#aileen wuornos was right
radykalny-feminizm · 1 year
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kiss-theggoat · 9 months
billy loomis x stu macher x reader
hi hun! could u do something where billy loomis and stu macher find out reader is like them? but reader is like, cold, calm, and manipulative?
anything but smut pls <3
thank you! have a cool day :)
A/N: You got it babes 🫶🏻 Hope you like!
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Three’s A Crowd
Billy and Stu x F!Reader
Word Count: 800
Summary: After discussing the murder of Casey Becker, Billy and Stu think they’ve found someone who might be committed to their cause.
TW: Canon typical violence
You sighed as you plopped down on the concrete beside Sydney and Tatum, sitting between the two couples. Randy was ranting about something or other, like usual, but you couldn’t be bothered to pay attention. To be honest, all this fuss with the murders was…annoying. You’d been pulled out of class twice to be “checked on” which is a nice way of saying interviewed, and offered grief counseling from some girl who’s been rude to you since middle school.
Now, all anyone can talk about is Casey and Shane. You’d hoped that sitting next to your friends would give you a break, but alas, Randy was spewing some shit about movies and rules and killing. You rolled your eyes and picked up the small bag of chips from your bag, tearing it open.
“Did they ask you guys if you liked to hunt?” Stu asked, looking towards Billy and Randy, who both nodded their heads.
“They didn’t ask us if we liked to hunt.” Tatum pointed out, shrugging her shoulders. Which was true. None of the girls were asked any questions pertaining to the death of Casey or Shane, just where they were and if they’d like grief counseling, while the boys were looked at more carefully. Which, you thought, was pretty offensive.
Stu laughed, popping a grape into his mouth “Because a girl couldn’t have killed them.”
“Wrong.” You said frankly, voice monotone, chip crunching between your teeth.
Everyone looked towards you, Stu and Randy with the usual misogynistic mansplain face on. “I heard they were gutted. A girl couldn’t do that.” Stu stated, and Randy immediately followed up, “And most serial killers are men.”
“First off all, Randy, a killer has to rack up three kills to be labeled a serial killer. And second of all, Stu, women can, and have, kill people like that.”
Billy sat up onto his palms, now paying more attention to the way you spoke.
“Oh yeah? Give me an example.”
You scoffed, crumpling your now empty chip bag and shoving it into the pocket of your backpack. “Are you stupid? Have you ever heard of… I don’t know, Elizabeth Bathory? One of the first women to be accused of serial killing. She’d capture virgins from the village, torture them, then bathe in their blood. She believed it kept her young.”
“Yeah, accused. And she used servants.” Randy rebutted, giving you a cocky smile.
“Okay… Aileen Wuornos.”
“Just shot her victims, never gutted them.”
“Randy, I’m not arguing if a woman could gut someone or not. Don’t be an idiot, of course a woman could. I’m saying that women are just as capable of being killers. What about Juana Barraza? Killed like…50 innocent elderly people. Just because she didn’t gut them doesn’t mean she is a better person.”
Stu nodded a little bit, eating another grape before speaking. “I guess you’re right.”
You looked over to Sydney, seeing how uncomfortable she was, which made you feel a little guilty but you’d been walking in eggshells around her for a year. You shifted a little bit and leaned back against your hands, sighing. “Doesn’t matter anyway. They won’t catch who did it.”
Billy finally chimed in. “Why do you say that?”
“I heard a couple cops saying they found no evidence at the scene. Like a ghost killed them.” You said nonchalantly, causing Billy to look over to Stu. They made eye contact for a moment, but nobody caught it.
Billy watched you carefully. It seemed like you couldn’t care less about Casey being killed…and that interested him. The bell rang, and everyone stood and disbursed, except for Billy and Stu.
Stu leaned over, whispering into Billy’s ear. “She doesn’t care at all dude…this is awesome.” He was giddy. Billy knew Stu’s always had the hots for you, and this caused him to roll his eyes just a bit. But he couldn’t lie…this excited him too.
“Don't get your hopes up, Stu…”
“You think she’d help us?”
Billy turned to stare at him for a moment…maybe you would.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
hii can you do a james smut where he and the reader are a couple and during the devil's night the reader talks a lot with one of the guests and james gets jealous?
If You Were A Blood-Letter
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note: yes indeedy anon, i can give it a stab for ya
warnings: sm*t duh, fem!reader, murder mentions and stuff, violence mentions, dom JPM, low-key degradation maybe??, choking, James being rough, etc
It was the night we had been looking forward to for the whole year.
Before James, it was just Halloween to me. A night of children knocking on doors in cheap costumes begging for candy from strangers. It was drinking too much at some party in a slutty costume to impress some guy. It was carving pumpkins and corny movies and the doorbell ringing all night.
But with James, it wasn’t ‘Halloween.’ It was Devil’s Night. It was our special day. All of our heroes came to celebrate in a night of utterly disturbing splendor. We reveled in the chaos and the indecent.
We were an infamous duo known around the Cortez. Our murder sprees were revered by many. James didn't expect me to be so ruthless when we met. I truly appreciated regular nights of the old 'ultra-violence.' It made James crazy for me.
The first time I killed someone was under the careful supervision of my dear James. It was exhilarating. An immediate addiction. As he drank in the flash of sinful delight that flashed across my eyes when I plunged the knife into the repairman's chest, he knew he had found a soulmate in me.
We, as partners in crime, took great pride in our Devil's Night celebration. I adopted James' tradition. Took to it like a duck to water. I was awe-struck meeting the likes of Richard Ramirez and Aileen Wuornos.
This particular year, we were more than excited to welcome the Zodiac Killer for the first time. The actual Zodiac, maskless. He had attended the soiree some years prior, but James implored him not to return unless he would shed his cowardice. Hiding behind a mask was a sign of weakness in James' eyes.
The Zodiac's RSVP to the event was a welcome arrival at our door. And when he showed up the night of, we were more than elated to see the man behind the murder. We, arm-in-arm, greeted him at the door with bright smiles. We fashioned ourselves to be a bit like Morticia and Gomez Addams, in a way. In short, I'll admit, we were slightly corny. A caricature of murderers in love.
I was entranced by our new guest, though. As the night roared on, I couldn't help but gravitate toward The Zodiac Killer. His tales of murder and woe were of much interest to me. Gacy droned on about the same clown costume story he did every year. I had heard Ramirez's cool-guy act before. I wanted to know all about the new guest. What made him tick.
James shot me a glance across the room as I took up a seat right next to our guest of honor for the fifth time that night. I couldn't quite make out his expression. I assumed it was one of pride and admiration. After minutes of listening to another one of The Zodiac's stories, James approached the table.
'My, you two are fast friends, now, aren't you?' he cooed, a slight edge to his voice. His eyes screwed shut ever so slightly at the word 'fast.'
'He is quite an interesting man, James,' I replied.
'Interesting, you say. Interesting....' he weighed the word aloud as if he didn't quite understand what I meant by it.
'I- I wouldn't say interesting, just new,' The Zodiac clamored shyly. He was being all too modest.
'Y/N, my dear, may I speak with you in the bedroom? At once?' James gritted, extending a hand to help me up. I took it and followed him through the suite, weaving around the sick and twisted activities of the night.
'Ohhhhh! They're gonna fuck!' Ramirez shouted childishly after us. Wuornos cackled obnoxiously.
James held the bedroom door opened and gestured for me to enter. He slammed the door behind him and rounded on me.
'Whatever do you think you're doing?' he whispered harshly, standing so close to me I could hardly breathe. I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
'What do you mean?' I asked, baffled.
'Dallying and toying with our guest of honor,' he spat. 'Like some sort of floozy. Are you trying to embarrass me?'
'No, James, it wasn't like that. At all,' I declared, keeping as level a head as I could. 'I admire him, is all.'
'Admire, you say?' James challenged.
'Oh, stop being a pest!' I cried. 'You're taking everything I'm saying the wrong way on purpose, like a petulant child.'
'I am not being petulant. I am simply protecting what is mine,' he asserted lowly.
'I can handle myself perfectly well, James.'
'You do know you're mine, yes?' he breathed. 'All mine.'
I was cut off by him hungrily putting his lips on mine. He grabbed the neckline of my off-the-shoulder gown and tore it brutishly, forgoing the readily available zipper. The fabric fell heavily, pooling at my ankles. He whisked me off my feet and threw me down onto the bed. I sank into the top of the plush duvet, which felt extra soft against my naked skin. Goosebumps covered my whole body.
James stood at the edge of the bed, drinking me in as he briskly took his own clothing off. I panted, awaiting my fate. He joined me, poised just atop me, supporting his weight on his hands. I grabbed his bare shoulders and pulled him in, resuming our kissing.
He lined himself up with my entrance and thrust into me impatiently. I gasped sharply at the sudden contact. His massive cock penetrated me powerfully. He ran his finger over my lips, then dragged it down my body, continuing to drive into me. The other found its place rigidly around my throat. I choked quietly, reveling in the moment. My eyes rolled back in my head as I felt myself start to lose consciousness.
But that wasn't enough.
He pulled out of me and flipped me over harshly, positioning me on my hands and knees.
'Who owns you? Say my name, dearest,' he purred.
'James,' I breathed. He tutted disapprovingly.
'Now now, I won't give you what you want until you say it how I like you to say it,' he scolded. He ran his hand through my hair and tugged tightly, pulling my head back just enough that I could cast my gaze up at him. It was a grip so tight I couldn't help but whimper.
'James,' I pleaded, whining slightly.
'Nuh-uh,' he taunted, 'not quite.' His other hand gripped my ass. His fingers dug into me greedily.
'James!' I cried loudly. It was exactly what he wanted. His hard dick re-entered me from behind, sending shockwaves throughout my middle. He ravaged me, making me squeal and squirm with every pump. The waves of orgasm overtook me, making my vision go blurry and my limbs feel weak, but James wasn't quite finished.
I whimpered loudly as he continued to plunge into me. With a few final thrusts, he came with a stifled groan. He, as a man of class, never came too loudly. After all, we did have guests.
I collapsed onto my stomach much like a ragdoll as James pulled out of me. I felt the pressure on the bed change as James got up to retrieve his undergarments. the man of class also never lounged in the nude. He returned to me and gently coaxed me to turn over. I looked at him through the strands of hair that had fallen into my face.
'My angel,' he sighed. 'All mine.' He grabbed me by my chin and kissed me, softer this time.
I hummed in contentment.
'Are we clear? You are mine,' he asked, pulling away.
'You're my one and only, and I am yours,' I assured with a soft smile.
'Now, shall we return and show them what a united front we are?' he suggested.
'Fuck 'em,' I growled, having regained enough strength to mount him and go for a second round.
I really had a tough time writing this week. Hope I can get back into the swing VERY soon!!
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
suzypfonne replied to your post "The level of my absolute rage right now at the…"
Also, no one owes anyone that perceived fuckability. It's fine to find someone attractive and even find yourself fantasizing but it's not owed to you. They did an excellent job making him look like the doomed prince.
This is such a good point, and I could not agree more. (Although ftr, "the doomed prince" always makes me think of Hamlet, and god knows Michael was far more attractive in that role. Haha.)
But I think what you said is part of why the comments bother me so much. It's that it becomes blatantly clear that these fans only cared about Michael as long as he remained what they perceived as "fuckable"--that regardless of whether they wanted to have sex with him, he is seen as more "acceptable" overall when he looks a certain way and less so when he doesn't. I think Anna's snarky comments about Michael's appearance over the years have bothered me for a similar reason, because they also speak to her only finding him attractive when he looks a certain way.
Again, this is not to say that Michael has to look fuckable at all times, but it's clearly something that AL places value on the way the fans do, though in her case, it's because she can use it as something to brag about. So that's why we won't see her make a post to the effect of "So proud of him for taking on this difficult role," because she knows no one is going to want to fuck Michael while he looks like Prince Andrew. Her disapproving of his looks while taking on a specific role is nothing new, as she did the same thing when he played Chris Tarrant in Quiz, but it also gives an indication that she and the fans are on the same level of maturity, which again goes back to those Twitter comments striking such a nerve in me.
Michael is an actor. His job is to act, to become and embody whatever role he is playing to the best of his ability. Some people seem to think that acting is only about being glamorous, but if we are going to express outrage when the media and others make remarks about Charlize Theron "uglying it up" to play Aileen Wuornos when all she was doing was her job, then we should be just as outraged at people attacking Michael for looking "ugly" for doing his. (Also, the fact that Monster came out in 2003 and we still need to have this same conversation twenty fucking years later is utterly depressing...)
All this to say that yes, attractiveness and sex appeal/charisma can be and often are important parts of what makes an actor bankable, but looks alone do not make someone a talented actor, nor a good person. And maybe if people looked beyond the surface of their own desires, they might start to realize that...
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dustedmagazine · 7 days
Mope Grooves — Box of Dark Roses (12XU)
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Box of Dark Roses presents the final 27 songs written, arranged and recorded by trans activist and musician stevie (Pohlman), a massive two-LP set that showcases her DIY art, passionate engagement and close links to other trans advocates, poets and revolutionaries.
Mope Grooves emerged in Portland, Oregon in the late teens, with a brash but vulnerable guitar rock sound and a message, from the beginning, about gender identity, inclusion and mental health. Their early albums, Joy and Vanished from 2017 and 2018 respectively, bristled with punk energy, with shouted anthems and loose-slung, infectious melodies. Dusted’s Jason Gioncontere called Desire, the band’s fourth album, “their most cohesive set yet,” late in 2019. And Portland’s Ben Parrish who caught them early and fell hard, wrote of an early show, “And Mope Grooves—Pohlman’s band—broke my brain. Imagine if somebody ran records by The Raincoats, The Clean, Beat Happening, Tyvek, and Marine Girls through a wood chipper and glued the pieces into a new super-record.”
Musically, Box of Dark Roses is more keyboard- and synthesizer-based than Mope Grooves’ earlier album, an uneasy sweetness percolating in its gentle melodies. The soft pretty songs are, in some ways, the most disturbing. “Forever Is a Long Time” pits tootling organ riffs against a sing-song melody, but sharpens the edge with rattling, off-kilter drumming. “Aileen” floats hauntingly graceful vocals over space-video-game pinging and rushing drums. “They’ll tell you you’re a criminal for paying them back in kind, but in the dark, in the wild, in the heart of the night, it is right to fight,” sings band member Lee. It’s a bracing sentiment in a song dedicated to Aileen Wuornos, a sex worker from Florida who killed seven of her clients, purportedly in self-defense. And “I’m Tired All the Time,” with its music box chimes, spiraling fiddle and slapping, just-behind-the-beat percussion, is a lullaby or a suicide note, depending on how you hear it.
Politics turn more explicit in the tracks with extensive spoken word incorporated. Marilyn Buck, the poet and May 19 Communist organization revolutionary best known for freeing Assata Shakur from the Clinton Correctional Facility for Women in New Jersey, speaks on a handful of cuts, including the opener “Controlled Burn” and “Here Comes the Moon.” The song “Continuity and Intensity,” tells the story of the Black Liberation Army’s Kuwasi Balagoon, who, when put on trial, declared, “We have a right to resist, to expropriate money and arms, to kill the enemy of our people, to bomb, and do whatever else aids us in winning, and we will win. The foundation of the revolution must rest on the bones of the oppressors.” The song “Dora” recites a detailed account of gender oppression in Weimar, Germany and the suppression of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research.  The ratio of polemic to hook is pretty high on these tracks, but these were issues that mattered to stevie, and, as such, they belong here.
Box of Dark Roses was made near the end of stevie’s life (she killed herself in 2024), after a long struggle against gender dysphoria, physical and mental health issues, poverty and sporadic homelessness. In a lengthy, revealing essay included as liner notes, she writes, “I funded the recording process and the deposit on my surgeries by submitting my body to hyper-exploitation. I worked vanilla jobs 40-70 hours a week most of the time before relying increasingly on the informal economy. I was frequently in severe pain and losing work from chronic disabling illnesses that are aggravated by intense labor.”
And yet, though her suffering was real, she never lost sight of how much worse off others could be, particularly black and brown trans people. Before her death she stipulated that all profits from Box of Dark Roses should go to “gender marginalized survivors incarcerated as punishment for defending themselves, either directly to their fundraisers/commissary funds or thru the Survived and Punished NY mutual aid fund.”   This is a difficult, important record, a whole different experience from Mope Grooves’ earlier lo-fi garage albums, but well worth making time for.
Jennifer Kelly
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 10 months
Pleasure Is My Business: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Summary: You’re brought back to your high school days with this case. You put that behind you when you graduated, but life has a funny way of bringing you closer to the person who made your life miserable back then.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror, an outlaw, who controls the sexual channels between nature and culture." - Camille Paglia
Before you leave for work, you grab the coffee you premade as soon as you wake up. The coffee is right next to your high school reunion invitation. The opened card stares at you whenever you pass by it, begging you to acknowledge it. High school was one of the worst years of your life because not only did kids bully you, but you felt their own pain as your own.
It wasn't fun.
This reunion is in a few days but you're still in Quantico. Looks like you won't get to go, and honestly, you're kind of relieved. Spencer wants you to go and prove to everyone you're this hotshot FBI agent (which you are), but you don't feel like proving to a bunch of people who never gave a fuck about you in the first place.
"Are you gonna go?" Spencer says from behind you.
"We'll, seeing how it's in a few days and we're not in Dallas, I don't think so. It's so stupid because instead of a night, they made it a whole weekend getaway. As if I want to spend more time with them than I have to."
"Maybe you can go to the other one."
All you can do is shrug. You really don't want to get into this right now, plus, you have to get ready for a case Hothc pulled together. Hotch got called to Dallas early in the morning to do a briefing on a case sent by Patrick Jackson, the attorney general.
Hoyt Ashford, a hedge fund manager for a major bank, has turned up dead in a hotel room. Hoyt didn't do too well in the public eye after going on talk shows and talking about how the real estate crisis wasn't a real thing. He posted an apology video about the issue, but once word got out that he died, his lawyers classified it as a suicide.
If you know any better, then that's not true.
According to Hotch, there was Viagra near Hoyt's body. Considering that his wife was at home with the kids, it's safe to assume the prostitute he was with killed him. Something that's confidential and not to be mentioned in any reports is that Hoyt took $10,000 out of a fund in cash. No one saw the prostitute he was with, which isn't surprising since they know how to be discreet. According to Patrick, this is the second murder in Dallas.
You might be able to attend your reunion after all.
"Female serial killers are a fascinating field," Spencer says once everyone is in the air. "We don't have much information on them, but what we do know involves throwing the rules completely out the window. Take the signature, for instance. They don't torture or take trophies because there is no sexual gratification when a woman kills. Murder is the goal. They don't have to do anything extra."
"So, basically, women are more efficient at killing," you half-joke.
"Historically, they have had body counts in the hundreds."
"Assuming that the job is the stressor, what are some of the reasons prostitutes kill their customers?" Hotch asks over the phone.
"Money, drugs, and PTSD. At some point, every call girl, no matter how well paid, gets coerced into an activity she didn't consent to. Aileen Wuornos used to purposefully stage paid sexual encounters as an excuse to murder men she thought would rape her," you explain.
"Wuornos was psychotic and disorganized. I think this girl is poisoning them before she has sex with them."
"She's using Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine. It's a popular rat poison in China which can be easily soluble in alcohol," Spencer explains after reading the files Hotch sent over.
"Poison is the perfect MO. It's quiet, quick, and the victims never see it coming because they think they're getting lucky." Hotch makes an uncertain noise. "Does that mean something to you?"
"These men are paying $10,000 a night for discretion as well as sex. She has a history with them. She didn't decide to kill them at the moment. She walks in with the intent to kill them, and she's doing it before she sleeps with them. She's not just organized, she's also methodical. She decides early which one of her clients is worth killing," Hotch says.
"Maybe the victims all share the same fetish. Both victims were in their fifties, highly visible, and careful of their image. If they were kinky in the same way, they'd go to great lengths to hide it."
"We're facing a corporate culture that'll do everything it can to keep us out."
"Actually, I had some luck there. Hoyt's wife isn't too happy with how he died. She agreed to talk to us but because every silver lining has a dark cloud, the hedge fund released a statement." JJ pulls out her phone to read the statement that was sent to her. "Ashford died peacefully in his home, according to lawyer David Madison.' They're already trying to close ranks."
"Does that language sound familiar to anyone else?" Spencer asks.
"What do you mean?"
"It's the same thing as the murder of the first victim. 'According to the company lawyer, Stanton died peacefully in his home'."
"Y/N and Morgan, start with the wife and see if you can get her to open up. JJ, call the lawyers and tell them I want to meet with both of them."
"You want to play them off each other?"
"I think one of them wrote both press releases. Let's see which one calls us back."
Once you land, you and Derek head over to the Ashford home where Yvonne Ashford is eagerly waiting for you.
"Mrs. Ashford, we're very sorry about your husband," you say.
"I've been getting nothing but condolences all day. I feel like a hypocrite for accepting them, knowing how he died."
"We think your husband might have been targeted because of something sexual he did with this call girl. I know this is hard, but is there anything you can tell us about what he liked?"
"In bed? I can sum it up in one word. Younger."
"How much younger?"
"Twenty-five. That was when I first met him."
"So, your age difference was part of the attraction?"
"Are you kidding? It was the whole relationship."
"Mrs. Ashford, no offense, but your husband spent a lot of money on this woman. Was there anything else at all that he liked from a younger woman besides the ego boost?" Derek asks.
"There's a certain kind of man, Agent, for whom the only kind of sex that matters is the ego boost. In a marriage like ours, you have to work at it or in my husband's case, pay for it."
Your phone rings and you step off to the side when you see Hotch is calling.
"Yeah, Hotch?"
"We got a meeting with a madame that sets meetings up like the one Ashford was in. Spencer is heading over to meet with her. I want you to go with him."
"Sure." You hang up and walk over to Derek. "I got to go. See what else you can find out about Hoyt."
The madame, Lauren, is hosting an open house where she is able to meet clients discreetly. It's actually pretty smart since people might think they're there for the open house instead of something else entirely.
"This is actually pretty smart," you say when you meet up with Spencer. "Properties like this are safe and an inspection-free investment for large sums of cash."
An older woman walks out of the house with a big smile on her face.
"Well, hello, you two!"
"Are you the--"
"Isn't this neighborhood just fabulous? You're gonna love this house," she cuts your boyfriend off. She escorts you two inside the house for more privacy. "You two need lessons in faking it. I teach a class."
"So, you arrange dates for escorts?" you ask.
"All I arrange are meetings. What happens between two consenting adults when that meeting is over is something I'm not liable for. Now, who wants a scone?" she offers from a platter.
"Listen, we're looking for someone who is a high-end prostitute who takes fees up to ten thousand dollars. She has the intent of killing her clients before having sex with them."
"Oh, yes. We all know about this woman. She's terrible for business."
"I guess there's only so many men that can afford the service you provide, right?"
"Yes, but with the way she's behaving, she's only hurting herself. An escort's client list is the most important investment she has. It's her daily income and her retirement package when she sells the list."
"She's not working with a service then. No madam would allow an escort to kill off the clientele."
"What about the type of work your employees do?" Spencer asks nervously. "We're sort of operating under the assumption that this escort is killing men who make her perform a specific sexual act."
"What did you have in mind, sweetie?" she smirks.
"I... I don't even... I don't know."
"Don't mind him," you giggle. "It's his first time."
"If I may, I think you're looking at this all wrong. Start with this question: why would a man pay a woman five figures?"
"It's not just for sex, is it?"
"Of course, you've got to be good in bed to be successful, but that's the easy part. What men want more than the no strings attached sex is a therapist. Someone who will absorb the worst parts of their personalities."
"They're looking for someone to tell their fears and insecurities to. Everything they can't take home to their wife."
"That's what I groom my girls to do--how to talk to these men and how to listen. Don't get me wrong, deviancy comes with the territory. I can't tell you how many men need to be submissive as an outlet from their extremely stressful jobs. I can tell you that if the sex was the reason she was killing these men, she would have broken long before she charged $10,000."
"It isn't how these men act in bed, it's how they act out of it," Spencer says.
This unsub isn't killing at a specific time because it's whenever her client wants to meet with her. While you've been talking to Lauren, another murder has taken place. You and Spencer leave the open house and immediately head over to an office firm.
Joseph Fielding is found dead inside the elevator, tied to an office chair with X's marked in lipstick on his eyes, and clear tape wrapped around all over his mouth.
"The victim is Joseph Fielding. He was the CFO here," Rossi says when you two get there.
"Was he poisoned?"
"Yes, and staged. She killed him in his office and then rolled him out here to be found."
You walk over to the victim but pause when you see the energy left behind by the unsub. It's blue because the unsub is a female, but you recognize this energy. There are eight billion people in this world with eight billion different base energies. Every single person you've met has their own energy signatures, and you're familiar with this one. Not only have you seen this energy before, you know the person attached to it.
You've met and gotten to know this person before.
"I know this unsub," you say.
"You do?" Hotch asks.
"Yeah, but I can't put a name to it yet. I've definitely seen it sometime in my life."
Hotch gives you time to put a name to the unsub, but for right now, he focuses on what he can see physically.
"The lipstick is new."
"It was done postmortem. Reid said female serial killers don't leave a signature. I think she did that just for us. She's already exposed him at his most vulnerable. Now she wants to be noticed."
There is commotion by the barrier formed by local police by a man trying to get through, which he does eventually.
"Which one of you is Aaron Hotchner?"
"I'm Larry Bartlett. I represent Mr. Fielding in Webster Industries."
"This is a closed crime scene, Mr. Bartlett."
"I know. I spoke to Ellen Daniels, and she said you're a very reasonable man."
"Escort him out, please," Hotch says to one of the officers.
"No, wait. Please." The officer tries to grab him, but he doesn't leave right away. "The press is outside and they can smell blood. Is there any way we can handle this discreetly?"
"We're not about to lie for you," Derek says.
"You don't have to lie. Just don't comment."
"Excuse us."
Hotch takes the team off to the side to talk about the benefits of not commenting on the murder. "Is there any reason to go public yet?"
"Validating her is exactly what she wants. If we hold back, she's more likely to make a mistake," you say quietly.
"He doesn't need to know that. We need everything you have on Fielding like bank accounts, tax records, and emails."
"Everything?" Larry asks in uncertainty.
"I'll gather everything and send it in the morning."
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alrightbuckaroo · 5 months
ada!!! i was thinking about your post with poems you think the lone star characters would love, and for nice ask week i was wondering if you have any others you’d add to that list? or if there’s any you really love that you think capture certain characters/relationships on the show? always love to see your recs :’) <3 —maddie/reyesstrand
Maddie!! I love this question so much so thank you for asking it!! <3
I actually planned to make a part two, especially since it's National Poetry Month, but it got a bit away from me so I'm taking this opportunity to just ramble (godspeed to whoever reads this):
Wild Geese by Mary Oliver is one of the most Carlos-coded poems you'll ever have the pleasure of reading. Or maybe it's not, but after using it as basically a thesis for tender eyes that shine, I've decided that it was written for him. Especially:
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Hello?? That's Carlos Tomás Reyes in his purest form!
Oh TK, our hopeless romantic self deprecating boy. I think I'm going to give him Molly Brodak by Molly Brodak, one of my favorite poems that makes me want to burst into tears each and every time I read it. When I think of him, I specifically think of the ending, but I think the whole thing could ring true to him:
I am a good man.  The amount of fear  I am ok with   is insane.   I love many people   who don't love me.   I don't actually know   if that is true.  This is love.   It is a mass of ice  melting. I can't hold   it and I have nowhere   to put it down. 
Nancy is absolutely getting Aileen Wuornos Takes A Lover Home by Olivia Gatwood because it's one of my favorites and Nancy's one of my favorites, it only makes sense! I think the ending would really get to her in a way she didn't expect, and I don't blame her, because this is the ending:
In a phone call tapped by police, Aileen called Tyria her right arm, her left arm, her breath, how all Tyria could say back was Please tell them, please say it out loud. But Aileen didn’t want to talk about it. She wanted to talk about love. So Tyria would hang up, unsuccessful, and the officer would tell her to Say it like this, tell her she’ll get off, tell her it won’t be so bad. But how, each time, for three days straight, the police listened to Aileen talk about love. About her right arm. Her left arm. Her breath. Her breath. Her breath.
Actually going to tag @sznofthesticks because I feel like you would love this poem as well, and you'll agree that Nancy would love it too.
This is cheating but this song is so poetic I'm going to call it a poem. Owen would listen to You Are Your Mother's Child by Conor Oberst and he would want to sob but then he'd get cry lines. I think the whole thing is so Owen-coded but this part especially:
Out on the diamond, and you're up to bat Chewing your Big League, adjusting your hat Taking a swing and hearing it crack Look at that apple fly Tears will dry if you give them time Life's a roller coaster, keep your arms inside Fear, that's a big emotion But you are your mother's child And she'll have you for a while But someday, you'll be grown Then you'll be on your own
You could tell me Judd wrote I Am Offering this Poem under the pseudonym Jimmy Santiago Baca and I'd believe you. I'd believe he wrote while looking at Grace when she wasn't even looking at him because it has Judd all over it like:
Keep it, treasure this as you would if you were lost, needing direction, in the wilderness life becomes when mature; and in the corner of your drawer, tucked away like a cabin or hogan in dense trees, come knocking, and I will answer, give you directions, and let you warm yourself by this fire, rest by this fire, and make you feel safe                         I love you,
That's Judd!
Tommy would adore Every Job Has A First Day by Rebecca Gayle Howell. There's a cozy feeling to it, but the final words hold such a heavy weight that I think Tommy would appreciate and carry with her:
I listened as he taught me to relax the hand just enough. They can smell, he said, the oils our pores release when we tense to catch. You have to believe it, he said. You don’t mean any harm.
Speaking of Rebecca's, Marjan is giving me You Are the Penultimate Love of My Life by Rebecca Hazelton vibes in the best way. Maybe it's the romanticizing of something that has an inevitable ending but I feel like this would be Marjan's approach to a break-up, especially this part:
                                             The garden you plant and I plant                               is tunneled through by voles,                                                              the vowels                                                              we speak aren’t vows,                but there’s something                               holding me here, for now,
I feel like Paul, like me, would love the work of Cameron Awkward Rich, but specifically The Child Formerly Known As____ and even more specifically, the ending:
 & in the end, isn’t that what we all want?                         To not feel so split?                          To carry an image of ourselves                                                 inside ourselves & know exactly what we mean             when we say I—         .                      I—                               .                              I— ?
I think Mate would love getting the chance to read Prayer for Werewolves by Stephanie Burt because I think he would see so much of himself in it. Stumbling and tumbling trying to find himself somewhere and eventually finding the place where he belongs. I also feel like he loves the supernatural and the first part of this poem would feel like a gut punch:
Someone will probably love you for who you are.    If not, you’ll still find friends, friends who, given time, or given warning,    will probably gather around you, hold your hands, and wrap you in soft coats and blankets till the violence    inside your body ends.
Finally, my beloved Grace, is things i want to ask you by Helga Flores because I feel like the poem is just a list of things running through Grace's mind when she only knew Judd by voice, but that first one in particular:
i want to ask you what god feels like.
You've reached the end of my exhaustive essay that would probably keep going if I didn't reign myself in. I hope you liked these, they're some of my favorites <3
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alexazcharms · 3 months
The Story of Aileen Wuornos
Aileen Carol Wuornos was born February 29, 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. After her mother Diane Wuornos abandoned Aileen and her older brother, Keith, Diane's parents legally adopted the two children. Aileen never knew who her biological father who was imprisoned for child rape and died by suicide while in custody. She developed an explosive temper and found it difficult to make friends after a fire scarred her face when she was younger.
She later found out that her "parents" were indeed her biological grandparents. Childhood friends said that Wuornos' grandfather beat her and sexually abused her and her brother and that her grandmother was an alcoholic. Around age 11, she began trading sexual favors for money, beer and cigarettes resulting in the derogatory nickname "cigarette pig" which further isolated her from her peers.
She ran away from home and was eventually sent to a juvenile detention. At 14. Larui sent a pregnant Aileen to Detroit home for unwanted mothers. She told the family the pregnancy was a result of rape but later offered different explanations. Many people believed that the father was an older adult friend of Wuornos' grandfather. The infant baby was born March 1971, later given up for adoption. After giving birth, she dropped out of school and bounced between juvenile detention, the Wuornos house and sleeping in the woods or abandoned cars, she was 14 when her family kicked her out the house.
By the early 1980s, after her brother's death from cancer, she moved to Florida to work as a prostitute. She was frequently in trouble with the law for being a prostitute and other crimes. By 1991 her record included(including other felonies and misdemeanors) arrest for illegal possession of a firearm, forgery, assault, and robbery. Associates and law enforcement personnel often described her as erratic and easily angered, Her arrests records noted, "Attitude POOR."
In 1986, Wuornos met Tyria Moore at a bar in Daytona Beach, Florida and they began an intense romantic relationship that ended before Wuornos' final arrest in 1991. As a prostitute, most of her clients were old middle aged men. They started to sell stolen items at Florida pawnshops. During the murder investigations, the Volusia County police discovered items belonging to Richard Mallory at a local pawnshop, with her thumbprint on the receipt.
Policed then traced other stolen items from Mallory to Wuornos. A camera from Mallory's automobile was found inside a rented warehouse unit, which was opened with a key taken from Wuornos. She had rented the unit under an alias. Police traced other items from Mallory's car to people or pawnshops Wuornos had contacted.
By 1990 Tyria Moore had become suspicious – if not fully aware – of Wuornos’ activities.  Moore moved in with her family in Pennsylvania. When Wuornos was arrested on an outstanding warrant at a biker bar in Harbor Oaks, Florida, police tracked Moore down and used her to elicit a confession from Wuornos.
After Aileen Wuornos was found guilty of the murder of Richard Mallory, a penalty trial was held before the same jury to determine whether she would be sentenced to death or life in prison. The State’s expert psychologist, Dr. Bernard, testified that Aileen Wuornos suffered from both borderline personality disorder as well as antisocial personality disorder. The jury decided that despite her psychological difficulties, Wuornos knew the difference between right and wrong. he judge followed the jury’s recommendation of death and sentenced Wuornos to the electric chair on January 31, 1992.
In June 1992, defeated by the loss of her once trusted friend Pralle, Wuornos pleaded guilty to the murder of Charles Carskaddon and received her fifth death sentence. In February 1993 she pleaded guilty to the murder of Walter Antonio and was again sentenced to death. During her plea to the court, she held to her statement that Mallory had raped her. In a rambling statement she said, “I wanted to confess to you that Richard Mallory did violently rape me as I’ve told you. But these others did not. [They] only began to start to.” On May 15, 1993 Judge Thomas Sawaya rendered three more death sentences. She turned to Assistant State Attorney Ric Ridgeway and hissed, “I hope your wife and children get raped in the *ss!”  She made an obscene gesture and muttered, “Motherf****r!” The clip below, from the documentary "Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer," shows Wuornos' reaction to receiving death sentences for the murders of Burress, Humphreys, and Spears.
No charges were brought against her for the murder of Peter Siems, as his body was never found. In all, she received six death sentences.
During the extensive post-conviction period, from 1994 until 2002, Wuornos argued her original trial counsel provided ineffective representation. One example of poor representation revealed in subsequent appeals was trial counsel’s failure to uncover Richard Mallory’s prior rape conviction, which could have corroborated Wuornos’ argument of self-defense. In addition, trial counsel failed to call lay mitigation witnesses during the penalty trial who could have testified to the defendant’s claims of abuse during her childhood and adolescence, even though several childhood friends and neighbors said they would have testified if they had been called. In later hearings several of these potential witnesses testified they were contacted by the media following Wuornos’ arrest, but never by the Public Defender’s office. The defendant also argued she had not been effectively evaluated regarding her competency to stand trial.
Throughout the post-conviction period Wuornos’ erratic behavior continued to worsen. She fired several attorneys and in 2001 dropped her appeals. Some of these attorneys contacted the Florida Supreme Court to express their concerns that Wuornos was not competent to be executed. Wuornos also wrote several extensive and rambling motions to the courts in which she claimed prison staff were abusing her. All of Wuornos’ claims were evaluated and rejected by the state and federal appellate courts.
On October 9, 2002, Aileen Wuornos was executed by lethal injection at Florida State Prison. In her last statement, Wuornos said, "I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus June 6. Like the movie, big mother ship and all, I'll be back." She was pronounced dead at 9:47 a.m. Aileen Wuornos was the tenth woman to be executed in the United States since 1976 and the second woman ever executed in Florida.
The case of Aileen Wuornos highlights issues that are prevalent in many other capital cases. The following links will take you to a portion of the Capital Punishment in Context Web site designed to provide substantive information on each of these important issues and how they relate to this particular case.
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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Should we hunt animals in a peaceful world?
Ishkah: Okay yeah, so I’ve gone through all my questions, but I can give you one more hypothetical if you like. There was a podcast you did for Oak Journal on lots of topics like humanism and one thing that came up was veganism and then there was an interesting response by Ria who runs the website VeganPrimitivist.wordpress.com. They did a long response to some of the points that were brought up. [9]
And anyway their ideal future is people foraging plants and mushrooms only, and I think using fire, but just conscientiously choosing not to hunt animals. And I don’t personally think that you could plan that diet very well, with like B12, without fortified foods and stuff, I think duckweed we’ve found out now has a lot of B12, so if you lived somewhere there was duckweed, you could maybe do that, but another hypothetical that might reflect the modern world is…
If you knew that you could meet all your nutritional needs living this life, and you knew there wasn’t going to be warfare, and you knew you could maintain the skills of hunting if you needed to go back to that, would you hypothetically choose not to hunt animals? Just living a life where you’re communicating with them through seeing otters in the wild, but just choosing not to hunt, do you think that would be an ethical responsibility? What do you think if you knew that you could survive perfectly fine with low labor hours?
Zerzan: That sounds rather nice, yeah I wouldn’t argue against it, I mean if it’s conceivable and I think you know hunter-gatherer life was more gathering than hunting, but still, maybe that would be more ideal. If you’re trying to learn anything from the record, it’s a bit hard to imagine that in terms of our evolution, but it sounds nice, yeah.
Ishkah: Yeah it’s a nice dream. I just often come up against people who are really invested in like eating meat because it’s their culture and eating these horrible factory farmed animals, so I think it’s interesting, like I use the argument of we have all these glass greenhouses now, we have thousands of vegetables we can grow all year round to eat a varied diet, but even if we went back to primitivist life and we could still meet all our nutritional needs, I think there would be some ethical responsibility there too, just to embody this more compassionate lifestyle.
Zerzan: Right, I salute your values, I think that’s very worthwhile to think about.
Ishkah: Okay cool, that’s good, I think people will be interested in that.
[1] Some examples of anarchist or far-left campaign groups & news platforms adopting an ‘aims & principles’ charter: www.bamn.com www.a-radio-network.org greenanticapitalist.org
[2] An Open Letter To John Zerzan by myself
[3] This reflects Kaczynski’s own grizzly diary notes in that after reading in a newspaper that his first murder victim, computer salesman Scrutton, had been “blown to bits,” Kaczynski wrote in his journal; “excellent. Humane way to eliminate somebody. He probably never felt a thing.” It was a method of lethal killing which he had developed after killing a romantic interest had proven too much for him. Kaczynski had “given his brother a letter he intended to send to the woman, explaining himself. It was an apology of sorts, but it also contained the disturbing claim that Kaczynski was so enraged that he had waited in the woman’s car with a knife, planning to mutilate her. In the end, Ted wrote, he couldn’t do it. Attacking someone face to face proved too much for him.”
[4] Sexual Violence Against Women and a Woman’s Right to Self-Defense; The Case of Aileen Carol Wuornos by Phyllis Chesler
[5] AFed statement on kneecapping of nuclear executive by Informal Anarchist Federation
[6] The Technological Society by Jaques Ellul
[7] Minimum Viable Technology by David Charles
[8] Newtown shooter may have called ‘AnarchyRadio’ show before attack
[9] Response to Bellamy, JZ & Steve Kirk condemning vegan primitivism
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genderoutlaws · 2 years
im reading john waters novel Liarmouth rn and its soooo good i can so clearly picture mink stole across her career as any role in the sprinkles family lmao. anyways heres some choice parts i’ve highlighted so far
“Aileen Wuornos had the right idea!”
“Language is important in defining today’s bouncing politics.”
“Marsha’s vaginal lips are sealed forever under a self-imposed gag order…”
“Shaking is but a harmless fad. Bouncing is the only true path to salvation.”
“I’m your baby and I’ll kill your fucking dog”
“Shaking had now broken the chains of capitalism and become a proactive practice for superior individuals like themselves who are forever unable to sit still…”
“Can a gay bouncer give a homo-shaker with a hetero-bouncing top a blow job?”
“…above the clackety-clack of the tracks below, the muffled sounds of a skull-fuck.”
“…you’re still straight and I’m gay, we’re bisexual brothers!” [spoken by a gay penis to the straight man he’s attached to] [yes for real]
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algolagniaa · 4 months
what’s the serial killer part of being in your 30s?
it’s when you trip really hard at a rave on your 30th birthday and see a man with a horribly misogynistic totem and are filled with primordial rage and realize that Aileen Wuornos was right and we have to rid the earth of the scourge that is the male sex and also you just read Maeve Fly which made killing people look really fun and being a murderer was basically your only career aspiration as a child other than being a writer which didn’t really pan out and you are all of a sudden gifted with a very clear purpose and you spend the next couple months plotting and stalking and preparing until another series of events happens that makes you reconsider. I’m pretty sure it’s a universal experience
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star-mum · 1 year
Criminal Minds 2x18 - Live Star Reaction
Sunny said this is one of her faves so I must do what I do best (babble incoherently
A THREEQUEL ????? We don't normally get a "Previously on" for this show
is SOMEONE gonna say something about how Reid is acting (besides Em and Derek, my beloveds)
getting killed by a natural disaster on the murder show is kinda super lame
did he just FAKE A SERIAL KILLER DEATH ??????
"Til he kills again" Hotch really knows how to lighten up the mood
💜 Ethan 💜
Reid is being such a Dick to Emily specifically, idk if it's cause she's new so he doesn't trust her as much (he's reluctant to accept help and keeps lashing out but when Morgan pushed a little, Spence caved in and talked to him) or of something about her bothers him (like idk they're both the most brainy, some competitiveness that's been amped up cause of what happened)
Morgan doing a little ✌️ while being introduced in tHE MIDDLE OF AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE (I love him so much, I actually can't stand it)
oh no he cut "Jones" into the wall, SORRY IM STUPID
I really like Lemon Tango SKSKSK he has such a Noir Detective Vibes
I never know if I'm being smart when I figured something out before the characters or if the show writers make it easier for the audience on purpose (not that I did this time but I have my big brained moments)
"Reid you scared me!" "always been one step ahead of you, man" yeah no, I agree with the fandom on this one KSKSKSKS
"this is New Orleans, honey. It's a culture thing" JJ is stronger than me, I would've fucked this man in the middle of that full bar
"and this involves the case, how?" "it doesn't, I'm just flirting" 😶 sunny I think there might another request coming your way soon 😶
also Emily and Derek are my new favorite besties, I love their interactions so much <3
when they first referenced Jack the Ripper, I was gonna make a (probably not tasteful) "historical reparations" joke bUT YEAH NO KINDA EXACTLY THE ROUTE THEY'RE GOING
"What do we know about Female Serial Killers?" *has read exactly 1 book about them* not much *Reid mentions Aileen Wuornos* hEy I KNOW THAT ONE !
is it gonna be that woman in blue who sent Lemon Tango the drink?
I'll never remember his name right (Lamontagne ?)
SAY IT EMILY, GET HIS ASS (I know he went through a lot but someone needs to get his ass back into shape)
Breaking News: Man with the Worst Game Ever gets gutted in an alley (I wrote this before his body showed up, she actually dumped him in a alley)
JONES ?? J R ??? FUCKING JONES MAYHAPS ???? If this guy's name is Jones I'm gonna... Nevermind :3
Can we bring Elle back for one ep so she can shoot this guy too? (Jr guy)
It is the second time (that I remember) that Derek has called Garcia "mama" and I think I might have AO3 business to attend to later today (THESE TWO ARE KILLING ME SMALLS)
"Awn babygirl you never disappoint" 😩😩😩😩 HE STARTED TO SEDUCE ME, I STARTED TO BE SEDUCED BY HIM
William put his gun down and I literally let out an almost impressed gasp like "...Lemon Tango !" SKSKSLSK that's his name forever now
this ep makes me really sad, this actress is killing me, wE GONNA GET YOU SOME THERAPY BBY ! I feel really bad for cases like this one, literally so many people had a hand in those murders, it's not her fault
oh thank fucking god, it's finally Gideon Dad Time
"I'll never miss another plane again" good job baby <3 ily... nOW GO APOLOGIZE TO EMILY
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channelworldbluez · 1 year
Sometimes I interact with niggas and I’m like “Aileen Wuornos was right.” She really was. A revolutionary even.
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cerebraldischarge · 2 years
They say, you have to leave in order to return.
But I have been both at home this whole time and far away from home. My body is a lumbering RV rolling through this ambiguous vacation. I see every new landscape through a window, without being a part of the scene. I have accepted that as my role, for the most part. Maybe that’s why the destructive whispers of most humans barely reach my ears anymore, let alone my heart. Or maybe I just got used to the fact that, by virtue of not being human like them, I will always attract suspicion with my unusual nature. The vitriol itself abated, too - perhaps they figured out that I meant no harm, and classified me as a non-threat simply because I’m just an observer. And yet, I still hope that keeping this travel diary can sort of count as participation. After all, I may be the only one who notices a certain thing on the road.
There’s one observation that I keep spotting out there, attracting my attention like an odd-shaped cactus in the dry orange sea.
This is it: What the hell happened to the queer community?!
Willem Arondeus, before being executed for resistance activities by everyone’s favorite German villains, made the statement: “homosexuals are not cowards”.
Amelio Robles Ávila, a trans man born in 1889, would shoot anyone who taunted him by calling him a woman.
Aileen Wuornos made the world a slightly safer place for women by taking out seven male creepers, then went to her death with the knowledge that she did nothing wrong.
But are we still not cowards? Are we still ready to fight in a revolution? Are we still willing to protect ourselves?
I won’t get into the statistics here, because they can be just as easily used to prove one thing as its opposite, but there seems to be a theme within the bulk of the queer community (and the allies) which puts a strong emphasis on peacefulness, warm and fuzzy feels, community-orientedness, and projecting a generally “cute and harmless” public image. That on its own is not really a problem, but the balance seems to have been shifted. In the content the community leaders share, there seems to be a lot of talk about how we are supposed to be afraid, targeted by the baddies, experiencing dread and hopelessness, being essentially a helpless victim and expecting to be validated by legislation and flashy, organized gestures of acceptance. Is this really necessary?
I don’t mean we should “be fine with” discrimination and actual rights being taken away, but do you think the people who legitimately want you dead (whether they admit it in daylight or not) will suddenly change and start giving a damn if you show them how miserable they are making you the hundredth time? And do you really think any politician actually cares? I don’t know who said this, but it appears to be truer than ever: people who think politicians truly represent their interests are the same people who think the stripper at the bar really likes them.
As for my personal reason why this bugs me so much: while projecting the image of “we love everyone”, nonviolence, peace-light-and-harmony, these same community leaders shut down any sort of disagreement or criticism with the help of technology, money, and clout. It’s as if some people (I’m not naming names because 1. It’s not important, 2. I don’t remember half of the names of the people I had this experience with) have a poor ability to distinguish between bigots and real enemies on one hand, and potential allies with a different perspective on the other. Let’s not mince words here: I have been banned, deleted, harassed, and made out to be the bad guy multiple times by my fellow queers because I dare to advocate for self-defense - both on a personal and on an organizational level. I try to educate and infect the community with my love for the Second Amendment and the ideas that often come associated with it, such as personal responsibility and economic sensibility, as well as restricted government power and mostly unrestricted discussion of ideas. (Am I the only one who expected this stuff to be part of the default American attitude package in the first place, by the way?) Occasionally I get a positive response, but most often I get called out for “bigotry”, “ignorance”, and “disrespectful” behavior.
I get it, y’all. You probably only heard stuff like this (especially the Second Amendment part) from actual bigots who 1. hate you without even knowing why, and 2. have less than zero idea about what being a sexual or gender minority even means and think that gays have been invented in the 1980s. That’s who gets on TV, that’s who gets to be heard - because perturbed emotions equal higher ratings, and you can’t sell a media product without covering some kind of conflict. The more exaggerated, the better. People - all people - have a ghoulish side to them: they want to “spill the tea”, “own the libs”, see someone fly high and fall down. We are drawn to gawking at tragedy, even if we hate it - at least it’s not boring, after all!
(one of my favorite songs seems relevant here: TOOL - Vicarious)
So, it’s natural to associate the words in my mouth with the rotten people who try to weaponize them against us. (Mostly the “religious freedom for me, but not for thee” crowd, who often have the audacity to display patriotic imagery while spouting their nonsense. I forgot the name again, but years ago I’ve seen a white-haired man preach the wrath of his god on anyone who isn’t 100% cis and straight - and he did this with the Preamble as his graphic backdrop. I remember that part, because it made me livid. You would never say that stuff if you have read the damn thing!)
But stop and think. As the popular slogan goes, “we don’t want to make your kids queer, we want your queer kids to survive” - if that’s really the case, what are we actually doing towards that goal? Could we be more effective? Have the years of dragging out statistics proving our victimhood changed anything? Yes, some minds can be changed through discourse, as the growth of the secular/atheist community has demonstrated. But some minds will not be changed and will not respond to anything gentle. In fact, I myself have been embarrassed to be associated with people who, frankly, appear to be weak and vulnerable. Yes, some of us are genuinely vulnerable, gentle souls who could never hurt a fly - even if said fly actively works for the KKK or something. But that’s not all we are.
Perhaps I’m painting too bleak a picture here - after all, Erin Palette and Gina Roberts, with their wonderful organizations, are already doing the work I’m trying to urge y’all to start doing. But there is still, in many places, this self-destructive resistance towards the idea of putting on some big girl pants and protecting our own community, and it’s just sad to see.
The government is not there to feed and save you. Not even if you sacrifice everything to it and let it micromanage all your choices and lives. If you let it control you in exchange for bribes and comforting feelings, you risk it turning against you on a whim - all it takes is an election, or one corrupt person, or an unforeseen situation in your life that the algorithm cannot handle. (There was a British series in the 1970s called Space: 1999, in which the main computer brain, when faced with a particularly difficult problem, ethical dilemma, or outlandish occurrence, displayed the words “Human Decision Required” on its screen. I’m sure you can think of situations from your life where, inevitably, human decision was required. Or even a moment when the option applicable to you was not present on a standardized questionnaire you had to fill out. I mean… do I really need to explain this to you, of all people?)
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Hello everyone
I probably going to give roleplaying one last try on here. I am not going to beg no one, I am just going to let everyone and anyone come to me (if they want to rp). I really like to join the HB and HH rping community as a few ocs, such as Buttercup (I am still working on her death/backstory but I am thinking about king of base her off of Aileen Wuornos. Buttercup is also my profile picture), but other than that she is a Madame (a female pimp) and her sing voice claim's is Quarterflash, Bonnie Tyler, and the lead singer of ABBA because she died in the 80s and want to give her that 80s/70s aesthetic, and her sinner form is the same size as Millie. I will also might rp as another oc which is the daughter of Valentino and her name is Venera, she is based off of Karen Smith from Mean girls and her voice claim is Amanda Seyfried.
I will also like to get back to the Transformers rp at some point in life, but right now I am still figuring out the Transformers story within both of the cartoon multiverse and live action multiverse, and still working on story for my live action multiverse which I added some Youtubers into it.
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
1989. ask me my top 5 of anything and i will list them for you!
uhm, your top 5 about the story of some serial killer
you know i love u, right?
1. ted bundy. who before being executed admitted to kidnapping and murdering 30 woman. everyone knows the story and i find him easily one of the most deranged serial killers of all time.
2. jeffrey dahmer. we all know he didn’t just murdered 17 young men but did a lot of other horrible things to them.
3. h. h. holmes. he build the worlds fair hotel and hostel in chicago specifically for torturing and killing his victims.
4. richard ramirez. nicknamed the “night stalker” for breaking into homes and murdering his victims. he terrorized neighborhoods throughout los angeles for more than a year.
5. aileen wuornos. murdered at least seven men between 1989 & 1990. she said she killed them in self defense after they attempted to sexually assault her when working as a prostitute.
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