#alcohol withdrawal treatment
How to get over depression by expert doctors
This natural problem and simply overcome feeling of dread- five simple step  Connect with family and friends, Practice self-care, practice meditation, Challenge negative thoughts, Seek professional help. And believe you self that recovery is a process and it takes time. Be kind to yourself and don’t give up hope.
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Reach out: Let loved ones know that you're going through a difficult time and could use their support. Spend time together: Make plans to spend time with friends and family, whether it's going for a walk, having a meal, or simply chatting. Open up: Sharing your feelings and thoughts with others can help you feel heard and understood. Seek support: Ask friends and family for help with tasks or to be there for you when you need them to recover. Try new things: Doing new activities or trying new experiences with loved ones can help you build positive memories and form stronger connections.
 Practice self-care : 
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Get regular Exercise : just 30 min.  Physical activity can help boost mood and reduce stress.
Eat well: A healthy diet can help improve overall physical and mental well-being.
Make sleep a priority : Aim to get 7-10 hours of sleep each night.
Reduce alcohol and Drugs: These can obstruct sleep and make depression symptoms worse recommended for the Nasha mukti kendra to overcome this.
Engage in activities you enjoy: Doing things with your relatives, such as hobbies, can boost your mood and provide a sense of accomplishment.
Practice mindfulness:
This can help you stay present in the moment and reduce stress level and feeling of dread.Set realistic goals: realize even small goals can help improve self-confidence and boost mood.
Practice meditation : 
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Starting a meditation practice can seem daunting. In the beginning, it's normal for your thoughts to race, and to feel like it isn't working.
Mindfulness meditation : Mindfulness meditation is the practice of actually being present in the moment, which in turn trains us to become more mindful throughout the day, particularly during difficult situations. As Ms. Brach puts it: “Mindfulness is your awareness of what's going on in the present moment without any judgment.
Body scan meditation : The body scan is a mindfulness meditation practice involving scanning your body for pain, tension, or anything out of the ordinary. It can help you feel more joined to your  emotional and physical  self. At this point, you've probably heard all about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness
Walking meditation : Walking meditation, also called kinhin or mindful walking, is a moving meditation from the Buddhist tradition. You keep your eyes open and use the experience of walking as the focal point
Loving kindness meditation : Loving-kindness meditation (sometimes called “metta” meditation) is a great way to cultivate our propensity for kindness. It involves mentally sending goodwill, kindness, and warmth towards others by silently repeating a series of mantras.
Transcendental meditation : The Transcendental Meditation technique is simple and effortless. You sit comfortably with your eyes closed and practice twice a day for 20 minutes. With the Transcendental Meditation technique, you don't need an app to guide your meditation. Instead, you silently repeat a mantra in your head.
Challenge negative thoughts:  
Challenging negative thoughts is a practice of reframing your negative self-talk to create a positive shift in your mindset. But challenging thoughts takes a little more effort than just trying to think positively. For starters, it's helpful to consider your effort versus the outcome.
Get Busy yourself to activities. When you recognize a negative thought to avoid and diviret, get busy to work and quality time, Improve circulation in your body, Shake hands with positive thoughts., Pranayama and Meditation, Move Around to your friends and family, Become a witness to your thoughts.you boost your negative thoughts throw to join  the best alcohol addiction treatment you will realize result to you overcome negative thoughts.
 Seek professional help : 
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You can look for a mental health professional by asking your primary care physician for a recommendation, asking friends or family members, or even looking up a therapist in your area online. These professionals include clinical social workers, psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychologists and licensed counselors.
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Website: https://agapebhc.com/
Address: 1164 E Oakland Park Blvd, Ste 301, Oakland Park, FL 33334
Phone: +1 888-981-9107
At Agape Behavioral Healthcare, we believe in a love that’s universal and unconditional. We are passionate about providing an opportunity for authentic transformation to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
Since 2016, our mission has remained the same: to be a guiding light on the path to recovery and wellness for those struggling with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
We provide the most advanced facilities available so that our patients have access to the best possible chance of achieving long-term recovery. Our drug rehab program in Florida has been carefully crafted by our world-class team of addiction specialists so that individuals have all the resources they need to make significant progress in their journey towards healing.
Above all else, we are dedicated to ensuring that everyone who comes through our doors is shown compassion and care as they begin their journey of recovery. By constantly setting new standards for exceptional patient care, Agape Behavioral Healthcare seeks to truly make a difference in each individual’s life.
Business Email: [email protected]
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agapedetoxcenterfl · 1 year
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Website : https://agapedetoxcenter.com
Address : 750 E Prima Vista Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34952
Phone : +1 855-948-2936
An inpatient drug and alcohol detox center with on site doctors to help make the detox process as easy and safe as possible. Our treatment center leverages all of the most trusted and effective therapies and treatment modalities by offering around-the-clock support in our drug detox program.
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banyanstuart · 1 year
Common Misconceptions About Detox: Addressed
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Before treatment for addiction can begin, the patient must undergo detox from the drugs or alcohol they've been using. However, detox can seem like a daunting process, and fear of the unknown can keep many people trapped in cycles of addiction. In this article, we will address common misconceptions about detox that should be cleared up before beginning the treatment process.
Myth: Detox Is Painful
This myth is not entirely true. While withdrawal symptoms can occur, they are not always painful. Medical detoxification can offer patients a safe and effective detox process for their recovery. At our facility, trained clinical professionals provide monitoring and treatment to help mitigate any discomfort, withdrawals, or other symptoms associated with detox. Patients can be assured that they will emerge from the process as safely and comfortably as possible.
Myth: You Have to Hit Rock Bottom to Need Detox
It is common for someone to wait for a problem to escalate before seeking help, but this should not be the case. Seeking help early can mitigate collateral damage and increase the likelihood of recovery before more permanent damage can be done. The goal of any treatment program should be to help patients achieve a better quality of life, and there is no time like the present to do so.
Myth: Detox Is a Fast Process
Each patient's detox process is unique and can depend on various factors such as the substance abused, physical faculties, and prior detox experiences. Detox can take up to a week, and some substances may take longer than others. Patients should understand that detox is not a quick fix and should be patient throughout the process.
Myth: Prescription Drug Detox Is Not Necessary if I Got It From a Doctor
Abusing prescription drugs is a common problem, and many people use the excuse that they received them from a doctor to justify their abuse. However, straying from a doctor's orders can quickly turn into addiction. Detoxing from prescription drugs may be a necessary part of recovery, just like with any other substance abuse.
Myth: I Can Detox at Home
While detoxification is defined as the cessation of drug or alcohol use, it is not a process that should be done at home. The body can go into shock over the loss of substances it has become dependent upon, and withdrawals can increase in severity. Proper medical supervision during detox is crucial to ensure the patient's safety and comfort, and any dangerous reactions can be dealt with promptly and efficiently.
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liftoffrecovery · 2 years
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choppedmusictree · 2 years
Klonopin also known as generic Clonazepam is a popular drug to manage anxiety disorders. It is an anti-anxiety product used to treat Anxiety, Sleep Problems, Depression, Alcohol Withdrawal, and Seizures. It is also used for other treatments not mentioned here. It is a widely used drug in the USA. It is available in 2 different strengths, such as; Klonopin 1 mg and Klonopin 2 mg to treat different conditions of upper mentioned issues. It belongs to the class of a group of medicines called Benzodiazepines. You can get it either through a prescription or without a prescription.
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novlr · 2 months
how to write a character dealing with addiction (like drugs, cigarettes etc..)
Writing a character with an addiction is to write about someone who is controlled by that substance. They are chasing that first experience of euphoria, pain relief, excess energy, or relaxation. They are avoiding the emotional and physical crashes of withdrawal. Their behavior to outsiders often appears erratic and illogical. It is a powerful motivator for a character and can drive a plot, be an obstacle, and/or an antagonist. 
How does addiction work?
Addictive substances typically mimic naturally occurring chemicals in the body. They amplify the effects of these chemicals and flood the body. Stimulants will give a person extra, even excessive, amounts of energy, relaxants will relieve tension, and pain relievers will bring about euphoria. Whatever the substance of choice, it counters stress in some form. 
Many people self-medicate for underlying physical or mental conditions. Others take them to fit in with a social group. As a writer, you need to ask yourself a very important question: Why did your character first start taking this substance? That will inform you about why they continue. Are they escaping pain? Quieting anxiety or racing thoughts? Do they need to take it to fit into their social group? What happens when they stop taking it?  
Addiction is an illness. It is a medical condition. Treating it as a matter of willpower is to doom a person to suffer. There are effective medical and psychological therapies that, especially when combined, can provide a way back to health, sobriety, and thriving.
The important thing to understand about these substances is that the high always goes away. The emotional payoff of that first use is never achieved again. Each subsequent use has diminished payoffs and the after-effects are worsened. This is because the body is a fantastic accountant and will produce less of the mimicked substance because, hey, there’s an excess here. So your character will crave the substance in order to just feel baseline normal. 
Don’t underestimate the fear of withdrawal. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening set of physical symptoms. 
The degree and nature of the symptoms will vary depending on the substance, the amount usually consumed, and the length of time it’s been used. Caffeine, for example, will trigger headaches. Alcohol withdrawal can include shakes, nausea, seizures, and damage to the brain’s memory and balance systems. Opiate withdrawal can cause anxiety, nausea, muscle aches, and insomnia. Read up on the specifics of the substance your character is using. Be sure to use reputable medical websites. I’ve listed a couple in the resources section. 
People want to avoid withdrawal and will use substances to ease those symptoms, thus feeding the addiction. Again, there are medical interventions that can soften the withdrawal and support the patient through this medical crisis. 
People with addictions can sometimes respond well to treatment and have a low risk of relapse. Others are not so fortunate and will bounce in and out of recovery. 
Fear of withdrawal is one reason. Another factor is developmental. The younger a person is when they start taking a substance, the harder it is to stop. This may be due to learned coping mechanisms, changes to the developing brain and body, or a combination of the two. 
How old was your character when they started taking the substance? Who introduced them to it? Was it a parent handing them a beer at age five or a pain pill at age twelve? Was it friends at a high school party? Or did they start in adulthood? This will inform their likelihood of recovery and how hard that path will be for them. 
Struggles to quit, or why does this person keep relapsing?
Withdrawal and cravings are part of the reason it is so hard to stop an addiction. There are medical and psychological therapies that can help. Rehab is a major industry in many countries. There are also several obstacles to overcome. Cost is a factor in places without universal healthcare. Then there is denial. Many people with addictions don’t believe they have a problem. And when they do, they may feel shame if they live in a culture where addiction is seen as a matter of willpower rather than a medical condition. 
How do friends and family, employers, and others in the community treat your character? Does admitting to addiction mean they are admitting to weakness?
Another social factor is that it is hard to stop an addiction if the person doesn’t change their environment. Friends that also use that substance will enable and even encourage them to start using again. Places can be strong behavioral cues. Can an alcoholic walk into a familiar bar and resist ordering a drink? 
It’s also important to remember that substance use is often a coping mechanism for stress. What happens the next time your character encounters a stressful situation? How do they resist reaching for their addictive substance if they haven’t learned other ways of coping? Do they trust or remember in the heat of the moment that they have other options? 
Do your research
Here are a couple of my go-to sites for reading up on addictions and treatments. 
Spirit Lake Wellness is a non-profit dedicated to educating the general public about health and wellness. They have a podcast, booklets, and a YouTube channel that covers a range of topics, including addiction. All information is available for free. I am fortunate to be on their board of directors and reached out to one of the doctors we work with for this article. 
The American Society of Addiction Medicine is another excellent resource for learning more about addiction and treatment. 
written by Kimberley Long-Ewing
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kokoch4n3l · 8 months
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DEAD GIRL'S BEACH࿐ྂ "just givin' the same care you gave me, bunny. so whatcha' crying 'bout?"
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summary: she is a newly graduated psychiatrist and unfortunately, very broke. she gets a job at Sunshine Grove Psychiatric Hospital and catches the attention of a very dangerous patient who likes to hold grudges, even against those who are oblivious of their actions...
pairings: izana x f!oc, chifuyu x f!oc(one-sided), mikey x f!oc
warnings: DARK CONTENT, violence, toxic behaviour, possessiveness, gang violence, criminal activities, drug and alcohol use, mentions of prostitution, non-con elements, non-con drugging, drugged sex, drug addiction, overdose, drug withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms, near-death experiences, extreme violence, past child neglect/abuse, betrayal, misogyny, murder, strangulation, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals and medical treatment/conditions, stockholm syndrome, emotional incest, polyamory, torture, age gap(9, 6, 5 years), masochism, sadism, voyeurism, hard kinks, piv, smut, psychological horror, power imbalance, torture, waterboarding, fear play, major and minor character deaths, UNHAPPY ENDING,(MORE TO BE ADDED)
total series word count:
moodboard | headcanons & character info
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ONE — mr kurokawa
chapter summary: enter Kaneko Maya, a newly graduated psychiatrist with a shit load of student debt racked up and her scary but hot patient from 4th floor, Kurokawa Izana.
cw: unrequited love, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, usage of drugs, mentions of gang violence, mentions of pedophiles, mentions of suicide, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, f!oc with absolutely zero self-preservation skill
TWO — beachy dreams
chapter summary: Maya finds herself at Chifuyu's place with his rowdy friends before hitting the club and she's drawn into flirtatious exchanges with a mysterious club owner. Tensions arise when a revelation links Maya's work to her social circle. Izana gives her an intriguing invitation.
cw: mentions of body image, clubbing, alcohol use, intoxication, mentions/implications of forced prostitution, mentions of gang violence, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, f!oc with zero self-preservation skills
THREE — iv bags and daffodils
chapter summary: Maya faces a moral dilemma, trying to pick between her livelihood and ethics all while under the watchful eye of the hospital director and her patient, Kurokawa Izana.
cw: inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, mentions of alcohol, mentions of depression, drug use, allusions to sex, abuse of authority, power imbalance, unethical use of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of rape, mentions of murder
FOUR — drunk walk home
chapter summary: Amidst the emotional turmoil of guilt due to her job and Izana's treatment, Maya is left to grapple with the harsh reality of unreciprocated love after spending the night at Kazutora and Chifuyu's place.
cw: alcohol use, intoxication, insensitive comments, (badly written)sexual content, (kinda consensual)drunk sex, penis-in-vagina sex, implied multiple rounds, loss of virginity
FIVE — little bunny
chapter summary: with the apparent lack of staff at the hospital, Maya has no choice but to clock in despite her begging for a day off and goes through an unforgettable night. good thing she's wearing running shoes.
cw: minor character death, suicide ideation, self-loathing, mentions of vomiting, corruption, exploitation, death threats, murder, torture, blood, gore, non-con drugging, unethical use of drugs, use of weapons, noncon/rape(not mc), noncon touching, mentions/implications of forced prostitution, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, f!oc with zero self preservation skills
SIX — the beach house
chapter summary: willing or unwillingly, Maya takes up Izana's invitation and he shows her just what he was feeling the past two months he was admitted into sunshine grove.
cw: DARK CONTENT 18+, abduction, murder, chase scene, noncon drugging, blood and gore, vomiting, physical abuse, slapping, death threats, waterboarding, torture, drowning, near-death experience, dehumanization, objectification, noncon touching, enabler!shion, psycho!izana, PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder), panic attacks, making out
SEVEN — the sano family
chapter summary: Maya learns the shocking truth and the tragic life of the Sano Family, all while Chifuyu and Naoto search for answers.
cw: MANGA/ANIME SPOILERS, bribery, noncon drugging, mentions of different torture methods, past waterboarding, vomiting, murder, mommy issues, implied child abuse/neglect, cheating, dehumanization, dubcon, noncon, coercion, choking, thigh riding, humiliation, making out
EIGHT — open water
chapter summary: After a phone call with Chifuyu, Mikey and Maya begin to drift closer like two boats caught in a storm and Izana watches with great interest, getting ready to crash down on both of them when the time is right.
cw: dark content 18+, corruption, bribery, implied/referenced prostitution, wet dreams, masturbation(m), jerking off, narcissist!manjiro, mention of past waterboarding, torture, noncon drugging, dehumanization, (slight)humiliation, hand kink, finger sucking, murder, dom/sub undertones, making out, soft dom!manjiro, praise kink, fingering(f receiving), overstimulation, biting, hickeys, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, slightly unrealistic sex, smut, p in v sex, vaginal penetration, dacryphilia, creampie, unprotected sex, aftercare, brief mention of Korean + Japanese history, gang activity, mention of suicide
NINE — spider
chapter summary: with a drug deal gone awry, and multiple drug rings raided, Izana decides that he and Mikey need to blow off steam.
cw: dark content 18+, unreliable narrator!maya, stockholm syndrome mentions of suicide, depiction of corpses, blood and gore, character death, funerals, murder, mentions of drugs, police raid, use of weapons, corruption, bribery, mentions of suicide, implied memory loss, implied dissociation, torture, forced drugging, withdrawal symptoms, addiction, vomiting, power imbalance, dehumanization, humiliation, drugged sex, MAJOR dubcon, noncon(tagging this just in case), no prep, unprotected sex, p in v sex, extortion, hickeys, bondage, ruined orgasm, voyeurism, drug use/misuse, fingering, threesome(kinda), making out, unsafe sex, temperature play, waxplay, dacryphilia, sadomasochism, creampie, aftercare, first-degree burns
TEN — i don’t smoke
chapter summary: Kakucho forces Maya to face the reality of her situation and Izana reveals some not so nice things to her
cw: DARK CONTENT 18+, unreliable narrator!Maya, vomiting, drug use/misuse, withdrawal symptoms, possibly inaccurate depiction of at-home withdrawal care/survival, first-degree burns, depictions of injuries and burns, blood and gore, hickeys, bite marks, kissing, thoughts of self-harm, emotional manipulation, slight infantilization, betrayal, dehumanization, depiction of corpses, mention of suicide, MAJOR noncon(not detailed), noncon to dubcon, allusions to sex, unprotected sex, forced orgasm, coercion, implied creampie, memory loss, dissociation, past torture, past waterboarding
ELEVEN — what was i made for?
chapter summary: Izana gets carried away and Kakucho and Maya do damage control, bringing them right back to the start.
cw: dark content 18+, character death, depiction of corpses, corruption, slight religious themes, suicide mention, suicide attempt, suicide ideation, self-loathing, slight hanagaki takemichi slander, scarring, bite marks, implied relapse, drug use/misuse, mentioned drug addiction, withdrawal symptoms for unnamed drug, possibly unrealistic/inaccurate withdrawal care, possessive!izana, betrayal, mentions of past torture methods(noncon drugging, waterboarding, noncon, noncon waxplay, first degree burns), emotional manipulation, mental health issues, MAJOR dubcon, unprotected sex, no prep, piv, making out, nipple play, hair pulling(m), multiple orgasms, tummy bulge, creampie, implied cockwarming, implied dissociation, aftercare, possessive!manjiro, noncon, mirror sex, coercion, forced orgasms, hair pulling(f)
TWELVE — his dead girl’s beach
chapter summary: Mikey thinks about the past while Maya tries to remember what she missed. Izana helps Kisaki choose an engagement ring.
cw: dark content 18+, self-loathing, mental health issues, mentions of scars, mentions of burns, drug addictions, drug use/misuse, withdrawal mentions, mental breakdowns, emotional manipulation, stockholm syndrome, past noncon, infantilization, possessiveness, emotional incest, mommy issues, dehumanization, oral sex(f receiving), cunnilingus, fingering, implied multiple orgasms, slight hair pulling(m receiving), praise kink, dacryphilia, dom/sub undertones, overstimulation, aftercare, slight ooc!Kisaki, draken & og toman slander, mental health issues, depression, vomiting, toxic and unhealthy relationships, implied emotional abuse, past character death, past picture taking, implied voyeurism, scars, memory loss, kissing, smut, handjob, piv, no prep, dissociation, creampie, use of guns, blood and gore, depiction of corpses, major character death
THIRTEEN — can’t catch me now
chapter summary: Mikey goes to the Philippines, leaving a trail of bodies behind him. Takemichi returns to the future. Maya keeps her promise to Izana.
cw: dark content 18+, manga and anime spoilers, multiple character deaths, murder, guns, use of weapons, stabbing, mentions of suicide, blood and gore, depiction of corpses, scars, torture, depiction of wounds, unhealthy attachments, toxic and unhealthy relationships, vomiting, suggestive themes, mental health issues, depression, dark impulses, emotional manipulation, blackmail, corruption, bribery, torture, allusions to sex, suggestive themes, dehumanization, toman + draken slander, slight grandpa sano slander, non-linear narrative in one part, slight emotion incest, funerals, grieving
BONUS — sugar bunny
chapter summary: how Maya's first day on the job would have gone if she had been nosy or, Izana and his sugar baby bunny
cw: dark content 18+, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals and medical treatment/conditions, canon typical violence, gang activity, dehumanization, drug addiction(c*caine), drug addiction recovery, drug withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms, abuse of power, murder, non-graphic torture, blood and gore, panic attack, blackmail, alcohol, slight sugar baby-sugar daddy dynamic, suggestive themes, possessiveness, gold digger!oc, guns, vomiting, threats, very fast-paced, making out, kissing, implied smut, suggestive themes, slight bondage, implied virginity loss, collaring(?), open ending, not edited
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notes: cross-posted on my wattpad. I DO NOT condone any of these behaviours or any crimes committed in this fic. This is purely for my own entertainment. Please read all the warnings before each chapter.
All medical terminology is inaccurate and inconsistent as I know nothing about psychiatric hospitals. However, this is a fanfiction so I will write the way that fits the plot the best.
Takes place during the Manila Future Timeline with bad Toman. This fic is simply my take on what happened during that timeline and it will include many canon aspects from the Tokyo Revengers manga/anime.
I CAN NOT write [y/n] fics to save my life so the oc has a name. If you do not like that, then do not read, simple as that.
Enjoy! Asks, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. It gives me the motivation to continue writing.
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this work belongs to me. do not copy or steal my work and do not use my work in any AI or chatgpt program. I also do not want any republishing or binding of my work
banners all done by myself
all dividers by @benkeibear
© kokoch4n3l — Please do not copy, translate, modify, or post my work to other platforms. ♡
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writers-potion · 6 months
i was wondering if you could give some points and tips on writing about a character who is suffering from DRUG ABUSE
Writing A Drug Addict Character
Know Your Drugs
Was the drug invented? A scene using insulin set in 1820 is problematic since this treatment wasn’t discovered until the 1900s. Fentanyl shouldn’t be used in a 1930s scene since it wasn’t available for use until the 1960s—opium or morphine would be more accurate choices.
Was the method invented? Since insulin must be given as a shot, that scene is even less authentic as the hypodermic needle wasn’t invented until the mid-1800s. Older historical fiction could involve the use of poultices and mustard packs, while skin drug patches (transdermal patches) are only appropriate in more modern scenes.
The most common drugs abused by gangs are: Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Heroin, Cocaine
Or, it can be prescription drugs
Although many medications can be abused, the following three classes are most commonly abused:
Opioids—usually prescribed to treat pain;
Central nervous system (CNS) depressants—used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders; and
Stimulants—most often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). (common example? caffeine)
Write In Stages
Stage 1: First Use
Some people use a substance for the first time out of curiosity, while others use substances due to peer pressure. People may also be prescribed medication, such as opioids, by their doctor. Individuals may view their first use as a one-time occurrence, but this opens the door for future use. Some people try a substance one time and never use it again. 
You character will feel:
Angry and/or desperate
Trying to run away from a certain problem
Persuaded into doing drug
Stage 2: Regular Use
If a person uses a substance and enjoys how it makes them feel or believes it will improve their life, they may start to use the substance regularly. They may use drugs or drink alcohol on the weekends while at parties or hanging out with friends. Occasional use may become a regular occurrence. It might become a part of a person’s routine.
Your character:
Will start getting in careless activities while doing drugs
Will probably be violent
Won’t think he has any issue whatsoever and shrug it off
Start associating themselves with harder drug users
Have a false sense of security that they’re able to quit whenever they want.
Stage 3: Risky Use
The next stage after regular use is risky use. A person will continue to use a substance despite the physical, mental, legal or social consequences. Their use likely started as a way to escape or have fun with peers but has now taken priority over other aspects of their life.
Your Character will feel:
uncomfortable around family members/friends who start to notice
Exhibit more reckless behavior
Driving under influence, stealing money to finance substance use, etc.
Underperforming at work or school
Experience tension in personal relationships
Stage 4: Dependence
The next stage is a physical, mental and emotional reliance on the substance. The individual is no longer using the substance for medical or recreational purposes. When a person doesn’t use the substance, their body will exhibit withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, headaches, nausea, anxiety and muscle cramps.
Your Chracter Will:
Develop a sort of rountine/typical place where they abuse
Believe that the substance is essential for survival
Use substance even when it's unnecessary
Stage 5: Substance Use Disorder
While some people use dependency and substance use disorder interchangeably, they’re very different. Once a person develops a substance use disorder, substance misuse becomes a compulsion rather than a conscious choice. They’ll also experience severe physical and mental side effects, depending on the substance they’re using.
Your Character:
Has noe developed a chronic disease with the risk of relapse
Is now incapable of quitting on their own
Feel like life is impossible to deal with without the substance.
Lose their job, fail out of school, become isolated from friends and family or give up their passions or hobbies.
Research the Trends
Medical knowledge changes over time and with it the drugs prescribed. This then impacts the type of prescription drugs available on the streets.
late 1800s: chloral hydrate used for anxiety and insomnia > bromides > 1920s: barbiturates, barbital > benzodiazepines ("benzos") > early 2000s: opiod drugs > opiod drug bans led to growth of black markets: ilicit fentanyl > and so on...
Different countries/locations will have varying trends of drug abuse (depending on laws, availability, costs, etc.)
Research the Slag
look for "[drug name] trip report" on YouTube, etc. to get first-hand accounts of how drug addicts behave.
The main focus should always be to use the words your characters would use in ways that suit the world you have created.
The slang for certain drugs is a difficult vocabulary to maintain as it is ever-changing and varies based on country, region, town, even by streets. Some writers use what they know or have heard locally, others invent their own.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and DEA online databases and drug resources
Social networking groups focusing on related specialty writing topics, such as trauma or emergency medicine
Newspaper articles and medical journals are great places to find real cases.
The US national poison center 
Helpful Vocab:
Addled - sense of confusion + complete lack of mental awareness
Crazed - emotional anguish experienced by the addict
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WebMD Page for Aziraphale
As promised to you all, inspired by that video of Aziraphale as an antidepressant. The WebMD drug format, from your clearly deranged mascot, Asmi. This took way too much effort. For legal purposes, even though this blog is a lawless hellscape, this is a spoof. If you did like it, reblog it, maggoty loves of mine, because likes don't help visibility on tumblr, and I want everyone to be traumatised with my own specific brand of unhinged. No pressure though, be rebels muaha. That being said:
COMMON BRAND(S): Guardian of the East Gate, Angel GENERIC NAME(S): Aziraphale
USES This medication is used to treat mood-related disorders ranging from depression to chronic loneliness and anxiety. It has also been proven effective in treatment of Compulsive Demonic Behavioural Disorder (CDBD) and Post Fall Stress Disorder (PFSD). The medication results in an overall improvement in mood (see Side Effects), morals, and lifestyle choices. This medication is sometimes described as a 'miracle-worker'. It is advisable to ensure that the correct dosage is taken at regular intervals. The doctor/God/Forces That Be may prescribe a lower dose at the start, gradually increasing frequency and amount over the course of millennia.
SIDE EFFECTS Documented side-effects include pining behaviour, severe withdrawal symptoms in case of suddenly stopping the medication, heart palpitations, stuttering or stammering, mood swings including irrational lashing out or defensive behaviour when faced with highly emotional situations, break-ups, misunderstands, obliviousness, amongst others. Despite the studies being limited to a single subject (see Crowley et. al. updated 2023) these effects are typically harmless in the long term. Life-altering effects may also be noted, including irretrievably falling in love, marriage, a positive character arc, tendencies to put oneself at risk to ensure continuation of medication, lifelong friendship, fate-defying romance and severe allergy to the idea of discontinuation of medication.
WARNINGS Casual or reckless consumption can be too fast for the medication, which will lessen its effects, leading to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms range from repeated indulging in CDBD and PFSD induced behaviours to alcoholism, depressive episodes, recklessness, listlessness, and prolonged car rides with no purpose. While the medication should not be consumed too fast, regularity is also advised. This is a long-term medication and not a short-term fix. Rare, short-term exposures will only worsen the side effects, withdrawal symptoms and may even reverse the drug effects.
PRECAUTIONS Ensure immortality so that the medication may be able to work its effect through the full course. Pre-existing trauma and heart conditions may require regular consultations with a therapist.
INTERACTIONS Drug interactions may change how the medication works or increase severity of side effects. This document does not include a comprehensive list of all drug interactions, please do adequate research and check instructions on the medication before proceeding with additional drugs. Aziraphale is known to have highly negative interactions with the toxin hellfire as well as the drugs Gabriel (only when sold as Supreme Archangel), Satan and Metatron (known toxin). Negative interference may occur due to most drugs from the class Heaven and Hell. Vague interference may occur with the drug class Homo sapiens.
OVERDOSE While less dangerous than withdrawal symptoms, overdose may lead to lack of personal space, miscommunication, and decrease in mood stability. Increased irritability is also common. Use with caution.
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REVIEWS (1) Effectiveness: 5 stars Ease of use: 4 stars Satisfaction: 100000000000000000000e stars
It must be noted that in the country where I live (India), advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs are legally prohibited on television and other media. Which is why I was very bewildered at the initial video. But WebMD is a universal phenomenon so this shall by my contribution to the fandom. Thank you @neil-gaiman, Good Omens has given me a lot of opportunities to exercise my brain in all the weirdest ways.
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Alcohol addiction treatment by best physician
What is the purpose of a rehabilitation center
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Medical service :  A medical service is any medical treatment or any medical, surgical, diagnostic, chiropractic, dental, hospital, nursing, ambulances, or other related services; drugs, alcohol addicted, medicine, crutches, prosthetic appliances, braces, and supports; and, where necessary, physical restorative services.
Therapeutic services :  Drug therapy, medical devices, nutrition therapy, alcohol therapy and stem-cell therapies are all examples of therapeutics. Therapeutics can be used in patients with active disease to treat the disease or its symptoms, as preventive medicine, or as palliative care.
How can I replace alcohol?
Soda and fresh lime. Proof that simple is still the best,Berries in iced water. This summery drink, will keep you refreshed and revitalized, Kombucha, Virgin bloody Mary, Virgin Mojito, Half soda/half cranberry juice and muddled lime, Soda and fresh fruit, Mocktails And fruit juice to think naturally.
which medicine is used for alcohol withdrawal
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For people and families looking for recuperation: For individuals with liquor use, practice is probably going to assist with working on actual wellness and to diminish wretchedness side effects. It seems far-fetched to have an effect everyday regarding drinking results, temporarily.
Oral benzodiazepines are the best considered and best medications for forestalling a serious liquor withdrawal disorder, especially the gamble of seizures and incoherence.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen are accessible without a solution. Drinking a modest quantity of liquor while taking paracetamol or ibuprofen is generally protected. Paracetamol ought to be utilized with alert in the event that you have specific medical issues, like liver issues.
How do you stop withdrawal syndrome?
Some withdrawal symptoms can cause adverse effects such as cravings, body aches, sudden weight loss, and headaches. Here are some ways to stop withdrawal symptoms at home. 
1. Fight Intrusive Thoughts
It's highly likely that someone will encounter intrusive thoughts when going through withdrawal. It's critical to get help and advice from individuals close to you in order to combat such. Instead than concentrating on the symptoms themselves,  go over your list of reasons for going through withdrawal. It is advantageous to see unfavorable symptoms in a positive light, such as as signs that the body is purging substances or carrying out its intended function.
2. Be Conscious of Your Anxiety
Many individuals try to avoid experiencing anxiety, but the only way to learn from it is to become aware of it in your body and mind. Fear is the root of anxiety.  The amygdala, the region of the brain that generates fear or rage, sends impulses before you can consciously react.
2. Join rehab Institute 
If drug abuse affects negatively on your life and people's lives around you, it's time to get help. Addiction is treatable, so seeking treatment at a Nasha mukti kendra  facility gives you the ability to find medical support to avoid substance use and start creating or resuming a healthy life.
Disorder of alcohol use can't be healed, but it can be handled effectively. Drug recovery services are one of the most common methods of therapy to recover from abuse, and a Alcohol rehabilitation center has many benefits
3. Join a Support Group
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These groups are informal forums where people share about living with mental illness, addictions, chronic illness and are sometimes open to caregivers supporting people with these issues. They can also be used to disseminate a wide array of information regarding various mental illnesses. 
Support or peer groups can benefit you as you struggle with withdrawal. These groups already offer a space for people in recovery to share their experiences, knowledge, coping skills, and understanding. Attending these meetings can provide a safe space to discuss your process. 
It’s easy to find Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings near you. Some of these groups are now even offering online meetings you can attend from the comfort of your home. In addition, you should consider attending group therapy meetings at a rehab facility that provides outpatient treatment programs.
4. Focus on Nutrition
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A balanced diet can help with the mood swings that are typical with withdrawal. As part of your continuous treatment regimen, adopt healthy eating habits. Unhealthy eating patterns may increase the chance of relapse. Withdrawal symptoms can be lessened by eating a well-balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and lots of water.
5. Ask Family for Support
When you decide to stop using a substance called "cold turkey," you will undoubtedly encounter several challenges. If you're not going through withdrawal at a rehab facility, specifically, ask your family for assistance and support during this phase.
Request that your family refrain from drinking and other things that can set you off. Spend more time engaging in activities that don't include drugs or alcohol so that you can see the benefits of a sober lifestyle. Lean on your friends and family for all the support you require because they may end up playing a crucial role in your recovery process over time. or You can get a more sufficient result to Nasha mukti kendra in jodhpur. 
Treatment for alcohol withdrawal syndrome
In many cases, alcohol withdrawal requires medical treatment and hospital admission. Medication may also be used to treat physical symptoms while counseling and support groups help with controlling drinking behavior.
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cowgurrrl · 2 years
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader 
Summary: What was it Bill said about protecting the ones we love? [1.5k]
Author’s note: I can’t stop writing and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem
Warnings: canonical type violence, treatment of injuries, reader being a badass because I said so, pre-Ellie Bellie
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He's limping when he walks through the door, his right foot dragging along his left as if it were a nuisance. You turn from where you're washing dishes to catch him trying right himself so he can pretend he's not hurt. The blood on his face and hands give him away more than anything else—anger and panic blossom in your chest as he looks at you with tired, regretful eyes. 
"Sit." You say, jerking your head in the direction of the kitchen table. You dry your hands on a towel before pulling the first aid kit off the fridge.
"It's nothing."
"You're bleeding. Sit," you double down, and he sighs before finally settling into a chair. You soak a rag in alcohol as you walk over to him, standing between his legs to get a good view of the cuts on his face. All things considered, he's not in horrible shape. Bruised and bloody, sure, but alive. He hisses when the rag touches his split eyebrow, and his hand grips the table. His scabbed knuckles break open, only adding to his pain and dripping blood down his hands. You slide the alcohol over to him, and he quickly takes a big swig. "Who did this?" 
"It was just a deal gone bad with a FEDRA officer." He says as he puts the bottle back down, the cut on his lip leaves blood on the rim of it. The idea of him getting beat down by FEDRA makes you want to scream. This is why you take someone with you on drops, you think. 
"Stone." He finally gives you the name, and you give him a look. 
"I told you to stop doing deals with him."
"I had it under control."
"Sure looks like it," you say, grabbing his hand to hold the rag to his face as you grab a butterfly bandage. "And where is Stone now?"
"In the hospital. 'M pretty sure I broke his nose," he says smugly, and you hum in acknowledgment. He falls quiet as you take the rag from him to stick the bandage to his eyebrow. A noise of protest rumbles in his throat at the pressure, but then it's over. "I give it a week before he's crawling back for pills."
"He can go through withdrawal for all I fucking care." You mutter under your breath as you put your hand on his jaw, turning his face this way and that to get a better look at his injuries. He turns and kisses the inner part of your wrist. You would've melted if you weren't so pissed at the bruises blooming on his face. 
It's good that Stone is already in the hospital because otherwise, you would've marched out to find him. Joel may look scarier, but there's no limit to what you can do when rage pulses through your veins like this. He knows that. He's seen it happen a handful of times, and it's always right after he or Tess gets hurt on a drop. Something shifts within you, and suddenly there is no god out there more dangerous than you. Your enemies become less concerned about getting out alive and more about how fast you'll let them die. If Joel weren't so wrapped around your finger, he'd be terrified of you.
"I'm fine. I came back to you, didn't I?" He says, and you sigh. You step closer and kiss the top of his head, relishing in the feel of his curls brushing your face. His stained hands come up to rest on your waist, further grounding you in his presence. "I'll always come back to you. You don't need to worry about that, you hear me?"
"I hear you, and I love you," you say as you kiss him. He tastes like blood and whiskey. "Do you know when he'll get out of the hospital?" 
"Probably by the end of the week." He says as you pull his hands from your waist to wipe the fresh blood from his knuckles. You press around for broken bones as you think about the best way to ruin Stone's life. Joel doesn't wrench his hands from you, so you take that as a good sign.
"What do you think his wife will say when I tell her about the other girls he’s fucking when he's supposed to be out on patrol?" You ask, and it's his turn to give you a disapproving look. 
"Don't fuck with his family."
"He fucked with mine first." You snap, and he sighs. Big brown eyes bore into yours, but you're unflinching. A puff of air leaves his nose, and he smirks.
"Y'know, it's really not fair how hot you are when you're angry." The fire in your veins settles for just a moment, and you press your tongue into your cheek.
"Is that why you keep picking fights with FEDRA officers?" You tease as you throw the rag down on the table to squeeze your way up each of his arms, checking for broken bones.
"Somethin' like that," he shrugs as your hands fall to his ribs. “Are you tryin' to make a move on me? Because that'd just be inappropriate. I've just been beaten," He asks, and you laugh. He smiles at the sound and doesn't wince as you count each rib to ensure they're intact. He stands once you're satisfied that nothing's broken and snags his fingers through your belt loops to pull you flush against him. The world seems to still as his heart beats against yours, and your panic dies in your throat. He kisses you firmly like he's trying to prove how okay he is. Your hands thread through his hair, and he groans when you tug at his roots. The sound makes you dizzy, and you want to hear it again and again. "Don't tell his wife just yet. We'll need leverage over him in the future." He says against your lips, making you pull away. He looks defeated, and you squint at him.
"Were you trying to distract me so I would forget about Stone?"
"Was it working?"
"Miller," you scold. "So, you just want me to do nothing and let him get away with it?"
"That's not what I'm saying. We're gonna make him sweat. Tell him we haven't gotten any shipment in. Withdrawal makes him desperate, and once he's desperate enough, we give him half of what we normally do but charge him double. Make him rely on us more. We might even get some new guns out of it, but we can't do that if he's fuckin' dead." He explains, and you roll your eyes. He's right. You hate that he's right, but he is.
"Fine, but I swear to God, Joel, if he puts his hands on you again-"
"I will hand you the gun myself. Okay?" He asks, and you nod. "Good. Now, can we please talk about something else? I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise?"
"I was gonna make it all romantic, but that went to shit." He says as he lets go of you and reaches for his backpack. You watch as he rummages through his stuff until he pulls out a big brown bag and hands it to you. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion until you open it, and the sweet aroma of coffee smacks you in the face. There's so much of it. The bag has to be at least half a pound. You didn't even know that there was this much coffee left in the world, let alone that Joel would find a way to get some. You take one bean between your shaky fingers and dig a nail into it, grounds collecting under your nail.
"Holy shit, these are real," you breathe, and he nods. "What'd you trade for this?"
"You don't want to know."
"You can tell me if you whored yourself out for coffee beans. I would do the same thing." You say, and he laughs.
"I'll remember that for next time," He says, making you smile. You glance between the coffee beans and him and take a deep breath. Even though it's small and stupid and probably costs more than they're worth, the idea of Joel going out of his way simply so you two could share coffee in the mornings makes your heart swell. Twenty years ago, sitting on a porch somewhere and drinking it first thing in the morning may have been your norm, but it never meant as much as it does right now. You carefully put the bag on the table before wrapping him in a hug. "Was that a good surprise?" He asks softly, like he's afraid if he says it too loud, the world will crumble around us. You nod and kiss his shoulder.
"It's perfect. Thank you." 
The beans will probably be gone by the end of the month, and it will probably be another two years before we get an opportunity to trade for them again, but this feeling in your chest will keep you warm for much longer than any cup of coffee could. It's almost enough to forget that the world is falling apart outside, and someone tried to take him away from you today. Almost.
Give me my last paragraph back or give me death
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
i wanna talk about haymitch abernathy.
well, first i wanna talk about the treatment of chemical addiction in the hunger games trilogy. because it's good. a lot of characters, including katniss, struggle with it. it gets explored in considerable depth, and not once is any character looked down on for it (well, aside from some eye-rolling with haymitch and perhaps pity for the 'morphlings' in book 2).
no one is infantilized, dehumanized, or considered weak for their dependency, even when they're incoherent from inebriation or withrawal. addicts are treated with dignity,  and there is only ever respect, understanding, and sympathy for their struggle and for the trauma that led them to this position. the story has no interest in scrutinizing how they got there or whether their behavior is sufficiently justified, only in meeting them where they are.
everyone has suffered at the hands of the capitol, and some people have resorted to substances to cope--even and especially smart, competent people. it's unfortunate and painful for them (and the focus is always on the addict's suffering, not anyone else's) but it's always understood as doing what they had to do. survival is a crucial theme in these books, and this is just another form of it.
this understanding extends to the point that katniss and peeta independently hoard liquor in case haymitch runs out. he's fucking annoying and rude and at that point they have no reason to believe they stand to gain anything from helping him, but they do it anyway because abandoning him would be cruel. it's not ever a question of enabling an alcoholic, it's a question of not letting a man fucking die of withdrawal.
see, rough around the edges is an insufficient description for haymitch; he's rough all the way to the middle. he is a messy, sloppy drunk. he is rude, obnoxious, and venomously cynical. he is also the smartest character in a series full of extremely smart characters.
in the first book all that is said about haymitch's victory is speculation from katniss and peeta. they note that he isnt a standout physical talent and doesnt have any specialized abilities, and deduce that he must have won by outsmarting the others. this is innocuous enough and supported by the shrewdness of haymitch's sponsor gifts and his coaching outside the games.
the recontextualization comes in book 2 when we learn haymitch was the victor of the 50th hunger games, the last quarter quell--which had twice as many tributes as usual. haymitch didn't outsmart 23 other people, up to a third of them having trained for this exact purpose until age 17. haymitch outsmarted 47.
haymitch abernathy? is a big fucking deal. that man waltzed in from The underdog district, unmentored and presumably earning approximately zero sponsor gifts with his winning personality, and won the hardest hunger games there has ever been. haymitch is the most impressive bitch in panem. between this and our increasing insight into how the victors are treated, the alcoholism gets recontextualized too.
imagine how frothingly fucking pissed the capitol is that haymitch is impossible to leverage for any PR purpose whatsoever. like, this is The victor, but what are they gonna do? show off the victor of the hardest hunger games of all time and he's fucking haymitch?
he shows up to every public appearance fall-down drunk and pukes on someone's shoes. every time he's on screen he embarrasses everyone. he makes the hunger games look like a joke and undermines the whole premise. he's supposed to be the capitol's biggest asset and he's pissed all over it. he's useless to them. the best thing they can do is leave him alone.
that's when you think, wait. that's kind of a rebellion in itself, huh? he defies the capitol's efforts to use him as 'a piece in their game' better than anyone else outside district 13, maybe them too, when he should be their favored pawn. he's about as free of their influence as anyone can be. that seems... smart. haymitch-typical smart.
haymitch's alcoholism is real and no doubt a legitimate result of his trauma, but it's also a weapon. he probably plays it up. gets extra trashed for every public appearance, the earlier in the day the better. asks himself what he could do that would horrify effie trinket the most and then does that.
at the same time, haymitch seems to get it together more as the series goes on. from the sound of it he was content to drink himself to death and blow off every tribute in his district before katniss and peeta came along and he recognized in them the potential for revolutionaries and, more importantly, the potential for victors. for the first time he had a real chance to achieve a goal, and the real necessity to be sharp for it.
my guess is that haymitch started making actual efforts to manage his alcoholism from then on. getting sober is pretty much impossible to do on your own, and indeed he has a relapse for every time he improves. but haymitch would have known he'd need any scrap of competence he could snatch. and i think, away from our heroine's perspective, he did. you can play drunk for a camera; you can't play sober for a planning session.
the one thing that really helps with addiction is a support network, and that's the one thing haymitch can never have. it is made blisteringly clear that your loved ones are so much ammunition for the capitol to use against you, and they desperately need some for haymitch. he says his loved ones are all dead, but one wonders if there were more that he made damn sure were no longer loved ones before that happened. maybe haymitch saved some lives by driving people as far away as he could, and doomed himself to succumb to the alcoholism in the process.
on a sillier note, i imagine during katniss and peeta's games haymitch would have needed someone to manage his intake and keep him sober enough to strategize the sponsorships without sending him into withdrawal. and i like to think it was effie trinket.
she'd disapprove at first but dosages and scheduling would be her JAM. plus haymitch would always cave in to her sanctimonious lectures before she caved in to his demands for more. it would be really motivating, actually--"i can endure this. anything's better than hearing one more fucking word from effie goddamn trinket about my health." truly the dream team.
tl;dr i fucking love haymitch abernathy. he's one of the characters of all time. thank you, suzanne collins, for this smart, competent, callous, mean, complex alcoholic who is vital to the revolution. thank you for writing addicts and addiction with the depth, seriousness, complexity, and respect they deserve as human beings.
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Ray and Rehab
I am watching carefully for a Love Heals All plot around Sand, Ray, and Ray's alcohol dependency. But I will say, as a harm reductionist, rehab has a much lower success rate for people who unwillingly enter treatment. In order for Ray to have really any hope of maintaining a period of sobriety, he needs to be the one who makes the decision to actually take treatment seriously.
So it is really, vitally important to me, to initially be able to see Ray be emotionally impacted by the questions his therapist was asking him, deflecting, and then seeing it actually sink in a bit the next morning. It is absolutely necessary as a scene to see Ray be the one, with no one around him, with no external pressure standing in the room watching, of his own free will and volition to stop, put his glass down, and start throwing away his alcohol.
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And because there are cycles of addiction, it is also very important, in my mind, to see that Ray immediately turns back to alcohol to cope with strong emotions. The second that he feels betrayed by Sand, that he turns back to alcohol.
I think there is a tenuous line to balance here, because I do think that the continuous neglect Ray experienced from his mother, the guilt he almost certainly feels around her death because he ruined her life by just existing, and the fact that his friends are compassion fatigued out with him, are decent foundations from which Ray builds a complete disregard for his life.
Which is part of what I personally think contributes to his alcoholism. So in my mind, in order for treatment to be successful, Ray needs to understand that his life has value. And I do think that it is totally fair for that realization to come through Ray having consistent support from someone.
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What I do find critical in the depiction of Ray's final arc here, is that Sand is trying to get him to go to rehab, but he isn't stopping Ray from drinking. For me, this is critical for two reasons:
Again, as a harm reductionist, it is far more important to me that people with a substance dependencies are engaging in substance use as safely as possible, rather than them stopping use. Sand being with Ray where he can watch him, (potentially try to moderate), and drive Ray home is harm reduction.
Runs counter (to me), to a Love Heals All plotline, expressly because Sand takes Ray to places he can drink, (and it looks like they have beer bottles in the bathtub next week). Sand wants Ray to stop drinking but beyond giving him the resources to seek treatment, (and yes, taking Ray up on the ultimatum), he hasn't done anything else to stop Ray from drinking.
(thirdly alcohol withdrawal is super fucking dangerous, so I'm lowkey glad that Sand isn't trying to stop Ray from drinking when he's not around medical professionals. But I'm not counting that cause I doubt Sand would know this).
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Like I said, there is a tenuous line to balance between Sand being Ray's savior from alcoholism, and Sand just helping Ray find enough self-motivation to attempt sobriety. And so far, I do think they have set up a couple good indicators towards the former.
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callsigns-haze · 6 months
Out of All: Chp 4
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Jake Seresin x OC! Anna Bradshaw
Brothers' Best Friend Series! Follow along as these characters navigate the treacherous waters of love, loyalty, and desire, all while facing the ultimate taboo: falling for your sibling's best friend. From heart-pounding moments to steamy encounters, this series is a rollercoaster of emotions that will keep you hooked until the very end. Brace yourself for intense romantic tension, sizzling chemistry, and enough drama to keep you guessing. Are you ready to embark on this captivating journey?
This chapter includes explicit sexual content with detailed descriptions of sexual activity and intimacy between characters. Scenes depict physical intimacy, including kissing, touching, and biting, with characters described in states of undress. Emotional intensity is explored, encompassing themes of longing, desire, and vulnerability, with brief references to past trauma. Characters may be shown consuming alcoholic beverages, and mature themes such as casual relationships
Growing up, you faced a myriad of challenges, chief among them being bipolar anxiety. From a young age, you were plagued by constant anxiety, fear, and a pervasive sense of discomfort. It permeated every aspect of your life, from trivial arguments with friends to minor mishaps and minor disagreements.
Each episode felt suffocating, as if an invisible weight was pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe. Tears flowed freely, often accompanied by aggressive outbursts, leaving you feeling drained and overwhelmed. And then there was the shaking—an uncontrollable tremor that started with small twitches but intensified as the situation escalated, leaving your body feeling numb and out of control.
Your struggles were not new to your family, particularly your older brother Bradley, who vividly remembers the countless hospital visits, doctor appointments, and therapy sessions your mother arranged for you during your childhood. Your family had already suffered a significant loss when your father passed away when Bradley was only five, and your birth shortly after marked the beginning of a tumultuous journey.
Medical professionals attributed much of your early struggles to the absence of a father figure and the trauma of losing a sibling, but your challenges persisted, leaving you feeling trapped and powerless. Despite efforts to provide support and treatment, the weight of your anxiety remained a constant burden.
For a brief period, the world granted you respite, allowing you a moment of reprieve from the relentless tug of despair. But when your mother passed away, you were plunged into a deeper darkness, feeling alone and adrift in a world that offered no solace. With Bradley away at college, navigating his own challenges, you were left to grapple with your struggles alone, longing for someone to guide you through the darkness.
Amidst the turmoil of your childhood, you found yourself in the care of your uncles, who did their best to provide for you. Despite their efforts, you struggled to find stability, withdrawing into yourself and shutting out the world. Three months after your mother's death, you made an attempt on your own life, consumed by a sense of despair and hopelessness.
Hospitalized and medicated, you battled deep depression and anxiety, your heart faltering under the weight of your pain. It was a dark time, marked by suffering and anguish, but amidst the chaos, you found a beacon of light in the form of your friendship with Caila. She became your confidante, your source of solace in a world that seemed intent on crushing you.
Caila's mother, Michelle, also played a significant role in your life, stepping in to fill the void left by your own mother's passing. Their bond served as a painful reminder of what you had lost, driving you further into despair. The pain became unbearable, leading you to turn to self-harm as a means of coping with your anguish.
Throughout it all, music remained your sanctuary, offering a fleeting sense of peace and protection. It was a lifeline, a refuge from the storms raging within you. But even music couldn't shield you from the relentless onslaught of panic attacks, which haunted your every waking moment and invaded even your dreams.
And then came the news of Bradley's near-death experience, a deployment gone wrong that threatened to shatter what little stability you had managed to cling to. The fear of losing your brother, your last remaining tether to the world, plunged you deeper into despair, leaving you teetering on the edge of an abyss.
As you trembled in Bradley's arms, lost in the grip of your panic attack, his heart ached to see you in such distress. He knew all too well the demons that haunted you, the deep-rooted fears that threatened to engulf you in their darkness. But he also knew the strength that lay within you, the resilience that had carried you through countless trials before.
Gently, he cradled your trembling form, offering words of comfort and reassurance as he tried to soothe the storm raging within you. His voice was soft but firm, a lifeline amidst the chaos, as he urged you to focus on the present moment and let go of the haunting memories of the past.
With each word, he guided you back to the safety of the present, his arms a shield against the turmoil threatening to overwhelm you. And slowly, ever so slowly, your sobs began to subside, your breathing steadying as the waves of panic receded.
Finally, as the last traces of your panic attack faded away, you drifted off into a fitful sleep, exhaustion claiming you at last. Bradley watched over you with a mixture of concern and tenderness, his heart heavy with the weight of your pain.
In the morning, as the first light of dawn crept through the window, Bradley made a solemn promise to himself. He would do whatever it took to protect you, to keep you safe from the demons that haunted your dreams. And as he reached for your phone to call Caila, he knew that he would never let you face your struggles alone.
Caila's gentle voice filled the room, offering a sense of warmth and comfort in the midst of your turmoil. Her words were like a soothing balm to your wounded soul, easing the ache of your anxiety and fear. You listened to her, your body still and heavy with exhaustion, but her presence alone was enough to provide some solace.
As she spoke, her dialect reflected the deep bond of friendship that existed between you, a bond that transcended mere words. Her words were laced with familiarity, with the shared experiences and memories that bound you together like family.
You closed your eyes, letting the sound of her voice wash over you like a gentle tide. In that moment, with Caila by your side, you felt a glimmer of hope flicker within you. You knew that no matter how dark the night may seem, you were not alone. You had someone who would stand by you, who would hold you close and offer you the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
With Caila's comforting presence guiding you, you allowed yourself to drift into a peaceful slumber, knowing that you were safe and loved. And as you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, you whispered a silent thank you to the universe for blessing you with such a true and loyal friend.
"Phoenix!" Jake called out as he hurried over to her, concern etched on his face. She paused, turning to face him and waiting for him to catch up.
"Why's Bradley not flying?" he asked, puzzled by his wingman's absence. Bradley was usually up in the air constantly, so it was unusual not to see him on the tarmac.
Phoenix sighed, her expression turning somber. "His sister had one of her, well... he calls them 'episodes,'" she explained, her voice tinged with empathy. "He's scared for her, you know. It's Rooster we're talking about, so he called Mav to ground him so she could call him."
Jake's brows furrowed in concern. "An episode?" he echoed, puzzled. He had never heard about this before. Phoenix hesitated, clearly hesitant to divulge personal information, but then she relented.
"Yeah, apparently Anna's been dealing with trauma and anxiety attacks all her life," she revealed, her tone softening. "She had a severe one last night, out of the blue. She's okay now, but it really scared Bradley and the others."
Jake's expression softened, his heart going out to you. "Damn, he never told me that about Anna," he murmured, his mind reeling with the newfound information. He had never imagined that you were going through such struggles.
Phoenix nodded in understanding. "She's had them since she was a kid, but usually about Goose and their mom. This time, though, it was about him, and it really stressed him out and made him feel guilty."
Jake's chest tightened with empathy for both you and Bradley. "Thanks for telling me," he said quietly, grateful for the insight into your situation. But before Phoenix could respond, Hondo called out to them.
"Phoenix, Hangman, the two of you are up!" he announced, interrupting their conversation. Jake exchanged a glance with Phoenix before they both turned to respond to the call, their thoughts lingering on you and Bradley.
Jake's mind was reeling with the new information about Anna. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that washed over him. Knowing that you had been struggling with anxiety attacks since childhood, and that your recent episode was triggered by concerns for Bradley, made him feel like he had unwittingly contributed to your distress.
As he climbed into the cockpit of his F-18, his thoughts were consumed by worries for you. He couldn't imagine the pain and fear you must be going through, dealing with such intense emotions and traumatic experiences. He wished he could be there for you, to offer you comfort and support in your time of need.
But duty called, and he had to push aside his personal concerns for now. As the engines roared to life and the aircraft soared into the sky, Jake focused on the task at hand, pushing his worries to the back of his mind. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility he felt towards you. He vowed to himself that he would find a way to be there for you, no matter what it took.
"You sure you're okay?" Caila asked, her voice laced with concern, as you prepared yourself some tea in the kitchen. You felt like a wreck, and her worry only compounded your own feelings of exhaustion and anxiety. It was around three in the afternoon, and you were still in your pajamas, your hoodie rumpled and your hair disheveled.
"Caila, I'm fine, okay!" you replied, attempting to reassure her, though you knew your words rang hollow. You had been telling her that you were fine ever since you got up, but deep down, you knew that you were anything but fine. It was a façade you put on to prevent people from delving deeper into your struggles, but it was becoming harder to maintain with each passing day.
"Okay. What do you want to do?" Caila's voice was gentle, her concern evident in her eyes as she watched you. She knew she needed to distract you from your thoughts, but she also knew that you wouldn't open up easily.
"Well... we can tick crying off the list," you joked weakly, trying to lighten the mood. "I feel sticky, so maybe a shower, and then I need to watch something."
Caila nodded in understanding, sensing your need for a distraction. However, as you sipped your tea, you suddenly remembered something, causing you to curse softly.
"Shit!" you exclaimed, catching Caila's attention. She looked at you expectantly, waiting for an explanation.
"I was meant to meet with Jake tonight," you explained quickly, realizing that you had forgotten about your plans with him. Hastily, you sent him a text, feigning illness as an excuse for canceling.
To your surprise, Jake responded almost immediately, assuring you that it was perfectly fine and that he would see you when you were feeling better.
"Wait— you still meet with him even though you know he's Rooster's wingman?" Caila's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she processed the information you had just revealed.
You nodded, feeling a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Yeah," you admitted sheepishly, "I do."
Caila grinned mischievously, teasing you gently as the two of you made your way upstairs to prepare for your shower. "Damn, Anna, you cheek," she quipped, earning a small laugh from you, the first genuine one of the day.
Some of these events involve real life incidents so yeah....lets behave
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