#ai text generation
srebrnafh · 6 months
So, regarding playing with text generation... I resisted the temptation for a while, but then, Gemini became available. So OK, I opened it, accepted terms etc.
I tried a few factual queries, and, well, it even had SOURCES for me (and they were valid links).
So I asked, can I ask question in Polish? Why yes, I can.
My next question, in Polish, was "Jak brzmi tekst hymnu włoskiego" (What are the lyrics of the Italian anthemn). And lo and behold, it was delivered... but wait...
I mean. If there is any national anthem I may claim to know reasonably well, apart from our own Polish one, is Fratelli d'Italia. For the simple reason that I'm a bit weird. OK. Nevermind. I know it.
And... well.
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Almost. Like, 3/4 good. I mean... Even more, because line 7 starts with "che", too. However, ok, I can assume, maybe there is another, older version I never learned. Or. Whatever. Something. Whoa, there is a link!
The page under that link has the correct text, which is:
«Fratelli d'Italia, l'Italia s'è desta, dell'elmo di Scipio s'è cinta la testa. Dov'è la vittoria?! Le porga la chioma, ché schiava di Roma Iddio la creò.»
Then the chorus was also altered:
Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. L'Italia chiamò. Noi siamo da Dio, e giuriam sul nostro core: o vinceremo o periremo.
Because that second half has been pulled out of some weird place.
I also asked (still in Polish! That's important!) where in the text is the Eagle of Austria mentioned.
Apparently somewhere HERE:
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Does anyone see the eagle? I can't.
(de facto it is mentioned in the LAST stanza)
Now I also asked where Poland is mentioned in the Italian anthem, because I'm a self-centered witch. And also, I know it's in the last stanza.
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So apparently "and another is moving and coming towards us" is the OTHER EAGLE, which is Poland, because, see, here is the EAGLE OF AUSTRIA (Orzeł Austrii), and, well, Poland has an eagle in the coat of arms. Ok. OK. I'm still OK. This looks like someone took second stanza of the anthem and mashed it up with SOMETHING.
I did several more attempts.
And then.
I decided OK, you keep lying to this Polish woman.
So I asked, ON THE SAME SESSION. With my rather broken Italian. "Please tell me, what is the text of "Il Canto degli Italiani" (which is an alternative but valid name of the Anthem of Mamelli or, Fratelli d'Italia).
And the answer was...
Gemini started writing the same outcome, as before, but now in Italian. Mind you, you can SEE as it is putting stuff on the screen, almost like on an old-style communication app.
So I can see, it begings with blahablahblah about the song, then it starts printing out the lines...
...got to line 6, "le porga la chioma"...
Deleted everything and suddenly displayed this:
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I can't help you, because I am only a language model and I don't have the capacity to elaborate or understand this request.
And I am here like OK, little shit. So you are OK with lying to some stupid Slavic girl who asks for an Italian anthem and she is giving you all chances to come clear, because, she is asking you obviously clarifying questions, GIVING YOU TIME and so on. And yeah. YOU LIE.
But then the Slavic girl turns out to know Italian and you are the derp dog in the corner, because you are afraid I'm going to smack you in your bites, bytes and logical gates.
So, yeah. Here's a little story of how I found out that Gemini is afraid of Italian women ;)
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shadow-wasser · 9 months
Bullshit AI websites?
Hey, just shouting out to the internet here: Is there anyone out there putting together a database of "Bullshit AI" websites? The clickbait kind that generates tons of bullshit articles that no human ever touched? Like an 'anti search engine' of places to stay clear of?
https://www.healingplantfoods.com/ <---- this is an example. This website is full of bullshit AI-generated information about plants and food, featuring a word-vomit mix of truth, partial-truth, and highly misleading information. The articles here list an author and information but I sincerely doubt they typed any of it.
For example, there's an article about breeding "Super Cinnamon ball pythons" - yes, on a plant food site, presumably because the word "Cinnamon" is there. The article is accompanied by pictures of sheep husbandry, and contains little-to-no useful factual content, just highly repetitive, gushing praise of how awesome it is to breed snakes.
There are also many odd, if not entirely illogical, sentence constructions such as "A variety of prey items, including rodents and appropriately sized mice, ensures a diverse and nutritionally rich diet." Well, mice ARE rodents, so what are you saying? This website has hundreds of articles, pushing out several every day since I guess 2022.
Is anyone out there documenting these kinds of sites?
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notanotherzerofan · 1 year
A lot's been on my mind...
A lot of it either feel I can't really talk about or it's personal stuff that I prefer to keep private.
I will say this though: the rate AI is advancing if absolutely terrifying me.
Now, normally I prefer to keep posts as short as possible, so I because this is a rant and kind of spur of the moment (and also a long time coming), so I legit have no idea how long I'm going to run on this
Also want to point out before I get into all this, I don't hate AI, but the ways it's being used.
*TL;DR at the end.
Now, let me clarify, this is not just about the image generators, but everything involving itself in creative fields and possibly beyond. We're basically at the point where you can't tell what's real anymore. I say this as I just prior to me starting to write (March 27th) this I read an article regarding an AI generated pic of the pope that fooled a lot of people.
Then there's the issue that many artist were worried about in regards to losing work to AI. It's already happening, though currently in a different field: modeling. Basically, Levi's is going about testing AI generated models and claiming to do so in the name of 'diversity.'
And probably the biggest issue is people either remain ignorant to what's going on, don't care what's going on, or want AI to take control of everything.
I say of the former two (and basically everyone for that matter), you really should both learn and stay informed as best you can as this is an issue that has an effect on everyone. I also say this as someone who's looked a little further into how some of this tech (image generators specifically) work. Also be aware, just like anything on the internet, there'll be misinformation, so you probably shouldn't take one source as a definitive final answer (This includes myself as I'm just as prone to making mistakes and having bias as anyone else). On top on that, for the love of god, don't get your info from Twitter or Facebook.
Now, as for the latter, I highly doubt it's going to end up being a case of you being free to sit around and play video games all day. If you're hedging on the idea of UBI and live in the US or anyplace where government greed an lobbying is rampant, it's more likely you'll get barely enough to squeeze by, if anything at all.
Now, while none of these problems have easy solutions, there are those that are working for and in favor of people and human generated content. With lawsuits against image and text AI generators and with a group working on software that messes with image outputs I am somewhat hopeful that protections and more ways to fight back will come around.
In the mean time, I'm still going to work my craft, and you should too.
And by that I kind of also mean I'm gonna try to stop holding back on stuff just because I don't have a proper watermark yet. It's another thing that's going to take a while, especially since I'm going to be working with new software for this. In the mean time, I recommend if you do any sort of visual art you do the same thing too. Unfortunately for writers and coders, I don't have any suggestions as that's not my area of expertise (but don't take this as me saying, 'oh, ur on ur own, lol').
Now, admittedly, since I began writing this, some new info has come to light (*insert slowpoke meme here*). Apparently over 1,000 tech leaders, including Elon Musk (if even he is campaigning for this, then something is up), signed a letter on the topic of slowing down or even halting AI development. This is potentially good, but too be fair, it doesn't stop the damage that's already been done.
Like I said above, I'm hoping that protections for people from AI will become a thing.
Sorry if this seems like a downer ending, but I don't really know what else to say, and I'm not really a writer or journalist. This isn't the last I'll be talking about stuff like this though.
AI is already affecting credibility and people's jobs.
Don't just take something on person of side says as truth; try to find a credible source (i.e., not Twitter or Facebook).
UBI is not an end all solution, especially if your government is known for it's greed.
There are people trying to curb some of ethical the issues from AI.
Keep creating, no matter what.
Tech leaders are campaigning for a slowdown/halting of AI development.
This won't be the last time I bring up stuff like this.
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scarlettgauthor · 19 days
I first posted this in a thread over on BlueSky, but I decided to port (a slightly edited version of) it over here, too.
Entirely aside from the absurd and deeply incorrect idea [NaNoWriMo has posited] that machine-generated text and images are somehow "leveling the playing field" for marginalized groups, I think we need to interrogate the base assumption that acknowledging how people have different abilities is ableist/discriminatory. Everyone SHOULD have access to an equal playing field when it comes to housing, healthcare, the ability to exist in public spaces, participating in general public life, employment, etc.
That doesn't mean every person gets to achieve every dream no matter what.
I am 39 years old and I have scoliosis and genetically tight hamstrings, both of which deeply impact my mobility. I will never be a professional contortionist. If I found a robot made out of tentacles and made it do contortion and then demanded everyone call me a contortionist, I would be rightly laughed out of any contortion community. Also, to make it equivalent, the tentacle robot would be provided for "free" by a huge corporation based on stolen unpaid routines from actual contortionists, and using it would boil drinking water in the Southwest into nothingness every time I asked it to do anything, and the whole point would be to avoid paying actual contortionists.
If you cannot - fully CAN NOT - do something, even with accommodations, that does not make you worth less as a person, and it doesn't mean the accommodations shouldn't exist, but it does mean that maybe that thing is not for you.
But who CAN NOT do things are not who uses "AI." It's people who WILL NOT do things.
"AI art means disabled people can be artists who wouldn't be able to otherwise!" There are armless artists drawing with their feet. There are paralyzed artists drawing with their mouths, or with special tracking software that translates their eye movements into lines. There are deeply dyslexic authors writing via text-to-speech. There are deaf musicians. If you actually want to do a thing and care about doing the thing, you can almost always find a way to do the thing.
Telling a machine to do it for you isn't equalizing access for the marginalized. It's cheating. It's anti-labor. It makes it easier for corporations not to pay creative workers, AND THAT'S IS WHY THEY'RE PUSHING IT EVERYWHERE.
I can't wait for the bubble to burst on machine-generated everything, just like it did for NFTs. When it does some people are going to discover they didn't actually learn anything or develop any transferable skills or make anything they can be proud of.
I hope a few of those people pick up a pencil.
It's never too late to start creating. It's never too late to actually learn something. It's never too late to realize that the work is the point.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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kbvresearch · 2 years
Unleashing the Power of Words with AI Text Generator
AI Text Generation uses algorithms and models to generate human-like text. Training machine learning models on large datasets of existing text generates new text with similar style, tone, and content. Rule-based systems, Markov chains, and deep learning models like RNNs and Transformers can generate AI text. These models use input data patterns to generate new text that matches the…
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aiweirdness · 9 months
dalle3 will help you learn the reindeer
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"Please generate a grid with illustrations of each of Santa's reindeer on plain white backgrounds, with the name of each reindeer printed clearly below it."
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verkomy · 7 months
I often see people asking "is the idea I have unique and interesting?" and I think the most important thing is — is it unique to you, is it interesting to you? does it make you happy? does it bring you comfort? is it inspired by things you love and cherish? if so, that's the only thing that really matters because it doesn’t have to be good for the whole world, it has to be good for you. so create, tell stories, inspire, be grateful for other creators and respect their work and if what you do has a part of who you are in it then it will always be unique.
and just look at you! you created something with your own mind, the ideas came out of you and you put it on paper with whatever skill and experience you have at the moment and it will only become better with time and practice! you made it! cherish it!
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guiltyidealist · 2 years
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sorry this is the funniest set of images I've ever made
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inkyucu · 6 days
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Now, of course, this wouldn’t ACTUALLY happen because Ruin would be too terrified of being killed to say that
But it's still funny to think about
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prokopetz · 1 year
I just watched a video where someone is using ChatGPT to generate comments on their code. Even as a layman I feel like I should be screaming at him, but on a scale from 1 to apocalypse, how bad is this?
Machine-generated comments could not possibly be more useless, nonsensical or maliciously misleading than most of the human-generated comments I've seen.
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miyrumiyru · 16 days
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Null-tail Swallowtail
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nekomiras · 3 months
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Alhaitham in an Art Nouveau inspired style Here's a thread I wrote about this concept on Twitter, below the cut will be a copy of the text, sorry if it takes a weird format on tumblr since it was initially written as a twt thread
This might not make a lot of sense to some of you but before i talk about Alhaitham and Art Nouveau i'd like to talk about Kaveh and Romanticism The connection between Kaveh and Romanticism can be more easily done, specially with characters such as Faruzan calling him a romantic
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The Romantic movement, as the name suggest, is very emotionally driven. Its a movement that values individualism ane subjectvism, it's objective is on evoking an emotional response, most comonly being feelings of sympathy, awe, fear, dread and wonder in relation to the world
Basically the artistic view of the Romantic is to represent the world while trying to say "we are hopeless in the grand scheme of things, little can we do to change the world yet the world is always changing us"
In Romantic pieces the man is always small compared to the setting they find themselves in, see the painting Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich as an example, the human figure is central but relativelly insignificant to the world
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Another thing about Romanticism is the importance of beauty, it's through it that the Romantic seeks to get in touch with their emotions and ituition and its through these lenses that they see the world. The Kaveh comparison should be easy to make with these descriptions
Kaveh's idle chat "The ability to ability to appreciat beauty is an important virtue" just cements to me the idea that his romanticism is closely connected to the artistic movement. He does have an argument agaisnt this connection but I'll bring it up later on the thread
Now that I used the opportunity to talk about my favorite character in a thread that wasn't supposed to be about him let's go back to Alhaitham and how to connect him to the Art Nouveau movement
But seriously, I brought up Kaveh's more obvious connection to Romanticism because the Nouveau movement was created as a direct mirrored response to the Romantic movement, and we all know how we feel about mirrored themes between these two characters
Art Nouveau is about rationality and logic, the movement was used more comonly on mass produced interior design pieces or architectural buildings, it's a movement much more focused on functionality than on art appreciation
They also had a big focus on the natural world but in a very different way, while Romantics saw nature as a power they couldnt contend with, artists from the Nouveau used the natural as an universal symbolical theme for broad mass appeal
Flowers, leaves, branches, complexes and organic shapes are the basis of this style, the logical side of it coming from the mathematics needed to create these shapes and themes in ways that were appealing and also structurally sound
To appreciate the Art Nouveau style is to understand it is a calculated artistic movement (another reason to be salty about an AI generated image trying to emulate it) In short, this style is less about the art and more about the rationality in the mathematics to make it
Another note I'd like to point out is that I love how both Alhaitham and Kaveh have dendro visions while both movements are so nature centric in different ways, Romanticism seeing it as a subjective power and Art Nouveau seeing it as recognizeable symbols
I mentioned an argument against the Kaveh comparison before: the one thing that bothers me about Romanticism is how negative it is in relation to humanity's position in the world and how that related back to Kaveh
In the Parade of Providence it was explicitely showed how much Kaveh dislikes the idea of people seeing themselves as helpless in relation to the problems of the world
People may suffer but there is something he can do to help them and he will do it
It doesn't feel right for me to say that Kaveh fits the Romantic themes because of his suffering, in a similar sense it also doesn't feel right to me to say Alhaitham fits Art Nouveau because of his rational behaviour while he as a character is a lot more complex than that
This thread was done all in fun and love for an artistic discussion, it's not a perfect argument to connect these characters and movements
+ I haven't studied art history in a year, if anyone knows more about these movements please tell me I love learning new things
++ Really sorry if my english is bad or I sound repetitive, it's not my first language and im trying my best here
Thanks for reading
I love you, have a nice day/evening/night
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vardir1sebebi · 3 months
bi tek beni mi uyku tutmuyor bu gece
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ophernelia · 8 months
I’m tired of seeing AI generated stuff. Ethically it’s shit, yeah. But more than that it’s fucking ugly. The warped text, the odd placement of objects, the lack of objects (like fingers and stuff)- it’s hideous. And it’s so baffling to see large scale companies use it and it just looks like shit. And the ai generated scripts and ai generated voice actors too- like??? Hire a writer! Hire a voice actor! It sounds awful! I tried to use Duolingo again recently and couldn’t get past how unnatural the shit sounds. Yeah you’re cutting corners but you’re cutting them with a wonky ass knife. The quality is poor. Pack it up.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
So I've been encountering a few people who think it's a great idea to essentially treat AI (actually, language models) as some sort of oracle in their spiritual path, so I wanna mention:
An AI-generated article recently claimed that freshwater octopuses were a thing. They aren't.
AI-generated foraging books contain deadly misinformation.
Microsoft acknowledges that AI gives wrong answers all the time; defends it by saying that they're "usefully wrong." Yeah, nah, wrong is wrong.
So yeah, do not use AI to try and divine any absolute truths about anything; it literally cannot work for this function. The only thing AI can tell you about is what its datasets already contain, which very likely contains a substantial amount of misinformation and errors; and AI is more than capable of remixing accurate information into complete baloney.
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