#al's mail
non-un-topo · 3 months
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To the next adventure...
Image description and details under cut
[A drawing of Nicky, Joe, Quynh, and Andy from The Old Guard. They are all in profile, walking in a straight line facing the sun. They are dressed in medieval clothing and armour, and each carry their own weapons and bags. Nicky has his sword, a crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a dagger at his belt and another strapped to his ankle. Joe is holding his sword, a bag, and a coin purse. Quynh's bow is over her back, and her quiver is at her hip. Two daggers are strapped to her belt, one of them matching Nicky's. Andy is holding her axe, two bags, and a dagger. They each have serene expressions and closed eyes, as if they're not in a hurry. In the background, the seasons change from winter to spring, summer, fall. There is an old tree behind them, and its branches change with the seasons.]
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skunkes · 4 days
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i dont even gotta say it
this image is literally scary 2. i wish id seen this 10 days ago so it cld be talons bday drawing
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Iron door of the Al-Rifa'i Mosque in Cairo, Egypt
British vintage postcard, mailed in 1925 to Rome, Italy
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linka-r9-vysocina · 8 months
Ve mně tyhle věci kvasí dlouho, ale když vykvasí, tak mám pocit, že musím najednou udělat všechno. Což nejde. Sám člověk svět nespasí.
Dlouho jsem se k tomu nechtěla moc nahlas vyjadřovat, protože celá ta diskuze je nejen v českém prostoru úplně pokroucená, a nepřišla jsem si úplně povolaná to nějak komentovat, ale postupně ve mně vykrystalizovalo toto, za co jsem schopná se bít: ať už si o legitimitě státu Izrael myslím cokoliv a ať už je historicky na vině kdokoliv, všechny strany konfliktu by se měly snažit o co nejmenší množství civilních obětí. A to se neděje. Neděje se to, a naši politici se tváří, jako kdyby někdy byly tisíce civilních obětí zkrátka nutností.
Když už mám něco, za co jsem schopná se postavit, píšu maily.
Pojďte psát maily se mnou.
Otevřeně říkám, že momentální politiku s ohledem na duševní zdraví jen velmi málo sleduju. (Vím ale, že třeba náš milovaný Petr Pavel letěl do Izraele na návštěvu, zatímco Mezinárodní soudní dvůr projednával, jestli to, co se děje v Palestině, není genocida.) Tudíž nemám přehled o tom, jaké kdo na celou věc má názory, a za cíl pošty jsem zvolila dva lidi: premiéra Petra Fialu a ministra zahraničí Jana Lipavského.
Pojďte psát maily se mnou. Pojďme ukázat, že nám to není jedno.
Pojďte jim napsat, protože i když třeba nemusíte mít jasný pohled na to, zda "from the river to the sea", nebo ne, myslím, že se shodneme na to, že by nikdo neměl umírat kvůli něčemu, co nespáchal. Pojďte apelovat za co nejrychlejší ukončení konfliktu, nebo alespoň za klid zbraní.
Pomůže to něčemu? Já nevím, ale asi je to efektivnější než křičet na zeď, což jsem mentálně praktikovala až doteď.
Pokud nevíte, co a jak psát, použijte můj mail jako mustr (ideálně si ho samozřejmě upravte, ať to není copypasta, já se snažila fakt být aspoň nějak osobní):
"Vážený pane premiére,
obracím se na Vás ohledně konfliktu v Gaze. Vím, že jsme dlouhobě spojenci státu Izrael a že útok Hamásu ze 7. října nemohl zůstat bez odezvy. Zároveň Vás naléhavě žádám - prosím, obraťte pozornost české diplomacie ke konfliktu v Gaze a zasaďte se o jeho urychlené ukončení nebo alespoň o příměří. Přes milion lidí bylo vysídleno, nemají pořádně přístup k čisté vodě, lékařské péči, ani kam jít. Jsou ničeny nemocnice, školy, kostely, mešity, v takové míře, že to žádný teroristický útok nemůže ospravedlnit. Umírají nikoli teroristé, ale nevinní lidí, často děti. Stejně tak svět přichází o palestinské kulturní dědictví.
Velmi si cením postoje Vaší vlády ke konfliktu na Ukrajině. Myslím si ale, že pokud chceme být demokratickým, lidským státem a plnohodnotným členem mezinárodního společenství, musíme se snažit zabránit zbytečným obětem všude ve světě a nejen v Evropě, i za cenu kritiky našich spojenců. Není přijatelné, aby bylo právo Izraele na obranu chápáno jako povolení k masovému zabíjení palestinských obyvatel. Není přijatelné, abychom si jako stát řekli, že "někdy jsou civilní oběti prostě potřeba". Všichni jsme prožívali situaci Mariupolu - nevím, proč podobnou optikou nemůžeme vidět město Gaza. I tam umírají civilisté, jsou ničeny obytné budovy, knihovny, školy, nemocnice.
Přidávám dva apely Lékařů bez hranic, kteří jsou přímo na místě a kteří už v konfliktu také přišli o své kolegy:
Opět Vás prosím, abyste vliv, který jako premiér máte, použil v rámci mezinárodního společenství k ukončení konfliktu. Myslím, že síla Česka spočívá v tom, že se dokážeme postavit za to, co je správné. Bylo by mi líto, kdybychom v historii byli po loňském podzimu a letošním začátku roku zapsáni v historii ne jako národ, který bránil Ukrajinu, ale jako národ, který přihlížel masakru a možná genocidě palestinského národa. Jsme možná malou zemí, ale stále se můžeme zastávat velkých hodnot, i za cenu toho, že budeme kritizovat své spojence.
email na Petra Fialu: [email protected] a [email protected]
email na ministra zahraničí: [email protected], [email protected] a (?) [email protected] (nedohledala jsem, ale emaily poslanců by tak snad měly fungovat)
Budu ráda, když budete reblogovat, budu ráda, pokud pošlete nějakej mail <3 Pokud neradi píšete/nejde vám to a pomohlo by vám, kdybych sepsala něco, co by šlo prostě zkopírovat a vložit, dejte vědět, dám něco dohromady.
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I think end game for Tim is getting to push a withered husk of a geriatric Bruce around in a wheel chair, while he himself still miraculously looks barely 20.
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hercorrupterofwords · 4 months
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l'honesta brigata dopo che dioneo ha raccontato la novella di pietro da vinciolo
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Cinzia Farina, For Gaza. Stop al genocidio, for Mail Art Project Free Palestine, Curated by Circolo Al Bafo, Seriate (BG), 2024 [© Cinzia Farina]
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Haitam with a stubborn sick yn?
Yes they know their sick but they wont admit it to haitam or anyone else
They just go about their studies maybe there a big project that needs to be finished.
Or their too invested in their current study.
YES! I actually already wrote a little drabble for that before.
To add some more brain juice to that scenario:
Yes, Alhaitham thinks you're very capable of taking care of yourself. He generally refrains from babying your 24/7, you're an adult after all.
You are sick and yes, you are also refusing to take a break or rest, so he's not even trying to convince you. Too much of a hassle. He knows you can be a blockhead.
(also because he is one himself and no amount of convincing would work on him either)
BUT it's the little things with him that show he cares a lot.
When he notices you're sick he gets a little "soft", as Kaveh would put it.
He would occasionally come by your office to ask you if you need anything and if you do you only need to call for him.
He usually doesn't do that - as mentioned previously, you're not a baby.
His tone would become softer when he speaks to you, even if barely noticeable, and only people close to him would pick up on it.
He'd bring you some tea with honey, entirely unprompted.
Comes by to ask if you're cold and need some blankets.
Would run a bath for you in the evening with some medicinal herbs that help clear your blocked sinuses.
He is not one to pamper you or generally anybody. But he can make an exception for you when he knows you need some care - even if you'd never admit it.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Pacino’s real life making The Godfather trilogy look like a picnic, tho.
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kazoohaa · 2 years
More dorm leader monthly meet up headcanons. I love them
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— notes. more chaos with the housewardens !! (sorry this was very late !) you can find part one and two here :]
— details. riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, kalim al-asim, vil schoenheit, idia shroud & malleus draconia as a chaotic friend group headcanons, pt 3.
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so imagine this. hide and seek, capture the flag, or another similar game. except it’s high-stakes, and magic is sprinkled into it. and it’s played in the dead of night at whichever dorm they’re staying at this time, to add to the scare-factor.
because wouldn’t it be fun to do a modified, magical game of something like hide and seek in a dimly lit dorm while trying to stay as quiet as possible to not alert its members?
this game’s only hosted occasionally, because leona’s often snoozing by then, vil’s quite adamant on getting his beauty sleep, and riddle’s also particular about how many broken rules he’d let slide.
the hide and seek game is pretty extreme, nobody remains in one place and they’re constantly moving around while trying to sabotage the other players
honestly, it’s like beans day, but magic’s allowed and they don’t get too fiercely competitive. and they also have to make sure that nobody gets woken up while they’re at it
(but really, they aren’t fooling anyone. it’s very hard to stay asleep when you can hear housewarden idia screeching in shock when he gets found.)
in heartslabyul, the game ended up mostly spent in the winding paths of the rose maze. in savanaclaw, everyone had to get creative due to the more open area and less places that offered a good hiding spot. in octavinelle, the underwater theme was a nice addition. mostro lounge was a suitable place to hide, but azul always requires repayment if anything’s destroyed there. in scarabia, kalim would often whip out the magic carpet to get around quicker and zoom around the place. in pomefiore, it’s easier to find places to hide due to its many rooms and decorations, but nobody was above scaling the walls and hiding somewhere above the building too. in ignihyde, oh boy. idia adds hologram projectors for momentary ‘illusions’ to mess with people, or playing some sounds on in-built speakers to divert attention. diasomnia’s one of the best places, though, due to its gloomy ancient castle vibe.
other than those games, sometimes there isn’t much time for such entertainment and they all have to actually study — riddle and azul gladly assist the others and give study tips, idia helps handle the research, leona and malleus offer their insight and help with more of the practical parts, kalim keeps the vibe comfortable and happy, and vil makes sure that nobody’s pushing themselves too much and that they get ample breaks in-between. they must maintain a good balance on study and personal health!
ooh and the food they get at each dorm too
there’s always some spare tarts over at heartslabyul, and riddle sometimes tries his hand at making desserts (occasionally with trey’s assistance), so there’s lots of sweets and tea there. vil absolutely can’t stand for an unbalanced diet, though, so he always brings healthy foods too that they eat after the sweets.
leona doesn’t cook much, so it’s usually left to ruggie to offer some food for the other dorm leaders. and his cooking’s pretty good!
in octavinelle, they have a whole full-course meal. azul’s mother didn’t have a restaurant for nothing! azul learned a lot from her, and it shows in his cooking, too. truly restaurant-worthy. he’s also very mindful about the healthy balances in food, so there wasn’t much need to worry about it. and it still stays absolutely delicious no matter what!
scarabia also offers a feast, which jamil cooks because he absolutely cannot trust kalim in the kitchen. like azul, jamil also keeps the food a good nutritional balance while making it taste amazing, but it’s just the sheer amount of food offered which has everyone stumped... kalim always asks for an amount that’s more suited for a whole celebration, so the rest of scarabia often cooks some dishes and eats with them, too.
pomefiore’s the strictest with the food, naturally, because of vil’s standards. he isn’t nearly as strict as he was with the vdc performance group, but it’s still very obvious that he’s picky about things.
ignihyde... the best idia can offer are a multitude of flavours of cup noodles. everyone facepalms, and makes a mental note to bring better food with them while also admonishing idia about his eating habits.
lilia’s food is avoided at all costs at diasomnia. it’s a bit difficult, because he always gets so enthusiastic when he learns that the housewardens would be staying at their dorm this time, and he immediately heads to the kitchen to prepare some food for the occasion... which everyone quickly tries to ease him out of.
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boyfhee · 7 months
hoon 🤤
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his jacket reminds me of ning's versace shoot
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skunkes · 9 days
I might be stupid but is Al, Smunker, and Talon togetherrrr. Like a polycule or are they having a secret 3rd thing? Sorry if the answer is obvious jdjdj
theyre together! au (?) for cheye's survival
(general info doodle i made a few months ago) (i say au but idk it could become permanent in my daydream zone, Talon is meant to have his own canon but I like him too much and am bad at writing plots)
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This is still a fairly recent development so the current needed-SOME-foundation lore is:
talon and al were as together as talon would allow at the time (so not really) but he liked Al most even amidst his anxieties about men. He leaves for a long while with no contact once he realizes he's getting toooooo comfortable with al, comes back for another round of comfort and gets attached again to both the guy he knew AND the guy's boyfriend
I dont think Talon actually likes being referred to as boyfriend by either of them, nor would he refer to them as his boyfriends, but the attachment and "role" is still there and that's what they loosely consider him (i have to explore this further, theres still a lot i dont know abt him) while also knowing he could just decide to leave again if he so wishes
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hearties-circus · 6 months
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Thinking more about my little robot
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azover · 9 months
Argentines presten atención a lo que esta pasando en estados unidos, inglaterra y rusia ahora mas que nunca, no porque tengamos que darle mas importancia al exterior que a nosotros, todo lo contrario: lo que se haga allá se va a intentar acá.
Cuando le dije a mi familia que tenia MIEDO de que asuma milei, no puse énfasis en las medidas económicas, sino que les rogué que no lo votaran porque mis derechos como una persona trans iban a estar en peligro, que mi existencia iba a estar en peligro, creyendo que eso iba a convencerles de que el tipo este es lo peor que hay. Mi abuela parece mas feliz de que haya perdido el peronismo.
Mi novia es una mujer trans inglesa. Se muy bien cómo es la vida de una persona trans en un país que te odia con fervor. Y ahora están haciéndolo peor: en espacios de salud comunes y en escuelas.
Si bien no quiero que nosotres en Argentina no lleguemos a eso, tampoco quiero ignorar lo que pasa allá, lo que pasa en los países primermundistas. No quiero ignorarlo porque "se las van a arreglar": sabemos muy bien que no es tan fácil, y menos en países donde no podés protestar, o les chupa un huevo total sos minoria y pueden hacer lo que quieran.
No quiero ver cómo gente como yo sufre más y más todos los días, y ver la ola de odio tocar la puerta.
Sigo con miedo. Por todes nosotres.
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thedaily-beer · 2 months
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El Segundo Lost in the Mail Quadruple IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 4 of 4. On par with some of the best big West Coast IPAs -- bursting with lots of citrus, light tropical fruit, pine, and resinous notes in the body too. Yeah the alcohol burn is here along with some of the bitterness, but there's quite a bit of malt sweetness to help balance mid-body and make this palatable.
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savorypink · 9 months
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HIII im done <3 hope u like it
omg???? i love this sm!!!! i literally have no words thank you sm!!! 😭🫶🏽
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