#ahhh the brainrot is real
ibrokeeverything · 1 year
*screeches into the void*
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theatrekidsstuff · 3 months
BRO I JUST WATCH MURDER DRONES AND ITS SOO GOOD LIKE OH MY GOD. THE ANIMATION, THE HUMOR, THE EMOTIONAL BITS. I honestly think the Hazbin brain rot is fading but I still will post content for it for the next few weeks or days, but also be prepared for THE MÜDER DRONES BRAINROT HEHEH
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simminglytimeladies · 7 months
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A typical rogue and bard duo... What trouble would they cause next?
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sacrus · 2 months
The educatinal system has failed me (I can't watch House M.D)
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forrpercyy · 6 months
I'm sorry to bug you, but I just can't stop thinking of the equestrian au. Like if Adam has the same friends in McGill and Larson. Would they treat the horses not as well as Adam did his? And thinking about that I just had a mental image of Adam standing up to them when they try to go after his horse. Charlie might even see it and see Adam in a different light! Also thinking of the others Ducks maybe working at the stable. Maybe Bombay or Orion owns it. Then you have the two worlds of "rich boy" Adam with his rich friends and Charlie and the others. Imagine Adam watching them talk and laugh one afternoon when he was left behind by his friends!
Sorry, I'll stop for now. I never had money for horses, but the few times I was lucky enough to get to ride them I loved how fun it was. Plus, I religiously watched Saddle Club. I was a city kid so that was me living vicariously through them. Anyway, I'm done now.
Haha you never bug me!! I absolutely love this au and am enjoying making it so far
I can definitely see Adam having the same ‘friends’ and them riding at his barn
(really he only hangs out with them and they only ride there because of family connections)
Theyre 100% totally rich and entitled though and mostly care abt the showing off and the winning part of riding more than the actual horses themselves. (Ive seen professional riding horses who have more of a connection with hired groomers than the people who actually ride them, so I can imagine with Mcgill and Larson it’s like that if that makes sense. They don’t really bond, it’s more of a showing off thing for them.)
I can see this totally bothering Adam because he absolutely loves every single one of his horses but never really saying anything until Maybe an incident in the barn where one of Larsons or Mcgills horses got injured somehow and neither of them actually caring and Adam just going OFF on them. Like full on done with their shit lol
I honeslty love the idea that Bombay or Orion owns a stables that the other Ducks work/ride at!!! I didn’t think of that and I loveeeee it. I can see it being a smaller barn and not as pristine or rich as Adams, but still being quite nice. All the Ducks having a little equestrian team and going to local shows together is such a cute idea 🥹
As for Charlie, he probably grew up in Bombay/Orions barn (i know in the movies he didn’t know either of them until he was older but just for the sake of it pretend he did 😂) and has been riding horses since before he could walk. He probably got the job at Adams barn for the extra money and the opportunity to ride more. I can totally see him hating Adam at first (thinking he’s probably the stereotypical rich kid) but then really seeing just how much Adam loves the horses and what he does. He begins to admire Adam and becomes determined to be his friend (and eventually more lol)
Eventually they do become friends and Charlie invites Adam to come to the barn he grew up at, and that’s Adams first real taste into the smaller equestrian world lol
I can imagine Adam loving riding up there with Charlie because the pressure to be the absolute best rider isn’t there and he can truly just enjoy the sport and animals he loves so much
ahhh this AU is my fav 🥹 I love horses and the mighty ducks so this is really working out for me rn lmfaoo
thanks for the ask, I hope that answers your questions!
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singsweetmelodies · 4 months
nothing prepared me for the piarles queen joining the landoscar ship 😭
anon 🙈😭
well, first and foremost... "piarles queen," my ass. you're terribly kind to call me that, but it couldn't be further from the truth 🙈 i haven't been a very good piarlie at all lately, least of all when it comes to writing!! *checks AO3 and winces* yeah.... yeah.
SECONDLY! if it helps any 🥲 the whole landoscar thing took ME by surprise, too!! even six months ago, i was still firmly on board the "pffft, how would it even work between those two? as IF" train. but then... well. i blame my besties, actually - most specifically the lovely @welightitup, who sent me insta reels of that finish the lyric challenge/oscar "heart eyes" piastri moment and persuaded me to give a fic or two a try. and yeah, i'm afraid it's only been downhill from there - now, i not only see how they'd work together, but i'm also plotting a fic of my own for them. whoops. (but really: i'm just a girl, and when i started noticing the way oscar LOOKS at him, and the way lando acts around him, and the way they're everything you wouldn't expect to work but somehow it DOES work almost perfectly... yeah. YEAH.)
long story short - i'm in my landoscar era now 🙈🧡
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harmonytravelblog · 7 months
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Editing and re-working things
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
Hiii just stopping by to gush about diluc haha i loooove how u write him, hes my babygirl and deserves all the hugs
I feel like soft fluffy intimate moments with him are sooooo much more sweet and romantic because hes been through so much and tries to do so much on his own and it would take so much for him to open up and let reader in and theres so much trust involved and GAH it hurts my heart so good he has so much potential
Anyway i know this wasnt long but i hope u have a lovely day~
hi babes!! <333 i hope you're having a great day too 🥰💖
heh PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO STOP BY AND GUSH ABOUT DILUC (its a constant need of mine hehe) and it means so much to hear that 🥺😭💖 i've been feeling so weird about it but i hope im doing him justice in my upcoming fic
he really really does deserve alll the lovin' in the world - even though that's not something he agrees with at all but as time goes on with you continuing to be by his side he finds it harder and harder to not give in when it comes to you. and for a while it's enough to love you in secret, in order to keep you away from the darkness he lives in, the danger that follows him and give you a chance to be with a better man (there isn't one but he doesn't know that klslkghd), that is until it's no longer enough and he finds himself craving your touch and your presence, dreaming about your life together, how your lips taste and how you might see him if he were to show you his scars or looking up from his work and wishing you were there with him and GAHHHH WHEN HE STARTS TO OPEN UP TO YOU- the little touches that he doesn't give anyone else, the smile he gives you almost everytime he sees you, asking you to be around him even though you know he prefers to work alone, telling you about his past- his father, kaeya - pskhslkhgdlkg BRB SOBBING
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pretty-emo-dad · 1 year
Thinking about angel eyes and basketball being mike coded but so very my version of mike in season five talking to my s5 Lucas about him going off the deep end
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graveyardcuddles · 6 months
so do any other astarion enjoyers also speed-run killing yugir in act II so you can get that specific version of his love confession asap or am I just extra insane?
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lesoldatmort · 1 year
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| do not let the fate bind you down |
Trigun brainrot is real, but this show is visually so pleasing and the style goes so well with mine of late ahhh I couldn’t resist...
💀 PATREON | IG | FB | Twitter | Shop~  
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reiderwriter · 9 months
Hi :) I've never requested before and am a little embarrassed to be here. But I'm also in my Spencer Reid Brainrot era and am a fan of your writing! I was thinking something with a virgin female reader who is genophobic (specifically fear of vaginal penetration, in her case) and Spencer helps her work through her fear and try something new? She doesnt need to have trauma, just the phobia. Either BAU or non BAU reader is fine, just as long as they aren't initially dating and there is a slow build up to the intimacy. Also, could it be race-blind? (e.g "I could see she was embarrassed" instead of "her cheeks turned pink") Fluff, smut, and mutual pining. Ack, please it would make my MONTH!!
A/N: I really hope I did this one justice!! It was fun to research and write and ahhh the slow burn (which was definitely a lot faster than it should have been if I had more time 🫣 sorry). I hope you like it!
W/C: 5k
Warnings: Genophobia (fear of sexual intimacy), panic attack, heavy petting, oral (F receiving), virgin reader, inexperienced Spencer, two idiots in love again, vaginal sex, fingering, contraception actually used! Mainly soft and sweet sex 😊
Find my masterlist here! Get ready for kinktober with me here!
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It was your worst nightmare come true.
You’d had a crush on Spencer for the last three years, working with him in the BAU since Elle had left. You’d joined the team alongside Emily and immediately become enamored with the boy genius, and how could you not? He was smart, and handsome, and most importantly, he respected boundaries.
But here he was in front of you, probably saying the words that you most wanted to hear from him, but he was so close, your heart was beating uncomfortably in your chest, your breath short and your eyes hazy and unfocused for all the wrong reasons.
“Just… If you don’t feel the same, I understand and I’ll never mention it again, but if there’s any chance that you.. That you love me the same way I love you, please tell me.” He had you boxed in against the wall, not touching you exactly, but so close you could feel his breath on your neck, could see the desperation in his eyes as he poured his heart out to you.
The man of your dreams was confessing his love to you, and you were on the verge of a panic attack at his attention.
“Spencer, I have to go,” you gasped out, grasping your chest as you begged your lungs to start working again, as you begged your mouth to stay and explain. But the tears were burning in the corners of your eyes and you had to run from the intimacy of the moment. “I have to... I’m sorry, Spencer, I can’t…” You didn’t get any other words out before you bolted out the door, desperate to find a bathroom stall to cry in. You weren’t sure if the tears were from the very real fear you’d just confronted or the realization that you’d probably just ruined your chances with Spencer Reid.
A week later, and the awkward tension between the two of you hadn’t dissipated. You wanted to explain yourself, of course, you did, but with the hurt look on Spencer’s face shooting through you every time you were at the other end of his gaze, combined with the absolute fear of being known and judged, you had guiltily kept your mouth shut.
The rest of the team had noticed, of course. The two of you were sending pining looks after one another whenever the other had their back turned, even when preoccupied with a prolific highway murderer, the team would be blind not to see it. Unfortunately for you, the members of the BAU weren’t the ones to let the tension go unconfronted, so you found yourself in increasingly solitary situations, alone but for the company of Spencer himself.
You’d been assigned to work the geographical profile with Spencer, despite usually working alongside Hotch, more used to comforting and interviewing families than analyzing charts and maps. The opportunity to explain had been handed to you on a silver platter, and you had to take it.
“Spencer, can we talk?” You blurted the words out after an unbearably long silence, having watched the man read case file after case file while you distractedly bumbled along beside him.
He paused and gave a small nod, bringing his head up, but not quite meeting your gaze.
“When you… When you said those things last week, did you mean them?”
“I don’t say things I don’t mean, Y/N.” The words were tense, but his voice was soft, his eyes holding a resigned look.
“I’m sorry... I’m sorry, shit, everything I say is going to sound like an excuse but I’m so sorry…” you rambled, trying to work up the courage to say what you actually wanted to.
“You don’t have to apologize for not feeling the same way I do. It’s okay, I know I’m not the easiest person to love and-”
“You are. You are, Spencer, don’t even think that you are the problem here, because you are not.” You gasped for breath as you pushed the words out unexpectedly, surprising even yourself with the conviction of your tone.
“I love you, Spencer, I do, I just…” You blinked back the tears again as your voice suddenly became a whisper.
“You know when we talked about our… our fears a few weeks back? And I said that I didn’t have anything specific that came to mind?” He listened attentively as you stuttered out the words.
“I lied. When… people get close to me, and when they get close to me in a way that specifically suggests that… suggests that they like me the way you like me, my chest gets tight, and I can’t breathe. Spencer, I’m… I’m scared of sex.”
You let the confession hang in the air between you, almost afraid to look up and see the sympathetic look in Spencer’s eyes. But you had to eventually, and you were surprised.
The man wasn’t even looking at you, and his expression couldn’t even be described as concerned, let alone empathetic.
“Spencer? Did you hear what I said?” He looked up and smiled at you, keeping his distance still, but opening up to you, facing you with open body language, putting all his attention on you without moving even an inch closer.
“Genophobia. Y/N, you’re describing Genophobia. It’s the fear of physical intimacy that often stems from a fear of pain during sexual intimacy or from physical symptoms, such as Vaginosis. Y/N, you don’t hate me.” His grin widened, and you let out a little laugh at the hopeful look on his face as he breathed out that last statement.
“No, no Spencer, I couldn’t hate you.”
“Good, because I thought I’d taken it too far… Nevermind. Y/N, is… is this something you want to work through?” His tone was cautious, and you were touched by the seriousness he was approaching with. Your previous boyfriends had mocked you when you explained why you couldn’t have sex with them, few as they may have been. You’d never been treated with such gentleness.
“Yes. I really want to work through it, but… Spencer, it might take a long time. Is that okay?” He considered your question for a minute, then replied with his own.
“Y/N, can I lean in and kiss your cheek, please? I won’t touch you anywhere else, I just want…please?” You felt a warmth bubbling under your cheeks at the situation, your tongue growing thick in your mouth, not allowing you to respond. You opted for a small nod instead, watching his every move as he slowly moved in.
Placing his hands on the table, he lifted himself up from his chair, keeping them firmly planted there so you could see that he wasn’t going to initiate anything further. His lips finally hit your cheek, and your heart started beating in that familiar way that it usually did, but you forced yourself to hold still until he pulled away. He did so quickly.
“Y/N, I don’t care how long it takes you to be comfortable with me. I’m just happy you chose me.” He finished, then grabbed a file and exited the room, leaving you alone again to calm your heart and un-fog your brain.
The case closed a few days later, but you didn’t have another chance to talk to Spencer anymore about your relationship, being so caught up in serving justice to the families of the victims. But as Friday approached, your job was finished, an unsub handed over to the authorities ready for prosecution, and you could finally fly back home.
Which is how you found yourself, on the last evening of the work week, pacing outside of his apartment, freaking out about whether you should knock or not. You’d held your hand up to knock a few times, but ultimately let it fall to your side, cursing your cowardice. It was just a door. He was just a man. A man who really cared about you. A man who wanted you. That thought should have had you jumping into his arms at every given opportunity, instead, it was causing heart palpitations at the thought of knocking on a door.
In the end, you didn’t have to knock.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” You heard his voice from behind you as you jumped in place, startled by the fact that he was actually there.
“Shit, Spencer, don’t do that, you scared me.” You grabbed your chest and took a deep breath. He stood still, waiting for your answer to his previous question.
“I was just… Can I come in?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah of course, here let me…” His words trailed off as he grabbed his keys from his pocket, fumbling them slightly as he struggled to get the key into the door.
“Take a seat wherever you… Can, I guess? Sorry, I was doing some reading before I left.” He smiled awkwardly as you walked into the space, and you giggled a little at the confession, seeing that there was really only one open space on the couch left for you to occupy without having to perch awkwardly on the arm of the chair.
You took the seat, moving a single book onto a stack on the sofa next to you, and watched the man as he took off his scarf and coat, storing them and then awkwardly turning back to the couch. He looked around for a place to sit, and, coming to the same conclusion as you did, chose to perch himself on the opposite arm of the sofa to you.
“Oh, Spencer, this is your house, you should sit comfortably.”
“No, you’re a guest, it’s fine. I want you to feel comfortable. What did you want to talk about?” He cleared his throat a little and then turned his eyes back to you, signaling that he was ready to listen attentively.
“Oh…. I was hoping…. Spencer, can you touch me?” You saw his face flush at your suggestion, and your eyes widened at your own foolish wording.
“Shit, not like that. Not that I don’t want you to touch me like that, but I think it’s too soon, and I’m still not comfortable with that. I was just hoping that you could, you know, hold me for a while, like a hug or something?” You rambled it all out, and you could hear yourself rambling but you couldn’t stop it. The words dropped from your mouth before you could even think about stopping them, and you felt the blood rush to your head as you cringed slightly at the situation.
“Okay? You’re…. You’re okay with that?” You asked, looking hopefully up at Spencer.
“Do you want to sit together, or were you thinking something else?” You jumped up from your seat then, and glanced around the room as you considered his words.
“Oh, um, sitting together would be good I suppose?” He nodded and lifted himself up from the arm, moving closer to you.
“I’m going to sit here, you should probably just join me when you want to, okay?” He whispered the words with a tender smile on his face, and you felt some of the tension in your shoulders disappear. It was incredible that he could do that with a simple smile, that with one glance he could relax your whole body enough to let you push yourself to the limits of your fear.
You gained some confidence, and after letting him get settled in the seat you had just vacated, you moved to straddle his lap. You heard his sharp intake of breath as you wrapped your arms up around his neck, nervously wondering if what you were doing was right.
“Is this okay for you, Y/N?” He asked, stuttering through the words as he struggled to stay focused on you.
“It’s okay now. I want to push myself a little.” You ran your hands down his arms, which had so far lain politely still on the sofa beside him before you pulled them around yourself, letting the hug deepen. He was warm, and between the two of you, you weren’t sure whose heartbeat was louder. You could hear both of them, the room totally still except for your breaths and blinks.
“Y/N, can I… can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You whispered the word in a voice so small, you were sure he hadn’t heard it, as his head crept towards you so slowly you were sure he wasn’t moving. Eventually, you felt his breath on your skin more, and then his lips were softly pressing against your own, the pressure gentle, not demanding any more than what you were currently giving him.
You melted into it, pushing yourself further into his warmth, your chests now pressed together as he languidly moved his lips against yours, claiming them again and again and again. You kept pushing and pushing into him, growing more sloppy in your kisses, grabbing onto the back of his sweater with two desperate fists, needing him close.
It wasn’t until your hips bucked involuntarily in his lap, unconsciously demanding friction that you began to panic once again, immediately pulling your lips and torso out of his reach.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I can’t… it’s… shit it’s not you, Spencer. God, I’m such an idiot.” You pulled your hands over your eyes, embarrassed at the thought of being seen by him right then, but still firmly seated in his lap.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he said, pulling your hands away from your face with a gentle touch. “It’s okay, Y/N. We don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” You nodded at his words and took a few more minutes to compose yourself.
“Can we…can we just cuddle for a while? Like this?” You asked, and his smile instantly became bright.
“I would love to. Let’s move some of these books though.” You shifted the books quickly and then fell back into his lap, his body now laying more vertically than before, stretching out into the larger space now available on the couch. You pushed your head into his chest, listening to his heartbeat, following it with your own, and letting it be the soundtrack to your descent into sleep.
Waking up in his arms was a life-changing experience. Sometime during your sleep, he had carried you to his bed, letting you sleep soundly as he made you more comfortable. He hadn’t taken any of your clothes off, of course, just removed your shoes and made sure you were warm enough in the skirt and blouse you had been wearing.
Your position had changed, too, and it was one of the first things you noticed as you blinked your eyes open, trying to rid them of sleep as you greeted the new day. Instead of being below you, he was behind you, pressed against you with a hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him like a child clutching a favored toy.
“Spence,” you whispered through a grin. “Spencer, wake up.” You turned your head around to him, but he moaned in his sleep, not wanting to leave his rest just yet. You giggled at his childlike petulance, trying to shift around to face him, but his grip was too tight. Pushing against him, you felt something, hard, pushing against your back. You shifted again, but it was still there, and it took you only a few more seconds to figure out what it was.
“Shit, Spencer, wake up,” your tone probably sounded more frantic than you felt, as it woke him quickly now, his body releasing yours enough to let him pull himself up, taking stock of the room as he looked around searching for what had panicked you.
“What is it, are you okay?” He returned his eyes to your face, but your gaze had slipped down his body, and through the much looser fitting sweatpants he’d thrown on at some point during the night, you could see the outline of his cock.
Curiously, the very sight didn’t have you bolting, as it had in situations in the past. You had frozen, of course, but you weren’t filled with as much dread as you had been only a few days prior with his confession.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, it’s a biological reaction and… well it’s not purely biological, I do really have feelings for you, but I don’t want you to feel pressured, and… Let me go and get rid of this.” He moved to stand, but you grabbed his arm before he could completely pull away, his hand still resting on your waist.
“Wait… Could we continue from where we were last night?” You looked up at him, the embarrassment of your words sending a rush of adrenaline through your body, almost forcing you to take them back immediately.
“You… you want that?” For the second time in 24 hours, a whispered ‘yes’ was all it took to have him crash his lips into yours. The pressure was the same, but with his body hovering over yours, it felt even more intimate. His hands rubbed small reassuring circles on your hips, as you opened up to him, wanting to pull the full force of his weight down onto you.
His hand fell to your face as he encouraged you to open your mouth to his tongue, letting him explore it thoroughly as he lazily worked his mouth against your own. There was no fight for dominance here, just two people deeply exploring the feeling of one another, so wrapped up in the pleasure that no other thoughts could cross your minds. Not even that of fear.
He pulled away for a breath, and your lips trailed him, trying to capture him again and force him back to you, but he evaded you softly.
“Y/N, can I try something? I want to touch you…more. Is that okay?” You were so desperate for the feeling of his lips against yours again that you moaned out the yes before you even processed his words. His lips fell back against yours, but his weight shifted above you as his right hand trailed down your leg and then back up underneath your skirt.
The touch was so delicate that you shivered under the attention, but you felt your heart start beating faster and faster as he got closer to your center. He asked you once again, and you agreed before he finally touched you through the safety of your panties.
You moaned into the kiss as he cupped you, letting his thumb fall to your clit and beginning to explore you more. He swallowed each and every sound you made with his lips, committing every move you made, every reaction to memory. You grew more pliable under all his attentions, growing comfortable in reacting to his every movement, letting him control the pace and flow of your shared caresses. A heat was growing at the depth of your stomach, and you knew it was coming.
Your brain finally kicked back into gear as your orgasm washed over you, your eyes jolting open as he released your mouth, the breathless moan that erupted from you causing your entire body to tense up. You pushed him away, and clutched your chest, scrambling up into a seated position as he quickly noted the change in your body language, letting you out of his grip.
You struggled to get your breathing out of control, desperately searching for a way out, an excuse, or anything to say to make you feel better, but you came up blank.
“I’m sorry… I’m really…” You couldn’t force out any other words before you jumped out of his bed and bolted out of the apartment, having ruined everything again for the second time.
Another week ticked by before you knew it, and you still hadn’t talked to Spencer since he’d pushed you over the edge. The fact that he hadn’t tried to talk to you either had you convincing yourself that it meant whatever you shared was over now.
It was a nice feeling to share, but you couldn’t keep it up forever, just like you hadn’t been able to in any of your previous relationships. But there was something about Spencer that you didn’t want to give up on, so you didn’t.
You spent the week looking up advice on how to deal with your fear, booking appointments with Sex Therapists, and, to put it kindly, getting your body used to the idea of sexual interaction. You bought a small vibrator a day or two after you slept over at his house, nothing that would enter you, just something to play with to increase your confidence as you prepared yourself to apologize to him.
But despite all of your efforts, the tension was still running high in the team as they all noticed the sudden disconnect between you and your maybe-boyfriend.
So, with the newly discovered commitment to self-improvement, you found yourself at his door again on another Friday night, this time confidently knocking at the first attempt.
“Y/N, you’re here.” He said, mouth hanging open slightly as his unasked question hung in the air.
“I wanted to talk. About everything.”
“Sure, come in, come in.” He shut the door behind you, and you didn’t bother walking further than the entryway before you started again, not wanting to lose your conviction.
“Spencer, I want you to make love to me. I freaked out last time, and I ran away, and that was so shitty of me, but I think I’m ready now - I went to see this therapist and she gave me some advice, and I’ve been… I’ve been touching myself so I can get myself used to the idea of someone else touching me. And you’re the only person who I want to touch and to touch me, and you’re everything I’ve been thinking about, and I don’t want you to avoid me anymore or think this isn’t going anywhere.” You were almost breathless as you finished, having let your sentences blur into one, not bothering to pause in your exploration.
“Oh, thank god,” Spencer said, wrapping his hands around you suddenly, pulling you to him with a strength you didn’t know he had. “Well, not thank god that you want to have sex with me, thank god that I didn’t push it too far. I thought you hated me after last time, I thought I was trying to selfishly get you to open up too quickly, and I felt so bad about it.” He rambled just the same as you had, not letting go of you for all the world.
“You know, I’ve checked out like 50 books on sexual psychology from the University library this week, I was afraid the librarian was going to call the police on me for creepy behavior or something.” He laughed into you, letting his head drop to your shoulder as he held you comfortably.
“Spencer, that is so sweet.” You felt the sugar in your grin, knowing that this unabashed happiness wasn’t going away anytime soon, any negative feelings at being held this closely dissipating when faced with the love of his actions.
“I’m going to ask again, is that okay?” You nodded at his boyish grin, and he grinned down at you fondly.
“Y/N, may I kiss-” You didn’t let him finish, pushing yourself up on your toes to lock your lips with his before he could.
“Yes. Always yes.” You said releasing him, foreheads resting together.
“I know, but I like to ask.” His lips were on you again then, as he walked you back through his apartment, not stopping once to release your lips. Before you knew it, he was picking you up, and gently returning you to the bed you’d bolted from the week before.
He released you for a breath, and you pushed your top up and off, throwing it to the ground as he stared at you like you had personally each and every star in the sky.
“You’re amazing. I’m so proud of you.” He mumbled the words into your skin, before letting his hands once again fall under your skirt, beginning to massage your ass with a firm but still loving embrace. He pulled you against him again, your kisses becoming more and more needy as you felt him grow against you, with each stroke of his tongue forcing your hips to rub together deliciously.
“You know,” he spoke slowly, letting his lips fall down your neck and chest. “All of the literature I read suggested that foreplay was a good way to combat Genophobia. The more prepared you are for the actual sexual act, the less you worry about the ‘pain’ of it all.”
“What are you saying, Spencer?” You whispered, your heart beating fast, but not in an uncomfortable way anymore.
“I’m saying I want to make you feel good. Can I?” His lips had reached your skirt then, and he said the words as his head rested against your thigh, hands slowly pushing your legs wider and wider.
You nodded, and he dived in, at first licking through your underwear as you moaned and writhed underneath him. His hands worked the panties down your legs as he kissed your inner thighs, pushing your skirt up and over your hips so you could watch his every move.
“Fuck Spencer,” you ground into his face again as he returned his tongue to your now soaking hole, desperately chasing the pleasure of his attention. You’d had the time to explore this week, obviously, but it was nothing like this. Every kiss, every suck, every lick, spoke a thousand words to his devotion to you, his love being pressed into you from between your legs. You didn’t know it could be like this. You didn’t think it would be with anyone who wasn’t him.
“Spencer, I can feel it…. Spencer, don’t stop.” You worked a hand into his hair and shamelessly bucked into him now, you high hitting you just like you knew it would. If the first time had been a surprise, this time had been an inevitability. You felt him keep up his ministrations, letting you ride out the full wave of pleasure. When he finally pulled away, he looked into your eyes for confirmation that everything he’d done was okay. Moving a hand to wipe your arousal from his mouth, you stopped him mid-motion and pulled him back on top of you, wrapping your tongue around his own and delighting in the taste of his success.
“Let’s keep going,” you said softly into his ear, and he moaned his approval, before quickly divesting himself of his pants and grabbing a condom from his bedside table.
“Morgan got me a pack of these at Christmas, as a joke, y’know,” he laughed, kissing down your neck again, paying special attention to the few spots darkening to splashes of red.
“Not the time, Spencer,” you laugh at him, and he squeaks out an apology before lining himself up with you.
“You’re sure this is what you want?” He asks, a concerned look plastered on his face, and you pull him down for one short tender kiss before answering again.
“I have never been so sure of any decision I have made in my life, as I am sure about you.” He pressed a kiss to your lips in thanks and then slowly began to fill you up.
There was a small panic in the back of your mind, but he kissed praise into your skin, replacing all of your negative thoughts with nothing but his words, his actions, his love. You relaxed as he stretched you out, not moving his hips but letting his hand return between your legs to help you further adjust to the newness of it all.
You saw a panicked look fall across his face as he kissed away small tears that fell from your eyes, each a small apology for the pain, the confusion of your mixed emotions, but you just laughed his concern away.
“Happy tears, Spencer. They’re happy tears.” He laughed with you then, and with one last seeking out of your approval, you began to move together. His thrusts were slow, lavishing you with attention, letting you feel all of him as his body sought your pleasure. Your legs wrapped around him, unable to stop the desperate need to buck up, up, up with each of his downward strokes.
You were a mess of limbs and kisses, neither of you experienced enough to know how to do anything past what felt good, what felt natural, and you spent your time together like that, giggling with each chaste kiss, moaning and sighing as you both worked your way up to an ecstatic release.
Falling down on top of you after you came together, Spencer didn’t pull out, holding you somehow closer than before as you both let the oxygen return to your lungs.
“I love you,” he whispered into your lips.
“I love you,” you whispered back.
Yes, it was not going to be like that with anyone else. And you didn’t want anyone else at all, now that you finally had him.
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applesooyoung · 10 months
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Love Bites — S.JY
Genre: Smut !! | Wc: 1,072k | GN!Reader
Contains: sub puppy vampire!Jake x dom human!Reader, Jake is a hybrid!, choking (not mentioned but Jake is wearing a collar), petnames, Jake calls reader master, biting, cum eating, anal
⚠︎ TW !! : Mentions of blood and injuries
A/N: I fucking love Jake and I am having a Jakey brainrot for the past few weeks so here ya go babes *shoots finger guns*
edit 1: the dick refers to a strap for the fem readers and the real shit for male readers! Sorry for putting it out late but it's literally common sense at this point but still have to address it tho so sorry 🙏
[Now playing: Bite Me – ENHYPEN]
⛓ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ . 🦇 ‿︵ . 𖦹 ‿୨ 🍒 + .⁰
"AHHH you're back, you're back, you're back!" the blonde boy ran to you enthusiastically, tail wagging, tongue hanging as he panted and his left vermillion left eye twinkled as soon as you stepped inside the house. "Heyya blood pup, you missed me so so much didn't you?" you cooed before he tackled you down and pestered your face with tons of kisses.
"You have no idea how much have I starved without my lovely master" He nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. He loves your warm touch especially your neck where he feasts on your blood. He went to the sofa near you and took his favorite hefty adjustable collar as he kneels in front of you. He hands it to you with pleading eyes along with the tempo of his wagging tail fastens. You knew what he wants and he wants it now.
"Have you been good today?" You crossed your arms as his eyes turned into two precious moons, they twinkled at you. He blushed. "Yes! Yes, I have been good while you were away, master!" he smiled, his eyes looking directly at you. He was so pretty and submissive for you. "You never disappointed me, Jake darling. Always such a good boy for me~" you cooed while coaxing the top of his blonde tresses then kneeling down at his level as you clasped the leash and collar on his neck.
You stood behind the pretty boy as he stares at the mirror, he can't believe how adorable he actually looks since he lost his magical ring. The magical ring he wears protects him from things that restrict and possibly harm vampires like him. Once worn, he can enjoy things like going out on a sunny day, certain metals, or looking themselves in the mirror. The Nosferatu blood ring.
"I-I look p-pretty, master !" He points at his beautiful state in front of the mirror since he hasn't seen himself in the mirror for a while now. He stares at his pale-toned body, especially his flared nipples. His vampire skin was faintly iridescent, he was so beautiful. His vermillion-odd eyes stared at you with a flustered face, "Right, master?" You reassured him by humming, slowly kissing his soft and delicate cheeks.
"I could've hidden your ring and used the chain leash on you right now" You slowly laid him down on the bed as you whispered dirty babbling in his sensitive ears. He whimpered. "You just love the feeling of the silver chains slowly melting and burning onto your neck don't you, pup?" You giggled as his eyes starts to get glossy, pleading more for you to touch him.
"Not as much as you seem to say master but if it makes you happy then Jake's happy too" He smiled and that did it for you. You passionately kissed him while slowly unbuckling his pants. "Please b- ngh be gentle m-master. I-I'm quite sore" His words started to slur as the pleasure slowly gives tingles down his spine, the rush gives him goosebumps. "I guess I could give you that since you've been good to me all this time aren't you darling?" You purred in his ears as you slowly pumped his girthy cock.
He starts to squirm as you dabbled on his sensitive pooling tip. "Ah~ M-Master, a bit rough for a start, yeah?" He closes his eyes whimpering and moaning at every touch. You then went down on him and slurped all of his sweet and salty precum. He gasped and yelped your name. "M-Ma- AHH~ ster pl-please! I-I can't take it mmh please touch your needy puppy already!" Gosh, he was so sensitive that he cries before you could even start fucking him.
"Patience, dear" You kept stroking him as he keeps squirming so you took a nearby belt and tied his hands together tight. He whimpers, more tear marks on his cheeks while you pinned his tied hands up and the other stroking him. You couldn't wait anymore as well so you spat on his ass and started to fuck his puckered hole with your cock. The feeling of your cock on his hole was ambrosia to him as you pounded him while pulling his leash tighter and tighter.
"M-Master go f-faster, please! I- ah missed you so darn much!" His moans get progressively louder and louder while the skin slapping gets progressively louder as well. "Poor puppy~" You cooed before slapping his ass making him wince in pain
But he loved it.
"F-Fuhck master, it's b-been so long mmh I t-think my hole has g-gotten tighter since y-you didn't fucked m-me everyday wh-while Ahh~ you're gone" The pretty boy was right though, you missed fucking him while you were gone and it just drives you even more crazy, even so his tail still wags and his ears twitching from all this pleasure you're giving him.
"That's why I'm letting you bite me and drink my blood again" His eyes opened upon hearing your words. His hazy yet surprised eyes drilled at the back of your brain. "May I?" He asked for your consent before biting down on your neck. You stopped thrusting onto him to whisper "As much as you want, darling" After he got the go sign to take you in, he didn't waste a second and pulled you in and bit your neck.
You let out a moan, a soft, beautiful one. The feeling of your skin sinking into his arrow-sharp fangs was enlightenment and opulence for the young canine vampire. The sweet scent of your skin and how soft it is along with your slightly salty blood, everything was perfect for the starving vampire he is. Once your blood touched his tongue, he felt a jolt in his nerves, sending a shivering feeling all over his body. Then he realized.
He came.
"My, my puppy~" You giggled as he was dazed at the sight of his cum all over the both of you. He pulled away from your freshly bitten neck, your blood still dripping from his mouth to his chin. "No! I'm sorry m-master! I didn't mean to cum before you-" You cut his cute apology with a kiss on his lips, tasting some of your own blood. "Shh... It's alright, I understand pup~" He calmed down a bit as he nodded his head.
"Now be a good boy for me and lick all of this mess clean"
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© applesooyoung
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plasmatonic · 1 month
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Ahhh and now the finished stuff :v
Fanart for the boyos! The lads with their puppet counterparts, GROBB (will you accept him?), and the merch lord (he's also getting a crown after I heard someone refer to him as "merch king" last year).
Ahhh I haven't finished anything this fast in awhile. Twrp brainrot real?
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l3viat8an · 1 year
1- Love your blog (definitely not me being a fan over your work) IT'S AMAZING!!
2- horny demon Brothers + other (if you want) with a poly, innocent and oblivious (fem or nb) mc who just doesn't get why all these demons + others are all over them
( you can skip/trash this if you want)
I've been having a brainrot of this-
Nsfw content MDNI
Ahhh I’m sorry this took so long! ‘n THANK YOU OMGGG <33 i couldn’t think of much for ages, so this is kinda a few things thrown together!
None of them understand it, you always seem so….uninterested when other demons flirt with you.
A few of them Lucifer, Diavolo, Mammon, Solomon & probably Asmo see it more as you trying not to openly turn others away, after all you already have him/them! What more could you need?
But then there are times where you don’t seem to get ‘the hint’ when one of them tries making a move.
Instead you smile and take them literally.
Like the time Asmo and Solomon took you to the club, dirty dancing and having a few fruity drinks.
To them it’s sooo obvious they’re trying to get you into bed, but when Asmo asked if you’d like to “Head somewhere private and have some real fun~?” you just asked “What’s more fun then dancing?” and started dragging Solomon back onto the dance floor-
Solomon had to tell you literally that they wanted to have sex and you just stood there confused.
In the end you all ended up in Solomon’s bed anyways!! Cuddling-
That happens a lot actually-
One or more of the boys spend all day trying to sweet talk and flirt his way into bed with you and then you start actually falling asleep before anything can happen.
More then once, (the boy of your choice) has, had to get back out of bed to jack off in the bathroom and go back to bed and cuddle you. It’s a hard life
Don’t even get me started on all the ways you tease them!
Just walking around in your day to day clothes feels like teasing to them-
But then there’s the times you’ll praise them, like when you told Mammon he did amazing getting an A+ in math and even gave him a few little kisses on the cheek, before turning to walk away.
His mind was going a million miles an hour as his hands reached out to stop, pulling you into his lap and resting his head in bend of your shoulder, lips right by your ear “Ya can’t just do stuff like that and walk off…” huffed against your neck hoping almost praying you’ll clue in this time-
They all love you to death but sometimes, you’re just too much of a tease!! and you don’t even mean to be~
But there are the boys who love how you act!
Like Diavolo just finds it adorable how you don’t really clue into his more suggestive touches, hell you’ll even more closer thinking he just likes having you in his arms (which he does) all the times he’s had you sitting in his lap while he does paperwork and he has to resist the urge to grind you down on his lap. 
After all you look so cute and happy there. He’d just hate to make you uncomfortable. But the thoughts are still there-
and if you do much as wiggle your hips he’s taking that as an invitation, “Sweet MC, are you teasing me?” depending on your answer and if you want too- you’re getting fucked right on top of Diavolo’s desk-
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naffeclipse · 6 months
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Hi Naff, I came to send you fan art once again! This time have some Vampire Sun in his bat form, this little guy gave me such brainrot yesterday night that I had trouble falling asleep (I literally couldn't stop thinking how much I wanna kiss and cuddle him, Can you tell I love bats yet?) so I just had to draw him today. Granted it is night again where I live (Poland) but that's fine 'cause I got to see a bat fly by in real life when I was taking out the trash :D A bit unrelated but how do you feel about receiving fan art about your older works? I have a few ideas for Cryptid sightings since it's my comfort fic and I re-read it often but I haven't sat down and drawn any of them yet so I just wanted to know if you'd like to see them once I do draw them. Have a nice day/night Naff! :3
Ahhh, what a little darling! Bat Sun is so cute!!! I too would like to kiss his fuzzy little head! I'm also really happy you enjoy the fic! And ohhh, that's cool you saw a bat! The bats around here are gone (or at least I don't see them) during winter but they are aplenty during summer when the mosquitos are out!
Yes, or course! Always! It's never *late* for art or enjoying a fic. It's there for when you're ready. Also, it makes me super happy you reread my fic ;-;
Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️
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