#ak is god
can-we-die-now · 2 years
AK: does anyone have a cuboidal object?
bee: *points at eagle*
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800db-cloud · 22 days
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a very mediocre sniperspy doodle dump
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jasonsbruce · 18 days
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wasyago · 1 year
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im gonna start killing
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kittykatninja321 · 6 months
My problem with religious!Jason headcanons is that people automatically assume it’d be a typical Catholic guilt/looking for atonement type narrative and not this:
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dlartistanon · 4 months
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I will eat up any SaMuel crumbs because that's how starving I am
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moti-xun · 2 years
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Here Tumblr, you can have them first
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smoosnoom · 1 year
(go on and) kiss the boy
“So,” Mike starts, drawing out the word, and Will turns to him. “Any ideas on how to spend the next fifteen minutes?” It’s teasing, suggestive when he wiggles his eyebrows, and it’s so unexpected that Will lets out a surprised laugh, unabashed, and it’s so easy, how the tension falls away, and it’s only them again. “You’re ridiculous,” Will shakes his head, smiling, but Mike looks proud of himself anyway. He points out, “I don’t hear you complaining.” Will scoffs, nudging at him with an elbow. “Whatever,” he smoothly replies. Mike grins.
Will, Mike, and the numerous attempts at their first kiss.
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 10 months
Chuzenji, Gladiia's official artists has posted a new illustration featuring Gladiia!
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Source and please check out their Twitter account!
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gavidaily · 1 year
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like coach, like player
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 3 months
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hnnnnnnnm · 1 month
How old do you all think Jonathan is in Arkham Asylum? I've seen people say 50s'-pushing 60 and that's so crazy to me. Mate's almost 70 in AK he should be in a retirement home
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intriq · 7 months
chapter 1 of my fic;
I’m sorry I’m the one you love
i went w this title cus it fits how i perceive AK jason feels towards being loved (he feels unworthy of it ur honor)
keep in mind this fic is.. gonna be both fluff filled AND angst filled (did you think i’d ever let you and jason always be happy? lmao no. ur getting the same treatment my ocs do)
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In the eyes of the world, you didn’t matter. You were nothing more than a pest, a filthy rat scurrying around Gotham City. Even if you haven’t lived here your whole life, you still became a part of it’s problem. Not like you had any choice, considering you were but a child. Long since abandoned by your parents in a city you’ve since skipped and left, you find surviving in Gotham just as hard. But it’s tolerable. You know how to defend yourself, with bruises and healing knuckles to match. Gotham wasn’t an easy place to survive, much less for someone who barely knew how the city worked. All you knew is that danger was constantly lurking, in every corner and every street. You had no wariness of who the streets belonged to, of the rules etched into its architecture. All you knew of was survival.
Scavenging whenever you could, stashing the little food you could. Of course, because of you being essentially new to Gotham you weren’t aware of the rules. Or the territories and who owned what. All you knew was to run and fight to survive. Perhaps thats why he took a pittance to you. Seeing you do your hardest to survive, like him. He’s a scrawny kid, like you are. You’re both doing what you need to, in order to survive. The first time he’d seen you scrambling to steal food in the section of Crime Alley that he’d gotten in exchange for selling out his parents, Jason felt like you and him would get along. Defending this strip of land was lonely, granted him few allies considering no one wanted to even attempt to challenge him.
The first time you two talk, you worry he’ll attempt to take your hard-earned spoils like anyone else had. You’d clutched them closer to yourself, almost glaring and poised to strike like a snarling dog. The only difference being the lack of bared teeth. At the time, you were more like a wounded, cornered animal. You’d been injured because of a previous fight, pain flaring in what felt like all over whenever you attempted to move. So moving around was futile, the headache that accompanied it being the source of most of your discomfort.
It was cold, as cold as the alley you called home was dirty. It smelled and was located right outside some bar that smelled absolutely horrid. A putrid stench that lingered and seeped into the clothes of whoever hung around it. The stench clung to both you and him, mixing with the smell of car exhaust, trash, gasoline, and the other smells that clung to Gotham about as well as it’s crime rate.
But that’s fine. Jason’s been sitting still, inching closer to you every few hours. You’ve been defensive, and Jason doesn’t quite get why he is bothering at all to get you to trust him.
The first week he meets you it’s all he seems to do. When he’s finding himself food he can’t help but let his thoughts drift back to you, the only other scrappy kid that has bothered to stay around in what is essentially his turf for longer than usual. Jason’s come to learn most of what makes you tick, for the most part. Like how you refuse to move when he’s present or even looking at you, how you refuse to eat when he’s present. Jason doesn’t even get why he still bothers with you.
And you?
You don’t get it either. You don’t get why this kid just keeps coming back. You don’t bother talking back to him, just sitting there and nursing what hurts. The alley smells enough to make your head pound and hiding behind the dumpster when more rowdy drunken folk stumble outside for a variety of things. But you make it work, you suppose. And you don’t mind how the free food that comes with his company. You don’t get him sometimes, though. Don’t get his tenacity. Why he still bothers.
But maybe it’s because you also don’t understand looking forward to his short, fleeting visits. But perhaps it’s the idea that the moment your stupidly painful bruises and whatever else is wrong are healed and you can move, that he’d up and disappear. The silence between you both is as equally unsettling as it is comforting. The faint chatter of drunken patrons from the bar you rest near is just loud enough to have the same faint buzz of insects. And the air is warm and putrid, filled with the hideously disgusting odors that every city such as Gotham brings. Just any other sensible Gotham kid would give you a wide berth, but yet here he is.
Here this random scrawny street kid is, insistent on getting you to trust him. He used to talk to you, or try to. His words were always met with silence on your end. But perhaps he only continues to try after the first time he heard what sounded like a faint breathy laugh underneath that sigh you’d made to cover it up. You can’t even remember what he’d said that had been funny, but he does. It was a stupid joke, something about how this disgusting alley was at least a little warmer and better than the colder, draftier parts of the city and that the warmth was the only thing that made it worth staying in. Truth be told you’d rather be anywhere but here, even back with your parents even if they just might barely give a damn. But it was warm and never smelled. Maybe that’s why you laughed, because there was places better than this shit-hole of a city you now called home.
Yeah, maybe that was it. Maybe that’s why he sticks around, you think. Jason thinks that’s why, too.
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jasonsbruce · 23 days
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sercphs-a · 6 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀No the horn DOESN'T hurt, so quit trying to poke the stub.
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candlemouse · 6 months
Meeting the Parents
Alex Cloudmill/Maya Dew
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Butterflies brawled in Alex’s stomach, and she wiped her hands on her pants again. For like the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
No, it wasn’t Garnok rising or Sabine or Katja or—
“They’re going to love you, Alex.” Maya smiled and interlocked her fingers with Alex. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Alex shifted in the dining booth and nodded with false bravado. “I’m not nervous.”
“You don’t have to lie,” Maya said. “It’s okay to be nervous.”
Their booth in the Coffe Pot Café overlooked the Dundull bay and in the early morning, Alex could watch the fishermen set up their sails for the day.
“Okay,” Alex said. She smiled at Maya. Her warmth was so infectious, and Alex never wanted to be without it. “I’m nervous. But not as nervous as I was a few minutes ago.”
“Good,” Maya said. “Now, imagine how I felt when I had to meet the Mayor of one of the biggest and busiest cities in Jorvik because he was my girlfriend’s brother!”
It still made Alex giddy when she heard Maya call her her girlfriend. It was a novelty, okay? And even if it became habitual, Alex didn’t think her happiness at that name would fade, anyway.
“Technically, Mayor Peanut is Fort Pinta’s mayor. You just met his assistant.” Alex brought their entwined hands up and kissed Maya’s. “Besides, James is all bark and no bite.”
“To you! He immediately started quizzing me on every detail of my stay in Fort Pinta until he found another opportunity to make money.”
“He is nothing if not dedicated.”
“I think that runs in the family.”
Alex laughed.
Alex straightened. Maya’s parents had arrived. They shared Maya’s green eyes, but not her red hair. As they exchanged hugs and hellos, Alex stood to the side glancing anywhere but at the family. She wasn’t used to such overt familial affection, and the brawling butterflies in her stomach had graduated to a full on fight ring.
“Ma, Pa.” Maya took Alex’s hand and smiled at her. “This is Alex.”
Alex inclined her head with an awkward smile. “Nice to meet you both.”
“Us too!” Mrs. Dew beamed.
They all sat down in the booth and continued their conversation.
“Your mother was so excited, I don’t think she spoke a single word about anything else the whole bus ride,” Mr. Dew complained.
“Well, Maya had told me so much about you, Alex, that it was hard to wait!” Her mother began to scan the menu. “Though, you must forgive me, but it’s slipped my mind what you do for a living.”
“Oh, well, I’m in druidic training at the moment,” Alex replied. She was sure it was not what her girlfriend’s parents wanted to hear—that she was joining a secretive religious sect, but there wasn’t much truth Alex was able to tell Maya’s parents. So, she was trying not to lie when she could. If everyone knew about the true danger and magic of the world…maybe it would be better. But, alas, Fripp would have her head. Not that he doesn’t already have a million reasons to be mad at her, anyway. “But, I help my brother out at Fort Pinta sometimes, too.”
“Druidic training?” Mr. Dew asked. “That’s…”
“Remember our blacksmith back in the day, honey? He was a druid.” Mrs. Dew pointed out.
“Alex is great at it, too, guys,” Maya said. “She’s even on this task force that helps out across Jorvik.”
“Oh! Didn’t you say you had picnics with…oh, what was their name? One of Alex’s colleagues.” Mrs. Dew said.
“Yeah, we have picnics with one of my, um, co-workers in the Forgotten Fields,” Alex said.
“That’s so darling,” Mrs. Dew said. “Do you like it in Jarlaheim?”
“Oh, Jarlaheim’s a beautiful city, but I don’t actually live there,” Alex said.
“Oh, I must have heard Maya wrong, then,” Mrs. Dew said. “Where do you live?”
“I have a house in Valedale, but I do often stay with Maya in the Harvest Counties. It’s easier that way.” Alex fiddled with the napkin in her lap. “Plus, I have a good friend in Jarlaheim that will let me crash if need be.”
“Oh good, good,” Mrs. Dew said.
The waitress came to take their drink orders and then was off.
“This Dundull weather is beautiful, isn’t it, Ma?”
“Oh, yes. I love the sea breeze,” Mrs. Dew said. She folded her napkin in her lap. “Alex, do you like Fort Pinta, Jarlaheim, or Valedale best?”
“There’s great things about all of Jorvik, of course. But, I do really like living in Jarlaheim. It reminds me of home. The music scene is really great.”
“What kind of music are you into?”
“Hip-hop. Some rock. What about you?”
“Ooh, I like Jazz,” Mrs. Dew said. “The blues.”
“She plays it non-stop,” Mr. Dew added. “Where did you say your hometown was?”
“Jorvik City.”
“We live there now! Which part?” Mrs. Dew asked.
“Governor’s Fall. I really did love it, but at some point, my family just couldn’t afford to live there anymore,” Alex said. It was bittersweet but Alex was glad for the memories she made there.
“You both will have to visit us next time in Jorvik City,” Mrs. Dew said.
“Ma, I don’t like the city. I can’t bring Elli with me.” Maya pouted. It was funny. Maya was completely at ease, as she should be with her parents, but Alex felt like she was currently acting the most professional and polite she ever has.
“I’m sure your horse will be okay for a few days alone.”
“No, she won’t.”
The conversation devolved into a light-hearted argument about Elli being able to handle some alone time that was interrupted by their waiter taking their drink orders. The dinner continued in a similar banter, and the tension that Alex had held slowly dissipated.
By the time they were exchanging goodbyes, Alex really felt close to them.
Once they were gone, Alex and Maya started walking to the Dundull stable.
“They really like you a lot, you know,” Maya said. She squeezed Alex’s hand.
Alex knew she had issues with parental figures. It was an obvious consequence of her childhood that manifested in both avoidance and over-attachment to her older mentors. Especially with Elizabeth gone, Alex felt like she had to re-confront all her mental struggles all over again.
She was glad to have Maya by her side, and a small part of her hoped that one day, just maybe, she could call Maya’s parents her own.
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