#alexander bennett
dandylion240 · 1 year
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Then the boys all thought it would be a good idea to eat the food someone made at the activity center. It was better than anything any of them could have made at home.
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There might be a little rivalary going on between Noa and Sevan. I do wonder if this played into what happens at the end of the night.
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Sevan's either excited to play dominos or he's dancing. I'm not sure which.
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Music definitely runs thick in this family and Ephy now thinks he should become a famous violinist.
@stargazer-sims @katmk36
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hfepro · 11 months
[Review] The Complete Musashi: The Book of Five Rings and Other Works by Miyamoto Musashi {translated by Alexander Bennett}
reviewing the first translation of the Book of Five Rings i've read so far. it's competent. 🤷
this is the first translation of the Bo5R i’ve read. i have one more in my possession, so i plan to see how they compare to each other. Continue reading Untitled
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travsd · 2 years
The Bennetts from Down Other
The Bennetts from Down Other
Enid (Looks like Gish & Pickford, eh?) Four of five Australian Bennett siblings figure in Hollywood history. I became interested in Enid Bennett (1893-1969) because she played Maid Marian to Douglas Fairbanks’ Robin Hood (1922) and was the second wife of director Fred Niblo. Her sister Marjorie Bennett (1896-1982) was a bit player though she many more screen credits than Enid, many in classic…
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zegalba · 7 months
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Alexander McQueen 'Voss' spring/summer 2001 set design by Joseph Bennett
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rainbowd00dles · 6 months
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"You're over thinking this." "How can I not? Did you see page seventy-six?" "No. Why? What's on page seventy-six?" She opened the book again until she found the right page. "Wow. Okay. Holy Crap. Don't try that for at least six months. And make sure you drink plenty of water beforehand." I moaned again.
Brothersong by TJ Klune
Is this going to be my last art of 2023? who knows, I have other things I'm going to attempt to finish, and if I don't get there, I'm happy I went out with this one :')
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erlie · 4 months
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Like I said, I still have them in my head. Gordo and Mark mainly, but also other guys from the garage. And I hadn't drawn Chris, Rico and Tanner before!
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wintercorrybriea · 3 months
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Alexander McQueen 'Voss' spring 2001 set design by Joseph Bennett
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zeerohpunk · 8 months
i havent seen anyone else mention it so im going to
what the FUCK did christopher want to talk to alexis about when he and the king walked in?
what does alexis know about alexanders death
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citizenscreen · 7 months
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Francis Lederer and Joan Bennett with director Alexander Hall during the filming of THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (1934).
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princesscatherineblog · 2 months
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Royal Ascot through the years... 2016-2023
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syntia13treeman · 2 months
Case files 12.01
what I think happened in:
Case 12.01, the case of "Stag Hunter" or "Mr. Bonzo's toothy maw"
We need to talk about Gwen.
Full name Gwendolyn Bouchard, child of a rich family, strangely fixated on making career at OIAR of all places.
On 9th of January, after several years of exemplary if a bit slow work, she looked her boss dead in the eye and stated she wanted her job.
On 29th of January she received an email with a video of attempted murder (Lena on Klaus gun violence).
On 12th of February, after doing some additional research, she confronted Lena with the video. She assumed that Lena's superiors* wouldn't be happy to know that the 'murder' was a failed one. She let it be known that her source (singular) confirms that said mysterious superiors believe Klaus to be dead. As payment for her silence, she demanded to be let in on whatever extra operations were going on here. Lena graciously 'promoted' her to "Externals Liaison."
On Friday (March 8) Gwen received her first 'assignment' – to deliver an envelope to one Nigel Dickerson and 'any companion' of his that might be present. (So, glorified postal service).
On Saturday, (March 9) she got to meet her first 'External'. She was NOT prepared for the experience. She handed off the envelope as instructed. It got chewed in teeth that weren't soft. Mr. Bonzo the External lumbered away into the night, while somewhat shaken Gwen returned home.
Let's take a break from Gwen for a moment, to meet Ms. Jordan Bennett (age: early 20s). She's acquired bartending skills in 2020, and got hired at "Soho Jack's" strip-club in spring of 2021. Her employment there ended rather abruptly on Saturday night, 9th of March 2024. On that fateful night she was tending bar in a private suite on the third floor, where a Bachelor party was in full swing. The party consisted of (presumably) former high-school or college sports team, now in their 30s/40s, celebrating upcoming nuptials of their bud, Baz (full name unknown). (For now).
The chain of events was thus:
Somebody(/something?) planted a box of Bonzo merchandise among the presents for the groom.
Baz the Groom, a faithful Bonzo-fanboy, delightedly asked for the planted CD to be played.
Bonzo's theme-song started playing from the room speakers, and continued to play, getting louder, even after Jordan turned off the CD-player and disconnected the cables. (Later on it not only got louder, but also changed – from 'he wants to stay' in kids' voices to 'he's here to stay' in… different voices).
Summoned signalled by the music, Mr. Bonzo killed the bouncer guarding the room, and entered.
The party-guys did not notice the fresh body and were happy to see their favourite monster TV-mascot.
Mr. Bonzo somehow realized that the bartender did notice the body, and shushed her with a finger to his mouth.
Still unaware of danger, the guys found it hilarious when Bonzo picked up the groom by the arms and twirled him around like a toddler. They didn't even notice when
Bonzo ripped the man's arms right off. They did notice when Jordan screamed, and Bonzo tore Baz's head apart, and then pulverized and ate his body.
After that the guys tried to attack, without any real effect, aside from a trickle of some kind of stinking liquid from a cut (if it bleeds… can we kill it?).
After obliterating the groom Bonzo struck a playful pose, unfolded his mouth into a bigger, toothier maw and proceeded to bite chunks out of remaining people. Those who survived all lost something (Jordan's hand being the smallest loss). Those who didn't make it were devoured whole.
Notably, it seems that none of the people in the room tried to leave it, and none of the crashes, screams, nor the loud distorted music, were noticed by anyone outside the room; the security cameras weren't working either.
After the fact the club got sued for recompense by Jordan (and possibly other survivors and families of the deceased) and tried to get their insurance to cover it. Their claim was denied as fraudulent.
With that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, let's go back to OIAR.
On Monday, March 11, a very disgruntled Gwen confronted Lena again, this time about the nature of her assignment. Lena cheerfully advised her that screaming is good for the soul, that externals may be grotesque, but are valued assets, and that sleep is important. Also that Gwen should have already figured out whose name was in the envelope she'd delivered.
On Wednesday, March 13, Gwen's caseload included a graphic description of events of last Saturday at Soho Jack’s. She had… some kind of reaction, before Alice cut it off with a 'joke.' (btw, Alice's jokes sound more and more like 'shut up about stuff that can get us killed you idiot!')
There's a lot to unpack here, and I'm not sure if I want to touch most of it.
WHOSE name was in the envelope and why? At one point I considered a theory that the intended target was actually the Bartender (not to be killed, but maimed and traumatized), but as she wasn't the only survivor, just the 'luckiest' one, and she was way too young and poor to be Gwen's associate, I have to go back to option nr 1: The groom. Bonzo did zero-in on him upon entry, and only after completely removing him from this world did he change to more casual look and leisurely eating mode. (Work before play; at least he has good work ethics?) (No! Kill it with fire!) So. Why did 'Baz' have to die? Lena expected Gwen to know. Originally I was sure it was Colin or Alice, who both know too much. Since it's not them, the only thing that comes to mind is the 'source' who told Gwen that Klaus is believed to be dead. If a scary shady spooky government branch learned that they had a leak, they absolutely would plug it with excessive force and no consideration for collateral damage. Imagine you're Gwen, and you had a friend tell you something as a favour, and then you listen to a tale of how that friend got eaten by a creature you personally sent after him. 😬 Slightly more fucked up though less likely option: the 'source' was actually the bride-not-to-be. The Stag Night Massacre was a punishment and warning for both her and Gwen.
*Who actually are Lena's masters superiors? The ministerial prick who keeps nagging Colin about the app just… doesn't sound like someone who'd order a supernatural hit on someone. I have some thoughts, but they're too muddy to articulate just yet, so I'm moving on to:
Bonzo music. What is up with that? Nigel turned it on to call Bonzo to the door, and at the club he didn't come into the room until it was playing. Is the music just a way to get his attention, or is it like his Manchurian Candidate trigger phrase, turning him from Mr. Bonzo to Bonzo Butcher? Or is it just … part of Bonzo himself? It was getting more distorted and unsettling just as Bonzo was getting more monstrous in action and appearance. What was the cause and what was the effect here? Or: the music had to play, because it was the music that kept people from trying to run, and kept other people (and cameras) from noticing what was going on in there. So many options, so little certainty. :(
Gwen is now an accessory to murder, most likely of somebody she knew. I wonder what she's gonna do with that knowledge. Will she double down on "I can do it and I'm cool with it actually", or will she try to opt-out? (it's too late, but she could try…)
Unrelated: if at any point we meet a very angry young woman sans one hand, I'm doing the DiCaprio me
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lgbtqreads · 7 months
New Releases: December 2023
Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose (5th) Devin Báez is prepared for a relaxing winter break after his rough, first semester of art school. Sure, his family’s old Florida lake cabin is falling apart, and everything in it reminds him of his late mom. And yes, the Baezes’ next-door neighbors, the Seo-Cookes, are still petty, but things could be worse. That is, until Devin runs into the…
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aprincesadegales · 11 months
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Meus Top 10 Looks Rosa da Kate (em ordem cronológica) | My Top 10 "Kate in Pink" Moments (in chronological order)
[5/10] Visita ao centro comunitário para juventude Northern Sound System e ao Centro Cívico de Playford, no 8º dia da Visita Oficial à Austrália | 23.04.2014 Fontes: What Kate Wore | Kate's Closet | What Would Catherine Wear (Tumblr)
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story-weavr · 8 months
i… Vampire
Lutessa Luthor was the firstborn of Lionel & Lillian Luthor.
Tess, as she preferred to be called, was a girl who grew up when Lionel was fighting to make LuthorCorp a respected and influential company. Often, doors were shut just because the Luthor family was nouveau riche. This extended to social circles.
Whilst attending private schools, Tess was often ostracized by her more “old money” peers. Her other peers were either too intimidated by her or by her bullies.
At home, her father was constantly pressuring her to be more ‘Luthor’, for the sake of her brother whom she was expected to work for & support when he took over.
Her mother, while less demanding, encouraged her daughter to work towards those standards. She went so far as to hire tutors for etiquette.
In addition, Tess often had to step in whenever the family was between nannies and Lillian was too ill to properly care for Tess’s younger siblings.
The only freedom Tess found from both her family and position in life was within the club circles. In this way, despite her educational achievements, Tess became known as a party girl.
It was thanks to that “party girl” image that Tess finally found an “in” with the elite crowd. A crowd consisting of spoiled, bored offspring and highly pressured & stressed heirs. To keep her means of escape, she used her new position within the “in-crowd” to collect information that she provided to her father. Information that he wouldn’t have gotten without extreme effort by his contacts.
In this way, Lionel was able to blackmail, steal bids, take advantage of weaknesses, & other actions that greatly benefited LuthorCorp. Neither he nor Tess cared who got hurt. To them, they were fighting a war where they were the underdogs. The fault lay in their enemies who underestimated them.
Overtime, Tess became more skilled. She was able to get information more subtlety to the point her targets wouldn’t realize it was her who leaked information to her father’s company. This allowed her to remain within others’ good graces. At this point, however, Lionel had become powerful enough to have contacts in higher places. Tess’s freedom was threatened.
Her father then spoke with her about finding a fiancé for her that would be profitable for the family.
Depressed at the thought of her freedom coming to an end, she went to the ill-reputed Ace of Clubs. Whilst she was distracting herself, Tess was confronted by a former peer from school, one whose family was ruined by Lionel. Confronted by her sins, Tess fled from the club into an alley, sickened by her own actions to cater to Lionel. All for a false freedom, one that allowed her to forget how truly caged she was.
Crying and hopeless, Tess didn’t notice the figure slinking towards her. It was only thanks to her self-defense lessons that Tess didn’t die immediately when the figure pounced. One look at her assailant told Tess that the man – thing – wasn’t human. It looked at her with sadistic delight, like a cat not hungry enough to immediately eat the mouse.
Her struggles were short-lived despite how she kept herself in shape. The thin, spindly creature was far stronger than it should have been. Pinned to the wall, Tess could only keep struggling as the creature laughed and bent its head towards her neck.
A gunshot rang in the night.
Stunned, Tess could only watch as her assailant slumped and fell to the ground. Breathing harshly, Tess looked around wildly only to see an older man in a grey trench coat put away a silver pistol in his holster.
“Are you alright?” a thickly accented voice questioned. The sincere concern in his voice was backed by the man’s pale blue eyes.
Tess broke down crying. The man took off his coat and put it around her. He stayed with her and talked with her until a woman came running around the corner closely followed by a man.
Tess almost ran when the man came closer quickly noticing that he was of the same kind as It. Deborah, the woman, managed to reassure her that Andrew wasn’t an animal like her assailant. Whilst Andrew picked up the corpse one-handed, Deborah offered to take her inside to wait for a cab.
Tess refused to let go of her savior’s sleeve.
Dmitri, as he introduced himself, waited with her until her driver returned to the club. In the meantime, he asked her not to say anything so that her assailant’s compatriots wouldn’t find out about the events. The idea that there were more – god forbid – vampires within Metropolis was horrifying to Tess.
When she got home, she was subjected to her father’s scolding and her mother’s fussing. Alone in her room, she found herself uncaring of her now evaporated freedom and more for what danger was prowling in the city. Of the three ‘paladins of justice’ that hunted them. Of kind, gentle Dmitri.
A short time later, Lionel forced Tess to go to a high-class party to show that an attack by some drunk had no impact on a Luthor. Tess went through the motions, no longer finding delight in snaking her way through conversations. That was until she saw him.
Quickly yet stealthily going over, Tess asked to be introduced to the new face.
Dmitri Mishkin was the business lawyer and representative of Lord Bennet, a mysterious yet major stockholder in various businesses around the world. The lord is notoriously hands-off yet generous, donating millions to various charities.
Tess, however, was far more interested in Mr. Mishkin. Getting into a private conversation, she offered her help. When Mr. Mishkin asked why, she informed him that she knew he was trying to find ‘an old friend’ but didn’t know Metropolis circles very well.
She did. She just needs to know what to look for.
Bennet said no. Deborah said yes.
With Tess’s help, what would have taken months happened within a week.
While fighting the nest of vampires, the three hunters got a shock when Tess came in, far better armed than last time. After the last one was taken care of, Tess breathlessly asked if they had a job opening.
A few weeks later, Lillian received a strange letter with her breakfast. A few minutes later, her husband’s furious roar proved the contents of the letter true.
Lutessa Luthor had eloped with Dmitri Mishkin.
Furious at both his daughter’s disobedience, abandonment of her family, and her disadvantageous choice in husband, Lionel publicly disinherited her.
Tess laughed her ass off when she read about it in the society papers while having tea with her husband.
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akikocho · 1 year
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I'm Aki Kocho. I'm an artist...well not an active one due to artblock (for 2 years). I'm an active OC creator who always share my OCs' information for fun. I am also a Character x Oc/Yume Character enthusiast. Nice to meet you
This account is my new account. My previous acc was @butterflystarry-8104 but due to me being forgetful at emails and passwords, I couldn't use the account :'D
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
➥ This account is full of rant, shitpost/meme posting, OC headcanons/memes etc. This is also a safe place for LGBTQ people and this is just a friendly but not so friendly account.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
➥ The user said feel free to call them by these names: Aki, Kocho or both
➥ This user is in legal age
➥ This user is a Biromantic Asexual using He/She/They pronouns. But they're very comfortable if you say "He and They" pronouns
➥ This user's MBTI is INTP-T and their Zodiac sign is Leo
➥ This user is an agnostic.
➥ This user rants a lot. Please be minded about it and if you're uncomfortable, unfollow this account.
➥ This user speaks Bisaya, Tagalog and English. They also want to learn new languages soon.
➥ This user HATES anti-ocs and anti-rareshippers. Feel free to unfollow/block this account if you are one.
➥ This user is pro-fiction. If you don't like a person like this then unfriend and block this account.
➥ This user shares a lot of questionable things. Feel free to tell them if you're uncomfortable with it.
➥ Please be minded that I don't support JKR even though I'm having a hyperfixtation to her works. I DON'T support the transphobe author nor satisfied with her works. My stories related to JKR's work are changed to what I like. Hope you understand.
➥ Feel free to interact with this user.
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➥ Anime (Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, Tokyo Revengers, BNHA, Dr Stone, etc)
➥ Games (Obey Me, Twisted Wonderland, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Criminal Case, The Arcana, Genshin Impact, Project Sekai)
➥ Novels
➥ Musicals (Hamilton and many other musicals that I forgot the titles 😭)
➥ Music
➥ Writing
➥ Creating OCs
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➥ @kocho_aki
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➥ Aki Kocho #7960
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➥ Aki Kocho
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
✰ Maya Bell Avery
✰ Malachi Brett Avery
✰ Jacob Bennett Avery - TBA
✰ The Sallow Twins: Castor and Astral - TBA
✰ Festie Yawa - TBA
✰ Ma. Audrey Hecate
✰ Alexander Roman Avery - TBA
✰ Magnolia Summers - TBA
✰ Edith Bishop - TBA
✰ Marigold Beau Avery - TBA
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 1
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 2
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 3
✰ Aki's HPHM Dialogues Part 4
✰ Maya in Charlie's Level 10 Friendship Reward
✰ Post Hogwarts Avery Twins Headshot art
✰ The Diamond Empire King: Malachi
✰ 10 of Diamonds: The Duchess: Maya
✰ The Runaway Candidate: Jacob Bennett
✰ Avery Siblings memes
✰ HPHM OC memes
✰ CharMay's Children
✰ AndreChi's Daughters
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FINALLY! I JUST DID A PROPER INTRODUCTION! I just copied it from my FB introduction because I'm lazy asf. Anyways, I hope I can meet new moots here and interact with them also :DD
I'm also putting my tags in this post :))
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michelle-manips · 2 years
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Bonnie Bennett/Alexander Vampire Graphic
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