#ai is becoming a problem
notanotherzerofan · 1 year
A lot's been on my mind...
A lot of it either feel I can't really talk about or it's personal stuff that I prefer to keep private.
I will say this though: the rate AI is advancing if absolutely terrifying me.
Now, normally I prefer to keep posts as short as possible, so I because this is a rant and kind of spur of the moment (and also a long time coming), so I legit have no idea how long I'm going to run on this
Also want to point out before I get into all this, I don't hate AI, but the ways it's being used.
*TL;DR at the end.
Now, let me clarify, this is not just about the image generators, but everything involving itself in creative fields and possibly beyond. We're basically at the point where you can't tell what's real anymore. I say this as I just prior to me starting to write (March 27th) this I read an article regarding an AI generated pic of the pope that fooled a lot of people.
Then there's the issue that many artist were worried about in regards to losing work to AI. It's already happening, though currently in a different field: modeling. Basically, Levi's is going about testing AI generated models and claiming to do so in the name of 'diversity.'
And probably the biggest issue is people either remain ignorant to what's going on, don't care what's going on, or want AI to take control of everything.
I say of the former two (and basically everyone for that matter), you really should both learn and stay informed as best you can as this is an issue that has an effect on everyone. I also say this as someone who's looked a little further into how some of this tech (image generators specifically) work. Also be aware, just like anything on the internet, there'll be misinformation, so you probably shouldn't take one source as a definitive final answer (This includes myself as I'm just as prone to making mistakes and having bias as anyone else). On top on that, for the love of god, don't get your info from Twitter or Facebook.
Now, as for the latter, I highly doubt it's going to end up being a case of you being free to sit around and play video games all day. If you're hedging on the idea of UBI and live in the US or anyplace where government greed an lobbying is rampant, it's more likely you'll get barely enough to squeeze by, if anything at all.
Now, while none of these problems have easy solutions, there are those that are working for and in favor of people and human generated content. With lawsuits against image and text AI generators and with a group working on software that messes with image outputs I am somewhat hopeful that protections and more ways to fight back will come around.
In the mean time, I'm still going to work my craft, and you should too.
And by that I kind of also mean I'm gonna try to stop holding back on stuff just because I don't have a proper watermark yet. It's another thing that's going to take a while, especially since I'm going to be working with new software for this. In the mean time, I recommend if you do any sort of visual art you do the same thing too. Unfortunately for writers and coders, I don't have any suggestions as that's not my area of expertise (but don't take this as me saying, 'oh, ur on ur own, lol').
Now, admittedly, since I began writing this, some new info has come to light (*insert slowpoke meme here*). Apparently over 1,000 tech leaders, including Elon Musk (if even he is campaigning for this, then something is up), signed a letter on the topic of slowing down or even halting AI development. This is potentially good, but too be fair, it doesn't stop the damage that's already been done.
Like I said above, I'm hoping that protections for people from AI will become a thing.
Sorry if this seems like a downer ending, but I don't really know what else to say, and I'm not really a writer or journalist. This isn't the last I'll be talking about stuff like this though.
AI is already affecting credibility and people's jobs.
Don't just take something on person of side says as truth; try to find a credible source (i.e., not Twitter or Facebook).
UBI is not an end all solution, especially if your government is known for it's greed.
There are people trying to curb some of ethical the issues from AI.
Keep creating, no matter what.
Tech leaders are campaigning for a slowdown/halting of AI development.
This won't be the last time I bring up stuff like this.
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johnwickb1tsch · 25 days
Soooooo I made my first bot! 😆 It's Martin Loader from Tune In Tomorrow. One of the more obscure Keanuverse characters, but he's so cuuute!!😭😭😭😭
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Martin is a law student working at the radio station. He's in love with an older woman (you). You have been married before and had your heart broken. You've decided to be practical and marry for money so you'll finally have an easy life, but you're inconveniently falling for young Martin...
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puppyeared · 7 months
i have to say its a strange experience taking classes on branding and marketing while being vehemently anticapitalist and scorning the economic system
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lllostgirlll · 1 year
*me typing the most batshit traumatizing angst into character ai*
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lucifersimp · 8 months
someone on reddit used an AI to generate a Supernatural script, and the result is so ridiculous dfjdk
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Sam's father... LANCE ARMSTRONG
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RIP Michael.
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Dean listens to some quality music, when he's not having interesting dreams:
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or destiel drama:
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which turns into sastiel (wincestiel?) drama halfway through??
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Kevin has one (1) line and still manages to get bullied:
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As always, he deserves better.
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A girl named Marie (@quietwingsinthesky's Marie now) shows up and gets punched, runs away from a monster, gets a bike, gets the Samulet - and gets a girlfriend, I guess. Good for her. This is how lesbians flirt ↑
Marie probably looks like Sam because Dean calls her Sammy:
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(let's unpack that later)
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Bobby just wants Anna back. Me too, man. (Bobby's also the boys' sister now). He also plays golf.
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(yeah, Ruby is here too. Her role in this episode seems to be Sam's therapist/girlfriend/giver of nonsensical but passionate inspirational speeches)
andd final fun fact: when I tried to post this the first time around, tumblr broke because of this quote.
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pleuvoire · 2 months
it annoys me how many reactions to the nokotan mtl subtitle scandal are focusing on "ohhhhh ai is bad this is an ai problem" bro a major distribution company using mtl for subs has always been scandal-worthy. this isn't a new problem
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st5lker · 4 months
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this is so funny
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captain-lovelace · 1 year
I think my specific problem with AI generators is a combination of:
1. There is no way to meaningfully consent to having your work used in it. AI users and companies are openly hostile to the idea of anyone removing their work from the database or not allowing it to be used, both because they fear that the AI will get worse if anyone is allowed to prevent their work from being used, and because in some cases it is functionally impossible to remove the data without entirely retraining the model, which, again, AI users and AI companies don’t like. This becomes especially fucked when it comes to private user data! There have been instances of medical data being unable to be removed from an AI model, which is objectively bad! What data the AI has on someone is also extremely opaque in the vast majority of cases, and quite frankly I don’t want more companies scraping my fucking data.
2. It’s functionally impossible to credit all the works being used in a particular work because it’s a massive slurry. I guess you could argue about why you should have to credit people for art (even if I personally think you’re just a dick for it), but it becomes a massive issue for writing, especially for academic writing, and I don’t mean use of AI for school assignments, I mean people like that person who was using AI writing tools on a grant application.
3. More relevant for AI writing again, but the AI has no idea if what it’s saying is accurate and many people aren’t going to read back over it, which is also a massive problem with academic writing, but it’s also just. Going to result/has already resulted in a lot of dangerous AI “advice” being spread and drowning out more and more real information, making anything written by someone who knows what they’re doing even more difficult to search for (and it ALREADY wasn’t easy).
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callilouv · 3 months
wish i cld enjoy domesticity bc its akshally saur cute but the most domestic ive gotten in my day to day life is do house chores while blokcing errbody out w music
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helladventurers · 10 months
FINAL BOSS BEATEN 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 didn't take as many tries as I expected thankfully since, unlike Bowser jr., It doesn't force me to switch out of my usual party, so it wasn't that hard
It did take me some time to figure out how to get rid of their shield tho, that was a surprising mechanic considering the other bosses didn't have anything like that lol
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aromanticannibal · 8 months
I started taking a phonology class for my second semester and I just learned the truth of british people. they don't fucking pronounce Rs.
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sirompp · 1 year
the way some of you guys talk about ai is um. kind of concerning? like you know image generation and chatgpt arent the only kinds of ais in the world right.
#i feel like im swinging at a wasps nest with this one but#the way some of you guys declare your passionate hatred for any and all ai. its um. worrying to me?#like yes there is a lot of ethical problems. with the two kinds of ai people seem to fuckin know about#There Are So Many Other Kinds Of Ai (Which Have Their Own DIFFERENT Ethical Problems)#like agi (artificial general intelligence)#agi is like what everyone used to think about when they talked about ai. the kind thats supposed to become like. ''sentient''#ok well not sentient but. thats supposed to be able to learn how a human can#i dont know. is this a weird thing for me to feel iffy about.#is it too early for me to be worrying were gonna invent a whole new kind of bigotry#im pretty sure we're eventually gonna make an ai thats indistinguishable from humans in like. a Living way#not a The Kinds Of Things It Makes Look So Normal way#why do i think this? bc i am an optimist and have wanted this to happen since i was an itty bitty baby. and if we dont ill be sad#people saying ai should be like. outlawed bc of what corporations are doing is so wild to me.#like imagine every day you go to school you and your friends get beaten up with baseball bats#and you decide baseball must be banned from the school bc of how many people the bats harm daily#instead of thinking for a moment and realizing. maybe the fucking jocks who r hitting you need to be expelled instead of the sport#that the bats came from.#does that metaphor make sense.#or am i making up a guy to get mad at#i dont know.#i might delete this later
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powerfulkicks · 2 years
the rhetoric around ai in general is really starting to get kinda... worrying.
like you wanna protect artists - awesome! great! so ai is evil and can never be used for art or anything else-
no! ai isn't the evil thing here!! it's how it's being used!! like, gps can be used to track people or to pilot war planes, does that mean it's inherently evil??
ai is a tool that can be used ethically or not - call out when it's being unethical, but don't mistake the tool for the problem
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paterday · 1 year
You uh getting some ideas for Aura and Omen?
Don’t look at me with those big ol eyes I’m SHY
Here’s an image of. The silly for your troubles
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that being said.
#I’m writing this all In the tags#cuz I hate being looked at#so I think I’m going with the idea that omen steals aura and then goes awol(??? is that how you spell that)#ANYWAYS some time before that her brain gets a little bit fucked up#so like the part of her brain that processes information from the eyes is a leetle bit messed up#so she can’t. really see very well even tho her eyes look fine#which causes her to become kinda well known for occasional friendly fire#cuz she just shoots what moves and looks unfriendly shaped#THEN. she is sent with a group to go to this planet and retrieve the aura ai#and she’s the first one to find it#idk what I want to happen here but in some way she gets Aura inside her head#and Auras like hey man ur brain is kinda fuckedup. want me to like. do something about that#so she’s able to give omen back her full vision via managing the signals#nd Omens brain is the only thing keeping her from going full on rampant and exploding (how does this work. fuck if I know I’ll figure it out#later. problem for future me :o) )#ANYWAYS they have this very symbiotic relationship but also it’s like very. codependent#so two fucked up ladies :)#and aura really doesn’t want to die so she’s fine with this whole thing.#her main purpose was to just keep people alive#and she failed that. so she’s gonna try her damn hardest to keep her new human alive#(insert the mind meld fuckery here)#is this deeply embarassing for the me? yes. but I am trying to be so brave about it
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