#alex is crying in his house all alone
not-poignant · 11 months
Idk if it was just me but I finished the chapter annoyed at Sebastian and at Alex becuz like, Sebastian is obvi really pushy but Alex could've just talked to him and was enjoying baiting him and chose not to be mature either and now I'm worried it's just me help
It's not just you anon, don't worry sdlkjfas
Okay so, Sebastian's bad behaviour is the most obvious to spot because we're seeing the story from Alex's perspective.
But frankly, Alex can be just as bad.
I have zero doubt that if Alex had just said: 'Sebastian, I don't trust you with this subject, and it's not something I want to talk about. I get that you want to talk about it, but it's not like you've treated me that great about some of these things and I just can't right now' I can guarantee you that Sebastian would have actually taken that on board and left, the way he actually started to leave when Alex asked him to in complete sentences. At that point, Sebastian was pretty resistant, but he still did it and generally speaking every single time Alex has talked to him clearly - like an adult - Sebastian has talked to him clearly - like an adult.
Alex so often sets the tone of their interactions, often without necessarily realising. His truculent, single-syllable answers are very much like a petulant or sulking teenager. It's 100% not healthy communication, and as you say, there was even a point where Alex was enjoying making Sebastian mad.
I love Alex to pieces, but he's not a mature communicator. He has lots of reasons as to why that's true, just like Sebastian has a lot of reasons to behave the way he does, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. Alex mentally being like 'well if you aren't going to ask me questions I'm going to pretend I don't know what you're thinking' is extremely passive aggressive. An adult response is to go: 'If you want to ask me something just ask, but I don't want to talk to you about this, and I don't trust you' or 'Can you please ask what you want to ask' or 'Have you ever noticed that you don't ask me direct questions?'
It's funny because Sebastian will happily admit he's bad at communicating, he can be an asshole, he is pushy. He's a work in progress and he knows he is. But Alex rarely gives him chances to progress. The reason Alex gets pushed against a wall in the next chapter is because Sebastian literally kind of has had enough, and forces Alex to talk to him in like, complete sentences. That's not great, but it's also not great that it's so hard to get Alex to talk like a person.
They're both kind of perfect for each other, lmao. And they're both equally messed up. It's easier to give Alex a pass because we know how distressed and upset he is and we understand and it's bad to forcibly 'out' someone before they're ready. Those things are all true!!
But it's also true that Alex is a passive aggressive monosyllabic little shit who wants love and care and comfort and also doggedly drives it away. This story is about both of them messily growing up (literally, it's in the summary of the story) salkfjsa and that includes Alex. One of the things that makes them compatible is that Alex wants to be pushed and Sebastian wants to push him.
So yeah anon, tl;dr - it's not just you re: being annoyed at Alex and Sebastian in that chapter :D It actually kind of makes me happy that you are annoyed at Alex, though I hope that's not interfering with your enjoyment of the story!
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
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here you’ll find all of my works for: 16 - 4 - 81 - 33/1 - 23 - 47 - 3 - 2—in the form of scenarios/headcanons with the link to the respective work! masterlist constantly being updated.
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lando probably gets sick while taking care of you, charles tries to cook without burning the whole kitchen down, oscar reads to you until you fall asleep, max goes crazy, alex and daniel get angry and mick wants to cry.
lando goes up to santa at the mall, charles drives you around town and helps you decorate the tree, oscar and you wear ugly matching sweaters, max goes all out and might try making a gingerbread house, key word try. alex takes you to an ice rink only to bump into people, daniel and christmas in australia, mick and his pajama-photoshoot on christmas day.
lando wearing matching outfits with you, charles tries not to show how excited he is, oscar might like reputation a lot, max will buy the most expensive tickets, alex is definitely a swiftie thanks to you, daniel definitely cries during all too well and mick might do something during love story.
lando loves the cat more than you, charles and you adopting a little one after moving in, oscar surprising you, max and you definitely didn’t plan on adopting another cat, alex and the zoo you have at home, daniel almost crying and bringing home a guinea pig, mick and cuddling. with a dog.
lando doesn’t want to know anything about the new guy you are seeing, charles is seconds away from killing your friend, oscar bottles everything up until you’re alone, max confesses something while drunk, alex doesn’t know he’s jealous, daniel ignores you and mick finds some courage.
lando defends you during one of his streams, charles makes a statement about what your relationship means to him, oscar posts a controversial tweet, again. max replies to every hate comment he sees, alex is obsessed with you and he shows it, daniel just needs a song, a phone and his guitar, and mick writes some beautiful poetry.
lando and you have a little bit of fun in his driver’s room, an innocent task turns heated between charles and you, being in oscar’s childhood bedroom makes you feel and do things, max can’t keep his hands off of you at the FIA gala, alex sneaks inside the changing room, daniel and you hide in the airplane bathroom, mick can’t get enough of you even at the club, you spend seven minutes in the closet with logan thanks to a dare and lance makes sure you’re alone in his parent’s house.
lando doesn’t really likes to go shopping but for you he’ll do anything, charles is always asking if you need anything when you go out shopping together, oscar will follow you anywhere, max would give you the world if he could, alex and you have a monthly date to go shopping, daniel likes spoiling you, mick knows your favorite brand, you don’t even have to ask him and logan doesn’t know anything but he’s willing to learn.
lando looks like he’s about to meet his death while charles is about to have a panic attack, oscar is a natural, max goes all out, alex doesn’t know what to do, daniel is your mom’s favorite, mick prepares with flashcards and logan is a mess.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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stevie-petey · 7 months
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we don't talk about it (we don't have the time)
﹂ season one of “come home”
being dustin henderson's older sister and jonathan byers' best friend is usually an uneventful affair, but when will byers goes missing and a girl with a shaved head claims she has super powers, your duties as a sister and a best friend become a lot more complicated. (it also makes your feelings suddenly complicated, which you're choosing to ignore). (and steve harrington definitely isn't helping). (as usual).
episode one: the vanishing of will byers - jonathan smuggles you free food in exchange for friendship, will goes missing the one time you listen to jonathan, hopper doesn't really like you, and steve harrington almost hits you with his car as you're sobbing like a damn baby (in a cool way).
episode two: the weirdo on maple street - you use your limited psych knowledge to help a bald girl, you force jonathan to accept $20 and he's later an ass to you, steve doesn't know what a "missing" poster looks like, and it's really hard being a single mother to now four kids.
episode three: holly, jolly - you and jonathan talk it out and things are better (spoiler alert: they aren't), you somehow end up agreeing with steve harrington ?? then you have a minor breakdown in front of the kids and once again fail to prevent them from experiencing more trauma.
episode four: the body - you basically have a "no babe don't cry over ur dead brother ur so sexy" moment with jonathan, hopper plays mr love doctor (cute date idea: coffin shopping), and somehow nancy wheeler makes you realize that you're a horrible babysitter and an even bigger idiot. meanwhile: steve harrington is frustratingly charming.
episode five: the flea and the acrobat - you and dustin have a long overdue Sibling Moment, at will's funeral you and jonathan exchange information and surprise ! it's all horrible news ! nancy has awful timing and when you leave her alone with jonathan one damn time you and steve end up trauma bonded on her front porch #bffs.
episode six: the monster - so nancy and jonathan are a Thing now and you really just need a good nap, the three of you go shopping for monster hunting supplies (which honestly isn't the weirdest thing you've done this week), an old man sells you a sentimental knife, and steve kind of accidentally kidnaps you with a sexy black eye.
episode seven: the bathtub - your brother basically places himself on the fbi's most wanted list and el flips a van with her mind, now you have to create a giant salt tub because of course you do, nancy tries Talking About It but hasn't she read the title ? you don't have the time. sidenote: you've somehow become a steve defender during these trying times. typical. meanwhile: steve's inner thoughts are pathetic.
episode eight: the upside down - drinking game time ! take a shot every time jonathan tries ditching you or every time you almost die at the byers house, you find out that steve really is an athlete and tbh it's hot, but you know what's even hotter ? saving hawkins and reaching a tentative compromise with steve after he loans you $5 for snacks. after, jonathan makes a promise you really hope he can keep.
⌑ set between seasons 1 and 2
﹂ episode nine: the beginning - BONUS EPISODE TIME ! steve becomes bookstrorindary's favorite loyal costumer, jonathan buys you a bug for christmas, you freak out your poor coworker alex, and suddenly steve is really hot and you're feeling so many feelings (bad ! it's all bad !).
⌑ status: FINISHED
⌑ season one title based on this song x
⌑ blurbs set within "come home" can be found here x
⌑ “come home” season masterlist
*note: this is a part of my stranger things rewrite, “come home”, and other seasons can be found linked above :)
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soursturniolo · 6 months
left • chris sturniolo
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pairing: chris/fem!reader
tags: angst, misunderstanding, party scene, mention of past cheating in past relationship, fluff at the end
As I wave and say goodbye to my old friend Alex, I make my way through the crowded hallways and rooms trying to find my boyfriend Chris. I squeeze through people smelling of cigarettes, weed, and alcohol as I search the faces hoping to find his or at least a familiar one.
I let out a sigh of relief upon meeting a familiar pair of blue eyes by the front door. Nick. He smiles and waves me over to him.
“Hey babe, have you seen chris? Matt’s wanting to leave, he’s already in the car ready to go,” he tells me as he looks over me, also searching the crowd for Chris. I frown and shake my head.
“No, I’m still looking for him. We got separated when I went upstairs to talk to my old friend Alex,” I tell him, to which his eyes light up.
“Alex? That really cute tall guy with black hair who I’m like 99% likes men?” He asks me, sounding excited.
“Yeah! He’s an old friend of mine, we used to be coworkers. I could set you up if you want?” I offer, laughing at his giddiness.
“Oh my god please, he’s so fine,” Nick whisper yells.
“Okay, I will! Anyways, I’m still looking for chris so you guys go ahead and head back and we can just get an Uber, okay?” I suggest.
Nick nods in agreement, pulling me in for a quick hug.
“Okay, you guys be safe, we’ll see you back home,” he assures me before leaving out the front door and heading to their car. I let out a small sigh as I turn back to face the party. Nick and Matt left, Alex left once we finished talking, and I have no idea where chris is in this crowded house party. There’s at least 200 people here and I don’t know anyone here now except for Chris. I hope I can find him soon.
After twenty minutes of searching various rooms and outside I give up, sitting on a porch bench outside as I pull my phone out of my purse to text Chris to see where he is.
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The tears in my eyes finally overflow as I sniffle, putting my phone back in my purse and holding it on my lap as I wait. I can’t believe he’d just leave me here all alone. I’d never do that to him. Not only is that embarrassing but it’s so hurtful. I feel like trash and I didn’t even do anything wrong. Alex is gay. And even if he wasn’t I’d never do anything or cheat on Chris. I love him too much to even consider that.
I thought he knew that? I thought he trusted me. My tears keep streaming down my face, some falling to my lap as others slide down my cheeks and down my neck. I reach my hand up to try to wipe some away, just to look at my hand and see a dark smudge. Great. I didn’t wear waterproof mascara so now I’m sure I look ridiculous with mascara streaks everywhere.
I sniffle again try blinking away the rest of my tears as I hear a car pull up. It’s them. I see Chris quickly jump out of the back, making his way up to me quickly. I stand from the park bench, and notice how much my feet are hurting, making me wince. As Chris walks up to me that’s the first thing he sees.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asks, searching my tear streaked face with a remorseful expression.
“Fine,” my voice cracks a bit from my tears and crying fest as I step out of my heels, picking them up to carry them. Chris reaches out a hand to offer to carry them, but I shake my head and walk past him to the car.
“Baby, wait” he calls, as he follows me. Feeling anger bubble up, I whip around to face him.
“What Chris? What do you want to talk about? How you left me here? How you assumed I was trying to cheat on you with some guy? How you didn’t even care to talk to me about it or make sure I could get home after you left me here? How I know no one else here because Alex left and I sent your brothers home because I never fathomed my boyfriend who I love more than anything would just leave me here like I’m trash? What do you want to talk about, huh?” I question rapidly, yelling by the time I finish, a new set of hot tears rolling down my face.
He sighs, looking at me so defeated and sad. He knows he fucked up. But I don’t have it in me to care about how he feels at the moment.
“I’m so deeply sorry, baby. I fucked up. Big time.” He whispers, looking down at me.
I bring my hands up to my face, roughly wiping my tears away as I nod. I don’t have the energy to talk about this anymore, so I turn around and finish walking to the car, opening the back passenger side door and getting in, sliding down the seat until I’m seated behind Matt. Chris gets in a shuts the door, settling in behind Nick. I feel Matt and Nicks eyes on me and look up at them as I reach for my seatbelt.
“Sorry, guys, for making you come back here for me,” I whisper, feeling embarrassed again at the predicament Chris’s actions have put me in. Nick and Matt quickly shake their heads.
“Hey, it’s perfectly okay we wanted to come get you,” Nick kindly tells me, before giving Chris a glare and turning back around in the front passenger seat.
“This isn’t your fault, no need to apologize, we’re just glad you’re okay,” Matt assures me, his eyes and expression soft before it hardens to a judgement look as he looks to Chris before starting the car.
The car ride back home is quiet. I feel Chris’s gaze on me a few times but I never return it. All I want is a hot shower and to sleep so this night can be over.
The car lurches to a stop in front of the house. I quickly unbuckle and exit the vehicle before Chris can try to say anything. I quickly make my way to our bedroom, setting my heels and purse down as I pick up my previously laid out pj set. I make my way to the adjoined bathroom, shutting and locking the door as Chris makes his way through the bedroom door.
I take my time in the bathroom, taking of my leftover makeup and brushing my hair out before stepping into the steamy shower I had heating up. I shower slowly, exfoliating and shaving as I let a hair mask sit in. I rinse out the mask and rinse my body one last time before turning off the water and stepping out. I dry off quickly and change into my pj set. I now stand in front of the bathroom door, dreading going out to face Chris. I find myself hoping he’s already asleep as I slowly open the bathroom door and step into our dimly lit bedroom that we share. I look up to find him meeting my gaze, changed into a white tank and boxers as he sits up against the headboard. He pats the spot next to him on the bed, and I sigh, shaking my head.
“I’ll sleep in the living room tonight,” I quietly suggest as I walk up to the bed and move to grab my pillow. His hand reaches up and grabs mine gently to stop me.
“Please sit with me. Five minutes, that’s all I’m asking, and then if you still want to not sleep with me I’ll move to the living room, okay?” He quietly asks.
I sigh, mulling it over before nodding. I sit down next to him against the headboard of his bed. Chris reaches out a hesitantly grabs my hands in his, looking at me as if he’s waiting for me to pull away. I consider it, but I’m tired and I just want to hear what he has to say so I can go to sleep. He lets out a sigh of relief when I don’t pull away.
“Baby, you have no idea how sorry I am. I fucked up. There is no excuse for what I did. I just got so scared when I went upstairs and saw you talking with that guy. You guys were getting along and laughing when I came up to find you and my mind immediately went to the worst. And I’m so sorry for what I did after that. I should have never left you there. I shouldn’t have assumed my brothers would get you home. I left my girlfriend at a crowded, gross house party where she barely knew anyone and that’s a mistake that’s on me that I will be apologizing for every day for a long time,” he tells me, expression sad but heartfelt as he apologizes. I can see in his eyes that he’s genuinely sorry for what he did, but I’m still confused and hurt about one thing specifically.
“Why did you think the worst? Why didn’t you trust me?” I ask softly.
He sighs, looking down at our held hands before meeting my eyes again.
“My ex. Before you, a year ago. She cheated on me at a party and it was like the same scenario. She went upstairs to talk to a guy friend ‘in a more quiet space’ she claimed. When I went up to check on her after not seeing her for a bit they were all over each other, making out. It broke my heart. When I came up and saw you and him laughing and playfully hitting each other it took me right back to that moment. But you’re the polar opposite of my ex, in the best way, and I should have known you’d never do that to me. I’m so sorry. Like I said, there’s no excuse for what I did, all I can tell you is that I’m so deeply sorry. I know better, I knew better. I should have done better. And I will next time. I promise you, baby.” He vows.
“You know I’d never cheat on you, right? I love you,” I tell him, feeling my lip quivering as tears gather in my eyes again.
He nods quickly, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me into his chest.
“I know baby, I know. I love you too, I’m so sorry,” he whispers against my head as he pressed gentle kisses there.
“It’s okay,” I whisper against his chest, “just please don’t leave me somewhere again?” I ask, and I feel him quickly nod in agreement.
“Never again, baby, never again. I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?” He asks, his hand coming to cup my face to lead me to look up at him. I gaze into his eyes and all I see is a combination of warmth and regret for what he did. I lean in and press my lips gently to his. I feel him smile slightly against my lips, making me smile in return as I pull away.
“I forgive you. Love you too much not to,” I say, laughing a little. He smiles and laughs a bit too, thanking me as he pulls me in for another kiss.
We settle into bed together that night, cuddled close to each other, both of us enjoying the comfort we brought each other.
tag list members; @secret-sturniolo @sturniolopepsi @christinarowie332 @mangosrar @cupidsword @st4rswrld @biimpanicking @bernardenjoyer @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @sturnphilia @mxqdii @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @its-jennarose @fionaheartswomen @hedgehogperalta @lea0518 @lxvlysworld @mattsd0ll @urmyslxt @thetriplets3 @lilsxo10 @recklesssturniolo @meg-sturniolo @flowerxbunnie @mlimmm
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earl-grey-teacake · 23 days
For the Victorian Loscar romcom I’m writing, I am am brainstorming and this is what I have so far.
1. Logan in dresses
Dresses- gloves with lace trim, pastel dresses, corsets, silk stockings, etc.
Potential scene- Oscar having a crisis after seeing a bit of the silk stockings and making it everyone’s problem. He feels like he is going to hell for thinking about the golden haired boy that way. He thinks about undoing the laces on the corset and sends himself to church to pray for forgiveness.
2. Alex is the mom
Doting, teasing mother to a husband who is about to have an aneurysm from all the proposal letters. “I love Love”
*I just think Logan calling Alex “mom” would be cute and absolutely hilarious *
Potential scene- “Mom, please!” Logan pleaded, practically begging on his knees.
“Logan, if you don’t have a chaperone, you can’t go. Besides, your mother has an event tomorrow.” George remained steadfast.
“I’ll go.” Alex smiled, eyes filled with mirth and mischief.
“My dear!” George whipped his head around with a look of utter betrayal. Perhaps stabbing him in the chest would’ve been kinder than the blow his beloved just dealt.
“The Countess Stroll has fallen ill so the outings been cancelled. Besides, the boy seemed quite dedicated in the flowers he sent this morning. Did you see them Georgie? They look like the one you sent me when you proposed marriage.”
3. Carlos being the biggest shipper so Oscar can leave him and Lando alone.
Oscar making his heartache everyone’s problem is preventing Carlos from enjoying his time with his bride.
Potential scene-
“What do you think?” Oscar held up a third catalog. “Ruby or just solid gold.”
Carlos wanted to cry, they’ve been at this for hours.
“Hmmm.” Lando pondered. “Maybe solid gold? It’ll go with more outfits.”
“Is it too plain thought?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“The golden topaz bracelet in the previous catalog.” Carlos joined in.
“Huh? Are you sure?” Oscar searched for the page.
“The sapphire tie pin gifted to you is blue, the color of Logan’s house. The color of your house is orange so you gift something orange.”
The British were so unromantic it made him sick.
Additional scene- “Oscar, go over there and offer to walk with Logan.” Carlos ordered
“Hey, you don’t tell me what to do.”
“Listen to me. You will go over there and offer to walk Logan. There is a rocky, unstable path a bit farther down where you will offer to help him. I swear if I do not see his hand in yours I will shove you off the cliff.”
Let me know what you think!
Feel free to comment in the comments or in the tags or just message me. I will respond ❤️
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starsandhughes · 11 months
Penalty Box— Cruel Weather (Part Three)
requests based off this ask: how the boys react to sissy being physically hurt
warnings: panic attacks, crying, swearing, mentions of injuries, mentions of dying, mentions to throwing up, coma, mentions of medication, lmk if i missed anything!
word count: ~4.5k
General Series Masterlist
part one — part two — part three — part four
a/n this chapter is mostly trevor centered
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Trevor woke up in a leather recliner in the back corner of Y/N’s hospital room with an IV in his arm, presumably filled with sedatives to calm him down. The weight of the world fell off his shoulders when he heard the now comforting steady machine beep of his girlfriend’s heartbeat. He looked over and softly smiled when he saw that the breathing tube was out and replaced with a nasal canal.
He slowly got out of the recliner and dragged the IV pole with him to the chair next to Y/N’s bed. He bent down and softly kissed her forehead before sitting down and grabbing her hand.
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see you laying in a hospital bed,” Trevor whispered. “I’d like it better if I saw those pretty eyes of yours, sweet girl.”
Trevor sighed and felt his eyes watering. He missed Y/N. An unbearable amount. There was only a small period of time where they went without seeing each other. Or, talking, since he does go on extended roadies.
It was killing him.
Trevor didn’t get too long alone time before the rest of the worried mob rushed in. Quinn was ahead of everybody, but Jamie was a close second. Quinn joined Trevor on the side of Y/N’s bed, and Jamie positioned himself at the foot of her hospital bed with both hands on the rail. His head drooped down and tears began to fall.
“I thought I lost her,” Jamie spoke through tears.
Trevor got up immediately to comfort his friend. Quinn took his place in the seat next to Sissy, but not before noticing the IV bag following Trevor.
“Z?” he spoke up. Trevor turned to him and Quinn motioned towards his IV.
“Oh… I uh… apparently had such a severe panic attack and was fighting with the nurses that they had to sedate me instead of giving me an anxiety pill,” Trevor explained. “I’m glad they called you when I asked. Actually, that was all I was asking.”
Everyone had filed into the room by now, so Ellen went to find a nurse for Trevor to check him over one last time before removing the IV. Trevor was glad to be rid of it, but he wasn’t glad about the nasty bruise it left behind. It was tender, but it wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
“How are you guys?” Trevor asked the group.
“We made it through the night,” Alex said. That answered Trevor’s question perfectly: not well.
“Barely,” Quinn admitted. He spoke so low that Trevor barely caught it.
“I couldn’t hear anything after Quinn said that Y/N died. I guess it was an anxiety or panic attack… I don’t know. I’ve never really had one. All I know is that Jack had to stop me from running out of the house,” Jamie opened up.
“I threw up,” Quinn added to the sharing.
“I cried on the roof,” Cole said.
“I just… felt numb,” Luke said.
No one really wanted to open up, but it needed to be done. They were all in the same boat.
“At least she’s breathing better on her own,” Jack said in an attempt to shed some light on the situation. The monstrously fucked up situation. A nightmare.
The second official day of Y/N in a coma was proving to be worse than the first day. Especially since her heart stopped the night before. Every moment there was a fear that it would happen again, and that she wouldn’t pull through that time. Every beep on the machine was like a sigh of relief. It meant she was alive. It meant there was a chance that she would wake up.
After a while, Cole asked if he could have some time alone with Y/N. He and Alex were the only two that had not gotten a chance to speak to her in hopes that she could hear them. They were the only two that hadn’t gotten a chance to get everything out without everyone being around.
“I don’t know how everyone else did this,” Cole huffed out a fake laugh. “I guess it’s not too different from when we’re talking to you and you’re too distracted to listen to us.”
Cole sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her hair back, despite the fact that it was already tamed and perfectly in place.
“It was weird not watching a movie with you on facetime last night,” Cole continued. “Turc and I didn’t know what to do. Z offered to show us the list of movies you have planned for us to watch, but I said I wanted to keep the surprise. So you have to wake up before next week, okay? I know you wouldn’t want to get too far behind.”
Cole closed his eyes to keep himself from crying. He knew he should get serious. He knew that he needed to get everything out just in case something like last night happened again. He wished he didn’t have that fear. He wished he didn’t feel like he was holding his breath every second waiting for something to happen.
“My life changed when I met you. All of ours did, but I’m not here to talk about them, am I? I’ve known Jack for a while, but I didn’t meet you until we all went to NTDP, and I wish I met you sooner. You’re like… Wonder Woman. You’re compassionate, yet stubborn. And you will go to battle for the people you care about, which is honestly everyone you meet.
“I can’t think of another person less deserving of this than you. Especially because of the time of year it happened. Only Z and Jamie will be with you until we play against the Ducks, and I think that’s what gets me the most. Besides the whole… well, you know. I love being your best friend number two, and no matter what happens, no one can ever take that away from me. From us. I hope you know half the league asks us about you every day. Suzy demands that he gets hourly updates.”
Cole was saying anything and everything to keep from breaking down, but it was no use. He couldn’t get any words out now from how hard he was crying. He climbed off the bed so that he could lay his head down on the mattress and sob. Jack tried to run in, but Cole turned him away. He needed to cry it all out. Y/N’s constant saying that “the break will be harder the longer you keep everything in” was proving to be correct. He hadn’t let his feelings out all the way, yet. And the break was brutal.
The person that Cole did eventually let in was Trevor. Trevor got it. Trevor got him. Trevor sat down quietly next to him and waited to be needed. It didn’t take long for Cole to need a hug, and Trevor was happy to give it to him.
“We’ll make it through this,” Trevor told him. “I promise. No matter what. We’ll all still have each other.”
“But we might not have Sissy,” Cole sniffled.
“Careful, or I’ll tell her you used your once a month Sissy passes,” Trevor tried to joke. It fell flat, unsurprisingly. “I’m choosing not to think about losing her. I know our girl. I know my girl. She’s randomly flown to Van Couver to see Quinn and forgot to tell me. It scared the living shit out of me, but she came back. She always comes back.”
“She always comes back,” Cole repeated, more to trick himself into believing it.
“That’s right, buddy. She always comes back.”
– – –
Right outside Sissy’s hospital room, Alex was freaking out. He was struggling so hard at the idea of talking to Y/N like it might be the last time he’d ever talk to her alone again.
“I can’t! I can-” Alex was cut off by him choking down his own cries. He felt like he needed to scream. Jack and Quinn sat on either side of him and did their best to comfort their friend. “I can’t talk to her like I’m going to lose her. But if we do, and I don’t, then…”
“It’s alright, bud,” Quinn said, putting his arm around him. “She knows. She always knows.”
Quinn was interrupted by his phone ringing, so he stepped away and let Jack continue to help Alex. He was better at playing Sissy anyways.
“Matthew?” Quinn answered, confused. “Did I forget to update you?
“I’m outside the hospital,” Matthew said, not really answering his question. “I couldn’t stand it anymore. I kept hoping that she’d facetime two days ago, even though I knew she wouldn’t. I already talked to my coach. I wasn’t playing well with her on my mind. I need to be here.”
Quinn understood. He more than understood. He understood more than Matthew did.
“It just… it wasn’t a call I was expecting to ever get. And I really didn’t want something worse being told to me over the phone,” Matthew elaborated. “Can you come get me?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a couple minutes,” Quinn said before he hung up.
Quinn told Jack that he was going to get Matthew so that he could subtly let Trevor and Cole know. He really hoped that him being here won’t take away anyone’s ability to be vulnerable, but Matthew was just as important to her as almost anyone else, despite him not being in the “group,” for lack of a better term.
When Quinn returned with Matthew, Cole and Trevor were out in the hallway.
“We thought you might want a moment alone with her,” Jack told him.
“Just don’t confess your love to her. She might leave me for you,” Trevor joked. He was proud of himself for getting a small smile out of the clearly distressed man.
“I’ll hold back, just for you,” Matthew countered before entering the room.
Matthew’s breath hitched when he saw Y/N. Not so much as a picture was sent to him. Quinn told him that she looked worse with a tube down her throat, so he was glad that she was just left with a nasal canal now. He sat down next to her, but he didn’t hold her hand. It didn’t feel right to him. It felt like it would solidify the idea of her dying.
“Hey, little mouse,” he sighed, tearing up. “It’s uh… your rat. Or I guess sometimes you call me Ratty, or Matty, or Matty Rat, Matty Ratty, anyways– whatever you’re in the mood for calling me, it’s me. Fuck, this is hard.”
He was crying silent tears now. Y/N really was in a coma. He knew it before, but seeing her makes it a hundred times worse. He’d known her for five years. He played along to her silly little school girl crush. He bought her flowers for her sixteenth birthday because she asked him to come to her party! He watched her go through her teenage years, hell– she still is one, and now he’s praying that she’ll make it through the night. He’s praying that she’ll wake up.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I was trying to still be a leader for my team, but even the coaches knew I wasn’t playing like my usual self and let me come here. I can’t even imagine the pain everyone else out in the hall for you is in. Especially Quinn and Trevor.
“You don’t deserve this. I’m sure if you can hear, you’ve heard just about everyone say it, but it’s true. I don’t think anyone else would drop everything and fly to Calgary just because I’m playing against one of your friends, and I know you do that for everyone else, too. You’re a light, little mouse. For everyone. It’s getting too dark without you, so you need to wake up, okay? You’d do anything for the people you care about and that’s what we all need. You.”
Matthew finally caved and took a hold of Y/N’s hand. His tears were dropping more fiercely now, and her touch helped a little. He smiled when she squeezed his hand. Quinn told him that she might do that and it’s all subconscious, but Matthew couldn’t help but hope it was because she heard him.
– – –
The parents went to acquire lunch for everyone, and while they were out, the boys all went into the hospital room. Cole, Alex, and Jamie didn’t really know Matthew, so they were happy for the distraction of younger teenage Sissy stories from before they met her. Jamie especially, because he didn’t meet her until a few months ago. And yet, they already loved each other. That’s how special Y/N is.
“Wait, so she actually fell over the couch trying to talk to you?” Cole laughed. “How have I not heard this?”
“Because Mr. Boyfriend here doesn’t like discussing the little mouse crush era,” Matthew laughed.
“That sucks, Z, because I need to know everything,” Alex said.
“You know some of it,” Trevor mumbled. “Even when she moved to Michigan and met all of us, she still fawned over him at first.”
“Wait, you’re the Matty she couldn’t stop talking about?!” Cole shouted. “This makes so much sense!”
“She practically begged him to come to her sixteenth birthday party,” Quinn told the group.
“She tripped when he came through the door,” Jack snicked.
“You went?” Jamie asked. “Weren’t you in the league by then?”
“I was playing in Calgary,” Matthew explained. “It wasn’t too long of a plane ride and the date worked out, so I couldn’t bear to say no to her.”
“He bought her flowers and I got nothing,” Jack added, jokingly sounding bitter.
“I could go buy you something from the vending machine down the hall; would that help? Clearly, you’re still upset over your lack of a sixteenth birthday present,” Matthew teased him.
“It would,” Jack said. Matthew laughed and pulled out his wallet to give Jack his card. “Thanks, Matty!”
Silence lingered for a bit when Jack left. It started with Trevor. He stopped smiling and brought his girlfriend’s hand to his lips and lightly kissed each knuckle. Everyone saw it and just couldn’t find a reason to laugh anymore.
“She squeezed my hand,” Matthew said. “I know it doesn’t mean much, but there’s hope, right? It was after I finished speaking. So who knows? Maybe she’s getting closer.”
Trevor sent him a small smile and nodded his head, which was the best he could offer.
“I hope she can hear us,” Trevor said. “I hope she knows how loved she is.”
“She knows,” Alex said, mirroring Jack’s words to him. “She always knows.”
What Trevor didn’t tell the group is that Y/N squeezed his hand after Alex finished talking. Maybe Matthew was right, maybe she is closer to waking up.
– – –
After everyone left, Trevor was too drained to stay up. Luckily, the nurses were kind enough to keep the recliner in the corner of the room for him, so he laid it back and tried to get settled to get some sleep. He stayed on his phone scrolling aimlessly for a while before eventually passing out.
Sleep wasn’t kind to Trevor. He was plagued by endless nightmares, none of them allowing the sweet release of waking up. Over and over again he saw and heard Y/N dying. One mirrored the actual event of her flatlining, in another she woke up and died in his arms, and another she didn’t even make it out of the car. After a second showing of the actual event he witnessed the night before, he finally shot himself awake. He was panting, and he was sure that a scream escaped his lips. He wildly shook his head to try and find Y/N, and the sound of her heart beating steady brought him some ease.
He walked over to her and sat down to grab her hand, “Just keep that heart beating for me, okay, sweet girl? That’s all you gotta do.”
Trevor smiled to himself when she squeezed his hand again, but he tried to not get his hopes up. It didn’t mean anything. It was mere coincidence.
What did mean something was the soft groans that escaped her lips.
“Y/N?” he asked urgently, standing up. Nothing. “Sissy?”
His hand was squeezed again and he heard muffled sounds coming from her. He swore he heard her say “don’t call me that.”
“If you’re awake, I need you to open those pretty little eyes for me, sweet girl,” Trevor said softly as he stroked her hair. “I know it hurts, but I need to see them.”
She groaned heavily, but began to flutter her eyes open, “you’re bossy.”
Trevor collapsed into his chair and heaved the biggest sigh of relief. He took her hand in both of his and held it up to his lips, pressing a firm and lingering kiss on them and allowed the tears to fall.
“You’re awake! Oh my god, you’re awake!” Trevor said through tears.
— — —
Your mind was muddied, but you knew the sound of your boyfriend crying well enough to know that that is what you were hearing.
“Why wouldn’t I be awake?” you slurred. Your vision was less cloudy now and you could see the situation you were in.
Hospital bed. Leg suspended in a sling. Shoulder wrapped and on a pillow-like thing. Feeling extremely groggy. In pain. Trevor’s crying.
Trevor’s crying.
Trevor’s crying.
You brought your hand up to Trevor’s face and cupped his cheek, wiping a tear away with your thumb, “Why are you crying, my love?“
“You- you… you,” he was starting to get worked up.
“Shhhh,” you cooed. “It’s okay. I’m okay. What happened?”
“I saw you die! Your heart stopped beating and the world ended and I couldn’t do anything and I keep hearing the flat line and–”
“Okay, okay, it’s okay,” you said. “Come here.”
“You’re hurt, Y/N/N. Bad. I don’t need to be in this bed with you,” Trevor said.
“Is anything on my upper body besides my shoulder injured ?”
“No, but–”
“So come here.”
Trevor slowly crawled into the small space between you and the bed rail.
“Lay down on my chest,” you whispered to him.
He carefully laid down on your chest, being mindful of your IV, and wrapped his arms around you.
You took deep breaths as you rubbed his back. Yeah, you were the one in the hospital, but your boyfriend just told you he saw you die and you weren’t about to let him suffer.
“See? It’s beating now,” you said low and you stroked his hair with your good arm.
“It’s beating now,” Trevor sighed in relief.
“It’s beating now,” you reaffirmed.
“I need to tell a doctor that you’re awake,” Trevor said.
“We can tell them tomorrow,” you said back. “I just want to lay with you before the real pain sets in. We can talk about whatever happened tomorrow.”
You didn’t know how long you’ve been in the hospital, but you did know that Trevor was incredibly tense and terrified. You were worried out of your mind about him. It didn’t matter how much pain medication was surely in you, even your clouded mind could tell your boyfriend wasn’t okay. You rubbed his back up and down until his tears ceased and you felt him relax against you.
“I thought our forever was going to get cut short,” he said sleepily.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you said.
“I love you, forever.”
“I love you, always.”
— — —
You woke up early the next morning to a nurse going near Trevor to probably tell him off.
“Don’t touch him,” you scolded her.
“You’re awake!” the nurse jumped. She wasn’t expecting her coma patient to be awake. “Unfortunately, this does mean we’ll need to run some tests, so he will need to get up.”
“Can you give us an hour?” you pleaded with her. She gave you a playfully scolding look, but agreed. She gave you another dose of pain medication when you said you were in some pain, making sure to emphasize that Trevor was not that source, and left. Trevor slept through it all.
You found yourself humming and slipping your hand up Trevor’s shirt to softly scratch his back. You had an hour before chaos began and you were going to cherish every second of it.
“I love it when you sing,” you heard him mumble into your chest.
“Good morning to you, too, handsome,” you laughed lightly. “Thank you.”
You felt Trevor nod his head and cuddle up closer to you, placing his head back over your heart. You had a feeling he might need to do that a lot.
“My love, can you check what time it is? The nurse gave us an hour,” you said sleepily.
Trevor groaned but he carefully got off of you to check his phone. His sleepy eyes were soon filled with panic, “Oh shit! Shit!”
Alarmed, you tried to sit up, but you felt a jolt of pain and cried out. Trevor rushed over and eased you back down.
“Are you okay?! Do you want me to get a nurse? I should–”
“Z! Why did you say oh shit?” you cut him off.
“I didn’t immediately tell Quinn that you woke up, and when he finds out that I didn’t–”
“Quinn’s here?” you asked.
Trevor sat down on the edge of your bed and grabbed your hand, “Everyone’s here, sweet girl. They all flew in. Half the league’s been asking for updates. You’re famous, kid.”
You didn’t know how to take that. You were in pain, sure. Apparently you died which was already too much to think about. And now virtually everyone you know is asking about you? It wasn’t fun to think about. It wasn’t fun to think about how many people have worried over you. Trevor was a mess, and you couldn’t even begin to think about everyone else.
You’re the go to person. You vow to make every single person you hold dear, every single person you love, feel safe and loved. You’re the person people go to for support. You have people to go to, but who do you go to when everyone else is struggling with you?
Eventually your hour alone with Trevor was over, at apparently five am, and he had to be kicked out for testing. He freaked out a tad— okay a lot— but he settled for waiting outside in the hall with the door open and you periodically telling him that you were still there. That didn’t last long. A nurse accidentally caused your heart monitor to fall off your finger, causing the flat line to sound again, which caused Trevor to scream. You tried to call out to him, but your voice was too weak and his voice was too strong.
“Help him!” you shouted at a nurse.
You hated what happened next. Trevor’s cries and screams died down, and you were told that they put him in a room after being lightly sedated to calm him down. They explained to you that it happened two nights ago, as well.
“If he stayed in that recliner last time, he needs to be brought in here again. Or he’ll wake up and freak out again,” you told the nurse. “Trust me on that.”
She ended up listening to you, since he did spiral himself into a panic attack just because you were out of his sight. You didn’t know he actually had one, you thought it was just screams. You wished you were right.
You had just enough energy left in you to wait for Trevor to be placed in the recliner. He was out of it, he barely classified as a human at this point. You watched as he got settled and the nurses left, and when his eyes closed, so did yours.
You didn’t know how long you were asleep, but Trevor had drug his IV to your bedside and parked himself in the chair next to you.
“Are you okay?” you asked groggily.
“What? I should be asking you that” Trevor said, dodging your question.
“Z,” you said seriously.
Trevor just looked at you. He looked so guilty. He looked so broken.
“Jack told me that the second you open your eyes, I need to be strong for you if none of them are here. None of them are here yet today and instead of being strong, have an IV with sedatives to not have a panic attack,” Trevor said quietly. “Not even pills, Y/N! An IV bag!”
“Okay, okay,” you got out quickly. “Trev, what you saw is scarring. You never should have seen that, and I’m so sorry that you did. We’re gonna be a bit of a mess for a while it seems, but we’ll be a mess together. We can take turns being the strong one.”
“I need to take care of you,” Trevor said. “You’re hurt, Y/N/N. Bad. You’re going to need help doing everyday things. I can’t be a mess when you need me.”
“Yes you can, Z,” you told him, rubbing his hand with your thumb. “I don’t want anyone holding in anything for me, because that’ll make the break so much harder. Just because I’m going to need help physically doesn’t mean we can’t help each other mentally.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I think all of us are going to need help mentally,” Trevor admitted.
You gave him a sad smile and squeezed his hand, “Good thing I’m awake then, huh?”
Trevor smiled back, but you could tell he really didn’t mean it.
“Jack was playing your part, don’t worry. He held us together for a while.”
“It’s a twin thing,” you joked.
“That’s what Jack said,” Trevor laughed lightly, making you actually smile.
You could tell Trevor was still uneasy, so you had him lay down with you again, but this time he got next to you. You couldn’t lean against him, because moving was agonizing, but the touching of shoulders and your unbroken leg between his was enough for you. He caught you up on everything. He didn’t like it, but you needed it. You needed to know what happened to your friends and family while you were out. All of it absolutely broke your heart, but you were ready to heal with everyone. Physically and mentally. Together.
He told you that almost everyone had a moment alone with you. You wished it was like the movies because you wish you could’ve heard them.
“Do you remember what you said?” you asked Trevor.
“You want to know what I said?”
“I want to know what everyone said. It might help us all get through this.”
Trevor checked his phone, “Visiting hours start in an hour. Why don’t we just lay here together until they come and at some point you can hold one on one therapy sessions?”
It was a reasonable request. You were exhausted, and Trevor had already been through so much in the last three hours. Trevor put a movie on his phone, The Hunger Games, and you laid your head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep again.
reblogs appreciated! it helps spread fics <;3
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f1version · 1 year
congratulations on the 1k!! it's well deserved
could i please request alex albon + ❛ i didn’t know where else to go. ❜
❛ who did this to you? ❜
❛ please don’t leave me. ❜
i apparently need some angst!
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pairing: alex albon x driver! fem! reader
summary: you and alex have never had a good relationship as teammates, but for some reason you feel safe in each other’s arms.
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, implied and mention of verbal and physical violence (non explicit, not between the pairing, reader explains what happened but nothing detailed), implied toxicity and sexism, anxiety, alex calls reader love.
word count: 1,4k
notes: this ended up being longer than i expected
general masterlist ★ 1k special
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Everything hurts.
From the soft leather seats of your car to the speed in which it was being driven. Tears fell down your cheeks while those cruel words rushed through your head all over again. They will never stop, you repeated. But they had to stop, they had to stop because they weren’t true.
You should leave. F1 is not for women. Daddy’s money. Your wins were gifted to you. Cheater.
Every punch, every scream. Everything hurts because the cruelest people are the ones who don't see beyond the differences, the ones who only look for flaws. It seemed like safety was something you couldn’t afford.
It was 3:00 AM when you parked in front of an apartment building in Monte Carlo. You had only been there once 6 months ago, yet you managed to drive there as if it were routine. 
You don't even know why you drove there.
Your name was still on the list of people allowed to go up, even when he said he was going to do a new list and you were sure you wouldn’t be allowed anymore. You guessed he forgot, after all, Alex Albon was somewhat forgetful.
You are in front of Alex Albon’s door, your teammate’s door. Questions finally start pouring into your head. Why are you here? What makes you think he will let you in? What makes you think he will help you?
You and Alex weren’t the best teammates, and it was mostly your fault. He took you by surprise with his kindness, he was as sweet and funny as it could get. He was sunshine and you were midnight rain; cold, unpredictable, pushing away every intruder who could throw away what you had been building since you were 4 years old.
Still, you were going to knock on his door at 3 in the morning.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
For five minutes and eight seconds, there was no answer, the wait was doom, it was a sign that you should turn around and leave because Alex was asleep. But he had always been full of surprises.
Two confused brown eyes meet yours, saying your name in such a tone. "Are you. What?"
"I didn't know where else to go" you speak quickly, nervous, the bruises hurt more then.
"I, Come in, let's talk inside"
In that moment a sigh of relief leaves your lips. Of course he would let desperate souls in his house at three in the morning.
The fake blond led you into the living room, where, with a soft motion, asked you to take a seat on the black sofa in front of you.
Alex sits next to you, concern in his pretty eyes. You haven't said anything since he opened the door. You always had something to tease him with, but only a small cry came out of you. You didn't even look at him, something was very wrong.
He calls your name, soft and caring. “Can you look at me?” You hear him say as you stare down at your hands. "Love, please tell me what's wrong, you're worrying me.”
Observing was one of Alex’s greatest qualities, that's why he froze. His gaze was stuck on the bruise of your left arm. On the way here, they had taken on a blueish color, they were painful, especially when you remember the reason why they were there to begin with.
“Y/n?” He says cautiously, scared to mess it up. "Who did this to you?"
Alex gets closer and suddenly you've never felt so vulnerable, so alone. Alex didn't want you here, it was almost four in the morning and he was in his pajamas while you were crying on his sofa, smelling of that goddamn drink someone spilled on you.
"Alex, I’m sorry. I, I know you must be tired," you say in a hurry, trying to get up. "I, I should go, everything is fine nothing, nothing happened."
Alex grabs your hand, looking up at you. "Love, please."
Somehow that’s enough to make you stay. His eyes, such pretty brown eyes drown in worry and sadness. You can't stand it. Seeing Alex sad was something only could bear within race weekends, when your focus wasn’t on him. But, yes, he always looked better smiling.
Alex sighs, "stay here, I'm going to go get an ice pack and some water."
You decided to look down, more tears filled your eyes. He was so good. Alex was a real-life angel in your eyes, and you never thanked motorsports for the things it had done for you until now. Knowing him.
When he came back, a glass of water made it’s way into your hands, calming the nausea and the nerves. 
“Love, can you turn around a bit? I need to see that bruise,” Alex states, you just comply. You knew that if you thought about it too much you would want to run away without looking back. This isn’t the strong, confident version Alex knows, this is some broken toy who has had enough playing. You didn’t want him to see you like this, you were afraid of breaking something that didn't exist.
But maybe it exists, that something. Maybe it’s just hard to spot what that is. Maybe it was all about the laughs, hugs, and soft touches on the get-togethers of the team and the grid. Maybe it was how he looked at you with those gorgeous brown eyes.
That maybe is what encourages you to open up, he wouldn't judge you. He could never.
"I, I was in a pub, celebrating the points from last week with my sister and,” you inhale sharply, "and at some point, she went dancing with her girlfriend and... some people, fans, they recognized me and they, they."
"They did this."
It wasn’t a question, it was a fact. The lump on your throat only allowed you to nod. Looking at Alex you recognized anger, it was something carnal and dangerous, something you hadn't seen before. It wasn't the adrenaline rushing through his veins after something went down on track. This was twisted, crooked.
"Love," He says, slowly. There's that nickname again. "Do you remember their faces?" He asks a few minutes later, tense. “What they were wearing. Something?"
"We have to do something," he says, standing up abruptly. "This can't stay like this, you,"
"Alex," you interrupt him, "i know what I have to do, but not now, please. I just want, I want to rest, I want peace, I want… Please, let's not talk about this now and," there’s a confession hanging in the air, "please don't leave me"
Your watery eyes find exasperated ones, calming them within seconds. His newfound softness brought you peace. 
"Can I hug you?" The Thai murmurs, eyes never leaving yours.
"Yes, you can."
His arms wrap around your waist gently, doing everything to keep you from moving too much, afraid of hurting you. That made your tears fall inconsolable. You feel Alex's hands caressing your back, they are so gentle.
"Here, put this on the bruise," he says as he pulls away, extending you an ice pack.
"Thank you."
After that, there are twenty minutes of comfortable silence. You notice the music playing in the background, soft and relaxing, lo-fi, most likely.
Alex guides you to the bathroom, letting you shower away the anxiety. He even offers you a t-shirt and pajama bottoms that are just a little too big on you, but nothing wild. He brings snacks for both of you, giving you a sandwich and more water; you make a mental note of inviting him for dinner one day.
"Do you want," Alex says, breaking the silence "I, It doesn't matter."
"Alex," You call, sitting next to him, with your head almost falling on his shoulder. "It’s okay, you can ask."
“It's not what you think, I,” he smiled, “I just want to know if you want to cuddle for a while? Not in my bed, if that’s weird, but I can bring some blankets and pillows, it would be comfortable. I don’t think it would be weird, is it weird to you? We literally live together, you know, Williams. Agh! You know what I mean."
Your body moving closer to his silences his blabbering, your head resting on his chest, legs almost in his lap, a smile in your face. Alex puts an arm around you.
"Yes, that’s okay, really," you muttered. "And sorry."
"Don't apologize for coming, everything is fine I,"
“I mean how I've treated you,” you say and he makes a big ‘O’ with his mouth, then frowns. Is he confused? "I feel like I've been cold."
Alex smiles. "Honestly? I feel like it's just on race weekends, and I know why."
Now you smile. A grateful smile. No one had ever understood or tried to. You feel tears running down once again, this time of overwhelming gratitude. Alex kisses your temple. 
“You are okay, love, safe and sound, I promise”
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ki-irke · 1 year
Julie and the phantoms
Reader x luke Patterson
Reader is Luke’s girlfriend in the 90’s and was with them when he past away and years later when he’s a ghost he goes to vist her and she can see him
Paring: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Luke goes to see his love for the first time after he past away, and it may be the last, but he doesn't expect them to stay together for much longer.
A/N: Ik it's not probably what you had in mind, it was a fun one and too cute to not make!
Words: 613
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"I'm going to see y/n," Luke said, looking at Alex.
"You sure? She could have family now, you know?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and carefully watching the brown-haired boy.
"Yeah. I just want to see her when I get the chance."
"Okay," Alex said, nodding his head. But Luke stayed for the next few hours. The thought of you being happy with someone else who wasn't him broke his heart. But he knows that this may be the last time he sees you.
So, while Julie was at school and Alex and Reggie were busy with each other, Luke teleported to where your house used to be.
The house still looked the same. The black fence was overgrown with some kind of ivy, which made it difficult to see the yard. Luke walked forward, putting his feet on the slices of wood that formed the path to the big, white house. He had always thought this place was magical, and seeing it still look the same after all these years made him believe it more. When he was about to walk into the house, the door opened. A tall, dark-haired man with a dog on a leash came out. Lukes' heart stopped for a second. Is this your boyfriend? Or even husband? After the man came a smiling woman. SHe leaned against the doorframe. The man turned around to send her a kiss and walked out of the yard. Before the woman could step back into the house, Luke invited himself inside.
Inside, there were small changes to a more modern one, but it still looked the same. The brown-haired boy eyed the woman carefully, who was now pulling a lighter out of a drawer. She was looking almost like the young you. He gave up looking around the house and simply followed the woman upstairs. The woman was like you. But something about her was different. Maybe it's the age, Luke thought. The women looked at white doors with pastel hearts on them. You didn't remove it after all these years? The woman took a deep breath and went inside.The first thing that caught Luke's attention was the large number of photos, candles, and flowers. What was happening?
"I'm sorry, y/n, that I couldn't save you," the woman said, tears streaming down her face. "All of this is my fault. Mum was right," she added, lighting every candle. Luke didn't know what was happening. You couldn't be dead. I mean, if you would, he could meet you. But who was the woman? Because it surely wasn't your mom. Maybe it's about your daughter?
And then the young girl walked slowly past him.
He didn't see her. But he immediately knew that it was you. You sat beside the woman, putting your head on her shoulder. But the woman continued crying.
"Y/N, if you're listening to me, I'm sorry." you blew out one of the candles near your family photo, which made the woman smile through her tears.
"It's okay, y/s/n. I wanted to protect you," you said, standing up but holding a hand on the woman's head. "She does this every time she's alone," you said softly, turning around to face Luke. It wasn't something funny, but it made him smile.
"Why are you smiling?" you laughed, moving closer to him.
"I thought you were still alive. That you have a new family," he said, but his smile soon dropped. "Did you–?" he asked, but you didn't let him finish.
"God, no. It was an accident, but it's a long story," Luke chuckled, hugging you.
"Well, we have plenty of time, love," he answered, lowering his head to kiss you slowly.
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soulofapatrick · 9 months
Freeze Time - Alex Claremont-Diaz x Male Reader 
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Summary: Late night noodles leads to blowjobs
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: blowjobs; gay; semi-smut; fluff
Notes: I have no idea how noodles led to a blowjob but enjoy
The White House is a far cry from the familiarity and grandeur of Kensington Palace. As I walk in, I’m immediately struck by its simplicity and functionality. The walls are painted a clean, crisp white, and the countertops gleam under the bright overhead lights. The stainless steel appliances stand in stark contrast to the ornate furnishings I’m accustom to at home. The kitchen is spacious, with enough room for a team of chefs to prepare meals for the First Family and their guests. It’s well-organised space, with pots and pans neatly hung on the walls, and a long island in the centre where ingredients are laid out for easy access. It feels more like a professional culinary workspace than a royal palace kitchen. 
I pull out a stool and take a seat at the island, the cool surface beneath my hands a stark reminder that I’m far from the comforts of Kensington. The White House kitchen is an oasis of tranquility compared to the perpetual hustle and bustle of Kensington Palace. Here, in the heart of American power, the quietude is striking. The silence is almost reverent, as if the walls themselves are whispering tales of history and diplomacy. 
Gone are the echoes of footfalls and the distant hum of activity that I’ve grown so accustomed to the corridors of Kensington. In this austere American kitchen, the only sounds that break the silence are the gentle clinking of utensils and the soft sizzle of something cooking on the stove. One lonely cook stays behind, making me some noodles with a soft smile on her face as if she loves her job more than anything else. It’s a stark contrast to the constant movement and chatter that fills the air at home. 
One lonely cook stays behind, her presence a reassuring island in the sea of quietude. She moves with a graceful efficiency, her every action precise and deliberate. Her eyes meet mine, and there's a warmth in her gaze, as if she finds solace in her solitary late-night task. It's as though she loves her job more than anything else, and in that moment, I can't help but admire her dedication. 
With a soft smile, she places a steaming bowl of chicken ramen in front of me. The aroma is intoxicating, the rich scent of broth mingling with the savoury notes of chicken and herbs. The steam curls upwards, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace, dispelling the chill that had settled in my bones. 
I thank her, and she nods before retreating, her footsteps fading into the background as she leaves me alone with the bowl of ramen. As I take the first bite, the flavours explode in my mouth, each ingredient perfectly balanced. The noodles are tender but still have a satisfying bite, and the brother is a symphony of umami, with hints of soy sauce and ginger. It’s a taste of comfort, a reminder of being home and having late night meals with Henry and Bea, and I savour it with every spoonful. 
Just as I’m lost in the delicious embrace of the ramen, I hear the soft sound of footsteps approaching. I turn to see Alex, my heart quickening at the sight of him. His disheveled hair and causal attire are a stark contrast to the polished image he presents to the world. In this quiet, intimate moment, he’s just Alex. 
He smiles as he approaches, his eyes lighting up when he sees the ramen in front of me, ‘Late night noodles, huh?” 
As Alex takes a seat beside me, our shoulders brushing against each other, a warm and tingling sensation spreads through me. It’s as if the simple act of siting next to each other has the poser to chase away any lingering shadows of loneliness or uncertainty. In this moment, the world outside the White House kitchen fades into insignificance, and it’s just the two of us. I watch him with a fondness that never seems to wane, even after all this time. His disheveled hair, slightly tousled from the busy day, only adds to his charm. Gone is the meticulously styles appearance he wears for public events, replaced by a more relaxed and authentic version of Alex. 
He shoots me a mischievous grin as he reaches for a fork and playfully swipes a mouthful of my ramen. His russet eyes meet mine, and there’s a spark of playful flirtation in them, a reminder of the chemistry that has always crackles between us, “Late night noodles are elite.” 
His presence is magnetic, drawing me closer despite the narrow divide between us. I catch a whiff of his familiar scent, a combination of his cologne and the subtle traces of the day’s activities. It’s a scent that’s uniquely his, comforting and inviting. 
As our knees touch under the table, he leans in closer, his lips dangerously close to my ear, “You know, Y/N.” He murmurs, his voice a velvety whisper that sends shivers down my spine, hand large hand falling to my thigh and sending a jolt through me, “I’ve always thought you look especially irresistible when you're enjoying a good bowl of ramen.”
As my cheeks burn with the heat of Alex’s bold statement, his large, warm hand finds its way to my thigh, sending an electrifying jolt through my body. The intimacy of the touch sends my heart racing, and I can’t help but respond to the magnetic pull between us. I turn to him, my breath hitching as I lock eyes with him again. The velvety timbre of his voice still lingers in my ears, and the unspoken desire smoulders in the air. There’s a raw and undeniable chemistry that has always existed between us, and in this moment, it’s impossible to resist. 
With shared intent, we finish the last bites of the ramen, the flavours a backdrop to the escalating tension between us. As the empty bowl is set aside, Alex’s lips find their way to my neck, leaving soft, tentative kisses in their wake. My skin tingles with each gentle press of his lips, and I can feel his warm breath against my sensitive flesh. 
My fingers find their way into his hair, entwining in the soft strands. With a desperate urgently, I yank him closer, my lips seeking his in a kiss that’s fierce and unrelenting. Our mouths crash together, a tumultuous storm of longing and desire. The taste of ramen lingers on our lips as we devour each other, the tension that had simmered between us now ignited into a passionate blaze. His tongue brushes against my bottom lip, seeking entrance, and I part my lips eagerly, granting him access. The sensation of his tongue mingling with mine sends a shiver down my spine, and I respond in kind, our mouths locked in a passionate dance that knows no restraint. 
But the, as if overcome by a sudden burst of desire and urgency, Alex pulls away, his eyes  dark and smouldering. He murmurs huskily, his voice laced with longing, “We should take this to the bedroom.” 
His words send a jolt of anticipation through me, and before I can even respond, he grabs my hand with an eagerness that matches my own. Without hesitation, we sprint down the quiet halls of the White House, our footsteps echoing almost too loud in the stillness of the night. Up the stairs we go, each step bringing us closer and closer to his room. The thrill of our urgency intensifies with each step up the grand staircase, my heart racing in tandem with our hurried ascent. The quiet elegance of the White House feels worlds away as we sprint through its hallowed halls, driven by an irresistible need for each other. 
As we reach his bedroom door, Alex doesn’t waste a moment. With a fiery passion that mirrors my own, he shoves me gently against the wall, his lips crashing onto mine in a searing kiss that leaves me breathless and dizzy. It’s a kiss that tastes of desire, need, and the years of longing we’ve shared. Our lips move fervently against each other's, a symphony of heat and hunger, and in this stolen moment, I can't help but marvel at the intensity of our connection
With a deft hand, Alex fumbles for the doorknob, his urgency clear as he pushes it open and ushers me inside the bedroom. The soft lamplight casts a warm glow, revealing a room that is very much Alex. Before I can really take in the room Alex’s lips claim mine and he’s guiding me backwards until my thighs hit his bed, and we tumble down together in a tangle of limbs. 
Giggle and gasps escape our lips as we fall onto the soft mattress, the weight of Alex landing on top of me. The bed dips beneath us, and we’re a mess of arms and legs, tangled together in our fervour. The laughter that bubbles up between kisses is infectious, a testament to the joy the fills our hearts in these stolen moments of intimacy. Alex’s hands start their slow descent. With a deliberate slowness that heightens the anticipation, his fingers deftly unbutton my shirt, one button at a time, each revealing a bit more of my skin beneath. 
His lips, still flushed with desire and tasting of the sweet promise of our connection, following the path his hands take. They leave a trail of delicate kisses along my chest, the warmth of his mouth igniting a fire within me. It’s as if each kiss is a silent declaration of his love and longing, a testament to the tenderness we share. 
With a final, lingering kiss at my navel, Alex’s attention shifts lower. His fingers dance skilfully over the button of my jeans, and he slowly, tantalisingly, eases them open. The fabric gives way, revealing the growing desire that has been building beneath. It draws a gasp from me when he traces a line of hot, moist kisses along the exposed skin of my hips, his breath coming in soft pants against my flesh. I raise my hips slightly to aid n their removal, allowing him to slide them down my legs and cast them aside, leaving me in just my boxers before him. 
With a gaze that’s both intense and loving, Alex takes in the sight before him. His russet eyes are almost black as they slide over my body as if I was carved by gods, settling on the bulge in my boxers that is nowhere near going away, especially when he looks at me like that, his hunger palpable. But he doesn’t rush. Instead, he savours the moment, the intimacy. 
His lips, warm and moist, continue their journey upward, tracing a path of kisses up my inner thighs. Each touch is a delicate caress, a testament to the desire that courses through our veins. The sensation of his breath against my flesh sends a thrill of excitement through me, and I arch my back, offering myself to him without reservation. That’s all it takes for him to practically rip my boxers down my legs and throwing them aside. I raise myself to my elbows to watch him, watching the way his face as he stares my throbbing erection, pressed against my stomach. Lust glimmers in his eyes, the intensity of his desire reflected in their depth. His love for me is evident in the tenderness of his touch, and there’s an unspoken promise that goes beyond physical. 
But I also see something else in his eyes, a hint of fear and nervousness that tugs at my heart. It’s as if he’s baring not just his body but his soul, and the vulnerability of the moment weighs heavily on him. He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of his anticipation, eyes flickering up to meet mine. 
“You don’t have-“ I can’t even finish the sentence, my breath gets stuck in my throat as he licks a bold stripe up the underside of my dick. His large hands are gripping my hips, rubbing soothing circles into the skin before he kisses the head and I think I die a little. My hands find comfort in his hair, tangling in those dark locks as he goes at his own pace, lips feeling heavenly. He closes his lips around the head, dragging his tongue excessively over the tip, where pre-cum has been dribbling across my lower stomach, drawing an embarrassing sound from my throat. He doesn’t move, just keeps his lips there and I want to push him down but this is… I don’t want to rush Alex. 
“A-Alex please,” I’m whining and the fucker pulls his lips away, looking up at me through those pretty eyelashes, lips parted in a teasing grin, “Stop teasing me.” I’m growling out, gripping his hair almost painfully tight and his eyes flutter for a moment as a sound rumbles in his chest. He meets my gaze and lets his mouth drop open, eyes daring me to do my worst and I think I may have just come then and there. I pull him down the same time I raise my hips, head flying back against the pillows when his throat constricts around me and he lets out a choked sound. 
That’s all he needs to take control, hands finding my hips and gripping hard enough to promise bruises in the morning as he finds a steady rhythm and I loosen my grip on his hair, letting him set the pace. That pit in my stomach starting to tighten and my hips jerk as much as his hands allow, his tongue doing dirty dirty things, making my thighs tighten around his shoulders. 
“A-Alex-“ I tug on his hair in warning and instead of pulling off he loosens his throat and fuck, that’s all it takes. I’m spurting white hot ropes down his throat, his name dying in my throat as my hips jerk and my thighs shake. He stays there, mouth open, lips flush and looking up at me with the most innocent eyes as if he isn’t currently blowing one of the Princes of England. 
I finally let his hair go, letting him pull away and expecting him to go spit in the toilet but instead he’s swallowing and licking his lips, a knowing grin on his face. 
“We should have done that much sooner.” He’s murmuring, chest heaving a little and all I can do is stare at him, brain fogged with everything Alex. The way he’s leaning over me, fingers brushing over my cheek gently and a look in his eyes that I always want to see. It's not quite love in its full bloom, but it's on its way there, and I want nothing more than to stay in this moment forever. 
“Can we just freeze time?” I whispers he words escaping before I can even think, fingers playing with the soft tufts of hair at the base of his scalp. 
Alex’s smile in response is like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. It’s a smile that makes my heart swell with warmth and happiness, a smile that reassures me that we’re exactly where we’re meant to be. And then, without a word, his lips find mine in a kiss that speaks of everything we are and everything we’re becoming, a kiss that leaves me breathless and yearning for more. 
Tears spring to my eyes as our lips part, the intensity of the kiss leaving me emotionally overwhelmed. Alex, ever attuned to my feelings, brushes one the tears away with his thumb, his touch gentle and reassuring. His voice is a soft murmur against my ear as he whispers, “Sure, we can freeze time for a while.” 
It’s a promise and it soothes the storm of emotions raging within me. With a tenderness that speaks of his devotion to me, he shifts to lays beside me, our bodies pressed close. His forehead meets my cheek, a gesture of affection that feels like a warm embrace and he’s pulling the duvet over us, “We’ll freeze time for as long as you like.”
                           ┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
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cyanide-capsules · 4 months
Random character musings tonight,,
Can be read as romantic or platonic most were not intended as one or the other.
tw // implied s/a with Ghosts
Farah, who trusts Alex enough to put down her strength. Not drop it, or lose it. To simply, put it down for a while, let it, and herself rest. To hang it up with her coat at the door and join him for a warm breakfast.
She's protected herself, relied on nobody but herself for so long. A second pair of hands is unwelcome at first. Slowly, but surely, she learns that it wasn't about her having to stop taking care of herself, but more, allowing someone else to help as well. It didn't have to be one or the other, the two can coexist, just as she and Alex do.
Alex, who suffers through spells of phantom pains so intense they leave him a shell of the soldier he always is. Clutching at what was once there, whimpering and crying like a wounded animal. Unable to move from wherever he had been when it started, if he was lucky, in bed or the couch, where he was alone. Where it didn't matter if he was weak. If he wasn't lucky, a more populated area like the common room or training center, where he would have to ignoring the agony spreading through him with his usual grin, excusing himself as soon as he could under whatever excuse he could muster up.
He isn't used to stopping, or slowing down. He hates not being of use. He bites back another sob as Farah strokes his hair, muttering to him that the pain will pass eventually. That he doesn't need to be of use, that not every day can be spectacular and productive. That sometimes one days achievement can just be making it to the next.
Alejandro, who's haunted by nothing more than the thought of losing Rudy. Ever since saving him from the fire, the realization that the man he's known all these years was not invincible hit him harder than any injury he's ever received. Sure, it was a stupid realization, but he had never in his life come so close to loosing him until then.
He's all over Rudy the moment he's dispatched from medical. Careful hands avoiding every bandage and burn on the other man. Whispering apology after apology for his foolishness, for not going into the house with him, for not realizing until now how much he needed Rudy. The ever brave Colonel Vagas, crumbling under the weight of every bit of grief he's ever experienced at just the thought of burying his second in command.
Ghost, who's terrified beyond his own capacity of physical intimacy, physical touch in general. Every lingering hand brings back unwanted memories of unwanted hands against his skin, every accidental graze against him sends him spiraling. He covers himself head to toe to protect himself, mentally. Turtlenecks, long sleeves, long pants, gloves, even during the dead of summer.
He knows good and well that skin against his own will bring out panic. He'll never forgive himself for the time Soap pat him on the back, the slight brush against his, at the time, exposed neck threw him off his feet, within seconds he had elbowed Soap in the nose before he even realized who he was. He wonders what he did to deserve someone so patient, Soap hadn't ever held the moment against him, even when he had to wear a face cast for weeks.
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cher-rei · 3 months
afterglow- pt. 6 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends to lovers, workplace romance, fluff
[wc: 4.6K] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 7] [part 8]
notes: this chapter is a bit longer but it was so funny to write. and of course, it was sitting in my drafts for like 50 years... enjoy!
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if someone were to ask you to pick between your mother and your father you wouldn't be able to answer the question, much like most people in the world. they both offered qualities you needed respectively and you were grateful to have them both in your life. kind of.
seeing as you spent most of your life in london, despite being born in liverpool you grew up with your mother and spent a solid 22 years in her presence with nowhere to go. you loved it in london, it was your home and you couldn't let it go. but what it lacked was your father— your best friend.
you were living with him right now because of the whole "alex has chicken pox" situation but you were welcomed home to a facetime from your nephew so that was fun. it was easier with your father, you didn't have to walk on eggshells around him, you could talk about anything and laugh about everything together and that's what you loved about him— his neverending support.
it started with taking you to football practice without your mother knowing, her thinking that he was accompanying you to weekly ballet. when instead, he'd have your kit in the car ready at all times, and supporting you from the sidelines all the way until high school.
and then when your mum was against your university major in marketing instead of law as you had "agreed" upon, your father took the drive from liverpool to london so that he could have a chat with her. and to your surprise she gave up and let you do as you pleased with much reluctance.
so when they got the divorce when you were 16 and he moved back to liverpool, the decision was seamless but you still stayed with your mother seeing as maya already had a job position on that side. after all, you couldn't leave your mother alone. the woman gave birth to you for crying out loud.
all that just for you to move to liverpool eventually because of a really bad break-up. which brought you to your current point— the one where your father wanted to wring every single man's neck no matter how they looked at you.
you felt like a teenager sneaking out like this but you had no other choice. you were going on a drive to lord knows where with a freaken football player, "the most unloyal men on this planet", as your father liked to say.
but of course, he had to catch you in the act, a look of confusion plastered on his face as he stood in the living room, getting ready for bed. "why are you walking around like you did something wrong?" he gasped at your guilty expression, "are you leaving me already? you're just like your mother."
your anxiety vanished in an instant at his joke, an attempt to get the truth out of you. "it's too late to be making jokes like that."
he crossed his arms over his chest. "and it's too late for you to be walking around the house like you're in the 'quiet place'. seriously jamie, why are you tiptoeing?"
you raised your hands in defence, "I thought you were sleeping. my bad for being considerate."
he let out an unconvinced hum and eyed you up and down. he took in the fact that you were in a pair of sweats and a navy blue zip-up hoodie. "you're not a teenager anymore." he shook his head and let out an amused chuckle.
you watched as he made his way to the kitchen and you couldn't help but follow behind him, "what's that supposed to mean?"
he didn't answer your question for a moment and continued to rummage through the fridge for something, happily taking out a box of doughnuts you two had bought earlier. "it means that you can leave the house when you want to. just tell me first."
it was times like this that you forgot you were an adult. to be fair you never really considered yourself to be one, or to act like one either. "oh." there was a moment of silence that passed but it was interrupted by your phone going off.
the way that you darted to check the message said enough to your father, and he let out another amused chuckle. "go on now. don't keep the boy waiting."
your eyes widened in shock, your mouth dry in disbelief but he waved you off. "leave before I go outside to meet him. or should I just--"
"--stay here! I'll be home soon!"
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"so do you always drag girls out of bed to keep you company in your car?"
trent rolled his eyes at your question from the driver's seat but kept his attention on the empty road, only the city lights illumating the dark night. "first of all: I didn't drag you out of bed, you could have said no. and second: no I don't usually do this."
you looked at him with your eyes narrowed, not sure what possessed him to call you at 10 in the evening for a drive. "oh so I get special privileges now? care to explain why?"
"I just wanted to go for a drive that's all," he answered honestly with a shrug of his shoulders but that still wasn't quite the answer you were looking for.
you fought back your amused smile. "you have friends for that trent, I'm sure."
the car stopped at a red light which allowed him to look over at you sitting comfortably in the passenger seat of his car. it wasn't the first time after all— there were many trips to the academy, sometimes having to shoot content with him and even that one morning when he picked you up at your sister's apartment for work.
you'd never forget that day and the innocent look on his face when he called you to say that he was outside just as you were grabbing your car keys. it was strange but you didn't mind it.
he let out a sigh and continued to drive after the light had turned green. "all my friends prefer to spend their evenings with their girlfriends and wives so yeah no thanks. and besides--" he shot you an appointed look, "--are we not friends?"
your mouth dried up. that was a little more than you wanted to get out of him, not sure how to respond. colleagues? definitely. banter buddies? sure. but friends?? you were sure that there was some sort of boundary for that and you were never sure if you two had managed to get there yet.
"you could have asked skylar."
oh shit.
you bit your tongue in immediate regret. it was a genuine accident at how quickly it left from your lips and telling by the flicker in trrent's expression, you had hit a nerve. you were just about to apologise when he interjected.
"skylar," he emphasized her name, his lips curved into a smile as he spoke to you, "wouldn't be caught dead eating takeout in a mcdonald's parking lot at 10 in the evening with me though."
you didn't know what to think of his answer, but instead of overthinking it, you decided to make the most of the moment at least. there was no point in making this awkward and it's not like you didn't enjoy his company. trent was easy to be around. most of the time.
so that's how you found yourself parked at the far end of an empty mcdonald's parking lot with hardly any street lights in sight. you unbuckled your seat belt and reclined the seat further back for some more leg room, trent watching you as you did so.
"oh, you're definitely not new to this."
which was true, you weren't. you've had your fair share of late-night drives to get some fresh air back in london. the only difference was the person you were with, a distant memory that you weren't too fond with but maintained at the back of your mind.
you were sat with a large fries, a chocolate milkshake and a mcflurry. you dubbed it the ultimate late-night combo and trent was eager enough to take your word for it, and to his surprise it did not disappoint despite being so simple.
it didn't take long for the atmosphere to clear and for you to ease into conversation. dabbling a bit in random aspects of your lives, to movies, to football and to just nothing. you loved how easygoing it was, not much thought had to be put into anything you said which left you with room to just relax.
"so your mum's not from liverpool?"
you shook your head and took another sip from your milkshake. "she's from london, my dad's from liverpool. but they lived together here for a bit, and two or three years after I was born we moved back to london."
the explanation made trent tutt in disappointment. "and here I thought you were a purebred brit. your accent's probably fake too."
"the accent is real thank you very much," you defended with a hand to your chest.
he quirked a brow, "let's be honest here. you probably dated colwill. you were probably neighbours or something."
your eyes widened a fraction at his comment in utter shock. "levi?" well wasn't this just lovely, you couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "he's three years younger than I am."
trent scrunched his face at you, not convinced by your answer almost as if he knew something you didn't. "age is just a number or whatever they say. but no," he thought for a moment, "you couldn't have been with him because he would have said something by now."
it was strange to see this considering that trent literally played with levi in the england team, so the dots would've been connected long ago if you were in fact in cahoots with levi. it was quite the compliment, knowing that you were paired up with someone that attractive.
"if I were with levi then I wouldn't be in liverpool right now. I'd be back in london living my best life." your answer seemed to pique trent's interest, questions bubbling at his throat the more he found out about you.
"why is it that you left london?" he leant back into the seat, his full attention now on you in the dimly lit car. "I'm sure it's not just because of work."
oh definitely not. you just happened to get lucky there.
your lips pursed as you thought, not sure just how much he wanted to know or how much you were willing to tell. but it wouldn't hurt right?
"uhm," you cleared your throat, "bad breakup."
trent's intrigue increased at your answer, one that he wasn't expecting to be honest. he was expecting something more along the lines of running away from home because your parents' divorce or to be closer to maya.
"you don't look like the relationship type," he answered truthfully and your eyes widened in slight shock, feelings mixed and a bitter taste in your mouth.
how were you supposed to interpret that? negatively? positively? was he calling you independent?? the internal struggle was mind boggling.
you pushed the comment to the back of your mind and let out a hum. "no yeah, he cheated on me."
"oh fuck."
"with my best friend."
"oh fuck."
a laugh escaped your mouth at his reaction and how it got progressively more concerned with each passing second, and your nonchalance wasn't making him feel any better. he fumbled over his words for a bit, switching between the usual "I'm so sorry" and "you've got to be joking right now".
you assured him that you were fine, a closed lippsed smile drawn across your lips. "but like hey," you raised your hands jokjngly, "his name was michael so..."
trent blew out a breath at that and quirked a brow. "yeah, no you definitely asked for it then."
your rolled your eyes and played along for a moment, "I know right. and it didn't help that she was literally his best friend before we got together."
it was every cliché in the book to trent which only made the situation less serious, and seeing that you weren't showing any sort of discomfort towards it he didn't stop himself from laughing and getting back at you. "you just love making horrible life choices."
you nodded eagerly in agreement, saying that it was actually your forte— a gift that you just happened to be born with. it didn't take long for you to ask trent how he didn't know about the breakup. "I'm not famous but it was all over twitter for quite some time."
you came to learn that he wasn't a social media buff and preferred to keep to himself by just staying at home and enjoying his own company and you respected him for that. for you however, it was slightly different because your entire life was on social media but you didn't regret it.
the people that you met and the content that you had the opportunity to create were more than you could ever ask for. but obviously there were the downs— public breakups, hate comments, death threats. nothing out of the ordinary. quite a bit of your life was on display for the world to see so you understood trent's want to keep his life as private as possible.
you were getting to that point as well. you had a total of two friends— maya and clara. your daily routine consisted of waking up, going to work, pilates, pop into a barnes and noble, settling in at home and going live for a few hours. that was your quiet life and you were thoroughly enjoying it.
and trent did a damn good job at keeping his life private, skylar was an absolute myth to everyone. that and you felt that it was time to shift the attention to him for a bit.
"so what happened between you and name not to be mentioned? seeing as we're getting emotional here."
he wouldn't use the word "emotional" but a heart-to-heart was blatantly taking place, even though it wasn't planned. there was a look on his face that screamed how do I explain this? and it had you chewing on your lip for answers, any sort of answer.
it took trent a moment but he eventually let his guard down. "well rumors say that I cheated on her with some random youtuber's girlfriend— which is insane by the way."
not really.
"we dated for nearly two years, she was nice, came to my matches, said I made her heart do flips or something like that." the way it fell from his lips wasn't the slightest bit tasteful, no good reminisce or fondness in his tone at all.
you continued to listen to trent as he explained his relationship with skylar a bit more, furthering into how they met and whatnot. it wasn't anything crazy, just through a mutual friend and he decided to take her on a few dates just for fun, until they're eventually hit it off.
"I thought it was going well but then she said she needed a break out of nowhere, and I was like excuse me?" he said with just as much enthusiasm as if he were still in the moment, his forehead creased in confusion as he looked at you.
he was hurt and it was subtle but not subtle enough to miss. "and she just left without explaining?"
"no," he sighed. "she said she couldn't handle the restriction and needed some time to live her life but obviously the lads thought otherwise. robbo said it was emotional manipulation but I don't know."
"that girl is insane trent. she uses your bank card more than you do. she flakes out on most of your dates and when you try to speak to her about an issue or how you're feeling she gets emotional and starts playing the victim, while you try and apologise. get her out of your life."
this was at least a ten times worse than your situation and you were sympathising at this point. skylar was in fact a manipulator and trent wholeheartedly did not want to admit that.
"and now what? she just shows up and you're fine?" the question came out a little harsher than you intended so you immediately apologized, not wanting to ruin the moment and make him feel awkward. but it was a genuine question and you were borderline worried for him.
there was a moment of silence that enveloped the two of you, filled with even more uncertainty than before. "I don't know to be honest. she hasn't said anything yet but I haven't really been in the mood to confront her yet— I have bigger things to worry about right now."
okay, that was true. his head had to be in the game, and with his team, not some girl who came to lounge around for whatever reason. but you genuinely felt bad for him, a new light shone over him after this evening— one that revealed a little more vulnerability than he let on and it tugged at your heart strings.
driving home about an hour later with that knowledge sitting at the back of your mind wasn't the easiest and you just knew that it was going to keep you up tonight. plaguing your mind, sounding over your other thoughts that were probably more important, for example— the script that you had to give to one of the p.r members for an episode of Up the Reds!, the schedule for certain uploads and how the accounts had to be managed, as well as certain photoshoots and interviews that needed to be prepared beforehand and the packing you had to finish before--
"hey sweetheart," you cooed into the receiver end of your phone which just happened to catch trent's undivided attention but yours was out the window, as you adorned a soft smile.
"don't 'hey sweetheart' me," the voice of the teenager bit back but you swear you could hear him smiling. "you didn't tell me you were making the trip."
oh, he just had to go and tell the entire world huh?
you huffed out a breath, "in my defence, I only made the decision today." an unconvinced hum rang through your hear and you stifled a laugh. "are you going to be there?"
"no duh."
you rolled your eyes at the attitude he was giving you, which was nothing out of the ordinary. "I'm leaving in two days for the week so--"
"a week??" the shock in his tone was evident and you knew were this was leading. "he convinced you to stay for the week? and you said yes?!"
"I said yes so I could spend more time with you I swear. if you really think about it, I'm doing this for you."
"hm, oh really?" he dragged out and you pursed your lips to stop the laughter from escaping your lips. "I'm holding you to this. bye I'm leaving to try and comprehend the amount of lies that just came from your mouth."
"come on you can't be a--" you interjected but the boy was adamant.
you laughed sheepishly. "I love you."
that was nothing short of the usual phone call you seemed to get, a ghost of a smile still on your lips as you put your phone back down into your lap while trent mustered up the courage to say something.
"so." he gained your attention, his gaze immediately averting in front of him to the empty road as he drove a little slower than usual. "you're going somewhere?"
you perked up and nodded. "It's supposed to be to relax but I'm pretty sure I'll be more stressed out on that side of the world. I'll be back by next week though."
he probably should have asked where you were going but before you knew it, you were in front of your dad's house. and as suspected, all the lights were off but you knew he wasn't sleeping. he wouldn't even think about it until he knew that you were at home safely.
it was exactly 1:42 a.m., and only then had it hit you just how long you had stayed out. trent got out of the car and watched as you walked to the front door— the urge to say something tickling at his throat. something other than "goodbye" but it wasn't there yet.
you gave him a small wave and put your hand on the door handle, but before you could turn it, it was pulled open from the inside— your dad stood against the doorframe with a sly grin that you were so close to slapping off his face but he was quick.
he put his hand out and waved at trent, the footballer slightly amused at your reaction and harsh movements to push your dad back inside, a laugh echoing as he waved back politely. "good evening mr carter."
you whipped around and sent a glare trent's way but he was far more than pleased.
"jamie, why didn't you say that your boyfriend was a footballer?"
your heart dropped to your stomach. "dad! i swear I'm going to--"
your father continued on playfully. "and he plays for us? so you do have reasonable taste in men. and here I thought I raised an idiot."
trent was as a loss for words by now, his eyes flickering from you as you tried to loosen yourself from your father's grip on your shoulders. he knew you were blushing, but his was masked well by the lack of lighting.
"anyway, thank you so much for returning my daughter in one piece trent. I hope she didn't bother you too much." he tightened his grip on you and ruffled your hair. "she's rather irritating in my opinion."
"not at all," trent managed through a laugh. "she's great company."
your father didn't agree with his answer at all and he made it blatantly obvious until he finally bid trent goodbye and got back into the house where you basically jumped onto his back, your arm wrapped around his neck in a chokehold.
"why are you like this?? I have to see him at work!"
"that's your fault for dating a colleague!"
"we're not dating!"
"that's exactly what your mother told me about her and shawn. and now look where that led us!"
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whygalaxy · 1 month
can you write something like reader has daddy & abandonment issues and she has a nightmare where quackity leaves her and he calms her down please?? something very fluffy soft etc 🌷
Never alone
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♡⃕ Relationship} Alex x Fem!Reader
♡⃕ Summary} "You have a nightmare that Alex abandoned you, but he was always by your side to comfort you"
♡⃕ Notes} English is not my first language, there may be mistakes. I’m sorry for anything. I didn't know where to put daddy issues, sorry anon :c
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You were in your house, in your bedroom alone. It was three in the morning and you were sleeping peacefully. Until you had a nightmare, a horrible nightmare, that broke your heart;
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
“I don’t want to be with someone as boring and clingy as you!” Alex yells at you, you fell apart. What did you do wrong?… You didn't know, you didn't know why he was yelling at you.
“B-But Alex-” You try to argue back, but he interrupts you. “Our relationship is over! I'm breaking up with you!" He says angrily, leaving your house slamming the door. Leaving you there, alone and not knowing what to do…
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
You wake up scared and shaking, feeling tears running down your cheeks. “Calm down, it was just a nightmare… He wouldn't abandon you, would he?…”
You really trusted Alex, but you couldn't help but feel insecure, after all, you had been abandoned before… You were afraid it would happen again.
You pick up your phone from the side of the bed, it was late… But you needed it…
You call Alex, hoping he would answer. And he answers… even though it's so late he answers…
"Hmm? What it was? He asks on the other end of the line, you could hear his sonorous voice. You couldn't find words, you could only cry.
“Alex…” is the only thing you can say. He quickly noticed that you were crying by your tone of voice. You could hear him getting up on the other end of the line; “open the door, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He says before hanging up the phone.
You get up, wrapping the blanket around your body, leaving your bedroom to unlock the door to your house. You sit on the couch in the living room, waiting for him to arrive, and it doesn't take long for that to happen.
He enters and locks the door, looking for you. He finds you in the living room, sitting on the couch.
“Mi amor… let’s go to bed…” He says, taking your hand and the two of you walk towards your bedroom. The two of you lay on the bed, both covered by the same blanket. Your face was pressed against his chest while one arm of his was around your waist while the other was stroking your hair.
“Are you going to tell me why you were crying?” He asks, clearly worried. You let out a sigh, lifting your head to look at him. “I had a nightmare… that you left me…” You say, holding yourself back from crying again.
He pulls you closer to him, kissing your head. “You know I would never do that to you, right?… I love you so much…” He says, rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
You lift your head again. “Do you swear?…” You said, still feeling a little insecure. He laughs, placing a quick kiss on your lips. "Yes, mi angelito. i swear to you I will never leave you…”
You smile at his words, snuggling further into his arms, starting to feel asleep again. “Good night, Alex. I love you so much…” you say, before starting to sleep.
He smiles, placing one last kiss on your forehead. “Good night… I love you so much too…”
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65 notes · View notes
gp natasha w passionate ass sex
idk if write like powerbottom mommy reader but if so then that too w daddy kink for nat
but like making love type shit w dirty talk but i’m not trying get bitch slapped n shit 😭😭maybe it’s their first time too, think that adds onto the passion level, idk if that’s enough of a request but that’s all i got
My Goddess
Warnings: pretty much all in the ask, but smut and a bit of fluff at the beginning, praise kink?
Words: 794
A/N: we need to take a moment to appreciate tashakink and natsxwife 's comments on tumblr.
good morning/afternoon/evening/night, i hope your day has been going well my angels <3
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You were walking around your noisy house, attempting to quiet down the crying baby in your hold. “Shh.. go to sleep Ali.” you hum, rocking the baby in your arms.
A noise followed by a familiar voice causes you to look over at the front door. “Baby I'm home– oh.” she takes one look at your exhausted face and walks over to you, taking the baby out of your hold. “Nat, you just came home, give her to me. I'm fine.”
She shakes her head in disagreement, holding the baby close to her. “Uh-uh go lay down Y/N. Where's Alex?” you sigh, grabbing the scattered toy cars from the couch. “He's asleep, thankfully.”
She kisses your cheek, “Go lay down. I'm not asking you again moya lyubov.” you smile, “But–” she raises a threatening eyebrow at you. “Fine!” you back away into the bedroom, with hands raised in defeat.
You lie down on the bed, eventually falling asleep.
A couple hours later, Natasha peers into the room. She walks in, quietly closing the door in hopes to not wake you. To her dismay, you end up waking up either way. “Mm.. hey Tasha.” you smile, slowly sitting up on the bed.
She walks over to you, and kisses your lips softly, hugging you tight, making you both fall into the bed together. “Are the kids asleep?” you ask, playing with a loose strand of her hair. She nods, “Yeah they're sleeping.”
“Oh, so...” you trail off, looking up at her, hoping she got the hint. “So what?” she genuinely sounded confused at what you were hinting at. You sigh, biting your lower lip. “Honey, when was the last time we had a moment alone for this long?”
“Hm.. pretty long actually. I'm sorry about it, work has just gotten so busy lately detka.” you smile, “Shh.. it's fine. Go lock the door.” she nods, and locks the door before coming back to lay next to you again.
“Hi.” you say, gazing up at your wife. “Hi.” she responds, you press your lips against hers, gently kissing her. She kisses you back and starts running her fingers through your hair. You adjust yourself, falling onto her lap. “Mmh..” she kisses your neck, moving down to your collarbone. “Natasha.”
She stops, only to pull back and look into your eyes. “Touch me daddy.” her hand swiftly moves down in between your legs, and begins rubbing your wet pussy in a teasing manner.
“Natty please.” she keeps rubbing your clit, hearing your desperate moans, watching how you shamelessly buck your hips as a way to get her fingers deeper inside of you.
“No– darling I need you inside me.” she pulls her hand away, planting a light kiss to your cheek. “Okay.” your hands move down to her boxers, pulling them off. You pull them off, revealing her hard cock. The sight of it alone has arousal rush in between your thighs.
“Sit down Nat.” she sits down at the edge of the bed. You move back onto her lap, sinking her dick inside of you. She groans at the feeling of your spongey walls clenching around her size. You start bouncing up and down on her cock, moaning loudly.
“Oh fuck! You're so big Natasha!” she moans in response, enjoying every little noise that escapes your sinful mouth. You grind against her, pressing your exposed breasts against her chest.
She grips onto your ass, squeezing them roughly. “Natty.” she leans forward, kissing you deeply. You let out a throaty moan, “Daddy 'm so close.” she smirks, sliding a hand down to grab your hips. “Come on baby, cum for me.” she pulls your bottom lip in between her teeth, tugging at it.
You feel your legs shaking as your first orgasm passed through you. She runs her free hand on your back, soothing you, “Good girl.. good job.” she peppers light, feathery kisses down your neck as she praises you silently.
You start moving again, slowly grinding against her. You moan, riding her cock, “Ngh– you wanna cum in me daddy?” she nods, beginning to rock your hips against hers. “Do it.” she lets out a soft moan, filling you up with her warm cum.
“God.. Natty 'm so full.” she smiles, pressing her lips onto yours, lightly kissing you. You wrap your arms around her neck, holding her close. “I love you so much darling.” she chuckles, kissing your forehead. “I love you too baby. I'm glad we could have this time together.”
You smile at her, “Ugh, wait till the kids wake up. It'll all go to waste.” she laughs, moving away your loosened hair strands. “Well.. round 2 before we get interrupted?” you nod, giggling as she pulls you flat on the bed.
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nycbaby21 · 10 months
my first post so pls be kind I’m still new to writing. Sorry it’s so long. :)
Cole Caufield imagine
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Summer is my favorite time of the year. No more waking up at the crack of dawn headed to class after class, no more annoying roommates who never clean up after themselves, and most importantly no more time away from your friends.
I was twelve years old when I first met the Hughes brothers for the first time. I spent the summer with my grandparents and the family moved in next door. Immediately clicking with the middle son who was the closest to your age and making a life long friend.
Jack was my best friend my platonic soulmate, Quinn was the older brother I never had, and Luke was the annoying little brother who also always had a shoulder for me to cry on. Jim and Ellen quickly became like second parents to me, claiming that I was the daughter they always wanted but never got. Ever since that summer everyone had bets on when Jack and I would realize “our feelings” and finally get together. I love Jack with my whole entire being but never in the way our families wanted.
This summer was already off to a great start, I pulled up to the lake house and didn’t even have time to park before the guys came running down. I barely made it out of my seatbelt before Trevor and Jack were pushing each other trying to get the “first hug of the summer.” It started years ago when Alex got to my car first and bragged the whole summer about being the favorite because he got my first hug. As Jack and Trevor pushed each other out of the way, Cole rounded the car and slipped into the passenger seat leaning over and giving me a hug. My heart fluttered and my cheeks blushed hugging him.
I always thought Cole was attractive and a great guy but I never thought it was of it as more than a schoolgirl crush. I mean being friends with all of them I’d have crushes on some of them before but they quickly faded. My feelings for Cole never did, if anything they kept getting stronger and stronger. Last summer was when I actually realized how bad I had it for him. It was the last night at the lake house and everyone tried to stay awake as long as they could. All of us outside by the bonfire just being with each other before life took us all our separate ways for the year.
Slowly everyone started turning in and only Cole and I were left outside. The fire had started dying down and the cool breeze was more apparent now. I cuddled deeper into my chair and pulled my blanket higher trying to stay warm not wanting to go inside enjoying the time alone with Cole. He obviously noticed, because he always notices the small things about everyone, and rounded the fire pit and sat down next to me. He smiled down at me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me close. I was thankful I could blame the flush on my cheeks on the flames. We stayed that way for hours just leaning into each other and talking about the summer.
I hug everyone else when I can finally make it out of my car. The guys let me settle in the room I had claimed since the first time Quinn and Jack showed me the place. The room was untouched exactly how I left it last summer. Smiling I get everything situated and the picture frame on the small dresser catches my eye. It was from my high school graduation when all the guys surprised me by showing up.” It won’t be long before we get to take another picture like that,” a voice breaks me from my trance softly placing the picture down. My eyes are met with the soft smile on Quinn’s face while he leans against the doorframe.” It’s so weird that I only have one more year left and I’m all done with school.”
I make my way to the bed and sit down patting the spot next to me before laying back and looking at the ceiling. Quinn chuckles and joins me just like he had many times before. He was the easiest person to be around, we could sit in complete silence and be totally okay with it. His presence was calming to me, like a security blanket of some sorts.” We were thinking about heading to the course and playing a round of golf. You wanna come or stay here and rest,” he asks turning his head to the side looking at me. It was sweet that Quinn always included me in whatever the boys did, even when I didn’t like the activity the invitation was still there.” Yeah sounds like fun. Just let me get changed and we can go,” I say looking over at him.
“She said yes guys! She said yes! Go get dressed before she changes her mind,” we hear shouting from the hallway. Seconds later we see five guys rushing around throwing outfits together. Quinn and I bust out laughing and he jumps up turning and pulling me up with him. Shaking my head laughing I look through my clothes and grab a light blue shirt and paired it with my white golfing skirt. Quickly changing and brushing my hair, I head down stairs into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. When I turn around Trevor is standing so close our faces are almost touching. I jump slightly because he scared me and my reaction makes him double over in laughter.” Ha ha yeah really funny Z,” I say sliding past him opening the water and drinking some. He turns and I can’t help but smile at him because of how squinty eyed he gets when he laughs really hard.
I gather my hair into a ponytail at the base of my neck when the rest of the guys finally make their way to us. My eyes drift over to Cole as I take in his appearance. The tight golf shirt and pants weren��t helping me at all. I thought I was quick enough checking him out no one noticed, until I saw the look Jack was giving me. I was totally busted and silently prayed he would keep his big mouth shut. Shaking my head at him as a warning he just smiles really big and heads towards the door. Throwing an arm around my shoulder he leads us outside and to the dark suv in the driveway. It was an unspoken rule that whoever got to the car first got shotgun, a stupid rule which always ended up with someone mad or hurt from racing outside. Quinn was driving with Luke in the passenger and Cole, Trevor, and Alex sharing the middle row. I was pulled into the back with Jack and settled in. Normally I never golfed, I just went and sat in the golf cart the whole time sipping on whatever drink I had at the time.
This past year I had been practicing and finally felt confident enough to join in. I hadn’t told anyone yet hoping to surprise them because the only time I ever played ended so badly.” So you and Coley eh,” Jack ask leaning down whispering in my ear. My eyes go wide and I slap him shushing him. The loud smack of my hand hitting his chest alerted the middle row and three heads turned around starring at us. Blush creeps it’s way onto my face and Jack can’t help but laugh.” Jack quit being annoying and bothering her,” Quinn says looking at him through the rear view mirror. He fakes shock,” how do you know it was me? Y/n could have been the one bothering me.” The sentence makes everyone laugh.” Because she’s y/n and you’re Jack,” Alex laughs turning back around.” Also she couldn’t be annoying if she tried. Annoying is your default setting,” Cole smiles looking over at me. I send him back a small smile as he turns to face forward. I immediately regret looking over at Jack who has a smirk on his face. Today wasn’t going to be a good day, I could feel it.
After getting everything in order we all made it to the first hole and set up the order. After Luke swung the guys all started heading to the carts for the next hole.” Actually could I maybe play this time,” I ask all of the sudden scared about if I could really play like I had practiced. They all send me shocked and amused looks and nod. Trevor walks over and present a club to me like it was made of gold or something. Laughing everyone settles down as I make my way to start my turn. I take a deep breath and shake out my shoulder nervously.” Hey Coley why don’t you help her with the stance,” Jack suggest sipping on his drink. I all of the sudden had the urge to run the devils player over with the golf cart he was sitting on.” You don’t have to. I’m fine really. I should be able to figure it out,” I rush out while he makes his way over to me.” It’s no problem. Really I don’t mind helping you out,” he stands behind me and wraps his arms around holding the club with me.
I try and hold my breath scared he could hear my heart beating. As Cole helps me adjust my stance I can’t help but imagine if this is how it would be if he took me on golf dates. His body pressed against mine, soft voice giving me instructions in my ear, and our friends chirping us saying get a room.” So you got it,” he asks stepping back and leaning against the cart closest to him. I clear my throat and nod with a smile. The swing wasn’t one for the record books but it was double as far as any other time I had done it. I slowly turn and see all the guys looking at me bewildered. I laugh and shrug my shoulders,” I guess Caufield is just a really good teacher.” As I pass him I squeeze his shoulder and place the club back into its place in the bag.
After what felt like years we finally finished the game. I lost like badly but it was an improvement from before. Making our way back to the house we all loaded up back into our original seats. Fatigue set in from the game and the Sun so I leaned my head onto Jack’s shoulder closing my eyes. As I drifted to sleep I didn’t hear the conversation happening just one row ahead of me.
“Cole seriously grow a pair,” Trevor exclaimed loudly. He was quickly hushed and the trio looked back to see me sleeping soundly on our shared friend. Jack had leaned his head down to rest on mine and closed his eyes too.” Shut up Trev. Drop it okay,” Cole said sadly turning around not wanting to see Jack all cuddled up with the girl he had fallen for last summer. Alex looked at his friends face and leaned over,” they are just friends Cole.” He knew that obviously but that didn’t stop the small part of his brain from thinking how natural it was for the two of you. Everyone always made comments about her ending up with his best friends but never him. Last summer he tried to share his feelings only to see the girl of his dreams asleep cuddled into his chest by the fire pit.
The rest of the afternoon was relaxed. Everyone set out doing their own thing and I couldn’t help but look for Cole to see what he was doing. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I check the kitchen only to find it empty. Sighing I turn towards the window above the sink and watch Trevor chase Alex and Jack with a water gun.” He’s out by the dock,” Quinn’s voice startles me for the second time today.” I have no idea what you are talking about,” I say trying to pass him and he stops me. Looking up into his eyes I can tell he sees right through me. Quinn could always tell what I was feeling, sometimes even before I had it figured out.” Cole. He’s out by the dock. Just in case you wanted to know,” his eyes sparkled. He knew why I was looking for Cole but he didn’t say it. I shook my head and sat down on the counter and sighed.” It doesn’t matter Q. He doesn’t see me that way. I heard him and Trevor talking about a girl in the way home today.”
It was true I hadn’t been asleep the whole time and I heard parts of the conversation about the girl Cole had liked for sometime now and how he wanted to make a move.” You don’t know that,” he says walking towards me stopping right in front of me. “ Yes I do okay. I’m not the kind of girl guys like him date. I’m just the kind he’s friends with,” I sigh looking into his eyes. He leaned forward and placed his hand on my knee squeezing it gently.” He’s be an idiot not to see you like that. And trust me Cole Caufield is no idiot.” His words swirl in my brain as he walks out of the kitchen leaving me sitting their with my thoughts. Taking a deep breath I make my way down to the dock. Walking down I see the boy swinging his legs over the edge of the dock from where he sits.
“This spot taken,” I ask trying to keep my confidence as time went on. Quinn would never lie to me and hurt my feelings on purpose, so I was really hoping he was right about this.” All yours,” his smile didn’t meet his eyes like it normally did. I sat down close enough that our shoulders brush. We sat their in silence for a minute while I tried to calm my breathing.” So I heard you and Trevor on the way back today,” I finally say looking straight forward at the water not making eye contact. I can feel him stiffen and looked over at me. His eyes scan my face for any sign that I may share his feelings.” You did,” he asks with a low voice. Finally looking at him I nod my head.” Just so you know any girl who doesn’t want to date you is an idiot Cole,” I say looking from his eyes to his lips so quickly he wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t starring at me so closely.” I don’t think you’re an idiot y/n,” he whispers so low I barely hear him. He breaks eye contact and stares ahead.
I freeze and look at him. Did I hear him right? Was Quinn actually telling the truth? How long had I been holding my breath? My lungs started to burn so I took a deep breath and cupped his face with my hands making him look at me. His blue eyes widened and scanned every inch of my face.” I don’t think I’m an idiot either,” I whisper afraid if I talk too loud I’ll scare him away.” You don’t,” he ask slowly turning his body towards mine and leaning in. I shake my head no and look between his eyes and lips again. When he doesn’t pull away and puts one of his hands on my waist and the other on my thigh I can’t take it anymore and close the distance between us. I always figured when I finally got to kiss him fireworks would fly and butterflies would jumble all around in my stomach. I was so wrong. Sitting there on that dock kissing him felt comfortable, felt normal, felt like home. Cole Caufield felt like home.
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neoyongz · 10 months
love is a laserquest | alex turner x reader (fluff)
Maybe going to the local bar wasn’t the best coping mechanism to get over your breakup.
warnings: no warnings for this one hehe just sadness !!!
word count: 1.9k
disclaimer: english is not my first language so, in advantage, i apologize for grammar mistakes 🤭
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After a very long night of ranting to your own reflection in the mirror, you decided to go to your local bar. It has been two months since you and Alex broke up because he was too busy to handle the relationship. Of course he loved you, but since he had to travel around the world all the time when he was on tour, you missed him. You thought it was selfish to feel bad about it because it was his job and you agreed to go through the consequences of him being famous and having to tour for months or even a full year, but this time it was too much for you.
He used to call you every night to make sure you were okay and to compensate for his lack of physical presence and you obviously appreciated it, but it wasn’t that simple. You thought of him everyday, every night, at every moment, no matter what. Was he okay? Was he going to call tonight? Was he too busy to call? Was he thinking about you? Too many questions and very little responses.
You couldn’t get over him even if you wanted. You loved him with your whole heart and he did as well too, he would give his everything for you, but you had to put yourself first. His absence made you feel empty, not enough and you knew it wasn’t his fault and neither yours, there was no one to blame actually. But it was too much to handle. You missed his kisses, his hands, his scent, the late night cigarette talks, the love making, the foods he used to cook for you, and more.
He did miss you too, but at least he had some distraction in between. If he was honest, there were times where he would think of you while performing and even shed some tears on backstage because he wanted you to be there, but you couldn’t.
All those memories came back to your mind and you decided it was a good idea to go to a bar and drink your sadness away. Not that much tho, you were alone and you didn’t wanted to get too drunk, but enough to keep those thoughts out of your head.
You didn’t dress up much, you took your leather coat and left the house at a fast pace to escape that place you shared with Alex someday. You wanted to forget him but at the same time you wanted to get back with him, it was a war of thoughts in your mind. Was it worth it?
When you arrived the bar you heard some music on the inside, a music you instantly recognized. And as if it that wasn’t enough, you froze when you heard a very sweet voice you could never mistaken, whispering “Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now” to the mic. Your eyes opened wide as you heatd his guitar. It was him. Fucking Alex.
You cursed him in your head and stepped into the bar, going straight to the barman and asking him for a Manhattan, you thought the taste of sweet vermouth and whiskey would calm your mind for a bit. Once you got your drink, you sat at a table far from the stage, but the coloured lights allowed him so see you sitting there.
He felt a knot on his throat, almost as if the words could not come out of his mouth. He tried to ignore your presence but it was impossible; he could almost smell your Dior perfume, the one he loved the most, the one he used to smell right from your neck when he used to kiss it. He could picture the last kisses he gave you there, as if they were burned into your smooth skin. His mouth went into automatic mode as he sang Love Is A Laserquest looking directly at you without even noticing. His eyes got teary as a rain of thoughts flooded through his mind, remembering your hugs, your kisses, your voice, your everything. Those times you used to play with his hair, when you would laugh at his dad jokes. Everything started flooding up in his head and he felt the need to cry, almost as if he was asking for help through that flood.
“And do you still think love is a…” The words got chewed and swallowed, not being able to come out of his throat. He continued the next verse with his eyes closed, and so you did while listening to him. You knew he wrote the song for you because it was hard for him to get over your relationship. It felt like you were with him on the flood, sinking with him down in the water, doing your best to breath with the water all the way up to your neck.
You wanted to be with him so bad, you missed his hugs and even if he was less than 10 meters away from you, he felt unreachable. It felt surreal to see him up on the stage singing for you the song he wrote because couldn’t get over you. When you came back to earth and left the extreme mess your mind was, you didn’t even notice the tears falling off your eyes. You felt guilty for breaking up with him, you felt guilty for feeling empty, for feeling bad when he left you, you tried to bury yourself into the guilt.
Before you could even notice, you were crying non-stop, biting your lip after trying to not let the tears flush down your cheeks. You decided it was too much, and by the time he sang “Will I have found a better method of pretending you were just some lover” you stood up and went outside, letting your head rest by the door frame at the bar’s entry, wiping your tears and sobbing.
“U need one?” A stranger offered you a cigarette after noticing you were crying.
“Please” You whispered and took the cigarette, put it on your puffed lips and the man lit it up for you. “Thanks”
“May I ask what happened?” He let a cloud of smoke go in the air.
“Nah, just… my ex is singing” You laughed at how ridiculous the situation was. “I came ‘ere to drink me thoughts away but… it seems like universe doesn’t want me to”
“¿Alex? ¿You dated Alex Turner? Oh…” He laughed and looked at you. “Well, you know tha’ after raining, a rainbow always comes up. It’ll be okay, ma’am”
“Yeh, but… I still love him. I broke up with him ‘cause he had quite a busy life and we had no time for ourselves” You left the cigarette in your lips for a second and then took it out. “I felt bad but now it feels worse. I feel guilty”
“Hey, don’t feel bad about it. You ‘ave to put yourself first at every moment. No matter how cute he is” He laughed. “Break ups are normal, so don’t give up because it was how life wanted it to be”
“I’ll try not to. But it’s hard when he’s singing a fucking break up song about me” You laughed again and wiped you last few tears. “That’s why you should never date musicians. They’ll tear you up in their songs”
You both laughed again and he looked at his wrist clock.
“Hey, gotta go. If you need to talk i’m here almost everyday… addiction gives you friends sometimes” He joked and let his cigarette fall to the floor to step on it. “Anyway, have a good night and good luck with Turner” You waved at him and sighed. How could a stranger be so friendly?
Thank God he was there because when you noticed, there was no music playing anymore. You could only hear people talking. Did he leave? Well, it was time to stop thinking about Alex if you wanted to get over him.
You spend the next 10 minutes smoking outside of the bar, alone with your thoughts and your cigarette. You were at peace. Well, until you felt someone tapping your shoulder.
“Hey” You froze again when you heard a deep voice. “Are you… okay?” You turned yourself around and sighed when you saw Alex’s face.
“Yeah, don’t worreh” You took the cigarette to put it on your lips.
“You know, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I didn’t know you were-“
“Don’t apologize” You interrupted him and blew a smoke cloud. “I was the one in complete ignorance that you were here”
“Then we both didn’t know” He tried to smile.
“Want?” You gave him the cigarette, he thanked you and your chest felt pressed as he took it and you remembered all those late night cigarette talks at your balcony. You noticed by his watery eyes that he cried too.
“I hope you didn’t mind the song… I came ‘ere to cope too” He joked and took a puff from the cigarette. “I hope you don’t mind the fact tha’ i’m ‘ere too”
“Nah… I kinda needed it” You sighed. “I told you everything but I feel guilty now, Al. I still love you”
“I do too” He gave you the cigarette. “But I respect your decision.”
“And I don’t” You whispered after giving the cigarette a puff. “I don’t respect my own decision because I miss you every fucking night, Turner”
“And you think I don’t? I love you. I never stopped loving you” He looked at you with teary eyes. “Please, we love each other. It’s not meant to be this way”
You were about to burst out crying when you noticed he still had the chain you gave with both your initials. At that point there was no reason to leave him alone.
“The chain” You whispered. “You still have it” You showed your chain, which you never took off. “Don’t cry”
“I’d never take it off” He took your chain and smiled. “Please” He looked up to your eyes and sobbed, almost begging for a hug.
“Don’t look at me like that, pup” You let the cigarette fall and stepped on it to hug him and kiss his head, closing your eyes to keep the tears from coming out. “I’m sorry, i’m so fucking sorry” You cried.
“I’m sorry too… I promise i’ll never leave you alone again, i’ll do anything to bring you with me, they didn’t let me last time” He cried too, you were both a mess of tears of joy because of seeing each other again, and sadness.
“You promise?” You separated from the hug to see his face. “Do you?”
“I do, my love” He whispered.
You smiled and took his cheek to kiss him for the first time in months, which felt like years to both of you. You both needed each other to be happy, to feel full and smile again. You both were meant to be.
After he promised to never leave you alone again, you decided to promise him you would never leave him either. You wanted the relationship to grow again, no matter how much time it would take. Because you loved him, and you deserved him, you were his other half and he was yours. And if he ever made you feel bad, he would punish himself for doing it, because he felt you were too good for him. But you weren’t. You two were the best for the other, the perfect match. And you learned that even in perfection, there’s always some mistakes, but that never means it’s over.
[ . . . ]
thanks for reading !! i literally shed a tear writing this ☠️ anyway, hope u liked it ! don’t come for me pls this is my first fluff fic so maybe it’s kinda bad😭 but hope yall enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it <3
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c-t-r-l14 · 5 months
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Session 32
“You don’t know what love is,
if you don’t put up a fight.”
Synopsis: If Alex wants you gone so badly, then you will be gone like the wind.
You really didn’t want to do this.
Just the thought of seeing those brown eyes of ebony was enough to make your stomach drop. You’d rather do anything else—be anywhere else. Yet there you were, standing right in front of the door to the apartment you two shared together. It’s been a few days since you’ve last seen it; since you’ve last seen him. Your mother insisted that you stayed over at her house for a little while longer—despite your protests.
“I think its best if you stayed here and cool off”, she murmured, handing you a cup of tea, “I don’t think its smart to go back in the condition you’re in.”
She was probably right. When you arrived at her door a few days ago, you were hysterical; your eyes red and wide—burning with the tears that streamed down your face, your nose red and runny, and the only sounds that left your mouth were incomprehensible sobs and labored breaths. It took you a while to calm down, and even longer to tell your mother what happened. You were in no condition to go home, let alone face him. It’s not like you’d know what to say to him anyway. You were too hurt to think. So, for those few days, you decided to stay with your mother. You guys went on walks, she gave you advice, and was your shoulder to cry on when you needed to let all that stress and pain go. And for the few days you had spent with her, you found solace. Deep down you knew you it wouldn’t last forever, but you wanted so badly to stay with her and pretend that your problems didn’t exist. And unfortunately, your mother knew, too.
“You’re gonna have to go back eventually,” she told you one morning, as you two were drying off the dishes, “You can’t avoid him forever.”
“I know, mama,” you sighed, “but it’s just so hard, and I just don’t know what to do.”
Your mother put the plate on the on the counter, and you felt her piercing stare on your skin.
“(Y/N),”—you lifted your head to look at her—“I taught you better than to run away from your problems. And you know good and damn well what to do, you’re not stupid.”
“It’s not that simple, mama—”
“I never said it was, baby. These things never are. But, avoiding your problems will not make them disappear, it’ll only make things harder.”
You didn’t respond. You merely turned your attention back to the dishes and continued to dry off the plates.
“I’m not asking you to get back together with him—hell, I really don’t think you should. But you can’t let him walk around thinking that the way he acted was right, either. You know how to stand up for yourself.”
“I know, mama. It’s just so—god—-it’s so difficult, and—”
“Anything worth doing is difficult, (Y/N),” she tenderly held your face in her warm hands, “but it being hard isn’t an excuse to avoid your problems.”
You felt your eyes burn with tears, and a shaky sigh passed through your lips. She was right.
“Don’t let him get away with the way he treated you, (Y/N). If you just stay here and never speak to him again, then you’ve already accepted defeat! And If there’s one thing about me, is I ain’t raise no damn quitter!”
Your mother wiped the tears that ran down your cheeks.
“Let that bastard know that he can’t just pull you outta his life and throw you away. Speak up. And show him that you will not go out quietly. Do you hear me?”
You sniffled.
“Yes, mama.”
You wanted so badly to turn around and leave—go to a place where he’ll never see you again; but this was something you had to do. Alex made his decision, and you made yours—and the only thing you could do was respect his choice as much as you can. And so, with sweaty palms, a pounding heart, and the terrible feeling of trepidation coursing through your veins, you inserted your keys into the keyhole, and opened the door.
Only to find that your little apartment was empty.
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding; a small part of you was relieved that he wasn’t there. You weren’t in the mood for any type of conversation with him. But that relief didn’t exactly quell the dread that ran through your veins. It didn’t make your hands any less shakier, or your face any less hotter. It didn’t calm your beating heart, or wipe the sweat off your brow. And it most certainly didn’t fill the hollowness that encapsulated your entire body. As you walked to the closet, you tried your best to shake off these horrible feelings by attempting to reassure yourself.
This will all be over soon.
You’ll find someone else.
It’s for the best.
But those attempts were half-hearted at best, and insincere at worst. You grabbed the suitcase that laid on the top shelf of the closet, and dragged it to the room you and Alex once shared.
And your chest grew tight and heavy as you took your clothes out of the drawers and put them into the suitcase.
The jingling of a second pair of keys made your hands clammy. You swore under your breath as you heard those same keys jostle in the front door. Alex was back, and you weren’t even done packing. You squeezed your eyes shut as you heard him step in the apartment.
You took in a deep breath as you heard the confused tone in his voice.
You released it, and spoke.
“I’m in the bedroom.”
And you steeled yourself as you heard Alex’s footsteps hastily approach the bedroom.
You will not go out quietly.
You saw him. For the first time in days, you saw him, and there was nothing but panic written all over his face.
“Good god, (Y/N), I knew you were staying over at your mom’s house, but you could’ve at least told me that you were staying there for more than a day! Why didn’t you answer any of my calls or texts?? I didn’t even know when you got back ‘till I saw your shoes at the door—”
In all of his panic, it took Alex a couple of seconds to notice that the drawers to the dressers were ajar and the suitcases with your clothes inside. You saw his eyes widen as the realization hit, but the feeling of incredulity made him ask one singular question:
“W-Where are you going?”
The quiver in his voice made you die inside, and yet you kept you voice low, and your tone firm and flat.
“Away,” You simply replied, “I’m moving out.”
A/N: So, I’ve had this story in my head for quite a while now, and have a really good concept on how I want it to pan out. It took me such a long time to do because of finals, and writing Alex’s dialogue just pisses me off so bad—to the point where I ACTUALLY have to take breaks in between writing. I’m so sorry about the cliffhanger, y’all 💀, but unfortunately, this story will have to be broken up into two parts. Its already way too damn long 😭
The Part 2 will be out in a lil’ bit ya’ll, just hold on! 😭
Hope ya’ll enjoyed it so far, though!
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