#alchemy and engineering is his profession
arttrampbelle · 1 year
(Shang meme i found)
I thought of something funny n wholesome
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*Shang tsung texting me while his at the H mart about anything i want while he's out*
"Some boba tea icecream plz bby 🥺💖"
"Ok honey,I'll get you some,i like those too,make sure that you feed the spider cat today. Love you 😘😘😘"
"Ok shang i will 🥰.......wait....the what now?!"
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the-whatcherof-89 · 3 months
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Scar “Good Times” Scardalph Aka Mr Landscape the magic man.
CR 20 N Humanoid
XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Half elf Alchemist 17 (Clone master) Rogue 3 (Charlatan)
Neutral (with chaotic tendencies) Medium humanoid, elf Init +4; Senses Perception +37
AC 36, touch 21, flat-footed 24 (+4 Dex, +7 Shield, +5 Deflection, +1 Intuition, +9 Armor) Hp 176 (20d8+83)
Fort +22, Ref +24, Will +16
Speed 30 ft. Melee Animate staff+16/11/6 1D6+2/1D6+2, +15/10/5 Poisoners gloves. Ranged Alchemist Atlatl+22/22/17/12 Bombs, Infusions. 
Racial Elven immunities, Round ears, Elf blood, Multitalented(+3Hp +17 Skill points).
Traits Dyslexic, Incurable sickness, Hedge magician, Trade talk(Engineering).
Class features Bomb 9D4, Alchemy, Mutagen, Persistent mutagen, Throw anything, Poison resistance +4, Discoveries (Extend potion, Dilution, Combine extracts, Alchemical simulacrum, Doppelgänger simulacrum, Preserve organs, Explosive bombs, Enhance potions), Brew potions, Swift alchemy, Swift poisoning, Poison use, Natural born liar, Sneak attack +2d6, Evasion, Rogue talent(Rogue Finesse).
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 28, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +14/9/4; CMB +15; CMD +29
Feats Smoke bombs, Cognatogen, Greater cognatogen, Point blank shot, Precise shot, Infusion, Precise bombs, Spontaneous healing, Promethean disciple, Fast bombs.
Skills Acrobatics+12, Appraise+17, Bluff+10, Climb +10, Craft(Alchemy)+30 (Redstone)+20 (Stone and metal)+32, Diplomacy +10, Disable device+27, Disguise +10, Escape artist+10, Fly +10, Heal+14, Intimidate +5,Knowledge (Arcana)+30 (Dungeoneering+32 (Local)+13 (Nature)+20, Linguistics+3, Perception+27, Perform(sing) +5, Profession(Engineer)+27, Sense motive+12, Spellcraft+32, Sleight of hand+12, Stealth+12, Survival+12, Swim+10, Use magic device+24.
Languages Common, Elf, Draconic, Aquan, Terran, Ignan, Undercommon, Alko.
Combat gear Mithral chainshirt+5 Impervious ghost touch, Ring of protection+5, Animated Darkwood shield+5 Impervious Arrow-catching, Ioun stones(Dusty rose prism, Lavender and green ellipsoid), Alchemical atlatl+4 of speed, Animate staff, 20 Alchemical bullets, Headband of mental prowess+6(INT, WIS, Dungeon), Belt of physical perfection+4, Cloak or resistance+5, Sipping jacket, Periapt of health, Sleeves of many garments, Poisoner’s gloves, Winged boots, Helm of comprehend languages and read magic(Shaped like a fancy top hat), Googles of brilliant light, Boro bead type VI and IV, Admixture vial, Campfire bead, Bag of holding type I, MWK wheelchair, Wand of protection from energy, Tome of clear thought+4(Used), Fancy dress, 200gp worth of alchemical materials, Alchemist kit, Alchemist lab, 200gp, 2 Alchemical golems(the first has a rune of shielding and it is dressed like a butler, the second is shaped like a spider can crawl on walls and can house a wheelchair), 12 Homunculi in Oompa Loompa attire.
Spellcasting CL20 DC19 formulae per day 8/7/7/6/6/3
VI-Heal, Twin form, Transmute golem. 
V-Magic jar, Spell resistance, Polymorph, Ooze form, Monstrous physique III, Languid bomb admixture. 
IV-Restoration, Stoneskin, Cure critical wounds, Freedom of movement, Dragon breath, Touch of slime.
III-Liquefy, Haste, Heroism, Cure serious wounds, Water breathing, Elemental aura, Displacement.
II-Vomit swarm, Protection from energy, Cure moderate wounds, Detect thoughts, Alchemical allocation, Barkskin, Lesser Restoration.
I-Cure light wounds, Bomber’s eye, Adhesive spittle, Detect secret doors, Ant haul, Crafter’s fortune, Firebelly, Reduce person.
Background Scar is a hilarious fellow from a far land known for his Hermits skilled in constructing magnificent structures and machineries that defies logic and reason. Despite being dyslexic, he is always in good mood and shares this good mood with the other Hermits. However, under this facade Scar is as his name suggest “Scarred” for he is afflicted by a muscular disease which is slowly taking over him. Despite everything, he smiles and keeps a happy demeanor to not bring worry to his fellow Hermits. One day as he woke up from a good night rest he started to choke and felt as if he was about to die but it passed away. A sense of dread took over almost overwhelming him… “Do you wish to be cured?” said a voice outside his bedroom door. Scar turned toward the door. “It is simple, do a mission for me and i will cure you. All you have to do is open the door accepting my request willingly. What say you little creature of flesh?” Scar thought if this was some kind of prank from his fellow Hermits but he knew no one would do something like this… nonetheless, the offer was too tempting and as he grabbed the knob he opened the door… and found himself in a different place… an old abandoned mansion. He was in a fancy dress with new equipment, knowledge and on a wheelchair. His legs where a bit shaky bur he was capable of standing as he tried only to almost tumble down. But a mechanical arm reached form him, stabilizing his posture. A tall scrawny construct dressed like a butler with a jar for a head with fake mustaches helped him stand as other strange servants arrived… another large sized construct similar to a spider with a housing for his wheelchair and 12 small round brightly colored humanoids in outrageously colored attire. As soon as Scar regained his composure, they bowed to him in revered silence. “Your mission is simple… find the fragments of my lost daughter. Do it, and you shall receive gifts beyond your imagination. I will be watching.” Said the voice; Scar looked at the broken glass of the mansion and said: “Alrighty, first, let’s fix this place! We have work to do!” And he pulled up his wrists with a wide smile.
Spider Image from https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27494681/
Other images made with Hero forge.
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
for the gw2 profession ask thing:
3: Have they dabbled in any other professions than the one they ended up with?
4: On the scale of absolute novice to complete expert, how good are they at their chosen profession?
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
Since no character was listed, I'm gonna go rapid fire on all the list! :D
Aurelia Dragonwings 3. She used to be a warrior, quite strong physically but with no access to magic. Those skills are still relevant. 4. She's pretty good at being a revenant and she's a strong one too, though with some "disabilities" caused by her encounter with [redacted]. Other than the initial memory loss, her main issue is that she can't create traversable rifts to the Mists (surface-level rifts are fine, like the ones used in combat).
Adamas Crystalsoul 3. His mother Ardea taught him some elemental magic, but he clearly had more talent for tinkering so he never really developed it further. He still knows a few elementalist tricks and is more comfortable than most (maybe a little reckless) with working on high-temperature equipment, ended up being useful with his holoforge. 4. Expert engineer in many fields. He's extremely quick to learn new things, if he's interested enough, and he's particularly good with alchemy, gadgetry, firearms and small constructs.
Tocchix 3. His first mentor was Alyt, who is a thief/elementalist, and she did try to teach him some elemental magic, mostly to no avail as he was more interested in hand-to-hand combat and shadow magic. 4. Extremely skilled daredevil, though he's only able to use shadow magic to enhance his physical abilities. Sneaky, fast and hits like a truck, though a bit too reckless at times.
Maeveryl 3. No. 4. Used to be a talented warrior, though mostly uninterested in combat. Since becoming a berserker in an uncommon way, they had to really hone in on their skills due to safety reasons, so one could say they're expert.
Hel Ravenlost 3. No. 4. Definitely an expert necromancer. She was talented from a young age, too much in her mother's opinion, and left her duty to chase more knowledge, becoming an Archon in the Priory. Particularly good at controlling necrominions, she could have very easily become a lich if she hadn't been stopped in her wild chase for a way to bring back a friend, but for now her most impressive feat is single-handedly taking over and "taming" a risen chicken while Zhaitan was still alive.
Ellara Echodancer 3. No, other than what she tried in mandatory basic training in the fahrar. 4. Quite a good mesmer overall, though she knows she's far from the expert label. Mostly self-taught in chronomancy and use of psychic blades.
Bunnie 3. Elemental magic would have been really cool to learn (Alyt left an impression on her), but alas she has no magical abilities to write home about. 4. Expert engineer, specifically in golemancy. Some may counter her claim of being "the best golemancer in the world (after Snaff)", but she did become Snaff Savant AND her results are hard to dismiss.
Ethanryel 3. No. 4. They're a pretty okay elementalist, with a talent for weaving elements.
Deryn 3. Sort of. She's an Olmakhan and was officially a Dawnwalker. 4. Self-taught dragonhunter/firebrand through trial and error, she's far from an expert but makes do in her own efficient way.
Markus Blake 3. Not really, other than some general training with the Seraph. 4. Decent ranger. Has a good aim, is good at tracking and easily gets along with animals, but his magical talents are underdeveloped.
Iotta 3. She is a necromancer/thief. 4. Extremely competent in both professions, always had a talent for hand-to-hand combat and necromancy. She hated not being able to take full advantage of her death shroud, so she overcompensated with perfecting everything else.
Poffi 3. She has some engineering background due to her family's job (they used to be part of the same golem maintenance krewe), but she never wanted to go in that field, instead aiming to become a lab technician before discovering her talent as a sniper. 4. She was a sniper (deadeye) with near-perfect aim, though she was too insecure to be more effective than shooting from a distance. She died too young to be defined as an expert and needed to become more well-rounded, but she was in line to earn the title of Slayer in the Order of Whispers.
Daunte Burstspell 3. Nah, other than basic fahrar training. 4. He was a pretty powerful elementalist, having plenty of strong Flame shamans in his bloodline. Not exactly an expert and he lagged behind in the other elements, but he did focus on becoming better with water magic.
Hagan Wesson 3. Not really. 4. More of an expert hunter than an expert thief. Possibly due to Zar'gol, but he started developing specter powers after S4, though he's far from an expert.
Flom 3. No, he felt like he genuinely sucked whenever he tried anything and gave up. 4. NOPE. His "revenant" powers are limited to the equivalent of Mallyx's, and when Flom is forced to use them that's actually Zar'gol taking control.
Zehmik 3. Has some knowledge of thief tricks from his time in pirate crews. 4. Maybe not an expert, but definitely competent. After nearly two decades spent in the Mists War, he became a Legendary Defender and refined his spellbreaker powers to suitable levels of reliance and strength.
Nari 3. Not exactly a profession, but she went through Kestrel training. 4. She's a pretty good bladesworn and made her own sword, but is a better scout than a fighter, and the lack of experience puts her at a disadvantage.
Edraas Noiza 3. No. [Mechanically Edraas is a willbender, but it fights in an unique manner] 4. Nope. It fights as its draconic-hybrid nature allows, and it gets tired real fast.
Lenorey 3. Technically has some thief skills. 4. Look, weird stuff goes in, strong necromantic energy comes out. Don't ask her to be more specific than that.
Haidee 3. Does some generic spy training count? 4. Not sure if she can be called an expert, but she did earn the title "the Mirage" thanks to her skills with illusions. When she learned of the existence of the mirage profession, she dragged her girlfriend to Elona to go perfect her skills.
Okami Whitewings 3. Not really, other than basic fahrar training. 4. They'll say they're only good with animals, but hey, they survived this long doing a variety of dangerous things.
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For the main trio (and/or whoever else you'd like if the asks fit them): 9, 15 and 22
If you wanna ask questions, here's the ask game this is based off of!
9. Are they also a healer/medic?
Chrysallus absolutely avoids most medic/medical places with a burning passion (minus Auri), so he's long since trained himself for mending and other medical practices alongside Auri. Just- don't ask him to be anywhere near needles.
Aurienal, on the other hand, has made it their main profession to be a mender, and has been extensively trained back in the Grove for sylvari. Throughout the story, they learned various other things that can help with treating other races, and (thanks to Chrys) has some interest in becoming a therapist for all races.
As for Arioch... yes and no. It rarely cares enough about other people to actually try and heal someone; the healing (assuming it doesn't have a vested personal interest in their recovery) is half-hearted at best. It really does not have good advice with taking care of yourself if you get injured (ex: "take [x] painkiller, take a shot of something to numb out the brain to the pain, push through it, and it'll heal itself up before you know it!")
15. How powerful is their magic compared to their peers?
While Chrys doesn't think so, he is actually quite powerful with magic. Physical fighting - no. But absolutely magic! He's always been particularly good with his illusions - so much so that he can end up having an identity crisis in the middle of whatever he's doing (thus the need for an obvious defect somewhere in them for his personal convenience. Sometimes, that makes things a little difficult when trying to confuse his opponents). His mind is his limit, and that is a dangerous thing to anyone who knows him, especially to himself. Over the years, he seems to have absorbed magic from somewhere (ley lines, sketchy void magic, bloodstone radiation, etc) and has developed some connection to mist-hopping to spy on timelines, and also has some connection to shadow magic (most of his clones in recent years take on a shadowy silhouette, as opposed to translucent phantoms, as he views them to be more intimidating)
Auri, while also very good at what they do, tends to shine the most with defensive magic. Ever the protector, they will throw themselves into the line of fire and take the injured off the field as fast as possible. Surprisingly, they are quicker to fight off threats than Chrys is (guard dog behavior level), but if they can't defend themselves with protective magic, they aren't above beating someone's head in with their weapon.
Arioch, having had teleported itself into the WvW mist war very early on via portal device malfunction, has had a greater connection to the Mists. Short of that, it's fighting is primarily based on what it can build and tinker with. Mostly of chemicals and powders and potions.
22. What trait lines/specializations do they use?
Chrysallus is primarily a mirage, but may occasionally use virtuoso or chronomancer as needed. Trait lines used are usually Chaos, Illusion, or Inspiration. (Although, he bounces between all of them depending on the build. Based on flavor text alone, it would be Domination, Illusions, and Chaos)
Auri is Chronomancer. Trait lines are usually Inspiration and Dueling.
Arioch is an alchemical engineer. It's not been worked on in game too much, but def has Alchemy as a trait line. Currently, it's also running Firearms and Tools, but that may change in the future once I finally put more effort into the build I wanna do for it
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newtthetranswriter · 6 months
How They Play W.o.W - MHA Version
Summary: Just some Headcanons on how I think Kirishima, Bakugo, Mina, Denki, and Shinsou would play World of Warcraft together.
A/n: Hello everyone, Sorry for having to stop for a bit but I should be back at least for a little bit. Anyway, enjoy these silly little headcanons and feel free to send some ideas for other ones. And as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
Jujutsu Kaisen Version   Blue Exorcist Version  Haikyuu Version  Tokyo Revengers Version (will be linked once finished and posted)
Kirishima: Retribution Paladin
Loves to be support in any way possible
Being a Ret Paladin makes it so he can main dps, but also heal if needed and sometimes tank
Follows the main tank like a lost puppy
When questing he gets way to into the lore, reading every detail and being super careful to follow it to the letter
Picks up Herbalism and Skinning as his professions every time, cause then he can give his resources to his friends.
Bakugo: Vengeance Demon Hunter
Only plays Demon Hunters because they are a class that doesn’t need help
Can run even the toughest of dungeons without a healer because who needs that extra weight
The kind of Tank who pulls large groups but not the kind to run right to the boss with fifty thousand mobs on his ass
When questing he just picks up the quest and runs, who cares why the quest was given if it gives him gold
Doesn’t pick up any professions because he’s just here to kill shit, if he does pick up crafting supplies he puts in the auction house for more money
Mina: Restoration Druid or Holy Priest
She’s the healer of this chaotic party, making sure people don’t die
If she’s playing a druid she definitely buys the treant form for healing cause it’s cool af
Playing a priest she makes some colorful jokes, but also dresses it in the darkest shit to throw people off
She’s neutral to questing, she does it if that’s what the group is doing but prefers to level in dungeons
Picks up alchemy and tailoring as professions, making potions and bags for the gang while paying Kirishima for the herbs he gathers
Denki: Switches between Elemental and Enhancement Shaman
Can’t pick if he wants to be up close in the fight or standing back in the safe zone
When using the Elemental spec he favors the Lightning spells because he’s a dork
When using Enhancement spec, he definitely needs Mina’s heals or he dies right away (he’s not great at the melee range fighting)
‘Questing what’s that’ King of just running around doing whatever instead of actually following the game, challenges random people to duels and is shocked when he loses
Picks up engineering and Blacksmithing as professions but never actual does them
Shinsou:  Frost Mage
Let's be honest, he’s only here because Denki forced him to be here
Picks Frost mage, because he can stand back deal a tone of damage and not have to deal with the chaos of melee combat
When Denki is challenging people to duels, he accepts then polymorphs him into a sheep and Ko’s him
Follows the lore close, even if he denies it, loves the idea of Dalaran and how its a large floating city
Professions wise he picks up skinning and Mining, solely to sell everything and make a ton of gold to help the party, but he won’t admit to it
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madchrison · 7 years
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made a crossover of ram and my favorite game~
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wyrmy-fics · 3 years
Okay, Worm. Wormy. What race and class would the Mysmes characters play as in WoW? Feel free to give any other headcanons too. 🤲
hi hello I’m currently working on other requests at the moment but this one seemed fun to do while I take a break from homework!
Anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact I’m a big fan of anything WoW related and have been for years, so let’s go 👀
Reblogs are highly appreciated. :)
RFA on WoW
Includes: All RFA Members + Saeran and Rika
Warnings -> N/A
Type: Headcanons.
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Blood Elf - Paladin.
It was the only race that had options to make it look like him.
Genuinely thought they looked really handsome/pretty while looking through the characterization screen.
He also felt like it would have been fun to try something on the Horde; a little different from the rest of the RFA.
Zen almost chose a warrior for the class but liked the idea of having the ability to heal as a Paladin.
Profession - Jewelcrafting.
A very rare profession in the game by now, but Zen assumed it was fitting for his character.
Prioritizes armor looks over actual stats.
“Where did all of your gold go—?”
“... Transmog...”
Troll - Hunter.
Wanted to join the Horde along with Zen and guide him through it.
Couldn’t decide on a race at first but enjoyed reading up on the Troll story and statistics.
Gets way too attached to his pets and takes time naming every single one of them.
So many pets with the stablemaster. So many.
Accidentally killed a mob while trying to tame it; cried for about an hour. (Zen had to cheer him up until it respawned.)
Focuses on PVP way more than storyline.
Profession - cooking!
His bags are constantly full of food and potions.
Also just thought the campfire option was really nice. :)
Night Elf - Monk.
Mr. Han wanted to be a Night Elf, so she was “kindly demanded” to join him.
She ended up hooked reading the description for monks and gets excited when a new ability pops up.
It reminds her of Judo a bit, even though they’re very different, but she compliments the animation on their stance.
Isn’t one for games most of the time, but starts reading up on the Night Elf storyline while on break.
A little down about the fact she’s on the opposite faction as Zen. (“Don’t you think he would look great in a show about these characters?”)
Profession - Inscription.
Also a very rare profession, but puts unwanted items and recipes to use this way.
It’s also a decently fast profession to complete during the day, so one she can enjoy after work.
It also goes well with Jumins profession.
Night Elf - Mage.
His first option was a Human, actually.
But Zen teased him about it being a very basic choice. (So, why not go with the second basic option?)
It’s canon that Jumin is interested in magic and witchcraft, so a Mage was the next best thing.
Specifically enjoys the talent of Arcane mage, but regularly switches to other elements. (Named the Elemental pet “Elizabeth the 4th.”)
Tries to get in contact with the developers to sell cat related products with in-game references.
Profession - Enchanting.
Doesn’t actually know how to use the profession and gets Assistant Kang to do most of the work.
She also has to trade a lot of materials if he asks. (Please just... use the auction house.)
Tries to somehow use enchanting in real life. Upset it doesn’t work.
Gnome - Warlock.
Ah, yes. The most hated race in the game. That’s why he chose it.
Ends up attached to the little guy and gives him the wildest characterization options.
And, of course, the classic yellow engineering goggles were a necessity.
Ends up finding a rotation with Warlocks easier than anything else and finds out how to cast his spells all at once.
Has been suspended multiple times for that, though.
Profession - Engineering.
Not too much of a surprise but when Seven found out he can make stuff in-game, he was all over it.
Ends up making certain inventions in real life for his personal enjoyment. (And Vanderwoods demise.)
May or may not catch up with Yoosung in PVP to completely annihilate him. Bonus points if it’s in open world too.
Human - Warrior.
Swears he would try another race next time but wanted his first to be a Human.
Also tries to make it look like himself somehow.
Didn’t realize he could have been any other class than a Warrior. It was the default and looked interesting.
Can’t tank very well but overall likes the idea of damage control. Even if it’s just... Pressing buttons.
Explores more than actually questing since the areas are really nice to just sit and enjoy sometimes.
Has taken a few screenshots for artistic references before.
Profession - Archaeology.
Most people with the profession just do it for XP or reputation points,
But this man will sit down and read every. Single. Site. It’s nice to hear him get excited and interested in his findings, however. (Same, Jihyun.)
Undead - Rogue.
Ray thought they looked a little creepy at first, but Saeran overall empathized with their story.
They’re the misunderstood outcasts of the game - why wouldn’t he play them?
The rogue was an interesting choice. The idea of stealthing around and using quick attacks was intriguing.
Doesn’t play too often but somehow levels faster than the rest of the group.
Ray will focus more on exploring, Suit enjoys PVP, and Saeran will actually pay attention to the plot.
Ironically dislikes Sylvanas.
Profession - Herbalism.
At first didn’t like the idea of actually picking the flowers in game before realizing that’s how you learn about them.
Makes a little section in his book specifically for these fictional flowers and their meanings, plus what they’re used for in-game.
Draenei - Priest.
Not only envied their devotion but also their outlook on helping others.
Would eventually switch over to Lightforged Draenei once they’re unlocked, but gets attached to her original character.
I’m trying really hard not to make a “Light” joke or connect anything to the Naaru....
Is the teams healer and does an amazing job at it. Not too fond of actual combat.
Spends a lot of time in the Priest campaign hall doing dailies and class quests.
Profession - Alchemy.
The art of crushing an item down into dust in order to turn it into something else more useful for her character.
Doesn’t use the profession all too much unless absolutely needed, though.
Overall a fun player to work with and everyone’s go-to healer.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoy reading. :)
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skyfcx · 3 years
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     So after thinking about how Rotor has his specific type of mechanical work he does, that being weapons, as well as a section of a video breaking down and categorizing Eggman’s strengths to contrast with Tails’s, I thought it would be worthwhile to do some quick research into the specifics of what kind of work and professions Tails himself falls under, as well. He is, first and foremost, an engineer and technician. The understanding, creation, and repair of mechanical and electronic machines and devices. These are the specifics I’ve found.
     Mechanical Engineer. It’s the baseline of everything he makes. How things to together, how it’ll run, what it’ll need to run. Its flaws, its strengths, and how to lessen the former and heighten the latter. The design part of all of those cars, planes, and extreme gears he’s always making.
     Electrical/Electronic Engineer. The component creation, as well as knowing what is needed in the first place. The nitty-gritty bits and pieces that the mechanical knowledge allows him to make once the materials are needed. 
     Aerospace engineer. Less so for the ‘space’ part, more so for the ‘aero’ part. Planes are his tried and true creations, there’s no plane out there he can’t make! He has a tendency to bite off more than he can chew when it comes to concepts, leading him to overlook the smaller tidbits and making a plane ends up with its issues... but the number of failed flights is greatly, Greatly overshadowed by how many beastly planes he’s made.
     Computer Engineer. The computing systems that go into these planes and everything else he’s made. Setting up hardware and software so that concepts of his can be properly integrated into whatever machine he is currently making.
     And for all of these, as he is his own repair man, he is also the technician variant of these professions. (mechanical technician, aerospace technician, etc.) Fixing things is his main strength. He pieces together flaws quickly, and once he fixes something, it’s sure to last far longer than it would’ve without his aid.
     Misc. Skills: Alchemy/Transmutation (Mobius-specific field of science based off of @the-owlchemist​ ‘s Mobius verse. The study of Chaos Energy and its manipulative properties when exposed to various forms of matter. Tails practices this science through mechanical means since he’s not the most Chaos-sensitive person out there.) Welding (a part of electrical) Geology (Chaos Emerald studies) History (general history, both past and present),
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Who is your spirit AvA Franchise character?
Throughout the Animator vs. Animation Franchise's run so far, we've seen a good amount of character development and partaking of interests (with the exception of Victim, who never had an established personality and / or interest(s) due to his two-minute existence).
A couple of examples:
With the Chosen One, he was a destructive, sadistic, and powerful stick figure in Animator vs. Animations II and III, but while he initially took pleasure in causing destruction after his and the Dark Lord's escape, he grew hesitant when murdering countless stick figures came into the equation, soon developing some moral standards when the Dark Lord planned to destroy the World Wide Web. He especially went so far as to stop the ViraBot from destroying Noogai's PC, despite a really troubled past with him. He may not have forgiven him yet (in my personal opinion), but the grudge is not as strong as it used to be in the past.
With the Fighting Stick Figures, they served as a reason for the Second Coming to become infuriated with Noogai and ruin the PC and his social life. As the franchise progressed, their personalities have developed, and they have taken up personal interests:
Green - the jack-of-all-trades, especially with building and music.
Yellow - the intelligent of the group, interested in coding and redstone engineering.
Blue - as Alan described him, cautious and free-spirited, taking up alchemy, farming, and cooking (and also an unhealthy addiction to nether warts).
Red - goofy, impulsive, and sweet with an affinity for animals.
That being said, if you had to choose, which character(s) would you feel be a best resonance to you? It can be personality-related, interest-related, or if it's a character who is of most interest to you or your favorite, then by all means, go for it. It's up to you!
For me, the character I would most likely resonate with is Green. Like him, I had a strong passion for music throughout my childhood and adolescent years. I used to play multiple instruments - piano, guitar, violin, flute, and recorder - and sing. (Not close enough to consider myself being a one-man band compared to him, though.) Although it's not a profession I'm taking and I don't hone my musical skills as much as I used to, music's still one of my favorite hobbies that I come back to everyday, whether it's just listening to it or retaining what skills I have left in the department, but I do intend to restrengthen some more of what I had in the past.
Funnily enough, I consider Yellow to be my favorite character because I think he's a cute redstone engineer and expert percussionist.
I also resonate with the Second Coming when it comes to being cautious, but the reason why? Well... it's a secret.
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faelornfel · 4 years
Character Profile
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––––‌ ‌The Basics‌––––‌ ‌
● NAME:‌‌ Faelorn Shadowsworn
‌● AGE:‌ 237
● RACE:‌‌ ‌Sin’dorei
● GENDER:‌ ‌‌Male 
● SEXUALITY:‌‌ ‌Demiromantic Demisexual (If I had to give it a name )
● ALIGNMENT:‌‌ Chaotic ‌Neutral / Sometimes more evil leaning
‌● MARITAL‌ ‌STATUS:‌‌ Single
‌● SERVER:‌‌ ‌Wyrmrest‌ ‌Accord‌
––––‌ Physical Appearance ‌‌––––‌ ‌
● HAIR:‌‌ Shaggy black ponytail with bangs that hang nearly into his eyes, the front is streaked with a bright green color.
● EYES:‌ Burning Fel Green
‌● HEIGHT:‌‌ 5′9″
‌● BUILD:‌‌ Rail Thin, almost seems a bit emaciated 
‌● DISTINGUISHING‌ ‌MARKS:‌‌ ‌Black Tattoos over both eyes, runic scaring down both of his arms and larger runic tattoo’s on his back.
‌● COMMON‌ ‌ACCESSORIES:‌‌ ‌A long black metal staff, chokers and necklaces, and an old leather cross body bag full of books.
● AESTHETIC:‌‌ ‌Leather, body horror , horns, Green, runes, magic, books, black, white, and demons.
‌––––‌ ‌‌Personal‌ ‌––––‌ ‌
● PROFESSION:‌‌ ‌Warlock / Demonologist / Dabbling Alchemist and Engineer 
‌● HOBBIES:‌‌ Reading, Demonology, Alchemy, Chemistry, Oddity Collecting, Anatomy Studies, Biology, Engineering (mostly with Fel), and Entomology.
● LANGUAGES:‌‌ ‌Thalassian‌ ‌,‌ Demonic, ‌Common,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Orcish.‌ ‌
● RESIDENCE:‌‌ Silvermoon City, small and hidden laboratory and apartment.
● BIRTHPLACE:‌‌ Quel’thalas
● FEARS:‌‌ ‌Enslavement
‌––––‌ ‌Relationships –––-‌ ‌
● SPOUSE:‌‌ ‌None.‌
‌● CHILDREN:‌ ‌‌None.‌
‌● PARENTS:‌ ‌‌Dead, and he does not seem to care.
‌● OTHER‌:‌‌ His demons are all very close with him, he considers them all to be his friends in a more traditional sense rather than contracts. He also has a  Homunculus ( @felformed​ ).
‌ ‌–––-‌ ‌Mentality‌ ‌–––-‌
‌● Social‌ ‌Level:‌‌ ‌Anti-social, hates most of humanity, occasionally gets along better with Warlocks but not often. Demon characters will find him very agreeable however.
‌● Optimistic‌ ‌View(s):‌‌ ‌”No man should live in the grip of another”
‌● Pessimistic‌ ‌View(s):‌‌ “Humanity is a cruel and unnecessary evil. It does more harm then good to every corner of the world and beyond, and gods forbid anyone be different.”
‌● One‌  ‌Positive‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Trait:‌‌ Outspoken
‌● One‌ ‌Negative‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Trait:‌‌ ‌Mean
● One‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Warning:‌‌ ‌Incredibly mean character in most regards, does not get along with many people at all. Be warned for darker themes and adult story content!
‌● Random‌ ‌Quirk:‌ Invented and built his own staff!
● Addictions:‌ ‌‌Fel Energy and Alcohol 
‌● Habits:‌‌ Chewing his hair, growling at people, sometimes loitering.
––––‌ ‌Additional Information ‌––––‌ ‌  ‌‌
SMOKING‌ ‌HABIT:‌‌ ‌never‌ ‌/‌ ‌rarely‌ ‌/‌ ‌sometimes‌ ‌/‌ ‌‌frequently‌ ‌‌/‌ ‌to‌ ‌excess.‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
DRUGS:‌‌ ‌never‌ ‌/‌ ‌rarely‌ ‌/‌ ‌‌sometimes‌‌ ‌/‌ ‌frequently‌ ‌/‌ ‌to‌ ‌excess.‌ ‌  
‌‌ALCOHOL:‌‌ ‌never‌ ‌/‌ ‌rarely‌ ‌/‌ ‌sometimes‌ ‌/‌ ‌‌frequently‌‌ ‌/‌ ‌to‌ ‌excess.‌
‌––––‌ ‌Possible RP Hooks ‌––––‌
Those that attended Dalaran before the scourge invasion may recognize him, some for his rather violent criminal history, also the fact that he was never properly prosecuted. (Ask First)
Those that hail from Silvermoon and the surrounding areas may have seen or encountered him in the past more then once or twice, likely not on good terms.
Faelorn may have business relations with other warlocks for supplies and sharing research and knowledge. those that do have likely found him to be an odd and unfriendly sort (Ask First)
Demons seeking contract but to keep their freedom and own lives and will may do very well with him! 
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( @wraconnect / @wracentral )
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Name: Lilian Marie Le’Reau
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birth Date: February 23, 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Gay
Alignment: Neutral
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: French/English (dual citizenship)
Residence: London, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFJ-T The Advocate
1st Wand: 
Alder Wood 12 3/4 Slightly springy flexibility Unicorn Hair core Alder is an unyielding wood, yet often its ideal owner is not stubborn or obstinate, rather helpful, considerate and most likable. Whereas most wand woods seek similarity in the characters of those they will best serve, alder is unusual in that it seems to desire a nature that is, if not precisely opposite to its own, then certainly of a markedly different type. When an alder wand is happily placed, it becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder is best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards.
2nd Wand:
Acacia Wood 13 Supple flexibility Horned Serpent Horn core A very unusual wand wood, which I have found creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place, and I keep only a small stock for those witches or wizards of sufficient subtlety, for acacia is not suited to what is commonly known as ‘bangs-and-smells’ magic. When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament.
Animagus: Black Ragdoll with curved white marks under the eyes and on the paws
Misc Magical Abilities: Naturally adept at most forms of transfiguration and animation charms, wandless spell casting, silent spell casting
Boggart Form: Death Eater from her past
Riddikulus Form: Darth Vader saying “Lilian, I am your father”
Amortentia (others): A kitchen cooking a full meal; generally steak, green beans, baked potatoes, buttered rolls and brownies
Amortentia (Lilian): (before dating) Machine shop oil, the smell of grease and degreaser (after dating/ married) The smell of an old book and the fragrance of Merula’s perfume
Patronus: Multiple Wolves (average 2-3, more depending on the need)
Patronus Memory: The memory of all her friends, family and loved ones attending the unveiling of her first golem
Mirror of Erised: Herself, living life without fear of persecution by muggles or pureblood wizards.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: 
Piertotum Locomotor
Baubillious (for offense and creation)
Permanent Sticking Charm (It’s easier than weeks of welding)
Aguamenti (you wouldn’t believe how many fires are started near Lilian)
Incendio (speaking of fire…)
In game
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Height: 6’3” (190.5 cm)
Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
Physique: Toned/ Lean build
Eye Colour: Purple/ Amethyst
Hair Colour: Snow White (originally chestnut)
Skin Tone: Porcelain
Body Modifications: Single Purple streak of Dyed hair
Scarring: After the battle of Hogwarts in the second wizarding war, Lilian loses her left arm and right leg below the joints. She later develops prosthetics nearly identical to her original limbs, but stronger than steel
Inventory: On her person she will have a charm bracelet of several shrunken items including:
-a table -a cooler -a medical cabinet (with everything inside secured) -three Tiny Golems (for easy transport when not in use)
As well as a satchel with several books, pencils and sketch pads for when she has an idea or observes something inspiring. She owns a car and a Thunderbolt broomstick.
Fashion: Lilian normally dresses in black slacks, a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black vest over the white shirt. She also owns several pairs of boots, most in the style of buckle up platforms with steel toes.  She will also wear various dresses to accentuate her figure, muscles or the dresses design as well as several pop culture t-shirts (her favorites are often science fiction based such as Star Wars and Halo)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
The Order of the Phoenix
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
The Constitutional Republic of France
The Royal Crown of England
Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office (consultant)
Department of Magical Equipment Control 
Freelance Craftswoman (magical prosthetics)
Freelance Craftswoman (miscellaneous items)
Freelance Craftswoman (Animated Objects)
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (E) Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O) DADA: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (O) Flying: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (A) Herbology: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (E) History of Magic: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ (A) Potions: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (O) Transfiguration: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (O)
Electives:  Study of Ancient Runes Ancient Runes Alchemy Arithmancy Advanced Arithmancy
Extra Curricular: 
Dungeons and Dragons club Potions Club Magic TheoryAncient Runes Club Education of Muggle Items Group (unofficial president)
Favourite Professors: 
Professor McGonagall: While not typically the first choice of Ravenclaws, Lilian respects Professor McGonagall for her cool and decisive temperament, her rational thought processes and her ability to make the correct call in stressful situations. She is also partial due to the shared Animagus attribute as well as the professor’s forgiving nature towards Lilian’s Experimentation with magical creations.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Trelawney:  While Lilian respects every form of knowledge, she never understood why this class was a core requirement and not an elective. Surely if someone was that desperate to know their ‘future’ they could use their own time instead of forcing an entire class to follow suit. Lilian is a firm believer in ‘you make your own fate’ and views Professor Trelawney as overly superstitious, even by wizarding world standards.
Father: Daniel Le’Reau Muggle English Professor Attended University of Cambridge, England Short, Chestnut brown hair with matching Goatee. Tall, slightly scrawny 38 years old.
Daniel is soft-spoken and amicable, often seeking the least confrontational methods. Polite and poised, as expected of a respected University professor
Upper Middle Class 
Professor of Literature and English Studies at the University of Cambridge 
Daniel is a very well known professor, often sited in many English studies papers for his ideas on early literature such as Shakespeare and Anglo-Saxton ballads, noting their implications in modern art and culture as well as their historic significance. He is also known to be quite supportive of his students, often treating them like family members and helping them achieve their dreams. 
Known the McKinley family since Lilian was 5 (the day she was almost kidnapped)
Mother: Amelie Nicole Le’Reau Muggle Long straight Black hair, Amethyst eyes, Average height, toned muscles, rugged beauty. Mechanic (military contracted) 37 years old.
Amelie is an outspoken, avid thinker who spends just as much time as her husband educating people.
Amelie originally served in the Royal Engineering Corps in her early years until she met and fell in love with a rather awkward yet lovable man named Daniel. Shortly before her Exit date, she married him and had Lilian. Since then, she’s been a military contractor for the Royal Engineering Corps. Assisting with various mechanical jobs from basic transportation to armored troop transports to Tanks and Mobile Weapons Systems.
Nearly traumatized when a dark wizard kidnapped Lilian after killing several bystanders with magic and curses. Almost forbade Lilian from attending Hogwarts when she received the acceptance letter. Remains in good standing with Shamus McKinley.
Love Interest: Merula
While they only officially started dating during the Sixth year, their relationship started in the Fourth year.
During the Celestial ball, Lilian noticed that Merula didn’t have anyone to dance with and offered to dance with her.  After the Celestial Ball, Merula’s Attitude softened to a degree. While Lilian was still being teased about how tall she was, she was no  longer harassed for being a muggle, nor was she mocked for her passions. While Merula wouldn’t outright ask for help from Lilian, She would never deny Lilian helping her.
Generally the attitude of the two was always Lilian genuinely trying to learn about Merula while Merula made an effort to understand Lilian and where she was from. Eventually Mistrust and Resentment would make way to curiosity and intrigue. 
Only when Lilian had saved Merula’s life from Dementors had she finally figured out her mixed feelings for Lilian, realizing that she had fallen in love with the quiet muggle born witch, eccentricities and all.
Best Friends:
Rowan Hubei Khanna (Female Khanna) Rowan Harrow Khanna (Male Khanna) Ben Copper Penny Haywood Badeea Ali Ismelda Murk Rival: None
Patricia Rakepick
Rowan Hubei Khanna Badeea Ali Tulip Karasu
Eleanor is an american shorthair that Lilian rescued from the street during her trip to Diagon Alley. Eleanor had been a kitten at the time, thus Lilian was given special permission to have her familiar with her during all classes to make sure she didn’t go hungry.
Due to outstanding Circumstance, Lilian has also (legally) adopted an Acromantula that refers to himself as Cain. While technically intelligent enough to take care of himself, he does allow her to give pets and scratch his carapace in the right areas. In exchange, Lilian is given a supply of webbing to refine into silk as she needs.
Closest Canon Friends:
Ismelda Murk Rowan Hubei Khanna
Closest MC Friends:
Helene Adler @heleneplays​
Skylar Morningstar @angrynar​
Ada Corcoran @ask-bincopper-archive​
Neon Welkin @neonbluewaves​
Ethren Whitecross @hogwartsmysterystory​
[The following is an excerpt from the book The Craftswoman, a biography on the Life and Philosophies of Lilian Le’Reau]
Interviewer: What do you know of Mrs. Le’Reau? Headmistress Rowan Hubei Khanna: Lilian? Wow, where do I begin… She was always quiet. It was almost as if she were watching everything that happened for the sake of safety and precautions. Like she was always expecting the worst to happen to her no matter what. But given her history I wouldn’t put it past her. 
I: Could you please elaborate on that? Headmistress Khanna: Well, I suppose so. When Lilian was around the age of five, she and her mother were attacked by a rogue Death Eater, one of the remnants of the first wizarding war. A lot of people died that day, several more had to have their memory erased. 
I: With the Memory Erasing Charm, yes. The report of ‘The Market Massacre’ were in the papers for weeks after the incident, if I recall. Headmistress Khanna: Right. Well, This death eater had a particular goal in mind. I was told that he kept on rambling about how he was gonna make  new army, one to combat the remnants of the Order of Phoenix. He had planned on kidnapping Children with magical talent in order to build this order. 
I: Fortunately, the Auror Shamus McKinley was nearby to save her. He not only saved her, but dispatched the dark wizard as well, yes? Headmistress Khanna: While this is true, it still had its ramifications. No one goes through that sort of experience the same. Lilian didn’t like to talk about where she came from or about her childhood.
I: Well, how about her years alongside you at Hogwarts? How would you describe that? Headmistress Khana: Our time at Hogwarts was actually rather mundane compared to the adventures of our other classmates. Lilian and I were generally the part of the plan that collected information and helped solve the riddles of the vaults, rather than actually fighting any of the curses there. Otherwise, much of her time was spent studying, trying to figure out new ways to apply spells and context of said spells, and honing her own personal abilities.  Like I said, a rather average Hogwarts tenure for the both of us.
I: Alright. How about during the battle of Hogwarts? Or perhaps anything during then and your graduation of Hogwarts? Headmistress Khanna: The time before the battle of Hogwarts, I can't testify for. For a while, most of us fell out of contact as we moved on with our lives, trying to make a name for ourselves in our own fields. But… 
I: It’s okay if you would like to avoid this subject. Headmistress Khanna: No no, it needs to be said. During the battle of Hogwarts, a lot of us were scared. None of us had been in this sort of conflict before, and those of us that had weren't ready for what we faced. Yet there Lilian was, setting up perimeters and directing people to the best suited jobs to help defend. She even brought in nearly a dozen golems to assist in the defense. We were lucky too, since those were the only things stopping the main host of trolls from climbing up the bridge. The battle itself is a blur, but when the dust settled, we all saw Lilian slumped against a wall, babbling on about equations and how many litres of blood she felt she had lost. She was missing her arm and leg, surrounded by a dozen or so dark wizards. 
I: Thank you, Headmistress. I think that’ll be all for now. Headmistress Khanna: I appreciate the need to document Lilian’s life. She’d be too busy to actually sit down and write it herself, believe it or not.
Lilian is a very open minded individual. Creative and Intelligent, She will always see projects through to the end, even if she already knows that the result will be failure. Despite the innumerable amount of failures that she’s had, Lilian always finds a way to take joy from any situation. While she mainly focuses on her work, she is a rather quiet and shy woman despite her imposing stature and very apparent abilities. She doesn’t like to brag, nor is she prone to any outwardly negative emotions. 
She does have several flaws though, first and foremost being her inability to cope with overly strong negative stimuli as well as a tendency to hyper fixate on a project at hand, often forgetting to eat and rest until her body physically forces her to sustain itself. (most common being her collapsing from exhaustion and sleep deprivation.)
Lives in the muggle world (London specifically)
Has family in both France and England
While not typically a fighter, Lilian has mastered the Patronus charm to astonishing success, manifesting three or more Wolf patroni with one casting.
While she is missing her left arm and right leg from the joints down, Lilian has since made prosthetic arms that are not only nearly identical to the previous limbs, they are far stronger than steel and well crafted enough to fool Muggles unless they closely inspect the hand in question.
Lilian married Merula nearly a year after the Battle of Hogwarts
In order to maintain hold of her tools while working and simultaneously casting spells, Lilian has mastered both the art of wandless and silent spellcasting.
Lilian owns a machine shop in London, making both Muggle and Magical items for multiple clients. She is allowed to do this through the employment of Squibs. This also allows her to take Auror Interns, teaching them how muggle technology works.
Lilian attempts to pioneer Golemancy, even attempting to have it recognized as an official practice of magic.
After Much convincing and reassuring, Lilian managed to get Merula to move to the Muggle world. Even then, this was only after several charms had been cast to help hide their magical nature from Ordinary Muggles. (Merula is particularly keen on cell phones.)
After several letters, Lilian agrees to teach several Magic Theory classes at Beauxbatons, much to the joy of several students and faculty. Lilian even demonstrates the magic and technology behind her prosthetics, inspiring the next generation of magic craftsmen and women.
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GTA V Characters but they’re in an Isekai
Other game genres I enjoy playing are MMORPG, so I’ve been thinking: what if Trevor, Michael and Franklin lived in the universe of World of Warcraft? These are my bets:
- Trevor could be a blood elf Fire Mage 🔥 with the skill to summon a fire elemental. His preferred professions would be Engineer, to make bombs and explosive stuff and Skinning.
- Michael would be a Marksmanship Hunter with the skill of freezing enemies by using ice traps❄. His main weapon would be a riffle instead of using bows. He could be a Nightborne, in contrast with the blood elves. I guess he’d like to be a jewelcrafter and leatherworker.
- I imagine Franklin being a druid, shaman or priest, due to his conciliatory (and somewhat pacific) nature. As a druid, he could transform into an animal (bear) and become a tank to protect his friends, and as a priest and shaman, he would be a healer. I guess he'd be a tauren, with Alchemy and Herbalism as his professions.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Foolish Gamers AKA The dual-faced totem (Demi)God
CR 22 NG Humanoid
XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)
Shabti Cleric 7 Witch 3 Mystic Theurge 10
Neutral Good Medium, humanoid (Native Outsider)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +28

AC 33, touch , flat-footed (+3 Dex, +4 Shield, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural, +5 Armor, +1 Intuition)
hp 160 (7d8+13d6+80)

Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +25
Speed 60 ft.
Melee Thundering Khopesh+23 1d8+6+1d6 electric, Spells
Ranged Dispelling Light Crossbow+16 1d8+2, Spells

Racial: Native outsider, Darkvision 60ft, Immortal, Immune to undeath, Resist level drain, Past life knowledge, Shattered soul, Pharaonic will.
Traits: Strong swimmer, Doubt.
Class features: Channel energy 4d6, Domains (life, artefice), Artificer’s touch, Rebuke death, Healer’s blessing, Domain spells, Patron spells(death), Famliar (Falcon), Hex (misfortune), Combined spells (1st~5th), Spell synthesis.
Spellcasting DC18 spells per day
Cleric CL17 4/6/6/6/6/5/5/4/3/2/1 plus domain spells
Witch CL13 4/6/6/6/6/4/3/2 plus patron spells

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 18

Base Atk +11; CMB +13; CMD +26

Feats: Divine interference, Guided hand, Power attack, Craft wondrous items, Quicken spells, Extra hex (Fortune, Cackle, Ward, Flight, Cauldron).
Skills Appraise +12, Craft(Alchemy) +25, (Stone&Metal) +31, Diplomacy +12, Fly +11, Heal +21, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Arcana) +31, (Dungeoneering) +16, (Planes)+16, (History) +16, (Engineering) +21, (Religion) +31, (Nature) +21, Perception +28, Profession(Architect) +16, Sense motive +21, Spellcraft +31, Use magic device+27, Swim +10, Linguistics+19
Languages: Common, Draconic, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Alko, Infernal, Giant, Sylvan, Undercommon.
Combat gear: Robe off the archmagi (golden), Ring of protection+5, Amulet or natural armor+5, Mithral animated caster shield (greater), Thundering +4 Khopesh, Dispelling light crossbow+2, 20 adamantine bolts, Metamagic rods: (Extend greater, Maximise greater), Headband of mental prowness+6 (Int, Wis, Craft stone&metal), Ring of evasion, Helm of brilliance (lesser), Belt of physical perfection+4, Sandals of speed, Bag of holding type II, Tome of Clear thoughts+2 (used), Tome of understanding+2 (used), Ioun stones (Dusty rose prism, Ellipsoid lavander and green, Pale lavander ellipsoid), Stone familiar, 4 Potions of cure critical wounds, 1 dose of salve of slipperness, 2 Clay golem manuals, Cleric kit with silver (un)holy symbol, Witch kit, Alchemical laboratory, 492GP.
Background: Foolish came from the sea by a tribe of similar god totems and during a peaceful mission he accidentally caused a huge incident in a village that went mad. After running away in shame, he decided to abandon his past and become non-violent. After centuries of isolation, he got adopted by Captain Puffy as surrogate mother and by Quackity as step-father because he didn’t wanted to feel no longer alone. After building his summer house, Foolish was invited to partecipate to the red banquet where he perished at the hands of Antfrost and lost some of his confidence in his powers (and maybe something else). After a long time, he received a visit from XD and built a statue of him upon which the fickle god granted him the ability to be unkillable in battle. Foolish then helped his “father figure” to bolster the defenses of Las Nevadas in preparation for the assault of the syndicate. One day, while meditating in his lounge he felt a strange vibration in the ether and the world suddenly shifted. His form changed and knowledge before unknown to him flooded his being. Foolish awakened in an unknown place that he did not recognize. “A brother broken...” faintly spoke a voice “...a shackle unwanted...” continued “...your family pulled into a cage.” Foolish froze for a second. “What does that mean?” There was silence. “Find him before the others, break the spell. Before it is too late.” Foolish was more confused than before. “I guess everything is foolish one way or another.” And he started to journey ahead into the unknown.
Special: Every day when he prepares his spells, Foolish can change (within the limits of his levels) his patron and his domains among those described in the notes below. Doing so, requires full concentration and if interrupted, Foolish has to start all over. This changes also his domain/patron related powers, channel abilities and extra spells but not his other abilities.
Notes: Since he is immortal, his mental stats are increased without age penalty to his physical stats. Furthermore, his familiar is completely filled with all the known spells of the witch cumulated through the centuries. Finally, being a demigod not only he is virtually unkillable by mortal means, but he is also capable of bestowing divine spellcasting abilities to other people using the following domains: life, death, artifice, water, oceans, storm and weather. These changes increases his challenge rating by 2.
Link for the image https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=76mnh6MV-pk
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
7, 9, and 10 on the engineer questions for Adamas please!
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
7. What was their first invention? Do they still use it today?
Since he was a cub he was fascinated with mechanical toys, and after accidentally breaking one of his own and studying its inner workings, he wanted to try to make one by himself. With supervision and a little help for safety, his first success was a scrappy hand-crank turret, which he later improved by adding springs inside it and then a little cart under it so it'd "charge and pop" as he ran around with it.
That ragged turret eventually broke before he even joined the fahrar, but that was what settled he'd be an engineer, and he still has a soft spot for mechanical toys to this day, hence his obsession fascination with Gixx's wintersday toys.
9. What’s their engineering style? (for example; steampunk, magi-tech, futuristic, jade tech)
Is steampunk-magi-holo-tech a valid answer? He grew up studying charr technology, then got fascinated by asuran tech once he was adopted, finding his talent for alchemy as he worked in the hospital run by his new family. Then, after Orr, he helped Elli with her work on the hologram tech and continued it on his own until he had a functional holoforge. He kept improving on it for years and finally considered it perfected after he was able to make it more powerful and compact by using Aurene's prisms.
As a note, he doesn't really trust jade tech that much and doesn't like to use it, not in its current state at least. At first he was excited about the tech he saw in Cantha and the infinite possibilities such an energy-dense material could bring to the table, but after everything that happened with the void and the fact that jade might run out soon, he lost most of his hype about it. Still, he gladly helps out Taimi and Joon with their research whenever they poke him about some testing or thing he has hands-on knowledge of.
10. What’s the biggest engineering accident they’ve had?
Surprisingly, nothing major (at least in his honest opinion, albeit skewed by what had happened the day he lost his warband/family), but the record of overall accidents goes to his holoforge. For starters, he had a ton of issues with setting up the first functioning prototype of an holographic weapon forge, as the heat management alone was all kinds of unreliable and unstable, especially before having access to zephyrite crystals. Then he had the bright idea of it being able to do all sorts of advanced things, like taking advantage of the heat to boost its strength and maybe even having the hologram cover his whole body (photon forge says hi). The vague smell of scorched fur rarely left him for years, but he got pretty damn good at making tonics to treat things like burns and smoke inhalation, so that's really a net positive!
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atamascolily · 4 years
Lily reads Star Wars: Red Harvest (part three)
Previously: Sith happens and orchids are snarky, to the point where @threadsketchier dubbed this one “Miette”:
Orchid: “you make me cold??!?1!  oh, JAIL FOR MOTHER!  JAIL FOR ONE THOUSAND YEARS”  
Unfortunately, the orchid and its Jedi keeper have been kidnapped by a bounty hunter and are en route to Sith Hogwarts... so of course we cut to Geonosis to meet the Hard-Boiled Jedi Detective who’s going to track her down.
...who also happens to be her brother???
Geonosis: once a hellhole, always a hellhole. We learn that Coruscant got sacked by the Sith a while back, but that’s pretty much it in terms of backstory or context for people like me, who are fuzzy on what’s supposed to be happening in this part of the timeline. Oh, well.
Anyway, there's a belligerent Jedi named Rojo Trace, who is based on Liam Neeson's character in Taken, right up and including parroting some of his dialogue. I'm just gonna call him not!Qui-Gon, because he's basically Qui-Gon but with even more issues, and... a biological sister who is also a Jedi?? How does that even work??!! Suffice to say it will not be explained, because explanations are for losers.
Not!Qui-Gon is grumpy and a loner and Not a People Person, which is HILARIOUS given how the Jedi are supposed to be diplomats and peacemakers.
She stepped toward him, casually brushing his arm with her own. “I have to confess, I’ve always admired the Jedi Order, but I’ve never had the opportunity to get to know a Jedi Knight personally.”
“I’m afraid that’s not going to happen today,” Trace said.
She frowned a little. “But—”
Before she could continue, Trace moved past her, turned, and jumped straight into the crater.
Yup, definitely Qui-Gon in literally everything but name.
Also, he's a psychometrist by profession:
Trace exhaled, reminded now of other terms he’d heard used to describe the Republic’s role in crash sites like this. The officers might call them investigators, but the enlisted men on the ground had other names. Names like corpse counters and dirt tourists.
The nicknames meant little to him. That was the job; everything else was a distraction, including female officers who wanted to get to know him personally. He was aware of his reputation for being cold and impersonal: it didn’t bother him in the least.
LOL, attachments are for other people. Not THIS Jedi. The only thing that’s missing from the usual hard-boiled detective stereotype is the drinking problems! The only person he cares about is his sister Zo, and he has a vision of her screaming as she's kidnapped, so he's going to track her down and rescue her! Because he's a tracker named Trace! (LOL, I see what you did there.)
What’s his relationship with Zo? Why does he care about here so much? How did they both end up as Jedi? Why did she go to the AgriCorps and why did he take this particular job? What was their training like? How often do they talk? What are Rojo and Zo’s relationships with the rest of the Jedi like? I have so so so so so many questions, none of which will ever be answered in the text.
This character has the potential to be really interesting, but the author provides me with zero personal details to explain why Rojo Trace is the way he is, and how he got to this point, so instead it’s like every action movie Liam Neeson ever made. Strip away the Determinator tropes and there’s not much left. 
Meanwhile, Zo comes to in the Whiphid bounty hunter's trophy room, which is full of decaying skeletons and skins and super gross, along with space!dermestid beetles gnawing on the flesh of recent kills. I'm reminded of the Imperial governor in the Truce of Bakura whose desk is one giant tooth and wants Leia's for his private dental collection. And, of course, the orchid macguffin.
The initial process of communication was never easy. At first it had felt almost unnatural. Yet with practice, through countless mornings spent sitting alone with the orchid, she’d soon reached a level of mastery that eased the transitory awkwardness into a smoother and more organic leap.
Are you there?
Within its glass vessel, the plant finally twitched, brightening slightly in recognition of her presence. Zo watched its dust-colored stem inclining toward her like a beckoning finger. At the same time she felt its life essence stirring within her, filling an almost physical void directly behind her breastbone and between her lungs, a place she thought of almost colloquially as her soul. At the same time she heard the first coarse whispers of its voice, gender-neutral, incoherent at first and then becoming clearer, like a foreigner adapting to the nuances of an entirely new language.
Zo? What happened? Are we well?
Zo gave a rueful smile, felt the lump on the back of her head. I wouldn’t exactly say that.
The orchid shares what details it can about their captor:
Solitary, a bloodthirsty species, and aggressive.
Zo waited, processing the comment. The orchid had a gift for understatement, and she couldn’t help but wonder about the criteria for this assessment.
And a flower collector to boot, she told it.
If the orchid had an opinion on this, it didn’t voice it.
The orchid stayed silent. Staring at it, Zo began to realize how her fully wakened presence had already affected the trophy room’s biosphere. The naturally occurring moss on the ship’s ceiling had started spreading at a noticeably accelerated pace, sprawling to swallow up the exposed bolts and seams in the interior walls. There was some kind of switch plate just above her head with a sign written in another language—the Whiphid’s mother tongue, she assumed—but it was already so moss-covered that she couldn’t make out the letters. Scraps of green rot within the skulls had begun extending their first initial tendrils up as well, reaching outward through eye sockets and trepanned holes. Simply by being here, she’d jump-started the growth of the Mirocaw’s incidental flora.
This is so cool, and I wish we'd see more of this, but sadly, we have to go to Sith Hogwarts, which is traumatizing for everyone, but especially the orchid, who is, as we established, A Delicate Flower.
In her arms, tucked against her, the orchid had started to make the same repetitive clicking sound over and over again, as if it were stuck on a thought, a compulsive stammering noise that she didn’t like at all.
Meanwhile, not!Qui-Gon arrives at the scene of the crime and sets to work:
The silver-haired agricultural-lab attendant stood with his hand extended. Trace paused just long enough to give it a perfunctory squeeze, his eyes already scanning the area, taking in everything at once as they walked across the landing bay. The ship he’d commandeered was a generic midsized star skiff, big enough for a crew of eight, small enough to escape scrutiny, retrofitted with ion engines and a Class One hyperdrive for long-range travel. He traveled alone.
OF COURSE HE DOES.*cue “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day*
So here's the explanation of the (lame) reason why Zo can't be separated from the orchid macguffin:
Emmert nodded. “The Murakami orchid is renowned for its Force abilities. It possesses power, but it requires a keeper, someone with an equally high midi-chlorian count, to keep it fully alive.”
How the fuck did this plant evolve? Did someone breed it to be like this? They had to have bred it for this, there's no way this could happen in nature. Why did they do that? Because it was cool? Because they could? Because it’s useful for something besides nefarious Sith alchemy? If it was bred by the Sith, that would explain a lot, but why would the Jedi being growing it if it were a creation of evil? Is the orchid going to become evil? (Please don’t let the orchid be evil!) WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING HERE??
And how far away can its keeper get from it before it dies (or turns into a zombie, given the “fully alive” remark)? Can it switch keepers? What do midi-chlorians have to do with anything? How does that... even... work...?
Never mind, because not!Qui-Gon is also space!Sherlock:
“What’s that?” Trace pointed at the screen, at a series of pale bluish green discolorations along the [photo of the] Mirocaw’s portside. The marks had an oddly phosphorescent glossiness, almost as if that portion of the ship’s outer plating had been streaked with a layer of iridescent oil.
“Carbon scoring?”
“No.” The Jedi Knight shook his head. “That’s Thulian vapor residue—it’s a galactic anomaly, a mixture of post-industrial airborne pollution and crystal fog. You only find it in about three places outside the Mid Rim.”
Emmert gave him a blank look.
“Have my ship ready,” Trace said. “I’m leaving in five minutes.”
At least he's efficient, I'll give him that.
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coolclaytony · 5 years
No-Ah Grand Elders: Ev-En, Elder of Earth (Pathfinder 1st edition Quasi-Deity)
The No-Ah hierarchy is, at it's core, a bureaucratic gerontocracy; where age and station dictate the hierarchy. As such the eldest members of each elemental caste of No-Ah, the Grand Elders, serve as the oligarchs of their people. As proof of their authority, No-Ah who live long enough to ascend to grand elder status go up one size category (no larger than huge), gain the mythic subtype, and become quasi-deific. Their granted domains are Artifice, their racial elemental subtype, and two others of their choice. Their subdomains must be Construct, at least one from their elemental domain, and three others. A Grand Elder is always character level 20 and gains the Advanced simple template. Additionally, a Grand Elder gains “Restore Vitality” as a bonus mythic ability (see below). Only when a Grand Elder dies, or more rarely, when a No-Ah of a new elemental type is born does a No-Ah ascend in this manner.
Ev-En, Elder of Earth LN 3rd No-Ah Grand Elder of Earth, Duty, and Sacrifice Domains Artifice, Earth, Law, Nobility Subdomains Caves, Construct, Judgement, Martyr, Toil Worshipers architects, earth no-ah, miners, soldiers, subterranean races. Minions earth elementals, earth no-ah Symbol a downward pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line Favored Weapon spiked gauntlet or hook hand Obedience hold your left appendage over your heart (or an equivalent) and make an oath out loud to your self to carry out any task set before you, to the best of your ability, by someone who has legitimate authority over you. You must be willing to do anything within your power, even at the risk of personal injury or death, to see those tasks carried out. You gain a +4 luck bonus to any skill check which helps you accomplish such tasks. Boons 1: stone shape 2/day; 2: summon nature's ally II (small earth elemental) 2/day; 3: wall of stone 2/day Predecessors Ev-Ot > Ev-Ri > Ev-En
It is an understanding among the No-Ah that in order to create and preserve anything, something else must be sacrificed, thus one who gives up themselves for the greater good is the most blessed of beings. Few know this truth better than Grand Elder Ev-En. His birth was one of grim necessity. The Qlippoth Lord, Isph-Aun-Vuln, had galvanized her most powerful alien cults to war against the No-Ah with the intent of undermining their mission to preserve and nurture mortal life. Ev-En was among the many No-Ah who were produced en-mass by the Grand Elders to hold a line against her relentless and ruthless armies, a task which required the destruction of planets that could have been converted into bountiful new worlds. He had to kill many beautiful and vibrant lifeforms, tainted by the qlippoth's lies, and watch those same creatures brutally slaughter his siblings and cousins by the thousands. He would give much of himself to help ensure victories for the No-Ah with as little bloodshed on either side as he possibly could, inevitable as it was. To this end, he learned to fight unarmed, bolstered by abjuration magic. This training would prove useful when Ark-00 became assaulted by the Iathavos and it's nyogoth hordes. This Iathavos was trained especially to deal with the No-Ah and proved formidable even for the Grand Elders. Ev-En was among the No-Ah soldiers who fought alongside his parent, Ev-Ri, when the qlippoth singled them out. It was here that Ev-En talents showed their true worth, as he purged the flanking nyogoth of their corruption and turned the tables in the No-Ah's favor. Sadly, the Iathavos proved to much for Ev-Ri and he was thus slain. Ev-En, the eldest of the living Earth No-Ah, immediately ascended and in a fit of righteous fury; felled the qlippoth with a single devastating punch. Channeling his power in this fashion however, would obliterate his right-arm, an eternal reminder of the costs of the No-Ah mission. Though the No-Ah would ultimately prevail and disperse Isph-Aun-Vuln's mortal armies. Ev-En knows that it is only a matter of time before she rallies her forces again. Thus much of his time in recent history has been spent fortifying the now billions of No-Ah Arks and bolstering his people's military power, all in preparation for the inevitable war which will no doubt span entire galaxies.
Grand Elder Ev-En CR 26/MR 10 No-Ah constructed pugilist brawler 10/ hexbreaker armored battlemage magus 10 LN huge construct (earth, living machine, mythic) Init +5, Senses darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision AC 36, touch 13, flat-footed 31 (+9 Armor, +5 Dex, +12 Nat. Armor, +2 Shield*, -2 Size) *This bonus assumes Ev-En is wielding his constructed limb with the Shielding Limb modification) hp 423 (10d8+10d10+243) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +13 Defensive Abilities armor training 2, armor master (light, medium, & heavy armor), block attacks, construct traits, earth protection, fortification (50%, 75% w/ secured armor), living machine, medium armor, heavy armor, restore vitality, take a hit; DR 13/epic Speed 15 ft Melee Attacks unarmed strike +21/+16/+11/+6 (4d8+14); or +5 stone constructed limb +26/+21/+16/+11 (4d8+19/x3); or brawler's flurry +24/+19/+14/+10/+19/+14 (4d8+19 [+14 for final two strikes}/x3 [x2 for final two strikes]) Special Attacks arcane pool (9), brawler's flurry, brawler's strike (cold iron, magic, silver), close weapon mastery, constructed limb, fighter training, knockout 2/day, knowledge pool, limb modifications (flex limb, limb extender, shielding limb, tight grip, vicious spikes), magus arcana (improved remove curse, wracking dispel), maneuver training (Disarm +2, Grapple +1), mythic power (10/day, surge 1d12), mythic magic (3/day), preserve life (200 ft), powerful blows (unarmed strike), spark of genesis, spellstrike, versatile modifications, unarmed strike (4d8+5) Space and Reach 15 ft, 15 ft Magus Spells Known (CL 10, Concentration +15) 0 Level (5/day) - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Fiendish Presence, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Grasp, Light, Mage hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark 1st level (7/day) - Abjuring Step, Blade Lash, Blade Tutor's Spirit, Call Weapon, Celestial Healing, Corrosive Touch, Desperate Weapon, Duelist's Parry, Enlarge Person, Expedious Retreat, Fallback Strategy, Feather Fall, Glue Seal, Grease, Jump, Jury-Rig, Lighten Object, Linebreaker, Line in The Sand, Long Arm, Magic Missile (M), Magic Weapon, Mirror Strike, Monkey Fish, Mudball, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Reinforce Armaments, Shield, Shock Shield, Stone Fist, Sunder Breaker, Sundering Shards, Swift Girding, Thunderstomp, True Strike, Unerring Weapon, Unseen Servant, Vigor, Wave Shield, Warding Weapon, Weaponwand, Web Bolt 2nd Level (5/day) - Ablative Barrier, Acid Arrow, Alacrity, Alter Self, Animal Aspect, Aristocrat's Nightmare, Armor Lock, Bear's Endurance, Bladed Dash, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Cauterizing Weapon, Communal Reinforce Armaments, Contest of Skill, Diminish Resistance, Effortless Armor, Elemental Touch, Erode Defenses, Escaping Ward, Euphoric Cloud, Extreme Flexibility, Fleeting Defect, Fog Cloud, Force Anchor, Glitterdust, Groundswell, Hollow Blades, Huntmaster's Spear, Instant Weapon, Levitate, Molten Orb, Pouncing Fury, Quick Throwing, Raven's Flight, Reloading Hands, Rock Whip, Savage Maw, Slick Walls, Shield of Shards, Spider Climb (M), Splinter Spell Resistance, Stone Call, Stone Discus, Stone Shield, Stone Throwing, Storm of Blades, Telekinetic Assembly, Telekinetic Volley, Visualization of the Body, Web, Winged Sword 3rd Level (4/day) - Air Breathing, Allied Cloak, Beast Shape I, Blade Snare, Blink, Burst of Speed, Caustic Safeguard, Channel Vigor, Clay Skin, Cloak of Winds, Conjuration Foil, Conjure Carriage, Discharge, Dispel Magic (M), Earth Tremor, Elemental Aura, Fly, Forced Mutation, Gloomblind Bolts, Grasping Tentacles, Greater Animal Aspect, Greater Magic Weapon (M), Greater Thunderstomp, Haste (M), Heart of the Metal, Infuse Self, Iron Spine, Irradiate, Keen Edge, Mark of Buoyancy, Monstrous Physique I, Nauseating Trail, Phantom Steed, Remove Curse, Resilient Reservoir, Scales of Deflection, Sickening Strikes, Silver Darts, Slow (M), Spellsword, Steal Size, Stinking Cloud, Tactical Adaptation, Titanic Anchoring, Toxic Blood, Versatile Weapon, Vomit Twin, Water Breathing, Waves of Blood 4th Level (2/day) - Absorb Rune I, Adjustable Polymorph, Arcana Theft, Beast Shape II, Black Tentacles (M), Blightburn Weapon, Caustic Blood, Break Enchantment (M), Detonate, Dragon's Breath, Elemental Body (M), Ethereal Fists, Fey Form I, Greater Celestial Healing, Lend Path, Mass Enlarge Person, Mass Reduce Person, Monstrous Physique II, Naga Shape I, Pellet Blast, Poisonous Cloud, Revenant Armor, Rigor Mortis, Rubberskin, Solid Fog, Stoneskin (M), Telekinetic Maneuver, Temporary Graft, Vermin Shape I, Ward Shield, Wreath of Blades Str 22, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 15 Base Atk +17, CMB +24, CMD 27 Feats big game hunter, bodyguard, combat casting, combat reflexes (M), craft magic arms and armor, craft technological arms and armor, create weapon, create magic weapon, imposing bearing (B), improved unarmed strike (B,M), mythic spell lore (M), poised bearing (B), secured armor (B), spell focus (abjuration) (M), technologist, titan strike (M), toughness Skills Acrobatics +28, Craft (alchemy) +15, Craft (armor) + 25, Craft (engineering) +15, Craft (mechanical) +15, Craft (ships) +25, Craft (stonemasonry) +28, Craft (weapons) +28, Knowledge (arcana) +28, Knowledge (engineering) +15, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge (nature) +25, Knowledge (Planes) +28, Profession (soldier) +18, Spellcraft +28, Use Magic Device +20; Racial Modifiers -4 Fly, -8 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Terran SQ armed and ready, birth progeny, brawler's cunning, deific, incremental growth, martial training Equipment Artisan's Tools, 100 bullets, 4 Mwk Mithril Daggers, Mwk Mithril Shortsword, Spell Component Pouch, +1 Vigilant Expedious Impervious Adamantine Spiked Stone Plate Special Abilities Armed and Ready (Ex): Whenever Ev-En creates his constructed limb with the Create Weapon feat, the limb is automatically attached to him. It still requires 10 minutes to remove it as normal. Restore Vitality (Ex): Grand Elder Ev-En may spend a point of mythic power to remove all negative levels from himself. Even if those negative levels could not otherwise be removed. Versatile Modifications (Ex): If Grand Elder Ev-En's constructed limb was made using his Create Weapon feat; as a swift action, he may spend up to 5 points of mythic power to change one of it's limb modifications per point spent for 1 minute. This constructed limb may have the vicious blades and vicious spikes modifications simultaneously. The shield bonus from shielding limb stacks with any other shield bonuses Ev-En has. In addition; Ev-En may instead exchange a modification for a magic weapon special ability appropriate for the limb's enhancement bonus. This is a transmutation Effect.
You Can Read More About the No-Ah Here No-Ah Alternate Traits No-Ah Feats
I realize most npc stat blocks usually only have the spells listed that the character is most likely to have prepared, but I have no way of narrowing that down, so I recommend just using him like a spontaneous caster and only bothering to decide his prepared spells when the players need that information.
Edit: I forgot some bits.
@dailycharacteroption @bogleech
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