gasp involuntarily as a hand closes around your throat. "But that would be no fun, now would it?"
"You are a fool, then." You stare at him defiantly, even as his grip constricts your breathing. "Because I will kill you."
His eyes dance with some mad glee. "That's what I like to hear."
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Hiiiiiiiii besties. I've been chewing on the idea of a medieval royalty sort of au since before Shrike, and I came up with this premise like. At least a year or two ago, before I was even in the COD fandom. So I'm glad to finally be making some real headway on it! I have no idea how many parts this is going to have. I have a lot of plot planned for it, so we're just gonna have to see where the vibes take us!
I'd like to thank @danibee33 my angel as always. I bounced a lot of royal/medieval/king König ideas off of her, some of which I still may use, but I changed the plot drastically when I had an epiphany a week or two ago. Hope you like this one babe <3 Also, thank you @kneelingshadowsalome and @gremlingottoosilly for their historical/time period aus. Your fics gave me a real kick in the ass to finish this.
Also shoutout to Pedro Pascal fans? I stumbled upon some breathtakingly kinky fanfiction on this beloved hellsite featuring the Mandalorian, and thought: you know what? If people can proudly write and publish the nastiest, most shameless smut I've ever read, then I can push through whatever impostor syndrome, perfectionist embarrassment I have with my work and get it done.
As usual, please let me know your feedback! I'm trying out a bit of a different characterization for König (not that much different, he's still our beloved violent horny maniac), and I want to know what people think.
I'm also going to be using my taglist again. If you were tagged here and don't want to be tagged anymore, please let me know! And if you would like to be added to the taglist, drop a reply <3
@crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr
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transzilla · 8 months
I believe in not only corrupting eggs to transition to men but to light fires under the asses of men who transition but stop taking it seriously for whatever reason. With enough repeated failure and desires left unsatisfied, even these big shot, loud and angry, rowdy tboys start to have that soft boy fetishized weakness rigomoroll shit catch up with them. They start to familiarize and hide behind their own percieved inferiority, these hot young soldiers with all this potential losing steam and left to reminisce while they're still half-baked, a bunch of poor bastards. Steam powered, roided inertia slows to a vapid convention and stops at a stale, repetitive restriction of depleted self esteem. The raw abrasion of transition wears off and the bullshit we deal with as men wears on us, makes us minimize ourselves, keeps us bound to the same old same old, always for the best.
Doesn't have to be the case. In an age of mediocrity and the demonization of queer masculinity, be that man. If you feel unhappy and discontent and you don't know how, take your transition a little more seriously. You don't just do it once, you come out and take the steroids, heehee hoohoo i'm pinocchio and the blue fairy made me a real boy and you're done forever happily ever after. Masculinity is about constantly challenging yourself, and if you're being challenged as a man constantly it can be a sign of a good thing. You will grow in the face of, in spite of, and because of adversity. Shoot things. Hit things. Fucking stand up for yourself and stop letting people walk all over you. Step outside of your comfort zone. Make yourself dangerous. Make others dangerous. Walk the streets with no fear knowing if somebody gives you shit you've broken yourself in so many times you're equipped to deal with it. Don't slow down and remember who the fuck you are.
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foone · 4 months
Alright, listen up:
We need to stop with the anti-rooting attitude for brainpals, alright? You're just doing mnemonocorps job for them. Cut out the discourse about people with modded brainpals, for TF's sake.
(scifi worldbuilding by way of fictional Tumblr discourse under the cut)
There's tons of valid reasons for by people would hack their brainpals! Testing new memory/skills without paying for a dev kit, piracy of skills (and do not @ me with that "but you're stealing from the original skill creator!" bullshit. All the legit skills on the market now are from people who did work for hire by mnemonocorps, and THEY ALREADY WERE PAID. It's only mnemonocorps that is losing money!), home ptsd/cptsd/jptsd treatment, the list is endless.
And before you jump into the comments, YES I KNOW PEOPLE DO SEXUAL MEMORY PLAY. People do every kind of weird shit, name me a technology that no one has used for sex in some way? Hell, the first topless photo was taken within a week of the invention of the daguerreotype. But we need to be adults here, okay? These things can be simultaneously true:
1. People do memory play
2. No kids have memorypals
3. The vast major of memory play is NOT VP.
Mnemonocorps has done a lot of work to try to keep people from using brainpals for memory pal, with their artificial limits on how much you can block at once, but that's fundamentally an over reaction to the negative press from the whole VP scandal. The news loves a juicy story like "people are using a new technology for weird sex shit" because their readers/viewers are always interested in Weird Sex Shit, either because "ooh, sexy!" or "BAN THIS FILTH" reactions.
And like all big companies, the last thing mnemonocorps wants is a new law aimed specifically at regulating them! So they stuck a bunch more restrictions on brainpals so they could say they have taken steps to prevent VP.
Now, I need you to listen to me before I say this: I am NOT saying I condone VP, alright? I'm not going like "oh but no one is hurt, everyone is (technically) adults, it's basically roleplay"? This is not an excuse for VP, alright?
Memory play is not just VP, and it's deeply insulting to everyone who engages in memory play to conflate the two!
The reasons people would do memory play are many and varied, as are the things that people do with memory play. And I think people are extra quick to jump on the "memory play is bad" bandwagon not just because of the spectre of VP, but because it's all "eww, kinky sex things".
And yes, I'm not going to try to sugarcoat memory play, alright? There's a lot of weird stuff going on there, and it definitely isn't for everyone. But the thing y'all need to keep in mind is that it's between consensual adults and they (usually*) know what they're doing, okay?
It's safe and mind healthy and consensual. (yes I know these are the same arguments the veepers use to definite VP but I'm not talking about VP here, damn it!).
People can do CNC play with mblocks. People can do roleplay with temporary personality patches, either because they're too awkward/shy/whatever to have sex or because they (or their partners) want to do some vcheating. All these are perfectly safe if done correctly and don't hurt anyone. Especially not you, who aren't even involved in their memory play!
And I promise the slippery slope argument is bullshit: even if people use mblocks to age regress, that doesn't make it VP, alright? There's plenty of people (especially us elderly trans who missed out on a gender-correct early adulthood. (I wasn't able to get genespliced until I was nearly 60!). If I want to experience how my 25-year-old self would have had sex as a girl, that's my own god damn business! And it's not VP and it hurts no one. And all these non-vp uses of memory play are completely blocked by the stock brainpal software, because of their heavy handed approach to trying to prevent VP.
But with this whole stigma against hacking brainpals means that if I ever even mention I've got mine modded, people immediately start side-eying me because they think the only reason anyone would want to hack their brainpal is VP.
No! Piracy of skills and mblocks and yes, memory play. Which isn't entirely VP, even if it keeps getting tarred with that brush.
The piracy argument you'd think would be an easier one to make. I know half of you have all the PS6 ROMs downloaded onto your tangles. How are you gonna steal half the video games on the iarchive and then turn around and say it's wrong to download fluent-Japanese or woodworking to your brainpal? Come on.
Basically my whole point is that mnemonocorps has done a great job convincing the general public to associate illicit (by their rules) brainpal use with VP, and it's solely because they know the average person (rightly, I would add) thinks VP is abhorrent. They're using that disgust to turn the general opinion against the idea of brainpal modding.
And look, look me in my eye, do you really think mnemonocorps is doing this because they genuinely think VP is bad and want the public to help them stop it by shunning people who hack their brainpals? Or is it, just maybe, because they don't want to lose trillions of n$ on skill piracy? And they're just using VP as an excuse?
It's like, come on gals. No one ever went broke assuming companies are acting out of the most basic capitalistic greed, because THEY ALWAYS ARE.
And don't get me started on the people clitriding mnemonocorps for inventing the brainpal in the first place. Look, we all love the brainpal, yes, but it's not like you owe them endless loyalty over it, okay? They can and have done wrong in the past. Accept that you can love the work and hate the company trying to control it.
(it's like: is Thomas Chellae an abusive asshole who should not be out of crimrehab? Yes of course, no question. Is Shadowed Skies the best album of the last 30 years? Also yes! It can be both! Bad people can make good things)
Anyway: end of the day, stop bringing up VP every time anything involving brainpal modding comes up. Don't judge people for modding their brainpals.
(especially since half the problem people have with memory play isn't VP, it's just y'all being antisex. Which is bullshit given how many people subscribe to those "expert oral sex" skills! You're using your brainpal to have better sex, then turning around and going "but I'd never use it for WEIRD sex!". Grow TF the fuck up!)
Also, just because I know someone would bring it up, the whole mind control thing is A MYTH. There have never been any legitimate cases of people getting hacked through their brainpals, hacked or not, okay? I mean, who knows what the nsa or uhsa can do, but no one has ever been able to demonstrate a remote hack on a brainpal. Anyone being "mind controlled" through their brainpal did it to themselves, either with a ppatch or intentionally routing their admin to someone else. "you'll get hacked and turned into a bpZombie!" is a bullshit reason to be against brainpal hacking: it simply does not happen. I used to be a rengineer, I've looked into the brainpal security: it's well done!
* Yeah, Adrian Reach was a tragic case, but it was definitely a million-to-one case. Make your backups, run the ccheck, and don't try to mblock your whole damn life on a failing bp! You'll be fine.
EDIT: I forgot to elaborate on the "no kids have brainpals" thing: yes, I know there are some kids who do have them, BUT they're not the same as regular brainpal installs. They're only done in some extreme cases of mental distress (like survivors of the cWar) and they're locked down. Only their doctor can adjust them, it's not like regular consumer brainpals where you can just fiddle with the settings themselves. So all this memory play stuff we're talking about is only between adults. REAL adults, alright? Even when people are doing VP, everyone involved is of age.
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revermbed · 2 years
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Many of you may not know but youtube's content policies changed last month, sparking up alot of angry users and content creators
the changes and policies youtube placed onto creators is absolutly killing rtgame's channel (irish twitch streamer notable for working with lots of other cool dudes: CallMeKevin, JacksepticEye, Nogla, ...) and will detroy alot more channels if not completely reworked.
many creators have allready posted video's about these policies such as: ProZD
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(he actually made 2 videos about this change)
and SomeOrdinaryGamers
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they all talk about how youtube is currently restricting swearing in videos and thumbnail and how it's barely even possible to comply to the vague and completely bullshit policies
now, back to rtgame's issues about youtube's new restrictions and shit communications
i'll be giving the summerized version but i HIGHLY suggest watching his video which explains everything alot better then i'm about to do
(link to video: https://youtu.be/DRsVDZvmaAE )
so youtube flagged one of his yearly compilation videos, those videos ofcourse, take alot of work and effort to make.
after uploading, youtube restricted his video because it had a content violation and so they placed an age limitation on the entire video
but since the video is a compilation of videos posted in the last year and the other seperate video's that were in the compilation weren't flagged, rtgame (or Daniel) was confused because "why weren't the earlier seperate videos flagged but the compilation of those video's were?" and so RTgame got into contact with Youtube. Youtube responded by flagging 12 of his other videos and an email saying what the problems were and including timestamps
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now here's the kicker: Daniel appealed one of the video's (the quarry) before recieving the mail, the appeal was immediately rejected
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and that means, after he read the mail explaining what was wrong in the video, he would not be able to lift the content restriction EVEN IF HE REMOVED THE VIOLATING PART OF THE VIDEO
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This means that every single video he appealed wouldn't be able to be put back onto the platform without an age restriction killing the reach of his videos and kills the video entirely
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the main problem in this is youtubes policies change all the time and every policy applies to every video and even video's placed before the new policy was introduced
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meaning that anytime the policies change, creators will have to roll a dice and hope youtube doesn't completely destroy the reach of video's and kill their channels
so, do you think it's fair that content creators we enjoy watching have to work on what is best descriped as a content policy minefield? does this feel like a nice platform that inspires creativity and originality? no, it's not. youtube's new policies are complete and utter bullshit corporate friendly rules made to restrict creativity and originality.
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natashaslittlegirl · 2 years
Wattpad - SJ
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Summary: You work with Scarlett, currently filming black widow movie sequel, she found something pretty interesting in your phone.
Scarlett Johansson ! Natasha x Reader
Smut, age gap (legal r), dirty talk, praise and degrading kink, roleplay, choking (s to r), spanking (s to r), slapping (s to r), strap on (r receiving), vibrator (r receiving), orgasm denial, squirting, overstimulation, begging, restrictions used, dumbification.
Words Count: 4100+
Wattpad Masterlist Scalett Johansson's Masterlist
You spend all day filming on the streets, one scene of you and Natasha riding the city on her motorcycle scaping from Antonia, Dreykov's daughter, she was still controlled by some widow, the antidote didn't effect her.
So all day hugging and touching Scarlett leave you a little frustrated, you two become inseparable since day one so Scarlett tend to be a little handsy with you, what she didn't know is that you have a crush on her.
Since very young age, you imagined all kind of things with her, reading wattpad since fourteen wasn't pretty good, but well, it gave you a lot of comfort since you never thought you could ever meet her.
and now, at twenty two you were working with her and being her friend, but you never left the habit of your wattpad lectures.
Pretty tired you went to your trailer to take a nap before going home, Scar had to film another scene so that give you time since she was taking you to your apartment, which was on her way  home.
You change your clothes into a comfy ones and lay in the bed you had there, you spent ten minutes looking at the ceiling because you couldn't sleep, you were frustrated from all day.
So, what's better than read one of your favorites fanfics about the women who left you like that. You grabbed your phone, opened Wattpad and searched for abditory in your library.
Choosing was not hard, you loved all the chapters so you just pick one about Natasha and began to read.
A few more chapters full smut you closed your eyes and fell asleep, dreaming on all of what you read minutes before.
Scarlett finished the scenes at perfection, going directly to your trailer to pick you up. She knocked twice but you didn't respond, luckily you gave her a spare key for her just in case.
She entered slowly at seeing you sleep so peacefully, she walked to you to wake you up, finding your phone unlocked with a huge text on it.
She almost freak out because two days ago you have a little crisis because of an article that said you shouldn't be in that movie, that you weren't good enough to act with her and that kind of bullshit.
So she grabbed it to read what was on the screen, just to found out the dirtiest words about her, widening her eyes and parting her lips to let out a gasp, she sat on the side on your bed, reading all you had read.
She was in shock, she never thought you could like her in that way, but knowing that, she planned something that had been on her mind since the day she met you.
"Baby, get up, we need to go." she closed the app and left the phone on your hand again to wake you up.
"No, I want to sleep." you groan with raspy voice, making her bit her lip.
"Come on, I have something waiting for you." you turned your head to slowly open your eyes to find her smiling at you.
"What, tell me." she caressed your cheek, resting her hand on your face.
"You have to see it, so let's go, baby," she stood up, offering her hand to you, which you take it happily.
You grabbed your bag with your things to go off the trailer, but Scar told you to wait for her in her car, giving you the keys as she went to look something in her trailer.
The artic momkeys were resounding in your ears, with your phone connected to the radio, singing and vibing with the rhythm, waiting for Scarlett.
She entered the car ten minutes later, starting to drive instantly, singing with you on the way, but you didn't realize she missed your apartment.
So inversed in the music you just come back to reality when she parks in fron of her house.
"Wait, what are we doing here?" she put her hand on your thigh, giving you a little squeeze.
"I told you I have something for you." she got out of the car, you did the same, following to the front door.
"Rose isn't here?" you asked her after hearing nothing but silence in the house.
"Nope, week with her father." she said as she walked to the kitchen, "You want something to drink, honey?" she shout from there.
"Beer please!" you sat on the couch, nervous and still frustrated, praying the alcohol blow it away.
She came with two bottles, sitting next to you as she placed the drinks on the coffee table, grabbing the control of the speaker to play some music, the playlist that we listened on our ride.
You took the bottle, the cold liquid soothing your throat, Scarlett mirrored you, taking a sip of her beer.
"So, what's that you need to show me?" she put her hand on your thigh again, leaning closer to you until your legs were touching.
"Let's drink this first." She knew you were nervous and she was too, but she masked it perfectly.
After a couple of songs and two empty bottles, Scarlett told you to go upstairs to her bedroom and wait for her, that she needed to show you a new clothe.
Obediently you went to her bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, impatiently to know what she had between hands. In the wait, your mind took you to your ride on the motorcycle with her today.
How you had to hug her to not fall, her hair brushing your nose, smelling the coconut on it, how hot she looked on Nat's clothes, the black jeans and the leather jacket, the white suit oh god, that was the best one.
You were so busy daydreaming that you didn't hear the footsteps in the stairs, just to find out Scarlett passing the door with her black widow suit, it was right to say that your jaw dropped.
She looked incredibly hot, the black suit looked so perfect on her hourglass body, with the zipper a little more down than the movie had your gaze glued to it.
She walked slowly towards you, leaning over with her hands on each of your knees for support, her face just centimeters apart than yours, making you gulp.
"What do you say?" her husky voice crashed you.
"I- I you, you look good." you babbled.
"Just good?" she smirked at you as she tilted her head.
"No! I mean, y-you look really good." you felt the heat on your cheeks.
"Mhm and here I thought you were gonna find me hot." she stood up again, walking to close the door.
You rubbed your thighs together, nervously because of her behavior.
"You know, you look so pretty when you're nervous," she was in front of you again, her eyes going darker as you met her lustful gaze.
"I.." you didn't even know what to say.
"Can you give me your phone for a moment?" she put her hand in front of you waiting, you grabbed your phone from your pocket and handled to her, "password."
"1984" you said.
"Mm, let's see, I need to look for," she was scrolling through the apps until her face light up orange and you knew you were screwed.
"What did you open?" your voice came out in a shaky tone.
"Oh, here it is," she said ignoring your question, "you know I've never thought you were the kind of person that's into this, but you prove me wrong."
You gulped hard, feeling your heart beating fast at every second that pass. You were about to get up but her hand stopped you, sitting you again on the bed.
"Uh uh, stay sit pretty on the bed." she kept scrolling until she found what she was looking for, "ha, here it is." you shut your eyes close, not knowing what is going to happen.
But the next you feel is tight grip on your neck, taking you by surprise stealing you a dry moan.
"Scar, what the fuck." you grabbed her wrist but she was stronger that you.
"Oh, now you don't like it?" she tilted her head.
"What do you mean?"
"If you read it, how can you not like it?" your eyes widened, trying to think in a possible way of how did she found out.
"I- I"
"Don't even try to excuse you, I read everything, baby, I know what you want now," her lips were hovering yours, her hot breath crashing you, "that's why I prepared all this for you, she looked down to her suit.
"Sorry." you closed your eyes again, unable to look at her.
"Don't be, this just helped me to realize," she lean over, leaving a wet kiss on your neck, "that you are just for me."
She helped you to stood on your feet, grabbing the hem of your tshirt to take it off, leaving you in a lace bra that didn't last to much long, since she unclipped skillfully with one hand and threw it away.
You couldn't even move, you were too focus on not pass out right there.
Scarlett kneel in front of you, grabbing your pants, running her hands on your thighs while taking it off, leaving you just in lace black pantie.
"So beautiful." she whispered before leave a kiss on your lower abdomen.
"Scar, what are you doing"
"Nothing you didn't read, sweetheart." she got up, sitting you again on the bed, pushing you to the mattress until you were all lay on her bed.
"Aren't you mad?" she crawled on top of you, on of her legs between yours, her hands each side of your head.
"Quite opposite, I've waiting to have you since the day I met you," she began to kiss your neck, "touch you, kiss you, make you feel good." you gasped at her words.
You squirm under her as she suck on your pulse point, little whimpers leaving your lips. Scarlett pressed her knee to your cunt.
"So wet already," the kisses went up, tracing your jaw to your earlobe "I didn't even touch you"
"Please," you begged her.
"I know what do you need, baby." her hand trace your body, running over the inside of your thigh, nails scrapping your skin, burning you at the touch.
"Please, Scar,"
"Uh uh, you're not gonna call me that," she smirked again and that's when you understood why she was wearing the suit.
"You want me to call y-you Nat?" you whispered fearing that was not that.
"Mhm, weren't you reading a Nat smut today?"
you nodded slowly, you must have fallen sleep with your phone unlocked, regretting it but at the same time no.
"Do you remember what happened in the chapter?" you nodded again, "Good, because I do too." she grabbed your hands to put them on top of your head, "leave them there or I'll have to punish you." you let out a moan, knowing in the chapter you did get a punishment.
"Oh god." you breath out as she began to run her tongue from your neck to your breast.
"No noises." she suck your already hard nipple while squeezing and pinching the other one, trying your best to keep quiet, but when she bitted it you couldn't help but groan.
She let it passed and kept sucking on your breast until your hand went down to her hair, pushing her closer, she quickly grabbed your writs and manhandle you to lay on your stomach.
"What did I say to you?" her hand crashed to your ass, making you whimper, "looks like you want punishment after all." you didn't respond and another spank resound on the room.
Her hand was tracing over your ass while the other kept your wrist over your head. Pleasure runs through your body, the pain deliciously traveling like a wave of wetness to your cunt.
"You're so perfect, do you like this too much, don't you?" you nodded, groaning at the sore sensation of the spank, "such a perfect little slut for me, letting me spank you as you deserve." Scarlett husks as her hand crash again to your ass.
The knot on your stomach already forming, your thighs rubbing themselves in look for some friction. You turned your head to look at her, your arousal growing just from seeing her with her suit.
"Like what you see, detka?" her character's accent resound in your ears, gasping at her words.
"Yes," you breath out.
"Yes, what?" she spanked you again.
"Yes, I do," you knew what she wanted to hear but you didn't want to give her the satisfaction.
"Don't make me let your ass covered in bruises, detka." she let go your wrist to grab your neck, making pressure almost cutting the air.
"Yes, Nat." you moaned dryly, feeling so good to say it.
"Good girl." you moved your hips, but she quickly put you back in place by her palm slapping your cheek. "mhm not that good." 
Tears off pleasure forming on the corner of your eyes. She let go her grip, hooking her fingers on each side of your panties, taking them down your legs, goosebumps appearing on your skin at her touch.
"God, you're dripping, I wish you could see yourself." she was caressing your sore cheeks "bare ass spanked red with my hand prints, so pretty."
"Please, do something," you cried out, bouncing your ass to her.
"You took it so good, I think you deserve a reward, don't you, baby?" you nodded eagerly.
She kneeled you with your back to the headboard, mirroring and kneeling in front of you, one of her hands went to the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
Moaning in it, her tongue was inside on your mouth, kissing you roughly she swallows your moans.
Her other hand was running over your body, place it now on your inner tighs, you spread your legs wide feeling the smirk on her face.
Breaking the kiss because of the lack of air you couldn't resist but pulling her again to you, claiming her lips again in a passionate kiss.
Her index finger run the lenght of your dripping core, making you shiver as she gathered your wetness, to then rub your clit with low pressure, your hips bucking down.
Suddenly two fingers were inside you, thrusting hard into you.
"You like that?" Scarlett whispered, the rasp on her voice made you shiver.
"Fuck, yes." you were rolling your hips against her hand, the moans scaping your lips becoming louder.
The heat on your lower abdomen was becoming unbearable, the knot pressing on each thrust as she curled her fingers inside, touching all your weak spots.
"That's it, detka, keep moving," your clit was rubbing with the palm of her hand, her lips went to lick your neck, leaving marks on it.
"I'm gonna cum N-" you doubt for a second, but after a hard thrust you cried out her name, "Fuck Nat."
"Cum for me," A loud moan tempted to scape but her lips crashed yours, muffling every sound that rolled out your tongue, "the first one."
She helped you lay down on the bed, tying your hands with, you don't know with what, to the headboard, leaving then on the top of your head.
Scarlett lean over to her nightstand, and from your position you couldn't see what she took out, but a buzzing resound in your ears, knowing what it was going to happen.
Slow vibrations pressed your clit, making you rock your hips back to it, cursing at the sensstion, the vibrator running between your folds to stop again on your clit.
"Such a greedy pussy you have, huh" Scarlett was smirking at you, looking how desperate for her touch you were, trying to get more friction as you kept rocking your hips down.
"More, please," you breath out, she up the speed two times, making you squeeze your thighs trapping her hand between them.
"Spread your legs, I want you wide open for me, detka." you did as she told you, spreading your legs as much as you could.
The warm feeling on your stomach appeared again, more intense this time. Little tears rolled down your cheeks, feeling overwhelmed by the vibrations.
"I know you're close," you didn't notice that you were moaning loudly.
"Please, let me," she nodded at you, cumming with your eyes shut and bitting your lip, trying to keep the moans back in your throat.
"Two," the vibrator buzzed turned off, leaving it to your side as you still were trying to recover, panting for air, "such a good girl."
Scarlett lean over to kiss you softly, you shudder at the feeling of her finger brushing your inner thighs, making your best to not squeeze them.
You lazily responded to the kiss, but quickly keep her pace.
"Stay here, detka, don't move while I'm away." you hum as you see her get up and go to the bathroom. Sounds of her searching came frome there, you tried to take a look but again, because of your position you couldn't see anything. "close your eyes,"
You sigh annoyed but still obey her, closing your eyes hearing the footsteps closer, your body tense in anticipation, feeling a weight to your feet as she crawled over you.
"Open." she mumble, you gasp as your eyes widen, your eyes falling to the red strap attached to her hips, still on her suit you felt a wave of wetness rush you.
"Fuck," you breath out, your gaze goes again to her face, her lustful eyes running your naked body.
Scarlett leans over you, spreading your legs apart with hers, giving you a wet kiss you gasp as the toy touches your clit, not able to kiss her anymore.
She leans back a little, moving her hips to the toy to rub on your core. Smirking and looking every reaction of yours you groan in annoyance.
"Stop teasing," her hand grabs your neck again, moaning at the tight grip.
"Look at me," you met her eyes, dark green blown pupils, shiny with lust and desire "good girl, keep them open, I want to see you when I fuck you."
Her other hand went to the base of the toy, passing it between your folds, soaking it with your wetness to then push slowly inside you.
You gasp at the new sensation, trying your bes to maintaining eye contact with her, your jaw tighten as she thrust the entire length. Smirking at the expressions of your face she takes out almost all of the toy to push again harder.
"Fuck, Nat," your hands went into fists, grabbing the pillow behind your head.
She began to build her pace, fast and hard, making you closed your thighs to her body, feeling the end of the toy rubbing your clit.
"You have no idea how many times I thought of fucking you like this," you closed your eyes shut, but a slap on your face bring you back to reality "I said look at me."
Her husky voice dripping authority as much as you were dripping onto her sheets.
The toy stretching you perfectly as your walls clenched around it, whimpers and little moans rolling out your tongue.
"Fuck, you look so fucking good, detka," your mind was going fuzzy, so overwhelmed, you couldn't even think straight, each thrust bringing you closer to your orgasm.
"Please, please," you whiper at her, your wrists sore because of how much you were pulling your hands.
"Beg for it," she began to push harder inside you, your slick resounding on each thrust.
"Please, let me cum, Nat, please!" the last drop of dignity leaving your body as you begged her.
You couldn't hold it anymore, the heat was burning you from inside, crying again at the pleasure, Scarlett lean over to your ear, sucking on your earlobe to whisper.
"Cum all over my strap, make a mess on it." you couldn't resist anymore, exploding in a hard orgasm, wave of wetness coming out, squirting and soaking the toy.
She didn't pull it out, she untied your wrists with one hand to lift you up with toy still inside. Her arms behind your thighs as she pressed your back to the wall.
Not even a few seconds to rest, she began to thrust you again, the toy going deeper in you this time. You had to wrap your arms behind her neck to support, digging your nails on her hair, hearing her groan.
The wetness of your cum make it easier to move inside you, pounding harder and faster making you a moaning mess.
Your head fell back, hitting the wall, "N.. pl-"
"Such a pathetic little girl, can't even talk properly while I'm fucking you." she chucked at you.
"please" that's the only word that came out of your mouth, following by loud moans.
"You want to cum, slut?" she managed to grab your neck, pressing your whole body to the wall, impressed by her strength.
You nodded faster, her finger pressing the sides of your neck cutting off the air, she lean her face to bite your lip, salty taste of your tears.
Suddenly she pulled it out of you, throwing you to the bed, your body pressed flat onto the mattress as she grabbed your hips, lifting your ass on the air quickly pounding into you again.
Your walls clenching around the strap each thrust, on of her hands went to your head, tugging your hair in a ponytail lifting you up.
She close her face to your side, sucking your neck and groaning at your skin.
"Sluts don't get to cum." she throw your head back to the sheets, leaning back to spank you.
"Fuck, please! I can't anymore!" you cried out, feeling so overwhelmed.
Another spank crashed on your skin, a rough moan from the back of your throat.
"Isn't it that what you wanted, mhm, is all in that chapter." the sound of your bodies crashing at each thrust echoing in the room.
"Yes, but-" her hand slapped you again.
"No buts, you'll take what I give you or I'll stop." you buried your face to the sheets, couldn't forming a proper thought.
Your legs began to shake uncontrollably, your hands into fists digging your nails on your palms, your back arching as you rock your hips back to her.
You were so overwhelmed but wanted more, you didn't understand why but you needed more.
"More!" that's the only you could think at this point.
"Such a needy slut you are, Y/N," she down her hand  to your front, stopping between your legs to rub your clit.
"Oh fuck!" it was hard to breath now, the feeling of passing out as the pressure on your lower abdomen can't be hold anymore, "Please, Nat, please!"
"Cum, baby." you couldn't resist anymore, cumming and squirting all her suit, moaning loudly as your orgasm washed you over, "god, you're so pretty when you cum." she praised you.
Scarlett helped you to ride your high, pounding slowly inside you until you couldn't take it anymore, pulling out of you, feeling empty without her toy inside.
You rolled over, laying on your back, your legs still shaking, your eyes close shut, lips parted trying to catch your breath.
You felt a pair of hands on your hips, pulling you over the edge of the bed, lazily you lift your head just to see Scarlett kneeled in fron of you, her face coming closer to your dripping cunt.
Her warm tongue swirl on your sensitive clit, licking you clean, running through your folds, gathering alm your cum.
"You taste so good, detka," she purred on your cunt, sending vibrations through your whole body, your next orgasm already building up.
Your hands went directly to her hair, pulling her closer, making her nose rub to your clit.
"Oh fuck, I'm so close." you bite your lip, tryin to muffle your moans, falling incredibly as Scarlett thrust her tongue inside you.
It took just a few more licks for you to cum, squeezing your thighs around her head, feeling her groan.
Your legs fell to the sides as she stood up, laying on your side, watching how you slowly recover from the last orgasm.
You turned your head to look at her, whipping the wetness from her lip with your thumb, smiling at her soft gaze.
"You liked it?" she lift her hand to caressed your cheek softly.
"So much, but now I want Scarlett." she smirked at you, giggling at your words.
"First some rest, baby."
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volleypearlfan · 2 years
On Cringe Culture, Kids' Shows, and Elitism
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i'M nOt rEaDiNg aLl tHaT" Ok, scroll down for the TL:DR. (Also on SpaceHey and Blogspot)
The now ex-CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, has stated the animation is only for children. Never mind that this is the same company that owns The Simpsons, and was founded by a guy who said, and I quote "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
Naturally, this has caused universal backlash within the animation community, with many people defending animation as a medium for everyone, not just kids. However, the animation community was also mocked by outsiders for using kids' shows, such as Gravity Falls, to prove that animation is for everyone. In fact, the animation community (more specifically the western animation community) has always been cruelly harassed by outsiders for watching cartoons, especially ones aimed at children.
There is nothing wrong with watching children's shows AT ALL. Watching kids' shows doesn't make you immature, a pedophile, or whatever bullshit that outsiders want to spew. Remember the Walt Disney quote above; many kids' shows are designed to be appealing to multiple audiences, including adults. Kids' shows with adult appeal (or ones that don't annoy the living daylights out of parents, or are legitimately good for kids) are more likely to be praised and recommended by said parents than, say, Cocomelon.
However, because of the stigma attached to kids' shows, many animation fans feel the need to hate on/ignore slice-of-life or comedy cartoons, while only praising plot-driven or "dark" ones like Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and Avatar, and say that they are "not for kids." Again, there is NOTHING wrong with liking kids' shows (these shows do feel more YA-ish though, but that's another subject for another blog). All three of these shows are very high quality, and you don't need to justify your enjoyment of them to outsiders. The constant prioritization of dramatic cartoons over lighthearted ones in the cartoon fandom creates a sense of snobby elitism, and leads to...
...fans of lighthearted shows like Big City Greens and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic being bullied for liking said shows because they are "childish." Which, in turn, leads to fans of lighthearted kids' shows trying to make their shows seem dark in order to make the elitists like them. Back in the day, many bronies made dark fan works based on MLP such as "Cupcakes," "Smile HD," and "Rainbow Factory" and put them out in public with no age restriction, resulting in a bunch of traumatized children. The bronies also acted like they were the target audience and not children.
Apart from the bronies' fan works, MLP also suffered from exaggerated darkness on TV Tropes subpages. Speaking of TV Tropes, there was a very infamous incident regarding the kids' show "Ready Jet Go!" Aside from the stigma surrounding general kids' programs, you also have the stigma attached to preschool shows that they are dumb and for babies (never mind that babies/infants are too young to watch TV, and if they watch it before they turn 2, it would really hurt their brain. Look up the Baby Einstein controversy for more info), especially with GoAnimate users making it hip to hate on Dora and Barney. Not every preschool/elementary show is the same as Cocomelon. There are many high-quality programs for the little ones such as Arthur, Cyberchase, Sesame Street, Bluey, Mister Rogers, VeggieTales, Oswald, Blue's Clues, LazyTown, Bear in the Big Blue House, and WordGirl. Can you really blame fans for liking them when they’re just so good?
With all this in mind, someone once made a Nightmare Fuel page for Ready Jet Go on TV Tropes in order to make it more popular, because the user felt alone in liking the show and it was a big comfort for them. They also cited the snobbery of the cartoon community as a reason for their making the page on the Nightmare Fuel cleanup thread. The page was eventually deleted because it was mocked cruelly by 4chan. It didn't make the show more popular, it gave it a bad reputation.
The user shouldn't have to had made that stupid page with examples exaggerating the show's supposed scariness. If it weren't for the cartoon community being a bunch of elitists, as well as the kids/preschool show stigma, this wouldn't have happened. The sad part is, even though the page is long gone, the page STILL gets brought up by RJG haters to mock the show, its' fans, and TV Tropes for "pissing their pants over Ready Jet Go" which is beating a dead horse at this point. Seriously, make like Elsa and LET IT GO. Please stop bringing it up, and if you’re reading this blog, please don’t look it up. Please have sympathy for Ready Jet Go fans. We’re actually a very nice fandom.
The 4chan bullying also ties into cringe culture. On sites such as DeviantArt, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and 4chan, many people are considered "cringe" and cyberbullied for "crimes" like making a colorful character or watching cartoons. The cyberbullies in question are just a bunch of pathetic lowlives who bully people for being happy, because they think that bullying happy people will make them feel better about their disgusting selves.
As noted here, cringe culture affects autistic people the most. Autistic people tend to get really passionate about their favorite things, or "special interests," and like to talk about them all the time and make their own characters. But according to some unwritten rule of society, your OCs have to be as deep as Shakespeare, and you're not allowed to like 'childish' things even a little bit. (I think it's worth mentioning that the Nightmare Fuel person was autistic themselves). Many proponents of cringe culture participate in concern trolling, acting like they don't want so-called "cringe" people to be bullied and want them to be good artists/writers. Cringe culture doesn't make people become better creators, it makes them become boring creators and repressing their true passions.
Every autistic person is different, which is why it's called the autism spectrum. However, it is true that a lot of autistic people enjoy children's media, likely because of how calming and simple they tend to be. For example, Thomas the Tank Engine is very popular with autistics because the engines' emotions are easy to tell, and the show has a chill atmosphere (by the way, the Thomas fandom is a frequent victim of cringe culture). Plus, it legitimately has Tolkien-level lore dating back to the 1940s. I'm not even kidding, look up "The Island of Sodor: Its People, History and Railways." It always pisses me off when outsiders act surprised that "tHOmAs tHe tRaIn hAs A fAnDoM?!?1!" It's based on a book series that's existed since 1945, of fucking course it has a fandom, dumbass.
TL;DR - 'Animation is for everyone' and 'it's okay to like kids' cartoons/lighthearted cartoons' are statements that can and should co-exist. Also, autistic people can like whatever they want and those who harass them are the scum of the earth.
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l-in-the-light · 25 days
Hey 😊👋, I totally agree with your character analysis of Law. How do you think he would behave towards someone who is Traumatized too? Or maybe someone with a chronic disease? Would he offer not only medical but emotional support? Or would he hold back cause he's an emotional vrack himself?😊
Thanks for liking it! I was actually thinking about that possibility before myself as well. Because there's one person in One Piece we met at Egghead that is revealed to have suffered from sapphire scales disease and Kuma was even searching for Law at some point, hoping he could cure her. Isn't this a perfect opportunity to imagine what could have been if Kuma was more lucky?
I think Law and Bonney would understand each other like no one else could. They both had to deal with diseases other people feared and felt disgusted by, one got practically locked up in church, the other had his freedom restricted by Flevance's closed borders and a war. They also both ended up pretty lonely as a result.
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Both were also saved by a loving person who made sure to give them affection and assure them touching is okay. It was Corazon in Law's case, even though it didn't prevent him from developing trauma. We don't see enough yet of Bonney to know if she also developed a trauma as the result, but I'm sure it would be less severe at the very least, Kuma made sure of that. But it's just to be expected that it also affected her in significant way, despite Kuma's best efforts (might explain Bonney's rude attitude towards strangers, both Law and Bonney share that, it's just difficult for them to open up to people they don't know). Bonney and Law both can be interpreted as people who tried to overturn their condition into something positive after it's visual signs are gone: Bonney with her jewel on her cheek, and Law with his tattoos. This time it's them who made the choice about how their skin looks like and what it stands for.
Still, understanding each other on such an outstanding level is different from being at ease interacting with each other. Law might be very caring towards Bonney (in his usual non-obvious way), but it won't change his personality 180 degrees, he's still gonna be annoyed at all the ruckus she might cause, after all. But since he knows how it's like to have a loud, busybody younger sister, I think he would find himself very nostalgic about all of that. I think it could even heal his soul a little. At first he would probably try to keep it professional (if he's her doctor), but he wouldn't be able to keep pretending it's just that forever. It just hits too close to home, after all. If Kuma disappeared one day like in canon, Law would definitely not leave Bonney alone to travel and search for him.
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Imagine this attitude Bonney shows towards people who call her a monster. For Law seeing that would mean a lot. He would definitely defend Bonney as well.
Bonney on the other hand, is not used to having siblings, she never had any. That could create new experiences for her, allow her to create new bonds and find a new person besides her dad to rely on, and we know she also often felt pretty lonely. If Law's treatment would be enough to cure her, they could grow closer together, maybe Law would even go as far as share his own experience of having to live with amber lead syndrome. They have a huge age gap, but that could be a good thing too, Law could be the responsible older sibling he never got to be, since he lost his sister at a very young age. Maybe Bonney could also teach him how to have faith again, after all they both have ties to church and religion. But how would the two of them evolve with time? Would Bonney think of Law as her rolemodel? They sure do share some no-bullshitting rude vibes attitude, it would be really exciting to see where it goes from that point on.
Now to answer the first part of your question, I think we saw Law interacting with other traumatized people already! For example Robin. And we are shown a small tidbit of their interactions, especially in Wano when Law shares something he didn't share with anyone besides his own crew so far: his true name. I think he can easily relate to Robin (Ohara's incident wasn't exactly top secret) and they don't even have to talk about it to be on same wavelength. They even share same deadpan sense of humour:
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Their trust can show in small gestures and hints of mutual understanding no one else but the two of them would pick up on. For example, whenever Law clams up Robin would be able to guess why (a nightmare, a flashback, she can pick up on smallest hints after all) and she would just offer him a timeout and quietly tell others not to bother him, because she also knows how irritable one can get after a triggering event. We can see evidence below that Robin can pick up on hints in Law's behaviour no one else truly can:
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Or she would sent Luffy his way, because if there's one thing Robin truly believes in is that Luffy can fix it on emotional level. Law of course would be sure to return the favour back to Robin.
And then we have another person who is also traumatized and Law understands it without any need for words to be shared. It's Luffy. Luffy lost Ace and went through a breakdown, Law also knows how that feels like. He doesn't need to ask him about things, Luffy doesn't have to say anything at all, Law would just take one look and know. After all, their reactions to trauma are extremely similar, with them shutting off others and isolating themselves (Luffy after Usopp left the crew, and also when mourning Ace). If Luffy would have a nightmare and escape to Sunny's figurehead to be alone, Law would just stand guard silently so no one bothers him till he's fine. That's the level of understanding without words those two already share. It definitely also helps Law to heal old wounds if he can take care of Luffy just the same way he would take care of Lammy. After all, Luffy does seem to remind him of her:
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To sum it up, I guess shared traumatic experience or chronic disease would make it easier, but it wouldn't change the fact Law would act coldish at the beginning anyway. It would help him grow fonder and relate to those people quicker (no longer considering them strangers he has nothing to do with, like Law did with Kid in Sabaody), but at the same time it won't make him into a different, suddenly open person. With enough time given his shell would finally crack though and once he's dedicated to people, he's dedicated to them for good. Still, don't expect him to suddenly be very open and overly affectionate in front of everyone, it's just not his type of personality. Even as a kid Law wasn't the overly expressionate type, in his flashback with Lammy he was mostly just smiling to himself thinking of her. He always shows how he cares in smaller gestures and is considerate in ways that aren't super obvious, but they're definitely always there.
I'm also really sorry for the late reply and I hope you enjoyed my answer/personal opinion. If not, please feel free to drop me another ask, I will try to do better next time :D Thank you for your question, I really enjoyed answering it <3
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punpunsonny · 1 day
Tw: CHILD ABUSE, and yandere stuff.
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Aeolus, the God of wind.
Wind is free, free from restrictions, free from anything. Wind doesn't have to be any shape, it's free, it's careless.
Yet, Aeolus was stuck, to him, his name is pure irony, a joke, a laugh. For lack of a better term, total bullshit.
He bit his lip whenever his father scolded him, how dare he act like a child? How dare he act his age? How dare he? He would keep standing how many hits or slaps his father gave him, it's for his own good, his mom always said, shaky hands wiping the blood off his face.
Everything is for his own good, when his father would repeatedly hit him with a Bible whenever he failed to recite a verse, it was for his own good. When his father made him kneel in the burning sun, hot sand burning his young skin, it was always for his own good.
He blames his father for what he has become, after all, he only followed along, only nodded along with a smile, he saw how he locked his mother into their home, telling him it's what's right, it's what God intended.
He saw how his father would hug his mother, like a snake suffocating its prey, choking the air out of its lung until it gave in. He saw how his father would look at her, like she's some possessions, not a human but an object.
He blames him fully, what the man he is now is his fault. It's his father's fault when he would hug you tight, he would stare at you, until you stopped protesting, stare at you like his greatest possession.
Don't blame him when he eventually forbids you to come out of your shared home, don't blame him if he lingers for too long, gripping you too tight. Don't blame him, it's his father's fault. It will always be.
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Okay, but what is with leads from other stores who are only at your store to be a warm body with keys and a supervisor log-in credential butting in to transactions with what are *clearly regulars* to "help"? It ISN'T HELPFUL!
If the regular is a nice one they'll just be polite until the lead finally butts out and leaves them the fuck alone and then rag on them the second they're out of earshot.
If the regular is a specific brand of picky and particular they're just going to spend the entire interaction getting more and more annoyed at them wasting their fucking time by extending the transaction with their customer service bullshit.
If the regular is a jackass then they're extending the amount of time the other employees are forced to interact with them, and increasing the risk of them experiencing something annoying enough that they decide to take the survey or leave a negative yelp review, which will inevitably not contain the name of the idiot who somehow sucked their way to a $2/hour pay bump and a set of keys, but WILL contain the name of the poor person at the register.
I literally have had Warm Body Leads push me out of the way so they can give literal paranoid conspiracy theorists a club discount with our store card, as if they didn't come in a minimum of once a week and already had to be strongarmed into providing id for age-restricted product. As if I, the cashier with the most club sign-ups at the store, couldn't have possibly brought the fucking club card up with them before, mentioned it was entirely free, and that if they didn't want any real personal information attached to it they could make shit up as long as they understood that it also meant they wouldn't receive coupons and if they forgot the fake info they'd have to sign up again if they wanted to use the card.
I couldn't possibly know that the asshole in front of me comes in a minimum of once a month, pretends he understands zero english even though he's fluent, mumbles "no" to questions that are not now, have never been, and will never be yes or no questions, and has had multiple employees fluent in spanish give him literally all of the information he could ever need regarding the club card. HE DOESN'T WANT THE CLUB CARD LEAVE HIM ALONE HE JUST WANTS TO COME IN BUY BAD CELEBRITY ALCOHOL AT FULL PRICE BE A SULKY RUDE BITCH AND LEAVE! LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE! GO THE FUCK AWAY!
Posted by admin Rodney.
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Five from The Umbrella Academy. Technically like 50 but is stuck in the body of his 13 year old self.
Name: Number Five
Age: 13 (I am purely considering Five's 13-year-old self without the timey wimey bullshit I'm reading lol)
Restrictions: No use of space-time manipulation, teleportation, or chronokinesis
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