#akira daiyamondo suta
Picture this, clark finding a pack of condom’s in Jon’s wallet or room. But half are gone. So he tells Bruce. How would the rest of the batfamily and superfamily react to finding out that Jon and Damian actually have sex regularly/on the regular. They ever just think about all the times they were both home alone or with each other alone in their room or disappeared after briefings and galas.
I’m imagining that this is at the very least when they’re older teenagers, if not in college.
Clark would be scandalized. Because this is his baby??? Like, Conner was different, he was already a teen and basically raised when he got to Clark. But Jon is BABY. One of those ‘baby for life’ to his parents. When they confront Jon, Lois merely asks when she should expect grandchildren, and also how. (ie ivf, surrogacy, adoption or are the Waynes gonna straight up invent new medical tech that two males can create a baby)
Clark also didn’t realize how serious Damian and Jon’s relationship was until he found these. Like, sure, he knew they were dating but this is quite a step. One he didn’t expect them to take. He kind of took this to be a teenage puppy love thing that would run its course and they’d move on to other people. So now he’s really questioning that. And he’s also questioning how that would affect their hero work. Because he knows how he is when Lois is in danger, and even Bruce. And Jon is more emotionally rash than he is, more willing to sacrifice himself for innocent or those he loves. So what happens if something happens to Damian? Like something really terrible? Death, evil or otherwise?
The Batfamily are in a similar state of surprise, though for different reasons. I hc Damian as asexual, so in my mind his family would assume the same. So for him to find someone he trusts so explicitly as to even want to have sex with them is HUGE. 
And then for it to be Jon fucking Kent - the opposite of Damian in basically every way - is simultaneously surprising and not at all. The Bats knew they were dating, and knew they were close, again, because of how Damian doesn’t often get close to people easily, but...damn, Damian in love? It’s just a wild concept, even for them.
Jason teases a little though. And Dick and Bruce both remind him to be safe but give him little smiles. Cass just silently gives him wedding magazines every so often. Tim, in private, tells him if he ever wants to talk about dating Jon, the sex stuff etc that he’s always available.
Jason is the one who reminds Bruce and Clark all the times Damian and Jon were alone, and the dads shudder at the idea. They try to ignore the fact that they didn’t KNOW basically all the time haha.
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If Tony, Steve and the other older Avengers decided to stay and teach at Avengers Academy and train some Avengers trainees (at the ages of thirteen through twenty) on how to be Avengers so one day, they'll be able to become full fledged Avengers, how well would the heroes do on teaching the Avengers-in-training the ways of heroism?
A bit confused since you asked about the mcu, not avengers academy (which is a show/game on it’s own). But I’ll see it either as an au or a continuation of the mcu, after endgame, if Tony, Natasha lived and Steve stayed young.
Ok, if the OG 6 Avengers (Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint and Thor) decide to teach at Avengers Academy to train trainees (Wanda, Pietro, Vision and more) on how to become part of the Avengers initiative. I believe they would do very well. 
Each of them have a story to tell about themselves, a lesson and such. All of them are fantastic fighters (excluding Bruce) and I believe that they’d teach specific groups of heroes at the Academy.
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Steve would definitely be one of the teachers you would go to for help, someone who you’d probably be able to tell anything. He’d stop students from picking on each other and would be a fair person.
Teaches battle strategy, planning and basic soldier training. 
Give guidance on leadership and would most likely pick the leaders of new division in the Avengers.
I also believe he would help other heroes/recruits with their PTSD. One head canon I have is that his artist ability helps him relax and deal with his trauma.
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Tony would definitely teach the recruits who are similar to him in intelligence, specifically in mechanical/engineering sciences.
He would definitely be the teacher everyone would be intimidated by, because of how well known he is outside the superhero community. He’s a Stark!
Super proud of those who would surpass him.
He would encourage his students to branch out and never hold back their intelligence.
But I also feel like he would connect with a lot of neglected or lonely students, reassure those who have been through tragedy (which is why he’s close to Peter), as his own parents were killed in a car crash and was neglected by his father.
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Natasha would teach stealth and espionage, with stealth being mandatory and espionage being optional or encouraged to a few special cases.
Would also teach basic and different levels of combate.
Joint classes with Clint.
Because of her dark past, Natasha would make sure her students know how they are important, they have the right just as much as normal civilians do. 
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Clint would also teach basic and different levels of combate with Natasha, as I said before.
While Natasha would be more fast and sly movement, Clint would teach more upfront and forward kinds of fighting.
Would also teach marksmanship, while he prefers archery, Clint is very skilled in all types of marksmanship.
Being a parent himself, Clint would be the most approachable and very compassionate with his students and know their limits and doesn’t over exert them, along with making sure they don’t either.
Literally seen as the dad teacher.
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Bruce would be similar to Tony, but should teach more in the biological and chemical sciences. 
It's not uncommon to see Brcue teaching with Tony or the other way around as well.
He would notice students who have anger issues or are very emotional and would aid them personally about controlling it.
Would aid students with self hate and internal issues, assuring them they are deserving of a life and their presence on a team.
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Thor would teach something similar to Steve, how to lead, but more on techniques and weapons.
You should expect Loki, Valkyrie and his friends from Asgard.
Thor would not be available, because of his status as a King.
When he is available, he genuinely doesn’t take his teaching position serious and is pretty laid back funny.
Encourages the more ridiculous but effective ideas. I mean he throws his brother at his enemies as a technique, he isn’t going to judge.
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bamboozledjasontodd · 5 years
I’m sorry, I can’t say much on this because I don’t ship it and never have so the only content I have seen of it has come from random posts that happen to cross my dash. There is nothing wrong with the ship as far as I can tell, it is just not for me. Their friendship is really cute (especially when Damian is allowed to actually act his age) and I enjoy their banter! In general, from the bits and pieces I have seen it sometimes seems like people are treating their dynamic like Superbat or TimKon 2.0 which is weird. They are separate characters from those involved in the aforementioned ships and deserve to be treated as such!! 
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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salmonellagogo · 5 years
Just a request, you don’t have to do it. But how about a jondami fic based off the song Midnight Romeo by push play. Theirs a lot of steamy ness in that song😉
It's been a while since the last time I wrote Jondami, but I have a bit of time and inspiration for this request. Hope you like!
The party winds down a few hours before sunrise. The club is emptying.
Damian stands at the sidewalk, stone cold sober and shivering a little. After the stuffy air inside the club, the late March temperature outside is nearly freezing. He puts his hands in his jacket's side pockets, contemplating whether he should go back to the manor or to one of Father's numerous apartments and safehouses in the city. Though, it isn't really a hard choice, really. He doesn't have his car with him.
Damian swallows. He recognizes the voice, of course. He doesn't turn around. It's petulant, he knows, but he's not sure he can face Jon right now.
His lack of answer doesn't stop Jon, who jogs a few steps to keep up with him, placing himself beside Damian.
“Hey, you okay?” Jon asks.
“Yes,” Damian says.
Jon is silent for a moment. He mimics Damian, putting both his hands inside his jacket's pockets. And then, as Damian turns a corner, he opens his mouth again, “Where are we going?”
“My safehouse in Old Gotham.”
“Oh. Hey, I can fly you back to the manor if you want.”
Damian grits his teeth, both hands making fists in his pocket. “No.”
“No? Why?”
Damian's mind flashes back to the scene inside the club. He had refused to indulge in alcoholic drinks, choosing to stand at the side as he watched Jon’s college football teammates having fun--and Jon… Jon was among them, letting friends and strangers alike touched him with no heed to personal boundary. Damian had half a mind to leave, but something made him stay. It's embarrassing to admit that he couldn't take his eyes off Jon.
He is attracted to Jon, he’s realized that for some time now. Jon's twenty first birthday was a few months ago, but even before then, he's been driving Damian crazy for years--starting from the summer Damian finally realized that he would never grow taller than Jon, and that Jon could crush his bones easily when he grabbed Damian if he put his minds to it.
And Jon was… Damian's heart lurches as he remembers the girl with rainbow hair who kissed Jon in the club. She was drunk, and Jon was too much of a good guy to let her continue. But for the fifteen seconds that they kissed, the moment was seared into Damian's mind.
“Damian, don't ignore me, you big baby.”
Damian clenches his jaw. He doesn't answer Jon. He walks faster, but if avoidance and silent treatment had never worked on Jon for the long time Damian knew him, it wouldn’t start working now. Jon grabs the side of his arms and forces Damian to face him.
For Chrissake. He hates it when Jon does that. Damian is one hundred and sixty pounds of pure muscles. Not that it stops Jon from manhandling him easily.
“What's going on?” Jon demands.
Damian glares at him. "Nothing."
"Dami." Jon is trying to sound stern. It works, a little. And that, just makes Damian angrier. Jon puts his hands on either side of Damian's shoulders, tilting his head as of trying to look into Damian's eyes.
Something snaps inside Damian. He yanks Jon forward by the lapels of his jacket. When they collide, the force of it is painful. But it doesn't stop Damian from kissing Jon.
It lasts only a few second. Damian's making a point.
"Don't. Kiss. A. Stranger," he says through gritted teeth.
That finally shuts Jon up. He's standing frozen with mouth agape.
Damian scoffs and turns to resume his walk. He gets to approximately one hundred meters away from Jon before he hears his name being shouted.
Then, with a quick whirlwind of movement, he's up in the air. A pair of strong hands hold him bridal style against solid, broad chest.
Damian curses Jon to kingdom come.
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ask-flaming-fish27 · 5 years
Question for reborn. (But I love you the most Tsuna) how much do you care about Tsuna, reborn? (Harm him and I’ll get checkerface to our another curse on you!)
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Um, I’m sorry but uh, maybe you should find a blog that Reborn replies more than come here??? [ sorry, but i only answer questions if it goes to Tsuna directly. Asking Tsuna how or what others do during their time off is alright! ]
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seitosokusha · 6 years
For the 5 Headcanon au how about Vongola and Giglio Nero situation reversed in the future arc. Instead of Byakuran putting a spell on Yuni he puts one on Tsuna and joins Vongola and Gesso to make Miliefore. Yuni is still the sky arcobaleno and Tsuna is still the vongola Decimo. Everything else goes as the future arc did only instead everyone except Tsuna goes to the future and for some reason the Arcobalenos are still alive and reborn can meet his future counterpart.
Not entirely sure how this swap works out since there are bit of logic holes but for the sake of headcanon, it does.
This AU is called Break Me From Inside Out 
Here is a universe where Byakuran was a little smarter, played a little bit harder. Here is a universe where Byakuran took one look at Vongola’s growing power and recognized the cunning that Sawada Tsunayoshi hid. Here is a world where Byakuran took no chances. Between a young, untrained girl, and a rising mafia don, it was an easy decide to go after the don first. Here is a universe where Byakuran trapped Tsunayoshi’s heart, used Tsuna’s soft heart and “let’s give him a second chance” nature against him.
Reborn doesn’t take the capture of his student lightly. But even he, the World’s Greatest Hitman, would have a hard time going up Vongola (who hell or high water, will stick with Tsunayoshi) Not to mention given Vongola’s size, majority don’t even recognize Tsuna’s change of heart. Plus, you know, there was capable-of-leveling-cities Tsuna himself.
It is both terrifying and relieving when younger!Tsuna shows up. How do you break it to someone that due to what Byakuran had done, the lives of millions of civilians and mafiosos now stain his future hands?
Meanwhile, back in the present, Nana takes one look at her son (mysteriously older for some reason), blankly staring into the distance and twinge of familiarity hits her. It had been nearly 9 years since she had seen that blank expression.
All she does was is gather him in her arms, hand carding through his hair and humming the soft lullaby she use to sing to him when Tsuna was five.
“It’ll be alright, Tsu-kun,” she murmurs. They got through this once, they’ll get through it again.
Check break me from inside out au tag for more of this universe
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tangepr · 6 years
To start you off (if you want though) how about Mukuro 6 and Tsuna 1
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I gave all my effort to Mukuro and it’s showing. I’ll try to make better Tsuna next time lmao
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lightofthedeep · 6 years
What about the ship 6927? Mukuro x Tsuna. a lot of people think it’s very smutty and manipulative but I kind believe Mukuro would be very sweet, gentle and just very nice. I always felt as if they ended up together they’d be those sarcastic but sweet couples. What do you think?
Hmmm. I actually don’t think they’d work either!
I think it’d be nice to think about! But considering their relationship up to the current point in the manga, it’s a little iffy. Though they both work together well in terms of teaming up together in fighting. Overall, their relationship with one another is really rocky. I think Tsuna knows well enough not to pursue anything with Mukuro. If anything, I think he just sees him as an ally, due to his connection with Chrome, but probably not as anything else because of his past experiences with him.
In addition, I believe it’s still Mukuro’s mission to take over Tsuna’s body and take over/destroy the mafia. Till this day, he still has his resent towards the mafia. I think that in itself is probably the reason why 6927 won’t work as a relationship? I don’t think either of them could possibly see each other in a romantic way. 
I do love the idea of Mukuro having a sweet and gentle side!! But I don’t think Tsuna is the right person for Mukuro to show that side to. 
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littlecofieart · 7 years
I don’t know if anyone asked this before. But what is Keith’s relationship with Matt and Shiro? Was he their lover? Adopted child? Or shiros brother?
it was asked I think... they were having a polyamory relationship. an OT3.
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edenfire · 7 years
How's your Voltron Delinquent Au coming along? Also, what's the main pairing for it? klance or Sheith? Can it be both with Keith likening bob and Shiro and Lance having a rivalry.
oh i still have so much for it that i just haven’t written out yet ^^; (so if you have more specific questions, feel free to message me~))
for what i have for it so far, there is going to be some hints for a lot of ships (sheith, klance, heith, roleith, ect) but the main ones are definitely sheith and some (probably) one-sided klance 
with lance, his feelings definitely start out mostly with being impressed and jealous of how cool he thinks keith is and delves into wanting keith to notice him. when lance’s letters of challenge start changing into love confessions, he definitely starts considering their homeroom teacher (shiro) his Ultimate Love Rival.
shiro is mostly amused and vaguely wonders why one of his more happy-go-lucky students has suddenly started sending him death glares lol
keith is oblivious
anyway, i really hope to flesh this out more completely (maybe even make it into a comic of sorts??) im more likely to work on it if people show interest, since i have a bunch of projects im working on♥ 
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This has just been in my head for a while as well, (sorry if this is a bother) I read a post on Quora where this happened. But what if someone in their late 20s early 30s blatantly started check Damian (whoa about 16-almost. 17) out. Like heavily undressing checking out, very gross like. What would the batfamily +Jon and Maya’s reaction be?
haha honestly I think Maya would be the one to notice, and KICK THAT PERSON’S ASS TO MARS. I mean, if the batfam found out, they’d obviously be pissed off and ready to go like, frame this person for murder and toss ‘em in jail but Maya would also literally shove Batman out of the way to get first dibs on almost killing this person for Damian’s honor.
Jon would end up on Damian duty. Damian, who’s flabbergasted at this and just. Can’t comprehend. Jon stays to pat his shoulder haha.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Keith (voltron) Tsuna (KHR)
I super appreciate the addition of fandom, but... but that’s really useless if it’s just letters? I have no idea who Tsuna is?? Or what from?? *blinks helplessly*
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officialprincelotor · 7 years
Keith may also be part Altean as well. Theirs a lot of proof proving he might have the same powers as your mother. How do you feel about that?
To him I say: Good fucking luck 
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pattopuss · 7 years
I love your katt comic, are you going to continue it with Matt continuesly flirting with him and Pidge or Shiro or lance (or whoever you ship with Keith) getting jealous?
Hey thanks, I’m glad you like it! :DI could continue it, since I see a lot of people seem to like it. Altho I do ship Katt/Math on its own, Lance would definitely be the one to get jealous, and Keith/Lance/Matt as an OT3 is becoming one of my favorite things as well tbh.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
JUst wanna say that I love all your voltron fanfiction on AO3 and was wondering when you were going to post a new one?
Well, first, thank you very much for taking the time to say you enjoy my writing. It means a lot and definitely gives me the motivation to keep it up and write more. ♥ So really, thank you! I really appreciate it.
As for your question, I will post a new fic on AO3 when I have written a new (full-length) fic to post on AO3. Unfortunately, I can’t say when this will be. As much as I would love to have a set fic publication schedule that I could adhere to, I work a full-time (40 hr / week) job, am enrolled in graduate courses for a master’s degree, and have other aspects of my life that sometimes pull me away from writing. Even if those other aspects are trivial things like video games, they still take up my time, and I can’t write very well if I’m thinking about a game I want to be playing in that moment instead. All of these factors make having a set fic schedule impossible, as much as I wish it were otherwise. I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you wanted to hear.
That said, the next full-length fic I’m writing is a Voltron fic (and a Keitor one, at that), taking place in the same continuity as Civil Discourse and Walk the Line, if that’s of any interest. I also have some short ficlets in my fic fix tag, so those are there for you to read if they’re of any interest as well. :)
Thanks once again for the kind words, and for taking such interest in my work. I’m sorry that I can’t give you a set publication date for my next work, but when it’s finished it’ll be posted here, and then on AO3, in that order. ♥ Thanks again!
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goodtohaveyouback · 7 years
Hey I was wondering, is their an actual fanfiction about that Eavesdropping post you have. And what's the pairing for it?
nope, it’s just a personal headcanon/prompt/theory? Idk what to call this. And it’s sheith & keitor i suppose? I like triangles
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